Living Abroad
A Canadian’s guide to working, studying, volunteering or retiring in a
foreign country
Published by Global Affairs Canada
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Vivre à l’étranger
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supplement this information with independent research and professional
© Her Majesty the Queen in
Right of Canada, represented by the
Minister of Foreign Affairs, 2013
Cat. No. FR5-65/2012E
ISBN 978-1-100-21202-9
Complete a risk assessment .................................................................................. 3
Carefully evaluate opportunities abroad ............................................................... 4
A little planning goes a long way ........................................................................... 6
Registration of Canadians Abroad.......................................................................... 7
Dual citizenship—blessing or burden? .................................................................. 9
Temporary versus permanent residency ................................................................. 9
In case of an emergency… .................................................................................. 10
Your health on the move ....................................................................................... 11
Purchase the best insurance you can afford ........................................................ 14
Supplemental insurance versus replacement insurance ..................................... 15
Moving abroad with children ................................................................................ 17
Required travel documents .................................................................................. 18
Calculate the costs .............................................................................................. 21
Stay safe .............................................................................................................. 22
A roof over your head ............................................................................................ 23
Health care........................................................................................................... 24
Culture shock ....................................................................................................... 25
Manage your money ............................................................................................. 26
Cushioning the impact ......................................................................................... 26
Legal matters ....................................................................................................... 29
Immigration and citizenship ................................................................................ 31
Driving ................................................................................................................. 33
Consular services ................................................................................................. 34
Have an emergency plan ...................................................................................... 35
Death abroad ....................................................................................................... 35
Keep connected .................................................................................................... 36
Planning for your return ....................................................................................... 38
The world beyond our borders is home to about three million Canadians.
Like you, they each have their own reasons for choosing to live in a
foreign land, whether to work, study, volunteer, retire or pursue other
opportunities. Residing abroad—either permanently or temporarily—
can be a rich and rewarding experience.
It can also be challenging, particu-
larly if you move to another
country based on a dream, without
considering the risks and responsi-
bilities. The decision to leave
familiar surroundings and adapt to
another social and cultural envi-
ronment should not be taken
lightly. It requires thorough re-
search, knowledge and planning.
The better prepared you are before
leaving Canada, the better your
experience abroad will be.
The Government of Canada assists
thousands of Canadians residing
in foreign countries each year.
With more than 260 offices in
150 countries worldwide—plus an
Emergency Watch and Response
Centre in Ottawa—we’re at your
service 24 hours a day, seven days a
week. While there are limits to the
help we can give you, we offer a vast
range of consular services, from
replacing lost passports and sharing
information on local laws to lending
support during natural disasters and
medical emergencies.
We’re well aware of the challenges
you’ll face while living abroad.
That’s why we’ve developed this
booklet to help you:
Questions about
foreign travel?
• Is it safe to go there?
• Could I get sick?
• Who can I contact for
emergency help?
• Can the Government of Canada
get me out of a foreign jail?
• What should I do if I lose
my passport?
• Do I have to pay taxes on
foreign income?
What can I bring back
to Canada?
inform and prepare yourself
before leaving Canada;
take care of yourself and your
loved ones while abroad;
know what to do if things don’t
work out as expected; and
plan for your eventual return.
We urge you to read this booklet
as well as our main publication, Bon
Voyage, But… Essential Information
for Canadian Travellers. Also be sure
to visit—your official
source of information on interna-
tional travel. And have a safe,
healthy and happy stay abroad! | 3
Read up, register, reach us
The Government of Canada encourages Canadians to follow the Three Rs
of international travel:
Read up on safety and security, local laws and customs, entry require-
ments, health conditions and other key travel topics by consulting our
Travel Advice and Advisories (
• Register with us through the Registration of Canadians Abroad service
before leaving Canada, so we can contact and assist you in an emer-
gency abroad, such as a hurricane or civil unrest, or inform you about
an emergency at home (
Reach us at our Emergency Watch and Response Centre in Ottawa for
urgent assistance while abroad (
It’s important to consider not only the rewards but also the risks of relocating
abroad. Be sure to complete a risk assessment of each possible host country
in order to identify a safe and suitable destination. If you’re daunted by the
perils and inconveniences of a particular destination, then rule it out.
A risk assessment will pinpoint
concerns you should be aware of,
such as safety and security, health
conditions and the political,
economic, cultural and natural
environment, as well as precau-
tions you can take. For example:
Some countries experience
continuing wars, insurgencies
and civil unrest.
Others are subject to
extreme temperatures and
natural disasters, such as
typhoons, earthquakes and
volcanic eruptions.
The pace of life may be very
different from what you’re
used to, affecting your work
habits and well-being.
Safe and comfortable
housing may be scarce or
prohibitively expensive.
There may be no wheelchair
access or allowances for
people with hearing, sight
or other special needs.
The consumption of
alcohol may be illegal, or
persons convicted of drug-
related offences may face
capital punishment.
Children may be tried, con
victed and incarcerated
as adults for their crimes.
A wide range of work, study,
volunteer and retirement opportuni-
ties can be found outside Canada.
To ensure a successful experience
abroad, be sure to thoroughly
evaluate any opportunity before
moving forward:
Beware of international fraud.
Steer clear of overseas recruit
ment agencies that operate
solely by email or telephone
and organizations that charge
placement fees. Bogus groups
offering international education
opportunities have cheated
students out of large sums of
money under the pretext of
securing admissions, financial
aid and study permits.
Likewise, phony volunteer
placement agencies have
charged unsuspecting recruits
for opportunities that never pan
out. And there’s no lack of
international scammers who
target retirees with empty
promises of romance, friend
ship and financial rewards in
faraway lands.
If you’re a woman, be especially
wary of offers that sound too
good to be true. Beware of the
danger of getting trapped into
sex or labour trafficking.
Criminals often recruit foreign
women through fraudulent ads
To carry out a risk assessment:
Start by consulting the Travel
Advice and Advisories for your
prospective host country to
see if an official Government
of Canada Travel Advisory is in
effect and to obtain informa
tion on safety and security,
local laws and customs, health
conditions and entry require
ments (
Consult the Country Insights
page on the Centre for
Intercultural Learning website
for cultural information, facts
and advice on showing sensi
tivity to local customs around
the world (
Visit and
the World HealthOrganization’s
website ( for country-
specific information on health
conditions and standards of
medical care.
Get weather and climate
information on countries
worldwide on the World
Weather Information
Service website
Supplement these resources
with guidebooks, newsletters,
magazines and websites
for expatriates. They offer
insight into the health, safety,
cultural and emotional issues
experienced by Canadians
living abroad. | 5
Are you ready for a
cross-cultural move?
Many Canadians who live
abroad for the first time are
surprised at the cultural
isolation they experience,
making the transition even
more stressful. Before you
leave Canada, make an effort
to understand the social
environment where you’ll be
living. Are you at ease with
stark cultural differences? Are
you prepared to be in a
minority and to be treated as a
foreigner? Do you make new
friends easily? Are you open to
different ways of doing things?
Can you handle a much
slower—or faster—pace of life?
to work as hostesses, models,
entertainers, nannies, maids
or in other seemingly
legitimate jobs.
Find out everything you can
about any agency that’s offering
you an opportunity abroad.
Ask for references, visit its
website and call your local
Better Business Bureau (if the
organization is Canadian).
Contact others who’ve worked
for the organization or speak
to someone currently
employed there.
Never accept a job overseas if
the details won’t be spelled out
until you arrive. Examine the
terms of your contract carefully
and have it reviewed by a lawyer
if possible. Verify the conditions
to break your contract if things
don’t work out.
Make sure you fully understand
the financial conditions of any
job offer. Know when you’ll
receive your first paycheque
and in what currency you’ll be
paid. Receiving your salary in
Canadian or U.S. dollars could
prevent problems caused by
exchange rate fluctuations.
If you’ll be paid in the local
currency, find out if it’s convert
ible and if there are restrictions
on taking funds out of the
country. Check if your employer
will cover expenses, such as
airfares, residency permits,
language training, school
tuition, and health and dental
insurance (including coverage
for family members).
International Experience Canada
Young Canadians can choose from thousands of opportunities to travel
and work in foreign countries. These programs are made possible
through reciprocal arrangements negotiated with host countries.
Participants aged 18 to 35 can enjoy the many benefits of living and
working abroad, while gaining valuable global experience and skills.
For more information, call 1-877-461-2346 or visit International
Experience Canada.
If your contract provides for
accommodations, ask for
photos or a detailed descrip
tion, floor plan and furniture
inventory in advance.
“Western” and “furnished”
have different meanings in
different countries. Ask about
the neighbourhood and local
transport. Check whether you’ll
be sharing accommodations
with someone else.
Note that, while some employ
ers and volunteer agencies may
promise to pay for your return
flight to Canada upon comple
tion of a contract, this commit-
ment will not necessarily be
honoured. It’s best to request
an open-ended return ticket
in advance.
Forward thinking is the key to a
safe and successful stay abroad.
The following steps will help you
pull the pieces together before
leaving Canada.
Read our safe-travel booklet
Bon Voyage, But… Essential
Information for Canadian
Travellers (see
publication), which offers the
knowledge and advice you
need to travel responsibly and
with confidence, while avoiding
the pitfalls you could experi
ence in foreign countries. It
also outlines consular services
available to you around
the world.
Ensure that you and all accom
panying family members have a
Canadian passport that’s valid
for at least six months beyond
your intended return to Canada. | 7
Obtain any work, study,
volunteer, visitor or other
visas required by your host
country well in advance. Know
the terms of each visa, as you
could be arrested for violating
visa conditions in some
countries. See “Moving abroad
with children” on page 17
and “Required travel docu-
ments” on page 18 for
more information.
Leave copies of important
travel documents with family
or friends in Canada in case
of loss or theft. Scan these
documents, if possible, and
send them to yourself at an
email address you can
access anywhere.
Make sure you have travel
health insurance that covers all
medical expenses for illness or
injury (including hospitaliza
tion abroad and medical
evacuation), plus insurance for
loss or theft of valuables,
damage to baggage, and flight
cancellations or interruptions.
Sign up for the Registration of
Canadians Abroad service at, so that
the Government of Canada can
contact and assist you in case
of an emergency. Once you’ve
registered, remember to keep
your account up to date.
A free service that could
save your life
If you’ll be travelling or
living abroad, sign up for the
Registration of Canadians
Abroad service. Registration
enables us to reach you in
case of an emergency
abroad, such as an earth-
quake or civil unrest, or
inform you about an emer-
gency at home.
Sign up online, by mail,
by fax or in person. For
more information, visit or call
1-800-267-6788 (in Canada
and the U.S.) or 613-944-6788.
*Information obtained through registration is
confidential and is used in accordance with the
provisions of Canada’s Privacy Act.
Carry an Emergency Contact
Card with the coordinates of
the nearest Canadian govern
ment office in your host
country (see,
in case you have problems
while abroad.
Arrange in advance for safe
accommodations in your host
country. Suitable housing may
be scarce and expensive in
locations with low vacancy
rates, and you may have to
book through an agency. If you
can’t find long-term lodgings
beforehand, at least make
plans for temporary housing.
Before paying a deposit for
student housing or other
lodgings advertised online, be
sure to confirm that the
address exists. See “A roof over
your head” on page 23 for
further advice.
Find out well in advance what
you’re allowed to take with you.
Keep in mind that most coun
tries have stringent import
controls. Obtain any necessary
adapters for electrical appli
ances you intend to bring. If
you’re bringing valuable items,
take advantage of a free service
offered by Canada Border
Services Agency (CBSA) offices
to identify items with serial
numbers or other unique
markings. The CBSA can apply
a sticker to other items so they
can be identified for customs
purposes upon your return
to Canada.
If you’re taking a pet overseas,
contact the embassy or consul
ate of your host country
to obtain information on all
requirements. Your pet will
need a detailed health certifi
cate and may require an import
permit. It may also need to
undergo a quarantine period
before entering the country.
Make sure your mail is moving
with you. Submit a change of
address request to Canada Post
and inform all your contacts of
your new address.
Make a will before you leave
Canada. If the worst happens,
it will reduce the complications
associated with a death
abroad. Consider making two
wills—one for Canada and one
for the host country—since
different legislation will apply. | 9
Temporary versus
permanent residency
Most Canadians who intend
to live abroad for a temporary
study period, volunteer
service or seasonal retire-
ment will choose to maintain
their Canadian residency.
Those who don’t plan to
return regularly to Canada,
and who can obtain sufcient
health-care protection
abroad, may opt for perma-
nent residency—or even
citizenship—in their host
country. Doing so means
establishing legal status in
the other country, which
entails a variety of conditions,
requirements and obligations
well beyond those of a tourist
or visitor. It could also have
serious consequences. For
example, Canadian
consular ofcials may be
unable to assist you if
you run into problems
in a foreign country
where you have
legal status.
You’re allowed by Canadian law
to have more than one nationality.
Having dual or multiple citizen-
ships can offer advantages,
including employment opportuni-
ties, unrestricted residency,
property ownership, and entitle-
ment to education, health care,
pensions and other social
programs abroad.
There are also disadvantages.
Your Canadian citizenship may
not be recognized in the country
of your other nationality, whose
authorities may prevent Canada
from providing you with consular
assistance. This situation is
especially likely if you enter that
country as one of its citizens,
rather than using your Canadian
passport. As a citizen, you may
be subject to laws that would
not apply to a foreigner, com-
pelled to do military service,
required to pay taxes, liable for
reimbursing educational costs or
subject to heightened scrutiny by
immigration and security officials.
Being a citizen of another country
doesn’t necessarily mean you can
work there. You may not meet the
residency requirements. Or you
may have lost your citizenship
status when you became
Canadian. Dual citizenship can
also cause problems in a third
country if there’s confusion over
which citizenship you used to
gain entry.
You can minimize the risks of
living in the country of your other
nationality by taking these steps:
Confirm your citizenship
status—and that of accompa
nying family members—and
address your concerns to
appropriate officials of the
country in question through
its embassy or consulate
in Canada.
In case of an emergency…
Consular assistance is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If
you run into problems while living abroad:
• Contact the nearest Canadian embassy or consulate
(see for a complete directory).
• Phone our Emergency Watch and Response Centre in Ottawa at
613-996-8885 (call collect where service is available).
• Email us at [email protected].
• Or complete an Emergency Contact Form at
Did you know…?
You cannot use a Certificate of
Canadian Citizenship instead
of a Canadian passport to
travel abroad. A Certificate of
Canadian Citizenship is not a
travel document. A Canadian
passport is the only reliable
and universally accepted travel
and identification document
available to Canadians for the
purpose of international travel.
Canadian citizens returning to
Canada who present other
documents, such as a
Certificate of Canadian
Citizenship, birth certificate,
provincial driver’s licence or
foreign passport, instead of a
Canadian passport, may face
delays or be denied boarding
by transport companies.
Find out if you have obligations
to that country, such as taxes,
military service or repayment of
educational costs. Ask for
written confirmation.
If permitted by the laws of the
other country, use your
Canadian passport to gain
entry and present yourself
as a Canadian citizen to
local authorities.
Contact the nearest Canadian
embassy or consulate immedi
ately if you run into problems
associated with dual citizenship.
For more information, see our
Dual Citizenship:
What You Need to Know
No matter where in the world you
live, your health is your highest
priority. Be sure to plan for
long-term health needs before
leaving Canada.
The Public Health Agency of
Canada (PHAC) recommends that
you and each family member visit
a travel health clinic or your
health-care provider—preferably
six weeks before departure—for a
health assessment. This examina-
tion will determine your need for
immunizations, preventive medi-
cation and any precautions to
help avoid disease while abroad.
A health assessment could also
include check-ups with a dentist
and optometrist, as well as a
psychological evaluation to
help prepare for life in a
new environment.
Living in a foreign country could
expose you and accompanying
family members to infectious
diseases that are rarely, if ever,
seen in Canada. Based on your
current health status, immunization
history and anticipated itinerary, a
health-care provider can assess
your individual health risks and
advise you on vaccination require-
ments, your need for preventive
medication (e.g., for malaria) and
personal protective measures.
Make sure your routine immuniza-
tionstetanus, diphtheria,
whooping cough (pertussis), polio,
measles, mumps and rubellaare
up to date. Proof of yellow fever
vaccination in the past 10 years
and an International Certificate of
Vaccination or Prophylaxis may be
required to enter some countries.
Be aware that some vaccinations
and preventive medications can
take time to become effective.
If you’re moving abroad with infants
or children, you may need to
arrange an alternative or acceler-
ated childhood immunization
schedule for them. Consult your
pediatrician, family doctor or travel
health practitioner. For more
information, visit
If you take medication, pack an
extra supplyor arrange for refills
since you’ll be abroad for an extend-
ed period. Carry a duplicate of your
prescription, showing the product’s
generic and trade names, in case
your medication is stolen or lost.
Also keep any optical prescriptions
on hand for easier replacement of
eyeglasses or contacts.
Never try to save luggage space by
combining medications in one
container. Keep all medications in
their original, labelled containers to
avoid customs problems.
Some medications sold over the
counter in Canada are illegal or
require a prescription in other
countries. Find out whether your
medication is legal in your host
country. Obtain a note from your
doctor stating the medical reasons
for your prescription and the recom-
mended dosage.
If you need syringes for a medical
condition or an autoinjector for
life-threatening allergies, it’s impor-
tant to take along adequate supplies
or to have a plan to replenish them.
Also carry a medical certificate
confirming that these items are for
medical use.
If you have a pre-existing medical
condition or allergies that could flare
up while you’re abroad, consider
wearing a MedicAlert® bracelet or | 13
necklace, which will be linked to
your medical records and make
them accessible 24 hours a day
from anywhere in the world.
Carry a supply of condoms to
protect yourself from sexually
transmitted infections and to guard
against unwanted pregnancy, even
if you don’t expect to meet a new
partner abroad. Condoms may not
be available in your destination
country or may not meet the safety
standards set by the World Health
Organization. For more information,
consult PHAC’s travel health fact
sheet Sexually Transmitted
Infections, available at
If you’ll be pregnant while living
abroad or expect to give birth in a
foreign country, be sure to see your
doctor before leaving Canada. Make
sure your supplementary health
insurance covers pregnancy-related
conditions, pre-term and full-term
Well on Your Way
Would you like to learn more about protecting your health while abroad?
Our publication Well on Your Way offers valuable advice on how to:
• assess travel health risks;
take preventive measures before, during and after international travel;
choose an appropriate travel health insurance plan;
cope with a health emergency abroad; and
obtain consular services in the event of a medical emergency.
To order your booklet today, call 1-800-267-8376 (in Canada) or
613-944-4000, or download a copy at
birth and neonatal care. Try to avoid
malarial zones, as expectant
mothers are particularly vulnerable
to the illness, which could put their
pregnancy at risk. If you’re going to
give birth outside Canada, identify
beforehand a local hospital or
birthing facility that’s up to
Canadian standards, if possible.
For information on the citizenship
of children born to Canadian
parents abroad, see “Canadian
birthright” on page 32.
More information on travelling
while pregnant can be found at and in our
booklet Her Own Way: A Woman’s
Safe-Travel Guide, available at
Many countries don’t provide
specific access for people in
wheelchairs or assist those with
hearing, sight or other physical
requirements. You may need to
make special arrangements abroad
to obtain the services you’d nor-
mally expect in Canada. For
country-specific information on
accessibility for disabled travellers,
consult the website of Disabled
Peoples’ International at
Holders of disabled parking permits
in Canada may use them in mem-
ber or associate member countries
of the International Transport
Forum (ITF). Be sure to check with
local authorities to confirm your
entitlement. Parking permits for
disabled Canadians are rarely
recognized in non-ITF countries.
For details, see the ITF website at
Further information on govern-
ment services for disabled travel-
lers, meeting special needs,
parking privileges and travelling
with a service animal is available
Don’t expect your provincial or
territorial health plan to cover the
costs if you get sick or are injured
while living abroad. Out-of-country
medical bills can be steep and
result in a heavy financial burden.
There’s nothing worse than being
ill in a foreign country while
worrying about spiralling medical
costs. Your provincial or territorial
health plan will cover only part, if
any, of medical expenses outside
Canada and will not pay up front.
Furthermore, it will become invalid
if you live elsewhere beyond a
certain length of time—generally
six to eight months, depending on
your province or territory. For more
information, contact your regional
health authority. | 15
No matter how long you’ll be
living abroad, be sure to purchase
the best health insurance you can
afford. It’s one of the most
important investments you can
make as an expatriate. Make sure
you understand the terms of your
policy. It should cover your
personal health needs and those
of any dependants. If you’ll be
working in your destination
country, check whether your
employer will provide health
insurance that meets your
Always carry proof of your insur-
ance while abroad, along with
contact information for your
insurer. Leave a copy with a friend
or relative in Canada. If you pay
for your own medical care, obtain
a detailed invoice from the doctor
or hospital in order to make a
claim later. Most insurers will not
accept copies or faxes.
insurance versus
Two types of private health-care
insurance are available to
expatriates. Supplemental
insurance provides added
benefits to those covered by a
provincial or territorial plan.
Replacement insurance
provides full coverage for those
who stay abroad long enough to
become ineligible for a
Canadian plan.
Full replacement insurance is
less readily available than
supplemental insurance, but a
number of companies do
provide insurance specifically
designed for expatriates. When
considering replacement
insurance, carefully assess your
own situation, taking into
account your age, pre-existing
medical conditions and poten-
tial needs in the event of a
major or long-term illness. Be
sure to arrange for replacement
insurance before leaving
Canada and check that the
policy is valid in the country
where you plan to stay.
Shop around for the best health
insurance for a long-term stay
abroad. Ask if the policy:
provides coverage whether or
not your provincial/territorial
health plan remains in effect;
offers a worldwide 24-hour/
seven-day emergency contact
number in English and trans
lation services for
health-care providers in
your host country;
pays immediately for foreign
medical costs or requires you
to pay up front and seek
reimbursement later;
provides a cash deposit
in advance if required by a
covers both health and dental
care for the full duration of
your stay abroad;
Did you know…?
In addition to health insurance,
you should consider getting
enhanced life and disability
insurance. You’ll also need
insurance that offers coverage
for flight cancellation, trip
interruption and lost luggage,
as well as cargo insurance for
automobiles, household goods
and other personal effects.
Insurance coverage can prevent
major disruptions and addition-
al costs when relocating abroad.
Did you know…?
covers pre-existing medical
conditions, such as borderline
diabetes and heart disease
(ask for written confirmation);
includes coverage for injuries
resulting from adventure
activities, such as mountain
eering and scuba-diving;
provides for a medical evacua
tion to Canada or the nearest
location with appropriate
medical facilities;
covers premature births and
related neonatal care;
pays expenses associated with
a death abroad, including the
repatriation to Canada of
cremated or embalmed
provides coverage during visits
to Canada or other travel while
abroad; and
covers the period before your
provincial/territorial plan is
renewed upon your return
to Canada.
For more suggestions on what to
look for when buying travel health
insurance, consult our booklet
Well on Your Way: A Canadian’s
Guide to Healthy Travel Abroad.
Some insurance companies will
not honour medical claims made
for injuries suffered in a country
where a Government of Canada
Travel Advisory is in effect. | 17
Moving to a foreign country can be
one of the most enriching experi-
ences a child will ever have, giving
rise to greater confidence, adapt-
ability and intercultural awareness.
But meeting your children’s needs
can also add stress to the already
considerable challenges of relocat-
ing abroad. Before leaving Canada,
take steps to ensure a smooth
transition for you and
your family.
Be sure to have an open
discussion with your children
so they can express their
feelings and concerns about
moving abroad.
Arrange for appropriate daycare
or schooling. Make sure you’re
satisfied with the standards of
daycare offered in your
destination country. Contact
the country’s education au
thorities for information about
the school system. In addition
to public and private schools,
most countries have interna
tional schools, attended mainly
by expatriate children. Have
copies of your children’s school
records in case they’re needed.
Remember that immigration
officials are vigilant about
documentation for children
crossing international borders.
Unless children under 18 are
accompanied by both parents,
we strongly recommend that
they carry a consent letter
proving they have permission
to travel from every person
with the legal right to make
major decisions on their
behalf. We advise you to have
the consent letter certified,
stamped or sealed by an
official with the authority to
administer an oath or solemn
declaration. See
letter for a sample consent
letter, as well as an interactive
form that you can use to
compose your own letter.
Make sure each child has a
valid Canadian passport and
supporting identification, such
as a birth certificate or citizen
ship card. Check with the
destination country’s embassy
or consulate in Canada regard
ing additional entry conditions
and documentation that may
be required, including divorce
papers, custody court orders or
a death certificate (if one
parent is deceased).
Keep additional identification
in your child’s pocket in case
you’re separated. Carry recent
photographs of the child for
emergency identification
Seek advice from a lawyer if a
custody dispute might develop
while your child is living
abroad. Custody arrangements
in Canada may not be recog
nized in another country. In
extreme cases, you or your
child may not be allowed to
return to Canada. Check with
the destination country’s
embassy or consulate in
Canada before moving abroad.
Consult with a pediatrician on
how best to protect your child’s
health while living abroad.
For more information, consult
Make sure your passport, necessary
visas and other documents are in
order before leaving Canada.
A Canadian passport is the only
reliable and universally accepted
travel and identification document
for Canadians. You and each family
member must have a valid passport
to travel or reside outside Canada.
Canadian passports for children up
to 15 years of age are valid for five
years. Passports for persons 16
years of age and older are valid for
five or 10 years, depending on the
chosen validity period.
Contact the embassy or consulate
of your destination country to
determine its rules and restric-
tions concerning passport validity.
Some countries require that your
passport be valid for at least six
months beyond the date of your
expected return to Canada. Plan
to renew your passport before your
return date if it will expire while
you’re abroad.
If you need to apply for or renew
your passport, start the process well
before your planned departure from
Canada. Allow more time if you
need a visa, since you’ll need to
obtain a passport first. | 19
Did you know…?
Only the government of your
host country has the authority
to grant you a visa. The
Government of Canada cannot
intervene on your behalf.
Application forms are available
online at and
in person at all Passport Canada
offices, Service Canada centres,
Canada Post outlets and Canadian
government offices abroad.
Keep the following items on hand
to make it easier to replace a
passport that’s lost or stolen while
you’re abroad:
a photocopy of the identifica-
tion (photo) page of your
the original of your birth or
citizenship certificate;
a copy of at least one other
document to support your
contact information for a
Canadian government office in
your destination country; and
two recent photos meeting
Passport Canada specifica
tions (taken within one year
and reflecting your current
If your passport is lost or stolen
while you’re outside Canada, report
the incident to the local police and
to Passport Canada or the nearest
Canadian government office abroad.
For more information on how to
apply for, care for or replace a
Canadian passport, consult
You need a visa to stay in most
countries for more than three
months. The most common
categories are work, student,
volunteer and residency visas.
However, you may also need a
tourist, business, visitor or other
visa for a short-term stay.
If you plan to exit and re-enter your
host country during your stay,
inquire about a multiple-entry visa
to avoid future problems. Be sure to
obtain visas well in advance. Don’t
count on entering a country as a
tourist in hopes of changing your
visa classification later on.
Understand and respect visa terms
and conditions. Staying in a country
without the right visa or overstaying
a visa expiry date is illegal and may
result in imprisonment, a stiff fine
and/or deportation.
Requirements and processing times
will vary, depending on the type of
visa you need. In order to grant you
a visa, some countries require:
a certified criminal record
check through the RCMP or
your local police;
a medical certificate signed by
a doctor, demonstrating that
you’re in good health and free
of specific contagious diseases;
a certificate of a negative test
for human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV); and
a yellow fever vaccination
certificate (if you’re arriving
from an infected area).
Further details on visa requirements
are available at or
from the embassy or consulate of
your destination country. Remember
to check the visa requirements of
countries you may transit en route to
your host country or visit during your
stay abroad.
Work visa or permit: All countries
require you to have special permis-
sion to enter if you’ll be employed
while living there. Your prospective
employer may have to sponsor you
for a work visa or permit. It may also
be your employer’s responsibility to
obtain the document, or you may
have to do so yourself through your
host country’s embassy or consulate
in Canada. It can take months to
obtain a work visa, so start the
process well before your departure.
Know the implications if you decide
to change jobs after your arrival.
Doing so may render your visa
invalid, or you may have to leave
and re-enter the country under a
different one.
Working holiday visa: Canada has
reciprocal agreements with numer-
ous countries to encourage cultural
exchanges by enabling travellers to
experience living abroad while
undertaking short-term employment.
Student visa: Most countries require
you to have a student visa to
undertake temporary or long-term
studies. A residency visa or permit
may also be required.
Volunteer visa: Some countries
require you to have a volunteer
visa to undertake unpaid or chari-
table activities. Others demand a
work visa or permit, even if you’re
a volunteer.
Residency visa or permit: If you
stay in a country beyond the period
allowed by a typical tourist visa
(usually three to six months) for
reasons such as retirement abroad,
you’ll need a residency visa
or permit.
Marriage or spousal visa: Some
countries will grant you a marriage
or spousal visa, usually
with a specific validity period,
if you’re married to—or intend to
marry—one of their citizens or
permanent residents.
Alien registration card: Upon arrival
in your host country, you may be
required to obtain an alien registra-
tion card. You’ll have to carry it at all
times for identification purposes and
as proof of your status, then return
it to local authorities before
your departure.
Before leaving Canada,
make sure you can afford to
relocate abroad.
Look into the cost of living in
your destination country, since
an average salary in Canada
isn’t adequate everywhere.
Allow for inflation and ex
change rate fluctuations
that will likely occur while
you’re abroad.
Know the cost of shipping
personal and household
effects. Take only what you
need and find out what you
can buy in your destination
country. If you’ll be working or
volunteering, find out if your
employer or recruiter will cover
the cost of moving your
belongings or provide you with
essentials when you arrive.
Make sure you have enough
money to get properly settled,
including funds to cover
expenses such as a rental
security deposit and utility
connections. Good accommo
dations are expensive in many
countries, especially if you
need a furnished home.
Establish an emergency fund
or make arrangements with
family or friends to assist you
in case you run out of money
while abroad or need to return
home unexpectedly.
Take into account all duties,
fees and taxes you’ll pay on
retirement income or other
revenue. Non-residents of
Canada are taxed on income
received from sources in
Canada and may also be
subject to taxation in their
host country.
Keep in mind not only the
cost of travelling to your host
country but also the cost of
returning to Canada, possibly
on a regular basis. Many
countries require foreign
visitors to have a valid return
ticket with a departure date
within the time limits allowed
by immigration authorities. If
you have to make an un
planned trip home, be pre-
pared to pay much more than
the average economy airfare.
See “Manage your money” on
page 26 for tips on banking,
budgeting and other financial
issues while living abroad. | 21
No matter how secure you may feel in your host country, it’s essential to
crime-proof yourself:
important documents in a secure
place, in case the originals are
stolen or lost.
Watch out for criminals who
target foreigners. They may work
individually or in teams, often
posing as good Samaritans or
creating distractions to steal
belongings. Be wary of new
“friends,” including locals,
fellow foreigners and even
Canadians you meet abroad.
Make an effort not to stand out
or to give the impression that
you’re lost or vulnerable. Know
where you’re going, what you’re
doing and how to find your way
back. Always carry the address
of your accommodations. Study
a street map before going out.
Avoid opening a map in a public
area or keep it hidden under a
newspaper. Steer clear of
isolated areas.
Avoid displaying expensive-look
ing cameras, jewellery and other
showy accessories that mark you
as a wealthy foreigner.
Use only legal and reputable
taxis. Never hire a taxi if the
driver approaches you in an
airport arrival area. Such services
are usually illegal and may be
unsafe. Ask someone you trust to
recommend taxi services and
Drugs and Travel
Most countries impose severe
penalties for the possession of
only a minuscule amount of
illegal drugs. Even prescription
drugs and syringes used for
legitimate medical purposes
come under intense scrutiny
and should have proper
accompanying documentation.
For more information, consult
Stay alert and aware of your
surroundings. Minimize
alcohol consumption and
don’t use, carry or get involved
with illegal drugs.
Always pack your own luggage
and never let it out of your
sight. Never carry another
person’s luggage or transport
anything—even an envelope—
across a border or through
customs for anyone else.
Conceal in a money belt or neck
pouch necessities that can’t be
easily replaced: your passport,
credit and debit cards, cash,
airline and train tickets, a copy
of your insurance policy,
medical prescriptions and
contact information for your
doctor. Keep copies of all | 23
Did you know…?
Some countries require visitors
to carry photo identification,
such as a passport or resident
card, at all times. Failure to do
so could result in arrest, a fine
or other serious consequences.
Chances are you’ll need
temporary accommodations before
you get settled in your host
country. Exercise caution when
choosing both short-term and
long-term lodgings:
Make sure you feel comfortable
about your accommodations and
their location. Do the doors lock
properly? Are there fire alarms
and escape routes? Don’t stay
anywhere unless you feel safe.
Avoid lodgings on the ground
floor or with easy access from
the outside, such as from a
balcony or fire escape.
Understand the risks of staying
in low-budget accommodations,
such as youth hostels and
dormitories. Never leave valu
ables or travel documents
behind in your room. Keep them
close to you if you sleep in a
dorm. Bear in mind that accept
ing lodgings from a stranger
could be an invitation to danger.
Even if you choose luxury
accommodations, you should
always be vigilant. Ensure that
the door of your room is locked,
even when you’re inside. Never
open your door to anyone
without looking through the
peephole, using a door chain or
confirming the visitor’s identity.
Never leave your window open,
especially if your lodgings are
on the ground floor or have
a balcony.
avoid the risk of hailing an
unlicensed cab on the street.
Beware of credit card fraud.
Never let your credit card out of
your sight. If you use an ATM,
do so during business hours at a
location inside a bank, super
market or large commercial
building. Make note of credit
and debit card numbers so they
can be cancelled quickly.
Did you know…?
When you arrive in your host
country, you should make a point of
locating the nearest reputable clinic
or hospital and noting the hours of
operation. Don’t wait for an emer-
gency—it may be too late! Contact
the nearest Canadian embassy or
consulate for a list of local doctors
and hospitals.
Keep in mind that it’s best to avoid
hospitals and dental facilities in
countries with poor hygiene stan-
dards. For country-specific informa-
tion, see
If you spend a significant period
abroad, you may be more exposed
to health risks than a short-term
traveller. You may need to learn
how to shop for and prepare food
safely, in addition to ensuring
access to safe and potable water.
You’ll also have to arrange for
health care for yourself and
accompanying family members.
Health care is a serious issue for
Canadian expatriates because few
countries have systems as com-
prehensive or as inexpensive as
Canada’s. Some countries have
comprehensive health-care plans
that will cover you, after a waiting
period, if you immigrate.
However, most countries don’t
offer such programs.
Many developing countries provide
free health care to citizens and
permanent residents. But most
Canadians living in these countries
seek private health care, which is
usually of a higher quality and
involves shorter wait times. Private
medical facilities are reasonably
advanced in most countries and
will usually see you immediately
for a fee. Faced with these trade-
offs, most Canadians choose the
private alternative and make sure
they’re well covered by supplemen-
tal or replacement insurance. See
“Purchase the best insurance
you can afford” on page 14 for
more information. | 25
Most people living abroad experi-
ence a period of adaptation known
as culture shock. This form of
psychological stress affects even
seasoned expatriates and occurs
when familiar cues and patterns
are no longer present.
The symptoms may be fleeting or
last several months, and their
intensity varies from person to
person. Individuals facing mental
health issues, such as anxiety and
depression, prior to departure are
most at risk. It’s important to
recognize the symptoms of culture
shock, which usually follow a
familiar pattern.
During the first phase, often
described as the “honeymoon
stage,” most encounters in the
new country are perceived as
exciting and positive.
During the second phase, some-
times called the “emptiness
stage,” foreigners typically feel a
sense of dislocation and unease.
Symptoms may include:
feelings of anger, frustration
and irritability, especially a
loss of one’s sense of humour;
negative feelings about the
people and culture of the host
country; and
boredom, fatigue and
inability to concentrate or
work effectively.
During the third and final phase,
foreigners start to accept their
surroundings and make a compro-
mise between the honeymoon and
emptiness stages.
Managing your finances—from
budgeting and banking to paying
taxes and purchasing property—is
an integral part of living abroad. It
may be difficult to assess how
much money you can spend due
to unforeseen expenses or unfa-
miliarity with local currency and
costs. If you’re paid in the local
currency, you may be vulnerable
to inflation and currency fluctua-
tions. Among the factors that
Cushioning the impact
The best strategy for coping with culture shock is to make a conscious
effort to adjust to your new environment:
Learn the social do’s and don’ts of your host country and make an
effort to meet the locals. Communication will be easier if you know
how to greet people, how to dress and how to behave.
Take time to study the language. It will make life simpler and show
your desire to be part of the community. Start with a few simple
phrases, then gradually expand your vocabulary.
Get involved in some aspect of the local culture, such as the music
or cuisine, or learn a new sport or martial art. You’ll meet new people
and get a greater sense of belonging.
Maintain contact with family and friends back home. Sharing your
experiences and problems can help you adapt to the local
Take care of yourself. Be sure to eat well, exercise and get enough
sleep, and avoid heavy alcohol consumption. If you take medication
for a mental health condition, don’t reduce or discontinue your
dosage during this period.
Take time to travel and explore the country’s sights and attractions.
Avoid idealizing life back home. Make the most of your stay and keep
an open mind.
Consider getting involved with the Canadian expatriate community to
lessen your sense of isolation.
could diminish your income are
recessions, stock market crashes
and the devaluation of the cur-
rency in which your pension or
other benefits are paid. Ensure
that your income is, and remains,
enough to live on.
It’s also a good idea to consult
a private financial planner, who
can provide advice on such
matters as contributing to a
Registered Retirement Savings
Plan and the Canada Pension
Plan while you’re abroad. | 27
You’ll almost certainly want to
set up a bank account in your
host country, preferably one that
can be fed by funds from a
Canadian account. To do so,
you’ll need to go to a local
foreign exchange bank with your
passport, residency permit and
Canadian banking information
(including your branch and
account number). Usually some-
one who can speak English will
be available to assist you. The
process can be complicated and
time-consuming, so ensure that
you have an alternative source of
funds during this period.
Advise your Canadian bank and
credit card company about the
period you’ll be abroad.
Look into the feasibility of
transferring money between
accounts in Canada and your
host country. Know how much
money you’re allowed to send
home. The amount may be
strictly regulated by your
host country.
Retain all receipts, transaction
records and documentation on
financial transfers.
Exchange money using only
authorized agents to avoid
violating local laws.
Have a variety of ways of
accessing your money overseas,
such as credit cards, debit cards
and cash.
Canada Pension Plan (CPP),
Quebec Pension Plan (QPP)
and Old Age Security (OAS)
benefits may be paid to you
while living abroad, subject to
certain conditions.
CPP and QPP benefits are paid
outside Canada, as long as all
conditions of eligibility are met.
OAS is paid outside Canada if the
pensioner lived in Canada for at
least 20 years after age 18. The
OAS system is intended to guar-
antee a minimum income to
seniors. Eligibility is determined
by an income test. To receive OAS
benefits outside Canada, you’re
generally required to file an
annual tax return reporting your
worldwide income. For details,
Your tax obligations while living
abroad depend largely on whether
you’re a resident or non-resident of
Canada. Your status is determined
by a number of factors, including
the purpose and permanence of
your stay abroad, the duration and
frequency of your visits to Canada
and whether you’ve severed your
residential ties with Canada. Be
sure to review your situation with
the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)
to avoid surprises.
The CRA publication T4131,
Canadian Residents Abroad, is an
excellent source of information to
determine your residency status,
the specific tax package you
should use, and your eligibility for
the Foreign Tax Credit and
Overseas Employment Tax Credit,
in addition to other ways of
reducing the taxes you owe in
Canada. It also addresses tax
treaties between Canada and
certain countries, which allow you
to avoid being taxed in two coun-
tries on the same income.
The CRAs International Tax
Services Office processes income
tax returns for non-residents and
Online banking
Most financial institutions allow
you to access your account to
check balances, pay bills and
transfer funds anywhere in the
world. It’s not advisable to
conduct transactions in cyberca-
fés or other areas where Internet
service is available to the public,
as it’s difficult to ensure that
computers are free of hacking
programs that can capture
personal and account informa-
tion. If you must complete
transactions on a public com-
puter, be sure to erase all traces
afterwards by clearing the
Internet browser’s cache.
Did you know…?
As a rule, you cannot receive
welfare, disability or other
forms of social assistance while
living abroad. Contact your
provincial or territorial authori-
ties for details.
deemed residents of Canada,
including Canadians working
abroad. It also provides assistance
by telephone and postal correspon-
dence and looks after all non-resi-
dent tax withholding accounts.
See for
more information. | 29
While abroad, you’re subject to
the laws and regulations of your
host country. Your Canadian
citizenship offers no immunity.
When in doubt, seek professional
legal advice. The nearest
Canadian embassy or consulate
can provide you with a list of
English-speaking lawyers who may
be able to assist you.
Laws and procedures regarding
marriage and divorce vary widely
from country to country, often
resulting in unexpected
If you plan to marry while
living abroad, understand that
some countries enforce tight
restrictions on a woman’s right
to seek property entitlement,
inheritance, divorce, alimony
and child custody. A husband
may be entitled to impose
strict controls on his wife and
children, preventing their
return to Canada without
his permission.
Make sure you understand the
laws and conventions of your
host country regarding relation
ships and marriage, as well as
their implications for children.
In case of separation or
divorce, investigate the rules
concerning child custody and
property settlement. If your
spouse is a citizen of your host
country, he or she may have
more rights than you do as a
foreigner. You could also be at
a disadvantage if the country
has a tradition of deciding
child custody cases on the
basis of gender or religious
belief. Contact a legal repre
sentative or the appropriate
authorities of your host country
for more information.
Find out if a marriage or
divorce performed in your host
country will be legally recog
nized upon your return to
Canada by consulting with the
vital statistics office of the
province or territory where you
will live.
If your future spouse is not
Canadian, confirm if he or she
will be eligible to return to
Canada with you on a tempo
rary or permanent basis by
contacting the nearest
Citizenship and Immigration
Canada office abroad.
For additional details, see our
“Marriage Overseas” page at
Did you know…?
If a child custody dispute arises
while you’re abroad, you can
contact Global Affairs Canada’s
Case Support and Children’s
Issues Division through our
Emergency Watch and
Response Centre (see page 10).
Purchasing property in another
country is a major decision. The
laws and customs pertaining to real
estate can be very different abroad
than at home, resulting in unfore-
seen risks and problems with
ownership rights. For example, in
Mexico, foreigners require a special
permit to purchase land and can
only buy property in coastal and
border zones through a bank trust.
Proceed with caution if you
plan to buy property. It’s usually
best to rent for a while before
committing to purchase a
home. Research local property
laws and investigate all aspects
of the purchase, including such
claims as “beach access,”
which may be false. Consult to find out if
problems, such as real estate
fraud, are widespread in your
host country.
Did you know…?
While same-sex marriages
are legal in Canada, they
aren’t recognized in many
countries. Same-sex civil
unions are more widely rec-
ognized abroad. Canadians
attempting to visit a foreign
country as a same-sex married
couple may be refused entry
by border officials. Moreover,
homosexual activity is a crimi-
nal offence in certain countries
and could result in severe pun-
ishment, including imprison-
ment or the death penalty. For
country-specific information,
consult or
your host country’s embassy or
consulate in Canada. | 31
Hire a legal representative with
expertise in local real estate
law, who only represents you
and is independent of anyone
else involved in the transaction
(e.g., a real estate agent or
vendor). If possible, appoint a
Canadian lawyer with expertise
in the laws of your host coun
try. Never sign anything that
hasn’t been carefully reviewed
by your lawyer. If things go
wrong, remember that property
disputes are private legal
matters that can only be
resolved through local courts.
The Government of Canada
cannot intervene.
Make a will to avoid creating
problems for heirs to your
property or other assets you
hold abroad.
Canada’s Corruption of Foreign
Public Officials Act prohibits
Canadian citizens or businesses
from bribing foreign public
officials to obtain or retain a
business advantage. A
Canadian who gives or offers a
loan, reward, advantage or any
other benefit to a foreign public
official (or another person on
behalf of an official) can be
prosecuted in a Canadian or
foreign court. Violation of the
act is a criminal offence,
punishable by imprisonment for
up to five years.
You may wish to seek permanent
residency, citizenship status or
both, depending on the immigra-
tion regulations of the country you
live in. Either involves establish-
ing legal status beyond that of a
short-term visitor. Be aware of the
implications, including the
likelihood of being prevented
from obtaining Canadian consular
assistance in your host country.
For more information, see “Dual
citizenship—blessing or burden?”
on page 9, or consult our publica-
tion Dual Citizenship: What You
Need to Know.
Not all countries regulate lawyers
and real estate agents as scrupu-
lously as Canada does. For exam-
ple, rules governing conflict of
interest by lawyers can be lax in
many parts of the world. Real
estate agents in Latin America and
the Caribbean generally require no
qualifications and aren’t prevented
from promoting sales in which
they have an undisclosed interest.
Furthermore, local authorities may
disregard complaints from foreign
residents about crooked dealings,
especially if the lawyer or agent
concerned is an established
member of the community.
Did you know…?
Immigration regulations vary
enormously from country to
country, but are usually based on
three principles: employment,
investment and family connec-
tions. Some countries accept
individuals with adequate guaran-
teed income—including pension
benefits—as potential immigrants.
For example, Mexico classifies an
eligible retiree or other permanent
resident as an inmigrante rentista,
or long-term immigrant. However,
the United States doesn’t recog-
nize retirement as a reason for
establishing permanent residency.
Many countries require you to
apply to immigrate before you
arrive. Others will allow you to
enter as a tourist and apply for
immigration later. Contact the
immigration authorities of your
destination country for details.
Seasonal retirees, volunteers,
students and other Canadians
who reside abroad for less than
six months each year can visit
many countries as tourists. A
valid passport is often the only
entry requirement.
However, some countries impose
tight restrictions on the length of
time temporary visitors can stay.
For example, Costa Rica limits
tourists to a maximum stay of
90 days. Students must obtain an
Canadian birthright
Canadian parents are not
required to register the birth
of a child abroad. Even so,
you may wish to get proof of
your baby’s citizenship, as it
will be needed to obtain a
Canadian passport. Contact
the nearest Canadian em-
bassy or consulate abroad to
apply for a Certificate of
Canadian Citizenship as well
as a passport for your child.
Start the process early, as it
may take a while. For more
information, see Citizenship
and Immigration Canada’s
website (
appropriate visa from Costa Rican
immigration authorities and
provide confirmation of enrolment
in an accredited institution.
Think twice about settling in a
country where you can only enter
as a tourist, especially if you’re
planning to purchase a home.
Instead, you may wish to apply for
legal residency, which removes
restrictions on the length of your
stay and gives reasonable assur-
ance that you’ll be able to re-enter
the country at any time. Taking out
legal residency in another country
doesn’t prevent you from maintain-
ing Canadian residency. | 33
Traffic accidents are the leading
cause of injury and death among
international travellers. Take special
precautions when driving abroad:
Find out if you’re required by
local laws to hold an
International Driving Permit
(IDP). Available through the
Canadian Automobile
Association (, the IDP is
proof that you hold a valid
driver’s licence in Canada.
Keep in mind that the IDP is
valid for only one year from the
date of issue or until your
Canadian licence expires,
whichever comes first.
Remember to safeguard your
Canadian licence and renew it
before the expiry date, as it
may be difficult to replace
from abroad. Note that some
countries require foreign
drivers to obtain a local licence
after a specified period.
Confirm that you’re insured
to drive abroad and have
comprehensive coverage for
loss or damage, liability,
collision, medical expenses
resulting from an accident
and other risks.
Educate yourself on local traffic
laws and comply with speed
limits, legal alcohol levels, road
safety procedures and mechani
cal requirements.
Drive defensively. Motorist
habits and road conditions vary
markedly from country to
country. Carefully plan road
trips in advance and know
where you’re going at all times.
Always lock the doors to
prevent carjackers and thieves
from getting in with you.
If you operate a vehicle import
ed from Canada, ensure that it’s
equipped for local driving—for
example, headlight converters
for left-hand driving, an ap
proved emergency breakdown
kit, an oval sticker on the rear
indicating “CDN” (the licence
plate country code for Canada).
Before buying an automobile
abroad, confirm if you’re
allowed to bring it home. For
details, see the Canada Border
Services Agency publication
Importing a Vehicle into Canada
Canadian consular ofcials are
ready to assist you at embassies
and consulates around the world.
We can:
Arrange help in a medical
emergency by providing you
with a list of local doctors
and hospitals.
Help coordinate a medical
evacuation if a necessary
treatment is not available
locally (fees apply).
Provide advice and contact
information on local police
and medical services to
victims of robbery, sexual
assault or other violence.
Supply you with a list of
local lawyers.
Provide you with sources of
information about local laws
and regulations.
Seek to ensure you’re treated
fairly under the country’s laws
if you’re arrested or detained.
Replace a lost, stolen, dam
aged or expired passport
(fees apply).
Contact relatives or friends to
request assistance in sending
you money or airline tickets.
Contact next of kin, with your
authorization, if you have
an accident or are detained
by police.
Did you know…?
Emergency consular assistance
is available 24 hours a day,
seven days a week. See “In case
of an emergency…” on page 10
for more information.
Provide advice about burying
a Canadian abroad or assist in
repatriating the remains to
Canada (fees apply).
However, we cannot:
Intervene in private
legal matters.
Investigate a crime or death.
Ask local authorities to give
you preferential treatment.
Make travel arrangements.
Assist with job hunting.
Help you find
A complete list of services we can
and cannot provide is available at See for a list of
Canadian embassies and consul-
ates worldwide. | 35
If a Canadian relative or friend
dies abroad, you should immedi-
ately contact the nearest
Canadian embassy or consulate or
our Emergency Watch and
Response Centre. Consular
officials can assist you in making
the necessary arrangements to:
register the death with local
and Canadian provincial or
territorial authorities;
obtain documentation, includ
ing a death certificate, au-
topsy report or police report;
acquire information on the
circumstances surrounding
the death; and
return the remains of your
loved one to Canada.
Fees may apply. For more infor-
mation, see our FAQ on “Death
Abroad” at
Have an
emergency plan
When living abroad, it’s essen-
tial for you and your loved ones
to have an emergency plan. It
will help you:
know what to do in case of a
major crisis, such as a natural
disaster or civil unrest;
identify escape routes from
your home and workplace and
a safe meeting place to
reunite; and
build a 72-hour emergency
kit, including food, water, a
flashlight and other
For more information on
creating an emergency plan,
Despite the enchantment of living
abroad, you may find that you
depend more than ever on contact
with Canada. Sharing your experi-
ences and problems with family
and friends and receiving news
from home can have a stabilizing
influence while you’re getting
accustomed to being a foreigner
in a faraway land. Having a strong
support network in Canada will
also make your eventual home-
coming easier.
Keep your contacts in Canada
informed of your whereabouts and
any changes in your plans.
Canadian consular officials receive
countless calls from distraught
friends and family who haven’t
heard from loved ones abroad.
Don’t expect communications to be
as advanced in every corner of the
world as in Canada.
Eligible Canadians can vote in
federal elections while tempo-
rarily living abroad. To vote by
special mail-in ballot, you must
first send an Application for
Registration and Special Ballot
form to Elections Canada. At
the call of an election, you’ll
receive a voting kit with
instructions. For further details,
see | 37
Telephone: Telecommunications services in many countries are
unreliable and more expensive than in Canada. You may be
unable to get a land line immediately. Waiting times in some
countries can run into months, and large cash deposits may be
required, especially from foreigners. A cell phone is often a better
bet than a land line in countries with mobile services.
Internet: Web access is widely available worldwide but is limited
by each country’s infrastructure and networking technologies.
Private Internet connections may be difficult to obtain. Don’t
expect the same high-speed access in developing nations as you
would in Canada.
Television and radio: Canadian television broadcasts are available
worldwide via Internet and satellite. Tune in to Radio Canada
International at for online programming about Canada.
Mail: Postal services tend to be slow and undependable in
developing countries. It may be more practical to have your mail
sent to a forwarding service in Canada, then periodically couri-
ered to you.
Canadian expatriate community: Plugging into the expat network
can soften your sense of culture shock and give you vital support
while you’re settling into your new environment and seeking
Travel information: Get the latest information through
our Country Travel Advice and Advisories (,
Latest News and Warnings (, Travel Updates
(, RSS feeds ( or by
connecting with us through Twitter (@travelGoC), Facebook
( or Foursquare (
Expect to face a period of readjustment when returning to Canada. You
may experience a reverse form of culture shock, including feelings of
anxiety, groundlessness and even depression. A little planning can go a
long way toward facilitating your homecoming.
Be prepared to pay a departure
tax in the local currency when you
leave. Other countries you pass
through en route to Canada may
also charge fees.
Depending on how long you’ve
lived abroad, you may be subject
to import provisions for personal
belongings and household goods
upon your return to Canada.
Declare all items acquired abroad,
whether they’re intended for you
or as gifts. Keep original receipts
for possible inspection.
Importing pets
When returning to Canada with a
dog or cat, you’ll have to present
a certificate stating that the
animal has been vaccinated for
rabies. Other pets may require an
import permit. For more informa-
tion, see
It’s important to settle any obliga-
tions before leaving your host
country. Make sure you’ve paid
your local bills or made arrange-
ments to do so. If you’ve obtained
citizenship, permanent residency
or any other form of legal status
in the country, you may need
departure clearance to leave.
Approval usually depends on the
satisfactory inspection of travel
documents, permits or other
official forms. For example,
some countries ask for a state-
ment from local tax authorities
that you’ve met all obligations.
Others will terminate your resi-
dency permit if you’re leaving
for an extended period. | 39
There are no restrictions on how
much money you can bring into
Canada, but you must report a
sum of $10,000 or more to a
customs officer.
For more information on what
you can bring home, see
There are restrictions on bringing
certain goods into Canada. If
you’re thinking of importing meat,
eggs, dairy products, fresh fruits
or vegetables, plants, animals or
items made from their feathers or
skins, contact the Canada Border
Services Agency beforehand for
guidance. For up-to-date informa-
tion on import requirements, see
Many items brought illegally into
Canada, such as elephant ivory,
coral jewellery and sea turtle
shells, are made from endangered
animals and plants. They’re
among the 34,000 species
regulated under the Convention
on International Trade in
Endangered Species of Wild
Fauna and Flora (CITES). A
violation of CITES could lead to
seizure of your purchase, as well
as a fine and/or prison term.
Consult Environment Canada’s
CITES website at
for details.
Post-travel medical
If you become sick or feel
unwell after returning to
Canada, you should see your
doctor immediately. Remember
to mention that you’ve been
living abroad, what countries
you’ve visited, if you were ill
while outside Canada and what
medical treatment you received.
Did you know…?
• It’s illegal to bring obscene
materials, child pornography
or hate propaganda of any
kind into Canada.
• Products banned in Canada
due to safety hazards are
listed on Health Canada’s
website under “Consumer
Product Safety” (
• Information on importing
weapons is available on the
Canadian Firearms Program
website (
Also, be aware that it may be
illegal to bring home cultural
property, such as antiques and
fossils, whose export is banned or
controlled by your host country.
Strict penalties may be imposed,
and cultural property may be
confiscated and returned to the
country of origin. For more
information, consult with your
host country’s border authorities
or Canadian Heritage at
If you’ve lived abroad for an
extended period and haven’t
filed a tax return in Canada for
at least five years, your social
insurance number (SIN) may be
deactivated. To have it reactivat-
ed, you’ll need to provide proof of
identity and an acceptable
explanation for the period of
inactivity. For more information,
consult the Service Canada
website at,
visit the nearest Service Canada
office or call 1-800-206-7218
(in Canada) or 506-548-7961
(from abroad).
Your provincial or territorial health
plan will become invalid if you’ve
been abroad beyond a certain
length of time, typically six
months. There could be a requali-
fication period before your cover-
age is reinstated. This period may
be covered by replacement
insurance you purchased while
abroad. If not, health insurance
plans are available for temporary
visitors to Canada, usually pur-
chased upon arrival.
Be sure to apply for reinstatement
of your provincial/territorial health
plan upon your return to Canada.
For more information or to find out
what conditions apply to you,
contact your regional health-care
authority. Links to the official
government websites of Canada’s
provinces and territories may be
found at
autregouv/prov-eng.html. | 41
125 Sussex Drive
Ottawa ON K1A 0G2
1-800-267-6788 (in Canada
and the U.S.) or 613-944-6788
TTY: 1-800-394-3472 (in Canada
and the U.S.) or 613-944-1310
613-996-8885 (call collect from
abroad, where service is available)
Publications (free)
Access or order our safe-travel
publications at
publication or by calling
1-800-267-8376 (in Canada)
or 613-944-4000.
Travel Advice and Advisories
See for essential
information on safety and security,
local laws and customs, health
conditions and entry requirements for
more than 200 destinations. Advice
is also available by phone:
1-800-267-6788 (in Canada and the
U.S.) or 613-944-6788.
Travel health information
See for travel
health advisories and a directory of
travel health clinics in Canada.
Stay connected
Twitter (@travelGoC)
Facebook (
Foursquare (
Email Travel Updates
RSS feeds (
Accessibility for disabled travellers
Canadian government offices abroad
Canadian passports
Consent letter for children
travelling abroad
Consular services for Canadians
Feedback on consular services
Import requirements for Canadians
Registration of Canadians Abroad
Tax obligations while abroad
Travelling with children
Travelling with animals
Voting from abroad
Canada Border Services Agency
Border Information Service Line
1-800-461-9999 (in Canada) or
204-983-3500 or 506-636-5064
Canada Revenue Agency
International Tax Services Office
1-800-267-5177 (in Canada
and the U.S.) or 613-952-3741
Non-Resident Withholding Accounts
1-800-267-3395 (in Canada and the
U.S.) or 613-952-2344 (collect calls
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
National Import Service Centre (ISC)
Canadian Heritage
Movable Cultural Property Program
1-866-811-0055 or 819-997-7761
Immigration, Refugees and
Citizenship Canada (IRCC)
CIC Call Centre
1-888-242-2100 (in Canada)
TTY: 1-888-576-8502 (in Canada,
from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern Time)
Elections Canada
General questions
1-800-463-6868 (in Canada and
the U.S.) or 613-993-2975
TTY: 1-800-361-8935 (in Canada
and the U.S.)
Environment and Climate Change
1-800-668-6767 (in Canada)
or 819-997-1840
Passport Canada
Passports, certificates of identity and
travel documents
1-800-567-6868 (in Canada
and the continental U.S.) or
819-997-8338 (from abroad)
TTY: 1-866-255-7655 (in Canada
and the continental U.S.) or
514-283-5197 (from abroad)
Public Health Agency of Canada
General Information and
Recommendations on Travel
Health Topics
Public Safety Canada
1-800-622-6232 | 43 eic
and Citizenship Canada
Immigration, Refugees
et Citoyenneté Canada
Immigration, Réfugiés
Your views are important to us and will help us
continue to offer world-class consular services.
To share your comments, visit
Living Abroad Checklist
Remember to take these important steps before leaving Canada:
£ Assess your readiness to live abroad by weighing the rewards and
risks of adapting to another language, pace of life, laws and
customs, climate and security conditions.
£ Confirm the legitimacy of work, study, volunteer, retirement or
other opportunities abroad.
£ Consult our Travel Advice and Advisories ( and
the publication Bon Voyage, But… Essential Information
for Canadian Travellers (
£ Ensure that you can afford to move abroad by calculating the
costs (e.g., transportation, shipping household effects, settling
into a new home, the cost of living).
£ Plan for long-term health needs by obtaining a pre-departure
health assessment, vaccinations, prescriptions, medical supplies,
extra eyeglasses, supplemental or replacement insurance.
£ Check whether dual citizenship could cause complications for you
in your host country.
£ Obtain all required travel documentation (e.g., passports, visas,
medical certificates, criminal record checks). Leave copies of your
documents and insurance policy with friends or family in Canada.
£ If you’re going abroad with children, carry a consent letter proving
they have permission to travel from every non-accompanying
person with the legal right to make major decisions on their
behalf (; check with your host country’s immi-
gration authorities regarding additional entry requirements;
arrange for appropriate daycare or schooling.
£ Sign up for the Registration of Canadians Abroad service
( so that we can contact and assist you
in case of an emergency.
£ Carry an Emergency Contact Card with the coordinates of the
nearest Canadian government office in your host country