Smart Pension Plan
A Unit Linked, Non-Participating Individual Pension Plan
Build a
Flexibility to alter
vesting date and
premium payment term
Life insurance cover to the
extent of 105% of all
premiums paid including
top-up premium
Grow your investments smartly and
continue living like today!
Loyalty addition would be added to the fund starting from 10th policy anniversary for the other than ‘Single Premium’ policies paying annualized premium of ` 1,00,000
at least and for all the Single Premium paying policies.
 Life insurance cover to the extent of 105% of all premiums paid including top-up premium
 To build a retirement corpus
 Flexibility to alter vesting date and premium payment term
 Loyalty additions*
*Loyalty addition would be added to the fund starting from 10th policy anniversary for the other than ‘Single Premium’ policies paying annualized premium of ` 1,00,000
at least and for all the Single Premium paying policies.
HDFC Life Smart Pension Plan provides life insurance and helps you to save along your working years and build a
retirement corpus to prepare for your retirement. You will need to choose a target vesting date, premium payment term
and fund options according to the number of years you expect to save and your risk appetite. On the date of vesting,
you may utilise your retirement corpus to get regular annuity/pension payments or alternatively take part of it as
lumpsum. A host of exibilities to alter target vesting date, premium payment term, fund proportions and encashment
options (subject to conditions) allow you to further customize the plan along your retirement journey.
Premium Payment Term (PPT) Single Premium or
Other than Single Premium: 5 to 30 years
Policy Term (PT)
Minimum: 5 years or PPT whichever is higher
Maximum: 55 years
Minimum Age at Entry 18 years
(as on last birthday)
Maximum Age at Entry 70 years
(as on last birthday)
Minimum Age at Vesting Date 40 years (55 years for QROPS)
(as on last birthday)
Maximum Age at Vesting Date 80 years
(as on last birthday)
Premium Payment Frequency Yearly, Half-yearly, Monthly
Minimum Premium (`)
5 Pay: `1,00,000 (Annual)
` 50,000 (Half-Yearly)
` 10,000 (Monthly)
Others: `30,000 (Annual)
`15,000 (Half-Yearly)
` 3,000 (Monthly)
Maximum Premium (`) No Limit (subject to Board approved underwriting policy)
(This product can also be sold through online sale)
Smart Pension Plan
A Unit Linked, Non-Participating Individual Pension Plan
Death Benet:
On death of the life assured before the end of policy term, the nominee will receive death benet which shall be higher
of the following:
i) Fund value
ii) Sum Assured on Death
Fund value is the number of units multiplied by the prevailing NAV. Sum Assured on Death in this policy at any time
during the policy term will be 105% of total premiums including top-up premiums paid reduced to the extent of the
partial withdrawals from the fund value with respect to contractual premiums made during the two-year period
immediately preceding the death of the life assured. Partial withdrawals made from fund value with respect to top-up
premiums will not aect Sum Assured on Death.
Utilization of Death Benet: On death of the life assured prior to the vesting date, the nominee will have the
following options:
i) Withdraw the entire death benet under the policy,
ii) To utilize the entire death benet of the policy or part thereof for purchasing an immediate annuity (subject to
eligibility conditions of immediate annuity) or deferred annuity at the then prevailing annuity rate from the
Company. However, the nominee will have the option to purchase annuity from any other insurer at the then
prevailing annuity rate to the extent of 50%, of the entire death benet of the policy net of commutation or such
percentage, as may be prescribed by the IRDAI from time to time. The purchase of annuity shall be subject to terms
and conditions of the product. In case the death benet is not sucient to purchase minimum annuity as required
by regulations, nominee must utilize default option i), ie. withdraw the entire death benet under the policy.
Vesting Benet is the fund value as on the date of vesting, on survival of the life assured.
Loyalty Additions: All ‘Single Premium’ policies and other than ‘Single Premium’ policies paying premium of
`1,00,000 or more in a year will be eligible for loyalty additions. Loyalty additions will be added to the fund value at
the end of every year as extra units. From policy year 10 till 19, there will be a loyalty addition of 0.25% of the
average fund value of last and current policy anniversary i.e. (Fund Value at the end of last policy year (post loyalty
additions) + Fund Value at the end of current policy year)/2. From policy year 20 onwards, the loyalty addition will
be 0.5% of the average fund value of last 2 policy anniversaries.
Loyalty additions are a part of the Fund Value and are paid as part of Vesting Benet or Death Benet or Surrender
Utilization of Vesting Benet: The policyholder will have the following options:
i) To utilize the entire vesting benet to purchase immediate annuity or deferred annuity from the Company at the
then prevailing annuity rate or to commute up to 60% and utilize the balance amount to purchase immediate
annuity or deferred annuity from the Company at the then prevailing annuity rate.
ii) To purchase immediate annuity or deferred annuity from another insurer at the then prevailing annuity rate to the
extent of 50%, of the entire vesting benet of the policy net of commutation or such percentage, as may be
prescribed by the IRDAI from time to time.
In case the amount applied to purchase immediate annuity is insucient to purchase minimum annuity as allowed
by IRDAI regulations, such amount will be paid to the policyholder in lumpsum. For QROPS policyholders, the
commuted value is restricted up to 30% of the entire fund value after the policyholder has attained age 55.
Postponement of Vesting Date:
On the date of vesting, in addition to the above, the policyholder shall have an option to extend the accumulation
period or deferment period within the same policy with the same terms and conditions as the original policy
provided the policyholder is below an age of 60 years at the time of exercising this option.
Funds Pattern & Objectives:
We oer you 4 funds in which you can direct your premiums in the proportion of your choice which may be altered
later through premium redirection. The fund mix at any point of time can be altered by fund switches at the
discretion of the Policyholder. The 4 funds available in this plan are as follows:
Fund Name Objective Risk
Investment Pattern
Individual Preserver
Pension Fund
(SFIN No:ULIF01216/12/
Debt: 75% to 100%
Money Market: 0% to 25%
To provide safety and growth with minimum
Individual Prime Equity
Pension Fund
(SFIN No:ULIF01316/12/
Equity: 90% to 100%
Debt: 0% to 10%
Money Market: 0% to 10%
To provide for equity linked market returns
Large Cap - Pension
(SFIN No: ULIF01901/06/
Flexi Cap Pension Fund
Equity and Equity Related
Instruments: 80% to
Government securities:
0% to 20%
Money Market, Cash
Deposits, Liquid mutual
fund related instruments :
0% to 20%
Equity: 90% to 100%
(including equity ETF)
Money Market and Liquid
mutual fund related
instruments : 0% - 10%
To generate long-term capital appreciation
from a portfolio that is predominantly based
on the stocks which are constituents of the
Nifty-50, subject to the regulatory limits on
the investee companies, their groups and
industry sectors
To generate superior long term returns
through investment in equities of companies
in the large, mid and small cap segments.
LowDiscontinued Policy
Fund Pension
(SFIN No: ULIF05201/10/
Money market instruments:
0% to 40%
Government securities:
60% to 100%
To earn a minimum interest rate as prescribed
by IRDAI from time to time. Currently it is 4%
per annum.
Automatic Asset Rebalancing Strategy
We understand that your savings objectives and your risk appetite might change over time. Thus, this strategy reduces
your equity proportion as your policy nears the vesting date to ensure that any downside in equity market later in the
policy term has minimal impact on your Vesting Benet. This strategy rebalances the equity and debt ratio without
your manual intervention of switching the funds. This strategy can be chosen if Systematic Transfer Strategy is not
Under this strategy, you can choose to allocate your money in a pre-decided ratio between our equity oriented funds
(Individual Prime Equity Pension Fund/Large Cap - Pension Fund/Flexi Cap Pension Fund) and our debt oriented fund
(Individual Preserver Pension Fund). This allocation strategy will rebalance your funds in a pre-decided ratio between
Individual Prime Equity Fund/Large Cap - Pension Fund/Flexi Cap Pension Fund and Individual Preserver Fund at the
beginning of every policy year, which depends upon the number of years to the vesting date of policy. The pre-decided
ratio (as % of fund value) will be as given below:
You can choose this option either at the inception or any time during the term of the policy. You can choose to enter and
exit this fund strategy with immediate eect at any time during the policy term by giving a notice in writing to the
Systematic Transfer Strategy
Systematic Transfer Strategy works on the principle of rupee cost averaging method to safeguard your wealth against
market volatilities. If this strategy is chosen provided that Automatic Asset Rebalancing Strategy is not chosen, the
premium received net of premium allocation charge shall be allocated rst to the Individual Preserver Pension Fund to
purchase units. Immediately thereafter and on each subsequent monthly anniversary, fund value of [1/(13-month
number in the policy year)] of the units available at the beginning of the month shall be switched to Individual Prime
Equity Pension Fund/Large Cap - Pension Fund/Flexi Cap Pension Fund automatically by cancelling units from the
Individual Preserver Pension Fund till availability of units in the Individual Preserver Pension Fund.
E.g.: Policy Month 1: 1/(13-1)= 1/12th of the Units to be switched
Policy Month 2: 1/(13-2)= 1/11th of the Units to be switched
Policy Month 11: 1/(13-11)= 1/2 of the Units to be switched
Policy Month 12: 1/(13-12)= Balance Units to be switched
20 90 10
15 – 19 80 20
10 – 14 60 40
5 – 9 40 60
0 – 4 20 80
Number of years
to Vesting
Individual Prime Equity Pension Fund /
Large Cap - Pension Fund/Flexi Cap Pension Fund
HDFC Life Preserver
Pension Fund
Systematic Transfer Strategy is available only in policies with annual premium payment mode to switch 100% to
equities in a systematic manner without your manual intervention of switching the funds. During the period when
Systematic Transfer Strategy is in force, partial withdrawal of units shall not be permitted from the Individual Preserver
Pension Fund and any Top-up premium paid will only be directed to Individual Preserver Pension Fund. You may opt out
with immediate eect or opt for eective from the subsequent policy anniversary, the Systematic Transfer Strategy
option by giving a written notice to the Company.
Step 1 : Choose the vesting date, premium payment term, premium amount and payment frequency.
Step 2 : Choose the fund to save in as per your risk appetite. Charges will vary depending upon the options chosen in
step 1 & 2.
Step 3 : On survival till date of vesting, your retirement corpus (vesting benet) which would have grown depending
on the above options chosen and actual fund performance must be utilized to purchase immediate/deferred
annuity and/or commute part of the vesting benet.
How the Plan Works?
Akshay starts saving for his retirement from the age of 35 years through HDFC Life Smart Pension Plan paying a
premium of `10,000 every month into Large Cap - Pension Fund while opting to utilize his entire retirement corpus (on
survival till vesting date) to purchase HDFC Life Smart Pension Plus : Option B - 'Life Annuity with return of 100% of
Total Premiums Paid' with a deferment of 5 years to receive annuity pay-outs annually. The purchase price applied to
purchase Annuity is exclusive of Goods and Services tax. It is assumed that the entire vesting benet has been applied
to purchase annuity from us. His benets at estimated rates of return would be:
The Values depicted with assumed rate of returns @ 4% and 8% p.a. are not guaranteed and they are not the upper or lower limits of returns of what one can expect and that
the returns are subject to number of factors including future investment performance.
A. Top-up Premium
The plan allows you the option of paying additional unlimited Top-up amounts in addition to your premiums within
policy term thereby allowing you to increase your savings at your own pace.
Top-up premiums shall be allowed during the period of contract only, where due premiums are paid up to date.
All Top up premiums made during the vesting period, shall have an insurance cover of 105% of the Top-Up
premiums paid.
There is no limit on top up premiums invested during the vesting period subject to the top-up amount being at least
Rs 10,000 and subject to Board Approved Underwriting policy of the Company.
Flexibilities Oered
4% Return 8% Return 4% Return 8% Return
Rs. 17,59,623 Rs. 31,69,203 Rs. 1,52,559 Rs. 2,76,355
Premium Payment
Policy Term
20 years10 years
Vesting Benet
Annuity with Return of Premium
(paid Annually)
In case you fail to pay the due premium within the Grace Period, the Systematic Transfer Strategy opted for shall cease
to apply and premium received after the expiry of the grace period shall be allocated to the Individual Prime Equity
Pension Fund/ Large Cap - Pension Fund/Flexi Cap Pension Fund at revival of the policy. The Systematic Transfer
Strategy option shall be automatically applied for all future Premiums received thereafter but within the Grace Period,
unless advised otherwise.
Systematic Transfer Strategy can’t be opted with Single Premium Policies.
B. Alter Premium Payment Term (for other than single premium policy)
The plan allows you the option of increasing or decreasing the premium payment term at any time before the end of
premium payment term chosen earlier, subject to eligibility criteria under the plan.
C. Partial Withdrawal
This plan oers you the exibility to use your fund for any interim nancial goals or emergencies by allowing partial
withdrawal subject to the following conditions:
i) Partial withdrawal can be made only after completion of 5 policy years.
ii) Shall not exceed 25% of the fund value at the time of partial withdrawal.
iii) Minimum amount allowed is Rs. 6,000.
iv) Partial withdrawal is allowed only three times during the entire term of the policy.
v) Partial withdrawals shall not be allowed which would result in termination of a contract.
vi) Partial withdrawals with respect to the fund values from the contractual premiums shall only be counted for the
purpose of adjusting the sum assured on death to be payable. Partial withdrawals made from the top-up premiums
shall not be deducted for this purpose.
vii) Partial withdrawal shall be allowed only against the stipulated reasons:
 Higher education of children.
 Marriage of children.
 For the purchase or construction of residential house.
 For treatment of critical illnesses of self or spouse.
D. Redirection of Premiums
 You have an option to redirect the future allocation of the net amount of premiums available for Investment in any
desired proportion in the available Unit Linked Pension funds, either at the policy commencement Date or at any
time during the vesting period.
 You can also choose pre-dened investment strategy as Automatic Asset Rebalancing Strategy or Systematic
Transfer Plan.
 Unlimited free premium redirection requests are allowed during the vesting period.
E. Have complete control of your funds through fund switching:
The product gives the exibility to switch Fund Value from one fund to another. Unlimited switches are allowed during
the policy term.
Top-up premiums once paid cannot be withdrawn from the fund for a period of 5 years from the date of payment of
the `Top-up' premium, except in case of complete surrender of the policy.
Premium Allocation charge shall be applicable on Top-up premiums.
The policyholder has an option to invest his/her top-up premium net of allocation charges (if applicable) in one or
more of the available unit linked pension funds in the proportion specied by the policyholder at the time of
payment of top-up premium. In case the policyholder has already chosen any one of two investment strategies –
Automatic Asset Re-balancing Strategy or Systematic Transfer Plan for the base premium, the top-up amount net
of allocation charges (if applicable) will be invested as per such investment strategy already chosen.
Discontinuance of Policy during Lock-in-Period: For other than ‘Single Premium’ policies:
For other than ‘Single Premium’ policies:
a) Upon expiry of the Grace Period, in case of Discontinuance of Policy due to non-payment of Premium, the Fund
Value after deducting the applicable Discontinuance charges, shall be credited to the Discontinued Policy Fund and the
risk cover shall cease.
b) All such discontinued policies shall be provided a Revival Period of three years from date of rst unpaid Premium.
On such Discontinuance, Company shall communicate the status of the Policy, within three months of the rst unpaid
Premium, to the Policyholder and provide the option to revive the Policy within the Revival Period of three years.
i) In case the Policyholder opts to revive but does not revive the Policy during the Revival Period, the proceeds of the
Discontinued Policy Fund shall be paid
to the Policyholder at the end of the Revival Period or Lock-in Period
whichever is later. In respect of Revival Period ending after Lock-in Period, the Policy will remain in Discontinued
Policy Fund till the end of Revival Period. The Fund management charges of Discontinued Policy Fund will be
applicable during this period and no other charges will be applied.
ii) In case the Policyholder does not exercise the option as set out above, the Policy shall continue without any risk
cover and the Policy fund shall remain invested in the Discontinued Policy Fund. At the end of the Lock-in Period,
the proceeds of the Discontinued Policy Fund shall be paid
to the Policyholder and the policy shall terminate.
iii) However, the Policyholder has an option to Surrender the Policy anytime and proceeds of the discontinued Policy
shall be payable
at the end of Lock-in Period or date of Surrender whichever is later.
c) In case of Single Premium policies: The Policyholder has an option to Surrender any time during the Lock-in
Period. Upon receipt of request for Surrender, the Fund Value, after deducting the applicable Discontinuance charges,
shall be credited to the Discontinued Policy Fund.
i) The Policy shall continue to be invested in the Discontinued Policy Fund and the proceeds from the Discontinuance
fund shall be paid
at the end of Lock-in Period. Only fund management charge shall be deducted from this fund
during this period. Further, no risk cover shall be available on such Policy during the Discontinuance period.
In case the Life Assured dies after the Discontinuance of the Policy, Fund Value as on date of intimation of death
shall be payable
on death and the Policy shall terminate.
“Proceeds of the discontinued Policies” means the (Fund/Flexi Cap Pension Fund) Value as on the date the policy
was discontinued after addition of interest.
The minimum guaranteed interest rate applicable to the Discontinued Policy Fund shall be declared by the
Authority from time to time. The current minimum guaranteed interest rate applicable to the Discontinued Policy
fund is 4% per annum.
Policy Discontinuance / Surrender
Grace Period: Grace Period is the time granted by the Company from the due date of the premium payment without
levy of interest or penalty. During grace period, the policy is considered to be in force. Grace period is 15 days for
monthly premium payment mode and 30 days for other premium payment modes.
Policy Discontinuance: It is the state of the Policy that could arise on account of Surrender of the Policy or
non-payment of the due premium within Grace Period. Policyholder should pay premiums within the Grace Period.
Lock-in Period: Proceeds from a discontinued policy cannot be paid by the Company within the rst ve years from
inception of such policy except in the event of death of life assured.
Discontinuance of the Policy after Lock-in Period:
a) For other than Single Premium policies:
i.) Upon expiry of the Grace Period, in case of Discontinuance of Policy due to non-payment of Premium after Lock-in
Period, the risk cover will remain same and mortality charges and all other charges as per terms and conditions of
the Policy shall be deducted during the Revival Period.
ii) On such Discontinuance, Company shall communicate the status of the Policy, within three months of the rst
unpaid Premium, to the Policyholder and provide the following options:
(1) To revive the Policy within the Revival Period of three years, or
(2) To opt for complete withdrawal of the Policy.
iii) In case the Policyholder opts for (1) but does not revive the Policy during the Revival Period, the Fund Value shall be
to the Policyholder at the end of the Revival Period.
iv) In case the Policyholder does not exercise any option as set out above, at the end of the Revival Period or before the
end of Policy Term , whichever is earlier, the proceeds of the Policy fund shall be paid
to the Policyholder and the
Policy shall terminate.
In case the Life Assured dies in the Revival Period, higher of Fund Value as on date of intimation of death or 105%
of total premiums paid excluding the partial withdrawals made during the two-year period immediately preceding
the death of the Life Assured shall be payable
on death and the policy shall terminate.
Loyalty Additions as a % of average Fund Value at the current and last Policy Anniversary shall be added to the
Fund Value every Policy year during the Revival Period.
v) However, the Policyholder has an option to Surrender the Policy anytime and proceeds of the Policy fund shall be
b) In case of Single Premium Policies: The Policyholder has an option to Surrender the Policy any time. Upon receipt
of request for Surrender, the Fund Value as on date of Surrender shall be payable
The Benet shall be paid out as per the option chosen by the Policyholder as explained under ‘Utilization of Death Benet’ , ‘Utilization of Vesting
Benet’ and ‘Policy surrendered during the Lock-in Period’ & ‘Policy Surrendered after completion of Lock-in Period’ respectively for the events of
death, vesting & Surrender.
Revival of a Discontinued Policy
Revival of a Discontinued Policy during Lock-in Period:
a) In case the Policyholder revives the Policy, the Policy shall be revived restoring the risk cover, along with the
investments made in the segregated funds as chosen by the Policyholder, out of the Discontinued Policy Fund, less
the applicable charges as stated below and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the policy.
b) The Company, at the time of Revival:
i. Shall collect all due and unpaid premiums without charging any interest or fee.
ii. Shall levy policy administration charge and premium allocation charge as applicable during the Discontinuance
iii. Shall add back to the fund, the discontinuance charges deducted at the time of discontinuance of the policy.
Revival of a Discontinued Policy after Lock-in Period:
a) In case the Policyholder revives the Policy, the Policy shall be revived restoring the original risk cover in accordance
with the terms and conditions of the Policy.
Policy Year
Allocation charge
(Annual Mode)
For all channels except Online / Direct Marketing/Web
Allocation charge
(Half-Yearly &
Monthly Mode)
Allocation charge
(Annual Mode)
For Online / Direct Marketing/Web Aggregators:
Allocation charge
(Half-Yearly &
Monthly Mode)
b) The Company, at the time of Revival:
i. Shall collect all due and unpaid premiums without charging any interest or fee.
ii. Shall levy premium allocation charge
iii. No other charges shall be levied.
Surrender: At any point of time during the policy term, the policyholder can opt to surrender the policy subject to the
terms mentioned below:
Policy Surrendered during the Lock-in Period: In case the policy is surrendered during the lock-in period, the fund
value net of Policy Discontinuance Charges shall be credited to the Discontinued Policy Fund and the policy will be
treated as mentioned in section on “Treatment of Policy while in Discontinued Policy Fund”. With respect to the policy
surrendered during lock-in period, the fund value credited to the Discontinued Policy Fund will continue to be invested
in Discontinued
Policy Fund till the end of lock-in period or death of life assured, whichever is earlier. On death of life assured before end
of lock-in period, death benet will be the Discontinued Policy Fund as on date of death of policyholder and must be
utilized by the nominee in the same manner as death benet. On survival of the policyholder till the end of lock-in
period, the policy will be terminated and Discontinued Policy Fund as on that date will be utilized by Policyholder in the
same manner as vesting benet.
Policy Surrendered after completion of Lock-in Period: In case the policy is surrendered after completion of lock-in
period, the policy stands terminated and fund value as on date of surrender must be utilized by policyholder in the
same manner as vesting benet.
 Premiums paid may be eligible for tax benets under the Income Tax Act, 1961, subject to the provisions contained
 Part of the benet can be taken as tax-free commuted value, as prescribed under the Income Tax Act, 1961. The
remaining amount (or full amount) can be used to purchase a life annuity at the then prevailing annuity rates.
The aforesaid tax benefits are subject to change in tax laws and to the terms set out in the said Sections. We therefore urge you to carefully analyze in consultation with your
tax advisor the tax benefits/tax implications, if any that may arise on saving in this policy.
A. Premium Allocation charges:
Premium Allocation charges for other than ‘Single Premium’ Policy
What are your Tax Benets?
Premium allocation charge for top-up premium is 1%.
B. Policy Administration Charges
The Company can review the Policy Administration charge after giving 30 days’ notice and with prior approval from
IRDAI. The maximum Policy Administration Charge cannot exceed the cap as allowed by IRDAI from time to time.
Currently, the maximum Policy Administration Charge is Rs. 500 per month. These charges are applicable throughout
the Policy Term & would be deducted at the beginning of each Policy month by way of cancellation of units.
Age (Years) 25 35 45 55 65
Male 0.94 1.18 2.47 7.18 15.37
Female 0.94 1.03 1.90 5.26 12.40
Premium Allocation charges for ‘Single Premium’ Policy
1,00,000 - 3,49,000
3,50,000 – 4,99,999
5,00,000 & above
For all channels except Online /
Direct Marketing/Web Aggregators:
Allocation Charge Allocation Charge
For Online / Direct Marketing/
Web Aggregators:
Single Premium (`)
C. Mortality Charges
Mortality Charge is the charge levied at the beginning of each Policy month by cancellation of units, for providing the
Death Benet. The Mortality Charges will vary based on Age, gender of Life Assured, and sum at risk. The sum at risk
will be calculated as 105% of total premiums paid excluding the partial withdrawals made from fund value with respect
to contractual premiums during the two-year period immediately preceding the death of the Life Assured, less fund
value subject to minimum zero. The Mortality Charges are guaranteed during the entire term of the Policy. Annual
mortality charges per Rs.1,000 Sum at Risk are mentioned below:
Annual Mortality Charges for female lives are equal to three year younger males. However, for female lives aged 18, 19
and 20 years, mortality charges for male life aged 18 shall be applicable.
Premium Size
Regular/Limited Pay Single Pay/ Top
Up Premium
Less than 10 Lakhs
Policy Year 1 -5: 0.1%
Policy Year 6 -10: 0.3%
Policy Year 11 -15:0%
Policy Year 16+:0.3%
Policy Year 1 - 5 : 0.08 %
Policy Year 6 10 : 0.15%
Policy Year 11 - 15: 0%
Policy Year 16+:0.15%
10 lakhs and above
Policy Year 1 -5: 0.1%
Policy Year 6 -10: 0.3%
Policy Year 11 -15:0%
Policy Year 16+:0.3%
^^AP – Annualized Premium
FV – Fund Value
5 and onwards
Lower of 20% ^^ (AP or FV) subject to a
maximum of `3000
Lower of 15% ^^ (AP or FV) subject to a
maximum of `2000
Lower of 10% ^^ (AP or FV) subject to a
maximum of `1500
Lower of 5% ^^ (AP or FV) subject to a
maximum of `1000
Lower of 6% ^^ (AP or FV) subject to a
maximum of `6000
Lower of 4% ^^ (AP or FV) subject to a
maximum of `5000
Lower of 3% ^^ (AP or FV) subject to a
maximum of `4000
Lower of 2% ^^ (AP or FV) subject
maximum of `2000
Where the Policy
is discontinued during
the Policy Year
Policy Discontinuance Charges
for Policy having Annualized premium
up to `50,000
Policy Discontinuance Charges
for Policy having Annualized
premium above `50,000
Fund Name %of Fund Value per annum
Individual Preserver Pension Fund 1.00%
Individual Prime Equity Pension Fund 1.35%
Large Cap - Pension Fund 0.85%
Flexi Cap Pension Fund 1.35%
D. Fund Management Charges
Fund Management Charge is a charge levied on a daily basis as a percentage of the value of assets held in the unit fund
at the time of computation of the unit price. The Fund Management Charges applicable, at present, are as follows:
Fund Management Charges on Discontinued Policy Fund – Pension is 0.5% per annum. The Company can review the
fund management charge after giving 30 days’ notice and with prior approval from IRDAI. The maximum fund
E. Charges on Partial Withdrawal / Fund Switching / Re-direction
F. Policy Discontinuance Charges
Policy Discontinuance Charges is levied one time on the date of Policy Discontinuation. Policy can be discontinued any
time in accordance with the Policy Term subject to the following Policy Discontinuation Charges:
1) For other than Single Premium Policy:
management charge cannot exceed the cap as allowed by IRDAI from time to time. Currently the maximum cap allowed
by IRDAI is 1.35%.
SP – Single Premium
FV – Fund Value
The Company can review the policy discontinuance charge after giving 30 days’ notice and with prior approval from
IRDAI. The maximum policy discontinuance charge cannot exceed the cap as allowed by IRDAI from time to time. There
will be no discontinuance charge levied on top-up premiums.
5 and onwards
Lower of 2% ^^(SP or FV) subject to a
maximum of `3000/-
Lower of 1.5% ^^(SP or FV) subject to a
maximum of `2000/-
Lower of 1% ^^(SP or FV) subject to a
maximum of `1500/-
Lower of 0.5% ^^(SP or FV) subject to a
maximum of `1000/-
Lower of 1% ^^(SP or FV) subject to a
maximum of `6000/-
Lower of 0.70% ^^(SP or FV) subject to a
maximum of `5000/-
Lower of 0.50%^^ (SP or FV) subject to a
maximum of `4000/-
Lower of 0.35% ^^(SP or FV) subject to a
maximum of `2000/-
Where the Policy
is discontinued during
the Policy Year
Policy Discontinuance Charges
for Policy having Single premium
up to `3,00,000
Policy Discontinuance Charges
for Policy having Single premium
above `3,00,000
Terms and Conditions:
QROPS: Access to benets/pay out if this product is purchased as QROPS (Qualifying Recognized Overseas Pension
Scheme), through transfer of UK/Ireland tax relieved assets
i. Benets on Surrender / Discontinuance: For the QROPS Policyholder, the access to benets from Policy proceeds
in the form of Partial Withdrawal, Commutation and Annuity, would be restricted till the Policyholder attains 55
years of Age or the end of the Lock-in Period whichever is later, except where Critical Ill Health condition** is
**Critical Ill Health condition is where a recognized medical practitioner has provided a written certicate
conrming the member is expected to live for less than one year.
ii. Cancellation in the Free-Look Period: For the QROPS Policyholder the proceeds from cancellation in free look
period can only be transferred back to the UK or Ireland Registered Scheme from where the money was received.
iii. Multiple Policies under this Scheme: The QROPS policy holder can have multiple QROPS policies under this
scheme but cannot then hold a non-QROPS policy under this scheme.
Free Look Provisions: The Policyholder shall have a period of 15 days (30 days if the Policy is sourced through distance
marketing^ as provided in Distance Marketing Guidelines IRDA/ADMN/GDL/MISC/059/04/2011 dated 05/04/2011)
from the date of receipt of the Policy Document to review the terms and conditions of this Policy and if the Policyholder
disagrees with any of the terms and conditions, he/she has the option to return the Policy stating the reasons for the
cancellation upon which the Company shall return an amount that shall at least be equal to non-allocated premium plus
charges levied by cancellation of units plus fund value at the date of cancellation less stamp duty deducted and
proportional mortality charges levied for the period of cover (if any). All Benets and rights under this Policy shall
immediately stand terminated on the cancellation of the Policy.
^distance marketing includes solicitation through all modes other than in person.
2. For Single Premium Policy:
Risk factors:
A) HDFC Life Smart Pension Plan is a Non-Participating, Unit Linked Individual Pension Plan.
B) Linked products are dierent from traditional insurance products and are subject to the risk factors.
C) HDFC Life Insurance Company Limited is only the name of the Insurance Company and HDFC Life Smart Pension
Plan is only the name of the product and does not in any way indicate the quality of the product, its future prospect
or returns.
D) The various fund oered under this contract are the names of funds and do not in any way indicate the quality of
these plans, their future prospects and returns
E) Investments in ULIPS are subject to market and other risks and there can be no assurance that the objectives of the
Unit Linked Funds in the ULIP will be achieved.
F) The premiums paid in ULIP policies are subject to investment risks associated with capital markets and the Unit
Price of the Units may go up or down based on performance of fund and factors inuencing the capital market and
the insured is responsible for his/her decisions
G) Past performance of Unit Linked Fund and other Funds of the Company is not indicative of future performance of
any of these funds.
H) The ULIP does not oer a guaranteed return and investment risk is borne by the Policyholder.
I) The premiums and funds are subject to certain charges related to the fund or to the premiums paid
J) Please know the associated risks and the applicable charges, from your Insurance agent or the Intermediary or
policy document of the insurer
Riders: No riders are allowed under this plan.
Suicide: In case of death due to suicide within 12 months from the date of commencement of the policy or from the date
of revival of the policy, as applicable, the nominee of the policyholder shall be entitled to the fund value, as available on
the date of intimation of death. Further any charges other than Fund Management Charges (FMC) recovered subsequent
to the date of death shall be added back to the fund value as available on the date of intimation of death.
Policy Loan: No loans are allowed under this policy.
Assignment Provisions: Assignment should be in accordance with provisions of sec 38 of the Insurance Act 1938 as
amended from time to time.
[A Leaet containing the simplied version of the provisions of Section 38 is enclosed in Annexure - (I) for
Nomination Provisions: Nomination should be in accordance with provisions of sec 39 of the Insurance Act 1938 as
amended from time to time.
[A Leaet containing the simplied version of the provisions of Section 39 is enclosed in Annexure - (II) for
K) The purpose of this brochure is to provide a general overview about this policy. The information herein is indicative
of the terms, conditions, warranties and exceptions contained in the policy terms and conditions of HDFC Life
Smart Pension Plan. Please refer to the policy terms and conditions to understand in detail the associated risks,
benets, etc. about the product
L) In the event of any inconsistency / ambiguity between the terms contained herein and the policy terms and
conditions, the policy terms and conditions will prevail.
M) The acceptance of the proposal shall be subject to prevailing board approved underwriting policy.
Disclaimer regarding Large Cap - Pension Fund:
i. "The Large Cap - Pension Fund is not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by NSE INDICES LTD. NSE INDICES LTD
does not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, to the owners of the Large Cap - Pension Fund
or any member of the public regarding the advisability of investing in securities generally or in the Large Cap -
Pension Fund particularly or the ability of the _NIFTY 50 Index) to track general stock market performance in India.
The relationship of NSE INDICES LTD to the Licensee is only in respect of the licensing of certain trademarks and
trade names of its Index which is determined, composed and calculated by NSE INDICES LTD without regard to the
Licensee or the Large Cap - Pension Fund. NSE INDICES LTD does not have any obligation to take the needs of the
Licensee or the owners of the Large Cap - Pension Fund into consideration in determining, composing or
calculating the NIFTY 50 Index (NSE INDICES LTD is not responsible for or has participated
in the determination of the timing of, prices at, or quantities of the Large Cap - Pension Fund to be issued or in the
determination or calculation of the equation by which the Large Cap - Pension Fund is to be converted into cash.
NSE INDICES LTD has no obligation or liability in connection with the administration, marketing or trading of the
ii. NSE INDICES LTD does not guarantee the accuracy and/or the completeness of the _NIFTY 50 Index or any data
included therein and they shall have no liability for any errors, omissions, or interruptions therein. NSE INDICES LTD
does not make any warranty, express or implied, as to results to be obtained by the Licensee, owners of the Large
Cap - Pension Fund, or any other person or entity from the use of the _NIFTY 50 Index or any data included therein.
NSE INDICES LTD makes no express or implied warranties, and expressly disclaim all warranties of merchantability
or tness for a particular purpose or use with respect to the Index or any data included therein. Without limiting
any of the foregoing, NSE INDICES LTD expressly disclaim any and all liability for any damages or losses arising out
of or related to the Large Cap - Pension Fund, including any and all direct, special, punitive, indirect, or
consequential damages (including lost prots), even if notied of the possibility of such damages”
iii. "An investor, by subscribing or purchasing an interest in the Large Cap - Pension Fund, will be regarded as having
acknowledged, understood and accepted the disclaimer referred to in Clauses above and will be bound by it.
iv. The asset allocation and exposure norms will not apply for the segregated fund (Large Cap - Pension Fund SFIN No:
ULIF01901/06/20PNLARGECAP101) attached to this insurance product for the rst 6 (six) months from its launch
or till the said segregated fund reaches INR 5 Crore, whichever is earlier. If after the said 6 months the segregated
fund goes below INR 5 Crores, the Company will provide an option of free switch to another fund with similar fund
objective/risk prole having same/lower fund management charges (FMC) and if there is no such fund with similar
risk prole, the Company will give an option to choose a fund from a set of alternate funds, which are close to risk
prole of this segregated fund with same or lower FMC.
Since the proposed fund (Large Cap - Pension Fund) is the lowest FMC equity oriented fund within the fund
oerings of Company, the Company shall not be in a position to oer the lower FMC. However, the Company shall
allow free switch to the below mentioned fund with similar risk prole, as per their current applicable FMC.
Sl. No. SFIN
1 ULIF01316/12/09PNPRIMEEQU101 Prime Equity Pension High 1.35%
Fund Name Risk Prole
Management Charge
NAV calculation:
NAV means the price of the Units of each Unit Linked Fund arrived at by dividing the Net Asset Value of the Unit Linked
Fund by the total number of outstanding units in the Unit Linked Fund. Net Asset Value (NAV) per unit of a Unit Linked
Fund shall be calculated as follows:
The NAV for each business day to be declared/recorded at the end of each business day. The NAV shall be computed to
four decimal points. The NAV of the Units declared by the Company is net of fund management charges.
The value of the benets payable in respect of a claim, requests for switch/surrender/partial withdrawal received
before 3pm on any business day will depend on the number of units and the NAV of the respective funds as on such
date. Any claim intimation, requests for switch / surrender/partial withdrawal received after 3pm on any business day
will be processed based on the NAV declared on the immediately following business day.
In respect of premiums (other than premiums paid by ECS, Standing Instructions or Auto Debit) received before 3 PM on
any business day, the NAV as of the date of receipt of such premium shall be applicable and premiums received after 3
PM on any business day will be processed based on the NAV declared on the immediately following business day. In
respect of premiums paid by ECS, Standing Instructions or Auto Debit the NAV as on the date of realization shall be
Section 41: Prohibition of Rebate: Under the provisions of Section 41 of the Insurance Act 1938 as amended from
time to time
(1) No person shall allow or oer to allow, either directly or indirectly, as an inducement to any person to take or renew
or continue an insurance in respect of any kind of risk relating to lives or property in India, any rebate of the whole
or part of the commission payable or any rebate of the premium shown on the policy, nor shall any person taking out
or renewing or continuing a policy accept any rebate, except such rebate as may be allowed in accordance with the
published prospectuses or tables of the insurer:
(2) Any person making default in complying with the provisions of this section shall be punishable with ne which may
extend to ten lakh rupees.
Fraud And Misrepresentation:
Fraud and Misrepresentation would be dealt with in accordance with provisions of Sec 45 of the Insurance Act 1938 as
amended from time to time.
(Market Value of Investment held by the fund + Value of Current Assets-Value of Current Liabilities and Provisions, if any)/
(Number of Units existing on Valuation Date (before creation / redemption of Units))
Contact us today
To buy: 1800-266-9777
(Toll free)
(All Days, from 9am to 9pm)
Visit us at
HDFC Life Insurance Company Limited (“HDFC Life”). CIN: L65110MH2000PLC128245, IRDAI Registration No. 101.
Registered Office: 13th Floor, Lodha Excelus, Apollo Mills Compound, N. M. Joshi Marg, Mahalaxmi, Mumbai - 400 011.
Email: [email protected], Tel. No: 022-68446530 (Mon-Sat 10 am to 7 pm) Local charges apply. Do NOT prefix any country code. e.g. +91 or 00. Website:
The name/letter 'HDFC' in the name/logo of HDFC Life Insurance Company Limited (HDFC Life) belongs to HDFC Bank Limited and is used by HDFC Life under licence from
HDFC Bank Limited.
Life Insurance Coverage is available in this product. HDFC Life Smart Pension Plan (UIN:
) is the name of the Unit linked product. Unit Linked Life Insurance products
are different from the traditional insurance products and are subject to the risk factors. The premium paid in Unit Linked Life Insurance policies are subject to investment risks
associated with capital markets and the NAVs of the units may go up or down based on the performance of fund and factors influencing the capital market and the insured is responsible
for his/her decisions. HDFC Life Insurance Company Limited is only the name of the Insurance Company, HDFC Life is only the name of the brand and HDFC Life Smart Pension
Plan (UIN:
) is only the name of the unit linked life insurance contract. The name of the company, name of the brand and name of the contract does not in any way indicate
the quality of the contract, its future prospects or returns. Please know the associated risks and the applicable charges, from your Insurance agent or the Intermediary or policy document
of the insurer. The various funds offered under this contract are the names of the funds and do not in any way indicate the quality of these plans, their future prospects and returns. This
document has no monetary value at any time and is not a proof of any contract with HDFC Life Insurance Company Ltd. This Product brochure is indicative of the terms, warranties,
conditions and exclusions contained in the insurance policy.
HDFC Life Smart Pension Plan (UIN:101L164V03)
A Unit Linked, Non-Participating Individual Pension Plan. For more details on risk factors, associated terms and conditions and
exclusions please read sales brochure carefully before concluding a sale. This version of the product brochure invalidates all previous printed versions for this particular plan. This
Product brochure is indicative of the terms, warranties, conditions and exclusions contained in the insurance policy. Please know the associated risk and applicable charges from your
insurance agent or the intermediary or policy document of the insurer. ARN: PP/02/24/8667.
• IRDAI is not involved in activities like selling insurance policies, announcing bonus or investment of premiums.
Public receiving such phone calls are requested to lodge a police complaint.
The Linked Insurance products do not offer any liquidity during the first five years of the contract. The policyholders will not be able to surrender/withdraw the monies invested in
Linked Insurance Products completely or partially till the end of fifth year.