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2013 University of Manchester (Nazarene Theo. College) Manchester, UK
Ph.D. in Biblical Studies
Thesis title: Communal Participation in the Spirit: The Corinthian Correspondence in
Light of early Jewish Mysticism in the Dead Sea Scrolls
2009 University of Manchester (Nazarene Theo. College) Manchester, UK
Master of Arts in Theology with distinction
Thesis title: The Motif of Impurity in Mark 5:1-20
2003 Oral Roberts University Tulsa, OK
Master of Divinity with high honors
1999 Truman State University Kirksville, MO
Bachelor of Arts in History, summa cum laude, Minor: Philosophy & Religion
Additional attendance at:
2008, Nazarene Bible College, Colorado Springs, CO (2 credit hours)
2008, Tulsa Community College (3 credit hours)
2001, Jerusalem University College, Jerusalem, Israel (4 credit hours)
2018 Oral Roberts University Tulsa, OK
Associate Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies
Senior Paper (undergraduate)
Seminar in Theological Research (undergraduate)
Old Testament Historical Books (undergraduate)
Luke-Acts (designed online course) (undergraduate)
2017 University of Tulsa Tulsa, OK
Introduction to the Hebrew Bible (undergraduate)
2016-2017 Oral Roberts University Tulsa, OK
Contemporary Theology (undergraduate)
Discipleship and Small Groups (undergraduate)
Introduction to Theology (undergraduate)
Church Administration (undergraduate)
Survey of New Testament Literature (online undergraduate)
Ethics (undergraduate)
Intertestamental Literature (designed online course) (undergraduate)
ParablesKingdom Seen, Kingdom Come (designed online course)
Historical Geography of the Holy Land (designed online course)
Pauline Epistles (undergraduate)
Teaching the Bible (undergraduate)
2015-2017 Southwestern Christian University Broken Arrow, OK
Systematic Theology I (masters)
Pastoral Epistles (undergraduate)
Hermeneutics (undergraduate)
The Life and Leadership of David (undergraduate)
Romans (undergraduate)
Wisdom Literature (undergraduate)
Effective Learning Strategies (undergraduate)
Christian Professional Ethics (undergraduate)
2014-2017 Oklahoma Wesleyan University Tulsa, OK
Adjunct, Adult Education
The Interpretation of Scripture online and on-campus (masters)
The Doctrine of the Atonement online (masters)
Pastoral Care online and on-campus (undergraduate) (designed course)
Inductive Bible Study Romans online and on-campus (undergraduate)
Christian Worldview & Apologetics online (undergraduate)
New Testament Survey online (undergraduate)
2014 European Nazarene College singen, Germany
Visiting Faculty, Biblical Studies
Pauline Literature (undergraduate)
2014 Nazarene Theological Seminary Kansas City, MO
Teaching Assistant, Biblical Studies
Co-taught Holiness in the Gospels (masters)
2010-2013 Nazarene Theological College Manchester, UK
Visiting Lecturer, Biblical Studies
Introduction to Biblical Languages Greek & Hebrew (undergraduate)
Christian Holiness in Biblical Perspective (masters)
Christian Holiness in Pauline Perspective (masters)
Guest Lecturer for Seminar 4 “Apocalypse—1 Enoch, 4 Ezra, Additions to Daniel” of
Contextualizing Scripture (masters)
Postgraduate Assistant for Biblical Studies Department
Team taught: Studies in Corinthian Correspondence; Studies in Matthew/Mark.
Research supervision at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
First and second marker for The Story of God: Introduction to Biblical Theology,
Introduction to Biblical Studies, Biblical Backgrounds and comprehensive exams.
Contextualising Scripture (course design) (masters)
Postgraduate Assistant to a Pastoral Care Group
Pastoral and academic care of a group of students. Lead chapel service each term.
Manchester Wesley Research Centre Junior Fellowship, Postgraduate Assistant
General administration of MWRC Library; publicity and marketing of MWRC.
Design & Publicity
Design of NTC publications, prospectus, promotional materials, student guides and more.
Work with publicity team and committee on marketing strategies and recruitment for NTC.
2000-02 Oral Roberts University Tulsa, OK
Graduate Teacher Assistant, 2000-02
For Survey of Old Testament Literature and Survey of New Testament Literature
Graduate Research Assistant, 2000
Research assistant to Dr. David Dorries, Church History Professor
1996-99 Truman State University Kirksville, MO
Peer Academic Counselor, 1996-97
Tutor in social sciences; residential living program assistant.
Student Assistant, 1998-99
Secretarial work in Division of Social Sciences office; tutor in American History.
2014-2017 Core Church of the Nazarene Broken Arrow, OK
Advisory Board Member
Prayer ministry; Small group leader
2009-2013 Vinelife Church, Manchester Manchester, UK
Life Group Leader; Street Outreach to homeless; Barnabas Soup
Kitchen; taught university student Bible study; led Alpha small group;
Sound Team member; participant in community outreach projects;
occasional preaching.
2002-08 Family Church of the Nazarene Tulsa/Broken Arrow, OK
Office Manager/Youth Ministry Administrator
Oversaw all aspects of the church office, including phone system, computers, scheduling,
databases, church publications, mailings, weekly bulletins, newsletters, mass emails,
Phone Tree, office volunteers, building maintenance, filing, and organization.
Youth Ministry Administrator: worked with youth pastor, creative sessions, strategic
planning, curriculum development, logos, website updates, publications, mailings, special
youth events, mission trips, camps, worship, and retreats. Taught, preached, led worship,
and led youth small groups.
Led young adult/college student small group.
Audio/visual team member.
Nazarene Minister’s License (Northeast Oklahoma District) 2007, 2008.
2001-02 John 3:16 Mission Tulsa, OK
Intern for Men’s Homeless Shelter
Taught Anger Management; worked with counselor for the Men’s Recovery Program and
Men’s Night Shelter.
“Sanctified but not Saved: Paul’s Contagious Marital Holiness in 1 Cor 7:14,” Society for
Pentecostal Studies and Wesleyan Theological Society, Cleveland, TN, 10 March 2018
“Piety and Sacrament: John Wesley and the Practice of Spiritual Disciplines,” V17 Values
Conference, Florissant, MO, 20 May 2017. [website]
“What would Paul say? ‘Present your bodies as living sacrifices or as a living sacrifice;’ and why
should we care? A close read of Romans 12:1-2, Wesleyan Theological Society, Asbury
Theological Seminary, 3-4 March, 2017
“Don’t Dis the RUA: Jewish Mysticism’s Disregard of RUA’s Theophanic Agency in
Ezekiel,” Society of Biblical Literature, San Antonio, Texas, November 2016. [website]
“Communal Edification: Paul’s Unprofitable? Heavenly Ascent Reconsidered,” Nazarene
Theological Seminary Research Seminar, Kansas City, MO, 22 January 2014
Reading 2 Cor 3:18 Corporately: Beholding, Transformation, and Theosis?Invited paper, One-
Day Theology Conference, Nazarene Theological College, Manchester, UK, 15 June
‘Because of the Angels’: Revisiting Paul’s temple metaphor through the Songs of the Sabbath
Sacrifice,” Ehrhardt Seminar, University of Manchester, UK, 28 April 2013 [website]
“Beholding with One Face: a Communal Reading of 2 Cor 3:18 in light of the Dead Sea Scrolls,”
Durham, Manchester, Sheffield Postgraduate Conference, (University of Durham), Durham,
UK, 21 March 2013
“Temple Communities and Communion in Temples: Insights into Paul’s temple metaphor
through an angelic liturgy,” Durham, Manchester, Sheffield Postgraduate Conference,
(University of Sheffield), Sheffield, UK, 23 April 2012
“‘Because of the Angels’: Revisiting Paul’s temple metaphor through the Songs of the Sabbath
Sacrifice,” Nazarene Theological College Postgraduate Research Seminar, Manchester, UK,
20 April 2012
“The spirit of God in the Hodayot as the means of revelation, purification, transformation and
union with the heavenly assembly,” Nazarene Theological College Postgraduate Research
Seminar, Manchester, UK, 14 January 2011
“The Role of the Spirit of God in the Hodayot,” Durham, Manchester, Sheffield Postgraduate
Conference, (University of Manchester), Manchester, UK, 10 March 2011
Ruach and Mysticism in Ezekiel,” MWRC Colloquium, Manchester, UK, 17 June 2011[website]
“Review of Gordon D. Fee, Jesus the Lord according to Paul the Apostle: a concise
introduction. Spiritus: ORU Journal of Theology 3.1 (2018): 132135.
“Review of Ben C. Blackwell, John K. Goodrich, and Jason Maston, eds., Reading Romans in
Context: Paul and Second Temple Judaism.Wesleyan Theological Journal 53.1 (Spring
2018): 192193.
“Scribe, Critical Issues,” in The Lexham Bible Dictionary (ed. John D. Barry and Lazarus Wentz;
Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2015).
“Acrocorinth,” in The Lexham Bible Dictionary (ed. John D. Barry and Lazarus Wentz;
Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2015).
Review of Markus Bockmuehl, Simon Peter in Scripture and Memory: The New Testament
Apostle in the Early Church.” Evangelical Quarterly 86.2 (April 2014): 179180.
“Southern Clerical View of Slavery in the Late Antebellum South.” In The Apprentice Historian
6 (1999).
Faculty Development Workshop: “A Recipe to Strengthen Focus, Working Memory and
Sustaining Attention,” Oral Roberts University, 15 February 2018
Faculty Development Workshop: 10 Ways to Manage Your Time, Oral Roberts University, 22
March 2017
Faculty Development Workshop: Publish & Flourish: Become a Prolific Scholar, Oral Roberts
University, 21 March 2017
Faculty Development and Resources D2L Training, Oral Roberts University, 7 March 3 April
Fostering Curiosity in the Class Room, The Eighth Floor, 22 February 2016
A Higher Purpose for Higher Education, Oklahoma Wesleyan University, 30 January
Online Faculty Training (Blackboard), Oklahoma Wesleyan University, 9-29 June 2014
Graduate Teaching Assistant Training, University of Manchester, 2 November 2011
Skills Awareness for Graduate Education (SAGE): Postgraduate Training (over 500
hours 2009-2013)
Participation in Conferences and Seminars:
Society of Biblical Literature 2016
Wesleyan Theological Society 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018
British New Testament Conference 2010, 2011, 2012
Durham, Manchester, Sheffield Postgraduate Conference 2011, 2012, 2013
Ehrhardt Seminar (University of Manchester) 2008-2013
The Centre for Jewish Studies Seminar; Sherman Lectures 2011
Drysdale Lecture 2010, 2011; Sydney Martin Lecture 2009-2012
NTC/University of Manchester One Day Theology Conference 2009-2013
Didsbury Lectures 2008-2012
NTC Postgraduate Research Seminars 2008-2013
MWRC Postgraduate Colloquium 2010-2013
MWRC annual Lecture 2009-2013
Manchester-Lausanne Seminar 2011
The University of Manchester Ancient Worlds Postgraduate Conference 2012
British New Testament Society (BNTS) 2010-2014
Manchester Wesley Research Centre (MWRC) Junior Research Fellow Biblical Studies 2010-
Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) 2010-2017
Textbook & Academic Authors Association 2017
Wesleyan Theological Society 2014-2018
The Innovation in Online Teaching Award, Oral Roberts University, 2018.
The Manchester Wesley Research Centre Junior Fellowship, 2011, 2012, 2013
Nazarene Theological College Prize for the Highest MA Achievement, 2009
Didsbury Church Prize for Postgraduate Biblical Studies, 2009
Church of the Nazarene Council of Education Scholarship, 2009-2010, 2012
Outstanding Student in History Scholarship Award, 1999
Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges 1999-2000, 2000-2001
Phi Alpha Theta (history honors fraternity), Vice President 1999
The Honors Society of Phi Kappa Phi, 1999-2000
The National Dean’s List, Truman State University Dean’s List