Your car
Page 2
FAQs 3
Glossary 4
Making a claim 6
What your cover includes 8
Section 1: Liability 10
Section 2: Fire and theft 13
Section 3: Guaranteed Hire Car 14
Section 4: Accidental damage 16
Section 5: Windscreen damage 17
Section 6: Personal beneits 17
Section 7: Motor Legal Cover 20
Section 8: Guaranteed Hire Car Plus 25
Section 9: Protected No Claim Discount
Where you can drive 28
Losses we don’t cover 30
Other conditions you need to know about 32
How the policy works 33
Everything else 37
If you have a complaint 38
If you’re in an accident 39
How to get in touch Back cover
Welcome to Direct Line
This booklet tells you about your car insurance
About the policy
The policy is made up of:
> This booklet.
> Your car insurance details.
> Your certiicate (or certiicates)
of motor insurance.
If the policy includes Green Flag breakdown cover:
> Your breakdown cover and your car
insurance are part of the same policy.
> The policy also includes the Green Flag
policy booklet we’ve given you.
If you have a policy that includes DrivePlus:
> The policy also includes the DrivePlus terms
and conditions we’ve given you.
Please read all these documents carefully
and keep them safe in case you need them.
Words in bold type
Some of the words and phrases we use in this
booklet have a speciic meaning – for example,
your car or modiications.
We’ve highlighted these words using bold
type. You can ind the exact meanings of
these words in the ‘Glossary’ on page 4,
or at the start of each section.
Comprehensive with DrivePlus
If you have a Comprehensive with
DrivePlus policy:
> Your cover is the same as a
Comprehensive policy.
> Wherever Comprehensive is
mentioned in this policy booklet,
this also applies to you.
Page 3
How much will you pay if my car is damaged?
Where damage to your car is covered under
your policy, we’ll pay the cost of repairing or
replacing your car up to its UK market value.
This is the current value of your car at the time
of the claim. It may be dierent to the amount
you paid or any amount you provided when you
insured your car with us.
Who is covered to drive other cars?
Your certiicate of motor insurance will show
who has cover to drive other cars. We’ll only
cover injury to third parties, or damage caused
to their property, not to the car being driven.
See ‘Section 1: Liability’ on page 10.
Am I covered if I leave my car unlocked or the
keys in the car?
We won’t pay a claim for
theft or attempted theft
if your car is left:
> Unlocked.
> With keys or key fobs in, on, or attached to
the car.
> With the engine running.
> With a window or roof open.
What’s not included in my cover?
We don’t cover things like:
> Mechanical or electrical failure.
> Wear and tear.
> Damage to tyres caused by braking,
punctures, cuts or bursts.
> Breakdowns.
If your policy includes Green Flag breakdown,
this may cover getting
your car
going again.
We won’t provide cover if your car is being used:
> By someone whos not insured on the policy.
> By someone whos disqualiied from driving.
> For a purpose that’s not allowed on the policy (as
shown on your certiicate of motor insurance).
You can ind full details of what’s not covered by
the policy in each cover section, and in ‘Losses
we don’t cover’ on page 30.
Does Direct Line have approved repairers?
Direct Line customers have access to a national
network of approved repairers. If
your car
repaired by one of these, they’ll deal with all
aspects of your repair.
What is DrivePlus?
DrivePlus is our telematics insurance product.
It’s designed to capture how, when and where
your car is driven, based on driver-monitoring
technology. We use it to understand your driving
style and give you feedback. This means
we can
base your premium on your
driving record.
What’s the dierence between commuting and
business use?
Business use provides cover for driving in
connection with a business or employment.
Your certiicate of motor insurance will show if
your policy includes business use and the type
of business use you have.
Commuting is driving to and from a permanent
place of work, for either part of the journey, or
for the whole journey. This includes driving to
and from a car park, railway station or bus stop
as part of your journey to and from a permanent
place of work.
Can I use my car abroad?
If you want to use your car abroad, your cover
depends on the type of policy you have and
where you’re driving. You can ind full details
in ‘Where you can drive’ on page 28.
You may need a Green Card if you’re travelling
abroad. If you need one, please get in touch
before you travel. We also recommend you take
a European Accident Statement with you. You
get one at
Are my electric car’s charging cables covered?
Your home charger and charging cables are
considered an accessory to your car. This means
they’re covered under ‘Section 2: Fire and theft’
or ‘Section 4: Accidental damage’ of your policy.
You’re also covered for any accidents to others
involving your charging cables when they are
attached to your car. For example, someone
tripping over your cable, as long as you have
taken due care to prevent such an accident.
See ‘Section 1: Liability’ on page 10.
Is my electric car battery covered?
Your car’s battery is covered if it’s damaged as a
result of an insured incident. This cover applies
whether your battery is owned or leased.
Page 4
About the glossary
When we use these words or terms in the
policy they have these speciic meanings
(unless we say dierently). These apply to
your car insurance.
Please note: Section 3: Guaranteed Hire
Car, Section 7: Motor Legal Cover, Section 8:
Guaranteed Hire Car Plus and ‘Liability for
automated cars in Great Britain’ in Section
1: Liability also include additional words or
terms that have speciic meanings – you can
ind these at the start of the relevant sections.
If your policy includes Green Flag breakdown
cover, please see your Green Flag policy
booklet for details of the words and terms that
apply to your breakdown cover.
Accessories Parts or products speciically
designed to be itted to your car, including your
electric car’s charging cables and the charger
installed at your home. We may treat some
accessories as modiications, so please tell us
about any changes to your car.
Approved repairer A repairer in our network of
contracted repairers who’s approved by us to
carry out repairs to your car following a claim
under this policy.
Approved windscreen supplier A repairer
approved and authorised to repair or replace
your car’s windscreen.
Automated car Your car where it is lawfully
driving itself on roads or other public places
in Great Britain. Please note that your car
must be identiied on the Secretary of State’s
list of motor vehicles that may safely drive
themselves. This identiication may be by
type, information recorded in a registration
document or in some other way.
Car insurance details The document that:
> Identiies the policyholder.
> Sets out details of the cover chosen.
> Records the information the policyholder
has given us.
Car keys Physical key or device for
smart access provided with your car by
a manufacturer that allows you to access
and/or move your car.
Certiicate of motor insurance This document
provides evidence that you have taken out the
insurance you must have by law. It shows who
can drive your car and the purposes that it can
be used for.
Convertible A motor car with a removable or
retractable roof. These may be referred to as
cabriolets, roadsters, soft-tops or hard-tops.
Excess The amount that you may have to pay
towards a claim. Details of the excesses can be
found in your car insurance details.
Loss of any limb A limb severed at or above the
wrist or ankle, or the total and irrecoverable loss
of use of a hand, arm, foot or leg.
Main driver The person you declared was the
main user of your car, and whos shown as the
main driver on your car insurance details.
Market value The cost of replacing your car
with another of the same make and model, and
of a similar age and condition at the time of the
accident or loss.
Modiications Any changes to your car’s
standard speciication, including optional
Modiications include changes to the
appearance or the performance of your car,
including wheels, suspension, bodywork and
engine. Please note this is not a complete list.
Modiications include changes made to your
car by a previous owner.
NCD owner The person who has earned the
No Claim Discount (NCD) that is in use on this
Partner Your husband, wife, or civil partner, or
someone you’re living with as if you’re married
to them.
Period of Insurance The length of time you
have insurance cover under this policy. You can
ind this on your certiicate of motor insurance
and car insurance details.
Policy The policy is made up of:
> This booklet.
> Your car insurance details.
> Your certiicate (or certiicates) of motor
> The Green Flag breakdown cover policy
booklet – where this applies.
> The DrivePlus terms and conditions
– where they apply.
Policyholder The person named as the
policyholder on your car insurance details.
Road Traic Act The Acts, laws and regulations
that cover driving or using cars in:
> Great Britain.
> Northern Ireland.
> the Channel Islands.
> the Isle of Man.
Terms The terms, exclusions, conditions and
limits that apply to the policy.
Territorial limits
> Great Britain.
> Northern Ireland.
> the Channel Islands.
> the Isle of Man.
Track day When your car is driven on a racing
track, on an airield or at an o-road event.
Trailer A trailer that has been specially built to
be towed by a car.
Vandalism Damage caused by a malicious and
deliberate act.
Written o When your car is so badly
damaged that:
> it’s no longer roadworthy, or
> the cost to ix it would be uneconomical,
based on its market value.
Your car The car described in your car
insurance details. This includes your car’s
accessories and spare parts if they are:
> On your car or in it.
> In your locked private garage.
> Plugged into your car.
Page 5
Page 6
Making a claim
If you need to claim
These steps will help you and enable us to
process your claim quickly.
Here are some important numbers
you’ll need if you have an accident
Need to claim?
0345 246 8811
Windscreen claims
0800 328 7423
If you have Comprehensive or
Comprehensive Plus cover
Motor legal helpline
0345 877 6371
If you have Motor Legal Cover
Help with anything else
0345 246 2272
Store these numbers in your phone so you
have them available if needed. Even if you don’t
make a claim on your car, it’s important to let us
know about the accident as quickly as possible.
This will enable us to contact the other party
and resolve the entire claim, giving you the
best service and keep the costs down.
How it works
To get the ball rolling, we’ll need to know things like:
> Your personal details.
> Your policy number.
> Your car registration number.
> A description of the loss or damage.
> If you’ve been in an accident, the other
driver’s details.
Please have these handy when you get in touch.
Other information you need to send us
If you get any communication such as any notice
or form from a court, any threat of legal action
or similar, please contact us straight away. We’ll
deal with it or tell you what you need to do. You
must also give us any other relevant information,
documents or help we might need to process
your claim, and pay any charges for sending
such information. If you’re unsure if a document
is relevant, please give it to us anyway.
Avoid increasing the amount claimed
You must not do, or refrain from doing, anything
that would increase the amount of the claim
without our written permission. For example,
admit liability for, or negotiate to settle, any claim.
Paying the excess
For some claims, you’ll need to pay an excess.
You can ind your excesses on your car insurance
details. Each driver may have dierent excesses.
We won’t charge an excess if:
> You’re in an accident that we believe is not your
fault. Sometimes you may have to pay the excess
while we’re looking into the claim, but we’ll
refund it once it’s proven you’re not to blame.
> Your car is stolen from a private locked garage.
If you’re leasing your car or buying on hire
If your car can’t be repaired and you’re leasing
it, we’ll pay any claims to the lease company,
because they are the legal owners of the car.
If your car can’t be repaired and you’re buying
it on hire purchase or a similar agreement, we’ll
pay any claims to the legal owner. We’ll only pay
any remaining balance to you if you have the
option to become the full owner at the end of
the agreement.
Page 7
Making a claim
How repairs and replacements work
This page explains how we’ll repair your car.
We’ll only do this if it makes inancial sense for
us to do so. For more details, see:
> Section 2: Fire and theft on page 13.
> Section 4: Accidental damage on page 16.
> Section 5: Windscreen damage on page 17.
Repairs to your car
If our approved repairer carries out the repairs,
you do not need an estimate, and you will
from our 5-year Guarantee. This means
parts, materials and workmanship provided by
approved repairer are guaranteed for ive
unless you sell your car or end your
lease. Your car will not qualify for repair under
our 5-year Guarantee if the cause is a lack of
maintenance, wear and tear, or a subsequent
Where we have agreed this with you, reasonable
and necessary repairs can be carried out at
a repairer of your choice. However, you must
give us full details of the incident and we must
approve the repairer’s detailed assessment of
the repairs before the work begins. We may
then make the arrangements for the repairs
Where the repairs are carried out at a repairer
of your choice, those repairs will NOT be
guaranteed by us even though we may pay for
them directly. For the purposes of this policy,
those repairs will not be treated as being
carried out by our approved repairer.
If there is a problem with any aspect of the
repair, your irst port of call is the repairer who
did the original work. If you’re still unhappy with
any aspect of the repairs, please let us know.
Windscreen repairs
If you arrange windscreen repairs or
replacement with someone who isn’t an
approved windscreen supplier, you don’t need
to get our approval beforehand. However, we’ll
only cover a limited amount – see ‘Section 5:
Windscreen damage’ on page 17.
The excess amounts for windscreen repairs
and replacement are shown on your car
insurance details.
Replacing parts in your car
We may decide to repair your car with
parts that haven’t been made by your cars
manufacturer, but that are of a similar standard.
This can include recycled parts. If any part
or accessory is not available, the most we’ll
pay for that part will be the cost shown in
the manufacturer’s last UK price list (plus
reasonable itting costs).
Removing, delivering and storing your car
If we’re dealing with your claim under sections 2
or 4 of your policy and your car can’t be driven,
we’ll cover reasonable costs to take it to the
nearest suitable repairer.
We’ll help you and your passengers make
arrangements to get home, to your original
destination or take you to a safe place.
We’ll also cover the reasonable cost of
delivering your car to you (at the address shown
on your car insurance details) after it’s repaired.
If we need to put your car into safe storage at any
time, we’ll cover the reasonable cost of storage.
If your car is written o
If your car is written o and we agree to settle
your claim on that basis, we will have met our
responsibilities to you under the policy.
We will not refund any of your premium if you
pay annually. If you pay by instalments under
a credit agreement you must pay to us (1) all
instalment payments that have already fallen
due under the credit agreement and remain
unpaid, and (2) the total remaining balance
under the credit agreement. If we agree to pay
your claim and you have not paid the amounts
due to us under (1) and (2) above, we may
reduce the amount that we pay in settlement
of your claim by the amount that you owe us.
Alternatively, we may write to you asking you for
the full payment
Once we settle your claim, your car will
become our property and you must send us the
registration document. All cover will then end
unless we agree dierently.
Page 8
We’ll provide cover up to the amounts shown below, depending on the type of claim and the level of
Please see under each section for further details and any restrictions. If the section of your policy
you are looking to claim under includes an excess, we’ll pay you up to the amount shown in the table
after your excess has been deducted.
What your cover includes
Third Party,
Fire and Theft Comprehensive
Section 1: Liability
Injuries to other people
Property damage
£20,000,000 per accident (includes all costs and expenses)
Section 2: Fire and theft
Fire damage to your car
Market value
Theft or attempted theft of your car
Market value
Child car seat replacement
In-car entertainment itted in your car
when it was made
In-car entertainment itted in your car
after it was made
Removable electronic equipment
Theft of car keys
8 4
Section 3: Guaranteed Hire Car
Guaranteed Hire Car
Included if you
haven’t picked
Guaranteed Hire
Car Plus
Replaced by
Guaranteed Hire
Car Plus – see
Amount of time you can have the car
for if you use an approved repairer
Duration of repair
Amount of time you can have the car
for if you use a dierent repairer
21 days
Travel costs
£50 per day, up to a
total of £500 per claim
Section 4: Accidental damage
Accidental damage to your car
Market value
Child car seat replacement
In-car entertainment itted in your car
when it was made
In-car entertainment itted in your car
after it was made
Removable electronic equipment
Market value
Lost car keys
Page 9
What your cover includes
Third Party,
Fire and Theft Comprehensive
Section 5: Windscreen damage
If you use an approved windscreen
Market value
If you choose a dierent supplier for
If you choose a dierent supplier for
Section 6: Personal beneits
New car replacement
Market value
Personal belongings
Personal accident
Medical expenses
Hotel expenses
£ 300
Uninsured Driver Promise
Vandalism Promise
Fair Claim Commitment
Onward travel
A destination of your choice in the UK
Section 7: Motor Legal Cover
Motor Legal Cover
Optional –
car insurance details
Overall limit for all claims
£100,000 if option is included
Road traic accident
£100,000 if option is included
Motor contract dispute
£100,000 if option is included
Motoring prosecution defence
£100,000 if option is included
Section 8: Guaranteed Hire Car Plus
Guaranteed Hire Car Plus
Optional –
your car insurance
Amount of time you can have the car
for if you use an approved repairer
Duration of repair
Amount of time you can have the car
for if you use a dierent repairer
21 days
Travel costs
£50 per day, up to a total of £500 per claim
Section 9: Protected No Claim Discount
Protected No Claim Discount (NCD) Optional – check your car insurance details
Maximum number of claims allowed 2 claims in 3 years
Page 10
Liability to other people (third parties)
We’ll cover you if you’re found to be legally
responsible for an accident.
What we’ll do
We’ll provide cover:
If you cause an accident
We’ll provide cover if you’re found to be legally
responsible to other people for an accident
involving your car that:
> injures or kills someone, and/or
> damages someone else’s property.
This includes accidents caused by:
> A trailer or vehicle you’re towing.
> Any electric charging cables when attached
to your car as long as you have taken due
care to prevent such an accident.
We’ll provide cover up to the amounts shown in
‘What your cover includes’ on page 8.
If the main driver is driving another car
The main driver may be covered for liability
to others when driving another car. If they’re
> You’ll see this on your certiicate of motor
> When the main driver drives any other car,
we’ll provide the same cover as ‘If you cause
an accident’ above, as long as:
They aren’t covered by another insurance
They don’t own the other car, and it isn’t
hired to them under a hire-purchase or
leasing agreement.
The car is not a hire, rental or courtesy car,
unless we have provided or arranged it.
The owner of the car they’re driving gives
their permission.
The car they’re driving is registered and
being driven within the territorial limits or
in the Republic of Ireland.
You still have your car and it hasn’t been
written o.
Check your certiicate of motor insurance to
see if the main driver is covered for liability to
others when driving another car.
Section 1: Liability
Section 1: Liability
If someone needs emergency medical treatment
We’ll cover emergency medical treatment if it’s
our responsibility under the Road Traic Act.
If you claim for emergency medical treatment
only, the NCD owner won’t lose the No Claim
Discount on this policy.
If you have to go to court
If theres an accident covered by this policy, we
may pay reasonable legal costs or expenses to
defend or represent you or any driver covered
by this policy:
> At a coroner’s inquest or fatal accident inquiry.
> In criminal proceedings to do with the accident.
It’s up to us whether we do this. If we do,
we must agree to all legal costs or expenses
beforehand in writing. If we agree to pay these
legal costs or expenses, we’ll tell you how much
we’re willing to cover.
If you’re deemed at fault for an incident and the
other party have solicitors involved, we may need
to pay the claimant’s costs as part of the claim.
Cover for other people
We’ll also cover any of the following people for
their liability to others:
> Anyone insured by this policy to drive
your car, if they have the policyholder’s
> Anyone that the policyholder allows to use,
but not drive, your car.
> Anyone getting into or out of your car.
> The legal representative of anyone covered
if that person dies.
> The employer or business partner of anyone
covered while your car is being used for
business purposes, if your certiicate of
motor insurance includes business use.
Payments made outside the terms of the policy
If we have to make a payment that isn’t covered
by this policy because we’re required to do so
under any country’s laws, we may ask you (or
the person who is legally responsible) to pay us
back any payment made that isn’t covered by
this policy. This includes any amount that we
have to pay because you don’t provide accurate
and complete information.
You’re not covered for
8 We won’t cover any liability for loss, damage
or injury that’s:
Covered by another insurance policy.
The result of grinding, cutting, welding or
soldering operations, or using blow lamps
or torches on or in your car.
Due to an act of terrorism as deined by
the terrorism legislation applicable where
the incident took place.
Legal costs
8 We won’t cover any legal costs or expenses
Speeding oences.
Driving under the inluence of alcohol
or drugs.
Parking oences.
Please note: if you have Motor Legal Cover,
you may have cover for costs relating to
speeding oences. To ind out more, see
Section 7: Motor Legal Cover’ on page 20.
If you’re driving another car
8 We don’t cover any damage, ire or theft to
the car you’re driving.
8 We don’t provide Motor Legal cover if you’re
driving another car.
8 We’ll only cover you if you still have your car
and it hasn’t been written o.
Other exclusions
8 We don’t cover:
Damage caused by any driver insured on
this policy to any property they own or are
responsible for.
Liability for loss of, or accidental damage
to, any car you’re driving or any trailer or
vehicle you’re towing.
Death of, or injury to anyone working with
or for the driver of the car (except as set
out in the Road Traic Act).
Page 11
Page 12
Liability for automated cars
in Great Britain
We’ll provide cover for accidents caused
by your automated car when it is lawfully
driving itself on a road or other public place
in Great Britain.
Does this cover apply to my car?
The cover in this sub-section will only apply
to your car if it has been identiied on the
Secretary of State’s list of motor vehicles
that may safely drive themselves.
If your car isn’t identiied on the list, the
cover in this section won’t apply to your
You can ind out more at
Words with a speciic meaning
When we use these words or terms in this
sub-section they have these speciic meanings
(unless we say dierently).
Insured person The policyholder and anyone
else insured by this policy to drive your
automated car with your permission.
Where am I covered?
We’ll only provide the cover in this sub-section
in Great Britain, which is:
> England.
> Scotland.
> Wales.
This is because this sub-section has been
written to comply with the laws of Great Britain.
If your automated car is involved in an accident
when it is lawfully driving itself outside Great
Britain (including when it is lawfully driving
itself in Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands
or the Isle of Man), the rest of your policy will
What we’ll do
We’ll provide cover:
If your car causes an accident
We’ll provide cover for an accident caused by
your automated car when it is lawfully driving
itself on a road or other public place in Great
Britain and:
> injures or kills any person (including the
person in charge of your automated car),
> damages property.
As long as you look after your car’s software
You must keep the software of your automated
car up to date and you must not modify it other
than in accordance with any manufacturer’s
Section 1: Liability continued
Page 13
Section 2: Fire and theft
You’re not covered under this
sub-section for
8 We won’t cover any loss, damage or injury:
That takes place outside of Great Britain.
Caused by your automated car driving
itself at any time or place that the use of
automated functions is unlawful.
To the extent that an accident was caused
or contributed to by any party suering
loss, damage or injury.
To an insured person if the accident is
caused by a failure to install safety critical
updates to your automated car or its
software has been altered without the
approval of the manufacturer. We may
also require an insured person to repay us
any amounts that we are required by law
to pay.
To the person in charge of your automated
car where the accident was wholly due to
that person’s negligence in allowing your
automated car to begin driving itself when
it was not appropriate to do so.
To property which an insured person owns
or is responsible for.
That’s covered by another insurance
That’s due to an act of terrorism as deined
by the terrorism legislation applicable
where the incident took place.
To your automated car or trailer.
To goods carried for hire or reward.
8 We won’t cover legal costs or expenses.
You may be covered for some of these
exclusions under other sections of your
policy – please check your policy carefully.
If you have any questions, please get
in touch.
Fire and theft
We’ll put things right if your car is stolen,
damaged by an attempted theft, or damaged
by ire.
What we’ll do
If your car is
> Stolen.
> Damaged as a result of theft or attempted
> Damaged by ire, lightning or an explosion.
We can choose to
> Repair – we’ll repair the damage ourselves, or
pay to repair it.
> Replace – we’ll replace whatever is lost or
damaged if that’s more cost-eective than
> Repay – we’ll settle your claim by sending
a payment.
If any of these things happen, we’ll also cover:
Child car seats If you have a child car seat itted
to your car and your car is damaged by ire or
theft, or stolen and not recovered, we’ll arrange
a replacement, or cover you for the cost of
replacing the child car seat with a new one of
a similar standard, even if there is no apparent
damage. You may be required to provide proof
of ownership as part of the claim.
In-car entertainment equipment We’ll:
> Replace any damaged or stolen
entertainment equipment that was
permanently itted in your car when it was
made (for example a car radio), as long as we
haven’t sent a payment to cover replacing
your car.
> Replace removable in-car entertainment
How much am I covered for?
We’ll provide cover up to the amounts shown in
‘What your cover includes’ on page 8.
Section 2: Fire and theft
Page 14
You’re not covered for
If your car isn’t kept secure
8 We won’t cover loss or damage to your car if
the person using it doesn’t take care to keep
the car secure. For example, if anyone who
uses your car:
Left the car keys unattended in or on the
Left the car unattended and unlocked. This
includes leaving windows, roof panels or
hoods open or unlocked.
8 We won’t cover loss or damage to
your car
someone takes it by fraud or deception while
pretending to be a buyer.
8 We won’t cover any loss or damage to
property if anyone who uses your car:
Left any removable in-car electronic
equipment inside a locked car where it
could be seen.
Left any property in an open or convertible
car outside of a locked boot or locked
glove compartment.
8 We won’t cover loss or damage caused by
theft or attempted theft of your car if any
security device itted to your car by the
manufacturer is not operational when
your car is left unattended.
Using tracking devices
8 We won’t cover any loss or damage if we
required a tracking device to be installed on
your car and:
It hasn’t been itted.
The policyholder, main driver or anyone
else named on the policy is aware that it’s
not working.
The device is not connected to a network
because a subscription or service is not
The driver recognition device for any
tracking device is left unattended in
or on your car.
If we need you to use a tracking device,
you can see this under ‘Endorsements’ in
your car insurance details.
About Guaranteed Hire Car
The Guaranteed Hire Car will be a small
hatchback, so may not be of a similar size or
style to your car.
Please note: this section doesn’t apply if you
have Guaranteed Hire Car Plus cover – please
see page 25 for details of this cover.
Words with a speciic meaning
When we use these words or terms in this
section they have these speciic meanings
(unless we say dierently).
Driveable If you have an accident or need to
claim, your car is driveable if:
> It’s legal to drive.
> It’s roadworthy.
> You’ve agreed with us it’s safe to drive.
Hire car A small hatchback car or similar that
is supplied to you temporarily on our behalf by
the hire car company.
Hire car company The company that we
instruct to give you the hire car.
What we’ll do
Guaranteed Hire Car is designed to keep you
mobile while your car is being repaired, by
providing you with a hire car.
Your hire car may not be the same as your car
in terms of its size, type, value or status.
When am I covered?
If we’re dealing with your claim under sections
2 or 4 of your policy,
we’ll arrange for a hire car
company to provide you with a hire car when
both of the following apply:
> Your car is damaged because of an accident,
ire or theft, or if it’s stolen and not recovered.
> The loss or damage happens within the
territorial limits.
For details of your cover in
the Republic of
, see ‘Where you can drive’ on page 28.
Section 2: Fire and theft continued
Section 3: Guaranteed Hire Car
Page 15
Section 3: Guaranteed Hire Car
How much am I covered for?
If your car can be repaired, and is driveable
We’ll provide you with a hire car from the point
your car goes in for repair:
> If you use our approved repairer, until
they’ve repaired your car.
> If you use your own repairer, for up to 21 days
in a row while they’re repairing your car.
If your car can be repaired, and is not driveable
As soon as you’ve conirmed that we can start
the repair, we’ll provide you with a hire car:
> If you use our approved repairer, until they
have repaired your car.
> If you use your own repairer, for up to 21 days
in a row while they’re repairing your car.
If your car is written o, or is stolen and
not recovered
We’ll provide you with a hire car for whichever
is shortest of these two periods:
> Up to 21 days in a row.
> Up to 5 days after our irst (or only) payment
has been issued to settle your claim.
If we cannot provide you with a hire car
If we cannot provide you with a hire car
because any of the following applies, we’ll
repay your travel costs up to £50 per day,
up to a total of £500 per claim if:
> You’re injured during the accident in a way
that prevents you from driving.
> Your car has been professionally adapted
to carry a disabled driver or passenger,
and a suitable hire car is not available.
> There are no hire cars available, and no
alternative cars are available for hire.
You can use this beneit any time in the 21 days
following your claim. You’ll need to pay the
costs up front, and then send us your receipts
or proof of travel. We can only pay you back
once we receive these.
You’re not covered for
8 We won’t provide a hire car if you claim for:
Windscreen or glass damage only.
Loss or damage that happens outside the
territorial limits.
Paying a deposit
When you collect your hire car, the hire car
company may charge you a refundable deposit.
When you return the hire car, this deposit will
be refunded to you. This will be covered by the
hire car company’s terms and conditions.
Using your hire car
You may only use the hire car:
> While your car remains o the road or being
repaired as a result of an accident, ire or
theft covered by this section of your policy.
> Within the territorial limits, unless the
hire car company gives you permission
and appropriate insurance cover to use
it elsewhere.
The hire car company’s terms and conditions
apply as well as ours. They’ll give you a copy
of these when you collect the hire car. If there’s
any conlict between our terms and the hire car
company’s, our terms will apply.
How you’re insured while using
your hire car
While you’re driving the hire car during the
hire period, it’s insured under your policy. Your
cover to drive the hire car is restricted to the
limits on use and exclusions shown on your
certiicate of motor insurance, and in the
terms of your policy.
If we need to pay a claim for loss or damage
to the hire car, we’ll pay this to the hire car
company. If you have an excess on your policy,
you’ll need to pay this.
Page 16
Damage to your car
We’ll put things right if your car is damaged.
What we’ll do
If your car is accidentally damaged, we can
choose to either:
> Repair – we’ll repair the damage ourselves
or pay to repair it.
> Replace – we’ll replace whatever is lost or
damaged, if that’s more cost-eective.
> Repay – we’ll settle your claim by sending
a payment.
‘How it works’ on page 6 tells you how we
manage repairs and replacements.
If your car is damaged we’ll also cover
Child car seats
If you have a child car seat
itted to
your car
your car
is involved in
an accident, we’ll arrange a replacement, or
cover you for the cost of replacing the child car
seat with a new one of a similar standard, even
if there is no apparent damage. You may be
required to provide proof of ownership as part
of the claim.
In-car entertainment equipment We’ll:
> Replace any damaged entertainment
equipment that was permanently itted in
your car when it was made (for example a car
radio), as long as we haven’t sent a payment
to cover replacing your car.
> Replace removable in-car entertainment
How much am I covered for?
We’ll provide cover up to the amounts shown in
‘What your cover includes’ on page 8.
You’re not covered for
Misfuelling (using the wrong fuel)
8 We won’t cover the cost of draining, lushing
or replacing the fuel if the wrong fuel is put
in your car. But we do cover any damage
this causes.
Damaged, lost or stolen car keys
We’ll cover your car keys.
We can choose to either repair or replace your
damaged, lost or stolen car keys and the locks
they it, including any locksmith charges.
You must take all reasonable steps to protect
your car keys from loss, theft or damage.
If your keys are stolen, you’ll need to pay the theft
excess. You’ll need to report this theft to the police
and provide us with the crime reference number.
If your keys are lost or damaged, you’ll need to
pay the accidental damage excess.
Car security We’ll provide cover to reprogram
immobilisers, infrared handsets and alarms.
Car hire
If you can’t drive your car because of
damaged, lost or stolen car keys and have our
Guaranteed Hire Car Plus cover, we’ll extend this
cover while you’re unable to use your car. See
Section 8: Guaranteed Hire Car Plus’ on page 25.
Driving abroad While driving
your car
we’ll cover your
car keys
if they are lost or
stolen when:
> You have Comprehensive cover and you’ve
added Foreign Use Extension to your cover
before you travel (this will be shown on your
car insurance details).
> You have Comprehensive Plus cover, where
90 days of Foreign Use Extension is included
for each insured period.
You’ll need to replace your car keys and send
the receipts to us. We’ll then reimburse the
costs up to the amounts shown on page 8.
You’re not covered for
8 Theres no cover if anyone in your family
or anyone living or staying at your home
address takes your keys without your
permission, unless you’ve reported it to the
police and have a crime reference number.
8 We don’t cover any reduction in your car’s
market value because of lost or stolen keys.
8 We don’t cover losses that aren’t directly due
to your keys being damaged, lost or stolen. For
example, we don’t cover loss of use or earnings.
Section 4: Accidental damage
Section 6: Personal beneits
Windscreen damage
We’ll help put things right if the glass in your
car is damaged.
What we’ll do
> Replace or repair broken glass in the
windscreen, sunroof or windows of your car.
> Repair any scratching to the bodywork
caused by the broken glass, so long as there
wasn’t any other loss or damage resulting
from the same incident.
> If your car has a folding roof, we’ll replace the
roof and rear windscreen assembly together,
if this is more cost-eective than replacing
the glass alone.
How much am I covered for?
> If you use an approved windscreen supplier
for repairs or replacement, we’ll pay up to the
market value.
> If you choose a dierent supplier for repairs,
we’ll pay up to £40.
> If you choose a dierent supplier for
replacement, we’ll pay up to £125.
You’re not covered for
8 Any other losses covered under another
section of this policy for the same incident.
If your claim is only for windscreen damage,
you won’t lose the No Claim Discount on
this policy.
Personal beneits
The additional cover you have as part of
your car insurance.
New car replacement
If your new car is stolen and not recovered, or
written o, we’ll replace it with one of the same
make and model.
When you’ll get this cover
We’ll provide this cover so long as:
> You’re the irst and only registered keeper.
> If you have Comprehensive cover, your car is
less than 1 year old when it’s stolen or damaged.
> If you have Comprehensive Plus cover, your
car is less than 2 years old when it’s stolen
or damaged.
What we’ll do
We’ll replace your car with one of the same
make and model if it has:
> Been reported as stolen to the police and has
not been found.
> Suered damage that this policy covers, and
the cost of repairing it is more than 60% of
the last UK list price (including taxes).
We can only do this if a replacement car is
available in the UK, and so long as anyone else
with an interest in your car agrees.
If a suitable replacement car is not available,
or your car was not supplied as new in the UK,
we’ll pay you the market value of your car at
the time it was stolen or damaged. We’ll take
any excess o the amount we pay you. If we
settle a claim this way, the lost or damaged car
becomes our property, and you’ll need to send
us the registration document.
Medical expenses
If your car is in an accident and people are
injured, we’ll cover medical expenses if needed.
This is so long as no other car insurance policy
covers the cost. We’ll cover up to the amounts
shown in ‘What your cover includes’ on page 8.
Section 5: Windscreen damage
Section 6: Personal beneits
Page 17
Page 18
Hotel expenses
If you cannot drive your car after an accident or
loss that’s covered under sections 2 or 4 of this
policy, we’ll cover up to the amounts shown in
‘What your cover includes’ on page 8
The limit is the total we’ll pay for everyone
in your car.
Personal accident
We’ll help if you or your partner are accidentally
injured or killed in a car accident involving
your car.
What we’ll do
If you or your partner are accidentally injured
while travelling in or getting in or out of your
car, we’ll pay you or your legal representatives
up to the amounts shown in ‘What your cover
includes’ on page 8.
We’ll do this if the injury from this incident causes
any of the following within three calendar months:
> Death.
> Total irrecoverable loss of sight in one
or both eyes.
> Loss of any limb.
How much am I covered for?
We’ll cover up to the amounts shown in
‘What your cover includes’ on page 8.
If theres a claim for both you and your partner,
these amounts are the maximum we’ll cover in
total for both people.
If we insure you for personal accident under
another of our insurance policies, U K Insurance
Limited will only pay out on one of your policies.
We’ll only pay out once in any period of
You’re not covered for
8 We won’t cover:
Any injury or death caused by suicide or
attempted suicide.
Anyone who is convicted for driving while
under the inluence of drink or drugs at the
time of the accident.
Personal belongings
We’ll pay for personal belongings if they’re lost
or damaged by ire, theft, attempted theft or
accident while they’re in or on your car. We’ll
cover up to the amounts shown in ‘What your
cover includes’ on page 8.
If you ask us to pay someone else, we’ll have no
further responsibility to you once we’ve done this.
You’re not covered for
8 Money.
8 Credit or debit cards.
8 Stamps.
8 Tickets.
8 Vouchers.
8 Documents.
8 Securities (such as share or Premium
Bond certiicates).
8 Goods or samples for a trade or business.
8 Any property that’s insured under any
other policy.
Uninsured Driver Promise
If you claim for an accident that isn’t your fault,
and the driver of the vehicle that hits your car is
uninsured, the No Claim Discount on this policy
will not be aected and you will not need to pay
an excess.
What we need from you
If this happens, you’ll need to give us:
> The registration number, make and model
of the vehicle that hit you.
> The driver’s details, if possible.
> The names and addresses of any
independent witnesses, if available.
While were looking into your claim
While we’re looking into your claim, you may
have to pay your excess. Also, if you renew
during this time, you may temporarily lose
the No Claim Discount on this policy. Once
we conirm that the accident was the fault of
the uninsured driver, we’ll repay your excess,
restore the No Claim Discount on this policy,
and refund any extra premium you’ve paid that
was solely due to this claim.
Section 6: Personal beneits continued
Section 6: Personal beneits
Vandalism Promise
If you claim for damage to your car that’s
a result of vandalism, this won’t aect the
No Claim Discount on this policy.
What happens if you claim
If you claim, you’ll need to:
> Pay the excess that applies to accidental
damage claims when the car is unattended.
> Report the vandalism to the police. To do
this, call 101 (unless it’s an emergency).
> Get a crime reference number from the
police and give it to us.
Until we have the crime reference number, you
may temporarily lose the No Claim Discount on
this policy.
You’re not covered for
8 Our Vandalism Promise doesn’t cover
damage caused by another vehicle.
Fair Claim Commitment
If you make a claim for your car under section
2 or 4 of your policy, this won’t aect the No
Claim Discount (NCD) on this policy so long as
your car was:
> Damaged by ire, lood, a storm, potholes or
poor road maintenance, or
> Stolen (or something was stolen from it), or
> Hit while parked, or
> Hit by an animal (or hit an animal), or
> Hit by an object or debris.
Also, if you make a claim for stolen car keys
under section 4 of your policy, this won’t aect
the NCD on this policy.
If you move to another insurer, they may
include any claims covered by the Fair Claim
Commitment when working out your NCD. If
this happens, you may lose part or all of your NCD.
What happens if you claim
If you claim, you’ll need to pay your excess.
You’re not covered for
8 Our Fair Claim Commitment doesn’t apply if
you’re driving your car and it’s hit by another
Onward travel
If your car can’t be driven because of loss
or damage covered under this policy and
requires immediate recovery in the UK,
we’ll oer to book and pay for a taxi to take
you and your passengers to one destination
of your choice in the UK.
You’re not covered for
8 Any other mode of transport to take you
to the destination of your choice.
Page 19
Page 20
About Motor Legal Cover
We’ll cover your Costs if you need to take
legal action or defend yourself in court. We
will only provide this cover if your claim has
a reasonable chance of succeeding for the
duration of the claim.
This cover is included with Comprehensive
Plus. It’s an optional extra for Third Party, Fire
and Theft, and Comprehensive. Check your
car insurance details to see if you’re covered.
Words with a speciic meaning
When we use these words or terms in this
section they have these speciic meanings
(unless we say dierently).
Abroad Anywhere outside of the territorial limits,
restricted to the Republic of Ireland and countries
listed in ‘Where you can drive’ on page 28.
Appointed representative The preferred law
irm, solicitor, or other suitably qualiied person
that we appoint to represent you under this
section of the policy.
Costs Legal costs, including:
> All reasonable, necessary and proportionate
legal fees, expenses and other fees charged
by the appointed representative and agreed
by us. We’ll assess legal fees, expenses and
other fees on the standard basis, or in line
with any ixed recoverable costs scheme
that applies.
> Any fees that your opponent incurs that
you’re ordered to pay by a court.
> Any other fees we agree to in writing.
Court A court, tribunal or other suitable authority.
Date of incident
> For road traic accidents – the date the
accident happened.
> For motoring oences – the date the alleged
oence took place.
> For motor contract disputes – the date the
alleged incident took place.
Preferred law irm The law irm we choose to
legal services. We choose these legal
as they have the expertise to deal with
your claim
and comply with our agreed service
Reasonable chance of succeeding
For road traic accident and motor contract
dispute claims When we and the appointed
representative agree that there is a higher
than 50% chance that you’ll get a favourable
judgment and do either of the following:
> Recover your losses or damages.
> Get any other legal remedy we agree to.
(For example, an enforcement of judgment,
a successful appeal, or a successful defence
of an appeal.)
For motoring oence claims When we and the
appointed representative agree that theres a
higher than 50% chance that you can achieve
any of the following:
> Reduce your sentence or ine.
> Make a successful appeal.
> Make a successful defence of an appeal.
Terms of appointment A separate contract
we make with the appointed representative
if they’re not a preferred law irm. It sets out:
> The amounts we will pay the appointed
> Their responsibilities to report to us.
Section 7: Motor Legal Cover
Page 21
Section 7: Motor Legal Cover
Whos covered?
You’ll have this cover if you’re any of the following:
> The policyholder.
> Named as a driver on your certiicate of
motor insurance and car insurance details.
> The registered keeper of your car.
> A passenger – so long as it’s a motoring
oence or a road traic accident case.
What we’ll do
If you’re prosecuted for a motoring oence
We’ll provide cover for the costs to defend you
in a criminal court within the territorial limits if
you’re prosecuted for a motoring oence while
using your car.
If you’re in a motor contract dispute
We’ll provide cover for the costs for you to
pursue or defend a breach of contract claim
within the territorial limits for:
> Buying or selling your car.
> Buying or hiring goods or services for
your car.
If you’re in a road traic accident
You can use this cover if you’re in a road traic
accident with a moving vehicle, as deined by
the Road Traic Act, where someone else is
to blame.
We’ll pay the costs to help you claim your
uninsured losses from the person who was to
blame for the accident.
Examples of the uninsured losses you may
claim for include:
> Compensation for your death or bodily injury.
> Accident repair costs if you don’t have
Comprehensive or Comprehensive Plus
cover (we’ll cover repair costs ourselves
under these policies).
> Damage to any belongings in your car that
you’re legally responsible for.
> Any other inancial losses that happened as
a direct result of the accident.
You can use this cover if:
> Your car is involved in the road traic
accident within the territorial limits
or when driving abroad.
> Someone not insured by this cover is more
than 50% to blame.
We’ll also cover up to £250 for travel expenses
you can’t claim elsewhere if you have to go to
a court abroad, as a claimant or witness. We’ll
only pay what is reasonable and necessary for
these expenses.
How much am I covered for?
We’ll provide cover up to the amount shown
in ‘What your cover includes’ on page 8. The
amount shown includes any VAT payable, and
is the most we’ll pay for all claims, including
any appeal or counterclaim to do with the
same incident.
The motor legal helpline
You can ring the 24-hour legal helpline on
0345 877 6371 for conidential legal advice
on any private motoring legal problem.
It doesn’t matter whether you intend to
claim for the problem or not.
The helpline doesn’t advise on any claim
you make under your car insurance policy.
It can only help with problems to do with
laws that apply in the UK.
Page 22
You’re not covered for
8 We don’t cover:
Legal claims for any loss or damage that’s
already covered by this policy or any other
insurance policy.
Claims that are to do with an incident that
happened before your cover started.
Any costs that we haven’t agreed to, or any
costs that relate to the period before we
accept your claim.
Fines, penalties, compensation or
damages you’re ordered to pay by a court.
Any dispute with us under Motor Legal
Cover. However, if you have a complaint,
please see ‘If you have a complaint’ on
page 38.
Any appeal or enforcement action, unless
we provided cover for the original claim.
Psychological injuries or mental illness,
unless they were caused by something
covered by the policy that also caused you
physical injury.
Action against another person insured by
this policy, if that person was to blame for
the accident.
If you’re prosecuted for a motoring oence
8 We don’t cover any oences to do with:
Parking, obstruction or waiting.
Drink or drugs.
Vehicle tests, such as the MOT.
Driving unroadworthy vehicles.
For example if your car has:
tyre tread that is below the legal limit
faulty brakes
headlights that don’t work properly.
Driving licences or vehicle documentation.
8 We don’t cover any prosecution if either of
the following applies:
You were driving without valid motor
You’re already covered under Liability to
other people – see ‘Section 1: Liability’ on
page 10.
If you’re in a motor contract dispute
8 We don’t cover any claim if the amount in
dispute is less than £250 including VAT.
8 We don’t cover any dispute:
To do with faults in your car, its spare parts
or accessories, if you knew about the
faults before buying these items, or before
your Motor Legal Cover started.
Between you and someone you live with
or used to live with.
With anyone insured by this policy.
About a car insurance policy or claim.
About the purchase or sale of salvage.
About contracts you entered into before
your Motor Legal Cover started.
8 We don’t cover claims for any contracts
to do with:
A profession, business, trade, or any other
activity that you’re paid for or that aims to
make money.
Your employment.
The sale of your car, its spare parts or
accessories, if the person who entered
into the contract is not the owner.
Loans, borrowing or other inancial
services contracts.
Section 7: Motor Legal Cover continued
Page 23
Section 7: Motor Legal Cover
Making Motor Legal Cover claims
Accepting your claim
Before we cover your costs, we must accept
that you have a valid claim.
We’ll only accept your claim if:
> The incident happened within the territorial
limits – except where covered abroad.
> You were covered on the date of incident.
> The legal proceedings will happen in a court
within the territorial limits – except where
covered abroad.
Following the policy terms
You must do all of the following:
> Comply with all of the terms of this policy.
> Take all reasonable precautions to minimise
the cost of claims.
> Take all reasonable precautions to prevent
a claim from happening.
If you haven’t followed any of the terms of this
policy, and this prejudices our position, we
have the right to:
> Refuse or withdraw from the claim.
> Refuse to cover costs – even if we’ve already
agreed to them.
> Ask you to reimburse costs that we’ve
already paid.
Choosing who represents you
You can choose an appointed representative
to look after your interests. This will include
looking after your interests in any inquiry
or other court proceedings, or if theres
any conlict of interest. Your appointed
representative can be:
> From a preferred law irm that we suggest.
> Your own choice of appointed
representative – however you can’t choose
your own appointed representative if it’s a
contract dispute until it’s necessary to take
your claim to court, or if theres a conlict of
If you choose an appointed representative
who isn’t from a preferred law irm, they must
agree to our terms of appointment. We’ll only
their costs from the date they agree to our
terms of appointment
You’ll have a separate contract with your
appointed representative. If they charge any
costs that we don’t agree, you’ll be responsible
for paying these.
Checking whether your claim has a reasonable
chance of succeeding
Before we go ahead, we must agree with your
appointed representative that your claim has
a reasonable chance of succeeding. We will
only provide this cover as long as we and your
appointed representative agree your claim
has a reasonable chance of succeeding for the
duration of the claim. This can change during
your claim.
We can refuse to continue paying costs if we or
the appointed representative consider that the
costs would be disproportionate to the value of
the claim.
If there are conlicting opinions about whether
your claim is likely to succeed, we’ll ask you
to get an expert opinion from a barrister. We’ll
agree which barrister with you.
If the barrister agrees with you, you won’t need
to pay for their advice. If they don’t agree with
you, you’ll have to pay the costs for their advice.
Co-operating with us and your appointed
We can contact your appointed representative
at any time, and they must co-operate with us.
You must:
> Co-operate with us and your appointed
> Get our agreement before instructing a
barrister or an expert witness.
> Keep us and your appointed representative
up to date with any developments to do with
the claim.
> As soon as possible, give us and your
appointed representative any information,
evidence and documents that you have or
know about.
> Tell your appointed representative to give us
any documents, information or advice that
they have or know about, if we ask.
You must not take any action that hasn’t been
agreed by us or your appointed representative.
If your appointed representative refuses to
continue acting, or if you dismiss them
If either of the following happens, we’ll end
cover for your costs immediately, unless we
agree to a dierent appointed representative:
> Your appointed representative stops acting
for you with good reason – for example,
you behave dishonestly while dealing with
your claim.
> You dismiss your appointed representative
without good reason – for example, you
disagree with their legal advice.
Settling or ending your claim
Oers to settle your claim
You must tell us if anyone:
> Oers to settle your claim.
> Makes a payment into court.
If you refuse to accept an oer or payment
that we or your appointed representative
think you should accept, we can refuse to
cover any further costs.
Approval to settle or end your claim
Unless we agree, you must not:
> Stop, settle, negotiate or withdraw your
> Dismiss your appointed representative.
We won’t withhold our agreement to take these
actions without good reason.
When we might choose to settle your claim
We can settle your claim outside of court if
we think it makes inancial sense to do this.
We’ll do this by covering you for:
> The amount you’re likely to be awarded by a
> The equivalent inancial value, if your claim
is not for damages.
Checking costs
We have the right to have costs:
> Certiied by an appropriate professional
> Checked by an auditor (for example a Costs
Lawyer) that we choose.
> Assessed by a court.
Recovering costs
If your costs can be recovered from
somewhere else, you must tell your appointed
representative to do this. If we’ve paid costs
that you then recover, you must pay the money
back to us.
We’ll share recovered costs with you if:
> We refused to cover further costs and you
paid more costs to end your claim.
> You paid the dierence between the costs
we oered your appointed representative
and the costs they charged.
We’ll split any recovered costs to relect who
paid costs originally. For example, if you paid
60% of the original costs, you’ll receive 60%
of the recovered costs.
Section 7: Motor Legal Cover continued
Page 24
Page 25
Section 8: Guaranteed Hire Car Plus
About Guaranteed Hire Car Plus
We’ll give you a hire car of a similar physical
size to yours, if your car is damaged in an
incident, written o or stolen.
This cover is only included with
Comprehensive Plus, or as an optional
extra for Comprehensive. Check your car
insurance details to see if you’re covered.
Words with a speciic meaning
When we use these words or terms in this
section they have these speciic meanings
(unless we say dierently).
Driveable If you have an accident or need to
claim, your car is driveable if:
> It’s legal to drive.
> It’s roadworthy.
> You’ve agreed with us it’s safe to drive.
Hire car A car or van that’s a similar physical
size to your car, if available, that is supplied to
you temporarily on our behalf by the hire car
Hire car company The company that we
instruct to give you the hire car.
Similar physical size A hire car up to a Class F
for cars with 5 seats, or up to a Mini MPV for cars
with 7 or more seats. The hire car company will
deine the class of car.
What we’ll do
Guaranteed Hire Car Plus is designed to keep
you mobile while your car is being repaired, by
providing you with a hire car that’s a similar size
to your car.
We’ll always try to provide you with a hire car
that’s a similar physical size to your car, but
sometimes one may not be available. We
cannot guarantee that your hire car will be
the same as your car in terms of its size,
type, value or status.
When am I covered?
If we’re dealing with your claim under sections
2 or 4 of your policy,
we’ll arrange for a hire car
company to provide you with a hire car when
both of the following apply:
> Your car is damaged because of an accident,
ire or theft, or if it’s stolen and not recovered.
> The loss or damage happens within the
territorial limits.
For details of your cover in
the Republic of
, see ‘Where you can drive’ on page 28.
How much am I covered for?
If your car can be repaired, and is driveable
We’ll provide you with a hire car from the point
your car goes in for repair:
> If you use our approved repairer, until
they’ve repaired your car.
> If you use your own repairer, for up to 21 days
in a row while they’re repairing your car.
If your car can be repaired, and is not driveable
As soon as you’ve conirmed that we can start
the repair, we’ll provide you with a hire car:
> If you use our approved repairer, until they
have repaired your car.
> If you use your own repairer, for up to 21 days
in a row while they’re repairing your car.
If your car is written o, or is stolen and
not recovered
We’ll provide you with a hire car for whichever
is shortest of these two periods:
> Up to 21 days in a row.
> Up to 5 days after our irst (or only) payment
has been issued to settle your claim.
Section 8: Guaranteed Hire Car Plus
Page 26
If we cannot provide you with a hire car
If we cannot provide you with a hire car
because any of the following applies, we’ll
repay your travel costs up to £50 per day,
up to a total of £500 per claim if:
> You’re injured during the accident in a way
that prevents you from driving.
> Your car has been professionally adapted
to carry a disabled driver or passenger,
and a suitable hire car is not available.
> There are no hire cars available, and no
alternative cars are available for hire.
You can use this beneit any time in the 21 days
following your claim. You’ll need to pay the
costs up front, and then send us your receipts
or proof of travel. We can only pay you back
once we receive these.
If you’re outside the territorial limits
If we’re dealing with your claim under sections
2 or 4 of your policy and the loss or damage
happens outside the territorial limits, we’ll
> repay your travel costs up to £50 per day, up
to a total of £500 per claim, or
> treat your claim as if it happened within the
territorial limits so long as:
you can get your car back to the territorial
limits for it to be repaired, or
your car is written o, or is stolen and not
You’re not covered for
8 We won’t provide you with a hire car if
you’re only claiming for windscreen or
glass damage.
Paying a deposit
When you collect your hire car, the hire car
company may charge you a refundable deposit.
When you return the hire car, this deposit will
be refunded to you. This will be covered by the
hire car company’s terms and conditions.
Using your hire car
You may only use the hire car:
> While your car remains o the road or being
repaired as a result of an accident, ire or
theft covered by this section of your policy.
> Within the territorial limits, unless the
hire car company gives you permission
and appropriate insurance cover to use
it elsewhere.
The hire car company’s terms and conditions
apply as well as ours. They’ll give you a copy
of these when you collect the hire car. If there’s
any conlict between our terms and the hire car
company’s, our terms will apply.
How you’re insured while using
your hire car
While you’re driving the hire car during the
hire period, it’s insured under your policy. Your
cover to drive the hire car is restricted to the
limits on use and exclusions shown on your
certiicate of motor insurance, and in the
terms of your policy.
If we need to pay a claim for loss or damage
to the hire car, we’ll pay this to the hire car
company. If you have an excess on your policy,
you’ll need to pay this.
If you have Comprehensive and
remove your Guaranteed Hire
Car Plus cover
If you remove your Guaranteed Hire Car Plus
within 14 days of either your cover starting, or
receiving your documents (whichever is later),
we’ll return any premium you’ve paid. We’ll do
this so long as we haven’t provided you with a
hire car during that time.
If you remove your Guaranteed Hire Car Plus
after this 14-day period, we’ll give you a refund
that relects the number of days of cover you’ve
had, unless we’ve provided you with a hire car
during that time. If we’ve provided you with a
hire car, you’ll need to pay the Guaranteed
Hire Car Plus premium for the whole period
of insurance.
Section 8: Guaranteed Hire Car Plus continued
Page 27
Section 9: Protected No Claim Discount
About Protected No Claim Discount
The NCD owner will keep their No Claim
Discount (NCD) if you make a claim, unless
you make more than 2 claims in 3 years.
Protected NCD doesn’t guarantee your
premium – this may still increase if a claim
is made.
This is an optional extra for Third Party,
Fire and Theft, Comprehensive and
Comprehensive Plus. Check your car
insurance details to see if you’re covered.
How it works
Once the NCD owner has a minimum of four
years’ worth of NCD, you may be able to protect
it by paying an additional premium. We’ll let you
know when you’re able to do this.
Protected NCD means that you can make up to
2 claims in 3 years of insurance in a row, and
this won’t aect the NCD on this policy.
For more information, including a table showing
what happens to the NCD on this policy if you
claim, please see your car insurance details.
Section 9: Protected No Claim Discount
Page 28
The area your policy applies
(the territorial limits)
Your car insurance gives you the cover
described in your car insurance details in:
> Great Britain.
> Northern Ireland.
> the Channel Islands.
> the Isle of Man.
It also covers journeys between these places.
Please note: your ‘Liability for automated cars
in Great Britain’ cover only applies in Great
Britain, which is:
> England.
> Scotland.
> Wales.
Please see ‘Liability for automated cars in Great
Britain’ on page 12 for more details.
If you drive in the Republic of Ireland
If you use your car in the Republic of Ireland,
your car insurance gives you the same cover as
you have within the territorial limits. However:
> If you have Motor Legal Cover, this cover
doesn’t apply to any claims in the Republic
of Ireland, apart from road traic accident
> If you have Guaranteed Hire Car or
Guaranteed Hire Car Plus, and you have been
provided with a hire car, this policy doesn’t
give you cover to drive in the Republic of
Ireland. Please check with the company that
we instruct to give you the hire car to see if
you are covered by their insurance.
Your car insurance cover
in the rest of Europe
Third Party, Fire and Theft
You can add Foreign Use Extension to give you
the same level of cover under ‘Liability to other
people (third parties)’ in section 1 (excluding
any cover the main driver has when driving
another car) and section 2 as you have within
the territorial limits in the countries listed in
the ‘Countries where you have minimum cover’.
You’ll need to pay extra to add this and get in
touch before your trip starts.
You can add Foreign Use Extension to give you
the same level of cover under ‘Liability to other
people (third parties)’ in section 1 (excluding
any cover the main driver has when driving
another car) and sections 2, 4 and 5 as you
have within the territorial limits in the countries
listed in the ‘Countries where you have
minimum cover’. You’ll need to pay extra to add
this and get in touch before your trip starts.
Comprehensive Plus
You’ll have the same level of cover under
‘Liability to other people (third parties)’ in
section 1 (excluding any cover the main driver
has when driving another car) and sections
2, 4 and 5 as you have within the territorial
limits in the countries listed in the ‘Countries
where you have minimum cover’ section for
up to 90 days in every insured period. See
your car insurance details for the actual
number of days the policy includes.
Car insurance cover in the rest of Europe
The cover you have in the rest of Europe will
also cover:
> Crossings between countries where your car
is being transported by a recognised carrier.
> Any customs duty you need to pay on your
car because of repairs that are covered by
the policy.
Where you can drive
Page 29
Where you can drive
You’re not covered in the rest of Europe
8 If your cover includes Motor Legal Cover, this
part of your cover doesn’t apply outside the
territorial limits, apart from for road traic
accident claims.
8 If anyone is driving a car other than your car.
8 If you have Guaranteed Hire Car or
Guaranteed Hire Car Plus, and you have been
provided with a hire car, this policy doesn’t
give you cover to drive outside the territorial
limits. Please check with the company that
we instruct to give you the hire car to see if
you are covered by their insurance.
Countries where you have
minimum cover
If you do not have Foreign Use Extension, or if it
has been used up, your car insurance only gives
you the minimum car insurance required by law
for the countries listed below:
> Any country which is a member of the
European Union.
> Any country listed below that the
Commission of the European Community
approves as meeting the requirements of
Article 8 of EC Directive 2009/103/EC on
Insurance of Civil Liabilities arising from
using cars.
Countries included
Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus,
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary,
Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, Netherlands,
Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and
If your cover includes
Green Flag breakdown
> If your breakdown cover includes European
Breakdown, the countries covered are
dierent to the countries your car insurance
covers. See the Green Flag policy booklet
for details.
Page 30
Use of your car
8 We don’t cover any loss, damage, liability or
injury that happens while your car is being:
Driven by anyone who isn’t named, or
who is listed as excluded, as a driver on
your certiicate of motor insurance or
car insurance details.
Used for a purpose that isn’t shown as
allowed on your certiicate of motor
insurance or car insurance details.
Driven by someone who:
Doesn’t have a valid driving licence.
Is disqualiied from holding or obtaining
a driving licence.
Is breaking the conditions of their
driving licence.
This exception doesn’t apply to any loss or
damage to your car if it:
Is being repaired by a mechanic at the
Is with a member of the motor trade for
maintenance or repair.
Has been stolen and you’ve reported this
theft to the police and can provide us with
the crime reference number.
Is being parked by an employee of a hotel,
restaurant or car parking service.
Unauthorised taking
8 We won’t cover any loss or damage if your
car is driven without your permission
by either of the following, unless you’ve
reported this to the police and have a crime
reference number:
A family member.
Someone living with you.
Loss of value
8 We won’t cover any reduction in the
market value of your car because it has
been repaired.
Wear and tear
8 We won’t cover any loss or damage caused
by general wear and tear or depreciation.
8 We won’t cover any repair or replacement
that improves your car beyond its condition
before the loss or damage took place.
Car failure
8 We won’t cover any failure caused by a
mechanical, electrical or computer problem.
(If your policy includes Green Flag breakdown,
this may cover getting your car going.)
Cherished registration plates
8 We won’t cover:
The value of the cherished registration
Any costs for keeping the cherished
registration plate on retention if your car
is written o after a claim.
Any loss of use of the cherished
registration plate, if your car is written o
but you failed to keep the number plate on
retention in time.
8 We won’t cover any damage to tyres caused
by braking, punctures, cuts or bursts.
(If your cover includes Green Flag
breakdown, this may cover getting your car
going again.)
Deliberate damage
8 We won’t cover any loss, damage, liability
or injury caused directly or indirectly by a
deliberate act by any person insured on
the policy.
Loss of use
8 We won’t cover any indirect losses suered
because of an incident, unless we’ve stated
otherwise elsewhere in this policy. For
example, we won’t cover:
Losing the use of your car.
Travel costs.
Loss of earnings.
8 We won’t cover any loss or damage to any
trailer or vehicle that your car is towing, or
any contents of a trailer or vehicle on tow.
Losses we don’t cover
Page 31
Losses we don’t cover
If your car is removed or seized by an authority
8 We won’t cover any loss or damage caused
by a government agency or other authority
that legally takes, keeps or destroys your car.
8 If you’re driving or using another car and it’s
taken by, or on behalf of, any government or
other authority, we won’t provide cover to
get it released.
8 We won’t cover any liability under any
separate agreement or contract you’ve
made, unless you’d have been responsible
even if that agreement or contract didn’t
8 We won’t cover any loss or damage to
property, any direct or indirect loss, or any
expense, or any liability caused, or
contributed to, by:
Ionising radiation or radioactive
contamination from nuclear fuel or waste.
Radioactive, toxic, explosive or other
dangerous properties of nuclear
equipment or its nuclear parts.
8 We won’t cover any loss, damage, liability
or injury caused by identiiable pollution
or contamination, unless it’s come from
a sudden and unexpected accident.
8 We won’t cover any loss, damage, liability
or injury caused by war, invasion, revolution
or a similar event, unless strictly required
by the Road Traic Act.
8 We won’t cover any loss or damage to
your car or property caused by riot or civil
commotion outside Great Britain, the Isle
of Man or the Channel Islands.
Use on airields
8 We won’t cover any loss, damage, liability or
injury caused by using your car in any area
where aircraft normally operate, such as any
area where aircraft take o, land and/or park.
Speed assessment equipment
8 We won’t cover any loss or damage to a
speed assessment detection device.
Use on Nürburgring Nordschleife
8 We won’t cover any loss, damage, liability
or injury that happens when your car is
being used or driven on the Nürburgring
Nordschleife in Germany, unless strictly
required by German road traic laws.
Pressure waves
8 We don’t cover any damage caused by
pressure waves from an aircraft or other
lying object travelling at or beyond the
speed of sound.
Automated cars
8 We won’t cover any loss, damage or injury
caused by your automated car driving
itself at any time or place that the use of
automated functions is unlawful.
8 Unless we’re required to do so under the law
of the country in which the accident occurs,
we won’t cover any loss, damage or injury:
To the person in charge of your automated
car where the accident was wholly due to
that person’s negligence in allowing your
automated car to begin driving itself when
it was not appropriate to do so.
To an insured person if the accident is
caused by a failure to install safety critical
updates to your automated car or its
software has been altered without the
approval of the manufacturer. We may
also require an insured person to repay us
any amounts that we are required by law
to pay.
Page 32
Following the policy terms
We’ll only provide the cover set out in this
policy if you keep to all the terms of the policy.
This includes Guaranteed Hire Car Plus or Motor
Legal Cover if you have purchased these.
Providing accurate information
You must ensure that all information given
to us is correct and complete to the best of
your knowledge at all times. This includes
information about all drivers under the policy.
If you don’t provide correct and complete
information or inform us of any changes, this
could invalidate your policy or mean we don’t
pay claims in full or at all.
Taking care of your car
You and any person who is covered by this
policy must do all of the following:
> Make sure your car is roadworthy.
> Take all reasonable steps to protect your car
and its contents from loss or damage.
> Make sure any property left in an open or
convertible car is in a locked boot or locked
glove compartment.
> Allow us to examine your car at any
reasonable time if we ask you.
Modiications to your car
Modiications are changes to your car’s
standard speciication, including optional
If you wish to modify your car, you must tell us
what modiications you want to make, and we
must agree to them beforehand.
Modiications include changes to the
appearance or the performance of your car,
including wheels, suspension, bodywork,
engine and any additional software features
(excluding those provided free as software
updates by the manufacturer). This is not a
complete list.
If you don’t provide correct and complete
information or inform us of any changes, this
could invalidate your policy or mean we don’t
pay claims in full or at all.
You must be honest in your dealings with us at
all times.
We won’t pay a claim that is in any way
fraudulent, false or exaggerated.
If you, any person insured under this policy,
or anyone acting on your behalf attempts to
deceive us, or knowingly makes a fraudulent,
false or exaggerated claim, we may:
> Cancel your policy.
> Reject your claim and any following claims.
> Keep any premium you have paid.
What happens if we discover fraud
If we discover fraud, we have the right to:
> Cancel any other products you hold with
U K Insurance Limited.
> Cancel this policy, if the fraud happened
under any other policy you hold with
U K Insurance Limited.
> Share information about your behaviour with
other organisations to prevent further fraud.
We may also involve the relevant authorities
who can bring criminal proceedings.
Other insurance
If any loss, damage or liability is also covered
by another insurance policy, we won’t cover
more than our share of the claim, unless you’re
claiming for Personal accident (see ‘Personal
accident’ on page 18).
People involved in this contract
This policy is a contract between the
policyholder and U K Insurance Limited.
Nobody else has any rights they can enforce
under it, except under the Road Traic Act or
anywhere else under applicable law.
Car registration
Your car must be registered within the
territorial limits.
Other conditions you need to know about
Page 33
How the policy works
Car sharing
The policy covers anyone insured to drive
your car as part of a car sharing arrangement
(carrying passengers for payment). This is so
long as:
> Your car isn’t made or adapted to carry more
than 8 passengers and a driver.
> You’re not carrying the passengers as part of
a business.
> You’re not making a proit from the
passengers’ payments.
If you’re not sure whether we’ll cover your car
if it’s used as part of a car sharing arrangement,
please get in touch.
When we can act on your behalf
We’re entitled to do either of the following:
> Take over and carry out the negotiation,
defence or settlement of any claim in your
name, or in the name of any other person
covered by this policy.
> Start legal proceedings in your name, or in
the name of any other person connected to
this policy. This can be for your beneit or
our own beneit.
Telling us about changes
Before your cover starts
You must tell us if anything has changed since
you received your quote. For example, you
must tell us if:
> Anything about your car changes.
> You or any other driver have any claims
or convictions that you haven’t already
told us about.
> There are any changes to how your car is
used, for example if you change from social,
domestic and pleasure use to business use.
> There are any modiications made to
your car (see ‘Modiications to your car
on page 32).
> You want to add another driver to the policy,
or make any other change to who can drive
your car.
> You want to change to a higher level of cover,
for example from Third Party, Fire and Theft
to Comprehensive.
After your cover starts
You must tell us as soon as possible if:
> You change the address where your car is
normally kept overnight.
> Anyone covered by the policy changes their
> Anyone covered by the policy passes their
driving test.
> Any contact details change, for example,
your email address.
> Any other policyholder details change.
You can see the details we have on your
car insurance details.
These changes may mean we need to increase
or reduce the premium, or in some cases
cancel your policy.
How the policy works
Page 34
Before renewal
You must tell us about any incident or motoring
oence that’s happened since your cover
started. For example, if anyone covered by the
policy has had:
> Any motoring convictions, endorsements,
penalty points, ixed penalties (excluding
parking penalties), speed camera oences
or disqualiications.
> Any incidents, thefts or losses, even if they
didn’t claim or were not to blame.
> Any insurance cancelled by another insurer
for fraud or misrepresentation.
If you don’t tell us about changes
If you don’t provide correct and complete
information or inform us of any changes, this
could invalidate your policy or mean we don’t
pay claims in full or at all.
Changing your policy
You can make a temporary or permanent change
to the policy at any time during the year.
If you do this, you may have to pay an
administration fee as well as any additional
premium. Please see your car insurance details
for more information on the administration fee.
Paying your premium
If you change your car insurance and theres an
extra premium to pay, you can pay this at the
time of the change, or add it to your monthly
What happens if we can’t collect your payment
If we have been unable to collect the instalment
payment(s) due under your credit agreement on
the date(s) due, we will write to you in order to
give you the opportunity to make the payment(s).
If any instalment amount remain(s) unpaid by
the date we set out in our letter, we will give you
7 days’ notice that we will cancel your policy,
and inform you in writing when this cancellation
has taken place.
If your credit agreement is cancelled, the
cancellation date may be dierent to the
cancellation date of the insurance policy.
If theres a claim while you owe us money
If you have made a claim, or one has been made
against you before the date that we cancel the
policy you must pay to us (1) all instalment
payments that have already fallen due under the
credit agreement and remain unpaid, and (2)
the total remaining balance under the credit
agreement. If we agree to pay your claim and
you have not paid the amounts due to us under
(1) and (2) above, we may reduce the amount that
we pay in settlement of your claim by the amount
that you owe us. Alternatively, if you are in arrears
at the time of the claim, we may refuse your claim.
If you owe us an additional premium
We may refuse your claim. If we agree to allow
your claim, we may deduct any additional premium
from any claim payment we make to you, or we
may proportionately reduce any claim payment.
How the policy works continued
Page 35
Your right to cancel the policy
or remove any optional cover
You can cancel the policy, or remove
any optional cover (including Green Flag
breakdown cover) you’ve added, at any time
– just get in touch with us. The text below
explains whether we’ll charge you and how
much we’ll refund in each situation.
If the cancellation or removal happens before
your cover starts
We’ll give a full refund.
If the cancellation or removal happens during
your 14-day cooling-o period
We’ll charge for the time you’ve had cover, and
refund the rest of the premium paid.
If the cancellation or removal happens after
the 14-day cooling o period
We’ll charge for the time you’ve had cover, plus
an administration fee, and refund any remaining
premium paid.
If you’ve made a claim, and/or used your
Green Flag cover, before the cancellation or
removal happens
For the policy and car insurance cover options,
e.g. Protected No Claim Discount:
> We will not refund any car insurance
premium if you have made a car insurance
claim or if one has been made against you
during the period of cover (regardless of
whether you pay annually or by monthly
instalments under a credit agreement).
> If you pay by instalments under a credit
agreement, you must pay to us (1) all
instalment payments that have already fallen
due under the credit agreement and remain
unpaid, and (2) the total remaining balance
under the credit agreement.
> If we agree to pay your claim and you have
not paid the amounts due to us under (1)
and (2) above, we may reduce the amount
that we pay in settlement of your claim by
the amount that you owe us. Alternatively,
we may write to you asking you for the full
For Green Flag breakdown cover:
> We will not refund any Green Flag breakdown
cover premium if you have made a Green Flag
breakdown cover claim during the period of
cover (regardless of whether you pay annually
or by monthly instalments under a credit
> If you pay by instalments under a credit
agreement you must pay to us (1) all
instalment payments that have already fallen
due under the credit agreement and remain
unpaid, and (2) the total remaining balance
under the credit agreement.
Please note:
> It’s your responsibility to inform anyone
insured under this policy that it has been
> If you cancel your Direct Debit payments, this
won’t cancel the policy. We’ll ask you to pay
the money you owe.
> The cooling-o period is 14 days from the
policy start date, or when you receive the
policy documents, whichever is later.
> You can ind the administration fee
mentioned above on your car insurance
> If you decide to cancel the policy, we’ll give
you proof of any No Claim Discount. This will
include any reduction due to claims you’ve
made while insured with us. See ‘No Claim
Discount (NCD)’ on page 36 for more about
this. Other insurers may ask for this proof.
> If you live in Northern Ireland, the Channel
Islands or the Isle of Man, you must return
your certiicate of motor insurance to us
after cancellation. This applies whether we
cancel the policy or you cancel it.
How the policy works
How the policy works continued
If we need to cancel the policy
> We can cancel the policy at any time if we
have a valid reason. If we have to do this,
we’ll give you at least 7 days’ notice. We’ll
send our cancellation notice to the latest
address we have for you.
> It’s your responsibility to let anyone insured
under this policy know that this policy has
been cancelled.
> If you live in Northern Ireland, the Channel
Islands or the Isle of Man, you must return
your certiicate of motor insurance to us
after cancellation. This applies whether we
cancel the policy or you cancel it.
Why we might cancel the policy
We’ll only cancel the policy if we have valid
reasons for doing so. For example:
> If you’ve failed to co-operate with us, or
send us information or documentation
as described in your policy, and that has
aected our ability to process your claim,
or deal with your policy.
> If your circumstances have changed in such
a way that you no longer meet our criteria for
providing motor insurance.
> If you’ve used threatening or abusive
behaviour or language, or you’ve intimidated
or bullied our sta or suppliers.
> If we have good reasons to suspect fraud.
Refunding the premium
If we cancel the policy, we’ll charge for the time
you’ve had the policy, and refund the rest of the
premium, unless there has been any fraudulent
We won’t refund any premium if you’ve made a
claim, or if you’ve had a claim against you if you
have chosen to pay by lump-sum.
If you pay by instalments under a credit
agreement, you must pay to us (1) all instalment
payments that have already fallen due under
the credit agreement and remain unpaid, and
(2) the total remaining balance under the credit
If we agree to pay your claim and you have not
paid the amounts due to us under (1) and (2)
above, we may reduce the amount that we pay
in settlement of your claim by the amount that
you owe us. Alternatively, we may write to you
asking you for the full payment.
If the claim is later settled as not your fault, any
refund that is due will be issued once the claim
has been closed.
No Claim Discount (NCD)
If you don’t claim on your policy, we’ll adjust
your renewal premium in line with the NCD
scale that we’re using at the time you renew.
However, if you claim on your policy, we may
reduce the NCD on this policy.
NCD at start
of period of
NCD at your next renewal
2 years
or less
Nil Nil Nil
3 years
Nil Nil
4 years
Nil Nil
5 years
or more
> You may be able to protect the NCD on this
policy by paying an extra premium – see
Section 9: Protected No Claim Discount’
on page 27.
> If NCD proof is requested, it will be issued in
the name of the NCD owner.
Page 36
Our contract with you
We aim to always be fair and reasonable and to
act quickly whenever you need to make a claim
under this policy. If you feel we haven’t met
this, we’ll try to do everything possible to deal
with your complaint quickly and fairly.
This policy is evidence of the contract between
you and us, U K Insurance Limited, and is based
on information you’ve given to us.
In return for receiving and accepting the
premium, we’ll provide insurance under this
policy for the sections shown on your car
insurance details.
The laws that apply to this contract You and
we may choose which law will apply to this
policy. Unless both parties agree otherwise,
English law will apply. However, if you are
resident in Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney or
the Isle of Man, the law of the island where
you are resident will always apply to your
policy and any dispute in relation to it will be
within the jurisdiction of that island’s relevant
court. We’ve supplied this policy and other
information to you in English and we’ll continue
to communicate with you in English.
Giving you a recommendation We have not
given you a personal recommendation as to
whether this policy is suitable for your speciic
needs. Just to let you know, our consultants may
receive a bonus if you purchase any cover with us.
Our regulator
U K Insurance Limited is authorised by the
Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated
by the Financial Conduct Authority and
the Prudential Regulation Authority under
registration number 202810. The Financial
Conduct Authority website, which includes a
register of all regulated irms, can be visited
at, or the Financial Conduct
Authority can be contacted on 0800 111 6768.
Financial Services Compensation Scheme
General insurance claims are covered by the
Financial Services Compensation Scheme. Full
details of the cover available can be found at U K Insurance Limited is a
member of this scheme.
The Motor Insurance Database
Information relating to your policy will be
added to the Motor Insurance Database (MID)
managed by the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB).
The MID and the data stored on it may be used
by certain statutory and/or authorised bodies
including the police, the DVLA, the DVANI,
the Insurance Fraud Bureau and other bodies
permitted by law for purposes not limited to
but including:
> Electronic Licensing (Tax Discs).
> Continuous Insurance Enforcement.
> Law enforcement (prevention, detection,
apprehension and/or prosecution of oenders).
> The provision of government services and/or
other services aimed at reducing the level
and incidence of uninsured driving.
If you are involved in a road traic accident
(either in the UK, the EEA or certain other
territories), insurers and/or the MIB may search
the MID to obtain relevant information. Persons
(including his or her appointed representatives)
pursuing a claim in respect of a road traic
accident (including citizens of other countries)
may also obtain relevant information which is
held on the MID. It is vital that the MID holds
your correct registration number. It is our
responsibility to update your policy to the MID.
We fully comply with the agreements in place
with the MIB to update your details within
seven days; however, it is important that you
check your policy documents ensuring that the
registration number is recorded correctly. If it
is incorrectly shown on the MID, you are at risk
of having your car seized by the police. You can
check that your correct registration number is
shown on the MID at If the
registration number is not shown correctly on
your policy documents, or you cannot ind your
car on the MID, please contact us immediately.
Everything else
Page 37
Everything else
How we can help
If something’s not right, please call us on:
> 0800 260 0901 if you’re in the UK.
> +44 (0) 141 308 8282 if you’re outside the UK.
How to make a complaint
We understand that things don’t always go to
plan and there may be times when you feel
we’ve let you down. If this happens, we want
you to tell us. We’ll do our best to put things
right as soon as possible, or explain something
we could have made clearer.
Please call us on 0800 260 0901 to speak to us
about your problem.
If you’d prefer to write to us, please send your
letter to Customer Relations Manager, Churchill
Court, Westmoreland Road, Bromley BR1 1DP.
If you have Green Flag breakdown cover and
your complaint is about your breakdown cover,
please let us know when you get in touch.
Our sta will do everything they can to support
you. We’ll aim to resolve most issues within
three working days of receiving your complaint.
If your complaint can’t be resolved within three
working days, we’ll contact you to let you know
who’ll be dealing with it, and what the next
steps are.
We’ll keep you updated regularly. You’ll also
receive the following written communication
from us, depending on how long it takes us to
resolve your complaint.
If you have a complaint
Page 38
Communication type
When will you get this? What will it tell you?
If we’ve been able to resolve your
complaint to your satisfaction within
3 working days of receiving your
It will let you know your complaint has
been resolved and tell you about the
Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS).
Acknowledgement If we’ve been unable to resolve your
complaint to your satisfaction within
3 working days of receiving your
It will let you know our complaint
handling process and information
about the Financial Ombudsman
Unable to reach
resolution within
8 weeks.
If we’ve been unable to resolve your
complaint within 8 weeks.
It will let you know why we aren’t
in a position to give you our inal
response and when we expect to be
able to provide this. We’ll also let you
know about your right to contact the
Financial Ombudsman Service.
Final Response If we’ve been unable to resolve your
complaint within 3 working days, we’ll
send you our Final Response when
we’ve completed our investigations.
We’ll do our best to send this at the
earliest opportunity.
This is a detailed response, which will
> our investigation
> the decision
> any next steps.
It will also provide information about
the Financial Ombudsman Service.
Independent review
If we don’t complete our investigations within
8 weeks of receiving your complaint, or you’re
unhappy with our response, you may ask the
Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) to look at
your complaint. This is a free and independent
service. If you decide to contact them, you
should do so within 6 months of our response
letter. Referring your case to the FOS will not
aect your legal rights.
You can contact them by:
Phone: UK: 0300 123 9123 or 0800 023 4567
Abroad: +44 (0) 20 7964 0500
Writing to: Financial Ombudsman Service,
Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR
Their website also has a great deal of useful
information: www.
If your complaint is to do with your
Motor Legal Cover
If your complaint relates to Section 7: Motor
Legal Cover, you can refer your complaint to
arbitration instead (where an independent
person, known as an arbitrator, makes a
decision to settle the dispute). The arbitrator
will be a solicitor or barrister or other suitably
qualiied person that you and we agree on.
If you and we cannot agree, then we’ll ask
the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators to decide.
The arbitrator’s decision will be inal, and
whoever doesn’t win will have to pay all
costs and expenses.
We’re here to support you when
accidents happen, so we’ve put
together some useful steps for
you to follow to help make the
process smoother.
Safety comes irst
Stop at the scene of the accident and if there
are any injuries or if any driver involved hasn’t
stopped, call the police and emergency
Take photos of the accident if it’s safe to
do so, including any vehicles involved
Remember that dash cam footage could be
useful too.
Other driver/vehicle details
Ask the other party for their contact details.
Take down their vehicle registration, name,
address and telephone number and give
the third party yours. Don’t accept blame
for the accident.
If any passers-by have stopped, you can ask
for their contact details. These may be needed
later for a statement if blame is being disputed.
Call us
Giving us a call as soon as possible means you’ll
have the details fresh in your mind and means
we can help you and the third party sooner, get
you back on the road as quickly as possible.
Page 39
If you’re in an accident
Need to claim?
0345 246 8811
Windscreen claims
0800 328 7423
If you have Comprehensive or
Comprehensive Plus cover
Motor legal helpline
0345 877 6371
If you have Motor Legal Cover
DrivePlus help – if you have
a question about telematics
0345 878 6374
Help with anything else
0345 246 2272
If you would like a Braille, large print or audio version
of your documents, please let us know.
Direct Line insurance policies are underwritten by U K Insurance Limited, Registered oice: The Wharf, Neville Street, Leeds,
LS1 4AZ. Registered in England and Wales No.1179980. U K Insurance Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority
and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Calls may be recorded.
B4C DL M PB 0622
How to get in touch