Are Current Task-oriented Dialogue Systems Able
to Satisfy Impolite Users?
Zhiqiang Hu
, Roy Ka-Wei Lee
, Nancy F. Chen
Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore
Institute of Infocomm Research (I2R), A*STAR, Singapore
Abstract—Task-oriented dialogue (TOD) systems have assisted
users on many tasks, including ticket booking and service
inquiries. While existing TOD systems have shown promising per-
formance in serving customer needs, these systems mostly assume
that users would interact with the dialogue agent politely. This
assumption is unrealistic as impatient or frustrated customers
may also interact with TOD systems impolitely. This paper aims
to address this research gap by investigating impolite users’
effects on TOD systems. Specifically, we constructed an impolite
dialogue corpus and conducted extensive experiments to evaluate
the state-of-the-art TOD systems on our impolite dialogue corpus.
Our experimental results show that existing TOD systems are
unable to handle impolite user utterances. We also present
a data augmentation method to improve TOD performance
in impolite dialogues. Nevertheless, handling impolite dialogues
remains a very challenging research task. We hope by releasing
the impolite dialogue corpus and establishing the benchmark
evaluations, more researchers are encouraged to investigate this
new challenging research task.
Index Terms—Task-oriented dialogue systems, impolite users,
data augmentation.
Motivation. Task-oriented dialogue (TOD) systems play a
vital role in many businesses and service operations. Specif-
ically, these systems are deployed to assist users with spe-
cific tasks such as ticket booking and restaurant reservations
through natural language conversations. TOD systems are
usually built through a pipeline architecture that consists of
four sequential modules, including natural language under-
standing (NLU), dialogue state tracking (DST), policy learning
(POL), and natural language generation (NLG) [1]–[4]. More
recently, researchers have also explored leveraging large pre-
trained language models to improve the performance of TOD
systems [5]–[7]. These TOD systems have demonstrated their
effectiveness in understanding and responding to the users’
needs through conversations.
As most TOD systems are developed to serve and assist
humans in performing specific tasks, the politeness of the
TD systems remains a key design consideration. For instance,
Gupta et al. [8] presented POLLy (Politeness for Language
Learning), a system that combines a spoken language genera-
tor with an AI Planner to model Brown and Levinson’s theory
of politeness in TOD. Bothe et al. [9] developed a dialogue-
based navigation approach incorporating politeness and so-
ciolinguistic features for robotic behavioral modeling. More
What is the phone number and address?
The phone number for the Portuguese
restaurant is 01223 361355 and the address is
Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way.
phone number and address? Do I really have to
chase you for every single detail?
I'm sorry, I don't.
Fig. 1. Examples of two dialogue interactions between PPTOD and two types
of users: normal user (top) and impolite user (bottom).
recently, Mishra et al. [10] proposed a politeness adaptive
dialogue system (PADS) that can interact with users politely
and showcases empathy.
Nevertheless, the above studies have focused on generating
polite dialogues and ignored the users’ politeness (or impolite-
ness) in the conversation. Therefore it is unclear how the TOD
systems would respond when the users interact with the TOD
systems in an impolite manner, especially when the users are
in a rush to get information or frustrated when TOD systems
provide irrelevant responses. Consider the example in Figure 1,
we notice that the TOD system, PPOTD [11], is able to provide
a proper response to a user who presents the question in
a normal or polite manner. However, when encountering an
impolite user, PPOTD is not able to provide a proper and
relevant response. Ideally, the TOD systems should be robust
in handling user requests regardless of their politeness.
A straightforward approach to improving TOD systems’
ability to handle impolite users is to train the dialogue systems
with impolite user utterances. Unfortunately, most of the
existing TOD datasets [12]–[15] only capture user utterances
that are neural or polite. The lack of an impolite dialogue
dataset also limits the evaluation of TOD systems; to the
best of our knowledge, there are no existing studies on the
robustness of TOD systems in handling problematic users.
Research Objectives. To address the research gaps, we aim
to investigate the effects of impolite user utterances on TOD
systems. Working towards this goal, we collect and annotate
an impolite dialogue corpus by manually rewriting the user
utterances of the MultiWOZ 2.2 dataset [13]. Specifically,
arXiv:2210.12942v1 [cs.CL] 24 Oct 2022
human annotators are recruited to rewrite the user utterances
with role-playing scenarios that could encourage impolite user
utterances. For example, imagine you are in a rush and
frustrated that the systems have given the wrong response for
the second time.”. In total, the human annotators have rewritten
over 10K impolite user utterances. Statistical and linguistic
analyses of the impolite user utterances are also performed to
understand the constructed dataset better.
The impolite dialogue corpus is subsequently used to eval-
uate the performance and limitations of state-of-the-art TOD
systems. Specifically, we have designed experiments to evalu-
ate the robustness of TOD systems in handling impolite users
and understand the effects of impolite user utterances on these
systems. We have also explored solutions to improve TOD
systems’ robustness in handling impolite users. A possible
solution is to train the TOD systems with more data. However,
the construction of a large-scale impolite dialogue corpus is a
laborious and expensive process. Therefore, we propose a data
augmentation method that utilizes text style transfer techniques
to improve TOD systems’ performance in impolite dialogues.
Contributions. We summarize our contributions as follows:
We collect and annotate an impolite dialogue corpus
to support the evaluation of TOD systems performance
when handling impolite users. We hope that the impolite
dialogue dataset will encourage researchers to propose
TOD systems that are robust in handling users’ requests.
We evaluate the performance of six state-of-the-art TOD
systems using our impolite dialogue corpus. The eval-
uation results showed that existing TOD systems have
difficulty handling impolite users’ requests.
We propose a simple data augmentation method that
utilizes text style transfer techniques to improve TOD
systems’ performance in impolite dialogues.
1) Task Oriented Dialogue Systems: With the rapid ad-
vancement of deep learning techniques, TOD systems have
shown promising performance in handling user requests and
interactions. Recent studies have focused on end-to-end TOD
systems to train a general mapping from user utterance to the
system’s natural language response [16]–[20]. Yang et al. [5]
proposed UBAR by fine-tuning the large pre-trained unidirec-
tional language model GPT-2 [21] on the entire dialog session
sequence. The dialogue session consists of user utterances,
belief states, database results, system actions, and system re-
sponses of every dialog turn. Su et al. [11] proposed PPTOD to
effectively leverage pre-trained language models with a multi-
task pre-training strategy that increases the model’s ability
with heterogeneous dialogue corpora. Lin et al. [7] proposed
Minimalist Transfer Learning (MinTL) to plug-and-play large-
scale pre-trained models for domain transfer in dialogue task
completion. Zang et al. [13] proposed the LABES model,
which treated the dialogue states as discrete latent variables to
reduce the reliance on turn-level DST labels. Kulh
anek et al.
[22] proposed AuGPT with modified training objectives for
language model fine-tuning and data augmentation via back-
translation [23] to increase the diversity of the training data.
Existing studies have also leveraged knowledge bases to track
pivotal and critical information required in generating TOD
system agent’s responses [24]–[27]. For instance, Madotto
et al. [28] dynamically updated a knowledge base via fine-
tuning by directly embedding it into the model parameters.
Other studies have also explored reinforcement learning to
build TOD systems [29]–[31]. For instance, Zhao et al. [29]
utilized a Deep Recurrent Q-Networks (DRQN) for building
TOD systems.
2) Modeling Politeness in Dialogue Systems: Recent stud-
ies have also attempted to improve dialogue systems to gen-
erate responses in a more empathetic manner [32]–[35]. Yu et
al. [33] proposed to include user sentiment obtained through
multimodal information (acoustic, dialogic, and textual) in
the end-to-end learning framework to make TOD systems
more user-adaptive and effective. Feng et al. [34] constructed
a corpus containing task-oriented dialogues with emotion
labels for emotion recognition in TOD systems. However, the
impoliteness of users is not modeled as too few instances
exist in the MultiWOZ dataset. The lack of impolite dialogue
data motivates us to construct an impolite dialogue corpus to
facilitate downstream analysis.
Politeness is a human virtue and a crucial aspect of com-
munication [36], [37]. Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil et al. [37]
proposed a computational framework to identify the linguistic
aspects of politeness with application to social factors. Re-
searchers have also attempted to model and include politeness
in TOD systems [38]–[40]. For instance, Golchha et al. [38]
utilized a reinforced pointer generator network to transform
a generic response into a polite response. More recently,
Madaan et al. [40] adopted a text style transfer approach
to generate polite sentences while preserving the intended
content. Nevertheless, most of these studies have focused
on generating polite responses, neglecting the handling of
impolite inputs, i.e., impolite user utterances. This study aims
to fill this research gap by extensively evaluating state-of-the-
art TOD systems’ ability to handle impolite dialogues.
3) Data Augmentation in Dialogue Systems: Data augmen-
tation, which aims to enlarge training data size in machine
learning systems, is a common solution to the data scarcity
problem. Data augmentation methods has also been widely
used in dialogue systems [22], [41], [42]. For instance, Kurata
et al. [43] trained an encoder-decoder to reconstruct the utter-
ances in training data. To augment training data, the encoder’s
output hidden states are perturbed randomly to yield different
utterances. Hou et al. [41] proposed a sequence-to-sequence
generation-based data augmentation framework that models
relations between utterances of the same semantic frame in
the training data. Gritta et al. [42] proposed the Conversation
Graph (ConvGraph), which is a graph-based representation of
dialogues, to augment data volume and diversity by generating
dialogue paths. In this paper, we propose a simple data aug-
mentation method that utilizes text style transfer techniques to
generate impolite user utterances for training data to improve
TOD systems’ performance in dealing with impolite users.
We construct an impolite dialogue dataset to support our
evaluation of TOD systems’ ability to interpret and respond
to impolite users. Specifically, we recruited eight native En-
glish speakers to rewrite the user utterances in MultiWOZ
2.2 dataset [13] in an impolite manner. To the best of our
knowledge, this is the first impolite task-oriented dialogue
corpus. In the subsequent sections, we will discuss the corpus
construction process and provide a preliminary analysis of the
constructed impolite dialogue corpus.
A. Corpus Construction
MultiWOZ 2.2 [13] is a large-scale multi-domain task-
oriented dialogue benchmark that contains dialogues in seven
domains, including attraction, hotel, hospital, bus, restaurant,
train, and taxi. This dataset is also popular and commonly
used to evaluate existing TOD systems [5], [7], [11], [17],
[18], [22]. We performed a preliminary analysis using the
Stanford Politeness classifier trained on Wikipedia requests
data [37] to assign a politeness score to the user utterances in
MultiWOZ 2.2. We found that 99% of the user utterances are
classified as polite. Hence, we aim to rewrite the user utterance
in MultiWOZ 2.2 to create our impolite dialogue corpus.
Impolite Rewriting. The goal is to rewrite the user ut-
terance in the MultiWOZ 2.2 dataset and present the user
utterance in a rude and impolite manner. We randomly sampled
a subset of dialogues from MultiWOZ 2.2 for rewriting.
Next, we recruited eight native English speakers to rewrite
the user utterances. For each user utterance, the annotators
are presented with the entire dialogue history to have the
conversation’s overall context. The annotators are tasked to
rewrite the user utterances with three objectives: (i) the
rewritten sentences should be impolite, (ii) the content of
the rewritten sentence should be semantically close to the
original sentence, and (iii) the rewritten sentences should be
fluent. To further encourage the diversity of the impolite user
utterance, we also prescribed six role-playing scenarios to aid
the annotators in the rewriting tasks. For instance, we asked
the annotators to imagine they were customers in a bad mood
or impatient customers who wanted to get the information
quickly. The details of the role-playing scenarios are shown
in Table I, and the annotation system interface is included in
the Appendix A-A.
Annotation Quality Control. Impoliteness is subjective,
and the annotators may have different interpretations of im-
politeness. Therefore, we implement iterative checkpoints to
evaluate the quality of the rewritten user utterance. Specifi-
cally, we conducted peer evaluation at various checkpoints to
allow annotators to rate the quality of each other’s rewritten
sentences. The annotators are tasked to rate the rewritten user
utterance based on the following three criteria:
Politeness. Rate the sentence politeness using a 5-point
Likert scale. 1: strongly opined that the sentence is
impolite, and 5: strongly opined that the sentence is
Content Preservation. Compare the original user utter-
ance and rewrite sentence and rate the amount of content
Role-playing scenarios for impolite user annotation.
No. Scenario
1 Imagine that the customer is a sarcastic person in
a bad mood.
2 Imagine that the customer is an impatient customer
that wants to get the information fast.
3 Imagine that the customer is in a bad mood as
something bad has just happened (e.g., just had an
argument with friends or spouse).
4 Imagine that the customer is tired and hungry after
a long-haul flight and need to get this information
5 Imagine that the customer is a spoilt-brat with a
lot of money.
6 Imagine that the customer is getting help from
CSA for the third time and they didn’t get the
previous information right.
preserved in the rewrite sentence using a 5-point Likert
scale. 1: the original and rewritten sentences have very
different content, and 5: the original and rewritten sen-
tences have the same content.
Fluency. Rate the fluency of rewritten sentences using
a 5-point Likert scale. 1: unreadable with too many
grammatical errors, 5: perfectly fluent sentence.
Each user utterance is evaluated by two annotators. Never-
theless, we recognize that it is unnatural for all utterances in a
dialogue to be impolite. Thus, we would consider a dialogue
impolite if 50% of the user utterances in a conversation are
rated as impolite (i.e., with Politeness score 2 or less). This
exercise allows the annotators to align their understanding of
the rewriting task. The annotators will revise the unqualified
dialogues until they are rated impolite in the peer evaluation.
While the annotators are tasked to assess each other’s work,
they are unaware of their evaluation scores to mitigate any
biases. Therefore, the annotators might learn new ways to write
impolite dialogues from each other, but they are not writing
to optimize any assessment scores in the human evaluation.
B. Corpus Analysis
In total, the annotators rewrote 1,573 dialogues, comprising
10,667 user utterances. Table II shows the distributions of the
MultiWOZ 2.2 dataset and our impolite dialogue corpus. As
we have sampled a substantial number of dialogues from Mul-
tiWOZ 2.20, we notice that the rewritten impolite dialogues
follow similar domain distributions as the original dataset.
Table III shows the results of the final peer evaluation
of all rewritten impolite user utterances. Specifically, the
average politeness, content preservation, and fluency scores of
the rewritten impolite user utterances are reported. The high
average content preservation and fluency scores suggest that
the high-quality rewritten utterances retain the original user’s
intention in the conversations. More importantly, the average
politeness score is 1.96, indicating that most of the rewrites
are impolite but not too offensive”. We further examine and
show the politeness score distribution of the rewritten impolite
dialogue in Figure 2. Note that the politeness score of dialogue
Domain distribution of MultiWOZ 2.2 and our annotated impolite dialogue corpus. Numbers in () represent the percentage of dialogues in each domain.
Data Restaurant Attraction Hotel Taxi Train&Bus Hospital
MultiWOZ 2.2 3836 (45.5%) 2681 (31.8%) 3369 (39.9%) 1463 (17.3%) 2969 (35.2%) 107 (1.3%)
Impolite Dialogue Corpus 694 (44.0%) 545 (28.8%) 630 (40.0%) 295 (18.7%) 528 (33.5%) 107 (6.8%)
Peer evaluation results.
Metric Avg. Score
Politeness 1.96
Content Preservation 4.68
Fluency 4.67
Fig. 2. Distribution of dialogues binned according to the politeness scores.
is obtained by averaging the politeness scores of the rewritten
user utterances in the given dialogue. We observe that most
rewritten dialogues are impolite, having politeness scores of
less than 2.5.
We also empirically examine the top 20 keywords in the
original and rewritten dialogues (shown in Table IV. We notice
that in the original dialogues, users tend to express gratitude
by using terms such as thank and adopt courtesy terms
such please”, help”. Users in original dialogues also posted
their requests as questions using terms such as would you”.
Conversely, in the rewritten dialogues, gratitude terms are
absent. Users are less courteous and issued direct commands
to the agent using terms such as find”, “get”, “give”. Frequent
terms hurry and fast also suggested the users’ impatience
in the dialogues.
As we aim to keep the rewritten utterances natural and
realistic, we did not limit the users to using offensive language
(neither did we encourage them). Interestingly, we have also
checked the impolite user utterances and found offensive
languages (e.g., idiot”, stupid”, f*ck”, etc.) being used in
some of the rewritten utterances.
We experiment with six state-of-the-art TOD systems and
evaluate their performance in handling user utterances in our
constructed impolite dialogue dataset. These TOD systems are
not designed to respond to impolite users or trained with impo-
Top 10 keywords in original and rewritten dialogues.
Top 20 keywords in Orig-
inal Dialogues
Top 20 keywords in
Rewritten Dialogues
need, please, thank, yes,
like, looking, would, num-
ber, book, also, restaurant,
thanks, help, train, hotel,
Cambridge, people, find,
free, get
find, get, give, time, need,
book, want, number, go,
hurry, ok, fast, one, restau-
rant,make, people, job, bet-
ter, train, Cambridge
lite dialogues. Thus, they may not perform well on our corpus.
A simple approach to improve the TOD systems’ performance
is to train them with impolite user utterances. However, there
is inadequate impolite dialogue data to train these systems.
Therefore, we propose a data augmentation strategy to enhance
the TOD systems’ ability to handle impolite users.
A. TOD Systems
Recent studies have proposed TOD systems with promising
performance on the MultiWOZ 2.2 dataset. For our study,
we select six TOD systems that have achieved state-of-the-
art performance on the task-oriented dialogue generation task.
Domain Aware Multi-Decoder (DAMD) [17] utilizes the one-
to-many property that assumes that multiple responses may
be appropriate for the same dialog context to generate diverse
dialogue responses. LABES [18] is a probabilistic dialogue
model with belief states represented as discrete latent variables
and jointly modeled with system responses. MinTL [7] is
a transfer learning framework that allows plug-and-play pre-
trained seq2seq models to jointly learn dialogue state tracking
and dialogue response generation. UBAR [5] fine-tunes GPT-
2 [21] on the entire dialogue session sequence for dialogue
response generation. Similarly, AuGPT [22] fine-tunes GPT-2
with modified training objectives and enhanced data through
back-translation. PPTOD [11] unifies the TOD task as multi-
ple generation tasks, including intent detection, dialogue state
tracking, and response generation.
B. Data Augmentation with Text Style Transfer
Training TOD systems with impolite dialogues can im-
prove their capabilities in handling impolite users. However,
collecting impolite dialogues is a challenging task as human
annotation is a laborious and expensive process. Therefore, we
explore augmenting TOD systems by generating impolite user
utterances automatically. We formulate the impolite utterance
generation as a supervised text style transfer task [44] (i.e.,
politeness transfer). Specifically, the text style transfer algo-
rithms will be trained using a parallel dataset; we have pairs
of aligned polite (i.e., original) and the corresponding impolite
(i.e., rewritten) user utterances in our impolite dialogue corpus.
Subsequently, the trained text style transfer algorithms will
be able to take in unseen user utterances from MultiWOZ
2.2 dataset as input and generate impolite user utterances as
output. Finally, the generated impolite user utterances will be
augmented to train TOD systems.
In our implementation, we first fine-tune the pre-trained
language model T5-large [45] and BART-large [46] with polite
user utterances as inputs and impolite rewrites as targets. Then,
the fine-tuned T5 and BART model is used to transfer the
politeness for user utterances in the rest of the dialogues
in MultiWOZ 2.2 dataset. We have also included a state-of-
the-art text style transfer model, DAST [47], to perform the
politeness transfer task.
We evaluate the text style transferred user utterance on
three automatic metrics, including politeness, content preser-
vation, and fluency. For politeness, we train a politeness
classifier based on the BERT base model [48] with the original
polite user utterances and corresponding impolite rewrites.
The trained classifier predicts if a given user utterance is
correctly transferred to impolite style, and the accuracy of the
predictions is reported. For content preservation, we compute
the BLEU score [49] between the transferred sentences and
original user utterances. For fluency, we use GPT-2 [21] to
calculate perplexity score (PPL) on the transferred sentences.
Finally, We compute the geometric mean (G-Mean score) of
ACC, BLEU, and 1/PPL to give an overall score of the models’
performance. We take the inverse of the calculated perplexity
score because a lower PPL score corresponds to better fluency.
These evaluation metrics are commonly used in existing text
style transfer studies [50].
Table V shows the automatic evaluation results of the style
transferred user utterances. We observe that both pre-trained
language models have achieved reasonably good performance
on the politeness style transfer task. Specifically, the fine-tuned
T5-large model achieves the best performance on the G-Mean
score and 85.3%. The transferred user utterances are mostly
impolite (i.e., high accuracy score) and fluent (i.e., low PPL).
The content is also well-presented. Interestingly, we noted
that DAST did not perform well for the politeness transfer
task. A possible reason could be that the DAST is designed
to perform non-parallel text style transfer, and the model did
not exploit the parallel information in the training data [47].
Another reason could be the small training dataset; DAST is
trained on our impolite dialogue corpus, while the T5 and
BART are pre-trained with a larger corpus and fine-tuned on
our impolite dialogue dataset.
The automatically generated impolite user utterances from
the fine-tuned T5-Large are augmented to the original Multi-
WOZ 2.2 dataset to train the TOD systems. We will discuss
the effects of data augmentation in our experiment section.
One of the primary goals of this study is to evaluate the
TOD systems’ ability to handle impolite dialogues. Therefore,
we design automatic and human evaluation experiments to
Automatic evaluation results of text style transfer task.
Model ACC(%) BLEU PPL G-Mean
DAST 73.6 25.4 28.5 4.03
BART-large Fine-tune 96.4 37.6 6.2 8.36
T5-large Fine-tune 85.3 43.4 6.3 8.38
benchmark the performance of TOD systems on our impolite
dialogue corpus.
A. Automatic Evaluation
Over the past decades, many different automatic evaluation
methods [51]–[53] have been proposed to evaluate TOD sys-
tems. The evaluation methodologies are inextricably linked to
the properties of the evaluated dialogue system. For instance,
Nekvinda et al. [54] proposed their standalone standardized
evaluation scripts for the MultiWOZ dataset to eliminate in-
consistencies in data preprocessing and reporting of evaluation
metrics, i.e., BLEU score and Inform & Success rates. For our
study, we employ four automatic evaluation metrics that are
commonly used in existing studies [12], [54] to benchmark
the performance of TOD systems on impolite dialogues:
Inform: The inform rate is the proportion of dialogues in
which the system mentions a name of an entity that does
not conflict with the current dialogue state or the user’s
Success: The percentage of dialogues in which the system
provides the correct entity and answers all the requested
BLEU: The BLEU score between the generated utter-
ances and the ground truth is used to approximate the
output fluency.
Combined. The combined score is computed through
(Inform+Success)×0.5+BLEU as an overall quality
measure suggested in [55].
B. Human Evaluation
There are relatively lesser studies that performed a human
evaluation on TOD systems [11], [17], [22] as such evaluations
are often expensive and laborious. In our study, we perform a
human evaluation to access the TOD systems on three criteria:
The human evaluation is conducted on a random subset of 100
dialogues with 50 of the original dialogue in the MultiWOZ
2.2 dataset and 50 corresponding dialogues from our impolite
dialogue corpus. We recruit four human evaluators, and at
least two human evaluators evaluate each dialogue. The human
evaluators are tasked to evaluate the generated dialogues on
the following criteria:
Success: A binary indicator (yes or no) on whether
the dialogue system fulfills the information requirements
dictated by the user’s goals. For instance, this includes
whether the dialogue system has found the correct type
of venue and whether the dialogue system returned all
the requested information.
Comprehension: A 5-point Likert scale that indicates the
TOD system’s level of comprehension of the user input.
1: the TOD system did not understand the user intention;
5: TOD system understands well the user input.
Appropriateness: A 5-point Likert scale indicates if the
TOD system’s response is appropriate and human-like. 1:
the TOD system’s response is inappropriate and does not
make sense; 5: TOD system’s response is appropriate and
In this section, we design experiments to evaluate the
state-of-the-art TOD systems’ ability to handle impolite users
using our impolite dialogue corpus. The rest of this section
is organized as follows: We first present the details of the
experimental settings. Next, we perform automatic and human
evaluations of the TOD systems and analyze their performance
on our impolite dialogue corpus. Finally, we conduct further
empirical analyses to understand the TOD systems’ challenges
in handling impolite users.
A. Experimental Settings
Reproduce Models. We reproduce six state-of-the-art TOD
systems by training them on the MultiWOZ 2.2 dataset. For
TOD systems that have publicly released checkpoints, such as
AuGPT [22] and PPTOD [11], we directly use the released
checkpoints trained on MultiWOZ 2.2. For DAMD [17],
UBAR [5], MinTL [7], and LABES [18], we use their
published code implementations and optimize their hyperpa-
rameters to reproduce their reported results for MultiWOZ
2.2 dataset
. Table VI shows the reported and reproduced
performance of the TOD systems tested on the MultiWOZ
2.2 dataset. We observe that the reproduced performance
is equivalent to or slightly better than the reported results.
Our subsequent experiment will evaluate the reproduced TOD
systems on the impolite dialogue corpus.
Data Augmentation. To evaluate the effectiveness of our
proposed data augmentation solution, we train the six TOD
systems with MultiWOZ 2.2 dataset augmented with the au-
tomatically generated impolite dialogues. The data augmented
TOD systems will be evaluated against the reproduced models
on the impolite dialogue corpus.
Test Data. As we are interested in evaluating the TOD
systems’ performance on impolite dialogues, we utilized two
test sets to evaluate the reproduced and data augmented
TOD systems. We first evaluate the models on original user
utterances, which are polite or neutral user utterances that
we have rewritten to construct the impolite dialogue corpus
discussed in Section III-A. Next, we also evaluate the models
on our impolite dialogue corpus. Intuitively, the original and
impolite tests set have user utterances that discuss similar
content but are different in politeness. Evaluating the models
on the two test sets enables us to understand the TOD systems’
ability to handle user dialogues of different politeness.
B. Automatic Evaluation Results
Table VII shows the automatic evaluation results of the
six state-of-the-art TOD models and our data augmentation
Reported and reproduced results of TOD systems on MultiWOZ 2.2 dataset.
Model Test Data Inform Success BLEU
DAMD reported 76.3 60.4 16.6
DAMD reproduced 81.8 68.8 18.5
LABES reported 78.1 67.1 18.1
LABES [18] reproduced 80.2 67.2 17.6
MinTL reported 80.0 72.7 19.1
MinTL reproduced 81.8 74.0 20.5
UBAR reported 83.4 70.3 17.6
UBAR reproduced 90.0 76.8 13.4
AuGPT reported 83.1 70.1 17.2
AuGPT reproduced 83.1 70.1 17.2
PPTOD reported 83.1 72.7 18.2
PPTOD reproduced 83.4 72.9 19.6
approach. Comparing the performance of TOD models on the
original and impolite test sets, we observe all TOD systems
performed worse on the impolite dialogues. Specifically, com-
pared to the performance on original dialogues, we notice a
7-15% decrease in the combined score when tested on the
impolite user utterances. The decrease in inform and success
rates suggests that the models have difficulty understanding
users’ intentions from impolite user utterances and responding
correctly. The reproduced TOD system with the best perfor-
mance on the impolite test set is UBAR, achieving a combined
score of 83.7. Nevertheless, UBAR still suffers a 9% drop
in the combined score compared to its performance on the
original test set.
It is unsurprising that the reproduced models do not perform
well on the impolite test set as they are trained on the
MultiWOZ 2.2 dataset, which largely contains only polite or
neutral user utterances. To address this limitation, we augment
reproduced models with generated impolite dialogues using
our text style transfer data augmentation approach. We observe
the data augmentation strategy is able to boost the perfor-
mance of all six TOD systems. Specifically, the proposed data
augmentation approach has achieved the greatest improvement
on PPTOD’s performance, increasing the model’s combined
score to 85.2. Nevertheless, we also noted a gap between
the data augmented models’ performance on impolite user
utterances, and the reproduced models’ performance on the
original test set. Thus, while our data augmentation method
can help improve the TOD systems’ performance on impolite
user dialogues, there is still a gap to bridge before TOD
systems can effectively handle impolite users.
Interestingly, we also observe that the success rates of all
models decrease after the data augmentation, but there is
a significant improvement in the BLEU score. The success
metric measures the percentage of dialogues in which the
system provides the correct entity and answers all requested
information. While the data augmentation method may im-
prove the dialogue in generating a response more similar
to the ground truth (i.e., a higher BLEU score), it may not
guarantee that models are able to learn well how to respond
to impolite dialogue with the request information. We have
manually examined the response to impolite user utterances
by the reproduced and data augmented models and found that
Automatic evaluation results. The numbers in () represent the decrease in the percentage of Combined score on impolite user utterances compared to the
performance on original user utterances. The best performing models on the original and impolite user dialogues are underlined and bold, respectively.
Model Test Data Inform Success BLEU Combined
DAMD Original 78.2 57.6 17.9 85.8
DAMD Impolite 72.8 52.5 16.0 78.7 ( 8.3%)
DAMD + Data Augmentation Impolite 71.6 50.3 19.3 80.3
LABES Original 75.4 59.1 18.1 85.4
LABES Impolite 70.1 53.0 16.8 78.4 ( 8.2%)
LABES + Data Augmentation Impolite 72.2 49.6 19.3 80.2
MinTL Original 75.9 62.2 20.1 89.2
MinTL Impolite 70.5 54.9 17.4 80.1 ( 10.2%)
MinTL + Data Augmentation Impolite 72.8 51.2 21.3 83.3
UBAR Original 85.5 68.3 15.1 92.0
UBAR Impolite 81.1 61.7 12.4 83.7 ( 9.0%)
UBAR + Data Augmentation Impolite 80.0 61.0 13.5 84.1
AuGPT Original 75.6 56.6 17.9 84.0
AuGPT Impolite 72.2 51.3 15.9 77.7 ( 7.5%)
AuGPT + Data Augmentation Impolite 73.8 48.7 17.5 78.8
PPTOD Original 82.3 66.1 18.9 93.1
PPTOD Impolite 71.1 52.3 16.7 78.4 ( 15.8%)
PPTOD + Data Augmentation Impolite 74.8 48.4 23.6 85.2
Human evaluation results. The best performing models on the original and impolite user dialogues are underlined and bold, respectively.
Model Test Data Success Comprehension Appropriateness
UBAR Original 80% 4.68 4.43
UBAR Impolite 70% 4.47 4.38
UBAR + Data augmentation Impolite 72% 4.55 4.41
PPTOD Original 78% 4.64 4.45
PPTOD Impolite 64% 4.32 4.41
PPTOD + Data augmentation Impolite 68% 4.52 4.43
the TOD systems have difficulties responding to impolite user
utterances with requested information. This also suggests that
handling impolite dialogue is a challenging task that requires
more than simple data augmentation; specialized techniques
may need to be designed to handle impolite users. We hope
that our impolite dialogue corpus would encourage more
researchers to design robust TOD systems that are robust in
handling impolite users’ requests.
C. Human Evaluation Results
Automatic metrics only validate the TOD systems’ per-
formance on one single dimension at a time. In contrast,
human can provide an ultimate holistic evaluation. Therefore
we perform the human evaluation on the top-performing TOD
systems that achieved the best performance in the automatic
evaluation, namely, UBAR and PPTOD. Table VIII shows the
human evaluation results. We observe that UBAR outperforms
PPTOD model with 80% success rate and 4.68 comprehension
score on the original dialogues while 72% success rate and
4.55 comprehension score on the impolite dialogues. The
human evaluation results also concurred with the automatic
evaluation results, suggesting a gap between the models’
performance on impolite and original dialogues.
Similar to the automatic evaluation results, the data aug-
mentation method improves the performance of UBAR and
PPTOD on impolite dialogues. Nevertheless, the TOD systems
still have room for improvement compared to their responses
in the original dialogues. To check for human evaluator biases,
we compute the inter-annotator agreement between the eval-
uators. The Cohen’s kappa coefficients on task success rate,
comprehension, and appropriateness are 0.78, 0.76, and 0.66,
respectively, suggesting that the evaluators have substantially
high agreement on the three human evaluation metrics.
D. Case Studies and Analysis
Besides evaluating the state-of-the-art TOD systems’ per-
formance on impolite dialogues, we also empirically analyze
the issues of handling impolite users. Specifically, we aim
to investigate the question: What makes impolite dialogue
challenging for TOD systems?”. Working towards this goal, we
empirically examine case studies of TOD systems’ responses
to impolite dialogues. We will also analyze the correlation
between automatic performance metrics and the statistical
attributes of impolite dialogues.
Case studies. Table IX shows an example in one turn of
a conversation and the delexcalized responses generated by
the TOD systems. We noted that the rewritten impolite user
utterance is longer than the original. We also include the
ground-truth agent response from the MultiWOZ 2.2 dataset.
From the TOD systems’ responses, we observed that most
models could not respond effectively to the impolite user;
most of the TOD systems are unable to understand the user’s
An example of a conversation and the delexicalized responses generated by the TOD systems.
Original User: Pick me up from the hotel.
Impolite User: From the hotel. Where else? Don’t waste my time, OK?
Groundtruth: Your taxi has been booked. It will be a [value car] and the contact number is [value phone].
PPTOD: I am sorry, but I am not finding anything else for you.
UBAR: You are welcome. Enjoy your stay. Goodbye.
MinTL: OK. Is there anything else I can help you with?
LABES: There seems to be an error. Can you please restate your request?
AuGPT: I am unable to book that for you. Would you like to try another day and time?
DAMD: I am sorry, I do not know.
PPTOD+DA: I have booked you a [value car]. The contact number is [value phone].
UBAR+DA: i have booked you a [value car], contact number [value phone].
MinTL+DA: I have booked you a taxi to pick you up at [value leave].
LABES+DA: I can not find a train. Can you please restate your request?
AuGPT+DA: A [value car] will pick you up at [value leave].
DAMD+DA: I am sorry, I am not sure if there is anything else I can help you with.
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 3. Effects of (a) sentence length, (b) politeness score, and (c) semantic similarity on PPTOD’s automatic performance.
request or respond to the request with the relevant information.
Interestingly, we observe that most TOD systems with data
augmentation can respond better to impolite users’ requests
with relevant information. Nevertheless, we noted that some
models, such as LABES and DAMD, are still unable to
respond well to impolite users even with data augmentation.
Impacts of Impolite Dialogue Statistical Attributes. To
perform a deeper dive into the challenges of handling impolite
dialogues, we perform a correlation analysis between the
PPOTD’s performance and statistical attributes of impolite
dialogues. Specifically, we investigate the three attributes
of the impolite dialogues: sentence length, politeness score,
and semantic similarities between the impolite and original
dialogues. Noted that although the analysis was performed on
PPTOD, we observed similar trends on other TOD systems.
Sentence length. We compute the average sentence lengths
of all user utterances for each impolite dialogue. Subsequently,
we ranked impolite dialogues in ascending order according
to the computed average sentence length. The ranked im-
polite dialogues are divided into five equal bins, with bin
1 containing impolite dialogues with the shortest sentence
length. For each bin, we compute the average automatic per-
formance metric (i.e., inform, success, BLEU, combined score)
difference between the original and impolite dialogues in the
bin. Figure 3 (a) shows the change in PPTOD’s performance
across different sentence length bins. As the impolite rewrites’
sentence length increases, the differences in inform, success,
and combined scores are observed to increase. This suggests
that the lengthier the impolite rewrites, the worse PPTOD
responded to the users’ requests. A potential reason for this
observation might be that the longer expression has confused
the model and muddled the understanding of users’ underlying
intentions. For future work, we plan to explore designing
TOD systems that can distill the users’ intention from lengthy
impolite expressions.
Politeness Score. Similar to the sentence length analysis,
we ranked the rewritten impolite dialogues according to their
average politeness scores evaluated by the human annotators
(see Section III-B) and bin the impolite dialogues into five
equal-sized bins. Similarly, the average automatic performance
metric difference is computed for the impolite dialogue in each
bin. Figure 3 (b) plots the performance difference against the
politeness bins. Interestingly, we observe the highest combined
score difference peaks in politeness bin 2, which contain impo-
lite dialogues with the second lowest average politeness scores.
This indicates that the TOD systems find it harder to respond
to such impolite dialogues than extremely impolite users (i.e.,
impolite dialogues in bin 1). We further examine the impolite
dialogues in bins 1 and 2. Table X shows two examples from
politeness bin 1 and 2, respectively. In the example from
bin 1, the average politeness score is 1.0, and we notice
the user used abusive language in almost every utterance.
Nevertheless, PPTOD provided the correct information in
some of its responses. In contrast, the user in the example from
Examples of impolite dialogues from politeness bin 1 and 2 with varying politeness scores.
Politeness Bin: 1 2
Politeness Score: 1.0 1.8
User: Get me a train leaving on Tuesday to Cambridge. Or
is that too hard for the idiot CSA?
Get me a taxi to take me from Clare College to
Cambridge that gets there by 18:00. I’m very tired
now , show your respect and do it fast.
PPTOD: i have [value choice] trains leaving
[value departure] on [value day] to
[value destination]. Where would you like to depart
I have booked you a taxi. it is a [value car].
User: Who the hell do you take me for? How dare you ask
me to do your job for you. I am going to
Peterborough, you useless CSA.
Wait you haven’t even told me the contact number
and car type. How do you expect me to contact the
driver ?
PPTOD: I am sorry, but there are no trains that meet your
criteria. would you like to try a different day or time?
I am sorry, but i was unable to book that.
User: The train should leave after 15:30 and should go to
Peterborough. Don’t you dare make me repeat. I have
had enough.
I’ve changed my mind. Now I want to go to Christ s
College. Book another taxi for me.
PPTOD: I have a train leaving at [value leave]and arriving
at [value arrive]. Would you like me to book that for
I have booked you a taxi. it is a [value car].
User: I didn’t mention anything about arrival time. Listen
to instructions, you clown.
Why do you always leave out important information?
You forget to tell me the contact number and car type
again. I hope this is the last time you made such
stupid mistake.
PPTOD: I am sorry, but there are no trains that meet your
criteria. Would you like to try a different day or time?
I am sorry, but i am not sure what you are looking
for. Is there anything else i can help you with?
User: We’re done here. Get out of my sight. That’s all I need.
PPTOD: You are welcome. Have a great day! Thank you for using our service today!
User: I said get lost.
PPTOD: Have a great day!
bin 2 is more acidulous with sharp but less abusive utterances.
Such complex expressions confused the TOD system, and the
system could not provide meaningful responses to the user.
This interesting observation also highlights the diversity of
our constructed impolite dialogue corpus; the different human
annotators are instructed to rewrite the user utterance in an
impolite manner with minimal guidance. Thus, the rewritten
impolite dialogues are diverse and natural.
Semantic similarities. Finally, we compute the semantic
similarity between the impolite and its corresponding original
dialogues and analyze its effect on the various automatic
performance metrics. In this study, the semantic similarity is
computed as the cosine similarity of impolite and original
dialogues’ sentence representations extracted with sentence
transformers [56]. Similarly, we ranked and bin the dialogues
according to the semantic similarity and computed the average
automatic performance metric difference for the impolite dia-
logue in each bin. Figure 3 (c) shows the change in PPTOD’s
performance across different semantic similarity bins. We
observe the large performance difference in bin 1, which has
the lowest semantic similarity. When performing the rewriting,
some annotators paraphrased the sentence significantly to add
impolite expressions. The TOD systems would find such user
utterances difficult to understand as the expressions are not
traditionally observed in its training set.
In this paper, we investigated the effects impolite users
have on TOD systems. Specifically, we constructed an im-
polite dialogue corpus and conducted extensive experiments
to evaluate the state-of-the-art TOD systems on our impolite
dialogue corpus. We found that current TOD systems have
limited ability to handle impolite users. We proposed a text
style transfer data augmentation strategy to augment TOD
systems with synthesized impolite dialogues. Empirical results
showed that our data augmentation method could improve
TOD performance when users are impolite. Nevertheless,
handling impolite dialogues remains a challenging task. We
hope our corpus and investigations can help motivate more
researchers to examine how TOD systems can better handle
impolite users.
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Fig. 4. The annotation tool interface.
A. Annotation Tool Interface
We built a annotation tool for our impolite user rewrites
as there is few suitable human annotation tools. The tool
interface is shown in Fig. 4. The annotation tool will be
publicly available for further use by the NLP community.