COVID-19 State Foreclosure Moratoriums and Stays
State COVID-19 related housing actions, March 1, 2022
The following are summaries of actions certain states have taken in response to the COVID-19 crisis to limit
home foreclosures. The list may not be complete, as state and local governments continue to adopt new
emergency measures at a fast pace.
Consumers and their advocates should carefully review the scope of the measures adopted in their states. These
executive declarations and court orders provide important relief in a crisis that will lead to severe health and
financial consequences for many homeowners. However, some of these emergency proclamations have a very
narrow scope. Press coverage may give the impression that an order prevents a wider range of actions than it
actually does. For example, certain state emergency declarations bar post-foreclosure evictions. However, they do
not halt the conduct of the foreclosure sale itself or reverse its consequences. In judicial foreclosures the orders
may prevent the conduct of a foreclosure sale and eviction, but may not stop the running of deadlines to respond
to motions or answer pleadings. In particular, the orders may not address the running of post-judgment
redemption periods. In certain states, it may still be necessary to modify recorded orders setting the expiration of
redemption periods. The expiration of a redemption period will have a direct impact on the scheduling of a
foreclosure sale when the emergency order expires.
Finally, consumers and advocates should keep in mind that a federal regulation promulgated under the Real
Estate Settlement Procedures Act prohibits most mortgage servicers from taking the first step to initiate a judicial
or non-judicial foreclosure under any state law until at least 120 days have passed since the borrower became
delinquent. 12 C.F.R. § 1024.41(f)(1). The purpose of this mandatory delay is to ensure that borrowers and
servicers have time to communicate over alternatives to foreclosure. This federal rule applies to covered
mortgage servicers active in all states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.
Alabama (non judicial foreclosure)
Governors Tenth Supplemental State of Emergency Proclamation, May 21, 2020
Protections against evictions in Section I of April 3, 2020 proclamation and Section III of May 8, 2020
proclamation expire at 12:00 a.m. on June 1, 2020.
Governors Sixth Supplemental State of Emergency Proclamation, April 3, 2020
Directs state, county, and local law enforcement officials to cease enforcement of any order that would
evict an individual for from a residence for nonpayment of rent or mortgage payments. To remain in effect
for duration of public health emergency declaration or further order.
Alaska (non judicial foreclosure)
HB 312 and SB 242, Legislative term ended without action
Bill would provide that during period of declared state of emergency borrowers may request 30-day
moratorium on foreclosure if they submit sworn affidavit to servicer that they are experiencing a financial
California (non judicial foreclosure)
A.B. 832, June 28, 2021
Further extends to December 1, 2021 the statutory requirement from 2020 that mortgage servicers provide
borrowers with written notices of grounds for denial of COVID-related forbearance relief.
S.B. 91, approved Jan. 29, 2021
Extends to September 1, 2021 the requirement that mortgage servicers provide borrowers with written
notices of grounds for denial of COVID-related forbearance relief.
A.B. 3088, approved August 31, 2020
Chapter 2 of A.B. 3088 addresses mortgage relief. The law expresses a general intent that servicers and
loan beneficiaries comply with the CARES Act and with COVID-19 servicing guidelines applicable to
mortgages. The servicer of a federally backed loan must review the borrower for forbearance and post-
forbearance options that apply to the loan. The options include those under the CARES Act and the
guidelines of the appropriate federal agency (GSE, FHA, RHS, VA). For a non-federally backed loan the
servicer must offer eligible borrowers options that are consistent with its contractual duties and with the
guidelines for federally-backed loans. For all loans, compliance with the CARES Act and with the
forbearance and post-forbearance guidelines for federally-backed loans is a safe harbor. A servicer must
provide notices with specified content when it denies a request for forbearance. Required content includes
the ground for denial and the means to cure any application deficiency. A borrower who was harmed by a
material violation of the law may bring an action for injunctive relief, restitution, and damages. The
borrower may also sue to enjoin a foreclosure proceeding contrary to the law. The availability of “any other
remedy to redress the violation” appears to include the setting aside of a completed foreclosure sale in
appropriate cases. Borrowers who prevail in an action to enforce the law may recover attorney’s fees.
Emergency Rules of California Rules of Court, April 6, 2020
Rule No. 2 suspends judicial foreclosures. Stays all judicial proceedings to foreclose on a mortgage or deed
of trust, including an action for a deficiency. The periods for electing or exercising the right to redeem after
foreclosure are tolled, as well as any period to petition a court regarding redemption rights. Statutes of
limitations on foreclosure actions are tolled. The emergency rule remains in effect until 90 days after the
pandemic state of emergency is lifted or the judicial authorities otherwise suspends the rule. Emergency
Rule 1 pertains to unlawful detainer actions and with limited health and safety exceptions prohibits issues
of summons and complaints, restricts entry of default judgments, and continues trials for 60 days.
Executive Order N-71-20, June 30, 2020
Extends protection in Executive Order N-28-20 (Paragraph 2 authorizing local regulation of post-
foreclosure evictions) through September 30, 2020.
Executive Order N-66-20, May 29, 2020
Extends protections in Executive Order N-28-20 (Paragraphs 1 and 2 authorizing local regulation of post
foreclosure evictions) through July 28, 2020.
Executive Order N-28-20 from Governor, March 16, 2020 effective to March 31, 2020
Suspends state preemption of local government regulation of evictions, including post-foreclosure
evictions. Localities may restrict evictions in cases where nonpayment was caused by income reduction or
increased household expenses.
Colorado (non judicial foreclosure authorized by court)
House Bill 20-1410, June 22, 2020
Directs certain federal funding the state receives under the CARES Act for assistance to borrowers who
experience financial distress due to the pandemic. Funds are targeted to low-income households.
Governors Executive Order D 2020-088, May 29, 2020
Extends the stays of mortgage foreclosures contained in Executive Orders D 2020-012, D 2020-031 and D
2020-051 for fifteen days beyond May 29, 2020. The Order also provides $3 million in relief funds to
borrowers facing foreclosure or eviction.
Governors Executive Order D 2020-51, April 30, 2020
Extends and amends Executive Order D 2020-12, as amended by Executive Order D 2020-51, until 30 days
from April 30, 2020, unless further extended by Executive Order. Adds provisions regarding
landlord/tenant evictions.
Governors Executive Order D 2020-31, April 6, 2020
Extends Executive Order 2020-12 to April 30, 2020 or until further order. Adds provision authorizing
County Treasurers to suspend or waive delinquent interest on property taxes due.
Governors Executive Order 2020-12, March 20, 2020, effective for 30 days
Extends for 30 days the deadlines to cure and to redeem under Colorado foreclosure statute.
Connecticut (judicial foreclosure)
Superior Court Administrative Order – Foreclosure Mediation Standing Order: Resumption of Mediations,
February 25, 2021
Effective immediately, mediation is resumed for non-federally backed and federally-backed foreclosure
Administrative Order: Mortgage Foreclosures Standing Order on Federal Mortgage Foreclosure Moratorium,
September 24, 2020
Continues a stay on foreclosure proceedings involving federally-backed mortgages. It requires an affidavit
certifying the type of loan involved in order to proceed with a new or existing case.
The affidavit required to certify the type of mortgage can be found here.
Connecticut Superior Court Order, September 3, 2020
Dissolves any stay on issuance or service of summary process execution, execution of an ejectment
judgment in summary process, or the vesting of title in a foreclosure case that occurred prior to March 19,
Connecticut Superior Court Order, July 20, 2020
All Judgments of Strict Foreclosure entered in matters with law days prior to September 9, 2020 are opened
by the Court for the sole purpose of extending the Law Day in those matters to September 9, 2020 for the
owner of equity of redemption.
Connecticut Superior Court Order, June 9, 2020
“[I]n order to prevent a potential gathering of individuals at the auction site” all foreclosure sales scheduled
prior to August 22, 2020 are cancelled and Court sets a new sale date of August 22, 2020.
Connecticut Judicial Branch Superior Court Order, May 15, 2020
Orders immediate stay of service of all issued executions on evictions and ejectments through July 1, 2020.
Connecticut Judicial Branch Strict Foreclosure Order, May 15, 2020
Opens all judgments of strict foreclosure entered in matters with law days (expiration of borrowers right of
redemption) prior to July 7, 2020 for the purpose of extending the borrowers right of redemption in these
matters to July 7, 2020.
Statement from Chief Court Administrator, March 18, 2020
All foreclosure sales previously scheduled to occur in April or May 2020 rescheduled to June 6, 2020. The
judgment in any foreclosure action in which the court set a redemption period to expire during April or
May 2020 is amended to set the expiration date for June 2, 2020. The execution of ejectment judgments is
stayed through March 27, 2020. Civil trials, trial management conferences, pretrial and status conferences,
and mediations cancelled until further notice.
Delaware (judicial foreclosure)
Governors Twenty-Seventh Modification of State of Emergency, Sept. 3, 2020
Modifying Governors March 24, 2020 order, stays lifted under paragraphs C.2 (all deadlines in residential
mortgage foreclosure actions commenced prior to state of emergency), C.3 (sheriffs sales in residential
mortgage foreclosure action in which judgment issued prior to state of emergency) and C.4 (in limited
circumstances allowing evictions following a permitted residential mortgage foreclosure action)
Governors Twenty-Third Modification of State of Emergency, June 30, 2020
Effective July 1, 2020, the Order lifts any stay of deadlines for any residential mortgage foreclosure
commenced prior to declaration of Emergency unless a court determines that a longer period is necessary.
Unless judgment of foreclosure was entered prior to the declaration of emergency, evictions related to
foreclosures are stayed unless allowed based on a finding of necessity by a court. In order to proceed with
any foreclosure activity, a plaintiff must provide documentation to the court that loan is not federally-
Governors Fourteenth Modified Declaration of State of Emergency, April 30, 2020
Extends until further notice the March 24 Governors Modified Declaration of State of Emergency.
Governors Modified Declaration of State of Emergency, March 24, 2020
Bars commencement of all residential foreclosures unless mortgagee is the seller. Provides that “no late fee
or excess interest may be charged or accrue on the account for such residential mortgage during the state of
emergency.” For foreclosure actions pending as of initial March 12, 2020 emergency declaration all
deadlines extended to date no sooner than the 31st day following the termination of the state of emergency.
Similarly, if judgment entered before emergency declaration, no sheriffs sale can take place and no
eviction can occur until at least 31 days after termination of state of emergency.
Senate Bill 2868, failed June 20, 2020
Bill would have barred commencement of judicial foreclosure actions by all lenders except those that own
five or fewer mortgages. Pending foreclosure proceedings would be stayed. The law would apply up to
sixty days from the termination of the state’s COVID emergency declaration.
District of Columbia (non judicial foreclosure)
D.C. Code § 42–851.01, February 18, 2022
Implements a foreclosure moratorium for residential properties from March 11, 2020 – June 30,2022. From
July 1, 2022 through September 30, 2022, there can be no residential foreclosure initiated or conducted, no
sale be initiated or conducted under, and no judgment foreclosing the right of redemption shall be entered if
a homeowner applies for funds from “the Department of Housing and Community Development’s
Homeowner Assistance Fund (“Homeowner Assistance Funds”) or a similar government fund established
to assist homeowners impacted by the COVID-19 public emergency or public health emergency…” Proof
of the application status is required.
D.C. Code § 42-815.05; Act 24-178, effective June 7, 2021, as amended October 7, 2021
During the period from March 11, 2020 until February 4, 2022, certain residential foreclosures may not be
initiated or conducted, and no condominium sale may be conducted.
D.C. R 60 Council Resolution 24-25, October 5, 2021
Foreclosure Moratorium Extension to February 4, 2021. The purpose of the extension is to allow time for
implementation of the Housing Assistance Funds (“HAF”) program.
D.C. Superior Court Order, January 13, 2021
Continues stays of evictions and foreclosures under May 14, 2020 Order until at least March 21, 2021.
D.C. Bill 743, May 27, 2020
Prohibits foreclosure of a condominium lien for an occupied condominium unit during a limited
moratorium period while the COVID emergency declaration in effect. Initial duration of law is 90 days
from enactment.
D.C. Act 23-286, April 10, 2020
Entitled “COVID-19 Response Supplemental Emergency Amendment Act of 2020.” Sec. 202 mortgage
relief provisions apply for period of Mayors declaration of emergency plus 60 days. Loan servicers subject
to regulatory authority of the D.C. Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking must develop a
program that grants at least a 90-day deferment of payments. Servicers must develop application criteria
and procedures, and these must be available online. Servicers must approve a deferment application if the
borrower demonstrates a hardship directly or indirectly related to the emergency, even if the default arose
before the pandemic. The borrower must agree in writing to pay the forborne payments “in a reasonable
time.” If the parties cannot agree upon a reasonable time, the repayment must occur within five years of the
end of the deferment or at the end of the original loan term, whichever is earlier. Subject to investor
guidelines, the servicer cannot demand lump sum payment from the borrower at the end of the deferment
period. In addition, servicers must waive default fees during the period of emergency and refrain from
negative credit reporting during the deferment. Borrowers whose requests for forbearance are denied may
file a complaint with the Department.
D.C. Superior Court Order, May 14, 2020
Stays all evictions and foreclosures “to the extent required by statute.”
B735, enacted May 4, 2020, effective to August 2, 2020
Requires servicers who approve 90-day deferrals under the D.C emergency COVID-19 Amendment to
report data to the Department of Insurance, Securities, and Banking.
D.C. Superior Court Corona Virus Advisory, March 13, 2020
The court “has suspended evictions of all tenants and foreclosed homeowners.”
Florida (judicial foreclosure)
Governors Executive Order No. 20-211, August 31, 2020
Extends Executive Order No. 20-180 until October 1, 2020.
Governors Executive Order No. 20-180, July 29, 2020
Extends Executive Order No. 20-94, as extended by Executive Orders 20-121, 20-137 and 20-159, until
September 1, 2020. Limits mortgage foreclosure and eviction relief to single-family mortgagors and
residential tenants adversely affected by COVID-19 emergency.
Governors Executive Order No. 20-159, June 30, 2020
Extends Executive Order No. 20-94, as extended by Executive Orders 20-121 and 20-137, until August 1,
Governors Executive Order No. 20-137, June 1, 2020
Extends Executive Order No. 20-94, as extended by Executive Order 20-121, until July 1, 2020.
Governors Executive Order No. 20.121, May 14, 2020
Extends Executive Order No. 20-94 until June 2, 2020.
Governors Executive Order No. 20-94, April 2, 2020
Suspends and tolls operation of Florida foreclosure statutes for 45 days from the date of the Order,
including any extensions.
In addition, the chief judge of each judicial district in Florida has authority to define the scope of the stay of
foreclosure related proceedings due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Examples include:
Administrative Order 12.510 – 04/2020.8 of the Circuit Court of the 15th Judicial Circuit for Palm Beach
County, April 6, 2020
Suspends foreclosure proceedings as non-essential and cancels all scheduled foreclosure sales up to
and including May 29, 2020.
Administrative Order 2020-01 19th Judicial Circuit, March 19, 2020
Stays foreclosure proceedings as non-essential and cancels all scheduled foreclosure sales until
further Order of the Court.
Illinois (judicial foreclosure)
Executive Order 2021-23, September 17, 2021
Extends and reissues sections 1, 4, 5, 7 and 8 of Executive Order 2021-13 (residential eviction
moratorium), as amended by Executive Order 2021-14 and Executive Order 2021-19 through October 3,
2021, after which Executive Order 2021-13 is rescinded.
Executive Order 2021-06, April 2, 2021
Extends moratorium on residential evictions until May 1, 2021 (previously extended to April 1, 2021 by
Executive Order 2021-05 (March 5, 2021).
Executive Order 2020-59, October 16, 2020
Re-issues and extends eviction restriction of Executive Order 2020-30 through November 14, 2020.
Executive Order No. 2020-33, Apr. 30, 2020
Amends Executive Order 2020-30 to specifically reference mortgage payments, and extend eviction
restriction through May 29, 2020.
Executive Order No. 2020-30, April 23, 2020
Continues Executive Order No. 2020-10 and clarifies circumstances under which residential eviction action
may be commenced: threat to other tenants, immediate and severe risk to property; violation of law.
Governors Executive Order No. 2020-10, March 20, 2020
Directs all state, county and local law enforcement officers cease enforcement of orders of eviction for
residential premises for the duration of Gubernatorial Disaster Proclamation.
Indiana (judicial foreclosure)
Governors Executive Order 21-08, March 31, 2021
Extends prior executive orders staying evictions and foreclosures until April 30, 2021 (prior extensions
ordered Sept. 24, 2020, Dec. 1, 2020, Dec. 31, 2020, Jan. 28, 2021, Feb. 25, 2021).
Governors Executive Order No. 20-47, October 30, 2020
Extends prior executive orders staying evictions and foreclosures until December 1, 2020.
Governors Executive Order No. 20-25, May 1, 2020
Sets June 5, 2020 expiration of prior executive orders staying foreclosures and evictions.
Governors Executive Order, March 19, 2020
No residential eviction proceedings or foreclosure actions to be initiated during the declared public health
Iowa (judicial foreclosure)
Governors Proclamation, April 27, 2020
Section Ninety-Nine of Part 2 of the Proclamation continues temporary suspension of provisions of the
Iowa Code allowing for the commencement of proceedings, or the prosecution of ongoing foreclosure
proceedings on residential, commercial and agricultural real property. The Governor notes that Iowans
should not expect any further extension past May 27, 2020.
Executive Proclamation of Disaster Authority, April 2, 2020
Sec. 65 of the Proclamation continues the temporary suspension of provisions of the Iowa Code allowing
for the commencement of foreclosure proceedings, or the prosecution of ongoing foreclosure proceedings,
on residential, commercial, and agricultural real property located in the state. The suspension applies for
the duration of the emergency proclamation or any future extension of the suspension. The Proclamation
also directs the state’s Division of Banking and Division of Credit Unions to immediately engage with
banks, credit unions, mortgage bankers, and mortgage services “to identify any tools, means, or methods
that could be used to relieve Iowans from the threat of foreclosure.”
Governors Proclamation, March 22, 2020
Temporarily suspends the provisions of Iowa Code allowing for the commencement of foreclosure
proceedings, or the prosecution of ongoing foreclosure proceedings, on residential, commercial, and
agricultural real property. Suspension to remain in effect for duration of Governor’s proclamation of
Kansas (judicial foreclosure)
Governors Executive Order No. 21-13, April 1, 2021
Temporarily prohibits certain foreclosures and evictions. Prohibits foreclosures on borrowers impacted by
pandemic. If a servicer commences a judicial foreclosure while order in effect, servicer bears burden of
proving that default not substantially caused by financial impact of pandemic. Order to remain in effect
until declaration of emergency ends. Does not apply to foreclosures begun before COVID emergency
Governors Executive Order No. 21-02, January 26, 2021
Extends Executive Order No. 20-61 to earlier of expiration of emergency or rescission of order.
Governors Executive Order No. 20-64, September 10, 2020
Extends Executive Order No. 20-61 to earlier of January 26, 2021 or until declaration of emergency
Governors Executive Order No. 20-61, August 17, 2020
Continues prohibition of foreclosures and evictions substantially caused by financial hardship due to
COVID-19 and places burden on foreclosing plaintiff to establish absence of borrower hardship. Lenders
are “encouraged” to reach accommodations with borrowers to reinstate loans after emergency ends.
Extension effective until September 15, 2020.
Governors Executive Order No. 2020-28, April 30, 2020
Extends Executive Order No 20-10 through the earlier of May 31, 2020, or until State of Disaster
Emergency proclaimed and reissued on April 30, 2020 expires.
Governors Executive Order No. 2020-10, March 23, 2020 effective to May 1, 2020 or further order
A party attempting to initiate a judicial or non-judicial foreclosure or eviction will have the burden of
pleading and proving that the foreclosure or eviction proceeding is not being initiated solely because of a
default substantially caused by a financial hardship resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. The requisite
hardship is defined to be a significant loss of income, a significant increase in expenses for necessities, or
the inability to work due directly or indirectly to the pandemic. In addition the household must not have
resources available to make the mortgage payments and cover other necessities. The order does not prohibit
the continuation of a foreclosure or eviction proceeding filed before the effective date of the order. A prior
Executive Order of March 17, 2020 suspending “any mortgage foreclosure efforts or judicial proceedings”
is superseded by this Order.
Kentucky (judicial foreclosure)
Governors Executive Order 2021-26, March 31, 2021
Extends earlier executive orders implementing CDC eviction restrictions in the state through June 30,
2021. The CDC eviction protections do not apply to post-foreclosure evictions of mortgagors and the
Executive Order appears to incorporate this exclusion.
Governors Executive Order No. 2020-751, September 4, 2020
Incorporates CDC moratorium on evictions for nonpayment of rent of persons who can demonstrate that
inability to pay is substantially related to COVID-19, effective until December 31, 2020. Does not
specifically reference foreclosure-based eviction actions.
Governors Executive Order No. 2020-700, August 24, 2020
Rescinds suspension of residential evictions effective 30 days from August 25, 2020.
Governors Executive Order No. 2020-323, May 8, 2020
Restates applicable language (paragraph 5) of Executive Order No. 2020-257 staying evictions.
Governors Executive Order 2020-257, March 25, 2020
Directs that all state, county and local law enforcement officers cease enforcement of orders of eviction for
residential premises for the duration of State of Emergency declared on March 6, 2020.
Maine (judicial foreclosure)
State of Maine Judicial Branch Directive, June 1, 2021
Rescinds COVID-19 Phased Management Plan issued May 27, 2020, which limited judicial foreclosure
State of Maine Judicial Branch, COVID-19 Phased Management Plan, Revised Emergency Order and Notice
from Maine Supreme Judicial Court, October 8, 2020
Extends COVID-19 Phased Management Plan through November 9, 2020; no proceedings will be
scheduled or heard for foreclosure cases through October 18, 2020.
State of Maine Judicial Branch COVID-19 Phased Management Plan, July 31, 2020
References bar on foreclosure scheduling through October 18, 2020.
State of Maine Judicial Branch, COVID-19 Phased Management Plan, May 27, 2020
No proceedings will be scheduled or heard for foreclosure and eviction cases through July 31, 2020.
State of Maine Judicial Branch Revised Emergency Order and Notice PMO-SJC-1, April 22, 2020
No proceedings will be scheduled or heard for foreclosure and eviction cases effective through May 15,
Emergency Order and Notice Maine Supreme Court, March 18, 2020 effective to May 1, 2020
No proceedings will be scheduled or heard for foreclosure and eviction cases.
Emergency Order Maine Superior and District Court, March 17, 2020
Until further order of court 49 days added to unexpired deadline established by court order or court rule,
but does not extend statutory deadlines or limitations
Maryland (judicial authorization for non judicial foreclosure)
Maryland’s Homeowner Assistance Fund: FAQs For Mortgage Servicers, February 7, 2022
The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development and the Office of the Commissioner
of Financial Regulation stated that “[t]he HAF program is considered a form of loss mitigation. As with
any repetitive loss mitigation application under 12 U.S.C. §1024.41, a servicer is not required to delay the
foreclosure process if the servicer previously complied with all requirements and the borrower has been
delinquent at all times since the prior submission.”
Maryland Commissioner of Financial Regulation issued Industry Advisory Regulatory Guidance, December 27,
In implementing the HAF program, the Commissioner stated “servicers should know that the
Commissioner takes the position that the evaluation timing and dual tracking standards set forth in 12 CFR
§1024.41 are considered applicable once a servicer receives notice that a borrower has applied for HAF.”
Governors Executive Order 20-12-17-02, December 17, 2020
Amends and restates Executive Order 20-10-16-01, October 16, 2020. To continue until state of emergency
order rescinded with foreclosures allowed subject to certifications defined in order as of Jan. 31, 2021.
Governors Executive Order 20-10-16-01, October 16, 2020
Amends and restates Executive Order 20-04-03-1, April 3, 2020. Directs Commissioner of Financial
Regulation to discontinue acceptance of Notices of Intent to Foreclose until January 4, 2021. After January
4, 2021, a Notice of Intent to Foreclose may only be accepted if the servicer provides certification of
compliance with provisions of this Executive Order governing offers of forbearance. The Order sets out
requirements for forbearance applicable to both federally-backed and non-federally backed mortgages. For
federally-backed mortgages the servicer must provide notice of forbearance options at least 30 days prior to
submitting a Notice of Intent to foreclose. The servicer must also certify compliance with requirements to
offer forbearance relief consistently with the CARES Act and federal agency servicing guidelines. For non-
federally-backed mortgages servicers must give written notice of the availability of forbearance and offer
forbearance of up to 180 days with the opportunity for an additional 180 days. The borrower with a non-
federally backed mortgage must be treated similarly under forbearance to borrowers with federally-backed
loans under the CARES Act, with no fees or default-related charges accruing during a period of
Order of Chief Judge of Maryland Court of Appeals, May 22, 2020
Rescinds Order of Chief Judge dated March 25, 2020, and lifts stays of foreclosures and evictions effective
July 25, 2020.
Governors Executive Order No. 20-04-03-01, April 3, 2020
Directs the Commission of the State’s Commissioner of Financial Regulation to suspend the operation of
the state’s electronic system that accepts Notices of Intent to Foreclosure – the initial step in foreclosure
under state law. The Order remains in effect until the state of emergency is terminated and the health
emergency rescinded. The order prohibits eviction of residential tenants who can demonstrate to a court
that they have suffered a substantial loss of income due to the pandemic.
Order of Chief Judge of Maryland Court of Appeals, March 25, 2020
Stays all pending proceedings related to residential foreclosures, foreclosure of the right of redemption
after tax sales, and actions to recover possession of residential properties. The Order also bars initiation of
new judicial proceedings in these categories. The Order is to be revised “as circumstances warrant.”
Maryland H. 1368, PENDING
Bill would require waiver of interest and penalties on overdue property taxes while loan in COVID-related
forbearance. To remain in effect to June 30, 2024.
Maryland S. 724, Mortgage Servicers – Requirements and Prohibitions During and After a State of Emergency
and Catastrophic Health Emergency (Foreclosure Relief Act of 2021), PENDING
The law would bar commencement or completion of foreclosure during COVID-19 state of emergency.
The law applies to federally-backed and non-federally backed mortgages. Servicers must grant
forbearances upon request from borrowers impacted by the pandemic. Servicers must provide notice of
right to mediation prior to end of forbearances. Law would create requirements for notices of denials of
forbearance requests, including grounds for denial. For two years following the end of the state of
emergency foreclosures would be invalid if conducted without disclosure of forbearance options. Post-
forbearance options cannot include demand for lump sum or increase in payments. Borrowers to have
private right of action to enforce terms of law, including remedies of injunctive relief, damages, and
attorneys fees.
Massachusetts (non judicial foreclosure)
MA Homeowner Assistance Fund Collaboration Agreement, November 15, 2021
The Collaboration Agreement requires servicers to halt any foreclosure proceedings once they have been
notified the borrower has applied for HAF funds.
Governors Order Announcing Termination of March 10, 2020 COVID-19 state of emergency, May 28, 2021,
effective June 15, 2021
Effective June 15, 2021 state of emergency terminated. Orders issued since March 10, 2020 declaration of
state of emergency that restricted mortgage foreclosures are rescinded.
Governors Statement, July 21, 2020
Extends moratoria on evictions and foreclosures (as contained in HB 4647, Chapter 65 of the Acts of 2020)
for sixty days until October 17, 2020.
Massachusetts House Bill 4647, April 20, 2020
The enacted legislation mandates a moratorium on foreclosures and foreclosure-related evictions. It also
requires that mortgagees grant forbearance with prescribed terms. The moratoria are effective to the earlier
of 120 days from the law’s effective date (to August 18, 2020) or 45 days from the termination of the
State’s declared state of emergency. These deadlines also apply to the borrowers submission of requests
for forbearance.
Moratorium provisions of House Bill 4647: For the duration of the covered period the law prohibits the
publication of a notice of foreclosure sale and the conduct of a sale. Mortgagees shall not “initiate” a
judicial or non-judicial foreclosure process, including the filing of a complaint to determine the borrowers
SCRA status. Post-foreclosure sale eviction actions to recover possession are treated as “non-essential
evictions” under the law. Mortgagees must not file post-foreclosure sale eviction complaints or request
writs of possession. Eviction proceedings, including the tolling of time periods and requests for entry of
judgment, are stayed.
Forbearance provisions of House Bill 4647: The law’s forbearance terms apply to a “mortgage loan” as
defined under the Massachusetts statute regulating non-judicial foreclosure procedures. This statute defines
a “mortgage loan” as “a loan to a natural person made primarily for personal, family or household purposes
secured wholly or partially by a mortgage on residential property.” Massachusetts General Laws Chapter
244 § 35B. House Bill 4647 requires that the mortgagee grant a forbearance to a mortgagor with a covered
loan “if the mortgagor submits a request to the mortgagors servicer affirming that the mortgagor has
experienced a financial impact from COVID-19.” The forbearance “shall be for not more than 180 days.”
The mortgagee must not assess default-related fees and charges during a forbearance and must not report
negative credit information during this time. Unless the parties agree otherwise, the law requires that
forborne payments “be added to the end of the term of the loan.” The law does not restrict the mortgagors
ability to collect on the mortgage debt as a personal liability of the mortgagor.
Massachusetts Division of Banks FAQ on Ch. 65 of Acts of 2020 (Mass. House Bill 4647), May 1, 2020
House Bill 3030, An Act to Prevent COVID-19 Evictions and Foreclosures and Promote Equitable Housing
Recovery, PENDING
Section 5 addresses protections against foreclosures. Bill would establish moratorium on foreclosures for at
least 180 days after borrowers COVID-19 related forbearance expires. Servicers must provide borrowers
with disclosures of COVID forbearance and post-forbearance options that apply to their loans and review
for appropriate options as a condition to foreclosure. For non-federally-backed loans servicers must
implement the GSE options for forbearance and post-forbearance relief unless they can demonstrate unable
to do so. The law would create private right of action for borrowers to enforce terms of the law.
House Bill 5062, PENDING
Would extend provisions of Chapter 65, including moratorium, to January 1, 2021, or 45 days from
termination of COVID emergency, whichever is sooner.
Michigan (non judicial foreclosure)
Governors Executive Order No. 2020-134, June 26, 2020
Extends Executive Order No. 2020-118 until July 15, 2020 and rescinds Executive Order No. 2020-118
effective July 16, 2020.
Governors Executive Order No. 2020-118, June 11, 2020
Rescinds Executive Order No. 2020-85 and extends prohibition on execution of eviction process against
tenants, vendees under executory contracts (installment land sale contracts), and mobile home owners until
June 30, 2020.
Governors Executive Order No. 2020-106, May 28, 2020
Rescinds Executive Order 2020-14 (March 18, 2020) and extends deadline to redeem property for
nonpayment of delinquent property taxes from March 31 to June 29, 2020.
Governors Executive Order 2020-85, effective to June 11, 2020
Supersedes Executive Order 2020-54 (staying evictions) to make effective through June 11, 2020.
Governors Executive Order 2020-54, effective to May 15, 2020
Rescinds and supersedes Executive Order 2020-19. Temporary stay of evictions through May 15, 2020.
Governors Executive Order 2020-19, March 20, 2020 effective to April 17, 2020
Bars execution of eviction process against tenants, vendees under executory contracts (installment land sale
contracts) and mobile home owners. Does not specifically reference post mortgage foreclosure evictions.
Governors Executive Order 2020-14, March 18, 2020
Temporarily suspends tax sale redemption deadline from March 31, 2020 until the later of (a) May 29,
2020, or (b) 30 days after the termination of the state of emergency.
Minnesota (non judicial foreclosure)
H.F. No. 4, approved by Governor June 29, 2021
Terminates Governors Executive Orders 20-14, 20-73, and 20-79.
Governors Emergency Executive Order 20-79, July 14, 2020
Rescinds Executive Orders 20-14 and 20-73; suspends filing of eviction actions (including after
termination of redemption period in a residential foreclosure), execution of writs, and termination of leases.
Order effective July 14, 2020 and until declaration of emergency terminated. A willful violation of the
Order can be treated as a misdemeanor.
Governors Executive Order 20-14, March 23, 2020
Effective March 24, 2020 and until suspension of emergency declaration. Prohibits mortgage holders from
filing eviction actions to recover possession of a property after termination of a redemption period.
Financial institutions are “requested” to enter a moratorium on all pending and future foreclosures and
evictions against borrowers impacted financially by virus and “strongly urged” not to assess late fees and
penalties for nonpayment related to epidemic.
SF 4495, Session adjourned, Bill failed
The Bill would prohibit commencement of non-judicial or judicial foreclosure during the state of
emergency and for 60 days thereafter.
MN H 160, Session adjourned, Bill failed
Would impose moratorium on recording of notices of non-judicial sales and commencement of judicial
foreclosures during declared COVID emergency. The Bill also authorizes a fund to assist borrowers facing
COVID hardships.
Montana (non judicial foreclosure)
Executive Order No. 10-2021 Rescinding COVID-19 State of Emergency, June 30, 2021
Order No. 10-2021 rescinds Executive Order 2-2021 establishing statewide emergency, and lifts state of
Executive Order No. 2-2021, Jan. 31, 2021
Rescinds Executive Order 2-2020.
Governors Directive, May 19, 2020
March 30, 2020 and April 7, 2020 Directives limiting foreclosures, evictions, and service disconnections to
be in effect until May 24, 2020, except for vulnerable population who have suffered significant financial
hardship due to virus outbreak and who remain sheltered at home, in which case the protections expire
upon sooner of 30 days after person ceases to shelter at home or the end of the emergency. In order to
obtain benefit of continued stay affected parties must “make a basic showing” to bank that they meet the
applicable standards.
Governors Directive, April 7, 2020
Extended Governors Executive Order, March 30, 2020 through April 24, 2020.
Governors Executive Order, March 30, 2020 effective through April 10, 2020
The Order bars foreclosure sales and sheriff sales of residential real property. It also bars delivery of a
trustee’s deed, certificate of sale, or sheriffs deed with respect to a foreclosure sale. All pending judicial
proceedings related to foreclosure are stayed, including enforcement of a judgment or writ of possession.
The Order does not relieve borrowers of payment obligations under a mortgage “except late fees or other
charges.” For the duration of the Order no borrower may be reported to a credit bureau for non-payment.
Applicable to borrower-occupied properties. Other provisions of Order bar eviction of residential tenants.
Nevada (non judicial foreclosure)
Governors Declaration of Emergency, Directive 031, August 31, 2020
Terminates Directive 008. Prohibits initiation of nonpayment of rent summary eviction action by a “pay or
quit” notice effective August 31, 2020 and through October 14, 2020. This Directive does not expressly
reference eviction actions commenced to recover possession of foreclosed property from a borrower.
Governors Declaration of Emergency, Directive 008, March 29, 2020
Prohibits initiation of foreclosure and evictions based upon default under a mortgage until emergency
declaration dated March 12, 2020 terminates.
New Hampshire (non judicial foreclosure)
Governors Emergency Order No. 51, June 11, 2020
Terminates Emergency Orders Nos. 4 and 24 effective July 1, 2020. Extends 7 day pre-eviction notice
period to 30 days for rent defaults that accrued between March 17, 2020 and June 11, 2020.
Governors Emergency Order No. 24, April 3, 2020
Modifies and clarifies Governors Emergency Order No. 4, March 17, 2020. Foreclosure deed with respect
to foreclosure sale occurring on or before March 16, 2020 may be recorded, but no eviction proceedings
may be brought.
Governors Emergency Order No. 4 pursuant to Executive Order No. 4 Temporary Prohibition on Evictions and
Foreclosures, March 17, 2020
Prohibits all forms of foreclosure during emergency declaration. Initiation of foreclosure proceedings
suspended for duration of declared emergency.
New Jersey (judicial foreclosure)
Notice to the Bar and Public, December 8, 2021
The Administrative Office of the Courts issued a notice that the Supreme Court authorized homeowners to
apply for a stay of a Sheriffs sale even after the statutory maximum number of stays had been reached if
they affirm that they meet the eligibility criteria for HAF. The notice states that the court is preparing a pro
se motion packet for homeowners to apply for the stay.
Executive Order No. 249, August 4, 2021
The prohibitions in Executive Order No.106 against evictions resulting from foreclosure proceedings
expire November 15, 2021.
Bill A 5130, March 9, 2021
Creates New Jersey Foreclosure Prevention Act. The Act establishes a Foreclosure Intervention Fund to be
operated by New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency.
Executive Order No. 191, Oct. 24, 2020
Continues existing executive orders including Executive Order 106.
NJ A 3859, March 19, 2020
Authorizes the Governor to issue a stay of proceedings to recover possession of foreclosed residential
property. The law does not apply to commencement of or proceeding with a foreclosure, but prohibits only
actions to execute a judgment of possession following a foreclosure sale. The stay may remain in effect
until two months after the state of emergency ends.
N.J. Dept. of Banking and Insurance announcement of Department’s agreement with approximately 45 servicers,
including major bank servicers, to consider borrowers affected by COVID-19 for forbearance agreements, March
28, 2020
Listed institutions “will offer mortgage payment forbearance for up to 90 days” to reduce or delay monthly
payments. The participating servicers stated that they will implement a “a streamlined process for
requesting forbearance.” The borrowers request must be “supported with available documentation.” The
servicer will confirm the approval and the terms of the forbearance. The servicers have agreed to waive late
fees during the 90 days and will not report late or missed payments with credit reporting agencies (but may
report borrower in forbearance). Borrowers may request an extension of a forbearance agreement if they
continue to experience hardship due to the virus. The institutions agree not to “start any foreclosure sales or
evictions” for 60 days from the date of the agreement (March 28, 2020). The Department’s statement of the
agreement terms does not refer to enforcement terms.
Governors Executive Order No. 106, March 19, 2020, effective to later of two months following end of Public
Emergency, or State of Emergency established by Executive Order
Order prohibits eviction of a residential homeowner following foreclosure. The order allows foreclosures to
proceed in all respects other than eviction.
Bill would apply to all mortgage loans and require forbearance and post-forbearance relief for borrowers
with COVID hardships. Authorizes state Attorney General and Department of Banking to enforce. The law
would require compliance for all loans to the extent not in conflict with federal guidelines.
N.J. Assembly Bill 4034, PENDING
Bill would create a system for mortgagors experiencing reduced income due to any declared emergency to
apply to a state agency to receive a certification of eligibility for a three-month forbearance of mortgage
payments. The forborne payments would be added to an extended loan repayment term. The Bill would
also regulate credit reporting related to emergency forbearance periods.
The Bill would mandate a 90-day forbearance with a possible extension for an additional 90 days. The
payments must be extended at the end of the loan term commensurate with the duration of forbearance. The
total forbearance may not exceed 180 days. The borrower cannot be required to provide proof of economic
hardship. Default-related fees cannot be assessed during forbearance. The New Jersey Commissioner of
Public Affairs must notify borrowers of the forbearance programs and provide information about them. The
covered period for the law would extend from the March 9, 2020 declaration of emergency to six months
after its termination. A moratorium on initiation of foreclosure and eviction proceedings will be in effect
during this period.
Would require servicers to notify borrowers of forbearance options and require servicers to defer forborne
payments to end of loan payment term.
New Mexico (judicial foreclosure)
New Mexico Supreme Court Stay of Mobile Home Foreclosures, March 24, 2020
Effective March 24, 2020, New Mexico Supreme Court orders stay of evictions resulting from nonpayment
of park rent or mobile home foreclosures, to remain in effect until further order of the Court.
New York (judicial foreclosure)
New York S 12031-01-1, signed by Governor September 2, 2021
Extends moratorium on mortgage foreclosure proceedings and tax sales to January 15, 2022.
New York Senate Bill 6362, signed by Governor May 4, 2021
Extends opportunity for stay of mortgage foreclosure proceedings and tax sales to August 31, 2021. To
obtain stay, borrower must submit a hardship declaration to servicer or court (if foreclosure underway).
Submission of borrower declaration creates rebuttable presumption of COVID hardship. Servicer must
include certification of service of notice and no response in order to file foreclosure complaint. Applies to
foreclosure begun before March 8, 2020.
COVID-19 Emergency Eviction and Foreclosure Prevention Act of 2020, L. 2020, c. 381, Dec. 28, 2020
Part A relates to tenant protections. Part B covers protections for mortgagors. The law stays pending
residential foreclosure actions for sixty days, directs court administration to publish form “Hardship
Declarations” for mortgagors facing COVID-19 hardships. The law would stay proceedings “until at least
May 1, 2021” when a mortgagor submits the completed form. The Hardship Declaration contains a
prepared text that the mortgagor need only sign and return to the servicer. Servicers must give the form to
homeowners with the statutory pre-foreclosure notice required by existing New York law. The servicers
foreclosure complaint must attest to compliance. The law is in effect until May 1, 2021.
Court Administration Explanatory Material
New York Office of Court Administrators Order No. 341/20, December 31, 2020, issued pursuant to the
COVID-19 Emergency Eviction and Foreclosure Prevention Act of 2020, L. 2020, c. 381.
Effective December 28, 2020 through at least May 1, 2021, any action to foreclose mortgage pending
on December 28, 2020 and any action commenced on or before January 27, 2021 shall be stayed for
60 days. In any action in which judgment of sale has not been issued and mortgagor submits hardship
declaration, action shall be stayed until at least May 1, 2021. If judgment of sale has been issued on
or before December 28, 2020, but not executed, execution shall be stayed at least until court has held
a status conference, and, if mortgagor submits hardship declaration prior to execution, action shall be
stayed until at least May 1, 2021. The Act also provides for a temporary stay applicable to lax lien
sales and tax foreclosure actions that have commenced or could have been commenced before May
1, 2021.
Governors Executive Order No. 202.72, November 3, 2020
Extends Executive Order 202.28 through December 3, 2020 (prior extensions ordered Sept. 2, 2020 and
Oct. 4, 2020).
New York Office of Court Administrators Order No. 232/20, October 22, 2020
Effective October 23, 2020, all residential, commercial and in rem foreclosures may proceed in the normal
course, subject to relief provisions governing time limits for commencement, limitation of remedies, and
certain court scheduling requirements. Applicable limits include restrictions set by federal law and state
statute related to the COVID-19 emergency. Foreclosure proceedings are to be conducted remotely
whenever possible. Local health guidelines apply to conduct of foreclosure sales. These may require
conduct of the sale outdoors.
Governors Executive Order No. 202.67, October 4, 2020
Suspension in Executive Order 202.8 of tolling of time limits is effective only until November 3, 2020.
Governors Executive Order No. 202.55, August 5, 2020
Extends Executive Order 202.28 through September 4, 2020.
SB 8428, Signed into law June 17, 2020
Part C of the law establishes requirements for regulated financial institutions to grant forbearance and post-
forbearance relief to borrowers who “demonstrate” a COVID-19 hardship. The law applies to banking
institutions and mortgage servicers subject to regulation by the State of New York. The law does not affect
federally-backed mortgage loans (loans owned, insured, guaranteed by a GSE, FHA, VA, USDA). The
provisions are in
effect retroactively to March 7, 2010 and continue until the cessation of all COVID-based
state-imposed limits on commercial activities in the state. During this period covered entities must make
applications for forbearance “widely available” to borrowers in arrears and to borrowers who apply for loss
mitigation. A regulated institution must grant forbearance to the qualified mortgagor for up to 180 and
extend the forbearance for an additional period of up to 180 days if the mortgagor demonstrates continuing
hardship. Borrowers have four options at the end of forbearance: (1) extend the term of the loan for the
length of the forbearance; (2) pay off the accumulated arrears on a monthly basis during the remaining term
of the loan; (3) negotiate a modification; and (4) if the parties cannot reasonably agree to modification
terms, the accrued arrears will be converted to a non-interest bearing lien (balloon payment) due at the end
of the loan term or at payoff. Regulated institutions that believe they lack the capital and liquidity resources
to comply with the law may apply for relief to the state banking department. The applicant must
demonstrate its inability to comply, and the department will rule on the request. Borrowers are entitled to
notice of this proceeding. Compliance with the law is a condition precedent to commencement of a
foreclosure action. A borrower may raise non-compliance as a defense to foreclosure.
N.Y. Dept. of Financial Services FAQ on SB 8428 and Implementing Regulations
Governors Executive Order No. 202.28, May 7, 2020, effective beginning June 20, 2020
Prohibits the initiation or enforcement of foreclosure of any residential or commercial mortgage for
nonpayment of a mortgage where the property is owned by someone that is eligible for unemployment
insurance or benefits under state or federal law or otherwise facing financial hardship due to the COVID-19
pandemic. Order is effective for a period of sixty days beginning on June 20, 2020.
New York State Department of Financial Services New Part 119 to 3 NYCRR Emergency Relief for New Yorkers
who can Demonstrate Financial Hardship as a Result of COVID-19, March 24, 2020, effective to April 20, 2020
and any subsequent renewal period
NYSDFS regulation implementing Executive Order 202.9, establishes “COVID-19 Relief Program.” Under
program regulated entities must make “widely available” to New York borrowers demonstrating financial
hardship caused by COVID-19 a forbearance and “subject to safety and soundness requirements of the
regulated institution” grant a forbearance of 90 days. Federally guaranteed and GSE loans are exempted.
Within ten business days of rule’s effective date regulated institutions must use email, mail mailing,
website publication or similar communication method to publicize an application process for borrowers.
Institutions must evaluate and respond to all applications within ten days of receipt of a complete
application. The decision must be in writing. In its supervisory reviews the Department may treat the
failure to approve forbearance as an unsafe and unsound business practice. The rule was promulgated as a
temporary emergency measure with a June 21, 2020 expiration date.
Governors Executive Order 202.9, March 21, 2020 effective to April 20, 2020
Directs State’s Superintendent of the Department of Financial Services to “ensure under reasonable and
prudent circumstances that regulated entities provide to any consumer in the State an opportunity for a
forbearance of payments for a mortgage for any person or entity facing a financial hardship due to the
COVID-19 pandemic. The Superintendent shall promulgate emergency regulations to require that the
application for such forbearance be made widely available for consumers, and such application shall be
granted in all reasonable and prudent circumstances solely for the period of such emergency.”
Governors Executive Order No. 202.8, March 20, 2020
“Continuing Temporary Suspension and Modification of Laws Relating to the Disaster Emergency.” Tolls
wide range of time limits until April 19, 2020, including “any specific time limit for the commencement,
filing, or service of any legal action, notice, motion, or other process or proceeding, as prescribed by the
procedural laws of the state, including but not limited to . . . the civil practice law and rules”. Also tolls
until April 19, 2020 all time limits set by “any other statute, local law, ordinance, order, rule, or regulation,
or part thereof”. The Order includes a provision stating: “There shall be no enforcement of either an
eviction of any tenant residential or commercial, or a foreclosure of any residential or commercial property
for a period of ninety days.”
New York Office of Court Administrators Order No. 78, March 22, 2020
Directs court clerks not to accept filings in non-essential cases “until further order.” Foreclosure cases are
deemed non-essential cases.
The Bill would suspend all residential mortgage payments for a period of 90 days from the law’s enactment
and prohibit negative credit reporting related to the nonpayment.
Bill would impose moratorium on mobile home (and motor vehicle) repossessions through December 31,
2021 (or end of state’s COVID-19 restrictions) for borrowers impacted by a COVID hardship. Borrower
must make written COVID-19 hardship request to lender in order to obtain protection from repossession
and imposition of default-related fees. Lender may not demand lump-sum arrearage payment at end of
moratorium and must implement deferral of missed payments.
North Carolina (judicial foreclosure)
Order of Supreme Court, May 21, 2020
All deadlines for filing documents and papers and for other acts that were due to be filed or done between
March 16, 2020 and June 1, 2020 remain extended until the close of business on June 1, 2020.
Order of Supreme Court, March 19, 2020
Extends from March 16, 2020 to April 17, 2020 deadlines for filing pleadings, motions, notices, other
documents and performing required “acts” in civil proceedings, including “special proceedings”
(foreclosure proceedings). Effect is to delay to April 17, 2020 the completion of foreclosure sales not
finalized as of March 16, 2020.
N.C. Senate Bill 827, bill failed May 21, 2020
The Bill would create a state fund to which eligible mortgagors affected by COVID-19 crisis may apply for
financial assistance to make mortgage payments. The Bill sets out repayment terms for no-interest loans to
mortgagors of up to $40,000.
Ohio (judicial foreclosure)
Supreme Court Administrative Action, 2020-Ohio-1166, March 27, 2020
Tolls limitations periods and deadlines for filing documents that were set to expire between March 9, 2020
and July 30, 2020.
Ohio Senate Bill S 297, PENDING
The Bill would mandate a stay of foreclosure filings and proceedings for duration of the COVID-19
emergency. After a declared end to the state of emergency, any foreclosure proceedings initiated due to
default on a mortgage during the state of emergency and sixty days thereafter would be stayed and referred
to mediation.
The Bill would prohibit initiation of county tax sale proceedings against residential properties through
September 9, 2020. The law would also further restrict state tax enforcement proceedings and collection
against residential properties.
Bill would prohibit foreclosure activity during COVID emergency. Courts must refuse to accept foreclosure
filings and stay pending proceedings. Upon termination of state of emergency foreclosures involving
defaults occurring after March 9, 2020 must be referred to foreclosure mediation. Court system to bear cost
of mediations.
Oregon (non judicial foreclosure)
Oregon House Bill 2009, signed by Governor June 1, 2021
The law provides for both a moratorium on foreclosure activities and a borrowers substantive right to
certain COVID-19 loss mitigation relief measures. The foreclosure moratorium under former Bill 4204 that
expired Dec. 31, 2020 is reinstated and extended retroactive to Dec. 31, 2020. The foreclosure moratorium
was extended twice by governors executive orders: by Ex. Ord. 21-14 (June 11, 2021) to Sept. 30, 2021
and by Ex. Ord. 21-30 (Aug. 16, 2021) to December 31, 2021.
During the moratorium a deed of trust beneficiary must not commence, continue, or complete a non-
judicial or judicial foreclosure. Any trustee’s sale conducted during moratorium period is void and does not
convey title. A borrower obtains the right to forbearance/post-forbearance relief by giving notice during the
moratorium period that he or she cannot make regular payments because of a loss of income “related to”
the pandemic. Notice can be verbal, but servicer can ask for written confirmation of the request. However,
servicer cannot ask for documentation of loss of income. If borrower gives notice, servicer cannot treat
payments as coming due or loan as in default. Servicer must agree to deferment of arrearage to end of loan
term or the parties can make a different agreement for reinstatement.
A servicer must notify borrowers of options under statute, either all borrowers that the servicer services, or
all borrowers who are 30 plus days in default. The statute specifies content of notice (describing
availability of forbearance and deferral). If borrower gave a notice under prior law, Bill 4202, borrower
must give new notice under to obtain relief under Bill 2009. A borrower who gave notice of COVID-
related hardship and was harmed by servicers actions contrary to statute has private right of action with
fees-shifting (subject to certain bona fide error defenses). The law applies to properties with up to four
dwelling units. The borrower can be a purchaser under installment land sale contract. The law does not
apply to tax sales. Finally, the law amends state law on foreclosure settlement conferences to allow video
Executive Order No. 20-59, Oct. 27, 2020
Reaffirms continuation of moratorium provisions of HB 4204 to December 31, 2020.
Governors Executive Order No. 20-37, August 31, 2020
Extends mortgage foreclosure moratorium “emergency period” underlying the provisions of House Bill
4204 to December 31, 2020.
HB 4204, effective June 30, 2020
The law applies to a broad range of transactions, including mortgages, deeds of trusts, and land installment
contracts. The terms are effective from March 8, 2020 to September 30, 2020, but may be extended by
executive order. During the covered period a lender cannot treat a borrower as in default if the borrower
notifies the lender that he or she will not be able to make a periodic payment. The borrowers notice must
state that the failure to pay is due to loss of income related to the pandemic. The borrower need only give
the notice once during the covered period. Once the notice is given, the lender must defer payments and
allow the borrower to pay back the deferred payments at the end of the scheduled loan term. The lender
cannot charge penalties or additional interest related to the deferment. Commencement and prosecution of
foreclosures are stayed during the covered period, but the stay does not apply to notices of sale given
before the covered period began. Borrowers who suffer an ascertainable loss of money or property due to a
lenders noncompliance with the loss mitigation provisions of the law may bring an action for damages and
recover attorney’s fees if they prevail. Within 60 days of the effective date of the law each lender
authorized to do business in the state must provide a written notice by mail to all the lenders borrowers in
the state of the borrowers’ rights to relief under this law.
Pennsylvania (judicial foreclosure)
Governors Order, July 9, 2020
Extends Governors Order of May 7, 2020 until August 31, 2020. The text acknowledges it does not apply
to federally-backed loans that are subject to their own foreclosure moratoria set by the federal agencies.
Governors Order, May 7, 2020
Directs a moratorium on giving the notices that state law requires in order to bring foreclosure actions for
most residential mortgages. The Order is
effective from May 11, 2020 through July 10, 2020. The Order
does not affect foreclosures actions already pending.
Supreme Court Emergency Order of Statewide Judicial Administration, April 28, 2020
Previous Orders related to dispossession are extended until May 11, 2020, at which time statewide
suspension of dispossession procedures shall cease (subject to CARES Act limitations).
Supreme Court Order of Statewide Judicial Emergency, March 19, 2020 effective to April 3, 2020
Deadlines for filing legal papers due between March 19, 2020 to April 3, 2020. During this period no state
official may effectuate an eviction, ejectment, or other displacement from a residence for nonpayment of
rent or a loan. Allows filing requests for orders of possession.
Would authorize the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency to establish a COVID Relief Mortgage and
Rental Assistance Program. Borrowers affected by the pandemic could apply for assistance of up to $1500
monthly for up to six months to apply to mortgage payments. Mortgagees may receive incentives for
forgiving portions of COVID-based arrearages.
Would suspend residential foreclosures and evictions through December 31, 2020.
Introduced April 13, 2021 “Housing Security Act.” The law would apply to mortgages subject to authority
of Department of Banking and Securities, and to lease-purchase agreements. Department is to establish
guidelines for deferral programs and servicers must adopt programs to implement these deferrals. Servicers
cannot demand payment of deferred amount before end of loan term. Servicer must accept deferral
applications for borrowers who have a COVID hardship and agree to deferment terms that comply with
agency guidelines. The denial of an application can be appealed to the Department.
Rhode Island (non judicial foreclosure)
Bill seeks to impose moratorium on commencement of or continuation of judicial or non-judicial
foreclosures until conclusion of declared state of emergency. Bars assessment of penalties and fees during
suspension if borrower impacted by pandemic.
South Carolina (judicial foreclosure)
Order No. 2020-4-30-02 of Supreme Court of South Carolina Re: Statewide Evictions and Foreclosures, April 30,
Orders that currently ordered and scheduled evictions resume on May 15, 2020, (“courts statewide shall
resume foreclosure hearings, foreclosure sales, issuing writs of assistance and writs of ejectments, and
proceed in any other manner regarding foreclosures beginning May 15, 2020”). Order is subject to CARES
Act limitations on foreclosures.
Order of Supreme Court of South Carolina, Re: Statewide Evictions and Foreclosures, March 18, 2020
Ordering statewide moratorium on foreclosure hearings, foreclosure sales, writs of ejectment, all matters
relating to foreclosures until further order of Chief Justice.
Texas (non judicial foreclosure)
Texas Supreme Court Eighteenth Emergency Order No. 20-9080, June 29, 2020
Extends to September 15, 2020 any deadlines for the filing or service of any civil case that falls on a day
between March 13, 2020 and July 1, 2020. (¶ 11)
Texas Supreme Court Seventeenth Emergency Order No. 20-9071, May 26, 2020
Extends to August 15, 2020 any deadline for the filing or service of any civil case that falls on a day
between March 13, 2020, and July 1, 2020. (¶11)
Texas Supreme Court Twelfth Emergency Order No. 20-9059, April 27, 2020
Modifies Ninth Emergency Order No. 20-9052. Provides that: no trial, hearing or other proceedings may be
conducted, and deadlines tolled until after May 18, 2020; writ of possession may issue but execution may
not occur until after May 25, 2020; and new filings may be accepted but issuance and service may not
occur until May 25, 2020.
Texas Supreme Court Emergency Order No. 20-9052, April 6, 2020 effective to April 30, 2020
Pertains to eviction proceedings, which under Chapter 24 of Texas Property Code include forcible detainer
actions filed against occupant of property after foreclosure. Trials, hearings, and other proceedings in
pending cases stayed and time limits tolled to April 30, 2020. A writ of possession may issue but cannot be
executed until May 7, 2020. Filings of eviction actions may be accepted but service and other time limits
stayed to April 30, 2020.
Rhode Island (non judicial foreclosure)
Also known as RI S 2926. Prohibits initiation or continuation of mortgage foreclosures while the state’s
emergency declaration is in effect. The servicer may not assess late fees if the borrower provides notice and
documentation that the default was related to the pandemic.
Vermont (judicial foreclosure)
Amendment to VT Supreme Court Administrative Order No. 49, February 22, 2022 effective to September 30,
The declaration was amended to extend the date of the pandemic judicial emergency to May 31, 2022.
Requires the plaintiff in a foreclosure action to provide notice to the defendant of the availability of federal
funds under the Vermont Homeowner Assistance Program (VHAP, Vermont’s HAF program) to assist
borrowers with delinquent mortgages avoid foreclosure. A defendant may request a stay of foreclosure
activity representing that they have submitted a VHAP application and believe they meet the basic
eligibility requirements for the program. Upon submission of the request, the stay will be automatically
granted for a period of 60 days. Plaintiffs also have an obligation to inform the court if they have
knowledge that an VHAP application is pending. A form Certification of Compliance with or Exemption of
AO49 and a Notice to Homeowner Form can be found in Appendix E and Appendix F respectively.
VT Supreme Court Administrative Order No. 49, Dec. 22, 2020
For judicial foreclosures filed between March 27, 2020 and December 31, 2020 the plaintiff must include a
certification as to whether the loan is federally-backed and subject to the CARES Act. If the loan is
federally-backed, the plaintiff must certify that it advised the borrower of the opportunity to request
forbearance and that the borrower either did not respond or declined. The plaintiff must certify that it
notified the borrower about forbearance options as part of its initial contact obligations under RESPA, 12
C.F.R. § 1024.39. The court administration provides a form for the certification.
VT Supreme Court Administrative Order No. 49, March 16, 2020, as amended through May 13, 2020
Removes suspension of non-emergency proceedings with scheduling starting May 18, 2020 and hearings
starting June 1, 2020.
SB 333, approved by Senate and House May 5, 2020
The Bill would stop pending foreclosure proceedings to the end of the period of emergency. For new cases,
the Bill bars service of foreclosure complaints, but not the filing. Courts are directed to stay proceedings,
but the Bill does not specifically address the running of redemption periods.
Signed by Governor on May 14, 2020, law effective May 14, 2020.
Virginia (non judicial foreclosure)
HB 340, April 22, 2020
The law would allow U.S. government employees or employees of government contractors to request and
receive a 30-day stay of foreclosure if they face foreclosure and can document reduced earnings from
government sources as the cause of their inability to pay.
Would allow homeowners facing foreclosure to obtain a thirty-day stay of proceedings if they provide their
servicer with documentation that they had a reduction of income affected by the pandemic. The Bill would
not apply to borrowers who are entitled to protection under a federal statute or program.
Wisconsin (judicial foreclosure)
Governors Emergency Order No. 15, March 22, 2020
For duration of sixty 60 days prohibits mortgagees from commencing foreclosure actions and from
requesting or scheduling a sheriffs sale of the mortgaged premises. Sheriffs may not act on any order of
foreclosure or execute any writ of assistance related to foreclosure. Order does not affect obligation to
make mortgage payments or any other obligation of borrower under mortgage.