Department of Public Health
Request for Proposals (RFP) #2025-0902
Lung Cancer Screening Navigation
Issued By:
Department of Public Health
June 25, 2024
The Request for Proposals is available in electronic format on the
State Contracting Portal by filtering by Organization for Department
of Public Health at:
or from the Agencys Official Contact:
Name: Iris Viruet
Address: 410 Capitol Avenue, MS #11CCC
Phone: 860-509-7804
The RFP is also available on the Agency’s website at
August 14, 2024
2:30pm EST
The Department of Public Health is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
The Agency reserves the right to reject any and all submissions or cancel this procurement at any
time if deemed in the best interest of the State of Connecticut (State).
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
A. Introduction
B. Instructions
. . . . . . . 5
A. Agency Overview
B. Service Overview
C. Scope of Services Description
D. Performance Measures
E. Contract Management/Data Reporting
. . . . . . . . . 11
A. Submission Format Information
B. Evaluation of Proposals
. . . . 16
Cover Sheet
B. Table of Contents
C. Executive Summary
D. Main Proposal Submission Questions
E. Attachments
F. Declaration of Confidential Information
G. Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement 23
H. Statement of Assurances
. . . . . . . . . . . . 17
A. Standard Contract Provisions
B. Assurances
C. Terms and Conditions
D. Rights Reserved to the State
E. Statutory and Regulatory Compliance
Section VI APPENDIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
A. Abbreviations / Acronyms / Definitions
B. Statement of Assurances
C. Proposal Checklist
1. RFP Name and Number. Lung Cancer Screening Navigation Services, RFP# 2025-0902
2. RFP Summary.
The Connecticut Department of Public Health (DPH) is seeking proposals from healthcare
systems and hospitals in Connecticut to participate in the delivery of lung cancer screening
navigation services through the CT Lung Cancer Screening Program (CLCSP). Contractors will
be expected to (1) identify and recruit eligible patients and navigate them into lung cancer
screening and, if indicated, follow-up treatment and services, and (2) engage in community
outreach and education concerning lung cancer and the benefits of lung cancer screening.
3. RFP Purpose.
Lung cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in Connecticut, and incidence rates
for lung cancer in the state are 55.2 per 100,000 people compared to the US national average of
54.0 per 100,000 people.
The purpose of this funding opportunity is to foster the early detection and prevention of lung
cancer by increasing the lung cancer screening rates for Connecticut residents. Early detection
promotes the initiation of treatment at an earlier stage of the disease, when treatment is more
likely to be effective, and thereby reduces the risk of death from lung cancer.
4. Commodity Codes. The services that the Agency wishes to procure through this RFP are as
0600: Services (Professional, Support, Consulting and Misc. Services)
1000: Health Service Planning
2000: Community and Social Services
3000: Education and Training
1. Official Contact. The Agency has designated the individual below as the Official Contact for
purposes of this RFP. The Official Contact is the only authorized contact for this procurement
and, as such, handles all related communications on behalf of the Agency. Proposers,
prospective proposers, and other interested parties are advised that any communication with
any other Agency employee(s) (including appointed officials) or personnel under contract to the
Agency about this RFP is strictly prohibited. Proposers or prospective proposers who violate this
instruction may risk disqualification from further consideration.
Name: Iris Viruet
Address: 410 Capitol Avenue, MS #11CCC
Hartford, CT 06134
Phone: 860-509-7804
Please ensure that e-mail screening software (if used) recognizes and accepts e-mails from the
Official Contact.
2. Registering with State Contracting Portal. Respondents must register with the State of CT
contracting portal at
if not already registered.
Respondents shall submit the following information pertaining to this application to this portal
(on their supplier profile), which will be checked by the Agency contact.
Secretary of State recognition Click on appropriate response
Non-profit status, if applicable
Notification to Bidders, Parts I-V
Campaign Contribution Certification (OPM Ethics Form 1):
3. RFP Information. The RFP, amendments to the RFP, and other information associated with
this procurement are available in electronic format from the Official Contact or from the Internet
at the following locations:
Agency’s RFP Web Page
State Contracting Portal (go to CTsource bid board, filter by “Department of Public Health”
It is strongly recommended that any proposer or prospective proposer interested in this
procurement check the Bid Board for any solicitation changes. Interested proposers may receive
additional e-mails from CTsource announcing addendums that are posted on the portal. This
service is provided as a courtesy to assist in monitoring activities associated with State
procurements, including this RFP.
4. Procurement Schedule. See below. Dates after the due date for proposals (“Proposals Due”)
are non-binding target dates only (*). The Agency may amend the schedule as needed. Any
change to non-target dates will be made by means of an amendment to this RFP and will be
posted on the State Contracting Portal and, if available, the Agency’s RFP Web Page.
RFP Released: June 25 , 2024
Letter of Intent Due: July 16, 2024
Deadline for Questions: July 19 2024
Answers Released: July 31, 2024
Proposals Due: August 14, 2024, 2:30 PM
(*) Proposer Selection: week of August 26, 2024
(*) Start of Contract: approximately January 2025
5. Contract Awards. The award of any contract pursuant to this RFP is dependent upon the
availability of funding to the Agency. The Agency anticipates the following:
Total Funding Available: $352,475 per year for 2 years
Number of Awards: Up to 6 awards depending on award amounts and funding
Award Range: Proposers can apply for up to $88,000 per year for 2 years.
Contract Term:
1/1/2025-12/31/2026 (anticipated)
Funding Source: State
Eligibility. Proposals will be accepted from healthcare systems and hospitals in Connecticut
with established lung cancer screening programs. Proposers with long-standing, significant
unresolved issues on current and/or prior year contracts with the Department may be removed
from consideration for funding.
Minimum Qualifications of Proposers. To qualify for a contract award, a proposer must
have the following minimum qualifications:
Proposers must be a healthcare system or hospital in Connecticut with an existing lung cancer
screening program and with the ability to effectively identify, recruit, navigate and follow eligible
patients into the proposers established lung cancer screening program.
8. Letter of Intent. A Letter of Intent (LOI) is required for this RFP. The LOI is non-binding and
does not obligate the sender to submit a proposal. The LOI must be submitted to the Official
Contact by e-mail by the deadline established in the Procurement Schedule. The LOI must
clearly identify the sender, including name, postal address, telephone number, and e-mail
address. It is the sender’s responsibility to confirm the Agency’s receipt of the LOI. Failure to
submit the required LOI in accordance with the requirements set forth herein shall result in
disqualification from further consideration.
9. Inquiry Procedures. All questions regarding this RFP or the Agency’s procurement process
must be directed, in writing, electronically (by e-mail) to the Official Contact before the deadline
specified in the Procurement Schedule. The early submission of questions is encouraged.
Questions will not be accepted or answered verbally either in person or over the telephone. All
questions received before the deadline(s) will be answered. However, the Agency will not
answer questions when the source is unknown (i.e., nuisance or anonymous questions).
Questions deemed unrelated to the RFP or the procurement process will not be answered. At its
discretion, the Agency may or may not respond to questions received after the deadline. If this
RFP requires a Letter of Intent, the Agency reserves the right to answer questions only from
those who have submitted such a letter. The Agency may combine similar questions and give
only one answer. All questions and answers will be compiled into a written amendment to this
RFP. If any answer to any question constitutes a material change to the RFP, the question and
answer will be placed at the beginning of the amendment and duly noted as such.
The Agency will release the answers to questions on the date(s) established in the Procurement
Schedule. The Agency will publish all amendments to this RFP on the State Contracting Portal
and, if available, on the Agency’s RFP Web Page. At its discretion, the Agency may distribute
any amendments to this RFP to prospective proposers who submitted a Letter of Intent.
10. RFP Conference. No RFP conference will be held.
Proposal Due Date and Time. The Official Contact is the only authorized recipient of
proposals submitted in response to this RFP. Proposals must be received by the Official Contact
on or before the due date and time: August 14, 2024, 2:30 PM.
Proposals received after the due date and time will be ineligible and will not be evaluated. The
Agency will send an official letter alerting late respondents of ineligibility.
An acceptable submission must include the following:
One (1) confirming electronic copy of the original proposal.
The proposal must be complete, properly formatted and outlined, and ready for evaluation
by the Screening Committee.
The electronic copy of the proposal must be e-mailed to the Official Contact for this
procurement. The subject line of the e-mail must read: Lung Cancer Screening
Navigation. Required forms and appendices may be scanned and submitted as PDFs at the
end of the main proposal document. Please ensure the entire e-mail submission is less than
25MB as this reflects the Agencys server limitations. Respondents should work to ensure
there are no additional IT limitations from the provider side.
12. Multiple Proposals. The submission of multiple proposals is not an option for this
The Connecticut Department of Public Health (DPH) is the state’s leader in public health policy and
advocacy and is an integral part of the public health system. The agency is the center of a
comprehensive network of public health providers and is a partner to local health departments for
which it provides advocacy, training and certification, technical assistance, consultation, and
The agency is a source of accurate, up-to-date health information to the Governor, the Legislature,
the federal government, and local communities. This information is used to monitor the health
status of Connecticut’s residents, set health priorities, and evaluate the effectiveness of health
initiatives. The agency is focused on health outcomes, maintaining a balance between assuring
quality and administrative functions among personnel, facilities, and programs. DPH is a leader on
the national scene through direct input to Federal agencies and the United States Congress.
The mission of the CT DPH is to protect and improve the health and safety of the people of
Connecticut by:
Assuring the conditions in which people can be healthy,
Preventing disease, injury, and disability, and
Promoting the equal enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health, which is a
human right and a priority of the state.
DPH’s Comprehensive Cancer Control Program is looking for healthcare systems and hospitals to
provide navigation services for eligible patients with the goals of increasing lung cancer screening rates
in Connecticut and decreasing late-stage cancer diagnosis and lung cancer mortality. Contractors must
effectively identify and navigate eligible patients into lung cancer screening programs and follow up on
the patients’ screening outcomes.
Eligible patients are defined by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) as people who:
Have a 20 pack-year or more smoking history, and
Smoke now or have quit within the past 15 years, and
Are between 50 and 80 years old.
A pack-year is smoking an average of one pack of cigarettes per day for one year. For example, a
person could have a 20 pack-year history by smoking one pack a day for 20 years or two packs a day
for 10 years. USPSTF recommends yearly lung cancer screening with low-dose computed tomography
(LDCT) for eligible patients.
DPH is committed to the elimination of health inequities. Racial and ethnic minorities and Connecticut’s
disadvantaged residents experience health inequities and therefore do not have the same opportunities
as other groups to achieve healthy outcomes. Proposers must address the scope of health disparities
and inequities in their communities and explain how the proposed program services and activities will
address these discrepancies.
Funds are to be used to enhance an existing lung cancer screening program through navigation
services and outreach and cannot be used to establish a new lung cancer screening program. Funds
cannot be used for lung cancer screening or cancer treatment. All patients must be navigated into
screening and into diagnosis and treatment, if necessary. Patients lacking insurance, and those who are
underinsured, must be navigated into screening and provided assistance in gaining entry into other
funded programs for diagnosis and treatment.
The contractor will be responsible for effectively identifying, recruiting, and navigating eligible patients
through the healthcare system to receive lung cancer screening and follow up, if needed.
Proposers must include their specific hospital or healthcare system’s baseline lung cancer screening
rates in the proposal.
A patient navigator (PN) who is trained in motivational interviewing, a technique used to elicit the
client’s active participation in the process of changing their behavior, must be dedicated to the CLCSP.
The PN must dedicate sufficient hours to the program to effectively meet the goals of the CLCSP and
increase the contractor’s lung cancer screening rate by at least 15% over the two-year grant period.
The contractor must identify and recruit eligible patients and, upon enrollment into the program,
patients must be navigated into lung cancer screening services. Patients must be followed for
outcomes of screening and, if necessary, navigated into further treatment and services. Program
participants must be screened yearly.
The contractor must recruit eligible patients by means of review of electronic health records (EHR),
outreach into the community, referrals from healthcare providers, and other mechanisms to meet the
screening goals.
Services must be culturally competent, and information must be provided in multiple languages.
The contractor will be provided with access to a DPH database to collect information such as outreach
activities, patient demographics, tobacco use history, insurance, type of navigation services, lung
cancer screening outcomes and follow up services and outcomes, if necessary.
1. Organizational Expectations:
The proposer must provide a brief overview of the history and structure of the organization,
including the organization’s catchment area, hours of operation and the locations where services will
be provided. The proposer must explain how the proposal will fit into the organization’s overall
mission and meet the intent of this RFP. Proposers must include their current lung cancer screening
rate and the proposed lung cancer screening rate to be achieved with the awarded funding. The
overview should include the following:
a. Purpose, Mission, Vision, and History of Organization
The proposer must provide a brief overview of the history and structure of the organization. The
proposer must explain how the proposal will fit into the organization’s overall mission, with
specific details on patient-centered care, team-based model, medical home model, and
community health needs assessment.
b. Entity Type (profit/non-profit, etc.)/Years of Operation
The proposer must indicate entity type and years of operation. Proposals will be accepted from
CT based hospitals and healthcare systems with an established lung cancer screening program.
Individuals who are not a duly formed business entity are ineligible to participate in this
c. Location of Office(s) or Facilities/Hours of Operation
The proposer must describe all locations where services will be provided and hours of operation,
including nontraditional sites and hours. Note the proposer must offer lung cancer screening
navigation services and lung cancer screening services at least one evening per week or one
weekend per month to permit access to potential participants who cannot schedule
appointments for screening services during regular business hours.
d. Accreditation/Certification/Licensure (if applicable)
The proposer must detail any organizational accreditations, certifications, or licensure.
2. Service Expectations Scope of Services for Applicant and Any Anticipated
The following are the services and activities required of the successful proposer. Please discuss in
the proposal how these services and activities will occur:
a. Patient Navigator (PN):
A PN must be assigned to the lung cancer screening navigation program.
The PN’s duties must include helping patients navigate through doctors’ offices, clinics,
hospitals, outpatient centers, insurance and payment systems, patient-support
organizations, and other healthcare system components. The PN must also navigate patients
to agencies in their local community in order to assist patients with social determinant of
health issues, such as transportation, food security, childcare and housing.
The number of
hours the PN dedicates to the program must be sufficient to successfully meet the program
deliverables and increase the contractor’s lung cancer screening rate by at least 15% by the
end of the two-year contract period.
b. Outreach:
The proposer must describe how it will provide community outreach and education regarding
lung cancer, risk behaviors associated with lung cancer, the benefits of lung cancer
screening, and eligibility criteria for screening to the public and healthcare providers within
the proposer’s service area to assist with recruitment of patients into the program.
The proposer must describe how it will conduct community outreach at a minimum of four
(4) wellness events or other community events each contract year.
The proposer must describe how it will conduct outreach and education to healthcare
providers to assist with recruitment and lung cancer screening goals.
The proposer must describe how it will gather data regarding outreach activities, including
the number of people reached and the number of eligible people enrolled in CLCSP.
The proposer must describe how they will educate healthcare professionals within the
proposer’s agency on lung cancer, screening and referral for lung cancer screening.
The proposer must identify how and when it will meet these requirements in the proposal.
c. Identification, Recruitment, and Enrollment:
The proposer must describe how recruitment activities will include community-level outreach
and education through community events and multiple media channels, with an emphasis on
electronic media channels, including social networking sites. The use of EHRs in recruitment
is also encouraged.
The proposer must describe how it will provide information and education to healthcare
providers within the organization regarding lung cancer screening, eligibility, and referral of
eligible patients. EHR alerts are also encouraged.
The proposer must describe how it will provide screening reminders for patients and educate
them as to what lung cancer screening is, how it is performed, and its benefits.
The proposer must describe how it will conduct review of patients’ records to determine
eligibility prior to patients’ appointments so that healthcare providers can discuss lung
cancer screening with eligible patients at their visit.
The proposer must describe how it will recruit patients identified during outreach events in
the CLCSP.
The proposer must commit to enrolling identified patients in the CLCSP.
The proposer must describe how it will collect data regarding the number of people identified
who are eligible for screening and the number of eligible people enrolled in the CLCSP.
The proposer must identify how and when it will meet these requirements in the proposal.
d. Navigation:
The proposer must identify in the proposal the protocols used to carry out the provision of
patient navigation for lung cancer screening, diagnostic follow-up, and referral services. The
CDC has outlined the minimum requirements for navigation as written assessment of
individual client social determinant of health issues, individual client education and support,
resolution of social determinant of health issues, client tracking and follow-up, and data
collection to monitor the outcome of patient navigation.
The PN must assist eligible patients in lung cancer screening and navigate patients into
follow up or treatment services if there is a positive screen or additional follow up is needed.
Program participants must be screened yearly for lung cancer. The target population eligible
for lung cancer screening are people who:
o Have a 20 pack-year or more smoking history, and
o Smoke now or have quit within the past 15 years, and
o Are between 50 and 80 years old.
In addition, the proposer must explain how it will target eligible patients who are people with
low socioeconomic status, people of color, and LGBTQ+ (target populations) to offer the
screening services.
The proposer must demonstrate that it will provide lung cancer screening navigation services
and lung cancer screening services at least one evening per week and one weekend per
month to permit access to patients who cannot schedule appointments for screening services
during regular business hours. Service areas and hours should be outlined in the proposal.
The proposer must provide reminders to patients of appointment times and results of
The proposer must provide culturally competent services.
The proposer must assist those patients who are without insurance or who are underinsured
in finding or applying for insurance or other financial assistance to cover the cost of
screening and follow-up care.
The proposer must identify how and when it will meet these requirements in the proposal.
e. Data Collection:
The Department will provide contractors with a database and forms to collect patient data
and information concerning outreach efforts. Training on the database and collection forms
will be provided by the Department.
The patient data collected must be de-identified by contractors and submitted to the
Department quarterly.
Contractors must collaborate with the Department evaluation contractor in assessing
program effectiveness and patient satisfaction.
f. Sustainability Plan:
The proposer must submit a plan to integrate and sustain the tenets of the program within
their organization.
The proposer must identify a staff person or persons who will act as the internal
champion(s) for the program and present a letter of agreement from that individual stating
their commitment to the program.
g. Subcontractors, if applicable:
If subcontractors will be used in the proposed program, specify the following information for
each one:
Legal Name of Entity, Address, FEIN
Contact Person, Title, Phone, Fax, E-mail
Services Currently Provided
Services To Be Provided Under Subcontract
Subcontractor Oversight
Subcontract Cost and Term
Note: The proposal must include a completed Subcontractor Schedule A-Detail Form (see
Attachments Section Application Forms) for each subcontractor proposed. If subcontractors
are unknown at the time of the application, any subcontractor information must be
submitted during contract negotiations.
3. Work plan:
A comprehensive and realistic work plan with SMART objectives describing tasks to be
performed, deliverables and timelines, including a project start date, must be provided in the
narrative or included in the Attachments. SMART objectives are objectives that are Specific,
Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound. The work plan must be consistent with the
RFP and the project’s goals and objectives. The project start date will be considered as part of
the review criteria. Please use the work plan template included with the RFP to indicate services
to be provided.
4. Staffing Expectations:
A PN must be assigned to the lung cancer screening navigation program, as described
above under 2a. Service Expectations.
The PN must be trained in motivational interviewing and risk reduction counseling.
The proposer must describe the administrative structure and oversight for the program and
identify the coordinator/supervisor and the individuals that will comprise the program and
the staff assigned, including:
o Job descriptions, hours per week, and hourly rates must be provided for all staff
assigned to this project on the Staffing Form Position Schedule 2a included in
o Resumes must be provided for all management and professional staff assigned to this
o The proposer must complete and attach an organizational Work Force Analysis
included in the Attachments.
o A current organizational chart for the proposer must be submitted with the
The proposer must also provide evidence that their organization will utilize small and minority
businesses whenever feasible and appropriate in the purchase of supplies and services.
5. Data and Technology Expectations:
The proposer must describe its current technological capacity to:
Collect and secure data and host web-based and telephone conferencing.
Access e-mail and the internet for the purposes of data collection and record reporting, as well
as for any required or recommended DPH webinars and teleconferences. The proposer must
define current capabilities as well as system restrictions.
Securely maintain data. The proposer must describe how project-related records and data will
be securely collected, shared, and stored in a manner that ensures compliance with applicable
confidentiality laws and regulations.
6. Financial Expectations:
Monthly or triannual expenditure reports will be required, dependent on the type and cost of the
program to be provided. Budget basis programs will require expenditure reports that are
submitted to the Department through an electronic reporting system, Core-CT.
7. Budget Expectations:
The proposal must contain an itemized budget with justification for each line item on the budget
forms included in the Application Forms in Section VI. A detailed budget is required for the first
year of the grant.
All costs (salaries, travel, supplies, etc.) must be included in the contract price. Applicants may
include media purchases within their budget as it relates to their work plan. Any organization
including administrative and general costs as part of the project budget must also provide their
cost allocation plan that identifies what categories of costs are included in the plan and how they
are allocated. Competitiveness of the budget will be considered as part of the proposal review
The State of Connecticut is exempt from the payment of excise, transportation and sales taxes
imposed by the Federal and/or state government. Such taxes must not be included in contract
The maximum amount of the bid may not be increased after the proposal is submitted. All cost
estimates will be considered as “not to exceed” quotations against which time and expenses will
be charged.
The proposed budget is subject to change during the contract award negotiations.
Use of subcontractors is allowed. Subcontractor information and details also must be in the
itemized budget. Subcontractor Schedule A Detail form must be completed. All information
required of the contractor must be applied to the subcontractor as well.
Copies of state set aside certifications for small and/or minority business must also be provided.
Payments will be negotiated based on time frames and deliverables described in Section V of this
The following performance metrics highlight key priorities that will be analyzed with contractors
collaboratively during the life of the contract. This is not an exhaustive list, but rather an indication of
significant performance metrics of interest to the Agency. The Agency looks forward to working with
contractors to define additional important performance metrics.
7% increase in contractor’s lung cancer screening rate by the end of the first contract year.
15% increase in contractor’s lung cancer screening rate over the 2 years of the contract.
80% of patients report that the contractor’s services were good or very good.
Contractor will conduct four outreach events each contract year.
Program progress reports and program data will be submitted on time and accurately.
As part of the State’s commitment to becoming more outcomes-oriented, the Department of Public
Health seeks to actively and regularly collaborate with providers/vendors to enhance contract
management, improve results, and adjust service delivery and policy based on learning what works.
Reliable and relevant data is necessary to ensure compliance, inform trends to be monitored, evaluate
results and performance, and drive service improvements. As such, the Department of Public Health
reserves the right to request/collect other key data and metrics from providers/vendors.
Data must be submitted monthly.
Narrative progress reports must be submitted quarterly.
Update meetings with the DPH program manager/staff will occur monthly.
1. Required Outline. All proposals must follow the required outline presented in Section IV
Proposal Outline. Proposals that fail to follow the required outline will be deemed non-
responsive and not evaluated.
2. Cover Sheet. The Cover Sheet is Page 1 of the proposal. Proposers must complete and use a
Cover Sheet form provided by the Agency in Section VI Appendix and must include the
information listed in Section IV A.
3. Table of Contents. All proposals must include a Table of Contents that conforms with the
required proposal outline.
4. Executive Summary. Proposals must include a high-level summary, not exceeding 2 pages, of
the main proposal and cost proposal. The summary must also include the organization’s
eligibility and qualifications to respond to this RFP.
5. Attachments. Attachments other than the required Appendices or Forms identified in the RFP
are not permitted and will not be evaluated. Further, the required Appendices or Forms must
not be altered or used to extend, enhance, or replace any component required by this RFP.
Failure to abide by these instructions will result in disqualification.
6. Style Requirements.
Submitted proposals must conform to the following specifications:
Page Limit: 25 pages to include executive summary and proposal, additional pages can be
used for budget and workplan.
Font Size: 12
Font Type: Times New Roman
Margins: 1” inch margins
Line Spacing: 1.5 spaces
7. Pagination. The proposer’s name must be displayed in the header of each page. All pages,
excluding the required Appendices and Forms, must be numbered in the footer.
8. Declaration of Confidential Information. Proposers are advised that all materials associated
with this procurement are subject to the terms of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), the
Privacy Act, and all rules, regulations and interpretations resulting from them. If a proposer
deems that certain information required by this RFP is confidential, the proposer must label such
information as CONFIDENTIAL prior to submission. In subsection IV F of the proposal
submission, the proposer must reference where the information labeled CONFIDENTIAL is
located in the proposal. EXAMPLE: Section G.1.a. For each subsection so referenced, the
proposer must provide a convincing explanation and rationale sufficient to justify an exemption
of the information from release under the FOIA. The explanation and rationale must be stated in
terms of (a) the prospective harm to the competitive position of the proposer that would result if
the identified information were to be released and (b) the reasons why the information is legally
exempt from release pursuant to C.G.S. § 1-210(b).
9. Conflict of Interest - Disclosure Statement. Proposers must include a disclosure statement
concerning any current business relationships (within the last three (3) years) that pose a
conflict of interest as defined by C.G.S. § 1-85. A conflict of interest exists when a relationship
exists between the proposer and a public official (including an elected official) or State employee
that may interfere with fair competition or may be averse to the interests of the State. The
existence of a conflict of interest is not, in and of itself, evidence of wrongdoing. A conflict of
interest may, however, become a legal matter if a proposer tries to influence, or succeeds in
influencing, the outcome of an official decision for their personal or corporate benefit. The
Agency will determine whether any disclosed conflict of interest poses a substantial advantage
to the proposer over the competition, decreases the overall competitiveness of this
procurement, or is not in the best interests of the State. In the absence of any conflict of
interest, a proposer must affirm such in the disclosure statement. Example: “[name of
proposer] has no current business relationship (within the last three (3) years) that poses a
conflict of interest as defined by C.G.S. § 1-85.”
1. Evaluation Process. It is the intent of the Agency to conduct a comprehensive, fair, and
impartial evaluation of proposals received in response to this RFP. When evaluating proposals,
negotiating with successful proposers, and awarding contracts, the Agency will conform with its
written procedures for POS and PSA procurements (pursuant to C.G.S. § 4-217) and the State’s
Code of Ethics (pursuant to C.G.S. §§ 1-84 and 1-85). Final funding allocation decisions will be
determined during contract negotiation.
2. Evaluation Review Committee. The Agency will designate a Review Committee to evaluate
proposals submitted in response to this RFP. The Review Committee will be composed of
individuals, Agency staff or other designers as deemed appropriate. The contents of all
submitted proposals, including any confidential information, will be shared with the Review
Committee. Only proposals found to be responsive (that is, complying with all instructions and
requirements described herein) will be reviewed, rated, and scored. Proposals that fail to comply
with all instructions will be rejected without further consideration. The Review Committee shall
evaluate all proposals that meet the Minimum Submission Requirements by score and rank
order and make recommendations for awards. The DPH Commissioner will make the final
selection. Attempts by any proposer (or representative of any proposer) to contact or influence
any member of the Review Committee may result in disqualification of the proposer.
3. Minimum Submission Requirements. To be eligible for evaluation, proposals must (1) be
received on or before the due date and time; (2) meet the Proposal Format requirements; (3)
meet the Eligibility and Qualification requirements to respond to the procurement; (4) follow the
required Proposal Outline; and (5) be complete. Proposals that fail to follow instructions or
satisfy these minimum submission requirements will not be reviewed further. The Agency will
reject any proposal that deviates significantly from the requirements of this RFP.
Evaluation Criteria (and Weights). Proposals meeting the Minimum Submission
Requirements will be evaluated according to the established criteria. The criteria are the
objective standards that the Review Committee will use to evaluate the technical merits of the
proposals. Only the criteria listed below will be used to evaluate proposals.
Evaluation Criterion
The examples below are intended to provide guidance and
are not an exhaustive list of items to be considered.
Proposers should refer to the specific content requirements
throughout the RFP to address every criterion.
Scope of Services:
Patient Navigator
Recruitment and
Patient Navigator that will be assigned to the lung
cancer screening navigation program.
Patient Navigator that will be working the requisite
number of hours to effectively increase the screening
rate by 15% and meet deliverables of grant.
Outreach and education regarding lung cancer, risk
behaviors associated with lung cancer, lung cancer
screening benefits, and eligibility criteria for screening
to the public within the proposer’s catchment area to
assist with recruitment of patients into the program.
Outreach and education at a minimum of four (4)
events a year.
Education to healthcare providers about lung cancer,
screening, and referral.
Recruitment activities, including community-level
outreach and education through community events.
Review of records to identify eligible patients prior to
Recruitment and enrollment services of eligible
Patient navigation for lung cancer screening,
diagnostic follow-up, and referral services for the
target population.
Assistance to patients with barriers to care.
Data Collection
Sustainability Plan
Staffing Plan
Data and Technology
Work plan
Budget and Budget
Proposer’s approach to:
collecting required data and submitting it to the
working with the Department’s evaluator.
Proposer’s approach to:
recruiting a program champion or champions.
continuing the program once funds are no longer
Proposer’s approach to allocating adequate time and trained
staff to manage the services to be provided.
Proposer’s approach to:
maintaining the provided data collection system and
tracking and documenting information.
providing required data and program required reports
as outlined by DPH to meet grant requirements.
Thorough and detailed work plan consisting of SMART
objectives and specific, appropriate timelines.
Use of the funds to effectively provide the services
Budget that is cost effective and competitive.
As part of its evaluation of the Staffing Plan, the Review Committee will review the proposer’s
demonstrated commitment to affirmative action, as required by the Regulations of CT State
Agencies § 46A-68j-30(10).
5. Proposer Selection. Upon completing its evaluation of proposals, the Review Committee will
submit the rankings of all proposals to the Commissioner or Agency Head. The final selection of
a successful proposer is at the discretion of the Commissioner or Agency Head. Any proposer
selected will be so notified and awarded an opportunity to negotiate a contract with the Agency.
Such negotiations may, but will not automatically, result in a contract. Any resulting contract will
be posted on the State Contracting Portal. All unsuccessful proposers will be notified by e-mail
or U.S. mail, at the Agency’s discretion, about the outcome of the evaluation and proposer
selection process. The Agency reserves the right to decline to award contracts for activities in
which the Commissioner or Agency Head considers there are not adequate respondents.
6. Debriefing. Within ten (10) days of receiving notification from the Agency, unsuccessful
proposers may contact the Official Contact and request information about the evaluation and
proposer selection process. The e-mail sent date or the postmark date on the notification
envelope will be considered “day one” of the ten (10) days. If unsuccessful proposers still have
questions after receiving this information, they may contact the Official Contact and request a
meeting with the Agency to discuss the evaluation process and their proposals. If held, the
debriefing meeting will not include any comparisons of unsuccessful proposals with other
proposals. The Agency may schedule and hold the debriefing meeting within fifteen (15) days of
the request. The Agency will not change, alter, or modify the outcome of the evaluation or
selection process as a result of any debriefing meeting.
7. Appeal Process. Proposers may appeal any aspect of the Agency’s competitive procurement,
including the evaluation and proposer selection process. Any such appeal must be submitted to
the Agency head. A proposer may file an appeal at any time after the proposal due date, but not
later than thirty (30) days after an agency notifies unsuccessful proposers about the outcome of
the evaluation and proposer selection process. The e-mail sent date or the postmark date on the
notification envelope will be considered “day one” of the thirty (30) days. The filing of an appeal
shall not be deemed sufficient reason for the Agency to delay, suspend, cancel, or terminate the
procurement process or execution of a contract. More detailed information about filing an
appeal may be obtained from the Official Contact.
8. Contract Execution. Any contract developed and executed as a result of this RFP is subject to
the Agency’s contracting procedures, which may include approval by the Office of the Attorney
General. Fully executed and approved contracts will be posted on the State Contracting Portal
and the Agency website.
A: Cover Sheet
The Respondent must use the Cover Sheet in Section VI Appendix which captures the following
RFP Name or Number
Legal Name
FEIN (not required for currently contracted providers/vendors)
Street Address
Contact Person
Phone Number
E-Mail Address
Authorized Official
Legal Name is defined as the name of provider, vendor, CT State agency, or municipality submitting the
proposal. Contact Person is defined as the individual who can provide additional information about the
proposal or who has immediate responsibility for the proposal. Authorized Official is defined as the
individual empowered to submit a binding offer on behalf of the proposer to provide services in
accordance with the terms and provisions described in this RFP and any amendments or attachments
B: Table of Contents
Respondents must include a Table of Contents that lists sections and subsections with page numbers
that follow the organization outline and sequence for this proposal.
C: Proposer Executive Summary
The page limitation for this section is two (2) pages briefly describing how the Respondent meets the
eligibility and qualification criteria outlined in the Proposal Overview and a brief overview of why the
Respondent should be selected for the activities highlighted in the scope of services.
D: Main Proposal Submission Requirements To Submit a Responsive Proposal:
***Please note the maximum total page length for this section is 25 pages including executive
summary, proposal, work plan and budget (all appendices and other attachments should be referred to
in section D and then placed in section E).
E: Attachments
Attachments other than the required attachments identified are not permitted and will not be
evaluated. See the Proposal Checklist in Appendix VI for a list of relevant attachments. Further, the
required attachments must not be altered or used to extend, enhance, or replace any component
required by this RFP. Failure to abide by these instructions may result in disqualification.
F: Declaration of Confidential Information
If a proposer deems that certain information required by this RFP is confidential, the proposer must
label such information as CONFIDENTIAL prior to submission. The proposer must reference where the
information labeled CONFIDENTIAL is located in the proposal. EXAMPLE: Section G.1.a. For each
subsection so referenced, the proposer must provide a convincing explanation and rationale sufficient
to justify an exemption of the information from release under the FOIA. The explanation and rationale
must be stated in terms of (a) the prospective harm to the competitive position of the proposer that
would result if the identified information were to be released and (b) the reasons why the information is
legally exempt from release pursuant to C.G.S. § 1-210(b).
G: Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement
Proposers must include a disclosure statement concerning any current business relationships (within
the last three (3) years) that pose a conflict of interest, as defined by C.G.S. § 1-85. A conflict of
interest exists when a relationship exists between the proposer and a public official (including an
elected official) or State employee that may interfere with fair competition or may be adverse to the
interests of the State. The existence of a conflict of interest is not, in and of itself, evidence of
wrongdoing. A conflict of interest may, however, become a legal matter if a proposer tries to influence,
or succeeds in influencing, the outcome of an official decision for their personal or corporate benefit. In
the absence of any conflict of interest, a proposer must affirm such in the disclosure statement.
Example: “[name of proposer] has no current business relationship (within the last three (3) years)
that poses a conflict of interest, as defined by C.G.S. § 1-85.”
H: Statement of Assurances
Place after Conflict of Interest-Disclosure Statement. Sign and return Statement of Assurances in
Appendix VI.
By submitting a proposal in response to this RFP, the proposer implicitly agrees to comply with the
provisions of Parts I and II of the State’s standard POS contract. Part I of the standard contract is
maintained by the Department and will include the scope of services, contract performance, quality
assurance, reports, terms of payment, budget, and other program-specific provisions of any resulting
POS contract. A sample of Part I is available from the Department’s Official Contact upon request. Part
II of the standard contract is maintained by OPM and includes the mandatory terms and conditions of
the POS contract. Part II is available on OPM’s website at:
POS/Standards/POS-Standard-Contract-Part-II .
By submitting a proposal in response to this RFP, a proposer implicitly gives the following
1. Collusion. The proposer represents and warrants that the proposer did not participate in any
part of the RFP development process and had no knowledge of the specific contents of the RFP
prior to its issuance. The proposer further represents and warrants that no agent,
representative, or employee of the State participated directly in the preparation of the
proposer’s proposal. The proposer also represents and warrants that the submitted proposal is
in all respects fair and is made without collusion or fraud.
2. State Officials and Employees. The proposer certifies that no elected or appointed official or
employee of the State has or will benefit financially or materially from any contract resulting
from this RFP. The Agency may terminate a resulting contract if it is determined that gratuities
of any kind were either offered or received by any of the aforementioned officials or employees
from the proposer, contractor, or its agents or employees.
3. Competitors. The proposer assures that the submitted proposal is not made in connection with
any competing organization or competitor submitting a separate proposal in response to this
RFP. No attempt has been made, or will be made, by the proposer to induce any other
organization or competitor to submit, or not submit, a proposal for the purpose of restricting
competition. The proposer further assures that the proposed costs have been arrived at
independently, without consultation, communication, or agreement with any other organization
or competitor for the purpose of restricting competition. Nor has the proposer knowingly
disclosed the proposed costs on a prior basis, either directly or indirectly, to any other
organization or competitor.
4. Validity of Proposal. The proposer certifies that the proposal represents a valid and binding
offer to provide services in accordance with the terms and provisions described in this RFP and
any amendments or attachments hereto. The proposal shall remain valid for a period of 180
days after the submission due date and may be extended beyond that time by mutual
agreement. At its sole discretion, the Agency may include the proposal, by reference or
otherwise, into any contract with the successful proposer.
5. Press Releases. The proposer agrees to obtain prior written consent and approval of the
Agency for press releases that relate in any manner to this RFP or any resultant contract.
By submitting a proposal in response to this RFP, a proposer implicitly agrees to comply with the
following terms and conditions:
1. Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action. The State is an Equal Opportunity and
Affirmative Action employer and does not discriminate in its hiring, employment, or business
practices. The State is committed to complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
(ADA) and does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission to, access to, or
operation of its programs, services, or activities.
2. Preparation Expenses. Neither the State nor the Agency shall assume any liability for
expenses incurred by a proposer in preparing, submitting, or clarifying any proposal submitted
in response to this RFP.
3. Exclusion of Taxes. The Agency is exempt from the payment of excise and sales taxes
imposed by the federal government and the State. Proposers are liable for any other applicable
4. Proposed Costs. No cost submissions that are contingent upon a State action will be accepted.
All proposed costs must be fixed through the entire term of the contract.
5. Changes to Proposal. No additions or changes to the original proposal will be allowed after
submission. While changes are not permitted, the Agency may request and authorize proposers
to submit written clarification of their proposals, in a manner or format prescribed by the
Agency, and at the proposer’s expense.
Supplemental Information. Supplemental information will not be considered after the
deadline submission of proposals, unless specifically requested by the Agency. The Agency may
ask a proposer to give demonstrations, interviews, oral presentations or further explanations to
clarify information contained in a proposal. Any such demonstration, interview, or oral
presentation will be at a time and place designated by the Agency. At its sole discretion, the
Agency may limit the number of proposers invited to make such a demonstration, interview, or
oral presentation and may limit the number of attendees per proposer.
7. Presentation of Supporting Evidence. If requested by the Agency, a proposer must be
prepared to present evidence of experience, ability, data reporting capabilities, financial
standing, or other information necessary to satisfactorily meet the requirements set forth or
implied in this RFP. The Agency may make onsite visits to an operational facility or facilities of a
proposer to evaluate further the proposer’s capability to perform the duties required by this RFP.
At its discretion, the Agency may also check or contact any reference provided by the proposer.
8. RFP Is Not An Offer. Neither this RFP nor any subsequent discussions shall give rise to any
commitment on the part of the State or the Agency or confer any rights on any proposer unless
and until a contract is fully executed by the necessary parties. The contract document will
represent the entire agreement between the proposer and the Agency and will supersede all
prior negotiations, representations or agreements, alleged or made, between the parties. The
State shall assume no liability for costs incurred by the proposer or for payment of services
under the terms of the contract until the successful proposer is notified that the contract has
been accepted and approved by the Agency and, if required, by the Attorney General’s Office.
By submitting a proposal in response to this RFP, a proposer implicitly accepts that the following
rights are reserved to the State:
1. Timing Sequence. The timing and sequence of events associated with this RFP shall ultimately
be determined by the Agency.
2. Amending or Canceling RFP. The Agency reserves the right to amend or cancel this RFP on
any date and at any time, if the Agency deems it to be necessary, appropriate, or otherwise in
the best interests of the State.
3. No Acceptable Proposals. In the event that no acceptable proposals are submitted in
response to this RFP, the Agency may reopen the procurement process, if it is determined to be
in the best interests of the State.
4. Award and Rejection of Proposals. The Agency reserves the right to award in part, to reject
any and all proposals in whole or in part, for misrepresentation or if the proposal limits or
modifies any of the terms, conditions, or specifications of this RFP. The Agency may waive
minor technical defects, irregularities, or omissions, if in its judgment the best interests of the
State will be served. The Agency reserves the right to reject the proposal of any proposer who
submits a proposal after the submission date and time.
5. Sole Property of the State. All proposals submitted in response to this RFP are to be the sole
property of the State. Any product, whether acceptable or unacceptable, developed under a
contract awarded as a result of this RFP shall be the sole property of the State, unless stated
otherwise in this RFP or subsequent contract. The right to publish, distribute, or disseminate
any and all information or reports, or part thereof, shall accrue to the State without recourse.
6. Contract Negotiation. The Agency reserves the right to negotiate or contract for all or any
portion of the services contained in this RFP. The Agency further reserves the right to contract
with one or more proposers for such services. After reviewing the scored criteria, the Agency
may seek Best and Final Offers (BFO) on cost from proposers. The Agency may set parameters
on any BFOs received.
7. Clerical Errors in Award. The Agency reserves the right to correct inaccurate awards resulting
from its clerical errors. This may include, in extreme circumstances, revoking the awarding of a
contract already made to a proposer and subsequently awarding the contract to another
proposer. Such action on the part of the State shall not constitute a breach of contract on the
part of the State since the contract with the initial proposer is deemed to be void ab initio and of
no effect as if no contract ever existed between the State and the proposer.
8. Key Personnel. When the Agency is the sole funder of a purchased service, the Agency
reserves the right to approve any additions, deletions, or changes in key personnel, with the
exception of key personnel who have terminated employment. The Agency also reserves the
right to approve replacements for key personnel who have terminated employment. The Agency
further reserves the right to require the removal and replacement of any of the proposer’s key
personnel who do not perform adequately, regardless of whether they were previously approved
by the Agency.
By submitting a proposal in response to this RFP, the proposer implicitly agrees to comply with all
applicable State and federal laws and regulations, including, but not limited to, the following:
1. Freedom of Information, C.G.S. § 1-210(b). The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
generally requires the disclosure of documents in the possession of the State upon request of
any citizen, unless the content of the document falls within certain categories of exemption, as
defined by C.G.S. § 1-210(b). Proposers are generally advised not to include in their proposals
any confidential information. If the proposer indicates that certain documentation, as required
by this RFP, is submitted in confidence, the State will endeavor to keep said information
confidential to the extent permitted by law. The State has no obligation to initiate, prosecute, or
defend any legal proceeding or to seek a protective order or other similar relief to prevent
disclosure of any information pursuant to a FOIA request. The proposer has the burden of
establishing the availability of any FOIA exemption in any proceeding where it is an issue. While
a proposer may claim an exemption to the State’s FOIA, the final administrative authority to
release or exempt any or all material so identified rests with the State. In no event shall the
State or any of its employees have any liability for disclosure of documents or information in the
possession of the State and which the State or its employees believe(s) to be required pursuant
to the FOIA or other requirements of law.
2. Contract Compliance, C.G.S. § 4a-60 and Regulations of CT State Agencies § 46a-68j-
21 thru 43, inclusive. CT statute and regulations impose certain obligations on State agencies
(as well as contractors and subcontractors doing business with the State) to ensure that State
agencies do not enter into contracts with organizations or businesses that discriminate against
protected class persons.
3. Consulting Agreements Representation, C.G.S. § 4a-81. Pursuant to C.G.S. §§ 4a-81 the
successful contracting party shall certify
that it has not entered into any consulting agreements
in connection with this Contract, except for the agreements listed below. "Consulting
agreement" means any written or oral agreement to retain the services, for a fee, of a
consultant for the purposes of (A) providing counsel to a contractor, vendor, consultant or other
entity seeking to conduct, or conducting, business with the State, (B) contacting, whether in
writing or orally, any executive, judicial, or administrative office of the State, including any
department, institution, bureau, board, commission, authority, official or employee for the
purpose of solicitation, dispute resolution, introduction, requests for information, or (C) any
other similar activity related to such contracts. "Consulting agreement" does not include any
agreements entered into with a consultant who is registered under the provisions of chapter 10
of the Connecticut General Statutes as of the date such contract is executed in accordance with
the provisions of section 4a-81 of the Connecticut General Statutes. Such representation shall
be sworn as true to the best knowledge and belief of the person signing the resulting contract
and shall be subject to the penalties of false statement.
4. Campaign Contribution Restriction, C.G.S. § 9-612. For all State contracts, defined in
section 9-612 of the Connecticut General Statutes as having a value in a calendar year of
$50,000 or more, or a combination or series of such agreements or contracts having a value of
$100,000 or more, the authorized signatory to the resulting contract must represent that they
have received the State Elections Enforcement Commission’s notice advising state contractors of
state campaign contribution and solicitation prohibitions, and will inform its principals of the
contents of the notice, as set forth in “Notice to Executive Branch State Contractors and
Prospective State Contractors of Campaign Contribution and Solicitation Limitations.” Such
notice is available at
5. Gifts,
C.G.S. § 4-252. Pursuant to section 4-252 of the Connecticut General Statutes and Acting
Governor Susan Bysiewicz’s Executive Order No. 21-2, the Contractor, for itself and on behalf of
all of its principals or key personnel who submitted a bid or proposal, represents:
(1) That no gifts were made by (A) the Contractor, (B) any principals and key personnel of the
Contractor, who participate substantially in preparing bids, proposals or negotiating State
contracts, or (C) any agent of the Contractor or principals and key personnel, who participates
substantially in preparing bids, proposals or negotiating State contracts, to (i) any public official
or State employee of the State agency or quasi-public agency soliciting bids or proposals for
State contracts, who participates substantially in the preparation of bid solicitations or requests
for proposals for State contracts or the negotiation or award of State contracts, or (ii) any public
official or State employee of any other State agency, who has supervisory or appointing
authority over such State agency or quasi-public agency;
(2) That no such principals and key personnel of the Contractor, or agent of the Contractor or of
such principals and key personnel, knows of any action by the Contractor to circumvent such
prohibition on gifts by providing for any other principals and key personnel, official, employee or
agent of the Contractor to provide a gift to any such public official or State employee; and
(3) That the Contractor is submitting bids or proposals without fraud or collusion with any
Any bidder or proposer that does not agree to the representations required under this section
shall be rejected and the State agency or quasi-public agency shall award the contract to the
next highest ranked proposer or the next lowest responsible qualified bidder or seek new bids or
6. Iran Energy Investment Certification C.G.S. § 4-252(a). Pursuant to C.G.S. § 4-
252(a), the successful contracting party shall certify that it has not made a direct investment of
twenty million dollars or more in the energy sector of Iran on or after October 1, 2013, as
described in Section 202 of the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability and Divestment
Act of 2010, and has not increased or renewed such investment on or after said date. If the
Contractor makes a good faith effort to determine whether it has made an investment described
in the previous sentence of this subsection, the Contractor shall not be subject to the penalties
for false statement pursuant to section 4-252a of the Connecticut General Statutes. A "good
faith effort" for purposes of this subsection includes a determination that the Contractor is not
on the list of persons who engage in certain investment activities in Iran created by the
Department of General Services of the State of California pursuant to Division 2, Chapter 2.7 of
the California Public Contract Code. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to impair the
ability of the State agency or quasi-public agency to pursue a breach of contract action for any
violation of the provisions of the resulting contract.
7. Nondiscrimination Certification, C.G.S. §§ 4a-60 and 4a-60a. If a proposer is awarded an
opportunity to negotiate a contract, the proposer must provide the State agency with written
representation in the resulting contract that certifies that the proposer complies with the State's
nondiscrimination agreements and warranties. This nondiscrimination certification is required
for all State contracts regardless of type, term, cost, or value. Municipalities and CT State
agencies are exempt from this requirement. The authorized signatory of the contract shall
demonstrate his or her understanding of this obligation by either (A) initialing the
nondiscrimination affirmation provision in the body of the resulting contract, or (B) providing an
affirmative response in the required online bid or response to a proposal question, if applicable,
which asks if the contractor understands its obligations.
If a proposer or vendor refuses to
agree to this representation, such proposer or vendor shall be rejected and the State agency or
quasi-public agency shall award the contract to the next highest ranked vendor or the next
lowest responsible qualified proposer or seek new bids or proposals.
8. Access to Data for State Auditors. The Contractor shall provide OPM access to any data, as
defined in C.G.S. § 4e-1, concerning the resulting contract that are in the possession or control
of the Contractor upon demand and shall provide the data to OPM in a format prescribed by OPM
[or the Client Agency] and the State Auditors of Public Accounts at no additional cost.
9. State Business-Related Call Center and Customer Service Work: Pursuant to subsection
(h) of section 31-57aa of the Connecticut General Statutes, Grantee shall perform all required state
business-related call center and customer service work entirely within the State of Connecticut. If
Grantee performs work outside of the State of Connecticut and adds customer service employees
who will perform work pursuant to this Contract, then Grantee shall employ such new employees
within the State of Connecticut prior to any such employee performing any work pursuant to this
10. Compliance with Consumer Data Privacy and Online Monitoring: Pursuant to section 4 of
Public Act 23-16 of the Connecticut General Assembly, Contractor shall at all times comply with all
applicable provisions of sections 42-515 to 42-525, inclusive, of the Connecticut General Statutes,
as the same may be revised or modified.
Remainder of Page Intentionally Left Blank
BFO Best and Final Offer
C.G.S. Connecticut General Statutes
CHRO Commission on Human Rights and Opportunity (CT)
CT Connecticut
DAS Department of Administrative Services (CT)
FOIA Freedom of Information Act (CT)
Internal Revenue Service (US)
LDCT Low-dose computed tomography
LOI Letter of Intent
OAG Office of the Attorney General
OPM Office of Policy and Management (CT)
OSC Office of the State Comptroller (CT)
POS Purchase of Service
P.A. Public Act (CT)
RFP Request for Proposal
SEEC State Elections Enforcement Commission (CT)
U.S. United States
contractor: a private provider organization or CT State agency that enters into a POS
contract with the Agency as a result of this RFP.
proposer: a private provider organization or CT State agency that has submitted a proposal
in response to this RFP. This term may be used interchangeably with respondent throughout
the RFP.
prospective proposer: a private provider organization or CT State agency that may submit a
proposal to the Agency in response to this RFP but has not yet done so.
patient navigator: a trained, culturally sensitive healthcare worker who provides support and
guidance throughout the cancer care continuum.
subcontractor: an individual (other than an employee of the contractor) or business entity
hired by a contractor to provide a specific service as part of a POS contract with the Agency
as a result of this RFP.
Agency Name
The undersigned Respondent affirms and declares that:
1) General
a. This proposal is executed and signed with full knowledge and acceptance of the terms and
conditions stated in the RFP.
b. The Respondent will deliver services to the Agency at the cost proposed in the RFP and within
the timeframes specified therein.
c. The Respondent will seek prior approval from the Agency before making any changes to the
location of services.
d. The Respondent and its officials, and the Respondent’s subcontractors and the subcontractors’
officials, have not received any notices of debarment or suspension from contracting with the
State of Connecticut or the Federal Government.
e. The Respondent and its officials, and the Respondent’s subcontractors and the subcontractors’
officials, have not received any notices of debarment or suspension from contracting with other
states within the United States.
Legal Name of Organization:
___________________________ ____________________________
Authorized Signatory Date
To assist respondents in managing proposal planning and document collation processes, this document
summarizes key dates and proposal requirements for this RFP. Please note that this document does not
supersede what is stated in the RFP. Please refer to the Proposal Submission Overview, Required
Proposal Submission Outline, and Mandatory Provisions (Sections II, III, and IV of this RFP) for more
comprehensive detail. This is a tool for proposers to use. It is the responsibility of each respondent
to ensure that all required documents, forms, and attachments, are submitted in a timely manner.
Key Dates
Procurement Timetable
The Agency reserves the right to modify these dates at its sole discretion.
Letter of Intent
July 16,2024
Questions submitted
July 19, 2024
Proposals submitted
August 14, 2024
Registration with State Contracting Portal (if not already registered):
Register at:
Submit required forms:
o Campaign Contribution Certification (OPM Ethics Form 1):
Proposal Content Checklist
Cover Sheet
Table of Contents
Executive Summary: high-level summary of proposal and cost
Main proposal body answering all questions with relevant attachments. Proposers should
use their discretion to determine whether certain required information is sufficiently captured in the
body of their proposal or requires additional attachments for clarification. Additional attachments
may include (bullets below are examples only):
o Staffing plan with FTE status
o Agency and program organizational chart detailing reporting structure
o Staff resumes and applicable licensures
o Work plan describing organization’s efforts, progress, or plans to diversify workforce
o Detailed plan on cultural competence and humility in service delivery
o Memoranda of Agreement/Understanding with service partners
o Written financial policies and procedures
IRS Determination Letter (for nonprofit proposers)
Two years of most recent annual audited financial statements; OR any financial
statements prepared by a Certified Public Accountant for proposers whose organizations have
been incorporated for less than two years.
Proposed budget, including budget narrative and cost schedules for planned subcontractors if
Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement
Statement of Assurances
Formatting Checklist
Is the proposal formatted to fit 8 ½x 11(letter-sized) paper?
Is the main body of the proposal within the page limit?
Is the proposal in 12-point, Times New Roman font?
Does the proposal format follow normal (1 inch) margins and 1 ½ line spacing?
Does the proposer’s name appear in the header of each page?
Does the proposal include page numbers in the footer?
Are confidential labels applied to sensitive information (if applicable)?
Services to be Provided
1. Describe your experience providing the kinds of services described in the “Services to be
Provided” section of the RFP.
2. Provide at least two references (with their telephone numbers) that may be contacted to
support your description of your experience in providing these services.
3. Briefly describe the approach to the services you will provide as outlined in the “Services
to be Provided” section of the RFP. Use the Workplan form to elaborate (see Section E
of this application).
4. Briefly state the hours of operation of your organization and indicate the suitability of
these hours to the Services and Deliverables required in this proposal.
The contract to be awarded is subject to contract compliance requirements mandated by Sections 4a-60
and 4a-60a of the Connecticut General Statutes; and, when the awarding agency is the State, Sections
46a-71 (d) and 46a-81i (d) of the Connecticut General Statutes. There are Contract Compliance
Regulations codified at Section 46a-68j-21 through 46a-68j-43 of the Regulations of Connecticut State
agencies, which establish a procedure for the awarding of all contracts covered by Sections 4a-60 and 46a-
71 (d) of the Connecticut General Statutes.
According to Section 46a-68j-30 (9) of the Contract Compliance Regulations, every agency awarding a
contract subject to the contract compliance requirements has an obligation to “aggressively solicit the
participation of legitimate minority business enterprises as bidders, contractors, subcontractors and
suppliers of materials.” “Minority Business Enterprise” is defined in Section 4a-60 of the Connecticut
General Statutes as a business wherein fifty-one percent or more of the capital stock, or assets belong to a
person or persons: “(1) Who are active in the daily affairs of the enterprise; (2) Who have the power to
direct the management and policies of the enterprise; and, (3) Who are members of a minority, as such
term is defined in subsection (a) of Section 32-9n.” “Minority” groups are defined in Section 32-9n of the
Connecticut General Statutes as “(1) Black Americans ... (2) Hispanic Americans ... (3) Women ... (4) Asian
Pacific Americans and Pacific Islanders; or (5) American Indians.” The above definitions apply to the
contract compliance requirements by virtue of Section 46a-68j-21 (11) of the Contract Compliance
The awarding agency will consider the following factors when reviewing the bidder’s qualifications under the
contract compliance requirements.
a) the bidder’s success in implementing an affirmative action plan;
b) the bidder’s success in developing an apprenticeship program complying with Sections 46a-68-1
to 46a-68-18 of the Connecticut General Statutes, inclusive;
c) the bidder’s promise to develop and implement a successful affirmative action plan;
d) the bidder’s submission of EEO-1 data indicating the composition of its workforce is at or near
parity when compared to the racial and sexual composition of the workforce in the relevant labor
market area; and,
e) the bidder’s promise to set aside a portion of the contract for legitimate minority business
enterprises. See Section 46a-68j-30 (10) (E) of the Contract Compliance Regulations.
INSTRUCTION: Bidder must sign acknowledgment below line and return acknowledgment to Awarding
Agency along with the bid proposal.
The undersigned acknowledges receiving and reading a copy of the “Notification to Bidders” form.
_______________________________________ ___________________________
Signature Date
On behalf of:
Applicant Information
Applicant Agency: _ _ _
Legal Name
_ _ _
_ _ __
City/Town State Zip Code
_ _
Telephone No. FAX No. Email Address
Contact Person: _ _ Title: _
Telephone No: _
I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information contained in this application is true and
correct. The application has been duly authorized by the governing body of the applicant, the applicant has the
legal authority to apply for this funding, the applicant will comply with applicable state and federal laws and
regulations, and that I am a duly authorized signatory for the applicant.
_ _ Signature of
Authorizing Official: Date
_ _ Typed Name and Title
The applicant agency is the agency or organization, which is legally and financially responsible and accountable for
the use and disposition of any awarded funds. Please provide the following information:
Full legal name of the organization or corporation as it appears on the corporate seal and as
registered with the Secretary of State
Mailing address
Main telephone number
Fax number, and email address, if any
Principal contact person for the application (person responsible for developing application)
The funding application and all required submittals must include the signature of an officer of the
applicant agency who has the legal authority to bind the organization. The signature, typed name and
position of the authorized official of the applicant agency must be included as well as the date on
which the application is signed.
RFP DPH Log# 2025-0902
Applicant Information Form (continuation)
Contract and Legal Documents/Forms:
Tel. No.
Zip Code
Fax No.
Program Progress Reports:
Tel. No.
Zip Code
Fax No.
Financial Expenditure Reporting Forms:
Tel. No.
Zip Code
Fax No,
Incorporated: YES NO
Agency Fiscal Year:
Type of Agency: Public Private Other,
Profit Non-Profit
Federal Employer I.D. Number:
Town Code No:
Medicaid Provider Status: YES NO
Medicaid Number:
Minority Business Enterprise (MBE):
Women Business Enterprise (WBE): YES NO
A. Budget Summary Instructions
1. Position Schedule #2a
Complete the schedule for all positions to be funded even if currently vacant.
b. Complete one Position Schedule #2a for each Program/Fund to be included in the
2. Personnel (lines #1 - #2)
Line #1 Salary and Wages: Enter the total salary charged, as listed on Position
Schedule 2a.
b. Line #2 Fringe Benefits Line: Enter the total fringe benefits charged, as listed on
Position Schedule 2a.
3. Line #8 Contractual (Subcontracts): Provide the total of all subcontracts and
complete Subcontractor Schedule.
Lines #3 - #7, #9, and #10: Complete categories as appropriate,
5. Line #11: Other Expenses are any other types of expense that do not fit into the
categories listed.
For example: Equipment. Please note that the state’s definition of equipment is tangible
personal property with a normal useful life of at least one year and a value of at least $5,000
or more.
6. Audit Costs: The cost of audits made in accordance with OMB Circular A133 (Federal Single
Audit) are allowable charges to Federal awards. The cost of State Single Audits (CGS 4-23 to 4-
236) are allowable charges to State awards. Audit costs are allowable to the extent that they
represent a pro-rata share of the cost of such audit. Audit costs charged to Department of
Public Health contracts must be budgeted, reported and justified as an audit cost line item
within the Administrative and General Cost category.
7. Administrative and General Costs, Line Item #12
Are defined as those costs that have been incurred for the overall executive and
administrative offices of the organization or other expenses of a general nature that do not
relate solely to any major cost objective of the overall organization. Examples of A&G costs
include salaries of executive directors, administrative & financial personnel, accounting,
auditing, management information systems, proportional office costs such as building
occupancy, telephone, equipment, and office supplies. Please review the OPM website on
Cost Standards for more information at:
b. Administrative and General Costs must be itemized on the Budget Justification
Schedule. Costs that have a separate line item in the Budget Summary may not be
duplicated as an Administrative and General Cost. For example, if the Budget
Summary includes an amount for telephone costs, this cannot also be included as an
Administrative and General Cost.
8. Other Program Income list any other program income, if appropriate, such as in-kind
contributions, fees collected, or other funding sources and include brief explanation on Budget
9. Multiple Funding Period Contracts: Please complete a full budget for each Funding Period of
the contract, clearly indicating the Period on each form. Absent other instructions, assume
level funding for the second year.
B. Budget Justification Schedule B
1. Please provide a brief explanation for each line item listed on the Budget Summary. This
must include a detailed breakdown of the components that make up the line item and any
calculation used to compute the amount.
Line Item (Description)
Justification - Breakdown of Costs
1,659 miles @ .44 = $730.00 outreach
workers going to meetings and site visits.
2. For contractors who have subcontracts, a brief description of the purpose of each
subcontract must be provided. Use additional sheets as necessary.
***Please note: If Laboratory Services is a line item on the primary or subcontract budget,
please supply a justification as to why a private laboratory is being used as opposed to the
Connecticut State Laboratory.
C. Subcontractor Schedule A--Detail
1. All subcontractors used by each program must be included, if it is not known who the
subcontractor will be, an estimated amount and whatever budget detail is anticipated should
be provided. (Submit the actual detail when it is available). A separate subcontractor
schedule must be completed for each program included in the contract. For example: The
contract is providing both a Needle Exchange program and an AIDS Prevention Education
Program and Subcontractor “A” is providing services to both program there must be a
separate budget for Subcontractor “A” for each.
2. Detail of Each Subcontractor:
a. Choose a category below for each subcontract using the basis by which it is paid:
A. Budget Basis B. Fee for Service C. Hourly Rate.
b. Choose whether the subcontractor is a minority or woman owned a business:
c. MBE WBE Neither
d. Provide the detail for each subcontract just as for the primary contract budget
referencing the corresponding program of the contract. Detail must be provided for
each subcontractor listed in the Summary.
Note: If space allowed is not sufficient for large or complex subcontract budgets, the
primary Budget Summary format may be copied and used instead.
Budget Summary
Applicant’s Organization Name
FUNDING PERIOD 1: 9/1/2024 to 6/30/2025
Contract Period: 9/1/2024 to 6/30/2026
Budget Summary
1. Salaries & Wages
2. Fringe Benefits
3. Travel
4. Training
5. Educational Materials
6. Office Supplies
7. Medical Materials
8. Contractual
9. Telephone
10. Advertising
11. Other Expenses (list)
12. Administrative and
General Costs
Total DPH Grant
Other Program Income
**Complete Sub-contractor Schedule A
Budget Justification Schedule B*
Applicant’s Organization Name
FUNDING PERIOD 1: 9/1/2024 to 6/30/2025
Contract Period: 9/1/2024 to 6/30/2026
Budget Justification Schedule B
Line Item (Description)
Justification including Breakdown of Costs
Position Schedule #2a
Applicant’s Organization Name
FUNDING PERIOD 1: 9/1/2024 to 8/30/2025
Contract Period: 9/1/2024 to 8/30/2026
Position Schedule #2a
Position Description and Staff
Person Assigned
wks per
Rate %
*Attach resumes and job descriptions for all Professional Staff
Subcontractor Schedule A-Detail
Subcontractor Name: Address:
Applicant’s Organization Name
FUNDING PERIOD 1: 9/1/2024 to 8/30/2025
Telephone: ( ) ( - )
Select One: A Budget Basis B Fee-for-Service C Hourly Rate
Indicate One: MBE WBE Neither
Line Item(s)
Total Subcontract Amount:
Subcontractor Name:
Telephone: ( ) ( - )
Select One: A Budget Basis B Fee-for-Service C Hourly Rate
Indicate One: MBE WBE Neither
Line Item(s)
Total Subcontract Amount:
Subcontractor Name:
Telephone: ( ) ( - )
Select One: A Budget Basis B Fee-for-Service C Hourly Rate
Indicate One: MBE WBE Neither
Line Item(s)
Total Subcontract Amount:
Work Plan Form
Year 1
(Duplicate as needed and for subsequent years.)
Services to be
Staff Responsible
Deliverables / Expected
Outcomes and Measures of
Time Frame
(Quarter 1,2,3
or 4)
Contractor Name: Total Number of CT employees:
Address: Full Time: Part Time:
Complete the following Workforce Analysis for employees on Connecticut worksites who are:
(sum of
all cols.
male &
(not of Hispanic
(not of Hispanic
Asian or Pacific
American Indian
or Alaskan Native
People with
Officials &
Office &
Craft Workers
Service Workers
Totals Above
Totals 1 year Ago
FORMAL ON-THE-JOB TRAINEES (Enter figures for the same categories as are shown above)
Visual Check:
1. Have you successfully implemented an Affirmative Action Plan? YES NO
Date of implementation: If the answer is “No”, explain.
1. a) Do you promise to develop and implement a successful Affirmative Action?
YES NO Not Applicable Explanation:
2. Have you successfully developed an apprenticeship program complying with Sec. 46a-68-1 to 46a-68-18 of the Connecticut
Department of Labor Regulations, inclusive: YES NO Not Applicable Explanation:
3. According to EEO-1 data, is the composition of your work force at or near parity when compared with the racial and sexual
composition of the work force in the relevant labor market area? YES NO Explanation:
4. If you plan to subcontract, will you set aside a portion of the contract for legitimate minority business enterprises? YES
NO Explanation:
_ _ _ _
Contractor’s Authorized Signature Date