Area Contingency Planning (ACP)
Handbook Version 2.0 August 2018
United States
Environmental Protection
Table of Contents
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................1
Section 1: Overview of Area Planning
A. What is an Area Contingency Plan (ACP)? ...............................................................................................3
B. How is an ACP developed? ......................................................................................................................4
C. What are the benets of an ACP? ............................................................................................................4
D. What are the statutory and regulatory underpinnings of the ACP? ..........................................................5
E. What is the relationship of the ACP to other plans? ................................................................................6
Section 2: Initial Steps/Preliminary Analysis
Section 3: Area Committees
A. Initial AC recruitment .............................................................................................................................9
B. Project management ...............................................................................................................................9
C. Initial AC meeting ................................................................................................................................ 10
D. AC organization ................................................................................................................................... 10
E. AC operations ...................................................................................................................................... 11
F. AC activities and responsibilities .......................................................................................................... 11
Section 4: Scope and Content of the ACP
.................................................................................................... 15
Section 5: Essential Plan Elements............................................................................................................... 17
A. Maps .................................................................................................................................................... 17
B. Contacts and notication ..................................................................................................................... 17
C. Resources ............................................................................................................................................. 18
D. Sensitive areas ...................................................................................................................................... 19
E. Hazard analysis .................................................................................................................................... 19
F. Response strategies and worst-case discharges .................................................................................... 21
G. Response management: roles and responsibilities ............................................................................... 21
Section 6: Advanced Area Planning
............................................................................................................. 23
A. GeoPlatform ......................................................................................................................................... 23
B. EPA GeoPlatform .................................................................................................................................. 24
C. NOAA Environmental Response Management Application (ERMA) ..................................................... 24
D. Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations (CAMEO) ................................................... 24
E. LandView
6 ........................................................................................................................................ 26
F. RMP*Comp ......................................................................................................................................... 26
Appendix A: Statutory and Regulatory Authorities .................................................................................... 27
...................................................................................................................................... 27
Clean Water Act
............................................................................................................................................ 27
The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA 90)
...................................................................................................... 27
The National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP)
......................................... 29
The Stafford Act
............................................................................................................................................ 29
Homeland Security Presidential Directives (HSPD)/Presidential Policy Directives (PPD)
............................. 30
Management of Domestic Incidents – HSPD-5
............................................................................................. 30
National Preparedness - PPD-8
..................................................................................................................... 31
Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience - PPD-21
............................................................................... 32
Appendix B: Area Committee Resources
..................................................................................................... 35
Appendix C: Selected ACP Formats, Scope and Organization
.................................................................... 37
Appendix D: Selected Area Planning Tools
................................................................................................. 39
Appendix E: Sample Contact/Notication Lists
......................................................................................... 41
Appendix F: Resource Inventory Development List
................................................................................... 43
Appendix G: Response Strategy Development Samples.............................................................................. 45
Appendix H: Guidelines for Volunteers
...................................................................................................... 49
Appendix I: Acronyms
................................................................................................................................. 51
This document is intended solely for the guidance of United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) employees. It is not
intended and cannot be relied upon to create any rights, substantive or procedural, enforceable by any party in litigation
with the United States of America. EPA reserves the right to act at variance with this document and to change it at any time
without public notice. It does not substitute for the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
(CERCLA), Clean Water Act (CWA), Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA 90), or EPA’s regulations, nor is it a regulation itself.
This Handbook includes links to documents and information on non-EPA sites. Links to non-EPA sites and documents do not
imply any ofcial EPA endorsement of, or responsibility for, the opinions, ideas, data or products presented at those locations,
or guarantee the validity of the information provided. Links to non-EPA web sites and documents are provided solely as
pointers to information on topics related to area contingency planning that may be useful to EPA staff and other stakeholders.
While EPA will attempt to keep links to information timely and accurate, the Agency makes no expressed or implied
guarantees. EPA expects to review this Handbook routinely and update the links listed in the appendices as appropriate.
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This Handbook is a guide and reference for the development of Area Contingency Plans (ACPs) for environmental emergencies.
While it is primarily intended for use by United States (U.S.) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) emergency response
program personnel, area contingency planning is necessarily an inter-agency process, and the use of this Handbook to inform
other agencies of EPA’s planning process is encouraged. Because area plans are focused on specic geographic domains, with
many physical and jurisdictional variables, there can be no ‘one size ts all’ plan format, but maintaining national consistency
in the basic content is important, particularly considering the statutory and regulatory requirements by which EPA and other
agencies are bound.
This Handbook was initially developed by EPA’s Area Planning Workgroup during 2011 and 2012, revised in 2014, and
updated in 2018. It incorporates the accumulated knowledge of years of contingency planning experience. Although ACPs
are specically mandated by the Clean Water Act (CWA) as amended by the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA 90), EPA’s
responsibilities under other laws, including the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
(CERCLA), make an all-hazards approach to contingency planning desirable. The processes of planning for responses to all
types of environmental emergencies (e.g., oil discharges, hazardous substance releases, natural disasters) share common
elements that have been demonstrably successful in major responses.
In the interests of conciseness and accessibility, this Handbook will not recapitulate extensive portions of related documents,
but will list key references, including laws, regulations, and technical resources, in appendices.
This Handbook is available for download as a PDF le from EPA’s Ofce of Emergency Management web site at
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Section 1: Overview of Area Planning
A. What is an Area Contingency
Plan (ACP)?
An ACP is a reference document prepared for the use of
all agencies engaged in responding to environmental
emergencies in a dened geographic area. Throughout
this Handbook, the terms ‘Area Contingency Plan’ and
‘ACP’ also encompass the processes for developing and
managing Sub-Area Plans and Geographic Response Plans
(GRPs), which are more limited in scope than ACPs.
Under federal law (OPA 90) and regulation (National Oil
and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan,
commonly referred to as the National Contingency Plan
or NCP), all U.S. territory is divided into jurisdictional
zones for purposes of removal and response actions. The
U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) is designated the lead agency
for planning and response in the coastal zone and certain
major inland water bodies, and EPA is designated the
lead for the inland zone, with certain exceptions for
areas managed by the Department of Defense (DoD).
While this EPA Handbook is focused on inland zone
planning, it is important to note that EPA also has a role
in coastal zone planning, specically regarding oil spill
countermeasure concurrences and authorizations. USCG-
lead coastal plans and EPA-lead inland plans covering
adjacent areas must be compatible. Appendix A provides
details on applicable statutory and regulatory authorities.
Under the Clean Water Act (CWA), section 311(j)(4)
species required elements for ACPs, including:
• When implemented in conjunction with the NCP,
the ACP must be adequate to remove a worst-case
discharge, and to mitigate or prevent a substantial
threat of such discharge from a vessel, offshore facility,
or onshore facility operating in or near the area. A
worst-case discharge means: 1) in the case of a vessel,
a discharge in adverse weather conditions of its entire
cargo, and 2) in the case of an offshore facility or
onshore facility, the largest foreseeable discharge in
adverse weather conditions.
• A description of the area covered by the plan,
including areas of special economic or environmental
importance that might be damaged by a discharge. This
description should provide a comprehensive picture
of the dened area, which may be a body of water, a
watershed or a political jurisdiction.
• A detailed description of the responsibilities of an
owner or operator, and of federal, state and local
agencies in removing a discharge, and in mitigating or
preventing a substantial threat of discharge. The plan
should identify those entities with authorities and
resources for planning and response, describe their
capabilities and establish an operational framework for
these entities to ensure optimum communication and
coordination during a response.
• A list of equipment (including reghting equipment),
dispersants, or other mitigating substances and devices,
and personnel available to an owner or operator;
federal, state and local agencies; and tribal governments
to ensure an effective and immediate removal of a
discharge, and to ensure mitigation or prevention of a
substantial threat of a discharge.
• A list of local scientists, both inside and outside
the federal government, with expertise in the
environmental effects of spills of the types of
oil typically transported in the area, who may
be contacted to provide information or, where
appropriate, participate in meetings of the scientic
support team convened in response to a spill, and
describe the procedures to be followed for obtaining
an expedited decision regarding the use of dispersants.
• A description of how the plan is integrated with other
plans, including other ACPs and tank vessel, offshore
facility, and onshore facility response plans, and into
operating procedures of the National Response Unit.
• An advance planning and decision-making framework
for closing and reopening shing areas following a
• Any other information the President requires.
• Be updated periodically.
In addition, there are other provisions of the CWA that
the NCP implements through required elements for ACPs.
These elements include:
• A detailed annex containing a Fish and Wildlife and
Sensitive Environments Plan (FWSEP). The FWSEP
annex must be developed in consultation with the
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and other
interested parties, including state sh and wildlife
conservation ofcials. The annex must address
sh and wildlife resources and their habitat, and
other areas considered sensitive environments, and
provide the necessary information and procedures
to immediately and effectively respond to discharges
that may adversely affect them, including provisions
for a response to a worst-case discharge (40 CFR
• Guidelines for conducting specic tasks such as:
sampling, classifying, segregation, and temporary
staging of recovered waste; and identifying prior state
disposal approval, various waste disposal options and
a hierarchy of preferences for disposal alternatives (40
CFR 300.310(c)).
An ACP is not a rigid, prescriptive plan with step-by-
step instructions for responses. Rather it serves as a
mechanism to ensure responders have access to essential
area-specic information, as well as to promote inter-
agency coordination as a means of improving the
effectiveness of responses.
B. How is an ACP developed?
An ACP is the product of a collaborative process involving
agency stakeholders within the dened area, organized
as an Area Committee (AC). Under the direction of the
Federal On-Scene Coordinator (FOSC) for its area (33
U.S.C. 1321(j)(4)(B)), the AC is comprised of members
from qualied personnel of federal, state, and local
agencies, as well as members of federally recognized
Indian tribes, where applicable. The AC provides a forum
for these agencies to develop cooperative working
relationships while identifying issues and challenges
through preplanning of joint response efforts, and
developing solutions in advance of a response. The AC
is responsible for developing the ACP, evaluating its
implementation, and maintaining it through a continuous
improvement process by consulting with Regional
Response Teams (RRTs) and others, as appropriate.
C. What are the benets of an ACP?
Responding to the immediate circumstances of an
environmental emergency can be a challenging task.
Overlapping jurisdictions and potentially divergent
interests of the parties involved can further complicate
the response. The ACP provides a mechanism for
planning for these potential complications prior to
an incident. The ACP is a useful tool for responders,
providing practical and accessible information about who
and what they need to know for an effective response.
The process for ACP development may be as benecial
as the nal product. The AC provides a forum for all
parties to identify problems, resolve conicts, and
become informed about the issues raised by actual
and potential incidents. The AC provides an effective
mechanism for communicating and informing a wide
audience about the response and planning concepts as
part of the National Response System (NRS). The NRS is
the government’s mechanism for emergency response to
discharges of oil and releases of hazardous substances,
pollutants or contaminants. The NRS functions through
a network of interagency and inter-government
relationships that are formally established and described
in the NCP as found in 40 CFR Part 300. The AC provides
a way for federal, state, local, and, where applicable,
tribal members to dene their most signicant concerns,
ensuring that those concerns will be considered should a
response be initiated or required.
D. What are the statutory and
regulatory underpinnings of
the ACP?
ACPs were initially conceived as part of oil spill
legislation, but the ACP concept has grown beyond
that to encompass the prospect of responses to
environmental emergencies in general, including
hazardous substance releases, natural disasters and acts
of terrorism. There is a substantial foundation of laws,
regulations and executive orders that provide the basis
for ACPs, including the following:
Clean Water Act (1972): The CWA amended the Federal
Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA) of 1948 and
expanded the federal government’s authority to regulate
discharges to waterways. The Water Quality Improvement
Act, amended by the FWPCA, provided the basis for the
National Contingency Plan (NCP).
Oil Pollution Act of 1990: The OPA 90 amendment
to the CWA established ACP requirements for the NRS
to address worst-case discharges of oil and hazardous
substances and mandated facility-specic plans (facility
response plans (FRPs)) for certain categories of facilities.
Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation, and Liability Act (1980): CERCLA
established a federal emergency response program to
deal with immediate threats from hazardous substances
and pollutants or contaminants (excluding petroleum
as provided by 42 U.S.C. 9601(14) and (33)) and a
remedial response program to deal with hazardous
waste sites requiring actions consistent with a
permanent remedy.
Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-
Know Act (1986): EPCRA amended CERCLA by
adding requirements for community-based emergency
planning, through State Emergency Response
Commissions (SERCs), Local Emergency Planning
Committees (LEPCs), and public disclosure of hazards
associated with certain facilities.
The Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency
Assistance Act, as amended: The Stafford Act provides
the authorities and funding for federal support to state
and local entities in responding to major disasters
and emergencies.
National Response Framework (2008): The NRF is
the federal executive document that provides the
national blueprint for how the Nation conducts all-
hazards response.
National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution
Contingency Plan, commonly referred to as the National
Contingency Plan (40 CFR Part 300, last substantial
amendments in 1994): The NCP is a federal regulation
that codies certain authorities and responsibilities of
designated federal agencies for responding to releases
of oil, pollutants and hazardous substances. The NCP
requires each federal Region, through its Regional
Response Team (RRT), to develop RCPs. ACPs exist under
the umbrella of the applicable RCP.
Executive Order 12580 (1987): Executive Order 12580
implements CERCLA, including delegating lead response
authorities to EPA and USCG and requiring the NCP to
provide for national and regional response teams (NRT
and RRTs).
Executive Order 12777 (1991): Executive Order
12777 implements OPA 90 by outlining emergency
response procedures for discharges of oil and hazardous
substances, including delegating authority to designate
areas, appoint AC members, determine the information
to be included in ACPs, and review and approve plans for
the inland zone to the EPA Administrator.
Presidential Directives: Homeland Security Presidential
Directives (HSPDs) and Presidential Policy Directives
(PPDs) are executive orders that address specic issues.
HSPD-5 covers incident management, and requires the
establishment of the National Incident Management
System (NIMS). PPD-8 focuses on improving the overall
preparedness of the nation to respond to emergencies.
PPD-8 replaces HSPD-8. PPD-21 addresses the protection
of the nation’s critical infrastructure. PPD-21 revokes
State Laws and Tribal Codes: Each state, territorial and
tribal entity has its own laws, codes, and regulations that
apply to environmental emergencies. As partners in the
ACP process, these entities identify which agencies and
requirements are relevant to the ACP.
Local Laws: Each locality participating in the ACP
process identies which of its laws and ordinances are
relevant to the ACP and which agencies will participate
in the ACP process.
A more detailed summary of the statutory and regulatory
basis for ACPs is included in Appendix A.
E. What is the relationship of the
ACP to other plans?
The NCP regulation is the foundation for interagency
contingency planning, and establishes the authorities,
responsibilities and relationships of agencies when
responding to environmental emergencies. RCPs extend
the NCP model to a narrower regional focus, bringing
in states and other entities to focus on region-specic
concerns, as described below.
In Executive Order 12777, the President delegated
the authority to designate areas, appoint AC members,
determine the information to be included in ACPs, and
review and approve plans for the inland zone to the
EPA Administrator.
The EPA Administrator, through
delegation 2-91, initially designated thirteen geographic
areas already covered by RRTs, and the RRTs as the initial
ACs. The EPA Administrator also delegated Regional
Administrators the authority to designate different
geographic areas within their Regions and appoint
different AC members. Regional Administrators are
authorized to delegate the authority no lower than
the Division Director level. For this reason, a RCP may
function as an ACP if the EPA Regional Administrator
(RA) or their designee determines that there is no
need for formally dening multiple ACPs within a
region. Sub-regional concerns may also be addressed by
Sub- Area Plans, which are more limited in scope, but
include many of the same elements as ACPs. GRPs may
also serve to address sub-regional concerns since their
focus is on specic response strategies and tactics for
narrowly-dened areas. If the RA determines that the
RCP will serve as the sole ACP for the region, the RRT
assumes the responsibilities of the AC as described in 40
CFR 300.205(c). In this case, the RRT solicits states and
federally recognized tribes for local representatives to
serve on the AC. Representatives from nongovernmental
organizations (NGOs) and the private sector may
participate in AC activities that are open to the public.
ACPs also interface with plans developed by state and
local authorities, and by vessel and facility owners/
operators, as well as with other ACPs in bordering
jurisdictions, such as those developed by USCG. The
diagram below illustrates the relationships between the
various plans.
There are three levels of contingency plans under the
national response system: National Contingency Plan,
Regional Contingency Plans, and Area Contingency Plans.
The relationships between these plans and other planning
mechanisms are described below.
Relationship of Plans
Joint Plans
National Oil and Hazardous
Substances Pollution
Contingency Plan (NCP)
National Response
Framework (NRF)
Regional Contingency
Plans (RCPs)
Agency Internal
Response Plans
Response Plans
Area Contingency
Plans (ACPs)
Plans integrated with the ACP
Points of coordination with the NRS
Plans of the National Response System (NRS)
See summary of CWA ACP provisions in Appendix A.
Section 2: Initial Steps/
Preliminary Analysis
The decision to initiate the development of an ACP separate
from the RCP or to update an existing ACP (or a Sub-Area
Plan or a GRP) should be preceded by an analysis by the
lead federal agency’s designated On-Scene Coordinator
(OSC). In considering this decision, it is important to keep
in mind that ACPs need to be adequate to remove a worst-
case discharge and to mitigate or prevent a substantial threat
of such discharge from a vessel, offshore facility, or onshore
facility operating in or near the area. The initial forum for
this analysis is most often the RRT because ACPs are reective
of areas encompassed within the RCPs. The stimulus for
developing a separate ACP or updating an existing ACP may
be lessons learned (e.g., a new worst-case discharge), the
experiences of agencies during the response to a major
incident, a pro-active effort to protect newly-identied
sensitive resources, or to address issues related to high-risk
facilities. There are no constraints on what the ACP-dened
areas are within the region provided they are within the RCP
jurisdiction (e.g., state jurisdictional boundaries, state need
for specic measures within its boundaries, geographical
determinants such as a watershed that encompasses sensitive
resources). Regardless, if the RRT determines that a separate
ACP should be considered, or if the AC determines that an
update to an existing ACP is needed, then the RRT or AC
should establish an ad hoc committee of interested agencies
to conduct an initial analysis, which should reect the
following considerations:
1. An inventory and assessment of existing plans,
including the RCP and any other federal, state,
regional and local plans, and an assessment of
the effectiveness of these plans, including the
identication of gaps and other inadequacies that
could be remedied.
2. Identication of the portions of existing plans that
are adequate and can be incorporated into a separate
or updated ACP.
3. Identication of potential sub-areas within the
ACP boundaries that may require special attention,
leading to Sub-Area Plans.
4. Review of data and information from past incidents
(e.g., after-action reports, lessons learned, unresolved
issues). This review is to identify specic problems
that the separate or updated ACP should address.
5. Identication of sensitive areas, including
environmental, cultural and economic resources.
6. Identication of jurisdictional overlaps/conicts.
7. Identication of high-risk facilities and critical
8. Assessment of natural disaster risk and impact.
9. Estimates of the time and resources required for
developing the separate ACP or updating an
existing ACP.
10. Identication of key qualied personnel of federal,
state, and local agencies, and federally recognized
Indian tribes, where applicable, that should be
invited to participate in the AC.
11. Assessment of the consequences of not developing a
separate ACP or updating an existing ACP.
12. Consideration of the expansion of other Sub-Area
Plans and Response Plans beyond their current
geographic area.
If the initial analysis concludes that there is marginal or no
environmental benet from developing a separate ACP or
updating an existing ACP, then the RCP should remain the
operative plan and function as the ACP, provided the RCP
meets the statutory obligation of an ACP.
If the conclusion of the initial analysis is that there would be
an environmental benet from developing a separate ACP, the
next step is to establish an AC. EPA, as the lead federal agency
for the inland zone, should be designated to conduct outreach
and provide information to potential AC members.
Section 3: Area Committees
A. Initial AC recruitment
The rst task is to identify the qualied personnel of
federal, state, and local agencies, and federally recognized
Indian tribes, where applicable, that should be involved
in developing the ACP. Beginning with the list developed
during the initial analysis, a summary of the analysis
and an invitation to join the effort should be distributed
by EPA, the agency responsible for the inland zone. This
rst invitation list may be supplemented with additional
invitees as the effort gains visibility, with the objective to
be as inclusive and comprehensive as possible.
Potential members include:
• Existing RRT member agencies
• Other state/territorial/tribal agencies
The lead state agency representative to the RRT
should identify other state agencies with interest and
expertise relevant to ACP development
• Regional and local agencies
The LEPCs within the area should be the initial
contact point for developing a list of potential
• Federally recognized Indian tribes, where applicable
Responses to the solicitation should be evaluated
critically. Every invitee may not be able or willing to
participate, so consideration must be given to identifying
those that are most important to the success of the effort
and potential incentives to encourage their participation.
The number of AC members is variable and it is likely
that several tiers of participation will emerge.
The AC recruitment phase may require several months
of dialog with critical members that are reluctant to
commit for various reasons (e.g., time constraints,
limited resources). A decision by EPA must be made as
to whether enough of the key members have committed
to warrant proceeding with the initial AC meeting or
whether additional preliminary work is needed.
B. Project management
Concurrent with the solicitation of participants, EPA, as
the agency responsible for the inland zone, should begin
scoping the project because the costs and the timeframe
will be important factors to potential AC members. Cost
and schedule estimates should be developed based on
previous experience. Other available ACPs that meet the
regulatory obligations should be reviewed to identify
an appropriate model and the AC for the selected model
should be contacted to obtain realistic costs and schedule
information. This rst estimate should include:
• Stafng requirements and costs
• Travel costs
• Contractor support requirements, sources, and costs
• Overall funding requirements and sources
• Time-line
C. Initial AC meeting
If responses to the solicitation indicate sufcient interest
by potential participating AC members to proceed with
the effort, an AC formation meeting should be planned.
EPA, as the agency responsible for the inland zone,
should prepare a brieng package for the meeting,
including the initial analysis and the presumptive
schedule and budget, and related materials. Materials
should be made available to invitees in advance.
The meeting date and location should be selected
with care to afford maximum participation. Special
consideration should be given to critical members, as
appropriate, and to encourage the support of state, local,
and tribal co-hosts for this collaborative effort.
General elements of an initial meeting agenda include:
• Welcoming remarks by co-hosts
• Brieng by EPA, as the agency responsible for the
inland zone, on overall context, authorities, analysis,
AC functions, projected schedule, and budget
• Opportunity to review sample plans from other areas
• Opportunity for clarifying questions and dialog
• Opportunity to opt for non-participation or
information-only status
• Opportunity for potential members to describe their
interests, authorities and resources
Discussion of obstacles (e.g., budgetary,
Immediate follow-on meeting to plan for rst
formal meeting following the formation meeting
The initial meeting of the AC should focus on the
following basics:
• AC membership and organization
Mail and email lists
Identication of other possible AC members for
further solicitation
Agreement on chair/co-chair agencies
• AC protocols
Meeting locations and scheduling, record-keeping,
• Review of the initial analysis
Is the area covered by the ACP dened appropriately?
Are there errors or gaps in the initial analysis?
• General agreement on scope and schedule for ACP
• Review of resources available for ACP development, as
well as potential resource constraints
• Review of potential obstacles
• ACP format, focus, level of detail, and distribution
Subsequent AC meetings should focus on the specic
tasks of ACP development.
D. AC organization
The AC may consider various options as there are no
specic models or organizational requirements beyond
what has been discussed above. The formality of the
organization will mostly be a function of its size; smaller
ACs can be more informal and collegial, while larger ACs
may require more clearly-dened structure.
The qualied personnel of federal, state, and local
agencies, and of federally recognized Indian tribes,
where applicable, will likely fall into three groups:
• Key players: Those with an active interest and with
sufcient resources to play an active continuing role in
the AC.
• Supporting players: Those with active, but limited
interest or resources that may participate on specic
• Observers: Those that want to know about AC
activities, but have no active role.
Organizationally, key players should be included in an
executive committee or should act as chairs of potential
subcommittees. Supporting players should be offered
roles and positions tailored to their expertise and time/
resource limitations. Observers may be kept informed
through periodic reports and should be offered the
opportunity to provide input and comment regarding
elements of the ACP as they are developed.
In addition, potential participants that are not members
of the AC, but wish to attend specic AC activities open to
the public may include representatives from:
• NGOs:
Entities such as industry associations and
environmental organizations
• Private sector entities, including regulated facilities:
Entities with facilities required to have FRPs and
others identied as high-risk in the initial analysis
• ACP development: The AC’s primary task is
to produce a nal ACP that meets all statutory
requirements, as well as NCP regulatory requirements
and the needs of the AC members.
• ACP publishing and distribution: Once the nal ACP
is developed, the AC should decide on the modes of
publication (e.g., hard copy, electronic, internet) and
the scope of distribution.
• ACP evaluation: Once the ACP is distributed, the
AC should establish a mechanism for evaluating its
effectiveness. The ACP itself should contain contact
addresses for receiving feedback and the AC should
periodically consider comments received for possible
future amendments. In evaluating the ACP, the AC may
consider ndings from the OSC after-action analyses of
signicant incidents and exercises.
• ACP updates and modications: Technological
advances, jurisdictional and organizational changes,
infrastructure changes, and other factors may lead
to a perceived need to modify or update the ACP.
The AC should consider establishing an appropriate
update cycle. In addition, a means for providing
interim updates should be established for signicant
events that cannot be deferred to the update cycle
(e.g., identication of new worst-case discharge
scenarios from vessel response plans and FRPs that are
higher than the worst-case discharge in the current
ACP). Acting in this manner makes ACP version
control and date-stamping an essential part of ACP
management and enables all users to work with the
most current information.
• Inreach and outreach activities: At a minimum, the
AC may be requested to provide reports on progress
to the RRT. Beyond that, the AC should consider how
information should be disseminated among the area
community. The AC may serve as a clearing-house for
planning- and response-related news. AC members
should inform their own agencies about the ACP and
how to access and use it, so that all responders are
equally prepared when an incident occurs. The AC
should also be prepared to respond to requests for
information from outside entities and organizations;
this may require the preparation of fact sheets and
brieng materials that provide a general overview of
the ACP.
• ACP Fish and Wildlife and Sensitive Environments
Plan (FWSEP): In order to provide for coordinated,
immediate and effective protection, rescue, and
rehabilitation of, and minimization of risk of injury
to sh and wildlife resources and habitat, ACs are
E. AC operations
Each AC is headed by the FOSC for its area: EPA personnel
for the inland zone and USCG personnel for the coastal
zone. EPA will chair the committee in areas where joint
inland and coastal planning is conducted. Member
assignments are voluntary, and should be based on the
interests, expertise, and time/ resources commitment
required to execute the assigned tasks. Key AC operations
are the following:
Review and approval processes: As tasks are completed,
the AC determines what levels of review are required,
both within the AC itself and for RRT member agencies.
Draft ACP elements should be broadly distributed for
review and comment, with reasonable deadlines (e.g.,
30 days). When the AC determines that the ACP is
complete, the ACP should be submitted to the involved
EPA Regional Administrators (or their designees) for
nal approval. (See Appendix A, April 24, 1992 Federal
Register Notice.)
Documentation, record-keeping and administrative
support: An important early AC decision is to
determine the appropriate level of record-keeping
and documentation, and the amount of administrative
support required to maintain this level. Administrative
support may be provided by staff from participating
agencies or from their support contractors and includes
the maintenance of les, distribution lists, web sites, and
other tasks.
Reference materials library and distribution: As the
ACP process evolves, the set of reference materials
supporting the ACP will grow. Maintaining this set
and ensuring that all AC members have access to it is a
separate administrative support task.
Membership management: The most important part
of this task is the maintenance of the AC membership
and distribution lists, ensuring that mailing addresses,
email addresses and phone numbers are accurate and
current. For those members of the AC with specic AC
responsibilities, back-up or alternate members should also
be identied to ensure continuity is maintained when a
member is unavailable.
F. AC activities and responsibilities
The lead agency designated FOSC is responsible for
developing and managing the ACP through the AC. These
tasks may include, but are not limited to:
required to incorporate into each ACP, a detailed
annex containing a Fish and Wildlife and Sensitive
Environments Plan (FWSEP) that is consistent with
the RCP and NCP. The annex is to be prepared in
consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
NOAA, and other interested natural resource
management agencies and parties. The FWSEP annex
is to address sh and wildlife resources and their
habitat, and include other areas considered sensitive
environments in a separate section of the annex,
based upon AC recommendations. The annex will
provide the necessary information and procedures to
immediately and effectively respond to discharges that
may adversely affect sh and wildlife and their habitat
and sensitive environments, including provisions for a
response to a worst-case discharge. Such information
is to include the identication of appropriate agencies
and their responsibilities, procedures to notify these
agencies following a discharge or threat of a discharge,
protocols for obtaining required sh and wildlife
permits and other necessary permits, and provisions
to ensure compatibility of annex-related activities with
removal operations. The FWSEP annex requirements
under 40 CFR 300.210(c)(4)(ii) are available at
• ACP Environmental Tradeoff Analysis: The NCP
does not require the use of any specic methodology
to identify protective strategies that may minimize
the potential environmental impact of hazardous
substances releases or oil discharges. However, some
contingency planners have used Net Environmental
Benet Analysis (NEBA), a methodology for
identifying and comparing environmental tradeoffs
of alternative management options in the removal of
discharged oil or released hazardous substances to
address this goal. Environmental tradeoffs are often
characterized as the contrast between avoided loss
of environmental or ecological services attained by
using a given removal technique to remove the oil (or
combinations of various removal techniques) with the
potential environmental harm that another removal
technique or combination thereof may cause. When
developing ACPs, RRTs and ACs should use the best
available scientic information to assess environmental
tradeoffs. An environmental tradeoff analysis for oiled
sites typically involves the comparison of the following
management alternatives:
Leaving contamination in place for natural attenuation;
Removing the contaminants through traditional
removal techniques (e.g., mechanical recovery);
Remediating contamination with alternative removal
techniques; and
A combination of the above.
This analysis involves agency personnel with
environmental responsibilities that include evaluating
environmental or ecological services (e.g., natural
resource trustees), assessing adverse impacts, and
evaluating removal actions. In addition, this type of
tradeoff analysis may be applied to environmental
management options. To do this, a balance of resource
managers and emergency responders from federal, state
and local agencies would coordinate in forming opinion,
guiding discussion and educating each other in processes
of importance and concern.
Each resource manager and emergency responder is
responsible for implementing their statutory obligations
and thus weighing the value of natural resources in a
manner that reects the agency’s mission. It is important
to note that, while environmental tradeoff analyses may
be useful in informing the selection of response options,
some response options (e.g., chemical countermeasures)
have applicable statutory and regulatory requirements
that must be considered and take precedence over any
environmental tradeoff analysis results.
An environmental tradeoff analysis has the potential
to assist resources managers with a wide array of
information, including the possibility that selected
removal alternatives may provide marginal or no
environmental benet relative to natural attenuation of
contaminants and ecological recovery. An alternative
removal option may provide marginal or no
environmental benet because:
The removal action is ineffective or inappropriate
(the action does not substantially change the risk);
The removal alternative causes environmental
injuries greater than the damage associated with
the contamination, the ecological injury from
contamination has been overestimated, or injuries
associated with removal were not properly
addressed; or
The removal alternative provides an environmental
advantage to one environmental compartment, but
causes unacceptable injuries to another.
Environmental tradeoff analyses have the potential to
help resource managers plan a removal that minimizes
adverse environmental impacts relative to other
alternatives that are equally viable under the applicable
statute(s) and regulation(s). These analyses may be
useful when multiple alternatives minimize adverse
environmental impact, but the specic approach or
combination of options that would minimize damage is
not apparent without formal analysis.
See Appendix D for examples of sensitive areas inventories.
• ACP-based drills and exercises: Under 40 CFR
300.212, the OSC is to periodically conduct drills
of removal capability (including sh and wildlife
response capability), without prior notice, in areas for
which ACPs are required by 300.210(c) and under
relevant tank vessel and facility response plans. The AC
should encourage its members to use the ACP when
conducting drills and exercises in internal agency
venues and in inter-agency exercises. The AC should
ensure that exercise evaluations relating to the ACP are
included in the ACP review process.
• ACP-related training: The AC may develop and
sponsor training activities to improve the ability of
responders to access and utilize the ACP. These may
be specic to the ACP or may include more general
topics, such as NIMS-ICS courses, health and safety
courses, or spill response courses. For electronic and
web-based ACPs, the AC should consider the need for
training in the use of software that may be required
for access and utilization.
See Appendix C for examples of AC organization,
documents, agendas and processes.
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Section 4: Scope and Content
of the ACP
• ACP coverage: The area covered by the ACP may
be dened by geographic features, jurisdictional
boundaries, or both, at the discretion of the AC. Under
the direction of an OSC and subject to approval of EPA,
within the inland zone, each AC, in consultation with
the appropriate RRTs, USCG District Response Groups
(DRGs), the USCG National Strike Force Coordination
Center (NSFCC), Scientic Support Coordinators
(SSCs), LEPCs, and SERCs, is to develop an ACP for
its designated area. This plan, when implemented
in conjunction with other provisions of the NCP,
should be adequate to remove a worst-case discharge
under 40 CFR 300.324, and to mitigate or prevent a
substantial threat of such a discharge, from a vessel,
offshore facility or onshore facility operating in or
near the area. Within the ACP boundaries, sub-areas
may be dened where there are unique circumstances
that may require tailored response strategies.
• Areas of special economic and environmental
importance: The ACP is to include an inventory of
features within the area that require awareness by
responders when developing response strategies.
Examples of special economic and environmental
importance include:
Critical infrastructure: Utilities (such as drinking
water intakes, water and wastewater treatment
plants, and major electrical power plants and
transmission lines), transportation infrastructure
locations, corridors and facilities, and other
infrastructure elements may require specic
protection measures, special notication or access
protocols or have other unique attributes that
may affect a response. Other examples may be
recreational or commercially-signicant areas. The
ACP should identify these features and provide
guidance on how they should be considered in
response strategies.
Environmentally sensitive areas: The ACP is to
identify areas within its bounds that may require
tailored protection or response strategies due to
unique environmental attributes. These may be
endangered species habitats or other areas dened
by the AC. In each case, the ACP is to provide
guidance on how responders should incorporate the
needs of these areas into response strategies.
Culturally sensitive areas/Traditional Ecological
: The ACP should identify historical
landmarks, archeological sites, tribal lands and other
features that may require special protective measures
or interaction with trustees or tribal authorities.
High-risk locations: The ACP should identify xed
facilities and locations that present a high risk of
release of oil or hazardous substances. Once these
facilities and locations are identied, the ACP should
then address location-specic response strategies and
preparedness, such as the pre-staging of response
equipment. To the extent that these locations may be
subject to regulatory requirements, such as facilities
required to have an FRP under 40 CFR 112.20, the
ACP should reference or provide a link to the FRP or
other appropriate response plan. The ACP should also
reference and, whenever possible, link to plans and
other information developed by LEPCs within
its bounds.
Natural disaster impact areas: The ACP should
incorporate information relating to locations that
may be susceptible to natural disaster impact (e.g.,
ooding, earthquakes), and provide references or
links to related disaster response plans at the federal,
state, and local levels.
• Identifying and integrating with other plans: The
ACP is to identify and dene its relationship to other
contingency plans that are within, adjacent to, or
overlapping the ACP dened area. These plans should
be reviewed to ensure the ACP is consistent with them,
and the owners of these plans should be informed of
the ACP’s status and receive copies of the nal ACP. If
there is a reasonable prospect of an incident occurring
that impacts both the ACP area and an area covered by
an adjacent plan, the AC should establish notication
and coordination protocols with the adjacent entities.
Examples of other plans to consider include:
Adjacent RCPs and ACPs and international
border plans
State and local plans and private sector plans (FRPs
and Risk Management Plans (RMPs))
• Overall ACP formats: The AC should review example
formats for the ACP to determine the most appropriate
t for the needs of area responders. The primary
purpose of the ACP is to serve as a response tool. The
primary customers of the AC process are the area
responders, so an effective ACP is portable, easy to
navigate, and accurate.
• ACP maintenance: Once the ACP is issued in nal
form, the AC should implement a management and
maintenance process to keep the ACP current and to
incorporate improvements. A regular update cycle
should be considered to provide for changes that are
not time-critical, but interim amendments may also
be appropriate to reect signicant changes within
the dened area. Version control should be established
and an interim update process is critical. Certain
portions of the plan, such as contact lists, may change
frequently and should be maintained separately from
the plan itself.
• Downloadable and internet-accessible ACPs:
Consideration should be given to distribution of the
ACP in electronic form, to usability on smart phones,
tablets and PCs, and to providing access to the ACP
via internet.
Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) is the accumulated knowledge American Indians and Native Alaskans have about their environment.
It is important for scientic research, but is threatened by environmental change. EPA is working with tribal and Native Alaskan communities
to incorporate TEK into environmental science, policy, and decision-making.
See reference document Guidance for Preparing Tribal Emergency Response Plans in Appendices B and G.
Section 5: Essential Plan Elements
A. Maps
Maps are central to ACP development and utilization. The
variety of mapping formats, platforms, and applications
is constantly increasing and evolving. Mapping tools
should be evaluated in terms of accuracy, accessibility,
usability for responders in the eld and ease of
maintenance and updating. Appendix D provides links
to mapping tools that have proven useful during ACP
development in the past.
B. Contacts and notication
Contact and notication lists should be maintained for a
variety of purposes. These lists may include:
• Lists relating to the AC and the ACP itself, the rst of
which includes individuals and entities engaged in ACP
development and maintenance. Other lists may cover
those that receive ACP copies for information only.
• Lists related to response operations should cover both
immediate notications when an incident occurs and
contacts during response operations when assistance
is required from an entity listed in the plan with
knowledge, authority, expertise or resources required
by the Incident Commander (IC)/Unied Command
(UC). In general, these lists should be maintained
separately from the plan itself, since they may contain
information that should not be widely disseminated.
Lists of this type are not intended to supplant existing
notication protocols, but reinforce and supplement
them by adding information specic to the area
covered by the ACP. Response operations lists should
include 24/7 contact information for all essential
response entities.
• All lists should include mail, email, land line, and
cell phone contact information, as well as back up
numbers if the primary contact is unavailable, and
general agency ofce numbers.
• List management should be through a central
administrative support control point.
In addition, to ensure national consistency and build
further redundancy into notication procedures, the
area and sub-area plans should also incorporate any
potential cross-boundary considerations for state, local,
and tribal jurisdictions. These may include reviewing
and strengthening notication procedures in areas
where RCPs cascade into applicable area and sub-area
planning, specically:
• Review ACPs to strengthen and update downstream
notications as needed;
• Secure appropriate actions to improve tribal
• Review notications with Canada, Mexico, the British
Virgin Islands, and applicable Oceania countries;
• Develop and regularly reassess all notication
call trees/protocols/contact lists/rosters, including
upon completion of notication/table top and/or
other exercises;
• Coordinate area planning with local, state and tribal
governments, as they are an essential part of the
response planning process.
C. Resources
The resources section of the ACP is perhaps the most
difcult to develop and manage, primarily because of
the sheer magnitude of developing an inventory of the
personnel, equipment and capabilities of all response
entities in the dened area, and the difculty of keeping
the inventory current. It is advisable that the AC detail
and focus on the capabilities of the response entities
and appropriate resources. If the IC/UC requires specic
information from a response entity, contact points can be
provided to obtain the most current information directly
from the provider.
Resource information is generally organized by the AC.
The information may be organized by resource category,
agency, type of incident or some combination of these
or other categories. Regardless of the organization, there
are minimum requirements that should be incorporated
into the inventory. After determining the organizational
concept, the AC should identify the initial resource
requirements and establish a spreadsheet format for
agencies to enter their resource information.
• General capabilities: Each entity identied as
potentially having a response or response support role
should describe its authorities, areas of jurisdiction,
areas of expertise, types of available personnel and
equipment and general response capabilities, including
access to funds.
• Personnel: The inventory may include numbers of
available personnel, eld-deployment qualications
(including OSHA qualications), Incident Command
System (ICS) qualications, areas of technical and
scientic expertise, mobilization response times, non-
deployable support personnel, secondary resources
(available through contracts or mutual aid/ Emergency
Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) agreements),
and any other criteria that the AC identies as necessary.
• Equipment: Subcategories may include assessment,
soil/water/air sampling, eld categorization,
ambient monitoring, aerial survey/remote sensing,
transportation, eld logistics, transportation, heavy
equipment, booms, pumps, skimmers, personal
protective equipment (PPE), mobile command posts
(MCPs), communications, and data management.
• Laboratories: Identication of entities that have
access to analytical capability, general descriptions of
capability, and access procedures and contact points.
• Volunteer Resources: Management of volunteer
resources presents unique issues regarding training,
safety, liability and integration with the response
organization. The ACP should provide links to policy
documents relating to volunteer management and
to local organizations with volunteer management
expertise. The NRT has developed guidance to address
these issues (See Use of Volunteers Guidelines for Oil Spills in
Appendix H).
In applying this guidance to the ACP, the AC should
ensure that the ACP includes an inventory of potential
volunteer organizations, with brief descriptions of
their interests, capabilities and contact information.
To develop this list, the AC should task a workgroup to
conduct outreach to volunteer organizations to inform
them of ACP activities and the parameters for response
participation, including training, safety and liability
management requirements, and to identify potential
obstacles to successful integration of volunteers into the
response organization. The AC should also consider the
unique issues involving the use of volunteers during a
If the AC determines that volunteer management may
be a signicant factor in responses, then additional
actions may be needed, such as inviting volunteer
organizations to attend specic AC meetings that are
open to the public, developing advance and/or just-
in-time training programs in NIMS/ICS, safety (e.g.,
HAZWOPER) and technical response subjects (e.g.,
wildlife rehabilitation) and inviting volunteers to
participate in ACP-related exercises.
• Contact information: Contacts for each type
of resource, including level of approval needed
for commitment.
Information from each inquiry should be entered into
a searchable database so that potential resources can be
identied quickly.
See reference documents Review of Regional and Area Contingency Plans for Downstream Notications and In the Rearview Mirror:
Implementation of the Gold King Mine After-Action Review in Appendix E.
D. Sensitive areas
The AC should establish a committee to identify features
and sub-areas that are sensitive for environmental,
cultural or economic reasons. This committee should
include entities with expertise in the application of
requirements established by the Endangered Species Act
(ESA), the Historic Preservation Act and other statutes,
regulations, and agreements concerning sensitive areas.
The common theme for identifying a sensitive area is that
it has attributes that must be considered by responders in
developing response strategies and tactics. In identifying
these sensitive areas, information in the FWSEP should
also be considered. For each feature or area identied, the
exact location or boundaries should be mapped when
possible, and a brief summary of considerations should
be documented. For certain sensitive areas, such as ESA or
archaeological sites, exact locations may not be identied,
but should be referenced as present in the general area.
This summary should include:
• Specic attributes (e.g., drinking water supply intake,
endangered species habitat)
• Recommendations on protective measures that may
be employed
• Description of any proscribed tactics
• Contact information for operators, trustees and others
with an interest in the sensitive area
• Other information relevant to the area, such as special
access protocols, hazards to responders or seasonal
variations to be considered in developing response
strategies and tactics
This information is organized by the AC and, as described
previously, sensitive areas information is required under
the NCP. Areas with especially difcult or complex issues
should be considered for development of specic Sub-
Area Plans or Geographic Response Plans.
The AC should consider whether certain types of
information should preliminarily be designated for
restricted use only. Each AC must communicate with
the “owner” of the information and determine if
their information falls in this category and, if so, how
the information will be safeguarded but available
during an emergency response. All records featuring
such information may ultimately be subject to public
disclosure, however, in response to a Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA) request.
The ACP should ensure that the appropriate federal, state,
and tribal trustees for natural resources are promptly
notied of discharges and response activities are
coordinated with the affected natural resource trustees.
Additional information on notication and coordination
with natural resource trustees is available at https://
Tools for identifying sensitive areas >
See Appendix D: Selected Area Planning Tools.
Methods for organizing sensitive area data >
See Appendix D: Selected Area Planning Tools.
Methods for displaying and accessing data >
See Appendix D: Selected Area Planning Tools.
E. Hazard analysis
The AC should establish a sub-committee to identify
potential sources of releases within the dened
area. These sources may include xed facilities or
transportation routes with high volumes of oil or
hazardous materials in transit. Consideration should also
be given to potential sources adjacent to the dened
area of the ACP, which may impact the area in the event
of a release. The rst task of the committee is to develop
working criteria to establish a cut-off point, below which
potential sources will not be addressed by the ACP. These
need not be rigid; for example, if potential sources A
and B are otherwise identical, but A is within a dened
sensitive area, the ACP may address A and leave B below
the threshold.
For each potential source identied, the ACP should
document the following:
• Source location (to be mapped)
• Operator, with contact and access information
• Types and quantities of materials that may be released
for a worst-case discharge from a vessel, onshore
facility, or offshore facility operating in or near the
area covered by the plan
• Special considerations for responders, including hazards
• Response capabilities of the operator
Tools for identifying potential sources:
• FRPs: EPA FRP Coordinators list posted at https://les/Regional%20
• Pipelines: The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT)
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
(PHMSA) web site (
includes a range of pipeline safety resources, including a
national pipeline mapping system.
• Railroads: The DOT Federal Railroad Administration
(FRA) web site (
includes passenger and freight railroad safety and
environmental information. The FRA’s GIS web site
provides a web-based mapping application that
permits users to map, view and zoom to all rail grade
crossings in the U.S. Accident information for each
grade crossing is available.
• Highways: The DOT Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Administration (FMCSA) maintains a Hazardous
Materials Routing Web Site that lists designated,
preferred and restricted routes (
• Hazmat facilities: Facilities covered by EPCRA
requirements must submit an Emergency and
Hazardous Chemical Inventory Form to the LEPC,
the SERC, and the local re department annually.
Facilities provide either a Tier I or Tier II form. Most
states require the Tier II form. Some states have
specic requirements in addition to the Federal Tier
II requirements. The EPA web site includes a list of
links to state Tier II reporting sites: https://www.epa.
gov/epcra/tier2-submit-software. Tier II data for most
states are also maintained on the E-Plan Emergency
Response Information System:
EPA’s Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) is a database
containing data on releases of over 600 toxic chemicals
from thousands of U.S. facilities and information
about how facilities manage those chemicals through
recycling, energy recovery, and treatment. One of TRI’s
primary purposes is to inform communities about
toxic chemical releases to the environment. TRI data are
available at
The Facility Registry Service (FRS) is a centrally
managed database developed by EPA’s Ofce of
Environmental Information (OEI) that identies
facilities, sites or places subject to environmental
regulations or of environmental interest. FRS creates
high-quality, accurate, and authoritative facility
identication records through rigorous verication
and management procedures that incorporate
information from program national systems, state
master facility records, data collected from EPA’s Central
Data Exchange registrations and data management
personnel. The FRS provides Internet access to a single
integrated source of comprehensive (air, water, and
waste) environmental information about facilities, sites
or places. FRS data are available for query at http://i/index.html.
In general, all generators, transporters, treaters,
storers and disposers of hazardous waste are
required to provide information on their activities
to state environmental agencies. These agencies then
provide the information to EPA ofces through the
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information
(RCRAInfo) System (
rcrainfo-overview). Information on cleaning up after
accidents or other activities that result in a release of
hazardous materials to the water, air or land must also
be reported through RCRAInfo.
Superfund is a program, generally administered by
EPA, to locate, investigate, and clean up contaminated
sites throughout the U.S. The Superfund Enterprise
Management System, or SEMS, is available to
retrieve Superfund data formerly contained in
the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation, and Liability Information System
(CERCLIS) Public Access Database (https://cumulis.epa.
• LEPC plans: Information on LEPCs can be found
• RMPs: The Right-To-Know Network maintains a
Risk Management Plan (RMP) Database on its web
site ( RMP
information may also be accessed at Federal Reading
The AC should also consider which signicant facilities
may be vulnerable to impact by natural disasters, such as
oods or earthquakes.
Methods of organizing potential source information >
See Appendix D: Selected Area Planning Tools
Methods for displaying and accessing data >
See Appendix D: Selected Area Planning Tools
F. Response strategies and worst-
case discharges
After the AC has developed the initial inventory of
sensitive areas and potential sources, it can begin to
consider the general response strategies with special
consideration given to potential worst-case discharges.
• Assessment strategies: The AC should identify
methods to assess the extent and impact of a release
and identify the tools available to predict the behavior
of released material. Remote sensing, modeling and
sampling strategies should be developed as needed.
• Protection strategies: The AC should determine
the most effective methods of preventing impact to
sensitive areas.
• Response strategies: The ACP should identify the
various response strategies that have proven to be
effective in controlling and mitigating the impact
of a release. The ACP must consider the worst-case
discharge from a vessel, onshore facility, or offshore
facility operating in or near the area covered by the
plan, and may also consider more likely scenarios.
Please refer to Appendix G.
• Oil-spill-specic strategies and plans (e.g., the
NRT Subsea Dispersant Guidance) including
countermeasures: Oil spill countermeasures include
, in-situ burning (including accelerants),
bio-remediation, surface washing agents, solidiers
and other methods for reducing the impact of oil to
the environment. While many of the countermeasure
stipulations are included in the RCPs, the ACP must
also consider expediting decisions on countermeasure
use in the context of the dened ACP area. These issues
may include:
Areas where specic countermeasures may be
Pre-authorization of specic countermeasures in
certain areas
Protocols for monitoring use and effectiveness
Assessment of potential impacts from
countermeasure use in adjacent planning areas
(e.g., coastal zone areas)
• Facility-specic strategies and plans: Facilities with
the potential for large-scale discharges or releases
(such as pipelines, large storage and manufacturing
facilities, and railroads) should be considered
for focused strategy development. If facilities are
covered by FRPs, the FRPs will provide a base for the
responding agencies to develop strategies for worst-
case discharges or releases and may also include most-
likely scenarios from these facilities.
G. Response management: roles
and responsibilities
• NIMS compliance policy: The ACP should include
a brief section that commits the AC to National
Incident Management System (NIMS) compliance
and references the Incident Management Handbooks
and Field Operating Guides that are used by
participating agencies.
• Unied Command: One of the most important
functions of the ACP is to address potential
jurisdictional conicts and to provide solutions to
these in advance of a response. This section should
identify the agencies that meet the criteria for
participating in a Unied Command (UC), including
appropriate jurisdictional authority, ability to commit
resources to the response, and personnel that are
trained and qualied to serve as Incident Commanders.
Consideration should also be given to the role of
responsible parties in the UC. In areas where there are
multiple overlapping jurisdictions, this task may need
to be broken down into scenario-based organizations.
• Response Organizations: This section should
provide guidance on NIMS-compliant response
organizations, identifying those entities with
expertise relevant to specic positions and providing
models of organizational structures. The approach
to this should be inclusive, by dening appropriate
roles for each AC participant. Particular attention
should be paid to the placement of resource trustees,
technical experts and others that may be outside the
normal response community.
• Personnel training and qualication
requirements/recommendations: This section
should address recommended levels of NIMS-ICS
training for responders.
In the U.S., dispersants or other oil emulsiers are not utilized in freshwater and other inland environments because of the limited dilution
available in fresh waters, the use of freshwaters as a water supply, the limited toxicology information available for dispersants in fresh water,
and the limited information available as to fresh water effectiveness of dispersants. In general, the effectiveness of dispersants decreases as
the salinity of the water decreases given the same hydrophilic-lipophilic balance.
• Model Incident Action Plans: It may be appropriate
for the ACP to include example Incident Action
Plans (IAPs) for specic scenarios (e.g., worst-case
• Mutual aid agreements: These exist at the federal, state,
and local levels. Federal agreements (e.g., EPA-USCG)
and state agreements (e.g., EMAC) need not be replicated
in the ACP unless there are area-specic considerations
which need to be explained. Local agreements,
particularly when they involve entities outside the
bounds of the ACP, should be referenced briey.
• Public Information/Joint Information Center:
The ACP should provide guidance to participants
on the coordination of public messages during a
response, including reinforcing the role of the UC’s
Public Information Ofcer (PIO) and dening the
relationship of the PIO to individual agencies’ public
information operations.
• Response to substantial threats to public health
or welfare: As described in 40 CFR 300.322, if the
investigation by the OSC shows that the discharge
poses or may present substantial threat to public health
or welfare of the United States, the OSC shall direct all
federal, state or private actions to remove the discharge
or to mitigate or prevent the threat of such discharge,
as appropriate.
The ACP, when used in conjunction with other provisions
of the NCP, shall be adequate to remove worst-case
discharges as described above.
Section 6: Advanced Area Planning
Using the latest available technology to provide current area
planning data to eld responders is crucial in emergencies.
In today’s world of situational awareness, geospatial viewers,
Common Operational Pictures (COPs) and real-time eld
data collection/distribution, state and federal agencies are
looking to EPA area planners and RRTs to lead the way in
building a data-sharing environment. These agencies and
teams can benet from each other’s data and informational
awareness, especially in contingency planning and emergency
response. Sections of this Handbook covering area planning
information technology will be updated periodically
to promote the development of robust data sharing
environments using the latest tools. The following is a list
of available platforms that responders may use to share area
contingency planning data.
A. GeoPlatform
The Geospatial Platform (GeoPlatform) is an online
portal used to share geographic data, maps, and online
services. It is a strategic national resource that supports
the Federal Administration’s Open Government, Open
Data and Digital Government strategies to enhance
transparency, collaboration and participation. The
GeoPlatform provides a suite of well-managed, highly
available, and trusted geospatial data, services, and
applications for use by federal agencies and their state,
local, and tribal partners.
The GeoPlatform was developed by the member
agencies of the Federal Geographic Data Committee
(FGDC) through collaboration with partners and
stakeholders and is implemented to help agencies
meet their mission needs, including communicating
with and publishing data and maps for the public. The
GeoPlatform focuses on web applications that facilitate
participatory information sharing, interoperability, user-
centered design, and collaboration.
The portfolio of data, applications, and services provided
on the GeoPlatform is stewarded through the use of
open licenses and careful review. It is hosted on a cloud
infrastructure that maximizes geospatial interoperability.
The GeoPlatform provides streamlined access to National
Geospatial Data Assets and reduces data duplication.
GeoPlatform services and applications include:
• Marketplace: The collaborative GeoPlatform
Marketplace provides a listing of datasets that are
planned for acquisition by one or more of the
FGDC member agencies, which can reduce data
acquisition costs.
• Communities: The GeoPlatform incorporates the
concept of “communities”—interactive, topically
focused sections of the website that are managed
and used collaboratively by specic communities
of interest. The GeoPlatform supports a variety of
functionality for communities including establishing
web content, publishing spatial data and services,
building and sharing maps and mapping applications,
and discovering geospatial data, tools, and services
across a number of catalogs.
• Dashboards: Theme and dataset lifecycle metrics
are published on the GeoPlatform in a series of
information dashboards that help users quickly and
easily review key information on progress toward
shared goals.
• ArcGIS Online (AGOL): ArcGIS Online allows users
to create interactive web maps and apps they can
share with anyone. Users can combine their own data
with data from, Esri, and other contributors
to create maps for the work they do. Ready-to-use
basemaps, tools, templates, and datasets make it easy to
design and publish maps online.
• Web Map Viewer: The GeoPlatform Web Map Viewer
allows users to discover a wide range of spatial layers,
create map overlays using remote map services and the
user’s own content, and share maps openly for use by
other applications and websites.
Additional information is available at https://www.
B. EPA GeoPlatform
The EPA GeoPlatform is a shared EPA technology
and governance framework, which encompasses a
community of expertise as well as a suite of geospatial
tools, data, and web services. The GeoPlatform facilitates
coordination and consolidation of mapping activities,
application development, and data management across
the Agency. Information within the GeoPlatform can be
accessed by EPA representatives and Agency partners.
GeoPlatform users have access to:
• A one-stop shop that delivers trusted, consistent data
and services
• Authoritative data to support informed decision making
• Reusable applications and services for governmental
and nongovernmental use
• A shared infrastructure that can host their data
and applications
The GeoPlatform is a focal point where government,
academic, private, and public data can be visualized
together to inform national and regional issues.
EPA’s GIS analysts use the GeoPlatform to develop maps
and conduct analysis that address organizational needs.
Multiple training options exist to help GeoPlatform
users develop cutting-edge GIS skills or refresh existing
capabilities. The GeoPlatform also includes a robust
stewardship group, the GeoPlatform Administrators,
with representatives from each ofce or region. Each
Administrator is a local GeoPlatform expert and provides
guidance about policies related to GeoPlatform use. To
facilitate online collaboration, EPA teams can create and
share Groups on the GeoPlatform.
Access information for GeoPlatform is available at or
C. NOAA Environmental Response
Management Application (ERMA)
is an online mapping tool that integrates
both static and real-time data, such as Environmental
Sensitivity Index (ESI) maps, ship locations, weather, and
ocean currents, in a centralized, easy-to-use format for
environmental responders and decision makers. ERMA is
designed to:
• Aid in spill preparedness and planning.
• Assist in coordinating emergency response efforts and
situational awareness for human and natural disasters.
• Help dene the extent of potential environmental
impacts, supporting the Natural Resource Damage
Assessment process.
• Support ecological recovery and restoration efforts.
• Provide access to this information from anywhere with
an internet connection.
• Visualize data from a variety of sources, with the
ability to include additional media such as photos and
links to scientic reports.
• Tell a story or reconstruct the history of an event using
animated layers of information.
Access information for ERMA is available at https://
and is also included in Appendix D.
D. Computer-Aided Management of
Emergency Operations (CAMEO)
is a system of software applications used
widely to plan for and respond to chemical emergencies.
It is one of the tools developed by EPA’s Ofce of
Emergency Management (OEM) and the NOAA Ofce
of Response and Restoration to assist front-line chemical
emergency planners and responders. They can use
CAMEO to access, store, and evaluate information critical
for developing emergency plans. In addition, CAMEO
supports regulatory compliance by helping users meet
the chemical inventory reporting requirements of the
Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know
Act (EPCRA, also known as SARA Title III). CAMEO
also can be used with a separate software application
called LandView to display EPA environmental data and
demographic/economic information to support analysis
of environmental justice issues.
The CAMEO system integrates a chemical database and
a method to manage the data, an air dispersion model,
and a mapping capability. All modules work interactively
to share and display critical information in a timely
fashion. The CAMEO system is available in Macintosh and
Windows formats.
CAMEO was initially developed because NOAA
recognized the need to assist rst responders with
easily accessible and accurate response information.
Since 1988, EPA and NOAA have collaborated to
augment CAMEO to assist both emergency responders
and planners. CAMEO has been enhanced to provide
emergency planners with a tool to enter local
information and develop incident scenarios to better
prepare for chemical emergencies. The Bureau of Census
and USCG have worked with EPA and NOAA to continue
to enhance the system.
CAMEO is a suite of four core programs that can be used
together or separately:
• CAMEOfm
• CAMEO Chemicals
The CAMEO software suite is available for download at
CAMEOfm - Database and Information
Management Tool
CAMEOfm is a database application that includes eight
modules (such as Facilities and Contacts) to assist with
data management requirements under the Emergency
Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA).
Each year, facilities covered by EPCRA must submit an
emergency and hazardous chemical inventory form to
their LEPC, SERC, and local re department. Most facilities
submit a Tier II form, which contains basic facility
identication information, employee contact information,
and information such as storage amounts, storage
conditions, and locations for chemicals stored or used at
the facility. This information can be entered into CAMEOfm
manually or by importing a Tier2 Submit™ le. CAMEOfm
can also be used to navigate between ALOHA, MARPLOT,
and the CAMEO Chemicals desktop program.
CAMEOfm is available for download from https://www.
CAMEO Chemicals - Chemical Response Datasheets
and Reactivity Prediction Tool
CAMEO Chemicals has an extensive chemical database
with critical response information for thousands of
chemicals. There are two primary types of datasheets in
the database: chemical datasheets and UN/NA datasheets.
Chemical datasheets provide physical properties, health
hazards, information about air and water hazards,
and recommendations for reghting, rst aid, and
spill response. UN/NA datasheets provide response
information from the Emergency Response Guidebook
and shipping information from the Hazardous Materials
Table (49 CFR 172.101). In addition to the information
on the datasheets, users can add chemicals to the
MyChemicals collection to see what hazards might occur
if the chemicals in the collection were mixed together.
CAMEO Chemicals is available as a website, mobile
website, mobile app, and desktop program. The mobile
app and desktop program formats can be used ofine.
CAMEO Chemicals is available for download at https://
MARPLOT - Mapping Application for Response,
Planning, and Local Operational Tasks
MARPLOT is a mapping application. The program comes
with several global background basemap options, with
maps in both street and satellite view. Users can add to
the information shown on the map by drawing their
own objects (such as chemical facilities, schools, or
response assets) or by importing layers of objects already
created by other sources. Map objects can be linked
to records in CAMEOfm, in order to store additional
information about these locations (such as emergency
contact information or site plans). Additionally, the areas
contaminated by potential or actual chemical release
scenarios can be displayed on the maps to determine
potential impacts and help users make decisions about
the degree of hazard posed by the releases.
MARPLOT is available for download at https://www.epa.
ALOHA - Areal Locations of Hazardous Atmospheres
ALOHA is an atmospheric dispersion model used
for evaluating releases of hazardous chemical vapors.
ALOHA allows users to estimate the downwind
dispersion of a chemical cloud based on the
toxicological/physical characteristics of the released
chemical, atmospheric conditions, and specic
circumstances of the release. ALOHA can estimate
threat zones associated with several types of hazardous
chemical releases, including toxic gas clouds, res, and
explosions. Threat zones can be displayed on MARPLOT
maps to help users assess geospatial information, such
as whether vulnerable locations (such as hospitals and
schools) might be impacted by the release or whether
other nearby factors (such as construction zones) might
complicate the response.
ALOHA is available for download at https://www.epa.
E. LandView
The LandView database system allows users to retrieve
census demographic and housing data, EPA Envirofacts
data and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Geographic
Names Information System (GNIS) information. The
GNIS contains over 1.2 million records which show
the ofcial federally recognized geographic names for
all known places, features, and areas in the U.S. that are
identied by a proper name.
The LandView database software:
• Uses the Population Estimator function to calculate
census demographic and housing characteristics for
user dened radii.
• Creates simple thematic maps of census data.
• Allows users to browse and query the census, EPA or
USGS databases and show the query results on the map.
• Provides the capability to locate a street address or
intersection on a map based on TIGER/Line
features and address ranges.
Additional information is available at http://www.
F. RMP*Comp
RMP*Comp is a free program that calculates vulnerable
zone distances based on the Risk Management Program
(RMP) Guidance for Offsite Consequence Analysis (both
worst-case scenarios and alternative scenarios). The
RMP*Comp program guides users through the process
of making an analysis.
The software is available for download from EPA’s
RMP*Comp web site:
LandView 6 has not been updated using 2010 Census data. Please see the CAMEO MARPLOT application that provides some of the
functionality of LandView and uses more current data.
Appendix A: Statutory and
Regulatory Authorities
CERCLA establishes both an emergency response program designed to stabilize or cleanup releases of hazardous substances
that pose a threat to public health or the environment, and a remedial response program to take actions consistent with a
permanent remedy (instead of or in addition to removal actions) in the event of a release or threatened release of hazardous
substances posing a threat to public health or the environment. CERCLA also authorizes response to releases of pollutants or
contaminants which may present an imminent and substantial danger to public health or welfare. Executive Order 12580
delegates response authorities to EPA and USCG. CERCLA called for the revision of the NCP after the enactment of the
statute in 1980 and authorized revisions from time to time. The NCP provides the organizational structure and procedures
for preparing for and responding to discharges of oil and releases of hazardous substances, pollutants, and contaminants.
The Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) amendments to CERCLA included provisions to
strengthen emergency response planning at the state and local levels by requiring local governments to prepare chemical
emergency response plans (40 CFR Part 355) and to make information more readily available to the public on hazardous
chemicals that are stored at facilities in their communities (40 CFR Part 370).
Clean Water Act
Under 33 U.S.C. 1321 (j)(4) of the CWA
, the President (or delegate) is authorized to establish Area Committees comprised of
qualied personnel from federal, state, and local agencies and of federally recognized Indian tribes, where applicable. The CWA
also provides for a detailed annex containing a Fish and Wildlife and Sensitive Environments Plan as part of the NCP per 33
USC 1321(d)(2)(M). Area Committees are to prepare ACPs that detail methods and procedures for responding to a worst-case
discharge, including the division of responsibilities among various authorities in a response. Each Area Committee is required
under CWA 311(j)(4)(C) to submit this plan to the President (or delegate) for review and approval. The authorities assigned
to the President under 33 U.S.C. 1321(j)(4) for the inland zone have been delegated by Executive Order 12777 to the EPA
Administrator, who has in turn re-delegated these authorities to EPA Regional Administrators. Regional Administrators may
further re-delegate the authorities to the Division Director level.
Responsibilities for each Area Committee, under the direction of the FOSC for its area, include the requirements below, among
others listed in Section 1 of this Handbook:
• Prepare an ACP for its area;
• Work with state, local and tribal ofcials to enhance the contingency planning of those ofcials and to assure pre-
planning of joint response efforts, including appropriate procedures for mechanical recovery, disposal, shoreline
cleanup, protection of sensitive environmental areas, and protection, rescue, and rehabilitation of sheries and wildlife;
• Work with state, local and tribal ofcials to expedite decisions for the use of dispersants and other mitigating substances and
devices; and
• Update the ACP periodically.
The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA 90)
OPA 90 establishes mechanisms for the federal government to prevent and respond to oil discharges. OPA 90 extensively
amended the CWA to provide enhanced capabilities for oil discharge response and natural resource damage assessment.
See for the complete 2014
changes to the CWA statute.
Title IV, Section 4202, National Planning and Response System, amended subsection 311(j) of the CWA with respect to the
National Planning and Response System. It denes Area Committee and ACP requirements and deadlines for agencies. Pursuant
to OPA 90 section 4202(b)(1)(A), the President is to designate areas for which ACPs are to be established. As stated above, the
President delegated to EPA the responsibility for designating the areas and appointing the committees for the “inland zone”.
Under the CWA, ACPs are developed by Area Committees under the direction of the FOSC for their area. OPA 90 Section
4202(b)(1)(A), also requires that in designating areas, the President will ensure that all navigable waters, adjoining shorelines,
and waters of the exclusive economic zone are subject to an ACP.
Under the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Contingency Plan (NCP) response and planning framework, the territory
of the U.S. is covered by thirteen Regional Response Teams (RRTs) and Regional Contingency Plans (RCPs). The zones of the
thirteen RRTs follow the ten standard federal regions, except for the following three subregional areas that each have their
own RRT: (1) Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands; (2) Alaska; and (3) Hawaii, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Pacic
Island Governments, and American Samoa (See Figure 1). The inland areas of the thirteen RRTs serve as the designated
areas for the inland zone. USCG designates areas for the coastal zone. These coastal zone areas are based on the 48 USCG
Captains of the Port (COTP) areas. The areas covered by COTPs are smaller than the RRT areas and include major river systems
associated with the ports.
Unless otherwise designated, the RRTs serve as the Area Committees for the inland zone. RRTs are composed of representatives
from federal, state, local, and tribal governments.
See also the April 24, 1992 Federal Register Notice (57 FR 15198): Designation of Areas and Area Committees Under the
Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (Document posted atles/Designation%20of%20Areas%20
Northern Mariana islands
American Samoa
Pacific Island governments
Puerto Rico
U.S. Virgin Islands
Figure 1: 13 Regional Response Team Areas
The National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP)
The National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) provides for the coordinated and integrated
response by the federal government, as well as state, tribal and local governments, to prevent, minimize, or mitigate a threat
to public health or welfare posed by discharges of oil and releases of hazardous substances, pollutants, and contaminants. The
NCP is authorized by CERCLA and the CWA, as amended by OPA 90.
Section 300.210 of the NCP provides for three levels of contingency plans under the NRS, including: The NCP, Regional
Contingency Plans (RCPs), and ACPs. These plans are available for inspection at EPA Regional ofces or USCG district ofces.
Under the direction of a FOSC and subject to approval by EPA, the agency responsible for the inland zone, each Area
Committee, in consultation with the appropriate RRTs, USCG DRGs, the USCG NSFCC, SSCs, LEPCs, and SERCs, is to develop an
ACP for its designated area. This plan, when implemented in conjunction with other provisions of the NCP, is to be adequate
to remove a worst-case discharge of the NCP, and to mitigate or prevent a substantial threat of such a discharge, from a vessel,
offshore facility, or onshore facility operating in or near the area.
In developing the ACP, the FOSC coordinates with affected SERCs and LEPCs. The ACP provides for a well-coordinated response
that is integrated and compatible, to the greatest extent possible, with all appropriate response plans of state, local, and non-
federal entities, and especially with Title III local emergency response plans.
The NCP, at 40 CFR 300.210(c)(3), provides that ACPs are to include the following elements:
• A description of the area covered by the plan, including the areas of special economic or environmental importance that
might be damaged by a discharge;
• A detailed description of the responsibilities of an owner or operator and of federal, state, and local agencies in removing a
discharge, and in mitigating or preventing a substantial threat of a discharge;
• A list of equipment (including reghting equipment), dispersants, or other mitigating substances and devices, and
personnel available to an owner or operator and federal, state, and local agencies, to ensure an effective and immediate
removal of a discharge, and to ensure mitigation or prevention of a substantial threat of discharge (this may be provided
in an appendix or by reference to other relevant emergency plans (e.g., state or LEPC plans), which may include such
equipment lists);
• A description of procedures to be followed for obtaining an expedited decision regarding the use of dispersants; and
• A detailed description of how the plan is integrated into other ACPs and tank vessel, offshore facility, and onshore facility
response plans approved by the President, and into operating procedures of the NSFCC.
Area Committees are to incorporate into each ACP a detailed annex containing a Fish and Wildlife and Sensitive Environments
Plan (FWSEP) that is consistent with the RCP and NCP. The annex is to be prepared in consultation with the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and other interested natural resource
management agencies and parties. The annex is to address sh and wildlife resources and their habitat, and is to include other
areas considered sensitive environments in another section of the annex, based upon Area Committee recommendations. The
annex is to provide the necessary information and procedures to immediately and effectively respond to discharges that may
adversely affect sh and wildlife and their habitat and sensitive environments, including provisions for a response to a worst-
case discharge. Such information is to include the identication of appropriate agencies and their responsibilities, procedures to
notify these agencies following a discharge or threat of discharge, protocols for obtaining required sh and wildlife permits and
other necessary permits, and provisions to ensure compatibility of annex-related activities with removal operations.
The Stafford Act
The Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Stafford Act) describes the programs and processes by
which the federal government provides disaster and emergency assistance to state and local governments, tribal nations, eligible
private nonprot organizations, and individuals affected by a declared major disaster or emergency. The law establishes the
process for requesting and obtaining a Presidential disaster declaration, denes the type and scope of assistance available under
the Stafford Act, and sets the conditions for obtaining assistance. The Stafford Act covers all hazards, including natural disasters
and terrorist events.
The NCP is an operational supplement to the National Response Framework (NRF). The NRF was issued by the Department
of Homeland Security (DHS) and is an overarching guide that describes how the nation responds to all types of domestic
emergencies, including natural disasters and terrorist incidents. It describes the roles of federal, state, local, and tribal
governments, as well as non-governmental organizations and the private sector. Under the NRF, DHS coordinates the federal
response to incidents requiring signicant federal coordination, which includes incidents for which the President issues a
disaster or emergency declaration under the Stafford Act. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) may utilize
Stafford Act funds to reimburse EPA for specic emergency response activities related to actual or potential hazardous materials
(hazardous substances, pollutants, contaminants, and oil) incidents through the NRF under Emergency Support Function
(ESF #10) – Oil and Hazardous Materials Response, when there is an Emergency or Major Disaster Declaration. EPA may also
provide other assistance when requested by FEMA.
Response to oil and hazardous materials incidents is generally carried out in accordance with the NCP. NCP structures and
response mechanisms remain in place when ESF #10 is activated, but coordinate with NRF mechanisms. During Stafford Act
responses, some procedures in the NCP may be streamlined or may not apply.
ESF #10 may be activated by DHS for incidents requiring a more robust coordinated Federal response, such as:
• A major disaster or emergency under the Stafford Act;
• A federal-to-federal support request (e.g., a federal agency, such as the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) or
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), requests support from ESF #10 and provides funding for the response through the
mechanisms described in the Financial Management Support Annex); or
• An actual or potential oil discharge or hazardous materials release to which EPA and/or USCG respond under CERCLA and/
or CWA authorities and funding, for which DHS determines it should lead the federal response.
As described in the NRF core document, some federal responses do not require coordination by DHS and are undertaken
by other federal departments and agencies consistent with their authorities. Federal responses to oil and hazardous materials
incidents under the authorities of CERCLA and the CWA that do not warrant DHS coordination are conducted under the NCP.
EPA or USCG may also request DHS to activate other NRF elements for such incidents, if needed, while still retaining overall
leadership for the federal response.
Homeland Security Presidential Directives (HSPD)/Presidential Policy Directives (PPD)
Three Executive Branch directives directly affect EPA’s role in the national emergency response system:
• Management of Domestic Incidents – HSPD-5
• National Preparedness – PPD-8
• Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience – PPD-21
Management of Domestic Incidents – HSPD-5
Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD)-5 was issued to improve management of domestic incidents by establishing
a single, comprehensive national incident management system. The Homeland Security Act of 2002 created the Department of
Homeland Security (DHS) and assigned the Secretary of Homeland Security responsibility for coordinating federal emergency
operations within the U.S. Federal emergency operations include preparing for, responding to, and recovering from terrorist
attacks, major disasters, and other emergencies. DHS has the authority to coordinate federal resources when any one of several
conditions occurs:
1. A federal department or agency requests their assistance,
2. The resources of state and local authorities are overwhelmed and they request federal assistance,
3. More than one federal department or agency is substantially involved in responding to an incident, or
4. The President directs the Secretary to assume responsibility for managing the domestic incident.
HSPD-5 also recognizes the role that state, tribal, and local governments; nongovernmental organizations; and the private
sector play in managing incidents.
Initial responsibility for managing domestic incidents generally falls on state and local authorities. When their resources are
overwhelmed, or when federal property is involved, the federal government provides assistance.
In order to provide a consistent, coordinated, nation-wide approach for emergency operations across all levels of government,
HSPD-5 directed DHS to develop and administer a National Incident Management System (NIMS) and a National Response
Framework (NRF). Together, NIMS and the NRF provide an approach for federal, state, and local governments to effectively
prepare for, respond to, and recover from domestic incidents, regardless of cause, size, or complexity.
National Preparedness - PPD-8
PPD-8 on National Preparedness was signed by the President on March 30, 2011. PPD-8 replaces HSPD-8 (National
Preparedness) and HSPD-8 Annex I (National Planning). Plans developed under HSPD-8 and Annex I remain in effect until
rescinded or otherwise replaced.
National Preparedness Goal
PPD-8 calls for the development and maintenance of a National Preparedness Goal dening the core capabilities necessary
to prepare for the specic types of incidents posing the greatest risk to the security of the U.S. The Goal establishes concrete,
measurable, prioritized objectives to mitigate specic threats and vulnerabilities – including regional variations of risk – and
emphasize actions intended to achieve an integrated, layered, accessible and all-of-Nation/whole community preparedness
approach while optimizing the use of available resources.
DHS, in coordination with other executive departments and agencies, and in consultation with state, local, tribal and territorial
governments, the private and non-prot sectors and the general public, submitted the rst edition of the National Preparedness
Goal in September 2011 and the second edition in 2015. The Goal denes success as:
“A secure and resilient Nation with the capabilities required across the whole community to prevent, protect against, mitigate,
respond to, and recover from the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk.
The core capabilities contained in the goal are essential for the execution of each of the ve mission areas: Prevention,
Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery. To assess both preparedness capacity and gaps, each core capability includes
capability targets for which measures will be developed. The Goal is reviewed regularly to evaluate consistency with applicable
policies, evolving conditions and the National Incident Management System.
National Preparedness System
The National Preparedness System is the instrument the nation employs to build, sustain, and deliver the ve core capabilities
described in the National Preparedness Goal in order to achieve the goal of a secure and resilient nation. The guidance,
programs, processes, and systems that support each component of the National Preparedness System are intended to enable a
collaborative, whole community approach to national preparedness that engages individuals, families, communities, private
and nonprot sectors, faith-based organizations, and all levels of government.
The National Preparedness System identies six components to improve national preparedness for a wide range of threats and
hazards, such as acts of terrorism, cyber attacks, pandemics and catastrophic natural disasters. The system builds on current
efforts, many of which are already established in the law and have been in use for many years. These six components include:
• Identifying and Assessing Risk;
• Estimating Capability Requirements;
• Building and Sustaining Capabilities;
• Planning to Deliver Capabilities;
• Validating Capabilities; and
• Reviewing and Updating.
The System includes integrated National Planning Frameworks covering prevention, protection, mitigation, response and
recovery. The Frameworks set the strategy and doctrine for building, sustaining, and delivering the core capabilities identied
in the National Preparedness Goal. Integrated to ensure interoperability across all mission areas, the Frameworks describe the
coordinating structures and alignment of key roles and responsibilities for the whole community.
Other key aspects of the National Preparedness System described in PPD-8 include:
• Resource guidance, including arrangements enabling the ability to share personnel;
• Equipment guidance, aimed at nationwide interoperability;
• National training and exercise program guidance; and
• Recommendations and guidance for businesses, communities, families and individuals.
PPD-8 also calls for a comprehensive approach to assess national preparedness. The approach involves measuring operational
readiness against target capability levels identied in the National Preparedness Goal.
Building and Sustaining Preparedness
PPD-8 directs DHS to coordinate a comprehensive campaign to build and sustain preparedness nationwide, including public
outreach and community-based and private-sector programs to enhance national resilience, the provision of federal nancial
assistance, preparedness efforts by the federal government, and national research and development efforts.
National Preparedness Report
The National Preparedness Report evaluates and measures gains that individuals and communities, private and nonprot
sectors, faith-based organizations, and all levels of government have made in preparedness and identies where challenges and
opportunities for improvement remain. The report is based on progress towards achieving the National Preparedness Goal and
serves as a tool to inform the President’s budget annually.
Prepared and delivered by DHS, the report requires close coordination with all executive departments and agencies having
a role in national preparedness efforts and substantial input from state, local, tribal and territorial governments as well as
the private and non-prot sectors and the general public.
EPA’s Role Under PPD-8
EPA participates in the development and execution of response activities, training and exercises and contributes to the National
Preparedness Report annually.
Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience - PPD-21
PPD-21 was signed by the President on February 12, 2013 and establishes national policy on critical infrastructure security
and resilience. PPD-21 revokes HSPD-7 (Critical Infrastructure Identication, Prioritization, and Protection). Plans developed
pursuant to HSPD-7 remain in effect until revoked or superseded.
PPD-21 advances a national unity of effort to strengthen and maintain secure, functioning, and resilient critical infrastructure.
This endeavor is a shared responsibility among the federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial entities, and public and private
owners and operators of critical infrastructure. PPD-21 also renes and claries the critical infrastructure-related functions,
roles, and responsibilities across the federal government, as well as enhances overall coordination and collaboration.
Three strategic imperatives drive the federal approach to strengthen critical infrastructure security and resilience:
1. Rene and clarify functional relationships across the Federal Government to advance the national unity of effort to
strengthen critical infrastructure security and resilience;
2. Enable effective information exchange by identifying baseline data and systems requirements for the Federal
Government; and
3. Implement an integration and analysis function to inform planning and operations decisions regarding
critical infrastructure.
Sector-Specic Agencies
PPD-21 identies 16 critical infrastructure sectors and describes a national effort to share threat information, reduce
vulnerabilities, minimize consequences, and hasten response and recovery efforts related to critical infrastructure. Sector-
Specic Agencies are agencies responsible for ensuring the protection of a particular resource or part of the national
infrastructure. EPA is designated as the Sector-Specic Agency for drinking water and wastewater systems.
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1. Example AC outreach document
a. U.S. EPA Inland Area Contingency Planning Brochure:les/
2. Example AC web sites
a. These Regional Response Team (RRT) web sites include Regional and Area Contingency Plans and other useful planning
• RRT-1 (Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut):
• RRT-2 (New Jersey, New York):le.aspx?site_id=24
• RRT-3 (Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia):
• RRT-4 (Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee):
• RRT-5 (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin):
Region 5 Regional Contingency Plan / Area Contingency Plan:
Region 5 Sub-Areas:
• RRT-6 (Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas):le.aspx?site_
• RRT-7 (Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska):le.aspx?site_id=6065
• RRT-8 (Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming):
Region 8 Regional Contingency Plan:
Region 8 Sub-Area Plans:
• RRT-9 (Arizona, California, Nevada):
• RRT-10 (Idaho, Oregon, Washington):
• Alaska Regional Response Team:
• Caribbean Regional Response Team (CRRT) (Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands):le.
• Oceania Regional Response Team (ORRT) (Hawaii, Guam, Northern Marianas, American Samoa):
3. Additional Resources for Assistance in ACP Development
a. EPA Regional and Headquarters ofces contact information (contacts for ACP matters):
b. EPA FRP Coordinators list:les/Regional%20FRP%20Coordinators_Dec.%20
Appendix B: Area Committee
c. Highlights of Northwest Area Contingency Plan (NWACP) for EPA OSCs:les/
d. EPA Region 10 Guidance for Preparing Tribal Emergency Response Plans (EPA-910-R-04-003): https://response.epa.
• This guidance document is designed to assist tribes in developing emergency response plans to address oil and
hazardous materials spills; natural disasters such as oods, earthquakes, and res; and other types of emergencies.
e. EPA ACP Handbook:
Appendix C: Selected ACP Formats,
Scope and Organization
1. EPA Ofce of Inspector General Report 13-P-0152
a. EPA Could Improve Contingency Planning for Oil and Hazardous Substance Response (2013): https://response.epa.
2. EPA-only ACPs
a. EPA Region 1 (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont) Inland ACP: http://www.
b. EPA Region 3 (Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia) Inland ACP: https://
c. EPA Region 6 (Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas) Inland ACP:
d. EPA Region 7 (Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska) Regional Integrated Contingency Plan:
3. EPA-USCG joint ACP-related
a. Region 2:
b. Region 5:
c. Region 6:les/Region%206%20Regional%20Contingency%20Plan%20--%20
d. Region 9:le.aspx?site_id=85
e. Region 10:
4. Sub-Area Plans
a. EPA Region 5 Sub-Area Plans:
• Minneapolis-St. Paul:
• Northern Michigan:
• Quad Cities:les/Quad%20Cities%20SACP_Public_April-2016.pdf
• Upper Mississippi:
• Peoria, Illinois:
b. EPA Region 8 T.E.R.A. Viewer:
• EPA Region 8’s T.E.R.A. Viewer is an interactive, web-based application that is the primary method of disseminating
response strategies and other tactical Sub-Area Plan information. Sub-Area Plan documentation will be made available
on the RRT-8 website listed in Appendix B. The T.E.R.A. Viewer will allow the sub-area committee and RRT members
to update and maintain response-related information. The T.E.R.A. Viewer is available to sub-area committee members,
RRT members, and government agency personnel; however, a username and password must be obtained through EPA
Region 8 from Gina Cristiano at cristiano[email protected]v.
c. Alaska Sub-Area Plans:
d. Public and restricted Sub-Area Plan example (Omaha-Council Bluffs)
• Public version:les/omaha_council_bluffs_subarea_plan.pdf
• Restricted version:les/Restricted%20Omaha%20Council%20Bluffs%20
Subarea%20info%202.docx (restricted access; login required)
5. Geographic Response Plans
a. Lower and Middle Columbia River:
b. Recommendations for Geographic Response Plan (GRP) Approaches:les/
6. International Contingency Planning
a. Mexico-United States Joint Contingency Plan:
b. Canada-United States Joint Inland Pollution Contingency Plan:
c. Canada-U.S. Joint Inland Pollution Contingency Plan Regional Annexes and the geographic areas they cover are listed
• Annex I - CANUSWEST NORTH and SOUTH (2015) – includes the combined border of the Yukon Territory and
British Columbia with U.S. EPA Regions 8 and 10 (Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Alaska)
• Annex II - CANUSPLAIN (2015) – includes the combined border of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba with U.S.
EPA Regions 5 and 8 (Minnesota, Montana, and North Dakota)
• Annex III - CANUSCENT (2013) – includes the border of Ontario with U.S. EPA Regions 2 and 5 (New York,
Michigan and Minnesota)
• Annex IV - CANUSQUE (2013) – includes the inland boundary of Quebec with U.S. EPA Regions 1 and 2 (New
Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, and New York)
• Annex V - CANUSEAST (2013) – includes the inland boundary of New Brunswick with U.S. EPA Region 1 (Maine)
7. USCG ACP references
a. Commandant Instruction M16000.14A: U.S. Coast Guard Marine Environmental Response and Preparedness
Manual (August 2016); Chapter 4: Area Contingency Planning Policy:
b. ACP Development Memo (February 2005):les/ACP%20Development%20
Appendix D: Selected Area
Planning Tools
1. Mapping tools
a. Minimum Essential Elements for GIS:les/GIS%20MEE%20feb%2002%202.doc
b. Example map formats
• EPA Region 1:
• EPA Region 10 jurisdictional boundary tool:
c. Software:
• LandView
d. Web resources
• EPA OSC support site:
• Compendium of e-mapping applications: (registration required)
• GeoPlatform:
• EPA GeoPlatform (restricted to EPA users):
2. Sensitive Area resources
a. EPA Region 5 Fish and Wildlife annex (example sensitive area inventory):
b. Draft Fish and Wildlife and Sensitive Environments Annex to the Federal Region IX Regional Area Contingency Plan
(March 2007):
c. NOAA Ofce of Response and Restoration Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) Maps: https://response.restoration.
3. Hazard assessment examples
a Natural disaster-related hazards
• Region 6 Natural Disaster Workgroup:le.aspx?site_id=4907
4. Historic preservation resources
a. National Park Service list of historic preservation ofcers:
5. Riverine spill modeling
a. Applications of the Incident Command Tool for Drinking Water Protection:
b. RiverSpill and the Incident Command Tool for Drinking Water Protection: A Case Study of the WV Chemical Spill:
6. Incident management
a. EPA ICS Incident Management Handbook:les/Incident%20Management%20
Appendix E: Sample Contact/
Notication Lists
. Example AC contact list
a. Region 7 Area Committee:
2. Example incident notification chart
a. Omaha-Council Bluffs notification list:
b. Truckee River incident notification list:
20 Truckee%20River%202011.pdf
3. Notification guidance
a. Review of Regional and Area Contingency Plans for Downstream Notifications (September 4, 2015): https://response.
b. In the Rearview Mirror: Implementation of the Gold King Mine After-Action Review (January 13, 2017): https://www.
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Appendix F: Resource Inventory
Development List
1. EPA response equipment
a. Environmental Response Team (ERT): ERT provides EPA regional and headquarters ofces, federal, state and local
agencies, and foreign governments with experienced technical and logistical assistance in responding to environmental
emergencies, such as oil or hazardous materials spills. ERT also provides assistance in characterization and cleanup of
hazardous waste sites. ERT equipment includes:
• Two Turner C7 Fluorometers, including one 50 Meter Cable: Contains multi sensor array, but primarily used for
in-water detection of crude or rened oil, could be integrated into existing vessel CTD platform. http://www.uorometer/cyclops-7f-submersible-uorescence-and-turbidity-sensors
• Turner 10AU Flow Thru Fluorometer: “Old Reliable” Model, has a pump and internal lamp, bench top application,
can run individual samples or pump/ow thru continuous sampling, can use for dye tracer studies also, could use
to monitor DW intakes or other water intakes for oil contamination.
• Site Lab UV3100 from CyberSense: Acquired for soil and water samples, simple extraction required, bench top
portable application, applies UV uorescence to extract yielding numeric concentration, can analyze oil fractions for
TPH, GRO, DRO, and PCBs, purchase standards for calibration.
• PhotoVac Voyager Portable GC: Analysis for VOCs, Chlorinated solvents, benchtop and potentially used over the
shoulder for compounds in air, can use heating element to purge volatiles in water and analyze headspace, good
sensitivity, mostly spills or site characterization applications, also soil gas.
Additional information about ERT response equipment is available at
b. Radiological Emergency Response Team (RERT): RERT is comprised of experts and specialized equipment used when
responding to radiological emergencies. The RERT can bring a number of different types of radiological monitoring,
sampling and analysis equipment to the site of a radiological emergency. EPA’s radiological monitoring equipment
• Mobile Environmental Radiation Laboratory (MERL): Capabilities include gamma analysis of soil, water, vegetation
and air particulate lter samples and gross alpha/beta radiation on air particulate lters and contamination swipes/
• Sample Preparation Laboratory: Provides radiation analyses for samples collected at an incident scene.
• Mobile Command Post: Self-powered command center equipped with satellite TV, internet, and radio for monitoring
response activities.
• Scanner Van: A rapid scanning system designed to nd gamma radiation sources in urban environments.
• Deployable Air Monitors: Designed for rapid deployment to domestic and overseas locations, providing real time data
communications using satellite and telephone.
• Field Monitoring and Sample Collection Equipment: Assets include handheld eld monitoring equipment to detect
alpha, beta, gamma, and neutron radiation, high resolution in-situ gamma-ray spectrometry, and low-, medium-, and
high-volume air samplers.
More information about EPA’s RERT equipment is available at
c. Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Consequence Management Advisory Team (CBRN CMAT): CBRN CMAT
prepares and supports the emergency response community 24/7/365 by providing expeditious and cost-effective
solutions based upon the best available science. It provides scientic expertise and response services during all phases of
crisis and consequence management with personnel and assets. For more information about CBRN CMAT, see https://
CBRN CMAT response assets include:
• Portable High-Throughput Integrated Laboratory Identication System (PHILIS): A mobile organic chemical laboratory for on-site
analysis of environmental samples contaminated with chemical warfare agents (CWAs) and toxic industrial compounds
(TICs) (les/2017-08/documents/philis_one_pager_aug2017.pdf).
• Airborne Photometric Environmental Collection Technology (ASPECT) Aircraft: Based near Dallas, Texas, and able to deploy within
one hour of notication, ASPECT is the nation’s only airborne real-time chemical and radiological detection, infrared
and photographic imagery platform. ASPECT is available to assist local, national, and international agencies supporting
hazardous substance response, radiological incidents, and situational awareness. ASPECT is available 24/7/365 and
can begin collecting data at any site in the continental U.S. within nine hours (
• Biosafety Level 2 Enhanced Laboratory: Located in Denver, Colorado, the BSL-2E laboratory is equipped with molecular- and
micro-biological equipment that can test for the presence of BSL-1 and BSL-2 pathogens (
2. Example response resource inventory
a. EPA Region 10 equipment inventory:
3. Other response equipment
a. International spill equipment and materials providers listed on the International Spill Control Organization’s (ISCO) web
Appendix G: Response Strategy
Development Samples
1. Oil spill countermeasure examples
a. Dispersant authorization
Subpart J of the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) directs EPA to prepare a
schedule of dispersants, other chemicals, and oil spill mitigating devices and substances that may be used to remove
or control oil discharges. As described in CWA 311(d)(2)(G), a “schedule”, prepared in cooperation with the states,
must identify
dispersants, other chemicals, and other spill mitigating devices and substances, if any, that may be used in carrying
out the Plan,
the waters in which such dispersants, other chemicals, and other spill mitigating devices and substances may be
used, and
the quantities of such dispersant, other chemicals, or other spill mitigating device or substance which can be used
safely in such waters.
• NCP Subpart J: Use of Dispersants and Other Chemicals - 40 CFR 300.900 - 300.920 (current rule): https://www.
• September 15, 1994, National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan; Final Rule. 59 FR 47384
(current regulations):
• January 22, 2015, National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan; Proposed Rule. 80 FR 3380:
b. Dispersant preauthorization examples
• RRT-6 FOSC Dispersant Pre-approval Guidelines and Checklist:
• Use of Dispersants in Region IV:les/1-RRT4DISP.PDF
c. Cleaning agents
• Chemical Shoreline Cleaning Agents for Oil Spills:
d. Bioremediation
• EPA OSC Response Website:
• Literature Review on the Use of Commercial Bioremediation Agents for Cleanup of Oil-Contaminated Estuarine
• Guidelines for the Bioremediation of Oil-Contaminated Salt Marshes:
• Guidelines for the Bioremediation of Marine Shorelines and Freshwater Wetlands:
• National Response Team Fact Sheet on Bioremediation Technologies:les/bioremed_
e. In-Situ Burning
• Inland In-Situ Burning of Oil Spills: Regulations and Authorizations:
• NOAA guidance for monitoring in-situ burning operations:
f. Dispersant Monitoring System
• NOAA Special Monitoring of Applied Response Technologies (SMART):
2. FRP-related response strategies
a. Example oil spill tactical response plan:les/Division%201%20(C1f)%20Map-
3. Sensitive resource-related response strategies
a. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Oil Spill Response Fact Sheet:
b. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Midwest Region Spill Contingency Planning and Response:
4. National Response Team Subsea and Surface Dispersant Guidance
5. Mechanical cleanup technologies
a. Mechanical Containment and Recovery of Oil Following a Spill:
b. Use of Skimmers in Oil Pollution Response:
6. Bakken and Crude Oil Response Strategies
a. Crude Oil and Response Considerations (EPA Region 10):les/Bakken%20
b. NRT Responder Awareness Training: Bakken Crude Oil:
and Educational Materials&ResourceSection=3
c. Environment Canada Diluted Bitumen Studies: Initial World Class Phase 1 Results:
d. A Comparison of the Properties of Diluted Bitumen Crudes with Other Oils (Polaris Applied Sciences, 2013): https://les/COMPAR_BITUMEN_OTHER_OILS_-_A3S5G71.pdf
e. DHS Analysis – Bakken Crude Oil Flows by Rail:les/Appendix%20B%20-%20
f. DHS Analysis – Hazardous Liquid Pipeline and Rail Incidents (1985-2014):les/
g. EPA Region 4 Aliceville Train Derailment:les/Aliceville%20EPA%20Presentation_
h. Effects of Diluted Bitumen on the Environment: A Comparative Study (Douglas Friedman, Ph.D.): https://response.epa.
i. Understanding Oil Spills and Oil Spill Response (EPA):
j. Map of Crude Oil Transported by Rail (The Wall Street Journal):
k. Oil Spill Response Strategies for Coastal Marshes during the Deepwater Horizon MC252 Spill:
l. The Royal Society of Canada Expert Panel: The Behaviour and Environmental Impacts of Crude Oil Released into
Aqueous Environments (November 2015):
m. Spills of Diluted Bitumen from Pipelines: A Comparative Study of Environmental Fate, Effects, and Response (National
Academies of Sciences, 2016):
n. Final Bakken Crude Oil Worker Health and Safety Pilot Scale Studies (April 2018):
7. Tribal guidance:
a. EPA Region 10 Guidance for Preparing Tribal Emergency Response Plans (EPA-910-R-04-003): https://response.epa.
• This guidance document is designed to assist tribes in developing emergency response plans to address oil and
hazardous materials spills; natural disasters such as oods, earthquakes, and res; and other types of emergencies.
8. Oil spill research:
a. EPA Oil Spill Research Web Page:
9. Publications:
a. Cleanup Publications:
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Appendix H: Guidelines for Volunteers
The National Response Team (NRT) released the NRT Use of Volunteers Guidelines for Oil Spills in 2012. The Guidelines can
be found on the NRT Website (; Guidance, Technical Assistance & Planning; Use of Volunteers Guidelines for
Oil Spills) or through this link:
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Appendix I: Acronyms
AC Area Committee
ACP Area Contingency Plan
ASPECT Airborne Spectral Photometric Environmental Collection Technology (EPA)
CAMEO Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations
CBRN CMAT Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Consequence Management Advisory Team (EPA)
CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
COTP Captains of the Port (USCG)
CWA Clean Water Act
DHS Department of Homeland Security
DoD Department of Defense
DOT Department of Transportation
DRG District Response Group (USCG)
EMAC Emergency Management Assistance Compact
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
EPCRA Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act
ERMA Environmental Response Management Application (NOAA)
ESA Endangered Species Act
ERT Environmental Response Team (EPA)
ESF Emergency Support Function
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
FGDC Federal Geographic Data Committee
FHWA Federal Highway Administration (DOT)
FMCSA Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (DOT)
FOSC Federal On-Scene Coordinator
FRA Federal Railroad Administration (DOT)
FRP Facility Response Plan
FRS Facility Registry Service
FWPCA Federal Water Pollution Control Act
FWSEP Fish and Wildlife and Sensitive Environments Plan
GIS Geographic Information System
GRP Geographic Response Plan
HAZWOPER Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response
HHS Department of Health and Human Services
HSPD Homeland Security Presidential Directive
IAP Incident Action Plan
IC Incident Commander
ICS Incident Command System
LEPC Local Emergency Planning Committee
MERL Mobile Environmental Radiation Laboratory (MERL) (EPA)
MCP Mobile Command Post
NCP National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan
NEBA Net Environmental Benets Analysis
NGO Nongovernmental Organization
NIMS National Incident Management System
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NRF National Response Framework
NRS National Response System
NRT National Response Team
NSFCC National Strike Force Coordination Center (USCG)
OEI Ofce of Environmental Information (OEI)
OEM Ofce of Emergency Management (EPA)
OPA 90 Oil Pollution Act of 1990
OSC On-Scene Coordinator
PHILIS Portable High-throughput Integrated Laboratory Identication System (EPA)
PHMSA Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (DOT)
PIO Public Information Ofcer
PPD Presidential Policy Directive
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
RA Regional Administrator (EPA)
RCP Regional Contingency Plan
RERT Radiological Emergency Response Team (EPA)
RMP Risk Management Plan
RRT Regional Response Team
SEMS Superfund Enterprise Management System
SERC State Emergency Response Commission
SSC Scientic Support Coordinator
TEK Traditional Ecological Knowledge
TRI Toxics Release Inventory
UC Unied Command
USCG United States Coast Guard
USDA United States Department of Agriculture
USGS U.S. Geological Survey
Oce of Land and Emergency
August 2018
United States
Environmental Protection