Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
Newsletter of the Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society
Volume 19 Number 2 June 2017
Cover Story . . . . . . 1
Society News . . . . 2
Announcements. . . 26
Meetings . . . . . 30
Meetings . . . . . 33
Articles . . . . . . 34
Bibliography . . . 42
FMCS Officers . . . 75
Committee Chairs
and Co-chairs . . 76
Parting Shot . . . . . 77
Implementing the New Strategy
Heidi Dunn, FMCS President
It is an honor and privilege to be President of such
an enthusiastic group. FMCS has accomplished many
projects these past few years and new projects have
been initiated, which I hope to keep moving forward.
The committees have always been the backbone of
this Society and they have achieved many of the goals
set forth in the previous National Strategy for the
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
Conservation of Freshwater Mussels. We now have a new Strategy, broadened to include all
freshwater mollusks, and some new goals and objectives for our committees to tackle. Toward
that end, now Past-president Teresa Newton tasked the committees with developing new scope
and focus statements based on the new Strategy. Within the next few months, we hope to review
those suggestions and determine if we need to revise, combine, or develop new committees to
meet the challenges set forth in the new National Strategy.
This year, we have established an ad hoc International Committee that, we hope, will work to
pull together freshwater mollusk enthusiasts from around the globe. A meeting is currently
being planned for September 2018 in Northern Italy. Our European members have invited us
to present FMCS to European malacologists to determine if they want to join our society and
how that might be structured. We also have set up an ad hoc committee that is exploring the
creation of a professional certification program which could set standards and reward
professional achievement.
This past year, we have participated in a major revision of the American Fisheries Society
publication Monetary Values of Fish and Mussel Kills. Both propagation techniques and
sampling methods for freshwater mollusks have improved considerably since the 2003 edition
of that document was published, and it has been quite a challenge working on this revision.
Although not perfect, the new edition is an improvement and we formed an ad hoc committee at
the 2017 Symposium to work on how we can improve the methods and values for the next
revision of that important book.
We have also started forming relationships with other societies that foster similar goals. We
have joined the Consortium of Aquatic Sciences (CASS) which will strengthen our position in
responding to environmental issues and give us more opportunities for outreach. That group of
societies is also working on tackling the issue of diversity within their memberships, an issue
we would like to tackle but about which we could use some guidance.
So, we have interesting tasks to work on these next few years. I would like to see our
committees become more active and include as many members as possible in accomplishing the
things they do. Unfortunately, with the new political climate in the United States, we will likely
have less political support and fewer funds to work with. But we still have a responsibility to
our molluscan friends. Fortunately, our Society is blessed with a wide range of expertise and
experience, a good knowledge base from those who have been around awhile, and a growing
contingent of young professionals and students ready to take on leadership rolls. So, let’s keep
our spirits up, our heads under water, and do the best we can with the talents and resources
we have. We can’t just clam up when we get disturbed. Keep on siphoning!
Society News
2017 Cleveland Symposium We Did It! Thank You!
Becca Winterringer and Greg Zimmerman
Cleveland Symposium Co-chairs
The Symposium Committee would like to send out a big, sincere “THANK YOU” to the
membership for making the 2017 Cleveland Symposium a resounding success!!! One of our
biggest issues was dealing with the overwhelming attendance at the Symposium and the mussel
and snail Workshops. We appreciated your patience and understanding as we worked through
the hiccups during the week. Beyond those minor issues, we’ve had overwhelmingly positive
feedback on the event in terms of content, venue, and location. This success was accomplished
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
despite travel restrictions on federal and state employees and budget limitations. We know
many members bridged this gap using their personal funds and resources, and we would like
to thank those members for making it happen.
The FMCS Symposia are great opportunities
to bring together mollusk biologists,
researchers, and managers from diverse
geographical locations and backgrounds, and
the 2017 Symposium certainly did not
disappoint. Participants traveled from far and
wide to make this one of the best-attended
FMCS meetings to date. Nearly 300 members
attended the Symposium, including over 60
students. North American members hailed
from 31 of the United States and one Canadian
Province, from Maine to New Mexico, and from
Ontario to Florida. Beyond that, nearly 20
attendees traveled from abroad, representing
Finland, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, and Sweden. The two Sunday
Workshops were met with enthusiasm; 44 attended the gastropod workshop and 33 attended
the unionid workshop.
This Symposium also featured our first-ever
student/mentor mixer. Over 35 students and
50 professionals gathered on Sunday evening,
enjoying an opportunity for students to interact
with professionals and discus what a
professional position in mollusk biology and
conservation can entail.
While we had our official symposium theme
(The Roles of Freshwater Mollusks in a
Changing Environment: Ecosystems,
Engineering, Valuation, and Practice),
communication was the consistent unofficial
focus of this meeting. At every break and at
every social event, the halls and rooms were abuzz with lively discussions. The Sunday night
welcoming reception was packed to capacity; old friendships were refreshed, new friendships
were made, and collaborations were planned. Throughout the week, we made full use of the
hospitality suite for conversations and field tales, and needed every spare room for committee
meetings and special project sessions. The food was delicious, and there was plenty to go
around. We don’t think many of us knew a box lunch could taste so good. The conference t-
shirts and hoodies were flying off the shelves, and we ordered more to keep up with demand.
We were particularly impressed by the quality and synergy of all the talks and posters. The
keynote and plenary speaker talks were especially relevant, informative, and thought provoking.
We would like to recognize each of those individuals one more time for their efforts:
Keynote Speaker - Dr. Jeffery Reutter
Plenary: Valuation - Mr. Tom Wilmoth
Plenary: Ecosystems - Dr. David L. Strayer
Plenary: Practice - Dr. Gregory Cope
Plenary: Mollusks as Ecosystem Engineers - Dr. Timothy Hoellein
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
In addition, we would like to formally recognize the panel members during our plenary
sessions for their excellent insight, comments, and questions for our speakers. As they were
not listed in the program, we wanted to recognize them here:
Monday Session: Keynote, Valuation, and Ecosystem Engineers
Ms. Patty Morrison, U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service
Dr. Heather Galbraith, U.S. Geological
Dr. Caryn Vaughn, University of
Dr. Lyubov Burlakova, Great Lakes
Center, Buffalo State, The State
University of New York
Dr. Alexander Karatayev, Great Lakes
Center, Buffalo State, The State
University of New York
Tuesday: What is the Value of Mollusks in Ecosystems, and Practice
Dr. Wendell Haag, Southern Research Station, U.S. Forest Service
Ms. Heidi Dunn, Ecological Specialists, Inc.
Dr. Chris Barnhart, Missouri State University
For us, hosting this Symposium was a big effort all around, with a big payoff. Some last
special acknowledgements are due to the FMCS Board, Cleveland 2017 Committee members
Dave Zanatta and Phil Mathias, Symposium Committee Chair Heidi Dunn, FMCS Treasurer
Emily Grossman, and FMCS webmaster Sophie Binder. Substantial thanks also are due to
Janet Clayton and Mark Hove for taking nearly all of the formal and informal pictures of the
Cleveland meeting presented in this issue of our newsletter.
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
Candid shots from the formal sessions, auction, and casual discussions in Cleveland
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
Minutes of the Spring 2017 FMCS Board Meeting
Cleveland, Ohio Sunday, March 26, 2017
In the absence of President Teresa Newton [because of an airline flight delay], the Spring
2017 FMCS Board Meeting was conducted by Heidi Dunn, President-elect, starting with a Roll
Call. In attendance were: Heidi Dunn, Emily Grossman, Janet Clayton, Patty Morrison, Greg
Cope, Jeremy Tiemann, Art Bogan, Manuel Lopes-Lima, Tyler Hern, Braven Beaty, Tom Watters,
Wendell Haag, Clint Robertson, Charles Randklev, Kentaro Inoue, Neil Ford, Ryan Schwegman,
Leroy Koch, Rachael Hoch, John Harris, Emy Monroe, Dave Berg, Greg Zimmerman, Becca
Winterringer, Gary Pandolfi, Steve McMurray, Lisie Kitchel, Megan Bradley, Nathan Eckert,
Mark Hove, Michael Hart, and Jennifer Archambault. A quorum of Board members was
determined to be present.
A motion to approve the December 8, 2016 Board Meeting Minutes (published in March 2017
Ellipsaria) was made by Greg Cope with a second by Emy Monroe. The minutes were approved
Treasurer’s Report – Emily Grossman
2017 Symposium update as of 3/22/17
Currently 273 people are pre-registered and we are expecting a few more as walk-ins. We are
also up to 17 sponsors (awesome!!).
Income (totals so far; note this overlaps slightly with last treasurer’s report):
Registration: $92,181.25
Sponsorships: $11,002 (have ~$2,000 more pledged; awaiting funds)
Workshops: $6,060
Field trips: $1,950
T-shirts, etc.: $1,527
Total symposium income to date: $112,720.25
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
Event insurance: $300
Deposit for poster panels: $2,460
Deposit for Wednesday entertainment: $900
Total symposium expenses to date: $3,691
Estimated remaining expenses: ~$110,000
Bottom line: It looks like we are on track to at least break even on the symposium.
Other income and expenses: 12/1/16 3/22/17
Memberships: $19,240
T-shirts, hats, etc.: $10.00
Total non-symposium income: $19,250.00
Allen Press/FMBC costs: $151.20
Regional meetings: $300 (Maryland, Northeast Region, VA Atlantic Slope)
iPad and accessories for credit card system: $459.63
PayPal fees: $2,533.33
Square (new CC system) fees: $358.75
Bank fees: $24 (misc. service charges)
Other transaction fees: $15 (eVA system)
File 2016 1099s: $14.99
Total non-symposium expenses: $3,856.90
Current bank balance
Checking: $135,164.27
Savings: $125,005.94
PayPal: $4,565.08
Total: $264,735.29
Other items
The treasurer is currently using Intuit QuickBooks 2011 for Mac to manage the Society’s
finances. Software has not been updated as newer versions are not particularly Mac friendly.
Conversion to Windows operating systems will be conducted shortly and suggest consider
purchasing an updated version of QuickBooks for Windows once that transition happens.
QuickBooks Pro Desktop 2017 is currently priced at $199.95 (per Intuit’s website). Heidi made
a motion to approve spending up to $250 on the purchase of QuickBooks. Seconded by Braven
Beaty. All approved.
Heidi reminded the Board that FMCS had agreed to provide the balance of $40,000 for the
publishing of the AFS Monetary Values document which is to include mussels. Currently
$10,000 from UMRCC, $10,000 from Genoa National Fish Hatchery, $2500 from the Ohio River
NRDA fund have been obtained which leaves FMCS to make up the other $17,500. This was
previously voted on and we are still committed to making the payment.
Secretary’s Report Janet Clayton
Janet stated that each of the standing committee co-chairs was sent a list of active members
who had said they wanted to be on the committee on their on-line membership profile. The
membership database is undergoing spring cleaning and lapsed members as of January 1, 2015
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
were sent a final notice to rejoin by March 15 or they will be removed from the mailing list. Their
information has been moved to the archives and can always be retrieved if they re-join later.
Committee Reports
Symposium Committee
2017 Symposium in Cleveland
Becca Winterringer and Greg Zimmerman are heading up the symposium that is getting
underway. They reported some signage issues and, following some room adjustments, things
are looking good and the hotel staff has been responsive. They are using an App at the
conference center that gets staff quickly where needed. This has been very useful and highly
suggested for use at future meetings. They encouraged folks to stay through Wednesday night
as they have an amazing band lined up. They are considering offering $20 tickets to some
watershed groups to fill some seats. They are also offering a one hour open bar incentive
following dinner in order to get better participation. They had 273 pre-registrants. There was
overwhelming interest for the gastropod workshop with 44 people. Workshop instructors
permitted those on the waiting list to also attend. There was a total of 36 participants in the
mussel workshop. Extra drink tickets may be for sale at a reduced rate.
2018 Workshop
Heidi presented information on the 2018 Workshop on Diseases and Mollusks to be held in
La Crosse, Wisconsin. That March 12-15 Workshop will be spearheaded by Diane Waller and
will concentrate on freshwater mollusk health and disease assessment. Initial planning
meetings were held in January March with Teresa Lewis and Corey Puzach, FWS Midwest
Fisheries Office in La Crosse; Megan Bradley, Genoa NFH; and Diane Waller, USGS-UMESC to
discuss potential venues for the meeting and compare costs between conference centers. Staff
from all three facilities will assist with workshop arrangements. Teresa Lewis and Ken Phillips
have offered use of Fish Health facilities and assistance of staff for the hands-on portion of the
workshop. Fish Health staff conduct a yearly course on fish disease and are experienced with
accommodating groups of people for training. Jay Levine, North Carolina State University, was
contacted and is willing to help develop the hands-on training portion of the workshop. A full
program committee has not yet been established though a few individuals have been contacted.
Other FMCS members wishing to assist should contact Megan or Diane. A list of potential
speakers and participants is underway. Several people have been contacted and are interested
in presenting. We hope to hear from FMCS with specific suggestions for the program, based on
interests and concerns from people working in propagation programs and those responding to
mussel die-offs. It is hoped the full program committee will encompass the range of viewpoints
and interests. Poster, sponsorship, and field trip committees have not yet been established;
however,; Megan Bradley offered to host tours of the Genoa NFH for the optional field trip.
2019 Symposium in Texas
Charles Randklev is heading up the 2019 Symposium and is currently looking into Austin or
San Antonio, Texas, as the meeting site. Austin will likely be at least 10 to 15% more expensive
if we have it in March which could conflict with scheduling of a local event, “South by
Southwest”. San Antonio has a lively river district and similar amenities as Austin. It won’t be
as expensive, easier to get to river walk, hotel and airport. A presentation will be given to the
membership at the business meeting. San Antonio will probably be more amenable to working
with state and federal government. Lodging at one of the nearby universities may be available
for students. Heidi suggested taking a vote following the presentation at the business meeting.
Charles also requested information on how the cash flow goes for the symposium. He would
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
like some ballpark figures to know what to expect. Emily is to provide this. Becca also noted
that she would provide a list of lessons learned following the Cleveland symposium. There is
also a planning section in the Operations manual on Symposia.
2020 Workshop
Topic and location still open. Ideas that have been mentioned for this Workshops include:
Sampling protocols, state by state with a panel discussion
New tools, like genomics, acoustic Doppler current profiler
Standardized sampling: are there minimum guidelines
Water quality and toxicology- may want to check with folks in Columbia
Snail identification and sampling
We are looking for people who would like to organize 2020 with any of the above or other
topics they think might interest the group. Anyone with ideas for future workshops and venues
for future symposia, please contact Heidi Dunn or Jeremy Tiemann.
2021 Symposium
Heidi Dunn approached the Pacific Northwest mussel group about their interest in hosting
the 2021 Symposium in either Portland or Seattle. They only have six species of freshwater
mussels but are passionate about them. The idea was discussed in their March meeting. Heidi
provided them with a link to the Symposium and Workshop guidelines in our protocol manual.
They had questions on how this would be funded, how many people would attend, and if there
was any monetary incentive to the group (share of the proceeds). The general tone of the group
was favorable but they wanted to get input from more of their members and set up a
SurveyMonkey. They plan to get results to heidi before March 26.
We have tried to encourage the Pacific Northwest group into participating in FMCS activities
before but it is hard for them to travel. They are interested in hosting and Heidi asked for any
objections. Seattle or Portland would most likely be the host city. Many Board members voiced
their approval and said it sounded great. A concern was brought forward that we might lose a
lot of participation but it was noted that the American fisheries Society has hosted in both cities
before and were some of their best-attended meetings. Heidi said that she would ask the
membership about this at the Business Meeting to determine interest in moving forward.
Awards Committee -- Emy Monroe, Greg Cope and Teresa Newton
Student Travel Awards: The Awards Committee announced and solicited applications for
student travel awards to assist students in attending this biennial symposium. Similar to past
years, travel awards were made in the form of pre-paid rooms at the symposium hotel. A total
of 29 students (3 BS, 14 MS, and 12 PhD) applied for travel awards. Based on the allotted funds
for all awards from the Society and the cost of rooms, nine student awards were presented. Of
these students, seven are earning their M.S. and two are earning their PhDs.
Best Student Platform and Poster Awards: There were 19 students that asked to have their
platform presentations judged and 19 students who asked to have their poster presentations
judged. We have secured four judges for each platform presentation and three judges for each
poster presentation. Heidi and others brought up that the line on the sample abstract asking
students if they wanted their presentation judged was left off. This needs added to the
procedures manual.
Professional Awards: The Awards committee solicited nominations and applications from the
membership for professional awards to be presented at the biennial symposium. In 2017, we
received one nomination for the William J Clench Memorial Award, one application for the
Meritorious Service Award, and three applications for the Lifetime Achievement Award.
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Environmental Quality and Affairs Committee -- Braven Beaty and Steve McMurray
The committee has responded to four issue topics raised by the membership since our last
biennial meeting in 2015. These response letters have addressed the following issues:
April 26, 2016: Comments to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service regarding freshwater mollusk impacts from the proposed Atlantic Coast and
Mountain Valley natural gas pipeline projects. The comments focused on direct impacts of
the proposed pipeline routes and construction on specific mussel species and the effects of
excess sedimentation and potential contaminants on the overall mollusk assemblages.
April 29, 2016: Comments to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service regarding additional permitted mining operations in the Locust Fork drainage, Black
Warrior River system, Alabama. Comments were focused on the cumulative effects of mining
activity on mollusks, especially imperiled species, and the evidence base supporting long-
term mining effects.
May 11, 2016: Requesting that the impacts of flow alteration on freshwater mollusks are
considered in the final EPA/USGS Technical Report: Protecting Aquatic Life from Effects of
Hydrologic Alteration. The draft report did not include analyses of hydrologic flow alteration
on freshwater mollusks even though they are a critical component of many freshwater
systems and play key ecological roles. The comments suggested assessing impacts from
emersion, contaminant concentration, displacement during flooding, hypoxia, hypothermia,
spawning timing, and juvenile habitat suitability. In addition, the ecosystem services
provided by freshwater mollusks were referenced.
Feb. 5, 2017: Suggest that impacts on freshwater mollusks are considered during
development of the Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed Pat Harrison Waterway
District and George County Proposed Big Cedar Creek and Little Cedar Creek Dams. The
society requested that freshwater mollusk impacts from the proposed dams be included in
the EIS. Key topics to be addressed were flow alteration impacts, habitat inundation, and the
disruption of a rare free-flowing Gulf Coast Drainage river system.
In addition, we are working on a letter supporting continued/increased support of natural
history collections and the role they play on understanding mollusk resources and ecology. This
letter would be general in nature and could be used by the membership to solicit support for
their local collections curators or grant funding.
We have taken ‘baby steps’ towards drafting a template 2-page issue statement format that
could be used for outreach or support funding and policy requests by members and their
agencies/organizations. A draft example will be available on the committee’s webpage.
Heidi noted that there was a lot of key legislation out there that could undo what we have
done over the years and questioned if we needed to put some additional information out to
inform. We can’t lobby but we definitely can put forth facts on what legislation has done. Is
this something we want to do or should we stay out of the political mix? Braven thinks this is
something that we as a professional society should undertake but need commitments from other
folks to help draft. This committee does provide an outlet for individuals that work for
organizations that do not allow them to have a voice. Need to try and pick the top few issues to
Genetics Committee -- Dave Berg and Curt Elderkin
We are still “recovering” from the Genetics Workshop held at NCTC in February 2016. By
the numbers: there were 73 in attendance 10 oral presentations and nine poster
presentations, six sponsors contributed a total of $7238, total income from the Workshop was
$19,763, total expenses amounted to $13,440, and we ended up with a net profit of $6323’.
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An agenda for next week’s committee meeting was prepared and includes setting priorities
for the next year.
Guidelines and Techniques Committee -- Mary McCann and Ryan Schwegman
The committee will meet on Tuesday, March 28, 2017 from 12:30-2:00 pm. The location will
be announced in the FMCS conference program. Anyone interested in guidelines and
techniques is encouraged to attend the meeting. We will be providing an update on the AFS
Mussel Kill Evaluation. We will also be reviewing and revising the committee’s future goals.
Mussel Survey Guidelines and Protocols The committee created and continues to maintain a
list of mussel survey guidelines and protocols organized by state or government agency. Any
new information that is available to list is welcome and should be forwarded to the committee
Mussel Photo Guide It has been one of the committee’s goals to adopt a mussel photo guide
to post on the website. Nevin Welte of PAFBC has recently completed a guide that will be
considered. Input from Art Bogan, John Harris, and Tom Watters have also been compiled as
to what the guide should cover.
Update on Mussel Kill Evaluation The Guidelines and Techniques Committee main role in
this process was to assist in the formation of a steering committee which provided information
on mussel value estimates for the American Fisheries Society’s Investigation and Monetary
Values of Fish and Freshwater Mussel Kills publication. Further detail is provided under Old
Business (See Page 16).
Mussel Status and Distribution Committee -- Art Bogan and John Harris
J. D. Williams et al. Conservation assessment of freshwater mussels of United States, Canada
and Mexico is a revision of Williams et al. (1993). It was submitted to Freshwater Mollusk
Biology and Conservation in August 2015. Following substantive comments from the editor and
reviewers in December 2015, it was decided that the manuscript should be divided in two. The
first revised manuscript will cover taxonomy and nomenclatural issues and an update of
Turgeon et al. 1998. There have been long discussions on what to recognize and how to best
present the evidence for the multiple changes. The US and Canada mussel names manuscript
should be completed and submitted in early-mid April 2017. Art noted that there are many
name changes and if you have an objection you need to publish. Species changes need to be in
a peer-reviewed journal and the list will be up for review every two years.
After the taxonomy paper is published, or is in press, a companion version addressing
conservation status will be submitted to Freshwater Mollusk Biology and Conservation. Authors
and areas of responsibility include James D. Williams (Eastern Gulf and south Atlantic), Jayne
Brim-Box (Western US), Sarina J. Jepsen (Western US), Terry L. Myers (Southwestern US and
Mexico), Alberto Contreras-Arquieta (Mexico), Robert Howells (Western Gulf and lower
Mississippi), Charles R. Randklev (Western Gulf and adjacent states), Nathan A. Johnson (Gulf
Coast), Jeffrey T. Garner (Gulf Coast and Tennessee Basin), John L. Harris (Ozarks and central
Mississippi Basin), Kevin Cummings (Ohio Basin, upper Mississippi and Midwest), Jason M.
Wisniewski (Atlantic Coast, Georgia to North Carolina), Arthur E. Bogan (Atlantic Coast, North
Carolina north to Maine), Bob Butler (Tennessee - Cumberland + Ohio Basins), Todd Morris
(Canada). The major hurdle facing the conservation status manuscript is to devise a system to
evaluate conservation status of species across a broad geographic area. This was the most
critical comment from reviewers of the initial conservation status manuscript. The fact that
there were no well-defined methods (metrics) to support status determinations was a major
criticism. While that is a valid point, there is no simple solution. Nevertheless, we will attempt
to better standardize our techniques of evaluation to make them more compatible across the
US, Canada, and Mexico.
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
Going forward, action items during the first half of 2017 for manuscript revision will include:
1) Request co-author input on a revised methodology for conservation status determinations
using the taxonomy adopted in the names manuscript, 2) Update status information for the
geographic areas of responsibility to include examination of all the state threatened and
endangered mussel lists or equivalent documents (SGCN - species of greatest conservation
need), 3) Revise and update distribution and conservation status information and complete the
text revision from the previous submission, and 4) Assuming the names manuscript has been
accepted for publication, submit the conservation manuscript to Freshwater Mollusk Biology
and Conservation.
Atlas of Freshwater Mussels of North America - 159 of the approximately 362 taxa addressed
in the Atlas have volunteer authors for species accounts. We have received 22 first draft
accounts as of March 21, 2017. External review and subsequent revisions are complete for one
species (Lasmigona costata) and the account is posted to the website. We are proceeding with
preliminary and external reviews of the remaining draft species accounts and will post those as
they are completed. Please contact Art or John if you are interested in becoming a volunteer
author for a species.
Development of Mussel ID App Susan Oetker indicated the App was tested at the Texas
mussel identification workshops hosted by Charles Randklev in August and October 2015. The
App did not perform to our expectations or satisfaction, and we performed an extensive QA/QC
and revision to the character database during winter 2015 and spring 2016. Revisions to the
app character matrix are complete, and the development team is now reviewing and testing the
app as we continue to improve and augment the photo archive and illustrations. The team
continues to search for and solicit high quality photos to complete the North American set.
Additional funding has been received through Endangered Species Act Section 6 allocations to
the state of Texas. When the contracts are finalized, the App developer will be ready to release
a new build for peer review and testing. Art noted that the App is on hold until the new
taxonomic list comes out.
Nominations Committee -- Leroy Koch
Election of officers was held with a better voter turnout this year than in the past. Jeremy
Tiemann is new President-elect, Emily Grossman remains Treasurer, and Janet Clayton
continues as Secretary.
Outreach Committee -- Megan Bradley, Jennifer Archambault
The Outreach committee has continued to work on keeping the website updated over the past
year. We have added a section to the website where job and internship opportunities are posted.
Please continue to forward these announcements to Megan and Jennifer. As these
announcements come and go quickly they are considering moving them from the website to the
Facebook page.
We have collaborated to keep the Facebook page up to date and active, where we have over
730 followers and sometimes reach more than 2,000 people with the content we post. The
committee has worked to coordinate participation in the first FMCS student/professional mixer
on Sunday (87 signed up) and a Symposium BINGO game to award and foster engagement in
activities and with other attendees.
Heidi emphasized to all the need to keep information on our sites as up to date as possible.
Propagation, Restoration, and Re-Introduction Committee -- Rachael Hoch and Dan Hua
The Committee will meet on Tuesday, March 28, 2017, from 12:30-2:00pm. Anyone
interested in propagation and restoration is encouraged to attend the meeting. We need to look
at our goals and redefine how we are going to capture data and distribute information. Who is
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
propagating what and where? We currently have over 100 members. Rachael emphasized that
this committee is now much bigger than just a propagation committee and it should be
addressed in future planning.
FMCS Mollusk Propagation and Restoration Facilities Database The committee is continuing
to maintain a propagation/stocking/relocation database. The database is active and updates
to the facility contact list have been completed. The committee plans to update the species and
restoration activities following their committee meeting in Cleveland. Any facilities actively
propagating freshwater mollusks are encouraged to contact Rachael Hoch to add their contact
information to the facilities database.
Update on the Mussel Kill Evaluation A subset of committee members is assisting the
Techniques and Guidelines Committee to provide information on mussel value estimates for the
American Fisheries Society’s Investigation and Monetary Values of Fish and Freshwater Mussel
Kills publication. More detail is provided below under Old Business (See Page 16).
Information Exchange Committee -- Tom Watters, Greg Cope, and Wendell Haag
Greg Cope reported that FMBC is moving forward nicely and the transition to Allen Press is
going well. The committee has not heard of any issues from those submitting papers and
appears that a smooth process is in place. They have decided to add an additional service from
Allen Press, copy editing, which was approved at the Board meeting. This will take a lot of
pressure off the editors. Timing is on track, with March and September being the two planned
issue dates. They see a need to expand the editorial board membership and ask current
members if they want to retain editorship on their categories. Some categories do not have an
editor and they are looking to fill those. It was suggested that maybe a note on website that
they are in need of an editor in conservation, ecology and biology. Now that we have a record of
consistent issues, we can make application to be included in BioOne. Wendell has put together
a procedure for transitioning to new editors and it is ready to go into the procedures manual.
Tom noted that IUCN does not allow taxonomic changes to be made in online publications.
These need approval by Zoobank but, thus far, they have not provided any response to
questions. Wendell also noted that with most journals, editorial boards generally handle the
manuscript. Our board handles manuscripts on a regular basis within categories. Do we really
need an editorial board? Greg Cope believes they do. If the category editor gets a manuscript
in a subject that they are not really familiar with, they can go to someone on the board with that
expertise. The group needs to have some turnover to get those that are truly interested in
reviewing. Dave Berg wanted to know about getting an “impact factor” on the journal. He said
this was important for academics. Maybe consider investigating.
Gastropod Status & Distribution Committee -- Nathan Whelan and Jeremy Tiemann
The committee is leading a one day introduction to aquatic gastropods Workshop at the FMCS
meeting in Cleveland. This workshop will provide a background on the ecology of aquatic
gastropods, sampling techniques, and taxonomic skills for commonly encountered species. The
course has been well-received and over 40 people have registered for the workshop.
We also are working with the Mussels Status & Distribution Committee on reviewing and
updating our committees’ goals based on the updated National Strategy and subsequent revision
of the operations manual. While the gastropod and mussel committees are independent from
one another, we have similar goals and are attempting to have that reflected in the manual.
The Gastropod Scientific and Common Names subcommittee is continuing to work with the
Mussel Scientific and Common Names subcommittee on establishing organizational criteria for
the subcommittees (e.g., number of members, length of term, frequency of meetings), as well as
maintaining a consensus checklist of names on the FMCS website, periodically printing
checklists in Freshwater Mollusk Biology and Conservation (FMBC), and establishing a process
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
for reviewing proposed name changes. Discussions have lapsed in recent months, but we hope
to potentially resurrect them during the FMCS meeting.
Our committee is working with Sophie updating the snail pages as issues arise.
We are preparing to transition to new leadership during the 2017 FMCS meeting. Jeremy is
stepping down because of his new role as President-elect and Nathan has expressed an interest
in stepping down as co-chair too, although both will remain active in the Society at some level.
Prioritizing the Center for Biological Diversity’s snail listing package Tierra Curry of the
Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) attended our committee meeting in St. Charles, Missouri.
The committee worked with her to help CBD prioritize their list of candidate species for listing
under the Endangered Species Act. In December 2015, CBD withdrew the petitions for eight
snails: Shortspire Hornsnail, Pleurocera curta, Mud Elimia, Elimia alabamensis, Ample Elimia,
Elimia ampla, Caper Elimia, Elimia olivula, Helmet Rocksnail, Lithasia duttoniana, Compact
Elimia, Elimia showalteri, Cobble Elimia, Elimia vanuxemiana, and Smooth Mudalia, Leptoxis
virgate. In March 2016, CBD sued the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) for failing to propose
protection for Beaverpond Marstonia (Marstonia castor). The FWS agreed to issue a final
decision on that species by September 30, 2017. Also due by September 30, 2017, are final
FWS decisions on four species of Great Basin springsnails (Bifid Duct Pyrg, Pyrgulopsis
peculiaris, Flag Pyrg, Pyrgulopsis breviloba, Hardy Pyrg, Pyrgulopsis marcida, and Lake Valley
Pyrg, Pyrgulopsis sublata) threatened by the Las Vegas water grab. FMCS was a co-petitioner
on that petition, filed in 2009. In June 2016, CBD petitioned for ESA protection for the Oblong
Rocksnail (Leptoxis compacta). They are waiting on the initial finding on that petition. In 2016,
USFWS released a five year workplan to address petitions, but left many species unscheduled.
CBD is advocating that two unscheduled snails (Corpulent hornsnail, Pleurocera corpulenta, and
Reverse Pebblesnail, Somatogyrus alcoviensis) be given higher priority in the workplan. If FWS
doesn’t add them, they won’t get a final finding before 2023 at the earliest.
Ad Hoc Committees:
Ecosystems Services ad hoc Committee -- being dissolved due to lack of interest.
International ad hoc Committee -- Art Bogan and Kevin Cummings
Members of this new committee now include: Manuel Lopes-Lima, Lyubov Burlakova, Juergen
Geist, Nicoletta Riccardi, Alexander Karatayev, John Pfeiffer III.
Purpose FMCS has realized that the Society is primarily serving members from the United
States and Canada, with only a few members from Europe. The purpose of this committee is to
explore avenues to expand the membership, share research and data with international
colleagues, develop a series of FMCS sponsored international meetings focusing on freshwater
mollusks, and foster wiser collaboration.
1. Provide incentives for non-North American freshwater malacologists to become members of
FMCS and participate in planned activities, Symposia, publications and Workshops.
2. Hold joint international/United States meetings around the world. The first FMCS
International Freshwater Mollusk meeting is being planned for 2018 and will be held in
northern Italy. Nicoletta Riccardi will be the host. She is working with Manuel Lopes-Lima
to plan this meeting. They are currently getting together program topic and costs. The first
two international freshwater bivalve meetings, Bragança, Portugal 2012 (140 participants)
and Buffalo, NY 2015 (100 participants) were both exciting and fun with good participation.
3. Set up a subcommittee of local malacologists (e.g. initially from Europe, but to be expanded
to other continents around the world) to provide structure and communication about
resources, questions, lobbying, and collaboration. This will facilitate answering problems
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
and developing techniques to address the same or similar problems encountered across
freshwater molluscan research. Europe has been chosen because of the large number of
active freshwater malacologists working in a number of countries.
4. Explore new opportunities for international collaboration with our journal and newsletter.
There is already a good variety of international contributions in each issue of Ellipsaria.
5. Encourage guest editing of special issues on specific topics, techniques or problem areas in
the FMCS journal.
Manuel (new co-chair) talked further about FMCS being international but truly only works in
the United States. There is a need for a European committee. The Board began discussing
informally about formalizing though Teresa previously noted that they could use FMCS as a
basis. We should take the Italy meeting as an opportunity to present FMCS to Europeans. They
have many problems that are completely different from the ones encountered in the United
States. So what can FMCS bring to Europeans? Art thought that being involved in South East
Asia may be a little more difficult due to difference in cultures but thinks that, if we can get
there, it can be done. The Europeans will get together to form goals. Someone from our
Executive Board should plan to go to Italy to present benefits of FMCS to them. Heidi brought
up our history of originally wanting to be international and inclusive of all mollusks. Art noted
getting a lot of questions on methods for translocations and propagation which we have a long
history of dealing with, and also the need for expanding our journal to include non-North
American papers. It was brought up of the possibility to include an international member on
editorial board or possibly produce a special issue with guest editors. Greg Cope noted that the
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) has “geographic units” that appear
to be a great way to coalesce the process. Heidi suggested we look at the SETAC model and
Dave Berg noted Society for Conservation Biology was also doing this.
Professional Development ad hoc Committee -- Becca Winterringer
Becca noted that the committee plans to revisit their action items. They have an outline of
objectives and purpose. They plan to bring them up at the Business Meeting. There are still
having some questions with American Fisheries Society certification and still looking to
produce something by the end of this year. Greg Cope asked if the committee was still going
to send a questionnaire out to total membership as to how many would be interested in it and
what the benefits would be.
Old Business
Consortium of Aquatic Science Societies (CASS) -- Jeremy Tiemann
CASS membership includes AFS, ASLO, Coastal Research Foundation, SFS, and Society for
Wetland Scientists. We are going to propose that FMCS join this group. Under CASS, these
groups come together for a single voice. As such, it becomes a letter from 22,000 scientists
rather than just 2,000 scientists. The goals of CASS are to promote scientific study, education
and outreach. They occasionally do lobby in Washington, D.C., and have a fee based on
membership. Since we are a relatively small Society, the fee would most likely not be that much.
They do have a presence on the hill. Jeremy was not sure if they have any activities currently
planned. They did send a letter to then President-elect Trump outlining who they are. They are
pushing for clean water, sustainable fish for food and recreation, repairing fractured
ecosystems, and improving lakes and streams. All six presidents of the member societies signed
it. Does FMCS want to proceed with joining CASS and look into further? Their Board meets
the 19
of every month. CASS is excited that we are interested. Heidi emphasized that they did
a lot outreach as well, and they have a really good webpage. She believes joining would be
worthwhile. Jeremy’s best guess was the membership fee would be less than $600 per year. It
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
would depend on how much they need to lobby on the hill. He also voiced that it would be a
good idea because it gives us a bigger voice. Jeremy made a motion that FMCS become a
member of CASS. A second was provided by Greg Cope. Braven asked about any downsides to
joining and do we need to appoint a representative?. Jeremy is currently the FMCS liaison to
AFS and thought he would be a CASS representative and, possibly, one or both co-chairs of
Environmental Quality & Affairs committee. It was agreed that we should have at least two
representatives. The vote was unanimous to join CASS. Jeremy Tiermann and Braven Beaty
are to serve as representatives, with Steve McMurray as the alternate.
Update on AFS Monetary Values of Fish and Freshwater Mussels -- Rachael Hoch
In January 2017, after two years of comments, the revised propagation cost survey was
distributed by Southwick Associates to participating freshwater mollusk propagation facilities.
The consultants have compiled the results of that survey, and a meeting will be held with the
steering committee soon to review the results and revisions to Chapter 6 of the publication. The
consultants are hoping to have a final version of the document in the next seven weeks. Notable
changes from the 2003 approach include increasing the recommended stocking and production
age to “taggable size” defined as mussels greater than 15mm in length or two years of age. Due
to limited production data on certain species, a decision was made to summarize production
costs by genus. Members of the subcommittee and the FMCS Executive Board plan to meet
during this Symposium to discuss the revisions and efforts to date. Anyone interested in the
process is welcome to attend the discussion on Tuesday, March 28, 2017, from 5:00-6:00pm.
Rachael noted that these values are not for endangered species and that people calculating
costs for mussel kills should first work with federal and state agencies as well as local
propagation facilities. The book provides values that can be used when better information is
not available. It was also noted that the updated species list is needed for this publication or it
will be sorely out of date immediately upon publication. Heidi brought forward that maybe the
Society needs to establish a committee to start looking at this in preparation for the next revision
so that we are not behind the 8 ball again and Rachael emphasized the need to incorporate
ecosystem services. The Board expressed great gratitude and thanks to Rachel Hoch for
taking on this daunting task.
New Business
AFS-FMCS Collaboration on Diversity Issues
Not much was presented on this. It was noted that this is also a CASS item. They are still
trying to figure out what questions to ask.
Lifetime Dues
Heidi Dunn said the Society originally thought they would wait to address this issue until the
journal was established and its associated costs could be determined. Now,we may be ready to
move forward. Jeremy noted that from other societies it appears that 2-10% of the membership
generally takes advantage of lifetime dues. Some discussion on the proposed cost was brought
forward, such as 15-25 times the annual dues or, possibly, proposing $800 for lifetime
memberships. Greg Cope said there should be some type of incentive, while Leroy Koch
suggested maybe a reduced price based on six years or the like for some of the older members.
This lead into the discussion of providing retiree rates. Rachael Hoch emphasized that, as people
retire, it is going to be hard to keep them involved and retiree rates would provide an incentive.
Much discussion ensued but no proposal or motion was brought forward.
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
Other Items
Dave Berg brought up that the March for Science is on April 22, as a way for the Society to
become more active and it is not political. Rachael Hoch indicated that she liked the idea of
supporting the March. Dave Berg suggested bringing this item to the general membership
during the Business Meeting. The only thing really needed would be to put a statement on our
website supporting the March and linking to the March for Science website. We need to contact
those organizers and let them know we support them. Patty Morrison said to be sure and wear
your FMCS garb if participating in the March.
Heidi noted the committees need to make a statement of direction and goals at the general
Business Meeting.
Janet Clayton made a motion to adjourn, Rachael Hoch provided a second, and the meeting
was adjourned at 6PM.
Respectfully submitted by Janet Clayton, FMCS Secretary
Spring 2017 FMCS Business Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, March 29, 2017 Cleveland, Ohio
President Teresa Newton called the meeting to order at 12:39 PM EDT. Symposium Co-chair
Greg Zimmerman made a few announcements concerning the symposium.
Emily Grossman provided a brief Treasurer’s Report. She noted that the current Symposium
had in the neighborhood of 290 registrants and was on track for breaking even, especially with
the assistance of 17 sponsors who contributed $13,000. Non-symposium income since
December 1, 2016 was approximately $19,000, and there we had approximately $3800 in
expenses, including providing funding for three regional meeting. “Money in the Bank, Life is
Good”. For a complete Treasurer’s report, please see the Spring 2017 FMCS Board Meeting
Minutes (Page 6).
Teresa thanked all the folks for their auction donations this
year and those who were liberal with their wallet contents. She
highlighted some of the Society’s accomplishments over the last
two years which included the revision of the National Strategy.
The previous version of the Strategy was published in 1998 and
provided the basis for the formation of the committees to help
meet the Society’s goals. She further noted the committees
should align with the new strategy. If anyone has comments on
this, please send them to Teresa and Heidi Dunn. This was
followed by each of the committees providing a brief oral update
on their activities.
Continuing with the highlights of the Society’s
accomplishment since 2015, Teresa noted the formation of two
ad hoc committees.
International Committee: at the Board Meeting, this committee submitted a plan for an
international conference in northern Italy in September 2018. The co-chairs are Art Bogan
and Manuel Lopes-Lima.
Committee for Professional Development: spearheaded by Becca Winterringer.
President Newton dissolved the National Strategy ad hoc committee due to the completion of
the revision noted above. That committee would be formed again for the next 10-year revision.
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
President Newton also dissolved the Ecosystem Services ad hoc committee. The Board
supports this concept but dissolved the committee due to lack of support. No chairperson
stepped forward to take the lead.
Jennifer Archambault presented awards to the three Symposium BINGO winners: Nikki
Dennis, Kelly McNichols, and Jeremy Tiemann.
April 22 is Earth Day. Teresa brought forward that the Board was in favor of the Society
supporting the March For Science on that day. Our role would involve posting information on
the website and on Facebook. She asked for a show of support from the membership. All were
in favor.
As Chair of the Symposium Committee, Heidi Dunn presented information on the 2018
Workshop. Diane Waller and Megan Bradley will be heading this up Workshop that will be held
March 13-15, 2018, at the Radisson Hotel in La Crosse, Wisconsin. A field trip to the U.S. FWS
La Crosse Fish Health Center is also planned. [More information about this Workshop is
presented on Page 26.]
Heidi indicated that FMCS members in the Pacific Northwest were being approached about
sponsoring the Symposium in 2021. She asked the membership for a show of hands to indicate
their approval to proceed with planning for that Symposium. The idea of a Pacific Northwest
Symposium received overwhelming support.
Charles Randklev provided a presentation on the 2019
Symposium to be held in Texas. It will be called “Life on
the Edge: Reconciling River Management. He provided
information on two locations: San Antonio and Austin. A
show of hands selected San Antonio as the preferred
Jeremy Tiemann presented information on the
Consortium of Aquatic Science Societies (CASS), noting
that it had a voice of 22,000 members. He indicated that
the Board had voted to notify the membership that FMCS
would be notifying CASS as to our desire to become a
Leroy Koch presented the results of our recent election. Emily Grossman and Janet Clayton
were unopposed and will be continuing as Treasurer and Secretary, respectively. Jeremy
Tiemann was elected President-elect. Leroy also extended his thanks to Todd Morris for his
willingness to step up and run for this office.
Members of the Awards Committee presented the student and professional awards (See article
on Page 19).
Passing the Viking hat has
become the traditional form of
passing the FMCS torch to the
incoming President. Especially in
recent years, each president has
added something to the hat and,
with the most recent presidents
being female, this has included the
addition of jewels (Caryn Vaughn)
and pigtails (Patty Morrison). This
time Teresa Newton added the
symbol of the Triquetra, the
symbol of female empowerment.
This symbol represents the 3-fold nature of a Goddess as a (1) maiden, (2) a mother, and (3) a
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
crone. OR, in our language, it might represent the 3-fold nature of a malacologist. The newly-
embellished hat was passed to the new President, Heidi Dunn. Following Heidi’s acceptance
speech, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Janet L. Clayton, FMCS Secretary
2017 FMCS Awards Presentations
Student Awards
The Awards Committee solicited applications for student travel awards to assist students in
attending the biennial symposium. Similar to past years, travel awards were made in the form
of pre-paid rooms at the symposium hotel. A total of 29 students (3 BS, 14 MS, and 12 PhD)
applied for travel awards and, based on the allotted funds for all awards from the Society and
the cost of rooms, nine student awards were presented. Seven of these students are earning
their M.S. and two are earning their PhDs. The following students were selected to receive these
travel awards: Susan Geda (Appalachian State University), Verena Huber (Technical
University of Munich), Jennifer Morton (Texas A&M University), Anakela Popp (North Carolina
State University), Joseph Salerno (University of Guelpth), Brandon Sansom (University of
Buffalo), Mariah Scott (Central Michigan University), Leslie Sneed (Kentucky State University),
and Rebecca Tucker (Auburn University).
Best Student Platform and Poster Awards
A total of 38 student presentations required judging at the 2017 Symposium (19 platforms
and 19 posters). Each platform presentation was judged by four separate judges and each
poster was judged by three separate judges, which meant that 46 FMCS members volunteered
to get the job done! The Awards Committee thanks every member who helped us judge student
presentationswe could not present these awards without you.
The nine Student Travel Award Recipients
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
The Best Student Platform Paper Award
went to Kayla Key of the University of Missouri
(co-authors Garth Lindner, Amanda
Rosenberger, and Kristen Bouska) for her talk
entitled “Hierarchical approach to mussel
conservation: from niche modeling to field
monitoring”. The honorable mention platform
award went to Ankela Popp of North Carolina
State University (co-authors W. Gregory Cope,
Monte McGregor, Leroy Koch, Thomas J. Kwak,
Tom Augspurger, and Jay F. Levine) for her talk
entitled, “Is juvenile mussel chemical
sensitivity influenced by propagation method
and age? A comparison of in vitro and in vivo
propagated juveniles”.
The Best Student Poster Award went to Mark Kugler from SUNY Cobleskill (co-authors Paul
Lord and Andrew Gascho Landis) for his poster entitled, “Populations on the brink: predictive
estimates of time since recruitment for Elliptio complanata by thinsection aging of deceased
individuals”. The honorable mention poster award went to Steven Hein from Miami University
(co-author David Berg) for his poster entitled, “Modeling population connectivity of an imperiled
freshwater mussel, Popenaias popeii, through the use of next generation sequencing”.
Congratulations to all the fine student presentations at this year’s symposium!
Professional Awards
The Awards Committee solicited
nominations and applications from the
membership for professional awards to be
presented at the biennial symposium. In
2017, we received one nomination for the
William J Clench Memorial Award. This
year’s award went to Tim Savidge (Three
Oaks Engineering) for his 24-year non-
academic career as an aquatic ecologist and
malacologist working for various state
agencies and independent environmental
consulting firms. Tim has an extensive
knowledge of the biology, ecology, life history,
and habitat requirements of native freshwater
mussels of the southeastern US, but especially
those difficult to sample and identify taxa of
Atlantic Slope drainages.
Best Student Platform Paper Award winner
Kayla Key (center) with Honorable Mention
Platform winner Ankeka Popp (left) and Awards
Committee Presenter Eny Monroe (right).
Tim Savage (center) with members of his
nomination team.
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
We received one application for the Meritorious Service Award. This year’s award went to
Steve McMurray (Missouri Department of Conservation) for his numerous years of service
directed at the conservation of
freshwater mollusks. Steve has been a
member of FMCS since the beginning,
and has assisted with or co-chaired
symposiums and workshops since
2005, and co-chairs the Environmental
Quality and Affairs Committee. Steve
has also contributed to the
conservation and advocacy of
freshwater mollusks through his work
as Missouri’s state malacologist. He
has developed a mussel conservation
plan and a propagation plan for
Missouri, conducted many basin-wide
surveys, and conducted numerous
training and educational seminars
throughout the state.
We recognized three individuals for
their lifetime achievement with
freshwater mollusks. One 2017
Lifetime Achievement Award went to
Bob Butler (U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, North Carolina) for a long
career aimed at determining the
current status and distribution of
native freshwater mussels in the
southeastern US. Bob has worked
within the Endangered Species Act
Listing and Recovery program in
Region 4 and has prepared proposed
and final rules for listing of aquatic
species and designation of critical
habitat in the eastern US. Bob also was
instrumental in creating the Tennessee
and Cumberland Mollusk Restoration
Plan, which is a model for prioritizing the recovery of critically rare species in both drainages.
The second 2017 Lifetime Achievement Award went to Dan Hornbach
(Macalester College) for a lifetime of research on fingernail clams, Asiatic
clams, gastropods, and unionids. His work on fingernail clams includes
studies on population energetics, behavior, physiology, ecology,
reproduction, taxonomy, and life history. Dan has authored or co-
authored 21 peer-reviewed papers on population dynamics, ecology,
distribution, physiology, sampling, life history, and modelling in unionids.
In addition, Dan has educated hundreds of students at Macalester College,
where he currently teaches courses on aquatic ecology and environmental
Steve McMurray (center) with members of the team that
nominated him.
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
The third 2017 Lifetime
Achievement Award went to Patty
Morrison (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
(FWS), West Virginia) for a 30-year career
as a champion of native freshwater
mussels. Patty was the first biologist
hired at the Ohio River Islands National
Wildlife Refuge and, shortly thereafter,
developed a mussel program for the
Refuge. In 2002, she received the River
Keeper Award from the Ohio River Basin
Consortium for Research and Education
in recognition of her contributions for
protection of the quality of the
environment in the Ohio River Basin.
She also received a Certificate of Special
Appreciation from the FWS for
outstanding dedication and commitment
to natural resource management and
support as Team Leader for the Ohio River Valley Ecosystem Team. Last, but not least, Patty
served as FMCS President during 2013-2014.
Summaries of Committee Meetings Held During the 2017 Symposium
Environmental Quality and Affairs Committee
The Environmental Quality and Affairs Committee (EQAC) met on Tuesday, April 28 during
the 2017 Biennial Symposium in Cleveland, Ohio, with 10 members attending. The committee
is co-chaired by Stephen McMurray, Missouri Department of Conservation, and Braven Beaty,
The Nature Conservancy. Braven gave an update on the committee’s activities since the last
symposium in St. Charles (See committee report in Board Meeting Minutes on Page __). We
discussed several topics during our meeting:
EQAC e-mail Committee members discussed (lamented?) the general lack of knowledge
about all of the FMCS committees. To that end, the members decided to draft an e-mail that
explains that our committee is here to serve as an advocacy voice when members (or non-
members) can’t do it on their own due to employment restrictions. This e-mail is intended to be
targeted to the entire FMCS membership.
Issue Statements/Letters It was decided to continue attempting to draft Issue Statements,
starting with the 2-3 statements we already have in process and then move to others, including
climate change (Fred Pinkney volunteered to lead this) and Outreach and Economics. Braven
and Steve will work with the authors of the existing Issue Statements to get those finalized and
out for use.
Got an Issue? The membership also discussed proposing to work with the Outreach
Committee to develop a website link where members and the public could go to alert the
committee of possible issues, regulations, permits, etc., that the committee might want to
Co-chairs It was decided that Steve and Braven would stay on for at least one more term as
co-chairs. The members present did decide; however, that it would be beneficial to develop some
sort of rotation so that new co-chairs would replace the chair with the most tenure, therefore
ensuring continuity at the helm.
Patty Morrison (center) with members of the team that
nominated her.
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
Information Exchange Committee
The committee met om March 28, 2017, in Cleveland, Ohio. Attendees were: Greg Cope, Tom
Watters, Wendell Haag, John Jenkinson, Teresa Newton, Caryn Vaughn, and David Strayer
Ellipsaria Newsletter Discussion: John Jenkinson lamented that the number of contributed
articles is declining. He wondered about inviting student platform and poster winners to post
articles about their projects in the newsletter. Caryn Vaughn pointed out that many journal
editors would reject submissions if the subject had been published elsewhere. The group
discussed strategies to solicit articles for Ellipsaria from the membership, including possibly
creating new sections in the newsletter and making a pitch for more submissions at the
Business Meeting.
Freshwater Mollusk Biology and Conservation Journal Discussion: The group discussed the
transition plans for Co-Editorship of the journal and the need to expand our Editorial Board
membership. It was decided that an announcement would be made at the Business Meeting to
ask for members who would be interested in serving on the Editorial Board to contact one of the
existing co-editors. Messages also will be sent to the existing Editorial Board Members to see if
they are willing to continue service, recommend others, or wish to rotate off. We will also be
applying to BioOne for potential inclusion in their journal holdings for library distribution.
This committee performs essential editorial functions for the Society; however, it differs from
the other standing committees because our functions do not vary from time to time and their
effectiveness could be disrupted by frequent changes in leadership. As the Executive Committee
considers adjustments in the structure of our Society associated with implementing the Revised
National Strategy, some of us suggest they consider recognizing these editorships as
Administrative Appointments from the Board and not the functions of a Standing Committee.
Mussel Status and Distribution Committee (includes updates through May 7, 2017)
The 2017 meeting of the Mussels Status and Distribution Committee was convened on March
28 at 12:30 p.m. by Art Bogan who then gave an update on the three major projects the
Committee has been working on since 2015. Details of all three of these topics are presented in
the Minutes of the Board meeting, (presented on Page 11).
1. Mussel Status Paper. The revised conservation status manuscript will be submitted to
Freshwater Mollusk Biology and Conservation. Authors and areas of responsibility include:
Todd Morris (Canada), Alberto Contreras-Aquieta and Terry Myers (Mexico), Art Bogan and
Jason Wisniewski (Atlantic Coast drainages, Altamaha River, GA north to ME), Sarina Jepsen,
Jayne Brim-Box and Terry Myers (Pacific Coast drainages, AZ and CA north to Canada), Charles
Randklev, Bob Howells and Alberto Contreras-Arquieta (Western Gulf drainages, Rio Grande in
Mexico and TX east to Red River, LA), John Harris (St. Francis, White, Arkansas and Ouachita
River drainages), Steve McMurray (Missouri River drainage), Kevin Cummings (Upper
Mississippi River basin, Cairo, IL upstream including Lakes Michigan and Superior), Jim
Williams, Nate Johnson, and Jeff Garner (Eastern Gulf drainages, Lake Ponchartrain east to FL
including Atlantic drainages of peninsular FL and Satilla River), Bob Butler, Jeff Garner and
Tom Watters (Ohio River basin, including Tennessee and Cumberland drainages and U.S.
drainages of Lake Erie and Lake Ontario). Going forward, action items during the first half of
2017 for manuscript revision will include: 1) develop a revised methodology for conservation
status determinations based on the taxonomy adopted in the names manuscript.
2. Development of Mussel ID App. Revisions to the app character matrix are complete, and
the development team is reviewing and testing the app as we continue to improve and augment
the photo archive and illustrations. The team continues to search for and solicit high quality
photos to complete the North American set. Additional funding has been received through ESA
Section 6 to the state of Texas. When contracts are finalized, the App Developer will be ready to
release a new build for peer review and testing.
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
3. Atlas of Freshwater Mussels of North America. Currently, 159 of the approximately 362
taxa addressed in the Atlas have volunteer authors for species accounts. We have received 22
first draft accounts. We are proceeding with preliminary and external reviews of draft species
accounts and will post them when completed. A request for additional species account authors
is made to FMCS members so that progress can continue on the Atlas.
Nominations were requested for Chairperson(s) of the Mussel Status and Distribution
Standing Committee for 2017-2019. Arthur Bogan and John Harris were elected for another 2-
year term.
Outreach Committee
We had a successful committee meeting with 15 members in attendance. We discussed the
updated National Strategy and how our committee fits in. Our mission largely supports needs
of Issue 7 (Strengthen advocacy and build support for conservation of mollusks and their
habitats), and strategies outlined within Issue 7. To focus our actions for the next 2 years, we
specifically discussed addressing Issue 7, Strategies 1 (develop a formal communication plan),
2 (tools for local decision makers (e.g., material about the National Strategy to help states
understand how their goals fit); and 3 (develop communication and outreach materials targeting
general public).
We also discussed how Outreach can partner with other FMCS committees to enhance and
aid communication (e.g., Environmental Quality and Affairs potential to help address needs in
response to issues; Information Exchange potentially help us disseminate and let members
know about materials as they are produced; share style guide/any templates with all committees
wishing to create materials).
Finally, we discussed continued outreach within FMCS, including updates to the website,
future student/mentor mixers, Symposium BINGO, evaluating how those activities were
received, and co-opting the journal style guide for society-wide guidance on communication
materials for a seamless brand image.
Specific tasks and goals we plan to work on in the coming year include:
coordinating with Board to sketch and draft a communications plan as called for in the
National Strategy,
continued website updates,
looking into an FMCS cloud account (e.g., Google Drive) to house and curate photos, videos,
and other content that could be used across communication materials,
creating outreach content for the public (posters, infographics, digital slide deck, one-page
fact sheets),
outreach content for recruiting members (e.g., poster, brochure), and
content for contextualizing the National Strategy for potential users (e.g., state agencies).
Propagation, Restoration, and Introduction Committee
The Committee met at the FMCS Symposium in Cleveland, Ohio. The room was packed with
over 50 people in attendance. The Committee reviewed and approved the 2015 FMCS
Symposium meeting minutes. Dan Hua stepped down as co-chair and the Committee elected
Nathan Eckert and Tim Lane to fill her vacancy. The current co-chairs are Rachael Hoch,
Nathan Eckert, and Tim Lane. The Committee focused on drafting goals and a new mission
statement for the next two years. The mission statement is still in discussion.
The Committee made plans to tackle four main goals in the next two years:
GOAL 1. Maintain the FMCS facilities database. The Committee agreed to continue maintaining
a database that summarizes information from freshwater mollusk propagation facilities
including contact information, species, propagation techniques, and targeted restoration
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
areas. Specific actions items include making the contact information and a species summary
available on the FMCS website. The Committee committed to making the contact information
available in May 2017.
GOAL 2. Summarize and publicize protocols and best management practices through the
development and use of an integrated bibliography. The Committee identified six major
categories that needed focus: propagation, translocation and handling, quarantine and
biosecurity, health and disease, restoration planning, and genetic guidelines. Volunteers
were assigned to compile information for each category. The Committee plans to work with
other committees, such as the Genetics and Techniques and Guidelines committees, to help
build these bibliographies.
GOAL 3. Prioritize and publicize research needs. The Committee hopes to build on the
bibliography efforts to identify and prioritize research needs and publish the results of these
efforts in a white paper.
GOAL 4. Increase collaboration and outreach national and internationally.
Due to the large attendance, discussion occurred at the end of the meeting about dividing
this Committee into two separate committees: one focused on propagation, and the other on
restoration. The discussion of this topic was brief due to time constraints. A motion was made
to discuss creating an ad hoc committee focused on dam removal and/or restoration to the
Executive Committee. The group plans to revisit this discussion in the next Committee meeting.
International ad hoc Committee
The committee met in Cleveland, Ohio, in March 2017. Co-Chairs: Arthur E. Bogan and
Manuel Lopes-Lima.
We reviewed the draft purpose of the Committee and the four goals set out in the report to
the FMCS Board. Kevin Cummings stepped down as co-chair of the committee. An election was
held and Arthur Bogan and Manuel Lopes-Lima were elected co-chairs for the next two years.
We noted the first FMCS International Freshwater Mollusk meeting is being planned for
September 2018 and will be held in northern Italy. Nicoletta Riccardi is the host. She is working
with Manuel Lopes-Lima to plan this meeting. The first two international freshwater bivalve
meetings, Bragança, Portugal 2012, and Buffalo, New York 2015, were both exciting with good
We are working to develop an international subcommittee of local malacologists, e.g. initially
from Europe, but to be expanded to other continents around the world to provide structure and
communication about resources, questions, lobbying and collaboration. This will facilitate
answering problems and developing techniques to address the same or similar problems
encountered across freshwater molluscan research. Europe has been chosen for the test case
because of the large number of active freshwater malacologists working in different countries.
We are encouraging our international members to continue to contribute to our newsletter,
Ellipsaria. The editors of Freshwater Mollusk Biology and Conservation would like to encourage
guest editing of special issue on specific topics, techniques or problem areas.
Professional Development Ad hoc Committee
The Committee met on March 28, 2017. In Attendance were: Becca Winterringer co-chair,
Amanda Rosenberger co-chair, Todd Morris, Greg Zimmerman, Janet Clayton, and Heidi
Becca provided an overview of the purpose of the Professional Development ad-hoc
Committee to the group and reviewed action items from the last call. The group had open
discussion related to:
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
Program development and administration
Integrate elements of existing programs (e.g.: AFS, TWS)
Discussed the criteria; considering AFS Certified professionals already have a level of
certification that may not warrant as much review.
How the committee may establish a review panel for applicants
Setting up a Survey Monkey to the membership for interest and elements that the Program
should consider
Fee structure (how to implement, how funds would be used)
Identify maintenance costs
Action Items:
Draft criteria, Draft Purpose and Objective, and Define Implementation
Develop Survey to membership Greg Z to draft
Amanda R to talk with Steve McMillin of Virginia Tech on how AFS certification works and
get his input on FMCS setting up a similar program
2018 FMCS Workshop
Freshwater Mollusk Health and Disease Assessment
La Crosse, Wisconsin March 12-15, 2018
Health assessment and diseases of freshwater mollusks are important concerns for
propagation, relocation, and conservation programs. The 2018 FMCS Workshop will provide
background on disease organisms and their transmission. This Workshop also will include
information on mussel health assessment tools, sampling procedures for health assessments, a
case study of a mussel die-off, and a laboratory session covering necropsy, sample collection
and examination, and histology. The Workshop will be accompanied by a poster session and
mixers to encourage discussion among participants, and an optional field trip to the mussel
propagation facility at Genoa National Fish Hatchery.
More details about this Workshop and how to register will be posted on the FMCS website
and in future issues of Ellipsaria. If you would like to assist in the planning for this Workshop
or have questions about its scope or content, please contact Diane Waller ([email protected]) or
Megan Bradley (megan_br[email protected]).
New Publication Available
McMurray, S. E., J. S. Fairman, and A. C. Buchanan. 2017. Distribution and status of the freshwater
mussel fauna of the Salt River basin, Missouri. Great Plains Research, 12:21-33.
AbstractWe quantitatively surveyed freshwater mussels in the Salt River basin, Missouri, during
1977 86 and 2005 7. A cumulative sample of 6,234 live individuals representing 31 species was
recorded during both periods; six additional species were recorded only as shell material. Amblema plicata
was the dominant species recorded, representing 31.3% of the total live animals. There were no significant
differences in average species richness, Brillouin’s index values, or relative abundances of the tribes
amblemini-pleurobemini-quadrulini between the two surveys. The most notable change was the complete
loss of the mussel fauna in the South Fork Salt River. We also observed significantly higher probabilities
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
of local extirpation in the mainstem Salt River, North Fork Salt River, Middle Fork Salt River, and South
Fork Salt River. At the tribe level, the amblemini had a higher probability of local colonization and the
lampsilini had a higher probability of local extirpation.
Reprints of this paper are available from Stephen.mcMurr[email protected]
Another Recent Publication Available
Beaume, N., Pasco, P.Y., Ribeiro, M., Dury, P., Rostagnat, L. and Beaufils, B. 2016. Freshwater Pearl
Mussel Conservation in the Rivers of Brittany and Normandy: LIFE+ Nature «Freshwater Pearl Mussel
Conservation in the Armorican Massif, 20102016. Bretagne Vivante / CPIE des Collines / FDPPMA
29 / SIAES / PNRNM. Brest. 72 p.
The European freshwater pearl mussel conservation programme was launched on 1 September 2010
and continued for 6 years, ending on 31 August 2016. The goal of the programme as it was rolled out in
Brittany and Normandy was to breed this species, which is endangered in the Armorican Massif, and to
maintain and develop the living rivers which are necessary for its survival there. Numerous studies have
described a similarly urgent situation for mussels in both Brittany and Normandy, due to progressive
disappearance and ageing populations. The strong heritage significance of the freshwater pearl mussel,
a living witness to the development of the valleys of the Armorican Massif, as well as its bio-indicator
qualities, its living requirements and its status as an umbrella species, make it an excellent candidate for
conservation with regards to the current state of its populations in the Armorican Massif. The project
was carried out in harmony with both the freshwater pearl mussel National Action Plan and the European
Water Framework Directive, which aimed to reach the goal of healthy watercourses by 2015.
A pdf of this publication is available at: https://goo.gl/u8MjqM
Kentucky Mussel Atlas Now Available Online
Haag, W.R. and R.R. Cicerello. 2016. A distributional atlas of the
freshwater mussels of Kentucky. Scientific and Technical Series 8.
Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission, Frankfort,
Kentucky. 299 pp.
This book was published last year and a hard copy is available free
of charge from the Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission (see
Ellipsaria, Vol. 18, No. 3, September 2016, Page 7). A free,
downloadable pdf version of the book is now available. Because of it’s
size, the book is divided into two parts for download. Go to
http://naturepreserves.ky.gov/pubs/Pages/bookstore.aspx to
download the book or request a hard copy.
Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission
801 Teton Trail
Frankfort, KY 40601-1403
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
Freshwater Mussel Workshop at Ohio State
A four-day workshop on freshwater mussel identification and sampling techniques will be held October
2-5, 2017, at the Division of Molluscs of the Ohio State University, 1315 Kinnear Road, in Columbus,
Ohio. The workshop will cover upper Ohio River and Great Lakes species. The Division's collection of
nearly 500,000 specimens of freshwater mussels will be used for hands-on training on how to tell one
living rock from another, including those pesky Fuscobemas. Attendance is limited to 30 people.
For more information, follow the link here: http://www.biosci.ohio-state.edu/~molluscs/OSUM2 or
contact Dr. G. Thomas Watters at W[email protected] .
2017 Freshwater Mussel Training Courses at NCTC
During 2017, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) will be offering three training courses concerning
freshwater mussels at the National Conservation Training Center (NCTC) in Shepherdstown, West
Virginia, USA. Here are descriptions of each of these three courses:
Conservation Biology of Freshwater Mussels CSP 1101
This is an introductory course on the biology and ecology of freshwater mussels and the conservation
issues facing this highly-endangered group of animals. Topics to be covered include anatomy, physiology,
life history, health, ecosystem services, mussels as biomonitors, conservation status, population impacts,
conservation measures (relocation, propagation, conservation genetics), legal issues (permits and the ESA,
Section 7 consultations, critical habitat), and field techniques (survey techniques, sampling techniques,
habitat assessment). This course will address key characters for identification of freshwater mussels and
will provide opportunities in the laboratory to practice with dichotomous keys; however due to time
constraints and the regional nature of mussel assemblages; this is NOT a mussel identification course.
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to identify:
why mussels matter to FWS
why so many mussel species are endangered
the skills and tools available for mussel conservation
the legal issues related to mussel conservation
the genetic concerns associated with mussel conservation
Date: August 7 August 11, 2017
Instructors: Dr. Chris Barnhart and Heidi Dunn
Who Should Attend: Anyone who works with freshwater mussels (biologists, environmental educators,
etc.) but has little formal knowledge of their biology.
Course Length: 4.5 days College Credit: 2 semester hours
Tuition: Prepaid for FWS, NPS, and BLM employees; $1,195.00 for participants from other agencies and
Freshwater Mussel Propagation for Restoration CSP 1102
Freshwater Mussel Propagation for Restoration is an introductory course designed to explore all culture
activities associated with freshwater mussels. Participants will explore the latest culture techniques as
they follow freshwater mussels through their entire life cycle in a culture facility, from the collection of
gravid females to stocking cultured juvenile freshwater mussels. Following a basic introduction on mussel
biology and the goals of mussel propagation, the course will cover the basics of building a culture facility,
collecting and maintaining brood stock, collecting host species, infesting host species with larval mussels,
collecting and culturing juvenile mussels, and releasing juveniles to the wild.
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
describe the internal and external anatomy of a freshwater mussel
collect and maintain freshwater mussel brood stock in captivity
collect and maintain host species in captivity
harvest freshwater mussel larvae and infest host species
collect newly metamorphosed juvenile mussels and culture them for release
describe the advantages and disadvantages of the various techniques, equipment, and culture units
used in freshwater mussel propagation throughout the United States.
release and monitor cultured juvenile freshwater mussels
maintain accurate records and publish results
Date: September 18 September 22, 2017
Instructors: Rachel Mair, Nathan Eckert, Tony Brady, Jess Jones, and Matthew Patterson
Who Should Attend: Biologists interested in freshwater mussel biology and freshwater mussel culture
Course Length: 4.5 days College Credit: 2 semester hours
Tuition: Prepaid for FWS, NPS, and BLM employees; $1,195.00 for participants from other agencies and
Freshwater Mussel Identification CSP 1103
The purpose of this course is to develop the participant's freshwater mussel identification skills and
knowledge of regional freshwater mussel species. Participants will learn an overall system for identifying
mussels and characteristics of major taxonomic groups within the families Unionidae and Margaritiferidae
and will provide the basis to approach species-level identification. Although emphasis will be placed on
the Ohio River fauna (including the Tennessee River) specimens will be available from across the country.
This course is "hands on" and laboratory and field exercises will provide shells and fresh specimens for
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
identify unknown freshwater mussels by following methods as described in the course
use proper freshwater mussel collection-labeling and preservation techniques
use distributional maps as an aid to freshwater mussel identification
use dichotomous keys,
discuss identification tricks-of-the-trade
Date: June 26 30, 2017
Instructors: Kevin Cummings, Jess Jones, Bob Anderson, and Nate Johnson
Who Should Attend: Anyone who works with freshwater mussels (biologists environmental educators,
etc.) and would like to be able to identify shells and live specimens in the field.
Course Length: 4.5 days College Credit: 2 semester hours
Tuition: Prepaid for FWS, NPS, and BLM employees; $1,195.00 for participants from other agencies and
To Register for any or all of these courses:
Department of Interior (DOI) employees: Log in to DOI Learn, enter the course title in the search
box, click scheduled classes, click submit request.
Non-DOI employees: If you do not have a DOI Learn account, please contact Matthew Patterson
(304/876-7473 matthew_patter[email protected] ) for instructions on how to create an account and
NCTC has lodging and meal plans for course participants at the standard government per diem rate for
Shepherdstown, West Virginia, USA. Other lodging and eating facilities also are available in the area.
Please contact Matthew Patterson (304/876-7473 matthew_patterson@fws.gov) with any questions about
these courses or the venue.
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
Regional Meetings
FMCS Regional Mollusk Meeting Assistance Award Program
As described in the December 2012 issue of Ellipsaria, the FMCS has established a Regional Mollusk
Meeting Assistance Award Program to facilitate regional mollusk meetings that address local and regional
concerns with freshwater mollusk conservation and management. Our interest in assisting with these
meetings is to bring people together who work with freshwater mollusks to exchange information on how
to conserve and protect this faunal group. These meetings are often attended by a variety of individuals,
including agency personnel, academia, private citizens, scientists, and others, some of whom may not be
FMCS members. Therefore, a secondary goal of this program is to increase the awareness of, and
membership in, FMCS among individuals in these groups. Support is provided via a cash award of $100
to the regional group to help defray the costs (e.g., meeting room rental, speaker travel, break
refreshments, etc.) associated with holding their meeting. It is anticipated that about 15-20 awards will
be made in a given calendar year.
The complete program description and application form may be obtained from the Awards Committee
website at http://www.molluskconservation.org/Mservices_awards.html. One copy of the completed
application must be received by the Chair of the Awards Committee at least two months prior to the
Regional Mollusk Meeting to allow for application and payment processing.
Chesapeake Bay Freshwater Mussel Workgroup Meeting
Annapolis, Maryland January 31, 2017
The annual Chesapeake Bay Freshwater Mussel Workgroup meeting convened in Annapolis, Maryland
on January 31, 2017. Meeting attendance and participation was the highest in the group’s short history.
In person attendance increased to 26 people and at least 29 people participated via web and
teleconferencing. Meeting participants represented state and federal resource agencies, river basin
commissions, non-profit organizations, consultants, and academia. The topics included:
Range-wide status assessment of Brook floater
Propagation at Harrison Lake National Hatchery,
Mussel relocation, environmental DNA, and tidal-freshwater surveys in Maryland
Species status assessment and status review timelines
eDNA applications in West Virginia
American eel and Eastern elliptio restoration in the upper Susquehanna River
Delaware River basin mussel restoration program update
Dwarf wedgemussel population estimate, habitat, and life history studies
Estimating ecosystem services of Atlantic slope mussel beds
Chronic effects of chloride exposure to mussels
Eastern elliptio contaminant bioaccumulation study in the Anacostia River
James spinymussel mark-recapture study
Financial assistance for this regional meeting was graciously provided by FMCS through the Awards
Committee and supported refreshments and a working lunch for attendees. Presentations, with
permission of the author, can be obtained from Julie Devers along with more detailed meeting notes. For
information on this and future meetings contact Julie Devers julie_devers@fws.gov or Matt Ashton at
matthew.ashton@marylnd.gov .
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
Northeast Regional Freshwater Mussel Meeting, March 7, 2017
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Region 5 Headquarters, Hadley, Massachusetts
Peter Hazelton
and Laura Saucier
Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife, Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program,
Westborough, Massachusetts.
Wildlife Diversity Program, Bureau of Natural Resources, Connecticut Department of Energy &
Environmental Protection, Burlington, Connecticut.
The Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife, Connecticut Department of Energy &
Environmental Protection, and the United States Fish & Wildlife Service Region 5 hosted a regional
symposium on mussel research and conservation on March 7, 2017. This is the second meeting of this
renewed effort to provide a regional avenue for networking and sharing experiences on Unionoida
conservation. Approximately 40 participants from state and federal agencies, academia, and consulting
firms attended the meeting and engaged in discussion on Northeastern issues. Despite some technical
difficulties, another 10-12 folks tuned-in via Webex.
The focus of the meeting has been on work conducted in New England and New York, but we welcome
participation from other neighboring areas. We hope to continue to meet on a two-year cycle, and will
again advertise in the Unio Listserve. We thank FMCS for refreshments, made possible through a Regional
Mollusk Meeting Award.
Contributed Talks:
A new freshwater mussel collaborative in the Northeast. David Perkins
, Peter Hazelton
, Allison Roy
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Richard Cronin Aquatic Resource Center, Sunderland, MA;
Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife, Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program,
Westborough, MA;
U.S. Geological Survey, Massachusetts Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research
Unit, Department of Environmental Conservation, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. Email:
A terrifying tale of compounding stressors: an American Shad’s desperate attempt to overcome a
glochidial infestation. Kerstin Cody, Kevin Cheung, and Shane Hanlon. USFWS, North Attleboro
National Fish Hatchery. Email: shane_hanlon@fws.gov
Freshwater mussel survey for Roebling Bridge upgrade project over the Delaware River Pike
County, Pennsylvania and Sullivan County, New York. Philip T. Mathias and Gregory F.
Zimmerman, EnviroScience, Inc. Stow, OH. Email: pmathias@enviroscienceinc.com
Range contraction of the Brook Floater Alasmidonta varicosa: how do we protect remaining
populations? Barry J. Wicklow
, Tina A. Cormier
, Jesse Bishop
, Susi von Oettingen
and Julie
St. Anselm College, Manchester, NH;
Woods Hole Research Center, Woods Hole, MA;
USFWS, New England Field Office, Concord, NH; 4USFWS, Maryland Fisheries Resource Office,
Annapolis, MD. Email: BWic[email protected]u
Status of Dwarf Wedgemussel populations in the Delaware River watershed: a within-basin and
rangewide assessment of status and trends. Jeff C. Cole, USGS, Leetown Science Center, Northern
Appalachian Research Laboratory, Wellsboro, PA. Email: jccole@usgs.gov
Update on freshwater mussel training curriculum at NCTC. Matthew Patterson, USFWS, National
Conservation Training Center (NCTC), Shepherdstown, WV. Email: matt[email protected]
Baseline qualitative and quantitative mussel surveys associated with dam removals in the Mill
River watershed, Massachusetts. Alan D. Christian, School for the Environment, University of
Massachusetts Boston, Boston, MA. Email: Alan.Christian@umb.edu
Habitat use and translocation of rare mussels prior to dam removal. Peter D. Hazelton.
Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife, Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program,
Westborough, MA. Email: [email protected]a.us
Investigating the thermal biology of freshwater mussels: advances in methodology and future
applications. Carrie J. Blakeslee, USGS, Leetown Science Center, Northern Appalachian Research
Laboratory, Wellsboro, PA. Email: cblakeslee@usgs.gov
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
Status of the Brook Floater (Alasmidonta varicosa) in Maine. Ethan Nedeau
& Beth Swartz
Biodrawversity LLC., Amherst, MA;
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, Bangor, ME;
Email: ethan@biodrawversity.com
What’s next? Brook Floater rangewide conservation and restoration initiative. Allison H. Roy
Peter D. Hazelton
, Sean Sterrett
, Ayla Doubleday
, Andrew Fisk
, Lisa Holst
, Michael Marchand
David Perkins
, Michelle D. Staudinger
; Beth Swartz
, and Brian Watson
Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, UMass, Amherst, MA;
MA DFW, Westborough, MA;
Connecticut River Watershed Council;
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation,
Albany, NY;
New Hampshire Fish & Game Department, Concord, NH;
USFWS, Cronin Aquatic
Resource Center, Sunderland, MA;
Northeast Climate Science Center, UMass, Amherst, MA;
Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, Bangor, ME;
Virginia Department of Game and Inland
Fisheries, Richmond, VA. Email: ar[email protected]
For more information about this Northeast Regional Freshwater Mussel Meeting, please contact Peter
Hazelton (peter.hazelton@state.ma.us ) or Laura Saucier (Laura.[email protected] ).
Virginia Atlantic Slope Mollusk Recovery Group (MRG)
Annual Meeting
On March 9, 2017, Brian Watson (Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries) convened the
annual meeting of the Virginia Atlantic Slope Mollusk Recovery Group in Charles City, Virginia (VA).
The VA Atlantic Slope MRG was formed in 2006 to discuss and address conservation and recovery issues
pertaining to freshwater mollusks in VA’s Atlantic Slope waterways. The Group is comprised of members
from the VA Department of Game & Inland Fisheries (DGIF), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), VA
Department of Conservation and Recreation’s Heritage Program (DCR), Virginia Tech (VT), The Nature
Conservancy (TNC), U.S. Forest Service, private consultants, and other universities and NGOs. Thirteen
people attended the 2017 meeting, while nine others participated by phone and thru GoToMeeting.
The morning session included updates on propagation at the VA Fisheries and Aquatic Wildlife Center
(VFAWC) at Harrison Lake National Fish Hatchery and the Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Center
(FMCC) at Virginia Tech, brook floater status assessment update and an eDNA project at VA
Commonwealth University (VCU). In 2016, the VFAWC propagated over 1.1 million juvenile mussels from
six species and released over 24,000 tagged mussels in the Nottoway, Meherrin, and Rappahannock
rivers. The FMCC continued annual streamside infestations with the endangered James spinymussel
(Parvaspina collina; JSM) as part of a FWS Biological Opinion with the VA Department of Transportation
(VDOT), releasing nearly 270 infested cyprinids to Craig Creek and Johns Creek, Craig County. Barry
Wicklow, Saint Anselm College, provided information showing the decline of brook floater (Alasmidonta
varicosa) across its range, including its stronghold in the northeast. It appears brook floater is particularly
sensitive to riparian buffer loss and associated impacts such as eutrophication and water temperature
increases. The morning session wrapped up with Bonnie Roderique, graduate student at VCU, updating
the MRG on her eDNA project targeting JSM. VDOT is funding the project in hopes of being able to detect
the presence of JSM as part of their project reviews. The eDNA project also will attempt to determine the
relative abundance of JSM populations based on eDNA signal strength.
The afternoon session shifted toward environmental-related issues and field surveys. Sarah McRae
(FWS) presented on the Species Status Assessment (SSA) for the petitioned yellow lanced (Elliptio
lanceolata) and Atlantic pigtoe (Fusconaia masoni). Yellow lance was proposed for federal listing as
threatened, while a listing determination for the Atlantic pigtoe was delayed until 2018 to meet the
deadline. DGIF and Environmental Solutions and Innovations, Inc. provided updates on two natural gas
projects, the Atlantic Coast and Mountain Valley pipelines, which will cross nearly 3,000 streams between
the two projects. DGIF and FWS provided an update on the South River/DuPont Natural Resource
Damage Assessment and Restoration case and the Dan River coal ash spill. A draft settlement was
reached for DuPont/South River with $4 million dollars proposed for mussel restoration, which would be
shared between VFAWC and FMCC. VFAWC was awarded a $600,000 grant thru the National Fish and
Wildlife Foundation as part of the mussel restoration work for the Dan River coal ash spill. Over three
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
years, restoration work with triangle floater (Alasmidonta undulata), yellow lampmussel (Lampsilis
cariosa), green floater (Lasmigona subviridis), eastern elliptio (Elliptio complanata) and JSM will be targeted
in the Dan River upstream of Danville. The meeting concluded with a review of significant mussel surveys
in 2016 and planned surveys in 2017, including Conservation Management Institute, VA Tech, surveys
in the New River as part of the Fries Dam relicensing; DCR surveys in Tye River for JSM; and the long-
term mark-recapture surveys at 7 sites across the Piedmont. The meeting wrapped up with attendees
touring the VFAWC.
For more information, contact Brian Watson at brian.watson@dgif.virginia.gov or (434) 525-7522, x
Upcoming Meetings
June 4 9, 2017 Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
Theme: Designing our Freshwater Futures http://sfsannualmeeting.org/
July 16-21, 2017 American Malacological Society 83
Annual Meeting, University of Delaware,
Newark, Delaware, USA Theme: Mollusk research in a digital world: creating, integrating and mining
large datasets http://www.malacological.org
August 20 24, 2017 American Fisheries Society 147th Annual Meeting, Tampa Convention Center,
Tampa, Florida, USA Theme: Fisheries Ecosystems: Uplands to Oceans http://fisheries.org/events-
September 10 14, 2017 8th European Congress of Malacological Societies, Kraków University of
Technology, Kraków, Poland. http://www.euromal.pl/
March 12 15, 2018 FMCS Workshop, Freshwater Mollusk Health and Disease
Assessment, La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA.
July 21 26, 2018 Society for Conservation Biology North American Sectional Meeting, Westin
Harbour Castle Conference Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Theme Conservation Science, Policy,
and Practice: Connecting the Urban to the Wild http://conbio.org/groups/sections/north-
September 2018 -- First FMCS International Freshwater Mollusk Meeting, Northern Italy,
Details and precise location yet to be determined.
March 18 22, 2017 National Shellfisheries Association 110
Annual Meeting, Renaissance Hotel,
Seattle, Washington, USA Theme: [not posted] https://shellfish.memberclicks.net/annual-meeting
March 2019 FMCS Symposium, San Antonio, Texas, USA. Theme: Life on the Edge:
Reconciling River Management.
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
Contributed Articles
The following articles have been contributed by FMCS members and others interested in freshwater
mollusks. These contributions are incorporated into Ellipsaria without peer review and with minimal editing.
The opinions expressed are those of the authors.
Ligumia subrostrata Metamorphose on Centarchids, Esocids, Fundulids, and
Some Cyprinids in the Laboratory
Jeffrey Tillery
, Alex Franzen
, Mike Davis
, Mark Hove
, Kyle Johnson
, Sabrina Marconie
Shelby Marr
, Madeline Pletta
, Avery Sampson
, Bernard Sietman
, Cameron Swanson
, and
Tricia Wagner
University of Minnesota, 2003 Upper Buford Circle, St. Paul, Minnesota 55108,
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, 2109 North Lakeshore Drive, Lake City, Minnesota
Ligumia subrostrata (Say, 1831) is listed as a threatened species in the state of Minnesota; however,
specimens in the state might represent the most substantial population remaining in the upper Midwest
(Sietman et al., 2003). This study adds to our previous work (Hove et al., 2016a) on suitable hosts for L.
We collected gravid L. subrostrata from the Rock River, Pipestone County, Minnesota, and infested
fishes using standard methods (Hove et al., 2016b). Fishes were grouped by species and held between
20-24 °C. For each trial, we counted the number of glochidia and juveniles released by the fish to calculate
metamorphosis success, an indicator of fish species productivity for juvenile propagation purposes.
All species of Centrarchidae, Esocidae, and Fundulidae that were tested facilitated Ligumia subrostrata
glochidia metamorphosis in at least one trial (Table 1). Tested species on which glochidia metamorphosis
was not observed (number of trials, number of survivors) were: Amia calva (1,1), Lepisosteus osseus (2,2),
Campostoma anomalum (2,8), Cyprinella lutrensis (2,5), Cyprinus carpio (2,3), Luxilus cornutus (1,3),
Notropis dorsalis (1,10), N. stramineus (1,7), Pimephales notatus (2,14), P. promelas (2,10), Rhinichthys
atratulus (1,5), Carpoides cyprinus (1,2), Catostomus commersonii (2,5), Ictiobus bubalus (1,7), Moxostoma
macrolepidotum (2,8), Ameiurus melas (1,6), A. natalis (1,1), A. nebulosus (1,1), lctalurus furcatus (1,2),
Noturus gyrinus (3,23), Percopsis omiscomaycus (2,6), Etheostoma caeruleum (1,3), E. exile (1,2), E. nigrum
(1,2), Perca flavescens (1,5), Percina caprodes (1,6), P. maculata (1,12), P. phoxocephala (1,2), Sander
vitreus (1,2), Aplodinotus grunniens (2,3), Necturus maculosus (1,1) (only amphibian tested)
The results from this study were similar to earlier host suitability research. Centrarchids, esocids,
fundulids, and gastrosteids supported much higher transformation rates than amiids, cyprinids,
catostomids, and ictalurids (Hove et al., 2016b, this study). While most centrarchids supported relatively
high rates of glochidia metamorphosis, results for Ambloplites rupestris, Lepomis gulosus, and Pomoxis
nigromaculatus were variable between trials, and Micropterus dolomieu consistently produced a low
number of juveniles.
Literature Cited
Hove, M., K. Burstein, M. Davis, S. Marr, M. Pletta, J. Williams, T. Wagner, and B. Sietman. 2016a.
Ligumia subrostrata glochidia metamorphose on centrarchids and other fish species. Ellipsaria
Hove, M. C., B. E. Sietman, M. S. Berg, E. C. Frost, K. Wolf, T. R. Brady, S. L. Boyer, and D. J.
Hornbach. 2016b. Early life history of the sheepnose (Plethobasus cyphyus) (Mollusca: Bivalvia:
Unionoida). Journal of Natural History 50(9-10):523-542.
Sietman, B. E., D.E. Kelner, R. A. Hart, and M. Davis. 2003. Ligumia subrostrata (Bivalvia: Unionidae)
in Minnesota and its status in the upper Midwest. Prairie Naturalist 35:187-195.
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
Table 1. Results from Ligumia subrostrata glochidia host suitability trials. No. of fish = number
inoculated/number of survivors, Period (d) = juvenile release period in days, Metamorphosis success (%)
= percentage of recovered glochidia that metamorphosed into juveniles.
Fish Species
No. of fish
Period (d)
No. of
success (%)
Notemigonus crysoleucas (1)
N. crysoleucas (2)
Rhinichthys cataractae
Semotilus atromaculatus (1)
S. atromaculatus (2)
Esox lucius
Umbra limi
Fundulus diaphanus
F. sciadicus
Ambloplites rupestris (1)
A. rupestris (2)
Lepomis cyanellus
L. gibbosus (1)
L. gibbosus (2)
L. gulosus (1)
L. gulosus (2)
L. gulosus (3)
L. humilis (1)
L. humilis (2)
L. humilis (3)
L. macrochirus (1)
L. macrochirus (2)
Micropterus dolomieu (1)
M. dolomieu (2)
M. dolomieu (3)
M. salmoides (1)
M. salmoides (2)
Pomoxis nigromaculatus (1)
P. nigromaculatus (2)
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
Additional Information Concerning the Conquest of Europe by the
Invasive Chinese Pond Mussel Sinanodonta woodiana, 44.
News from Austria, Belgium and France, but what about Israel?
Henk K. Mienis, The Steinhardt Museum of Natural History Israel National Center for Biodiversity
Studies, Tel Aviv University, IL-6997801 Tel Aviv, Israel, and National Natural History Collections,
Berman Building, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Edmond J. Safra Campus, IL-9190401 Jerusalem,
Israel. mienis@netzer.org.il
Here again is some information concerning various studies dealing with the invasive Chinese Pond
mussel in Europe. This time, the information comes from Austria, Belgium, and France with a note on
an odd trial to grow Sinanodonta woodiana in Israel.
Billinger (2016) studied the presence of large mussel species in the impounded parts of the lower
reaches of the river Inn in Upper Austria. According to his observation, the invasive Chinese Pond mussel
preferred the shallow waters of the impoundments characterized by a high rate of organic detritus. Since
the level of nutrients in alpine rivers is usually rather low, Sinanodonta woodiana does not seem to be a
threatening competitor of local species like Unio pictorum, Anodonta cygnea, and Anodonta anatina.
On the website waarnemingen.be [observations.be], Jan
Soors placed an observation of Anodonta cygnea from
Zonhoven, Wijvenheide Zuid, in the province of Limburg,
carried out on 24 April 2017. The accompanying
photographs, however, (one of which is reproduced here as
Figure 1), showed a still juvenile specimen of the Chinese
Pond mussel. A few days later, this record was indeed
changed to Sinanodonta woodiana. This invasive freshwater
mussel turns regularly up in commercial fish ponds stocked
with various species of carps in Belgium.
The Chinese Pond mussel has been known to occur in
France for more than 30 years. Henri Callot-Girardi (2017)
has given some brief information concerning these first finds.
In addition, he showed some particular forms of this invasive
species which have been encountered in France. Elsewhere
in this lavishly illustrated second volume of "Avenionia," he has inserted other interesting photographs of
Sinanodonta woodiana, not only from France but also from Hungary.
And what about Israel?
I was baffled by a page in the article by Callot-Girardi (2017) which contained a letter written by one
of my colleagues in Israel with the request for a large quantity of living specimens of Sinanodonta
woodiana. I know that at the time he wrote that letter (1991,) a new immigrant from the former U.S.S.R.
was associated with the Department of Life Sciences of the Bar-Ilan University in Ramat Gan where he
carried out trials of growing pearls in several species of freshwater bivalves. Also for that reason, living
specimens of Cristaria plicata (Leach 1815) had been imported from China, without a license. The latter
were even released in one of the commercial fish ponds for breeding carps in Israel. Fortunately for the
local fauna, both trials failed. The mussels belonging to Sinanodonta woodiana arrived in Israel dead,
while the specimens of Cristaria plicata died in the open fish pond. These examples, however, show a
lack of responsibility to intentionally introduce a highly invasive species. Since then, the person involved
with growing freshwater pearls has left Israel for a country in South America.
Figure 1. A juvenile Chinese Pond
mussel from Zonhoven, Belgium.
Photograph by Jan Soors.
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
Billinger, F. 2016. Etablierung der Chinesischen Teichmuschel Sinanodonta woodiana (Lea 1834)
(Bivalvia: Unionidae) in der Grossmuschelfauna der Stauseen am unteren Inn (Oberösterreich,
Bayern). Mitteilungen der Zoologischen Gesellschaft Braunau, 12(1):77-89.
Callot-Girardi, H. 2017. Et si on parlait un peu de Sinanodonta woodiana woodiana (Lea, 1834).
Bulletin de Malacologie, Avenionia, 2:369-378.
Some Information Concerning Theodoxus (Neritaea) octagonus Eichhorst, 2016,
an Endemic Subterranean Species from Israel
Henk K. Mienis¹ and Oz Rittner²
¹ National Natural History Collections, Berman Building, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Edmond J.
Safra Campus, IL-9190401 Jerusalem, Israel, and the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History Israel
National Center for Biodiversity Studies, Tel Aviv University, IL 6997801 Tel Aviv, Israel.
² The Steinhardt Museum of Natural History Israel National Center for Biodiversity Studies, Tel Aviv
University, IL 6997801 Tel Aviv, Israel. israelbutterf[email protected]
Recently Tom Eichhorst (2016) has described a new Neritid species from Israel as Theodoxus (Neritaea)
octagonus. Although we fully agree with his description, we add here some further details. Theodoxus
(Neritaea) octagonus Eichhorst, 2016 was described from specimens collected during the period 1966-
1968 in the Octagon Pool near Tabgha on the north-western shore of the Sea of Galilee (Lake of Tiberias)
by Dr. Moshe Tsurnamal (Tsurnamal and Por, 1968). This warm sulfuric and saline spring -- water
temperature 29.5°C, and high salinity 2300-3000 mg Cl/lit.-- flows into a Byzantine 4
Century tower-
like octagonal reservoir, where the water is being mixed with freshwater from two other nearby springs.
The Octagon Pool is better known as 'En Nur or Birket 'Ali-Ed-Dhaher'. The photograph of the pool in
Eichhorst's publication is, therefore, not correct. In fact, the new Theodoxus is confined in its distribution
to the subterranean tract of 'En Nur.
Theodoxus (Neritaea) octagonus differs from the two other Theodoxus species living in the
neighbourhood [Theodoxus (Neritaea) jordani (Sowerby, 1836) and Theodoxus (Neritaea) michonii
(Bourguinat, 1852)] by the very deep suture separating the whorls. Its color may be described as of a
uniformly pale rose (lavender in Eichhorst). Some rare specimens, however, show white dots on the pale
rose background, which is quite different from the axial zigzag markings usually seen in Theodoxus jordani
and often hiding under a uniformly black layer in Theodoxus michonii. Interestingly, when snails are kept
alive in an aquarium with UV-illumination, they become black all over.
Figures 1-3. Theodoxus
(Neritaea) octagonus
Eichhorst, 2016, from 'En Nur
near Tabgha, Israel.
1. A normally-colored specimen.
2. A specimen kept in an
aquarium with UV-
3. A specimen showing the
mottled color pattern.
Photograph by Oz Rittner.
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
Theodoxus (Neritaea) octagonus is not the only endemic species which lives in that sulfuric saline
spring. It shares the habitat with a Blind prawn Typhlocaris galilea Calman, 1909, several peculiar worm-
like invertebrates, and at least two other tiny gastropods: Bithinella annandalei [now Heleobia annandalei]
(Preston, 1913), and Bithinella vexillum Preston, 1913, the generic position of which has, so far, remained
unsettled (Preston, 1913; Annandale, 1916). Heleobia annandalei specimens have still been collected
quite recently (Mienis, 2005).
The Octagon Pool and, even more the subterranean 'En Nur, are off limits to the public because the
locality is situated within the compound of a religious institute lead by the German Association of the
Holy Land and maintained by Benedictine monks from the Dormition Abbey of Mount Zion in Jerusalem.
In addition to the impossibility to enter the subterranean spring of 'En Nur, all the endemic gastropods
living in it fall, of course, under the law which protects all the mollusks in Israel.
Annandale, N. [1915] 1916. The distribution and origin of the fauna of the Jordan system with special
reference to that of the Lake of Tiberias. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, [NS], 11(10-11):437-
Calman, W.T. 1909. On a blind prawn of the Sea of Galilee (Typhlocaris galilea g. et sp. n.).
Transactions of the Linnaean Society, Zoology, 11(2):93-97.
Eichhorst, T.E. 2016. Neritidae of the World, 2:696-1366. ConchBooks, Harxheim.
Mienis, H.K. 2005. Rediscovery of Heleobia annandalei in the Octogon pool of Tabgha, Israel. Tentacle,
Preston, H.B. 1913. A molluscan faunal list of the Lake of Tiberias with descriptions of new species.
Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, [NS], 9(11):465-475, plate 27.
Tsurnamal, M. and Por, F.D. 1968. The subterranean fauna associated with the blind Palaemonid
prawn Typhlocaris galilea Calman. International Journal of Speleology, 3(3-4):219-223.
New Occurrence Records of the Little Invasive Neartic Freshwater Pulmonate
Snail Lymnaea columella (Say, 1817) in the Territory of Santa Catarina State/
SC, Southern Brazil Region
A. Ignacio Agudo-Padrón and Jefferson Souza da Luz,
Project “Avulsos Malacológicos - AM”, P.O. Box 010, 88010-970 Centro, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina/
SC, Brazil ignacioagudo@gmail.com ; [email protected]m ; http://noticias-malacologicas-
Recognized globally, invasive alien forms are the second major cause of extinction of native species,
immediately behind the destruction of habitats by human intervention. Unfortunately, in Santa Catarina
State/ SC, this worrisome situation is increasingly evident, in rampant form.
One of these alien species, present and rapidly gaining space in State, is the little neartic freshwater
pulmonate snail Lymnaea columella (Say, 1817). This snail is recognized in Brazil as an important vector
of the veterinarian parasitic disease “Fascioliase” (Medeiros et al. 2014, Agudo-Padrón 2016: 32).
On February 19, 2017, the second author of this report obtained several live specimens (Figure 1) in
“Ponte Alta” (city and Municipal District) 27º 29’14”S & 50º 23’32”W (Figure 2). The collection site is in
the Canoas River Basin, at approximately 850 meters above sea level within the Araucária Forest
environment, Highlands (malacological fourth region) of Santa Catarina State/ SC. The snails were found
“semi-submerged” and adhered in the cement walls of a local artificial lake (Figure 1). An abundance of
"spawning/eggs" of the species was observed at the site. The species probably was introduced
"accidentally" in the region through aquaculture activities.
Additional information about this species, including recent geographical/spatial records in the
Brazilian and regional literature, is available in Agudo-Padrón, et al. 2013; Medeiros, et al. 2014; and
Agudo-Padrón 2016 (Figure 3).
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
Figure 1. Some of the specimens of Lymnaea columella (Say, 1817) found at “Ponte Alta”, Santa
Catarina State/ SC, and a view of the habitat where they were found
Agudo-Padrón, A.I. 2016. First geographical record of the little native freshwater operculate snail
Potamolithus catharinae Pilsbry 1911 in the “Urubici” Municipal District, highlands region of Santa
Catarina State/ SC, Southern Brazil. FMCS Newsletter Ellipsaria, 18(4):31-32.
Agudo-Padrón, A.I.; Veado, R.V. ad-Víncula & Saalfeld, K. 2013. Moluscos e saúde pública em Santa
Catarina: subsídios para a formulação estadual de políticas preventivas sanitaristas. Duque de Caxias,
RJ: Espaço Científico Livre Projetos Editoriais, 2013, 132 p. Available online at:
Figure 2. Location of the “Ponte Alta” Municipal
District (Map - red color) in the geographical
territory of Santa Catarina State/ SC.
Figure 3. Known distribution of Lymnaea
columella (Say, 1817) in Santa
Catarina State/ SC and the Brazilian
territory in general. Map from
Medeiros et al. (2014)
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
Medeiros, C.; Scholte, R.G.C.; D’Ávila, S.; Caldeira, R.L. & Carvalho, O. dos S. 2014. Spatial distribution
of Lymnaeidae (Mollusca, Basommatophora), intermediate host of Fasciola hepatica Linnaeus, 1758
(Trematoda, Digenea) in Brazil. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. São Paulo, 56(3): 235-252. Available online at:
Field Records of Freshwater Mollusks in the Ariranha River Microbasin, Arvoredo
Municipal District, Western Region of Santa Catarina State/ SC, Southern Brazil:
A Brief Report
A. Ignacio Agudo-Padrón, Project “Avulsos Malacológicos - AM”, P.O. Box 010, 88010-970 Centro,
Florianópolis, Santa Catarina/ SC, Brazil ignacioagudo@gmail.com ; http://noticias-malacologicas-
Continuing with our previous malacological research reports on the western region of Santa Catarina
State/ SC (Agudo-Padrón 2017), on April 20, 2017, Emanueli Marin Albino, a local professional biologist,
requested the identification of some limnic/freshwater mollusks illustrated in several field photographs
that were found between February 27 and March 03 2017, in the bed of the Ariranha River, within the
Municipality of Arvoredo (Figure 1). This river is a direct tributary of the great Upper Uruguay River
The Ariranha basin is next to Nova Teutônia Valley, located in the Western Santa Catarina State/ SC
in the Seara Municipal District, today one of the most important regions of the swine breeding and,
coincidentally, historical seat of pioneering malacological researches in the State and South America
(Agudo-Padrón, 2011). Because of the intense use of the lands for agriculture, most of the natural
vegetation areas have been deforested (Figure 1). The lack of an adequate sewage treatment has been
responsible for an increase of environmental degradation and low standards of living of the local
Figure 1. The Ariranha River Basin (left), which drainage area is located within five municipalities in
the Western section of the State, and the collection site of these species (right).
The species present on the photographs include three limnic forms (Figure 2): the exotic invasive
freshwater Asian clams Corbiculidae/Cyrenidae Corbicula largillierti (Philippi, 1844) confirming once
again our forecast for the region (Agudo-Padrón, 2017), the native mussel/naiad Hyriidae Diplodon
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
expansus (Küster, 1856), and the native freshwater pulmonate snail Phsidae Aplexa (Stenophysa)
marmorata (Guilding, 1828). The pictures also include a beautiful little native forest snail Bulimulidae
Mesembrinus (- Drymaeus) interpunctus (Martens, 1887) that was found in the foliage near the bed of the
river, (see Agudo-Padrón 2011:13-16) for a regional species relationship).
Figure 2. Limnic mollusk forms found in the Ariranha River Basin: Aplexa (Stenophysa) marmorata
(Guilding, 1828) (left), Corbicula largillierti (Philippi, 1844) (center), Diplodon expansus (Küster, 1856)
Agudo-Padrón, A. I. 2011. History of South American continental malacology: the malacological
contribution of the German entomologist Fritz Plaumann (1902 - 1994) in Santa Catarina State,
Southern Brazil. FMCS Newsletter Ellipsaria, 13(3):12-17.
Agudo-Padrón, A. I. 2017. Additional record of the invasive non-native Asian clam Corbicula largillierti
(Philippi, 1844) in the Irani River Microbasin, Western Region of Santa Catarina State/ SC, Southern
Brazil. FMCS Newsletter Ellipsaria, 19(1):22-24.
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
2016 Freshwater Mollusk Bibliography
Kevin S. Cummings,
Illinois Natural History Survey, 607 E. Peabody Dr., Champaign, IL 61820
The following are references to over 500 papers on freshwater mollusks that have been published up
to and including 2016 that have not appeared in previous FMCS bibliographies. Citations for Aquatic
Mollusca are split into five groups for the convenience of researchers: Unionoida, Sphaeriidae,
Corbiculidae, Dreissenidae & other FW Bivalves, and Gastropoda. Those papers that include taxa from
more than one of the above categories are included under each group. A web searchable database of over
25,500 references on freshwater mollusks (including all previous FMCS bibliographies on freshwater
mollusks) can be found at http://fms.inhs.illinois.edu/fmi/webd#Mollusk%20Bibliography [a NEW
ADDRESS !]. Only one user can access the bibliography at a time (we hope to remedy this in the near
future) so be sure to exit when finished. To ensure that papers are cited correctly, researchers are
encouraged to send pdf's to: Kevin S. Cummings, email: kscummin@illinois.edu .
Agudo-Padrón, A.I. 2011. Threatened freshwater and terrestrial molluscs (Mollusca, Gastropoda et
Bivalvia) of Santa Catarina State, Southern Brazil: check list and evaluation of regional threats.
Biodiversity Journal 2(2):59-66.
Agudo-Padrón, A.I., and P. Lenhard. 2011. Continental mollusc fauna of the Great Porto Alegre
central region, RS, Southern Brazil. Biodiversity Journal 2(4):163-170.
Aguirre-Urreta, B. 2016. Horacio Homero Camacho (1922-2015). Revista de La Asociación Geológica
Argentina 73(2):294-299.
Ahlstedt, S.A., M.T. Fagg, R.S. Butler, J.F. Connell, and J.W. Jones. 2016. Quantitative monitoring of
freshwater mussel populations from 19792004 in the Clinch and Powell Rivers of Tennessee and
Virginia, with miscellaneous notes on the fauna. Freshwater Mollusk Biology and Conservation
Alves, T., P. Lima, G.M.S. Lima, M.C.C. Cunha, S. Ferreira, B. Domingues, and J. Machado. 2016.
Phytoplankton composition of the water and gastrointestinal tract of the mussel Diplodon enno
(Ortmann, 1921) from São Francisco River (Bahia, Brazil). Brazilian Journal of Biology 76(2):352-
An, C., S. Ouyang, C.-H. Zhou, and X.-P. Wu. 2016. The complete F-type mitochondrial genome of
Chinese Anodonta arcaeformis (Bivalvia: Unionidae: Unionionae). Mitochondrial DNA 27(2):1552-
Antelo, J., M. Suárez Abelenda, C. Pastoriza, J. Barral, P. Ondina, A. Outeiro, S. Lois, and J.M. Antelo.
2015. Trace metal accumulation and bioavailability in the Ulla basin (NW Spain): evaluation of the
potential effects on the freshwater pearl mussel. Penn Ar Bed. International conference:
Conservation and Restoration of Freshwater Pearl Mussel Populations and Habitat in Europe
Arvidsson, B.L., A. Hadzihalilovic-Numanovic, and E.M. Österling. 2012. Conservation genetics of
freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) populations in south Sweden; some preliminary
results. pp. 97-106 in L. Henrikson, B. Arvidsson, and M. Österling (editors). Aquatic conservation
with focus on Margaritifera margaritifera. Karlstad University Studies 2012:40.
Baki, M.A., M.M. Hossain, and N.A. Bhouiyan. 2016. Checklist of freshwater Mollusca (Gastropoda
and Bivalvia) recorded from the Buriganga and Turag Rivers, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Festivus
Barros, M.P., L.M. Gayeski, and J.G. Tundisi. 2016. Benthic macroinvertebrate community in the
Sinos River drainage basin, Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Biology 76(4):942-950.
Baudrimont, M., P. Gonzalez, A. Legeay, N Mesmer-Dudons, E. Goursolle, J. Chevalier, B. Pécassou,
and R. Papin-Vincent. 2015. Ecotoxicological study of sensitivity to metal contaminants of the
pearl mussel in the upstream part of the Dronne, Dordogne (France). Penn Ar Bed. International
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
conference: “Conservation and Restoration of Freshwater Pearl Mussel Populations and Habitat in
Europe” 222:64-68.
Bianchi, V.A., J.M. Castro, I. Rocchetta, D.E. Nahabedian, V. Conforti, and C.M. Luquet. 2015. Long-
term feeding with Euglena gracilis cells modulates immune responses, oxidative balance and
metabolic condition in Diplodon chilensis (Mollusca, Bivalvia, Hyriidae) exposed to living Escherichia
coli. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 42:367-378.
Bianchi, V.A., J.M. Castro, I. Rocchetta, V. Conforti, M. Pascual, and C.M. Luquet. 2016. Modulating
effects of orally supplied Euglena gracilis on the physiological responses of the freshwater mussel
Diplodon chilensis, exposed to sewage water pollution in a Patagonian river (Argentina). Fish and
Shellfish Immunology 51:17-25.
Black, B.A., J.B. Dunham, B.W. Blundon, J. Brim-Box and A.J. Tepley. 2015. Long-term growth-
increment chronologies reveal diverse influences of climate forcing on freshwater and forest biota in
the Pacific Northwest. Global Change Biology 21:594604.
Bódis, E., B. Tóth, and R. Sousa. 2016. Freshwater mollusc assemblages and habitat associations in
the Danube River drainage, Hungary. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems
Bogan, A.E., and M. Ashton. 2016. Manual of the freshwater bivalves of Maryland. Maryland
Department of Natural Resources, Resource Assessment Service, Monitoring and Non-Tidal
Assessment Division, Aquatic Inventory and Monitoring Program, Annapolis, Maryland 21401 62 pp.
+ 1 appendix
Bolotov, I.N., I.V. Vikhrev, Y.V. Bespalaya, M.Y. Gofarov, A.V. Kondakov, E.S. Konopleva, N.N. Bolotov,
and A.A. Lyubas. 2016. Multi-locus fossil-calibrated phylogeny, biogeography and a subgeneric
revision of the Margaritiferidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Unionoida). Molecular Phylogenetics and
Evolution 103:104-121.
Bolotov, I.N., Y.V. Bespalaya, M.Y. Gofarov, A.V. Kondakov, E.S. Konopleva, and I.V. Vikhrev. 2016.
Spreading of the Chinese pond mussel, Sinanodonta woodiana, across Wallacea: One or more
lineages invade tropical islands and Europe. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 67:58-64.
Breure, A.S.H., and E. Tardy. 2016. From the shadows of the past: Moricand senior and junior, two
19th century naturalists from Geneva, their newly described taxa and molluscan types. Revue
Suisse de Zoologie 123(1):113138.
Breure, A.S.H., and J.D. Ablett. 2016. The ‘Demange drawings’: known and unknown malacological
contributions of Victor Demange (1870-1940). Folia Conchyliologica 36:19.
Buczek, S.B. 2015. Freshwater mussel sensitivity to polyacrylamide, sediment, and turbidity. M.S.
Thesis. North Carolina State University, Raleigh 68 pp.
Burzyński, A., M. Soroka, M. Mioduchowska, A. Kaczmarczyk, and J. Sell. 2017. The complete
maternal and paternal mitochondrial genomes of Unio crassus: mitochondrial molecular clock and
the overconfidence of molecular dating. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 107:605-608.
Caldwell, M.L., D.T. Zanatta, and D. Woolnough. 2016. A multi-basin approach determines variability
in host fish suitability for unionids in tributaries of the Laurentian Great Lakes. Freshwater Biology
Campbell, C.A., and K.L. Prestegaard. 2016. Physical and chemical constraints limit the habitat
window for an endangered mussel. Hydrobiologia 772:7791.
Carella, F., G. Villari, N. Maio, and G. De Vico. 2016. Disease and disorders of freshwater unionid
mussels: A brief overview of recent studies. Frontiers in Physiology 7(489):1-8.
Cauwelier, E., P. Boon, L.C. Hastie, I. Sime, E.C. Tarr, C. Thompson, E. Verspoor, and M. Young.
2012. Demographic structure, sampling and the inferred genetic structure of Scottish freshwater
pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) populations. pp. 8196 in L. Henrikson, B. Arvidsson, and
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Cummings, K.S., H.A. Jones, and M. Lopes-Lima. 2016. Rapid bioassessment methods for freshwater
molluscs. pp. 185-207 in T.H. Larsen (ed.). Core standardized methods for rapid biological field
assessment. Conservation International, Arlington, VA 209 pp.
dos Santos, C.P., M.V. Nehrke, M.C.D. Mansur, and V. Gazulha. 2012. Como monitorar bivalves
invasores no plancton? Método da microscopia óptica. Capítulo 10. pp. 139-142 in Mansur et al.
(eds.). Moluscos límnicos invasores no Brasil: biologia, prevenção e controle. Redes Editora Ltda.,
Porto Alegre, Brazil 412 pp.
Du, B., S.P. Haddad, A. Luek, W.C. Scott, G.N. Saari, L.A. Kristofco, K.A. Connors, C. Rash, J.B.
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Nakladatelstvi Kaboourek Zlin 264 pp.
Kapusta, S.C., and S.M. Fagondes de Freitas. 2012. Limnoperna fortunei na bacia hidrográfica do
baixo Rio Jacuí: relacoes com a comunidade de macroinvertebrados bentonicos. Capítulo 21. pp.
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Redes Editora Ltda., Porto Alegre, Brazil 412 pp.
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Mansur, M.C.D., A.S. Vanin, P.E.A. Bergonci, A.S. de Oliveira. 2012. Dinamica reprodutiva de
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Mansur, M.C.D., C.P. dos Santos, D. Pereira, P.E.A. Bergonci, and C. Callil. 2016. Moluscos límnicos
bivalves - espécies exóticas pp. 127-175 in A.O. Latini and D.C. Resende (eds.). Espécies exóticas
invasoras de águas continentais no Brasil. Brasília: MMA. 791 pp.
Mansur, M.C.D., D.M. Pimpao, P.E.A. Bergonci, C.P. dos Santos, G.C.S. de Figueiredo. 2012.
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Boltovskoy, D. 2015. Distribution and colonization of Limnoperna fortunei: special traits of an odd
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Boltovskoy, D., B. Morton, N. Correa, D. Cataldo, C. Damborenea, P.E. Penchaszadeh and F. Sylvester.
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Boltovskoy, D., M. Xu, and D. Nakano. 2015. I mpacts of Limnoperna fortunei on man-made structures
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Boltovskoy, D., N. Correa, F. Sylvester and D. Cataldo. 2015. Nutrient recycling, phytoplankton
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Campos, S.H.C., and F. da Costa Fernandes. 2012. Microencapsulados. Capítulo 28. pp. 299-302 in
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Editora Ltda., Porto Alegre, Brazil 412 pp.
Cataldo, D. 2015. Trophic relationships of Limnoperna fortunei with adult fishes. pp. 231-248 in D.
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Invasive Fouling Mussel. Springer Series in Invasion Ecology
Cataldo, D.H. 2015. Larval development of Limnoperna fortunei. pp. 43-54 in D. Boltovskoy (ed.).
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Claudi, R., and M. Divina de Oliveira. 2015. Chemical strategies for the control of the Golden Mussel
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Colborne, S.F., A.D.M. Clapp, F.J. Longstaffe, and B.D. Neff. 2015. Foraging ecology of native
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no Brasil: biologia, prevenção e controle. Redes Editora Ltda., Porto Alegre, Brazil 412 pp.
Cooper, M.J., and D.G. Uzarski. 2016. Invertebrates in Great Lakes marshes. Chapter 9. pp. 287-320
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Cummings, K.S., and D.L. Graf. 2016. Chapter 11. Phylum Mollusca. Bivalvia: Unionoida: Unionidae:
Genera. pp. 213-221 in J.H. Thorp and D.C Rogers (eds.). Thorp and Covich's Freshwater
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Cummings, K.S., H.A. Jones, and M. Lopes-Lima. 2016. Rapid bioassessment methods for freshwater
molluscs. pp. 185-207 in T.H. Larsen (ed.). Core standardized methods for rapid biological field
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Ltda., Porto Alegre, Brazil 412 pp.
de Oliveira, M.D., and D.F. Calheiros. 2012. Limnoperna fortunei na bacia do Rio Paraguai, Mato
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Ltda., Porto Alegre, Brazil 412 pp.
Ernandes-Silva, J., F. Henrique Ragonha, L.C. Rodrigues, and R.P. Mormul. 2016. Freshwater
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invasores no Brasil: biologia, prevenção e controle. Redes Editora Ltda., Porto Alegre, Brazil 412 pp.
Fernandes, F. da C., M.C.D. Mansur, D. Pereira, L.V. de Godoy Fernandes, S.C. Campos, and O.M.
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biologia, prevenção e controle. Redes Editora Ltda., Porto Alegre, Brazil 412 pp.
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Gazulha, V. 2012. O impacto de Limnoperna fortunei sobre as cianobactérias. Capítulo 22. pp. 249-
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Redes Editora Ltda., Porto Alegre, Brazil 412 pp.
Geisler, M.E., M.D. Rennie, D.M. Gillis, and S.N. Higgins. 2016. A predictive model for water clarity
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Giglioa, M.L., M.C.D. Mansur, C. Damborenea, P.E. Penchaszadeh, and G. Darrigran. 2016.
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Horsák M., L. Juřičková, and J. Picka. 2013. Molluscs of the Czech and Slovak Republics.
Nakladatelstvi Kaboourek Zlin 264 pp.
Ito, K. 2015. Colonization and spread of Limnoperna fortunei in Japan. pp. 321-332 in D. Boltovskoy
(ed.). Limnoperna fortunei. The Ecology, Distribution and Control of a Swiftly Spreading Invasive
Fouling Mussel. Springer Series in Invasion Ecology
Iwasaki, K. 2015. Behavior and taxis of young and adult Limnoperna fortunei. pp. 249-260 in D.
Boltovskoy (ed.). Limnoperna fortunei. The Ecology, Distribution and Control of a Swiftly Spreading
Invasive Fouling Mussel. Springer Series in Invasion Ecology
Kapusta, S.C., and S.M. Fagondes de Freitas. 2012. Limnoperna fortunei na bacia hidrográfica do
baixo Rio Jacuí: relacoes com a comunidade de macroinvertebrados bentonicos. Capítulo 21. pp.
243-246 in Mansur et al. (eds.). Moluscos límnicos invasores no Brasil: biologia, prevenção e controle.
Redes Editora Ltda., Porto Alegre, Brazil 412 pp.
Karatayev, A.Y., D. Boltovskoy, L.E. Burlakova, and D.K. Padilla. 2015. Parallels and contrasts
between Limnoperna fortunei and species of Dreissena. pp. 261-300 in D. Boltovskoy (ed.).
Limnoperna fortunei. The Ecology, Distribution and Control of a Swiftly Spreading Invasive Fouling
Mussel. Springer Series in Invasion Ecology
Krebs, R.A., E.M. Barkett, and M.T. Begley. 2015. The impact of dreissenid mussels on growth of the
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Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
Mansur, M.C.D. 2012. Bivalves invasores límnicos: morfologia comparada de Limnoperna fortunei e
espécies de Corbicula spp. Capítulo 4. pp. 61-74 in Mansur et al. (eds.). Moluscos límnicos invasores
no Brasil: biologia, prevenção e controle. Redes Editora Ltda., Porto Alegre, Brazil 412 pp.
Mansur, M.C.D., C.P. dos Santos, D. Pereira, P.E.A. Bergonci, and C. Callil. 2016. Moluscos límnicos
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Pereira, D., J.O. Arruda, P.E.A. Bergonci, A.S. de Oliveira, R. Postiglione, and M.C.D. Mansur. 2012.
Como monitorar moluscos límnicos invasores bentonicos e macroinvertebrados associados?
Capítulo 13. pp. 155-184 in Mansur et al. (eds.). Moluscos límnicos invasores no Brasil: biologia,
prevenção e controle. Redes Editora Ltda., Porto Alegre, Brazil 412 pp.
Pereira, D., M.C.D. Mansur, and D.M. Pimpao. 2012. Identificacao e diferenciacao dos bivalves
límnicos invasores dos demais bivalves nativos do Brasil Capítulo 5. pp. 75-94 in Mansur et al.
(eds.). Moluscos límnicos invasores no Brasil: biologia, prevenção e controle. Redes Editora Ltda.,
Porto Alegre, Brazil 412 pp.
Peres, T.M., A. Deter-Wolf, J. Keasler, and S. Chappell Hodge. 2016. Faunal remains from an Archaic
Period cave in the southeastern United States. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 8:187-199.
Peres, T.M., and A. Deter-Wolf. 2016. The shell-bearing Archaic in the Middle Cumberland River
Valley. Southeastern Archaeology 35(3):237-250.
Perez, B.J., A.H. Segrest, S.R. Campos, R.L. Minton, and R.L. Burks. 2016. First record of Japanese
Mystery Snail Cipangopaludina japonica (von Martens, 1861) in Texas. Check List 12(5):1-19.
Perez, K.E., R.L. Werren, C.A. Lynum, L.A. Hartman, G. Majoros, and R.A. Cole. 2016. Genetic
structure of faucet snail, Bithynia tentaculata populations in North America, based on microsatellite
markers. Freshwater Mollusk Biology and Conservation 19(2):56-68.
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
Piechocki, A., and B. Wawrzyniak-Wydrowska. 2016. Guide to freshwater and marine Mollusca of
Poland. Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe 279 pp.
Poppe, G.T. 2016. Collecting shells in times of internet. Conchbooks 408 pp.
Prasetyo, D.B., S. Koji, and N. Tuno. 2016. A comparison of aquatic invertebrate diversity between
paddy fields under traditional and modern management in Western Japan. Research in Agriculture
Quintana, M.G., and M. Ostrowski de Núñez. 2016. The life cycle of Neocladocystis intestinalis (Vaz,
1932) (Digenea: Cryptogonimidae), in Aylacostoma chloroticum (Prosobranchia: Thiaridae), and
Salminus brasiliensis (Characiformes: Characidae), in Argentina. Parasitology Research
Quintana, M.G., and M. Ostrowski de Núñez. 2014. The life cycle of Pseudosellacotyla lutzi (Digenea:
Cryptogonimidae), in Aylacostoma chloroticum (Prosobranchia: Thiaridae), and Hoplias malabaricus
(Characiformes: Erythrinidae), in Argentina. Journal of Parasitology 100:805811
Radea, C., A. Parmakelis, and S. Giokas. 2016. Myrtoessa hyas, a new valvatiform genus and a new
species of the Hydrobiidae (Caenogastropoda, Truncatelloidea) from Greece. ZooKeys 640:1-18.
Raw, J.L., R. Perissinotto, N.A.F. Miranda, and N. Peer. 2016. Feeding dynamics of Melanoides
tuberculata (Müller, 1774). Journal of Molluscan Studies 82(2):328-335.
Régnier, C., O. Gargominy, and G. Gigot. 2016. Projet de Liste rouge nationale des mollusques
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[Project of National Red List of continental molluscs of France: inventory of available data and
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Richling, I., and K. Groh. 2014. Entdeckung einer aktuellen vitalen population von Gyraulus
(Lamorbis) rossmaessleri (Auerswald 1825) in Baden-Württemberg. Mitteilungen der Deutschen
Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft 90:17-26.
Rogers, D.C. 2016. Chapter 11. Phylum Mollusca. Class Gastropoda. pp. 190-209 in J.H. Thorp and
D.C Rogers (eds.). Thorp and Covich's Freshwater Invertebrates - Volume II. (Fourth Edition) Keys to
Nearctic Fauna xxi + 740 pp.
Rosenbauer, A., and I. Richling. 2013. Wiederfunde zweier verschollener Bythiospeum-Arten in
Baden-Württemberg und Neufunde von Bythiospeum clessini posterum. Mitteilungen der Deutschen
Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft 88:33-40.
Roy, C.L., V. St-Louis, and J. House. 2016. Seasonal distribution of the invasive snail, Bithynia
tentaculata, within infested waterbodies in Minnesota, USA, iincluding waterfowl migration.
Biological Invasions 18(10):2923-2941.
Rutherford, M.G., and R.S. Mohammed. 2013. New records of two freshwater gastropod molluscs for
Trinidad, West Indies. Living World, Journal of the Trinidad and Tobago Field Naturalist’s Club
Ryabceva, Yu S. 2014. Intraspecific shell variability in gastropods of genus Viviparus from Ukraine.
Cherkasy University Bulletin: Biological Sciences Series 295(2):93-99.
Saha, B.K., M.S. Jahan, and M.A. Hossain. 2016. Morphometrics, length-weight relationship and
ecological factors affecting the habitat of Pila globosa (Swainson, 1822)(Mesogastropoda: Pilidae)
located in Rajshahi University Campus. Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research
Salvador, R.B., and M.W. Rasser. 2016. Fossil land and freshwater gastropods from the Middle
Miocene of Bechingen and Daugendorf, southwestern Germany. Archiv für Molluskenkunde
Salvador, R.B., O. Höltke, M.W. Rasser, and D. Kadolsky. 2016. Annotated type catalogue of the
continental fossil gastropods in the Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart, Germany.
Palaeodiversity 9(1):1570.
Sanchez, D., and R.S. Prezant. 2016. Influence of diphenhydramine HCl and caffeine on embryonic
developmentand adult reproductive success of the freshwater gastropod Helisoma trivolvis.
American Malacological Bulletin 34(2):92-102.
Santos, S.B., S.C. Thiengo, M. Ammon Fernandez, I.C. Miyahira, I.C. Brito Gonçalves, R. de Freitas
Ximenes, M.C.D. Mansur, and D. Pereira. 2012. Espécies de moluscos límnicos invasores no
Brasil. Capítulo 2. pp. 25-49 in Mansur et al. (eds.). Moluscos límnicos invasores no Brasil: biologia,
prevenção e controle. Redes Editora Ltda., Porto Alegre, Brazil 412 pp.
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
Santos, S.B.,S.C. Thiengo, M.A. Fernandez, I.C. Miyahira, E.F. da Silva, B.G. Lopes, I.C.B. Gonçalves,
R. de Freitas Ximenes, L.E.M de Lacerda. 2016. Moluscos límnicos gastropodes - espécies exóticas
pp. 221-248 in A.O. Latini and D.C. Resende (eds.). Espécies exóticas invasoras de águas
continentais no Brasil. Brasília: MMA. 791 pp.
Schniebs, K., P. Gloeer, M.V. Vinarski, and A.K. Hundsdoerfer. 2016. A barcode pitfall in Palaearctic
Stagnicola specimens (Mollusca: Lymnaeidae): incongruence of mitochondrial genes, a nuclear
marker and morphology. North- Western Journal of Zoology 12(2):239-254.
Schrödl, M., and T.P. Neusser. 2010. Towards a phylogeny and evolution of Acochlidia (Mollusca:
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Semenchenko, V., M.O. Son, R. Novitski, Y. Kvach, and V.E. Panov. 2016. Checklist of non-native
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Sitnikova, T., and N. Maximova. 2016. On morphological and ecological evidence of adaptive
differentiation among stony cliff littoral Baikal gastropods. Journal of Natural History 50(5-6):263-
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Sitnikova, T.Y., A.A. Shirokaya, N. Maximova, and I.V. Khanaev. 2010. Distribution of gastropoda in
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Sitnikova, T.Y., and A.A. Shirokaya. 2012. New data on deep water Baikal limpets found in
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Sobrino-Figueroa, A. 2016. Toxic effects of emerging pollutants in juveniles of the freshwater
gastropod Physa acuta (Draparnaud, 1805). American Malacological Bulletin 33(2):337342.
Soldatenko, E.V., and A.B. Shatrov. 2016. Comparative sperm ultrastructure of the Planorbidae
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Son, M.O. 2010. Alien mollusks within the territory of Ukraine: sources and directions of invasions.
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Son, M.O.. M.V. Nabozhenko, and I.V. Shokhin. 2008. The Don River basin is a new stage of
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Son, N.T., N.X. Quynh, N.V. Vinh, and T.A. Duc. 2016. Species composition and distributional
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Song Yang, Lin-kang Ni, Liu-lan Zhao, Jin-wei Yang, Qiao Liu, Jia-en Zhang, Zhi He & Shuang Peng.
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invasive species Pomacea canaliculata. Molluscan Research 36(3):207-212.
Soorae, P., S. Javed, S.A. Dhaheri, M.A. Qassimi, M. Kabshawi, A. Saji, S. Khan, S. Sakkir, R.A. Zaabi,
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Soriano, J.L., S.Q. Salgado, and P. Glöer. 2016. Presence of Radix lagotis (Schrank, 1803)
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Stelbrink, B., A.A. Shirokaya, K. Föller, T. Wilke, and C. Albrecht. 2016. Origin and diversification of
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Stevison, B., B. Kensinger, and B. Luttbeg. 2016. Different morphological traits influence predator
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Surbakti, S.B. 2016. Biologi dan ekologi Thiaridae (Moluska: Gastropoda) di Danau Sentani Papua.
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Swartwout, M.C., F. Keating, and E.A. Frimpong. 2016. A survey of macroinvertebrates colonizing
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Takeda, A.M., and D.S. Fujita. 2012. Experiencia da procura e monitoramento no início da invasao de
mexilhao-dourado no Rio Paraná e no reservatório de Itaipu. Capítulo 18. pp. 207-217 in Mansur et
al. (eds.). Moluscos límnicos invasores no Brasil: biologia, prevenção e controle. Redes Editora Ltda.,
Porto Alegre, Brazil 412 pp.
Tallarico, L.F. 2016. Freshwater gastropods as a tool for ecotoxicology assessments in Latin America.
American Malacological Bulletin 33(2):330336.
Taylor, B.E., J.S. Bulak, and J. Morrison. 2016. Dominance of invasive mollusks in the benthos of
Lake Marion, a large impoundment in South Carolina, USA. Fundamental and Applied
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Thorp, J.H. 2016. Chapter 11. Phylum Mollusca. Introduction to Mollusca. pp. 189-190 in J.H. Thorp
and D.C Rogers (eds.). Thorp and Covich's Freshwater Invertebrates - Volume II. (Fourth Edition) Keys
to Nearctic Fauna xxi + 740 pp.
Tiecher, M.J., S. Burela, and P.R. Martín. 2016. Life cycle of the South American apple snail Asolene
platae (Maton, 1811) (Caenogastropoda: Ampullariidae) under laboratory conditions. Journal of
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Tognelli, M.F., C.A. Lasso, C.A. Bota-Sierra, L.F. Jiménez-Segura, and N.A. Cox (editors). 2016.
Estado de conservación y distribución de la biodiversidad de agua dulce en los Andes Tropicales.
IUCN, Gland, Switzerland, Cambridge, UK and Arlington, USA. xii + 199 pp.
Trexler, J.C., and W.F. Loftus. 2016. Invertebrates of the Florida Everglades. Chapter 10. pp. 321-356
in D. Batzer and D. Boix (eds.), Invertebrates in Freshwater Wetlands.
Twardochleb, L.A., and J.D. Olden. 2016. Non-native Chinese Mystery Snail (Bellamya chinensis)
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Parasitology International 65(3):221-226.
Uvayeva, O.I., and A.P. Stadnichenko. 2016. Sedimentation activity of Viviparus viviparus (Mollusca:
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van Bocxlaer, B., and E.E. Strong. 2016. Anatomy, functional morphology, evolutionary ecology and
systematics of the invasive gastropod Cipangopaludina japonica (Viviparidae: Bellamyinae).
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Vazquez, R., D.M. Ward, and A. Sepulveda. 2016. Does water chemistry limit the distribution of New
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Vergara, D., J.A. Fuentes, K.S. Stoy, and C.M. Lively. 2016. Evaluating shell variation across
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Vinarski, M.V. 2016. On the reality of local and ecological races in lymnaeid snails (Mollusca,
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Vinarski, M.V. 2016. Eduard von Martens’s contribution to the knowledge of the Russian continental
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Vinarski, M.V. 2016. Annotated type catalogue of lymnaeid snails (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in the
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Vinarski, M.V. 2014. A comparative study of shell variation in two morphotypes of Lymnaea stagnalis
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Vinarski, M.V., and A. Eschner. 2016. Examination of the type material of freshwater mollusk species
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Vinarski, M.V., and A.V. Karimov. 2015. Aquatic snails (Gastropoda) of the Malaya Sos'va Nature
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Vinarski, M.V., and S.S. Kramarenko. 2015. How does the discrepancies among taxonomists affect
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Vinarski, M.V., I.O, Nekhaev, and D.M. Palatov. 2013. Finding of mollusks of the genus Aplexa
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Vinarski, M.V., M.E. Grebennikov, and O..S. Shishkoedova. 2013. Past and present distribution of
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Vinarski, M.V., O.V. Aksenova, Y.V. Bespalaya, I.N. Bolotov, M.Y. Gofarov, and A.V. Kondakov. 2016.
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von Oheimb, P.V., L. Landler, and K.C.M. von Oheimb. 2016. Cold snails in hot springs: observations
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von Rintelen, T., B. Stelbrink1, R.M. Marwoto, and M. Glaubrecht. 2014. A snail perspective on the
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Yakhchali, M., A. Hosseinpanahi, and R. Malekzadeh-Viayeh. 2016. Molecular Evidence of
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Yang, H., J. Zhang, H. Luo, M. Luo, J. Guo, Z. Deng & B. Zhao. 2016. The complete mitochondrial
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Truncatelloidea, Tateidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 89:171-181.
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
FMCS Officers
Heidi L. Dunn
Ecological Specialists Inc.
1417 Hoff Industrial Park
O’Fallon, Missouri 63366
636-281-1982; Fax: -0973
Janet Clayton
West Virginia Division of Natural Resources
PO Box 67
Elkins, West Virginia 26241
Past President
Teresa Newton
U.S. Geological Survey
Upper Midwest Environ. Science Center
2630 Fanta Reed Road
LaCrosse, Wisconsin 54603
President Elect
Jeremy Tiemann
Illinois Natural History Survey
1816 South Oak Street
Champaign, Illinois 61820
Emily Grossman
Ecological Specialists Inc.
1417 Hoff Industrial Park
O’Fallon, Missouri 63366
Ellipsaria is posted on the FMCS web site quarterly: around the first of March, June,
September, and December. This newsletter routinely includes Society news, abstracts,
meeting notices, pertinent announcements, informal articles about ongoing research, and
comments on current issues affecting freshwater mollusks. Anyone may submit material for
inclusion in Ellipsaria and all issues are accessible to anyone on the FMCS website
Information for possible inclusion in Ellipsaria should be submitted via e-mail to the editor,
John Jenkinson, at jjjenkinson@hotmail.com. Those contributions may be submitted at any
time but are due by the 15
of the month before each issue is posted. MSWord is optimal for
text documents but the editor may be able to convert other formats. Graphics should to be in
a form that can be manipulated using PhotoShop. Please limit the length of informal articles
to about one page of text. Note that submissions are not peer reviewed but are checked for
clarity and appropriateness for this freshwater mollusk newsletter. Feel free to contact the
editor with questions about possible submissions or transmission concerns.
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
FMCS Standing Committees and Their Chairs/Co-chairs
If you are interested in participating in committee activities, please contact one of the appropriate chairs.
W. Gregory Cope
North Carolina State University
Teresa Newton
Upper Midwest Environ. Science Center
Emy Monroe
Midwest Fisheries Center
Environmental Quality & Affairs
Steve McMurray
Missouri Dept. of Conservation
stephen.mcmurr[email protected]
Braven Beaty
The Nature Conservancy
Gastropod Status and Distribution
Nathan Whelan
Auburn University
Curt Elderkin
The College of New Jersey
Dave Zanatta
Central Michigan University
Guidelines and Techniques
Ryan Schwegman
EnviroScience, Inc.
Lisie Kitchel
Wisconsin Dept. Nat. Resources
Information Exchange
-- John Jenkinson
Clinton, Tennessee
Information Exchange (continued)
-- W. Gregory Cope
North Carolina State University
-- Wendell R. Haag
U.S. Forest Service
-- Dave Berg
Department of Biology, Miami University
Mussel Status and Distribution
Arthur E. Bogan
N.C. State Museum of Natural Sciences
John L. Harris
Arkansas State University
Leroy Koch
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Megan Bradley
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Jennifer Archambault
North Carolina State University
Propagation, Restoration, & Introduction
Rachael Hoch
North Carolina Wildlife Res. Commission
Nathan Eckert
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Tim Lane
Virginia Dept. of Game & Inland Fisheries
Jeremy Tiemann
Illinois Natural History Survey
Ellipsaria Vol. 19 - No. 2 June 2017
Parting Shot
Anyone who has attended the FMCS Auction during our biennial Symposia knows that the
“Mystery Box,one of the last items offered for bid, will contain a variety of valuable or not-so-
valuable items, AND the Baby Head Tree. This tree, originally modeled after the collection of
baby doll heads that Tennessee Valley Authority mussel biologists collected from area rivers,
has grown in size and stature to become a [supposed] good luck charm for the successful bidder.
In this picture, the 2017 successful bidder, Patty Morrison, and our illustrious auctioneer,
Steve Ahlstedt, add their mugs to the Baby Head Tree. We hope it brings Patty and the rest of
us good luck until we get together again during 2019 in San Antonio, Texas. Photograph by
Brant Fisher, Indiana Department of Natural Resources.
If you would like to contribute a freshwater mollusk-related
image for use as a Parting Shot in
, e-mail the picture,
informative caption, and photo credit to