2021 STAAR Grade 6 Reading Rationales
Item# Rationale
1 Option B is correct In paragraph 28, the author highlights that Elena feels upset about spoiling Marcos’s surprise. Picking
at her food
and being quiet while everyone else is talking are signs that Elena is upset, and her
behavior will lead to the story’s climax.
Option A is incorrect Quietness can be mistaken for shyness, but there is no reason Elena would feel shy at a family
C is incorrect The family eats dinner together, but in paragraph 28, the author focuses on Elena’s discomfort, not
the family’s enjo
yment from spending time together.
Option D is incorrect Elena is feeling upset because she has realized it is her own fault the surprise was spoiled, not her
2 Option
F is correct Personification is a type of figurative language where human characteristics are applied to something
that is not
alive. In this sentence, the author describes the cookies’ aroma as “[whispering]” to
Marcos, revealing that the surprise is ruined, and Mom is expecting him.
Option G is incorrect Mom does know what Marcos likes to eat, but the personification of the cookies’ aroma whispering to
Marcos tells him
that his mother was prepared for his arrival.
Option H is incorrect The emphasis of this sentence is on Marcos, so what Elena wishes for is not revealed by the use of
Option J
is incorrect Marcos may feel welcomed, but the personification of the cookies’ aroma is used to indicate that “his
visit was
no surprise.”
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
August 2021
2021 STAAR Grade 6 Reading Rationales
Item# Rationale
3 Option C is correct Point of view is the perspective from which the events in the story are told. In this story, third-person
limited point
of view is used, meaning the author tells the story from a single character’s (Elena’s)
point of view, so the reader can only know how Elena feels about her actions.
Option A is incorrect The author only reveals Elena’s thoughts and feelings, so the reader does not know Marcos’s
reasoning for
not visiting sooner.
Option B is incorrect Because the author tells the story from Elena’s point of view, the reader does not know Aunt Laura’s
reasoning for
anything she doesn’t tell Elena.
Option D is incorrect The author only tells Elena’s thoughts and feelings, so Mom’s thoughts about the party are not
4 Option F is correct
paragraph 8, the word
futile is closest in meaning to the word “useless.” Elena is so distracted with
the news that her brother is coming that concentrating on her homework is useless, or futile.
G is incorrect Elena is trying to concentrate on her homework assignment, so she is making an effort.
Option H is incorrect Elena cannot concentrate because she is excited by her brother’s news, not because the work is
Option J is incorrect Elena is unable to concentrate on her assignment, so “concentrating on her work” is not troubling;”
it is
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
August 2021
2021 STAAR Grade 6 Reading Rationales
Item# Rationale
5 Option A is correct Figurative language is language that uses words that mean something different than their literal
interpretation. In this sentence, Elena’s cheeks do not actually feel as hot as if they were on fire.
They just feel warm because she is embarrassed, since Mom is not supposed to know about Marcos’s
Option B is incorrect There is no context to support the idea that Elena is feeling sick. Having hot cheeks means she is
feeling embarrassed.
Option C is incorrect Elena’s face flushes because Mom has discovered the secret Elena was supposed to keep. She is
embarrassed, not angry.
Option D is incorrect Elena pretends to be unaware of Marcos’s visit in paragraph 21, not 20. In paragraph 20, she knows
she made a mistake and is embarrassed.
6 Option J is correct In paragraph 26, “Elena’s stomach churned wildly all day long,” revealing that Elena cannot enjoy her
brother’s arrival because Mom is not hiding the fact that she knows Marcos is coming.
Option F is incorrect Marcos has not changed his plans for visiting the family. For Mom, it only seems like Marcos will never
arrive because she is so excited to see him.
Option G is incorrect The date of the anniversary party is not mentioned in this paragraph and does not change.
Option H is incorrect There is no mention of Aunt Laura in this paragraph.
7 Option B is correct The best summary of the story is presented in these sentences. An overview of the events is given,
and the main conflict (Elena spoiling Marcos’s surprise for their parents) and its resolution (Marcos
forgiving Elena) are described.
Option A is incorrect The resolution of the conflict (Marcos forgiving Elena) is not included in this summary, making it
Option C is incorrect The conflict of Elena spoiling Marcos’s surprise for their parents is not mentioned in this summary,
making it incomplete.
Option D is incorrect Minor details are included in this summary, and the conflict and resolution are not clearly defined.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
August 2021
2021 STAAR Grade 6 Reading Rationales
Item# Rationale
8 Option J is correct The word bolts in
line 15 is closest in meaning to definition 4, “to move suddenly or rapidly.” Owner is
surprised that Dog is talking and rapidly gets up out of the chair into a standing position.
Option F
is incorrect Owner is suddenly getting out of the chair in surprise, not to break away from something controlling.
Option G is incorrect
does stop sitting in the chair, but the inclusion of to his feet,” makes this meaning of
Option H is incorrect Owner gets up and onto his feet and continues to talk to Dog. He does not run off.
9 Option C is correct The reader can infer that the underlying cause of Owner and Dog’s disagreement is that Dog feels
neglected. In line 46, Dog says that he sometimes gets a walk “once a week,” and in line 50, he
describes the things he and Owner used to do but don’t do anymore.
Option A is incorrect There is no context to support the idea that Dog has interrupted Owner’s naps before.
Option B is incorrect Owner discusses Dog chewing up A Wrinkle in Time in line 41, but the discussion of Dog’s needs
begins far before that in line 12.
Option D is incorrect Dog wants his needs to be met like they used to be (line 50). He does not express desire for praise
anywhere in the play.
10 Option J is correct In line 15, Owner can barely get a whole sentence out and takes pauses (indicated by the ellipses)
between words. His inability to speak clearly at that moment shows his surprise at Dog’s ability to
Option F is incorrect These are normal dog sounds and are not used to indicate what Owner is thinking or feeling.
Option G is incorrect In line 11, Dog has not spoken yet, so Owner does not yet know Dog can talk.
Option H is incorrect Dog’s actions in line 11 are normal for a dog, and Owner’s actions (turns on light) are not used to
indicate any emotions.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
August 2021
2021 STAAR Grade 6 Reading Rationales
Item# Rationale
11 Option A is correct In lines 4 and 8, Owner repeats his thoughts that Dog is unaware of how good his life is, emphasizing
that Owner does not realize how he’s been treating Dog.
Option B is incorrect Dog does not speak until line 12, and there is no context in this dialogue used to suggest Dog will be
able to speak.
Option C is incorrect In lines 4 and 8, Dog has not yet spoken, so the idea that Owner does not want Dog to act like a
human is not supported.
Option D is incorrect The mail carrier is not mentioned until line 36, so the idea that Dog believes the mail carrier is a
threat is not supported by lines 4 and 8.
12 Option G is correct The conversation between Owner and Dog allows Dog to be honest about his feelings. He tells Owner
that he wishes Owner would make more time for him. This leads to a resolution in line 55 when
Owner promises to make time to play with Dog.
Option F is incorrect In line 36, Dog explains that he protects Owner from the “strange man wearing blue,” but Owner
does not yet realize Dog’s feelings of being neglected, so this does not lead to the resolution.
Option H is incorrect Owner explains how busy he is, but this alone does not resolve the conflict because it does not make
Dog feel less neglected.
Option J is incorrect Dog chewing up a book does not lead to the resolution of the play.
13 Option C is correct The reader can conclude that in scene 1, Owner does not realize how Dog feels about their
relationship. Owner repeatedly says Dog “has no idea how good he’s got it,” even though Dog
continues to seek attention from Owner (lines 3 and 4) and is dismissed by Owner when he tells Dog
to lie down (line 6).
Option A is incorrect Owner tells Dog to lie down in line 6, so he does not disapprove of Dog’s laziness.
Option B is incorrect Owner does not express frustration about being tired.
Option D is incorrect Owner says, That was a good walk” (line 2) and does not express any annoyance at walking Dog.
Texas Education Agency
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August 2021
2021 STAAR Grade 6 Reading Rationales
Item# Rationale
14 Option F is correct The order of events that brought Endeavour to its final destination are detailed in these paragraphs.
The author explains the route the space shuttle took from Florida to California, the work people did to
prepare for the shuttle to pass through the streets of Los Angeles, and where the shuttle resides now.
Option G is incorrect The author mentions these steps briefly in paragraph 2 but does not organize paragraphs 2 through 5
around this information.
Option H is incorrect In paragraphs 2 through 5, the author describes the space shuttle’s journey after its missions, not
how the shuttle was useful to NASA.
Option J is incorrect The author makes no comparison between Endeavour and the Boeing 747 airplane in these
15 Option C is correct Endeavour’s flight was “celebratory” (paragraph 2), which suggests that the purpose of the flight was
to commemorate the shuttle’s arrival in California and allow people to see it.
Option A is incorrect It likely took a lot longer to prepare the streets of Los Angeles (paragraph 3) than it did for
Endeavour to fly to different places in California, so this is not the reason for the shuttle’s flight over
that state.
Option B is incorrect The shuttle itself did not fly. It was strapped to a plane (paragraph 2), so they did not test to see if
the shuttle was working.
Option D is incorrect The shuttle was strapped to a plane (paragraph 2), so the flight was not used to remind people how
Endeavour was previously used in space.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
August 2021
2021 STAAR Grade 6 Reading Rationales
Item# Rationale
16 Option J is correct The idea that the shuttle’s move was a “once-in-forever moment in history” is supported by the
statement that “[d]ozens of photographers and filmmakers” wanted to capture the shuttle’s trip
through Los Angeles. The knowledge that this would likely only happen once made the event worthy
of being filmed and photographed.
Option F is incorrect The sentence from paragraph 1 is related to the shuttle’s “crawl through the streets of Los Angeles,”
but this sentence from paragraph 2 is used to describe its flight.
Option G is incorrect The shuttle’s “crawl through the streets of Los Angeles” is the focus of the sentence from
paragraph 1, but this sentence is used to describe its flight and landing.
Option H is incorrect The idea that the shuttle’s move was a “once-in-forever moment in history” is not best supported by
this sentence regarding the use of steel plates.
17 Option B is correct The author highlights the efforts taken to transport Endeavour to a museum in this selection. The
author describes the steps people took to make the shuttle’s journey from Florida to the California
Science Center a success.
Option A is incorrect The author describes Endeavour’s journey by plane and through the streets, not its missions in space.
Option C is incorrect The author briefly mentions money in paragraph 4, but this is not the focus of the selection.
Option D is incorrect The author does not go into depth on Endeavour’s importance or compare it to other space shuttles.
18 Option J is correct In this sentence, the author describes the move as a “huge social event,” meaning that it attracted a
large crowd of people who were there to see and support the shuttle’s journey. This shows that
spectators were enthusiastic about the event.
Option F is incorrect There are no people mentioned in this sentence.
Option G is incorrect People’s reaction to Endeavour’s journey are not described in this sentence.
Option H is incorrect The need for police officers to direct traffic does not reveal people’s enthusiasm about Endeavour’s
Texas Education Agency
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August 2021
2021 STAAR Grade 6 Reading Rationales
Item# Rationale
19 Option C is correct The idea that the “Grand Canyon Skywalk brings visitors to Grand Canyon West” is highlighted by the
photographs and captions. Instead of showing the skywalk empty, the author includes photographs of
tourists (described in captions) enjoying it.
Option A is incorrect The completed skywalk is shown in the photographs, and no dates are included in the captions, so
the length of time it took to construct the skywalk is not revealed.
Option B is incorrect The entrance building is not shown in the photographs or described in the captions, so this is not the
reason for the photographs’ inclusion.
Option D is incorrect There are no tribal elders shown in the photographs or described in the captions.
20 Option H is correct The use of questions helps the author emphasize that creating the skywalk was a complex process
because it was the first of its kind. The builders had to consider many different aspects, such as
capacity, style, and safety.
Option F is incorrect It is not specified that the Hualapai tribe members were the people who asked these questions, nor is
it suggested that they would serve as the project’s engineers.
Option G is incorrect These questions are related to the actual skywalk design rather than what that area of the Grand
Canyon looks like.
Option J is incorrect The mention of a number of visitors in the questions is in regard to safety rather than hope that
many tourists will come.
21 Option D is correct
protrudes is closest in meaning to “Sticks out from an area.” The walkway sticks out “70
feet beyond the canyon wall.”
Option A is incorrect In this sentence, protrudes is used to tell how the walkway looks rather than how it works.
B is incorrect The walkway sticks out from the canyon, but there is no context to suggest that it appears separate.
In fact, it is connected to the entrance building.
Option C is incorrect The way in which the walkway will be used is not described in paragraph 1, so this is not the meaning
of protrudes.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
August 2021
2021 STAAR Grade 6 Reading Rationales
Item# Rationale
22 Option F is correct Tribal elders had “much discussion” and met with architects and engineers before moving forward
with the skywalk. The reader can conclude that they carefully considered the impact that the skywalk
would have on their community.
Option G is incorrect Tribe members were being cautious, but they did not specify the pace for building the skywalk.
Option H is incorrect Based on paragraph 4, tribal elders were thinking about safety and performance” of the skywalk, not
interesting features.
Option J is incorrect There is no information in this paragraph to support the conclusion that tribal elders wondered about
managing the number of visitors on the skywalk.
23 Option B is correct According to paragraph 2, “few people made the long journey” to Grand Canyon West. The Hualapai
needed an “extreme attraction” to bring tourists to their area so that they could make money, just as
the South Rim attracted “visitors and revenue.”
Option A is incorrect The fact that nature lovers visit the Grand Canyon does not explain why the Hualapai wanted to
create the skywalk.
Option C is incorrect David Jin and his idea to create the skywalk are described in this sentence, but the reason the
Hualapai wanted to create it is not revealed.
Option D is incorrect The Hualapai tribal elders’ final decision to build the skywalk is described in this sentence, not their
reason for wanting to build it.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
August 2021
2021 STAAR Grade 6 Reading Rationales
Item# Rationale
24 Option F is correct In both paragraphs, the authors emphasize that planning ahead was a critical part of the projects. In
paragraph 3 of A Massive Mission,” people worked “around the clock” to change the structure of the
roads in Los Angeles in preparation for the shuttle. In paragraph 4 of “DO Look Down!,” professionals
helped the tribe plan the bridge, taking many aspects into concern.
Option G is incorrect Only in paragraph 4 of “DO Look Down!” does the author present information about how the project
was approved.
Option H is incorrect The expectation of creating job opportunities is discussed in paragraph 4 of “DO Look Down!,” but no
hopes are discussed in paragraph 3 of A Massive Mission.”
Option J is incorrect The cost of the projects is not mentioned in either of these paragraphs.
25 Option B is correct Unlike the space shuttle Endeavour, the Grand Canyon Skywalk “has served as a model for other
projects that followed,” such as those in Canada and Malaysia (paragraph 6 of “DO Look Down!”). The
last voyage of Endeavour was likely a singular historical event that will never be repeated
(paragraph 1 of A Massive Mission”).
Option A is incorrect Endeavour is also an attraction the public can enjoy because it is in the California Science Center
(paragraph 5 of A Massive Mission”), so this is not a difference.
Option C is incorrect Endeavour was designed for space travel and was able to withstand the extreme conditions of space.
This feature is a similarity between the shuttle and the skywalk.
Option D is incorrect Endeavour is likely also constructed of heavy metals to withstand the extreme conditions of space
travel, so this is not a way the two projects are unalike.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
August 2021
2021 STAAR Grade 6 Reading Rationales
Item# Rationale
26 Option J is correct Unlike the people who organized Endeavour’s move, the builders of the Grand Canyon Skywalk were
hoping their project would “provide job opportunities” (paragraph 4 of “DO Look Down!”). Creating
new jobs is not mentioned in A Massive Mission.”
Option F is incorrect Builders of the skywalk were also pleased with the results of their efforts because it has brought in
$30 million, and they plan to add to it (paragraph 6 of “DO Look Down!”).
Option G is incorrect Engineers were also involved in building the skywalk (paragraph 4 of “DO Look Down!”), so this is not
a difference.
Option H is incorrect This is not a difference because the organizers of Endeavour’s move took many safety precautions as
well (paragraph 3 of A Massive Mission”).
27 Option C is correct In this sentence from paragraph 6 of “DO Look Down!,” the author includes a similar idea to the
sentence from paragraph 5 of A Massive Mission.” The idea that many people come to see the main
attraction (Endeavour and the skywalk) is conveyed in each sentence.
Option A is incorrect Work and job opportunities are not mentioned in the sentence from paragraph 5 of A Massive
Mission,” so this is not a similar idea.
Option B is incorrect The skywalk’s strength is highlighted in this sentence from “DO Look Down!,” but the strength of the
shuttle is not mentioned in the sentence from paragraph 5 of A Massive Mission.”
Option D is incorrect The future of the space shuttle’s exhibit is not discussed in the sentence from paragraph 5 of A
Massive Mission,” so these two sentences do not convey a similar idea.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
August 2021
2021 STAAR Grade 6 Reading Rationales
Item# Rationale
28 Option F is correct Throughout the selection, the author focuses on what scientists can learn from studying Egyptian
papyrus and describes the challenges of this task, so this statement best expresses the main idea of
the selection.
Option G is incorrect A minor detail from the selection is described in this sentence, rather than the main idea.
Option H is incorrect Knowledge of languages is important in decoding the papyri, but this is a minor detail from
paragraph 9; it is not the main idea of the entire selection.
Option J is incorrect The Egyptian’s use of brushes and reeds to write on papyrus is mentioned in paragraph 3, but the
main idea of the selection is not presented in this sentence.
29 Option A is correct In paragraph 12, the word scribe is closest in meaning to
“a person who records messages.” The
royal scribe recorded a police officer’s report about a missing person.
Option B is incorrect The scribe
in this sentence is a person who wrote something down, not a book.
Option C is incorrect The scribe is described as “roy
al,” but there is no implication that all scribes are royal, and no palaces
are mentioned.
Option D is incorrect The scribe
in this sentence is a person who wrote something down, so this definition is incorrect.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
August 2021
2021 STAAR Grade 6 Reading Rationales
Item# Rationale
30 Option G is correct The author’s most likely purpose is to explain how the work of papyrologists provides knowledge
about an ancient culture.” Throughout the selection, the author explains that scientists have learned
about ancient Egyptians’ communication, spells, recipes, homework reports, stories, and other uses
for papyrus from decoding papyrus.
Option F is incorrect Although written communication in ancient Egypt is discussed in this selection, the author’s reason
for writing the selection is specifically to share information about the discovery and decoding of
papyri and what it can teach people about ancient Egyptians.
Option H is incorrect The author’s purpose for writing goes beyond explaining the mystery of the papyri in the tin box. The
author also tells about the work of Dr. Hickey and other scientists who learn about the culture of
ancient Egypt by studying papyri and how they go about that process.
Option J is incorrect The author’s purpose is specifically related to the work of papyrologists to learn about ancient Egypt.
Changes to civilization throughout history are not discussed.
31 Option C is correct The idea that ancient Egyptians used writing for many different purposes is supported by the
information in paragraphs 4 and 14. In paragraph 4, the author says Egyptians wrote down spells,
recipes, and homework. In paragraph 14, the author explains they also read different types of stories
written on papyrus.
Option A is incorrect Homework and stories are mentioned, but the writings Egyptians studied in school are not specified.
Option B is incorrect Health and safety were a concern, but the author does not suggest they were a primary concern, and
there is a broader range of information in these paragraphs.
Option D is incorrect Writing for entertainment is only mentioned in paragraph 14, but a preference is not specified.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
August 2021
2021 STAAR Grade 6 Reading Rationales
Item# Rationale
32 Option G is correct The words “rare treasure” are used to suggest that the papyri can provide information about a past
time about which little is known. The author considers them valuable because there are not many
other things that can “[tell] us much about the secrets of life in ancient Egypt.”
Option F is incorrect The author acknowledges that the treasure “isn’t covered in gold,” meaning that its value is not
monetary. The papyri are a “rare treasure” because of the knowledge they contain.
Option H is incorrect The fact that the papyri are difficult to decode is not explained until paragraph 8, so this is not why
the words “rare treasure” are used.
Option J is incorrect The papyrus is “tattered,” but it is a “rare treasure” because of what is written on it, not its fragile
33 Option B is correct The author organizes these paragraphs to show that experts must “follow steps in a certain order to
read papyri.” Scientists dampen the paper, unroll it, scrape off dirt, join torn pieces, and then finally
decode the words.
Option A is incorrect There is no comparison being made in these paragraphs.
Option C is incorrect A process is explained in paragraphs 7 through 10; there is more than just a list of materials
Option D is incorrect The task of unrolling the papyri (paragraph 7) is just one of several steps described in these
Texas Education Agency
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2021 STAAR Grade 6 Reading Rationales
Item# Rationale
34 Option H is correct The best summary of the selection is presented in these sentences. A brief explanation of papyrus is
given, and the main idea of using writing on papyrus from ancient Egypt to learn about their society
is conveyed.
Option F is incorrect Dr. Todd Hickey is not the focus of the entire selection, so he should not be the focus of the entire
Option G is incorrect The overall significance of the information gained from reading the papyrus is not conveyed in this
Option J is incorrect This summary includes minor details and omits the overall significance of the information gained from
reading the papyrus.
35 Option D is correct The main message of the poem is that it is acceptable to use your imagination when the
circumstances are right. Gabby used to daydream, but her teacher and her mom told her to stop
(lines 14 through 16). Her teacher explains that it’s good to dream, but her daydreams might have to
wait until later when he is done teaching (lines 30 through 36).
Option A is incorrect Gabby is honest with her teacher, but the main message comes from Mr. Spicer’s advice in lines 30
through 36 about dreaming at an appropriate time.
Option B is incorrect Mr. Spicer does use the Wright Brothers as an example, but this is to demonstrate the message that
there is an appropriate time for dreaming rather than the relevance of history.
Option C is incorrect Mr. Spicer can be considered wise and he does listen to Gabby, but there is no context to support this
as the main message of the poem.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
August 2021
2021 STAAR Grade 6 Reading Rationales
Item# Rationale
36 Option F is correct Based on lines 9 and 10, “I’d argue but my sigh/gives me away,” the reader can infer that Gabby
“cannot hide her frustration from her teacher.” She wants to argue that she is fine, but sighs out loud,
revealing to her teacher that something is wrong.
Option G is incorrect Sighing usually shows that someone is sad or that something is wrong, not that someone is
necessarily calm.
Option H is incorrect Gabby does not find it difficult to express herself to her teacher; she tells him her feelings in lines 11
through 16. She would just rather keep her feelings to herself.
Option J is incorrect Mr. Spicer does show understanding, but Gabby does not know in lines 9 and 10 that he will react in
this way.
37 Option C is correct The poet most likely uses this description to refer to the ability to stop daydreaming for a while.”
Gabby acknowledges (“I nod”) that she should “‘slide [her] daydreams/in a drawer/and let them wait
until later.’”
Option A is incorrect Gabby agrees with what Mr. Spicer said about waiting for the appropriate time to daydream, so the
poet does not likely mean to recommend giving up on daydreaming completely.
Option B is incorrect The idea of limiting or refocusing one’s daydreams on “what is important” is not supported by the
poem. Gabby just needs to wait for the appropriate time to daydream.
Option D is incorrect Gabby needs to wait for the appropriate time to daydream, not keep her daydreams from being
unobtainable. As Mr. Spicer explains “‘The best thinkers,/writers, inventors in the world/allow their
thoughts/to carry them away.’”
Texas Education Agency
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August 2021
2021 STAAR Grade 6 Reading Rationales
Item# Rationale
38 Option G is correct Personification is a type of figurative language where human characteristics are applied to something
that is not alive. In lines 24 and 25, the poet uses personification to emphasize that successful people
(writers and inventors) use their imaginations. The phrase “‘allow their thoughts/to carry them
away,’” is another way to say “imagine.”
Option F is incorrect In these lines, the people are not literally being carried away to somewhere else; they are just
Option H is incorrect The people described in these lines are not actually writing, inventing, or creating anything; they are
Option J is incorrect The personification is used to describe the individual experience of daydreaming. There is no
communication taking place.
39 Option C is correct A simile is a figure of speech in which two objects are compared using the word “like” or “as.” The
simile in lines 17 through 19 is used to compare the teacher’s top lip to a door, behind which are the
appropriate words. He is taking his time to make sure to clearly communicate his thoughts.
Option A is incorrect The teacher is not frowning, so he most likely does not feel sad about Gabby’s response. He is just
thinking carefully.
Option B is incorrect The message that the teacher conveys to Gabby is helpful to her: “‘Dreams are great things, Gabby.’”
The idea that he thinks his words might offend her is not supported.
Option D is incorrect The teacher seems confident in the advice he gives Gabby; there is no evidence that he has changed
his opinion on the subject.
Texas Education Agency
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August 2021
2021 STAAR Grade 6 Reading Rationales
Item# Rationale
40 Option J is correct The teacher “keeps an eye on” Gabby because he realizes that Gabby is not acting the way she
usually does. In lines 7 and 8, the teacher tells Gabby to tell him what’s wrong because he has
noticed that she is not happy.
Option F is incorrect Gabby explains, “I give him no reason/to call me aside,” (lines 3 and 4), suggesting that she has not
been daydreaming and this is not the reason for Mr. Spicer’s scrutiny.
Option G is incorrect The teacher has not come to a sudden realization that Gabby should be permitted to daydream. He
encourages Gabby to daydream except during his lessons.
Option H is incorrect In line 8, the teacher calls Gabby aside by saying “‘Tell me what’s wrong.’” This suggests that he is
worried about her, not that he thinks she has an important idea to share.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
August 2021