Adopted 1
Guidelines 3/2019 on processing of personal data
through video devices
Version 2.0
Adopted on 29 January 2020
Adopted 2
Version history
Version 2.0
29 January 2020
Adoption of the Guidelines after public consultation
Version 1.0
10 July 2019
Adoption of the Guidelines for public consultation
Adopted 3
Table of contents
1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 5
2 Scope of application ........................................................................................................................ 7
2.1 Personal Data .......................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Application of the Law Enforcement Directive, LED (EU2016/680) ........................................ 7
2.3 Household exemption ............................................................................................................. 7
3 Lawfulness of processing ................................................................................................................. 9
3.1 Legitimate interest, Article 6 (1) (f) ......................................................................................... 9
3.1.1 Existence of legitimate interests ..................................................................................... 9
3.1.2 Necessity of processing ................................................................................................. 10
3.1.3 Balancing of interests .................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Necessity to perform a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official
authority vested in the controller, Article 6 (1) (e) ........................................................................... 13
3.3 Consent, Article 6 (1) (a) ........................................................................................................ 14
4 Disclosure of video footage to third parties .................................................................................. 15
4.1 Disclosure of video footage to third parties in general ......................................................... 15
4.2 Disclosure of video footage to law enforcement agencies ................................................... 15
5 Processing of special categories of data ....................................................................................... 17
5.1 General considerations when processing biometric data ..................................................... 18
5.2 Suggested measures to minimize the risks when processing biometric data ...................... 21
6 Rights of the data subject .............................................................................................................. 22
6.1 Right to access ....................................................................................................................... 22
6.2 Right to erasure and right to object ...................................................................................... 23
6.2.1 Right to erasure (Right to be forgotten) ........................................................................ 23
6.2.2 Right to object ............................................................................................................... 24
7 Transparency and information obligations ................................................................................... 26
7.1 First layer information (warning sign) ................................................................................... 26
7.1.1 Positioning of the warning sign ..................................................................................... 26
7.1.2 Content of the first layer ............................................................................................... 26
7.2 Second layer information ...................................................................................................... 27
8 Storage periods and obligation to erasure .................................................................................... 28
9 Technical and organisational measures ........................................................................................ 28
9.1 Overview of video surveillance system ................................................................................. 29
9.2 Data protection by design and by default ............................................................................. 30
9.3 Concrete examples of relevant measures ............................................................................. 30
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9.3.1 Organisational measures ............................................................................................... 31
9.3.2 Technical measures ....................................................................................................... 31
10 Data protection impact assessment .......................................................................................... 33
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The European Data Protection Board
Having regard to Article 70 (1e) of the Regulation 2016/679/EU of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal
data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC, (hereinafter “GDPR”),
Having regard to the EEA Agreement and in particular to Annex XI and Protocol 37 thereof, as amended
by the Decision of the EEA joint Committee No 154/2018 of 6 July 2018
Having regard to Article 12 and Article 22 of its Rules of Procedure,
1. The intensive use of video devices has an impact on citizen’s behaviour. Significant implementation of
such tools in many spheres of the individuals’ life will put an additional pressure on the individual to
prevent the detection of what might be perceived as anomalies. De facto, these technologies may limit
the possibilities of anonymous movement and anonymous use of services and generally limit the
possibility of remaining unnoticed. Data protection implications are massive.
2. While individuals might be comfortable with video surveillance set up for a certain security purpose
for example, guarantees must be taken to avoid any misuse for totally different and to the data
subject unexpected purposes (e.g. marketing purpose, employee performance monitoring etc.). In
addition, many tools are now implemented to exploit the images captured and turn traditional
cameras into smart cameras. The amount of data generated by the video, combined with these tools
and techniques increase the risks of secondary use (whether related or not to the purpose originally
assigned to the system) or even the risks of misuse. The general principles in GDPR (Article 5), should
always be carefully considered when dealing with video surveillance.
3. Video surveillance systems in many ways change the way professionals from the private and public
sector interact in private or public places for the purpose of enhancing security, obtaining audience
analysis, delivering personalized advertising, etc. Video surveillance has become high performing
through the growing implementation of intelligent video analysis. These techniques can be more
intrusive (e.g. complex biometric technologies) or less intrusive (e.g. simple counting algorithms).
Remaining anonymous and preserving one’s privacy is in general increasingly difficult. The data
protection issues raised in each situation may differ, so will the legal analysis when using one or the
other of these technologies.
4. In addition to privacy issues, there are also risks related to possible malfunctions of these devices and
the biases they may induce. Researchers report that software used for facial identification, recognition,
or analysis performs differently based on the age, gender, and ethnicity of the person it’s identifying.
References to “Member States” made throughout this opinion should be understood as references to “EEA
Member States”.
Adopted 6
Algorithms would perform based on different demographics, thus, bias in facial recognition threatens
to reinforce the prejudices of society. That is why, data controllers must also ensure that biometric
data processing deriving from video surveillance be subject to regular assessment of its relevance and
sufficiency of guarantees provided.
5. Video surveillance is not by default a necessity when there are other means to achieve the underlying
purpose. Otherwise we risk a change in cultural norms leading to the acceptance of lack of privacy as
the general outset.
6. These guidelines aim at giving guidance on how to apply the GDPR in relation to processing personal
data through video devices. The examples are not exhaustive, the general reasoning can be applied to
all potential areas of use.
Adopted 7
2.1 Personal Data
7. Systematic automated monitoring of a specific space by optical or audio-visual means, mostly for
property protection purposes, or to protect individual´s life and health, has become a significant
phenomenon of our days. This activity brings about collection and retention of pictorial or audio-visual
information on all persons entering the monitored space that are identifiable on basis of their looks or
other specific elements. Identity of these persons may be established on grounds of these details. It
also enables further processing of personal data as to the persons´ presence and behaviour in the given
space. The potential risk of misuse of these data grows in relation to the dimension of the monitored
space as well as to the number of persons frequenting the space. This fact is reflected by the General
Data Protection Regulation in the Article 35 (3) (c) which requires the carrying out of a data protection
impact assessment in case of a systematic monitoring of a publicly accessible area on a large scale, as
well as in Article 37 (1) (b) which requires processors to designate a data protection officer, if the
processing operation by its nature entails regular and systematic monitoring of data subjects.
8. However, the Regulation does not apply to processing of data that has no reference to a person, e.g.
if an individual cannot be identified, directly or indirectly.
2.2 Application of the Law Enforcement Directive, LED (EU2016/680)
10. Notably processing of personal data by competent authorities for the purposes of prevention,
investigation, detection or prosecution of criminal offences or the execution of criminal penalties,
including the safeguarding against and the prevention of threats to public security, falls under the
directive EU2016/680.
2.3 Household exemption
11. Pursuant to Article 2 (2) (c), the processing of personal data by a natural person in the course of a
purely personal or household activity, which can also include online activity, is out of the scope of the
12. This provision the so-called household exemption in the context of video surveillance must be
narrowly construed. Hence, as considered by the European Court of Justice, the so called “household
The EDPB notes that where the GDPR so allows, specific requirements in national legislation might apply.
See also Recital 18.
Adopted 8
exemption” must be interpreted as relating only to activities which are carried out in the course of
private or family life of individuals, which is clearly not the case with the processing of personal data
consisting in publication on the internet so that those data are made accessible to an indefinite number
of people”.
Furthermore, if a video surveillance system, to the extent it involves the constant
recording and storage of personal data and covers, even partially, a public space and is accordingly
directed outwards from the private setting of the person processing the data in that manner, it cannot
be regarded as an activity which is a purely ‘personal or household’ activity for the purposes of the
second indent of Article 3(2) of Directive 95/46”
13. What regards video devices operated inside a private person’s premises, it may fall under the
household exemption. It will depend on several factors, which all have to be considered in order to
reach a conclusion. Besides the above mentioned elements identified by ECJ rulings, the user of video
surveillance at home needs to look at whether he has some kind of personal relationship with the data
subject, whether the scale or frequency of the surveillance suggests some kind of professional activity
on his side, and of the surveillance’s potential adverse impact on the data subjects. The presence of
any single one of the aforementioned elements does not necessarily suggest that the processing is
outside the scope of the household exemption, an overall assessment is needed for that
European Court of Justice, Judgment in Case C-101/01, Bodil Lindqvist case, 6th November 2003, para 47.
European Court of Justice, Judgment in Case C-212/13, František Ryneš v Úřad pro ochranu osobních údajů, 11
December 2014, para. 33.
Adopted 9
15. Before use, the purposes of processing have to be specified in detail (Article 5 (1) (b)). Video
surveillance can serve many purposes, e.g. supporting the protection of property and other assets,
supporting the protection of life and physical integrity of individuals, collecting evidence for civil
These monitoring purposes should be documented in writing (Article 5 (2)) and need to be
specified for every surveillance camera in use. Cameras that are used for the same purpose by a single
controller can be documented together. Furthermore, data subjects must be informed of the
purpose(s) of the processing in accordance with Article 13 (see section 7, Transparency and information
obligations). Video surveillance based on the mere purpose of “safety” or for your safety” is not
sufficiently specific (Article 5 (1) (b)). It is furthermore contrary to the principle that personal data shall
be processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner in relation to the data subject (see Article 5
(1) (a)).
16. In principle, every legal ground under Article 6 (1) can provide a legal basis for processing video
surveillance data. For example, Article 6 (1) (c) applies where national law stipulates an obligation to
carry out video surveillance.
However in practice, the provisions most likely to be used are
Article 6 (1) (f) (legitimate interest),
Article 6 (1) (e) (necessity to perform a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise
of official authority).
In rather exceptional cases Article 6 (1) (a) (consent) might be used as a legal basis by the controller.
3.1 Legitimate interest, Article 6 (1) (f)
17. The legal assessment of Article 6 (1) (f) should be based on the following criteria in compliance with
Recital 47.
3.1.1 Existence of legitimate interests
18. Video surveillance is lawful if it is necessary in order to meet the purpose of a legitimate interest
pursued by a controller or a third party, unless such interests are overridden by the data subject’s
interests or fundamental rights and freedoms (Article 6 (1) (f)). Legitimate interests pursued by a
controller or a third party can be legal
, economic or non-material interests.
However, the controller
should consider that if the data subject objects to the surveillance in accordance with Article 21 the
controller can only proceed with the video surveillance of that data subject if it is a compelling
legitimate interest which overrides the interests, rights and freedoms of the data subject or for the
establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.
19. Given a real and hazardous situation, the purpose to protect property against burglary, theft or
vandalism can constitute a legitimate interest for video surveillance.
Rules on collecting evidence for civil claims varies in Member States.
These guidelines do not analyse or go into details of national law that might differ between Member States.
European Court of Justice, Judgment in Case C-13/16, Rīgas satiksme case, 4 may 2017
see WP217, Article 29 Working Party.
Adopted 10
20. The legitimate interest needs to be of real existence and has to be a present issue (i.e. it must not be
fictional or speculative)
. A real-life situation of distress needs to be at hand such as damages or
serious incidents in the past before starting the surveillance. In light of the principle of accountability,
controllers would be well advised to document relevant incidents (date, manner, financial loss) and
related criminal charges. Those documented incidents can be a strong evidence for the existence of a
legitimate interest. The existence of a legitimate interest as well as the necessity of the monitoring
should be reassessed in periodic intervals (e. g. once a year, depending on the circumstances).
22. Imminent danger situations may constitute a legitimate interest, such as banks or shops selling
precious goods (e.g. jewellers), or areas that are known to be typical crime scenes for property offences
(e. g. petrol stations).
23. The GDPR also clearly states that public authorities cannot rely their processing on the grounds of
legitimate interest, as long as they are carrying out their tasks, Article 6 (1) sentence 2.
3.1.2 Necessity of processing
24. Personal data should be adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes
for which they are processed (‘data minimisation’), see Article 5 (1) (c). Before installing a video-
surveillance system the controller should always critically examine if this measure is firstly suitable to
attain the desired goal, and secondly adequate and necessary for its purposes. Video surveillance
measures should only be chosen if the purpose of the processing could not reasonably be fulfilled by
other means which are less intrusive to the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject.
25. Given the situation that a controller wants to prevent property related crimes, instead of installing a
video surveillance system the controller could also take alternative security measures such as fencing
the property, installing regular patrols of security personnel, using gatekeepers, providing better
lighting, installing security locks, tamper-proof windows and doors or applying anti-graffiti coating or
foils to walls. Those measures can be as effective as video surveillance systems against burglary, theft
and vandalism. The controller has to assess on a case-by-case basis whether such measures can be a
reasonable solution.
26. Before operating a camera system, the controller is obliged to assess where and when video
surveillance measures are strictly necessary. Usually a surveillance system operating at night-time as
well as outside the regular working hours will meet the needs of the controller to prevent any dangers
to his property.
see WP217, Article 29 Working Party, p. 24 seq. See also ECJ Case C-708/18 p.44
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27. In general, the necessity to use video surveillance to protect the controllers’ premises ends at the
property boundaries.
However, there are cases where the surveillance of the property is not
sufficient for an effective protection. In some individual cases it might be necessary to exceed the video
surveillance to the immediate surroundings of the premises. In this context, the controller should
consider physical and technical means, for example blocking out or pixelating not relevant areas.
29. Questions concerning the processing’s necessity also arise regarding the way evidence is preserved. In
some cases it might be necessary to use black box solutions where the footage is automatically deleted
after a certain storage period and only accessed in case of an incident. In other situations, it might not
be necessary to record the video material at all but more appropriate to use real-time monitoring
instead. The decision between black box solutions and real-time monitoring should also be based on
the purpose pursued. If for example the purpose of video surveillance is the preservation of evidence,
real-time methods are usually not suitable. Sometimes real-time monitoring may also be more
intrusive than storing and automatically deleting material after a limited timeframe (e. g. if someone
is constantly viewing the monitor it might be more intrusive than if there is no monitor at all and
material is directly stored in a black box). The data minimisation principle must be regarded in this
context (Article 5 (1) (c)). It should also be kept in mind that it might be possible that the controller
could use security personnel instead of video surveillance that are able to react and intervene
3.1.3 Balancing of interests
30. Presuming that video surveillance is necessary to protect the legitimate interests of a controller, a
video surveillance system may only be put in operation, if the legitimate interests of the controller or
those of a third party (e.g. protection of property or physical integrity) are not overridden by the
interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject. The controller needs to consider 1)
to what extent the monitoring affects interests, fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals and 2)
if this causes violations or negative consequences with regard to the data subject’s rights. In fact,
balancing the interests is mandatory. Fundamental rights and freedoms on one hand and the
controller’s legitimate interests on the other hand have to be evaluated and balanced carefully.
This might also be subject to national legislation in some Member States.
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31. Making case-by-case decisions
32. As the balancing of interests is mandatory according to the regulation, the decision has to be made on
a case-by-case basis (see Article 6 (1) (f)). Referencing abstract situations or comparing similar cases to
one another is insufficient. The controller has to evaluate the risks of the intrusion of the data subject’s
rights; here the decisive criterion is the intensity of intervention for the rights and freedoms of the
33. Intensity can inter alia be defined by the type of information that is gathered (information content),
the scope (information density, spatial and geographical extent), the number of data subjects
concerned, either as a specific number or as a proportion of the relevant population, the situation in
question, the actual interests of the group of data subjects, alternative means, as well as by the nature
and scope of the data assessment.
34. Important balancing factors can be the size of the area, which is under surveillance and the amount of
data subjects under surveillance. The use of video surveillance in a remote area (e. g. to watch wildlife
or to protect critical infrastructure such as a privately owned radio antenna) has to be assessed
differently than video surveillance in a pedestrian zone or a shopping mall.
35. Data subjects’ reasonable expectations
36. According to Recital 47, the existence of a legitimate interest needs careful assessment. Here the
reasonable expectations of the data subject at the time and in the context of the processing of its
personal data have to be included. Concerning systematic monitoring, the relationship between data
subject and controller may vary significantly and may affect what reasonable expectations the data
subject might have. The interpretation of the concept of reasonable expectations should not only be
based on the subjective expectations in question. Rather, the decisive criterion has to be if an objective
third party could reasonably expect and conclude to be subject to monitoring in this specific situation.
Adopted 13
37. For instance, an employee in his/her workplace is in most cases not likely expecting to be monitored
by his or her employer.
Furthermore, monitoring is not to be expected in one’s private garden, in
living areas, or in examination and treatment rooms. In the same vein, it is not reasonable to expect
monitoring in sanitary or sauna facilities monitoring such areas is an intense intrusion into the rights
of the data subject. The reasonable expectations of data subjects are that no video surveillance will
take place in those areas. On the other hand, the customer of a bank might expect that he/she is
monitored inside the bank or by the ATM.
38. Data subjects can also expect to be free of monitoring within publicly accessible areas especially if
those areas are typically used for recovery, regeneration, and leisure activities as well as in places
where individuals stay and/or communicate, such as sitting areas, tables in restaurants, parks, cinemas
and fitness facilities. Here the interests or rights and freedoms of the data subject will often override
the controller’s legitimate interests.
40. Signs informing the data subject about the video surveillance have no relevance when determining
what a data subject objectively can expect. This means that e.g. a shop owner cannot rely on customers
objectively having reasonable expectations to be monitored just because a sign informs the individual
at the entrance about the surveillance.
3.2 Necessity to perform a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of
official authority vested in the controller, Article 6 (1) (e)
41. Personal data could be processed through video surveillance under Article 6 (1) (e) if it is necessary to
perform a task carried out in the public interest or in in the exercise of official authority.
It may be
that the exercise of official authority does not allow for such processing, but other legislative bases
such as “health and safety” for the protection of visitors and employees may provide limited scope for
processing, while still having regard for GDPR obligations and data subject rights.
42. Member States may maintain or introduce specific national legislation for video surveillance to adapt
the application of the rules of the GDPR by determining more precisely specific requirements for
processing as long as it is in accordance with the principles laid down by the GDPR (e.g. storage
limitation, proportionality).
See also: Article 29 Working Party, Opinion 2/2017 on data processing at work, WP249, adopted on 8 June
The basis for the processing referred shall be laid down by Union law or Member State law» and «shall be
necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority
vested in the controller (Article 6 (3)).
Adopted 14
3.3 Consent, Article 6 (1) (a)
43. Consent has to be freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous as described in the guidelines on
44. Regarding systematic monitoring, the data subject’s consent can only serve as a legal basis in
accordance with Article 7 (see Recital 43) in exceptional cases. It is in the surveillance’s nature that this
technology monitors an unknown number of people at once. The controller will hardly be able to prove
that the data subject has given consent prior to processing of its personal data (Article 7 (1)). Assumed
that the data subject withdraws its consent it will be difficult for the controller to prove that personal
data is no longer processed (Article 7 (3)).
46. If the controller wishes to rely on consent it is his duty to make sure that every data subject who enters
the area which is under video surveillance has given her or his consent. This consent has to meet the
conditions of Article 7. Entering a marked monitored area (e.g. people are invited to go through a
specific hallway or gate to enter a monitored area), does not constitute a statement or a clear
affirmative action needed for consent, unless it meets the criteria of Article 4 and 7 as described in the
guidelines on consent.
47. Given the imbalance of power between employers and employees, in most cases employers should
not rely on consent when processing personal data, as it is unlikely to be freely given. The guidelines
on consent should be taken into consideration in this context.
48. Member State law or collective agreements, including ‘works agreements’, may provide for specific
rules on the processing of employees' personal data in the employment context (see Article 88).
Article 29 Working Party (Art. 29 WP) „Guidelines on consent under Regulation 2016/679“ (WP 259 rev. 01). -
endorsed by the EDPB
Article 29 Working Party (Art. 29 WP) „Guidelines on consent under Regulation 2016/679“ (WP 259) -
endorsed by the EDPB - which should be taken in account.
Adopted 15
49. In principle, the general regulations of the GDPR apply to the disclosure of video recordings to third
4.1 Disclosure of video footage to third parties in general
50. Disclosure is defined in Article 4 (2) as transmission (e.g. individual communication), dissemination
(e.g. publishing online) or otherwise making available. Third parties are defined in Article 4 (10). Where
disclosure is made to third countries or international organisations, the special provisions of Article 44
et seq. also apply.
51. Any disclosure of personal data is a separate kind of processing of personal data for which the
controller needs to have a legal basis in Article 6.
53. The transmission of video footage to third parties for the purpose other than that for which the data
has been collected is possible under the rules of Article 6 (4).
55. A third party recipient will have to make its own legal analysis, in particular identifying its legal basis
under Article 6 for his processing (e.g. receiving the material).
4.2 Disclosure of video footage to law enforcement agencies
56. The disclosure of video recordings to law enforcement agencies is also an independent process, which
requires a separate justification for the controller.
57. According to Article 6 (1) (c), processing is legal if it is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation
to which the controller is subject. Although the applicable police law is an affair under the sole control
of the Member States, there are most likely general rules that regulate the transfer of evidence to law
enforcement agencies in every Member State. The processing of the controller handing over the data
is regulated by the GDPR. If national legislation requires the controller to cooperate with law
enforcement (e. g. investigation), the legal basis for handing over the data is legal obligation under
Article 6 (1) (c).
58. The purpose limitation in Article 6 (4) is then often unproblematic, since the disclosure explicitly goes
back to Member State law. A consideration of the special requirements for a change of purpose in the
sense of lit. a - e is therefore not necessary.
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61. The processing of the personal data by the law enforcement agencies themselves does not follow the
GDPR (see Article 2 (2) (d)), but follows instead the Law Enforcement Directive (EU2016/680).
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62. Video surveillance systems usually collect massive amounts of personal data which may reveal data of
a highly personal nature and even special categories of data. Indeed, apparently non-significant data
originally collected through video can be used to infer other information to achieve a different purpose
(e.g. to map an individual’s habits). However, video surveillance is not always considered to be
processing of special categories of personal data.
64. However, if the video footage is processed to deduce special categories of data Article 9 applies.
66. In general, as a principle, whenever installing a video surveillance system careful consideration should
be given to the data minimization principle. Hence, even in cases where Article 9 (1) does not apply,
the data controller should always try to minimize the risk of capturing footage revealing other sensitive
data (beyond Article 9), regardless of the aim.
68. If a video surveillance system is used in order to process special categories of data, the data controller
must identify both an exception for processing special categories of data under Article 9 (i.e. an
exemption from the general rule that one should not process special categories of data) and a legal
basis under Article 6.
69. For instance, Article 9 (2) (c) ([…] processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of the data
subject or of another natural person […]”) could in theory and exceptionally be used, but the data
controller would have to justify it as an absolute necessity to safeguard the vital interests of a person
and prove that this “[…] data subject is physically or legally incapable of giving his consent.". In
addition, the data controller won’t be allowed to use the system for any other reason.
70. It is important to note here that every exemption listed in Article 9 is not likely to be usable to justify
processing of special categories of data through video surveillance. More specifically, data controllers
processing those data in the context of video surveillance cannot rely on Article 9 (2) (e), which allows
processing that relates to personal data that are manifestly made public by the data subject. The mere
fact of entering into the range of the camera does not imply that the data subject intends to make
public special categories of data relating to him or her.
Example: Video footage showing a data subject wearing glasses or using a wheel chair are not
per se considered to be special categories of personal data.
1. Example: Political opinions could for example be deduced from images showing identifiable
data subjects taking part in an event, engaging in a strike, etc. This would fall under Article 9.
Example: A hospital installing a video camera in order to monitor a patient’s health condition
would be considered as processing of special categories of personal data (Article 9).
Example: Video surveillance capturing a church does not per se fall under Article 9. However,
the controller has to conduct an especially careful assessment under Article 6 (1) (f) taken into
account the nature of the data as well as the risk of capturing other sensitive data (beyond
Article 9) when assessing the interests of the data subject.
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71. Furthermore, processing of special categories of data requires a heightened and continued vigilance
to certain obligations; for example high level of security and data protection impact assessment where
5.1 General considerations when processing biometric data
73. The use of biometric data and in particular facial recognition entail heightened risks for data subjects
rights. It is crucial that recourse to such technologies takes place with due respect to the principles of
lawfulness, necessity, proportionality and data minimisation as set forth in the GDPR. Whereas the use
of these technologies can be perceived as particularly effective, controllers should first of all assess the
impact on fundamental rights and freedoms and consider less intrusive means to achieve their
legitimate purpose of the processing.
74. To qualify as biometric data as defined in the GDPR, processing of raw data, such as the physical,
physiological or behavioural characteristics of a natural person, must imply a measurement of this
characteristics. Since biometric data is the result of such measurements, the GDPR states in its Article
4.14 that it is “[…] resulting from specific technical processing relating to the physical, physiological or
behavioural characteristics of a natural person, which allow or confirm the unique identification of that
natural person […]”. The video footage of an individual cannot however in itself be considered as
biometric data under Article 9, if it has not been specifically technically processed in order to contribute
to the identification of an individual.
75. In order for it to be considered as processing of special categories of personal data (Article 9) it requires
that biometric data is processed “for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person”.
76. To sum up, in light of Article 4.14 and 9, three criteria must be considered:
- Nature of data : data relating to physical, physiological or behavioural characteristics of a
natural person,
- Means and way of processing : data “resulting from a specific technical processing”,
- Purpose of processing: data must be used for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural
77. The use of video surveillance including biometric recognition functionality installed by private entities
for their own purposes (e.g. marketing, statistical, or even security) will, in most cases, require explicit
consent from all data subjects (Article 9 (2) (a)), however another suitable exception in Article 9 could
also be applicable.
Recital 51 GDPR supports this analysis, stating that […] The processing of photographs should not
systematically be considered to be processing of special categories of personal data as they are covered by the
definition of biometric data only when processed through a specific technical means allowing the unique
identification or authentication of a natural person. […]”.
Example: An employer must not use video surveillance recordings showing a demonstration in
order to identify strikers.
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79. In this type of cases, where biometric templates are generated, controllers shall ensure that once a
match or no-match result has been obtained, all the intermediate templates made on the fly (with the
explicit and informed consent of the data subject) in order to be compared to the ones created by the
data subjects at the time of the enlistment, are immediately and securely deleted. The templates
created for the enlistment should only be retained for the realisation of the purpose of the processing
and should not be stored or archived.
80. However, when the purpose of the processing is for example to distinguish one category of people
from another but not to uniquely identify anyone the processing does not fall under Article 9.
82. However, Article 9 applies if the controller stores biometric data (most commonly through templates
that are created by the extraction of key features from the raw form of biometric data (e.g. facial
measurements from an image)) in order to uniquely identify a person. If a controller wishes to detect
a data subject re-entering the area or entering another area (for example in order to project continued
customized advertisement), the purpose would then be to uniquely identify a natural person, meaning
that the operation would from the start fall under Article 9. This could be the case if a controller stores
generated templates to provide further tailored advertisement on several billboards throughout
different locations inside the shop. Since the system is using physical characteristics to detect specific
individuals coming back in the range of the camera (like the visitors of a shopping mall) and tracking
them, it would constitute a biometric identification method because it is aimed at recognition through
the use of specific technical processing.
Adopted 20
84. The EDPB observes that some biometric systems are installed in uncontrolled environments
, which
means that the system involves capturing on the fly the faces of any individual passing in the range of
the camera, including persons who have not consented to the biometric device, and thereby creating
biometric templates. These templates are compared to the ones created of data subjects having given
their prior consent during an enlistment process (i.e. a biometric devise user) in order for the data
controller to recognise whether the person is a biometric device user or not. In this case, the system is
often designed to discriminate the individuals it wants to recognize from a database from those who
are not enlisted. Since the purpose is to uniquely identify natural persons, an exception under Article
9 (2) GDPR is still needed for anyone captured by the camera.
86. Finally, when the consent is required by Article 9 GDPR, the data controller shall not condition the
access to its services to the acceptance of the biometric processing. In other words and notably when
the biometric processing is used for authentication purpose, the data controller must offer an
alternative solution that does not involve biometric processing without restraints or additional cost
for the data subject. This alternative solution is also needed for persons who do not meet the
constraints of the biometric device (enrolment or reading of the biometric data impossible, disability
situation making it difficult to use, etc.) and in anticipation of unavailability of the biometric device
(such as a malfunction of the device), a "back-up solution" must be implemented to ensure continuity
of the proposed service, limited however to exceptional use. In exceptional cases, there might be a
situation where processing biometric data is the core activity of a service provided by contract, e.g. a
It means that the biometric device is located in a space open to the public and is able to work on anyone
passing by, as opposed to the biometric systems in controlled environments that can be used only by
consenting person’s participation.
Adopted 21
museum that sets up an exhibition to demonstrate the use of a facial recognition device, in which case
the data subject will not be able to reject the processing of biometric data should they wish to
participate in the exhibition. In such case the consent required under Article 9 is still valid if the
requirements in Article 7 are met.
5.2 Suggested measures to minimize the risks when processing biometric data
87. In compliance with the data minimization principle, data controllers must ensure that data extracted
from a digital image to build a template will not be excessive and will only contain the information
required for the specified purpose, thereby avoiding any possible further processing. Measures should
be put in place to guarantee that templates cannot be transferred across biometric systems.
88. Identification and authentication/verification are likely to require the storage of the template for use
in a later comparison. The data controller must consider the most appropriate location for storage of
the data. In an environment under control (delimited hallways or checkpoints), templates shall be
stored on an individual device kept by the user and under his or her sole control (in a smartphone or
the id card) or when needed for specific purposes and in presence of objective needs stored in a
centralized database in an encrypted form with a key/secret solely in the hands of the person to
prevent unauthorised access to the template or storage location. If the data controller cannot avoid
having access to the templates, he must take appropriate steps to ensure the security of the data
stored. This may include encrypting the template using a cryptographic algorithm.
89. In any case, the controller shall take all necessary precautions to preserve the availability, integrity and
confidentiality of the data processed. To this end, the controller shall notably take the following
measures: compartmentalize data during transmission and storage, store biometric templates and raw
data or identity data on distinct databases, encrypt biometric data, notably biometric templates, and
define a policy for encryption and key management, integrate an organisational and technical measure
for fraud detection, associate an integrity code with the data (for example signature or hash) and
prohibit any external access to the biometric data. Such measures will need to evolve with the
advancement of technologies.
90. Besides, data controllers should proceed to the deletion of raw data (face images, speech signals, the
gait, etc.) and ensure the effectiveness of this deletion. If there is no longer a lawful basis for the
processing, the raw data has to be deleted. Indeed, insofar as biometric templates derives from such
data, one can consider that the constitution of databases could represent an equal if not even bigger
threat (because it may not always be easy to read a biometric template without the knowledge of how
it was programmed, whereas raw data will be the building blocks of any template). In case the data
controller would need to keep such data, noise-additive methods (such as watermarking) must be
explored, which would render the creation of the template ineffective. The controller must also delete
biometric data and templates in the event of unauthorized access to the read-comparison terminal or
storage server and delete any data not useful for further processing at the end of the biometric device's
Adopted 22
91. Due to the character of data processing when using video surveillance some data subject’s rights under
GDPR serves further clarification. This chapter is however not exhaustive, all rights under the GDPR
applies to processing of personal data through video surveillance.
6.1 Right to access
92. A data subject has the right to obtain confirmation from the controller as to whether or not their
personal data are being processed. For video surveillance this means that if no data is stored or
transferred in any way then once the real-time monitoring moment has passed the controller could
only give the information that no personal data is any longer being processed (besides the general
information obligations under Article 13, see section 7 Transparency and information obligations). If
however data is still being processed at the time of the request (i.e. if the data is stored or continuously
processed in any other way), the data subject should receive access and information in accordance
with Article 15.
93. There are however, a number of limitations that may in some cases apply in relation to the right to
Article 15 (4) GDPR, adversely affect the rights of others
94. Given that any number of data subjects may be recorded in the same sequence of video
surveillance a screening would then cause additional processing of personal data of other data
subjects. If the data subject wishes to receive a copy of the material (article 15 (3)), this could
adversely affect the rights and freedoms of other data subject in the material. To prevent that
effect the controller should therefore take into consideration that due to the intrusive nature of
the video footage the controller should not in some cases hand out video footage where other
data subjects can be identified. The protection of the rights of third parties should however not
be used as an excuse to prevent legitimate claims of access by individuals, the controller should
in those cases implement technical measures to fulfil the access request (for example, image-
editing such as masking or scrambling).However, controllers are not obliged to implement such
technical measures if they can otherwise ensure that they are able to react upon a request under
Article 15 within the timeframe stipulated by Article 12 (3).
Article 11 (2) GDPR, controller is unable to identify the data subject
95. If the video footage is not searchable for personal data, (i.e. the controller would likely have to go
through a large amount of stored material in order to find the data subject in question) the
controller may be unable to identify the data subject.
96. For these reasons the data subject should (besides identifying themselves including with
identification document or in person) in its request to the controller, specify when within a
reasonable timeframe in proportion to the amount of data subjects recorded he or she entered
the monitored area. The controller should notify the data subject beforehand on what
information is needed in order for the controller to comply with the request. If the controller is
able to demonstrate that it is not in a position to identify the data subject, the controller must
inform the data subject accordingly, if possible. In such a situation, in its response to the data
subject the controller should inform about the exact area for the monitoring, verification of
cameras that were in use etc. so that the data subject will have the full understanding of what
personal data of him/her may have been processed.
Adopted 23
Article 12 GDPR, excessive requests
98. In case of excessive or manifestly unfounded requests from a data subject, the controller may
either charge a reasonable fee in accordance with Article 12 (5) (a) GDPR, or refuse to act on the
request (Article 12 (5) (b) GDPR). The controller needs to be able to demonstrate the manifestly
unfounded or excessive character of the request.
6.2 Right to erasure and right to object
6.2.1 Right to erasure (Right to be forgotten)
99. If the controller continues to process personal data beyond real-time monitoring (e.g. storing) the data
subject may request for the personal data to be erased under Article 17 GDPR.
100. Upon a request, the controller is obliged to erase the personal data without undue delay if one of the
circumstances listed under Article 17 (1) GDPR applies (and none of the exceptions listed under Article
17 (3) GDPR does). That includes the obligation to erase personal data when they are no longer needed
for the purpose for which they were initially stored, or when the processing is unlawful (see also
Section 8 Storage periods and obligation to erasure). Furthermore, depending on the legal basis of
processing, personal data should be erased:
- for consent whenever the consent is withdrawn (and there is no other legal basis for the
- for legitimate interest:
o whenever the data subject exercises the right to object (see Section 6.2.2) and there
are no overriding compelling legitimate grounds for the processing, or
o in case of direct marketing (including profiling) whenever the data subject objects to
the processing.
101. If the controller has made the video footage public (e.g. broadcasting or streaming online), reasonable
steps need to be taken in order to inform other controllers (that are now processing the personal data
in question) of the request pursuant to Article 17 (2) GDPR. The reasonable steps should include
technical measures, taking into account available technology and the cost of implementation. To the
extent possible, the controller should notify upon erasure of personal data anyone to which the
personal data previously have been disclosed, in accordance with Article 19 GDPR.
Adopted 24
102. Besides the controller’s obligation to erase personal data upon the data subject’s request, the
controller is obliged under the general principles of the GDPR to limit the personal data stored (see
Section 8).
103. For video surveillance it is worth noticing that by for instance blurring the picture with no retroactive
ability to recover the personal data that the picture previously contained, the personal data are
considered erased in accordance with GDPR.
6.2.2 Right to object
105. For video surveillance based on legitimate interest (Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR) or for the necessity when
carrying out a task in the public interest (Article 6 (1) (e) GDPR) the data subject has the right at any
time to object, on grounds relating to his or her particular situation, to the processing in accordance
with Article 21 GDPR. Unless the controller demonstrates compelling legitimate grounds that overrides
the rights and interests of the data subject, the processing of data of the individual who objected must
then stop. The controller should be obliged to respond to requests from the data subject without
undue delay and at the latest within one month.
106. In the context of video surveillance this objection could be made either when entering, during the time
in, or after leaving, the monitored area. In practice this means that unless the controller has compelling
legitimate grounds, monitoring an area where natural persons could be identified is only lawful if either
(1) the controller is able to immediately stop the camera from processing personal data when
requested, or
(2) the monitored area is in such detail restricted so that the controller can assure the approval
from the data subject prior to entering the area and it is not an area that the data subject as a
citizen is entitled to access.
107. These guidelines do not aim to identify what is considered a compelling legitimate interest (Article 21
108. When using video surveillance for direct marketing purposes, the data subject has the right to object
to the processing on a discretionary basis as the right to object is absolute in that context (Article 21
(2) and (3) GDPR).
Adopted 25
Adopted 26
110. It has long been inherent in European data protection law that data subjects should be aware of the
fact that video surveillance is in operation. They should be informed in a detailed manner as to the
places monitored.
Under the GDPR the general transparency and information obligations are set out
in Article 12 GDPR and following. Article 29 Working Party’s “Guidelines on transparency under
Regulation 2016/679 (WP260)” which were endorsed by the EDPB on May 25
2018 provide further
details. In line with WP260 par. 26, it is Article 13 GDPR, which is applicable if personal data are
collected “[…] from a data subject by observation (e.g. using automated data capturing devices or data
capturing software such as cameras […].”.
111. In light of the volume of information, which is required to be provided to the data subject, a layered
approach may be followed by data controllers where they opt to use a combination of methods to
ensure transparency (WP260, par. 35; WP89, par. 22). Regarding video surveillance the most important
information should be displayed on the warning sign itself (first layer) while the further mandatory
details may be provided by other means (second layer).
7.1 First layer information (warning sign)
112. The first layer concerns the primary way in which the controller first engages with the data subject. At
this stage, controllers may use a warning sign showing the relevant information. The displayed
information may be provided in combination with an icon in order to give, in an easily visible,
intelligible and clearly readable manner, a meaningful overview of the intended processing (Article 12
(7) GDPR). The format of the information should be adjusted to the individual location (WP89 par. 22).
7.1.1 Positioning of the warning sign
113. The information should be positioned in such a way that the data subject can easily recognize the
circumstances of the surveillance before entering the monitored area (approximately at eye level). It
is not necessary to reveal the position of the camera as long as there is no doubt as to which areas are
subject to monitoring and the context of surveillance is clarified unambiguously (WP 89, par. 22). The
data subject must be able to estimate which area is captured by a camera so that he or she is able to
avoid surveillance or adapt his or her behaviour if necessary.
7.1.2 Content of the first layer
114. The first layer information (warning sign) should generally convey the most important information, e.g.
the details of the purposes of processing, the identity of controller and the existence of the rights of
the data subject, together with information on the greatest impacts of the processing.
This can
include for example the legitimate interests pursued by the controller (or by a third party) and contact
details of the data protection officer (if applicable). It also has to refer to the more detailed second
layer of information and where and how to find it.
115. In addition the sign should also contain any information that could surprise the data subject (WP260,
par. 38). That could for example be transmissions to third parties, particularly if they are located
Specific requirements in national legislation might apply.
See WP859, Opinion 4/2004 on the Processing of Personal Data by means of Video Surveillance by Article 29
Working Party).
See WP260, par. 38.
Adopted 27
outside the EU, and the storage period. If this information is not indicated, the data subject should be
able to trust that there is solely a live monitoring (without any data recording or transmission to third
7.2 Second layer information
117. The second layer information must also be made available at a place easily accessible to the data
subject, for example as a complete information sheet available at a central location (e.g. information
desk, reception or cashier) or displayed on an easy accessible poster. As mentioned above, the first
layer warning sign has to refer clearly to the second layer information. In addition, it is best if the first
layer information refers to a digital source (e.g. QR-code or a website address) of the second layer.
However, the information should also be easily available non-digitally. It should be possible to access
the second layer information without entering the surveyed area, especially if the information is
provided digitally (this can be achieved for example by a link). Other appropriate means could be a
phone number that can be called. However the information is provided, it must contain all that is
mandatory under Article 13 GDPR.
118. In addition to these options, and also to make them more effective, the EDPB promotes the use of
technological means to provide information to data subjects. This may include for instance; geo-
locating cameras and including information in mapping apps or websites so that individuals can easily,
on the one hand, identify and specify the video sources related to the exercise of their rights, and on
the other hand, obtain more detailed information on the processing operation.
Identity of the controller and, where applicable, of the controller’s representative:
Contact details, including of the data protection officer (where applicable):
Information on the processing that has the most impact on the data subject (e.g.
retention period or live monitoring, publication or transmission of video footage
to third parties):
Video surveillance!
Purpose(s) of the video surveillance:
Further information is available:
via notice
at our reception/ customer
information/ register
via internet (URL)…
Data subjects rights: As a data subject you have several rights to exercise, in particular the right
to request from the controller access to or erasure of your personal data.
For details on this video surveillance including your rights, see the full information provided by the
controller through the options presented on the left.
Adopted 28
120. Personal data may not be stored longer than what is necessary for the purposes for which the personal
data is processed (Article 5 (1) (c) and (e) GDPR). In some Member States, there may be specific
provisions for storage periods with regards to video surveillance in accordance with Article 6 (2) GDPR.
121. Whether the personal data is necessary to store or not should be controlled within a narrow timeline.
In general, legitimate purposes for video surveillance are often property protection or preservation of
evidence. Usually damages that occurred can be recognized within one or two days. To facilitate the
demonstration of compliance with the data protection framework it is in the controller’s interest to
make organisational arrangements in advance (e. g. nominate, if necessary, a representative for
screening and securing video material). Taking into consideration the principles of Article 5 (1) (c) and
(e) GDPR, namely data minimization and storage limitation, the personal data should in most cases
(e.g. for the purpose of detecting vandalism) be erased, ideally automatically, after a few days. The
longer the storage period set (especially when beyond 72 hours), the more argumentation for the
legitimacy of the purpose and the necessity of storage has to be provided. If the controller uses video
surveillance not only for monitoring its premises but also intends to store the data, the controller must
assure that the storage is actually necessary in order to achieve the purpose. If so, the storage period
needs to be clearly defined and individually set for each particular purpose. It is the controller’s
responsibility to define the retention period in accordance with the principles of necessity and
proportionality and to demonstrate compliance with the provisions of the GDPR.
123. As stated in Article 32 (1) GDPR, processing of personal data during video surveillance must not only
be legally permissible but controllers and processors must also adequately secure it. Implemented
organizational and technical measures must be proportional to the risks to rights and freedoms of
natural persons, resulting from accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized
disclosure or access to video surveillance data. According to Article 24 and 25 GDPR, controllers need
to implement technical and organisational measures also in order to safeguard all data-protection
principles during processing, and to establish means for data subjects to exercise their rights as defined
in Articles 15-22 GDPR. Data controllers should adopt internal framework and policies that ensure this
implementation both at the time of the determination of the means for processing and at the time of
the processing itself, including the performance of data protection impact assessments when needed.
Adopted 29
9.1 Overview of video surveillance system
124. A video surveillance system (VSS)
consists of analogue and digital devices as well as software for the
purpose of capturing images of a scene, handling the images and displaying them to an operator. Its
components are grouped into the following categories:
Video environment: image capture, interconnections and image handling:
o the purpose of image capture is the generation of an image of the real world in such
format that it can be used by the rest of the system,
o interconnections describe all transmission of data within the video environment, i.e.
connections and communications. Examples of connections are cables, digital
networks, and wireless transmissions. Communications describe all video and control
data signals, which could be digital or analogue,
o image handling includes analysis, storage and presentation of an image or a sequence
of images.
From the system management perspective, a VSS has the following logical functions:
o data management and activity management, which includes handling operator
commands and system generated activities (alarm procedures, alerting operators),
o interfaces to other systems might include connection to other security (access control,
fire alarm) and non-security systems (building management systems, automatic
license plate recognition).
VSS security consists of system and data confidentiality, integrity and availability:
o system security includes physical security of all system components and control of
access to the VSS,
o data security includes prevention of loss or manipulation of data.
GDPR does not provide a definition for it, a technical description can for example be found in EN 62676-1-
1:2014 Video surveillance systems for use in security applications Part 1-1: Video system requirements.
Adopted 30
Figure 1- video surveillance system
9.2 Data protection by design and by default
126. As stated in Article 25 GDPR, controllers need to implement appropriate data protection technical and
organisational measures as soon as they plan for video surveillance before they start the collection
and processing of video footage. These principles emphasize the need for built-in privacy enhancing
technologies, default settings that minimise the data processing, and the provision of the necessary
tools that enable the highest possible protection of personal data
127. Controllers should build data protection and privacy safeguards not only into the design specifications
of the technology but also into organisational practices. When it comes to organisational practices, the
controller should adopt an appropriate management framework, establish and enforce policies and
procedures related to video surveillance. From the technical point of view, system specification and
design should include requirements for processing personal data in accordance with principles stated
in Article 5 GDPR (lawfulness of processing, purpose and data limitation, data minimisation by default
in the sense of Article 25 (2) GDPR, integrity and confidentiality, accountability etc.). In case a controller
plans to acquire a commercial video surveillance system, the controller needs to include these
requirements in the purchase specification. The controller needs to ensure compliance with these
requirements applying them to all components of the system and to all data processed by it, during
their entire lifecycle.
9.3 Concrete examples of relevant measures
128. Most of the measures that can be used to secure video surveillance, especially when digital equipment
and software are used, will not differ from those used in other IT systems. However, regardless of the
solution selected, the controller must adequately protect all components of a video surveillance
system and data under all stages, i.e. during storage (data at rest), transmission (data in transit) and
WP 168, Opinion on the "The Future of Privacy", joint contribution by the Article 29 Data Protection Working
Party and the Working Party on Police and Justice to the Consultation of the European Commission on the
legal framework for the fundamental right to protection of personal data (adopted on 01 December 2009).
Adopted 31
processing (data in use). For this, it is necessary that controllers and processors combine organisational
and technical measures.
129. When selecting technical solutions, the controller should consider privacy-friendly technologies also
because they enhance security. Examples of such technologies are systems that allow masking or
scrambling areas that are not relevant for the surveillance, or the editing out of images of third
persons, when providing video footage to data subjects.
On the other hand, the selected solutions
should not provide functions that are not necessary (e.g., unlimited movement of cameras, zoom
capability, radio transmission, analysis and audio recordings). Functions provided, but not necessary,
must be deactivated.
130. There is a lot of literature available on this subject, including international standards and technical
specifications on the physical security of multimedia systems
, and the security of general IT
. Therefore, this section provides only a high-level overview of this topic.
9.3.1 Organisational measures
131. Apart from a potential DPIA needed (see Section 10), controllers should consider the following topics
when they create their own video surveillance policies and procedures:
Who is responsible for management and operation of the video surveillance system.
Purpose and scope of the video surveillance project.
Appropriate and prohibited use (where and when video surveillance is allowed and where and
when it is not; e.g. use of hidden cameras and audio in addition to video recording)
Transparency measures as referred to in Section 7 (Transparency and information obligations).
How video is recorded and for what duration, including archival storage of video recordings
related to security incidents.
Who must undergo relevant training and when.
Who has access to video recordings and for what purposes.
Operational procedures (e.g. by whom and from where video surveillance is monitored, what
to do in case of a data breach incident).
What procedures external parties need to follow in order to request video recordings, and
procedures for denying or granting such requests.
Procedures for VSS procurement, installation and maintenance.
Incident management and recovery procedures.
9.3.2 Technical measures
132. System security means physical security of all system components, and system integrity i.e. protection
against and resilience under intentional and unintentional interference with its normal operations
and access control. Data security means confidentiality (data is accessible only to those who are
granted access), integrity (prevention against data loss or manipulation) and availability (data can be
accessed when it is required).
The use of such technologies may even be mandatory in some cases in order to comply with Article 5 (1) (c).
In any case they can serve as best practice examples.
IEC TS 62045 Multimedia security - Guideline for privacy protection of equipment and systems in and out
of use.
ISO/IEC 27000 Information security management systems series.
This may depend on national laws and sector regulations.
Adopted 32
133. Physical security is a vital part of data protection and the first line of defence, because it protect VSS
equipment from theft, vandalism, natural disaster, manmade catastrophes and accidental damage
(e.g. from electrical surges, extreme temperatures and spilled coffee). In case of an analogue based
systems, physical security plays the main role in their protection.
134. System and data security, i.e. protection against intentional and unintentional interference with its
normal operations may include:
Protection of the entire VSS infrastructure (including remote cameras, cabling and power
supply) against physical tampering and theft.
Protection of footage transmission with communication channels secure against interception
Data encryption.
Use of hardware and software based solutions such as firewalls, antivirus or intrusion
detection systems against cyber attacks.
Detection of failures of components, software and interconnections.
Means to restore availability and access to the system in the event of a physical or technical
135. Access control ensures that only authorized people can access the system and data, while others are
prevented from doing it. Measures that support physical and logical access control include:
Ensuring that all premises where monitoring by video surveillance is done and where video
footage is stored are secured against unsupervised access by third parties.
Positioning monitors in such a way (especially when they are in open areas, like a reception)
so that only authorized operators can view them.
Procedures for granting, changing and revoking physical and logical access are defined and
Methods and means of user authentication and authorization including e.g. passwords length
and change frequency are implemented.
User performed actions (both to the system and data) are recorded and regularly reviewed.
Monitoring and detection of access failures is done continuously and identified weaknesses
are addressed as soon as possible.
Adopted 33
136. According to Article 35 (1) GDPR controllers are required to conduct data protection impact
assessments (DPIA) when a type of data processing is likely to result in a high risk to the rights and
freedoms of natural persons. Article 35 (3) (c) GDPR stipulates that controllers are required to carry
out data protection impact assessments if the processing constitutes a systematic monitoring of a
publicly accessible area on a large scale. Moreover, according to Article 35 (3) (b) GDPR a data
protection impact assessment is also required when the controller intends to process special
categories of data on a large scale.
137. The Guidelines on Data Protection Impact Assessment
provide further advice, and more detailed
examples relevant to video surveillance (e.g. concerning the “use of a camera system to monitor
driving behaviour on highways”). Article 35 (4) GDPR requires that each supervisory authority publish
a list of the kind of processing operations that are subject to mandatory DPIA within their country.
These lists can usually be found on the authorities’ websites. Given the typical purposes of video
surveillance (protection of people and property, detection, prevention and control of offences,
collection of evidence and biometric identification of suspects), it is reasonable to assume that many
cases of video surveillance will require a DPIA. Therefore, data controllers should carefully consult
these documents in order to determine whether such an assessment is required and conduct it if
necessary. The outcome of the performed DPIA should determine the controller’s choice of
implemented data protection measures.
138. It is also important to note that if the results of the DPIA indicate that processing would result in a high
risk despite security measures planned by the controller, then it will be necessary to consult the
relevant supervisory authority prior to the processing. Details on prior consultations can be found in
Article 36.
For the European Data Protection Board
The Chair
(Andrea Jelinek)
WP248 rev.01, Guidelines on Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) and determining whether
processing is "likely to result in a high risk" for the purposes of Regulation 2016/679. - endorsed by the EDPB