Volume 25, 2022
Accepting Editor Eli Cohen Received: July 1, 2021│ Revised: November 30, December 22, 2021 │ Accepted:
December 23, 2021.
Cite as: Stegmair, J. G., & Prybutok, V. R. (2022). Trust in Google A textual analysis of news articles about
cyberbullying. Informing Science: The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline, 25, 45-63.
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Juergen G. Stegmair*
University of North Texas, Denton,
Victor R. Prybutok
University of North Texas, G. Brint
Ryan College of Business and Toulouse
Graduate School, Denton, USA
* Corresponding author
Cyberbullying (CB) is an ongoing phenomenon that affects youth in negative
ways. Using online news articles to provide information to schools can help
with the development of comprehensive cyberbullying prevention campaigns,
and in restoring faith in news reporting. The inclusion of online news also al-
lows for increased awareness of cybersafety issues for youth.
CB is an inherent problem of information delivery and security. Textual analysis
provides input into prevention and training efforts to combat the issue.
Text extraction and text analysis methods of term and concept extraction; text
link analysis and sentiment analysis are performed on a body of news articles.
News articles are determined to be a major source of information for compre-
hensive cyberbullying prevention campaigns.
Online news articles are relatively neutral in their sentiment; terms and topic ex-
traction provide fertile ground for information presentation and context.
for Practitioners
Practitioners should include online news articles (or systems that deliver infor-
mation extraction) into the cyberbullying curriculum.
for Researchers
Researchers should seek support for research projects that extract timely infor-
mation from online news articles.
Impact on Society
Online news articles are a valuable source of information about CB and are not
as biased or opinionated as often believed.
Trust in Google
Future Research
Refinement of the terms and topics analytic model, as well as a system develop-
ment approach for information extraction of online CB news.
cyberbullying, educational leadership, text analytics
Cyberbullying (CB), the willful, targeted act of using online communication channels to inflict harm
and abuse on individuals, continues as a persistent problem with severe consequences. The phenome-
non continues after more than two decades.
In one study, 72% of respondents reported at least one incident of CB in the last year, out of a sam-
ple of 1,454 students between 12 and 17 years old (Juvonen & Gross, 2008). CB is a phenomenon of
everyday life and needs to be treated as such. Vandebosch and Van Cleemput (2008) created a quali-
tative study with focus groups under the assumption that ICT and CB are part of the everyday life of
youngsters and with the hope of gathering important information about usage and modes of com-
munication. Out of the increased usage of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), vio-
lating behavior and increased need for protection and safety regarding CB are a direct outcome.
CB is an interdisciplinary issue, with domain application in public health, education, psychology,
computers in human behavior, information seeking, informing, legal issues, criminality, and cyber-
safety. Trust in news reporting is eroding, particularly in communication behaviors political such as
some of those from former President Trump. Grant (2019, p.1) mentions in an article from Inform-
ing Science and Information Technology Education Conference that “the Washington Post Trump
Fact Checker has identified more than 10,000 untruths uttered by the president in his first two years
in office.Fake news has become a buzzword in the public mind, further eroding the trust in new
media and news organizations. Fake news attribution ranges from manipulating images and videos in
a scientific context (López-Cantos, 2019) to combat perceptions about news reporting and social me-
dia (Cohen, 2019; Gill, 2019). Online news reporting about cyberbullying increases awareness of
cyber-safety issues and online dangers for youth in an increasingly complex online world (Zilka, 2017;
CB can impact most youth, in primary and in secondary school. Comparing perpetration and victimi-
zation in primary school to secondary school, instances of both are seemingly higher in primary
school (Dehue et al., 2008). Perpetration was 17.1% in the last class of primary school, versus 13.5%
in the first class of secondary school. Victimization was 23.4% versus 18.6%. Occurrences with fatal
outcomes are still happening.
One research question worthy of asking is whether there is trust in online news (media) to report ob-
jectively about CB and its occurrences. This research addresses the question of whether online news
articles can be gathered, transformed, and used to create reliable information to help answer the
question of semantic analysis for news articles on CB.
Electronic media and online communication channels are ever-changing. Remember ‘MySpace’? Not
every online communication channel or social media site stays around forever. Snakenborg et al.
(2011) prominently emphasize a letter from a CB victim at the beginning of their article, describing
CB occurring on the MySpace account. MySpace is not heavily used in recent CB research articles.
Therefore, it will be important to guide CB prevention programs to include various and numerous
online communication channels and social media sites. Providing an overview of the past (i.e.,
MySpace) shows that, while communication channels change over time, behavior and victimization
Stegmair & Prybutok
continue. CB prevention needs to be flexible enough to be evaluated every couple of years to include
the newest methods, channels, modes of online communication, and social media behavior. CB pre-
vention specialists should stay current with these ever-changing modes of communication to gain ac-
ceptance and credibility with youth. Juvonen and Gross (2008) include in their anonymous web-
based survey the following communication channels: message boards (where you can leave messages
in an asynchronous fashion to receive answers later), and again, MySpace.com. Both modes of elec-
tronic communication are not major outlets in 2020.
Modern communication channels and their use for CB represent one potential factor in the increase
in youth suicide rates (Duncan, 2017; Patchin & Hinduja, 2016). The ease of online communication
access and availability of social media platforms enable online violations and cyber aggression. Such
acts come in many forms: organized actions against persons or organizations in social media for a
cause (e.g., #cecilthelion; BBC News, 2015); online harassment and CB against persons of public in-
terest, like actors (e.g., Star Wars Actors; Perez, 2018); or both targeted and general attacks against
people, organizations, and groups. For example, Holder (2017) characterizes Trump’s use of Twitter
as a CB tactic. In this instance, the president’s communication includes elements of specification (one
person is targeted), demeaning or belittling (nicknames for political opponents are used), an elec-
tronic communication channel (Twitter) is used, and there is a power differential (the then president
of the United States versus single politicians, members of Congress, governors, or even public media
personnel). Such examples have several things in common: the movement away from single commu-
nication channels (like Chat) to multiple channels; the ease of use and access to social media plat-
forms; and the occurrence of cyber abuse or aggression with relative ease. While the literature often-
times explains cyber aggression as a partial outcome of anonymity on the internet (Cohen-Almagor,
2018), it does not fully address cases where the perpetrator is well known and where anonymity is not
Our society has not developed an effective applicable approach to prevent and intervene in cyber ag-
gression behavior. Furthermore, successful coping behaviors and resiliency are tied together and
linked to better recognition of cyber aggression behavior.
CB prevention must consider the expansion of social networks. While there was a progression in the
past from personal (individual; family-based) to peer-based (school) and then within a community
(adult life), such development now includes moving from physical social networking to online social
networking (Snakenborg et al., 2011). It is important to acknowledge this development and describe
the characteristics of the past vs. present. For example, presenting our best self in the online space
(i.e., see ‘best life’ presentation on Facebook; Picture presentation on Pinterest), distorts how individ-
uals see themselves, and how they are seen by others. Is the online persona ‘virtual’ in the sense that
it does not exist? Can there be conflicts between the actual persona and online representation? These
conflicts can be taught and included in CB prevention programs to help children and the young bet-
ter develop.
It is remarkable that social media expansion also happens in the workplace. By allowing coworkers to
be “friends” on, e.g., Facebook, or on a more professional site like LinkedIn, matters of work inte-
grate and intrude in one’s social life. This integration has unintended consequences when certain
events happen in either work-life or when a certain behavior or situation is observed by colleagues
via social media. The social media expansion into the work-life can co-exist or compound a phenom-
enon of ‘cyber incivility’, in which individuals at work experience negative email communication, be-
havior, and mannerisms (Ophoff et al., 2015). Therefore, it is worth understanding the entanglement
of those two worlds.
Trust in Google
The electronic communication of adolescents is not open to review or influence by adults (Mason,
2008). Likewise, violations in online communication space are not easily visible to adults. Students
and youth prefer not to report CB. Some fear that online aggressors will retaliate, or that parents will
get less permissive with internet usage (Snakenborg et al., 2011). Other impressions are that adults,
whether teachers at school or parents at home, are either ineffective or uninterested in fighting
against the CB case. Parental monitoring reduces the likelihood of youth becoming an online CB ag-
gressor. The question that needs to be asked is the following: what are effective and acceptable ways
for parents to monitor and observe online communication? Depending on the age range, even dis-
cussion of this topic at home can bring strife into a family. Therefore, the CB prevention program
needs to be explicit in how to support parents and students in addressing this topic. For example,
parents looking through their childrens phones, messages, and browser histories are likely to result in
a hostile response.
Agosto and Abbas (2017) recognize that to report about CB along with privacy and safety in social
media, a counterpoint to popular opinion is needed. Their research shows that teens have noteworthy
concerns about online privacy and safety, but not necessarily the knowledge or tools to improve and
better the perceived situation. Additionally, considering that the disclosure of personal information
online (i.e., who can see your personal pictures, your sentiments), research supports that you make
yourself vulnerable by doing so and you increase your likelihood of becoming a CB victim (Van-
debosch & Van Cleemput, 2008).
The perception of safety in relation to social media is connected to perceived privacy. This aspect of
safety manifests itself in several ways. One dimension is that of data safety (‘Is my data secured and
safe online?’); another is that of personal safety (‘Am I safe in conversing and participating in this
online channel?’, ‘Will I encounter personal attacks when posting in this channel?’). Data safety has
been under attack in the past; data breaches have occurred, and data have been too easily available for
extracting for commercial or other purposes. One such example is the scandal over Facebook and
Cambridge Analytical data abuse, which showed how easy it was for a company to gather valuable
data for research without the explicit consent of users (Criddle, 2020). Personal safety has deterio-
rated as online communications often deteriorate into political or personal attacks. This deterioration
has caused providers like NextDoor to change policies and reporting guidelines to ensure a civil
online communication platform. Other dimensions are emotional and physical safety - you open
yourself up emotionally to CB (relationship status, anyone?) and physically to burglars or other online
perpetrators (by disclosing information like addresses, modes of occupying your home, vacations,
etc.). Improving online safety and privacy of teens is a central tenet of CB prevention programs and
requires a whole-system or integrative approach. Lastly, another aspect of feeling safe in an online
communication platform is the subjective impression of receiving accurate and true news content,
from a platform.
Social media channels are increasingly delivering non-personal news. Prevalent social media platforms
like Facebook and Twitter inform people by displaying and distributing news.
Everybody wants to be informed and one source for information is the news. News provides up-to-
date information on topics of personal relevancy. Though print media (news, magazines) are still
used, consumption happens increasingly online. A study by the Pew Research Center shows that the
gap between online and television news consumption is closing; 43% of US adults get their news
Stegmair & Prybutok
online, and two-thirds of Americans use social media as at least a partial news source (Bialik &
Matsa, 2017). It is important to have trust in your news source, and the same study mentions that
Americans have low trust in information from social media sources.
News can have a devastating impact examples are catastrophes (9/11, weather, stock market
crashes, the message about the death of a loved one), and in macroeconomics, the concept of ‘news
shocks’ is well documented (Sims, 2016). News as industry gives voice to the people (vox populi”;
Merriam-Webster, 2018), especially on social media platforms. News provides a platform for un-
derrepresented groups and subgroups of people, which are less heard. News reporting can be a
change agent in our society (i.e., gender and sexuality identify framing) and can bring help in disaster
relief situations (i.e., earthquakes in Turkey, Nepal). News is a balancing force for government and
dominant economic forces. The ‘Fifth Estate’, a term used for journalists and bloggers who use non-
mainstream media and social media news, serves as a channel to provide inopportunely and not read-
ily accepted opinions and news (Fifth estate, 2018). On a micro level, mobile applications like
Nextdoor provide a platform for neighborhood-centric information exchange and news about neigh-
borhood happenings.
Reliable and objective news is important especially when media are under attack, such as proclaiming
legitimate news media sources an ‘enemy of the American people (Grynbaum, 2017) or label-
ing news media outlets as ‘fake news’ (McCarty, 2018). Alongside critical thinking and fact-checking,
news reporting is strengthening the resiliency of the nation and the individual. News reports about
cyber aggression will strengthen resiliency for young people, positive examples and reports will lift
hope and confidence that cyber aggression can be overcome, and news about training or education
initiatives will inform school administrators to potentially mimic actions or inspire local application.
Agosto and Abbas (2017) report that popular media are framing adolescent use of social media as
negative with no concern for their online safety. They conducted a mixed-method study in 2017 to
describe teens’ attitudes about online safety and privacy. As news reporters are adults, they point out
the importance of including youth voices in framing, rather than having these issues defined only
presented by adults. As social media use is a CB channel and an important communication outlet for
youth, it is of utmost significance to be inclusive.
Smith et al. (2008) point out the importance and influence of media in providing knowledge about
CB, framing the issue, and for proliferating items like ‘happy-slapping’ (which then found its way into
a popularly used method in cyberbullying), and that this area is not well researched. A more nefarious
way to use CB is ‘doxing’, which is a way of disclosing information online to harm individuals or
groups to incite murder, as displayed in Afghanistan, where neighbors have disclosed lists of people
in their surrounding areas that they perceive as ‘troublesome’ with the effect of a targeted killing
wave (Hadid, 2021).
Reports of the UK (Smith et al., 2008), where there is a more vicious and aggressive media culture
for online aggression, point to a difference in media framing when looking through a nationality or
country lens. A major example of a vicious media landscape is Harry and Meghan Markle’s separa-
tion from the UK royal family; ostensibly in part due to the treatment of Meghan in UK print and
online media (Dray, 2021).
The inclusion of media in a CB prevention program is warranted and will be enabling for youth who
encounter CB reporting in public media. This approach is different from multimedia inclusion in CB
prevention programs (Snakenborg et al., 2011). The inclusion of video or webisodes helps make the
material more digestible to learners. However, the inclusion of real-life cases and news articles, which
provide a reality aspect to students, will be a real impact that such a program can achieve. It is im-
portant to include positive news articles, and not to condemn the phenomenon, and to try scaring
students. Of course, negative news articles will be helpful to demonstrate the occurrence, scope, im-
pact, and victimization of CB.
Trust in Google
Media framing also comes into play when discussing urban myths, legends, and other imaginary sto-
ries or events. Agosto and Abbas (2017, p. 357) share the testimonies of students who talk about
creepy old guys on the Internet or in online video games. One example of an online article is “The
Dirtiest Old Men on the Internet” (Boudreaux, 2012). The article mentions examples of offensive
and questionable sexual messages to women, which provide suitable education when positioned age-
appropriate; however, when a person is characterized as “Like this 49-year-old guy here” (middle of
article), the writer of the research article is offended because: (i) he is older than 49; and (ii) unfortu-
nately this type of behavior can be extended from younger males as well. Another passage in the
study tells “With the whole creeping thing [accessing one’s personal information without their
knowledge], what if some 57-year-old man is creeping on my little sister’s profile?” (p. 360). How-
ever, the theme of Dirty Old Men on the Internet remains and CB prevention should consider it
by informing about it and potentially dispelling the myth.
Media reporting about incidents and how to prevent and cope with CB is important. In a study by
Parris et al. (2012), a student reports that it is important to read and hear about CB in the news, espe-
cially if it is happening close by. The reporting creates awareness in students and will be helpful to
prevent them from engaging in online aggression. Therefore, an important aspect of CB prevention
programs is to include news and information about cases in the locality (at their school, in their
city/state) to make the issue relevant.
Trust in media and information stems from trusted sources of authority, knowledge, and influence.
Wilson (1983) states to the consideration of authority:
People come to have influence over our thoughts in various ways. However, they acquire
such influence, as long as we think it right that they should have it, we will be prepared to
defend and justify their influence. We will have answers to the question: “Why do you listen
to him?” and “Why do you let him influence you so?” (p. 21).
Every adolescent is developing their own bases of authority. This process includes sourcing infor-
mation from different channels. They derive ways of acquiring news by various examples: news con-
sumption in their home environment (parents, siblings, other relatives); news consumption in their
circle of friends and acquaintances (school environment, social environment); and finally, the posi-
tioning of media and news acquisition and consumption by teachers and school administration.
While school environments are upheld to teach to a critical consumption perspective, the home envi-
ronment does not necessarily need to be so and can teach and display preferences in media and news
consumption, such as political or religious preferences, and educational vs. informational vs. enter-
taining consumption. Therefore, school environments should provide a critical and informational
perspective toward media and news consumption by teaching how to personally evaluate the veracity
and authority of news media, and the positioning of items like CB in public media.
The positioning is even more important for social media, as social media is not as much regulated as
public news media. While writing this research article, several legislative initiatives are ongoing on
both state and federal levels of the US to regulate social media platforms in terms of censorship.
This study focuses on Google and issues of trust in this search engine. Google is prevalent in every-
day life. Especially school children at a young age (primary; secondary school level) encounter
Google as a conglomerate of applications (Google Drive, Google Documents, Google Classroom,
using Google as a search engine). As much as it is part of their everyday life, young teens do not yet
have perceptions of privacy concerns when searching online (i.e., by using a different search engine
like DuckDuckGo, which does not store search history), or following public discussions of the om-
nipotence of social media and tech giants such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google. Especially anti-
Stegmair & Prybutok
trust or economic concerns, which are frequently cited in connection with Facebook and Google, are
not seemingly a concern of young teens when they use Google technology and search engines.
Therefore, while young teens do not perceivably search for news or information about CB online
with the Google search engine, the argument exists that they would perform such a search and infor-
mation-seeking activity and trust in the returned result set of news.
The viewpoint of older teens (1819) toward mature people is that older people lack knowledge and
grew up before the Internet (or at least before the World Wide Web), therefore they cant change pro-
file settings in Facebook or security settings in other social media or communication channels.
Younger children are not educated (knowledgeable) enough and lack forethought, meaning they over-
share online and are potentially exploited (Agosto & Abbas, 2017). The viewpoints of younger peo-
ple toward adults are that much older people are sometimes labeled ‘Old Creeps’, and that adults,
specifically teachers, are unknowledgeable, and cant be trusted.
Adult viewpoints about popular media use by younger persons are that all young people are ‘Digital
Natives’, where ‘Digital’ implies knowledge and expertise around all things online, and ‘Natives’ im-
plies the growing-up with online and digital environments and 24-hour communication ability (Ago-
sto & Abbas, 2017). However, ‘Natives’ is also demeaning and framing the following: they behave like
natives’, i.e., uneducated, uncontrolled, dangerous.
Generational gaps in the usage of and understanding of how and when to use a certain online tech-
nology or communication channel are a big block in building bridges and forging trust. Juvonen and
Gross (2008) recommend in their results the work particularly required in creating and fostering
these linkages, as their participants stated that they must be able to deal with CB incidents them-
selves, and therefore did not tell a trusted adult. This observation has been brought forward by an
anonymous web survey, which did not need parental consent for participation; therefore, it rings par-
ticularly true.
The following research questions were developed:
Q1: Is Google a trustworthy search engine that returns objective news articles?
Q2: What is the role of objective news articles in a comprehensive CB prevention program?
Sentiment analysis, when used in conjunction with text analytics, is a method to determine emotions
or sentiments in the body of text. A model is created that identifies the positive and negative words
or expressions (phrases). An approach often used is a dictionary-based approach that holds a key list
of negative and positive phrases. The identification of negative and positive is a spectrum and can
show gradients of sentiments within the spectrum, mostly to show emphasis for positive or negative
sentiment. Sentiment analysis is used to show whether customers are reviewing a product favorably;
whether a restaurant or movie has been enjoyed; how political positions are being perceived; how
employees are satisfied, and so forth. It is usually used in conjunction with other (business) data to
support analysis. For the use case here, sentiment analysis is being deployed for news articles to show
whether news articles are neutral (objective) in their reporting, or whether they are overly positive or
negative about the subject matter. Sentiment analysis is the term being used in the SAS Visual Analyt-
ics tool.
Text link analysis (TLA) is a technology that matches patterns in text. This pattern matching is usu-
ally engaged to find and extract relationships between concepts in texts. The patterns can be entirely
user-defined. Many text analytics tools and platforms come with their own standard (default) pattern
Trust in Google
matching libraries or templates for most common use cases. TLA can be supportive of sentiment
analysis and is useful in other contexts (for example, to find links and relationships between docu-
ments, or for clustering techniques). TLA is used in this research paper to perform sentiment analysis
in a different tool (IBM SPSS Modeler). TLA rules can be defined to detect negation or emphasis of
concepts. While a dictionary approach of positive and negative terms is an initial approach, it would
list terms like ‘satisfied’ and ‘unsatisfied’, but not combination expression patterns like ‘not satisfied’,
‘very satisfied’. TLA rules can express a rule and identify the words ‘not satisfied’ as <negation> +
<positiveTerm>. It can also categorize the sentence ‘This product wasn’t very good’ as “topic + ne-
gation + positiveTerm”. Therefore, TLA can provide meaning by analyzing the context of terms and
the term itself.
These two methods or techniques were used in analyzing texts and news articles in social science
contexts. In the past, this analysis was performed manually and involved marking text, cutting out
pieces of text, using different coding schemes, or colors. Now, advances in computing and computer-
supported text analytics have automated these techniques allowing faster and more efficient applica-
Information extraction involves distilling information from text by defining concepts, categories, and
terms. Terms are the smallest forms of text analytics (usually a word); at a lower level, text analytics is
identifying tokens (which are the parts of language in terms of words, usually surrounded by white
space characters like spaces). When analyzing text, it must be broken down into segments for analysis
(codes). Upon identifying these codes, a higher categorization can occur to create code categories to
summarize further. Topics and themes are created using Natural Language Processing (NLP) meth-
ods to identify common strands of information in text; it is another method for extracting infor-
mation out of text and to provide a link from the text to context outside text. There are two different
forms of topic analysis, and they differ in method and application. The first form is topic modeling,
which is an unsupervised machine learning technique that involves no prior knowledge of tags or
identifiers. The second form is topic extraction, which is a supervised machine learning technique
that requires the existence of identifying topic terms a priori. The second method is more exact than
the first but requires the preexistence of identifiers (MonkeyLearn, 2021).
The entity extraction is one method for creating and identifying patterns of text that can be recog-
nized (extracted) as a pre-defined item (entity). These pre-defined items are usually concepts or ob-
jects that readers are well aware of, for example, Person, Place, Company, Address, Date, Phone
Number, and Social Security Number. This default list of entities can be extended and tailored to dif-
ferent use cases. The intent is to extract pieces of text and label them (identify them) as concepts so
that analytics can be performed. Entities are items of interest upon which analytics can further be
enacted, and data interactivity methods (drill down, drill detail, link to outer data) performed.
The categories are a condensation of terms and topics to summarize textual data. In the research pa-
per, the category ‘bullies’ can exist of one-to-many sub-terms. The categories can be expanded into
sub-categories and sub-terms.
An article text body for 92 documents was extracted from a data collection performed for a different
project. The sample of 92 documents was random. Data were gathered using Google search queries
for online news; the extraction of text for the online news articles was performed manually into an
Excel spreadsheet. More sophisticated services and solutions are available for text extraction of
online web pages; however, for this purpose, the text body was created as such.
Data were analyzed in two different steps. The first step was to perform sentiment analysis with SAS
Visual Analytics to showcase the capabilities and functions of the visual orientation of that tool. SAS
Stegmair & Prybutok
Visual Analytics is of interest as it would provide applicability in a classroom, with a capability of in-
teractively analyzing and researching news articles by students as part of a comprehensive CB pre-
vention program.
The second step was to perform knowledge extraction for concepts and terms with IBM SPSS Text
Analytics Modeler. This tool has more extended capabilities to perform category, concept, and text
link analysis, and would be more usable to create the output for an online CB research and analytics
tool that could be used in the classroom for CB prevention.
The text file with article bodies was uploaded into SAS VIYA© Visual Analytics, and visual text ana-
lytics was performed. Even with the standard settings, and using a standard dictionary, the process
identifies terms and topics as well as provides the rudimentary first sentiment analysis by expressing
the documents into positive, neutral, and negative categories. The sentiment analysis level is based on
the content of the document, and document level, rather than sentence or paragraph level. Figure 1
shows the main dashboard of the tool.
Figure 1. CB news articles - topics and terms analysis - main dashboard information
The terms that were extracted and identified are visualized and expressed as an interactive word
cloud in the main dashboard. In addition to visualization for the occurrence of a term, role identifi-
cation happens for the individual term. Figure 2 shows topics being expressed as a combination of
relevant terms.
Figure 2. Topic sentiment counts in documents
Trust in Google
The topic document frequency table for sentiment analysis (Figure 3) gives an account of negative,
positive, and neutral document counts. Additionally, it groups topics to a theme based on co-occur-
rences and provides a computer-assisted aspect of the definition of themes.
Figure 3. Topic document frequency table
Data were collected in the form of URLs, and the text of articles has been extracted manually and
stored in an Excel spreadsheet of close to 100 documents. Text mining and analysis were performed
using IBM SPSS Modeler Text Analytics 18.2©. The text mining and analysis uses the extraction of
terms, concepts, and categories as well as topic link analysis to perform sentiment analysis. Addition-
ally, categorization modeling will be created that allows to categorize news articles and to determine
whether a news article is helpful (positive) to be included in a CB information system for youngsters
in early secondary school. A total of 92 records (articles) was extracted for this analysis.
The category build for the model extracts the categories in Figure 4 for all documents.
Figure 4. News articles - initial category build bar - all documents
The top category (‘bullies’) is not surprising as the news articles are supposed to be about CB. The
predefined resources define the ‘bullies’ categories as shown in Figure 5.
Stegmair & Prybutok
Figure 5. News articles – ‘Bullycategory expansion
There were 6,444 concepts extracted. The top 12 concepts are shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6. News articles - list of concepts extracted - initially
The expansion of the ‘bully’ concept shows the category structure, which was initially extracted (Fig-
ure 7).
Figure 7: News articles - expansion of bullycategory - initial
The initial Term-Link Analysis (TLA) (“sentiment analysis”) shows 19 patterns for the combination
‘unknown’:’conceptual’ and the concept web for it (Figure 8).
Trust in Google
Figure 8. News articles - TLA analysis initial
The sentiment analysis (extraction of the concept ‘no’ for all documents) found 60 documents
(65%) attributed to the concept ‘no’ (negative) (Figure 9).
Figure 9. Number of documents contributing to the concept No
The TLA analysis provides a high count for the type ‘Unknown’ (13,036). An unknown type is a de-
fault pre-delivered type for which terms were extracted, but the terms cannot be grouped to a spe-
cific type. One challenge to improve the model is to refine terms, concepts, and categories in the in-
teractive workbench to improve the model.
Additionally, only a few item counts (184) show a pattern relationship to the concept ‘no’. No items
have shown a relationship to the concept ‘yes’ (both concepts representing here in this case positive
or negative sentiments). This finding seems surprising in the first run; however, it makes sense in
recognition that the articles in question are news articles and not opinion articles meaning, news
articles are supposed to have greater objectivity (absence of opinion). Therefore, finding a limited
number of counts for sentiment analysis seems reasonable.
Stegmair & Prybutok
Figure 10 shows the frequency of extracted types, and type patterns if some have been identified.
The current model only identifies 184 occurrences of one type of relation: <unknown>:<Contex-
tual>. Patterns are identified by term patterns (i.e., Phone Numbers; Social Security Numbers;
Usernames; Url; Hashtag, etc.).
Figure 10. Text link analysis pattern table
Out of the TLA pattern type, categories can be created for the defined types. The model included
initially the following categories:
The stream model is the main object for the IBM SPSS Text Analyzer to model the flow graphically
(Figure 11).
Trust in Google
Figure 11. News articles - stream model
To generate a list of articles that is described as ‘helpful’ for funneling into further information con-
sumption for early middle school youth, the list of initial extracted categories was taken and at-
tributed with ‘Helpful’, where Helpful is a binary designation; meaning an article is either helpful or
unhelpful. This attribution has only been done on the concept level, not on the document level itself.
Of the initial extracted 500 concepts, 336 have been manually attributed (coded) to being ‘Helpful’.
The number of 500 is a setting (‘Maximum number of concepts to extract’). In a future step, this
number could be increased. However, the created number of concepts was 6,440.
The next step was to create a new category (‘Helpful’) in the model and to assign the designated con-
cepts to that category. The criteria to assign concepts to the new category were relevancy (number of
documents > 10) and coded categorization (codebook; manual designation as being ‘helpful’).
After assignment to the new category, and a rerun of the scoring, the extracted model created a new
output that makes it easy to select documents (articles) based on the category ‘Helpful’ (Figure 12).
Figure 12. Initial stream model - Category Model
The stream model for categories (‘Category Model’) included the initial extracted concepts and cate-
gories only. The second stream model (‘Category Model HELPFUL ONLY’) was created to create
a category specifically for helpful documents only, and an export table based on that. This stream se-
lects only documents that are attributed to helpful and then extracts the table only with this one cat-
egory field. This output table is the desired output set to be used in further information consump-
The method for creating a new category and attributing documents based on the extracted 500 con-
cepts has limitations (i.e., a single document that reports about ‘Justin Bieber’ might be more interest-
ing to the intended early middle school age group, and therefore also translating into helpfulness for
CB prevention and information providing). Future steps would be to present this model to some
Stegmair & Prybutok
early middle schoolers and test run a prototype of the system to identify interesting and helpful doc-
uments (concepts and terms).
Furthermore, all extracted concepts can be made available into the extract, which means that con-
cepts such as ‘Person’ and ‘Location’ are available for document selection (Figure 13).
Figure 13. Stream model - category model - helpful only
To improve the initial model with a limit of 500 concept extraction, the second run was performed
by changing this limit to 1,000. In the first run, 6,440 concepts were extracted in the model, out of
which 500 were exported out in the model table export. In a similar fashion, a different model can be
created that designates articles determined to be consumed by other groups than students (i.e., teach-
ers, parents, administrators), or differentiation into different age groups for students.
The concepts ‘url’ and ‘#’ are useful in further analyses as they contain either website URL for help-
ful organizations or hashtags used in campaigns or organizations. Figure 14 shows the initial extracts
for ‘url’ and ‘#’.
Figure 14. Extract type frequency table
Trust in Google
While using only the standard delivered elements of the text analytics platforms of SAS Visual Ana-
lytics and IBM SPSS Text Miner, sentiment analysis performed with the two tools gained valuable in-
sight into the sentiments of the online news articles. Consistent with the news articles examined, the
overall sentiment of the articles was largely objective; as an outcome of this result, online news arti-
cles searched and delivered with the Google search engine are categorized as objective. This under-
standing can help restore trust in online news articles as a neutral source and provides an answer to
research question Q1 (Is Google a trustworthy search engine that returns objective new articles).
Additionally, the information extraction and categorization of online news articles performed using
the IBM SPSS Text Miner tool were successful in providing a categorization model for the selected
92 articles that is helpful in critical analysis of the online news articles within a comprehensive cyber-
bullying prevention program, and this provides an answer to research question Q2 (“What is the role
of objective news articles in a comprehensive CB prevention program?) as it provides objective in-
formation to combat this very complex phenomenon.
Extensions of this research work offer opportunities for several future research projects. First, the
extraction of a more sizable body of news articles to create a larger text document base is an option,
providing the data is readily available. Second, the review of the standard sentiment lexicon used by
SAS Visual Analytics will increase the accuracy of the model and will allow sentiment analysis to be
fine-tuned toward the domain of CB. Potentially, open-source and existing sentiment lexica could be
evaluated and used in the model to further improve accuracy. Finally, a collection of words, phrases,
and expressions could be developed that can show young students’ actions and language that are not
allowed to be used in civil discourse and should not exist in common communication social media
channels and cases that are reported in online news.
In summary, in the extracted terms and topics in this model (six topics for the abstracts were cre-
ated), the maximum sentiment scores were between 0.00 and 0.94. One positive document (score:
0.94), one neutral document (score: 0.50), and the rest of the documents (score between 0.00 and
0.49) were classified as being ‘negative’. Obstacles and limitations to this approach include the cost
of the tool platform used, as the SAS Enterprise Platform for Visual Analytics is expensive and cost-
prohibitive to use for educational purposes in school districts; therefore, low-cost to no-cost alterna-
tives would have to be developed in the future for the visual analysis and interpretation platform.
Further analysis and work are needed to identify the classification algorithm and file for the senti-
ment classification, but the preliminary result of the analysis is showing that online news can be pre-
sented in an objective matter to identify and hand power into the information consumer senti-
ment of online news articles. One possible application of this research is the creation of a touch-sen-
sitive dashboard that lets students play and inform about CB.
Additionally, a categorization for the news articles was provided by extracting terms and creating cat-
egories. With this method, information can be provided to a CB prevention program and regular
teaching activities by bringing CB-related news closer to students and by providing a platform for
critical evaluation of many CB prevention-related topics, therefore increasing CB literacy and resili-
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Dr. Jürgen G. Stegmair is an IT professional, working for the Texas
Woman’s University. He received the equivalent of an M.S. of Computing
Science from Fachhochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt-Aschaffenburg, and
a Ph.D. in Information Science in 2021 from the University of North
Texas. His research interests are information security and education.
Stegmair & Prybutok
Dr. Victor R. Prybutok is a Regents Professor of Decision Sciences in
the G. Brint Ryan College of Business, Vice Provost for Graduate Educa-
tion, and Dean of the Toulouse Graduate School at the University of
North Texas. He received, from Drexel University, his B.S. with High
Honors in 1974, an M.S. in Bio-Mathematics in 1976, an M.S. in Environ-
mental Health in 1980, and a Ph.D. in Environmental Analysis and Ap-
plied Statistics in 1984. Dr. Prybutok is an ASQ certified quality engineer,
certified quality auditor, certified manager of quality/organizational excel-
lence, and served as a Texas Quality Award Examiner in 1993. He was
also an accredited professional statistician (PSTAT®) by the American
Statistical Association. He has authored over 200 journal articles, more
than 300 conference presentations/proceedings, and several book chap-
ters in applied and theoretical areas of information systems measurement, quality control, risk assess-
ment, applied statistics, and the instruction of statistics. Awards he received include the 2015 Federa-
tion of Business Disciplines Outstanding Educator Award, South West Decision Sciences Institute
Outstanding Educator Award, the 2017 American Society for Quality Gryna Award for co-authoring
a journal article published in Quality Management Journal, the 2018 Decision Sciences Institute Life-
time Distinguished Educator Award, and the 2020 Southwest Decision Sciences Institute Distin-
guished Service Award.