A Beginners
Guide to Drag
Ra cing
Gainesville Raceway
11211 N. County Road 225
Gainesville, FL 32609
Drag Racing Basics...
Simply, Drag Racing is defined as an accelera-
tion contest between two cars. The cars race from a stand-
ing start down a precisely measured, straight-line track. A
drag racing event is a series of two vehicle, tournament
style eliminations with the losing driver of each race being
eliminated until only one is left standing.
There are two types of Drag Racing: Heads-Up and Handi-
capped Racing. In Heads-Up competition, both drivers start
at the same time and the fastest vehicle is the winner.
Handicapped Racing is a little more complicated. The object
of Handicapped Racing is to predict the amount of time it
will take for your vehicle to cross the finish line.
A race is started by means of an electric device called a
Christmas Tree, named so because of its multi-colored
lights. Each Christmas Tree has seven lights on each side:
two small lights, followed by three, larger, amber colored
LED lights, then a right light, and finally a green light (See
Diagram below).
The best way to get started is to attend a “test and tune”
session, normally held on Wednesday nights from April
through November. At a “test and tune” event you are given
the chance to practice your starting procedure, learn how
your car reacts to tuning adjustments, and make passes
down the track without the pressure of competition. A “test
and tune” also gives you a chance to observe other drivers
and ask questions about how you can improve. Most drivers
are eager to give pointers to fellow racers.
Drag Strip Diagram.. Getting Started…
1. Gate Entry: Pay & receive Tech Card for class you’re
2. Pit Parking: You may park anywhere in the pits except
behind tow rigs.
3. Tech Inspection: Fill out card completely and clearly.
A track official will tech and give your vehicle a number.
4. Staging Lanes: After tech, proceed to staging lanes
(numbered lanes that get you to the starting line). Lis-
ten to PA (88.5FM) or ask a track official to find out
which lane to go to. At the head of the staging lanes,
you will be pulled out and stopped so your car number
can be recorded. Have all your safety equipment and
be ready to race. Do not leave your car unattended.
5. Burn Outs: You will be directed to the burn out box.
You can go through the water or around. Pay attention
to track officials at starting line. They will let you know
when to start your burn out and how to stage.
6. Staging: After burn out proceed to starting line. The
2nd set of yellow bulbs on the timing tree indicates you
are staged and ready to race. The starter will start the
tree and lights will start coming down.
7. Finish Line: Exit the drag strip at the gate in the right
side guard wall. Do not turn in front of another vehicle.
Do not back up or turn around on the track. Continue to
the end of the pavement and exit to the right.
8. Time Slips: After you exit the track, follow the road to
the time slip building. A track official will hand you your
time slip with your times.
Grand Stands
Pit Side Grand Stands
Pit Side Grand Stands
Burn Out Area
Pre-Staged Light Beam
Staged Light Beam/Starting Line
Guard Beam
MPH Light Beam
1/4 Mile Finish Line Light Beam
Shutdown Area
Emergency Turn Off Gate
First Turn Off Gate
Last Turn Off Gate
1/8 Mile
The Christmas Tree
Time Slips
** Not to scale
Gravel Trap
BREAKOUT: Used only in handicap racing, refers to a con-
testant running quicker than he or she predicted. Usually,
the driver who breaks out loses. If both drivers break out,
the one who runs closest to his or her dial, or prediction, is
the winner.
BURNOUT: Spinning the rear tires in water to heat and
clean them prior to a run for better traction. A burnout pre-
cedes every run when using slicks or drag radials.
CHRISTMAS TREE: The Tree, as it is often called, is the
noticeable electronic staring device between lanes on the
starting line. It displays a calibrated-light countdown for each
DEEP STAGED: A driver is deep staged when, after stag-
ing, he or she rolls a few inches farther, which causes the
pre-stage lights to go out. In that position, the driver is closer
to the finish line, but dangerously close to a foul start.
DIAL-IN: The elapsed time you think your car will run, up to
hundredths of a second, used in handicapped racing. The
number must be written in liquid chalk on the upper-right
windshield, driver’s side window and upper-left rear window.
ELAPSED TIME (E.T.): The time it takes a vehicle to travel
from the starting line to the finish line.
FOUL START (RED LIGHT): The foul start is indicated by a
red light on the bottom of the Christmas Tree when a car
has left the starting line before receiving the green light, or
starting signal.
PRE-STAGED: When a driver is approximately seven inch-
es behind the starting line and the small yellow lights atop
his or her side of the Christmas Tree are glowing
REACTION TIME: The time is takes a driver to react to the
green starting light on the Christmas Tree, measured in
thousandths of a second. The reaction time counter begins
when the last amber light flashes on the Tree and stops
when the vehicle clears the stage beam.
SPEED TRAP: The final 66 feet to the finish line where
speed is recorded.
STAGED: A driver is staged when the front wheels of the
car are on the starting line and the small yellow lights below
the pre-staged lights on his or her side of the Christmas
Tree are glowing. Once a driver is staged, the calibrated
countdown may begin at any time.
Drag Racing Terms... Ground Rules...
SPEED LIMIT: 15 MPH anywhere in the facility for ALL vehi-
cles. Burnouts, trans-brake tests, etc. will not be tolerated in
the pits, or in the staging lanes.
FLUID DISPOSAL: All waste motor oil and solvents are to
be disposed of in the specified containers provided. Trash
barrels are for trash ONLY. Please contact track personnel if
you cannot locate a fluid disposal container.
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES & DRUGS: Alcoholic beverages
are permitted for spectators only and are NOT permitted in
the staging lanes at any time. Use of alcohol or drugs by a
driver will result in automatic disqualification and possible
suspension of competition privileges.
P.A. & RADIO: Racers should monitor the track P.A. system,
which is simulcast on 88.5 FM radio, for instructions, lane
assignments, or changes and general information.
PIT VEHICLES: All vehicles, ATV’s, scooters, etc. will be
operated only by licensed divers (except for Jr. Dragsters).
Vehicles will obey all speed limits, parking regulations, and
other rules pertaining to vehicles. Vehicles must display the
competition number assigned to the driver’s vehicle. Pit vehi-
cles will be impounded if left in the staging lanes and the
driver may be disqualified. A designated area will be provid-
ed for these vehicles.
RESTRICTED AREA: Area beyond the competition line at
front of the staging lanes requires a Restricted Area
Pass/Wristband. Unauthorized transfer of pass/wristband will
result in ejection from property. All vehicles in this area must
have windows up, seat belt on, and A/C off.
TECH INSPECTIONS: Required for all vehicles prior to any
run on the track.
DIAL-INS: Dial-in time must be placed on right front and
tower side of all vehicles in bracket races. Dial-ins may be
changed between rounds; they may not be changed after the
vehicle has crossed the competition line at the front of the
staging lanes without approval of staging coordinator. The
driver accepts any dial-in displayed on the scoreboard once
the run has been initiated.
STAGING LANES: Drivers are to remain with the vehicle
when in the lanes. Failure to be prepared to run when in-
structed could result in a loss of time trial session or disquali-
BURNOUTS: Do not cross the starting line under power
during a burnout, except at direction of the starter.
Gainesville Raceway
Race Class
*These are only references and is in no way intended to supersede
the General or E.T. requirements in the current NHRA rule book.
NHRA rule books are available at the track.
Long pants and full T-shirt (no nylon or nylon type), full
shoes and socks (no open toed shoes). No tank tops.
Fire jacket required for 11.49 and quicker
At 13.99 or quicker must have Snell 2005 or newer
A roll bar is mandatory in any full-bodied car running
11.00-11.49 and convertibles running 11.00-13.49
A roll cage is mandatory 10.99 and quicker; chassis
certified 9.99 and quicker
All requirements above
High top shoes or boots (leather) - cycles
Full face helmet with clear face shield - cycles
Full leathers meeting SFI spec 40.1/2 mandatory on all
motorcycles running 120mph and faster - cycles
Fire suit 32A/5 & neck collar required 9.99 and quicker
9.99 and quicker NHRA competition license and chas-
sis certification required
100% street legal
Full face helmet, leather jacket, leather gloves, leather
shoes above the ankle, and long pants for cycles
Full leathers meeting SFI spec 40.1/2 on all cycles
running 120mph and faster
Ignition cut off switch with lanyard mandatory 10.99
and quicker - cycles
$25 to Race, $5 to Watch
Children Under 12 FREE
Gates open at 6:30pm; Run 7:00 pm-10:30 pm
1/4 Mile
$25 to Race, $5 to Watch
Children Under 12 FREE
Gates open at 11:00am; Run 11:30am-3:30 pm
1/4 Mile
Adult Spectators & Crew $10
Children Under 12 FREE
Electronic and Footbrake: $45 Car and Driver
Street Cycle and True Street: $25 Car/Bike and Driver
Junior Dragster: $25 Car and Driver
Open Comp** $45 Car and Driver
**Schedule of race dates, racer payout and point system
information located on the website.