Daniel K. Eng, PhD, DMin
Assistant Professor of New Testament Language and Literature, Western Seminary
Courses Taught: Hermeneutics Interpreting the Gospels
Greek Grammar Interpreting the Prophets and Gospels
Greek Grammar & Syntax Interpreting Acts to Revelation
Greek Syntax & Reading Paul and Pastoral Ministry: 1&2 Timothy, Titus
The Epistle of James Asian American Ministry Formation
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) University of Cambridge
Theology and Religious Studies “Eschatological Approval in the Epistle of James”
Doctor of Ministry (DMin) Talbot School of Theology
Asian American Ministry
Master of Theology (Th.M.) Talbot School of Theology
Bible Exposition
Master of Divinity (M.Div.) Talbot School of Theology
Pastoral and General Ministries
Bachelor of Arts Boston College
Communication Studies
Ordained Minister, World Council for Independent Christian Churches
Certificate of Study, Christian Apologetics, Biola University
University of Cambridge, Faculty of Divinity
Affiliated Lecturer (Adjunct Instructor) A1b: Elementary New Testament Greek
Undergraduate Supervisor A1b: Elementary New Testament Greek
Focused Teaching in Small Groups Lent Term 2018, Easter Term 2018
Moody Theological Seminary, Distance Learning
Online Adjunct Professor New Testament Greek II—Spring 2020
New Testament Greek I—Fall 2019
Tyndale Theological Seminary (Badhoevedorp, The Netherlands)
Visiting Instructor Elementary Greek—Summer 2019
Daniel K. Eng, PhD, DMin
Institute of Biblical Studies, Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ)
Visiting Instructor Biblical Interpretation--Summer 2016
Biblical Communication--Summer 2016
Biola University, Undergraduate Biblical Studies
Adjunct Professor BBST430 Salvation in the New Testament
Fall 2014, Spring 2015, Fall 2015
Co-Instructor, BBST100 NT History and Literature
hybrid online/classroom course, Spring 2015
Luke, The Preachers’ Greek Companion (Under contract with Hendrickson)
Assistant Editor, Crossway Concise Commentary on the Bible (Crossway, expected 2025)
The Hodder Bible Commentary: James (Hodder & Stoughton, expected 2025)
“James,” in The New Testament in Color: A Multiethnic Commentary, 2024 (IVP Academic)
Editor, Greek New Testament, Produced at Tyndale House, Guided Annotating Edition, 2023 (Crossway)
Editor, Faithful Ministry Through Chinese Churches in America: The Legacy of the Fellowship of American
Chinese Evangelicals, 2023 (Urban Loft Publishers)
Eschatological Approval: The Structure and Unifying Motif in James, 2022 (Sheffield Phoenix Press)
in New Testament Monographs series, ed. David A. Clines
“The Letter of James,” in An Asian Introduction to the New Testament, 2022 (Fortress Press)
James: An Honor-Shame Paraphrase, 2018 (Timē Press)
Healing from Sin: The Effective Prayer in James 5:16
Trinity Journal 44.1 (Spring 2023): 37-50.
East Asian and Asian American Reflections on James
Journal for Baptist Theology and Ministry 19.2 (Fall 2022): 245-57.
“‘The Refining of Your Faith?’ Metallurgic Testing Imagery in James
Bulletin for Biblical Research 32.2 (July 2022): 182-201.
I Call You Friends: Jesus as Patron in John 15
Themelios 46.1 (April 2021): 55-69.
Addressing the Stigma Associated with Seeking Help for Mental Health Among Asian Americans
with Judith K. TenElshof. The Journal of Psychology and Christianity 39.2 (2020): 125-133.
Daniel K. Eng, PhD, DMin
The Role of Semitic Catchwords in Interpreting the Epistle of James
Tyndale Bulletin 70.2 (2019): 245-267.
Finally Belonging: The Reception of the Parable of the Prodigal Son Among Asian Americans
The Journal of the Asian American Theological Forum 6.2 (November 2019).
The Widening Circle: Honour, Shame, and Collectivism in the Parable of the Prodigal Son
Expository Times 130.5 (February 2019): 193-201.
The Antioch Assumption: Did Jews and Gentiles Actually Worship Together in Antioch?
Evangelical Review of Theology 42, (July 2018): 268-279.
“The Task of Asian American Hermeneutics”
Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting. San Antonio, 2023
“Evaluating the Use of Revelation 7:9 to Inform the Local Church”
Evangelical Theological Society Northwest Regional Meeting. Portland, 2023
“Healing from Sin: The Righteous Person’s Prayer in James 5:16”
Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting. Denver, 2022
“East Asian and Asian American Reflections on James”
Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting. Fort Worth, 2021
“Relationship, Reciprocity, and Regency: Friends as Subordinates in John 15
Graduate New Testament Seminar. University of Cambridge, 2019
British New Testament Conference. Liverpool, 2019
Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting. San Diego, 2019
Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting. San Diego, 2019
“The Arrangement of James in Light of Catchword Association in Semitic Documents”
Oxford-Cambridge Biblical Studies Conference. Oxford, 2018
Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting. Denver, 2018
“How the New Testament Addresses the Counseling Stigma for Asian Americans”
Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting. Denver, 2018
“The Refining of Your Faith? Metallurgic Imagery in James”
British New Testament Conference. Twickenham, 2018
Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting. Providence, 2017
Tyndale Fellowship Conference. Cambridge, 2017
“Jesus’ Shameless Message: An Honor-Based Reading of the Prodigal Son for Asian Americans”
American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting. Boston, 2017
Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting. Providence, 2017
“The Shameless Father: Honor and Shame in the Parable of the Prodigal Son”
Oxford-Cambridge Biblical Studies Conference. Cambridge, 2017
Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting. Boston, 2017
“The Antioch Assumption: Interaction of Jew and Gentile Believers in Antioch”
Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting. Atlanta, 2015
Daniel K. Eng, PhD, DMin
And Finally. . .The Foolish Man Will Not Get Another Chance,” Expository Times, April 2021
And Finally…A Ministry of Refreshment (2 Timothy 1:15–18),” Expository Times, October 2020
Reading and Teaching the Book of Ruth,” Crossway (Church Society), January 2020
And Finally…On Closed Doors, and Value of a Bible AtlasExpository Times, December 2019
Assisted Dirk Jongkind with copy-editing for the Tyndale House Greek New Testament, Crossway, 2017
Assisted Robert Saucy with research for Minding the Heart: Way of Spiritual Transformation, Kregel, 2013
Assisted J. Kent Edwards with research and indexing for Deep Preaching, B&H Publishing, 2009
Administrator for Book Reviews, The Journal of Christian Ministry, 2009
Editor for The Steadfast, student publication of Talbot School of Theology, 2007–2008
Steering Committee Member, Socio-Cultural Interpretation, Evangelical Theological Society
Steering Committee Member, Asian/Asian American Theology, Evangelical Theological Society
Editorial Board Member, SOLA Network: Gospel-Centered Voice for the Emerging Generation
Coordinating Committee, Asian American Ministry Conference, Talbot School of Theology, 2014.
Talbot Associated Students Officer, Talbot School of Theology, 2007–2009.
The Louise and Richard Goodwin Prize for Excellence in Theological Writing, 2017.
The Award in Homiletics, Talbot School of Theology, 2010.
Outstanding Senior Preacher, Talbot School of Theology, 2009.
Inez Gooden Memorial Award, Talbot School of Theology, 2009.
Portland Chinese C&MA Church Portland, OR
Governing Board Member, 2024-
Cambridge Yeolim Church Cambridge, UK
Interim English Pastor, 2017
Evergreen Baptist Church of San Gabriel Valley La Puente, CA
Assistant Pastor of Congregational Life, 2020
Pastoral Intern, 2006-2010
Sagebrush Community Church Albuquerque, NM
Small Group Material and Devotional Writer, 2014- 2016
Austin Chinese Church Austin, TX
Youth Pastor, 2010-2014
Starlight Ministries, Emmanuel Gospel Center Boston, MA
Development Intern, 2001
Daniel K. Eng, PhD, DMin
Why I Keep Using a Physical BibleTransform, March 2024
Sermon on the Mount: 5 Keys That Unlock UnderstandingWord by Word, July 2023.
Is Jesus Really My Friend?” Word by Word, March 2023.
5 Things We’re Teaching Our Kids For This Messy World, Biblical Wisdom for Parents, March 2023.
Disappointment with GodWord by Word, February 2023.
The Key to the Sermon on the Mount (or … What Psalty Got Wrong)Transform, October 2022
Why and How I Preach Without NotesTransform, June 2022
What a Patron We Have in Jesus,The Gospel Coalition, December 2021.
The Forgotten Figure in the Nativity Scene,” The Gospel Coalition, December 2019.
What the British Museum Taught Me About Faith,” The Logos Academic Blog, June 2019.
At The SOLA Network (selected)
The Power of an ‘Ordinary’ Christian Testimony” November 2023
How Christ Sets an Example for Ethnic-Specific Ministries” January 2023
Choose For Yourself: Joshua’s Message for Dads” June 2022
How Olympians Nathan Chen and Zhu Yi Remind Me of My True Hope” February 2022
The Ethnic-Specific Church and MLK’s ‘Most Segregated Hour’ Line” January 2022
What is a Fitting Response to the Advent Season?” December 2021
Biblical Support for Ethnic-Specific Ministries” November 2021
How Do I Know if Someone is ‘The One’?” June 2021
Should Asian Americans Follow Their Desires?” April 2021
An Untraditional Bible Reading Plan” December 2020
Six Movies on Disney+ for Discussing Biblical Values” June 2020
Biblical Principles to Guide Us During this Pandemic” June 2020
Gospel Reflections from 40 Days of Lockdown” May 2020
How Asian Americans Connect with the Parable of the Prodigal Son” April 2020
“Church Hospitality 101” Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Good News of Great Joy: A Christmas Devotion” December 2019
My Favorite Bible Passage about Christmas Isn’t in the Gospels” December 2019
When is ‘Privilege’ Not a Problem?” August 2019
What a Drive-Thru Teaches Us about Relationships” July 2019
Doctor’s Notes: Tips for Reading Luke-Acts” December 2018
The Bible is More Accurate in Texas (Well, Sort of…)” December 2018
Three Things I Learned from Hoover Wong” October 2018
How Would Jesus View Immigrants? Reflections on the Gospel of Luke” July 2018
The Spiritual Growth Secret No One Talks About” April 2018
Curator, Biblical Greek Help: Resources to Assist Your Reading and Learning, 2018–present.
Editor, Asian American Pastor, 2011–present.
Daniel K. Eng, PhD, DMin
Speaker, High School Retreat, Chinese Evangelical Church of Portland, 2023.
Plenary Speaker, Annual Conference, Association of Christians Ministering Among Internationals, 2022.
Speaker, Lunar New Year International Students Outreach, St. Andrew the Great Church, 2020.
Seminar Speaker, “Reading Old Testament Poetry,” The Philip Project, Friends International, 2020.
Seminar Speaker, PHAT Camp, Chinese Overseas Christian Mission UK, 2018.
“The Spiritual Growth Secret No One Talks About”
Seminar Speaker, ReGeneration Conference, Chinese Overseas Christian Mission UK, 2018.
Speaker, Michaelhouse Centre, Great St Mary’s (University Church), Cambridge, 2018.
“The Church’s Response to Refugees and Immigrants”
Speaker, Youth Workers Vision Weekend, Nordic Chinese Christian Church Oslo, 2018.
Discussion Panelist, ReGeneration Conference, Chinese Overseas Christian Mission UK, 2017.
Seminar Speaker, All-Church Conference, Evergreen SGV, 2015.
“Spiritual Growth 201,” “Teaching and Speaking to Transform Lives
Speaker, Adult Retreat, Arcadia Chinese Baptist Church, 2015.
Speaker, Men’s Retreat, First Chinese Baptist Church of Los Angeles, 2015.
Speaker, Youth Summer Camp, Bread of Life Church, 2014.
Speaker, College Retreat, Boston Chinese Evangelical Church, 2012.
Speaker, Gospel Camp, New York Chinese Alliance Church, 2010.
Speaker, High School Retreat, Bread of Life Church, 2009.
You Need a Better Gospel: Reclaiming the Good News of Participation with ChristExpository
Times 134.3 (December 2022)
Christian History in Seven SentencesExpository Times 133.2 (November 2021)
The Big Idea Companion for Genesis to RevelationExpository Times 132.12 (September 2021).
From Research to Teaching: A Guide to Beginning Your Classroom CareerExpository Times
132.11 (August 2021)
Hearing Paul’s Voice: Insights for Teaching and Preaching,” Expository Times 132.8 (May 2021).
The Ancient Mediterranean Social World: A Sourcebook,” Expository Times 132.5 (February 2021).
Reading the Epistle of James: A Resource for Students,” Expository Times 131.11 (August 2020).
Reading Romans with Eastern Eyes,” Expository Times 131.5 (February 2020).
Basics of Biblical Greek (Fourth Edition)Logos Bible Software: Word by Word, December 2019.
Septuaginta: A Reader’s Edition,” THink 2 (Spring 2019).
Basics of Greek AccentsJournal of the Evangelical Theological Society 61.4 (December 2018).
Letters from the Pillar ApostlesThemelios 42.3 (December 2017).
Solving the Immigrant Church CrisisThemelios 42.3 (December 2017).
The Significance of Exemplars for the Interpretation of James,” Themelios 42.1 (April 2017).
Tapestry of Grace: Untangling the Cultural Complexities in Asian American Life and Ministry,”
Themelios 42.1 (April 2017).
The 3D Gospel: Ministry in Guilt, Shame and Fear Cultures,” McMaster Journal of Theology and
Ministry, 17 (2015–2016).
Saving God’s Face: A Chinese Contextualization of SalvationAsian American Christian Equippers,