American Caving Accidents
NSS News
October 2011, Part 2
National Speleological Society
Accident/Incident Report Form
Date of Accident or Incident: ___________________________ Day of Week: _________ Time: ____________________
Cave: ___________________________________________ State: _____________________ Country: __________________
Reported by:
Name _____________________________________________________ Telephone _______________________________
Address ____________________________________________________ Email ___________________________________
City __________________________________ State ________________ Country _____________ Postal Code __________
Name(s) of Person(s) Involved Age Sex Experience Affiliation Injuries or Comments
Describe the accident as completely as possible on the back of this form or on a separate sheet. If possible, obtain information from
those involved. Use additional sheets if necessary. A report in the style of American Caving Accidents is ideal. The following checklist
is suggested as a guide for information to be included. You can also report accidents on the Internet at www.caves.org/pub/aca.
The Accident/Incident
( ) Names and ages of persons involved.
( ) Events leading to accident/incident.
( ) Location (include state and county) and conditions in cave.
( ) Description of how the accident/incident occurred.
( ) Nature of injuries sustained.
( ) Analysis of main cause.
( ) Contributory causes (physical condition of caver, weather, equipment, clothing, etc.).
( ) What might have been done to prevent the accident?
Rescue or Response
( ) Actions taken following the accident/incident.
( ) Persons or organizations contacted for help.
( ) Details of rescue procedures.
Further details were reported in (please list name and date of publication or source, and attach copies if possible):
Newspapers ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Grotto Newsletter _______________________________________________________________________________________
Other (web site, television or radio station, etc.) _______________________________________________________________
Please return the completed report to the NSS
as soon as possible after the accident.
National Speleological Society
2813 Cave Avenue
Huntsville AL 35810-4431
NSS News
American Caving Accidents
October 2011 Volume 69, Number 10, Part 2
Caver Input and American Caving Accidents ....................................... 1
An Overview of the 2009 and 2010 Incidents ........................................ 1
Caving Accident and Incident Statistics, 1986 – 2010 ........................... 6
2009 Reported Caving Accidents and Incidents ..................................... 7
2010 Reported Caving Accidents and Incidents ..................................... 8
Previously Unreported Accident and Incident Reports ........................ 10
2009 Caving Accident and Incident Reports ........................................ 11
2010 Caving Accident and Incident Reports ........................................ 18
2009 Cave Diving Accident and Incident Reports ............................... 25
2010 Cave Diving Accident and Incident Reports ............................... 26
2009 Caving-related Accident and Incident Reports ............................ 27
2010 Caving-related Accident and Incident Reports ............................ 28
The National Cave Rescue Commission ............................................... 31
Contributing Authors and Photographers:
Front Cover
Thunder Canyon Cave – looking up from below. Brent Colvin has been
stuck for almost 12 hours. Brent’s feet are visible below the San
Bernardino Cave Rescue Team member as they try to raise him.
Photo by Luca Chiarabini.
Back Cover
Thunder Canyon Cave – Brent Colvin (left) after being freed. He had been
stuck for over 12 hours. Photo by Luca Chiarabini.
American Caving Accidents
Ray Keeler
26406 N. 43
Phoenix, AZ 85083
ACA 2009-2010
Review Committee
Andy Armstrong
Bonny Armstrong
Aaron Bird
George Dasher
Yvonne Droms
Mark Minton
Rene Ohms
Bill Putnam
Forrest Wilson
Deadline: The NSS News is distributed the last
week of the month preceding the date of
publication. Advertisements, articles, and
announcements should be sent to the NSS
News, P.O. Box 879, Angels Camp, CA 95222
by the 15th of the month, six weeks before the
month of issue (for example, material for March
should be submitted by January 15).
The NSS News (ISSN-0027-7010) is published
monthly, with the Members Manual and
American Caving Accidents published as
additional issues by the National Speleological
Society Inc., 2813 Cave Ave., Huntsville AL,
Periodicals Postage Paid at Huntsville, AL and
additional mailing offices.
Tel: (256) 852-1300
Fax: (256) 851-9241
Regular membership in the NSS is $40 per year.
Subscriptions to the NSS News are $27 per
year; individual copies are $3.00 each. Copies
of American Caving Accidents are also
available from the NSS Bookstore for $5.00
plus postage. Contact the Huntsville office for
membership applications, subscriptions, orders,
or for replacement of issues missing or damaged
in the mail.
Copyright 2011
by the National Speleological
Society Inc.
All rights reserved. No portion of this
publication may be reproduced
without the written permission of the
National Speleological Society.
Send address changes to
National Speleological Society
2813 Cave Ave.
Huntsville AL 35810-4431
Andy Armstrong
Bonny Armstrong
Rene Ohms
Forrest Wilson
Mike Bennett
Jansen Cardy
Luca Chiarabini
Caver Input and American Caving Accidents / Incidents
Ray Keeler
Welcome to another issue of American Caving Accidents. The
intent of the publication is to inform, educate, and promote safe
caving. A primary, contributing portion of this publication has
been from caver input. After all, those people reading the ACA
are part of the most organized caver communications network in
North America.
First, several of the incidents reported in this issue were
summarized based on public news-media accounts when no
caver input was available. Later, when the cavers involved either
sent in reports or were contacted for additional information, the
summaries were substantially corrected to more accurately
reflect the events that took place. Please, submit incident
information. The online form can be found at
http://www.caves.org/pub/aca/acaform.html. It is not enough to
assume someone else will take care of reporting the accident or
incident. Your perspective is important.
Sending an email to [email protected] goes to the ACA Editor.
Please send information you have heard. I usually write back
asking with whom contact should be made for additional data.
The Cave Rescue Forum on CaveChat on the NSS web page is
also an excellent medium for better understanding the events.
CaveChat is at http://www.forums.caves.org/.
Second, please do not be embarrassed about writing up and
sending in your own incident report. We all make mistakes and
we all learn about this activity called caving. Some cavers have
told me about incidents that would be very useful to relay to the
general community, but were unenthused about actually sitting
down and writing about the event.
I have found that by taking the time to put these events onto
paper (or into the computer), I learn so much more about the
sequences of events, the causes, and things that could have been
done to better the outcome.
During the 2009–2010 period there were three heart-wrenching
incidents where cavers became stuck. In two of the three
incidents, the cavers escaped with their lives. In the third
incident, rescuers were unable to get the man free. Please, if you
are going into tight passage, know your limits, talk with your
team, and make good decisions.
An Overview of the 2009 and 2010 Incidents
American Caving Accidents (ACA) is the journal of record for
caving accidents and safety incidents in North America. This
issue contains reports for incidents that occurred in 2009 and
2010. Following the custom of previous issues, the reports have
been separated into two general categories: regular caving and
cave diving. These two categories were further classified by
result or outcome and by causes and contributing factors. The
cave-diving incidents are grouped separately, and an overview is
presented at the end of this section.
Since 1994, we have used the category “difficulty on rope” to
encompass such problems as becoming stuck at the lip of a pit,
clothing or hair caught in the rappel device, jammed rappel
safety, or simply becoming unable to ascend or descend. Our
intent is to better describe these situations, which might
otherwise be lumped under “stuck,” “trapped and/or stranded,”
or perhaps “equipment problem.”
In reporting the number of incidents versus NSS membership
totals, only caving incidents involving fatalities, injury, or aid
were included. The reader should also be aware that the
members of the National Speleological Society constitute only a
portion of the population of active cavers. Further, not all
incidents are reported to ACA. Therefore, these numbers should
NSS Membership and
Number of Incidents
Members Incidents
1986 6741 45
1987 7203 48
1988 7873 49
1989 8514 51
1990 9028 55
1991 9777 54
1992 10492 60
1993 11164 64
1994 11460 57
1995 11836 44
1996 11140 43
1997 11470 43
1998 11685 32
1999 12098 44
2000 11773 40
2001 11967 34
2002 12261 31
2003 12264 35
2004 12020 23
2005 11658 26
2006 11664 36
2007 11552 26
2008 11651 22
2009 11588 20
2010 11044 25
Only incidents resulting in aid, injury, or fatality are
included. Membership figures include all classes of
not be considered reliable indicators of accident rates for caving
or used to draw conclusions about the relative degree of risk or
danger involved in caving.
Caving-Related Incidents are grouped separately from Caving
Incidents based on four primary criteria. First, if the incident
location was reported as a cave when in actuality it is not a cave,
then the incident is reported as caving related. Examples are
abandoned mines and rock shelters. Second, if the person was
not aware of the cave, did not intentionally enter the cave, or go
to see the cave, then it is a caving-related incident. For example,
if the person was running from the police at night and fell into
the entrance, then it is Caving Related. There are two of these in
this issue. However, if the person intentionally went to look at
the cave entrance and the person fell in, then this is a Caving
Incident. The third category is when animals are stuck or have
fallen into caves and a rescue effort is started. The fourth is a
catch-all category. Examples include someone living in an
unimproved cave and an incident occurred or something strange
was discovered in a cave. Finding 1,400 pounds of marijuana is
an example.
Incident Results
For some random reason, similar incidents of the same type
seem to occur in unexpected groups. In 2007-2008 it was cell
phones being able to connect from completely unexpected
locations to save lives. In 2009-2010 there were multiple sets of
clusters of incidents. The first set involved three incidents in
which cavers became seriously stuck. The second set involved
three people, all transients, in three different states that had been
living in unimproved caves when they died. The third included
three instances where bodies were found in caves. Finally, the
use of vegetable oil for lubricating tight spots shows up in three
different reports.
On average, there are three or four fatal, non-cave-diving caving
accidents in North America each year. When incidents involving
untrained and inadequately equipped spelunkers are excluded,
the average drops to one or two fatal accidents per year.
In the U.S., “cavers” generally consider “spelunkers” to be
people who have no real knowledge or understanding of caves
and caving safety, but who decide to enter a cave anyway,
usually without proper equipment.
In 2009 there were three caving fatalities and two diving
fatalities. Two of the caving fatalities occurred while the group
was well into the cave when the incident happened. These were
in Nutty Putty, Utah and Sloan’s Valley, Kentucky. The Blue
Spring free-diving fatality was placed under caving versus cave-
diving since the caver was going in with no breathing
The two 2009 cave-diving fatalities were both in Florida.
In 2010 there were six caving fatalities and one cave-diving
fatality. Additionally, there were twelve caving-related fatalities
with six of these in one incident. There was a person with a
medical issue in New Mexico that ended up dead in a cave. A
person was free-diving a cave in Florida and drowned. A law
enforcement officer who was checking information on a case
went to Hilham Pit in Tennessee and fell into the pit. The two
fatalities in Coronado Cave in Arizona were a murder/suicide.
Finally, the man who fell into Sótano de Ahuihuitzcapa in
Mexico was a tourist just looking into the huge pit.
There was one cave-diving fatality in Florida.
The twelve caving-related fatalities in 2009 and 2010 included
three people living in caves when they died. They were all
transients. In addition to these fatalities, there were six bodies
found in a cave near Cancún Mexico. These were a result of
murders and the bodies were dumped in the cave. The incident
was probably drug related. A man was solo exploring an
abandoned mine in Oklahoma and drowned in a pool of water
inside the mine. A young girl was crushed by falling ice just
outside an ice cave in Washington and a missing open-water
scuba diver was found in a crevice in the entrance of a sea cave
on Santa Cruz Island in California.
Including the caving-related incidents, these add up to 23 deaths
over the two-year period, which is not a good way for caves to
be mentioned in the news media.
Injury and Aid
Injury and Aid are incidents where someone has been hurt or
stuck, and aid outside of the team members is contacted for
assistance to get the caver out. The primary causes for Injury and
Aid rescues are caver falls, rock-falls, or becoming stuck or
trapped. These accidents are discussed under Incident Types
Caver fall incidents were the primary cause of injury and aid
rescues in 2009 and 2010. There were 10 in 2009 and 15 in
2010. Four deaths resulted from the falls. At least three falls
resulted in the caver becoming stuck or trapped and requiring
With the thousands of trips each year and the wet and sometimes
slippery conditions, it is inevitable that slips and falls will
happen. The low incidence of falls in caves suggests that the vast
majority of people going into caves are caving safely and
maintaining a safe perspective with respect to traversing the cave
However, some of the falls in 2009 and 2010 were due to very
poor decisions. A primary “caver fall” contributor is spelunkers
wearing tennis shoes or shoes with very little tread. The Lava
River incident is a representative example.
Further poor decisions, including not wearing helmets, increased
the injury and aid statistics.
Injury, No Aid
These incidents resulted in injuries ranging from scrapes and
bruises to sprained ankles and broken legs. In each case, the
patient was able to exit the cave with minimal assistance from
members of the caving party.
Seven incidents are in this group. When the rigging failed during
the Nutty Putty rescue, the rescuer was able to reach the surface
under his own power after being injured. Caver fall contributed
to injuries in Bluff River, Scott Hollow, Benedicts, and a fourth
cave in West Virginia, as well as a college speleology course trip
in Bat Cave, Arkansas. Rock-fall was the cause of the
Lechuguilla Previously Unreported incident.
No Injury, Aid
Most incidents in this category are rescues of individuals that
cavers often refer to as “spelunkers”, those who were typically
poorly equipped and inexperienced, and are often stranded when
they break or lose their flashlights, run out of batteries, descend
pits hand over hand, or get lost. Sometimes, however, even
experienced and properly equipped cavers fall ill and need
assistance, or are trapped by rock-fall or flooded passage.
There were 10 with trips with no injury but aid was required in
2009 and 2010. These included Ten Mile Pit (Rabbit Cave)
where the spelunkers could not get back up the rope. Two
incidents were from being trapped in sea caves by the surf. Four
incidents occurred when cavers became stuck including Smith’s
Crack, Idaho, Rattlesnake or Gutter Cave in Massachusetts and
two incidents in talus caves on Old Man Mountain in Colorado.
Exhaustion was the reason for the Stoner’s Den rescue.
No Consequence
These incidents are typically of the “near miss” category. They
are included so that the reader will be aware of the many things
that can go wrong on a caving trip. Examples include carabiners
or mallion links becoming unscrewed while on rope, rock-fall
incidents, passage collapses not resulting in injury or requiring
aid, and individuals or groups who become lost or stranded, but
who are eventually able to find their way out or resolve their
difficulties without assistance.
There were three reports in 2009 and 2010. These included a
caver fall in Van Horn Arizona, rock-fall in an unnamed karst
feature in Georgia, and trapped by high water in Buckeye Creek
West Virginia.
Incident Types
Acetylene-related was a category primarily related to carbide
lamps and the carbide fuel used. As of 2010 there has not been
an acetylene-related incident in over 14 years. With the wide
availability of affordable, high-quality electric and LED
headlamps, carbide lights have largely been displaced in U.S.
Bad Air
None of the caving accidents and incidents reported in this issue
involved bad air.
To learn more about the dangers and signs of bad air in caves,
see Bill Mixon’s article in the April 2000 ACA, and Bill Elliott’s
article in the December, 1997, ACA.
Caver Fall
Falls remain the leading type of incident or accident in caving,
accounting for a large proportion of reported injuries and
rescues. Ten of the reported incidents for 2009 and 15 incidents
in 2010 involved falls. The falls included both cavers and
spelunkers. Additionally, there was a fall in an abandoned mine.
Many of the incidents could have been prevented by the use of a
belay or having better foot gear. Cavers should consider using a
belay whenever the exposure of a climb or traverse is greater
than a body length.
A belay should always be used when climbing or descending a
cable ladder.
Cavers also fall on occasion while moving through “horizontal”
passages, and account for a number of accidents reported in this
issue. Cavers can reduce the risk of falls by wearing sturdy boots
with lug soles and maintaining “three points of contact” while
moving over uneven terrain.
Difficulty on Rope or Ladder
This category includes cavers who become stranded on rope and
require assistance, or who experience significant difficulties and
require assistance to complete their ascent or descent.
Aden Fumarole in New Mexico, Ten Mile Pit in Tennessee, and
Canteen Sinks Cave in Utah and the rescue in an unnamed pit in
British Columbia, Canada are listed here.
Cavers involved in these incidents are often relatively
inexperienced and sometimes unfamiliar with their gear. All four
of these incidents involved novices. The incident in British
Columbia involved someone who had to be rescued earlier in the
week from a cliff face in the area.
Others may be experienced cavers who are simply out of
practice or out of shape. Some incidents occur when cavers are
unable to deal with situations such as crossing the lip of a pit
with weight on the rope below, crossing an undercut or
overhanging lip, changing from rappel to ascent and vice versa,
or climbing a cable ladder.
Cavers must master their systems and know how their equipment
works. With practice, skilled cavers can perform a change-over
in less than 60 seconds. Spend time practicing; it could save
your life.
Drowning incidents are infrequent in “dry caving,” but have
occurred when cavers became trapped by flooding or when they
attempted to free-dive through sumped passages.
Two cavers drowned trying to free-dive into caves in Florida. A
third person drowned when he went swimming in an
underground pool in an abandoned mine.
Equipment Problem
This catch-all category includes rigging failures, slipping
ascenders, light failure, rope failure, and misuse or lack of
equipment. There was one equipment-problem incident. The
rigging failed during the Nutty Putty Utah rescue attempt.
Exhaustion is a contributing factor in a wide variety of incidents.
It was a contributing factor in the Scott Hollow, West Virginia
caver fall. Exhaustion also became a critical issue for the
patients during two rescues where cavers became stuck in Nutty
Putty, Utah and Thunder Canyon in California. Taking measures
to prevent exhaustion may be much easier than having to deal
with exhaustion, and a resulting incident.
The lesson taught by flood entrapments is simple: pay attention
to the local weather conditions. Check the forecast for the caving
area, and be alert for the possibility of flooding. If the cave is
known to flood and you do not have a clear forecast, go
somewhere else. Also, know what the weather has been for the
last several days. Some caves may experience flooding several
days after a storm event. Snowmelt on a warm dry cave can also
cause a cave to flood. It is just not worth the risk of entrapment,
rescue, media attention, closed caves, injury, or death. For more
on the dangers of water caves, see George Dasher’s editorial in
the June 2003 ACA.
Buckeye Creek Cave in West Virginia is in this category. In this
case the project cavers had done everything right, including pre-
staging a rescue cache, checking the weather before the trip, and
then making the critical decision to wait until the water went
down. The result was no injury and no aid.
Hypothermia is usually a secondary result in the reported
incidents, occurring subsequent to cavers becoming injured,
stranded, or trapped in a cave.
There was one incident in 2009 and 2010 involving
hypothermia. One of the side effects of the Thunder Canyon
incident was that the caver stuck in very tight, cold, windy
passage was becoming extremely cold. Hypothermia was a very
real threat.
Hypothermia also impairs your thinking and judgment, making
potentially deadly mistakes more likely.
There were no reported incidents of histoplasmosis infections, or
other infections due to caving in 2009 or 2010.
Most of these incidents involve untrained and ill-equipped
cavers, spelunkers, or novices with little experience. Many
escalate to the “stranded” category when batteries run out or
flashlights are broken. When found, lost cavers often require
treatment for hypothermia, sometimes including hospitalization.
There were no instances of cavers becoming lost during 2009
and 2010.
Medical Issue
Medical issues are events that happen during the caving trip.
These include heart attacks, nausea, overheating, or crawling and
injuring your knee.
The New Mexico incident in the unnamed cave was probably
more related to the person not taking her medication before
wandering off. She was found months later, dead in a cave.
Rock-fall incidents accounted for several serious accidents and
incidents during the reporting period, resulting in injuries and
rescues, as well as two cases of entrapment. The most notable
rock-fall incidents were those in which cavers were pinned or
trapped in caves.
Three rock-fall incidents involved cavers including the
previously unreported 2007 Lechuguilla incident.
The rock-fall while on rope in Fang Cave, British Columbia
injured a caver below. The rock-fall in Upper Millerton Lake
Cave, California caused the caver to become trapped in a
desperate situation. The Lechuguilla rock-fall was just off of a
trail that had been in use almost twenty years. The area was
considered stable before the incident.
Stuck is a serious situation. Stuck is an emergency and needs to
be addressed immediately and continuously until the situation is
resolved. Being stuck can kill the caver through hypothermia,
restricted breathing, restricted blood flow, and other
Getting stuck is usually not much of a problem for experienced
cavers. Most of us have been stuck in a tight passage at some
point, and have learned that a calm head and careful movement
can usually remedy the situation. Sometimes, however,
extracting a stuck caver from a tight passage or crevice can be
extremely difficult.
During the 2009 and 2010 period, there were three serious
incidents where cavers became extremely stuck. In many ways
the three accidents where the cavers became stuck differed
substantially. These differences included:
The equipment used by the cavers.
The reasons for the cavers to become stuck.
The experience level of the cavers.
The temperature differences and conditions between the
Whether a rescue was called out.
The understanding of the situation by surface rescue
The length of time of the rescue effort.
The rescue success.
Two teams were properly equipped with standard horizontal
caving equipment including wetsuits. One team had hand-held
The cause in two incidents for the cavers to become stuck was
due to the cavers going into tight passage. The third incident was
due to rock-fall.
Two groups had experienced cavers. Of these two groups, one
group had experienced cavers who had been through the passage
before, positioned their team accordingly, and still a member
became stuck. The second group had only two people and the
rock-fall was not anticipated. A slip caused the caver to grab an
untested chock-stone. The third group was enjoying exploring
and pushed an unknown passage too hard.
The temperatures in two caves were cold (high 40s to low 50s)
and the third cave was in the “60-degree F” range.
Two accidents required rescues. The third was a self-rescue.
The experience of the surface command with cave rescue
differed substantially on the two incidents that required rescues.
The lengths of time for the rescue varied from one hour to 12
hours, to more than 27 hours.
Two rescues were successful; one was not.
Trapped or Stranded
This category is used to describe incidents in which the caver or
cavers were prevented from exiting the cave by rock-fall, light
failure, lack of equipment, equipment failure, or other causes. In
many of the reported incidents, “spelunkers” became stranded
due to inexperience, inadequate equipment, and/or poor
In Rattlesnake Cave in Massachusetts, the caver went down a
narrow, vertical slot to a small room but was unable to get back
out without help. In British Columbia, the spelunkers went down
the pit without enough equipment or training to get back up. One
person was trapped in a California sea cave by heavy surf. One
group was stranded in Lariat Cave, Idaho by snow drifts not
allowing them to leave.
This catch-all category includes sinkhole collapse, cuts by sharp
rocks, dislocated shoulders, twisted ankles and other joint
injuries, animal attacks, and other incidents not covered above,
including drug labs, explosives, or bodies found in caves.
The murder/suicide incident, bodies found in caves, and the
discovery of marijuana in a sea cave in California are
catagorized here.
Caving Accident and Incident Statistics
Result of Incident
Result 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
4 3 4 1 4 6 55121444252 6 3 0 41435
Injury and Aid 10 15 11 16 18 16 1722191716221414201115 9 7 8 159998
Aid, no Injury 21 15 20 20 23 20 283326171613121815138 14 12 8 129745
Injury, no Aid 10 15 14 14 10 12 10411810428356 6 0 10 48216
No Consequence 19 16 12 21 9 12 163201211483124 5 1 0 10332
Total 64 64 61 72 64 66 76 67 77 56 54 47 40 47 41 36 35 40 23 26 35 26 25 20 26
Involving Fatality,
Injury, or Aid
45 48 49 51 55 54 60 64 57 44 43 43 32 44 40 34 31 35 22 26 34 26 22 17 24
Incident Type
Type 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Caver Fall 25 14 20 19 22 22 22 19 20 15 21 27 15 20 17 13 20 14 5 10 12 11 11 10 13
Trapped/Stranded - - - - - - -11318181391714910 15 6 5 74333
Difficulty on Rope - - - - - - - -1146514315 5 1 2 21202
Rock-fall 12 17 7 11 11 12 161112105524233 5 3 7 45311
Lost 8 5 3 9 4 3 451274533311 5 4 2 34200
Flooding 1 3 3 4 2 2 13145214110 6 1 0 10010
Hypothermia 1 2 0 5 0 2 40366222311 3 0 1 21201
Illness 0 0 2 3 2 1 03301180222 1 2 2 00101
Exhaustion 0 1 1 3 0 2 42414112312 1 0 0 20101
Drowning 1 2 0 2 2 2 20001001010 3 1 0 11110
Stuck 3 1 0 1 1 3 55212015350 1 6 3 20223
Bad Air 3 2 1 1 1 2 11221010100 0 0 0 00000
Acetylene-related 3 0 1 1 0 0 01301000000 0 0 0 00000
Equipment 14 17 20 20 23 21 20111144210032 0 0 0 44211
Other 3 4 8 6 8 4 54663232332 1 1 1 10211
- - - - - 2 102011521129 4 19 9 846215
Cave Diving Incidents
Result 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Fatality 7 5 9 4 8 2 56862205793 5 6 2 15621
Injury and Aid 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000001000 0 1 1 10000
Aid, no Injury 1 0 0 0 0 1 10010001001 0 0 0 00000
Injury, no Aid 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000010100 0 0 0 00000
No Consequence 1 2 1 1 0 5 10100000000 0 0 1 00110
Total Diving
9 7 10 5 8 8 76972217894 5 7 4 25731
2009 Reported Caving Accidents and Incidents
20 caving incidents reported
Date Cave Location Result Incident Type
January 3 unnamed cave Tennessee injury and aid caver fall
January 24 Pettijohns Cave Georgia injury and aid caver fall
February 10 unnamed cave Georgia no injury, no aid rock-fall
February 15 Stephens Gap Cave Alabama injury and aid caver fall
February 28 Bryant Mountain Cave (ABA 355) Alabama injury and aid caver fall
April 11 Lower Van Horn Cave Arizona no injury, no aid caver fall
May 15 Carter County Saltpeter Cave Tennessee injury and aid caver fall
May 22 Ten Mile Pit (Rabbit Cave) Tennessee no injury, aid stranded
May 30 Blue Springs Florida fatality drowning
June 28 Harding Point Cave Arizona injury and aid caver fall
June 28 Buckeye Creek Cave West Virginia no injury, no aid trapped, high water
August 6 King Philip’s Cave Connecticut injury and aid caver fall
September 8 unnamed sea cave California no injury, aid trapped
September 9 Smith's Crack Idaho no injury, aid stuck
September 21 Hole in the Wall Sea Cave California no injury, aid trapped
October 17 Fang Cave British Columbia, Canada injury and aid rock-fall
ovember 24
utty Putty Cave Utah fatality stuck
ovember 25
utty Putty Cave Utah injury, no aid equipment problem
ovember 28 unnamed cave Oregon injury and aid caver fall
December 16 Sloans Valley Cave System Kentucky fatality caver fall
2009 Reported Caving Related Incidents
2 incidents reported
Date Cave Location Result Incident Type
July 9 abandoned lead mine
ew Hampshire injury and aid fall, stuck
September 19 unnamed sea cave Washington injury and aid other
2009 Reported Cave Diving Accidents and Incidents
3 incidents reported
Date Cave Location Result Incident Type
May Ginnie Springs Florida no injury, no aid equipment issues
September 4 Ginnie Springs Florida fatality drowning
ovember 3 Eagle's Nest Sink Florida fatality drowning
2010 Reported Caving Accidents and Incidents
26 caving incidents reported
Date Cave Location Result Incident Type
January 10 Upper Millerton Lake Cave California no injury, no aid rock-fall, stuck
January 23 Bluff River Cave Alabama injury, no aid caver fall
January 31 Scott Hollow Cave West Virginia injury, no aid caver fall
February 15 unnamed cave
ew Mexico fatality medical issue
February 15 Benedicts Cave West Virginia injury, no aid caver fall
March 6 unnamed cave Florida fatality drowning
March 9 Espey Cave Tennessee injury and aid caver fall
March 21 unnamed cave Illinois no injury, no aid overdue
March 26 Stoner’s Den Cave California no injury, aid exhaustion
April 6 Hilham Pit Tennessee fatality caver fall
May 3 Thunder Canyon Cave California injury and aid stuck, hypothermia
May 11 Raccoon Mountain Cavern Tennessee injury and aid caver fall
June 19 unnamed cave West Virginia injury, no aid caver fall
July 5 unnamed cave Colorado injury and aid stuck
July 19 Rattlesnake or Gutter Cave Massachusetts no injury, aid caver fall, trapped
August 2 Aden Fumarole
ew Mexico injury and aid difficulty on rope
August 20 unnamed cave Colorado no injury, aid caver fall, stuck
September 3 Bat Cave Arkansas injury, no aid caver fall
September 17 Lava River Cave Arizona injury and aid caver fall
October 6 Coronado Cave Arizona 2 fatalities murder/suicide
October 19 unnamed cave British Columbia, Canada no injury, aid difficulty on rope
ovember 7 Canteen Sinks Cave Utah injury and aid difficulty on rope
ovember 11 Fang Cave British Columbia, Canada 2 injuries and aid caver fall
ovember 17 Spring Hill Saltpeter Cave Tennessee injury and aid caver fall
December 21 Sótano de Ahuihuitzcapa Veracruz, Mexico fatality caver fall
December 29 Lariat Cave Idaho no injury, aid stranded
2010 Reported Cave Diving Accidents and Incidents
1 incident reported
Date Cave Location Result Incident Type
July 8 Peacock Springs Florida fatality drowning
2010 Reported Caving-Related Incidents
15 incidents reported
Date Cave Location Result Incident Type
April 21 unnamed cave Idaho fatality living in cave
May 18 unnamed cave Arizona fatality living in cave
May 30 unnamed abandoned mine Oklahoma fatality drowning
June 6 unnamed cave Cancún, Mexico 6 fatalities murder
June 6 unnamed sea cave California no consequence other, drug stash
June 8 Bums Cave Virginia fatality living in cave
June 11 Cool Caves (abandoned mine) Pennsylvania no injury, aid stuck
July unnamed cave Arizona no consequence other, drug spotter
July 30 Cool Caves (abandoned mine) Pennsylvania injury and aid fall
July 31 Big Four Ice Caves Washington fatality ice fall
August 11 unnamed cave Illinois dog rescued dog stranded in cave
October 30 unnamed cave
orth Carolina dog rescued dog stranded in cave
ovember 5 unnamed cave Tennessee 2 injuries and aid fell in entrance
ovember 27 unnamed abandoned mine Pennsylvania injury and aid stuck
December 5 unnamed California fatality other, body found in cave
As always, we are all indebted to the people who have contributed reports for this issue. Their willingness to share their experiences
makes American Caving Accidents a valuable resource for all cavers. Several notable correspondents have contributed a substantial
portion of the material for these reports. They include: Andy and Bonny Armstrong, Rene Ohms, Aaron Bird, and Bill Putnam. Many
valuable comments, proof reading, corrections, and suggestions were provided by reviewers Bonny Armstrong, George Dasher,
Yvonne Droms, Mark Minton, Rene Ohms, Bill Putnam, and Forrest Wilson. Dive-related comments were provided by Forrest
Acronyms and Explanations
BORSTAR Border Patrol Search Trauma And Rescue
Ferno Washington Plastic rescue stretcher used to transport over rough terrain
KED Kendrick Extrication Device (similar to the Oregon Spine Splint, or OSS)
MA Mechanical Advantage. Used in technical rope-hauling systems
MRA Mountain Rescue Association
Puka Ceiling collapse in a lava tube forming an entrance
SAR Search and Rescue
Short-haul Rope hanging below a helicopter used to transport patients and rescuers out of (and into) rough terrain.
SITLA Utah School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration
Stokes Litter Aluminum or hard-plastic rescue stretcher used to transport patients over rough terrain
Z-rig A rescue haul technique that allows rescuers to raise a patient
Previously Unreported Caving Accident and Incident Reports
6 June 2007
Lechuguilla Cave, New Mexico
rock-fall, injury, no aid
Daryl Greaser, Mike Bennett, Mark “Elvis” Andrich, Doug
Warner, and Dan Lamping were part of a six-person, multi-day
underground camp in the Near East branch of the cave. The
expedition goals included fixing previous survey blunders, lead
checking and re-sketching. On the 4
day of the camp, Daryl,
Elvis, Mike and Dan were checking survey blunders just off one
of the main Near East trails. Mike and Daryl were above re-
shooting a 20-foot long survey shot down a 45-degree, cemented
breakdown slope to Mike and Daryl below.
As Mike was leaning over the boulder taking the shot and Daryl
was standing next to Mike, two boulders next to GV23 broke
loose and rolled down the slope towards Dan and Mark. Daryl
was able to ride the smaller rock down about one third of the
way before being thrown off. Dan and Mark were able to jump
to safe passage. The smaller of the two boulders, 30 by 18 by 24
inches and about 300 lbs, rolled over Daryl’s right foot and
injured his toes. The larger boulder, 6 by 2 by 3 feet and well
over 1000 pounds, slid down and crashed into the rock holding
the lower station, moving it 18 inches.
The “small rock” that fell hitting Daryl Greaser. Photo by Mike
The grouped immediately checked to see that everyone was safe.
Mike had hung on to the GV23 boulder, which fortunately did
not fall, though the move caused a minor injury to his upper rib
cage. Mark and Dan were fine, and they removed Daryl’s boot to
tend to his wounds, which turned out to be two painfully
smashed toes and a one-inch long laceration on the back of his
right arm.
With nothing broken and no external bleeding, Daryl took some
pain medication and the team returned slowly to the Rusticles
Camp. The boot was removed and the foot raised. By the next
morning Daryl’s first two toes’ area was very darkly bruised. He
was still able to help with surveying, and the following day was
able to exit the cave with little difficulty.
1. Daryl Greaser, Incident Report, 2 September 2011.
2. Mark Andrich, Lechuguilla Cave Newsletter, Issue 3 Winter
2007-2008, “Near East Expedition,” Winter 2007-2008.
Comments: Daryl and the rest of the team were extremely lucky
the injuries were not more extensive. They realized that there
was no way to prevent the accident, especially considering this
was in a high-traffic area and presumably stable. The trail had
been used for almost 20 years. As Daryl puts it, “We know
complacency kills, and therefore I use a higher level of scrutiny
when traveling through breakdown.”
The “large rock” in front of the caver’s left knee that missed the
two cavers below. Photo by Mike Bennett.
Report accidents and incidents
via the Internet at www.caves.org/pub/aca
or mail reports and information to:
American Caving Accidents
National Speleological Society
2813 Cave Avenue
Huntsville, Alabama 35810-4431
2009 Caving Accident and Incident Reports
3 January
unnamed cave, Tennessee
caver fall, injury, aid
Late Friday night after midnight, Jeremy Boon (20) and five
others were on a mountain in rural Putnam County searching for
caves. Boon was looking for a route in and started to climb
down, when he started an uncontrollable slide above the lip and
fell into the 75-foot pit. He suffered head and leg injuries as well
as abdominal pains. The others called 911 and the rescue was
started about 4 AM. Boon was packaged by rescuers of the
Putnam Emergency Management Agency, hauled up the pit, and
transported first to Cookeville Regional Hospital, and then to
Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville.
Herald-Citizen Staff, Herald Citizen, “Mt. Juliet man rescued in
cave,” 5 January 2009.
Comments: It appears that Boon was very lucky he survived.
There is no mention of any equipment, lights, or safety
measures. Even if the group had adequate vertical training and
equipment, they certainly were not exercising safe vertical
protocols at the top of a pit.
24 January
Pettijohns Cave, Georgia
caver fall, injury, aid
Joyful Lee Rutherford, Joe Pierron, Derrick, Anton, Becky, and
John, all novice or first-time cavers, entered the cave about 4:30
PM. They were traversing the feature known as the bridge in the
“Bridge Room” when Rutherford fell about 30 to 35 feet,
breaking her lower leg. She was over 800 feet from the entrance.
Joe Pierron exited the cave with another member of the group to
seek help while the other three members stayed with Rutherford.
Four EMS agencies with 35 rescuers responded, including
Walker County Fire/EMS, Walker County Cave Rescue,
Georgia Department of Natural Resources, and Chattanooga-
Hamilton County Cave and Cliff Rescue. Command was set up
just before 8 PM, and communications and rescue equipment
was sent in. Communications from the patient to the surface was
achieved by 10:15 PM.
A doctor was guided to Rutherford, reaching her by 11:00 PM.
He administered medication, removed the temporary splint, set
the lower leg and ankle, and splinted it in a long extremity
vacuum splint. Heat packs, a Ferno Washington basket, and a
“Wiggys” exposure bag were brought in. Command was told
about 11:30 PM that the broken leg and ankle were confirmed
but there was no way to assess other injuries until Ms.
Rutherford reached hospital care.
Three rigging teams had prepared known obstacles and the
evacuation was underway before midnight. Rutherford reached
the entrance at 2:30 AM, and was transported by helicopter to
Erlanger Hospital just after 3 AM.
1. Unattributed, long narrative, unpublished, undated.
2. Bill Putnam, Incident Report, untitled, 19 February 2009
Comments: It was determined later at Erlanger Hospital, after
the rescue and transport, that Rutherford also experienced two
broken ribs, a 20% pneumothorax (partially collapsed lung), a
broken clavicle, and other injuries.
10 February
unnamed cave, Georgia
rock-fall, no injury, no aid
Ben Bain, David Bain (Ben’s father), Jonny Prouty, Jerry
Wallace, Marty Abercrombie, and Ben Castleberry had just dug
into a hole that had opened up as a result of a recent rainfall.
Jonny had gone to the bottom and found that the hole did not
meet Georgia Speleological Survey standards, so Jonny came
out and Ben went in to have a look. They had removed the
obviously loose rock (one had fallen already) and it seemed
sufficiently safe. Everyone had helmets and the necessary
protective gear.
Ben was climbing out of the tight entrance when the bedrock
protrusion he was using as a handhold broke off. The 2-foot-
long, 1-foot wide and 6-inch-thick rock pinned him just below
the left shoulder, knocking the wind out of him. The rock
weighed about 50 pounds. Ben was able to push the rock up
enough that he was able to wriggle out from beneath it. Those on
the surface were able to lower webbing, and hauled the rock out
of the entrance. Ben’s chest was sore and ended up lightly
Jonny Prouty, Incident Report, untitled, 18 February 2009.
Comments: From the caver’s own analysis, they had under-
estimated the integrity of a newly opened cave and should have
been more careful about determining what was stable and what
was unstable. There was enough room below for Ben to get out
of the rock-fall zone while the rock was being hauled up,
allowing him to exit.
15 February
Stephens Gap Cave, Alabama
caver fall, injury, aid
Jordan Garren (16) and a couple of his friends thought it would
be fun to go into the cave. They used the horizontal entrance and
Jordan climbed down on the Pedestal, where he decided to
“relieve himself.” He lost his balance and fell approximately 25
feet, sustaining a broken pelvis, broken neck and back, broken
leg, and a huge open gash on his forehead.
His friends went for help and the Scottsboro-Jackson County
Rescue Squad responded. After packaging, Garren was
transported over a mile of rugged terrain to a waiting ambulance,
and then to an Air Evac helicopter.
2009 Caving Accident and Incident Reports
1. Kwmessman, CaveChat, “rescue (sic) at Stephens Gap,” 23
February 2009.
2. Dewayne Patterson, The Daily Sentinel, “Teenager
recovering after caving accident,” 17 February 2009.
Comments: There has been no mention as to what equipment the
group was using. The media listed an incorrect age, 18, and “…
a possible broken leg and a cut to his forehead” and “his injuries
were not believed to be life threatening.” Garren’s pelvis has
been plated together, his head was placed in a halo for the
broken neck, and plates put in his back.
28 February
Bryant Mountain Cave (ABA 355), Alabama
caver fall, injury, aid
About 300 feet into the cave on a Saturday afternoon trip, a
youth minister (45) slipped and fell about 20 feet down a
crevice, injuring his head. The kids who were caving with him
called 911 for help and three different fire stations responded to
help. The man was hospitalized.
1. CaverScott, CaveChat, “Rescue in Ala.?” 3 March 2009.
2. Bill Putnam, email, “cave rescue near Bryant, AL Saturday,
28 February 2009,” unpublished.
3. Drew Dover, FOX6 WBRC www.myfoxal.com, “Evening
News Update,” 28 February 2009.
Comments: Again, there has been no mention of equipment
being used. The poster on CaveChat relayed a message from one
of the rescuers. Visitation by inexperienced people with
inadequate equipment and skills has gone up substantially in the
last few months. This was the third rescue from the cave in the
last six months.
11 April
Lower Van Horn Cave, Arizona
caver fall, no injury, no aid
Teresa Gerrity (24), Richard Bohman (30), Patrick Clapp, Ed
Coleman, Mike Landrum, and Colin Pouchet were on a
recreational trip to the gated cave in southern Arizona. There are
several sections with steep mud slopes, and portions of the cave
are known to flood during the wet season, making the cave very
slick. The trail skirts high around a pool with a steep slope near
the back of the cave. During the traverse, Gerrity used what
appeared to be a rock outcrop in the middle of the traverse.
When the hold broke, Gerrity lost traction and slid backwards on
her stomach down 15 feet on the 55-degree slope. Then the slope
went vertical, and she fell another 15 feet. She came to a stop
near the bottom of the fissure, wedged horizontally, with her
arms above her head, and her helmet wedged between the two
After coming to a stop, Gerrity was able to re-orient herself in
the crack, and to keep herself from falling further into the water
some 3 to 5 feet below, but quickly realized that she was unable
to climb out without aid. Ed Coleman was sent to retrieve some
vertical gear left at the last climb. Mike Landrum went out to the
vehicles to get a rope while the others emptied their packs
looking for usable equipment. An etrier was attached to a 30-
foot long piece of webbing, which was tied to an anchor with
accessory cord. The etrier was lowered to Gerrity who was
unable to see it while being stuck in the tight crack, but was able
to wave one arm to locate the etrier and orient herself to a
vertical position. Gerrity was unable to climb above the top rung
of the etrier.
A harness and two-handled ascenders with cow’s-tails arrived
and Gerrity was able to attach the ascender to the now-muddy
webbing. This allowed her to start working her way up the crack
until the ascender jammed on the webbing. The gain of 3 to 4
feet allowed enough room to put on the seat harness. Feeling
more secure, she was able to do body jams to continue to work
her way up. When she was close enough, the others were able to
reach down and haul her up the last few feet.
Teresa Gerrity, Incident Report, untitled, 7 August 2009.
Richard Bohman, Incident Report, untitled, undated.
Comments: From their analyses, “a safety line rigged across the
top of the traverse would not have prevented the slip, but may
have prevented the resultant slide to the bottom of the slope” and
into the crack. During her exit, Gerrity noticed she had “left deep
marks in the mud – claw marks that extended the length of the
slope” while attempting to find a handhold. She escaped with
scrapes and bruises.
15 May
Carter County Saltpeter Cave, Tennessee
caver fall, injury, aid
A Carter County woman took her two children and two other
women to the cave as a birthday present for one of the kids.
Some 800 feet into the cave she fell about 30 feet into water,
breaking a bone. It took rescue workers about 4 to 5 hours to get
her out and to a hospital.
Reeffish 1073, CaveChat, “Cave Rescue in East Tennessee
(sic),” 17 May 2009.
Comments: No other information was available.
22 May
Ten Mile Pit (Rabbit Cave), Tennessee
stranded, no injury, aid
Emily Beres, Adri Kopp, and Katherine Charles (all in college or
just graduated) decided to visit the cave, which is owned by
Gettysvue Country Club. They descended without difficulty but
could not make it to the bottom about 150 feet in due to high
water from recent rains. When they returned to the entrance area
Beres was unable to “hoist” herself up the ropes at the steep
entrance climb. Charles and Kopp claimed to be “experienced
cavers and rock climbers,” so Charles climbed up and drove
home to get a rock climbing harness while Kopp stayed with
Beres. While in the country club parking lot, she told an
employee where she was going, and the country club called for
emergency help due to liability issues.
2009 Caving Accident and Incident Reports
The Knoxville Fire Department was able to assist Beres up the
entrance incline and she was out in some 35 minutes.
1. Kristi L. Nelson, knoxnews.com, “Afternoon fun turns into
Gettysvue cave rescue for college student,” 22 May 2009.
2. Kristi L. Nelson, knoxnews.com, “Cave proves too much for
woman,” 22 May 2009.
Comments: The women were trespassing and entered the cave
without permission. The gate on the entrance had been
vandalized and was open. As to the “experienced climbers and
cavers” reference, no equipment was used during the hand-over-
hand descent on the entrance rope. Charges were not filed.
30 May
Blue Springs cave, Florida
fatality, drowning
Robert A. Jones (38) was solo free diving at Blue Springs with a
wetsuit, but no tanks. He was weighted, had a light strapped to
his hood, but carried no air supply. A dive master (diving with
others) was at 25 feet when Jones floated up past them in the
area of the boil. He was found at 10:22 AM in a sitting position
completely out of the cave area. Jones had no pulse and was not
breathing. He could not be revived by divers on the scene.
EVAC arrived and Jones was moved out of the water and
1. Anne Geggis and Julie Murphy, www.news-
Journalonline.com/ NewsJournalOnline/News/Local, “Blue
Springs diver dies,” May 31, 2009.
2. Judd, comments in BackTalk for “Blue Springs diver dies,”
May 31, 2009.
3. fldiver, comments in BackTalk for “Blue Springs diver
dies,” May 31, 2009.
Comments: The cave starts at 60 feet. Free divers breathe deeply
to oxygenate their blood, and then go down. Judd was among the
group doing CPR. Jones was bleeding from the nose and mouth
during CPR. One theory offered was “Shallow Water Blackout.”
28 June
Harding Point Cave, Arizona
caver fall, injury, aid
A 29-year-old hiker fell 10 to 15 feet into the Coconino National
Forest cave near Sedona at about 1:45 AM. Friends of the man
hiked out to get help. Emergency crews from Sedona and the
Highlands fire districts were able to stabilize the man before he
was hauled out of the cave and air lifted to the Flagstaff Medical
Center. The extent of his injuries was not known.
1. Robert Blake, Incident Report, untitled, 29 June 2009.
2. Daily Sun Staff, Arizona Daily Sun, “Man injured falling
into cave,” 28 June 2009.
Comments: Robert Blake talked with members of the injured
person’s group, but could provide little additional information
beyond the published article.
28 June
Buckeye Creek Cave, West Virginia
trapped high water, no injury, no aid
Greg Springer had been conducting research in the 4.1-mile cave
for several years. On June 28
Springer and Holly Fitzgibbon, a
graduate student studying cave sediments, entered to continue
the study. The weather forecast called for scattered showers and
thunderstorms, which had been the case for many of the previous
trips to Buckeye. The surface Buckeye Creek usually sinks
before reaching the entrance, but on this trip it was flowing into
the entrance. This too was nothing unusual. The team entered the
cave at 2:30 PM, and encountered a waist-deep pool only 300
feet into the cave. Soon after the pool the 30-foot-wide passage
constricts to only 5 feet wide (the Canyon) for a few hundred
feet. The passage then becomes a large tubular stream passage
that is usually at least 40 feet wide for the next 1000 feet. There
the ceiling lowers to within 16 inches above the waist-deep
water (the Watergate). The stream passage becomes 60 feet high
Springer and Fitzgibbon were laser surveying for about 90
minutes in a paleo-trunk when they heard the stream, even
though they were hundreds of feet away. They climbed back
down to the water level and marked the edge of the stream while
noting a distinct muddying of the water. They then went back to
surveying. The water was rising as they watched. They finished
their survey shot, and were resetting their water marker when
they heard their pack flotation device, a cooler chest, being
swept downstream. They climbed to higher ground.
Springer had placed a flood cache in an upper-level trunk “some
time ago,” which was located and opened. Inside were thick
plastic bags for each of them and candles to stay warm. It was 6
PM when the waiting began. They checked the water levels
periodically. In the 50-foot-wide passage, the water had only
gone up another foot and began to subside around midnight and
was down about 4 inches by 4 AM. Fitzgibbon was getting very
cold. The Watergate was now open. They carried much of the
flood cache with them in case they needed another high alcove
as refuge and went through the 50-foot-long, ear-dip section in
the Watergate. They rushed in the canyon for fear of a flash
flood pulse, only encountered one chest deep pool, found the
entrance rapids were negotiable, and exited at 5 AM after only
14.5 hours underground.
They went back to the WVACS field station, cleaned up, and
went to sleep. Heavy rain woke Fitzgibbon at 8 AM. They had
definitely “lucked out” this time.
Greg Springer, The West Virginia Caver, “Flood Entrapment and
Loss of the S.S. Buckeye,” October 2009, Volume 27, number 5,
pp. 8-9.
Comments: So what went wrong? The weather forecast was
none too worrying because of a known long history with the
cave. However, the area had seen rain in the preceding days, pre-
soaking the ground. In Greg’s words, “Clearly, I underestimated
how much the pre-soaking would affect the watershed’s
response to more rain. The storm did not leave a mess on the
surface, so … we were caught by … “prompt runoff.” The
presetting of the rescue cache showed both understanding of the
2009 Caving Accident and Incident Reports
possible water issue, and willingness to implement necessary
6 August
King Philip’s Cave, Connecticut
caver fall, injury and aid
About 3 PM, Jared Drabiszczak (20) fell after climbing up some
40 feet to the entrance of the cave on Talcott Mountain near
Simsbury. A Life Star helicopter was used to transport the
injured man to the hospital, where he was reported to be in
serious condition.
1. LeAnne Gendreau, www.nbcconnecticut.com, “Man
Rescued from Talcott Mountain,” 7 August 2009.
2. Unattributed, wtnh.com NEWS 8 “Man plummets off King
Phillip’s Cave,” 6 August 2009.
Comments: King Philip’s Cave is a west-facing rock shelter with
a 40-foot, exposed climb to the entrance. The visitor cannot get
inside where there is total darkness. The man’s name and
injuries were not released.
8 September
unnamed sea cave, California
trapped, no injury, aid
A 19-year-old man was exploring the rocky coast near Panther
Beach when he slipped and fell inside the sea cave. “He quickly
grew tired and needed help.” While one of his friends used his
cell phone and called for help, the teenager grew increasingly
concerned as the cave began to fill with water. Emergency
personnel used jet skis to reach the stranded hiker and were able
to pull him to Panther Beach for evaluation.
Unattributed, kionrightnow.com KION 46 “Rescue Workers
Save Teen Trapped In Sea Cave,” 6 August 2009.
Comments: There were concerns that the surf would increase
and the tide could come in quickly.
9 September
Smith’s Crack, Idaho
stuck, no injury, aid
Trever Cook (31) and a group of about eight amateur explorers
went into the cave in the early afternoon. Several hundred feet
inside are some tighter sections and the man became “lodged.”
The Elmore County Search and Rescue team was called and the
man was freed about 11 PM.
Unattributed, Mountain Home News, “Kuna man rescued from
Tipanuk cave,” 10 September 2009.
Comments: According to Jim Nolan, outgoing head of the SAR
team, “nearly every rescue inside that cave involves people who
get stuck at the same point.” To negotiate an obstacle (in this
case a squeeze), put the person who is expected to have the most
difficulty negotiating the obstacle in the middle of the group.
This way there are cavers on both sides if help is needed.
21 September
Hole in the Wall Sea Cave, California
trapped, no injury, aid
The rising tide trapped an unnamed man at a cave at Hole in the
Wall Beach near Davenport. He was able to get to a small piece
of land outside the cave but could not return to shore due to the
crashing waves. State Park lifeguards and other EMS personnel
were called about 5 PM, and they were able to get to the man
using a personal watercraft. He was returned to the beach
Jennifer Squires, Mercury News¸ “Man has to be rescued from
cave at Davenport beach as tide rises,” 21 September 2009.
Comments: Tide changes would not be a concern for most
caving trips. However, when visiting sea caves, pre-checking
and monitoring the tides and surf is a requirement on every trip.
17 October
Fang Cave, British Columbia
rock-fall, injury, aid
On the morning of October 17, John Heyber (45), Mike Nash,
and two other local members of the Alpine Club entered Fang
Cave by the middle entrance. They rigged the entrance pitch into
the Coliseum with an existing bolt hanger and a camming
device, using a doubled 9-mil dynamic rope to descend. Using a
large column at the head of the Corkscrew (a twisting, dry
stream way which becomes increasingly vertical as it drops) they
rigged an 11-mil dynamic rope for descent. The lower section of
the Corkscrew is more vertical, so a camming device was placed
in a crack in the wall about 10 feet above a ledge near the top of
this section. A rebelay was put in using the cam so that two
people could descend or ascend at the same time.
When ascending the Corkscrew, Heyber noticed that the cam
had walked further into the crack so he repositioned it. He called
down for the next member of the party to begin climbing. As
soon as the second climber put weight on the rope, the crack
holding the cam opened up, causing a large flake to come off the
wall. This was at approximately 1:40 PM.
The flake fell onto Heyber, pushing him to the ledge and pinning
him there in a three-inch-deep pool of water. Two members of
the party reached Heyber and removed the very heavy rock from
off his torso. He was unconscious and not breathing. They
revived Heyber and he regained consciousness. He was having
difficulty breathing and they feared that he had a spinal injury.
In actuality, Heyber had seven broken ribs on his right side
and three on his left. His collar bone was broken in two spots, he
had a broken clavicle and a collapsed lung, and his right
shoulder and hand were damaged as well.
Just prior to the event, Tammera Kostya, who was leading a
party, of three new cavers, arrived at the middle entrance. She
rigged a different anchor using a static line and they descended
into the Coliseum. They reached the top of the Corkscrew and
rigged another static line to descend. Kostya went down the first
icy section and met a member of the first party coming out. She
told Kostya that three more were coming up and it would be a
2009 Caving Accident and Incident Reports
while. Apparently this first person up did not know there had
been an incident below. Kostya saw that she didn't have enough
rope for the full descent and decided to call off the trip to that
part of the cave. Kostya’s party proceeded back to the entrance
pitch and while they were exiting, a member of the first party
hurried to where they were and said someone had been crushed
by a rock. She also told Kostya there was a satellite phone at the
entrance. Kostya went back into the cave to the accident site and
saw that it was a serious injury. Kostya had one of her party find
the satellite phone, call 911, and request the police to call Prince
George SAR (PGSAR) and British Columbia Cave Rescue
The call connected the caver to a Globalstar center in Texas
which then relayed the call to Royal Canadian Mounted Police
(RCMP) in Prince George. This led to nine rescue groups
including cavers to become involved. Kostya had all available
extra clothing brought to the accident site and made Heyber as
warm and comfortable as possible, moving him out of the water
into a semi-sitting position. Kostya and one member of the first
party then waited with Heyber for help to arrive.
The callout indicated the need of cave rescue of a person from
the middle entrance, with multiple injuries and unable to move.
Two helicopters began delivering rescue personnel and
equipment before 7 PM. The patient had lost consciousness
during the wait, and was having a harder time breathing and pain
when the KED spine immobilization was applied and he was
packaged in a Ferno Washington stretcher. Other rigging teams
arrived on other helicopters, the rigging was completed, and the
rescuers began moving the patient at 8:15 PM. The litter made it
up to the Coliseum by 9:30 PM. There, the rescuers noted that
the patient’s breathing was easier while his head was higher, so
they propped the stretcher against a large boulder, added heat
pads, and adjusted the packaging. The litter was brought up to
the middle entrance at 11:30 PM, and from there it was a three-
hour haul down the mountain to a location where the stretcher
could be loaded.
1. Bob Rutherford, Incident Report, “PM of BCCR,” 22
October 2009.
2. Frank Peebles, Prince George Citizen, “Escape from Fang
Mountain,” 18 October 2009.
3. Citizen staff, Prince George Citizen, “Cave victim in stable
condition,” 20 October 2009.
Comments: The Alpine Club members were in the cave using
dynamic ropes, but had a satellite phone at the entrance. This
seems to be an odd combination. The group had substantial
experience, and obviously had the financing available to use a
proper static rope. When the ascending Alpine Club member
repositioned the rebelay cam that was walking into the crack, the
stability of the slab did not appear to be compromised. This may
have been due to the size of the rock and his belief that it could
be trusted. Repeatedly check the rigging, and have your rigging
Heyber was out of intensive care and in stable condition after
two days.
24 November
Nutty Putty Cave, Utah
stuck, fatality
25 November
Nutty Putty Cave, Utah
equipment failure, injury, no aid
Compiled by Andy Armstrong
On the evening of November 24
, John Jones (26) and ten of his
family members including children entered Nutty Putty Cave
and toured the entrance area. After a short time, most of the
group left while John and others including his brother Josh
continued to explore. They proceeded to a tight, nasty, passage
known as Bob’s Push. This passage is mostly belly-crawl size
and undulates up and down before taking a decisive turn to the
left and downward. The remainder of the passage to its dead-end
is very tight and slopes downward at about a 60-degree angle.
John entered the passage head-first and continued head-first at
least 30 feet down the steep, tight section. At some point, he
realized he could not back out against the force of gravity. John
sent the others out of the passage and continued downward,
hoping to find a place to turn around. The others soon heard him
yelling that he was stuck and needed help.
After determining that they could not free John, his family called
for help at about 10:00 PM. The Utah County SAR, including
several members that are experienced cavers, responded. Having
rescued others from this cave, including from the same spot
where John was stuck, the rescuers were confident they would
get him out. The fact that John was upside-down made this
rescue more difficult than the previous ones. Around midnight,
Rob Stillmar, a wiry, strong caver who had worked on previous
Nutty Putty rescues, went head-first into the passage to try and
work with John’s legs. While going in head-first was risky and
exactly how John got into trouble, it was really the only method
that anyone could use to get to John. Rob had webbing tied
around him so that others could help haul him out. Rob worked
with John for a long time, but the valiant effort only succeeded
in moving him a short distance. Rob became stuck on his way
back up, and it took some time for him to free himself, with help
from above. Around this time, webbing straps were placed
around John’s legs in preparation for a haul system that was
being constructed above him.
By 8:00 AM, there were approximately 100 people on scene,
including Utah County Sheriff personnel, SAR team members
including Utah Cave SAR, many different area fire rescue crews,
paramedics, NPS personnel, and volunteer cavers. At least six
rescuers with NCRC training were on hand, including a former
national instructor, and others with higher than Level 1 training.
John had now been stuck upside-down for nearly 12 hours, but
was responsive and was helping the rescuers as much as he
could. At any given time, there were about 15 rescuers in the
cave, as John was really only about 10 minutes from the
entrance. Some rescuers were underground for 12 hours at a
2009 Caving Accident and Incident Reports
time, with a few cavers that had arrived early in the rescue doing
two twelve-hour shifts.
A 3:1 haul system was set up about 50 feet up the passage from
John, where there was actually room for a haul team.
Unfortunately, the haul line had to pass through four pulley
deviations in the twisting crawlway in order to reach John. Some
of these were originally rigged on natural anchors and climbing
cams. When the extreme forces on the redirect anchors became
apparent, they were all changed to bolt anchors except the one
closest to John, which was rigged on a seemingly bomber natural
anchor in the ceiling.
The haul shifts were accomplished with one very small caver in
proximity with John, moving and pulling on his legs. After a few
haul sequences, the friction in the system proved to be too great.
To alleviate this, another 3:1 haul line was added, with one
attached to each of John’s legs. Many attempts were made to
establish a connection point around his waist, but no one could
reach far enough in to do it. John was on his left shoulder with
his left arm pinned under him. His body completely filled the
passage, preventing all attempts to access any part of his body
above the waist. Once both haul lines were operational, the team
began to make the only real progress of the entire rescue. This
was accomplished by encouraging John to do most of the work,
with the dual haul systems capturing any upward progress that
he made. Many stops for slack on the line were called, in order
to take some of the squeezing pressure off of John’s legs. Using
an oxygen hose, rescuers were able to get water and Gatorade to
John’s mouth, but it is unclear how much fluid he was actually
able to take in.
At one point in the process, Ryan Shurtz was in the forward
rescuer position, manipulating John’s legs and encouraging him
to help. Ryan was unfortunately in the zone of entrapment
underneath the final deviation in the haul line, because he had
nowhere else to work. According to Dave Shurtz, the natural
bridge that the final deviation was rigged to had a sharp back
edge that had been slowly cutting through the 11mm rope
anchoring the pulleys there. During a haul, the anchor rope
snapped, sending the steel carabiners and rescue pulleys into
Ryan’s face with incredible force. This impact knocked him out,
partially severed his tongue, cut his face badly, and caused a
small concussion. When Ryan came to, he was helped out of the
crawl to the haul-team area. He was cleaned up by the medics on
scene, and then exited the cave under his own power to seek
hospital care. Ryan made a full recovery, with some scars to
show for it.
The rigging failure also dropped John down about a foot. The
drop did not injure him, but effectively ended any hope of rescue
as his condition had been severely declining. Extracting Ryan,
re-rigging the deviation with a bolt anchor, and getting the team
back in position took over an hour. During this time, John
became unresponsive. As a result, when the haul resumed, he
was no longer able to help the rescuers with his upward
progress. The haul was pulling him upward into a tight spot,
much like trying to push a cork into an upturned bottle.
Unfortunately, one of the rescuers had exited the cave and told
the press that John was nearly free and the team would have him
out in a couple of hours. It was broadcast over television news
that John was free and on his way out. Only about an hour later,
the rigging failed. Thus it was reported in many media outlets
across the U.S. that John had been freed, and then the rigging
failure caused him to fall all the way back to where he started.
Nothing could have been further from the truth.
John expired at some time between 10 PM and midnight. No
autopsy was performed but his death is believed to be the
consequence of being upside-down for over 24 hours. In this
position, the lower organs compress the diaphragm and lungs,
making each breath a physical chore. Also in this position, the
lungs can fill with fluid, and John’s breath was heard to be very
gurgly in the last couple of hours. After midnight, all rescuers
were told to go home and spend time with their families, as it
was Thanksgiving Day, and were to await instructions for a
possible body recovery over the weekend. Believing it too
dangerous to recover the body, the Sherriff’s office convinced
the family to leave John’s body where it lay. SITLA agreed to
this and had the cave sealed with a concrete plug at the entrance.
1. Andy Armstrong, Incident Report, untitled, March 9, 2010.
2. Andy Armstrong, Incident Report, untitled, December 17,
3. Dave Schurtz, Incident Report, untitled, undated.
4. Spencer Christian, Incident Report, untitled, undated.
5. Michael Leavitt, Incident Report, untitled, undated.
Comments: John made several mistakes. At 6 feet tall, and 190
lbs. he was very large for the passage he was in. None of the
rescuers of John’s size were able to get anywhere near him. He
elected to crawl head-first down a tight, nearly vertical passage.
The passage dead-ends and offers nowhere to turn around. If
John had been right-side-up, the rescuers would have had much
more time to work, and he would likely be alive today. It is
believed by many of the rescuers that on his crawl downhill,
John must have slipped and popped through the tightest part of
the passage with the aid of gravity. Otherwise it is difficult to see
how he could have made it through such a tight spot. John had
retrograde amnesia when first contacted by rescuers, supporting
the idea that he may have fallen through and hit his head.
Two lessons may be learned from this tragedy, one that is
disturbing and one that is somewhat comforting. The first lesson
is cavers can get into places and situations where rescue is not
possible. On some level all cavers know this, but John’s
predicament reminds us of this fact in a sobering way. He died
less than 15 minutes from the entrance in a cave that was
popular with inexperienced cavers. What is comforting is that
John’s particular situation is not very likely to happen again in
the near future. Very few people would have made the choice to
crawl down that passage head-first, regardless of their level of
caving experience. While being stuck underground is always a
serious situation, cavers need to be extremely careful to avoid
getting stuck in an inverted position. Because John was upside-
down, the clock was ticking, and there was not enough time to
get him out.
Whenever possible, cavers should try to convince landowners
and family members that it is generally not a good idea to leave
a body in a cave. This often seems like the right thing to do at
the time, but causes a lack of closure for both the family and the
rescuers. In addition, history (including that of James Mitchell
and Floyd Collins) shows us that this decision does not usually
hold up in the long term and eventually the body will have to be
2009 Caving Accident and Incident Reports
recovered. In this case, cavers with this viewpoint were heard,
but their advice was not followed.
In this tragedy, we not only lost a fellow human being, but also
access to one of the most popular caves in Utah. It is interesting
how cave fatalities are treated differently than other outdoor
deaths. Every year, people are killed on Utah’s ski slopes, in its
National Parks, and on its waterways. These all remain open for
business. When deaths occur underground, people’s inherent
fear of caves often causes them to make irrational decisions.
After John’s death, the landowner wanted to set charges
throughout the mile-long cave and dynamite the entire thing.
Cavers were able to negotiate a compromise to where just the
cave entrance would be sealed.
Finally, during any rescue all interactions with the press should
be handled through the Press Information Officer (PIO).
Inaccurate comments can cause a lot of confusion and hurt for
family members, rescuers, and other cavers. When the rigging
failed, John was still many, many hours from being “free.”
28 November
unnamed cave, Oregon
caver fall, injury and aid
Two beach caves are a popular destination for visitors to Hug
Point State Park on the coast of Oregon. Due to their easy
access, they are also a popular location to “have a few beers.”
Tyler (15) and Anthony (19) were doing just that when Tyler fell
while jumping among rocks in one of the caves and broke his
ankle. With the tide rising, the Coast Guard and members of the
Cannon Beach High-Angle Rescue Team were able to evacuate
the two from the cave 20 feet above the beach and transport
them by a Coast Guard MH-60 helicopter to the local emergency
service crews. The injured youth was taken to Columbia
Memorial Hospital for treatment.
Unattributed, Salem-News.com, “Cannon Beach High Angle
Rescuers and Coast Guard Rescue Two,” 28 November 2009.
Steve Moon, telephone interview notes, 8 August 2011.
Comments: The two friends had no caving gear but were within
the cave’s twilight zone when the accident occurred. Authorities
say alcohol was clearly involved.
16 December
Sloans Valley Cave System, Kentucky
caver fall, fatality
An outing to the Sloans Valley Cave System turned fatal for one
young man shortly before Christmas in 2009. Steven Troxell
(21) and his friends Brandon (26) and Brooke (21) were not
experienced cavers, but had made it about three-quarters of a
mile into the cave via the Greenhouse Entrance. Wearing tennis
shoes, and carrying a lantern in one hand, Steven slipped and fell
while trying to free climb a 30-foot deep pit at about 2 PM. He
landed on his head, in a small puddle of water, and died from
blunt force trauma. Brandon and Brooke returned to the surface
around 3 PM and called 911. It took crews several hours to
locate Steven as his friends at first refused to go back into the
cave. The Troxell family was waiting at the entrance when his
body was carried out at approximately 10:30 PM and expressed
their thanks and appreciation to the rescuers.
1. Unattributed, somerset-kentucky.com/local/x546363391/
2. Roger Alford, Associated Press, “Authorities: Man falls into
pit in KY cave, dies,” 16 December 2009.
3. Unattributed, www.wkyt.com/home/headlines/
4. Trisha Neal and Heather Pyles, Commonwealth Journal,
“Man dies after fall in Sloans Valley Cave,” 16 December
Comments: Steven’s mother said she was surprised her son
would even enter a cave as “He was always a scaredy-cat” and
“afraid of his own shadow.” Although Steven and Brandon had
been in the cave once before, the trio was ill-prepared for
exploring and did not have helmets, hands-free light sources,
gloves, or boots. This was the second fatality in this cave in
three years.
Report accidents and incidents
via the Internet at www.caves.org/pub/aca
or mail reports and information to:
American Caving Accidents
National Speleological Society
2813 Cave Avenue
Huntsville, Alabama 35810-4431
2010 Caving Accident and Incident Reports
10 January
Upper Millerton Lake Cave, California
rock-fall, stuck, no injury, no aid
Paul Martzen (55) and Eric Burke (36) were wearing shorty and
farmer-john wetsuits with Lycra and fleece. Other cavers were at
the cave or caving in the area but were not part of this group.
The two spent about an hour chimneying over the water, and
sometimes getting wet.
Apparently Paul and Eric got off route and went farther than
most to a point where the passage was pinching off. Paul was
deep into some breakdown, following the water path where it
looked like it dammed just below a small hole. It was a slithering
6-foot drop down into the water. He figured he would drop into
the hole, take a look, and head back upstream to the entrance. As
he went down he did not feel any footholds, so he grabbed a
chock stone with his right hand for support. The rock rotated and
fell into the place where Paul had just been, pinning his right
arm from the elbow to the wrist. Paul’s right arm was up,
pinched between the chock stone and a larger boulder on the side
of the hole, with the upper part of his torso to below the sternum
still in the hole, and his legs dangling in space. Paul’s left arm
was below but there was nothing to grab. There was no question
he was stuck and completely helpless.
Eric was 15 feet above and a couple of holes back when the rock
fell. He crawled down to Paul. When Eric tried to move the rock,
the rock shifted, and increased the pain on Paul’s right arm
dramatically. Paul said, “Stop! Don’t hurry! We have time. We
have to think about this and be careful.” Eric took a small rock
off of the bigger chalkstone but it was not enough. Eric was able
to pull on Paul’s wetsuit enough to gain a fraction of an inch.
Paul was able to hold the gain. Eric pulled again and Paul gained
and held the precious bits. Over 10 to 15 minutes of pulling, the
fractions turned into an inch, and then into several inches. Paul
felt his flailing heel touch a crack, was able to gain a foothold
and raise himself as far as possible below his still stuck right
With the weight off the arm Eric was able to position himself to
concentrate on the chock stone. He was able to move the rock
slightly, which allowed Paul’s arm to slide free. After the much
needed rest that followed, Paul started wiggling up the hole with
Eric’s help. The effort took several attempts with short gains,
followed by rest periods. By the time Paul had made it past the
chock stone, both were “jittery and shaky.” The trip out of the
cave went better and they conferred regularly on the correct
route to take. The two were able to exit the cave about dusk and
start the mile-plus hike down the hill.
1. Paul Martzen, Incident Report, “Close Call in Upper
Millerton Cave,” January 11, 2010.
2. Paul Martzen, email to Ray Keeler, “Close Call in Upper
Millerton Cave,” January 12, 2010.
Comments: Paul readily states that he should have tested the
chock stone’s integrity before he needed to use it, or was
underneath the rock. Loose rocks in this cave seemed unusual
because of the water flow.
This incident could have turned out much worse. Besides the
actual incident, the pair had not notified anyone exactly where
they were or when they would be back. Although there were
other cavers in the area, those cavers were not part of a backup
plan and Paul’s wife did not have anyone on the trip to call.
Thus, if a rescue call out had been made, the call out would not
have occurred until the next morning.
23 January
Bluff River Cave, Alabama
caver fall, injury, no aid
Six children and six adults went to Bluff River Cave for a
beginner trip. They made good time to the back of the cave,
where some of the group, including Kathy Schoonover, rested at
a formations area while the rest continued up to a small room at
the top of a breakdown pile. On the way out of the cave, Kathy
slipped and fell while climbing through breakdown. She fell
approximately 1.5 feet, landing on her left arm, and felt it crack.
Her husband created a makeshift sling, and she was able to exit
the cave with assistance. After the trip, they purchased a sling
from a local drugstore and then went to the hospital for care.
Kelly Rowland, Incident Report, February 3, 2010.
Comments: The patient was inexperienced, and may have been
31 January
Scott Hollow Cave, West Virginia
caver fall, injury, no aid
Andrew Medley (29) Corey (20ish) and Adam were part of an
eight-member group. They split into a faster group of five and a
slower group of three. Then the faster group split again with
three and two. Andrew, Corey, and Adam were in this fastest
group of three. Corey was very familiar with the cave and after
five hours of caving he was still moving quickly. Andrew was
“definitely tired” and struggling to keep up. Scott Hollow is a
physically challenging cave with lots of breakdown, short
climbs, and physically demanding stretches.
On the way out of the cave the three were heading up the large
passage with slippery breakdown about 200 yards from the
entrance. Andrew was last, 10 yards behind the other two, and
tired. He mis-stepped and, unable to break his fall, fell on his
side “like dead.” He was only able to turn slightly to the side
before hitting the cave floor. Andrew suffered a 1.5 inch gash on
the back of the right side of his head below the helmet, and a
huge bruise on his right hip.
2010 Caving Accident and Incident Reports
Corey came back, examined Andrew, and then they completed a
self-rescue out of the cave. Roxanne (another member of the
original group of eight) dressed the wound on the surface. The
head wound did not need stitches and took almost two weeks to
heal. The hip injury took almost four weeks to heal.
Andrew Medley, Incident Report, untitled, April 26, 2010.
Comments: Fatigue can be a precursor to incidents. Fatigue is an
aspect of caving that catches up with everyone. The hard part is
to understand that fatigue catches up with each of us at different
rates, and there are several factors that contribute to the
condition: age, physical fitness, lack of sleep the night before,
long drives, heavy exertion (as in this case), and getting cold.
If you need to take a break, say something … and take a break.
If someone in the group says they are tired or cold, note it. If it is
brought up again, stop and get some food into the caver and rest
for a while. If someone is falling behind, slow the pace down.
15 February
unnamed cave, New Mexico
medical issue, fatality
Robin Colts (46) was reported missing from her Las Cruces
home. She had walked away from her family home in her
pajamas, without shoes and without her medication. Almost
seven months later her body was found in a shallow cave near
Organ, New Mexico. Officers used ropes to get down to the
body. She still had her pajamas on, but animals and insects had
destroyed much of the flesh. There was no obvious evidence of
being shot, stabbed or injured before death. Colts had a medical
history of schizophrenia and bipolar disorders as well as illegal
drug use.
The cave is down a steep embankment near a highway. It is
unclear whether Colts fell down the steep terrain on her own or
was forced there and left to die. The autopsy was inconclusive.
Unattributed, www.krqe.com/dpp/news/crime/, “Death in
mountain cave remains mystery,” December 13, 2010.
Comments: The detective suspects this was a murder.
15 February
Benedicts Cave, West Virginia
caver fall, injury, no aid
Carl Heitmeyer (50), Dave Borger (late 30s), Mark Chai (50),
and Amos Mincin (mid-40s) went in the Persinger Entrance of
Benedicts Cave. Carl was doing a chimney climb up a canyon
and was about 6 feet off the floor when his right hand-hold, a
piece of the ledge almost the size of a football, gave way. He
was pressing up with both hands, and the accident happened as
he was moving his feet from their position. As he fell, his right
side struck a ledge about a foot off the floor that slid up into his
rib cage.
The group paused for several minutes, and then continued
caving. There was a dull ache in Carl’s side for most of the trip,
and certain movements produced a sharp pain. The pain
subsided later that day, but over the next few days it became
increasingly painful to breathe, laugh, or cough. On February 18,
he went to the emergency room. An X-ray revealed two broken
ribs. Carl was sent home with pain killers.
Carl Heitmeyer, Incident Report, untitled, February 21, 2010.
Comments: Carl indicated that he may not have been on the
preferred route at the time of the accident, and that the rock
condition was poor. Under such circumstances, it is a good idea
to maintain a minimum of three points of contact and be
prepared for rock to potentially break or dislodge.
6 March
unnamed cave, Florida
fatality, drowning
Joseph Michael Kelly (21) of Vero Beach was free diving with
two friends Saturday night near the Chassahowitzka River
Campground, authorities said. Kelly never surfaced, and divers
later found his body. He was swimming after dark with two
other men in an underwater cavern near the Chassahowitzka
River Campground, according to the Citrus County Sheriff's
Orlando Sentinel Staff, Palm Beach Post, “UCF student from
Vero dies while diving in underwater cave,” March 8, 2010.
Comments: This swimmer was holding his breath in an
underwater cave, at night. It is thought that he became
disoriented, and drowned.
9 March
Espey Cave, Tennessee
caver fall, injury and aid
Jason Porter (33) and his family were caving in Espey Cave
when Jason fell and hit his head about a mile from the entrance.
About 2 PM the call was made to rescue personnel. Deputy Reed
Bryson was the first to respond and did a solo “carry out” for
approximately the first half-mile. The group was met by an EMS
worker during the evacuation, and the EMS worker helped also
with the patient the rest of the way out. Closer to the entrance
Jason was put in a litter, and carried up the steep hill for
transport to the hospital.
1. Editor, Cannon Wire, news@cannonwire.com, “Cannon
County caving accident,” March 9, 2010.
2. Comments to “Cannon County caving accident,” March 9,
3. Tim White, CaveChat, “Stuck, Rescued in TN Cave,”
March 10, 2010.
Comments: By March 10
Jason was breathing on his own and
in stable condition. Though there were many comments by many
concerned with the incident, there was never a mention of what
kind of equipment Jason and his family (7 children) were using
on the trip (helmets? boots? lights?). If Jason had a helmet on
and was wearing deep treaded boots, this may not have been a
fall or an injury.
2010 Caving Accident and Incident Reports
21 March
unnamed cave, Illinois
cavers over-due, no injury, no aid
Two people entered a cave near Pearl to look for a reported
underground lake. A third person, who had remained on the
surface, became concerned when the explorers did not return at a
predetermined time. The two spelunkers had gone in with a
“rope” attached to them. The “rope” had some tension until they
took a wrong turn. They retraced their steps, took another route,
and the tension was removed. After waiting an additional 30
minutes, the person on the surface called for help. The local
sheriff and several fire department crews arrived on scene just as
the two were exiting the cave. They were cold but unhurt. This
incident prompted the cave’s owner to plan a cave rescue
training to be held at the site later that summer.
1. John Lovaas, Incident Report, April 8, 2010.
2. Unattributed, pikepress.com/clients/, “Emergency call leads
to training session,” March 24, 2010.
Comments: When planning a caving trip, always tell someone
where you are going and when you expect to return. Designating
a surface watch, like having three sources of light and never
caving alone, is a cardinal rule of caving. In case of a real
emergency, it is very helpful if your surface watch knows who
they should call as well.
The sheriff reported the pair was attached to a “rope” which was
probably string.
26 March
Stoner’s Den Cave, California
exhaustion, no injury, aid
Four men in their 20s entered a cave at 2 AM in the Santa
Susana Knolls area. One of the men eventually became too
exhausted to climb back out of the cave. His friends called 911
at 6 AM and 14 firefighters arrived on scene. They were able to
lower the man down to another entrance and help him exit. The
rescue took 2.5 hours.
Unattributed, vcstar.com, www.vcstar.com/news/2010/mar/27/
firefighters-rescue-man-cave, 27 March 2010.
Comments: Little information is available on this incident, but
the fact that it was a 2 AM trip to a cave locally known as
“Stoner’s Den” probably explains a lot.
6 April
Hilham Pit, Tennessee
caver fall, fatality
While investigating a cold-case homicide near Standing Stone
State Park, two sheriff’s deputies and two park rangers came
upon Hilham Pit. When Deputy Chad Prichard tried to get a
closer look into the sinkhole with his flashlight, the ground gave
way and he fell to the bottom. The pit was estimated by park
rangers to be 161 feet deep. The other deputy and park rangers
called to Prichard, but got no response. Fire and rescue crews
responded, but it became clear as they worked that Prichard had
not survived the fall. It took crews several hours to recover the
Unattributed, www.newschannel5.com/Global/story, “Overton
Deputy Dies After Fall Into Sinkhole,” April 6, 2010.
Comments: The deputies and rangers did not initially know the
cave was there, did not know how deep the pit was, and were not
equipped for caving. Had they known of the potential risks,
Deputy Prichard may not have ventured so close to the edge of
the pit.
3 May
Thunder Canyon Cave, California
stuck, injury and aid
A group of seven cavers (Luca Chiarabini, Heather, Steve, Brent
Colvin (39), Jim Ness (60), Ben, and Brian) were doing a
through trip. The five experienced cavers had done this
particular trip before. The cave is wet, and all seven had
wetsuits. They entered the upper entrance at 11 AM with the
plan of going downstream, and then deciding at the middle
entrance whether they wanted to continue. The first 45-foot
rappel was into a pool and was “mildly cold.” They all decided
to continue at the middle entrance. It took some 10-15 minutes
to set up the next 80-foot rappel and the group started getting
cold. Steve, who was second to descend, got soaked and then
had to wait. He began shaking and acting a bit erratically.
After two more rappels, the group reached the “Terrible
Traverse” at around 3 PM with no incidents. The 9-inch wide
crack in granite is traversed sideways and is so tight you cannot
turn your head. Someone placed a wood board to prevent cavers
from sliding farther down into the crack and becoming stuck.
The crack is 200 feet and less than five minutes from the
downstream end of the cave so there is motivation to go through.
The group removed and packed their harnesses. Luca went
through the crack first to assist from the entrance side. Steve was
feeling very cold and tried to rush through second. He became
stuck briefly but was able to get through with help. The next
three came through including the two new cavers. While Luca
stayed to help the last two through the crack, the four already
through tried to figure out the route to the downstream exit.
They were unable to figure out the route so Luca took them out.
When Luca returned he found Brent stuck. Brent had tried the
crack a first time, backed out and took off his wetsuit, tried a
second time and became stuck. After a while his arm got tired of
holding up his body and he slipped down to the placed block of
wood. Jim was behind Brent trying to help, but after 30 minutes
Brent was exhausted still very stuck, and he had lost his helmet
light in the struggle. Jim was the only person Brent could see
and Jim remained during the entire struggle.
By 4 PM the situation was serious. Brent was stuck with no
wetsuit between two cold walls in a chilly wind passage inside a
60-degree F wet cave. Heather was sent on the 2-mile hike to the
cars with a cell phone and car keys to call 911 and call the San
Bernardino Cave Rescue Team in San Diego.
2010 Caving Accident and Incident Reports
The new cavers (Ben and Brian) covered Brent with their
wetsuits for warmth. The helicopter spotted the cavers at the
lower entrance about 8 PM.
At 9 PM the sheriff deputy climbed down to the entrance with
Ben. He did not go into the cave and BORSTAR paramedics
were two hours away. Repeated requests for heat packets and
deploying the cave rescue team were ignored. Then the deputy’s
radio emitted “Do we need EVAC tonight or can the victim
camp out till tomorrow?” The deputy answered with “His
condition is stable and he has no numbness,” to which Luca told
the deputy “Sir, if we don’t EVAC tonight they’re dead!”
Two BORSTAR paramedics arrived at 11 PM, and were taken to
Brent. They correctly assessed the situation and asked
immediately for the cave rescue team. Meanwhile the cavers
tried to keep Brent and Jim conscious and warm.
San Bernardino Cave Rescue Team members arrived at 2 AM.
The team quickly covered Brent with thermal packets and called
for a jack to raise the wooden board. The Cave Team used the
jack to raise the board under Brent to a point where the crack is
the widest, and pulled “like crazy”until they got him out. Brent
and Jim were able to exit the cave under their own power at 4
AM where they were short-hauled by the helicopter out of the
canyon and transported to the local hospital. They had been
underground for 19 hours. The sheriff’s office was thanked for
coordinating a successful rescue.
1. Luca Chiarabini, Incident Report, “Thunder Canyon Cave
Trip Report,” May 5, 2010.
2. San Diego 6 News Team, www.sandiego6.com/news/local/,
“Two Men Rescued from San Diego County Cave,” May 3,
Comments: Stuck in a cave can be a life threatening situation.
The untrained surface personnel were unable to comprehend the
completely different climate just minutes from them. The highly
trained BORSTAR paramedics immediately understood what
they were up against and demanded help. Only then did the
command post better understand the desperate situation going on
below them.
11 May
Raccoon Mountain Caverns, Tennessee
caver fall, injury and aid
An unidentified woman (38) was on a Heritage High School
field trip when she slipped and injured her ankle. The group was
about a mile into the cave. She was unable to get out on her own
so the group sent out for help.
Patty Perlaky is a tour guide at Raccoon Mountain and is also a
member of the Chattanooga-Hamilton County Cave/Cliff Rescue
team. She and Ewing Ballard, another cave guide and wilderness
EMT, went to the incident site, splinted and “cold packed” the
leg, and waited for the rest of the Cave/Cliff Rescue team to
The rescue team brought a Stokes litter and the extraction started
shortly after 2 PM. They were out some three and a half hours
later. The patient was transported to the Erlanger Medical
Kevin Sims, News Channel 9, Chattanooga, TN, “Woman
Rescued from Raccoon Mountain,” May 12, 2010.
Comments: The extent of the ankle injury was not specified and
nothing specific was stated as to exactly how she injured her
19 June
unnamed cave, West Virginia
caver fall, injury, no aid
Twelve cavers entered a cave in Pocahontas County on June 19
for a day of surveying. The trip was a cold one and the cavers
were wet to the knees. After 13 hours underground, Doug Viner
and two companions began heading for the exit. The trip out
involved getting their chests wet momentarily in a crawl.
Despite wearing a balaclava and a neoprene vest under his cave
suit, Doug was beginning to feel the effects of the energy-
zapping cold. The group of three stopped to refuel with some
food then continued toward the exit. After ascending one rigged
drop, Doug then began to free climb an unrigged, 15-foot narrow
chimney. As he approached the top his foot slipped. He slowed
his fall by extending his arms and legs out, but nearing the
bottom, his left elbow struck a projection that sent a great
amount of force up into his shoulder. Despite discomfort, Doug
managed to complete the climb, a 45-minute crawl, and ascend a
difficult entrance pit under his own power. He was later
diagnosed with aggravated tendons and inflammation in the
shoulder joint.
1. Doug Viner, Incident Report, untitled, 19 June 2010.
2. Doug Viner, email communication, 15 August 2011.
Comments: Being an experienced caver, Doug was dressed
properly for the trip and ate high-energy foods when he felt his
energy wane. Mild hypothermia can sneak up on any of us
though, especially on long, cold survey trips. In retrospect, Doug
believes that free climbing the pitch where he fell was an
unnecessary risk, especially since the team was already wearing
vertical gear. When we are cold, wet, and tired, even little
obstacles can become difficult.
5 July
unnamed cave, Colorado
stuck, no injury, aid
At 11 AM an unidentified 16-year-old became stuck in a 30-
foot-deep crack in this popular cave. He was part of a youth
group trip of unknown size. Whether he slipped into the slot or
intentionally descended into the slot was not indicated in the
news article. Mountain Rescue was called and they implemented
a 30-foot haul, and used vegetable oil to help reduce the friction.
He was freed around 7:45 PM after being stuck almost 9 hours.
Jeffrey Wolf, KUSA-TV, www.9news.com/news/, “Teen rescued
from cave near Estes Park,” July 6, 2010.
Comments: The rescuers reported that this was the third rescue
of this type in the exact same spot. This is another example of a
leadership shortcoming. Either the 16-year-old was allowed to
make an exposed move without a belay, and he slipped or, he
2010 Caving Accident and Incident Reports
was allowed to push passage that was too tight. It is probably the
former due to the rescuer comments. Also see report about the
next incident at this location on August 20, 2010.
19 July
Rattlesnake (Gutter) Cave, Massachusetts
trapped, no injury, aid
At about 1 PM Maya Hersh (25) was exploring the cave with her
family (or friends). The passage went down, goes horizontal for
a ways and then drops into a chamber. She slid (or slipped)
down a passage about one foot wide and into the chamber. Maya
was about 30 feet underground. She tried to wiggle out for four
to five hours but was unsuccessful so her friends called for help
at about 6 PM.
About 20 rescuers responded but only four or five were skinny
enough to get into the cave. Only one rescuer was able to be in
the passage at a time and some of them were not able to fit down
past the first decline. They spent the first hour trying to help
Hersh maneuver up past the first tight areas by dangling two
ropes down into the chamber. That approach failed so they
passed Hersh a hammer and chisel allowing her to widen the
constriction about an inch and move up a bit. Hersh did much of
the work herself.
The rescuers provided food, water, a blanket, and put vegetable
oil on the rocks to reduce friction. She grew tired about midnight
and they took a break. Once she was able to get through the
constriction, rescuers were able to help her along by pulling on
webbing. After 12 hours underground Hersh was able to exit the
cave just after 1 AM. Other than some scrapes and being tired,
she was fine.
1. Ben Storrow, Daily Hampshire Gazette, gazettenet.com,
“Light of day never looked so good,” July 21, 2010.
2. L. Finch, Boston and Beyond, Now. Metrodesk,
www.boston.com/news/, “Spelunker freed after being
trapped in cave for almost 12 hours,” July 20, 2010 pp. 1-8.
3. Anthony Fay, www.wwlp.com/ddp/news/, “Woman rescued
from cave in Leverett,” July 19-20, 2010.
Comments: Now the kicker … Hersh had been into the chamber
before, solo! Somehow she had been able to effect an escape on
the previous trip and save her life. Maybe she was thinner then.
The news media accounts did not agree on whether the trip was
with family or friends or both. She was described as “an
experienced caver”. Another quote read “She’s just stuck. They
tried to pull her out, but she swelled some.”
2 August
Aden Fumarole, New Mexico
difficulty on rope, injury and aid
William Snyder (late 50’s) and his son decided to visit Aden
Fumarole south of Las Cruces. William rappelled the 100-foot
entrance pit and at approximately 11 PM his son called
authorities when he could not feel tension on the rope and
received no response when he called down to his dad. The son
said his father might have fallen while rappelling. A two man
Border Patrol BORSTAR team responded and brought him up
the pit. William was suffering from back pain and cuts, and was
airlifted to University Medical Center.
1. Unattributed, www.kfoxtx.com, “Man Rescued From Crater
Near Las Cruces,” August 2, 2010.
2. Unattributed, www.msha.gov/sosa/NearMisses/, (source
KRWG News), “Man Rescued After Falling Into Mine
Crater,” Undated.
Comments: It appears that the father had an uncontrolled or
under controlled rappel. There was also no mention of the father
having any ascending equipment.
20 August
unnamed cave, Colorado
stuck, no injury, aid
At 1:10 AM a page went out to the Larimer County SAR for a
stuck female in “the rite of passage” at Estes Park. The more the
woman tried to get free, the tighter she became stuck. The area
has several small openings between some very large rocks. The
popular route is traversed by both adults and children, and it is
easy to become stuck. Rocky Mountain National Park personnel
and Estes Park Fire personnel were able to free her in four hours.
They brought vegetable oil for friction reduction.
Unattributed, hwww.larimercountysar.org/missions2010.htm,
Comments: Visitors repeatedly get stuck in this big jumble of
boulders. In looking through three mission reports at this site,
the similarities are that the unwary explorer gets into something
tight, tries harder and gets stuck more tightly. For these rescues,
MAs are usually required, in addition to vegetable oil to help
extract the patient.
3 September
Bat Cave, Arkansas
caver fall, injury, no aid
David J. Thomas (43) was leading a speleology trip of five. They
were properly equipped with helmets with lights, boots, and
other standard horizontal caving gear. During the trip, Thomas
slipped on a mud-covered rock and fell over backwards,
extending his arm to control the fall. The fall resulted in a
dislocated right fifth finger (pinky) at the first knuckle.
The group was able to exit with no further incident. The students
were returned to the college and then Thomas was driven to the
White River Medical Center, where the dislocation was reduced.
David J. Thomas, Incident Report, November 17, 2010.
Comments: This appears to just be a case of bad luck, or the
rock was a bit more slippery than anticipated. Watch your step!
2010 Caving Accident and Incident Reports
17 September
Lava River Cave, Arizona
caver fall, injury and aid
A 50+ year-old, 5 foot 2 inch, 300 pound woman was part of a
Mormon women’s group on a weekend retreat. About 15 of the
group started touring the cave about 3:30 PM, with most having
a single, hand held flashlight. About 300 feet inside the cave,
near the bottom of the entrance slope, the woman slipped and
fell, hitting her head on the left temple, and bleeding profusely.
Others of their group came out for help. Randy Miller was at the
entrance, participating in a cave restoration project unrelated to
the Mormon group, and responded immediately. Randy wrapped
the wound with a compress bandage, and helped the woman exit
the cave. The woman was taken to urgent care by members of
her group.
Ray Keeler, Project Report to Coconino National Forest, “Lava
River Graffiti Removal Project”, October 2010.
Comments: The group of spelunkers had no helmets, most wore
tennis shoes, and most but not all had one hand held light. Some
were shining their lights for others who did not have a light. This
is totally inadequate equipment for safe caving.
6 October
Coronado Cave, Arizona
2 fatalities, murder/suicide
Walt G. Lemaire (23) and Sheryl L. Allen (23) were discovered
dead in a tent in the back of the large entrance room. A
Coronado National Monument officer started the investigation
after pulling over a vehicle for a traffic violation. The vehicle
occupants had seen the tent in the cave and asked if camping in
the cave was allowed. Investigators estimated the incident
occurred that morning and the initial indications were that it was
a murder and suicide.
Derek Jordan, willcoxrangenews.com, “Possible murder-suicide
in Coronado Cave,” October 6, 2010.
Comments: None
19 October
unnamed cave, British Columbia, Canada
difficulty on rope, no injury, aid
A two-person team was exploring an unnamed 23-meter pit on
Mount Finlayson when the female caver had difficulty getting
back up the pitch. The other caver was able to ascend up but was
unable to extricate his partner. He called 911 on his cell phone at
4:45 PM. When the 18 firefighters with high-angle rescue
training arrived, they discovered that they knew the calling party
as he had been rescued three days earlier in a separate high-angle
incident in Niagara Canyon (non-cave incident). The rescue
team sent a team member down the pit and raised the patient and
the rescuer on a tandem haul using a mechanical advantage
Erin McCracken, Goldstream News Gazette, “Rescuers free
woman from cave,” October 21, 2010.
Comments: Rescuers questioned whether it was lack of ability or
lack of equipment or a combination of both. Knowing how to
use your equipment AND how to help another caver that has
gotten into difficulty is crucial. Know your gear. Know how to
use it. Adapt when needed.
7 November
Canteen Sinks Cave, Utah
difficulty on rope, injury and aid
Benjamin Buhr (30) was with a group mostly in their late teens
and early twenties, who were exploring about 100 to 150 feet
back into the cave. The group set an anchor using a large rock
for a rappel, but while Buhr was on rappel the rock pulled loose.
Buhr fell about 10 feet with the rock-falling directly onto his arm
and over his chest. The spot is frequently free climbed and can
also be bypassed by a tight squeeze. A group member was able
to help Buhr roll the rock off. He had suffered a severe
compound fracture below the elbow.
The Cache County Search and Rescue and Logan Fire
Department were called and were able to package Buhr and
carry him out of the cave.
1. Lance M. Dickey, Incident Report, November 11, 2010.
2. Unattributed, Associated Press, www. kswt.com, “Caver
rescued in Utah with broken arm,” November 7, 2010.
3. Jennie Christensen, www.cachevalleydaily.com/news/local/,
“Arizona man rescued from cave in Sinks area,” November
8, 2010.
Comments: The cave is visited regularly, which means one of
two scenarios happened: the group rigged to something they
should not have, or the rock had been used so much that the
anchor integrity was compromised. What we can learn from this
is to check each other’s anchors and rigging, even though we
have been on the pitch before.
11 November
Fang Cave, British Columbia, Canada
caver fall, two injuries and aid
A three-person party was exploring the cave and climbing out of
a room called the Coliseum. One caver fell and landed on a
second caver. Both injured cavers were in their 20’s (a man and
a woman). The climber suffered a concussion, a chipped tooth,
and a leg injury. She was unable to make the ascent up the pitch.
The second caver received leg injuries. The third member of the
party was able to surface and call for help using their satellite
The call was forwarded to Bob Rutherford of the British
Columbia Cave Rescue. Sixty rescuers responded from eight
different rescue groups. They climbed up the mountain in shin-
deep snow to the middle entrance, where they found the two
cavers at the bottom of a 20-meter deep pitch. Both were able to
move with assistance and the 45-minute in-cave operation was
followed by a two hour hike down the mountain. The two
2010 Caving Accident and Incident Reports
injured cavers reached the ambulance by 5 AM the following
1. The Canadian Press, www.ctvbc.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/
CTVNews, “Rescuers pluck injured spelunkers from Fang
Cave,” November 12, 2010.
2. Unattributed, CBC News, www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-
columbia, “Cave explorers rescued in Prince George area,”
3. Unattributed, www.opinion250.com/blog/view/18281,
“Rescue Teams Work All Night to Help Cavers,” November
12, 2010.
Comments: This is the second time a satellite phone has been
used for rescue notification at this cave in two years. Having
three members in the party was extremely beneficial, in that the
two cavers were able to stay in the cave to help each other and
keep each other warmer while the third team member went for
17 November
Springhill Saltpeter Cave, Tennessee
caver fall, injury and aid
An unidentified man (25) and a friend were exploring when the
man slipped and fell while down climbing a wall about 400 to
500 feet in from the entrance. The slope appears to be a gradual
decent but the slipperiness was deceiving. The Anderson County
and Knox County Rescue Squads responded to the call. The man
sustained non-life-threatening injuries and was extricated after
several hours to the UT Medical Center.
Unattributed, www.wbir.com/news, “Man rescued from
Anderson Co. cave, TN,” November 17, 2010.
Comments: There were no references to the skill levels or
equipment used by the pair of explorers. Anyone can slip, and
anyone can make a misjudgment on how hard a slope will be to
negotiate. If there is a risk of falling and sustaining a substantial
injury, use a belay.
21 December
Sótano de Ahuihuitzcapa, Veracruz, Mexico
caver fall, fatality
A local resident (a non-caver), was just watching the entrance,
when he fell into the 180 meter (590 feet) deep entrance pit. An
Espeleo Rescate, Mexico team from Veracruz was alerted and
went to the cave to confirm the death. The body recovery started
at 8 AM on December 23rd and was completed by 4 PM the
same day.
1. Antonio AA, email post to Texascavers list, “Fatal cave
accident in Sótano de Ahuihuitzcapa, Mexico,” December
22, 2010.
2. Antonio AA, email post to Texascavers list, “Fatal cave
accident in Sótano de Ahuihuitzcapa, Mexico,” December
24, 2010.
Comments: This unfortunate accident could have been easily
avoided by observing basic precautions when near the edge of
the pit. The man was a local and had decided to spend the day on
top just enjoying the vista.
29 December
Lariat Cave, Idaho
stranded, no injury, aid
Three adults and seven young boys of a Pocatello Scout troop
went to visit Lariat Cave and spent the night in the cave. While
they were at the cave, the weather turned bad and they
discovered that they were unable to leave due to drifting snow.
A 911 cell phone call at 11:30 AM alerted authorities of the
problem and the scouts and dads were reached at 4:30 PM that
1. Kendra Evensen, www.idahostatejournal.com, “Scout troop
rescued after becoming stranded,” December 29, 2010.
2. John Bulger, www.idahostatejournal.com, “Official on
Scout troop rescued after getting stranded near A.F.,”
December 31, 2010.
Comments: The National Weather Service had issued a winter
storm watch with a warning for road closures for blowing snow.
The adults either did not check this, or just disregarded the
warning. Initial reports complimented the scout leaders for
“doing all the right things” until the obvious error in judgment
was brought up.
Always know the local weather status affecting the cave or
caving area to which you are going.
Report accidents and incidents
via the Internet at www.caves.org/pub/aca
or mail reports and information to:
American Caving Accidents
National Speleological Society
2813 Cave Avenue
Huntsville, Alabama 35810-4431
2009 Cave Diving Accident and Incident Reports
Ginnie Springs, Florida
equipment issues, no injury, no aid
Barbara am Ende was cave diving with new tanks (108s) and
someone of authority had convinced her that if she slid the bands
up on the tanks (which moved them down on her body), she
would now need shoulder weights to counterbalance her now
heavy feet.
The plan was simple. She and her buddy, Ken, would swim into
the Devil’s Ear without a line, drop their decompression tanks at
the warning sign, then Barbara would lead into the Keyhole.
They would then do the Bone Room circuit, and exit via the
Devil’s Eye (an easier exit).
They got to the gap and Barbara was at 1750 psi in the left tank,
2200 in the right (down from 3550 in each). Normally she
wouldn’t have broken the rule of thirds, but she felt it was OK
for this particular dive, due to the high current on exit, and
familiarity with the route.
Barbara began to have some issues with buoyancy. She was
light-weight, due to low gas and air trapped in her dry suit. She
also began having trouble keeping the air out of her feet.
They reached the sign and she had great difficulty with air in her
dry suit boots. She swam 4 to 6 times around the sign, hanging
on and trying to force her feet down. Ken tried to get her feet
down, which worked only partially and temporarily.
Barbara saw daylight and decided on an immediate exit, then
realized it was the Ear. The current was ferocious. She knew it
was critical not to get blown out to the surface, for fear of dying
of gas embolism, or getting bent. So she clung to the rocks as
best she could. She was now completely upside down with her
feet dangling above her. One foot pulled out of the overly
inflated boot. The fin was still on, but was essentially useless.
She tried climbing up the rock wall, upside down, aiming for the
20-foot decompression stop.
Barbara rode the outgoing current to the "Deco Log" at 20 feet
of water depth, reverted to a head-up orientation, and tried to
switch to oxygen, but the regulator had gravel in it. During the
process of clearing it, she drifted below the safe depth for pure
oxygen, and resumed breathing gas from her side-mount tanks
(containing oxygen-enriched air). She breathed one of her tanks
empty, but at this point she was again above 20-feet and could
breathe off the now clean O
Somewhere during this ordeal, she realized, 'A person could
panic about now.' But she didn't.
They finished decompressing, and headed for shore, but the
current was still strong in the river, and Barbara still only had
one fin. Ken managed to tow her out of the river, and they made
it to shore.
Barbara am Ende, Incident Report, “Near Disaster at Devil's Ear,
Ginnie Springs, FL, May 2009,” August 10, 2010.
Comments: Testing a new gear configuration is best done with a
simpler dive plan. Going below two-thirds of your starting gas
supply is never a good idea, even in a high-outflow cave. Part of
a cave diver’s total weight is the compressed gas in the tanks, so
using too much gas can make the diver excessively buoyant.
While it is considered bad form and difficult in high current,
going vertical to dump the excess air out of the dry suit would
have helped a lot. Her logical approach to solving the problems,
and avoidance of panic, kept her alive in a harrowing situation.
4 September
Devil’s Eye, Florida
fatality, drowning
Bruce Clark (58) was diving with Gary Hildman. They went to
the start of the Hill 400 jump, and Bruce went into "Harry's
Crack," without a jump line. Gary didn't feel comfortable, so he
waited for Bruce to return.
Gary didn't follow Bruce because there was silt coming out of
the Crack, and he couldn't see the line in the tunnel. Gary waited
for Bruce to miss him, and return. When he didn't reappear, Gary
went to the other side of the Crack tunnel to the Expressway
side. Not seeing Bruce there, and being low on gas, he exited
and got someone else (an instructor) to search for Bruce. That
search lasted around 90 minutes. Corey and Joel found Bruce
Clark’s body near the top of the Wormhole, in the Hill 400
Gary also said they started their dive with two loops up the main
line, into the Expressway tunnel, then into the Bone tunnel, and
back again to the Hill 400 jump area.
1. Lise Fisher, www.gainesville.com/article/20090904/
2. Unattributed, www.gainesville.com/article/20090908/
3. Cave Divers Forum, www.cavediver.net/forum/
Comments: There are several theories on this dive. The most
popular is that Bruce waited for Gary to enter the "Crack," then
returned to find Gary gone. Bruce then searched for Gary until
he ran out of gas (air).
Another theory is Bruce returned to the gap where he last saw
Gary, and missed the line in the silt-out, and went the wrong
way until he ran out of gas.
This appears to be a result of bad planning. If Bruce had put in a
jump line to the line in the "Crack", possibly Gary would have
been willing to follow him. That also would have eliminated any
possibility of anyone getting lost.
2010 Cave Diving Accident and Incident Reports
3 November
Eagle’s Nest, Florida
fatality, drowning
James D. Woodall (39) and Gregory S. Snowden (34) came to
Florida to attend the annual Diving Equipment and Marketing
Association show in Orlando. Though experienced open-water
divers they had no cave-diving certifications. They went diving
in Eagle’s Nest and had swum in about 1000 feet upstream, not
using scooters. Both were diving rebreathers with an 18/30 mix.
On the way back out, Woodall started showing signs of agitation
in the Super Room.
About 500 feet from the entrance and at a depth of 270 feet,
Woodall started having trouble with his breathing equipment.
Snowden tried to help Woodall and offered Woodall his bailout
gas three times. Woodall rejected the offer each time, and finally
passed out and sank to the bottom. Woodall was apparently a
very large man, so towing via swim was not an option for the
1. Joel Anderson, with contributions by Will Gorham
2. Unattributed, www.cavediver.net/forum/showthread.php/
11688-Eagle-s-nest-accident-11-3-09 Post #10.
Comments: They failed to follow two of the five "rules" of safe
cave diving. They had no cave-diving training, and were too
deep for the gas they were using.
The diluents in the rebreathers were 18/30 (18% oxygen, and
30% helium, the remainder nitrogen). This is considered by most
technical divers to be too rich in oxygen, and not enough helium
for the 270 foot depth involved. The symptoms reported by the
survivor indicate that the victim suffered nitrogen narcosis, and
possibly also oxygen toxicity. It is also possible that the
rebreather scrubber was no longer removing sufficient CO
which could have caused the victim to switch to bailout.
2010 Cave Diving Accident and Incident Reports
8 July
Peacock Springs, Florida
fatality, drowning
Patricia Barkley (67) and a male dive buddy of similar age were
a two-person team who had been diving together once a week
for the last four years. Both were introductory level cave divers.
The planned dive was the Main Line to the Crossover to the
Peanut Line. Both were wearing doubles. No jump reels were
At around 800 feet on the Peanut line, Barkley began to doubt
that her current direction was the way out and she suddenly
started swimming back towards Crossover Tunnel. The male
buddy (who was in the lead) caught up with Barkley and tried to
convince her that she was going the wrong way. He used line
arrows and pointed to the direction of the exit.
Barkley ignored this information and bolted back into the cave
system, heading back towards Crossover Tunnel.
The buddy could not keep up with her and, at some point
decided to backtrack to the Main Line, thinking that Barkley was
going to swim back the way she came. The buddy waited for her
at Pot Hole. After reaching a critically low air pressure he swam
to the basin and found Larry Green in the water. (Larry was
teaching a class at the time.)
Larry and the buddy surfaced, the buddy explained the problem,
and Larry Green immediately went in to look for Barkley. She
was found around 800 feet on the Peanut Line.
Ms. Barkley was found with her mask on, no water in mask,
regulator out of mouth, and tanks empty. Her starting tank
pressure was 3275 using hp 80's.
1. Lise Fisher, Ocala.com, www.ocala.com/article/20100708/
2. Cavedivers forum, "Diver Fatality at Peacock,"
Comments: There are several safety rules for cave-diving. The
first rule is to be trained for the type of dive, which she wasn't.
The second rule is to have a continuous guideline to the surface.
"No jump reels were installed" means that there were at least
two gaps in the guideline. The third rule is to save two-thirds of
your breathing gas for exit. We can only surmise that when she
had used the first 1/3 of her gas she wanted to exit. Apparently
she didn't understand that they had already passed the halfway
point, and were on the way OUT when she turned to go back the
way she came. This may not have happened IF there had been a
continuous guideline. It is very easy to become confused under
water. She swam right past the tunnel she had come in from,
because there was no "jump reel" installed.
2009 Caving-Related Accident and Incident Reports
9 July
unnamed abandoned mine, New Hampshire
stuck, no injury, aid
Cassandra Miller (16) was exploring with 54 other Camp
Wanakee campers in a small, abandoned lead mine (reported as
a cave) on Pine Mountain. About 4 PM she became stuck in the
tight spot known as the "Lemon Squeeze" located some 20 feet
from the entrance. The New Hampshire Fish and Game
Department received a call from a camp counselor at 4:28 PM,
and the Gorham ambulance and fire department responded. The
rescuers built a rock platform, positioned personnel on either
side of Miller, and were eventually able to free her around 7:30
PM after 3 ½ hours. She suffered no significant injuries from the
1. J.J. Higgins, www.EagleTribune.com, “Salem, N.H. girl
spends hours stuck in cave,” July 10, 2009.
2. Jarret Bencks, EagleTribune.com, “Salem, NH, teen
unscathed after being wedged in cave for 3 hours,” July 11,
Comments: There was no mention of a fall in the report. The girl
was placed in a situation where she just did not fit. This was a
leadership issue. There were 55 youth campers in the group, and
even though the mine is only 70ish feet long, putting that many
untrained youth into tight passage is questionable.
19 September
unnamed sea cave, Oregon
parasail crash into entrance, injury and aid
A woman was parasailing along the ocean cliffs of Cape
Lookout near Tillamook. She crashed into the cliff and then
swung into the sea cave entrance and under the drip line. She
was only able to cling to the rocks for about five minutes before
falling into the surf while still in her harness. A nearby hiker
witnessed and reported the crash. The Air Station Astoria
launched a helicopter crew, which located the crash site and
deployed a rescue swimmer. The rescue swimmer was able to
cut her shroud lines, keep her from being washed farther into the
cave, and get her into a rescue basket. The parasail pilot was
hoisted into the helicopter, taken to the hospital and treated for
hypothermia and other minor injuries, then released.
Deena Schroeder, Daily Astorian, “Coast Guard rescues woman
who crashed while hang gliding,” September 21, 2009
Comments: The video of the rescue showed heavy surf and
gusty winds. The parasail pilot did what she could in a bad
2010 Caving-Related Accident and Incident Reports
21 April
unnamed cave, Idaho
fatality, living in cave
Richard Zimmerman, known as “Dugout Dick,” lived in a cave
along the Salmon River. He was truly off-the-grid and lived
almost entirely off the land. Zimmerman had been at home in the
caves at the end, and “it was his wish to die there,” said Connie
Fitte, who lived across the river. Zimmerman had been in
declining health prior to his death.
Tim Woodward, Idaho Statesman, www.thenewstribune.com,
“Idaho: Man known as Dugout Dick dies in his Salmon River
cave home,” April 23, 2010.
Comments: None
18 May
unnamed cave, Arizona
fatality, living in cave
The body of a 55-year-old transient was discovered in a cave off
of a hiking trail near Kingman. The man appeared to be living in
the cave. He appeared to have died of natural causes.
Erin Taylor, Daily Miner, “Transient’s body found in cave by
trail,” May 18, 2010.
Comments: None
30 May
unnamed abandoned mine, Oklahoma
fatality, drowning
Joie Roland (31) had left his home near Fort Gibson to go solo
hiking and exploring caves on Sunday. His family reported him
as missing on Monday afternoon. Multiple agencies from
Cherokee and Muskogee Counties participated in the search and
Roland was found at 8:30 PM Tuesday evening in a lake in an
abandoned mine. It appeared he had drowned in about 10 feet of
water. He was reported by the family to be an “experienced
caver and that he’d gone out to explore the cave on his own.”
1. Josh Newton, Tahlequhdailypress.com, “Area man’s body
found in cave,” June 1, 2010.
2. Press staff writer, Tahlequhdailypress.com, “Missing hiker
found dead in cave,” June 2, 2010.
Comments: The old mine was used as a quarry by the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers to build the Fort Gibson dam. Pillars were
left about every 50 feet in the mine to support the ceiling.
Roland made numerous mistakes contributing to his death,
including going underground solo and entering the water while
6 June
unnamed cave, Quintana Roo, Mexico
6 fatalities, murder
Police found six bodies, four men and two women, in a cave
near Cancún. Three of the six bodies had been mutilated. Drug
cartels were suspected in the murders.
Radell Smith, Atlanta Pop Culture Examiner, “6 Cancun cave
murders, 3 removed hearts: Is it safe for Atlanta vacationers to
go to Cancun?” June 7, 2010
Comments: None
6 June
unnamed sea cave, California
other, marijuana found in cave
1,400 pounds of marijuana was found in a Point Loma cave near
San Diego by the Coast Guard. They had been called by a
concerned resident who noticed a small boat that was beached
around the Sunset Cliffs area. Officials moved in, arrested two
men and recovered the marijuana. The men were turned over to
the U.S. Border Patrol.
Shelby Grad, Los Angeles Times, latimesblogs.latimes.com,
“1,400 pounds of marijuana found hidden in San Diego cave; 2
men arrested.”
Comments: None
8 June
Bums Cave, Virginia
fatality, living in cave
Ricky Dean Burks (50), a transient, had been living in Bums
Cave for an undetermined time when a fire broke out. The
Roanoke Fire-EMS responded to a brush fire and after
extinguishing the fire discovered that a fire fatality had occurred.
It was later determined that the incident was not of a criminal
nature. Burks was remembered as a “really nice person,” and
“He was always wanting to help and would never ask anybody
for anything.”
1. Mary Lou Stock, Incident Report, March 10, 2011.
2. Unattributed, Roanoke Times, “Brush fire kills person in
Roanoke cave,” June 8, 2010.
3. Unattributed, WDBJ7-TV, “Friends remember man killed in
cave fire,” July 18, 2010.
Comments: The cause of the fire had not been determined;
however the death appears to have been an accident.
2010 Caving-Related Accidents and Incident Reports
11 June
Cool Caves (abandoned mine), Pennsylvania
stuck, no injury, aid
Three men (ages 18 to 20) were hiking when they decided to go
into “Cool Caves” in the Martic Township. They walked about
150 feet into the narrow passage when the second hiker got stuck
in the chest area. The second hiker’s position prevented the first
hiker from escaping. The third man was able to run back and call
for help.
The Pequea Fire Company responded, and dozens of firefighters
and rescue workers spent two hours to free the men. They used
soap and water to lubricate the stuck man and slide him out. One
of the men was treated for minor injuries.
1. Samica Knight, www.whptv.com, “Hikers trapped in cave;
freed with soap and water,” June 12, 2010.
2. Several contributors, CaveChat.org, “Pennsylvania Cave
Rescue,” June 12 through September 17, 2010.
Comments: Though this happened in an abandoned mine, an
important lesson can be learned. Always put your weakest
member, with respect to the obstacle, in the middle of the group.
In this case the obstacle was a constriction. The team put the
largest person in the middle which was the correct thing to do.
This way the other team members could help. When a self-
rescue is not possible, a team member could still leave and go
get help.
July 2010
unnamed cave, Arizona
other, drug spotter hideout
A Silverbell resident was flying his private plane in July when
he spotted someone standing near a cave at Wild Cat Peak south
of Gila Bend. Authorities were notified and law enforcement
sent a team to investigate. Hiram Rendon-Rios, a 23-year-old
illegal immigrant with communications and surveillance
equipment was arrested. He had been living in the cave illegally
and it was suspected he was a spotter for drug and illegal alien
travel activity. Rendon-Rios was deported.
1. Unattributed, www.kpho.com/news, “Sheriff: Drug Spotters
Living in Ariz. Caves,” September 15, 2010.
2. Unattributed, www.kvoa.com/news, “Illegal immigrant
arrested in cave,” September 15, 2010.
Comments: The area has been an active drug and illegal alien
smuggling route for many years. In September, night vision
equipment and weapons locked in a gun safe were stolen from
another resident’s home less than a mile from the cave.
30 July
Cool Caves (Wind Cave) (abandoned mine),
caver fall, injury and aid
The abandoned mine is right along a popular hiking trail. An
unidentified girl (13) was part of a group of 12 to 15 youths and
one adult. She was fairly far back when she slipped on the wet
rocks and fell over backwards, striking her back on the
abandoned mine floor. She also received head and neck injuries
in the fall. To reach the girl, rescuers moved single file to the
back of the mine, packaged her in a Stokes litter, and carried her
out. The girl’s injuries were not critical.
1. Amy Alexander, Intelligencer Journal/New Era,
www.emsl.com/search-rescue/, “13-year-old girl injured in
Pa. cave fall,” August 2, 2010.
2. Larry Alexander, articles.lancasteronline.com, “Girl, 13,
injured in fall in Martic cave,” August 2, 2010.
Comments: Many times an incident occurs as a culmination of
several poor decisions. In this case there was one adult with 12
to 15 children. The adult-to-youth ratio was too low. Second, the
girl was in an exposed enough position that when she fell a
significant injury occurred.
31 July
Big Four Ice Caves, Washington
fatality, rockfall
The Tam family was on a family outing to the Big Four Ice
Caves in Snohomish County. It is a mile-long hike along the trail
to the caves and they had brought a picnic lunch. Grace Tam
(11) was sitting on a rock with her parents about 15 feet outside
the entrance when a chunk of ice about the size of a pick-up
truck fell on Grace. Strangers jumped in to perform CPR while
others ran down the trail and then drove another 7 miles to get
cell phone signal. It took 2 hours and 20 minutes for rescue
workers to arrive. Grace died of crushing pelvic injuries.
1. Eric Stevick, Herald Writer, www.heraldnet.com, “Big Four
Ice Caves victim remembered for her smarts, sweetness,”
August 3, 2010.
2. Kyle Moore, KING 5 News, “Father of girl killed at ice
caves presses for safety changes,” August 13, 2010.
3. Thump-N-Seek, www.geocaching.com, untitled, July 30,
Comments: Though it was ice, this incident is placed under rock-
fall. Falling rocks around entrances is always a concern. There
are large yellow signs posted along the trail saying not to enter
the ice caves. The girl was just in the wrong place at the wrong
11 August
unnamed cave, Illinois
dog rescued from cave
Bobbie (no last name) posted a message (1:51 PM) on CaveChat
that their dog “Threat” had gone into a cave almost 72 hours
previous to the posting. A second dog had gone into the cave and
had managed to get out, muddy and wet. Bobbie’s husband
heard the dog calling for help on the third morning and contacted
the local fire department. The fire department would not go in
for an animal, only humans. One rescuer mentioned that he had
been in the cave as child and that there was a Y and a pit below
it. The dog must have fallen down the pit. Bobbie’s husband had
2010 Caving-Related Accidents and Incident Reports
been in the cave over 100 feet and was worried about his safety.
Bobbie was asking on CaveChat if anyone could help, provided
a phone number, and a location about one hour north of St.
Louis, Missouri.
“Sherppa” moved the CaveChat thread from the Diggers Forum
to the Rescue Forum. Phil Winkler contacted the Meramec
Grotto in St. Louis at 3:44 PM. By 6:30 PM five members of
Meramec Grotto were en route. By 8:50 PM the dog was out of
the cave and safe. It had taken the grotto members less than 1.5
hours from getting on site to get the dog out.
Bobbie, Sherppa, and Phil Winkler, CaveChat (CaveDiggers
Forum and Rescue Forum), “Help, Dog trapped in cave – IL,
August 11, 2010.
Comments: Our whole-hearted congratulations to the CaveChat
moderators, Sherppa, Phil Winkler, and the five cavers from
Meramec Grotto who located and rescued the dog.
30 October
unnamed cave, North Carolina
dog trapped in cave
Evie, a small terrier, had disappeared from the Griffith family
home the week before. Evie had been let out for a run and had
not returned. The Griffith family searched all over without luck
until the next day when the neighborhood dogs led them to a
narrow crack in the hillside that apparently led to a larger cave.
Would-be rescuers tried looking for and digging other entrances,
using the Jaws of Life and other tools, but were unsuccessful.
The Fire Chief suggested lighting a flare, putting it in the
entrance, and looking for smoke. This method showed smoke
coming out at one of their dig locations. The dig was widened,
the Fire Chief belly-crawled in, and discovered a big rat moving
about. After the rat disappeared, the Fire Chief was moving
loose dirt with a stick when the dirt moved and the dog plopped
out. Evie the dog had been underground for several days but was
Jonathan D. Austin, www.citizen-times.com, “Rescuers pull
terrier from cave,” November 2, 2010.
Comments: Even though using a flare was successful in finding
another entrance into the cave, this method is not recommended.
The fumes and smoke could be hazardous.
5 November
unnamed cave, Tennessee
caver fall, injury and aid
Zach Holland (20) and Matt White (18) were at a party when a
noise complaint was logged. Those involved took off when
authorities showed up. The authorities caught and arrested three,
but Holland and White ran up to the foot of Monteagle Mountain
and fell into the cave. Chattanooga Hamilton County Cave &
Cliff Team responded and spent five hours getting them out.
Holland was hospitalized in critical condition.
Staff reporter, WDEF News 12, “Two Men Rescued After
Falling in a Cave on Monteagle Mountain,” November 8, 2010.
Comments: Even though this was a cave rescue, it is listed in
Caving Related since neither of the two patients knew about or
intended to enter the cave. Running blindly through the forest in
cave country at night can be hazardous.
27 November
unnamed abandoned mine, Pennsylvania
caver fall, injury and aid
Eight teenagers were camping in the area and were exploring an
abandoned mine in Longswamp Township, when one teenager
fell and hit his head. Three of the group stayed with the injured
person while the other four went out and called 911. Several fire
departments assisted in rescuing the four teenagers. They were
treated at the Lehigh Valley Hospital for a single head wound
and hypothermia.
Staff reporter, www.wfmz.com/berksnews, “Teens Rescued From
Cave,” November 27, 2010.
Comments: This injury would probably have been avoided if the
teenagers were wearing helmets, and the fall might have been
avoided if the spelunkers had been wearing boots. Having and
using proper equipment, whether in an abandoned mine or in a
cave reduces the chance of injury.
5 December
unnamed sea cave, California
other, fatality
Kristopher Carlsen (27) was open-water scuba diving for lobster
with his father during the morning of December 4th. They were
diving north of Fraser point off Santa Cruz Island when Carlsen
failed to surface from the dive. He was determined to be missing
at 10:30 AM and an extensive search was initiated by the U.S.
Coast Guard. Carlsen’s body was recovered in a crevice at the
entrance of a sea cave.
Unattributed (Associated Press), www.sfgate.com/cgi-
bin/article.cgi, “Body of missing diver found near SB County
cave,” December 6, 2010.
Comments: This is listed under Caving Related as it is unclear
whether Carlson even knew about the cave, and his body just
washed in the entrance.
The National Cave Rescue Commission
The National Cave Rescue Commission (NCRC) is a volunteer group developed to train cave rescue personnel throughout the United
States. It is part of the National Speleological Society, and located within the Department of the Administrative Vice-President.
The NCRC does not perform cave rescues. It organizes, develops, and provides training in cave rescue techniques, maintains lists of
individuals trained in cave rescue, and can help locate rescue resources in times of need. Most NCRC-trained cavers do participate in
rescues, but not as part of the NCRC. They work as members of their local rescue teams, civil defense units, or cave rescue groups.
The NCRC also works to:
Maintain good working relationships with other rescue-oriented individuals, organizations, government agencies, and
sources of specialized equipment and services (for example, the Air Force Rescue Coordination Center and the Center
for Mine Safety and Health Administration).
Maintain current files of potentially useful equipment (for example, underground communications equipment and cave-
oriented medical kits) and services that can be obtained through the above sources.
Acquire and maintain a limited supply of certain equipment, such as special rescue litters and vertical rescue gear, in
key locations throughout the country.
Increase the number and proficiency of cave rescuers across the United States by sponsoring training sessions and
seminars, and by encouraging other caving, rescue, and EMS organizations to sponsor such educational programs.
Encourage international cooperation by developing contacts with cave rescuers and rescue agencies in other countries,
by pre-planning with these groups where US involvement is anticipated, and by inviting participation of cave rescuers
from other countries in NCRC seminars.
The NCRC is led by a Board of Regional Coordinators that includes a National Coordinator, Training Coordinator, Medical
Coordinator, and Diving Coordinator (each of whom coordinates resources and activities at a national level), and Regional
Coordinators for each of ten regions in the United States and its territories. Board members are nominated by cavers and cave rescue
personnel, and are appointed by the NSS Board of Governors. The NCRC depends on many volunteers without official positions
whose special knowledge, talents, or contacts make the network more effective.
The NCRC sponsors a week-long Cave Rescue Operations and Management Seminar each year that is held in various locations
around the United States. The seminar serves as a “boot camp” of cave rescue and provides three levels of training. Cave rescue is
constantly evolving, and the most up-to-date techniques are presented each year. In addition to the annual national week-long seminar,
the NCRC regions sponsor regional week-long seminars, regional modular seminars (taught over a series of weekends), courses in
small-group and self-rescue techniques, and weekend cave rescue orientation courses.
NCRC seminars consist of extensive classroom and field work designed to maximize the learning experience. The seminars include
lectures, demonstrations, and field exercises on underground environments, vertical rescue, mechanical advantage systems, extrication
techniques, basic medical principles, communications, and the management of cave rescue operations. Emphasis is placed on practical
skills and techniques, with realistic exercises in a variety of cave environments.
The seminars provide basic and advanced material for students, who typically include cavers, emergency services personnel, and
emergency managers. During the eight days of a seminar, students receive about 100 hours of instruction, and are on the move from
early morning well into the evening. The NCRC uses and teaches the Incident Command System (ICS) used by fire departments,
rescue squads, and other emergency agencies and services.
Course Listings and Contact Information
Information on NCRC operation, activities, and training, including contact information for NCRC Coordinators, is published each
year in the NSS Members Manual, and is also available on the NCRC website at www.ncrc.info. Upcoming seminars are announced
on the web site and in the NSS News.
National Cave Rescue Commission Course Listing and Contact Information is available on the Internet at www.caves.org/io/ncrc.
Cave Rescue Training
will make you a safer caver.
It can also help you save your life, or the
lives of your fellow cavers. Find out more at: