The biogeography of lower
Mesoamerican freshwater fishes
Scott A. Smith
* and Eldredge Bermingham
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute,
Panama City, Republic of Panama and
Department of Biology, McGill University,
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
*Correspondence: Scott A. Smith, Department
of Biology, McGill University, 1205 Avenue
Docteur Penfield, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
H3A 1B1.
Aim This paper examines the importance of regional processes in determining
the patterns of distribution and diversity of lower Mesoamerican freshwater
Location We focused our analyses on the lower Mesoamerican region, which we
define to include all the rivers of Panama and Costa Rica. The geographic
boundaries are the Colombian Choco to the south and Lake Nicaragua to the north.
Methods We described the biogeographical provinces of lower Mesoamerica
(LMA) using presence/absence data of primary and secondary LMA freshwater
fishes. We conducted subsequent analyses at the spatial resolution of the
biogeographical provinces and described patterns of community composition,
species richness, endemism, range size, and the permeability of dispersal barriers
between biogeographical provinces.
Results This study represents the first attempt since that of W. A. Bussing in
1976 to investigate the biogeographical regions of Mesoamerica, and our analyses
demonstrate increased regional complexity in biodiversity patterns relative to
previous studies. Changes in community composition across LMA clearly
highlight the importance of both extrinsic geological processes and intrinsic
biological differences among freshwater fish species in shaping the dispersal and
diversification histories of the LMA freshwater fish fauna. The influence of
biology and geology is also exemplified by patterns of endemism and turnover
between biogeographical provinces, which suggests that the relative importance of
regional speciation and dispersal varies spatially across the LMA landscape.
Finally, it would seem to follow that secondary freshwater fishes will have larger
range sizes than primary fishes as a result of the increased salinity tolerance
posited for the former group, and thus the increased probability of dispersal along
coastlines. We did not, however, find a significant difference between the average
range size of primary and secondary freshwater fishes, indicating that the putative
differences in physiological tolerance to seawater between the two groups are not
reflected in their distribution patterns at the scale of LMA. The geometric
distribution of range size of LMA freshwater fishes suggests that dispersal of both
primary and secondary freshwater fishes along coastlines must be infrequent.
Main conclusion The observation that regional processes exerted a strong
influence on the assembly and maintenance of LMA freshwater fish communities
has important consequences for both theory and conservation. We suggest that
large-scale biogeographical analyses are required to illuminate the backdrop upon
which local interactions play themselves out, supporting a top-down approach to
the study of biological diversity. Our results also identify areas of high
conservation priority, providing a baseline for informing conservation strategies
for freshwater fishes in LMA. We conclude by calling for conservation planning
and action that acknowledges the importance that regional processes play in
Journal of Biogeography (J. Biogeogr.) (2005) 32, 1835–1854
ª 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd www.blackwellpublishing.com/jbi doi:10.1111/j.1365-2699.2005.01317.x
Identification of the relative contributions of local and regional
processes in determining patterns of species richness is essential
to understanding the mechanisms underlying patterns of global
species richness (Huston, 1999; Gaston, 2000). Traditionally,
ecologists have focused on the importance of local, deterministic
processes such as competition, predation and mutualism in
shaping patterns of species richness and community composi-
tion (Ricklefs, 1987). More recently, ecologists have emphasized
the role that regional processes, such as dispersal, speciation and
extinction, play in the assembly and maintenance of biological
communities (Ricklefs, 1987, 2004; Ricklefs & Schluter, 1993;
Gaston, 2000, 2003; Mora et al., 2003; Smith et al., 2004; Smith
& Shurin, in press). However, it has seldom been possible to
directly evaluate the importance of regional processes in
determining patterns of distribution and diversity for entire
continental faunas because molecular phylogeographic analyses
have only recently begun to illuminate historical patterns of
colonization and community assembly (Bermingham & Avise,
1986; Losos, 1992; Qian & Ricklefs, 1999, 2000; Losos & Schluter,
2000; Parra-Olea & Wake, 2001; Ricklefs & Bermingham 2001;
Mueller et al., 2004), and reliable presence/absence data at the
continental scale remain scarce for most taxa found in tropical
and subtropical regions of the world (but see Unmack, 2001).
Lower Mesoamerica (LMA) provides an interesting backdrop
against which to study the importance of regional processes. The
Pliocene completion of the Isthmus of Panama connected North
and South America, permitting a massive exchange of flora and
fauna between the two continents, an event termed the Great
American Biotic Interchange (Marshall et al., 1979; Stehli &
Webb, 1985). The emerging isthmus enabled the initial
colonization of Mesoamerica by freshwater fishes from putative
source populations in north-western Colombia (Miller, 1966;
Myers, 1966; Bussing, 1985; Bermingham & Martin, 1998).
However, the embryonic isthmus provided differential coloni-
zation opportunities for these fishes (Miller, 1966; Myers, 1966;
Bussing, 1976, 1985; Bermingham & Martin, 1998; Martin &
Bermingham, 1998; Perdices et al., 2002). Secondary freshwater
fishes such as cichlids and Rivulus colonized Mesoamerica
between 18 and 15 Ma (Martin & Bermingham, 1998; see also
Murphy & Collier, 1996), approximately 10 Ma earlier than did
primary freshwater fishes (Bermingham & Martin, 1998),
according to molecular clock estimates.
Two important facts suggest that the study of patterns of
distribution and diversity of LMA freshwater fishes will permit
inferences regarding the role that regional processes played in the
assembly and maintenance of freshwater fish communities in
this region. First, although there has been controversy regarding
the timing of the arrival of primary freshwater fishes in
Mesoamerica (Miller, 1966; Myers, 1966; Bussing, 1985),
molecular systematic research indicates that the evolutionary
assembly of the LMA freshwater fish fauna is recent
(Bermingham & Martin, 1998; Perdices et al., 2002), suggesting
that the historical record of colonization is largely intact because
it is not likely to have been overwritten by multiple rounds of
dispersal. Second, drainage basins function as terrestrial islands
that create repeated patterns of subdivision of populations and
communities within discrete boundaries. These patterns arise
largely because of the dispersal constraints on obligate (primary
and secondary) freshwater fishes. Primary freshwater fishes are
hypothesized to be physiologically intolerant of saline condi-
tions and thus rarely cross marine barriers (Myers, 1938, 1966;
Unmack, 2001). The dispersal of primary freshwater fishes is
thought to be entirely dependent on the formation of
direct connections between drainage basins arising from
physiographical changes of the landscape. Examples include
river anastomosis that occurs during periods of reduced sea
level coinciding with glacial maxima, as well as during the
high water of the rainy season, pulses of freshwater that connect
rivers along the coast during flood events, and river capture
events that result from differential erosion across drainage
divides (Myers, 1938, 1966; Loftin, 1965; Miller, 1966; Berming-
ham & Martin, 1998; Unmack, 2001). On the other hand,
secondary freshwater fishes are hypothesized to tolerate mod-
erate levels of salinity and thus may be able to disperse via saline
marine waters along coastlines, although the frequency of
such colonization events remains unknown. Recent colonization
of LMA by obligate freshwater fishes coupled with the disper-
sal limitation of these fishes therefore provides an interesting
system in which to study the importance of regional processes in
determining present-day patterns of distribution and diversity.
A first step towards studying the importance of regional
processes is the description of biogeographical provinces.
Biogeographical provinces represent geographical regions of
relatively homogeneous faunal composition, and their descrip-
tion permits analysis of the processes responsible for turnover
across the landscape, in terms of both species richness and
community composition. We describe the biogeographical
provinces of LMA freshwater fishes and test whether the
biogeographical provinces represent areas of shared history that
extend beyond the similarity arising simply from the spatial
arrangement of the rivers and the source of colonists. In turn, we
evaluate patterns of community composition, species richness
and endemism at the scale of biogeographical provinces in order
to document physiological and regional influences on the
determining patterns of organismal diversity, and that incorporates these
processes in strategies to conserve remnant biological diversity.
Beta diversity, biogeography, community assembly, dispersal, freshwater fish,
Mesoamerica, regional processes, species richness.
S. A. Smith and E. Bermingham
Journal of Biogeography 32, 1835–1854, ª 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
dispersal and diversification history of the Mesoamerican
freshwater fish fauna. Furthermore, we quantify the biological
turnover between biogeographical provinces in order to estimate
how the relative permeability of geographical barriers to
dispersal changes across the LMA landscape. Finally, we assess
the range-size distribution of the LMA freshwater fishes by
determining the number of biogeographical provinces occupied
by each species, and we test whether hypothesized differences in
salinity tolerance between primary and secondary freshwater
fishes have influenced the sizes of the geographical ranges of
these fishes.
Data sources
We assembled a data base describing the presence and absence
of freshwater fish species in LMA drainage basins, a region
Figure 1 Drainage basins of lower Mesoamerica. 1, Rio San Juan; 2, Rio Tortuguero; 3, Rio Parismina; 4, Rio Matina; 5, Rio Sixaola; 6, Rio
San San; 7, Rio Changuinola; 8, International Cuenca no. 91; 9, Rio Uyama; 10, Quebrada Cilico Creek and Quebrada Marin; 11, Rio
Robalo; 12, Quebrada La Gloria; 13, Rio Guarumo; 14, Quebrada La Margarita; 15, Rio Guariviara; 16, Rio Cricamola; 17, Rio Canaveral; 18,
International Cuenca no. 95; 19, Rio Calovebora; 20, International Cuenca no. 99; 21, Rio Veraguas; 22, International Cuenca no. 103; 23,
Rio Cocle del Norte; 24, International Cuenca no. 107; 25, Rio Miguel de la Borda; 26, Rio Indio; 27, International Cuenca no. 113; 28, Rio
Chagres; 29, Rio Piedras; 30, Rio Cuanche; 31, Rio Cascajal; 32, Rio Claro; 33, Rio Pina Pina; 34, Rio Frio; 35, Rio Cuango; 36, Rio
Mandinga; 37, International Cuenca no. 121; 38, Rio Azucar; 39, Rio Playon Chico; 40, Rio Cuadi; 41, Rio Acla; 42, Rios of the Nicoya
Peninsula; 43, Rio Tempisque; 44, Rio Bebedero; 45, Rio Barranca; 46, Rio Tarcoles; 47, Rio Pirris; 48, Rio Terraba; 49, Rio Coto; 50, Rio
Palo Blanco; 51, Rio Chiriqui Viejo; 52, Rio Escarrea; 53, Rio Chico; 54, Rio Platanal; 55, Rio Chiriqui; 56, Rio Estero Salado; 57, Rio San
Juan; 58, Rio San Felix; 59, Rio Santiago; 60, Rio Tabasara; 61, Rio Bubi; 62, Rio San Pablo; 63, Rio Cate; 64, Quebrada Seca; 65, Rio Santa
Maria; 66, Rio San Pedro; 67, Rio Ponuga; 68, Rio Tebario; 69, Rio Pavo; 70, Rio Playita; 71, Rio Tonosi; 72, Rio Cana; 73, Rio Oria; 74,
International Cuenca no. 126; 75, Rio Guarare; 76, Rio Honda; 77, Rio La Villa; 78, Rio Parita; 79, Rio Cocle del Sur; 80, Rio Chorrera; 81,
Rio Estancia; 82, Rio Anton; 83, Rio Farallon; 84, Rio Chame; 85, Rio Sajalices; 86, Rio Capira; 87, Rio Caimito; 88, Rio Grande; 89, Rio Juan
Diaz; 90, Rio Cabra; 91, Rio Pacora; 92, Rio Bayano; 93, International Cuenca no. 150; 94, Rio Lara; 95, Rio Tuira; 96, Rio Iglesia; 97,
International Cuenca no. 160; 98, Rio Samba; 99, International Cuenca no. 164.
Lower Mesoamerican fish biogeography
Journal of Biogeography 32, 1835–1854, ª 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1837
including the rivers of Panama and Costa Rica (Fig. 1). Our
data base was based on information of species distribution
contained in the NEODAT data base (http://www.neodat.org)
and the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI)
Freshwater Fish Collection (Bermingham et al., 1997a). We
geo-referenced and verified each record’s merit using the
literature and the STRI Freshwater Fish Collection. Only
collection records for primary and secondary freshwater fishes
were used in the analyses. No diadromous fishes were included
in our analyses. A total of 18,366 records, representing the
distribution of 170 species, 72 genera and 23 families, were
included in our analyses.
Given the heterogeneity in collecting effort across rivers, we
documented many local absences of fish species that can be
attributed to insufficient sampling effort exerted in particular
drainages. The fairly dense sampling of rivers across the isthmian
landscape, however, suggests that absence of a fish species at the
provincial level can be assumed to be real. Since all of our
analyses were undertaken at the provincial level, the inferences
that we make were not unduly influenced by absences arising
from insufficient sampling effort in some drainage basins.
There are also some limitations in the taxonomic descrip-
tion of the fauna. For example, recent molecular systematic
research on the genus Roeboides (Bermingham & Martin, 1998)
uncovered phylogenetic variation that made geographical sense
of a bewildering distribution pattern based on the preceding
taxonomy and that led to the description of three new species
(Lucena, 2000). That said, we are confident that our
description of both taxa and geographical distributions is
largely correct because phylogenetic relationships of most
potentially problematic taxa have been clarified by molecule-
based phylogeographic analyses (Bermingham & Martin, 1998;
Martin & Bermingham, 2000; Perdices et al., 2002). Table 1
provides a complete list of the freshwater fish species of LMA
as defined by prevailing taxonomy and molecular phylogeog-
raphy, and their distribution in the LMA biogeographical
Biogeographical provinces
Correspondence analysis was used to convert binary species
presence/absence data into continuous variables (Jackson &
Harvey, 1989; Hugueny & Leveque, 1994). This method of
ordination positions the objects (sites and species) in a space
that contains fewer dimensions than the original data set
(Legendre & Legendre, 1998). It thus simplifies the recovery of
meaningful patterns in the first ordination axes and defers
noise to later axes (Gauch, 1982). The noise eliminated by the
correspondence analysis is assumed to be non-informative
from a biogeographical perspective (Hugueny & Leveque,
1994). Correspondence analysis is preferred over other
methods of multivariate analysis because it is based on a
metric that does not include cases in which two species are
both absent from a given locality in its computation (Hugueny
& Leveque, 1994), and is thus strongly recommended for
ecological or biogeographical multivariate analyses that rely on
binomial data (Legendre & Legendre, 1998).
Next, Euclidian distances were used to compute the faunistic
distances between the rivers based on the coordinates
representing the first three axes of the correspondence analysis.
An unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean
(UPGMA) analysis produced a dendrogram depicting the
faunistic relationship between drainage basins for the LMA
freshwater fish fauna.
The faunistic relationship between rivers was also described
using Jaccard’s similarity coefficient, a method that did not
involve the use of correspondence analysis to transform the
data initially. The UPGMA cluster analysis produced a
dendrogram describing the faunistic relationship between
drainage basins based on Jaccard’s similarity coefficient (the
procedures described in the preceding paragraphs of this
section were implemented in MVSP v3.1, Provalis Research,
Montreal, Quebec).
We transformed the values of the UPGMA cluster matrices
(for clusters based on both Euclidean distances and Jaccard’s
similarity coefficient) to matrices of cophenetic (ultrametic)
distances. We then subjectively tested the goodness-of-fit of
our UPGMA clusters by calculating a cophenetic correlation
based on the cophenetic distance matrix and the original
distance matrix (Euclidean or Jaccard) that was used in the
UPGMA analysis. The cophenetic correlation measures the
extent to which the clustering results correspond to the
original resemblance matrix (Legendre & Legendre, 1998).
A cophenetic correlation coefficient of > 0.9 represents a very
good fit, whereas a coefficient of 0.8 < r < 0.9 represents a
good fit to the data (these analyses were performed in
NTSYSpc2.1, Exeter Software, New York, USA).
In addition, two partial Mantel tests were performed to test
the significance of the faunistic relationships among drainage
basins described by Euclidean distances and Jaccard’s simi-
larity coefficient (R Package v4.0). The data were first
partitioned into two randomly defined groups of species (y
and z). We used Euclidean distances (or Jaccard’s similarity
coefficient) to produce two matrices that described the
faunistic similarity between the rivers for species group y
and species group z (x (y) and x (z)). The Nearest Features
extension of Arcview GIS (Jenness Enterprises, http://
www.jennessent.com) was used to calculate the geographical
distance between each pair of drainage basins, resulting in a
third matrix, the geographical distance matrix. A partial
Mantel test was then performed on the faunistic distance
matrices, using the geographical distance matrix to remove
the effect of the spatial positioning of the drainage basins, in
order to determine if the faunistic relationships depicted in
our dendrograms arose because of the spatial positioning of
the drainage basins alone.
Finally, we described the biogeographical provinces of LMA
by identifying convergent results between the UPGMA dendr-
ograms. In cases for which the dendrograms based on
S. A. Smith and E. Bermingham
Journal of Biogeography 32, 1835–1854, ª 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Table 1 The LMA freshwater fish species by their occurrence in the described biogeographical provinces. We assembled a data base
describing the presence and absence of freshwater fish species in LMA drainage basins, a region including the rivers of Panama and Costa
Rica. The biogeographical provinces in this table refer to the areas of faunal similarity described by our analyses. The Salinity tolerance
column refers to the hypothesized salinity tolerance of freshwater fishes based on Myers (1949)
tolerance Family Species
Nicaragua Bocas Chiriqui
Maria Chagres Tuira
1 Ageneiosidae Ageneiosus caucanus 00 0 0 0 0 1
1 Apteronotidae Apteronotus rostratus 00 0 0 0 0 1
1 Astroblepidae Astroblepus longifilis 00 0 0 0 1 1
1 Astroblepidae Astroblepus trifasciatum 00 0 0 0 1 1
1 Auchenipteridae Parauchenipterus amblops 00 0 0 1 0 1
1 Callichthyidae Hoplosternum punctatum 00 0 0 0 1 1
1 Characidae Astyanax aeneus 11 1 1 1 1 1
1 Characidae Astyanax nasutus 10 0 0 0 0 0
1 Characidae Astyanax orthodus 00 1 0 0 0 0
1 Characidae Astyanax panamensis 00 0 0 0 1 1
1 Characidae Astyanax ruberrimus 00 0 0 1 1 1
1 Characidae Bramocharax bransfordii 10 0 0 0 0 0
1 Characidae Brycon argenteus 00 0 0 0 1 1
1 Characidae Brycon behreae 00 0 1 1 0 0
1 Characidae Brycon chagrensis 00 0 0 0 1 0
1 Characidae Brycon guatemalensis 10 1 0 0 0 0
1 Characidae Brycon obscurus 00 0 0 1 1 0
1 Characidae Brycon petrosus 00 0 0 0 1 1
1 Characidae Brycon sp. nov. ‘Acla’ 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
1 Characidae Brycon sp. nov. ‘Bocas’ 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
1 Characidae Brycon striatulus 00 0 0 0 0 1
1 Characidae Bryconamericus emperador 00 1 0 1 1 1
1 Characidae Bryconamericus ricae 00 1 0 0 0 0
1 Characidae Bryconamericus scleroparius 10 1 0 0 0 0
1 Characidae Bryconamericus terrabensis 00 0 1 0 0 0
1 Characidae Bryconamericus zeteki 00 0 0 1 0 0
1 Characidae Carlana eigenmanni 10 0 0 0 1 0
1 Characidae Characidium marshi 00 0 0 0 0 1
1 Characidae Compsura dialeptura 00 0 1 1 0 0
1 Characidae Compsura gorgonae 00 0 0 1 1 1
1 Characidae Compsura mitoptera 00 0 0 0 1 0
1 Characidae Compsura sp. nov. ‘Chiriqui’ 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
1 Characidae Creagrutus affinis 00 0 0 0 0 1
1 Characidae Eretmobrycon bayano 00 0 0 0 0 1
1 Characidae Gephyrocharax atricaudata 00 0 0 0 1 1
1 Characidae Gephyrocharax chocoensis 00 0 0 0 1 0
1 Characidae Gephyrocharax intermedius 00 0 1 1 1 0
1 Characidae Gephyrocharax sp. nov. ‘Chiriqui’ 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
1 Characidae Hemibrycon dariensis 00 0 1 1 1 1
1 Characidae Hyphessobrycon panamensis 00 1 0 0 1 0
1 Characidae Hyphessobrycon savagei 00 0 1 0 0 0
1 Characidae Hyphessobrycon sp. nov. ‘Acla’ 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
1 Characidae Hyphessobrycon sp. nov. ‘Bayano’ 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
1 Characidae Hyphessobrycon sp. nov. ‘Bocas’ 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
1 Characidae Hyphessobrycon tortuguerae 10 0 0 0 0 0
1 Characidae Phenagoniates macrolepis 00 0 0 0 0 1
1 Characidae Pseudocheirodon affinis 00 0 0 1 1 1
1 Characidae Pseudocheirodon terrabae 00 0 1 0 0 0
1 Characidae Pterobrycon myrnae 00 0 1 0 0 0
1 Characidae Roeboides bouchellei 11 0 1 0 0 0
1 Characidae Roeboides carti 00 0 0 0 1 0
1 Characidae Roeboides dayi 00 0 0 0 1 0
1 Characidae Roeboides guatemalensis 00 0 0 0 1 0
Lower Mesoamerican fish biogeography
Journal of Biogeography 32, 1835–1854, ª 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1839
Table 1 continued
tolerance Family Species
Nicaragua Bocas Chiriqui
Maria Chagres Tuira
1 Characidae Roeboides ilseae 00 0 1 0 0 0
1 Characidae Roeboides occidentalis 00 0 1 1 0 1
1 Characidae Roeboides sp. nov. ‘Cocle del Norte’ 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
1 Ctenoluciidae Ctenolucius beani 00 0 0 1 0 1
1 Curimatidae Cyphocharax magdalenae 00 0 1 1 0 1
1 Erythrinidae Hoplias malabaricus 00 0 0 0 1 1
1 Erythrinidae Hoplias microlepis 00 0 1 1 1 1
1 Gasteropelecidae Gasteropelecus maculatus 00 0 0 0 0 1
1 Gymnotidae Gymnotus cylindricus 11 1 0 0 0 0
1 Gymnotidae Gymnotus maculosus 11 0 0 0 0 1
1 Hemiodontidae Saccodon dariensis 00 0 0 0 0 1
1 Lebiasinidae Piabucina boruca 00 0 1 0 0 0
1 Lebiasinidae Piabucina festae 00 0 0 0 0 1
1 Lebiasinidae Piabucina panamensis 00 0 0 0 1 1
1 Loricariidae Ancistrus chagresi 00 0 0 0 1 1
1 Loricariidae Ancistrus spinosus 00 0 0 1 0 1
1 Loricariidae Chaetostoma fischeri 00 0 0 0 1 1
1 Loricariidae Crossoloricaria variegata 00 0 0 0 0 1
1 Loricariidae Dasyloricaria capetensis 00 0 0 0 0 1
1 Loricariidae Dasyloricaria tuyrensis 00 0 0 0 0 1
1 Loricariidae Hypostomus panamensis 00 0 1 1 1 1
1 Loricariidae Lasiancistrus planiceps 00 0 0 0 1 1
1 Loricariidae Leptoancistrus canensis 00 0 0 1 1 1
1 Loricariidae Rineloricaria altipinnis 00 0 0 0 0 1
1 Loricariidae Rineloricaria uracantha 00 0 1 0 1 1
1 Loricariidae Sturisoma panamense 00 0 0 1 0 1
1 Loricariidae Sturisomatichthys citurensis 00 0 0 0 0 1
1 Pimelodidae Imparales panamensis 00 0 0 1 1 1
1 Pimelodidae Nannorhamdia lineata 00 0 1 0 0 0
1 Pimelodidae Pimelodella chagresi 00 0 1 1 1 1
1 Pimelodidae Pimelodella sp. nov. ‘recent’ 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
1 Pimelodidae Pimelodus clarias 00 0 0 0 0 1
1 Pimelodidae Pseudopimelodus zungaro 00 0 0 0 0 1
1 Pimelodidae Rhamdia laticauda 11 1 1 1 1 0
1 Pimelodidae Rhamdia nicaraguensis 11 0 0 0 0 0
1 Pimelodidae Rhamdia quelen 11 1 1 1 1 1
1 Rhamphichthyidae Brachyhypopomus occidentalis 00 1 1 1 1 1
1 Sternopygidae Eigenmannia humboldtii 00 0 0 0 0 1
1 Sternopygidae Sternopygus macrurus 00 0 1 1 0 1
1 Trichomycteridae Trichomycterus striatus 00 0 1 1 1 1
2 Anablepidae Oxyzygonectes dovii 11 0 1 1 0 0
2 Aplocheilidae Rivulus birkhahni 00 1 0 0 0 0
2 Aplocheilidae Rivulus brunneus 00 0 0 0 1 1
2 Aplocheilidae Rivulus chucunaque 00 0 0 0 1 1
2 Aplocheilidae Rivulus frommi 00 0 0 1 1 0
2 Aplocheilidae Rivulus fuscolineatus 11 0 0 0 0 0
2 Aplocheilidae Rivulus hildebrandi 00 0 1 1 0 0
2 Aplocheilidae Rivulus isthmensis 11 1 0 0 0 0
2 Aplocheilidae Rivulus kuelpmanni 00 1 0 0 0 0
2 Aplocheilidae Rivulus montium 00 0 0 0 1 0
2 Aplocheilidae Rivulus rubripunctatus 00 1 0 0 0 0
2 Aplocheilidae Rivulus sp. nov. ‘Rio Cocle del Norte’ 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
2 Aplocheilidae Rivulus uroflammeus 00 0 1 0 0 0
2 Aplocheilidae Rivulus wassamanni 00 1 0 0 0 0
2 Aplocheilidae Rivulus weberi 00 0 0 0 1 1
2 Cichlidae Aequidens coeruleopunctatus 00 0 1 1 1 1
S. A. Smith and E. Bermingham
Journal of Biogeography 32, 1835–1854, ª 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Table 1 continued
tolerance Family Species
Nicaragua Bocas Chiriqui
Maria Chagres Tuira
2 Cichlidae Amphilophus calobrensis 00 0 0 0 0 1
2 Cichlidae Amphilophus citrinellus 10 0 0 0 0 0
2 Cichlidae Amphilophus lyonsi 00 0 1 0 0 0
2 Cichlidae Amphilophus umbriferum 00 0 0 0 0 1
2 Cichlidae Archocentrus centrarchus 10 0 0 0 0 0
2 Cichlidae Archocentrus myrnae 00 1 0 0 0 0
2 Cichlidae Archocentrus nanoluteus 00 1 0 0 0 0
2 Cichlidae Archocentrus nigrofasciatus 11 1 0 0 0 0
2 Cichlidae Archocentrus panamensis 00 0 0 0 1 1
2 Cichlidae Archocentrus sajica 00 0 1 0 0 0
2 Cichlidae Archocentrus septemfasciatus 10 0 0 0 0 0
2 Cichlidae Astatheros alfari 11 0 0 0 0 0
2 Cichlidae Astatheros altifrons 00 0 1 0 0 0
2 Cichlidae Astatheros bussingi 00 1 0 0 0 0
2 Cichlidae Astatheros calobrense 00 0 0 0 0 1
2 Cichlidae Astatheros diquis 00 0 1 0 0 0
2 Cichlidae Astatheros longimanus 11 0 0 0 0 0
2 Cichlidae Astatheros rhytisma 00 1 0 0 0 0
2 Cichlidae Astatheros rostratus 10 0 0 0 0 0
2 Cichlidae Cichlasoma atromaculatus 00 0 0 0 1 0
2 Cichlidae Geophagus crassilabris 00 0 0 0 1 1
2 Cichlidae Herotilapia multispinosa 11 0 0 0 0 0
2 Cichlidae Hypsophrys nicaraguensis 10 0 0 0 0 0
2 Cichlidae Neetroplus nematopus 10 0 0 0 0 0
2 Cichlidae Parachromis dovii 11 0 0 0 0 0
2 Cichlidae Parachromis loisellei 10 1 0 0 0 0
2 Cichlidae Parachromis managuensis 10 0 0 0 0 0
2 Cichlidae Theraps sieboldii 01 0 1 1 0 0
2 Cichlidae Theraps sp. nov. ‘Rio Viento’ 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
2 Cichlidae Theraps underwoodi 10 0 0 0 0 0
2 Cichlidae Vieja maculicauda 10 0 0 0 1 0
2 Cichlidae Vieja tuyrensis 00 0 0 0 0 1
2 Poeciliidae Alfaro cultratus 11 1 0 0 0 0
2 Poeciliidae Belonesox belizanus 10 0 0 0 0 0
2 Poeciliidae Brachyrhaphis cascajalensis 00 1 0 0 1 1
2 Poeciliidae Brachyrhaphis episcopi 00 0 0 1 1 1
2 Poeciliidae Brachyrhaphis holdridgei 10 0 0 0 0 0
2 Poeciliidae Brachyrhaphis olomina 11 0 0 0 0 0
2 Poeciliidae Brachyrhaphis parismina 10 0 0 0 0 0
2 Poeciliidae Brachyrhaphis rhabdophora 11 0 1 0 0 0
2 Poeciliidae Brachyrhaphis roseni 00 0 1 1 0 0
2 Poeciliidae Brachyrhaphis roswithae 00 0 0 1 1 0
2 Poeciliidae Brachyrhaphis terrabensis 00 0 1 0 0 0
2 Poeciliidae Gambusia nicaraguensis 10 0 0 0 0 0
2 Poeciliidae Neoheterandria cana 00 0 0 0 0 1
2 Poeciliidae Neoheterandria tridentiger 00 1 1 1 1 1
2 Poeciliidae Neoheterandria umbratilis 10 0 0 0 0 0
2 Poeciliidae Phallichthys amates 11 1 0 0 0 0
2 Poeciliidae Phallichthys quadripunctatus 00 1 0 0 0 0
2 Poeciliidae Phallichthys tico 10 0 0 0 0 0
2 Poeciliidae Poecilia caucana 00 0 0 0 0 1
2 Poeciliidae Poecilia gillii 11 1 1 1 1 1
2 Poeciliidae Poeciliopsis elongata 01 0 1 1 0 1
2 Poeciliidae Poeciliopsis paucimaculata 00 0 1 0 0 0
2 Poeciliidae Poeciliopsis retropinna 00 0 1 0 0 0
2 Poeciliidae Poeciliopsis sp. nov. ‘La Yeguada’ 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
Lower Mesoamerican fish biogeography
Journal of Biogeography 32, 1835–1854, ª 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1841
Euclidean distances and Jaccard’s similarity coefficient differed
in the identification of drainage membership in biogeograph-
ical provinces, we examined the distribution of species’ ranges
across regions of high faunal turnover in order to resolve any
inconsistencies between dendrograms regarding the placement
of biogeographical boundaries. Moreover, we examined the
data for drainages that may have been inappropriately assigned
to a biogeographical province as a result of inadequate
sampling of the fauna of that particular drainage. In general,
when we deemed that drainages were positioned in an
inappropriate cluster owing to inadequate sampling, we placed
these drainages in a biogeographical province based on the
geographical location of the drainage.
Community composition, species richness, endemism,
and range size
We calculated the relative community composition of bioge-
ographical provinces by dividing the species richness of each
freshwater fish family by the total number of species present in
each biogeographical province, providing an estimate of the
relative contribution of each family to the observed species
richness for the province. Endemic species were defined as
species whose global distributions are limited to one biogeo-
graphical province in the LMA region. The number of endemic
species for each biogeographical province was divided by the
species richness of the province to obtain a measure of the
relative degree of endemism of each biogeographical province.
The range size of LMA freshwater fishes was calculated by
summing the number of biogeographical provinces occupied
by each species.
The relative permeability of dispersal barriers between bioge-
ographical provinces was estimated by the specific covariance
of occurrence between provinces. The specific covariance of
occurrence (Bell, 2003) provides a standard method of
expressing Whittaker’s (1975) concept of beta-diversity and
is defined as
; X
NðN 1Þ
where n
is the number of species that occur at both sites
(provinces in this article), n
is the number of species that
occur at site j but not at site k, n
is the number of species that
occur at site k but not at site j, n
is the number of species
that do not occur at either of the sites, and N is the number of
species in the survey (in this case, 170). Larger values of
specific covariance between sites indicate greater faunal
similarity, or decreased beta-diversity or turnover between
the two sites.
Biogeographical provinces
The high degree of faunal turnover between the Rio Tuira in
eastern Panama and the Rio Atrato in north-western Colombia
(Loftin, 1965; Bermingham et al., 1997a) suggests that the
boundary between the countries, which follows the eastern
limit of the LMA cordillera extending from the Caribbean to
the Pacific coastline at the Colombian–Panama border
(Fig. 1), is also an important biogeographical barrier. Further-
more, north-western Colombia has a history and ichthyofauna
that predate the rise of the Isthmus of Panama (Coates et al.,
2004). At the other geographical extreme of LMA, a marine
corridor existed in the region of Lake Nicaragua and the Rio
San Juan well into the Pliocene (Coates & Obando, 1996),
separating LMA from nuclear Mesoamerica near the current
political boundary between Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Miller
(1966) and Bussing (1976), however, hypothesized that the
biogeographical provinces of both the Atlantic and Pacific
slopes of Costa Rica continued northwards into Nicaragua (the
San Juan and Chiapas-Nicaragua provinces, respectively),
suggesting that the political border between Costa Rica and
Nicaragua may not represent the northern terminus of the
biogeographical provinces described herein.
We identified seven biogeographical provinces (Fig. 2),
primarily based on convergent results of the UPGMA dendr-
ograms (Figs 3 & 4). For the large majority of cases, both
dendrograms yielded very similar results with respect to
faunistic relationships between drainage basins and between
areas. In addition, our cophenetic correlation analyses for
UPGMA clusters based on Jaccard’s similarity coefficient
(r ¼ 0.85) and Euclidean distances (r ¼ 0.83) indicate that
our UPGMA clusters represent a good fit to our data.
Nevertheless, several inconsistencies between the dendro-
grams exist. First, the dendrogram based on Euclidean
distances clustered several drainage basins from the Tuira
and Chagres provinces together. This depiction of the faunistic
Table 1 continued
tolerance Family Species
Nicaragua Bocas Chiriqui
Maria Chagres Tuira
2 Poeciliidae Poeciliopsis turrubarensis 01 0 1 1 0 1
2 Poeciliidae Priapichthys annectens 11 1 0 0 0 0
2 Poeciliidae Priapichthys darienensis 00 0 0 1 0 1
2 Poeciliidae Priapichthys panamensis 01 0 1 0 0 0
2 Synbranchidae Synbranchus marmoratus 11 1 1 1 1 1
S. A. Smith and E. Bermingham
Journal of Biogeography 32, 1835–1854, ª 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
relationships between drainages differed from that based on
Jaccard’s similarity coefficient (Fig. 4), which placed the
drainage basins of the Tuira and Chagres provinces in separate
clusters. The clusters based on Euclidean distances (Fig. 3)
reflect the faunal similarity of these rivers owing to the
substantial number of shared species between the Tuira and
Chagres provinces. In addition, the substantial number of
species whose distribution is limited to the extremes of eastern
Pacific Panama (the Tuira province) probably contributed to
the relative dissimilarity among drainages within the Tuira
province. We conclude, however, that the drainage basins on
the Caribbean and Pacific slopes of eastern Panama represent
discrete areas of faunal similarity and therefore qualify as
separate biogeographical provinces (Fig. 4).
Furthermore, the dendrograms (Figs 3 & 4) identified
different drainages separating the Santa Maria and Chiriqui
provinces. This inconsistency clearly arises as a result of
inadequate sampling of the Rio Playita, Rio Pavo, Rio Oria and
Rio Cana drainage basins in the transitional area between
provinces, as well as the natural decline in species richness
along the Azuero Peninsula owing to a peninsular effect. Thus,
we placed these drainages in biogeographical provinces based
on the drainages’ geographical locations. Finally, in cases for
which the two dendrograms yielded differing descriptions of
the faunal relationships between drainage basins and between
areas, we also considered the distribution of species’ ranges
across province boundaries to settle inconsistencies between
dendrograms. For example, based on the eight species whose
westernmost distributions are located in the Rio Santa Maria,
and the six species whose easternmost distributions are
situated in the Rio Tabasara and the Rio San Pedro (three in
each), we concluded that the boundary between the biogeo-
graphical provinces of the Chiriqui and Santa Maria provinces
should be placed along the eastern edge of the Rio San Pablo
and the Rio San Pedro drainages (Fig. 4). The entire region,
however, clearly represents an area of broad faunal turnover
between the Santa Maria and the Chiriqui provinces.
Hugueny & Leveque (1994) point out that, because the
dispersal of freshwater fishes often depends on direct
connections between neighbouring rivers, the mean faunistic
distance between drainage basins may be positively correlated
with the geographical distance between drainages. Thus, it is
critical to remove the variation that results from a drainage’s
geographical position. We therefore analysed our data using
partial Mantel tests in order to remove the effect of the spatial
positioning of the drainage basins, and found a significant
correlation between the faunistic distances described in matrix
x (y) and matrix x (z). We conclude that the faunistic
relationships did not arise solely as a result of the spatial
arrangement of the drainage basins (Table 2). Rather, the
results of the partial Mantel tests suggest that the clusters that
we used to define the biogeographical provinces identified
groups of drainages with shared biological history. Similar
processes acting in the described biogeographical provinces
have given rise to the observed faunal similarity among
drainages within a province, and, therefore, patterns within the
provinces can be used to illuminate the mechanisms respon-
sible for the distribution and diversity of freshwater fishes at
the landscape scale of LMA.
Previous attempts to describe the biogeographical provinces
of the freshwater fish fauna of Mesoamerica led to the
description of only four regions the Chiapas-Nicaragua,
Usumacinta, San Juan, and Isthmian provinces (Miller, 1966;
Bussing, 1976). The reduced biogeographical resolution of
these studies results from differences in the knowledge
regarding the distribution of Mesoamerican fishes, and from
the larger spatial scale at which their analyses were performed.
For example, our results are based on more complete
Figure 2 The biogeographical provinces of
LMA. The faunistic relationships between
LMA drainage basins were inferred based on
concordance between methodologies and
summarized to describe the biogeographical
provinces of LMA freshwater fishes depicted
in this figure.
Lower Mesoamerican fish biogeography
Journal of Biogeography 32, 1835–1854, ª 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1843
3.6 3 2.4 1.8
1.2 0.6 0
Rio Robalo
Rio Guarumo
Rio Guariviara
Rio Canaveral
Rio San San
Rio Calovebora
Rio Changuinola
Rio Tortuguero
Rio San Juan CR
Rio Parismina
Rio Matina
Rio Tempisque
Rio Bebedero
Rio Tarcoles
Rio Barranca
Rio Terraba
Rio Pirris
Rio San Juan
Rio Palo Blanco
Rio Escarrea
Rio Platanal
Rio Chiriqui
Rio Coto
Rio Chiriqui Viejo
Rio Chico
Rio Tebario
Rio Tonosi
Rio Farallon
Rio La Villa
Rio Santa Maria
Rio Chorrera
Rio Chame
Rio Parita
Rio Anton
Rio Pavo
Rio Oria
Rio Playita
Rio Cana
Rio Tabasara
Rio San Felix
Rio Estero Salado
Rio San Pedro
Rio San Pablo
Rio Cate
Rio Lara
Rio Iglesia
Rio Tuira
Rio Sambu
Rio Bayano
Rio Cocle del Sur
Rio Sajalices
Rio Grande
Rio Capira
Rio Pacora
Rio Juan Diaz
Rio Caimito
Rio Cabra
Rio Mandinga
Rio Chagres
Rio Azucar
Rio Cascajal
Rio Cuadi
Rio Acla
Rio Cuango
Rio Cocle del Norte
Rio Pina Pina
Rio Miguel de la Borda
Rio Indio
Rio Playon Chico
Rios of Nicoya Peninsula
Rio Cricamola
Rio Sixaola
Rio Uyama
Q. Marin
Q. La Margarita
Q. La Gloria
Q. Cilico Creek
Figure 3 Dendogram depicting the faunal relationships among LMA drainage basins as defined by a UPGMA cluster analysis based on the measure of Euclidean distances. The colours adjacent
to the names of the drainages denote their respective biogeographical provinces (we used the same colour scheme as in Fig. 2). The biogeographical provinces (denoted by their colours in
parentheses) are as follows: San Juan (yellow), Chiapas-Nicaragua (green), Bocas (orange), Chiriqui (maroon), Chagres (red), Santa Maria (grey) and Tuira (teal).
S. A. Smith and E. Bermingham
Journal of Biogeography 32, 1835–1854, ª 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
0.04 0.2 0.36 0.52
Jaccard’s Coefficient
0.68 0.84 1
Rio Tortuguero
Rio San Juan CR
Rio Parismina
Rio Matina
Rio Tempisque
Rio Tarcoles
Rio Bebedero
Rio Robalo
Rio Guarumo
Rio Cricamola
Rio Sixaola
Rio Changuinola
Q. Cilico Creek
Rio Uyama
Rio Pina Pina
Rio Sajalices
Rio Playita
Rio Pavo
Rio Oria
Rio Cana
Rio Terraba
Rio Pirris
Rio San Juan
Rio San Felix
Rio Palo Blanco
Rio Tabasara
Rio San Pedro
San Pablo
Rio Estero Salado
Rio Chiriqui Viejo
Rio Coto
Rio Chiriqui
Rio Escarrea
Rio Platanal
Rio Chico
Rio Chorrera
Rio Tebario
Rio Cate
Rio Tonosi
Rio Farallon
Rio Chame
Rio La Villa
Rio Parita
Rio Santa Maria
Rio Cocle del Sur
Rio Anton
Rio Sambu
Rio Lara
Rio Iglesia
Rio Pacora
Rio Juan Diaz
Rio Grande
Rio Capira
Rio Caimito
Rio Cabra
Rio Tuira
Rio Bayano
Rio Miguel de la Borda
Rio Indio
Rio Cocle del Norte
Rio Chagres
Rio Cuango
Rio Cuadi
Rio Cascajal
Rio Mandinga
Rio Playon Chico
Rio Azucar
Rio Acla
Rio San San
Q. La Gloria
Rio Calovebora
Rio Barranca
Rios of Nicoya Peninsula
Q. La Margarita
Q. Marin
Rio Guariviara
Rio Canaveral
Figure 4 Dendogram depicting the faunal relationships among LMA drainage basins as defined by a UPGMA cluster analysis based on Jaccard’s similarity coefficient. The colours adjacent to the
names of the drainages denote their respective biogeographical provinces (we used the same colour scheme as in Fig. 2). The biogeographical provinces (denoted by their colours in parentheses)
are as follows: San Juan (yellow), Chiapas-Nicaragua (green), Bocas (orange), Chiriqui (maroon), Chagres (red), Santa Maria (grey) and Tuira (teal).
Lower Mesoamerican fish biogeography
Journal of Biogeography 32, 1835–1854, ª 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1845
geographical sampling, and clearly demonstrate significant
faunal turnover across the Isthmian province described by
Miller (1966) and Bussing (1976). We define four discrete
biogeographical provinces in this region: Chiriqui, Santa
Maria, Tuira and Chagres (Fig. 2). In addition, Bussing
(1976) locates the southern boundary of the San Juan province
east of the Rio Calovebora, a result not supported by our data,
which establish a faunal break between the Rio Matina and the
Rio Sixaola drainage basins. Our analysis identifies a new
biogeographical province in the region of Bocas del Toro
encompassing the drainage basins between the Rio Calovebora
and the Rio Sixaola (Bocas province), with the San Juan
province to the north, probably extending to the Prinzapoloka
drainage basin of Nicaragua, as previously asserted by Bussing
(1976). The divide between the Rio Tarcoles and the Rio Pirris
forms the biogeographical province of Chiapas-Nicaragua to
the north, and the newly named Chiriqui province to the
south. This boundary corresponds to that described by Miller
(1966) and Bussing (1976) between their Chiapas-Nicaragua
and Isthmian provinces.
Community composition and species richness of LMA
biogeographical provinces
Changes in community composition and to a lesser extent in
species richness are striking as one travels east to west across
the LMA landscape, reflecting changes in the relative
contribution of primary versus secondary freshwater fishes.
Species representing families of the secondary freshwater
fishes Cichlidae and Poeciliidae have undergone substantial
diversification and predominate in nuclear Mesoamerica, and
this is reflected in the biogeographical provinces of north-
western LMA (the San Juan, Chiapas-Nicaragua, and Bocas
provinces, Fig. 5), whereas primary freshwater fishes are a
considerably more prominent feature of south-eastern LMA
communities. For example, Cichlidae and Poeciliidae consti-
tute more than 60% of the San Juan fauna, whereas
Characidae constitute only 18% of the total species richness
of this province and Loricariidae are completely absent. In
contrast, primary freshwater fishes of the Characidae family,
and to a lesser extent of the Loricariidae family, contribute a
much larger percentage of the total species richness of the
south-eastern biogeographical provinces of LMA (the Chir-
iqui, Santa Maria, Chagres and Tuira provinces, Fig. 5). This
trend is most clearly exemplified in the Chagres province,
where Characidae and Loricariidae make up approximately
50% of the fauna, while Poeciliidae and Cichlidae represent
only 17% of the total number of species present. However,
changes in community composition across the LMA land-
scape are not mirrored by changes in the species richness of
the biogeographical provinces. Species richness is highest at
the eastern extreme of LMA, but does not decline smoothly
as one travels west across the LMA, reflecting the counter-
acting contribution of the diversification of the Cichlidae and
Poeciliidae in north-western lower and nuclear Mesoamerica.
This pattern is most clearly demonstrated by the increase in
species richness in the San Juan and Chiriqui provinces
(Fig. 6).
Figure 5 The relative contributions of
selected LMA freshwater fish families to the
species richness of the LMA biogeographical
Table 2 Results from two partial Mantel tests that were used to
evaluate the significance of the faunistic relationships among LMA
drainage basins established by UPGMA cluster analyses based
on Euclidean distances and Jaccard’s similarity coefficient. Three
matrices were used for each of the two partial Mantel tests that
were performed. Each partial Mantel test used a matrix that des-
cribed the geographic distances between drainages to remove the
effects of the spatial positioning of the drainages, and two matrices
that described the faunistic distance/similarity between rivers
based on the two sets of randomly defined species lists
Measure of faunal
similarity/distance r
No. of
permutations P-value
Euclidean distance 0.447 9999 < 0.0005
Jaccard’s similarity
0.609 9999 < 0.0005
S. A. Smith and E. Bermingham
Journal of Biogeography 32, 1835–1854, ª 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Regional processes and biological differences among fresh-
water fish families played a central role in giving rise to the
geographical variation in community composition across the
LMA landscape. The emergence of the Isthmus of Panama over
a period of 15 million years beginning in the mid-Miocene,
coupled with episodes of sea-level regression, set the stage for
the colonization of Mesoamerica by primary freshwater fishes
(Miller, 1966; Myers, 1966; Bussing, 1976, 1985; Bermingham
& Martin, 1998; Perdices et al., 2002), and probably by
secondary freshwater fishes as well (Murphy & Collier, 1996;
Martin & Bermingham, 1998). In particular, several periods of
geological development of the LMA landscape appear to have
played important roles in determining the success of LMA
freshwater fish colonists.
In the mid-Miocene, the region of present-day LMA was
made up of a series of islands; marine connections between the
Pacific and Caribbean were commonplace, and Central and
South America were separated by an ocean barrier of abyssal-
bathyal depths (> 2000 m) in the region of present-day eastern
Panama and the Colombian Choco (Coates & Obando, 1996).
There is no evidence that primary freshwater fishes colonized
Mesoamerica during this time, but molecular analyses based
on an mtDNA cytochrome b molecular clock suggest that
heroine cichlids (Martin & Bermingham, 1998) and Rivulus
(Murphy & Collier, 1996) arrived approximately 18–15 Ma
(1–1.2% sequence divergence per Myr, Bermingham et al.,
1997b). How they did so is unknown. However, our
presumption is that colonization was facilitated by some
physiological tolerance of seawater.
There are many examples of salinity tolerance in cichlids;
for example, the earliest fossil records of cichlids in South
America in the Miocene strongly suggest that cichlids
migrated from Africa to South America across the South
Atlantic via the South Equatorial Current (Murray, 2001),
providing biogeographical evidence that cichlids are capable
of crossing marine barriers. Furthermore, it is important to
note when considering the dispersal of freshwater fishes
across salt-water barriers that salinity levels of seawater may
vary (Matthews, 1998). Lindsey & McPhail (1986) noted that
temporary freshwater or brackish-water bridges can be
formed in the sea during periods of high runoff, which
may facilitate dispersal of freshwater taxa across oceanic gaps
separating freshwater environments. It is therefore possible
that salinity tolerance coupled with large flooding events
associated with the northward discharge of the proto-Amazon
in the region of the Magdalena river and Maracaibo basin
(Lundberg et al., 1998; Perdices et al., 2002) provided the
means for the Miocene colonization of Mesoamerica by
secondary freshwater fishes, an event that pre-dated the final
uplift of the Isthmus of Panama. The hypothesis of chance
colonization during the Miocene is supported by molecular
analyses: the phylogenies for heroine cichlids and Rivulus
suggest that the colonization of Mesoamerica occurred once
or no more than several times in each clade approximately
18–15 Ma (Martin & Bermingham, 1998).
Molecular analyses of extant taxa suggest that modern
lineages of freshwater fishes did not colonize Mesoamerica
prior to the mid-Miocene (Bermingham & Martin, 1998;
Martin & Bermingham, 1998), and the fossil record does not
suggest otherwise. Moreover, none of the North American
primary freshwater fish families successfully colonized Meso-
america south of Guatemala, and only the salt-tolerant
Neararctic gars have managed to colonize as far south as the
Great Lakes basin of Nicaragua and Costa Rica (Miller, 1966).
Multiple lines of evidence therefore suggest that the streams
and rivers of the LMA landscape very probably contained
highly depauperate primary and secondary freshwater fish
communities. Thus, we postulate that early LMA freshwater
fish colonists encountered many empty ecological niches.
Conditions during the mid-Miocene in nuclear Central
America fostered an adaptive radiation among the Cichlidae
and Poeciliidae in order to fill the ‘ostariophysan vacuum’ that
existed in Mesoamerica at the time (Myers, 1966; Martin &
Bermingham, 1998). This early radiation explains the relatively
large contribution of Cichlidae and Poeciliidae to the species
richness of northern LMA.
The continuing uplift of the Panamanian Isthmus, com-
bined with the dramatically reduced sea level (Haq et al., 1987)
at the close of the Miocene, may have resulted in the ephemeral
emergence of the Isthmus (Savin & Douglas, 1985) perhaps
providing the earliest opportunity for the colonization of LMA
by primary freshwater fishes (Bermingham & Martin, 1998).
The Pliocene high sea-level stand would certainly have
inundated the nascent Isthmus, causing extirpation and
allopatric separation in central and eastern Panama. Local
extinction events probably facilitated the subsequent coloniza-
tion of freshwater fishes in this region, which may partially
explain the relative richness of primary freshwater fishes in this
region. Unlike the initial colonization of Mesoamerica by
Figure 6 Species richness of the biogeographical provinces of
Lower Mesoamerican fish biogeography
Journal of Biogeography 32, 1835–1854, ª 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1847
secondary freshwater fishes, where the successful colonization
of nuclear Central America was determined by hypothesized
differences in salinity tolerance among freshwater fish families,
the success of subsequent colonization events would have been
primarily determined by the fishes’ abilities to disperse across
the landscape as well as by the conditions (distribution and
diversity of fishes) of the putative source populations in north-
western South America. The species richness of Characidae and
Loricariidae in north-western Colombia far surpasses the
species richness of other families of freshwater fishes (Table 3).
These conditions clearly favoured colonization and subsequent
allopatric diversification of the Characidae, and to a lesser
extent of the Loricariidae, in eastern and central Panama,
explaining the high species richness of primary freshwater
fishes in south-eastern LMA.
The final closure of the Isthmus was completed approxi-
mately 3.5–3.1 Ma, serving to establish a permanent connec-
tion between north-western Colombia and eastern Panama,
which in turn permitted the Great American Biotic Inter-
change across the LMA landbridge (Marshall et al., 1979; Stehli
& Webb, 1985; Coates et al., 1992; Coates & Obando, 1996).
Subsequent geological evolution of the LMA landscape
resulted in the isolation of certain areas, which had important
consequences for the dispersal and diversification of the fauna
in these regions (Bermingham & Martin, 1998). For example,
the rise of the Central Cordillera was an important vicariant
event, which separated the faunas of the Caribbean and Pacific
slopes of LMA (3–2 Ma, Collins et al., 1995). Moreover,
dispersal events of freshwater fishes were increasingly limited
in their spatial extent as a result of the geological development
of the LMA landscape (Bermingham & Martin, 1998). Thus, it
is likely that, owing to geological processes, only the first
colonization event of primary freshwater fishes reached the
northern drainage basins of Costa Rica (Bermingham &
Martin, 1998), leading to the disparity of the relative richness
of primary and secondary fishes across LMA.
Dispersal and speciation following the colonization of
The relative importance of dispersal and speciation events
in shaping patterns of distribution and diversity of LMA
freshwater fishes following initial colonization varies across the
spatial extent of LMA. Fifty-eight percent of the LMA
ichthyofauna is endemic to LMA, suggesting that regional
speciation has clearly played an important role in shaping
patterns of diversity of the LMA freshwater fish fauna.
Nevertheless, it is apparent that dispersal is a persistent aspect
of the LMA biota.
Adjacent provinces along the same slope have exchanged
faunas with increased frequency relative to provinces separated
by the continental divide. Cross-cordillera turnover values of
adjacent provinces were more pronounced than those of
adjacent provinces along the same slope in 12 out of 18 cases
(Table 4). This contrast in faunal turnover is probably the
result of two general geological mechanisms: (1) river capture;
and (2) river anastomosis across low-gradient palaeoland-
scapes. Both of these geological mechanisms certainly have
larger impacts on adjacent drainages on the same slope for two
principal reasons. First, drainage captures across a continental
divide function to increase faunal similarity only to the extent
that the fish species are likely to inhabit the captured reaches of
the river. As Hildebrand (1938) noted, LMA rivers become
increasingly depauperate with increasing elevation, thus
precluding a large number of fish species from taking part in
cross-Cordillera dispersal. Furthermore, Bishop (1995) indi-
cated that the drainage rearrangements necessary for the
dispersal of primary freshwater fishes across the landscape are
rarer than biogeographers had previously speculated. In sum,
river capture may rarely cause cross-cordillera faunal exchange
Table 4 Specific covariation among the
biogeographical provinces of LMA. The spe-
cific covariation metric is an estimate of beta-
diversity, where larger values of the specific
covariation indicate reduced species turnover
between biogeographical provinces. We used
the presence/absence of freshwater fish in the
described biogeographical provinces to
calculate these values
San Juan
Nicaragua Bocas Chiriqui Santa Maria Chagres Tuira
San Juan X
0.090 X
Bocas 0.032 X
Chiriqui )0.023 0.029 )0.011 X
Santa Maria )0.002 0.079 X
Chagres )0.007 0.064 X
Tuira 0.065 0.073 X
Table 3 Contribution of several freshwater fish families to the
overall species richness of the Rio Atrato and Rio Magdalena
drainage basins in north-western Colombia. We estimated the
percentage contribution of several obligate freshwater fish families
to the total species richness of the Rio Atrato and Magdalena
drainage basins based on data contained in the NEODAT data base
Freshwater fish family Salinity tolerance Percentage contribution
Characidae 1 35.2
Loricariidae 1 11.1
Aplocheilidae 2 2.7
Cichlidae 2 6.0
Poeciliidae 2 2.4
Synbranchidae 2 0.3
S. A. Smith and E. Bermingham
Journal of Biogeography 32, 1835–1854, ª 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
of any magnitude. Second, river anastomosis obviously has no
impact on the faunal similarity of rivers on opposite sides of a
continental divide, but figures importantly in the facilitation of
faunal exchange among adjacent rivers along the same slope,
particularly at reduced sea level in regions where the gradient
of the continental slope is small.
An obvious exception to the general lack of cross-Cordillera
faunal exchange regards the biogeographical provinces of San
Juan and Chiapas-Nicaragua, marked by the lowest recorded
value of species turnover (Table 4). This region is character-
ized by relatively low topography, and the traverse from the
Rio Tempisque drainage basin (Pacific) across the Isthmus to
the Rio San Carlos (part of the Rio San Juan drainage basin,
Caribbean) does not rise above 45 m in altitude (Coates &
Obando, 1996). The dispersal of freshwater fishes has
obviously not been as strongly impeded between the San Juan
and Chiapas-Nicaragua provinces in comparison with other
areas in LMA where the Cordillera reaches much higher
elevations and represents a more formidable barrier to fish
dispersal. The faunal similarity between these provinces may
also have been promoted by local extinction events, and
subsequent re-colonization, associated with marine inunda-
tions of the southern Chiapas-Nicaragua province during
interglacial periods (Haq et al., 1987). Extinction can also be
invoked to give a partial explanation of the low species richness
and absence of endemic fishes in the Chiapas-Nicaragua
The Pacific slope of Panama, owing to the large number of
shared species between biogeographical provinces, provides
one of the clearest examples of facilitated dispersal among
rivers along the same slope. 16 of the 25 species shared between
the Chiriqui and the Santa Maria provinces are also shared
with the Tuira province. The low degree of faunal turnover
between Pacific slope drainages, coupled with the pattern of
increasing faunal turnover from east to west, has several
possible explanations. It is probable that the nascent Isthmus
was characterized by relatively little topographic heterogeneity
and thus by relatively large drainage basins with very similar
faunas among Pacific coast biogeographical provinces. As the
topographic complexity of the Isthmus increased, opportun-
ities for river anastomosis and faunal exchange between some
biogeographical provinces are likely to have decreased. For
example, a coastal mountain chain bisecting the Santa Maria
and Chiriqui biogeographical provinces developed in the
region of the Sona peninsula. This peninsula extends close to
the continental edge and thus there would have been little or
no opportunity for rivers at the adjacent margins of the
Chiriqui and Santa Maria provinces to anastomose across the
exposed continental floodplain. Our analysis suggests, not
surprisingly, that both the geographical description of bioge-
ographical provinces, and the porosity of biogeographical
barriers separating them probably changed over time. Fur-
thermore, the relatively high endemicity of Chiriqui province
(30%) is probably a result of its increasing isolation over time.
This view of landscape change over time, and the increasing
evolutionary independence of the biogeographical provinces
along the Pacific slope, is supported by molecule-based
phylogeographic analysis of widespread taxa across the
LMA landscape (Bermingham & Martin, 1998; Perdices et al.,
Our results combined with molecular analyses (Bermingham
& Martin, 1998) permit a strong inference that dispersal events
resulting from river anastomosis occurring during periods of
reduced sea level have had a large impact on the faunal
similarity of the Santa Maria and Tuira provinces. Thirty
species are shared by the Santa Maria and Tuira provinces, and
the faunal turnover between these provinces is relatively low
(Table 4). The increased likelihood of dispersal events in this
region can in part be attributed to the low gradient of the
continental shelf in the Bay of Panama (Loftin, 1965;
Bermingham & Martin, 1998). The gradual decline of the
continental shelf of the Bay of Panama combined with periods
of reduced sea level during glacial maxima would have greatly
facilitated fish dispersal through anastomizing lowland streams
and swamps extending from the Rio Tuira to the streams of the
Azuero Peninsula (Loftin, 1965; Bermingham & Martin, 1998).
We modelled the distribution of streams in the Bay of Panama
during the last glacial maxima using GRASS in order to
examine how periods of reduced sea level during the last glacial
maxima might have influenced the connectivity of present-day
drainages. Our GIS modelling analysis (Fig. 7) suggests that
many of the rivers that empty into the Bay of Panama were
connected during the last glacial maxima; however, the spatial
resolution of the data is not sufficient for us to present the
palaeodrainage patterns with precision. Nevertheless, it is clear
that geological processes facilitating dispersal between drai-
nages in this area have had a large influence on the patterns of
distribution and diversity observed in the Santa Maria and
Tuira provinces. Our findings complement those of Bishop
(1995), who suggested that the frequency of river captures is
rarer than previously hypothesized by biogeographers. Our
results indicate that river anastomosis during glacial maxima
may occur more frequently and have a significantly larger
impact on patterns of distribution and genetic divergence of
freshwater fishes than the process of river capture.
The pan-Pacific dispersal corridor of central Panama stands
in contrast to the relative isolation of Bocas province from
adjacent provinces on the Caribbean slope (Table 4). Speciation
has clearly had a large impact on patterns of distribution and
diversity in this region: 42% of the fauna is endemic to the
province (Fig. 8). Our analyses indicate that very strong
dispersal barriers exist between the Bocas province and the
ichthyological provinces along the same slope (the San Juan and
Chagres provinces). The faunal assembly of the Bocas province
may contain species (e.g. Brachyhypopomus; see Bermingham &
Martin, 1998) derived from an early colonization event 7–4 Ma,
followed by isolation from the rest of LMA approximately
3 Ma. The relative degree of isolation of the Bocas province
from its Caribbean slope neighbours can be partly attributed
to the gradient of the continental shelf in this area, which
probably acted to reduce the frequency and extent of river
anastomosis in this region relative to central Pacific Panama.
Lower Mesoamerican fish biogeography
Journal of Biogeography 32, 1835–1854, ª 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1849
Distribution of species ranges and dispersal limitation
The distribution of range size for the freshwater fishes of LMA
is geometric, whereby many more species have small ranges
than large ranges (Fig. 9). This pattern is mirrored by the
distribution of species ranges as a function of the number of
drainage basins occupied (data not presented). Hugueny (1990)
reported a similar geometric distribution for the range size of
Nilo-Sudanian freshwater fishes. Gaston (1994, 1996) has
argued that the principal determinants of range-size distribu-
tion are habitat availability, habitat generalism, breadth of
environmental tolerance and dispersal ability. The pattern of
the geometric distribution of range size, however, has also been
successfully reproduced by neutral community models in which
the demographic properties of individuals are the same and
dispersal gives rise to many of the macroecological patterns
reported in the ecological literature (Bell, 2001; Hubbell, 2001).
Dispersal limitation, whether it is as a manifestation of neutral
Figure 8 Patterns of endemism in the LMA biogeographical
provinces. The number of endemic species for each biogeo-
graphical province was divided by the species richness of the
province to obtain a measure of the relative degree of endemism of
each biogeographical province. The number above each of the bars
indicates the number of endemic species located in each province.
Figure 9 The distribution of range size (as measured by the
number of biogeographical provinces occupied) for the freshwater
fishes of LMA.
Figure 7 Bathymetric streams of LMA during the last interglacial (sea level was set at ) 110 m from present sea level). The bathymetric
streams were modelled using the r. function of GRASS.
S. A. Smith and E. Bermingham
Journal of Biogeography 32, 1835–1854, ª 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
processes, or a function of the breadth of a species’ environ-
mental tolerances and the corresponding distribution of habitat
across the landscape, or some combination thereof, is probably
responsible for the observed patterns of range-size distribution
of LMA freshwater fishes.
Given dispersal limitation, it would seem to follow that
secondary freshwater fishes would have larger range sizes than
primary fishes as a result of the increased salinity tolerance
posited for the former group, and thus an increased probability
of dispersal along coastlines. However, the average range sizes
of primary and secondary freshwater fishes are not significantly
different (t-test, P ¼ 0.54), suggesting that these fishes experi-
ence similar constraints on dispersal. The range-size distribu-
tion of both primary and secondary freshwater fishes follows a
geometric curve similar to that observed for the combined plot
of species ranges across the LMA biogeographical provinces
(Fig. 9). Many more species of both primary and secondary
freshwater fishes therefore have smaller ranges than larger
ranges. The small average range size of both primary and
secondary freshwater fishes indicates that dispersal along
coastlines must be a fairly infrequent event and that the
differential salinity tolerance hypothesized to distinguish
primary freshwater fishes from secondary freshwater fishes is
not an important determinant of range size. Hugueny (1990)
also rejected the hypothesis that secondary freshwater fish
species have larger ranges and are less dispersal-limited than
primary fishes for the Nilo-Sudanian freshwater fish fauna.
These results call into question the salinity tolerance of
primary and secondary freshwater fishes, which has never been
experimentally verified. However, there is no escaping the
observation that the distribution of the vast majority of primary
freshwater fishes is limited to the freshwaters of continents and
continental islands, whereas the distribution of secondary
freshwater fishes includes many islands that have not had
continental connections during the Cenozoic (West Indian
islands, Madagascar, the Seychelles, etc., Myers, 1949). Resolu-
tion of this apparent paradox would suggest that, whereas fishes
of some freshwater fish families encountered in Mesoamerica,
for example the Characidae and the Pimelodidae, are unlikely
ever to cross marine barriers, others such as the Cichlidae and
Poeciliidae are physiologically capable of doing so, but do so
only rarely. The hypothesis of rare marine dispersal posits a high
probability of monophyly in groups that have crossed marine
barriers to colonize new landscapes. This prediction appears to
be largely met by the Heroini (Cichlidae) found in Meso-
america and the Greater Antilles (Martin & Bermingham, 1998;
G. A. Concheiro et al. , unpubl. data). Additional phylogenetic
analysis as well as sophisticated physiological experimentation of
the salinity tolerance and adaptive potential of Neotropical
freshwater fishes are required to determine how variable this trait
is within and between families. More detailed analysis of Myers’s
(1949) intelligent and provocative deduction regarding salinity
tolerance differences in freshwater fishes based on the biogeo-
graphical distribution of freshwater fish families is warranted,
given the enormous importance of his ideas for the interpret-
ation of fish dispersal probability, and, in turn, Earth history.
Our study clearly indicates that regional processes had an
important influence on the assembly of the LMA freshwater
fish fauna and that, in particular, the process of dispersal
probably plays an ongoing role in the maintenance of LMA
freshwater fish assemblages. This observation has important
ramifications for both theory and conservation. Our results
suggest that the study of regional processes is essential to
explaining patterns of biological diversity. Biogeographical
analyses of regional faunas at large spatial scales coupled with
phylogeographic analyses that elucidate regional colonization
history will certainly provide further insight into the processes
that determine patterns of biodiversity. Biogeographical
studies paint the backdrop upon which local interactions play
themselves out, permitting inference regarding the relative
importance of local and regional processes in shaping the
diversity and structure of ecological communities. This
observation lends support to the importance of a top-down
approach to the study of species richness and diversity (Tonn
et al., 1990; Ricklefs & Schluter, 1993; Whittaker et al., 2001).
Freshwater faunas are among the most threatened taxa on
the planet (Ricciardi & Rasmussen, 1999). However, conser-
vation efforts in areas such as LMA have suffered from a
scarcity of large-scale descriptions of biodiversity patterns
capable of informing conservation decisions. Our analyses
identify areas of high faunal endemism and species richness of
the LMA freshwater fish fauna. These areas are of high
conservation value and provide a baseline for informing
conservation strategies in LMA. Similar studies of other
organisms in this area and across the globe will provide
important information for conservation planners and policy
makers alike.
Our results also emphasize the importance of designing
conservation strategies that permit the continued influence of
regional processes on patterns of local diversity. The import-
ance of dispersal in maintaining species richness over ecolog-
ical and geologic time-scales via rescue effects (Brown &
Kodric-Brown, 1977) suggests that the maintenance of
dispersal corridors between areas of suitable habitat both
within and among drainage basins should be an important
conservation priority. Drainage basins that are increasingly
isolated are more susceptible to local extirpation (or extinction
if the species is endemic to the drainage basin) and less likely to
receive colonizers (Olden et al., 2001). We conclude, therefore,
by calling for conservation planning and action that acknow-
ledges the importance that regional processes play in deter-
mining patterns of biological diversity and that incorporates
these processes in our strategies to conserve remnant bio-
We would especially like to thank Gustavo A. Concheiro P. for
his help with GRASS- and GIS-related analyses presented in
this manuscript. We would also like to thank the following
Lower Mesoamerican fish biogeography
Journal of Biogeography 32, 1835–1854, ª 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1851
people, who provided invaluable assistance in the preparation
of the data presented herein: Vijay Aswani, Grettehun Grajales,
Rigoberto Gonzalez, Oris Sanjur, as well as other members of
the Bell and Bermingham laboratories for their support. This
study would not have been possible without the development
of the STRI freshwater fish collection, and the major contri-
butions to the collection made by Heidi Banford, Andrew
Martin and Anabel Perdices. Bernard Hugueny provided
insightful statistical advice as well as comments on a previous
draft of this manuscript. Leslie G. Payne kindly read an early
version of this manuscript, and Bob McDowall provided sound
editorial advice. S.A.S. was supported by the Canadian
government through a Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council of Canada PGS A scholarship. We would
also like to thank the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
for financial and logistical support. This article is a contribu-
tion of the McGill-STRI Neotropical Environment Option,
and represents partial fulfilment of the requirements of the
MSc degree for that program.
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Scott A. Smith is currently pursing his research interests in a PhD program in the Department of Biology at McGill University,
where he is studying the nature of invasion and its impacts on community structure, as well as the effects of human modification of
the environment on the functioning of ecological systems. The research for this paper was conducted during the completion of
Scott’s Master’s degree under the auspices of the Neotropical Environment Option (NEO), and was carried out jointly at the
Department of Biology of McGill University and the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.
Eldredge Bermingham is a senior staff scientist and Deputy Director of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute where he
pursues his research interests in the historical biogeography and molecular systematics of neotropical fishes, Caribbean island birds,
as well as a suite of other taxa.
Editor: R. M. McDowall
Journal of Biogeography 32, 1835–1854, ª 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
S. A. Smith and E. Bermingham