Scientific Committee on Food
Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies
European Food Safety Authority
February 2006
© European Food Safety Authority 2006
ISBN: 92-9199-014-0
Reproduction is authorized, provided the source is acknowledged, save where
otherwise stated.
The views or positions expressed in this report do not represent in legal terms the
official position neither of the European Food Safety Authority or the European
Commission. The European Food Safety Authority assumes no responsibility or
liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear.
About EFSA
Following a series of food scares in the 1990s (e.g. BSE, dioxins) which undermined
consumer confidence in the safety of the food chain, the European Union (EU)
concluded that it needed to establish a new scientific body charged with providing
independent advice on food safety issues associated with the food chain. Its primary
objective was to contribute to a high level of consumer health protection in the area of
food safety. To voice concerns about food safety and the ability of regulatory authorities
to fully protect consumers, the result was the establishment of the European Food
Safety Authority (EFSA) was established funded by the European Community as an
independent agency in 2002.
In close collaboration with national authorities and in open consultation with its
stakeholders, EFSA provides independent scientific advice on all matters linked to
food and feed safety - including animal health and welfare and plant protection - and
provides scientific advice on nutrition in relation to Community legislation.
EFSAs work falls into two areas: risk assessment and risk communication. In
particular, EFSAs risk assessment provides risk managers (EU institutions with
political accountability, i.e. the European Commission, European Parliament and
Council) with a sound scientific basis for defining policy-driven legislative or regulatory
measures required to ensure a high level of consumer protection with regards to food
and feed safety.
EFSA communicates to the public in an open and transparent way on all matters
within its remits.
Collection and analysis of scientific data, identification of emerging risks and scientific
support to the Commission, particularly in case of a food crisis, are also part of EFSAs
mandate, as laid down in the founding Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 of 28 January 2002.
For more information about the European Food Safety Authority, visit the EFSA home
page at:
Table of Contents
Foreword ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
History .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
About the SCF
......................................................................................................................................................... 5
About the NDA Panel
........................................................................................................................................ 5
Background .................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Terms of Reference ................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Contributors and Special Acknowledgments ............................................................................................. 8
Scientific Opinions :
.................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Beta carotene ........................................................................................................................................................ 15
Vitamin B6 ................................................................................................................................................................ 29
Vitamin B12 ............................................................................................................................................................. 45
Folate ............................................................................................................................................................................ 51
Manganese .............................................................................................................................................................. 59
Selenium .................................................................................................................................................................... 65
Molybdenum ........................................................................................................................................................... 77
Vitamin B2 ................................................................................................................................................................ 87
Vitamin B1 ................................................................................................................................................................ 93
Biotin ............................................................................................................................................................................. 99
Magnesium ........................................................................................................................................................... 107
Pantothenic acid .............................................................................................................................................. 117
Nicotinic acid and nicotinamide (niacin) ..................................................................................... 121
Iodine ......................................................................................................................................................................... 135
Preformed vitamin A (retinol and retinyl esters) ...................................................................151
Vitamin D ................................................................................................................................................................167
Zinc .............................................................................................................................................................................. 191
Copper ...................................................................................................................................................................... 203
Calcium .................................................................................................................................................................... 215
Vitamin E .................................................................................................................................................................243
Vitamin K .................................................................................................................................................................253
Chromium ............................................................................................................................................................... 261
Vanadium ................................................................................................................................................................ 273
Silicon ........................................................................................................................................................................ 287
Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid, its calcium, potassium and sodium salts and
............................................................................................................................. 295
Boron (sodium borate and boric acid) .........................................................................................309
Iron ...............................................................................................................................................................................325
Nickel ......................................................................................................................................................................... 347
Fluoride .................................................................................................................................................................... 363
Potassium .............................................................................................................................................................. 409
Chloride ..................................................................................................................................................................423
Sodium ..................................................................................................................................................................... 429
Phosphorus .......................................................................................................................................................... 447
Tin ................................................................................................................................................................................ 461
The scientific opinions presented in this compilation were developed at the request
of the European Commission by the Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) (up to April
2003) and the Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA) of
EFSA (May 2003 to 2005). The context of this request was the need for scientific advice
on the safety of vitamins and minerals to support the implementation of impending
harmonized EU legislation for food supplements and fortified foods, and particularly to
assist with the setting of maximum limits for micronutrients in these products.
These opinions present comprehensive evaluations of possible adverse health effects
of individual micronutrients at intakes in excess of dietary requirements and, where
possible, establish Tolerable Upper Intake Levels (UL) for different population groups.
The approach taken was based on the principles of scientific risk assessment.
Both the SCF and the NDA Panel, in turn, established a working group to prepare
draft opinions which were then considered, revised and adopted at plenary meetings
of the SCF or the NDA Panel. This working group, which I was privileged to chair,
comprised of experts in toxicology and nutrition drawn from the SCF or NDA Panel,
complemented by additional experts.
Sincere appreciation is due to the many scientists whose dedication and commitment
made the completion of these reports possible. In particular, I would like to thank
those who prepared draft reports - Jan Alexander, Wulf Becker, Maxine Bonham,
Veronique Azaïs Braesco, Angelo Carere, Hans Classen, Peter Elias, Ibrahim Elmadfa,
Werner Grunow, Alan Jackson, Andreu Palou, Hildegard Przyrembel, Andy Renwick,
Wim Saris, Eberhard Schmidt, Klaus Schümann, Gerrit Speijers, Sean Strain, Henk
van den Berg and Ron Walker.
I also thank the EFSA and EC staff who supported this work, in particular Pilar
Rodríguez Iglesias and Leng Heng (Secretariat of the NDA Panel), Miguel Ángel
Granero Rosell, (Secretariat of the SCF), and Helen Lee, Basil Mathioudakis and
Sabine Osaer (DG Health and Consumer Protection).
These opinions will find immediate application by the regulatory agencies that oversee
addition of micronutrients to foods and food supplements in the EU. They also
represent a valuable scientific reference on the safety of micronutrients which will be
used by scientists and policy makers for many years.
Albert Flynn, Chair
EFSA Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies
December, 2005
The Scientific Committee for Food (SCF) was originally established by Commission
Decision 74/234/EEC of 16 April 1974, replaced by Commission Decision 95/273/EC of
6 July 1995, to advise the European Commission on matters relating to the protection
of the health and safety of persons arising or likely to arise from the consumption of
food, in particular on nutritional, hygienic and toxicological issues.
Following the reorganisation of the Commissions Scientific Committees in 1997, the
previous Decisions were replaced by Commission Decision 97/579/EC of 23 July 1997
setting up eight Scientific Committees, including the Scientific Committee on Food (SCF).
The members of the SCF were independent persons, highly qualified in the fields associated
with medicine, nutrition, toxicology, biology, chemistry, or other related disciplines.
The Secretariat of the Scientific Committees was provided by the services of the
Commission. Most of Community Directives and Regulations related to foodstuffs,
required the Commission to consult the Committee on provisions which may have an
effect on public health falling within the scope of these directives and regulations.
The SCF mandate consisted of advising the European Commission on scientific and
technical questions concerning consumer health and food safety associated with the
consumption of food products and in particular questions relating to toxicology and
hygiene in the entire food production chain, nutrition, and applications of agrifood
technologies, as well as those relating to materials coming into contact with foodstuffs,
such as packaging.
With the establishment of EFSA by the European Parliament and Council Regulation
(EC) No 178/2002, the scientific advice provided by the previous Scientific Committees
was handed over to EFSA. In accordance with its founding Regulation, EFSA is
required to provide scientific advice and scientific and technical support for the
Community’s legislation and policies in all fields which have a direct or indirect impact
on food and feed safety. It is required to provide independent information on all
matters within these fields and communicate on risks.
The Scientific Committee and Scientific Panels of EFSA are responsible for providing
the scientific opinions of the Authority, each within their own spheres of competence.
EFSA is required to contribute to a high level of protection of human life and health,
and in this respect take account of animal health and welfare, plant health and the
environment, in the context of the operation of the internal market.
Under Article 18 of the Decision concerning the establishment and operations of the
Scientific Committee and Panels, adopted by the Authority’s Management Board on
17 October 2002, the Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies
(NDA Panel) deals with questions relating to dietetic products, human nutrition and
food allergy, and other associated subjects such as novel foods.
In accordance with the 1998 working programme of the European Commission,
active consideration was given to the subject of harmonising legislation for food
supplements containing vitamins and minerals and to the addition of vitamins and
minerals to foods. In 2002, the European Parliament and the Council adopted Directive
related to food supplements containing vitamins and minerals.
In 2003, the Commission published a proposal for harmonising legislation concerning
the addition of vitamins and minerals to foods
The SCF was therefore asked to advise the European Commission in accordance with the
following terms of reference. With a view to provide scientific support to the Commissions
legislative work in this field, the SCF issued, from October 2000 to April 2003, a series of
opinions on tolerable upper intake levels of individual vitamins and minerals.
The SCF opinions covered 22 out of the 29 nutrients, which were considered to be within
its mandate for this task. The SCF did not have sufficient time to adopt opinions for the
following vitamins and minerals: vitamin C, chloride, fluoride, iron, phosphorus, potassium
and sodium. In addition, during the decision making process for the adoption of Directive
2000/46/EC on food supplements, the European Parliament requested that boron, nickel,
silicon, vanadium and tin should be allowed to be used in food supplements. Therefore,
in 2003 EFSA was asked to provide scientific opinions on the remaining 12 vitamins and
minerals in accordance with the following terms of reference.
Terms of Reference
In 1998 the European Commission requested the SCF 1) to review the upper levels
of daily intakes of individual vitamins and minerals that are unlikely to pose a risk of
adverse health effects; and 2) to provide the basis for the establishment of safety
factors, where necessary, for individual vitamins and minerals which would ensure the
safety of fortified foods and food supplements containing these nutrients.
These terms of reference were handed over to EFSA with respect to the outstanding
12 vitamins and minerals in 2003.
1 - Directive 2002/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the approximation of the laws of the
Member States relating to food supplements. OJ L 183. 12.7.2002, p. 51.
2 - Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the addition of vitamins and minerals
and of certain other substances to foods. COM(2003) 671 final. 2003/0262 (COD). Brussels, 10.11.2003.
Background - Terms of Reference
Contributors and Special Acknowledgments
Members (mandates 1997-2000 and 2000-2003)
Alexander, Jan
Barlow, Susan M.
Boskou, Dimitrios
Carere, Angelo
Elmadfa, Ibrahim
Ferro-Luzzi, Anna
Engel, Karl-Heinz
Flynn, Albert
Fries, Reinhard
Grunow, Werner
Hirvi, Timo
Knaap, Ada G.A.C. - Chair (2000-2003)
Knudsen, Ib - Chair (1997-2000)
Koletzko, Berthold
Larsen, John Christian
Lindgren, Sven E.
Moseley, Bevan
Palou, Andreu
Saris, Wim H.M.
Schlatter, Josef
Tobback, Paul
Verger, Philippe
Wal, Jean-Michel
Walker, Ronald
Granero Rosell, Miguel Angel
Hallas-Møller, Torben
Heppner, Claudia
Liem, Djien
Pettauer, Dietmar
Rodríguez Iglesias, Pilar
Romarís, Manuel
Becker, Wulf
Branca, Francesco
Brasseur, Daniel
Bresson, Jean-Louis
Flynn, Albert - Chair (2003-2006)
Jackson, Alan A.
Lagiou, Pagona
Løvik, Martinus
Mingrone, Geltrude
Moseley, Bevan
Palou, Andreu
Przyrembel, Hildegard
Salminen, Seppo
Strobel, Stephan
van den Berg, Henk
van Loveren, Hendrik
Heng, Leng
Rodríguez Iglesias, Pilar
Special acknowledgments for their contributions to the scientific opinions are given to:
Azaïs Braesco, Veronique
Bonham, Maxine
Classen, Hans
Elias, Peter*
Renwick, Andrew G.
Schmidt, Eberhard
Schümann, Klaus
Speijers, Gerrit
Strain, Sean
Special acknowledgments are also given to the European Commission Health and Consumer
Protection Directorate General for allowing publishing the SCF Opinions, and in particular to:
Lee, Helen
Mathioudakis, Basil
Osaer, Sabine
* Deceased
Contributors and Special Acknowledgements
This opinion is one in the series of opinions of the SCF on the upper levels of vitamins and minerals.
The terms of reference given by the European Commission for this task, the related background
and the guidelines used by the Committee to develop tolerable upper intake levels for vitamins and
minerals used in this opinion, which were expressed by the SCF on 19 October 2000, are available on
the Internet at the pages of the SCF, at the address:
These guidelines outline a framework of general principles for evaluation of the adverse effects of
micronutrients in humans and for establishing upper levels of intake of micronutrients which are unlikely
to result in adverse effects in the general population. It is recognised that these principles may have to
be reconsidered in the light of experience obtained in the evaluation of individual micronutrients and of
interactions with other micronutrients.
Vitamins and (essential) minerals are micronutrients which are essential components of the human
diet and the human body. Like other chemical substances, micronutrients may have adverse effects if
consumed in excessive amounts. However, when evaluating the adverse effects of micronutrients it is
necessary to take into account that, in contrast to non-essential chemical substances, there is a (lower)
level of intake below which risk of deficiency conditions or sub-optimal functioning arises. This aspect
has been addressed by the Scientific Committee on Food in establishing the recommended daily intakes
(SCF, 1993). The focus of this report is the evaluation of ‘riskalthough it is recognised that nutritional
requirements will need to be taken into consideration when setting upper levels of intake. This will be
done on a nutrient by nutrient basis.
A number of reports on upper levels of intake of nutrients have been consulted in the development of
these guidelines (Bernier, 1995; Nordic Council of Ministers, 1995; Anon, 1996; FNB, 1997, 1998, 2000;
Hathcock, 1997; Shrimpton, 1997; WHO, 1996).
Tolerable upper intake level (UL) - the maximum level of total chronic daily intake of a nutrient (from
all sources) judged to be unlikely to pose a risk of adverse health effects to humans. ‘Tolerable intake’
in this context connotes what is physiologically tolerable and is a scientific judgement as determined
by assessment of risk, i.e. the probability of an adverse effect occurring at some specified level of
exposure. ULs may be derived for various lifestage groups in the population.
The UL is not a recommended level of intake. It is an estimate of the highest level of intake which
carries no appreciable risk of adverse health effects. To establish whether an exposed population is at
risk requires a risk assessment to determine what is the fraction (if any) of the population whose intake
exceeds the UL and the magnitude and duration of the excessive intake.
To whom does it apply? – all groups of the general population (excluding those receiving the nutrient
under medical supervision), including sensitive individuals, throughout the life stage - except in some
cases discrete, identifiable sub-populations (e.g. those with genetic predisposition or certain disease
states) that may be especially vulnerable to one or more adverse effects (FNB, 1997). The exclusion of
such sub-populations will be considered on a nutrient by nutrient basis.
Adverse effect - change in morphology, physiology, growth, development or life span of an organism
which results in impairment of functional capacity or impairment of capacity to compensate for
additional stress or increase in susceptibility to the harmful effects of other environmental influences
(WHO, 1994). Decisions on whether or not any effect is adverse require expert judgement.
3.1. Special considerations for nutrients
Nutrients possess some characteristics which distinguish them from other food chemicals for the
purpose of risk assessment. Nutrients are essential for human well-being within a certain range of
intakes and there is a long history of safe consumption of nutrients at the levels found in balanced human
diets. Additionally, for some nutrients there may be experience of widespread chronic consumption
(e.g. from dietary supplements) at levels significantly above those obtained from endogenous nutrients
in foods without reported adverse effects. Data on adverse effects of nutrients are also often available
from studies in humans which helps to reduce the uncertainty factors. Furthermore, many nutrients
are subject to homeostatic regulation of body content through adaptation of absorptive, excretory or
metabolic processes, and this provides a measure of protection against exposures above usual intakes
from balanced diets.
Where possible, ULs should be derived for total intake of nutrients from all sources. It should be noted
that added nutrients may sometimes differ from endogenous nutrients in foods in a number of ways,
e.g. chemical form, timing of intake and amount consumed in a bolus dose, and effect of the food
matrix and interaction of the nutrient with other constituents of the diet.
3.2. Basic concepts
In general, the same principles of risk assessment apply to nutrients as to other food chemicals, but it
must be recognised that nutrients possess some distinguishing characteristics, as outlined above.
Risk assessment is a systematic means of evaluating the probability of occurrence of adverse health
effects in humans from an excess exposure to an environmental agent (FAO/WHO, 1995) (in this case
nutrients in food and water, nutrient supplements and medicines). The hallmark of risk assessment is
the requirement to be explicit in all of the evaluations and judgements that must be made to document
A generic model for carrying out risk assessment for biological and chemical agents was agreed upon
at the FAO/WHO Expert Consultation ‘Application of risk analysis to food standards issues’ in 1995
(FAO/WHO, 1995) and this model now constitutes the basis of discussions on risk assessment by the
Codex Alimentarius Commission and the European Commission. A similar model for risk assessment of
nutrients has been used recently in the US and Canada and has been described in detail (FNB, 1997,
1998, 2000).
The process of the risk assessment may be divided into a number of steps (FAO/WHO, 1995; FNB,
1997, 1998, 2000):
Step 1. Hazard identification - identification of known or potential adverse health effects of a given
nutrient. It involves the collection, organisation and evaluation of all information pertaining to the
adverse effects of a given nutrient. It concludes with a summary of the evidence concerning the
capacity of the nutrient to cause one or more types of adverse effect in humans.
Step 2. Hazard characterisation – the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the nature of the adverse
effects associated with a nutrient; this includes a dose response assessment, i.e. determining the
relationship between nutrient intake (dose) and adverse effect (in terms of frequency and severity).
Based on these evaluations, an UL is derived, taking into account the scientific uncertainties in the
data. ULs may be derived for various life-stage groups within the population.
Step 3. Exposure assessment - evaluates the distribution of usual total daily nutrient intakes among
members of the general population.
Step 4. Risk characterisation - analyses the conclusions from steps 1 through 3 and characterises
the risk. Generally, risk is considered to be the probability of an adverse effect (and its severity). The
risk will depend on the fraction of the population exceeding the UL and the magnitude and duration
of the excessive intake. Scientific uncertainties associated with both the UL and the intake estimates
are described so that risk managers understand the degree of scientific confidence they can place in
the risk assessment.
3.3. Thresholds
For nutrients, no risk of adverse effects is expected unless a threshold dose (or intake) is exceeded
(FNB, 1997).
Thresholds for any given adverse effect vary among members of the population. In theory, ULs could
be established by defining some point in the distribution of thresholds that would be protective for
some specified fraction of the population. However, in general, for nutrients there are insufficient data
to establish the distribution of thresholds for individual adverse effects.
Nevertheless, it is possible to derive ULs for which there is confidence that it lies very near the low end
of the theoretical distribution of thresholds, thus protecting most of the general population, including
the most sensitive (but excluding discrete sub-populations that may be especially vulnerable to one or
more adverse effects).
3.4. Variability in the sensitivity of individuals to adverse effects
Adverse effects of nutrients are influenced by physiological changes and common conditions associated
with growth and maturation that occur during an individual’s lifespan. Therefore, where necessary, and
to the extent possible, ULs are derived for each separate life-stage group, e.g. infants, children, adults,
the elderly, and women during pregnancy or lactation. Even within relatively homogenous life-stage
groups, there is a range of sensitivities to adverse effects, e.g. sensitivity is influenced by body weight
and lean body mass.
The derivation of ULs for the normal healthy population, divided into various life-stage groups accounts
for normally expected variability in sensitivity, but it excludes sub-populations with extreme and distinct
vulnerabilities due to genetic predisposition or other considerations (including these would result in ULs
which are significantly lower than are needed to protect most people against adverse effects of high
intakes). Sub-populations needing special protection are better served through the use of public health
screening, health care providers, product labelling, or other individualised strategies. The extent to which
a sub-population becomes significant enough to be assumed to be representative of a general population
is an area of judgement and of risk management and will be considered for individual nutrients.
3.5. Bioavailability
Bioavailability of a nutrient relates to its absorption and may be defined as its accessibility to normal
metabolic and physiological processes. Bioavailability determines a nutrient’s beneficial effects at
physiological levels of intake and the nature and severity of adverse effects at excessive intakes.
Because of the considerable variation in nutrient bioavailability in humans, bioavailability data for
specific nutrients must be considered when deriving ULs. In particular, the chemical form of a nutrient
may have a large influence on bioavailability and should be specified in deriving the UL. Other
modulating factors include: nutritional status of the individual, nutrient dose, interaction with other
dietary components and the food matrix (e.g. consumption with or without food).
4.1. Hazard identification
This step outlines the adverse health effects that have been demonstrated to be caused by the nutrient.
Human studies provide the most relevant data for hazard identification and, when they are of sufficient
quality and extent, are given the greatest weight. Other experimental studies (in vivo and in vitro) may also
be used. Six key issues that can be addressed in the data evaluation of human and animal studies are:
evidence of adverse effects on humans: all human, animal and in vitro published evidence
addressing the likelihood of a nutrient eliciting an adverse effect in humans is examined. Not all
demonstrable structural or functional alterations represent adverse effects; some alterations may be
considered of little or self-limiting biological importance. Decisions on which observed effects are
‘adverse’ are based on scientific judgements.
causality: it is important to determine whether there is a causal relationship established by the
published human data. Criteria for judging the causal significance of an exposure-effect association
indicated by epidemiological studies have been adopted in various reports (e.g. NRC, 1982, 1989;
Department of Health, 1998). These include demonstration of a temporal relationship, consistency,
strength of association (narrow confidence intervals for risk estimates), a dose-response relationship
(a biological gradient), specificity, biological plausibility, and coherence.
relevance of experimental data: for example, animal data - all animal data should be considered,
taking into account interspecies differences, and explicit reasons given for excluding data not
considered relevant to human risk; route of exposure - ingestion exposure is more relevant than other
routes; duration of exposure and relevance of exposure to dietary intakes by human populations (e.g.
chronic daily versus short-term bolus exposure).
mechanisms of adverse effects: knowledge of the molecular or cellular events underlying the
adverse effect can assist in dealing with the problems of data interpretation.
quality and completeness of the data base.
identification of distinct and highly sensitive sub-populations: these may or may not be included
in the derivation of the UL, subject to judgement applied on a case by case basis.
4.2. Hazard characterisation
This step includes dose response assessment which addresses the relationship between nutrient intake
(dose) and adverse effect (in terms of intake and severity) and involves a number of key components
(FNB, 1997):
data selection: the data evaluation process results in the selection of the most appropriate or critical
data set(s) for deriving the UL. Selecting the critical data set includes the following considerations:
==> human data are preferable to animal data. Human studies should be considered in relation to
hazards identified in animal studies.
==> in the absence of appropriate human data, information from an animal species whose biological
responses are most like those of humans is most valuable.
==> if it is not possible to identify such a species or to select such data, data from the most sensitive
animal species, strain, or gender combination are given the greatest emphasis.
==> the route of exposure that most resembles the route of expected human intake is preferable.
This includes considering the digestive state (e.g. fed or fasted) of the subjects or experimental
animals. Where this is not possible, the differences in route of exposure are noted as a source of
==> the critical data set defines the dose-response relationship between intake and the extent of
the adverse effect known to be the most relevant to humans. Data on bioavailability need to be
considered and adjustments in expressions of dose response are made to determine whether any
apparent differences in dose response between different forms of a nutrient can be explained.
==> the critical data set should document the route of exposure and magnitude and duration of intake, and
the intake that does not produce adverse effects as well as the intake which produces adverse effects.
identification of NOAEL (or LOAEL) and critical endpoint: the no observed adverse effect level
(NOAEL) is the highest intake of a nutrient at which no adverse effects have been observed. The
NOAEL can be identified from evaluation of the critical data set. If there are not adequate data
demonstrating a NOAEL, then a lowest observed adverse effect level (LOAEL - the lowest intake at
which an adverse effect has been demonstrated) can be used. Where different adverse effects (or
endpoints) occur for a nutrient the NOAELs (or LOAELs) for these endpoints will differ. The critical
endpoint is the adverse effect exhibiting the lowest NOAEL (e.g. the most sensitive indicator of a
nutrient’s adverse effects). The derivation of a UL based on the most sensitive endpoint will ensure
protection against all other adverse effects.
uncertainty assessment: there are usually several scientific uncertainties associated with
extrapolating from the observed data to the general population and several judgements must be
made in deriving uncertainty factors to account for the individual uncertainties. The individual
uncertainty factors may be combined into a single composite uncertainty factor for each nutrient
and applying this (composite) uncertainty factor to a NOAEL (or LOAEL) will result in a value for the
derived UL that is less than experimentally derived NOAEL, unless the uncertainty factor is 1.0. The
larger the uncertainty, the larger the uncertainty factors and the lower the UL, which represents a lower
estimate of the threshold above which the risk of adverse effects may increase. In the application of
uncertainty factors there should be cognisance of nutritional needs, e.g. the derived UL should not
be lower than the recommended intake.
Because imprecision of the data, lack of data and adequacy of the data on variability are major
limitations of risk assessment, uncertainty factors are used. Considerable scope must be allowed for
the application of scientific judgement in making the final determination of uncertainty factors. Since
data are generally available in human populations, and since studies on human populations may
cover part of the variability inherent in the population, the data on adverse effects of nutrients may
not be associated with the same uncertainties as with non-essential chemical substances resulting
in uncertainty factors for nutrients typically less than 10. The uncertainty factors are lower with
higher quality data and when the adverse effects are extremely mild and reversible. The availability of
toxicokinetic data in humans may permit a lower uncertainty factor. In general, when determining an
uncertainty factor, the following potential sources of uncertainty are considered:
==> interindividual variation and sensitivity: a small uncertainty factor is used if it is judged that little
population variability is expected for the adverse effect, and a larger uncertainty factor (close to
10) may be used if variability is expected to be great (NRC, 1994).
==> experimental animal to human: an uncertainty factor is generally applied to the NOAEL to account
for the uncertainty in extrapolating from animal data to humans. A larger uncertainty factor may
be used if it is believed that the animal responses will underpredict average human responses
(NRC, 1994).
==> LOAEL to NOAEL: if a NOAEL is not available, an uncertainty factor may be applied to account
for the uncertainty in deriving a UL from the LOAEL. The size of the uncertainty factor involves
a judgement based on the severity and incidence of the observed effect at the LOAEL and the
steepness (slope) of the dose response.
==> subchronic NOAEL to predict chronic NOAEL: when data are lacking on chronic exposures,
scientific judgement is necessary to determine whether chronic exposure is likely to lead to
adverse effects at lower intakes than those producing effects after subchronic exposures.
derivation of an UL: the UL is derived by dividing the NOAEL (or LOAEL) by the (composite)
uncertainty factor. ULs are derived for different life-stage groups using relevant data. In the absence
of data for a particular life-stage group, extrapolations are made from the UL for other groups on
the basis of known differences in body size, physiology, metabolism, absorption and excretion of a
nutrient. When data are not available for children and adolescents, extrapolations are made on the
basis of body weight using the reference weights in the Appendix. It should be noted that derivation
of a UL does not take into account possible adverse effects of acute bolus dosages. This issue will
be addressed separately for individual nutrients, where relevant.
4.3. Characterisation of risk
This may include a description of the scientific uncertainties associated with the UL estimates in order
to indicate the degree of scientific confidence that can be placed in these estimates. It may also include
an estimate of intake for population groups, where data are available, as well as an indication of the
margin between recommended or actual intakes and the UL, and an indication of circumstances, if any,
in which risk is likely to arise.
It should indicate whether sub-populations having distinct and exceptional sensitivities to the adverse
effects of the nutrient have been excluded, and whether more research is needed. For nutrients for
which there are no, or insufficient, data on which to base the establishment of a UL, an indication
should be given on the highest level of intake where there is reasonable confidence in data on the
absence of adverse effects.
Anon (1996). Nutrient addition to foods in Canada: an evaluation of micronutrient safety. Literature review and proposed risk classification.
Program in Food safety, Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Toronto.
Bernier JJ (1995). Rapport sur les limites de sécurité dans le consommation alimentaires des vitamines et mineraux. Conseil Supérieur
D’Hygiene Publique de France.
Department of Health (1998). Nutritional Aspects of the Development of Cancer. HMSO, London.
FAO/WHO (Food and Agricultural Organisation of the UN/World Health Organisation) Expert Consultation (1995). Application of risk
analysis to food standards issues. Recommendations to the Codex Alimentarius Commission (ALINORM 95/9, Appendix 5).
FNB (Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences) (1997). Dietary Reference Intakes: Calcium,
Phosphorus, Magnesium, Vitamin D, and Fluoride. National Academy Press, Washington DC.
FNB (Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences) (1998). Dietary Reference Intakes for Thiamin,
Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Vitamin B12, Pantothenic Acid, Biotin, and Choline. National Academy Press, Washington DC.
FNB (Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences) (2000). Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin C,
Vitamin E, Carotenoids and Selenium. National Academy Press, Washington DC.
Hathcock JN (1997). Vitamin and mineral safety. Council for Responsible Nutrition. Washington, DC.
Nordic Council of Ministers (1995). Nord 1995: 18. Risk evaluation of Essential Trace Elements: essential versus toxic levels of intake.
Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen.
NRC (National Research Council) (1982). Diet, Nutrition and cancer. Report of the Committee on Diet, Nutrition and cancer, Assembly of
Life sciences, Washington DC. National Academy Press.
NRC (National Research Council) (1994). Science and Judgement in Risk Assessment. Committee on Risk Assessment of Hazardous Air
Pollutants. Board on Scientific Studies and Toxicology. Washington DC. National Academy Press.
NRC (National Research Council) (1989). Diet and Health: Implications for Reducing Chronic Disease Risk. Report of the Committee on
Diet and Health, Food and Nutrition Board, Commission on Life Sciences. Washington DC. National Academy Press.
SCF (Scientific Committee for Food) (1993). Nutrient and energy intakes for the European Community. Reports of the Scientific Committee
for Food, Thirty First Series. European Commission, Luxembourg.
Shrimpton D (1997). Vitamins and minerals: a scientific evaluation of the range of safe intakes. Report commissioned by the European
Federation of Health Product Manufacturers Associations (EHPM).Council for Responsible Nutrition, Thames Ditton, UK.
WHO (1994). Assessing human health risks of chemicals: derivation of guidance values for health-based exposure limits. Environmental
Health Criteria, 170. Geneva.
WHO (1996). Trace Elements in Human Nutrition and Health. Geneva. Prepared in Collaboration with the FAO of the UN and the IAEA.
Reference body weights of population groups in Europe (SCF, 1993)
Age (years) Mean weight (kg)
Male Female
1-3 13.0 12.5
4-6 20.0 19.0
7-10 28.5 29.0
11-14 44.5 45.0
15-17 61.5 53.5
18-29 74.6 62.1
30-59 74.6 62.1
60-74 73.5 66.1
≥75 73.5 66.1
Beta Carotene
This opinion is one in the series of opinions of the SCF on the upper levels of vitamins and minerals.
The terms of reference given by the European Commission for this task, the related background
and the guidelines used by the Committee to develop tolerable upper intake levels for vitamins and
minerals used in this opinion, which were expressed by the SCF on 19 October 2000, are available on
the Internet at the pages of the SCF, at the address:
ß-Carotene and carotenoids in general are isoprenoid compounds which are not synthesised in animals
but biosynthesised by plants and micro-organisms. About 700 naturally occurring carotenoids have
been identified so far. About 10% of them can be found in the human diet, and about 20 of these
compounds have been found in plasma and tissues of the mammal. The predominant carotenoids
observed in the plasma are ß-carotene, lycopene, lutein, ß-cryptoxanthin and α-carotene, accounting
for more than 90% of the circulating carotenoids in humans (see Rock, 1997, for specific references).
Some dietary carotenoids, such as ß-carotene, serve as an important source of vitamin A, which is the
major known function of carotenoids in humans. ß-Carotene is a hydrocarbon C
that has a ß-ionone
structure as the terminal ring system at each side of the poliene chain. Carotenoids containing at least
one unsubstituted ß-ionone ring and a poliene chain are potential precursors of vitamin A. The preformed
vitamin A is only present in animal products (e.g. liver, eggs, milk products), thus, in countries where the
intake of animal products is low, carotenoids have to meet (i.e. by 80% or more in Asia and Africa) the
vitamin A requirements. Even in developed countries carotenoids usually contribute to vitamin A supply
by more than 40% (Woutersen et al, 1999).
The best-characterised natural functions of carotenoids are to serve as light-absorbing pigments during
photosynthesis and protection of cells against photosensitization. Carotenoids provide considerable
coloration and identification for many species, from vegetables to animals. In addition, carotenoids
serve several other functions, such as radical quenching, antioxidant and anticarcinogenic activities in
different animal sites and are regulators of cell function.
A number of reviews, monographs and comments on the safety of ß-carotene have been published
during the last decade (e.g. Bauernfeind et al, 1981; Heywood et al, 1985; Rock, 1997; IARC, 1998;
Omenn, 1998; Palozza, 1998; SCF, 1998; Woutersen et al, 1999). Very recently the SCF has set out
the scientific data relevant to the safety of use of β-carotene from all dietary sources but limited their
conclusions only to food additive uses (SCF, 2000).
In the majority of industrialised countries, fruits and vegetables provide an estimated 2-3 mg/day of
pro-vitamin A carotenoids, of which β-carotene is the principal component (Granado et al, 1996). An
approximate β-carotene intake of 1.8 mg/day in a randomly selected population of women in the USA
has been reported (Chug-Ahuja et al, 1993), the main dietary sources being carrots, orange juice,
oranges, tomatoes and dark green leafy vegetables. The average intake in the German National Food
Consumption Survey was 1.81 mg/day (Pelz et al, 1998), mainly from carrots. An average β-carotene
intake of 1.7-2.1 mg/day has been reported in Finland (Heinonen, 1991), and of 3.0 mg/day in The
Netherlands (Goldbohm et al, 1998). Levels of fruit and vegetable consumption, however, vary greatly
between individuals and β-carotene intake may be much higher than average in people who regularly
consume substantial amounts of foods such as carrots (Gregory et al, 1990; Scott et al, 1996). Some
authors have reported that β-carotene intake varies according to seasonal factors, perhaps due to the
differing availability of specific fruits and vegetables, or because of factors such as light and heat that
may affect the carotenoid content of foods (Olmedilla et al, 1994; Rautalahti et al, 1993; Takagi et al,
1990). The SCF has not recommended the consumption of β-carotene and carotenoids in general,
beyond what is needed to supply vitamin A (SCF, 1993).
Beta Carotene
The Committee has not received detailed information on how much the use of ß-carotene as an
additive contributes to the overall intake. However, unpublished data from a Danish and Austrian survey
showed that present use levels (Elmadfa et al, 1996; SCF, 1997), combined with the knowledge of the
eating habits of the population, suggest an average exposure from ß-carotene, used as food additive,
of about 1-2 mg/person/day.
The general mechanism of intestinal ß-carotene absorption in mammals is by passive diffusion of
mixed micelles, which are formed during fat digestion in the presence of bile acids. In general, the types
and amounts of carotenoids in the plasma reflect those in the diet. Depending on specific conditions,
the extent of absorption for ß-carotene reported in the literature varies between 10% and 90% (see
Woutersen et al, 1999). Absorption appears to be linear up to intakes of 20-30 mg, but becomes limited
at higher intakes. Limiting factors are dependent on the formulation or food matrix, the amount and
type of fat co-ingested with the carotenoid and the presence of bile acids. Release from the food matrix
into the lipid phase and solubilisation within mixed micelles appears to be the most critical steps in
ß-carotene absorption. Dietary fibre and other meal components, together with a number of metabolic
factors and subject characteristics (Rock, 1997) may also affect ß-carotene absorption. Important
differences in the rates of absorption and intestinal cleavages have been demonstrated between man
and laboratory animals (see section 2.1).
The main site of carotenoid metabolism is the intestinal mucosa, at least in rodents, but peripheral
tissues such as lung, kidney, liver and fat of several mammals, including humans and rodents, can also
convert ß-carotene to retinoic acid (RA) (Wang et al, 1992; Redlich et al, 1996).
ß-carotene can be cleaved in mammalian tissues mainly at the central double bond (C-15,15’) yielding
two molecules of retinal which may either be reduced to retinol (vitamin A) or further oxidised to RA; an
alternative pathway (which can also yields RA, with or without the involvement of intermediate retinal) is
the non-central (eccentric) cleavage at eccentric double bonds (e.g. C-13’,14’, C-11’,12’, C-9’,10’ and
C-7’,8’) (Krinsky et al, 1990; Wang et al, 1992; Wang et al, 1999) to form retinoids and apo-ß-carotenoids,
which have structures that are similar to retinoids, the function of these being largely unknown.
Carotenoids are transported in association with the lipoproteins, with a distribution highly correlated
to that of cholesterol. Liver and adipose tissue are the main sites of carotenoid deposition. After
absorption retinyl esters formed in the enterocyte are incorporated into chylomicrons, before they are
secreted into the intestinal lymph and move into the blood stream. In the fasted state about 75% of the
ß-carotene is bound to LDL and about 25% to HDL and VLDL. Circulating carotenoid concentrations
are found to be lower in smokers than in non-smokers, due in part to the depletion of these compounds
by components of cigarette smoke (Handelman et al, 1996).
Carotenoids can act as antioxidants and free radical/reactive species scavengers (Tsuchiya et al,
1993; Everett et al, 1996; IARC, 1998; Omenn, 1998). In vitro, carotenoids efficiently quench excited
molecules such as singlet oxygen and can scavenge peroxyl radicals; interactions with several other
radicals have also been reported and a synergistic antioxidant protection by carotenoids with vitamins
E and C has been shown (Edge and Truscott, 1997). The role in vivo and in humans is less clear (IARC,
1998; Palozza, 1998; Lambert, 1999). The switch from antioxidant to pro-oxidant behaviour can be,
for example, a function of oxygen concentration (Edge and Truscott, 1997; Palozza, 1998). The pro-
oxidant activity of ß-carotene has been demonstrated at a high partial pressure of oxygen; because this
is highest in the outermost cells of the lung, these cells might be particularly subject to the pro-oxidant
effect of ß-carotene (cited in Paolini et al, 1999).
Other effects of carotenoids, which can be related to cancer prevention, are the enhancement of the
immune response observed in some experimental models, which may be due to production of tumour
specific antigens (IARC, 1998). In addition, carotenoids have been reported to modulate cytochrome
P450 metabolism, inhibit arachidonic acid metabolism, inhibit chromosome instability and chromosome
damage, influence apoptosis, and affect several other biological processes (see IARC, 1998, and text
later on)
Part of the effects of ß-carotene can be mediated by the formation of retinoic acid (RA) that has a key
function as a regulator of gene expression, morphogenesis, and growth in vertebrate embryos. Cellular
responses to retinoids are generally mediated by two families of nuclear receptors (RARs and RXRs)
(Chambon, 1996). Different retinoic acid receptor isotypes display a characteristic pattern of tissue
distribution, RARα being the most ubiquitously distributed (Chambon, 1996). RARß plays an important
role in lung development and has been proposed to have a tumour suppresser function in lung (Houle
Beta Carotene
et al, 1993). Primary lung tumours and lung cancer cell lines lack RARß expression, and such loss
of expression may be an early event in lung carcinogenesis. RARß2 is the most abundant isoform in
normal human lung tissue and restoration of RARß2 in a RARß-negative lung cancer cell line has been
reported to inhibit tumorigenicity in nude mice (see references in Wang et al, 1999).
2.1. Species differences in ß-carotene metabolism
Most laboratory animals break down ß-carotene in their intestine and thus absorb almost none intact.
Hence, rodents have low serum carotenoid levels (about 1/1000 of human levels) that are not related
to dietary intake due to very active dioxygenase cleavage to retinal. In man, roughly 20-75% of the ß-
carotene is absorbed intact (Wang et al, 1992; Rock, 1997).
Studies have thus indicated that the rat and mouse are not suitable models for studying the uptake of β-
carotene into the plasma, with the possible exception of experiments using very high doses or a non-oral
way of administration. Similarly, studies in hamsters showed that β-carotene concentrations remained
low in animals given dietary β-carotene supplementation, although retinol levels increased, indicating that
hamsters are also efficient converters of β-carotene to retinol (cited in IARC, 1998). Rabbits do not appear
to absorb β-carotene well and these animals when fed a carotenoid-rich diet showed no carotenoids in
the blood and only small increases in liver vitamin A concentrations (cited in IARC, 1998). Strict carnivores
obtain a diet rich in pre-formed vitamin A and thus do not depend on provision via carotenoids in the diet.
Indeed, cats reportedly lack the enzyme β-carotene-15,15’-dioxygenase and, thus, have a requirement
for pre-formed vitamin A in the diet (Bauernfeind et al, 1981).
Ferrets (Gugger et al, 1992; Wang et al, 1992; White et al, 1993a; Rock, 1997; Wang et al, 1999), the
pre-ruminant calf (Poor et al, 1992) and the Mongolian gerbil (Krinsky et al, 1990; Mathews-Roth,
1993) have been proposed as useful models for human ß-carotene absorption and cleavage as
these animals also absorb and release intact ß-carotene from the enterocyte. The ferret studies are
particularly relevant to the present report. This animal model partially mimics the absorption and tissue
metabolism of ß-carotene in humans. It has been used for studies of tobacco smoking and inhalation
toxicology (Sindhu et al, 1996), and also it has been used to test the hazard associated with a high
dose of ß-carotene and tobacco smoking on lung (Wang et al, 1992; Wang et al, 1999). Although serum
β-carotene levels are normally very low in these animals, dietary supplementation has been shown to
increase concentrations to levels similar to those detected in human serum, and also to increase levels
in the liver, adipose and other tissues (Ribaya-Mercado et al, 1989; Gugger et al, 1992; Ribaya-Mercado
et al, 1992; Ribaya-Mercado et al, 1993; White et al, 1993a; White et al, 1993b; Wang et al, 1999). It has
to be recognised that no single species provides a good model for studying all aspects of β-carotene
in humans (van Vliet, 1996; IARC, 1998), but ferrets are particularly interesting as an example which
allows reproducing (to some extent) the problem in the particular tissue (the lungs) pointed out by
human trials.
A number of epidemiological studies in humans and several animal studies developed during the last
third of the past century support the idea that ß-carotene can prevent cancer, cardiovascular diseases
and other diseases in humans. However human chemoprevention trials developed the last decade (see
Section 3.2) have shown that supplemental ß-carotene actually increases both lung-cancer incidence
and mortality in human smokers and, more recently, mechanisms which offer likely explanations of
these adverse effects have been derived from experimental studies in appropriate animal models (see
Section 3.3).
3.1. Animal studies
3.1.1. Standard toxicological studies
In summary, no adverse effects of high-dose oral β-carotene supplementation have been observed in
several standard toxicological studies in various experimental animals (rat, mice, rabbits) (IARC, 1998;
Woutersen et al, 1999). These studies included acute toxicity, up to 5000 mg/kg bw/day in Sprague
Dawley rats (Woutersen et al, 1999) and up to 2000 mg/kg bw/day in Wistar rats (Buser, 1992; Strobel,
1994), chronic toxicity/carcinogenicity up to 1000 mg/kg bw/day for life in rats (Hummler and Buser,
1983; Heywood et al, 1985) or mice (Buser and Hummler, 1983a; Heywood et al, 1985), teratogenicity
and reproductive toxicity (up to 1000 mg/kg bw/day for 3 generations, or during days 7 to 16 of
gestation, in rats; up to 400 mg/kg bw/day during days 7 to 19 of gestation in rabbits) (Komatsu, 1971,
cited in Kistler, 1981; Buser and Hummler, 1982; Heywood et al, 1985, and Woutersen et al, 1999).
Beta Carotene
In beagle dogs (Buser and Hummler, 1983b; Heywood et al, 1985) no toxic effects (up to 250 mg/kg bw/
day for 2 years) were observed. However, this study, in addition to the problem of using a hydrosoluble
formula, had a non-explained episode, at week 88 of the study (Buser and Hummler, 1983b), when a
dramatic weight loss in dogs after withdrawing ß-carotene was observed.
However, the above studies were not aimed at investigating specific effects in the lung, which now
we know appears to be the more sensitive tissue. In addition, species used are particularly unsuitable
for oral studies, due to the high efficiency of conversion to vitamin A, such that no significant levels of
unaltered β-carotene are absorbed and incorporated into the systemic circulation.
Genotoxicity and modulation of genotoxic effects of β-carotene has been previously reviewed (SCF,
2000), most studies giving negative findings. However there are no good experimental studies especially
addressing the genotoxicity of ß-carotene in vivo and negative findings in studies designed to asses
the anticlastogenic activity of ß-carotene do not provide conclusive evidence on the lack genotoxicity
in vivo. Positive results obtained in a limited study with synthetic ß-carotene should be evaluated
with caution but not dismissed, in view of the pro-oxidant activity of ß-carotene and the evidence of
micronucleus induction in vitro by synthetic ß-carotene (Xue et al, 1998). The latter study also suggests
that the genotoxicity in vitro of ß-carotene formulations can be modulated by their relative stereoisomer
composition. These findings should be taken into account also in the evaluation of studies in vivo,
which used samples of ß-carotene of different and/or unspecified composition. In summary, the data
available are insufficient for an adequate evaluation of the genotoxicity of ß-carotene in vivo.
The majority of studies relating to carcinogenicity effects by β-carotene have indeed shown either
preventive, or no effect, as it has been previously reviewed (SCF, 2000). However, in contrast to studies
relating to tumours at other sites, only one report (Furukawa et al, 1999) has described an inhibitory
effect of β-carotene supplementation on carcinogen-induced respiratory tract tumourigenesis.
Supplementation of the diet with β-carotene at levels up to 0.25% (approximately 250 mg/kg bw/day),
for 12 weeks, resulted in a significant reduction of the incidence of benign respiratory tract changes
(hyperplasia and papillomas) in hamsters exposed to cigarette smoke (Furukawa et al, 1999). The
majority of studies have shown no effect of β-carotene supplementation on experimentally induced
respiratory tract tumourigenesis in mice (Murakoshi et al, 1992; Nishino, 1995; Yun et al, 1995), or
hamsters (Beems, 1987; Moon, 1994; Wolterbeek et al, 1995).
Two reports in hamsters (Beems, 1987; Wolterbeek et al, 1995) and one in ferrets (Wang et al, 1999),
which have been recently reviewed by the SCF (2000), describe potential enhancement of chemically-
induced respiratory tract tumourigenesis, although statistically significant increases in the incidences
of malignant tumours have not been reported. The study in ferrets, which was specifically designed to
mimic the human trials, is described below.
Study in ferrets
Wang et al (1999) used a ferret model to assess the single or combined effects of cigarette smoke and/or
β-carotene supplementation on lung histopathology/biochemistry.
To mimic human trials, by correcting for species differences in ß-carotene absorption, Wang et al
(1999) fed ferrets with 2.4 mg ß-carotene/kg per day (15 times higher than the 0.16 mg of ß-carotene/
kg per day for the control group fed a low ß-carotene diet). This dose mimics an intake equivalent to
30 mg of ß-carotene per day in a 70-kg human. It was shown that: 1) the plasma level of ß-carotene
in the ferrets had a similar increase (17-22 fold) to that observed in human trials (see Section 3.2.2); 2)
tissue levels of ß-carotene, retinol and RA in control ferrets were within the range found in the normal
human, although this was not the case for the higher plasma levels of retinyl esters in the ferret; 3)
the lung architecture and formation of oxidative metabolites from ß-carotene were considered similar
in both species (references listed in Wang et al, 1999), and 4) the concentration of urinary cotinine
equivalents in the smoke-exposed ferrets was similar to that found in humans smoking 1.5 packs of
cigarettes per day.
Four groups of 6 males were treated with either 2.4 mg/kg bw/day
β-carotene supplementation (in corn
oil, fed orally), cigarette smoke exposure (smoke from 10 cigarettes, in a chamber, for 30 minutes, twice
daily), both, or neither, for a period of 6 months, at which point they were killed (Wang et al, 1999).
Histopathological analysis revealed that all β-carotene treated animals showed an increase in cell
proliferation and squamous metaplasia in lung tissue, and this was further enhanced in the animals that
were also exposed to cigarette smoke. Animals exposed to cigarette smoke alone did not show these
changes. The assessed histopathological endpoint, squamous metaplasia, may not be directly related
Beta Carotene
to carcinogenesis, but this study did reveal interestingly related molecular/biochemical changes in the
lungs of the animals tested which are discussed later in this report (see Section 3.3).
3.2. Human studies
In humans, doses of 20-180 mg/day ß-carotene have been used to treat patients with erythropoietic
photoporphyria, with no evidence of toxicity and without the development of abnormally elevated blood
vitamin A.
A substantial amount of epidemiological information linking higher carotenoid intake with lower cancer
incidence was accumulated in the 1970s and 1980s. Also noted was the apparent lack of toxicity of
ß-carotene in high-dose clinical use against erythropoietic photoporphyria (doses of 20-300 mg/day
given for many years) (Mathews-Roth, 1993; Meyers et al, 1996). Thus, these facts, together with
the known biological properties of ß-carotene (see above), combined to justify large-scale, cancer
prevention trials in humans. However, these trials did not confirm the positive expectations.
3.2.1. Epidemiological studies ß-carotene and incidence of cardiovascular disease
A number of descriptive, cohort and case-control studies have been reviewed (IARC, 1998; Woutersen
et al, 1999), suggesting that carotenoid and/or ß-carotene rich diets may prevent cardiovascular
disease. Recently, the Rotterdam 1999-Study in the elderly (Klipstein-Grobusch et al, 1999) confirmed
a protective association. However, the finding in numerous observational studies that increased intake
of carotenoid-containing diets and higher blood concentrations of carotenoids are associated with
reduced risks for cardiovascular disease cannot be interpreted as a specific protective effect of ß-
carotene or other carotenoids per se.
In the ATBC study (ATBC Study Group, 1994), 11% more total cardiovascular death was seen in men
taking ß-carotene. When the analysis was restricted to the 1862 participants who had previously had
an MI, men who received ß-carotene alone had relative risks of 1.75 for fatal coronary heart disease
and 3.44 for fatal MI. Similarly, an increased number of deaths from cardiovascular disease was seen
in the CARET study (Omenn et al, 1996a; Omenn, 1998) among men taking supplemental ß-carotene
plus retinol (relative risk of 1.26).
ß-carotene and cancer incidence
A number of reviews published in the 1990s have summarised the research on diet and lung cancer
during the preceding 25 year period (see Steinmetz et al, 1996, and Ziegler et al, 1996). The consensus
was that observational studies of diet and lung cancer, whether prospective or retrospective, consistently
demonstrated reduced risk with increased intake of carotenoids from vegetables and fruits. Further,
high levels of ß-carotene in the blood were consistently associated with reduced incidence of lung
cancer in prospective studies. The simplest explanation of the epidemiology was that ß-carotene was
protective, although other carotenoids or other compounds from vegetables and fruits, and associated
dietary patterns had not been adequately explored.
The observational data suggesting cancer preventive effects are most consistent for some types
of cancer -lung, oral, pharyngeal and stomach- (IARC, 1998; Woutersen et al, 1999), the incidence
of which tends to be inversely related to ß-carotene intake or blood concentrations. A review that
summarised results from 206 human epidemiological studies confirmed the evidence for a protective
effect of greater vegetable and fruit consumption against cancers of the stomach, oesophagus, lung,
oral cavity and pharynx, endometrium, pancreas and colon (Steinmetz et al, 1996). The types of
vegetables or fruit that most often appeared were raw vegetables, allium vegetables, carrots, green
vegetables, cruciferous vegetables and tomatoes. A number of interesting substances present in
these foods include dithiolthiones, isothiocyanates, indol-3-carbinol, allium compounds, isoflavones,
protease inhibitors, saponins, phytosterols, inositol hexaphosphate, vitamin C, D-limonene, lutein, folic
acid, ß-carotene, lycopene, selenium, vitamin E, flavonoids and dietary fibre (Steinmetz et al, 1996).
A recent case-control study in Greece (Bohlke et al, 1999) involved 820 women with histologically
confirmed breast cancer who were compared with 1548 control women. Among postmenopausal
women there were no associations between any of the micronutrients evaluated and the risk of breast
cancer. Among premenopausal women, ß-carotene, vitamin C and vitamin E were each inversely
associated with breast cancer, but after mutual adjustment among the three nutrients only ß-carotene
remained significant.
Beta Carotene
In conclusion, the general assumption is confirmed that individuals who eat more fruits and vegetables,
rich in carotenoids, and/or have high levels of serum ß-carotene, have a lower risk for cancer and
cardiovascular diseases. However, a possibility could be that ß-carotene may be only a marker of the
intake of other beneficial substances in fruits and vegetables, or perhaps other life-style habits. Actually
(see below) no clinical trial of ß-carotene as a single agent, has shown a reduction in the risk of cancer
at any specific site. On the contrary there is evidence of an increase in the risk for lung cancer among
smokers and asbestos workers receiving ß-carotene supplements at high doses, which resulted in blood
concentrations an average of 10-15 times higher than normal.
ß-carotene and other diseases
Erythropoietic protoporphyria (EP) (Mathews-Roth, 1993) is a genetic disease of porphyrin metabolism,
characterised by abnormally elevated concentrations of protoporphyrin, which acts as an endogenous
photosensitizer. As carotenoids can interact and quench photosensitizer triplet states and single
oxygen, their efficacy in this disorder appears to be a consequence of the quenching of excited
species. Most patients with EP or other photosensitivity diseases benefit from recommended doses
for adults of about 180 mg/day, with no serious side effects and no long-term toxicity reported. These
photosensitivity diseases are the only current therapeutic use of carotenoids.
Dietary carotenoids have been suggested to reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration
(Seddon et al, 1994; Cooper et al, 1999), the most common cause of irreversible blindness in people
over age 65 in western countries.
Senile cataract is another ocular condition potentially related to oxidation, and ß-carotene has been
studied for a possible role in the prevention of this disorder. However the available results are somewhat
inconsistent. Carotenoids have also been suggested to be of benefit for several other health outcomes
(such us ageing, impaired cognition, rheumatoid arthritis and cystic fibrosis), however the data are scant
(IARC, 1998).
3.2.2. Selection of critical data. Prevention trials in humans with ß-carotene supplementation
Six major prevention trials with ß-carotene supplementation have been completed so far (Greenberg
et al, 1990; Blot et al, 1993; ATBC Study Group, 1994; Greenberg et al, 1994; Hennekens et al, 1996;
Omenn et al, 1996a). Short-term trials using sputum as a presumed intermediate endpoint were
conducted as well with some preliminary promising results (see Omenn, 1998). However, results from
the majority of clinical trials reported are not in support of using ß-carotene supplementation as a mean
to reduce cancer and cardiovascular disease rates.
The first study (Greenberg et al, 1990) showed that supplementation with 50 mg ß-carotene/day for 5
years had no effect on the occurrence of new basal-cell or squamous-cell carcinoma in well nourished
patients who had skin cancer previously. However, a 12-year latency period for these cancers diminished
the value of these results.
In a second study (Greenberg et al, 1994), ß-carotene (25 mg/day), with or without vitamin C (1g/day) and
α-tocopherol (400 mg/day) for 5-8 years, was not found to reduce the occurrence of colorectal adenoma in
patients who had a prior history of adenomas.
A lack of effect of long term supplementation with ß-carotene on the incidence of malignant neoplasms
and cardiovascular disease was reported in 1996 (Hennekens et al, 1996).
The Tyler asbestos cohort studied 755 randomised asbestos workers (McLarty, 1992) at Tyler (Texas),
receiving 50 mg of ß-carotene together with 25,000 IU retinol/day or placebos. There was no difference
in the two groups by criteria of sputum atypia. The ß-carotene was obtained from BASF and it is
thought that the 50 mg dosage is almost equivalent to 30 mg of Roche-ß-carotene.
Two notable trials (Blot et al, 1993; Li et al, 1993) were conducted in China (The Linxian Trials) but
they were very complex in design and difficult to compare with the findings (see below) in western
populations: the observed effects cannot be directly attributed to ß-carotene supplementation as a
combined supplementation was given and low population nutrient intake was interfering. The Alpha-Tocopherol/Beta-Carotene (ATBC) Trial in Finland
The ATBC trial (ATBC Study Group, 1994) involved 29,133 male smokers (age 50-59) with a smoking
history averaging one pack/day for 36 years. The 2x2 factorial design evaluated 20 mg ß-carotene
Beta Carotene
(from Roche) and/or 50 IU alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) daily for 6.5 years. These doses represent a
10-fold and 5-fold excess over the median intake of ß-carotene and α-tocopherol, respectively, in this
population. After 2 years of treatment, median serum ß-carotene levels had increased 17.5-fold in the
ß-carotene treatment groups.
Results were unexpected. Vitamin E supplementation did not reduce the incidence of lung cancer
(relative risk (RR) was 0.98). Participants receiving ß-carotene alone or in combination, had significantly
higher lung cancer incidence (RR 1.18; 95%CI 1.03-1.36) and higher mortality (RR 1.08; CI 1.01-1.16)
than subjects receiving placebo.
The excess lung cancer incidence was not apparent in the initial 18 months, but the incidence curves
significantly diverged thereafter. Subsequent subgroup analysis (see Albanes et al, 1996) revealed a higher
risk in heavy smokers (20 or more cigarettes/day) (RR 1.25, CI 1.07-1.46) than in light smokers (5-19
cigarettes/day) (RR 0.97, CI 0.76-1.23). Associations with alcohol intake and with non-small-cell histology
were also noted. The risk was confined to the heavier drinkers (more than 11 g ethanol per day).
Interestingly, in agreement with earlier observational studies, both dietary intake and serum ß-carotene
levels at baseline (before treatment) were found to be inversely related to risk of lung cancer during the
trial (Albanes et al, 1996). The ß-carotene and Retinol Efficacy Trial (CARET) in the USA
The CARET study (Omenn et al, 1996a; see also Omenn et al, 1996b, and Omenn, 1998) successfully
randomised 18,314 participants. 30 mg ß-carotene and 25,000 IU vitamin A (retinyl palmitate) were
administered daily to 14,254 smokers and former smokers (45% female) aged 50-59 at enrolment, and
to 4,060 asbestos-exposed males (age 45-74). After five years of study the median serum ß-carotene
levels in the active treatment group was increased by 12-fold (170 ng/ml versus 2100 ng/ml).
A total of 388 new cases of lung cancer were diagnosed during the 73,135 person-years of follow- up
(mean 4.0 years). The active treatment group had a RR of lung cancer of 1.28 (CI 1.04-1.57), compared
with the placebo group. The differences (significant from 24 months of treatment onwards) were greater
as the intervention progressed. There were no statistically significant differences in the risks of other
types of cancers.
In the active group the RR of death from any cause was 1.17, of death from lung cancer, 1.46, and of
death from cardiovascular disease, 1.26.
As in a further analysis from ATBC published in the same issue (Albanes et al, 1996), there was
an association (less clear trend than in ATBC study) of the excess lung cancer incidence between
treatment groups with the highest quartile of alcohol intake, but no association with baseline serum
ß-carotene concentrations.
In the CARET study it is not possible to distinguish the ß-carotene effects from those of the vitamin A,
since the two compounds were administered in combination. Physicians Health Study
This trial was to test the effect of aspirin on cardiovascular disease incidence (Steering Committee of
the Physicians’ Health Study Research Group, 1989). ß-carotene was added in a 2x2 design, using 50
mg BASF ß-carotene on alternate days. 22,071 male physicians were followed for a mean of 12.5 years.
Those assigned to receive ß-carotene had significantly higher serum concentrations than those given
placebo (2240 nmol/l vs 560 nmol/l) (4-fold). It has to be noted that this increase is lower compared
with that obtained in the two previously considered trials, a situation that could be related to higher
basal levels in the PHYS population and/or to a lower bioavailability of ß-carotene compared with the
other trials.
In this healthy population, with 50% never-smokers and only 11% current smokers, 170 lung cancers
were accumulated over the follow up period. The relative risks were 1.02 (CI 0.93-1.11) for overall
mortality, 0.98 (CI 0.91-1.06) for all malignant neoplasms, and 0.93 for lung cancer.
In summary there was no effect of ß-carotene supplementation on total cancer, on total mortality, or on
heart disease. Neither was an effect on lung cancer observed, but due to the lower number of cases,
the power of the statistical analysis underlying this conclusion is rather weak.
Beta Carotene
3.3. Mechanisms
In light of the adverse findings in human intervention trials, in which β-carotene supplementation was
associated with a promotional effect on lung tumourigenesis in smokers, studies in animals have been
carried out to elucidate potential mechanisms by which these effects may have occurred.
Mechanisms have been proposed, which are related to effects in the same target tissue, the lungs,
where the adverse effects have been observed in humans.
3.3.1. Effects on P450-related activities. A mechanism for a hypothetical co-carcinogenic
effect of ß-carotene
Perocco et al (Perocco et al, 1999) first reported that β-carotene enhanced the transforming effect of
benzo(α)pyrene (B[α]P) and cigarette-smoke condensate (tar) on mouse BALB/c 3T3 cells in an in vitro
cell transformation assay, although β-carotene alone was not transforming in this system. The authors
suggested that β-carotene may exert its effects by inducing P450 activities (in particular CYP 1A1/2),
with a consequent increase in the metabolism of cigarette smoke constituents. Interestingly, however,
β-carotene showed no capacity to enhance the transforming activity of 3-methylcholanthrene (3-MCA),
which also requires metabolic activation by CYP1A1.
The same group (Paolini et al, 1999) found that dietary supplementation of rats with 500 mg/kg bw/
day β-carotene for 5 days significantly increased lung enzyme activities associated with CYP1A1 and
1A2 (activating aromatic amines, polychlorinated biphenyls, dioxins and PAHs), CYP2A (activating
butadiene, hexamethyl phosphoramide and nitrosamines), CYP2B1 (activating olefins and halogenated
hydrocarbons) and CYP3A (activating aflatoxins, 1-nitropyrene and PAHs). The authors postulated that
these powerful booster (stimulating) effect on phase I carcinogen-bioactivating enzymes might explain
why ß-carotene supplementation increases the risk of lung cancer in smokers, probably due to the co-
carcinogenic properties of β-carotene and it’s capacity to generate oxidative stress.
Other studies (Astorg et al, 1994; Astorg et al, 1997, Basu et al, 1987, Gradelet et al, 1996) showed no ß-
carotene enhanced effects on phase I or phase II xenobiotic-metabolising enzymes, but measurements
were made in the liver and not in lung tissue (SCF, 2000).
3.3.2. Altered retinoid signalling: a mechanism to enhance lung tumourigenesis after high
dose ß-carotene supplementation in smokers
When ferrets (animals that metabolise ß-carotene in much the same way as humans) were given ß-
carotene doses equivalents to those used in the clinical trials, changes in ß-carotene metabolism were
induced that may promote rather than inhibit tumourigenesis (Wang et al, 1999). This may explain why
high-dose ß-carotene supplements unexpectedly increased lung cancer rates in the two cancer human
prevention trials.
Ferrets were given a ß-carotene supplement, exposed to cigarette smoke, or both for 6 months (see also
Section 3.1.2). Cell proliferation and squamous metaplasia in lung tissue were assessed by examination
of proliferating cell nuclear antigen expression and histopathological examination, respectively. ß-
carotene and retinoid concentration in lung tissue and plasma were analysed. Expression of genes for
retinoic acid receptors (RARs) and activator protein-1 (encoded by c-jun and c-fos genes) in lung tissue
specimens was examined. The results clearly showed that a strong proliferative response in lung tissue
was observed in all ß-carotene-supplemented animals, and this response was enhanced by exposure
to tobacco smoke. The treatment groups had statistically significant lower levels of retinoic acid in lung
tissue, and they exhibited 18-73% reductions in RARß-gene expression, without reduction of RARα
and RARγ. Ferrets given a ß-carotene supplement and exposed to tobacco smoke had threefold to
fourfold elevated expression of the c-jun and c-fos genes.
Decreased lung concentration of retinoic acid may cause diminished retinoic signalling, enhanced lung
cell proliferation, and potential tumour formation. Results showed that localised keratinised squamous
metaplasia (a precancerous lesion) was observed in all ferrets in the high-dose of ß-carotene, with or
without exposure to smoke. Retinoic acid levels are lowered in lung tissue as a result of ß-carotene
supplementation, in spite of having increased levels of ß-carotene (by 300 fold). The possibility that some
of the eccentric cleavage products of ß-carotene could act as a ligand and interfere with RA requires
further investigation. Thus it is possible that ß-carotene supplementation in itself might modify ß-carotene
metabolism. Reduction of retinoic signalling could occur after induction of cytochrome P450 enzymes
(see section 3.3.1), perhaps by the ß-apo-8’-carotenal (increased by 2.5-fold by smoke exposure).
Beta Carotene
It can be deduced from the preceding study that diminished retinoid signalling, resulting from
suppression of RARß gene expression and overexpression of activator protein-1 could be a mechanism
to enhance lung tumourigenesis after high dose ß-carotene supplementation and exposure to tobacco
smoke. However, a relationship between the endpoint studied (squamous metaplasia) and lung cancer
has not been demonstrated, and the dose-response relationship was not studied. Nevertheless, lung
carcinogenesis is associated with an alteration in retinoid signalling involving the AP-1 complex, which
mediates the signal from growth factors, inflammatory peptides, oncogenes, and tumour promoters,
usually resulting in cell proliferation. AP-1 (c-fos, c-jun) transcriptional activity can be inhibited by RA
treatment, thus contributing to the suppression of human bronchial epithelial squamous metaplasia.
In contrast to what occurs with high doses of ß-carotene (even more when smoking), if low levels of
ß-carotene are ingested, eccentric cleavage products are produced by the cells (as would be the case
when one consumes ß-carotene from a carotenoid enriched diet). This form of carotenoid intake could
be beneficial by giving rise to some RA.
Adverse effects of high dose supplemental ß-carotene (alone) cannot be ruled out. The intervention
trial (Hennekens et al, 1996) which did not include many smokers, and that did not reveal any increase
in incidence of cancer or death, can not be considered conclusive, because precancerous lesions
(analogous to those observed in ferrets under high ß-carotene intake) were not considered. They should
be further analysed to deduce more definitive conclusions.
3.3.3. The pro-oxidant activity of ß-carotene
The pro-oxidant activity of β-carotene has also been considered as an hypothetical mechanism in lung
toxicity (SCF, 2000), taken into account that the relative high partial oxygen pressure in the lung may
shift the antioxidant activity of carotenoids into pro-oxidant activity. However, further studies of the pro-
oxidant role of carotenoids in vivo and in vitro will help in testing hypothesis relating to the influence of
these compounds in the development of human chronic diseases. In any case, the pro-oxidant activity
of β-carotene can be part of the other mechanisms as they are not mutually exclusive.
No dose-response relationship for ß-carotene effects is available from the intervention trials in humans,
as single doses were used in each study, and the conditions were different in the different studies.
The study in ferrets also used a single daily dose. Further studies in ferrets using a range of different
ß-carotene doses and a wider range of selected parameters would be appropriate to assist in future
toxicological evaluation.
It can be presumed that the effects of ß-carotene are dependent on the specific source of exposure,
and that differences will not be unexpected with different matrices or different formulations containing
ß-carotene, depending on the composition of accompanying antioxidants and of other components,
and also depending on the relative proportion of isomers of ß-carotene. Natural ß-carotene
preparations differ from synthetic all-trans-ß-carotene in the relative proportion of trans/cis isomers.
From preliminary studies (see Section 3.1.3), the isomeric form appears important in the genotoxicity
and antigenotoxicity of ß-carotene. However, at present there is insufficient information to establish the
role of all these factors.
Existing evidence from human trials indicates that supplemental ß-carotene (20 mg/day or more) is
contraindicated for use in current, heavy smokers. However, there is insufficient scientific basis to set a
precise figure for an UL of isolated ß-carotene as no dose-response relationship for ß-carotene effects
is available either from the intervention trials in humans or from appropriate animal models. Moreover,
it is not possible to be more specific in distinguishing different isomeric forms of ß-carotene or specific
Three general ß-carotene sources can be considered (SCF, 1997): a) natural food sources that may
contribute around 2-5 mg/European person/day, b) food additives (1-2 mg/person/day), and c)
supplements. The combination of a) and b) sources represents about 3-7 mg/day (or up to 10 mg/day
depending on seasonal and diet variations) of ß-carotene exposure. Thus, there may be a very small
Beta Carotene
difference between the levels that may confer health benefits (up to 10 mg/d, mainly from natural
sources) and those that may produce adverse effects in smokers in the general population (20 mg/day
in the ATBC study). In this situation it seems that the use of ß-carotene as a supplement should be
regarded cautiously.
On one hand, human chemoprevention trials carried out in the last decade have shown that all-trans-
ß-carotene actually increases both lung-cancer incidence and mortality in human smokers and, more
recently, mechanisms which offer likely explanations of these adverse effects have been derived from
experimental studies in appropriate animal models.
On the other hand, a number of reviews have summarised the research on diet and lung cancer in
humans during the preceding 30 year period. The consensus is that they consistently demonstrated
reduced risk of lung cancer, with increased intake of vegetables and fruits rich in carotenoids. Further,
high levels of ß-carotene in the blood were consistently associated with reduced incidence of lung
cancer. However, these effects can not be attributed to β-carotene as the role of other carotenoids or
other compounds from vegetables and fruits, and associated dietary or life style patterns, has not been
adequately explored in the epidemiological studies.
Thus, the general assumption that individuals who eat more fruits and vegetables, rich in carotenoids,
and/or have high levels of serum ß-carotene have a lower risk for cancer and cardiovascular diseases
cannot be extended to specific formulations of ß-carotene.
The lung appears to be the target tissue for future investigations to address the adverse effects of
ß-carotene. This tissue is were the tumourigenic effect of ß-carotene was observed in human trials, it
depends on ß-carotene metabolites for the regulation of its growing cells, and is where a highest oxygen
partial pressure is present, thus potentially enhancing the pro-oxidant properties of ß-carotene.
The ferret (and perhaps other animals that are able to absorb ß-carotene in its intact form), could be
suggested as an appropriate model for studying the role of oral ß-carotene in lung carcinogenesis,
provided that differences in the total absorption of ß-carotene are taken into account. This would allow
establishing dose-response-related effects and/or likely mechanisms for the effects of ß-carotene.
The beneficial effects of diets rich in vegetables and fruits containing carotenoids and other compounds
need to be further studied, to be able to set out specific effects of any of single chemical or combination
of compounds.
Further study of the data already collected in the developed and ongoing human trials is recommended.
Also studies on the biological effects of supplemental ß-carotene from different sources appears of
particular interest.
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Beta Carotene
28 28
Vitamin B
This opinion is one in the series of opinions of the SCF on the upper levels of vitamins and minerals.
The terms of reference given by the European Commission for this task, the related background
and the guidelines used by the Committee to develop tolerable upper intake levels for vitamins and
minerals used in this opinion, which were expressed by the SCF on 19 October 2000, are available on
the Internet at the pages of the SCF, at the address:
Vitamin B
is a mixture of 6 inter-related forms pyridoxine (or pyridoxol), pyridoxal, pyridoxamine and
their 5’-phosphates. Interconversion is possible between all forms (Bender, 1989). In this assessment
the terms “vitamin B
and “pyridoxine” have been used interchangeably, with “pyridoxol” used when
this particular form is discussed.
Pyridoxal phosphate plays an essential role in the metabolism of many aminoacids, and deficiency
of this coenzyme can lead to many manifestations. Clinical signs include retarded growth, acrodynia,
alopecia, skeletal changes and anaemia, while changes in neurotransmitters, such as dopamine,
serotonin, norepinephrine (noradrenaline), tryptamine, tyramine, histamine, GABA and taurine, affect
brain function and can lead to seizures and convulsions.
The active form of the vitamin is pyridoxal phosphate, which is a coenzyme that is recognised as
being required for the function of more than 60 enzymes involved with transamination, deamination,
decarboxylation or desulfuration reactions.
Pyridoxine is present in food in the free form and as the glucoside. The glucoside may undergo partial
hydrolysis in the gut lumen, or may be absorbed intact, following which it is largely excreted in the
urine without hydrolysis (Gregory, 1990). Within cells pyridoxol and pyridoxamine are phosphorylated
by a kinase enzyme and then oxidised to pyridoxal-5’-phosphate, which is the major intracellular form.
All cells have the kinase but the liver is the major site for oxidation to pyridoxal phosphate; the liver
is the main source of circulating pyridoxal, which is formed by the action of alkaline phosphatase on
the hepatic pyridoxal phosphate (Merrill and Henderson, 1990). Excess pyridoxine is metabolised to
4-pyridoxic acid, which is eliminated primarily in the urine. The plasma concentrations of pyridoxal and
its phosphate rise rapidly after a single oral dose of pyridoxol, followed by a rapid decrease in pyridoxal
due to tissue uptake and phosphorylation. The acid metabolite is formed rapidly and blood levels
increase and then decrease to baseline levels within 12 hours (Speitling et al, 1990).
Tryptophan metabolism is dependent on vitamin B
status, because the enzyme kynureninase, requires
pyridoxal phosphate. This enzyme is especially sensitive to vitamin B
depletion. Loading doses of
tryptophan are given to establish vitamin B
status (the tryptophan load test). Determination of the
excretion of kynurenic and xanthurenic acids indicates vitamin B
nutritional status (Bender, 1989).
Vitamin B
is involved in the metabolism of sulphur-containing amino acids (methionine, taurine and
cysteine (Sturman, 1986). The disease states homocystinuria and cystathioninuria are due to inborn
errors of metabolism involving the enzymes cystathionine β-synthase (EC and gamma-
cystathionase (EC Both diseases are characterised by wide ranging clinical signs and mental
disturbances, and can be treated with large doses of pyridoxine, although some individuals are
unresponsive to this treatment.
The majority of the body’s vitamin B
is associated with the enzyme glycogen phosphorylase in muscle.
When muscle glycogen reserves are depleted due to prolonged fasting, the vitamin is released from
muscle, however, muscle pyridoxal phosphate is not released in response to a vitamin B
deficient diet,
so that muscle reserves cannot be regarded as a storage form of the vitamin (Reports of the Scientific
Committee for Food, 1993).
Vitamin B
There are several studies that have examined pyridoxal phosphate plasma concentrations in relation
to age. In 1964, Hamfelt reported that the plasma concentrations were lower in subjects greater than
60 years old, and the author speculated that this fall could be due to a nutritional defect, such as
defective absorption, defective phosphorylation, or increased urinary excretion. Rose and co-workers
(1976) also reported that plasma levels of pyridoxal phosphate decline with age. These results have
been confirmed in women (Lee and Leklem, 1985), since middle-aged women (55 ± 4.0 years) had
lower plasma pyridoxal phosphate and a higher urinary 4-pyridoxic acid than younger women (24.4 ±
3.2 years). Age-related changes in metabolism and tissue distribution of pyridoxine and its metabolite
pyridoxal-5’-phosphate have been reported in rats (van den Berg et al, 1990).
Lewis (1995) suggested that pyridoxine-related neurotoxicity (see later) may occur when the capacity of
the liver to phosphorylate pyridoxine to the active pyridoxal phosphate is exceeded, and that the high
circulating concentrations of pyridoxal give rise to the toxicity.
Daily requirements of vitamin B
have been determined and are affected by protein intake. Vitamin B
levels decline more rapidly in individuals with a high protein intake in comparison with those with a
lower protein intake (Report of the Panel on Dietary Reference Values of the Committee on Medical
Aspects of Food Policy, 1991). In consequence, the daily requirement is related to protein intake rather
than body weight; an intake of 15 µg/g dietary protein is recommended for adults, which is equivalent
to about 2-3 mg per day (Reports of the Scientific Committee for Food, 1993). Since there are no
storage facilities for vitamin B
, a continuous daily intake is essential.
The Dietary and Nutritional Survey of British Adults (HMSO, 1990), which studied over 2000 people,
reported that the majority of the intake by men was from food sources, whereas supplements
represented a significant source (about 50% of total intake) for women more than 24 years old. The
use of supplements by some women resulted in extremely wide inter-subject variability and a skewed
distribution with the highest 97.5th percentile intake being 16 mg/day in women aged 35-49 years.
Table 1. Pyridoxine intake in EU countries (mg/day).
Population n Method Supplements Mean 97.5%
individual 2488 24 h recall ? 1.68 3.43
7-day record
household 2734 7-day record + 2.0 3.3
The Netherlands
household 5958 2-day record - 1.59 3.01
7-day record
Elmadfa et al (1998)
IUNA (2000)
Turrini (INRAN)
Hulshof and Kruizinga (1999)
HMSO (1990)
It has been suggested that individuals taking high-oestrogen contraception may have an additional
requirement for vitamin B
. Whilst there is some evidence that these oral contraceptives affect
tryptophan metabolism, there is no evidence to suggest that they cause changes in vitamin B
of the individuals (reviewed by Bender, 1987). In addition, there is no evidence that the combined oral
contraceptive (oestrogen plus progestagen) affects the requirements for pyridoxine.
High doses of vitamin B
have also been used for the treatment of premenstrual syndrome, depression,
Down’s syndrome, hyperkinesis, autism, neurosis, Hodgkin’s disease and Parkinson’s disease
(Sturman, 1986).
The principal toxicity of concern associated with excessive intakes of vitamin B
is neuronal damage,
and sensory and motor effects. The initial observations were from studies in experimental animals, but
Vitamin B
more recent studies in volunteers and patients, and case reports of patients have shown that the effects
can be produced also in humans.
3.1. Neurotoxicity
3.1.1. Studies in animals
It has been known since 1940 that very large doses of pyridoxine (1-7 g/kg) in rats and dogs result
in pronounced ataxia and weakness and degeneration of the spinal cord roots, posterior ganglia and
peripheral nerves (Unna, 1940; Unna and Antopol, 1940a, b; Antopol and Tarlov, 1942). More recent
studies have indicated species differences in the sensitivity to vitamin B
toxicity (Xu et al, 1989),
and have examined neuronal abnormalities in rats, guinea pigs and mice administered high doses of
pyridoxine. Rats were administered 600-1200 mg/kg/day for 6-10 days, guinea pigs 1800 mg/kg/day
for 10 days and mice 1800 mg/kg/day for 7 days or 1200 mg/kg/day for 6 weeks (as well as higher
doses for shorter time periods). Neuropathy with necrosis of sensory neurons in dorsal root ganglia,
accompanied by axonal atrophy and breakdown of peripheral and central sensory axons, was observed
in rats. Mice were resistant to such changes. Lower doses in rats (150-300 mg/kg/day) for up to 12
weeks also produced minor effects to the dorsal root ganglia and neuropathy with axonal atrophy and
degeneration. The authors concluded that multiple factors including rate of administration, differential
neuronal vulnerability and other factors influence species susceptibility.
There are limited data available on the underlying mechanism of toxicity of pyridoxine. Neuropathological
changes in dogs have been correlated to changes in electrophysiological and functional tests at doses
of 3 g per day (Schaeppi and Krinke, 1982). Two dogs were dosed until signs of morbidity appeared
(after only 8 and 26 days), with ataxia and loss of reflexes observed in both dogs. The somatosensory
maximum nerve conduction velocity was reduced. The neuropathological changes included lesions
in the dorsal spinal column, dorsal spinal roots and ganglia, selected fibres in peripheral nerves
and in the sensory spinal trigeminal roots. Nerve fibres located more deeply, and the spinocervical
and spinocerebellular fibres were unaffected. Peripheral nerves showed signs of degeneration
(demyelination, misformed Schwann cells, missing axons). Gross examination of the nervous systems
of dogs treated with 150 mg pyridoxine/kg/day for 100-112 days, revealed abnormal opaque areas
in the dorsal funiculus (Hoover and Carlton, 1981b). Histological examination showed degenerative
lesions of varied severity in all dogs to which pyridoxine was administered. Lesions in the CNS were
limited to the dorsal funiculus, the trigeminal nerves and the spinal tract of the trigeminal nerves. In
these areas, the number of axons was reduced and the myelin was irregular and fragmented. The
severity of the lesions in the rostal dorsal funiculi varied considerably among dogs from minimal to
marked, with up to 70-80% of the nerves affected in some animals. The lesions were more severe in
the rostal aspects of the dorsal funiculus than in the caudal. The lateral funiculi, the ventral funiculus
and the gray matter of all segments were histologically normal.
Subtle effects on the central nervous systems, as measured by an attenuation of startle response, have
been reported in rats fed diets containing between 7-2100 mg/kg of diet (equivalent to approximately
0.28-84 mg vitamin B
/kg body weight/day) for 7 weeks (Schaeffer, 1993).
3.1.2. Studies in humans
The evidence for neurotoxicity in humans due to vitamin B
administration is largely related to a series of
case reports of patients with severe effects associated with extremely high intakes. An important aspect
of these cases is the duration of intake prior to the development of symptoms. Duration of intake is
critical in the interpretation of the results of clinical trials that used vitamin B
for premenstrual syndrome
(see later). Because both dose and duration of intake are important for B
neurotoxicity, the various case
reports are described individually in the text and summarised in Table 2. The data (Table 2) indicate that
cases of clinical neuropathy occur after about 12 months or longer treatment with doses of 2 g/day or
less, whereas neuropathy can develop in less than 12 months at doses greater than 2 g/day.
Schaumburg et al (1983) reported gradual progressive sensory ataxia and profound distal limb
impairment in 7 adult patients following massive doses of vitamin B
(see Table 2). Unstable gait and
numb feet were usually the first signs, and numbness and clumsiness of the hands followed. Profound
distal limb impairment of position and vibration sense developed, while the senses of touch, temperature
and pain were less affected. All tendon reflexes were absent. The clinical profile was similar in all cases.
The neurologic disability slowly improved once the patients stopped taking pyridoxine, and those
examined after a prolonged period had made a satisfactory recovery. The transport of vitamin B
the blood:brain barrier is saturable, and the authors speculated that the peripheral sensory neuropathy
Vitamin B
reflected the vulnerability of the neurons of the dorsal root ganglia because of the absence of the blood:brain
barrier (which would protect neurons within the CNS from excessive circulating levels of the vitamin).
The single case reported by Berger and Schaumburg (1984) (Table 2) showed an improvement of her
symptoms on stopping vitamin B
supplementation, and the authors attributed these symptoms to the
administration of pyridoxine.
Table 2. Case reports of neuropathy in patients taking high doses of vitamin B
Dose (g/day) Duration (months) Reference
0.1-0.2 36 Parry and Bredersen (1985)
0.1-2.5 9 Parry and Bredersen (1985)
0.1-4.0 72 Parry and Bredersen (1985)
0.2-0.5 24 Berger and Schaumburg (1984)
0.5 8 Parry and Bredersen (1985)
0.5 24 Parry and Bredersen (1985)
0.5-2.0 3 Parry and Bredersen (1985)
1.0 12 Waterson and Gilligan (1987)
1.0-2.0 36 Parry and Bredersen (1985)
1.5-2.0 24 Parry and Bredersen (1985)
1.5-2.5 >12 Parry and Bredersen (1985)
2.0 24
Friedman et al (1986)
2.0 12 Parry and Bredersen (1985)
2.0 12 Parry and Bredersen (1985)
2.0 4
Schaumburg et al (1983)
2.0 34
Schaumburg et al (1983)
2.0 40
Schaumburg et al (1983)
2.0-3.5 10 Parry and Bredersen (1985)
2.0-4.5 >12 Parry and Bredersen (1985)
2.0-5.0 2 Parry and Bredersen (1985)
2.0-5.0 4 Parry and Bredersen (1985)
3.0 4
Schaumburg et al (1983)
3.5 1 Parry and Bredersen (1985)
4.0 10
Schaumburg et al (1983)
5.0 2
Schaumburg et al (1983)
6.0 3
Schaumburg et al (1983)
Neuropathy associated with pyridoxine intake was described in 16 patients in another report (Parry
and Bredersen, 1985 –see Table 2). All patients had symmetric distal sensory loss and the sensory
nerve action potentials were absent or severely reduced in amplitude. Central peripheral degeneration
confined to sensory axons strongly suggested that toxicity was directed against the dorsal root ganglia.
Sural nerve biopsy in two patients showed that the myelinated fibre density was reduced and there
was some myelin debris indicating axonal degeneration. The conditions of all patients improved after
stopping vitamin B
treatment for between 3-18 months, but the symptoms were not fully resolved.
Waterston and Gilligan (1987) reported a case of a young woman who had been taking pyridoxine
at a dose of 1000 mg/day for 12 months (Table 2), and whose symptoms resolved on cessation of
pyridoxine intake.
Other studies have reported effects at higher doses. A mild motor neuropathy combined with a severe
sensory neuropathy was reported in a patient who had taken 10 g/day for 5 years (Morra et al, 1993).
This case does not fit into the time-trend apparent in Table 2, and was not included because the time
to the development of sensory effects was not reported. A case of by bilateral numbness after taking
2 g of vitamin B
daily for a period of 2 years (Friedman et al, 1986 -see Table 2) improved within 32
weeks of cessation of B
Vitamin B
A case-report of severe sensory neuropathy in a middle-aged man treated with 600 mg per day of
pyridoxine for 8 months was not included in Table 2 because the subject was also receiving isoniazid (which
also produces peripheral neuropathy) (Santoro et al, 1991).
Neurological effects were detected when a 1 year old patient was treated with 1 g pyridoxine daily for
hyperoxaluria, and these effects were reversed when the dose was reduced to 400 mg per day (de
Zegher et al, 1985).
3.2. Other adverse effects reported in humans and animals
Photosensitivity has been described as an adverse effect associated with pyridoxine intake. A 35 year
old patient who had taken 200 mg pyridoxine per day as part of a multivitamin preparation showed
erythema following exposure to UVA irradiation which the authors ascribed to the pyridoxine present
in the multivitamin preparation (Morimoto et al, 1996). Skin lesions were reported in a woman who had
taken massive doses (4 g/day) for a period of 4 years (Baer, 1984). Coleman et al (1985) treated 400
patients with Down’s syndrome with vitamin B
at pharmacological doses (35 mg/kg/day). Reported side
effects included skin blisters that were related to sun exposure, vomiting and peripheral neuropathy;
all patients who developed blisters did so after a minimum of four and a half years of treatment. Two
patients developed motor and sensory polyneuropathy after 9 years administration of doses up to 50
mg/kg and their condition improved once vitamin B
administration had stopped.
The report of a high frequency of extrapyramidal dysfunction in a small group of patients with
homocysteinuria, and who received pyridoxine, is difficult to interpret because of underlying differences
between these patients and normal individuals (Ludolph et al, 1991).
Administration of doses of 100 or 500 mg B
per day for 10 days to a group of 58 medical students
resulted in significantly impaired memorisation at 500 mg/day, and a non-significant decrease at
100 mg/day (Molimard et al, 1980). This is a potentially important observation, given the dosage and
the short duration of intake. The study was designed to investigate further an earlier unpublished
observation of a decrease in “brain performance” from a double-blind study in medical students
conducted in 1961. The study of Molimard et al (1980) recruited 69 first year medical students who
were randomly allocated to receive identical tablets of 50 mg or 250 mg pyridoxine or placebo to be
taken twice per day for 10 days. Those who declared that they did not take the tablets were treated as
a separate group. The subjects were given a simple digit coding test prior to treatment, immediately
after treatment and 14 days later. In addition the subjects underwent a test on the medical physiology
that had been taught during the treatment period, plus some simple numerical problems at the end of
the treatment period. A total of 58 subjects completed all 3 digit coding tests, which showed a highly
significant improvement with time (a learning effect) in all groups. There were no significant differences
in the uncorrected scores, but evidence of a dose-related decrease in the learning effect, with a highly
significant difference between the placebo group and 500 mg/day group (P<0.002) but a smaller
difference between the placebo and 100 mg/day group (P<0.07). There were no differences in the other
tests of performance. In a second trial as part of the same publication, a group of 30 obese patients
were randomly allocated to receive placebo or 20 mg or 1000 mg of pyridoxine per day for 15 days,
with subjects given a number of tests before and immediately after treatment. An adverse dose-related
effect was found for word recognition (P<0.05) but not for word or visual memorisation, together with a
decrease in the results for a visual retention test in the pyridoxine treated group after treatment. These
studies reported effects after short-term treatment, and no studies have investigated the relationship
between dose and duration of treatment for such effects.
Many studies have described the effects of vitamin B
administration on spermatogenesis in animals
(Mori et al, 1989; 1992; Kaido et al, 1991; Ide et al, 1992). Administration of vitamin B
(125-1000 mg/
kg/day) injected i.p. to rats for 6 weeks resulted in a decrease in the weight of the epididymides and
the number of sperm was also decreased (Mori, et al, 1989; 1992). Similar results have been reported
by other workers (Kaido et al, 1991; Ide et al, 1992).
Daily oral doses of between 20-80 mg pyridoxine/kg to pregnant rats over days 6-15 of gestation
produced no evidence of teratogenicity in the offspring (Khera, 1975). These doses of vitamin B
not affect the number of implantations, corpora lutea or number of live pups. At higher doses (100-800
mg/kg), the number of implantations, live pups and corpora lutea in treated animals were increased in
comparison with controls. However, doses of either 400 or 800 mg/kg significantly reduced the body
weights of the pups.
Vitamin B
Assessment of the dose-response relationship for pyridoxine-induced neurotoxicity is difficult because
of the nature of the available data and potential inverse relationship between the duration of exposure
and the doses that can be tolerated without adverse effects.
4.1. Studies in animals
Although pyridoxine is a water-soluble vitamin, which does not accumulate, the animal data indicate that
there is a progressive development of the neurological lesion with time. The animal toxicity database on
pyridoxine has been reviewed by Cohen and Bendich (1986) and was summarized by Munro (1997) in
a paper presented to a symposium discussing the safety of vitamin B
(Shrimpton and Holmes, 1997).
Krinke and Fitzgerald (1988) have shown that the type of neurotoxicity produced by pyridoxine in the rat
is a function of the dose and duration of administration. Rats administered single high doses (1200 mg/
kg) of pyridoxine were observed to have neuronopathy (damage to the cell body), those administered
lower chronic doses (200 mg/kg for 12 weeks) were observed to have axonopathy to the distal portion
of sensory nerves. These workers also reported that animals administered pyridoxine for 5 days a week
had considerably less damage than those dosed every day.
There is an extensive toxicity database on the effects of vitamin B
in dogs, which supports both the
clinical symptomatology in patients and the inverse relationship between duration and dosage. Krinke et
al (1980) reported on the effects of the oral administration of pyridoxine (300 mg/kg/day for 78 days) on
beagle dogs. Animals developed swaying gait within 4 to 9 days of start of treatment and severe ataxia
between 8-30 days. Morphological examination on sacrifice, revealed widespread neuronal degeneration
in the dorsal root ganglia and the Gasserian ganglia, degeneration of sensory nerve fibres in peripheral
nerves, in dorsal columns of the spinal cord and in the descending spinal tract of the trigeminal nerve.
Phillips et al (1978) administered pyridoxine hydrochloride orally in gelatin capsules (0,50 or 200 mg/kg/
day) to 3 groups of female beagle dogs (4 in the control group, and 5 per treatment group) for 100-112
days. Four of the 5 animals in the high dose group (200 mg/kg/day) showed ataxia and loss of balance
after 45 days of treatment, whilst the other animal showed clinical signs after 75 days: histological
examination of tissues at termination showed bilateral loss of myelin and axons in the dorsal funiculi and
loss of fibres in the dorsal roots. Animals in the low dose group (50 mg/kg/day) showed no clinical signs,
but histological examination revealed loss of myelin in the dorsal nerve roots in all five dogs.
Hoover and Carlton (1981a) reported that all dogs (5 male and 5 female) treated with 150 mg
pyridoxine/kg/day for 100-112 days developed neurologic disease characterised by ataxia involving
predominantly the hind limbs at first, but with time, the fore limbs were also affected. Tests of postural
reactions reflected proprioceptive abnormalities. Hind limb flexor reflexes were mildly reduced in two
dogs and pain perception (pinprick) was mildly reduced in four. However, all dogs remained alert and
cranial nerve and ophthalmologic tests were normal.
Comparison of the data of Phillips et al (1978), Hoover and Carlton (1981a) and Krinke et al (1980)
indicates a possible inverse relationship between dose and time to effect.
4.2. Studies in humans
Interpretation of the data from investigations in humans and case reports (summarised above) indicate
that adverse neurological effects are detected after very high doses (>500 mg/day which is equivalent
to about 8 mg/kg/day). Because of the severity of the adverse effects, there have been few studies
designed to define the dose-response relationship in humans. The most important clinical studies are
summarised in Table 3 and discussed below.
4.2.1. Clinical studies that reported neurological effects
Berger et al (1992) studied only extremely high doses, and did not define a non-effect level. Either 1
or 3 g of pyridoxine was given daily to 5 healthy volunteers until signs of either clinical or laboratory
abnormality were present. Sensory symptoms and QST abnormalities were detected in all patients, and
the subjects receiving the higher doses became symptomatic earlier than those receiving lower doses.
The duration of treatments in the 5 subjects associated with the onset of symptoms was >14, 7, 4.5,
3.5 and 1.5 months in subjects receiving 12, 12, 19.6, 26.5 and 56.9 mg/kg/day respectively. The data
demonstrated a clear inverse relationship between the dosage and the duration of consumption prior
to the onset of symptoms.
Vitamin B
Bernstein (1990) reviewed available data and concluded that women taking 500-5000 mg vitamin B
day as self-treatment for premenstrual tension have shown peripheral neuropathy within one to three
years. The author stated that his own studies did not find neurological effects in 70 patients at doses of
100 or 150 mg/day for up to 5 years. However there is a discrepancy between this statement and the
publications (Del Tredici et al (1985) and Bernstein and Lobitz (1988)) cited to support this conclusion,
in relation to the numbers of patients, the dosage (150-300 mg/day) and most importantly the duration
(mostly less than 6 months). Bernstein (1990) hypothesised that there may be predisposing factors
which may make some individuals more sensitive.
The development of peripheral neuropathy has been reported in patients taking lower doses. A
short report (Dalton, 1985) stated that 40% of women who had been taking vitamin supplements for
premenstrual tension and who had plasma vitamin B
levels above normal (3-18 ng/ml), developed
various clinical signs consistent with peripheral neuropathy. The signs included shooting and tingling
pains, paraesthesia of limbs, clumsiness, ataxia or peri-oral numbness. The vitamin B
intake of these
women ranged from 50-300 mg per day and involved a variety of multivitamin preparations. Two months
after stopping all supplements, 27 of the women were reassessed and all showed improvement.
In a subsequent study (Dalton and Dalton, 1987), vitamin B
intake and clinical signs were monitored
in women attending a private clinic specialising in the treatment of premenstrual tension. Of 172
women who were found to have elevated vitamin B
serum levels (>18 ng/ml), 103 (60%) complained
of neurological symptoms, while the other 69 had no symptoms. The neurological symptoms included
paraesthesia, bone pains, hyperaesthesia, muscle weakness, fasciculation and numbness. Symptoms
were symmetrical. The daily dosages in both groups ranged from <50 mg to >500 mg and the average
daily dose was 117 ± 92 mg in the group described by the authors as the “neurotoxic” group and 116
± 66 in the “controls”. Those complaining of the symptoms had been taking the supplement for 2.9 ±
1.9 years, while those who had no symptoms had a duration of intake of 1.6 ± 2.1 years (P<0.01). Three
months after stopping vitamin B
intake, 55% of the women reported partial or complete recovery
from the neurological symptoms and at 6 months, all reported complete recovery and the areas of
hyperaesthesia and numbness noted at the initial examination had disappeared. Seven women who
had inadvertently not stopped vitamin B
intake all reported a continuation of their symptoms. Three
women had subnormal serum B
levels on cessation of supplement intake, and restarted B
at a daily
dose of 50 mg; however, symptoms returned and they stopped the supplement intake. In one case, a
woman who had taken 75 mg of B
daily together with multivitamins, zinc and magnesium, for 2 years,
and had serum B
level of >34 ng/ml, complained of paraesthesia of the hands, electric shock pains in
her head, numbness of the finger tips and itching between her shoulder blades. Examination revealed
patchy areas of hypersensitivity on her back and lower limbs, especially her shins. On stopping vitamin
treatment, all symptoms eased within 3 months. However, on restarting B
intake at 50 mg per day
for 3 months, the same neurological symptoms returned. The appearance of neurological symptoms at
lower doses appears to be related to duration of intake which is compatible with the conclusion from
Table 1. This study has been severely criticised because of its design; all subjects received vitamin
and the comparisons were between those who did, and those who did not report adverse effects.
The adverse effects may have predated treatment with B
. The only evidence for cause and effect
relates to the consequence of stopping or not stopping intake, and correlations with duration of intake.
Individuals, who had reported adverse effects, had been taking B
for longer than those who did not
have symptoms, and a higher proportion (70% compared with 55%) had serum B
levels >34 ng/ml.
Vitamin B
Table 3. Clinical studies on pyridoxine in relation to neurological effects
(see Table 2 for individual/anecdotal evidence)
Authors Subjects Number
Findings Conclusions
Baker and
Frank (1984)
Elderly 6 225 up to 1 year
effects not
Too few subjects to
provide useful data;
full data not published
Berger et al
Adults 5 1000-3000
up to 7
All subjects
of vibration
and/or thermal
thresholds; 4
subjects deve-
loped clinical
Clear evidence of
adverse effects at
high doses with an
inverse relationship
between dose and
symptom-free duration
Bernstein and
Lobitz (1988)
patients with
16 150
up to 6
No changes in
motor conduc-
tion velocity at
5 months
Limited duration
and high drop-out rate
(only 5 subjects studied
at 5 months)
Bonke and
Nickel (1989)
60 (n = 8)
600 (n = 10)
8 weeks
(a reflection
of tremor);
improvement in
score over the
8 week period
compared to
Duration too
short to assess
neurological effects
Brush (1988)
Brush et al
Patients with
Patients with
cohort 1
= 630
cohort 2
= 336
mostly less
than 1 year;
76 for 1-5
not stated
6 subjects
reported mild
described as
Only 7% of patients
were treated for
3 or more years.
140 subjects
received >100 mg
per day but their
duration of treatment
is not defined
No details given about
duration of treatment
Dalton (1985)
Patients with
58 50-500 Not defined
in symptoms
such as
tiredness and
2 months after
stopping B
Insufficient details
to assess data;
no control
group data
Dalton and
Dalton (1987)
Patients with
172 <50-<500
<6 months-
>5 years
Patients with
had similar
daily intakes
but greater
(2.9 years);
reversal of
symptoms on
cessation of
A selected group
of patients with high
serum B
which showed
a high incidence of
“neurological” symptoms.
There was no control
group and the evidence
of causality is the
relationship with
duration of intake
and reversibility
Day (1979)
Patients with
67 100 1 month
No assessment
of side effects
Duration too short
to assess neurological
Vitamin B
Table 3 (Cont.). Clinical studies on pyridoxine in relation to neurological effects
(see Table 2 for individual/anecdotal evidence)
Authors Subjects Number
Findings Conclusions
Del Tredici et al
Patients with
carpal tunnel
24 150 or 300 4 months
No changes
in distal
latency or
sment que-
Duration too
short to assess
neurological effects
Ellis et al
(1979) (and
studies cited);
Ellis (1987)
Patients with
carpal tunnel
35 100-300
up to 12
No adverse
cal effects
The condition may be
due to pyridoxine defi-
ciency; typical treatment
schedule of 12 weeks
(Ellis, 1987) is of too short
duration to access
neurological effects
Kerr (1977)
Patients with
70 40-100 2 months
No assess-
ment of side
Duration too
short to assess
neurological effects
Mitwalli et al
Patients with
22 250-500 1-6 years
No neurolo-
gical com-
plications in
22 patients
or nerve
lities in 7
studied in
Small group size but
very extended duration;
influence of the
disease on
pyridoxine handling,
requirements and
neurological response
are not known
Mpofu et al
Patients with
17 200-500 10-24 years
No abnor-
malities of
motor or
Small group size but very
extended duration; the
absence of effects at
doses equivalent to 10-90
mg/kg/day suggests that
these patients may show
reduced responsiveness
to the neuronal adverse
effects of pyridoxine
Pauling (1984)
cites Hawkins
>5000 200 not given No details
No details available;
cannot be assessed
Pullon et al
Women 410 not described not described
No asses-
sments of
Results from a survey
of 1826 women; no
data on tolerability
and side effects
Tolis et al
Women 9 200 or 400 2 months
No effects
on growth
hormone or
Small number of
subjects and very limited
duration of treatment;
no assessment of
neurological effects
Williams et al
Women with
204 (out
of 434)
100 3 months
No diffe-
rence in
side effects
and placebo
Duration too
short to access
neurological effects
Wyatt et al
Women with
526 (out
of 910)
up to 4
Data asses-
sment for
reports of
side effects;
1 reported
case of
side effects
A systematic review
of published and
placebo controlled
trials; all studies of
inadequate duration
Vitamin B
Brush (1988) reported retrospective data on a group of 630 women with premenstrual syndrome who
were treated with pyridoxine either alone or in combination with other medications. This cohort appears
to have been the same as that described by Brush et al (1988), and mentioned by Brush and Perry
(1985) in their letter concerning the Dalton study.
Neuropathy was not reported in the group of 630 women who received between 80 and 200 mg
pyridoxine daily for premenstrual syndrome (Brush, 1988; Brush and Perry, 1985). This same cohort of
patients was described by Brush et al (1988), and it is clear that the data are limited by the duration of
the study because 80% of the subjects were treated for 12 months or less, and 93% for 24 months or
less: neurological assessment was not performed and the tolerability of the treatment was assessed
by the patients. Although the authors state that there were no adverse effects in the 1976-1983 cohort
of 630 patients, Brush (1988) tabulated “definite side-effects” with 5 cases of dizziness and 6 cases of
mild tingling in the 1983-1986 cohort of 336 patients; the authors ascribed this to the higher dose (200
mg/day) in this cohort and/or the adverse publicity at the time.
4.2.2. Clinical studies that did not report neurological effects
In contrast to the “positive” studies described above, there are a number of publications that did not
find evidence of adverse effects in humans receiving high doses of vitamin B
. Interpretation of the
various studies is complicated by differences in the duration of treatment. A large number of the studies
are in women taking high doses of vitamin B
for premenstrual syndrome. The various “negative”
studies are described below, followed by a summary of the dose, duration and outcome for both
positive and negative studies.
No adverse effects were reported in a small study by Bonke and Nickel (1989) in which small numbers
of healthy volunteer marksmen were given a mixture of vitamin B1 (90 or 300 mg), B
(60 or 600 mg) and
B12 (120 or 600 µg) daily for a period of 8 weeks; however, there was an increase in shooting accuracy,
indicating a reduction in tremor, at both doses. Adverse effects were not reported in a group of 6 elderly
individuals given 225 mg pyridoxine per day for one year (Baker and Frank, 1984). In a letter to the
New England Journal of Medicine, Pauling (1984) stated that a similar dose (200 mg pyridoxine daily)
had been given to more than 5000 subjects without reports of side-effects (but these data cannot be
evaluated because the duration of intake is not known and the cited reference (Hawkins, 1973) is not
available in peer-reviewed literature).
A cohort of 434 patients with premenstrual syndrome was divided into two groups: one group received
100 mg pyridoxine per day and the other group were given a placebo. The patients were allowed to
increase the dose to 200 mg/day if they considered they were receiving no benefit from the initial
treatment (Williams et al, 1985). Patients were studied over 3 menstrual cycles only and therefore
the duration of intake and dose were inadequate to allow assessment of any possible neurotoxicity
associated with pyridoxine.
Two preliminary reports (Kerr, 1977; Day, 1979) studied the potential value of pyridoxine in the
treatment of premenstrual syndrome. Neither study was of sufficient duration (2 months and 7 months
respectively) or assessed symptoms sufficiently rigorously to be of value in relation to establishing
possible adverse effects of vitamin B
. A large group of women with premenstrual symptoms (n = 1826)
was studied by Pullon et al (1989) largely in relation to the syndrome and its management, but this large
study provided no data on possible pyridoxine neuropathy. A recent systematic review of studies on
the use of vitamin B
in premenstural syndrome (Wyatt et al, 1999) showed an improvement compared
to placebo. The review considered 9 published studies that involved 940 women. Adverse effects were
limited to one case of neuropathy that could be attributed to pyridoxine. Dosages ranged from 50-600
mg/day, but the studies were too short in duration (usually 2-4 months) to exclude the possibility of
neuropathy after prolonged intake at such intakes.
A small study in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome by Del Tredici et al (1985) described the treatment
of 16 patients with 150 mg vitamin B
for 4 months and 8 patients with 300 mg B
for 4 months.
Measurement of distal motor latency indicated a clinical improvement. No details of neurological
assessment were given and the duration of the study limits its value for assessing adverse effects
after long-term treatment. Ellis et al (1979) reported detailed results on one patient out of a group of 22
patients with carpal tunnel syndrome who had been treated with pyridoxine (120 mg/day). Treatment
with either 2 mg or 100 mg per day resulted in clinical improvement in symptoms (P<0.01 and P<0.001
respectively), which is consistent with the authors proposal that this condition is related to pyridoxine
deficiency. A subsequent paper, Ellis (1987) described the successful treatment of 35 selected cases
Vitamin B
of carpal tunnel syndrome with pyridoxine (100-200 mg per day), which took 12 weeks to improve or
relieve the signs and symptoms.
No clinically significant side effects were reported in a group of ten 6-year old patients with autism
who were given a combination of pyridoxine (639 mg) and magnesium (216 mg) daily for a period of 10
weeks using a double blind, placebo-controlled study design (Findling et al, 1997).
Additional data have been published from studies in patients with known metabolic abnormalities or
inborn errors of metabolism. These are given briefly below for completeness, but their interpretation in
relation to the safety of vitamin B
for normal subjects is unclear.
Bernstein and Lobitz (1988) reported no deterioration of peripheral nerve function in a group of 16
patients with painful diabetic neuropathy who were treated with pyridoxine 150 mg/day for a period of
up to 6 months, but only 4 subjects completed the study for the full 6 months.
Mitwalli et al (1984) reported the absence of neurological effects in a group of 22 patients with
hyperoxaluria who developed kidney stones, and who received doses of 250-500 mg of pyridoxine
per day for 8 months to 6 years (average 2.3 years). Nerve conduction studies in a sub-group of 7 of
these patients revealed no abnormalities. This paper is frequently stated as supporting the safety of
intermediate doses of pyridoxine but it is limited by the study size; also hyperoxaluria can be a result
of pyridoxine deficiency (Nath et al, 1990), so that a metabolic abnormality related to pyridoxine cannot
be excluded.
Patients with homocysteinuria may be given high dose pyridoxine treatment for many years from birth.
A brief report by Mpofu et al (1991) described a group of 17 subjects who were given 200-500 mg of
pyridoxine per day for between 7 and 24 years. Because the patients were treated from ages 2 weeks
to 14 years, the doses ranged from 10-90 mg/kg/day during the first 10 years of life. The treatment
was associated with very high concentrations of pyridoxine and pyridoxal phosphate in the plasma.
Nerve conduction was within the normal range in each of the 4 nerves studied in each patient. Although
this study appears to support the safety of doses of 200-500 mg of pyridoxine per day, such patients
typically show a range of mental, ocular, skeletal and cardiovascular disease if untreated. The influence
of the condition on the response to potentially neurotoxic doses of pyridoxine is not known, but the
absence of effects at such high doses (comparable to those of Berger et al, 1992) raises questions over
the usefulness of such data in relation to the general population.
4.3. Establishment of a no-observed adverse effect level (NOAEL)
The available dose-response data in humans are difficult to analyse because many of the publications
relate to case reports and true incidence data are not available. The studies of Schaumburg et al
(1983) showed the potential severity of the hazard but there was little information on dose-response.
Parry and Bredesen (1985) reported a case series of 16 patients with sensory central-peripheral distal
axonopathy, who had taken from 0.2 to 5 g/day for prolonged periods. Berger et al (1992) reported
adverse effects in 4 out of 5 healthy volunteers who were given 1 g or 3 g/day in a controlled study.
Berger and Schaumburg (1984) described a case of reversible pyridoxine-induced, sensory ataxia in a
woman who had taken 200 mg/day for 2 years followed by 500 mg/day for 1 year. A similar case was
reported by Waterston and Gilligan (1987) in a woman who had taken 1000 mg/day for 1 year.
The data described above, and summarised in Table 2, are the basis for the generally accepted
conclusion that 500 mg of pyridoxine daily represents a potentially toxic dose for adults.
The data for doses between 100 mg/day and 500 mg/day are less clear, largely because they relate
to case reports or observations in groups of patients, that were not subject to a proper double-blind,
placebo-controlled evaluation. The case series described by Parry and Bredesen (1985) included 3
patients who had taken <1 g/day, all of whom had taken the high dose supplements for more than 1
year; one subject had taken a maximum of 200 mg/day for at least 3 years. Brush (1988) reported a low
incidence of possible pyridoxine related side-effects (5 subjects reported tingling and/or numbness) in
a cohort of 336 subjects who had taken 200 mg per day (see above); however the duration of treatment
and details of other medication for these subjects were not given. Similar effects were not reported in
a previous group, but the majority had been followed for less than 12 months (Brush, 1988).
As discussed above, many of the observational clinical studies which report no adverse effects of
pyridoxine are limited in relation to duration of intake, size of study group, lack of adequate assessment
Vitamin B
of adverse effects and/or lack of an appropriate protocol (double-blind, placebo-controlled) (see Wyatt
et al, 1999). Many of these criticisms can also be applied to the study of Dalton and Dalton (1987)
with the important exception of the duration of exposure. This study divided a group of 172 women
into those who reported altered sensations in their limbs or skin, or muscle weakness, or pain (n =
103), and those who did not. Comparison between the two sub-groups was used as the basis for the
analysis, which found no difference in pyridoxine intake, but a significantly greater duration of intake in
those with symptoms (2.9 years) compared with those without (1.6 years). Although this study is open
to criticism, the finding in relation to duration is not inconsistent with other data at higher doses and in
animals. The authors did not give a separate statistical analysis in relation to the difference in duration
of intake for those who reported likely pyridoxine-related symptoms such as paraesthesia (n = 59),
hyperaesthesia (n = 33) and numbness (n = 21) compared to the symptom-free group. The lower end
of the dose-response for pyridoxine-related neurological effects has not been defined clearly, especially
for long-term intake. The various studies show clear effects at 500 mg/day or more, a low incidence of
effects at 200 mg/day in one study (if taken for up to 2 years) and the possibility of effects at about 100
mg/day (if consumed for about 3 years). In consequence a clear NOAEL has not been established and
an intake of 100 mg/day cannot be excluded as a possible effect level for long-term intake.
4.3.1. Previous reviews and evaluations
There have been a number of reviews published on the establishment of a safe upper limit for
pyridoxine. Bender (1989) reviewed the risks and benefits of B
therapy and concluded that doses of
“50 mg/day” and above must be considered to be potentially hazardous. Although Bendich and Cohen
(1990) in their review of published data concluded that total amounts of 100 g taken over periods of 20
months (which can be estimated as equivalent to approximately 170 mg/day) are not associated with
neuropathy, the database they presented included 2 cases in which neuropathy was reported at doses
of around 100 mg/day for approximately 14 months. An earlier SCF evaluation (1993) concluded that
“intakes greater than 500 mg/day are associated with neurological damage and intakes of more than
50 mg/day are potentially harmful in adults”. An upper level of 10 mg per day was suggested by the
UK Committee on Toxicity in 1997, which was based largely on the data from studies in dogs, divided
by a safety factor, and supported by the data from the study of Dalton and Dalton (1987) and other
available human data.
The Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine (FNB, 1998) in the USA recently set an
upper level of 100 mg/day for adults. That report did not use the study of Dalton and Dalton (1987) to
establish the NOAEL because they considered that the weaknesses of the study and the inconsistency
of the results with the weight of evidence pertaining to the safety of higher doses of pyridoxine ruled
out the use of these data to base an upper level. The report highlighted a number of methodological
weaknesses in the study, but in reality many of these apply also to the other studies available on
pyridoxine. The FNB report identified a NOAEL of 200 mg/day based on two studies (Bernstein and
Lobitz, 1988; Del Tredici et al, 1985). The FNB report (FNB, 1998) supported the NOAEL of 200 mg/
day with additional studies that they stated were not as carefully executed or reported as the study
by Bernstein and Lobitz (1988), but which reported no neuropathy in hundreds of individuals given
pyridoxine doses of 100 to 500 mg/day (Brush et al, 1988; Ellis et al, 1979; Mitwalli et al, 1984; Tolis et
al, 1977). Careful scrutiny of the papers used by the FNB to establish a NOAEL of 200 mg/day shows
that the studies that were the principal basis were of too short duration to be useful; Bernstein and
Lobitz (1988) reported data for only 16 patients, at doses of 150 mg/day and the duration of intake was
only up to 6 months (with only 5 subjects studied after 5 months), while Del Tredici et al (1985) studied
only 24 patients for 4 months. The large number of subjects studied in the other publications used to
support the NOAEL of 200 mg/day was largely due to the work of Brush and colleagues (which was
not unequivocally without possible adverse effects see above), whereas Ellis et al (1979) reported
on only 22 subjects [Ellis (1987) discusses data for 35 cases], Mitwalli et al (1984) gave data for only
7 in detail (but these had been treated for 2.8 years) and Tolis et al (1977) only 9 patients. Against this
general background of inadequate data, especially with respect to the duration of treatment, it is not
reasonable to dismiss the study by Dalton and Dalton (1987).
These previous analyses did not consider adequately the possibility of an inverse relationship between
duration of intake and the lowest dose producing adverse effects. Also, these reviews did not consider
intakes during potentially critical periods of development.
Vitamin B
The toxicity of concern with pyridoxine is neurotoxicity, which has been demonstrated clearly in
experimental animals and humans. Other effects reported in animals, which occur at high doses (see
earlier), have not been investigated in humans, because the main effect in animals is on spermatogenesis
and the main use of high doses in humans is for premenstrual tension.
The deficiencies and uncertainties in the available database make the identification of a clear no-effect
intake very difficult. Daily doses of about 500 mg are necessary to produce severe neurological effects.
In contrast, some of the subjects who reported minor neurological symptoms in the study of Dalton
and Dalton (1987) were taking only 50 mg of pyridoxine per day. The dose-response data in humans,
which are the basis for determining the upper level, are derived largely for women with premenstrual
syndrome. Pyridoxine neuropathy develops very slowly in humans even at high doses; intake for 12
months or longer is necessary to produce neurotoxicity at doses of 2 g per day or less (see Table 2).
Severe effects have been reported in a number of case reports that involved daily intakes about 500
mg, with one case report after 100-200 mg for 36 months (Table 2). The second cohort described in
the paper by Brush (1988) is consistent with mild effects at 200 mg/day in a small number of treated
patients. The data in the study of Dalton and Dalton (1987), and their validity are critical to establishing
the upper level. The study of Dalton and Dalton (1987) is difficult to interpret with respect to both the
incidence and also the dose-response relationship; however, the duration difference and the reversibility
data indicate that the effects cannot be dismissed. Based on the apparent inverse relationship between
dosage and duration of intake, a significant difference in duration of intake (average 2.9 years), but not
dosage in women with “neurological effects” while taking low doses is exactly the relationship that
would be predicted.
In summary therefore the data indicate that severe toxicity can be produced at doses of 500 mg/
day or more, and that minor neurological symptoms may be apparent at doses of 100 mg/day or
more if consumed for long periods. Neurotoxicity has not been reported at doses of 100 mg/day
when consumed for a period of up to a few months but such data are not relevant to assessment of
neurotoxicity, because of the slow development of symptoms at high doses and the inverse relationship
between dosage and the onset of symptoms.
An upper level has been calculated by dividing the average intakes in the study of Dalton and Dalton
(1987) of approximately 100 mg per day (the mean intake was 117 mg/day and the median was <100 mg/
day) by a factor of 2, because the intake corresponds to a possible effect level for long-term intake, and
by a second factor of 2 to allow for deficiencies in the database. A larger uncertainty factor is considered
not to be necessary, because the data of Dalton and Dalton (1987) were for a sub-group with high plasma
concentrations, and because the resulting upper level of 25 mg per day has not been associated with
adverse effects in any of the large number of published studies. This value is below the lowest doses
associated with minor neurological effects following long-term intake, and is 10- or 20-fold lower than
doses associated with more severe adverse effects. In addition an intake of 25 mg/day is below the doses
producing subtle and minor effects when taken for only 10 days (Molimard et al, 1980).
There are no subgroups that are known to be unusually susceptible to the adverse effects of vitamin
. There are no reports of adverse neurological effects on infants born to mothers with high intakes of
vitamin B
, or of neurological effects in lactating women, although controlled clinical studies are lacking.
Therefore the UL of 25 mg per day should be considered to apply also to pregnant and lactating
women. However, there are no adequate animal developmental neurotoxicity data that address these
stages of development, and this is identified as a database deficiency (see recommendations).
The upper level intakes for children are based on body weight differences compared to adults:
Age (years)
Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL)
(mg per day)
1-3 5
4-6 7
7-10 10
11-14 15
15-17 20
Adults 25
Vitamin B
There is a wide margin between the UL of 25 mg per day and intakes from food sources only (see
Table 1) and there are no safety concerns in relation to vitamin B
intake from food sources. The
combined intake that would occur from the foods and from supplements is generally below the UL.
However, recent data on vitamin B
intake from foods and supplements in Ireland indicate that, while
the 95th percentile intake of 18-64 year old women is 8 mg/day, the intakes of 2.5% of this population
group exceed the UL of 25 mg (range of intake of 30-62 mg/d) due to supplement use (IUNA, 2000).
There are supplements available in some countries that contain amounts per tablet/capsule that are
considerably higher than the upper level. The UL does not apply to individuals taking vitamin B
medical supervision.
Neurotoxicity has been reported only after prolonged periods of treatment at high doses. The vitamin
itself is rapidly eliminated and there is no molecular mechanism to explain the delay between exposure
and the development of adverse effects. Information on the mechanism may allow a better understanding
of the inter-relationships of the dosage, the duration of intake and the severity of effect.
Pyridoxine deficiency has a significant effect on neuronal development (Kirksey et al, 1990), but
there are no data on the neuronal toxicity of excessive pyridoxine during development of the nervous
system. A major deficit in the database for this vitamin is the absence of information from adequate
developmental neurotoxicity studies. Such research would clarify if the dose-response relationship
of the developing nervous system is comparable to that indicated by studies in adults. Information
on the neurobehavioural development of the offspring of women who become pregnant while taking
high-doses of vitamin B
for pre-menstrual syndrome, or who were intentionally given high doses of B
during pregnancy (see Ellis, 1987), may provide data relevant to this issue.
Antopol W and Tarlov IM (1942). Experimental study of the effects produced by large doses of vitamin B6. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 1:
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IUNA (2000). Irish Universities Nutrition Alliance. The North/South Ireland Food Consumption Survey. Food Safety Promotion Board, Dublin.
Kaido, M, Mori K, Ide Y, Inoue N and Koide O (1991). Testicular damage by high doses of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) in rats: A light and
electron microscopical study. Exp Mol Pathol 55: 63-82.
Kerr GD (1977). The management of premenstrual syndrome. Current Medical Research and Opinion 4: 29-34.
Khera KS (1975). Tetratogenicity study in rats given high doses of pyridoxine (vitamin B6) during organogenesis. Experientia 31(4): 469-470.
Kirksey A, Morré and Wasynczuk AZ (1990). Neuronal development in B6 deficiency. Ann NY Acad Sci 585: 202-218.
Krinke GJ and Fitzgerald RE (1988). The pattern of pyridoxine-induced lesion: difference between the high and the low toxic level.
Toxicology 49: 171-178.
Krinke G, Schaumburg HH, Spencer PS, Suter J, Thomann P and Hess R (1980). Pyridoxine megavitaminosis produces degeneration of
peripheral sensory neurone (sensory neuropathy) in the dog. Neurotoxicology 2: 13-24.
Lee CM and Leklem JE (1985). Differences in vitamin B6 status indicator responses between young and middle-aged women fed constant
diets with two levels of vitamin B6. Am J Nutr 42: 226-234.
Lewis P (1995). Pyridoxine supplements may help patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. Br Med J 310: 1534.
Ludolph AC, Ullrich K, Bick U, Fahrendorf G and Przyrembel H (1991) Functional and morphological deficits in late-treated patients with
homocystinuria: a clinical, electrophysiologic and MRI study. Acta Neurol Scand 83: 161-165.
Merrill AH and Henderson JM (1990). Vitamin B6 metabolism by human liver. Ann NY Acad Sci 585: 110-117.
Mitwalli A, Blair G and Oreopoulos DG (1984). Safety of intermediate doses of pyridoxine. Can Med Assoc J 131: 14.
Molimard R, Marillaud A, Paille A, Le Devehat C, Lemoine A and Dougny M (1980). Impairment of memorization by high doses of
pyridoxine in man. Biomedicine 32: 88-92.
Mori K, Kaido M, Fujishiro K and Inoue N (1989). Sangyo-Ika-Daigaku-Zasshi 11(4): 445-449.
Vitamin B
Morimoto K, Kawada A, Hiruma M and Ishibashi A (1996). Photosensitivity from pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6). J Am Acad
Dermatol 35: 304-305.
Morra M, Philipszoon HD, D’Andrea G, Cananzi AR, L’Erario R and Ferro-Milone F (1993). Sensory and motor neuropathy caused by excessive
ingestion of vitamin B6: A case report. Funct Neurol 8: 429-432.
Mpofu C, Alani SM, Whitehouse C, Fowler B and Wraith JE (1991). No sensory neuropathy during pyridoxine treatment in homocystinuria.
Arch Dis Child 66: 1081-1082.
Munro I (1997). In:
Vitamin B6. New Data. New Perspectives
. The Council for Responsible Nutrition, pp 11-16.
Nath R, Thind SK, Murthy MSR, Farooqui S, Gupta R and Koul HK (1990). Role of pyridoxine in oxalate metabolism. Ann NY Acad Sci
585: 274-284.
Parry GJ and Bredesen DE (1985). Sensory neuropathy with low-dose pyridoxine. Neurology 35: 1466-1468.
Pauling L (1984). Sensory neuropathy from pyridoxine abuse. New Engl J Med 310: 197.
Phillips WEJ, Mills JHL, Charbonneau SM, Tryphonas L, Hatina GV, Zawidzka Z, Bryce FR and Munro IC (1978). Subacute toxicity of pyridoxine
hydrochloride in the beagle dog. Tox and Appl Pharm 44: 323-333.
Pullon SRH, Reinken JA and Sparrow MJ (1989). Treatment of premenstrual symptoms in Wellington women. NZ Med J 102: 72-74.
Report of the Panel on Dietary Reference Values of the Committee on Medical Aspects of Food Policy, Report No 41. Department of
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Reports of the Scientific Committee for Food on Nutrient and Energy Intakes for the EC, 31st Series, Official publication of the European
Community, 1993.
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Rose C S, Gyorgy P, Butler M, Andres R, Norris A H, Shock N W, Tobin J, Brin M and Spiegel H (1976). Age differences in the vitamin B6
status of 617 men. Am J Nutr 29: 847-853.
Santoro L, Ragno M, Nucciotti R, Barbieri F and Caruso G (1991). Acta Neurol 13: 13-18.
Schaeffer MC (1993). Excess dietary vitamin B6 alters startle behavior of rats. J Nutr 123: 1444-1452.
Schaeppi U and Krinke G (1982). Pyridoxine neuropathy: correlation of functional tests and neuropathology in beagle dogs treated with large
doses of vitamin B6. Agents and Actions 12: 575-582.
Schaumburg H, Kaplan J, Windebank A, Vick N, Rasmus S, Pleasure D and Brown M J (1983). Sensory neuropathy from pyridoxine abuse.
New Engl J Med 309: 445-448.
Shrimpton D and Holmes V. (1997). Eds: Vitamin B6. New Data. New Perspectives. The Council for Responsible Nutrition.
Speitling A, Heseker H and Kübler W (1990). Pharmacokinetic properties of the plasma B6 vitamers after single and chronic oral pyridoxine
mega doses. Ann NY Acad Sci 585: 557-559.
Sturman JA (1986). In: Vitamin B6 Pyridoxal Phosphate. Chemical, Biochemical and Medical Aspects. Part B (Eds Dolphin D, Poulson R
and Avramovic O), pp 507-572.
Tolis G, Laliberté R, Guyda H and Naftolin F (1977). Ineffectiveness of pyridoxine (B6) to alter secretion of growth hormone and prolactin
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Turrini A. National Survey 1994-1996. INRAN, Rome.
Unna K (1940). Studies on the toxicity and pharmacology of vitamin B6 (2-methyl-3-hydroxy-4,5-bis-(hydroxymethyl)-pyridine).
J Pharmacol Exp Ther 70: 400-407.
Unna K and Antopol W (1940a). J Pharm Exp Therap 70: 179-188.
Unna K and Antopol W (1940b). Am J Physiol 129: 483-484.
van den Berg H, Bode W, Mocking JAJ and Löwik MRH (1990). Effect of ageing on vitamin B6 status and metabolism. Ann NY Acad Sci
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Waterston JA and Gilligan BS (1987). Pyridoxine neuropathy. Med J Austr 146: 640-642.
Williams MJ, Harris RI and Dean BC (1985). Controlled trial of pyridoxine in the premenstrual syndrome. J Int Med Res 13: 174-179.
Wyatt KM, Dimmock PW, Jones PW and O’Brien PMS (1999). Efficacy of vitamin B6 in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome:
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Xu Y, Sladky JT and Brown MJ (1989). Dose-dependent expression of neuronopathy after experimental pyridoxine intoxication. Neurology
39: 1077-108.
Vitamin B
This opinion is one in the series of opinions of the SCF on the upper levels of vitamins and minerals.
The terms of reference given by the European Commission for this task, the related background
and the guidelines used by the Committee to develop tolerable upper intake levels for vitamins and
minerals used in this opinion, which were expressed by the SCF on 19 October 2000, are available on
the Internet at the pages of the SCF, at the address:
Vitamin B
is the generic name for a specific group of cobalt-containing corrinoids with biological
activity in humans. This group of biologically active corrinoids is also described as cobalamins.
Cyanocobalamin is the commercialy available form used in food supplements and food fortification.
In foods, hydroxo-, methyl- and 5’-deoxyadenosyl-cobalamins are the main cobalamins present.
Sulphitocobalamin, with a sulphite ligand chelated to the central cobalt atom in the corrin ring, may
occur is some processed foods.
Vitamin B
functions primarily as a coenzyme in intermediary metabolism. Only two vitamin B
dependent reactions have been identified thus far for humans: 1) the methionine synthase reaction with
methylcobalamin, and 2) the methylmalonyl CoA mutase reaction with 5-deoxyadenosylcobalamin as the
active coenzyme, respectively.
A dietary vitamin B
deficiency can occur in strict vegetarians or after gastrectomy, and other diseases
affecting cobalamin absorption. About two-thirds of patients with vitamin B
deficiency have pernicious
anemia (PA), an autoimmune disorder associated with gastric atrophy and absence of Intrinsic Factor
(IF) which results in vitamin B
malabsorption. The key symptom in vitamin B
deficiency is macrocytic
megaloblastic anemia. These haematological abnormalities are indistinguishable from those seen in
folate deficiency, because of the interrelated function of both vitamins (Herbert, 1986). Another key
symptom of vitamin B
deficiency are neurological complications, such as paraesthesia, leg weakness,
memory loss, etc, due to progressive lesions in the lateral and posterior columns of the spinal cord
(subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord). Neurological symptoms occur in about 75-
90% of all individuals with (untreated) vitamin B
deficiency, and appear generally at a later stage. In
about 25% of all cases neurological symptoms are the only symptoms, i.e. without haematological
abnormalities (for review see Bower & Wald, 1995; Lindenbaum et al, 1988).
Vitamin B
plays a specific role in amino acid metabolism, i.e. in methylation reactions, together
with folate, in the methionine synthase reaction, and in the rearrangement of methylmalonyl CoA into
succinyl CoA (for review see Herbert, 1984; Ellenbogen & Cooper, 1991).
The average dietary requirement for vitamin B
, as established by the Scientific Committee for Food
(Nutrient and Energy Intakes for the European Community, Reports of the SCF, 31th Series, 1993) is
1.0 µg/day, with a population reference intake (PRI) for adults of 1.4 µg/day. This is approximately the
amount needed to maintain an adequate vitamin B
body pool (about 2.5 mg), and to compensate for
daily losses (about 0.1% of the total body pool). Dietary vitamin B
only comes from animal sources,
mainly from dairy products, fish and (red) meat. Daily intakes between 2 and 6 µg have been reported for
omnivores. Individuals consuming large amounts of liver and some types of fish (sardines) may have high
intakes; in contrast, individuals avoiding animal products need supplemental sources of vitamin B
The prevalence of marginal cobalamin deficiency in elderly, characterized by low serum cobalamin and
increased plasma methylmalonic acid (MMA) levels, has been estimated at about 25% (van Asselt,
1998). This is likely due to a decreased bioavailability of vitamin B
from dietary sources, but not from
synthetic vitamin B
. In the US the use of vitamin B
supplements is encouraged for elderly because
of their compromised absorption (FNB DRI Report, IOM, 1998).
Vitamin B
Other groups at risk for a marginal intake of vitamin B
are those avoiding animal products, such as
vegans and individuals on a macrobiotic diet, and subjects with an undiagnosed pernicious anemia.
Detailed intake data on vitamin B
in EU countries are scarce. Recently, average intakes of 4.9 and 3.9
µg/day were reported for adult men and women, respectively, from a representative household survey
in The Netherlands, using a two-day dietary record method (Blokdijk et al, 2000). The mean vitamin
intake in Dutch elderly subjects was about 5 µg/day, with a range of 0.5-16.9 µg/day from dietary
intake, and up to 32 µg/day for the total intake (including supplements) (van Asselt et al, 1998).
Data from Ireland (IUNA, 2000) indicate a mean vitamin B
intake from all sources (food + supplements)
of 5.4 and 4.1 µg/day for men and women, respectively. The upper 97.5
percentiles were 15.0 and
15.1 µg/day, respectively. Mean intakes from food sources only were 5.2 and 3.6 µg/day, for males and
females, with upper 97.5
percentiles of 13.1 and 11.8 µg/day, respectively.
Data from the United Kingdom (HMSO, 1990) indicate a mean vitamin B
intake from all sources (food
+ supplements) of 7.3 and 5.4 µg/day for men and women, respectively. The upper 97.5
were 23.0 and 18.2 µg/day, respectively. Mean intakes from food sources only were 7.2 and 5.2 µg/day,
for males and females, with upper 97.5
percentiles of 22.9 and 17.8 µg/day, respectively.
Data from the Boston Nutritional Status Survey on vitamin B
supplement use among elderly show
that the median (percentile 50) intake from supplements is 5 µg/day for males and 6 µg/day for females
(total intake from diet + supplement: 9.7 and 9.0µg/day, respectively); the percentile 95 intake from
supplements was 77 µg/day in men and 100 µg/day in women, and the corresponding values for total
intake were 83 µg/day in men and 106 µg/day in women, respectively. Data from NHANES III (USA) give
a highest mean intake from diet + supplements for males (31-50 years) of 17 µg/day, the percentile 95
intake in pregnant females was 37 µg/day (data taken from FNB DRI Report, IOM, 1998).
Dietary vitamin B
is absorbed through a receptor mediated mechanism in the ileum. Food-bound
vitamin B
has first to be liberated through peptic digestion and gastric acid secretion in the stomach.
The ‘free’ vitamin B
becomes then bound to haptocorrins (or R-proteins) secreted by the salivary
glands and the gastric mucosa. In the small intestine the R-binders are degraded by pancreatic
protease action and the cobalamins are subsequently bound to the Intrinsic Factor (IF), a glycoprotein
secreted by the parietal cells of the stomach. Uptake in the ileum is specific for the IF-cobalamin
complex. Fractional absorption decreases as the oral dose is increased. Ileal receptors are saturated
with dosages between approximately 1.5 and 2.5 µg of vitamin B
per meal. At intakes around 1 µg
about 50% is absorbed, at dosages around 25 µg only 5% is absorbed. Very small amounts (ca 1%)
can be absorbed by passive diffusion, in the absence of IF.
In blood the cobalamins are transported by specific binding proteins, called transcobalamins. Although
normally about 80% of the plasma cobalamins (mainly methyl-, adenosyl- and hydroxocobalamin) are
bound by the glycoproteins TC I and TC III, the other 20% is bound to TC II, which is the essential B
carrier in the delivery of the vitamin to the non-hepatic, metabolically active tissues such as the bone
marrow and the brain.
After parenteral administration of hydroxycobalamin a rapid decline in plasma levels has been observed
in the first 7 hours, followed by a slower decline with a half-life elimination of 21-29 h (Loew, 1988).
Vitamin B
is an exceptional B-vitamin as it can be stored in significant amounts, especially in the liver
and the kidney. The average concentration in human liver is between 0.5-1 µg/g; the total body pool
size is estimated between 2-3 mg (Grasbeck et al, 1958; Adams et al, 1972). The main excretion is
through the bile, but there is a considerable reabsorption of these biliary cobalamin losses in the ileum
(enterohepatic circulation). Average daily losses via the stool are estimated at ca 0.5 µg. In PA patients
these losses are higher, estimated at about 0.2% of the total body pool size, because of a lack of (IF
mediated) reabsorption. Urinary excretion is minimal, and increased only if the plasma binding capacity
is exceeded, e.g. following parenteral or intravenous administration. Total daily losses are estimated at
about 0.1% of the total body pool (for review see Scott, 1997; Ellenbogen & Cooper, 1991).
No adverse effects have been associated with excess vitamin B
intake from food or supplements in
healthy individuals. Vitamin B
has a history of safe long-term use as a therapeutic agent given in high
dosages per os, or via intramuscular injections, for treatment of disorders associated with impaired
Vitamin B
vitamin B
absorption, such as in gastrectomy and malabsorpion. In vitamin B
replacement therapy
oral or intramuscular dosages between 1-5 mg vitamin B
are used, with no supportive evidence of
adverse effects. The usual treatment in PA patients is 1 mg administered intramuscularly once every 1
to 3 months, but oral dosages of 300-1000 µg daily could also provide adequate treatment (Berlin et
al, 1968; Hathcock & Troendle, 1991). At these dosage rates the cobalt and cyanide contributions are
toxicologically insignificant (see Hathcock & Troendle, 1991).
Mangiarotti et al (1986) studied the effect of massive supplementation with vitamin B
in a group of
dialysis patients. One group of 106 patients received a multivitamin preparation containing 2.5 mg
vitamin B
plus 0.7 mg folic acid, 12 mg niacin and 150 mg vitamin C at the end of each dialysis period
during 3 years. Serum vitamin B
levels at the end of the treatment period were 4 times greater than
normal, but no adverse effects were reported.
High dosages have also been used in other experimental studies, mostly short term, such as for the
treatment of sleep-waking rhythm disorders, in which study vitamin B
(no form specified) was given
in dosages between 1.5 and 3 mg/day for 8 weeks (n = 13 cases) , with no adverse effects recorded
(Maeda et al, 1992).
High dose vitamin B
(1 mg cyanocobalamin intramuscular weekly for 1 months, followed by monthly
injections for a minimum of 6 months), has also been used to improve cognitive functions in geriatric
patients (Martin et al, 1992). Cobalamin therapy resulted in cognitive recovery in some patients, and no
adverse effects were reported.
In some studies intravenous (i.v.) dosing has been associated with dermal abnormalities, e.g. acne
formation in some cases. Ten cases were reported by Puissant et al (1967) after series of up to 12
injections with 5 mg of hydroxocobalamin, but not with cyanocobalamin. The authors suggest that
degradation products, formed from the less stable hydroxocobalamin, might have been responsible for
the acne formation, rather than the intact compound (but no further data provided).
One case of acneiform eruption, described as acne rosacea, was reported for a 53 yr old women who
used vitamin supplements containing 100 mg vitamin B
and 100 µg vitamin B
and 10,000 IU vitamin A
and an unknown amount of zinc. Upon discontinuation of the supplement a ‘dramatic’ improvement was
observed. The author ascribe the acne to the vitamins B
without further testing (Sheretz, 1991).
Hydroxocobalamin is used as a cyanide antidote and has also a history of safe and effective use. For this
purpose intravenous dosages up to 5 g are given (Forsyth et al, 1993).
Foulds et al (1969) described 4 PA patients presenting with tobacco amblyopia (optic neuropathy)
who were treated parenterally with 0.25-1 mg cyanocobalamin per month. This treatment restored the
haematological, but not the visual abnormalities. When the treatment was changed to hydroxocobalamin
the visual impairment also improved. Cyanide, derived from tobacco smoke, has been implicated in the
pathogenesis of tobacco amblyopia, and the positive effect of hydroxocobalamin is likely explained by
cyanide detoxification.
One case has been reported of a 32 year old man handling animal feed who developed contact
dermatitis to vitamin B
and developed skin plaques (Rodrigues et al, 1994). However, this anecdotal
evidence without follow up is not considered relevant in deriving an UL.
3.1. Carcinogenicity
A tumour promoting effect of vitamin B
has been reported in one study in rats. Rats kept on a
methionine deficient diet supplemented with 5 µg/100 g vitamin B
(trademark: Rubramin) and treated
with the carcinogen p-dimethylaminobenzene (DAB) had a higher incidence of hepatomas compared to
the group without supplemental vitamin B
. A control group receiving the supplemented diet without
DAB showed no hepatic tumours (Day et al, 1950).
Kalnev (1977) studied the effect of methylcobalamin and cyanocobalamin on the growth of Walker’s
carcinosarcoma and on the longevity of rats with implanted Zajdela ascites hepatoma cells, and
reported reduced survival of rats upon treatment with both compounds.
Vitamin B
No systematic toxicological studies have been reported for vitamin B
. There are no reports attributing
carcinogenic or mutagenic or teratogenic potential to cyanocobalamin (see Ellenbogen & Cooper,
1991). In one study a tumour promoting effect was reported in a rat model, but this study is not
considered relevant for safety assessment in humans.
There are also no adverse effects known for vitamin B
from foods, or from supplements in amounts far in
excess of needs. Some studies suggested acne formation after high parenteral doses of hydroxocobalamin,
but not with cyanocobalamin, or after a combination of vitamins A, B
and B
given orally.
Oral and parenteral supplementation with dosages between 1-5 mg every fortnight or month have been
given for long periods, up to at least 5 years, to patients with compromised vitamin B
without any identified adverse effects. It should be noted, however, that these studies were not
designed to find adverse effects.
Therefore there are no clearly defined adverse effects produced by vitamin B
that can be used to define a
LOAEL or NOAEL, which can be used as a basis for deriving an UL.
Average intakes of vitamin B
are about 2-6 µg/day from food; intakes up to 32 µg/day have been
reported for the total intake (including supplements) in elderly Dutch subjects (van Asselt et al, 1998).
For the UK (HMSO, 1990) upper intake levels (97.5
percentile) from food sources only were reported
to be 22.9 and 17.8 µg/day, for males and females, respectively. Upper intake levels from all sources
were hardly higher, i.e. 23.0 and 18.2, respectively.
Data from the USA (see Section 2) show 95
percentile intakes from food and supplements of 83
µg/day in elderly men, 106 µg/day in elderly women, and 37 µg/day in pregnant women. Although it
is not possible to derive an UL, there is no evidence that the current levels of intake from foods and
supplements represent a health risk.
In addition, adverse effects have not been reported in the treatment of patients with compromised B
absorption who received dosages up 1000 µg/day orally for prolonged periods; however, there was no
systematic assessment of adverse effects in these patients.
Supplements available on the market usually contain dosages between 1-5 µg, but higher dose
supplements with 50 µg or more are available.
Adams JF, Boddy K and Douglas AS (1972). Interrelation of serum vitamin B
, total body vitamin B
, peripheral blood morphology and
the nature of erythropoiesis. Br J Haematol 23: 297-305.
Berlin H, Berlin R and Brante G (1968). Oral treatment of pernicious anemia with high doses of vitamin B
without intrinsic factor. Acta
Med Scand 184: 247-258.
Blokdijk V, van den Berg H and Hulshof K (2000). Vitamine B
in vlees. Voeding Nu 2: 13-15.
Bower C and Wald NJ (1995). Review: Vitamin B
deficiency and the fortification of food with folic acid, E J Clin Nutr 49: 787-793.
Day PL, Payne LD and Dinning JS (1950). Procarcinogenic effect of vitamin B
-dimethylaminobenzene fed rats. Proc Soc Exp Biol
Med 74: 854-7.
Ellenbogen L and Cooper BA (1991). Vitamin B
, in Handbook of vitamins, 2nd Ed., Machlin LJ, editor; Marcel Dekker Inc, pp 491-536.
Forsyth JC, Mueller PD, Becker CE,
et al
(1993). Hydroxocobalamin as a cyanide antidote: safety, efficacy and pharmacokinetics in heavily
smoking normal volunteers. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 31: 277-294.
Foulds WS, Chisholm IA, Stewart JB and Wilson TM (1969). The optic neuropathy of pernicious anemia. Arch Ophtal 82: 427-33.
Grasbeck T, Nyberg W and Reizenstein P (1958). Biliary and fecal vitamin B
excretion in man. An isotope study. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med
97: 780-784.
Hathcock JN and Troendle GJ (1991). Oral cobalamin for treatment of pernicious anemia? JAMA 265: 96-97.
Herbert V (1984). Vitamin B-12. In: Nutrition reviews; Present Knowledge in Nutrition. The Nutrition Foundation Inc, Washington DC, pp
Vitamin B
Herbert V (1987). The 1986 Herman Award lecture. Nutrition science as a continually unfolding story: the folate and vitamin B-12
paradigma. Am J Clin Nutr 46: 387-402.
HMSO (1990). The Dietary and Nutritional survey of British Adults. ISBN 0 11 691300 2, HMSO Books, London.
IUNA (2000). Irish Universities Nutrition Alliance. The North/South Ireland Food Consumption Survey. Food Safety Promotion Board, Dublin.
Kalnev VR, Rachkus I and Kanopkaite SI (1977). Influence of methylcobalamin and cyanocobalamin on the neoplastic process in rats.
Prikl Biochim Mikrobiol 13: 677.
Lindenbaum JL, Healton EB, Savage DG,
et al
(1988). Neuropsychiatric disorders caused by cobalamin deficiency in the absence of
anemia or macrocytosis. N Engl J Med 318: 1720-1728.
Loew D (1988). Pharmacokinetics of hydroxocobalamins and folic acid. Vitaminspur 3: 168-172.
Maeda K, Okamoto N, Nishimoto M,
et al
(1992). A multicenter study of the effects of vitamin B
on sleep-waking rhythm disorders: In
Shizuoka Prefecture. Japanese Journal of Psychiatry and Neurology 46: 229-231.
Mangiarotti G, Canavese C, Salomone M,
et al
(1986). Hypervitaminosis B
in maintenance hemodialyse patients receiving massive
supplementation of vitamin B
. Int J Artif Organs 9: 417-420.
Martin DC, Francis J, Protech J and Huff J (1992). Time dependency of cognitive recovery with cobalamin replacement: report of a pilot
study. J Am Geriatr Soc 40: 168-172.
Puissant MMA, Vanbremeersch F, Monfort J and Lamberton JN (1967). Une nouvelle dermatose iatrogene: acné provoquée par la vitamine
. Bull Soc Fr Dermatol Syphiligr 74: 813-815.
Raccuguglia G, French A and Zarafonetis CJD (1969). Absorption and excretion of cyanocobalamin after oral administration of a large
dose in various conditions. Acta Haemat 42: 1-7.
Report of the Standing Committee on the scientific evaluation of dietary reference intakes and its panel on folate and other B-vitamins
and choline. Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1998.
Rodrigues A, Echechipia S, Alvarez M, Muro MD (1994). Occupational contact dermatitis from vitamin B
. Contact Dermatitis 31: 271.
Scott JM (1997). Bioavailability of vitamin B
. Eur J Clin Nutr 51: S49-S53.
Sheretz EF (1991). Acneiform eruption due to megadose of vitamins B
and B
. Cutis 48: 119-120.
Van Asselt DZB, de Groot LCPGM, van Staveren WA,
et al
(1998). Role of cobalamin intake and atrophic gastritis in mild cobalamin
deficiency in older Dutch subjects. Am J Clin Nutr 68: 328-334.
Vitamin B
50 50
This opinion is one in the series of opinions of the SCF on the upper levels of vitamins and minerals.
The terms of reference given by the European Commission for this task, the related background
and the guidelines used by the Committee to develop tolerable upper intake levels for vitamins and
minerals used in this opinion, which were expressed by the SCF on 19 October 2000, are available on
the Internet at the pages of the SCF, at the address:
Folate is the generic name for a number of compounds having a similar activity as folic acid
(pteroylglutamic acid, PGA), i.e. being involved in single carbon (C
-) transfer reactions. Folic acid
(PGA) is a synthetic folate compound used in food supplements and in food fortification because of its
stability, and becomes biologically active after reduction. Natural (dietary) folates are mostly reduced
folates, i.e. derivatives of tetrahydrofolate (THF), such as 5-methyl-THF (5-MTHF), 5-formyl-THF and
5,10-methylene-THF, and exist mainly as pteroylpolyglutamates, with up to nine additional glutamate
molecules attached to the pteridine ring.
Folates play an important role in the transfer of C
-groups (i.e. methyl-, methylene- and formyl-groups),
maintaining the methylation balance, such as in the biosynthesis of DNA bases and in amino acid metabolism.
Green vegetables and certain (citrus) fruits are important dietary sources of folates. The population
reference intake set by the SCF of the EU is 200 µg/day for adults, and 400 µg/day in pregnancy.
Food folates, mainly present as polyglutamates, have to be hydrolysed by a (brush border associated)
deconjugase enzyme in the gut before absorption can occur. Folate absorption from natural food is
generally lower than synthetic forms (e.g. folic acid) contained in supplements, due to matrix effects and
the presence of inhibitors of the conjugase enzyme in some foods. Folic acid (PGA) enters the folate
cycle after reduction by a (dihydro-)folate reductase. This enzyme is present in the intestinal mucosal
cell, but also in other tissues, such as liver and kidney. Reduction of PGA may be a slow process in
some subjects and at higher intake levels (> ca 260 µg) PGA may appear unchanged in the circulation
(i.e. in the postprandial state after supplement use (Kelly et al, 1997). Under normal conditions 5-MTHF
(as monoglutamate) is the only form present in plasma, mainly protein-bound. Tissue uptake is carrier-
mediated and/or through folate binding proteins. In tissues folates are retained as polyglutamates
and the folate coenzymes can be interconverted in numerous (de-)methylation reactions, such as in
DNA synthesis (formation of thymidilate from deoxyuridine), amino acid interconversions, such as the
remethylation of homocysteine to methionine. In this latter methionine synthase (MS) reaction vitamin
is also involved as a cofactor. About 50% of the folate body store, estimated to be 13-28 mg, is
considered to be present in the liver (for review see Report of the Standing Committee on the scientific
evaluation of dietary reference intakes (DRIs) and its panel on folate and other B-vitamins and choline.
Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, 1998).
In European countries the average folate intake in adults was found to be remarkably similar, i.e.
around 300 µg/day in adult males, and 250 µg in adult women (De Bree et al, 1997). This is about
the recommended intake level, but lower than recommended for pregnant women and women with a
pregnancy wish. For these groups an intake >400 µg/day is considered protective against neural tube
defect (NTD). More than 90% of women in the childbearing age range have dietary folate intakes below
this optimal level. In The Netherlands and the UK women with a pregnancy wish are advised to take
daily a folic acid supplement of 400 µg between 4 weeks before up to 8 weeks after conception. In
some European countries, such as the UK, cereals and breads are fortified with folic acid, contributing
25-100 µg per serving.
Additional data on mean and high (P-97,5) intakes, reported for the various EU member states are
summarised below.
Table 1. Folate intake in EU countries (µg/day)
Country intake Population Mean intake High intake
M + F (20-60 y)
(n = 2488)
398 1795 (P-97.5)
M (26-50 y)
F (26-50 y)
M (n = 662) (18-64 y)
F (n = 717) (18-64 y)
662 (P-97.5)
638 (P-97.5)
M + F
(n = 2734)
287 550 (P-97.5)
The Netherlands
M + F
(n = 5958)
251 412 (P-97.5)
Elmadfa I et al (1998). Austrian Study on Nutritional Status, Österreichischer Ernährungsbericht.
DGE (1996). Ernährungsbericht.
IUNA (2000). Irish Universities Nutrition Alliance). Food Safety Promotion Board, Dublin.
Turrini A (1994-1996). National Survey, INRAN, Rome.
Hulshof KFAM et al (1997-1998). 3
Dutch National Food Consumption Survey.
Megaloblastic anemia is the ultimate consequence of an inadequate folate intake. More recently, an
increased plasma (total) homocysteine level, an independent risk factor for vascular disease, has also been
associated with low folate intakes, respectively with lower folate plasma levels (Selhub et al, 1993; Morrison
et al, 1996). A low folate level or intake is also a risk factor for NTD risk in women (Daly, 1995, 1997).
No adverse effects have been associated with the consumption of excess folate from foods (Butterworth
& Tamura, 1989). Adverse effects are exclusively reported from use of the synthetic compound folic acid
(PGA). Synthetic 5-MTHF and 5-formyl-THF (as a racemic mixture of the 6S,6R-compound) are also
commercially available, but as far known, these compounds are not being used in food supplements
or in food fortification, but only for therapeutic use, such as for treatment of neuropsychiatric patients,
and/or in ‘rescue therapy’ of cancer patients treated with antitumour (i.e. antifolate) agents. The natural
form of the reduced folates is thought be mainly the (6S) diastereoisomer, which has a greater biological
activity than the (6R) isomer.
Both for PGA and the synthetic reduced folate compounds, no systematic toxicological evaluation has
been reported and/or is available. However, adverse effects have been reported for folic acid. Based
upon these studies the following safety issues have to be considered:
- modification of vitamin B
deficiency (pernicious anemia) symptoms due to folic acid supplementation:
1) masking of haematological symptoms,
2) exacerbation of neurological symptoms;
- epileptogenic and neurotoxic effects of folic acid;
- decreased efficacy of folate antagonists used in chemotherapy;
- potential adverse effects of folate supplementation on zinc absorption and status;
- carcinogenicity;
- assumed hypersensitivity for folate.
These items have been extensively reviewed (see Butterworth & Tamura, 1989; Campbell, 1996;
Dickinson, 1995). The scientific data on folic acid toxicity were also thoroughly reviewed by the Food
and Drug Administration (FDA, 1993) when considering folic acid fortification of cereal grain products for
prevention of neural tube defects (NTD).
The available evidence with respect to the various safety issues is shortly summarised and discussed below.
3.1. Modification of vitamin B
deficiency symptoms
Folate and vitamin B
are interrelated vitamins, both involved in the remethylation of homocystein to
methionine. The vitamin B
deficiency ultimately results in a partly or secondary folate deficiency as
folate becomes ‘trapped’ as 5-methyl tetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF) and therefore no longer available for
the formation of the 5,10-methylene-THF coenzyme which is involved in the formation of the DNA base
thymidine from deoxyuridine. In either a folate- or vitamin B
-deficiency megaloblastic changes occur
in the bone marrow and other replicating cells due to an impaired DNA synthesis, because of a lacking
thymidine production. Supplementation of a vitamin B
-deficient subject with folic acid, but not with
5-MTHF, the predominant folate occurring in natural foods, can result in the ‘renewed availability’ of
5,10-methylene-THF, and the subsequent repair in DNA synthesis and remission of the haematological
abnormalities. The neurological complications of a vitamin B
deficiency do not respond to folate or
folic acid supplementation.
3.1.1. Incidence of vitamin B12 (cobalamin) deficiency
About two-thirds of cases of vitamin B
deficiency are due to pernicious anemia (PA), i.e., an
autoimmune disorder characterised by decreased amounts of intrinsic factor (IF) resulting in cobalamin
malabsorption. Figures on the prevalence of PA in W-Europe vary between 1.2/1000 in the UK and
1.98/1000 in Scandinavian countries, the incidence in these latter countries was estimated at 0.167 per
1000 person years (data taken from Bower & Wald, 1995). Among Caucasians, PA is mostly found in
elderly people, but in African-Americans cases were also reported under 40 years of age.
Other causes of hypocobalaminemia, i.e., low serum cobalamin levels without specific anemic
abnormalities, were found to be associated with dementia, AIDS, and malignant diseases. Recent data
show a high prevalence (ca 25%) of marginal cobalamin deficiency in elderly, characterised by low
serum cobalamin and increased plasma methylmalonic acid (MMA) levels, but not, or hardly associated
with haematological abnormalities (van Asselt, 1998).
3.1.2. Modification of vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms: masking of haematological symptoms
In the earlier days when vitamin B12 was not yet identified as a separate vitamin, individuals with
macrocytosis and other haematological abnormalities were treated with folic acid (>5 mg/day). With
these higher dosages complete haematological remission has been observed in most (>60%) of
PA patients. A suboptimal improvement has been reported for dosages between 1-5 mg/day. Also
with lower (intramuscular) dosages <1 mg a haematological response has been reported, but this is
considered very rare (for review see Butterworth and Tamura, 1989; Bower and Wald, 1995; and the
FDA subcommittee report on folic acid, 1993).
It should be noted that haematological abnormalities do not occur in all PA patients. In a subgroup of
patients only neurological symptoms are observed (see below). Campbell (1996) stated in his review
that 11-33% of patients with neurologic abnormalities due to vitamin B12 deficiency has normal routine
haematological tests. Lindenbaum et al (1988) evaluated all records of patients with low serum cobala-
min levels that were seen in their centre (Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, NY, US) between 1968-
1985, and concluded that neuropsychiatric disorders due to cobalamin deficiency occur frequently in
the absence of anemia or macrocytosis. In 28.4% of their cases with clinical cobalamin deficiency (n =
141) haematocrit and MCV were normal (without any treatment).
3.1.3. Masking of vitamin B12 deficiency: exacerbation of neurological symptoms
In many, but not all untreated PA patients neurological abnormalities may develop due to subacute
combined degeneration of the spinal cord. Contrary to the effect of folic acid supplementation on the
haematological symptoms, the neurological abnormalities in vitamin B12-deficient patients are not
cured by folic acid.
In a report on 10 cases of pernicious anemia (PA) patients treated with 5-25 mg folic acid, one patient
experienced neurological symptoms after 8 days, and 2 patients after 4 and 9 months of treatment,
respectively (Wagley, 1948). In another study, neurological symptoms remained stable or improved in
4/70 patients treated with folic acid for a period of 6-12 months, but deteriorated in 3 subjects (Bethel
and Sturgis, 1948). In a study from Schwartz et al (1950), cited by Dickinson (1995), 98 PA patients
treated with folic acid were followed for a period up to 3.5 years, 4 patients relapsed neurologically
within 1 year, and 19 in the next year. These studies show that neurological symptoms, especially
posterolateral spinal cord disease and peripheral neuritis, may occur in cobalamin deficient patients
treated with high doses of folic acid to maintain an haematological remission, but not necessarily.
Reports are available on patients treated with large doses of folic acid (10-100 mg daily) for many
years without the development of neurological complications. However, in some studies it has been
claimed that folic acid therapy in patients with vitamin B12 deficiency might aggravate, or even induce
neurological lesions.
However, after reviewing the available literature, Dickinson (1995) concluded that there is no convincing
evidence for such an effect. A folic acid-induced aggravation or induction of neurological symptoms
would be difficult to demonstrate, as the progression of such symptoms in untreated subjects is
already highly variable between patients, e.g. between a few months up to 5 years in development
of paraesthesiae. Also studies in fruit bats with nitrous oxide-induced vitamin B
deficiency, showing
exacerbation of neurological signs after folic acid administration, are not completely convincing because
of methodological flaws (van der Westhuyzen et al, 1982; see also comment in Dickinson, 1995).
These fruit bats were given large oral daily doses of folic acid (1.54 mg/kg; equivalent to ca 100 mg/day
in humans), or daily intramuscular injections of formyl-THF (1.15 mg/kg). The fruit bats given the oral folic
acid reached the same stage of neurological impairment (“flight reduced to hops”), but this occurred
slightly, but not significantly, earlier.
In another study with experimentally (diet) induced vitamin B
deficiency in rhesus monkeys, three of
the nine monkeys received 5 mg/week of supplemental folic acid intramuscularly, followed by 5 mg in
the drinking water (5 days/week) (Agamanolis et al, 1976). Five animals developed visual impairment
and optic atrophy, including the 3 monkeys that received supplemental folic acid. Apparently, the
optical nerve lesions occurred earlier (by 10-11 months) in the folic acid-treated animals. It should
be noted that the visual lesions observed in these monkeys are only rarely noted in human disease.
Spastic paralysis of hind legs and tail was found in 3 animals, including 2 animals receiving folic acid.
Other lesions in cranial and peripheral nerves and in the white matter of the spinal cord were observed
in some animals, but were apparently not affected by supplemental folic acid.
Vegetarians are at risk to develop a vitamin B
deficiency, while their folate intake is generally high. It has
been reported that in this group neurological symptoms due to B
deficiency, such as myelin damage,
occur with only minor haematological damage (Herbert, 1994). It was even reported that vegetarians
with greater myelin damage had generally higher red cell folate levels. However, there is generally no
clear correlation between haematological and neurological features of vitamin B
3.2. Neurotoxic effects of folic acid
Animal studies have shown that folic acid can be a neurotoxin, and can cause convulsions in laboratory
animals (e.g. Hommes and Obbens, 1972; Spector, 1972). This evidence is in part based upon in vitro
tissue and cell culture studies, and/or using very high dose levels (i.v. dosages 60-90 mg). There is
however no clear evidence for a folic acid-induced neurotoxicity in humans. Some cases of neurological
deterioration have been reported following ingestion of folic acid tablets (3 mg), or folic acid containing
multivitamin supplements, but the presence of an (undiagnosed) vitamin B
deficiency cannot be ruled
out in these cases (see Dickinson, 1995). In one study with epileptic patients electroencelographic
changes were noted after administration of 7.2 mg of folic acid, and seizures after 14.4 and 19.2 mg.
However, in other studies no such changes or effects were observed after i.v. dosage of 75 mg (see
Campbell, 1996). These studies are therefore inconclusive.
Hunter et al (1970) reported disturbing toxic effects, i.e. sleep disturbances and mental changes, after
treatment of healthy volunteers with 15 mg folic acid for 1 month. This study was however not placebo
controlled, and the results were not confirmed in another double blind, randomised study (Hellstrom
et al, 1971).
Concern has been expressed that folic acid might exacerbate seizures in persons with uncontrolled,
or drug controlled epilepsy. However, no such effects were found in several controlled studies with
dosages between 15-20 mg/day. Supplementation studies (15 mg/day for 45 days) with Parkinson
disease patients did not show an effect on the incidence of neurological defects. Also after i.v. dosing
with dosages up to 150 mg no adverse effects have been reported (for review see Butterworth &
Tamura, 1989; Campbell, 1996). As already mentioned, some anticonvulsant drugs may reduce serum
folate levels. However, as far as data are available, there seems apparently no increased risk for
patients with epilepsy, or interference with anticonvulsant medication, at higher folate intakes.
3.3. Potential adverse effects on zinc absorption and status
Dietary zinc deficiency and a relative shortage of maternal zinc has been associated with NTD in human
(Milunsky et al, 1992). It has been suggested (Quinn et al, 1990) that in the presence of a zinc deficiency
the administration of high-dose folate increases the teratogenicity of such a deficiency. The enzyme
gamma-glutamyl hydrolase is zinc-dependent and converts polyglutamates to monoglutamates, which
is an important step in the absorption of folate. Therefore, the availability of folate is dependent on the
glutamyl hydrolase activity, which is regulated by the concentration of zinc (Canton et al, 1990).
Some earlier studies indicated competitive interactions between folic acid and zinc, however, results are
conflicting. In reviews on this item from Butterworth and Tamura (1989) and from Zimmerman and Shane
(1993) it is concluded that there is as yet no convincing evidence for negative effects of folate supplements
on serum or red cell zinc contents (in a study in which women were dosed with 10 mg/day for 6 months),
nor for negative effects of folic acid supplementation on zinc status in pregnant women. Contradictory
results most likely result from methodological problems in assessment of zinc status/bioavailability.
3.4. Carcinogenicity
Folic acid has been associated with an increased incidence of oropharynx, hypopharynx and all
cancers (Selby et al, 1989), but, as indicated by the authors of this epidemiological study, these cancers
are largely smoking- and/or alcohol-related and this finding likely related to these confounding factors.
In other (observational) studies an inverse relation was found between folate intake and/or status and
colorectal cancer (e.g. Giovanucci et al, 1993; White et al, 1997), and with cervical cancer (Butterworth,
1993). Treatment of smokers with 10 mg folic acid plus 500 µg hydroxocobalamin for 4 months resulted
in a reduction in atypical bronchial squamous metaplasia (Heimburger et al, 1988).
3.5. Decreased efficacy of folate antagonists
Folate antagonists such as methotrexate are used in the treatment of various cancers, e.g. leukemia,
and also in rheumatoid arthritis, bronchial asthma and psoriasis. There are also a number of other
drugs that interfere with folate metabolism, such as pyrimethamine, phenytoin, colchicine, etc. The FDA
discussed the issue of potential effects of increased folate intake on the efficacy of antifolate therapy
and concluded that there are relatively little data (Food Labelling: Health Claims and Label Statements;
Folate and Neural Tube Defects, 1993). The American College of Rheumatology has stated that a dose
of 1 mg/day of folic acid does not appear to inhibit the efficacy of low-dose methotrexate therapy in
rheumatoid arthritis. High dose folic acid is also used to reduce methotrexate toxicity (see Campbell,
1996). So, there is currently little scientific data on potential adverse effects of high folate intakes on
antifolate medication.
3.6. Assumed hypersensitivity
A limited number of case reports have been published on hypersensitivity reactions to oral and
parenteral folic acid, but it cannot be excluded that these reactions were due to other components in
the formulations. So, hypersensitivity may occur, but is most likely very rare (see Campbell, 1996).
From the available data it can be concluded that (synthetic) folic acid can cause adverse effects, while
no adverse effects have been reported with the consumption of excess folate from foods. Animal data
and in vitro tissue and cell culture studies indicate that neurotoxic and epileptogenic effects of folic
acid can occur at high dose levels (60-90 mg i.v.). However, there is no clear evidence for a folic acid-
induced neurotoxicity in humans. In one study with vervet monkeys a dose of 25.6 mg folic acid per day
was given to 3 males for 99 days without any obvious toxic side effect (Venter et al, 1993). However, it
was not indicated what was examined in this study. The animal data available cannot be used to derive
The most serious adverse effect known in humans is modification of vitamin B
neurological sequela
in PA (pernicious anemia) patients as a result of folic acid supplementation, such as masking of
the haematological signs and the potential of progression of neurological symptoms. Although the
evidence for an exacerbation of the neurological symptoms in humans is equivocal because of the
variability in severity and appearance of these symptoms in PA patients, there is some evidence for
such a progression in monkeys.
Masking of the haematological signs in PA patients occurs with high frequencies and consistently with daily
intakes of 5 mg; however, insufficient data are available for evaluation of dose levels between 1-5 mg.
This masking effect was considered the most serious adverse effect of folic acid by the Folic Acid Sub-
committee of the FDA (in 1993) and used as the basis to derive a safe upper uptake limit (UL). Because
of the uncertainty of potential adverse effects in the dose range between 1-5 mg, and because of the
fact that at higher intake levels of folic acid unmetabolised (oxidised) folic acid appears in the blood,
exposing body tissues to a form of the vitamin not encountered before, the UL was set at 1 mg per day
total folate (dietary folate plus folic acid). Although it was agreed that the safety data are all based upon
trials with folic acid, and thus might warrant an UL for folic acid, rather than total folate, it was stated
that in all trials folic acid was given on a variable background (dietary) intake of folate, and therefore, it
could not be concluded that folic acid nor folate are responsible for the masking effect. In an update
in 1996, based upon comments received on the proposal in 1993 for the UL level of 1 mg total folate,
this conclusion remained unchanged (FDA, 1996).
More recently, the US Committee evaluating the new dietary reference intakes and the subcommittee
on Upper Reference Levels of Nutrients (FNB DRI Report, 1998) concluded that progression of the
neurological symptoms due to folic acid supplementation should be considered as the most serious
adverse effect, and not the masking effect. Masking of the haematological signs in PA patients
was considered a diagnostic problem that could be circumvented by using more specific tests (i.e.
measuring serum MMA and/or Hcys) to identify cases of undiagnosed B
deficiency. This Committee
set a lowest-observed-adverse-effect level (LOAEL) of 5 mg folic acid and used an uncertainty factor
of 5 because no NOAEL could be derived, resulting in an UL of 1 mg of folic acid.
Although no systematic toxicological studies of folic acid or other folates are available, an upper safe
level can be set for (synthetic) folic acid (PGA) on the basis of findings in PA patients treated with
high doses of folic acid. There is no evidence for risk associated with high intakes of natural, reduced
folates, and thus no data to set an UL for natural folate. Although there is no conclusive evidence in
humans, the Committee concludes that the risk of progression of the neurological symptoms in vitamin
-deficient patients as a result of folic acid supplementation cannot be excluded and should be
considered the most serious adverse effect. In nearly all studies showing neurological relapse, dose
levels >5 mg folic acid per day have been applied and data on the effect of dose levels between 1-5
mg is limited to a few cases.
In analogy with the US DRI Committee, it is concluded that the best available estimate for a lowest-
observed-adverse-effect level (LOAEL), obtained from a sensitive group, for folic acid is 5 mg, and
as dosages up to 1 mg of folic acid are unlikely to cause masking of the haematological signs in PA
patients, the UL is set at 1 mg of folic acid. No data are available to suggest that other life-stage groups
have increased susceptibility to adverse effects of high folic acid intake. Therefore, the UL is also
applicable for pregnant or lactating women. It seems prudent, however, to adjust the ULs for children
on the basis of bodyweight.
UL for children and adolescents
Age (year) UL (µg]
1 - 3 200
4 - 6 300
7 - 10 400
11 -14 600
15 - 17 800
Average folate intake in Europe is around 300 µg/day in adult men, and 250 µg in adult women (De
Bree et al, 1997). Dietary folate consists only of reduced folates, and contains no folic acid, unless
added. High intake levels (97.5
percentile) for folate from dietary sources around 500 µg/day have
been reported, the higher data reported for Austria (see Section 2), are likely from all sources, including
Data from the 2
Dutch National Food Consumption Survey on supplement use indicated that the
mean folic acid intake from supplements among users is 100 µg, with a 97.5
percentile and maximum
intake of 400 and 800 µg, respectively (Ronda et al, 1996).
Data from the Boston Nutritional Status Survey on folic acid supplement use among elderly males and
females show that the median (P-50) intake from supplements is 400 µg/day; the P-95 was 2400 (M)
and 1000 (F) µg/day, respectively (data taken from FNB DRI Report, IOM, 1998).
Regular supplements available on the market usually contain 400-500 µg folic acid. Women with a
pregnancy wish are advised to use a daily supplement containing 400-500 µg folic acid between 4
weeks before and up to 8 weeks after conception to reduce NTD (neural tube defect) risk. In some
European countries, such as the UK, cereals and breads are fortified with folic acid, contributing 25-
100 µg per serving.
Subjects at risk for too high folic acid supplementation are those with an (undiagnosed) vitamin
deficiency, such as in pernicious anemia (PA) patients and in other conditions associated with
cobalamin malabsorption. Figures on the prevalence of PA in W-Europe vary between 1.2/1000 in
the UK and 1.98. Among Caucasians, PA is mostly found in elderly people, but in African-Americans
individuals it was also reported under 40 years of age. Other cases of hypocobalaminemia, i.e. the
occurrence of a low serum cobalamin level without specific anemic abnormalities, were found to be
associated with dementia, AIDS, and with malignant diseases. Recent data show a high prevalence
(ca 25%) of marginal cobalamin deficiency in elderly, characterised by low serum cobalamin and
increased plasma methylmalonic acid (MMA) levels, but not, or hardly associated with haematological
abnormalities (van Asselt, 1998).
Other groups at risk for a marginal intake of vitamin B
are groups avoiding animal products, such as
vegans and macrobiotics.
The extent to which a high dietary folate intake affects the symptomatology of a vitamin B
(i.e. the occurrence of neurological vs. haematological signs) remains to be investigated. As elderly are
especially at risk for a marginal vitamin B
status, not necessarily related to PA, the potential risks of
folic acid supplementation in this group needs further investigation.
The safety and efficacy of synthetic reduced folates, i.e. 5-MTHF, as an alternative for folic acid (PGA),
also needs further study.
Agamanolis DP, Chester EM, Victor M, Kark JA, Hines JD and Harris JW (1976). Neuropathology of experimental vitamin B12 deficiency
in monkeys. Neurology 26: 905-914.
Bausch-Goldbohm RA, Hulshof KFAM, Brants HAM,
et al
(1995). The intake of folate by various population groups in The Netherlands
before and after fortification of some food products (in Dutch). Voedselconsumptiepeiling 1992. TNO Report V 95.184.
Bethell FH and Sturgis CC (1948). The relation of therapy in pernicious anemia to changes in the nervous system. Early and late results in
a series of cases observed for periods of not less than ten years, and early results of treatment with folic acid. Blood 3: 57-67
Bower C and Wald NJ (1995). Review: Vitamin B12 deficiency and the fortification of food with folic acid. E J Clin Nutr 49: 787-793.
Butterworth CE and Tamura T (1989). Folic acid safety and toxicity: a brief review. Am J Clin Nutr 50: 353-358.
Butterworth CE (1993). Folate status, women’s health, pregnancy outcome, and cancer. J Am Coll Nutr 12: 438-441.
Campbell NRC (1996). How safe are Folic Acid supplements? Arch Intern Med 156: 1638-1644.
Canton MC and Cremin FM (1990). The effect of dietary zinc depletion and repletion on rats: Zn concentration in various tissues and
activity of pancreatic glutamyl hydrolase (EC as indices of Zn status. Br J Nutr 64: 201-209.
Daly LE, Kirke PN, Weir DG and Scott JM (1995). Folate levels and neural tube defects; implications for prevention. JAMA 274: 1698-1702.
Daly S, Mills JL, Molloy A, Conley M, Lee YJ, Kirke PN, Weir DG and Scott JM (1997). Minimum effective dose of folic acid for food
fortification to prevent neural tube defects. Lancet 350: 1666-1669.
De Bree A, van Dusseldorp M, Brouwer IA,
et al
(1997). Review: Folate intake in Europe: recommended, actual and desired intake. Eur J
Clin Nutr 51: 643-660.
Dickinson, CJ (1995). Does folic acid harm people with vitamin B12 deficiency? Q J Med 88: 357-364.
Food and Drug Administration. Food labelling: health claims and label statements; folate and neural tube defects. Federal Register, vol
58, no 197, october 1993, pp 53254-53270.
Food and Drug Administration. Food additives permitted for direct addition to food for human consumption; Folic acid (Folacin). Federal
Register, vol 61, no 44, March 1996, pp 8797-8803.
Giovanucci E, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rimm EB, Trichopoulos D, Rosner BA, Speizer FE and Willett WC (1993). Folate, methionine, and alcohol
intake and risk of colorectal adenoma. J Natl Cancer Inst 85: 875-884.
Heimburger, DC, Alecxander B, Birch R, Butterworth CE, Bailey WC and Krumdieck CL (1988). Improvement in bronchial squamous metaplasia
in smokers treated with folate and vitamin B12. JAMA 259: 1525-1530.
Hellstrom L (1971). Lack of toxicity of folic acid given in pharmacological doses to healthy volunteers. Lancet i: 59-61
Herbert V (1994). Staging vitamin B12 (cobalamin) status in vegetarians. Am J Clin Nutr 59: 1213S-1221S.
Hunter R, Barnes J, Oakeley HF and Matthews DM (1970). Toxicity of folic acid given in pharmacological doses to healthy volunteers.
Lancet i: 61-63.
Kelly P, McPartlin J, Goggins M, Weir DG and Scott JM (1997). Unmetabolized folic acid in serum: acute studies in subjects consuming
fortified food and supplements. Am J Clin Nutr 65: 1790-1795.
Lindenbaum J, Healton EB, Savage DG,
et al
(1988). Neuropsychiatric disorders caused by cobalamin deficiency in the absence of anemia
or macrocytosis. N Engl J Med 318: 1720-1728.
Milunsky A, Morris JS, Jick H, Rothman KJ, Ulcickas M, Jick SS, Shoukimas P and Willett W (1992). Maternal zinc and fetal neural tube
defects. Teratology 46: 341-348.
Morrisey HI, Schaubel D, Desmeules M and Wigle DT (1996). Serum folate and risk of fatal coronary heart disease. JAMA 275: 1893-1896.
Quinn PB, Cremin FM, O’Sullivan VR, Hewedi FM and Bond RJ (1990). The influence of dietary folate supplementation on the incidence
of teratogenesis in zinc-deficient rats. Br J Nutr 64: 233-243.
Proposed nutrient and energy intakes for the European Community: A report of the Scientific Committee of Food of the European
Community (1993). Nutr Rev 51: 209-212.
Ronda GM, Dorant E and van den Brandt PA (1996). Internal report, Rijksuniversiteit Limburg.
Report of the Standing Committee on the scientific evaluation of dietary reference intakes and its panel on folate and other B-vitamins
and choline. Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1998.
Selby JV, Friedman GD and Fireman BH (1989). Screening prescription drugs for possible carcinogenicity: eleven to fifteen years of follow-
up. Cancer Res 49: 5736-5747.
Selhub J, Jacques PF, Wilson PWF, Rush D and Rosenberg IH (1993). Vitamin status and intake as primary determinants of homocysteinemia
in an elderly population. JAMA 270: 2693-2698.
Schwartz SO, Kaplan SR and Amstrong BE (1950). The long-term evaluation of folic acid in the treatment of pernicious anemia. J Lab
Clin Med 35: 894-898.
Van Asselt DZB, de Groot LCPGM, van Staveren WA,
et al
(1998). Role of cobalamin intake and atrophic gastritis in mild cobalamin
deficiency in older Dutch subjects. Am J Clin Nutr 68: 328-334.
Van der Westhuyzen J, Fernandes-Costa F and Metz J (1982). Cobalamin inactivation by nitrous oxide produces severe neurological
impairment in fruit bats: protection by methionine and aggravation by folates. Life Sci 31: 2001-2010.
Venter FS, Cloete H, Seier, JV, Faber M and Fincham JE (1993). Folic acid and vitamin B12 status of vervet monkeys used for nutritional
research. Lab Animals 27: 59-64.
Wagley PF (1948). Neurological disturbances with folic acid therapy. N Engl J Med 238: 11-15.
White E, Shannon JS and Patterson RE (1997). Relationship between vitamin and calcium supplement use and colon cancer. Cancer
Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 6: 769-774.
Zimmerman MB and Shane B (1993). Supplemental folic acid. Am J Clin Nutr 58: 127-128.
This opinion is one in the series of opinions of the SCF on the upper levels of vitamins and minerals.
The terms of reference given by the European Commission for this task, the related background and the
guidelines used by the Committee to develop tolerable upper intake levels for vitamins and minerals used
in this opinion, which were expressed by the SCF on 19 October 2000, are available on the Internet at the
pages of the SCF, at the address:
Manganese can exist in a number of oxidation states, of which Mn(II) is the predominant form in
biological systems. Food is the most important source of manganese exposure for the general
population. The concentrations in foodstuffs vary considerably, but are mostly below 5 mg/kg. Grain,
rice, and nuts, however, may have manganese levels exceeding 10 mg/kg or even 30 mg/kg in some
cases. High concentrations have been found in tea. A cup of tea can contain 0.4 to 1.3 mg manganese
(WHO, 1981; WHO, 1996). The dietary intake of adults has been estimated to range from 0.9 to 7
(Schlettwein-Gsell and Mommsen-Straub, 1973), 2 to 9 (WHO, 1981) and 1.2 to 9.4 mg Mn/day (Ellen
et al, 1990). A Total Diet Study showed that the estimated average intake of manganese in the UK
population in 1994 was 4.9 mg/day, including 2.3 mg/day from beverages (MAFF, 1997). The intake
can be higher for vegetarians because higher levels of manganese occur in food of plant origin. The
consumption of tea may contribute substantially.
The daily intake of manganese from the ambient air is lower. The annual average has been estimated
to be less than 2 µg/day. In areas associated with ferromanganese or silicomanganese industries the
daily exposure may rise to 10 µg, and 24-h peak values may exceed 200 µg (WHO, 1981). For workers
in industries using manganese, the major route of exposure might be inhalation from air rather than
ingestion of food.
Manganese has been shown to be essential for various species. It is a component of arginase, pyruvate
carboxylase and superoxide dismutase and plays a role as co-factor of certain enzyme systems.
Accordingly, manganese-deficient animals exhibit adverse effects, e.g. impaired growth, skeletal
abnormalities, reproductive deficits, ataxia of the newborn, and defects in lipid and carbohydrate
metabolism. In contrast, evidence of manganese deficiencies in man is poor. A specific deficiency
syndrome has not been described in humans (SCF 1993; Freeland-Graves, 1994; WHO, 1996).
Currently, there is no formal Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for manganese. However, an
estimated safe and adequate dietary intake (ESADDI) of 2-5 mg/day for adults was established by the
US National Research Council (Freeland-Graves, 1994), and the Scientific Committee for Food of the
EU estimated 1-10 mg/day as an acceptable range of intake (SCF, 1993).
About 3-8% of orally ingested manganese is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, but absorption
may be greater for young animals and infants. The absorption of manganese is inversely related to
the level of iron and calcium in the diet. Highest tissue concentrations of manganese are found in the
liver, kidney, pancreas, and adrenals. Preferentially, it is retained in certain regions of the brain in young
animals and infants. Manganese is almost entirely excreted in the faeces. In humans, elimination is
biphasic, with half-lives of 13 and 34 days (WHO, 1996).
3.1. Toxic effects in laboratory animals
The acute toxicity of manganese is relatively low. The oral LD50 of manganese chloride is reported to
be in the range of 275-450, 250-275, and 400-810 mg Mn/kg body weight (bw) in mice, rats, and guinea
pigs, respectively (WHO-IPCS, 1981).
The ingestion of diets containing manganese (II) sulphate monohydrate in 13-week feeding studies
at doses ranging from about 110 to 2000 mg/kg bw/day in F344/N rats and 330 to 7400 mg/kg bw/
day in B6C3F1 mice, equivalent to 36 to 650 mg Mn/kg bw/day or 107 to 2400 mg Mn/kg bw/day,
respectively, was associated with lower body weight gains, lower absolute and relative liver weights,
and haematological changes, partly in all exposed groups. In addition, epithelial hyperplasia and
hyperkeratosis of the forestomach occurred in the highest exposed male mice (NTP, 1993).
Special studies in rodents have been performed to elucidate neurochemical effects of manganese
exposure. These studies demonstrated changes of neurotransmitter levels in the brains of rats given 1
mg MnCl
0/ml in drinking water, equivalent to 39 mg Mn/kg bw/day (Lai et al, 1981, 1982; Leung et
al, 1981; Chandra et al, 1981). In addition, some behavioural effects were found in rats and mice at the
same dose (Chandra et al, 1979; Ali et al, 1981). Unfortunately, only one drinking water concentration
was tested in these studies. After administration of diets containing 2g Mn/kg equivalent to about 200
mg Mn/kg bw/day in the form of several manganese compounds to mice for 100 days (Komura and
Sakamoto, 1991) and 12 months (Komura and Sakamoto, 1992), retarded growth, changes of biogenic
amines in the brain and changes in the motor activity were observed. Another study showed effects of
manganese on the biogenic amine metabolism in the regions of the rat brain following administration
of 0.54 mg MnCl
0/ml in drinking water. The average intake was 4.5 mg Mn/day equivalent to
about 20 mg Mn/kg bw/day (Subhash and Padmashree, 1991). Similarly, earlier studies revealed
neurochemical alterations in the brain of neonatal male rats orally exposed to 10 and 20 mg Mn/kg
bw/day (Deskin et al, 1980) and changes in motor-activity of male Sprague-Dawley rats (hyperactivity in
the first month and hypoactivity from months 7 to 8) at concentrations of 0,1 and 5 mg Mn/ml drinking
water (Bonilla, 1984).
The lowest dose affecting the central nervous system was found in a study with growing male rats, in
which 50 µg MnCl
0/rat, initially equivalent to about 0,28 mg Mn/kg bw, were given by stomach
tube daily for 15 to 60 days and reported to increase significantly the monoamine oxidase in the brain
and to cause neuronal degeneration in the cerebral and cerebellar cortex (Chandra and Shukla, 1978).
A similar dose of 0.357 mg Mn/kg bw/day was reported to decrease significantly the learning ability of
female rats following intragastric administration of MnCl
O for a period of 15 and 30 days (Öner
and Sentürk, 1995).
A study with four male rhesus monkeys who were given orally 25 mg MnCl
0 daily for 18 months,
corresponding to 6,9 mg Mn/kg bw/day, revealed muscular weakness, rigidity of the lower limbs and
marked degeneration with de-pigmentation of neurons in the region of substantia nigra (Gupta et al,
1980). The same animals had increased testis weights with interstitial oedema and degeneration of
seminiferous tubules (Murthy et al, 1980).
3.2. Genotoxicity and related effects
The results of genetic toxicity tests with manganese are dependent on the particular assay and the
protocol used.
Manganese sulphate was not mutagenic in Salmonella typhimurium strains TA97, TA98, TA100, TA1535
and TA1537 with and without exogenous metabolic activation (S9) (Mortelmans et al, 1986), although it
was reported to be mutagenic in strain TA97 by Pagano and Zeiger (1992). Manganese chloride was not
mutagenic in S. typhimurium strains TA98, TA100 and TA1535, but it was mutagenic in TA1537 (Wong,
1988). Both manganese sulphate and manganese chloride were positive on tester strain TA102 only
without S9 mix. (De Méo et al, 1991). Manganese sulphate was found positive in a gene conversion/
reverse mutation assay in Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain D7 without exogenous metabolic activation
(Singh, 1984).
Manganese chloride was found positive in the mouse lymphoma assay (tk
) without S9 (Oberly et al,
1982). It was also reported to be able to induce DNA damage in cultured human lymphocytes using
the single-cell gel assay technique (comet assay) without S9, but not with S9 (De Méo et al, 1991).
Manganese sulphate was reported to be able to induce sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) with and
without S9, and chromosomal aberrations only in the absence of S9 in cultured Chinese hamster ovary
(CHO) cells (Galloway et al, 1987). Manganese chloride was not clastogenic in cultured FM3A cells in
the absence of S9 (Umeda & Nishimura, 1979); in contrast it was found able to induce chromosomal
aberrations in the root tips of Vicia faba (Glass, 1956). Manganese sulphate was found able to induce
SCEs and chromosomal aberrations in CHO cells without S9, and only SCEs in the presence of S9
(NTP, 1993). Magnesium chloride was reported to be able to induce cell transformation in Syrian
hamster cells (Casto et al, 1979). Manganese chloride was unable to induce somatic mutations in
Drosophila melanogaster (Rasmuson, 1985); manganese sulphate did not induce sex-linked recessive
lethal mutations in D. melanogaster (Valencia et al, 1985). Oral doses of manganese chloride did not
cause chromosomal aberrations in the bone marrow or spermatogonia of rats (Dikshith and Chandra,
1978); oral doses of manganese sulphate induced micronuclei and chromosomal aberrations in bone
marrow cells and sperm-head abnormalities in mice treated for three weeks (Joardar and Sharma,
1990). In view of the known affinity of Mn
for chromosomal components, the authors suggested that
the effects were mediated by these ions.
No induction of heritable translocations in mice or dominant lethal mutations in rats were observed after
administration of manganese sulphate in the diet for 7 weeks (mice), or by gavage once a day for 1 to
15 days (rats) (NTP, 1993).
It seems probable that the positive results reported in several short term tests are not due to intrinsic,
direct genotoxicity of manganese, but to indirect mechanisms, as it occurs for other elements. The
genotoxicity of manganese compounds seems to be mediated by the bivalent ion Mn
at relatively
high and cytotoxic concentrations.
Based on the presently available data no overall conclusion can be made on the possible genotoxic
hazard to humans.
3.3. Carcinogenic potential
Under the conditions of a 2-year feed study with F344/N rats, there was no evidence of carcinogenic
activity of manganese (II) sulphate monohydrate in rats receiving 60, 200, or 615 mg/kg bw/day (males)
or 70, 230, or 715 mg/kg bw/day (females), equivalent to 19.5, 65 or 200 mg Mn/kg bw/day and 23,
75 or 232 mg Mn/kg bw/day, respectively. There was, however, equivocal evidence of carcinogenic
activity in a 2-year feed study with B6C3F
mice receiving 160, 540, or 1800 mg/kg bw/day (males)
or 200, 700, or 2250 mg/kg bw/day (females), equivalent to 52, 176 or 586 mg Mn/kg bw/day or 65,
228 or 732 mg Mn/kg bw/day, respectively, based on marginally increased incidences of thyroid gland
follicular cell adenoma (high-dose animals) and significantly increased incidences of follicular cell
hyperplasia. In addition, increased severity of nephropathy in male rats, focal squamous hyperplasia
of the forestomach in male and female mice, and ulcers and inflammation of the forestomach in male
mice were observed in the highest dose groups of these studies (NTP, 1993).
3.4. Reproductive toxicity
Teratogenicity studies with manganese (II) sulphate monohydrate conducted in rats, mice, hamsters
and rabbits revealed no clearly discernible effects on nidation or on maternal or fetal survival. The
number of abnormalities did not differ from the control animals (NTP, 1973).
Several studies in rats and mice indicate that the ingestion of manganese can delay reproductive
maturation in male animals. Male rats administered an oral dose of 13 mg manganese/kg bw/day for
100-224 days had reduced testosterone levels. Delayed growth of the testes was observed in young
rats ingesting 140 mg manganese/kg bw/day for 90 days. These effects do not appear to be severe
enough to affect sperm morphology or male reproductive function. In rabbits, chronic parenteral
administration of manganese produced marked degenerative changes in the seminiferous tubules,
resulting in infertility (WHO, 1996).
3.5. Toxic effects in humans
In workers chronically exposed to manganese dusts and fumes, neurological effects of inhaled
manganese have been well documented. The syndrome known as “manganism” is characterised by
weakness, anorexia, muscle pain, apathy, slow speech without inflection, emotionless “mask-like”
facial expression, and slow clumsy movement of the limbs. In general, these effects are irreversible.
The minimal exposure level producing neurological effects is not certain but is probably in the range of
0,1-1 mg/m
(WHO, 1996).
A study in Japan described an epidemic outbreak of an encephalitis-like disease in a six members family
and ten of their neighbours having similar symptoms. It was caused by an intoxication due to manganese
dissolved accidentally in drinking water. Two different chemical analysis of the well waters consumed
by all patients showed a concentration of manganese close to 14 mg/l. The source of the manganese
was 400 dry-cell batteries buried near a drinking-water well. Sixteen cases of poisoning were reported,
with symptoms including lethargy, increased muscle tone, tremor, and mental disturbances. Two of the
severe cases died and one of the moderate cases committed suicide from melancholy. The most severe
instances were seen in elderly people, with only minor effects in children. Zinc was the other metal
analysed quantitatively at a concentration close to 17 mg/l. However, the clinical observations in this
study were typical for subacute manganese poisoning (Kawamura et al, 1941).
An epidemiological study in Greece investigated the possible correlation between manganese
exposure from water and neurological effects in elderly residents. The levels of manganese were 3,6-
14,6 µg/litre in the control area and 82-253 µg/litre and 1800-2300 µg/litre in the test areas. The authors
concluded that progressive increases in manganese concentration in drinking-water are associated
with progressively higher prevalences of neurological signs of chronic manganese poisoning and
manganese concentration in the hair of older persons. However, no data were given on exposure from
other sources such as food and dust, and little information was provided on nutritional status and other
possible confounding variables (Kondakis et al, 1989).
In an area with sewage irrigation, where the manganese content of drinking water was high (0.241-
0.346 mg/l) compared to a control area (0.03-0.04 mg/l), the neurobehaviour of pupils aged 11-13,
measured by scores of a number of tests, was impaired (He et al, 1994). The available abstract of this
study does not discuss that also the exposure to other chemicals might have been responsible for the
children’s neurobehavioral changes.
In cohorts from rural dwellings located in northern Germany exposed to manganese in well water of
either 0.3-2.16 or less than 0.05 mg/l, differences in neurological examinations including the assessment
of possible Parkinsonism signs could not be detected (Vieregge et al, 1995).
In addition to these studies, there are other reports indicating that the intake of manganese by the oral
route may be of concern (Velazquez and Du, 1994). Some investigators have reported an association
between the elevated hair levels of manganese and learning disabilities in children (Pihl and Parkes,
1977; Barlow and Kapel, 1979; Collipp et al, 1983). Gottschalk et al (1991) found elevated levels
of manganese in jail inmates convicted of violent felonies. Banta and Markesbury (1977) raised the
possibility that symptoms of classic manganese poisoning in a 59-year-old male were caused by the
patient’s consumption of large doses of vitamins and minerals for 4 to 5 years.
In an area of Japan, a manganese concentration of 0,75 mg/litre in the drinking-water supply had no
apparent adverse effects on the health of consumers (Suzuki, 1970).
According to a footnote without further details, no signs of toxicity were noticed in patients given 30 mg
manganese citrate (9 mg manganese) per day in a mildly alcoholic tonic for many months (Schroeder
et al, 1966).
A number of sub-populations has been reported to be more susceptible to manganese neurotoxicity
than the general population. One group that has received special attention is the very young, because
neonates retain a much higher percentage of ingested manganese, presumably as consequence of
increased absorption. Other groups of potential concern are elderly people, individuals with iron-
deficiency anaemia and people with liver disease (ATSDR, 1997).
The available data clearly show that manganese can cause adverse effects, both in humans and
experimental animals. The most important target is the central nervous system. There is clear evidence
that exposure to relatively high concentrations of manganese by inhalation results in profound
neurotoxic effects in humans.
There are also human studies reporting effects of manganese contained in drinking water. Assuming a
consumption of 2 litres of drinking water/day, the cohorts showing the reported effects were exposed to
at least 28 mg Mn/day (Kawamura et al, 1941), 0.16-0.5 and 3.6-4.4 mg Mn/day (Kondakis et al, 1989)
and 0.48-0.69 mg Mn/day (He et al, 1994), plus the contribution from food. In another study, 0.6-4.3
mg Mn/day from drinking water plus contribution from food showed no effects (Vieregge et al, 1995).
However, the limitations of these studies including the uncertainty of the contribution from food make
firm conclusions difficult.
Similarly, the dose-response relationship of adverse effects in experimental animals has not been
clarified sufficiently. Although the animal data are more extensive, no-observed-adverse-effect levels
(NOAELs) for the critical effects cannot be derived. The lowest-adverse-effect-levels (LOAELs) following
oral administration observed so far are 0.28 mg/kg bw/day in growing male rats, still producing
biochemical and neurological changes in the brain (Chandra and Shukla, 1978), and 0.36 mg/kg bw/
day in adult female rats, decreasing their learning ability (Öner and Sentürk, 1995). In rhesus monkeys,
6.9 mg/kg bw/day, given for 18 months to four male animals, caused muscular weakness, rigidity of
the lower limbs and marked neuronal degeneration with depigmentation in the region of the substantia
nigra (Gupta et al, 1980) as well as testicular changes (Murthy et al, 1980).
Exposure to manganese by inhalation is neurotoxic. Oral intake of manganese despite its poor
absorption in the gastrointestinal tract has also been shown to cause neurotoxic effects. The limitations
of the human data and the non-availability of NOAELs for critical endpoints from animal studies
produce a considerable degree of uncertainty. Therefore, an upper level cannot be set.
The margin between oral effect levels in humans as well as experimental animals and the estimated
intake from food is very low. Given the findings on neurotoxicity and the potential higher susceptibility
of some subgroups in the general population, oral exposure to manganese beyond the normally
present in food and beverages could represent a risk of adverse health effects without evidence of any
health benefit.
Ali MM
et al
(1981). Behavioural dysfunctions and central neurotransmitters in manganese exposed rats. J Environ Biol 2 (4): 29-39.
ATSDR (1997). Toxicological profile for manganese. Draft for public comment (update). Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry,
September 1997.
Banta RG and Markesbury WR (1977). Elevated manganese levels associated with dementia and extrapyramidal signs. Neurology 27: 213-216.
Bonilla E (1984). Chronic manganese intake induces changes in the motor activity of rats. Exp Neurol 84: 696-700.
Barlow PJ and Kapel M (1979). Hair metal analysis and its significance to certain disease conditions. 2nd Ann Trace Mineral Health Seminar, Boston.
Casto BC
et al
(1979). Enhancement of viral transformation for evaluation of the carcinogenic or mutagenic potential of inorganic metal
salts. Cancer Research 39: 193-198.
Chandra SV and Shukla GS (1978). Manganese encephalopathy in growing rats. Environmental Research 15: 28-37.
Chandra SV
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Collipp PJ
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Deskin R
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Ellen G
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Freeland-Graves J (1994). Derivation of manganese estimated safe and adequate daily dietary intakes, in Mertz W
et al
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Glass E (1955). Untersuchungen ueber die Einwirkung von Schwermetallsalzen auf die Wurzelspitzenmitose von
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Komura J and Sakamoto M (1991). Short-term oral administration of several manganese compounds in mice: physiological and behavioral
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Komura J and Sakamoto M (1992). Effects of manganese forms on biogenic amines in the brain and behavioral alterations in the mouse:
Long-term oral administration of several manganese compounds. Environmental Research 57: 34-44.
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Wong PK (1988). Mutagenicity of metals. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 40: 597-603.
This opinion is one in the series of opinions of the SCF on the upper levels of vitamins and minerals.
The terms of reference given by the European Commission for this task, the related background
and the guidelines used by the Committee to develop tolerable upper intake levels for vitamins and
minerals used in this opinion, which were expressed by the SCF on 19 October 2000, are available on
the Internet at the pages of the SCF, at the address:
1.1. Selenium forms in foods
Foods contain a number of different selenium forms. In animal foods, there are specific selenium
proteins where selenium is incorporated via selenide as selenocysteine, while selenomethionine,
and possibly also selenocysteine to some extent, are non-specifically incorporated as analogues to
methionine and cysteine in foods both of animal and plant origin. Selenomethionine, as well as the
inorganic forms selenite and selenate, are the most common forms in food supplements and fodder
additives. Although extensively used for research purposes, it is uncertain if the inorganic forms occur
in foods. In addition to these forms a number of uncharacterised forms exist, e.g. in fish (Åkesson and
Srikumar, 1994), but their contribution to total dietary selenium is unknown.
Selenium forms used in supplements are inorganic selenite and selenate and organic selenium in the
form of selenomethionine, selenocystine and selenium enriched yeast. The forms of selenium found in
yeast vary according to production process and the selenomethionine has been suggested to comprise
20 to 50% of the selenium and that some is bound as selenotrisulphides (SCF, 1999).
It should be noted that selenium compounds other than those nutritionally relevant, i.e. those present
in food and with a tradition of use as supplements to meet nutritional requirements, are outside the
scope of this document. The toxicity and biological properties of such selenium compounds (there are
numerous synthetic ones) can be quite different from the nutritionally relevant selenium compounds.
1.2. Selenium intake and selenium status in European countries
The amount of selenium available in the soil for plant growth and corresponding variations in the intake
of selenium by humans varies considerably among regions and countries (Gissel-Nielsen et al, 1984;
Frøslie, 1993). The mean intakes of non-vegetarian adults in different studies are Belgium 28-61 µg/day,
Denmark 41-57 µg/day, Finland 100-110 µg/day, France 29-43 µg/day, United Kingdom 63 µg/day,
The Netherlands 40-54 µg/day, Norway 28-89 µg/day, Spain 79 µg/day, and Sweden 24-35 µg/day
(Alexander and Meltzer, 1995; van Dokkum, 1995; Johansson et al 1997).
1.3. Metabolism of selenium
The available data indicate that selenium-containing aminoacids and probably other selenium
forms, such as selenite and selenate, can be converted to selenide in mammals (Young et al, 1982).
Selenide is a central metabolic form of selenium, which is utilised for the formation of selenocysteine,
incorporated into specific selenoproteins, and in case of high exposure, into excretory products such
as dimethyl selenide (which is exhaled) and trimethylselenonium ions (which are excreted into urine).
Selenomethionine and selenocysteine formed by transsulfuration of selenomethionine can be non-
specifically incorporated into protein as analogues to methionine and cysteine. Other forms of protein-
bound selenium may also occur (Sunde, 1990; Alexander and Meltzer, 1995; Johansson et al, 1997).
1.4. Bioavailability of different forms of selenium
Most forms of selenium salts and organic bound selenium, i.e. selenomethionine and selenocysteine,
are easily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Only a few studies on the bioavailability of selenium
have been performed in humans (Mutanen, 1986; Neve, 1994). Selenium in blood or serum is most
effectively raised by selenium-rich wheat or yeast selenium (the latter may vary in quality), probably
because of non-specific incorporation of selenomethionine into proteins. Inorganic selenium as selenate
and selenite can be incorporated specifically into selenium proteins via selenide as selenocysteine
and increase seleno-enzyme activity until saturation (Levander et al, 1983 (Alfthan et al, 1991). A few
studies have also compared selenium bioavailability from different foods. Van der Torre et al (1991)
found that supplementation with selenium-rich forms of bread and meat gave similar increases in
circulating selenium levels. Christensen et al (1983), using a triple stable-isotope method, found that
the absorption of selenium from selenite was 36% and that from intrinsically labelled poultry meat was
71%. Selenium consumed from fish had no apparent effect on the amount of selenium incorporated into
functional selenoproteins and a low effect on general level of selenium in plasma (Meltzer et al, 1993,
Åkesson and Srikumar, 1994; Svensson et al, 1992; Huang et al, 1995). Given different bioavailabilities
and differences in non-specific incorporation of selenium compounds from different sources such as
cereals, meat, fish and organic and inorganic supplements, the selenium concentration in whole blood
will relate differently to the total intake of selenium (Alexander and Meltzer, 1995).
The total body pool of selenium has been estimated to be 5-15 mg in adults. Kinetic studies indicate
that blood plasma contains at least four components with half-lives between 1 and 250 hours
(Patterson et al, 1989).
1.5. Functional forms of selenium – selenoproteins
At least eleven selenoproteins containing the amino acid selenocysteine have been identified in mammals:
cellular glutathione peroxidase (cGSHPx), extracellular glutathione peroxidase (eGSHPx), phospholipid
hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (phGSHPx), gastrointestinal glutathione peroxidase (giGSHPx),
iodothyronine deiodinase types I, II and III, prostatic epithelial selenoprotein (PES), selenoprotein P
(SeP), selenoprotein W, thioredoxin reductase (Alexander and Meltzer, 1995; Johansson et al, 1997).
1.6. Daily requirements
The amount of dietary selenium (as DL-selenomethionine) required to saturate the selenium need
of extracellular GSHPx was used as one of the approaches to define a Dietary Reference Intake for
Selenium in the USA in 2000 (55 µg/day for adult men and women) (NAS; 2000). A so-called Population
Reference Intake of 55 µg selenium per day for adults, but also other levels of intakes based on other
criteria, were established by the Scientific Committee for Food of the European Commission (1993).
A joint FAO/IAEA/WHO Expert Consultation (WHO, 1996) gave several modes for the calculation of
requirements of the individual and populations. For a 65 kg reference man the average normative
requirement of individuals for selenium was estimated to be 26 µg/day, and from this value the lower limit
of the need of population mean intakes was estimated to be 40 µg/day. The corresponding values for a
55 kg reference woman were 21 and 30 µg selenium/day, respectively. The latter value was estimated
to increase to 39 µg/day throughout pregnancy and to attain the values of 42, 46 and 52 µg selenium/
day at 0-3, 3-6 and 6-12 months of lactation, respectively. The Nordic Nutrition Recommendations
(1996) have set a recommended intake of 50 μg/day for men, an average requirement of 35 μg/day
and a lower limit of needed intake of 20 μg/day, the corresponding values for women being 40, 30 and
20 μg/day, respectively.
The approach to define a biochemical index for the saturation of the functional selenium requirement
using a limited number of selenoproteins has given variable results (Nève, 1991). The estimations are
also complicated by the fact that different forms of dietary selenium (organic vs. inorganic) give variable
responses in different measures of selenium status (Alfthan et al, 1991) and the physiological relevance of
the ‘saturation of selenium dependent enzymes approach’ can be questioned (Johansson et al, 1997).
1.7. Selenium deficiency and selenium in disease states
The most obvious example of a relationship between selenium status and disease is the cardiomyopathy,
Keshan disease, that occurs in selenium-deficient areas of China (Xia et al, 1994). Prophylactic
treatment with selenium supplementation dramatically decreased disease incidence. The disease is
not a clear-cut selenium deficiency syndrome since it is not obligatory at very low selenium status and
moreover several other factors affect its incidence.
A suspected selenium deficiency syndrome has also been demonstrated in a few patients treated with
parenteral nutrition without added selenium (see Rannem et al, 1996). Muscular pain and muscular and
cardiac dysfunction has been demonstrated in some patients, but no uniform symptomatology has
been described.
In several epidemiological studies the incidence of different diseases, such as cancer and cardiovascular
disease, has been related to selenium status. In addition, selenium has been related to immune
function, viral infection, reproduction and mood (WHO, 1987; Flohé, 1989; Knekt et al, 1990; Virtamo
and Huttunen, 1991; Willett et al, 1991; Kok et al, 1991; Clarke et al, 1996, Rayman, 2000).
2.1. Adverse and toxic effects
2.1.1. Mechanisms of toxicity
The molecular mechanisms of selenium toxicity remain unclear. Several mechanisms have been
suggested: redox cycling of auto-oxidisable selenium metabolites, glutathione depletion, protein
synthesis inhibition, depletion of S-adenosyl-methionine (cofactor for selenide methylation), general
replacement of sulphur and reactions with critical sulphydryl groups of proteins and cofactors (Anundi
et al, 1984; Hoffman, 1977; Martin, 1973; Stadtman, 1974; Vernie et al, 1974). No unifying hypothesis
is possible and it is likely that several mechanisms may operate and vary among different selenium
compounds. Growth reduction in experimental animals is apparently caused by selective selenium
accumulation and toxicity to growth hormone producing cells in the anterior pituitary gland (Thorlacius-
Ussing, 1990).
2.1.2. Acute toxicity
Selenite, selenate and selenomethionine are among the most acutely toxic selenium compounds
(Högberg and Alexander, 1986). Intake of 250 mg selenium as a single dose or multiple doses of 27-31
mg resulted in acute toxicity with nausea, vomiting, nail changes, dryness of hair, hair loss, tenderness
and swelling of fingertips, fatigue, irritability and garlicky breath (Jensen et al, 1984; WHO, 1987).
In Sweden, several cases of toxicity in children occur each year due to accidental overconsumption of
selenium tablets. Acute symptoms such as vomiting have been observed, but so far no serious cases
of toxicity have been recorded (Johansson et al, 1997).
2.2. Chronic toxicity
2.2.1. Animal toxicity data
Animals show growth reduction, liver changes, anaemia, pancreatic enlargement and some domestic
animals also exhibit neurotoxicity following selenium exposure above 0.03-0.4 mg/kg bw (Alexander
and Meltzer, 1995). Cancer studies
Several early studies showed tumours following selenium exposure (Nelson et al, 1943; Volgarev and
Tscherkes, 1967; Innes et al, 1969; Schroeder and Mitchener, 1971a; Schroeder and Mitchener, 1972;
Schrauzer and Ishmael, 1974; IARC, 1975; US EPA, 1980). These studies have been evaluated on
several occasions and, in general, the data have been considered inconclusive due to many problems
with the studies (Diplock, 1984). Nelson gave low-protein diets supplemented with seleniferous wheat
or 10 mg selenium salts/kg bw. A number of rats died before 18 months, but none with tumours. In
surviving rats hepatic tumours were found in animals with liver cirrhosis. It has also been questioned
whether identified tumours were actually regeneration nodules. The study of Volgarev and Tscherkes
(1967) lacked adequate controls. Also the study by Schroeder and Mitchener (1971) lacked adequate
controls, and the colony suffered from severe infections.
Synthetic selenium compounds that have shown effects indicative of carcinogenicity are as follows.
Selenium diethyldithiocarbamate given to mice (10 mg/kg by gavage daily for three weeks) was found
to increase the incidence of hepatomas, lymphomas and pulmonary tumours (Innes et al, 1969). Seifter
et al (1946) gave 0.05% of bis-amino-phenyl selenium dihydroxide in the diet to rats and found an
increased incidence of adenomatous hepatic hyperplasia and thyroid adenomas. Selenium sulphide
in large oral doses (3 and 15 mg/kg bw/day to rats and 20 and 100 mg/kg bw/day to mice) was found
to be carcinogenic to rats and mice (NCI, 1980a). In a separate study in mice, selenium sulphide was
applied to the skin and there was no increased incidence of tumours attributable to selenium treatment
(NCI, 1980b); under most conditions the systemic uptake of topically selenium sulphide might be
insignificant (Cummins and Kimura, 1971). Carcinogenicity of selenium compounds seems primarily to
be associated with the nature of the compound than with the element itself. The selenium compounds
mentioned above are not used as sources of selenium in food, nor as nutrients. Reproductive effects
It is well established that several selenium compounds such as selenate, selenite, selenocysteine and
in particular selenomethionine are teratogens in avian species and in fish (Franke et al, 1936; Moxon
and Rhian, 1943; Halverson et al, 1965; Palmer et al, 1973; Dostal et al, 1979; Birge et al, 1983; Heinz
et al, 1987; Woock et al, 1987; Hoffman et al, 1988; Pyron and Beitinger, 1989). Both inorganic and
organic forms of selenium cross the placenta in humans and experimental animals (Willhite et al,
1990). Terata have also been produced in sheep (Holmberg and Ferm, 1969) and pigs (Wahlström and
Olson, 1959). Effects of selenium compounds on reproduction and offspring in rodents have usually
been associated with overt maternal poisoning and nutritional deprivation (Schroeder and Mitchener,
1971b; Berschneider et al, 1977; Nobunaga et al, 1979; Ferm et al, 1990). Recent studies on macaques
fed selenomethionine (25, 150 and 300 µg/kg bw/day) during organogenesis showed no signs of
terata (Tarantal et al, 1991). A dose-dependent maternal toxicity was observed in this study. Whereas
no signs of treatment related toxicity in the dams were observed at the dose of 25 μg/kg bw/day
(NOAEL), maternal toxicity as indicated by poor appetite and emesis was observed in the mid- and
high-dose groups. No treatment-related changes in the teeth, skin or nails were found. No indication
of teratogenicity of selenium has been shown in humans even in the areas of high selenium intake in
China (Yang et al, 1989b). Genotoxic effects
A moderate genotoxic activity of selenium compounds (i.e., selenite, selenate, selenide, selenocysteine
and selenosulphide) has been found in several in vitro systems (Löfroth and Ames, 1978; Ray and
Altenburg, 1978; Noda et al, 1979; Whiting et al, 1980; Ray, 1984; Tennant et al, 1987; Kramer and
Ames, 1988). There is one in vivo study showing chromosomal aberrations and increased SCE in
hamster bone marrow cells after selenite treatment (Norppa et al, 1980). This occurred only at doses
of 3, 4, and 6 mg Se/kg bw i.p. that were associated with severe systemic toxicity, including lethality,
some hours after dosing. The numbers of aberrations in these groups were 13-55%, compared to
0.9-1% in the controls. Doses of 0.3, 0.6, 1 and 2 mg Se/kg bw did not cause any clastogenic effects.
A non-pregnant macaque dosed with 600 μg selenomethionine for 15 days (lethal dose) showed in
comparison with the control animal a sevenfold increase in bone marrow micronuclei (Choy et al,
1989). In pregnant macaques receiving 0, 150 or 300 μg selenomethionine/kg bw and showing signs
of selenosis, foetal bone marrow smears did not show any increase in the number of micronuclei (Choy
et al, 1993).
In vitro studies indicate that the mutagenic effects of selenium salts are associated with production of
reactive oxygen radicals and that glutathione promotes these reactions (Kramer and Ames, 1988). It is
well known that auto-oxidisable selenium metabolites, such as hydrogen selenide, can undergo redox
cycling producing oxygen radicals and cause DNA strand breaks (Anundi et al, 1984; Nuttall and Allen,
1984; Garberg et al, 1988). Detoxification of selenide by methylation is saturable depending on the supply
of methyl donors. In vivo, only toxic amounts were shown to be active, keeping in mind the central role
of hydrogen selenide in the metabolism of most selenium compound it is likely that overproduction
of this and other auto-oxidisable selenium metabolites could promote the formation of DNA reactive
oxygen radicals. It is possible that glutathione might play a central role as well. It follows, given such a
mechanism, that expression of selenium dependent genotoxic activity is likely to be concentration- and
threshold-dependent, but this remains to be shown (Högberg and Alexander, 1986).
2.2.2. Human toxicity data Exposure to supplements
Two individuals took selenium-containing yeast at doses of 200 and 400 µg selenium daily for 18
months. Together with dietary intake they received about 350 and 600 µg/day. Marginal haematological
changes and a borderline increase in serum ALAT (alanine amino transferase) were seen (Schrauzer
and White, 1978).
A small group of patients with rheumatoid arthritis receiving 250 µg Se as organic selenium in addition
to selenium from food for 6 months had decreased levels of somatomedin C in serum in comparison
with a group receiving placebo (Thorlacius-Ussing et al, 1988). A similar effect was not observed when
graded doses of 100, 200 and 300 µg selenium as selenium wheat was given to healthy, Norwegian
volunteers for a six week period (Meltzer et al, 1993), nor was the effect observed in North Americans
with a natural selenium intake range of 68-724 µg/day (Salbe et al, 1993).
In a study by van Dokkum et al (1992) two groups of 6 male volunteers were given 8 slices of bread per
day for six weeks. The bread was made with selenium-rich and -poor wheat. In the treatment group
the bread provided 200 µg selenium/day per subject. In a study by Longnecker et al (1993), groups of 4
healthy male volunteers were fed bread containing 32.4, 206 or 388 µg selenium/day. Prior to the study
the intake was 80 µg/day. In both studies no adverse effects were reported, although such information
was not specifically sought.
In a supplementation study where 400 µg/day of selenium as selenite or selenomethionine (total dose
450-500 µg/day) were given for 3 months to 32 healthy women, half of them experienced symptoms of
depression and extreme tiredness during the month following the termination of the study (Meltzer, 1995).
In a randomised, double blind, placebo-controlled study, the effect of selenium supplementation on
prevention of skin cancer was investigated (Clark et al, 1996). A total of 1312 patients (mean age 63,
range 18-80) with a history of basal cell or squamous cell carcinoma were treated with 200 µg selenium/
day in the form of high-selenium brewer’s yeast tablet (Nutrition 21, La Jolla, Calif.) or placebo for up
to ten years (mean 4.5 years). The percentage of males in the control and treatment groups was 75.6
and 73.8, respectively. Mean plasma selenium concentration at the start of the study was 114 µg/l (1.44
μmol/l), which was in the lower end of the range of normal plasma levels reported in the US (in most
European countries, however, the mean serum levels are lower (Alexander and Meltzer, 1995)). Plasma
selenium levels remained constant throughout the study in the placebo group, while plasma selenium
rose to 190 µg/l (2.4 μmol/l) in the treatment group within 6-9 months from the beginning. The safety
endpoints investigated included known signs of frank selenosis (see below), including garlic breath,
pathological nail changes and brittle hair. Patients were assessed every 6 months and the authors
observed no dermatological or other signs of selenium toxicity. A total of 35 patients upset, 21 in the
selenium group and 14 in the control group, complained about adverse effects, mostly gastrointestinal,
which resulted in withdrawal from the study.
Although it is difficult to assess the intake based on serum values, as these might vary according to the
source of selenium, an estimate can be that a mean intake of approximately 90 µg selenium/day would
correspond to a serum value of 114 µg/l (1.44 μmol/l) (Alexander and Meltzer, 1995). Hence, the total
intake after supplementation would be approximately 290 µg selenium/day. Long term exposure, epidemiological studies
Health effects of high dietary intakes of selenium have been investigated in selenium-rich areas of
South Dakota, USA (Smith and Westfall, 1937). The most common symptoms were gastrointestinal
disturbances, icteroid discoloration of the skin, and decayed and bad teeth. It is difficult to evaluate
the exposure levels and validity of these findings (WHO, 1987). Children living in a seleniferous area
in Venezuela have been compared to children living in Caracas (Jaffe, 1976). The level of selenium in
blood averaged 813 µg/l (10.3 µmol/l) in the seleniferous area, and in one child reached 1,800 µg/l (22.8
µmol/l). Using the Chinese data on blood/intake relationships (Yang et al, 1989a), a level of 813 µg/l
(10.3 µmol/l) corresponds to a daily intake of about 10 µg Se/kg bw. It was found that pathological nail
changes, loss of hair and dermatitis were more common in the seleniferous area. However, whether
these differences were due to selenium toxicity was not entirely clear, as the groups differed in several
other nutritional aspects.
Clinical symptoms associated with selenium poisoning such as those described above are usually
referred to as selenosis. A more detailed description of symptoms is given below.
In China, endemic selenium intoxications due to high selenium in soil have been studied by Yang and
colleagues (Yang et al, 1983). Morbidity was 49% among 248 inhabitants of five villages with a daily
intake of about 5,000 µg selenium. The main symptoms were brittle hair with intact follicles, new hair
with no pigment, and thickened nails as well as brittle nails with spots and longitudinal streaks on the
surface. In more severe cases fluid effused from around the nail bed. Another common finding was
lesions of the skin, mainly on the backs of hands and feet, the outer side of the legs, the forearms,
and the neck. Affected skin became red and swollen, followed by the appearance of blisters and
the occurrence of eruptions. Symptoms of neurological disturbances were observed in 18 of the
22 inhabitants of one heavily affected village alone. Patients complained of peripheral anaesthesia,
acroparaesthesia, pain, and hyperreflexia. At a later stage numbness, convulsions, paralysis, and motor
disturbances developed. The daily intake among those with clinical signs of selenosis was estimated to
range from 3,200 to 6,690 µg, with an average of 4,990 µg selenium. The mean blood level was 3,200
µg/l (40.5 µmol/l), and the mean urine level was 2,680 µg/l (33.9 µmol/l). Livestock were also affected
in these areas. The residents recovered as soon as the diets were changed. In high selenium areas
without occurrence of selenosis the daily intake of selenium was calculated to range from 240 to 1510
μg, with a mean intake of 750 μg. The corresponding blood levels were 440 (350-580) μg/l (5.6 (4.4-7.3)
μmol/l) (mean and SD). The chemical forms of selenium were determined in Chinese rice and maize and
the major form was selenomethionine (Beilstein et al, 1991).
In a follow up to their earlier work, Yang et al (1989a, 1989b) studied a population of about 400
individuals which was evaluated for clinical and biochemical signs of selenium toxicity. A detailed study
of selenium intake via various food items as well as measurements of selenium in tissues, i.e., whole
blood, urine, hair and finger- and toe-nails, allowed more accurate estimation of the dose-response
relationships observed for selenium toxicity.
The average daily intakes based on lifetime exposures were 70, 195 and 1438 µg, and 62, 198 and 1288
µg for adult males and females, respectively, in the low-, medium- and high-selenium areas. Clinical
signs of selenosis (i.e., hair or nail loss, nail abnormalities, mottled teeth, skin lesions and changes in
peripheral nerves) were examined among 349 adult residents and were observed among subjects in the
high selenium area. Subjects with clinical signs of selenosis were classified as ++ or + (mainly finger-
nail disease/changes alone and with severe hair loss/skin changes). No clinical signs were observed
among those with a blood selenium concentration below 1000 μg/l (12.7 μmol/l) (intake according
to regression equation, figure 1 Yang et al 1989a: 853 μg Se/day). The prevalences of subjects
with selenosis ++ varied between 3-7% in the groups with blood concentrations 1000-1250, 1250-
1500 and 1500-2000 μg/l (12.7-15.8, 15.8-19.0, 19.0-25.3 μmol/l). The prevalences of subjects with
selenosis + varied from 10-35% in the same groups. No dose response relationships were seen. The
prevalence of subjects with selenosis + was 45% in subjects with a blood concentration above 2000
μg/l (25.3 μmol/l). (All prevalence figures were taken from figure 4 of Yang et al, 1989b.) Blood selenium
concentrations in five subjects with long persistent clinical signs ranged from 1054 µg/l to 1854 µg/l
(13.3 to 23.5 µmol/l) with a mean of 1346 µg/l (17.0 µmol/l), corresponding to a daily intake of 1260
µg Se (range: 913-1907 μg Se) (intake calculated from the regression equation). Prolonged bleeding
time was observed clinically upon blood collection in the high selenium areas. Prolonged prothrombin
time (>14 sec.) was observed among 1 of 20 subjects with a blood selenium of 200 to 990 μg/l (2.53-
12.5 μmol/l) and among 45% of those subjects with a blood selenium above 1000 μg/l (12.7 μmol/l)
(corresponding to an intake of about 850 μg). The mean prothrombin time only increased marginally,
but ranges were not given in the publication. A strong reduction in the plasma-Se/red cell-Se was
seen at blood concentrations exceeding 900 μg Se/l (11.4 μmol/l), corresponding to an intake of 750
μg/day. A decreased concentration of glutathione in blood was observed at dietary intakes exceeding
850 µg/day. The prevalence of mottled enamel teeth of school children of 7-14 years of age were 0, 49
and 95% in groups with low (130 ± 20 μg/l (1.65 ± 0.25 μmol/l)), medium (370 ± 320 μg/l (4.68 ± 4.05
μmol/l)) and high (1570 ± 440 μg/l (19.9 ± 5.57 μmol/l)) blood selenium concentrations, respectively.
The five patients showing overt signs of selenosis were followed up in a later study (Yang and Zhou,
1994). The symptoms disappeared after a change in the diet. Their blood levels decreased from 1346
± 366 to 968 ± 115 μg Se/l (17.0 ± 4.63 to 12.3 ± 1.46 μmol/l), corresponding to an intake of 1270 ±
450 to 819 ± 126 µg Se/day (calculated from the regression equation) (819 μg corresponds to about 15
μg/kg bw, according to the authors). The latter mean value had a lower 95% confidence limit of 567 µg
per day. The range was 654 to 952 μg Se/day.
In a study (Longnecker et al, 1991), 142 subjects from geographical areas with high dietary selenium
intakes in USA were followed over a 2-year period with respect to adverse health effects. The daily
dietary intake was assessed by several 48 h duplicate-plate food collections for selenium determination
from one person in the household and by diet questionnaires. The subjects were followed for one year,
completed health questionnaires, and underwent physical examinations and clinical chemistry tests.
Selenium in whole blood, serum, urine and toenails were also determined.
The average selenium intake was 239 µg/day, varying from 68 to 724 µg/day; half of them had an intake
above 200 μg/day and 12 individuals above 400 μg/day. There was no variation in the prothrombin time
with selenium intake. However, an association of selenium intake with alanine aminotransferase (ALAT) in
serum was observed. The values were within the reference range and considered clinically insignificant.
Increased prevalence of lethargy was also seen with increased selenium values. Nail abnormalities
were not related to selenium intake, neither were any other symptoms or physical findings. In contrast
to a study from Denmark (Thorlacius-Ussing et al, 1988) (see above), no relationship between plasma
somatomedin C and any of the selenium indices was observed in this study (Longnecker et al, 1991;
Salbe et al, 1993).
Brätter and Negreti de Brätter (1996) studied the influence of high dietary selenium intake on the thyroid
hormone levels in serum of 125 lactating mothers 20-24 days post partum from three regions with
different selenium intake in Venezuela. The serum concentration of FT
(free, unbound T
) (T
is formed
from T
in the liver) was lower in the group having the highest mean intake, 552 (range: 250-980) μg/day,
but all values were found to be within the reference range. The two other regions had mean intakes
of 274 (range 170-500) and 205 (range: 90-350) μg Se/day, respectively. None of the investigated
individuals had signs of selenosis.
Acute and chronic selenium toxicity have been demonstrated in a wide variety of animals and human.
Soluble selenium salts and selenomethionine show approximately similar toxicity and there is no
substantial variation between animal species. Soluble selenium salts (in cases of supplementation and
selenium from drinking water) may be acutely more toxic than organic bound selenium from food. On
the other hand, organic forms may be more toxic during long-term consumption due to incorporation
into proteins rather than excretion.
Except for some selenium compounds not used in food, i.e. selenium sulphide, selenium
diethyldithiocarbamate, bis-amino-phenyl selenium dihydroxide, experimental data do not indicate that
inorganic selenium salts or organic selenium compounds relevant in food and nutrition are carcinogenic.
Adequate human data do not exist.
Genotoxicity has been seen in a number of in vitro systems and also in vivo at toxic doses. It is likely,
however, that these effects may be related to the generation of reactive oxygen radicals, being dose
dependent and showing a threshold in vivo and not occurring at nutritionally adequate intakes.
There is no evidence for teratogenicity neither in humans nor in macaques fed selenomethionine.
Except for the early studies of the population in seleniferous areas in USA (Smith and Westfall, 1937),
the more recent Chinese studies of endemic selenium toxicity in humans (Yang et al, 1983; Yang et al,
1989a; Yang et al, 1989b; Yang and Zhou, 1994) and the 1991 American study (Longnecker et al, 1991),
there are only anecdotal reports on chronic selenium toxicity in humans.
Based on the Chinese studies (Yang et al, 1989a; Yang et al, 1989b; Yang and Zhou, 1994), the minimum
daily dietary intake sufficient to cause symptoms of selenosis (i.e., hair or nail loss, nail abnormalities,
mottled teeth, skin lesions and changes in peripheral nerves) is about 1200 µg Se (range: 913-1907
µg Se). The LOAEL for clinical symptoms of selenosis is about 900-1000 µg Se/day. No clinical signs
of selenosis were recorded in individuals with blood selenium below 1000 µg/l, corresponding to an
intake of about 850 µg/day, which could be taken as a NOAEL for clinical selenosis. Symptoms were
also observed in a man taking 913 µg Se/day as selenite (Yang et al, 1983). In the follow up study (Yang
and Zhou, 1994) of 5 patients (from the study of 349 individuals) recovered from selenosis when their
mean intake was reduced to 819 µg Se/day, the 95% lower confidence limit of the mean intake was
567 µg/day).
Symptoms from the liver, which is also affected in animal studies, manifested in increased prothrombin
time due to impaired synthesis of coagulation factors in the liver, became statistically significant at dietary
intakes at and above 850 µg Se/day (Yang et al, 1989b). In the American study (Longnecker et al, 1991)
no signs of toxicity were seen in a population consuming on average 239 µg Se/day from food. The liver
enzyme ALAT in serum, although within the reference range, showed a correlation with selenium intake
(68 to 724 µg/day), but this was not considered to be clinically significant. No effect on prothrombin time
was seen in the latter study. However, the American population studied covered a lower range of selenium
intake than the Chinese study and, considering mean body weights, it is also likely that the intake per kg
bw was greater in the Chinese study, in comparison with the American one.
Taken together, increased prothrombin time (in the Chinese study) and slight ALAT increase (in the
American study) are both signs of subclinical/biochemical liver effects. The clinical relevance is
Taking all this information into account, the Committee decided to derive the UL using the NOAEL
of 850 μg/day for clinical selenosis in the study on 349 subjects of Yang et al (1989b). In support of
this NOAEL is the follow up study of Yang and Zhou (1994) of the 5 individuals who recovered from
selenosis when their intake had been reduced to a mean of 819 μg Se/day. The NOAEL used was
derived from a study on a large number of subjects and is expected to include sensitive individuals.
It was decided to use an uncertainty factor of 3 to allow for the remaining uncertainties of the studies
used in deriving an upper level.
An UL of 300 μg Se/day was derived for adults. This value covers selenium intake from all sources of
food, including supplements.
The supplementation study by Clark et al (1996), who did not observe any signs of selenosis in the
supplemented group (selenium enriched yeast), having an estimated mean total intake of about 300
µg selenium/day, the American study (Longnecker et al, 1991) and the study of lactating women from
Venezuela (Brätter and Negreti de Brätter, 1996) further support this UL.
No data are available to suggest that other life-stage groups have increased susceptibilityto adverse
effects of high selenium intake. Therefore the UL of 300 `µg per day should be considered to apply also
to pregnant and lactating women.
There are no reports of adverse effects on infants born from mothers with high intakes of selenium or
adverse effects on lactating women with dietary selenium intakes below the UL for adults. Therefore,
the UL for pregnant and lactating women is the same as for non pregnant and non-lactating women.
There are no data to support a derivation of an UL for children. The data on mottled enamel do not
allow a NOAEL to be set. On the other hand, there are no reports indicating that children are more
susceptible to adverse effects from selenium. Hence, it seems appropriate to extrapolate the UL from
adults to children on a body weight basis. The reference weights derived by the Scientific Committee
on Food (SCF, 1993) are used as a basis for the calculations.
Age (years) UL (µg selenium/day)
1-3 60
4-6 90
7-10 130
11-14 200
15-17 250
Some selenium compounds were reviewed in the context of “Substances for nutritional purposes
which have been proposed for use in the manufacture of foods for particular nutritional purposes” by
the SCF (SCF, 1999). The Committee found sodium selenate, sodium selenite and sodium hydrogen
selenite acceptable for use in food for particular nutritional uses, but did not find other forms of
selenium acceptable on the basis of current data. Therefore, the UL of this report relate only to the
selenium compounds found acceptable and, in addition, to selenium naturally present in food.
Based on the information on selenium toxicity, there are areas in the world where there is a human
intake of selenium with no or only very small safety margins to levels where toxicity may occur.
However, in most European countries the mean intake levels are much lower, in the lower range of 30-
90 µg Se/day, except for Norway, that has a somewhat higher mean intake (60 µg Se/day) due to import
of wheat rich in selenium. Finland has an intake of 100-110 µg Se/day because of selenium fertilisation.
The margin between the present mean intake, excluding supplements, in the European population and
an UL (adult) of 300 µg Se/day would be between 2.7 to 10. The 97.5 percentile intake was 81 and 90
μg Se/day in Italy and The Netherlands, respectively, giving a margin to the UL of about 2.7.
Åkesson B and Srikumar TS (1994). Occurrence of low-molecular-weight and high-molecular-weight selenium compounds in fish. Food
Chem 51: 45-49.
Alexander J and Meltzer HM. Selenium (1995). In: Oskarsson A Ed. Risk evaluation of essential trace elements - essential versus toxic
levels of intake. Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers, Nord 1995: 18, pp 15-65.
Alfthan G, Aro A, Arvilommi H and Huttunen JK (1991). Selenium metabolism and platelet glutathione peroxidase activity in healthy Finnish
men: effects of selenium yeast, selenite, and selenate. Am J Clin Nutr 53: 120-125.
Anundi I, Ståhl A and Högberg J (1984). Effects of selenite on O
consumption, glutathione oxidation and NADPH levels in isolated
hepatocytes and the role of redox changes in selenite toxicity. Chem Biol Interactions 50: 77-288.
Beilstein MA, Whanger PD and Yang GQ (1991). Chemical forms of selenium in corn and rice grown in a high selenium area of China.
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This opinion is one in the series of opinions of the SCF on the upper levels of vitamins and minerals.
The terms of reference given by the European Commission for this task, the related background
and the guidelines used by the Committee to develop tolerable upper intake levels for vitamins and
minerals used in this opinion, which were expressed by the SCF on 19 October 2000, are available on
the Internet at the pages of the SCF, at the address:
Molybdenum (Mo) is widely distributed in nature, the crustal abundance being 1.5 mg Mo/kg.
Molybdenite (MoS
) is the major source for industrial production of molybdenum compounds. It is
used in the manufacture of high strength steel, in electrical equipment, in catalysts and molybdenum
pigments. Mo compounds are also used in agriculture for direct seed treatment or in fertiliser
formulations (Patty’s, 1981; WHO, 1996b).
Mo exists in several valency states, e.g. Mo
O, Mo
, Mo
, and as the stable salts (NH
(ammonium molybdate),
O (ammonium molybdate tetrahydrate) and Na
(sodium molybdate dihydrate). These latter salts are used in food preparations for special medical
purposes (IDACE, 1995).
Mo is ubiquitous in food and water as soluble molybdates. Mo-containing enzymes are found in many
plants and animal organisms. In plants and lower organisms these enzymes are involved in the bacterial
fixation of N
, in the conversion of NO
to NH
, in protein synthesis and in some redox reactions. In
human and animal tissues the enzymes xanthine dehydrogenase (XD)/oxidase (XO), aldehyde oxidase
(AO) and sulfite oxidase (SO) require molybdopterin as cofactor and part of the enzyme molecule. In
molybdopterin Mo is bound by two S atoms to the pterin. The redox potential of Mo
is appropriate
for the electron exchange with flavinmononucleotides. Mo is therefore an essential component of flavin-
and Fe-containing enzymes (WHO, 1996a).
This evaluation covers those forms of Mo which are found naturally in food and water, as well as soluble
molybdates added to foods.
2.1. Levels in food
Good food sources of Mo are sorghum, leafy vegetables (levels depending on soil content, those
grown on neutral or alkaline soil are rich in Mo, those grown on leached acid soil are Mo deficient
(WHO, 1996), legumes (beans), grains (cereals, wheat germ), organ meats (liver, kidney), milk and eggs
(Rajagopalan, 1987; SCF, 1993). Some 40% of Mo in cereals is lost on milling (Rajagopalan, 1987; SCF,
1993). Fruits, root vegetables, and muscle meat are poor sources (SCF, 1993). High concentrations
have been found in shellfish. Soft tissue of fish contain about 1 mg Mo/kg, vascular plants 0.03-5 mg
Mo/kg (Patty’s, 1981). Mo levels in drinking water range from 0-68 µg/L, but usually do not exceed 10
µg/L (WHO, 1996b).
2.2. Intake estimates
Estimates of daily intake vary widely regionally depending on the soil type. For adults, the representative
range of mean estimates of Mo intakes in different countries is 80-250 µg/day and analysis of
representative total diets from 11 countries yields an average adult intake of approximately 100 µg/day
(WHO, 1996). Intakes for breast fed infants (aged 0-3 m) vary, typically, from 0.1-0.5 µg/kg bw/day,
children (from weaning to 3 years) from 5-7 µg/kg bw/day, and adolescents/adults from 1.5-2.5 µg/kg
bw/day (WHO, 1996a). In mining areas with contaminated drinking water (levels up to 400 µg/L) intakes
from food plus 2 L water can reach about 1000 µg Mo/day.
Estimates of Mo intake in USA range from 44-460 µg/day, in The Netherlands from 48-96 µg/day, in
Sweden from 44-260 µg/day, in the UK 50-400 µg/day (mean 128 µg/day), in Germany 60-500 µg/day,
and in Finland 120-150 µg/day (SCF, 1993; SCF, 1998). Other data quote for the USA 120-240 µg/day,
of which cereals supply 30-40%, legumes 5-20% and to which potable water contributes up to 20 µg/L
(Rajagopalan, 1987).
2.3. Nutritional requirements
There are no reliable estimates of human requirements for Mo and no recommended intake has been
established by the EC other than that current intakes appear to be adequate and safe (SCF, 1993). The
US Food and Nutrition Board (FNB, 1989) set a provisional estimated range of safe and adequate daily
dietary intakes for Mo of 75-250 µg for adults and older children, based on average reported intakes.
The range for other age groups was derived through extrapolation on the basis of body weight, i.e.
15-30 µg for infants 0-0.5 yr, 20-40 µg for infants 0.5-1 yr, and 25-50, 30-75 and 50-150 µg for children
aged 1-3, 4-6 and 7-10 yr, respectively (FNB, 1989). WHO (1996a) has estimated (tentatively) that adult
human basal requirement for Mo could be approximately 25 µg/day, corresponding to approximately
0.4 µg/kg bw.
Attention must be paid to the known antagonism between Mo, Cu and sulphate noted particularly in
2.4. Molybdenum deficiency
Mo deficiency in humans is unknown under normal dietary conditions. Intakes of 25-50 µg Mo/day were
reported to cause no clinical signs of Mo-deficiency but were associated with biochemical changes
suggestive of functional deficiency of XO activity, e.g. a doubling of xanthine excretion, a 20% decrease in
uric acid excretion after purine load. Decrease in AO activity was noted because of nicotinamide metabolism
A human syndrome suggestive of Mo deficiency occurs in prolonged total parenteral feeding in
association with intolerance of cysteine and methionine, manifested by irritability, tachycardia,
tachypnoea, nightblindness, encephalopathies and coma (Abumrad et al, 1984; SCF, 1993; SCF, 1998).
Biochemical indicators are low tissue SO and XO, raised plasma methionine, reduced plasma uric
acid, high excretion of thiosulphate, xanthine and hypoxanthine, low excretion of inorganic sulphate.
Treatment requires reduction of protein intake especially S-containing aminoacids. Clinical symptoms
were totally eliminated by administration of 300 µg ammonium molybdate/day (equivalent to 147 µg
Mo/day). A similar symptom complex is seen in the short-bowel syndrome and after ileal resection
for Crohn’s disease with faecal loss of 350-530 µg Mo/day, requiring 500 µg Mo parenterally/day for
correction (IDACE, 1995; WHO, 1996a; Vyskocil and Viau, 1999).
Human Mo deficiency is seen also in a rare autosomal recessive syndrome in infants, where there is
a defective hepatic synthesis of Mo-pterin cofactor. This disease is associated with abnormal faeces,
feeding difficulties, neurological and developmental abnormalities, mental retardation, encephalopathy
and ectopy of the lens. The urinary levels of sulphite, thiosulphate and S-sulpho-L-cysteine are increased
and urinary sulphate levels decreased. Death occurs by age 3. This condition is not ameliorated by
dietary Mo supplementation because it is the result of a defective gene (SCF, 1993).
Low intakes of Mo have been claimed to be associated with oesophageal cancer in the Transkei and in
Henan (China), where low serum, hair and urine Mo levels had been found (WHO, 1996a). Keshan disease
(myocardial defects associated with Se deficiency) may be linked to low cereal and drinking water levels
of Mo, as the incidence was reduced by using Mo fertilisers. However, high Mo levels in rice, wheat and
soya combined with high tissue and hair levels were found in some Keshan endemic areas.
Goats kept on 24 µg Mo/kg dry matter in their feed developed Mo deficiency symptoms characterised by
reduced conception rate, increased abortion rate, increased mortality of dams and offspring (WHO, 1996a).
2.5. Functions of molybdenum-containing enzymes
Xanthine dehydrogenase (XD) converts tissue purines, pyrimidines, pteridins and pyridins by oxidative
hydroxylation to uric acid as an irreversible process. Its normal action is that of a dehydrogenase, but
when reacting with O
, during proteolysis, freezing/thawing or in the presence of reactive -SH reagents
it changes into Xanthine oxidase (XO), which produces free radicals of oxygen known to be involved in
tissue damage following physical injury, reperfusion, injury by toxins or Mo excess. Avian XD is stable,
hence birds excrete uric acid. Allopurinol oxidises metabolically to alloxanthine, which inhibits XD.
Reduced XD activity is associated with xanthinuria, low urinary uric acid, high blood xanthine levels, high
urinary and blood hypoxanthine levels, renal calculi and depositions in muscles with myopathy. Low Mo
intake reduces tissue XD activity, however the intake variations from normal diet are insufficient to exert
an effect on XD activity, which can cause overt clinical changes. Similarly, a change in the plasma ratio
[xanthine + hypoxanthine]/[uric acid] is too unspecific for diagnosing Mo deficiency. Low XD activity can
also be due to low protein intake or hepatoma, while high XD activity can be due to high protein intake,
low vitamin E status, administration of interferon or administration of agents stimulating interferon release.
It is not known whether high Mo intake stimulates tissue XD activity (Rajagopalan, 1987; WHO, 1996a).
Aldehyde oxidase is structurally and chemically similar to XO, has a similar tissue distribution and
shares some substrates, e.g.: aldehydes, substituted pyridines, pyrimidines, quinolines and purine
derivatives. Its principal metabolic role is unknown (Rajagopalan, 1987).
Sulphite oxidase (SO) is a haem-containing molybdoprotein located in the intermembraneous space of
mitochondria. SO converts sulphite to sulphate. Sulphite derives metabolically from S-amino acids, e.g.
cysteine, methionine. SO occurs in the liver of man and other species (WHO, 1996a).
2.6. Kinetics and metabolism in laboratory animals
The rate of gastrointestinal absorption of Mo depends on its chemical nature and the animal species.
Ingested Mo
but not Mo
is readily absorbed from the duodenum and proximal jejunum. Water-
soluble molybdates, thiomolybdates and oxothiomolybdates and Mo in herbage and green vegetables
are absorbed to 75-97% by laboratory animals and ruminants. Insoluble MoS
is not absorbed, Mo
compounds are not readily absorbed. Intestinal absorption is inhibited by high intraluminal sulphate
concentrations, probably because of competition for the common carrier. Silicates also inhibit the
absorption of dietary molybdates.
Absorbed Mo rapidly appears in the blood loosely attached to the erythrocytes, specifically bound to
α2-macroglobulins (IDACE, 1995). In rodents it is distributed mainly to the liver, converted to molybdate
and 36-90% of the total dose is excreted in the urine, less than 1% in the bile and only some in the
faeces (IDACE, 1995). In rabbits and guinea pigs Mo is deposited in the tissues within 4 hours after initial
high blood and bile levels and eliminated within 72 hours by the kidneys. In horses, cattle and sheep
faecal elimination is about half the urinary elimination because of limited absorption. Some bone storage
was noted (Patty’s, 1981). Mo crosses the placenta. Sulphate reduces the utilisation of Mo by some
tissues and increases the urinary Mo excretion (Patty’s, 1981; WHO, 1996a). Mo is reabsorbed by the
renal tubules but this reabsorption is reduced by S-containing and by acid proteins. The reabsorbed Mo
deposits in liver, lung, bone and skin. It is responsible for F storage and aids retention of F in the bone of
old rats as well as decreasing caries in rats (Patty’s, 1981; Casarett, 1975). Small amounts of Mo increase
antibody formation, e.g. agglutinins (Patty’s, 1981).
Mo injected into dogs was concentrated in liver, kidney, pancreas, pituitary, thyroid and adrenals but
none appeared in brain, white marrow or fat (Patty’s, 1981). The biological half-life varies from a few
hours to several days in small laboratory animals and is related to the Cu and S metabolism.
2.7. Kinetics and metabolism in humans
Water-soluble Mo compounds and Mo in herbage and green vegetables are absorbed by man from 40-
50% (WHO, 1996a). The absorption rate from drinking water may be the same as from food. Twenty five
percent of absorbed Mo appears rapidly in the blood loosely attached to the erythrocytes, specifically
bound to α2-macroglobulins (IDACE, 1995), normal blood levels being 2-6 µg/L whole blood or 0.55
µg/L serum. In man, the highest levels appear in kidney, liver and bone, raised levels appear also in
adrenals, fat and omentum. There is no bioaccumulation, tissue levels rapidly returning to normal
once exposure stops. Increased exposure at the work place or through drinking water is balanced by
increased urinary excretion.
16-27% of i.v. administered
Mo to man was excreted in 5 days in the urine. Faecal excretion over 10
days was 1-7%. Mo was rapidly cleared from the blood within 24 hours (Patty’s, 1981).
Data on the Mo status of normal tissues are unreliable. Quoted blood and serum levels vary by 4 orders
of magnitude. Serum levels of Mo rise in liver functional defects, hepatitis, hepatic tumours and after
certain drugs. Raised blood levels are seen in uraemia, rheumatic disorders and CVS disease. Human
liver contains 1.3-2.9 mg Mo/kg dry matter, kidney 1.6 mg/kg dry matter, lung 0.15 mg/kg dry matter,
brain and muscle 0.14 mg/kg dry matter, hair 0.07-0.16 mg/kg (WHO, 1996a).
2.8. Relationship between molybdenum, copper and sulphate
The relationship between Mo, Cu and sulphate is complex and varies with the species considered (Mills
and Fell, 1960; Arthur, 1965; Huber et al, 1971; Casarett and Doull, 1975; Nishioka, 1975; Patty’s, 1981).
The insoluble compounds MoS
, and
Mo metal are less toxic than the more soluble molybdates.
The oral LD
for molybdates in rats lies between 101-330 mg Mo/kg bw (Patty’s, 1981). The lethal
repeated oral dose for mouse, guinea pig and rabbit lies between 60-330 mg Mo/kg bw (Mills and
Davis, 1987). No syndrome of industrial toxicity due to handling of molybdenum compounds is
known in humans, but the chronic inhalation of 4 mg Mo/m
as MoO
for 4 years was associated with
pneumoconiosis (Casarett and Doull, 1975; Vyskocil and Viau, 1999). Signs of human Mo toxicity are
diarrhoea, anaemia, immaturity of erythrocytes, uricaemia. Thiomolybdate at levels of 5 mg Mo/kg bw
causes in experimental animals diarrhoea, anaemia and skeletal lesions (Mills and Davis, 1987).
was a primary skin irritant for 24 hrs after application, but the skin lesions had cleared within
72 hrs. A 20% solution caused conjunctival redness but no corneal irritation. There was no sensitisation
(Patty’s, 1981). Mo released from surgical metal implants can induce a delayed type of hypersensitivity with
PUO and ANA-ve systemic lupus erythematosus (positive lymphocyte transformation test) (Federmann et
al, 1994).
Chronic small doses of molybdate have been reported to inactivate the glutaminases of brain and liver
causing a decrease in ammonia release (Pattys, 1981). Small amounts of molybdate have similarly been
reported to impair the intestinal utilisation of carotenes and to reduce vitamin A status (Pattys, 1981).
The evidence for anticariogenicity in man is contradictory and inconclusive. Mo accumulates in teeth and
dental enamel. In a study on the cytopathogenicity of Mo against distinct cell types Mo
was tested in
vitro against L-929 murine fibroblasts and primary human gingival fibroblasts because of release from
dental alloys. Mo
had only a low potency and a low NOEL, as measured by its effect on DNA pattern
and cell ultrastructure, which latter showed necrosis but not apoptosis. It had no effect on human mast
cells. The dose range tested was 0.0033-1.0 mmol/L (Schedle et al, 1995).
Rodent cardiomyocyte cultures require Mo and Se for survival, growth and normal electrophysiological
function (WHO, 1996a).
3.1. Molybdenosis
In animals, molybdenosis can occur in cattle, sheep and horses by pollution of pasture with fly ash,
indicating ready bioavailability of Mo (Ladefoged and Sturup, 1995). Intoxication (known as teart in
cattle and sheep) occurs also on feeding forage growing on shales, mineralised granites and some
peats, containing 20-100 mg/kg Mo. The symptoms are loss of appetite, listlessness, diarrhoea, poor
growth, anaemia with low Hb and RBC and in ruminants are probably due to secondary Cu deficiency.
Cattle, rabbit and chicks also develop fatty degeneration of liver and kidneys. The signs are osteogenic
defects with skeletal and joint deformities, spontaneous sub-epithelial fractures, mandibular exostoses,
reduced AP activity and reduced proteoglycan content of cartilage. In ruminants it is always associated
with “conditioned” Cu-deficiency. Typically, anaemia, cardiac hypertrophy, and achromotrichia
from defective melanin synthesis are found. In other species, inhibition of phosphoadenosine-
phosphosulphate synthesis, oestrus disturbance, testicular degeneration were noted. Mo
is more
toxic to rats and guinea pigs. (NH
in hepatotoxic doses reduced succinic dehydrogenase
and cytochrome-c oxidase in rats. Other changes reported were depletion of tissue nicotinamide
nucleotides, hyperaminoaciduria, reduction in erythrocyte life span and hypothyroidism, accompanied
by low plasma thyroxine and inhibition of thyroid hormone secretion (Patty’s, 1981).
In humans high Mo intakes occur with industrial exposure or through food. It is associated with raised
XD activity, uricaemia, uricosuria and a higher incidence of gout (IDACE, 1995). In areas with high
geological Mo levels the human XO level is increased (IDACE, 1995). Biochemical changes noted were
hypoalbuminaemia, a rise in α-globulins, and raised serum bilirubin as sign of hepatotoxicity. It may be
associated with oesophageal cancer.
3.2. Toxic effects in animals
Groups of 4 Holtzman rats were fed daily for 6 weeks diets containing 75 mg and 300 mg Mo/kg feed
(equivalent to doses of 3.75 mg Mo/kg bw or 15 mg Mo/kg bw). Growth was significantly inhibited and
Cu and Mo concentrations in the liver increased, but the addition of sulphate reduced these effects.
The femorotibial joints were enlarged and the epiphyses of femur and tibia were thickened. The LOAEL
was 3.75 mg Mo/kg bw for both bodyweight loss and bone deformities (Miller et al, 1956; Vyskocil and
Viau, 1999).
In an 8 week study in male rats doses of 40 or 80 mg Mo/kg bw/day were given by gavage and the
nephrotoxicity investigated. The NOAEL was 40 mg Mo/kg bw/day based on bodyweight loss and
nephrotoxicity. The nephrotoxicity was moderate (Bompart et al, 1990; Vyskocil and Viau, 1999).
Weanling Long-Evans rats received in their diet 50 or 80 mg Mo/kg bw over 5-8 weeks. Diarrhoea and
reduced weight gain were noted. Hepatic Cu levels increased (Suttle, 1980).
Rabbits were exposed for 6 months to oral doses of 0.025, 0.5, 5, 50 mg Mo/kg bw/day. Body weight
loss and histological changes in liver and kidney were noted at doses of 5 mg/kg bw/day and above,
the NOAEL being 0.5 mg/kg bw/day. The weakness of the study was the uncertainty of the analytical
method (Asmangulyan, 1965; Vyskocil and Viau, 1999).
Rabbits were exposed for 4 months to oral doses of 40, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000 mg Mo/kg feed (equivalent
to 1.8, 23, 46, 92, 184 mg Mo/kg bw/day for a 1.3 kg rabbit consuming 60 g feed/day). The NOAEL was 23
mg/kg bw/day based on bodyweight loss, skeletal abnormalities and anaemia (Arrington and Davis, 1953;
Vyskocil and Viau, 1999).
Male and female guinea pigs were treated for 8 weeks with doses of molybdenum in their diet rising by
increments of 1000 mg to 8000 mg Mo/kg feed (1000 mg/kg feed corresponds to 75 mg Mo/kg bw/day
for a guinea pig weighing 400 g and consuming 30 g feed/day). The LOAEL was 75 mg Mo/kg bw/day
based on loss of Cu, growth depression and achromotrichia. Guinea pigs appear to be a less sensitive
species to large doses of molybdenum (Arthur, 1965; Vyskocil and Viau, 1999).
3.2.1. Carcinogenicity
There are no relevant studies in animals or man. Molybdates are not on the MAK list, EPA list or ACGIH
list (Vyskocil and Viau, 1999). Intraperitoneal administration to strain A mice of MoO
increased the incidence of lung adenomas (Stoner et al, 1976). Mo has been found to prevent
oesophageal, forestomach and mammary cancer induced by N-nitroso compounds in laboratory
animals (Luo et al, 1983; Wei et al, 1985).
3.2.2. Genotoxicity
was mutagenic in two of three Escherichia coli strains. MoCl
was negative and (NH
positive in the Bacillus subtilis rec-assay using strains H17 (repair-competent) and strain M45 (repair-
deficient) (Nishioka, 1975). Ammonium and sodium molybdate were neither mutagenic nor recombinogenic
in Saccharomyces cereviseae reverse mutation and gene conversion assays (Singh, 1983).
3.2.3. Cytotoxicity
In a study on the cytopathogenicity of Mo against distinct cell types (Schedle et al, 1995), Mo
range from 0.0033 to 1.0 mmol/L) was tested in vitro against L-929 murine fibroblasts and primary
human gingival fibroblasts because of release from dental alloys. Mo
had only a low potency for
inhibition of
H-thymidine incorporation relative to other metal cations. The cytopathogenic effect on
both the DNA pattern and the ultrastructure of the cells revealed signs of necrosis but no signs of
apoptosis. Mo
had no effect on human mast cells.
3.2.4. Reproduction and teratogenicity
Four pregnant Cheviot ewes were given in their feed an extra 50 mg Mo/day as ammonium molybdate.
Three of the four newborn lambs showed ataxia with histological evidence of cortical degeneration,
demyelination of the cortex and spinal cord (Mills and Fell, 1960).
Two male Holstein calves received daily orally by capsules either 4.1 or 7.8 mg Mo/kg bw. Gradual
disappearance of spermatogenic and interstitial testicular tissue was noted. The LOAEL was 4.1 mg
Mo/kg bw (Thomas and Moss, 1951).
Five pairs of mice (Charles River CD) were given a daily single dose of 10 mg Mo/L (1.5 mg Mo/kg bw)
as molybdate in their drinking water for 6 months or about 3 generations. As water consumption was
not measured, the calculated daily intake is based on a 20 g mouse consuming 3 ml water/day. Excess
pup deaths (15/238) in the F
generation and 7/242 pup deaths plus 5 dead litters and 1 maternal
deaths in the F
generation and infertility were noted. This would correspond to a LOAEL of 1.5 mg
Mo/kg bw/day (Schroeder and Mitchener, 1971; Vyskocil and Viau, 1999).
In a 13 week study Long-Evans rats were given in the diet doses of 20, 80, 140, 700 mg Mo/kg feed
(calculated to represent approximately 2, 8, 14, 70 mg Mo/kg bw/day for a 100 g rat consuming 10
g feed/day) and either 5 or 20 mg Cu/kg bw additionally. Growth depression was observed at the
lowest dose in males, and male fertility was depressed at 14 mg/kg bw/day as shown by fewer litters
and degeneration of seminiferous tubules. There was less milk production by females on high dose
Mo as pups gained less weight. The LOAEL for growth depression for males was therefore 2 mg/kg
bw/day and the NOAEL for infertility of males was 2 mg/kg bw/day. For females the NOAEL for growth
depression was 2 mg/kg bw/day (Jeter and Davis, 1954; Vyskocil and Viau, 1999).
In a 9 weeks study in SD rats on the effects of Mo supplementation on oestrus activity, fertility and
foetal development, 5 groups, each of 21 female weaning rats, were given for 6 weeks a basic diet
containing 0.025 mg Mo/kg diet as well as 6.3 mg Cu/kg diet, and additionally in their drinking water
doses of 0, 5, 10, 50 and 100 mg Mo/L as sodium molybdate (Na
O) for 3 weeks until the
21st day of gestation. Six animals in each group were sacrificed after 6 weeks to determine the oestrus
cycle length. The remaining 15 animals in each group were mated with untreated males and allowed to
continue gestation for 21 days. The average mean weekly supplementary Mo intakes were 0.0, 0.64,
1.12, 5.81 and 11.56 mg Mo/rat (equivalent to 0, 0.91, 1.6, 8.3 and 16.7 mg Mo/kg bw/day assuming
an average rat weight of 100 g). There was no effect on fertility, food and water consumption. Oestrus
cycle was prolonged from 1.6 mg/kg bw/day and higher supplementation. Gestational weight, litter
size and foetal weights were less than controls for the groups fed 1.6 mg/kg bw/day and higher doses.
Histopathology showed delayed histological development of foetal structures, delayed oesophageal
development, delayed transfer of foetal haematopoeisis from liver to bone marrow, and delayed
myelination of the spinal cord at doses of 1.6 mg/kg bw/day. Foetal resorption increased at doses of
1.6 mg/kg bw/day and higher. SO and XDH/XO activity increased with Mo supplementation but less
in pregnant animals at dose levels of 1.6 mg/kg bw/day and above. The NOAEL was 0.9 mg Mo/kg
bw/day. The study was well designed. (Fungwe et al, 1990; Vyskocil and Viau, 1999).
3.3. Toxic effects in humans
There are no well-designed chronic studies in man which can be used for risk assessment.
In an area in Armenia, where the population is exposed to a high dietary intake of Mo for geophysical
reasons from soil levels of 77 mg Mo/kg and 39 mg Cu/kg, aching joints and gout-like symptoms have
been reported. The daily intakes of Mo and Cu, calculated from analysis of levels in different foods,
were 10-15 mg Mo/day (equivalent to 0.14-0.21 mg Mo/kg bw/day for a 70 kg adult) and 5-10 mg Cu/
day, compared to intakes of 1-2 mg Mo and 10-15 mg Cu in a control area. Biochemical investigations
showed abnormally high serum uric acid levels in humans and livestock (81 mg/L in humans with
symptoms). Tissue XO activity was also high. Individuals with symptoms had hyperuricosuria and a
raised Mo blood level (310 µg/L). Serum molybdate and XO levels were positively correlated with serum
uric acid levels. Serum uric acid levels increased with residence time from 37.5 mg/L after 1 year to
68 mg/L after 5 years. Weaknesses of this study were the low blood Cu level of 1130 µg/L in affected
persons vs. 1830 µg Cu/L in controls (possibly contaminated samples) and the ratio of 5 controls to 52
exposed cases. The US NRC concluded that the involvement of Mo was speculative (Kovalskiy et al,
1961; Vyskocil and Viau, 1999).
In another study on 25 workers exposed for an average of 30 years in a MoS
roasting factory to time-
weighted average air concentrations of 9.5 mg Mo/m
the serum uric acid and ceruloplasmin levels
were raised. After 4 years exposure there was a greater incidence of aching joints and headaches
than in controls. The minimum daily dose of Mo as dust was calculated as 10.2 mg. The weakness
of the study was the high turnover of workers, which made epidemiological assessment impossible
(Walravens et al, 1979; Vyskocil and Viau, 1999).
In another study on 4 volunteers three different oral doses of Mo were administered. Urinary uric acid
excretion was found to be unchanged up to doses of 22 µg/kg bw/day (Deosthale and Gopalan, 1974;
Vyskocil and Viau, 1999).
Serum uric acid levels were compared in individuals of 2 cities with high and low Mo levels in their drinking
water. The adequately determined Mo intake of the exposed individuals was 7 µg/kg bw/day, yet serum
uric acid levels were lower than in the controls. Only two Mo levels were compared (Chappel et al, 1979;
Vyskocil and Viau, 1999).
In a study on 4 young men fed dietary doses of Mo varying from 22-1490 µg/day for 24 days
Mo was fed 5
Mo was infused 3 times and
Mo was used for assessing the total Mo content of urine and faeces by
isotope dilution. Absorption was found to be 88-93% efficient, especially the larger the dose. Urinary excretion
was proportional to the dietary load and slow at low doses. Mo retention appeared to be regulated by urinary
excretion. No adverse effects were noted with doses up to 1500 µg/day for 24 days (Turnlund et al, 1995).
In 60 patients on long-term haemodialysis the relationship of serum Mo levels to serum ß2-microglobulin
and C-parathyroid hormone levels and to the incidence of arthritis was investigated. Haemodialysis reduced
the Mo serum level from 2.7 to 1.4 µg/dl (normal 0.02-0.13 µg Mo/dl). Serum Mo levels correlated with ß2-
MG and C-PTH levels and serum Ca
. In 9 patients with arthritis the serum Mo levels averaged 12.8 µg/dl,
suggesting that Mo accumulation contributes to arthritis (Hosokawa and Yoshida, 1994).
There are no adequate human data for establishing a UL. Growth depression occurs in rats at 2-8
mg Mo/kg bw/day (Jeter and Davis, 1954; Miller et al, 1956) and skeletal changes at 7.5 mg Mo/kg
bw/day (Miller et al, 1956). Reproductive and developmental changes were found in rats at 1.6-2 mg
Mo/kg bw/day (Jeter and Davis, 1954; Fungwe et al, 1990). In mice infertility and early pup deaths
were noted at 1.5 mg Mo/kg bw/day (Schroeder and Mitchener, 1971). In rabbits skeletal changes
and nephrotoxicity were found at 5 mg Mo/kg bw/day (Asmangulyan, 1965), while skeletal changes,
bodyweight loss and anaemia were seen at 25-46 mg Mo/kg bw/day (Arrington and Davis, 1953;
McCarter et al, 1962). Reduced growth occurred in guinea pigs at 75 mg Mo/kg bw/day (Arthur, 1965).
Adverse spermatogenic effects were seen in calves at 4 mg Mo/kg bw/day (Suttle and Field, 1969).
Thiomolybdate intoxication can occur in experimental animals at intakes of 5 mg Mo/kg bw (Mills and
Davis, 1987).
From these studies the critical effects of molybdenum in the rat and mouse appear to be effects on
reproduction, particularly foetal development. The pivotal animal study is the 9 weeks study in the rat
showing a NOAEL of 0.9 mg Mo/kg bw/day (Fungwe et al, 1990).
A tolerable upper intake level (UL) can be established using the 9-week study in the rat (Fungwe et al,
1990). This study in rats is pivotal because of its satisfactory design, the use of an adequate number
of test animals, demonstration of a clear dose-response relationship and clear toxicological endpoints.
The NOAEL of this study was 0.9 mg/kg bw/day for reproductive toxicity. An uncertainty factor of 100
is used. This comprises a factor of 10 for protecting sensitive human sub-populations with inadequate
Cu intake or with deficient Cu metabolism in view of the species differences in antagonism between
Mo and Cu, and another factor of 10 to cover the lack of knowledge about reproductive effects of Mo
in humans and incomplete data on the toxicokinetics in man. Because the exposure in this 9-week
rat study is sufficient to cover the relevant period of foetal development, a further uncertainty factor is
unnecessary. This provides a UL of approximately 0.01 mg/kg bw/day, equivalent to 0.6 mg/person/day
for adults, which also covers pregnant and lactating women.
A further consideration is required in relation to ULs for children, since an adverse effect on growth of
young animals was seen in another study in rats (Jeter and Davis, 1954; Vyskocil and Viau, 1999), with
a LOAEL of 2 mg/kg bw/day. This indicates that the UL for children should be derived by extrapolating
from the adult UL on a body weight basis using the reference body weights for Europe published by
the Scientific Committee for Food (SCF, 1993).
Age (years) UL (mg/day)
1-3 0.1
4-6 0.2
7-10 0.25
11-14 0.4
15-17 0.5
The UL is six times the mean estimated intake of 100 µg Mo/day for adults in 11 different countries
(WHO, 1996a) and exceeds the upper range of intakes for The Netherlands (96 µg/day), Sweden (260
µg/day), the UK (400 µg/day), Germany (500 µg/day), and Finland (150 µg/day) (SCF, 1993; SCF, 1998).
However, in mining areas with contaminated water supplies, drinking water levels may reach up to 400
µg Mo/L. In these circumstances, the daily potential intakes from food and 2 L drinking water could
reach 1000 µg Mo/person/day.
Abumrad NN, Schneider AJ, Steel D and Rogers LS (1984). Amino acid intolerance during prolonged parenteral nutrition reversed by
molybdate therapy. Amer J Clin Nutr 34: 2551-2559.
Arrington LR and Davis GK (1953). Molybdenum toxicity in the rabbit. J Nutr 51: 295-304.
Arthur D (1965). Interrelationships of molybdenum and copper in the diet of the guineapig. J Nutr 87: 69-76.
Asmangulyan TA (1965). The maximum permissible concentration of molybdenum in the water of surface basins. Gig Sanit 30: 6-11.
Bompart G, Pecher C, Prevet D and Girolami JP (1990). Mild renal failure induced by subchronic exposure to molybdenum, urinary kallikrein
excretion as a marker of distal tubular effect. Toxicol Lett 52: 293-300.
Casarett LJ and Doull J (1975). Toxicology. Macmillan Publishing Co, NY, USA.
Chappel WR, Meglen R, Moure R, Solomons C, Tsonger T, Walravens P and Winston P (1979). Human health effects of molybdenum in
drinking water. EPA-600/1-79-006. EPA, Cincinnati.
Deosthale and Gopalan C (1974). The effect of molybdenum levels in sorghum on uric acid and copper excretion in man. Brit J Nutr 31:
Federmann M, Morell B, Graetz G, Wyss M, Elsner P, von Thiessen R, Wuthrich B and Grob D (1994). Hypersensitivity to molybdenum as
a possible trigger of ANA-negative systemic lupus erythematosus. Ann Rheum Dis 53: 403-5.
Fungwe TV, Buddingh F, Demick DS, Lox CD, Yang MT and Yang SP (1990). The role of dietary molybdenum on oestrous activity, fertility,
reproduction and molybdenum and copper enzyme activities of female rats. Nutr Res 10: 515-524.
Hosokawa S and Yoshida O (1994). Clinical studies on molybdenum in patients requiring long-term hemodialysis. Asaio J 40(3): M445-449.
Huber JT, Price NO and Engel RW (1971). Response of lactating dairy cows to high levels of dietary molybdenum. J Animal Sci 32: 364-369.
IDACE (Association of Dietetic Food Industries of the EU) (1995). Request to the EU Commission on Molybdates (CS/ADD/NUT/2).
Jeter MA & Davis GK (1954). The effect of dietary molybdenum upon growth, hemoglobin, reproduction and lactation of rats. J Nutr 54:
Kovalskiy VV, Yarovaya GA and Shmavonyan DM (1961). Changes of purine metabolism in man and animals under conditions of
molybdenum biogeochemical provinces. Zh Obshch Biol 22: 179-191.
Ladefoged O and Sturup S (1995). Copper deficiency in cattle, sheep and horses caused by excess molybdenum from fly ash: case report.
Vet Hum Toxicol 37: 63-65.
Luo XM, Wei HJ and Yang SP (1983). Inhibitory effects of molybdenum on oesophageal and forestomach carcinogenesis in rats. JNCI
71: 75-80.
McCarter A, Riddell PE and Robinson GA (1962). Molybdenosis induced in laboratory rabbits. Can J Biochem Physiol 40: 1415-1425.
Miller RF, Price NO and Engel RW (1956). Added dietary inorganic sulphate and its effect upon rats fed molybdenum. J Nutr 60: 539-547.
Mills CF and Fell BF (1960). Demyelination in lambs born of ewes maintained on high intakes of sulphate and molybdate. Nature 185: 20-22.
Mills CF and Davis GK (1987). Molybdenum. In Mertz W ed. Trace elements in human and animal nutrition, 5th ed, vol 1. San Diego
Academic Press: 429-463.
Nishioka H (1975). Mutagenic activities of metal compounds in bacteria. Mutation Res 31: 185-189.
Patty’s Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology (1981). 3rd edition, Wiley Interscience Publ.
Rajagopalan KV (1987). Molybdenum –an essential trace element. Nutr Rev 45 (11): 321-327.
SCF (1993). 31st series of reports of the Scientific Committee for Food. Nutrient and energy intakes for the European Community.
Commission of the European Communities, Luxembourg.
SCF (1998). Opinion of the Scientific Committee for Food on “Substances for nutritional purposes which have been proposed for use in
the manufacture of foods for particular nutritional purposes” (expressed on 12/5/99, Document: SCF/CS/ADD/NUT/20/Final. Available on
the Internet at
Schedle A, Samorapoompichit P, Rausch-Fan XH, Franz A, Fureder W, Sperr WR, Sperr W, Ellinger A, Slavicek R, Boltz-Nitulescu G,
(1995). Response of L-929 fibroblasts, human gingival fibroblasts, and human tissue mast cells to various metal cations. J Dent Res
74(8): 1513-20.
Schroeder HA and Mitchener M (1971). Toxic effects of trace elements on the reproduction of mice and rats. Arch Environm Health 23:
Singh I (1983). Induction of reverse mutation and mitotic gene conversion by some metal compounds in
Sacch. cerev
. Mutation Res
117: 149-152.
Stoner GD
et al
(1976). Tests for carcinogenicity of metallic compounds by the pulmonary tumor response in strain A mice. Cancer Res
36: 1744-1747.
Suttle NF and Field AC (1969). Effect of intake of copper, molybdenum and sulphate on copper metabolism in sheep IV. Production of
congenital and delayed swayback. J Comparat Pathol 79: 453-464.
Suttle NF (1980). The role of thiomolybdates in the nutritional interactions of copper, molybdenum and sulfur: fact or fantasy? Annals NY
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Thomas JW and Moss S (1951). The effect of orally administered molybdenum on growth, spermatogenesis and testes histology of young
dairy bulls. J Dairy Sci 34: 929-934.
Turnlund JR, Keyes WR and Peiffer GL (1995). Molybdenum absorption, excretion and retention studied with stable isotopes in young men
at five intakes of dietary molybdenum. Amer J Clin Nutr 62: 790-796
FNB, Food and Nutrition Board, National Research Council, US (1989). Recommended Dietary Allowances, 10th ed. National Academy
Press, Washington DC.
Vyskocil A and Viau C (1999). Assessment of molybdenum toxicity in humans. J Appl Toxicol 19: 185-192.
Walravens PA, Moure-Eraso R, Solomons CC, Chappel WR and Bentley G (1979). Biochemical abnormalities in workers exposed to
molybdenum dust. Arch Environ health 34: 302-308.
Wei HJ, Luo XM and Yang SP (1985). Effects of molybdenum and tungsten on mammary carcinogenesis in SD rats. JNCI 74(2): 469-473.
WHO (1996a). Trace Elements in Human Nutrition and Health. Geneva. World Health Organization. Prepared in Collaboration with the FAO
of the UN and the IAEA.
WHO (1996b). Guidelines for drinking-water quality. 2nd ed, vol 2. Health criteria and other supporting information (IPCS), World Health
Organization, Geneva.
86 86
Vitamin B
This opinion is one in the series of opinions of the SCF on the upper levels of vitamins and minerals.
The terms of reference given by the European Commission for this task, the related background
and the guidelines used by the Committee to develop tolerable upper intake levels for vitamins and
minerals used in this opinion, which were expressed by the SCF on 19 October 2000, are available on
the Internet at the pages of the SCF, at the address:
Riboflavin (vitamin B2) is chemically specified as a 7,8-dimethyl-10-(1’-D-ribityl) isoalloxazine. The
free vitamin is a weak base normally isolated or synthesised as a yellowish-orange amorphous solid.
Riboflavin is widely distributed in foodstuffs and all plant and animal cells contain it, but there are very
few rich sources. Only yeast and liver contain more than 2 mg/100g. Other good sources are milk, white
of egg, fish roe, kidney and leafy vegetables (Elmadfa and Leitzmann, 1998).
Riboflavin is a precursor of certain essential coenzymes such as flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and
flavin-adenine dinucleotide (FAD). In these coenzyme forms riboflavin functions as a catalyst for
redox reactions including flavoprotein-catalyzed dehydrogenations that are either pyridine nucleotide
dependent or independent reactions with sulphur-containing compounds, hydroxylations, oxidative
carboxylations, dioxygenations and the reduction of oxygen to hydrogen peroxide. Flavo-coenzymes
are also involved in the biosynthesis of niacin-containing coenzymes from tryptophan via FAD-
dependent kynurenine hydroxylase, the FMN dependent conversion of the 5´-phosphates of vitamin B6
to pyridoxal 5´-phosphate and the FAD-dependent dehydrogenation of 5,10-methylene-tetrahydrofolate
to the 5´-methyl product, with the vitamin B
-dependent formation of methionine and sulphur amino
In foodstuffs riboflavin occurs free or combined either as FAD and FMN as a complex with protein.
Protein bound riboflavin is hydrolysed in the gastrointestinal tract to free riboflavin, the form absorbed. At
physiological concentrations the uptake of riboflavin occurs by an active, saturable transport system. At
high levels of intake riboflavin is absorbed by diffusion (McCormick, 1989). The amount absorbed depends
on the intake, it is increased by bile salts and when riboflavin is given orally, with food. Absorption rate
of free riboflavin is 50-60% for a dose range of 2-25 mg (Elmadfa and Leitzmann, 1998). In plasma,
riboflavin is bound to proteins, predominantly albumin, but also to immunoglobulins, and mainly found
as FAD. Although the significance of this protein binding is not fully understood, the main function is the
transport of riboflavin from plasma into the central nervous system (Steier et al, 1976; Natraj et al, 1988).
Phosphorylation and dephosphorylation are features of intracellular metabolism.
In the cellular cytoplasm of most tissues, the small intestine, heart, liver and kidney, riboflavin is
converted into the coenzymes FMN with flavokinase and FAD by the apoenzyme FAD-synthetase. In
the body tissue riboflavin is predominantly present as the coenzyme FAD, which can be evaluated by
determination of the blood FAD level. In healthy adults riboflavin accounts for 60-70% of the excreted
urinary flavins (McCormick, 1989). The urinary excretion of riboflavin varies with intake, metabolism,
and age. This is an alternative approach for determination of riboflavin status, because it reflects
an excess of current intake beyond tissue requirements. A recent study of the pharmacokinetics of
riboflavin uptake in human subjects indicated an upper limit of absorption from a single dose of 27 mg.
The half-life of absorption was 1.1 h. Stool analysis to estimate riboflavin excretion was not done in this
study. It also demonstrated relatively modest changes in plasma riboflavin or flavoenzymes following
oral administration (Zempleni et al, 1996).
One of the methods commonly used for assessing riboflavin status involves the determination of the
erythrocyte glutathione reductase (EGR) activity. The method generally preferred for the estimation
of riboflavin status is the stimulation of FAD-dependent EGR in vitro, which relies on an associated
oxidation of NADPH which can be readily monitored spectrophotometrically (Bates et al, 1986).
Vitamin B
The second biochemical method used is the detection of riboflavin in the urinary excretion a normal
adult excretes 120 µg or more per 24 h. Less than 40 µg per 24 h (Horwitt, 1950) or 27 µg/g of creatinine
(Sauberlich, 1999) is an indicator for riboflavin deficiency.
Red blood cell FAD and FMN (after modest hydrolysis from FAD) have been used as indicators of the
cellular concentration of riboflavin in its form of coenzyme, since these forms comprise over 90% of
The highest mean intake of riboflavin from diet and supplements was reported for males aged 31-50
years: 6.9 mg/day. The highest reported intake at the ninety-fifth percentile was 11 mg/day in females
over 70 years (Food and Nutrition Board, 1998).
The RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) for riboflavin varies from 0.5-0.9 mg/day for children, 1.3
mg/day for male adults and 1.0-1.1 mg/day for female adults (Food and Nutrition Board, 1998); 0.8-1.6
mg/day children/male, 0.8-1.3 mg/day children/female, 1.3 mg/day male adults and 1.1 mg/day female
adults (SCF, 1993), 0.7-1.6 mg/day children/male, 0.7-1.3 mg/day children/female, 1.2-1.5 mg/day
male adults and 1.2 mg/day female adults (D-A-CH Referenzwerte, 2000).
3.1. Studies on genotoxicity
Riboflavin and FMN were found not to be mutagenic in the Ames test with Salmonella typhimurium (strains
TA97A, TA102, TA98, TA100). Both suspensions and plate overlay tests were conducted and assays were
done with and without mammalian activation systems (Fujita and Sasaki, 1986; Kale et al, 1992).
DNA-damage was found in human cell cultures after multivitamin administration together with light. It was
suggested that riboflavin was involved in this photodynamic damage, but only in synergism with other
multivitamin components, because riboflavin solely was not able to damage DNA even in a 30 fold higher
concentration (Ennever et al, 1983).
3.2. Special studies on reproduction
Weaned male and female rats were fed daily doses of 10 mg of riboflavin for 140 days. The animals
were mated and normal litters were obtained from the riboflavin and control groups. At three weeks
of age the offspring of the first generation were fed with 10 mg/kg bw/day of riboflavin. Daily feeding
over periods of 140 days was continued for three generations. No differences in development, growth,
maturation and reproduction of treated and control animals were observed. Autopsies at the end of the
test period did not show any gross changes (Unna & Greslin, 1942).
Thirteen female rats were fed diets containing 100 ppm of riboflavin/day for two weeks, prior to mating
and subsequently during gestation and lactation. Control rats received 4 ppm riboflavin in the diet.
There was no difference between groups except an apparent decrease in the viability of the offspring
in the high riboflavin group as a result of the loss of one litter (Schumacher et al, 1965).
No differences in the number per litter, mortality or weight gain of offspring in young female Wistar
rats were found between diets containing 4 or 40 ppm of riboflavin during pregnancy and lactation (Le
Clerc, 1974).
3.3. Toxicity studies
Early reports of some toxic effects with riboflavin in laboratory animals were due to the effects of the
solvent and not caused by the vitamin. Unna and Greslin (1942) reported a lack of toxicity in rats receiving
10 g/kg orally, or 5 g/kg subcutaneously, and in dogs receiving 2 g/kg orally. The first reliable report of
toxicity in animals for riboflavin was an investigation in rats receiving 0.6 g/kg intraperitoneally where the
animals became anuric and riboflavin crystals were found in the renal tubes (Unna and Greslin, 1942).
The monodiethanolamine salt of FMN was fed to groups of 10 weaned female rats five days per week
for 29 weeks at doses of 1, 4, 10 and 40 mg/day (= 5, 20, 50 and 200 mg/Kg bw). No effects were
observed at 5 and 20 mg/Kg bw levels. A slight decrease in haemoglobin concentration was observed
at 50 mg/Kg bw. At 200 mg/Kg bw two rats died and the surviving eight animals showed slight anaemia
and decreased weight gain (Randall, 1950). Groups of four rabbits each received 10 or 100 mg (5 or 50
mg/Kg bw) monodiethanolamine riboflavin by intravenous or intramuscular injection five days per week
Vitamin B
for three weeks. One of the rabbits died with evidence of renal damage following seven intravenous
injections at 50 mg/kg bw. No toxic effects were noticed after intramuscular injection (Randall, 1951). The
administration of 25 mg/kg bw of riboflavin for five months did not cause any toxic effects in dogs (Unna
and Greslin, 1942).
Riboflavin (chemically synthesised or produced by fermentation, food grades purity 98%) was
examined in a sub-chronic 13-week oral feeding study in three groups of 16 male and 16 female Wistar
rats at doses of 20, 50 or 200 mg/kg bw (SCF, 1998). There were no dose related differences regarding
feed consumption, feed conversion efficiency and water intake. A 6% (<10%) growth retardation was
found in female rats given 200 mg/kg bw/day riboflavin ex fermentation and males and females treated
with 50 mg/kg bw/day riboflavin ex synthesis. No dose related changes in haematological parameters,
urine analysis or clinical chemistry were noted, except for borderline variations in the haemoglobin
concentration, red blood cell and reticulocyte counts in females with 200 mg/kg bw/day riboflavin ex
synthesis. Gross and histopathological findings showed no significant treatment related lesions in any
test group.
The LD
after an intraperitoneal riboflavin injection was 340 mg/kg for the mouse and 560 mg/kg for
the rat (Yoneda, 1984). Death, which occurs after 2-5 days, was from formation of riboflavin crystals
in the kidney, leading to anuria and azotemia. Vitamin crystallisation in the kidney occurs when the
riboflavin blood level exceeds 20 µg/ml in rats. Urinary levels of 150 µg/ml may be a sign of toxicity
(Machlin, 1991).
The low toxicity following oral administration can probably be explained by the limited capacity of the
intestinal absorption mechanism (Machlin, 1991).
There are no published data from studies using animal models or in humans that connect riboflavin with
genotoxic, carcinogenic, teratogenic or reproductive toxic effects or with toxic effects in humans.
3.4. Mechanistic studies
Evidence of adverse effects associated with the group of flavins is based on in vitro studies showing
involvement in the formation of active oxygen species and in the axonal degeneration on intense
exposure to ultraviolet and visible light (Spector et al, 1995, Lucius et al, 1998).
3.5. Human studies
The few studies performed involving large doses of riboflavin were not designed to evaluate adverse
effects, but identification of hazards as a first step is possible based on the studies done with high dose
supplementation and large intakes of riboflavin.
The highest doses orally administered over a longer time period were in two studies by Schoenen et
al In the first study, Schoenen et al (1994) reported no side effects in 49 patients treated for migraine
with 400 mg/day of riboflavin taken with meals for at least 3 months. One patient, receiving riboflavin
together with aspirin, withdrew from the study due to a gastric upset possibly due to aspirin. No side
effects were reported by the other study participants.
In the second study (Schoenen et al, 1998), 55 patients with migraine were treated with 400 mg/day of
riboflavin (or a placebo) in a random trial of 3 months duration. Minor adverse effects were observed in
two cases in the riboflavin group (diarrhoea and polyuria). In the placebo group one case of abdominal
cramps was reported.
For the treatment of methaemoglobinaemia due to NADH methaemoglobin reductase deficiency, 120
mg riboflavin/day were administered to the members of a family for a period of 10 months. The intake
was reduced to 10-30 mg/day for longer periods; no side effects were observed (Hirano et al, 1981).
One 24 year old woman, suffering from chronic fatigue, received 100 mg/day riboflavin for two years
without any side effects, and a 14 year old girl with the same disorder received 200 mg/day riboflavin
for one year and 100 mg/day for the next 2 years without any side effects (Peluchetti et al, 1991).
A 57 year old epileptic woman, treated with barbiturates, was given daily 600 mg of riboflavin as a chronic
treatment. There was a small electro-encephalographic abnormality, which was not associated with clinical
symptoms and which disappeared 47 days after the treatment was completed (Santanelli et al, 1988).
Vitamin B
The lack of harmful results from high doses of riboflavin can also be due to its physico-chemical properties
the solubility is limited and, especially, the capacity to absorb riboflavin from the gastrointestinal tract by
humans is limited (Stripp, 1965; Zempleni et al, 1996).
Stripp (1965) found the single oral administration of 50-500 mg of the sodium salt of FMN without any
adverse effect.
One case is described where a woman with multiple myeloma showed an impaired turnover and
excretion of dietary riboflavin, causing yellow pigmentation of the skin and hair (Farhangi and
Osserman, 1976).
The absorption of riboflavin is limited when administered in high doses. Data on adverse effects from
high oral riboflavin intake are not sufficient for a risk assessment. Given the lack of any demonstrated
functional disorders or adverse structural effects in humans following excessive oral riboflavin intake
and considering the limitation of intestinal absorption, the relevance of the mild effects shown in in vitro
studies to human health in vivo is questionable.
Available subchronic data from human studies and on pharmacokinetics studies do not show reported
effects on oral toxicity of riboflavin. Apart from a few minor gastrointestinal disorders, which are not
clearly related to the riboflavin intake, it is free from serious adverse effects.
Although the studies of Schoenen et al (1994, 1998) involved an adequate number of subjects with
a daily dose of 400 mg riboflavin, they included only self-reporting of adverse effects and did not
include adequate assessment of parameters relevant to the detection of adverse effects (for example
biochemical indices of hepatic or renal function). In consequence, these studies were not of sufficient
quality and extent to be used for the determination of a Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL).
The results of a 13 week feeding study in Wistar rats (SCF, 1998) show that a dose of 50 mg riboflavin
per kg body weight can be considered as the NOAEL and does not contradict the current JECFA ADI
value for riboflavin and riboflavin 5-phosphate of 0-0.5 mg/kg bw (JECFA, 1969). The SCF has not
adopted an ADI for riboflavin, but regards its use as food colorant to be acceptable (SCF, 1977).
The dietary intake of riboflavin from food was evaluated in the 1990s in different European countries.
Mean riboflavin intake in the population from The Netherlands, based on data from the Dutch National
Food Consumption Survey (n = 5958, 2-day estimated dietary record) is 1.54 mg/day (97.5 percentile:
2.87 mg/day) (Hulshof et al, 1997-1998). Italian data are based on the Italian survey (n = 2734, 7-day
weighed record), with a mean intake of riboflavin of 1.6 mg/day (97.5 percentile: 2.7 mg/day) (Turrini,
1994-1996). In the Austrian Study on Nutritional Status (n = 2488, 24-h-recalls), the mean riboflavin
intake is 1.49 mg/day (97.5 percentile: 3.29 mg/day) (Elmadfa et al, 1998). It should be noted that these
studies were not designed to assess specifically the intake of riboflavin from supplements; however,
the number of consumers of supplements is probably not sufficient to influence significantly the mean
consumption of the total population.
In the UK (EVM, 2000), the mean riboflavin intake from all sources for men and women was 2.3 mg/d
and 1.8 mg/d, respectively; riboflavin intake for adults (16-64 years old) from food supplements among
supplement consumers only (4% of males, 8% of females) amounted on average to 5.2 mg/day in
males and to 3.1 mg/day in females, based on data collected in 1986/87. In Ireland (IUNA, 2000), the
mean riboflavin intake from all sources for adults (18-64 years old) was 2.1 mg/day (97.5
4.6); mean riboflavin intake from food supplements among supplement consumers only (7% of males,
13% of females) was 2.4 mg/day in males and 3.9 mg/day in females.
No study has reported significant adverse effects in humans of excess riboflavin consumption from
food or supplements. This does not mean that there is no potential for adverse effects from high
intakes. Although it is not possible, based on the present database, to derive an UL for riboflavin, the
limited evidence available from clinical studies indicates that current levels of intake of riboflavin from
all sources do not represent a risk to human health.
Vitamin B
Bailey, A.L., Maisey, S., Southon, S., Wright, A.J., Finglas, P.M. and Fulcher, R.A. (1997). Relationships between micronutrient intake and
biochemical indicators of nutrient adequacy in a “free-living” elderly UK population. Br. J. Nutr. 77: 225-242.
Bates, C.J. and Fuller, N.J. (1986). The effect of riboflavin deficiency on methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (NADPH) (EC and
folate metabolism in the rat. Br. J. Nutr. 55: 455-464.
Cooperman, J.M. and Lopez, R. (1991). Riboflavin. In: Handbook of Vitamins. Ed: Machlin, L.J. Second Edition. Marcel Dekker, Inc. New
York and Basel.
D-A-CH Referenzwerte (2000). Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Ernährung, Schweizerische Gesellschaft
für Ernährungsforschung, Schweizerische Vereinigung für Ernährung: Referenzwerte für die Nährstoffzufuhr, Umschau/Braus Verlag.
Elmadfa, I. and Leitzmann C. (1998). Ernährung des Menschen, 3. Auflage. Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart.
Elmadfa, I.,
et al
(1998). Austrian Study on Nutritional Status, Österreichischer Ernährungsbericht.
Ennever, J.F., Carr, H.S. and Speck, W.T. (1983). Potential for genetic damage from multivitamin solutions exposed to phototherapy
illumination. Pediatr. Res. 17: 192-194.
EVM, Expert Group on Vitamins and Minerals (2000). Review of riboflavin. VM/00/15/P. Food Standards Agency (UK).
Farhangi, M. and Osserman, E.F. (1976). Myeloma with xanthoderma due to an IgG lambdamonoclonal anti-flavin antibody. N. Engl. J.
Med. 294: 177-183.
Food and Nutrition Board (1998). Dietary Reference Intakes for Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Vitamin B12, Pantothenic
Acid, Biotin, and Choline. Institute of Medicine, National Academic Press, Washington, D.C.
Fujita, H., Sasaki, M. (1986). Mutagenicity test of food additives with
Salmonella typhimurium
TA97 and TA102 (I). Kenkyu Nenpo
Tokyo Toritsu Eisei Kenkyusho 37; 447-452.
Hirano, M., Matsuki, T., Tanishima, K., Takeshita, M., Shimizu, S., Nagamura, Y. and Yoneyama, Y. (1981). Congenital methaemoglobinaemia
due to NADH methaemoglobin reductase deficiency: successful treatment with oral riboflavin. Br. J. Haematol. 47: 353-359.
Horwitt, M.K., Harvey, C.C., Hills, O.W. and Liebert, E. (1950). Correlation of urinary excretion of riboflavin with dietary intake and
symptoms of ariboflavinosis. J. Nutr. 42: 247-264.
Hulshof, K.F.A.M.,
et al
(1997-1998). 3
Dutch National Food Consumption Survey.
IUNA (Irish Universities Nutrition Alliance) (2000). The North/South Ireland Food Consumption Survey. Food Safety Promotion Board, Dublin.
JECFA (1969). Thirteen report. Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives WHO FOOD report series no. 46A. ADD/7036. In
(JECFA) 1954-1997.
Kale, H., Harikumar, P., Nair, P.M. and Netrawali, M.S. (1992) Assessment of the genotoxic potential or riboflavin and muminflavin A. Effect
of metabolic enzymes, Mutat. Res. 298: 9-16.
Le Clerc (1974). Influence de la teneur du regime alimentaire en thiamine, en riboflvine et en vitamine B
sur la teneur des tissues de la
ratte en lactation et des jeunes en ces memes vitamines. Ann. Nutr. Aliment. 23: 111-120.
Leske, M.C., Wu, S.Y., Hyman, L., Sperduto, R., Underwood, B., Chylack, L.T., Milton, R.C., Srivastava, S. and Ansari, N. (1995).
Biochemical factors in the lens opacities. Case-control study. The Lens Opacities Case-Control Study Group. Arch. Ophthalmol. 113:
Lucius, R., Mentlein, R. and Sievers, J. (1998). Riboflavin-mediated axonal degeneration of postnatal retinal ganglion cells in vitro is related
to the formation of free radicals. Free. Radic. Biol. Med. 24: 798-808.
Madigan, S.M., Tracey, F., McNulty, H., Eaton-Evans, J., Coulter, J., McCartney, H. and Strain, J.J. (1998). Riboflavin and vitamin B-6
intakes and status and biochemical response to riboflavin supplementation in free-living elderly people. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 68: 389-395.
McCormick, D.B. (1989). Two interconnected B vitamins: riboflavin and pyridoxine. Physiol. Rev. 69: 1170-1198.
Natraj, U., George, S. and Kadam, P. (1988). Isolation and partial characterisation of human riboflavin carrier protein and the estimation of its
levels during human pregnancy. J. Reprod. Immunol. 13: 1-16.
Peluchetti, D., Antozzi, C., Roi, S., DiDonato, S. and Cornelio, F. (1991). Riboflavin responsive multiple acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency:
functional evaluation of recovery after high dose vitamin supplementation. J. Neurol. Sci. 105: 93-98.
Powers, H.J. (1999). Current knowledge concerning optimum nutritional status of riboflavin, niacin and pyridoxine. Proc. Nutr. Soc. 58:
Randall, L.O. (1950). Toxicity of mono-diethanolamine salt of riboflavin monophosphoric acid ester dihydrate. Unpublished report of
Hoffman-LaRoche, Inc. Submitted in pursuance of Fed. Register 38: 28581 (October 15, 1973) in connection with the review of over-the-
counter vitamin, mineral and hematinic drug products.
Vitamin B
Randall, L.O. (1951). Chronic toxicity of mono-diethanolamine salt of riboflavin monophosphoric acid ester dihydrate. Unpublished report
of Hoffman-LaRoche, Inc. Submitted in pursuance of Fed. Register 38: 28581 (October 15, 1973) in connection with the review of over-
the-counter vitamin, mineral and hematinic drug products.
Santanelli, P., Gobbi, G., Albani, F. and Gastaut, H. (1988). Appearance of EEG abnormalities in two patients during long-term treatment
with B vitamins. Neurophysiol. Clin. 18: 549-553.
Sauberlich, H.E. (1999). Laboratory Tests for the Assessment of Nutritional Status (Modern Nutrition Series). CRC Press Inc., Cleveland, OH.
Schoenen, J., Jacquy, J. and Lenaerts, M. (1998). Effectiveness of high-dose riboflavin in migraine prophylaxis. A randomized controlled
trial. Neurology 50: 466-470.
Schoenen, J., Lenaerts, M. and Bastings, E. (1994). High-dose riboflavin as a prophylactic treatment of migraine: results of an open pilot
study. Cephalalgia 14:328-329.
Schumacher, M.F. Williams, M.A. and Lyman, R.L. (1965). Effect of high intakes of thiamine, riboflavin and pyridoxine on reproduction in
rats and vitamin requirements of the offspring. J. Nutr. 86: 343-349.
Scientific Committee for Food (SCF) (1977). Fourth series of Reports of the Scientific Committee for Food. Commission of the European
Communities, Luxembourg.
Scientific Committee for Food (SCF) (1993). Nutrient and Energy Intakes for the European Community. (Opinion expressed on 11 December
1992). Thirty-first series of Reports of the Scientific Committee for Food. Commission of the European Communities, Luxembourg.
Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) (1998). Opinion on riboflavin as a colouring matter authorized for use in foodstuffs produced by
fermentation using genetically modified
Bacillus Subtilis
. (Opinion expressed on 10 December 1988).
Spector, A., Wang, G.M., Wang, R.R., Li, W.C. and Kleiman, N.J. (1995). A brief photochemically induced oxidative insult causes
irreversible lens damage and cataract. II. Mechanism of action. Exp. Eye Res. 60: 483-493.
Steier, M., Lopez, R. and Cooperman, J.M. (1976). Riboflavin deficiency in infants and children with heart disease. Am. Heart J. 92: 139-43.
Stripp, B. (1965). Intestinal absorption of riboflavin by man. Acta. Pharmacol. Toxicol. (Copenh) 22: 353-362.
Turrini, A. (1994-1996). National Survey, INRAN, Rome.
Unna, K. and Greslin, J.K. (1942). Studies on the toxicity and pharmacology of riboflavin. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 75: 80-85.
Yoneda, F. (1984). Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology, vol. 24, Wiley, New York, pp. 108.
Zempleni, J., Galloway, J.R. and McCormick, D.B. (1996). Pharmacokinetics of orally and intravenously administered riboflavin in healthy
humans. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 63: 54-66.
Vitamin B
This opinion is one in the series of opinions of the SCF on the upper levels of vitamins and minerals.
The terms of reference given by the European Commission for this task, the related background and the
guidelines used by the Committee to develop tolerable upper intake levels for vitamins and minerals used
in this opinion, which were expressed by the SCF on 19 October 2000, are available on the Internet at the
pages of the SCF, at the address:
Vitamin B
or Thiamine, formerly known as Aneurine, is 3-(4-amino-2-methylpyrimidin-5-ylmethyl)-
5-(2-hydroxyethyl)-4-methylthiazolium. The free vitamin is a base. It is isolated and synthesized and
used in food supplements and in food fortifications as a solid thiazolium salt in the form of thiamine
hydrochloride or thiamine mononitrate. The molecular weight of thiamine hydrochloride is 337.29 g per
mol. It is soluble in water and stable to heat below pH 5.0 and destroyed rapidly at pH 7.0 or above by
boiling. Thiamine forms esters at the hydroxyethyl side chain with various acids. The most important
ones are Thiamine monophosphate (TMP), Thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) and Thiamine triphosphate
(TTP) (McCormick, 1988).
Vitamin B
was the first vitamin identified in 1926 by Jansen and Donath working on the antiberiberi
factor from rice bran extracts. Lack of vitamin B
causes the deficiency disease Beriberi already known
in Chinese antiquity. Nowadays in the Western world the vitamin B
deficiency is mainly found as a
consequence of extreme alcoholism and known as Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. It is for this reason
that thiamine has become the only regularly administered parenteral vitamin supplement in hospital
emergency departments.
Vitamin B
mainly acts in α-ketoacid decarboxylation (e.g. pyruvate, α-ketoglutarate and branched-
chain α-ketoacid acids), in transketolation (e.g. among hexose and pentose phosphates), and possibly
in nerve conduction.
Ingested thiamine is well absorbed. It involves two mechanisms; the first is an active rate-limited jejunal
uptake mechanism (Thomson et al, 1972). When the active transport is saturated, at an intestinal
concentration greater than 3 μmol.l
, there is passive uptake. However, above an oral intake of 5
mg vitamin B
absorption rapidly declines (Friedeman et al, 1948). In a study of Davis et al (1984)
with healthy volunteers vitamin B
plasma levels rose only marginally (42%) compared to folate and
pyridoxine (>1500%), while the vitamin was actively excreted in the urine for up to six hours following
an oral test dose of 10 mg. Vitamin B
is phosphorylated when it crosses the intestinal epithelium, but
enters the blood principally as free vitamin B
and diffuses down a concentration gradient in the liver,
heart, kidneys, and brain. In the blood vitamin B
is distributed between the plasma (10%) and cells
(90%). The physiological whole blood concentration of the phosphate ester is 20 to 75 μg.l
. It is poorly
stored and it is eliminated mainly in the urine either unchanged or as several (about 20) metabolites
(Ariaey-Nejad et al, 1970). Raising the serum level of the vitamin results in active urinary excretion on
the basis of the creatinine clearance (mean thiamine/creatinine/ renal clearance ratio of 2.4). After an
oral dose of vitamin B
, peak excretion occurs in about 2 hours and is nearly complete after 4 hours
(Levy and Hewitt, 1971), as was already described in the early ninety-forties (Najjar and Holt, 1940;
McAlpine and Hills, 1941).
Based on these observations, it is concluded that the plasma concentration of vitamin B
is tightly
controlled. This is partly explained by Thom (1983), who reported that 20-30% of plasma vitamin B
is protein bound, all of which appeared to be as pyrophosphate. All unbound vitamin B
is rapidly
dephosphorylated to facilitate excretion of an excess of the vitamin.
Vitamin B
metabolism is especially sensitive to excess alcohol consumption since the absorption of
vitamin B
is decreased and its excretion is increased by alcohol. Alcohol also inhibits the activation of
vitamin B
to its co-enzyme form Thiamine Pyrophosphate ester (TPP) (McCormick, 1988).
Vitamin B
A vitamin B
kinetic study has been performed by Royer-Morrot et al (1992) using pharmacological doses
intramuscular or orally. Comparison of 250 mg p.o. every 12 hours versus 500 mg i.m. once a day for
11 days resulted in a steady state plasma vitamin B
concentration after 7 and 5.6 days, respectively.
The mean elimination half-life value was calculated to be approximately 1.8 days. Biological half-life of
the vitamin is probably in the range of 9 to 18 days (Ariaey-Nejad et al, 1970). Total vitamin B
of the adult human has been estimated to be approximately 30 mg (McCormick, 1988).
Animal experiments have shown that the rate of vitamin B
utilisation depends on the amount of
carbohydrate metabolised. Because the principal metabolic role is in energy-yielding metabolism the
requirement is related to energy intake. Increased physical activity, pregnancy and lactation increase
vitamin B
requirements because of greater energy need; but when expressed per MJ the requirement
is constant, and this relationship does not vary in such circumstances or with age. Based on this
evidence the population recommended intake (PRI) is set at 100 μg per MJ leading to average daily
requirements of around 1.0 to 1.2 mg per day (SCF, 1993). For people with energy intakes of less than
8 MJ per day, a minimal vitamin B
intake of 0.8 mg per day is suggested.
Vitamin B
is found in a large variety of animal and vegetable products but at a relatively low level (<0.5
mg/100 g). Important sources of vitamin B
are lean pork, legumes and cereal grains (germ fraction).
The Nutriscan EC food and nutrition intake study revealed mean daily intake levels of vitamin B
on an
EC average of 1.2 mg per day for women, ranging from 1.0 mg per day (NL) to 1.8 mg per day (Portugal)
(SCF, 1993). With these figures in this low energy intake group, vitamin B
intake is generally considered
as adequate in relation to physiological needs.
Biochemical changes in vitamin B
status occur well before the appearance of overt signs of deficiency.
A number of sensitive tests have been developed to evaluate the vitamin B
status mostly based
on the activity of enzymes with vitamin B
as co-enzyme. Erythrocyte transketolase activity (ETK-
activity) and the in vivo stimulation of ETK-activity with thiamine phosphate (α-ETK) are reasonable
indicators of marginal deficiency (1.20-1.25, 15-24%, respectively) and deficiency (>1.25, ≥25%,
respectively) (Schrijver, 1991; Brin, 1980). Furthermore measurement of vitamin B
concentration and
its phosphorylated esters in blood and urinary excretion under basal conditions is used.
3.1. Evidence of adverse effects in humans
Orally ingested vitamin B
has a long history of use as an oral supplement without reported adverse effects.
Due to its therapeutic action in some frequently observed clinical syndromes, thiamine hydrochoride has
been advised and used over a long period of time. There are no reports of adverse effects of oral thiamine,
even at dosages of several hundred milligrams a day (SCOGS, 1978; DHEW, 1979; Marks, 1989).
Rare cases of allergic sensitivity are documented mostly in the ninety-forties and have occurred solely in
patients who received repeated vitamin B
by parenteral route (Tetreault and Beek, 1956). A systematic
toxicity study by Wrenn et al (1989) on the parenteral use of thiamine at a dose of 100 mg in 989
patients resulted in 0.1% major reactions such as general pruritus. All the reported clinical symptoms
suggest an anaphylactic reaction to the vitamin B
injection. Symptoms listed include anxiety, pruritus,
nausea, respiratory distress, shock and in rare cases death (RDA Committee, 1998). Parenteral doses
greater than 400 mg of vitamin B
cause nausea, anorexia, lethargy, mild ataxia and a diminution of
gut tone (McCormick, 1988). More recent high level studies argue for inherently low toxicity of vitamin
supplementation intravenously and especially orally. Royer-Morrot et al (1992) injected 500 mg daily
intra-muscularly and reported one case of pruritus disappearing after 6 days of injection. Oral intake
of two times 250 mg daily for 11 days did not reveal any adverse effects. Oral doses of 500 mg taken
daily for a month did not lead to any adverse effects (Hawk et al, 1954).
Of interest is a study about vitamin intake in professional cyclists (Saris et al, 1989). This group is well
known for their continuous massive intake of vitamins over years. Based on detailed questionnaires
and product information, extra intake of vitamin B
was calculated to be 30 mg per day orally and 10
mg i.m. Plasma vitamin B
values were 237 nmol.l
(reference value 95-138 nmol.l
) α-ETK was 1.02
(reference value 1.05-1.20). No adverse effects were reported.
A Medline search from 1966 on did not reveal any report on adverse effects after oral intake of vitamin B
Vitamin B
3.2. Toxicological data in animals
Lang (1979) reported that in all types of animal tests in his institute with extreme high oral doses of vitamin
, they never succeeded to detect any harmful effect. This was also the case under stress-related
conditions such as iron deficiency or protein deficiency and using fifty times the normal daily doses of
vitamin B
. Only in one experiment with high vitamin B
intake and extreme low intake of protein and other
B vitamins, effects were noticed probably caused by the unbalanced diet (Lang, 1979).
Bitsch (1997) reviewed the toxicity of vitamin B
given orally, and by intravenous or intraperitoneal
injection and concluded that it is extremely safe. The tabulated LD
levels in mice for thiamine
hydrochloride were 0.07-0.125 g/kg bw intravenous, 0.317-0.500 g/kg bw intraperitoneal and 3-15
g/kg bw orally. Lang (1979) quoted an oral LD
of vitamin B
of 3.0 g/kg bw for mice based on earlier
studies of Hecht and Weese (1937). Symptoms by i.v. injections are hypotonia due to vasodilatation,
bradycardia and respiratory arrhythmia leading to general neuromuscular inhibition. Death is caused
by depression of the respiratory centre (Haley, 1948). The lethal i.v. dose in g/kg bw is for mice 0.125;
rats 0.25; rabbits 0.30; and dogs 0.35 (McCormick, 1988). In monkeys up to 0.60 g/kg bw was required
to produce toxic symptoms (Gubler, 1991). Similar pharmacological effects in humans are found only
with parenterally administered doses hundreds of times larger than that required for optimal nutrition
(Campbell et al, 1980). Rats have been maintained for three generations on oral doses of 0.08 to 1.0 mg/
kg bw vitamin B
without any harmful effects (Williams and Spies, 1938). This is about 50 to 100 times the
daily requirement. Gubler (1991) concluded that the margin between potential intake and levels of acute
toxicity is at least 600 or more.
Due to the lack of systematic oral dose-response intake studies as well as the extreme low toxicity no
LOAEL and NOAEL can be established.
Since systematic data on adverse effects with oral intake of vitamin B
in human are very limited, an
exposure assessment as given by the RDA (1998) can be of help. From the NHANES III data in the
US, the highest mean intake of vitamin B
from food and supplements for any life-stage and gender
group reported for males aged 31 through 50 years was 6.7 mg/day, the highest reported intake at 95
percentile was 11.0 mg/day for females aged 51 years and older. In table 1 intake data from a number
of EU countries are given.
Table 1. Mean and high percentile vitamin B1 intake (mg/day) from food and supplements in
some EU countries
Country Type of survey n Method Supplements* Mean 97.5%
household 2734 7-day weighed + 1.10 1.90
household 5958 2-day record - 1.23 2.87
individual 2488 24 h recall - 1.36 3.55
individual (M)
individual (F)
7-day record
7-day record
individual (M)
individual (F)
7-day record
7-day record
individual (M)
individual (F)
7-day weighed
7-day weighed
+ data included supplements; - data excluded supplements.
Turrini (INRAN)
Hulshof and Kruizinga (1999)
Elmadfa et al (1998)
Adolf et al (1995)
IUNA (2001)
Gregory et al (1990)
The highest reported mean intake in the EU is 2.28 mg/day with a reported highest intake at 97.5
percentile of 6.35 mg/day. Both are considerably lower than the reported US values.
Vitamin B
From the available literature it can be concluded that vitamin B
orally ingested has a very low risk of
adverse effects. This is related to the fact that with intake levels higher than 5 mg absorption rapidly
declines and absorbed vitamin B
is actively excreted in the urine. Therefore no adverse effects of orally
ingested doses of vitamin B
have been reported despite the fact that relatively high doses of vitamin
up to 50-200 mg daily have been used therapeutically over long periods of time (months) as well as
the widely available supplements providing intakes up to 50 mg/day without prescription.
Based on parenteral use of vitamin B
, reports show rare cases of adverse events at levels from 100 to 300
mg i.v. and more frequently at higher doses up to 500 mg i.v. daily.
A Canadian evaluation of micronutrient safety classified vitamin B
as a nutrient with no known adverse
effects (Program on Food Safety, 1996). The Dutch Nutrition Council reported 500 mg as an upper safe
limit (Nutrition Council RDA, 1989) as did the US RDA Committee in 1989. However in the latest report
of the US Food and Nutrition Board (1998) no UL could be derived based on the inadequate data. The
SCF (1993) mentioned no evidence of toxicity at oral intakes up to 500 mg/day (for 1 month).
Based on the presented evidence, the Committee comes to the conclusion that it is not possible to
derive a numerical UL for vitamin B
. However existing evidence that is available from clinical studies as
well as the long history of therapeutic use, indicates that current levels of intake from vitamin B
all sources do not represent a health risk for the general population.
Adolf T, Schneider R, Eberhardt W, Hartmann S, Herwig A, Heseker H, Hünchen K, Kübler W, Matiaske B, Moch KJ, Rosenbauer J (1995).
Ergebnisse der Nationalen Verzehrsstudie (1985-1988) über die Lebensmittel- und Nährstoffaufnahme in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
Band XI. VERA-Schriftenreihe (Herausgeber: W. Kübler, H.J. Anders, W. Heeschen), Wissenschaftlicher Fachverlag Dr. Fleck, Niederkleen,
ISBN 3-930600-28-5.
Ariaey-Nejad MR, Balaghi M, Baker EM, Sauberlich HE (1970). Thiamine metabolism in man. Am J Clin Nutr 23: 764-778.
Bitsch R (1997). Vitamin B
(Thiamine). In:
Vitamin, Physiology, Pathophysiology, and Therapy
. Biesalski H.K., Weber,
Schrezenmeir J., Weiss H.E., eds. Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, pp 65-74.
Brin M (1980). The functional evaluation of vitamin status with special attention to enzyme-coenzyme techniques. In:
Nutrition and
Food Sciences. Nutritional biochemistry and pathology
. Santo W.
et al
, eds. Plenum Press NY, Vol 3 pp 131-153.
Campbell TC, Allison RG, Car CJ (1980). Feasibility of identifying adverse health effects of vitamins and essential minerals in man. Life
Science Research Office FASEB, Bethesda, USA.
Davis RE, Icke GC, Thom J, Riley WJ (1984). Intestinal absorption of thiamin in man compared with folate and pyridoxal and its subsequent
urinary excretion. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol 30: 475-482.
DHEW (1979). Vitamin and drug products for over-the-counter human use. Federal Register 44: 16126-16201.
Elmadfa I, Burger P, Derndorfer E, Kiefer I, Kunze M, König J, Leimüller G, Manafi M, Mecl M, Papathanasiou V, Rust P, Vojir F, Wagner K-H
and Zarfl B (1998). Austrian Study on Nutritional Status (ASNS). Österreichischer Ernährungsbericht. Bundesministerium für Gesundheit,
Arbeit und Soziales. Wien 1999.
Friedeman T, Kmieciak T, Keegan P, Scheft B (1948). The absorption, destruction and excretion of orally administered thiamine by human
subjects. Gastroenterology 11: 100-103.
Gregory J, Foster K, Tyler H, Wiseman M (1990). The Dietary and Nutrtional Survey of British Adults. HMSO, London.
Gubler CJ (1991). Thiamin. In: Handbook of vitamins. Machlin IJ ed. Marcel Dekker NY, pp 233-281.
Haley TJ (1948). Parenteral thiamine hydrochloride toxicity. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 68: 153.
Hawk PD, Oser BL, Summerson WH (1954). Vitamins and deficiency diseases. In: Practical Physiological Chemistry. Blakiston Comp. Inc.
NY, pp 1194-1296.
Hecht G and Weese H (1937). Pharmakologisches über Vitamin B1 (Betaxin). Klin Wschr 16: 414-416.
Hulshof KFAM and Fruizinga AG (1999). Third Dutch National Food Consumption Survey (DNFCS-3) 1997-1998. TNO Zeist.
IUNA (Irish Universities Nutrition Alliance) (2001). The North/South Ireland Food Consumption Survey. Food Safety Promotion Board,
Lang K (1979). Biochemie der Ernährung. Dietrich Steinkopff, Verlag Darmstadt pp 470-486.
Levy G, Hewitt RR (1971). Evidence in man for specialized intestinal transport mechanisms for riboflavin and thiamine. Am J Clin Nutr
24: 401-404.
McAlpine D, Hill GM (1941). The clinical value of thiochrome test for aneurin (vitamin B
) in urine. Quart J Med 34: 31-39.
Vitamin B
Marks SJ (1989). The Safety of vitamins: An overview. Int J Vit and Min Research 59 (suppl. 30): 12-20.
McCormick DB (1988). Thiamine. In:
Modern nutrition in health and disease
. Shils ME, Young V.R. eds. Lea and Febiger,
Philadelphia, pp 355-361.
Najjar VA, Holt LE (1940). Thiamine metabolism. Bull John Hopkins Hosp 67: 107-124.
National Research Council (1989). Recommended Dietary Allowances. Nat Academic Press. Washington D.C.
Nutrition Council The Netherlands (1989). Nederlandse Voedingsnormen (Dutch RDAs), Voedingsraad, The Hague.
Program on Food Safety (1996). Nutritient addition to food in Canada. An evaluation of micro nutrient safety. Department of Nutritional
Sciences. University of Toronto.
RDA Committee US (1998). Dietary reference intake for thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B
, folate, vitamin B
, panthothenic acid, biotin
and choline. Food and Nutrition Board. Institute of Medicine, Prepublication Nat Academy Press, Washington DC, pp 4.1-4.18.
Royer-Morrot MJ, Zhiri A, Paille F, Royer RJ (1992). Plasma thiamine concentrations after intramuscular and oral multiple dosage regimens
in healthy men. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 42: 219-222.
Saris WHM, Schrijver J, Van Erp-Baart MA, Brouns F (1989). Adequacy of vitamin supply under maximal sustained workloads: The Tour
de France. Int J Vit and Nutr Res 59: 205-212.
SCF (Scientific Committee for Food) (1993). Nutrient and energy intakes for the European Community. Reports of the Scientific Committee
for Food, Thirty First Series. European Commission, Luxembourg.
SCOGS (Select Committee on GRAS Substances) (1978). Evaluation of the health aspects of thiamine hydrochloride and thiamine
mononitrate as food ingredients, Life Sciences Research Office (LSRO). Washington DC, FASEB.
Schrijver J (1991). Biochemical markers for micronutrient status and their interpretation. In:
Modern lifestyles lower energy intake and
micro nutrient intake
. Pietrzik R. ed. Springer Verlag, London, pp 55-85.
Tetreault A, Beck I (1956). Anaphylactic shock following intramuscular thiaminechloride. Ann Intern Med 45: 134.
Thom JY (1983). A study of thiamine and its esters in mammalian tissue. M App Sc Thesis Western Australian Inst.of Techn. as cited by
et al
, (1984).
Thomson AD, Leevy CM (1972). Observations on the mechanism of thiamine hydrochloride absorption in man. Clin Sci 43: 153-163.
Turrini A. National Survey 1994-1996. INRAN, Rome.
Williams RR, Spies TD (1938). Vitamin B. Mac Millan, New York.
Wrenn KD, Murphy F, Slovis CM (1989). A toxicity study of parenteral thiamine hydrochloride. Ann Emerg Med 18: 867-870.
Vitamin B
98 98
This opinion is one in the series of opinions of the SCF on the upper levels of vitamins and minerals.
The terms of reference given by the European Commission for this task, the related background
and the guidelines used by the Committee to develop tolerable upper intake levels for vitamins and
minerals used in this opinion, which were expressed by the SCF on 19 October 2000, are available on
the Internet at the pages of the SCF, at the address:
Biotin is a heterocyclic compound, an imidazolidone ring joined to a tetrahydrothiophene ring. The
latter possesses a valeric acid side chain. Of eight theoretically possible stereoisomers only D(+)-biotin
occurs in nature and binds to and activates four carboxylases found in humans. Its molecular weight
is 244.3.
Biotin is soluble in water, insoluble in organic solvents, stable at pH 5 to 8 against air, light and
heat. Oxidation of the sulphur atom and shortening of the valeric acid side chain result in loss of
vitamin activity.
Biotin cannot be synthesised by mammals, therefore, in humans it must be acquired from exogenous
sources. It is still controversial if and how much biotin synthesised by intestinal bacteria can contribute
to the body’s requirement for biotin.
Quantification of biotin in foods and body fluids for nutritional studies has been done by three basic
methods: bioassays, avidin-binding assays or fluorescent derivative assays. As these assays do not
have the same specificity the results show major discrepancies and it is important to establish how biotin
concentrations were determined when comparing different studies. The avidin-binding assay of biotin
and its metabolites after separation by high-performance liquid chromatography is considered as one of
the best currently available methods (Mock, 1996; Mock et al, 1993; 1995; 1997).
2.1. Biotin in food
Biotin requirements must be met by dietary uptake. The contribution of bacterial biotin synthesis in the
gut has never been quantified.
Biotin occurs in many foods in very variable amounts. The variability of contents reported is due both to
natural variation and methodological problems. Rich sources are liver, kidney, egg yolk, some vegetables
like soybeans, nuts, spinach, mushrooms and lentils (20 to 100 µg/100 g edible portion). Lean meat,
fruit, cereals and bread contain 1 to 20 µg/100 g. Biotin in vegetables, green plants and fruits occurs
in water-extractable forms, whereas it occurs in firmly bound complexes in yeast and animal products.
There are no reliable data on the bioavailability of biotin from different foods. Biotinidase, present in the
intestinal mucosa and in pancreatic juice of mammals can cleave biotin linked to lysine (biocytin) and
to oligopeptide. It may play an important role in the uptake of dietary biotin in humans after proteolysis
(Wolf, 1995).
Biotin concentrations in human milk vary significantly during any 24-hour period and increase 5- to
30-fold during the progression from colostrum to transitional milk and eventually mature milk (Mock et
al, 1992a; Salmenperä et al, 1985) and are then 20- to 50-fold higher than the plasma concentrations
of normal women (Mock et al, 1992b). More than 95% of total biotin was found in the skim fraction of
milk, of which more than 95% was free as opposed to reversibly or covalently bound biotin. At day 8
postpartum bisnorbiotin and biotinsulfoxide accounted for more than 50% of total biotin (3.9 ng/ml) in
the skim fraction. Thereafter only true biotin rises significantly (mean value at day 30 to 40 is 7 ng/ml)
(Mock et al, 1997a).
2.2. Biotin intake estimates
Dietary biotin intake of children and adults in different populations ranges between 17 and 60 µg per
day (Heseker et al, 1994;
Helbich, 1997; Food and Nutrition Board, 1998; Mensink and Ströbel, 1999;
Expert Group on Vitamins and Minerals, UK Food Standards Agency, 2001; IUNA 2001). Data are
scarce because in most dietary intake surveys biotin has not been assessed.
The estimated mean dietary biotin intakes in Germany, UK and Ireland between 1986 and 2000 are
given in Table 1.
Table 1. Mean and 97.5 percentile biotin intake (µg/day) from food and supplements in three EU
countries (adults >16 y)
Country Type of survey n Method Supplements* Mean 97.5%
individual (M/F) 1988 7-day record - 36.8 86.2
individual (M)
individual (F)
(16-64 yr)
individual (M)
individual (M)
individual (F)
individual (F)
7-day record
7-day record
7-day record
7-day record
(18-64 yr)
individual (M)
individual (M)
individual (F)
individual (F)
7-day record
7-day record
7-day record
7-day record
+ data included supplements; - data excluded supplements.
Heseker et al (1994)
Mensink and Ströbel (1999)
EVM (2001)
IUNA (2001)
Dietary supplements containing biotin were taken on a regular basis by 4 to 5% of the German
subgroups in the MONICA study 1994/1995. Whereas the median content of supplements was 10
µg biotin, maximal doses up to 5000 µg were reported (Schellhorn et al, 1998). Biotin containing
supplements were consumed by 1 to 2% of the adult UK population. Biotin intakes from supplements
ranged from 0.1 to 130 µg/day (EVM 2001).
In 145 elderly persons (aged 68 to 90 years) mean biotin intakes per day, assessed by seven-days
weighed or estimated records were 19.5 µg (range 7.6 to 37) in women and 23.5 µg (range 9.9 to 59)
in men (Bailey et al, 1997).
2.3. Biotin absorption and metabolism
Biotin is actively transported by different carrier systems.
Biotin absorption in the intestinal brush-border membrane proceeds via a structurally specific, temperature
dependent carrier against a concentration gradient. Transport is electroneutral and coupled to sodium. This
transport is saturable. At high intakes of biotin in pharmacologic doses simple diffusion predominates. Exit
of biotin from the enterocyte across the basolateral membrane is also carrier-mediated, but independent of
sodium and electrogenic, and does not accumulate biotin against a concentration gradient.
An electroneutral sodium-dependent transport system for biotin has also been reported for human
renal brush border membrane vesicles, resulting in transfer from the lumen of the renal tubule into
the blood.
A specific transporter for biotin together with sodium was demonstrated in human lymphocytes. This
transport can be stimulated by mitogens apparently as a consequence of an increased number of biotin
transporters in proliferating lymphocytes (Zempleni and Mock, 2000a).
Specific transport systems for biotin from the mother to the foetus have been reported, with little
evidence of accumulation on the foetal side (Mock, 1996). A sodium dependent multivitamin transporter,
which transports pantothenate, lipoate and biotin in an electrogenic process has been identified in
human placenta and is also but to a lesser extent expressed in human kidney, liver, pancreas, heart,
brain, lung and skeletal muscle (Wang et al, 1999).
Renal clearance of biotin in normal children and adults is 0.4 times the creatinine clearance.
In humans the ratio of free biotin between cerebrospinal fluid and ultrafiltrates of plasma was found to
be 0.85 ± 0.50 (Mock, 1989).
From studies with 6 healthy adults given biotin in pharmacologic doses, either orally (512, 2000 or
20,000 µg) or intravenously (4500 µg) it was concluded that oral biotin was completely absorbed. 50%
of an oral dose was recovered in urine within 24 hours as biotin plus biotin metabolites. Intravenous
administration resulted in a larger percentage excreted as intact biotin. The higher biotin concentration
in plasma after intravenous dosage may have exceeded the capacity for renal tubular reabsorption
(Zempleni and Mock, 1999).
The elimination half life time from plasma of a single oral biotin dose of 600 µg was calculated to be
110 minutes in 15 healthy volunteers (Bitsch et al, 1989).
Acute and short-term (14 days) ingestion of 1200 µg biotin daily by 15 healthy adults increased
serum biotin from 60 ng/L (range 34 to 89 ng/L) to a mean of 3,738 ng/L after one day and to 5,521
ng/L after 14 days. Bisnorbiotin (basal level 46 ng/L) and biotin sulfoxide (basal level mean 3.7 ng/L,
not detectable in 9 of 15 subjects) increased substantially both after one day (24 fold and 46 fold,
respectively compared with pretreatment) and after 14 days (2.5 fold and 2.3 fold compared with day 1).
The ratio of bisnorbiotin plus biotin sulfoxide to the total of avidin-binding substances did not change
after 14 days. The excretion of biotin, bisnorbiotin and biotin sulfoxide in the urine likewise increased, 324
fold, 85 fold and 114 fold, respectively, providing indirect proof of biotin catabolism in human tissues (Mock
and Heird, 1997; Mock and Mock, 1997).
Biotin absorption is reduced by ingestion of raw eggs which contain avidin, a protein resistant to
proteases which binds 4 moles biotin per mole of avidin thereby making it unavailable. Prolonged
heating at 100°C denatures avidin and sets biotin free.
Biotin is degraded in the human body by β-oxidation of the valeric acid side chain to bisnorbiotin
and bisnorbiotinmethylketone and by oxidation of the sulphur in the thiophene ring to biotin-d,l-
sulfoxide and biotin sulfone, which are excreted into the urine, and also found in plasma (Mock et al,
1993; Zempleni and Mock, 1999). These metabolites are inactive as vitamin. Biotin accounts for only
approximately 50% of avidin binding substances in plasma and urine.
Biotin catabolism is increased by anticonvulsant drug treatment, by alcohol consumption and during
pregnancy (Mock and Dyken, 1997; Zempleni and Mock, 2000b).
2.4. Functions of biotin
In man biotin is an essential co-factor for four carboxylases which catalyse the incorporation of
bicarbonate into a substrate and are involved in gluconeogenesis and provision of intermediates
into the citric acid cycle (pyruvate carboxylase, PC, EC, fatty acid synthesis (acetyl-CoA
carboxylase, ACC, EC, leucine catabolism (3-methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase, MCC, EC, and propionate catabolism (propionyl-CoA carboxylase, PCC, EC The propionate to
be carboxylated has various sources: catabolism of valine, isoleucine, threonine, methionine, the side
chain of cholesterol, odd-numbered saturated fatty acids, and metabolism of intestinal bacteria.
Biotin is attached to the carboxylases via an amide bond formed between the carboxyl group of the
valeric acid side chain and the epsilon-amino group of a specific lysine in the apocarboxylases by
holocarboxylase synthetase (EC, driven by hydrolysis of ATP.
In the turnover of cellular protein catalysed by lysosomal proteases the holocarboxylases release
biocytin, which is biotin linked to lysine, or biotin bound to oligopeptides. For the cleavage of the amide
bond between biotin and lysine a specific hydrolase, biotinidase (EC is needed, present in
many tissues. The highest activity is found in serum, liver, kidney and adrenal gland. Serum biotinidase
is produced in the liver. Impaired hepatic function is accompanied by decreased biotinidase activity in
serum (Grier et al, 1989). Biotinidase activity is very low in human brain and cerebrospinal fluid.
Biotinidase is able both to recycle biotin bound to carboxylases and to cleave biotin bound to
dietary proteins. Apart from this important function of biotinidase in providing biotin for intermediary
metabolism, a function of this enzyme, is the transfer of biotin to nucleophilic acceptor proteins
such as histones, thereby affecting gene expression (Hymes and Wolf, 1996) and e.g. embryological
development (Bender, 1999; Zempleni and Mock, 2000b). Biotin is essential for cell proliferation. Its
proliferative effect in immune cells can become of clinical relevance in biotin deficiency (Zempleni and
Mock, 2001).
2.5. Biotin requirement
Biotin requirement cannot be accurately estimated. For infants the amount provided by breastmilk is
considered to be adequate. For children and adults either the usual dietary intake or an extrapolation from
the intake of exclusively breastfed infants is the basis for setting estimated adequate intakes (FNB, 1998).
The Scientific Committee on Food of the European Commission has defined a biotin reference value
for adults of 15 to 100 µg per day (31
Report of the SCF, 1993).
Age-related adequate intakes of biotin have been estimated (Food and Nutrition Board,1998; D-A-CH
Referenzwerte, 2000) and are summarised in Table 2.
Table 2. Adequate intakes of biotin (µg/day)
Age 0-4 m 4-12 m 1-4 yr 4-7 yr 7-10 yr 10-13 yr 13-15 yr >15 yr
D-A-CH (2000) 5 5-10 10-15 10-15 15-20 20-30 25-35 30-60
Age 0-6 m 6-12 m 1-3 yr 4-8 yr 9-13 yr 14-18 yr >18 yr
FNB (1998) 5 6 8 12 20 25 30
2.6. Biotin nutritional status
Mock et al (1997) determined serum true biotin concentrations in normal adults to be 60 ± 14.9 ng/L
(range 34 to 89 ng/L), bisnorbiotin 46 ± 33 ng/L (range 5 to 145), biotin sulfoxide 3.7 ± 8 ng/L (range 0 to
31). Most (81%) of these avidin-binding substances are free, approximately 12% are covalently bound
to plasma proteins and 7% are reversibly bound (Mock and Malik, 1992). The urinary excretion of biotin
in normal adults ranges between 18 and 79 nmol/24 h (4.4 µg to 19.3 µg/24 h) plus approximately the
same amount of biotin analogues.
The biotin status of an individual cannot be well assessed by determination of the biotin plasma
concentrations. This was shown in 10 healthy subjects made biotin deficient by 20 days consumption
of egg white containing enough avidin to bind more than 7 times the (normal) dietary biotin intake.
The mean serum biotin level did not decrease significantly, and only five subjects had serum biotin
concentrations below the lower limit of normal on day 20. In contrast, biotin and bisnorbiotin excretion
into the urine decreased significantly from day 3 onwards and was less than the lower limit of normal
in 8 of 10 subjects by day 14. The most sensitive indicator was an increase of the amount of 3-
hydroxyisovaleric acid excreted per 24 h, which was significant at day 3, and greater than the upper
limit of normal (112 ± 38 µmol/24 h) by day 10 in all subjects. Increased 3-hydroxyisovaleric acid
excretion is the consequence of decreased activity of 3-methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase because of
insufficient availability of its prosthetic group biotin (Mock et al, 1997). In these experimental subjects
no clinical signs of overt biotin deficiency evolved.
There are no systematic studies to show if a deficient biotin status can be recognised by increased
excretion of other organic acids as a consequence of impaired activity of propionyl-CoA carboxylase
(3-hydroxypropionic acid, methylcitrate), which might also lead to an increase in the proportion of
odd-numbered fatty acids in plasma lipids. However, as intestinal bacteria produce an unpredictable
amount of propionic acid and as odd-numbered fatty acids are contained in variable amounts in dietary
fat it can be expected that these measurements would be unreliable in assessing biotin status (Bender,
1999). Measurement of the activities of carboxylases in blood leukocytes might constitute another
potential indicator of biotin status. In children with severe protein-energy malnutrition propionyl-CoA
carboxylase activity in blood lymphocytes was significantly reduced in all and pyruvate carboxylase
activity in some compared to normal controls and both increased in response to biotin administration.
The plasma biotin concentration in these patients did not correlate with carboxylase activity (Velázquez
et al, 1995).
2.7. Biotin deficiency
2.7.1. Dietary biotin deficiency
Overt dietary biotin deficiency is rare. It does not occur in breastfed infants. It has been observed in
association with total parenteral nutrition without biotin and in chronic feeding of raw egg white and it
has been seen in an infant fed an amino acid formula and hypoallergenic rice presumably containing
no biotin (Higuchi et al, 1996). This latter case especially argues that biotin is not provided by intestinal
bacteria in sufficient amounts.
Clinical symptoms of biotin deficiency are alopecia and cutaneous abnormalities such as seborrhoeic
dermatitis, periorificial erythema, and fungal infection. In adults effects on the central nervous system
are expressed as depression, lethargy, muscular pain, hyperesthesia and paresthesia. Symptoms
take months to years to become apparent. Biocytin excretion is normal during symptomatic biotin
Biotin-deficient infants become symptomatic within a shorter time (3 to 6 months) and show -in addition to
hair loss and skin rash- hypotonia, lethargy and developmental delay.
Subclinical biotin deficiency in patients on anticonvulsant therapy (Mock and Dyken, 1997), in patients
undergoing chronic haemodialysis (Yatzidis et al, 1984), in alcoholics, patients with gastric disease, or
inflammatory bowel disease is a matter of some concern (Mock, 1996; Zempleni and Mock, 2000b).
A considerable proportion of pregnant women show increased excretion of 3-hydroxyisovalerate
in both early and late gestation with a decrease in urinary biotin excretion (Mock et al, 1997b). 3-
Hydroxyisovalerate excretion was reduced by 300 µg of biotin per day over two weeks (Zempleni and
Mock, 2000b). Subclinical maternal biotin deficiency was shown to be teratogenic in several species
(chicken, turkey, mouse, rat, hamster) (Mock, 1996; Zempleni and Mock, 2000b).
2.7.2. Biotinidase and holocarboxylase synthetase deficiencies
Both genetic defects in holocarboxylase synthetase (Burri et al, 1981) and biotinidase (Wolf et al, 1983)
result in multiple carboxylase deficiency with a typical pattern of organic acids in urine (and serum) and
a wide spectrum of clinical symptoms, ranging from asymptomatic to neonatal death.
Treatment of biotinidase deficiency requires at least physiologic doses of biotin, but treatment is
empirical in most cases with 10 mg of biotin given per day.
Holocarboxylase synthetase deficiency requires higher therapeutic doses of biotin, up to 100 mg/day in
individual cases, dependent on the severity of the enzyme defect (Baumgartner and Suormala, 1997).
Single or repeated doses of biotin (total dose of 50 and 100 mg/Kg of body weight by subcutaneous
injection) given to rats resulted in production of irregularities of the oestrus cycle (Paul et al, 1973a
and b) and resorption of foetuses and placentae in pregnant rats (Paul et al, 1973b) accompanied by
decreased uterine weight, reduced glycogen and protein in the uterus and reduced protein in the liver.
Estrogen treatment prevented loss of pregnancy and normalised these organ parameters (Paul and
Duttagupta, 1975). However, these studies cannot be regarded as conclusive for human dietary biotin
uptake because of the route of administration and the extreme dosage selected (corresponding to 10
times the adequate human daily intake).
The administration of oral biotin in doses up to 100 mg per day to patients with holocarboxylase
synthetase and with biotinidase deficiency did not result in adverse effects, although the metabolic
defect may have prevented or masked toxicity. The prenatal administration of 10 mg biotin orally
per day during the third trimester of pregnancy in pregnant women at risk of carrying a foetus with
holocarboxylase synthetase deficiency have not resulted in apparent adverse effects (Baumgartner and
Suormala, 1997; Packman et al, 1982; Roth et al, 1982). However, systematic studies on biotin effects
in healthy humans have not been undertaken.
In a recent publication, however, biotin supplementation of 750 µg per day for 14 days to five healthy
adults resulted in significant decreases of mitogen-stimulated proliferation of peripheral blood
mononuclear cells in all subjects, and a significantly reduced release of interleukin-1β and interleukin-
2 in four of five subjects. This was not due to relative changes in differentiation of individual subsets
of peripheral blood mononuclear cells nor to inhibition of cellular pantothenic acid uptake via the
multivitamin transporter by high biotin levels. The significance of these findings is not known (Zempleni
et al, 2001).
Due to the lack of systematic oral intake dose-response studies of biotin a quantitative risk assessment
can not be carried out and it is not possible to derive a numerical UL for biotin.
The risk of human toxicity from the usual dietary intake of biotin and from biotin supplements, such as
are described in Table 1, appears to be low according to available data. There are insufficient data to
draw any conclusions concerning the safety of very high-level supplements.
Although no numerical UL can be established, existing evidence that is available from observational
studies indicates that current levels of intake of biotin from all sources do not represent a health risk
for the general population.
Bailey AL, Maisey S, Southon S, Wright AJA, Finglas PM, Fulcher RA (1997). Relationships between micronutrient intake and biochemical
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EVM, Expert Group on Vitamins and Minerals (2001). Review of biotin. VM/01/02. Food Standards Agency (UK).
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Mock DM and Dyken M (1997). Biotin catabolism is accelerated in adults receiving long-term therapy with anticonvulsants. Neurology
49: 1444-1447.
Mock DM and Heird GM (1997). Urinary biotin analogs increase in humans during chronic supplementation: the analogs are biotin
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urinary excretion of biotin are sensitive early indicators of decreased biotin status in experimental biotin deficiency. Am J Clin Nutr 65:
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106 106
This opinion is one in the series of opinions of the SCF on the upper levels of vitamins and minerals.
The terms of reference given by the European Commission for this task, the related background
and the guidelines used by the Committee to develop tolerable upper intake levels for vitamins and
minerals used in this opinion, which were expressed by the SCF on 19 October 2000, are available on
the Internet at the pages of the SCF, at the address:
Magnesium (Mg) belongs to group II of the third period of the Periodic Table of Elements, a group that includes
two other physiologically important elements: calcium and zinc. Mg has an atomic weight of 24.312; its atomic
number is 12; its valency 2. The earth’s crust contains approximately 2% Mg and seawater up to 55 mmol/L.
The adult healthy body contains approximately 21-28 g (about 1 mole) of Mg; related to an average
body weight of 70 kg, this corresponds to circa 14.3 mmol/kg, or to 0.034% of body weight. It is
the fourth most abundant cation in the mammalian body and the second most abundant cation in
intracellular fluid. Nevertheless Mg deficiency may occur in plants (chlorosis, low crop yields, forest
damage), livestock (grass staggers, or grass tetany in ruminants) and man. Depending on the degree
of the deficiency, symptoms are latent, moderate or even life threatening because Mg is a cofactor in
hundreds of enzymatic reactions, many of which involve energy metabolism. It also plays an important
role in protein and nucleic acid synthesis and has a stabilizing and protecting effect on membranes.
Finally, Mg is also considered essential in maintaining Ca, K and Na homeostasis (Aikawa, 1981;
Durlach, 1988; Seelig, 1989; Wacker, 1980). As early as in the 19
century magnesia was used as
antacid and as an antidote against various poisons, e.g. acids and arsenic, and magnesium sulphate
as laxative (Epsom salt).
In food derived from plant and animal sources, Mg is mostly bound or chelated, e.g. to phytic acid,
phosphates, chlorophylls or it is included in biological apatites (skeleton). In aqueous solutions, Mg
salts (e.g., sulphate, chloride, phosphate, citrate, and carbonate) are mostly dissociated depending
on the concentration, pH and temperature. Most Mg salts are hygroscopic and have a bitter taste
(“Bittersalz”, “Bittererde” in German).
2.1. Food levels and intake estimates
The Mg content of food varies substantially. It is generally accepted that fats, refined sugars and pure
alcohol are more or less free of Mg. Foods containing less than 25 mg Mg/100 g wet weight are: meat
and most kinds of fish, fruit, most vegetables and dairy products (Seelig, 1980). Chlorophylls contain
maximally 0.2% Mg (Aikawa, 1981). Cacao and bitter chocolate, conches, shrimps, soybeans, butter
beans, and beet greens contain over 100 mg Mg/100 g. The Mg content of grain and grain products
largely depends on food technology processes: high concentrations (110-180 mg/100 g) are found in
whole barley, whole rye or wheat flour or brown rice (Seelig, 1980) but high amounts of phytic acid as
well as high levels of dietary fibre probably decrease bioavailability (Schümann et al, 1997). In Germany
the Mg concentration in drinking water is limited to maximally 50 mg/L but geologically caused higher
concentrations up to 120 mg/L are tolerated (Trinkwasser VO). Studies in Germany (Schimatschek et
al, 2001) revealed median-, 5
and 95
percentile concentrations in tap water of 9.9 (2.2 to 28.4) mg/L,
n = 14,330 samples and in mineral water of 33.5 (4 to 101) mg/L, n = 150 samples.
Estimates of intake are usually calculated by using data from food questionnaires together with
nutrition tables. However, with respect to Mg, these data are probably by 20 to 30% too high because
the concentrations measured in food duplicates were considerably lower than values derived from
nutritional tables (Glei and Anke, 1995; Schimatschek et al, 1997; Stehle et al, 1991; Wörwag et al,
1999). With these reservations in mind, the following estimates of intake are presented (in mg Mg per
day) in Table 1.
Table 1. Estimates of magnesium intake
Country Mean 2.5th Percentile 97.5th Percentile
319 116 628
327 148 558
males 353 188 618
females 288 134 499
208 117 350
312 139 558
males 323 177 (5
P) 516 (95
females 228 134 (5
P) 342 (95
Elmadfa et al (1999)
Heseker et al (1992)
Turrini et al (1996)
Hulshof and Kruizinga (1999)
FNB (1997)
2.2. Nutritional requirements
Magnesium kinetics represent an open system consisting of several compartments: the intestinal tract
(absorption compartment), blood (central compartment), cells, skeleton, central nervous system (deep
compartments) and faeces, urine, sweat and milk during lactation (excretion). Mg balance is positive
when the input is greater than the output in urine and faeces. This calculation seems simple at a first
glance but becomes highly variable aiming to the following individual factors:
a) At low dietary Mg intakes enteral absorption considerably increases from the normal level of 30-
40% up to 80% probably via an active transport system (although this has not yet been proven); this
system can, however, be completely defective (so-called “primary Mg deficiency”) or insufficient (“poor
absorbers”). As in the latter cases Mg uptake depends mostly or exclusively on passive diffusion (10-
30%) a Mg deficit will result at intake levels which are sufficient for normal individuals (Durlach, 1988;
Schimatschek et al, 1997; Seelig, 1980; Wörwag et al, 1999).
b) Mg turnover also differs individually, depending for example on age, growth, physical activity,
pregnancy-lactation, fluid consumption, stress exposure, drugs and diseases (Classen, 1990). Estimates
of requirement have therefore been performed on healthy individuals under strictly standardized
essentially steady state conditions (FNB, 1997).
c) Mg losses represent an important variable: Diarrhoea or bowel diseases adversely affect absorption.
Under physiological conditions the healthy kidney can reduce daily Mg excretion from 5 mmol to less
than 0.5 mmol within a few days of low Mg intake. However, this Mg-sparing mechanism may be
disturbed genetically, or affected by diseases associated with polyuria such as diabetes mellitus or by
drugs (e.g. most diuretics) or alcohol.
The Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine (FNB, 1997) in the USA has established the following
EAR (Estimated Average Requirement) and the RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) based on data
obtained under strictly standardized conditions (metabolic unit; adaptation period of at least 12 days; at least
two Mg levels) (Table 2).
Table 2. EAR and RDA for magnesium (FNB, 1997)
Men, 19-30 years
Women, 19-30 years
Men, 31-70 years
Women, 31-70 years
Pregnancy + 35 mg -
The SCF (31
Series, 1993) determined an Acceptable Range of Intake for Adults of 150-500 mg/day.
2.3. Magnesium deficiency
Mg deficiency always includes secondary electrolyte disturbances (since rats respond in a unique to
Mg deficiency these experimental data are not considered here). Extracellularly, hypomagnesaemia
is frequently associated with hypocalcaemia (as a consequence of disturbed vitamin D metabolism
and disturbed parathyroid hormone activity) and sometimes with hypokalaemia (renin-aldosterone-
interactions). Intracellularly, K is decreased and the concentration of Na and Ca is increased (owing
to decreased activity of Mg-ATP-dependent ionic pumps and “leaky” membranes). In the CNS,
the activity of excitatory amino acids (especially glutamate) is enhanced because Mg is a specific
blocker of the glutamate-NMDA receptor. Consequently central-nervous and spastic symptoms
predominate in Mg deficiency. The clinical diagnosis should be ascertained by reliable biochemical
tests. Although serum/plasma Mg represents only about 0.3% of total body Mg it is today generally
accepted that hypomagnesaemia is evidence for a Mg deficit (if pseudohypomagnesaemia owing to
hypoalbuminaemia is excluded). Under certain conditions, a Mg deficit may, however, exist despite
actual normomagnesaemia; such a diagnosis requires special tests, e.g. retention tests using balance
techniques (FNB, 1997; Schümann et al, 1997; Spätling et al, 2000; Wörwag et al, 1999).
Mg deficiency, respectively hypomagnesaemia, generally conditions the body for stress reactions
(Classen, 1990; Solymoss et al, 1969). Epidemiological studies have revealed significant relations
between hypomagnesaemia and increased health risks, for example:
Low concentration of serum/plasma-Mg and increased cardiac disease (FNB, 1997; Ford, 1999;
Gartside and Glueck, 1993; Gottlieb et al, 1990; Liao et al, 1998; Ma et al, 1995; Seelig, 1989; Tjuji
et al, 1994).
Low concentration of serum/plasma-Mg and hypertension (Joffres et al, 1987; Ma et al, 1995; Witteman
and Grobbee, 1990) or increased risk of stroke (Ascherio et al, 1998).
Low concentration of serum/plasma-Mg and gestational complications (Seelig, 1980; Spätling et al, 1989).
3.1. Interactions with other electrolytes and drugs
Because Mg has been apostrophized “the natural Ca antagonist”, it is frequently claimed that calcium
inhibits enteral Mg absorption and vice versa. This is not the case under physiological conditions as
proven in volunteers Spencer et al (1994). On the contrary, as Mg is required for the renal hydroxylation
of vitamin D and for the activity of parathyroid hormone, Ca-resistant hypocalcaemia can be
compensated by Mg supplements (Schimatschek et al, 1997). Similarly, potassium does not inhibit Mg
absorption in monogastric mammals, which is in contrast to ruminants and plants.
On the other hand, clinically significant interactions occur between iron and magnesium, Mg-hydroxide
or Mg-trisilicate in vitro (Disch et al, 1994), under experimental (Chadwick et al, 1982; Corby et al,
1985/86; Hall and Davis, 1969) and also under clinical conditions (Thurnher and Kresbach, 1961; Wallace
et al, 1998). In a randomized controlled crossover study on 13 healthy adult male subjects, serum-Fe
concentrations were determined following the oral administration of 5 mg Fe/kg bw over 12 hours alone,
or followed 1 hour later by the oral administration of 4.5 g of Mg(OH)
per g elemental iron ingested.
Mean AUC ± SEM amounted to 144 ± 33 µmol (hr)/L in the controls versus 78 ± 23 µmol (hr)/L in the Mg
group, p = 0.03 by signed rank test. In other words, Fe absorption was inhibited by 46%. Probably a
Mg:Fe-precipitate was formed under these conditions, as a water soluble Mg salt did not interfere with
Fe-gluconate, neither in vitro nor under in vivo conditions (Disch et al, 1994 and 1996). Interactions with
zinc absorption owing to the inhibition of gastric acid by Mg may occur (Sturniolo et al, 1991) as well as
interactions with certain drugs like tetracycline, penicillin and digoxin (Griffin and D’Arcy, 1981).
Both Mg (see later) and sulphate (Cocchetto and Levy, 1981) may exert an osmotic effect in the intestine
resulting in laxation. Thus the osmotic effect of MgSO
is greater than that of other Mg salts due to the
additional osmotic effect of sulphate. High intakes of sulphate ion are required to cause diarrhoea and
sulphate, like Mg, is better tolerated when consumed in divided doses. For example, a single dose of
8.0 g sodium sulphate (56 mmol) caused severe diarrhoea in normal adults but when consumed as four
equally divided hourly doses providing 2.0 g of sodium sulphate (16.8 mmol) per dose it caused only
mild or no diarrhoea (Cocchetto and Levy, 1981). Furthermore, over 4 g sodium sulphate (>30 mmol)
was well tolerated in normal adults when consumed in drinking water at a concentration of 1.8 g/l (12.5
mM) throughout the day (Heizer et al, 1997).
3.2. Acid-base alterations
The pH of the extracellular fluid is determined by the concentration and chemical properties of the
acids and bases dissolved in it. In general, carbonic acid is regulated by pulmonary ventilation.
Metabolizable acids -being absorbed from the diet or arising in intermediary metabolism- are regulated
by intermediary metabolism. Non-metabolizable acids and bases are absorbed from the diet, they
cannot be disposed of by intermediary metabolism or by pulmonary ventilation and hence must be
disposed of by renal mechanisms (Shaw, 1989). The principal inorganic bases contributing to the
balance are Na, K, Ca and Mg (Sack and Stephensen, 1985) and the principal non-metabolizable acids
are hydrochloric acid, phosphoric acid and sulphuric acid. In plasma, [c], i.e. the concentration (mmol/
L) of non-metabolizable bases, amounts to:
+ cK
+ 2 x cCa
+ 2 x cMg
] - [cCl
+ 2 x cSO
+ 1.8 x cP]
[140 + 4.5 + (2 x 2.5) + (2 x 0.75)] - [102 + (2 x 0.9) + (1.8 x 3.4)] = 41 mmol/L
The anion gap is covered by proteins and organic metabolizable acids. From these data, it can be
concluded that the supply of higher amounts of earth alkali and alkali metals tends to alkalinization
whereas chloride and o-phosphate favour acidification.
A tendency towards Mg-induced extracellular compensated metabolic alkalosis may be advantageous
[e.g., reduction of post-exercise acidosis (Ball and Maughan, 1997); renal Mg conservation (Durlach,
1988); inhibitory effects of Mg plus citrate on Ca oxalate formation (Durlach, 1988)] or it may be harmful
[e.g. supporting the development of the tetany syndrome due to decreased concentrations of ionized
Mg and Ca (Durlach, 1988; Wacker, 1980), inducing hypokalaemia owing to K-shift into the intracellular
space (Urakabe et al, 1975); increasing cardiotoxicity of catecholamines (Schimatschek et al, 1987)].
Finally the development of the milk-alkali syndrome following ingestion with milk and ice cream has been
reported (Yamada et al, 1991). It has also been discussed whether high doses of citrates might increase
the intestinal absorption of toxic metals like aluminium (Sakhaee et al, 1996) or whether alkalinization of
the urine favours urinary infections (Sökeland and Sulke, 1992). Alkalinization of the urine affects renal
clearance of drugs that are weak acids or bases. Therapy with alkalinizing Mg compound increases e.g.
the rate of elimination of salicylates and phenobarbital and decreases the elimination of amphetamine,
ephedrine, mecamylamine, pseudoephedrine, and quinidine (Goodman and Gilman, 1990).
A tendency towards compensated extracellular acidoses, e.g. by MgCl
, markedly increases the
cardioprotective capacity of Mg salts (Seelig, 1989), as well as antitetany effects (Schimatschek et al,
1997), the urinary excretion of weak acids is facilitated and enteral Mg absorption is improved. However
high chloride load evokes magnesiuric and calciuric responses and favours Ca-oxalate formation
(Classen et al, 1995; Houillier et al, 1996).
In summary it becomes evident that acid-base metabolism must be evaluated considering the sum of
acids and bases; it also becomes evident that with Mg salts one has to consider the respective anion
in addition to the cation.
Magnesium in foods derived from plant or animal sources has not been demonstrated to induce
diarrhoea nor other adverse effects in healthy persons, probably as Mg is bound to matrices and hence
is mostly not easily dissociable (see Introduction). On the other hand, easily dissociable magnesium
salts (e.g. chloride or sulphate; included are compounds like MgO becoming readily dissociable after the
reaction with gastric hydrochloric acid) which are present in water, many supplements and drugs, exert
dose-dependent laxative effects. Fine et al (1991) analyzed stool samples of 19 normal subjects ranging
in age from 23 to 36 years. Mean faecal Mg output amounted to 136 mg/day with a standard deviation
(SD) of 73 mg. Using 3 x SD, the upper limit of normal faecal Mg excretion was calculated to amount to
345 mg Mg/day. The mean normal concentration of Mg amounted to 362 mg Mg/L, the standard deviation
was 245 mg/L and the upper normal level (mean + 3 SD) was 1,097 mg Mg/L of formed stool. When
the volunteers received daily doses of (rounded) 1,200 mg, 2,300 mg or 47,000 mg Mg (as hydroxide)
diarrhoea was induced. Fine et al concluded that for each 24.3 mg increase in faecal Mg output faecal
weight increased by approximately 7.3 g.
One of the first cases of accidental poisoning with Mg sulphate was published by Sang in 1891: a 35
years old woman died 75 minutes after drinking 4 ounces of ordinary Epsom salt (about 120 g) dissolved
in a tumbler of hot water. Severe poisoning requiring artificial respiration also occasionally occurred
following the intraduodenal administration of magnesium sulphate during deworming (Thurnher and
Kresbach, 1961). According to Stevens and Wolf (1950) seven cases of poisoning with Epsom salt with
5 fatalities were published between 1841 and 1909.
Animal experiments have proven a significant cubic relation between the logarithm of orally administered
Mg and the Mg concentrations in plasma and bone (Classen et al, 1983). In other words, oral Mg supply
has to be considerably increased to increase plasma Mg. Depending on plasma/serum Mg levels the
following dose-response relations can be established (Spätling et al, 2000; Woods, 1991):
0.76 - 1.10 mmol/L Reference value
0.80 - 1.10 mmol/L Optimal concentration
1.10 - 2.50 mmol/L Therapeutic range (infusion therapy)
2.50 - 3.50 mmol/L Decreased neuromuscular transmission
3.50 - 7.00 mmol/L Curare-like effect requiring artificial respiration
10.0 - 12.5 mmol/L Cardiac arrest
In 6 healthy volunteers about 4% of a 56.5 mmol oral dose of MgSO
(ca. 1,400 mg of Mg) given in 4
hours was enterally absorbed (Morris et al, 1987) without inducing hypermagnesaemia. In the literature,
only few cases of toxic hypermagnesaemia (>2.5 mmol/L) have been published, mostly owing to the
(ab-)use of Mg as laxatives or antacids in single doses of >100 mmol Mg (ca. 2,500 mg). Woodard et al
(1990) observed maximal blood levels of 2 mmol Mg/L in 102 patients receiving ca. 380 mmol Mg daily
(ca. 9,200 mg of Mg; multiple doses, therapy of drug overdose) and Smilkstein et al (1988) observed levels
up to 2.5 mmol/L after daily doses of up to 360 mmol MgSO
(ca. 8,800 mg of Mg). Symptoms were
hypotension, nausea and vomiting. Hypoventilation and respiratory depression were reported by Jones et
al (1986) and by Gren and Woolf (1989) in young women treated with Mg citrate (136 mmol, ca. 3,300 mg
of Mg) for salicylate and tricyclic overdose; serum Mg levels were 5.7 and 4.0 mmol/L, respectively. Fung
(1995) reported the case of a 69 years old multimorbid woman who took about 990 mmol Mg (ca. 24,000
mg of Mg) daily as an antacid; serum levels increased up to 6.7 mmol/L and caused hypoventilation. The
patient recovered. Clark and Brown (1992) identified 12 elderly patients (70 ± 6 yr) among 19,761 hospital
admissions with hypermagnesaemia (maximally 3.3 mmol/L); oral daily Mg doses (citrate, hydroxide)
ranged between 84 and 256 mmol (2,000 to 6,300 mg of Mg). Hypotension was the most frequent
clinical sequelae; 2 patients died due to refractory hypotension to which hypermagnesaemia may have
contributed. As bowel disorders were present in most patients it is speculated that active ulcer disease,
gastritis, colitis, etc. may enhance Mg absorption. Severely impaired renal function (inulin clearance <10
mL/min) is another risk factor (Aikawa, 1981; Randall et al, 1964). High age per se is however not a risk
factor since Kinnunen and Salokannel (1987) did not observe hypermagnesaemia in 64 geriatric patients
(mean age 81 years) receiving daily doses of 28 mmol Mg hydroxide (ca. 680 mg of Mg).
Easily dissociable magnesium salts, especially the sulphate (“Epsom salt”, “Bittersalz”) are used as
“osmotic” and “saline” laxatives, respectively. Nevertheless mild diarrhoea can be taken as the most
sensitive non-desirable effect if Mg supplements are taken for nutritional purposes. However it must be
kept in mind that adaptation of the bowel to higher oral Mg intake is known (Nadler et al, 1992; Stendig-
Lindberg et al, 1993; Widman et al, 1993), that a mild laxative effect may be desirable (“four patients
reported mild diarrhoea in the Mg group, and a similar number felt that their bowel function improved
with less constipation”; Gullestadt et al, 1991), that mild laxative effects have been frequently observed
also in the placebo groups (perhaps caused by taste adjusters, vehicles a.o.) (Sibai et al, 1989), that
a given daily dose of Mg is better tolerated when it is divided into several portions, and finally that
the galenic form (aqueous solution, capsules, tablets, etc.) may play a role. Data from the literature
are summarized in Table 3 (next page) including children, pregnant women, tetanic, hypertensive and
cardiac patients as well as volunteers. Papers were only considered when the presence or absence
of “mild diarrhoea” was stated. Table 3 does not include Mg contained in food derived from plant or
animal sources this being considered to be poorly dissociable (e.g. phytates).
As discussed, mild diarrhoea is the most sensitive non-desirable effect of orally administered easily dissociable
magnesium salts. From the data presented in Table 1 one can conclude that mild diarrhoea occurs in a small
percentage of adult subjects at oral doses of about 360/365 mg Mg per day, hence presenting the LOAEL.
No laxative effects have been observed in adult men and women -also during pregnancy and lactation-
at doses up to 250 mg Mg per day. Therefore, this dose is considered as being the no-observed-
adverse-effect level (NOAEL).
The NOAEL was derived from studies in which pharmaceutical type of dosage formulation was taken
in addition to Mg present in normal foods and beverages. The amounts in food and beverages were
not measured or taken into account in the calculation of the NOAEL and therefore the UL for Mg
cannot be derived for the intake from all sources. Based on a NOAEL of 250 mg Mg per day and
an uncertainty factor of 1.0 an UL of 250 mg Mg per day can be established for readily dissociable
magnesium salts (e.g., chloride, sulphate, aspartate, lactate) and compounds like MgO in nutritional
supplements, water, or added to food and beverages. This UL does not include Mg normally present in
foods and beverages. An uncertainty factor of 1.0 is justified in view of the fact that data are available
from many human studies involving a large number of subjects from a spectrum of lifestage groups,
including adults, pregnant and lactating women, and children. In addition, the NOAEL is based on a
mild, transient laxative effect, without pathological sequelae, which is readily reversible and for which
considerable adaptation can develop within days. This UL holds for adults, including pregnant and
lactating women, and children from 4 years on.. As no data were available for children from 1 to 3 years,
and since it was considered that extrapolation of the UL for older children and adults on the basis of
body weight was inappropriate, no UL could be established for this age group.
Table 3. Mild diarrhoea induced by daily oral magnesium supplements
Total Mg Dose*
per day
Salt Weeks Ref.
Mean age
(range) (yr)
180 0/130 3 Tablets 5.3-17.4 M, F Asp. HCL# 3 1
245 0/112 2 Granules 8.1 (4-12) M, F Asp.HCL 3 2
245 0/181 2 Granules 4-12 M, F Asp.HCL 3 3
250 0/31 1 Tablets 58 F Hydroxide 72 4
360 1/32 3 Granules 37 (18-65) M, F
acid salt
4 5
365 0/17 3 Tablets 52 (33-66) M, F Asp.HCL 4 6
365 0/39 3 Granules 40 (20-59) M, F Asp.HCL 8 7
365 1/278 3 Tablets 28 (20-38) F Asp.HCL 26 8
365 4/17 3 Tablets 71 (56-88) nd
6 9
365 4/22 nd Tablets 62 M, F Hydroxide 12 10
384 1/25 6 Ent.coated 21 F Chloride 4 11
384 2/21 Divided Ent.coated 63 (42-73) M, F Chloride 6 12
400 2/20 nd Ent.coated 46 (26-65) M, F
8 13
476 18/50 2 Capsules 30 (21-50) M, F Oxide 8.5 14
480 2/12 nd nd 16 (11-21) M, F Asp.HCL 12 15
480 2/37 2 Granules 28.5 ± 4.5 F Asp.HCL 4 16
500 2/20 3 Capsules 57 M, F Oxide 12 17
576 0/5 3 Tablets 54 (38-75) M, F Oxide 6 18
to doses
1-3 Tablets 50 M, F Hydroxide 3x3 19
1095 8/8 nd
nd M, F Asp.HCL 1 20
* Referred to elemental Mg; nd = no data; M = males; F = females;
Asp. = aspartate.
1 Classen et al (1986) 2 Schimatschek et al (1997) 3 Schimatschek et al (2001) 4 Stendig-Lindberg et al (1993)
5 Fehlinger et al (1988) 6 Cappuccio et al (1984) 7 Plum-Wirell et al (1994) 8 Spätling and Spätling (1988)
9 Gullestad et al (1991) 10 Rasmussen et al (1989) 11 Ricci et al (1991) 12 Bashir et al (1993)
13 Nadler et al (1992) 14 Marken et al (1989) 15 Rueddel et al (1990) 16 Spätling et al (1998)
17 Daly et al (1990) 18 Spencer et al (1994) 19 Widman et al (1993) 20 Muehlbauer et al (1991)
Diarrhoea induced by easily dissociable Mg-salts or compounds like Mg-oxide is completely reversible
within 1 to 2 days and does not represent a significant health risk in subjects with intact renal function.
Poorly dissociable Mg salts (e.g. phytates) have a lower, if any, potential to induce diarrhoea.
While the UL is expressed as a daily intake it should be noted that most of the studies used in its
derivation involved daily intake obtained from two or more doses. Therefore the UL should apply to
daily intake of Mg consumed on two or more occasions. This is of greater importance for the sulphate
salt than for other readily dissociable salts of Mg, given the additional osmotic effect of sulphate ion.
No UL could be established for 1-3 year old children. Although the incidence of diarrhoea is generally
higher and its effects potentially more significant in this age group than in older children or adults, there
is otherwise no basis for considering that they are more susceptible to the laxation effects of Mg.
Toxic hypermagnesaemia, presenting e.g. with hypotension or muscular weakness, is only seen at oral
Mg doses greater than 2,500 mg, i.e. doses exceeding the UL by a factor of more than 10.
Aikawa JK (1981). Magnesium: its biologic significance. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
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Pantothenic Acid
This opinion is one in the series of opinions of the Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) on the upper
levels of vitamins and minerals. The terms of reference given by the European Commission for this task,
the related background and the guidelines used by the Committee to develop tolerable upper intake
levels for vitamins and minerals used in this opinion, which were expressed by the SCF on 19 October
2000, are available on the Internet at the pages of the SCF, at the address:
Pantothenic acid, sometimes designated as vitamin B
(in some text books also as B
), is N-(2,4-
dihydroxy-3,3-dimethyl-1-oxobutyl)-β-alanine. D-Pantothenic acid (MW 219.23) is the only occurring
natural form. Free pantothenic acid and its sodium salt are chemically unstable, and therefore the usual
pharmacological preparation is the calcium salt (calcium pantothenate). The alcohol, panthenol, is a
synthetic form which can be oxidised in vivo to pantothenic acid. It is included in the list of substances
that may be used in the manufacture of foods for particular nutritional uses and in food supplements
(the legal measure on food supplements is expected to be adopted in the immediate future). Panthenol
is widely used in cosmetic products.
Calcium pantothenate, commercially available as the D-isomer or D,L-racemate, is stable in neutral
solution, and destroyed by heat, and at alkaline or acid pH. In most dietary sources, and in biological
tissues, pantothenic acid is present as coenzyme A and 4’-phosphopantetheine.
Pantothenic acid was first shown to be an essential factor in 1933 for the growth of yeast and in curing
of (deficiency-induced) dermatitis in chickens. Pantothenic acid plays a central role in intermediary
metabolism as part of the coenzyme A (CoA) molecule and as part of the pantotheine functional group
in the acyl-carrier protein (Acyl-CP). This vitamin serves therefore as a cofactor in acyl-group activation
and transfer in fatty acid and carbohydrate metabolism, as well as in a wide range of (other) acylation
reactions (see Fox, 1984 and Plesofsky-Vig, 1996 for reviews). The synthesis of CoA is regulated by
pantothenate kinase, which is under control of the end products (CoA and acyl-CP).
Pantothenic acid is widely distributed among foods, especially high concentrations are found in yeast
and organ meat (liver, kidney), but eggs, milk, whole grain cereals and vegetables (e.g. broccoli) are good
sources. In most foods it is present in bound form (as CoA), requiring enzymatic treatment for analysis
of total contents. Ingested pantothenic acid is first hydrolysed to pantotheine and subsequently to free
pantothenic acid by pantotheinase in the intestinal lumen. Although in earlier studies simple diffusion
was reported to be the main transport system, there is now ample evidence that transport is effected in
mammals through a saturable, sodium dependent transport system in the jejunum (Fenstermacher and
Rose, 1986; Stein and Diamonds, 1989). The intestinal flora can produce pantothenic acid and animals
practising coprophagy such as, rats and mice, can use faeces as a “dietary” source. It is not yet clear
whether there is also direct uptake in the colon.
Data on bioavailability of pantothenic acid from foods in humans is limited. In one study (Tarr et al, 1981)
availability of pantothenate from an average American diet was assessed by comparing urinary excretion
levels after controlled feeding (during 5 weeks) of an average American diet, containing 11.5 mg pan-
tothenate, and a formula diet supplemented with 6.0 mg pantothenate (total intake 8.2 mg), respective-
ly. An average “relativebioavailability of 50% (range: 40-61%; n=6) was calculated, assuming 100%
availability from the synthetic form. About 60% of an oral dose of 10 and 100 mg/day, respectively, was
excreted as intact pantothenic acid (Fry et al, 1976). Urinary excretion (normal range between 2-7 mg [9-
32 μmol]/day) reflects dietary intake, although a wide range of individual variation has been noted.
In blood, pantothenic acid occurs both in plasma and in red blood cells. Whole blood concentrations
are reported to be ca. 2 µmol/L, and is considered to reflect status, although there are only few data
available to substantiate this conclusion.
Pantothenic Acid
Deficiency in humans is rare because of the widespread availability of pantothenic acid in the usual
diet. In underfed World War II prisoners of war in the Philippines painful burning sensations in their
feet (“burning feet syndrome”) and numb toes have been ascribed to a pantothenic acid deficiency.
Symptoms reported from an experimentally induced deficiency in humans using the antagonist
ω-methylpantothenate in combination with a pantothenic acid deficient diet, include non specific
symptoms such as headache, fatigue, insomnia and paresthesia of hands and feet. Increased insulin
sensitivity and a decreased eosinopenic response to ACTH, and loss of antibody production, have also
been reported (see Plesofsky-Vig, 1996). In animals diet-induced deficiency symptoms are hypertrophy
of the adrenal cortex and increased resistance to viral infections in rats; hypoglycaemia, gastrointestinal
symptoms and convulsions in dogs, and dermatitis and poor feathering in chickens.
There are only limited data on the pantothenate requirements and the SCF could not establish a
recommended intake. Average intakes in adults are about 4-7 mg/day, with a range of 3-12 mg/
day. Such intakes were considered adequate to prevent deficiency, including during pregnancy and
lactation (SCF, 1993). Mean (97.5 percentile) intake from food in Great Britain (UK 1986/87 survey;
Gregory et al, 1990) were 6.3 (10.5) and 4.5 (7.7) mg/day for men and women, respectively; and
6.6 (11.2) and 5.1 (9.1) mg/day, respectively, from all sources (food and supplements). For Ireland
mean intakes from all sources (food and supplements) were reported as 6.5 (12.5) mg in men and
5.3 (14.4) mg in women, and from food sources only as 6.1 (10.4) and 4.3 (7.2) mg/day, respectively
(IUNA, 2001).
Recently the Institute of Medicine Committee (IOM, 1998) estimated the level of adequate intake (AI)
for pantothenic acid at 5 mg/day for adults, based upon replacement of the amount lost by urinary
In the studies on pantothenic acid which were reviewed it was not specified whether D or D,L forms
were used and therefore the conclusions drawn relate to both isomers.
3.1. Data from studies in animals
For mice and rats, a subcutaneous LD
has been reported for pantothenic acid of 2.7 g/kg bw and 3.4
g/kg bw, respectively; the oral LD
for mice was 10 g/kg bw, death due to respiratory failure (Unna and
Greslin, 1941). Following repeated oral dosing in rats (50-200 mg/day for 190 days), in dogs (50 mg/kg
bw/day for 6 months), and in monkeys (1 g/day; 250-400 mg/kg bw/day for 6 months) no toxic effects
were reported (Unna and Greslin, 1941).
According to the “Cosmetic ingredient review” (1987) on panthenol and pantothenic acid no teratogenic
or foetotoxic effects are known for rats fed calcium pantothenate before mating and throughout
gestation. No abnormal chemical, histochemical and histological abnormalities were observed in the
liver, adrenal, duodenum and tibia of the young rats at birth, born from females receiving 100 μg or 1 mg
calcium pantothenate daily during pregnancy (Everson et al, 1954; Chung et al, 1954). In the offspring
of the group of rats treated with 50 mg/day, which were fed with the same daily dose as soon as they
were weaned, a normal development was observed and weight gain comparable to the control group
(Unna and Greslin, 1941).
No toxicological effects have been reported for D- and D,L-panthenol in subchronic oral toxicity studies
in rats with dosages between 20-200 mg/day for 90 days; and with 2 mg/day for 6 months (studies
cited in the “Cosmetic ingredient review”, 1987)
3.2. Data from studies in humans
No data have been reported on pantothenic acid or panthenol toxicity in humans. A Medline and
Toxline search from 1966 on did not reveal any report on adverse effects after oral intake of pantothenic
acid or panthenol.
High dosages were used in a placebo-controlled, double-blind trial on the potential beneficial effect of
pantothenic acid in treatment of patients with arthritic symptoms (General Practitioner Research Group,
1980). In this study 94 patients were treated for 8 weeks with dosages of calcium pantothenate, starting
with 500 mg/day in the first two days, then 1 g/day for the next three days, 1.5 g/day the following four
days, and 2 g/day from day 10 until the end of the trial (47 patients treated; 46 on placebo). In this study
Pantothenic Acid
no side effects of treatment were noted, while some evidence was obtained for a beneficial effect on
pain and disability in the subgroup of rheumatoid arthritis patients. Other therapeutic trials, such as in
wound healing, using dosages between 0.2-0.9 g/day also reported no adverse (nor beneficial) effects
(Vaxman, 1996).
In one study in children with attention deficit disorders (n=41) treated with 1.2 g pantothenic acid per
day, in combination with 3 g nicotinamide, 3 g ascorbic acid and 0.6 g pyridoxine, increased serum
transaminase levels were reported for 17 children, treated for 12 weeks (Haslam et al, 1984). Whether
this hepatotoxic effect was related to the high dose of pantothenic acid, or to the combination with
the high doses of nicotinamide, vitamin C and pyridoxine, cannot be concluded from this study, and
therefore, this study cannot be used in risk assessment of pantothenic acid. Occasional diarrhoea and
water retention might occur at daily dose levels of 10-20 g/day, as found in studies on stress protection
and prevention of greying of hair (studies mentioned in a review by Fox, 1984, and in a Cosmetic
Ingredient review on the safety of panthenol and pantothenic acid, 1987).
Owing to the lack of systematic oral dose response intake studies and the very low toxicity of
pantothenic acid (calcium pantothenate or panthenol) no LOAEL and NOAEL can be established and
no numerical UL can be derived.
Pantothenic acid apparently has a very low toxicity and minor adverse gastrointestinal effects such
as occasional diarrhoea and water retention occurred only at very high intake levels (10-20 g/day).
Average intakes in adults range between 3-12 mg/day, and this intake level is considered as adequate.
Few data on distribution of intakes from dietary and supplement sources are available. In Ireland the
97.5 percentile of intakes from all sources (food and supplements) was reported 12.5 mg in men and
14.4 mg in women, and from food sources only as 10.4 mg and 7.2 mg per day, respectively (IUNA,
2001). For the UK the 97.5 percentile of intakes reported for all sources (food and supplements) was
11.2 mg in men and 9.1 mg in women, and from food sources only as 10.5 mg and 7.7 mg per day,
respectively (Gregory et al, 1990).
Although it is not possible to derive a numerical UL for pantothenic acid evidence available from clinical
studies using high doses of pantothenic acid indicates that intakes considerably in excess of current
levels of intake from all sources do not represent a health risk for the general population.
Chung NY, Northrop L, Getty R, Everson G (1954). Effect of varying the intake of calcium pantothenate of rats during pregnancy; II.
Histological and histochemical studies. J Nutr 54: 97-105.
Cosmetic Ingredient review (1987). Final Report on the safety assessment of panthenol and pantothenic acid. J Am Coll Toxicol 6: 139-162.
Everson G, Northrop L, Chung NY, Getty R, Pudelkewicz C (1954). Effect of varying the intake of calcium pantothenate of rats during
pregnancy; I. Chemical findings in the young at birth. J Nutr 53: 341-50.
Fenstermacher DK and Rose RC (1985). Pantothenic acid transport in rat and chicken intestine. Gastroenterology 88: 1381.
Fox HM (1984). Pantothenic acid.
: Handbook of Vitamins, Nutritional, Biochemical and Clinical Aspects (Machlin LJ, Ed.), New York,
Dekker, pp 437-458.
Fry PC, Fox HM, Tao HG (1976). Metabolic response to a pantothenic acid deficient diet in humans. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo) 22:
General Practitioner Research Group (1980). Calcium pantothenate in arthritic conditions. The Practitioner 224: 208-211.
Gregory J, Foster K, Tyler HA, Wiseman M (1990). The dietary and nutritional survey of British adults. ISBN 0 11 691300 2. London: HMSO.
Haslam RH, Dalby JT, Rademaker AW (1984). Effects of megavitamin therapy on children with attention deficit disorders. Pediatrics 74:
IOM (Institute of Medicine) (1998). Dietary reference intakes for thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B
, folate, vitamin B
, pantothenic acid,
biotin, and choline. National Academy Press, Washington, 1998.
IUNA (Irish Universities Nutrition Alliance) (2001). The North-South Ireland Food Consumption Survey, Food Safety Promotion Board,
Dublin (
Pantothenic Acid
Plesofsky-Vig N (1996). Pantothenic acid.
: Present knowledge in Nutrition, 7
Ed., Editor ILSI, Nutrition Foundation, Washington DC,
pp 236-244.
SCF (Scientific Committee on Food) (1993). Nutrient and energy intakes for the European Community. Reports of the Scientific Committee
for Food (Thirty-first series). European Commission, Luxembourg.
Stein ED and Diamonds JM (1989). Do dietary levels of pantothenic acid regulate its intestinal uptake in mice? J Nutr 119: 1973-1983.
Tarr JB, Tamura T and Stokstad ELR (1981). Availability of vitamin B
and pantothenate in an average American diet in man. Am J Clin
Nutr 34: 1328-1337.
Unna K and Greslin JG (1941). Studies on the toxicity and pharmacology of pantothenic acid. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 73: 85-90.
Vaxman F, Olender S, Lambert A, Nisand G, Grenier JF (1996). Can the wound healing process be improved by vitamin supplementation?
Experimental study on humans. Eur Surg Res 28: 306-314.
Nicotinic Acid and Nicotinamide (Niacin)
This opinion is one in the series of opinions of the Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) on the upper
levels of vitamins and minerals. The terms of reference given by the European Commission for this task,
the related background and the guidelines used by the Committee to develop tolerable upper intake
levels for vitamins and minerals used in this opinion, which were expressed by the SCF on 19 October
2000, are available on the Internet at the pages of the SCF, at the address:
Niacin is the term used to describe two related compounds, nicotinic acid and nicotinamide, both of which
have biological activity. Niacin is not strictly speaking a vitamin because it is formed from the metabolism
of tryptophan, and is not per se essential to the body, providing that there is an adequate supply of the
essential amino acid tryptophan (Horwitt et al, 1981). Niacin is the precursor for two cofactors, NAD
(nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) and NADP (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate), which are
essential for the functioning of a wide range of enzymes involved in redox reactions.
The condition that is characteristic of a deficiency of both tryptophan and preformed niacin is pellagra,
which was originally recognised in 1735 and is characterised by spinal pains, “magenta tongue”,
digestive disturbances and subsequently erythema with drying and expurgation of the skin. Various
nervous manifestations, such as spasms, ataxic paraplegia and mental disturbances occur in severe
cases. The deficiency disease occurred in Italy, Southern France, Spain and in the southern states of
the United States of America where over 170,000 cases were reported annually between 1910 and
1935. In the 1930s the recognition of the essential role of nicotinic acid in relation to a related condition,
canine black-tongue, and the essential role of nicotinamide in the cofactors NAD and NADPH led to
the recognition of the nature of the deficiency, and the establishment of niacin as a vitamin (Smith
et al, 1937). Short-term (3 weeks) niacin deficiency in the elderly may lead to an increase in serum
triglycerides in some subjects (Ribaya-Mercado et al, 1997).
The co-enzymes NAD and NADPH are involved in a large number of redox reactions essential for the
normal functioning of mammalian cells. In addition, NAD is the source for ADP-ribose, which is used in
repairing DNA breakage caused by mutagens and other toxins.
Niacin is present in food largely as bound forms that require hydrolysis to release the free nicotinamide
or nicotinic acid prior to absorption. In animal tissues niacin is present mainly as the coenzymes NAD
and NADP (Henderson, 1983; Turner and Hughes, 1962). There are negligible concentrations of free
nicotinic acid in crops such as cereals. Boiling releases most of the total niacin present in sweet corn
as nicotinamide (up to 55 mg/kg) but very little as nicotinic acid (<5 mg/kg) (Kodicek et al, 1974; Mason
et al, 1973). The niacin in cereals such as wheat, barley and oats does not give free nicotinic acid or
nicotinamide on cooking (Mason et al, 1973). Roasted coffee contains higher concentrations of free
nicotinic acid (160-400 mg/kg) (Smith, 1963).
Nicotinamide may be obtained from the diet where it is present primarily as NAD and NADP,
which are hydrolysed in the intestine and the resulting nicotinamide absorbed either as such, or
following its hydrolysis to nicotinic acid. In addition, the niacin in cereals is present as a glycoside
of nicotinic acid, which undergoes limited hydrolysis in vivo and is essentially not absorbed from
the gastrointestinal tract and is not bioavailable (Yu and Kies, 1993). Nicotinic acid itself is rapidly
absorbed from both the stomach and the upper small intestine (Bechgaard and Jespersen, 1977).
The conversion of nicotinic acid to nicotinamide occurs subsequent to its formation as a pyridine
nucleotide; nicotinic acid reacts with 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate to form the nicotinic acid
mononucleotide, which then condenses with ATP to form the nicotinic acid analogue of NAD, which
is subsequently converted to NAD by a reaction with glutamine and ATP. In contrast, nicotinamide is
converted to the pyridine nucleotide simply by reaction with phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate. The
Nicotinic Acid and Nicotinamide (Niacin)
cofactor NAD is converted to NADP by reaction with ATP. Nicotinamide can be formed from NAD via
enzymatic cleavage to nicotinamide and adenosine diphosphate ribose.
The major pathway of metabolism of nicotinamide is by methylation in the liver to form N
nicotinamide via reaction with methionine (as a methyl donor) and ATP. N-Methyl nicotinamide does
not have biological activity and is a polar, water-soluble excretory product. It may be further oxidised in
the 6 position of the pyridine ring to give N
-methyl-6-pyridone-3-carboxamide. High doses of nicotinic
acid are excreted in the urine, as nicotinic acid and its glycine conjugate (nicotinuric acid) (Figge et al,
1988; Stern et al, 1992).
Because of the metabolic formation of niacin from tryptophan, the dietary requirements for niacin are
complex and related to the dietary content of both tryptophan and niacin (neglecting niacin in cereals,
which is largely not bioavailable). By convention the total niacin equivalents in the diet is taken as the
sum of preformed niacin plus 1/60 of the tryptophan content (Horwitt et al, 1981; SCF, 1993). There is
no absolute requirement for preformed niacin in the diet, and the 1993 SCF evaluation recommended
intakes of niacin equivalents between 9 and 18 mg/day. However, the SCF report stated “it is likely there
is no requirement for any preformed niacin in the diet under normal conditions and that endogenous
synthesis from tryptophan will meet requirements”.
Intake data are available for a number of European countries (Table 1), which indicate that average
intakes are about twice those recommended in the 1993 report of the SCF. The data also show that
food supplements (that contain nicotinamide) represent a minor source of intake, even at the 97.5
percentile of intake.
Table 1. The daily intakes of niacin equivalents in EU countries (mg/day)
Population n Method Supplements*
Mean or
individual 2488 24h recall Not defined 30.6 66.3
Household 2734 7-day record + 19 31
Household 5958 2-day record - 16.7 36.7
7-day record
7-day record
Results are for intake as preformed niacin and from metabolism of dietary tryptophan.
+ data included supplements; - data excluded supplements.
Elmadfa et al (1998)
Heseker et al (1992)
Mensink and Ströbel (1999)
Turrini (INRAN)
Hulshof (1999) (preformed only)
Gregory J et al (1990)
IUNA (2001) (preformed only)
All of the available data on hazard identification and characterisation relate to studies following the
administration of either nicotinic acid or nicotinamide.
Nicotinic Acid and Nicotinamide (Niacin)
3.1. Data from studies in animals
There is a very limited animal toxicity database on either nicotinic acid or nicotinamide, with the
majority of the available studies published before 1960. Weight loss, convulsions and death were
reported in dogs given nicotinic acid at 2 g per day for 20 days, but not in dogs treated with up to 1 g
per day for 8 weeks (Chen et al, 1938), or in dogs given sodium nicotinate at a dose of 1 g per kg body
weight for 63 days (Unna, 1939). Toxicity was not found in rats given 1 g per day of sodium nicotinate
in the diet for 40 days (Unna, 1939), whereas nicotinamide inhibited the growth of rats when given
at 1% in the diet for 28 days (Handler and Dann, 1942). Suppression of growth in rats was reported
when nicotinamide was incorporated into the drinking water to give an intake of 0.62 g/day (Petley and
Wilkin, 1992). A study has reported that nicotinamide was not carcinogenic when mice were given a
1% nicotinamide solution as drinking water for their life-span (Toth, 1983). Data on genotoxicity have
not been identified.
Niacin deficiency results in birth defects (Chamberlain and Nelson, 1963) and impaired viability;
nicotinamide is transferred actively across the placenta (Hill and Longo, 1980; Kaminetzky et al, 1974)
and into breast milk (Deodhar et al, 1964). However there are only limited data on the effects of excessive
niacin either in utero or during neonatal development. Abnormal neural tube closure defects and other
abnormalities were reported when chick egg white was replaced with a solution containing 20 mg of
nicotinic acid (Hansborough, 1974) but such experiments are not of value for hazard identification. The
limited data available from animal studies did not indicate that either nicotinamide or nicotinic acid was
teratogenic, but these were observations from old studies (cited in Schardein, 2000) that would not be
considered adequate for risk assessment purposes.
3.2. Data from studies in humans
The principal identification of hazards associated with excessive intakes of niacin have arisen from
studies in which high doses of nicotinic acid have been used for its therapeutic effects in lowering
blood cholesterol and blood hyperlipidaemias. The most comprehensive study was that conducted
by the Coronary Drug Project Research Group (1975). A number of hazards have been reported to
be associated with high doses of nicotinic acid. These have been summarised by the US National
Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine in their evaluation of dietary reference intakes.
In addition, nicotinamide has been investigated as a method for reducing the risk of the development
of diabetes (Knip et al, 2000). Studies have shown that nicotinamide can afford protection in an
animal model of immune mediated insulin-dependent diabetes (Reddy et al, 1990), and it has been
investigated in a number of clinical trials, some of which are still ongoing.
3.2.1. Vasodilatory effects (flushing)
Vasodilation is commonly seen in patients given high doses of nicotinic acid for the treatment of
hyperlipidaemias. Very large single doses cause hypotension, although tolerance develops to this
effect after several days of continued high dose intake. In general, flushing is a mild and transient effect
although in many clinical trials it has resulted in patients withdrawing from treatment. The flushing activity
appears to be related to the presence of a carboxyl group on the pyridine nucleus since compounds
lacking this function, including nicotinamide, are not associated with facial flushing (Bean and Spies,
1940). Flushing is associated with periods of rapid rises in blood concentrations, and sustained-release
formulations were developed for the use of nicotinic acid in the treatment of hypercholesterolaemia,
in order to minimise this side-effect. Flushing is produced via prostaglandin D
release (Morrow et al,
1989 and 1992) and a “niacin flush-test” has been used as a method of investigating essential fatty
acid metabolism (Glen et al, 1996). Tolerance develops due to decreased formation of prostaglandin D
on repeated dosage (Stern et al, 1991). Although flushing is not a clearly adverse effect and single oral
doses of 100 mg do not alter heart rate or blood pressure, some patients in the study of Spies et al
(1938) reported dizziness after oral nicotinic acid (doses not defined). Theoretically if flushing occurred
in the elderly, it could exacerbate mild postural hypotension, and could increase the risk of falls, which
are a common cause of morbidity in the elderly. This risk relates to taking supplements containing
nicotinic acid (not nicotinamide), especially if taken on an empty stomach.
3.2.2. Gastrointestinal effects
Gastrointestinal effects such as dyspepsia, diarrhoea and constipation are common in patients with
hypercholesterolaemia given high doses of nicotinic acid (3 g/day - especially as the sustained-release
formulation; Knopp et al, 1985).
Nicotinic Acid and Nicotinamide (Niacin)
3.2.3. Hepatotoxicity
Severe and potentially life-threatening hepatotoxicity has been associated with treatment of patients with
3-9 g nicotinic acid per day for periods of months or years for the treatment of hypercholesterolaemia.
Severe cases show liver dysfunction and fulminant hepatitis and may even proceed to encephalopathy
requiring liver transplantation. Many of the patients showing hepatotoxicity were taking the slow release
formulation of the compound, so that in contrast to the flushing discussed above, the development of
hepatic toxicity is a function of long-term chronic exposure to relatively constant levels rather than the
fluctuating levels and rapid rises which produce flushing.
3.2.4. Glucose intolerance
Nicotinic acid (3 g/day) has been reported to impair glucose tolerance in otherwise healthy individuals
treated for hypercholesterolaemia.
3.2.5. Other effects
There have been rare reported cases of a range of effects including blurred vision, macular oedema and
increased plasma homocysteine concentrations in patients given high doses of nicotinic acid. These
effects were reported at doses similar to those producing hepatic dysfunction, and were reversible
upon cessation of high dose treatment. (See below).
There has been a single report of a possible association with congenital malformation in women taking
nicotinamide during early pregnancy (Nelson and Forfar, 1971). On the basis of their retrospective
survey of drug and vitamin prescriptions during pregnancy in 1369 mothers, the authors reported that a
significantly (P<0.05) higher proportion of women with infants showing abnormalities took nicotinamide
in the first 56 days (5/458), compared with mothers of normal babies (1/911). In contrast no such
relationship was found during later phases of pregnancy or over the whole of the pregnancy. The paper
did not report the doses of nicotinamide taken. This finding is in contrast to the results of the large
multicentre study on vitamins and the prevention of neural tube defect (MRC Vitamin Study Research
Group, 1991). In that study 1817 women with high risk for producing a baby with neural tube defect
were randomised into 4 groups; one group received folic acid, one group a multivitamin preparation
(that did not include folate but contained 15 mg/day of nicotinamide), one group was given both
preparations and one group received neither preparation. Although the study focussed on neural tube
defects, any foetal malformation was recorded together with other pregnancy outcomes, and there was
no difference in incidence between the multivitamin preparation and placebo.
4.1. Nicotinic acid
4.1.1. Vasodilatory effects (flushing)
Low doses of nicotinic acid may produce mild but noticeable flushing when taken on an empty
stomach (Hathcock, 1997) and this represents the adverse effect detected at the lowest doses. An
early study (Smith et al, 1937) reported that a single oral dose of 60 mg nicotinic acid produced
marked flushing, which was not associated with changes in heart rate or blood pressure. Spies et al
(1938) reported flushing in 5% and about 50% of subjects given single oral doses of 50 mg and 100
mg nicotinic acid, respectively. The dose-response for flushing was examined further by Sebrell and
Butler (1938) who gave 3 groups of 6 subjects daily dose of 10, 30 or 50 mg nicotinic acid for 92 days
as single oral doses given in solution added to tomato juice and consumed with the mid-day meal;
flushing was reported intermittently by 4, 2 and 0 of the subjects given 50, 30 and 10 mg, respectively.
The response is possibly related to periods of rapid increase in plasma concentrations of nicotinic acid,
because the response is greater after intravenous dosage and is blunted if taken orally with food (Bean
and Spies, 1940). Rash, pruritus and a sensation of warmth was reported following the consumption
of pumpernickel bagels, accidentally made to contain 190 mg nicotinic acid per bagel (MMWR, 1983)
and following the consumption of cooked meat containing 225 mg/100 g (Press and Yeager, 1962). This
hazard does not seem to be related to nicotinamide. The facial flushing associated with low doses of
nicotinic acid can be prevented by co-administration of an inhibitor of prostaglandin synthesis such as
aspirin (although this is not always recommended - Schuna, 1997).
4.1.2. Gastrointestinal effects
Gastrointestinal effects such as dyspepsia, diarrhoea and constipation are common in patients given
high doses of nicotinic acid for hypercholesterolaemia. Ruffin (cited in Sebrell and Butler, 1938) reported
Nicotinic Acid and Nicotinamide (Niacin)
nausea and vomiting in 2 out of 10 subjects given 1 g of nicotinic acid. Spies et al (1938) reported
nausea and vomiting in subjects given oral doses of 300-1500 mg of nicotinic acid. Nausea is a common
adverse effect in the studies of patients given 3 g of nicotinic acid daily for hypercholesterolaemia.
4.1.3. Hepatotoxicity
The first report of hepatotoxicity associated with the administration of nicotinic acid was in a study
in dogs (Chen et al, 1938), which compared the toxicity of nicotine with nicotinic acid. In that study 2
dogs were given either 145 or 133 mg/kg bw/day nicotinic acid orally and both developed convulsions
and excreted blood in their faeces about 2-3 weeks after treatment started. Post mortem observations
included gastrointestinal adhesions, “fatty metamorphosis” of the liver and neuronal damage.
The first case-report of hepatotoxicity of nicotinic acid in humans was in a 23 year old man who
developed jaundice after taking 3 g per day for 72 weeks (Rivin, 1959). Subsequent case-reports
included a man who had taken 3 g per day for 6 months (Pardue, 1961), and a woman who developed
pruritus and jaundice after taking 3 g nicotinic acid (together with 3 g vitamin C and 100 mg pyridoxine
for a psychological disturbance) per day for 2.5 years (Einstein et al, 1975). A survey of 66 patients
treated with nicotinic acid, of whom 51 had taken 3 g/day for 12 months or more, found a high
incidence of abnormal liver function tests (23 patients) while on treatment, with 2 patients developing
jaundice (Berge et al, 1961).
Approximately one-third of the 1119 patients in the study of the Coronary Drug Project Research Group
(1975), who received 3 g/day nicotinic acid for up to 5 years, were reported to have elevated serum
glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase (SGOT) and alkaline phosphatase levels.There have been a number
of reports of individual cases of patients with severe hepatotoxicity resulting from the use of nicotinic
acid for hypercholesterolaemia or hypertriglyceridaemia. Four cases of liver disease were associated
with doses of 2.5 g of sustained-release nicotinic acid daily for 5 months, 1.5 g of sustained-release
nicotinic acid per day for 3 months, 2.25 g of sustained-release nicotinic acid per day for an unrecorded
period, and 2 g of sustained-release nicotinic acid daily for an unrecorded period (Coppola et al, 1994).
In all cases, cessation of nicotinic acid administration resulted in resolution of the liver symptomatology.
A single case report gave some insight into the dose-response relationship for sustained-release nicotinic
acid since symptoms of anorexia, fatigue and persistent nausea arose approximately one month at the
end of a sequence of dose escalation from 1 g/day through 3 g/day for one month and finally 4 g/day for
one month (Lawrence, 1993). A rapid reversal of the symptoms was found at 3 weeks after discontinuation
of the nicotinic acid therapy.
Rader et al (1992) reviewed the available cases of hepatotoxicity and side-effects from conventional
and sustained-release nicotinic acid and concluded that adverse effects were frequently seen shortly
after an abrupt change from unmodified to sustained-release preparations. Their paper summarised
both the dose and the duration of therapy in the different cases of hepatic toxicity and showed that in
general toxicity was associated with doses of 3 g/day or more, although there were 2 cases who took
less than 1 g/day for short periods (0.75 g conventional nicotinic acid per day for less than 3 months;
0.5 g sustained-release nicotinic acid for 2 months).
A comparison of an immediate release formulation and a sustained-release formulation of nicotinic
acid in two groups of 23 patients with low density lipoproteinaemia studied the sequential effect of
0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 and 3 g per day for period of 6 weeks each. The therapeutic efficacy was similar for
the two formulations but there were interesting differences in the side-effect profiles. About 39% of
subjects on the immediate release formulation withdrew before completing the 3 g/day dose due to
vasodilatory symptoms and fatigue, whereas 78% of subjects in the sustained-release group withdrew
before completion of the study, primarily due to gastrointestinal tract symptoms, fatigue and changes
in serum aminotransferases, indicative of hepatic dysfunction. Interestingly, the lowest dose of 0.5 g/
day appeared to be better tolerated with the sustained-release preparation than the immediate release
primarily because of vasodilatory symptoms (McKenney et al, 1994).
The study of McKenney et al has been criticised because the dosage regimen of twice daily
administration was considered to minimise the tolerability of the protocol and give the greatest
potential for side-effects. The authors of the critique (Kennan et al, 1994) report that there was only
a 5% drop-out rate as a result of intolerance and toxicity after one year in a study of 1119 subjects
receiving 3 g (1 g three times a day) of immediate release nicotinic acid. The study of McKenney et al
was also criticised because of the high top dose administered since drop-out rates of only 3-4% had
been reported in studies where the maximum dose was 2 g/day.
Nicotinic Acid and Nicotinamide (Niacin)
The results of a multicentre study on the long-term safety and efficacy of a sustained-release preparation
of nicotinic acid were reported by Guyton et al (1998). Nicotinic acid doses, ranging from 0.5-3 g were
given once a day at bedtime to a total of 269 patients for a period up to 96 weeks. The average dose
given at the end of the study was 2 g/day with a range from 1-3 g, which indicates the poor tolerability
of doses greater than 2 g/day. The principal adverse effect was flushing which resulted in 4.8% of
the participants discontinuing the study (although they were advised that they could take aspirin to
reduce this symptom). Those individuals who showed flushing had an average of one episode of 1.2
hours duration every 4-5 weeks. A total of 9 patients showed elevated transaminase levels of at least 2
times the upper limit of normal. However 5 of these patients were on a combination therapy including
nicotinic acid plus nystatin or a bile acid sequestrant. In 5 of the cases the transaminase elevation
resolved while treatment with nicotinic acid continued and without a reduction in dose. Therefore this
study demonstrates only mild hepatotoxicity in a group of subjects given controlled doses of sustained-
release nicotinic acid.
Dalton and Berry (1992) describe a single case of a woman who presented with hepatotoxicity after
taking crystalline nicotinic acid for a period of 2 years and sustained-release formulation for a period
of only 2 days prior to admission. Her symptoms on admission to hospital included hypothermia,
hypotension and metabolic acidosis, and the authors suggested that this may have been a result of
the change from conventional to sustained-release nicotinic acid associated with prolonged flushing
and possibly significant transcutaneous heat loss. This observation is ironic, since the sustained-
release formulation was primarily developed to minimise the skin flushing reaction associated with
conventional nicotinic acid (Rader et al, 1992). Some studies have suggested that sustained-release
formulations of nicotinic acid produce a greater incidence of hepatotoxicity (Christensen et al, 1961;
Knopp, 1989; Mullin et al, 1989; Henkin et al, 1990), although this is not a consistent observation in all
studies (Gibbons et al, 1995).
Gray et al (1994) reported that the daily intakes of nicotinic acid in 42 elderly diabetic patients who
developed hepatic dysfunction (2.33 ± 0.15 g/day) were significantly higher than the doses for the
remaining 854 subjects (1.64 ± 0.03 g/day) who did not develop hepatic dysfunction.
Effects on prothrombin time have been reported in patients taking sufficient nicotinic acid to cause
hepatic toxicity. Elevated prothrombin times have been reported in a small number of cases, which
were associated with only mild elevation of transaminase levels so that blood-clotting disorders may
become the limiting sign of hepatotoxicity in some cases. Three cases reported by Dearing et al (1992)
were receiving 2.0, 2.0 and 3.0 g of nicotinic acid daily.
In contrast to the studies that have reported abnormal liver function in patients treated with nicotinic
acid, a small study in the group of 30 patients with hyperlipidaemia who were given slow release
nicotinic acid at 1 g/day for 2 months and then 2-3 g/day for 10 months reported a low incidence
of symptoms other than skin flushing (which had an incidence of 26.7% - mostly at the start of
the treatment period). There was no evidence of hepatic abnormalities as indicated by changes in
serum aminotransferases, alkaline phosphatase or antipyrine test results (Chojnowska-Jezierska and
Adamska-Dyniewska, 1998).
A large number of studies have defined the efficacy and tolerability of both conventional and sustained-
or controlled-release nicotinic acid in the treatment of hypercholesterolaemia and hyperlipidaemias.
The data from these studies provide adequate evidence of the hazard identification and some evidence
of dose-response characterisation. A major problem with the use of such data for establishing an
upper level is that the doses investigated were restricted to those that showed clinical efficacy in the
conditions being treated (mostly 3 g/day), and there are few data available at lower levels (Rader et al,
1992). Hodis (1990) reported a case of acute hepatic failure, which was ascribed to treatment with 500
mg per day nicotinic acid, however there was no repeat challenge or other data to support causation
(other than an absence of other recognised reasons).
4.1.4. Glucose intolerance
Although hyperglycaemia is a relatively rare side-effect associated with high doses of nicotinic acid, it
can be of clinical significance. Administration of 3 g of nicotinic acid per day for 10-14 days to volunteers
resulted in an increase in fasting blood glucose and immuno-reactive insulin in serum (Miettinen et al,
1969). An increase in blood glucose concentrations, glycosuria, elevated serum ketone bodies, and an
increase requirement for hypoglycaemic medication were reported in 6 patients with diabetes mellitus,
who were receiving between 1 g and 3 g of nicotinic acid daily for a period of 2 weeks or more (Molnar
Nicotinic Acid and Nicotinamide (Niacin)
et al, 1964). Gray et al (1994) reported a high incidence of hyperglycaemia in elderly hyperlipidaemic
patients who had been treated with high doses of nicotinic acid (average dose 1.7 g/day). Schwartz
(1993) described a patient who was hospitalised with severe hyperglycaemia following treatment with
3 g of nicotinic acid per day for 4 months; administration of insulin and oral hypoglycaemics reversed
and stabilised the blood glucose levels.
4.1.5. Other effects and overall dose-response relationships
Thrombocytopaenia, which resolved on cessation of nicotinic acid treatment, was reported in a single patient
who developed hepatitis 10 years after the initiation of nicotinic acid treatment (Reimund and Ramos, 1994).
The plasma concentrations of homocysteine were increased by 55% in patients with peripheral arterial
disease who were treated with nicotinic acid (Garg et al, 1999). The 52 patients were a subgroup from
a multicentre study in which patients were given increasing doses of 100, 500 and 1000 mg per day
over periods of 3-4 weeks (in order to identify patients who tolerated nicotinic acid), following which the
subjects were randomised to receive either placebo or nicotinic acid (up to 3 g per day). The plasma
concentrations of homocysteine were measured at baseline, at randomisation and at 18 and 48 weeks
after randomisation. Plasma homocysteine increased from 13.1 ± 0.5 μM at baseline to 15.3 ± 0.8 μM
at randomisation. After randomisation the levels increased further in those receiving nicotinic acid (to
about 20 μM at 18 and 48 weeks; n=25 and 24, respectively), but decreased in those on placebo (to
about 12 μM at 18 and 48 weeks; n=21 and 22, respectively). The clinical significance of this is unclear,
but elevated plasma homocysteine is a recognised risk factor for coronary artery disease.
Severe reversible cystoid macular oedema was reported in 3 patients receiving high-doses of nicotinic
acid (Gass, 1973). A survey of 116 patients who had received nicotinic acid (3 g or more per day) for
treatment of hyperlipidaemia and a similar number of patients who were not treated with nicotinic acid
revealed an increased incidence of decreased vision associated with sicca syndromes, eyelid oedema
or macular oedema (Fraunfelder et al, 1995).
Because the majority of the data arise from studies designed to investigate the hypolipidaemic action of
nicotinic acid, most of the data relate to doses of 1 g/day or more. In consequence, there are few data
available on the tolerability and toxicity of doses less than 500 mg/day. In general the main adverse
effect reported at intakes below the 500 mg/day has been flushing which is generally self-limiting in
relation to continuation of treatment or intake of nicotinic acid.
High dose nicotinic acid (0.5-2.25 g daily) has been used for the treatment of severe hypercholesterolaemia
in children. A retrospective review of 21 such cases reported similar adverse effects to those found
in adults, with 6 children showing reversible dose-related elevations in serum transaminases, and 8
children who discontinued treatment because of flushing, abdominal pains and/or elevated serum
transaminase levels. Hepatitis was reported in subjects with very high doses on a mg/kg bw/day basis
(50, 67, 41, 34, 48 and 39 mg/kg bw/day) (Colletti et al, 1993).
In a study in the USA on elderly male veterans (age 62 ± 9 years) the doses administered averaged
1.7 g/day with a mean duration of intake of 13 ± 10 months (Gray et al, 1994). Almost one-half of the
subjects discontinued treatment because of adverse effects with poor glycaemic control occurring in
41% of patients with diabetes mellitus. Probable and possible nicotinic acid-induced hepatotoxicity
occurred in 2.2 and 4.7% of the patient group. These data indicate that the spectrum of toxicity is
similar in elderly and young adults.
The side-effect profile of wax matrix sustained-release nicotinic acid was studied in groups of younger
(<50 years) and older (50-70 year old) hypercholesterolaemic subjects. The study was a randomised
double-blind placebo controlled design of 8 weeks duration with doses of 1.0-2.0 g/day. Clinically
significant side-effect included flushing, itching, tingling, upper gastrointestinal symptoms, constipation,
diarrhoea, dizziness, palpitations and blurred vision; the overall incidence of adverse effects was similar
in the two difference age groups (Keenan et al, 1992).
4.2. Nicotinamide
4.2.1. Vasodilatory effects (flushing)
The flushing reported with nicotinic acid does not occur following nicotinamide, either given as an
intravenous injection (Bean and Spies, 1940) or when it is given orally at high-doses to patients with
diabetes (Knip et al, 2000).
Nicotinic Acid and Nicotinamide (Niacin)
4.2.2. Gastrointestinal effects
Gastrointestinal effects are rare following high-dose treatment with nicotinamide (Knip et al, 2000).
Nausea was reported in a single subject who had taken nicotinamide 3 g daily followed by 9 g per day
for several days (Winter and Boyer, 1973).
4.2.3. Hepatotoxicity
Only one patient has been reported to have developed hepatitis after nicotinamide alone, and this subject
had been given 3 g daily followed by 9 g per day for several days (Winter and Boyer, 1973); other subjects
who developed liver disease after nicotinamide had also received prolonged treatment with nicotinic acid
(see Rader et al, 1992).
Increased serum transaminase levels were reported for 17 out of 41 children with attention deficit
disorders treated for 12 weeks with daily doses of 3 g nicotinamide, in combination with 1.2 g
pantothenic acid, 3 g ascorbic acid and 0.6 g pyridoxine (Haslam et al, 1984). Whether this hepatotoxic
effect was related to the high dose of nicotinamide, or to the combination with the high doses of
pantothenic acid, vitamin C and pyridoxine, cannot be concluded from this study, and therefore, this
study cannot be used in risk assessment of nicotinamide.
The supplementation trials on the use of nicotinamide to prevent or delay the development of diabetes
mellitus have not reported hepatitis as an adverse effect (Knip et al, 2000); however these have involved
smaller number of subjects, have been of shorter duration and at lower doses than the trials on the
use of nicotinic acid for the treatment of hypercholesterolaemia. Ten newly diagnosed Type 1 diabetic
patients were given 1 g/day for 45 days (Mendola et al, 1989), and compared over the following
year with a group who were treated with placebo; the authors reported that no adverse effects were
observed when physical, biochemical and haematological parameters were considered (no details of
the tests were given and the main aim of the paper was to study efficacy). A group of 35 patients, aged
6 to 18 years, were given either placebo (n=17), or up to 1.5 g/day of slow-release nicotinamide (n=18)
for 12 months (Chase et al, 1990); various tests, including measurement of serum transaminases,
alkaline phosphatase and bilirubin, were performed after 4 and 12 months, and remained normal in
all subjects. No adverse effects were reported in a group of nine Type 1 diabetic patients with ketosis
given 3 g of nicotinamide per day, three of whom were treated for up to 12 months, compared to 7
similar patients given placebo (Vague et al, 1987).
Major long-term studies in patients with Type 1 diabetes mellitus, at dosages of 2-3 g of nicotinamide
per day, have been undertaken recently (ENDIT - see Pociot et al, 1993; IMDIAB III - see Pozzilli et al,
1995; DENIS - see Lampeter et al, 1998). The ENDIT (European Nicotinamide Diabetes Intervention Trial)
has reviewed the safety data on nicotinamide before starting the clinical phase, but no results of the trial
have yet been published (Pociot et al, 1993; Knip et al, 2000). The IMDIAB III study involved a double-
blind trial in which 28 newly diagnosed patients with Type 1 diabetes mellitus were given 25 mg/kg bw
of nicotinamide daily for 12 months, and a similar number treated with placebo; no adverse effects were
reported and biochemical parameters including liver and kidney function were normal during follow-
up (the publication describes the measurement of bilirubin). The DENIS trial (Deutsche Nicotinamide
Intervention Study) was a study in young children (average age 3 years) at high risk of developing Type 1
diabetes mellitus in which 25 subjects were randomised to receive nicotinamide (1.2 g per m
per day),
and 30 to receive placebo; the trial continued for 3 years and during this period all biochemical markers
(including alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase and bilirubin) were in the normal range.
4.2.4. Glucose intolerance
Nicotinamide has been studied in relation to reducing the risk of the development of diabetes mellitus;
none of the studies (see above) has reported a worsening of symptoms in the treated groups.
4.2.5. Other effects and overall dose-response relationships
There have been no other adverse effects reported following the administration of nicotinamide in trials
in patients with diabetes. Determination of the NOAEL from the intervention trials is difficult, because
of the different dosage regimens employed. Studies have used fixed doses of 1 g/day (Mendola et al,
1989), 1.5 g/day (Chase et al, 1990), 3 g/day (Vague et al, 1987), 25 mg/kg bw/day (IMDIAB III trial)
and 1.2 g/m
/day (DENIS trial). These different doses can be calculated on a body weight basis using
the data on body weights or ages in the different publications; the doses approximate to 17 mg/kg
bw/day (Mendola et al, 1989; average age 18.3 years), 37 mg/kg bw/day (Chase et al, 1990; average
age 12.5 years), 43 mg/kg bw/day (Vague et al, 1987; adults), 25 mg/kg bw/day (IMDIAB III trial; ages
Nicotinic Acid and Nicotinamide (Niacin)
in the range 5-35 years) and 50-40 mg/kg bw/day (DENIS trial; ages 3-12 years). The lowest of these
values (25 mg/kg bw/day) was from one of the largest published studies, and this has been used as
the NOAEL for nicotinamide.
Because of the difference in adverse effect profiles, different upper levels should be developed for
nicotinic acid and nicotinamide.
5.1. Nicotinic acid
The more severe forms of toxicity of nicotinic acid, as described above, occur principally at doses
of greater than 500 mg/day. The limiting adverse effect at lower doses is flushing, and this has been
reported at much lower intakes than the other adverse effects. The most severe and potentially life-
threatening adverse effects, such as hepatotoxicity, occur at doses one order of magnitude higher
than have been reported for flushing. The dose of free nicotinic acid reported to produce flushing
consistently in clinical studies is 50 mg/day (Sebrell and Butler, 1938; Spies et al, 1938). Spies et al
(1938) reported a 5% incidence of flushing after a single oral dose of 50 mg nicotinic acid and a 50%
incidence at 100 mg. The available data indicate that flushing would be unlikely to occur repeatedly in
subjects given less than 50 mg/day, but occasional flushing was reported by Sebrell and Butler (1938)
at a dose of 30 mg of nicotinic acid daily. A tolerable upper intake level for nicotinic acid of 10 mg/day
is based on the available data indicating occasional flushing at 30 mg per day, using an uncertainty
factor of 3 to allow for the fact that a slight effect was reported, and that the study was performed in
a small number of subjects, but taking into account the steep dose-response relationship. This upper
level is 300-fold below the dose frequently used clinically for the treatment of hypercholesterolaemia (3
g/day) and which is associated with a high incidence of serious adverse reactions. The only reports of
flushing associated with the ingestion of nicotinic acid with food have occurred following the addition of
free nicotinic acid to food prior to consumption. Although flushing might be considered a minor health
effect, it has been used as the basis for setting the upper level for nicotinic acid, because of concerns
about the possibility of a transient hypotensive episode, especially in the elderly.
The upper level of 10 mg/day for free nicotinic acid is not applicable during pregnancy or lactation
because of inadequate data relating to this critical life stage. The upper levels for intake by children and
adolescents have been derived on the basis of their body weights:
Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL)
for nicotinic acid (mg per day)
1-3 2
4-6 3
7-10 4
11-14 6
15-17 8
5.2. Nicotinamide
Nicotinamide does not produce the flushing response that has been used as the basis for the upper
level for nicotinic acid. There has been only one reported case of hepatotoxicity in a patient receiving
high-dose nicotinamide (however, nicotinamide has not been subject to extensive clinical trials [at 3 g
per day or more] for use as a hypolipidaemic agent).
No significant adverse effects have been reported in trials on the possible benefits of nicotinamide
in patients with or at risk of diabetes, which have used doses up to the equivalent of 3 g per day, for
periods up to 3 years. The NOAEL from these studies is approximately 25 mg/kg bw/day. This value
represents the lowest reported dose in a number of recent trials of high quality, many of which used
sensitive markers of hepatic function and glucose homeostasis, and included a range of age groups,
with some subjects treated with up to 50 mg/kg bw/day. An uncertainty factor of 2 has been used to
allow for the fact that adults may eliminate nicotinamide more slowly than the study groups, many of
which were children, and that data for children would not reflect the full extent of intersubject variability
that could occur in an older population. The upper level for nicotinamide is established at 12.5 mg/kg
bw/day or approximately 900 mg/day for adults.
Nicotinic Acid and Nicotinamide (Niacin)
The upper level of 900 mg/day for nicotinamide is not applicable during pregnancy or lactation
because of inadequate data relating to this critical life stage. The upper levels for intake by children and
adolescents have been derived on the basis of their body weights:
Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL)
for nicotinamide (mg per day)
1-3 150
4-6 220
7-10 350
11-14 500
15-17 700
The form of niacin generally used in vitamin supplements and for addition to foods is nicotinamide. This
form does not produce flushing and seems to be of low toxicity compared with nicotinic acid.
The upper level for free nicotinic acid has been derived from data on flushing following administration
of a single oral dose given in solution added to tomato juice and consumed with a meal. Flushing has
not been reported for the bound forms of nicotinic acid that are present in foods.
The upper levels do not apply to the use of nicotinic acid or nicotinamide under clinical supervision for
the treatment of hypercholesterolaemia and hyperlipidaemias or reducing the risk of the development
of diabetes.
There are inadequate data on the safety of nicotinic acid or nicotinamide during pregnancy or lactation,
and therefore the upper level for adults does not apply to these life stages. However, it is noted that the
adverse effect produced by low doses of free nicotinic acid is of a mild and transient nature and there
are no reports of increased susceptibility to this effect during pregnancy or lactation. With regard to
nicotinamide, there is no indication that intakes within the range currently consumed in foods, including
fortified foods, in European countries are associated with any risk during pregnancy or lactation
and there is evidence, at least from one study, that an additional 15 mg is without adverse effect on
pregnancy outcome.
There is a need for reproductive toxicity studies on both nicotinic acid and nicotinamide.
The upper level for nicotinic acid has been based on the possibility that the flushing detected at higher
doses in young subjects could result in transient hypotensive episodes in the elderly. This possibility
should be investigated.
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Nicotinic Acid and Nicotinamide (Niacin)
134 134
This opinion is one in the series of opinions of the Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) on the upper
levels of vitamins and minerals. The terms of reference given by the European Commission for this task,
the related background and the guidelines used by the Committee to develop tolerable upper intake
levels for vitamins and minerals used in this opinion, which were expressed by the SCF on 19 October
2000, are available on the Internet at the pages of the SCF, at the address :
Iodine is a reactive Periodic Group VII element (halogen) existing in the valency states -1 to +7 but not
occurring free in nature. Iodides and iodates, its mineral forms, occur ubiquitously in igneous rocks and
soils, most commonly as impurities in saltpetre and natural brines. It is liberated by weathering and
erosion, particularly following glacial erosion during the ice ages, and, being water-soluble, it leaches
by rainwater into surface water, the sea and oceans, leaving behind mountainous regions with soils
low in iodide. Liberated elemental iodine evaporates into the atmosphere because of its volatility and
is precipitated by rainfall onto the land surface. The iodides in the sea accumulate in sea weeds, sea
fish and shellfish. On land small amounts of iodide are taken up by plants, which have no essential
nutritional requirement for this element, the plants being subsequently ingested by herbivores. In many
areas of the world the surface soil becomes progressively poorer in iodide through these leaching
processes (Whitehead, 1984).
Iodine is an essential dietary element for mammals being required for the synthesis of the thyroid
hormones thyroxine (T4, 3,5,3’,5’-tetraiodothyronine), containing 65% by weight of iodine, and its
active form T3 (3,5,3’-triiodothyronine), containing 59% by weight of iodine, as well as the precursor
iodotyrosines. The only natural sources for humans and animals are the iodides in food and water.
Examples of anthropogenic sources are medicinal products, sanitising solutions and iodophores.
2.1. Levels in the environment and food
Atmospheric iodine derives from vaporisation from seawater and is present at levels of 3-50 ng/m
, the
average global value being 10-20 ng/m
(WHO, 1988; NNT, 2002). Unpolluted surface water contains
<3 µg iodide/L, drinking water <15 µg/L but in the US the average drinking water contains 4 µg iodide/L
(WHO, 1988). Sea water levels amount to 50 µg iodide/L.
The iodide content of foods and total diets differs depending on geochemical, soil, and cultural conditions.
The major natural food sources are marine fish (mean 1220 µg/kg, up to 2.5 mg I/kg), shellfish (mean
798 µg/kg, up to 1.6 mg I/kg), marine algae, seaweed (1000-2000 µg/kg) and sea salt (up to 1.4 mg I/kg).
In industrialised countries the most important sources of iodides are dairy products, e.g. whole cows milk
(mean 27-47 µg/kg), UK winter milk (mean 210 µg/kg), UK summer milk (90 µg/kg), eggs (mean 93 µg/kg),
and grain and cereal products (mean 47 µg/kg depending on the soil). Other food sources are freshwater
fish (mean 30 µg/kg), poultry and meat (mean 50 µg/kg), fruits (mean 18 µg/kg), legumes (mean 30 µg/kg)
and vegetables (mean 29 µg/kg) (WHO, 1996; Souci et al, 2000; MAFF, 2000; EGVM, 2002).
Milk and dairy products contain relatively high amounts derived from iodinated cattle feed supplements,
from iodophor medication, iodine-containing sterilizers of milking equipment, teat dips and udder
washes. Some of the iodide in cereal products derives from iodate-containing dough conditioners.
Other sources of iodide
in food are iodised salt (Germany: 15-25 mg I/kg as KIO
; Austria 20 mg I/kg as
KI; Switzerland 25 mg I/kg as KI), bread and sugar supplemented with iodide in some countries, and
iodine-containing herbicides/fungicides. Cooking reduces the iodine
content of food, frying by 20%,
grilling by 23% and boiling by 58% (WHO, 1996).
Non-food sources are iodine-containing medication, topical medicines, antiseptics (povidone-iodine), X-ray
contrast media (~5000 mg/dose yielding 1-4 g in cholecystography, >10 g in urography), iodised oil for oral
or i.m. use, mineral dietary supplements (up to 190 mg iodide/dose), tablets or capsules of seaweed-based
dietary supplements (0.045-5 mg iodide/dose) and kelp tablets as dietary supplement (up to 57 mg iodide/
dose) (Pennington, 1990). Marine macroalgae produced in China, Japan, the Philippines, North and South
Korea are products grown in aquaculture from brown, red and green algae and can have an extremely high
iodine content, particularly in marketed products derived from dried material (up to 6500 mg iodine/kg dry
product). A product known as Kombu-powder contains about 0.5% iodine (BGVV, 2001).
2.2. Intake estimates
The intake of iodine generally corresponds to the amount entering the local food chain from the geochemical
environment, and is normally low from food. If seaweed is consumed or if iodine-containing mineral
supplements or medicinal products are ingested, it can rise to several mg/day (WHO, 1988; US Food and
Nutrition Board, 2001). Individual intake from air may average 0.5 µg/person/day (NNT, 2002), that from water
(assuming a consumption of 1.5-2 L/day) about 8-30 µg/person/day (WHO, 1988), that from food about 3-
75 µg/serving (US Food and Nutrition Board, 2001). Ingestion of marine food or processed food containing
iodised salt, calcium iodate, potassium iodate or cuprous iodide also increase the iodine intake.
Breast milk was reported in the 1980s to contain 12 µg/L in Eastern Germany, 27 µg/L in Italy, 95 µg/L
in France, the median US value being 178 µg/L (Gushurst et al, 1984). More recent reports quote for
Germany 36 µg/L in 1992, 86 µg/L in 1994 and 95 µg/L in 1995-6 (Meng and Schindler, 1997). In general
breastfeeding women produce daily 500-800 mL (average 780 mL) breast milk (SCF, 1993).
According to NHANES III the US median intake of iodine from dietary supplements was 140 µg/male or
female adult. In 1986 some 12-15% of the US population were taking dietary iodine supplements (US
Food and Nutrition Board, 2001). According to FDA surveys the daily US median adult iodine intake
was 240-300 µg for males and 190-210 µg for females, the highest intake of any life stage and gender
for the 95
percentile excluding supplements being 1 mg/day and including supplements 1.15 mg/day
(US Food and Nutrition Board, 2001).
In Germany the median daily iodine intake varied from about 64-118 (mean 45.3) µg I/day for males
aged 4-75 years and from 59-114 (mean 44.2) µg I/day for females aged 4-75 years (Schneider et al,
1995). For infants aged 6 months, children and young adults up to the age 18 years the mean iodine
intakes varied from 31-64 µg/day for males and from 28-56 µg/day for females (Alexy and Kersting,
1999). In those taking iodine supplements once/week the corresponding mean levels were 124 µg
I/day for males and 109 µg I/day for females compared to 107 µg I/day for males and 102 µg I/day for
females not taking any supplements (Mensink and Ströbel, 1999). In Denmark the median intake was
about 119 µg I/day for males and 92 µg I/day for females. In The Netherlands the median intake was
about 145 µg/day for males and 133 µg/day for females (TNO, 1992). In Great Britain the median dietary
intake from all sources was 226 µg/day for males and 163 µg/day for females, the 97.5
reaching 434 µg/day in males and 359 µg/day in females. Survey data in young children aged 1½-4½
years show for high milk consumers in winter 247 µg/day to 309 µg/day, suggesting that some pre-
school children are likely to have intakes exceeding the JECFA PMTDI (EGVM, 2002).
Dietary iodine absorption and incorporation is reduced by smoking, thiocyanates, isothiocyanates,
nitrates, fluorides, Ca, Mg and Fe in food and water (Ubom, 1991). Glucosinolates (goitrogenic
thioetherglycosides yielding on hydrolysis a thioglucose and the aglycones isothiocyanate, nitrils
or thiocyanate) and goitrins block the incorporation of iodine into the tyrosine precursors of thyroid
hormones and suppress thyroxine secretion (Cornell University, 2001). Degradation of cyanoglycosides
(liberating cyanide on enzymatic hydrolysis in the gut which is subsequently metabolised to thiocyanate),
glucosinolates and goitrins present in vegetables like brassica, crucifera, rape, cabbage, cauliflower,
broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, kohlrabi, turnips, maize, lima beans, bamboo shoots, peanuts,
walnuts, sweet potatoes, millets and cassava (linamarin is the cyanogenic glycoside in cassava) block
the thyroidal uptake of iodine after ingestion thereby decreasing the production of thyroid hormones.
Soya flour also inhibits the absorption of iodide by interference with the enterohepatic circulation of
thyroxine. Hence goitre and hypothyroidism have appeared in infants fed entirely on soya-based infant
formula. The latter is now enriched in the EU to a minimum content of 5 µg iodine/100 kcal intake.
Water from polluted wells contains humic substances which also block the iodination process. Vitamin
A-, Se-, Zn-, Cu-, Fe- and vanadium-deficiency can result in hypothyroidism and may exacerbate
the effects of preexisting iodine deficiency. Large amounts of absorbed iodine, e.g. from radiological
contrast media, from iodide liberated from erythrosine, from water purification tablets, from amiodarone
(an antiarrhythmic drug), from skin disinfectants and dental disinfectants, also reduce iodine uptake
causing the production of iodine deficiency symptoms.
2.2.1. Iodine excess
Excessive intake of iodine can occur as a result of ingestion of large amounts of seaweed, kelp, marine fish,
ground beef containing thyroid tissue, iodised water, bread or salt and iodide-containing dietary supplements.
The ingestion of iodine-rich algal products made from marine macroalgae grown in aquaculture in the Far
East, particularly dried products, can lead to dangerously excessive iodine intakes, if such products contain
more than 20 mg I/kg dry matter and the exposed population lives in an area of endemic iodine deficiency.
This would not apply to countries with traditional adequate dietary iodine intake (BGVV, 2001).
Excessive intakes can also follow the ingestion of iodide-containing pharmaceuticals for the treatment
of asthma, bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and of goitre, after the use
of amiodarone for the treatment of arrhythmias, of iodine-containing topical antiseptics, mouthwashes
and vaginal solutions, and the treatment of burns and wounds with povidone-iodine. However the
degree of absorption and incorporation of iodine from these sources is not known. Much circumstantial
evidence links excessive iodine intake with the risk of increased incidence of autoimmune thyroiditis
but environmental contaminants may also play a part (NNT, 2002).
2.3. Nutritional status
The nutritional status, and consequently the iodine requirements, of a population group can be
assessed in various age groups by analysing the following indicators:
1. the fraction of an oral dose of
I concentrated in the thyroid gland;
2. the average daily iodine turnover (uptake and release) calculated following i.v. administration of
3. the urinary iodine excretion as determined in 24-hour samples, measured in µg/L or µg/g creatinine,
representing more than 90% of the dietary intake. The minimum European urinary excretion should
amount to 100 µg/day (DGE, 2002), deficiency being indicated by iodine levels of <50 μg/L (50 µg/g
creatinine). US data show 138-155 µg/L for adult males and 110-129 µg/L for adult females. Using a
median 24-hour urine volume of 0.9 mL/hr/kg bw for children aged 7-15 years and a median 24-hour
urine volume of 1.5 mL/hr/kg bw for adults, and assuming 92% bioavailability, allows calculation of
the iodine intake from such urinary measurements (US Food and Nutrition Board, 2001);
4. the goitre incidence rate and size, the latter determined from ultrasound measurements rather than
palpation. In mild Iodine Deficiency Disease (IDD) goitre prevalence in school children is 5-20% with
a mean urinary iodine excretion of >50 µg/g creatinine. In moderate IDD it is up to 30% with a mean
urinary iodine excretion of 25-50 µg/g creatinine. In severe IDD goitre prevalence is >30% with a
mean urinary iodine excretion of <25 µg/g creatinine;
5. the iodine balance estimates are only of limited use. The techniques are crude and the control of
intake assessment is limited because some iodine sources always remain unknown (US Food and
Nutrition Board, 2001);
6. the serum levels of TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone), Tg (thyroglobulin), T4 and T3 are the soundest
parameters providing an indirect measure of iodine nutritional status. The best parameter is the TSH
serum level especially if hypothyroidism is to be detected in pregnant women and neonates. Estimates
can be performed on blood spots. The normal serum TSH range is 0.1-5 mU/L. The sensitivity can be
increased by previous stimulation with TRH. An exaggerated response to TRH suggests an inadequate
hormone availability, hypothyroidism and iodine deficiency. Elevated serum Tg levels are useful for
detecting metastases of differentiated thyroid cancer, hyperplasia of the thyroid and IDD. The serum
level of Tg on adequate iodine intake is 10 ng/mL. Serum levels of T4 and T3 are less sensitive and
unreliable for estimating iodine nutritional status. The normal T4 serum level is 100 nmol (80 µg)/L but
is lower in IDD. The T3 serum level is normally 1.8 nmol (1.2 µg)/L but is lower in fasting individuals or
those suffering from malnutrition (US Food and Nutrition Board, 2001).
2.4. Nutritional requirements
The recommended mean population intake for iodine is 100-150 µg/day (WHO, 1996). This is adequate
to maintain normal thyroid function, growth and development. In the presence of goitrogens in the
diet iodine intake should be raised to 200-300 µg/day. Vegetarians, sufferers of milk allergy, lactose
intolerance, fish allergy or persons on low salt diet are liable to develop dietary iodine deficiency and
therefore need iodine supplements. Pregnant and breastfeeding women need a higher iodine intake
because the higher renal blood flow increases the urinary loss of iodine. Various international and
national authoritative bodies have established requirements for iodine intake (SCF, 1993; US Food
and Nutrition Board, 2001; DGE, 2002): In Germany and Austria the recommended adult daily intake
is 200 µg and during pregnancy 230 µg, in Switzerland it is 150 µg and in pregnancy 200 µg. The SCF
recommends as average requirement for adults 100 µg/day, as Population Reference Intake for adults
and in pregnancy 130 µg/day, and in lactation 160 µg/day (SCF, 1993).
2.5. Metabolic fate of iodine and interrelationship with thyroid hormones
The biological function of the thyroid hormones T4, T3 and of iodotyrosines encompasses the regulation
of energy metabolism and endocrine function by cellular oxidation, calorigenesis, thermoregulation,
intermediate metabolism, protein and enzyme synthesis, nitrogen retention, gluconeogenesis and
pituitary gonadotropins. Thyroid hormones also play a role in the intestinal absorption of glucose and
galactose, in lipolysis and in the uptake of glucose by adipocytes, in the integrity of the connective
tissue, and are necessary for optimum cellular metabolism particularly during early growth, development
and maturation of most organs especially the brain. The target organs are the developing brain, muscle,
heart, pituitary and the kidney. Additional functions of the thyroid hormones include a beneficial effect
on mammary dysplasia and fibrocystic breast disease, support of the myeloperoxidase of leucocytes in
the inactivation of bacteria and support of the immune response, while iodine lack may be associated
with an increased incidence of gastric cancer (US Food and Nutrition Board, 2001).
The biological action of T3 and T4 is mediated through T3 receptors which bind free T3. These
receptors are situated on inner mitochondrial membranes and in the nucleus. The nuclear receptors
increase transcription for membrane protein and enzyme synthesis. These receptors belong to a
superfamily together with steroid hormones, vitamin D and retinoid receptors, and are especially found
in the pituitary, the liver and neonatal testis but are rare in the spleen. T3 and T4 may interact at receptor
and gene expression level with sex hormones. They may upregulate hepatic oestrogen receptor levels
in the rat. They also regulate the same subset of genes involved in lipid homoeostasis (NNT, 2002).
Ingested inorganic iodine and iodate are reduced to iodide in the gut and almost completely absorbed
by the small intestine. T3, T4 and the drug amiodarone are absorbed intact, while the metabolism of
iodinated X-ray contrast media, e.g. lipiodol, is not entirely clear (US Food and Nutrition Board, 2001).
The bioavailability of oral inorganic iodide is >90%, that of oral T4 about 75%, some 15% of ingested
iodide is taken up by the thyroid within 24 hours. Iodine can be absorbed dermally from topically
applied material, the absorbed iodide is distributed in the extracellular fluid.
Some 30% of absorbed iodide is concentrated in the thyroid, the excess being excreted by the kidneys
in the urine. About 80% of iodine stored in the thyroid is in the form of iodinated tyrosine, some 20%
as thyronines and 1% as iodide (NNT, 2002). Minor tissue sites for iodide uptake from blood plasma
are the salivary glands, the choroid plexus, the mammary gland, the kidneys, and the gastric mucosa.
Iodide is able to cross the placenta. The biosynthesis of the biologically active thyroid hormones T3
(triiodothyronine), the most active, T4 (thyroxine), and the hormonally inactive T1 (monoiodo-3)- and T2
(diiodo-3,5)- derivatives of the precursor amino acid tyrosine utilises the circulating plasma iodide. T3
is produced by the deiodination of T4 in the liver and kidney of man and probably also in the thyroid
of the rat. Plasma iodide is actively taken up by the basal membrane of the thyroidal follicular cells
using a sodium-dependent, carrier-mediated pathway and concentrated 20-50 times in these cells.
These follicular cells synthesise intracellularly the thyroglobulin (Tg), a glycoprotein of molecular weight
660,000. This Tg meets the iodide at the apical surface where the intracellular iodide is oxidised by
thyroperoxidase (TPO), a Se-containing enzyme, in the presence of H
to an iodonium ion which
simultaneously attaches to the tyrosyl functional groups of Tg. Further action of TPO leads to the
formation of T1, T2, and the coupling of 2 T2 to give T4 or of T1+T2 to give T3, all these thyronines
remaining attached to the Tg. The iodinated Tg is stored extracellularly in the colloid of the thyroid
follicles, about 1/3 of the iodine being present in T3 and T4, the rest in T1 and T2. When needed, T3
and T4 are released into the circulation from Tg by endosomal and lysosomal cellular proteases.
Thyroid function is regulated by a feedback process in which thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) of the
hypothalamus and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) of the anterior pituitary are released in response to a
decrease in circulating T3 and T4 levels. TSH stimulates within minutes the secretion of thyroid hormones,
causes an increased iodide uptake and an increased Tg breakdown. Iodothyronine secretion, including
T3 and T4, is also controlled by interaction between growth factors, their receptors and signal transition
pathways. Epidermal and insulin-like growth factor also stimulate follicular cells (NNT, 2002). Iodine interacts
with selenium and possibly with vanadium (EGVM, 2002).
Persistent action of TSH causes hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the thyroid gland, reduces the colloid
and the stored iodine. TSH secretion of the anterior pituitary is stimulated also by TRH, a protein of
molecular weight 28,000. TRH secretion is stimulated by α-noradrenergic impulses and inhibited by
dopaminergic impulses but is also responsive to circulating levels of T3 and T4. The autonomous
regulation of thyroidal iodine metabolism occurs independent of TSH (Forth et al, 1987).
T1, T2, T3 and T4 are metabolised by specific deiodinases, a family of selenoproteins, the freed
iodide entering either the plasma pool or being reutilised by the follicular cells. T4 is produced only
by the thyroid gland, T3 is primarily produced (80% in man) by extrathyroidal deiodination in liver and
kidney, brain, pituitary and brown fat and some (20% in man) by deiodination in the thyroid. In rats the
deiodination of T4 takes place mainly in the thyroid (NNT, 2002).
TPO is inhibited by thioamides, the deiodinases forming the active hormone T3 are inhibited by thiouracil,
propylthiouracil, propranolol, and glucocorticoids or may be genetically deficient. Monkey TPO is less
sensitive to inhibition than rat TPO. Deiodinases show reduced activity in Se-deficiency with consequent
impaired hormonal activity (Forth et al, 1987). Deiodinase activity is lower in human liver than in the rat.
Circulating T3 and T4 are in a reversible equilibrium attached to binding proteins synthesised by the
liver, e .g. thyroxine binding globulin (Tg), transthyretin (prealbumin) (TTR), albumin and lipoproteins. In
humans T4 is mainly bound to Tg, in rodents to TTR (NNT, 2002). Glucuronidation of T3 and T4 is less
important in man. Less than 1% of T3 and T4 is free in plasma (NNT, 2002). Most biological action in
the target tissues is probably mediated by T3 receptors. The bound T4 is enzymatically deiodinated to
its active form T3, the liberated iodine entering the serum pool as iodide and being either reused by the
thyroid or being excreted in the urine. T3 being less tightly bound enters cells more easily. In neonatal
animals, in protein starvation, liver and kidney disease, and pyrexia T4 is mostly converted to T3.
The synthesis of normal quantities of thyroid hormones requires an adequate dietary intake of iodide
but excess intakes may inhibit thyroid function by either inhibition of iodide organification (Wolff-
Charkoff effect) or by inhibition of thyroglobulin proteolysis with reduction in hormone secretion. Plasma
concentrations above 20-30 µg I/100 mL inhibit organic iodine uptake of the thyroid and intrathyroidal
iodine is transformed from its inorganic form into organic iodine derivatives. Thiocyanate and perchlorate
reduce thyroidal iodine transport and inhibit the conversion of the inorganic form of intrathyroidal iodide
into its organic form, causing its discharge into the extracellular fluid (Forth et al, 1987).
The average adult thyroid contains about 8-15 mg iodine, the total body iodine amounts to about 10-20
mg of which 70-80% is found in the thyroid, some also appearing in muscle and the eye. The thyroid
store at birth is 0.1 mg. Some 70% (100-150 µg) of ingested iodide are excreted daily by adults on
adequate iodine intake in the urine with partial reabsorption occurring in the renal tubules, about 20%
(15-20 µg) are excreted in the faeces, about 5-10 µg appear in the sweat, saliva and the bile (US Food
and Nutrition Board, 2001). Lactating women excrete 10-15% of the daily iodine intake into breast milk
(Saller, 1998). In a 5-day old infant urinary excretion varies from 2.8-11 µg/100 mL. In Germany adult
urinary iodine excretion varies from 20-65 µg/day, in Denmark males excrete 64 µg/day and females
73-100 µg/day (Vitti et al, 1999). The renal iodide clearance is 34 mL/minute.
The placenta traps maternal excess serum iodide and transfers maternal T4 to the foetus until the
foetus produces its own T4. Therefore iodine supply to the mother must be adequate to prevent foetal
goitre formation (Glinoer et al, 1995).
Administration of iodide to the rat also causes transient inhibition of intrathyroid organification of
iodine and reduces hormone synthesis. Escape from this effect occurs through reduction in iodide
transport mechanism until intrathyroid concentration of iodide is below the level necessary to maintain
biosynthesis inhibition.
Many environmental agents interfere with thyroid function, the most prominent effect being the
development of goitre but decreases in T3 and T4 may also alter brain maturation and testis
development. Direct toxic effects include 1) inhibition of iodide transport into and uptake by the
thyroid; 2) inflammation and degeneration of follicular cells; 3) damage to DNA of follicular cells; 4)
accumulation of iodotyrosines in the gland. Indirect toxic effects manifest themselves by 1) changes
in plasma transport of hormones e.g. by displacement from TTR; 2) increased iodotyrosine excretion
by increased activity of hepatic microsomal enzymes; 3) inhibition of iodotyrosine deiodinases; 4)
interference with the intestinal absorption of T3 and T4 with faecal loss; 5) interference at the level of
TSH or TTR (NNT, 2002).
2.6. Iodine deficiency
Several mechanisms compensate for low dietary iodine intake. If these mechanisms are insufficient
clinical symptoms of iodine deficiency appear. These clinical effects are seen at all stages of
development and are particularly noticeable in the foetus, the neonate and the infant as goitre, this
being the commonest cause of human thyroid disease. Inadequate iodine intake and the resulting
IDDs are widespread in Europe and the developing countries of Asia, Africa and South America. They
arise from a depletion of the thyroid iodine stores of the body with consequent fall in daily T4 and T3
production and their plasma levels, which trigger an increased secretion of TSH and hyperactivity of
the thyroid coupled with thyroid epithelial cell hyperplasia, goitre formation, and faster iodine turnover.
Simultaneously, tests show an increased uptake of
(WHO, 1996). About 1600 million people are at
risk of iodine deficiency disorders worldwide because they inhabit iodine-deficient environments. IDD is
a public health problem in 118 countries. In Europe about 140 million are at risk. Worldwide some 700
million have goitre. Thyroid hypofunction can also be induced by thyroiditis and exposure to antithyroid
2.6.1. Iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) in adults
This is associated with goitre, low serum T4
and suboptimal brain function. In some areas apathy and
low capacity for initiative and decision making is also seen. Goitrous enlargement of the thyroid gland
occurs at intake levels of <50 µg I/day. It is the common feature of iodine deficiency (WHO, 1996).
Goitre is initially diffuse but later becomes nodular with appearance of autonomous nodules, which
may cause hyperthyroidism by production of T4 uncontrollable by TSH. The appearance of large goitres
may cause obstruction of the trachea and the oesophagus and increases the risk of thyroid disease
and thyroid cancer.
Hypothyroidism (myxoedema), another form of IDD, also results from hormone deficiency and is
associated with reduced metabolic rate, cold intolerance, weight gain, puffy face, oedema, hoarse
voice and mental sluggishness.
2.6.2. Foetal iodine deficiency
This results from maternal iodine deficiency. It is accompanied by higher rates of stillbirths, abortions
and congenital abnormalities. Low maternal T4 levels (<25 µg/mL) are correlated with adverse pregnancy
outcome, perinatal mortality and cretinism. The major hazard is endemic cretinism associated with
iodine intakes of <25 µg/day. It is characterised by very low serum T4, T3, and a very high serum TSH
(40-50 mU/L). The more common neurological type is characterised by mental deficiency, deaf mutism,
spastic diplegia, the less common myxoedematous type by apathy, hypothyroidism, puffy features,
growth retardation, delayed bone maturation, retarded sexual maturation and dwarfism. Endemic
cretinism can disappear spontaneously without supplementary iodization measures but usually needs
preventive treatment by iodised oil injection before pregnancy. Congenital hypothyroidism can occur
despite adequate dietary intakes of iodine. Its incidence is 1/3000 to 1/4000 and is due to congenital
maldevelopment or aplasia of the thyroid. In the US and in many European countries all neonates
are screened by blood spot tests for TSH or T4 levels in order to detect any cases of congenital
hypothyroidism due to thyroid aplasia (US Food and Nutrition Board, 2001).
2.6.3. Neonatal iodine deficiency
This is associated with increased perinatal and neonatal mortality and more frequent congenital
abnormalities. It constitutes a threat to early brain development with consequent physical and mental
retardation and possible later depressed cognitive and motor performance. This is a more serious
socio-economic risk for children than the incidence of cretinism.
2.6.4. Iodine deficiency in children
Mild deficiency is associated with goitre in 5-20% of school children, appearing more frequently in
girls, and is accompanied by a median urinary iodine concentration of 43.5 nmol I/nmol creatinine.
School performance and IQs are impaired even if allowance is made for confounding factors. Growth
is reduced and psychomotor development lags behind normal children noticeable already from age 2.5
years onward. Moderate iodine deficiency is associated with a median urinary iodine level of 21.5-43.5
nmol I/nmol creatinine, and a goitre frequency of 30%. Severe iodine deficiency is associated with a
median urinary iodine level of <21.5 nmol I/nmol creatinine, with >30% goitre frequency and 1-10%
incidence of endemic cretinism (WHO, 1996). A metaanalysis of 18 studies has shown that iodine
deficiency alone may reduce the mean IQ scores by 13.5 points (US Food and Nutrition Board, 2001).
2.6.5. Iodine deficiency in animals
In animals reproductive, neurological and other defects are the important consequences of iodine
deficiency. Natural iodine deficiency in farm animals, e.g. cattle and sheep, causes failure in
reproduction, retarded or arrested foetal development with consequent foetal resorption, early foetal
deaths, spontaneous abortions, stillbirths, as well as prolonged gestation and parturition, placental
retention and low hormone levels. Maternal hypothyroidism before the onset of foetal thyroid secretion
together with subsequent foetal hypothyroidism leads to reduced neuroblast multiplication. Maternal
hypothyroidism in early pregnancy in the rat causes reduced pup weight and number of embryos,
reduced brain weight and reduced transfer of maternal T4.
Sheep on experimental iodine deficient feed of 5-8 µg I/day/40 kg bw showed more abortions, stillbirths
and lower foetal weight, reduced or even complete absence of wool growth, retarded bone development,
skull deformities, reduced brain weight, reduced brain cell numbers and brain DNA content. The same
deficiency effects were seen in marmosets on 0.3 µg I/day/340 g bw (WHO, 1996).
2.6.6. Control of IDD
In Europe about 100 million and worldwide about 700 million individuals are affected by goitre. Of
these some 1 million in Europe are also affected by impaired mental development compared to >11
million cases of cretinism worldwide (Vitti et al, 1999). This constitutes a major public health problem.
Combative measures are the introduction of iodised salt, iodised bread or iodised oil, the use of iodine
supplements in the feed of cattle and pigs to raise the iodine level of milk and meat, and the preventive
use of iodised oil by injection (1 mL contains 480 mg I) to all females in the human population in areas
of severe IDD up to age 40 years and all males in the human population in areas of severe IDD up
to age 20 years in areas with poor control over iodine intakes of the population. If needed, injections
should be repeated in 3-5 years. More recently iodised walnut or soya bean oil have been introduced
as alternative oral treatment to supplementation of generally available dietary items with iodine.
2.6.7. Reported beneficial effects
Iodine supplements have been claimed to assist in the treatment of weight loss, rheumatism, ulcers, hair loss,
maintenance of healthy arteries, nervous tissue and nails (EGVM, 2000). Iodine caseinate has been proposed
as treatment for fibrocystic breast disease at doses of 70-90 µg I/kg bw (Murray and Pizzorno, 1998).
3.1. Toxic effects in animals
Excess iodine intake in animals leads to acute inhibition of iodine uptake. Laboratory animals, poultry,
pigs and cattle have a high tolerance to large iodine intakes. Animal data are of limited value because
of species differences in basal metabolic rate and in iodine metabolism (US Food and Nutrition Board,
2001). The non-obese diabetic mouse (NOD)-42
develops spontaneously more frequent and severe
autoimmune thyroiditis if iodine is added to the drinking water probably as a response to an increase
in iodinated Tg (NNT, 2002).
3.1.1. Acute and subacute studies
The acute oral LD
in rats for NaI is 4340 mg/kg bw (3320 I
), the oral LD
for KI in the mouse is 1862
mg/kg bw (1425 mg I
) (Clayton and Clayton, 1981). Amounts of 200-500 mg/kg bw can cause death
in experimental animals (SCOGS, 1975).
Two strains of chickens (CS and OS), genetically susceptible to autoimmune thyroiditis, were given
either 20 or 200 mg KI/L in their drinking water for the first 10 weeks of their lives. At both levels the
incidence of the disease was increased as shown histopathologically and also by measurements of T3,
T4 and thyroglobulin antibody titres (Bagchi et al, 1985).
Groups, each of 20 rats, were fed diets containing 0 or 1000 mg KI/kg diet (39 mg I
/kg bw) for 19 weeks.
No tumours of the thyroid were found either in controls or in treated animals. The exposure period in this
inadequate study was too short for any carcinogenic effect to be detected (Hiasa et al, 1987).
3.1.2. Reproduction and teratogenicity studies
Groups of female rats were given in their diet 0, 500, 1000, 1500 and 2000 mg KI/kg diet throughout
gestation, lactation and weaning. Pup survival was reduced from 93% in controls to 16% in rats treated
at the top dose and milk secretion was diminished. There were no adverse effects on ovulation rate,
implantation rate and foetal development (Ammermann et al, 1964).
Pregnant rats were given 11 mg KI/day in their drinking water (37 mg/kg bw/day) and the brain enzymes
of pups investigated. Glutamate dehydrogenase was increased transiently, succinate dehydrogenase
decreased transiently. Phosphofructokinase and malate enzymes increased but hexokinases were
unaffected. Serum T4 levels were unchanged compared to controls (Morales de Villalobos et al, 1986).
Mares given 48-432 mg I/day during pregnancy and lactation produced foals with disturbed
metabolism. The long bones of the legs of the foals showed osteopetrosis. Serum phosphate and
alkaline phosphatase levels were increased (Silva et al, 1987).
3.1.3. Chronic studies
Metaplasia of the thyroid was reported in rats given potassium iodide in their drinking water for two years.
This was thought to occur through a non-genotoxic proliferation dependent mechanism (EGVM, 2002).
3.1.4. Genotoxicity studies
The mutagenicity data for iodide are generally negative (EGVM, 2002)
3.2. Effects in humans
3.2.1. General observations on response to excess iodine
Disturbed thyroid gland activity as a result of excessive iodine intake may manifest itself either as
a goitre, as hypothyroidism with/without goitre, or as hyperthyroidism (0.01-0.6% in populations on
iodine prophylaxis, 0.25% in West Germany [JECFA, 1989]), the outcome depending on the initial and
current iodine status and current thyroid dysfunction. Other effects may be sensitivity reactions (0.4-
5%) (JECFA, 1989) and poisoning through ingestion of large quantities of iodine. Modest excessive
iodine intake causes a temporary increase in iodide uptake by the thyroid with formation of more
organic iodine and large hormone stores. Somewhat larger excessive intake inhibits the iodide
from thyrotoxic thyroids or from TSH stimulated glands and in 0.01-0.06% of exposed people leads
to hypothyroidism. Greater excessive intake inhibits the formation of iodinated tyrosine, lowers the
T4 and T3 plasma levels and raises the plasma TSH (Wolff-Charkoff iodide effect). These effects may
be transient and in many individuals the thyroid can escape this Wolff-Charkoff effect. Individuals not
escaping the Wolff-Charkoff effect develop goitre and become hypothyroid. The inhibiting effects of
excess iodide occurs via unknown organic compounds, probably iodolipids (Cavalieri, 1997). TSH
effects are blunted while the Wolff-Charkoff effect occurs. Other effects include the down-regulation of
iodide transport, a raised ratio of iodotyrosines to iodothyronines in Tg, inhibition of pinocytosis and
proteolyis with reduced hormone secretion (EGVM, 2000). The Wolff-Charkoff effect is the basis for the
treatment of thyrotoxicosis with iodide. Very high intakes of iodide saturate the active transport system
thereby preventing the uptake of radioactive iodine isotopes.
If excess intake occurs during pregnancy, the foetal thyroid is unable to escape the Wolff-Charkoff effect.
The newborn therefore develops a goitre, is hypothyroid and may suffer possible tracheal compression.
Alternatively, the condition may regress spontaneously postnatally after several months.
Some subpopulations such as those suffering from autoimmune thyroid disease, from IDD or nodular
goitre with autonomous functioning nodules are sensitive to external iodine supply. They tend to
respond adversely to levels of iodide which are without adverse effects in the general population.
These persons may develop thyroiditis, goitre, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, sensitivity reactions,
papillary thyroid cancer and acute effects following exposure to iodide. Iodine-induced hypothyroidism
occurs particularly in underlying thyroid disease especially in women (Braverman, 1990).
There is much circumstantial evidence linking excess iodine intake with an increased risk of
autoimmune thyroiditis. It is more prevalent in the US than in Europe because the US population has a
higher iodine intake (250-500 µg I/day). It is also more prevalent in areas with adequate iodine intake.
The existing homoeostatic mechanisms control the tolerance to the widely changing dietary iodine
levels except in a subsection of the population which develop thyroid dysfunction and autoimmunity
on increased iodine intake. This occurs in IDD areas on introduction of iodine prophylaxis. T-cells from
individuals with chronic Hashimoto’s disease proliferate in the presence of iodinated Tg (NNT, 2002).
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is associated with defective intrathyroidal organic binding of iodide leading to
hypothyroidism at pharmacological iodide doses.
Hyperthyroidism can occur after an increase in iodine intake (iodine-induced thyrotoxicosis) usually in
association with IDD but can also occur with non-toxic goitre. It is generally associated with nodular
goitre and thyroid autonomy especially in elderly persons with IDD. Autonomy arises from mutation
with activation of the TSH receptor or Gsα protein. The condition lasts about 1-6 months. It occurs
also in euthyroid individuals from the use of iodinated compounds rather than from iodide, with 50%
developing goitre but no exophthalmos. The mechanism is unclear (EGVM, 2000).
3.2.2. Excessive intake from food
In the normal human thyroid there is no real evidence that moderate acute excess iodine intake decreases
thyroidal uptake of iodine largely because the variable dietary intakes do not appear to affect the serum
levels of the thyroid hormones, the TSH level or the size of the thyroid gland. The normal amounts of
iodine occurring in food do not cause goitre, thyrotoxicosis or iodine acne, only if intakes rise beyond the
10-fold normal value. Acute iodine excess increases thyroid hormone synthesis 10-20 fold while chronic
iodine excess increases synthesis only 2-4 fold. Chronic intake of moderate or large doses of iodine
decreases the serum level of thyroid hormones, increases TSH serum levels, increases the TSH response
to TRH, and increases the size of the thyroid gland. In a random trial in Wales some participants received
500 µg iodide in addition to their normal daily intake of 250 µg. Some of those receiving the additional
iodine showed significantly elevated TSH levels compared to the placebo controls (Chow et al, 1991).
Excessive intakes can cause an increase in thyrotoxicosis and Hashimoto’s disease (with autoantibodies
against thyroid proteins), but can also reduce the incidence of toxic nodular goitre and diffuse non-
toxic goitre. It can also induce hypothyroidism in autoimmune glands. These changes are not seen in
Japanese people despite an average intake of 50-80 mg I/day. In these circumstances urinary iodide
excretion would increase to 20 mg/day or more.
3.2.3. Excessive intake from anthropogenic sources
In iodine-induced hyperthyroidism excess hormone is produced. This occurs especially in areas with
endemic goitre or IDD, when iodine supplementation of the diet is introduced. In normal circumstances
or at intakes <5 mg/day by populations which had no previous experience of iodine deficiency the
incidence of hyperthyroidism or toxic nodular goitre is rare (Nagataki, 1987). In populations with
preexisting IDD 5-8% may get transient hyperthyroidism and thyrotoxic goitre even at normal levels of
iodine intake (150-200 µg/day) but always in response to dietary iodine supplementation. These effects
occur usually in individuals aged 40-50 with nodular goitre or autonomous thyroid tissue (hormone
production not controlled by TSH) or in individuals under 40 with undiagnosed Graves’ disease. If the
introduction of iodised salt to combat IDD is accompanied by poor monitoring of the quality of the
iodised salt and of the iodine intake of the affected population cases of iodine-induced hyperthyroidism
will occur. This was noted in Zimbabwe and the Democratic Republic of Congo (Delange et al, 1999).
Intake of water containing 1 mg I
/L caused impaired iodotyrosine formation in 13% of individuals. In
asthmatics and bronchitics treated with KI some 0.5% developed myxoedema and 0.2% showed slight
thyroid enlargement. In cystic fibrosis patients treated with saturated KI solution some 15% developed
goitre, 5% hypothyroidism and 5% goitre plus hypothyroidism.
3.2.4. The effect of pregnancy
Pregnancy is goitrogenic therefore intakes of >100-200 µg I/day are required to prevent the development of
goitre and to keep the serum levels of free T4 and T3 stable. Intakes of <50 µg I/day during pregnancy lead to
hypothyroidism and the development of goitre in the mother and the newborn (Glinoer et al, 1995). Pregnant
and breastfeeding women need a higher iodine intake because of increased urinary loss of iodine.
Excessive prenatal maternal iodine exposure of the order of 12-1650 mg iodide/day (0.2-27 mg/kg bw/
day) from expectorant mixtures consumed during pregnancy was associated with 8 congenital goitres
and hypothyroidism in infants but a clear causal relationship could not be demonstrated (Carswell et al,
1970). Maternal multiple topical applications of povidone-iodine (1% free I) have produced hypothyroid
infants (Danziger et al, 1987). Similarly, maternal rectal irrigation with povidone-containing solutions
have produced hypothyroid infants (US Food and Nutrition Board, 2001).
Pregnant women with concomitant excessive thyroid stimulation due to iodine deficiency, diagnosed
by reduced free serum T4, reduced urinary I excretion, increased serum Tg, T3/T4, TSH and increased
thyroid volume, if untreated, developed goitre in 18% of cases and the neonates had larger thyroids.
When treated with either 100 µg KI/day or 100 µg KI + 100 µg L-T4/day TSH levels returned to normal,
Tg decreased, and no goitre developed, while in the newborn Tg was also lowered and thyroid volume
remained normal (Glinoer et al, 1995).
3.2.5. Goitre and thyroid cancer
Some 70% of the epithelial tumours of the thyroid are papillary carcinomas, 15% are follicular carcinomas,
>5% are anaplastic carcinomas, while some 5-10% arise from medullary calcitonin-producing C-cells.
The papillary carcinomas are less aggressive while the follicular carcinomas have a worse prognosis.
Carcinomas are more frequent in females than males, occur especially in the aged and the mortality
ranges from 0.2-0.7/100,000 females. Thyroid cancer incidence is increasing in many countries,
particularly Norway and Denmark, but mortality rates are decreasing (NNT, 2002). The incidence shows
great geographical variation between and within countries indicating an influence of exogenous factors.
In man the only well established cause of thyroid cancer is external radiation to the thyroid (NNT,
2002). Goitre predisposes to thyroid papillary cancer as diffuse hyperplasia may be followed by nodular
hyperplasia, benign tumour formation and eventual follicular papillary cancer, the risk being related to
the presence of goitre and not the functional state of the thyroid. There is no animal evidence for this
cancerogenic effect of goitre. The effect of iodine prophylaxis on the incidence of thyroid cancer in an IDD
area of Argentine was examined by comparing the incidence in the 15 years before introduction of iodised
salt with the incidence in the next 16 years. The incidence of papillary carcinoma increased but there was
no effect on the incidence of follicular or medullary cancer. The papillary carcinomas were associated with
a higher occurrence of lymphocytic thyroiditis (Harach and Williams, 1995).
Low dietary iodine intake may produce an increased gonadotrophic stimulation possibly leading to a
hyperoestrogenic state with greater production of oestrogens and oestradiol. This may increase the risk
of breast, endometrial and ovarian cancer (Stadel, 1976).
3.2.6. Acute exposure
Suicides have occurred with Lugol’s solution, causing burning of mouth, gastrointestinal irritation,
abdominal pain, ulceration, hyperthyroidism, haemolytic anaemia, acute renal failure with tubular
necrosis, delirium, stupor and collapse. Tincture of iodine ingestion can cause vomiting, abdominal
cramps, diarrhoea, anuria, fever, weak pulse, cardiac irritability, cyanosis, coma and death. Ingestion
of 1184-9472 mg I causes death within 48 hours.
Doses of 2000-3000 mg iodine (30-40 mg I/kg bw) are probably lethal to humans but survival has been
reported after ingestion of 10-15 g. Exposure to iodine vapour causes lung, eyes and skin irritation. Iodide
in expectorant mixtures has been used at doses of 3.3 mg/kg bw mostly without adverse reactions. Iodine
intakes >10 mg/day from drugs or accidental poisoning is toxic for some individuals (WHO, 1988).
The intake of foods or seasonings made from algae or seaweed containing more than 20 mg iodine/kg
dry mass could damage health (BGVV, 2001)
Thirty two individuals, of which 22 had Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and 10 normal controls were given a
single dose of 2.0 mg iodide and the effect on the uptake of
I was measured and compared with
the uptake before treatment. Patients with thyroiditis had their I uptake reduced by 54%-99%, normal
persons had a reduction of 8-54%. Thus iodide aggravated some thyroid disease (Paris et al, 1961). Sensitivity reactions to iodine
Iodide can also give rise to sensitivity reactions such as urticaria, angiooedema, polymyalgia,
conjunctivitis, coryza, iodide fever, headache, salivary gland enlargement, cerebral symptoms and
hypotension. Iododerma, eosinophilia, pruritic rashes, vesicular eruptions and fungoid eruptions may
also occur (WHO, 1988). Some 3.2% of individuals treated with
I-labelled protein developed sensitivity
reactions. Following amiodarone treatment about 0.4% developed erythema nodosum. In individuals
with hyperthyroidism treated with iodide some 1.75% developed fever. In asthmatics/bronchitics
treated with KI about 5% showed swollen salivary glands, 3% had runny noses, 2% headaches and
15% gastrointestinal complaints. In individuals treated with contrast media for urography (I content
4935-5150 mg/dose) some 1.7% experienced acute allergic reactions and 1.5% suffered from hives,
sneezing, nasal congestion, pruritus and facial oedema, diffuse rash, hypotension, collapse, asthma,
laryngeal oedema, grand mal seizures and parotid swelling.
3.2.7. Subchronic exposure
For persons with autonomous thyroid tissue intakes of 100 µg/day posed no risk (Joseph et al, 1980)
but 200 µg/day caused thyrotoxicosis in some people resident in an IDD region (Stewart, 1975). Iodide
supplementation of 1500 µg/day had a significant inhibitory effect on thyroid function in normal men
(Meyers et al, 1985
). An evaluation of the oral doses at which adverse effects were reported showed
21 cases out of 1256 (1.7%) reported in the literature at doses <1.0 mg/day, while 49 cases out of 1256
(3.9%) occurred at doses of ≤10 mg/day. Of these some had underlying thyroid disease which may
have affected their response to the extra iodine supplied (Pennington, 1990).
Normal subjects receiving 50-250 mg iodide/day for 10-14 days were reported to show subtle changes
in thyroid function. These consisted of small but significant decreases in serum levels of T4, T3 and
concurrent small compensatory increases in basal serum TSH concentrations and exaggerated serum
TSH responses to i.v. TRH (Vagenakis et al, 1973; Saberi and Utiger, 1975). The dietary intakes of iodine
were not recorded in these studies.
Men who drank iodised water providing iodine doses of 0.17-0.27 mg/kg bw/day for 26 weeks reported
no adverse effects (Morgan and Karpen, 1953).
Pharmacological doses of iodide of 1000 mg/person/day administered to 4 normal euthyroid volunteers
for 11 weeks caused small but significant decreases in serum levels of T4 and T3 and compensatory
increases in basal serum TSH levels and the responses elicited by TRH (Jubiz et al, 1977).
The ingestion of about 3 mg iodine/day for 6 months during daily mouth-rinsing with an iodine-
containing mouthwash had no effect on thyroid function (Ader et al, 1988).
The ingestion of 200 mg/day of erythrosine (I-rich food colour) for 2 weeks caused a small increase in basal and
TRH-stimulated TSH secretion. The urinary iodine excretion was about 1200 µg/day (Gardner et al, 1987).
A study was designed to determine the effectiveness of oral doses of iodide (199, 300, 600, 1000 µg/
day) in suppressing
I uptake in groups of 4-10 children of different ages (1-3, 4-6 and 9-11 years) with
clinically normal thyroid function as protection in the event of radio-iodine fall-out following a nuclear
incident. In the group 1-3 years old, a decrease in uptake occurred with 300 µg/day within 2 weeks,
and a further fall occurred when the intake was subsequently increased to 600 µg/day. Suppression of
uptake was also analysed in relation to the iodide dose expressed as µg/m
body surface area/day. The
maximum suppression of uptake occurred within 2 weeks with 1500-2000 µg/m
. Doses of 100 µg/m
slightly increased uptake. The NOEL for any effect on the uptake of
I by children aged 1-11 years
was 100 µg/m
/day. No toxic effects were noted at any of the doses used, however the study used only
small groups, exposure was short and the groups may not have included susceptible individuals. No
indication of the iodine intake from the children’s daily diet was given, and therefore it is not possible to
calculate the total intake. A dose of 100 µg/m
is equivalent to about 170 µg/day (in addition to intake
from food) for an adult (assuming 1.7 m
body surface area) (Saxena et al, 1962).
The studies of Paul et al (1988), Gardner et al (1988), and Chow et al (1991) are also subchronic studies
and these are described in detail in Section 4 (Dose-response assessment).
3.2.8. Chronic exposure
Chronic exposure to iodine causes iodism. The symptoms resemble coryza as well as salivary gland
swelling, gastrointestinal irritation, acneform dermatitis, metallic taste, gingivitis, increased salivation,
conjunctivitis and oedema of eye lids (Goodman and Gilman, 1970). Some consider 2 mg iodide/day
(0.03 mg/kg bw) excessive but the Japanese appear to consume 50-80 mg/day (0.8-1.3 mg/kg bw)
without adverse effects (Mertz, 1986).
In a study on 37 patients with chronic lung disease, treated with 1000-2000 mg iodine/day for a mean 2.2
years, some 13 became clinically hypothyroid but in 7 of these patients normal thyroid function returned on
withdrawal of iodine medication (Jubiz et al, 1977).
The introduction of iodised bread in The Netherlands raised the daily intake by 120-160 µg iodine
resulting in an increase in hyperthyroidism (Van Leeuwen, 1954) The use of winter milk in the UK raised
the iodine intake of women to 236 µg/day and of men to 306 µg/day and was associated with a peak
incidence of hyperthyroidism (Nelson and Phillips, 1985). In 32 young adult Swiss with simple goitre
(and urinary I excretion of 32 µg/day) given 200 µg I/day only one case of transient hyperthyroidism
appeared which showed a serum T4 of 14 µg/100 mL, a serum T3 of 293 ng/100 mL, suppressed TSH,
tachycardia and weight loss (Baltisberger et al, 1995).
When iodine intake was increased by iodide tablets, iodised bread and iodophors in Tasmania to 200
µg/day the incidence of hyperthyroidism rose from 24 to 125/100,000 in subjects >40 years suffering
from multinodular goitre and preexisting heart disease over a period of 10-12 years (Connolly et al,
1970). In Tasmania the incidence of nodular goitre and toxic nodular goitre was eliminated in persons
with normal thyroids. Those which developed hyperthyroidism also had autoimmune antibodies
(Adams et al, 1974). A clinical survey of 30 hyperthyroid patients observed in Tasmania after the
introduction of bread fortified with iodate detected 8 patients with autonomous thyroid nodules but
no thyroid stimulating antibodies, 16 patients without localised autonomy but with antibodies and 6
patients without either localised autonomy or antibodies. Serum TSH was 0.15 mU/mL or less in all
cases. Hence this crop of hyperthyroidism cases was due to the latent hyperthyroidism associated with
the presence of toxic nodules or thyroid stimulating antibodies (Adams et al, 1975).
The introduction of iodised salt (30-90 mg I/kg) in Zimbabwe, an area of moderate to severe IDD, led to
an increase in cases of hyperthyroidism, normally rare among African populations, as shown by a review
of local hospital records of relevant laboratory tests for free T3, T4 and serum TSH levels. The annual
incidence of hyperthyroidism rose from about 90 to about 163 during two years after the introduction
of iodised salt (30-90 mg/kg). A review of some 235 patients diagnosed as thyrotoxicosis showed an
incidence of Gravesdisease of 27% and of toxic nodular goitre of 58%. Patients were mostly females
with a mean age of 50 years. Some 14 deaths occurred from heart failure with atrial fibrillation and some
embolic episodes. Urinary iodine levels had risen from a median 20 µg/L to 238 µg/L. The problem of
iodine-induced hyperthyroidism appeared to have lasted for about 2 years (Todd et al, 1995).
Similar reports of iodine-induced biochemical and overt clinical hyperthroidism in IDD areas have come
from the Democratic Republic of Congo and 7 other African countries after the introduction of iodised
salt. These measures reduced considerably the goitre prevalence in school children and urinary iodine
levels indicated the elimination of IDD (Delange et al, 1999).
In a 5-year study using iodinated drinking water (1 mg/L) supplied to 750 male and female prison
inmates no hyper- or hypothyroidism, no sensitisation reactions and no iodism were noted. The
average dose was 30 µg/kg bw. There was a statistically significant decrease in
I uptake and an
increase in protein-bound iodine (PBI) of the thyroid. One-hundred and seventy seven women inmates
delivered 181 infants showing no thyroid-related adverse effects. Four hyperthyroid women became
more hyperthyroid. The difficulties with this study were the imprecise estimates of intakes from the diet
and fluid consumption of the participating individuals as well as the variable exposure time but the
group size and duration of exposure were adequate (Stockton and Thomas, 1978).
A study on the effects of doses of 250, 500 or 1500 µg iodide/day for 14 days on thyroid function was
carried out in 9 euthyroid men (mean age 34 years) and 23 euthyroid women (mean age 32 years)
with 5 age-matched controls. The parameters examined were PBI, total serum iodine, T4, T3, TSH,
integrated 1-hour serum TSH response to an intravenous dose of 500 µg TRH, and 24-hour urinary
iodine excretion. The dietary intake of iodine was estimated from the urinary iodine excretion to be
approximately 200 µg/person/day making the total ingested doses approximately 450, 700 or 1700 μg
iodide/day. The estimated dose of 1700 µg/day increased the total serum iodine without affecting the
PBI, significantly decreased serum T4 and T3 and increased TSH levels, whilst 700 and 450 µg/day
did not affect significantly these values. Only 1700 µg/day increased the TSH response to TRH (in
women more than in men). The TSH response to TRH was also increased, though not significantly,
in the individuals receiving 700 µg iodide/day. No biochemical effects were detected with 450 µg of
iodide/day; however this study used only small groups, extended over only 2 weeks and the dietary
iodine intake was not determined analytically but was estimated (Paul et al, 1988).
In another study groups of 10 males (mean age 27 years) were treated for 2 weeks with either 500,
1500 or 4500 µg iodide/day. The dietary intake was estimated from urine iodine excretion to have been
approximately 300 µg/person/day making the total ingested doses approximately 800, 1800 or 4800 μg
iodide/day. Serum levels of T3, T4, TSH, PBI, and total iodide, the TSH response to intravenous TRH
and 24-hour urinary excretion of iodide were measured before treatment and again on day 15. Serum T4
levels decreased significantly after ingestion of 1800 µg and 4800 µg/day but did not change after 800
µg/day. Serum T3 levels did not change at any dose. Serum TSH levels remained unchanged in those
receiving 800 µg/day but increased in those receiving 1800 µg and 4800 µg/day. The TSH response to
TRH was significantly enhanced with all iodide doses administered. No adverse effects were reported
and no significant symptoms of thyroid dysfunction were noted. Again only small groups of subjects were
studied, only males were examined, exposure was rather short and the actual dietary intake of iodine was
not determined analytically but estimated (Gardner et al, 1988).
A study on the effect of supplementation of normal dietary intakes (about 250 µg I/day) with 500 µg/day
iodide, giving a total iodide intake of approximately 750 µg iodide/day, or a placebo for a period of 28
days, on the serum levels of free T4 and TSH was carried out in women selected from a general practice in
Cardiff. The groups studied were aged 25-54 years and thyroid antibody positive (subclinical Hashimotos
thyroiditis) (n=20) or antibody negative (n=30), or aged 60-75 years and from an area with adequate dietary
iodine supply (n=29) or from an area that was previously iodine deficient (n=35). The study was described
as a randomised placebo-controlled trial, but it is not clear whether the study was of crossover or parallel
group design. Small decreases in T4 levels and small increases in TSH levels, indicating mild biochemical
hypothyroidism, occurred in all iodide-supplemented subjects of all groups. None of the groups on
supplemental iodide showed any incidence of hyperthyroidism. Following iodide supplementation TSH
levels increased above the normal level of 5 mU/L in 3 of the 60-75 year old subjects, while the raised TSH
levels increased even further in 2 antibody-positive subjects (Chow et al, 1991).
The parameters altered in these dose-response studies included an elevation of serum TSH levels in
response to iodine intake and the enhanced response in TSH levels to TRH stimulation. They were all
of a biochemical nature and not associated with any clinical adverse effects. However, elevated serum
levels of TSH are not necessarily clinically adverse, but could be regarded as indicators of an existing
risk of induced hypothyroidism. There is uncertainty whether the subtle changes observed, such as an
enhanced response to TRH, would have significant adverse biological consequences even if sustained
over longer periods, because all observed values remained within the normal ranges for the parameters
determined. It remains uncertain whether chronic exposure to these small doses would have any
relevant clinical consequences in normal euthyroid individuals.
An UL can be established on the basis that the noted biochemical changes in TSH levels and the TSH
response to TRH administration were marginal and unassociated with any clinical adverse effects at
estimated intakes of 1700 and 1800 µg/day.
Although the studies on which these UL estimates are based were all only of short duration, involved
only a small number of individuals, and lacked precision of the actual total dietary intakes, their results
were supported by the study covering a 5-year exposure at approximately similar iodide intake levels of
30 μg/kg bw/day (equivalent to approximately 1800 μg iodide/day) in which no clinical thyroid pathology
occurred. An UF of 3 is thus considered adequate and provides an UL for adults of 600 µg/day.
The UL of 600 µg is also considered to be acceptable for pregnant and lactating women based on
evidence of lack of adverse effects at exposures significantly in excess of this level.
Since there is no evidence of increased susceptibility in children, the ULs for children were derived by
adjustment of the adult UL on the basis of body surface area (body weight
Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL)
for Iodine (µg per day)
1-3 200
4-6 250
7-10 300
11-14 450
15-17 500
In the US the Standing Committee on the Scientific Evaluation of Dietary Reference Intakes of the
Food and Nutrition Board together with Health Canada are pursuing a joint project which proposes
a tolerable upper level of intake for iodine for adults of 1100 µg/day (US Food and Nutrition Board,
2001). WHO has suggested a provisional maximal tolerable daily intake of 1 mg/day from all sources,
equivalent to 17 µg/kg bw (WHO, 1988). In countries with long-standing IDD the intake should not
exceed 500 µg/day to avoid the occurrence of hyperthyroidism. In France the Expert Committee on
Human Nutrition has suggested an UL of 500 µg I/day in countries with long-standing IDD to avoid the
occurrence of hyperthyroidism (AFSSA, 2001).
Data from European populations indicate that the intakes of iodine from all sources in adults are unlikely
to exceed the UL. For example, in the UK where iodine intake is considered to be high relative to other
European countries, the 97.5 percentile intake in men is 434 µg/day.
In the UK survey data in young children aged 1½-4½ years have shown that iodine intakes may vary
from 87-309 µg/day, with almost all iodine deriving from the consumption of milk. High winter milk
consumers may ingest up to 247-309 µg/day. The UK COT considered that the intake of iodine at the
concentrations that have been found in cow’s milk is unlikely to pose a risk to health even in those
children who are high level consumers (COT, 2000). The SCF agrees with this and notes that an UL is
not a threshold of toxicity but may be exceeded for short periods without an appreciable risk to the
health of the individuals concerned.
Ingestion of iodine-rich algal products, particularly dried products, can result in dangerously excessive
iodine intakes.
These ULs do not apply to IDD populations, as these are more sensitive to iodine exposure.
The UL is not meant to apply to individuals who are being treated with iodine under medical
1. More precise definition of the safety levels for iodine-sensitive individuals relative to those with
normal thyroid function.
2. Better data on the iodine intake and thyroid status of children aged 1-3 years.
Adams DD, Kennedy TH, Stewart JC, Utiger RD, Vidor GI (1975). Hyperthyroidism in Tasmania following iodine supplementation.
Measurements of thyroid-stimulating antibodies and thyrotropin. J Clin Endocrin Metab 41: 221-228.
Ader AW, Paul TL, Reinhardt W, Safran M, Pino S, McArthur W, Braverman LE (1988). Effect of mouth rinsing with two polyvinylpyrrolidone-
iodine mixtures on iodine absorption and thyroid function. J Clin Endocrin Metab 66: 632-635.
AFSSA (Agence Française de Sécurité Sanitaire des Aliments) (2001). Report from the AFSSA Expert Committee on Human Nutrition.
Vitamin and mineral fortification of commonly eaten foods: meeting the nutritional and safety needs of the consumer. 8 November 2001
(transcripted version 15 January 2002). Case No. 2000-SA-0239. Annex 4b, p 15.
Alexy U and Kersting M (1999). Was Kinder essen - und was sie essen sollen. Marseille H, München, Germany.
Ammermann CB,
et al
(1964). Reproduction and lactation in rats fed excessive iodine. J Nutr 84: 107-112.
Bagchi N, Brown TR, Urdanivia E, Sundick RS (1985). Induction of autoimmune thyroiditis in chickens by dietary iodine. Science 230:
Baltisberger BL, Minder CE, Bürgi H (1995). Decrease of incidence of toxic nodular goitre in a region of Switzerland after full correction of
mild iodine deficiency. Eur J Endocrin 132: 546-549.
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Vitamin A (retinol and retinyl esters)
This opinion is one in the series of opinions of the Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) on the upper
levels of vitamins and minerals. The terms of reference given by the European Commission for this task,
the related background and the guidelines used by the Committee to develop tolerable upper intake
levels for vitamins and minerals used in this opinion, which were expressed by the SCF on 19 October
2000, are available on the Internet at the pages of the SCF, at the address:
Vitamin A is a micronutrient essential to most mammalian species. The term vitamin A describes a
group of lipid soluble compounds related metabolically to all-trans-retinol. In the diet, vitamin A is found
in products of animal origin, as retinyl esters, mainly retinyl palmitate. Other esters (oleate, stearate,
myristate), and retinol contribute to the dietary vitamin A intake. The forms most commonly found in
vitamin supplements or enriched food, are retinyl acetate, retinyl palmitate and retinol. These vitamin A
compounds, together with their metabolites, and synthetic derivatives that exhibit the same properties,
are called retinoids.
Some carotenoids (α- and β-carotenes, β-cryptoxanthine) can be cleaved into retinol, via an enzymatic
process, which occurs mainly in the small intestine, and is readily saturated. The toxicity of carotenoids
differs from that of retinoids, and the risks of high intakes of carotenoids are not linked to the
adverse effects of retinoids. Consequently, this report will deal only with the effects of retinoids, on
the assumption that the pro-vitamin A properties arising from dietary intakes of carotenoids will not
contribute significantly to the toxicity of high intakes of vitamin A.
Vitamin A can be expressed on a weight basis as Retinol Equivalents (1 RE = 1 μg retinol) or in International
Unit (IU). Both units take into account the vitamin A potency of various esters, according to the conversion
factors indicated in the following table:
Vitamin A activity in
International Units
Vitamin A activity in Retinol Equivalent (R.E.)
Retinol (1 mg) 3330 1000
Retinyl acetate (1 mg) 2900 870
Retinyl palmitate (1 mg) 1830 550
Dietary vitamin A is absorbed in the upper part of the small intestine, by mechanisms similar to those
of lipid absorption. Retinyl esters undergo hydrolysis by pancreatic lipase (short chain esters) and an
enzyme in the intestinal brush border (long chain esters). The released retinol is incorporated into mixed
micelles and absorbed into enterocytes where it is bound to an intra-cellular protein called CRBPII
(cellular retinol binding protein II). The intracellular retinol is re-esterified (largely with palmitic acid),
packaged into chylomicrons and released into the general circulation via the lymphatic system. The
chylomicrons in the general circulation are hydrolysed by plasma lipoprotein lipase and chylomicron
remnants that are rich in retinyl esters are taken up by tissues, which possess specific receptors,
mainly the liver. Remnants are degraded within the hepatocytes, and the released retinol is transferred
to stellate cells for storage after re-esterification.
The liver is the major storage site for vitamin A, which is mainly localised in lipid droplets of hepatic
stellate cells (also known as Ito cells or lipocytes). These droplets, which never fuse into a large vacuole,
may almost fill the cell, which thus has a very high, but not unlimited, storage capacity.
Vitamin A (retinol and retinyl esters)
In normal conditions, vitamin A is mobilised from the liver stores as retinol, bound to a specific carrier
protein, the Retinol-Binding Protein (RBP), and released into the plasma. This mobilisation is highly
regulated and ensures a homeostatic control of the plasma retinol concentration, which is maintained
at a concentration of about 2 µmol/L, except during extreme hypo- or hyper-vitaminosis A. The usual
plasma concentrations of retinoic acids, the active metabolites of retinol, are much lower (about 10
nmol/L), and their regulatory control is not well understood. The retinol-RBP complex is stabilised by
forming a complex with transthyretin (pre-albumin).
Retinol bound to RBP enters target tissues, by a mechanism that may involve a specific membrane
receptor, although such a receptor has been described only in the pigmented epithelium of the retina.
Another hypothesis to explain the specific and regulated delivery of vitamin A to tissues proposes a
particular lipid composition of some membrane areas. After internalisation, retinol is usually bound to
the intra-cellular binding protein CRBP.
Intracellular retinol can undergo a number of different pathways of metabolism. It can be esterified within
the tissue, probably to generate a limited local in situ store. Retinol can undergo metabolic activation by
oxidation of the side chain into retinal and retinoic acids, which can in turn be further oxidised, probably
by cytochrome P450, into 4-hydroxy metabolites (Collins and Mao, 1999). Another metabolic pathway
is conjugation with glucuronic acid, which leads to retinoyl- and retinyl glucuronides, the enhanced
polarity of which results in their elimination in faeces and urine (reviewed in Olson, 1999). Nearly all of the
metabolically inter-related retinoid compounds may exist in an all-trans form or as cis- or di-cis- isomers
(mainly at the 9, 11 and 13 positions). Numerous enzymes are involved in these various metabolic
pathways, and the relative involvement of each of them is not yet completely understood. Of particular
importance are the enzymes involved in the conversion of retinol to retinal and then to retinoic acid,
because these enzymes may act as regulators of tissue retinoic acid levels. The reversible interconversion
of retinol into retinal can be catalyzed both by the group of short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase and by
alcohol dehydrogenases. Conversely, the irreversible oxidation of retinal into retinoic acid can be due to
aldehyde dehydrogenases or members of the cytochrome P450 family (Duester, 1996).
Retinal, the initial oxidised metabolite of retinol, is the chromophore of rhodopsin, a visual pigment of the
cone cells of the pigmented epithelium of the retina. The photo-induced isomerisation of 11-cis-retinal into
all-trans-retinal is the initial event of the photo-transduction cascade, which ends by the production of a
signal to the ocular nerves.
Retinoic acids, both all-trans-retinoic acid (TRA) and its 9-cis isomer (9CRA) act as regulators of genomic
expression; the 13-cis isomer (13CRA), which is present in plasma at similar concentrations to TRA,
is probably not involved in the actions of vitamin A. Retinoic acids are able to bind to specific nuclear
receptors known as RAR and RXR receptors: RARs can bind either TRA or 9CRA, while RXRs bind only
9CRA. Upon ligand binding these nuclear receptors bind to specific response elements on DNA, and
thus regulate gene expression. The system is complex due to the existence of several isoforms for RAR
and RXR, and because the activated receptors dimerise with themselves, with each other, or with other
members of the same superfamily of receptors (namely vitamin D receptor, thyroid hormone receptor,
PPAR) before they bind to the DNA response elements. The number of genes known to be regulated
by retinoic acids is continually increasing. Retinoic acids are considered as the molecular species
responsible for all the functions attributed to vitamin A, with the exception of vision.
Of particular importance in the setting of an upper level is the role of retinoic acids during morphogenesis
and embryonic development. It has long been recognised that abnormal fetal development is associated
with either insufficient or excessive intakes or vitamin A and related compounds. The role of retinoic
acid and its receptors in ontogenesis was confirmed by the finding that RAR-null mutant mice (Lohnes
et al, 1994) died in utero or shortly after birth, and exhibited congenital abnormalities. Moreover, RARs
and RXRs show specific spatio-temporal patterns of expression in all developing systems during
embryonic development, which suggests that retinoic acid signalling is involved in most, if not all,
morphogenetic and patterning processes (Morriss-Kay and Sokolova, 1996).
Vitamin A deficiency is rare in the Western world, but is a major problem in developing countries.
Specific symptoms associated with deficiency include visual problems such as night blindness and
xerophthalmia that may end in irreversible blindness. Other reported effects include growth retardation
in children, skin disorders, impaired immune function and congenital malformations of the eyes, lung,
cardiovascular and urinary systems if deficiency occurs during pregnancy. However, in humans, these
latter symptoms are often associated to a multi-nutrient deficiency and the exact role of vitamin A
remains to be ascertained.
Vitamin A (retinol and retinyl esters)
In 1992, the Committee determined a population reference intake (700 μg/day for men and 600 μg/
day for women) (SCF, 1993). This recommendation is met by the intakes of the general population
in developed countries. Intake data for various European countries (Table 1) indicate that the mean
intakes are well above the population reference intakes, whereas the median intakes are at or slightly
below the population reference intakes. The difference between the mean and median values indicates
a skewed distribution of intakes, which arises from the non-uniform distribution of preformed retinol in
the food supply, and very high intakes by consumers of foods such as liver.
Table 1. The daily intakes of preformed retinol (retinol and retinyl esters) in EU countries (µg/day)
Population n Method Supplements Mean 97.5%
men + women 2488 24 h recall Not defined 1120 4230
household 2734 7-day record + 759 4377
household 5958 2-day record - 891 3230
7-day record
1226 (602)
1058 (463)
1277 (618)
1133 (491)
Results are for intake as preformed retinol
Elmadfa et al (1998)
Heseker et al (1992) - median not mean value; data reported as preformed retinol
Mensink and Ströbel (1999) - these values include retinol equivalents from carotenoids
Turrini (INRAN) - as retinol
Hülshof and Kruizinga (1999)
Gregory et al (1990) - values are the mean with the median in parentheses
Many cases of acute hypervitaminosis A has been reported in the past 60 years. They have been
extensively reviewed by Bauernfeind (1980) who quoted an exhaustive compilation of 385 individual
cases up to 1975 (Köerner and Völlm, 1975). These cases mainly concern anecdotal ingestion by
adults of large amounts of shark or polar bear liver, suspected to provide more than 2 mg/g of retinol
equivalents. More than 100 cases of iatrogenic hypervitaminosis A were reported in children in France
and Spain in the early 60s, probably potentiated by high doses of vitamin D. Excessive dosages of
vitamin A may result in a number of adverse effects, including skin disorders, nausea, vomiting, bone
pain, plus teratogenicity due to retinol and its metabolite TRA (which has been the focus of most
previous risk assessments).
The following adverse effects are reviewed separately:
1. Bulging fontanelle in infants/intracranial pressure
2. Hepatotoxicity
3. Effects on bone metabolism
4. Effects on lipid metabolism
5. Teratogenicity.
3.1. Bulging fontanelle in infants/Intracranial hypertension
The prevention of vitamin A deficiency in developing countries has involved the administration to
infants and children of a single large dose of vitamin A, or a series of large doses with an interval of
1 month or more between consecutive doses. The development of reversible bulging fontanelle (BF)
has been reported in a number of these studies. BF is a clinical symptom, which can be observed in
infants at examination. Usually, it is not accompanied by an elevation of intracranial pressure (Agoestina
et al, 1994), probably because the increased volume of the cerebro-spinal fluid can expand, using
Vitamin A (retinol and retinyl esters)
the fontanelles and the un-fused cranial sutures (Humphrey et al, 1998; WHO, 1998). The effect is
age-dependent with higher doses being without effect in 6 or 9 month old infants (Stabell et al, 1995)
compared with 6-17 week old infants (De Francisco et al, 1993; Baqui et al, 1995). Vitamin A induced
BF is always rapidly reversible (usually in less than 2 days). BF exclusively concerns a distinct and
sensitive sub-population that is neonates and infants of both genders, from birth to 6 to 8 months of
age. A recent study by Humphrey et al (1998) clearly shows that vitamin A-induced BF is not associated
with adverse growth or developmental sequelae.
BF may represent the infant form of the headaches that are frequently reported during hypervitaminosis
A in adults, and which may possibly arise from increased intracranial pressure (although it is actually
not measured). In older children or in adults, the increased volume of the cerebro-spinal fluid can be
linked to an increased intra-cranial pressure (Babikian et al, 1994). Excessive vitamin A intakes have
been described as one among many possible causal factors of symptomatic intracranial hypertension
(Pasquariello et al, 1977; Tibbles et al, 1972; Gangemi et al, 1985).
3.2. Hepatotoxicity
Relatively few chronic toxicity studies on animals have been reported. Leo et al (1982) showed that rats
receiving 120 μg RE of vitamin A daily for 8 weeks resulted in proliferation of the endoplasmic reticulum
and mitochondria enlargement, symptoms which were enhanced when the animals received ethanol
simultaneously. An earlier study (Randall, 1951, cited by Santos, 1987) in which rats were fed 5 days
a week during 10 months with 3 to 15,000 μg RE of vitamin A/kg of diet did not show any change in
body growth and haematological parameters, but liver examination was not performed. Subsequent
animal studies have confirmed the effects of vitamin A on the liver and the nature and extent of hepatic
damage (Shintaku et al, 1998). Lettinga et al (1996) have shown that feeding rats during one week with
75,000 μg RE of vitamin A/kg diet (approximately 1500 μg RE per animal, daily) led to activation of
Kupffer cells and proliferation of hepatic stellate cells. These events are known to be initial steps of the
development of an experimental fibrosis in rats.
The available data on humans are exclusively case reports, either describing a single case, or gathering
information obtained in a given hospital. For obvious ethical reason, no experiments have been
carried out on humans. In most of the reported cases, the toxicity has been linked to the intake of
high doses of vitamin A, over long time periods. Evidence of the causal link between the vitamin and
the hepatotoxicity was the improvement of symptoms after withdrawal of vitamin A, and the fact that
other possible etiologic causes had been ruled out by experienced clinicians and adequate assays.
Furthermore, hepatotoxicity was very frequently associated with elevated retinol and retinyl esters in
serum, and histology revealed hepatic stellate cell hyperplasia.
Hepatotoxicity is one of the most severe outcomes of chronic intake of high dosages of vitamin A
(Bauernfeind, 1980; Geubel et al, 1991; Kowalski et al, 1994). The first symptoms of hypervitaminosis A
are not hepatic; they vary greatly, according to the severity of the disease, and often include headache,
bone and joint pain, nausea and dry skin. Vitamin A induced hepatotoxicity can be diagnosed clinically
using signs of hepatomegaly, chronic hepatic disease, ascites, icterus, oedema, oesophageal varices or
dermatological lesions. Serum transaminase levels are usually moderately enhanced, and there is often a
slight anicteric cholestasis. Histological features of vitamin A-induced hepatotoxicity include hepatic stellate
cell hyperplasia and hyperproliferation, as well as collagen diffusion within the space of Disse, which can
evolve in a portal hypertension (Guarascio et al, 1983; Geubel et al, 1991; Jacques et al, 1979).
In many cases, the hepatotoxicity is reversible after the withdrawal of vitamin A, which results in slow (up to
several years) normalisation of the biochemical indexes. However, in some patients the liver disease progresses
after vitamin A withdrawal from steatosis or fibrosis into micronodular cirrhosis, development of which can be
fatal. The hepatotoxicity can be potentiated by various pathological conditions, including hypertriglyceridemia
(Ellis et al, 1986), chronic alcohol intake (Leo and Lieber, 1999), and pre-existing liver disease (Russell et al,
1974). It is difficult to estimate quantitatively the proportion of vitamin A-induced hepatotoxicity which is
reversible upon withdrawal. In the most comprehensive available set of data, 41 patients were diagnosed
with a vitamin A-induced hepatic pathology, at various levels of severity; nine (22%) died in less than 2 years
following diagnosis and progression of the disease was demonstrated in 3 others.
Mechanisms of hepatic effects are linked to overload of the storage capacity of the liver for vitamin A.
The liver then becomes unable to take up newly-absorbed retinyl esters, and possibly releases retinol
unbound to RBP. Non-specific delivery of retinol, which has surface-active properties, may produce
membrane damage and lysosomal rupture (Ellis et al, 1986).
Vitamin A (retinol and retinyl esters)
In addition, the vitamin A-loaded hepatic stellate cells may fill the sinusoidal space and thus obstruct
the blood flow and create portal hypertension (Russell et al, 1974; Hruban et al, 1974). Hepatic stellate
cells are also involved in the synthesis of extracellular matrix proteins, and upon activation, they exhibit
a “myofibroblast-like” phenotype (Davis et al, 1987; Svegliati-Baroni et al, 2001), producing collagen
type III, and promoting fibrosis and potential cirrhosis.
3.3. Bone metabolism
Histopathological changes in animal bone following very high vitamin A doses (up to 13,500 μg RE per
animal) have been reviewed in Hathcock et al (1990) and have been shown to lead to bone fragility and
spontaneous fractures (Nieman and Obbink, 1954). Similar bone lesions have been described in rats
following retinoic acid administration (Dhem and Goret-Nicaise, 1984), and in the rabbit following intra-
articular injection of 30,000 μg RE of retinyl palmitate (Lapadula et al, 1995).
Several isolated cases of skeletal problems in children with severe hypervitaminosis A have been
reported (reviewed in Biesalski, 1989). Bone symptoms involve a decrease in density, osteoporotic
changes and cortical thickening of the long tubular bones, leading to retarded growth. Freudenheim et
al (1986) measured bone mineral content in a 4 year clinical trial in women receiving or not receiving
calcium supplementation. Dietary intake was determined by a single 24-hour record and used to
determine any dietary factors affecting the results. A highly significant effect of vitamin A was reported at
only one site, the ulna, and only in women taking calcium supplements; this finding is difficult to interpret
as it seems to have arisen largely due to a single individual with a very high vitamin A intake (4300 μg
RE) and who showed very rapid bone loss. Sowers and Wallace (1990) reported no relationship between
vitamin A intake or serum retinol concentration and radial bone mass or fracture history in a group of
246 postmenopausal women. A brief report by Theiler et al (1995) suggested that chronic vitamin A
intoxication in adults might be related to osteoarthritis. Houtkooper et al (1995) analysed the influence of
various factors, including nutrient intake, on annual rates of change in bone mineral density in a group
of 66 pre-menopausal women who were taking calcium supplements. There was a slight loss of bone,
measured at a number of sites, during the 18 months of the study, which was within the measurement
errors of the techniques available. At one of the measured sites there was an indication that high intakes
of vitamin A were associated with less loss of bone. No association was found between serum retinyl
esters and reduced bone density in the 1988-1994 United Kingdom National Health and Nutrition Survey
(Ballew et al, 2001), although serum retinyl esters reflect recent intake and are not a good indicator of
vitamin A status.
There were no changes in serum markers of skeletal turnover (bone-specific alkaline phosphatase, N-
telopeptide of type 1 collagen and osteoclastin) in a group of 40 male volunteers given 7.6 mg vitamin
A as retinyl palmitate per day for 6 weeks (Kawahara et al, 2002). Such serum measurements were
considered by the authors to be sensitive markers of bone turnover as they show larger and more rapid
changes to therapeutic treatments than would be found with measurements of bone mineral density.
However the authors concluded that whether long-term vitamin A supplementation might have adverse
skeletal effect remains to be determined.
A nested case-control study (Melhus et al, 1998) has investigated the vitamin A intake (which was divided
into 4 bands of <0.5, 0.5-1.0, 1.0-1.5 and >1.5 mg/day) by 247 women with a hip fracture and 873
controls from a group of 66,651 Swedish women in a mammography study cohort. The dietary intake of
pre-formed retinol, was associated, in a dose-dependent manner, with a higher risk of hip fracture; both
univariate and multivariate analysis showed a significant (P<0.01) 1.5- to 1.6-fold increase in risk per mg
retinol consumed daily. An associated cohort study indicated that similar intakes of retinol reduced bone
density (Melhus et al, 1998). Analysis of data from the Nurses’ Health study in the US (Feskanich et al,
2002) reported 603 hip fractures a total of 72,337 women who had been studied for up to 18 years, with
an increased risk attributable to total retinol (vitamin A) intake and retinol intake but not beta-carotene
intake. The total vitamin A and retinol intakes were divided into quintiles and there was a significantly
elevated relative risk of 1.48 and 1.89 respectively in the highest quintiles of intake (>3000 and >2000
μg RE per day respectively) compared with the lowest quintiles. Multivariate analysis revealed highly
significant trends of increased risk for both total vitamin A (P=0.003) and retinol (P0.001) for total intake
(food plus supplements) but not for food only (P=0.24 and 0.05 respectively). The lower statistical power
for the food only data may have been related to differences in the precision of the intake estimates,
which were based on a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire, and brand-specific information
on vitamin preparations. Hormone replacement therapy appeared to reduce the relative risk in post-
menopausal women.
Vitamin A (retinol and retinyl esters)
These findings may have a mechanistic explanation, related to a possible effect of retinoic acid in
regulating the expression of genes, since both osteoblasts and osteoclasts express RARs and RXRs
(Saneshige et al, 1995). Retinoic acid inhibits osteoblast differentiation (Cohen-Tanugi and Forest, 1998) and
stimulates osteoclast formation and bone resorption (Scheven and Hamilton, 1990; Kindmark et al, 1995).
A molecular interaction of vitamin A and vitamin D could also be responsible for the antagonism of vitamin
A towards the action of vitamin D reported in rats (Rohde et al, 1999). A recent trial on 9 human healthy
volunteers receiving either 15 mg of retinyl palmitate (8250 μg RE), or 2 µg of 1,25(OH)
vitamin D, or a
mixture of both, indicated that retinyl palmitate antagonizes the rapid calcium response to physiological
levels of vitamin D (Johansson and Melhus, 2001). These data suggest that excessive vitamin A may
increase bone resorption and decrease bone formation (Binkley and Krueger, 2000).
3.4. Lipid metabolism
Several reports suggest that retinoic acids increase plasma triacylglycerol concentrations in humans.
Long-term intakes of moderate doses of retinol have been shown to increase circulating concentrations
of both triacylglycerols and cholesterol (Cartmel et al, 1999). A population of 2297 subjects, with a
moderate risk of skin cancer (actinic keratoses), received 7500 μg RE/day of retinol for approximately
4 years in a placebo-controlled trial. The treated group exhibited a small (2-3%) increase in cholesterol
concentration. Serum cholesterol is a known risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, and even a small
increase in concentration would represent an increase in risk.
3.5. Teratogenesis
The teratogenic effects of retinoic acids, the active oxidized metabolites of vitamin A, have been known
for a long time and documented both in animals and in humans. Children exposed in utero to isotretinoin
(13CRA) exhibit a pattern of congenital malformations, known as “the retinoic acid syndrome”, which
includes defects of the craniofacies (small or absent external ears and auditory canals, cleft palate,
micrognathia, low set ears), of the central nervous system (micro- or anopthalmia, cerebellar or cortical
defects, microcephaly), of the thymus and of the cardiovascular system (transposition of the heart
vessels, aortic arch hypoplasia, ventricular septal defects) (Lammer et al, 1985; Chan et al, 1996;
Sinning, 1998). The risk of these defects was 25 times higher in the exposed children, and even
greater when neuropsychological dysfunctions were assessed (Adams and Lammer, 1991). This last
outcome could be related to an abnormal development of specific brain structures, which has been
documented in rodents (Holson et al, 1997a, b and c). Most of these anatomical defects appear to
be associated with alterations in the migration of cells from the neural crest (Morriss-Kay et al, 1993).
The gestational period at which exposure occurred is of critical importance in the generation of these
effects. In animals, the extent and nature of the defects resulting from the same dose of the same
retinoid varies according to the gestational day of exposure (Holson et al, 1997a, b and c; Shenefelt,
1972). In humans, the critical period seems to be between the second and the fifth week of pregnancy,
although it is generally stated that caution should be taken from the very beginning and up to the 60
day of pregnancy.
Birth defects similar to those observed following therapeutic use of isotretinoin or other retinoids
have been described in approximately 20 women who had ingested vitamin A during the early weeks
of their pregnancies (reviewed in Biesalski, 1989). These were separate case reports, in which the
exposure to vitamin A occurred via supplements. Although the data represent a series of anecdotal
cases, they confirm the link between excessive vitamin A intake and teratogenesis, which has been
clearly documented in various animal species, including mice, rabbits, rats (Piersma et al, 1996) and
non human primates. Large species differences in susceptibility exist, for example, the teratogenicity
of 13CRA in mice is 20-fold less than in the Cynomolgus monkey, and 100-fold less than in humans
(Hummler et al, 1990; Public Affairs Committee of the Teratology Society, 1990). The Cynomolgus
monkey is the most sensitive animal species studied to date.
An important question is whether the pre-existing body stores affect the intake-response relation for
teratogenicity. It is possible that the risk of the malformations could be higher in individuals with high body
loads, but data from experiments on rats do not support this hypothesis. Biesalski et al (1996) did not find
teratogenicity in rats fed a very high vitamin A diet before mating, and Piersma et al (1996) reported that the
background level of circulating retinol or liver vitamin A did not affect the teratogenic potential of a single dose
of retinyl palmitate. This indicates that a high vitamin A dose would have a similar teratogenic potential in a
woman with good liver stores and in a vitamin A-deficient mother.
Vitamin A (retinol and retinyl esters)
Several epidemiological studies have been designed to investigate the relationship between vitamin A
intake and teratogenesis in humans. Five case-control studies have been published since 1990, in which
the intake of vitamin A has been estimated retrospectively, both in controls and in mothers of malformed
babies (Martines-Frias and Salvador, 1990; Werler et al, 1990; Botto et al, 1996; Mills et al, 1996; Shaw
et al, 1997). The design of these studies varies, especially as regards the classification of the observed
malformations, the numbers of women studied and the statistical power, and the collection of data on
vitamin A consumption. The studies and data are summarised in Table 2.
Table 2. Epidemiological case-control studies that investigated the association between vitamin A
intake and foetal malformations
Population Results Comments Ref.
Exposure to
vitamin A
Odds ratio
(95% confidence
11,193 11,293
>3,000 µg
>12,000 µg
1.1 (0.5 - 2.5)
2.7 (0.8 - 11.7)
only 11 cases and
4 controls at high
exposure level
and Salvador,
2,658 2,609
during the 1st
2.5 (1.0 - 6.2)
no information on
vitamin A doses
neural crest-
Werler et al, 1990
2nd month 2.3 (0.9 - 5.8)
3rd month 1.6 (0.6 - 4.5)
158 3026
Use of
0.57 (0.33 - 1.00)
focus on
defects only
Botto et al, 1996
548 (NTD)
>2,400 µg
0.91 (0.31 - 3.68)
1.05 (0.51 - 2.18)
Consumption of
liver does not
increase the risk
Mills et al, 1996
387 (others)
>3,000 µg
RE/day from food
and supplements
0.73 (0.40 - 1.53)
0.92 (0.40 - 2.11)
426 432
0-2999 µg
1.0 (reference)
NTD (neural tube
defects) only;
vitamin A from
and supplements
Shaw et al, 1997
16 12
3000-4499 µg
1.4 (0.6 - 2.8)
6 7 >4500 µg RE/day 0.9 (0.3 - 2.5)
NTD: neural tube defect.
Two prospective studies have been performed. Rothman et al (1995) recruited more than 22,748 pregnant
women into a prospective study in which their intake of vitamin A, through both diet and supplements,
was assessed by questionnaire for each of the 12 weeks since their last menstrual period. Information on
pregnancy outcomes was obtained through obstetricians or mothers, without direct examination of the
children. The birth defects that were reported in 339 children were then classified, and 121 malformations
appeared to be of cranial-neural-crest origin. Rothman and colleagues reported that a daily intake
exceeding 3000 μg RE of supplemental vitamin A significantly increased the risk of malformations.
The percentages of babies with cranial-neural-crest defects were 0.52 and 1.06 in women with intakes
from food of 0-1500 μg RE/day and more than 3000 μg RE/day respectively. A greater difference was
found when the comparison was based on reported intakes from supplements with values of 0.46 and
2.21 percent in women with intakes of 0-1500 μg RE/day and more than 3000 μg RE/day respectively
(giving a prevalence ratio of 4.8 with 95 percent confidence intervals of 2.2 to 10.5). These differences
were based on small number of babies in each of the high intake sub-groups, i.e. 2 babies after >3000
μg RE/day from food and 7 babies after >3000 μg RE/day from supplements. Analysis of the potential
vulnerable period in babies whose mothers had an intake >3000 μg RE/day showed that the prevalence
of cranial-neural-crest defects was 4.8%, 3.8% and 0% when the high intake was only during 2 weeks
before conception (n=2/42), only before week 7 of pregnancy (n=3/80) and only after week 6 (n=0/70)
respectively. The overall conclusion of the study (see quantitative considerations below) was different
from those of the retrospective studies. This paper has been criticised, particularly in relation to possible
Vitamin A (retinol and retinyl esters)
misclassification of the malformations. Only 76.5% of the pregnancy outcomes were assessed by
physicians, and the remainder were based on information provided by the mother. The birth defects were
classified independently by two researchers, who were blind to the intake estimates, using a classification
scheme that focussed on cranial-neural-crest and other likely vitamin A related defects.
The second prospective study (Mastroiacovo et al, 1999) collected data on 423 babies exposed for at
last one week during the first 9 weeks of pregnancy to high doses of vitamin A (3000 μg RE or more) and
evaluated the outcome data. The mothers were recruited following referral to 13 European Teratology
Information Services for advice about the possible risk associated with their high intakes of vitamin A. In
this study, only a low incidence of major malformations was reported (3 out of 311 exposed pregnancies).
Based on the prevalence rate in the study of Rothman et al (1995) a total of 7 babies would have been
predicted to have suffered malformations. Although the confidence intervals for this result overlapped
with the confidence intervals for the data from the study of Rothman et al (1995), the authors pointed
out that the cases were at intakes of 7500, 9000 and 15,000 μg RE per day, and that no abnormalities
were reported in 120 women with intakes reported to exceed 15,000 μg RE per day. No evidence was
found of an increased risk of major malformation in babies exposed to vitamin A in early pregnancy when
compared to those exposed later (i.e. after the 9
week of pregnancy) (rate ratio: 0.28 [95% confidence
intervals 0.06-1.23]). There was no evidence of increased risk when the data for the group exposed
to vitamin A were compared to a group referred for advice because of exposure to non-teratogenic
compounds (rate ratio: 0.50 [CI 0.14-1.76]). The possibility of misclassification of the malformations was
not directly considered, but all cases of congenital anomaly, neonatal problems or prolonged stay in
hospital were followed up with the attending paediatrician.
A clinical trial has been carried out in Hungary (Dudas and Czeisel, 1992) in which a supplement of
1800 μg RE vitamin A did not increase the incidence of foetal malformations. However this study does
not negate the findings of Rothman et al (1995) because of the low dose used; also no conclusions can
be drawn with respect to the incidence of neural tube defects, because folic acid was administered
simultaneously with vitamin A.
4.1. Bulging fontanelle in infants/Intracranial hypertension
The available data on bulging fontanelle (BF) come from intervention studies on large human
populations of healthy infants (more than 100 subjects), with a placebo group, in which all the events
of BF have been recorded. The route of exposure (per os) and the chemical form and intake conditions
(and therefore the bioavailability) were similar in all studies. The data only concern the effects of acute
or sub-acute dosages.
Vitamin A-induced BF is reported regularly, and usually occurs in a small proportion of treated infants
less than 6 months of age. The proportion affected increases when the same infants receive further
doses. The administered dose-effect relationship is clearer when the effect of cumulative dose is
considered. BF has been reported in young infants given doses of 15,000 μg RE at 6, 10 and 14 weeks
of age (De Francisco et al, 1993), or 7500 μg RE at 6, 12 and 17 weeks of age (Baqui et al, 1995).
Conversely, BF was not reported when 30,000 μg RE was given at both 6 and 9 months.
4.2. Hepatotoxicity
In humans, the available data clearly suggest that the occurrence of toxic symptoms depends both
on the vitamin A dose taken on a regular basis, and on the duration of this intake. The most extensive
report (Geubel et al, 1991), included 41 cases, but reliable intake information was available on only
29 patients who had a mean daily intake of 28,770 μg RE (range, 6,000-120,000 μg RE). The duration
of high intake averaged 7.17 ± 1.21 years (range 0.2-15 years). Interestingly, these authors reported
that the most severely affected subjects, i.e. those with cirrhosis (n=13), had consumed significantly
more vitamin A, both daily and in total, than the patients without cirrhosis. The lowest continuous daily
consumption in patients with cirrhosis was 7500 μg RE/day taken over 6 years. A similar case (7500 μg
RE/day for 6 years) has been reported more recently (Kowalski et al, 1994), in which progressive liver
failure led to death of the patient. Cases of hepatotoxicity have not been reported below 7500 μg RE/
day, and it can be hypothesized that this value might be the upper threshold of the storage capabilities
of the liver. It is not known if a dose lower than 7500 μg RE/day could induce hepatotoxicity if taken for
more than 6 years, but such low intakes may not been considered by physicians when they attempted
to identify the cause of their patient’s liver disease.
Vitamin A (retinol and retinyl esters)
Differential sensitivity to vitamin A-induced hepatotoxicity has been considered by several authors. On
a weight basis, it does not seem that children (more than one year old) are more sensitive than adults
(reviewed in Hathcock et al, 1990). In elderly people (64-88 years old) plasma retinyl esters and retinol
values were correlated to their supplemental vitamin A intakes (up to 14,100 μg RE/day for 5 years),
but not to liver function tests (Stauber et al, 1991).
4.3. Bone metabolism
The risk for hip fracture in Swedish women (Melhus et al, 1998) is doubled for retinol intake greater than
1500 μg RE/day as compared to intakes less than 480 μg RE/day. Based on univariate analysis, the relative
risks at intakes of 500-1000 μg/day, 1000-1500 μg/day and >1500 μg/day, compared with individuals
with intakes <500 μg/day, were 0.93 (0.61-1.41), 1.27 (0.80-2.02) and 1.95 (1.15-2.11) respectively. The
intake was from dietary sources and therefore it is possible that the effects detected may have arisen
from unrecognised confounding; however the mechanistic data on the actions of retinoic acid on bone
metabolism are consistent with the reported relationship. An intake of 1500 μg RE/day is close to the PRI
(600 μg RE/day for women) and lower than the actual intakes for a substantial proportion of the population
(see Table 1). A similar dose response relationship was reported by Feskanich et al (2002) in data from a
large cohort of women in the US, studied over a period of 18 years. The cohort was divided into quintiles
for total vitamin A intake (<1250, 1250-1699, 1700-2249, 2250-2999, >3000 μg RE daily) and also for retinol
intake (<500, 500-849, 850-1299, 1300-1999, >2000). Significant trends were apparent between relative risk
and the intakes from food and supplements of total vitamin A and also of retinol. A significant increase in
relative risk was reported using a multivariate analysis for the two highest quintiles of retinol intakes (1300-
1999 and >2000 μg RE/day) compared with the lowest quintile (<500 μg RE/day). The trend analyses for
retinol from food and supplements (P0.001) compared with food only (P=0.05) indicates an important
contribution from supplements and this would be less likely to be affected by dietary confounding than the
data from the study of Melhus et al (1998). Therefore, both of these major epidemiology studies indicate
an increased risk of bone fracture over an intake range similar to that normally consumed from food and
supplements (Table 1).
4.4. Lipid metabolism
Patients given 7500 μg RE/day for approximately 4 years exhibited a small (2-3%) increased in cholesterol
concentration (Cartmel et al, 1999). A similar study, conducted on 146 patients with retinitis pigmentosa
during 12 years failed to show any adverse effect of 4500 μg RE/day (Sibulesky et al, 1999).
4.5. Teratogenesis
Several methods have been used to assess the dose-response relationship for the risk of high intakes
of vitamin A during pregnancy.
4.5.1. Analysis of the relationship between vitamin A intake and the occurrence of birth defects
Dose-response relationships could be examined on the basis of the published case reports, but the
available information is usually limited, and relates to supplemental intake only. The 18 cases reviewed
in Biesalski (1989) had ingested daily between 5400 and 45,000 μg RE, over periods of several weeks
or months, usually starting before pregnancy. Based on the data from studies in pregnant animals,
teratogenesis could result from either a single dose or a limited number of doses, and there is a report
of congenital malformation after ingestion of a single dose of approximately 300,000 μg RE (Mounoud
et al, 1975). The absence of anecdotal case reports at lower intakes of vitamin A cannot be taken as
evidence of an absence of risk: babies with cranial-neural-crest defects are born to women with normal
intakes of vitamin A, and clinicians would not suspect a cause-effect relationship at doses close to
normal intakes. Establishment of the dose-response relationship requires the analysis of data from
epidemiology studies.
4.5.2. Analysis of the results of epidemiological studies
No association has been found in the majority of case-control studies between daily doses of vitamin
A of 3000 μg RE or less and foetal malformation. However, in each of these studies, the number of
women consuming high amounts of vitamin A was too limited to give a reliable estimate of a safe intake
value. It is possible that a meta-analysis could be of value, but to combine the data for high exposure
individuals would probably require access to the original databases.
Vitamin A (retinol and retinyl esters)
The prospective study of Rothman et al (1995) was large enough to stratify the population according to
the vitamin A intake. Moreover, the origin of the vitamin A intake (supplement or food) was available for
all subjects. The authors found that the women taking daily more than 4500 μg RE of total vitamin A
(from food and supplement) had a 3.5 times higher risk of giving birth to a child with cranial-neural-crest
defects, than mothers ingesting less than 1500 μg RE/day. When the analysis was restricted to the
supplemental intake of vitamin A only, the relative risk for mothers ingesting more than 3000 μg RE/day
was 4.8 higher than those ingesting 1500 μg RE/day. The authors fitted a regression curve to their data,
which indicated a rise in the ratio of prevalence of birth defects associated to the cranial-neural crest at
doses greater than 3000 μg RE/day of vitamin A (food and supplement). The conclusions of the study
remained the same when several potential confounding factors were considered.
The quantitative conclusion from the Rothman’s study was that 3000 μg RE/day of supplemental
vitamin A can be considered as a threshold for teratogenicity, and this has been discussed extensively.
Khoury et al (1996), for example reported that 2400 μg RE/day of supplemental vitamin A did not
increase the risk of birth defects, but this report, which lacks details does not contradict the conclusion
from the study of Rothman et al (1995). Similarly, in the study of Duda and Czeisel (1992) a dose of 1800
μg RE/day was given to pregnant women without observing any increase in birth defects, but there are
methodological uncertainties in the report, and the data are consistent with the conclusion of Rothman
et al (1995). The study that contradicts the dose-response model reported in the paper of Rothman et
al (1995) is that of Mastroiacovo et al (1999). These authors reported only three cases of malformations
out of 423 pregnancies (311 births) exposed to vitamin A, at levels above 3000 μg RE/day. Although
the number of women recruited was considerably smaller than in the Rothman et al (1995) study, they
all had high intakes because they had been referred for advice about the possible risk associated with
their high intakes. The number of women exposed to more than 6000 μg RE/day was twice as high
as in the Rothman’s study. Moreover no malformations were observed in the babies from 120 women
who were exposed to more than 15,000 μg RE/day. The main weakness of this study is its statistical
power: the sample size had only 80% power to detect an increased risk higher than 2.76. However, it
seems reasonable to conclude from the data of Mastroiacovo et al (1999) that a daily intake of 3000 μg
RE/day would be associated with a low or negligible risk of teratogenicity.
4.5.3. Analysis based on circulating concentrations of active metabolites
A “metabolic” approach has been proposed based on the hypothesis that the plasma concentrations of
retinol and its metabolites following different doses of vitamin A are predictive of the teratogenic risk.
This approach was developed using data from animal studies. Ritchie et al (1998) quantified the
teratogenic potencies of retinoids on cultured rat embryos, and compared them with circulating
concentrations of the same metabolites in vivo after administration of a teratogenic dose of vitamin A.
The hypothesis was that malformations would only be induced if the threshold concentrations were
exceeded. Their conclusion was that plasma retinol was the best predictor of teratogenicity, and that an
intake of 7500 μg RE/day of vitamin A would be unlikely to generate teratogenic plasma concentrations
of retinoids. However, they pointed out several pitfalls in this analysis. Species differences, protein
binding and transfer to the embryo were not taken into account and this prevented recommendation of
this method to predict the teratogenicity of vitamin A in humans.
Data on Cynomolgus monkeys (Wiegand et al, 1998, and unpublished results) indicate that a dose of
2250 μg RE/kg body weight daily as retinyl palmitate from the 16
to the 27
day of gestation did not
produce any malformations of the pups, as compared with controls fed a diet providing 300 μg RE/kg
body weight. The authors extrapolated these data to humans on the basis that the dose-responses for
the teratogenicity of isotretinoin (CRA) appeared similar in Cynomolgus monkeys and humans, and that
there is similar conversion of CRA to TRA in both species. They conclude that a daily intake of 9000 μg
RE should be considered non-teratogenic in humans.
A similar method has been used in humans by Miller et al (1998), who determined the baseline
circulating concentrations of retinoic acids, and then compared them to the increases observed
following intakes of known doses of vitamin A. Plasma concentrations in pregnant women with normal
pregnancy outcomes, were 0.81 to 2.40 ng/mL for TRA, 0.81 to 4.90 ng/mL for 13CRA and 0.97 to 7.86
ng/mL for 4-oxo-13CRA (Miller et al, 1998). These authors concluded that that a meal containing 3000
or 9000 μg RE of vitamin A would only slightly increase the peak plasma concentrations of TRA and
of 13CRA; the peak values would still be within the range of the reference values. Other authors have
shown that 15,000 μg RE/day for a period of 20 days increased the level of retinoic acids or metabolites
by a factor 2 to 7 (Eckhoff and Nau, 1990). Buss et al (1994) reported higher plasma concentrations;
Vitamin A (retinol and retinyl esters)
after a single dose of 45,000 μg RE, the maximum plasma concentration of TRA increased 35 times
if a water miscible supplement was given but only 1.6 times after the same dose in cooked liver.
Increases in the peak concentrations of 13CRA and 4-oxo-13CRA acid were 26 and 10 times, after
supplement intake, and 10 and 5 times after liver intake, respectively. This study showed that the matrix
in which the vitamin is present can influence the plasma concentration profiles of retinol and its active
metabolites. However, a recent study (van Vliet et al, 2001) showed higher serum levels of TRA when
15,000 μg RE of vitamin A had been taken in liver paste than in an oil-based supplement. These two
studies indicate that the rate of absorption may influence the plasma concentration-time curves of the
active metabolites.
This method has a number of problems that prevent its use for deriving safe levels of vitamin A intake.
Important issues requiring resolution include:
i. The nature of the ultimate teratogenic metabolite(s) of vitamin A, and the importance of circulating
TRA 13CRA and 9CRA. Numerous derivatives of retinoic acid can be found in plasma: TRA can be
isomerized in vivo to 9CRA and 13CRA, oxidized to 4-oxo-TRA and then converted to oxo-13CRA,
conjugated with glucuronic acid and metabolised by other minor pathways. Moreover, it is likely that
retinoic acid metabolites can be generated locally within tissues, so that circulating concentrations
may not reflect tissue levels.
ii. The metabolic inter-conversions of the different bioactive metabolites of retinol. The teratogenic
potency of different retinoic acid derivatives is difficult to assess unequivocally, because they are
interconnected by metabolic pathways, for which there are large interspecies differences.
iii. The link between circulating concentrations and foetal exposure including the unique conformation
of the human placenta. Embryotoxic doses of vitamin A in rabbits are associated with low plasma
but high embryonic concentrations of TRA (Tzimas et al, 1996). The limited teratogenicity of 13CRA
in mice may be due to the very low placental transfer of this derivative in this animal species.
Conversely, 13CRA is a potent teratogen in humans, probably due to its metabolism to TRA, either
before or after placental transfer (Creech-Kraft et al, 1989). The placental transfer differs between the
chemical structures of closely related retinoic acid derivatives, as shown by various embryo/maternal
plasma ratio, reported by Nau (1995). Thus, the differing placental structure between animal species,
including human, is likely to be a critical parameter in the teratogenicity of vitamin A, although this
has been poorly addressed until now.
The correlation between the occurrence of a given retinoic acid metabolite and the teratogenic potency
has not been established clearly, even in animal studies. Studies on rats or mice had suggested
that there was a correlation between the AUC (area under the concentration-time curve) for these
metabolites in plasma and the teratogenicity of retinoids (Nau, 1990). However, it is likely that the
duration of the exposure at potentially teratogenic concentrations is also of crucial importance,
because the embryo should be exposed during a time long enough to generate malformations (possibly
12 to 24 hours in the human species; Ritchie et al, 1998). Tembe et al (1996) reported different plasma
concentration-response relationships in studies on the plasma kinetics and teratogenicity of TRA in rats
given a single dose or the same total amount in divided doses over a period of a few hours. This study
raises further doubts about risk assessments based on circulating plasma concentrations of TRA and
its metabolites.
Because of these difficulties, the concentrations and/or the kinetics of the circulating retinoids following
the intake of a given vitamin A dose cannot be used at the present time as the basis for deriving a
tolerable upper intake level.
4.6. Selection of effect(s) on which to base the upper level
A number of adverse effects have been reported at intakes of preformed vitamin A above the population
reference intake. The lowest doses reported to produce the different effects are:
Bulging fontanelle 7500 μg RE (as a single dose in infants)
Hepatotoxicity 7500 μg RE/day for 6 years
Bone density/fracture 1500 μg RE/day (trend analyses do not show a threshold)
Lipid metabolism 7500 μg RE/day for 4 years (but a minor change only)
Teratogenicity >3000 μg RE/day (based on Rothman et al, 1995)
Vitamin A (retinol and retinyl esters)
It is clear from this that the hazards and their associated doses are different for different groups of the
population. In addition the severity of the adverse effect varies from minor to irreversible.
The associations between vitamin A and bone mineral density and the risk of bone fracture (Melhus
et al, 1998; Feskanich et al, 2002) were reported at lower intakes than the other adverse effects listed
above. The associations were based on the analysis of data for women in Sweden aged 40-76 years,
and for women in the US aged 34-77 years. Middle aged and elderly women probably represent the
most sensitive group for such effects. However, the dose-response arose from normal dietary intakes
and non-prescription use of supplements, so that it is not possible to establish a clear tolerable upper
intake level. Both studies indicate that intakes as low as 1500 μg RE/day might pose a risk. Whether the
same dose-response would apply to men is not known. The statistical analyses showed a relationship
after multivariate analysis and the possible impact of correction for confounding on the data is of
concern, especially at such low relative risks.
Previous evaluations of the risk of high intakes of vitamin A have concentrated on teratogenicity,
because this is an irreversible form of toxicity that occurs at low intakes. As indicated above, a tolerable
upper intake level based on this effect would also allow for other adverse effects, with the possible
exception of changes in bone mineral density and the risk of bone fracture.
Determining an upper level for preformed vitamin A is difficult, because any proposal has to take into
account the narrow margin between the population reference intake and the intakes associated with
adverse effects.
The findings on bone density and the risk of fracture were reported at lower daily intakes than other
adverse effects. However, it was considered that the currently available data did not provide sufficient
evidence of causality, and were not appropriate for establishing a tolerable upper level.
The teratogenic potential of vitamin A has received the most attention in previous evaluations, probably
because of the severe and irreversible nature of this form of toxicity. A clear dose-response has been
provided in the paper of Rothman et al (1995), but this was derived by fitting a curve to the available
data that included a very large number of subjects from the at risk group of the population, but only a
few cases at intakes above the suggested threshold of 3000 μg RE/day. The study of Mastroiacovo et
al (1999), indicated that the threshold could be at higher intakes. In consequence the establishment of a
clear threshold for teratogenicity is difficult, but a cautious approach would be to use the low value from
the study of Rothman et al (1995). An uncertainty factor is not considered necessary, because the data
from other studies indicated that the true threshold for an effect could be higher than this value. Based
on these studies a tolerable upper level of 3000 μg RE/day is suggested for all women of child-bearing
age (because the risk occurs very early in pregnancy). This value is 2.5-fold lower than the daily intake
that might cause hepatotoxicity in women during chronic intake. The study of Rothman et al (1995)
estimated the intakes of preformed vitamin A from all sources, and therefore the tolerable upper level
applies to intakes from both foods and supplements.
Although teratogenicity is only relevant to women of child-bearing age, the upper level of 3000 μg RE/
day is appropriate for men, and for infants and children after correction for differences in metabolic rate,
because it is 2.5-fold lower than the lowest daily intake that has been associated with hepatotoxicity
during chronic intake. This upper level does not apply to postmenopausal women, who represent the
group at greatest risk of bone fracture, because it may not provide an adequate margin of safety in relation
to the possible decrease in bone density and the risk of bone fracture. Further data to clarify the possible
contributions of confounding to the reported increase in risk of bone fracture would provide greater confidence
in a true cause-effect relationship at such low levels of intake.
Because the tolerable upper intake level relates to the risk of hepatotoxicity as well as effects produced during
reproduction, it applies to intakes during pregnancy and lactation.
The tolerable upper level for children is based on the value of 3000 μg RE/day for adults, with correction
for differences in basal metabolic rate compared to adults using scaling according to body surface area
(body weight
Vitamin A (retinol and retinyl esters)
Age (years)
Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) for preformed vitamin A
(retinol and retinyl esters) (µg RE/day)
1- 3 800
4 - 6 1100
7- 10 1500
11-14 2000
15- 17 2600
Adults+ 3000
Women of child-bearing age and men (see text for advice concerning postmenopausal women).
1. The tolerable upper level applies to both dietary and supplemental intakes of vitamin A.
2. The 97.5 percentile intake for adults in most of Europe is greater than 3000 μg RE/day.
3. Because alterations of embryogenesis may occur following a single or a small number of doses of
vitamin A, for women of child bearing age the upper level should be compared with intake estimates
that reflect short-term, rather than long term exposure.
4. The current recommendations that women who are planning to become pregnant or who are
pregnant should not consume cooked animal livers (SCF, 1992) should be maintained.
5. Because the tolerable upper level may not adequately address the possible risk of bone fracture in
particularly vulnerable groups, it would be advisable for postmenopausal women, who are at greater
risk of osteoporosis and fracture, to restrict their intake to 1500 μg RE/day.
6. Because the current intakes may exceed the tolerable upper level, careful consideration should be
given to the appropriateness of the enrichment of human foods with vitamin A, and to the potential
effects on human exposure of the addition of vitamin A to animal feed.
1. The possible link between bone density, the risk of fracture and vitamin A intake should be reviewed
when further data become available.
2. Ideally, resolution of the issue of bone mineral density and the risk of fracture should be studied by
a prospective study, in which the effects of age on the risk, and also of confounding variables are
taken into account in the study design. It is recognised that such a study would require a very large
population and prolonged treatment and follow up.
Adams J and Lammer EJ (1991). Relationship between dysmorphology and neuro-psychological function in children exposed to
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Vitamin D
This opinion is one in the series of opinions of the Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) on the upper
levels of vitamins and minerals. The terms of reference given by the European Commission for this task,
the related background and the guidelines used by the Committee to develop tolerable upper intake
levels for vitamins and minerals used in this opinion, which were expressed by the SCF on 19 October
2000, are available on the Internet at the pages of the SCF, at the address:
The principal physiological function of vitamin D in all vertebrates including humans is to maintain serum
calcium and phosphorus concentrations in a range that support cellular processes, neuromuscular
function, and bone ossification. Vitamin D accomplishes this goal by enhancing the efficiency of the
small intestine to absorb dietary calcium and phosphorous, and by mobilising calcium and phosphorus
from the bone (Holick, 1999; Holick et al, 1998).
The last couple of decades it has become increasingly apparent that vitamin D also has other important
functions in tissues not primarily related to mineral metabolism (Brown et al, 1999; Holick, 1999). One
example is the haematopoietic system, in which vitamin D affects cell differentiation and proliferation
including such effects also in cancer cells. Vitamin D furthermore participates in the process of insulin
secretion. The active metabolite of vitamin D, 1,25(OH)
D, regulate the transcription of a large number of
genes through binding to a transcription factor, the vitamin D receptor (VDR).
Blood levels of vitamin D are influenced both by dietary intake and the amount of daylight exposure to
the skin. Exposure of the skin to ultraviolet light catalyses the synthesis of vitamin D
from 7-dehydrocholesterol. Thus vitamin D is more like a hormone and not strictly a vitamin according
to the classical criteria that an essential nutrient is a substance the body cannot synthesise in sufficient
quantities itself. Deprived of exposure to sunlight vitamin D becomes an essential nutrient. The
effectiveness of exposure to sunlight or ultraviolet light in curing or preventing rickets was shown early
in the twentieth century (Holick, 1995).
2.1. Vitamin D supply
2.1.1. Vitamin D forms in food
Vitamin D comprises two closely related substances of nutritional importance: vitamin D
which is the physiological form, and the synthetic analogue vitamin D
(ergocalciferol). The two forms only
differ by the side chain to the sterol skeleton (Holick, 1999). It has been assumed, based on studies in the
1930s showing no conclusive difference between vitamin D
(from cod liver oil) and D
in their preventing
effect against infantile rickets, that vitamin D
for practical purposes could be regarded as equal to vitamin D
from cod liver oil. There is no contemporary evidence showing that vitamin D
and D
are equally efficient in
increasing the circulating metabolite proximate to the active form. Indeed, later studies have shown important
biological differences in this respect between these forms (Trang et al, 1998). (See 2.5.2 for further details).
Vitamin D
and vitamin D
, together with the provitamins they are made from, are all derivatives of sterols,
their chemical structure resembles cholesterol, bile acids and the sex hormones. Vitamin D
is formed by
UV radiation from its precursor ergosterol. Ergosterol is found in plants, especially yeast and fungi. The
synthesis of ergocalciferol from ergosterol hardly takes place in nature. Plants are thus a poor source of
vitamin D
. Synthetic vitamin D
produced by irradiation of ergosterol used to be the form added to food
or given as supplements. During the past two decades, vitamin D
has also been used to fortify milk,
margarine and other foods worldwide, and although the use of vitamin D
in food and supplements still
is widely used, its use is less than before. Vitamin D
is formed from its precursor 7-dehydrocholesterol,
which is found in ample amounts in the skin and fat depots in animals and man. Vitamin D is relatively
stable in fat solutions, e.g. is not inactivated by pasteurisation or sterilisation. It oxidises in contact with
air and in acid solutions and is inactivated when exposed to sunlight.
Vitamin D
2.1.2. Vitamin D from breast milk
The British Food composition tables (Holland et al, 1991) use the value 0.4 μg/L vitamin D in human
breast milk. The same value is used in the Norwegian food composition tables. However, the literature
reports a quite large range of concentrations, varying from 0.1 to 1.2 μg/L. A variety of compounds
with vitamin D activity (metabolites) are present in human milk, but 25(OH)D accounts for the majority
of the antirachitic activity (Reeve et al, 1982; Weisman et al, 1982; Ala-Houhala et al, 1988a; Hillman,
1990). Human milk even from a vitamin D-sufficient mother provides a marginal amount of total vitamin
D activity. The 25(OH)D level was higher in hind- than in foremilk (Ala-Houhala et al, 1988a). Vitamin
D activity in human milk of unsupplemented mothers was lower in the winter than in the summer. The
influence of supplementation with 25 μg ergocalciferol or cholecalciferol or 50 μg cholecalciferol on
vitamin D activity in human milk in summer and winter was investigated by Ala-Houhala and co-workers
(1988a). They found that supplementation with 50 μg of vitamin D could increase vitamin D activity of
milk in the winter to that of unsupplemented mothers in the summer, but the responses varied widely
among individuals. Markestad (1983) found a strong correlation between infant and maternal plasma
25(OH)D concentrations both at birth and after 6 weeks in unsupplemented infants born in the winter in
the northern areas. The 25(OH)D concentrations in the infants were considerably reduced and reached
levels associated with rickets during this period. It appears that sun exposure of the infant is a very
important determinant for vitamin D status. Although a study in Caucasians from central USA showed
that bone mineralisation was normal in unsupplemented and exclusively breast-fed infants up to 16
weeks (Roberts et al, 1981), most studies agree that fully breast-fed infants have a reduced vitamin D
status after 6 weeks of age if no supplemental D is given. The general recommendation therefore is that
infants should be supplemented with vitamin D.
2.1.3. Vitamin D intake from food
Only a few foods contain vitamin D, i.e. vitamin D3, naturally in quantities that have an impact on the
dietary intake: fish liver, fish liver oils, fatty fish and egg yolks. Thus, some countries practice fortification
of certain foods with vitamin D, most often milk, margarine and/or butter. The mean intakes in different
studies vary with age group, food and supplementation habits and gender. Recent publications from
various parts of Europe all show that a substantial part of the population including pre-school children
has a vitamin D intake below the recommended dietary intakes (Davies et al, 1999; de Jong et al,
1999; Koenig and Elmadfa, 2000; Lehtonen-Veromaa et al, 1999; Ortega et al, 1995; van der Wielen
et al, 1995). The low intake is confirmed by results from the SENECA study, an investigation of the
diet and health of 824 elderly people from 19 towns in 11 countries (Greece, Portugal, Italy, Spain,
France, Switzerland, Hungary, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark and Norway). Thirty-six per cent of the
men and 47% of the women had 25(OH)D concentrations below 30 nmol (van der Wielen et al, 1995).
Surprisingly, lowest mean 25(OD)D concentrations were found in southern European countries; more
than 80% of Italian and Greek women had values below 30 nmol compared with 18% in Norway. One
factor associated with better vitamin D status was increased fish consumption, but the main reasons
for the relatively good vitamin D status in the Scandinavian countries are probably fortification of food
and a higher percentage of people taking vitamin D supplements. Cod liver oil was taken regularly
by 35% of all men and 34% of all women in Norway in 1997, and the percentage was higher among
the elderly (Norkost, 1997). A much lower prevalence of vitamin D deficiency was found in the French
general adult population; of 1191 adults 11% was below 30 nmol 25(OH)D in serum (Chapuy et al,
1997; Guinot et al, 2000). They found a correlation to latitude and skin exposure, as 24% of those with
low exposure was deficient.
The estimated mean dietary vitamin D intakes in several European countries are given in Table 1.
Vitamin D
Table 1. The daily intakes of vitamin D (μg/day)
Country Type of survey n Method Supplements* Mean 97.5%
Individual 2488 24h recall Not defined 4.0 22.2
Individual (M)
Individual (F)
7-day dietary
Individual (M)
Individual (F)
Individual (M)
Individual (F)
7-day weighed
3.4 (2.9)
2.5 (2.2)
3.8 (3.0)
3.1 (2.3)
Household 2734 7-day record + 3.0 8.4
Household 5958 2-day record - 3.7 8.9
Individual (M)
Individual (M)
Individual (F)
Individual (F)
tive FFQ last
year, 180 food
Individual (M)
Individual (F)
7-day estima-
ted food record
* + data included supplements; - data excluded supplements.
Elmadfa et al (1998).
Heseker et al (1994) - values are the median.
Gregory et al (1990) - values are the mean with the median in parentheses.
Turrini (1996).
Hulshof and Kruizinga (1999).
Norkost (1997).
IUNA (2001).
2.2. Metabolism of vitamin D
2.2.1. Vitamin D activation
Both forms of vitamin D (vitamin D
, cholecalciferol, and vitamin D
, ergocalciferol) are inactive.
Major metabolic steps involved in the metabolism of vitamin D
, mono and dihydroxylated forms,
are similar to those of vitamin D
Vitamin D without a subscript represents either D
or D
both and requires two obligate hydroxylations to form the active hormone, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin
D (1,25(OH)
D). The first step of activation takes place by hydroxylation at position C-25, mainly
in the liver. The role of other tissues is uncertain. The product, 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D),
is transported to the kidneys, where 1α-hydroxylation takes place. The resulting product, 1,25-
dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25(OH)
D) , is the active metabolite. 1,25(OH)
D is transported bound to vitamin
D-binding protein (DBP). DBP is synthesised in the liver and circulates in plasma at concentrations
20 times higher than the total amount of vitamin D metabolites. The role of the large molar excess
of DBP is uncertain. Free 1,25(OH)
D is in equilibrium with the bound form. It is only free 1,25(OH)
i.e. 0.5% of the total amount of plasma 1,25(OH)
D, which is hormonally active. The binding to
DBP increases the half-life of 1,25(OH)
D and makes the hormone available to the cells (Brown et
al, 1999). The concentration of DBP is increased during pregnancy and by oestrogen treatment.
It also increases in infants after birth.
The 25-hydroxylation of vitamin D is poorly regulated, i.e. the capacity of the 25-hydroxylase in the
liver is high. The levels of 25(OH)D increase in proportion to vitamin D intake, and for this reason,
plasma 25(OH)D levels are commonly used as indicator of vitamin D status. The half-life of 25(OH)D in
circulation is approximately 1-2 months (Vieth, 1999). Steady state in plasma 25(OH)D concentration
would, according to the half-life, not be reached before 4 months after a change in the intake. With
concentration-dependent kinetics this could, however, vary. The proportion of 25(OH)D to vitamin D
intake cannot be determined before steady state is reached.
The serum level of 25(OH)D usually reflects both 25(OH)D
and 25(OH)D
. The ratio of these two
hydroxylated derivatives depends on the relative amounts of vitamins D
and D
present in the diet and
endogenously synthesised vitamin D
(Holick et al, 1998).
In contrast, the production of 1,25(OH)
is tightly regulated, both by feedback of the 1,25(OH)
through calcium and phosphate levels in the blood and with the help of parathyroid hormone (PTH).
This is illustrated by experiments showing that when large doses of vitamin D are given to animals, the
serum concentrations of 25(OH)D will increase proportionally, while the concentration of 1,25(OH)
remains normal. Both the suppression of the kidney 1α-hydroxylase activity and induction of the 24-
Vitamin D
hydroxylase activity are VDR-mediated. Experiments with rats have shown that tissue specific down-
regulation of renal VDR by calcium restriction blocks 1,25(OH)
-dependent suppression of renal 1α-
hydroxylase or stimulation of renal 24-hydroxylase (Brown et al, 1999; Beckman and DeLuca, 2002).
2.2.2. Catabolism of vitamin D
The major catabolic enzyme is the 24-hydroxylase, a mitochondrial enzyme, and both 25(OH)D and
D are inactivated via this pathway. Further oxidation to the ketone, oxidation at C-23(S) and
C-26, and subsequent oxidative cleavage of the side chain are associated with progressive loss of
biological activity. Also additional pathways have been described (Brown et al, 1999).
In contrast to the limited distribution of the vitamin D-activating enzymes, 24-hydroxylase is ubiquitously
present in vitamin D target tissues. This enzyme is highly inducible by 1,25(OH)
D providing a regulatory
mechanism at the cellular level for attenuating the response of the active compound when abnormally high.
2.3. Functions of vitamin D
The principal function of vitamin D (1,25(OH)
D) in the body is to maintain intracellular and extracellular
calcium concentrations within a physiologically acceptable range. The vitamin accomplishes this goal
through the action of 1,25(OH)
on regulating calcium and phosphorus metabolism in the intestine
and bone.
2.3.1. Vitamin D receptor (VDR)
The main mechanism of action of vitamin D is the interaction of 1,25(OH)
D with the nuclear vitamin D
receptor (Brown et al, 1999). VDR belongs to the super family of steroid nuclear receptors. Following
ligand binding, VDR heterodimerises with retinoid X receptor (RXR) and acts as a ligand-activated
transcription factor by binding to genomic vitamin D responsive elements (VDRE) in vitamin D-
regulated genes. These include more than 50 other genes important for mineral homeostasis, vitamin
D metabolism, energy metabolism, cell differentiation and proliferation, extracellular matrix proteins,
oncogenes, growth factors, signal transduction proteins and peptide hormones. Genes can be both
up-regulated or down-regulated, but the exact mechanism is unclear. Among genes down-regulated
are PTH, osteocalcin, protein-kinase A inhibitors and interleukin-2 genes.
Several genetic polymorphisms of VDR have been identified, the exact role of these has not been
clarified, but most variants do not affect the protein structure (Brown et al, 1999). In a study on the
efficacy of vitamin D supplementation on bone mineral density of the femoral neck in elderly women it
was found that those having one or two VDR alleles without the BsmI restriction site responded better
than those with a genotype in which this restriction site was absent (Graafmans et al, 1997).
The cellular response to 1,25(OH)D is mainly regulated by changing the cellular amount of VDR.
Treatment with 1,25(OH)D increases the receptor level presumably due to stabilisation of the receptor.
Some growth factors increase, as IGF-I, while others, such as fibroblast growth factor and mitogens,
decrease VDR expression. Activation of protein-kinase C and prednisone treatment inhibit VDR
expression whereas oestrogen, retinoic acid and PTH increase VDR expression. VDR expression is
also dependent on cell type, and its condition, proliferating or differentiating (Kveiborg et al, 1999).
VDR can also be regulated at the stage of degradation. VDR interacts directly with SUG1, a component
of the proteasome complex important for proteolysis. VDR activity might also be modulated by
phosphorylation of serine at different positions (Brown et al, 1999). VDR knockout mice have been
produced. The homozygous mouse (VDR
) shows no sign of defect until end of weaning. Then they fail
to thrive and die within 15 weeks from birth. They suffer from hypokalaemia, defective fur and females
have defects in reproductive organs. Furthermore, bone formation and growth are inhibited and the
level of 1,25(OH)D is increased indicating a role of VDR in regulation of vitamin D hydroxylation. In
some respects the VDR knockout mice show some phenotypic similarities with the disease vitamin
D resistant-rachitis type 2, which is seen in children with inherited mutations in VDR (Yoshizawa et al,
1997; Kveiborg et al, 1999).
2.3.2. Vitamin D and calcium homeostasis
The most critical role of 1,25(OH)
D in mineral homeostasis is to enhance the efficiency of the small
intestine to absorb dietary calcium. This was clearly demonstrated in the VDR null mouse (Yoshizawa
et al, 1997). Calcium absorption from the intestine is dependent on the amount of calcium in the diet
and on physiological requirements, and is adaptable. When dietary calcium concentrations are low,
almost all calcium is absorbed. The same happens in pregnancy and during lactation. 1,25(OH)
D also
Vitamin D
promotes the intestinal absorption of phosphate. However a significant phosphate absorption also
occurs in 1,25(OH)
D-deficient states (Brown et al, 1999).
D is essential for development and maintenance of a mineralised skeleton. Deficiency
results in rickets during growth and osteomalacia in adults. 1,25(OH)
D induces bone formation by
regulation of matrix proteins important for bone formation, such as osteocalcin, osteopontine, alkaline
phosphatase, matrix-gla- protein and collagen, as well as mineral apposition. The bone forming
osteoblasts express VDR and it appears that 1,25(OH)
D inhibits osteoblast proliferation through VDR-
dependent signal pathway, and promotes their differentiation (Kveiborg et al, 1999). Vitamin D does not
appear to be absolutely essential for the ossification process, but enhances this through increasing
serum levels of calcium and phosphate. It has been suggested that not only 1,25(OH)
D is involved in
bone mineralisation, but also 24,25(OH)
D may be required (Brown et al, 1999).
D enhances the mobilisation of calcium and phosphorus stores from bone at times of calcium
deprivation. 1,25(OH)
induces stem cell monocytes to become mature osteoclasts. It appears
though that this effect is not direct, but is mediated via osteoblasts that secrete a factor promoting
osteoclast differentiation (Kveiborg et al, 1999). 1,25(OH)
D regulate calcium homeostasis in close
co-operation with PTH, which is the principal hormone regulating extracellular ionised calcium from
minute to minute. PTH stimulates 1,25(OH)
D synthesis and 1,25(OH)
D suppresses the synthesis and
secretion of PTH and controls parathyroid growth through negative gene regulation. Studies in the VDR
null mouse suggest that VDR is not essential, but works in co-operation with calcium and phosphate
(Brown et al, 1999).
The most important effects of 1,25(OH)
D in the kidney is suppression of 1α-hydroxylase activity and
induction of 24-hydroxylase activity. 1,25(OH)
D increases renal calcium reabsorption and calbinding
expression, and it accelerates PTH dependent calcium transport in the distal tubule, which has the
highest level of VDR. The enhancing effect of 1,25(OH)
D on renal phosphate absorption might be an
indirect action via PTH suppression (Brown et al, 1999).
2.3.3. Other effects of vitamin D
Synthesis and cellular receptors for 1,25(OH)
have been found not only in the intestine, kidney and
bone but also in many other tissues, suggesting that 1,25(OH)
is fundamental to the regulation of gene
expression in many cell types in addition to its probable role
in intracellular calcium regulation (Brown
et al, 1999; Zehnder et al, 2002a and b). Further local production and action of 1,25(OH)
after inflammatory activation of 1α-hydroxylase activity by, for example, cytokines in endothelial cells,
could indicate an important autocrine/paracrine mechanism in peripheral tissues (Zehnder et al, 2002b).
Addition of 1,25(OH)
or 25(OH)D
decreased proliferation of human endothelial cells and the adhesion
of monocytic cells to these cells (Zehnder et al, 2002b). In the skin, 1,25(OH)
D plays an important role
by inhibiting proliferation and stimulating differentiation of keratinocytes and vitamin D analogues
are used in the treatment of psoriasis. In the immune system, 1,25(OH)
modulates synthesis
interleukins and cytokines. Besides stimulating monocytes and macrophages, 1,25(OH)
D functions as
an immunosuppressive agent by decreasing the rate of proliferation and the activity of both T- and B
cells and inducing suppressor T cells (Brown et al, 1999). In haematopoietic tissue, vitamin D deficiency
causes anaemia and decreased cellularity of bone marrow. 1,25(OH)
D also inhibits proliferation and
promotes differentiation of a number of leukaemia cell lines. Also normal myeloid precursor cells mature
in the presence of 1,25(OH)
D. In addition, VDR is expressed in many other tissues, such as muscle and
nervous tissue, liver, intestine, reproductive organs, pancreas, pituitary, thyroid gland and lung, where
D apparently has important functions in regulation of cell proliferation and differentiation
(Brown et al, 1999; Holick, 1999). In animal experiments and also in epidemiological studies, vitamin D
appears to be a protective factor in colon carcinogenesis.
2.3.4. 25(OH)D and the vitamin D receptor
At very high levels it appears that 25(OH)D also has a direct effect on the vitamin D receptor.
However, another possible action of 25(OH)D might also operate (Vieth, 1990). When excess vitamin
D is consumed there is increased and uncontrolled formation of 25(OH)D, which is secreted from the
liver into blood. The specific vitamin D-binding sites on the circulating vitamin D-binding protein, which
normally is less than 5% saturated, become mainly occupied with 25(OH)D. Because 1,25(OH)
D has a
lower affinity for this protein than 25(OH)D, the functional hormone is displaced and circulates either in
the unbound form or in loose association with plasma albumin. Hence the availability of 1,25(OH)
D to its
intracellular receptors is greatly increased by the swamping of vitamin D-binding protein with 25(OH)D.
Furthermore, because the intracellular receptors have a much higher affinity for 1,25(OH)
D than does
Vitamin D
vitamin D-binding protein, they will readily take up this displaced 1,25(OH)
D from extracellular fluid.
Although the production of 1,25(OH)
D may not be increased in hypervitaminosis D, its supply to sites
of action will, in this way, be greatly raised.
2.3.5. Non-vitamin D receptor-mediated effects
In addition to VDR-mediated effects, 1,25(OH)
apparently also elicits rapid cellular responses
by interacting with specific cell surface receptors giving rise to rapid changes in phosphoinositide
metabolism and increases in intracellular calcium levels, stimulating intestinal calcium and phosphate
fluxes. The receptor has only partially been characterised and the role of non-genomic actions of
D in most cells remains unclear.
2.4. Biomarkers
2.4.1. Biomarkers of vitamin D intake
Plasma derivatives of vitamin D
) are of exogenous origin only, while derivatives of vitamin
) may arise from either diet or skin. Different studies get very different correlations
between vitamin D dietary intake and serum levels of 25(OH)D, and the reason is obvious: the amount
of 25(OH)D originating from sun exposure will confound all attempts to use 25(OH)D as a biomarker
of dietary intake alone. Thus 25(OH)D can only be used as a biomarker of vitamin D intake in people
whose sunshine exposure has been low. Furthermore not all studies on vitamin D supplementation
have determined 25(OH)D when in a steady state condition.
It should be noted that 25(OH)D denotes both the D
and D
metabolites and it is not always reported
in publications if total 25(OH)D has been measured or either one. Furthermore there may be a variation
between laboratories of more that 30%, making comparisons of exact values from different studies,
particularly old ones, difficult (Lips et al, 1999).
2.4.2. Biomarkers of vitamin D status and activity
There is now consensus that serum 25(OH)D concentration is a good marker of internal vitamin D
status. In patients with hypervitaminosis D, serum 25(OH)D levels are 2-15 times higher than those of
normal controls (Hughes et al, 1976; Vieth, 1999). Hypercalcaemia frequently coexists with high levels
of 25(OH)D and is a useful marker of hypervitaminosis D. In addition PTH will be suppressed.
Plasma levels of 1,25(OH)
D, and particularly free 1,25(OH)
D, is a measure of vitamin D hormone
activity, but because of its tight regulation it does not reflect very well vitamin D nutritional status.
2.4.3. Reference serum levels of metabolites
Most diagnostic laboratories consider the upper reference level of 25(OH)D in serum to be about 150
nmol/L (Holick, 1999), i.e. 130-150 nmol/L. The reference levels for 1,25 (OH)
D is 50-145 pmol/L and
for 24,25(OH)
D is 2-10 nmol/L. The reference values of 25(OH)D in infants, 130-150 nmol/L, are similar
or close to those of adults (Markestad, 1984). PTH is raised in vitamin D deficiency and should also be
determined to establish this diagnosis.
2.5. Endogenous synthesis in the skin of vitamin D and nutritional requirement
Exposure of the skin to solar ultraviolet B with energies between 290 and 315 nm catalyses the
conversion of 7-dehydrocholesterol to previtamin D
(precholecalciferol), which spontaneously
isomerises to cholecalciferol (Holick, 1995). Upon prolonged UV exposure a regulation mechanism is
operating in that both precholecalciferol and cholecalciferol can be photolysed to inert compounds.
Hence, sunlight alone apparently cannot cause overt toxicity due to overproduction of vitamin D. Even
though the skin phototype in a study from France (Guinot et al, 2000) did not influence vitamin D status,
other studies indicate that the degree of pigmentation of the skin also has an impact on the amount
of vitamin D synthesised as melanin absorbs UV B photons: the darker the skin, the less is produced.
Skin thickness decreases linearly with age from the age of 20 years and there is a marked decrease
in the precursor 7-dehydrocholesterol in the skin and less vitamin D production. When healthy young
and old men were compared after exposure to UV light, young men had nearly 4 times more circulating
25(OH)D in serum than the old individuals (Need et al, 1993; Holick, 1995). The concentrations of
25(OH)D in serum tend to decrease with age.
The vitamin D requirement for healthy adults has never been defined precisely. Because vitamin D is
produced in the skin upon exposure to sunlight, humans, with the possible exception for elderly, do not
Vitamin D
have any requirement for vitamin D when sufficient sunlight is available. However, vitamin D becomes
an important nutritional factor in the absence of sunlight and in the elderly. It is well known that a
substantial part of the European population is exposed to sub-optimal levels of sunlight, especially
during the winter months. In addition to geographical and seasonal factors, exposure to sunlight is
dependent on modern life style such as clothing and indoor life (McKenna, 1992).
There is now a consensus that serum 25(OH)D concentration is the correct functional indicator of vitamin
D status, which is also used as a basis for the nutritional recommendations (FNB, 1999; Vieth et al,
2001). A level of 25(OH)D below 27.5 nmol/L is considered to be consistent with vitamin D deficiency in
infants, neonates and young children (Specker et al, 1992). This value should be met to prevent rickets
and severe osteomalacia in these groups (FNB, 1999). Little information is available about the level
of 25(OH)D needed to maintain normal calcium metabolism and peak bone mass in adolescents and
middle aged adults. For elderly there is increasing evidence of a greater requirement of vitamin D to
maximise bone mineralisation. Less certain and more controversial is the optimal serum concentration
of 25(OH)D. Moderate vitamin D malnutrition is based on the now well documented inverse relationship
between serum concentrations of 25(OH)D and PTH (Vieth et al, 2001). A serum concentration of
25(OH)D <40-50 nmol/L is considered by several authors to be insufficient, particularly in the elderly
with bone loss, and many regard serum 25(OH)D concentrations above 75-100 nmol/L to be desirable,
concentrations at which PTH is suppressed to a minimum in its relation to 25(OH)D (Chapuy et al, 1997;
Chel et al, 1998; Dawson-Hughes et al, 1997; Gallagher et al, 1998; Kinyama et al, 1998; Thomas et al,
1998; Vieth, 1999; Vieth et al, 2001).
2.5.1. Existing recommendations on vitamin D intake
The necessary intake of vitamin D will depend on the shortfall of exposure to effective UV radiation.
Most countries have their own recommendations for vitamin D intake, recognising that there may be
insufficient sun exposure in larger or smaller groups of the population. Term infants are born with a
store of vitamin D reflecting the mother’s vitamin D status. These stores provide the infant with sufficient
vitamin D for 4-6 weeks. The vitamin D content of mothers’ milk from women living in industrialised
societies is not considered sufficient to maintain adequate vitamin D status in the child. Thus, many
countries recommend 10 μg vitamin D/day to infants from 4 weeks onwards. The same amount is
recommended for pregnant and lactating women. The current allowance of vitamin D recommended
by most European countries is 5 μg/day (200 IU) for adults and 10 μg vitamin D per day for everyone
older than 60-65 years. The separate European countries often have more detailed recommendations
than the general ones mentioned here, and the recommended values vary somewhat (Trichopoulou and
Vassilakou, 1990). The Population Reference Intake (PRI) recommended by the Committee (SCF, 1993)
are as follows: 6-11 months 10-25 µg; 1-3 years 10 µg; 4-10 years 0-10 µg; 11-17 years 0-15 µg; 18-64
years 0-10 µg; 65 years 10 µg; pregnancy 10 µg; lactation 10 µg.
2.5.2. Differences in metabolism and bioefficiency of different forms of vitamin D and effect of
Based on studies in the 1930s showing no conclusive difference between vitamin D
(from cod liver oil)
and D
in their preventing effect against infantile rickets, vitamin D
, for practical purposes, has been
regarded as equal to vitamin D
from cod liver oil (Trang et al, 1998). However, in several non-human
species vitamin D
and D
show differences in their ability to increase 25(OH)D (Marx et al, 1989). Also
in the pig and birds vitamin D
is far more effective than D
, whereas the opposite is the case in rats
(Horst et al, 1982). Although very early studies did not show differences in antirachitic activity between
vitamin D
and D
, more recent studies (Tjellesen et al, 1985; Hartwell et al, 1987 and 1989), including
a study by Tjellesen et al (1986) in premenopausal women, did show a greater efficacy with vitamin D
in humans. This issue was recently addressed in a larger study by Trang et al (1998). They were able to
show that vitamin D
was 1.7 times as efficient as D
, when given in equimolar amounts during 14 days
to healthy volunteers, to raise the serum level of total 25(OH)D. Particularly, higher basal level of 25(OH)D
supplementation with high levels of vitamin D
was inefficient. Studies have also shown that vitamin D
supplementation can suppress endogenously formed 25(OH)D
and also 1,25(OH)
(Tjellesen et al,
1986; Hartwell et al, 1989; Harris et al, 1999).
Studies during the last decade have revealed that the differences in the side chain between vitamin D
and D
result in differences in hydroxylated products particularly when large doses are administered
(Mawer et al, 1998). Direct 24-hydroxylation of vitamin D
in the liver is of particular relevance since
routing of vitamin D
to 24(OH)D
would lead to further inactivation or via the kidney to the biologically
active 1α,24(OH)
. Interestingly however, 1α,24(OH)
, which is a significant metabolite at high doses
of vitamin D
, binds strongly to VDR and possesses potent antiproliferative activity in combination with
Vitamin D
low calcaemic activity (Jones et al, 1996; Knutson et al, 1997; Mawer et al, 1998). 1α,24(OH)
also form from 1α(OH)D
, which is less toxic than 1α(OH)D
(Knutson et al, 1997; Sjoden et al, 1985).
The observed reduced ability of vitamin D
to raise plasma 25(OH)D and the low calcaemic effect
of 1α,24(OH)D
formed at high doses of vitamin D
including suppressing effect on 25(OH)D
synthesis are most probably the reasons for a lower toxicity of vitamin D
than of vitamin
as the toxic effects are mainly related to the distorted calcium metabolism (see below).
The vehicle used (fat or emulsion) in which vitamin D is administered could influence bioavailability. This
was shown as early as in 1935 by Stearn and Jeans (cited in Seelig, 1969). Vitamin D from cod liver oil
emulsified in milk is about three times as bioavailable as judged by potency as vitamin D given in cod
liver oil or propylene glycol.
3.1. Mechanisms of toxicity
The toxic effects of vitamin D excess are primarily related to the role of free 1,25(OH)
D in the regulation
of plasma calcium (Davies and Adams, 1978; Reichel et al, 1989). Excessive production of 1,25(OH)
or greatly increased plasma 25(OH)D (which may displace 1,25(OH)
D from DBP) may lead to elevated
level of plasma calcium due partly to over-stimulated intestinal absorption and partly to excessive
calcium mobilisation from bone (Norman, 1996; Pettifor et al, 1995; Vieth, 1990). Hypercalcaemia could
also lead to an increased calcium excretion into urine, hypercalciuria. There is also limited evidence that
high concentrations of vitamin D directly affect various organ systems such as kidney, bone, the central
nervous system and the cardiovascular system (Holmes and Kummerow, 1983).
Hypercalcaemia is defined as a serum calcium above 2.75 mmol/L or ionised calcium above 1.35
mmol/L. Hypercalcaemia associated with hypervitaminosis D gives rise to numerous debilitating
effects (Chesney, 1990; Holmes and Kummerow, 1983; Parfitt et al, 1982). Specifically this would
include loss of tubular concentration function of the kidney with polyuria and hypercalciuria, which
would predispose to nephrolithiasis and reduced glomerular filtration rate. Prolonged hypercalcaemia
can cause calcification of soft tissues, including kidney, blood vessels, heart and lungs (Allen and
Shah, 1992; Moncrief and Chance, 1969; Taylor et al, 1972). A 24-hour urinary calcium excretion >10
mmol is considered to indicate hypercalciuria. The mean molar calcium/creatinine ratio in randomly
collected urine from non-fasting healthy subjects is approximately 0.40. The relation between this
ratio in urine and the 24-hour calcium excretion indicate that 10 mmol Ca/24 hours would correspond
to a ratio in urine of about 1.0 in molar calcium/creatinine. Whether a high calcium excretion in a
human with serum calcium within reference limits should be regarded as an adverse effect is not clear.
In the absence of hypercalcaemia and low urine volume urinary calcium per se is a minor contributor
to renal stone disease (Vieth et al, 2001).
3.2. Genotoxicity
Vitamin D
was tested in the Salmonella typhimurium assay at doses 0.033 to 10 mg/plate in Salmonella
typhimurium (strains TA1535, TA1537, TA97, TA98 and TA100) in the absence and presence of rat or
hamster liver S9. Vitamin D
was negative in these tests. Doses above 1 mg/plate exhibited slight
toxicity (Mortelmans et al, 1986).
No studies using other test systems for genotoxicity either in vitro or in vivo have been identified.
3.3. Acute toxicity
3.3.1. Animal data
The lethal dose in dog is said to be 13 mg/kg body weight. Immediate effects are bloody diarrhoea,
anorexia, thirst, polyuria and prostration. In surviving animals calcium is deposited as in chronic
hypervitaminosis D (Clare and Clark, 1975).
3.3.2. Human data Effects of single doses
Elderly subjects with a serum calcium <2.75 mmol/L tolerated well a single intramuscular dose of 7,500
μg of vitamin D
when given once a year for 4 years (Heikinheimo et al, 1992 and 1991). Measurements
Vitamin D
of serum calcium just after the injection were not reported, excluding detection of possible transient
hypercalcaemia. Serum calcium was marginally elevated 2-3 months after the injection. Coles et al
(1985, cited in Heikinheimo et al, 1992) used 10,000 μg vitamin D intramuscularly with no apparent
toxic effects.
The safety of vitamin D prophylaxis as “stosstherapie” in infants 1-2 years was investigated by
Markestad et al (1987). An oral dose of 15,000 μg ergocalciferol (vitamin D
) was given every 3-5
months. Calcium, phosphorous and vitamin D metabolites were measured before and 2 weeks after
each dose. 25(OH)D increased to median concentrations between 240 to 430 nmol/L (ranges: 130-930
nmol/L) (data extracted from figure) and returned to levels below 130 nmol/L before the next dose. All
infants had normal serum calcium levels before the first dose, but 14 infants (34%) had calcium levels
above 2.80 mmol/L (2.81-3.32 mmol/L), indicating that the vitamin D doses were excessive despite the
lack of accumulative increases in 25(OH)D concentrations. In a later study (Misselwitz et al, 1990) ten
children in the age range to 14 years, who had received such treatment, were diagnosed to have
nephrocalcinosis. At the time of investigation, however, their serum vitamin D status was normal. This
would indicate that even recurrent transient episodes of vitamin D excess and hypercalcaemia could
lead to irreversible toxic effects as, for example, nephrocalcinosis.
In a study using vitamin D
(cholecalciferol) in oral doses of 15, 5 or 2.5 mg every 3 months, Zeghoud
et al (1994) showed that these doses gave 25(OH)D concentrations of 307±160, 150±55, and 92±42
nmol/L, respectively, two weeks after the first dose. Serum calcium transiently increased 2 weeks after
15 mg, but not after the lower doses. Prolonged vitamin D overload, up to 6 months was seen in 50%
of the children given the highest dose.
A single episode of moderately severe hypercalcaemia in infants may arrest growth for several months
(Haynes, 1990).
3.4. Reproduction
3.4.1. Animal data
Vitamin D has been found to be teratogenic in animals at 4-15 times the recommended human dose.
Offspring from pregnant rabbits treated with such high doses of vitamin D had lesions anatomically
similar to those of supravalvular aortic stenosis and offspring not showing such changes show
vasculotoxicity similar to that of adults following acute vitamin D toxicity (Stockton and Paller, 1990).
The symptoms are most likely due to hypercalcaemia.
Sows received diets containing either 55 or 8.15 μg vitamin D
per kg basal ration (equivalent to 3.4
or 0.5 μg/kg body weight) and 6 week-old piglets were examined for coronary arterial lesions. Piglets
from sows fed the high vitamin D
diet had more degenerated smooth muscle cells than those fed the
low dose (Toda et al, 1985b).
3.4.2. Humans
During pregnancy 25(OH)D in maternal serum correlates with vitamin D intake, whereas the circulating
active metabolite 1,25(OH)
D is elevated mainly due to synthesis in the decidual cells of the placenta.
Also the binding protein (DBP) increases. The foetus is entirely dependent upon maternal supply
of 25(OH)D, which together with 24,25(OH)
D appears to diffuse easily across the placenta. The
relationship between 1,25(OH)
D concentrations in maternal and foetal circulation is more complex as
some studies show a good correlation whereas others do not (Salle et al, 2000).
There are also reports on 1,25(OH)
D treatment during pregnancy of women suffering from
hypoparathryoidism (Salle et al, 1981) (dose 0.5-2 μg/day) or insensitivity to 1,25(OH)
D (dose 17-36
μg/day) (Marx et al, 1980). In the latter case the mother had extremely high plasma 1,25(OH)
D and
normocalcaemia. At parturition the cord serum concentration of 1,25(OH)
D was strongly elevated, 940
pmol/L (normal mean: 47.5 pmol/L) and the child had mild hypercalcaemia the first two days of life.
None of the children had other signs of toxicity. This indicates a minor impact of circulating 1,25(OH)
on calcium levels in utero. This is further supported by the fact that supplementary vitamin D (25 μg/day)
during the last trimester reduced the fraction of infants displaying growth retardation (Salle et al, 2000).
However, maternal hypercalcaemia during pregnancy may increase foetal sensitivity to effects of
vitamin D, suppression of parathyroid function or a syndrome of elfin faces, mental retardation, and
Vitamin D
congenital supravalvular aortic stenosis. There are, however, no controlled studies in pregnant women
indicating at which doses this may occur (Haynes, 1990).
Maternal supplementation of lactating women with 25 and 50 μg vitamin D
/day during winter time
showed that only children of women supplemented with the highest dose normalised the concentration
of circulating vitamin D metabolites. Infants who got 10 μg vitamin D/day supplement and were breast-
fed by non-supplemented mothers had similar vitamin D status to those of mothers supplemented with
the highest dose (Ala-Houhala et al, 1986).
3.5. Chronic toxicity
3.5.1. Animal data
Hypervitaminosis D in animals as in humans is associated with hypercalcaemia and adverse effects
largely mediated by this condition. The severity of the symptoms and organ manifestations depend on
the severity and length of the hypercalcaemia. Soft tissue calcifications are common effects.
Charles River Crl:CD BR rats were given daily doses of 0, 12.5, 25 and 50 μg vitamin D
/kg body weight
from 10 weeks of age (Tischler et al, 1999). All doses of vitamin D
markedly increased serum calcium
and phosphorus levels and calcium excretion into urine. At 4 weeks the rats receiving 12.5 and 25 μg
vitamin D
/kg body weight/day showed occasional foci of kidney tubular calcification while this was
more prevalent at the highest dose of 50 μg vitamin D
/kg body weight. At 26 weeks all kidneys from
the highest dose showed mild to moderate nephrocalcinosis, the rats receiving 25 and 12.5 μg vitamin
/kg body weight/day showed mild and nearly no calcinosis, respectively.
Groups of two month-old swine were fed dietary vitamin D
at doses of 2.5, 7.5, 50, and 100 μg/kg
feed (equivalent to 0.15, 0.45, 3 and 6 μg vitamin D/kg body weight, respectively) for four months.
Particularly the highest dose group had thickening of the intima of the coronary vessels. Increased
levels of lipid containing- and degenerative cells were also seen (Toda et al, 1985a)
3.5.2. Symptoms of vitamin D intoxication in humans
The symptoms of hypervitaminosis D are connected with the physiological consequences of
hypercalcaemia, which occur once the calcium eliminating capacity of the kidneys is exceeded. The
most frequently noted clinical manifestations of hypervitaminosis D are anorexia, weight loss, weakness,
fatigue, disorientation, vomiting and constipation (Blank et al, 1995). Hypercalcaemia may also lead to
growth retardation in children, irritability, asthenia, persisting fever, polyuria and polydipsia, dehydration,
hypertension and functional renal insufficiency. Long-term toxicity with persistent hypercalcaemia may
cause excess calcium precipitates as extra-skeletal calcium in soft tissues, particularly in the renal
parenchyma, urinary tracts, vascular walls, muscles and tendons.
Linden (1974) observed that myocardial infarct patients in Tromsø, Norway, were more likely to consume
vitamin D in excess of 30 μg/day than were matched controls, but two subsequent studies (Schmidt-
Gayk et al, 1977; Vik et al, 1979) failed to confirm this.
Further studies are needed to clarify progressive health effects of regular and moderately high amounts
of vitamin D over several decades.
3.5.3. Serum 25(OH)D and vitamin D toxicity
Vieth (1999) summarised the dose-response for mean vitamin D intake versus final serum 25(OH)D
concentration of supplemented groups from 35 reports. Many of the studies involved not more than 4
weeks of supplementation, and according to the half-life for 25(OH)D of 1 to 2 months, one would not
assume steady state to be achieved in such a short time. Remarkably, serum level of 25(OH)D concentration
is maintained within a narrow range, 75-220 nmol/L across vitamin D supplies from 20 μg/day up to 250-
500 μg/day. Beyond this level of vitamin D intake, which may be the physiologic limit, there is a classical rise
in the dose-response curve associated with toxicity. Apparently there are homeostatic control systems to
regulate serum 25(OH)D and to buffer against variability in vitamin D supply. Interestingly, this physiological
limit of vitamin D intake is comparable with the amount of vitamin D (250-625 μg/day) estimated to be
produced by full-body exposure to sunlight (Stamp, 1975; Holick, 1995).
A patient who had received vitamin D as a single monthly dose of 7,500 μg for several months had a
serum 25(OH)D level of about 600 nmol 25(OH)D/L and experienced toxicity (Rizzoli et al, 1994). The
dose was toxic since the production of 25(OH)D apparently had exceeded the instant capacity of the
Vitamin D
homeostatic control system. Exposure to a single large dose of vitamin D resulted in a rapid and high
peak in serum 25(OH)D concentration, with concentrations falling progressively thereafter (Davie et al,
1982; Weisman et al, 1986).
Barger-Lux et al (1998) administered 25, 250 or 1250 μg cholecalciferol/day to young healthy men with
a mean serum 25(OH)D of 67 nmol/L. After 8 weeks serum 25(OH)D increased by 29, 146 (100-225) and
643 (400-1000) nmol/L for the three dosage groups. Body mass index (BMI) and not weight contributed
significantly to the variance in 25(OH)D response. A high BMI would predict less change in 25(OH)D
upon supplementation. The treatment time in this study could have been too short to achieve steady
state level of 25(OH)D.
Himmelstein and coworkers (1990) supplemented elderly with 50 μg cholecalciferol/day in a double
blind study for six weeks. At week 7 the serum concentration of 25(OH)D had reached 80.1±6.7 nmol/L.
It cannot be excluded that a plateau had not been reached.
Davie and co-workers (1982) gave 10, 25 and 250 μg vitamin D/day for 2.5 months. The two lowest
doses reached a plateau of about 55 nmol 25(OH)D whereas the highest dose, 250 μg/day, reached a
serum level of about 120-140 nmol/L. However, it is likely that steady state had not been reached in
this case, furthermore the form of vitamin D is uncertain.
When Stamp et al (1977) measured 25(OH)D in 128 individuals receiving the same daily amount of
vitamin D
or D
for a period more than 4 months and having achieved steady state, those receiving 45
μg/day were all below 130 nmol 25(OH)D/L, whereas among those receiving 150 μg/day a large fraction
had values above 130, but less than 200 nmol/L. The upper 95% confidence limit for the regression line
crossed 130 nmol/L at about 60-70 μg/day. (All the data were extracted from the figures).
Vieth and coworkers (2001) supplemented two groups of 33 and 28 healthy volunteers with 25 and 100
μg cholecalciferol daily, respectively, for 1-5 months. At 4 and 5 months the lower dose group had a
mean 25(OH)D concentration of about 70 nmol/L (range: 45-120) and in the high dose group the mean
was about 100 nmol/L (range: 65-120) (values extracted from figure).
Tjellesen et al (1986) supplemented 19 healthy premenopausal women with either 100 μg ergocalciferol
or cholecalciferol/day for eight weeks. They also received 0.5 g calcium per day. At eight weeks the total
25(OH)D concentrations in serum were 35.5 (19.7-48.3) and 45.4 (31.0-55.4) nmol/L in the ergocalciferol and
cholecalciferol group, respectively. A suppression of 25(OH)D
in serum was observed in the group treated
with ergocalciferol resulting in no change in the total 25(OH)D from the pre-treatment status.
3.5.4. Vitamin D intake and hypercalcaemia
Hypercalcaemia is defined as a serum calcium level above 2.75 mmol/L or ionised calcium above
1.35 mmol/L. Normal calcium levels were seen in persons given 50 μg/day of vitamin D for 6 months
(Johnson, 1980) and daily intake for 6 weeks of 250 μg by healthy adults did not significantly raise
their serum and urine concentrations of calcium (Berlin et al, 1986). In individuals with intakes from
1250 μg/day or higher the serum calcium level range was from 2.82 to 4.00 mmol/L (Schwartzman
and Franck, 1987; Davies and Adams, 1978; Selby et al, 1995; Rizzoli et al, 1994; Pettifor et al, 1995).
Schwartzman and Franck (1987) reviewed cases in which vitamin D was used to treat osteoporosis in
middle aged and elderly women. These women had health problems in addition to osteoporosis. An
intake of vitamin D between 1250 μg/week and 1250 μg/day for 6 weeks to 5 years was found to be
associated with reduced renal function and hypercalcaemia.
Narang et al (1984) studied the effect of vitamin D supplementation on serum calcium levels in humans,
with and without tuberculosis. Their diet was supplemented with daily vitamin D doses of 10, 20, 30,
60 and 95 μg/day for 3 months. Thirty healthy males and females ranging in age from 21 to 60 years
and without tuberculosis were in one study group. Statistically significant increases in serum calcium
were observed in these subjects at vitamin D doses of 60 and 95 μg/day. The mean serum calcium
concentration in normal controls following administration of 60 μg/day of vitamin D increased from
2.43 to 2.62 mmol/L, a change that did not indicate hypercalcaemia. However, following 95 μg/day, the
mean serum calcium level in normal controls increased from 2.46 to 2.83 mmol/L. No information on
the nature of the vitamin D preparation, background vitamin D intake or serum 25(OH)D was given.
The results of Narang and co-workers were not supported by Tjellesen et al (1986). They monitored serum
vitamin D metabolites and calcium in 19 healthy premenopausal women during treatment with 100 μg/day
Vitamin D
of vitamin D
or vitamin D
for 8 weeks. They found that serum calcium increased significantly by a minute
amount of 0.05 mmol/L with 100 μg/day of vitamin D
. The urinary calcium excretion increased slightly with
a mean molar calcium/creatinine ratio of 0.518, which is well below hypercalciuric ratio of 1.0.
In a recent study described above Vieth et al (2001) supplemented healthy volunteers in groups of
33 and 28 healthy individuals with 25 and 100 μg cholecalciferol, respectively, for 1-5 months. In all
subjects serum calcium remained within the reference values for serum calcium and no significant
change from baseline values were found. Similarly, on a group basis, there was no significant change
from baseline in urinary molar calcium/creatinine ratios. There were more subjects exceeding a ratio of
1.0 in the high dose group than in the low dose group.
3.5.5. Serum 25(OH)D, serum calcium and hypercalcaemia
In patients with rickets, Stamp (1975) demonstrated a parallel increase in serum 25(OH)D and serum
calcium during the healing period with ultraviolet light. The treatment did not increase the serum
calcium concentration above 2.5 mmol/L, neither did the 25(OH)D concentration increase above 125
nmol/L. Also in patients who had consumed milk excessively fortified with vitamin D, there was a
correlation between serum 25(OH)D and serum calcium (Jacobus et al, 1992). Serum samples with
calcium concentrations larger than 2.75 (hypercalcaemia) were characterised by serum concentrations
of 25(OH)D larger than 200 nmol/L.
Adams and Lee (1997) described four normocalcaemic patients with 25(OH)D concentrations at
177±41 (132-222) nmol/L with hypercalciuria and depressed serum PTH. The intake of vitamin D was
in the form of supplements of uncertain magnitude. Upon withdrawal of the supplements the patients
became normocalciuric and the 25(OH)D concentration returned to normal (<130 nmol/L).
Better et al (1980) investigated 45 randomly selected Israeli lifeguards who worked at the beach during
August-September and compared this group with a control population matched for age and season.
Both groups had similar serum calcium levels, but the lifeguards had a significantly lower serum PTH,
a higher serum 25(OH)D level (148±105 vs 65±25 nmol/L), and a higher urinary calcium excretion.
Eleven lifeguards had nephrolithiasis, a significant higher incidence than in the general population. The
lifeguards had slightly lower urinary volume than those of controls did.
3.6. Susceptible groups
3.6.1. Infants
The regulation of 1α-hydroxylase and the normal feedback suppression by 1,25(OH)
D on the kidney
enzyme seem to work less well in infants than in adults (Stern et al, 1981).
3.6.2. Idiopathic hypercalcaemia of infancy and Williams’ syndrome
Idiopathic infantile hypercalcaemia (IIH) and Williams syndrome are two conditions associated with
hypercalcaemia in infancy (Seelig, 1969; McTaggart, 1999; Hockenhull et al, 1999; Rodd and Goodyer,
1999). Both conditions occur sporadically, but inheritance has also been described. Williams’ syndrome
was described in 1961 by Williams and co-workers and is in more than 90% of the cases caused by
a microdeletion on chromosome 7 affecting the elastin gene. The Williams’ syndrome is a multisystem
developmental syndrome with vascular and connective tissue abnormalities, hypercalcaemia, dysmorphic
faces and mental retardation. Levels of 1,25(OH)
D are often elevated and followed by excessive intestinal
absorption of calcium.
The “mild” or light variant of IIH is a heterogeneous disorder originally described in the 1950s in England
during the period of high-dose vitamin D fortification of milk. Lowering the supplementation dramatically
decreased the incidence. The relationship to vitamin D metabolism is unclear. Elevated levels of PTH-
related protein, as a cause for the disease, has been found in some cases. Generally, the hypercalcaemia
disappears after the first year and the prognosis is good. Both IIH and Williams’ syndrome are treated
with a diet low in vitamin D and calcium and there is hypersensitivity towards vitamin D. Hypercalcaemia
might develop with vitamin D intakes as small as 5-10 μg/day.
3.6.3. Patients with sarcoidosis, tuberculosis, lymphomas and infants with subcutaneous fat
The feedback mechanism of 1,25(OH)
D synthesis seems to operate poorly, if at all, in tissues other than that
of the renal tubule. In patients with sarcoidosis, 1,25(OH)
D is believed to be synthesised in macrophages,
which in these patients have an increased enzyme capacity, or other cells in the granulomas. Also the
Vitamin D
clearance of 1,25(OH)
D may be decreased as well. Contrary to normal in these patients there is a positive
correlation between 25(OH)D within reference levels and 1,25(OH)
D in serum. Even normocalcaemic
patients with sarcoidosis have unregulated production of 1,25(OH)
D in response to vitamin D. Also
exposure to sunlight may increase the level of active metabolite.
In some lymphomas, typically B-cell lymphomas, there is an increased blood level of 1,25(OH)
D, which is
probably synthesised by lymphocytes (Narang et al, 1984; Bell, 1998).
Excessive endogenous synthesis of 1,25(OH)
D occurs in children with subcutaneous fat necrosis
(Rodd and Goodyer, 1999).
Vitamin D deficiency can mask primary hyperparathyroidism and this could account for the occasional
cases of hypercalcaemia observed when large groups of elderly people are given vitamin D supplements
(Johnson, 1980).
3.7. Interactions
3.7.1. Vitamin A
Earlier work has provided some evidence that vitamin A might antagonise the actions of vitamin D.
Recently this was clearly shown in experiments with rats. Twenty-one day-old male Holtzman rats were
fed a rachitogenic diet supplemented with 15.5 ng ergocalciferol (D
)/day every 3 day and retinyl acetate
in doses from 0-8621 ng/day. Increasing the level of retinyl acetate caused a progressive decrease in
the total amount of ash in the femur and increase in epiphyseal plate. This antagonistic effect of retinyl
acetate was also present even at higher vitamin D
dosages. In addition retinyl acetate also inhibited
vitamin D
action in rats fed a normocalcaemic diet (Rohde et al, 1999). These experiments show that
an antagonism takes place at physiological levels of these two vitamins. At the molecular level vitamin
D and A share RXR as a common partner for the receptor: the vitamin D receptor heterodimerises
with RXR whereas RXR alone or together with RAR function as a mediator of the biological effects of
retinoic acids.
3.7.2. Magnesium
Elevation of plasma magnesium increases the secretion of PTH (Rude et al, 1978), which stimulates
the synthesis of 1,25(OH)
D. Magnesium deficiency in humans, on the other hand, may result in an
impaired PTH secretion followed by hypocalcaemia and a reduced serum concentration of 1,25(OH)
This explains why patients with hypoparathyroidism may be resistant to vitamin D therapy unless
magnesium is also given (Fatemi et al, 1991).
3.7.3. Drugs
Ketoconazole, which inhibits the 24-hydroxylase activity, markedly enhances the potency of 1,25(OH)
Enhanced potency of 1,25(OH)
D is also seen in 24-hydroxylase null mice.
Thiazide drugs, which increase the tubular reabsorption of calcium, would enhance the hypercalcemic
effect of a high dose of vitamin D.
Glucocorticoids, phenobarbital and phenytoin antagonise the effect of vitamin D on intestinal calcium
absorption. These drugs also protect rats against high doses of vitamin D (Haynes, 1990)
4.1. Critical effects
Due to great uncertainty data from animal studies are considered to be inappropriate for identification
of critical endpoints and establishment of a NOAEL or a LOAEL.
The principal critical effect of hypervitaminosis D/vitamin D toxicity is hypercalcaemia. It has, however,
been reported that patients with hypervitaminosis D (increased level of 25(OH)D >130 nmol/L),
hypercalciuria and a depressed PTH status can be normocalcaemic (Adams and Lee, 1997). Thus,
hypercalciuria apparently is an earlier phenomenon than hypercalcaemia which could predispose to
kidney stone formation.
Vitamin D
4.2. Adults
4.2.1. Establishment of a NOAEL on the basis of hypercalcaemia
In the report by Narang et al (1984) a modest hypercalcaemia (level >2.75 mmol/L) was demonstrated
at a vitamin D intake of 95 μg/day. The changes in serum calcium following 60 μg vitamin D/day were
still within the reference range. There are, however, major drawbacks in this study. There are no data
on pre-treatment vitamin D status, no data on sun exposure and no information about the compound
given. Neither are there any data on serum 25(OH)D concentrations nor information on the physical
status on the healthy participants. Other studies by Tjellesen et al (1986) and Vieth et al (2001) could
not confirm the data of Narang et al (1984) as they found no or only a very small increase in serum
calcium at an intake of 100 μg vitamin D/day. Increases in the 25(OH)D concentration in serum were
seen in both latter studies, but within reference values (<130 nmol/L). The discrepancies between the
study of Narang et al (1984) and the latter ones could be vitamin D compound given, vitamin D status
before supplementation, body weight, body fat or solar exposure.
4.2.2. Using 25(OH)D in serum for the establishment of a NOAEL
An alternative approach is to use serum 25(OH)D levels as basis for the assessment. Adams and Lee
(1997) described hypercalciuria and depressed serum PTH in normocalcaemic patients with plasma
25(OH)D concentrations at 132-222 nmol/L. Interestingly, upon withdrawal of the supplements the
patients became normocalciuric and the 25(OH)D concentration returned to normal (<130 nmol/L).
Hypercalciuria was also observed in Israeli lifeguards with a serum 25(OH)D concentration at 148±105
nmol/L (Better et al, 1980).
A NOAEL could also be based on a 25(OH)D concentration in serum of about 150 nmol/L, which
is considered the upper reference value, and which has not been reported to be associated with
hypercalcaemia or hypercalciuria.
The vitamin D intake associated with exceeding the upper reference value of 25(OH)D in serum would
vary greatly in the population. It is, for instance, dependent on the exposure to sunlight and sensitivity
to vitamin D. The importance of the chemical form of vitamin D, i.e. vitamin D
or D
as described above
(see 2.5.2) with a lower biological efficiency of vitamin D
, should be noted. In addition the vehicle used
(fat or emulsion) could influence bioavailability. This was shown as early as in 1935 by Stearn and Jeans
(cited in Seelig, 1969). Vitamin D from cod liver oil emulsified in milk is about three times as potent as
vitamin D given in cod liver oil or propylene glycol. For some individuals an intake of 250 μg vitamin
D would not cause an exceed of this value while in others this could occur. The data of Stamp et al
(1977) (data taken from figure 1 of Stamp et al, 1977) indicate that the upper reference value of serum
25(OH)D at 150 nmol/L or 200 nmol/L is exceeded by 5% of the population at an approximate vitamin
D intakes of about 80 or 100 μg/day, respectively. These levels of 25(OH)D in serum can be considered
NOAELs with respect to increased risks of hypercalciuria and hypercalcaemia, respectively. On the
other hand, the study by Tjellesen et al (1986) and the recent study of Vieth et al (2001) reported that
the upper reference serum concentration of 25(OH)D was not exceeded upon supplementation with
100 μg cholecalciferol (vitamin D
4.2.3. Derivation of an UL for adults
Taking into account all the information in the studies above (particularly information on vitamin D
by Tjellesen et al, 1986 and Vieth et al, 2001), the risk of hypercalciuria/hypercalcaemia probably starts to
increase in some parts of the population at an intake above 100 μg vitamin D/day. The risk of exceeding
the upper reference concentration of 25(OH)D in serum will also increase. A dose of 100 μg vitamin
D/day and a serum level of 200 nmol 25(OH)D/L are considered a NOAEL. An uncertainty factor of 2 is
considered adequate to account for the inter-individual variation. An upper intake level of 50 μg vitamin
D/day is considered to offer adequate protection against the risk of hypercalciuria and hypercalcaemia.
On this basis the Committee sets an UL of 50 μg vitamin D/day for adults
Regarding less frequent intakes of larger doses of vitamin D, this has been discussed above (see
section 3.3.2) and no recommendation is given.
1. It should be noted that the intake of vitamin D via food would add to synthesis caused by exposure to sunlight. Depending on the amount of
sunlight the risk of adverse effects at an intake at the upper level would increase. It should also be noted that higher doses of vitamin D might be
needed, particular in elderly, to achieve optimal serum levels of 25(OH)D for purpose of optimal mineralisation of the skeleton. Such treatment
should be under medical surveillance.
Vitamin D
No data are available to suggest that other life-stage groups have increased susceptibility to adverse
effects of high vitamin D intake. Given the minor impact of circulating vitamin D on calcium levels in
utero and in breast-fed infants with maternal supplements of 25 and 50 μg vitamin D/day (see section
3.4) there does not seem to be an increased sensitivity during this period. Therefore the UL of 50 μg/
day should be considered to apply also to pregnant and lactating women.
4.3. Infants
Most of the studies also documenting duration and magnitude of intake in infants regarding adverse
effects of vitamin D such as growth retardation and hypercalcaemia are old studies or case reports.
4.3.1. Establishment of LOAEL/NOAEL on the basis of growth and hypercalcaemia
Jeans and Stearns (1938) found retarded linear growth in 9 infants up to one year of age who
received 45-112.5 μg vitamin D/day as supplements in comparison with standard growth curves
of infants receiving daily supplements at doses of 8.5 μg or less for a minimum of 6 months.
The group receiving high vitamin D supplements showed a retarded linear growth and increased
rate of growth was seen when the dose of vitamin D was reduced to 10-15 μg/day. The children
received both cod liver oil, a cod liver oil concentrate emulsified in cream and viosterol (vitamin D
In another study, Fomon et al (1966) compared linear growth in a group of 13 infants daily ingesting 34.5-
54.3 μg vitamin D (mean 45 μg) with 11 infants who received 8.8-13.8 μg/day. The infants were enrolled
before the age of 9 days and followed at ages 28, 56, 84, 112, 140 and 168 days. No effect on growth was
found in this small study. Neither was any hypercalcaemia seen. These studies were performed before
vitamin D metabolites in serum could be routinely measured. The authors of the latter study provided
some information on the preparation given, Deca-Vi-Sol, but not whether this is vitamin D
or D
An epidemic of infantile hypercalcaemia was observed in the UK during 1953 to 1957 when National
Dried Milk and other foods including infant food were supplemented with vitamin D. More than 200 cases
of hypercalcaemia were reported by June 1955 to 196 consultant paediatricians in the UK. Also other
conditions related to vitamin D toxicity increased during this period. In 1957 the vitamin D contents in
dried milk, cereals for infants and cod liver oil were reduced: dried milk from 80 to 25 μg/100 g of dry
matter, cereals: 8 to 2.5 μg/100 g of dry matter and in cod liver oil from 4 to 2 μg/mL. Following this, the
incidence of hypercalcaemia was reduced substantially, but not completely (Seelig, 1969). According
to the two surveys conducted by the British Paediatric Association (BPA, 1956 and 1964) there was a
reported decline in hypercalcaemia in infants from 7.2 in the 1953-1955 survey to 3 cases per month in
the 1960-1961 survey. The estimated total intake of vitamin D in infants for the 75 percentile showed
100 μg/day in the first survey declining to a range of 18 to 34 μg/day in the second survey (BPA, 1956;
Bransby et al, 1964). The non-specific early symptoms of hypercalcaemia are failure to thrive, hypotonia
and susceptibility to infections would suggest that the diagnosed cases might only be the tip of an
iceberg (Seelig, 1969).
Among infants of the age of 6 to 20 months with hypercalcaemia, the intake of vitamin D was estimated to
be below 50 μg/day in 50 children (Seelig, 1969). In several American reports of individual cases of infantile
hypercalcaemia the vitamin D estimated intake was between 20 and 35 μg/day (cited in Seelig: Bongovanni
et al, 1957, N Eng J Med 257: 951; Schwartz, 1957, J Pediat 51: 461; Snyder, 1958, Am J Diseases Children
96: 376; Garcia et al, 1964, N Eng J Med 271: 117; Rashkind et al, 1964, J Pediat 58: 390).
Taken together these early data indicate that at least some infants are sensitive to excessive
intake of vitamin D and at risk for hypercalcaemia. It cannot be excluded that some of the cases
of infantile hypercalcaemia during this period represent cases of Williams’ syndrome or idiopathic
infantile hypercalcaemia in addition to those of vitamin D intoxication. With regard to the reports of
hypercalcaemia cases in particular could be due to other causes not related to vitamin D. Furthermore,
none of these publications had any information on 25(OH)D in serum or any other biomarker of
vitamin D status as these studies were performed before such measurements were available. And the
magnitudes of the daily vitamin D dosages of the survey data and lack of data on sunlight add to the
uncertainties. Thus, it is not possible to exactly define a NOAEL or LOAEL. However, based on these
data, it cannot be excluded that an increased risk of vitamin D toxicity and hypercalcaemia might
be present at exposures below 50 μg/day. The observations on hypercalcaemia in infants in the UK
furthermore indicate that the susceptibility among infants, although less expressed, extends beyond
the first year of age.
Vitamin D
4.3.2. Establishment of LOAEL/NOAEL on the basis of 25(OH)D in serum and hypercalcaemia
The upper reference level for 25(OH)D for infants is similar to that of adults and the approach used for adults
by setting the upper level at an oral dose of vitamin D not associated with exceeding the upper reference
level (i.e. 130-150 nmol/L) could in theory be done. A problem is that there are very few data on doses of
vitamin D above the recommended intake and corresponding concentrations of 25(OH) in serum.
In a study from Germany, Hövels and co-workers (1983) determined 25(OH)D in serum in infants 12, 18
and 24 months of age. Levels of 25(OH)D were determined in infants 12 and 24 months of age receiving
12.5 (n=58 and n=87) and 25 μg vitamin D
/day (n=34 and n=15), respectively. It is difficult to evaluate
the absolute ranges of 25(OH)D reported in this study since they deviate from those usually reported
in other studies and no information on the method of determination and reference values was given in
the paper. Thus, this study cannot be used for the establishment of a relationship between vitamin D
intake and 25(OH)D or a NOAEL.
In a study from Norway by Markestad (1984), 25(OH)D was measured in eight infants 6 weeks of age
in the winter and only receiving a formula containing 10 μg vitamin D
/L (corresponding to about 8-
10 μg/day). The concentrations varied from 60 to 125 (mean 90) nmol/L, showing that this amount of
vitamin D was enough to give approximately the reference concentration of 25(OH)D. Thirty-seven 6
and 12 month-old infants who had received vitamin D from cod liver oil (vitamin D
) or a commercial
multivitamin supplement (unknown form of vitamin D) in the following doses: 7.5-10 μg/day (n=23), 5
μg/day (n=9) and 2.5 μg/day (n=5) had in the winter a concentration range of less than 20 to 115 nmol
25(OH)D/L in serum. Twenty-two infants 7 to 18 months of age were studied at the end of the summer.
They had not received any vitamin D fortified food or supplements for 4 months, and their serum
concentration of 25(OH)D ranged from 30 to 164 (mean 85) nmol/L.
In a study from Finland, Ala-Houhala (1985) supplemented breast-fed infants with 0, 10 and 25 μg
vitamin D
/day for 20 weeks, using 14-17 infants and mothers in each group. In the group where the
infants were not given vitamin D, the mothers were given 25 μg/day. Two studies were conducted,
one starting in January and one starting in July. No signs of hypercalcaemia were reported. The serum
level of 25(OH)D increased rapidly in both groups of infants supplemented with 10 and 25 μg/day. The
levels obtained in the July-December groups were 15-20% higher than those of the groups starting in
January. At 20 weeks of age the 25(OH)D level did not show any sign of reaching a steady state level.
In the groups supplemented with 10 μg/day the 25(OH)D levels (mean±SEM) were 83±13 and 98±3
nmol/L in the winter and summer groups, respectively. In the groups supplemented with 25 μg/day
the 25(OH)D levels (mean±SEM) were 110±13 and 138±7 nmol/L in the winter and summer groups,
respectively. (All data were derived from figures 2, 3 and 5 in Ala-Houhala, 1985). The 25(OH)D levels
obtained with a supplementation of 10 μg/day seem to agree well with the data of Markestad (1984).
Hesse and co-workers (reported in an abstract, 1993) examined the effects of prophylactic
administration of 10 μg vitamin D
tablets in 2707 newborn to 15 month-old infants. Infants were
breast-fed or given vitamin D-free formula milks. The treatment was started in the second week of life.
25(OH)D increased from 22.6±13.8 to 83.1±36.1 nmol/L from the second week to the third month and
to 93.9±36.6 nmol/L between 4-6 months. Elevated 25(OH)D (>130 nmol/L) were found in the 10.1%
and 2.6% of the infants in the age of 0-6 months and 6-12 months, respectively. Importantly, elevated
serum calcium (>2.8 mmol/L) was observed in 6.4% of the infants in the first 6 months. One of the
2707 infants had rickets. In an extended study (also reported in an abstract, Hesse et al, 1994; Hesse,
1994) it was found that among 3481 infants treated in this way 2.9% of the infants aged 2 weeks to 6
months had 25(OH)D levels above 173 nmol/L (>3 standard deviations) and 0.9% had serum calcium
>3.08 mmol/L. On this basis, the authors proposed to reduce the vitamin D supplement to 7.5 and 10
μg D
/day for the first and second half year of life, respectively, and to the reduce the supplementation
of infant formula from 10 to 7 μg D
/L (Hesse et al, 1993 and 1994; Hesse, 1994). It should be noted
that this study was carried out in the eastern part of Germany a few years after the German reunification
and that it is possible that the practise of “stossprophylaxis” with vitamin D (see section 3.3.2) had
not been discontinued completely. However, no information on this was provided. Because of this and
since only limited information is available from the abstract, it is inappropriate to use this study in the
derivation of the upper level.
Vervel and co-workers (1997) determined serum 25(OH)D in infants 1 to 4 months of age seen as
outpatients The infants received 25 μg vitamin D
/day in addition to infant formula unfortified (n=23) or
fortified with vitamin D (n=41). The 25(OH)D levels in serum was 92.5±28 and 72.8±24.3 nmol/L in the
summer and winter, respectively. Those fed vitamin D fortified formula in addition had 99±22 nmol/L
Vitamin D
in the summer. In a prospective controlled study serum 25(OH)D was determined in healthy neonates
born to unsupplemented (n=48) or vitamin D
supplemented mothers (n=22) between April and July.
The infants were given vitamin D
fortified milk, providing either 12.5 or 25 μg vitamin D/day and
followed from birth to 3 months of age. At birth, 25(OH)D was 27.4 and 37.8 nmol/L in unsupplemented
and supplemented mothers, respectively. After 1 and 3 months there were only marginal differences
between the groups receiving 12.5 and 25 μg vitamin D
and no differences between the groups from
unsupplemented and supplemented mothers, respectively. The values at 3 months were 61.5±12.3 and
61±7 nmol/L, in the groups receiving 12.5 μg vitamin D
/day, and 75.25±12.5 and 66.25±13 nmol/L, in
the groups receiving 25 μg vitamin D
/day. No values were above 92.5 nmol/L. Serum calcium values
at 3 months in the low groups were within 2.42-2.80 mmol/L and in the high groups within 2.46-2.79
mmol/L. The percentage of children with serum calcium above 2.6 mmol/L was not increased in the
group receiving 25 μg vitamin D
/day. The same group (Zeghoud et al, 1997) also examined the increase
in 25(OH)D depending on the basal 25(OH)D prior to vitamin D
supplementation. The increase was
greatest in the group with the lowest basal level, <15 nmol/L, and only in this group did 25 μg vitamin
/day cause an increase in 25(OH)D greater than that produced by 12.5 μg vitamin D
4.3.3. Derivation of an UL for infants
Two endpoints are used in the derivation of the UL, namely hypercalcaemia, which can be considered
an adverse effect, and the serum concentration of 25(OH)D greater than the upper reference level. The
upper reference level of 130-150 nmol/L is well below the threshold of increased risk for hypercalcaemia,
which in adults is above 200 nmol/L.
The studies by Fomon et al (1966) recording no effect on growth and serum calcium might indicate a
NOAEL of 45 μg/day, however, only a small number of infants (n=13) was studied. The form of vitamin D
given in this study is not known. No hypercalcaemia was recorded in the studies of Ala-Houhala (1985)
and Vervel and co-workers (1997) supplementing up to 25 μg vitamin D
/day in addition to breast milk
or to formula fortified at least with a level giving 7 μg vitamin D
Using the upper reference serum concentration of 25(OH)D (130-150 nmol/L) in deriving an upper level
the only data on intake and 25(OH)D concentrations are vitamin D
intakes at the upper, middle and
the lower range of the PRI. At intakes of 25 μg vitamin D
/day in addition to breast-feeding the mean
level of 25(OH)D (110±13 and 138±7 nmol/L) is close to the upper reference values reported (130-150
nmol/L), particularly when exposed to sunlight in one study (Ala-Houhala, 1985). In another study of
non-breastfed infants receiving 25 μg vitamin D
/day through fortified formula had a slightly lower level
of 25(OH)D, i.e. 92.5 nmol and less (Vervel et al, 1997).
Systematic studies that can be used to establish a NOAEL have not been performed on infants
receiving more than 10 μg vitamin D
in addition to breast milk. However, the present intake of vitamin
in infants were calculated according to current recommendations in Germany on supplement (10
to 12.5 µg vitamin D
/day to all infants) and use of supplemented infant and follow on formula. It was
found that during the first 5 months of life vitamin D
intakes could be up to 24 µg/day. The calculated
daily intake gradually decreases to up to 16.6 µg/day. The current intake apparently is not associated
with any problems of vitamin D excess. It should be noted, however, that no systematic studies have
been carried out and that mild hypercalcaemia is associated only with mild and unspecific symptoms
such as failure to thrive.
Considering hypercalcaemia the small and old study by Fomon et al (1966) indicated a NOAEL of 45
μg vitamin D/day for infants. However, two more recent and larger well-controlled studies showed
that neither in infants receiving 25 μg vitamin D
/day in addition to breast milk (Ala-Houhala, 1985)
nor in infants receiving 32 μg vitamin D
/day (Vervel et al, 1997) was hypercalcemia observed. In
addition, in neither of these studies the resulting serum 25(OH)D concentrations were observed to be
above the upper reference level indicating that these are well below the threshold of hypercalcaemia
and consequently an uncertainty factor of 1 is considered appropriate. Using the lower value taking
into account the higher biological activity and toxicity of vitamin D
(see section 2.5.2) and the other
information provided above the Committee sets an UL of 25 μg vitamin D/day for infants 0-24
months of age
2. It should be noted that the intake of vitamin D via food would add to synthesis caused by exposure to sunlight. Depending on the amount of
sunlight the risks of adverse effects at an intake of the upper level would increase.
Vitamin D
4.4. Children and adolescents
4.4.1. Derivation of an UL for the age group 2-17 years
In the age group 2-17 years there are no data on high level intake to support the derivation of an
upper level. Finnish 9-15 years old girls were supplemented with vitamin D
in the winter season for 3
years (Lehtonen-Veromaa et al, 2002). Before start 14% and 75% of the group had severe (<20 nmol
25(OH)D/L) and moderate (between 25 and 37.5 nmol 25(OH)D/L) hypovitaminosis D at baseline in
winter. The first and second year, in addition to a median dietary intake of 4 μg vitamin D/day, they were
supplemented from October to January with 10 μg vitamin D
/day and the third year with 20 μg vitamin
/day. The daily supplementation with 120 to 140 μg vitamin D
/week increased 25(OH)D to 45.5±17.2
nmol/L at 36 months. Sunlight in the summer was apparently more effective raising mean levels to 62
nmol/L. The effect of supplementation or sunlight was greatest in the group with severe hypovitaminosis
D. In this study 20 μg ergocalciferol/day was well tolerated, but the nutritional effect of supplementation
was rather weak, 11.7 25(OH)D nmol/L for the group taking 80-140 μg ergocalciferol/week. This is
probably due to the general low efficiency of vitamin D
about 1.7 times less efficient (Trang et al, 1998)
than vitamin D
as discussed in section 2.5.2. There are no studies on supplementation with high levels
of vitamin D
in children and adolescents. Apparently, the response to 10 μg vitamin D
/day on 25(OH)D
was much greater in a group of prepubertal Finnish children (Ala-Houhala et al, 1988b). It seems that
susceptibility towards vitamin D changes with age. Using a cautious approach taking into consideration
a lower weight in children up to 10 years the Committee sets the upper levels as follows:
UL of 25 μg vitamin D/day for children from 2 up to and including 10 years of age
UL of 50 μg/day for adolescents 11-17 years of age
4.5. Summary of upper levels for vitamin D
Age (years)
Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) for vitamin D
0-2 25
3-10 25
11-17 50
Adults+ 50
The UL for adults does also apply to pregnant and lactating women.
5.1. Adults
An UL of 50 μg vitamin D/day is above 5 times the intake (PRI) recommended by the SCF (1993) of 0-10
μg and 10 µg vitamin D/day for adults below and above 65 years of age, respectively. The mean and 95
percentile intakes without supplements in several European countries are about 10-13 times and about
5 times less than the UL, respectively. In Norway the 95 percentile intake with supplements is about
1.5 times less than the UL. The 97.5 percentile values with supplements are 8.4, 12.7, 14.3 and 22.16
μg/day in Italy, UK, Ireland and Austria, respectively. The 97.5 percentile values without supplements
are 8.4, 8.9 and 14.1 μg/day in the UK, The Netherlands and Germany, respectively. These values are
well below the UL.
5.2. Infants
Recent evaluations in several European countries and the USA recommended an intake for infants of
10 μg vitamin D/day to ensure that the population gets enough vitamin D. The recommended intake
(PRI) given by the SCF (1993) is 10-25 μg vitamin D/day for infants 6-12 months of age and 10 μg
vitamin D/day for infants 12 to 36 months of age. No recommendation is given for the period 0-6
3. It should be noted that the intake of vitamin D via food would add to synthesis caused by exposure to sunlight. Depending on the amount of
sunlight the risk of adverse effects at an intake at the upper level would increase. It should also be noted that higher doses of vitamin D might be
needed, particular in elderly, to achieve optimal serum levels of 25(OH)D for purpose of optimal mineralisation of the skeleton. Such treatment
should be under medical surveillance.
Vitamin D
months. Some infants in this age group may reach an intake up to 22-24 μg vitamin D
/day according
to calculations based on current levels of vitamin D
in infant formula in Germany (1-2 μg vitamin D
Kcal) in addition to recommended supplementation (10-12.5 μg vitamin D
/day). The UL is similar to the
upper end of the present PRI of 10-25 μg/day for 6-12 months (SCF, 1993).
It should be kept in mind that hypercalcaemia due to vitamin D excess is uncommon in hospitals. In
this matter there is a dilemma because on the one hand it is important to prevent excess intake, on
the other hand it is equally important to secure infants an adequate vitamin D intake to avoid serious
deficiency problems such as rickets. This disease has been reported in European countries particularly
among infants and small children of immigrants (Brunvand and Nordshus, 1996; Uldall et al, 1984).
5.3. Children and adolescents
An UL of 25 μg vitamin D/day is 2.5 times the upper range of recommended intakes for children 2-10
years of 0-10 μg vitamin D/day (SCF, 1993). The mean intake without supplements in European countries
is about 5 times less than the UL. In Germany the 97.5 percentile intakes without supplements for the
age groups 4-6 years and 7-9 years were 7.5 and 8.7 μg/day, respectively.
An UL of 50 μg vitamin D/day is 3.3 times the recommended intake for young individuals (11-17 years)
of 0-15 μg vitamin D/day (SCF, 1993). Values without supplements from Germany on 97.5 percentile
intakes for the age groups of 10-12 years, 13-14 years and 15-18 years were 9.0, 11.1 and 11.1 μg/day,
respectively. These values are about 4-5 times less than the UL.
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Vitamin D
190 190
This opinion is one in the series of opinions of the Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) on the upper
levels of vitamins and minerals. The terms of reference given by the European Commission for this task,
the related background and the guidelines used by the Committee to develop tolerable upper intake
levels for vitamins and minerals used in this opinion, which were expressed by the SCF on 19 October
2000, are available on the Internet at the pages of the SCF, at the address:
Zinc has an atomic weight of 65.37 and is classified as a group IIB post-transition
metal. In biological systems, zinc exists as Zn
and is present in all tissue and fluids in the
body. Total body content of zinc is between 2 and 4 g and plasma concentration is between
11 and 18 µM (approximately 0.1% of total body content). Urinary zinc excretion is between 300 to 700
µg/day. Zinc is also present in foods and supplements as salts of the divalent cation. Under European
legislation the following salts of zinc: acetate, chloride, citrate, gluconate, lactate, oxide, carbonate and
sulphate are included in the list of substances that can be used in the manufacture of foods for particular
nutritional uses and in food supplements (the legal measure on food supplements is expected to be
adopted in the immediate future). Zinc content in the most common single nutrient supplements on the
market is 30 mg per capsule, range 15-50 mg and in the most common multiple nutrient supplements is
10-15 mg, range 2-20 mg.
2.1. Function
Zinc is essential for growth and development, testicular maturation, neurological function, wound
healing and immunocompetence. Over 300 zinc enzymes have been discovered covering all six classes
of enzymes and in different species of all phyla (Christianson, 1991; Coleman, 1992; Vallee and Auld,
1990). Zinc has structural, regulatory or catalytic roles in many enzymes (Vallee and Galdes, 1984;
Hambridge et al, 1986). Additionally, it maintains the configuration of a number of non-enzymatic
proteins such as pre-secretory granules of insulin, some mammalian gene transcription proteins (Struhl,
1989) and thymulin. Well known zinc containing enzymes include superoxide dismutase, alkaline
phosphatase and alcohol dehydrogenase.
2.2. Homeostasis
Absorption of zinc takes place in the small intestine and appears to be a carrier-mediated transport
process which is not saturated under normal physiological conditions. At high intakes, zinc is also
absorbed through a non-saturable process or passive diffusion (Sandström, 1992). Absorption of
dietary zinc ranges from 15 to 60%. Mechanisms for the transport of zinc across the intestinal wall, its
export into plasma and its uptake into other tissues are uncertain. Once in plasma, zinc is carried by
a number of proteins that include albumin, transferrin and caeruloplasmin. Most of the absorbed zinc
is excreted in the bile and eventually lost in the faeces. There appears to be no specific zinc “store” in
the body.
Tissue content and activity of zinc-dependent processes are maintained over a wide range of dietary
zinc intakes. When zinc intake is increased, the fractional absorption decreases and intestinal excretion
increases while urinary losses remain fairly constant. Endogenous faecal zinc losses may increase
several fold to maintain zinc homeostasis with high intakes (Coppen and Davies, 1987). At very low
zinc intakes, absorption can increase to between 59-84% and faecal and urinary losses decrease
accordingly (Baer and King, 1984; Johnson et al, 1993; Wada et al, 1985). When these primary
homeostatic mechanisms are not sufficient to handle large dietary excesses of zinc, the excess zinc
is lost via the hair (Jackson, 1989). The kinetics of zinc absorption and elimination follow a two-
component model. The initial rapid phase has a half-life in humans of 12.5 days and the slower pool
turns over with a half-life of approximately 300 days (Hambridge et al, 1986).
2.3. Bioavailability
Interactions with a number of dietary factors influence zinc uptake. Ligands, such as phytate, form
insoluble complexes with zinc and prevent absorption. Calcium increases binding of zinc by phytate
(Oberleas et al, 1966). Larger doses of calcium can decrease net zinc absorption (Spencer et al,
1984; Wood and Zheng, 1995). High iron content in the diet decreases zinc absorption. Earlier reports
indicated that folic acid can also inhibit zinc retention and metabolism (Milne, 1989; Milne et al, 1984;
Milne et al, 1990), but more recent evidence indicates that folic acid does not adversely affect zinc
status (Kauwell et al, 1995). Copper and zinc compete for absorption but it appears unlikely that
modestly increased intakes of copper interfere with zinc absorption. Histidine, methionine and cysteine
are thought to facilitate zinc absorption (these amino acids remove zinc from the zinc-calcium-phytate
complexes) (Mills, 1985).
2.4. Dietary and other sources
Good food sources of zinc include red meat, whole wheat, raisins, unrefined cereals (high content, low
bioavailability) and fortified cereals. Milk, fruit and vegetables are low in zinc (Sandstead and Smith Jr, 1996).
Concentrations of zinc in tap water may be elevated as a result of dissolution of pipes and contaminated
wells may lead to high exposure. Drinking water quality standards for European countries provide a zinc
content not more than 5 mg/L (Anon, 1971). Exceeding this value may result in an astringent effect,
opalescent appearance and a fine granular sediment. The World Health Organisation recommends that
concentrations should not exceed 3 mg zinc/L (WHO, 1993).
Other sources of zinc, excluding dietary intakes, include inhalation of zinc metal or oxide fumes in
industrial settings and storage of food and drink in galvanised containers.
2.5. Recommended Dietary Allowances
The European Population Reference Intake (PRI) for zinc (SCF, 1993) for adult males and females is 9.5
mg/day and 7.0 mg/day, respectively. In the UK, the Reference Nutrient Intake (RNI) for zinc is the same
as the European PRI and was established in 1991 (Department of Health, 1991). Estimated Average
Requirements (EAR) are 7.3 mg/day and 5.5 mg/day for males and females, respectively. In the US,
new guidelines recommend daily intakes of 11 mg/day and 8 mg/day for men and women respectively
(Institute of Medicine, Food and Nutrition Board, 2001).
2.6. Typical intakes
Mean intakes in Europe (excluding supplements) are 13 mg/day for males and 9 mg/day for females
(Van Dokkum, 1995). The estimated mean dietary zinc intakes in several EU countries are given in Table
1. Zinc intakes from vegetarian diets have been shown to be similar to non-vegetarian diets (Hunt et al,
1998). However, the dietary requirement for zinc may be as much as 50% greater for vegetarians.
Table 1. Mean and 97.5 percentile zinc intake (mg/day) from food and supplements
Country Population n Method Supplements* Mean 97.5%
Individual 2488 24h recall Not defined 11.2 21.9
Individual (M)
Individual (F)
7-day dietary
Individual (M)
Individual (F)
11.4 (10.9)
8.4 (8.2)
Household 2734 7-day record + 11 19.0
Individual (M,F) 5958 2-day record - 9.4 17.0
Individual (M)
Individual (F)
7-day esti-
mated food
+ data included supplements; - data excluded supplements.
Elmadfa et al (1998)
Heseker et al (1994) - median values.
Gregory (1990) - values are the mean with the median in parentheses
Turrini (1996).
Hulshof and Kruizinga (1999).
IUNA (2001).
2.7. Zinc deficiency
Clinically defined zinc deficiency in humans is rare. Zinc deficiency, however, has been observed
in patients on total parenteral nutrition, patients taking the chelating agent penicillamine and in
acrodermatitis enteropathica, a genetic disease resulting in zinc deficiency. The main clinical
manifestations of zinc deficiency are growth retardation, delay in sexual maturation, diarrhoea,
increased susceptibility to infections, dermatitis, the appearance of behavioural change and alopecia.
Symptoms of mild/marginal zinc deficiency include delayed wound healing, impaired resistance to
infection and reduced growth rate (Walsh et al, 1994; WHO, 1996).
3.1. Toxic effects in farm animals
For review see Lantzsch and Schenkel (1978). Normal zinc concentrations in major feeds and foods
ranges from 20 to 80 mg/kg on a dry matter basis (Lantzsch and Schenkel, 1978). Growth rate is
affected by zinc intakes, approximating 3.6 g/kg in feed on a dry matter basis, in fillies (Willoughby et
al, 1972). In drinking water, intakes of zinc at a concentration of 8 mg/L were reported to be toxic for
dairy cows (Pickup et al, 1954) whilst in a trial feeding dairy cows zinc in food up to 1.279 g/kg feed
no toxic effects were observed (Archibald, 1944). In sheep, toxicosis has been observed at intakes of 1
g/kg feed where zinc was in the form of zinc oxide. First cases of death occurred at 3 g/kg zinc in feed
(Ott et al, 1966). Pigs are also affected by zinc toxicity. Symptoms of non-specific arthritis, including
stiffness and lameness were reported in pigs at intakes of zinc above 2 g/kg dry matter. Death occurred
frequently within three weeks of treatment (Brink et al, 1959; Grimmett and McIntosh, 1936).
3.2. Toxic effects and mechanisms in laboratory animals and in vitro studies
In rats, dietary zinc intakes up to 1 g/kg body weight have been well tolerated (Kulwich et al, 1953;
Sutton and Nelson, 1937; Whanger and Weswig, 1971), but dietary zinc intakes above 2 g/kg body
weight have usually led to death (Sadasivan, 1951; Smith and Larson, 1946). Studies in laboratory
animals (Sandstead, 1982; 1995) have demonstrated that elevated levels of dietary zinc can have
a negative effect upon copper balance and, in part, could explain the induction of a microcytic,
hypochromic anaemia in rats after ingestion of large amounts of zinc (for review, see Lantzsch and
Schenkel, 1978). The mechanism whereby high zinc intakes antagonises copper status has been
clarified (Cousins, 1985). High zinc intakes increase the synthesis of metallothionein in intestinal
mucosal cells. Metallothionein avidly binds copper and when mucosal cells are rich in this protein, little
copper is able to traverse the cells into the body. Studies in rats have shown that high levels of zinc
supplementation (0.5-2 g/kg body weight) can affect iron storage and encourage depletion, interfere
with iron uptake in the liver and cause anaemia as a result of higher iron turnover (Walsh et al, 1994).
Conversely, zinc (10
M) has been shown to alleviate the toxic effects of cadmium in mice and rabbits
(Chiba and KiKuchi, 1984).
Zinc is not teratogenic except when high doses (20 mg/kg body weight) are injected intraperitoneally
to mice during pregnancy (Chang et al, 1977). Similarly, zinc does not exhibit reproductive toxicity in
rats until very high concentrations of 1 g/kg body weight given during pregnancy and which caused
a significant reduction in foetal growth, birth weight and still births (Cox et al, 1969; Heller and Burke,
1927; Schlicker and Cox, 1968). A total failure of reproduction occurred in rats on zinc intakes of 2
g/kg body weight (Sutton and Nelson, 1937). A published report (MAFF, 1998) reviews zinc toxicity in
experimental animals.
3.2.1. Genotoxicity In vitro
Zinc was negative in the majority of tests for induction of gene mutations in bacterial or mammalian
cells. In particular, zinc sulphate and zinc acetate were not mutagenic in Salmonella typhimurium (Marzin
and Vo, 1985; Gocke et al, 1981; Thompson et al, 1989); zinc 2,4-pentanedione was mutagenic in
Salmonella typhimurium, with and without S9 (Thompson et al, 1989). Zinc chloride was not mutagenic
in the mouse lymphoma tK assay (Amacher and Paillet, 1980); zinc acetate was found positive, with and
without S9, both in the mouse lymphoma tK assay and in the chromosome aberration assay in Chinese
hamster ovary (CHO) cells (Thompson et al, 1989). Zinc chloride induced chromosomal aberrations
in human lymphocytes (Deknudt and Deminatti, 1978). Zinc acetate and zinc 2,4-pentanedione were
negative in the UDS assay in rat hepatocytes. Zinc chloride did not induce cell transformation in Syrian
hamster (SHE) cells (Di Paolo and Casto, 1979). In vivo
Zinc sulphate did not induce sex-linked recessive lethal mutations in Drosophila (Gocke et al, 1981),
while zinc chloride induced dominant lethal mutations and sex-linked recessive lethal mutations
(Carpenter and Ray, 1969). Zinc sulphate did not induce micronuclei in the mouse (Gocke et al, 1981);
conflicting results, negative or positive at high doses, were reported for the induction of chromosomal
aberrations in the mouse bone marrow by zinc chloride (Deknudt and Gerber, 1979; Vilkina et al, 1978;
Gupta et al, 1991). Zinc chloride did not induce dominant lethal mutations in mice (Vilkina et al, 1978).
The weight of evidence from the in vitro and in vivo genotoxicity tests supports the conclusion that zinc,
notwithstanding some positive findings at chromosome levels at elevated doses, has no biologically
relevant genotoxicity activity (reviewed by Walsh et al, 1994; WHO, 2001).
3.2.2. Carcinogenicity
No adequate experimental studies are available to evaluate the carcinogenic potential of zinc (WHO, 2001).
3.3. Toxic effects in humans
Zinc is not stored in the body and excess intakes result in reduced absorption and increased excretion.
Nevertheless, there are documented cases of acute and chronic zinc poisoning.
3.3.1. Acute toxicity
Acute toxicity is infrequent in humans. Brown et al (1964) described several cases of food poisoning
resulting from storage of food or drink in galvanised containers. Symptoms of acute zinc toxicity include
nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, abdominal cramps and diarrhoea. One study reported symptoms of
lethargy and light-headedness (Murphy, 1970). This change in presenting symptoms could be a result
of the type of zinc (in this case zinc sulphate) ingested (Bennett et al, 1997). Zinc acetate (25-50 mg,
three times per day), given to Wilson’s disease patients to prevent copper accumulation was reported
(Henderson et al, 1995) to cause less dyspepsia than equivalent doses of zinc sulphate. Fosmire (1990)
estimated that an emetic dose of zinc corresponds to 225-450 mg. An industrial hazard associated with
inhalation of zinc oxide fumes is “metal fume fever”. Subjects present with malaise, fever, headache,
nausea and dryness of mouth and throat.
3.3.2. Chronic and sub-chronic toxicity
Studies of chronic and sub-chronic toxicity of zinc are well documented. Prolonged intakes of
zinc supplements ranging from 50 mg/day up to 300 mg/day have been associated with a range
of biochemical and physiological changes. These changes include hypocupraemia, leucopaenia,
neutropaenia, sideroblastic anaemia, decreased concentrations of plasma copper and decreased
activity of the copper containing enzymes, superoxide dismutase and caeruloplasmin, altered
lipoprotein metabolism and impaired immune function (Sandstead, 1995). Many of these biochemical
and physiological changes are similar to those observed during copper deficiency. Nevertheless, there
are problems with hazard identification in that these changes are not specific to copper deficiency
and the clinical relevance of some are unknown. Sensitive sub-populations may include subjects
with haemochromatosis and/or insulin dependent diabetes. Zinc excess in water may decrease iron
absorption (Rossander-Hulten et al, 1991). Hepatic zinc concentration is increased in haemochromatosis
(Adams et al, 1991) and there is some evidence that zinc absorption may be increased (Adams et al,
1991; Spencer et al, 1988).
3.3.3. Adverse effects Changes in copper balance
Doses of 75 mg/d of zinc have been used for some time as effective treatment for Wilson’s disease.
Negative copper balance can be induced in these patients with doses as low as 75 mg/day, provided
that the dose is given as 3 x 25 mg of zinc (Brewer et al, 1993). Such doses, and those of 100 mg/day
zinc, have been shown to lack toxicity in these patients and have been used effectively to control
body copper levels in individuals for 11 years or longer (Najda et al, 2001). Increased copper excretion
and decreased copper retention (Festa et al, 1985; Burke et al, 1981) have been demonstrated also
during zinc supplementation of healthy subjects. Burke et al (1981) observed significantly higher faecal
copper excretion and significantly decreased apparent copper retention when 23.3 mg/day compared
with 7.8 mg/day of zinc (fed as fortified food; copper intake, 2.33 mg/day) were fed to 5 men and 6
women, aged 56-83 years for a period of 30 days. Supplementation of diet with 18.2 mg/day zinc for
2 weeks (Festa et al, 1985) in young male subjects demonstrated increased faecal copper excretion
and decreased apparent retention of copper. No significant change in copper balance was found
when 14 adolescent girls were fed 13.4 mg/day compared with 7.4 mg/day zinc (Greger et al, 1978).
Other studies examining alterations in copper excretion after zinc supplementation found no effect of
increasing zinc intakes from 8 mg/day up to 24 mg/day for 18 days (Taper et al, 1980) or zinc intakes
of 19.9 mg/day for 24 days (Colin et al, 1983). Taken together, these studies suggest that an intake of
zinc of some 9 mg/day or more over recommended dietary allowances can affect balance at least in
the short term. Balance studies, however, may not be indicative of homeostasis in the longer term and
it may take three weeks or more before copper absorption and retention are stabilised after changes
in copper intake (Turnlund et al, 1989). More recently, Milne et al (2001) found that 21 postmenopausal
women fed 53 mg/day of zinc with adequate copper (3 mg/day) for 90 days maintained positive copper
balance, whereas a low zinc (3 mg/day) regimen for 90 days produced a negative copper balance. Decreased activity of copper-dependent enzymes
One of the most consistent findings of zinc supplementation studies is the decrease in erythrocyte copper-
zinc superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity. Fischer et al (1984) found decreased erythrocyte SOD activity after
6 weeks of supplementation with 50 mg (2 x 25 mg)/day zinc as gluconate in 26 healthy adult men. Samman
and Roberts (1988) studied the effects of 150 mg/day zinc as sulphate on healthy young women (n = 26) and
men (n = 21) in a double-blind crossover trial lasting 12 weeks. Significant decreases in erythrocyte SOD
activity were observed in the females only. Yadrick et al (1989) found significant decreases in erythrocyte
SOD activity when 18 healthy adult women received 50 mg/day zinc as gluconate for 10 weeks.
Decreases in other putative indices of copper status have been observed in some studies. For example,
Prasad et al (1993) found decreased serum copper in 44 older adults (who were zinc deficient, with high
inflammatory status) given 20 mg/day zinc in an eight week crossover study. Fischer et al (1984) and
Yadrick et al (1989) found no such changes. Similarly, Black et al (1988) who gave young men 50 mg/
day or 75 mg/day for 12 weeks, found no change in serum copper concentration. Samman and Roberts
(1988) found decreased activity of serum caeruloplasmin but no change in serum copper at 150 mg/
day for 12 weeks. Bonham et al (2002b) found that zinc supplementation for 14 weeks at 40 mg/day
zinc (diet and supplement) did not affect erythrocyte SOD activity and caeruloplasmin concentration or
activity in 19 healthy men, whose intake was estimated at 1.2 mg/day copper, compared with placebo
controls (n=19). Given the differences in the responses of these putative indices of copper status to the
same or similar zinc supplementation regimens, it is possible that the observed decreased erythrocyte
SOD activity is not directly related to decreased copper status.
The recent findings of Milne et al (2001) question the adverse physiological significance of the
decreased erythrocyte SOD activity observed in a number of zinc supplementation studies.
These workers found that intake of zinc at 53 mg/day did not induce changes indicative of decreased
copper status or function in 21 post-menopausal women fed low dietary copper (1 mg/day) for 90
days in a metabolic unit. Results suggested that inadequate intake of 3 mg/day zinc was a nutritional
stress of copper metabolism and status. These women were in positive copper balance only when the
diet provided 53 mg/day zinc and 3 mg/day copper (see section Irrespective of dietary copper
intake, high dietary (53 mg/day) zinc compared with low dietary (3 mg/day) zinc, decreased erythrocyte
SOD activity but the largest fall in erythrocyte SOD activity was when the women were fed low dietary
zinc and copper. Another putative index of copper status, platelet cytochrome c oxidase activity on a
platelet number basis, was significantly lower during low dietary than during high dietary zinc intake.
Findings with respect to another copper protein, caeruloplasmin, indicate that a moderately deficient (3
mg/day) intake of zinc is more detrimental to copper metabolism and function than a moderately high
(53 mg/day) intake. When the women were fed high dietary zinc whole blood glutathione concentration
and erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase activity were reduced in comparison with low dietary zinc.
In conclusion, decreased erythrocyte SOD activity, although the most consistent biochemical finding
from studies measuring the influence of zinc on putative indices of copper status (Fischer et al, 1984;
Samman and Roberts, 1988; Yadrick et al, 1989; Milne et al, 2001), is not accompanied by adverse
effects and is not considered to be a marker of decreased copper status. The physiological relevance
of lowered erythrocyte SOD activity in these studies, therefore, is unclear. Lipoprotein and cholesterol metabolism
Two studies have found that zinc supplementation at doses of 50 mg/day and 75 mg/day for 12 weeks
(Black et al, 1988) and 160 mg/day for 6 weeks (Hooper et al, 1980) decreased high density lipoprotein
(HDL) concentrations in male subjects. In contrast, Samman and Roberts (1988) observed no decrease
in HDL concentrations in males with zinc supplementation doses of 150 mg/day for 12 weeks, but
rather found some indication of decreased low density lipoprotein (LDL) in females. Similarly, Freeland-
Graves et al (1982) observed no consistent change in HDL cholesterol in women after eight weeks
at 100 mg/day zinc. Two more recent studies have also found no adverse changes in lipoprotein
metabolism. Bonham et al (2002a) found no change in HDL, LDL or triglycerides in healthy men after
14 weeks of zinc intakes at 40 mg/day whereas Milne et al (2001) found that total and LDL cholesterol
concentration decreased with 53 mg zinc supplementation for 90 days. Lower doses (20 mg/day zinc)
in elderly subjects have shown no effect on lipoprotein metabolism (Boukaïba et al, 1993). Collectively,
these data indicate no consistent adverse effects of zinc supplementation giving total intakes in the
range 40-160 mg/day zinc on lipoprotein and cholesterol metabolism. Changes in haemoglobin and blood profile
Very high intakes of zinc over long periods have resulted in anaemia and changes in red and white
blood cells indicative of copper deficiency. Patients with sickle cell anaemia (Prasad et al, 1978)
and coeliac disease (Porter et al, 1977) treated with 150 mg/day zinc for 23 months and 10 months
respectively developed clinical signs of copper deficiency characterized by hypocupraemia, anaemia,
neutropaenia and leucopaenia. These complications could be corrected by copper supplementation or
cessation of zinc supplementation. Zinc supplementation at 50 mg/day zinc for 10 weeks decreased
haematocrit but had no effect on haemoglobin (Yadrick et al, 1989) whereas doses of 150 mg/day for
12 weeks had no affect on haematocrit (Samman and Roberts, 1988). Inclusion of iron (50 mg/day)
supplements ameliorated the effects on iron status in the former study. Zinc intake at 40 mg/day had
no effect on full blood profile data and flow cytometric analyses of lymphocyte subsets (Bonham et al,
2002b). No consistent adverse effects on blood profiles, therefore, have been observed at intakes of
zinc below 60 mg/day. Reproductive effects
Dietary supplementation with zinc at 20 mg/day did not result in adverse effects of pregnancy progress
or outcome in healthy pregnant women in a number of large, controlled trials (Hunt et al, 1984; Kynast
and Saling, 1986; Mahomed et al, 1989). Similarly, supplementation with zinc at 30 mg/day did not result
in any adverse outcomes in a double blind trial involving low income pregnant adolescents (n=268 at
delivery) thought to have low zinc status (Cherry et al, 1989). In a smaller study, Jameson (1976) gave
zinc supplements of 90 mg/day to seven pregnant women with low serum zinc concentrations and
found no adverse effects. Moreover, in a follow-up study by the same author (Jameson, 1982), 133
women with low serum zinc concentrations were randomly assigned to either zinc supplementation at
45 mg/day or no supplementation and no adverse effects were reported. These data indicate that zinc
supplementation at doses of 20-90 mg/day produce no adverse effects on pregnancy outcome. Other adverse effects
Excessive intake of zinc (300 mg/day) for six weeks can impair immune responses, ie. reduction in
lymphocyte stimulation response to phytohaemaglutinin as well as chemotaxis and phagocytosis of
bacteria by polynuclear leucocytes (Chandra, 1984).
Although individuals with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus have chronic hyperzincuria, they do not
appear to be zinc deficient (Cunningham et al, 1994). Supplementing such individuals (n=7) with 50
mg/day zinc was reported to cause an elevation of HbA
in each of the seven subjects (Cunningham
et al, 1994) but the clinical significance of this observation is unclear, given the short duration of the
study and the absence of any change in blood glucose concentrations.
Zinc supplementation at 53 mg/day for 90 days can increase bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (a
possible indicator of bone formation) in 25 post-menopausal women (Davis et al, 2000).
The available data clearly show that zinc can cause adverse effects in humans and in domestic and laboratory
animals. In humans, the most prominent effects of acute zinc toxicity are gastrointestinal disturbances.
Chronic zinc toxicity, undoubtedly, is associated with symptoms of copper deficiency. These overt
adverse effects (e.g. anaemia, neutropaenia, impaired immune responses) are evident only after
feeding zinc in the form of dietary supplements in excess of 150 mg/day for long periods. It is much
more difficult to identify the critical effect of zinc excess at intakes below 100-150 mg/day. Short-term
balance studies would indicate adverse effects on copper retention at intakes as low as 18.2 mg/day
zinc (Festa et al, 1985). Recent longer-term balance studies, however, indicate that positive copper
balance can be maintained at 53 mg/day zinc in post-menopausal women for 90 days provided copper
intakes are adequate to high (3 mg/day). High dietary zinc, however, did not exacerbate the non-positive
copper balance in the women fed low (1 mg/day) dietary copper nor did the higher (3 mg/day) copper
diet induce positive copper balance in the women fed low (3 mg/day) dietary zinc (Milne et al, 2001).
The occurrence of adverse (lower HDL, higher LDL cholesterol) effects on lipoprotein metabolism is
inconsistent at zinc intakes below 100 mg/day.
In conclusion, clear adverse effects on copper balance and an array of measures of copper status or
lipoprotein metabolism cannot be detected at 53 mg/day zinc, when copper intakes are adequate at
3 mg/day (Davis et al, 2000; Milne et al, 2001), nor on copper status, lipoprotein metabolism, blood
profile and circulating levels of peripheral blood leucocytes and lymphocyte subsets at 40 mg/day zinc
(Bonham et al, 2002a). Collectively, these data indicate that a NOAEL for zinc is around 50 mg/day.
5.1. Adults
A NOAEL of 50 mg/day is based on the absence of any adverse effects on a wide range of relevant indicators
of copper status (as the critical endpoint) in the studies of Davis et al (2000), Milne et al (2001), Bonham et al
(2002a, 2002b). Subjects were 25 and 21 healthy post-menopausal women in the study of Davis et al (2000)
and Milne et al (2001) and 19 healthy young men in the studies of Bonham et al (2002a, 2002b). Duration
of supplementation was for 90 days in the studies of Davis et al (2000) and Milne et al (2001) and for 14
weeks in the studies of Bonham et al (2002a, 2002b). Total zinc and copper intakes were tightly controlled
in the metabolic studies of Davis et al (2000) and Milne et al (2001) in which the zinc intake was 53 mg/day.
Total zinc intake in the studies of Bonham et al (2002a, 2002b) was 30 mg/day from supplements on top of
10 mg calculated from dietary intake estimates (total 40 mg/day). An UF of 2 is applied owing to the small
number of subjects included in relatively short-term studies but acknowledging the rigidly controlled metabolic
experimental conditions employed. An UL of 25 mg/day is recommended.
5.2. Pregnancy and lactation
Available data indicate that pregnant women do not have increased susceptibility to zinc supplementation.
Therefore the UL of 25 mg zinc per day applies also to pregnant and lactating women.
5.3. Children and adolescents
There are no data on adverse effects of zinc intakes on children and adolescents. On the other hand,
there are no data to indicate that children or adolescents are more susceptible to adverse effects of zinc.
Therefore, in the absence of adequate data the Committee chooses to extrapolate the UL from adults
to children on a surface area (body weight
) basis. The reference weights derived by the Scientific
Committee on Food (SCF, 1993) are used as a basis for the calculations of surface area and UL.
Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL)
for Zinc (mg per day)
1-3 7
4-6 10
7-10 13
11-14 18
15-17 22
The available studies show that the mean zinc intakes of adults and children in EU countries are below
the UL. The 97.5 percentile of total zinc intakes for all age groups are close to the ULs, which, in the view
of the Committee, are not a matter of concern.
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202 202
This opinion is one in the series of opinions of the Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) on the upper
levels of vitamins and minerals. The terms of reference given by the European Commission for this task,
the related background and the guidelines used by the Committee to develop tolerable upper intake
levels for vitamins and minerals used in this opinion, which were expressed by the SCF on 19 October
2000, are available on the Internet at the pages of the SCF, at the address:
Copper is a transition metal with an atomic mass of 63.54. Three oxidation states of copper exist;
cuprous (Cu
), cupric (Cu
) and Cu
(Uauy et al, 1998). In biological systems, copper primarily exists
as Cu
with minute quantities of Cu
being found in solution.
2.1. Function
It is well established that the trace element copper is essential for life. Copper in living organisms,
including humans, forms an essential component of many enzymes (cuproenzymes) and proteins.
The biochemical role for copper is primarily catalytic, with many copper metalloenzymes acting as
oxidases to achieve the reduction of molecular oxygen, for example cytochrome-C-oxidase and
superoxide dismutase. Studies have also shown that copper is required for infant growth, host defence
mechanisms, bone strength, red and white cell maturation, iron transport, cholesterol and glucose
metabolism (Uauy et al, 1998). Copper plays additional roles that are less well understood and may be
in part non-enzymatic, such as in angiogenesis, nerve myelination and endorphin action (Linder and
Hazegh-Azam, 1996).
2.2. Homeostasis
As an essential trace element, copper is third in abundance in the human body after iron and zinc and it
is estimated that the adult human body contains between 50-150 mg (Turnlund, 1994). At physiological
pH, there is little or no free copper in solution and “free” copper content is currently not measureable.
The current best estimate of free Cu
content of human plasma is approximately 2x10
M (Linder,
2001). Total copper concentrations in most tissues are approximately 5x10
M total copper (Prohaska,
1990). Copper absorption occurs primarily in the small intestine with a small amount absorbed in the
stomach. Absorption is probably by a saturable, active transport mechanism at lower levels of dietary
copper; at high levels of dietary copper, passive diffusion plays a role (Turnlund, 1994). The majority
of copper is transported to the liver where it is incorporated into newly synthesised caeruloplasmin,
metallothionein or cuproproteins. The major excretory route of copper is in the bile.
The percentage absorption of dietary copper is strongly influenced by the amount of copper ingested
(with the percentage absorption decreasing with increasing intakes (Turnlund et al, 1989; Turnlund,
1988). Turnlund et al (1989) used stable-isotope methodology to study copper absorption in adults.
Diets were labelled extrinsically with
Cu and copper absorption was dependent on the amount of
copper in the diet. On a low copper (0.78 mg/day) diet, copper absorption was 55.6%, whereas it was
36.3% from the same diet with copper added to give total dietary intake of 1.68 mg/day and only 12.4%
when copper was added to produce dietary intakes of 7.53 mg/day. A theoretical maximum absorptive
capacity of 63-67% has been estimated from aggregate results of human copper absorption studies
at various copper daily intakes (Wapnir, 1998). With typical diets in developed societies, however, the
average copper absorption is in the 30-40% range (Wapnir, 1998).
Copper turnover is low when copper intake is low and high when intake is high. The regulation of excretion
appears to be more important than the regulation of absorption in determining copper reabsorption
following biliary excretion and faecal copper losses reflect dietary copper intakes. When dietary intake
changes, balance over a broad range of copper intakes (0.8-5.5 mg/day) can be achieved (Turnlund, 1998).
A series of studies demonstrated that a 10-fold increase in dietary copper resulted in only twice as much
copper being absorbed (Turnlund, 1991). Although subjects were in positive copper balance for the first
six days, when intakes were increased from 0.8 to 7.5 mg/day, average retention decreased linearly
during the next 18 days until it was negative during the last six days of the trial (Turnlund et al, 1989).
The authors indicated that the negative balance must represent endogenous excretion of excess copper
retained during the first six days of the trial. Indices of copper status, as a result of the bodys regulation
of copper, are resistant to change except under extreme dietary conditions. Turnlund et al (1990) showed
that when dietary intakes increased from 0.8 mg/day to 7.5 mg/day (for 24 days), putative indices of status,
including plasma copper, erythrocyte superoxide dismutase (SOD), caeruloplasmin and urinary copper
excretion were not significantly different. When dietary intake is very high, regulation is challenged. At first,
balance is positive but later (approximately three weeks) it becomes negative as the excess copper retained
early after a change in diet is eliminated (Turnlund et al, 1989). Therefore, any intervention studies should be at
least of this duration. It has been estimated that copper excretion by infants, might be as low as 50 µg Cu/kg
body weight (Aggett, 1999).
2.3. Bioavailability
Dietary interactions of copper with sucrose or fructose (Schofield et al, 1990; O’Dell, 1993), animal
proteins, S-amino acids (Brown and Strain, 1990; Strain and Lynch, 1990; Fields et al, 1993), histidine
(Harvey et al, 1981), and ferrous iron (Yu et al, 1994; Wapnir et al, 1993) may inhibit copper absorption
to varying degrees in animal models. Ascorbic acid supplements (1500 mg/day) (Finley and Cerklewski,
1983), molybdenum (Underwood, 1977) and other dietary factors, specifically high intakes of calcium
and/or phosphorus (Snedecker et al, 1982) and cadmium (Underwood, 1977), may also inhibit copper
absorption in diets containing high amounts of these factors. The interaction between zinc and copper
is well documented in humans (Fischer et al, 1984). High levels of dietary zinc have been shown to
adversely influence copper absorption and bioavailability (Turnlund, 1988). A decrease in serum/plasma
copper (Festa et al, 1985) and reduction in concentration of the copper containing enzyme Cu,Zn SOD
(Yadrick et al, 1989) can be induced by high intakes of dietary zinc.
2.4. Dietary and other sources
The highest contents of copper in foods are in organ meats, seafood, nuts and seeds (Pennington
et al, 1995; Strain, 1994a). Other good sources of copper are whole bran cereals and whole grain
Copper piping used for water distribution can add 0.1mg/day to intakes in hard water areas but 10x this
amount in acid and soft water conditions (Ralph and Arthur, 2000). The current EU standard is 2 mg/L
for the maximum concentration of copper in drinking water (EU Directive 98/83).
Other sources of copper, excluding dietary intakes, include emissions from mines, smelters and
foundries. Environmental copper can also arise from the burning of coal for power generation from
municipal waste incinerators.
2.5. Recommended Dietary Allowances
An EU population reference intake (PRI) of 1.1 mg/day for adults was established in 1992 (SCF,
1993). In the UK, a reference nutrient intake (RNI) of 1.2 mg copper/day has been set for adults
(Department of Health, 1991). Insufficient data exist, however, to set lower RNI (LRNI) and estimated
average requirements (EAR) for different age groups and sexes. In the United States, new guidelines
for recommended intakes have been recently published (FNB, 2001). It has been recommended that
adult males and females should consume a dietary intake of 0.9 mg copper/day. Previous to this, an
estimated safe and adequate dietary intake was proposed of 1.5-3 mg/day.
2.6. Typical intakes
Mean dietary copper intakes from food of adults in different European countries have been estimated
with a range of 1.0-2.3 mg/day for males and 0.9-1.8 mg/day for females (Van Dokkum, 1995). The
estimated dietary copper intakes in several European countries are given in Table 1. Gibson (1994)
compiled several studies and found that copper intakes in adults were approximately 1-1.5 mg/day
from omnivore diets. Vegetarian diets provided greater dietary intakes of copper, approximately
2.1-3.9 mg/day.
The main sources of copper in diets in Great Britain were cereals and cereal products, vegetables and
potatoes. Copper is not usually used to fortify foods and copper from this source makes a negligible
contribution to total copper intakes. Similarly, a very small proportion of consumers take dietary
supplements containing copper, but for those few who did, median intakes from supplements were
0.1-0.5 mg/day (Church, personal communication).
2.7. Copper deficiency
Although clinically defined copper deficiency in humans is rare, it has been observed under a variety
of different clinical conditions including in patients on long term total parenteral nutrition (TPN)
(Dunlap et al, 1974), premature infants, neonates, and previously malnourished children (Paterson and
Burns, 1988; Manser et al, 1980). Symptoms of severe copper deficiency are similar to those seen
in experimental animals and include anaemia, neutropaenia (Williams, 1983) and bone abnormalities
(Danks, 1988), while less frequent signs are hypopigmentation (Danks, 1988), impaired growth (Castillo-
Duran and Uauy, 1988), increased incidence of infections (Castillo-Duran et al, 1983), alterations of
phagocytic capacity of neutrophils (Heresi et al, 1985) and abnormalities of glucose (Klevay et al, 1986)
and cholesterol metabolism (Reiser et al, 1987).
Table 1. Daily intakes of copper from food in EU countries (mg/day)
Country Type of survey n Method Supplements* Mean 97.5%
Individual 2488 24h recall Not defined 2.0 4.2
Individual (M)
Individual (F)
7-day dietary
Individual (M)
Individual (F)
Individual (M)
Individual (F)
1.6 (1.5)
1.2 (1.1)
1.6 (1.5)
1.2 (1.1)
Household 2734 7-day record + 1.4 2.8
Individual (M, F) 5958 2-day record - 1.1 1.2
Individual (M)
Individual (F)
7-day esti-
mated food
+ data included supplements; - data excluded supplements.
Elmadfa et al (1998).
Heseker et al (1994) (VERA Study) - median values.
Gregory et al (1990) - values are the mean with the median in parentheses.
Turrini (1996).
Hulshof and Kruizinga (1999).
IUNA (2001).
3.1. Toxic effects in laboratory animals
Tolerance to high intakes of copper varies greatly from one species to another (Underwood, 1971;
Osterberg, 1980). Sheep are most sensitive to copper poisoning and cases of chronic copper poisoning
have been reported in lambs fed diets containing 170 mg Cu/kg dry weight (Süveges et al, 1971). Rats,
however, have a higher tolerance to copper excess (Underwood, 1971; Osterberg, 1980). Because of
species differences and the effects of zinc, iron and molybdenum in the diet, the minimum toxic copper
level varies. Most rat strains are relatively tolerant of copper, but at intakes exceeding 100 mg/kg body
weight, growth is impaired and extensive necrosis of hepatocytes develops (Haywood, 1980). The
susceptibility to copper excess is also influenced by the chemical form. In rats, cupric chloride and
cupric carbonate are more toxic than cupric nitrate, cupric acetate and cuprous oxide (JECFA, 1982).
Manifestations of copper toxicity include weakness, tremors, anorexia and jaundice. As tissue copper
levels increase, haemolytic crisis may ensue producing liver, kidney and brain damage.
3.2. Mechanisms of toxicity
Mechanisms of toxicity have been reviewed by Britton (1996). Evidence to date suggests that the
hepatic mitochondrion is an important target in hepatic copper toxicity and that oxidant damage to the
liver may be involved in the pathogenesis of copper-induced injury. In humans, chronic copper toxicity
has its most pronounced effects on liver function whilst acute effects of copper toxicity are primarily
observed in the gastrointestinal tract, as a local intestinal irritation effect.
3.2.1. Genotoxicity In vitro
As reported by WHO (1998) the genotoxicity of copper compounds has not been extensively studied.
Studies with copper (II) sulphate indicated that it was not mutagenic in strains TA98, TA100 and TA102
of Salmonella typhimurium with and without exogenous metabolic activation (Moriya et al, 1983; Marzin
and Phi, 1985). Furthermore copper (II) sulphate was found to be negative in the SOS Chromotest in
Escherichia coli PQ37 (Olivier and Marzin, 1987) and in the rec-assay with Bacillus subtilis H17 and M45
(Matsui, 1980), both in the absence of a metabolic activation system. Conversely, copper (II) sulphate
did induce a significant increase of unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) in cultured rat hepatocytes in a
dose range between 7.9 and 78.5 µmol/L (Denizau and Marion, 1989). Copper (II) chloride showed no
evidence of mutagenic activity in S. typhimurium strains TA98, TA102, TA1535, and TA1537 with and
without metabolic activation (Wong, 1988) and was negative in the rec-assay with B. subtilis H17 and M45
(Nishioka, 1975; Kanematsu et al, 1980). Copper (II) 8-hydroxyquinoline was weakly mutagenic in strain
TA100 of S. typhimurium only after metabolic activation, and negative in four other strains of Salmonella
and in E. coli WP2 hcr (Moriya et al, 1983). Negative results were previously reported in strains TA98,
TA100, TA1535 and TA1537, with and without metabolic activation, but the maximum concentration
tested was very low (Räsänen et al, 1977). Copper (II) nitrate produced dose-related increases in the
mutation frequency (resistance to 8-azaguanine) and in the frequency of sister chromatid exchanges in
cultured V79 Chinese hamster cells. The authors reported an increase in the molecular weight of DNA,
which was attributed to binding of the copper ions to the DNA (Sideris et al, 1988). In vivo
A single i.p. injection of copper (II) sulphate pentahydrate in mice induced a dose-related increase
in the incidence of chromatid-type chromosome aberrations in the bone marrow 6 h after dosing
between 0.28 and 1.7 mg Cu/kg body weight (Agarwal et al, 1990). Only at the highest dose tested
were chromosomal breaks significantly increased. No induction of micronuclei was found in mice given
a single injection of copper (II) sulphate pentahydrate at 1.7, 3.4 and 5.1 mg Cu/kg body weight (Tinwell
and Ashby, 1990). In a study carried out without a positive control, Bhunya and Pati (1987) reported a
significant dose-related increase in the incidence of micronuclei in the bone marrow of mice after two
injections at doses between 1.3 and 5 mg Cu/kg body weight per injection.
To summarise, the conflict in experimental data do not allow an adequate evaluation of the genotoxic
potential of copper and copper compounds in vivo.
3.2.2. Carcinogenicity
Studies on the carcinogenicity of copper compounds in rats and mice have given no indication of
carcinogenic potential; however, the available studies present strong limitations in the experimental
protocols (small group sizes, limited extent of histopathological examination, inadequate reports) and do
not allow the evaluation of the carcinogenic potential of copper compounds with any degree of certainty.
These studies are summarized in IPCS (1999), Table 11.
According to the IARC evaluation (1987), copper (II) 8-hydroxyquinoline has been allocated in Group 3
“Not classifiable as to their carcinogenicity to humans”, based on inadequate evidence in experimental
3.2.3. Reproductive toxicity
There is some evidence to indicate an effect of exposure to copper compounds on animal reproduction. In
some studies in rats, chronic oral exposure to 27-120 mg/kg bw per day of copper resulted in altered weight
and/or histology of the testes, seminal vesicles, uterus or ovaries, albeit the results were not consistent.
Other studies have demonstrated that exposure to copper compounds during gestation induced embryo/
foetotoxic effects at doses of 12 mg of copper/kg body weight and above (IPCS, 1999).
3.3. Toxic effects in humans
Effective homeostatic controls are in place to reduce absorption and increase excretion, if excess copper
is ingested. Nevertheless, there are documented cases of acute and chronic copper poisoning.
3.3.1. Acute Toxicity
Acute toxicity is infrequent in humans and is usually a consequence of contamination of food stuffs
or beverages from copper containing vessels or dispensers. Acute symptoms include salivation,
epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea (Olivares and Uauy, 1996). Copper ions have an irritant
effect on mucosal membranes and daily intakes ranging from 2 to 32mg in drinking water have been
reported to cause symptoms of general gastric irritation (US EPA, 1987). Two studies (Pizarro et al,
1999; Donohue, 1997) have identified the threshold for acute gastrointestinal effects from copper in
water at about 4.8 mg/day (based on a level of 3 mg copper/L in the water and a mean intake of 1.6 L of
water/day). A recent combined international trial determined a NOAEL and LOAEL for effects of nausea
in healthy individuals who drank distilled water containing copper as the sulphate salt. An acute NOAEL
and LOAEL of 4 mg and 6 mg copper/L, respectively were determined (Araya et al, 2001). Preliminary
unpublished data from the same research groups indicate that in a further study as volume increased,
the effect of Cu-induced nausea decreased; and as copper dose increased the incidence of nausea
increased. An acute NOAEL for nausea in females (more sensitive than males) was confirmed at 4 mg
copper/L of bottled water (Araya et al, 2003).
Fatalities from acute copper sulphate poisoning have been reported. An 11 year old female died within
hours of accidentally ingesting a solution of copper sulphate (Gulliver, 1991). The postmortem blood
sample was found to contain 66 µg/mL copper. In India, copper sulphate poisoning has been used as
a method of suicide. Of 48 cases of copper poisoning examined, 12 were fatal and ingested doses
ranged from 1 g to 100 g copper dissolved in water (Chuttani et al, 1965). All cases were characterised
by metallic taste, nausea and vomiting. Of the 12 fatal cases, seven apparently died from shock and
hypotension or from subsequent renal damage with coma and uraemia. WHO have concluded that the
fatal oral dose of copper salts is about 200 mg/kg body weight (WHO, 1993).
3.3.2. Chronic Toxicity
In humans, toxicity to chronic doses of copper has been less extensively studied. There are data
to suggest that chronic copper exposure may cause diarrhoea in children (Stenhammar, 1979),
gastrointestinal irritation from tap water (Schafer and Schumann, 1991) and acute liver failure
(O’Donohue et al, 1993). Scheinberg and Sternlieb (1994) retrospectively examined populations of 0-5
year olds in three towns in Massachusetts from the period 1969-1991. Copper content of the drinking
water was 8 mg copper/L. Exposure covering 64,124 child-years did not reveal a single death from any
form of paediatric liver disease and no gastrointestinal problems were reported. Carcinogenicity and genotoxicity
Serum copper, caeruloplasmin and other copper binding components (such as transcuprein) are
reported to be increased in cancer patients (Campbell et al, 1981, Zowczak et al, 2001; Borella et
al, 1997). However, elevated serum copper or caeruloplasmin in cancer does not necessarily imply
increased body copper status as caeruloplasmin is an acute phase protein (DiSilvestro, 1990;
Arnaud, 1994; Strain, 1994b) Copper induced DNA lesions have been shown in the liver of patients
with Wilson’s disease (Carmichael et al, 1995). Organ dysfunction rather than cancer, however, is
usually considered the cause of death from Wilsons disease in humans (Linder, 2001). Evidence
linking copper toxicity to cancer is, therefore, unsubstantiated at present. Coronary heart disease (CHD)
High copper levels have been cited as a possible risk factor for heart disease (Ferns et al, 1997) and
elevated serum caeruloplasmin levels have been observed in patients suffering from cardiovascular
disorders (Reunanen et al, 1992; Manttari et al, 1994) However, serum copper and caeruloplasmin levels
are increased as part of the acute-phase response in inflammatory conditions, such as CHD (DiSilvestro,
1990). Indeed, elevation of caeruloplasmin in CHD patients has been shown to be associated with the
inflammatory process and not with pro-oxidant activity of caeruloplasmin (Klipstein-Grobusch et al,
1999). Furthermore, there is no evidence of higher rates of CHD in Wilson’s disease, a genetic disease
associated with copper loading. There is no current evidence to link copper excess with CHD.
208 Neurological disease
Copper has been described as having a critical role in neurological diseases and there is speculation that
copper-induced production of hydroxy radicals may contribute to the neurodegeneration in Alzheimers
disease (Multhaup et al, 1996). Recent studies have also implicated copper in the pathogenesis of neuronal
injury in prion-mediated encephalopathies (for review see Waggoner et al, 1999); however, evidence is weak,
largely speculative and there is no indication that any effects are related to copper status. Effects of copper supplementation
A subject given supplementary copper (30 mg/day) for two years followed by 60 mg/day for an
unspecified period developed acute liver failure (O’Donohue et al, 1993). This level of chronic
supplementation is extremely rare. Pratt et al (1985) saw no evidence of liver damage or gastrointestinal
effects in seven subjects given 10 mg/day supplementary copper as copper gluconate for 12 weeks.
Turley et al (2000) saw no effects of six week supplementation with 6 mg/day copper as copper
amino acid chelates on LDL oxidizability in 24 healthy male and female subjects (FOODCUE project).
Additional results from the FOODCUE project indicate no effect of copper supplementation (3 and 6
mg/day giving total copper intakes of approximately 4 and 7 mg/day respectively) on liver function
and mononuclear leucocyte DNA damage as assessed by the comet assay (O’Connor et al, 2003).
Moreover, a protective effect of supplementation with 6 mg copper (total intake approximately 7
mg/day copper) on erythrocyte oxidizability was observed in middle-aged subjects (Rock et al, 2000).
Urinary pyridinoline and deoxypyridinoline (markers of bone resorption) were significantly increased
after six weeks of a low copper diet (0.69 mg/day) compared with a medium copper diet (1.6 mg/day),
and significantly decreased on a high copper diet (6.0 mg/day) compared with the low copper diet
(Baker et al, 1998).
3.3.3. Reproductive toxicity
In humans, there appears to be no evidence related to oral copper intakes and reproductive toxicity.
3.4. Sensitive subpopulations
3.4.1. Wilson’s Disease
Wilson’s disease is an autosomal recessive disease of copper storage caused by numerous (over 100
recognised) mutations in the ATPase gene for copper transport. Copper accumulates in the liver, the brain
and the cornea of the eye. There appears to be a defect in the catabolism and excretion of caeruloplasmin
copper into the bile. Presenting symptoms include hepatic, neurological, and ophthalmological
involvement; low serum concentrations of copper and caeruloplasmin and an increase in urinary copper
excretion (Tanner et al, 1983). The worldwide incidence of Wilson’s disease is 1 in 30,000 and the
corresponding prevalence of the heterozygous and asymptomatic carrier of a mutated ATPase gene is
1 in 90 (Scheinberg and Sternlieb, 1996). If the disease goes untreated, copper accumulation in the liver
and brain results in hepatitis, haemolytic crisis and hepatic failure may ensue.
3.4.2. Indian Childhood Cirrhosis
Indian childhood cirrhosis (ICC) is a fatal disease of infants in India associated with massive levels of
copper accumulation in the liver (Portmann et al, 1978, Tanner et al, 1979). Clinically, ICC differs from
Wilson’s disease with earlier onset of hepatic abnormalities, normal or high serum concentrations and
distinctive hepatic histology (Pandit and Bhave, 1996). Occurrence of ICC has been attributed to the
practice of boiling and storing milk in copper and brass vessels (Bhave et al, 1987). However, there also
appears to be an element of genetic predisposition in many cases of ICC (Agarwal et al, 1979).
3.4.3. Childhood Idiopathic Copper Toxicosis (ICT)
Idiopathic copper toxicosis has been attributed to high levels of copper (up to 6.8 mg/L) in drinking
water (Müller et al, 1996) and there are approximately 30 proven cases in published reports (Müller
et al, 1998). In a multicentre retrospective study across 16 paediatric centres in Germany for the
years 1982-1994, 103 cases of histologically confirmed early childhood cirrhosis could be identified
(Dieter et al, 1999). Excessive copper intake from copper plumbing/acid well water was the probable
or sole causative environmental factor to trigger the cirrhosis in at most five of the cases. In the
cases of confirmed copper associated early childhood cirrhosis, copper concentrations in private
well waters were around 10 mg/L or more. Another 138 cases termed Tyrollean infantile cirrhosis
have been identified in the Tyrol (western Austria) and have been associated with high dietary copper
concentrations (Müller et al, 1996).
The available data clearly show that copper can cause adverse effects in humans and in domestic
and laboratory animals. Liver damage is observed almost exclusively in patients with Wilson’s disease
and children with ICC and ICT. Acute copper toxicity in drinking water appears to have a threshold of
approximately 6 mg/L (Araya et al, 2001).
The occurrence of either acute or chronic copper toxicity in humans, however, is rare and tends to be
confined to certain subpopulations, such as populations with high copper concentrations in drinking
water, populations that utilise copper vessels (e.g. for boiling and storing milk) and those individuals
who have a hereditary predisposition to a disease of copper toxicity. There appears, to date, to be little
convincing evidence that excess copper is associated with the development of cancer in humans and
data are inadequate to assess the reproductive developmental effects of copper excess in humans.
Preliminary links between copper intakes and CHD are also inconclusive.
On the basis of the information presented in this report, a critical endpoint from which to derive an upper
level (UL) is liver damage. Liver damage is selected because it is perhaps a more reliable indicator of
a long-term chronic ingestion of copper. Although gastrointestinal effects of copper toxicity are better
documented in humans than liver complications, gastrointestinal effects are more representative of
acute copper poisoning. The aim of the UL is to identify safety of maximal copper intakes over a longer
period of time.
A case study by O’Donohue et al (1993) observed acute liver failure in a subject taking 30 mg copper a
day for two years followed by 60 mg/day for an unspecified period. The retrospective study of Scheinberg
and Sternlieb (1994) demonstrated no effect of high concentrations of copper in drinking water (8 mg/L)
on the incidence of death from any form of liver disease in children (0-5 years) from three Massachusett
towns over a 23 year period. No adverse effects were observed in a double blind study of 12 weeks
supplementation with 10 mg copper/day as copper gluconate supplement in seven healthy men (Pratt et
al, 1985). A further seven healthy men took placebo for the duration of the trial. Results indicated no effect
of copper supplementation on liver function. In the FOODCUE project, no adverse effects on measures
of oxidative damage and liver function in 24 healthy male and female subjects given supplements of 6
mg/day copper (approximately 7 mg/day total copper intake) as copper amino acid chelates for six weeks
in a cross-over design were found (Turley et al, 2000; O’Connor et al, 2003).
5.1. Adults
A NOAEL of 10 mg/day is based on the absence of any adverse effects on liver function (as the critical
endpoint) in the study of Pratt et al (1985). This was a supplementation study of seven healthy adults with
10 mg/day copper for 12 weeks. In the FOODCUE trial, where copper intakes were around 7 mg/day,
no observed adverse effect of copper supplementation on liver function in 24 healthy males and females
was observed (O’Connor et al, 2003). In the study by Turnlund et al (1991) homeostatic data indicated
that a 10-fold increase in dietary copper resulted in the absorption of only twice as much copper and that
indices of copper status, as a result of the body’s regulation of copper, are resistant to change except
under extreme dietary conditions. For example, Turnlund et al (1990) showed that when dietary intakes
increased from 0.8 mg/day to 7.5 mg/day (for 24 days), putative indices of status, including plasma
copper, erythrocyte SOD, caeruloplasmin and urinary copper excretion were not significantly different.
In the light of this evidence, the Committee decided that an UF of 2 is adequate to allow for potential
variability within the normal population. An UL of 5 mg/day is derived.
5.2. Pregnancy and lactation
The upper level of 5 mg/day is not applicable during pregnancy or lactation because of inadequate data
relating to this critical life stage.
5.3. Children and adolescents
Liver damage in children appears to be restricted to children with a predisposition for enhanced copper
toxicity. Extrapolating adult UL values for children based on relative body weight (using reference
weights) result in the values given in the table. These values are consistent with data from the studies
of Scheinberg and Sternlieb (1994) and Dieter et al (1999) as discussed above.
Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL)
for Copper (mg per day)
1-3 1
4-6 2
7-10 3
11-14 4
15-17 4
The available studies show that the mean copper intakes of adults and children in EU countries are below
the UL. The 97.5 percentile of total copper intakes for all age groups are close to the ULs, which, in the
view of the Committee, are not a matter of concern.
The Committee notes that the additional copper intakes from drinking water may be appreciable and
may need to be taken into account.
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214 214
This opinion is one in the series of opinions of the Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) on the upper
levels of vitamins and minerals. The terms of reference given by the European Commission for this task,
the related background and the guidelines used by the Committee to develop tolerable upper intake
levels for vitamins and minerals used in this opinion, which were expressed by the SCF on 19 October
2000, are available on the Internet at the pages of the SCF, at the address:
Calcium (Ca) belongs to group II of the third period of the Periodic Table of Elements. It has an atomic
weight of 40.08; its atomic number is 20, its valency is 2. It is the fifth most abundant element in the
human body. The calcium content of the human body is 25 to 30 g at birth (0.8% of the body weight)
and between 900 and 1300 g in adult men (up to 1.7% of body weight) (Weaver et al, 1996). Over
99% of the total calcium of the body is located in the bones, where it accounts for 39% of the total
body bone mineral content (Weaver, 2001), and in the teeth, mostly as hydroxyapatite. Bone mineral
provides structure and strength to the body and, very important, a reservoir of calcium that helps to
maintain a constant concentration of blood calcium. Less than 1% of total body calcium is found in
soft tissues (~7 g) and body fluids (~1 g). Calcium in the extracellular fluid and the blood are kept
constant at 2.5 mmol/L (10 mg/dL) (between 2.25 and 2.75 mmol/L) via cell surface calcium-sensing
receptors in parathyroid, kidney, intestine, lung, brain, skin, bone marrow, osteoblasts and other
organs. Calcium is present in blood in three different forms: as free Ca
ions, bound to protein (about
45%), and complexed to citrate, phosphate, sulphate and carbonate (about 10%). Ionised calcium is
kept within narrow limits (Worth et al, 1981) by the action of three hormones, parathyroid hormone,
1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol, and calcitonin. Extracellular calcium serves as a source for the skeleton
and participates in blood clotting and intercellular adhesion. Intracellular calcium varies widely between
tissues and is predominantly bound to intracellular membrane structures of the nucleus, mitochondria,
endoplasmatic reticulum or contained in special storage vesicles. Free Ca
is only 0.1 µmol/L in the
cytosol, which is 10,000 times lower than in the extracellular fluid (1 mmol/L). Intracellular calcium rises
in response to stimuli interacting with the cell surface receptor. The increase of intracellular calcium
comes from influx of extracellular calcium or from release of intracellular calcium stores. This activates
specific responses like hormone or neurotransmitter release, muscle contraction, cellular differentiation
and many others.
2.1. Food sources
Calcium must be ingested with the diet in sufficient amounts to allow for calcium deposition during
bone growth and modeling and to compensate for obligatory intestinal, faecal and dermal losses during
the life-time.
Foods vary widely in calcium content. The best sources are milk (120 mg/100 g) and milk products
(up to 1100 mg/100 g), from which about 32% is absorbable (Weaver, 2001). In European diets about
45 to 70% of the dietary calcium intake is provided by dairy products (Guéguen and Pointillart, 2000;
IUNA, 2001). Some plants are good sources of well-absorbable calcium, e.g. brassica, almonds,
dried apricots. However, some vegetables contain considerable amounts of calcium, which is poorly
absorbed because of a high content in oxalate (rhubarb, spinach) and which forms sparingly soluble
calcium oxalate. Drinking water and mineral waters (>150 mg calcium/L) can also be good sources of
absorbable calcium.
In the European Union the following calcium compounds are permitted as source of calcium in foods
for particular nutritional uses and in food supplements: carbonate, chloride, citrates, gluconate,
glycerophosphate, lactate, orthophosphates, hydroxide and oxide.
Within populations and population groups dietary calcium intakes show a great variability related to
varying dietary habits. It appears from nutrition surveys that calcium intake is below actual recommended
intakes in high percentages of the population.
2.2. Dietary intake
Dietary calcium intakes from various European countries are given in Table 1.
Table 1. Mean and 97.5 percentile calcium intakes (mg/day) from food and supplements
Type of
n Method Supplements* Mean 97.5%
Individual 4972
7-day weighed
3-day weighed
Not defined 834 1678
Individual (M)
Individual (F)
2006 7-day record -
Individual (M)
Individual (F)
1339 7-day record +
Individual (M, F) 5958 2-day record - 944 1970
Individual (M)
Individual (F)
7-day weighed +
+ data included supplements; - data excluded supplements.
Koenig and Elmadfa, 2000.
Heseker et al, 1994.
IUNA, 2001.
Hulshoff and Kruizinga, 1999.
Gregory et al, 1990.
Men consume in absolute amounts about 10% more calcium than women. In Germany the
highest calcium intake was observed in young men between 15 to 24 years: 2100 mg/day without
supplements (Heseker et al, 1994). A longitudinal observational study (DONALD study), which started
in 1985 and follows children from the age of 3 months to 18 years (sample size 400 to 500 subjects)
showed that the mean calcium intake values in these healthy children were below the recommended
intake values beyond the age of 3 years. Less than 10% of adolescents (13 to 18 years) consumed
more than the recommended calcium intake (Alexy and Kersting, 1999). In this group calcium from
fortified food amounted to maximal 5% of the total daily intake between 2 and 14 years of age
(Sichert-Hellert et al, 2001).
Total calcium intake of men and women who consumed calcium supplements more than once per
week was significantly higher (men: 1275-1394; women: 1146-1221 mg/day) than in those never taking
calcium supplements (men: 1190-1242; women: 1081-1117 mg/day) (Mensink and Ströbel, 1999).
2.3. Absorption and regulation of absorption
Calcium must be in a soluble form or bound to soluble organic molecules to be absorbable. However,
undissociated low-molecular-weight salts of calcium can also be absorbed independent of vitamin D
by paracellular routes or pinocytosis. Depending on solubility, chemical form and on other factors of the
food between 10 to 40% of dietary calcium is absorbed. The bulk of unabsorbed calcium is complexed
to bile acids, free fatty acids, oxalic acid and excreted with the faeces (Heaney, 2002a). Lactose in the
food, vitamin D, inulin, fructooligosaccharides and some casein phosphopeptides increase absorption,
the latter by preventing precipitation of calcium by phosphates. Most calcium salts used in fortified
foods or dietary supplements are absorbed to a similar extent as calcium from dairy foods. The
absorbability of calcium citrate malate is higher (Weaver, 2001). Phytates, and especially oxalate inhibit
calcium absorption. Fibre consumed without phytates does not have a negative influence. A combined
high intake of predominantly insoluble fibre and phytate in the form of wheat bran over four weeks had
no adverse effects on bone turnover markers in 19 healthy young women. The observed decrease in
urinary calcium excretion sufficiently compensated for the reduced net absorption of dietary calcium
without changing calcium retention (Zitterman et al, 1999). Both the protein and the sodium content
of diets have a negative effect on calcium retention by increasing urinary calcium losses. The effect of
higher protein intakes on increased urinary calcium losses appears only to result in negative effects on
bone status if the calcium intake is inadequate (Heaney, 2002a).
There are two kinds of calcium transport in the intestine:
a) Active transport in the duodenum and upper jejunum is saturable and regulated by dietary intake and
the needs of the body. Active transport involves three stages, namely entry across the brush border of
the enterocyte via calcium channels and membrane-binding transport proteins, diffusion across the
cytoplasm attached to calcium binding protein calbindin-D9K, and secretion across the basolateral
membrane into the extracellular fluid against an electrochemical gradient either in exchange for
sodium or via a calcium pump, a Ca-ATPase activated by calbindin, calcium and calmodulin. Active
transport is negatively correlated with dietary calcium intake. This control is mediated via parathyroid
hormone and 1,25(OH)
D. The renal production of 1,25(OH)
D is stimulated by increased parathyroid
hormone secretion in response to a decrease in Ca
in blood and it stimulates the expression of the
gene encoding calbindin, thereby enhancing calcium absorption in the intestine. Both parathyroid
hormone and 1,25(OH)
D also increase renal reabsorption of calcium and bone resorption.
b) Passive diffusion down an electrochemical gradient together with water, sodium and glucose via
intercellular junctions or spaces occurs in all parts of the gut and is predominantly dependent
on the calcium concentration in the gut lumen. This process is independent of vitamin D and
age (Bronner, 1992). Passive diffusion requires that calcium is kept in solution, which can be
enhanced by casein phosphopeptides (Mykkänen et al, 1980), by chelating with some amino acids
(lysine and arginine) (Bronner, 1987), and by high doses of lactose (50 g/day) (Pansu et al, 1979).
Increases in the osmolarity of the luminal contents of the intestine stimulate passive diffusion.
Except in premature infants passive calcium absorption accounts for not more than 8 to 23% of
the total calcium absorbed (McCormick, 2002).
Fractional calcium absorption, is highest (about 60%) in breastfed infants (Abrams et al, 1996). Net
calcium absorption, defined as intake minus faecal excretion in percent of intake, is lower in infants fed
cows’ milk formula, decreases in young childhood, shows a rise in puberty, decreases to 15 to 20%
in young adults (Matkovic, 1991; Miller et al, 1988; Peacock, 1991) and declines gradually thereafter
(Heaney et al, 1989). Calcium absorption is increased in pregnant and lactating women compared to
non-pregnant women (Moser-Veillon et al, 2001).
Calcium absorption is under genetic control. The FF genotype for the Fok 1 polymorphism, a C T
transition in the vitamin D receptor translation initiation site, was related to increased calcium absorption
in 72 children 7 to 12 years of age and it was associated with greater bone mineral density (Ames et
al, 1999a), but these findings were not confirmed in another study with 99 girls 16.9 ± 1.2 years old
(Lorentzon et al, 2001).
2.4. Calcium losses
The majority of absorbed calcium is stored in the skeleton. Excess absorbed calcium is excreted in
urine, faeces, and sweat. Calcium balance is positive in healthy children, adolescents and young adults
before bone growth and modeling cease, provided that they have an adequate calcium intake.
Renal calcium excretion is the result of glomerular filtration (about 8 to 10 g calcium per day in adults)
and tubular reabsorption (normal over 98% of the filtered load), which is primarily passive in the proximal
tubules and for 20% active in the distal part of the convoluted tubules and connecting tubules. Active
transport is under the control of parathyroid hormone, calcitonin and 1,25(OH)
D (Hoenderop et al,
2002). Average 24-hour excretion of calcium is 40 mg in young children, 80 mg in prepubertal children
and reaches about 150-200 mg in adults. It is not strongly related to dietary calcium intake (Charles
et al, 1991; Matkovic, 1991) in healthy persons. Calcium excretion is increased in hyperparathyroidism
and decreased in untreated osteomalacia.
Urinary calcium excretion is increased by dietary sodium intake (30 to 40 mg of calcium excreted per
each two grams of dietary sodium) (Matkovic et al, 1995), by caffeine (Massey and Whiting, 1993) and
in chronic metabolic acidosis (Bushinsky, 2001). Calcium excretion rises with excess dietary protein
intake (by 0.5 mg for each gram of dietary protein, when intake was above 47 g/day) (Walker and
Linkswiler, 1972; Whiting et al, 1998). This effect can be offset by simultaneous phosphorus intake
(Guéguen and Pointillart, 2000).
Increased calcium excretion is also observed in idiopathic (hypocalcaemic) hypercalciuria, a genetic
disorder of heterogenous pathogenesis (absorptive, renal or dietary) observed in 2.2 to 6.4% of children and
adults (Kruse et al, 1984; Moore et al, 1978) and which is the most frequent risk factor for nephrolithiasis.
Idiopathic hypercalciuria could be the result of a defective renal epithelial Ca
-channel leading to decreased
active renal reabsorption of calcium or to an increased intestinal activity of the epithelial Ca
with augmented intestinal calcium absorption (Hoenderop et al, 2002). Hypercalciuric stone formers
are more sensitive to dietary sodium chloride than individuals without stones with respect to calcium
excretion (Massey and Whiting, 1995) and than normocalciuric stone formers (Burtis et al, 1994). Sodium
restriction and/or protein restriction with a normal calcium intake reduces or normalises calcium excretion
in hypercalciuric stone formers, whereas calcium restriction does not (Borghi et al, 2002).
Calcium losses via the skin are between 4 and 96 mg/day in normal individuals, calculated from
combined calcium balance and kinetic studies with
Ca in 11 subjects (Charles et al, 1991). The
authors consider the minimal obligatory loss to be 3 to 40 mg calcium per day. The amount rises with
increasing serum calcium levels.
Calcium is also secreted throughout the gastrointestinal tract, where about 85% is available for reabsorption
with the same absorption efficiency as dietary calcium. Faecal secretory calcium loss has been estimated
to be 80 to 224 mg/day in normal individuals.
2.5. Calcium requirement and dietary reference values
Adequate dietary calcium intakes are determined by information from balance studies, from fractional
estimates of required intakes to compensate for urinary, faecal and dermal calcium losses and more
recently from the intakes necessary to achieve “maximal calcium retention” for bone mineral deposition,
while taking into account calcium absorption, and also from studies on bone mineral density and bone
mineral content development during life (Heaney, 2002b). From the analysis of pooled calcium balances
performed in 519 individuals between birth and 30 years of age intakes of calcium were identified
above which an increase in calcium intake did not further increase calcium retention (Matkovic and
Heaney, 1992).
Different scientific bodies have applied different models to different data in order to derive dietary
reference intake values. The population reference intakes defined by the Committee in 1992 are based
on a factorial approach (compensation of obligatory calcium losses and accounting for absorption
efficiency in adults and addition of desirable calcium retention corrected for absorption for children
and adolescents) without considering measurements of bone mineral accretion under different calcium
intakes (Kanis, 1991; SCF, 1993). The PRI (in mg calcium per day) is 400 for infants in the second half
of the first year and for children up to age 3 years, 450 for children between 4 and 6 years, 550 for
children between 7 and 10 years, 1000 and 800 for male and female adolescents between 11 and 17
years and 700 in adults and pregnant women. For lactating women it is 1200 mg per day. More recent
reports include the attainment of peak bone mass during childhood, adolescence and young adulthood
in their calculations (IOM, 1997; D-A-CH, 2000; AFSSA, 2001). The adequate intakes (AI) (IOM, 1997)
and recommended daily intakes (RDA) (D-A-CH, 2000; AFSSA, 2001) thus derived are generally higher
than the PRI. They are between 500 and 800 mg calcium per day for children up to the age of 7 years,
1200 to 1300 mg per day for older children and adolescents and 900 to 1200 mg calcium per day for
adults. Pregnant and lactating women below the age of 18 years should receive between 1200 and
1300 mg calcium per day.
Some authors have suggested higher recommend intake values for calcium because of observed beneficial
effects of calcium intakes of 1200 mg to 2000 mg per day on the risk of colon cancer, kidney stones, obesity
and hypertension (Fujita and Palmieri, 2000; Heaney, 2002b). But there is no consensus on this.
2.6. Calcium deficiency
Calcium deficiency can result from low dietary intake, low absorption or excessive losses. A decrease
in ionised calcium in the extracellular fluid stimulates the secretion of parathyroid hormone to mobilise
calcium from bone and maintain the pre-set serum calcium level. Parathyroid hormone also increases
the intracellular calcium concentration in many types of cells - cardiomyocytes, blood cells, adipocytes,
hepatocytes and pancreatic endocrine cells as well as in osteoblasts and renal tubular cells. An increase
in intracellular calcium sets off a large number of reactions involving the permeability of the plasma
membrane, signaling pathways, including activation and deactivation of enzymes, cyclic-nucleotide
formation and break-down, cytoskeletal rearrangement, and gene transcription (Saimi and Kung, 2002;
Carafoli, 2002). The pathophysiologic changes and disorders resulting from this have been named
calcium paradox disease (Fujita and Palmieri, 2000). They include hypertension and arteriosclerosis,
Alzheimer’s disease, muscular dystrophy, diabetes mellitus and malignancies. The role of parathyroid
hormone secretion and its effects in the relevant target cells has been demonstrated in in-vitro models,
animal experiments and/or epidemiological studies (Fujita and Palmieri, 2000).
Calcium levels in the body are under control of genetic and hormonal factors. Therefore an excessive
accumulation of calcium in blood or tissue solely through excessive calcium consumption should not
occur in the absence of diseases such as bone cancer, hyperthyroidism, and hyperparathyroidism or
in the absence of excessive vitamin D intake. Adverse effects which have been reported due to high
calcium intakes include the so-called milk-alkali syndrome, the formation of kidney stones in persons with
a propensity for nephrolithiasis, hypercalciuria and for hyperabsorption of calcium, and interference with
the absorption of other minerals (Whiting and Wood, 1997).
3.1. Adverse effects in animals
3.1.1. Acute toxicity
The LD
for calcium gluconate in rats is 10 g/kg body weight, corresponding to 930 mg calcium/kg
(Sarabia et al, 1999).
3.1.2. Short- and medium-term studies and reproductive studies
Greger et al (1987) tested the bioavailability of different calcium sources (milk, dibasic calcium
phosphate, oyster shell, calcium carbonate, calcium lactate, calcium amino acid chelate and dolomite)
in rats fed diets with similar calcium contents (approximately 0.5%). Apparent calcium absorption was
comparable with all calcium compounds. Dibasic calcium phosphate caused increased kidney size and
more than 20-fold higher calcium content in kidneys.
Ten dogs (weight 14 to 25 kg) supplemented for two weeks with 100 mg calcium gluconate and 250 µg
vitamin D/kg/day developed severe hypercalcaemia and hypomagnesaemia, polyuria, hyperexcretion
of calcium, sodium and magnesium, hypotension, a decrease in the heart stroke volume and increased
total peripheral arterial resistance (Zawada et al, 1986).
Growing pigs fed ad libitum with diets which differed in the calcium-phosphorus ratio (1:1, 2:1, 3:1)
and calcium content (0.3% up to 2.7%) but without extra vitamin K showed coagulation disorders. All
pigs in the 2.7%-calcium group died between three and four weeks from internal haemorrhage (Hall
et al, 1985).
Pregnant rats fed diets differing in calcium content (0.01%; 0.6%; 1%) and calcium:phosphorus ratios
(1.3; 0.02; 2.4) produced comparable litter numbers. However pregnant rats on the high-calcium diet
decreased their food consumption excessively near term and lost weight and the weight of the foetuses
were reduced. The calcium balance in the high-calcium rats was markedly negative in the days just
before term. Their foetuses had a lower body calcium content than those of the calcium-free and
normal-calcium diet groups (Lai et al, 1984).
Rats fed diets with 1.5, 2 and 2.5 times higher than normal (0.5%) calcium contents (as calcium
carbonate), starting after mating and continued during twenty days of gestation showed no dose
related changes in maternal clinical findings, average numbers of implantation, foetal resorption and
viable foetuses, neither were there adverse effects on foetal length and weight nor signs of foetotoxicity
or teratogenicity. However, there were dose-related increases of the femoral calcium content as well as
of the phosphorus, magnesium and zinc content of the liver in non-pregnant control rats on the same
diets. There were dose-related decreases of the iron and copper contents in kidneys of non-pregnant
animals and of iron in the liver of pregnant rats. Foetuses showed dose-related decreases in the whole
body content of phosphorus, magnesium, iron and copper (Shackelford et al, 1993 and 1994).
Richards and Greig (1952) tested the effect of four different calcium levels (0.3%, 0.5%, 0.7% and
1.1%) in four different diets on reproductive performance in mice and on survival and organ pathology
in litters. All diets with a calcium (carbonate) content of 1.1% resulted in decreased number and total
weight of litters and increased both the number and proportion of litter deaths. Young mice born to
mothers on high-calcium diets showed pale speckled livers, enlarged hearts and small thymus when
killed at age 21 days. Increased heart weights were negatively correlated with haemoglobin levels.
Addition of iron to high-calcium diets diminished heart enlargement.
While studying the effects of diets with low (0.2%) and high (4%) calcium contents in rats over 31
weeks on lead toxicity (lead supplied in drinking water) it was observed that the high calcium diet
resulted in higher blood pressure, in kidney and bladder stones, slower growth and death in half of the
animals. In a similar experiment, feeding rats low (0.1%), normal (0.5%) and high (2.5%) calcium diets
over one year, caused dose-related decreases of the iron content of the femur and testis, magnesium in
plasma and femur, the zinc and calcium contents of the femur and the calcium content of the kidneys
(Bogden et al, 1992).
High intakes of dietary calcium (1.5% in 50 days pregnant ewes have caused disturbed bone formation
from cartilage (osteochondrosis) and an increase in thyroid C cells (calcitonin producing) in the foetuses
compared to the foetuses of ewes fed normal feeds (0.59% calcium) (Corbellini et al, 1991).
3.2. Adverse effects in humans
3.2.1. Intervention studies
Intervention studies with supplemental calcium, predominantly in the form of calcium salts but also with
milk products or with elemental calcium from chicken egg-shell powder, which have been performed in
children, pregnant and lactating women and elderly men and women, have exposed subjects to total
calcium intakes of up to 3000 mg/day for up to 4 years. Annex I lists some relevant studies.
Children between 6 and 14 years of age received up to 1900 mg calcium/day for one to 3 years to study
the effect on bone status (Johnston et al, 1992; Lloyd et al, 1993; Chan et al, 1995; Bonjour et al, 1997
and 2001). The recommended dietary calcium intake for that age is 550 to 1200 mg/day.
Elderly men and women between 50 and 85 years of age have received calcium in amounts between
1300 and 3000 mg/day for 6 months to four years to study the effect of supplemental calcium on bone
metabolism and bone loss (Kochersberger et al, 1991; Reid et al, 1993; Elders et al, 1994; Riggs et al,
1996; Heaney et al, 1999; Peacock et al, 2000; Dawson-Hughes and Harris, 2002; Schaafsma et al, 2002).
The recommended dietary calcium intake for that age range is 1200 mg/day.
Pregnant women have received calcium in amounts between 2000 and 3000 mg/day, starting
between 13 and 23 weeks of gestation, to study the effects on hypertensive disorders of pregnancy,
preeclampsia, preterm delivery, adverse perinatal outcomes, and foetal bone mineralisation (Villar
and Repke, 1990; Belizán et al, 1991; Bucher et al, 1996; Levine et al, 1997; Koo et al, 1999). The
recommended intake for pregnant women is between 700 and 1300 mg/day.
A calcium intake of 2000 mg/day was tested over 4 years in patients aged more than 60 years with
colorectal adenomas to determine if there was an influence of calcium on the recurrence rate of
adenomas (Baron et al, 1999).
Calcium in amounts between 1300 and 2300 mg/day was given to healthy men and women and to
lactating women with durations between 12 weeks and one year to study the effects on iron, zinc and
magnesium status (Sokoll and Dawson-Hughes, 1992; Yan et al, 1996; Minihane and Fairweather-Tait,
1998; Kalkwarf and Harrast, 1998). Recommended dietary calcium intakes for this population range
between 800 and 1300 mg/day.
Adverse effects of calcium supplementation observed in these studies are given in the relevant sections
3.2.2. Hypercalcaemia and renal insufficiency (milk-alkali syndrome)
The milk-alkali syndrome is named after the adverse effects observed in consequence of the combined
therapeutic application of calcium-rich milk and absorbable antacids (mostly sodium bicarbonate or
calcium carbonate) for peptic ulcers. It results eventually in metabolic alkalosis and hypercalcemia,
probably as a result of increased calcium retention by alkali, and leads to the usual consequences of
hypercalcemia, i.e. loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea, constipation, polyuria, polydipsia, hyposthenuria,
dehydration, renal failure, nephrocalcinosis and nephrolithiasis, apathy, confusion, lethargy and coma in
variable combination and severity. Onset can be insidious or acute within days or weeks after starting very
high calcium and alkali intakes. It can be reversible or fatal (Orwoll, 1982; Abreo et al, 1993).
The original therapeutic regimen (Sippy, 1915) included calcium intakes of 20 g/day from both milk
and for example calcium carbonate. With changes in the therapy of peptic ulcers the frequency of the
milk-alkali syndrome has declined. Whiting and Wood (1997) identified 29 reported cases of clinically
adverse effects of high calcium intakes or combined high intakes of calcium and alkali in a review of
the literature between 1980 and 1994. The youngest patient in their list was 29 years old with most
cases over 50 years old. One third of the cases consumed both alkali and calcium (between 2.0 and
16.5 g/day of supplementary calcium) and symptomatology appeared to be precipitated by an increase
of their calcium intake while consuming antacids, sometimes for many years. One third, however,
developed symptoms of milk-alkali syndrome as a result of high calcium carbonate intakes alone
(between 2 to 10.8 g additional calcium per day from several months to 30 years). About 40% of the
listed cases were patients with associated promoting factors, such as the use of thiazide diuretics
(which decrease renal calcium excretion), pre-existing renal failure, dehydration, or alkalosis. In these
cases supplemental calcium intake was between 2 and 16 g/day. One study estimated that 12% of
patients hospitalised in one hospital because of hypercalcemia were the result of excessive calcium
carbonate consumption (Beall and Scofield, 1995). Annex II contains some details of the case reports
evaluated by Whiting and Wood (1997) with additional cases added reported both before 1980 and
after 1994. This compilation of 82 patients reported in the literature between 1965 and 2001, ranging
in age from 24 to 95 years, shows that the milk-alkali syndrome occurs predominantly in patients with
complaints of the stomach, oesophagus or duodenum (55 of 82), who ingested high amounts of milk
(43 of 82) corresponding to more than 0.9 to 6.8 g calcium per day, and/or calcium supplements (76 of
82) containing between 1 and 23 g of calcium/day, or ingesting only calcium supplements (37 of 82).
Thirty five high-milk consumers took calcium supplements. Eight of the high-milk consumers did not
take calcium supplements, but consumed sodium bicarbonate regularly. Eleven calcium supplement-
only users also took sodium bicarbonate. In 33 cases the use of “antacids” is reported, both absorbable
or unabsorbable or unspecified. The reported range of total calcium intake was between 0.4 and 23
g/day. In many cases, however, calcium intake was inadequately documented.
All calcium supplements consisted of calcium carbonate The duration of a high calcium intake is
reported to be between 3 days and 30 years. One case with a latency of 3 days only for the development
of the milk-alkali syndrome was a 40 years old female patient who received 4.8 g calcium as carbonate
for peptic ulcer prevention after a cardiac transplant, in addition to prednisone. She developed
hypercalcaemia and transient renal failure (Kapsner et al, 1986). The same authors report that 65 of
297 cardiac surgery patients on the same peptic ulcer prevention regime developed hypercalcaemia,
accompanied by renal failure in 37 of these 65 patients within one week to 6 months. The therapeutic
regimen in these cases consisted of calcium carbonate (1.3 to 4.6 g calcium/day) plus prednisone.
McMillan and Freeman (1965) randomised 40 patients with gastric or duodenal ulcers to receive
either 11.2 g calcium as carbonate or a non-absorbable antacid in addition to milk every 2 hours,
corresponding to 1.8 g per day calcium over 7 days. They observed a significant rise in serum calcium
in the group on calcium carbonate only, from a mean of 2.45 mmol/L to a mean of 2.8 mmol/L on day 3,
with 5 patients reaching values above 3 mmol/L. In the same group serum creatinine rose significantly,
as did serum phosphorus and carbon dioxide content. No significant changes of these parameters
were observed in the group treated with non-absorbable antacid.
A dose of 3.2 g of calcium per day given as the carbonate over 6 days under clinical conditions
provoked hypercalcaemia (3 mmol/L) and hypercalciuria, a rise in serum phosphorus and 24 hours
later in creatinine and a decrease in the glomerular filtration rate in a patient with recurrent severe
hypercalcaemia due to 15 years of consumption of calcium carbonate in high amounts (Smit and
Bijvoet, 1986).
Lin et al (1996) describe the development of the milk-alkali syndrome in a 70 year old woman after
4 weeks of osteoporosis treatment with 3.75 g calcium (as carbonate) and 0.5 µg calcitriol per day.
Of interest is also the report of Wu et al (1996) on two men, who had chewed betel nut covered by a
calcium carbonate containing paste (estimated amount of calcium 2.5 and 3.5 g) over 30 years and
who demonstrated hypercalcaemia and persistent renal insufficiency.
The two cases in whom milk and calcium carbonate were ingested for some weeks for relief of pregnancy-
associated gastric discomfort and emesis and one case of bulimia/anorexia with recent use of milk and
calcium carbonate can be classified as cases of milk-alkali syndrome provoked by dehydration and
alkalosis (Ullian and Linas, 1988; Kleinman et al, 1991; Muldowney and Mazbar, 1996). The malformations
of the stillborn foetus which was born after 37 weeks of pregnancy to a mother with milk-alkali syndrome
in the 23
week of gestation were not attributed to this disorder because the foetus revealed no signs of
tissue calcification (Ullian and Linas, 1988). In many case reports, however, it is not clear if the symptoms
described signify the manifestation of the milk-alkali-syndrome or are part of preexisting and predisposing
Milk-alkali syndrome was not observed in the course of intervention studies which involved between
11 and 2295 individuals (children, pregnant and pre- or perimenopausal women, elderly people) and
lasted between 12 weeks to 4 years. The studies tested the effects of calcium supplements (500 to
2000 mg/day, given as milk or milk extracts, citrate, carbonate, citrate malate, gluconate or egg-shell
powder) on bone metabolism, on hypertensive pregnancy complications, on recurrence of colorectal
adenomas and on iron, zinc and magnesium status. However, in the Calcium for Pre-eclampsia Trial,
in the course of which 2295 women pregnant for 13 to 21 weeks were supplemented daily with 2000
mg calcium as the carbonate, women with a known risk for nephrolithiasis and with elevated levels of
serum calcium and creatinine were excluded (Levine et al, 1997).
Elders et al (1994) observed a mean increase of serum creatinine of 1.2 µmol/L in 64 perimenopausal
women taking 2000 mg calcium (as lactogluconate and carbonate) as daily supplement in addition to
a calcium intake of 1000 mg from the diet over 2 years. One case of hypercalcaemia was reported
among 119 postmenopausal women supplemented during 4 years with 1600 mg calcium (citrate) per
day (Riggs et al, 1996). The constipation which has occasionally been reported in studies on calcium
supplementation (750 to 1200 mg calcium/ day during 4 years and 6 months, respectively, can be a
consequence of hypercalcaemia, however this was not looked for (Peacock et al, 2000; Kochersberger
et al, 1991).
3.2.3. Kidney stones
Kidney stones affect between 8 to 15% of the population in Europe (Pak, 1998). About 80% of kidney
stones are composed of calcium oxalate or a mixture of calcium phosphate and calcium oxalate. Stones
form only in urine that is supersaturated. Hypercalciuria (more than 4 mg/kg body weight/day) is the
most common abnormality in patients with calcium containing stones. Thirty to 50% of patients with
kidney stones and hypercalciuria have idiopathic hypercalciuria that is not secondary to causes like
primary hyperparathyroidism, hyperthyroidism, malignancy, renal tubular acidosis, vitamin D intoxication,
immobilisation and Pagets disease. The hypercalciuria may be either renal (increased calcium/creatinine
quotient in the urine at all times) or hyperabsorptive (increased calcium/creatinine quotient after calcium
load) (Pak et al, 1975).
Dietary calcium is not the determining factor in kidney stone formation (Goldfarb, 1994) but higher
intakes of oxalate, protein and vegetable fibre may play a role (Massey et al, 1993). In a population-
based study, which involved 1309 women aged 20 to 92 years, no relationship between renal stone
formation (n=44) and high-oxalate food, vitamin C, protein, fibre, or alcohol consumption could be
demonstrated. Neither was there a positive association between the amount of dietary calcium and
the fluoride content of drinking water and kidney stones. Women with stones ingested on average 250
mg less calcium per day than women without stones (840 versus 1070 mg), but calcium supplements
appeared to have no protective effect on kidney stone formation (Sowers et al, 1998).
In two prospective observational studies with 45,619 men (aged between 40 and 75 years) followed
over 5 years (The Health Professionals Follow-up Study) and 91,731 women (aged between 34 and
59 years) followed over 12 years (Nurses’ Health Study), without kidney stones at the beginning of
the observation period, it appeared that total calcium intakes above 1050 mg/day in men and above
1100 mg/day in women decreased the risk of kidney stone formation by approximately 35%. The
mean calcium intake of stone formers was significantly lower than in those remaining free of stones,
after adjustment for age, body mass index, intake of animal protein, alcohol, sodium, sucrose,
fluid, and supplemental calcium (Curhan et al, 1993 and 1997). The relative risk for stone formation
was significantly lower in women in the highest quintile of dietary calcium intake (median 1303 mg)
compared with women in the lowest quintile. Dietary vitamin D intake was 5.5 in the lowest and
9 µg/day in the highest quintile. Similar findings were reported for men. In the women’s study the
intake of calcium supplements in daily amounts between 1 and 100 mg increased the risk for stone
formation by 20% compared to women who did not take supplemental calcium. There was no further
increase in the relative risk for stone formation by higher intakes of supplemental calcium (Curhan
et al, 1997). In both studies a reduction of the risk of stone formation was observed with increasing
intakes of dairy products (rich in phosphorus) and an increase of the risk with increasing sodium and
sucrose intakes.
From the studies of Sowers et al (1998) and Curhan et al (1997) it can be concluded that a calcium
intake in the range of the most recent dietary recommendations does not promote kidney stone
formation on a population basis.
Dietary calcium reduces dietary oxalate absorption, whereas calcium restriction increases intestinal
oxalate absorption and renal oxalate excretion. In a recent randomised trial over 5 years with 120 men
with recurrent calcium oxalate stones and idiopathic hypercalciuria a diet normal in calcium (1200 mg/
day) [30 mmol] and low in sodium [50 mmol] and normal in protein (15% of energy intake, 60% animal
protein) reduced the risk of stone recurrence by 50% and decreased oxalate excretion more than a
calcium restricted diet (400 mg [10 mmol]/day) (Borghi et al, 2002).
Both calcium and sodium intake were positively associated with hypercalciuria in patients with kidney stones
and a regression equation was developed to predict the effect of dietary calcium on urinary excretion of both.
From this equation the calcium intake that would be associated with hypercalciuria can be calculated to be
2243 mg/day for men and 1422 mg/day for women, assuming a sodium excretion of 100 mmol/day and
defining hypercalciuria as >300 mg calcium/day for men and >250 mg/day for women (Burtis et al, 1994).
One short report has been published on the occurrence of pure calcium carbonate gallstones in a two
year old girl whose mother had taken calcium carbonate and vitamin D in unknown quantities during
the last four months of pregnancy because of leg cramps (Powell, 1985).
Although intervention studies with supplemental calcium have not been performed to study the risk for
kidney stone formation, no increased incidence can be deduced from those studies listed in Annex I
with approximately 5000 subjects, who received between 500 and 2000 mg calcium as supplement in
addition to 300 to 1800 mg of calcium from the diet (total intakes between 1300 and 3000 mg calcium/
day during three months to four years. Women with an increased risk for nephrolithiasis were excluded
from the big Calcium for Pre-eclampsia trial (Levine et al, 1997). In a group of 124 women on calcium
supplements (total daily intake 1400 mg/day) one patient with kidney stones was reported (Peacock
et al, 2000). Riggs et al (1996) observed hypercalciuria (>350 mg/day) in 44 of 119 postmenopausal
women taking calcium supplements (~1600 mg) for four years, and in seven of 117 women without
supplements. One woman in the supplemented group developed mild hypercalcaemia. Three of 50
infants who received a calcium-rich formula from age 3 months onwards (1700 to 1560 mg calcium per
day) developed hypercalciuria (Dalton et al, 1997).
3.2.4. Interactions between calcium and dietary minerals
High calcium diets and supplements can affect the bioavailability of other essential minerals, iron, zinc,
magnesium and phosphorus. Iron
Calcium inhibits the absorption of both iron salts and heme-iron (Hallberg et al, 1991) in a dose-
dependent manner. A dose of 300 mg of calcium chloride added to a meal inhibited iron absorption
maximally. An inhibitory effect was also seen with a variety of calcium sources both from supplements
and food (Whiting and Wood, 1997). The absorption of non-heme iron (15 mg/day) was 16% with a low-
calcium diet (<320 mg/day), but it decreased to <5% with the addition of 400 mg calcium (carbonate)
to three daily meals (Minihane and Fairweather-Tait, 1998).
Long-term intervention studies on the effect of calcium supplementation on iron status failed to show
reductions in indicators of iron status, unless the habitual calcium intake was very low. Calcium supplements
had no effect on iron status in infants fed iron-fortified formula, in lactating women, adolescent girls and
adult men and women (Lynch, 2000).
Three month old infants (n=103) who received either a calcium/phosphorus enriched formula (calcium
intake from formula after 4 months 1700 mg, after 9 months 1560 mg/day) or a standard formula (calcium
intake from formula 400 mg and 350 mg/day, respectively) showed no differences in serum ferritin, total
iron-binding capacity, erythrocyte protoporphyrin or haematocrit during the remainder of the first year of
life. Both formulae provided the same high amount of iron (12.8 mg/L) (Dalton et al, 1997).
Eleven children between 3 and 5 years of age receiving for 5 weeks each a low-calcium (502 mg/
day) and high-calcium (1180 mg/day) diet providing 9 and 9.7 mg iron per day were tested for iron
incorporation into red blood cells and calcium absorption and retention with
C and
Fe given orally
with meals and
Ca given intravenously. There was no significant difference of iron incorporation into
red blood cells 14 days after dosing with the low-calcium (6.9%) compared to the high calcium diet
(7.9% of administered dose), while calcium absorption (36.2%, 181 mg/day versus 23.7%, 277 mg
calcium/day on the low- versus the high-calcium diet) and net calcium retention (74 mg/day versus 124
mg/day) differed significantly (Ames et al, 1999b).
Supplementation with 1000 mg calcium (carbonate) over five weeks did not affect serum ferritin
levels in sixty women consuming diets low in calcium (280 mg/day) (Yan et al, 1996). There were no
differences in serum ferritin levels in 158 women who received either 500 mg calcium (carbonate) twice
daily with meals or placebo during months 6 to 12 postpartum (Kalkwarf and Harrast, 1998). Intake of
500 mg calcium (citrate-malate) supplements twice daily by 354 girls aged 8-13 years during four years
did not result in differences in serum ferritin values, haemoglobin concentration or erythrocyte indices
compared to a placebo group. The basal dietary calcium intake in these girls was between 798 and
878 mg/day, the iron intake 12.1 to 14.3 mg/day (Ilich-Ernst et al, 1998).
Seventy-five premenopausal women taking 500 mg calcium (carbonate) twice daily with meals during
12 weeks showed no effect on plasma ferritin, serum iron, total iron-binding capacity, transferrin
saturation, haemoglobin level or haematocrit compared to a control group. Their dietary calcium intake
was 600 mg/day (Sokoll and Dawson-Hughes, 1992).
Eleven iron-replete adults, aged 18 to 69 years, who received for six months daily calcium supplements of
1200 mg (as carbonate) in addition to dietary calcium of 1100 mg/day did not show changes in haemoglobin,
haematocrit, zinc protoporphyrin and plasma ferritin (Minihane and Fairweather-Tait, 1998).
Seven of nine cross-sectional studies in various countries in adults, young adults and infants showed
a small negative correlation between iron status and consumption of dairy products. It was calculated
that for every 100 mg/day increase of calcium intake in girls, serum ferritin would be reduced by a factor
of 1.6%, and by a factor of 3.3% in women (van de Vijver et al, 1999). A threshold effect for dose could
not be detected. However, these findings with dairy products were not reported with other calcium
sources, suggesting that another milk constituent could be responsible. It appears that changes in the
calcium content of Western diets are not likely to have significant influence on iron absorption (Lynch,
2000) and that supplementation with calcium at the levels found to enhance bone mineral density (1000
to 1200 mg/day) does not affect normal iron status in healthy menstruating females (Bendich, 2001). Zinc
Whereas human studies have shown that added dietary calcium either as salts or milk did not interfere
with the intestinal absorption of radiolabeled zinc, there are two studies that report a negative effect
on dietary zinc absorption and balance. Stepwise increases in calcium intake from 230 mg to 860 mg
to 2000 mg/day in older men decreased fractional net zinc absorption from 24% to 12% to minus
3% on a zinc intake of 14 mg/day. However, there was no effect on zinc excretion and zinc balance
(Spencer et al, 1984). When postmenopausal women were fed during two periods of 12 days a diet
with approximately 1500 mg calcium, half of them were in negative zinc balance despite zinc intakes of
17 mg/day. However the directly inhibitory effect of a calcium supplement (600 mg) on zinc absorption
from a meal could be offset by additional zinc (Wood and Zheng, 1997).
Yan et al (996) investigated the effect of calcium carbonate supplements (1000 mg/day on five days per
week) given throughout one year to 30 lactating women aged 16 to 41 years on zinc status and found
no difference compared to a placebo group. Both groups had a low habitual dietary calcium intake of
less than 300 mg per day.
Ten healthy men who received calcium phosphate supplements of 600 and 1200 mg daily each for two
weeks in addition to a dietary calcium intake of 1800 mg did not develop changes in renal and faecal
zinc excretion. However, serum zinc concentrations decreased from 1.1 mg/dL to 0.9 mg/dL (Raschke
and Jahreis, 2002) Magnesium
High calcium intakes (2 g/day) can reduce intestinal magnesium absorption and decrease renal
magnesium excretion. The combined effect would not result in magnesium depletion in the absence of
other risks for magnesium depletion such as diabetes mellitus, malabsorption and alcoholism (Whiting
and Wood, 1997). Abrams et al (1997) determined magnesium balance (intake 6.4 mg/kg/day or 194 to
321 mg/day) in relation to dietary calcium intake (mean 1310 mg/day) in 25 children between 9 and 14
years of age and found no influence.
Calcium phosphate supplements of 600 and 1200 mg/day for 2 weeks, in addition to dietary calcium intakes
of 1800 mg, did not influence magnesium metabolism in 10 healthy men (Raschke and Jahreis, 2002).
The magnesium status of lactating women with a low habitual calcium intake was not influenced by
calcium carbonate supplements (1000 mg/day) during one year (Yan et al, 1996). Phosphorus
Calcium acetate and calcium carbonate bind phosphate in the intestinal lumen and are given in chronic
renal failure (up to 2 g calcium/day) to reduce phosphorus absorption in the intestine. This inhibitory
effect on phosphorus absorption can also be demonstrated in healthy humans; 1000 mg calcium doses
reduced phosphorus absorption by 58%. In view of the usual high dietary phosphorus intake this effect
is without significance (Whiting and Wood, 1997).
3.2.5. Cytogenetic effects
An increase in the number of micronucleated erythrocytes (damaged red blood cell precursors which
are normally selectively removed from peripheral blood by the spleen) have been reported in those of
splenectomised subjects who regularly used calcium supplements. However, no data on dietary or
supplemental calcium intake were given (MacGregor, 1990; Smith et al, 1990). These findings do not
provide evidence that calcium supplements damage cells.
4.1. Kidney function
A trend for an increase in serum creatinine (by 1.2 µmol/l) with calcium supplements of 1000 and 2000
mg during 3 years in addition to dietary intakes of around 1000 mg/day (total intake 2000 and 3000
mg/day) was seen in a study involving 130 perimenopausal women (Elders et al, 1994). No effects on
serum creatinine were reported in 46 women aged between 50 and 70 years who ingested calcium
supplements of 1000 mg daily over one year in addition to a dietary calcium intake of 1290 mg/day
(Schaafsma et al, 2002).
In conclusion, some perimenopausal women with total calcium intakes between 2 and 3 g/day may
show a tendency for compromised glomerular function as indicated by increases in serum creatinine.
No such effect was observed in another study with women receiving comparable calcium amounts.
This finding should be investigated systematically before it is attributed to calcium.
4.2. Milk-alkali syndrome
Manifestation of the milk-alkali syndrome through the combined intake of calcium both from food
and especially from supplements and of absorbable alkalinising substances is facilitated by renal
insufficiency, alkalosis and dehydration due to vomiting and anorexia and/or the use of thiazide
diuretics, which increase renal tubular calcium reabsorption. All reported cases of milk-alkali syndrome
in association with the prolonged or acute ingestion of calcium supplements used calcium carbonate
as the nutrient source. In these reports the supplemental calcium intakes were reported as between 1.0
and 23 g/day. These patients also differ in their medical history, use and duration of use of drugs and
alkali consumption, and their diets. Their dietary calcium intakes are often not known.
The FNB of the IOM (1997) has taken the approximate median of 4.8 g of reported calcium supplements
(the same value derives from our extended list) as the LOAEL for total calcium intake, applied an
uncertainty factor of 2 and defined an upper level of 2.5 g calcium/day. From the number of reported
cases with milk-alkali syndrome and calcium supplement intakes below or equal to 2.5 g/day (11 of 82)
in the list in Annex II, this definition of the LOAEL is not appropriate. Seven of these low-supplement
users are reported not to have an additional high dietary calcium intake (>0.9 g/day). Only five of these
eleven are reported to have ingested additional sodium bicarbonate or other antacids. Moreover, it is
questionable if it is justified to derive a LOAEL for the total dietary calcium intake from data on effects of
alkalinising substances plus calcium.
The use of calcium carbonate supplements in doses up to 2000 mg/day, and thereby achieving total
daily calcium intakes up to more than 3000 mg/day, for preventive purposes in presumably healthy
subjects, has not provoked the development of the milk-alkali syndrome, whereas the administration
of large amounts (11.2 g calcium/day) of calcium carbonate in addition to large amounts of milk (1.8 g
calcium/day) over 7 days to 20 gastric/duodenal ulcer patients resulted in reversible hypercalcaemia
(2.8 mmol/L) in nine patients and renal insufficiency in all. The control group of 20 patients with gastric/
duodenal ulcers who received aluminium hydroxide and milk for the same duration did not develop
these abnormalities (McMillan and Freeman, 1965).
A patient with a 15-year history of calcium carbonate use (3.3 g/day) had recurrent episodes of severe
hypercalcaemia. He was known to have diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism and renal insufficiency and
it is not known if the renal insufficiency was the consequence of recurrent hypercalcaemic episodes or
if it was the promoting factor (Smit and Bijvoet, 1986).
Hypercalcaemia occurred in 65 of 297 patients who had undergone major cardiac surgery and who
received between 1.3 and 10 g of calcium/day as carbonate (total daily intake 7 to 11 g calcium) for peptic
ulcer prevention. It was accompanied by renal failure in 50%, which developed within days of starting
the regimen in a few patients, and was completely reversible after stopping calcium carbonate (Kapsner
et al, 1986).
Cases of milk-alkali syndrome have been reported with long-standing calcium intakes in the range of 2
to 2.5 g/day with chronic high intakes of antacids (Barragry and Counihan, 1975; Gibbs and Lee, 1992)
and of low supplemental calcium intakes (1g/day) in addition to unknown dietary intakes plus sodium
bicarbonate (Abreo et al, 1993). These observations seem to indicate that the harmful calcium dose can
be lower than 3 g/day if taken together with alkali.
In conclusion, on the basis of the available evidence, a calcium dose which by itself might cause milk-
alkali syndrome cannot be identified.
4.3. Kidney stones
The quantitative relationship between calcium intake, both from the diet and from supplements, and
hypercalciuria as a risk factor for nephrolithiasis is far from clear. Also, it is dependent on other dietary
factors, especially sodium intake. From epidemiologic studies it appears that dietary calcium intakes in
the range of recent recommendations have a favourable effect in the prevention of kidney stone formation
and that lower intakes increase the risk (Curhan et al, 1993 and 1997; Sowers et al, 1998).
The influence of a controlled diet for 3 days (1000 mg calcium, 100 mmol sodium, 32.3 mmol
potassium/day and 1 g protein/kg body weight/day) and of an oral calcium tolerance test (1000 mg) on
urinary calcium excretion was investigated in 124 patients with hypercalciuria (more than 4 mg/kg/day
or more than 300 mg/day in men and more than 250 mg/day in women of calcium excreted) identified
from 282 patients with calcium oxalate stones. The strongest correlation was found between urinary
calcium and sodium. Calcium excretion was less strongly correlated with calcium intake, sodium
intake, phosphorus intake, carbohydrate and protein intake. From the regression equation derived from
these investigations (Burtis et al, 1994) hypercalciuria in men would be associated with a calcium intake
of 2243 mg/day and in women with a calcium intake of 1422 mg/day assuming a moderate sodium
excretion of 100 mmol/day. A higher sodium intake (e.g. 150 mmol/day) would result in even lower
hypercalciuric calcium intakes, 1685 mg for men and 866 mg/day for women, which are lower than the
recommended calcium intake in many countries. The validity of these calculated predictions has never
been systematically investigated in hypercalciuric subjects.
From the available data no conclusion is possible on a detrimental calcium dose in individuals with idiopathic
hypercalciuria (up to 6% of the population). From the study in patients with kidney stones and idiopathic
hypercalciuria it can be deduced that a sodium restricted diet with a normal recommended calcium content
of 1200 mg/day does not raise urinary calcium excretion but reduces it (Borghi et al, 2002).
Hypercalciuria which is a risk factor for kidney stone formation has been observed in three of 50 infants
receiving 1200 mg of supplemental calcium/day (Dalton et al, 1997) and in postmenopausal women
during 4 years of taking calcium supplements of 1600 mg six times as often as in unsupplemented
women (Riggs et al, 1996). Different doses have not been systematically tested.
In conclusion, both observational studies on the relationship between total calcium intake and kidney
stone incidence and interventional studies with calcium supplements do not allow definition of a
calcium intake on a population basis which promotes kidney stone formation. On dietary calcium
intakes in the range of the recommended dietary intake the risk of nephrolithiasis is determined by
other dietary components and by genetic factors.
In persons with idiopathic hypercalciuria, which is in itself a heterogeneous disorder, the risk of stone
formation is not increased with calcium intakes in the range of recommended intakes, when sodium
intake is restricted (Borghi et al, 2002). Higher dosages have not been tested.
4.4. Interaction with minerals
The studies of acute effects of single calcium supplements at various doses and from various sources
on iron and zinc absorption (Spencer et al, 1984; Hallberg et al, 1991) cannot be converted into general
statements on a dose dependent negative effect of total daily dietary calcium intake, because the
timing of the supplement and other interfering factors of the diet have to be taken into account.
Observational epidemiological studies on the influence of dietary calcium intake in different populations
and age groups on parameters of iron status do not allow the identification of threshold values of
calcium intake that lead to reductions in these parameters (Lynch, 2000). Intervention studies with
calcium supplements up to 1200 mg/day in addition to dietary intakes between 280 and 1100 mg/day
did not show adverse effects on iron status (Lynch, 2000). Negative interactions of calcium intakes in
excess of 2000 mg/day that have been reported for iron, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc would be a
problem only when these are ingested in inadequate amounts (Whiting and Wood, 1997).
In conclusion, single-dose experiments demonstrate interference of both dietary and supplemental
calcium with the absorption of other minerals. This effect is not demonstrable in long-term observational
and interventional studies at dietary calcium intakes in the range of recommended intakes and at
supplemental calcium of up to 2000 mg/day in adults and up to 1200 mg/day in one study with infants
(Dalton et al, 1997).
The decrease of serum zinc levels in 10 healthy adults after two weeks of a total calcium intake of 3000 mg/day
(Raschke and Jahreis, 2002) is of insufficient power to consider it as a systematic effect. The cross-sectional
study in seven countries which shows a dose dependent effect of calcium intake from dairy products on serum
ferritin levels in young women did not define a threshold dose of calcium intake (van de Vijver et al, 1999).
4.5. Cytogenetic effects
The data are insufficient to allow conclusions to be drawn from the available studies.
5.1. Adults
The Committee decided to base the derivation of an UL for calcium on the evidence of different
interventional studies of long duration in adults, some of which were placebo-controlled and in which
total daily calcium intakes of 2500 mg from both diet and supplements were tolerated without adverse
effects. Because of the abundance of data the application of an uncertainty factor was considered
unnecessary. An UL of 2500 mg of calcium per day for calcium intake from all sources is proposed.
5.2. Pregnancy and lactation
Large placebo controlled intervention studies for preventive purposes with supplemental calcium
carbonate of up to 2000 mg calcium in addition to the calcium intake from the diet (>400 mg/day) have
been conducted in more than 3000 pregnant women and no adverse effects have been reported. There
are no data to suggest an increased susceptibility for lactating women. Therefore, the UL of 2500 mg
calcium per day applies also to pregnant and lactating women.
5.3. Children and adolescents
Six percent of 50 infants who received a calcium-enriched formula after the third month of life (1700 to
1560 mg calcium per day after 4 and 9 months, respectively), developed hypercalciuria (Dalton et al,
1997). These data are insufficient to define an UL for infants.
No adverse effects of calcium citrate-malate supplements (500 to 1000 mg calcium over 1.5 to 3 years)
and of extra dairy foods or foods fortified with milk extracts (700 to 820 mg calcium extra over one year)
were reported in 217 children between 6 and 14 and 6.6 and 11 years, respectively in comparison to
unsupplemented controls.
These data are considered insufficient to derive an UL for children and adolescents. The Committee
decided that it was inappropriate to base the UL for calcium for this age group on the tolerable upper
level for adults of 2500 mg calcium/day, with correction for differences in basal metabolic rate using
scaling according to body surface area (body weight
). For calcium deposition in bone during the
growth period proportionality to lean body mass cannot be assumed. Therefore, the Committee cannot
propose age-dependent ULs for children and adolescents.
Data from European populations indicate that the intakes of calcium from all sources in adolescents
and adults can be close to the UL in a small percentage of the population, especially in those taking
supplements. In the United Kingdom the 97.5 percentile of calcium intake in men 16 to 49 year old is
1600 mg/day (EGVM, 2001). In the Netherlands with a traditionally high consumption of milk products the
95 percentile of calcium intake without supplements is 2100 mg per day in young men between 16 to 22
years old (Hulshof and Kruizinga, 1999). In Germany the mean calcium intake of male subjects between
15 and 24 years old is 2100 mg/day (Heseker et al, 1994), but some 10% of adolescents consume more
than 2100 mg per day (Alexy and Kersting, 1999).
In Dutch children the 95 percentile of calcium intake in boys and girls between one and 4 years of age
is around 1300 mg/day, it is between 1400 and 1700 mg/day in boys and girls 4 to 13 years of age
(Hulshof and Kruizinga, 1999). Somewhat lower 97.5 percentile intakes of 1200 to 1500 mg/day have
been observed in British children between 1.5 and 14 years of age. The 90 percentile of calcium intake
of 750 German children participating in a longitudinal observational study was 800 to 1000 mg/day
between age one and 2 years, 700 to 900 mg/day between age 4 to 6 years and 1000 to 1600 mg/day
between age 7 to 14 years (Alexy and Kersting, 1999).
These calcium intakes are quite similar to the calcium intakes of 1100 to 1900 mg/day supplied in
intervention trials with children between 6 and 14 years of age which studied the effect on bone mineral
mass and bone density (Johnston et al, 1992; Lloyd et al, 1993; Chan et al, 1995; Bonjour et al, 1997).
In British infants the 97.5
percentile of calcium intake was 1400 mg/day (EGVM, 2001). In German non-
breast-fed infants the 90
percentile of calcium intake was 700 to 900 mg/day (Alexy and Kersting, 1999).
Although there are no data to set a numerical UL for children and adolescents no appreciable risk has
been identified even with current extreme levels of calcium intake in this age group.
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Calcium 234
No Authors Study aim Study design
Effects Adverse effects
Johnston et al,
Effects of calcium
on BMD in
identical twins
n = 70 pairs
n = 20 prebubertal
supplemental twins greater
increases in BMD at 5 of 6 sites
by 2.8 to 5.1% compared to
control twin after 3 years
There was no benefit in
supplemented 23 twins who
were in or post puberty
None reported
control n = 70 908
supplement n = 70 894
(total 1612)
1000 citrate malate
age 6 to 14 y over 3 years
One twin control for the other
45 pairs completed the study.
Lloyd et al,
Effect of calcium
supplementation on
bone acquisition
n = 94
Randomised double-blind
BMD increased by 1.3% more
with supplement. Calcium
excretion with supplement by
17 mg/24 h higher
None reported
placebo control n = 48 935 - citrate malate
supplement n = 46
age 11.3 years, 18 months
1020 350
Chan et al,
Effect of extra dairy
products on bone
n = 46
randomised, controlled BMD increased by 10% more
with supplement
None reported
control n = 24 700
supplement n = 22 1400 dairy products
age 11 years, 12 months
Bonjour et al,
Effect of calcium
on bone mass in
prepubertal girls
double blind placebo-controlled
age 6.9-9.4 y
None reported
mean increment in bone mass
greater at 6 sites; more so if
spontaneous dietary Ca intake
<860 mg/d;
greater height 1 year after
treatment ended effect
None reported
placebo n = 67 880 unfortified food
supplement n = 77 920 810 milk-extracted
fortified foods
1 year
n = 100
placebo n = 54
supplement n = 55
Bonjour et al,
n = 16
placebo n = 54
supplement n = 62
3.5 years after treatment ended
BMD still higher in supplemen-
ted, also BMC and bone area,
5 Kochersberger
et al, 1991
Effects of calcium
on PTH and bone
metabolism in elderly
Randomised double-blind
Decrease in PTH with decrease
Increase in urinary calcium from
120 to 188 mg/d creatinine
Constipation in
placebo n = 24 726 -
supplement n = 26 708 1200 carbonate
66-83 y
6 months
Annex I. Intervention studies with calcium supplements
No Authors Study aim Study design
Effects Adverse effects
Reid et al, 1993
Effect of calcium sup-
plementation on BMD
of postmenopausal
Randomised placebo-
BMD decline less in
supplement group
Serum PTH lower
None reported
placebo n = 61 730 - sucrose
supplement n = 61 760 1000 lactate
age 58 ± 5
2 years
Elders et al,
Effect of two doses
of calcium supple-
mentation on bone
loss in perimenopau-
sal women
Randomised controlled Rate of bone loss and bone
turnover less in supplemented
in 1rst year, similar to control in
2nd year.
Bone loss after 3 y in early
menopausal women 3.2% in
control versus 1.6% in sup-
plement groups (lumbar and
discomfort change
to calcium citrate
n = 35
Mean increase of
serum creatine
(1.2 µm/L) in sup-
plement II, trend in
supplement I
control n = 84 1065 - -
supplement I n = 66 994 1000 lactogluconate
+ carbonate
supplement II n = 64 1052 2000 lactogluconate
+ carbonate
age 46-55 y
2 years + 1 years
Riggs et al,
Effect of calcium
supplementation on
serum PTH, bone
turnover and bone
loss in the elderly
Randomised placebo-control-
Decrease in serum PTH, bone
resorption and bone loss
(weak effects)
One case of
hypercalcaemia in
supplement group
Hypercalciuria in 51
(44 supplemented.
7 unsupplemented)
control n = 117 -
supplement n = 115 1600 citrate
menopausal women
(66 ± 0.2 y)
4 years
Heaney et al,
Effect of dietary
calcium supplemen-
tation on calcium
economy in older
controlled intervention Extra calcium decreased serum
PTH by 9% and N-telopeptide
in urine by 13%.
Urine calcium increased by 21
Bone specific alkaline
phosphatase fell by 9% in
both groups
Serum IGF-1 rose by 10% in
the milk group
Extra weight gain of
0.7 kg in milk group
control n = 103 649-779 5-36
intervention n = 101 690-801 714-755 milk
age 55-85;
men and women;
12 weeks
Calcium 236
No Authors Study aim Study design
Effects Adverse effects
Peacock et al,
Effect of calcium sup-
plement or 25-OH-D
on bone loss, bone
Randomised double-blind
Control group lost BMD at total
hip, the Suppl. II group did not
lose BMD.
The 25-OH-D group was
Lowest fracture rate in group II,
highest in group I
Constipation in
group II
One proband with ki-
dney stone in group II
placebo n = 129 629 -
supplement I n = 124 739 25(OH)D
supplement II n = 124 670 750 citrate malate
60-74 years
over 4 y
# and !
11 Dawson-
Hughes and
Harris, 2002
Influence of calcium
plus vitamin D on pro-
tein intake effect on
BMD in older adults
Randomised placebo-control-
A higher protein intake had
favourable effect on 3-y change
in total body BMD in the
supplemented group only
None reported
placebo n = 184 755-940 - -
supplement n = 158 809-855 500
17.5 µg
Vit. D
citrate malate
Healthy #and!,
age > 65 y
3 years
12 Schaafsma
et al, 2002
Effect of two calcium
supplements on
femoral BMD,
biochemical markers
of bone and calcium
metabolism in late
Randomised double-blind
over 12 m
age >50 <70 y
Increase of BMD femoral neck
supplement II versus control,
Supplement groups showed
changes in serum markers
of bone resorption and bone
formation indicating decreased
bone turnover
None reported
No changes in serum
calcium, phosphate,
placebo n = 27 50 skimmed milk
supplement I n = 24 1294 ± 421 1000 egg-shell
supplement II n = 22 1000 carbonate
supplements provided
Vit. D 10 µg
Vit. K 80 µg
Mg 350 mg
13 Villar and
Repke, 1990
Effect of calcium
on risk of preterm
Randomised double-blind
Preterm delivery: (<37th week)
placebo 21.1%, suppl. 7.4%.
Low birth weight: placebo
21.1%, suppl. 9.6%.
Duration of labour:
placebo 9.9 h, suppl. 12 h
suppl. increased gestation by
1.3 weeks birth weight by 189 g
None reported
placebo n = 95 1200 - -
supplement n = 94 1200 2000 (1500) carbonate
age <17 y
23rd week of gestation
No Authors Study aim Study design
Effects Adverse effects
Belizán et al,
Effect of calcium
on hypertensive
disorders of
Randomised double-blind
Hypertensive disorders
Placebo 14.8%, Suppl. 9.8%.
OR 0.63 (95% Cl 0.44-0.9)
Placebo 3.9%; Suppl. 2.6%
OR 0.65 (95% Cl 0.35-1.25)
None reported
placebo n = 588 642 ± 448 lactose
supplement n = 579 646 ± 396 4 x 500 carbonate
Nulliparous women
20 weeks pregnant
Bucher et al,
Effect of calcium
during pregnancy
on blood pressure,
preeclampsia and
adverse outcome
Metaanalysis 1966-1994
14 randomised placebo-
controlled studies
n = 2459
Reduction in systolic blood
pressure by 5.4 mm Hg and
in diastolic blood pressure by
3.44 mm Hg.
Preeclampsia OR 0.38 (95% Cl
0.22-0.65) for calcium supple-
Levine et al,
Effect of calcium
during pregnancy on
hypertension, adverse
perinatal outcome
Randomised double-blind
No significant differences for
preeclampsia, hypertension nor
in perinatal outcome
Women with increa-
sed risk for nephroli-
thiasis, with increa-
sed serum calcium
and creatinine had
been excluded
placebo n = 2294 ~1000 corn-starch -
supplement n = 2295 2 x 1000
(total 2400)
Nulliparous women
13-21 weeks pregnant
age 21 ± 4 y
Koo et al, 1999
Effect of maternal
calcium supplement
during pregnancy
on fetal bone
Randomised double-blind
Pregnant <22 w
No significant difference in
infants in BMC, BMD total body
and lumbar spine of infants
Increase in BMC in infants
of supplemented mothers in
lowest quintile of spontaneous
dietary calcium intake and with
increasing maternal calcium
intake of all source
Non reported
placebo n = 128 1035
- -
supplement n = 128 1010
2 x 1000
Baron et al,
Effect of calcium
supplementation on
recurrence of colo-
rectal adenomas
Randomised double-blind
Recurrence risk ratio for sup-
plement compared to placebo
0.85 (95% Cl: 0.74-0.98) after
one years;
after 4 years 0.81 (95% Cl:
No difference
between placebo and
placebo n = 466
completed n = 423
865 - cellulose/su-
supplement n = 464
completed n = 409
889 1200 carbohydrate
age 61 y
over 4 years
Calcium 238
No Authors Study aim Study design
Effects Adverse effects
19 Sokoll and
Hughes, 1992
Effect of calcium
supplementation on
iron stores in healthy
Randomised controlled No differences between control
and treatment groups in plasma
ferritin, serum iron, total iron
binding capacity, transferrin
saturation, haemoglobin,
None reported
control n = 52 610 - -
supplement n = 57 559 1000 carbonate
12 weeks
Yan et al, 1996
Effect of calcium
supplementation on
indices of iron, zinc,
magnesium status in
lactating women
Randomised double-blind
No differences in status indices
for zinc, iron, magnesium
None reported
placebo n = 30 290 - dextrose
supplement n = 30 280 1000
5 d/week
One year
16-41 years
21 Minihane and
Tait, 1998
Effect of calcium
supplementation on
body iron in healthy
Controlled No effect of calcium (400 mg
per meal) supplementation on
functional iron indices
(Hb, haematocrit, zinc, proto-
prophyrin, plasma ferriti
None reported
control n = 13 980 - -
supplement n = 11 1090 1200 carbonate
age 18-69 y
over 6 months
22 Kalkwarf and
Harrast, 1998
Effect of calcium
supplementation on
iron status lactating
Randomised double-blind
No effect of calcium on iron
None reported
placebo n = 80 680-780 lactose
supplement n = 78 680-744 1000 carbonate
Raschke and
Jahreis, 2002
Effect of calcium
and phosphorus on
calcium and mineral
Intervention of 2 weeks each
after 3 weeks control
n = 10 healthy men
Increase of faecal calcium
excretion and decrease of
urinary calcium excretion with
supplement II. No change on
calcium balance
No influence on magnesium
No influence on iron status
No influence on renal and
faecal zinc excretion
Decrease in serum
control 1.1 mg/dl
suppl. II 0.9 mg/dl
basis 1800
supplement I 1800
(+800 mg P)
supplement II 1800
(+1600 mg P)
No Author Patient
Calcium intake
Total Milk supple-
Other drugs Duration of Ca
Ca in Serum Renal (Nephro)
mmol/L failure calcinosis
1 Mc Millan +
A17 M 51 peptic ulcer 3 y n.r. high
2 g
Alka Seltzer,
bicarbonate 2 y
reserpine chronic 2 y
1.8 g
11.2 g carbonate Al(OH) 4 d 4.5 + - hypertension
28-64 gastric/duodenal
n.r. 1.8 g 11.2 g carbonate - 7 day-test 8/19>2.8 creatine in se-
rum in-creased
decreased by
- normal
21 Cameron
+ Spence,
F 40 «heartburn», thirst
8 y
n.r. < 0.8 6.4 carbonate + (Rennie) 11 y thirst 2.85 + + partial renal
22 Riley, 1970 M 66 duodenal ulcer n.r. 3.2 carbonate Al(OH) - 30 y anorexia,
3.75 + keratopathy persistent renal
23 Assari +
M 52 gastric ulcer n.r. 4.5-6.8 - - sodium bicar-
- 2.5 y salt-losing
2.8 + - persistent renal
24 Danells
et al
, 1972
1 F 45 duodenal ulcer n.r. >2.4 bismuth anticholinergica 3 y 4.0 + + persistent renal
25 2 M 45 duodenal ulcer n.r. 1.8-2.4 + carbonate magnesium
anticholinergica 14 d vomiting 3.5 + - normal
26 Barragry +
1 M 35 duodenal ulcer n.r. 1.8 - - 60 g/d Soda - 5 y polyuria 3.0 + - normal
27 2 M 39 epigastric pain,
n.r. 3.4 + carbonate - - 6 y + 7 y - 2.3-3.7 chronic renal
28 Junor +
Catto, 1976
1 M 53 gastric ulcer 20 y n.r. large - - sodium
- 20 y vomiting n.r. + + normal
29 2 M 40 gastric ulcer 25 g n.r. 4.5 - - sodium
- 25 y - n.r. + + persistent renal
30 3 M 47 duodenal ulcer
>25 y
n.r. large - - sodium
- > 25 y vomiting n.r. + + persistent renal
31 Rochman
et al
, 1977
M 60 duodenal ulcer n.r. n.r. 11-23 carbonate - - 3 y vomiting 3.0 + + renal acidosis
Frame et al,
F 51 nchhausen
n.r. n.r. 5-15 carbonate - thiazide months - 5.0 (+) - normal
et al
M 65 duodenal ulcer n.r. 2.3-4.5 + carbonate sodium
- many years constipation,
3.5 + keratopathy normal
34 Roberts +
Tuthill, 1984
M 57 indigestion anxiety n.r. n.r. 7.2 carbonate + aspirin
several months vomiting 3.4 + soft tissue
Annex II. Milk-alkali syndrome (from 1965 to 2001)
Calcium 240
No Author Patient
Calcium intake
Total Milk supple-
Other drugs Duration of Ca
Ca in Serum Renal (Nephro)
mmol/L failure calcinosis
35 Schumann +
Jones, 1985
1 M 32 gastric ulcer 10 y n.r. 4.5 - - bismuth cimetidine
6 w vomiting 3.5 + - normal
2 M 43 epigastric pain,
renal failure 14 m
9.8 2.3 + carbonate - - 20 y - 3.3 + soft tissue
persistent renal
36 Dorsch,
F 52 epigastric pain 8 y,
renal failure 6 m
n.r. n.r. 2.1 carbonate - - 8 y vomiting,
weight loss
3.3 + - normal
37 Smit +
M 55 diabetes mellitus,
renal insufficiency
3.3 carbonate Rennie + insulin
15 y dehydration 4.6 recurrent + band keratopathy normal,
no diabetes
et al
1 M 49 gastritis, indiges-
tion, hypertension
8 0.8 6.7 carbonate + - years polyuria,
polydipsia 2 w
3.7 + - normal
39 2 M 43 hypertension, renal
n.r. n.r. 4.2 carbonate + indomethacin
many years - 4.0 + - normal
3 F 62 pyelonephritis,
analgesic abuse
5 n.r. 4.2 carbonate + - 5 y - 4.0 - - normal
4 F 71 malaise, kidney
stones, renal failure
n.r. n.r. n.r. carbonate + - many years - 3.5 + - normal
40 Kapsner
et al
, 1986
1 F 32 cardiac
>0.6 n.r. 10 carbonate - hydrochlo-
10 m vomiting 5.5 + - normal
41 2 M 24 cardiac
>3.8 n.r. 3.2 carbonate - furosemide +
10 m - 6.7 + - normal
42 3 M 40 cardiac transplanta-
tion, kidney stones
n.r. n.r. 4.8 carbonate - prednison 3 d - 3.1 + - normal
52 M
13 F
9-64 peptic ulcer
n.r. n.r. 1.3-4.8 carbonate - prednison 1 w - > 6 m - 2.7->3.5 37/65 - normal
43 Kallner +
F 41 anorexia nervosa,
up to
- - - chlorthalidone 12 y vomiting 4.0 recurrent + - normal
44 Bullimore +
F 35 achalasia 6 2.3 3 carbonate Rennies + - 20 y nausea,
4.1 + - normal
45 Jenkins
et al
, 1987
M 65 epigastric pain,
n.r. n.r. 2.4-4.8 carbonate + triamterene
1 year,
dose increase
2 w
dehydration 5.5 + - normal
46 Canning +
Slater, 1987
F 61 duodenal ulcer 8 y,
renal failure
n.r. n.r. 1.1 carbonate sodium
- 8 y vomiting,
4.3 recurrent + + persistent renal
47 Schaefers,
M 46 alcoholic gastritis n.r. n.r. 4.6 carbonate sodium
- many years vomiting 3.7 + - persistent renal
No Author Patient
Calcium intake
Total Milk supple-
Other drugs Duration of Ca
Ca in Serum Renal (Nephro)
mmol/L failure calcinosis
48 Ullian +
Linas, 1988
F 31 hyperemesis of
+ carbonate - - weeks vomiting 3 d,
3.6 + - stillborn fetus
37 w with
malformation of
limbs and ears
Gora et al,
M 47 hypertension,
kidney stones,
n.r. n.r. 3-4 carbonate - hydrochlo-
2 y - 3.4 + - normal
50 Kleinman
et al
, 1991
F 31 pregnancy 36 w,
n.r. 1.2 6 carbonate + - 2 w vomiting 3 d 5.6 + - normal (child
normal 40 w)
51 Gibbs + Lee,
M 51 peptic ulcer n.r. 2.4 - - +
Mg carbonate
- years vomiting,
3.5 + keratopathy normal
Nakanishi et
al, 1992
M 74 cerebral infarction
n.r. 0.4 n.r. - magnesium
- weeks dehydration 3.6 + - n.r.
et al
1 M 60 diabetes mellitus,
n.r. n.r. 1 carbonate sodium bicar-
insulin 15 y vomiting 1 w 3.8 + (+) persistent renal
54 2 M 60 dyspepsia n.r. 2.3 7.2 carbonate - - > 3 m venous
3.3 + - normal
55 3 F 54 breast cancer,
peptic ulcer
n.r. n.r. + carbonate - - years - 3.7 + - persistent renal
56 4 M 53 diabetes mellitus,
coronary artery
n.r. > 2.7 6 carbonate - - 3 m nausea 2 m 3.4 + - persistent renal
57 5 M 65 hypertension n.r. > 0.8 3 carbonate - reserpine
several years vomiting 3.3 + - persistent renal
58 Newmark
+ Nugent,
M 55 kidney stones,
chronic pulmonary
n.r. n.r. 8.4 carbonate + - 30 y vomiting 5 d 4.0 + - normal
, 1994
M 53 epigastric pain 0.6 4.5 carbonate - - months 3 w of thirst,
3.6 + - normal
60 Brandwein
+ Sigman,
M 47 peptic ulcer 5.4 n.r. 2-3 carbonate - - several years nausea,
vomiting 1 w
3.9 + - normal
61 Beall +
1 F 45 dyspepsia n.r. n.r. 2.4 carbonate + prednison 1 year increase of
calcium dose
2 w
4.9 + - normal
62 2 F 42 peptic ulcer n.r. 1.2 2.4-4 carbonate - - 2 w vomiting 3.0 - - normal
63 3 F 34 fever n.r. n.r. 1.6-2.5 carbonate prednison prednison 1 m increase
calcium dose
3.0 - - normal
Calcium 242
No Author Patient
Calcium intake
Total Milk supple-
Other drugs Duration of Ca
Ca in Serum Renal (Nephro)
mmol/L failure calcinosis
64 4 M 60
n.r n.r. n.r. 1.6-4.6
n.r. n.r. n.r. n.r.
n.r. n.r. n.r.
65 5 F 58 carbonate 3.5
66 6 F 53 carbonate 4.9
67 7 F 95 carbonate 2.8
et al
M 65 hypertension,
diabetes mellitus
n.r. n.r. 6-12 carbonate sodium
- 1.5 y dehydration 4.3 + soft tissue
persistent renal
69 Muldowney
+ Mazbar,
F 35 bulimia 15 y,
chronic vomiting
n.r. > 0.9 0.8 carbonate - - recently nausea,
4.0 + - normal
et al
1 M 55 bladder stones,
betelnut chewing
n.r. n.r. 3.5 carbonate - piroxicam 30 y - 3.4 + + persistent renal
71 2 M 63 epigastric pain,
betelnut chewing
n.r. n.r. 2.5 carbonate - famotidine > 30 y - 3.8 + nephrolithiasis persistent renal
72 Olschewski
et al
, 1996
M 54 duodenal ulcer 10,
kidney stone
n.r. 1.2-2.4 2.4 carbonate +
4 y nausea 3.9 + + persistent renal
Lin et al,
F 70 osteoporosis n.r. n.r. 3.75 carbonate - 0.5 µg calcitriol 4 w anorexia,
4.0 + soft tissue
74 Fiorino, 1996 M 66 alcoholism n.r. n.r. + carbonate + laxatives n.r. anorexia,
vomiting 3 w
4.4 + - death,
multiorgan failure
75 Fitzgibbons
+ Snoey,
M 39 peptic ulcer,
n.r. n.r. + carbonate sodium
- n.r. 3.1 + - persistent renal
76 George +
Clark, 2000
F 44 dyspepsia,
kidney stones
n.r. n.r. 2.7 carbonate - - 2-3 y vomiting 2 d 4.0 + - normal
77 Vanpee
et al
, 2000
M 64 carcinoma,
insufficiency 2 y
n.r. n.r. 2.7 carbonate - - 2 w dose
1 w
3.5 + + persistent renal
78 Grundfast
et al
, 2001
M 59 gastric/duodenal
n.r. n.r. 6-10 carbonate - + n.r. vomiting 2 d,
anorexia 2 w
4.1 + - n.r.
79 Carroll +
Clark, 1983
1 M 50 duodenal ulcer n.r. 2.3 1 carbonate sodium
- 10 y polyuria,
6 m
3.2 + +
soft tissue
80 2 M 60 oesophagitis n.r. 2.3 7 carbonate - - years n.r. 4.0 + +
soft tissue
persistent renal
81 3 M 60 tongue,
n.r. 2.3 0.5 carbonate - Vit A 6 mg,
Vit E 2 g
2 m n.r. 3.2 + +
soft tissue
died from
82 4 M 77 dyspepsia n.r. n.r. 0.6-2 carbonate - - 5 y anorexia 2 w 4.5 + - normal
Vitamin E
This opinion is one in the series of opinions of the Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) on the upper
levels of vitamins and minerals. The terms of reference given by the European Commission for this task,
the related background and the guidelines used by the Committee to develop tolerable upper intake
levels for vitamins and minerals used in this opinion, which were expressed by the SCF on 19 October
2000, are available on the Internet at the pages of the SCF, at the address:
Vitamin E is the term used to describe a group of related fat-soluble tocochromanols, including eight
naturally occurring components, which exhibit antioxidant activity and are nutritionally essential. The
two major homologous series of tocochromanols, the tocopherols and tocotrienols, both have vitamin
E activity in humans and animals and are synthesised by higher plants and cyanobacteria.
In all homologues, the basic structural unit is a chroman ring system (2-methyl-6-hydroxychroman) with
an isoprenoid side chain of 16 C atoms. The compounds, including α-, β-, γ-, and δ-homologues, differ
in number and position of the methyl substituents in the chroman ring. Tocopherols differ from their
corresponding tocotrienols in having a saturated side chain. The presence of the phenolic hydroxyl
group in the tocochromanols is important for their activity as antioxidants. At least one methyl group
in the benzene ring is of primary importance. α-Tocopherol with three methyl groups is the most active
of all homologues, followed by β-, γ-, and δ-tocopherol. The only forms retained in human plasma are
the RRR-α-tocopherol and the 2R-stereoisomers, RSR-, RRS- and RSS-α-tocopherol; the various
2S-stereoisomers (SRR-, SSR-, SRS- and SSS-α-tocopherol) which form part of synthetic all rac-α-
tocopherol are not maintained in plasma (Traber, 1999). The vitamin E activity is expressed as RRR-
α-tocopherol equivalents, which accounts for about 90% of the activity in human tissue; the relative
potency of α-, β-, γ-, and δ-tocopherol is reported to be approximately 100:50:25:1. The commercially
available synthetic form is all rac-α-tocopheryl acetate with the activity of 0.67 x RRR-α-tocopherol. For
practical purposes, 1 International Unit (I.U.) of vitamin E is referred to as 1 mg of all rac-α-tocopheryl
acetate (Schäfer and Elmadfa, 1984; Elmadfa and Leitzmann, 1998).
In the following report the term vitamin E is related to α-tocopherol equivalents.
2.1. Occurrence in food
The major food sources of vitamin E are vegetable oils, unprocessed cereal grains, and nuts with smaller
amounts in fruits and vegetables and meats (mainly the fatty portion).
2.2. Dietary intake of vitamin E
As indicated above, only the RRR-α-tocopherol from food and the 2R-stereoisomeric forms that occur
in supplements and fortified foods are retained in the body because α-tocopherol transfer protein
has an affinity only for these isomers . However, most nutrient data bases and survey data do not
distinguish between the various tocopherols in food. Consequently, the data are presented as α-
tocopherol equivalents which include all eight naturally occurring forms.
Vitamin E
Table 1. Estimated intakes of vitamin E (mg TE/day)
Country Type of survey n Method Supplements* Mean 97.5%
Individual 2488 24h recall Not defined 11.8 30.6
Individual (M)
Individual (F)
7-day dietary record
Individual (M)
Individual (F)
Individual (M)
Individual (F)
7-day weighed
9.9 (9.3)
7.2 (6.7)
11.7 (9.3)
8.6 (6.8)
Household 2734 7-day record + 11 22
Individual 5958 2-day record - 12.5 28.1
Individual (M)
Individual (F)
7-day estimated food
+ data included supplements; - data excluded supplements.
Elmadfa et al (1998).
Heseker et al (1994) - values are the median.
Gregory et al (1990) - values are the mean with the median in parentheses.
Turrini (1996).
Hulshof and Kruizinga (1999).
IUNA (2001).
2.3. Absorption and metabolism
The bioavailability of vitamin E is related to the efficiency of absorption. Intestinal absorption of lipids
and fat-soluble vitamins depends on pancreatic function, biliary secretion to form micelles with the
hydrolysed fat, and transfer across intestinal membranes. Nearly all of the vitamin E absorbed across
the intestinal mucosa is free tocopherol. In vivo and in vitro studies suggest that the rate of uptake
of vitamin E is controlled by passive diffusion. Absorption of tocopherols is incomplete; the extent of
absorption is dependent on intake and varies between 20-80%. The proportion absorbed decreases
with increasing amount added to experimental diets; the average absorption is about 40-60% while
pharmacological doses of 200 mg and more are absorbed to the extent of <10%.
Cannulation studies indicate that there is no difference in absorption between α-tocopherol and
α-tocopheryl acetate at physiological doses. At high levels of intake, (>400 IU/day) a higher degree of
absorption was obtained with free tocopherol than tocopheryl esters.
About 90% of the free α-tocopherol is transported via the lymphatic system into the bloodstream,
where it is distributed into lipoproteins on passage into the liver. The main systemic transport system of
tocopherols is the LDL-fraction (55-65%) followed by the HDL (24-27%) and VLDL (8-18%). There is very
close correlation (r=0.925) between the total serum α-tocopherol and that portion carried by LDL.
2.4. Mode of action and nutritional requirements
The basic mode of action of tocopherols in human tissue is to prevent the oxidation of polyunsaturated
fatty acids (PUFA) by trapping free radicals and donating hydrogen. It is effective in protecting the
integrity of lipid and phospholipid in membranes and thus the requirement for vitamin E and the
recommended intake is determined to a large extent by the intake of PUFAs. It has been shown
that increasing the PUFA content of a diet low in α-tocopherol equivalents has adverse effects on
tocopherol status (Horwitt, 1974; SCF, 1993).
In human metabolism, vitamin E is known to interact with other nutrients which are also involved in the
pathways of oxidation processes. Vitamin C, selenium and zinc interact synergistically with vitamin E.
Conversely, an iron overload is associated with a lowering of serum vitamin E levels.
Results from animal models and epidemiological studies in humans suggest that vitamin E may
protect against cancer. The most consistent associations have been reported for cancers of the lung,
oesophagus and colorectum. Three intervention trials showed an inverse rel;ationship between vitamin
E intake and cancer risk: LINXIAN study (Blot et al, 1993), ATBC study (Heinonen et al, 1998) and
Vitamin E
Polyprevention study (Greenberg et al, 1994). However, in the LINXIAN study, the protective effect for
oesophageal and gastric cancer was associated with co-administration of vitamin C, E and selenium
and in the Polyprevention study there was no effect on the incidence of colorectal adenomas. The
ATBC study did show a protective effect of vitamin E on mortality from prostate cancer.
Although the evidence is stronger for prevention of coronary heart disease, only one of four double-
blind, placebo-controlled trials, the Cambridge Heart Antioxidant Study (CHAOS), had a positive
result (Stephens et al, 1996). Two other trials (the GISSI-Prevenzione Trial and the Heart Outcomes
Prevention Evaluation [HOPE] Study) were neutral (GISSI-Prevenzione Investigators 1999 and HOPE
study Investigators 2000). In addition, the ATBC Cancer Prevention Study reported no beneficial effects
on myocardial infarction rates (ATBC Cancer Prevention Study Group, 1994).
In a recent placebo-controlled trial of the effect of antioxidant vitamin supplementation in 20536 high-
risk individuals aged 40-80 years, vitamin E (600 mg) was administered along with vitamin C (250 mg)
and beta-carotene (20 mg) daily over a 5 year period. There were no significant differences in all-cause
mortality nor deaths due to vascular or non-vascular causes. There were no effects on cancer incidence
nor on hospitalisation for an other cause. The study group concluded that in this group, these vitamins
were safe but were ineffective in producing significant reduction in 5-year mortality from any cause
(Heart Protection Study Collaborative Group, 2002)
A randomised controlled trial was conducted in 1193 healthy volunteers aged 55-80 years to determine
whether vitamin E supplementation (500 IU daily) influenced the incidence or rate of progression of age-
related maculopathy. After 4 years there was no indication that vitamin E prevented the development
of macular degeneration (Taylor et al, 2002)
2.5. Vitamin E requirements
The major problem in making recommendations for vitamin E is the dependence on the PUFA intake.
Across Europe there are wide variations in PUFA consumption. The intakes are normally distributed
but high values are common. Based on the strong relation between vitamin E requirements and PUFA,
recommendations have to take into account the different intake of PUFAs in different population
groups. Therefore the recommended intakes are given as the ratio mg α-tocopherol equivalents: 0.4
mg x g dietary PUFA. There is no evidence that this level is inadequate for anyone, and it is used by
several different countries and organisations (SCF, 1993; Yasuda, 1993; D-A-CH Referenzwerte, 2000).
In view of the difficulty in recommending the amount of vitamin E with the optimal effects on human
metabolism, the recommendations for vitamin E expressed as α-tocopherol equivalents for adults differ
Several double-blind placebo-controlled trials of the efficacy of supplementary vitamin E in preventing or
ameliorating CHD are currently in progress but the US Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy
of Science concluded that the evidence presently available does not allow recommendations for higher
intakes of vitamin E to be made.
2.6. Nutritional status for vitamin E
Normal plasma vitamin E concentrations in humans range from 12-45 μM (0.5-2 mg/dL). The most
important factor influencing the vitamin E plasma concentrations appears to be the content of total
lipids. The plasma concentrations alone, however usually do not directly reflect the intake of vitamin E
and there is a strong correlation between vitamin E intake and fat intake (Bramley et al, 2000).
2.7. Vitamin E deficiency
Vitamin E deficiency in animals is associated with a progressive necrosis of the nervous system and
muscle. Chronic marginal deficiency can be generally characterised by an enhanced susceptibility
to lipid peroxidation and corresponding lipofuschinosis. In rats this first results in weakening of
the basement membranes of the muscle capillaries and a breakdown of endothelial cells. Later, a
subendothelial fibrosis arises in combination with fibrous and calcified lesions and necrosis in the
media of the aorta. In piglets, vitamin E deficiency leads to a combination of myocardial necrosis with
widespread thrombosis of the myocardial circulation.
Vitamin E
2.7.1. Sensitive sub-populations
In humans, vitamin E deficiency causes a proliferative vasculopathy in premature, neonatal infants,
neuropathological disturbances, cardiomyopathy and haematological disorders in children and adults
(for review see Elmadfa and Bosse 1985; Gey, 1993).
As vitamin E is a component of many different foods, a deficiency arising from low dietary intake is
improbable. Therefore the ratio of 0.4 mg α-tocopherol equivalents per g dietary polyunsaturated fatty
acids expressed as dienoic acid, is valid, provided that the intake does not fall below 4 mg/d for adult
men and 3 mg/d for adult women (SCF, 1993; Elmadfa and Leitzmann, 1998).
The sub-populations most likely to have a deficiency of vitamin E are:
Premature infants and full-term infants of low birth weight (<2500 g);
Patients with gastrointestinal or hepatic disorders with malabsorption syndromes;
Subjects with A-β-lipoproteinaemia.
Especially in low-birth-weight infants, iron administration may lead to the development of vitamin E-
deficiency anaemia (Melhorn and Gross, 1971; Dallman, 1974), particularly in infants who are also fed
a high PUFA formula. These infants are also known to be more susceptible to oxygen injury but without
having a high storage capacity and thus have higher vitamin E requirements in ratio to their body weight
(D-A-CH Referenzwerte, 2000).
3.1. Toxicological data in animals
3.1.1. Acute toxicity
Vitamin E has a very low acute oral toxicity. The LD
for α-tocopherol per se is greater than 2000 mg/kg
body weight in mice, rats (adult and neonate) and rabbits and for the succinate ester it is >7000 mg/kg
body weight for young adult rats of both sexes (Krasavage and Terhaar, 1977).
3.1.2. Sub-chronic toxicity
In rats given α-tocopheryl acetate by gavage at doses of 125-2000 mg/kg bw/day, TSH levels were
elevated by 30-100%. At a dose of about 500 mg/kg bw/day biochemical indices of hepatotoxicity
(serum alkaline phosphatase, alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase) were elevated
and liver weight was increased. The NOAEL for these effects was 125 mg RRR-α-tocopheryl acetate/kg
body weight (Abdo et al, 1986).
3.1.3. Chronic toxicity
Two long-term studies of up to 16 months and 2 years duration respectively have been conducted in
rats (Yang and Desai, 1977; Wheldon et al, 1983). In the second of these studies, the animals received
doses of 500, 1000 or 2000 mg dl-α-tocopheryl acetate/kg bw/day. At all dose levels between 15 and
18 weeks the male animals developed spontaneous haemorrhages in the gut, urinary tract, meninges,
orbit and at sites of minor injury. This led to some mortality but in survivors the condition was corrected
by administration of 10 mg vitamin K
/kg body weight. The only other treatment-related effect of
significance was the presence of vacuolated lipid staining macrophages in the liver.
Vitamin E displayed no evidence of carcinogenicity in either study. However, a NOEL could not be
established in the latter study with respect to effects on blood clotting and liver histology (WHO, 1986).
3.1.4. Reproductive toxicity/teratogenicity
The results of reproductive toxicity studies in rats indicated that vitamin E (administered as the water-
soluble d-α-tocopherol (polyethylene glycol 1000 succinate) did not have adverse effects on reproductive
function at doses of up to 2% of the diet (Krasavage and Terhaar, 1977) and d-α-tocopherol was not
teratogenic in mice (Hook et al, 1974).
3.1.5. Genotoxicity
No studies designed to investigate the potential genotoxicity of vitamin E per se were identified.
However, in studies of the modulating effect of vitamin E on the mutagenicity/clastogenicity of other
genotoxic compounds, there were no indications of genotoxicity in vitamin E controls.
Vitamin E
In investigations of the potential anticlastogenic activity in human lymphocytes in vitro, vitamin E did
not induce chromosomal damage or sister chromatid exchange (Gebhart et al 1985).
In the Salmonella typhimurium assay, dl-α-tocopherol caused a significant decrease in point mutations
induced by malonaldehyde or beta-propiolactone (Shamberger et al 1979).
In a sex-linked recessive lethal mutation assay in Drosophila, alpha-tocopheryl acetate in the nutrient
medium at 500 IU/kg did not affect the mutation rate in irradiated males but caused a significant reduction
in lethal mutations in subsequent generations bred from unirradiated females (Beckmann et al 1982).
3.2. Human studies
There are many reports in the literature dealing with the toxicity of vitamin E in human subjects. It is
important to distinguish between these studies in degree and reliability. Some papers report a single
observation on one subject, others planned studies with placebos with and without double blinding.
It is noted that inconsistent adverse effects of vitamin E were observed in the uncontrolled studies
(Kappus and Diplock, 1992; Diplock, 1995).
One of the reported adverse effects concerns decreased blood coagulation. In a published case
report, a prolonged bleeding time was found during chronic warfarin therapy in a man taking 800 mg
α-tocopherol equivalents (1200 IU) (Corrigan and Ulfers, 1981). But in a more recent study neither
537mg α-tocopherol equivalents (800 IU) nor 800 mg α-tocopherol equivalents (1,200 IU) were found to
influence prothrombin time. None of the test subjects who received vitamin E had a significant change
in the bleeding time, so the authors concluded that vitamin E might safely be given to patients who
require chronic warfarin therapy (Kim and White, 1996). Studies with healthy humans with vitamin E
supplementation have shown that there are no changes in platelet aggregation or adhesion with daily
vitamin E intake up to 800 mg α-tocopherol equivalents (1,200 IU) (Farrell and Bieri, 1975; Tsai et al,
1978; Steiner, 1991; Steiner, 1993).
It has also been reported, that 604 mg α-tocopherol equivalents (900 IU) per day did not influence the
coagulation activity in persons who did not take any anticoagulant drugs (Kitagawa and Mino, 1989). The
question of bleeding time was studied by Meydani et al (1998) who found no adverse effects, including
the bleeding time, after a 4-month daily supplementation with 60, 200 or 800 IU (40, 134 or 537 mg α-
tocopherol equivalents) vitamin E. Some other intervention trials were reported to show benefit against
heart disease with higher vitamin E doses up to 800 IU = 537 mg α-tocopherol equivalents (Stampfer and
Rimm, 1995; Stephens et al, 1996) but this observation has not been shown consistently.
The studies considered of most scientific value with adequate controls are presented in Table 2.
Table 2. Studies with oral vitamin E in human subjects with strict controls
Reference Subjects Dose/duration Results
Farrell and Bieri,
1975 N = 28 adults
67-537 mg TE*/d 4 mo-21 yr
(mean 2.9 yr) (100-800 IU
No evidence of toxicity
by clinical chemical
blood analysis
Ernst and Matrai,
1985 N = 16 adults
536 mg TE/d 4 wk (800 mg/d
all rac-α- tocopheryl-acetate)
No adverse effects by
clinical chemical
blood analysis
N = 12
cardiology patients
67-269 mg TE/d
4 wk (100-400 IU all rac
Warfarin effect was intensified
* TE: α-tocopherol equivalents
Regarding controlled double blind studies of vitamin E toxicity in humans, several reports exist that
vitamin E has low toxicity and no consistent adverse effects, and these studies are reported in Table 3.
Vitamin E
The principal negative effect observed was on prothrombin time or other factors related to blood
clotting. In several studies no effects were reported but in others there were effects on blood clotting
and it was claimed that high doses of vitamin E only influenced blood clotting in cases of low vitamin
K status (Steiner, 1991; Steiner, 1993; Diplock et al, 1998). The published reports (Elmadfa, 1985;
Kappus and Diplock, 1992; Meydani et al, 1998) concluded that vitamin E at high dietary intakes affects
blood coagulation if vitamin K status is inadequate. High doses of α-tocopherol affected the vitamin
K metabolism by reducing the cyclooxygenase pathway and therefore thromboxane synthesis, thus
impairing the thromboxane-dependent blood coagulation and also decreasing the coagulation factor II
and VII. It was suggested that high doses (800-1200 α-tocopherol equivalents) should be avoided for
two weeks prior to and following surgery (Elmadfa and Bosse, 1985). In a critical comment on the high
upper level for vitamin E of 1000 mg/day derived by the US Food and Nutrition Board (Horwitt, 2001)
attention was drawn to the observation that the tendency to haemorrhage in aspirin users is increased
by vitamin E (Liede et al, 1998).
Table 3. Double blind control studies with oral vitamin E in humans
Reference Subjects Dose/duration Results
et al, 1974
N = 38
Angina pectoris patients
2362 mg TE*/d
9 wk
(3200 mg RRR-α-tocopheryl
No adverse effects except some
gastrointestinal disturbance
(diarrhoea: 3 subj;
intestinal spasm
et al,1985
N = 25
Diabetic subjects
1820 mg TE/d
(2000 mg all rac-α-tocophe-
ryl acetate)
No adverse effects by clinical
chemical blood analysis (cholesterol,
, T
, blood coagulation
et al, 1997
N = 52
Angina pectoris patients
1322 mg TE/d
6 mo (1600 IU RRR-α-
tocopheryl succinate)
No adverse effects in cardiac
function parameters, urinalysis,
blood count, blood chemistry,
prothrombin time
Kitagawa and Mino,
N = 19 adults
600mg TE/d
12 wk
(600mg α-tocopherol)
No objective or subjective
adverse effects
et al, 1983
N = 30 volunteers
550mg TE/d
16 w
(800 IU α-tocopherol)
No group differences
Tsai et al,
N = 202 volunteers
441 mg/d TE
4 w (600 IU α-tocopheryl
Serum T
and T
no adverse effect
et al, 1998
N = 88 healthy
volunteers aged >65 years
divided between control and
three dose groups
(17-19 per group)
60, 200 or 800 IU/d
for 4 months
No subjective side effects
No effect on GSH peroxidase,
superoxide dismutase, immuno-
globulin, anti-DNA or thyroglobulin
antibodies, body weight, total
plasma proteins, albumin, glucose,
lipids or lipoprotein profile,
total bilirubin, serum liver enzymes,
blood count, platelet number,
bleeding time, Hb, haematocrit,
urinary or serum creatinine
* TE: α-tocopherol equivalents
The effects on blood clotting are not, however, the only adverse effects requiring consideration. Side
effects reported in therapeutic use of vitamin E supplements include severe muscular weakness and
fatigue induced in adults receiving daily doses of 720 mg α-tocopherol (Cohen, 1973). These side
Vitamin E
effects were confirmed in a double-blind study on two healthy male subjects given the same dose of
α-tocopherol and the symptoms were associated with a large increase in 24 hr urinary creatinine and
elevated serum creatine phosphokinase (Briggs, 1974; Briggs and Briggs, 1974).
When patients with porphyria cutanea tarda were given daily doses of 1.0 g α-tocopherol for 3
months there was a marked increase in 24 hour urinary androgens (androsterone, etiocholanolone plus
dehydroepiandrosterone) from 3.5 to 4.6 mg/day while mean 24 hour pregnanediol fell from 2.2 to 0.5
mg/day (Pinelli et al, 1972). The authors concluded that the significance of these endocrine changes
was uncertain but could be important for patients with endocrine sensitive tumours.
Vitamin E has been reported to cause an increase in iodine uptake by the thyroid and in serum organic
iodine at doses of 400-500 mg/day of TE for 4 weeks but this was apparently asymptomatic and not
associated with an increase in BMR (Tsai et al, 1978).
A group of 52 elderly patients (average age 72 years) showed an average increase in serum cholesterol
of 74 mg/dL when given repeated daily doses of 300 mg α-tocopherol (Dahl, 1974). Conversely, no
such increase was seen in a small group of healthy men taking 588 mg (800 I.U.) daily (Briggs, 1974).
3.2.1. Epidemiological evidence
There are limited data relating to the effects of vitamin E on morbidity and mortality from chronic diseases.
In the ATBC study (1994) an increase was observed in the numbers of deaths from haemorrhagic stroke
among male smokers. Although the number of haemorrhagic stroke cases with 50 mg α-tocopherol
was 66 compared to 44 in the control group (total n = 29,133) no statistical significance was published.
A more recent analysis of this study indicated that there was an increased risk of subarachnoidal
haemorrhage in hypertensive men (RR 2.45; CI 1.08-5.55) and a significantly higher mortality. Gingival
bleeding occurred more frequently in subjects who were also taking aspirin (Leppala et al 2000 a and b;
Liede et al, 1998). In two other studies, the Secondary Prevention with Antioxidants of Cardiovascular
Disease in endstage renal disease (SPACE) and the Primary Prevention Project (Boaz et al 2000;
Collaborative Group of the Primary Prevention Project, 2001) there was a non-statistically significant
increase in fatal haemorrhages.
4.1. Adults
The establishment of a NOAEL depends on the interpretation of asymptomatic effects on clinical
biochemical parameters reported in some human studies and supported by similar effects in experimental
animals. No NOAEL could be established from the chronic toxicity studies in the rat with respect to blood
clotting and liver histology. Consequently, in considering food additive use, the Joint FAO/WHO Expert
Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) derived an ADI for dl-α-tocopherol of 0.15-2 mg/kg body weight
based on clinical experience in humans (WHO, 1986). The SCF reviewed the data on tocopherol extracts,
α-, β-, γ- and δ-tocopherol and α-tocopheryl acetate and concluded that their use as antioxidants in food
was acceptable and that it was not appropriate to establish an ADI (SCF, 1989).
In considering the derivation of a tolerable upper intake level the present Committee considered that the
asymptomatic effects on biochemical indices (urinary steroid hormones, I
metabolism), were of doubtful
toxicological significance and the reports of fatigue associated with effects on creatine phosphokinase
and increased urinary creatine were limited in duration and involved only two subjects. These observations
have not been reproduced in other studies. The Committee therefore decided that the critical effect is on
blood clotting and that the study by Meydani et al (1998) provided the best basis for an evaluation of the
tolerable upper intake level. The NOAEL established in this study was 540 mg/day.
Considering the above the Committee concluded that an uncertainty factor of 2 would adequately
cover interindividual differences in sensitivity. A larger uncertainty factor was not considered necessary
because data from a number of other older but less well controlled studies showed no adverse effects
at considerably higher intakes. The UL for vitamin E was therefore established as 270 mg/day for adults
and rounded to 300 mg/day.
4.2. Pregnancy and Lactation
The Committee considered that the UL applied also to the women during pregnancy and lactation based
on no indication from animal studies of special risk during this period.
Vitamin E
4.3. Children and adolescents
There are no data specifically relating to children and adolescents. The UL for children and adolescents
is derived by scaling the adult UL on the basis of body surface area (body weight
Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL)
for vitamin E (mg per day)
1-3 100
4-6 120
7-10 160
11-14 220
15-17 260
Current estimated intakes from food and supplements, including the 97.5
percentile, in the population
are generally well below the UL. However, some users of high dose supplements may exceed the UL.
Oral intakes of high amounts of vitamin E can increase the blood coagulation defects in subjects with
vitamin K deficiency caused by malabsorption or due to therapy with anticoagulants. Therefore the UL
is not considered to apply to patients receiving anticoagulant drugs or to patients with malabsorption
syndromes, nor to other conditions where the synthesis of vitamin K by the gut microflora might be
impaired. In addition there is evidence that vitamin E can increase the risk of haemorrhage in individuals
taking aspirin.
Abdo KM, Rao G, Montgomery CA (1986). Thirteen week toxic study of d-αtocopheryl acetate (vitamin E) in Fischer 344 rats. Fd Chem
Toxic 24: 1043-1050.
Anderson TW and Reid DB (1974). A double-blind trial of vitamin E in angina pectoris. Am J Clin Nutr 27: 1174-1178.
Beckmann C, Roy RM, Sproule A (1982) Modification of radiation-induced sex-linked recessive lethal mutation frequency by tocopherol.
Mut Res 105: 73-77.
Bierenbaum ML, Nooan FL, Machlin LJ,
et al
(1985). The effect of supplemental vitamin E on serum parameters in diabetics, postcoronary
and normal subjects. Nutr Res Int 31: 1171-1180.
Blankenhorn G and Clewing S (1993). Human studies of vitamin E and rheumatic inflammatory disease. In: Vitamin E in Health and Disease
(eds: Packer L and Fuchs J). Marcel Decker, New York.
Blot WJ, Li JY, Taylor PR, Guo W, Dawsey S, Wang GQ, Yang CS, Zheng SF, Gail M, Li GY,
et al
(1993). Nutrition intervention trials in
Linxian, China: supplementation with specific vitamin/mineral combinations, cancer incidence, and disease-specific mortality in the
general population. J Natl Cancer Inst 85: 1483-1492.
Boaz M, Smetana S, Weinstein T, Matas Z Gafter U, Iaina A, Knecht A, Weissgarten Y, Brunner D, Fainaru M, Green MS (2000). Secondary prevention
with antioxidants of cardiovascular disease in endstage renal disease (SPACE): randomised placebo-controlled trial. Lancet 356: 1213-1218.
Bramley PM, Elmadfa I, Kafatos A, Kelly FJ, Manios Y, Roxborough HE, Schuch W, Sheehy PJA, Wagner K-H (2000). Vitamin E. Journal
of the Science of Food and Agriculture 80: 913-938.
Briggs MH and Briggs M (1974). Are vitamin E supplements beneficial? Med J Aust 1: 434-437.
Briggs MH (1974). Vitamin E supplements and fatigue. N Engl J Med 290: 579-580.
Cohen HM (1973). Fatigue caused by vitamin E? Calif Med 119: 72.
Collaborative Group of the Primary Prevention Project (PPP) (2001). Low-dose aspirin and vitamin E in people at cardiovascular risk: a
randomized trial in general practice. Lancet 357: 89-95.
Collins DL, Davies PSW, Hughes JM, Clarke PC (1995). Nutrition Survey: children aged 1½ to 4½ years: Volume 1, Report of the diet and
nutrition survey, London, HMSO.
Corrigan JJ Jr and Ulfers LL (1981). Effect of vitamin E on prothrombin levels in warfarin-induced vitamin K deficiency. Am J Clin Nutr
34: 1701-1705.
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Vitamin K
This opinion is one in the series of opinions of the Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) on the upper
levels of vitamins and minerals. The terms of reference given by the European Commission for this task,
the related background and the guidelines used by the Committee to develop tolerable upper intake
levels for vitamins and minerals used in this opinion, which were expressed by the SCF on 19 October
2000, are available on the Internet at the pages of the SCF, at the address:
All compounds with vitamin K activity contain a 2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone nucleus with a lipophilic
side chain at position 3. More than 100 substances with vitamin K activity are known but only three
are of physiological importance. Vitamin K
(α-phylloquinone), isolated from green plants, has a
phytyl group in position 3. Vitamin K
(menaquinones), synthesized by bacteria, have an unsaturated
multiprenyl group in this position. Of a wide range of menaquinones synthesized by bacteria, those with
7, 8 or 9 isoprenoid groups in the side chain (30 or 35 C-atoms) are most common. Menadione is a
synthetic compound without a side chain, the use of which has been discontinued in dietary products
and this will not be considered further.
The current consideration of a tolerable upper level for vitamin K concentrates on phylloquinone, the
predominant dietary source.
2.1. Sources and intakes
Vitamin K
, or phylloquinone, is obtained from the diet whereas vitamins K
are also produced by the
intestinal microflora (Shearer, 1992 and 1995). The extent to which vitamin K synthesis by intestinal
bacteria contributes to vitamin status requires further investigation (Suttie, 1996).
The phylloquinone concentration in most foods is very low (<10 μg/100 g), and the majority of the
vitamin is obtained from a few leafy green vegetables and four vegetable oils (soybean, cottonseed,
canola and olive) that contain high amounts (Booth et al, 1996; Fenton et al, 1997). In green vegetables,
vitamin K
is tightly bound to the thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts from where it is poorly absorbed
(5-15% depending on concomitant fat intake) (Gijsbers et al, 1996; Schurgers and Vermeer, 2000). The
absorption of vitamins K
, which occur mainly in cheese, curd cheese and natto, is much better and
may be almost complete. Thus the nutritional importance of menaquinones is often underestimated.
Reliable measurements of phylloquinone contents in foods are now available, and data from many
studies of phylloquinone intake in the United States indicate that the mean intake of younger adults
(<45 years) ranges from 60 to 110 μg of phylloquinone/d. In contrast, older adults (>55 years) consume
80 to 210 μg of phylloquinone/d, attributed to their greater vegetable consumption compared to
younger age groups (Booth et al, 1996). A provisional estimate of the phylloquinone intake in the UK
is 68 μg/person/day, based on the food consumption data from the 2000 UK National Food Survey
(MAFF, 2001). This figure is similar to earlier estimates for men and women, aged 22-54 years, of 72
μg/day and 64 μg/day respectively (Price et al, 1996). A longitudinal study of phylloquinone intakes
(Bolton-Smith et al, 2000) found initial intakes of 67 and 69 μg/day for men and women respectively,
aged 40-59 years in 1985. At follow-up 10 years later the intakes had fallen to 54 and 56 μg/day for men
and women respectively then aged 50-69 years. For people aged 65 years and over, mean intakes for
men and women were 66 and 57 μg/day respectively with considerable regional variations throughout
the United Kingdom (Thane et al, 2002).
In The Netherlands, mean daily per capita intake was estimated to be up to 250 μg consequent on the
relatively high intake of green vegetables. For menaquinone intake there are no population-based data
available except for The Netherlands where menaquinones are estimated to form about 10% of total vitamin
K intake (Schurgers et al, 1999).
Vitamin K
Based on the average per capita food consumption in Finland (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry,
1999; Statistics Finland, 2000), the average vitamin K intake from different foods was estimated to be
120 μg/day (Koivu-Tikkanen, 2001).
Price et al (1996) observed no seasonal differences when phylloquinone intake was assessed during
spring, summer, autumn and winter.
Data on the vitamin K intake among children are limited.
2.2. Absorption and metabolism
Under normal physiological conditions, lipid soluble K-vitamins are absorbed in cooperation with bile
acids and pancreatic enzymes. The efficacy of absorption (10-90% depending on the food matrix)
(Schurgers and Vermeer, 2000) can be reduced by long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and badly
absorbed lipid-soluble substances and hydrocarbons, like mineral oils and squalene. Vitamin K
are stored in the liver. The total body pool of vitamin K (1.5 μg/kg body weight) is small compared
to other fat-soluble vitamins and its turnover is rapid.
Under normal conditions, 30-40% of the absorbed vitamin K is excreted via the bile into the faeces,
while approximately 15% is excreted in the urine as water soluble metabolites. Alimentary deficiency,
disturbance of fat absorption, increased excretion, presence of antagonists, disturbance of bile
function and liver disease, lead to decreased bioavailability of vitamin K (Suttie, 1996; Elmadfa and
Leitzmann, 1998).
2.3. Physiological function
The physiological activity of phylloquinone is based on its ability to change between its oxidized
(quinone and 2,3-epoxide) and reduced (hydroquinone) forms.
The major role of phylloquinone is the post-translational addition of a carboxyl-group into the γ-
position of glutamate residues of specific proteins. In this respect, the prime physiological relevance of
phylloquinone is the synthesis of coagulation proteins (Ferland, 1998; Olson, 1999 and 2000).
Whereas the vitamin K-dependent coagulation proteins are all synthesised in the liver, vitamin K is also
essential for the synthesis of a number of proteins produced in extra-hepatic tissues. Examples of the
latter group of proteins include:
the bone Gla-protein, osteocalcin, which is exclusively synthesised by osteoblasts and odontoblasts,
and which is a negative regulator of bone formation;
matrix Gla-protein (MGP), which is synthesised in most soft tissues, but predominantly in cartilage (by
chondrocytes) and in vessel wall (by vascular smooth muscle cells) and which is a potent inhibitor of
soft tissue calcification;
growth arrest-specific gene 6 protein (Gas6), which is a ligand for tyrosine kinases and has strong
apoptopic activity in cultured cells.
Inadequate peak mineral bone density in young adulthood is a major contributor to later disease and
may be caused by a combination of genetic and nutritional factors. In addition to total energy intake,
the nutrients that promote bone synthesis include calcium, vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin K. Vitamin
K is required for the γ-carboxylation of glutamate in 2 proteins induced by the vitamin D hormone
in bone. Osteocalcin is a 49-residue protein with 3 carboxyglutamic acid residues, is water soluble,
adheres to the bone mineral hydroxyapatite, and is secreted by osteoblasts. Matrix carboxyglutamic
acid (Gla) protein contains 79 amino acid residues of which 5 are Gla residues. It is hydrophobic,
insoluble in plasma, and is associated with the matrix of cartilage and bone as well as with the tunica
media of the arterial vessel wall (Olson, 2000).
Luo et al (1997) demonstrated that transgenic mice, lacking the vitamin K-dependent matrix Gla protein,
exhibited an excessive cartilage calcification leading to reduced growth. The most striking observation
in the MGP -/- mutant, however, was excessive calcification of the large arteries leading to ruptures of
the aorta before the eighth week of life in all animals.
Vitamin K
The level of osteocalcin carboxylation has been proposed as an indicator of the nutritional state of
bone with respect to vitamin K. Circulating levels of undercarboxylated osteocalcin may be a sensitive
marker of vitamin K inadequacy. These levels of undercarboxylated osteocalcin have been reported to be
increased both in postmenopausal women and in individuals who sustain hip fracture (Binkley and Suttie,
1995; Vermeer et al, 1995; Szulc et al, 1993 and 1994; Knapen et al, 1998; Luukinen et al, 2000).
2.4. Major criteria for assessing vitamin K status
Efforts to define the human requirement for vitamin K have been hampered by a lack of knowledge of
the amount of the vitamin in various foods and by the lack of sensitive methods to assess vitamin K
status (Suttie, 1992).
The major criterion for assessing the adequacy of vitamin K status in human adults is the maintenance
of plasma prothrombin concentrations in the normal range (from 80 to 120 μg/mL). This classic measure
of vitamin K deficiency is very insensitive but recent studies have shown that the serum concentration
of under-γ-carboxylated prothrombin (PIVKA-II), the percentage of under-γ-carboxylated osteocalcin
(% ucOC) in serum and the urinary γ-carboxy-glutamic acid (Gla) excretion, respond to alterations in
dietary phylloquinone. Gender and age were shown to influence both osteocalcin concentrations and
Gla excretion in healthy subjects (Sokoll and Sadowski, 1996). Although there is a weak correlation
between serum phylloquinone and % ucOC, it was not strong enough to have predictive values as
a measure of individual vitamin K status. Because of its dependence on dietary intake within the last
24 hours, serum phylloquinone is not a meaningful indicator for nutritional status (Jakob and Elmadfa
1995). Intakes of 10 μg/day for a few weeks do not prolong the prothrombin time but put subjects at
risk as assessed by other measures of vitamin K deficiency.
The acquired vitamin K deficiency produced by administration of a low dose of anticoagulant warfarin
was also used to assess the relative sensitivity of various measures of vitamin K status. In subjects
given 1 mg warfarin/day, Bach et al (1996) noted elevated PIVKA-II concentrations but no significant
decrease in urinary Gla. The most striking change was an increase in % ucOC. After a 14-day warfarin
treatment, the subjects were given 1 mg phylloquinone for 7 days. At the end of this 7-day-period the
% ucOC was lower than the baseline period. Various PIVKA-II measures respond to this low intake
of phylloquinone and Gla excretion, which indicates that the total formation of vitamin K dependent
proteins is decreased (Booth and Suttie, 1998).
It appears that phylloquinone intakes equal to the current Reference values of around 1 μg/kg
body weight/day are sufficient to cover the hepatic K requirement and thus to ensure full gamma
carboxylation of all coagulation factors. Since undercarboxylation of extrahepatic Gla- proteins seems
to be common in the healthy adult population, the current recommended intake is probably insufficient
fully to carboxylate these proteins.
2.5. Recommended intakes
The Committee made no recommendation for a PRI for vitamin K but considered that an intake of 1
μg/kg body weight/day appears to be adequate and would be provided by a normal diet (SCF 1993).
More recently recommended intakes in some countries have been determined based on effects on
blood coagulation. A recommended daily dietary intake for vitamin K of 65-80 μg/day or 1 μg/kg body
weight/day has been proposed (D-A-CH Referenzwerte, 2000). The US Food and Nutrition Board recently
increased their recommendation to 120 μg/day for adult males and 90 μg/day for adult females (FNB,
2001). Because of the lack of specific information about the vitamin K requirement of children, reference
values for them are set at about 1 μg/kg body weight (FNB, 2001; D-A-CH Referenzwerte, 2000).
2.6. Vitamin K deficiency
Clinical vitamin deficiency due to dietary inadequacy is rare or nonexistent in healthy adults. Several factors
that protect adults from a lack of vitamin K include 1) widespread distribution of phylloquinone in plant and
animal tissues, 2) the phylloquinone cycle, which regenerates the vitamin, and 3) the microbiological flora of
the gut, which synthesizes menaquinones and can contribute to meeting the requirement for vitamin K.
Newborn infants have low vitamin K status, partly due to limited intestinal synthesis, and are at increased risk
of developing haemorrhagic disease secondary to vitamin K deficiency. Vitamin K is routinely administered
prophylactically to newborns in many countries.
Vitamin K
The risk of vitamin K deficiency is increased by trauma, physical debilitation, renal insufficiency and
chronic treatment with large doses of broad-spectrum antibiotics (Ansell et al, 1977).
Various drugs, including the 4-hydroxy-coumarins, salicylates, certain broad-spectrum antibiotics, and vitamin
A and E in pharmacologic doses, act as antagonists of vitamin K.
The principal negative effect of vitamin E observed was on prothrombin time or other factors related
to blood clotting. In several studies no effects were reported but in others there were effects on blood
clotting and it was claimed that high doses of vitamin E only influenced blood clotting in cases of low
vitamin K status (Steiner, 1991 and 1993; Diplock et al, 1998). In a review of these reports (Kappus and
Diplock, 1992; Elmadfa and Leitzmann, 1998; Meydani et al, 1998) the conclusion was that vitamin E
at high dietary intakes affects blood coagulation if vitamin K status is inadequate. High doses of α-
tocopherol equivalents affected the cyclooxygenase pathway and therefore formation of thromboxane,
thus impairing the thromboxane-dependent blood coagulation, and also decreased the coagulation
factors II and VII (Elmadfa and Bosse, 1985).
3.1. Acute toxicity
Acute oral toxicity studies were carried out in rats, mice and chicks. In all three species, no deaths
occurred after single doses of 25,000 mg/kg body weight phylloquinone either orally or intraperitoneally
(Molitor and Robinson, 1940).
3.2. Short-term studies
No adverse effects were recorded when daily oral doses of up to 2000 mg phylloquinone/kg body
weight were administered to rats for 30 days (Molitor and Robinson, 1940)
3.3. Carcinogenicity
No experimental animal studies on carcinogenicity of vitamin K have been found.
One epidemiological study indicated that there was a significant association between intramuscular
injection of vitamin K and childhood cancer, especially leukaemia (Golding et al, 1992). No significantly
increased risk was associated with oral administration (Huysman and Sauer, 1994). Several other
population studies have failed to confirm an association between vitamin K administration to children
and cancer. A nested case-control study using data from a large, multicentre prospective study of
54,795 children showed no association between vitamin K administration and risk of any childhood
cancer, or of all cancers combined (Klebanoff et al, 1993). A study of associations between leukaemia
and prenatal or neonatal administration of vitamin K did not show any increased risk in neonates
receiving vitamin K i.m. (Ansell et al, 1996). The latter results were confirmed in other studies (McKinney
et al, 1998; Parker et al, 1998; Passmore et al, 1998). The evidence for an association between
administration of phylloquinone to neonates and childhood cancer is therefore not convincing.
3.4. Genotoxicity
Phylloquinone was reported to reduce the mutagenicity of six heterocyclic amines in the Ames
Salmonella typhimurium assay. There was no evidence of mutagenicity of phylloquinone in the absence
of the amines (Edenharder et al, 1999).
Conflicting results have been obtained in studies on the ability of phylloquinone to induce sister chromatid
exchanges (SCE) in human or animal leucocytes. When 5 foetal sheep were given a dose of 1 mg
phylloquinone via the femoral vein, the mean number of SCEs rose from 3.94 0.15) prior to injection
to 5.4 (±0.23) 24 hours after injection. This increase was stated to be statistically significant (Israels et
al, 1987). In an in vitro study of the concentration response for SCE induction, foetal or adult sheep
leucocytes were incubated with phylloquinone at concentrations of 0.1 nM to 1 μM. At 0.1 nM the number
of SCEs was increased in foetal cells but the increase in adult cells was only observed at 10 nM and
above. With human leucocytes taken from adult and placental blood, an increase in the mean number
of SCEs per metaphase was reported in the presence of 1 μM phylloquinone. The SCEs rose from 3.32
±0.219 to 5.76 ± 0.219 in placental leucocytes and from 5.13 ±0.273 to 7.81 ±0.326 in adult cells (Israels
et al, 1987). Conversely, negative results were obtained when human neonates were injected with 1 mg
Vitamin K
phylloquinone i.m. No significant difference in the mean number of SCEs and chromosomal aberrations
in peripheral blood lymphocytes between treated and untreated controls was observed 24 hours after
injection (Cornelissen et al 1991). Overall, the limited data presently available do not allow an adequate
evaluation of the genotoxic potential of phylloquinone at the gene or chromosome level.
3.5. Reproductive/developmental toxicity
No data on reproductive toxicity were available.
3.6. Human data
In a study of the effect of vitamin K on bone metabolism in eight female athletes, no adverse effects
were reported on administration of a supplementary 10 mg/day of phylloquinone for 1 month. In all
subjects, vitamin K supplementation was associated with an increase in calcium binding capacity of
osteocalcin (Craciun et al, 1998).
A 3 x 15-day crossover study was conducted in groups of younger (20-40 years) and older (60-80
years) healthy adults; each group contained 9 individuals of each sex. During the three 15-day periods,
the participants received a diet providing 100 μg/day phylloquinone. During two periods the diet was
supplemented with broccoli (377 μg/day total phylloquinone) or phylloquinone-fortified oil (417 μg/day
total phylloquinone). No adverse effects were reported (Booth et al, 1999).
There are no appropriate data from which to set a numerical upper limit for vitamin K.
In human studies of limited numbers, there is no evidence of adverse effects associated with
supplementary intakes of vitamin K in the form of phylloquinone of up to 10 mg/day (more than two
orders of magnitude higher than the recommended dietary intake of vitamin K) for limited periods of
time. These limited data are supported by experimental animal studies in which no adverse effects were
observed after daily administration of extremely high doses (2000 mg/kg body weight) for 30 days.
Because of the antagonistic interaction of phylloquinone and coumarin anticoagulant drugs, people
taking these drugs should not significantly increase their phylloquinone intake by dietary change or by
using dietary supplements without medical advice.
Ansell J, Kumar E, Deykin RD (1977). The spectrum of vitamin K deficiency. J Am Med Assoc 238: 40-42.
Ansell P, Bull D, Roman E (1996). Childhood leukaemia and intramuscular vitamin K: findings from a case-control study. Br Med J 313:204-205.
Bach AU, Anderson SA, Foley AL Williams EC Suttie JW (1996). Assessment of vitamin K status in human subjects administered
“minidose” warfarin. Am J Clin Nutr 64: 894-902.
Binkley NC and Suttie JW (1995). Vitamin K nutrition and osteoporosis. J Nutr 125: 1812-1821.
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Vitamin K
260 260
This opinion is one in the series of opinions of the Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) on the upper
levels of vitamins and minerals. The terms of reference given by the European Commission for this task,
the related background and the guidelines used by the Committee to develop tolerable upper intake
levels for vitamins and minerals used in this opinion, which were expressed by the SCF on 19 October
2000, are available on the Internet at the pages of the SCF, at the address:
Chromium is ubiquitous, occurring in water, soil and biological systems. It occurs in each of the
oxidation states from Cr
to Cr
. The three most stable forms in which chromium occurs in the
environment are the 0, +3, and +6 valence state; metal and alloys, trivalent chromium, and hexavalent
chromium, respectively. Elemental chromium (Cr
) does not occur naturally. Chromium compounds
with oxidation states below +3 are reducing, and above +3 are oxidising. The occurrence of hexavalent
chromium compounds is rare and nearly always man-made.
The high energy needed to oxidise the trivalent to the hexavalent form of chromium results in the fact
that this oxidation never occurs in biological systems. The strong oxidising property of hexavalent
chromium causes its spontaneous reduction in living organisms, irrespective of its solubility.
This evaluation is limited to trivalent chromium (Cr III) because it is the form of chromium found in food
and supplements. The biological effects of hexavalent chromium on both animals and man are very
different from those of trivalent chromium and are not considered.
1.1. Regulations
Under European legislation (Directive 2002/46/EC), chromium (III) chloride and chromium (III) sulphate are
included in the list of substances that can be used in the manufacture of foods for particular nutritional
uses and in food supplements. In this list, organic complexes of chromium (e.g. chromium picolinate)
are not mentioned. The Committee has concluded that an evaluation of the acceptability of chromium
picolinate as a nutrient source of chromium in Foods for Particular Nutritional Uses (FPNUs) is not
possible unless data on bioavailability in humans are provided (SCF, 1999).
In Germany, all special permissions for the use of chromium picolinate in food supplements were
withdrawn in 2001 due to recent investigations which do not exclude adverse effects on human health
(BMVEL, 2001; BgVV, 2002).
2.1. Food levels and dietary intake
In the UK, a total diet study has shown that the highest concentration of chromium has been found in meat
products (230 μg/kg), followed by oils and fats (170 µg/kg), bread (150 µg/kg), nuts and miscellaneous
cereals (140 µg/kg), fish, sugar, and preserves (130 µg/kg). The lowest concentrations have been
found in milk (10 µg/kg), fresh fruits, and green vegetables (20 µg/kg), and in eggs (40 µg/kg). The
concentrations of chromium in uncontaminated drinking water mostly are below 1 µg/L (EGVM, 2002a).
A number of multivitamin and mineral food supplements contain up to 100 µg chromium in a daily
serving unit (EGVM 2002b). In the USA, relatively high concentrations of chromium have been found in
seafood (120-470 µg/kg) followed by meat and fish (110-230 µg/kg), grains and cereals (40-220 µg/kg),
fresh fruits (90-190 µg/kg), and fresh vegetables (30-140 µg/kg).
According to WHO (1996) high dietary intakes of chromium reported before 1980 are generally
questionable, since the chromium analysis on which they were based, were unreliable due to
contamination and by analytical problems. A number of reports indicate that many diets in the
US supply less than 50 µg of chromium per day (Anderson and Kozlovsky, 1986; Anderson, 1989;
Anderson et al, 1988; Offenbacher et al, 1985).
Table 1. Dietary chromium intake in µg/day
Country Type of survey / Method Range Mean
Duplicate diet samples
61 (M)
84 (F)
Food (total diet study in 1997)
Drinking water
up to 170
up to 100
up to 2
Randomly selected 24-hour diets 50-580 160
Calculated from midday meal by
extrapolation to 100%
- 120
Duplicate diets samples from
Southern Spain
9,4-205 100
7 days self selected diets
22-48 (M)
13-36 (F)
33 (M)
25 (F)
From supplements based on the
NHANES III, 1988-1994
29,5 (M)
30,0 (F)
(M): males; (F): females.
D-A-CH, 2000.
EGVM, 2002b
EGVM used the 97,5
percentile as the “maximum estimated daily intake”.
Related to the daily serving unit.
Estimated intake from 2 litres of water containing <1µg/L.
Abdulla et al, 1989.
Barberá et al, 1989;
Garcia et al, 2001.
FNB, 2001.
Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1988-1994.
Ranges from the 5
percentile to the 95
2.2. Nutritional requirements and intake recommendations
The Committee stated in 1993 that since data on the essentiality and metabolism of chromium are so sparse,
the Committee is unable to specify any requirements (SCF, 1993).
The UK Committee on Medical Aspects of Food Policy calculated a theoretical requirement for adults
from balance studies of 23 µg/day by using regression equations and concluded that a safe and
adequate level of intake lies above 25 µg for adults and between 0,1 µg/kg bw/day and 1,0 µg/kg bw/
day for children and adolescents, respectively (COMA, 1991).
The Societies for Nutrition of Germany (DGE), Austria (ÖGE), and Switzerland (SGE), jointly established an
adequate daily intake of 30-100 µg/day for adults (D-A-CH, 2000).
Currently, there is no formal Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for chromium. The US Food and
Nutrition Board derived Adequate Intakes (AI) for chromium for different age groups, e.g. 35 μg/day and
25 µg/day for 19 to 50 year old men and women, respectively (FNB, 2001).
2.3. Deficiency
Chromium deficiency has not been seen in humans except in patients during long-term parenteral
nutrition without substitution of chromium. The deficiency symptoms (impaired glucose tolerance
and glucose utilisation, weight loss, neuropathy, elevated plasma fatty acids, depressed respiratory
quotient and abnormalities in nitrogen metabolism) disappeared rapidly after oral supplementation (200
µg/day) (Jeejeebhoy et al, 1977; Freund et al, 1979).
Chromium-deficient rats exhibit a glucose intolerance similar to clinical diabetes mellitus. Other
deficiency signs in animals include impaired growth, elevated serum cholesterol and triglycerides,
increased incidence of aortic plaques, corneal lesions and decreased fertility and sperm count
(Anderson, 1988).
3.1. Function
Trivalent chromium is considered to be an essential element both in animal feeding and human nutrition.
It influences carbohydrate, lipid, and protein metabolism via an effect on insulin action. However, the
mechanism still is not quite clear neither is the exact structure of the biologically active form of chromium,
the “Glucose Tolerance Factor(GTF) (WHO, 1996). The GTF tentatively is identified as a chromium-nicotinic
acid complex and has been suggested to operate through activation of membrane phosphotyrosine
phosphatase in mammals (Mertz, 1993; Davis et al, 1996). Beneficial effects have been reported in
presumably chromium-deficient diabetics, where supplementing the diet with chromium decreased fasting
blood glucose levels, improved glucose tolerance, lower insulin levels, and decreased total cholesterol and
triglyceride levels while HDL-cholesterol levels were increased (Mooradian et al, 1994).
3.2. Absorption, metabolism and distribution
The absorption of ingested trivalent chromium depends, among other factors, on the chemical
properties of the ingested compound, on the level of dietary intake, and on the presence of other
dietary components in the diet (interactions). Chromium affects the binding of iron to transferrin.
Trivalent chromium ingested as chromium picolinate is better absorbed than chromium from the
chloride compound. Hepatic and renal chromium concentrations in rats were roughly 2- to 6-fold
greater when chromium picolinate was fed compared to chromium chloride (Anderson et al, 1997a).
Due to the natural presence of chelating agents in the diet the bioavailability of chromium from food can
vary significantly. Absorption of chromium from various sources in man is shown in Table 2.
Trivalent chromium is bound to plasma proteins such as transferrin, whereas hexavalent chromium
is taken up selectively by erythrocytes, reduced to trivalent chromium by glutathione, and bound
predominantly to haemoglobin. Therefore, chromium is found in both erythrocytes, and plasma, after
gastrointestinal absorption of hexavalent chromium, but only in the plasma after gastrointestinal
absorption of trivalent chromium.
Table 2. Absorption of chromium from various sources in man
Chromium compound % absorption References
Anderson et al, 1983
Kerger et al, 1996
Picolinate 2.8 ± 1.4 (SD)
Gargas et al, 1994
From food
0.5 - 2.0
0.4 - 2.5
Bunker et al, 1984
ATSDR, 1993
FNB, 2001
Trivalent chromium
(reduced from potassium
dichromate [VI] dissolved
in orange juice)
Kerger et al, 1996
Several studies with male and female volunteers.
Based on metabolic balance studies or on urinary excretion from physiological intakes.
The toxicity of chromium compounds has been reviewed by several institutions (IPCS, 1988; IARC,
1990; WHO, 1996; EPA, 1998a, b, c and d; EGVM, 2002a and 2002b; ATSDR, 2000; FNB, 2001).
4.1. Acute toxicity
In rats the LD
of orally administered trivalent chromium varies with the compound and the sex of the
rat. The LD
for chromium acetate is 2365 mg/kg body weight (ATSDR, 2000) and for chromium nitrate
nonahydrate 3250 mg/kg body weight (Registry of Toxic Effects, 1980). The oral LD
values for water
soluble trivalent chromium compounds given to rats and mice vary from 140 mg/kg to 422 mg/kg
(EGVM, 2002).
4.2. Subchronic toxicity
Groups of 8 four week-old Harlan Sprague-Dawley rats were fed a stock diet to which 0, 5, 25, 50,
or 100 mg of chromium per kg diet was added as chloride or picolinate for twenty weeks. For the
highest dose group, the authors assumed a chromium intake of 15 mg/kg bw/day. Chromium given
as picolinate showed a considerably higher bioavailability than trivalent chromium chloride which was
indicated by a 2- to 6-fold greater hepatic and renal chromium concentration in animals fed chromium
picolinate. Histologically, no changes in the liver and kidney have been observed but other organs were
not examined histologically. However, there were no statistically significant differences in body weight,
organ weights, or blood variables among all the groups tested at the age of 11, 17, and 24 weeks
(Anderson et al, 1997a).
4.3. Chronic toxicity
Ivankovic and Preussmann (1975) performed a chronic toxicity/carcinogenicity study with BD rats (groups
of 60 animals of both sexes) fed 0, 1, 2, or 5% chromium (III) oxide (Cr
) baked in bread 5 days/week
for 840 days (600 feeding days in total). The highest dose corresponds to 2144 mg Cr
/kg bw/day or to
about 1500 mg trivalent Cr/kg bw/day. No toxic or carcinogenic effects were noted at any feeding level.
The lack of toxicity may be explained by the poor absorption of the administered pigment Cr
In another group of rats fed during the same study in the same way for 90 days, no changes could be
detected in serum protein, bilirubin, haematology, urinalysis, and histopathology but some reductions
(12-37%) in the absolute weights of the livers and spleens in the 5%-group.
4.4. Carcinogenicity
4.4.1. Oral administration
In addition to the chronic toxicity/carcinogenicity study carried out by Ivankovic and Preussman (1975)
two other oral studies were conducted, one in mice and one in rats. Mice
Swiss mice (groups of 54 males and 54 females) received 5 mg/L chromium acetate in drinking water
for life. Only 60% of males survived 18 months. No increased incidence of tumours was observed
(Schroeder et al, 1964). Rats
Long Evans rats (groups of 46 males and 50 females) received 5 mg/L chromium acetate in drinking
water for life. At least 70% of the animals survived for up to two years. No increased incidence of
tumours was observed (Schroeder et al, 1965).
4.4.2. Other ways of administration
Several studies were conducted, mainly in rats and mice by inhalation, intratracheal instillation,
intrabronchial, -pleural, -muscular, -peritoneal, -femoral and intravenous administration. No significant
increased incidence of tumours was observed. All these studies are reported in the IARC Monograph
no. 49 (1990); all of them present strong limitations. According to IARC (1990) “there is limited evidence
in experimental animals for the carcinogenicity of chromium trioxide (chromic acid) and sodium
dichromate” and “there is inadequate evidence in experimental animals for the carcinogenicity of
metallic chromium, barium chromate and chromium (III) compounds”.
4.4.3. Human data
All the exposures considered by the IARC (1990) in the epidemiological studies described for hexavalent
chromium include simultaneous exposure to chromium (III) and chromium (VI) compounds. The
chromium (VI) species is widely considered the aetiological agent responsible for the excess cancer
risk in chromium workers, but this is based on the results of animal carcinogenicity and genotoxicity
as well as on biological considerations. There are no adequate data on the carcinogenicity of trivalent
chromium compounds and the overall evaluation of IARC was: “metallic chromium and chromium (III)
compounds are not classifiable as to their carcinogenicity to humans” (Group 3) (IARC, 1990).
4.5. Genotoxicity
4.5.1. Experimental data
A very large number of chromium compounds have been assayed with in vitro and in vivo genotoxicity tests.
Comprehensive reviews are, among others, those by Levis and Bianchi (1982), IPCS (1988), IARC (1990),
De Flora et al (1990) and EPA (1998 a and d).
When evaluating the results of the genotoxicity tests it is necessary to take into consideration several
properties of the tested compound (oxidation state, solubility, ability to penetrate cell membranes,
intracellular stability, and reactivity with cellular components).
A very comprehensive review on the genotoxicity of chromium compounds by De Flora et al (1990),
showed that the large majority of the results with chromium (VI) compounds were positive for different
genetic end-points in vitro and in vivo, as a function of their solubility and bioavailability to target cells.
On the other hand, chromium (III) compounds, although even more reactive than chromium VI with
purified nucleic acids, generally did not produce gene mutations, sister chromatid exchanges (SCE) or cell
transformation in cultured mammalian cells (IARC, 1990).
Chromium (III) and chromium (VI) compounds have been shown to decrease the fidelity of DNA
synthesis (Raffetto, 1977, Snow, 1994). Trivalent chromium was not mutagenic in bacterial assays (Venitt
and Levy, 1974; Petrilli and De Flora, 1978a, 1978b). In one study it was weakly mutagenic in Bacillus
subtilis (Nakamuro et al, 1978). Conflicting results were obtained in in vitro chromosomal aberration
assays in mammalian cells: positive results were shown with CrCl
(Raffetto, 1977), CrCl
, Cr(NO
, or Cr(CH
(Levis and Majone, 1979) and hydrated CrCl
in Don Chinese hamster cells
(Ohno et al, 1982) and Cr(CH
in human leukocytes (Nakamuro et al, 1978). Other compounds
were not clastogenic, as Cr
in mouse FM
A cells (Umeda and Nishimura, 1979), CrCl
or Cr(NO
in human leukocytes (Nakamuro et al, 1978), and Cr
in Don Chinese hamster cells (Ohno et al,
1982). CrCl
O was shown to induce chromosome aberrations in human lymphocytes via indirect
action (Friedman et al, 1987).
Blasiak and Kowalik (2000) have reported that both tri-(chromium chloride) and hexavalent (potassium
dichromate) chromium were positive in the comet assay carried out in isolated human peripheral
lymphocytes. The results of this study also suggest that reactive oxygen species and hydrogen peroxide
may be involved in the formation of DNA strand breaks by hexavalent chromium but not by trivalent
chromium; for the last compound, the authors speculate that binding to cellular ligands may be important.
Chromic chloride has been shown to covalently bind to DNA in liver and kidney of rats treated with
chromium (III) chloride in vivo (Cupo et al, 1985).
No DNA damage was observed in cells of animals treated in vivo with chromium chloride, and no
micronuclei were seen in cells of animals given chromium nitrate (IARC, 1990).
Chromium (III) picolinate was clastogenic in a range of soluble doses of 0,05-1 mM; chromosome
damage was inferred to be caused by the picolinate ligand because picolinic acid in the absence
of chromium was clastogenic in Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO). Chromium (III) nicotinate and
chromium (III) chloride hexahydrate did not produce chromosome damage at equivalent non-toxic
concentrations (Stearns et al, 1995b).
Chromium (III) picolinate, and to a lesser extent chromic chloride, were mutagenic at the hprt locus of
cultured CHO cells at the equivalent doses of 1 mM. An equivalent dose of 3 mM of picolinic acid was
highly cytotoxic and at lower doses produced an increase of hprt mutants, not statistically significant
(Stearns et al, 2002).
In summary, the presently available data indicate that although chromium (III) compounds may bind
to DNA and produce DNA-protein cross-links under certain circumstances, differently from chromium
(VI) compounds, generally they did not produce gene mutations, sister chromatid exchanges or cell
transformation in cultured mammalian cells. Weak clastogenic effects have been observed in some
mammalian in vitro systems at relatively high and cytotoxic concentrations. No induction of genetic
damage or micronuclei has been observed in experimental animals.
4.5.2. Human data
A recent paper by Medeiros et al (2003) suggests that trivalent chromium can lead to an increase of
micronucleated perypheral lymphocytes in chronically exposed tannery workers. A group of 33 tanners
exposed to trivalent chromium and a small group of 5 manual metal arc stainless steel welders exposed
to hexavalent chromium were examined for two end-points: a chemical one, the formation of DNA-
protein crosslinks (DPC) and a biological one, the occurrence of micronuclei in perypheral lymphocytes.
These determinations were paralleled by quantitative analysis of chromium in plasma and urine. A
significant increase in the formation of DPC was observed in tannery workers compared with controls
(0.88+0.19 versus 0.57+0.21%, P<0.001 Mann-Whitney test) and even a higher level of DPC was
observed in welders (2.22+1.12%, P=0.03). Tanners showed a significant increase in micronucleated
cells compared with controls (6.35+2.94 versus 3.58+1.69%°, P<0.01), whereas in welders this
increase was not significant (5.40+1.67°/°°). Urinary chromium was increased in both groups, with
a greater increase observed in tanners compared with controls (2.63+1.62 versus 0.70+0.38 µg/g
creatinine, P<0.001) than in welders (1.90+0.37 µg/g creatinine, P<0.005). Plasma chromium was also
increased in both groups.
The results of this study support the causal relationship between chromium exposure (both hexavalent
and trivalent) and increased lymphocyte DPC levels.
The interpretation of the increased incidence of micronuclei in tanners is difficult; leather processing
involves a considerable number of other substances including formaldehyde and benzidine, whereas
in welders trivalent chromium is accompanied by variable amounts of hexavalent chromium and other
metals, including nickel, a potential suppressor of chromium-dependend cytogenetic damage (Katsifis
et al, 1998). On the other hand, these results are in contrast with the negative findings reported by IARC
(1990), according to which no DNA damage was observed in animals treated in vivo with chromium
chloride, and no micronuclei were seen in animals given chromium nitrate.
4.6. Reproductive toxicity
Chromium (III) chloride dissolved in tap water was given to sexually mature male and female Swiss mice
(day 50 of age). Males received water with 1000 or 5000 mg/L chromium chloride and females with 2000
or 5000 mg/L ad libitum for 12 weeks. Controls were given tap water, only. Treated animals consumed
less water per day than controls did. Chromium chloride reduced fertility and seminal vesicle weights
significantly. Body weights were reduced in males but not in females. Testes and ovarian weights were
increased whereas uterine weights were significantly reduced. The number of resorptions and dead
foetuses was increased in females impregnated by males exposed to the trivalent compound and the
number of resorptions in exposed females as well (Elbetieha and Al-Hamood, 1997). Unfortunately,
the authors did not report the actual quantitative exposure to chromium chloride but EGVM (2002b)
estimated from the given data oral doses for trivalent chromium of approximately 500 or 1250 mg/kg
bw/day for females and 250 or 1250 mg/kg bw/day for males.
The fertility of male Sprague Dawley rats exposed to chromium (III) chloride in drinking water at a
concentration of 1000 mg/L for 12 weeks, which is equivalent to about 50 mg CrCl
/kg body weight
or about 16,5 mg trivalent chromium/kg body weight, was unaffected but significant reductions in the
weight of testes and seminal vesicles were observed (Bataineh et al, 1997).
There are no reports of developmental toxicity studies on chromium (III) compounds given orally.
4.7. Human data
In some case reports, the ingestion of chromium picolinate was associated with a number of adverse
effects which might be due to the picolinate ligand (Martin and Fuller, 1998; Young et al, 1999; Huszonek,
1993; Wasser and Feldmann, 1997; Cerulli et al, 1998). In controlled clinical supplementation studies,
however, no adverse effects have been observed following oral administration of daily doses up to 1
mg chromium, mostly as picolinate, for 6-64 weeks (Table 3). These studies are limited because they
were primarily designed as studies on efficacy.
Only one lethal case was reported of a woman, who ingested trivalent chromium as 400 mL of a leather
tanning solution containing 48 g of basic chromium sulphate (CrOHSO
), equivalent to about 15 g Cr.
She died of cardiogenic shock, complicated by acute renal shock, pancreatitis, haemorrhage, and gut
mucosal necrosis (Van Heerden et al, 1994).
Table 3. Randomized Controlled Trials with chromium
Daily dose
(µg Cr)
Compound Subjects/group
Campbell et al, 1999
924 CrPic 9 men (56-69 yr) 12
Walker et al, 1998
200 CrPic 7 wrestlers 14
Lukaski et al, 1996
12 men 8
Pasman et al, 1997
200 CrPic 11 obese women 64
Kato et al, 1998
400 CrPic 10 obese women 8
Anderson et al, 1997b
60 men and women free of
disease other than type 2
diabetes (35-65 yr)
Thomas and Gropper, 1996 200 CrNic
14 healthy adults and 5 adults with
non-insulin-dependent diabetes
Hallmark et al, 1996
200 CrPic
8 untrained men
Wilson and Gondy, 1995 220 CrNic 15 (mean age 36 yr) 13
Clancy et al, 1994
200 CrPic 18 football players 9
Hasten et al, 1992
200 CrPic
18 male and 12 female
college-age students
100 µg Cr or 500 µg Cr as CrPic two times per day.
CrPic = Chromium (III) picolinate
CrNic = Chromium (III) nicotinate
Data on the oral toxicity of trivalent chromium are limited. Doses up to 15 mg chromium/kg bw/day did
not show adverse effects in a feeding study with chromium chloride and chromium picolinate in rats for 20
weeks (Anderson et al, 1997). However, in this study only liver and kidney have been examined histologically.
A chronic toxicity/carcinogenicity study was only performed with chromium (III) oxide. Adverse effects
were not observed at concentrations up to 5% in the diet, equivalent to about 1500 mg chromium/
kg bw/day, fed to rats 5 days per week for 840 days (Ivankovic and Preussmann, 1975). The study,
however, can not be used to derive a NOAEL for soluble chromium salts, because the tested substance
was a pigment insoluble in water, alkali, and mineral acids.
In mice, doses of 250 to 1250 mg/kg body weight chromium chloride decreased fertility significantly
and reduced body weights in males. It reduced semical vesicle and uterine weights and increased
testes and ovarian weights. A NOAEL was not observed (Elbetieha and Al-Hamood, 1997). In male rats,
exposure to 50 mg/ CrCl
/kg bw, equivalent to 16,5 mg trivalent chromium/kg body weight decreased
significantly body weights and absolute testes and seminal vesicles weights but fertility remained
unaffected (Bataineh et al, 1997).
Adequate human data on trivalent chromium are also limited. No adverse side effects were reported in
a number of supplementation trials, in which subjects received up to 1 mg chromium/day, mostly as
picolinate for several months. These trials, however, were mainly studies of efficacy and not designed
to find potential toxic effects.
The limited data from studies on subchronic, chronic, and reproductive toxicity on soluble trivalent
chromium salts and the available human data do not give clear information on the dose response
relationship. Therefore, a tolerable upper intake level can not be derived.
The UK Expert Group on Vitamins and Minerals also concluded that overall there are insufficient data
from human and animals studies to derive a safe upper level for chromium. However, in the opinion
of the EGVM a total daily intake of about 0.15 mg trivalent chromium per kg body weight and day (or
10 mg/person) would be expected to be without adverse health effects. This value is based (using a
100-fold margin of safety) on the study of Anderson et al (1997a) which indicated that 15 mg trivalent
chromium/kg bw/day is not associated with adverse effects in the rat. This guidance level applies only
to trivalent chromium and not to chromium picolinate which is explicitly excluded from the guidance due
to the in vitro studies, which indicated that it may damage DNA via a mechanism which is at present still
unclear (EGVM, 2002b). The US Food and Nutrition Board also concluded that the data from animal and
human studies are insufficient to establish an UL for soluble chromium (III) salts (FNB, 2001).
WHO considered that supplementation of chromium should not exceed 250 µg/day (WHO, 1996).
In a number of limited human studies, there was no evidence of adverse effects associated with
supplementary intake of chromium up to a dose of 1 mg chromium/day. The dietary intake of trivalent
chromium in European countries, as shown in Table 1, is well below these doses.
This evaluation is not applicable to chromium picolinate.
Abdulla M, Behbehani A, Dashti H (1989). Dietary intake and bioavailability of trace elements. Biological Trace Element Research 21:
Anderson RA (1983). Effects of chromium supplementation on urinary Cr excretion of human subjects and correlation of chromium
excretion with selected clinical parameters. J Nutr 113: 276-281.
Anderson RA and Kozlovsky AS (1986). Chromium intake, absorption, and excretion of subjects consuming self-selected diets. Am J Clin
Nutr 41: 1177-1183.
Anderson RA (1988). Chromium. In: Trace minerals in foods. Smith K (Ed.).Marcel Dekker, New York, pp 231-247.
Anderson RA, Bryden NA, Polansky MM, Reynolds R (1988). Elevated chromium intake, absorption, and urination excretion of lactating
women. FASEB J 2: A1092.
Anderson RA, Noella A, Bryden NA, Polansky MM (1997a). Lack of toxicity of chromium chloride and chromium picolinate in rats. J Am
Coll Nutr 16: 273-279.
Anderson RA, Cheng N, Bryden NA, Polansky MM, Cheng N, Chi J, Feng J (1997b). Elevated intakes of supplemental chromium improve
glucose and insulin variables in individuals with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes 46: 1786-1791.
ATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) (1993). Toxicological profile for chromium. Department of Health and Human
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Barberá M, Farré R, Lozano, A (1989). Oral intake of cadmium, lead, cobalt, chromium, nickel, copper, manganese and zink in Spanish
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Bataineh H, Al-Hamood MH, Elbetieha A, Bani Hani I (1997). Effect of long-term ingestion of chromium compounds on aggression, sex
behavior, and fertility in adult male rat. Drug Chem Toxicol 20: 133-149.
BgVV (Bundesinstitut für gesundheitlichen Verbraucherschutz und Veterinaermedizin) (2002). Toxicological and Nutritional Aspects of the
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Campbell WW, Joseph LJO, Davey SL, Cyr-Campbell D, Anderson RA, Evans WJ (1999). Effects of resistance training and chromium
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Cerulli J, Grabe DW, Gauthier I, Malone M, McGoldrick MD (1998). Chromium picolinate toxicity. The Annals of Pharmacotherapy 32:
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FNB (Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences) (2001). Dietary Reference Intakes: Vitamin A, Vitamin
K, Arsenic, Boron, Chromium, Copper, Iodine, Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum, Nickel, Silicon, Vanadium and Zinc. National Academy
Press. Washington D.C. Appendix C table C 14, pp 620.
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272 272
1 - Directive 2002/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to food
supplements. OJ L 183. 12.7.2002, p. 51.
(REQUEST N° EFSA-Q-2003-018)
The European Food Safety Authority is asked to derive an upper level for the intake of vanadium from
food that is unlikely to pose a risk of adverse health effects.
Vanadium has not been shown to be essential for humans.
Orally administered vanadium compounds produce adverse effects on kidneys, spleen, lungs and
blood pressure in rats and show reproductive and developmental toxicity in rats and mice. In humans,
gastrointestinal disturbances have been reported. The available data are inadequate, however, to derive
a tolerable upper intake level.
The intake of vanadium from normal food is estimated to be of the order of 10-20 µg/day. This daily
intake is at least three orders of magnitude below the lowest doses reported to cause adverse effects.
In the case of supplements used by athletes and body builders, however, the intake can be similar to
the doses causing adverse effects in rats and humans. Therefore, a risk can be expected to result from
the prolonged ingestion of such supplements.
Vanadium, tolerable upper intake level, food safety.
In 2002, the European Parliament and the Council adopted Directive 2002/46/EC
related to food
supplements containing vitamins and minerals.
In addition, and as announced in its White Paper on Food Safety, the Commission aims to put forward
a proposal for harmonising legislation concerning the addition of vitamins and minerals to foods.
With a view to provide scientific support to the European Commission’s legislative work in this field,
the Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) issued, from October 2000 to April 2003, a series of opinions
on tolerable upper intake levels of individual vitamins and minerals and safety factors in relation to their
use in fortified foods and food supplements (available on the Internet at:
The SCF opinions covered 22 out of the 29 nutrients, which were considered to be within their mandate
for this task. In addition, during the decision making process for the adoption of Directive 2000/46/EC
on food supplements the Parliament requested the inclusion of boron, nickel, silicon, vanadium and tin
in the proposal. The Commission did not accept the Parliament’s request in the absence of a positive
safety evaluation by the SCF. Therefore, the European Food Safety Authority is asked to provide scientific
opinions on the remaining 12 vitamins and minerals in accordance with the present terms of reference.
With respect to the outstanding 12 vitamins and minerals, the European Food Safety Authority is asked
1) to review the upper levels of daily intakes that are unlikely to pose a risk of adverse health effects; 2)
to provide the basis for the establishment of safety factors, where necessary, which would ensure the
safety of fortified foods and food supplements containing the aforementioned nutrients.
Vanadium 274
Vanadium is widely distributed in the earth’s crust. It occurs naturally in the form of about 70 minerals,
but does not occur as metallic vanadium. In its compounds, it forms different oxidation states, the most
common being +3, +4, and +5.
2.1. Food levels and dietary intake
Among foods examined for vanadium by atomic absorption spectroscopy, most concentrations
were within a range from 1-30 µg/kg fresh weight. Fats and oils, fruits and vegetables contained the
least vanadium, ranging from 1-5 µg/kg. Whole grains, seafood, meats and dairy products generally
contained 5-30 µg/kg. Dillseeds and black pepper contained the most vanadium, 431 and 987 µg/kg,
respectively (Myron et al, 1977).
The daily dietary intake was estimated to be of the order of a few tens of µg (WHO, 1996). Total diet
studies resulted in an average intake of 13 µg/day in the UK (Evans et al, 1985) and an estimated dietary
intake in the range of 6-18 µg/day for different age-sex-groups of adults and 6.5-11 µg/day for infants,
children, and adolescents in the USA (Pennington and Jones, 1987).
In drinking water supplies in the USA, 91% of samples had below 10 µg vanadium/L, the maximum
concentration was 70 µg/L and the average 4.3 µg/L (Durfor and Becker, 1963). 26% of tap water
samples of 34 areas in the USA contained vanadium at concentrations of 1.3-33 µg/L with a mean of 4.85
µg/L (Greathouse and Craun, 1978).
According to data provided by the manufacturers of vitamin and mineral supplements sold in the UK
and representative of at least 70% of the UK market, the highest level of vanadium in multiple-nutrient
products is 25 µg/tablet or capsule (EGVM, 2003). Weight training athletes are reported, however, to
use up to 60 mg/day of vanadyl sulphate, equivalent to 18.6 mg vanadium/day, to improve performance
(Barceloux, 1999). Vanadium supplements aimed at body builders are reported to be available at doses
between 7.5 and 10 mg/day (EGVM, 2003).
2.2. Nutritional requirements and intake recommendations
Vanadium has not been shown to be essential for humans and has no nutritional value. Therefore,
nutritional requirements or intake recommendations have not been established. The SCF stated that
evidence supporting the essentiality of vanadium has yet to be established (SCF, 1993). A maximum
intake level of 1.8 mg vanadium/day for adults is recommended by FNB and EGVM stated that there
are insufficient data to establish a safe upper level (FNB, 2001; EGVM, 2003).
2.3. Deficiency
Some signs of vanadium deficiency in goats and rats have been reported (WHO, 1996). In humans,
however, vanadium deficiency has not been identified.
3.1. Function
A number of vanadium dependent enzymes have been found in lower organisms, such as bacteria and
algae. In higher animals and humans, however, no specific biochemical function has yet been identified
for vanadium. Nevertheless, the possibility has been considered that vanadium might play a role in the
regulation of some enzymes, such as the Na
-exchanging ATPase, phosphoryl-transfer enzymes,
adenylate cyclase and protein kinases. Therefore, its role in hormone, glucose, lipid, bone and tooth
metabolism has also been discussed (WHO, 1996).
Vanadium compounds have been shown to mimic the action of insulin in isolated cell systems,
animal models and diabetic patients. Therefore, their use in the therapy of diabetes mellitus has been
considered (Shechter, 1990; Shamberger, 1996).
Vanadium has also been suggested as an aid in body building, but there is no evidence that it is
effective (Fawcett et al, 1996).
3.2. Absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion
The low concentration of vanadium normally present in urine compared with the daily intake and the
faecal levels indicate, that less than 5% of ingested vanadium is absorbed (WHO, 1996). The results
of animal studies are in general in agreement with this conclusion. Uptake of radioactive vanadium
pentoxide (V
) given orally to rats was 2.6% of the administered dose (Conklin et al, 1982). Other
studies in rats have indicated that amounts greater than 10% can be absorbed from the gastrointestinal
tract under some conditions (Bogden et al, 1982; Wiegmann et al, 1982).
Absorbed vanadium is transported in the serum mainly bound to transferrin. Extracellular vanadium is
present in the form of vanadate (5+) and intracellular vanadium most likely in the vanadyl (4+) form. After
administration by different routes to rats, the highest amounts were found in lungs (after intratracheal
installation), bone, kidneys, liver and spleen. Studies on rats and mice showed a three-compartment model
for elimination with plasma half-times of 15 minutes, 14 hours and 8.5 days (Lagerkvist et al, 1986).
3.3. Normal levels in human tissues and fluids
In contrast to earlier assumptions based on colorimetric determinations, Byrne and Kosta (1978)
estimated the total body pool to be only 100 to 200 µg vanadium. Normal concentrations in human
blood serum have been reported to be in the range of 0.02-0.94 µg/L (Cornelis et al, 1981). Thus, serum
vanadium values above 1 µg/L probably indicate excessive exposure (WHO, 1996).
This section is limited to oral toxicity data with the exception of carcinogenicity. Other toxicological
aspects of vanadium, in particular hazards from inhalative exposure and aspects of occupational
medicine, have been reviewed elsewhere (Browning, 1969; EPA, 1977; NIOSH, 1977; NRCC, 1980;
MAK, 1984; Lagerkvist et al, 1986; WHO, 1988 and 2001).
4.1. Effects on cell cycle and proliferation
Vanadium compounds elicit several biological effects, affecting cell cycle, signalling pathways, and cell
survival in vitro and in vivo.
Induction of apoptosis and p53 activation were observed in murine epidermal JB6 P+ cells treated with
sodium metavanadate (2.24 µg/mL) or vanadyl sulphate (3.26 µg/mL) (Ye et al, 1999; Huang et al, 2000).
In newborn rat brain cells, sodium metavanadate induced apoptosis and the activation of extracellular-
signal regulated kinases (Luo et al, 2003).
In vivo, a marked increase of apoptotic cells was observed in lung cells of BALB/cJ mice treated
orally with sodium metavanadate (50 µg/mouse). In general the addition of NADPH, sodium formate
or superoxide dismutase enhanced vanadate-induced apoptosis, which was inhibited by catalase or
deferoxamine, suggesting a role for oxidative species in this process (Wang et al, 2003).
In the human breast cancer cell line Mcf-7, vanadate stimulated cell proliferation and activated oestrogen
receptor-α (ER-α), inducing the expression of oestrogen-regulated genes (Martin et al, 2003).
Exposure to noncytotoxic levels of vanadate stimulated interleukin-8 production in human promyelocyte
cells (Sonoda et al, 1997), and inhibited tyrosine phosphatases in the human bronchial epithelial cell line
BEAS 2B, resulting in increased levels of tyrosine phosphorylation (Samet et al, 1999) and activation of
mitogen activated protein kinases (MAP kinases) (Samet et al, 1998).
In the human alveolar epithelial cancer cell line A549, exposure to vanadate led to cell growth arrest
at G2/M and caused up-regulation of cell growth regulatory proteins (p21, phospho cdc2 and cdc25)
and activation of MAP kinases. Different reactive oxygen species were shown to affect specific MAP
kinases and cell cycle regulatory proteins (Zhang et al, 2003).
Vanadium 276
4.2. Acute toxicity
The oral acute toxicity of vanadium varies with the species and the nature of the compound. In general,
vanadium is said to be better tolerated by the rat and the mouse than by larger animals including
the rabbit and horse (WHO, 1988). Acute vanadium poisoning in animals is characterized by marked
nervous disturbance, haemorrhagic enteritis and a fall of temperature. Death is preceded by paralysis
of hind legs, laboured respiration and convulsions (Browning, 1969).
In rats of unknown strain, vanadium pentoxide and ammonium metavanadate have been reported to
have an oral LD
of 10.4 and 18.3 mg/kg body weight, equivalent to 5.8 and 8.0 mg vanadium/kg
body weight, respectively (Massmann, 1956). In male Sprague-Dawley rats, sodium metavanadate and
vanadyl sulphate pentahydrate were less toxic with oral LD
values equivalent to 41 mg vanadium/kg
body weight and 90.3 mg vanadium/kg body weight, respectively. In male Swiss mice, the LD
of these compounds were equivalent to 31 mg vanadium/kg body weight and 94 mg vanadium/kg body
weight, respectively (Llobet and Domingo, 1984).
4.3. Subacute/Subchronic toxicity
Groups of 10 male Sprague-Dawley rats received 0, 5, 10, and 50 mg/L sodium metavanadate in
drinking water for a period of three months. The concentrations were equivalent to approximately 0.8,
1.5 and 7.7 mg vanadium/kg body weight/day as calculated by FNB (2001). Appearance, behaviour,
food and water consumption, growth, mortality and the weights of liver, kidneys, heart, spleen and
lungs were not affected. The histopathological examination of organs in 3 rats per group, however,
showed mild lesions in kidneys (corticomedullar microhaemorrhagic foci), spleen (hypertrophy and
hyperplasy in the white pulp) and lungs (mononuclear cell infiltration, mostly perivascular), more
evident in animals receiving the highest dose. These lesions are described as dose-dependent, their
significance, however, is not clearly specified. The vanadium concentrations in a number of organs
were elevated at the highest dose and in kidneys and spleen at the dose of 10 mg/L. In addition,
significantly increased plasma concentrations of urea and uric acid were found at the highest dose
level (Domingo et al, 1985).
Groups of 12 male streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats were exposed to drinking water containing
NaCl (80 mM) and sodium metavanadate (150 mg/L), sodium orthovanadate (230 mg/L) or vanadyl
sulphate pentahydrate (310 mg/L) for 28 days. The groups were compared to controls, either diabetic
or non-diabetic, receiving drinking water containing NaCl (80 mM) only. At the ingested doses,
equivalent to 6.1, 15.6 and 22.7 mg vanadium/kg body weight/day, the daily food and fluid intake as
well as the blood glucose levels were significantly reduced relative to the diabetic controls, with sodium
metavanadate being the most effective compound tested. Signs of toxicity including decreased weight
gain, increased serum concentrations of urea and creatinine and some deaths were observed in all
vanadium-treated animals (Domingo et al, 1991).
Groups of 10 male Sprague-Dawley rats received drinking water with 0 and 100 mg vanadium/L as
sodium metavanadate for 7 months. Heart rate and systolic and diastolic blood pressure were increased
significantly in the vanadate exposed animals. Vanadate strongly increased also the levels of urinary
Na+ and K+ and affected the kidneys, where the lumen of the proximal tubule cells was narrowed and
contained amorphous protein material (Carmignani et al, 1991).
Groups of 6 male weaning Sprague-Dawley rats were given sodium metavanadate in drinking water at
concentrations of 0, 10 and 40 mg vanadium/L for 210 days and 0 and 1 mg vanadium/L for 180 days.
All vanadium exposed rats showed a significant increase in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, but
not of heart rate and cardiac inotropism. These changes were not dose-dependent. Rats exposed to
40 mg/L had effects on kidney morphology (narrowed proximal tubules containing amorphous material
and hydropic degeneration in proximal, distal and straight tubules). Such abnormalities were less
evident in rats treated with 10 mg/L and absent in those treated with 1 mg/L of vanadium. At 10 and 40
mg/L, plasma renin, urinary kallikrein and urinary kininase I and II activities as well as urinary potassium
were increased (Boscolo et al, 1994).
Groups of 5 male unilateral-nephrectomized Sprague-Dawley rats received normal rat chow containing
0.3 mg vanadium/kg and normal rat chow supplemented with sodium orthovanadate, equivalent to
100 mg vanadium/kg diet, and drank either tap water or a 1% solution of sodium chloride for a period
of 9 weeks. In a second experiment, groups of 9 male unilateral-nephrectomized Sprague-Dawley rats
drank tap water and ate normal rat chow or normal rat chow supplemented with sodium orthovanadate,
equivalent to 100 or 200 mg vanadium/kg diet for a period of 56 weeks. In the vanadate exposed rats
drinking tap water, systolic blood pressure gradually increased over several weeks and then was sustained
in a dose-related manner. This effect was correlated positively with plasma vanadium levels from 0.04 to
0.27 µg/mL and associated with an increased heart-to-body-weight ratio (Steffen et al, 1981).
Groups of about 12 two-month old Wistar rats of both sexes received 0 and 150 mg vanadium/L as
ammonium metavanadate in their drinking water for a period of 4 weeks, equivalent to 0 and 13 mg
vanadium/kg body weight/day, respectively. A small decrease in food and water consumption and body
weight gain was observed in treated animals with transient diarrhoea in two cases. In the peripheral
blood, a significant decrease in erythrocyte count and haemoglobin level and significant increases in
the percentage of reticulocytes and polychromatophilic erythrocytes and in the neutrophilic granulocyte
and lymphocyte count were noted. Some inhibitory influence on the phagocytic activity of granulocytes
in females was also observed (Zaporowska and Wasilewski, 1992).
Groups of about 15 two-month old Wistar rats of both sexes received 0, 10 and 50 mg vanadium/L as
ammonium metavanadate in their drinking water for a period of 4 weeks, equivalent to 0, 1.5 and 5 to 6
mg vanadium/kg body weight/day, respectively. The erythrocyte count was significantly decreased at both
dose levels associated with a significant decrease of the haemoglobin level and increased percentage of
reticulocytes in the peripheral blood at the highest dose level. In addition, the L-ascorbic acid level in the
plasma of males was significantly decreased at both dose levels (Zaporowska et al, 1993).
In a study with non-diabetic and streptozotocin-diabetic male Wistar rats, groups of 8-32 animals
were untreated or exposed to vanadyl sulphate hydrate for 52 weeks at doses of 500 mg/L stepwise
increased to 1250 or 1500 mg/L (Dai et al, 1994a), equivalent to 8-36 mg vanadium/kg body weight/day
(Dai et al, 1995). The treatment caused significant decreases in body weight gain and plasma insulin
level in non-diabetic rats (Dai et al, 1994b), but did not produce persistent impairment of hepatic or
renal function and significant changes in organ weights, gross and microscopic findings in either non-
diabetic or diabetic animals. However, increased amounts of vanadium were retained in various organs
for months after cessation of treatment in the following rank order: bone > kidneys > testis > liver >
pancreas > brain (Dai et al, 1994a). In contrast to other studies, systolic blood pressure, pulse rate and
selected haematological indices were not significantly changed (Dai and McNeill, 1994).
In another study, groups of 8 male Wistar rats were exposed to ammonium metavanadate (10 mg
vanadium/kg body weight/day), vanadyl sulphate hydrate (8 mg vanadium/kg body weight/day) and
bis (maltolato)oxovanadium (IV) (9 mg vanadium/kg body weight/day) for 12 weeks. Again, there were
no significant differences of haematological parameters between controls and exposed animals (Dai
et al, 1995).
4.4. Chronic toxicity/Carcinogenicity
Only limited carcinogenicity studies by oral route on vanadyl sulfate are presently available.
Groups of 23 male and 29 female Charles River CD mice were given 5 mg/L vanadium as vanadyl
sulfate in the drinking water from weaning until natural death. The diet fed to the mice for the first
6 months contained 1.4 mg/kg vanadium and thereafter 3.2 mg/kg vanadium, on a wet basis. Dead
animals were autopsied, gross lesions noted and abnormal tissues sectioned for microscopic analysis.
No effects in terms of growth, survival, longevity, increased incidence of tumours or other pathological
signs were observed (Schroeder and Balassa, 1967).
Groups of 50 Long-Evans rats of each sex received drinking water containing 5 mg/L vanadium as
vanadyl sulfate from the time of weaning until natural death. The diet contained 3.2 mg/kg vanadium.
Seventeen animals of each sex were killed by an epidemic of virulent pneumonia and removed from the
series. No toxicity was observed. Growth, survival and incidence of visible tumours at necropsy were
not significantly different from the controls (Schroeder et al, 1970).
Groups of 54 males and 54 females of Swiss mice of the Charles River CD strain were given 5 mg/L
vanadium as vanadyl sulfate in the drinking water for life span. Body weights were examined at intervals
and animals that died naturally were dissected, gross tumours detected and sections made of heart,
lung, liver, kidney and spleen for microscopic examination. Males given vanadium had significantly
higher body weights than controls and longevity was increased by vanadium in both sexes. A slight
increase in the number of tumour-bearing female mice was not considered relevant (Schroeder and
Mitchener, 1975).
Vanadium 278
The results of these studies are hampered by strong limitations such as: a non-standard protocol; only
one single dose level; no signs of toxicity; high content of vanadium in the diet (more than half of that
compared with the vanadium concentration in the drinking water); high spontaneous total incidence of
tumours. Therefore, the results of these studies should be considered inconclusive.
Recently, the results of 2-year standard bioassays with vanadium pentoxide particles in F344/N rats
and B6C3F1 mice exposed by inhalation have been made available (NTP, 2002).
Groups of 50 male and 50 female rats were exposed to particulate aerosols of vanadium pentoxide at
concentrations of 0, 0.5, 1 or 2 mg/m
by inhalation, 6 hours per days, 5 days per week for 104 weeks.
Survival and body weights were generally similar to those of the controls; only mean body weights in
females exposed to 2 mg/m
were lower than those of the controls. In male rats, the incidences of
lung alveolar/bronchiolar neoplasms (adenomas or carcinomas) often exceeded the historical control
ranges: adenomas (4/50, 8/49, 5/48, 6/50); carcinomas (0/50, 3/49, 1/48, 3/50); adenomas/carcinomas
(4/50, 10/49, 6/48, 9/50). Some tumours also occurred, at lower extent, in the females: adenomas (0/49,
3/49, 1/50, 0/50); adenomas plus 1 carcinoma at the top dose (0/49, 3/49, 1/50, 1/50). Non-neoplastic
lesions in the respiratory tract (e.g. hyperplasia, inflammation, fibrosis) were also observed, generally
increased at higher concentrations. The NTP conclusions were: “some evidence of carcinogenic
activity” in male rats, and “equivocal evidence of carcinogenic activity” in female rats.
Groups of 50 male and 50 female mice were exposed to particulate aerosols of vanadium pentoxide
at concentrations of 0, 1, 2 or 4 mg/m
by inhalation, 6 hours per day, 5 days per week for 104 weeks.
Survival of males at the top concentration was significantly less than that of controls. Mean body
weights of 4 mg/m
males and all exposed groups of females were generally less than in controls. The
incidences of lung alveolar/bronchiolar neoplasms were significantly increased in all exposed groups
both in males and in females. Males: adenomas (13/50, 16/50, 26/50, 15/50); carcinomas (12/50, 29/50,
30/50, 35/50); adenomas/carcinomas (22/50, 42/50, 43/50, 43/50). Females: adenomas (1/50, 17/50,
23/50, 19/50); carcinomas (0/50, 23/50, 18/50, 22/50); adenomas/carcinomas (1/50, 32/50, 35/50,
32/50). Non-neoplastic lesions were also observed with increased severity at higher concentrations.
The NTP conclusion was: “clear evidence of carcinogenic activity” in male and female mice.
Based on these inhalation studies, vanadium pentoxide has been evaluated by IARC as “possibily
carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B) on the basis of “sufficient evidence” in experimental animals, in the
absence of human data (IARC Monographs, Vol. 86, 2003). The relevance of the results of the NTP inhalation
studies in rats and mice for oral ingestion of vanadium pentoxide or other vanadium compounds is unclear.
4.5. Genotoxicity
4.5.1. In vitro studies in bacteria
In a screening of metal compounds with a semiquantitative spot test procedure without metabolic
activation, vanadium pentoxide (+5) and ammonium metavanadate (+5) were reported not to be
mutagenic in the Escherichia coli strains B/r and WP2, and in Salmonella enterica var. Typhimurium
TA1535, TA1537, TA1538, TA98 and TA100 (Kanematsu et al, 1980). In the same study, vanadium
oxydichloride, vanadium pentoxide and ammonium metavanadate were evaluated as positive in the
rec assay in Bacillus subtilis.
Ammonium metavanadate was found to be weakly mutagenic in Salmonella enterica var. Typhimurium
TA1535 in a plate incorporation assay with a modified Vogel-Bonner medium, inducing a doubling of
revertants at the highest dose tested (43.3 µg/plate, without S9) (Arlauskas et al, 1985).
Negative results were obtained in the standard Salmonella enterica var. Typhimurium reversion test
(Ames test) with vanadium pentoxide at concentrations from 0.03 to 333 µg/plate in strains TA97, TA98,
TA100, TA102, and TA1535, with or without Aroclor induced rat or hamster liver S9 (NTP, 2002).
4.5.2. In vitro studies in eukaryotic cells
Mitotic gene conversion and point mutations were induced in Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain D7 by
ammonium metavanadate at concentrations from 9.4 to 24.6 µg/mL (Bronzetti et al, 1990). Positive
results were also obtained in the same test system with vanadyl sulfate (+4) at concentrations from 26.1
to 68.5 µg/mL, only in experiments with cells from logarithmic growth phase (Galli et al, 1991). In the
same study, both ammonium metavanadate (0.47-0.58 µg/mL) and vanadyl sulfate (1.22-1.63 µg/mL)
induced mitotic aneuploidy in the S. cerevisiae strain D6.1M.
In Chinese hamster V79 cells, no induction of forward mutations at the hprt locus was observed
after treatment with vanadyl sulfate (+4) (0.081-0.81 µg/mL, both in the presence or in the absence
of metabolic activation (Galli et al, 1991), or after treatment with vanadium pentoxide (1-3 µg/mL) in
the absence of metabolic activation (Zhong et al, 1994). In experiments without exogenous metabolic
activation, ammonium metavanadate, at low non-cytotoxic concentrations (up to 0.58 ng/mL),
increased the frequency of mutations at the hprt locus in V79 cells, and, at higher concentrations (0.585
µg/mL), at the bacterial gpt gene in transgenic G12 cells (Cohen et al, 1992).
Vanadium trioxide (+3), vanadyl sulfate and ammonium metavanadate, at concentrations respectively
of 0.1-1 µg/mL, 0.5-6 µg/mL and 0.5-4 µg/mL, induced significant increases in SCE frequencies in
Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO-K1). The genotoxic activities of ammonium metavanadate and
vanadyl sulphate were decreased in the presence of hepatic S9 (Owusu-Yaw et al, 1990). In the
same study, all three vanadium compounds induced significant increases of structural chromosomal
aberrations, with a prevalence of breaks and exchanges, after a 2-hour treatment with 4, 8, 16 µg/mL
(ammonium metavanadate), 6, 12, 24 µg/mL (vanadyl sulphate), and 12, 18 µg/mL (vanadium trioxide),
both in the absence and in the presence of metabolic activation.
In another study, no significant increase in sister chromatid exchange (SCE) frequency was observed
in Chinese hamster V79 cells after 24h treatment with vanadium pentoxide at concentrations up to 4
µg/mL. However, a dose-related increase of endoreduplication and micronucleated cells containing
CREST-positive micronuclei was observed, indicating an aneugenic effect (Zhong et al, 1994).
No induction of structural chromosome aberrations and SCE was observed in human lymphocytes
treated for 48h with 2, 4 and 6 µg/mL of vanadium pentoxide in the absence of metabolic activation
(Roldán and Altamirano, 1990). However, a statistically significant increase in the frequency of polyploid
cells was reported at all dose levels.
A study by Migliore et al (1993), investigated the ability of sodium ortho-(0.41-13.12 µg/mL) and
metavanadate (0.28-8.96 µg/mL), ammonium metavanadate (0.29-9.36 µg/mL) and vanadyl sulphate
(0.41-13.04 µg/mL) to produce structural and numerical chromosome aberrations, micronuclei and
SCE in human lymphocytes in vitro. Treatments with vanadium compounds did not induce any
significant increase in the frequency of cells with structural chromosomal aberrations. On the other
hand, statistically significant increases in SCE rates were observed with all compounds at the two
highest concentrations tested, and large increases in the incidence of micronuclei from 1.64 µg/mL
onwards. The characterization of micronuclei by fluorescence in situ hybridization showed that
centromeres were present in a large fraction of micronuclei, indicating an aneugenic potential for these
vanadium compounds. The same authors also demonstrated the preferential loss of acrocentric and
sex chromosomes after treatment of hyman lymphocytes in vitro with vanadyl sulphate and sodium
orthovanadate (Migliore et al, 1995 and 1999).
Immunostaining of the spindle apparatus using an anti-β-tubulin antibody, and an in vitro assay
measuring the polymerization/depolymerization of purified tubulin, confirmed that vanadium pentoxide
at doses as low as 1.82 ng/mL affect spindle organization and function in human lymphocytes through
the disruption of microtubules (Ramírez et al, 1997).
In a recent study, Rodríguez-Mercado et al (2003) evaluated the genotoxicity of vanadium tetraoxide
(+4) in human peripheral blood cells in vitro. A dose-related increase of structural chromosome
aberrations and SCE, as well as an inhibition of mitotic and replicative index, were observed in cultures
treated with vanadium tetraoxide (+4) (2-16 µg/mL, without metabolic activation). On the other hand,
no increase in comet test parameters was observed after short (2 h) treatments with V
, possibly
because of the limited ability of V+4 to cross cell membrane.
In other tests for DNA damage using single cell gel electrophoresis (comet assay), vanadium pentoxide
induced DNA single strand breaks and/or alkali labile sites in non-stimulated human leukocytes at doses
from 0.54 µg/mL or more. On the other hand, in stimulated lymphocytes only the highest concentration
tested (540 µg/mL) induced a significant increase in DNA damage (Rojas et al, 1996).
In another study, orthovanadate significantly increased comet tail length in non-stimulated human
lymphocytes (0.25-0.5 µg/mL) and in cultured human fibroblasts (from 0.025 µg/mL); moreover,
co-exposure of human fibroblasts to vanadate (0.025 µg/mL) and UV or bleomycin resulted in non-
repairable DNA double-strand breaks (Ivancsits et al, 2002).
Vanadium 280
The induction of morphological transformation by vanadium +5 and +4 has been studied in mouse
BALB 3T3 cells. Ammonium and sodium vanadate (+5) showed transforming activity at concentrations
of 0.351 µg/mL or higher, while vanadyl sulphate (+4) was ineffective (Sabbioni et al, 1991 and 1993).
Sodium orthovanadate (0.033-1.14 µg/mL) was assayed for cell transformation in Syrian hamster
embryo cells. A marked increase in cell transformation was noted only at the highest dose, without any
effect on cloning efficiency (Rivedal et al, 1990; Kerckaert et al, 1996).
Finally, ammonium metavanadate, added at the concentration of 0.585 µg/mL, amplified the yields of
type II and type III foci in methylcholanthrene-initiated C3H/10T1/2 cells (Parfett and Pilon, 1995).
4.5.3. In vivo studies
Treatment of Drosophila larvae with vanadyl sulphate (163-407 µg/mL) induced somatic mutations,
detected as aberrant red sectors in the w+/w adult eye (Barrera Ferrer and Villalobos Cabrera, 1998).
Single cell gel electrophoresis (comet assay) was used to assess the ability of V
to induce DNA
damage in vivo in six different organs (liver, kidney, lung, spleen, heart and bone marrow) of CD-1
mice. V
was given by intraperitoneal injection at 5.75, 11.5 and 23 mg/kg body weight (LD
) 24 h
before sacrifice. A significant, although not dose-dependent, increase of DNA migration was observed
in kidney, liver, heart and lung cells, whereas only slight damage was induced in spleen cells, and no
effect in bone marrow (Altamirano-Lozano et al, 1999). With the same protocol significant, dose-related
increase of DNA migration was observed in testicular cells with the lowest dose assayed (5.75 mg/kg)
onwards (Altamirano-Lozano et al, 1996).
Vanadyl sulphate, sodium orthovanadate and ammonium metavanadate were tested for the induction
of micronuclei, and structural and numerical chromosome aberrations in bone marrow of male CD-1
mice. Micronuclei and hyperploidy were induced by all compounds when given by single intragastric
administration at 100, 75 and 50 mg/kg body weight, respectively, but only vanadyl sulphate induced
a significant increase of structural chromosomal aberrations at the dose of 100 mg/kg body weight,
corresponding approximately to 1/5 of the LD50 (Ciranni et al, 1995).
No increase in the frequency of micronucleated normochromatic erythrocytes, and no alteration of the
PCE/NCE ratio, were seen in peripheral blood samples of male and female B6C3F1 mice exposed for
3 months by inhalation to 1-16 mg/m3 vanadium pentoxide (NTP, 2002).
Sodium orthovanadate, administered intraperitoneally to ICR female mice during oocyte maturation at
doses of 0, 5, 15, and 25 mg/kg body weight, induced different cytogenetic abnormalities in oocytes
and in bone marrow cells. In oocytes, vanadate induced premature anaphase, whereas in bone marrow
sodium orthovanadate increased tetraploidy, hyperploidy and premature centromere separation
(Mailhes et al, 2003).
4.5.4. Summary of genotoxicity test results
Overall, genotoxicity test results suggest that vanadium compounds do not induce gene mutations
in bacterial cells as well as, with the possible exception of ammonium metavanadate, in mammalian
cells. There is clear evidence that pentavalent and tetravalent forms of vanadium produce aneuploidy
in vitro and in vivo, very likely through interference with microtubule assembly and spindle formation
(Winkelhaus and Hauser, 1997; Ochi, 2002), as well as polyploidy, endoreduplication and other
aneugenic-related effects. The production of micronuclei, in vitro and/or in vivo, appears to be caused
by chromosome loss (aneuploidy), and not by chromosome-breaking mechanism (clastogenicity).
Less clear is the evidence that vanadium compounds can produce structural chromosomal aberrations,
although vanadium tetraoxide was positive in vitro, and vanadyl sulphate was weakly positive in vivo.
The DNA damaging activity, observed in vitro and/or in vivo by the Comet assay, is probably due to
reactive oxygen species generated through a Fenton-like reaction (Sakurai, 1994; Shi et al, 1996;
Altamirano-Lozano, 1998).
In conclusion, the nature of the genotoxicity database indicates that indirect, threshold-based
modes of action are probably responsible of the aneugenic and DNA damaging activity of vanadium
4.6. Reproductive and developmental toxicity
Groups of 20 female Sprague-Dawley rats were administered intragastrically 0, 5, 10 and 20 mg
sodium metavanadate/kg body weight/day, equivalent to about 0, 2, 4, and 8 mg vanadium/kg body
weight/day for 14 days before mating with groups of 20 Sprague-Dawley males which had received the
same doses for 60 days. No significant adverse effects were observed on numbers of corpora lutea,
implantations, live and dead foetuses, or resorptions. However, the average body weight/litter of the
rat pups nursed by vanadium-treated mothers was significantly reduced on post-natal day 21 at 10
and 20 mg/kg body weight/day. In addition, average body weight, body length and tail length as well
as relative organ weights of liver, kidneys and spleen showed significant decreases even at the lowest
dose (Domingo et al, 1986).
Groups of 20 pregnant rats were given intragastrically doses of 0, 5, 10 and 20 mg sodium metavanadate/kg
body weight/day on days 6-14 of gestation. The highest dose equivalent to about 8 mg vanadium/kg body
weight/day was found to be embryotoxic but was not embryolethal or teratogenic (Paternain et al, 1987).
Groups of 16 to 20 pregnant Swiss mice were administered doses of 0, 37.5, 75 and 150 mg/kg body
weight/day of vanadyl sulphate pentahydrate, equivalent to about 0, 7.5, 15 and 30 mg vanadium/kg
body weight/day once daily by gavage on gestational days 6-15. Maternal toxicity was observed as
evidenced by reduced weight gain, reduced body weight and decreased absolute liver and kidney
weights at 75 and 150 mg/kg body weight/day. The number of total implants, live and dead foetuses,
late resorptions, the sex ratio and the post-implantation losses were not significantly different from
the controls. However, there was a significant increase in the number of early resorptions per litter,
a reduction of body weights and body length, an increase of the number of stunted foetuses and an
increased incidence of poorly ossified skeletal elements at all dose levels. In addition, an increase of
external malformations was seen with cleft palates and micrognathia as the major gross malformations
at 30 mg vanadium/kg body weight/day (Paternain et al, 1990).
Groups of 14-20 Swiss mice received sodium orthovanadate by gavage at doses of 0, 7.5, 15, 30, and
60 mg/kg body weight/day on days 6-15 of pregnancy. Maternal toxicity was observed at 30 and 60
mg/kg body weight/day and reduced food consumption and weight gain at 15 and 30 mg/kg body
weight/day. Embryolethality and teratogenicity were not observed, but foetal toxicity in the form of a
significant delay in the ossification process of skeletal districts was seen at 30 mg/kg body weight/day.
The no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) for maternal toxicity was 7.5 mg/kg body weight/day,
equivalent to about 2 mg vanadium/kg body weight/day, and the NOAEL for developmental toxicity
was 15 mg/kg body weight/day, equivalent to about 4 mg vanadium/kg body weight/day, under the
conditions of this study (Sanchez et al, 1991).
Groups of 24 male Swiss mice received for 64 days sodium metavanadate in the drinking water at
dosages of 0, 20, 40, 60 and 80 mg/kg body weight/day, equivalent to about 0, 8, 17, 25 and 33 mg
vanadium/kg body weight/day. At the end of the exposure period, each group was divided into two
subgroups: 8 animals were used for a mating trial and 16 animals for testes pathology and sperm
examination. A significant decrease in the pregnancy rate was observed at 60 and 80 mg/kg body
weight/day. Decreased body and epididymis weight was observed at 80 mg/kg body weight/day.
Spermatozoa counts were significantly reduced at 60 and 80 mg/kg body weight/day, but the sperm
motility was unaffected. The NOAEL in this study was 40 mg/kg body weight/day, equivalent to about
17 mg vanadium/kg body weight/day (Llobet et al, 1993).
4.7. Human data
Twelve patients, 10 of whom had coronary heart disease and 9 were hypercholesterolaemic, were treated
orally with diammonium vanadotartrate (25 mg, 3 times daily for 2 weeks, increased to 125 mg daily during
the following fortnight and maintained for a further 5 months in 10 patients). Persistent abdominal pain,
anorexia, nausea and loss of weight were reported in 5 patients. A green tongue appeared in 5 men and one
other developed pharyngitis with marginal ulceration of the tongue (Somerville and Davies, 1962).
Six patients received ammonium vanadyl tartrate in increasing doses between 25 and 125 mg/day for
45 to 68 days. All patients experienced gastrointestinal difficulties with cramps and diarrhoea including
one patient who did not receive more than 50 mg/day, equivalent to about 0.17 mg vanadium/kg body
weight/day. Doses of 50 mg/day or more resulted also in a green tint on the tongue. No effects were
seen at 25 mg/day in 4 subjects, equivalent to approximately 0.08 mg vanadium/kg body weight/day
(Dimond et al, 1963).
Vanadium 282
125 mg sodium metavanadate/day, equivalent to 0.83 mg vanadium/kg body weight/day, administered
orally to 10 diabetic patients for two weeks resulted in an improvement of insulin sensitivity in non-
insulin- and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus patients and a decrease in serum cholesterol levels.
The major adverse side effect was gastrointestinal intolerance including mild diarrhoea in 4 subjects.
No evidence of toxicity was detected by screening electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen and creatinine, by
liver and thyroid function studies, urine analysis and a complete blood count (Goldfine et al, 1995).
Gastrointestinal effects including nausea, diarrhoea, abdominal cramps and flatulence were reported
in patients with non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus given 100 mg vanadyl sulphate/day for a few
weeks, equivalent to approximately 0.52 mg vanadium/kg body weight/day (Cohen et al, 1995; Boden
et al, 1996; Halberstam et al, 1996).
In a double blind, placebo-controlled trial, vanadyl sulphate capsules were given to 11 male and 4
female weight training athletes at mean daily doses of 9 mg vanadium, i.e. 0.12 mg vanadium/kg body
weight/day, for a period of 12 weeks. 5 subjects in the treatment group and 4 in the placebo group
withdrew for various reasons. Body weight and blood pressure remained stable during the trial. No
treatment effects were seen on haematocrit, blood viscosity, haematological and biochemical indices,
compared to the placebo group (Fawcett et al, 1997).
DNA strand breaks, 8-OHdG, and SCE were analysed in blood leukocytes and lymphocytes of 46 male
workers employed in a vanadium factory (vanadium concentration in serum 2.18-46.35 µg/L), and
compared with 12 non-exposed controls. No exposure-related increase in genotoxic or oxidative DNA
damage was observed (Ivancsits et al, 2002).
According to the available subacute and subchronic studies with rats, orally administered vanadium
compounds produced adverse effects on kidneys, spleen, lungs and blood pressure. In one study,
effects occurred even at 0.8 mg vanadium/kg body weight/day after administration for a period of 3
months (Domingo et al, 1985). A NOAEL cannot be derived from these studies.
Similarly, there is no NOAEL for developmental toxicity in rats. Toxic effects of sodium metavanadate
were seen in the offspring of rats nursed by vanadium-treated mothers at and above doses of 2 mg
vanadium/kg body weight/day (Domingo et al, 1986). In mice, however, NOAELs for maternal toxicity of
about 2 mg vanadium/kg body weight/day and for developmental toxicity of about 4 mg vanadium/kg
body weight/day were reported (Sanchez et al, 1991).
An adequate evaluation of the carcinogenic potential of vanadium by the oral route is not possible, due
to strong limitations of the presently available feed studies. The relevance of the NTP inhalation studies
in rats and mice for oral ingestion of vanadium is unclear.
There is clear evidence that both pentavalent and tetravalent vanadium compounds induce aneuploidy
in vitro due to interference with the spindle apparatus. These forms, as well as trivalent vanadium,
can also produce DNA damage in vitro and/or (V
) in vivo, probably due to reactive oxygen species.
Overall, the available data suggest that vanadium compounds do not produce gene mutations. The
evidence for them also being able to produce structural chromosomal aberrations is unclear.
Clinical experience in humans is limited to studies with small numbers of volunteers and patients. In
these studies, gastrointestinal disturbances including diarrhoea and abdominal cramps were observed
as major side effects. The lowest dose of a vanadium compound reported to cause such an effect, was
equivalent to about 0.2 mg vanadium/kg body weight/day (Dimond et al, 1963).
On the basis of these limited dose-response data, a tolerable upper intake level cannot be derived.
Vanadium has not been shown to be essential for humans.
Studies in humans have shown that the oral intake of vanadium compounds can cause gastrointestinal
disturbances. In addition, vanadium compounds affect kidneys and other organs of rats at relatively
low doses and have adverse effects at higher doses on the reproduction and the development of
the offspring of rats and mice. These effects have not been demonstrated in humans, but there is no
evidence that they cannot occur in humans.
The mean dietary intake of vanadium is about of 10-20 µg/person/day or 0.2-0.3 µg/kg body weight/
day. This daily intake is at least three orders of magnitude below the lowest doses reported to cause
adverse effects in rats (800 µg vanadium/kg body weight/day) and in humans (about 200 µg vanadium/
kg body weight/day).
The available data, however, are inadequate to define the highest level of oral intake that can be
regarded as tolerable. In the case of supplements taken by athletes and body builders, with daily doses
up to 18 mg vanadium/person/day, equivalent to about 300 µg vanadium/kg body weight/day, the
intake is similar to the doses reported to cause gastrointestinal effects in humans and kidney lesions
in rats. Therefore, a risk of adverse effects could be expected to result from the prolonged ingestion
of such supplements.
Altamirano-Lozano M (1998). Genotoxic effects of vanadium compounds. Invest Clin 39: (Suppl 1): 39-47.
Altamirano-Lozano M, Alvarez-Barrera L, Basurto-Alcántara Valverde M, Rojas E (1996). Reprotoxic and genotoxic studies of vanadium
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Altamirano-Lozano M, Valverde M, Alvarez-Barrera L, Molina B (1999). Genotoxic studies of vanadium pentoxide (V
) in male mice. II:
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Wulf Becker, Daniel Brasseur, Jean-Louis Bresson, Albert Flynn, Alan A. Jackson, Pagona Lagiou,
Geltrude Mingrone, Bevan Moseley, Andreu Palou, Hildegard Przyrembel, Seppo Salminen, Stefan
Strobel and Hendrik van Loveren.
The Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies wishes to thank Jan Alexander, Angelo
Carere, Werner Grunow, Andrew Renwick and Gerrit Speijers for their contributions to the draft opinion.
(REQUEST N° EFSA-Q-2003-018)
The European Food Safety Authority is asked to derive an upper level for the intake of silicon from food
that is unlikely to pose a risk of adverse health effects.
Silicon has not been shown to be essential for humans. Silicon occurs naturally in foods as silicon
dioxide (silica) and silicates, and may also be added as an anti-caking and anti-foaming agent in the
form of silica, silicates and dimethylpolysiloxane. Silicate-containing antacids have been widely used
for a number of decades.
Short-term oral ingestion of sodium or magnesium silicate produces adverse renal effects in dogs and guinea
pigs, but not in rats; similar doses of silicon dioxide and aluminum silicate did not produce adverse renal effects
in dogs or rats. Long-term oral administration of silica at high dose levels inhibits growth in rats and mice.
This effect was not regarded as a toxic effect, but was rather due to nutritional imbalance because of the
high dose of silica added to the diet. In humans, apart from occasional reports of renal stones, mainly
associated with long-term use of silicate-containing antacids, there is little evidence of adverse effects of
orally ingested silicon. The available data are inadequate to derive a tolerable upper intake level.
The estimated typical dietary intake (20-50 mg silicon/day) corresponds to 0.3-0.8 mg/kg body weight/day
in a 60 kg person. These intakes are unlikely to cause adverse effects.
Silicon, tolerable upper intake level, metabolism, function, food safety.
In 2002, the European Parliament and the Council adopted Directive 2002/46/EC
related to food
supplements containing vitamins and minerals.
In addition, and as announced in its White Paper on Food Safety, the Commission aims to put forward
a proposal for harmonising legislation concerning the addition of vitamins and minerals to foods.
With a view to provide scientific support to the European Commission’s legislative work in this field,
the Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) issued, from October 2000 to April 2003, a series of opinions
on tolerable upper intake levels of individual vitamins and minerals and safety factors in relation to their
use in fortified foods and food supplements (available on the Internet at:
The SCF opinions covered 22 out of the 29 nutrients, which were considered to be within their mandate
for this task. The SCF did not have sufficient time to adopt opinions for the following vitamins and
minerals: vitamin C, chloride, fluoride, iron, phosphorus, potassium and sodium. In addition, during
the decision making process for the adoption of Directive 2000/46/EC on food supplements the
Parliament requested that boron, nickel, silicon, vanadium and tin should be allowed to be used in food
supplements. Therefore, the European Food Safety Authority is asked to provide scientific opinions on
the remaining 12 vitamins and minerals in accordance with the present terms of reference.
1. Directive 2002/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the approximation of the laws of the Member
States relating to food supplements. OJ L 183. 12.7.2002, p. 51.
Silicon 288
With respect to the outstanding 12 vitamins and minerals, the European Food Safety Authority is asked
1) to review the upper levels of daily intakes that are unlikely to pose a risk of adverse health effects; 2)
to provide the basis for the establishment of safety factors, where necessary, which would ensure the
safety of fortified foods and food supplements containing the aforementioned nutrients.
Silicon is a non-metallic element with atomic weight of 28. It occurs in the earth’s crust at an average
concentration of about 28%, but does not exist in nature in forms other than as silicon dioxide (silica)
or as silicates (Friedberg and Schiller, 1988). Silica consists of free silicon dioxide, which is amorphous
(e.g. diatomaceus earth) or crystalline (e.g. quartz, tridymite and cristobalite), or in combination with
various cations as silicates (e.g. Fuller’s earth, asbestos, talc and mica). Silicon in water is present as
ortho-silicic acid Si(OH)
. Silicic acid exists as monosilicic acid. A saturated solution contains 0.1%
silicic acid. Silicic acid can also exist as oligomers and as polysilicic acid, which is colloidal. The
chemistry of silicon has many similarities to that of carbon. It forms bonds with silicon, hydrogen,
oxygen, nitrogen and carbon. The substitution of carbon for silicon in organic compounds results in
molecules with different properties due to a larger size and electronegativity of silicon.
The essentiality of silicon for man has not been established and a functional role for silicon in humans
has not yet been identified. In animals silicon is found in bound form that has never been fully
characterised. Probably, it is present as silicic acid or silanolate, which may play a role in the structural
organisation of some mucopolysaccharides (Nielsen, 1994). In chicken and rats, silicon appears to be
involved in bone formation and metabolism (Nielsen, 1994).
Silicon is found in connective tissues, including aorta, trachea, tendon, bone and skin. In blood silicon is
not bound to protein and exists as silicic acid (Carlisle, 1984). Both the distribution of silicon in animals
and the effect of silicon deficiency on the form and composition of connective tissue support the view that
silicon functions as a biological cross-linking agent contributing to the architecture of connective tissue
(Carlisle, 1984 and 1988). In 1972, Carlisle and Schwartz and Milne reported that silicon deprivation in
chicks and rats led to abnormally shaped bones and cartilagenous tissue, which both were restored upon
supplementation with soluble silicon. Subsequent studies confirmed these findings and also extended
them to calves (Carlisle 1980a and b; Calomme and Vanden Berghe, 1997). Silicon was detected in
small areas of ossifying bone during mineralisation, but less silicon was found in bone at a later stage
in bone development. Rats deprived in silicon show decreased bone hydroxyproline and alkaline- and
acid phosphatase activity (Seaborn and Nielsen, 1993 and 1994). Furthermore, silicon deprivation in rats
decreases collagen formation in wounds and bone and liver ornithine transaminase activity a key enzyme
in proline synthesis (Seaborn and Nielsen, 2002). Silicon appears to increase prolyl-4-hydroxylase,
galactosyl-hydroxyl-lysyl glucosyl-transferase and lysyloxidase activities, enzymes that modify collagen
(Nielsen, 1994). Silicon is apparently also involved in bone calcification, but the mechanisms are unclear
(Nielsen, 1994). While a role for silicon has not been defined in humans, recent in vitro studies show
that orthosilicic acid at physiological concentrations stimulated collagen type 1 synthesis, probably
by modulating prolyl hydroxylase activity, in human osteoblast-like cells and to a lower degree in skin
fibroblasts, and promoted osteoblastic differentiation (Reffitt et al, 2003).
A significant portion of dietary silicon (20-50 mg/day) is excreted in the urine (8.7 to 33.1 mg/24 hours)
suggesting that silicon in the diet is fairly well absorbed (literature reviewed in Reffitt et al 1999). Silicon
from beverages is apparently well absorbed as Bellia et al (1994) found that 42-75% of silicon in
beer was excreted in the urine. However, there are only a few reports where the uptake and excretion
of silicon ingested as orthosilicic acid in water are described. Popplewell et al (1998) used
Si and
determined silicon in urine by accelerator mass spectrometry in one healthy male. Within 48 hours
36% of the dose was excreted into the urine and the elimination appeared to be near to complete. Two
first-order phases of elimination with half-lives of 2.7 and 11.3 hours were found. Reffitt et al (1999)
studied silicon kinetics following intake of orthosilicic acid in water (27-55 mg/L) in healthy individuals,
six men and two women. Based on urinary excretion, the uptake was about 50% (range: 21-74%).
Silicon peaked in blood after about 1 hour. Renal clearance was 82-90 mL/min suggesting high renal
filtration and a significant correlation was found between creatinine clearance and silicon levels in urine
or serum. In a second study they compared the bioavailability of monomeric and oligomeric silicic acid
(Jugdaohsingh et al, 1999). Following administration of monomeric silicic acid 53% was excreted in
urine, whereas ingestion of oligomeric silicic acid only caused a marginal increase of silicon in urine.
Recently the bioavailability of silicon from solid foods, excluding silicon from fluids, was studied, and
Jugdaohsingh et al (2002) found that a mean of 41% was excreted in urine. This is contrary to the
common belief that bioavailability of silicon from phytolithic silica in plant-based food is low.
Fasting concentrations of silicon in plasma are 2-10 μM, increasing to 20-30 μM after meals. Urinary
excretion is approximately 700 μmol/day, equivalent to 19.6 mg silicon/day (Jugdaohsingh et al, 2000;
Reffitt et al, 1999). The significance of renal elimination of silicon is demonstrated by higher serum
concentrations of silicon in patients with chronic renal failure compared to healthy controls (Dobbie
and Smith, 1986).
Mean silicon intakes in US population groups were estimated on the basis of the original Framingham
and Framingham Offspring cohorts by Jugdaohsingh et al (2002), who found intakes to be 30 and
33 mg/day in men and 24 and 25 mg/day in women in the two cohorts, respectively. Silicon intake
decreased with age.
The daily intake from the British diet has been estimated to 20-50 mg (Bellia et al, 1994; Pennington,
1991). The relative contributions were 55% from water, coffee and beer, 14% from grain products and
8% from vegetables.
Silicon in the form of silica is found in supplements and, according to the recommended doses by the
producers, provides 1-75 mg silicon/day, corresponding to 0.017-1.5 mg silicon/kg body weight/day
(e.g., products on the Norwegian market, according to the Norwegian Institute of Public Health).
Silicon in the form of amorphous silica, silicates and dimethylpolysiloxane is added to food as anti-
caking and anti-foaming agents. Dimethylpolysiloxane is used for the treatment of infant colic. JECFA
established ADIs as non-specified for silica and a number of silicates and the SCF established a group
ADI as non-specified for silica and a number of silicates (SCF, 1991; WHO, 1969, 1974a and b).
A Recommended Intake for silicon has not been established due to insufficient data and lack of
functional criteria (FNB, 2001; SCF, 1993).
3.1. Genotoxicity
Silica is considered not to be genotoxic in vitro or in vivo (IARC, 1987).
3.2. Animal toxicity data
Virtually no studies on the toxic effects of soluble silica have been identified. A few quite old studies in
rabbits showed that intravenous injection of polysilicic acid (“colloidal silica”) 100 mg/kg body weight
caused immediate death due to blood clotting. Daily intravenous injection of 5 mg “silica sol” in
rabbits caused liver fibrosis, enlargement of the spleen and interstitial nephritis. Focal areas of necrosis
were seen in midzones of the liver lobules and an increase in transaminases in serum (Friedberg and
Schiller, 1988).
Ruminants consuming plants with a high content of silicon may develop silicate renal calculi (Bailey, 1981).
Amorphous silicon dioxide, aluminium, calcium, magnesium and sodium aluminium silicates were
evaluated by JECFA in 1969 and 1974 (WHO, 1969, 1974a and b). In these reports several studies
on oral amorphous silica fed to rats were reported. Generally no adverse effects were seen except
for a reduction in body weight gain in rats fed 2.5% micronised silica gel in the diet or in rats fed a
hydrophobic preparation of amorphous polymeric silica, in which silanol groups on the surface had
been reacted with dimethyl-dichlorosilane, when the dose had been raised to 8000 mg/kg body
weight. No adverse effects were observed in rats fed 100 mg amorphous silica/kg body weight/day
for 2 years.
Kawate (1969) studied groups of rats fed 0.375 to 3 g of silica per day and rat for seven days. No
fatalities, clinical signs or changes in gross pathology were reported.
Silicon 290
Dobbie and Smith (1982) investigated nephrotoxicity of magnesium trisilicate, crushed and ball-milled
quartz and granite in guinea pigs. The three substances were suspended in their drinking water (250 mg/
L) and given five days per week for four months. The concentrations of silicon in the supernatants of the
suspensions in drinking water were 10, 267 and 29 μmol/L for tap water, magnesium trisilicate and granite,
respectively. Renal lesions involving distal tubule and collecting ducts including interstitial inflammation
between affected tubuli were found in all animals given magnesium trisilicate (estimated dose: 50-100 mg
magnesium trisilicate/kg body weight/day) and two of six animals given crushed quartz.
Newberne and Wilson (1970) showed that oral administration of sodium silicate and magnesium
trisilicate (1.8 g/kg body weight/day) for four weeks produced renal tubular damage and chronic
interstitial inflammation in dogs, but no nephrotoxicity in rats. No renal lesions were found in dogs
following equivalent doses of silicon dioxide and aluminium silicate.
Takizawa et al (1988) fed groups of 40 B6C3F1 mice 0, 12500, 25000 or 50000 ppm (mg/kg) of food
grade micronised silica (SYLOID) (an anti-caking agent) in the diet for up to 21 months. Mean cumulated
intakes by week 93 were 38.5, 79.8 and 160.2 g/male mouse and 37, 72.5 and 157.6 g/female mouse.
The growth in the groups on the top dose (corresponding to 7500 mg silica/kg body weight/day or 3500
mg silicon/kg body weight/day) was reduced. No other observations or adverse effects were reported
following gross and microscopic pathology. Lymphomas and leukaemia occurred in controls and
treated groups, but tests for positive dose-related trends were not significant, and these malignancies
were therefore not considered to be treatment-related.
Takizawa et al (1988) fed groups of 40 Fischer rats 0, 12500, 25000 or 50000 ppm (mg/kg) of food grade
micronised silica (SYLOID) (an anti-caking agent) in the diet for up to 21 months. Mean cumulated intakes by
week 103 were 143.5, 179.6 and 581.2 g/male rat and 107.3, 205 and 435.3 g/female rat. Liver weights were
reduced in the mid- and high dose only in females at 12 and 24 months, but not dose-related. However, the
body weights were also reduced and no specific changes were reported on liver histopathology. The high
dose corresponds to 2500 mg silica/kg body weight/day or 1170 mg silicon/kg body weight/day).
3.3. Reproductive and developmental toxicity
A two-generation reproduction study was performed in rats with oral administration of 100 mg
amorphous silica/kg body weight/day. No adverse effects were observed (WHO, 1974).
3.4. Human data
There are no reports on human toxicity following intake of silicon occurring naturally in food.
Humans have for decades consumed low levels of amorphous silicates as food additives used for anti-
foaming and anti-caking purposes without any reported deleterious effects (Nielsen, 1994).
Humans have used silicon in the form of magnesium trisilicate extensively as an antacid for several
decades. The only adverse effect that has been reported is the formation of renal silicate stones
(Farrer and Rajfer, 1984; Lee et al, 1993). Silica urolithiasis is generally rare and up to mid 1980 was
reported only in patients exposed to magnesium trisilicate (Haddad and Kouyoumdjian, 1986). In only
one case urinary silicon was determined and it was 1 mmol/L (Haddad and Kouyoumdjian, 1986).
More recently a few cases with silica stones were reported in subjects not ingesting trisilicate antacid
(Ichiyanagi et al, 1998). In these cases the source of silicon was unknown. Very recently, renal silica
calculi were reported in an infant in whom the aetiology was ascribed to consumption of milk diluted
with silicon-rich spring water (172 mg silicon/L) (Nishizono et al, 2004). The silicon concentration in the
water was approximately 7- to 34-fold higher than the average concentrations in tap water in Japanese
prefectures and far above concentrations of silicon in drinking water in the UK, which were all below
6 mg silicon/L (Dobbie and Smith, 1986). It was estimated that the intake of silicon in this infant was
approximately 172-206 mg/day. Urinary concentration of silicon was not measured.
Inhaled silica, particularly crystalline forms, is well known to cause the lung disease silicosis. Chronic
inhalation may apparently also result in renal toxicity characterised by glomerular and tubular changes
and a number of cases and some epidemiological studies have been reported (Stratta et al, 2001).
Nephropathy occurs in silica-exposed individuals both with and without silicosis. Affected patients may
also show elevated levels of silicon in the kidneys (Saldanha et al, 1975). Ceramic workers exposed
to silica dust were found to have an increased risk of end stage renal disease (Rapiti et al, 1999).
Increased prevalence of renal disease was also seen in fluorspar miners exposed to silica (Fenwick and
Main, 2000). The mechanism of silicon induced nephropathy is not known.
Patients with renal failure generally have a higher concentration of silicon in plasma than healthy
subjects. In two dialysis patients with high silicon levels, 137 and 84 μmol/L, painful skin eruptions,
folliculitis, and disturbed hair growth were observed. The authors suggested that these symptoms
could be caused by silicon (Saldanha et al, 1997). Abnormal hair growth following exposure to organic
silicon compounds has been reported previously. Penetrating folliculitis has been reported in dialysis
patients previously, but was not specifically related to high silicon concentrations in plasma (Saldanha
et al, 1997). Such lesions were, however, not reported in another report on haemodialysis patients who
had silicon plasma concentrations in the same range (Parry et al, 1998). Thus, a causal relationship
between these symptoms and silicon exposure cannot be established.
3.5. Interactions with aluminium
Silicon is thought to act as an antidote to aluminium toxicity by reducing the bioavailability of aluminium.
Even modest levels of silicon in water can protect against aluminium toxicity in fish (Parry et al, 1998).
Silicon reduces aluminium accumulation in the brain of aluminium-exposed rats (Belles et al, 1998), but
does not apparently protect against aluminium-induced developmental effects in rats (Belles et al 1999).
Silicon addition to drinking water containing aluminium reduces the plasma peak of aluminium in humans
(Edwardson et al, 1993). Oligomeric, but not monomeric silicic acid prevents aluminium absorption
in humans (Jugdaohsingh et al, 2000). Silicon in beer has been shown to promote the excretion of
aluminium from body stores (Bellia et al 1996), but this was not confirmed in a recent study on monosilicic
acid (Jugdaohsingh et al 2000). It has been proposed that silicon in drinking water might protect against
the neurotoxicity of aluminium; however, there are no clear conclusions (Rondeau, 2002).
In patients undergoing renal transplantation, serum silicon, unlike aluminium, progressively decreased
with improving renal function (Bellia et al, 1994). In a study on haemodialysis patients, Parry et al (1998)
found that patients with high serum silicon had a lower serum concentration of aluminium. The authors
suggested that patients with high serum aluminium levels might be protected from aluminium-related
toxicity provided they had a serum concentration of silicon in the range of 100-150 μmol/L.
Red cell superoxide dismutase (SOD) is reduced in haemodialysis patients (Shankin-Kestenbau et
al, 1990a). It is well known that aluminium can inhibit SOD; however, recently it was also found that
silicon concentrations similar to those found in serum of uraemic patients inhibit SOD in vitro (Shankin-
Kestenbau et al, 1990b).
There are no data demonstrating a dose-response relationship for adverse effects, such as silicate
renal stones or other renal effects, in humans.
Short-term oral exposure with daily intakes of 1.8 g/kg body weight of sodium or magnesium silicate
produces adverse renal effects in dogs, but not in rats (Newberne and Wilson, 1970). Similar doses of
silicon dioxide and aluminium silicate did not produce adverse renal effects in either species. Renal
effects have been reported in guinea pigs exposed orally to high doses of magnesium trisilicate (50-100
mg/kg body weight/day) (Dobbie and Smith, 1982).
Long-term toxicity studies in rats and mice (Takizawa et al, 1988), show apparent effects on growth
at 2500 and 7500 mg silica/kg body weight/day, corresponding to 1170 and 3500 mg silicon/kg body
weight/day, respectively. This effect was not regarded as a toxic effect, but was rather due to nutritional
imbalance because of the high dose of silica added to the diet. These studies do not provide any
information on the bioavailability of water-soluble forms of silicon from silica, which presumably is low,
and hence the systemic load of silicon is not known. The extrapolation of these data to other forms of
silicon (such as silicates) is inappropriate.
There are no suitable data for dose-response for establishment of an upper level.
Silicon 292
Silicon has not been shown to be essential for humans.
In addition to naturally occurring silicon in the diet, food also contains silicon in form of additives. The
systemic availability of silicon from these additives varies, but is generally low. The estimated typical
dietary intake (20-50 mg silicon/day) corresponds to 0.3-0.8 mg/kg body weight/day in a 60 kg person.
These intakes are unlikely to cause adverse effects.
Baily CB (1981). Silica metabolism and silica urolithiasis in ruminants. A review. Can J Animal Sci 61: 219-235.
Belles M, Albina ML, Sanchez DJ, Domingo JL (1999). Lack of protective effects of dietary silicon on aluminium-induced maternal and
developmental toxicity in mice. Pharmacol Toxicol. 85: 1-6.
Belles M, Sanchez DJ, Gomez M, Corbella J, Domingo JL (1998). Silicon reduces aluminum accumulation in rats: relevance to the aluminum
hypothesis of Alzheimer disease. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord 12: 83-87.
Bellia JP, Birchall JD, Roberts NB (1996). The role of silicic acid in the renal excretion of aluminium. Ann Clin Lab Sci 26: 227-233.
Bellia JP, Newton K, Davenport A, Birchall JD, Roberts NB (1994). Silicon and aluminium and their inter-relationship in serum and urine
after renal transplantation. Eur J Clin Invest 24: 703-710.
Bellia JP, Birchall JD, Roberts NB (1994). Beer: a dietary source of silicon. Lancet. 343 (8891): 235.
Carlisle EM (1972). Silicon: an essential element for the chick. Science 178: 619-622.
Carlisle EM (1980a). A silicon requirement for normal skull formation in chicks. J Nutr 110: 352-359.
Carlisle EM (1980b). Biochemical and morphological changes associated with long bone abnormalities in silicon deficiency. J Nutr 110:
Carlisle EM (1981). Silicon: A requirement in bone formation independent of vitamin D1. Calcif Tissue Int 33: 27-34.
Carlisle EM (1984). Silicon. In: Frieden E, ed, Biochemistry of the Essential Ultratrace Elements. New York: Plenum Press pp. 257-291.
Carlisle EM (1988). Silicon as a trace nutrient. Sci Total Environ 73: 95-106.
Calomme MR and Vanden Berghe DA (1997). Supplementation of calves with stabilized orthosilicic acid. Effect on the Si, Ca, Mg, and P
concentrations in serum and the collagen concentration in skin and cartilage. Biol Trace Elem Res 56:153-165.
Dobbie JW and Smith MB (1982). Silicate nephrotoxicity in experimental animal: the missing factor in analgesic nephropathy. Scott Med
J 27: 10-16.
Dobbie JW and Smith MB (1986). Urinary and serum silicon in normal and uraemic individuals. Ciba Found Symp 121: 194-213.
Edwardson JA, Moore PB, Ferrier IN, Lilley JS, Newton GW, Barker J, Templar J, Day JP (1993). Effect of silicon on gastrointestinal
absorption of aluminium. Lancet 342 (8865): 211-222.
Farrer JH and Rajfer J (1984). Silicate urolithiasis. J Urol 132: 739-740.
Fenwick S and Main J (2000). Increased prevalence of renal disease in silica-exposed workers. Lancet 356 (9233): 913-914.
Friedberg KD and Schiller E (1988). Silicon. In Seiler HG, Sigel H and Sigel A. Handbook on toxicity of inorganic compounds. Marcel
Dekker Inc. New York and Basel pp 596 –618.
Haddad FS and Kouyoumdjian A (1986). Silica stones in humans. Urol Int 41: 70-76.
IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) (1987). Monographs on the Evaluation of the carcinogenic Risk of chemicals to
Humans, Silica, some silicates, coal dust and para-
fibrils. Volume 68. Lyon, France.
Ichiyanagi O, Sasagawa I, Adachi Y, Suzuki H, Kubota Y, Nakada T (1998). Silica urolithiasis without magnesium trisilicate intake. Urol Int
61: 39-42.
Jugdaohsingh R, Reffitt DM, Oldham C, Day JP, Fifield LK, Thompson RP, Powell JJ (2000). Oligomeric but not monomeric silica prevents
aluminum absorption in humans. Am J Clin Nutr 71: 944-949.
Jugdaohsingh R, Anderson SH, Tucker KL, Elliott H, Kiel DP, Thompson RP, Powell JJ (2002). Dietary silicon intake and absorption. Am
J Clin Nutr 75: 887-893.
Kawate T (1969). Anticaking effect of powdered food and acute toxicity of silicon dioxide. Shikoku Igaku Zasshi 25: 330-331.
Lee MH, Lee YH, Hsu TH, Chen MT, Chang LS (1993). Silica stone-development due to long time oral trisilicate intake. Scand J Urol
Nephrol 27: 267-269.
FNB (Food and Nutrition Board) (2001). Dietary reference intakes for vitamin A, vitamin K, arsenic, boron, chromium, copper, iodine, iron,
manganese, molybdenum, nickel, silicon, vanadium and zinc. Institute of Medicine. National Academy Press, Washington D.C., US.
Newberne P and Wilson RB (1970). Renal damage associated with silicon compounds in dogs. Nat Acad Sci 65: 872-875.
Nielsen FH (1994). In: Silicon. Modern nutrition. Shils ME, Olson JA, Shike M (eds.), 8
edition. Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia, pp. 281-282.
Nishizono T, Eta SI, Enokida H, Nishiyama K, Kawahara M, Nakagawa M (2004). Renal silica calculi in an infant. Int J Urol 11: 119-121.
Parry R, Plowman D, Delves HT, Roberts NB, Birchall JD, Bellia JP, Davenport A, Ahmad R, Fahal I, Altmann P (1998). Silicon and
aluminium interactions in haemodialysis patients. Nephrol Dial Transplant 13: 1759-1762.
Pennington JA (1991). Silicon in foods and diets. Food Addit Contam 8: 97-118.
Poplewell JF, King SJ, Day JP, Ackrill P, Fifield LK, Cresswell RG, di Tada ML, Liu K (1998). Kinetics of uptake and elimination of silicic acid
by a human subject: A novel application of
Si and accelerator mass spectrometry. J Inorg Biochem 69: 177-180.
Rapiti E, Sperati A, Miceli M, Forastiere F, Di Lallo D, Cavariani F, Goldsmith DF, Perucci CA (1999). End stage renal disease among ceramic
workers exposed to silica. Occup Environ Med 56: 559-561.
Reffitt DM, Jugdaohsingh R, Thompson RP, Powell JJ (1999). Silicic acid: its gastrointestinal uptake and urinary excretion in man and
effects on aluminium excretion. J Inorg Biochem 76: 141-147.
Reffitt DM, Ogston N, Jugdaohsingh R, Cheung HF, Evans BA, Thompson RP, Powell JJ, Hampson GN (2003). Orthosilicic acid stimulates
collagen type 1 synthesis and osteoblastic differentiation in human osteoblast-like cells in vitro. Bone 32: 127-135.
Rondeau V (2002). A review of epidemiologic studies on aluminum and silica in relation to Alzheimer’s disease and associated disorders.
Rev Environ Health 17: 107-121.
Saldanha LF, Gonick HC, Rodriguez HJ, Marmelzat JA, Repique EV, Marcus CL (1997). Silicon-related syndrome in dialysis patients.
Nephron 77: 48-56.
Saldanha LF, Rosen VJ, Gonick HC (1975). Silicon nephropathy. Am J Med 59: 95-103.
SCF (Scientific Committee for Food) (1991). Reports of the Scientific Committee for Food (Twenty-fifth series). European Commission,
SCF (Scientific Committee for Food) (1993). Nutrient and energy intakes for the European Community. Reports of the Scientific Committee
for Food (Thirty-first series). European Commission, Luxembourg.
Shainkin-Kestenbaum R, Adler AJ, Berlyne GM (1990). Inhibition of superoxide dismutase activity by silicon. J Trace Elem Electrolytes
Health Dis 4: 97-99.
Shainkin-Kestenbaum R, Adler AJ, Berlyne GM (1990). Reduced superoxide dismutase activity in erythrocytes of dialysis patients: a possible
factor in the etiology of uremic anemia. Nephron 55: 251-253.
Schwarz K and Milne DB (1972). Growth-promoting effects of silicon in rats. Nature 239: 333-334.
Seaborn CD and Nielsen FH (1993). Silicon: A nutritional beneficence for bone, brains and blood vessels? Nutr Today 28: 13-18.
Seaborn CD and Nielsen FH (1994). Dietary silicon affects acid and alkaline phosphatase and
calcium uptake in bone of rats. J Trace
Elem Exp Med 7: 11-18.
Seaborn CD and Nielsen FH (2002). Silicon deprivation decreases collagen formation in wounds and bone, and ornithine transaminase
enzyme activity in liver. Biol Trace Elem Res 89: 251-261.
Stratta P, Canavese C, Messuerotti A, Fenoglio I, Fubini B (2001). Silica and renal diseases: no longer a problem in the 21st century? J
Nephrol 14: 228-247.
Takizawa Y, Hirasawa F, Noritomi E, Aida M, Tsunoda H, Uesugi S (1988). Oral ingestion of SYLOID to mice and rats and its chronic toxicity
and carcinogenicity. Acta Med Biol 36: 27-56.
WHO (World Health Organisation) (1969). FAO Nutrition Meeting report series, No.46A WHO/FOOD ADD/70.36. Geneva.
WHO (World Health Organisation) (1974a). Food Additive Series No 5. Seventeenth Report of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on
Food additives, World Health Organisation Technical Report Series, No 539.
WHO (World Health Organisation) (1974b). Food Additive Series No 6. Eighteenth Report of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food
additives, World Health Organisation Technical Report Series, No 557.
Wulf Becker, Daniel Brasseur, Jean-Louis Bresson, Albert Flynn, Alan A. Jackson, Pagona Lagiou,
Geltrude Mingrone, Bevan Moseley, Andreu Palou, Hildegard Przyrembel, Seppo Salminen, Stefan
Strobel and Hendrik van Loveren.
The Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies wishes to thank Jan Alexander, Angelo
Carere, Werner Grunow, Andrew Renwick and Gerrit Speijers for their contributions to the draft opinion.
Silicon 294 294
Vitamin C
(REQUEST N° EFSA-Q-2003-018)
The European Food Safety Authority is asked to derive an upper level for the intake of vitamin C from
food that is unlikely to pose a risk of adverse health effects.
Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin that is an important anti-oxidant in the body. Insufficient intake
results in the deficiency condition scurvy.
The vitamin is of low acute toxicity as indicated by the limited data available from studies in animals and
humans. Despite the extensive use of high doses of vitamin C in some vitamin supplements, there have
been few controlled studies that specifically investigated adverse effects. Overall, acute gastrointestinal
intolerance (e.g., abdominal distension, flatulence, diarrhoea, transient colic) is the most clearly defined
adverse effect at high intakes, but there are limited data on the dose-response relationship for adults
or for groups such as children or the elderly. While there is uncertainty whether high intakes of vitamin
C increase renal excretion of oxalate which could increase the risk of renal stones, an increased risk
of kidney stones was not found in individuals with habitual intakes of 1.5 g/day. There are insufficient
data to establish a tolerable upper intake level for vitamin C.
The available human data suggest that supplemental daily doses of vitamin C up to about 1 g, in
addition to normal dietary intakes, are not associated with adverse gastrointestinal effects, but that
acute gastrointestinal effects may occur at higher intakes (3-4 g/day). The absorption of vitamin C
is saturated at high doses, and therefore intakes above 1 g/day would be associated with negligible
increased uptake and tissue levels, but an increased risk of adverse gastrointestinal effects.
The average daily intakes reported in surveys in European countries are above the recommended daily
intakes, with the 95
percentile intakes from food and supplements ranging up to about 1 g/day. These
dietary intakes do not represent a cause for concern.
There has not been a systematic assessment of the safety of the long-term use of high dose vitamin
C supplements.
Vitamin C, ascorbic acid, tolerable upper intake level, gastrointestinal effects, food safety.
In 2002, the European Parliament and the Council adopted Directive 2002/46/EC
related to food
supplements containing vitamins and minerals.
In addition, and as announced in its White Paper on Food Safety, the Commission aims to put forward
a proposal for harmonising legislation concerning the addition of vitamins and minerals to foods.
With a view to provide scientific support to the European Commission’s legislative work in this field,
the Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) issued, from October 2000 to April 2003, a series of opinions
on tolerable upper intake levels of individual vitamins and minerals and safety factors in relation to their
use in fortified foods and food supplements (available on the Internet at:
1 - Directive 2002/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to food
supplements. OJ L 183. 12.7.2002, p. 51.
Vitamin C 296
The SCF opinions covered 22 out of the 29 nutrients, which were considered to be within their mandate
for this task. The SCF did not have sufficient time to adopt opinions for the following vitamins and
minerals: vitamin C, chloride, fluoride, iron, phosphorus, potassium and sodium. In addition, during
the decision making process for the adoption of Directive 2000/46/EC on food supplements the
Parliament requested that boron, nickel, silicon, vanadium and tin should be allowed to be used in food
supplements. Therefore, the European Food Safety Authority is asked to provide scientific opinions on
the remaining 12 vitamins and minerals in accordance with the present terms of reference.
With respect to the outstanding 12 vitamins and minerals, the European Food Safety Authority is asked
1) to review the upper levels of daily intakes that are unlikely to pose a risk of adverse health effects; 2)
to provide the basis for the establishment of safety factors, where necessary, which would ensure the
safety of fortified foods and food supplements containing the aforementioned nutrients.
Vitamin C (3-oxo-L-gulofuranolactone or L-threo-hex-2-enonic acid) is a 6-carbon hydroxy-lactone that
is structurally related to glucose. It is a micronutrient essential to humans, primates and guinea pigs,
but which is synthesised by other mammalian species from glucose and galactose. It is readily oxidised
to L-dehydroascorbic acid, in which the unsaturated 2,3-dihydroxy group is replaced by a saturated
2,3-diketone function; L-dehydroascorbic acid can be reduced back to ascorbic acid.
Vitamin C is highly water soluble, and in solution can be oxidised by atmospheric oxygen to give an
equilibrium mixture of ascorbic and dehydroascorbic acids. Vitamin C has important anti-oxidant
properties, and protects cells against oxidative stress. Because of this general cytoprotective role, its
importance has been investigated in a variety of clinical conditions, including cancer, vascular disease,
and cataracts.
Vitamin C deficiency in humans leads to clinical syndromes known as scurvy in adults and Moeller-
Barlow disease in children (SCF, 1993), conditions which are associated with intakes of less than 10
mg/day. Early or prescorbutic symptoms in adults include fatigue, weakness, anaemia and aching joints
and muscles, while there are important effects on bone tissue in children. Later stages of deficiency
are characterised by capillary fragility causing bleeding from the gums and haemorrhages, and delayed
wound healing due to impaired collagen synthesis.
Advice by Linus Pauling that daily intakes of 1 g or more of vitamin C can protect against the common
cold (see Miller and Hayes, 1982) was followed by other claims of beneficial effects on a variety of
conditions. Because of the media attention given to these claims and the apparently low toxicity of
vitamin C there has been extensive human exposure to intakes up to 10 g/day (Miller and Hayes, 1982).
However despite this extensive human exposure, there are only limited data that are appropriate for
use in risk assessment.
Recent reviews of vitamin C by the Food and Nutrition Board in the USA (FNB, 2000) and the Expert
Group on Vitamins and Minerals in the UK (EGVM, 2003) have recommended an upper level of 2 g/day
and a guidance level of 1 g/day, as supplemental intake, respectively.
Major food sources of vitamin C are plants such as citrus fruits, soft fruits and green vegetables. Animal
tissues also contain vitamin C, with kidney and liver representing good sources. The amounts of vitamin
C present in the food when consumed may be reduced, because it is readily lost due to dissolution in
water and oxidation during cooking processes such as boiling.
Ascorbic acid is a permitted anti-oxidant additive in food, with no specified limits on the level of use. Vitamin
C is present in numerous dietary supplements with manufacturer recommended daily intakes of 60-3000
mg in single vitamin preparations and 10-1000 mg/day in multi-vitamin preparations (EGVM, 2003).
In 1992, the Scientific Committee for Food (SCF, 1993) recommended a Population Reference Intake of
45 mg/day for adults, with an increase to 55 mg/day in pregnancy, and to 70 mg/day during lactation.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C has a number of biochemical roles in the body (Basu and Dickerson, 1996). It is a strong
reducing agent and antioxidant, which is important in preventing the damaging effects of free radicals.
Vitamin C is an enzyme co-factor for many biochemical reactions, especially those involving oxidations,
such as the synthesis of hydroxyproline from proline for collagen biosynthesis, mono-oxygenases,
dioxygenases and mixed function oxygenases. It is important in the synthesis and stabilisation of
neurotransmitters and carnitine, and increases the gastrointestinal absorption of non-haem iron by
reducing ferric to ferrous iron (SCF, 1993).
Gastrointestinal absorption of low doses of vitamin C is efficient, and occurs in the small intestine via
a sodium-dependent active transport mechanism. The extent of absorption of vitamin C is 80-90% at
the usual intakes from food of 30-180 mg/day (SCF, 1993), but because the transporter is saturable,
absorption efficiency gradually decreases at higher intakes (Kallner et al, 1979 and 1985; Hornig and
Moser, 1981; Blanchard et al, 1997). There is a non-linear relationship between daily intake of vitamin
C and plasma concentrations, with a 5-fold increase in intake from 0.5 g/day to 2.5 g/day producing
only a 20% increase in plasma levels (Levine et al, 1996 and 1999). Ascorbyl palmitate is probably
hydrolysed in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract prior to absorption, but data defining the in vivo
fate of this synthetic form of vitamin C have not been identified.
Ascorbic acid is widely distributed in all tissues of the body, with higher levels found in the adrenal and
pituitary glands and the retina, and lower levels in kidney and muscle tissue. Vitamin C can be detected
in most tissues and exists as an equilibrium mixture of ascorbic acid and dehydroascorbic acid,
dependent on the redox status of the cells. Plasma and urinary vitamin C are not reliable indicators
of body stores of vitamin C because they are influenced by recent dietary intake. Leukocytes contain
higher concentrations of vitamin C than plasma, blood or serum (Levine et al, 1996), and may provide
a more reliable indicator of status. A vitamin C concentration in leukocytes below 0.01 mg per 10
is generally regarded as indicative of deficiency.
Vitamin C is readily oxidised to dehydroascorbic acid, which can be reduced back to ascorbic acid
or hydrolysed to diketogulonic acid and then oxidised to oxalic and threonic acid, xylose, xylonic
acid and lyxonic acid (Basu and Dickerson, 1996). Some oxidation to carbon dioxide occurs at
high doses, possibly due to metabolism of unabsorbed ascorbate by the intestinal microflora
(Kallner et al, 1985). Ascorbic acid may also undergo limited conjugation with sulphate to form
ascorbate-2-sulphate, which is excreted in urine. Unchanged ascorbic acid and its metabolites
are excreted in the urine. Approximately 3% of a 60 mg oral dose is eliminated in the faeces.
At intakes above 80-100 mg/day, most of the additional absorbed vitamin is excreted unchanged in
the urine, indicating that tissue reserves are saturated at this intake level (SCF, 1993; FNB, 2000). This
increasing renal elimination of ascorbic acid with increase in dose results in an inverse relationship
between the elimination half-life and the dosage (Kallner et al, 1979) and probably arises from saturation
of reabsorption from renal tubule (Blanchard et al, 1997).
The average daily intakes in European countries are above the reference intake established by the SCF
in 1993, with relatively consistent data in different countries (Table 1). The 97.5
percentiles of intake
are about 5-6 times the reference intake.
3.1. Genotoxicity
The genetic toxicology of ascorbic acid was reviewed by Shamberger (1984) at which time there was
evidence for indirect mutagenic effects via the generation of oxidative damage in the presence of
transition metals, and also for anti-mutagenic effects in a variety of systems.
Vitamin C would be expected to be anti-mutagenic, because of its antioxidant properties, and there are
data consistent with this. For example, ascorbic acid reduces the spontaneous mutation rate in mismatch
repair-defective cells (Glaab et al, 2001), protects against gamma-ray induced damage (Konopacka
and Rzeszowska-Wolny, 2001) and reduces the activity of some genotoxic compounds (Blasiak et al,
2001; Nefic, 2001; Rao et al, 2001; Kaya et al, 2002; Chang et al, 2002), including important food-borne
mutagens such as patulin (Alves et al, 2000) and toxins such as zearalenone and ochratoxin A (Grosse et
al, 1997 - based on a reduction in DNA adducts measured by
P-post labelling).
Vitamin C 298
Table 1. The daily intakes of vitamin C in EU countries (mg/day)
Population N Method Supplements Mean 97.5%
men + women 2488 24 h recall Not defined 88 276
7-day record
Not defined
Not defined
dietary interview
household 2734 7-day record + 113 268
7-day record
household 5958 2-day record - 78 204
8-day record
7-day record
83 (71)
81 (69)
101 (74)
112 (76)
Elmadfa et al (1998)
Heseker et al (1992) - median not mean value
Mensink and Ströbel (1999); Mensink et al (2002) - values are the mean and 75
Turrini (INRAN)
IUNA (2001)
Hulshof and Kruizinga (1999)
Elmstahl et al (1994) - values are the median and 95
Henderson et al (2003) - values are the mean (with the median in parentheses)
Although ascorbic acid is an antioxidant via its conversion to dehydroascorbic acid, the reversibility of
the reaction can lead to the generation of reactive oxygen species via redox cycling (Ballin et al, 1988;
Stadtman, 1991). This may be involved in some positive genotoxic effects reported with vitamin C in
vitro, such as single strand breaks produced by sodium ascorbate (Singh, 1997), weak sister chromatid
exchange (SCE) activity (Galloway and Painter, 1979; Speit et al, 1980; Best and McKenzie, 1988)
and activity in the comet assay (Blasiak et al, 2000). Ascorbic acid has been reported to increase the
genotoxicity of mitomycin C (Krishnaja and Sharma, 2003), cadmium chloride (Blasiak et al, 2000) and
cobalt chloride (Kaya et al, 2002). The results obtained may depend on the concentrations of vitamin
C studied, with protective activity at low concentrations but cytotoxicity and an increase in genotoxic
activity at concentrations more than 200 μg/mL (Antunes and Takahashi, 1999). Oral and intraperitoneal
doses of up to 10 g/kg in hamsters did not induce SCEs (Speit et al, 1980).
Positive genotoxicity results tended to occur in vitro when vitamin C was tested in the presence of
metal ions such as iron and copper, which may be related to its reduction of the metal followed by
the formation of highly reactive hydroxyl radicals via a Fenton reaction (Carr and Frei, 1999). However,
DNA-reactive species can be generated by interaction between vitamin C and lipid hydroperoxide
decomposition in the absence of transition metal ions (Lee et al, 2001); the in vitro concentrations used
in this study were similar to those present in plasma after doses of 200 mg/day, but the toxicological
significance of this observation is unclear.
Podmore et al (1998a) reported that the administration of 500 mg/day of vitamin C supplements to 28
human volunteers for 6 weeks caused an increase in 8-oxoadenine but a decrease in 8-oxoguanine
in the DNA of isolated lymphocytes measured by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS),
possibly due to its pro-oxidant effect. Two letters were published as a consequence of this report,
which pointed out that the dosage given would not have increased the intracellular concentrations of
ascorbate in lymphocytes, and that the increased oxidation could be an artefact formed by monocytes
Vitamin C
in the lymphocyte preparation (Levine et al, 1998), that artefacts were not adequately excluded, the
study was not a randomised double-blind placebo controlled investigation, and the authors did not
give information about smoking habits or cite previous publications (Poulsen et al, 1998). In their reply
to these letters, Podmore et al (1998b) provided further support for the validity of their findings and
pointed out that because 8-oxoadenine is 10-times less mutagenic than 8-oxoguanine, their results are
consistent with an “overall profound protective effect”.
An increase in total damage to lymphocyte DNA bases (but not in 8-hydroxyadenine or 8-hydroxyguanine)
was reported in a study in which one group of 20 volunteers who were given 14 mg iron plus either 60
or 260 mg of vitamin C, but not in a second group of 18 subjects who were treated in the same way but
had slightly lower pre-treatment plasma levels of ascorbic acid (Rehman et al, 1998). In a subsequent
paper by the same research group, treatment of 20 healthy adults with ascorbate (280 mg/day), with
or without supplemental iron (14 mg/day), for periods of 6 weeks in a cross-over design showed no
significant rise in oxidative DNA damage as measured by GC-MS (Proteggente et al, 2000): significant
decreases in 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanaine and 5-hydroxymethyl uracil were found during treatment with
ascorbate and the authors concluded that there was no compelling evidence of a pro-oxidant effect
resulting in DNA damage. In vivo administration of 1g vitamin C daily for 42 days to human volunteers
did not influence the extent of endogenous DNA damage in peripheral lymphocytes measured using
an Elisa technique, but reduced the extent of ex vivo peroxide-induced damage (Brennan et al, 2000).
The significance of these observations is unclear and currently under further study.
Overall, the data currently available do not allow an adequate evaluation of the genotoxic potential of
high intakes of vitamin C, and in particular its capacity to induce gene and chromosomal mutations. The
significance of oxidative DNA damage observed in vitro or in vivo at high concentrations is unclear.
3.2. Animal toxicity data
Vitamin C has low acute toxicity. High doses of vitamin C (100 mg per 160 g animal per day) are associated
with decreased growth rates in guinea pigs fed a nutritionally inadequate diet of unfortified wheat flour,
but weight gain was not altered if the treated animals were fed a wheat flour diet fortified with casein
(Nandi et al, 1973). No effects on reproductive or developmental parameters were found in guinea pigs,
rats and hamsters given oral doses of up to 400 mg/kg body weight/day during pregnancy (Alleva et al,
1976) or in rats and mice given up to 1000 mg/kg body weight/day (Frohberg et al, 1973). A conditioned
increase in vitamin C requirements has been reported in guinea pigs (Sorensen et al, 1974).
There have been a number of studies in which rats have been given high dietary concentrations of the
sodium salt of ascorbic acid and the free acid in relation to the role of sodium ions in the generation
of bladder hyperplasia and cancer in male rats. Using a 2-stage model of bladder carcinogenesis, in
which male rats were treated with possible promoters of bladder carcinogenesis for 6 weeks, Cohen
et al (1991) showed that sodium ascorbate at 5% in the diet (equivalent to about 2500 mg/kg body
weight/day) increased the incidence of bladder cancers, but that an equimolar dietary concentration
of ascorbic acid (4.44%) was inactive. In a subsequent study in which sodium ascorbate was given
in the diet to rats without pre-treatment with a carcinogen, significant increases in simple, papillary
and nodular hyperplasia in the urinary bladder were detected in rats fed diets containing 5% or 7%
sodium ascorbate, but these effects were abolished by co-treatment with ammonium chloride which
acidified the urine (Cohen et al, 1998); there was a small and non-significant increase in the numbers of
papillomas and carcinomas in the urinary bladder at dietary levels of 5% (n=1) and 7% (n=2) compared
to control (n=0) or 1% dietary level (n=0). In 1993, the JECFA concluded that similar effects produced
by the sodium salt of saccharin were related to sodium-induced changes in urine volume, osmolality
and pH, and were not relevant to human health (JECFA, 1993).
Dietary administration of ascorbyl palmitate at levels of 2000 ppm and 4000 ppm (equivalent to
daily intakes of about 100 and 200 mg/kg body weight per day) to male rats treated with the colon
carcinogen azoxymethane caused a significant reduction in the incidence (% of animals with tumours)
and the multiplicities of invasive and total adenocarcinomas of the colon (Rao et al, 1995). In contrast,
administration of 2% ascorbyl palmitate in the diet of mice (equivalent to daily intakes of about 2000
mg/kg body weight per day) did not attenuate the hyperplastic and dysplastic effects of azoxymethanol
in the colon (Huang et al, 1992).
Vitamin C 300
3.3. Human data
Despite a number of clinical studies in which high doses of vitamin C (up to 1 g or more per day)
have been given, there is a limited database on tolerability or adverse effects. A number of studies
with different doses and durations have not reported adverse effects, but it is difficult to determine
the significance of these because it is frequently unclear how any adverse effects were investigated
(reviewed in Carr and Frei, 1999) (EGVM, 2003). In addition many studies have used a combination of
vitamins and minerals, and identifying any effect of vitamin C per se is not possible because other parts
of the treatment could mask adverse effects.
Adverse effects were not reported in recent studies in which 12 healthy adult volunteers received 500
mg/day for 8 weeks (McArdle et al, 2002), 19 patients with hypertension received 500 mg/day for 30
days (Duffy et al, 1999), 28 male smokers received 500 mg/day for 4 weeks (Aghdassi et al, 1999), 18
healthy male adults given 2 g/day for 6 weeks (Tofler et al, 2000), 130 healthy adults given 250 mg of
slow release vitamin C for 3 years (Salonen et al, 2000), 8 adults received increasing daily doses up to
a maximum of 2 g/day for 2 weeks (Johnston and Cox., 2001), 5 adults received 1 g/day for 6 months
(Pullin et al, 2002) and 30 adults given daily doses of 500 mg for 6 weeks (Hamilton et al, 2000). Most
of these studies had primary endpoints related to a health benefit, and assessment of adverse effects
or tolerability was not a part of the study design.
A double-blind, cross-over study on the effects of daily doses of 3 g of vitamin C, combined with very
high doses of nicotinamide (3 g), calcium pantothenate (1.2 g) and pyridoxine (0.6 g), in 41 children with
attention deficit disorders (Haslam et al, 1984) reported an increase in serum transaminases. However,
this cannot be assigned to the vitamin C component, because of the complex megavitamin regimen.
There was little information reported on general tolerability, but 3 children did not complete the study
because of excessive vomiting, abdominal discomfort or an inability to swallow the vitamin capsules
and “some patients experienced nausea and vomiting during the course of treatment”.
Vitamin C was administered to 10, 269 adults aged 40-80 with coronary disease at a daily dose of 250
mg/day (in combination with 600 mg vitamin E and 20 mg β-carotene) for up to 5 years. The subjects
showed good compliance and there were no significant differences in mortality or morbidity compared with
a placebo group of equal size (Heart Protection Study, 2002). No effects on inflammatory markers were
reported in a recent long-term multi-vitamin study (Bruunsgaard et al, 2003) in which 52 men aged 47-70
were treated for 3 years with a combination of 500 mg vitamin C and 182 mg of α-tocopherol daily, but it is
unclear to what extent other effects, such as gastrointestinal problems, would have been recorded.
A retrospective cohort study of 994 women, of whom 277 were regular users of vitamin C supplements
for up to 12 years, reported a significant increase in bone mineral density of the neck of the femur; no
side effects were reported but no parameters other than bone mineral density were assessed (Morton
et al, 2001).
Adverse effect data were not reported in a 4-year double-blind, placebo-controlled study in which patients
with a history of adenoma of the large bowel were given vitamin C (1 g/day) with either vitamin E (205
patients) or vitamin E plus β-carotene (175 patients) (Greenberg et al, 1994). Adherence to the prescribed
regimen, and information about symptoms, illnesses and hospitalisations were assessed every 6 months.
The numbers of patients who withdrew from the study were similar in all groups, but 4 subjects in the
two vitamin C treatment groups “stopped taking the medications because of their presumed toxicity”; no
other information was provided and tolerability during the study was not reported.
No subjective side effects were reported in the study of Cook et al (1984) in which 17 adults were given
2 g/day with meals for 16 weeks.
No adverse effects were reported in a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study in which 21
patients with coronary artery disease were given a single dose of 2 g vitamin C followed by 500 mg/day
for 30 days (Gokce et al, 1999).
3.3.1. Gastrointestinal effects
Gastrointestinal effects are the most common adverse clinical events associated with acute, high doses
of vitamin C (above 1 g daily), but these can be reduced by taking the vitamin after meals (reviewed
in Miller and Hayes, 1982). The incidences of stomach pains, nausea and diarrhoea in children given
1 g/day for 3 months were similar to those in the control groups (Ludvigsson et al, 1977). Abdominal
Vitamin C
distension, flatulence, diarrhoea and transient colic were reported as “fairly frequent” in a study in healthy
human volunteers given daily doses which increased by 1000 mg per day each week, with adverse
effects reported at doses of 3-4 g/day, although no details were given of the exact dosing regimen or the
numbers of subjects studied or their age, sex or body weight (Cameron and Campbell, 1974). Two out
of 15 volunteers experienced diarrhoea when consuming 10 g of vitamin C daily for 5 days in a clinical
study on oxalate excretion, despite the fact that the subjects were advised to take the vitamin C tablets
at mealtimes to minimise the potential for adverse gastrointestinal effects (Wandzilak et al, 1994).
3.3.2. Renal effects
Adverse effects related to the renal system have been reported, including renal stones, renal tubular
disease and oxaluria. Vitamin C consumption has been suggested to increase oxalate excretion and
the risk of urinary stone formation, but the available data are both confusing and contradictory. An early
report stated that there could be wide inter-subject differences in the excretion of oxalate following high
doses of vitamin C (Briggs, 1976). An additional problem is that urinary oxalate can be produced from
urinary ascorbic acid as an artefact of the analytical procedure, so that the validity of the analytical
data depends on the extent to which this was controlled by the use of preservatives. Increased oxalate
excretion would represent a risk factor for the formation of bladder stones, and there have been
anecdotal case reports of kidney stones or other nephropathy (Nakamoto et al, 1998) in patients who
have taken high daily doses of vitamin C.
Groups of 3 patients who had unilateral nephrostomy tubes after lithotripsy for renal stones were given
supplemental doses of 100, 500, 1000, or 2000 mg ascorbic acid on days 2 and 3 postoperatively
(Urivetzky et al, 1992). Urine specimens were collected from the nephrostomy catheter and also from
the contralateral kidney directly into EDTA and sodium thimerosol preservative to stabilise ascorbic
acid and oxalate; oxalate was measured following the removal of ascorbic acid with sodium nitrite.
There was a statistically significant increase in urinary oxalate at doses of 1000 and 2000 mg. The
authors estimated that there was a 6-13 mg/day increase in urinary oxalate excretion per 1000 mg/day
ascorbic acid intake, and concluded that there was an increased risk of calcium oxalate renal stones.
Urinary excretion of oxalate was measured in 15 volunteers given ascorbic acid supplementation (1, 5
and 10 g/day for 5 days in a cross-over design) (Wandzilak et al, 1994). The 24-hour urine samples were
preserved by reducing the pH to 2 by adding 20 mL of concentrated hydrochloric acid. Ascorbate was
reported to be converted non-enzymatically into oxalate during analytical measurement. The study did
not find an increase in urinary oxalate excretion after ex vivo non-enzymatic conversion of ascorbate to
oxalate had been taken into account.
Supplemental vitamin C intakes of 1 g/day in 7 volunteers caused statistically significant increases in
urinary excretion of oxalate (determined by an enzymatic method reported to be free from interference
by ascorbic acid) (Levine et al, 1996). An increase in urinary oxalate excretion, measured by an
enzymatic assay on urine collections stabilised with acid, was also reported in 6 subjects given 1 g of
supplemental ascorbate with 2.85 litres of orange juice containing 0.62 g of ascorbate daily for 4 days,
but not in the same subject given 2 g of ascorbate per day for 4 days (Liebman et al, 1997).
Auer et al (1998a) investigated the urinary excretion of oxalate in the presence and absence of EDTA
preservation of the urine samples in 10 healthy male volunteers (with no history of stone formation)
given 4 g of vitamin C daily for 5 days. Erroneously high oxalate concentrations were found in the
absence, but not in the presence of EDTA. There was no significant increase in oxalate excretion at
any stage of the protocol in EDTA preserved samples and it was concluded that large doses of vitamin
C did not affect the principal risk factors associated with calcium oxalate kidney stone formation. In
contrast, the same authors (Auer et al, 1998b) reported increased excretion of oxalate in EDTA treated
urine samples from a single volunteer who took 8 g daily for a period of 8 days, at which time the study
was terminated because of the detection of haematuria, which was associated with crystalluria.
A prospective study on the relationship between vitamin C intake and the risk of symptomatic kidney
stones in a group of 45,251 men (Curhan et al, 1996) found no association with vitamin C intake in 751
cases of kidney stones. The age-adjusted relative risk for subjects with intakes of 1.5 g/day or more
compared with less than 0.25g/day was 0.78 (95% confidence intervals 0.54-1.11), indicating that even if
such doses do increase oxalate excretion, it is not a clinically significant effect. A similar study in a cohort
of 85,557 women in whom there were 1078 incidences of kidney stones showed a relative risk of 1.06
(95% confidence intervals 0.69-1.64) for subjects with intakes of 1.5 g/day or more compared with less
than 0.25 g/day (Curhan et al, 1999).
Vitamin C 302
No significant relationships were found in an analysis of data from 5214 men and 5785 women between
serum vitamin C concentrations and the prevalence of kidney stones, serum vitamin B
levels, or
serum ferritin levels in men, but a negative correlation with serum ferritin was found for women (Simon
and Hudes, 1999).
Increased excretion of uric acid has also been reported after the ingestion of 4 g or 8 g of ascorbic acid
(Stein et al, 1976); although the available data at lower doses are limited and conflicting, in all studies
hyperuricosuria was absent at doses of less than 1 g (Levine et al, 1999).
3.3.3. Other effects
Other anecdotally reported adverse effects include metabolic acidosis and changes in prothrombin
activity, but a double-blind trial in patients given 200 mg/day showed no significant effect on the
incidence of thrombotic episodes (Hornig and Moser, 1981).
A low incidence of adverse effects was reported during a study in patients with multiple sclerosis who
were randomised to receive either supplements providing 2 g/day vitamin C, together with 6 mg/day
sodium selenite and 480 mg/day vitamin E, or placebo for 5 weeks. The patients were interviewed
about side effects after 2 weeks and 4 weeks of treatment. One out of the 10 patients receiving the
active supplement reported slight facial erythema at week 2, which subsequently subsided during
continued treatment, one reported a peculiar urine smell and another reported an increased number of
headaches; three of the 10 patients receiving the placebo reported an increased number of headaches
(Mai et al, 1990). It cannot be determined from the data whether these were caused by the high doses
of vitamin C or by the other constituents.
There is a suggestion in the literature of conditioned need-scurvy, in which scurvy-like symptoms
occur soon after cessation of ingestion of high amounts of vitamin C (1 g or more per day) (Siegel et
al, 1982). High intakes during pregnancy may result in neonatal scurvy by conditioning the offspring
to require greater than the expected or recommended daily intakes, but the evidence for this is very
limited (Cochrane, 1965). The reports of conditioned scurvy in humans are anecdotal and it does not
represent a significant risk (Hornig and Moser, 1981).
Vitamin C increases iron uptake considerably from the gut when given to humans in single-meal studies
in amounts from 25 to 1000 mg (Hallberg, 1985; Cook and Monsen, 1977). Studies of longer duration
show a less marked effect (Hunt and Roughead, 2000), but even a small increase could be important in
subjects with conditions such as haemochromatosis (Gerster, 1999) or in subjects heterozygous for this
condition. A dose of 2 g/day vitamin C taken with meals for 16 weeks in 17 healthy volunteers, and up
to 24 months in 9 subjects, had no significant effect on body iron stores (Cook et al, 1984); this study
was limited by the small numbers of participants and their variable iron status.
Large amounts of vitamin C were reported to destroy the vitamin B
content of food (Herbert and Jacob,
1974), and reduced vitamin B
levels in serum were reported in 3 out of 90 individuals consuming more than
1000 mg/day of vitamin C over a minimum of 3 years (Hind, 1975). However, subsequent reports showed
that these observations arose from inadequate assay methods (Newmark et al, 1976 and 1979), and that
ascorbic acid in blood can interfere with the measurement of vitamin B
(Herbert et al, 1978).
An increase in serum cholesterol was reported in 25 patients with atherosclerosis following treatment
with 1 g vitamin C daily for 6 weeks, but not in healthy volunteers (Spittle, 1971); the authors suggested
that this may have arisen due to mobilisation of arterial cholesterol deposits (which would be a benefit),
but there was no direct evidence to support this. In contrast, a 10% decrease in total plasma cholesterol
levels, but with no change in the cholesterol/HDL ratio, was reported in 18 healthy adult males given 2
g vitamin C daily for 6 weeks (Tofler et al, 2000).
There is conflicting evidence about the relationship between vitamin C intake and breast cancer. A
prospective study in a large cohort (n=62,573) of postmenopausal women had found a lower risk of
breast cancer in women with the highest intakes of vitamin C from food, but not from supplements
(Verhoeven et al, 1997). However a recent nested case-control study found an increased risk of
breast cancer among a cohort of postmenopausal Danish women (Nissen et al, 2003). A significantly
increased risk was observed at intakes above 300 mg/day in comparison with intakes 60-150 mg/day.
The numbers of cases and controls in the high-intake comparison were 62 and 41, respectively. When
women who were taking supplemental vitamin C were excluded, the association between increasing
vitamin C intake and breast cancer was weaker and no longer statistically significant.
Vitamin C
In conclusion, the effects of vitamin C on cholesterol levels, conditioned need due to high intake, iron
absorption, prothrombin time and vitamin B
degradation, breast cancer and the possible pro-oxidant
activity of vitamin C are not sufficiently well documented or substantiated to be used as the basis for
risk assessment. There have been conflicting reports on the influence of vitamin C supplements on the
presence of oxidised bases in DNA (Podmore et al, 1998; Rehman et al, 1998; Proteggente et al, 2000).
These have been performed at relatively low doses (280 mg/day, 60 or 260 mg/day and 500 mg/day for
6 weeks respectively), and there are no data currently available at higher intakes.
Adequate data defining the dose-response relationships for each adverse effect described above are
not available, because many studies used a single dose level only. Despite the extensive use of vitamin
C supplements (up to 10 g/day) for the prevention of colds and other conditions, the tolerability of such
intakes has not been subject to systematic assessment. Therefore there are few data to support the
widely held view that high intakes of vitamin C are safe.
There have been a small number of studies that have investigated dose-response relationships in a
controlled and scientific manner.
4.1. Gastrointestinal effects
Two out of 15 volunteers experienced diarrhoea when consuming 10 g of vitamin C daily for 5 days
(Wandzilak et al, 1994). In a study in healthy human volunteers given increasing doses of vitamin C,
abdominal distension, flatulence, diarrhoea and transient colic were reported as “fairly frequent” at
doses of 3-4 g daily (Cameron and Campbell, 1974). Lower intakes appear to be tolerated without
gastrointestinal effects since no subjective side effects were reported in 17 adults given 2 g/day for
16 weeks (Cook et al, 1984). The Miller and Hayes (1982) review concluded that doses greater than 1
g/day could result in adverse gastrointestinal effects. The data of Ludvigsson et al (1977) indicate that
1 g/day would not produce adverse gastrointestinal effects in children.
4.2. Renal effects
A review of the early investigational studies on the relationship between ascorbic acid intake and
oxalate excretion (Hornig and Moser, 1981) concluded that there were methodological problems with
many of the studies.
A statistically significant increase in urinary oxalate excretion was reported in groups of 3 patients with
calcium oxalate renal stones given 1 g or 2 g of supplemental ascorbic acid daily. Precautions were
taken to prevent artefactual formation of oxalic acid by collection of intrarenal urine specimens from a
catheter into EDTA and sodium thimerosol preservative (Urivetzky et al, 1992).
The more extensive cross-over study by Wandzilak et al (1994) in which 15 subjects were given
1000, 5000 and 10,000 mg vitamin C each for 5 days reported no increase in oxalate excretion after
correction for non-enzymatic ex vivo formation. However the data are difficult to interpret because of
the highly acidic preservative used.
The two studies by Auer et al (1998a and b) indicate no increase in the urinary excretion of oxalate in
10 healthy male volunteers (with no history of stone formation) given 4 g of vitamin C daily for 5 days,
but a marked increase associated with haematuria and crystalluria in a single individual who took 8 g
daily for a period of 8 days.
In summary, one study reported that high intakes of vitamin C (1 or 2 g per day) increased the urinary
excretion of oxalic acid in patients with renal stones, but this was not found in studies in healthy
volunteers. Data from the cohort studies (Curhan et al, 1996 and 1999) show that intakes of 1.5 g/day
do not increase the risk of kidney stone formation.
The vitamin is of low acute toxicity as indicated by the limited data available from studies in animals
and humans. Despite the extensive use of high doses of vitamin C in some vitamin supplements, there
Vitamin C 304
have been few controlled studies that specifically investigated adverse effects. Based on the limited
data, acute gastrointestinal intolerance is the most clearly defined adverse effect at high intakes, but
there are limited data on the dose-response relationship for adults or for groups such as children or the
elderly. There are insufficient data to establish a tolerable upper intake level for vitamin C.
The available human data suggest that supplemental daily doses of vitamin C up to about 1 g in
addition to normal dietary intakes are not associated with adverse gastrointestinal effects, but that acute
gastrointestinal effects may occur at higher intakes (3-4 g/day). While there is uncertainty whether high
intakes of vitamin C increase renal excretion of oxalate, which could increase the risk of renal stones,
an increased risk of kidney stones was not found in individuals with habitual intakes of 1.5 g/day.
The absorption of vitamin C is saturated at high doses, and therefore intakes above 1 g/day would
be associated with negligible increased uptake and tissue levels, but an increased risk of adverse
gastrointestinal effects. There are no data on the gastrointestinal absorption or tolerability of esterified
forms of vitamin C, such as ascorbyl palmitate, but such esters might be expected to show similar
properties, and therefore this conclusion applies to these forms as well as ascorbic acid and its salts.
The average daily intakes reported in surveys in European countries (Table 1) are above the Population
Reference Intake, with the 95
percentile intake from food and supplements ranging up to about 1
g/day. These dietary intakes do not represent a cause for concern.
There has not been a systematic assessment of the safety of the long-term use of high dose vitamin
C supplements.
Any future studies on possible benefits of high intakes of vitamin C should investigate the nature and
incidence of adverse effects. Very few data are available on esterified forms of vitamin C, such as
ascorbyl palmitate, and these forms should be included in future studies.
The potential for vitamin C to induce gene or chromosomal mutations in vivo in humans at high doses
(1 g or more) should be investigated especially pro-oxidant effects on DNA bases, using sensitive
methods, because there are inadequate data to ensure the safety of long-term high-dose intakes.
Subgroups of the population at increased risk have not been investigated; individuals who are
predisposed to gastrointestinal problems, kidney stones or who are unable to regulate iron absorption,
due to haemochromatosis or thalassaemia, should be included in future studies on the possible
beneficial and adverse effects of vitamin C.
The conflicting evidence about vitamin C intake and breast cancer is noted and no conclusion is
possible at this time. The possible association warrants further research to clarify any relationship for
both dietary sources and vitamin C supplements.
Aghdassi E, Royall D, Allard JP (1999). Oxidative stress in smokers supplemented with vitamin C. Int J Vit Nutr Res 69: 45-51.
Alleva FR, Alleva JJ, Balazs T (1976). Effect of large doses of ascorbic acid on pregnancy in guinea pigs, rats and hamsters. Toxicol Appl
Pharmacol 35: 393-395.
Alves I, Oliveira NG, Laires A, Rodrigues AS, Rueff J (2000). Induction of micronuclei and chromosomal aberrations by the mycotoxin
patulin in mammalian cells: role of ascorbic acid as a modulator of patulin clastogenicity. Mutagenesis 15: 229-234.
Antunes LM and Takahashi CS (1999). Protection and induction of chromosomal damage by vitamin C in human lymphocyte cultures.
Teratog Carcinog Mutagen 19: 53-59.
Auer BL, Auer D, Rodgers AL (1998a). The effect of ascorbic acid ingestion on the biochemical and physiochemical risk factors associated
with calcium oxalate kidney stone formation. Clin Chem Lab Med 36: 143-148.
Auer BL, Rodgers AL, Auer D (1998b). Relative hyperoxaluria, crystalluria and haematuria after megadose ingestion of vitamin C. Eur J
Clin Invest 28: 1695-700.
Ballin A, Brown EJ, Koren G, Zipursky A (1988). Vitamin C-induced erythrocyte damage in premature infants. J Pediatr 113: 114-120.
Basu TK and Dickerson JWT (1996). Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid). In Vitamins in Health and Disease. Cab International, Oxford, UK, pp 125-147.
Vitamin C
Best RG and McKenzie WH (1988). Sister chromatid exchange in human lymphocytes exposed to ascorbic acid and the cancer
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Wulf Becker, Daniel Brasseur, Jean-Louis Bresson, Albert Flynn, Alan A. Jackson, Pagona Lagiou,
Geltrude Mingrone, Bevan Moseley, Andreu Palou, Hildegard Przyrembel, Seppo Salminen, Stefan
Strobel and Hendrik van Loveren.
The Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies wishes to thank Jan Alexander, Angelo
Carere, Werner Grunow, Andrew Renwick and Gerrit Speijers for their contributions to the draft opinion.
Boron (Sodium Borate and Boric Acid)
(REQUEST N° EFSA-Q-2003-018)
Boron occurs in foods as borate and boric acid. Boron has not been established to be an essential nutrient
for humans and no specific biochemical function for boron has been identified in higher animals or man.
There is some evidence that, in humans, boron intake within the usual dietary range may influence the
metabolism and utilisation of other nutrients, particularly calcium, and may have a beneficial effect on
bone calcification and maintenance. Recommended intakes for boron have not been established.
Studies of dietary deprivation of boron in animals have reported adverse effects (e.g. on growth, serum
steroid hormone concentrations and bone calcification) that can be corrected by increasing boron intake.
The effects of low boron intakes are more marked when accompanied by low status for other nutrients
(e.g. vitamin D, magnesium).
Data on boron intake in EU countries are limited. In the UK mean intake in adults from food is estimated
at 1.5 mg/day, with the 97.5 percentile of 2.6 mg/day, while mean intake from water is estimated to be
in the range of 0.2-0.6 mg/day. The main dietary sources of boron are plant foods, and foods rich in
boron include fruits, leafy vegetables, mushrooms, nuts and legumes, as well as wine, cider and beer.
Supplements may contain 1.5-10 mg boron/dose.
Boron as borate is readily absorbed (>90%) from the human gut and is evenly distributed throughout
the tissues and organs, and can cross the placenta, of animals and humans. Absorbed boron is readily
excreted in urine.
Ingestion of boron at dose levels of greater than 13 mg/kg body weight/day in short and long term
studies in a number of animal species (e.g. mouse, rat, dog, pig) has been shown to result in a range of
adverse effects, with developmental and reproductive effects being the most critical. Studies of boron
in mice and rats and in vitro showed no evidence of carcinogenicity or genotoxicity.
There are many case reports of boron intoxication in humans. Ingestion of boric acid at daily dose
levels of 0.14-0.43 g boric acid/kg body weight (equivalent to about 25-76 mg boron/kg body weight)
over periods ranging from days to weeks, resulted in a variety of symptoms, the most common being
gastrointestinal effects such as vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pain.
It was considered that the data on adverse effects of boron in humans were not adequate for
establishing a tolerable upper intake level (UL). The UL was based on the adverse effect occurring at
the lowest intake levels in animals, i.e. decreased foetal body weight in rats resulting from maternal
boron intake during pregnancy. The no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) for this effect (9.6 mg/kg
body weight/day) was extrapolated to humans by dividing by an uncertainty factor of 60 (to allow for
variability between rats and humans and between-person variability in humans) to give an UL of 0.16
mg/kg body weight/day, which is equivalent to an UL of 10 mg/person/day in adults. This UL also
applies to pregnant and lactating women. UL values for children were derived by extrapolating from the
UL for adults on a body surface area basis, giving values (mg/day) of 3, 4, 5, 7 and 9 for children aged
1-3, 4-6, 7-10, 11-14 and 15-17 years of age, respectively. These UL values apply only to the intake of
boron as boric acid and borates.
Based on the limited data available, boron intakes from food and water in EU are below the UL. The
consumption of some supplements containing boron may lead to intakes which exceed the UL.
Boron (Sodium Borate and Boric Acid) 310
Boron, sodium borate, boric acid, tolerable upper level.
In 2002, the European Parliament and the Council adopted Directive 2002/46/EC
related to food
supplements containing vitamins and minerals.
In addition, and as announced in its White Paper on Food Safety, the Commission aims to put forward
a proposal for harmonising legislation concerning the addition of vitamins and minerals to foods.
With a view to provide scientific support to the European Commission’s legislative work in this field,
the Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) issued, from October 2000 to April 2003, a series of opinions
on tolerable upper intake levels of individual vitamins and minerals and safety factors in relation to their
use in fortified foods and food supplements (available on the Internet at:
The SCF opinions covered 22 out of the 29 nutrients, which were considered to be within their mandate
for this task. The SCF did not have sufficient time to adopt opinions for the following vitamins and
minerals: vitamin C, chloride, fluoride, iron, phosphorus, potassium and sodium. In addition, during
the decision making process for the adoption of Directive 2000/46/EC on food supplements the
Parliament requested that boron, nickel, silicon, vanadium and tin should be allowed to be used in food
supplements. Therefore, the European Food Safety Authority is asked to provide scientific opinions on
the remaining 12 vitamins and minerals in accordance with the present terms of reference.
With respect to the outstanding 12 vitamins and minerals, the European Food Safety Authority is asked
1) to review the upper levels of daily intakes that are unlikely to pose a risk of adverse health effects; 2)
to provide the basis for the establishment of safety factors, where necessary, which would ensure the
safety of fortified foods and food supplements containing the aforementioned nutrients.
Boron is a naturally occurring element that is found in the form of borates in the oceans, sedimentary
rocks, coal, shale, and some soils. Boron has an atomic number of 5 and a relative atomic mass of
10.811; it exists in two allotropic forms, a brown amorphous powder and very hard brilliant crystals. In
nature it is found only in compounds, for example with sodium and oxygen in borax (Na
In aqueous solution at near-neutral pH, monomeric boric acid [B(OH)
] is the most common species
present, regardless of whether the boron source is boric acid (H
) or borate. Boron occurs in food
as borate or boric acid. For comparative purposes doses of boron compounds are expressed as boron
Boron is widely distributed in nature, with concentrations of about 10 mg/kg in the earth’s crust (range
5 mg/kg in basalts to 100 mg/kg in shales) and about 4.5 mg/litre in the ocean. The most important
commercial borate products and minerals are borax pentahydrate, borax, sodium perborate, boric
acid, colemanite, and ulexite.
Boron compounds can be found in the form of boric acid, borax and other borates in a wide range
of consumer products, including boron-silicate glass, soaps, detergents, preservatives, adhesives,
porcelain, cosmetics, enamel, leathers, carpets, artificial gemstones, high-contrast photographic
material, wicks, electric condensers, fertilisers, insecticides, and herbicides (Moore et al, 1997).
Boron has long been known to be essential for the growth of vascular plants, with a number
of functions which include sugar transport, cell wall synthesis and RNA metabolism. It is
1 - Directive 2002/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to food
supplements. OJ L 183. 12.7.2002, p. 51.
Boron (Sodium Borate and Boric Acid)
proposed that boron has an unique membrane function in plants (Nielsen,1986; FNB, 2001; EGVM,
2002 and 2003). There is also some evidence to support the essentiality of boron in animals.
The WHO established an acceptable safe range of population mean intakes for boron of 1-13 mg/day
(WHO, 1996; IPCS, 1998).
In 1996 the SCF adopted an opinion on trace elements including boron in natural mineral waters, in
which a NOAEL of 9.6 mg/kg body weight was established. The usual safety factor of 100 was applied
leading to the establishment of a tolerable daily intake (TDI) of 0.1 mg boron/kg body weight for
humans. The SCF concluded that assuming a consumption of 2 litres of natural mineral water/person/
day and the allocation of 10% of the TDI to this source of exposure would lead to a guideline value
of 0.3 mg/L. The Scientific Committee on Toxicity and Ecotoxicity set a TDI of 0.3 mg boron /kg body
weight (CSTE, 1996).
Council Directive 80/778/EEC on the quality of water intended for human consumption specifies a
maximum level of 1 mg/L.
The FNB established a tolerable upper intake level of 20 mg boron/day for adults (FNB, 2001). The EGVM
upper safe level is 0.16 mg boron/kg body weight/day (EGVM, 2003).
2.1. Physiological effects
Boron has not been established to be an essential nutrient for humans and no specific biochemical
function for boron has been identified in higher animals or man (FNB, 2001). Recommended intakes for
boron have not been established (SCF, 1993; FNB, 2001).
Studies of low boron diets (0.3-0.4 mg/day) in man have reported adverse effects on biological functions
that can be corrected by increasing boron intake to about 3 mg/day (Nielsen et al, 1987a and b, and
1988a; Nielsen, 1990a.). Several studies have reported that intake of boron may influence the metabolism
and utilisation of calcium, copper, magnesium, nitrogen, glucose, triglycerides, reactive oxygen and
oestrogen and may have effects on the function of several body systems, including blood, brain and bone
(Nielsen, 1997; Hunt, 1997; Penland, 1998; FNB, 2001). Perhaps the best-documented effect of boron
is on calcium metabolism or utilization, and thus, bone calcification and maintenance (Nielsen, 1998;
Nielsen et al, 1987b; Hunt et al, 1997; Pizzorno and Murray, 1999; Meacham et al, 1994).
Studies of dietary deprivation of boron in animals have reported adverse effects on biological functions,
including depressed growth, reduced serum steroid hormone concentrations, changes in plasma and
organ calcium and magnesium concentrations, plasma alkaline phosphatase and bone calcification,
that can be corrected by increasing boron intake (Nielsen, 1989 and 1990b; Nielsen et al 1988a, b and
c, and 1990; Hunt and Nielsen, 1981; Hunt, 1988). The effects of low boron intakes are more marked
when accompanied by low status for other nutrients (e.g. cholecalciferol, magnesium) (Benderdour et
al, 1998; McCoy et al, 1994; Hunt, 1989; Hegsted et al, 1991; Nielsen, 1987a and b).
Although boron deprivation has been reported to cause developmental defects in fish (Rowe and Eckhert,
1999; Eckhert, 1998) and frogs (Fort et al, 1999 and 2002), such effects have not been found consistently in
rodent models (Lanoue et al, 1998 and 1999).
2.2. Absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination
There is no evidence from metabolic studies for homeostatic control of boron in humans (Samman et al,
1998; FNB, 2001), although some reports have suggested that regulation of body content occurs (Hunt
and Stoecker, 1996; Sutherland et al, 1998).
Boron as borate is readily, and almost completely absorbed (>90%) from the human gut. The
mechanism has not been defined. Essentially 100% of boron ingested in the range 0.4-3 mg/day
is excreted in faeces and urine and there is no evidence of boron accumulation (Hunt et al, 1997).
Supplementation with 10 mg of boron/day resulted in the recovery of 84% of the dose in the urine
(Samman et al, 1998).
Boron (Sodium Borate and Boric Acid) 312
At low concentrations, inorganic borates can be converted to boric acid at physiological pH in the
aqueous layer overlying mucosal surfaces prior to absorption. Boron as boric acid is evenly distributed
throughout the body fluids, via passive diffusion. Boron administered at various dose levels is
distributed throughout the tissues and organs of animals and humans at concentrations between 0.05
and 0.6 mg/kg fresh weight and several times these concentrations in bones (Nielsen, 1989 and 1986).
In rats dosed with 2, 12.5 and 25 mg boron/rat/day most tissues appeared to reach steady-state boron
levels (12-30 mg boron/kg tissue) by 3-4 days; these levels were 3- to 20-fold above control values
(IPCS, 1998; Naghii and Samman, 1993, 1996 and 1997b). Adipose tissue took up only 20% as much
boron as other tissues (3.78 mg/kg tissue). Bone boron levels (47.4 mg/kg tissue) indicated greater
uptake in bone than in other tissues (30-40 mg/kg tissue) after a 7 day feeding experiment in rats. In
addition boron levels continued to increase throughout the 7 days.
It has been shown that boron compounds can cross the human placenta (IPCS, 1998).
Borate compounds are not metabolised by biological systems, because of the considerable energy
required to break the boron-oxygen bond (Emsley, 1989).
The primary route of elimination is by glomerular filtration (Murray, 1998; Dourson et al 1998) and >90%
of the administered dose is excreted via urine, regardless of the route of exposure or administration.
The 3- to 4- fold higher clearance in rats compared to humans arises from the higher glomerular
filtration rate in rats. In humans, excretion is relatively rapid, with a half-life of elimination of 24 hours or
less (Nielsen, 1986 and 1988; Litovitz et al, 1988). Boron does not accumulate in the blood of regularly
exposed workers (Culver et al, 1994).
Elimination kinetics of boron from bone is different from soft tissue and body fluids (EGVM, 2002;
IPCS, 1998; Chapin et al, 1997), suggesting a second kinetic compartment in bone in which a small
percentage of absorbed boron is stored.
2.3. Food sources and other sources
Boron is present in aquatic and terrestrial plants but does not bioaccumulate through the food chain.
The greatest exposure to boron for most populations comes from food. The daily intake of boron by
humans can vary widely depending on the proportions of various food groups in the diet (Nielsen, 1988;
Naghii and Samman, 1996; EGVM, 2002 and 2003). Foods rich in boron include fruits, leafy vegetables,
mushrooms, nuts and legumes as well as wine, cider and beer. Meat, fish and dairy products are poor
sources (Meacham and Hunt, 1998; Anderson et al, 1994; Hunt et al, 1991; MAFF, 1994).
Water, in particular mineral waters, can be an important source of boron. The average boron content of
drinking water in Germany was estimated as 23.1 μg/L (Becker et al, 1997). In one study it was reported
that bottled water can contain up to 4.35 mg boron/litre, with an average boron content of 0.75 mg/litre
(Moore et al, 1997).
2.4. Typical intakes
Data on dietary intakes of boron are limited. Boron is not included in the nutrient databases for dietary
Mean (1.5 mg/day) and 97.5 percentile (2.6 mg/day) boron intakes in adults in the UK have been
estimated from analysis of samples from the 1994 Total Diet Study using consumption data from the
1986/87 Dietary and Nutritional Survey of British Adults (MAFF, 1997). In the report of the UK Expert
Group on Vitamins and Minerals (EGVM, 2003), the exposure assessment revealed a mean intake for
water (0.2-0.6 mg/day) for supplements (up to 2.0 mg/day), and for cosmetics and consumer products
(up to 0.47 mg/day). Thus the estimated maximum daily intake of boron was 5.67 mg/day. Vegetarians
were identified as a potential high intake group.
Rainey et al (1999) have calculated the mean dietary intakes for a typical US population as 1.17 mg/day
for men, 0.96 mg/day for women and 1.01 mg/day for pregnant women. Vegetarian adults had a mean
intake of 1.47 mg/day for men and 1.29 mg/day for women. The IPCS (1998) reported an average
intake of boron for humans as 0.44 μg/day from ambient air, 0.2-0.6 mg/day from drinking water, and
1.2 mg/day from the diet. Coffee and milk are low in boron, but make up 12% of the total boron intake
by virtue of the volume consumed (Rainey et al, 1999).
Boron (Sodium Borate and Boric Acid)
Body building supplements have been reported to contain 1.5-10 mg boron/dose, resulting in possible
daily intakes of 1.5-30 mg boron (EGVM, 2003).
3.1. Animal toxicity data
3.1.1. Acute and short-term toxicity
The oral LD
values for boric acid and borax for mice and rats are in the range of 400-900 mg boron/kg
body weight. Acute oral LD
values in the range of 200-350 mg boron/kg body weight for boric acid or
borax exposure for guinea pigs, dogs, rabbits and cats (IPCS, 1998; Wang et al, 1984; Weir and Fisher,
1972; Smyth et al, 1969; Pfeiffer et al, 1945).
A short-term experiment (4 weeks) was performed to determine the specificity of the effect of boron
on steroid hormones and to determine subsequent changes in plasma lipids in rats. Addition of boron
(as boric acid) to the drinking water to provide 2 mg boron/rat/day, did not affect body or testicular
weight. The addition of boric acid (2 mg boron/rat/day) to the drinking water resulted in significant
elevations in the plasma 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D concentration at week 2 and the plasma testosterone
at week 4 relative to the control group. After 2 weeks, there was a significant decrease in plasma
triacylglycerol and HDL-cholesterol concentrations in rats fed boric acid relative to their counterparts
in the control group. However, at week 4 only HDL
-cholesterol was significantly lower (Naghii and
Samman, 1997a).
In a 13-week study conducted by the US National Toxicology Program (NTP, 1987) mice (10/sex/dose)
were exposed to boric acid in the diet at concentrations sufficient to produce estimated intakes of
approximately 0, 34, 70, 141, 281 or 563 mg boron/kg body weight/day for males and 0, 47, 97, 194,
388 or 563 mg boron/kg body weight/day for females. Deaths occurred at high doses (8/10 high dose
males and 6/10 high dose females and 1/10 males of the 281 mg boron/kg body weight/day died).
Clinical signs of toxicity were a thin, hunched appearance, dehydration, foot lesions, and scaly tails. A
dose-related decrease in body weight gain was observed. Histological effects included a dose-related
incidence of minimal to mild extramedullary haematopoiesis of the spleen in males and females,
hyperkeratosis and acanthosis of the stomach at the highest dose level, and testicular lesions.
Non-accidental mortality at the end of the toxicity study was increased significantly in the males. The
only significant lesions were seen in the testes of male mice (NTP, 1987; Dieter, 1994; IPCS, 1998).
Lee et al (1978) fed borax in the diet to male Sprague-Dawley rats (18/dose) at dose levels equivalent
to 0, 30, 60 or 125-131 mg boron/kg body weight/day for 30 or 60 days. Body weights were not
consistently affected by treatment. Organ weights were not affected in the 30 mg/kg body weight/day,
but at 60 and 125-131 mg/kg body weight/day, absolute liver and epididymis weights were significantly
lower than the controls after 60 days but not after 30 days.
In a 90-day study, Sprague-Dawley rats (10/sex/dose) received 0, 2.6, 8.8, 26.3, 87.5 or 262.5 mg
boron/kg body weight/day in the diet as boric acid or borax. All high dose animals died within 3-6
weeks. Body weights in males and females were reduced in animals receiving 87.5 mg boron/kg body
weight/day. Absolute organ weights -including the liver, spleen, kidneys, brain, adrenals and ovaries- in
this dose groups were also decreased. Relative weights of the adrenals and kidneys were significantly
increased, but the relative weights of liver and ovaries were significantly decreased at the 87.5 mg
boron/kg body weight/day. A pronounced reduction in testicular weights was also seen (Weir and
Fisher, 1972).
In a 90-day drinking water study with male rats, the highest dose of 6 mg boron/L (as borax) (0.426 mg
boron/kg body weight/day) caused no effects on fertility and reproduction or the weights of the testes
or prostate (Dixon et al, 1979).
In a toxicity study beagle dogs were fed a diet containing boric acid or borax for 90 days or 2 years. In the
90-day study the dose levels were 0, 0.44, 4.58 or 43.75 mg boron/kg body weight/day. Testis weights
were significantly lower than controls in the middle and upper dose groups. Testicular microscopic
structure was not different from control and middle dose, however in the high dose group (43.75 mg
boron/kg body weight/ day) 4 out of 5 dogs had complete atrophy, and the remaining dog had one-third
of tubules showing some abnormality. In the 2-year study the dogs (4/sex/group) received boric acid or
Boron (Sodium Borate and Boric Acid) 314
borax in the diet at dose levels equivalent 0, 1.5, 2.9, or 8.8 and an additional group of dogs received
29 mg boron/kg body weight/day for 38 weeks. No effects were observed on general appearance, body
weight, food consumption, organ weights, haematology, or serum chemistry. Changes in testicular
morphology occurred in males in the highest dose groups (Weir and Fisher, 1972).
The effects of boron on bone growth were studied (Seffner et al, 1990) in growing pigs exposed to
boron (4 or 8 mg/kg body weight per day) in two studies. They reported dose-related thinning of the
cortex of the humerus and a reduction (significant at 8 mg/kg body weight/day) in bone-derived serum
alkaline phosphatase, suggesting reduced osteoblast activity.
3.1.2. Long-term toxicity and carcinogenicity
A 2-year study was conducted in mice (50/sex/day) which received approximately 0, 275, or 550 mg
boric acid/kg body weight/day (0, 48.1, or 96.3 boron/kg/day) in the diet. No clinical signs of toxicity
were observed. Body weights were 10-17% lower in males of the high dose group after 32 weeks and
in females after 52 weeks. Non-accidental mortality at the end of the study was 9/50, 20/50, and 23/50
in control, low-, and high-dose and this increase was statistically significant in males. The lesions in
male mice appeared in the testes which showed testicular atrophy and interstitial cell hyperplasia at
both dose levels. Also a dose-related increase in incidence of splenic lymphoid depletion in males was
observed. Survival of the male mice was significantly reduced. An increased incidence of hepatocellular
tumours in low dose male mice was considered by NTP as non-associated to boric acid. Overall, NTP
concluded that this study produced no evidence of carcinogenicity of boric acid, although the low
number of surviving males may have reduced the sensitivity of the study (NTP, 1987; Dieter, 1994;
IPCS, 1998).
In a 2-year study, rats (35/sex/dose) were administered doses equivalent to 0, 5.9, 17.5, or 58.5 mg
boron/kg body weight/day in the diet as borax or boric acid. High-dose animals had coarse hair coats,
scaly tails, hunched posture, swollen and desquamated pads of the paws, abnormally long toenails,
shrunken scrotum, inflamed eyelids, and bloody eye discharge. These signs became frequent and more
pronounced during the first year but did not change thereafter. Serum chemistry and urine values were
normal; the packed cell volume (PCV) and haemoglobin levels were significantly lower than in controls.
The absolute and relative weights of the testes were significantly lower, and relative weight of the brain
and thyroid were higher, than in controls. The seminiferous epithelium was atrophied, and the tubular
size in the testes was decreased at 58.5 mg boron/kg body weight/day. No treatment-related effects
were observed at lower dose levels, the NOAEL for this study was 17.5 mg boron/kg body weight/day.
An increased incidence of tumours was not observed (Weir and Fischer, 1972; IPCS, 1998).
Based on the lack of human data and on the results of the aforementioned animal studies, boron was
classified by the US EPA as a Group D chemical (not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity) (US
EPA, 1994).
3.1.3. Reproductive and developmental studies
In a multigeneration continuous-breeding experiment (Fail et al, 1990 and 1991), Swiss CD-1 mice (F
generation) were fed boric acid in the diet at 0, 1000, 4500, or 9000 mg/kg feed for 27 weeks, which gave
calculated doses of 0, 19.2, 104.7, and 222.1 mg boron/kg body weight/day for males and 0, 31.9, 148.1
and 290.5 mg boron/kg body weight/day for females. Treatment with boric acid significantly impaired
fertility; all males and females in the high-dose groups were infertile. At the middle dose, the number of
litters per pair, number of live pups per litter, proportion of pups born alive, and pup weight adjusted for
litter size were all decreased. The trend towards a lower fertility index at this dose level was more apparent
with subsequent matings. Animals from different treatment groups were cross-mated. When mid-dose
males were mated with controls females, mating and fertility indices were significantly depressed, with
only one pair in that group producing a live litter; these indices were not affected when control males
were mated with mid-dose females, confirming that the male was the affected sex. At the F
sperm motility was significantly reduced in all exposed groups (by 12%, 32%, and 47%, from low- to
high-dose groups, respectively). Low dose and mid-dose animals from the F
generation were exposed
during gestation and lactation. The fertility of the low-dose F
mice was not affected, but the litter-adjusted
body weights of the F
pups were significantly decreased (by 3.3%) relative to controls. The low dose was
considered a LOAEL for decreased sperm motility in the F
males, 26% increased uterine weights and 8%
kidney weight/adrenal weight in the F
females and a 3.3% reduction in litter-adjusted birth weight in the
pups. This study provides no NOAEL, but the changes in the low dose were minor and this indicates
that this dose level is close to the NOAEL (IPCS, 1998).
Boron (Sodium Borate and Boric Acid)
Fail et al (1989 and 1990) utilised CD-1 mice both to characterise the effects of boric acid on fertility
and to test the reversibility of these effects. Adult CD-1 mice were exposed to boric acid in the feed
for 27 weeks at 0, 1000, 4500, or 9000 mg/kg diet (doses were not given). The males at the high and
mid-doses had testicular atrophy and decreased spermatogenesis. Fertility was diminished in animals
receiving the mid-dose and completely absent in the high-dose group (IPCS, 1998).
Secondary to the loss of germ cells, the activities of enzymes found primarily in spermatogenic cells
were significantly decreased and enzyme activities associated with premeiotic spermatogenic cells
were significantly increased in Sprague-Dawley rats at dose levels of 60 and 125-131 mg boron/kg
body weight/day for 30 or 60 days (Lee et al, 1978). Mean plasma follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
levels were significantly elevated in a dose-dependent manner in all treatment groups in this study
(60 to 125-131 mg boron/kg body weight/day) after 60-days of intake. FSH levels in animals receiving
the highest dose tested (125-131 mg boron/kg body weight/day) were still elevated 12 months
after treatment termination, owing to atrophied testes and no recovery of spermatogenesis. Plasma
luteinizing hormone (LH) levels were not significantly elevated, and mean plasma testosterone levels
were within the normal range throughout the study (Lee et al, 1978; IPCS, 1998).
The reversibility of testicular lesions was evaluated by Ku et al (1993a) in an experiment in which F-344
rats were dosed at 3000, 4500, 6000, or 9000 mg boric acid/kg diet (26, 38, 52 and 69 mg boron/kg
body weight/day) in the feed for 9 weeks and assessed for recovery up to 32 weeks post treatment.
Inhibited spermiation was exhibited at 38-52 mg boron/kg body weight/day (5.6 μg boron/mg tissue),
whereas inhibited spermiation progressed to atrophy at 52-68 mg boron/kg body weight/day (11.9 μg
boron/mg tissue). Boron did not accumulate in the testes to levels greater than found in blood during the
9-week period. After treatment, serum and testis boron levels in all dose groups fell to background levels.
Inhibited spermiation at 38 mg/boron/kg body weight/day was reversed at 16 weeks post-treatment, but
focal atrophy was detected that did not recover up to 32 weeks post-treatment (IPCS, 1998).
The development of the boron-induced testicular lesion was investigated by Treinen and Chapin
(1991), who fed boric acid at a level of 0 or 60.9 mg boron/kg body weight/day (estimated by the
authors) to male F-344 rats and sacrificed six treated and four control male rats at intervals from 4
to 28 days after the start of the boric acid intake. In half of the treated rats, there was inhibition of
spermiation in 10-30% of stage IX tubules at 7 days and inhibition in all stages IX and stage X tubules
after 10 days of exposure. At 28 days there was significant loss of spermatocytes and spermatids
from all tubules in exposed rats, and basal serum testosterone levels were significantly decreased
from 4 days on (IPCS, 1998).
In a three-generation reproduction study performed in conjunction with the long-term toxicity study,
it was found that 58.5 mg boron/kg body weight/day produced testicular atrophy and complete
suppression of fertility in rats. Lower doses (17.5 or 5.9 mg boron/kg body weight/day) did not reduce
fertility (Weir and Fisher, 1972). Due to the small group size the data of the study are of limited value
for a risk assessment (IPCS, 1998).
A study by Ku et al (1993a) found no detectable treatment-related changes in testicular structure in
rats following consumption of 17.5 mg boron/kg body weight/day for up to 9 weeks. In a follow-up
study to explore and identify the mechanism for the testicular toxicity of boric acid, Ku et al (1993b)
evaluated several end-points in cell culture systems following in vitro boric acid exposure. The data
suggest an effect of boric acid on the DNA synthesis activity of mitotic and meiotic germ cells and, to
a lesser extent, on energy metabolism in Sertoli cells. The effect on DNA synthesis occurred at boron
concentrations that were similar to the serum levels recorded when testis atrophy was observed. These
observations show that boric acid interferes with the production and or maturation of early germ cells,
and offers an explanation for atrophy, but not for inhibited spermiation (IPCS, 1998).
Additional mechanistic studies by Ku and Chapin (1994) showed that testicular toxicity and CNS
hormonal effects were not due to selective boron accumulation in testis or brain/hypothalamus.
Changes in testis phosphorus, calcium, and zinc levels did not precede atrophy. In vitro studies
showed no effect on steroidogenic functions of isolated Leydig cells. The authors showed that inhibited
spermiation was not due to increased testicular cyclic adenosine monophosphate or reduced serum
protease plasminogen activators. Effects of boric acid were also seen in Sertoli-germ cells co-cultures
on Sertoli cell energy metabolism (lactate secreted by Sertoli cells is a preferred energy source for
germ cells) and DNA/RNA synthesis (germ cells synthesise DNA/RNA, and boric acid impairs the
synthesis of these nucleic acids in the liver). The most sensitive in vitro end-point was DNA synthesis
in mitotic/meiotic germ cells; energy metabolism in germ cells was affected to a lesser extent, which
Boron (Sodium Borate and Boric Acid) 316
was manifested in vivo as a decrease in early germ cell/Sertoli cell ratio prior to atrophy of the testes.
The mechanisms of inhibited spermiation are still not defined (IPCS, 1998).
Heindel et al (1992) also investigated the development toxicity and teratogenicity of boric acid in mice
at 0, 43, 79, or 175 mg boron/kg body weight/day in the diet. There was a significant dose-related
decrease in average foetal body weight per litter at 79 and 175 mg boron/kg body weight/day. Offspring
of mice receiving 79 or 175 mg boron/kg body weight/day during gestation days 0-17, showed an
increased incidence of skeletal (rib) malformations. These changes occurred at doses for which
there were also signs of maternal toxicity (increased kidney weights and pathology); the LOAEL for
developmental effects (decreased foetal body weight per litter) was 79 mg boron/kg body weight/day,
and the NOAEL for developmental effects was 43 mg boron/kg body weight/day (IPCS, 1998).
Sprague-Dawley rats were fed diets giving intakes of 0, 13.6, 28.5 or 57.7 mg boron/kg body weight/
day as boric acid from gestation days 0 to 20 (Heindel et al, 1992). An additional group of rats received
boric acid at 94.2 mg boron/kg body weight/day on gestation days 6-15 only. Maternal effects included
a significant and dose-related increase in relative liver and kidney weights at 28.5 mg/kg body weight/
day and higher. Treatment with 94.2 mg boron/kg body weight/day significantly increased prenatal
mortality. Average foetal body weight per litter was reduced significantly in a dose-related manner in
all treated groups compared with controls. The percentage of malformed foetuses per litter and the
percentage of litters with at least one malformed foetus were significantly increased at 28.5 mg boron/
kg body weight/day. Malformations consisted primarily of abnormalities of the eyes, the CNS, the
cardiovascular system, and the axial skeleton. The most common malformations were enlargements
of lateral ventricles in the brain and agenesis or shortening of rib XIII. The percentage of foetuses with
variations per litter was reduced relative to controls at 13.6 and 28.5 mg boron/kg body weight/day,
but was significantly increased in rats receiving the 94.2 mg boron/kg body weight/day. The LOAEL of
13.6 mg boron/kg body weight/day for rats occurred in the absence of maternal toxicity; a NOAEL was
not established (IPCS, 1998).
Price et al (1996a) did a follow-up to the Heindel et al (1992) study in Sprague-Dawley (CVD) rats in order
to determine a NOAEL for foetal body weight reduction and to determine whether the offspring would
recover from prenatally reduced body weight during postnatal development. Skeletal malformations
and variations were also studied to further characterise the low end of the dose-response curve (phase
1) and to determine whether the incidence of skeletal defects in offspring changed during postnatal
life (phase 2). Boric acid was administered in the diet to CD rats from gestation day 0 to 20. In phase
1, uterine contents were examined on gestation day 20. During phase 1, the intake of boric acid was
0, 3.3, 6.3, 9.6, 13.3 or 25 mg boron/kg body weight/day. For these treatment dose groups, foetal
body weights were 99, 98, 97, and 88% of controls; the reduction was significant only at 13.3 and 25
mg boron/kg body weight/day on gestation day 20. During phase 1, the incidences of short rib XIII (a
malformation) and wavy ribs (variation) were increased at 13.3 mg boron/kg body weight/day or more
relative to the control litters. During phase 2, the intake of boric acid during gestation was 0, 3.3, 6.5,
9.8, 12.9 or 25.3 mg boron/kg body weight/day. At birth, boric acid intake stopped and dams were
allowed to deliver and rear their litters until postnatal day 21. On post-natal day 0 of phase 2, there were
no effects of boric acid on offspring body weight, nor were any differences seen through postnatal day
21. On postnatal day 21 of phase 2, the percentage of pups per litter with short rib XIII was elevated
only in the 25.3 mg boron/kg body weight/day group, and there was no-treatment-related increase in
wavy ribs or extra ribs on lumbar 1 observed in these pups on day 21. The NOAEL for phase 1 is 9.6
mg boron/kg body weight/day based on a decrease in foetal body weight and the LOAEL was 13.3 mg
boron/kg body weight/day. The NOAEL for phase 2 was 12.9 mg boron/kg body weight/day, and the
LOAEL was 25.3 mg boron/kg body weight/day (IPCS, 1998).
Price et al (1996b) investigated the developmental toxicity and teratogenicity of boric acid in rabbits at
doses of 0, 10.9, 21.9, or 43.7 mg boron/kg body weight/day given by gavage. Developmental effects in
rabbits exposed to 43.7 mg boron/kg body weight/day included a high rate of prenatal mortality, increased
number of pregnant females with no live foetuses, and fewer live foetuses per live litter on postnatal day
30. Malformed live foetuses per litter were increased significantly at 43.7 mg boron/kg body weight/day,
primarily because of the incidence of foetuses with cardiovascular defects, the most prevalent of which
was interventricular septal defect. Skeletal variations observed were extra rib on lumbar 1-position and
misaligned sternebrae. The NOAEL for maternal and developmental effects was 21.9 mg boron/kg body
weight/day and the LOAEL was 43.7 mg boron/kg body weight/day (IPCS, 1998).
In a 2-year study (Weir and Fisher, 1972) groups of 4 male and 4 female beagle dogs were fed diets
containing boric acid or borax to provide doses of 0, 1.45, 2.93, or 8.75 mg boron/kg body weight/day.
Boron (Sodium Borate and Boric Acid)
No evidence of toxicity was observed. An additional group of dogs (4 male and 4 female) was fed diets
containing boric acid or borax doses of 0 or 29.3 mg boron/kg body weight/day for 38 weeks. The
authors stated that boric acid caused testicular degeneration in dogs, including spermatogenic arrest
and atrophy of the seminiferious epithelium. The background lesions in testis and its accessory organs
were also high, so the results were equivocal (IPCS, 1998).
3.2. Genotoxicity
Boric acid was not mutagenic in Salmonella enterica var. Typhimurium with or without exogenous
metabolic activation (S-9 fraction) (Haworth et al, 1983; Benson et al, 1984; NTP, 1987; IPCS, 1998).
Boric acid was not mutagenic in the L5178Y mouse lymphoma tk assay with or without S-9 (NTP, 1987;
Rudd, 1991). Boric acid did not induce unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) in primary cultures of male
F344 rat hepatocytes (Bakke, 1991).
Crude or refined borax were negative in assays for mutagenicity in V79 Chinese hamster cells, C3H10T
½ mouse embryo fibroblasts and diploid human foreskin fibroblasts (Landolph, 1985).
Similarly, boric acid was negative in in vitro assays for chromosomal aberrations or sister chromatid exchanges
(SCEs) in Chinese hamster ovary cells with or without metabolic activation systems (NTP, 1987).
In vivo, boric acid was negative in a micronucleus assay on Swiss-Webster mice (O’Loughlin, 1991). In this
study, boric acid was administered in deionized water orally for 2 consecutive days at 900, 1800 or 3500 mg/
kg. No induction of chromosomal aberrations or mitotic spindle abnormalities in bone marrow erythrocytes
was observed.
Overall, the available data indicate that boric acid and borax are not genotoxic.
3.3. Human toxicity data
3.3.1. Acute and short-term toxicity
The lowest lethal dose after single accidental oral ingestion of boron acid by humans ranged from
approximately 98-650 mg boron/kg body weight (Stokinger, 1981; Teshima et al, 1992), dermal exposure
revealed a lower lethal dose of 1457 mg boron/kg body weight, whereas death has been reported when
boron was given intravenously at 0.5 mg boron/kg body weight. Litovitz et al (1988) stated that the
potential lethal dose is 3-6 g for infants and 15-20 g for adults expressed as boric acid.
There are data from several case reports of intoxication with boron as boric acid from inappropriate
use of medical preparations (Goldbloom and Goldbloom, 1953; Linden et al, 1986; Litovitz et al,
1988; Stokinger, 1981; Kliegel, 1980; Stokinger and Spiegl, 1953; Naghii and Samman, 1997b; IPCS,
1998; Teshima et al, 1992; Stein et al, 1973; Gordon et al, 1973). Symptoms included gastrointestinal
disturbances, generalised or alternating focal seizure disorders, irritability, granular degeneration of
tubular cells, exfoliate dermatitis, epilepsy, cardio-circulatory collapse, CNS effects such as oedema
and congestion of the brain, hair loss, lethargy, anorexia and mental confusion.
The toxic dose varied with the duration of intake, 4-10 weeks of intake revealed toxic effects at an
average daily ingestion of 0.143-0.429 g boric acid/kg body weight, equivalent to 25-76 mg boron/kg
body weight (O’Sullivan and Taylor, 1983).
Linden et al (1986) published a retrospective review of 364 cases of boric acid ingestion reported to
the Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Center in Denver, CO, USA, between 1983 and 1984. Vomiting,
diarrhoea, and abdominal pain were the most common symptoms given by 276 cases. Of the 72 cases
reported in 1984, 79% were asymptomatic, whereas 20% had mild gastrointestinal symptoms.
The average oral dose of boric acid required to produce clinical symptoms of intoxication with boron
is still unclear (Goldbloom and Goldbloom, 1953; IPCS, 1998). In a 3-week study in post-menopausal
women receiving either a low boron diet (0.33 mg/day) or this diet supplemented to 3.33 mg/day, the
supplement had no effect on blood levels of minerals, or steroids (Beattie and Peace, 1993).
3.3.2. Reproductive effects
An ecological study assessed boron exposure from drinking water and fertility among residents in
two geographical regions in Turkey. Drinking water from Region I contained 2.05-29 mg boron/L and
Boron (Sodium Borate and Boric Acid) 318
Region II had a range of 0.03-0.40 mg boron/L (IPCS, 1998; Sayli et al, 1998). No statistical analyses
were performed. The results of this descriptive study suggest that fertility, as measured by the ability to
produce a live birth, was not adversely affected for residents of high boron drinking water and soil area.
Fertility following inhalation exposure to boron was assessed in a descriptive study. Whorton et al
(1994) estimated the standardised birth rate (SBR) to assess fertility in 542/720 occupational workers
in a borax mine in California, USA. No significant trend was observed for SBR in relation to exposure
for quintiles of mean exposure levels ranging from <0.82 mg boron/m
to >5.05 mg boron/m
The data on the toxicity of boron in humans are sparse and not suitable for dose-response
Limited long-term carcinogenicity studies in mice and rats showed no evidence of carcinogenicity.
In addition, in vitro and in vivo studies at gene or chromosome level showed no evidence of
There are several short-term and long-term toxicity studies in a number of animal species (e.g. mouse,
rat, dog and pig). The animal experiments reveal developmental and reproductive effects as the
most critical adverse effects. The reproductive effects were observed both in repeated dose toxicity
studies and reproduction studies. The reproductive effects found at dose levels of 58.5 mg boron/kg
body weight/day in a 2-year toxicity study in rats consisted of atrophy of seminiferous epithelium and
decreased size of testicular tubules, which was not observed at 17.5 mg boron/kg body weight/day
(Weir and Fisher, 1972). Developmental effects produced by boron included short ribs, variation in the
number of ribs and decrease in foetal body weight. The LOAEL for decreased foetal body weight was
13.3 mg boron/kg body weight/day with a NOAEL of 9.6 mg/kg body weight/day (Price et al, 1996a).
1.1. Adults
The human database on boron is not adequate for establishing an UL and there are no human data on
developmental and reproductive effects comparable to those observed in animals. In consequence,
the UL is based on the most sensitive end-point detected in the animal studies, i.e. the NOAEL for
decreased foetal body weight in rats following maternal exposure during pregnancy. Normally, a default
uncertainty factor of 100 would be applied to a NOAEL derived from an animal study, but this factor
should be modified if relevant data are available. In the case of boron, critical analysis of the existing
data on boron toxicokinetics allows use of the approach proposed by the International Programme
on Chemical Safety (IPCS, 1994) in which the 10-fold interspecies and human variability factors are
subdivided into toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic aspects. The default toxicokinetic uncertainty factor
for extrapolation from animals to humans was appropriate for boron and was retained. The glomerular
filtration rate (GFR) in pregnant women is 144 ± 32 mL/min (Dourson et al, 1998). Human variability in
GFR during pregnancy was calculated as the ratio of the mean GFR divided by (the mean GFR minus
two times the standard deviation) (144/80), i.e. 1.8. The default toxicokinetic uncertainty factor for
human variability was then adjusted from the default value of 3.2 to 1.8 based on variability in GFR,
which is the critical physiological process involved in boron clearance. There are no data on species
differences or human variation in boron toxicodynamics, and the default factors for these aspects
were retained. The resulting combined overall uncertainty factor was 60. Dividing the NOAEL of 9.6
mg boron/kg body weight/day by the uncertainty factor of 60 gives a daily intake of 0.16 mg/kg body
weight/day, which gives a UL of 10 mg boron/person/day for adults.
The UL only applies to the intake of boron in the form of boric acid and borates.
1.2. Pregnancy and lactation
As the UL is based on a NOAEL for adverse effects from reproductive studies and multigeneration studies,
the UL of boron applies also to pregnant and lactating women.
Boron (Sodium Borate and Boric Acid)
1.3. Children and adolescents
There are no data on adverse effects of boron intakes on children and adolescents. However, the
multigeneration studies in animals do not indicate that young animals are more susceptible than
adults. Therefore, in the absence of adequate data the Panel chose to extrapolate the UL from adults
to children on a surface area (body weight
) basis. The reference weights derived by the SCF (SCF,
1993; SCF, 2000) are used as a basis for the calculations of surface area and UL.
Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL)
for boron (mg/day)
1-3 3
4-6 4
7-10 5
11-14 7
15-17 9
The limited data on boron intake in EU countries indicate that the intakes of boron from food and
drinking water are below the UL.
The intake of some supplements containing boron may lead to intakes that exceed the UL.
Data on intake of boron from different sources in Europe is very limited and should be collected for
different European countries.
Anderson DL, Cunningham WC and Lindstrom TR (1994). Concentrations and intake of H, B, S, K, Na, Cl and NaCl in foods. J Food
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Boron (Sodium Borate and Boric Acid)
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Boron (Sodium Borate and Boric Acid)
Wulf Becker, Daniel Brasseur, Jean-Louis Bresson, Albert Flynn, Alan A. Jackson, Pagona Lagiou,
Geltrude Mingrone, Bevan Moseley, Andreu Palou, Hildegard Przyrembel, Seppo Salminen, Stephan
Strobel and Hendrik van Loveren.
The Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies wishes to thank Jan Alexander,
Angelo Carere, Werner Grunow, Andrew Renwick and Gerrit Speijers for their contributions to the draft
Boron (Sodium Borate and Boric Acid) 324 324
(REQUEST N° EFSA-Q-2003-018)
Iron is an essential trace element that has important metabolic functions, including oxygen transport
and storage and many redox reactions. Insufficient intake results in the deficiency condition anaemia,
adverse outcomes of pregnancy, impaired psychomotor development and cognitive performance and
reduced immune function.
Case reports of accidental poisoning with medicinal iron, especially in young children, indicate acute
damage of gastrointestinal, hepatic, pancreatic and cardiovascular structures after ingestion of very
high doses. An acute oral dose of 60 mg iron/kg body weight can be lethal but oral doses below about
10-20 mg iron/kg body weight do not cause acute systemic toxicity.
Adverse gastrointestinal effects (e.g. nausea, epigastric discomfort, constipation) have been reported
after short-term oral dosage at 50-60 mg daily of supplemental non-haem iron preparations, particularly
if taken without food.
Iron overload with clinical symptoms, including liver cirrhosis, has been reported in individuals receiving
long-term, high-dose medical treatment with iron (160-1200 mg iron/day). Iron overload with clinical
symptoms has also been found in subjects homozygous for hereditary haemochromatosis (a genetic
disorder of iron storage), even at normal dietary iron intakes. Bantu siderosis, with liver cirrhosis and
diabetes, has been attributed to chronic excess intake of highly available iron (50-100 mg iron/day) in
beer; however, these adverse effects may be confounded by chronic alcohol intake and possibly by a
genetic disorder.
Although a proportion of the population has serum ferritin levels indicative of elevated iron stores
(above 200 μg/L for women and 300 μg/L for men), the point at which an elevated serum ferritin level
becomes associated with an increased risk of adverse effects (such as liver fibrosis) is not known. The
risk of adverse effects from iron overload in the general population, including those heterozygous for
hereditary haemochromatosis, is considered to be low.
Epidemiological studies have reported associations between high iron intake and/or stores with
increased risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes and cancer of the
gastrointestinal tract. However, these data are conflicting and do not provide convincing evidence of a
causal relationship between iron intake or stores and such chronic diseases.
The Panel considered that the available data are insufficient to establish a tolerable upper intake level
for iron.
Based on estimates of current iron intakes in European countries, the risk of adverse effects from high
iron intake from food sources, including fortified foods in some countries, but excluding supplements,
is considered to be low for the population as a whole, except for those homozygous for hereditary
haemochromatosis (up to 0.5% of the population). However, intake of iron from food supplements
in men and postmenopausal women may increase the proportion of the population likely to develop
biochemical indicators of high iron stores. Some groups at special risk for poor iron status, such as
menstruating women or children, could benefit from additional iron intake and/or improved availability
of dietary iron.
Iron 326
Iron, tolerable upper intake level, gastrointestinal effects.
In 2002, the European Parliament and the Council adopted Directive 2002/46/EC
related to food
supplements containing vitamins and minerals.
In addition, and as announced in its White Paper on Food Safety, the Commission aims to put forward
a proposal for harmonising legislation concerning the addition of vitamins and minerals to foods.
With a view to provide scientific support to the European Commission’s legislative work in this field,
the Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) issued, from October 2000 to April 2003, a series of opinions
on tolerable upper intake levels of individual vitamins and minerals and safety factors in relation to their
use in fortified foods and food supplements (available on the Internet at:
The SCF opinions covered 22 out of the 29 nutrients, which were considered to be within their mandate
for this task. The SCF did not have sufficient time to adopt opinions for the following vitamins and
minerals: vitamin C, chloride, fluoride, iron, phosphorus, potassium and sodium. In addition, during
the decision making process for the adoption of Directive 2000/46/EC on food supplements the
Parliament requested that boron, nickel, silicon, vanadium and tin should be allowed to be used in food
supplements. Therefore, the European Food Safety Authority is asked to provide scientific opinions on
the remaining 12 vitamins and minerals in accordance with the present terms of reference.
With respect to the outstanding 12 vitamins and minerals, the European Food Safety Authority is asked
1) to review the upper levels of daily intakes that are unlikely to pose a risk of adverse health effects; 2)
to provide the basis for the establishment of safety factors, where necessary, which would ensure the
safety of fortified foods and food supplements containing the aforementioned nutrients.
Iron is a metal with an atomic mass of 55.8. It is present in biological systems in one of two oxidation
states, and redox interconversions of the ferrous (Fe
) and ferric (Fe
) forms are central to the biological
properties of this mineral. Iron is an essential constituent of oxygen carriers, such as haemoglobin
and myoglobin, and the iron contained within haem is essential for the redox reactions of numerous
2.1. Functions of iron, deficiency symptoms, and prevalence of iron-deficiency
Iron deficiency is associated with reduced function of an array of iron-dependent enzymes and proteins
(Beard and Dawson, 1997). The most important effect of deficiency is impaired physical performance
due to reduced levels of haemoglobin and myoglobin and lower activity of iron-dependent cytochromes,
leading to reduced cellular concentrations of ATP. Lack of iron-dependent ribonucleotide-reductase
and aminoacid-monoxygenases may impair RNA synthesis and neurotransmitter metabolism. Iron-
deficiency anaemia increases the risk for low birth weight (Baynes and Bothwell, 1990), and appears
to impair psychomotor development and cognitive performance (Grantham-McGregor and Ani, 2001).
Cellular immune function and thermoregulation may also be impaired in severe iron-deficiency (Beard
and Dawson, 1997).
1 - Directive 2002/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to food
supplements. OJ L 183. 12.7.2002, p. 51.
Iron deficiency anaemia is one of the most common nutritional disorders world-wide. It has the highest
prevalence in women of childbearing age and in infants, affecting an estimated 25-46% of babies
in the third world (DeMaeyer and Adiels-Tegman, 1985; Dewey et al, 1997). Anaemia is found in 2%
of males and 5% of females in Germany (VERA-Schriftenreihe, 1995). In the USA the prevalence of
iron-deficiency anaemia is 0.2%, 2.6% and 1.9% in men and in pre- and post-menopausal women,
respectively (Cook et al, 1986); corresponding data from Northern Ireland are 0.5%, 6.6% and 4.6%
respectively (Strain et al, 1990).
Groups vulnerable to iron deficiency are infants over 6 months, toddlers, adolescents and pregnant
women (due to high requirements), older people and people consuming foods high in iron absorption
inhibitors (see below) (due to poor absorption) and menstruating women or individuals with pathological
blood loss (due to high blood losses) (EGVM, 2003).
2.2. Iron homeostasis
Ferrous iron in low molecular weight forms may increase oxidative stress, because reactive oxygen
species (ROS) may convert superoxide anions into highly reactive hydroxyl radicals by an iron-
catalysed Fenton reaction (McCord and Turrens, 1994). In vitro studies in cultured mammalian cells
have demonstrated a direct interrelationship between the intracellular free, iron pool and oxidative
stress. To minimise oxidative stress the body contains a number of high affinity iron-binding proteins
so that there are very low levels of free non-bound iron in the circulation or within cells. The different
binding proteins dominate the fate of iron in the body.
The adult human body contains 2.2-3.8 g iron under iron-adequate conditions (Lynch, 1984).
Homeostatic mechanisms have evolved that can alter intestinal iron absorption and supply iron
preferentially to functional compartments in response to deficiency or excess.
2.2.1. Iron absorption, distribution and regulation of tissue stores
Tissue concentrations and body stores of iron are controlled at three different levels:
i. Luminal iron: the extent of uptake of iron by the cells of the gastrointestinal tract affects how much
remains unabsorbed and passes to the lower bowel, prior to elimination in faeces;
ii. Mucosal iron: the mucosa is the main site of regulation of iron uptake in relation to liver stores and
ferritin levels;
iii. Post-mucosal iron: relates to the impact of iron intake on iron status and body stores. Luminal iron
Non-haem iron is present in foods largely as salts, which are made soluble in the stomach, and absorption
from foods depends on its dissolution as ferric salts and subsequent reduction to the ferrous form. Any
elemental iron in the diet is probably absorbed as non-haem iron following its dissolution in the acid
stomach contents. The absorption of non-haem iron can be increased substantially by the presence of
ligands, such as ascorbate, citrate and fumarate, as well as the presence of amino acids (e.g. cysteine)
and oligopeptides resulting from meat digestion (Mulvihill et al, 1998). In contrast, very stable complexes,
for example with phytates, phosphates and oxalates, impair non-haem iron absorption. Depending on the
concentration of supportive or inhibitory ligands in the intestinal lumen the absorption of non-haem iron
can vary by a factor of 10 in single-meal studies, but the effects are less pronounced in more long-term
studies (Hallberg and Rossander, 1984; Rossander, 1987; Hunt and Roughead 2000). Mucosal iron
In addition, homeostatic regulation will influence the extent of non-haem iron absorption. Body
iron content is linked to demand by regulated intestinal non-haem iron absorption which, in turn, is
regulated to a major extent by the uptake of iron into the cells of the intestinal mucosa (Schümann
et al, 1999a and b). This step is mediated by the divalent metal transporter (DMT-1) (Gunshin et al,
1997), the expression of which is higher in iron deficient animals (Fleming et al, 1999) and in hereditary
haemochromatosis (Byrnes et al, 2002). The activity of DMT-1 decreases after a period of high oral
iron intake (Oates et al, 2000), and such down-regulation of iron uptake may be regarded as protection
against iron overload. There is evidence of iron-zinc interaction at the mucosal level. Large doses of
supplemental non-haem iron inhibit zinc absorption if they are both taken without food, but do not
inhibit zinc absorption if they are consumed with food (FNB, 2001).
Iron 328
Transfer of information on hepatic iron stores to the gut may be mediated via an acute phase hepatic
protein, hepcidin (Nicolas et al, 2001), or possibly the pro-hormone form pro-hepcidin (Kulaksiz et al,
2004), which influences the extent of iron absorption (Leong and Lonnerdal, 2004) and can result in a
mucosal block. Hepcidin levels are inappropriately low in patients with hereditary haemochromatosis
in relation to their iron stores and ferritin levels (Robson, 2004), and genetic variants of which may
contribute to iron accumulation in some types of haemochromatosis (Bridle et al, 2003; Ganz, 2003).
Haem iron enters the mucosa via a pathway that is not regulated by DMT-1, but involves interaction
of iron in a porphyrin complex with a haem-receptor (Tenhunen et al, 1980; Roberts et al, 1993). Haem
iron absorption is less regulated (Finch, 1994), and varies between 15% in iron-replete individuals and
35% in iron-deficient subjects. The increased haem-iron absorption in iron-deficiency is partly due to
higher haem-binding to the brush-border (Roberts et al, 1993) and partly to induction of mucosal haem-
oxygenase, an enzyme that cleaves the porphyrin ring and liberates iron for transfer into the body. Haem-
iron absorption is largely independent of dietary ligands, although a high luminal calcium concentration
reduces absorption (Hallberg et al, 1992).
A recent study showed that iron absorption does not appear to be altered in heterozygotes for hereditary
haemochromatosis; HFE C282Y-heterozygous subjects did not absorb dietary iron more efficiently, even
when foods were highly fortified with iron from ferrous sulfate and ascorbic acid, than did control subjects
(Hunt and Zeng, 2004).
Due to the various exogenous and endogenous factors affecting iron absorption, a clear relationship
is generally not found between total iron intake and iron status. Total daily iron absorption is about
0.9 mg in males and 0.5 and 0.6 mg higher in menstruating women and blood donors. The mucosal
barrier can be overwhelmed by high iron doses, such as occurs in acute iron intoxication (Ellenham
and Barceloux, 1988). Post-mucosal iron
The concentration of free iron in blood is extremely low due to the high affinity binding of iron to
transferrin. Transferrin is an 80 kDa plasma protein that binds two Fe3+ ions per molecule with high
affinity (binding constant: 10
). The total iron binding capacity (TIBC) of transferrin in the plasma of
healthy adults is approximately 56µmol/L. About 30% and 10% of TIBC is occupied in normal iron
status and in iron deficiency respectively. The plasma iron pool is approximately 3 mg, but its daily
turnover is more than 30 mg/day (Bothwell et al, 1979). Free iron, or non-transferrin-bound iron (NTBI),
can occur in the presence of normal transferrin saturation values, and this has been demonstrated
using the method of Hider (2002) in both homozygotes (Loreal et al, 2000; Gosriwanata et al, 1999) and
in heterozygotes for hereditary haemochromatosis (de Valk et al, 2000).
A low iron concentration in plasma is essential for the bacteriostatic and bactericidal systems in blood
and lymph (Ward et al, 1996). Iron overload, with its associated increased plasma iron levels, suppresses
immune cell function, allows increased growth rates of infectious organisms and increases the risks of
morbidity and mortality due to infectious disease (Collins, 2003; Failla, 2003; Ward et al, 1996).
Iron is transferred from the plasma to the tissues via binding of iron-loaded transferrin to transferrin
receptors (TfR) at the cell surface, which are subsequently internalised within endocytotic vesicles.
High serum TfR values indicate high activity of cellular iron uptake, which in most cases is due to high
erythropoietic iron demand. Transferrin releases its iron under acidic conditions in the endocytotic
vesicles, and the transferrin and TfR return subsequently to the cell surface.
Within cells, iron is preferentially distributed to iron-dependent enzymes and iron-binding proteins.
Excessive intracellular iron is sequestered in the storage protein ferritin (500 kDa) or in its degradation
product called haemosiderin. One ferritin molecule can store up to 4500 iron atoms as ferric
hydroxyphosphate micelles. Such iron can be remobilised and utilised on demand. The serum ferritin
concentration is an indication of body iron stores, except when high levels arise due to inflammation
(Ponka et al, 1998).
Homeostatic mechanisms involving cytosolic iron-regulatory proteins (IRPs) have developed to maintain
low concentrations of free iron, in order to provide iron for essential functions and to protect the cells
from oxidative damage. IRP-1 is activated by cellular iron-deficiency, but also by reactive oxygen
species (ROS). At normal cellular levels of free iron, IRP-1 contains a 4Fe-4S cluster but in iron-deficient
cells the 4Fe-4S cluster is lost and the molecule binds to specific base loops of mRNAs for DMT-1,
TfR and ferritin, called “iron-response elements”. In deficiency IRP binding to TfR-mRNA increases TfR
expression, while the ferritin mRNA is broken down more rapidly, which restores the intracellular free
iron concentration by a combination of increased uptake and decreased sequestration. IRP activity is
also induced by ROS and during hypoxia-reoxygenation stress (Rouault and Klausner 1997; Hanson
and Leibold, 1999) when any increase in free iron could lead to increased oxidative damage (Martins
et al, 1995; Hentze and Kühn, 1996; Pantopoulos and Hentze, 1995; Mueller et al, 2001; Rouault and
Klausner, 1997, Hanson and Leibold, 1998; 1999). This is prevented, because the tendency towards an
increased free intracellular pool causes an increase in the expression of ferritin and a decrease in TfR
expression (Kakhlon et al, 2001), thereby reversing the effects of IRP activation and decreasing both
the free intracellular pool and oxidative stress (Picard et al, 1998).
The low pH values in inflamed tissues may mobilise free iron from ferritin and from its haem-bound
form (Britton et al, 1994; Biemond et al, 1984; Koishinako et al, 1996). Iron-related increases in ROS
production may contribute to pathogenic processes, such as myocardial infarction and intermittent
claudication, which can follow hypoxia and re-oxygenation, (see Schümann, 2001), and also in the
induction of cirrhosis, as exemplified in iron-overloaded rat livers (Bacon et al, 1983). Hepcidin (see
above) is an acute phase protein and its increased release from the liver may result in a mucosal block,
thereby contributing to the effects of inflammation on iron homeostasis.
Under physiological conditions iron status is almost exclusively regulated by adaptation of intestinal iron
absorption according to the demand (see In healthy iron-replete humans with iron stores of
800-1200 mg, non-haem iron absorption increases when iron stores are depleted and vice versa (Finch,
1994). This mode of regulation is highly predictable in normal subjects, and iron stores as determined by
plasma ferritin values have been used to predict iron absorption (Magnusson et al, 1981). Duodenal non-
haem iron absorption is linked to body iron status via the supply of serum iron to intestinal crypt cells. At
adequate supply levels, the activity of IRPs in these cells is low, whereas in iron-deficiency IRP activity
in the enterocytes is increased and intestinal iron absorption is high. Iron absorption adapts to changes
in plasma iron concentration with a lag time of 48h, which corresponds to the time required for young
enterocytes to express enzymes and transport proteins, such as DMT-1 and iron regulated gene (IREG),
and to migrate up the villi to the site of absorption (Schümann et al, 1999b).
In anaemia, an undefined and unidentified “erythrocyte regulator” can increase iron absorption to 20-
40 mg Fe/day from oral iron preparations (Finch, 1994). In addition iron absorption is increased by an
unknown mechanism to up to 66% in pregnant women and returns to normal at 16-24 weeks after
delivery (Barrett et al, 1994). Iron absorption is also increased during lactation and growth.
Regulation of non-haem iron absorption protects from iron overload at normal and moderately increased
iron-intake levels. A group of 12 Swedish male blood donors and 19 non-donors received standard meals
with radioactively labelled non-haem iron (12 mg Fe/day) and haem-iron (2 mg/day). Total iron absorption
increased when serum ferritin concentrations were less than 60 µg/L, but decreased when serum ferritin
exceeded this level, and the homeostatic equilibrium point of the system was estimated to be 60 µg ferritin/L
(Hallberg et al, 1997). This study did not investigate the maximum regulatory capacity by the administration
of high levels of additional iron, but such data are available from fortification studies. Fortification of curry
powder with sodium-iron-EDTA giving additional intakes of 7.5 mg Fe/day for 2 years in iron-replete male
subjects (Ballot et al, 1989) did not increase serum ferritin levels. There were no changes in iron stores
as estimated by serum ferritin following the addition of 10 mg Fe/day as ferrous sulphate to the food of
a healthy male subject for 500 days, or as determined via serial phlebotomies after the end of the iron
substitution period (Sayers et al, 1994). In these two studies serum ferritin levels did not change despite
long-term challenge with 7.5-10 mg Fe/day in addition to normal dietary iron intake of approx. 10 mg Fe/
day. Iron status in the elderly, as indicated by elevated serum ferritin levels, was increased after intake of an
additional 30 mg Fe/day as supplements (Fleming et al, 2002), in a study in which subjects with abnormal
results for blood leukocytes, C-reactive protein (CRP), and 3 liver enzymes, as indicators of inflammation
and liver diseases, were excluded. Theoretical calculations of the accumulation of iron in a fertile woman
given different daily intakes (Borch-Iohnsen and Petersson Grawe, 1995) indicated that a daily intake of 60
mg for 5 years would lead to a serum ferritin value close to that seen in iron overload.
2.2.2. Iron excretion
Iron excretion via the kidneys is very low, and body iron is highly conserved. Renal elimination is not
controlled as part of iron homeostasis or the control of excess body stores. Normally, only about 0.1
mg is lost daily in urine. The sloughing of mucosal enterocytes results in elimination of absorbed iron
before it reaches the systemic circulation and accounts for the loss of 0.6mg per day into the intestinal
Iron 330
lumen. About 0.2-0.3 mg is lost daily from the skin. The total daily loss is equivalent to about 0.05 %
of body iron content (Green et al, 1968). Menstrual losses are variable and may be almost as high as
the total loss in non-menstruating women (FNB, 2001).
2.2.3. Biomarkers for the characterisation of iron status
Approximately 70% of body iron content is present in haemoglobin (Hb) and the Hb concentration closely
reflects the amount of iron utilised in the organism. Serum iron concentration, total iron binding capacity
(TIBC), serum transferrin and transferrin saturation may be used to indicate the level of iron supply to the
tissues. Because serum transferrin binds iron very tightly, TIBC is essentially a measure of the amount
of serum transferrin. Transferrin saturation gives the percentage of TIBC that is occupied by serum iron.
Serum transferrin and TIBC are increased in iron-deficiency, during infancy and in pregnancy.
Ferritin binds and sequesters intracellular iron which is not utilised in the functional iron pool. Small
amounts of ferritin are also found in the serum and can be used as an indicator of body iron stores
(Halliday et al, 1994). Changes in serum ferritin correlate with changes in iron-stores (Skikne et al, 1990).
Because of this reproducible relationship, ferritin is regarded as the most reliable indirect measure of
iron stores over a wide range (Finch, 1994), and 1 µg ferritin/L in the serum represents 8-10 mg of
storage iron (Walters et al, 1973; Finch et al, 1986).
Although it is an indicator for body iron stores serum ferritin concentration is influenced by other factors,
such as the presence of inflammation or cancer (Fodinger and Sunder-Plassmann, 1999). Therefore,
epidemiological studies on the relationship of serum ferritin and chronic diseases (see later) need to
determine parameters for inflammation along with the ferritin values in order to exclude inflammation
as a cause of elevated serum ferritin levels. Moreover, serum ferritin showed associations with a variety
of parameters (Milman and Kirchhoff, 1999), such as serum fibrinogen and albumin (Danesh et al,
1998). The correlation between serum ferritin and alcohol consumption may partly be due to higher iron
absorption, liver damage (Milman and Kirchhoff, 1996) or to an independent effect of alcohol (Meyer et
al, 1984). Significant positive correlations have been reported between serum ferritin and a number of
cardiovascular risk factors including body mass index, serum triglycerides and systolic and diastolic blood
pressures; there was no association between serum ferritin and physical activity, serum total cholesterol
or serum HDL cholesterol, but a negative association with cigarette smoking (Halle et al, 1997; Milman
and Kirchhof, 1999). A negative association reported between serum ferritin and aspirin consumption may
have arisen from increased occult blood losses and/or suppression of cytokine-mediated inflammation
(Fleming et al, 2001a). There are also correlations between serum ferritin and high income and nature of
employment, but not with social class (Milman and Kirchhof, 1996 and 1999). In light of the above there
is a need for caution in the interpretation of associations of ferritin with chronic disease.
The serum concentration of the transferrin receptor (TfR) represents the extent to which this receptor
is expressed in different parts of the body; approximately 80% of serum TfR derives from the erythroid
marrow (Cook, 1999). Elevated serum TfR is directly proportional to the severity of iron storage
depletion, as determined by serial phlebotomies (Skikne et al, 1990).
2.3. Requirements and recommended intakes
The recommended daily intakes for different groups of the population are based on the amount of
ingested iron necessary for absorption of the estimated average amounts of iron lost each day.
During the first year of life the body requires approximately 260 mg of iron for metabolism and growth,
i.e. 0.6-0.8 mg Fe/day, which corresponds to a dietary intake of 6-8 mg Fe/day, assuming 10%
absorption. These data are the rationale for the recommendation of 1 mg Fe/kg body weight per day for
children between the 4
month and the 3
year of life (Oski, 1993). The Scientific Committee on Food
recommended daily intakes of 6 mg and 4 mg for infants aged 0.5-1 year and 1-3 years respectively,
assuming 15% absorption of the daily intake (SCF, 1993).
An adult male loses approx. 1 mg Fe/day, mostly from the intestine (Green et al, 1968), and a daily
intake of approx. 10 mg Fe is needed to replace these basal losses, assuming 10% absorption, and
the recommended dietary iron intake has been estimated as between 8 and 10 mg Fe/day (SCF, 1993;
FNB, 2001; Arbeitsgruppe Referenzwerte für Nährstoffzufuhr, 2000).
Menstrual iron losses are below 1.6 mg Fe/day in 95% of women, which leads to an average total
loss of approx. 2.5 mg Fe/day (Baynes and Bothwell, 1990). Assuming 10-20% absorption in iron
deficiency, an intake of 15-20 mg Fe/day is recommended for women of reproductive age (SCF, 1993;
FNB, 2001; Arbeitsgruppe Referenzwerte für Nährstoffzufuhr, 2000).
During pregnancy, 450 mg Fe is needed to allow increased erythropoiesis, while 270-300 mg and 50-
90 mg are transferred to the foetus and placenta, which gives a total extra demand of 770-840 mg.
This demand corresponds to approx. 3 mg Fe/day and will be provided by an intake of 30 mg Fe/day
and is the rationale for the recommended higher iron intake in pregnancy (FNB, 2001; Arbeitsgruppe
Referenzwerte für Nährstoffzufuhr, 2000).
2.4. Food sources and intake
The iron content of food varies greatly, and factors such as the soil, climate conditions and processing
can influence the iron content of similar foods. The results can also be affected by differences in
analytical methods (Becker 1996). Foods rich in total iron include liver and offal, game and beef; cereals,
cereal products and pulses also contain moderate to high levels. Poor sources of iron include milk and
dairy products, whereas pork, poultry, and green vegetables contain intermediate concentrations.
Average iron intakes for populations in 8 European countries are given in Table 1. The recommended intakes
for males are met by the mean values and exceeded more than two-fold at the 97.5th percentile.
3.1. In vitro and animal toxicity data
3.1.1. In vitro data
Ferrous lactate, ferric pyrophosphate, ferric orthophosphate and sodium ferric pyrophosphate were
negative in Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain D4 and Salmonella typhimurium strains TA1535, TA1537
and TA1538 without metabolic activation in plate- and suspension-tests. Ferrous sulphate was active
in suspension tests with metabolic activation and ferrous gluconate was mutagenic for the indicator
strain TA1538 in activation tests with primate liver preparations, but was inactive in other tests (Litton
Bionetics, 1975, 1976 a and b). Iron in the presence of haemoglobin induces DNA strand breaks and
oxidised bases in the human colon tumor cell line HT 29, clone 19A, as determined by single cell
microelectrophoresis (comet assay) (Glei et al, 2002). The concentrations used in this study were similar
to those found in human faeces after oral supplementation of 19 mg Fe/day (Lund et al, 1999).
Table 1. The daily intakes of iron in EU countries (mg/day)
Population N Method Supplements Mean 97.5%
Individual (M,F) 2488 24 h recall Not defined 13 25
Individual (M)
Individual (F)
sisted dietary
Not defined
Individual (M)
Individual (F)
Individual (M)
Individual (F)
7-day record
Household 2734 7-day record + 13 22
Individual (M,F) 5958 2-day record - 11 19
Individual (M)
Individual (F)
Individual (M)
Individual (F)
Individual (M)
Individual (F)
Individual (M)
Individual (F)
8-day record
Individual (M)
Individual (F)
Individual (M)
Individual (F)
7-day record
Iron 332
Elmadfa et al (1998)
Mensink et al (2002) - values are 90th percentile.
IUNA (2001)
Turrini (INRAN)
Hulshof and Kruizinga (1999)
Johansson and Solvoll (1999)
Elmstahl et al (1994) - values are the median and 95th percentile. These data relate to a period when
sifted flour was fortified with iron; this ceased in 1995, since when intakes from food have been on
average 2-3mg/day lower.
Henderson et al (2003) - values are the mean for total iron
3.1.2. Animal toxicity data
A problem with the use of animal data for the hazard characterisation of iron is that there are large
species and strain differences in response to dietary iron overload, e.g. between rats and mice and
between different mouse strains (Whittaker et al, 1997; Lebeau et al, 2002). Animal models can be
useful in some circumstances, for example hepatic iron accumulation is significantly increased in HFE
knockout mice (a model for hereditary haemochromatosis) (Fleming et al, 2001b).
Acute toxicity occurred in mice after oral doses of ferrous compounds in the range 200-650 mg
Fe/kg body weight, with ferrous sulphate being the most toxic and ferrous fumarate the least toxic.
Administration of 50 and 100 mg Fe/kg body weight/day for 12 weeks decreased growth rates in male
rats with potency in the order ferrous sulphate > succinate > fumarate > gluconate. An emetic effect
was found in cats and an irritant effect on the gastric mucosa in rabbits (Berenbaum et al, 1960).
The presence of iron in the lumen of the colon may act as a catalyst for the production of free radicals by
bacteria (Babbs, 1990). Feeding diets containing 29 mg or 102 mg Fe/kg dry weight of the diet increased
free radical generation and lipid peroxidation in rat colon and caecum, and administration of 100 mg Fe/kg
diet caused a small but significant increase in cell proliferation in the rat colon (Lund et al, 1998). Iron acts
as a tumour promotor in the mouse colon after exposure to the genotoxic carcinogens dimethylhydralazine
or azoxymethane (Siegers et al, 1988). Dietary phytate, which forms a stable ligand complex with iron,
prevented the promotion of colon carcinogenesis in experimental animals (Nelson et al, 1989), and protects
the pig colon from lipid peroxidation caused by high iron intakes (Porres et al, 1999).
Oxidative damage of DNA is believed to be the cause of renal adenocarcinoma in rats treated with an
intraperitoneal dose of the iron chelate of nitrilotriacetic acid (Ebina et al, 1986; Hamazaki et al, 1989a).
The induction of renal cancer was associated with lipid peroxidation (Hamazaki et al, 1989b) and
this could be reduced significantly by vitamin E administration (Hamazaki et al, 1988). The relevance
of these observations to normal dietary forms of iron is unclear, but the observations indicate that
administration of synthetic chemical forms of iron may lead to redox-related damage.
3.2. Human toxicity
3.2.1. Acute effects of iron
Acute poisoning with oral pharmaceutical-like iron preparations causes mucosal erosion in the
stomach and intestine, with young children particularly at risk (Anderson, 1994). Side effects of oral iron
preparations and acute iron toxicity may be mediated directly by the presence of high concentrations
of ‘free iron’ in the gastrointestinal mucosa (Engle et al, 1987). Absorption of high quantities of iron
causes shock symptoms due to vasodilatation, capillary leakage and heart failure, and can result in
CNS and kidney damage (Anderson, 1994), and hepatocellular necrosis with bleeding disorders and
hepatic failure (Engle et al, 1987).
Side effects of oral iron preparations at therapeutic dose levels of 50-220 mg Fe/day include nausea,
vomiting, heartburn, epigastric discomfort, diarrhoea and intractable constipation (Blot et al, 1981;
Brock et al, 1985; Coplin et al, 1991; Frykman et al, 1994; Ganzoni et al, 1974; Hallberg et al, 1966;
Liguori, 1993; Reddaiah et al, 1989). The side effects in the upper gastrointestinal tract depend on the
local iron concentrations and are due to irritation of the mucosa, alteration of gastrointestinal motility
and/or rapid transfer of iron into the circulation (Cook et al, 1990).
3.2.2. Chronic effects of iron
Information about the chronic effects of iron predominantly found in adults can be divided into:
i. adverse effects reported in subjects with iron overload, and
ii. associations reported between increased iron intakes or elevated markers of body stores and
specific diseases. Adverse effects reported in subjects with iron overload
The main causes of chronic iron overload are:
i. genetic defects in the mechanisms involved in iron homeostasis, of which the most important is
hereditary haemochromatosis;
ii. excessive dietary intake associated with ethanol ingestion; and
iii. iatrogenic excessive intake, for example for the treatment of haemoglobinopathies. Hereditary haemochromatosis
a. Homozygotes for hereditary haemochromatosis
Homozygotes for hereditary haemochromatosis are a sub-population that is highly sensitive to iron
overload. This disease is due to a defect in the HFE (formerly HLA) gene that results in increased iron
absorption, and has been reported to occur in 0.3-0.5% of the Caucasian population (Powell et al,
1994). Recent studies on the genetic basis of haemochromatosis have identified five iron-overload
conditions that are described as haemochromatosis (OMIM, 2004). There are three important HFE
mutations, C282Y, H63D and S65C, of which the H63D variant is more common than the C282Y
mutation in New Zealand and the USA (Burt et al, 1998; Steinberg et al, 2001). The distributions of these
two mutations differ within Europe, C282Y being limited to those of north-western European ancestry,
and H63D being found at allele frequencies of more than 5% in countries bordering the Mediterranean,
in the Middle East, and in the Indian subcontinent (Rochette et al, 1999). Milman and Pedersen (2003)
linked the distribution of the C282Y mutation to the spread of the Vikings, since the highest frequencies
(5.1 to 9.7%) are in populations in the northern part of Europe, such as Denmark, Norway, Sweden,
Faroe Islands and Iceland, intermediate allele frequencies (3.1 to 4.8%) are found in central Europe, and
low allele frequencies (0 to 3.1%) occur in populations in southern Europe and the Mediterranean.
The male/female ratio among homozygotes is 1:1, but males are at greater risk of serious manifestations
(Olynyk and Bacon, 1994), because women have higher iron losses via menstruation. Disorders
associated with chronic iron overload include hepatomegaly, joint inflammation, diabetes mellitus,
cardiomyopathy and hepatoma. Although there have been conflicting reports, recent data show that
subjects homozygous for C282Y show increased incidences of arthritis and liver fibrosis (Bulaj et al,
2000; Ajioka and Kushner, 2003), although many homozygous subjects appear asymptomatic (Asberg
et al, 2001; Beutler, 2003). Mutation S65C appears to result in a mild to moderate influence on iron
uptake and accumulation (Holmström et al, 2002). The penetrance of the C282Y mutation, which is
the most frequent mutation causing hereditary haemochromatosis, has recently been estimated to be
in the region of 1% (Beutler et al, 2002) to 25% (European Haemochromatosis Consortium, 2002). A
recent paper indicates that the apparent low penetrance may be due to the non-specific nature of early
symptoms because about 50% of subjects homozygous for C282Y had biochemical indicators of iron
overload (as defined by a transferrin saturation >52% combined with a serum ferritin >300 µg/L for men
and >200 µg/L for women (Ryan et al, 2002).
b. Heterozygotes for hereditary haemochromatosis
The frequency of heterozygotes in Caucasians is estimated to be 13% (9.5-18%) (Nelson et al, 2001).
In recent screening studies 5-15% were heterozygous for the HFE gene mutation C282Y (Burt et al,
1998; Distante et al, 1999; Rochette et al, 1999; Steinberg et al, 2001; Moirand et al, 2002; Milman and
Pedersen, 2003) and 5% of patients with suspected iron overload had the S65C mutation (Holmström
et al, 2002). Heterozygous subjects tend to show a greater incidence of biochemical indicators of high
body loads of iron, such as serum ferritin, transferrin and transferrin saturation. However, iron absorption
does not appear to be altered in heterozygotes (Hunt and Zeng, 2004). Overall there is inconsistent
evidence of an increased risk of adverse effects associated with iron overload in heterozygous subjects
(see below).
Iron 334 Secondary haemochromatosis
There have been rare anecdotal cases of patients who developed secondary haemochromatosis and
died of cirrhosis, diabetes or cardiac failure after ingesting 160-1200 mg/day of therapeutic doses of
iron over more than a decade (see Turnberg, 1965; Johnson, 1968; Green et al, 1989). Subjects with
hereditary haemochromatosis may have contributed to these early case reports. Bantu siderosis
Bantu siderosis is caused by excess oral iron intake with home-brewed beer fermented in iron drums
in sub-Saharan Africa. Regular consumption of such beer leads to hepatic cirrhosis (Isaacson et al,
1961) and diabetes (Seftel et al, 1961). The bioavailability of such iron is high, but the alcohol intake
with the beer may have contributed to the development of cirrhosis (Tsukamoto et al, 1995). A genetic
difference, distinct from HFE-linked haemochromatosis, has been hypothesised to increase intestinal
iron absorption in affected Bantu subjects (Gordeuk et al 1992; Mc Namara et al, 1998). This possibility
was supported by analyses using transferrin saturation (Moyo et al, 1998), although the blood samples
were taken from non-fasting individuals at different times of the day which makes transferrin saturation
values unreliable. Iron absorption in affected Bantu subjects, who had high iron stores, was lower than
that in healthy white volunteers, which argues against a genetic alteration of iron absorption and its
regulation (Bothwell et al, 1964). Despite the presence of possible genetic differences and alcohol intake
as confounders, iron is clearly the underlying causative agent of liver cirrhosis in Bantu siderosis. Serum ferritin, liver iron and risk of liver fibrosis
There is a significant positive correlation between serum ferritin and liver iron concentrations (Asberg
et al, 2001) and biochemical indicators of iron overload (a serum ferritin >300 µg/L for men and >200
µg/L for women) are equivalent to liver iron concentrations of about 158 µmol/g protein, although there
was very wide variability in the relationship. Severe hepatic fibrosis (cirrhosis) is associated with hepatic
iron concentrations above 400 µmol Fe/g (22.3 mg per g) dry weight (Bassett et al, 1986). It is difficult
to relate serum ferritin to the risk of liver disease. Different degrees of fibrosis were found in 32 patients
in a survey of 120 patients with haemochromatosis (Bell et al, 2000); the median serum ferritin levels
in patients with grade 1 (n=8), grade 2 (n=12), grade 3 (n=8) and grade 4 (cirrhosis; n=5) liver disease
were 858, 1441, 2764 and 4094 µg/L respectively, although there was considerable overlap between
the groups, so that a clear cut-off cannot be defined. Associations reported between increased iron intakes or elevated markers of body stores and
specific diseases Iron and cancer risk
Because of its potential pro-oxidant effects, there has been extensive research into possible links
between iron and cancer development. Homozygotes for hereditary haemochromatosis with hepatic
cirrhosis have an increased risk for hepatocellular carcinoma (Powell, 1970), and this association is
supported by an increased risk in Black Africans with dietary iron-overload, after controlling for alcohol,
hepatitis B and C and exposure to aflatoxin B1 (Mandishona et al, 1998). Evidence for a possibile
increased incidence of extrahepatic malignancies in hereditary haemochromatosis is inconsistent (see
Niederau et al, 1985; Hsing et al, 1995; Fracanzani et al, 2001).
The incidences of tumours in the upper digestive tract (Freng et al, 1998; Zhang et al, 1997) have been
reported to be negatively associated with dietary iron intake.
Evidence supporting a link between high iron stores/intakes and cancer of the lower bowel includes
a significant association between the recurrence of colorectal adenoma after their removal and serum
ferritin concentrations, dietary iron intake and meat intake (Tseng et al, 2000). A case-control study from
Switzerland showed that the risk of colorectal cancer was positively associated with iron intake (Levi
et al, 2000). In agreement with these studies a nested case-control study on 105 cases with colorectal
cancer and 523 controls with a follow up of 4.7 years showed a significantly increased risk for colorectal
cancer associated with higher total iron intake (Kato et al, 1999). In another case-control study with 433
cases of rectal adenocarcinoma, iron intake normalised for meat consumption was associated with an
added risk ratio of 3.2 (Deneo-Pellegrini et al, 1999).
A number of studies have indicated an association between markers of body iron stores and cancer of
the lower bowel. In the general population Stevens et al (1988 and 1994) found an increased frequency
of cancer in the oesophagus, the bladder, and in the colorectal area at transferrin saturation levels
above 40%. In one study, the risk of colorectal cancer correlated with increasing iron stores (Knekt et
al, 1994), while in a different study serum iron concentration was significantly increased in individuals
with colorectal cancer (Wurzelmann et al, 1996), although the differences were small. A case-control
study of 264 men and 98 women, which was controlled for smoking, gender and alcohol consumption,
showed an association between serum ferritin concentration and adenoma of the colon (Nelson et al,
1994). The relative risk for colorectal cancer, colonic adenoma and haematological malignancies was
increased in heterozygotes for hereditary haemochromatosis; the risk for stomach cancer was also
increased in this study (Nelson et al, 1995), which is inconsistent with an association with low iron
stores in other studies (Knekt et al, 1994).
Hepatocellular carcinoma is a recognised risk for subjects homozygous for hereditary haemochromatosis,
and is responsible for about one-third of deaths in affected homozygotes (OMIM, 2004). Hepatocellular
carcinoma occurs in other situations associated with hepatic degenerative and fibrotic changes, such
as alcohol-induced hepatic cirrhosis.
Overall, these results indicate the possibility of a role of luminal exposure to excessive iron in the
development of colon carcinoma, but the evidence is limited and not convincing. There are few data
available for other cancers and the evidence is not convincing. Iron and cardiovascular risk
a. Iron stores and cardiovascular risk
In a study on risk factors for ischemic heart disease, in which 51 out of 1931 men experienced myocardial
infarction (AMI), a serum ferritin concentration >200 µg/L was associated with a 2.2 fold higher risk for
AMI, after adjusting for cigarette smoking, systolic blood pressure, blood glucose, HDL-cholesterol,
apolipoprotein, triglycerides and leukocyte (Salonen et al, 1992 and 1994), with the strongest association in
those with high LDL cholesterol. The study was criticised because there was not adequate control of effects
of inflammation on serum ferritin and because the relationship should have been analysed in tertiles and
not with a cut-off value of 200 µg/L ferritin which is in the high range of normal values (FNB, 2001; Vera-
Schriftenreihe, 1995; Claeys et al, 2002).
Following this study, a considerable number of epidemiological investigations were performed between
1994 and 1997, involving a total of 7800 cases of coronary heart disease (CHD). A meta-analysis
undertaken by Danesh and Appleby (1999) reported a combined risk ratio of 1.0 for the five studies
that compared ferritin values below and above 200 µg/L in 570 CHD cases. A combined relative risk
ratio of 0.9 was reported for the comparison between top and bottom tertiles for transferrin saturation,
which included 6194 cases of CHD in 5 studies. The combined risk ratios were 1.0, 0.8, and 0.8 for total
iron-binding capacity, serum iron and total dietary iron intake. All of these findings show the absence
of a relationship between iron stores and cardiovascular risk, although the control for confounders,
such as liver disease, inflammation and cancer, was insufficient in some of the studies (Sullivan, 1999;
Kiechel et al, 1997).
The data from the NHANES II study (1976-1980) have been analysed for the risk for AMI, with an average
follow-up of about 14 years, in relation to iron status as determined by serum-ferritin concentrations
(Sempos et al, 2000). Cholesterol, blood pressure, BMI, diabetes and smoking were included as
confounders, but the analysis did not control for inflammation. There was a U-shaped distribution of risk
increment, with increased risk for white women and black males with the lowest and highest iron status,
but the numbers in these groups were too low and statistical significance was not reached.
A recent prospective study with 177 AMI cases and 89 controls from Switzerland (Claeys et al, 2002)
showed an increased risk for AMI in subjects with serum ferritin concentrations over 300 µg/L, but
statistical significance was lost when the data were adjusted for smoking, hypertension, diabetes, BMI
and total cholesterol by multiple regression analysis. The authors concluded that high serum ferritin
concentrations appear to be a weak risk factor, but that the major risk factors may correlate with high
iron stores thereby complicating the analysis of dependent co-variables.
A nested case-control study with 60 AMI cases and 112 controls (Klipstein-Grobusch et al, 1999)
analysed subjects more than 55 years of age, with a mean follow up of 4 years. The cohort was chosen
to assess risk factors for disabling cardiovascular, neurodegenerative and locomotor diseases. In this
study the possible effects of inflammation were controlled using blood sedimentation rate and serum
C-reactive protein, while iron status was assessed by serum ferritin, serum iron, serum transferrin
concentration and total iron intake. Serum ferritin was not associated with a statistically significant
increased risk of AMI, or with the other measures of iron status. Smoking, hypercholesterolaemia and
Iron 336
diabetes were confounders that increased AMI risk, while no association was found for sex, age, BMI
and systolic blood pressure.
A prospective, nested, case-control study analysed the risk for heart attacks during 1982-1992
(Toumainen et al, 1998). The average follow-up period on 99 male cases of AMI and 98 age-matched
controls was 6.4 years, and the study controlled for inflammation and liver diseases by determination
of serum C-reactive protein and γ-glutamyl-transferase activity. The relative risks for AMI in the highest
and middle tertiles were significantly increased compared to the lowest tertile of iron status, as
determined by the TfR/ferritin ratio.
Cardiovascular disease is not part of the recognised syndrome of hereditary haemochromatosis and
epidemiological studies investigating the possibility of an increased risk of cardiovascular disease
in heterozygous subjects have yielded inconsistent results. Nassar et al (1998) reported that higher
concentrations of plasma ferritin were associated with a higher risk for early-onset acute myocardial
infarction (AMI), but the increased risk for heterozygous subjects was not statistically significant. A
prospective cohort study from Finland, which controlled for 13 confounders (Tuomainen et al, 1999),
reported that the risk of AMI in male heterozygotes for haemochromatosis was nearly twice as high
as in controls, and that smoking increased the risk significantly. The findings of a retrospective study
(Franco et al, 1998) did not support the hypothesis of increased cardiovascular risk because the
fraction of heterozygotes with late-onset atherosclerosis was lower than in corresponding controls;
however the cases had been selected on the basis of pre-existing atherosclerosis, and the results may
have been influenced by a survival bias. Roest et al (1999) found nearly twice as many heterozygous
women among cardiovascular cases than among controls (7.2% vs. 4.1%), but the difference was
most apparent for cerebrovascular death rather than for AMI. A more recent case-control study
in middle aged men and women involving 243 cases and 535 controls found a slightly increased
risk of coronary heart disease in heterozygotes for C282Y mutation (RR: 1.6; 95% CI, 0.9-2.9). The
association was statistically significant (RR 2.70, 95% CI: 1.2-6.1) after adjustment for age, gender,
smoking, diabetes, hypertension, LDL and HDL cholesterol and triglycerides although the estimates
were based on small numbers subjects in some comparisons (Rasmussen et al, 2001). In contrast no
association was found between the severity of coronary atherosclerosis and the presence of C282Y
and H63D mutations in heterozygotes in a prospective case-control study on 174 patients with
angiographically documented stenosis or history of AMI, 187 controls and 142 blood donors (Battiloro
et al, 2000). Although H63D carriers, but not C282Y carriers, were more numerous among subjects
with atherosclerotic plaques in the AXA study (Hetet et al, 2001), analysis of the ECTIM and GENIC
studies found no significant impact of H63D or C282Y mutations on the risk of myocardial and brain
infarction. A prospective case control study from Switzerland with 177 patients surviving AMI found no
direct association between haemochromatosis mutations and AMI events (Claeys et al, 2002). A recent
study investigated ferritin levels and C282Y mutations in 546 patients with angiographically confirmed
severe coronary atherosclerotic disease and 303 individuals mostly with valvular disease, who were
shown angiographically to be free of coronary atherosclerosis (Bozzini et al, 2002). There was no
difference in serum ferritin levels after adjustment for C-reactive protein and sex, and the incidences of
heterozygotes for C282Y were 4.8% in those with severe coronary atherosclerotic disease and 6.6%
in those without coronary atherosclerosis. The authors concluded that their data do not support a role
for iron stores as predictors of coronary atherosclerotic disease.
Most epidemiological studies have correlated the iron-related health risk directly to the cumulative iron
stores, the determination of which relies on proxy parameters. Some of these parameters, such as
transferrin saturation and serum iron, represent the turnover of the haemoglobin iron pool rather than
the size of iron stores (Bothwell et al, 1979). These parameters together with the TIBC showed a low
correlation to cardiovascular risk (Klipstein-Grobusch et al, 1999). Serum ferritin levels represent iron
stores more directly, but this parameter may be confounded by inflammatory processes and other
influences. Therefore, the better controlled epidemiological studies used parameters, such as serum
C-reactive protein, blood sedimentation rate or liver enzymes, to control for inflammation (Klipstein-
Grobusch et al, 1999). Serum TfR is less confounded by inflammation, and although this parameter
responds better to deficiency states than to overload, it can be used to control increased ferritin values for
iron deficiency (see Tuomainen et al, 1998). The studies of Tuomainen et al (1998) and Klipstein-Grobusch
et al (1999) appear to be the best controlled, and these do not show a clear or consistent relationship
between iron status and cardiovascular risk.
Overall, epidemiological data on associations between iron status and increased risks of cardiovascular
disease are contradictory and unconvincing at the present time.
b. Iron intake and cardiovascular risk
Data on correlations between dietary iron intake and the risk of AMI are difficult to interpret. In dietary
studies it is difficult to define the contribution of iron intake per se to any reported associations, because
iron intake, especially haem iron, usually correlates with the increased intakes of other important dietary
risk factors.
Dietary iron intake, estimated by a 4-day food recording, was associated with a 5-8% increase in the
risk of AMI for each milligram of daily iron intake (Salonen et al, 1992; Tuomainen et al, 1998), but
there must be doubts about the validity of a short-term diary to represent long-term intake and the
contributions of confounding dietary factors. Assessment of total habitual dietary iron intake during the
previous year showed no significant variations in coronary mortality in quintiles of dietary iron intake
(Reunanen et al, 1995). There was no association between total iron and the risk for AMI in a study that
used a semiquantitative food questionnaire to assess habitual food intake over the past year, although
haem intake, estimated as 40% of total iron intake, was significantly associated with myocardial risk
(Klipstein-Grobusch et al, 1999). Results from a food frequency questionnaire in a US study showed
a decreased risk for AMI at high total iron intake, but a significantly increased the risk of AMI at high
haem iron intakes (Ascherio et al, 1994). Such studies do not provide convincing evidence of a causal
relationship between iron intake and risk of AMI.
If iron-related oxidative stress is a contributory factor for increased cardiovascular risk, the overall risk
will depend also on other pro-oxidative factors and the strength of antioxidative defence mechanisms.
Variations in such interfering factors may have contributed to the inconsistent outcomes of the different
epidemiological trials on iron and cardiovascular risk, and could either have masked a real effect or
generated a spurious apparent effect. Overall the epidemiological data on iron and cardiovascular risk
remain controversial (Schümann et al, 2002) and there is no consistent evidence on this topic. Iron and risk of type II diabetes mellitus
Recent studies have reported a positive association between serum ferritin concentration, haem iron
intake from red meat sources and the risk of developing type II diabetes mellitus (Jiang et al, 2004a and
2004b). One study was a prospective nested case-control study within the Nurses’ Health Study. From
the cohort of 32826 women, 698 developed diabetes mellitus during 10 years of follow-up (Jiang et al,
2004a). A logistic regression analysis of the data corrected for potential confounding factors showed
that there was an increasing risk across the quintiles of ferritin concentration, which was not altered
by correction for markers of inflammation. The second study was a prospective cohort study among
American health professionals (40-75 years old males; n=38.394) (Jiang et al, 2004b). After adjustment
for age, BMI and other diabetes risk factors, intake of haem iron from red meat sources, but not total
iron intake, was found to be associated with increased diabetes risk across the quintiles of haem iron
intake (RR=1.63; P for trend <0.001). These studies do not provide convincing evidence of a causal
relationship between iron intake or stores and type II diabetes.
4.1. Acute oral iron intoxication
There have been numerous reports of accidental poisoning with medicinal iron, especially in young
children (FNB, 2001). An acute oral dose of 60 mg Fe/kg body weight can be lethal; characteristically
poisoned subjects initially show nausea, vomiting and lethargy or coma, then an asymptomatic period
for up to 24 hours, which is followed by gastrointestinal perforation, coma, convulsions, cardiovascular
collapse and hepatic and renal failure (Merrill et al, 2001). Oral doses below about 10-20 mg Fe/kg body
weight do not cause acute systemic toxicity (FNB, 2001).
4.2. Gastrointestinal effects of oral iron preparations
The side effects of oral iron preparations increase with increase in dosage, but there are fewer side
effects with slow delivery systems or if the iron is taken with food (Brock et al, 1985; Reddaiah et al,
1989). The adverse gastrointestinal effects are related to the concentration of iron in the intestinal lumen
(Cook et al, 1990).
A daily dose of 50 mg of iron produced a higher incidence of gastrointestinal effects in subjects given
conventional ferrous sulphate compared with subjects given the same amount in a wax-matrix (Brock
et al, 1985), and also in subjects given ferrous sulphate compared with subjects given the same amount
Iron 338
of iron as bis-glycino iron (Coplin et al, 1991). Neither of these studies included a placebo group, and
therefore the association with iron is based on different responses to different preparations. A higher
incidence of side effects was reported in subjects given 60 mg of iron as iron fumarate daily compared
with placebo; daily doses of 120 mg of iron as fumarate for 8 weeks given to 19 young women in a
double blind cross-over study resulted in gastrointestinal effects in 5 subjects while receiving iron,
compared with 2 while taking placebo (Frykman et al, 1994).
Overall a dose level of 50 mg Fe/day (Brock et al, 1985) or 60 mg Fe/day (Frykman et al, 1994)
appears to be the LOAEL for transient gastrointestinal side effects in humans. This hazard applies to
supplemental forms of non-haem iron.
4.3. Iron overload
Iron overload with clinical symptoms has been found in adult subjects homozygous for hereditary
haemochromatosis, those under long-term, high-dose medical treatment with iron, and those given
repeated blood transfusions.
A prolonged intake of 160-1200 mg Fe/day in the form of a highly absorbable therapeutic iron
preparation (Green et al, 1989) has been shown to cause secondary haemochromatosis and may
result in death. The reports are scarce and anecdotal, and the possible contribution of hereditary
haemochromatosis was not excluded in the older reports.
The point at which an elevated serum ferritin level becomes associated with an increased risk of adverse
effects is not known, although serum ferritin values above 200 µg/L for women and 300 µg/L for men
have been considered as indicative of biochemical iron overload (Holmström et al, 2002). Data for a
small number of patients with haemochromatosis suggest that grade 1 hepatic fibrosis may develop at
ferritin levels of above approximately 500 µg/L (Bell et al, 2000). Although a proportion of the population
have serum ferritin levels indicative of biochemical iron overload, the risk of symptomatic clinical iron
overload in the general population, including those heterozygous for hereditary haemochromatosis, is
considered to be low.
Serum ferritin levels were not increased by fortification giving an additional intake of 7.5 mg Fe/day for
2 years in iron-replete male subjects (Ballot et al, 1989) or following the addition of 10 mg Fe/day as
ferrous sulphate to the food of a healthy male subject for 500 days (Sayers et al, 1994). These studies
indicate no effects of 7.5-10 mg Fe/day in addition to normal dietary iron intake of approximately 10
mg Fe/day. Serum ferritin was increased in the elderly after intake of an additional 30 mg Fe/day or
more as supplements (Fleming et al, 2002). Theoretical calculations of the accumulation of iron in a
fertile woman given different daily intakes (Borch-Iohnsen and Petersson Grawe, 1995) indicated that a
daily intake of 60 mg for 5 years could lead to a serum ferritin value close to that seen in iron overload.
Similar calculations were not made for iron replete males.
Chronic excess intake of highly available iron with beer was observed in Bantu siderosis, with intake
levels between 50-100 mg Fe/day associated with liver cirrhosis and diabetes (Bothwell et al, 1964).
There is little doubt that iron intake was an essential causative factor for this disease. A threshold of 5 mg
Fe/g wet weight of liver was established for the development of cirrhosis (Bothwell and Bradlow, 1960),
which is almost identical to the threshold for iron-induced cirrhosis in hereditary haemochromatosis
(Basset et al, 1986). The hepatic and pancreatic damage in Bantu siderosis may be confounded by
chronic alcohol intake and possibly by a genetic disorder (see above), and these observations cannot
be used as a basis for the derivation of an UL.
Overall there is a poor correlation between iron intake and biochemical indicators of iron status, between
biochemical indicators and actual body stores, or between body stores and adverse clinical effects.
In consequence, the dose-response relationship between iron intake and the adverse effects of iron
accumulation has not been defined adequately.
4.4. Cancer
Studies have reported associations between iron intake, or iron stores, and cancer of the gastrointestinal
tract, especially the lower bowel. However, the reported associations do not provide a consistent body
of evidence, and do not demonstrate causality between high iron intakes and cancer development.
4.5. Cardiovascular disease and diabetes mellitus
Epidemiological data on associations between iron status and increased risks of cardiovascular disease are
contradictory and unconvincing at the present time. Two epidemiology studies have reported an association
between indicators of body iron intake or stores and the incidence of diabetes mellitus. These studies do not
provide convincing evidence of a causal relationship between iron intake or stores and type II diabetes.
The Panel considered that the adverse GI effects which have been reported after short-term oral
dosage at 50-60 mg daily of supplemental non-haem iron preparations are not a suitable basis to
establish an UL for iron from all sources.
An UL cannot be established for iron based on iron overload due to a poor correlation between iron
intake and biochemical indicators of iron status, between biochemical indicators and actual body
stores, or between body stores and adverse effects.
An UL cannot be established for iron (including haem iron) based on increased risk of chronic diseases
such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer, due to the lack of convincing evidence of a
causal relationship between iron intake or stores and chronic diseases.
Adverse gastrointestinal effects (i.e. nausea, epigastric discomfort, constipation) have been reported
after short-term oral dosage at 50-60 mg daily of supplemental non-haem iron preparations, particularly
if taken without food.
The limited data indicate that supplemental intakes of non-haem iron at levels of 30 mg/day or more
(in addition to iron intake from food) can be associated with indicators of high iron stores (e.g elevated
serum ferritin) in older adults. However, the point at which an elevated serum ferritin level becomes
associated with an increased risk of adverse effects (such as liver fibrosis) is not known. Furthermore,
epidemiological associations between high iron intake and/or stores and increased risk of chronic
diseases such as cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes and cancer of the gastrointestinal tract are
conflicting and do not provide convincing evidence of a causal relationship between iron intake or
stores and such chronic diseases.
Based on estimates of current iron intakes in European countries, the risk of adverse effects from high
iron intake from food sources, including fortified foods in some countries, but excluding supplements,
is considered to be low for the population as a whole. However, intake from food supplements in
men and postmenopausal women may increase the proportion of the population likely to develop
biochemical indicators of high iron stores. Some groups at special risk for poor iron status, such as
menstruating women or children, could benefit from additional iron intake and/or improved availability
of dietary iron.
A particularly sensitive subpopulation (up to 0.5% of the population) are homozygotes for hereditary
haemochromatosis, who are susceptible to iron overload even at normal dietary iron intakes. Such
individuals should avoid iron-supplements and highly iron-fortified foods. The majority of homozygotes
are not diagnosed or identified, and they are not aware of their greater susceptibility until sufficient iron
has accumulated to produce adverse effects.
1. Despite the numerous studies that have used biochemical indicators of iron status, there remains a
need for data on the relationship between dietary intake of iron, as haem iron, non-haem iron and
supplements, and iron status and also between iron status and iron stores in different age groups.
2. The available data on associations between iron status and disease are inconsistent and complex.
There is a need for studies defining the relationships between dietary iron intake, as haem iron, non-
haem iron and supplements, and diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease.
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Wulf Becker, Francesco Branca, Daniel Brasseur, Jean-Louis Bresson, Albert Flynn, Alan A. Jackson,
Pagona Lagiou, Martinus Løvik, Geltrude Mingrone, Bevan Moseley, Andreu Palou, Hildegard
Przyrembel, Seppo Salminen, Stephan Strobel, Henk van den Berg, and Hendrik van Loveren.
The Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies wishes to thank Jan Alexander, Angelo
Carere, Werner Grunow, Andrew Renwick, Klaus Schümann and Gerrit Speijers for their contributions
to the draft opinion.
(REQUEST N° EFSA-Q-2003-018)
The European Food Safety Authority is asked to derive an upper level for the intake of nickel from food
that is unlikely to pose a risk of adverse health effects.
Nickel has not been shown to be essential for humans. Orally ingested nickel salts can cause adverse
effects on kidneys, spleen, lungs and the myeloid system in experimental animals. Furthermore,
perinatal mortality was reported to be increased in the offspring of female rats ingesting nickel salts,
even at the lowest administered dose (1.3 mg nickel/kg body weight/day). While there is evidence that
inhaled nickel salts are carcinogenic in rodents and humans, orally ingested nickel salts have not been
shown to be carcinogenic; however the data presently available are very limited.
Individuals sensitised to nickel through dermal contact and who have allergic contact dermatitis
(estimated to be up to 15% of women but frequently undiagnosed) develop hand eczema from oral,
as well as dermal, exposure to nickel salts. Oral intakes of nickel as low as about 500 μg/day (about 8
μg/kg body weight/day) have been reported to aggravate hand eczema in nickel sensitised subjects.
In the absence of adequate dose-response data for these effects, it is not possible to establish a
tolerable upper intake level.
The intake of nickel from the average diet is estimated to be about 150 μg/day (about 2.5 μg/kg body
weight/day), but may reach 900 μg/day (about 15 μg/kg body weight/day) or more, when large amounts
of food items with high nickel contents are consumed. In addition, first-run drinking water, which may
contain up to 1000 μg/L, and leaching from kitchen utensils into food may also contribute to nickel
intake. Intakes of 150 and 900 μg/day are about 500 and 90-fold lower, respectively, than the lowest dose
reported to cause adverse effects in rats. Average intakes from food are about one third of the lowest
intake reported to aggravate hand eczema in nickel sensitised subjects.
Nickel, tolerable upper intake level, food safety.
In 2002, the European Parliament and the Council adopted Directive 2002/46/EC
related to food
supplements containing vitamins and minerals.
In addition, and as announced in its White Paper on Food Safety, the Commission aims to put forward
a proposal for harmonising legislation concerning the addition of vitamins and minerals to foods.
With a view to provide scientific support to the European Commission’s legislative work in this field,
the Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) issued, from October 2000 to April 2003, a series of opinions
on tolerable upper intake levels of individual vitamins and minerals and safety factors in relation to
1 - Directive 2002/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to food
supplements. OJ L 183. 12.7.2002, p. 51.
Nickel 348
their use in fortified foods and food supplements (available on the Internet at:
The SCF opinions covered 22 out of the 29 nutrients, which were considered to be within their mandate
for this task. The SCF did not have sufficient time to adopt opinions for the following vitamins and
minerals: vitamin C, chloride, fluoride, iron, phosphorus, potassium and sodium. In addition, during
the decision making process for the adoption of Directive 2000/46/EC on food supplements the
Parliament requested that boron, nickel, silicon, vanadium and tin should be allowed to be used in food
supplements. Therefore, the European Food Safety Authority is asked to provide scientific opinions on
the remaining 12 vitamins and minerals in accordance with the present terms of reference.
With respect to the outstanding 12 vitamins and minerals, the European Food Safety Authority is asked
1) to review the upper levels of daily intakes that are unlikely to pose a risk of adverse health effects; 2)
to provide the basis for the establishment of safety factors, where necessary, which would ensure the
safety of fortified foods and food supplements containing the aforementioned nutrients.
Nickel occurs naturally in soil, water, plants and animals. In its compounds, it has normally the valency
state of +2, but valency states of 0, +1, +3, and +4 also exist.
2.1. Food levels and dietary intake
The nickel concentration is highest in cocoa (8.2-12 mg/kg), soya beans (4.7-5.9 mg/kg), oatmeal
(0.33-4.8 mg/kg), hazelnuts (0.66-2.3 mg/kg), almonds (1.2-1.3 mg/kg) and legumes. The intake from
a Danish average diet was estimated to be 150 μg/person/day, but may reach 900 μg/person/day or
more, when large amounts of food items with high nickel contents not included in the Danish average
diet are consumed (Flyvholm et al, 1984). The nickel content of a typical Swedish diet assessed by
analysis of market baskets was on average 82 μg/day (Becker and Kumpulainen, 1991), while it was
115 μg/day (range 70-170 μg/day) in duplicate 7-day diets collected from 15 women in the Stockholm
area (Jorhem et al, 1998). Other estimates of 100-146 μg/day (Pennington and Jones, 1987) and 20-406
μg/day (Dabeka and McKenzie, 1995) for the average nickel intake by adults are in the same range.
The maximum nickel content in running drinking water from different water works in the greater
Copenhagen area was 35 μg/L (Andersen et al, 1983). Similarly, maximum concentrations in drinking
and mineral water found in Germany were 34 μg/L and 31 μg/L, respectively (Scheller et al, 1988). After
remaining in the tap for 8 hours or overnight, however, levels of 490 μg/L (Andersen et al, 1983) and
1000 μg/L (WHO, 1996) have been reported, respectively.
Release from kitchen utensils can increase the nickel content of food. The average contribution of this
source to the oral intake of nickel is unknown, but could augment dietary exposure by as much as 1 mg/day
(Grandjean et al, 1989, quoted by IARC, 1990).
2.2. Nutritional requirements and recommendations
Nutritional requirements or recommended dietary allowances for nickel have not been established. The
SCF stated explicitly that the data were not sufficiently conclusive to justify setting any recommended
intakes (SCF, 1993).
2.3. Deficiency
In some species, signs of deficiency have been observed. In rats, nickel deficiency was found to be
associated with growth retardation, impaired reproduction function and lower haemoglobin levels. In
humans, however, nickel deficiency has not been demonstrated.
3.1. Function
Nickel is essential for the catalytic activity of some plant and bacterial enzymes. It is said to influence
iron absorption and metabolism and the haemopoietic process. However, biochemical functions of
nickel have not been demonstrated in humans and higher animals.
3.2. Absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion
The rate of absorption of nickel salts can be quite high in the fasting state, but is reduced significantly
in the presence of food, such as milk, coffee, tea and orange juice (Solomons et al, 1982). After an
overnight fast, the absorbed nickel averaged 27±17% of a dose of nickel sulphate ingested in water
versus 0.7±0.4% of the same dose ingested in food (Sunderman et al, 1989). In a study with four
healthy adults who were given after an overnight fast a dose of 10 μg/kg body weight of the stable
Ni, and using ICP-MS, the absorbed amount was 29 to 40% (mean 33.4) of the dose. Plasma
nickel levels rose rapidly within 1.5 to 2.5 hours to peak levels of 15 to 20 μg/L and declined by a factor
of >10 during the next 3-4 days. Between 51 and 82% of the absorbed amount was excreted in urine
over five days, but 34.8 ± 13.4% of the absorbed amount was retained after five days (Patriarca et al,
1997). Nickel binds to albumin, histidine and α
-macroglobulin and is widely distributed in the organism.
Transplacental transfer has been demonstrated in rodents. Absorbed nickel is mainly excreted in the
urine, but to a minor extent also in bile and sweat. It is secreted into human milk (Heseker, 2000).
3.3. Normal levels in human tissues and fluid
The total nickel content of the human body is estimated to be 0.5 mg (Heseker, 2000). Highest levels in human
tissues occur in lungs, thyroid, adrenals, and kidneys with concentrations of 173, 141, 132 and 62 μg/kg dry
weight, respectively (Rezuke et al, 1987). In non-occupationally exposed men, the mean concentration of
nickel in whole blood and serum is in the range of 1-5 μg/L and in urine less than 10 μg/L (ECETOC, 1989).
This section focuses on the oral toxicity of nickel compounds and on studies particularly important for
the risk assessment of nickel in food. It does not consider data for other routes with the exception of
carcinogenicity. Data on hazards of inhalation and dermal exposure including aspects of occupational
medicine have been reviewed elsewhere (Coogan et al, 1989; ECETOC, 1989; IARC, 1990; WHO, 1991;
WHO, 1996).
4.1. Acute toxicity
The acute oral toxicity of nickel compounds depends on their solubility. The soluble nickel chloride and
nickel sulphate were found to have LD
values in rats, equivalent to 42-129 mg nickel/kg body weight
(ECETOC, 1989).
4.2. Subacute/subchronic toxicity
30 male rats were administered by gavage 25 mg nickel sulphate/kg body weight/day equivalent to
9.5 mg nickel/kg body weight/day over 120 days (10 males as controls). Testis, livers and kidneys
were examined histologically and histochemically. In treated animals severe lesions in the germ cells
Nickel 350
particularly in spermiogenesis were observed. Changes in liver and kidneys were detected only rarely
(Waltschewa et al, 1972).
According to Fairhurst and Illing (1987) quoted and reviewed by ECETOC (1989), a number of oral
subacute and subchronic studies have been performed with nickel carbonate, chloride, and sulphate
mainly in rats. In the most relevant of these studies the following effects were found in rats: (a) decreased
body weight gain and slightly lowered haemoglobin levels (nickel chloride in the diet, equivalent to 0
and 20 mg nickel/kg diet, given for 42 days), (b) reduced body weight gain and elevated serum glucose
at all dose levels (nickel chloride in drinking water, equivalent to 0, 2.5, 5 und 10 mg nickel/L, given for
28 days) and (c) lack of weight gain and extensive proliferation of lymphoid cells and histiocytes as well
as micronecrosis in the intestine at the highest dose level (nickel sulphate given by gavage at doses
equivalent to 0, 0.0005, 0.005, 0.05, 0.5 and 5 mg nickel/kg body weight/day for seven months).
Groups of 7 female B6C3F1 mice were exposed to 0, 1, 5, and 10 g nickel sulphate/L drinking water.
Calculated from the water consumption, these concentrations were equivalent to about 0, 116, 286,
and 396 mg nickel sulphate/kg body weight/day or 0, 44, 109, and 151 mg nickel/kg body weight/day.
Water consumption, blood and tissues nickel concentration, body and organ weights, histopathology,
immune responses, bone marrow cellularity and proliferation as well as cellular enzyme activities were
evaluated. Absolute liver weight was significantly decreased in dosed animals and both the absolute
and relative thymus weight was significantly and dose-related reduced, even at the lowest dose. The
kidney was the major organ of nickel accumulation. The primary toxic effects were expressed in the
myeloid system. There were dose-related decreases in bone marrow cellularity, and in granulocyte
macrophage and pluripotent stem-cells proliferative responses (Dieter et al, 1988).
Groups of 30 male and 30 female CD rats were administered nickel chloride by gavage at doses of 0,
5, 35, and 100 mg/kg body weight/day for 90 days. In the mid and high dose group, clinical signs of
toxicity were seen, body weights and weights of kidney, liver and spleen were reduced and mortality
increased. No adverse effects were seen at the dose of 5 mg/kg body weight/day (ABC, 1988).
Groups of 10 Wistar rats of each sex received nickel sulphate in a concentration of 100 mg nickel/L
drinking water for 3 and 6 months. The average oral intake was calculated on the basis of drinking water
consumption to be 6.9 (males) and 7.6 (females) mg nickel/kg body weight/day. Urinary albumin levels
were significantly increased in females exposed for 6 months. The increase observed in males was not
significant due to outliers in the controls. No effect was seen on urinary levels of β2-microglobulin or total
protein. Kidney weights were significantly increased in the exposed animals (Vyskocil et al, 1994).
Groups of 8 male Sprague Dawley rats were given nickel sulphate hexahydrate in drinking water
in concentrations of 0, 0.02, 0.05, and 0.1%, i.e. 0, 44.7, 111.75, and 223.5 mg nickel/L for 13
weeks. At the highest dose, final body weight, plasma total proteins, albumin, globulins, glutamic
pyruvic transaminase activity and the urine volume were significantly decreased and the lymphocyte
subpopulations (T and B cells) suppressed. At the lower dose levels, T and B cells were induced. No
gross or microscopic changes were seen in any of the various tissues examined. However, the relative
liver weights were significantly decreased in the mid and high dose groups and the relative spleen
weights significantly increased in all treated groups as well as the relative kidney weights at both the
lowest and highest dose and the relative lung weight at the highest dose. Alkaline phosphatase activity
in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid was significantly decreased at any dose level, indicating a significant
decrease in the activity of type II cells in the alveolar space and some early damage to the rat lung
(Obone et al, 1999).
4.3. Chronic toxicity/Carcinogenicity
The carcinogenicity of nickel and nickel compounds has been assessed by several organisations
including IARC (1990, 1999), WHO (1991) and EC (2004).
4.3.1. Animal studies
The data on the carcinogenicity of nickel compounds in experimental animals following oral exposure
are very limited. The chronic toxicity and carcinogenicity of nickel sulphate by oral route has been
studied in rats and dogs (Ambrose et al, 1976). Wistar rats (25 males and 25 females per group) were
exposed to 0, 100, 1000 or 2500 mg/kg nickel in feed for 2 years. Growth was significantly depressed
at 1000 and 2500 mg/kg; increased heart and decreased liver weights were observed only in females
at 1000 and 2500 mg/kg. No neoplasms or other lesions were observed. Beagle dogs (3 males and 3
females per group) were exposed to 0, 100, 1000 or 2500 mg/kg nickel in feed for two years. Growth
was significantly depressed and lung lesions were observed at 2500 mg/kg. No neoplasms were
observed. Both studies have strong limitations because of the low number of animals (rats and dogs),
the high mortality in rats and the limited reporting of the study design and results. The carcinogenicity
of nickel acetate has been tested in three drinking water studies with rats and mice (Schroeder et al,
1964 and 1974; Schroeder and Mitchener, 1975), receiving 0 or 5 mg/L nickel as nickel acetate from
the time of weaning until death. Histological examinations were limited to the lungs, heart, liver, kidneys
and spleen. No increased incidence of neoplasms was observed in either rats or mice. Also these
studies are strongly limited in the design and in the reported results.
Overall, the available data are too limited for an evaluation of the carcinogenic potential of nickel
compounds in rodents following oral administration. According to information supplied by industry
(NiPERA) to EC (2004), a two-year oral carcinogenicity study with nickel sulphate is planned to be ready
in 2005. No data regarding the carcinogenicity of nickel chloride, nickel nitrate, nickel carbonate and
nickel metal by oral route have been found.
Much attention has been directed towards a series of long-term inhalation NTP studies (1996 a, b, c,).
Rats and mice were exposed to aerosols of nickel subsulfide, nickel oxide or nickel hexahydrate for 2
years. It was concluded that there was clear evidence of carcinogenic activity of nickel subsulfide based
on increased incidences of tumours in the lung and in the adrenal medulla. Another inhalation study (78
weeks) of nickel subsulfide in rats, also reported an increase in the incidence of lung tumours (Ottolenghi
et al, 1974, quoted by IARC, 1990). No carcinogenic activity was seen in mice. With regard to nickel oxide
there was some evidence of carcinogenicity in rats based on increased incidences of tumours in the lung
and in the adrenal medulla, with equivocal results in female mice. No carcinogenic activity was seen in
rats or mice exposed to nickel sulphate. No studies regarding carcinogenicity of nickel chloride, nickel
nitrate and nickel carbonate following inhalation exposure or intratracheal instillation in experimental
animals have been located. Injection of various nickel compounds in different ways all have caused
malignant tumours, usually sarcomas but also other types, at the site of application (IARC, 1990).
Injection of nickel produces distant tumours of the liver in some strains of mice (IARC, 1990).
Intraplacental exposure to nickel acetate followed by exposure of the offspring to the promoter barbital
in the drinking water produced renal cortical and pelvic tumours (Diwan et al, 1992). Additionally,
pituitary tumours (combined adenomas and carcinomas) were significantly increased in offspring of
both sexes given prenatal nickel acetate only. The results of this study indicate that nickel acetate
is a transplacental initiator of kidney tumours and a complete transplacental carcinogen of pituitary
tumours. A variety of carcinogenicity studies indicate that metallic nickel can produce tumours when
given by intratracheal instillation, subcutaneous, intramuscular or intraperitoneal injection in rats and
hamsters (IARC, 1990).
According to IARC (1999), there is also sufficient evidence in experimental animals for the carcinogenicity
of implants of metallic nickel and for nickel alloy powder containing approximately 66-67% nickel, 13-
16% chromium and 7% iron.
Three studies in experimental animals indicate a possible promoting effect of nickel sulphate,
when applied locally to the nasopharynx or the oral cavity, or by the feed to pups; however,
Nickel 352
the indications are rather weak (IARC, 1990; WHO, 1991). In a two-stage carcinogenesis assay,
orally administered nickel chloride in drinking water (600 mg/L) for 25 weeks enhanced the renal
carcinogenicity of N-ethyl-N-hydroxyethylnitrosamine in rats, but not the hepatocarcinogenicity in
rats after initiation with N-nitrosodiethylamine, the gastric carcinogenicity in rats after initiation with
N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, the pancreatic carcinogenicity in Syrian golden hamsters
following initiation with N-nitroso-bis (2-oxopropyl)-amine, or the skin carcinogenesis in mice initiated
with 7, 12-dimethylbenzanthracene (IARC, 1990; WHO, 1991). Nickel metal weakly enhanced the lung
carcinogenicity of 20-methylcholanthrene in rats treated by intratracheal instillation (IARC, 1990). A two-
stage carcinogenesis study was carried out in which nickel acetate tetrahydrate (single i.p. injection of
5.3 mg/kg body weight) was tested as a tumour initiator in male rats using sodium barbital (500 mg/L in
drinking water) as the promoter (Kasprzak et al, 1990). Increased incidences of renal cortical adenomas
and combined adenomas and adenocarcinomas were observed.
In conclusion, the available data indicate that nickel sulphate, nickel chloride and nickel metal may have
a promoting effect in combination with selected initiators. There is also some evidence, again limited,
that soluble nickel compounds may act as promoters also by the oral route.
4.3.2. Human data
Several cohort studies of workers exposed by inhalation to various nickel compounds showed an
increased risk of lung and nasal cancer (IARC, 1990). Although the precise compound responsible of
the carcinogenic effects in humans was not always clear, studies indicated that nickel sulphate and
combinations of nickel sulphides and oxides encountered in the nickel refining industry were responsible
for cancer in humans. An additional study had shown that exposure of nickel refinery workers to soluble
nickel compounds alone or in combination with other forms of nickel caused significant excess risks
for lung and nasal cancer and that smoking and nickel exposure had a multiplicative effect (Andersen
et al, 1996). Nickel exposure in mild-steel welders has been associated with tumours (carcinomas) of
the trachea, bronchus and lung in some cases (Simonato, 1991), although subjects were exposed also
to chromium, which complicated the results.
4.3.3. Overall conclusion
IARC (1990) made an overall evaluation of nickel compounds as a group (Group 1: Human carcinogens),
based on sufficient evidence of epidemiological information, sufficient evidence in experimental animals
and on indications from mechanistic and animal studies that the event responsible for inducing cancer
is generation of ionic nickel at target sites.
Recently, the European Commission Working Group of Specialized Experts in the fields of
carcinogenicity and mutagenicity, has concluded that nickel sulphate, nickel chloride, nickel nitrate and
nickel carbonate, should be considered as human carcinogens by inhalation (Carc. Cat.1, with the risk
phrase R49 “May cause cancer by inhalation”) (EC, 2004).
The experimental evidence for carcinogenicity of nickel compounds or metallic nickel following oral
exposure is lacking; however, the data presently available are very limited. A long-term study with
nickel sulphate by oral route, currently being carried out, will provide additional information on which to
evaluate this effect. There is also some evidence, although again limited, that soluble nickel compounds
may act as promoters by oral route.
4.4. Genotoxicity
The genotoxicity of nickel and nickel compounds has been reviewed by several organisations including
ECETOC (1989), IARC (1990), WHO (1991), ATSDR (1997) and EC (2004).
4.4.1. In vitro studies Gene mutation
Most of the presently available data comes from studies in bacteria with nickel chloride. In general, the
nickel compounds tested gave negative results in Salmonella enterica var. Typhimurium (nickel chloride,
nickel sulphate and nickel nitrate) and Escherichia coli (nickel chloride and nickel sulphate). Only a
fluctuation test gave a weak positive result with nickel chloride in Salmonella enterica var. Typhimurium.
The overall evidence indicates that nickel compounds are not mutagenic in bacteria. Both nickel
chloride and nickel sulphate have been tested in gene mutation tests with different mammalian cells,
many of which with weakly positive results (e.g. in mouse lymphoma and V79 cells). In at least some
of these assays, the positive results were likely due to genetic events other than gene mutations (e.g.
chromosomal aberrations and DNA methylation). For instance, it has been shown that the increase
in mutation frequency at the gpt gene of V79 cells (Christie et al, 1992) were due to changes in DNA
methylation (Klein, 1994). DNA methylation seems to be related to the inhibition of tumour suppressor
genes (Costa and Klein, 1999). Chromosomal effects
Chromosomal aberrations (CA) have been extensively studied with nickel chloride and nickel sulphate
in cultured mammalian cells (IARC, 1990; WHO, 1991). Positive results, although weak, were seen
in almost all studies in the range of 0.59-59 mg nickel/L. A weak (1.5 to 2 fold) increase in sister
chromatide exchange (SCE) was also detected at concentrations of 14 and 19 mg/L. Positive results
were also seen with nickel carbonate (CA and SCE in CHO cells). Induction of chromosomal aberrations
were observed also in cultured human lymphocytes with Ni
(7.3-73 mg/L), NiCO
(0.59-59 mg/L)
and NiSO
(1.1 mg/L). Most aberrations were gaps rather than breaks or fragments. Disturbance of
spindle function was also seen in rat embryo cells (nickel chloride) and human peripheral lymphocytes
(nickel sulphate), with also weak positive results in the micronucleus test (kinetochore stained) in human
diploid fibroblasts, suggesting that numerical chromosome changes (e.g. aneuploidies) might occur. DNA damage and repair
Most data come from studies with nickel chloride and nickel sulphate (IARC, 1990; WHO, 1991). Both
soluble salts induced mitotic gene conversion in yeast, DNA single-strand breaks (SSB) and DNA-
protein cross-links (DPC) in cultured mammalian cells. The formation of DPC may involve non-covalent
association of DNA and chromatin proteins. SSB are repaired quickly while DPC appear to persist.
Nickel ion binds to chromatin more strongly than to DNA. Nickel sulphate induced inhibition of DNA
synthesis/repair. Cell transformation
Nickel sulphate and nickel chloride have been shown to induce cell transformation in Syrian hamster
cells (SHE), BALB 3T3 and C3H10T1/2 mouse cells (IARC, 1990; WHO, 1991).
Soluble nickel (Ni
) can act as both an initiator and promoter in SHE cells, although it appears to
be a more potent promoter than initiator. Nickel chloride (1 mg Ni/L) produced a ten-fold increase
in morphological transformation in BALB 3T3 mouse cells. Nickel subsulphide (0.1-7 mg/L), nickel
sulphide (0.3-3 mg/L) and nickel oxide (3-23 mg/L) caused dose-dependent increases in the frequency
of transformation in C3H10T1/2 mouse cells, while nickel sulphate and nickel chloride (0.03-6 mg/L)
were negative. Several studies have measured the transforming potential (as anchorage independance)
in human foreskin cells showing positive effects.
Transformation assays do not directly measure genotoxicity per se, but it is generally believed that cell
transformation involves some form of genotoxicity, including alterations in DNA sequence and expression.
Nickel 354
4.4.2. In vivo studies Gene mutations
Weakly positive effects have been seen in one study in Drosophila (Wing spot mutation) with nickel
chloride (Ogawa et al, 1994).
No significant increase in mutation frequency was found in the nasal mucosa or lung cells of transgenic
LacZCD2F1 mice or lacI F344 rats following in vivo inhalation exposure for two hours to nickel
subsulphide (Ni
) at dose levels close to the MTD (Mayer et al, 1998). The results do not support any
conclusion regarding the ability of this compound to induce gene mutations in vivo, due to the short
exposure time, as this model needs 4-6 weeks of exposure for maximal expression of mutations. Chromosomal effects
Most of the studies were carried out with nickel sulphate, chloride and nitrate. Chromosomal
aberrations were induced at high doses in bone marrow cells of mice, rats and hamster via oral,
intratracheal or intraperitoneal administration (IARC, 1990; IPCS 1991). No increases in SCE
were found. The data from micronucleus are conflicting, with negative results (Deknudt and
Leonard, 1982; Covance, 2003) and positive results in Indian studies by i.p. (Dhir et al, 1991)
or by oral gavage (Sharma et al, 1987; Sobti and Gill, 1989). Nickel metal was positive in rat
bone marrow cells by intratracheal administration (Zhong et al, 1990). No significant increase
of dominant lethal mutations were reported (Deknudt and Leonard, 1982; Saichenko, 1985).
A significant increase in sperm abnormalities was shown by Sobti and Gill (1989). DNA damage and repair
There is evidence that both soluble and insoluble nickel compounds can produce DNA single strand breaks
and DNA-protein cross-links in vivo in rat liver cells (IARC, 1990). An inhalation study in mice and in rats by
Benson et al (2002) has shown DNA single strand breaks in the comet assay after high doses of nickel sulphate
and nickel subsulfide. There was no indication of oxidative damage, although inflammation was evident.
The DNA damage therefore most likely was related to inflammation and/or apoptosis. Nickel subsulfide
but not nickel sulphate was able to induce cell proliferation. Human data
The frequency of chromosomal gaps was significantly increased (3-5-fold) in peripheral T-cells of
workers exposed to nickel (Boysen et al, 1980; Waksvik and Boysen, 1982; Waksvik et al, 1981 a and
b). By contrast, no significant increase in the frequency of chromosomal breaks or SCE was found.
Cytogenetic studies conducted in retired nickel workers 4-15 years after employment revealed increases
both in gaps (1.4-fold) and breaks (8-fold) in peripheral T-cells. No difference in the frequency of SCE
was observed (Waksvik et al, 1984 a and b). In another bio-monitoring study CAs were measured in
peripheral lymphocytes of workers occupationally exposed to oxidic nickel and nickel sulphate in a
Czech Republic chemical plant. A significant although small increase (1.6-fold) in the mean value of
CAs (gaps, chromatid and chromosome breaks) was found in the combined exposed group compared
to the control (Senft et al, 1992). Possible confounding factors were not discussed. A cytogenetic
study in peripheral lymphocytes of workers occupationally exposed to nickel carbonyl did not reveal
significant increases of chromosome breaks or gaps (Decheng et al, 1987).
4.4.3. Mechanisms of genotoxicity
The mechanism of the genetic activity of nickel compounds is not clearly defined. Results of in vitro and
in vivo studies have shown that nickel compounds produce DNA single-strand breaks either directly or
indirectly. The DNA breaks are the most logic candidates for the initial DNA lesions responsible of the
various effects at chromosome level. However, the mechanisms by which DNA breaks are induced are
not clear. One hypothesis involves the generation of oxygen free radicals in a process analogous to
the Fenton reaction. However, oxidative damage by reactive oxygen species is unlikely to play a major
role, due to the observed genetic profile of nickel compounds, with negative results in tests for hprt
mutations and for oxidative damage of DNA. Inhibition of DNA synthesis seems to be more likely, which
is consistent with the negativity in bacteria. Another possible mechanism may involve inihibition of
DNA repair. Impaired repair function has been seen in vitro at low non-cytotoxic nickel concentrations
(Hartwig and Schwerdtle, 2002). Clearly, more research into the mechanisms of nickel mutagenesis and
carcinogenesis are needed.
4.4.4. Comment
There is considerable evidence for the in vitro genotoxicity of soluble nickel compounds; the database
for nickel carbonate and metallic nickel is much more limited or inadequate. Positive effects are
generally seen in studies of chromosomal effects (CA and SCE), DNA damage and repair (SSB and
DPC) and cell transformation.
The ability of nickel compounds to induce gene mutations is less clear. The weight of evidence
suggests that nickel compounds are unable to efficiently induce point mutations. The few positive
results reported for gene locus mutations (hprt gene) consist of small effects at high, toxic doses and
where the mutations were not characterized at a molecular level. These results are likely to be due
to other genetic events than points mutations (frame-shift or base substitution type mutations), e.g.
chromosomal aberrations and DNA methylation.
Interpretation of the results of in vivo studies is more complicated. The in vivo clastogenicity of nickel
chloride is the more convincing; however, when taken together all the data presently available for the
three soluble compounds (nickel chloride, sulphate and nitrate), there is evidence of in vivo genotoxicity
at chromosome level in somatic cells, although this is manifested at high, toxic doses. There is also
supportive evidence from studies on workers exposed by inhalation to nickel compounds, showing
increased frequencies of chromosomal gaps or aberrations.
Evidence for any possible effect on germ cells is particularly limited. There is evidence that the nickel
ion reaches the testis in rodents after i.p. administration, but there are few data on possible effects.
Recently (EC, 2004) the European Commission Working Group of Specialized Experts in the fields
of carcinogenicity and mutagenicity has proposed the following classification of nickel sulphate,
nickel chloride and nickel nitrate: Mutag. Cat. 3, with the risk phrase R68 “Possible risk of irreversible
effect”. This conclusion was based on evidence of in vivo genotoxicity in somatic cells, after systemic
exposure. Hence, the possibility that germ cells are affected could not be excluded. However further
testing of effects on germ cells was not considered practicable. There was insufficient evidence for
classification of the mutagenicity of nickel carbonate.
4.5. Reproductive and developmental toxicity
In a 3 generation study, groups of Wistar rats were fed diets containing 0, 250, 500 and 1000 mg/kg
nickel as nickel sulphate hexahydrate, equivalent to about 0, 12.5, 25 or 50 mg nickel/kg body weight/
day. In all groups, 20 rats of each sex were mated. In the first generation, the number of stillborn rats
was increased at all dietary levels. The number of siblings per litter and siblings weaned decreased with
increasing doses. At the highest dose, body weights of weanlings were markedly reduced. No adverse
effects were noted on fertility, gestation, viability and lactation indices. Teratogenic effects were not
observed (Ambrose et al, 1976).
In a 2 generation study, nickel chloride was administered in drinking water to groups of 30 CD rats of
each sex at dose levels of 0, 50, 250 and 500 mg/L, equivalent to 0, 7.3, 30.8 and 51.6 mg/kg body
weight/day, for 90 days before breeding. At the highest dose, there was a significant decrease in the
maternal body weight, along with absolute and relative liver weights. In the F
generation, at this
dose the number of live pups/litter was significantly decreased, pup mortality significantly increased
Nickel 356
and average pups body weight significantly decreased. In the F
litters, increased pup mortality and
decreased live litter size was also observed in the lower dose groups. These effects are questionable,
however, because the room temperature was higher than normal at certain times along with lower
levels of humidity (RTI, 1987).
Groups of 34 female Long-Evans rats received nickel chloride in drinking water for 11 weeks prior to
breeding and during two successive gestation and lactation periods at doses of 0, 10, 50, and 250
mg nickel/L equivalent to 1.33, 6.8 or 31.8 mg nickel/kg body weight/day. At the highest dose in the
first generation and at all doses in the second generation, a dose-related increase in pups born dead
or dying shortly after birth was observed. Body weight gain was reduced in dams of the mid and top
dose groups (Smith et al, 1993).
4.6. Human data
Twenty of 32 electroplating workers, who inadvertently drank water contaminated with nickel sulphate
and chloride, developed symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, giddiness, lassitude,
headache, cough and shortness of breath. Laboratory tests showed elevated levels of blood
reticulocytes, urine albumin, and serum bilirubin. The nickel doses that caused these symptoms were
estimated to be in the range of 7.1-35.7 mg/kg body weight (Sunderman et al, 1988).
Nickel salts are potent skin sensitisers in humans, causing allergic contact dermatitis. Nickel ions
bind to cellular and matrix proteins of the skin and induce a cellular immune response (type IV
hypersensitivity reaction) (Büdinger et al, 2000). The prevalence of nickel sensitivity in the population
is about 8-14.5% for adult women and about 1% for men (WHO, 1996). In sensitised individuals, not
only dermal exposure, but also oral intake of low doses can provoke eczema.
In a number of oral challenge studies, single oral doses of a few mg nickel provoked dermal reactions
in nickel-sensitised subjects (Christensen and Möller, 1975; Kaaber et al, 1978; Gawkrodger et al, 1986;
Menne and Maibach, 1991). The lowest oral doses, given to nickel sensitive subjects and reported to
exacerbate hand eczema, were 0.49 mg/day in a high nickel diet (Nielsen et al, 1990), equivalent to
about 8 μg nickel/kg body weight/day, and 12 μg/kg body weight/day given in drinking water on an
empty stomach (Nielsen et al, 1999).
In studies on subchronic toxicity, the main targets for the toxicity of orally ingested nickel salts are
kidneys, spleen, lungs, and the myeloid system. In addition, perinatal mortality has been reported
to increase in rats, even at the lowest administered dose of 1.3 mg nickel/kg body weight/day. The
available studies do not allow the establishment of a NOAEL.
There is evidence that nickel salts are carcinogenic in rodents and humans by inhalation. The evidence
for carcinogenicity following oral exposure is lacking, however the data presently available are very
limited. The Panel notes that a long-term study with nickel sulphate in rats by the oral route, which will
improve the presently limited data-base, is on-going.
The genotoxicity of nickel salts, observed at chromosome level at high, toxic doses is likely due to
indirect mechanisms.
It is not possible to derive a threshold for provoking dermal reactions in nickel-sensitised subjects.
Although only dermal exposure to nickel can lead to sensitisation, oral doses of nickel have been shown
to exacerbate hand eczema in nickel-sensitised individuals. In some studies, as little as 8 and 12 μg
nickel/kg body weight provoked such reactions.
In the absence of adequate dose-response data for these effects, it is not possible to establish a
tolerable upper intake level.
Nickel has not been demonstrated to be essential for humans.
Estimates of nickel intake from the average diet range from 80 to 150 μg/person/day, but may
reach 900 μg/person/day or more, when large amounts of food items with high nickel contents are
consumed. An intake of 900 μg nickel/person/day, equivalent to 15 μg/kg body weight/day, would
be 90-fold lower than the lowest dose of 1.33 mg nickel/kg body weight/day reported to increase the
perinatal mortality of rats. In the worst case, however, the first-run drinking water, which remained in
the tap overnight, would be consumed and the release of nickel from kitchen utensils would cause an
additional alimentary exposure. In that case, the margin between the dietary intake and toxic doses
would be considerably lower.
In the group of nickel-sensitised persons, the margin of exposure is even lower. An intake of 150 μg
nickel/person/day from the average diet, equivalent to 2.5 μg/kg body weight/day in a 60 kg adult, is
about one third of the lowest reported dose of 8 μg nickel/kg body weight (490 μg/day) able to cause
flare-ups of hand eczema in sensitised subjects. Consumption of food with high nickel content and
additional exposure from first-run drinking water and kitchen utensils could result in an intake higher
than the critical dose.
Any additional nickel intake from supplements would further increase the risk. In this context, the Panel
draws attention to the high prevalence of nickel sensitisation in the population and to the fact, that
many individuals may not be aware that they are sensitised.
ABC (American Biogenics Corporation) (1988). Ninety day gavage study in albino rats using nickel. Final report submitted to US EPA by
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Wulf Becker, Francesco Branca, Daniel Brasseur, Jean-Louis Bresson, Albert Flynn, Alan A. Jackson,
Pagona Lagiou, Martinus Løvik, Geltrude Mingrone, Bevan Moseley, Andreu Palou, Hildegard
Przyrembel, Seppo Salminen, Stephan Strobel, Henk van den Berg, and Hendrik van Loveren.
The Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies wishes to thank Jan Alexander, Angelo
Carere, Werner Grunow, Andrew Renwick and Gerrit Speijers for their contributions to the draft opinion.
Nickel 362 362
(REQUEST N° EFSA-Q-2003-018)
Fluoride is not essential for human growth and development but is beneficial in the prevention of dental
caries (tooth decay) when ingested in amounts of about 0.05 mg/kg body weight per day and when
applied topically with dental products such as toothpaste. Dental enamel which contains fluoride is
less likely to develop caries, because of greater resistance to ingested acids or to acids generated from
ingested sugars by the oral bacteria. In addition, fluoride inhibits sugar metabolism by oral bacteria.
Fluoride content of the body is not under physiological control. Absorbed fluoride is partly retained in bone
and partly excreted, predominantly via the kidney. In infants retention in bone can be as high as 90% of
the absorbed amount, whereas in adults retention is 50% or less. Fluoride is also incorporated into dental
enamel during tooth formation.
Excessive intake of fluoride during enamel maturation before tooth eruption from birth to eight years of age,
when enamel formation is complete, can lead to reduced mineral content of enamel and to dental fluorosis
of deciduous but predominantly of permanent teeth. The incidence and severity of dental fluorosis is
dose-dependent. Mild dental fluorosis is not readily apparent and is associated with increased resistance
to caries. The Panel considered moderate dental fluorosis, which is characterised by staining and minute
pitting of teeth, to be an adverse effect. On the basis that the prevalence of moderate dental fluorosis of
permanent teeth is less than 5% in populations ingesting 0.08-0.12 mg fluoride/kg body weight/day, the
Panel considered that the upper level (UL) for fluoride is 0.1 mg fluoride/kg/day in children aged 1-8 years.
This is equivalent to 1.4 and 2.2 mg fluoride per day in children aged 1-3 years and 4-8 years,
Fluoride accretion in bone increases bone density but excessive long term intake reduces bone strength
and increases risk of fracture and skeletal fluorosis (stiffness of joints, skeletal deformities). Studies with
therapeutic oral administration of fluoride in amounts of 0.6 mg/kg body weight/day in postmenopausal
women over several years increased the risk for non-vertebral bone fractures significantly. The Panel
applied an uncertainty factor of 5 to derive an UL of 0.12 mg/kg body weight/day. This is equivalent
to an UL of 5 mg/day in children aged 9-14 years and 7 mg/day for age 15 years and older, including
pregnant and lactating women.
The UL for fluoride applies to intake from water, beverages, foodstuffs, including fluoridated salt, dental
health products and fluoride tablets for caries prevention.
Children aged 1-8 years have fluoride intakes from food and water well below the UL provided the
fluoride content of their drinking water is not higher than 1.0 mg/L. An increase in the prevalence of
mild dental fluorosis observed in some countries has been attributed to the inappropriate use of dental
care products, particularly of fluoridated toothpaste.
The Panel did not establish an UL for infants. Breast-fed infants have very low fluoride intakes from
human milk (2-40 μg/day) and are not at risk of developing enamel fluorosis even when given fluoride
supplements of 0.25 mg/day. The Panel notes that the Scientific Committee on Food has recommended
a maximum fluoride level of 0.6-0.7 mg/L in infant formula and follow on formula, equivalent to an intake
of about 0.1 mg/kg body weight per day in infants during the first six months of life (body weight 5 kg).
For powdered formula, this maximum will be exceeded if water containing more than 0.7 mg/L is used
for its preparation.
For children older than eight years and adults the probability of exceeding the UL of 5/7 mg fluoride/day
on a normal diet is generally estimated to be low. However, consumption of water with a high fluoride
content, e.g. more than 2-3 mg/L, predisposes to exceeding the UL.
Fluoride 364
Fluorine, fluoride, fluorosis, bone, teeth, drinking water, food, supplement, dental product.
In 2002, the European Parliament and the Council adopted Directive 2002/46/EC
related to food
supplements containing vitamins and minerals.
In addition, and as announced in its White Paper on Food Safety, the Commission aims to put forward
a proposal for harmonising legislation concerning the addition of vitamins and minerals to foods.
With a view to provide scientific support to the European Commission’s legislative work in this field,
the Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) issued, from October 2000 to April 2003, a series of opinions
on tolerable upper intake levels of individual vitamins and minerals and safety factors in relation to their
use in fortified foods and food supplements (available on the Internet at:
The SCF opinions covered 22 out of the 29 nutrients, which were considered to be within their mandate
for this task. In addition, during the decision making process for the adoption of Directive 2000/46/EC
on food supplements the Parliament requested the inclusion of boron, nickel, silicon, vanadium and tin
in the proposal. The Commission did not accept the Parliament’s request in the absence of a positive
safety evaluation by the SCF. Therefore, the European Food Safety Authority is asked to provide scientific
opinions on the remaining 12 vitamins and minerals in accordance with the present terms of reference.
With respect to the outstanding 12 vitamins and minerals, the European Food Safety Authority is asked
1) to review the upper levels of daily intakes that are unlikely to pose a risk of adverse health effects; 2)
to provide the basis for the establishment of safety factors, where necessary, which would ensure the
safety of fortified foods and food supplements containing the aforementioned nutrients.
Fluorine is a gaseous halogen with an atomic mass of 18.998. It is the most electronegative and
reactive of all elements, therefore it occurs naturally only in ionic forms, fluorides, after reaction with
metallic elements or with hydrogen. Fluorides are ubiquitous in air, water and the lithosphere, where
they are seventeenth in the order of frequency of occurrence (0.06-0.09% of the earth’s crust) (WHO,
1994). Fluorides occur in rocks and soil as fluorspar (CaF
), cryolite (3NaFxAlF
) or apatite (3Ca
, in mica, hornblende, or as pegmatites like topaz and tourmaline. Cryolite used for the
production of aluminium and rock phosphates used for the production of fertilisers can have fluoride
contents up to 4.2%. Most of this fluoride is firmly bound and not biologically available. Availability of
fluoride from soil depends on the solubility of the fluoride compound, the acidity of the soil and the
presence of water.
All water contains fluorides, sea water between 1.2 and 1.5 mg/L. Waters with high fluoride content are
usually found at the foot of high mountains. Ground water with fluoride concentrations as high as 25
mg/L have been found. Surface water usually has lower fluoride content below 0.5 mg/L, but very high
fluoride levels have been found in lakes in Tanzania (95 mg/L) and Kenya (2800 mg/L) (WHO, 2000).
Fluoride in air exists in gaseous or particulate forms and arises from fluoride containing soils, industry,
coal fires and especially volcanoes. In non-industrial areas it ranges between 0.05-1.9 μg/m
. Hydrogen
fluoride, a highly corrosive gas or liquid at room temperature is used extensively by industry. It readily
dissolves in water to hydrofluoric acid, which though a weak acid, etches glass and because of its
industrial use is the most important atmosphere contaminant. It is rapidly converted to fluoride salts.
1. Directive 2002/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to food
supplements. OJ L 183. 12.7.2002, p. 51.
The most important fluorides for human use are sodium and potassium fluoride, which are highly
soluble in water. They are used for addition to foods (e.g. salt), dental products and fluoridation of
water. They are permitted for use in foods for particular nutritional uses (FPNU) and food supplements
(Commission Directive 2001/15/EC; Directive 2002/46/EC).
In Annex III part 1 of the amended Council Directive 76/768/EEC on the approximation of the laws of
the Member States relating to cosmetic products, 20 fluoride compounds are listed which may be used
in oral hygiene products up to a maximum concentration in the finished products of 0.15% (1500 ppm),
calculated as fluorine.
Fluorosilicic acid or hydrofluorosilicic acid (H
) or sodiumhexafluorosilicate (Na
) are used for
drinking water fluoridation.
2.1. Function of fluoride
There is insufficient evidence for the indispensability of fluoride for human health. Because of the
ubiquity of fluoride it is virtually impossible to create an experimental situation free of fluoride.
Schwarz and Milne (1972) reared several generations of F344 rats in isolators on a fluoride-deficient diet
(0.002-0.023 mg/kg/day). Rats on this diet showed decreased gain in weight and bleached incisors.
Weight gain was improved by fluoride supplementation of the diet (2.5 mg/kg), tooth pigmentation was
not. Rats in both the group on the fluoride-deficient and the fluoride-supplemented diet had shaggy
fur, loss of hair and seborrhoea, indicative of a probable deficiency of other nutrients in the synthetic
diet as well.
In a cohort study of 109 infants exclusively breast-fed for at least four months (fluoride in breast-milk
0.003 mg/L) and living in an area with low fluoride content of the drinking water (0.018-0.166 mg/L),
those receiving a fluoride supplement from the 6
day of life onwards in addition to their fluoride
intake of less than 0.003 mg/day from human milk, showed a significantly greater increase in length
and weight, especially when the mother had taken fluoride supplements during pregnancy, and a
significantly (by 12 days) earlier eruption of the first tooth in boys, than those who did not receive a
fluoride supplement during the first six months of life (Bergmann, 1994). Although suggestive, these
results do not prove an essential role of fluoride in human development and growth.
In vitro, fluoride (0.02-0.1 mg/L) addition to a supersaturated solution of calcium phosphate initiates
the formation of hydroxylapatite (Ca
) which is the mineral substance of bone and teeth.
With increasing fluoride concentrations fluoroapatite (Ca
) is formed and results in more
regular and bigger apatite crystals which are less acid soluble (Featherstone et al, 1983; Newesely,
1961; Okazaki et al, 1985).
Fluoride in the body is mainly associated with calcified tissue (bone and teeth) due to its high affinity for
calcium. In bone the substitution of fluoride for hydroxyl groups in apatite alters the mineral structure
of the bone. This is electrostatically more stable and more compact and results in increased density
and hardness, but not increased mechanical strength in rabbit (Chachra et al, 1999). Both in rats and
in humans there is evidence for a biphasic effect of fluoride on bone strength, with increases in both
bone strength and bone fluoride content at moderately high fluoride intake (16 mg/L in drinking water
of rats during 16 weeks) leading to a bone fluoride content of up to 1200 mg/kg and a decrease with
higher fluoride intake (up to 128 mg/L in drinking water) and bone fluoride content up to 10,000 mg/kg
(Turner et al, 1992).
Besides the physicochemical effects of fluoride on the bone, fluoride in high doses (0.02-0.2 mg/L) was
found to be mitogenic in osteoblasts and inhibitory to osteoclasts of chicken embryos in vitro (Farley et
al, 1983; 1988; Gruber and Baylink, 1991). The mitogenic effect is restricted to osteoblastic precursors
(Bonjour et al, 1993) and the same fluoride dose can be toxic to individual osteoblasts (Chachra et al,
1999). Fluoride can activate thyroid adenylate cyclase (ATP pyrophosphate-lyase (cyclizing)) in vitro at
very high concentrations (10 mg/L or 190 mg/L) (Goldhammer and Wolff, 1982).
Fluoride has a cariostatic effect on erupted teeth of both children and adults. A pre-eruptive effect of
fluoride through increasing fluoridation of the developing enamel is supported by evidence (Groeneveld et
al, 1990; Murray, 1993), but difficult to differentiate from the cariostatic effect of fluoride on erupted teeth.
Fluoride 366
The prevalence of dental caries in a population was not inversely related to the concentration of fluoride in
enamel (Clarkson et al, 1996), which apart from the outmost surface is accumulated through pre-eruptive
enamel development (Richards et al, 1992; Weatherall and Robinson, 1988). Fluoridated enamel is less acid
soluble (Beltran and Burt, 1988). It was also demonstrated that the positive effect on reduction of caries in
both deciduous and permanent teeth was more marked the earlier children were exposed to fluoridated
water or fluoride supplements (Groeneveld et al, 1990; Stephen et al, 1987). Comparisons of caries
prevalence between two communities in England with water fluoride concentrations of 0.2 and 1.5-2.0 mg/L
showed that in all age groups (from 15 to >44 years) caries experience of all teeth was significantly lower
in the community with high fluoride water concentration (44% less in persons over 45 years) (Jackson et
al, 1973). A similar study in Sweden compared caries prevalence in 30 to 40-years old life-long residents
of Uppsala (n=260; water fluoride concentration 1.0 mg/L) with those of Enping (n=236; fluoride in water
0.3 mg/L) and found 21% units less decayed and filled surfaces in Uppsala. Caries prevalence in that study
was not influenced by other topical fluoride sources (Wiktorsson et al, 1992).
The cariostatic effect of fluoride in saliva or plaque on erupted teeth is due to an inhibition of the
demineralisation of sound enamel by ingested acid foods or acid formed by cariogenic bacteria in
the dental plaque and by enhancing remineralisation of demineralised enamel. Demineralised enamel
takes up more fluoride than sound enamel and the resultant structure is more acid resistant and
contains more fluoride (Featherstone, 1999; White and Nancollas, 1990). Moreover, fluoride affects the
metabolism of carbohydrates and the production of adhesive polysaccharides by cariogenic bacteria
(Hamilton, 1990). However, caries is not a fluoride deficiency disease and no specific fluoride deficiency
syndrome has been found.
2.2. Fluoride homeostasis
Ninety-nine percent of the total fluoride content of the body is concentrated in calcified tissue. Body
fluid and soft tissue fluoride concentrations are not under homeostatic control and reflect the recent
intake (Ekstrand et al, 1977). In blood the fluoride ion concentration in plasma is twice that in blood
cells (Whitford, 1996). Via the plasma fluoride is distributed to all tissues. The ratio fluoride in soft
tissue to fluoride in plasma is between 0.4 and 0.9. Exceptions are the kidney, pineal gland, brain and
adipose tissue. The kidney can accumulate fluoride to higher concentrations than in plasma (Taves et
al, 1983). Experiments with radioactive fluoride have shown that it is not actively transported into the
thyroid gland of humans or rats. Nonetheless, after long-term exposure to a high fluoride content in
feed or water, the thyroid glands of some animals (cows and rats) have been found to contain increased
fluoride levels compared to their non-exposed controls (Bürgi et al, 1984).
2.2.1. Intestinal fluoride absorption
Inhalation of fluoride from the air, as a rule, does not contribute more than 0.01 mg/day to the total intake,
except in occupational settings where intake by that route can be several milligrams (Hodge and Smith,
1977). For the purpose of setting an UL for oral exposure to fluoride, exposure via inhalation is not relevant
and shall not be taken into account.
Readily soluble fluorides (sodium, hydrogen, fluorosilicic, sodium monophosphate) are rapidly almost
completely absorbed with a plasma peak level occurring after 30 minutes (70, 130, 300, 450 μg/L after
single doses of 1.5, 3, 6, 10 mg of fluoride as the sodium salt, respectively), in contrast to the low-
soluble fluoride compounds calcium fluoride, magnesium fluoride and aluminium fluoride. Fluoride from
toothpaste is also absorbed. Sodium monofluorophosphate from toothpaste needs dephosphorylation
before absorption in the lower intestine. There is variability in the bioavailability of fluoride from different
foods (Trautner and Siebert, 1983).
Most of fluoride is absorbed as undissociated hydrogen fluoride and absorption occurs by passive
diffusion in both the stomach and the small intestine. Higher acidity of the stomach increases absorption.
The presence of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and aluminium decreases the absorption of fluoride
(Cerklewski, 1997; Harrison et al, 1984; Kuhr et al, 1987; McClure et al, 1945; Spencer et al, 1981). In the
case of calcium the inhibitory effect depends on the presence of food. Sodium fluoride tablets given in
water on an empty stomach were almost 100% absorbed. The same doses given together with milk were
70% absorbed, and were 60% absorbed when given with a meal (Ekstrand and Ehrnebo, 1979; Shulman
and Vallejo, 1990; Trautner and Einwag, 1987). Consecutively faecal fluoride excretion is increased.
2.2.2. Fluoride distribution and storage in the body
Absorbed fluoride is rapidly distributed by the circulation to the intracellular and extracellular fluid but is
retained only in calcified tissues. The fluoride plasma concentration is dependent on the fluoride dose
ingested, dose frequency and the plasma half-life, which was determined to be 3-9 hours after giving
doses of 3 to 10 mg as tablets orally. The plasma clearance of fluoride ranged between 0.12 and 0.2
L/kg/h independent on the dose (Ekstrand et al, 1977). Plasma fluoride occurs in both ionic and non-
ionic forms. The non-ionic fluoride in plasma consists mostly of fat-soluble fluorocompounds. Ionic
fluoride is not bound to plasma proteins or other compounds. Its level (μmol) reflects the recent fluoride
intake and the fluoride content of drinking water (in mg/L) when water is the predominant fluoride
source (WHO, 1994). Plasma fluoride levels increase with age and with increasing fluoride content of
bone, and as a consequence of renal insufficiency (Ekstrand and Whitford, 1988; Ekstrand et al, 1978;
Singer and Ophaug, 1979).
Fluoride concentrations in plasma ranging from 0.4-2.4 μmol/L (7.6-45.6 μg/L) have been reported in
healthy adults (IPCS, 2002). Concentrations are lower (<10μg/L) in persons living in areas with a low
fluoride content in the drinking water (<0.2 mg/L) and the diet (Ekstrand et al, 1977; Fuchs et al, 1975;
Schiffl and Binswanger, 1980), somewhat higher (13 μg/L) in those whose drinking water is fluoridated
(1 mg/L) (Taves, 1966), and can be twenty-fold elevated in patients with both skeletal and dental
fluorosis due to high fluoride levels in drinking water (>8 mg/L) (Jha et al, 1982). Circulating fluoride
passes the placenta and reaches the fetus. The level of fluoride in cord blood is about 75% of the level
in maternal blood. The fluoride concentration in the placenta can be higher than in maternal blood. Use
of 1.5 mg fluoride supplements during pregnancy markedly increased placental fluoride levels and to a
lesser extent fetal blood levels (Caldera et al, 1988; Shen and Taves, 1974).
Fluoride concentrations in ductal and glandular saliva closely follow the plasma concentration but at
a lower level (about two-thirds of the plasma level (Ekstrand, 1977; Whitford et al, 1999a). Apart from
the intake via water and diet the fluoride concentration in saliva and dental plaque is dependent on
topical fluoride application via dental care products (Oliveby et al, 1990; Ekstrand, 1997; Ekstrand,
1977; Ekstrand et al, 1977; Featherstone, 1999; Hetzer, 1997; Sjögren et al, 1993; Twetman et al, 1998).
Children with no caries experience were found to have higher salivary fluoride concentrations than
children highly affected by caries (40 versus 20 μg/L) (Shields et al, 1987).
Fluoride retention in bone (and dentine) is proportional to the long-term fluoride exposure and, moreover,
dependent on the turnover rate of bone, on age, gender and the type of bone (Caraccio et al, 1983).
Infants and young children will retain up to 75% of the absorbed dose in skeletal tissue. Exclusively
breast-fed infants not receiving a fluoride supplement showed negative fluoride balances up to the age
of four months and excreted more fluoride than they ingested (Bergmann, 1994).
Fluoride is primarily taken up on the surface of bone crystallites via isoionic and heteroionic exchange.
It is later incorporated into the crystal lattice structure of teeth and bone by replacing hydroxyl ions and
producing partially fluoridated hydroxyapatite (WHO, 1994).
Fluoride is not irreversibly bound to bone, as has been demonstrated in persons who after having lived
in areas with a high fluoride concentration in drinking water moved to an area with low fluoride levels in
water. Their urinary fluoride excretion fell slowly over many years and their plasma fluoride levels remained
high, indicating release of fluoride from remodelling of bone (WHO, 1994; Khandare et al, 2004).
A linear relationship between the fluoride content of drinking water and bone fluoride content was
reported by Zipkin (1958). Fluoride increases with age in bone, more rapidly in women than in men and
preferably in cancelleous bone (Alhava et al, 1980; Eble et al, 1992). The fluoride concentration in bone
ash from 28 stillborn infants and of infants dying during the first days of life was around 70 mg/kg and
not related to gestational age, weight or length (Bergmann, 1994).
In contrast to skeletal bone and dentine which accumulate fluoride throughout life and in proportion to
the absorbed dose of fluoride, enamel of teeth reflects the biologically available fluoride at the time of
tooth formation. Enamel maturation of deciduous teeth is completed between the age of 2 to 12 months.
In permanent teeth enamel maturation is completed at the age of 7-8 years, except in the third molars,
in which it continues until the age of 12-16 years. Post-eruptive fluoride uptake of enamel is expressed
only in the outer layer and depends on fluoride in saliva, food, dental plaque and dental products (WHO,
1994). In areas with low fluoride concentrations in drinking water (0.1 mg/L) the fluoride concentration at
2 micrometer depth of enamel averages 1700 mg/kg, with fluoride concentrations in water of 1 mg/L it is
Fluoride 368
2200-3200 mg/kg. When water contains 5-7 mg/L of fluoride the concentration in enamel has been 4800
mg/kg. Such concentrations usually are accompanied by dental fluorosis (NRC, 1993).
2.2.3. Excretion of fluoride
Absorbed fluoride which is not deposited in calcified tissue is excreted almost exclusively via the
kidney. The percentage of absorbed fluoride excreted via the kidney is about 50% in healthy young and
middle-aged adults, in young infants and children it can be only 10-20%, in elderly persons higher than
50%. Fluoride is filtered in the renal glomeruli and reabsorbed in the renal tubuli (10-90%), dependent
on the pH of the tubular fluid. The renal clearance of fluoride is 30-50 mL/min in adults (Ekstrand et al,
1982; Schiffl and Binswanger, 1982). Fluoride excretion is reduced with impaired renal function (Schiffl
and Binswanger, 1980; Spak et al, 1985; Torra et al, 1998).
About 10-25% of the daily intake of fluoride is excreted via the faeces (WHO, 1994).
Fluoride concentration in human milk is reported to range between 2 and 95 μg/L (IPCS, 2002), which
wide range is probably due to analytical difficulties. Whereas Spak et al (1983) found no correlation
between the fluoride content of drinking water (0.2 to 1 mg/L) and fluoride content of human milk (7.6
μg/L), Dabeka et al (1986) could show a relationship: 32 mothers in an area with fluoride in drinking
water of <0.16 mg/L secreted milk with an average fluoride concentration of 4.4 μg/L, while 112 mothers
in an area with drinking water fluoride concentrations of 1 mg/L had fluoride concentrations in their milk
of 9.1 μg/L. Ekstrand et al (1981) have shown that fluoride supplements of 1.5 mg given to the mothers
did not increase the fluoride concentration in milk. Very variable fluoride concentrations in human milk
were reported also from Finland (1.9-51.3 μg/L) (Esala et al, 1982) and very low concentrations from
Germany 3-4 μg/L in areas with low fluoride in drinking water (<0.2 mg/L). There was no change in the
fluoride concentration with progression of lactation (Bergmann, 1994).
2.2.4. Biomarkers for fluoride exposure and status
The determination of the fluoride concentration in body fluids (urine, plasma, saliva) gives some indication
of recent fluoride intake and does not well reflect the fluoride body burden. Renal fluoride excretion varies,
moreover, with urinary flow and pH. There is no clear-cut relationship between fluoride content in bone
and extracellular fluids. The concentration of fluoride in nails (50% higher in finger than in toenails) and hair
appears to be proportional to the exposure over longer periods of time taking into account their growth rate
(Czarnowski and Krechniak, 1990; Schamschula et al, 1985; Kono et al, 1990; Whitford et al, 1999b). An
additional daily intake of 3.0 mg fluoride over 30 days resulted immediately in a 90% increase of the basal
urinary fluoride excretion and three months later in an increase of the fluoride content of fingernails (Whitford
et al, 1999b). Subjects living in areas with high fluoride content in water (1.6-3.1 mg/L) had 1.8 and 2.9 times
higher fluoride contents in fingernails than subjects from areas with intermediate (0.5-1.1 mg/L) and low
(<0.11 mg/L) fluoride content in the water, respectively (Schamschula et al, 1985).
Fluoride concentrations in calcified tissues reflect the historical body burden. This concerns especially
the skeleton, taking into account that fluoride is not evenly distributed and is for example higher in
cancellous than in cortical bone (Alhava et al, 1980). The fluoride content in enamel is indicative of
the amount taken up during tooth formation, whereas the surface layers of enamel of erupted teeth is
affected by the fluoride concentrations in the mouth. The fluoride content in enamel biopsies from 137
children aged 14 years at 0.44-0.48 μm and 2.4-2.6 μm depth was proportional to the fluoride content
of the drinking water (0.09 versus 1.9 mg/L: 1549 and 641 versus 3790 and 2110 mg/kg, respectively)
(Schamschula et al, 1985). Dentine, which like bone slowly increases in fluoride content throughout
life and, unlike bone, does not undergo resorption, is probably the most suitable indicator of chronic
fluoride intake.
The incidence of dental fluorosis in a population is related to the concentration of fluoride in drinking
water (Dean, 1942) and from food (Liang et al, 1997). It can be considered as a biomarker for total
exposure during the time of life when enamel is formed (up to age 7-8 years) (WHO, 1994).
2.3. Recommended dietary intakes for functional effects and typical intakes
2.3.1. Adequate intakes
The SCF did not define adequate or recommended fluoride intakes (SCF, 1993). Other bodies defined
adequate fluoride intakes on the basis of the negative relationship between caries prevalence and
fluoride intake (FNB, 1997; D-A-CH, 2000).
There is no convincing evidence that health and development of humans depend on the intake of
fluoride, however, due to the ubiquitous presence of fluoride in the environment a zero exposure is not
possible under normal circumstances.
Based on epidemiological studies of the inverse relationship between dental caries and the
concentration of fluoride in drinking water in the 1940s it was concluded that fluoride has a beneficial
effect in increasing the resistance to dental caries in children (Dean et al, 1942) and at all ages (Russell
and Elvove, 1951). In communities with water fluoride concentrations (0.7 to 1.2 mg/L, depending on the
average regional temperature) the caries prevalence was 40-60% lower than in communities with low
water fluoride concentrations. The studies of Dean (1942) had also shown that a positive relationship
existed between water fluoride concentration and the prevalence of dental fluorosis. A concentration
of about 1 mg fluoride/L in drinking water was identified as being “optimal” both in reducing caries
prevalence and keeping dental fluorosis prevalence below 10% in the population. This fluorosis was of
the mild to very mild type (see Annex 2) and practically none of the moderate to severe type.
From this “optimal” water fluoride concentration derives the estimated adequate fluoride intake of
infants and children above the age of 6 months of 0.05 mg/kg body weight/day (Burt, 1992; Singer
and Ophaug, 1979): age 7-12 months 0.5 mg/day; age 1-3 years 0.7 mg/day; age 4-8 years 1 mg/day;
age 9-13 years 2 mg/day; age 14-18 years 3 mg/day; for females and males of 19 years and above 3
and 4 mg/day, respectively (FNB, 1997). The guidance reference values of the Austrian, German and
Swiss Nutritional societies are based on the same calculation (D-A-CH, 2000).There is a difference in
the adequate intake or guidance value for fluoride below the age of six months defined by the FNB and
by D-A-CH. The very low fluoride intake of breast-fed infants which is about 0.01 mg/day is defined as
the adequate intake for age 0-6 months by the FNB. Assuming an average body weight of 5 kg for an
infant of that age group and a guidance value of 0.05 mg/kg body weight/day a guidance value of 0.25
mg fluoride/day has been calculated (D-A-CH, 2000).
2.3.2. Fluoride intake (exposure)
Fluoride exposure via inhalation and the skin will not be considered, because in normal circumstances
they contribute little to the total intake. However, the fluoride content of food dried over high-fluoride
coal fires can increase considerably (from 5- to 50-fold) and be a significant source of oral ingestion,
as shown in China (Liang et al, 1997).
Exposure by oral ingestion of fluoride is by water, food (including fluoridated salt available in Austria,
Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Spain and Switzerland), cosmetic dental products and
fluoride supplements. Fluoride supplements are considered to be drugs in most countries of the
European Community. Water
Among the main sources of total fluoride intake in Europe are drinking and mineral waters with more
than 0.3 mg/L of fluoride. From U.S. and Canadian studies the total fluoride intake of adults in areas
with different fluoride content of drinking water was estimated: 0.3-1 mg/day, 1.4-3.4 mg/day with
water fluoride content <0.3 mg/L and 1.0 mg/L, respectively (FNB, 1997).
Fluoride concentrations in drinking water in Europe differ between countries and within countries
dependent on natural circumstances and on water fluoridation (United Kingdom, Ireland, Spain). In
Ireland, the recommended fluoride content of public drinking water was recently reduced from 0.8-1.0
mg/L to 0.6-to 0.8 mg/L (Government of Ireland, 2002). Water fluoridation which had been practiced in
Basel, Switzerland since 1962 (0.7-0.9 mg/L) was terminated in 2003 and fluoride content in water has
returned to its natural low level of 0.1-0.2 mg/L (KL BS, 2003).
In Germany the fluoride concentration in groundwater is generally low. A survey based on 1040 sample
points measured a mean fluoride concentration of 0.1 mg/L with a minimum of less than 0.1 mg/L, and
a maximum value of 1.1 mg/L (Schleyer and Kerndorff, 1992).
Fluoride concentrations in drinking water collected during 1985 from public water plants in the Netherlands
was 0.04-0.23 mg/L (Sloof et al, 1989). The range of fluoride concentrations in 5900 groundwater samples
from Finland was reported to be <0.1-3.0 mg/L (Lahermo et al, 1990). Fluoride concentration in 4000
drinking water samples from 36 districts in the Czech Republic ranged between 0.05 and 3.0 mg/L (NIPH,
1996) and it was 0.02-3.0 mg/L in drinking water from 94 locations in Poland (Czarnowski et al, 1996).
The highest fluoride content in drinking water of the canton Valois, Switzerland was found to be 0.9 mg/L,
Fluoride 370
whereas about half of the cantonal area was served with drinking water containing less than 0.1 mg/L
(Rapport Annuel, 1999).
Total tap water intake of adolescents in the UK and in Germany was 676 g/day and 718 g/day, respectively
(Sichert-Hellert et al, 2001; Zohouri et al, 2004). Total fluoride intake from all kind of drinks in British
adolescents was estimated to be 0.47 mg/day.
Drinking tap water, however, is increasingly replaced by the use of bottled water. Whereas drinking
water for human consumption according to Council Directive 98/83/EC, following the advice of the
Scientific Committee on Food (SCF, 1998), may not contain more than 1.5 mg fluoride/L, bottled natural
mineral waters can have higher fluoride levels. Natural mineral waters which contain more than 1 mg
fluoride/L can be labelled as “contains fluoride”. According to Council Directive 88/777/EEC on the
approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the exploitation and marketing of natural
mineral waters, Member States can make national provisions for labelling a natural mineral water as
suitable for the use in infant nutrition. According to Directive 2003/40/EEC the fluoride content of
natural mineral waters must be not more than 5 mg/L by 1 January 2008. Mineral waters exceeding 1.5
mg fluoride/L shall bear on the label the words “contains more than 1.5 mg/L of fluoride: not suitable
for regular consumption by infants and children under 7 years of age” and shall indicate the actual
fluoride content.
A survey of 150 mineral and table waters from the German market measured an average fluoride
concentration of 0.58 ± 0.71 mg/L: 24% had a fluoride concentration below 0.1 mg/L, 43% equal to or
below 0.3 mg/L, 31% between 0.3 and 0.6 mg/L, and 8 (5%) waters had a fluoride concentration above
1.5 mg/L with a maximum value of 4.5 mg/L. The average consumption of bottled water in Germany at
the time of the survey was estimated to be 104 L per year (Schulte et al, 1996). In a similar survey of 33
bottled waters from the Swedish market a median fluoride concentration of 0.19 mg/L with a range of
0-3.05 mg/L was determined (Rosborg, 2002). The fluoride concentration in 25 commercial brands of
bottled water (spring, mineral or distilled) available in the UK was 0.08 (± 0.08) mg/L with a range from
0.01-0.37 mg/L. The average bottled water intake was estimated to be 108 mL/day in adults (Zohouri et
al, 2003) and only 20 mL/day in adolescents (Zohouri et al, 2004). Twenty-four mineral waters available
in Belgium had fluoride concentrations below 1 mg/L in 16 cases, but the highest value found was 5.5
mg/L. A case of dental fluorosis in an eight-year old girl was attributed to the preparation of her infant
formula with mineral water containing 1.2 mg fluoride/L. Her fluoride intake from age three months to
age 12 months was well above 0.1 mg/kg body weight/day (Bottenberg, 2004) Food
Fluoride intake from food is generally low except when food is prepared with fluoridated water.
Exceptions are tea which can contain considerable amounts of fluoride (0.34-5.2 mg/L) (Schmidt and
Funke, 1984; Wei et al, 1989; Chan and Koh, 1996), dependent on type, brewing and fluoride content
of water. Some brands of instant teas were reported to be another significant source of fluoride intake
(up to 6.5 mg/L when prepared with distilled water) (Whyte et al, 2005).
Vegetables and fruit, except when grown near fluoride emitting industrial plants, contain between 0.02
and 0.2 mg/kg fresh weight, milk and milk products 0.05-0.15 mg/kg, bread, cereals and meals 0.1-0.29
mg/kg, meat and meat products 0.15-0.29 mg/kg, eggs 0.18 mg/kg, fish and fish sticks 0.48-1.91 mg/kg
(Bergmann, 1994; EGVM, 2001). The fluoride content of both fish and meat depends on the care taken
with deboning, and can be as high as 5 mg/kg. (Bergmann, 1994). Dried herbs contain up to 2.0 mg/kg
fluoride. Table 1 summarises the fluoride content in various types of foods from various parts of the world
compiled by IPCS (2002) as well as Chinese data on corn and vegetables dried naturally or over high-
fluoride coal fires (Liang et al, 1997).
The fluoride content of the water used in industrial production and home cooking affects the fluoride
content of the prepared food. The use of water containing 1 mg/L has been estimated to increase the
fluoride content of the food by 0.5 mg/kg compared to low-fluoride water (Becker and Bruce, 1981;
Marier and Rose, 1966).
Breast-fed infants receive very little fluoride, because human milk contains between 2-10 μg/L. An intake
of 800 mL human milk corresponds to 1.6-8 μg/day or approximately 0.3-1.6 μg/kg/day (Bergmann, 1994;
Fomon et al, 2000). Infant formula, with the exception of soy protein based formula, has a low fluoride
content when the powder is prepared with distilled water (0.01 to 0.05 mg/L). If these formulas were
prepared with water containing 0.3 mg fluoride/L and a 5-kg infant drinks 800 mL, fluoride intakes of 60
μg fluoride/kg body weight/day or less would result. The use of fluoridated drinking water (1 mg/L) would
considerably increase the fluoride intake threefold (Bergmann, 1994; Kramb et al, 2001).
Table 1. Fluoride contents in some food categories (from IPCS, 2002)
Food Fluoride (mg/kg) Country of origin
Milk and milk products 0.01 - 0.8 Canada, Hungary, Germany
Meat and poultry 0.01 - 1.7 Canada, Hungary, Germany
Fish 0.06 - 4.57 Canada, USA
Soups 0.41 - 0.94 Canada, Hungary
Baked goods and cereals 0.04 - 1.85 Canada, China, Hungary, Germany
Vegetables 0.01 - 1.34 Canada, China, Hungary, Germany
Fruits and fruit juices 0.01 - 2.8 Canada, Hungary, Germany, USA
Fats and oils 0.05 - 0.13 Canada
Sugars and candies 0.05 - 0.13 Canada
Beverages 0.003 - 1.28 Canada, Hungary, Germany, USA
Tea leaves 82 - 371 China, Hungary, Hong Kong
brewed 0.05 - 4.97 Canada, Germany
Corn, dried naturally 0.55 - 5.48 China
Corn, dried over coal fire 3.25 - 246.1 China
Vegetables, fresh 0.31 - 9.25 China
Vegetables, dried over coal fire 8.0 - 52.0 China
Similar differences in fluoride content of infant formulas prepared with low-fluoride (0.2 mg/L) and high-
fluoride (1 mg/L) water and in intakes from such formulas were calculated by Fomon et al (2000). With
increasing percentages of the population receiving fluoridated drinking water in the United States a
parallel increase of the percentage of infants receiving more than 70 μg fluoride/kg body weight/day
has been reported. Not all of this increase in fluoride intake was due to the increase in drinking water
fluoridation, but to fluoride supplements (Fomon et al, 2000). Since 1979, liquid ready-to-feed infant
formulas in the United States and Canada contain 200 μg fluoride/L.
In a recent study from the United States a mathematical model to estimate the average daily fluoride
intake from all dietary sources was applied. The average or central tendency exposure (CTE) and the
high-end or reasonable maximum exposure (RME) of infants in areas without fluoridation of the drinking
water was 0.074 and 0.11 mg/kg/day, respectively, whereas in areas with fluoridated drinking water
the CTE and RME were 0.11 and 0.21 mg/kg/day. For children between the age of three and five years
the same model calculations estimated the CTE and RME in areas without fluoridation to be 0.025 and
0.04 mg/kg/day, while in areas with fluoridation of the drinking water the values were 0.05 and 0.09
mg/kg/day, respectively (Erdal and Buchanan, 2005).
The fluoride intake of German children between 1 and 14.9 years of age and of adults was estimated
from analysed fluoride concentrations in food and consumption data (Bergmann, 1994) (Table 2).
This model calculation demonstrates the importance of the fluoride content of drinking water for the
total dietary fluoride intake and permits to estimate the effect of any additional intake of fluoride from
supplements and drugs.
The average total dietary fluoride intake, including tea but excluding drinking water, of the adult population
in the UK was estimated from the 1977 Total Diet Study to be 1.2 mg/day (EGVM, 2001). In Sweden the
fluoride intake from food and drink of adults in areas with low fluoride levels in drinking water (<0.4 mg/L)
has been estimated to be 0.4-1.0 mg/day, while in areas with fluoride concentrations in the water of 1
mg/L the mean intake was estimated to be 2.1-4.4 mg/day (Becker and Bruce, 1981).
Fluoride 372
Table 2. Estimated fluoride intake of young children, adolescents and adults
Fluoride intake (mg/day)
1-1.9 years
12-14.9 years
(1) Milk, meat, fish, eggs, cereals, vegetables, potatoes, fruit 0.042 0.114 0.120
(2) Fruit juice, soft drinks, mineral water, tea (adults) 0.011 0.065 0.259
(3) Sum fluoride from food and beverages (1)+(2) 0.052 0.191 0.379
(4) Drinking water (0.013 mg fluoride /L) 0.060 0.073 0.065
(5) Total fluoride intake ((3)+(4) 0.112 0.264 0.444
(6) Drinking water (1.0 mg fluoride /L) 0.458 0.560 0.500
(7) Total fluoride intake (3)+(6) 0.510 0.751 0.879
(8) Drinking water (2.0 mg/l) 0.916 1.120 1.000
(9) Total fluoride intake (3)+(8) 0.968 1.311 1.379
(10) Fluoridated salt, 3 g/day, 250 mg fluoride/kg 0.750 0.750
(11) Total fluoride intake (5)+(10) 1.014 1.194
(12) Total fluoride intake (7)+(10) 1.501 1.629
(13) Total fluoride intake (9)+(10) 2.061 2.129
Another dietary source of fluoride is fluoridated salt which contains 200-250 mg fluoride/kg of salt,
mostly in the form of potassium fluoride. One gram of salt provides 0.2 to 0.25 mg of fluoride. The
use of fluoridated salt may be restricted to use at home, like in Germany, where 75% of such salt is
fluoridated, or it can be used in the preparation/production of meals and foods as well (Switzerland,
France). The amount of fluoridated salt ingested per person per day is estimated to be 3 g in France,
were 35% of salt is fluoridated, and 2 g in Germany corresponding to an additional fluoride intake of
0.50-0.75 mg/day (AFSSA, 2003). Fluoride from salt is well absorbed as demonstrated by Marthaler et
al (1995). Fluoride-containing dental products
Dental products (toothpaste, rinses and gels) which contain fluoride can, especially when inappropriately
used, increase the total intake of fluoride considerably (Burt, 1992). This happens particularly in young
children below the age of 7 years who swallow between ten to nearly 100% of the toothpaste (Barnhart
et al, 1974; Hargreaves et al, 1972; Naccache et al, 1990, 1992; Salama et al, 1989; Simard et al, 1989).
Depending on the amount of toothpaste used per brushing and on the fluoride content significant
amounts of fluoride are swallowed and absorbed (up to 0.3 mg per brushing), as demonstrated by
peak increases of fluoride in plasma of 3-4 year old children within thirty minutes after brushing with
0.6 g each of a toothpaste with 1000 mg fluoride/kg. The observed peak plasma level almost reached
the same height as after the ingestion of a 0.5 mg fluoride tablet (75 to 85 μg/L) (Ekstrand et al, 1983).
Fluoride from toothpaste swallowed by a four-year old child was found to contribute up to one third
to one half of total daily fluoride intakes of 3.6 and 2.3 mg, respectively (Richards and Banting, 1996).
In the European Communities about 90% of all toothpastes are fluoridated with a maximum level of
1500 mg/kg.
The Scientific Committee on Cosmetic Products and Non-Food Products Intended for Consumers
(SCCNFP, 2003) states that the amount of toothpaste applied to the toothbrush of a child below the age
of 6 years can vary between 0.05 and 0.8 g. The recommended “pea size” amount is taken to be 0.25
g. In a model calculation with amounts of toothpaste of either 0.1 or 0.25 g which would correspond to
fluoride doses between 0.1 and 0.37 mg if the toothpaste contained 1000 or 1500 mg/kg, swallowing of
either 20% or 40% of the toothpaste was assumed and absorption of either 80 or 100% of the fluoride
dose. The amount of absorbed fluoride would then range between 0.016 mg and 0.15 mg fluoride.
The SCCNFP considered this amount as the sole source of fluoride exposure - even if applied three
times per day - to not pose a safety concern when used by children under the age of six years and
not likely to cause fluorosis. If compared to the “adequate” fluoride intake (FNB, 1997; D-A-CH, 2000)
of children at that age (0.7-1 mg/day), fluoride ingestion from such toothpastes could amount to up to
50% of that amount.
In the model calculation for 3-5 year old children in the USA the fluoride intake from ingested toothpaste
was estimated to be 30-60% of the dietary CTE and to be higher than the dietary RME (Erdal and
Buchanan, 2005). Fluoride supplements
Fluoride supplements are recommended by medical societies in some countries (e.g. DAKJ, 2000)
for caries prevention, especially if the fluoride concentration from drinking water is low. The various
recommended regimens differ considerably with regard to the starting time (birth or 6 months of age),
amounts in relation to age, and restrictions in the presence of salt fluoridation or in dependence on the
fluoride concentration in drinking water (D-A-CH, 2000; FNB 1997). However, these recommendations
are formulated as a public health measure and the supplements are regulated as drugs and available
on prescription. The EGVM has concluded that comments on fluoride with regard to food fortification,
therefore, are inappropriate (EGVM, 2003). The assessment of the need or the usefulness and safety
of fluoride containing drugs is not in the terms of reference of the Panel. Their potential contribution
to the total daily intake, however, has to be taken into account in the risk assessment of fluoride. This
contribution can amount up to 70% of the estimated reasonable maximum dietary exposure value in
both infants and young children (Erdal and Buchanan, 2005). Summary
The total daily intake of fluoride from all sources can range from the low intake of 0.5 mg/day from
solid foods, milk, beverages and low-fluoride water reported for Germany (Bergmann, 1994), when
no fluoridated salt is used, no fluoride containing dentifrice is used and no supplements are taken, to
the moderate amount of 1.2 mg/day reported for the United Kingdom (EGVM, 2001). If fluoridated salt
would be used 0.5-0.75 mg fluoride would be added, if fluoridated water was drunk (1 mg/L) and used
for the preparation of food and tea (1-2 L of water/day; 500 mL of tea with a fluoride concentration
of 5 mg/L) 3.5 to 4.0 mg fluoride would be added. The sum could be 6.0 mg fluoride per day, without
fluoride from toothpaste taken into account. Even more extreme scenarios are possible and not
completely unrealistic, when fluoridated drinking water is replaced by the regular use of mineral water
with fluoride concentrations above 1 mg/L.
For infants and children between the age of three and five years in the USA total daily intakes from all
sources (drinking water, beverages, infant formula, cows’ milk, food, soil, supplements and toothpaste)
have been estimated using defined assumptions for intake, concentration in source, absorption and
body weight. Cumulative CTE and RME for infants in non-fluoridated areas were 0.08 and 0.11 mg/kg/
day, respectively, and 0.11 and 0.2 mg/kg/day, respectively for fluoridated areas. For young children the
CTE and RME for non-fluoridated areas were 0.06 and 0.21 mg/kg/day and for fluoridated areas 0.06
and 0.23 mg/kg/day (Erdal and Buchanan, 2005). The assumptions used in that study are perhaps not
applicable for all European countries, but the results illustrate well the range of potential exposure to
fluoride via oral ingestion in infants and young children under variable conditions.
3.1. In vitro and animal toxicity
Animal studies are considered in the risk assessment of fluoride insofar they support the multitude of
human studies investigating both toxic effects and beneficial effects of fluoride in varying doses.
3.1.1. Acute toxicity
The LD
for oral administration of sodium fluoride, sodiummonofluorophosphate and stannous fluoride
in rats was reported to be 31-101, 75-102 and 45.7 mg fluoride/kg body weight, respectively (ATSDR,
1993; IARC, 1982). The LD
for the same fluoride compounds in mice was found to be 44.3 and 58
mg fluoride/kg body weight, 54 and 94 mg fluoride/kg body weight and 25.5 and 31.2 mg fluoride/kg
body weight, respectively (IARC, 1982; Whitford, 1990).
Symptoms of acute oral exposure included salivation, lacrimation, vomiting, diarrhoea, respiratory
arrest and cardiac depression. Depending on the age of the animals nephrotoxic effects were observed.
Gastric mucosal changes following the administration of acutely toxic doses of sodium fluoride by
gavage to Holtzman rats (17.8 mg fluoride/kg body weight) occurred within 30 minutes of exposure and
showed signs of recovery after 48 hours (Easmann et al, 1985).
Fluoride 374
3.1.2. Short- and medium-term toxicity Short-term studies
In a 14-day study five weeks old male and female F344/N rats and B6C3F
mice received a low-fluoride
semisynthetic diet and drinking water ad libitum. Fluoride concentration in drinking water was zero,
22.5, 45, 90, 180 or 360 mg/L (as sodium fluoride). All rats on drinking water with a fluoride level of 360
mg/L died by day seven (male) and day ten (female). All rats receiving 180 or 360 mg/Lppm fluoride in
drinking water showed dehydration and lethargy and reduced water consumption. There were no gross
lesions seen on necropsy after 14 days.
Mice on the same regimen survived the 14-day study period except for two male animals in the highest
dose group. Weight losses occurred only in the highest dose group. There were no gross abnormalities
on necropsy (NTP, 1990).
Male Holtzman rats which received drinking water with a fluoride content of either 38 or 85.5 mg/L
during 21 days showed an increase in cortical and trabecular bone with the lower fluoride dose and an
inhibition of endosteal bone formation and reductions of cancelleous bone volume with the higher dose
(Turner et al, 1989). Uslu (1983) observed a delay in fracture healing and a reduced collagen synthesis
in male albino rats receiving 14 mg fluoride/kg body weight/day over 30 days.
Female Wistar rats administered fluoridated drinking water (113.5 or 136.2 mg fluoride/L) over five
weeks showed signs of reduced trabecular bone mineralisation, particularly if the feed was deficient in
calcium (Harrison et al, 1984).
An increase of dermatan sulphate and chondroitin-6-sulphate in the tibia of male Sprague-Dawley
rats which were dosed with 17.5 mg fluoride/kg body weight per day during one to two months was
observed (Prince and Navia, 1983). An increase in bone matrix formation (by 20%) was also observed
in male C57BL/6 mice receiving only 0.8 mg fluoride/kg body weight/day over a period of four weeks
(Marie and Hott, 1986).
Male Swiss mice administered orally 5.2 mg fluoride/kg body weight/day over 35 days were reported to
have reduced erythrocyte and lymphocyte numbers in blood and increases in monocytes, eosinophils and
basophils when compared to controls (Pillai et al, 1988). Medium-term studies
In a 90-day study with female Wistar rats which received drinking water with either 100 or 150 mg
fluoride/L vertebral bone quality, as measured by compression resistance related to ash content, was
reduced (Søgaard et al, 1995).
Whereas adult rats receiving drinking water with 16 mg fluoride/L over a period of 16 weeks showed
an increase in femoral bone bending strength (by 38%), there was a decrease (by 20%) in rats with
drinking water containing 64-128 mg fluoride/L for the same period (Turner et al, 1992).
In a six-month study male and female four to six-week old F344/N rats and B6C3F
mice on a low-
fluoride semisynthetic diet were administered water without fluoride or water containing 4.5, 13.5, 45
or 135 mg fluoride/L (rats) or 4.5, 22.5, 45, 90, 135 or 270 mg fluoride/L (mice). Body weight reduction
and dental fluorosis occurred in the high-dose animals. The fluoride content of bone increased in bone
in relation to fluoride content of drinking water.
Nine female mice in the high-fluoride (270 mg/L) group and one male in the 135 mg fluoride/L-group and
four males in the highest-fluoride dose group died. Histological changes were identified in the kidney,
liver, testes and myocardium of spontaneously dying mice. There was acute nephrosis with multifocal
degeneration and tubular necrosis. Multifocal myocardial degeneration and scattered accumulation of
mineral was seen. Livers showed sparse enlarged multinucleated cells. Changes indicative of altered
rates of bone deposition and remodelling were seen especially in the femur of nearly all mice receiving
water with and above 45 mg fluoride/L and in half of male mice receiving water with 22.5 mg fluoride/L
(NTP, 1990).
The administration of 13.6 mg fluoride/kg body weight/day in distilled water by gavage over ten
weeks in C57BL/6N mice increased T-cell mitogenesis (by 84%) and reduced B-cell activity (antibody
production, by 10%) (Sein, 1988). Antibody production was also inhibited in female rabbits which
received over 6-9 months 4.5 mg fluoride/kg body weight/day (Jain and Susheela, 1987b).
Fluoride was reported to affect negatively some endocrine organs, particularly the thyroid, in animal studies
(ATSDR, 2001). Rats administered 0.5 mg fluoride/kg/day via drinking water during two months showed
decreased thyroxine levels and an increased T
-resin uptake ratio (Bobek et al, 1976). However, when
three-months old iodine depleted Wistar rats were administered fluoride in drinking water (60 and 200 mg
fluoride/L) during a six-day repletion period with
I-labelled iodine, no antithyroid effect of fluoride was
observed. Neither organification of iodine nor any subsequent step of thyroid hormone biosynthesis were
affected. Fluoride had no effect on thyroglobulin content of the thyroid gland or on the degree of iodination
of thyroglobulin (Siebenhüner et al, 1984).
Male Kunmin mice divided into nine groups which received for 150 days drinking waters deficient,
normal or excessive (2.5 mg iodine/L and/or 30 mg fluoride/L) in iodine and fluoride showed goiter
induced by both iodine deficiency and iodine excess. Fluoride excess induced dental fluorosis and
increased fluoride content in bone. Fluoride excess also affected the thyroid changes due to both
iodine deficiency and excess, After 100 days the effect of excess fluoride on the thyroid (weight, colloid
goiter, T
and T
levels) was stimulatory in iodine deficiency and it was inhibitory in iodine excess, while
after 150 days of fluoride excess these changes reversed or were no longer influenced by fluoride.
Radioiodine uptake was inhibited by fluoride excess both in iodine deficiency and iodine sufficiency,
while no such effect of fluoride could be observed in iodine excess (Zhao et al, 1998).
3.1.3. Long-term toxicity Growth, survival, effects on bone and teeth and other organs
Several comprehensive studies of the carcinogenicity of sodium fluoride were conducted over a period
of two years in male and female F344/N rats, Sprague-Dawley rats and B6C3F
and CD-1 mice (NTP,
1990: Maurer et al, 1990; Maurer et al, 1993; NRC, 1993). Sodium fluoride was administered either in
drinking water ad libitum or in feed. The fluoride doses [mg /kg body weight/day] in rats were 0.1 and
0.2 (controls); 0.8; 1.8; 2.5 or 2.7; 4.1 or 4.5; 11.3; the fluoride doses in mice were 0.6 (control); 1.7 to
1.9; 4.5to 5.7; 8.1 or 9.1; and 11.3.
The administration of sodium fluoride, with the exception of the highest dose in rats, had no effect
on organ and body weights compared to controls in both rats and mice, no effect on feed and water
consumption and no effect on survival. White discoloration of teeth occurred in all groups to a certain
extent, but its incidence was higher and it occurred earlier in the highest dose groups (80-100% of
animals). Fluoride content of bone was age and dose related.
Rats which had received 4.5 or 11.3 mg fluoride/kg/day had an increased incidence of hyperostosis in the
skull and showed hyperkeratosis and acanthosis of the stomach mucosa when compared to the control
group with 0.1 mg fluoride/kg body weight/day.
Bone matrix synthesis and mineralisation was inhibited in male and female rats which received drinking
water with sodium fluoride in concentrations of 22.7 and 36.3 mg fluoride/L for 250 days (Quiu et al,
1987). Sprague-Dawley rats which had been administered drinking water with 50 mg fluoride/L during
18 months showed reduced femoral bone strength. Regression analysis indicated that older rats lost
36% of femoral bone strength when bone fluoride content increased from zero to 10,000 ppm (Turner
et al, 1995).
Rabbits which received daily single oral doses of 4.5 mg fluoride/kg body weight/day for six to 24
months showed in comparison to controls a multitude of changes in blood chemistry, composition of
bone, morphology of organs and signs of a disturbed collagen biosynthesis (Bhatnagar and Susheela,
1998; Jain and Susheela, 1987a, 1987b; Jha et al, 1982; Sharma and Susheela, 1988a; Sharma and
Susheela, 1988b; Sharma, 1982; Susheela and Das, 1988; Susheela and Jain, 1983; Susheela and
Kharb, 1990; Susheela and Sharma, 1982).
Alterations in trabecular and cortical bone remodelling (both resorptive and formative) were also
observed in growing pigs receiving 2 mg fluoride/kg body weight/day (as sodium fluoride) orally during
six months. The animals remained healthy and gained weight like control pigs. There was an increase
in bone density (by 17%) and in ash weight density (by 3%) of vertebral trabecular bone, however the
maximum compressive strength normalised for ash density was decreased (Kragstrup et al, 1989;
Mosekilde et al, 1987). Beagle dogs ingesting 0.32 mg fluoride/kg body weight/day from drinking
water over periods of six months remained healthy and showed increased trabecular bone remodelling
activity, but also evidence of disturbed bone cell differentiation (Snow and Anderson, 1986).
Fluoride 376 Carcinogenicity
In male F344/N rats receiving 0.2 (control), 0.8, 2.5 or 4.1 mg fluoride/kg body weight/day in
drinking water the incidence of osteosarcoma (three in the vertebra and one in the humerus) was
0/80 in the control group and 0/51, 1/50 and 3/80 in the low-, medium- and high-fluoride groups,
respectively. Another osteosarcoma of subcutaneous origin occurred in a fourth high-dose male rat.
No osteosarcomas were observed in female rats. The historical incidence of osteosarcomas in control
male rats from dosed feed or water studies was 10/2,106 (0.47%) and 37/6,131 (0.6%) in male control
rats from studies including all routes of administration. The four osteosarcomas of bone occurred
with a statistically significant dose-response trend by the logistic regression test (p=0.027). The pair
wise comparison of the incidence in the high-dose group versus that in controls was not statistically
significant (p=0.099) and remained so when the subcutaneous osteosarcoma was included (p=0.057).
Other types of tumours, namely squameous papillomas or squameous cell carcinomas of the oral
cavity, thyroid gland follicular cell tumours (adenomas and carcinomas) did not show differences in
incidence in relation to the fluoride intake (NTP, 1990).
A total of three osteosarcomas and one osteoma occurred in male and female B6C3F
mice receiving
0.6 (control), 1.7, 4.9 or 8.1 mg fluoride/kg body weight/day (male) and 0.6, 1.9, 5.7 and 9.1 mg fluoride/
kg body weight/day (female). An osteosarcoma occurred in one low-dose male mouse, in one low-
dose female mouse and one osteosarcoma and one osteoma were observed in female control mice.
No osteosarcoma occurred in the medium- or high-dose mice. The incidence of hepatic neoplasms
(adenoma, carcinoma, hepatoblastoma) was similar in male and female mice of control and fluoride
exposed groups. The incidence of malignant lymphoma in female mice was 11/80, 5/52, 11/50 and
19/80, respectively (NTP, 1990).
On the basis of these studies NTP concluded that there was “equivocal evidence of carcinogenic
activity of sodium fluoride in male F344/N rats”.
In the carcinogenicity study with Sprague-Dawley rats receiving 0.1, 1.8, 4.5 or 11.3 mg fluoride/kg/day
in their feed the incidence of bone tumours was 0/70, 0/58, 2/70 (one chordoma and one chondroma)
and 1/70 (fibroblastic sarcoma) in male rats and 0/70, 2/52 (one osteosarcoma and one chondroma),
0/70 and 0/70 in female rats. From this study fluoride was considered to be not carcinogenic for rats.
In contrast to the NTP (1990) study not all bones were investigated microscopically in this study. It
should be noted that the bone ash concentration of fluoride in the NTP study with the highest fluoride
dose administered was approximately one third of that observed in the study with Sprague-Dawley rats
(Maurer et al, 1990).
In a carcinogenicity bioassay with male and female CD-1 mice over a period of 95 and 97 weeks,
respectively, which were administered 1.8, 4.5 or 11.3 mg fluoride/kg body weight/day in the feed in
groups of 60 animals per gender and dose, the incidence of osteomas in male control and dosed mice
was 1/50, 0/42, 2/44 and 13/50, whereas it was 2/50, 4/42, 2/44 and 13/50 in female mice. These
animals were infected with a Type C retrovirus; moreover, there is controversy if these types of tumour
should be classified as neoplasms (Maurer et al, 1993; NRC, 1993). In this context it should be noted
that fluoride concentration in bone ash of the mice in the highest dose group of the NTP (1990) study
was less than 50% of the fluoride concentration measured in the highest dose group of this study
(NRC, 1993).
Overall, based on the results of the most adequate long-term carcinogenicity studies, there is equivocal
evidence of carcinogenicity in male rats and no evidence of carcinogenicity in mice.
3.1.4. Genotoxicity In vitro studies
In general fluoride is not mutagenic in prokaryotic cells. Sodium fluoride did not induce gene mutations
in Salmonella typhimurium at doses of 100 to 10,000 μg/plate in strains TA98, TA100, TA1535, TA 1537,
TA 1538 and TA1597 and when tested with and without Aroclor1254-induced male Sprague-Dawley rat
or Syrian hamster liver S9 (Martin et al, 1979; Haworth et al, 1983). However, fluoride is not taken up
significantly by strain TA98 cells (Ahn and Jeffery, 1994).
Both sodium and potassium fluoride (500-700 μg/mL) increased the frequency of mutations at the
thymidine kinase locus in cultured mouse lymphoma and human lymphoblastoid cells (Caspary et al,
1987; Cole et al, 1986; Crespi et al, 1990). At these fluoride levels in the medium growth and survival of
cells were also reduced. Sodium fluoride (200-500 μg/mL) did not increase the frequency of mutations
at the hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase locus in various cell systems exposed under
neutral or acidic conditions (Oberly et al, 1990; Slamenova et al, 1992; 1996).
The frequency of chromosomal aberrations in many in-vitro assays was increased following exposure
to sodium fluoride when compared to unexposed cells including human leukocytes, human peripheral
blood lymphocytes, human fibroblasts, human amnion cells, human lymphoid cells and human
keratinocytes (IPCS, 2002). The chromosomal aberrations consisted mostly of breaks/deletions and
gaps with very few exchanges. Below sodium fluoride concentrations of 10 mg/L (4.52 mg fluoride/L)
there were no significant increases in chromosome aberrations observed in human fibroblasts, Chinese
hamster ovary cells or human diploid lung cells nor in Chinese hamster lung cells at concentrations at
or below 500 mg/L (226 mg fluoride/L). The pattern observed was considered to be caused by effects
of fluoride upon the synthesis of proteins involved in DNA synthesis and/or repair (IPCS, 2002). An
increase in sister chromatid exchange (SCEs) was reported in Chinese hamster ovary cells at doses
of 66.7 and 75 mg sodium fluoride/L without S9 and at doses greater than 1200 mg/L with S9 when
harvesting time was extended (NTP, 1990).
Both negative and positive results on cytogenetic changes - mostly chromosomal aberrations - have been
reported with sodium monofluorophosphate in human lymphocytes and leukocytes (Zeiger et al, 1993). In vivo studies
Positive genotoxicity findings occurred at doses which were highly toxic to cells and whole animals
while lower doses were generally negative for genotoxicity.
Increases in the occurrence of chromosome aberrations were reported in Swiss mice bone marrow
cells following acute oral, intraperitoneal or subcutaneous exposure to sodium fluoride (4.5-18 mg
fluoride/kg body weight), with an increase in micronuclei after intraperitoneal administration only (Pati
and Bunya, 1987). In other studies with Swiss Webster mice from colonies with oral exposure to sodium
fluoride via water (50 mg fluoride/L) or feed (up to 50 mg fluoride/kg) for at least seven generations no
difference in the occurrence of chromosome aberrations in bone marrow or testis cells was observed
in comparison to animals from colonies maintained at low fluoride exposure (<0.05 mg/kg or L in feed
or water) (Kram et al, 1978; Martin et al, 1979) and no change in SCEs occurrence was seen in bone
marrow cells from mouse or Chinese hamster orally exposed to sodium fluoride (Kram et al, 1978) or
from Chinese hamsters orally exposed during 21 weeks to sodium fluoride in drinking water (1, 10, 50
or 75 mg/L) (Li et al, 1989).
Chromosome aberrations were induced in a dose-dependent manner in spermatocytes from BALB/c
mice given drinking water with 0, 1, 5, 10, 50, 100 or 200 mg fluoride/L for 3-6 weeks in the highest
exposed animals (Mohamed and Chandler, 1982). Swiss Webster mice, on the contrary, who received
fluoride in drinking water (1-100 mg/L) for six months or were maintained for several generations on
drinking water with 50 mg fluoride/L did not develop chromosomal aberrations in mitotic or meiotic
cells of testes (Martin et al, 1979).
Sprague-Dawley rats which were fed either a normal diet low in fluoride (<0.12 mg/kg) or the same diet
deficient in calcium (0.25 and 0.125%) or a low-fluoride diet containing 20% or 10% of protein or the
20%-protein diet in restricted amounts (deficiency in total nutrient and energy intake) over 48 weeks
and which were further divided into groups administered deionised water with no fluoride added or with
fluoride concentrations of 5, 15 or 50 mg/L did not demonstrate changes in the occurrence of SCEs in
bone marrow cells that could be attributed to fluoride. Malnourished energy-restricted rats showed an
increase in SCE frequency compared to sufficiently nourished rats irrespective of the fluoride content
of their drinking water (Dunipace et al, 1998).
Sperm head morphologic abnormalities increased in Swiss mice which received doses of 10-40
mg sodium fluoride/kg body weight intraperitoneally over five days and were sampled 35 days later
(Pati and Bhunya, 1987). No morphological abnormalities of sperm and no increase in the frequency
of micronuclei occurrence were observed in mice which drank fluoridated water (up to 75 mg/L
corresponding to 23 mg fluoride/kg body weight) during 21 weeks (Dunipace et al, 1989) or were given
fluoride up to 32 mg/kg by gavage over five days and killed after a further 30 days (Li et al, 1987).
In summary, fluoride was unable to induce gene mutations in bacterial cells and in Chinese hamster
cells. It was positive in the mouse lymphoma in vitro assay and in several cultured mammalian cells
Fluoride 378
at chromosome level only at cytotoxic concentrations, probably by indirect mechanisms (e.g. effects
on DNA synthesis/repair). Conflicting results were reported on the in vivo induction of chromosomal
damage at highly toxic concentrations.
3.1.5. Reproductive toxicity
In a multigeneration study female Swiss Webster mice received a low-fluoride diet and drinking water
with either zero, 50, 100 or 200 mg fluoride/L. Litter production, infertility proportions, age at delivery
of first litter, time interval between litters and frequency of conception were comparable in the control
group and in mice receiving water with up to 50 mg fluoride/L. At higher doses maternal toxicity and
decreased reproduction were observed (Messer et al, 1973). However, the feed in this study was
marginal in iron content. Reproduction rate, litter size and weight were comparable in female Webster
mice administered diets with less than 0.5 or 2 or 100 mg fluoride/kg for up to three generations (Tao
and Suttie, 1976). However, mice which were administered 5.2 mg fluoride/kg body weight/day on
days 6-15 after mating showed no signs of pregnancy or of implantation of embryos within the uterus
(Pillai et al, 1989). Reductions in fertility have been observed in male mice administered 4.5 mg fluoride/
kg body weight/day and in male rabbits given 9.1 or 18.1 mg fluoride/kg body weight per day over 30
days (Chinoy et al, 1991; Chinoy and Sharma, 1998).
Sperm motility and viability were reduced in both rats and mice after 30 days of oral administration of
4.5 or 9 mg fluoride/kg body weight/day, resulting in loss of fertility (Chinoy et al, 1995; Chinoy and
Sharma, 1998). Reversible histopathological and biochemical changes were observed in the testes
of male mice administered 4.5 or 9 mg fluoride/kg body weight/day orally for 30 days (Chinoy and
Sequeira, 1989a and b) and in the testes of male rabbits after the administration of 4.5 mg fluoride/kg
body weight/day over 18-29 months (Susheela and Kumar, 1991).
Serum testosterone was found to increase in rats after drinking water with a fluoride content of 45 and 90
mg/L for two weeks. Thereafter, levels decreased and were not different from controls (0.3 mg/L) after six
weeks (Zhao et al, 1995). In rats which had received drinking water with either zero, 11.3, 45.2, 79.1 or
90.4 mg fluoride/L for 14 weeks no effects were observed on sperm count, testes weight, histopathology
of testes, serum testosterone, luteinising hormone and follicle stimulating hormone nor in the F
exposed in utero and after birth to fluoride (Sprando et al, 1997 and 1998).
No adverse effects on foetal development were found in Charles River rats when the dams ingested
about 25 mg fluoride/kg body weight/day from drinking water on days 0-20 of gestation, despite signs
of maternal toxicity (decreased fluid and feed consumption and reduced body weight) (Collins et al,
1995). Foetal development was not impaired when pregnant CD rats and New Zealand White rabbits
were administered approximately 13.2 and 13.7 mg fluoride/kg body weight/day from both feed and
water during days 6 through 15 and 6 through 19 of gestation, respectively. The NOAEL for maternal
toxicity from fluoride in drinking water was 8.1 mg/kg/day for both rats and rabbits. The NOAEL for
developmental toxicity from fluoride in drinking water administered during organogenesis was 12.2 and
13.1 mg/kg body weight/day for rats and rabbits, respectively (Heindel et al, 1996).
3.1.6. Interactions
In a study with male Sprague-Dawley rats lasting 48 weeks with half of the animals of each study group
killed after 16 weeks the effects of nutritionally deficient diets (calcium, or protein or energy and total
nutrients) on the manifestation of toxic fluoride effects outside the skeleton were investigated. All diets
were low in fluoride (<0.12 mg/kg). The fluoride content of the drinking water was varied between zero,
5, 15 and 50 mg/L as sodium fluoride, to achieve plasma levels of fluoride comparable to humans with
drinking water with fluoride contents of 1, 3 and 10 mg/L. There were 16-20 animals per group.
Average faecal fluoride excretion decreased with decreasing calcium content of the diet. Calcium
deficient rats excreted more fluoride in their urine and calcium deficient rats retained significantly
more fluoride (plasma, kidney, liver, femur, vertebra) when exposed to water containing 15 or 50 mg
fluoride/L. On a body weight basis malnourished rats consumed and retained significantly more fluoride
than rats fed ad libitum in proportion to fluoride intake. Fluoride bioavailability was influenced by diet:
absorption was 92-94%, 76-78% and 58-64% with a calcium content of 0.125%, 0.25% and 0.5%,
respectively. The protein content of the diet did not influence the percentage of fluoride absorbed (44-
56%). Absorption in the malnourished rats was 73% of fluoride intake. The results of this study confirm
the suggestion that nutritional deficiencies have an effect on both the metabolism of fluoride and on
resulting tissue fluoride levels (Dunipace et al, 1998).
3.2. Human toxicity
3.2.1. Acute toxicity
Acute high oral exposure to fluoride may lead to nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhoea,
drowsiness, headaches, polyuria and polydipsia, coma, convulsions cardiac arrest and death. Most
cases resulted from accidental or suicidal ingestion of fluoride containing insecticides or dental
products. Some occurred in consequence to improperly fluoridated drinking water.
The lethal dose for humans is reported to be 40-80 mg/kg bodyweight or 5-10 g of sodium fluoride.
One thirteen month-old boy died from cardiac arrest within five hours after ingestion of fluoride with
severe hypocalcaemia (Boink et al, 1994). One three-year old child died who had swallowed sodium
fluoride tablets amounting to 16 mg fluoride/kg bodyweight (Eichler et al, 1982).
The minimum acute dose leading to gastrointestinal effects was described to be 0.4 to 5 mg/kg body
weight (Eichler et al, 1982; Whitford, 1996). The acute toxicity dose is lower for the more soluble salts
of fluorine, which may be present in dental care products. The gastrointestinal effects arise from the
action of hydrofluoric acid which is produced from fluoride salts in the stomach (Spak et al, 1990).
Augenstein et al (1991) reported on 87 cases of fluoride ingestion in children below the age of 12 years.
Sixty-seven of these had ingested sodium fluoride tablets, fourteen fluoride containing drops, solutions
or mouth rinses. Thirty percent of the children became symptomatic, most of them within one hour after
ingestion, all of them within six hours. Eight children from 36 with a fluoride intake below 1 mg/kg body
weight, 50% with an intake between 3 and 4 mg/kg and 100% with intakes above 4 mg/kg developed
Several incidences of fluoride poisoning caused by accidentally overfluoridation of public water
systems have been reported. In one incidence 200 pupils and 12 adults became ill with nausea and
vomiting within minutes after ingestion of orange juice with a fluoride concentration of 270 mg/L
(Infante, 1974).
Eight patients with renal insufficiency were dialysed with accidentally over fluoridated water (dose of
1 g fluoride) and became symptomatic because of virtually absent renal elimination of fluoride. One
patient died from cardiac arrest. Postmortal fluoride concentration in blood was 4.9 mg/L (McIvor et
al, 1983; Waldbott, 1981).
3.2.2. Chronic toxicity Epidemiological studies Skeletal fluorosis
Skeletal fluorosis may arise from long-term excessive exposure to fluoride both by oral ingestion and
by inhalation. In the preclinical stage of fluorosis the patient may be asymptomatic and only have
an increase in bone density on radiography. With increasing fluoride incorporation into bone clinical
stage I and II with pain and stiffness of joints, osteosclerosis of both cortical and cancelleous bone,
osteophytes and calcification of ligaments develop. Crippling skeletal fluorosis (clinical stage III) may be
associated with movement restriction of joints, skeletal deformities, severe calcification of ligaments,
muscle wasting and neurological symptoms. All stages are accompanied by disturbed or deficient
mineralisation of the bone, and osteomalacia may be present, particularly when calcium intake is
insufficient. Crippling fluorosis is rare in non-tropical countries without occupational exposure to high
airborne fluoride concentrations. A fluoride intake of at least 15-20 mg/day for periods of 20 years has
been reported from epidemiological studies in these patients, via consumption of drinking water high
in fluoride (>4 mg/L). Only five cases of crippling fluorosis have been reported in the USA during the
last 40 years (NRC, 1993). One patient with a fluoride intake of 50 mg/day through drinking water with
25 mg fluoride/L over six years was reported from Canada (Boyle and Chagnon, 1995). Patients with
renal insufficiency have an increased risk of developing skeletal fluorosis.
Parallel to higher fluoride concentrations in water and food the prevalence of skeletal fluorosis in the
population increases (Liang et al, 1997; Xu et al, 1997). At fluoride concentrations in water of 4 mg/L and
higher, and a daily total fluoride intake of more than 14.0 mg/day, the prevalence of skeletal fluorosis in
individuals with normal nutritional intake was 44%, and in individuals with deficient nutrition 69% and was
associated with an even higher rate of dental fluorosis (88.3 and 95.0%, respectively) (Liang et al, 1997).
Skeletal fluorosis of stage I to III was associated with dental fluorosis in nine patients aged between 17
Fluoride 380
and 30 years living in Indian communities with fluoride concentrations of the drinking water of 8.1 to 8.6
mg/L (Jha et al, 1982).
In the preclinical stage of skeletal fluorosis the fluoride concentration in bone ash is 3500-5500 mg/kg. In
clinical stage I the fluoride content in bone ash is usually between 6000 and 7000 mg/kg; in stages II and
III it exceeds 7500-8000 mg/kg (Hodge and Smith, 1977). Skeletal fluorosis, especially of trabecular bone,
may be reversible to a certain degree when fluoride exposure is ended and fluoride balance becomes
negative, dependent on the extent of bone remodelling (Grandjean and Thomsen, 1983).
Symptomatic skeletal fluorosis was chosen by the FNB (1997) as the critical endpoint for fluoride
toxicity. The data base consisted of radiographic studies performed in children and adults in the
1950s and a study on bone mass measured by single photon absorptiometry in women. The results in
communities with different fluoride concentrations in their drinking water were compared. The relevant
studies are briefly described below.
McCauley and McClure (1954) found no differences in calcification of carpal bones of 2050 children
7 to 14 years of age living in Cumberland (Maryland) with a fluoride content of the drinking water of
0.12 mg/L (n=769), in Amarillo (Texas) with water fluoride of 3.3-6.2 mg/L (n=591) or in Lubbock (Texas)
with water fluoride of 3.5-4.4 mg/L (n= 690). In the two high-fluoride communities enamel fluorosis
(from very mild and worse, according to Dean, see Annex 2) occurred in 90.3 and 97.8% of children,
Schlesinger et al (1956) reported radiographic findings from 1528 children first investigated at age 0-9
years in 1943 and from 905 of these children re-investigated in 1954/55. Children were either living in
Newburgh with water fluoridation (1.2 mg/L) since 1940 or in Kingston with fluoride-”free” water. No
differences in bone density and bone maturation were found.
A 10-year radiographic follow-up study of residents (>15 years; mean 38.2 and 36.7 years) was started
in 1943 in two communities: Bartlett with water naturally containing 7.6-8 mg fluoride/L (n=116) and
Cameron where water contained 0.4 mg fluoride/L (n=121). Apart from a higher incidence of dental
fluorosis, coarse trabeculation of bone (5.4%), hypertrophic bone changes (10.8%) and fractures (15%)
were more frequent in Bartlett than in Cameron (2.5%, 7.4%, 7.6%, respectively). However, these
differences were statistically not significant. The authors concluded that roentgenographic evidence of
bone changes can be produced by excessive fluoride in water, but in “only a select few (10 to 15% of
those exposed)”. These skeletal changes were not associated with other physical findings, even though
the fluoride content in bone could be six times “normal” (Leone et al, 1954 and 1955).
Stevenson and Watson (1957) reviewed 170 000 roentgenographs obtained in one hospital between
1943 and 1953 and identified 23 cases of osteosclerosis. These cases were life-long residents (aged
44-85 years) in areas with a fluoride content of the drinking water of >4 to 8 mg/L. However, even
severe roentgenographic changes were not accompanied by clinical symptoms.
Sowers et al (1986) investigated bone mass at mid-radius by single-photon absorptiometry and fracture
rate in 827 women (age 20-80 years) from three communities with either water naturally high in fluoride
(4 mg/L) or with fluoridated water (1 mg/L). They found a non-significant lower bone mass in participants
older than 55 years from the high-fluoride community and an increased fracture incidence (p=0.0001).
Estimated mean fluoride content from water was 5±2.1 mg/day in the high-fluoride community.
On the basis of these studies FNB (1997) identified a fluoride intake of 10 mg/day as likely not to cause
skeletal fluorosis and therefore as NOAEL for North America. An uncertainty factor of 1 was chosen to
define the UL, because the NOAEL was based on human studies and because the observed skeletal
changes were non-symptomatic. Dental fluorosis
Dental fluorosis is caused by excessive fluoride incorporation into dental enamel before eruption of
teeth. Susceptibility to dental fluorosis ends around the age of eight years, when enamel maturation of
permanent teeth is completed except for the third molars (see Annex 1 for timetable of dentition). Dental
fluorosis is the result of hypomineralisation of the developing tooth with a disturbance of the normal loss
of early-secreted matrix proteins and their excessive retention in the developing enamel in the presence
of high fluoride concentrations. The most sensitive period for this adverse effect of fluoride is the pre-
eruptive maturation stage of enamel development. For the maxillar central incisors, for example, the
most critical phase of exposure to fluoride in drinking water was found to start at the age of 22 months
and to last for about four months thereafter (Evans and Stamm, 1991). Hypomineralisation of both the
surface and subsurface of the enamel means greater porosity. Increased porosity of the enamel makes
it more vulnerable to mechanical stress and more accessible to fluoride. Therefore, fluorotic teeth have
higher fluoride contents than normal teeth. The staining of fluorotic teeth in the more severe forms of
dental fluorosis develops after tooth eruption. In general human dental fluorosis is more severe in teeth
that mineralise later in life than in those mineralising early, and, therefore, it is primarily a condition of
permanent teeth and in these increases in severity from the anterior to the posterior teeth (Thylstrup
and Fejerskov, 1978). Extensive fluorosis of primary teeth, however, can be observed in areas of the
world with high fluoride exposure through e.g. water (Thylstrup, 1978).
Dental fluorosis can be difficult to discriminate from other conditions in which amelogenesis in humans
can be disturbed, such as calcium deficiency and generalised malnutrition. The likelihood of dental
fluorosis increases in disorders of acid-base balance with reduction of the renal clearance of fluoride.
Milder forms of dental fluorosis, characterised by white spots and opaque striations on the surface of
teeth are a cosmetic effect and do not impair function. On the contrary, it is associated with increased
resistance against caries. Different classification or scoring systems have been developed for dental
fluorosis. Three of the most commonly used systems are set out in Annex 2.
The scores from Deans index are based on the two worst-affected teeth in the mouth and are derived
from inspection of the non-dried whole tooth. Deans index has been criticised for low sensitivity at both
ends of the scale. Its category “severe” cannot, for example, discriminate between the scores 5 to 9 of the
Thylstrup-Fejerskov (TF) index (see below). Dean, using his scoring system, had recorded the occurrence of
dental fluorosis in a population as the community index to permit comparison between different populations.
This index is calculated as the sum of individual scores in an individual divided by the number of individuals
examined. A community fluorosis index of 0.6 in a population was judged to represent a threshold for dental
fluorosis as of public health significance. Community indices of 0.6 were observed in communities with
fluoride contents of the drinking water between 1.6 and 1.8 mg/L (Dean, 1934; Dean et al, 1941 and 1942).
Per every increase in fluoride intake of 0.01 mg/kg body weight per day an increase in Dean’s fluorosis
community index by 0.2 has been predicted (Fejerskov et al, 1996a).
The Thylstrup-Fejerskov (TF) index (Thylstrup and Fejerskov, 1978) with a 10-point scale on inspection
of dried teeth is more sensitive both at low and high grade fluorosis compared with the Dean scale. It
corresponds well with the fluoride content of enamel, except for the first three categories. It has been
proposed that the prevalence and severity of dental fluorosis in a population should be presented as a
cumulative distribution of severity of scores (ordinate percent of population, abscissa percent of teeth
involved per person) (Fejerskov et al, 1996b).
The Tooth Surface Index of Fluorosis (TSIF) (Horowitz et al, 1984) determines a score on a seven-
point scale to each unrestored surface of each non-dried tooth and also provides greater sensitivity
than Dean’s index. It has been criticised by including staining as a criterium, which is a post-eruptive
phenomenon and dependent on a person’s dietary and hygiene habits as well as on the degree of
enamel porosity.
The application of the above scoring systems leads to results which are not directly comparable. Some
investigators tend to modify them further, therefore, the evaluation of studies on the prevalence and
severity of dental fluorosis in populations must take account of the chosen methodology.
The development of enamel fluorosis is dose dependent, irrespective of which scoring system is
applied (Horowitz et al, 1984; Fejerskov et al, 1996a; McDonagh et al, 2000). Even at low fluoride
intakes from water, there will be a certain incidence of dental fluorosis.
From investigations in the 1930s and 1940s on the relationship between fluoride content of drinking
water, dental fluorosis and caries occurrence, the dose dependency of occurrence and severity of
dental fluorosis was already apparent: fluorosis classified as “moderate to severe” according to Dean
appeared at fluoride concentrations in water of 1.9 mg/L (prevalence 2%) and increased in frequency
with increasing fluoride content (2.2-2.6 mg/L: 10%; 3.9-4 mg/L: 40%; 4.4 mg/L and higher: >60%).
In communities with a fluoride content in the water of 7.6 mg/L prevalence of fluorosis was 100%,
28% “very mild/mild” and 72% “moderate/severe”. From the same investigation it appeared that the
reduction in dental caries of children was nearly maximal in communities with a fluoride content of the
water supply of 1 mg/L (Dean, 1942; Dean et al, 1941 and 1942).
Fluoride 382
The results of an investigation of 4429 children aged 12 to 14 years from cities with different fluoride
contents of drinking water are shown in Table 3. At the time of these examinations fluoride sources
were water and food only. Looking at the prevalence of caries in these children it must be born in mind,
that there has been a significant decline in caries incidence starting in the 1970s.
To achieve a balance between the water fluoride content that provided best prevention of caries and
minimum occurrence of meaningful fluorosis (“mild/very mild” or worse) an “optimal” fluoride content
in the water of 0.7-1.2 mg/L (depending on the mean temperature of the region) was established.
Consumption of water with an “optimal” fluoride content as the only source of dietary fluoride amounts
to an intake of 0.4 to 1.7 mg fluoride/day in children between one and twelve years of age. On a body
weight basis this is about 0.05 mg/kg/day. Later research confirmed that dental fluorosis of the three
lowest categories of the TF index occurs even with fluoride intakes of 0.03-0.04 mg/kg/day. Fluorotic
enamel of these three TF categories has a normal fluoride content.
Table 3. Incidence and distribution of dental fluorosis in 4429 children aged 12-14 years examined
from 13 cities in relation to fluoride content of drinking water (Dean et al, 1942)
Fluoride content of drinking water (mg/L)
≤ 0.2 0.3-0.4 0.6 0.9-1.2 1.9 2.5
Number examined 2142 717 614 275 273 404
Nº fluorosis [n (%)]
Normal (0) 1912 (89.3) 533 (74) 444 (72) 121 (44) 69 (25) 26 (6.4)
211 (9.9) 158 (22) 130 (21) 91 (33) 74 (27) 80 (19.8)
Fluorosis [n (%)]
(0.9) (3.6) (6.5) (23) (48) (72)
Very mild (1) 19 (0.9) 24 (3.3) 38 (6.2) 58 (21) 110 (40) 170 (42)
Mild (2) 0 2 (0.3) 2 (0.3) 5 (1.8) 17 (6.2) 86 (21)
Moderate (3) 0 0 0 0 3 (1.1) 36 (8.9)
Severe (4) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Caries in rst molars
88% 77% 61% 52% 41% 40%
In the following Table 4 the results of a cross-sectional survey performed 1980 in Illinois in seven
communities with similar demographic characteristics on the incidence and severity of dental fluorosis
assessed with both Dean’s scoring system and the TSIF in 807 children aged eight to 16 years are
presented. The study population was grouped according to the fluoride content of the drinking water
which had been used throughout their lives into four groups: “optimal” and two-, three- or four-times
“optimal” (1, 2, 3 and 4 mg fluoride /L) (Horowitz et al, 1984).
A total prevalence of fluorosis (“very mild and worse according to Dean) of 48% (95% CI:
40% to 57%) at a water fluoride concentration of 1 mg/L has been estimated in a recent meta-
analysis. The prevalence of fluorosis of aesthetic concern (“mild or worse, according to Deans
classification; TSIF two or more; TF three or more) was 12.5% (95% CI 7% to 21.5%) (McDonagh
et al, 2000). Sixt-nine per cent of 197 children between the ages of 7 and 11 years who had
lived mostly in communities with fluoridated drinking water, demonstrated dental fluorosis, which
was very mild” according to the modified Dean’s Index in 39% and moderate to severe in
13%. While there was no association between their history of total fluoride exposure and dental
fluorosis, there was a significant association with the use of fluoride supplements below the age
of three years (Morgan et al, 1998).
Only 3% of six to 10-year old children (n=1249) in Germany in a region with less than 0.3 mg fluoride/L
in drinking water were found to have dental fluorosis and 8.9% of 10 to 16-year old children (n=1298)
living in areas with a fluoride concentration in the drinking water up to 1 mg/L. The fluorosis community
index in these latter children was <0.35. The distribution of TF indices in the 6-10 years old children was
as follows: TF1 1.2-1.5%; TF2 0.2-0.8%; TF3 0.6-1.2%; TF4 0-0.2%; TF5-9 0-0.3%. In the 10-16 years
old the distribution was: TF1 2.8-3.4%; TF2 3.3-4.6%; TF3 1.1-1.9%; TF4 0.2-0.5%; TF5-9 zero. Data
on the total fluoride intake of these children are not available (Hetzer, 1999; Hetzer et al, 1997).
Table 4. Incidence and percentage distribution of severity of dental fluorosis assessed both with
the TSIF and Deans index and mean DMF surface scores for dental caries in 807 children aged 8-16
years in relation to the fluoride content of drinking water (Driscoll et al, 1983; Horowitz et al, 1984)
Percentage distribution of TSIF scores
Mean DMF
surface scores (n)
fluoride level
n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
optimal 336 84.5 12.4 2.0 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.14
2 x optimal 143 58.1 28.4 7.6 5.6 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 1.97
3 x optimal 192 50.4 25.7 13.2 9.3 0.4 0.8 0.0 0.2 1.41
4 x optimal 136 31.9 27.0 17.1 20.5 0.4 2.1 0.1 0.8 2.02
Percentage distribution of Deans score
Normal Questionable Very mild Mild Moderate Severe
n 0 0.5 1 2 3 4
optimal 336 56.0 29.5 7.4 4.8 1.8 0.6
2 x optimal 143 18.2 28.7 23.1 16.8 8.4 4.9
3 x optimal 192 22.9 26.0 15.1 19.8 7.8 8.3
4 x optimal 136 12.5 15.4 16.9 25.0 7.4 22.8
For total daily fluoride intakes of 1.7, 3.5 and 14.8 mg/day in well nourished subjects an incidence of dental
fluorosis of 6.4, 10.5 and 88.3% was reported in China, whereas for intakes of 1.2, 2.6 and 15.3 mg fluoride/
day in malnourished subjects the incidence was 4.8, 24.8 and 95%, respectively (Liang et al, 1997).
While the intake of fluoride from water can be estimated with some certainty, e.g., by a formula which
includes the variables body weight and average maximum air temperature (water intake [L/kg body
weight]= 0.0025+0.0004xmean maximum temperature[
F] (Galagan et al, 1957), an estimation of
fluoride intake from other sources is prone to the influence of a wide variety in individual habits (see
Section 2.3.2). If the fluoride intake from water from Dean’s data (Dean, 1942; Dean et al, 1941; 1942)
is calculated with the above formula on a body weight basis, it appears that an intake of 0.02 mg
fluoride/kg/day is associated with a prevalence of dental fluorosis of 40-50% and of 15-25%, when the
category “questionable” is excluded. The community index value at that intake is 0.3-0.4. The findings
of Dean on the linear relationship between fluoride content of drinking water and the prevalence of
dental fluorosis and/or the fluorosis community index were confirmed by two large studies performed
in the USA 25 and 40 years later (Richards et al, 1967; Butler et al, 1985) and no upward shift of the
dose-response curve was observed over that period (Fejerskov et al, 1996a).
Similar dose-response relationships have been demonstrated between the fluoride intake from
fluoride tablets and dental fluorosis. Fejerskov et al (1996a) compared the prevalence of dental
fluorosis, classified according to Dean, in American and Swedish children, who either lived in
areas with fluoridated water (1-1.2 mg/L) or received fluoride tablets (Aasenden and Peebles,
1974; Granath et al, 1985). While the prevalence was similar in the two groups of children
receiving fluoridated water (total 63-67%; questionable plus very mild 30-31%; mild 8-9%;
moderate 2-4%; severe zero), there was a significant difference in prevalence and severity of
dental fluorosis between the American and Swedish children who had taken fluoride tablets.
The total prevalence in the USA was 84% (questionable 16%; very mild 34%; mild 19%; moderate
14%) and it was 29% in Sweden (questionable 4%; very mild 14%; mild 10%; moderate zero). This
difference is explained by the differing dosage regimes: USA 0.5 mg fluoride beginning from birth to 4
months of age until the age of three years and followed by 1 mg/day until the age of six years; Sweden
0.25 mg fluoride from 6 to 18 months and followed by 0.5 mg/ day until the age of six years. On a body
weight basis American children received twice as much fluoride in tablet form at ages 6 to 12 months
and at ages 3 to 6 years than Swedish children. Moreover, there were methodological differences in
Fluoride 384
assessment: in Sweden only incisors were recorded, whereas in the USA group the recordings were
occasionally based on erupted premolars, which tend to be more severely affected than incisors.
There is no reason to suppose that fluoride available from food, including fluoridated salt and beverages,
and from toothpaste has a different effect on maturing enamel than fluoride from water and tablets,
although no investigations of this relationship have been available to the Panel.
Also apparent from the studies is the fact that there is no real threshold value for a fluoride intake which is
not associated with the occurrence of dental fluorosis in the population.
In summary persons living permanently in communities with water fluoride concentrations of about
1 mg/L had in 10% to 12% mild forms of enamel fluorosis. The fluoride intake of children in these
communities was calculated to be 0.02 to 0.1 mg/kg/day. At a fluoride intake from water of 0.08-0.1
mg/kg/day moderate (or worse) fluorosis was recorded in less than 5% of children (Dean, 1942). Very
mild and mild forms of dental fluorosis occurred in 48% of children with a calculated fluoride intake
from water of 0.043 mg/kg/day (Fejerskov et al, 1996a). Bone mineral density and fractures
All studies on the relationship between fluoride in drinking water and bone density or risk of bone
fracture suffer from imprecise exposure assessment.
Four studies included in a meta-analysis of 18 ecological, cross-sectional and cohort studies on
water fluoridation/natural fluoride content of water (up to 4-5 mg/L) and bone fractures reported a
significant increase in bone mass with increasing fluoride intake in lumbar spine, a positive change in
the femoral neck which was not significant and a negative change for the distal radius, which also was
not significant. In this meta-analysis no effect on fracture incidence could be demonstrated (RR=1.02,
95% CI = 0.06-1.09) (Jones et al, 1999).
Kröger et al (1994) investigated 3222 perimenopausal women for bone density of the spine and found it
to be 1% higher in 969 women who had lived for more than ten years in an area with fluoridated water
(1.0-1.2 mg/L) than in 2253 women who had used drinking water with less than 0.3 mg fluoride /L, while
there was no difference for the bone mineral density of the femoral neck. There was also no difference
in self-reported incidence of fractures.
Seven thousand one hundred twenty nine postmenopausal women were investigated for bone density
by Phipps et al (2000). Women who had lived for more than 20 years in an area with fluoridated water
showed 2% higher density in the lumbar spine and femur than women living in an unfluoridated
community, but their radius bone density was lower. In this study the risk of incident fracture of the hip
and spine was significantly lower among those exposed to fluoridated drinking water than in those not
exposed. While there was no difference in risk for fracture of the humerus, the risk for fractures of the
wrist was increased for those exposed to fluoridated water.
Karagas et al (1996) found no significant difference in risk for hip and ankle fracture in men and women
between 65 and 90 years living either in an area with fluoridated water (0.7 mg fluoride/L) or in a non-
fluoridated area (0.3 mg fluoride/L). In men the relative rates of fractures of the proximal humerus
and distal forearm were significantly increased (by 23% and 16%, respectively), in the fluoridated area
A comparison between a community with drinking water containing 4 mg fluoride/L with two control
communities with 1 mg fluoride/L in the water showed that the relative risk of hip, wrist or vertebral fracture
was 2.2 (95% CI=1.07-4.69) in women 55-80 years of age. The fluoride intake from beverages only in the
high-fluoride community was estimated to be 72 μg/kg body weight/day (Sowers et al, 1986).
In a retrospective cohort study involving 144,627 elderly persons who had lived at least 13 years in villages
outside the public Finnish water system with fluoride concentrations in well water ranging from less than
0.05 mg/L up to 2.4 mg/L no associations between hip fractures in men or women of all ages and water
fluoride content was found. However, in women between the age of 50 and 65 years at the start of the
follow-up the relative risk for hip fracture increased with increasing well water fluoride concentrations
in comparison with a fluoride concentration of 0.1 mg fluoride/L. This relationship was significant for
fluoride concentrations of >1.5 mg/L (RR 2.09; 95% CI=1.16-3.76; p<0.05) (Kurttio et al, 1999).
When fluoride levels in toenails (<2.0, 2-3.35, 3.36-5.5 and >5.5 mg fluoride/kg) collected between 1982
and 1984 were used as markers for chronic fluoride exposure in a case-control study involving 62,641
healthy nurses (53 cases of hip fracture, 188 cases of forearm fracture, 241 matched controls in 1988)
a non-significant increase of the risk for forearm fracture (adjusted odds ratio 1.5; 95% CI=0.9-2.7) and
a non-significant decreased risk for hip fracture (odds ratio 0.5; 95% CI=0.2-1.5) were calculated for
the three highest quartiles of fluoride (Feskanich et al, 1998).
Risk factors for fractures were determined in a 5-year prospective follow-up study in 3216 men and
women above the age of 65 years and related to fluoride exposure from drinking water supply during
ten years. For hip fractures a higher risk could be determined with drinking water fluoride levels of 0.11-
0.25 mg/L (odds ratio 3.2) and >0.25 mg/L (odds ratio 2.4) in comparison with fluoride concentrations
below 0.11 mg/L. However, no increased risk was estimated for exposure to water with >0.7 or >1.0
mg fluoride/L (odds ratio 0.77; 95% CI=0.37-1.62; odds ratio 0.89; 95% CI=0.21-3.72, respectively)
(Jacqmin-Gadda et al, 1998).
No relationship between naturally occurring fluoride in drinking water on fractures of the hip could be
demonstrated in a population-based case-control study in the United Kingdom. The contribution of
drinking water to total fluoride intake in that study was small and probably less than one-third (Hillier
et al, 2000).
Li et al (2001) studied the relationship between hip fracture and other fractures and exposure to fluoride
from drinking water in 8266 Chinese men and women from six villages with different fluoride content
in water (0.25-0.34, 0.58-0.73, 1.00-1.06, 1.45-2.19, 2.62-3.56, 4.32-7.97 mg/L). Fluoride intake from
drinking water was estimated to be the main source of fluoride intake and to be on average 0.73, 1.62,
3.37, 6.54, 7.85 and 14.1 mg/day. The subjects of the study had lived in the same village for more than
25 years and were more than 50 years old when studied. The odds ratios (OR) for all fractures for the
different fluoride exposure levels were:
p Value
(relative to the intake of 3.37 mg/day)
0.73 1.50 0.01
1.62 1.25 0.17
3.37 1.0 -
6.54 1.17 0.33
7.85 1.18 0.35
14.1 1.47 0.01
The difference was significant (p=0.01) for fluoride exposure at the lowest and at the highest level
(0.73 and 14.13 mg/day) compared with a fluoride exposure of 3.37 mg/day in the village with a
fluoride content of the water of 1.00-1.06 mg/L. For fractures of the hip the increase in prevalence
with increasing fluoride exposure was significant only for the highest exposure group (14.13 mg/day;
OR 3.26; p=0.02) compared to exposure to water of 1.00-1.06 mg fluoride/L. Contrary to fractures of
all bones no increase in hip fracture incidence was seen with low-fluoride exposure (<1 mg fluoride
/L). This study indicates a bimodal effect of fluoride exposure with an increase in the risk of fractures
at all locations both with fluoride intakes lower and higher than about 3.5 mg/day, whereas the risk of
fractures of the hip only increased with increasing fluoride exposure. Carcinogenicity
In a series of epidemiological studies, both geographic and temporal associations between fluoride
in drinking water and risk of cancer mortality were reported (Yiamouyiannis and Burk, 1977). These
reports were extensively reviewed both by IARC (1982) and Knox (1985) and criticised because
of methodological flaws in adjusting for differences in the age, race and sex of the compared
A number of ecological studies in various countries did not find a consistent relationship between
incidence of and mortality from all types of cancer and the consumption of fluoride-containing drinking
water (Freni and Gaylor, 1992; Mahoney et al, 1991; Yang et al, 2000).
Lynch (1984) analysed the relationship between cancer incidence and fluoride in drinking water (both
natural and added) in 158 municipalities with a total population of 1,414,878 in 1970. A total of 66,572
Fluoride 386
cancer cases (bladder, female breast, colon, lung, prostate, rectum and other sites combined) were
evaluated for fluoride content in drinking water and duration of exposure in univariate and multivariate
cancer-site, sex-specific statistical tests, which included eight sociodemographic variables. The results
failed to support a fluoride-cancer association.
A comparison of the annual incidence rates of osteosarcoma for 1970-1988 in Edmonton (Province of
Alberta, Canada), where water was first fluoridated in 1967, with rates in Calgary, where fluoridation
was started in 1989 showed incidence rates of 0.27 and 0.29 per 100,000 inhabitants in Edmonton
and Calgary, based on 26 and 29 cases, respectively, that is no link between fluoridation of water and
osteosarcoma (Hrudey et al, 1990).
In an update of an earlier analysis of cancer mortality by county in the United States related to drinking
water fluoridation, 2,208,000 deaths by cancer in the Caucasian population were analysed, with special
emphasis on cancers of bones and joints. The risk of death from cancers of bones and joints after
20-35 years of water fluoridation in both male and females was the same as in the years immediately
preceding fluoridation (Hoover et al, 1991).
An ecological study in areas of New Jersey observed a higher rate of osteosarcoma in fluoridated
communities in 1979-1987 than in non-fluoridated communities with a risk ratio of 3.4 among males
under 20 years of age in fluoridated communities. The analysis was based on 12 and eight cases in the
fluoridated and non-fluoridated area, respectively (Cohn et al, 1992). In a case-control study from New
York State the self-reported lifetime intake of fluoride from drinking water and dental care products from
130 patients below the age of 24 years diagnosed to have osteosarcoma between 1978 and 1988 was
compared to the lifetime intake of matched controls. Whereas no significant trend for risk was observed
on a group basis, there was a decrease in the odds ratios for osteosarcoma with increasing exposure
estimates for males, which was statistically significant (p=0.02) (Gelberg et al, 1995). Consumption of
fluoridated drinking water (>0.7 mg fluoride/L) between 1979 and 1989 was not found to be associated
with an increased risk for osteosarcoma (odds ratio 1.0; 95% CI=0.6-1.5) in a case-control study in
Wisconsin, USA (Moss et al, 1995).
Another hospital-based case-control study, on the contrary, with 22 cases of osteosarcoma and 22
matched controls found that the odds ratio of disease for drinking fluoridated drinking water (>0.7
mg/L) during childhood (birth to 15 years) and during lifetime was 0.33 ( 95%CI 0.04, 2.50) (McGuire
et al, 1991).
From the available data no increased risk of developing cancer at the observed fluoride dose levels
can be deduced. Genotoxic effects
The frequency of SCEs was studied in peripheral lymphocytes obtained from about 700 Chinese adults
who had resided for more than 35 years in the same area and consumed drinking water with fluoride
concentrations from 0.11-5.03 mg/L. Half of the study population had inadequate nutritional intakes.
The fluoride intake from food and water was calculated to range from 20 to 280 μg/kg body weight/
day (1.2-15.3 mg/day). The fluoride concentration in plasma in the area with 5.03 mg fluoride/L was
5.56 μmol/L (106 μg/L). Plasma levels of fluoride were higher in persons with inadequate nutrition, and
SCE frequencies were higher in such subjects from areas with low fluoride content in water (0.1 and
0.2 mg/L), but there were no significant differences between all the other groups and no differences in
micronuclei in blood lymphocytes were observed (Li et al, 1995b; Liang et al, 1997).
One study investigated adult persons (>50 years) who had resided for more than thirty years in three
communities with drinking water fluoride concentrations of 0.2 (n=66), 1.0 (n=63) and 4.0 mg/L (n=70)
and who provided samples of the water which had been their main source, urine and blood samples.
Mean plasma and urine fluoride concentrations reflected the fluoride content of the water (plasma: 1.1,
1.8 and 4.0 μmol/L; urine: 0.7, 1.1 and 2.8 mg/L). Peripheral blood lymphocytes showed an increased
frequency of SCEs in the samples from the 4 mg/L-community (mean 5.9% compared to 5.2% (1 mg
fluoride/L) and 5.5% (0.2 mg fluoride/L water) (p<0.001). Women showed a significantly higher overall
frequency of SCE than males in all three communities (p<0.05). However, when 58 residents from the
community with a fluoride content of 4 mg/L water were split in those (n=30) who drank this water and
those (n=28) who used instead water from wells with a mean fluoride content of 0.3 mg/L, there was no
difference in the frequency of SCE in their lymphocytes (Jackson et al, 1997).
Increases in the frequency of SCEs and micronuclei in peripheral lymphoblasts have been reported in
patients with skeletal fluorosis or residents from fluorosis-endemic areas in comparison to residents from
non-fluorosis areas in various countries (China, India). SCE frequency was significantly higher in peripheral
blood lymphocytes from 14 inhabitants of a village with fluoride in drinking water of 1.6-2.9 mg/L than in
lymphocytes from 14 residents of a village with low-fluoride drinking water (0.6-0.8). However, this was
not the case with 28 residents of two other high-fluoride villages. Chromosomal aberrations occurred in
higher frequency in blood from all 42 residents of the villages with high-fluoride drinking water (Joseph
and Gadhia, 2000). SCE frequency in peripheral blood lymphocytes was significantly increased in 53
patients with skeletal fluorosis aged 16-59 years from a district with drinking water containing 4-15 mg
fluoride/L, compared to healthy residents of the same region and to subjects drinking water with a fluoride
concentration of less than 1 mg/L. The rate of micronuclei in fluorosis patients was 2 to 3 times that of
control subjects and intermediate in healthy fluoride exposed subjects (Wu and Wu, 1995). However, too
little details on other life circumstances are given in these studies.
There were no effects on chromosomal aberrations or micronuclei in lymphocytes in seven female
osteoporosis patients randomised to treatment with sodium fluoride or monofluorophosphate (fluoride
dose 29 mg/day, range 22.6-33.9 mg/day) for an average of 29 (14-49) months when compared to
seven matched placebo controls. Serum fluoride concentrations were 0.1-0.2 mg fluoride/L (van Asten
et al, 1998).
Rapaport (1956) reported an increased frequency of trisomy 21 with increasing fluoride content of
drinking water based on information gathered in 1950-1956 on 687 cases admitted to institutions
in four American states (Wisconsin, North and South Dakota, Illinois). These findings could not be
confirmed in investigations in English cities (Berry, 1958), in Massachusetts (Needleman et al, 1974) and
in Sweden (Berglund et al, 1980). In the last named study the incidence of trisomy 21 was related to
the mean fluoride content in the water of the area where the mother lived and to the age of the mother.
No influence of fluoride on the incidence of trisomy 21 was seen.
Genotoxic effects associated with a high exposure to fluoride have been observed, predominantly
in persons with clinically manifest symptoms of fluoride toxicity (skeletal fluorosis). The data are
insufficient for a dose-response assessment. Reproductive effects
Chronic occupational exposure to fluoride compounds has been reported to have negative effects on
sex hormone levels and menstrual cycle and to increase spontaneous abortion especially in persons
with skeletal fluorosis. However, because of exposure to multiple substances, these reports are not
conclusive (NRC, 1993).
In India, where fluorosis is endemic in areas with drinking water naturally containing up to 38.5 mg
fluoride/L infertility in married men was reported (Neelam et al, 1987 cited in Susheela and Kumar,
1991). In an ecological study the total fertility rate of women 10-49 years of age in the period 1970-
1988 of states of the USA with at least one community water system providing drinking water with
3 mg fluoride/L was found to be negatively associated with fluoride content. Because this study used
population means and not data on individual women, it remains unresolved if fluoride from drinking
water is of influence on human fertility (Freni, 1994). Other effects
Nephrotoxic effects of fluoride have not been reported in subjects with skeletal fluorosis due to high
fluoride contents in drinking water and in subjects with osteoporosis on long-term treatment with
fluoride (section
Fluoride was reported to affect human thyroid function. Increases in serum thyroxine levels without
significant changes in T
or thyroid stimulating hormone levels were observed in residents of regions
in India with high levels of fluoride in the drinking water (up to 6.5 mg/L). Nonetheless fluoride is not
considered to be an endocrine disruptor (ATSDR, 2001). In a review of the literature on fluorine and
thyroid gland function the authors come to the conclusion that the increase of the metabolic rate
observed in men suffering from symptomatic industrial fluorosis was not due to fluoride-induced
hyperthyroidism and that the literature on a relationship between fluoride exposure and endemic human
goitre neglected to take into account a concomitant iodine deficiency (Bürgi et al, 1984). In two studies
performed in two regions in China the intelligence of children was measured and related to the fluoride
content of drinking water. 907 children (age 8-13 years) from four areas with different degrees of dental
Fluoride 388
fluorosis prevalence were investigated. Urinary fluoride concentration in these children was 1.02-2.69
mg/L and it was highest in areas with a high incidence of fluorosis. In the non-fluorosis area the mean
IQ was 89.9, it was 80.3 in the high-fluorosis area (<0.01). The percentages of children with low or
borderline IQs were higher in areas with medium and severe fluorosis and no children with IQs >120
were found in these areas (Li et al, 1995a).
The second study in 118 children aged 10-12 years, who were randomly selected from two villages
which differed in the fluoride content of the drinking water (3.15 mg/L versus 0.37 mg/L) and the
prevalence of dental fluorosis (86% and 14%, respectively) found an average IQ of 103 in the village
with low-fluoride drinking water and of 92 in the other village (Lu et al, 2000). The significance of these
studies is doubtful due to missing data on other factors of relevance.
In a study with 197 children aged 7-11 years, who demonstrated dental fluorosis in 69%, no association
between dental fluorosis and behaviour could be demonstrated (Morgan et al, 1998). Interventions, clinical studies
Fluoride compounds, mostly sodium fluoride or monofluorophosphate, alone or in combination with
calcium and vitamin D, have been used in the prevention and treatment of age-dependent osteoporosis
in doses ranging from 4.5 to 57 mg fluoride/day, because fluoride is known to elevate the trabecular
volume by increasing both the number of osteoblasts and the formation period of the bone remodelling
process. It interacts with bone cell mitogens and increases tyrosine protein phosphorylation. It
selectively stimulates the carrier-mediated sodium-dependent transport of anorganic phosphate across
the membrane of osteoblast-like cells and the stimulatory effect of insulin and insulin-like growth factor
-1 (IGF-1) on phosphate transport in a dose-dependent fashion (Bonjour et al, 1993). Although fluoride
increases bone mineral density (BMD), there is a corresponding decrease in elasticity and strength of
bone tissue (Aaron and de Kanis, 1991).
The evaluation of the effectiveness of fluoride for prevention and treatment is outside the task of this
panel, but well-conducted and documented therapeutic trials can help in identifying fluoride doses that
lead to adverse effects, although it must be borne in mind that the study subjects are mostly elderly
(>50 years), predominantly female and were selected because of already existing changes in bone
mass or density, with or without a history of vertebral fractures.
In a meta-analysis of eleven therapeutic studies involving 1429 postmenopausal women (age 50-86
years), with a duration of 2-4 years in ten studies and of 3 months in one study, an analysis of side-
effects was included (Haguenauer et al, 2000). All trials were randomised and included control groups
which received calcium and/or vitamin D in the same dosage as the fluoride intervention group. The
increase in lumbar spine BMD was found to be higher in the fluoride group than in the control group.
The relative risk (RR) for new vertebral fractures was not significant at two years or at four years. The
RR for new non-vertebral fractures was not significant at two years, but was increased at four years
in the fluoride treated group (1.2; 95% CI 1.36-2.50) especially if high doses were used. The RR for
gastrointestinal side effects was not significant at two years, but was increased at four years (2.18; 95%
CI 1.69-4.57), especially if fluoride was used in high doses and in a readily available form. High fluoride
doses had no effect on risk of vertebral fractures, but increased the risk of non-vertebral fractures and
of gastrointestinal side effects. Table 5 lists these eleven studies and the observed adverse effects in
relation to the fluoride dosis. Skeletal effects
No differences in the occurrence of adverse skeletal effects (vertebral and non-vertebral fractures and
lower-limb pain presumably caused by microfractures) were found in those studies where the fluoride
dosis was 4.5 to 26 mg/day (up to 0.4 mg/kg/day) (Hansson and Roos, 1987; Christiansen et al, 1980;
Grove and Halver, 1981; Gambacciani et al, 1995; Sebert et al, 1995). In two studies (Reginster et al,
1998; Pak et al, 1995) there was on the contrary a significantly reduced occurrence of vertebral fractures
in the fluoride group compared to the placebo group. Meunier et al (1998) reported a significantly higher
incidence of lower-limb pain in the group receiving fluoride 20-26 mg/day compared to the placebo
group. Some women with lower-extremity pain were roentgenographed and incomplete fractures were
identified in most of them at least two weeks after the onset of pain.
Whereas bone mineral density increased in one study in the lumbar spine (+35%) and the femoral neck
(+10%) in the fluoride-treated group (0.56 mg fluoride/kg/day) as compared to the placebo group, there
was a decrease in the radius (-4%). Vertebral fracture rate did not differ significantly over four years
between the treatment and the placebo group. Non-vertebral fractures occurred in the fluoride group
(72 fractures) in higher frequency than in the placebo group (24 fractures); there were 13 hip fractures in
the fluoride group and four hip fractures in the placebo group. The odds ratio for non-vertebral fractures
was 3.2 (95% CI 1.8-5.6) in the fluoride group compared to the placebo group (Riggs et al 1990). Fifty
of the 66 women in the fluoride group who completed the four-year trial were treated for an additional
two years. Bone mineral density measured at the lumbar spine continued to increase linearly, whereas
the rate of decrease in bone mineral density of the radius became less (minus 1.2%/year versus minus
2.2%/year in the four previous years). Vertebral fracture rate decreased somewhat in the additional two
years, as did the non-vertebral fracture rate. However the non-vertebral fracture rate remained higher
than in the placebo group during the first four years. From multivariate analysis it appeared that the
vertebral fracture rate was moderately decreased by sodium fluoride therapy in women whose serum
fluoride level and lumbar spine bone mineral density increased, provided that the increase in serum
fluoride level did not exceed 8 μM (152 μg/L) and the increase in bone mineral density did not exceed
17% per year (Riggs et al, 1994). Gastrointestinal effects
Table 5 lists also the frequency of gastrointestinal side effects of fluoride treatment studies. No
gastrointestinal effects or the same frequency of nausea and dyspepsia as in the placebo group were
observed in postmenopausal women administered 4.5-22 mg fluoride/day (assumed to correspond
to 0.13-0.37 mg fluoride/kg body weight/day) over 12 weeks and up to 3 years (Hansson and Roos,
1987; Christiansen et al, 1980; Grove and Halver, 1981; Reginster et al, 1998; Gambacciani et al, 1995;
Meunier et al, 1998; Pak et al, 1995; Sebert et al, 1995).
Nine of 61 postmenopausal women treated with on average 57 mg fluoride/day (as sodium fluoride)
over four years complained of severe nausea, vomiting and peptic ulcer or blood loss anaemia. These
symptoms did not occur in the control groups without treatment or with calcium and estrogens alone
(Riggs et al, 1982). Nineteen of 101 postmenopausal women treated with 34 mg fluoride/day during
four years had severe gastrointestinal complaints which led to dose reduction, compared to seven of
101 in the placebo group. This is an odds ratio of 2.9 (95% CI 1.2-7.1). The risk for peptic ulceration and
anaemia was similar in both groups (Riggs et al, 1990). Gastrointestinal symptoms occurred significantly
more often in 45 postmenopausal women treated with 34 mg fluoride plus 1500 calcium/day over four
years than in 38 women receiving only calcium (16/46 versus 6/38) (Kleerekoper et al, 1991).
Sample Age Duration Fluoride treatment Other Control Vertebral Non- Lower Limb
size Fluoride Dose substances group fractures vertebral fractures symptoms
(years) (years)
(mg/day) fluoride control /
fluoride placebo verum placebo verum placebo
Hansson and
Roos, 1987
66 3 NaF 4.5 calcium 1000 calcium 1000 2/25 1/25
65 3 NaF 13.6 calcium 1000 placebo 1/25 4/25
et al
, 1980
50 2 NaF 9 a) calcium 500 calcium 500 N.R. N.R. N.R. N.R.
(27/121) 50 2 NaF 9
b) calcium 500
Vit. D 50 µg
calcium 500
Grove &
Halver, 1981
74 0.23 NaF 9
calcium 500
Vit. D 360 µg
- 2/12 2/10
et al
, 1998
64 4 NaMFP 20 (0.32) calcium 1000 calcium 1000
(95% Cl,
(95% Cl,
15/84 13/80 N.R.
p=0.05 N.S. N.S.
et al
, 1995
52 2 GluMFP 20 calcium 600 calcium 500 N.R. N.R. N.R. 7/21 6/21
et al
33% 25.4% all 29/208
= 13.9%
= 11.6%
all 17.8 4.8 59.2% 59.4%
66 2 NaF 22.6 0.37
calcium 1000
Vit. D 20 µg
calcium 1000
Vit. D 20 µg
11/73 19.2%
66 2 NaMFP 19.8 0.33 7/68 13.2%
66 2 NaMFP 26.4 0.44 p=0.15 13/67 20.9% N.S.
et al
22.6 0.37 calcium 800 calcium 800 7/48 22/51 2/48 4/51 11.1% 14.3% 9.3% 7.1%
after one
=14.6% =43.1% p>0.2 p=0.78 p=0.74
et al
61 2 NaMFP 26.4 0.43 calcium 500 calcium 500 N.R. N.R. 2/45 0/49 5/45 2/49 10/45 9/49
p=0.84 p>0.2 p=0.3 p>0.2
Table 5. Eleven therapeutical randomised studies in old-age osteopenia/
osteoporosis grouped according to fluoride dosis. Outcome with regard to
vertebral and non-vertebral fractures and other side effects
Sample Age Duration Fluoride treatment Other Control Vertebral Non- Lower Limb
size Fluoride Dose substances group fractures vertebral fractures symptoms
(years) (years)
(mg/day) fluoride control /
fluoride placebo verum placebo verum placebo
et al
, 1991
67 4 NaF 34 0.52 calcium 1500 calcium 1500 961/1000
p=031 p=0.29 p=0.05
et al
68 4 NaF 34 0.56 calcium 1500 calcium 1500 47.0/100
54 24 17 7
RR 0.85 (95% Cl, 0.6-1.2) RR 3.2 (95% Cl, 1.8-5.6) RR 3.0 (95% Cl, 1.9-4.8) RR 2.9 (95% Cl, 1.2-7.1)
et al
, 1994
66 2 NaF 31.5 0.52 calcium 1500 see Riggs
et al
, 1990
(0-6 years)
(0-6 years)
N.R. N.R.
(4-6 years)
(4-6 years)
et al
, 1982
63 4 NaF 57
calcium 800-1500
Vit. D 10 µg or
360 µg
10 µg Vit. D
and calcium
360 µg Vit. D
(10 µg Vit. D
N.R. 14/61 0/104 10/61 0/104
(28/104) 63 4 NaF 57 calcium 1000-5000
estrogens 0.625-2.5
Vit. D 10 µg or
360 µg
53/1000 patients years
N.S. not significantly different
N.R. not reported
NaF sodium fluoride
NaMFP sodium monofluorophosphate
GluMFP L-glutamine monofluorophosphate
10-33% of patients continued hormone replacement therapy
study population includes three male patients;
18 patients were not included in assessment of bone mineral density
dosis divided by reported mean body weight
slow release preparation
four cycles of 12 months treatment plus 2 months treatment pause
excluding “incomplete fractures” identified by
Tc-bone scans which
occurred significantly (p=0.02) more often in the lower extremities of patients
on fluoride treatment
50 patients under fluoride treatment in the study of Riggs et al, 1990,
continued treatment for another 2 years
Fluoride 392
4.1. Skeletal fluorosis, bone density, fractures
4.1.1. Bone density and bone strength
Bone density increases with increasing fluoride content of bone as a consequence of an increasing fluoride
intake both in animals and in humans. This effect is observed predominantly in cancelleous bone. This
increase in bone fluoride content is accompanied by an increase in bone strength up to a certain level,
thereafter bone strength decreases. Turner et al (1992; 1995) showed in rats drinking for 16 weeks water
with 16 mg fluoride/L (corresponding to an estimated intake of 0.11 mg/kg body weight/day), that the
fluoride content in bone was 1200 mg/kg and bone strength increased by 38%, whereas rats drinking
water with fluoride contents between 50-128 mg/L (corresponding to 2.5-7.2 mg/kg/day accumulated
10,000 mg/kg fluoride in bone and strength decreased by 20%.
Trabecular bone compressive strength in autopsy samples from the iliac crest was significantly (p<0.05)
higher in women from Kuopio with fluoridation of drinking water (0.97 mg/L) than in women from an
area with low fluoride content in the water (0.02-0.32 mg/L), however, no significant difference was
found in men (Alhava et al, 1980). There are no reliable measures for bone strength in humans. The
available data are of uncertain relevance with regard to the risk for bone fractures and insufficient for
conclusions on effective fluoride doses.
4.1.2. Skeletal fluorosis
The asymptomatic stage of skeletal fluorosis is associated with fluoride contents in bone ash of 3500-
5500 mg/kg. Clinical stages I and II plus III have been found to have fluoride contents of 6000-7000
and >7500 mg/kg bone ash, respectively (Hodge and Smith, 1977). There are no parallel data on the
fluoride intake associated with these levels of fluoride in bone.
Fluoride content of the skeleton increases with increasing intake of fluoride via water. In areas with
water fluoride contents of <0.3, 1.0 and 4 mg/L fluoride in bone ash was 140-790, 400-2300 and 6900
mg/kg, respectively (Alhava et al, 1980; Bergmann, 1994; Zipkin et al, 1958). From studies in China and
India a correlation between the fluoride content in drinking water and skeletal fluorosis can be deduced.
Prevalences of 4.4% at water fluoride levels of 1.4 mg/L and of 63% at water fluoride levels of 6 mg/L
were observed in India. Crippling fluorosis was consistently found in villages with more than 3 mg
fluoride/L. An estimated total fluoride intake of 20 mg/day was associated with a fluorosis prevalence
of 34%, whereas no fluorosis was observed in areas with an estimated total fluoride intake of less than
10 mg/day. Skeletal fluorosis started to appear after 10 years of residence in a village with an estimated
daily fluoride intake of 36-54 mg/day and concerned 100% of the population after 20 years. Precise
intake estimates from regions with higher fluoride concentrations in drinking water are lacking. Fluoride
intake from diet and water in adults was estimated to be 0.84-4.69 mg/day in Indian villages without
endemic skeletal fluorosis and 3.4-27.1 mg/day in fluorosis-prone villages (IPCS, 2002).
Numerous epidemiological data support a linear relationship between fluoride intake and bone fluoride
content and between bone fluoride content and both incidence and severity of skeletal fluorosis In the
few cases of clinical skeletal fluorosis in which the fluoride intake could be estimated it ranged from 15
to 20 mg/day and the period of exposure was over 20 years. A more precise threshold dose for fluoride
causing skeletal fluorosis can not be defined.
The Panel decided not to chose the data on skeletal fluorosis in relation to the fluoride content of the
drinking water as the critical endpoint for setting an UL because too many assumptions on the effective
fluoride dose were necessary.
The Panel decided also not to use the data on the relationship between fluoride intake via drinking
water and radiographic skeletal changes decribed in Section for setting a UL because of
insufficient exposure estimates and the lack of more recent radiographic investigations.
4.1.3. Fractures Observational Data
Although an association of an increased risk for hip fractures in the elderly with the fluoride content in
drinking water has been reported, the opposite has been found as well (Jacqmin-Gadda et al, 1998;
Kurttio et al, 1999; Li et al, 2001; Sowers et al, 1986) or no association (Hillier et al, 2000; Karagas et
al, 1996; Kröger et al, 1994).
In one study from China a bimodal relationship between fluoride content in drinking water and fluoride
intake per day and risk of overall fractures was apparent. Compared to an exposure of 3.4 mg fluoride/
day there was a significantly increased risk for fractures at all sites (OR 1.47; p=0.01) and for hip fracture
(OR 3.26; p=0.02) at an exposure of 14.1 mg fluoride/day. A fluoride exposure of about 6.5 mg/day was
associated with a non-significant increase in the risk of hip fracture (OR 2.13; p=0.15) compared to an
exposure of 3.4 mg fluoride/day. Compared to a fluoride exposure of 3.4 mg/day there was a significantly
increased risk for fractures at all sites at an exposure of 0.7 mg/day (OR 1.5; p=0.01) (Li et al, 2001).
In the retrospective cohort study in Finland which involved 144,627 persons an increasing risk for hip
fracture in women between 50 and 65 years of age with increasing fluoride concentration in drinking
water was found. This relationship was significant for concentrations of 0.5-1.0 and of >1.5 mg/L
compared to less than 0.1 mg/L (Kurttio et al, 1999).
The study by Li et al (2001) is considered as evidence that an increased risk of bone fractures occurs
at a total intake of 14 mg fluoride per day and that there are data (although statistically not significant)
suggestive of an increased risk of adverse bone effects at total intakes above about 6.5 mg fluoride/
day. The study of Kurttio et al (1999) is considered as supportive (IPCS, 2002). Therapeutic studies
From therapeutical studies with fluoride administration in postmenopausal women of 0.25-6 years
duration and which employed fluoride doses between 0.13 and 1.1 mg/kg body weight per day either
as sodium fluoride or monofluorophosphate it appears that side-effects in the form of lower limb pain
occurred in a significantly higher frequency when fluoride doses of more than 0.4 mg/kg body weight
were administered compared with the placebo group. Lower limb pain was indicative of incomplete
fractures of the bone (Kleerekoper et al, 1991; Meunier et al, 1998; Riggs et al, 1982, 1990 and 1994).
In one study involving 101 subjects in the fluoride treatment group (0.56 mg fluoride/kg body weight/
day) and 101 subjects in the control group, of which two thirds completed the four-year study period,
there was a significant increase in the occurrence of non-vertebral fractures (72 versus 24), with an odds
ratio of 3.2 (95 CI 1.8-5.6). Vertebral fracture rate increased by 11% for each 1 μM (19 μg/L) increase
in serum fluoride over baseline and it decreased with increasing bone mineral density of the lumbar
spine. However, if this increase in bone mineral density went beyond 1.2 g/cm
an increase in vertebral
fracture rate was observed (Riggs et al, 1990; 1994). Fifty women from the fluoride group continued
treatment for an additional two years, but only nine of these with 34 mg fluoride/day corresponding
to 0.56 mg/kg/day (as sodium fluoride). The fluoride dosis in the other 41 women had been reduced
because of side effects or by the patients themselves; four women took less than 18 mg fluoride/day.
The lumbar spine, femoral neck, and femoral trochanter bone mineral density continued to increase
and the bone mineral density of the radius continued to decrease. The vertebral fracture rate decreased
compared to the years 0-4. The non-vertebral fracture rate decreased also but was still 3 times higher
after six years than in the control group (Riggs et al, 1994).
The Panel considers the fluoride dose of 0.56 mg/kg body weight per day, rounded up to 0.6 mg/kg/
day to include the usual dietary intake from food and water, as the dose associated with a significant
increase in the occurrence of non-vertebral fractures.
4.2. Dental fluorosis
Enamel fluorosis is caused by fluoride ingestion during the preeruptive formation and maturation of
enamel of teeth. Therefore, the sensitive period is before the age of eight years. There is a clear dose-
response relationship with a prevalence of 48% of very mild and mild forms of dental fluorosis at fluoride
intakes from water of 0.043 mg/kg/day (Fejerskov et al, 1996a). Very mild forms of dental fluorosis are
of aesthetic concern only. From the data of Dean (1942), it appears that in areas with a fluoride content
of water of 1 mg/L 10-12% of the residents had mild forms of fluorosis (very mild plus mild). The fluoride
intake of children in these communities was found to be 0.02-0.1 mg/kg body weight/day. In areas
with a fluoride concentration in water of 0.3 mg/L the fluorosis prevalence was 1%, whereas it was
50% in areas with a fluoride concentration in water of 2 mg/L, and in these areas a few cases (<5%) of
moderate fluorosis were observed. The fluoride intake by children in these communities was 0.08-0.12
mg/kg/day. A fluoride dose of 0.1 mg/kg body weight/day was, therefore, described as a “threshold”
dose for the occurrence of less than 5% of moderate forms of dental fluorosis in a population for the
ages from birth to eight years (Dean, 1942; Fejerskov et al, 1996a).
Fluoride 394
The Panel concludes that an intake of 0.1 mg fluoride/kg body weight/day in children up to the age of
eight years can be considered as the dose below which no significant occurrence of moderate forms
of fluorosis in permanent teeth will occur.
4.3. Gastrointestinal effects
Gastrointestinal symptoms like nausea, vomiting, anorexia, diarrhoea occur with fluoride intakes that
also result in skeletal effects, i.e., with doses above 0.5 mg/kg body weight/day (Kleerekoper et al,
1991; Riggs et al, 1990). However, these effects are more unpredictable and presumably dependent on
other dietary factors like fluid intake and type of diet.
Severe clinical symptoms were observed in 22% of children on acute single dose ingestion of sodium
fluoride amounts of about one mg fluoride/kg body weight (Augenstein et al, 1991).
The Panel has identified different critical endpoints for the derivation of the UL of oral fluoride intake
for the age from one to eight years (moderate dental fluorosis) and for all ages above eight years (bone
fracture). Different ULs are set for these groups.
1.1. Children up to the age of eight years
The data support a continuous relationship between fluoride intake during the period from birth to eight
years of age and both incidence and severity of dental fluorosis. The occurrence of moderate enamel
fluorosis was less than <5% in populations at fluoride intakes of 0.1 mg/kg body weight/day. Mild fluorosis
is generally considered to be acceptable on a population basis, in view of the concomitant beneficial
effect of fluoride in the prevention of caries. No uncertainty factor is deemed necessary to derive an UL
from this intake, because it is derived from population studies in the susceptible group. For children up to
the age of eight years this intake level of 0.1 mg/kg body weight/day is proposed as the UL. Calculated
on a body weight basis the following age-related ULs for daily fluoride intake are set:
Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL)
for fluoride (mg/day)
1-3 years 1.5
4-8 years 2.5
1.2. Children older than eight years and adults
Therapeutic studies with fluoride in postmenopausal osteoporosis suggest an increasing risk for
skeletal fractures at or above fluoride intakes of 0.6 mg/kg body weight per day. The Panel decided to
apply an uncertainty factor of 5 to the intake of 0.6 mg fluoride/kg body weight/day, because, although
the adverse effects were detected in a sensitive group of elderly postmenopausal women, the study
duration was relatively short and the studies were not designed to systematically define a LOAEL. The
epidemiological data with an observed significantly increased risk for fractures at all sites associated
with a long-term total daily intake of fluoride of 14 mg/day are considered as supportive evidence. An
intake of 0.12 mg fluoride/kg body weight/day converts on a body weight basis (60 kg) into an UL of
7 mg/day for adults.
On a body weight basis the following ULs are proposed:
Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) for
fluoride (mg/day)
9-14 years 5
≥15 years 7
1.3. Pregnancy and lactation
There are no data which support the setting of a specific UL. The UL of 7 mg/day applies.
There is a narrow margin between recommended intakes for the prevention of dental caries and the ULs.
2.1. Infants and children up to 8 years
The Panel did not establish an UL for infants. The Panel notes, however, that the maximum level
recommended by the SCF for fluoride of 0.6-0.7 mg/L (0.1 mg/100 kcal; 600-700 kcal/L) in infant formula
and follow-on formula will result in fluoride intakes of infants during the first half of the first year of life (body
weight 5 kg) of about 0.1 mg/kg body weight per day. The maximum recommended fluoride content of
formula will be exceeded if water containing more than 0.7 mg/L is used for preparation of the formula.
Breast-fed infants have very low fluoride intakes from human milk (2-40 μg/day) and are not at risk of
developing enamel fluorosis even when given fluoride supplements of 0.25 mg/day.
Children will have fluoride intakes from food and water well below the UL provided the fluoride content
of their drinking water is not higher than 1.0 mg/L.
An increase in the prevalence of mild dental fluorosis observed in some countries has been attributed
to the inappropriate use of dental care products, particularly of fluoridated toothpaste.
2.2. Children older than eight years and adults
The probability of exceeding the UL of 5/7 mg fluoride/day on a normal diet is generally estimated to be
low. However, consumption of water with a high fluoride content e.g. more than 2-3 mg/L predisposes
to exceeding the UL.
More reliable data on total daily fluoride intake and the identification of the main sources of fluoride,
particularly in young children, are needed. The incidence and severity of dental fluorosis should be
monitored as an indicator of fluoride exposure during childhood.
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Wulf Becker, Francesco Branca, Daniel Brasseur, Jean-Louis Bresson, Albert Flynn, Alan A. Jackson,
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The Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies wishes to thank Jan Alexander, Angelo
Carere, Werner Grunow, Andrew Renwick and Gerrit Speijers for their contributions to the draft opinion.
Annex 1.
I. Development of deciduous teeth (Wei, 1974 cited in Bergmann, 1994)
first formation
hard substance
(months of
mature enamel
(months of life)
(months of life)
root completed
(years of life)
central 4.5 2.5 6 1.5
lateral 4.5 3 7 1.5
5 9 16 3.25
first praemolar 5 5.5 12 2.25
second praemolar 6 10 20 3
central 4 1.5 7.5 1.5
lateral 4.5 2.5 9 2
5 9 18 3.25
Praemolar first 5 6 14 2.5
Praemolar second 6 11 24 3
II. Development of permanent teeth (Wei, 1974 cited in Bergmann, 1994)
formation of hard
[age in months (m)
or years (y)]
mature enamel
(age in years)
(age in years)
root completed
(age in years)
central 3-4 m 4-5 y 6-7 y 9 y
lateral 3-4 m 4-5 y 7-8 y 10 y
Canines 4-5 m 6-7 y 9-10 y 12-14 y
first 1.75-2 y 5-6 y 10-12 y 12-13 y
second 2.25-2.5 y 6-7 y 11-12 y 13-14 y
first at birth 2.5-3 y 6-7 y 9-10 y
second 2.5-3 y 7-8 y 11-13 y 14-15 y
third 8-10 y 12-16 y 17-21 y 18-25
central 3-4 m 4-5 y 7-8 y 10 y
lateral 10-12 m 4-5 y 8-9 y 11 y
Canines 4-5 m 6-7 y 11-12 y 13-15 y
first 1.5-1.75 y 5-6 y 10-11 y 12-13 y
second 2-2.25 y 6-7 y 10-12 y 12-14 y
first at birth 2.5-3 y 7-8 y 9-10 y
second 2.5-3 y 7-8 y 12-13 y 14-16 y
third 7-9 y 12-16 y 17-21 y 18-25 y
Fluoride 406
Annex 2. Dental fluorosis
I. Grading of dental fluorosis (“Dean’s fluorosis index”)
(Dean, 1934 and 1942)
Grade Criteria
Normal (0)
The enamel presents the usual translucent semivitriform type of structure
. The surface is smooth and glossy and usually of a pale creamy white
Included under this heading are all persons showing hypoplasia other
than mottling of the enamel.
Questionable (0.5)
The enamel shows slight aberrations in the translucency of of normal
enamel, ranging from a few white flecks to occasional white spots, 1 to 2
mm in diameter. It is recommended that this diagnosis is best made on a
group basis comparing groups of children from different areas and with
demonstrated use of a common water supply from birth.
Very mild (1)
Small opaque paper white areas are scattered irregularly or streaked
over the tooth surface, principally on the labial and buccal surfaces and
involving less than 25% of the surface of the affected teeth. Small pitted
white areas are frequently found on the summit of cusps. No brown stains
are present. Mottling of the enamel of deciduous teeth is invariably of the
very mild type, while permanent teeth of the same individual may show
severe mottling.
Mild (2)
The white opaque areas on the surfaces of the teeth involve at least
half of the tooth surface. The surfaces of molars, bicuspids and cuspids
subject to attrition show thin white layers worn off and the bluish shades
of underlying normal enamel. Faint brown stains are sometimes apparent,
generally on the upper incisors.
Moderate (3)
No change is observed in the form of the tooth, but generally all of the
tooth surfaces are involved. Surfaces subject to attrition are definitely
marked. Minute pitting is often present. Brown stain is frequently a disfi-
guring complication.
(includes former grades
moderately severe and
severe) (4)
A greater depth of enamel is involved, with a smoky white appearance.
Pitting is frequent, observed on all the tooth surfaces and is often con-
fluent. The hypoplasia is so marked that the form of the teeth is at times
affected. Stains are wide-spread and range from a chocolate brown to
almost black in some cases. Teeth often present as corroded.
II. Tooth Surface Index of Fluorosis (TSIF) (Horowitz et al, 1984)
Score Criteria
0 Enamel shows no evidence of fluorosis.
Enamel shows definite evidence of fluorosis, namely areas with parch-
ment-white colour, that total less than one third of the visible enamel
surface. This category includes fluorosis confined only to incisal edges of
anterior teeth and cusp tips of posterior teeth (“snowcapping”).
Parchment-white fluorosis totals at least one-third of the visible surface,
but less than two-thirds.
3 Parchment-white fluorosis totals at least two-thirds of the visible surface.
Enamel shows staining in conjunction with any of the preceding levels of
fluorosis. Staining is defined as an area of definite discoloration that may
range from light to very dark brown.
Discrete pitting of the enamel exists, unaccompanied by evidence of
staining of intact enamel. A pit is defined as a definite physical defect
in the enamel surface with a rough floor that is surrounded by a wall of
intact enamel. The pitted area is usually stained or differs in color from the
surrounding enamel.
6 Both discrete pitting and staining of the intact enamel exist.
Confluent pitting of the enamel surface exists. Large areas of enamel may
be missing and the anatomy of the tooth may be altered. Dark-brown
stain is usually present.
III. Thylstrup-Fejerskov (TF)-Score (Thylstrup and Fejerskov, 1978; Fejerskov et al, 1996)
Score Criteria
Normal translucency of the glossy creamy-white enamel remains after
wiping and drying of the surface.
Thin white opaque lines are seen running across the tooth surface. Such
lines are found on all parts of the surface. The lines correspond to the
position of the perikymata. In some cases, a slight “snowcapping” of
cusps/incisal edges may also be seen.
The opaque white lines are more pronounced and frequently merge to
form small cloudy areas scattered over the whole surface. “Snowcap-
ping” of incisal edges and cusp tips is common.
Merging of the white lines occurs, and cloudy areas of opacity occur
spread over many parts of the surface. In between the cloudy areas,
white lines can also be seen.
The entire surface exhibits a marked opacity, or appears chalky white.
Parts of the surface exposed to attrition or wear may appear to be less
The entire surface is opaque, and there are round pits (focal loss of outer-
most enamel) that are less than 2 mm in diameter.
The small pits may frequently be seen merging in the opaque enamel to
form bands that are less than 2 mm in vertical height. In this class are
included also surfaces where the cuspal rim of facial enamel has been
chipped off, and the vertical dimension of the resulting damage is less
than 2 mm.
There is a loss of the outermost enamel in irregular areas, and less than
half the surface is so involved. The remaining intact enamel is opaque.
The loss of the outermost enamel involves more than half the enamel. The
remaining intact enamel is opaque.
The loss of the major part of the outer enamel results in a change of the
anatomic shape of the surface/tooth. A cervical rim of opaque enamel is
often noted.
Fluoride 408
(REQUEST N° EFSA-Q-2003-018)
Potassium is an essential nutrient involved in fluid, acid and electrolyte balance and is required for
normal cellular function. Dietary deficiency of potassium is very uncommon due to the widespread
occurrence of potassium in foods. Available evidence suggests that potassium can modulate blood
pressure and increasing dietary potassium intake is associated with lower blood pressure.
Gastrointestinal symptoms (discomfort, mucosal lesions and sometimes ulceration) have been seen
in healthy subjects taking some forms of potassium supplements (e.g. slow-release, wax matrix
formulations) with doses ranging from about 1 to 5 g potassium per day, or more, but incidence and
severity seem to be more dependent on the formulation than on dose. In healthy adults administration
of single doses of 5-7 g potassium or more (as chloride or bicarbonate solutions) have been reported to
cause elevated plasma potassium, adverse changes in heart function and peripheral nerve symptoms
in a limited number of case reports.
In subjects with impaired kidney function and reduced urinary potassium excretion, elevated plasma
potassium with adverse effects on heart function have been reported with intakes of potassium in the form
of supplements or sodium-reduced salts equivalent to 1 g potassium per day or more in addition to food.
The available data are insufficient to establish a safe upper intake level for potassium.
Based on estimates of current potassium intakes in European countries, the risk of adverse effects
from potassium intake from food sources (up to 5-6 g/day in adults) is considered to be low for
the generally healthy population. Long-term intakes of about 3 g potassium per day as potassium
chloride supplements, in addition to intake from foods, have been shown not to cause adverse effects
(elevated plasma potassium or gastrointestinal symptoms) in healthy adults. However, a few case
studies have reported that supplemental potassium in doses of 5-7 g/day can cause adverse effects
on heart function in apparently healthy adults. In addition, gastrointestinal symptoms have been seen
in healthy subjects taking some forms of potassium supplements with doses ranging from about 1 to
5 g potassium per day.
Certain groups, particularly those with impaired kidney excretion of potassium, are sensitive to adverse
effects of increasing potassium intake on heart function associated with increases in plasma potassium.
These include subjects engaging in strenuous activities leading to dehydration, with diabetes mellitus,
with impaired kidney function, on cardiovascular disease drug treatment or other metabolic disorders
affecting potassium balance. Elderly people may be more vulnerable to adverse effects of potassium
due to reduced kidney function or due to use of drugs affecting potassium balance.
Potassium, tolerable upper intake level, gastrointestinal effects, hyperkalaemia, food safety.
In 2002, the European Parliament and the Council adopted Directive 2002/46/EC
related to food
supplements containing vitamins and minerals.
In addition, and as announced in its White Paper on Food Safety, the Commission aims to put forward
a proposal for harmonising legislation concerning the addition of vitamins and minerals to foods.
1 - Directive 2002/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to food
supplements. OJ L 183. 12.7.2002, p. 51.
Potassium 410
With a view to provide scientific support to the European Commission’s legislative work in this field,
the Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) issued, from October 2000 to April 2003, a series of opinions
on tolerable upper intake levels of individual vitamins and minerals and safety factors in relation to their
use in fortified foods and food supplements (available on the Internet at:
The SCF opinions covered 22 out of the 29 nutrients, which were considered to be within their mandate
for this task. The SCF did not have sufficient time to adopt opinions for the following vitamins and
minerals: vitamin C, chloride, fluoride, iron, phosphorus, potassium and sodium. In addition, during
the decision making process for the adoption of Directive 2000/46/EC on food supplements the
Parliament requested that boron, nickel, silicon, vanadium and tin should be allowed to be used in food
supplements. Therefore, the European Food Safety Authority is asked to provide scientific opinions on
the remaining 12 vitamins and minerals in accordance with the present terms of reference.
With respect to the outstanding 12 vitamins and minerals, the European Food Safety Authority is asked
1) to review the upper levels of daily intakes that are unlikely to pose a risk of adverse health effects; 2)
to provide the basis for the establishment of safety factors, where necessary, which would ensure the
safety of fortified foods and food supplements containing the aforementioned nutrients.
Potassium is widely distributed in the earth’s crust, seawater as a mono-valent cation. It occurs
naturally in the form of several mineral salts but does not occur as metallic potassium. Potassium
in foods is associated with salts of weak organic acids. Various potassium salts, e.g. KCl, are used
in many applications, amongst others as ingredients in foods (e.g. additives), food supplements and
drugs, household chemicals etc. In this opinion, the term potassium refers to ionic potassium, except
where specific potassium compounds are stated. One mmol potassium is equivalent to 39.1 mg.
2.1. Food levels and dietary intake
Important potassium sources include potatoes, fruit and berries, vegetables, milk products (excl.
cheese) and nuts. Potassium occurs in foods mainly associated with weak organic acids. Potassium
is also found in mineral, spring, and table waters, but the content varies considerably. Some mineral
waters available on the market can, when consumed in large quantities, contribute significantly to the
daily intake. The average dietary intake of potassium according to European food consumption studies
is in the range of 3000 to 4000 mg/day. (Table 1). The 95
to 97
percentile intake is in the range of
4000-5500 mg/day.
A number of food additives also contain potassium as the cation. The level of potassium added to
foods as additives generally contribute only to a minor degree to the daily intake. Salt substitutes,
in which part of the sodium chloride has been substituted with potassium salts (usually KCl), can
contribute to the potassium intake.
Food supplements can contribute significant amounts of potassium (usually as KCl), but according
to recent food consumption surveys average reported contributions were only up to 5 % of the total
potassium intake (see Table 1).
Table 1. The daily intakes of potassium in some EU countries (mg/day)
Population N Method Supplements Mean 97.5%
males 1-80 y
females 1-80 y
7-day record
48-h recall
sisted dietary
household 6250 2-day record - 3448 5339
7-day record
7-day record
Andersen et al (1995) - values are means and 95
Männistö et al (2003).
Mensink and Ströbel (1999).
Hulshof et al (1998) - values are mean and 95
Becker and Pearson (2002) - values are means and 95
Henderson et al (2003).
2.2. Nutritional requirements and recommendations
Recommended daily intakes in Europe are in the order of 3.1-3.5 g/day (SCF, 1993). The US Food and
Nutrition Board have set an intake of 4.7 g potassium per day from food as an adequate intake, mainly
based on the beneficial effects on blood pressure (FNB, 2004).
The losses of potassium via the gastrointestinal tract, urinary excretion and sweat, comprises about
800 mg/day (20 mmol), but 1.6 g/day (40 mmol) is needed to avoid low plasma levels and loss of total
body potassium in adults (SCF, 1993).
Potassium deficiency can develop as a consequence of increasing losses from the gastrointestinal tract
and kidneys, e.g. during prolonged diarrhoea or vomiting, and in connection with use of laxatives or
diuretics. Potassium deficiency due to low dietary intake only is very uncommon, due to the widespread
occurrence of potassium in foods. Treatment with diuretics without potassium compensation can,
however, lead to deficiency. Symptoms of potassium deficiency are associated with disturbed cell
membrane function and include muscle weakness, disturbances in heart function, which can lead to
arrhythmia and heart seizure. Mental disturbances, e.g. depression and confusion, can also develop.
The potassium intake may affect sodium balance and low potassium intakes (10-30 mmol/day) may
induce sodium retention and an increase in blood pressure, both in normotensive and hypertensive
subjects (Gallen et al, 1998; Morris et al, 1999; Coruzzi et al, 2001).
A number of studies of both normotensive and hypertensive subjects indicate that an increased potassium
intake, mainly given as a supplement, can lower blood pressure and increase urinary sodium excretion
(Whelton et al, 1997; Geleijnse et al, 2003; Sacks et al, 1998; Gu et al, 2001; Naismith and Braschi, 2003).
However, not all studies showed a clear dose-response effect which could be due to factors such as
differences in duration of studies, initial blood pressure, sodium intake, habitual diet, race and age. Other
clinical trials and population surveys also indicate that a diet rich in potassium alone, or in combination
with calcium and magnesium, may have a favourable effect on blood pressure (Appell et al, 1997; Sacks
et al, 2001; Jula et al, 1990; Geleijnse et al, 1997; He and MacGregor, 2001).
2.3. Function, uptake and distribution
The total body potassium is estimated to be approximately 135 g in a 70 kg adult man. Extra-cellular
potassium, which constitutes around 2% of the body pool, is important for regulating the membrane
potential of the cells, and thereby for nerve and muscle function, blood pressure regulation etc.
Potassium 412
Potassium also participates in the acid-base balance. The major part of the potassium in the body
(98%) is found in the cells where it is the main intracellular cation. Thus intracellular concentrations are
substantially greater than extracellular concentrations. A large proportion of the body pool of potassium
is found in muscle and the skeleton, and it is also present in high concentrations in the blood, central
nervous system, intestine, liver, lung and skin.
The absorption of potassium is effective and about 85-90% of the dietary potassium is normally
absorbed from the gut (EGVM, 2003; FNB, 2004). The potassium balance is primarily regulated by renal
excretion in urine. A small proportion can be lost in sweat. The major excretory route of potassium is
via the kidneys. It is secreted by the renal tubules, in exchange for sodium of the glomerular filtrate (ion
exchange mechanism). Excretion in sweat and faeces is negligible, the latter changing only slightly as
dietary potassium intake varies over a wide range.
The concentration of potassium in plasma is tightly regulated within a narrow range of about 3.5 to 5
mmol/L. The body is able to accommodate a high intake of potassium, without any substantial change
in plasma concentration by synchronized alterations in both renal and extra-renal handling, with
potassium either being excreted in the urine or taken up into cells. Thus the plasma or extracellular
concentration of potassium does not give a clear indication of the body content of potassium.
Both the renal and extra-renal mechanisms through which potassium homeostasis are achieved are
complex in nature, and intimately linked to the cellular handling of other minerals, such as sodium,
magnesium and calcium, as well as to water homeostasis. The main process through which the body
content of potassium is regulated over extended periods of time is renal excretion. Most of the potassium
which is filtered in the glomerulus is re-absorbed in the proximal tubule and loop of Henle. Regulated
excretion is determined by the rate at which potassium is secreted in the distal tubule and collecting ducts
(Wang, 2004). For the normal unadapted kidney, the maximum excretion rate following an oral dose of 8
g potassium chloride (4.2 g potassium) was up to 130 μmol potassium/minute (5 mg potassium/minute)
(Berliner et al 1950). If sustained this would be equivalent to excreting 7.3 g K+/day (188 mmol/day). The
usual diet provides 0.75 to 1.25 mmol potassium/kg body weight/day, or 29-49 mg/kg body weight/day.
On a normal diet a glomerular filtration rate (GFR) below 10 mL/min is rate limiting for potassium secretion
if the urine output is less than 600 mL/day. However, balance can be maintained with intakes up to 5 to
10 mmol potassium/kg body weight/day (195-390 mg/kg body weight /day), as renal excretion through a
healthy kidney which is adapted to high intakes of potassium can effectively excrete potassium at 10 to
20 times the rate of a kidney which has not been adapted to a high intake.
There are effective mechanisms which enable the body to cope with a wide range of habitual intakes of
potassium. These involve complex changes in the kidney, colon and muscle over the shorter and longer
term. In response to a large increase in dietary potassium intake, insulin-mediated uptake into skeletal
muscle (and probably liver) is increased (Wang, 2004). This transfer of potassium from the extra-cellular
to the intracellular space minimizes any rise in plasma potassium concentration in the short term. The
potassium which has been buffered by uptake into muscle is eventually released into the extra-cellular
fluid during the post-prandial period, and excreted through the kidney. There is a short term renal
response to increased potassium in the diet, with stimulation of potassium secretion in the collecting
duct within hours of a potassium rich meal. The kidney responds to a sustained increase in potassium
intake through a decrease in absorption of potassium in the proximal tubules and adaptive changes
in the collecting duct leading to prolonged enhancement of excretion. The combination of insulin
mediated buffering in muscle and enhanced renal secretion in the short term, and more marked renal
adaptive changes in the long term combine to ensure that plasma levels are maintained within narrow
limits when potassium intake is increased. The uptake of potassium into muscle appears reduced in
insulin resistant states, such as obesity, and consumption of high fat diets. Presumably this capacity for
muscle to hold potassium is finite and therefore on a sustained high intake of potassium, the ability to
cope with the dietary intake will be determined by the maximal rate of renal excretion, plus any increase
in loss through the distal colon. Colonic losses of potassium may achieve 10 to 20 mmol/day, when
glomerular filtration rates fall below 30 mL/minute (from the normal 130 mL/minute).
Therefore, the adverse effects of prolonged higher intakes of potassium are determined by a) local
effects on the gastrointestinal tract, and b) metabolic effects determined by the maximum capacity for
renal excretion, and to a lesser extent colonic excretion.
The available animal data are of limited relevance to human risk assessment and this section is limited
to selected considerations of oral toxicity.
3.1. Animal data
3.1.1. Acute toxicity
Acute oral administration of potassium to animals causes changes in acid-base balance, hyperkalaemia,
changes in respiratory rate and hypernatraemia. Acute oral administration of potassium chloride in
animals has been reported to cause death by respiratory failure, with gastroenteritis and renal tubular
necrosis (EGVM, 2003). In rats the oral LD
of KCl is reported to be 2.4-3.0 g/kg body weight (Von
Oettingen, 1956; Boyd and Shanas, 1961). The acute toxicity of potassium bromate and potassium iodate
has been studied in rats and dogs (Kurata et al, 1992; Webster et al, 1966). Four of five rats given single
intragastric doses of 600 mg potassium bromate died within 24 hours of dosing, while the minimal lethal
dose in dogs given orally administered potassium iodate was estimated to 200-250 mg/kg body weight.
The higher toxicity of these potassium salts compared to KCl can be attributed to the anions.
3.1.2. Subacute/subchronic toxicity
Effects produced with potassium nitrate (hypertrophy of the adrenal zona glomerulosa) and potassium
iodate (haemosiderin deposition in the renal tubules) were attributed to the anions (i.e. the nitrate and
iodate moieties) (EGVM, 2003).
3.1.3. Carcinogenicity
There are limited data on the carcinogenicity of potassium chloride (Lina and Kuijpers, 2004). Potassium
bromate, potassium iodide and potassium hydrogen carbonate produced cancers in experimental
studies, but the effects were attributed to the anions (i.e. the bromate, iodide and hydrogen carbonate
moieties) and are thus not relevant to this risk assessment (EGVM, 2003).
3.1.4. Genotoxicity
There are no data on genotoxicity of potassium chloride.
3.1.5. Reproductive toxicity
There are no data on reproductive toxicity of potassium chloride.
3.2. Human data
Daily intakes of potassium from the habitual diet generally do not exceed 5-6 g/day and has not been
associated with any negative effects in healthy individuals. Elderly people may be more vulnerable to
potassium toxicity due to reduced physiological reserve in renal function. Ageing is associated with a
progressive loss of kidney volume and GFR fall with each decade (Beck, 1998). This and changes in for
example renin release leads to decreased capacity for potassium secretion and thus limits the ability to
handle large potassium loads. Elderly are therefore more vulnerable to potassium overload due to increased
intake from diet and/or supplements or due to drugs affecting potassium balance. Individuals with pre-
existing renal disease, hyperkalaemia, adrenal insufficiency, acidosis or insulin deficiency are also vulnerable,
as are those using certain drugs, such as potassium-sparing diuretics, β-adrenergic blockers, angiotensin-
converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, digitalis, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Infants may also be
vulnerable to excessive potassium due to limited excretion capacity and immature function (EGVM, 2003).
In some situations for therapeutic purposes relatively large amounts of oral potassium chloride might
be given as a matter of course with substantial benefit and no adverse consequence. Low body
potassium is ubiquitous in people who are severely malnourished, and in treatment a high priority is
given to the provision of potassium. The World Health Organization recommends that up to 4 mmol
(156 mg) potassium/kg body weight/day is given as an oral supplement of potassium chloride once
an adequate flow of urine has been established, in the acute treatment of infants and young children
(WHO, 1999). One report suggests that over 7 mmol (274 mg)/kg body weight/day of potassium might
be tolerated without adverse effects in some situations (Manary and Brewster, 1997).
Intake of potassium chloride has been associated with acute poisoning in humans. Case reports have
described heart failure, cyanosis and cardiac arrest after ingestion of high doses of potassium chloride
tablets (see section 3.2.1).
Potassium 414
Gastrointestinal toxicity has also been described after chronic ingestion of potassium chloride in case
studies and supplementation studies. This is characterised by abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting,
diarrhoea, and ulceration of the oesophagus, stomach and duodenum and ileum.
3.2.1. Hyperkalaemia and cardiac effects
Short-term studies (2-3 weeks) on healthy adults have shown that serum potassium levels were within
normal ranges at intakes up to around 15 g potassium per day, provided that fluid intake is sufficient
and that intake is evenly distributed over the day (FNB, 2004; Rabelink et al, 1990). In a metabolic
ward study by Rabelink et al (1990) six healthy young subjects (3 males and 3 females) were given a
KCl solution to the meals (in total 3.9 g K per meal), which were provided every sixth hour during a
20-day period, i.e. one meal was given during the night, as well 200 mL water was given hourly. The
total intake of potassium was 15.6 g/day. Plasma potassium levels rose initially and the mean level
after 48 hours was 4.77 mmol/L. About 95% of the ingested potassium was excreted in the urine. The
plasma levels then decreased and remained stable throughout the study period. A similar, but more
pronounced pattern was seen for aldosterone and plasma renin activity. There was an indication of
some initial volume loss, e.g. fall in body weight, which normalised during the study period. This study
indicates that intakes up to about 15 g/day, distributed over the day and with adequate fluid intake,
may be tolerated in healthy subjects without exceeding the normal range of serum potassium, at least
under metabolic ward conditions.
In a long-term study supplementation of the sodium-restricted diet with 3.7 g potassium per day given
as KCl tablets 3 times a day was not reported to lead to hyperkalaemia in hypertensive males, although
serum potassium levels increased during the first six months compared to the placebo group (Grimm et
al, 1990). In this study the dietary potassium intake was not given, but can be roughly calculated from
baseline data on urinary excretion, which was given per 8 hours (overnight). The mean intake from diet
is estimated to about 2.5-3 g/day and the 97.5 percentile to about 4.5-5 g/day (allowing for absorption
and incomplete urinary data). The KCl tablets provided 3.7 g/day, but the mean intake was about 3.1 g/
day, taking compliance into account. Thus, the estimated total high intake would be about 7-8 g/day.
Acute high doses of potassium might, however, exceed the capacity of the kidney to eliminate
potassium and thereby lead to elevated serum potassium levels and disturbed clearance of for
example urea. In a study by Keith et al (1941) seven normal subjects received single doses of 9.5-17.5
g potassium chloride or bicarbonate (4.9-6.8 g K) in solutions after having a standardized breakfast. In
two of the subjects, who received a single dose of 12.5 or 17.5 g potassium chloride or bicarbonate,
respectively (6.5-6.8 g K), symptoms as increased T-wave ECG and paresthesia of hands and feet in
parallel with marked/or severe hyperkalaemia (8 mmol/L) were observed within 2-3 hours. However,
symptoms did not appear in other subjects receiving the same amount of potassium. The data indicate
that acute intakes of 80-100 mg/kg body weight (equivalent to 4.8-6 g for a 60 kg person) could cause
acute adverse effects in some apparently normal subjects. In subjects with impaired kidney function the
capacity to eliminate potassium is limited and a number of drugs also influence potassium elimination.
In such cases lower doses of potassium may affect potassium homeostasis negatively.
Case reports of adverse effects associated with high doses of potassium containing supplements (KCl) and
salt substitutes have described chest tightness, nausea and vomiting, diarrhoea, hyperkalaemia, shortness of
breath and heart failure. The reported doses causing acute effects were 1-94 g/day in adults and 1.5-7 g/day
in infants (see Annex 1). Fatal cases of acute or chronic potassium intake have been reported. For example, a
fatality resulted from hyperkalaemia and resultant asystole after ingestion of 21 g of salt substitute representing
an oral bolus of 11 g potassium (Restuccio, 1992). A 2 month-old boy died after being given three doses of
1.5 g potassium chloride in two days (2.3 g potassium in total), with breast milk over one and a half days (Wetli
and Davis, 1978).
Severe cardiac complications (fatal and non-fatal) and hyperkalaemia have also been reported following
sub-chronic and chronic ingestion of salt substitutes or supplements.
A 75 year-old women with previous myocardial infarction developed heart failure after 6 weeks of
consuming salt substitutes and a low-sodium diet (Snyder et al 1975).
Schim van der Loeff et al (1988) report of a 29-year-old woman who suffered a cardiac arrest, due to
profound hyperkalaemia, which was attributed to the use of a potassium-containing salt substitute. The
patient was resuscitated, but post-hypoxic brain damage occurred.
A 31 year-old body builder developed ventricular tachycardia and collapse due to myocardial infarction,
while consuming potassium supplements (5 g/day, duration unknown) in addition to anabolic steroids,
amphetamines and potassium sparing diuretics (Appleby et al, 1994).
Parisi et al (2002) report a case of a 14-year old football player suffering from premature ventricular beats.
He used to take regularly a hydrosaline supplementation, which gave him a daily intake of potassium of
about 5 g. Hyperkalaemia was found. After refraining from potassium supplementation and sport for 3
months clinical examination showed no ventricular arrhythmias and plasma concentration was normal.
In subjects with impaired kidney function high potassium intakes from diet and potassium containing
salt substitutes may lead to hyperkalaemia. A typical case is reported by Doorenbos et al (2003), in
which a 74-year old woman with end stage renal disease developed severe hyperkalaemia after use
of a potassium-containing salt substitute, of which at least two
thirds was potassium chloride. After
ceasing to use the salt substitute, no further episodes of severe
hyperkalaemia occurred.
These case reports emphasize the potential risk of excessive use of salt substitutes and supplements,
especially when used by subjects who are predisposed to retain potassium.
3.2.2. Gastrointestinal effects
Administration of potassium as KCl supplements has been associated with negative effects on the
gastrointestinal mucosa. The majority of studies refer to patients treated with potassium supplements.
Reported side effects include mild mucosal lesions to ulceration, sometimes leading to death. The
occurrence and severity of the effects depend on a number of factors of which formulation of the
preparation, dose and gut transit time seem to be the most important.
Other symptoms such as nausea, stomach pain, vomiting and diarrhoea have been reported in
supplementation studies but they were often seen in the control groups as well (Svetkey et al, 1987;
Grimm et al, 1990; Gonzalez et al, 1998)
McMahon et al (1982) studied the effects of two types of potassium chloride supplements
(microencapsulated or wax-coated) on gastrointestinal lesions. Forty-eight healthy volunteers were given
a supplement of 96 mmol/day (3.7 g) or 24 mmol (0.9 g) potassium for a week. Twelve subjects were
given glycopyrrolate and either of the KCl preparations. The remaining 24 subjects were randomised on
either preparation without glycopyrrolate. Subjects were gastroscoped, the endoscopist being blind to
the type of preparation taken. Wax-matrix formulations were associated with a higher incidence of upper
gastrointestinal lesions (score 26-41) than microencapsulated (score 0-3). Lesion scores were of the
same magnitude on 96 mmol/day and 24 mmol/day - score 30 and 26, respectively. The lesions were not
accompanied by epigastric symptoms. Glycopyrrolate, given to delay gastric emptying, was associated
with higher lesion score for gastric and duodenal side effects. Gastrointestinal erosions occurred with only
mild symptoms being apparent. The total potassium intake was not stated.
In another study by the same group (McMahon et al, 1984), eight controlled 1- or 2-week experiments
involving 225 healthy male subjects and one study of 18 patients with hypertension, nine of whom
were long-term users of a wax-matrix potassium chloride preparation, were conducted to evaluate
the upper gastrointestinal safety of oral KCl supplements. Subjects were given either wax-matrix KCl
tablets, KCl liquid, microencapsulated KCl, a potassium-sparer, or placebo and were examined after
treatment. Some subjects received an anticholinergic drug with treatment to induce delayed gastric
motility. Results indicated that upper mucosal injury, particularly erosions (43%) and ulcerations (11%),
were more frequent after wax-matrix tablets. These changes occurred less frequently after liquid KCl
(0%), microencapsulated KCl (10.5% erosions, 1.2% ulcers), and the potassium-sparing drug (0%). More
serious and more frequent lesions were associated with slowed motility. No occult bleeding was noted.
Symptomatic complaints did not correlate with endoscopic findings. In the long-term study with patients
with hypertension, endoscopic examination after 19 to 23 months on KCl showed that six of nine of the
patients given a wax-matrix KCl supplement had significant lesions. One had developed ulceration after
7 days. However, the nature of the placebo given was not stated and the incidence of mucosal damage
was higher in the placebo group than for subjects given some of the potassium preparations.
McLoughlin (1985) compared 7-day administration of three different forms of KCl preparations (wax matrix,
microencapsulated and controlled release systems) administered three times daily in 45 healthy subjects.
Oesophagus, stomach and duodenum were examined with endoscopy. The preparations were given in a
random order and endoscopist was unaware of the order. Seven of the 15 subjects taking wax matrix KCl
Potassium 416
showed erosions and two showed hyperaemia only. Of the 15 subjects taking microencapsulated KCl,
one showed erosions and two showed hyperaemia only, while none of those taking the controlled release
preparation showed erosions and four had hyperaemia. The dosage was not stated.
Small bowel ulceration at an incidence of 3 per 100,000 patient year of medication in 13 surgical clinics
in Stockholm County treated with slow-release (wax matrix) KCl tablets during 1970-83 (Leijonmarck
and Räf, 1985). The figure is higher than figures given by the authors for the USA, 1 per 100, 000.
A large number of studies have investigated the preventive effect of potassium supplementation on
hypertension and heart disease (Whelton et al, 1997). The study groups included both normal, healthy
subjects and subjects with hypertension and heart disease. The majority of these studies have shown
beneficial effects of potassium supplementation (usually as KCl). Although adverse effects have not
generally been reported, except gastrointestinal effects, it is often unclear whether adverse effects were
investigated. In the study by Grimm et al (1990) supplementation with 96 mmol microcrystalline KCl (3.7
g K, with an effective dose of 3.1 g) or placebo for 2 years the reported incidence of side effects was
comparable in the placebo and treatment groups. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study by Svetkey
et al (1987) 101 subjects with mild hypertension were allocated either 120 mmol microencapsulated
KCl (4.7 g K in 5 capsules 3 times daily) or placebo for 8 weeks. Side effects of mostly mild character
were reported in both groups and confined to a few subjects. Subjects in the treatment group reported
somewhat more frequently abdominal pain (18% vs 9%) and belching or flatulence (20% vs. 10%). One
subject in the treatment group and two in the placebo group discontinued the study due to side effects.
The authors state that clinically evident irritation of the gastric mucosa did not occur, nor was occult
gastrointestinal bleeding detected. Obel (1989) reported no notable untoward effects in 48 subjects
with mild hypertension given 64 mmol/day of potassium (2.5 g K) supplements for 16 weeks.
A few studies have investigated gastrointestinal effects of other potassium salts than KCl. In a
randomised, controlled trial Gonzalez et al (1998) compared effects on the gastric mucosa of
potassium-magnesium citrate with potassium citrate and placebo in 36 healthy adults. Five tablets
providing 70 mmol potassium (2.7 g K) or placebo per day were given for 7 days. In addition all subjects
took 2 mg/day of glycopyrrolate to delay gastric emptying. On day 8, stools were examined for occult
blood and an oesophago-gastroduodenoscopy was performed. Mucosal lesions were scored at five
anatomic sites. No significant differences were observed in the endoscopic scores at any site, or in the
total lesion scores among the three groups. Erosion or ulcers were found in about 20% of the subjects
with no differences between the groups. However, subjects receiving both potassium supplements
more frequently reported symptoms like epigastric pain, cramps and loose stools.
In a randomised, crossover study Overlack et al (1995) investigated the effect of potassium citrate
or chloride supplementation on blood pressure in 25 patients with essential hypertension. Tablets
providing 120 mmol/day (4.7 g K) or placebo were given for 8 weeks. Unwanted, unspecific
gastrointestinal side effects were observed in 12 patients on KCl, 10 patients on potassium citrate and
two patients on placebo. In two patients these were stated to be mild. More severe symptoms were
reported in one patient receiving potassium citrate (headache, dizziness and fatigue) and in one patient
receiving potassium chloride (ulcus duodeni), which needed treatment. Four patients ceased to take
the potassium supplements for personal reasons. In another study (Overlack et al 1991) the authors
compared the effect of a potassium citrate/bicarbonate supplement with placebo on blood pressure in
12 patients with essential hypertension. However, no information on side effects was given.
In summary, potassium supplementation in the form of tablets may cause gastrointestinal symptoms,
from mild symptoms and damage of mucosa to ulcers. The effects seem to be more dependent on the
formulation than on dose. Slow release, wax coated KCl tablets appear to induce more lesions than
microencapsulated tablets (McMahon et al, 1982 and 1984). It is unclear if effects depend on type of
potassium salt, since few studies have included other salts than potassium chloride.
4.1. Hyperkalaemia and cardiac effects
There are no reports of adverse effects associated with potassium naturally-occurring in food in healthy
subjects. In adults high-level intakes (95 or 97.5 percentile) from diet are reported to 5-6 g/day. A few
experimental studies indicate that healthy adults can tolerate potassium intakes up to about 15 g per
day provided that the intake is evenly distributed over the day and that fluid intake is sufficient and the
renal function is normal (Rabelink et al, 1990).
Long-term intake (more than 2 years) of KCl supplements providing an effective dose of 3.1 g
potassium per day in 3 separate doses did not cause hyperkalaemia in middle-aged, hypertensive
men (Grimm et al, 1990) on a sodium-restricted diet. The 97.5 percentile total potassium intake in
this study is estimated to be about 7-8 g/day. However, single doses of 6.5-6.8 g potassium given
as KCl solution to apparently healthy adults (80-100 mg/kg body weight) have been associated with
acute hyperkalaemia, ECG characteristic of hyperkalaemia and paresthesia of hands and feet in a few
subjects (Keith et al, 1941).
Case studies of adverse effects associated with high to very high doses (Annex 1) of potassium from
salt substitutes or supplements (KCl) have described chest tightness, nausea and vomiting, diarrhoea,
hyperkalaemia, shortness of breath and heart failure. The reported acute and chronic effects have
usually been seen in subjects with impaired renal function, heart disease, on medication for various
diseases including heart disease, e.g. diuretics and antihypertensive drugs, or in subjects taking
anabolic steroids. A case of hyperkalaemia and compromised heart function in an apparently healthy
young subject, which was associated with high intakes of a potassium salt containing beverage
has been reported in the literature (Parisi et al, 2002). The reported dose was estimated to about 5
g potassium per day, in addition to the dietary intake, which was not stated. It is well known that
plasma potassium levels increase during exercise (Lindinger, 1995). Therefore excessive potassium
supplementation in connection with exercise may pose an increased risk for conductive heart effects,
even in apparently healthy subjects.
4.2. Gastrointestinal effects
Controlled studies show that gastrointestinal symptoms (ranging in severity from discomfort to mucosal
erosion and ulceration) can occur in healthy subjects taking some forms of potassium supplements,
e.g. slow release, wax-matrix formulations, with doses ranging from 24 to 120 mmol/day (0.9 to 4.7 g
K) or more, but incidence and severity seem to be more dependent on the formulation than on dose
(McMahon et al, 1982 and 1984; McLaughlin, 1985; Overlack et al, 1995).
The available data are insufficient to establish an upper level for potassium.
Potassium intakes from foods have not been associated with adverse effects in normal, healthy
children and adults. The average intake in adults from the diet is 3-4 g and the intake generally does
not exceed 5-6 g per day.
A long-term intake of potassium supplements as potassium chloride of about 3 g per day in addition to
intakes from foods has been showed not to have adverse effects. Supplemental potassium in doses of
5-7 g/day in addition to dietary intake has in a few cases, however, been reported to cause conductive
effects and compromised heart function in apparently healthy adults.
Gastrointestinal symptoms have been seen in healthy subjects taking some forms of potassium
supplements, e.g. slow release, wax-matrix formulations, with doses ranging from 0.9 to 4.7 g/day or
more, but incidence and severity seem to be more dependent on the formulation than on dose.
Elderly people may be more vulnerable to adverse effects of potassium due to reduced physiological
reserve in renal function or due to drugs affecting potassium balance. Certain other groups are also
sensitive to increases in potassium intakes. These include subjects engaging in strenuous activities
leading to dehydration, with impaired renal function, on cardiovascular disease drug treatment or other
metabolic disorders affecting potassium homeostasis. Case reports of various adverse effects such
as hyperkalaemia, conductive effects and compromised heart function have been reported in such
subjects after moderate to high acute or sub-chronic intakes of potassium in the form of supplements
or potassium-containing salt substitutes.
Potassium 418
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Potassium 420
Yap V, Patel A, Thomsen J (1976). Hyperkalemia with cardiac arrhythmia. Induction by salt substitutes, spironolactone, and azotemia.
JAMA 236: 2775-2776.
Wulf Becker, Francesco Branca, Daniel Brasseur, Jean-Louis Bresson, Albert Flynn, Alan A. Jackson,
Pagona Lagiou, Martinus Løvik, Geltrude Mingrone, Bevan Moseley, Andreu Palou, Hildegard
Przyrembel, Seppo Salminen, Stephan Strobel, Henk van den Berg, and Hendrik van Loveren.
The Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies wishes to thank Jan Alexander, Angelo
Carere, Werner Grunow, Andrew Renwick and Gerrit Speijers for their contributions to the draft opinion.
Annex 1. Potassium toxicity and adverse effects. Case reports.
Subject Symptoms Dose Comment Reference
Woman, 62y
Gastric distention, infla-
med stomach, necrotic
mucosal lining sloughed
94g K as 300 KCl
slow-release tablets
Suicide attempt
Peeters&van der Weef
Vomiting, sweaty, breath-
less, left ventricular failure,
cyanosis, lung crepitations
0.63g KCl x 20
(c. 6.6 g K)
Bendrofluazide and
phenylbutazone also taken
Man, 26 y
Vomiting, fatal
cardiac arrest
0.6g KCl x 40
(c. 12.5g K)
Distalgesic also taken
32 y
Presented with diarrhoea,
subsequently found dead
47 KCl tablets Wetli&Davis, 1978
Boy, 2 mo
Listlessness cyanosis,
ceased breathing, fatal
28h later
3g KCl and 1.5 g in
breast milk on 2 sub-
sequent days (c. 1.56g
and 0,78g K/day)
KCl given after infant
being ‘colic’
Wetli&Davis, 1978
Man, 56 y
Hyperkalaemia, ventricular
fibrillation, fatal cariac
arrest after aortic valve
Potassium supplement.
40 mmol after bicycle
exercise test. Salt
substitute 5.5g/day 2
wk before test
Existing heart disease.
Digoxin, chlorthiazide.
Low Na diet
Hultgren et al 1975
Man, 58 y
Hyperkalaemia, cariac
Potassium supplement.
40 mmol after
exercise test
Existing heart disease.
Low Na diet (1.5g/day) 2
wks before. Moderate
renal dysfunction
Hultgren et al 1975
Man, 53 y
Chest tightness, nausea,
vomiting. Died of hyperka-
laemia with asystole
283 mmol (c. 11g K)
as Nu-salt (21g)
Imipramine, beer also taken Restuccio, 1992
8 mo
Stiffness, eye rolling back,
breathing difficulties,
severe hyperkalaemia
17.2g Morton’s salt
substitute, equiv. to
26 mmol K/kg BW
(c. 0.66g K/kg)
Mild upper respiratory
infection causing emesis
and diarrhoea
Kallen et al, 1976
Man, 52 y Hyperkalaemia
KCl solution, single oral
dose, 32 mmol (1.3g)
Hypertension, hypoaldo-
steronism; chlorthalidone
taken. Low Na and K diet
3 d before
Perez et al 1984
Man, 49 y Hyperkalaemia
KCl solution, single oral
dose, 47 mmol (1.8g)
Diabetes mellitus, periferal
sensory neuropathy,
Perez et al 1984
Potassium 422
Subject Symptoms Dose Comment Reference
Sub-chronic and chronic
75 y
Shortness of breath,
oedema, heart failure
Lite-salt substitute ad lib
for 6 weeks
Previous myocardial
Snyder et al, 1975
Patient Near fatal hyperkalaemia
Soup seasoned with salt
Hoyt 1986
Man, 31 y
Ventricular tachycardia.
Collapse due to
myocardial infarction
5g/day potassium
Duration unknown
Body builder. Subject also
taking anabolic steroids,
amphetamines and potas-
sium sparing diuretics
Appleby et al, 1994.
68 y
Nausea and abdominal
cramps, stenosis of the
small bowel, probably
caused by focal alteration.
2x 10mEq KCL tablets/day
for several years
(approx 0.78g/day)
Hypertension treatment,
50mg hydrochlorothiazide
Man 63 y
No Salt’ supplement, 35
mmol (1,4g K) per ½ tea-
spoon. Duration not stated
Existing cardiomyopathy McCaughan 1984
Man, 74 y
Cardiac arrhytmia,
oedema, hyperkalaemia
Salt substitutes used
liberally several days prior
Chronic reumatic valvular
disease, digoxin,
furosemide, spironolactone
also taken
Yap et al 1976
2 men, 64 &
67 y
Hyperkalaemia, loss of
conciousness, vomiting
Lo salt’, c. 70-133 mmol/
day (2.7-5.2g/day) > 1 wk
Hypertensive patients
on ACE inhibitors
Ray et al 1999
29 y
Hyperkalaemia. Cardiac
arrest. Post-hypoxic
brain damage
K-containing salt substitu-
tes taken after period
of diarrhoea as she
suspected hypokalaemia
Frusemide also taken.
Schim van der Loeff
et al 1988
Boy, 14 y
Hyperkalaemia, premature
ventricular beats
Hydrosaline beverages c.
5 g K/day during 2 month
Football player
Parisi et al 2002
(REQUEST N° EFSA-Q-2003-018)
Chloride is an essential nutrient involved in fluid and electrolyte balance and is required for normal
cellular function. Dietary deficiency of chloride is very uncommon due to the widespread occurrence
of chloride in foods.
Chloride is present in foods as a normal constituent at a low level. It is also added to foods, mainly as
sodium chloride (commonly known as salt) or as mixtures of sodium chloride and potassium chloride
(sometimes referred to as salt substitutes) during processing, cooking and immediately prior to
consumption. The main reasons for the addition of salt during the processing of foods are for flavour,
texture and preservation.
Mean daily chloride intakes of populations in Europe range from about 5-7 g (about 8-11g salt) and are
well in excess of dietary needs (about 2 - 2.5 g chloride/day in adults). The main source of chloride in
the diet is from processed foods (about 70-75% of the total intake), with about 10-15% from naturally
occurring chloride in unprocessed foods and about 10-15% from discretionary chloride added during
cooking and at the table.
The major adverse effect of increased intake of chloride, as sodium chloride, is elevated blood pressure.
Higher blood pressure is an acknowledged risk factor for ischaemic heart disease, stroke and renal
disease which are major causes of morbidity and mortality in Europe. For groups of individuals there
is strong evidence of a dose dependent rise in blood pressure with increased consumption of chloride
as sodium chloride. This is a continuous relationship which embraces the levels of chloride habitually
consumed and it is not possible to determine a threshold level of habitual chloride consumption below
which there is unlikely to be any adverse effect on blood pressure.
Gastrointestinal symptoms (discomfort, mucosal lesions and sometimes ulceration) have been seen in
healthy subjects taking some forms of potassium chloride supplements (e.g. slow-release, wax matrix
formulations) with doses ranging from about 1 to 4 g chloride per day, or more, but incidence and
severity seem to be more dependent on the formulation than on dose.
Chloride is not carcinogenic but high intakes of sodium chloride can increase the susceptibility to the
carcinogenic effects of carcinogens, such as nitrosamines, and gastric infection with H. pylori.
The panel concludes that the available data are not sufficient to establish an UL for chloride from
dietary sources.
There is strong evidence that the current levels of chloride consumption (as sodium chloride) in
European countries contribute to increased blood pressure in the population, which in turn has been
directly related to the development of cardiovascular disease and renal disease. For this reason, a
number of national and international bodies have set targets for a reduction in the chloride as sodium
chloride consumed in the diet.
Chloride, salt, blood pressure, tolerable upper intake level, food safety.
In 2002, the European Parliament and the Council adopted Directive 2002/46/EC
related to food
supplements containing vitamins and minerals.
1. Directive 2002/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to food
supplements. OJ L 183. 12.7.2002, p. 51.
Chloride 424
In addition, and as announced in its White Paper on Food Safety, the Commission aims to put forward
a proposal for harmonising legislation concerning the addition of vitamins and minerals to foods.
With a view to provide scientific support to the European Commission’s legislative work in this field,
the Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) issued, from October 2000 to April 2003, a series of opinions
on tolerable upper intake levels of individual vitamins and minerals and safety factors in relation to their
use in fortified foods and food supplements (available on the Internet at:
The SCF opinions covered 22 out of the 29 nutrients, which were considered to be within their mandate
for this task. The SCF did not have sufficient time to adopt opinions for the following vitamins and
minerals: vitamin C, chloride, fluoride, iron, phosphorus, potassium and sodium. In addition, during
the decision making process for the adoption of Directive 2000/46/EC on food supplements the
Parliament requested that boron, nickel, silicon, vanadium and tin should be allowed to be used in food
supplements. Therefore, the European Food Safety Authority is asked to provide scientific opinions on
the remaining 12 vitamins and minerals in accordance with the present terms of reference.
With respect to the outstanding 12 vitamins and minerals, the European Food Safety Authority is asked
1) to review the upper levels of daily intakes that are unlikely to pose a risk of adverse health effects; 2)
to provide the basis for the establishment of safety factors, where necessary, which would ensure the
safety of fortified foods and food supplements containing the aforementioned nutrients.
Chloride is found widely in nature and as a normal constituent of foods, generally as salts of sodium
(NaCl) or potassium (KCl). Chloride is also added to food mainly as sodium chloride (commonly known
as salt (1 mmol is equivalent to 35.5 mg chloride and approximates 58 mg sodium chloride) or mixtures
of sodium chloride and potassium chloride (sometimes referred to as salt substitutes). Other chloride
salts may be added, generally at lower amount, to food for nutritional or technological purpose, e.g.
magnesium chloride. Ammonium chloride is permitted to be added to certain foods (e.g. liquorice)
as an additive. In drinking water, the guide level of chloride is 25 mg/L (Council Directive 80/778/EC).
Chloride is an essential dietary constituent and a dietary inadequacy leads to serious consequence.
Chloride is present in biological systems as the main anion in the extracellular space, acting to maintain
extracellular volume, and ionic balance. It crosses cell membranes and is involved in the regulation of
osmotic pressure, water balance and acid-base balance.
It is sometimes difficult to differentiate the effects of the chloride moiety in chloride salts such as NaCl and
KCl from that of the sodium or potassium moiety on physiology and metabolism. Therefore this Opinion
should be read in conjunction with the Panels Opinions on the tolerable upper level of sodium (NDA, 2005a)
and potassium (NDA, 2005b).
2.1. Food levels and dietary intake
Chloride is found in plant and animal based foods in association with monovalent counter cations,
mainly sodium and potassium. It is added as salt (NaCl or NaCl/KCl mixtures) to foods during
processing, cooking and immediately prior to consumption. The main reasons for the addition of salt
during the processing of foods are for taste, texture and preservation.
The chloride content of natural foods varies from around 0.1 to 3 mmol/100g, with fruit containing 0.1
mmol/100g, vegetables, 0.3 mmol/100g and meat fish or eggs 3.0 mmol/100g. The chloride content of
processed foods may be much higher; bread 20 mmol/100g; cheese, 30 mmol/100g; salted butter, 40
mmol/100g; and lean raw bacon, 80 mmol/100g.
The assessment of the dietary consumption of chloride in individuals and populations is difficult
because of the variable extent to which discretionary additions of salt contribute to the total. The use
of dietary assessment methods to determine intake are likely to provide variable underestimates. The
most accurate determinations of chloride consumption are derived from measurements of the excretion
in urine over 24 hours, although care has to be taken to ensure the completeness of the urine collection
(Bingham and Cummings, 1985; Bingham et al, 1988).
The main source of chloride in the diet is from salt (NaCl) or (to a lesser extent) salt substitutes (NaCl/
KCl mixtures) added during the processing and manufacture of foods (about 70-75% of the total intake)
and added to food during cooking and at the table. Naturally occurring chloride in unprocessed foods
contributes about 15% of total chloride intake. Discretionary sources of sodium chloride or sodium
chloride/potassium chloride mixtures added during cooking and at table comprise about 10 to 15% of
total chloride intake (Sanchez-Castillo et al, 1987). The main sources of chloride from foods in the diet
are from cereals and cereal products, particularly bread, and meat and meat products (SACN, 2003).
Other sources of chloride are from vegetables.
2.2. Nutritional requirements and recommendations
Chloride is an essential nutrient. The SCF did not establish a Population Reference Intake for chloride but
concluded that the requirements should match those for sodium (on a molar basis), i.e. 25 - 150 mmol/
day (SCF, 1993). The US Institute of Medicine established an Adequate Intake (AI) for chloride at a level
equivalent on a molar basis to that of sodium, since almost all dietary chloride comes with the sodium
added during processing or consumption of foods (FNB, 2004). The AI for chloride for younger adults is
2.3 g/day (65 mmol/day), and for older adults and the elderly 2.0 and 1.8 g per day respectively.
For most populations, the habitual levels of chloride consumption greatly exceed the physiological
requirements, and there are few data which determine the minimal levels of chloride consumption
required to maintain health in people who have adapted to low levels of chloride consumption over
long periods of time.
2.3. Function, uptake, distribution and elimination
Dietary chloride is virtually completely absorbed along the length of the intestine. The total body chloride
averages about 33 mmol/kg body weight (1.2 g/kg) in a normal adult male (Pike and Brown). Chloride
is found in small amounts in a bound form related to connective tissue. Less than 15% of the body’s
content of chloride is located within cells. The chloride content of blood and the extracellular space
is not related to dietary intake but is influenced by intake/plasma concentrations of other electrolytes.
The ready transfer of chloride in exchange for bicarbonate between erythrocytes and plasma and in the
gastrointestinal tract and renal collecting tubule is an important aspect of the control of blood pH.
The important role played by chloride in the control of electrolyte and acid base equilibria has been
well characterised and chloride deficiency is most likely the consequence of an increase in losses,
although dietary deficiencies have been described in infants consuming a commercial formula deficient
in chloride (Rodriguez-Soriano et al, 1983). Chloride is essential for the formation of hydrochloric acid
in the stomach, and hence is involved in the non-specific protection from food borne pathogens. It
has generally been considered that chloride readily crosses cell membranes, although the permeability
of some smooth muscle, such as vascular smooth muscle, is less than has been assumed. In
vascular smooth muscle the active transport of chloride is energetically expensive and appears to be
tightly regulated, playing a fundamental role in contraction, an observation of direct relevance to the
development of high blood pressure (Chipperfield and Harper, 2000).
Experimental studies have shown that the chloride moiety makes a specific contribution to the effects
of sodium chloride on blood pressure, by modulation of renal regulatory systems and plasma renin
activity in the rat (Kirchner, 1978; Abboud et al, 1979), dog (Kotchen et al, 1980; Kotchen et al, 1983.),
and in the human (Julian et al, 1982; Tomita et al, 1990). There are also specific effects on angiotensin
II and aldosterone (Koletsky et al, 1981; Sato et al, 1991; Imig et al, 1993). Dietary loading with sodium
chloride leads to positive chloride balance, expanded extracellular volume and increased renal vascular
resistance (Passmore et al, 1985; Tomita et al, 1990). Chloride is rate limiting for the transport of sodium
and chloride in the thin ascending loop of Henle, because of the differences in the affinities of sodium
and chloride for the cotransporters. Thus the availability of chloride has a determinant effect on the
release of renin (Kotchen et al, 1987).
Chloride is lost from the body in sweat (20-80 mmol/day) and other secretions, in stool (5-10 mmol/day)
and in urine (1-500 mmol/day).
Chloride 426
There is evidence that prolonged consumption of excessive chloride as sodium chloride contributes to
an elevated blood pressure, which is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and renal disease (NDA,
2005a). Available evidence indicates that both chloride and sodium contribute to this effect.
In three selective breeds of rats which are especially prone to develop high blood pressure when
exposed to dietary salt, chronic selective loading with either sodium or chloride has been found not to
induce hypertension (Kotchen et al, 1983; Kurtz and Morris, 1983; Whitescarver et al, 1984; Kurtz and
Morris, 1985; Whitescarver et al, 1986; Passmore and Jimenez, 1990; Reddy and Kotchen 1992; Imig
et al, 1993; Kadota et al, 1993; Kunes et al, 2004).
Any effects of selective loading with dietary chloride without sodium have been attributed in part to direct
effects on acidosis or indirect effects of acidosis on potassium or calcium (Kotchen et al, 1988). Boegehold and
Kotchen (1989) conclude that the observations indicate that the concomitant provision of a high intake of both
sodium and chloride in the diet is required for the expression of experimental salt-sensitive hypertension.
As early as 1929, it was reported that a diet high in sodium bicarbonate did not have the same effect on
raising blood pressure as sodium chloride (Berghoff and Geraci, 1929). This has been confirmed by others
(Morgan, 1982; Kurt and Morris, 1983; Luft et al, 1990). The effect of sodium chloride on blood pressure
has not been seen with sodium phosphate (Shore et al, 1988), or sodium citrate (Kurtz et al, 1987; Tomita
et al, 1990; Sato et al, 1991). Similarly, when the chloride ion is taken without sodium the effects on blood
pressure are less evident (Grollman et al, 1945; Dole et al, 1950). Thus, the findings from human studies
support the evidence from animal investigations that both sodium and chloride are required for the effects
of salt on blood pressure to be manifest. The evidence would suggest that changes in blood volume
underlie these effects (Tomita et al, 1990), which are closely related to alterations in the set point for renal
salt and water homeostasis. Recent molecular studies implicate a specific role for the anion exchanger
pendrin, and its expression in the kidney (Quentin et al, 2004).
Adverse changes in heart function and peripheral nerve symptoms associated with high to very high
doses of potassium chloride from salt substitutes or supplements (KCl) (4.4-6.2 Cl/day, or more, in
addition to diet) have been described, usually in subjects with impaired renal function, but occasionally
in healthy adults (NDA, 2005b). These effects are mediated by hyperkalaemia and thus appear to be
attributable to potassium intake rather than chloride.
Controlled studies show that gastrointestinal symptoms (ranging in severity from discomfort to
mucosal erosion and ulceration) can occur in healthy subjects taking some forms of potassium chloride
supplements, e.g. slow release, wax-matrix formulations, with doses ranging from 24 to 120 mmol/day
(0.9-4.3 g/day) or more, but incidence and severity seem to be more dependent on the formulation than
on dose (NDA, 2005b). It is not possible to distinguish between the possible contributions of chloride
and potassium to these effects.
Higher blood pressure is an acknowledged risk factor for ischaemic heart disease, stroke and renal
disease. For groups of individuals there is strong evidence of a dose response relationship between
increased consumption of chloride as sodium chloride and higher levels of systolic, diastolic and
mean blood pressure (Sacks et al, 2001). The effect of sodium on blood pressure is linked to that of
chloride and he adverse effect on blood pressure associated with increasing salt intake appears to be
attributable to both sodium and chloride (NDA, 2005a).
Gastrointestinal symptoms (ranging in severity from discomfort to mucosal erosion and ulceration) can occur
in healthy subjects taking some forms of potassium chloride supplements, e.g. slow release, wax-matrix
formulations, with doses ranging from 24 to 120 mmol/day (0.9 to 4.3 g chloride) or more (NDA, 2005b). The
extent to which chloride, as distinct from potassium, contributes to these symptoms is not clear.
The available data are not sufficient to establish an upper level for chloride from dietary sources.
The habitual intake of chloride (mainly as sodium chloride) for populations across Europe is high and
exceeds the amounts required for normal function. The current levels of chloride consumption as sodium
chloride have been associated directly with a greater likelihood of increased blood pressure, which in
turn has been directly related to the development of cardiovascular disease and renal disease.
For these reasons, national and international bodies have set targets for a reduction in the sodium chloride
consumed in the diet (SACN, 2003; FNB, 2004; WHO, 2003 and 2004).
Abboud HE, Luke RG, Galla JH, Kotchen TA (1979). Stimulation of renin by acute selective chloride depletion in the rat. Circ Res 44:
Berghoff RS and Geraci AS (1929). The influence of sodium chloride on blood pressure. IMJ 56: 395-397.
Bingham SA and Cummings JH (1985). The use of creatinine output as a check on the completeness of 24 h urine collections. Human
Nutrition: Clinical Nutrition 39C: 343-353.
Bingham SA, Williams R, Cole TJ, Price CP, Cummings JH (1988). Reference values for analytes of 24 h urine collections known to be
complete. Annals of Clinical Biochemistry 25: 610-619.
Boegehold MA and Kotchen TA (1989). Relative contributions of dietary NA+ and Cl- to salt sensitive hypertension. Hypertension 14:
Chipperfield AR and Harper AA (2000). Chloride in smooth muscle. Prog Biophys Mol Biol 74: 175-221.
Council Directive 80/778/EEC of 15 July 1980 relating to the quality of water intended for human consumption. Official Journal L 229/11-29.
Dole VP, Dahl LK, Cotzias GC, Eder HA, Krebs ME (1950). Dietary treatment of hypertension; clinical and metabolic studies of patients on
the rice-fruit diet. J Clin Invest 29: 1189-1206.
FNB (Food and Nutrition Board) (2004). Dietary Reference Intakes for water, potassium, sodium, chloride and sulfate. Institute of Medicine.
National Academy of Sciences.
Grollman A, Harrison TR, Masan MF, Baxter J, Crampton J, Riechman F (1945). Sodium restriction in the diet for hypertension. JAMA
129: 533-537.
Imig JD, Passmore JC, Anderson GL, Jimenez AE (1993). Chloride alters renal blood flow autoregulation in deoxycorticosterone-treated
rats. J Lab Clin Med 121: 608-613.
Julian BA, Galla JH, Guthrie GP, Kotchen TA (1982). Renin and aldosterone responses in short-term NaCl or NaHCO3 loading in man. J
Lab Clin Med 100: 261-268.
Kadota A, Aoki Y, Ishii N, Numakami K, Ogawa Z, Itoh H, Mitsuta K, Kohno M, Ikenaga H, Saruta T (1993). Effects of sodium and chloride
ions on blood pressure in deoxycorticosterone acetate-treated rats. Kitasato Arch Exp Med 65: 65-72.
Kirchner KA, Kotchen TA, Galla JH, Luke RG (1978). Importance of chloride for acute inhibition of renin by sodium chloride. Am J Physiol
235: F444-F450.
Koletsky RJ, Dluhy RG, Cheron RG, Williams GH (1981). Dietary chloride modifies renin release in normal humans. Am J Physiol 241:
Kotchen TA, Krzyzaniak KE, Anderson JE, Ernst CB, Galla JH, Luke RG (1980). Inhibition of renin secretion by HCl is related to chloride
in both dog and rat. Am J Physiol 239: F44-F49.
Kotchen TA, Luke RG, Ott CE, Galla JH, Whitescarver S (1983). Effect of chloride on renin and blood pressure responses to sodium
chloride. Ann Intern Med 98: 817-822.
Kotchen TA, Welch WJ, Lorenz JN, Ott CE (1987). Renal tubular acidosis and renin release. J Lab Clin Med 110: 533-540.
Kotchen TA, Guthrie GP, Boucher LD, Lorenz JN, Ott CE (1988). Dissociation between plasma renin and plasma aldosterone induced by
dietary glycine hydrochloride. Am J Physiol 254: E187-E192.
Kunes J, Zicha J, Jelinek J (2004). The role of chloride in deoxycorticosterone hypertension: selective sodium loading by diet or drinking
fluid. Physiol Res 32:149-154.
Kurtz TW and Morris RC (1983). Dietary chloride as a determinant of “sodium-dependent” hypertension. Science 222: 1139-1141.
Chloride 428
Kurtz TW and Morris RC (1985). Dietary chloride as a determinant of disordered calcium metabolism in salt-dependent hypertension Life
Sci 36: 921-929.
Kurtz TW Al-Bander HA, Morris RC (1987). Salt sensitive essential hypertension in men. Is the sodium ion alone important. N Engl J Med
317: 1043-1048.
Luft FC, Zemel MB, Sowers JA, Fineberg NS, Weinberger MH (1990). Sodium bicarbonate and sodium chloride: effects on blood pressure
and electrolyte homeostasis in normal and hypertensive man. J Hypertens 8: 663-670.
Morgan TO (1982). The effect of potassium and bicarbonate ions on the rise in blood pressure caused by sodium chloride. Clin Sci 63:
NDA (Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies) (2005a). Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition
and Allergies on a request from the Commission related to the Tolerable Upper Intake Level of Sodium. The EFSA Journal 209, 1-26.
NDA (Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies) (2005b). Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition
and Allergies on a request from the Commission related to the Tolerable Upper Intake Level of Potassium. The EFSA Journal 193, 1-19.
Passmore JC, Whitescarver SA, Ott CE, Kotchen TA (1985). Importance of chloride for deoxycorticosterone acetate-salt hypertension in
the rat. Hypertension 7: 115-120.
Passmore JC and Jimenez AE (1990). Separate hemodynamic roles for chloride and sodium in deoxycorticosterone acetate-salt
hypertension. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 194: 283-288.
Pike RL and Brown ML (1984). Nutrition: and integrated approach. 3rd edition. New York, John Wiley & Sons.
Reddy SR and Kotchen TA (1992). Hemodynamic effects of high dietary intakes of sodium or chloride in the Dhal salt-sensitive rat. J Lab
Clin Med 120: 476-482.
Rodriguez-Soriano J, Vallo, Castillo G, Oliveros R, Cea JM, Balzategui MJ (1983). Biochemical features of dietary chloride deficiency
syndrome: a comparative study of 30 cases. J Pediatr 103: 209-214.
SACN (Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition) (2003). Salt and Health. London, The Stationery Office.
Sanchez-Castillo CP, Warrender S, Whitehead TP, James WP (1987). An assessment of the sources of dietary salt in the British population.
Clin Sci 72: 95-102.
Sato Y, Ogata E, Fujita T (1991). Role of chloride in angiotensin II induced salt-sensitive hypertension. Hypertension 18: 622-629.
SCF (Scientific Committee on Food) (1993). Reports of the Scientific Committee on Food (31st series). Commission of the European
Community, Luxembourg, pp. 177-189.
Shore AC, Markander ND, MacGregor GA (1988). Randomized crossover study to compare the blood pressure response to sodium
loading with and without chloride in patients with essential hypertension. J Hypertens 6: 613-617.
Tomita Y, Ueno M, Tsuchihashi T, Muratani H, Kobayashi K, Takishita S, Fujishima M (1990). Chloride ion plays an important role in sodium
induced volume expansion in normal humans. Am J Hypertens 3: 485-487.
Quentin F, Chambrey R, Trinh-Trang-Tan MM, Fysekidis M, Cambillau M, Paillard M, Aronson PS, Eladari D (2004). The Cl-/HCO
exchanger pendrin in the rat kidney is regulated in response to chronic alterations in chloride balance. Am J Physiol 287: F1179-F1188.
Whitescarver SA, Ott CE, Jackson BA, Guthrie GP, Kotchen TA (1984). Saltsensitive hypertension: contribution of chloride. Science 223:
Whitescarver SA, Hotlzclaw BJ, Downs JH, Ott CE, Sowers JR, Kotchen TA (1986). Effect of dietary chloride on salt-sensitive and renin-
dependent hypertension. Hypertension 8: 56-61.
Wulf Becker, Francesco Branca, Daniel Brasseur, Jean-Louis Bresson, Albert Flynn, Alan A. Jackson,
Pagona Lagiou, Martinus Løvik, Geltrude Mingrone, Bevan Moseley, Andreu Palou, Hildegard
Przyrembel, Seppo Salminen, Stephan Strobel, Henk van den Berg, and Hendrik van Loveren.
The Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies wishes to thank Jan Alexander, Angelo
Carere, Werner Grunow, Andrew Renwick and Gerrit Speijers for their contributions to the draft opinion.
(REQUEST N° EFSA-Q-2003-018)
Sodium is an essential nutrient involved in fluid and electrolyte balance and is required for normal
cellular function. Dietary deficiency of sodium is very uncommon due to the widespread occurrence of
sodium in foods.
Sodium is present in foods as a normal constituent at a low level. It is also added to foods, mainly
as sodium chloride (commonly known as salt) during processing, cooking and immediately prior to
consumption, but also in other forms, for example as sodium nitrate, sodium phosphate or sodium
glutamate. The main reasons for the addition of salt during the processing of foods are for flavour,
texture and preservation.
Mean daily sodium intakes of populations in Europe range from about 3-5 g (about 8-11g salt) and are
well in excess of dietary needs (about 1.5 g sodium/day in adults). The main source of sodium in the diet
is from processed foods (about 70-75% of the total intake), with about 10-15% from naturally occurring
sodium in unprocessed foods and about 10-15% from discretionary sodium added during cooking and
at the table.
The major adverse effect of increased sodium intake is elevated blood pressure. Higher blood pressure
is an acknowledged risk factor for ischaemic heart disease, stroke and renal disease which are major
causes of morbidity and mortality in Europe. The effect of sodium on blood pressure is linked to that of
chloride. For groups of individuals there is strong evidence of a dose dependent rise in blood pressure
with increased consumption of sodium as sodium chloride. This is a continuous relationship which
embraces the levels of sodium habitually consumed and it is not possible to determine a threshold level of
habitual sodium consumption below which there is unlikely to be any adverse effect on blood pressure.
While blood pressure, on average, rises with increased sodium intake, there is well-recognised variation
between individuals in the blood pressure response to changes in sodium chloride intake. Individuals
with hypertension, diabetes, and chronic kidney disease, as well as older-age persons, tend to be more
sensitive to the blood pressure raising effects of sodium intake. The blood pressure response to sodium
can be modulated by a range of factors which include other components of the diet (e.g. potassium),
relative body weight, and level of physical activity, as well as fixed factors which include age, gender
and genetic factors.
Epidemiological studies indicate an association of increased risk of morbidity and mortality from
cardiovascular diseases, including coronary heart disease and stroke, with increasing sodium intake.
Evidence that high sodium intake may have a direct adverse effect on heart function, independent of any
secondary effect due to changes in blood pressure, is not conclusive. Sodium is not carcinogenic but
high intakes sodium chloride can increase the susceptibility to the carcinogenic effects of carcinogens,
such as nitrosamines, and gastric infection with H. pylori.
The Panel concludes that the available data are not sufficient to establish an upper level (UL) for sodium
from dietary sources.
There is strong evidence that the current levels of sodium consumption in European countries
contribute to increased blood pressure in the population, which in turn has been directly related to the
development of cardiovascular disease and renal disease. For this reason, a number of national and
international bodies have set targets for a reduction in the sodium consumed in the diet.
Sodium 430
Sodium, blood pressure, stroke, cardiovascular disease, tolerable upper intake level, food safety
In 2002, the European Parliament and the Council adopted Directive 2002/46/EC
related to food
supplements containing vitamins and minerals.
In addition, and as announced in its White Paper on Food Safety, the Commission aims to put forward
a proposal for harmonising legislation concerning the addition of vitamins and minerals to foods.
With a view to provide scientific support to the European Commission’s legislative work in this field,
the Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) issued, from October 2000 to April 2003, a series of opinions
on tolerable upper intake levels of individual vitamins and minerals and safety factors in relation to their
use in fortified foods and food supplements (available on the Internet at:
The SCF opinions covered 22 out of the 29 nutrients, which were considered to be within their mandate
for this task. The SCF did not have sufficient time to adopt opinions for the following vitamins and
minerals: vitamin C, chloride, fluoride, iron, phosphorus, potassium and sodium. In addition, during
the decision making process for the adoption of Directive 2000/46/EC on food supplements the
Parliament requested that boron, nickel, silicon, vanadium and tin should be allowed to be used in food
supplements. Therefore, the European Food Safety Authority is asked to provide scientific opinions on
the remaining 12 vitamins and minerals in accordance with the present terms of reference.
With respect to the outstanding 12 vitamins and minerals, the European Food Safety Authority is asked
1) to review the upper levels of daily intakes that are unlikely to pose a risk of adverse health effects; 2)
to provide the basis for the establishment of safety factors, where necessary, which would ensure the
safety of fortified foods and food supplements containing the aforementioned nutrients.
Sodium (Na) is a metal with an atomic mass of 23. It is found widely in nature and as a normal constituent
of foods. It is added to foods, most frequently as sodium chloride (NaCl), common known as salt (1 mmol
is equivalent to 23 mg sodium and approximates 58 mg sodium chloride), but also as other salts, e.g.
nitrate, nitrite, phosphates, glutamate. In drinking water, the guide level of sodium is 20 mg/L (Council
Directive 80/778/EEC). Sodium is an essential nutrient and a dietary inadequacy may lead to serious
consequences. Sodium is present in biological systems as the main cation in the extracellular space,
acting to maintain extracellular volume and plasma osmolality.
It is sometimes difficult to differentiate the effects of the sodium moiety from sodium salts such as NaCl
on physiology and metabolism. Therefore this Opinion should be read in conjunction with the Panel’s
Opinion on the tolerable upper intake level of chloride (NDA, 2005).
2.1. Food levels and dietary intake
Sodium is found in plant and animal based food and also in drinking water. Sodium is added to foods,
commonly as sodium chloride, during processing, cooking and immediately prior to consumption, but
also in other forms, for example as sodium nitrate, sodium phosphate or sodium glutamate. The main
reasons for the addition of salt during the processing of foods are for flavour, texture and preservation.
1. Directive 2002/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to food
supplements. OJ L 183. 12.7.2002, p. 51.
The sodium content of natural foods varies from around 0.1 to 3 mmol/100g, with fruit containing 0.1
mmol/100g, vegetables 0.3 mmol/100g, and meat, fish or eggs 3.0 mmol/100g. The content of sodium
as sodium chloride in processed foods may be much higher; bread 20 mmol/100g; cheese, 30 mmol/
100g; salted butter, 40 mmol/100g; and lean raw bacon, 80 mmol/100g. It is difficult to obtain reliable
information on the sodium chloride content of foods as consumed, because of variable practices in
terms of processing, food preparation and personal preferences.
The assessment of the dietary consumption of sodium in individuals and populations is difficult
because of the variable extent to which discretionary additions of salt contribute to the total. The use
of dietary assessment methods to determine intake are likely to provide variable underestimates of
the true intake, which has been assessed as around 20% for some populations. The most accurate
determinations of sodium consumption are derived from measurements of the excretion of sodium in
urine over 24 hours, although care has to be taken to ensure the completeness of the urine collection
(Bingham and Cummings, 1985; Bingham et al, 1988).
The amount of sodium consumed, varies widely between populations, within populations, and within
individuals with time. The Intersalt study was a study from 52 centres in 32 countries around the
world, in which 24 hour specimens of urine were collected from 10,079 men and women aged 20-59
years of age (Intersalt Cooperative Research Group, 1988). There were 20 centres from 12 countries
in Western Europe who participated, providing data from 3,942 men and women. In this group the
median sodium excretion varied from 135 to 180 mmol/24 hours (equivalent to 3.1-4.1 g Na or 7.9-
10.5 g NaCl) (Perry and Beevers, 1992). Estimates of the intake of sodium as sodium chloride were
8-9 g in Belgium, Denmark and The Netherlands and 9-11 g in Finland, Italy, Portugal, Spain and the
UK. For Romania, the daily consumption of sodium as sodium chloride has been estimated to be 14
g/person (WHO, 2004). Although there are suggestions that manufacturers have attempted to reduce
the sodium chloride content of some products, such as bread, the amount of sodium consumed in the
UK did not change between 1987 (sodium excretion in urine for men 173 mmol/day, and for women
132 mmol/day) and 2001 (sodium excretion in urine for men 187 mmol/day, and for women 139 mmol/
day), based on the measured excretion of sodium in urine in nationally representative samples (Gregory
et al, 1990; Henderson et al, 2003). Data from the UK suggest that average daily intake of sodium in
children aged 4-6 years and 7-10 years exceeds 5 g and 6 g, respectively (SACN, 2003). This compares
with the average intake of sodium assessed for a group of children in the Dortmund Nutritional and
Anthropometrical Longitudinally Designed Study of 751 children from 3 months to 18 years of age,
where consumption was about 3g/day at age 4 to 6 years, and 4.5 g/day at 10 to 12 years, but these
values exclude any discretionary sodium chloride added in the home (Alexy and Kersting, 1999).
The main source of sodium in the diet is from processed foods, and it is estimated that this non-
discretionary consumption comprises about 70-75% of the total intake in most European countries.
Naturally occurring sodium in unprocessed foods contributes about 10 to 15% of total sodium intake.
Discretionary sources of sodium added during cooking and at the table comprise about 10 to 15% of
total intake (Sanchez-Castillo et al, 1987).
Based on the National Diet and Food Survey in the UK, cereals and cereal products (particularly bread)
were estimated to contribute 35% of total sodium consumption, or about 2.3 g/day, with 1.7 g/day
coming from meat and meat products (particularly processed meats) to contribute 26% to the total.
Vegetables contribute to 7%, milk and milk products, 8%, fats spreads, 3% and cheese, 4% made
lesser contributions (NDNS, 2003), but individual composite foods or savoury snacks can be especially
high in sodium.
2.2. Nutritional requirements and recommendations
Human populations survive on wide extremes of habitual sodium consumption from 10 to 450 mmol/
day. The ability to survive at low levels of consumption is dependent upon adaptive mechanisms
which reduced losses in sweat, stool and urine. For most populations, the habitual levels of sodium
consumption greatly exceed the physiological requirements, and there are few data which determine
the minimal levels of sodium consumption required to maintain health in people who have adapted to
low levels of sodium consumption over long periods of time (Allsopp et al, 1998). As the metabolism
of sodium is closely related to that of water and other nutrients, the need for sodium can only be
adequately assessed when the provision of water and all other nutrients is adequate.
For sodium, the acceptable range of intakes for adults established by the Scientific Committee on Food
was 25 to 150 mmol/day (SCF, 1993). This compares with the Adequate Intake identified in the USA as
Sodium 432
65 mmol/day for adults up to 50 years of age, 55 mmol/day for those between 51 and 70 years of age,
and 50 mmol/day for those aged over 70 years of age (FNB, 2004). The Reference Nutrient Intake was
set at 70 mmol/day for the UK (Department of Health, 1991).
2.3. Function, uptake, distribution, and elimination
Dietary sodium is virtually completely absorbed along the length of the intestine and the active transport
of sodium is closely linked to the wider ability of the small intestine to absorb other nutrients.
Sodium is the major extracellular cation in the body, and the total body content is tightly regulated. The
normal adult contains around 5600 mmol sodium (129 g Na). About half of this, 2800 mmol, is dissolved
in the extracellular fluid, with 300 mmol in the intracellular compartment. In healthy adults, the total
exchangeable sodium is about 40-50 mmol/kg body weight. Bone contains about 2500 mmol of sodium,
part of which is exchangeable with isotopically labelled sodium, and the remainder is deeper and less
accessible as an intrinsic part of the crystal lattice of bone (Ganong, 1983).
Sodium is the main osmolyte in the extracellular fluid, maintained within a narrow range at a concentration
of 135-145 mmol/L and therefore plays a fundamental role in maintaining extracellular fluid volume and
together with potassium in maintaining total body water homeostasis. It contributes to the establishment
of the membrane potential of most cells and plays a direct role in the action potential required for the
transmission of nerve impulses and muscle contraction. The active absorption of sodium from the lumen
of the gastrointestinal tract is important in the absorption of nutrients.
The regulation of total body content is closely related to the regulation of total body potassium,
the main intracellular cation, and the regulation of total body water. The membrane bound sodium-
potassium pump (the sodium-potassium-activated adenosine triphosphate Na+-K+ ATPase) plays a
fundamental role in maintaining the partitioning of sodium and potassium between the extracellular
and intracellular compartments respectively, and the energy required for this process represents a
significant component of the metabolic rate.
Sodium is lost from the body in sweat (20-80 mmol/day) and other secretions, in stool (5-10 mmol/day)
and in urine (1-500 mmol/day). Under normal conditions, gastrointestinal and cutaneous losses are
minimal and the maintenance of the total body content of sodium is predominantly a characteristic of
the regulation of renal excretion. Sodium is actively conserved in the body, with the kidneys playing
a major role. Approximately 18 mmol of sodium are filtered per minute and over 99% is actively
reabsorbed. Sodium depletion is seldom a consequence of a deficient intake, and more usually the
result of excessive losses through excessive sweating or gastrointestinal losses. Sodium depletion
may be manifest as low blood pressure and muscle cramps. Excessive sodium leads to an increase
in plasma osmolality, resulting in the sensation of thirst, and an increase in the secretion of antidiuretic
hormone which increases water retention in the kidney.
The excretion of sodium in urine is highly regulated, through the complex interaction of hormonal,
nervous and other systems which enable tight homeostatic control. In this way urinary sodium
excretion can be adjusted over a very wide range to achieve sodium balance, from virtually zero
when sodium needs to be retained in the body, to 1,100 mmol/day when intake is high (Roos et al,
1985). The regulatory systems are highly efficient and include resetting of glomerular filtration rate,
the reabsorption of sodium in the proximal and distal tubule under neurohumoral control, adapting in
both the short and the longer term to variation in intake and status. Following a change in diet sodium
balance may be restored in 5 to 7 days, as sodium excretion comes into equilibrium with intake. The
period taken to restore balance is variable amongst individuals and takes longer in some people,
especially at the extremes of age, in young infants and older people (Ganong, 1983; Pecker and Laragh,
1991). These mechanisms are responsive to changes in total body water and extracellular fluid volume,
to the function and integrity of cells in general and specialised cells in different locations, to ensure the
effective delivery of blood to all tissues, including the brain.
3.1. Animal toxicity data
For sodium chloride, the oral LD
in rats is 3000 mg/kg and in mice is 4000 mg/kg (EGVM, 2003;
RTECS, 1998).
3.1.1. Carcinogenicity
Evidence from studies in laboratory animals indicates that high intakes of salt may increase the
susceptibility to various carcinogens and the incidence of gastric cancer, but that salt is not of itself
carcinogenic (Cohen and Roe, 1997). The possible biological pathways by which salt increases
cancer of the stomach have been well articulated, although salt itself is not considered intrinsically
carcinogenic, intake of higher concentrations of salt leads to damage to the protective mucin and the
mucosal layer of the stomach, which leads to an inflammatory regenerative response with increased
DNA synthesis and cell proliferation. These effects have been considered to be more closely related to
local effects where high concentrations are achieved, which physically damage cells, rather than any
direct effect in damaging DNA (Cohen and Rose, 1997). By contrast specific highly salted foods have
been shown to enhance chemically induced carcinogenesis in the glandular stomach of rats (Takahashi
et al, 1983 and 1994). Quite apart from the high salt content, these foods also contain many other
compounds which might increase the risk of cancer (IARC, 1993). The consumption of salt is thought to
create an increased susceptibility, which typically enhances carcinogenesis induced by other specific
carcinogens, such as nitrosamines (Watanabe et al, 1992; Takahshi et al, 1994; Furihata et al, 1996;
Iishi et al, 1999; Cohen and Roe, 1997; IARC, 1990).
Infection with Helicobacter pylori has been considered to be an important aetiological factor in the
development of gastric cancer (IARC, 1994). Mongolian gerbils were treated with 20 ppm of N-methyl-
N-nitrosourea (MNU) in their drinking water alternate weeks for 5 weeks. At 11 weeks the animals were
inoculated with H. pylori, and after 12 weeks the animals were fed a 10% high salt diet. A high salt
diet enhanced the effects of H. pylori infection on gastric carcinogenesis, and these two factors acted
synergistically to promote the development of stomach cancer. H. pylori promoted stomach cancer
more than the high salt diet (Tatematsu, 2003). Big Blue transgenic mice were inoculated with H. pylori
and developed severe gastritis, and after 12 months they exhibited mutagenic effects. There was no
added effect of a high salt diet (Touati et al, 2003).
3.1.2. Genotoxicity
Studies carried out in vitro, have shown that when cells are exposed to high concentrations of sodium
chloride, there are physical effects which can lead to direct damage to chromosomes or to DNA which
are non-specific in nature.
3.1.3. Reproductive toxicity
In rats fed experimental diets from one week prior to conception and throughout gestation, the proportion
of male pups was lower as the sodium chloride content of the diets increased from 0.8 to 4%. No
differences were observed in litter sizes or general health of the offspring (Bird and Contreras, 1986).
Dams were maintained on diets which contained 0.12, 1.0, and 3.0% sodium chloride throughout
pregnancy, and the offspring were given the same diets until day 30 of life, followed by a diet containing
1.0% sodium chloride (Contreras and Kosten, 1983). Preference tests for solutions of sodium chloride,
potassium chloride or glucose were carried out at 90 days of age. Preferences were non-specific.
Although those raised on a high salt diet showed an elevated preference for sodium chloride solutions,
males also showed a preference for glucose solutions. The weights of adrenal glands of the males in
the highest salt group were significantly lower than controls.
Borderline hypertensive rats fed a diet containing 8% sodium chloride from conception to weaning: offspring
demonstrated higher blood pressure as adults (Hunt and Tucker, 1993).
Pregnant Brattleboro rats fed 8.5% sodium chloride in the diet showed a higher concentration of sodium
chloride in amniotic fluid, and supplementation of pups with sodium post weaning led to an elevation of
arterial blood pressure (Hazon et al, 1988).
3.1.4. Cardiovascular health and blood pressure
There is a large body of data on rodent models which indicate that depending on genetic strain there may
be different degrees of sensitivity to dietary sodium. The immediate relevance of this work for long term
human health is not clear (Swales, 1994).
Perhaps the most informative intervention study of relevance to human physiology is that conducted
by Denton et al (1995) on the effect of increased levels of sodium chloride on the blood pressure of
chimpanzees. A colony of 26 chimpanzees, aged 5 to 18 years, was maintained on a vegetable and fruit
Sodium 434
diet, very low in sodium and high in potassium. Sodium chloride in the range habitually consumed by
human populations was added to the diet of one half of the animals over a period of 20 months. The
stepwise addition of sodium chloride caused a highly significant, stepwise rise in systolic and diastolic
blood pressure. No threshold effect was observed. The increase in blood pressure reversed completely
following the cessation of the added sodium chloride to the diet. The effect was variable amongst
different animals, with some having a larger and others a smaller or no rise in blood pressure.
3.2. Human toxicity
3.2.1. Acute effects
The acute ingestion of 0.5 to 1 g sodium chloride per kg body weight can be toxic to fatal to most
people. There are local effects within the gastrointestinal tract leading to ulceration. There may be direct
or secondary systemic metabolic perturbations in fluid and acid base balance. There is neurological
dysfunction leading to seizures and damage to the central nervous system, muscle dysfunction and
renal damage.
3.2.2. Chronic effects Carcinogenicity
The evidence for an effect of NaCl on the incidence of cancer is less clear in humans than in experimental
animals. The data have been recently reviewed by the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF, 1997) and
the Institute of Medicine (FNB, 2004). Salt consumption has been associated with cancer of the naso-
pharynx and cancer of the stomach. An increased risk of cancer of the larynx, mouth and pharynx has
been associated with consumption of salt-preserved meat and fish (Zheng et al, 1992; Anderson et
al, 1978). Eight case control studies of people from China living in different parts of the world found
statistically significant increases in risk for nasopharyngeal cancer, with odds ratio varying from 2.1 to
37.7, and suggesting that childhood exposure was particularly important (WCRF, 1997). Experimental
studies in rats and hamsters corroborate the findings, and consideration of aetiological factors indicates
that volatile carcinogenic nitrosamines might be particularly important. In areas where mortality from
nasopharyngeal carcinoma was particularly high, there were highly significant correlations with total
volatile nitrosamines in salted fish samples. There is some evidence to suggest a possible interaction
with Epstein-Barr virus, which appears to be activated by the chemicals found in salted fish (Ho et al,
1976; Shao et al, 1988).
The main body of evidence relates to cancer of the stomach. Throughout the world, a strong and
consistent relationship has been found between the intake of salt and salted foods and the incidence
of cancer and pre-cancerous lesions of the stomach. Biological pathways by which salt increases
cancer of the stomach are best explained by salt in the diet acting to damage the protective mucosal
layer of the stomach, thereby enhancing carcinogenesis. Thus, although salt is not considered to be
intrinsically carcinogenic, a high intake of salt leads to damage of the protective mucosal layer of
the stomach, and results in an inflammatory regenerative response, increased DNA synthesis and
cell proliferation. Prolonged damage results in chronic atrophic gastritis. Over time these changes
provide favourable conditions for mutations to occur, and typically enhance carcinogenesis induced
by specific carcinogens (Sugimura, 2000). There is a significant relationship between infection of the
stomach with H. pylori and cancer of the stomach, and it is suggested that this is a consequence of
the bacterial infection acting as a co-factor with salt on a damaged gastric epithelium (Joossens et al,
1996; Tsugane, 2005). Ecological study
Based on the data collected in the Intersalt study, a comparison has been made to explore the
possibility that high urinary excretion of sodium and/or high nitrate might be considered as risk factors
for stomach cancer in 39 populations from 24 countries, based on sodium excretion in 24 hour urine
specimens for 5756 people. The data were age and sex standardised between 20-49 years and the
Pearson correlation for stomach cancer was 0.70 in men and 0.74 in women. The analysis indicated
that the importance of nitrate as a risk factor for stomach cancer mortality increased markedly with
higher sodium levels. The relationship of stomach cancer mortality with sodium was stronger than with
nitrate and the authors conclude that salt intake is likely the rate limiting factor for stomach cancer
mortality at the population level (Joossens et al, 1996). There was no increase noted in the incidence
of cancer mortality for men with sodium intakes less than 117 mmol (2.7 g sodium) per day, and for
women with sodium intakes less than 91 mmol (2.1 g) per day.
435 Cross-sectional studies
A significant positive association has been observed between salt/sodium intake and risk of gastric
cancer in most, but not all, of the cross sectional studies (WCRF, 1997; FNB, 2004). More recent
evidence suggests that the risk might be greatest in individuals with specific genotypes (Chen et al,
2004). In an area of Taiwan where there is a high mortality for stomach cancer, a survey to determine
risk factors was carried out in 312 subjects (174 men and 138 women) in 1995. The presence of
intestinal metaplasia was determined using gastro-endoscopic examination. The consumption of
salted foods was associated with an increased risk of intestinal metaplasia, with an odd-ratio (OR) 2-3.
The risk appeared to be greatest among subjects with specific genotypes: GSTMI null, GSTTI non-null
and CYP2EI cl/cl. Case-control studies
WCRF (1997) reported that of sixteen case control studies, eight estimated overall dietary salt or
sodium intake, and of these four have shown strong statistical increase in risk, with four showing no
substantial association. The relative risk for gastric cancer, associated with higher intakes of salt, has
varied from 1.4 to 6.7 (FNB, 2004). In a hospital-based case control study carried out in Korea, 69
patients newly diagnosed as early gastric cancer were compared with 199 healthy subjects. There
was H. pylori seropositivity in 88% cases and 75% controls (OR=5.3). Adaptive salt concentration was
significantly and positively associated with early gastric cancer risk (p<0.01). Subjects seropositive for
H. pylori, and a high salt preference had 10-fold higher risk of early gastric cancer than those without
H. pylori infection and low salt preference (p for interaction 0.047) (Lee et al, 2003). Prospective studies
In two prospective studies, salt intake was significantly and directly associated with gastric cancer in
dose response fashion in men but not in women.
A cohort study was carried out in The Netherlands of 120,852 men and women aged 55-69 years at
baseline in 1986. The exposure to salt was determined using a diet questionnaire. After 6.3 years of
follow up, 282 incident cases of cancer were available for analysis, with 3123 sub-cohort members. In
multivariate analyses adjusted for age, sex, smoking, education, stomach disorders, history of stomach
cancer in the family, rate ratios for increasing quintiles of energy adjusted intake of dietary salt were
not significant. An inverse trend was found between stomach cancer and salt added at the hot meal (p
for trend 0.04). Positive associations were found for bacon (relative risk [RR] 1.3), and other sliced cold
meats (RR 1.29). Separate analyses among subjects with self-reported stomach disorders revealed
higher RR of stomach cancer for dietary salt and types of cured meat. It was concluded that the intake
of dietary salt and several types of cured meat were weakly positively associated with stomach cancer
risk (van den Brandt et al, 2003).
A population-based prospective study was carried out in Japan, where the majority of men had been
infected with H. pylori. A total of 18,684 men and 20,381 women aged 40-59 years completed a food
frequency questionnaire and were followed from 1990 to 2001. A total of 486 cases, 358 men and 128
women were documented with gastric cancer confirmed by histology. The quintile category of salt
intake was associated with gastric cancer in a dose dependent fashion for men (p for trend <0.001;
median g/day, 2.9, 4.8, 6.1, 7.5, 9.9), while there was no clear trend identified for women (p for trend
0.48; median g/day 2.6, 4.2, 5.3, 6.4, 8.2). In men there was no obvious break point below which the
risk was reduced (Tsugane et al, 2004). Bone health
In surveys of free living individuals and in physiological studies where dietary loads of sodium
chloride have been administered, there is consistent evidence that increased sodium ingestion
induces a substantial increase in the urinary excretion of calcium (SACN, 2003; FNB, 2004; New and
Bonjour, 2003). On this basis, it has been hypothesised that higher levels of sodium ingestion might
compromise bone health. The available evidence suggests that sodium-induced increase in urinary
calcium excretion leads to an increased calcium absorption by the gastrointestinal tract, mediated
via parathyroid hormone (Cashman and Flynn, 2003). However, this adaptive mechanism may be
insufficient to prevent an increase in bone resorption in some individuals, e.g. postmenopausal women
with a particular vitamin D receptor genotype (Harrington et al, 2004). Whether this increase in bone
resorption leads to net bone loss is unclear and thus the evidence for a direct effect of sodium ingestion
on bone health is not conclusive.
Sodium 436 Cardiovascular function
Systematic reviews of the evidence which relates consumption of sodium in the diet with cardiovascular
health have been reported recently (SACN, 2003; FNB, 2004). Heart
An increase in the mass of the left ventricle of the heart is a powerful predictor of cardiovascular
morbidity and mortality, including myocardial infarction, stroke, congestive heart failure and sudden
death (Bikkina et al, 1994; Casale et al, 1986; Koren et al, 1991; Levy et al, 1990). In the Framingham
study, elevated left ventricular mass as measured by echocardiography was associated with an
increased incidence of cardiovascular disease after adjustment for traditional risk factors (Levy et al,
1990). For people with left ventricular hypertrophy, the 5-year mortality was 33% men and 21% for
women (Koren et al, 1991).
An increase in the mass of the left ventricle might be the consequence of high blood pressure, but
there is evidence that a high sodium intake might have direct effect on heart leading to an increase in
left ventricular mass. In most studies, the association between urinary sodium and left ventricular mass
persists after adjustments for other determinants of left ventricular mass, such as blood pressure (du
Cailar et al, 2002; Liebson et al, 1993).
In a cross sectional study of 42 patients with essential hypertension Schmieder et al (1988), using
stepwise multiple linear regression analysis, found that sodium excretion was the strongest predictor
for left ventricular posterior wall thickness independently of other variables (sodium excretion correlated
with ventricular posterior wall thickness, r=0.64, p< 0.001, and septal wall thickness, r=0.78). Sodium
excretion varied from 37 to 356 mmol/day. No break point was identified in the relationship. Alderman
et al (1995) carried out a cross-sectional analysis of 1900 men and 1037 women and concluded that
there was a non-significant relationship between urinary sodium and left ventricular hypertrophy
assessed by electrocardiography. Du Cailar et al (2002) in a cross-sectional study of 839 men and
women, using multivariate analysis, found a strong relationship between sodium excretion and left
ventricular mass in men and women. Liebson et al (1993 and 1995) examined the effect of different
therapeutic interventions on left ventricular mass in a randomized double blind trial of 902 people with
mild essential hypertension. There were significant changes in left ventricular mass determined by
echocardiography from 3 months and maintained to the end of the study period at 48 months. The
authors concluded that sodium reduction was effective in reducing left ventricular mass, which was
greater than could be accounted for by a change in blood pressure, leading to the conclusion that
sodium reduction might be more effective in improving left ventricular mass than in reducing blood
pressure, although an effect of weight loss could not be excluded.
These studies raise the possibility that sodium has a direct adverse effect on left ventricular structure
and function, independent of any secondary effect due to changes in blood pressure. Recent
evidence suggests that the primary mediator of the effects of salty diets on the left ventricle might be
marinobufagenin. Marinobufagenin is produced endogenously in response to high levels of sodium
chloride consumption. It is an ouabain-like compound which has a specific effect on the alpha-1
isoform of the sodium-potassium pump in the coronary microvasculature, which is suggested might
lead to altered ventricular structure and function (Manunta and Ferrandi, 2004; McCarty, 2004). Blood vessels
There is experimental evidence that a high sodium diet results in dilatation and reduced distensibility
of arteries. Consumption of a higher sodium diet, leading to an increase in plasma sodium, may be
sufficient to stimulate vascular reactivity (Simon and Kocks, 2003). Thus increased sodium consumption
may exert a direct effect on the rigidity of vessels and also on their responsiveness to vasodilatory
stimuli (Kocks et al, 2004). In untreated, older hypertensives, 4 weeks of sodium restriction increased
compliance of the carotid artery significantly by 27% (Gates et al, 2004). Blood pressure
Usual blood pressure is strongly and directly related to overall mortality and to mortality from stroke,
ischaemic heart disease, and other vascular mortality, without any evidence of threshold, down
to blood pressures of at least 115mm Hg (systolic) and 75 mm Hg (diastolic) (Prospective Studies
Collaboration, 2002). Thus, the risk is increased even within what is considered to be a normal range
for blood pressure (less than 140/90 mmHg in adults, WHO, 1996). Analysis of the burden of ill-health
and disease which can be attributed to different risk factors indicates that a considerable proportion of
cardiovascular disease is related to non-optimal blood pressure, translating to deaths and years of life
lost to death and disability (Lawes et al, 2004).
Blood pressure tracks throughout life, and therefore a higher blood pressure at an earlier age is more
likely to be associated with a higher blood pressure in later life. It has been suggested that the salt
content of the diet during early life might have an important determinant effect on the likelihood of higher
blood pressure in adulthood. The longer term effects may be related to the acquisition of a preferential
taste for salt, but there is also evidence that it reflects a change in the ability of the individual to handle
salt. Salt sensitivity is the term used to identify those individuals in whom the acute ingestion of salt
leads to identifiable metabolic changes, either an alteration in blood pressure, or a constraint on the
renal ability to respond to a salt load (SACN, 2003; FNB, 2004). There is some evidence of a genetic
predisposition to salt sensitivity, as the prevalence is higher in some racial groups, for example African-
Americans. The increased susceptibility to the adverse effect of sodium on blood pressure with ageing
is thought to reflect a declining renal capacity to handle salt with the decline in the number of nephrons
and their function with time.
Although much of the effect on blood pressure has been attributed to the sodium moiety, there is a
body of evidence which indicates that the chloride ion also has a role to play in a predisposition to
salt-sensitive hypertension (Boegehold and Kotchen, 1989). As early as 1929, it was reported that a diet
high in sodium bicarbonate did not have the same effect on raising blood pressure as sodium chloride
(Berghoff and Geraci, 1929). This has been confirmed by others (Morgan, 1982; Kurt and Morris, 1983;
Luft et al, 1990). The effect of sodium chloride on blood pressure has not been seen with sodium
phosphate (Shore et al, 1988), or sodium citrate (Kurtz et al, 1987; Tomita et al, 1990; Sato et al, 1991).
Similarly, when the chloride ion is taken without sodium the effects on blood pressure are less evident
(Grollman et al, 1945; Dole et al, 1950). Thus, the findings from human studies support the evidence
from animal investigations that both sodium and chloride are required for the effects of salt on blood
pressure to be manifest. The evidence would suggest that changes in blood volume underlie these
effects (Tomita et al, 1990), which are closely related to alterations in the set point for renal salt and
water homeostasis. Recent molecular studies implicate a specific role for the anion exchanger pendrin,
and its expression in the kidney (Quentin et al, 2004).
The impact of dietary sodium (salt) on blood pressure may be affected by consumption of potassium
or calcium. The urine sodium-potassium ratio is a stronger correlate of blood pressure than sodium or
potassium alone (Intersalt study, 1988; Kwah and Barrett-Conner, 1988; Mc Carron et al, 1984). Oral
potassium supplementation lowered blood pressure and the magnitude of this effect was found to be
more pronounced in subjects consuming a diet high in salt (Cappuccio and Mc Gregor, 1991). Infants and children
There is evidence that blood pressure during early life might be related to the concurrent consumption
of sodium, and that the level of sodium consumption during early life might have longer term effects
on blood pressure.
Pomeranz et al (2002) compared the effect on blood pressure in term infants of consuming human
milk (sodium content 7 mmol/L), or consuming a formula with a low content (sodium 9.5 mmol/L), or a
higher sodium content (16.6 mmol/L), during the first 8 weeks of life. Compared with infants consuming
human milk, systolic blood pressure was significantly increased in infants fed a formula with the higher
sodium content at 8 weeks of age. Even following reversion to a lower sodium intake, this group of
infants had higher blood pressure than the breast fed infants at 24 weeks of age.
Hofman et al (1980) carried out an observational study of the relationship between blood pressure and
the sodium content of drinking water in 348 children aged 7.7 to 11.7 years of age in The Netherlands
and demonstrated a relationship between sodium consumption and blood pressure in the short term.
They went on to recruit 476 healthy newborns in a single centre during 1980 who were randomized to
receive either a low (4.9 mmol/day) or a high sodium diet (13.9 mmol/day), with measurements of blood
pressure being taken every 4 weeks. After 25 weeks of intervention systolic blood pressure was 2.1 mm
Hg lower in the low sodium group than in the high sodium group, after adjustment for weight and length at
birth and systolic blood pressure in the first week of life (Hofman et al, 1983). Longer term follow-up was
carried out after 15 years in 35% of the original cohort, and the adjusted systolic blood pressure was 3.3
mm Hg lower in the children who had been assigned to the low sodium group during infancy (Geleijnse
et al, 1996). A cohort of 233 children aged from 5 to 17 years from The Netherlands were followed for
7 years with annual measurements of sodium excretion based on timed overnight specimens. Mean
Sodium 438
systolic blood pressure increased with age, but this change was lower when the sodium intake relative to
potassium intake was lower and when the intake of potassium was higher (Geleijnse et al, 1990).
An intervention study was carried out to determine the effect of reducing sodium intake in 80 children
aged 6 to 9 years who had high blood pressure. Sodium consumption was determined from diet diaries
and overnight urine collections. One year after randomisation sodium intake was significantly lower in
the intervention group, 87 compared with 130 mmol/24 hours, but no significant differences in blood
pressure were recorded (Gillum et al, 1981).
Cooper et al (1980) measured urinary sodium in seven consecutive 24 hour urine collections from 73
children aged between 11 and 14 years. They demonstrated a significant correlation between mean
individual sodium excretion and blood pressure, which persisted when they controlled for height,
weight, pulse, age, sex and race, but was eliminated when they controlled for creatinine excretion. They
were not able to reproduce these findings in later studies carried out according to the same protocol
(Cooper et al, 1983).
Complete collections of urine and ambulatory blood pressure over 24 hours were determined in 85 obese
and 88 non-obese children aged 3 to 19 years. Weight and sodium excretion were directly associated with
systolic blood pressure, but the relationship was modified in obese children compared with controls (Lurbe
et al, 2000). Adults
Observational and ecological studies show that across populations there is a strong direct relationship
between average intakes of salt and prevalence of hypertension (Dahl, 1960; Gleiberman, 1973;
Elliott, 1991). The results are less consistent for studies within populations, which often lack sufficient
statistical power, or variation in habitual levels of salt consumption (FNB, 2004).
Systematic reviews
A number of systematic reviews have been carried out to characterise the literature on the relationship
between dietary sodium consumption and blood pressure. Adherence to a diet low in sodium over
long periods of time is difficult to achieve, because salt is so widely distributed throughout different
foods (Kumanyika et al, 2005). In reviewing the effect of dietary salt on blood pressure, the Institute
of Medicine (FNB, 2004) assessed studies of shorter and longer duration separately, to take some
account of these difficulties in compliance, and also the possibility of time-related differences in
biological responses. Although on average a reduction in the sodium intake appears to lower blood
pressure, the individual response may be highly variable, either because of methodological difficulties
related to measurement, or to genuine biological variability (Miller et al, 1987).
A number of reviews have included studies with a duration of observation of less than 6 months (Law
et al, 1991 a and b; Midgley et al, 1996; Cutler et al, 1997; Graudal et al, 1998; Alam and Johnson,
1999). For example, the objective for Midgley et al (1996) was to determine whether restriction of
dietary sodium lowers blood pressure in hypertensive and normotensive individuals. Fifty-six trials
met inclusion criteria. Publication bias was evident. Studies were included which used urinary sodium
as a proxy measure of dietary sodium intake. The age of the normotensive participants was 26
years, and for the hypertensive subjects 47 years. The median urinary sodium in the hypertensive
group was 158 mmol/day, and in the normotensive group 164 mmol/day and the average change
in sodium consumption in the hypertensive group was 95 mmol/day, and in the normotensive group
125 mmol/day. Following adjustment for measurement error, the decrease in blood pressure for a 100
mmol/day reduction in daily sodium excretion was 3.7 mm Hg systolic and 0.9 mm Hg diastolic in the
hypertensive, and 1.0 mm Hg systolic and 0.1 mm Hg diastolic in the normotensive trials, respectively.
There was wide variability in response between studies. The decreases were greater in individuals
who were older and in those who had hypertension. Trials of shorter duration tended to show greater
decreases in blood pressure. This raises the question of the extent to which variability in response may
be related to the degree of compliance. There were no changes in urinary potassium or in body weight
where these had been measured.
The studies included in more recent systematic reviews have sought to include studies in which the
period of observation extends for longer than 6 months (Ebrahim and Smith, 1998; Hooper et al, 2002).
In general the longer studies provide an insight into the ability of individuals to adhere to advice to
consume a diet low in salt, as much as the effect of a lower salt diet on outcomes. Hooper et al (2002)
were able to identify three trials in people with hypertension (n=2326); five in people with untreated
hypertension (n=387); three in people with treated hypertension (n=801). They had been followed up for
periods from 6 months to 7 years and the endpoints were mortality and cardiovascular events. There
were reductions in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure at both intermediate and late follow up,
and reductions in urinary sodium excretion at both intermediate and late follow up. The low salt diets
seemed to allow people with hypertension to stop taking medication. In eleven long-term randomised
controlled trials of dietary salt reduction there were few data on mortality from cardiovascular events or
quality of life but they did show significant falls in systolic blood pressure and urinary sodium excretion
13 to 60 months after initial advice. In their review, He and MacGregor (2004) included 734 subjects
from 17 trials of individuals with high blood pressure and 2220 individuals with normal blood pressure
from 11 trials. For individuals with normal blood pressure there was a reduction in urinary sodium of 74
mmol/24 hours (4.4 g salt/day) and a fall in systolic blood pressure of 2.03 mmHg, and a fall in diastolic
blood pressure of 0.99 mmHg. For those with elevated blood pressure there was a reduction in urinary
sodium of 78 mmol/24 hours (4.6 g salt/day) and a fall in systolic blood pressure of 4.97 mmHg, and in
diastolic blood pressure of 2.74 mmHg.
Miller et al (1983) studied 16 healthy husband-wife pairs (men aged 40 years, women aged 37 years)
to determine the effect on blood pressure of a reduction in dietary sodium from 152.7 (SE 10.1) mmol/
day to 69.5 (SE 4.5) mmol/day for periods up to 12 weeks. In the men blood pressure decreased from
102/71 mm Hg to 99/68 mm Hg, and in women from 114/77 mm Hg to 109/73 mm Hg. There was no
change in potassium excretion or body weight. There was variability in the blood pressure response
amongst individuals and in 24 of 31 systolic blood pressure decreased, whereas 7 of 31 showed
no decrease. In one person there was an increase that achieved statistical significance. Individuals
with higher initial blood pressure were more likely to respond with a decrease in blood pressure. The
decrease in blood pressure was significantly correlated with the magnitude of the sodium restriction
(r=0.36, p<0.03)
Whelton et al (1998) carried out a trial of non-pharmacological interventions in the elderly to determine
whether weight loss or reduced sodium intake was effective in treatment of older persons with
hypertension. The study comprised 975 older people aged 60 to 80 years with systolic pressure
<145/85 mm Hg, receiving treatment with single hypertensive medication. There were 585 obese and
390 non-obese subjects. The goal for sodium reduction was to maintain an intake below 80 mmol/
day (1800 mg/day), based upon measurements made by 24 hour urine collection. The objective was
to reduce the medication being given to reduce blood pressure medication and follow up was up to
30 months. The results showed that a 30% reduction in the need for antihypertensive therapy was
achieved by reducing the average sodium intake by about 40 mmol/day, and by decreasing body
weight on average by 3.5 kg. Best blood pressure control was achieved with combined interventions
of both sodium reduction and weight reduction.
The strongest evidence that a change in dietary sodium leads to a change in blood pressure, with or
without other dietary changes, in normotensive and hypertensive individuals, who are white or black,
comes from the Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension-sodium trial (DASH-sodium) (Sacks et al,
2001). The original DASH trial explored the effect of a diet rich in vegetables and fruit compared with
a standard American diet. In the DASH-sodium trial the effect of a diet rich in vegetables and fruit and
containing low-fat dairy products was compared with a standard American diet, and for each dietary
pattern the level of salt was modified at three levels, high (about 150 mmol/day), intermediate (about
100 mmol/day) and low (about 50 mmol/day). 412 persons were randomly assigned to the control
or DASH, foods at the three levels of sodium intake for 30 consecutive days. Actual consumption
was assessed from 24 hour urinary excretion of sodium. The urinary sodium in the three groups was
144 mmol/day for the high groups, 106 mmol/day for the intermediate, and 65 mmol/day for the low,
indicative of good compliance. At all levels of salt intake those on the DASH diet had significantly lower
blood pressure than those on the control diet. When the sodium intake was reduced from the high to
the intermediate level of consumption there was a reduction in systolic blood pressure by 2.1 mmHg
in control and 1.3 mm Hg during DASH. When the sodium intake was reduced from the intermediate
level to the low level of consumption there was a reduction in systolic blood pressure by 4.6 mm Hg
in control and 1.7 mm Hg during DASH. As compared with the control diet high in sodium, the DASH
diet low in sodium led to a mean systolic blood pressure which was 7.1 mm Hg lower in those without
high blood pressure and 11.5 mm Hg in those with high blood pressure.
The level of dietary sodium had approximately twice as great an effect on blood pressure on the control
diet compared with the DASH diet, for every level of intake. As the level of sodium intake was lowered
progressively the response in terms of a lower blood pressure was greater. Consumption of the DASH
diet compared with control diet resulted in a significantly lower systolic blood pressure at every level of
Sodium 440
sodium consumption, and the effect on blood pressure was greater at high sodium levels than at lower
sodium levels. The effect was seen in those with and those without hypertension, but was greater in
those with hypertension.
The relationship between dietary sodium consumption and blood pressure has also been investigated
in short-term salt loading studies. Murray et al (1978) observed consistent increases in blood pressure
when normotensive human adult subjects were subjected to a sodium intake greater than 800 mmol/day,
but Roos et al (1985) were unable to detect consistent changes in blood pressure with intakes as high
as 1200 mmol/day.
Luft et al (1979) studied 14 normotensive healthy male volunteers (age 32 years, range 18-40 7 white and
7 black), who were given different levels of salt supplementation, 10 mmol/24 hours for 7 days, and 300,
600, 800, 1200, 1500 mmol/24 hours for 3 days each. In 6 subjects the study was repeated on a sodium
intake of 1500 mmol/24 hours, while urinary potassium losses were replaced on a 24 hour basis. Urine
was collected throughout for each 24 hour period, and echocardiography was used to measure cardiac
size and function. The subjects experienced no ill effects, other than some diarrhoea at the highest levels
of salt consumption which was corrected when water consumption increased. Total sodium excretion
approached total sodium intake by 72 hours. There was considerable variability in the response within
individual subjects. Most developed a significant increase in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure
with the higher sodium intake, although there was no increase in a few. In white subjects the increase in
blood pressure was significant at an intake of 1200 mmol/day, relative to the baseline of 10 mmol/day,
whereas black subjects developed significant increased blood pressure by 800 mmol/day. Overall blood
pressure increased significantly for sodium intakes between 10 and 1500 mmol/24 hours from 113 to 131
mm Hg systolic, and for sodium intakes between 10 and 1200-1500 mmol/24 hours from 69 to 85 mm
Hg diastolic. There was a significant linear regression relationship between urinary sodium excretion and
increase in blood pressure (y=111.5 + 0.0083 x: r=0.48, p <0.001).
There was no consistent change in plasma sodium or potassium concentration, but there was an increase
in body weight of up to 5 kg. Cumulative potassium balance became negative on day 10 or 11 in subjects
taking more than 600 mmol Na/day with a net deficit of -163 mmol or more. The effects of high sodium
intake were attenuated when the study was repeated with subjects taking supplements of potassium to
correct for urinary losses of potassium. Blood pressure returned to baseline values within 3 days of the
completion of the study. It was concluded that blood pressure can be raised acutely in normotensive men
by increasing sodium consumption to very high levels.
Myers et al (1982) reported a study in 136 normal individuals, aged 10 to over 60 years of age who were
randomly assigned to an intake of sodium which was either 70 mmol/day or 200 mmol/day for periods
of 14 days. Adherence was checked from urinary measurements and weight and blood pressure were
recorded at the end of each study period. There was a significant increase in blood pressure for the
group as a whole. The proportion which might have been considered to be hypertensive increased
from 14 on the lower salt intake to 23% on the higher salt intake, which was more marked in the older
people (13 to 50%) than in the younger people (0 to 4%). Cardiovascular risk
He et al (1999) reported a prospective cohort study based upon the NHANES of 1971-75, in those aged
25 to 75 years, of whom 2688 were overweight and 6797 were normal weight. Sodium consumption
estimates were based on a single 24 hour recall for dietary sodium. Over a period of 19 years of follow
up there were 680 stroke events (210 fatal), 1727 coronary events (614 fatal), 895 cardiovascular disease
deaths and 2486 deaths from all causes. Among overweight people, 100 mmol higher sodium intake
was associated with 32% increase in stroke incidence, 89% increase in stroke mortality, 44% increase
in coronary heart disease mortality, 61% increase in cardiovascular disease mortality and 39% increase
in mortality from all causes. Dietary sodium was not significantly associated with cardiovascular disease
risk in non-overweight persons. It was concluded that the effects on mortality and morbidity were greater
than could have been expected from a simple effect on blood pressure. This raised the possibility of an
independent direct effect of sodium intake on cardiovascular disease. Obesity activates the sympathetic
nervous, the renin-angiotensin systems and causes insulin resistance and hyperinsulinaemia, and alters
intra-renal vascular resistance. Therefore, these changes separately or together may have been related
to enhance renal tubular sodium reabsorption and sodium retention.
In a prospective study of 1173 Finnish men and 1263 women aged 25-64 years, an increase in
urinary sodium of 100 mmol/day was associated with hazard ratio for coronary heart disease, 1.51;
cardiovascular disease, 1.26; all cause mortality, 1.26 (Tuomilehto et al, 2001). The frequency of acute
coronary events rose significantly with increasing sodium excretion and body mass index. High sodium
intake predicted mortality and risk of coronary heart disease independent of other coronary risk factors,
including blood pressure. There was direct evidence of harmful effects of high salt intake in the adult
population. The median intake for men was 205 mmol/day, and for women, 154 mmol/day. Quartiles of
excretion for men were <159, -205, -262, >262 mmol/24 hours; and for women <119, -154, -194, >194.
Sodium was a more powerful predictor of mortality in men who were overweight.
In a prospective study in Japan, the relationship between deaths from stroke and sodium intake was
assessed using a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire in 13,355 men and 15,724 women
(Nagata et al, 2004). There were 269 deaths from stroke, and after controlling for covariates, there was
a significant positive relationship between stroke deaths and sodium intake: hazards ratio (HR) 3.85
between the highest and lowest tertile for sodium consumption for men. The relationship was less strong
for women (HR 1.7), and of borderline significance. Thus, although there is some evidence of a direct
relationship between consumption of salt and death from stroke which is independent of blood pressure
and most marked in people with a higher body mass index (He et al, 1999; Nagata et al, 2004), the finding
is not consistent for all studies (Kagan et al, 1985; Alderman et al, 1998; Tuomilehto et al, 2001).
There are data which indicate that the human acute consumption of large doses of sodium chloride,
such as 0.5 to 1.0 g per kg body weight can have fatal consequences, but these doses are far greater
than those generally consumed on a habitual basis. The ingestion of concentrated solutions of sodium
chloride can lead to local gastrointestinal irritation and mucosal damage, both in rodents and humans.
This has been considered to increase the susceptibility to the carcinogenic effects of other carcinogens,
such as nitrosamines, infection with H. pylori, or inadequate protection against free radical induced
damage both in rodents and humans. Based on data collected in the Intersalt population study, no
increased stomach cancer mortality was reported with the sodium intakes less than 2.7 g/day for men
and 2.1 g/day for women. High concentration of salt may indirectly damage, through physical effects,
DNA or chromosomes of bacterial and mammalian cells in vitro.
Higher blood pressure is an acknowledged risk factor for ischaemic heart disease, stroke and renal
disease. For groups of individuals there is strong evidence of a dose response relationship between
increased consumption of sodium as sodium chloride and higher levels of systolic, diastolic and mean
blood pressure (Sacks et al, 2001). The effect of sodium on blood pressure is linked to that of chloride.
This is a continuous relationship which embraces the levels of salt habitually consumed, and continued
benefit is seen at levels of salt consumption which are much lower than have been recommended
as targets for population consumption (SACN, 2003; WHO/FAO, 2003). The character of the dose
response can be modulated by a range of factors which include other components of the diet, relative
weight, and level of physical activity, as well as fixed factors which include age, gender and genotype.
It is not possible to determine a threshold level of habitual sodium consumption below which there is
unlikely to be any adverse effect on blood pressure.
The evidence for adverse cardiovascular effects of sodium, which is supported by number of prospective
studies, indicate an association of increased risk of morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular
diseases, including coronary heart disease and stroke, with increasing sodium intake. While it has been
suggested that the magnitude of the observed effects was greater than could have been expected from
a simple effect on blood pressure, there is no direct evidence for this, and evidence that high sodium
intake may have a direct adverse effect on left ventricular structure and function, independent of any
secondary effect due to changes in blood pressure, is not conclusive.
The available data are not sufficient to establish an upper level for sodium from dietary sources.
The habitual intake of sodium for populations across Europe is high and exceeds the amounts
required for normal function. The current levels of sodium consumption as sodium chloride have been
associated directly with a greater likelihood of increased blood pressure, which in turn has been directly
Sodium 442
related to the development of cardiovascular disease and renal disease. For these reasons, national
and international bodies have set targets for a reduction in the sodium consumed in the diet (SACN,
2003; FNB, 2004; WHO, 2003 and 2004).
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Sodium 446
Wulf Becker, Francesco Branca, Daniel Brasseur, Jean-Louis Bresson, Albert Flynn, Alan A. Jackson, Pagona
Lagiou, Martinus Løvik, Geltrude Mingrone, Bevan Moseley, Andreu Palou, Hildegard Przyrembel, Seppo
Salminen, Stephan Strobel, Henk van den Berg, and Hendrik van Loveren.
The Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies wishes to thank Jan Alexander, Angelo
Carere, Werner Grunow, Andrew Renwick and Gerrit Speijers for their contributions to the draft opinion.
(REQUEST N° EFSA-Q-2003-018)
Phosphorus as phosphate is an essential nutrient involved in many physiological processes, such as
the cell’s energy cycle, regulation of the whole body acid-base balance, as a component of the cell
structure (as phospholipids), in cell regulation and signalling, and in the mineralisation of bones and
teeth (as part of the hydroxyapatite).
Estimates of habitual dietary intakes in European countries are on average around 1000-1500 mg/day,
ranging up to about 2600 mg/day. The contribution of food supplements to phosphorus intake is low.
Adverse effects of excessive phosphorus intake, such as hyperphosphatemia, leading to secondary
hyperparathyroidism, skeletal deformations, bone loss, and/or ectopic calcification have been reported
in animal studies. However, such effects were not observed in studies in humans, except in patients
with end stage renal disease. Although in acute or short term loading studies an increase in serum
parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels has been found, no significant changes could be demonstrated in
longer term studies with dosages up to 3000 mg/day (for 6 weeks). In these studies no evidence was
found for effects on markers of bone remodelling and the Panel does not consider these to be adverse
effects. Similarly, the Panel found no convincing evidence to support suggestions that high phosphorus
diets would aggravate the effects of a state of secondary hyperparathyroidism induced by inadequate
calcium intakes, or an inadequate vitamin D status.
Gastrointestinal symptoms, such as osmotic diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting, have been seen in some
healthy subjects taking phosphorus (phosphate) supplements with dosages >750 mg/day. The Panel
considered that these are not a suitable basis to establish an upper level for phosphorus from all sources.
The Panel concludes that the available data are not sufficient to establish an upper level for phosphorus.
The available data indicate that normal healthy individuals can tolerate phosphorus (phosphate)
intakes up to at least 3000 mg/day without adverse systemic effects. In some individuals, however,
mild gastrointestinal symptoms have been reported if exposed to supplemental intakes >750 mg
phosphorus per day. There is no evidence of adverse effects associated with the current dietary intakes
of phosphorus in EU countries.
Phosphorus, tolerable upper intake level, food safety.
In 2002, the European Parliament and the Council adopted the Directive 2002/46/EC
related to food
supplements containing vitamins and minerals.
In addition, and as announced in its White Paper on Food Safety, the Commission aims to put forward
a proposal for harmonising legislation concerning the addition of vitamins and minerals to foods.
With a view to provide scientific support to the European Commission’s legislative work in this field,
the Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) issued, from October 2000 to April 2003, a series of opinions
on tolerable upper intake levels of individual vitamins and minerals and safety factors in relation to their
use in fortified foods and food supplements (available on the Internet at:
1. Directive 2002/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to food
supplements. OJ L 183. 12.7.2002, p. 51.
Phosphorus 448
The SCF opinions covered 22 out of the 29 nutrients, which were considered to be within their mandate
for this task. The SCF did not have sufficient time to adopt opinions for the following vitamins and
minerals: vitamin C, chloride, fluoride, iron, phosphorus, potassium and sodium. In addition, during
the decision making process for the adoption of Directive 2000/46/EC on food supplements the
Parliament requested that boron, nickel, silicon, vanadium and tin should be allowed to be used in food
supplements. Therefore, the European Food Safety Authority is asked to provide scientific opinions on
the remaining 12 vitamins and minerals in accordance with the present terms of reference.
With respect to the outstanding 12 vitamins and minerals, the European Food Safety Authority is asked
1) to review the upper levels of daily intakes that are unlikely to pose a risk of adverse health effects; 2)
to provide the basis for the establishment of safety factors, where necessary, which would ensure the
safety of fortified foods and food supplements containing the aforementioned nutrients.
Phosphorus is an element of group 5 of the periodic table and has an atomic weight of 30.97.
It is one of the most abundant elements on earth, most commonly found as the phosphate ion
), with phosphorus in its pentavalent form. Phosphorus (as phosphate) is an essential dietary
constituent, involved in numerous physiological processes, such as the cell’s energy cycle (high-
energy pyrophosphate bonds in adenosine triphosphate [ATP]), regulation of the whole body acid-base
balance, as component of the cell structure (as phospholipids) and of nucleotides and nucleic acids in
DNA and RNA, in cell regulation and signalling by phosphorylation of catalytic proteins and as second
messenger (cAMP). Another important function is in the mineralization of bones and teeth (as part of
the hydroxyapatite).
Reviews and safety evaluations for phosphorus are available from the Joint FAO/WHO Expert
Committee on Food additives (JECFA, 1982), the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine
(FNB, 1997), and the UK Expert Group on Vitamins and Minerals (EGVM, 2003). JECFA has used
the nephrocalcinosis, induced by excessive phosphate intake in rats, as the critical effect to set a
maximum tolerable daily intake (MTDI) of 70 mg/kg for phosphoric acid and phosphate salts. The FNB
set an upper level for phosphorus of 4.0 g/day for adults, based upon a NOAEL which represents the
extrapolation of the phosphorus intake to serum phosphorus concentration curve in adults up to the
intake of phosphorus which would result in serum phosphorus levels of infants, which are considered
to be safe for tissues with respect to metastatic mineralization. The UK Expert Group on Vitamins and
Minerals used the gastrointestinal effects due to high supplemental phosphate intake, to establish a
NOAEL of 750 mg/day for supplemental phosphorus.
2.1. Food levels and dietary intake
Phosphorus is widely found in foods as phosphates; especially foods rich in protein are usually high
in phosphorus, such as dairy products (100-900 mg/100 g), meats (200 mg/100 g), fish (200 mg/100
g) and grain products (100-300 mg/100 g). The average intake from foods in adults is usually between
1000-2000 mg/day. Dietary phosphorus intakes in various European countries are given in Table 1.
Table 1. The daily intakes of phosphorus in some EU countries (mg/day)
Population N Method Supplements Mean 97.5 percentile
Household 2374 7-day record + 1304 2076
Individual (M)
Individual (F)
7-day record + food
frequency record
Household 5958 2-day record - 1480 2601
Individual (M)
Individual (F)
1214 7-day record
Individual (M)
Individual (F)
7-day record
Turrini (INRAN)
Heseker et al (1994) - values are median and 95 percentiles.
Hulshof and Kruizinga (1999)
Becker and Pearson (2002) - values are mean and 95 percentiles.
Henderson et al (2003)
Phosphoric acid and phosphate salts are also added as food additives in processed foods and in soft
drinks as acidity regulators and stabilizers.
In the US the contribution from phosphorus-containing food additives is estimated at 320 mg/day, i.e.
20-30% of the adult phosphorus intake (Calvo and Park, 1996). No specific data on the contribution of
phosphorus-containing food additives to the total intake of phosphorus in the EU have been identified,
but this is likely increasing due to the higher consumption of processed foods and carbonated soft
drinks. Cola soft drinks contain between 120-200 mg/L phosphorus. Fruit flavoured soft drinks are mostly
acidulated with citrate rather than phosphoric acid, and contain little or no phosphate.
Phosphorus is also present in drinking water, with a maximum allowed content of 2.2 mg/L (Council
Directive 80/778/EEC).
Dietary supplements may also contain phosphorus (as phosphates), but dose levels are generally low.
A survey by the Netherlands consumer organisation indicated low to moderate phosphorus levels in
the commonly sold supplements, i.e. <400 mg/tablet (Gezondgids Consumentenbond, 2002). The
phosphorus content in multivitamin supplements, sold in the UK, varies between 15 and 1100 mg per
supplement dose (EGVM, 2003). The contribution of dietary supplements to the average population
intakes in the UK was found to be zero or negligible for all age groups (EGVM, 2003). High-protein bars
and other products marketed for “enhanced” athletic performance and muscle mass building may also
contain high levels of phosphorus.
2.2. Nutritional requirements and recommendations
The phosphorus requirement has often been linked to the calcium requirement, allowing a Ca: P weight
ratio of about 1. The SCF based their requirements on a molar basis (1:1) with the calcium requirements
and established a Population Reference Intake (PRI) of 550 mg/day in adults (17+) (SCF, 1993). For
young children (6 months up to 3 years) the PRI is 300 mg/day, increasing up to 775 mg/day in young
males (11-17 years), and 625 mg/day in young females. For lactating women the PRI was set at 950
mg/day, allowing an incremental 400 mg/day for breast milk production (SCF, 1993). In other countries,
such as The Netherlands, lower ratios have been used, i.e. between 0.5 and 1.0. More recently the D-
A-CH (2000) established a recommended intake of 700 mg/day for adults (19+), and up to 1250 mg/day
for adolescents (10-19 years). The FNB make similar recommendations based upon maintenance of the
serum inorganic phosphate level (Pi) within the normal range (FNB, 1997). For the younger age groups,
a factorial approach was used, taking into account phosphorus accretion in bone and (lean) tissues.
As the body can maintain a phosphate (and calcium) balance over a wide range of intakes and Ca:P
ratios, this ratio is nowadays considered of limited value for evaluation of dietary adequacy. Only in infants
and children under conditions of rapid growth such a ratio has some relevance to enable optimal growth.
Phosphorus 450
In human milk the Ca:P ratio is 1.5:1 (w:w), and this is considered the optimal ratio for the infant. This
ratio equals more or less the ratio in human bone mineral (Nordin, 1976). The infant formula and follow-on
formula Directive in the EU states that the Ca:P ratio should be between 1.2 and 2.0.
2.3. Function, uptake and distribution
Net absorption from a mixed diet has been reported to vary between 55-70% in adults (Lemann
1996; Nordin, 1986) and between 65-90% in infants and children (Ziegler and Fomon, 1983). There
is no evidence that, contrary to calcium, absorption efficiency varies with dietary intake. Phosphate
absorption is greatest in jejunum and takes place by a saturable, active transport mechanism, facilitated
by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, as well as by passive diffusion (Chen et al, 1974).
Some forms of dietary phosphorus are less bioavailable, especially phosphorus present in phytic
acid in the outer coatings of cereal grains. The actual bioavailability depends on the way these grain
products are processed and the amount of residual phytate. Some dietary components, as well as
colonic bacteria, contain phytase activity rendering phytate phosphorus more available.
The phosphorus content of the adult human body is about 700 g (as elemental phosphorus). About 85%
of total phosphorus is present in the skeleton, the remainder in the soft tissues and in the extracellular
fluids (circa 1%) (Lloyd and Johnson, 1988). Total body phosphorus content increases from 0.5% on a
body weight basis in infancy up to 0.65-1.1% in adults (Fomon and Nelson, 1993). Total phosphorus
concentration in whole blood is approximately 13 mmol/L (40 mg/dL). Approximately 70% is present
as organic phosphates, such as in the phospholipids of red blood cells and in the plasma lipoproteins.
The other 30% is present as inorganic phosphate, of which 15% is protein bound. About 50% of the
inorganic phosphate is in the soluble divalent cation form (HPO
), the remaining as the monovalent
anion (H
, 10%) and the trivalent cation (PO
, <0.01%), or as HPO
complexed with sodium,
calcium and magnesium salts. These anion forms are interconvertible and effective buffers of blood pH
and involved in regulation of the whole body acid-base balance.
The inorganic phosphate (Pi) fraction in the extracellular fluid is of critical importance and under
endocrine control of parathyroid hormone (PTH) and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, secondary to the
regulation of serum calcium concentrations. Serum Pi is less tightly controlled than serum calcium
and varies throughout the day following a circadian rhythm with peaks in the early morning and the
afternoon (Portale et al, 1989; Calvo et al, 1991). Serum Pi in normal adults varies between 0.97-1.45
mmol/L (3.0-4.5 mg/dL), and shows a slight increase with increasing phosphorus intakes (Heaney,
1996). Hyperphosphatemia, associated with clear clinical symptoms, has only been reported in patients
with end-stage renal disease, i.e. when glomerular filtration rate (GFR) has decreased below 20% of
the adult value (FNB, 1997). In males, but not females, serum Pi values decrease with increasing age.
Serum Pi values in young infants are about two times higher than in adults (1.29-2.26 mmol/L), due to
a lower GFR, and a consequently lower phosphate excretion capacity in the kidneys in the first months
of life (Manz, 1992; Endres, 1996).
PTH secretion can be induced by low calcium and high phosphorus intake, and results in a decrease
in serum Pi by increasing urinary phosphate excretion (Calvo et al, 1988, 1990 and 1996). This PTH
effect is mediated through the production of the active vitamin D metabolite 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin
D by an effect on the 1-α-hydroxylase activity in the kidney. Excretion of endogenous phosphorus is
mainly through the kidneys. Phosphate is filtered at the glomerulus and 80-90% is reabsorbed in the
proximal renal tubules. Until recently, tubular reabsorption was thought to be mainly controlled by PTH
and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, but more recent evidence suggests an important regulatory role for a
novel group of circulating phosphaturic hormones, called phosphatonins, such as the fibroblast growth
factor 23 (FGF-23) (Quarles, 2003). Pi transport in the proximal tubule is driven by a Na+-dependent
Pi transporter protein, residing in the brush-border membrane. Most proximal tubular Pi reabsorption
occurs via the type 2a (NPT2) co-transporter. Dietary phosphorus intake also has a direct effect on
the renal Pi excretion rate. Feeding a high phosphorus diet results in down-regulation of the NTP2
co-transporter (Keusch et al, 1998), while a low phosphorus intake will increase the amount of NTP2
cotransporter, and thus increase Pi reabsorption (Tenenhouse, 1997).
Genetic defects in the proximal tubular NTP2 co-transporters can impair renal Pi reabsorption and
result in hyperphosphaturia, such as in X-linked hypophosphatemia and hereditary hypophosphatemic
rickets with hypercalciuria (Tenenhouse, 1997; Murer et al, 1999).
2.4. Deficiency
The development of a dietary-induced phosphorus deficiency is very unlikely due to the ubiquitous
presence in foods. Hypophosphatemia can occur in patients and infants receiving poorly managed
parenteral nutrition, and in patients suffering from liver disease, sepsis, antacid therapy with aluminium
containing drugs, and in diabetic ketoacidosis. Symptoms include anorexia, anaemia, muscle weakness,
bone pain, rickets, and ataxia (Lotz et al, 1968). Inadequate intake of calcium and phosphorus has been
associated with pathogenesis of bone disease in newborn infants (Bishop, 1989).
The inorganic phosphate fraction in the extracellular fluid is under endocrine control of the parathyroid-
vitamin D axis. Excess phosphorus intake might result in hyperphosphatemia and a consequent
increase in serum PTH level. Secondary hyperparathyroidism leads to increased bone resorption which
might adversely affect bone mineral density and skeletal integrity, and result in ectopic calcification.
Such phosphorus induced effects have been observed in animal studies, but not in humans, except in
patients with end-stage renal disease. As long as the kidney function, i.e. renal capacity, is adequate
the excess phosphate is excreted. In some supplementation studies using high phosphorus dosages,
osmotic diarrhoea and mild gastrointestinal symptoms have been reported.
3.1. Adverse effects in animals
3.1.1. Acute toxicity
Histological and histochemical changes have been described in the kidneys of rats fed for 24 to 72
hours a diet containing 10% disodium acid phosphate (providing approximately 5 g/kg body weight/
day equivalent to about 1200 mg elemental phosphorus/kg body weight/day elemental phosphorus)
(Craig, 1957).
Ritskes-Hoitinga et al (1989) found marked kidney calcification and a rise in albumin concentration in
urine in female rats fed for 28 days a diet containing 0.6% sodium hydrogen phosphate (approximately
300 mg phosphorus/kg body weight/day). It was concluded that dietary phosphorus-induced
nephrocalcinosis is associated with impaired kidney function in rats.
3.1.2. Sub-chronic toxicity
Pathological effects in the parathyroid, kidneys and bones have been observed in mature male rats fed a
diet containing an excessively high level of sodium orthophosphate (8% in the diet which is approximately
4 g/kg body weight/day, providing about 1 g/kg body weight/day elemental phosphorus or 38 mmol
phosphorus/kg body weight/day) for 7 months or until the animals succumbed (Saxton and Ellis, 1941).
Microscopic examinations of the tissues at the time of death revealed hypertrophy and hyperplasia of
parathyroid cells. Calcium deposits were present in the tubules of the kidneys and other organs. The long
bones of the animals appeared thickened and more fragile than those of control animals.
In a study with three groups of 12 rats an adequate absorption and utilisation of calcium, phosphorus and
iron was found after feeding a control (P: 210 mg/kg body weight/day; Ca: 280 mg/kg body weight/day),
a normal orthophosphate (P: 215 mg/kg body weight/day; Ca: 235 mg/kg body weight/day), and a high
orthophosphate diet (P: 650 mg/kg body weight/day; Ca: 250 mg/kg body weight/day). The experiment
was conducted in three stages, with experimental observations made when animals had consumed the
test diets for 50, 60 and 150 days (Dymsza et al, 1959). No adverse physiological effects were observed
clinically, at autopsy, or on histological examination. The authors concluded that at both high and normal
levels of dietary phosphorus the calcium, phosphorus and iron absorption and utilisation were adequate.
Haut et al (1980) investigated phosphate-induced renal injury in uninephrectomised, partially nephrectomised
and intact rats. Phosphorus was administered in the diet at levels of 0.5, 1.0 and 2% (approximately 250,
500 and 1000 mg/kg body weight/day, respectively) for 18 weeks. None of the animals on a normal
phosphorus intake (250 mg/kg body weight/day) showed any abnormalities. Four of 6 intact animals
on the 1 % phosphorus diet (500 mg/kg body weight/day) had normal kidney calcium concentrations
(one animal showed histological alterations in the kidneys). In contrast, all but one of the partial and
uninephrectomised animals on a 1 % phosphorus diet (500 mg/kg body weight/day) had increased kidney
calcium concentrations; 5 of the six animals in the group exhibited histological changes in the kidney. It was
concluded that as renal functional mass is reduced, the nephrotoxicity of phosphorus is greatly enhanced.
Phosphorus 452
Pettifor et al (1984) fed young baboons with semisynthetic, vitamin D-containing diets differing in
calcium and/or phosphorus content over a 16 month study period. Diets low in calcium alone (40
mg/100 g) or low in both calcium and phosphorus (90 mg/100 g) led to the development of radiologic
rickets and histologic features of osteomalacia at both 8 and 16 months. The diet which was low in
calcium but which had a normal phosphorus content (310 mg/100 g) was associated with histologic
features of hyperparathyroidism at 16 months; such features did not develop in animals fed the low
calcium, low phosphorus diet. Biochemically the low calcium, normal phosphorus diet was associated
with a transient fall in serum calcium around 8 months and a more persistent elevation in serum
phosphorus and alkaline phosphatase values during the latter half of the study. These biochemical
changes were not seen in the baboons on the low calcium, low phosphorus diet.
Based upon an evaluation of the available data from short-term and long-term studies with phosphoric
acid and inorganic phosphate salts in rats and other species, JECFA concluded that excessive dietary
phosphorus might result in homeostatic adjustments and subsequent bone loss and calcification of
soft tissues (JECFA, 1982). The lowest level of phosphorus that produced nephrocalcinosis in the rat
(i.e. 1% P in the diet) was used as the basis to set a maximum tolerable daily intake (MTDI) of 70 mg/kg
for phosphoric acid and phosphate salts. This value was endorsed by the SCF (1991).
3.1.3. Genotoxicity
No genotoxic effect of inorganic salts of phosphorus was identified (JECFA, 1982).
3.1.4. Reproductive toxicity
Long-term effects of dietary phosphoric acid in three generations of rats have been investigated (Bonting
and Jansen, 1956). The animals received diets containing 1.4% and 0.75% phosphoric acid (equivalent to
approximately 200 and 375 mg phosphorus/kg body weight/day) for 90 weeks. No harmful effects on growth
or reproduction were observed, and also no significant differences were noted in haematological parameters
in comparison with control animals. There was no acidosis, nor any change in calcium metabolism. The quality
of these older studies would be considered limited by current standards.
JECFA reviewed the available data from studies in mice and rats and concluded that dosing with phosphoric
acid and inorganic phosphate salts does not induce maternal toxicity or teratogenic effects. Maximum dose
levels tested for the various inorganic phosphate salts varied between 130 and 410 mg phosphorus/kg
bodyweight (JECFA, 1982).
3.2. Adverse effects in humans
3.2.1. Acute effects
Osmotic diarrhoea and other mild gastrointestinal effects, including dyspepsia, nausea and vomiting
have been observed as side effects in some individuals participating in supplementation studies
using higher supplemental dosages (between 750-2250 mg/day; total oral intakes up to 3008 mg
phosphorus/day) (Bernstein and Newton, 1966; Bell et al, 1977; Broadus et al, 1983; Grimm et al, 2001,
Brixen et al, 1992; Whybro et al, 1998). Details of these studies are summarized in Table 2.
3.2.2. Adjustment in calcium-regulating hormones and effect on calcium balance and skeletal
High phosphorus intake results in the post-absorptive state in an increase in the serum Pi fraction and a
subsequent temporary decrease in the serum ionized calcium level. These temporary changes in serum
calcium are likely due to the phosphorus induced effects on the serum PTH and 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin
D (1,25-(OH)
D) levels, as part of the normal homeostatic control of the serum calcium concentration.
Most of the studies, summarized in Table 2, are of relatively small size (number of subjects included)
and of short duration (single dose up to treatment of maximum 6 weeks), except some studies in
patient groups, such as hypercalciuria patients (maximum 5 years) (Bernstein and Newton, 1966),
multiple myeloma patients and osteoporotic women (maximum 15 months) (Goldsmith et al, 1968 and
1976), and hyperparathyroidism patients (12 months) (Broadus et al, 1983).
Table 2. Short description of relevant studies on phosphorus supplementation
Study/Authors Subjects
(as phosphorus)
Bernstein and
Newton, 1966
Patients with
(16-69 yr); n=10
Treatment with 700-2000 mg/
day between
4 months and 5 years
Urine Ca ; reduced urinary stone formation
Mild to moderate diarrhoea
Reiss et al, 1970
Healthy subjects
(23-46 yr); n=5
Single dose of
1000 mg/day
60-125% increase in PTH within 60 min. PTH
increase abolished after Ca-infusion
Goldsmith et al, 1968
Multiple myeloma
patients (n=14)
Intravenous and/or oral
treatment with
1000-2000 mg/day;
up to 15 months
Reduction in bone pain and in
urinary calcium excretion. No indication
of extra-skeletal calcification; one case
of dyspepsia reported
Goldsmith et al, 1976
women with
(63-75 yr); n=7
1000 mg/day for 3-15 months
Total P-intake: 1696-2740
mg/day; Ca-intake:
616-1459 mg/day
Urine Ca ; serum P ; no effect on PTH;
evidence for increased bone resorbing surface;
skeletal mass not measured
Van den Berg
et al, 1980
Patients with
hypercalciuria; n=11
2000 mg/day for 2 weeks
Small increase in S-PTH (within normal range)
and small decrease in 1,25-(OH)
no effect on serum Ca and P-levels
No side effects reported
Broadus et al,
patients (mean age
53 yr), n=10
1500 mg/day for 12 months
s-PTH ; s-1,25-(OH)
D ; urinary Ca
Several patients reported
transient loosening of bowel movement
Portale et al, 1986
Healthy men; n=6
3000 mg/day for 10 days, after
depletion period on 500 mg/
day (+ aluminium hydroxide)
D (-30%); after initial rise
in s-Pi, no significant change
Heaney and Recker,
(43.1 ± 4.4 yr); n=8
Basal diet (1166 mg/day) +
supplements (1114 mg /day):
total intake 2280 mg/day) for 4
no evidence for bone remodelling as measured by
radiocalcium kinetics and histomorphometry
Calvo and Heath,
Healthy men (n=8)
and women (n=8);
18-25 yr
8 days on test diet with 420 mg
Ca and 1660 mg P, after 8 days
on control diet (820 mg Ca; 930
mg P)
s-PTH ; s-Pi ; s-1,25(OH)
D ; urine
c-AMP ; urine Hydroxyproline
Calvo et al, 1990
Healthy women
(mean age 22 yr);
Basal diet with 800 mg Ca
and 900 mg P; after 28 days
10 women switched to diet
with 400 mg/day Ca and 1700
mg/day P for 28 days
s-PTH ; no change in s-1,25-(OH)
no change in s-osteocalcin and in
bone resorption markers
Brixen et al, 1992
(50-75 yr);
750, 1500 and 2250
mg/day (19-21 subjects
per dose) for 7 days;
4 months follow-up.
P-containing tablets given on
top of regular diet
(not specified)
s-PTH at P-intakes >1500 mg/day;
no changes in serum Ca and P; urine P/creatinin-
ratio; S-osteocalcin at 1500 mg, but not 2250
mg dose. No evidence of bone remodelling
Nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea in 2/19
patients at 750 mg dose, 3/19 at 1500 mg dose;
7/20 at 2250 mg dose
Wybro et al, 1998
Healthy men
(19-38 yr);
study 1: n=10
study 2: n=12
Study 1: 1000 mg/day for
1 week; standard diet: 800 mg/
day of Ca and P each. Study 2:
escalating dose study with 0,
1000, 1500, 2000 mg/day for 1
week; Standard diet:
1000 mg/day Ca and
P each
Urine P ; urine Ca ; no changes in s-Pi,
osteocalcin, and urinary N-telopeptide excretion.
S-PTH increased only in study 1
Diarrhoea in 1 subject receiving
2000 mg/day (study 2)
Grimm et al, 2001
Healthy women
(20-30 yr);
3008 mg/day P and 1995
mg/day Ca for 6 weeks
(incl. 1700 mg P
from basal diet
No significant changes in s-PTH,
osteocalcin, s-creatinin, and bone
resorption markers
Mild intestinal distress (diarrhoea)
Abbreviations: S: serum; : decrease; : increase.; Ca: calcium; P: phosphorus; PTH: parathyroid
hormone; 1,25-(OH)2D: 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D; c-AMP: cyclic adenosine monophosphate.
In nearly all studies phosphorus supplementation resulted in an increased phosphate excretion and
decreased calcium excretion. Some, but not all, studies show an increase in serum PTH after acute or
long-term exposure to phosphorus loading. The variability in PTH response might, at least in part, be
explained by the circadian rhythm in PTH secretion, and, as a consequence, of differences in time of
blood sampling between studies. Acute oral phosphorus loading with dosages of 1.0-1.5 g phosphorus
Phosphorus 454
did not result in an increase in serum PTH in young adults (Calvo and Heath, 1988). However, the
same authors showed that feeding a “high phosphorus, low calcium” diet (1700 mg and 400 mg
phosphorus/day, respectively) for 28 days resulted in a persistent increase in PTH in young healthy
women, concurrent with a decrease in the serum ionized calcium level, while no such changes were
seen in a control group fed a basal diet containing 900 mg P and 800 mg Ca (Calvo, 1994).
In the study by Brixen et al (1992) the PTH increase was not significantly different between the two highest
dose groups (i.e. +1500 and +2250 mg phosphorus/day, respectively), but 3 times higher as compared to
the control and low dose supplementation group (+750 mg phosphorus/day). In the studies by Whybro et
al (1998) and Grimm et al (2001), PTH levels remained essentially unchanged after supplementation with
1500-2250 mg phosphorus daily for 1 and 6 weeks, respectively.
Under normal conditions an increase in PTH would induce renal synthesis of the active vitamin D metabolite
D. Studies from Portale et al (1986 and 1987), however, showed that high phosphorus dose
levels decreased serum 1,25-(OH)
D levels due to suppressed renal synthesis. This effect was already
reported in the study by van den Berg et al (1980) and Broadus et al (1983), but not found in the studies
from Calvo et al (1990) and Brixen et al (1992). In the latter study serum 1,25-(OH)
D tended to be lower
at the highest dose level (2250 mg/day), but this change was not significant.
It has been suggested that postmenopausal women might be more sensitive to the modulating effects
of phosphorus on serum 1,25-(OH)
D levels, i.e. less stimulation of 1,25-(OH)
D production on a low Ca:
high P diet, as compared to younger, but actual data are inconclusive (Calvo and Park, 1996).
Variable effects after phosphorus supplementation have been reported for markers of bone resorption.
In the study by Goldsmith et al (1976) a decrease in bone-forming surface and bone-resorbing
surfaces was found in a group of postmenopausal women with osteoporosis, given a daily dose of
1 gram phosphorus (as inorganic phosphate) on top of their normal diet. In an earlier study from
the same authors (Goldsmith et al, 1968) in multiple myeloma patients on radiation or drug therapy
(cyclophosphamide or melphalan), and suffering from bone pain and urinary calcium losses, oral and/
or intravenous treatment with phosphate supplements (1000-2000 mg/day phosphorus) reduced the
hypercalciuria, even in absence of hypercalcemia. X-ray examination did not indicate extra-skeletal
calcification. In one patient even recalcification of the cervical spine was noted after 9 months on the
2 g per day oral phosphorus dose.
In a short-term study by Calvo et al (1988) in a group of young men and women (8 days on a test
diet containing 420 mg/day Ca and 1660 mg/day P) an increase in urinary hydroxyproline and c-AMP
excretion was found, also suggestive of increased bone turnover. However, in a follow-up study by the
same authors (Calvo and Heath, 1990) using similar dose levels, but for a longer period (28 days), urinary
hydroxyproline excretion did not significantly change. Plasma osteocalcin, a sensitive and specific marker
of osteoblastic activity, an indicator for bone formation, remained unchanged.
In a controlled metabolic balance study in premenopausal women (n=8) doubling of the basal
phosphorus intake from 1166 mg/day up to 2310 mg/day, by giving an additional mixture of sodium
and potassium phosphate supplement for at least 4 months, while maintaining the calcium and protein
intake constant, no evidence for bone remodelling was found as measured by radiocalcium kinetics
and histomorphometry (Heaney and Recker, 1987).
Also in the more recent studies using more specific, “state of the art” markers of bone resorption, such
as the urinary N-telopeptide excretion, it was concluded that high dose phosphorus supplementation
did not significantly affect bone turnover (Whybro et al, 1998; Grimm et al, 2001).
In a cross-sectional epidemiological study among 510 healthy Danish women, aged 45-58 years, a
positive association was found between the dietary Ca:P ratio and bone mineral density, apparently
related by the inverse relationship observed between the Ca:P ratio and serum 1,25-(OH)
D levels (Brot et
al, 1999). These associations were found within the normal physiologic range of the 1,25-(OH)
D levels.
However, no clinical studies have linked high phosphorus intake, with or without adequate calcium intake,
to lower bone mass, or higher rates of bone loss in humans.
455 Newborns, young infants and children
Hypocalcaemia has occasionally been observed in neonates fed infant formula based on cows’ milk,
and related to the higher phosphorus load of these formulae (Venkatamaran et al, 1985; Specker et al,
1991). Infant formula based on unmodified cows’ milk protein used to have a relatively high phosphorus
level as compared to human milk, but a Ca:P ratio of about 1.0 to 2.0 is requested in modern formulae
(Dorea 1999; Fomon, 1993). Neonates and young infants have a lower renal excretion capacity and, as
a consequence, higher serum Pi values than older infants and adults at comparable (relative) intakes.
This favours skeletal mineralization, but too high levels might adversely effect bone accretion, and in
severe cases lead to rickets, and hypocalcaemic tetany. Specker et al (1991) demonstrated a linear
relationship between serum PTH and mean phosphorus intake (range 100-250 mg/day) in neonates
from 1-6 days of age, but not at 7-14 days of age.
Consumption of soft drinks with added phosphoric acid has also been associated with hypocalcaemia
in children (Mazarlegos-Ramos et al, 1995). In a group of 57 children, ages between 1.5 -10 years, with
a low serum calcium level (<2.2 mmol/L), soft drink consumption was much higher (>1.5 L per day) as
compared to an age-matched control group with normal serum calcium values. This might be related
however to low calcium intakes, rather than soft drink consumption as such, but no data on calcium
intake were provided. Women
Comparative studies in 20-40 year old women with carbonated beverages (567 mL) containing
phosphoric acid or citric acid as the acidulant, did not indicate an effect on urinary calcium excretion
(Heaney and Rafferty, 2001).
3.2.3. Ectopic calcification
Ectopic calcification as a result of high dietary phosphorus intake, as has been observed in mice and
rats with normal kidney functions before exposure, has not been reported in humans with an adequate
renal function. This might occur however in patients with end-stage renal disease associated with a
variety of syndromes and (malignant) conditions. However, in these conditions, the hyperphosphatemia
is not a direct, but a secondary effect.
3.2.4. Interaction with mineral and trace element absorption
Bour et al (1984) reported that high intakes of polyphosphates could interfere with absorption of iron,
copper and zinc. However, this was not confirmed in a study by Snedeker et al (1982) who found no
significant effect on iron, copper and zinc balance in 9 adult males after feeding a high phosphorus diet
(2383 mg daily), in combination with a moderate (780 mg) or high (2442 mg) calcium diet for 39 days.
There is also no evidence that phosphorus interferes with calcium absorption. Studies from Spencer et
al (1965) and Heaney (2000) have shown that over a wide range of Ca:P ratios in the regular diet, i.e.
between 0.18 and 1.88, this ratio does not determine calcium absorption efficiency.
4.1. Osmotic diarrhoea and other mild gastrointestinal effects
Mild gastrointestinal complaints were reported in some individuals in some, but not all supplementation
studies, at supplemental phosphorus intakes ≥750 mg/day (see Table 2). The Panel did not consider
this effect as a suitable critical endpoint for setting an upper level.
4.2. Effect on calcium regulating hormones, calcium balance and skeletal mass
An increase in phosphorus intake can induce an increase in serum PTH, as part of the normal
homeostatic control to maintain serum calcium levels. This effect depends on the actual increase in
serum Pi, and the subsequent (small) decrease in the serum ionized calcium level. PTH adjusts renal
clearance of Pi and through this mechanism the phosphate balance is maintained. It is not clear at what
dietary intake level of phosphorus PTH secretion is stimulated. Only in the first days of life a (linear)
relationship exists between serum PTH and phosphorus intake in the normal nutritional range. After
the renal excretion capacity has fully developed and remains intact, the excess absorbed phosphate is
excreted and serum Pi levels are kept within the normal range, i.e. no hyperphosphatemia develops.
Phosphorus 456
Acute oral phosphorus loading with dosages of 1.0-1.5 g phosphorus did not result in an increase
in serum PTH in young adults (Calvo and Heath, 1988). Also in an earlier study in osteoporotic
postmenopausal women a supplemental phosphorus dosage of 1000 mg (total intake up to 2740
mg/day) for 12 months did not affect fasting serum PTH (Goldsmith et al, 1976). Also in more recent
chronic supplementation studies in young healthy men (Whybro, 1998), and women (Grimm, 2001),
with total intakes up to 3000 mg phosphorus/day, no significant effect on changes in serum PTH could
be demonstrated. However in a study with a similar group of postmenopausal women supplemental
dosages >1500 mg phosphorus/day resulted in an increase in PTH levels (+35%) (Brixen, 1992). A
normal phosphorus intake (1700 mg/day) in combination with a low calcium diet (400 mg/day) also
resulted in a persistent increase in PTH, but is likely due to the low calcium content, rather than the
relatively higher phosphorus content (Calvo et al, 1990).
The skeletal effects of carbonated beverage consumption, if any, as reported in a relatively small study
in children (Mazarlegos-Ramos et al, 1995) might be due to milk displacement, i.e. a low calcium intake
rather than an effect of phosphoric acid. Such a trend in the consumption of milk and soft drinks, i.e. a
decrease in milk consumption with a concurrent increase in soft drink consumption, resulting in a lower
calcium, but higher phosphorus intake, has been reported for the US (Anderson et al, 2001).
A comparative study in adult women showed no effect of phosphoric acid compared to citric acid as
the acidulant in carbonated beverages on urinary calcium excretion (Heaney and Rafferty, 2001).
Ectopic calcification (e.g. nephrocalcinosis) and skeletal deformations and bone loss, as observed in
animal studies with high phosphorus loads, have not been reported to occur in humans as long as the
renal excretion capacity is not seriously compromised, such as in end-stage renal disease.
It should also be noted that standard diets for laboratory animals generally have a relatively high
phosphorus and low calcium content (JECFA, 1982). It cannot be excluded therefore that the observed
effects in some of the animal studies were associated with the relatively low calcium intakes, rather
than the high phosphorus intake as such. Besides the sensitivity of the PTH-vitamin D axis to variations
in calcium and phosphorus intake might be different between animals and humans.
The suppression of the renal 1,25-(OH)
D synthesis by an increase in the serum Pi level (Portale, 1986)
contributes to the already decreased intestinal phosphate absorption, and increased renal phosphate
excretion. This effect may be mediated by phosphatonins, under conditions of high phosphorus intake,
due to down-regulation of the NTP2 co-transporters (Blumsohn, 2004).
Decreased absorption and increased renal excretion therefore protect the human body against the
development of chronic hyperphosphatemia under conditions of high phosphorus intake. The observed
decrease in responsiveness of osteoclasts to PTH with increasing serum Pi levels likely explain why
a (temporary) increase in serum PTH, if any, induced by a high phosphorus load does not result in an
increased rate of bone resorption (remodelling), as compared to a low calcium intake which induces
both an increased PTH and 1,25-(OH)
D synthesis. The role of the phosphatonins in these processes
remains to be established (Blumsohn, 2004).
The phosphorus-induced nephrocalcinosis as observed in rats (JECFA, 1982), and the upper boundary
of the normal distribution curve for serum Pi in infants (FNB, 1997) have been used as critical endpoints
to set a maximum tolerable daily intake level. Both approaches have their limitations however. The
phosphorus-induced nephrocalcinosis in rats seems less relevant for humans. Also derivation of a
hypothetical NOAEL based upon serum Pi distribution curves is doubtful as no actual adverse effects
on bone mineralization have been observed. The Panel decides therefore not to use these endpoints
to derive an upper level.
The Panel considered that the adverse gastrointestinal effects that have been observed in some
individuals exposed to high supplemental dosages (>750 mg/day) are not a suitable basis to establish
an upper level (UL) for phosphorus from all sources.
An UL cannot be established based on the effect of a high phosphorus intake on the activity of calcium
regulating hormones, which the Panel considers not to be adverse in themselves, and which have no
demonstrable effects on bone mineral density and skeletal mass.
The Panel therefore concludes that the available data are not sufficient to establish an UL for phosphorus.
The available data indicate that normal healthy individuals can tolerate phosphorus intakes up to at
least 3000 mg phosphorus per day without adverse systemic effects. In some individuals, however,
mild gastrointestinal symptoms, such as osmotic diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting, have been reported
if exposed to supplemental intakes >750 mg phosphorus per day.
Estimates of current intakes of phosphorus in European countries indicate total mean dietary and
supplemental intakes around 1000-1500 mg phosphorus per day, with high (97.5 percentile) intakes up
to around 2600 mg phosphorus per day. There is no evidence of adverse effects associated with the
current intakes of phosphorus.
Observational data suggest that high phosphorus intakes might aggravate the effects of a state of
secondary hyperparathyroidism in individuals with inadequate calcium intakes, or an inadequate vitamin
D status, e.g. postmenopausal women. The Panel considers that these data are not sufficient to establish
the occurrence of such effects.
Anderson JJB, Sell ML, Garner SC, Calvo MS (2001). Phosphorus. In: Present Knowledge in Nutrition. 8
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Ziegler EE and Fomon SJ (1983). Lactose enhances mineral absorption in infancy. J Paediatr Gastroent Nutr 2: 228-294.
Wulf Becker, Francesco Branca, Daniel Brasseur, Jean-Louis Bresson, Albert Flynn, Alan A. Jackson,
Pagona Lagiou, Martinus Løvik, Geltrude Mingrone, Bevan Moseley, Andreu Palou, Hildegard
Przyrembel, Seppo Salminen, Stephan Strobel, Henk van den Berg, and Hendrik van Loveren.
The Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies wishes to thank Jan Alexander, Angelo
Carere, Werner Grunow, Andrew Renwick and Gerrit Speijers for their contributions to the draft opinion.
Phosphorus 460 460
(REQUEST N° EFSA-Q-2003-018)
The European Food Safety Authority is asked to derive an upper level for the intake of tin from food
that is unlikely to pose a risk of adverse health effects.
Tin has not been shown to be nutritionally essential for humans. Tin occurs naturally in foods as
stannous and stannic salts, and stannous chloride (SnCl
) is a permitted food additive (E512). Data on
tin intake in EU countries are limited. In the UK mean intake in adults from food is estimated at 1.8 mg/
day, ranging up to about 6 mg/day, and appears to be decreasing, while in France the mean daily intake
was estimated to be 2.7 mg tin/day. The main dietary sources of tin are tinned fruit and vegetables.
The absorption of inorganic compounds of tin from the gastrointestinal tract in humans and animals is
very low with as much as 98% being excreted directly in the faeces. Because of their limited absorption,
inorganic tin compounds have low systemic toxicity in man and animals.
In man and animals, gastrointestinal effects are the main acute manifestation of toxicity associated
with ingestion of tin. These are caused by the irritant action of soluble inorganic tin compounds on
the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract. In humans, acute effects resulting from consumption of
tin-contaminated foods and drinks have resulted in gastrointestinal symptoms, including abdominal
distension and pain, vomiting, diarrhoea, and headache. The balance of evidence suggests that the
concentration of tin in contaminated foods is critical to the development of acute gastrointestinal
effects, and that tin concentrations of 250 mg/kg in canned foods and 150 mg/kg in canned beverages
are more likely to be associated with this.
In rats, growth depression, loss of appetite and reduced feed conversion efficiency are observed at
doses of stannous chloride greater than 150 mg tin/kg diet. This appears to be due to reduced absorption
and status of trace elements, particularly zinc, but also iron and copper, as a result of formation of
insoluble complexes (probably with phosphates) in the gastrointestinal tract. There is evidence of
reduced status of iron, zinc and copper when rats are fed diets containing 50 mg tin/kg diet or greater.
It is likely that other effects which occur at this or higher levels e.g. reduced calcium content of bone at
50 mg tin/kg diet or pancreatic atrophy at a dose level of 2000 mg tin/kg diet, are not systemic effects
of absorbed tin but rather manifestations of deficiency of one or more trace elements.
Short term studies in human adults indicate that high intakes of tin (about 30-50 mg tin/day or per
meal) may reduce the absorption of zinc, but not other minerals such as iron, copper, manganese or
magnesium. However, the possible long-term effects, if any, of such intake levels on status of zinc or
other minerals have not been investigated.
The Panel considered that the available data from human or animal studies are insufficient to derive
a tolerable upper intake level for tin. The current daily intake of tin in the EU (e.g. ranging up to about
6 mg/day in the UK) appears to be well below the lowest intakes reported to cause adverse effects
on zinc absorption. Regulatory limits of 200 and 100 mg/kg for the concentration of tin in canned
foods and beverages, respectively, have been established to protect against the occurrence of acute
gastrointestinal effects of tin.
Tin 462
Inorganic tin, stannous chloride, stannous oxide, stannic chloride, toxicity.
In 2002, the European Parliament and the Council adopted Directive 2002/46/EC
related to food
supplements containing vitamins and minerals.
In addition, and as announced in its White Paper on Food Safety, the Commission aims to put forward
a proposal for harmonising legislation concerning the addition of vitamins and minerals to foods.
With a view to provide scientific support to the European Commission’s legislative work in this field,
the Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) issued, from October 2000 to April 2003, a series of opinions
on tolerable upper intake levels of individual vitamins and minerals and safety factors in relation to their
use in fortified foods and food supplements (available on the Internet at:
The SCF opinions covered 22 out of the 29 nutrients, which were considered to be within their mandate
for this task. The SCF did not have sufficient time to adopt opinions for the following vitamins and
minerals: vitamin C, chloride, fluoride, iron, phosphorus, potassium and sodium. In addition, during
the decision making process for the adoption of Directive 2000/46/EC on food supplements the
Parliament requested that boron, nickel, silicon, vanadium and tin should be allowed to be used in food
supplements. Therefore, the European Food Safety Authority is asked to provide scientific opinions on
the remaining 12 vitamins and minerals in accordance with the present terms of reference.
With respect to the outstanding 12 vitamins and minerals, the European Food Safety Authority is asked
1) to review the upper levels of daily intakes that are unlikely to pose a risk of adverse health effects; 2)
to provide the basis for the establishment of safety factors, where necessary, which would ensure the
safety of fortified foods and food supplements containing the aforementioned nutrients.
1.1. Chemistry
Tin is a metal of group 14 of the periodic table with an atomic weight of 118.71. It has 10 naturally
occurring isotopes of atomic masses between 112 and 124 with abundances ranging from 0.34-
32.97%. The oxides of tin are amphoteric, commonly forming stannous and stannic salts (oxidation
state +2 and +4, respectively). Several reviews and evaluations have been prepared on inorganic tin
(WHO, 1980; Thomas, 1984; Smith and Kumar Das, 1996; EGVM, 2002; ATSDR, 1992 and 2002;
JECFA, 1982 and 2001).
1.2. Natural occurrence
Natural occurrence of tin in the metallic state is rare. The occurrence of tin in various organisms from
different localities has been reviewed by Schroeder et al (1964) and they noted that the concentrations
found are highly dependent on the existence of local mineral sources of tin. Although not commonly
present in fresh waters it occurs at a concentration of about 3 µg/L in sea water. Tin was present in all
vegetable samples obtained in Vermont, an area with soil containing considerable amounts of tin, from
0.07-9.07 μg/g wet weight. It is found in tissues of local farm and wild animals (Schroeder et al, 1964;
WHO, 1980; EGVM, 2002; ATSDR, 1992 and 2002).
1.3. Occurrence in food, food supplements and medicines
The widespread distribution in soils of some areas results in the presence of tin within certain foodstuffs.
Within the European Union stannous chloride is a permitted food additive (E512) for bottled and canned
1 - Directive 2002/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to food
supplements. OJ L 183. 12.7.2002, p. 51.
white asparagus only (25 mg Sn/kg). The highest concentrations of tin in foods are found in tinned fruit
and vegetables. Tin is present in some multi-vitamin and mineral food supplements (levels up to 10 μg
tin/tablet) (EGVM, 2002).
At the 55
meeting of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives in June 2000 the
Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intake (PTWI) of 14 mg Sn/kg body weight was reconsidered and maintained
(JECFA, 2001). In an opinion of the SCF on acute risks posed by inorganic tin in canned food, the
Committee concurred with the JECFA conclusion that levels of 150 mg/kg in canned beverages or 250
mg/kg in other canned foods or higher may cause gastric irritation in some individuals (SCF, 2001).
Maximum levels for inorganic tin in canned foods (200 mg/kg) and canned beverages (100 mg/kg) have
been established in EU legislation (EC, 2004).
2.1. Deficiency
Tin has not been shown to be essential for humans or animals, and there are no data on deficiency effects
resulting from an inadequate intake of inorganic tin (EGVM, 2002).
2.2. Absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination
2.2.1. Absorption
The absorption of inorganic compounds of tin from the gastrointestinal tract in humans and animals is
reported to be low with as much as 98% being excreted directly in the faeces. The nature of the inorganic tin
compound and its oxidation state appears to determine the extent of absorption (Calloway and McMullen,
1966; Hamilton et al, 1972b; Tipton et al, 1966 and 1969; Fritsch et al, 1977a; WHO, 1980; ATSDR, 1992
and 2002). Animals
It has been reported that gastrointestinal absorption of tin by the rat is extremely low. In one study,
groups of 8 male Wistar rats (approximately 250 g) were fasted for 17 hours after which a dose of
(50 mg/kg body weight; 0.5 μCi/mg tin) was administered by gavage in either:
(1) water; or with (2) aqueous sucrose at 5 g/kg body weight; (3) aqueous ascorbic acid at 0.5 g/kg
body weight; (4) aqueous potassium nitrate 0.1 g/kg body weight; (5) an aqueous solution of all three
compounds at the same dose; or in (6) 20% alcohol solution, equivalent to 2 g ethanol/kg body
weight; or (7) a solution of albumin at 2.5 g/kg body weight; or (8) 1:1 (v/v) sunflower oil-1% Tween 20
emulsion at 10 mL/kg body weight. Rats were placed in metabolic cages, fasted for another 6 hours
and then received a basal diet ad libitum. Urine and faeces were collected from 0-24 and 24-48 hours.
Animals were then sacrificed and excreta and selected organs and tissues analysed for radioactivity.
Group mean values of the proportion of the administered dose excreted in the faeces within 48 hours
or remaining in the gastrointestinal tract ranged from 98.7-99.8%. The mean percentage of the
dose detected in the urine was less than 1.1% and in the organs and tissues examined was less than
0.005% (Fritsch et al, 1977a; WHO, 1980; ATSDR, 1992 and 2002).
The effect of the anion and oxidation state on the gastrointestinal absorption of inorganic tin salts,
labelled with
Sn, was studied in the rat. Following a 24-hour fast, groups of 10 female rats (Charles
River, 200-225 g) were given a single 20 mg Sn/kg body weight oral dose of Sn
citrate, fluoride or
pyrophosphate or Sn
citrate or fluoride. Changing the anion from citrate to fluoride did not alter
the absorption of either oxidation state and approximately 2.8% and 0.6% of the Sn
and Sn
respectively, were absorbed. With pyrophosphate as the anion, absorption of Sn
was significantly
lower than with the citrate or fluoride, an observation which the author ascribed to the greater tendency
of pyrophosphate to form insoluble complexes with tin as compared to the citrate and fluoride anions
(Hiles, 1974). In a 28-day study in which groups of 6 weanling female rats were fed with the Sn
fluoride salts (20 mg Sn/kg body weight, on 6 days/week) the steady state urinary excretion was
circa 0.35% and 0.12% of the total dose of tin from the Sn
and Sn
salts, respectively, confirming
the greater absorption of the Sn
ion (Hiles, 1974).
In a comparative study of the absorption of tin, tracer dose of
(2.6-4.4 mg Sn) were administered
intravenously, intraperitoneally and by gavage to female RF mice, male Sprague-Dawley rats, male African
white-tailed rats, male rhesus monkeys and male beagle dogs. In all species more than 95% of the oral
Tin 464
gavage dose was excreted via the faeces within 3 days, whereas a greater percentage (15.9-62.8%) of
the parenteral doses was excreted via the urine during the same time (Furchner and Drake, 1976).
Orange juice containing 540 mg Sn/kg derived from corrosion of the can or a solution of tin citrate
(1200 mg Sn) was administered to Wistar rats (gender not given), and faeces and urine were collected
over 48 hours or 18 hours respectively. No tin was detected in the urine collections whereas the faecal
excretion of tin was 99% or 94-98% respectively (Benoy et al, 1971). Humans
The absorption of inorganic compounds of tin from the gastrointestinal tract in humans is very low with
as much as 98% being excreted directly in the faeces at intakes around 10 mg/day or higher. Schryver
(1909) reported the urinary excretion of tin in normal health adults weighing 65 kg, who ingested daily
doses of sodium tin tartrate for 3 weeks. The doses were taken four times a day with meals and the
total daily dose in the first week, of approximately 64.5 mg tin, was increased to 129 mg in the second
week and to 193.5 mg in the third week (equivalent to approximately 1, 2 and 3 mg Sn/kg body weight
per day in successive weeks). After the first week the tin excreted in 5-day periods in each week was
related to the amount ingested, with 7.9 and 8.6% of the total excreted in the urine during the second
and third weeks, respectively. There was no control period and no measures of dietary tin content were
made (Schryver, 1909). In a study by Calloway and McMullen (1966) faecal excretion of tin was high
and approximated dietary intakes when the diet provided 9-190 mg tin per day. In adults given 50 mg
tin per day the apparent absorption was around 3%, while it was about 50% when the intake was 0.1
mg/day (Johnson and Greger, 1985).
2.2.2. Distribution Animals
When expressed as a percentage of a dose administered orally to rats, tissue distributions for Sn
and Sn
, respectively were skeleton, 1.02% and 0.24%, liver, 0.08% and 0.02%; and kidneys 0.09%
and 0.02% (Hiles, 1974). When radioactive stannous chloride was administered by stomach tube
to anaesthetised rats the bulk of the dose was excreted in faeces, and there was highly variable
distribution of the absorbed fraction in the internal organs as measured for periods of up to 21 days
(Kutzner and Brood, 1971).
Tin concentrations were measured in the liver, kidneys and femur of groups of 6 male weanling Wistar
rats administered 0, 0.3, 1.0 and 3.0 mg Sn
/kg body weight orally every 12 hours for a period of
90 days. There was a clear dose-related increase in femur concentration with statistical significance
achieved at the 1.0 mg Sn
/kg body weight dose. In the highest dose group the femur concentrations
were 10-fold higher than the control values of 2.05 ± 0.41 μg/g wet tissue and these were associated
with significant reductions of the diaphysis and epiphysis concentrations of calcium. The concentrations
of tin in the livers of control rats were 0.24 ± 0.01 μg/g wet tissue and the levels were significantly
increased by 58% at the highest dose. There were no significant increases in the kidney concentrations
of 0.22 ± 0.41 μg/g wet tissue (Yamaguchi et al, 1980).
Male Wistar rats were given SnCl
O in their drinking water for 1-18 weeks at concentrations of 100
mg/L (0.44mM), 250 mg/L (1.11 mM) or 500 mg/L (2.22 mM). Tin accumulated in the brain at the highest
concentration (2.22 mM) throughout the experiment, but elevated tin concentrations in brain were
found only after 15 and 18 weeks at 1.11 mM and tin did not increase in the brains of rats given 0.44
mM. Blood tin increased after one week at the highest dose (2.22 mM) without further accumulation,
whereas blood tin levels did not differ from controls at the 2 lower doses. Tin exposure caused a dose-
dependent increase in the cerebral and muscle acetylcholinesterase activity at the two highest doses
(Savolainen and Valkonen, 1986). Humans
The mean concentration S.E.) of tin in 102 samples of human blood obtained through the UK
National Blood Transfusion Service was 0.009 ± 0.002 μg/g wet weight. The concentrations ± S.E. (n)
in various organs obtained at autopsy were: whole brain, 0.06 ± 0.01 (10); whole kidney (0.2 ± 0.04 (8);
liver, 0.4 ± 0.08 (11); lung, 0.8 ± 0.2 (11), lymph node, 1.5 ± 0.6 (6); muscle, 0.07 ± 0.01 (6); testis, 0.3
± 0.1 (5); ovary, 0.32 ± 0.19 (6), all μg/g wet weight; bone (hard water area), 4.1 ± 0.6 (22); bone (soft
water area), 3.7 ± 0.6 (22), μg/g ash (Hamilton et al, 1972a).
2.2.3. Metabolism
The methylation of inorganic tin compounds by a mechanism involving the oxidation of a stannous
compound to the Sn (III) radical and the reaction of this with the cobalt-carbon bond of vitamin B
give a methylated tin derivative have been described. However, it is probable that this can only occur
in anaerobic conditions (Ridley et al, 1977 a and b; Wood et al, 1978; ATSDR, 1992 and 2002).
2.2.4. Elimination Animals
The disappearance of radioactivity following intraperitoneal injection of a tracer of
into 5 Swiss
mice was followed by whole body counting. The biological half life of tin was estimated as 29 days
(Brown et al, 1977). Intravenous injection of single bolus doses of 2 mg/kg body weight of either Sn
or Sn
(citrate and fluoride) resulted in the excretion of 30% of the dose in the urine, with 11% and 0%
of Sn
and Sn
eliminated in the bile (Hiles, 1974). Humans
A baby fed on evaporated milk from an unlacquered tin can for the first 5 weeks of life was estimated
to have ingested 11.23 mg Sn/24 hours. Excretion in the faeces was estimated as 10.64 mg Sn/24
hours and in the urine as 0.23 mg Sn/24 hours. The faecal excretion of tin decreased by 98% within
36 hours after changing to milk from a lacquered can (Hamilton et al, 1972b). A 30-day balance
study on a husband and wife aged 35 and 34 respectively, involved the collection of duplicate
samples of their food and drink and total collection of faeces and urine. Mean daily faecal and urinary
excretion of tin (measured by emission spectroscopy on dry-ashed samples) were, 2.13 and 0.11
mg, respectively for the wife, and 1.55 and 0.08 mg, respectively for the husband. The wife was in
negative balance and the husband in positive balance (Tipton et al, 1966). The same group studied
two males, 23 and 25 years old, using similar procedures for a period of 347 days. Both subjects were
in positive balance and their mean daily faecal and urinary excretions of tin (mean ± S.E.) were 3.6
± 0.7 and 0.085 ± 0.011 mg, respectively for the first subject, and 3.6 ± 0.5 and 0.058
± 0.006 mg for the second subject. It was calculated that less than 10% of the amount of tin
ingested was excreted within 24 days (Tipton et al, 1969). A study of the tin content of army
rations which had been stored at either 1 or 37º C for a period of 20 months indicated that
these would provide mean tin intakes of 26.3 and 162.8 mg per day respectively as compared
with a freshly prepared control diet (9.5 mg Sn per day). During ingestion of the control diet the
faecal excretion of tin by 9 young adult male volunteers was slightly greater than the estimated
intake and, during consumption of the high tin diet, faecal excretion was slightly lower than
the intake; only trace amounts of tin were detected in the urine and these were unaffected by
the diet (Calloway and McMullen, 1966). One study has reported results which were somewhat
different from the other toxicokinetic studies. In adult males fed daily diets containing either 0.1 or
50 mg of tin in a 40-day study with a 20-day cross over period apparent absorption was 50 and 3% of
the ingested tin, respectively (Johnson and Greger, 1982).
2.3. Interactions
2.3.1. Animals
Groups of 7 young male Sprague-Dawley rats were assigned to study groups in which they were: a)
fed for 7 days with either a diet supplemented with 1954 mg Sn/kg or were pair-fed with a control
diet; b) fed for 27 days with various concentrations of tin and zinc in a block design; and c) fed as in
b with different concentrations of tin and zinc for 6 or 7 days. The absorption of zinc by rats on diets
containing 200 or 500 mg/kg tin was decreased. At the higher dietary concentration, the retention of
zinc in tibia, kidney, liver and plasma was significantly decreased and the plasma, liver and kidney
levels of copper were reduced (Johnson and Greger, 1984 and 1985).
Groups of 10 weanling male long-Evans rats were administered diets containing 0, 100, 330 or
1100 mg Sn/kg diet, and a control group were pair-fed with 0 mg Sn/kg to match the 1100 mg/kg
diet group, for a period of 28 days. The copper, zinc, iron contents of various tissues were then
assessed. There were significant dose-related reductions of body weight gain in all treatment groups.
The highest dietary concentration of tin significantly reduced the copper and zinc concentrations
of most tissues studied. There were dose-related reductions in the liver concentrations of copper
and in the kidney concentrations of zinc. Also, when the rats were fed a diet deficient in copper, the
100 mg Sn/kg diet caused a significant reduction of blood haemoglobin and serum ceruloplasmin
concentrations (Rader et al, 1990; Rader, 1991). Similar results were reported in a study on the effects
Tin 466
of 100 mg Sn/kg diet in rats fed additional dietary glucose or fructose while consuming Cu-deficient or
Cu-adequate diets (Reicks and Rader, 1990).
Groups of 12 weanling Wistar rats were fed semi-synthetic diets containing 1 (control) or 100 mg Sn/kg diet
(the tin was added as SnCl
) for 28 days. The test diet had no effects on body weight gain or feed intake but
resulted in significantly reduced concentrations of copper in plasma, liver and kidneys. The biliary excretion
rate of copper was reduced to approximately 40% of that of the control group. The authors concluded that
tin affected copper status by inhibiting the copper absorption (Yu and Beynen, 1995).
A 28-day study with male Wistar rats fed diets containing 0, 1, 10, 50, 100 and 200 Sn mg/kg diet,
incorporated as stannous chloride, provided evidence for dose-related changes to the iron, copper
and zinc status of the animals, with changes claimed to occur at dietary concentrations lower than 50
mg/kg (Beynen et al, 1992; Pekelharing et al, 1994; EGVM, 2002; ATSDR, 1992 and 2002).
Tissues of rats and mice fed tin in drinking water for life were analyzed for the essential metals,
chromium, copper, manganese and zinc. Contrary to what has been shown for competitive effects of
tin on copper in some other studies, the concentrations of copper were significantly higher in the livers
of rats fed tin than in controls (Schroeder and Nason, 1976).
2.3.2. Humans
The consumption of canned foods providing 163 (116-203) mg of tin per day by nine adult males was
associated with an apparent greater retention of iron in the body; however, the iron content of the diet
was higher than that of a low-tin-content diet (Calloway and McMullen, 1966).
During a 40-day study, with 20-day cross over periods, eight adult males (69-82 kg body weight)
were fed either a mixed diet providing 0.1 mg tin per day (controls) or a similar test diet providing 50
mg tin per day. When the subjects were fed the test diet the subject’s excretion of zinc was increased
in the faeces and decreased in the urine, and the apparent absorption of zinc was reduced by 16%:
there was no significant effect on the excretion of copper, iron, manganese and magnesium (Johnson
et al, 1982). In a similar, and possibly the same study, there was no effect of incorporation of tin in
the diet on calcium excretion or serum levels of calcium (Johnson and Greger, 1982). Also, on the
high-tin diet there was a statistically significant increase in the faecal excretion of selenium, while
the urinary excretion and overall apparent retention of selenium were decreased but non-significantly
(Greger et al, 1982).
A single test meal containing 36 mg Sn as stannous chloride dihydrate administered to 10 healthy
volunteers aged 18-46 years reduced the absorption of radiolabelled
(molar ratio of Sn:Zn =
5) from the test meal by circa 29%, as measured by whole body counting 2-4 hours and 7-10 days
after the meal (Valberg and Chamberlain, 1984). However, Solomons et al (1983) found no effect on
zinc absorption, assessed by plasma zinc concentrations during 4 hours post-dose, in humans given
increasing amounts of stannous chloride (from 25, 50 and 100 mg Sn, respectively) together with 12.5
mg zinc (as zinc sulphate) in 100 mL soft drink in single-meal studies.
2.4. Requirement and recommended daily intake
Tin has not been shown to be essential for humans. Although some authors (Gelfert and Stauffebiel,
1998) suggested that tin could be essential, there is no experimental evidence that tin is an essential
element for animals or man.
2.5. Dietary intake
Information on dietary intakes of tin is limited, as it is not in the nutrient databanks for dietary surveys.
A total diet study in The Netherlands was used to investigate the content of minerals in market basket
samples representing the diet of Dutch 18 year old males and purchased at 3-monthly interval over a
period of 2½ years (1984-1986). The mean daily intake of tin was estimated to be 0.65 mg as compared
with 1.7 mg in a study carried out eight years earlier. Canned fruits contributed 82% of the dietary intake
of tin (Van Dokkum et al, 1989), which probably is due to migration from the can into the food.
A study in the UK of the concentration of tin in canned foods provided evidence that canned fruits
(tomato and tomato products, pineapple, orange, grapefruit and pear) are the most likely to contain
elevated concentrations of tin, with the tomato, tomato products and pineapples categories each
having some samples containing more than 250 mg Sn/kg. The mean upper and lower bound
estimated total dietary intakes of tin for the years 1976 to 1982 ranged from 4.35-2.41 (upper bound)
and 4.42-2.30 (lower bound) mg Sn per day. There was a decreasing tendency until 1982, and the
authors quote references suggesting that intake via inhalation and drinking water are likely to be 2 to
3 orders of magnitude less than dietary intake (Sherlock and Smart, 1984). In a duplicate diet study
of 29 adult females in north-eastern England in 1982, it was noted that the concentration of tin in the
duplicate diets was higher than in the earlier total diet samples (Evans and Sherlock, 1987).
Analyses of samples from 1997 Total Diet Studies (TDS) showed that the population average intake of
tin was 1.8 mg/day, and the upper level (97.5 percentile) tin intake was estimated at 6.3 mg/day using
the TDS concentrations combined with consumption data from the 1986/87 Dietary and Nutritional
Survey of British Adults. The population average intake of tin had decreased since the previous TDS
estimate of 2.4 mg/day in 1994. Table 1 shows the concentrations of tin in each of the 1997 TDS food
groups and the intake from each group. This shows that the highest concentrations of tin were in the
canned vegetables group followed by the fruit products group. Canned food products are the main
contributors to the intake of tin in the UK (EGVM, 2002).
In a study in France, the tin contents in fresh food or in food stored in lacquered or unlacquered cans
were determined in order to estimate the average daily tin intake in a French citizen. Tin levels were
76.6 ± 36.5 mg/kg in foods preserved in unlacquered cans, 3.2 ± 2.3 mg/kg in foods stored in lacquered
cans, and 0.03 ± 0.03 mg/kg in fresh foods. Tin intake is essentially dependent on food stored in
tin cans (98%), which represents 5.6% of the total daily consumption of foods by a French citizen.
The estimated tin intake was 2.7 mg/day which is equivalent to 0.04 mg/kg body weight (Biégo et
al, 1999).
3.1. Animal toxicity data
3.1.1. Acute toxicity
Single oral administration of inorganic tin caused a number of acute symptoms, such as severe
salivation and emesis, with vomiting in cats and dogs (Benoy et al, 1971). LD
values for inorganic tin
compounds are shown in Table 2.
3.1.2. Short-term toxicity
Feeding rats with SnCl
in tap water at intakes equivalent to 1.4 or 14 mg SnCl
/kg body weight/day
or in an aqueous suspension of yeast at intakes equivalent to 14 mg SnCl
/kg body weight/day for
21 days resulted in a reduction of about 30% in the activity of serum lactate dehydrogenase for all
treatments but no effect was observed on serum glutathione peroxidase, carbonic anhydrase, alkaline
phophatases or leucine aminopeptidase (Pfaff et al, 1980; EGVM, 2002; ATSDR, 1992 and 2002).
Tin 468
Table 1. Concentrations of tin in 1997 Total Diet Study samples and estimated average intake
(EGVM, 2002).
Food Group (TDS)
Mean Sn concentrations
(mg/kg fresh weight)
Intake of Sn
Misc. cereals
Carcass meat
Meat products
Oils & fats
Sugars and preserves
Green vegetables
Other vegetables
Canned vegetables
Fresh fruit
Fruit products
Dairy produce
Total Intake (mg/day) 1.8 mg/day
High levels resulting from migration from cans
Table 2. LD50 values for inorganic tin compounds
(mg/kg body
Duration Reference
Rat, M p.o 700 over 21 days
Pfaff et al, 1980
Rat, M p.o >1500 16 days
NTP, 1982SnCl
Rat, F p.o >1500 16 days
Mouse, M, F p.o < 600 16 days
/Na citrate
Mouse, M p.o 2700 Unknown
Omori et al, 1973
Rat, M p.o 188.2 Fasted, 24h
Lim et al, 1978
Mouse, M p.o 128.4 Fasted, 24h
Mouse, M p.o. 592.9 24h
Conine et al, 1975
Rat, F p.o 218.7 Fasted, 24h
Rat, M p.o 573.1 24h
Rat, M p.o 223.1 Fasted, 24h
p.o.: oral gavage
Consumption of diets containing 1900-30,000 mg SnCl
/kg diet for a period of 14 days by rats resulted
in a dose-related decrease in weight gain in rats and, at the highest dietary concentrations, roughened
coats and distended abdomens. In mice similarly treated, there was reduced weight gain on diets
containing 15,000 and 30,000 mg SnCl
/kg (NTP, 1982).
Consumption of diets by rats and mice containing (in mg/kg) SnCl
at levels of 0, 500, 1000, 1900,
3800, 7500 (in both species) and 15,000 and 30,000 (in mice only) mg SnCl
/kg diet for 13 weeks
resulted in reduced weight gain in rats at the 7500 mg/kg dose level and distension of the caecum
and reddening of the mucosal surface of the stomach at the 3800 and 7500 mg/kg dose levels. No
histological changes were observed in any tissue. In the mice, there was a 30% decrease in body
weight gain in the animals receiving 30,000 mg SnCl
/kg diet and gross distension of the caecum was
observed in all groups receiving dietary concentrations of 3800 mg/kg diet or greater. No histological
changes were observed in any tissue (NTP, 1982).
Increasing dietary concentrations of SnCl
O from 0.1% in the first week to 0.8% in weeks 8 to 13 in
rats reduced body weight gain, haemoglobin concentration and haematocrit and induced pancreatic
atrophy, histological changes to the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidney and thyroid. The authors
considered the pancreatic changes to be the most specific manifestation of the toxicity of tin (Dreef-
van deer Mullen et al, 1974).
Administration of diets containing 0, 4000 or 8000 mg Sn/kg diet as SnCl
to rats for 6 months caused
pancreatic atrophy and histological changes in the kidney, adrenal medulla and adrenal cortex, signs
of irritation in the gastrointestinal tract in both treatment groups (Fritsch et al, 1978).
Feeding a diet containing 5000 mg Sn/kg food as SnCl
, labelled with radioactive
, equivalent
to about 700 mg Sn/kg body weight, to young male rats for one month resulted in reduction of body
weight and food consumption, anaemia characterised by a significant drop in haemoglobin and
haematocrit values, congestion of the kidneys and the cortex of the adrenals, and congestion and
desquamation of the mucosa in the upper gastrointestinal tract from the stomach to ileum. About
99% of the administered labelled tin was excreted in the faeces with less than 1% in the urine, while
radioactivity in the gastrointestinal tract, organs and carcass was negligible (Fritsch et al, 1977b).
Feeding weanling rats diets containing 0, 300, 1000, 3000 and 10,000 mg/kg diet as SnO
, SnCl
, SnSO
, SnS
, Sn-oleate, Sn-oxalate or Sn-tartrate for 4 weeks resulted in no
deleterious effects of SnO
, SnS
, and Sn-oleate (all insoluble tin compounds) but there was severe
growth retardation, decreased food efficiency, slight anaemia and slight histological changes in liver with
3000 mg Sn/kg diet with SnCl
, Sn
, SnSO
, Sn-oxalate or Sn-tartrate (all water soluble
tin compounds). Dietary supplements of iron partly protected against tin-induced anaemia but did not
protect against the other adverse effects. The authors suggested that the observed adverse effects of
these tin compounds might be explained by the inhibition of iron absorption (de Groot et al, 1973).
In a 90-day study weanling rats were fed diets containing either SnO or SnCl
at dietary concentrations of 0, 300,
1000, 3000, 10,000 mg/kg. There were no toxic effects of SnO at any dose. Animals receiving SnCl
at 10,000
mg /kg diet showed loss of appetite, retarded growth and abdominal distension within 7 days; autopsy after 9
weeks showed distension of the intestines, severe pancreatic atrophy, testicular degeneration, and histological
damage to liver, and brain, Animals fed SnCl
at 3,000 mg/kg diet showed some abdominal distension and loss
of appetite and retarded growth during the first 2 weeks. After the second week, appetite returned to normal as
did growth. Significantly lower haemoglobin levels were determined between the fourth and ninth week but this
returned to control values for female, but not male, animals by the end of the study. Minor histological changes
were observed in liver. There were no treatment-effects in rats fed SnCl
at 300 or 1000 mg/kg diet (equivalent
to 450-650 mg Sn/kg diet or 22-33 mg Sn/kg body weight) (De Groot et al, 1973).
An additional 90-day study investigated the influence of iron concentration in the diet on the toxicity on
inorganic tin. Rats were fed diets containing either 35 or 250 mg iron/kg diet which also contained 0,
50, 150, 500, or 2000 mg Sn/kg diet as SnCl
. Growth depression, reduced appetite and reduced feed
conversion efficiency were observed at the 500 and 2000 mg Sn/kg diets. Distinct signs of anaemia
occurred in the 2000 mg Sn/kg diet group, but only a transitory decrease in haemoglobin was seen in
rats receiving the 500 mg Sn/kg diet. Pancreatic atrophy and histological changes in the liver, kidneys,
spleen, testicles and heart were seen in some animals in the highest tin group. In all instances where
effects of dietary tin were determined, the degree of severity was usually more pronounced in animals
receiving the lower iron diets (De Groot et al, 1973b as cited by JECFA, 1982).
De Groot et al (1973) considered that the adverse effects seen in these studies were due to inhibition
of iron absorption. However, this only partly explains effects on haemoglobin and it does not at all
explain the other effects. For example, the paper describes distinctly improved haemoglobin levels
(although they remained low) at 10,000 mg/kg stannous chloride by further enrichment of the test diet
with iron but the reduced growth rate was not improved. There may be alternative explanations which
were not considered by the authors, e.g. interference with intestinal absorption of other trace elements
(as described in Section 2.3) which were only reported some years after this study. Loss of appetite is
the earliest sign of zinc depletion in rats. The authors did not consider interaction of Sn with any trace
element except iron and made no tissue measurements for zinc or copper.
Tin 470
3.1.3. Long-term toxicity and carcinogenicity studies
Available evidence indicates that orally ingested tin salts are not carcinogenic.
In lifetime studies in rats and mice in which SnCl
was given in drinking water at dose levels of 0.35
mg Sn/kg body weight per day (mice) and 0.34-0.38 mg Sn/kg body weight per day (rats) there was no
evidence of any effect of tin on the survival of the animals, or on the incidence or classification of tumours
(Kanisawa and Schroeder, 1967 and 1969; Schroeder and Balassa, 1967; Schroeder et al, 1968).
Treatment of mice for one year from birth (with the mothers being given the appropriate diet or
drinking water solution) through weaning and into adulthood with stannous oleate (5000 mg/kg diet) or
sodium chlorostannate (5000 or 1000 mg Sn/L in the drinking water) had no effect on the incidences
of hepatomas, malignant lymphoma and lung adenoma (Walters and Roe, 1965). Feeding rats diets
containing either sodium chlorostannate (5000 mg Sn/diet) or stannous 2-ethylhexoate (4500 mg Sn/kg
diet) until 8 weeks of age, and then 2250 mg Sn/kg diet until 80 weeks did not result in any increase in
tumours in either group which could be attributed to the treatment (Roe et al, 1965).
Based on long-term feeding studies (105 weeks) with SnCl
in the diet at concentrations of 0, 1000 and
2000 mg SnCl
/kg diet to rats and mice commencing at an age of 6 week, it was concluded that SnCl
was not carcinogenic in either species (NTP, 1982; ATSDR, 1992 and 2002; EGVM, 2002).
In a study reviewed by JECFA but not otherwise available (Sinkeldam et al 1979b) in rats at a high
dose (800 mg Sn/kg diet) there were no compound-related effects on tumour site or incidence were
observed (JECFA, 1982).
3.1.4. Reproductive and developmental effects
Available evidence indicates that orally ingested tin salts are not teratogenic.
Pregnant rats were administered SnCl
by gavage on gestation days 7-12 inclusive at doses of 0,
20, 100, 500 mg/kg body weight; teratogenic effects in the form of protruding tongue of foetus were
reported but at unspecified doses (Wu et al, 1990). Stannous and stannic chloride had estimated LD
of 10 and 20 mg/egg respectively when injected into yolk of 4-day old White Leghorn chicken embryos.
No abnormalities of embryonic development were detected (Ridgway and Karnofsky, 1952).
A multi-generation reproduction study in rats with an incorporated developmental toxicity study
with dose levels of 0, 200, 400 and 800 mg stannous chloride in the diet revealed transient adverse
effects only at specific stages. These were a decrease in body weight gain during lactation, decreased
haemoglobin in pups prior to weaning, and microscopic changes in the liver and spleen of pups of the
F3b generation at weaning. The iron content in the diet for these pregnant rats was, respectively, 70
and 140 mg/kg feed, greater than the minimal adequate level of iron for adult non-pregnant rats (35
mg/kg feed). At the higher iron content in the feed the effects were less in the suckling pups. This led
the investigators to the conclusion that the 70 mg iron/kg feed is a sub-optimal content for pregnant
dams. No adverse effects were observed in the dams. Visceral and skeletal examination did not reveal
any tin-related teratogenic effects (Sinkeldam et al, 1979a). As the effects in the pups seen in this
study were transient and disappeared after the animals were weaned, the NOAEL is 800 mg stannous
chloride/kg feed which is equivalent to 40 mg/kg body weight.
3.1.5. Genotoxicity
A non-standard in vitro mutagenicity test was carried out with the aim of studying the role of DNA repair
genes in the repair of SnCl
-induced damage in Escherichia coli (Cabral et al, 1998). The results showed
that the product of the x tha gene, exonuclease III, was required for the repair of DNA lesions induced
by SnCl
, most of which were gene mutations of base substitution type. Cytogenetic studies gave
positive responses with SnCl
for chromosomal aberrations and sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs)
in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells with or without metabolic activation (Gulati et al, 1989; ATSDR,
1992 and 2002). SnCl
was also able to induce chromosomal aberrations in cultured human peripheral
lymphocytes (Ganguly et al, 1992). SnCl
produced extensive DNA damage, detected as single
strand breaks by alkaline sucrose gradient analysis in Chinese hamster cells (McLean et al, 1983).
Tin (II) produced about 200 times more DNA damage, on equimolar basis, than did Cr (IV). SnCl
not produce such damage. DNA damage was also induced by SnCl
in plasmid DNA (De Mattos et al,
2000) as well as in the K562 cell line, resistant to reactive oxygen species (ROS) (Dantas et al, 2002).
did not induce micronuclei in the bone marrow cells when given by intraperitoneal injections to
mice at 0, 26.3, 52.5, 105 or 210 mg/kg body weight/day for 3 days (Shelby et al, 1993). Similarly, SnF
was unable to induce micronuclei in bone marrow cells of mice at the intraperitoneal doses of 0, 9.8,
19.6 or 39.5 mg/kg body weight given 24 hours apart (Gocke et al, 1981).
Based on the presently available data, SnCl
appears to be an in vitro genotoxic agent, able to induce
gene mutations in bacterial cells, chromosome aberrations, sister chromatid exchanges and single
strand breaks (SSBs) in mammalian cells. SnCl
, as well as SnF
, were unable to induce micronuclei in
bone marrow cells of mice treated in vivo. Overall, there is a limited evidence of genotoxicity for soluble
tin salts, likely due to generation of reactive oxygen species.
3.1.6. Studies on calcium metabolism
In a study in which groups of male weanling Wistar rats were given drinking water containing 0, 50,
150, 300, or 600 mg SnCl
per litre for a period of 28 days together with a diet which contained 52.4
mg Sn/kg diet, the compressive strength of the distal epiphysis was significantly reduced in the groups
receiving 300 and 600 mg SnCl
/litre. The NOAEL for this study calculated from the intake via drinking
water and the amount which was present in the diet corresponds to 17.5 mg/kg body weight SnCl
(Ogoshi et al, 1981). Daily oral dosage of male Wistar rats with SnCl
at a dose level of 1.0 mg Sn
body weight twice daily for 28 or 90 days reduced the calcium content of the femoral epiphysis, but
without significantly altering serum calcium, intestinal calcium uptake or calcium excretion (Yamaguchi
and Okada, 1980; Yamaguchi et al, 1982). In a 90-day study, the effects on weanling Wistar rats of
in the diet at 0, 10, 50, 100 and 250 mg Sn/kg diet were investigated. At the 50 mg Sn/kg level
(equivalent to 2.5 mg Sn/kg body weight) and above there were significant reductions of the calcium
content of serum and the femoral epiphysis (Yamaguchi et al, 1981). The authors suggested that these
effects could be due to a systemic effect of absorbed tin; however, they did not consider the possible
involvement of trace element depletion in these effects.
3.1.7. In vitro toxicity
Stannous and stannic oxides were not cytotoxic to fibroblasts cultivated from human gingival tissue
(Hanawa et al, 1992).
3.2. Human toxicity data
3.2.1. Acute and short-term toxicity
Acute gastrointestinal effects such nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea, abdominal pain and sickness
have been reported in humans from the ingestion of tin dissolved from internal surfaces of tin cans
or saucepans since the late 19
century (Sedgwick, 1988; Luff and Metcalfe, 1890; Davidson, 1927;
Savage, 1939).
Illness was reported in a group of 38 women who attended a banquet, of whom 37 completed a
questionnaire and 31 reported symptoms. The symptoms included nausea (96.7%), abdominal cramps
(86.7%), vomiting (70.0%), headache (56.7%), chills (36.7%) and diarrhoea (33.3%). The onset of
symptoms was within 2 hours of the meal and they were reported to have persisted for 2-48 hours.
Tests on food items did not reveal any pathogenic bacteria. The response data implicated a vodka
punch as the causative agent, and analysis revealed that it contained 2000 mg tin/L; tests for copper,
zinc and cadmium were negative. The punch had a pH of approximately 3 and had been stored in a
re-tinned 5-gallon milk churn in which there were signs of corrosion (Warburton et al, 1962).
Benoy et al (1971) cited an unpublished report of the Metal Box Co. Ltd (1967) as recording that
nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea were observed in a large, unspecified number of persons in Kuwait
who had consumed formulated orange juice and apple juice containing 250-385 mg tin/kg. Omori
and colleagues (1973) report several outbreaks of poisoning with limited data in Japan associated
with canned orange juice; the main symptoms were nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, fever and headache.
The toxicity was attributed to tin on the basis of exclusion of microbiological contamination and the
detection of 425 mg tin/kg in a toxicity-associated sample compared with concentrations ranging from
84-337 mg tin/kg in other purchased samples. Other published case reports of toxicity associated with
canned orange or tomato drinks containing tin in concentrations ranging from 100 to 494 mg/kg were
reviewed by JECFA (JECFA, 1982; Omori, 1966a and b; Horio et al, 1967a and b; EGVM, 2002). In well-
documented cases severe abdominal bloating, vomiting, diarrhoea, and headache were noted after
the consumption of canned tomato juice with tin levels ranging from 141 to 405 mg tin/kg; the mean
concentrations ranged from 245 to 363 mg tin/kg in the various lots implicated as the cause of the
intoxication. The cans were visibly de-tinned, an effect which was attributed to unusually high nitrate
levels on the tomatoes used to prepare the juice (Barker and Runte, 1972).
Tin 472
In an early study that Schryver (1909) performed on himself, he ingested sodium tin tartrate for a period
of 3 weeks at total daily doses of approximately 1, 2 and 3 mg Sn/kg body weight in successive weeks,
no symptoms were reported. Analyses of faecal and urinary total nitrogen, and urinary ammonia, urea and
uric acid were reported as indicating that no disturbance of metabolism had occurred (EGVM, 2002).
Five volunteers were given orange juice containing tin at concentrations of 0-1400 mg/kg on various
occasions. The volunteers were unaware of the nature of the test substance. All experienced either
nausea (3 individuals), diarrhoea (1 individual) or both (1 individual) when they first drank the juice
containing 1400 mg tin/kg, which corresponded to a dose of tin of 4.4-6.7 mg/kg body weight;
administration 1 month later resulted in only one case of nausea (Benoy et al, 1971).
Solomons et al (1983) reported noxious gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea, cramps and loose stools)
in 4 subjects given a single dose of 100 mg Sn as stannous chloride together with 12.5 mg zinc (as
zinc sulphate) in 100 mL soft drink. Symptoms were not observed when single doses of 25 or 50 mg
Sn were given.
A limited number of case-reports of acute gastrointestinal disorders after consumption of food containing
100-500 mg tin/kg have been reported. Controlled clinical studies on acute effects of tin migrated
from packaging suggest a threshold concentration for adverse effects of >730 mg/kg. Two separate
randomised, single-centre, double-blind, cross-over investigations of the tolerability of tin added as
stannous chloride at concentrations of <0.5, 161, 264 and 529 mg tin/kg in 250 mL juice in 20 volunteers
(study 1) and tin migrated from packaging at concentrations of <0.5, 201 and 267 mg tin/kg in 250 mL
tomato soup in 24 volunteers (study 2) were carried out. A clear dose-response relationship was only
observed when tin was added as stannous chloride in tomato juice (study 1). No clinically significant
adverse effects were reported in study 2 and comparison of the incidence of tin-related adverse effects
showed no difference between the dose levels (including control). Studies on the distribution of low
molecular weight (<1000 Da) tin species in the beverage showed that the chemical form of tin, and not the
elemental concentration per se, determined the severity of the adverse effects in the gastrointestinal tract.
Tin species of low molecular weight in supernatant represented 31-32% of total tin in canned tomato soup
versus 56-61% in juice freshly spiked with stannous chloride. The differences in the incidence of adverse
effects following administration of tomato juice with 161 and 264 mg of tin per kg and tomato soup with
201 and 267 mg of tin per kg probably resulted from differences in the concentration of low molecular
weight tin species and in the nature of tin complexes formed. According to the investigators the results
of this work demonstrated that tin concentrations up to 267 mg/kg in canned food cause no adverse
effects in healthy adults (Boogaard et al, 2003). Regulatory limits of 200 mg/kg for the concentration of
tin in canned foods and 100 mg/kg in canned beverages have been established to protect against the
occurrence of episodes of acute human poisoning by tin (EC, 2004).
A few short-term human studies indicate that high intakes of tin (30-50 mg tin/day) may reduce the
absorption of e.g. zinc (Johnson et al, 1982; Valberg and Chamberlain, 1984), while no effect was seen
in one (Solomons et al, 1983). The long-term effects on zinc status and effects on other minerals are,
however, not known.
3.2.2. Long-term toxicity and carcinogenicity
No carcinogenic effects of orally ingested inorganic tin in humans have been reported. Stannosis, a
benign pneumoconiosis consequent of prolonged industrial exposure to tin oxide dusts, has been
described from several countries (Barnes and Stoner, 1959; Bartak et al, 1948; Pendergrass and Pryde,
1948; Robertson et al, 1961).
4.1. Gastrointestinal acute effects
Acute toxicity of stannous compounds results from irritation of the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract.
Vomiting and diarrhoea were reported in cats given soluble salts of tin, but there was no clear dose-
relationship, and the vehicles in which the tin was administered may have affected its toxicity.
Episodes of human poisoning resulting from the consumption of foods and drinks contaminated with tin
have resulted in abdominal distension and pain, vomiting, diarrhoea, and headache. These symptoms
commonly start within 0.5-3 hours, and recovery occurs within 48 hours. The doses of tin ingested in
such episodes of poisoning were generally not estimated. In one study five volunteers experienced
symptoms when they ingested juice containing 1400 mg Sn/kg. Administration of the same dose to
these individuals one month later resulted in symptoms in only one person. In another human study
with in total 44 volunteers the lowest dose of SnCl
in canned beverage (tomato juice) without acute
gastrointestinal effects was 200 mg tin/kg. In an experimental study Solomons et al (1983) reported
adverse gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea, cramps and loose stools) in 4 adults given a single dose
of 100 mg Sn as stannous chloride together with 12.5 mg zinc (as zinc sulphate) in 100 mL soft drink.
Symptoms were not observed when single doses of 25 or 50 mg Sn were given. The balance of
evidence suggests that the concentration of tin in contaminated foods is critical to the development of
acute gastrointestinal effects, and that tin concentrations of 250 mg/kg in canned foods and 150 mg/kg
in canned beverages are more likely to be associated with this (SCF, 2001).
4.2. Inhibition of trace element absorption
There is evidence of reduced status of iron, zinc and copper when rats are fed diets containing 50 mg
Sn/kg diet or greater. This appears to be due to reduced absorption of trace elements, particularly zinc,
but also iron and copper, as a result of formation of insoluble complexes (probably with phosphates)
in the gastrointestinal tract. Such effects probably explain growth depression, loss of appetite and
reduced feed conversion efficiency observed in rats at doses of stannous chloride greater than 150 mg
Sn/kg diet. It is likely that other effects of tin e.g. pancreatic atrophy at a dose level of 2000 mg tin/kg
diet or reduced compressive bone strength at a dose level above 50 mg Sn/kg diet are not systemic
effects of absorbed tin but manifestations of deficiency of one or more trace elements.
In human adults a diet containing 50 mg tin/day (compared to 0.1 mg/day) reduced apparent absorption
of dietary zinc by 16% but had no effect on absorption of copper, iron, manganese or magnesium, while
inclusion of 36 mg tin as stannous chloride reduced the absorption of zinc from a test meal by 29%.
4.3. Systemic toxicity
There are no data on systemic toxicity of orally ingested tin salts in humans. Orally ingested inorganic
tin compounds generally have low systemic toxicity in animals because of limited absorption from
the gastrointestinal tract, limited accumulation, and rapid excretion, primarily in the faeces. Because
soluble tin salts can cause depletion of essential trace elements, particularly zinc, copper and iron, as a
result of gastrointestinal interactions, it is difficult to distinguish between the effects of such nutritional
deficiencies and possible systemic effects of absorbed tin. Given the very low absorption of tin it is likely
that adverse effects which occur at levels of 50 mg Sn/kg diet e.g. reduced bone compressive strength
at 50 mg tin/kg diet or pancreatic atrophy at a dose level of 2000 mg tin/kg diet, are not systemic
effects of absorbed tin but rather manifestations of deficiency of one or more trace elements.
Available evidence indicates that orally ingested tin salts are neither carcinogenic nor teratogenic.
Based on the results of in vitro and in vivo tests, the evidence of genotoxic activity of soluble tin salts
is considered limited.
4.4. Conclusions
The absorption of inorganic compounds of tin from the gastrointestinal tract in humans and animals is
very low with as much as 98% being excreted directly in the faeces. Because of their limited absorption,
orally ingested inorganic tin compounds have low systemic toxicity in man and animals.
In man and animals, gastrointestinal effects are the main acute manifestation of toxicity associated
with ingestion of tin. These are caused by the irritant action of soluble inorganic tin compounds on
the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract. The balance of evidence suggests that the concentration of
tin in contaminated foods is critical to the development of acute gastrointestinal effects, and that tin
concentrations above 250 mg/kg in canned foods and 150 mg/kg in canned beverages are more likely
to be associated with this. The regulatory limits of 200 mg/kg for the concentration of tin in canned
foods and 100 mg/kg in canned beverages have been established to protect against the occurrence of
episodes of acute human poisoning by tin (EC, 2004).
In rats, growth depression, loss of appetite and reduced feed conversion efficiency are observed at doses of
stannous chloride greater than 150 mg Sn/kg diet. This appears to be due to reduced absorption and status
of trace elements, particularly zinc, but also iron and copper, as a result of formation of insoluble complexes
(probably with phosphates) in the gastrointestinal tract. There is evidence of reduced status of iron, zinc and
copper when rats are fed diets containing 50 mg Sn/kg diet or greater. It is likely that other effects which
Tin 474
occur at this or higher dietary levels of tin e.g. reduced calcium content of bone (femoral epiphysis) at 50 mg
Sn/kg diet or pancreatic atrophy at 2000 mg tin/kg diet, are not systemic effects of absorbed tin but rather
manifestations of deficiency of one or more trace elements.
In short term studies in human adults a diet containing 50 mg tin/day (compared to 0.1 mg/day)
reduced apparent absorption of dietary zinc by 16% but had no effect on absorption of copper, iron,
manganese or magnesium, while inclusion of 36 mg tin as stannous chloride reduced the absorption
of zinc from a test meal by 29%.
The Panel considered that the available data from human or animal studies are insufficient to derive a
tolerable upper intake level for tin.
Occasional high intakes of tin are associated with high consumption of canned foods, and regulatory
limits of tin content in canned foods (200 mg/kg) and beverages (100 mg/kg) have been established to
protect against possible local acute effects on the gastrointestinal tract.
Short-term human studies indicate that high intakes of tin (about 30-50 mg tin/day or per meal) may
reduce the absorption of zinc, but not other minerals such as iron, copper, manganese or magnesium.
However, the possible long-term effects, if any, of such intake levels on status of zinc or other minerals
have not been investigated.The current mean daily intake of tin in EU countries (e.g. ranging up to
about 6 mg/day in the UK) appears to be well below the lowest intakes reported to cause adverse
effects on zinc absorption.
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Wulf Becker, Francesco Branca, Daniel Brasseur, Jean-Louis Bresson, Albert Flynn, Alan A. Jackson, Pagona
Lagiou, Martinus Løvik, Geltrude Mingrone, Bevan Moseley, Andreu Palou, Hildegard Przyrembel, Seppo
Salminen, Stephan Strobel, Henk van den Berg, and Hendrik van Loveren.
The Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies wishes to thank Jan Alexander, Angelo
Carere, Werner Grunow, Andrew Renwick and Gerrit Speijers for their contributions to the draft opinion.
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