Building School
Monitoring Team
Data Driven Dialogue
Protocol and Sample
This protocol builds awareness and understanding of the
participant viewpoints, beliefs, and assumptions about student
data while suspending judgment. Also included is a sample data
set with which Network for College Success partner schools used
this protocol.
Protocols are most powerful and effective when used within an ongoing professional learning community and facilitated by a skilled facilitator. To learn more
about professional learning communities and seminars for facilitation, please visit the School Reform Initiative website at www.schoolreforminitiative.org.
Data Driven Dialogue
Developed by the Teacher Development Group, 2002.
Based on work presented by Nancy Love, author of “Using Data/Getting Results,” 2002.
“Dialogue comes from the Greek word dialogos. Logos means ‘the word,’ or in our case we would think
of the ‘meaning of the word.And dia means ‘through’ – it doesn’t mean two. A dialogue can be among
any number of people, not just two. Even one person can have a sense of dialogue within himself, if the
spirit of dialogue is present. The picture or image that this derivation suggests is of a stream of meaning
owing among and through us and between us. This will make possible a ow of meaning in the whole
group, out of which will emerge some new understanding. It’s something new, which may not have been
in the starting point at all. It’s something creative. And this shared meaning is the ‘glue’ or ‘cement’ that
holds people and societies together,” (Bohm, D., 1990).
This protocol builds awareness and understanding of the participant’s viewpoints, beliefs, and assumptions
about data while suspending judgments. All participants have equal voice. The 3 phases of data-driven
dialogue assist groups in making shared meaning of data. We encourage you to use this tool with your
entire school staff and/or with your school leadership team at a special meeting on data. The dialogue tool
helps to replace hunches and feelings with data-based facts, examine patterns and trends of performance
indicators, and generate “root-cause” discussions that move from identifying symptoms to possible causes
of student performance. In order to effectively use this tool, participants will need to have grade level,
school, or district data reports.
Phase I Predictions
Surfacing perspectives, beliefs, assumptions, predictions, possibilities, questions, and expectations.
Phase II Go Visual
Re-create the data visually.
Phase III Observations
Analyzing the data for patterns, trends, surprises, and new questions that “jump” out.
Phase IV Inferences
Generating hypotheses, inferring, explaining, and drawing conclusions. Dening new actions and
interactions and the data needed to guide their implementation. Building ownership for decisions.
For protocol and facilitation, see Data Driven Dialogue Protocol Facilitation Plan.
Protocols are most powerful and effective when used within an ongoing professional learning community and facilitated by a skilled facilitator. To learn more
about professional learning communities and seminars for facilitation, please visit the School Reform Initiative website at www.schoolreforminitiative.org.
Data Driven Dialogue
Phase I Predictions
Phase I Predictions dialogue takes place before you see the data. During this time, you activate prior
knowledge, surface assumptions, and make predictions, thus creating readiness to examine and discuss
the data. You hear and honor all assumptions and ideas as “building blocks for new learning.
Private Think Time
Before beginning your Phase I Predictions dialogue, please reect privately and record several of your
preliminary thoughts about the data. One or more of the following thought-starters may be helpful.
I assume…
I predict…
I wonder…
My questions/expectations are inuenced by…
Some possibilities for learning that this data may present…
Protocols are most powerful and effective when used within an ongoing professional learning community and facilitated by a skilled facilitator. To learn more
about professional learning communities and seminars for facilitation, please visit the School Reform Initiative website at www.schoolreforminitiative.org.
Data Driven Dialogue
Phase II Go Visual
During Phase II Go Visual you re-create the data visually, on large sheets of paper, on a data wall, etc.
Participants mark up the data so they better understand it (i.e., highlight trend lines in different colors, do
math calculations and chart those, color code parts of the data that relate to each other). Participants might
create visuals individually or in pairs or triads. Depending upon the amount of data, it might be helpful to
divide it into subsets and identify who in the group will work with different subsets.
Protocols are most powerful and effective when used within an ongoing professional learning community and facilitated by a skilled facilitator. To learn more
about professional learning communities and seminars for facilitation, please visit the School Reform Initiative website at www.schoolreforminitiative.org.
Data Driven Dialogue
Phase III Observations
During Phase III Observations dialogue, you engage with the actual data and note only the facts that you
can observe in the data. Conjectures, explanations, conclusions, and inferences are off-limits. You make
statements about quantities (e.g., Over half the students…), the presence of certain specic information
and/or numerical relationships between ideas (e.g., Over 90% of the students achieved below standard in
Problem Solving; Compared to last year’s data, the percentage of students performing at the advanced and
on-standard levels in Skills increased by 8%…).
Private Think Time
Before beginning Phase III Observations dialogue, please study the data privately and record several of
your observations.
Just the facts! If you catch yourself using the following words, then stop.
Because… Therefore… It seems… However…
I observe that…
Some patterns/trends that I notice…
I can count…
I’m surprised that I see…
Protocols are most powerful and effective when used within an ongoing professional learning community and facilitated by a skilled facilitator. To learn more
about professional learning communities and seminars for facilitation, please visit the School Reform Initiative website at www.schoolreforminitiative.org.
Data Driven Dialogue
Phase IV Inferences
During Phase IV Inferences dialogue, you (a) generate multiple explanations for your Phase III
Observations; (b) identify additional data that may be needed to conrm/contradict your explanations; (c)
propose solutions/responses; and (d) identify data needed to monitor implementation of your solutions/
Private Think Time
Before beginning Phase IV Inferences dialogue with your colleagues, please reect privately, using one or
more of the following thought starters to prompt your thinking:
I believe the data suggests… because…
Additional data that would help me verify/conrm my explanations is…
I think the following are appropriate solutions/responses that address the needs implied in the data…
Additional data that would help guide implementation of the solutions/responses and determine if they
are working…
Protocols are most powerful and effective when used within an ongoing professional learning community and facilitated by a skilled facilitator. To learn more
about professional learning communities and seminars for facilitation, please visit the School Reform Initiative website at www.schoolreforminitiative.org.
Data Driven Dialogue
Protocol Facilitation Plan
Developed by David Leo-Nyquist, revised 2013.
Time (60-90 minutes)
1. Review Protocol (3 minutes)
2. Presentation (5 minutes)
“Owner” of the data provides overview of the context and focus
3. Clarifying Questions (4 minutes)
4. Phase 1: Predictions
a. Group lls out predictions sheet (3 minutes)
b. Round-robin report-out of predictions (one item each person, one round only — 3 minutes)
May be charted by the facilitator or other member of the group
5. Distribution and Examination of Data (7 minutes)
6. Additional Clarifying Questions, if necessary (3 minutes)
7. Phase II: Go Visual (10-30 minutes)
Participants mark up and re-organize the data to better understand it.
May be done individually, in pairs, or in small groups depending on group size and amount of data.
Highlighters, chart paper, and calculators are helpful to have on hand.
8. Phase III: Observations
a. Group lls out observations sheet (5 minutes)
b. Round-robin report-out of observations may (one item each person, continue rounds until new
ideas are spent — 5 minutes)
9. Check in with Presenter (2 minutes)
Do we need to refocus our attention?
10. Phase IV: Inferences
a. Group lls out inferences sheet (5 minutes)
b. Round-robin report-out of inferences. May be charted (one item each person, continue rounds
until new ideas are spent — 5 minutes).
11. Response from the PresenterWhat new thoughts are you having about the data now? What are
your next steps? (5 minutes)
12. Implications for teaching and learning (10 minutes)
13. Debrief the protocol (3 minutes)
Note: This protocol can be done in 2 sessions if desired, stopping after Step 8 between sessions.
Participants can ll out the inferences sheet between meetings to allow for a fuller discussion of the results
in the next session.
Building School
Data Driven Dialogue Sample Data
Monitoring Team