An Authoritative Source of Innovative Solutions for the Built Environment
Design Guidelines
for the Visual Environment
National Institute of
Low Vision Design Program
MAY 2015
Funded by generous support from the
Hulda B. and Maurice L. Rothschild Foundation
Also supported by the
Jim H. McClung Lighting Research Foundation
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment May 2015
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................................. 4
Foreword .................................................................................................................................................. 5
The Need for Guidelines ........................................................................................................................... 6
Purpose ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
Scope ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
Measurements .......................................................................................................................................... 7
What is Low Vision? .................................................................................................................................. 8
Prevalence of Low Vision in the Population ........................................................................................... 10
CHAPTER 1 General Design Principles ................................................................................ 12
1.1 What do we “see?” ......................................................................................................... 12
1.1.1 What are surface reflective characteristics? ........................................................... 12
1.2 Lighting Design Methods (Illuminance and Luminance) ................................................. 13
1.2.1 Illuminance ............................................................................................................... 13
1.2.2 Luminance ................................................................................................................ 13
1.2.3 Illuminance is today’s standard design method; luminance is tomorrow’s ............ 14
1.2.4 Light Source Spectral Distribution and Material Colors .......................................... 15
1.3 Additional Considerations ............................................................................................... 16
1.3.1 Architectural Controls .............................................................................................. 16
1.3.2 Building Systems and Controls .......................................................................... 16
CHAPTER 2 Site and Landscape Design .............................................................................. 17
2.1 Approaches to the Site and Building(s)..................................................................... 17
2.2 Building Orientation, Location, and Form ................................................................ 18
2.3 Site Circulation .......................................................................................................... 18
2.4 Courtyards and Plazas ............................................................................................... 19
2.5 Street and Site Furniture Signs, Benches, Containers, etc. .................................... 20
2.6 Landscaping ............................................................................................................... 20
2.7 Water Features ......................................................................................................... 20
2.8 Wayfinding ................................................................................................................ 20
2.9 Other Design Issues................................................................................................... 22
CHAPTER 3 Architecture, Lighting, and Interior Design ...................................................... 23
3.1 Overall Building Concern: Daylighting Control ............................................................... 23
3.1.1 Building Orientation .......................................................................................... 24
3.1.2 Windows and Other Openings .......................................................................... 24
3.1.3 Reveals, Exterior Louvers, and Exterior Light Shelves ...................................... 24
3.1.4 Glazing Systems ................................................................................................ 25
3.1.5 Interior light shelves and shading ..................................................................... 25
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
3.1.6 Lighting Calculations: ............................................................................................... 25
3.2 Building Entrances .......................................................................................................... 26
3.2.1 Doors ................................................................................................................. 26
3.2.2 Vestibules .......................................................................................................... 26
3.3 Lobbies ...................................................................................................................... 27
3.3.1 Atriums .............................................................................................................. 28
3.3.2 Wayfinding Aids ................................................................................................ 28
3.3.3 Reception .......................................................................................................... 28
3.3.4 Vertical Circulation ............................................................................................ 29
3.3.6 Lighting .............................................................................................................. 30
3.3.7 Fenestration ...................................................................................................... 30
3.4 Lounges and Waiting Areas ...................................................................................... 30
3.4.1 Surface Finishes ................................................................................................ 30
3.4.2 Furniture ........................................................................................................... 30
3.4.3 Lighting .............................................................................................................. 31
3.4.4 Fenestration ...................................................................................................... 31
3.5 Interior Circulation Spaces ........................................................................................ 31
3.5.1 Corridors ........................................................................................................... 31
3.5.2 Ramps ................................................................................................................ 31
3.5.3 Railings .............................................................................................................. 31
3.5.4 Doorways .......................................................................................................... 32
3.5.5 Elevator lobbies ................................................................................................ 32
3.5.6 Surface Finishes ................................................................................................ 32
3.5.7 Lighting .............................................................................................................. 32
3.5.8 Fenestration ...................................................................................................... 32
3.5.9 Wayfinding Aids ................................................................................................. 33
3.6 Stairways ......................................................................................................................... 33
3.6.1 Surface Finishes ................................................................................................ 33
3.6.2 Hand rails .......................................................................................................... 33
3.6.3 Undersides ........................................................................................................ 33
3.6.4 Lighting .............................................................................................................. 34
3.6.5 Fenestration ...................................................................................................... 34
3.7 Elevators.................................................................................................................... 34
3.7.1 Surface Finishes ................................................................................................ 34
3.7.2 Controls and Signals .......................................................................................... 34
3.7.3 Lighting .............................................................................................................. 34
3.8 Toilet and Bath Rooms .............................................................................................. 34
3.8.1 Surface Finishes ................................................................................................ 35
3.8.2 Plumbing Fixtures ............................................................................................. 35
3.8.3 Plumbing Trim and Accessories ........................................................................ 35
3.8.4 Lighting .............................................................................................................. 36
3.8.5 Fenestration ...................................................................................................... 36
3.9.1 Layout ................................................................................................................ 36
3.9.2 Furniture and Workstations .............................................................................. 37
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
3.9.3 Surface Finishes ................................................................................................ 37
3.9.4 Lighting .............................................................................................................. 37
3.9.5 Fenestration ...................................................................................................... 37
3.10 Dining Areas .............................................................................................................. 38
3.10.1 Layout ................................................................................................................ 38
3.10.2 Furniture ........................................................................................................... 38
3.10.3 Surface Finishes ................................................................................................ 38
3.10.4 Lighting .............................................................................................................. 39
3.10.5 Fenestration ...................................................................................................... 39
3.10.6 Other Design Considerations............................................................................. 39
3.11 Assembly and Conference Areas .................................................................................. 39
3.11.1 Layout ................................................................................................................ 39
3.11.2 Furniture ........................................................................................................... 40
3.11.3 Surface Finishes ................................................................................................ 40
3.11.4 Lighting .............................................................................................................. 40
3.12 Dwellings, Resident and Patient Rooms ................................................................... 41
3.12.2 Furniture ........................................................................................................... 42
3.12.3 Surface Finishes ................................................................................................ 42
3.12.4 Toilet and Bath Fixtures .................................................................................... 43
3.12.5 Kitchens and Kitchenettes ................................................................................ 43
3.12.6 Lighting .............................................................................................................. 44
3.12.7 Fenestration ...................................................................................................... 44
4. REFERENCES .................................................................................................................... 45
4A. Background on this Guideline ......................................................................................... 45
4B. Low Vision Design Committee Members ....................................................................... 47
4C. Reference List ................................................................................................................. 49
4D: Summary Review of Literature for Criteria ..................................................................... 54
5 TECHNICAL APPENDICES ................................................................................................... 70
5A. Health Effects .................................................................................................................. 70
5B. Interaction of Lighting with Audio and other Sensory Systems ..................................... 72
5C. Color: Light Source Color and Object Color .................................................................... 73
Light for Vision .................................................................................................................. 73
Light Source Characteristics .............................................................................................. 73
Surface Characteristics ...................................................................................................... 74
5D. Dimming and other Control Strategies .......................................................................... 77
Endnotes ............................................................................................................................. 78
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
This guideline was developed by the Low Vision Design Committee of the National Institute of
Building Sciences (NIBS) through initial funding from the U.S. General Services Administration
(GSA) and subsequent grants from the Hulda B. and Maurice L. Rothschild Foundation and the
Jim H. McClung Lighting Research Foundation.
The Low Vision Design Committee was established by the NIBS Board of Directors in September
2011 as an outcome of the September 2010 Workshop on Improving Building Design for
Persons with Low Vision. Proceedings of that workshop are available at the NIBS Low Vision
Committee Website: That workshop was sponsored by the
U.S. General Services Administration at the request of Vijay K. Gupta, who was the chief
mechanical engineer at GSA until his retirement in January 2011. The committee expresses its
gratitude to Vijay for his continued active participation in its activities since his retirement.
Development of the guideline began as a committee activity in September, 2012. Members of
the Low Vision Design Committee are listed in Appendix 4B.
The committee thanks the Hulda B. & Maurice L. Rothschild Foundation for its early strong
encouragement, endorsement, and funding, which enabled the committee to organize and to
commence its work. The ongoing financial support and guidance of the foundation, and
especially the active participation of its president, Robert N. Mayer, PhD, for a wide range of
very significant tasks, has been instrumental in the ability of the Committee to continue to
move towards its objectives.
The committee also expresses our sincere gratitude to the Jim H. McClung Lighting Research
Foundation, for its generous encouragement and financial support.
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
We see with our brains, not with our eyes. Lightfrom direct sources and surface reflections in
the environmententers the eye and impacts the retina. Signals produced by the retina’s rods
and cones are then transmitted to the brain, which, influenced by our psychology, translates
that information into what we know as our “visual experience.”
While treatment of low vision and other visual disorders are medical issues, assuring optimal
access to the built environment for persons with visual impairments is a design issue. Whether
we are fully sighted or have sight limitations, visual cues in the architecture and interior design
of a space aid us in our interactions with our surroundings. Lack of clarity in visual cues or any
defect in our interpretation or comprehension of the environment can reduce our ability to
understand or to safely navigate the environment. As low vision affects an increasing
percentage of the population, particularly as a consequence of aging, the need to
accommodate persons with low vision in the built environment increasingly must be addressed.
Lighting design is key to the visual environment: Using natural and electric lighting to illuminate
objects in a space while minimizing negative effects such as glare and low contrast is beneficial
to all sighted persons. Light and contrast in the visual environment are equally important for
persons with low vision to see and understand the environment around them.
To evaluate the effects of light in a design, we need to know:
Quality of the visual environment (balanced luminances and low glare)
Quantity of light on visual tasks providing good task contrast
The vision (or view) expected to be perceived by the occupants
The impact that light has on health and safety.
Glare, improper low contrast, and low illuminance levels are three of the most common visual
impediments in the built environment. Many modern buildings are designed with large areas of
glazing for daylight and views, and with extensive electric lighting systems. Often, people with
low vision have not been considered in design; so that many existing buildings present hazards
and confusion to them through such common features as:
Glare from windows and luminaires
Confusing reflections in polished wall and floor surfaces and stairs
Optically misleading geometries in floor patterns and stair finishes
Inadequate lighting on vertical surfaces, walking surfaces and stairs
Inadequate locations and quantity of task lighting and lack of lighting adjustability
Improper use of light source spectral distribution.
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
The Need for Guidelines
Low vision is characterized by vision that is no longer correctable by glasses, contact lens,
surgery, or medication.
Low vision is severe enough to cause difficulty with the ability to
complete daily living tasks. Vision impairment occurs from age; injury, such as traumatic brain
injuries experienced by war veterans; or disease. Different diseases affect different parts of the
visual system and cause different patterns of vision loss, which result in different functional
deficits and accommodative needs.
The need to address accommodation of people with low vision in all building types increases as
the population ages, and the US Census tells us that seniors are the fastest growing segment of
the population, with more than 40 million people in the US over the age of 65 in 2011 (a 15%
increase since 2000). As an older adult with normal vision ages, adaptation time from a glaring
environment to a darker environment slows, color discrimination decreases, contrast sensitivity
decreases, and visual acuity decreases in low contrast conditions. The area of visual field in
which older adults with normal vision can maintain their visual attention also gets smaller as
one ages.
The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) made access to nearly all facilities in the
United States by all Americans people with disabilities a national priority and a civil right. Many
of the design requirements of the ADA have been incorporated into building codes and other
state or locally enforced requirements for facilities facility design by jurisdictions nationwide.
The federal government, through the Architectural Barriers Act of 1968 (ABA), has mandated
accessibility to federal buildings. These statutes have been translated into physical design
guidance through the development of guidelines. These guidelines have had significant impact
on the design of buildings in the United States, making them accessible to people with a variety
of disabilities. While accommodating some needs of people who are blind, the current ADA and
ABA Standards fall far short of addressing the needs of people with low vision.
This document hopes to fill that gap by proposing guidelines to encompass design for persons
with low vision and other visual impairments. It is the intent of this guideline to inform the
regulatory and design communities about the challenges experienced by low vision populations
and to provide specific design recommendations regarding the visual environment in order to
afford equal access to all facilities through universal design principles.
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
With the increasing emphasis on accommodation of people with low vision within the built
environment, clinicians indicate that it would be useful to quantify values of light by
measurable parameters that take into account occupant perception. Likewise, designers may
find it helpful to be able to quantify visual environments/occupant perceptions using the same
measurable values. This guideline offers both clinicians and those accountable for building
performance the means to achieve these values, based on empirical data from published
laboratory and field studies, recommended design practices from technical societies, as well as
from published post-occupancy evaluations of buildings occupied by both low vision and
normally sighted persons.
In developing this guideline, it has become clear that there are many issues related to the visual
environment that have not been studied and tested sufficiently to yield good data. Therefore,
we hope that this guideline will also serve as a roadmap for future research and feedback in
order to create a more robust universe of empirical data to guide the regulatory and design
This design guideline addresses planning and design of a building and site, including all features
used to access the building or facility, such as walkways and pathways, stairs, and ramps;
interior spaces, including finish materials, and fixed and moveable furniture; and the lighting
design, including the use of daylighting and electrical lighting.
This guideline is intended for use in new construction and alterations of public accommodations
and commercial facilities required to be accessible by the ADA and the ABA. The Guidelines
will be very useful for the design of residences, especially senior housing and care facilities to
increase their independence, and safety.
All dimensions in this document show the dimension designated by code or regulation in
parentheses with the corresponding international metric designation preceding it. For example:
1.52 m (60 in) diameter clearance for navigation of a wheelchair in an accessible toilet room.
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
What is Low Vision?
“Low vision” has been defined as “chronic visual impairments that cause functional limitations
or disability” (1) where:
Chronic means that low vision cannot be corrected with medical or surgical intervention
or refractive error correction
Visual impairment means loss of visual acuity, loss of contrast sensitivity, loss of
peripheral vision, or the occurrence of central blind spots
Functional limitations means increased difficulty with reading, mobility, visual motor
activities, interpreting visual information and night blindness.
Disability means unable to perform usual or customary daily activities (See Chapter 4.)
Major contributors to vision impairments and their functional implications include:
Glaucoma, a group of eye diseases that can lead to blindness by damaging the optic
nerve. The eye continuously produces a fluid, which must drain from the eye to maintain
healthy eye pressure. The pressure can cause damage to the optic nerve, which transmits
information from the eye to the brain. In the most common, age-related form, there are
usually no noticeable symptoms initially and a person with glaucoma may not be aware
of visual changes immediately.
Glaucoma results in peripheral vision loss initially, and the effect can be a "tunnel vision"
effect that makes it difficult to navigate without bumping into objects that are off to the
side, near the head, or at foot level. The brain often fills in blind spots in the visual field,
which can make it difficult for the person to be aware of the extent of vision loss.
Individuals with field loss from glaucoma need to identify the boundaries of their visual
field loss and learn to locate objects in their environment more easily. Visual acuity may
not be affected so the individual may be able to read signage; however glaucoma can
cause loss of contrast sensitivity, which affects ability to distinguish curbs, edges of steps,
and reading text on screens with low contrast between text and background (2).
Macular Degeneration (MD) is a gradual, progressive, painless deterioration of the
macula, which is the small area in the center of the retina that provides detailed vision.
Older persons are most at risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), but MD can
affect people of all ages. In adults, there are two types of MD: dry and wet. Most MD
starts as the dry type and in 10-20% of individuals, it progresses to the wet type. In wet
MD, abnormal blood vessels develop under the macula and break, bleed, and leak fluid.
This damages the macula and if left untreated can result in rapid and severe loss of
central vision. MD always occurs in both eyes, but does not necessarily progress at the
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
same pace in both eyes; it is possible to experience the wet type in one eye and the dry
type in the other (3).
People with MD may have trouble reading mail or newspapers but have no trouble
spotting an object off to the side or while walking around, even in unfamiliar places.
Damage to the macula reduces the clarity of what the person is looking directly at, and
also reduces contrast sensitivity. Therefore, identifying faces and seeing curbs and steps
may be difficult .Glare from bright direct light can wash out the peripheral receptors that
the individual with MD uses to navigate the environment and filtered lenses are often
very useful to reduce this effect. Also, contrast improvements can help the brain fill in
the gaps in missing vision.
Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of new blindness. “Retinopathy" is a general
term that describes damage to the retina, which converts incoming light into electrical
impulses. These electrical impulses are carried by the optic nerve to the brain, which
interprets them as visual images. Diabetic retinopathy occurs when diabetes damages
the tiny blood vessels in the retina (4) .
Vision may change from day to day or even from morning to evening, in response to
changing blood glucose levels. Some individuals have peripheral vision loss mimicking
glaucoma, others have central loss similar to MD; still others experience bleeding in the
vitreous that can create a glare problem like cataracts. Functional implications include:
o Blurred or double vision; blurred central vision from macular edema can interfere
with reading
o Flashing lights, which can indicate a retinal detachment
o A veil, cloud, or streaks of red in the field of vision, or dark or floating spots in one or
both eyes, which can indicate bleeding
o Blind or blank spots in the field of vision
o Decreased visual acuity
o Decreased depth perception, in combination with decreased visual acuity, can make
it difficult to see curbs and steps, or walk into a public facility.
Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is part of a large group of hereditary retinal conditions
involving one or several layers of the retina, causing progressive degeneration. In the
most common forms of RP, it is initially the rods of the retina (which mediate night vision
and which predominantly populate the peripheral retina) that are affected, with later
dysfunction of the cones. The condition which involves both eyes, is inherited and is
generally diagnosed later in life. (A related condition, Ushers Syndrome, may show up
early in life. This is accompanied by hearing loss that might be significant.).
People with this progressive degeneration of the retina usually retain central vision until
late in the disease, as the periphery slowly constricts. Individuals with RP will start to
notice an increasing difficulty in night vision with progressive constriction of the visual
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
field to tunnel vision of 20 degrees or less in the better-seeing eye, and total blindness
eventually (5).
Cataract is a progressive cloudiness, hardening, and yellowing of the normally
transparent lens of the eye. According to the National Eye Institute, approximately 50
percent of all Americans will either have a cataract or will have had cataract surgery by
age 80 (6). Functional implications include:
o Reduced ability to perceive lower contrast
o Reduced ability to perceive color: The lens gradually becomes yellowish or brownish,
and is no longer clear or transparent. Vision acquires a "brownish" tint, making it
difficult to tell the difference between certain colors, such as navy blue, brown, and
black; or blue, green and purple. This change in color can also degrade the sharpness
of a person's vision.
o Problems with depth perception: Judging distances accurately requires closer
attention. In addition, shadows and shadow patterns can be incorrectly interpreted
as drop-offs, level changes, steps, or obstructions.
o Need for more light: As we get older, we generally need three to four times more
light to perform everyday activities. This need for increased light occurs gradually,
and most people are not aware that their lighting requirements may have changed
over time.
o Increased sensitivity to glare: Too much light can also produce glare, which can
interfere with seeing surroundings clearly.
o Overall blurring: Lack of detail makes it difficult to tell time, read, watch television,
see food on a plate, and walk safely indoors and outdoors, since depth perception
may also be affected. Some people with cataracts describe the effect as being similar
to looking through a window that is hazy and streaked with dirt.
Prevalence of Low Vision in the Population
The low vision population is comprised of people who have disease-related or age-related
vision loss as well as people with eye conditions that affect vision temporarily or permanently
(7). Consequently, most of these individuals are used to having good vision and may not have
adapted to reduced vision, nor have most of them had low vision services. Most have not
received skills-training such as orientation to the environment, trailing or self-protective
techniques, or braille. Most do not use mobility canes. If traveling with others, most are not
trained in proper human guide techniques.
Approximately 89 million people in the U.S. over the age of 40 (i.e., 63%) have vision problems,
according to 2010 data and statistics from the National Eye Institute of the National Institutes
of Health (8). Within this population, nearly 17 million (i.e., 19%) have chronic visual
impairments including:
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
2.9 million with reduced visual acuity that cannot be corrected with medical or surgical
interventions or refractive error corrections, defined as Low Vision (> 20/40 in the better
seeing eye)
1.3 million with legal blindness (> 20/200 in the better seeing eye)
The sum of these two populations, 4.2 million persons, is in agreement with the estimate
of 4.5 million from the clinical database of more than 1,000 patients (1)
2.1 million with macular diseases (e.g., age-related macular degeneration)
7.7 million with retinal diseases (e.g., diabetic retinopathy)
2.7 million with glaucoma.
These numbers are growing with the general population, but with acceleration in the age
groups above 75 years old
Empirical data from five studies (1) reveal that the prevalence rate for those with low vision,
defined in these studies as visual acuity worse than 20/70 in the better eye, is relatively flat at
approximately 1% for ages less than 55 to 60 but then accelerates and becomes very steep at
age 75. At the age of 80, the prevalence rate is about 10% of the general population at that age
(1). From five carefully controlled and published studies, prevalence is projected to increase
linearly by approximately 33% during the next 15 years. (1).
These studies also reveal that two-thirds of the people with low vision are women, primarily
because women live longer (1), but the age distribution among women with low vision is similar
to the age distribution among men with low vision.
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
CHAPTER 1 General Design Principles
Design for the built environment has multiple components: successful accommodation of
functional requirements, safe and durable construction, and aesthetic quality. We react to
these components through all of our senses, and a design may be considered successful if
building users perceive through their senses that all of the building components are safe and
acceptable. If building users experience a shortfall in these perceptions, their safety,
performance, and independence in the environment may be compromised. As one of the more
common shortcomings of design is the inability of persons with low vision to be able to fully
engage with their environment, it is the purpose of these guidelines to help designers more
fully accommodate this population.
Light that enters the eye is characterized and measured both indirectly and directly. Signals
from this light impingement are emitted from receptors in the retina. These signals are
transmitted to two different parts of the brain where: 1) perception and vision occur (1) and 2)
circadian rhythms are regulated. (See Appendix 5A).
A visual environment is comprised of interrelated components:
Sources of light (intensity, distribution, brightness, color)
Materials and surfaces that reflect light from the sources (reflectance and specularity)
Luminance balance throughout the visual scene.
This chapter defines the characteristics of these components in terms to design and evaluate
visual environments. Where possible, these characteristics are expressed as measurable
parameters and values based on empirical evidence obtained in laboratory tests or from
verifiable field data.
1.1 What do we “see?”
When we “see” a surface, we are really seeing the light reflected from it back to our eyes.
Surface luminance is how we measure that reflected, directional light, and is affected by light
striking the surface (illuminance), the size of the surface, and the surface reflective
1.1.1 What are surface reflective characteristics?
Surfaces have light reflective characteristics typically expressed in terms of the percentage of
light falling on it that is reflected away, identified as the Light Reflectance Value (LRV). A typical
default example is 80% for ceilings, 50% for walls, and 20% for floors.
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
Surfaces also vary from being diffuse to specular. Diffuse reflection assumes that light is
reflected off the surface in a “Lambertian” manner. This means that the luminance is uniform in
all directions, regardless of the direction of light falling on the surface, which can be simply
calculated and is why typical lighting calculations assume all surfaces are diffuse. Specular
surfaces are like mirrors where the light is reflected perfectly geometrically, which is also a
simple geometric calculation. Semi-specular surfaces combine diffuse and specular reflections,
and require bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) to model. Most architectural
interiors have a mixture of surface characteristics, from specular marble floors to diffuse
drywall to semi-specular semi-gloss paint.
Spectral reflectance characteristics of the surface equates to the color of the surface. The
spectral distribution function of the light source plays an important role in how we perceive
surface colors.
1.2 Lighting Design Methods (Illuminance and Luminance)
There are two general lighting design methodsilluminance and luminanceused to calculate
and evaluate the lighting design. Illuminance by far is the method most commonly used by
designers; luminance is more complex, but more accurately describes the visual scene from one
fixed point of view. Readers are referred to the Illuminating Engineering Society’s The Lighting
Handbook, 10
Edition [} for current calculation methods.
1.2.1 Illuminance
Illuminance-based design predicts the amount of incident light on a surface. Incident light is a
combination of light coming directly from the light source (electric or natural) and reflected
light from other surfaces. The electric light source illuminance is derived from the photometric
characteristics of the light source and the relative location (distance and angle). Reflected
illuminance is typically assumed to be from diffuse, gray surfaces.
1.2.2 Luminance
Luminance-based design predicts the amount of reflected light off a surface in a particular
direction. Reflected light is a combination of illuminance and surface reflectance characteristics.
In order to perform luminance-based design, we need to know the defining surface
characteristics of all surfaces within the visual field. (If the surfaces are semi-specular, surface
BRDFs are required.) An ideal model would also take into account spatial spectral distribution
characteristics in order to predict perceived colors and color contrast.
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
1.2.3 Illuminance is today’s standard design method; luminance is tomorrow’s
Illuminance is the most commonly used design method and is understood by all lighting
designers. It is a first step towards design and, combined with uniformity ratios and limiting
photometric distribution in glare zones, should predict quality designs.
While luminance better represents what we see, it is extremely challenging in predicting and
concisely reporting. Viewer location, viewing angles, and surface characteristics are all required
for this modeling, while typically during the lighting design phase specific surfaces have yet not
been selected. Luminance-based design is not well understood by designers, partly because
there are few computer programs that model luminance in a way that is practical for use as a
design tool. Except for roadway lighting, there is to date no luminance criteria established by
the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES), the source of industry-standard criteria.
Luminance calculations can be used today to supplement illuminance calculations by spot-
checking for high luminance contrast ratios. Eventually, as better data and design tools become
available, luminance design will likely become the method of choice for lighting design,
particularly if after further research, IES establishes luminance criteria and publishes technical
guidance, especially for populations with low vision. Designer education will be crucial at that
juncture. As of this writing, however, illuminance-based design is the practical choice for most
Table 1. Comparison of illuminance and luminance design methods
Design Method
Illuminance Based
Luminance Based
Amount of light Yes Yes
Reflected light
Light source brightness
Glare potential
Maybe (vertical
Circadian Rhythm
Calculation Method
YesSimple YesMore Difficult
Measurements and
Yes Yes
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
Design Method
Illuminance Based
Luminance Based
What we “see”
Calculations Methods
Yes Yes
Calculations Dependent
--Photometric Data
--Viewing Location
--Surface Reflectance
Diffuse and gray for
Daylight Modeling
Field Measurements
--Illuminance Meter
--Luminance Meter
--HDR Camera
Criteria Available Yes
Only for roadway
Designer Knowledge
Low to none
1.2.4 Light Source Spectral Distribution and Material Colors
The ability to see and to differentiate between surfaces and objects in the visual environment
are dependent on the spectral distribution characteristics of the light source, color of
objects/materials, and the combination of these characteristics. Circadian rhythms may also be
affected by these light sources. (See Appendix 5A.) Procedures for calculating values of color
and value are described in Appendices 5B and 5C. Product information on CCT and CRI values is
available from the manufacturers.
Light source spectral distribution is described in two different ways, Correlated Color
Temperature (CCT) and Color Rendering Index (CRI).
Light in the “blue” range (460 480 nm), similar to what is found in daylight or light from the
blue sky during the middle of the day, has a positive biological impact, but this same
wavelength in the evening and at night from electric light sources may have a negative impact
on circadian rhythm entrainment and melatonin secretion.
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
Color Rendering Index (CRI) is an indicator on how well material colors are represented under a
specific light source (scale of 0 to 100). The higher the CRI (above 70), the better the color
appearance. (See Appendix 5C).
1.3 Additional Considerations
1.3.1 Architectural Controls
Architectural treatments of the site, building, and façade offer a primary means to achieve
control of luminance contrast and glare from daylighting. Building orientation, possible shade
from trees and other buildings, exterior controls (reveals, louvers, and light shelves), glazing
systems, and interior light shelves and shading all should be considered, especially during the
conceptual design phase.
1.3.2 Building Systems and Controls
Because every individual has unique vision capabilities and personal tolerances, flexibility in
controlling environmental quality is very important, especially when trying to accommodate the
range of low vision disorders. (See Appendix 5D.)
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
CHAPTER 2 Site and Landscape
Site planning must be integrated with the design of the building and respect the surrounding
context and orientation. The following are typical site design considerations that can affect
older adults and persons with low vision. As each site is unique, it is recommended that a site
analysis devoted to vision issues and safety issues be performed before design begins.
The designer should be alerted to the importance of surface characteristics of exterior design
elements, which can play a crucial role in the comfort and safety of older adults and other
persons with low vision. The designer should also be alert to possible impacts of the site
planning and design that could result in glare, which is both distracting and uncomfortable to
vision and a potential safety hazard for trips and falls. For instance, the intensity of sunlight
when striking a walking surface makes the selection of the light reflectance value and sheen of
the paving material an important consideration. At night, elements with a high value contrast
help to define a change of level, vertical and horizontal surfaces, and objects from their
backgroundall important considerations when designing for older adults and persons with
low vision. (For more information on site planning related to building design, see Chapter 3:
Architecture, Lighting and Interior Design.)
2.1 Approaches to the Site and Building(s)
It is recommended that, wherever possible, all approaches to a building or facility be
considered accessible routes as defined in the U.S. Department of Justice 2010 ADA Standards
for Accessible Design (ADA Standards) (24; 30), or be accessible for persons with low vision with
features recommended in this Section 2.1, or without steps or stairs. (If some approaches
cannot be made accessible for persons with low vision, it is recommended that visual or other
directions be provided to direct persons to the accessible route.)
Where bollards and other barriers are used in sidewalks and other pedestrian pathways,
they should be a minimum of 1 m (48 in.) (20). It is recommended that the color, form,
and other features of the bollards and other barriers contrast with the surroundings so
that they do not present a hazard that could cause pedestrians to collide with the
barriers either in daylight and darkness (see Table 4D-2)).
It is recommended that paving be of medium-dark color value and not glaringly
reflective, especially in plazas, outdoor eating areas, and other open spaces where
reflections of sunlight into the building could add to glare (see Table 4D-2.)
It is recommended that curbs, wheelstops, and other changes to the level of paving be of
contrasting color and value. Bollards that have horizontal ornamental projections, or are
linked by chain or rope are a hazardous falls risk to many persons, including those with
low vision.
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Where bollards with linking chains are used as barriers to prevent pedestrians from
stepping into traffic, the chains must be visually prominent in dimensions and color so
people with low vision do not miss seeing them. However, caution should be used in
selection of use of varying colors and patterns in paving that might obscure actual steps
or other changes in paving levels or, conversely, may become false suggestions of level
See Table 4D-2.
2.2 Building Orientation, Location, and Form
Building orientation will affect the amount of direct and reflected solar penetration of interior
spaces, and the need for controls to mitigate or prevent consequent glare. Buildings with
natural landscape and views will benefit from reduced reflected solar load and glare and
provide better occupant comfort. Narrow footprint shapes favoring the south and north façade
exposures will enhance daylight exposure opportunities from more than one direction.
Wherever possible under site and location conditions, the following are recommended:
Direct east- and west-facing exposures should be avoided for building occupancies such
as offices and other workspaces to avoid the direct low angle light from the rising or
setting sun.
Design buildings to maximize daylight penetrations without direct sunlight
Locate buildings with views of landscape when possible.
2.3 Site Circulation
It is recommended that walkways in the public right-of-way comply with the following, in
addition to the standards of the Authority Having Jurisdiction:
Walkways must not present hazards of tripping and falling due to uneven surfaces or
from steps, curbs, and edging that are not clearly visible with change of color, value, and
texture. Curbs and other walkway edges should be raised above the walkway pavement a
minimum of 100 mm (4 in.) (20), and be of contrasting color or value sufficient to be
clearly visible to the pedestrian as a pavement boundary. Pavement edge curbs are
generally not needed where there are handrails. (See Table 4D-2.)
The approach pathways to public entrances must be easily identified with signs or visual
clues such as architectural or landscape features so that approaching persons will be able
to locate the entrance.
Stairs and steps should be designed with leading edges (i.e., nosings) that clearly contrast
in color and value with treads and risers (24). Where steps cross grades, tapered risers to
meet grade may be hazardous to the unwary pedestrian who may be unable to see the
edge of the step and/or detect them visually or who may have balance issues. Where
possible, tapering should be avoided or, in addition to contrasting leading edges, use
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
handrails to lead or guide the pedestrian to the full step and riser section of the
Pavement patterns and color changes that could be mistaken for steps should be avoided
where they cross paths of pedestrian travel.
Drains and gratings should be placed to the sides rather than in the pathways in paved
pedestrian areas. Gratings bars should run perpendicular to the path of travel and be
spaced not more than 13 mm (1/2 in.) apart (20).
Avoid lighting placement that shines directly into pedestrians’ eyes.
Walkway lighting should be provided to minimize glare. For example, bollard lighting
should be directionally downward and overhead, and post lighting should be baffled
from view by walkers looking at the pathway.
Lighting directed toward the facades and other vertical surfaces of a building or facility is
preferable to fixtures directed outward from eaves, as often is done for security. Careful
coordination of lighting is needed to avoid “blinding” closed circuit televisions (CCTV
security cameras) on one hand and building occupants on the other, while providing
desired building and landscaping lighting for aesthetic purposes.
2.4 Courtyards and Plazas
In general, courtyards and plazas are subject to many of the same recommendations as other
paved areas, with the following additional considerations:
Older adults and those with low vision have longer adaptation times when moving from
areas of bright to dim lighting and vice versa. Therefore, where courtyards and plazas are
accessed from the building or are part of the entrance design, transition from the bright
light of an outdoor space to an indoor space should be made with a vestibule in which
the daylight level is reduced by the design or with glazing or shading devices.
Where courtyards are adjacent to the building walls, large glass areas such as windows in
the building perimeter could be mistaken for openings by the person with low vision.
Therefore, clearly visible barriers to prevent accidental collision are recommended, such
as horizontal rails, mullions, or muntins. Doorways must be clearly identified.
Fixed seating, tables, containers, etc., should comply with Section 2.5 below.
Landscaping within the courtyard or plaza should comply with Section 2.6 below.
Sculpture placed within paved areas of a courtyard or plaza if not of a size, form, and/or
color that is readily visible in contrast to the surroundings, should be placed or mounted
to avoid accidental collision by pedestrians with low vision, such as providing a
contrasting pedestal or highlighted by a contrasting outline of the base that is flush with
the surrounding walkway to avoid a trip hazard.
Lighting in courtyards and plazas should be provided to minimize glare. Bollard lighting
should be directionally downward.
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© National Institute of Building Sciences
2.5 Street and Site Furniture Signs, Benches, Containers, etc.
Site furniture (and pole-mounted lighting, signs, etc.) should be placed out of the path of
pedestrian travel and be designed and located so as to be visible to pedestrians at all
times and under natural and electric lighting.
Benches and other seating should be a contrasting color value to the surroundings to be
clearly visible and be placed offset from the pedestrian route in order not to present a
collision or tripping hazard.
Trash and recycling containers should be clearly visible in form, color, and value contrast
with the surroundings and adjacent glazed areas at a height of not less than 1 m (40 in.)
(20), and be placed offset from the pedestrian route in order not to present a collision or
falls hazard.
Security barriers, such as bollards, low fences, or walls, should be designed to pose no
hazard to the pedestrian with low vision, who may not be able to see these barriers
when they occur in unexpected places in the pedestrian access path.
2.6 Landscaping
Trees should be selected to avoid low-hanging branches projecting into paved walkways
and plazas such that they might present a hazard to pedestrians.
Trees that drop fruit, nuts, or cones seasonally should be avoided next to paved
walkways to minimize falls risk from objects on the path.
Landscaping can be used to help guide pedestrians in large, open paved spaces as
“landmarks” along with bollards and site furniture to assist in wayfinding
Select hardscaping and plant borders with easily identifiable edges.
2.7 Water Features
Water features such as fountains, ponds, etc. should be ringed with seating or otherwise placed
to avoid falls risk.
Raised perimeters such as walls, seating, etc. of 600 mm (24 in.) (20) height above
adjacent walkways or other paving can provide safe barriers from accidents.
2.8 Wayfinding
Buildings and complexes such as campuses that are accessible to the public should be provided
with wayfinding aids to assist in locating destinations with signs, maps, and other visual and
auditory aids. These are especially useful to first-time visitors and should be designed to be
used by people with low vision as well as people with normal vision. The following
recommendations supplement Section 703 of the Americans with Disability Act Accessibility
Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities (30).
Viewing distance for various types of wayfinding should be considered to be at least 2 m
(7 ft.) (28). However in some circumstances (e.g. where areas at signs are congested or
where information needs to be conveyed at greater distances to allow appropriate
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
reaction and response), it may be appropriate to allow for considerably greater viewing
Wayfinding aids should be located in prominent positions perpendicular to the flow of
traffic, where possible, for easy discovery from vehicleswhere appropriateand foot
Wayfinding aids mounted on posts are vulnerable to damage and may be hazardous if
too close or protruding into the path of travel. Wayfinding aids suspended overhead may
be difficult for low-vision users to see and may be missed since such users frequently
concentrate downward to avoid stumbling hazards. However, if overhead wayfinding
aids are used, they should be mounted at a minimum of 2100 mm (84 in) above the path
of travel.
(Signs on walls may be preferable, and should be mounted at between 1400
mm and 1700 mm (55 67 in.) for standing persons and between 1000 mm and 1100
mm (40 43 in.) for wheelchair users (28).
Tactile wayfinding aids (braille) are generally not familiar to older adults and persons
with low vision, but all wayfinding aids should comply with the following:
Information displays, lettering styles, spacing and other features should comply with ADA
Standards 703.2 (30), and as follows:
Signs are more legible for people with low vision when characters contrast
with their background with a Light Reflectance Value (LRV) as recommended
in Table 4D-2.
Lettering and other graphics should be monochromatic white information on
black field because many persons with low vision have some degree of color
blindness and difficulty with low contrast. See also Table 4D-2.
Raised or incised lettering not contrasting in color or value with the
surrounding field is not recommended for use by persons with low vision.
Shadows may confuse rather than enhance visibility.
o Wayfinding surface illumination should be uniform and as recommended in Table 5C-
1, Ref. 4, in daylight and after dark and the sign surfaces should be shielded from the
light source to avoid reflected glare.
o Internally illuminated or backlit signs may be difficult for persons with low vision due
to glare.
o Variable message signs may be suitable with the following recommendations (28):
Use left-justified text a minimum of 22 mm (7/8 in.) high but not less than 1
percent of the distance at which the sign is to be read.
Use sans-serif fonts with upper and lower-case in simple sentences without
Space characters about ¼ of the font width, and space words more than
Space lines apart 50 percent of text height where multiple lines are needed,
but avoid fewer than 3 lines.
Do not use multiple colors or flashing messages.
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© National Institute of Building Sciences
o Liquid crystal displays may be difficult for persons with low vision, especially where
they may be subject to direct sunlight or strong shadows. LED and other internally
illuminated displays are preferable.
2.9 Other Design Issues
The following additional design recommendations will benefit both people who are fully sighted
as well as those with low-vision:
Curbs and other steps or changes in level in any pedestrian route should be painted with
a reflective paint material to be more visible in the dark.
Card or proximity door lock systems are preferable to numeric keypads because
combination numbers may be forgotten, and keypads are more difficult to use. Card
operated or proximity systems that can be programmed to invalidate lost cards or key
fobs and issue replacements are available.
When necessary to use them, keypads and instructions for entrance lock, parking meters,
and ticket machines should be illuminated at all times and be designed with the features
recommended below:
o The telephone layout (rather than the calculator layout) is recommended for
keypads, with a single raised dot on the 5 for keypads on public access terminals.
o The font for numeric keypads should have an open shape and be at least 4mm high (a
closed shape makes it more difficult to distinguish numbers such as 3 and 8). Ensure a
good contrast between the typeface and the color of the keys.
o All keys should be a non-reflective finish, tactually discernible and raised by at least
2mm (±.07 in.). Recessed keys can be difficult for people with arthritic conditions and
others with poor manual dexterity. Edges of key buttons should be 2.5 mm (±0.1 in.)
o Where possible, use equipment that provides tactile and/or audible feedback when
buttons are depressed or the lock is disengaged.
o Color-coded keys may not be discernible to some persons with low vision, but if used,
use red for cancel; yellow for clear; and green for enter, proceed, accept, etc. If
possible, use different shapes for these keys.
Door hardware and lighting at entrances should be coordinated to ensure that lock
keyways, intercom devices, doorbell buttons, etc., are illuminated after daylight hours.
Spill light or light trespass (especially non-shielded security flood lighting) from adjacent
buildings and sites and from on-site fixtures onto sidewalks, parking areas, and pathways,
etc., is a common glare problem. Non-shielded exterior lighting viewed from the inside of
buildings can also be a source of glareeven outside security (or building façade lighting)
directed into windows of occupied spaces. Light trespassspills onto other properties
and rights-of-waymay be regulated by ordinances.
For transitions between outdoors and indoors, provisions should be made for adjusting
the lighting to suit various day and night lighting conditions and to avoid backlighting.
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
CHAPTER 3 Architecture, Lighting,
and Interior Design
Designs that accommodate persons with low vision require more than usual attention to
surface characteristics of the built environment and to the need for continuity between the site
and building or other facility. This is especially so with respect to transitions from the bright
daylight of outdoors to the lower light conditions of the interior, known as “Dark Adaptation”. ,
“Light Adaptation” occurs when the eye changes from a dark environment to a brighter
environment. Light adaptation occurs very rapidly, whereas, dark adaption happens slowly.
After dark, attention to the transition from interior lighting is critical because older adults and
persons with low vision have longer adaptation times when moving from areas of brighter light
to lower levels of lighting and darkness. Many persons with low vision as well as seniors also
experience a loss of contrast sensitivity.
Environments that utilize a distinct value contrast to define the elements of the space provide
valuable information for people to negotiate their environment safely. Value contrast is
particularly critical in areas of circulation to define changes of level, vertical and horizontal
surfaces, and objects from their background. Surface characteristics, including value, sheen,
texture and pattern, are all important considerations when designing for persons with low
vision. (See Tables 4D-2, and Appendix 5C, Surface Characteristics).
3.1 Overall Building Concern: Daylighting Control
Windows, skylights, and other openings to the outdoors bring important spatial and
psychological benefits to the rooms they serve. They entice people to go outside. They allow
occupants to view the outdoors, sense the time of day (affecting circadian rhythms), note
weather changes, and feel less confined in an artificial interior environment. The daylight,
especially direct sunlight, admitted by windows and skylights continuously changes and often
must be controlled to achieve an optimal safe visual environment, free of glare and shadows.
Architectural treatments of the site, building, glazing, shading, and façade treatments offer a
primary means to achieve control of luminance contrast and glare from daylighting.
The amount of daylight admitted to a building may affect building energy consumption. Energy
codes, regulations, and standards require a Daylight Factor of 2% for as much as 75% of the
building area. Meeting this daylight factor may require controls to achieve acceptable contrast
and glare values. Similarly, compliance with energy codes, regulations, and standards should be
reviewed for maximum allowable Lighting Power Density (LPD) values for indoor and many
outdoor areas. The limits for LPDs have been increased in common areas for facilities used
primarily by persons who are visually impaired (16), due to the understanding that this
population group requires higher levels of light.
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
The following items should be considered, especially during the conceptual design phase:
3.1.1 Building Orientation
The basics of architectural design reveal that north and south exposures of a building are
the most uniform in terms of light and the easiest to control. The east and west
exposures tend to produce the most glare penetration into a building because of the
severe angles of sun at sunrise and sunset.
An Aspect Ratio (i.e., length of main axis compared to minor axis) of greater than 3.0 will
enhance the penetration of daylight into the center of the building (31).
A practical depth of daylight penetration is approximately 15 m (45 ft.) without skylights
or light shelves (31).
3.1.2 Windows and Other Openings
Control glare. If daylight is not properly regulated, glare results and may interfere with
visual comfort, wayfinding, safe ambulation, and performing tasks particularly in today’s
computer environment.
Avoid a single source of daylight: Daylighting from more than one direction in a space
may be beneficial in balancing the light throughout the room during the day. The shape
of the ceilings can significantly affect how ambient daylight can be provided throughout a
Windows and other glazed openings that occur directly ahead of a path of travel, for
example, at the end of a corridor, may present strong glare unless diffused or mitigated
with curtains, window shades, or other means. Placement of such openings to the side of
the path of travel may be a better solution.
Multiple sources of penetration (e.g., windows in adjacent walls) may prove difficult to
provide in some spaces - particularly those with relatively low ceiling heights. Higher
ceiling heights are encouraged to help balance and increase penetration of the daylight.
Interplay with electric ambient light to balance the light levels becomes an option.
Spaces reliant solely on daylighting can become too dark for a person with low vision to
navigate without supplemental electric lighting. Luminance contrast for wayfinding in
daylighted spaces should be considered both with and without the contribution of the
daylighting to maximize the navigational assistance provided for older adults and persons
with low vision, when daylight is not present..
3.1.3 Reveals, Exterior Louvers, and Exterior Light Shelves
Exterior controls, such as reveals, louvers and intercept the visual brightness of daylight,
which can thus reduce glare.
Exterior louvers may be vertical or horizontal. Orientation of the louvers may be fixed,
adjusted manually, or adjusted automatically with photo-sensors and motors.
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© National Institute of Building Sciences
Exterior light shelves, which are horizontal elements that can be built into the building
façade, redirect light to illuminate ceilings where it is reflected to interior spaces and
helps provide luminance balance. The horizontal projection also blocks the view of sky
from viewers inside. The brightness of the sky is also a source of glare.
3.1.4 Glazing Systems
Glazing systems include windows, curtain walls, doors, skylights, and other fenestrations
through which visible light is transmitted. Treatments of the glazing materials can reduce glare,
which helps persons with some vision disorders. These treatments include:
Exterior shading
Interior shading.
3.1.5 Interior Light Shelves and Shading
Interior devices such as the following may also reduce glare:
Interior light shelves
Woven or Horizontal or Vertical Blinds, depending on the orientation of the glazing and
the color/value density of the material
Drapes, depending on the orientation of the glazing and the color/value density of the
drapery material.
3.1.6 Lighting Calculations:
The following procedures for lighting calculations are recommended for all regularly occupied
Spatial Daylight Autonomy (sDA) and Annual Sun Exposure (ASE) (32).
Point- by- point Illuminance calculations for each area. Refer to Appendix 5B for
Calculate task surface Illuminance.
Calculate values for appropriate luminance contrast parameters
The following procedures for lighting calculations are recommended for intermittently
occupied spaces:
Calculate circulation surface Illuminance such as the floor or stairs. Point-by-point, area-
by-point, or utilization factor methods may be used to estimate Illuminance values.
The following procedures for lighting calculations are recommended for select/critical areas
(e.g., regularly occupied spaces, locations where wayfinding is the primary task, where
potential hazards exist):
Calculate values for appropriate luminance contrast parameters
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
For areas where view to the outside is important or where the light spectrum is
important for color rendering or circadian patterns (see Appendix 5A), determine values
3.2 Building Entrances
3.2.1 Doors
All stairs and steps leading to building entrances should be designed with handrails and nosings
that clearly contrast in color and value with treads and risers. Where steps cross grades,
tapered risers to meet grade may be a trip hazard to the unwary pedestrian. Where possible,
avoid tapering or use high-contrast handrails to guide the pedestrian to the full step and riser
section of the stair/steps.
Public entrances must be easily identified as such from the street, by their design,
architectural setting and location in the building facade, or signage must be provided at
the street to direct people to the public entrance. Other doors, such as restricted use
doors for employees-only and egress-only doors, could be misconstrued as entrances by
the unwary unless they are placed in less conspicuous locations, have less commanding
design or have large-print signage to inform the approaching persons.
Doors must be visually distinguishable from sidelights and other adjacent features, i.e.
mirrored panels, to avoid confusing approaching users. This is most simply accomplished
by designing stiles and rails to make transparent areas different from adjacent sidelights.
Power-operated and power-assisted doors should be easily identified visually, such as
with decals on the doors or with high-contrast push plates or other operating switches
placed and lighted to be visible on the approach. Power sliding doors are preferable to
swinging doors. Power-operated out-swinging doors should be provided with sensors far
enough away from the door on the approach side to prevent collisions between door
swings and entering users.
Glazed doors and side panels should have decorative features , i.e. signs, logos, or
emblems at eye level (between 1400 and 1600 mm (54 and 62 in.) above floor level and
repeated at a lower level 1m (39 in.). The size of the features should be larger than 150
mm (6 in.) and visible from both inside and outside the building (20).
Because some persons with severe sight limitations may be escorted by another person,
consideration should be given to providing at least one door wide enough (e.g., 1200 mm
(48 in.) for two persons to pass. This should include revolving doors if no swinging doors
are used.
3.2.2 Vestibules
All entrance doorways shall have thresholds compliant with ADA Standards and shall not have
steps or stairways closer than 1 m from the doorways. It is recommended that vestibules be
provided for all exterior entrancesespecially at the main public entrance to a facility. The
vestibule should be not less than 2,400 mm (96 in.) (20) between doors to provide room for
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
people to pause for visual adjustment to changing light between the two sets of doors without
obstructing the door swings. Greater distances may be needed for power-operated out-
swinging doors with approach sensors. In addition:
Thresholds, gratings, and floor mats can become tripping hazards if not designed to be
flush with the adjacent floor finishes.
Because vestibules are relatively compact spaces, surface finishes that are highly
reflective can be visually confusing and should be avoided.
Transparent door areas are desirable to allow users to see other people approaching on
the opposite side. Since fully-glazed doors may confuse some persons with reflections of
themselves seen as another approaching person, smaller glazed areas are preferable.
Large, transparent door areas can be a hazard if not protected with divisions or mullions
to prevent accidental collisions. Glazed sidelights should be similarly protected.
The vestibule can serve as a transitional space between indoor and outdoor lighting
levels. Provisions should be made for adjusting the lighting to suit various day and night
lighting conditions and to avoid backlighting. A place to sit should be provided within the
vestibule that is out of the pathway where the users can allow their eyes to adapt to the
change of light levels from interior to exterior.
3.3 Lobbies
Traditional building lobbies are typically large, high-ceilinged open spaces designed to serve as
reception, orientation, wayfinding, and security screening spaces, which are consequently well-
populated and visually confusing at peak periods. They are the transitional spaces from the
outside world to the building’s interior circulation, and often include monumental stairs,
elevators, escalators, and other circulation features:
Planning of the entrance area should provide for the first-time visitor, without a guide
companion, who may need assistance finding information about navigating the building.
This might suggest placing reception personnel as close to and directly visible from the
point of entry as possible. In buildings with security screening, security personnel should
be sensitized to the needs of persons with low vision to assist them through the
screening process and direct them to the reception and building information directory.
Touchscreens for building directory and wayfinding information should provide fonts and
graphics that persons with low vision can read, and be augmented with sound.
Placement of the device should be such that it is easily seen from the entry door and
activation of the screen should be obvious such as by a large, visible button. Dynamic
tactile systems (electro-mechanical arrays for changeable braille characters) for Braille
users might be located adjacent the touch screens. Position the touchscreen to avoid
glare from windows and lighting for people standing and sitting.
The use of electronic audio communications as audio guidance assistance in buildings
may not be adequate if visitors cannot be assumed to be equipped with the necessary
receiving devices before they enter the building. However, audible announcement
systems are useful for emergency announcements.
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Personal audio assistance receivers using triggering key fobs, smart phones, or similar
handheld devices may be useful for populations who frequent facilities such as schools
and places of employment where the system can be designed to serve that population
and devices can be made available for regular use. Careful design of the audio assistance
system’s speech quality, message length and clarity, and coordination with other audible
systems is crucial to avoiding confusion and misunderstandings.
3.3.1 Atriums
Many modern public buildings are designed with lobbies and other interior areas that are
multi-story glazed spaces, often referred to as an “atrium.” These spaces may serve as
lobbies, or as interior courtyards used for many purposes, such as circulation, dining and
assembly. These spaces are often challenging to the person with low vision because of
the amount of daylight introduced to them by wall glazing and skylights, and because
they are adjacent to interior, electrically illuminated rooms, corridors, and other areas.
Transitional spaces between the atrium and adjoining corridors, elevator lobbies and
other circulation spaces to permit adjustment to changes in lighting level are strongly
recommended. Lighting levels at the floor level should not change suddenly such as
where accent downlighting is used.
Atrium travel for guidance to important destinations such as emergency exits,
information/registration desks, elevators, etc. may be enhanced by the use of high-
contrast signage, tactile flooring, changes in lighting level, and visual contrasts of floor
3.3.2 Wayfinding Aids
Directional and wayfinding graphic aids are important for all buildings used by the public,
especially for people visiting for the first time. In addition to the guidance provided for signs in
ADA Standards 703 (30), the following is recommended to accommodate persons with low
Persons with low vision may not be proficient in interpreting braille. Therefore, visual
aids are more appropriate, and should be placed as close to the main entrance doors as
possible to be readable before entering the lobby without having to search for the
reception desk, security facilities, etc.
All graphics must be adequately illuminated at all hours, and should have high-contrasts
between figures or text and background field. See introductory discussion to this chapter
and Table 4D-2.
3.3.3 Reception
Where a lobby reception is provided, the location must be easily identified and coordinated
with any security procedures located in the lobby. Such reception facilities should be provided
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
with seating if visitors are required to wait to be escorted by facility personnel. Furniture must
be positioned out of the walkway and have a color/value contrast to their background, making
the furniture easily seen by persons with low vision in order to avoid the risk of accidental
collisions and falls. Chairs with arm rests should be included. See Table 4D-2.
3.3.4 Vertical Circulation
Stairs in lobby areas should be designed with contrasts between treads and risers as required
for all other stairs (see below). As for unenclosed stairs, the design must prevent collision with
the underside of the stair by means that do not also create a tripping or collision hazard (such
as curbs or low planters).
Escalators and moving walkways should be designed with the following, in addition to all
code and regulatory requirements:
o Tread nosing edges in yellow or other highly visible color with permanent solid
materials rather than painted.
o Underside protections as recommended for monumental freestanding stairs above.
Under-step demarcation lighting and yellow combs at the entry to and exit from the
escalator to make the access safe and visible.
Elevators should be designed with the following, in addition to all code and accessibility
o Elevators should be placed in separate alcoves off the main lobbies that are well-
defined by lighting and other visual cues to provide, where applicable, lighting
transition between low-level elevator cab lighting and high-level lobby lighting.
o Elevators that are softly lit inside should not open directly to a day lit atrium, but
should open to a transitionally brighter lobby.
o Elevator buttons should have contrasting, easy-to-read fonts that are internally
lighted for better visibility.
3.3.5 Surface Finishes
Highly polished floor finishes are potentially difficult for persons with low vision due to
glare and reflections, especially where floor-to-ceiling windows are in use. It is
recommended that floors be a matte finish with textured coating rather than polished.
Sheen and contrast should be as recommended in Table 4D-2.
Avoid flooring patterns that could be mistaken for steps or changes in floor surface, such
as stripes, or geometric patterns. These can also be confusing, especially where the
design is perpendicular to the direction of travel. These can be especially hazardous in
broad steps leading to changes in floor level. See also Table 4D-2.
Vertical surfaces that are reflective also may be confusing to those with low vision, and
“full height” mirrors should not be used in contact with the floor where the reflection
could be mistaken for a doorway or extension of the space.
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3.3.6 Lighting
Electric lighting should generally be uniform along the length of corridors. The use of task
lighting such as at room entrance doors facilitates reading the room number and use of an
entrance device, such as a key or card key. Higher lighting levels at elevators help to locate the
elevator as a wayfinding device. Lighting should be even; avoiding pools of light in an overall
dim environment. See Table 4D-2.
3.3.7 Fenestration
Allowing daylight and outdoor views in lobby spaces should be balanced against energy and
security considerations, but the impact of glare should also be given consideration. Glare is a
concern especially when one is entering a lobby space with daylighting where there may be
more muted electric lighting from an interior corridor or elevator lobby.
3.4 Lounges and Waiting Areas
The purpose of the lounge or waiting area must be considered, whether it is for short-term
holding or longer term activities, including reading, break and relaxation needs.
3.4.1 Surface Finishes
Flooring: If the lounge or waiting space is a part of a circulation space such as a lobby or
corridor, a change in flooring may be desired for aesthetic, acoustic, or other reasons.
Care should be taken to avoid tripping hazards such as rugs and low tables.
Wall finishes: Consideration should be given to reducing contrast between wall finish
colors and values with adjacent windows. Where it is useful or important to distinguish
one wall element from another such as door frames, increasing contrast can be helpful to
the person with low vision.
See Table 4D-2 for further guidance.
3.4.2 Furniture
Lobby waiting and lounge furniture should be selected to be clearly visible in form, color and
value against the flooring and other surrounding surfaces so that they don’t become collision
hazards. Low ottomans and coffee tables can be particularly hazardous when “floated” in open
lobby and other circulation areas. Provide some chairs with arm rests.
Arrangement of seating should allow users to choose a location that is facing toward a
view or away from the daylight.
Daylight can be used as task lighting for reading the newspaper or a book.
Seating arranged for conversation should be flexible and movable. Avoiding placement of
heavy furniture pieces, i.e. sofas and love seats, in front of windows, due to the
luminance contrast of the daylight and light falling on the face of a seated person.
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Many people who are hearing impaired rely on lip reading to augment their
understanding of verbal communication. Facing toward a window will make it impossible
to see the fine details of the other person’s face and lips.
3.4.3 Lighting
Generally, high-intensity down lighting may be unsuitable in lounge seating areas where
people may sit to read, because the down lighting may create difficult shadows on
reading matter. Table lamps or similar task lighting offer more control and may be more
3.4.4 Fenestration
Fenestration placement and design for a lounge or waiting space should consider
potential impact of glare for those in the seating area.
Arrangement of seating should allow users to choose a location that is facing toward a
view or away from the source of glare.
3.5 Interior Circulation Spaces
3.5.1 Corridors
Generally, circulation corridors should maintain constant width. Columns, furnishings, and
other objects should be placed outside the paths of circulation and be clearly visible by
contrasting color and value to avoid obstructing free and safe movement.
3.5.2 Ramps
Ramps and steps are hazardous if they cannot be easily seen such as by change in color, value
or texture, at the beginning and end of the ramp and by contrasting color and value between
treads and risers. Patterns in the flooring material may obscure the edge of a step and are not
recommended. See Sections 1.2, 1.3 and Appendix 5C for additional guidance.
3.5.3 Railings
Railings may be useful in many circulation areas, and when in contrasting color and value
persons with low vision more easily locate the railings, especially at interruptions such as for
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3.5.4 Doorways
Doorways should contrast with the surrounding walls in material, color, and value to make
them more easily identifiable. Hardware such as locks, latches, and pulls should be contrasting
in color and value with the door, and room numbers and other graphics must be placed and
illuminated in order to be easily read. If a door has the same finish on both sides, a contrasting
color and value should be provided on the leading edge of the door. This allows a person with
low vision to identify that the door is open and prevents them from running into the edge of
the door. See Sections 1.2, 1.3 and Appendix 5C for additional guidance.
3.5.5 Elevator lobbies
Contrasting colors and textures are recommended between elevator doors, frames, and
walls of the elevator alcove.
Elevator lobbies or alcoves should be varied in design, finishes, and other features from
floor to floor to help elevator users identify the specific floor, including large-type floor
numbers or names.
See Section 3.3.4 for additional guidance.
3.5.6 Surface Finishes
In some buildings where corridor systems may be complex or potentially confusing to the user,
it may be helpful to vary the wall treatments, colors, patterns, artwork or materials to help
orient the user.
3.5.7 Lighting
Electric lighting should generally be uniform along the length of corridors. The use of task
lighting, such as at hotel room entrance doors, facilitates visibility of the room number and use
of an entrance device such as a key or card key. Higher lighting levels at elevators provide a
wayfinding device to help locate the elevator. Lighting levels should be even; avoiding pools of
light on the floor or scalloped patterns on the walls in an overall dim environment.
3.5.8 Fenestration
Fenestration may be introduced to circulation areas such as side walls of the corridors for
aesthetic purposes,, to improve security and to help in orientation by maintaining views of the
outdoors. Light levels must be even, avoid high luminance contrast created from windows,
especially at the end of corridors.
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3.5.9 Wayfinding Aids
Wherever possible, wayfinding aids should be placed facing the direction of travel rather than
on walls and doors along the corridor sides. Signage placed across corridors at the ceilings may
be difficult to see for some people with low vision to see and may be difficult to illuminate
All wayfinding aids must be in high contrast with the surrounding fields in color and
value. See Table 4D-2.
All wayfinding aids require electric lighting illumination that does not result in glare from
reflections off the signage or adjacent surfaces
3.6 Stairways
3.6.1 Surface Finishes
Stair risers should contrast with treads to aid in visibility to persons ascending the stairs.
Stair tread nosings should be in high contrast colors and values from stair treads and
should be 50 mm (2 in.) wide so that the edge of each tread is highly visible to the user
Stringers or skirting should have a strong value contrast with treads and risers to
enhance their visibility.
Highly figured or patterned materials should be avoided, as they may be confusing to
those with low vision. Continuous carpeted stair runners with such designs may
camouflage the edge of the tread and create a fall hazard.
The sloping undersides of stairs and escalators could become a head-bumping hazard, so
spaces under the stairs or escalators must be enclosed or otherwise protected to prevent
access below a height of 2030 mm (80 in) See also ADA Standards 307.4 (30).
See Table 4D-2.
3.6.2 Hand rails
In addition to code and regulatory requirements, the following is recommended:
Hand rails should contrast with wall surfaces in color and value.
Where handrails turn corners, it is preferable that they be continuous rather than
3.6.3 Undersides
The sloping undersides of stairs could become a head-bumping hazard, so spaces under the
stairs should be enclosed or otherwise protected to prevent access below a height of 2030 mm
(80 in).
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3.6.4 Lighting
In addition to requirements of life safety codes, electric lighting of stairways must be designed
to make the step edges clearly visible, especially in the direction of egressusually in the
downward direction. Uniform, diffused lighting which does not produce soft shadows on the
treads is desirable.
3.6.5 Fenestration
Fenestration with glare control may be introduced to stairways to improve aesthetics, to
improve security, increase light levels, and to help in orientation by maintaining views of the
3.7 Elevators
The following are recommended in addition to requirements of applicable codes and
3.7.1 Surface Finishes
Include car handrails on three sides using tubular in preference to flat rails. See Table 4D-2.
3.7.2 Controls and Signals
Locate high-contrast call buttons and other controls to be readable by persons seated in
wheelchairs in the car as well as standing persons..
Select car controls and floor position signals so that floor number buttons and other
graphic information are internally illuminated and not obscured by glare from the cab
3.7.3 Lighting
Lighting from the elevator car ceiling should be diffused and uniform rather than strong
downlights, which create pools of high-contrast light and glare.
3.8 Toilet and Bath Rooms
Public toilets and baths are problematic for persons with low vision because often the spaces
are small relative to the number and size of objects typically in themfixtures, compartments,
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
accessories, etc. Monochromatic color schemes may have the effect of confusing the viewer
with low vision.
Entrance doorways and screening entrance vestibules are often difficult for a person with an
escort to use. Therefore, wherever space permits, entries without doors and with extra width is
desirable (such as is common for high volume use in airports).
The following recommendations are offered to improve the definitions of these objects in order
to make them easier to see and use.
3.8.1 Surface Finishes
Matte finishes on architectural surfaces are preferable to highly polished ones.
Colors and values of wall and floor surfaces should contrast with those of the plumbing
Partitions arranged to baffle views into the toilet room from the public areas outside can
be confusing to the person with low vision. It may help to vary the colors and values of
the baffle wall to make it stand out by providing contrast with other walls.
Lavatory bowls should contrast in color and value from the countertop in which the bowl
is set.
Toilet partitions should differ in color and value from the walls of the toilet room.
3.8.2 Plumbing Fixtures
In many public buildings, white plumbing fixtures are the most practical to maintain, clean, and
replace, so these may be the brightest objects in the room. This is appropriate since they will be
most discernible when set against darker finishes surrounding them.
3.8.3 Plumbing Trim and Accessories
Plumbing trim (such as faucets and flush valves) may be seen more easily if specified
finishes are darker and less mirror-like such as brushed or satin chrome or nickel, pewter,
or oil-rubbed bronze rather than polished chrome,.
Everyone easily uses electronically activated faucets and flush valves, and they are
especially convenient for people with low vision .
Accessories such as paper towel and other dispensers may be used more easily when
their finishes contrast with the walls and countertops on which they are mounted.. The
operating devices for paper towel dispensers should be of high contrast.
Liquid and foam soap dispensers should be placed so that spillage falls into lavatory
basins or on a countertop rather than on the wall or floor. Designs that have larger
spaces under the dispensing nozzle are easier for everyone to use.
Full-length mirrors may be mistaken for doorways by persons with low vision, if the
mirrors are located where a door might be expected such as at the entrance to a public
toilet room. Many building owners prefer not to place mirrors over the lavatories to
reduce hair grooming over the lavatories. However, these can be placed on other walls at
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
an appropriate height for grooming without being full height. They should be placed to
allow lighting from the sides rather than from directly above.
A shallow counter or shelf below the mirror provides a place for cosmetics and other
grooming aids and helps to define the mirror as a grooming area.
3.8.4 Lighting
To avoid shadows and dark areas, ambient lighting for restrooms should cover all areas
evenly, including toilet stalls and entrance vestibules. Shadows and dark areas often
occur in the entrance areas, and create discomfort and confusion because of the
decrease in visual functioning.
Vanity lighting at mirrors should be selected to avoid glare while illuminating the vanity
surface and the face of the user. Lighting should be placed on each side of the mirror in
addition to ambient lighting from above.
3.8.5 Fenestration
Most public restroom do not have windows with a view, others may have clerestory
windows to provide daylight. Where windows do occur, glare from daylight may be
exacerbated by the light colors and polished surfaces often used in these spaces.
Window position and treatment to control the amount of daylight entering should be
Windows facing the user upon entering a toilet room are especially challenging to
persons with low vision. It is recommended that the room entrance be placed, if possible,
to avoid opening directly opposite a window.
3.9 Offices and other Workspaces
3.9.1 Layout
Daylighting conditions and the associated view connections are key factors influencing an
occupant’s choice of workspace layout. Shared workspace will result in different layouts than
individual spaces due to privacy needs, individual work preferences, and co-worker
relationships that likely will result in very different luminance distributions:
Circulation patterns should be clearly recognizable, and wayfinding must be user friendly.
Proceeding through the office should be simple and intuitive for the users.
Glazed partitions with glare control fronting the open area add to a feeling of
spaciousness and should be used extensively where appropriate, but must not present a
hazard by being dangerously less visible in circulation pathways.
In laying out workstations, avoid long rows of cubicles, but do not create mazes or
confusing paths of travel among workstations.
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3.9.2 Furniture and Workstations
Furniture for private offices may be selected to suit the tastes of the occupant, but in open
offices with modular workstations, the following are recommended:
Vertical surfaces of cubicle panels and upholstery for seating should contrast with
flooring and main walls in hue and value or be trimmed with contrasting material to
make these forms visible for individuals with low vision.
Persons with low vision can find their way more easily through modular workstations
when they are arranged with clearly visible aisles of generally constant clear widths.
Flooring texture and color may be used to define the aisles more clearly.
Modular office cubicle panels may provide screening from glare from windows, but
controls should be used to avoid glare when cubicle panels are omitted or are
transparent on sides facing windows.
3.9.3 Surface Finishes
High gloss finishes should be avoided on horizontal and vertical surfaces to avoid
reflected glare.
Highly figured or patterned floor and wall surfaces in a space with many workstations
and other furniture can be visually disorienting and should be avoided.
See Table 4D-2 for further guidance.
3.9.4 Lighting
Electric lighting of office and other work areas must be designed to coordinate with the
fenestration and natural daylighting:
Lighting controls that react to fluctuations in daylight levels can assist in maintaining
comfortable lighting levels for general illumination while maximizing energy savings, but
always of high enough illumination intensity to allow persons with low vision to clearly
see their surroundings.
Individual task illumination levels may need to be higher for particular tasks than is
justified for circulation and other areas to suit individual preferences. For optimal
positioning and flexibility, task lighting that is movable and adjustable in brightness is
usually desirable. Luminaires should be selected with non-glare producing, direct/indirect
ambient illumination, or with cutoff angles for lenses and baffles that reduce visibility of
lamps to the occupants at their tasks.
3.9.5 Fenestration
For daylighting design, the most critical luminance relationships are those between the daylight
opening, its immediately adjacent surfaces and the surfaces surrounding the work tasks.
Electric lighting on surfaces adjacent to fenestration may reduce high luminance contrast and
the glare effect from daylight.
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© National Institute of Building Sciences
3.10 Dining Areas
3.10.1 Layout
In situations where the dining facility is specifically for populations in which low vision is
common, self-service cafeterias may need to be staffed to provide assistance in guiding patrons
to food, condiment, and beverage stations and to carry trays and locate seating.
Scatter-type cafeteria serveries can be confusing for persons with low vision, and lighting
levels should be maintained throughout the space rather than concentrated at each
service island.
In general, a dining space has relatively simple circulation needs that may confuse the
person with low vision if the circulation routes are not intuitively designed, clearly visible
and with easily read and lighted wayfinding. The circulation routes also need to be
augmented with color and texture changes in flooring as wayfinding guidance. Some of
the destinations needing clear guidance and definition include:
o Entrances to destinations such as cafeteria line or captain (for seating assistance),
menu and notice boards, and empty tables
o Scatter-type cafeteria food and beverage stations
o Cafeteria line to condiment and tableware stations and to cashier
o Dining tables to self-help tables, such as salad and dessert bars
o Dining table area to restrooms
o Dining table area to exits
o Layouts.
3.10.2 Furniture
To avoid a sterile, institutional appearance, dining tables are typically grouped non-
orthogonally where possible. This, however, makes wayfinding more difficult where patrons
self-seat, such as in cafeterias. Use of distinctive visual landmarks such as columns, sculpture,
and planters can assist in visually locating a table in a large dining space. Variation in furniture
upholstery colors and value contrasts may also help, although some types of low vision involve
difficulty in color perception.
3.10.3 Surface Finishes
Reflective or highly polished floors and walls can be visually challenging, so these types of
surface finishes should be avoided.
Table and chair colors and patterns that contrast in color, value and texture with wall and
floors are easier to see and less likely to cause collisions.
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© National Institute of Building Sciences
3.10.4 Lighting
Generally, the following provisions are recommended:
Lighting at cafeteria lines and steam tables should be placed so as to avoid glare on such
surfaces as glass separators, as well as stainless steel and other polished surfaces.
Menu boards and other information must be easily visible and illuminated without glare.
See Tables 2 and 3 for further guidance.
3.10.5 Fenestration
Skylights or top lighting fenestration should be diffused or designed to prevent direct
sunlight penetration, glare, and shadows on floors and table surfaces.
Window areas facing direction of travel from the entrance and cafeteria serving area
may present glare and interfere with the diner’s ability to navigate the space. Outdoor
landscaping and/or window shading can mitigate this problem.
3.10.6 Other Design Considerations
Menus may be a reading challenge for many people with low vision due to small font size.
Menu boards mounted on the wall behind preparation areas of cafeteria stations and short
order counters may be difficult for many people to read, especially when the menu selection is
large and restrictive space dictates using small font size. At tables in dining areas with wait staff,
printed menus may be hard to read due to low lighting. Some options to be considered to
address this issue follow (28):
If space is available at the beginning of the cafeteria line or short order counters, task-lit
menu boards and other information may be located there. Labels of food and beverage
selections located at the place of display or point of sale such as at the steam table or
dessert case may also be helpful.
Hand-out paper menus in large font size, with contrasting print on a matte finish, at the
beginning of the cafeteria line or short-order counter may be a simple way to
accommodate low-vision customers.
Task lighting luminaires at tables can help diners read traditional menus, review the bill
and see their food and dishes in otherwise low ambient light.
Video and touchscreens may also be useful tools for presenting menus and other
3.11 Assembly and Conference Areas
3.11.1 Layout
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In general, an assembly space has relatively simple circulation needs, which may confuse the
person with low vision if the main paths for travel are not clearly visible and provided with
easily read and lighted wayfinding as guidance in varying ambient lighting conditions:
In fixed seating auditoriums, aisles leading to seats should have lighting from row ends
and on any steps.
In flexible-seating spaces, the way to seats, tables, etc. will be facilitated when the
arrangements are in simple geometries with clear pathways to and from entrances,
restrooms, refreshment tables and exhibits.
In conference rooms, seating that faces directly into windows is problematic due to glare.
Window shading may help mitigate this glare.
Speakers’ rostrum, screens, etc. must be placed to avoid receiving direct sunlight or
being backlit by sunlight or daylight from windows or skylights. Provide contrast to
define the edge of the stage and steps leading to the stage. A handrail at the steps will
not only call attention to the location of the steps, but will also provide stability to all
3.11.2 Furniture
Rectangular conference tables should be arranged perpendicular to windows so that
neither long side faces the glare of the windows, which may also obscure the view of a
person silhouetted by the window. Window shade material which is dark will control the
brightness from the window, but may also retain some of the view, depending upon the
opacity of the material.
Round conference tables allow a variety of choices of seating with respect to windows
and glare.
Glass-topped or other reflective table surfaces may reflect glare into the eyes of those
seated at the table. Clear glass table tops are not recommended, due to the loss of
depth perception.
In conference rooms with fixed seats in auditorium-style arrangements, light-colored
seating fabrics can make finding seats easier in the dark.
3.11.3 Surface Finishes
Polished floors and walls may confuse the person with low vision for whom flat or low-
luster finishes are more comfortable. Polished floors may create glare and potentially be
a safety issue.
Seating upholstery colors and textures that contrast with surrounding walls and floors
make it easier to negotiate the space and to locate and identify seats.
See Table 4D-2..
3.11.4 Lighting
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Electric lighting requirements for assembly spaces are complex and vary widely with the type of
assembly function. In spaces where darkened audience seating areas may be needed, the
following special recommendations should be considered:
Aisles must always be visible even when seating is not fixed.
o Transition lighting levels at entrances can lessen the impact of entering and leaving
the assembly space when the space is darkened.
o Provide a strong value contrast between the floor, walls and seating. .In addition to
ambient lighting, provide supplemental light at the floor level.
3.11.5 Fenestration
All fenestration can produce glare, and may need shading of some type.
Most assembly functions will need to have lower lighting levels during some
presentations, so wayfinding must be visible under all daylight or darkened conditions.
Where tables are set aside for refreshments, information materials, etc. during
conferences, dedicated lighting of these areas is recommended when the main space has
a lower ambient lighting level.
3.12 Dwellings, Resident and Patient Rooms
The most intimate spaces for human occupancy are also the most Important for day-to-day
living and are therefore most subject to differences in occupant preference. Because the spaces
become so familiar to the occupant, many features that could be hazardous or problematic for
the occasional user (as in a public facility) will be more easily remedied . Following are
recommendations that can be helpful to persons with low vision.
3.12.1 Layout
Since residents will become very familiar with their dwelling or room layout, the need for
signage or other aids may be minimal, but the placement of doors and passages
connecting rooms should be coordinated with potential furniture arrangements to keep
paths of travel simple, direct and unencumbered.
Recommended design minimum dimensions for persons with low vision are as follows
except as provided in applicable codes and regulations:
Widths of Pathways (20)
Person with cane or walker 750 mm (30 in.)
Person with guide dog 1100 mm (44 in.)
Person with escort 1200 mm (48 in)
Doorways (clear opening) 900 mm (36 in.)
Corridors 1200 mm (48 in.)
Light switches and power outlets should contrast in color and value with wall surfaces
and have an indicator light when turned off. Light switches should be mounted at 1300
mm (52 in.) and power outlets located at 500 mm (20 in.) above the finish floor (20).
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© National Institute of Building Sciences
All doors should be able to be held mechanically completely closed or completely open
with predictability.
Double-acting doors can be hazardous unless they are recessed or otherwise protected
from opening into a path of travel.
Raised thresholds may present a tripping hazard, so should be avoided.
Corridors, passageways, and other spaces used for circulation may be made safer by
providing handrails along the path of travel in a contrasting color and value to the walls.
Wiring for power, data, phone, and cable TV can be tripping hazards if room
arrangements and furniture require long wires to reach outlets. Placement of
convenience outlets should be such that no wire from an appliance crosses any path of
3.12.2 Furniture
Wherever possible, familiar furniture owned or selected by the occupant is important to retain.
Coffee tables and other furniture with transparent glass tops and without opaque edges can be
hazardous even to the occupant with normal vision, and should be avoided.
3.12.3 Surface Finishes
Rugs and carpets may present tripping hazards unless well secured to the floor and with
edges firmly attached to avoid entangling feet, cane or crutches.
Doors and frames may be easier to identify when they contrast with the surrounding
walls in color and value. If a door has the same finish on both sides, a contrasting color
and value should be provided on the leading edge of the door. This allows a person with
low vision to identify that the door is open and limits them from running into the edge of
the door.
Full-length mirrors may be mistaken for openings if the mirror extends to the floor, so
the bottom of the mirror should be kept above the baseboard.
Floors and walls should be of contrasting colors or values so the person with low vision
can know where the floor and wall meet. This may also be enhanced with a baseboard or
border that contrasts with both surfaces.
Ramps and steps are hazardous if they cannot be easily seen such as by change in color,
value or texture, at the beginning and end of the ramp and by contrasting color and value
between treads and risers. Patterns in the flooring material may obscure the edge of a
step and are not recommended.
Floor patterns in carpeting, tile, and other materials may be visually confusing to the
person with low vision, and it may become especially difficult to retrieve dropped items.
Solid colors may make this less of a challenge.
Highly polished flooring may be a visual and slipping hazard; matte finishes may be more
See Table 4D-2.
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© National Institute of Building Sciences
3.12.4 Toilet and Bath Fixtures
Wall and floor colors and finishes that too closely match the plumbing fixtures and
fittings such as light switches, power outlets, robe hooks, towel bars, toilet paper
holders, and soap dishes can make those items harder for the person with low vision to
locate and use properly, so contrasting colors and values are recommended.
Towel bars may be used accidentally as grab bars by their placement in or near tubs and
showers and adjacent water closets, so they should be designed to support the same
loads as grab bars as required by code. Grab bars should be mounted horizontally or
vertically and not on a diagonal
Shelving for bathroom items such as lotions, gels, etc. may be accidentally used for
support when in or adjacent tub/shower and lavatory areas, so shelving should be
designed to support the same loads as grab bars or they should be constructed as ledges
or in wall recesses. .
The wall to be seen reflected in a mirror should be painted in a medium value to provide
the most contrast for the user’s head and hair that is either light or dark.
Vanity tops for lavatories that are highly polished may reflect glare from lighting if the
angles of reflection are not carefully calculated to avoid direct reflections. It is
recommended that matte finishes be used when possible.
Highly patterned or textured finishes on floor and countertop surfaces (including
granular materials) may make retrieval of small dropped items very difficult for persons
with low vision, Untextured and unpatterned surfaces with a matte finish are
recommended. See Table 4C-2 for further guidance.
3.12.5 Kitchens and Kitchenettes
Floor and wall colors that contrast with base and wall cabinets and with countertops are
recommended to assist in visual orientation. The edge of the countertop should contrast
in value to the counter surface to clearly define the horizontal from vertical.
Highly patterned or textured finishes on floor and countertop surfaces (including
granular materials) may make retrieval of small dropped items very difficult for persons
with low vision, so untextured and unpatterned surfaces with a matte finish are
Countertops for kitchens that are highly polished may reflect glare from overhead or
under-cabinet lighting if the angles of reflection are not carefully calculated to avoid
direct reflections. It is recommended that matte finishes, for example, honed granite or
marble and synthetic solid materials, be used when possible. Some countertop surface
areas might be provided that are dark while others are light to facilitate working with
objects such as foods that are of the opposite values. Two cutting boards, one white and
one dark, will also provide the desired contrast. The countertop horizontal surface should
be clearly defined.
Cabinet drawer and door pulls are more easily seen and used when they contrast with
the cabinets in texture, hue, and value When cooking appliances such stoves and cook-
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
tops are provided, controls must be easy to read and located so that the user does not
need to reach across hot burners or pans.
Select appliances that clearly identify the burners and distinguish whether the burners
See Table 4D-2.
3.12.6 Lighting
Placement of overhead or under-cabinet lighting should avoid reflections and glare at the work
In any case, diffuse lighting is preferable to “spotlighting” from visible point sources or
downlights, which can leave stark contrasts and annoying reflections.
Lighting for signage and artwork, where appropriate, should comply with ADA Standards.
Also see Table 4D-2.
3.12.7 Fenestration
Sliding glass doors and fixed adjacent sections may be hazardous when mistaken for an
opening. This can be mitigated by horizontal rails, mullions, or decals on the glass.
Glass doors in a window wall may require solid surfaces, visible characters/marking, or
other architectural features to distinguish the door from the window wall, even for the
fully-sighted user.
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
4A. Background on this Guideline
In September 2010, the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) hosted a workshop in
Washington, D.C., with participants from the fields of medicine (specialists in optometry and
low vision), architecture, engineering, interior design, lighting design, professional associations,
government, academia, advocacy, and research and development.
A concept paper was developed based on the findings and recommendations from that
Workshop: “Improving Building Design for Persons with Low Vision.” Proceedings of the
Workshop, the concept paper, and related material, are available at the website: .
The participants of that interdisciplinary workshop expressed four major learning outcomes:
Clinicians need a better understanding of lighting and accessibility exposures that “low
vision” patients experience while in “built environments
Designers need a better understanding of the lighting and accessibility needs of “low
vision” persons while in “built environments
A common vocabulary is needed for clinicians, design practitioners (e.g., architects,
interior designers, lighting designers, engineers), building owners and managers, and
policy makers for all built environments
There is a need to balance federal and other mandates for reduced energy consumption
against the needs of all building occupants, including people with low vision, to have
adequate illumination.
The objective of the concept paper was to address these learning outcomes by: 1) analyzing the
issues and knowledge gaps that were identified during the workshop; and 2) proposing the
development of plans for addressing these issues and knowledge gaps through evidence-based
improvements in designs and operational procedures for new and existing buildings.
This guideline is a product of the workshop and concept paper, and will need further research
to confirm and improve it.
In 2012, the General Services Administration (GSA) undertook to revise its publication, P-100
Facilities Standards for the Public Buildings Service, with modifications to be performance-base,
and to include recommendations for design for persons with low vision. This revision has not
yet been published. However, recommendations from the drafts have been considered in this
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
In 1995, the Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB) in Great Britain published: Building
Sight, “a handbook of building and interior design solutions to include the needs of visually
impaired people” (20). This document was not made mandatory by code or regulation, and
remains a voluntary guideline. Many of the recommendations in the British publication are
included in this guideline.
In 2001, the British Standards Institute (BSI) first published and in 2009 updated BS 8300-:
Design of buildings and their approaches to meet the needs of disabled people Code of
practice (29). Practices described in BS 8300-2009 and Evaluating access statements
requirements in Part M of the building regulations and minor technical amendments to Part M
of the building regulations Impact Statement, 2012 have been considered in drafting this
At this writing, the publication, ANSI/IES RP 28-2007 (2013): Recommended Practice for Lighting
and the Visual Environment for Seniors and the Low Vision Population is undergoing major
revisions, including its title, and will include provisions related to design for low vision (38).
Recommendations in the drafts of RP 28have been considered in drafting this guideline.
Correspondingly, information from this guideline is being included in the update of RP 28.
Also at this writing, the publication, FGI 2014: Guidelines for Design and Construction of
Residential Health, Care, and Support Facilities is in development and will also include
provisions for low vision in the building types it governs. Recommendations in the draft of FGI
2014 have been considered in drafting this guideline. Correspondingly, information from this
guideline is being referenced in the FGI 2014 publication.
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
4B. Low Vision Design Committee Members
Suleiman Alibhai, OD, FAAO
Low Vision Services PLC
Nancy Clanton, PE, FIES, IALD, LC
Clanton & Associates, Inc.
Robert Dupuy, IALD, LC
Associate Principal/Lighting Studio Leader
Interface Engineering
Cheryl English
VP Government and Industry Relations
Acuity Brands
Liaison, Jim H. McClung Lighting Research
Henry L. Green, Hon. AIA
National Institute of Building Sciences
Greg Guarnaccia, LC, LEED-AP, IES
Doubledge Design LLC
Vijay K. Gupta, PE, Fellow ASHRAE
Chief Mechanical Engineer (ret.)
US General Services Administration
Earle Kennett
Gregory Knoop, AIA
Principal, OKKS Studios
Stuart Knoop, FAIA, Vice Chair
Principal Emeritus, OKKS Studios
Fred Krimgold, PhD
Director, Disaster Risk Reduction Program
Virginia Tech
Robert W. Massof, PhD
Professor of Ophthalmology and
Director, Lions Vision Research and
Rehabilitation Center
Wilmer Eye Institute
Johns Hopkins University School of
Robert N. Mayer, PhD
Hulda B. and Maurice L. Rothschild
Marsha Mazz
Director, Office of Technical and
Information Services
U.S. Architectural & Transportation Barriers
Compliance Board
Barbara Milleville
National Capital Citizens with Low Vision
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
Eunice Noell-Waggoner, LC
Center of Design for an Aging Society
Priscilla Rogers
VisionAware Program Manager
American Foundation for the Blind
Erin Schambureck
Design Studies, UW Madison
DesignLab Consultant
Dennis Siemsen, OD
Department of Ophthalmology
Mayo Clinic
Edd Soenke, AIA, Chair
Design Partnership, Architects,
NIBS Board Liaison
Stephanie Stubbs, Assoc. AIA, PMP
Staff Program Director
National Institute of Building Sciences
Lam Vu, PE, CEM
Facilities Standards Service
Department of Veterans Affairs
Gale Watson
National Director
Blind Rehabilitation Service
Department of Veterans Affairs
Thomas Williams, AIA
Senior Architect, Office of Facilities
Management and Services Program
US General Services Administration
James E. Woods, PhD, PE, Past Chair
Indoor Environmental Consultant
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
4C. Reference List
1. Definition of Low Vision and its Impact on Accessibility and Performance. Massof, Robert.
Washington, DC : National Institute of Building Sciences, 2010. Proceedings of Workshop on
Improving Building Design for Persons with Low Vision. pp. 24-35.
2. American Foundation for the Blind. Glaucoma: An Overview. Your Eye Condition. [Online]
[Cited: January 25, 2014.]
3. Mogk, Lylas G. Macular Degeneration: An Overview. Your Eye Condition: Age-Related
Macular Degeneration. [Online] American Foundation for the Blind. [Cited: January 25, 2014.]
4. Sokol-McKay, Debra A. Introduction to Diabetes and Diabetic Retinopathy. Your Eye
Condition: Diabetic Retinopathy. [Online] American Foundation for the Blind. [Cited: January 25,
5. Weinstock, Frank J. What is Retiniitis Pigmentosa? Your Eye Condition: Retinitis Pigmentosa.
[Online] American Foundation for the Blind. [Cited: January 25, 2014.]
6. Turner, Tina D. An Introduction to Cataracts and Cataract Surgery. Your Eye Condition:
Cataracts. [Online] American Foundation for the Blind. [Cited: January 25, 2014.]
7. What Our Laws and Regulations Do Not Say About Low Vision and the Built Environment.
Rogers, Priscilla. Washington, DC : National Institute of Building Sciences, 2010. Proceedings of
Workshop on Improving Building Design for Persons with Low Vision. pp. 58-61.
8. NEI/NIH. Prevalence of Adult Vision Impairment and Age-Related Eye Diseases in America.
[Online] November 2012. [Cited: July 23, 2013.]
9. Ganslandt, R and Hofmann, H. Handbook of Lighting Design. s.l. : ERCO Edition, Vieweg
Publishing Co., Germany, 1992.
10. Sinoo MM, van Hoof J, Kort HSM pp 3-7. Lighting Conditions for Older Adults, a Description
of Light Assessment in Nursing Homes. [book auth.] Schoutens T, and Beersma D Tenner A.
Symposium Proceedings: Light & Care 2010. Eindhoven : Light & Health Research Foundation,
2010, pp. 3-7.
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
11. Boyce PR, Sanford LJ. Chapter 34 - Lighting to Enhance Visual Capabilities. Lighthouse
Handbook on Vision Impairment (Vol I) and Vision Rehabilitation. 2nd Editon. s.l. : Oxford Press,
2000, pp. 617-636.
12. Subjective Lighting Needs of the Old and the Pathological Eyes. Lindner H, Hubnert K,
Schlote HW, and Rohl F. 1989, Lighting Research and Technology, pp. Vol 21: 1-10.
13. Color Rendering: A Tale of Two Metrics. Rea MS, Freyssinier-Nova JP. 2008, Col Res Appl, pp.
Vol 33: 192-202.
14. Phototransduction in ganglion-cell photoreceptors. Berson, M. 2007, Pflugers Archiv :
European journal of physiology, pp. 454 (5): 849855.
15. IES. IES Handbook, 10th Edition. s.l. : Illumination Engineering Society of North America,
16. ASHRAE. Standard 90.1-2013: Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential
Buildings. Atlanta : ASHRAE/IES, 2013.
17. View and Discomfort Glare from Windows. Tuaycharoen N, Tregenze PR. 2007, Lighting
Research and Technology, pp. Vol 39: 185-201.
18. Miller D, Sarmiento JS, and Burns SK. Light Units. [book auth.] Dunker J, and Augsburger J
Yanoff M. Opthamology, 3rd Edtion. Amsterdam : Mosby-Elsevier, 2009, p. 51.
19. Lenoir M, et al. AISBL, Avenue de Ter. New Standard for the Visual Accessibility of Signs and
Signage for People with Low Vision, Final Report, 15 March 2010, (ANEC-DFA-2008-G-044-Annex
6rev). Brussels : ANEC , 2010.
20. Barker P, Barrick J, and Wilson R. Building Sight - A Handbook of Building Interior Design
Solutions to Include the Needs of Visually Impaired People. London : HMSO in association with
Royal National Institute for the Blind., 1995.
21. Bright, K, Cook, G and and Harris, J. Colour, Contrast & Perception The Rainbow Project.
Design Guidance for Internal Built Environments. s.l. : The Research Group for Inclusive
Environments, The University of Reading, UK, 1997 (Revised 2004).
22. Colour and Contrast, CD design guide and colour schemer. 2007. ICI Dulux Trade in
association with Royal National Institute for the Blind. [Online] [Cited: September 11, 2013.]
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
23. Building Design: The Importance of Flooring Pattern and Finish for People with a Vision
Impairment. Bright K, Cook G, Harris J. British Journal of Visual Impairment. 1999, British
Journal of Visual Impairment , pp. Vol 17: 121-125.
24. U.S. Department of Justice. 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design. [Online] 2010.
[Cited: September 12, 2013.]
25. ASTM. Standard Test Methods for Specular Gloss. ASTM D 523 08 International. . West
Conshohocken, PA : ASTM, 2008.
26. Pratt and Lamert Paints. Technical Data Finish. [Online] 2012.
27. Contrast Sensitivity Throughout Adulthood. Owsley C, Sekuler R, Siemsen D. . Vision Res. Vol
23, No 7. 1983, Vision Res, pp. Vol 23, no. 7 .
28. RTIG. Meeting the Needs of the Disabled Traveller RTIG-PR003-D002-1.8 (RTIG, 2012).
[Online] 2012. [Cited: September 10, 2013.] .
29. British Standards Institute (BSI). BS 8300-2009: Design of Buildings and their Approaches to
meet the needs of Disabled People Code of Practice. London : British Standards Institute, 2009.
30. U.S. Department of Justice. Guidance on the 2010 ADA Starndards for Accessible Design.
Washington DC : U.S. Department of Justice, 2010.
31. USAF. Chapter 2: Energy and Site Planning - Planning for Daylight; pp 28-31. [Online] [Cited:
September 13, 2013.] 2923.7KB.
32. IES. LM 83-12 Approved Method: IES Spatial Daylight Autonomy (sDA) and Annual Sunlight
Exposure (ASE). New York : Illuminating Engineering Society, 2012. ISBN 978-0-87995-272-3.
33. Radsite. Radsite: [Online] 2013. [Cited: September 10, 2013.]
34. U.S. Department of Justice. ADA. Guide for places of Lodging and Serving Guests who are
Blind or have Low Vision. [Online] 2001. [Cited: September 10, 2013.]
35. Illumination and reading performance in age-related macular degeneration. Bowers AR,
Meek C, Stewart N. 2001, Clin Exp Optom, May 84(3): 139-147., pp. May 84(3): 139-147.
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
36. Jenness J, and Singer J. Visual Detection of Detectable Warning Materials by Pedestrians
with Visual Impairments. Rockville, MD : Westat Corp, 2006. Final Report to Federal Highway
Commission, Task Order 18 under Project DTFH61-01-C-00049, 24 May 2006.
37. Spatial Brightness Perception of Trichromatic Stimuli. Royer MP, Houser KW. 2012, Leukos,
pp. Vol 9, No. 2: 80-108.
38. IESNA. ANSI/IESNA RP-28-07: Recommended Practice for Lighting and the Visual
Environment for Senior Living. New York : Illuminating Engneering Society of North America,
39. Relationship between Melatonin Rhythms and Visual Loss in the Blind. Lockley SW, Skene DJ,
Arendt J, Tabandeh H, Bird AC, Defrance R. 1997, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and
Metabolism, pp. Vol. 82, No.11, pp 3763 - 3770.
40. Effects of light on human circadian rhythms. Skene DJ, Lockley SW, Thapan K, Arendt J.
1999, Reproduction, Nutrition, Development, pp. 39(3):295-304.
41. Brainard GC, Hanifin JP. The Effects of Light on Human Health: Behavior and Relevance to
Architectural Lighting. CIE Symposium ’04 “Light and Health..” CIE X027:2004. 2004, pp. 2-16.
42. Action Spectrum for Melatonin Regulation in Humans: Evidence for Novel Circadian
Photoreceptor. Brainard, GC et al. 2001, Journal of Neuroscience, pp. 21(16):6406-6412.
43. High Sensitivity of the Human Circadian Melatonin Rhythm Resetting by Short Wavelength
Light. Lockley SW, et al. 2003, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, pp. 88(9): 4502-
44. NASA. Luminance Contrast. [Online] 2013. [Cited: July 23, 2013.]
45. IES. ANSI/IES RP-16-10: Nomenclature and Definitions for Illuminating Engineering. New
York : Illuminating Engineering Society, 2010.
46. Contrast in Complex Images. Peli, E. 1990, J. Opt Soc of Am, pp. Vol 7, No 10: 2032-2040.
47. Glare and Contrast. Hayes, Mary Ann. Washington, DC : National Institute of Building
Sciences, 2010. Proceedings of Workshop on Improving Building Design for Persons with Low
Vision. pp. 64-65.
48. Hopkinson RG, Petherbridge P, Longmore J. An Emperical Formula for the Computation of
Indirect Component of Daylight Factor. [book auth.] IES. Transactions of the Illuminating
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
Engineering Society. New York : Illuminating Engineering Society, 1954, pp. vol 19, no. 7: 201-
49. Historical Survey of Daylighting Calculation Methods and their Use in Energy Performance
Simulations. Kota S, Haberl JS. Austin, TX : Texas A&M University, 2009. Proceedings of the
Ninth International Conference for Enhanced Building Operations.
50. Winkelmann F, Selkowitz S. Daylighting Simulations in DOE-2: Theory, Validation and
Applications. Berkley, CA : Lawrence Berkley Laboratory, 1984. Report No. LBL-19829.
51. CIE. International Lighting Vocabulary, Third Edition. Vienna Austria : Commission
International de l'Eclairage, 1987. CIE Document 17A.
52. Ultraviolet Radiation as a Risk Factor for Cataract and Macular Degeneration. Roberts, JE.
2011, Eye andContact Lens, pp. Vol 37, no. 4: 246-249.
53. IES. Light + Design: A Guide to Designing Quality Lighting for People and Buildings. New
York : Illuminating Engineering Society, 2008.
54. Wikipedia. Light Reflectance Value. [Online] 2013. [Cited: September 14, 2013.]
55. Color Preview (R) - Paint Color Palette. [Online] 2013. [Cited: September 14, 2013.]
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
4D: Summary Review of Literature for Criteria
Very few references were available with original experimental data upon which to rely,
especially for the “Low Vision” and “Senior” populations. Therefore preliminary literature
searches were conducted in February 2013, primarily using Google, with sets of key words
including: 1) Illumination, Low Vision, and Lighting Criteria; 2) Luminance and Low Vision
Design; 3) Luminance, Contrast, and Low Vision Design; 4) Experimental Data on Luminous
Contrast for Low Vision Persons; and 5) Experimental Data on CCT, CRI, and Low Vision.
From these searches (i.e., in excess of 500 Google hits”), less than 50 published papers were
identified that have original experimental data pertaining to buildings (i.e., many of the
references address graphic design, webpage design, and highway lighting). Less than 15
published papers were identified that have original experimental data on lighting exposures
and human responses from Low Vision “subjects.” Of these, findings from 9 references have
been summarized in Table 4C-1: Summary of Literature. A tenth reference, which was
subsequently found, shows impact of peak wavelengths on perceived brightness for younger
and older subjects. The blank cells represent “gaps” in evidence-based information. In trying to
develop a rational basis that includes all of the listed attributes; each paper was found to
address only 2 or 3 of the attributes.
It is reassuring to find that some of the Illuminance values from the experimental data are
compatible with the recommended values in IES RP-28. This summary review also revealed that
some visually impaired persons are adversely affected by the upper end of the values in this
table while others are adversely affected by the lower end, so “flexibility” and “control” are
important factors. It is also reassuring that some of the studies provided data on Luminance
values that are appropriate for Low Vision persons. But, how Luminance was measured is not
consistent among the papers: some measured Luminance at the plane of the eye, some
measured Luminance from specific material surfaces, and some approximated Luminance with
Vertical Illuminance values. Two references were found with experimental data on Contrast for
signage (refs 4 and 5 in the Table, Column1) for Low Vision persons. No references were found
with experimental data on glare indices for low vision persons, but Reference 8 may provide
some guidance for the “no view” condition.
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
Table 4D-1. Ten referenced publications of data collected in controlled studies.
Type of
Number of
Type of
Contrast CCT CRI
Glare or
Glare Index
reading rate
20 with AMD
reading room
Optimum: 3500
(not defined)
Numbers NA:
AMD (see
reference 3 -
Reading (task)
750 lm/m
at the
70 cd/m
at the
eye of reader
at the
477-795 cd/m
at the eye of
400 4000
at the
at the
eye (implied)
Field study in
senior living
study; in
Living areas
and corridors
Living areas:
750 1000
horizontal, at 0.6
and 0.9 m above
Living areas:
750 1000
, vertical,
in gazing
direction at 1.6
m above floor
(measured as
6000 K (for
200 lm/m
horizontal, at 0.6
and 0.9 m above
200 lm/m
vertical, in
gazing direction
at 1.6 m above
floor (measured
as illuminance)
6000 K (for
42 persons
75 cd/m
Signs for
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
Type of
Number of
Type of
Contrast CCT CRI
Glare or
Glare Index
Tests and
with low
vision and 2
persons with
normal vision
indoor and
spaces for
signs and
patterns on
signs and 150
background of
the white board
should be at
least 5% of the
distance and
have a
intensity (i.e.,
contrast ratio)
of 75% on
Field Study
colors and
50 visually
24-92 years
of sidewalks
and streets
115,000 lm/m
contrast ratio
material and
sidewalk >
70% at tactile
distance of
2.44 m (8ft)
Table 34.2
Clear sky in
150,000 on
2,900 from
Overcast sky in
16,000 on
300 from grass
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
Type of
Number of
Type of
Contrast CCT CRI
Glare or
Glare Index
1,500 on
140 from light
gray cloth
Office work
500 on
120 from white
300 on
20 from steel
Good street
10 on horizontal
1.0 from
concrete road
0.5 on
0.01 from
asphalt road
50 normal
vision 20-30
Reading (task)
Median: 900
Range (10-90%):
t lamps
Median: 1,000
Range (10-90%):
t lamps
Median 1,055
Range (10-90%):
t lamps
50 normal
vision 40-79
Reading (task)
Median: 268
Range (10-90%):
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
Type of
Number of
Type of
Contrast CCT CRI
Glare or
Glare Index
6, 7.
t lamps
Median: 260
Range (10-90%):
t lamps
Median: 315
Range (10-90%):
t lamps
75 Cataract
40 80
Reading (task)
Median: 325
Range (10-90%):
t lamps
Median: 300
Range (10-90%):
t lamps
Median: 448
Range (10-90%):
t lamps
Reading (task)
Median: 121
Range (10-90%):
t lamps
Median: 123
Range (10-90%):
t lamps
Median: 140
Range (10-90%):
t lamps
Reading (task)
Median: 119
Range (10-90%):
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
Type of
Number of
Type of
Contrast CCT CRI
Glare or
Glare Index
t lamps
Median: 128
Range (10-90%):
t lamps
Median: 195
Range (10-90%):
t lamps
50 Glaucoma
40-82 years
Reading (task)
Median: 596
Range (10-90%):
t lamps
Median: 480
Range (10-90%):
t lamps
Median: 675
Range (10-90%):
t lamps
Field Studies
s in 3m x 4m
x 3m rooms
in 20 story
Experiment 1:
72 university
students with
normal vision
“The mean
luminance of
the background
was derived
from the
between the
total vertical
illuminance at
the subjects’
eye and the
(Fig. 5): For
Glare Response
Vote (GRV)= 20
DGI = 26 (N
For GRV = 20,
DGI = 22 (N =
No view
For GRV = 20,
DGI = 18 (N =
24) [may be
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
Type of
Number of
Type of
Contrast CCT CRI
Glare or
Glare Index
Arts Tower
from the
masked cell”
(i.e., measuring
appropriate for
low vision
n tests
12 with
normal color
vision and VA
corrected to
20/20 or
Experiment 1:
Testing Lab At
Warm (low)-
FM Score for
Hue Tests:
55-70 [lower
scores are
< 4000 K
CRI: 80-95
FM Score:
New Gamut
Area Index
70 60
500 [Better
predictor of
FM Score:
CRI: 80-95
FM Score:
GAI: 55-95
[GAI is
predictor of
12 with
normal color
vision and VA
corrected to
20/20 or
Experiment 2:
Testing Lab at
Cool (high)
FM Score:
> 6000 K
CRI: 72-95
FM Score:
GAI: 65-95
500 [Better
predictor of
FM Score:
CRI: 70-94
[CRI is
predictor of
FM Score:
GAI: 65-975
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
Type of
Number of
Type of
Contrast CCT CRI
Glare or
Glare Index
10 with
normal color
vision and VA
corrected to
20/20 or
Experiment 3:
Testing Lab at
mix between
Warm and Cool
FM Score:
5000 K
CRI: 75-95
FM Score:
GAI: 52-95
500 [Better
predictor of
FM Score:
CRI: 75-95
FM Score:
20 15
GAI: 55-95
[GAI is
predictor of
Study on
40 subjects:
20 @ < 25
20 @ >50
Normal Vision
Two sets (i.e.,
“red” and
“blue”) of four
spectral power
(SPDs) were
created by
varying the
wavelength of
either the
blue or the red
primary of a
red, green,
blue (RGB)
diode (LED)
Ranged from
550 to 850
FM Score
Gamut Area:
51 - 97
at 3500 K
27 - 84
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
1. (35) Bowers AR, Meek C, Stewart N. 2001. Illumination and reading performance in age-related macular degeneration. Clin Exp Optom, May 84(3): 139-147.
2. (18) Miller D, Sarmiento JS, and Burns SK. 2009. Light Units, p 51. In: Ophthalmology, 3
Edition; Yanoff M, Dunker J, and Augsburger J (editors), Mosby-
Elsevier, Publisher.
3. (10) Sinoo MM, van Hoof J, Kort HSM. 2010. Lighting conditions for older adults, a description of light assessment in nursing homes, pp 3-7. In: Symposium
Proceedings Light & Care 2010, Ariadne Tenner, Toine Schoutens and Domien Beersma (editors), Light & Health Research Foundation, SOLG P.O. box 1082, 5602 BB
Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
4. (19) Lenoir M, et al. 2010. New Standard for the Visual Accessibility of Signs and Signage for People with Low Vision. Final Report, 15 March 2010, (ANEC-DFA-
2008-G-044-Annex 6rev). ANEC, the European consumer voice in standardization, AISBL, Avenue de Tervueren 32, box 27, B-1040-Brussels, Belgium.
5. (36) Jenness J and Singer J. 2006. Visual Detection of Detectable Warning Materials by Pedestrians with Visual Impairments. Final Report to Federal Highway
Commission, Task Order 18 under Project DTFH61-01-C-00049, 24 May 2006, Westat Corp, Rockville MD.
6. (11) Boyce PR and Sanford LJ. 2000. Chapter 34 - Lighting to Enhance Visual Capabilities, pp 617-636. In: Lighthouse Handbook on Vision Impairment (Vol I) and
Vision Rehabilitation, 2
Edition, Oxford Press.
7. (12) Lindner H, Hubnert K, Schlote HW, and Rohl F. 1989. Subjective Lighting Needs of the Old and the Pathological Eyes. Lighting Research and Technology, 21:
1-10 (referenced in item 6, above).
8. (17) Tuaycharoen N and Tregenze PR. 2007. View and Discomfort Glare from Windows. Lighting Research and Technology, Vol. 39, Issue 2, pages 185-201.
9. (13) Rea MS and Freyssinier-Nova JP. 2008. Color Rendering: A Tale of Two Metrics. Col Res Appl, Vol 33: 192-202.
10. (37) Royer MP and Houser KW. 2012. Spatial Brightness Perception of Trichromatic Stimuli. Leukos, Vol 9, No. 2: 80-108.
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
Table 4D-2. Performance Criteria for Surfaces and Materials.
The following table is designed to be used in conjunction with recommendations in the texts of
chapters 2 and 3. Designers must use their professional skills in applying the recommended values
in this table to fully support the objectives of chapters 2 and 3.
Awareness of the needs of people with low vision in design is relatively recent. There are some
areas of concern that have not yet been researched or documented to provide credible data.
Therefore, portions of the following table are either incomplete or controversial for lack of applied
experience with the recommended criteria. The committee hopes that future research will resolve
these shortcomings.
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
Table 4D-2. Performance Criteria for Surfaces and Materials. (SEE NOTE ABOVE.) References [ ] are listed at the end of this
General Light
Value Range
(See note 1)
Contrast at
Edge (%)
(See note 2)
Contrast to
Adjacent or
[2,3,4, 11]
(See note 2)
Units GU)
(See note
note 4)
(See note
Exterior Spaces for Pedestrians
Horizontal Surfaces
N/A (Not
- N/A -
- N/A -
Vertical Surfaces & Objects in Circulation Pathway
Drinking Fountains
Directional Signage
< 19
Signs Character: 70%
Signs Character: 70%
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
General Light
Value Range
(See note 1)
Contrast at
Edge (%)
(See note
Contrast to
Adjacent or
(See note 2)
Units GU)
(See note
note 4)
note 5)
Building Entry
Solid Doors
Glazed Doors
*Visible Characters @ 4’6”-
Door Frames
Interior Spaces
Building Lobby
20 50
50 - 80
Public Doors/Frames
< 40
Non-Public Doors
< 40
Directional Signage
< 19
< 70
Vertical Circulation
Approach to Stairs
and Escalators
Stair Treads/Landing
30 60
< 40
Stairway Walls
60 80
Stairway Handrails
< 40
Elevator Doors
< 70
Elevator Floors
30 - 60
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
General Light
Value Range
(See note 1)
Contrast at
Edge (%)
(See note 2)
Contrast to
Adjacent or
(See note 2)
Units GU)
(See note
note 4)
note 5)
Elevator Walls
40 - 80
< 40
Elevator Buttons
Escalator Steps
Escalator Landing
Horizontal Circulation
Floor Surfaces
30 50
50 -80
< 40
Public Doors/Frames
Non-Public Doors
< 10
11 - 19
Signs Character: 70%
Interior Spaces
30 50
60 80
60 -80
30 60
Fixture Controls
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
General Light
Value Range
(See note 1)
Contrast at
Edge (%)
(See note 2)
Contrast to
Adjacent or
(See note 2)
Units GU)
(See note
note 4)
note 5)
Theater Aisle
20 - 40
Theater Steps
20 - 40
Theater Seating
Seating Numbers
Meeting Rooms
30 - 50
60 -80
Display Walls
Table Tops/Counters
30 - 60
< 25
Window Covering
Offices & Class Rooms
20 50
1 25
60 80
25 40
Display Walls
25 40
Table Tops/Counters
30 60
10 - 25
Window Covering
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
General Light
Value Range
(See note 1)
Contrast at
Edge (%)
(See note
Value Contrast
to Adjacent or
(See note 2)
Units GU)
(See note
note 4)
note 5)
Food Service
Residential Kitchens
20 50
1 25
Institutional Kitchens
60 80
1 40
Cafeteria Serveries
60 - 80
1- 40
Dining Areas
20 - 50
60 80
Door/Door Frames
N/A --
Dining Tables
30 - 60
Dining Counters
30 - 60
- N/A -
1. (20) Barker P, Barrick J, and Wilson R. 1995. Building Sight. HMSO in association with Royal National Institute for the Blind. London
2. (21) Bright K, Cook G, Harris J. 1997, Revised 2004, Colour, Contrast & Perception - Design Guidance for Internal Built Environments The Rainbow Project.
(2004 Revision) The Research Group for Inclusive Environments, The University of Reading, UK.
3. (22) Colour and Contrast, CD design guide and colour schemes 2007. ICI Dulux Trade in association with Royal National Institute for the Blind .
4. (23) Bright K, Cook G, Harris J. 1999. Building Design: The Importance of Flooring Pattern and Finish for People with a Vision Impairment. British Journal of
Visual Impairment, 17: 121-125
5. (24) ADA Standards for Accessible Design 2010, 2012 Signage Update paragraph A430.5
6. (25) Standard Test Methods for Specular Gloss. 2008. ASTM D 523 08 International. West Conshohocken, PA .
7. (26) Technical Data Finish. 2012. Pratt & Lambert Paints.
8. (27) Owsley C, Sekuler R, Siemsen D. 1983. Contrast Sensitivity Throughout Adulthood. Vision Res. Vol 23, No 7, pages 689-699
9. (28) Meeting the needs of disabled travelers A guide to good practice for bus passenger technology providers. 2012. RTIGPR003-D002-1.8
10. (Draft) ANSI/IES RP-28-2013: Lighting and the Visual Environment for Seniors and Low Vision Population. 2013. Illuminating Engineering Society. NY
11 (29) British Standards Institute (BSI) 2001 and in 2009 updated BS 8300-: Design of buildings and their approaches to meet the needs of disabled people
Code of practice. Practices described in BS 8300-2009 and Evaluating access statements requirements in Part M of the building regulations and minor technical
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6. May 11, 2015
© National Institute of Building Sciences
Notes regarding values in columns:
1. The maximum values for the parameters of LRV, shown in Column 2, represent the most reflection from exterior and interior
surfaces that would be acceptable to populations including persons with low vision to minimize glare. Otherwise, ranges of LRVs
represent reflections from interior surfaces that would enhance luminance and be acceptable to populations including persons with
low vision and would provide flexibility in meeting the minimum value contrasts in Columns 3 and 4.
2. The minimum Value Contrasts, shown in Columns 3 and 4, represent the lowest contrast that would be acceptable to populations
including persons with low vision while viewing the edge of a step, a change in level, or adjacent surfaces or objects and their
backgrounds. See Appendix 5C for the method of calculating Value Contrast.
3. The maximum Sheen for surfaces, shown in Column 5, represents the most specular reflection that would be acceptable to
populations including persons with low vision for reducing reflected glare.
4. Sheen of a surface in measured in Gloss Units (GU). See Appendix 5C for additional information.
5. A Change of Texture on a walking surface. where shown in Column 6, provides useful sensory information for a person with low
vision as a subtle cueing or a warning. See Appendix 5C for additional information.
6. Patterns should be restricted to plain uniform surfaces where shown in Column 7, See Appendix 5C for additional information.
amendments to Part M of the building regulations Impact Statement, 2012
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6.0 May 11, 2015:
©National Institute of Building Sciences
5A. Health Effects
Non-Visual Health Effects of Light Sources
There are two ways that light sources impact health: 1) vitamin D synthesis is activated when
ultraviolet-B light strikes the skin; 2) circadian rhythm is a process where light enters the eye
and travels the same pathway until it reaches the retina where it activates intrinsically photo
sensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGC), which send signals to the body clock (i.e., circadian
pacemaker). Vitamin D is important for everyone and does not impact those with low vision
differently than normally sighted individuals therefore control of Vitamin D is not addressed in
this Guideline. However, a significant percentage of those with low vision retain light
perception and exhibit normal circadian patterns. (39; 40), therefore, this guideline includes
circadian rhythm.
Circadian rhythm: The body clock controls the timing of most 24-hour behavioral and
physiological elements, including the sleep-wake cycle, alertness and performance rhythms,
hormone production, temperature regulation and metabolism.
Light is the most powerful stimulus for entrainment of the body clock and keeping our
bodies synchronized with the 24-hour light /dark cycle. The impact of light stimulus will
depend on its intensity, timing, pattern of exposure, light history, and wavelength.
The light-sensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGC) send signals via the optic nerve to the
suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN ),the “circadian pacemaker,” in the brain (14). Compared
to the rods and cones, the ipRGC respond more slowly and signal the presence of light
over the long term. Their functional roles are non-image-forming and fundamentally
different from those of pattern vision; they provide a stable representation of ambient
light intensity and wavelength content.
Unlike the rods and cones, the ipRGC contains the photopigment, melanopsin, which is
excited by light mainly in the blue portion of the visible spectrum (14) Those with low
vision and many who are blind, including those with degenerated rod and cone
photoreceptors, such as people with retinitis pigmentosa, still have functioning ipRGC as
demonstrated by their circadian responses (41).
The ipRGC respond to light is in the blue range of 460 480 nanometers (nm), (42), while
the spectrum of visible light that stimulates rods and cones peaks at 550 nm. Light
sources indoors should mimic the natural color rhythm of light outside. Exposure to cool
light (like the blue sky) is important in the morning or during the day, but should be
avoided in the evening and at night. Exposure to cool (blue-white) light at night
suppresses melatonin during the time of its heaviest flow, thereby disrupting the
circadian system.
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6.0 May 11, 2015:
©National Institute of Building Sciences
Color vision-deficient individuals can maintain a normal circadian response to light as
stimulation of rods and cones is not required (39; 40). If light can be seen by a low vision
person, then the circadian system should still be functional.
The impact of light stimulus will depend on its intensity, timing, pattern of exposure, light
history (43), and wavelength. Circadian light, measured in luminance (amount of light entering
the eye), needs to be significantly higher than light for vision.
To maintain a health circadian rhythm, daylight should be used in interior spaces that are
occupied by the same people for long periods of time. The color of electric light for spaces used
in the evening and night should be warm in color, avoiding the cool light found during the day;
nightlight use should be limited.
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6.0 May 11, 2015:
©National Institute of Building Sciences
5B. Interaction of Lighting with Audio and other Sensory Systems
While the subject of this guideline is design that accommodates low vision occupants, the role
of the body’s other senses is important to keep in mind. When we respond to the environment,
all our senses are employed to enrich and inform our comprehension of the space and our
movement in it.
Acoustic and kinesthetic changes are familiar experiences for everyone as contributors to our
understanding of where we are. The loss of acuity in vision may heighten sensitivity in other
senses and this may suggest the introduction of non-visual sensory cues to the design. For
example, a change in lighting might be accompanied by a change in floor texture and sound
absorption from one space to another. People with vision loss learn to use auditory and tactile
cues to assist with wayfinding.
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6.0 May 11, 2015:
©National Institute of Building Sciences
5C. Color: Light Source Color and Object Color
Light for Vision
The ability to see and differentiate between surfaces and objects in the visual environment is
dependent on the various characteristics of the light source color, the object or material color
and the combination of these characteristics. In addition, the light source color shining on a
surface will affect the color perception of that material and the space. The color of objects or
material in the space is addressed below and in Section 1.3 and Table 3.
Non-Visual aspects of Light:
Circadian Patterns: The color of the light source will also impact circadian patterns. To
maintain healthy circadian rhythms, the color temperature (wavelengths) of light must
change to mimic the changing color of light in the sky from warm at dawn, cool like the
blue sky at mid-day, back to warm at dusk, and darkness at night.
Vitamin D
synthesis: Ultraviolet-B (UVB) light that is needed for vitamin D synthesis is
out of the visible range (range of 280 - 315 nm) (51). Vitamin D
is required for bones and
tissues to absorb calcium.
Circadian Rhythms and Vitamin D Synthesis are addressed in greater detail in Appendix
Light Source Characteristics
Color. The spectrum of the visible light is 380 760 nanometers (nm). However, light below 340
nm may cause damage to the retinas of people over the age of 50 (52). Sources of visible light
affect how humans perceive the colors that they see in the environment. There are two metrics
to describe color quality used in architectural applications: correlated color temperature (CCT)
and color rendering index (CRI) (53).
A color temperature is expressed in degrees Kelvin (K), describing the light source and
the light it emits. Lower number represent warm light (3000K or lower), i.e. dawn and
dusk; mid-range is white light (3500K), i.e. one hour after sunrise; and higher numbers
represent cool, bluish-white light (4000K or higher), i.e. two hours after sunrise and
upward to the color of the blue sky. Warm light will enhance the warm colors and cool
light will enhance cool colors. Cool light, like the blue sky, stimulates the circadian system
during the day; warm light at night will not disrupt the circadian system. (See Appendix
5A for further information).
Color rendering refers to how natural the color of an object appears with a given light
source. According to IES nomenclature (45):
o Color rendering is the “effect of an illuminant on the color appearance of objects by
conscious or subconscious comparison with their color appearance under a reference
o Color Rendering Index (CRI) is a “measure of the degree of color shift objects undergo
when illuminated by the light source as compared with the color of the same objects
when illuminated by a reference source of comparable color temperature. The CRI is
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6.0 May 11, 2015:
©National Institute of Building Sciences
a scale of 1 to 100. Light sources with a high CRI make colors appear more colorful
and natural. Three variations of CRI are defined by IES:
General: Measure of the average shift of eight standardized colors chosen to
be of intermediate saturation and spread throughout the range of hues (if
the CRI is not qualified as to color samples used, the general CRI is assumed).
Special: Measure of color shift of various standardized special colors,
including saturated colors, typical foliage, and Caucasian skin.
Color Preference Index: Measure appraising the light source for enhancing
the appearance of an object or objects by making their colors tend toward
people’s preferences.
Color Intensity is a subset of luminance and provides information on the intensity of
emitted light within a range of wavelength in a given direction.
Uniformity refers to the even distribution of light within a space or across a plane. The
plane may be horizontal, vertical or slanted. The uniformity is stated as a maximum-to-
minimum ratio.
o Older eyes adapt much more slowly to changes in light levels and function better
when lighting is even and consistent.
o A 3:1 ratio is recommended for those with low vision to minimize the fluctuation of
light in a space or on a plane (38). Dark areas can obscure objects, steps and curbs.
Surface Characteristics
Hue is the term used to describe how we perceive an object’s color, i.e. red, green, blue.
o Colors are sensed by the cones in the retina of the eye. Those who have lost their
central vision may not see color, only black and white.
o Contrasting hues are not visible to those who are color blind. Contrasting colors of
the same value may not be visible to those with impaired vision.
o The color of the light source will impact the hue of the material.
Saturation (Intensity) refers to the brightness or dullness of the color. Saturation contrast
may be too subtle for those with low vision to differentiate.
Value (also see Eqn [5]) is the lightness or darkness of the surface color rated on a scale
of 0 (black total absorption) to 100 (white total reflectance). The location of the
surface material and interaction with the light source are important. For example, values
in the higher range are recommended for ceilings and walls to distribute light throughout
an interior space.
Light Reflectance Value (LRV) is quantified numerically from 0100 to indicate the
percentage of light striking the surfaces that will be reflected back from the surface (54).
The recommendations in Table 3 depend upon the location, exterior or interior, and
vertical or horizontal surfaces. LRVs are used in lighting calculations and to determine
value contrast. Lighting calculations for interior spaces factor in the LRV on ceilings, walls
and floors to determine the illuminance (quantity of light) at a given point in a space.
The LRVs in Table 3 represent a range to optimize light levels and allow for contrast in
the visual environment. LRVs for materials are available from the material
manufacturers. Or they can be estimated in the field using a paint fan deck under similar
lighting conditions to find approximate color and sheen similar to the material (55).
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6.0 May 11, 2015:
©National Institute of Building Sciences
o The illuminance of the light source striking the surface is an important factor. The
strength of bright sunlight striking a light-value walking surface will be reflected into
the eyes and may be sensed as glare.
o Outdoor walking paths and paved surfaces should be med-dark in value, below 35
LRV. Concrete darkens as it ages and will take years to reach 35 LRV without adding
pigment to the mix or an acid-etch finish.
Value Contrast, which is the ratio of between light to dark, enhances vision, especially for
persons with low vision (29). Comparison of light reflectance values determines the
amount of value contrast between adjacent surfaces or objects and their background to
increase visibility. A minimum value difference of 30 points is required of critical
elements. Steps and level changes require a greater difference of 50 points as an alert to
the potential hazard. Contrast in percent is determined by: Contrast = [(B1 - B2)/B1] x
100.4 B1 = light reflectance value (LRV) of the lighter area and B2 = light reflectance
value (LRV) of the darker area. Note that in any application both white and black are
never absolute; thus, B1 never equals 100 and B2 is always greater than 0 (24).
o Materials should have minimum differences in LRV for items (see Table 3):
LRV difference of 30 between objects and their background.
LRV difference of 30 between floors and walls or base molding to define the
LRV difference of 30 between doors, door frames, and walls.
LRV difference of 50 as an alert to level changes and on stair nosing.
o Loss of contrast sensitivity is common among those with low vision.
o Contrasting values should be used to define elements within a space, i.e. an edge of a
step, level change or an object in the pathway.
o Value contrast is not light dependent and benefits everyone in low-light conditions.
Surface Sheen or Gloss: The sheen of a material is determined by shining a light on the
surface at different testing angles. Black glass is used as the standard for high gloss.
Material testing is conducted in a controlled laboratory condition measured by a
glossmeter (25). The measurement results of a glossmeter are relative to the amount of
reflected light from the black glass standard with a defined refractive index. The ratio of
reflected to incident light for the specimen, compared to the ratio for the glass standard,
is recorded as gloss units (GU).
o Common terms to describe gloss include matte or flat (< 10 GU, measured at 85
degree angle), medium gloss ( 10 70 GU, measured at 60 degree angle) and
specular or high gloss (>70 GU measured at 20 degree angle.
o Light shining on a matte surface is diffusely scattered in all directions and the image
forming qualities are diminished. High gloss surfaces reflect images distinctly. The
incident light is directly reflected on the surface in the direction of reflection. The
angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection, producing reflected glare.
o Matte finishes are recommended for interior floors or exterior walking surfaces to
avoid reflected glare and optical illusions created by specular reflections. High gloss
floors are reported to be very detrimental to safe navigation (23). The intensity of
the sun striking large vertical surfaces with a specular finish will create similar
reflections and glare.
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6.0 May 11, 2015:
©National Institute of Building Sciences
o The combination of the gloss of the material, location, direction and intensity of the
light source will determine the user’s sensation of luminance, contrast and glare.
o Recommended values are given in Table 3, in terms of Gloss Units (GU).
o Recommended values are given in Section 1.3 Table 3, in terms of Gloss Units (GU).
Texture: Table 3 does not recommend specific textures, but rather recommends where a
change of texture provides sensory information that may be beneficial to persons who
are visually impaired as a subtle cueing or a warning.
o Patterns (also see Appendix 5C on Michelson Contrast): Table 3 indicates where
patterns on the walking surface should not be used. The uniformity of walking and
transition surfaces is a safety issue. Stairways and walking surfaces are the most
critical areas and should not have patterns.
o A uniform walking surface, free of visual clutter, allows the important visual
information to be perceived, i.e. steps, curbs and objects.
The scale of the pattern and the value contrast of the pattern will determine
its impact.
Surfaces with large scale swirling or geometric patterns are confusing,
masking important visual cues, i.e. the edge of a step or objects in the
A pattern with a strong value contrast will be more problematic than one
with a low value contrast.
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6.0 May 11, 2015:
©National Institute of Building Sciences
5D. Dimming and other Control Strategies
Occupancy sensor placement is very important to successful implementation of lighting
controls by persons with low vision. Sensors should be placed to activate as soon as a person
enters the space so he or she is not forced to grope about for a switch or to avoid collisions. To
avoid entrance into a completely dark room, such as public toilets with no spill light from
adjacent spaces, a minimum illuminance should be provided that activates when the occupancy
sensor deactivates. For ease of identification, a minimum Light Reflective Value (LRV)
difference of 20 should be provided between all switches, dimmers, button controls and covers
and the mounted surface, and illuminated indicator light (pilot light). Additional strategies
might include:
An Illuminated pilot light with a large button slide bar dimmer with on/off switch may
provide easy control.
Automatic-On, Automatic-Off Occupancy Sensors set lights to come on when motion is
detected; lights turn off when there is no movement in the room for a (programmable)
pre-set time period. To avoid entrance into a completely dark room, such as public toilets
with no spill light from adjacent spaces, a minimum illuminance should be provided that
activates with the occupancy sensor deactivates,
In areas such as stairwells, occupancy sensors can be used to switch between the
minimum code required light levels during unoccupied periods and full light when
occupied. Automated window shades and controls can be used for glare and contrast
control by adjusting the daylight penetration into a space. Easily accessible controls and
manual overrides with illuminated buttons should be provided.
Design Guideline for the Visual Environment: Version 6.0 May 11, 2015:
©National Institute of Building Sciences
(Orr & Rogers, 2006; Warren, 2008).
(Haegerstrom-Portnoy, 1999)
Further guidance for wayfinding and other services for persons with low vision can be found at
an ADA website: Requirements for Braille, however, do not
help persons with low vision most of whom are not trained in Braille reading.
This is a form of Equation [8] for Weber Contrast in Appendix 5C, but the denominator is more
limited in this equation.