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Frequently Asked Questions
Click a topic below to be taken to a list of questions relating to that topic. You may then select your
question from the list to see the corresponding answer.
o License and Endorsement Types
o Requirements for Licenses and Endorsements
o The Application Process
o Registration and Renewal
o Reinstatement of a Lapsed License
o Terminology
o Additional Information for International Applicants
o General Questions
o Contact Information
Please note: The information in this document is subject to change with new law. Any new information set forth in Illinois
Administrative Code or Illinois Compiled Statutes shall supersede the information in this document.
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License and Endorsement Types
What types of licenses exist?
What endorsements can be added to my professional educator license?
What endorsements can be added to my educator license with stipulations?
Can I receive a paper copy of my license?
For how many years is my license valid?
I have not met all of the requirements for a professional educator license. Can I receive any sort of
provisional license so I can begin teaching right away?
If I receive an educator license with stipulations endorsed as a provisional educator, will this license
automatically be exchanged for a professional educator license (PEL) once I have met the requirements
for the PEL?
If I hold a valid professional educator license or educator license with stipulations, am I qualified to be a
substitute teacher?
What types of special education endorsements or approvals are available?
Requirements for Licenses and Endorsements
How can I obtain a substitute teaching license?
How can I obtain an ELS endorsed for a paraprofessional educator?
How can I qualify to teach special education in pre-kindergarten?
How can I qualify to teach in a self-contained general education setting?
How can I qualify to teach special education in a cross-categorical Learning Behavior Specialist I (LBS I)
I have completed an alternative educator licensure program in another state. What are my options for
licensure in Illinois?
Which tests do I need to take for a specific license?
Which tests do I need to take to add a specific endorsement to my license?
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Do I need to have U.S. citizenship to obtain a license in Illinois?
I need additional coursework for the PEL. What courses can I take to fulfill these requirements, and
where can I take them?
How can I obtain the gifted education teacher or gifted education specialist endorsement?
Does Illinois offer any alternative routes to educator licensure?
What are requirements for supervisory endorsements?
The Application Process
How much are the application fees?
How can I pay the application fees?
How long will it take for my license, endorsement, or approval to be issued?
The endorsement or approval I want is not available on the application. Why?
What happens if my license has been previously denied?
Registration and Renewal
How much are registration fees for my license?
Which regional office of education (ROE) is in my county or region?
What will I need to do to renew my professional educator license?
What will I need to do to renew my educator license with stipulations- provisional educator?
How do I renew my substitute teaching license?
I hold a professional educator license and a substitute license. Now that I have to pay separate
registration fees for both, is it necessary to maintain both licenses?
My certificate has been exchanged for a license. When do I need to renew my license?
I am a new Illinois educator and have just received my first Illinois license. When should I register my
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Reinstatement of a Lapsed License
My license has lapsed. What are my options for reinstatement?
I need to reinstate my license. What coursework can I complete?
My license/endorsement status is listed in ELIS as lapsed, deficient, pending review, etc. What do these
statuses mean?
What is a self-contained general education endorsement?
What is an endorsement?
What is LBS I?
What are school support personnel?
What is a paraprofessional?
What do you mean by a valid, comparable out-of-state certificate or license?
What is a state-approved program?
What is entitlement?
What is the difference between an endorsement and a designation on my license?
What is an approval?
What is an IEIN?
Additional Information for International Applicants
I completed an educator preparation program outside of the United States. What additional
requirements do I need to apply for licensure in Illinois?
I am an international student completing a state-approved program at a U.S. college or university. Am I
eligible to receive an Illinois license?
Do I need to have U.S. citizenship to obtain a license in Illinois?
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General Questions
How do I access my Educator Licensure Information System (ELIS) account?
How do I change my name, address, or other information in ELIS?
How can I contact my regional office of education or ISBE?
I cannot open a deficiency letter in my account. What is wrong?
I have two ELIS accounts and need the accounts merged. What should I do?
How can I submit course descriptions to ISBE for review?
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License and Endorsement Types
What types of licenses exist?
There are three types of licenses in Illinois:
Professional Educator License
Educator License with Stipulations
Substitute Teaching License
Click each license type to see the endorsements that can be added to that particular license.
Please note endorsements cannot be added to a substitute license. Click here to see the
requirements for obtaining each license.
Please note that after issuance, all licenses must be registered in your ELIS account to be valid
for teaching.
What endorsements can be added to my professional educator license?
The following endorsements can be added to a professional educator license:
Early Childhood Education (Birth-grade 3)*
Elementary Education
Secondary Education (9-12)*
Special (K-12, endorsed in one content area)*
Special Education (PK- Age 21)*
School Counselor (PK- Age 21)*
School Social Worker (PK- Age 21)*
School Psychologist (PK- Age 21)*
School Nurse (PK- Age 21)*
Speech Language Pathologist (teaching or non-teaching) (PK-Age 21)*
Principal (PK-12)*
General Administrative (K-12)***
Chief School Business Official (PK-12)*
Director of Special Education (PK-21)*
Superintendent (PK-12)*
Gifted Education Teacher (grade range varies)**
Gifted Education Specialist (PK-12)
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Reading Specialist (K-12)*
Teacher Leader (PK-12)*
Content/Subject Areas (Grade range varies)**
*Requires completion of a state-approved educator preparation program
** Can only be added within the grade range of your current credentials
***The general administrative endorsement is only available to educators who completed their general
administrative program prior to September 1, 2014.
K-9 Elementary programs must be completed by September 1, 2018, and endorsements must be
issued by September 1, 2019.
What endorsements can be added to my educator license with stipulations?
The following endorsements can be added to an educator license with stipulations:
Provisional Educator
Early Childhood Education (birth-grade 3)*
Elementary Education
Secondary Education (6-12)*
Special (K-12, endorsed in one content area)*
Special Education (PK- Age 21)*
School Counselor (PK- Age 21)*
School Social Worker (PK- Age 21)*
School Psychologist (PK- Age 21)*
School Nurse (PK- Age 21)*
Speech Language Pathologist (teaching or non-teaching) (PK-Age 21)*
Chief School Business Official (PK-12)*
Director of Special Education (PK-21)*
Principal (PK-12)
Superintendent (PK-12)*
Content/Subject Areas (Grade range varies)**
Alternative Provisional Educator (various programs available)
Chief School Business Official (PK-12)
Career and Technical Educator (7-12) (field endorsed)
Provisional Career and Technical Educator (11-12) (field endorsed)
Part-time Provisional Career and Technical Educator (6-12)
Transitional Bilingual Educator (PK-12) (language endorsed)
Visiting International Teacher (grade range varies)
Paraprofessional Educator (PK- Age 21)
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** Can only be added within the grade range of your current credentials
The following endorsements can only be issued through entitlement:
Alternative Provisional Educator (grade range varies)
Resident Teacher (grade range varies)
Reading Specialist (K-12)*
Teacher Leader (PK-12)
*Unless an out of state approved program was completed
K-9 Elementary programs must be completed by September 1, 2018, and endorsements must be
issued by September 1, 2019.
Can I receive a paper copy of my license?
Educators will not receive paper copies of their licenses but may print any ELIS page if they wish
to have a printed version of their credentials.
For how many years is my license valid?
A newly-issued professional educator license(PEL) is valid for five full fiscal years and renewable
if professional development requirements are met.
The educator license with stipulations endorsed as a provisional educator is valid for one full
fiscal year. If licensure tests are passed within this time, the license can be extended for an
additional fiscal year. If the educator has not been employed full-time on the license in an
Illinois public or recognized non-public school, the license may be renewed for two additional
years upon request from the educator (ISBE form 80-04: Request to Renew an Educator License
with Stipulations Endorsed for a Provisional Educator form must be submitted to ISBE prior to
the license’s expiration date.)
The educator license with stipulations endorsed as a transitional bilingual educator is valid for
five full fiscal years and may not be renewed.
The educator license with stipulations endorsed as a career and technical educator is valid for
five full fiscal years and may be renewed.
The educator license with stipulations endorsed as a provisional career and technical educator
is valid for five full fiscal years and may be renewed once.
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The educator license with stipulations endorsed as a visiting international teacher is valid for
three full fiscal years and may not be renewed.
The substitute teaching license is valid for five full fiscal years and renewable with payment of
registration fees. All substitute licenses received a new five-year cycle in the exchange; thus, all
licenses with a 7/1/2013 begin date will need to renew by 6/30/2018.
I have not met all of the requirements for a professional educator license. Can I
receive any sort of provisional license so I can begin teaching right away?
If you have not met all of the requirements for a professional educator license and you would
like to begin teaching immediately, you may be eligible for an educator license with stipulations
endorsed as a provisional educator. Please view the requirements for the professional
educator license and the educator license with stipulations to determine which license is best
for you.
An educator license with stipulations endorsed as a provisional educator is valid for one full
fiscal year and can be extended for an additional fiscal year if licensure tests have been passed.
The license may be renewed for an additional two fiscal years if you have not been employed
full-time on the license. Before your provisional license expires, you must meet the
requirements of the professional educator license to continue to be legally employed.
If I receive an educator license with stipulations endorsed as a provisional
educator, will this license automatically be exchanged for a professional
educator license (PEL) once I have met the requirements for the PEL?
Yes, your educator license with stipulations endorsed as a provisional educator will be
automatically exchanged for a professional educator license if the requirements for the PEL have
been met within the two-fiscal year validity of your deficiency letter. Click here to see the
requirements for obtaining the professional educator license.
If you do not meet the requirements for the PEL within two full fiscal years, you must submit a
new application and fee and meet any new licensure requirements that are in effect at the time
of your new application.
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If I hold a valid professional educator license or educator license with
stipulations, am I qualified to be a substitute teacher?
If you hold a valid professional educator license or educator license with stipulations that
required a bachelor’s degree for issuance, you are qualified to be a substitute teacher. You do
not need to hold a substitute teaching license. Some districts may require the issuance of a
Substitute license for employment.
What types of special education endorsements or approvals are available?
To view requirements for each endorsement or approval, click here.
Endorsements Requiring Completion of an Approved Preparation Program:
Learning Behavior Specialist I (PK- Age 21) (cross-categorical special education)
Teacher of Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (PK- Age 21)
Teacher of Students Who are Blind or Visually Impaired (PK- Age 21)
Speech Language Pathologist- Teaching (PK- Age 21)
Other Endorsements:
Learning Behavior Specialist I (valid for the grade range of your license)
Learning Behavior Specialist II (available through entitlement only after completing an approved
program in Illinois)
Early Childhood Special Education
Bilingual Special Education
ESL Special Education
Adaptive PE
Sign Language Interpreter
Interim Sign Language Interpreter
Cued Speech Interpreter
Short-Term Emergency Approval in Special Education
Teacher Coordinator of Vocational Programs
Vocational Coordinator
Interim Approval for School Counselor Intern
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School Nurse Intern
School Psychologist Intern
Social Worker Intern
Requirements for Licenses and Endorsements
How can I obtain a substitute teaching license?
A substitute teaching license, valid for substitute teaching in grades PK-12 in any county in
Illinois, may be issued to individuals who hold a bachelor’s degree or higher from a regionally
accredited institution of higher education. To apply, individuals may submit an application
online in the Educator Licensure Information System (ELIS). A $50 fee will be assessed
electronically when the application is submitted. After submitting their application, individuals
should have an official transcript showing an awarded bachelor’s degree sent to ISBE.
To be valid for teaching, a substitute license must be registered in ELIS after it is issued.
The license is valid for five years and may be renewed with the payment of registration
Please note: Individuals who hold a lapsed professional educator license (PEL) and owed
professional development are not eligible to obtain a substitute teaching license. If your PEL is
lapsed and you do not owe professional development, you may obtain a substitute teaching
Individuals who have had their PEL or ELS suspended or revoked and have not met the renewal
requirements are not eligible to obtain a new substitute teaching license.
Individuals who hold a license indicative of a bachelor’s degree (such as a professional educator
license) are able to substitute teach on that license. A substitute teaching license is not required
by the state. Please check with your employer to see if you need to obtain a substitute teaching
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How can I obtain an ELS endorsed as a paraprofessional educator?
A paraprofessional educator endorsement on an educator license with stipulations may be issued to
an individual who is at least 20 years of age, holds a high school diploma or its recognized
equivalent, and has met one of the following requirements:
1. Holds an associate degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher education;
2. Has completed at least 60 semester hours of credit from a regionally accredited institution of
higher education (excluding remedial coursework) (coursework must be passed with a “D” or
3. Presents an official score report from Educational Testing Service (ETS) showing a score of 460
or higher on the ParaPro test; or
4. Presents evidence of earning the following scores on the Work Keys test (offered by ACT):
Reading for Information (4), Writing/Business Writing (3), and Applied Mathematics (4).
To apply for an educator license with stipulations endorsed as a paraprofessional educator,
individuals may submit an application in the Educator Licensure Information System (ELIS.) A $100
fee will be assessed electronically when the application is submitted. After submitting their
application, individuals should have a copy of their high school diploma and official transcripts
showing completion of any college coursework sent to ISBE.
An educator license with stipulations endorsed as a paraprofessional educator is not valid until it is
registered. Once registered, the license is valid until June 30 immediately following five years of the
endorsement being issued and may be renewed. Please note: If an individual already holds an
educator license indicative of a bachelor’s degree or an educator license with stipulations endorsed
for career and technical educator, an educator license with stipulations is not required to serve in
the capacity of a paraprofessional.
How can I obtain a middle school endorsement?**
Before you can add a middle school endorsement, you must hold an endorsement for one of the
following grade ranges:
Secondary (6-12)
Special (K-12) or Special Education (PK-21)
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If you hold an elementary education endorsement, the middle school endorsement is valid for
grades 5-8. If you hold a secondary education endorsement, the middle school endorsement is
valid for grades 6-8. If you hold a special (K-12) or special education (PK-21) endorsement, the
middle school endorsement is valid for grades 5-8.
To obtain a middle school endorsement, you must submit an application for endorsement and
meet the coursework requirements for the endorsement sought. Some middle school
endorsements also require passing a content area test. View requirements for all available
middle school endorsements here. Six semester hours of middle grade professional coursework
must also be completed. For more information about the middle school coursework, click here.
Exception: If you completed a state approved K-12 program and hold a special K-12
endorsement in a specific subject area, you can teach middle school in that specific subject area
without completion of the middle grade professional coursework.
**Middle grade endorsement applications submitted prior to February 1, 2018 will be
evaluated under current rules. Visit
grades.pdf for information on Middle Grade Program/Endorsement changes!
K-9 Elementary programs must be completed by September 1, 2018, and endorsements must be
issued by September 1, 2019.
How can I qualify to teach special education in pre-kindergarten?
To teach special education in pre-kindergarten, you must hold an early childhood special
education approval. This approval can ONLY be obtained if you already hold an early childhood
education (birth-grade 3) endorsement, a special (LBSI PK-21) endorsement, or a split
elementary education/secondary education endorsement that includes an LBSI endorsement
with a combined grade range equivalent to PK-21. The Early Childhood Special Education
approval (ECT) is granted when an educator has completed coursework in early childhood
special education methods, early childhood special education assessment, language
development in the young child, and child, family, & community relationships. This is not always
achieved with the completion of just four courses. Illinois institutions have identified a specific
sequence of courses offered at their institutions that will meet these areas.
Although the grade range of the special (LBSI PK-21) endorsement encompasses pre-
kindergarten, educators with this endorsement are not qualified to teach pre-kindergarten
special education until they hold the early childhood special education approval.
Exception: Teachers of students who are deaf or hard of hearing, teachers of students who are
blind or visually impaired, and speech language pathologists are not required to hold an early
childhood special education approval.
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How can I qualify to teach in a self-contained general education setting?
To teach in a self-contained setting and teach all subjects, you must hold the self-contained
general education endorsement on your license. This endorsement is only available to
individuals who have completed a state-approved early childhood education or elementary
education program and have passed the appropriate tests
How can I qualify to teach special education in a cross-categorical Learning
Behavior Specialist I (LBS I) setting?
To teach cross-categorical special education for grades kindergarten and above, you must hold
the LBS I endorsement or LBS I approval. The LBSI approval, no longer issued as of September 1,
2015, was valid for 3 calendar years if issued on or after January 1, 2002. If issued prior to that
date, there is no end date and the approval does not expire. The LBS I approval is valid for the
grade range of the endorsement held for grades kindergarten and above. To serve as a teacher
for cross-categorical early childhood special education, you must also obtain the early
childhood special education approval.
You may hold one of the following grade level endorsements and either the LBS I approval or
the endorsement:
Grade Level Endorsement
LBS I Approval or Endorsement Grade Range
Early Childhood Teaching
(Grade K-3)
Elementary Teaching
(Grade K-9) or (PreK-9)
Secondary Teaching
(Grade 6-12)
Special K-12 Teaching (Music, PE, Visual Arts…)
(Grade K-12)
Special Education (PK-21) endorsed in one of
the following:
Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Blind or Visually Impaired
Speech Language Pathologist
(Grade K-12)
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K-9 Elementary programs must be completed by September 1, 2018, and endorsements must be
issued by September 1, 2019.
I have completed an alternative educator certification program in another state.
What are my options for licensure in Illinois?
Each out-of-state applicant for an Illinois teaching license must meet licensure requirements
that are similar to Illinois requirements. For those who have completed alternative certification
or licensure programs, requirements include:
Graduation from a regionally accredited institution with a bachelor’s degree that
directly corresponds to the endorsement sought and meets the requirements for that
An intensive course of study approved by that state for this purpose
Student teaching or another structured teaching experience that forms part of the
approved alternative program, as well as additional required coursework that applies to
all out-of-state applicants
Which tests do I need to take for a specific license?
To see the exact tests needed for licensure, view the Illinois Licensure, Endorsement, and
Approval Requirements and select the particular license you are seeking.
An out-of-state test of basic skills or content test can be honored during the initial PEL
evaluation if the test was used to obtain initial licensure in another state. Verification is required
from your institution or the state in which licensure was awarded. Use form 80-02: State
Approved Program and Completion of Standards Verification to verify passing scores.
A passing score on an edTPA taken in another state for licensure can also be honored in Illinois.
Click here for more details (under Testing Information). Use form 80-01A: Out-of-State
Verification of EdTPA and visit to submit official scores to Illinois.
For additional testing information, including test registration, please visit
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Which tests do I need to take to add a specific content/subject endorsement to
my license?
Click here to see what tests (if any) are required for each subject/content area endorsement.
All content-area tests are valid indefinitely.
Do I need to have U.S. citizenship to obtain a license in Illinois?
You do not need to be a U.S. citizen or hold a valid social security number to obtain an Illinois
license, but you must hold a valid social security number to obtain employment as an educator.
For additional information about acquiring a social security number through the Social Security
Administration, click here.
I need additional coursework for the PEL. What courses can I take to fulfill these
requirements, and where can I take them?
The Illinois State Board of Education has pre-approved courses from various Illinois and out-of-
state institutions for the professional educator license requirements. To see specific courses
that that may be completed to meet licensure requirements in the areas of cross-categorical
special education methods, ESL/bilingual methods, reading methods, and reading in the content
area, click here.
How can I obtain the gifted education teacher or gifted education specialist
View the Illinois Licensure, Endorsement, and Approval Requirements document.
Does Illinois offer any alternative routes to educator licensure?
Yes. Instead of completing a traditional route to educator licensure, you may complete an
approved alternative licensure program in the state. Alternative programs are two-year
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programs and typically begin with an intensive course of study during the summer term. Then,
candidates serve as teachers of record in their own classroom for two years. Additional
program requirements are completed during this time.
To be admitted to an alternative licensure program, you must already hold a bachelor’s degree
in a content area and have passed the Test of Academic Proficiency (or provided acceptable ACT
or SAT scores) and have passed the applicable content test.
To begin your first year of residency, you must apply for an educator license with stipulations
endorsed for provisional alternative educator and complete a course of study in the approved
alternative education program.
Before beginning your second year of residency, you must complete any additional coursework
required by your program, pass the edPTA (candidates beginning their second year of residency
in the 2015-2016 school year will be required to pass the edTPA during that year), pass the APT
test, and be recommended by your program to begin the second year of residency.
Please view the Directory of Approved Programs to see the alternative licensure programs
available in Illinois. You may contact specific institutions for information about applying to the
What are requirements for supervisory endorsements?
Supervisory endorsements may be added in the following areas:
Learning Behavior Specialist I
Teacher of Students Who are Blind or Visually Impaired
Teacher of Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Speech Language Pathologist (teaching)
Early Childhood Special Education
School Social Worker
School Nurse
School Counselor
School Psychologist
Speech Language Pathologist (non-teaching)
To qualify for a supervisory endorsement, an educator must already hold one of the above
endorsements on his/her professional educator license and complete eight semester hours of
graduate professional education coursework that includes:
One course for supervision of personnel
One course for administration and organization of schools
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The Application Process
How much are the application fees?
Professional Educator License (PEL) Application Fee:
If you completed an educator preparation program in Illinois, the license application fee is
If you completed an educator preparation program outside Illinois, the application fee for your
license is $150.*
If you do not qualify for the PEL but meet the requirements for the ELS endorsed as a provisional
educator, the ELS will be issued. The ELS can be exchanged for the PEL for no additional fee or
application if PEL deficiencies are removed within one calendar year.
Educator License with Stipulations Application Fee:
If you completed an educator preparation program in Illinois, the license application fee is
If you completed an educator preparation program outside Illinois, the application fee for your
license is $150.* Exception: Transitional bilingual educator fees are $100.*
Substitute License Fee:
The application fee for a substitute license is $50.*
Paraprofessional Endorsement on an Educator License with Stipulations:
The application fee is $100.*
The application fee for adding an endorsement to an existing license is $50 per endorsement.*
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The application fee for adding an approval is $50.* Approvals are free if no professional
educator license is held, and if a license is not required for the approval’s issuance.
*A convenience fee will be applied at the time of your online payment.
How can I pay the application fees?
All fees must be paid online with a credit or debit card at the time of application. If you are
uncomfortable using your personal credit/debit card, pre-paid credit cards with an expiration
date may be used. Master Card, Visa, Discover, and American Express are accepted.
How long will it take for my license, endorsement, or approval to be issued?
Applications are processed in the order they are received, and issuance time depends on the
volume of applications. June through October is our busiest time of year.
You can check the status of your application in the “My Credentials” section of your ELIS
account. Below are statuses you may see in your account.
PR- Pending Review- Your application has been received and is in a queue to be reviewed.
Applications are reviewed in the order they are received. You will receive an email alert when
your evaluation has been completed.
D- Deficient- Your application is missing one or more requirements, such as a test, coursework,
or a necessary document. Check the “deficiency letter” section of your account to view the
requirements you are missing. Access your letter using Internet Explorer or Firefox.
I- Issued- Your credential has been issued. If your credential is a new license, you need to
register your license by clicking the registration badge on your ELIS home screen.
The endorsement or approval I want is not available on the application. Why?
There are a few reasons the endorsement you are seeking may not be available on the
endorsement application:
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1. If you already hold the endorsement, or if you have applied for the endorsement in the past
year and hold a valid deficiency letter, you will not be able to apply for the same
endorsement. Click the “My Credentials” tab in your ELIS account to see your issued,
pending, and deficient credentials.
2. If an Illinois university or college has recommended you for a specific endorsement or
approval through entitlement, you will not be able to apply for the same endorsement
through ISBE evaluation. Please check your pending credentials on your ELIS homepage to
see if a higher education institution has entered a notification for entitlement. You can then
apply for the pending endorsement.
3. Some endorsements or approvals are only available through entitlement. The reading
specialist, alternative provisional superintendent, alternative provisional educator, and
resident teacher endorsements, as well as the interim school counselor intern approval and
all LBS II approvals, are only granted through entitlement. If you are seeking one of these
endorsements or approvals, please speak to an Illinois university or college for information
about approved program requirements.
4. Other endorsements are only available for specific grade ranges. You must hold an
endorsement for the grade range needed for a particular endorsement. For instance, you
cannot submit an application for mathematics (9-12) unless you already hold either the
secondary, K-12, or PreK-21 education endorsement. To add an additional grade range
endorsement to your license, you must complete a state-approved program at a regionally-
accredited college or university.
5. Some endorsements can only be added to a specific license. If you do not hold the correct
license type, you will not be able to add the endorsement. View a list of endorsements that
can be added to a professional educator license and a list of endorsements that can be
added to an educator license with stipulations.
What happens if my license has been previously denied?
If you have previously been denied a license or have had another action against your license, be advised
that if you re-apply, ISBE will review a personal statement and letters of reference or recommendation
and may require you to submit additional documentation (see Rule 25.485 for complete details). Your
application fee is non-refundable. This is not a guarantee that you will receive a license. Your application
may be denied and if so, you will be advised of your option to appeal that denial.
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Registration and Renewal
How much are registration fees for my license?
Licenses must be registered for $10 per year to prevent them from lapsing. Educators can pay
registration fees by logging in to ELIS, and registration fees must be paid for the entire cycle of
the license. If you hold more than one license, you must pay registration fees for each license.
It is your responsibility to remember when your license needs to be registered.
If a license is not registered after six months, it lapses, and the educator will have to pay a $500
penalty fee OR complete nine semester hours of appropriate college coursework. View more
information about lapsed licenses here.
Which regional office of education (ROE) is in my county or region?
Regional offices of education are grouped by counties throughout Illinois. Your license must be
registered in the region where you are employed. Non-public and retired educators register in
the county where they live; Out of state educators register in Region 15. Click here to see a list
of regional offices of education.
What will I need to do to renew my professional educator license?
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Teachers, Career and Technical Education Teachers, Teaching Speech Language Pathologists
Complete and record the required amount of professional development reflected in ELIS at the bottom
of the Educator Development screen. Log in to ELIS on/after April 1
of your renewal year. Click on
Renewals in the Action Center on your homepage. Follow the instructions to renew and register your
Beginning in 2019 teachers who hold administrative credentials will must complete 1 Administrator
Academy (AA) during each five-year cycle. Information about AAs is available by contacting your
Regional Office of Education.
School Service Personnel (Does not include Teaching Speech Language Pathologists)
Complete and record the required amount of professional development reflected in ELIS at the bottom
of the Educator Development screen. Alternately, School Service Personnel may record their Illinois
Department of Financial and Professional Regulations license in ELIS to fulfill 100% of their professional
development requirements. Log in to ELIS on/after April 1
of your renewal year. Click on Renewals in
the Action Center on your homepage. Follow the instructions to renew and register your license.
Complete and record the required amount of professional development reflected in ELIS at the bottom
of the Educator Development screen. Confirm that all Administrator Academies (AAs) you completed
are reflected on the Educator Development screen. Contact ISBE Educator Licensure regarding missing
AAs. Log in to ELIS on/after April 1st of your renewal year. Click on Renewals in the Action Center on
your homepage. Follow the instructions to renew and register your license.
What will I need to do to renew my educator license with stipulations-
provisional educator?
If you have not been employed full-time on your educator license with stipulations (ELS-PEDU), you may
renew your license for two full fiscal years. During this two-year period, you should complete the edTPA
(if applicable) in order to earn your professional educator license.
To renew your ELS-PEDU, you must complete the top portion of ISBE form 80-04: Request to Renew an
Educator License with Stipulations- Provisional Educator and your ROE must complete the bottom
portion. Your ROE must upload the form to your ELIS account. The form must be received by ISBE
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(uploaded to your ELIS account) prior to the day your license is due to expire. If not received in time,
your license will expire and cannot be renewed.
How do I renew my substitute teaching license?
A Substitute Teaching License can be renewed by logging into your ELIS account and paying the
applicable registration fees.
I hold a professional educator license and a substitute license. Now that I have
to pay separate registration fees for both, is it necessary to maintain both
It is not necessary to maintain both types of licenses. Your professional educator license (PEL)
allows you to teach as a substitute. The PEL allows more flexibility for teaching; so even if you
retire, it is better to maintain your PEL than to receive a substitute license and allow your PEL to
I am a new Illinois educator and have just received my first Illinois license.
When should I register my license?
Your license should be registered within six months of its issuance or it will lapse and be invalid
for public school employment. If a license lapses, you must pay a $500 reinstatement fee or
complete 9 semester hours of coursework in one of your endorsement areas to reinstate your
license. You should register your license in your ELIS account and identify the regional office of
education in the county where you work. Non-public and retired educators register in the
county where they live; Out of state educators register in Region 15. Click here to see a list of
regional offices of education listed by county.
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Reinstatement of a Lapsed License
My license has lapsed. What are my options for reinstatement?
If your educator license has lapsed because you have not completed the required
professional development and/or Administrators’ Academy courses, you must complete
any deficient professional development, enter the activities in ELIS, and submit your PD
before you may reinstate your license.
Once you have satisfied the professional development requirements, you may choose
one of the two following options:
1. Complete nine semester hours of coursework in one or more of the
endorsement areas listed on your license. Coursework must be
completed within the last five fiscal years. View acceptable courses
you may complete for reinstatement below.
2. Pay a $500 penalty fee in place of completing nine semester hours of
You may apply for reinstatement in ELIS. You will be able to select which of the two
reinstatement options you wish to use. View the following documents to obtain step by
step ELIS instructions on how to reinstate your license:
ELIS Procedures - Documentation for 9 Semester Hours of College Coursework
Option (11/15)
ELIS Procedures - $500 Fee Option (11/15)
I need to reinstate my license. What coursework can I complete?
If you plan to reinstate your license by using nine semester hours of coursework completed within
the last five fiscal years, view the list of acceptable coursework for each license type below.
Elementary or Early Childhood Endorsement: Core content courses (English language
arts, math, science, or social science), reading, special populations (including special
education, gifted, English as a second language, or bilingual education), human
development, educational psychology, methods of instruction, or technology as it
relates to education. Coursework in any of your endorsement areas will also be
Secondary Education or K-12 Special Endorsement: Endorsement area content
coursework, Reading, special populations (including special education, gifted, English as
Rev. September 2016 Educator Licensure Division, Illinois State Board of Education Page 25 of 34
a second language, or bilingual education), human development, educational
psychology, methods of instruction, or technology as it relates to education. Coursework
in any of your endorsement areas will also be accepted.
Special Education PK-21 Endorsement: Core content courses (English language arts,
math, science, or social science), reading, special populations (including special
education, gifted, English as a second language, or bilingual education), human
development, educational psychology, methods of instruction, or technology as it
relates to education. Coursework in any of your endorsement areas will also be
Administrative Endorsement: Administrative coursework, Reading, special populations
(including special education, gifted, English as a second language, or bilingual
education), human development, educational psychology, methods of instruction, or
technology as it relates to education. Coursework in any of your endorsement areas will
also be accepted.
School Support Personnel Endorsement: Endorsement area content coursework,
Reading, special populations (including special education, gifted, English as a second
language, or bilingual education), human development, educational psychology,
methods of instruction, or technology as it relates to education. Coursework in any of
your endorsement areas will also be accepted.
Through September 1, 2016, educators may utilize coursework completed on or after 7/1/2010 toward
reinstating their licenses. Beginning September 2, 2016, educators may utilize coursework taken on or
after September 1, 2011. This timeline is compliant with 25.450 (b)(2)(C), which states: “The validity
period for any coursework used for license reinstatement shall expire on September 1 immediately
following the fifth full year after the date of the coursework's completion.”
**A $500 penalty fee can be submitted instead of completing nine semester hours of
My license/endorsement status is listed in ELIS as lapsed, deficient, pending
review, etc. What do these statuses mean?
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Completed Program (CP): If you are being recommended for a license or endorsement through
entitlement, your status will be “Completed Program” until you apply for your pending
notification. To apply for the entitlement notification, go to your ELIS homepage and click on
the link that alerts you of your pending entitlement notification. Your status will change to
“issued” once your application and fee are received.
Deficient (D): You have not met all of the requirements needed for the endorsement/license.
You will receive a letter through email detailing the requirements you need to meet.
Deleted/Removed (DR): The license/endorsement has been removed from your credentials and
is not valid for teaching in an Illinois public or state-operated school. You may see this status if a
duplicate license/endorsement was removed from your credentials.
Educator Surrendered (SU): The educator has voluntarily given up the license/endorsement.
Exchanged (EX): The license has been converted into a different license. The license with the
“exchanged” status is not valid for employment in an Illinois public or state-operated school.
This status is most often seen on licenses that were once “certificates” prior to implementation
of ELIS. For example, prior to July 1, 2013, an initial certificate may have been exchanged for a
standard certificate, or a provisional certificate may have been exchanged for a full certificate. In
ELIS, these historical licenses would have an “exchanged” status.
Expired (X): The license/endorsement has expired and is not valid for employment in an Illinois
public or state-operated school.
Inactive (IN): Your license registration fees expired and/or a Statement of Assurance (SOA) was
not approved prior June 30 of this year. You have until December 31 of this year to pay
registration fees and/or obtain SOA approval. Your license is invalid for employment in an
Illinois public or state-operated school.
Issued (I): You have met all necessary requirements for the license/endorsement.
Lapsed (L): Your last renewal cycle ended on or before June 30 of last year. Your license lapsed
because your license registration fees were not paid and/or professional development was not
submitted. Your license is invalid for employment in an Illinois public or state-operated school
until you reinstate it. Click here for an explanation of your reinstatement options.
Licensure Conversion (LC): If you held an Illinois certificate prior to July 1, 2013, that certificate
transferred to the new licensure system with a “licensure conversion” status. If your certificate
was valid at the time of the conversion, the same license is listed in your credentials with an
“issued” status.
Pending Review (PR): ISBE has received your application, and it is waiting to be reviewed by an
evaluator. Applications will be reviewed in the order they are received.
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Pre-Completion of Program (PC): The individual is being entitled for a license by an Illinois
university or college, but has not yet met all of the requirements for licensure.
Revoked (R): For educational purposes, the license no longer exists, and notification to that
effect was entered into the nationwide database.
Suspended (S): The license or endorsement is no longer valid for working in a position requiring
that credential, but it may be reinstated after a specific period of time.
What is a self-contained general education endorsement?
This endorsement allows an educator to teach all subject areas in one classroom to all students
within the grade range of the license.
What is an endorsement?
The term endorsement is used to describe a credential listed on a professional educator license
or an educator license with stipulations.
A teaching endorsement may be a grade-level endorsement (i.e. early childhood, elementary,
secondary, or special) or a content/subject-area endorsement (i.e. middle school language arts,
senior high school health education, or transitional bilingual educator).
Administrative endorsements include chief school business official, director of special
education, superintendent, principal, and general administrative.
School support personnel endorsements include school counselor, school social worker, school
psychologist, school nurse, and speech language pathologist (non-teaching).
What is LBS I?
LBS I is the acronym for Learning Behavior Specialist I. An educator can teach cross-categorical
special education with an LBS I endorsement.
What are school support personnel?
School support personnel include the following: school social worker, school counselor, school
psychologist, school nurse, and non-teaching speech-language pathologist.
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What is a paraprofessional?
Paraprofessionals are personnel authorized to be employed to assist in instruction (for example,
a teacher’s aide). After July 1, 2013, all new applicants for a paraprofessional credential must
hold an educator license with stipulations endorsed for a paraprofessional educator in order to
be employed as a paraprofessional.
What do you mean by a valid, comparable out-of-state certificate or license?
To receive an educator license with stipulations endorsed as a provisional educator, you must
present a valid, comparable out-of-state certificate or license. To be “valid”, your certificate
must be active and not expired. To be “comparable”, your certificate must be equivalent to an
Illinois license endorsed in the specific teaching field you are seeking. For instance, if you are
seeking the “secondary education” endorsement in Illinois, your out-of-state certificate or
license must list credentials for teaching grades 6-12 (or a similar range).
If you are seeking an educator license with stipulations endorsed in an administrative or school
support personnel area, your out-of-state certificate or license must reflect the credential you
are seeking in Illinois. For example, if you are seeking the school counselor endorsement in
Illinois, your out-of-state certificate or license must list a school counselor credential.
What is a state-approved program?
A state-approved program is a higher education institution or not-for-profit organization’s
focused program for the preparation of education personnel that leads to licensure in that state
or country. To be considered an “approved program” in Illinois, an institution/organization must
meet rigorous requirements and be recognized as such by the Illinois State Board of Education.
For a list of approved programs available at Illinois colleges and universities, click here.
What is entitlement?
Entitlement is the process Illinois institutions of higher education or not-for-profit entities
recognized and approved to offer educator preparation programs use when recommending a
candidate for a particular endorsement or license. If you completed coursework at an Illinois
university or college that qualified you for an endorsement or license, the institution may enter
a notification for entitlement in your ELIS account.
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By entering this notification, the institution is confirming you have completed all coursework
and testing requirements required for the endorsement/license per current Illinois rules and
The pending credential will be listed on your ELIS home page. You can apply for this credential
on your ELIS home page.
What is the difference between an endorsement and a designation on my
An endorsement entitles you to teach or administrate in a specific area. Designations
demonstrate areas of expertise or training modules completed, but do not enable an educator
to teach in an area. For example, you cannot teach in a National Board for Professional Teaching
Standards (NBPTS) designation area unless you hold the applicable Illinois endorsement.
What is an approval?
The following approvals are available.
Adaptive PE
Bilingual Special Education
Cued Speech Interpreter
Early Childhood Special Education
English as a Second Language Special Education
Interim School Counselor Intern
Interim Sign Language Interpreter
Interim Speech Language Pathologist Intern
School Nurse Intern
School Psychologist Intern
School Social Worker Intern
Short Term Authorization for Position Otherwise Unfilled
Short Term Emergency (until September 1, 2018)
Sign Language Interpreter
Teacher Coordinator
Vocational Coordinator
What is an IEIN?
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An IEIN (Illinois Educator Identification Number) is a unique number assigned to each individual
when his/her ELIS account is created. If you should ever need to contact your ROE or ISBE with
questions, please have your IEIN available so staff may easily locate your account.
Additional Information for International Applicants
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I completed an educator preparation program outside of the United States.
What additional requirements do I need to apply for licensure in Illinois?
To receive a license in Illinois, out-of-country applicants must have been prepared as an
educator outside of the United States, meet all coursework and testing requirements, and meet
all other requirements detailed in Illinois statute and rules.
If you have foreign credentials, you will need to obtain a course-by-course evaluation that
converts the foreign educational credentials to equivalent U.S. semester credits and courses.
The evaluation will need to specify the grade level for which you were prepared as an educator.
It will also need to indicate the U.S. degree equivalence of your foreign credentials. We will
require the original course-by-course foreign credential evaluation report. You will also need to
present your original foreign documents to your regional office of education, and copies of
these documents will be sent to the Illinois State Board of Education. Click here for a list of
approved evaluation sources.
I am an international student completing a state-approved program at a U.S.
college or university. Am I eligible to receive an Illinois license?
Yes, you may receive an Illinois license. If you plan to use your newly-issued license for
employment in the U.S.; however, you must obtain a social security number. Please visit this
page of the Social Security Administration website for more information:
The following pages also provide helpful information:
Do I need to have U.S. citizenship to obtain a license in Illinois?
You do not need to be a U.S. citizen to obtain an Illinois license.
General Questions
How do I access my ELIS account?
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Login to ELIS here. If you have not yet established an ELIS account, click “Sign Up Now” in the
left column.
How do I change my name, address, or other information in ELIS?
You may change your email address, mailing address, or phone number by logging in to your
ELIS account and clicking the edit link in your contact information section.
To change your name or update your degree information, complete form 73-71 Licensure
Update Request and bring the form and other necessary documents to your regional office of
education (ROE) so they may upload the materials to ISBE. Alternatively, you may email the
materials to ISBE at lic[email protected]et. Official transcripts verifying a degree must be sent
directly from the institution or mailed to ISBE in an envelope that was sealed by the institution.
If your social security number is listed incorrectly, your ROE can upload a copy of your social
security card to ISBE, or you may mail or fax a copy of your card directly to ISBE.
If your birth date is listed incorrectly, your ROE can upload a copy of your birth certificate or
driver’s license to ISBE, or you may mail or fax a copy directly to ISBE.
Incorrect gender listings may be corrected by having your ROE upload a copy of your driver’s
license or birth certificate. You may also mail or fax a copy directly to ISBE.
I cannot open a deficiency letter in my account. What is wrong?
You may be using an incompatible browser. ELIS works best with Internet Explorer and Firefox;
there are known compatibility issues with other browsers. You should also access your letter
using a PC or laptop rather than a phone or tablet.
I have two ELIS accounts and need the accounts merged. What should I do?
Please email ( a copy of your social security card and a note indicating you
have two ELIS accounts that need to be merged. The note should include your name and IEINs
for both accounts.
How can I submit course descriptions to ISBE for review?
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Submit ISBE form 80-07: Request for Pre-Approval of Coursework/Re-evaluation of Coursework.
You may provide up to three course descriptions for review. The form should be emailed to
Contact Information
Assistance with ELIS
Your ROE (Directory of Regional Offices of
Education) or call our call center: 217-557-6763
between 8am and 5pm CST.
Renewal/Reinstatement Questions
Submitting Documents to ISBE
(excluding transcripts and forms that must be
signed by a university/college/ROE)
Acceptable documents to be emailed include:
-out-of-state license
-course descriptions/course syllabi
Email your documents to [email protected]et.
Transcripts and documents requiring official
signature or seal from a university/college/ROE
cannot be emailed by the applicant. *Note: This
email is used to submit documents only; questions
and comments are not monitored and will not
receive a response.
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- social security card & request for account merge
-letters of teaching experience (must be emailed
directly from your administrator or school district
human resources office)
Submitting social security card for account
merges/name changes
Email a copy of your card to [email protected]et or
fax a copy of your card to 217-524-1289.
Submitting Transcripts to ISBE
Must be mailed directly from the institution or
emailed directly from the institution to
[email protected]t. Applicants may mail official
transcripts to ISBE as long as the transcript is in an
unopened envelope from the university/college.
General Questions
Contact your ROE (Directory of Regional Offices of
Education) or call our call center: 217-557-6763
between 8am and 5pm CST.
Educator Licensure Mailing Address
Illinois State Board of Education
Educator Licensure Division
100 North First Street
Springfield, IL 62777
For Licensure Requirements: Visit
Pre-approved coursework you may take for the professional educator license is found here: