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Document Name: Golf Cart Policy
Printed on: 8/23/2024
Golf Cart Policy
Document Number:
Date Published(sys):
General Description
Policy Summary:
All university students, faculty, staff, vendors, contractors, volunteers, and visitors that operate a
cart on University property must adhere to the following rules of operating and maintaining
carts utilized on Trinity University property. Violation of these rules may result in disciplinary
To establish procedures for the operation of golf/utility carts on the Trinity University campus to
promote safety and prevent injuries and property damage.
Golf/utility cart is defined to include the operation of any electric or gas powered carts, golf carts
and similar types of utility vehicles (hereafter “carts”). The scope of this policy applies to, but
may not be limited to, the following:
Courtesy transportation for students, faculty, staff, visitors and persons with physical
General employee use for campus transportation.
Delivering and transporting items that are too large/bulky to be carried by hand.
Providing access to areas where road-licensed/use vehicle may have difficulty navigating.
Avoiding damage to landscaping or other property.
Special events such as commencement, camps, institutional activities, etc.
All carts operated on university property and all Trinity University students, faculty, staff,
vendors and independent contractors, as well as campus visitors are governed by this policy.
Golf Cart Policy
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Document Name: Golf Cart Policy
Printed on: 8/23/2024
Policy Content
1.Prior to purchasing a golf cart, department requests must be reviewed and approved by the
respective Vice President.
2.Each cart should be assigned a number by Facilities Services. This number should be clearly
displayed on every university cart on campus via numbers assigned by Facilities Services.
3.Requests to bring a private cart to campus should be submitted for approval to the Vice
President of the department’s respective area.
4.Students with temporary mobility issues should request temporary use of privately
owned/rented carts through Risk Management.
1.Effective immediately carts are prohibited from entering the “Pedestrian Only Area”, indicated
on the attached map.
2.Cart parking is available in Lot A.
3.The Trinity Police Department will continue to access these areas for safety patrols.
Applicable State Laws and Ordinances
1.Cart operators will abide by all applicable State Laws and Ordinances. The use of carts on public
roads is prohibited unless authorized by state and local authority. As carts are not considered
licensed vehicles for street use they are prohibited from driving on public roads. Only
Neighborhood Electric Vehicles are permitted on public roads and streets.
Parking and Storage
1.The ignition key shall be removed when leaving the cart.
2.All carts left outside overnight are to be cable locked.
3.Carts shall be parked in such manner that they do not block or interfere with normal pedestrian
or vehicular traffic flow on roadways, ramps or sidewalks.
4.Carts will not be parked in fire lanes, handicap parking spaces without a proper permit, in any
manner that block the normal flow of pedestrian traffic or building entrances and exits, or on
sidewalks or ramps that would impede pedestrian or handicap accessibility.
5.Carts are to be recharged only at designated recharge areas that have been surveyed by Facilities
Services for electrical load sufficiency. The use of extension cords from inside buildings to carts
is prohibited.
Golf Cart Policy
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Document Name: Golf Cart Policy
Printed on: 8/23/2024
1.Facilities Services is responsible for the maintenance, oversight, storage and issuance of all keys
for university carts. However, individual cart operators are responsible for inspecting carts prior
to each use (see Safety 3.).
1.Cart drivers must be Authorized Drivers. Upon Authorized Driver approval from Risk
Management, cart drivers must undergo online Cart Safety Training assigned by Risk
Safety Rules
1.Cart operators shall abide by Trinity University Drug Free Workplace and Alcohol Policies and
never operate a cart under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
2.Carts shall be operated with the utmost courtesy, care and consideration for the safety and
convenience of other vehicles and pedestrians. In congested pedestrian areas, operators must
either park or reduce speed to a pace consistent with pedestrians. Pedestrians shall be afforded
the right-of-way at all times. This includes persons walking, jogging, bicycling and those in
wheelchairs or mobility assistance devices.
3.Carts must be inspected before each use; a pre-trip inspection of brakes, steering, horn, back-up
alarm, tire inflation and battery shall be conducted. Inoperable equipment identified must be
repaired before operating the cart.
4.Equipment problems or any other cart related problems shall be reported to Facilities Services
via Service Request.
5.All occupants in the cart shall keep hands, arms, legs and feet within the confines of the cart
while it is in motion.
6.The maximum speed shall not exceed 15 mph.
7.While driving carts through parking lots, special care should be taken to observe traffic and
vehicles pulling in/out of parking spaces.
8.Cart operators should not wear headphones, use cell phones or use/operate any other device
while driving that may cause a distraction, including text messaging.
9.Carts shall not be modified in any manner that affects the recommended mode of operation,
speed or safety of the vehicle.
10.Do not exceed the passenger limit, seating designation or load capacity as designated by the
cart’s manufacturer.
11.Drivers of carts that are not equipped with turn indicators shall use appropriate hand signals.
12.Items being transported must be placed in the rear box and/or properly secured. Neither cargo
nor passengers shall be placed on the roof of the cart.
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Printed on: 8/23/2024
Accident Reporting
1.All accidents involving carts should be immediately reported to TUPD at extension 7070.
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Pedestrian Only Area Map
Golf Cart Policy
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Document Name: Golf Cart Policy
Printed on: 8/23/2024
Related Documents
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Revision Management
Revision History Log:
Revision #:
Recorded By:
7/26/2019 11:08 AM
Holly2 Warfel
Vice President Approval:
Gary Logan
Vice President for Finance & Administration