810 First Street, NE, 4th floor, Washington, DC 20002
Phone: 202.727.1839 Fax: 202.727.8166 www.osse.dc.gov
Attend the child development center licensing orientation. Attending an orientation program is required in order
to apply for a child care license (see 29 DCMR 306.1). A copy of your certificate must be submitted with your
application. Certificates will only be given to those individuals who complete the session.
Select a location and obtain a Certificate of Occupancy from the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs
(DCRA), Building and Land Regulation Administration, Zoning Division at 1100 4
Street, SW, 2
Floor (see 29
DCMR 304.1). Your Certificate of Occupancy should include the following information; Use must indicate child
care center, the maximum number of infants and children to be cared for, hours of operation and, number of staff
Note: If you apply for a 24-hour child development center license, you must inform the Zoning Division when you
apply for the Certificate of Occupancy
To Get Started Submit the following document to the Office of the State Superintendent of Education, Office
of Early Childhood Education, Child Care Licensing Unit (CCLU):
A: Submit a Child Development Center Application, application fee and all applicable forms (see 29 DCMR
306.2, 306.3 and 307.2), forms include; background check and clearance for applicant, Clean Hands Act Certification,
qualifications of the Director (if hired by time of application), proof of liability insurance, and a pre-inspection fee of
$75.00 (made payable to DC Treasurer) to the CCLU. Note: If you plan to be incorporated, you must submit an
original Certificate of Good Standing (valid for 30 days) from the DCRA, Corporation Division at 1100 4
Street, SW,
B: Submit a copy of the Certificate of Occupancy and Orientation Certificate
C: Develop and submit your program and policy statement to the CCLU for review and approval
(see 29 DCMR, 306.3j, 324.9, 326, 329.1 and 330.1) Talk with your Licensing Specialist about the additional
requirements if you plan to do evening, nighttime and/or 24-hour child care (see 29 DMCR 360).
The following items can be submitted with your application or during the initial inspection:
D: Develop an Emergency Contingency Plan in the event you need to evacuate the premises. The owner of
your approved alternate location must sign the plan. Update Annually. (Official form is available)
E: Submit a sample 5-day menu following the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program Meal Pattern to the
CCLU for review and approval (see 29 DMCR 372 and DC Food Code Title 25) You must include additional meals
and snacks for evening, nighttime, and/or a 24-hour child care.
The Licensing Specialist will call you within ten (10) business days of receiving the application from the Supervisor
and schedule an appointment to conduct the first initial onsite inspection. At this time you will receive additional
licensure requirements and a written report of deficiencies to be corrected.
Page 2 Continuation of Child Development Center Licensing Requirements Checklist
Your licensing specialist will make a referral for a Lead-Based Paint inspection after your first inspection if your facility
does not require any structural improvements (you will be notified on your statement of deficiencies of these
requirements). If improvements are required, a referral for Lead-Based paint inspection will be submitted after the
improvements are complete. Lead-Based paint inspectors may require additional improvements beyond those
required by your specialist. A Lead-Based paint certification is required for application and licensure approval
810 First Street, NE, 4th floor, Washington, DC 20002
Phone: 202.727.1839 Fax: 202.727.8166 www.osse.dc.gov
(see 29 DMCR 306.3k)
Recruit staff; submit to the CCLU complete health certificates, appointment forms, resumes, and credentials for
review and approval. Official transcripts for director and teachers must have the college or university’s seal. All
credentials (including CDA certificates) must be verified. (see 29 DCMR 332, 334 and 336). You must submit a
staffing pattern for evening, nighttime and/or 24-hour child care.
Obtain and submit First Aid and CPR Certification information to the CCLU. Staff certified in First Aid and CPR must
be present with the children at all times. (See 29 DCMR 369.1 and 369 .6) Purchase sufficient first aid supplies for
the number of children to be served and for off-site trips (see 29 DCMR 369.2, 369.3 and, 369.5)
E: Obtain and submit a Certified Food Protection Manager Certificate picture identification card to prepare and serve
foods (see 29 DCMR 372.2, 373, 374, and 375). Information is available from the Department of Health, Food
Safety and Hygiene Inspection Services Division, 825 North Capitol St. NE, 8
Floor, 202-535-2180. A Certified Food
Protection Manager must be present whenever meals and/or snacks are prepared and served.
Purchase developmentally-appropriate toys, manipulatives, equipment, cots/cribs (see 29 DCMR 362, 363, and
365). The Facility must have adequate supplies for the number of children enrolled
Identify individual storage space for children and set up program learning/activity areas for children (see 29 DCMR
Obtain complete copies of applicable forms for children and maintain in individual files including but not limited to;
Registration Record, Authorization for Emergency Medical Treatment, current immunizations and a Child Health
Universal Certification (see 29 DCMR 324 and 325).
Obtain complete copies of applicable forms for staff and maintain in individual files including but not limited to the
Health Record, Federal (using fingerprints) Criminal and Background History checks (if applicable), and credentials or
transcripts, (see 29 DCMR 29, 327 and 328).
Correct all deficiencies that were given during inspections.
An appointment to conduct a follow-up inspection within 60 days will be set up to ensure that all requirements are
When all licensure requirements are met, a child development center license will be issued when
you pay the licensure fee. The center licensure fee depends on the licensed capacity of the center.
The hours of operation, ages and the number of infants and/or children you can care for will be
included on the center license. Your child development center license must be renewed every year.
You must have a child development center license before you can take care of children or you may
be fined more than $2000.00 for providing child care without a license.