© 2013 Vancouver Community College Learning Centre.
Student review only. May not be reproduced for classes.
Authored by Emily Simpson
HOSP 2207 (Economics) Learning Centre
Macroeconomics: MPC, MPS &
Multiplier Effect
There are four values used to assess the saving and spending of household disposable
income: average propensity to consume (APC), marginal propensity to consume (MPC),
average propensity to save (APS) and marginal propensity to save (MPS).
APC and APS are easy to understand the average money amount saved or spent
over a year. MPC and MPS are ratios. Remember that marginal opportunity cost meant
the opportunity cost associated with consuming one additional unit of good? MPC and
MPS have to do with how much money is saved or spent per one additional dollar of
disposable income.
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The only two things a household can do with its money are spend or save. Whatever
ratio (fraction) of your money is not saved, will be spent on consumption. In other words:
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Example: If your disposable income increases from $50,000 to $57,500 a year, and
your savings increases from $25,000 a year to $28,000 a year, calculate your MPS.
Solution: The change in savings is: $28,000 $25,000 = $3,000
The change in income is: $57,500 $50,000 = $7,500
When a change in one of the AD demand sectors increases or decreases AD, then we
know GDP changes as well. But the amount of change in GDP is always greater than
the change in AD. It turns out the quantity change in GDP is a multiple of the change in
AD and is inversely proportional to MPS (and hence MPC). This is called the multiplier
effect. Like the butterfly effect, an initial increase in AD will have a trickle-down effect
that is amplified through the economy. The equation below shows how to calculate the
change in GDP (not a percentage, this is a $ amount).
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© 2013 Vancouver Community College Learning Centre.
Student review only. May not be reproduced for classes. 2
You should test the equation to prove to yourself that the higher the MPC of a country,
the greater the multiplier effect for changes in GDP!
The equation can also be rewritten as:    
The factor 1/(1 MPC) is called the multiplier. If a question tells you that the multiplier
is 2.5, that means: Change in GDP = 2.5 × Change in AD.
Practice Problems
1. If your consumption increases from $30,000/yr to $40,000/yr when your
disposable income increases from $84,000 to $96,500/yr, calculate your MPC.
2. Kari received a raise in salary from $72,000/yr to $77,000/yr. Her savings
increased from $21,000 to $23,000 per year. Calculate her MPC.
3. Dari had hours cut from his job so that his disposable income decreased from
$59,500/yr to $51,000/yr. His consumption dropped from $46,000/yr to
$40,000/yr. Calculate his MPS.
4. If aggregate demand increased by $4,500 and MPC is 0.60, find the change in
5. If real GDP decreased by $10 billion and the multiplier is 2.5, find the change in
aggregate demand.
6. If aggregate demand increased by $7,980 and MPS is 0.35, find the change in
7. Real GDP increased by $600,000 and MPC is 0.45. Find the original change in
aggregate demand.
8. If an $8 million increase in one sector of aggregate demand results in a $13.8
million increase in GDP, find MPC.
9. Find the multiplier if a $425,000 decrease in investment expenditure resulted in a
$2 million decrease in real GDP.
1. 0.80
2. 0.60
3. 0.29
4. $11,250
5. decrease of $4 billion
6. $22,800
7. $330,000
8. 0.42
9. 4.7