Frontiers in Public Health 01
Considering patient perspectives
in economic evaluations of health
, VivianNg
, MichaelLiu
, DavidWells
, EmreYurga
Department of Otolaryngology—Head & Neck Surgery, Sunnybrook Research Institute, University of
Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada,
Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of
Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada,
Roche Diagnostics, Laval, QC, Canada,
Harvard Medical School,
Harvard University, Boston, MA, United States,
The Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in
Health (CADTH), Nanaimo, BC, Canada,
Ontario Ministry of Health, Toronto, ON, Canada
Current guidelines for evaluating the cost-eectiveness of health interventions
commonly recommend the use of a payer and/or a societal perspective. This
raises the concern that the resulting reimbursement decision may overlook the
full spectrum of impacts and equity considerations. In this paper, weargue that
a potential solution is to supplement a societal- or payer-perspective economic
evaluation with an additional evaluation accounting for exclusively the patient
perspective. We present five categories of health interventions for which a
patient-perspective analysis may be informative including those (1) that cross
the definitional boundary between drugs and non-drug technologies; (2) aect
patient adherence to protocol; (3) represent revolutionary treatments for genetic
disorders; (4) with an incremental cost-eectiveness ratio involving slightly less
eective, but substantially less costly, than the current standard; and (5) have been
previously approved for funding but now being targeted for potential delisting
or disinvestment. Real-world examples are discussed in detail. Lived experience
individuals were invited to provide vignettes. Discussions are provided regarding
how to incorporate patient inputs to improve patient-centered decision-making.
health economics, cost-eectiveness analysis, economic evaluations, patient-centered
care, patient preference
1. Introduction
Economic evaluations, as reviewed by Turner etal. in an earlier issue of Frontiers in Public
Health, refer to a type of analysis that simultaneously assesses the costs and eects of alternative
interventions to ensure value for resources expended from various perspectives (1). Although
there have been attempts to address equity considerations in cost-eectiveness analyses (CEAs)
through the development of distributional and extended cost-eectiveness methods, they stated
that “this is still an area that needs attention regarding practical implementation with regards to
informing resource allocation decisions in global health” (1). is shortfall emanates, in part,
from inadequate analysis of the burdens placed on individuals and families from the introduction
of new health interventions.
Commonly, only the societal and/or the payer perspective are recommended by health
technology assessment (HTA) agencies. At the national level, the latter is endorsed by countries
including Australia, the UK and Canada (2). Other countries (e.g., ailand) have
recommended a societal perspective while at least one—Norway—has limited it to exclude
Hanadi Hamadi,
University of North Florida, UnitedStates
Robert L. Lins,
Independent Researcher, Antwerp,
Damilola Olajide, University of Nottingham,
Eric Nauenberg
RECEIVED 26 April 2023
ACCEPTED 25 September 2023
PUBLISHED 09 October 2023
Fu R, Ng V, Liu M, Wells D, Yurga E and
Nauenberg E (2023) Considering patient
perspectives in economic evaluations of health
Front. Public Health 11:1212583.
doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1212583
© 2023 Fu, Ng, Liu, Wells, Yurga and
Nauenberg. This is an open-access article
distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The
use, distribution or reproduction in other
forums is permitted, provided the original
author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are
credited and that the original publication in this
journal is cited, in accordance with accepted
academic practice. No use, distribution or
reproduction is permitted which does not
comply with these terms.
TYPE Perspective
PUBLISHED 09 October 2023
DOI 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1212583
Fu et al. 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1212583
Frontiers in Public Health 02
productivity gains and losses (2). e US has joined a small number
of countries (e.g., Italy) recommending both perspectives as reference
cases (3).
A pressing issue with such perspectives is that they may
insuciently highlight impacts on lived experience individuals,
including patients and families/caregivers (henceforth “patients” for
simplicity) (4). Although the societal perspective can capture some
patient-borne nancial impositions, they are aggregated with other
costs, raising the concern that a favorable societal-perspective prole
may not signal whether for patients an intervention is truly aordable,
adherable or otherwise impactful (5). e aordability concern is
accentuated when assessing innovative health interventions that
straddle the denition of prescription drugs and non-drug
technologies because the level of third-party coverage is a-priori
unclear; therefore, patients may face substantial increases in out-of-
pocket costs if an intervention is assigned to a category with lower
levels of coverage than its predecessors (5). ese interventions may
also impose negative impacts on patient lives that would remain
“hidden” within broader perspectives.
Herein, weargue that a potential solution—of particular interest
to public health professionals—is to supplement a societal- or payer-
perspective economic evaluation with an exclusive evaluation from
the perspective of patients. While guidelines for incorporating patient
inputs in HTA exist (68), a formal framework for conducting patient-
perspective economic evaluations has never been formulated to our
knowledge. As such, CEAs conducted with the patient perspective
oen vary in their coverage and denition of patient-borne costs (4).
In this Perspective paper, we aim to provide a comprehensive
discussion on the unique insights a patient-perspective economic
evaluation could yield to aid reimbursement decision-making
in healthcare.
2. Procedures
In this 2-part Perspective paper, we followed the Patient
Preferences in Benet–Risk Assessments during the Drug Life Cycle
project and a subsequent focus group discussion with HTA
representatives from Canada, Belgium and Germany (9, 10). In the
rst part of this paper, we formulated ve categories of health
interventions that could beused to ag when a supplementary analysis
might bewarranted through extensive discussion within our team.
e issues covered include household-level aordability; adherence;
unintended side eects; and burdens on daily living. A separate
category was created for gene therapy as it has been regarded as a
health technology particularly sensitive to the patient perspective (9,
10). Real-world examples are discussed.
To provide real-world perspectives on this topic, during December
2020, weinvited lived experience individuals from the Patient and
Family Advisors Network, a virtual network that comprises individuals
covered under Ontarios publicly funded healthcare insurance system
who volunteer to serve as policy advisors for Ontario Health, to review
the dra of this paper. Using a convenience sampling methodology,
one researcher (DW) sent out email invitations where ve individuals
ultimately responded and agreed to review this paper. Wepresent the
comments from the 5 reviewers in Box 1. Weconclude this paper with
further discussions regarding when to conduct a patient-perspective
analysis alongside some cautionary notes. Currencies were adjusted to
2020 using the annual Consumer Price Index and then converted to
US dollars using purchasing power parities (11).
3. Types of health interventions that
may warrant a patient-perspective
3.1. Interventions that cross the definitional
boundary of drugs and non-drug
technologies or replace prescription drugs
e level of third-party coverage for drugs and non-drug
technologies varies, most likely due to diering societal preferences
for coverage and decision-making mechanisms. As one of the rst
countries to institutionalize HTA, Canada has operated a centralized
evaluative process for recommending funding for brand-name drugs
since 2003 through the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies
in Healths Common Drug Review. Funding recommendations
regarding non-drug technologies are made solely at the provincial
level with notable variability in processes and decisions (12). is
fragmentation creates issues for an emerging class of products that can
neither beclassied as a drug or non-drug technology. Patients who
seek access to these products face nancial obstacles as third-party
coverage may have varying criteria for coverage; one of our reviewers
shared this sentiment (Box 1). At the top of the scale, prescription
drugs are generally covered within a single program budget with
higher levels of coverage than within program budgets that cover
medical devices (13). us, webelieve funding decisions regarding
these novel products might benet from a separate patient-perspective
analysis as it may highlight the potentially large increase in out-of-
pocket costs. Wepresent the examples of EndeavorRx, a game-based
digital therapeutic devise approved in the US, and Abilify MyCite, a
prescription drug with a digital ingestion tracking system, under
this category.
e US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently
approved interventions that either replace prescription drugs or
represent a hybrid of a drug and a medical device. An example of the
rst, EndeavorRx, was approved in 2020 as the rst game-based digital
therapeutic device prescribed for children with attention decit
hyperactivity disorder. is mobile device-based game involves
navigating through a course with obstacles that is designed to improve
attention function. EndeavorRx obtained FDA clearance through the
De Novo Classication Pathway due to the lack of a predicate device
on the market. To date, neither the FDA nor the manufacturer have
released information on pricing and insurance coverage; hence, it is
unknown what share of the cost families will face for this rst-of-its-
kind therapeutic device.
In 2017, Abilify MyCite was granted US market entry as the rst
prescription drug with a digital ingestion tracking system. Intended
to treat adults with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and depression,
this combination product consists of Abilify (aripiprazole) tablets with
an ingestible sensor that sends signal to a wearable patch
communicating with a smartphone. Priced at 1,650 USD per month,
Abilify MyCite is 80-times more costly than its drug-only counterpart
and is covered in the US only for the most economically challenged
(Medicaid beneciaries). e cost-eectiveness of Abilify MyCite to
the payer/society has yet to be established, but with its high
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out-of-pocket costs, it is unlikely to beaordable to many households
without substantial third-party coverage.
3.2. Interventions that significantly aect
patient adherence to protocol by having
unintended side eects
A health intervention that is likely to impact adherence and priced
substantially more than standard treatments warrants scrutiny within
the entire HTA process. A common method to account for
non-adherence in CEAs is through a small decrement in ecacy to
produce a de facto measure of eectiveness; however, the decrement
is commonly too small to result in any meaningful change in an
incremental cost-eectiveness ratio (ICER) that would impact HTA
recommendations (14). One of our reviewers, who are actively caring
for a child wearing a medical device, expressed frustration in
witnessing the side eects of the device and the lack of a more
adherable and comfortable alternative (Box 1). Meanwhile, adherence-
enhancing interventions usually demonstrate superior cost-
eectiveness—if not cost-saving—from the societal or payer
perspective (15). However, negative impacts on patient lives may
remain essentially hidden within broader perspectives as there may
besubstantial benets within these perspectives that could oset these
negative impacts to patients; therefore, patient-perspective evaluations
are needed to reveal potentially important patient-level eects; one of
our reviewers concurred (Box 1).
One example of such an intervention—FreeStyle Libre—is a
wearable ash glucose monitoring system for people with diabetes as
an alternative to nger-prick tests. e system comprises a disposable
subdural sensor and a device that receives and stores data. In 2020, the
Ontario Health Technology Advisory Committee (OHTAC) and the
HTA Advisory Board of Quebec have both recommended funding
FreeStyle Libre, despite analyses showing that it may not becost-
eective to payers compared to nger-prick tests (16). A
recommendation to fund the intervention was partially driven by
feedback from patients and caregivers who reported greater ease of
use permitting them greater control over their lives. is helped to
overcome uncertainty over its cost-eectiveness to improve blood
glucose stability.
While Abilify MyCite has already been mentioned, there is a
general class of drug-device hybrid products called digital pills
emerging that combine prescription drugs with an ingestible sensor,
a wearable patch and a mobile application (17). By continuously
tracking patients’ medication-taking behaviours, digital pills aim to
improve patient adherence, help forge self-care routines and enhance
patient-physician relationships. However, patients report fatigue and
disruption of daily routines by going through extensive training to
correctly operate the wearable patch and to successfully pair it with a
smartphone. is imposition on patient lives may begreater than the
burdens of manually remembering to take medications thereby
defeating the marginal benet associated with using digital pills (18).
Another issue is related to privacy, that is, who would beauthorized
to access patient data. At the extreme, these concerns may
bedisruptive leading to a refusal to take the medication. Furthermore,
there is the danger of device-associated emergent adverse events that
have implications for both patient well-being and adherence to
protocol (17). ese uncertainties raise questions regarding
willingness-to-pay out-of-pocket for a product carrying such risks for
improvements in adherence. A formal patient-perspective analysis
may beable to provide answers by soliciting inputs that highlight
these uncertainties.
Nirmatrelvir with ritonavir, sold under the brand name Paxlovid,
is another example of interventions that fall under this category. In
December 2021, the US FDA approved the use of Paxlovid for treating
mild-to-moderate COVID-19 under an emergency authorization.
Soon aer its approval, reports of side eects started to emerge, most
notably regarding the bitter metallic taste Paxlovid sometimes le in
mouth (“Paxlovid mouth”). Recent studies of “Paxlovid rebound,
which refers to an asymptomatic or symptomatic resurgence of
COVID-19 aer nishing the full 5-day course of Paxlovid, suggest
this may bedue to patients skipping a dose to avoid the unwanted
aertaste of Paxlovid (19, 20). is conjecture requires more research
to conrm.
BOX 1 Comments received from lived experience individuals.
Interventions Comments
Interventions that cross the denitional boundary of drugs and non-drug
technologies or replace prescription drugs
“We too are oen bewildered on how to engage these new “cross-program
Interventions that signicantly aect patient adherence to protocol by having
unintended side eects
As a caregiver for a child with severe scoliosis, Iendured a daily struggle to try to
put him in a plastic back brace leaving me heartbroken as Ijust could no longer
force him to wear it. Iwas also consumed with guilt because without the brace the
alternative would bespinal surgery with all of the added risks involved.
Adherence is ultimately in the sphere of inuence controlled by the patient. It
therefore runs completely counter-intuitive for patients not to beengaged in
interventions that impact this critical nexus.
Interventions that represent revolutionary treatments or even cures for genetic
“Is the revolutionary intervention truly a cure or does it just hide the genetic
disorder or just make it livable?”
Interventions previously approved for coverage but now targeted for potential
delisting or disinvestment
“is is an area that Iget most comments from other caregivers. ey do not
understand how their child, youth or adult can bedeprived of a treatment that was
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3.3. Interventions that represent
revolutionary treatments or even cures for
genetic disorders
Recent breakthroughs have enabled new treatments for genetic
disorders that previously were considered untreatable. In clinical
trials, these treatments demonstrate high incremental eectiveness or
even a cure. While revolutionary, they may place added burdens on
patients’ lives or produce inadequately measured risks. Indeed, one of
our reviewers raised concern on the real-world outcome of these
treatments, and specically, if a cure was truly attainable (Box 1). In
this case, wesuggest that a separate patient-perspective analysis that
elicits inputs from patients and their families might provide important
insights to support informed decision-making. We talk about
treatments for spinal muscular atrophy as an example.
In 2017, Spinraza (nusinersen) was approved by the US FDA and
the European Medicines Agency for the treatment of spinal muscular
atrophy, a group of rare, genetic neuromuscular disorders that leads
to severe muscle weakness and progressive loss of motor function. In
2020, e Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare approved
Zolgensma (Onasemnogene abeparvovec), a single-dose intravenous
gene replacement therapy that replaces Spinrazas four loading doses.
Compared to Spinraza, Zolgensma is less costly (2 million USD vs.
2.2–10.6 million USD for Spinraza over a lifetime) and is potentially
superior to Spinraza by reducing treatment complexity (21). However,
patient representatives have voiced concerns on the durability of the
long-term benets of Zolgensma and on the uncertainty of treatment
pathways if gene expression diminishes over time (21). Furthermore,
to help better understand the particulars of treatment protocols,
patients may value genetic counseling, but the availability of such
counseling service is oen limited in real-world clinical settings—a
usually unmeasured shortcoming. None of these eects are captured
within current analyses.
3.4. Interventions with an expected ICER in
the southwest quadrant of the
cost-eectiveness plane from a payer or
societal perspective
Funding decisions are oen dicult for interventions that are less
costly but slightly less eective from payer/societal perspectives than
currently utilized therapies. Debates have been on the extent to which
the loss of a quality-adjusted life year (QALY) diers from the value
of acquiring a QALY. Review studies found Willingness-To-Accept/
Willingness-To-Pay ratios among health interventions to range from
1.9 to 6.4 (22). ese observations point to a kink in consumer
threshold values where patients are generally more reluctant to lose
than they are willing to gain. Currently, there is a lack of consensus on
how to address this potential asymmetry (23). Hence, weargue that
when confronted with this situation, a patient-perspective analysis in
which patient-level costs are weighted more heavily might help guide
funding decisions.
In 2002, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
(NICE) recommended vinorelbine as one option for second-line
treatment for advanced breast cancer (24). e only UK-based CEA
at that time concluded vinorelbine to beslightly inferior to taxanes in
terms of quality of life improvement, while being markedly cheaper.
e same study found the ICER of vinorelbine to be37,277 USD/
QALY (14,500 pounds/QALY in 1998 values) and 5,116 USD/QALY
(1,990 pounds/QALY in 1998 values)—in the southwest quadrant—
when compared to docetaxel and paclitaxel, respectively. Taking into
account the patient perspective, NICE recommended to keep funding
vinorelbine due to its safety and tolerability among patients
distinguishing vinorelbine as a more patient-friendly option
than taxanes.
An internet-mediated cognitive behavioral therapy for treating
mild to moderate depression is a more recent example (25). Trial
results suggest that this Swedish-recommended intervention produced
0.05 fewer QALYs over 12 months while saving 326 USD (2,664 SEK
in 2013 values) for the society compared to usual care (primary care
physician visits, nurse visits, antidepressants, face-to-face
psychotherapy and/or sick leave). e study concluded that this
therapy is at least as cost-eective as usual care and that the choice of
treatments ultimately relied on patient preferences regarding ease-
of-use, availability and willingness to wait for services.
3.5. Interventions previously approved for
coverage but now targeted for potential
delisting or disinvestment
ird-party payers sometimes must make decisions to delist a
previously reimbursed intervention. is may have profound and
sometimes unintended consequences to patients. According to one of
our reviewers, caregivers are usually baed by the delisting of a health
intervention that has been working for the patient (Box 1). It is
imperative that, prior to delisting, the perspective of patients’ needs to
beconsidered to avoid harm to subsets of patients. Furthermore, a
grace period during which patients can be phased out of these
interventions and transition into a new protocol should beclearly
dened and structured. Weargue that a patient-perspective analysis
may help clarify the relative costs and benets that will befall patients.
In 2017, the OHTAC recommended discontinuing public funding
for external cardiac loop recorders (ELR) for diagnosing cardiac
arrhythmia if the device relied solely on patient-initiated recordings.
In consideration of the recommendation, the Ontario Ministry of
Health now funds ELR only if it is operated by a cardiologist and
funding also continues for long-term continuous ambulatory
electrocardiogram monitors (ECGm), a more advanced alternative
(26). ese decisions were made on the basis that, despite a small
annual increase in provincial expenditures due to increased diusion
of ECGm, these expenses were justied given incremental
improvements in patient experiences. However, cardiologists voiced
concerns regarding the disinvestment decision as ELR and ECGm had
been traditionally used to diagnose dierent patient populations—one
that is able to self-monitor and the other monitored by a cardiologist,
respectively. Hence, a phasing out of reimbursement for ELR reduces
patient access to a proper diagnosis as a limited supply of cardiologists
must now supervise ELR testing (27). is issue cannot beoverlooked
because adoption and disinvestment policies need solid
implementation plans, including potential grace periods, to manage
unintended consequences in both cases.
ese unintended eects of disinvestment on patients and their
caregivers should bebetter anticipated. For example, expectorants and
mucolytics, that make coughing up mucus easier and less irritating,
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were dropped in France from the publicly funded formulary in 2006
as a physicians prescription was no longer needed. e resulting over-
the-counter market for these products saw price increases of up to
200%, the full cost of which was borne by patients leading to
aordability issues for those with lower incomes (28). A second
example involved the delisting of phlebotonics for chronic venous
diseases in Italy that was followed by an increase in hospitalizations
for venous insuciency (29). Perhaps, better consultations with
experts could assist implementation to either soen or prevent the
adverse eects noted.
4. Discussion
Existing health economic evaluation studies using the patients
perspective rarely provide a clear rationale on the conduct of a focused
patient-centred examination (4). As such, the preceding has been a
listing of situations in which patient-level assessment of both
aordability and level of imposition on patient lives is warranted
alongside a societal/payer perspective analysis to partially address
equity concerns. In terms of aordability, many jurisdictions provide
full coverage for those under the poverty line. For others, a limit is set
on out-of-pocket costs between 1% to 7.5% of income in order to
qualify for either tax deductions or credits, and/or government
programs that provide catastrophic coverage (30, 31). us,
aordability varies by level of income under the current patchwork
system (32). A marginal increase of at least 1% of income over
standard praxis might beworthy of notice for any subset of patients
based on the base threshold set for tax deductibility of medical
expenses in Germany, the lowest amongst western countries (31). No
similar threshold for imposition on patient lives neither exists nor is
recommended other than to suggest assessing the impacts individually
for each intervention.
ough perhaps not exhaustive, the list of situations provided
represent a rst attempt to elucidate a shortcoming in current
economic evaluation guidelines. We have shown that there is the
potential for substantial incongruencies in ndings between narrower
economic analyses from the perspective of patients than broader
analyses. ese dierences in ndings may suggest that net eects in
these broader perspectives tend to hide details that may beimportant
from the point-of-view of decision-making bodies. By weighing all
costs equally, these broader analyses may beunderestimating some
cost components that these bodies may wish to weigh more heavily
prior to concluding about whether and how to move forward.
Webelieve HTA agencies need to actively incorporate patient inputs
throughout the entire HTA process, but until we reach expert
consensus on how to quantitatively account for these data in cost-
eectiveness analyses, more feasible options include a qualitative
literature review about patient preferences and/or direct engagement
activities (such as a focus group discussion) with these individuals
(33). Caution must betaken, however, to not double-count time/
adherence costs that may already be captured within QALY
decrements and therefore should not beadded to nancial costs. At
this juncture, more work is needed to explicate the various situations
in which a patient-perspective economic evaluation is not only
warranted but potentially recommended.
Data availability statement
e original contributions presented in the study are included in
the article/supplementary material, further inquiries can bedirected
to the corresponding author.
Author contributions
RF, VN, ML, DW, EY, and EN: conceptualization, investigation,
and writing—review and editing. RF, VN, and EN: methodology. RF:
writing—original dra preparation. EN: supervision. All authors
contributed to the article and approved the submitted version.
Part of this paper was presented at the International Health
Economics Association (iHEA) 13th World Congress held virtually
during July 12–15, 2021. e opinions expressed in this publication
do not necessarily represent the opinions of Ontario Health (Quality)
nor the Ontario Ministry of Health. We would like to thank the
following lived experience individuals for their assistance and input:
Geo Feldman, Mark Freeman, Brian Huskins, Becky Quinlan, and
Maureen Smith.
Conflict of interest
VN was employed by Roche Diagnostics.
e remaining authors declare that the research was conducted in
the absence of any commercial or nancial relationships that could
beconstrued as a potential conict of interest.
Publisher’s note
All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors
and do not necessarily represent those of their aliated organizations,
or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product
that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its
manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.
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