IBM 2314 Direct Access Storage Facility
1965 - 1978
Photo: IBM Corporate Archives
Historical Significance
Improved cost and capacity enabled adoption of “all on-line” data processing.
A quadruple capacity replacement for the predecessor 2311 at 29 MB per spindle.
First IBM use of ferrite core heads for increased recording frequency and areal density.
2314 and System-360 facilitated the "plug compatible HDD” industry by IBM competitors
Introduced IBM marketing of 9-bay drive arrays, placing 8 drives on-line at once
The 9 drive 2314 Model 1 DASF, announced April 22, 1965, was a marketing bundle of eight drives, a
spare drive and a control unit that preserved a market for the lower priced 2311 which was sold
separately. The design was awarded a Design Patent in 1967 (see references). The 2314 from IBM was
officially discontinued in October 1978, per the IBM archives. IBM separately shipped the Control
Unit, two four-drive modules and a one-drive module; these later became the 2314 Control Unit Model
B1, the 2313 four-drive module and the 2312 single-drive module. That configuration lasted until 1969
when IBM “unbundled” IBM hardware from IBM software, in part due to pressure from the Justice
department and in part due to price pressure from the PCMs none of whom bundled drives with
controllers. At that time IBM announced the 2318, a two-disk drive module. In a competitive response
to the PCMs., IBM later announced a lower priced three-drive module, the 2319, which had the effect
of lowering its rental per drive price for its new customers while maintaining a higher rental price for
drive for its existing customers.
As a technological extension of the 1311/2311 series of drives, the 2314 featured more data capacity
and higher performance. The 2314 became the primary disk storage on the System/360, which had
been announced the previous year. RPM increased on the 2314 from 1,500 (on the 1311/2311) to
2,400, reducing latency and boosting transfer rate. Although the hydraulic actuator was retained, access
time decreased from 85 to 60 milliseconds. Plug-compatible competitors often used somewhat different
technology, such as voice coil actuators but the same disk pack was common to all variants.
The 29 MB type 2316 Disk Pack used with the 2314 employed 20 recording surfaces instead of 10
found in the 1316 packs used with 1311/2311. The 2316 disk pack weighed about 10 pounds, large by
today’s standards, but conveniently handled by most operators.
IBM 2316 Disk Pack
Photo from Roger Broughton Museum, UK reference 4
With 8 drives on-line, the system had about 240 MB available to the host, an impressive amount of
storage for that time. The shipped sub-system weighed 4,290 pounds and consumed 9.1 kW of power.
Any 8 of the 9 drives could be active at once, with drive selection involving a simple plastic “ID” plug
fitting into a receptacle at the front of the drive.
The 2314’s success was due in part to the System/360, announced a year earlier. System/360
standardized interconnections for system components, allowing IBM and competitors to “mix and match”
their hardware. The very successful System/360 featured modularity of common and compatible devices
across a large range of processors, creating a very large market for 2314 disk drives. Users could now
upgrade their system or add devices with relative ease. The resulting large market with standardization of
attachment was attractive to manufacturers of plug compatible alternatives (see: Memorex 660) who
found they could profitably sell a functionally equivalent or superior product at a lower price, either
displacing installed IBM products or denying IBM the sale or lease of add-on system drives.
The 2314 was offered on terms that made monthly rental financially more attractive than purchase; its
purchase price of $252,000 was 54 times the net monthly rental of $5,250 (including a $76.90 monthly
maintenance fee applicable to purchased drives) thus requiring 4.6 years to break even on a cash basis.
Similarly, 2316 disk packs had a purchase price of $650 versus $20 per month rental. (see IBM pricing
data, appendix 1 and 2). Rental was extremely profitable for IBM since the products were expected to
have installed lives of five years or more (including re-marketing) but IBM’s initial costs were
recovered in far less time, perhaps less than a year. IBM pricing created both a large opportunity and a
significant problem for its competitors. The opportunity was to install “plug compatible” hardware on
large numbers of IBM systems where existing IBM disk drives could be returned after a 30-day notice.
The competitor’s problems included discounts from IBM’s pricing to attract customers, and the need to
fund the hardware construction, sometimes requiring borrowed money which could take a long time to
recoup the initial investment (plus interest) and show a profit. Additional risks included displacement
by another competitor, obsolescence, the need to service the rental equipment, including sales cost to
re-rent the returns. It’s somewhat ironic that small entrepreneurial companies such as Memorex or
CalComp had to borrow money to provide rental equipment and service to wealthy customers such as
Bank of America, Pan AM, and Ford. Due to competition, IBM responded with price reductions and
product reconfigurations, particularly the 2319, which reduced the profitability of its competitors and
caused some to leave the market. In some cases products were recycled which kept them in service
longer than usual. One example is the Memorex 660, a plug compatible 2314 which came off lease in
the late 1970s and which was re-sold to DEC who then remarketed them as the RPR02.
The 2314 was likely the first product with a capacity and price point to allow all of a user’s data to
remain on line, replacing other storage systems in many applications. However, it should be noted that
such replacement was discussed as early as 1964 in the context of the 1311 and 1301 disk files. [Ref:
Disk File Applications, American Data Processing, Inc., Detroit MI, (c) 1964]
The 2314 introduced both ceramic flying heads and ceramic ferrite cores, replacing stainless steel
heads and their Permalloy metallic cores. The ceramic flying head was mechanically more durable than
previously used stainless steel, and the ceramic ferrite core gave better high frequency performance.
Metallic heads had their metallic cores mechanically "staked" in place, since metals are ductile and
could be "swaged" or locked in place. Ceramic components, being brittle, had to be adhesively
attached. One disadvantage of the new epoxy bonded head technology was the ability of the core to
move slightly within the somewhat flexible plastic encapsulant ... it doesn’t take much position change
to effect magnetic performance of a pole tip at a nominal flying height of 85 micro-inches from the
disk surface. Alternative suppliers of similar heads in the merchant market (e.g. AMC, Infomag)
encountered problems of pole tip recession or protrusion (related to the face of the flying head) which
drove at least one supplier (Data Industries) out of business. This head design was often referred to as
the “Monkey Face” (see photo and patent reference), with two holes to bleed air from between the disk
and head, improving lateral stability. The coil spring between the plug and arm surrounded the leads to
the head and served as a radio frequency shield. Subsequent technology improvements used glass
bonding (first used by IBM on 3330) to eliminate the pole tip movement issue.
In practice, the heads and disk surfaces were routinely cleaned by field engineers using isopropyl
alcohol on a soft cloth held by a tool resembling a “popsicle stick”. Signs of trouble would include
reddish iron oxide deposits removed from heads and/or disks indicating mechanical interference
between the two. If not corrected promptly, this contamination could spread by moving the disk pack
from drive to drive. Unfortunately some users experiencing data recovery problems would make the
problem worse by mounting the damaged disk pack on multiple drives, contaminating them all, which
became referred to as the “Typhoid Mary” syndrome.
IBM 2314 Read/Write Head showing “monkey face” head design (right)
Photos from Roger Broughton Museum, UK reference 4
The recording principle is equivalent to tape drives of the era, using a magnetic core to both write and
read data on the surface. The recordings are surprisingly robust, with data on an original 1950s era
RAMAC storage system (currently on display at the Computer History Museum) still readable, The
disk pack used magnetic iron oxide in an epoxy-phenolic cross-linked binder, applied by spin-coating a
wet slurry onto a slowly spinning aluminum substrate (see patent reference 3,198,657). The disk with
its “magnetically painted” surface, was subsequently oven-baked and polished to a smooth surface.
The disk pack was assembled on an aluminum alloy hub, with ventilated spacers between the disks to
facilitate air flow into the head-media interface. Air entering the disk pack area was filtered by an
automotive-style porous paper filter, to prevent room dust being caught between heads and media.
Airborne particles could easily exceed the 85 micro-inch head-to-disk spacing, so had to be controlled.
A high-end automotive air filter is quoted at “100% efficient at 3 microns” (or 118 micro-inches),
which takes care of most dirt, allowing disk drives to survive in unclean environments—historical
anecdotes describe disk packs routinely being used in coal mines and dusty factories. Filtration at IBM
was evaluated and tested with various contaminants during 2314 development, and the 2314 disk drive
filtering system was subsequently improved with the IBM 3330 to a HEPA (High Efficiency
Particulate Arresting) filter for elimination of aerosols/smoke down to 0.3 micrometer (about 12 micro-
inches). Some 2314 competitors (e.g. Memorex) adopted HEPA filters for their 2314-compatible
drives, providing a reliability advantage. More detail on this issue is provided in the 1311/2311 article,
during which product life the engineering work on aerosols and corrective action leading to HEPA
filtration was done.
Both photos from Roger Broughton Museum, UK reference 4
The 2314 also inaugurated IBM’s use of self-clocking FM (2-frequency, or "double frequency")
encoding, which was more reliable since timing came from the data on the disk itself (see Patent
reference 3,356,934). In this concept, a single frequency is always recorded as the reference signal for
the decoder, and data bits are placed between the clock bits. Good news was greater reliability, bad
news was 1/2 of the recorded data was consumed for machine timing and thus was unavailable for user
data. Subsequent recording schemes, such as MFM and RLL, improved the ratio of user data to
clocking data.
A summary of 2314 features:
First use of ferrite (non-metallic) read/write transducer in a disk drive
First use of non-metallic (alumina ceramic) flying head or “slider”
First application of 9 disk drive array (8 active + 1 spare) in one array
29 MB per spindle, versus 2.0 MB for 1311 or 7.25 MB for 2311
Increased sensitivity to airborne contamination due to lower flying height
Greater sensitivity to pole tip recession and protrusion
Cross-contamination from disk pack swapping, ”Typhoid Mary” syndrome
20 surfaces to vertically align, greater sensitivity to spindle tilt
Mechanical hydraulic actuator, final use in an IBM disk drive
Additional information
IBM San Jose, A Quarter Century Of Innovation”, David W. Kean, 1977, CHM accession number:
See also the IBM 2314 website and these website locations
Relevant IBM Patents
US 3,198,657 “Process for spin coating objects”, Philip Kimball, 17 Sep 1964
Des. 208,308 “Data Storage Unit” (2314 array) Donald Wood & Dave Brodsky, 15 Aug 1967
US 3,631,425 “Magnetic Slider with Orifice”, Tom Tang, 28dec 1971
Moderator: Bill Carlson
Appendix 1 – IBM 2314 announcement, features & benefits
Appendix 2 – IBM 2314 Price & delivery schedule