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Full-time equivalents (“FTEs”) and costs will be collected and reported for comparisons to world-class
and peer groups by the 18 processes shown in
. They are detailed further on subsequent pages.
Cash Disbursements
Accounts and Programs Payable
Travel and Expense
Revenue Cycle
Cash Application
Customer Billing
General Accounting and External Reporting
General Ledger
Inter-Agency Accounting
Cost Accounting
Fixed Assets
External Reporting
Tax Management
Tax Management
Tax Accounting
Tax Filing and Reporting
Tax Planning
Treasury Management
Cash Management
Capital and Risk Management
Compliance Management
Compliance Management
Government compliance
Planning and Performance Management
Planning and Performance Management
Fiscal Analysis (aka Business Analysis)
Fiscal Analysis (aka Business Analysis)
Cost analysis
Pricing and profitability analysis
Program performance analysis
New Program analysis
Management and Administration
Function Management
Not Applicable for State Government
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The standard accounts payable and cash disbursement process definition includes the process of
paying suppliers, vendors or external third parties for goods, services or freight shipments (inbound
and outbound). For state government the definition has been expanded to include program
payables. Programs payable includes the process of preparing, reviewing and delivering payments to
payees such as Medicaid providers, recipients of public benefit programs (such as TANF and
Unemployment Compensation), beneficiaries of other programs operated by the government as an
agent or custodian for another party (such as Child Support) and specialized payments to payees not
already accounted for (such as lottery agents and prize winners and government bond holders).
Processing and routing of incoming mail specific to the cash disbursements process including
handling of invoices, and requests for payment
Matching of payee invoice, purchase order, receipt acknowledgement, eligibility status, claims
and other required documents or information to validate and verify payment can be made.
Often this activity relates to matching requests for payments to an eligibility determination
process which had already been performed.
Preparing and coding of vouchers or claims and performing data entry into an accounts payable
or programs payable application
Processing and managing interface files or other electronic means by which claims for payment
are presented
Processing payments, either electronic funds transfers, warrants, or checks
Review of system automated program payments due (programs payable examples include
lottery, unemployment, welfare and Medicaid payments, etc.)
Performing compliance verification and quality review
Researching/reconciling of accounts payable and programs payable; includes processing of
debit/credit memos related to payables
Performing record retention tasks including maintaining files necessary to support audits and
request for federal reimbursement
Providing management reporting and audit support specific to the cash disbursements
process for accounts and programs payable transactions
Coordination and management of outsourcing relationships with third-party providers
Note: Intake, assessment, and determination or re-determination of eligibility for the programs
themselves (i.e. to create a payee who is eventually and subsequently eligible to receive a payment
under program payables), is out of scope. Thus we expect the preponderance of costs associated
with running a government program (such as Medicaid) to be out of scope, and only the costs of
accounting and fiscal staff processing the payments themselves (or analogous outsourced cost) to be
in scope.
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The processing and payment of employee and/or contractor expense reports for business
expenditures incurred on behalf of the organization.
Incoming mail / post processing (within travel and expense)
Matching of employee report with receipts, outstanding advances and travel authorizations
Coding of expense reports
Compliance verification/approval
Quality control review
Data entry/keying into travel and expense system
Automatic and manual payment processing/distribution
Verification and issuance of travel and expense cash advances
Production and distribution of travel and expense report/advance statements
Management of internal travel expense management policies and programs including travel
and procurement card programs and monitoring compliance to those programs (excludes
corporate travel department for purposes of reservations)
Researching/reconciling of employees’ corporate direct bill account
Providing management reporting and audit support specific to the cash disbursements
process for employee travel and expense transactions
Coordination and management of outsourcing relationships with third-party providers
In general, revenue cycle includes processes and activities where customers have an obligation to
remit revenue to the state government. The obligation includes both exchange and non-exchange
transactions. An example of a non-exchange transaction would be the obligation to pay a tax. An
example of an exchange transaction would be payment of revenue in exchange for a license.
Customers include all types of revenue payers, such as individuals, organizations, and even other
For agencies who provide products/services only to other state agencies and departments, those internal
“customers” should be included
For agencies that provide products/services to non-paying customers or “applicants”, those applicants should be
included as “customers”
For agencies that issue “involuntary bills” or where it is understood a bill/payment is due but no bill has been issued
(i.e. Dept. of Revenue tax bills), those individuals or businesses being billed or making a payment should be
included as “customers”
Include estimates of individuals using state facilities where a fee is paid for a service received (i.e. golf courses)
Exclude estimates of individuals making use of state provided common public access facilities that are not paying a
fee such as scenic overlooks or wildlife observation stations
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Note: Revenue Cycle processes exclude activities associated with collection of money or credit card
transactions in settlement of purchases by customers at retail locations, toll collections, or payments
made through the Internet where credit terms were not extended. Do not include write-off amounts
as an outsource cost.
The Cash Application process includes:
Posting and application of remittances to the accounts receivable system at the customer level
including any adjustments
Includes posting of cash receipts (accounts receivable) for all types of revenues such as taxes,
fees, fines, rents, sales, assessments, federal grants, and inter-departmental revenues
Recording and tracking receivables from customers
Depositing of customer checks, EFT, or credit card payments received
Performing management reporting, updating master files, record retention and audit support
specific to the revenue cycle process
Coordination and management of outsourcing relationships with third-party providers including
maintenance/management of lock box operations by banks
The process of extending credit to customers. Government activity in this process is expected to be
minimal at the most.
Developing of credit scores (includes reviewing outside agency reports, credit references), credit
limits, payment terms, related policies and procedures, and the approval of credit requests
Performing management reporting, updating master files, record retention and audit support
specific to the credit process
Coordination and management of outsourcing relationships with third-party providers
Note: Exclude customer service activities, e.g., product support, quality and returned goods.
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The process of pursuing the collection of receivables from customers.
Pursuing the collection of receivables from customers including calls, letter, emails or other
communication methods to collect outstanding receivables
Monitoring aged receivables and the maintenance of collection activity history
Calculating of interest and/or penalties on past-due/overdue invoices and calculating any
associated loss provisions, reserves and bad debt write-off
Performing management reporting, updating master files, record retention and audit support
specific to the collections process
Coordination and management of outsourcing relationships with third-party debt collection
Note: Excludes activities associated with collection of money or credit card transactions in
settlement of purchases by customers at retail locations, toll collections, or payments made through
the Internet where credit terms were not extended. Do not include write-off amounts as an
outsource cost.
The process of documenting and issuing invoices to customers in conformance with contractual
obligations or statutory requirements.
Providing maintenance of pricing standards and contract compliance
Collecting billing information for purposes of generating customer invoices and verification of
billing output (examples include property assessments to revise tax liabilities)
Performing reconciliation of billing system information against billing documentation including
documenting and issuing invoices in conformance with contractual obligations or statutory
Creating, printing and distribution of customer invoices and the processing of billing
adjustments (i.e. license renewal notices should be included)
Performing management reporting, updating master files, record retention and audit support
specific to the customer billing process
Coordination and management of outsourcing relationships with third-party providers
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This process group entails general accounting activities and the reporting of financial information to
state and federal regulatory agencies and external third parties where required by legislation. This
process includes general ledger close, consolidations, state level eliminations, maintenance of the
general ledger and preparation of department and agency financial statements in accordance with
management reporting requirements
Providing maintenance of the general ledger and preparation of department/agency financial
statements in accordance with statutory reporting requirements
Preparing and recording of journal entries
Monitoring of the close process at statewide, department and agency levels
Reviewing and analysis of account and subordinate level trial balances and preparation of
consolidated trial balance
Generating and distributing of monthly operational reports
Performing reconciliation of balance sheet accounts and related bank statements and preparation
of eliminating entries
Finalizing of monthly consolidated statements
Calculating and consolidating of expense type information
Providing maintenance of statewide/group overhead allocation pools and related rates
Researching of state and federal accounting issues and briefing of new pronouncements
Performing record retention/archiving and audit support specific to accounting and external
Coordination and management of outsourcing relationships with third-party providers
Creation of entries for goods/services provided to other agencies including determination of billing
amount and preparation of the financial transactions.
Calculation of amounts owed based on various bases, such as allocation, per transaction etc.
Accounting and reporting of financial information department/agency level and below
Reconciliation of account activity to G/L balances
Monitoring of amounts not collected and collection support activities
Write-off of un-reconciled balances
Communications with Treasury and other departments on account reconciliations, settlements
and reporting
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The process by which department/agency operational information is captured at a level of detail
beyond what is needed for general accounting purposes, including: project, service, or funding
Capturing and tracking costs on a project or program basis. Typically capturing costs eligible for
reimbursement by another entity (such as federal government)
Tracking of special, long duration projects (such as capital projects)
Capturing program cost information at a level of detail below that needed for general accounting
purposes, including: project, service, or funding source
The process of recording and controlling the physical records and financial activities related to the
assets of the organization
Recording and controlling the physical records and financial activities related to the assets of the
Collection of accounts payable vouchers and other documentation required for asset setup
Preparation of input documents for additions, deletions, transfers and adjustments
Data entry/keying into fixed asset system
Reconciliation of fixed asset system account balances and related constructed asset clearing
accounts to the general ledger
Preparation of related journal entries
Distribution of fixed asset reports
Record retention and preparation of asset folders
Development of fixed asset accounting policies and procedures
Maintenance of depreciation tables and schedules for GASB purposes
Development, training and support of inventory tracking systems and procedures
Asset/inventory tagging
Conducting physical inventory of capital assets
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The process of reporting financial information as dictated by Generally Accepted Accounting
Principles (GAAP as defined by GASB.), government statutes (statutory or budgetary basis) and
federal reporting requirements
Preparing, reporting and submission of interim and annual special reports, such as monthly
fund statement reports, cash flow reports, budgetary control reports and various management
Preparing and reporting of specialized financial information to support other government
purposes, for example financial information in bond offering statements
Preparation and distribution of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
The process of managing and planning the agency’s overall funding and cash flow needs, handling
of cash flows (depository and disbursement accounts) and banking relations. Includes State and/or
Agency cash and debt management
Securing of funds to meet the organization’s cash flow needs and the investment of any excess
cash generated by the organization
Performing daily cash positioning, funds concentration and mobilization
Performing daily account maintenance (i.e., account setup/closing, signatories, services used,
account analysis, etc.) of all banking/financial institutions
Establishing the overall capital structure to support the organization’s long and short term
working capital requirements
Overall bank relationship management
Performing short term borrowing activities, including the issuance of notes and commercial
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The process of managing and planning the organization’s finance risk management strategy (such as
interest rate). This area includes investment management and support. It also includes state and/or
agency cash and bond debt.
Developing and managing the organization’s approach to managing its risks associated with
fluctuating interest rates, including analyzing and evaluating of financing and investment
Negotiating of financing, loans and servicing of debt
Performing long term borrowing activities, including issuance of bonds
Development and monitoring of short and long term cash forecasts
Preparing of financial information in support of investment, borrowing and cash management
Meeting with and managing key analysts and institutional investors
Providing treasury management policy and procedure, management reporting and audit support
specific to the treasury management process
Working with both internal and external customers/suppliers in increasing the awareness and
utilization of effective treasury management practices
Includes administration of the requirements of the Cash Management Improvement Act.
Note: Excludes investment management of funds owned by customers, agencies, or other third
parties. Investment management being excluded would be considered part of an agency’s core
product or services provided to clients. Exclude pension management, local government investment
pools. Exclude Component Units such as state universities and housing authorities.
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This process is primarily made up of processes and activities which ensure financial reporting
accuracy, compliance with reporting and managing government grants and contracts and assessing
whether adequate controls are in place. It includes independent appraisal activities performed by
internal auditors as well as by external auditors, including auditing firms for the purposes of
certification of financial statements and assessing the adequacy, effectiveness and compliance with
financial, operating, information systems, and administrative internal controls.
Review and appraisal of the soundness, adequacy and application of accounting, financial,
operating, data processing and administrative controls
Performance of a comprehensive audit program in accordance with generally accepted audit
standards and generally accepted government auditing standards
Verification of the reliability of management data
Promotion of effective controls and recommendation of operating improvements where
Verification and safeguarding of assets
Support and/or coordination of external audit and responding to special requests from the audit
committee or other management
Certification of financial reports and statements
Maintaining financial records associated with government grants in accordance with specific
government regulations
Documentation of processes as required by internal policies
Documentation of processes as required by external agencies
Ongoing support of compliance requirements resulting from the Single Audit Act
Include internal audit, compliance staff, and fraud units.
Include external audit fees as an outsourcing cost for this process.
Include hot line tips at the time of investigation
Note: Exclude hot line alerting and tracking activities.
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This process group includes processes and activities associated with planning and reporting annual
and long-term financial and non-financial objectives. Planning activities primarily include strategic
planning support, the annual budgeting process and forecasting. Performance management includes
the compilation and creation of management reports to support the government’s management
team in understanding the government’s performance against annual budgets and long-term plans.
Reporting of results may be done in a variety of ways including traditional paper based reports, web-
based reports and balanced scorecards delivered in an Executive Information System or via
combined methods.
Preparing the annual budgets with detail supporting schedules
Establishing economic assumptions, guidelines and timing requirements
Performing development and distribution of operating budget and capital budget guidelines,
manuals, materials and user software
Performing preparation, printing, and distribution of annual budgets, forecasts and supporting
Inputting of budget and capital plan into respective system(s)
Coordinating the performance scorecard reporting and monitoring and the strategic plan
Providing assistance to agencies in preparation of budget/capital plans
Performing analysis and review of budget reports with management and legislature
Preparing, reviewing and submitting interim forecasts, status reports and variance analysis with
Reporting of prior and current year actuals including variance analysis against budget and
financial plan
Development and maintenance of performance scorecards and associated metrics
Reporting of actual capital spending vs. plan
Calculating and/or reporting of various performance measurements such as service efforts and
Preparing of various program/contract/funding source/organizational unit fluctuation
Fulfilling of various ad hoc reporting requirements
Performing consolidation and review of agency supplied information
Developing, analyzing and presentation of financial results to executive branch management
and legislature
Supporting of the government in preparation and determination of program and
organizational unit goals, strategies and tactics
Preparing of long-term plans (i.e. 3 year and 5 year plans) and legislative presentations
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Note: Only include finance FTEs in both centralized and decentralized locations, not operations.
Typically centralized devote 100% of their time to this activity while decentralized spend only a
period of days, perhaps a few weeks, during the budget prep cycle.
Finance professionals performing analysis to support management decisions being made on a
regular or event driven basis. Includes providing agencies with interpretive and predictive financial
and non-financial information, analyzing cost accounting data for purposes of evaluating new
programs, services and projects.
Providing management with interpretive and predictive financial information to make
performance assessments and investment decisions through the use of sensitivity, pro forma
and cause-and-effect analysis. (Analysis is often provided on an ad hoc basis and requires
high degrees of accuracy and completion within short time frames)
Performing analysis of operations, service levels, caseloads and trends
Developing and reviewing of the business case and financial justifications for operating and
capital requests (e.g., cash flow, internal rate of return, lease versus buy, lease buyouts)
Developing and maintaining fringe benefit and indirect overhead recovery rates
Gathering, evaluating and presenting financial, operating, and performance information
about proposed new initiatives
Note: Only include FTEs in finance, not in operations. Example: Finance provides an analysis to a
program unit on the financial trends for a program modification it is evaluating.
Note: Charging of rates and costs allocations is conducted in general accounting
Activities related to the establishment of financial policies and controls as well as general
administration and personnel management. For purposes of this study, this function is reserved for
CFOs, senior finance managers, controllers, assistant controllers, treasurers, and their administrative
Establishing of finance function policies
Determining of financial policy controls
Design, development, and implementation of finance function improvement initiatives,
including human performance and technology projects
Performing of general finance management activities, e.g., personnel management,
performance management staff meetings