Updated 6.12.24
Questions? Contact us at graduatestudies@uoregon.edu or 541-346-5129.
Graduate Admissions Handbook
Program Staff/Graduate Coordinators
Admissions Overview ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Typical Admissions Responsibilities of Graduate Coordinators/Recruiters ............................................................... 5
Admissions Related Timelines ................................................................................................................................... 5
Application Process for Applicants ............................................................................................................................ 6
Access and Training ............................................................................................................................................... 8
Technology Access ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
Training & User Support ............................................................................................................................................ 8
Slate Help Tickets .................................................................................................................................................. 8
Listservs ..................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Admissions Contacts .................................................................................................................................................. 9
Non-UO Resources ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
Policies and Procedures ....................................................................................................................................... 10
Minimum Eligibility for Graduate Admission........................................................................................................... 10
Eligible Degree .................................................................................................................................................... 10
English Language Proficiency Requirement ........................................................................................................ 11
Duplication of Degree (Similar Degrees) ............................................................................................................. 11
Non Degree-Seeking Student Types ........................................................................................................................ 12
Exchange Applicants ........................................................................................................................................... 12
Admitted Graduate Non-Degree......................................................................................................................... 12
Applicant Requests and Application Updates ......................................................................................................... 13
Application Deadline Extension for Individual Applicants .................................................................................. 13
Application Updates ............................................................................................................................................ 13
Application Withdrawal ...................................................................................................................................... 14
Deferral ............................................................................................................................................................... 14
Off-Cycle Applications ......................................................................................................................................... 15
Reapplication ...................................................................................................................................................... 16
Response Deadline Extension ............................................................................................................................. 16
Waiving the Program Supplement ...................................................................................................................... 17
Waiving Recommendations ................................................................................................................................ 17
Slate Basic Navigation ............................................................................................................................................. 17
Logging into Slate ................................................................................................................................................ 17
Slate Applicant Record Overview ........................................................................................................................ 18
Prospects, Inquiries and Applicants .................................................................................................................... 24
Record Timeline .................................................................................................................................................. 25
Interactions ......................................................................................................................................................... 26
Slate Communications ............................................................................................................................................. 30
Inbox Gateway .................................................................................................................................................... 30
Slate Graduate Program Application Customizations ............................................................................................. 31
Customizations Offered ...................................................................................................................................... 31
Annual Updates................................................................................................................................................... 31
Ongoing Updates ................................................................................................................................................ 31
Application Review and Admission Decisions ...................................................................................................... 32
Decision Process Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 32
Application Review Flow ..................................................................................................................................... 32
Slate Decision Statuses and Reasons .................................................................................................................. 32
Slate Reader Navigation .......................................................................................................................................... 35
Navigate to the Reader ....................................................................................................................................... 35
Reader ................................................................................................................................................................. 36
Faculty Application Review...................................................................................................................................... 41
Admission Decisions ................................................................................................................................................ 42
Preparing Applications for Decisions .................................................................................................................. 43
Submitting a Final Admission Decision ............................................................................................................... 45
Admission Decision Notices/Letters ................................................................................................................... 51
Admission Petitions to the Division .................................................................................................................... 52
Admitting a Doctoral Applicant as a Master’s Student ....................................................................................... 54
Applicant Accept/Deny Offer Decision Process ....................................................................................................... 55
Initial Response Process ...................................................................................................................................... 55
Applicant Declined Admission outside of Slate................................................................................................... 58
Applicant Declined Program Recommendation .................................................................................................. 58
Applicant Responded but Changed their Mind ................................................................................................... 58
Reporting Application Data ............................................................................................................................... 59
Dashboard ............................................................................................................................................................... 59
Reports Queries & Exports .................................................................................................................................... 61
How to use a query ............................................................................................................................................. 61
Available Queries ................................................................................................................................................ 65
Recruitment ......................................................................................................................................................... 68
Application Fee Waivers .......................................................................................................................................... 68
Division Granted Application Fee Waivers and Discounts .................................................................................. 68
International Need-Based Fee Waivers .............................................................................................................. 68
Program Paid Fee Waivers .................................................................................................................................. 69
National Name Exchange and McNair Scholars Recruitment Lists ......................................................................... 70
Recruitment Awards ................................................................................................................................................ 70
Campus Visit Award Nomination Instructions .................................................................................................... 70
Graduate Studies Doctoral Awards Nomination Instructions ............................................................................. 74
Promising Scholar Awards Nomination Instructions .......................................................................................... 76
Appendix ............................................................................................................................................................. 84
Appendix A: Admission Decision Letters by Applicant Status .................................................................................. 84
Offered Admission .............................................................................................................................................. 84
Offered Admission and Accepted Offer .............................................................................................................. 85
Offered Admission and Declined Offer ............................................................................................................... 86
Denied Admission ............................................................................................................................................... 87
Withdrawn Application (app had been submitted) ............................................................................................ 87
Withdrawn Application (app had not yet been submitted) ................................................................................ 88
Appendix B: Slate Email Communications ............................................................................................................... 88
Notice of New Decision in Status Portal ............................................................................................................. 88
DGS Fee Waiver Request Approved .................................................................................................................... 89
DGS Fee Waiver Request Denied ........................................................................................................................ 89
International Need-Based Fee Waiver Decision ................................................................................................. 90
Off-Cycle Term Update Confirmation ................................................................................................................. 90
Program-Paid Fee Waiver Decision ..................................................................................................................... 91
Slate Account Creation Confirmation ................................................................................................................. 91
Slate Account Email Change................................................................................................................................ 91
Slate Account Password Reset ............................................................................................................................ 92
Recommendation Request (to Recommender) .................................................................................................. 92
Recommendation Submission Confirmation (to Recommender) ....................................................................... 93
Recommendation Submission Confirmation (to Applicant) ............................................................................... 93
Offered Admission Reminder to Accept Offer (one week) .............................................................................. 93
Offered Admission Reminder to Accept Offer (one day) ................................................................................. 94
Admitted Students Official Transcripts Required............................................................................................. 95
Admitted Students Official Transcript Received .............................................................................................. 96
Admitted International Students Onboarding Campaign ................................................................................ 96
Appendix C ............................................................................................................................................................... 99
Deferral Letter Template .................................................................................................................................... 99
Admissions Overview
Typical Admissions Responsibilities of Graduate Coordinators/Recruiters
Academic program coordinators are often tasked with the administration of the program’s admissions
process. This handbook will provides information regarding each part of the admissions process
including relevant Division of Graduate Studies policies and the use of the Slate for graduate admissions.
Applicant/Application Management, such as…
o Facilitating waivers of deadlines/program application where needed
o Working with the Division to keep the program’s supplemental application tab updated
each year
o Coordinating faculty review of applications
o Entering admissions decisions in Slate
Communication with Prospective Students/Applicants, such as…
o Answering questions related to the completion of applications for prospective
applicants to your program
o Assisting applicants with navigating proper submission of admissions materials to the
appropriate offices
o Sending notice of program admissions decisions to applicants
o Communicating with applicants regarding missing materials when notified about said
materials during the Division’s reviews of applicants recommended for admission
o Recruitment related functions such as promoting the program, answering questions
about the program, or creating collateral marketing materials
Responding to requests from the Division of Graduate Studies, such as…
o Preparing and submitting offer letters for approval
o Submitting website updates for the program’s
Division of Graduate Studies Academic
Program page.
Admissions Related Timelines
Event Timeline/Description
Applications Open
Applications open each September for the following
calendar year. For example, applications for Winter-Fall
2024 will opened in September 2023. While the
application is open admissions staff should expect a
higher volume of admission related questions.
Applications Close
Programs set their own priority and final deadlines.
Programs must set final deadlines no later than 30 days
prior to the start of the term of admission.
Typically, for fall term apps, doctoral programs close
their applications between December and February,
while Master’s programs often accept applications into
spring and summer.
Application Review Period
After applications close, programs aggregate and
review pool of applicants. Review is conducted on their
own timeline. Some programs review in batches while
their application is still open, using priority deadlines to
communicate timing of application review.
Review/committee processes differ by program and
can range from one review committee assessing all
applicants to many separate review committees
reviewing specific sets of applicants based on interest
area, faculty advisor preferences, or other program
specified criteria.
Programs Submit Admission
Decision Recommendations to the
Programs should submit decisions as soon as possible
and no later than 10 business days prior the beginning
of the term.
Admitting very close to the start of the term is not
advised, especially for international students who will
need several weeks to make necessary arrangements.
Last minute exceptions can be made, contact the
Division of Graduate Studies as needed.
Submit program’s acceptance
letter/funding offer letter for
review and approval
Submit in fall term for the next admission cycle.
Programs will be prompted with specific steps and
deadlines via the Graduate Coordinator Listserv.
Submit updates to your program’s
Division of Graduate Studies
academic program page
Program are prompted to review their entries each
summer during the annual admissions update process
in their Program Management Portal. They can make
updates year-round during this portal.
Program level application
customizations (see more details
Programs will be notified via the Graduate Coordinator
listserv when it is time to make annual program
updates for program customizations using their
Program Management Portal. This takes place during
summer term.
Application Process for Applicants
To be considered for admission to graduate studies at the University of Oregon, applicants must
complete the steps outlined on our website:
How to Apply
Application Submission Procedures: Domestic Applicants
Application Submission Procedures: International Applicants
English Language Proficiency Requirement
Official Transcript Requirement
Financial Verification and Visa Process
Slate application link: https://insight.uoregon.edu/apply/
Access and Training
Technology Access
How to request access
Primary admissions & recruitment
Request access by submitting a
ticket here.
Official transcript/admissions
document viewing, GE appointments.
UO data warehouse and reporting.
Some Graduate Coordinators may find
this helpful if they are asked to run
Training & User Support
Training is available through the Division of Graduate Studies for new coordinators, associated
department personnel, and continuing coordinators who may want a refresher or additional guidance in
a specific area.
More information about upcoming training opportunities, access request information, and helpful user
manuals is available here and on your Slate Homepage
Slate Help Tickets
The Division and Information Services share the responsibility of Slate user support and feature
development for graduate admissions related topics.
Submit a ticket here.
What is communicated
How to sign up
Graduate Coordinator
(Division of Graduate
Updates, reminders, requests
from the Division of Graduate
Studies to program level staff.
Email graduatestudies@uoregon.edu
(Registrar’s Office)
General announcements from
the Registrar’s Office
DegreeNews (Registrar’s
Dates, deadlines, upcoming
changes, degree awarding
information, graduation stats,
diploma orders, and other topics
impacted by graduation
Admissions Contacts
Division of Graduate Studies
Other Campus Units
Note: It is generally most efficient to email our
general email, graduatestudies@uoregon.edu,
with your inquiry and it will be routed to the staff
member who can best respond.
Colin Johnston
Director of Admissions
Gina Thomason Allen
Graduate Studies Coordinator
Hannah Schneider-Lynch
Director of Systems
Sky Seymour
CRM Specialist
International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS)
Email: intl@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-3206
Registrar’s Office
Phone: 541-346-2935
Office of Admissions
Non-UO Resources
Council of Graduate Schools (CGS)
CGS is the only national organization in the United States that is dedicated solely to the advancement of
graduate education and research. CGS accomplishes its mission through advocacy in the policy arena,
innovative research, and the development and dissemination of best practices. As a benefit of
institutional membership, online access to all CGS publications is provided to faculty and staff.
Sign up
for an account here.
NAGAP - The Leader in Graduate Enrollment Management
The Mission of NAGAP is to engage and advance Graduate Enrollment Management Professionals by
promoting excellence and collaboration through education, research, and professional development.
Policies and Procedures
Minimum Eligibility for Graduate Admission
Eligible Degree
The applicant has earned or is in the process of earning a regionally accredited U.S. Bachelor’s degree or
hold the equivalent credential from a qualifying international institution. We encourage you to review
the Assessing International Credentials section in this handbook (below) to learn more about the
assessment of international credentials. The degree must be conferred before the first day of the term
of admission.
Applicants prove they meet this requirement by submitting official transcripts. More
information is available here.
Assessing International Credentials
If you have any questions about whether an applicant’s international degree meets the Division’s degree
requirement, please contact the Division for preliminary credential analysis. It is best to verify degree
equivalency before recommending the applicant admission through the program.
Keep an eye out for the following degrees:
Three Year Bachelor’s degrees: UO does not automatically consider a 3-year Bachelor’s degree
to be equivalent to a regionally accredited U.S. 4-year Bachelor’s degree.
o Example Countries/Areas that offer 3-year degrees not equivalent to a 4-year
bachelor’s degree: Australia, New Zealand, Canada, India, United Kingdom and other
Bologna-compliant European countries, Gabon, South Africa, Latin America, Pakistan,
Bangladesh, Nepal, Philippines. Note that many of these countries also offer 4-year
Bachelor’s degrees.
Bologna Degrees: Degrees earned under the Bologna system are assessed on a case-by-case
Three Year Bachelor’s Degrees from India: The Division of Graduate Studies considers three-
year Bachelor’s degrees from India to be equivalent to a regionally accredited four year U.S.
Bachelor’s degree, without requiring an external credential evaluation, if the degree is: Awarded
in the First Division AND Awarded by an NAAC Grade “A” accredited university
Exceptions External Degree Evaluation
If a program has a strong applicant that has an international 3-year degree that the Division of Graduate
Studies assesses as not equivalent to a 4-year U.S. Bachelor’s degree, the applicant can pursue an official
credential evaluation from any NACES Member. World Education Services or
Educational Credential
Evaluators are the two most commonly chosen companies.
The evaluation must be sent directly to the Division of Graduate Studies from the evaluating agency and
regular transcript requirements still apply. The applicant is eligible for admission if the evaluation
assesses the degree as equivalent to a regionally accredited U.S. 4-year degree.
Note: WES
offers an International Credential Advantage Package (ICAP) that includes authenticated
transcripts and detailed evaluation reports. The Division of Graduate Studies accepts this package in lieu
of original transcripts and translations sent from the institution.
English Language Proficiency Requirement
A satisfactory proficiency in the English language is required for admission to the University of Oregon.
All applicants for whom English is not a native/primary language must show proof of language
proficiency through one of the options outlined here.
For information about petitions to waiver the English Language Proficiency Requirement, see
to Waive the English Language Proficiency Requirement.
Duplication of Degree (Similar Degrees)
In rare cases, students who already hold a graduate degree at the same level and discipline for which
they are applying may be admitted to the University of Oregon, only by petition to the Division of
Graduate Studies. In cases where a student already holds a similar degree, the content of the original
degree must be fundamentally different from the degree to be pursued at the UO.
Note: A program’s recommendation of an applicant for admission signals to the Division that the
applicant has satisfied all program level requirements. In cases where a program’s requirements exceed
those of the Division, the program is responsible for ensuring the applicants have met their internal
criteria prior to issuing an offer of admission.
Non Degree-Seeking Student Types
Exchange Applicants
We receive a few exchange applicants each year. To be an exchange applicant, the student must be part
of an official UO approved exchange program. Exchange applicants work directly with International
Student and Scholar Services. If you have an exchange applicant, please contact ISSS directly for more
information on the application process.
Admitted Graduate Non-Degree
Students in this status have been admitted to the University of Oregon but not to a degree program.
This is a non-degree-seeking classification intended for students who wish to take graduate level
coursework without earning a graduate degree. Students in this classification may apply either as
unclassified (no major) or to a specific non-degree major (e.g., licensure programs).
Applicant Requests and Application Updates
Application Deadline Extension for Individual Applicants
Occasionally, your program will want to waive the application deadline for a particular applicant. The
Division encourages programs to be consistent in their criteria for allowing a late application.
How to waive the deadline: Navigate to the student’s application in Slate. See
Slate Applicant Record
Overview for general instructions about navigating to a particular Slate application.
Click “Application Deadline Extension” in the Application Actions section. The deadline extension button
will only be displayed if the application has not yet been submitted.
Submit the form on the following page after selecting the new deadline. The new deadline will be
applied to the application within 30 minutes of form submission. You can verify the applicant's deadline
by navigating back to their application tab and viewing their application deadline, listed toward the top
left. The applicant will need to submit their application and if they applicant owes a balance, they will
need to pay the application fee.
Application Updates
Prior to Submission
Applicants can modify their application up until the point of submission.
After Submission
After they have submitted their applications there are a few things applicants can still update from their
1. Send reminders to recommenders
2. Add/exclude recommenders
3. Update address
4. Update email
Other Application Modification Requests (after submission):
1. Term Changes: Term changes should either be processed as deferrals or reapplications.
2. Level or Major Changes: The applicant must apply for the new level or major, unless the student
applied for a doctoral program and the program wishes to admit at the master’s level. In that
case, they should follow the instructions in the section: Admitting a Doctoral Applicant as a
Master’s Student.
3. General Demographic Information: This should be emailed by the applicant to
, requesting the update.
4. Program Supplement Information: The applicant should first email the program to ask if they
will allow the update. It is at the program’s discretion if they will allow the update. If they will
allow the update, the program will forward the request on to the Division,
, who will update the record. This could be answers to questions
or material uploads.
5. Request from Recommender to update information they submitted: The recommender should
first email the program to request the update. It is at the program’s discretion if they will allow
the update. If they will allow the update, the program will forward the request on to the
Division, graduatestudies@uoregon.edu
, who will update the record. Typically, this happens if a
recommender realizes they uploaded the wrong letter.
For scenarios 4&5, it is important for the program to include identifying information so that the Division
can link the document/updates to the appropriate application. Helpful information includes: Name,
application term, program and the specific thing that needs to be updated.
Application Withdrawal
Applicants in the Program Review bin column who have not yet received an admission decision from the
program can withdraw their application from consideration. The applicant must contact the program to
request the withdrawal. The program will submit the request on behalf of the applicant and their
application will be automatically moved to the Withdrawn Application bin.
How to submit the request: Navigate to the student’s application in Slate. See
Slate Applicant Record
Overview for general instructions about navigating to a particular Slate application.
Copy the “Application Reference ID” and then click “Withdraw Application” in the Application Actions
section. The “Withdraw Application” button will only be displayed if the record is eligible to be
Submit the form on the following page. Our system will automatically withdraw the student's
application. It will move to the Withdrawn Application bin in the Reader and the applicant will receive an
email notifying them their application has been withdrawn at their request.
Fully admitted applicants who have accepted their offer of admission may defer their term of admission,
at the discretion of the program, up to one entire year from their original term of admission or to a
term prior to their start term, if any are available. Applicants who defer will not be charged a deferral
Example: A Fall 2023 applicant may defer to Winter, Spring, or Summer 2023 (if the term in question has
not yet started), Winter 2024, Spring 2024, Summer 2024 or Fall 2024. For terms of admission in Winter
2025 or beyond, they would need to submit a new application.
1. To be eligible for a deferral the applicant must be fully admitted to the university and have
accepted their offer of admission for their original term of application.
2. Once the applicant meets the criteria above, they will request a deferral from their program. It is
at the program’s discretion to either approve or deny their request for deferral.
3. If the program wishes to accept their request, the program will:
a. Issue an official deferral letter. See Appendix C
for a template.
b. Wait for the student to formally respond to the deferral offer of admission.
4. If they accept the deferral offer, notify the Division of Grad Studies via the Slate “Deferral
Request” form. The Division will process this deferral with no additional steps needed from the
applicant or the program.
How to submit the deferral form: The deferral form must be submitted no later than 1 week into the
term of admission. Navigate to the student’s application in Slate. See Slate Applicant Record Overview
for general instructions about navigating to a particular Slate application.
ClickDefer Admission.” The “Defer Admission” button will only be displayed if the student has accepted
their offer for the original term of admission.
Submit the form on the following page. The Division will be notified that there is a deferral to process.
The typical deferral processing time is 5-10 business days. Deferrals into the next calendar year will not
fully process until applications are open for that year.
Off-Cycle Applications
Most programs only open their application for one term per year (typically Summer or Fall). When a
program does not typically accept applications in a given term, but wishes to make an exception for a
specific applicant, we call that an “Off-Cycle Application.”
The Division encourages programs to be consistent in their criteria for approving/denying a request for
an off-cycle application. Approvals for off-cycle applications should be rareif they are happening
frequently, the program should consider opening their application for multiple terms. A deferral to an
off-cycle term of admission is not considered an off-cycle application and should instead be processed as
a deferral.
Note: the process described below is an improved process, different from our original Slate process.
Steps for Off-Cycle Application
1. The applicant should create a graduate application account in Slate at
and start an application for their program of interest. They
must select their program on the Program of Study page and select any term available on the
Term selection page.
2. After completing step one, STOP and will notify their program.
Program Staff
3. Log into Slate and find the applicant’s in progress application. See
Slate Applicant Record
Overview for general instructions about navigating to a particular Slate application. Submit an
“Off-Cycle Form” for the applicant.
a. Click the “Off-Cycle Application” button in the Application Actions section. The button
will only be displayed if the application is still in progress (unsubmitted).
4. Submit the form on the next page you will need to indicate the application term and the
application deadline.
5. The system will take 15-30 minutes to update. The applicant will receive an email the next day
letting them know that their application term has been updated, their application deadline, and
that they need to log back in to complete their application. You can view the text of this email in
the appendix in the Off-Cycle Term Update Confirmation
6. Application review proceeds as normal from this step.
Applicants who wish to reapply for consideration in a different term of admission and who are not being
offered a deferral must apply through the standard application process.
Response Deadline Extension
When your program recommended the student for admission, they provided a date by which the
student needed to accept or decline the offer of admission. The program can change this deadline at
their discretion.
How to submit the deadline extension form: Navigate to the student’s application in Slate. See
Applicant Record Overview for general instructions about navigating to a particular Slate application.
ClickResponse Deadline Extensionbutton in the Application Actions section. TheResponse Deadline
Extension” button will only be displayed if the student has a response deadline on file.
Submit the form on the following page after providing a new deadline. Our system will automatically
extend the student's response deadline to the new date that you selected. This update will take about
15-30 minutes. You can confirm the student's new response deadline by navigating to their application
tab and viewing their response deadline listed toward the top left.
Waiving the Program Supplement
In very rare cases, it is possible for the program to waive their program supplement and/or the
recommendation requirement. To do so, follow the steps below:
1. Ask the applicant to complete the entire application with the exception of the program
supplement and notify you when complete.
2. Once the applicant has confirmed they have completed the rest of the application, navigate to
their record in Slate and click the “Supplement Waiver” button in the Application Actions
3. Submit the form to notify the Division that you’re waiving the requirement for the applicant.
4. Slate will process the waiver immediately and will send an email to the student notifying them
that this requirement has been waived. They still will need to complete their application and pay
the application fee, if applicable.
Waiving Recommendations
In very rare cases, it is possible for the program to waive their program supplement and/or the
recommendation requirement. To do so, follow the steps below:
1. Ask the applicant to start their application by creating an account, selecting their program and
their term of admission.
2. Once the applicant has started the application, navigate to their application record in Slate and
click the “Recommendation Waiver” button in the Application Actions section.
3. Submit the form to notify the Division that you’re waiving the requirement for the applicant.
4. Slate will process the waiver immediately and will send an email to the student notifying them
that this requirement has been waived. They still will need to complete their application and pay
the application fee, if applicable.
Slate Basic Navigation
Logging into Slate
Navigate to https://insight.uoregon.edu/manage. Log in with your Duck ID and password.
The Slate home page includes some helpful information customized for our program coordinators.
Below the Twitter bar, you’ll see a variety of tabs. The first tab is the home page and contains
announcements, quick links, program approval form links, query links (reports) and an overview of what
you can see on the additional report tabs on the homepage.
Slate Applicant Record Overview
By searching for the applicant using the search box, you can pull up their individual Slate record.
Dashboard tab: The dashboard shows you a general snapshot of information about the applicant.
1. This shows the tabs you are able to view on the student’s record. The other tabs are described
in more detail below.
2. You can locate the student’s UO ID here. It will not show if the student has not yet been
assigned a UO ID. UO IDs are assigned within 1-2 business days from application submission.
3. This line shows the most recent application that has been updated. It may be an application you
do not have access to, if the applicant is applying to multiple programs.
4. The Activity History section shows you a visual summary of interactions the applicant has had
with us via Slate.
5. The Academic History section shows a summary of their reported academic history.
6. You can find the unique Slate applicant ID here.
7. The applicant’s mailing address is located here.
8. The applicant’s primary email is located here.
Application tab: There is one application tab per application the student has started. Each application
tab shows you a summary of that specific application. You will only see applications that are associated
with the program(s) that you have Slate access for. You can create a PDF of the application from this
First you’ll see a general summary of the application the term & program the student applied for, the
unique application reference ID, the status of the application and the admission decision if the
application has an associated decision.
The tab name format is “Term, Program, App Reference ID.” The example below shows an application
tab for someone who has an in progress application for the Accounting PhD for Fall 2023 admission.
After the header, you’ll see the Checklist, Materials, Decisions, Review Forms and Activities associated
with the application.
Checklist: The checklist shows unofficial transcripts and recommendations. You can see
recommendation statuses here as well as the email of the recommender if you click on the
recommendation line. Students can send reminders directly to their recommenders. You can view a
report that includes recommendations received via the Slate Homepage -
Materials: The materials section shows anything that has been uploaded that is associated with the
application. You’ll see some duplication with what you see in the checklist. In the materials section you
can click on each row and view the document that was uploaded.
Decisions: This section shows significant decisions related to the application. The below screenshot
shows a student who was offered admission, accepted their offer of admission and then declined.
You can view the decision message associated with each line by clicking on it. The “effective
01/01/2022” only refers to when we made the particular letter template live. Look to the “Released”
and “Received” columns to see when the student was notified.
Review Forms: This section shows the review forms that have been submitted for this application. In the
example below, the student first had a fee waiver request reviewed by the Division, then the program
recommended them for admission and lastly the Division formally admitted them.
You can click each line to view the details of the review form, including who submitted it.
Activities: The bottom section of the application tab shows associated activities related to the account.
You’ll see some duplication from the previous areas, but the unique items that can be helpful is the
payment items.
Once an applicant “submits” their application, they are assessed a “Payment Due” fee for $70
(domestic) or $90 (international). An applicant who has a fee waiver will show as having a payment
immediately waived after the payment due shows up. An applicant who pays their fee will have a
“Payment Received” category. Below are some screenshots of what you might see here.
Applicant submitted and paid:
Applicant submitted and had fee waiver applied:
Applicant submitted, had partial waiver applied and then paid remainder:
Applicant has not yet submitted:
Profile Tab: The profile shows similar information to the dashboard tab but also includes a menu on the
right that allows you to see a full academic history and full list of tests taken, sorted by date.
Prospects, Inquiries and Applicants
When you view each user record, the top right side will show you the stage of the admissions funnel
that the person is in.
Prospect: These records have never interacted directly with Slate. They came into Slate on a recruitment
list. For example, each fall the Division of Graduate Studies receives a national list of McNair Scholars
participants and National Name Exchange (NNE) participants. The Division loads these students into
Slate as prospects and associates them with the programs relevant with their areas of interest.
Inquiry: This person has reached out to us and the interaction was logged in Slate. This could be through
a Request for Information Form, Event Attendance, a program waiver requested by the program, or
other interactions such as email. These options will be further developed in Slate this academic year.
They will be viewable to programs they have indicated interest in.
Applicant: Records with applicant status have started at least one application. There is a chance that you
may see a record listed as an applicant who is visible to you because they are a prospect or inquiry but
they have applied to another program that you do not have access to see.
Record Timeline
The Timeline tab tracks activities and interactions for the constituent record. The Timeline tab includes
four sections: Timeline, Interactions, Audit Log, and Campaigns.
The Timeline section provides a chronological history of interaction events (such as form submissions
and message history) that have taken place on the constituent record. A graph displays the volume of
interactions across the history of the constituent record.
There are three sections that make up the timeline: Interactions, Audit Log, and Campaigns.
Interactions on student records are tracked both within Slate and externally. For example, a prospective
student might fill out a Request for Information form or sign up for an event using forms built in Slate.
Additionally, a prospective student might visit or make a phone call to the office.
As students continue to interact with the Division, additional interactions and messages will populate.
Message and Source are two standard interaction codes that automatically populate the Interactions
tab. Manual interactions can also be added to a record.
Adding Interactions to a Record
1. Click New Interaction.
2. Choose the appropriate Code from the dropdown menu.
3. Add a Subject (Can been seen in Public Comments)**
4. Add comments to the Private Comments box.
5. Click Save
Public Comments**
Please be aware that if the Public box is checked, all comments typed in the Public Comments box as
well as the Subject line will appear on the student’s Status Page.
Audit Log
The Audit Log provides a chronological list of changes made against the record. Audit events include
custom fields being set or unset, address and contact information updates, and query executions. The
user or rule that initiated the event appears along with details of the audit event.
The Campaigns section lists any Deliver campaigns in which the constituent record is included. The
campaign list can be filtered by date and specific campaigns from the select list on the upper-right of the
display. Click Refresh to update the list of campaigns after changing the dates or selecting a specific
Slate Communications
Inbox Gateway
Slate Inbox Gateway is a way to associate email messages with a Slate record, regardless of the external
email client you are using (Gmail, Outlook, etc). Especially for messages being sent and/or received
outside of Slate (in the case of a personal email address, for example), the Inbox Gateway allows
selected messages to be added to the appropriate record in Slate. 
To set up an Inbox Gateway
1. G
o to the Inbox icon at the top of the Slate page. On the menu dropdown select
Gateway. This takes you to the Inbox Gateway tool.
2. Select Connection Instructions. A popup will appear.
3. Copy the email address and add it to your email address book. The email address in the dialog is
unique to each user. For this reason, each user should retrieve their own Slate Gateway email
4. Paste the copied unique email address into the BCC line of your email when replying or
forwarding a message.
The forwarding address should be kept private; do not include the email address in the To or CC
lines when replying to the student.
5. Be sure to check the Inbox >> Gateway tool to review messages forwarded to your personal
Email to the Slate Gateway forwarding address. Messages that do not auto-match to a person
record can be assigned, allowing them to appear on the Timeline tab of the associated record.
Slate Graduate Program Application Customizations
Customizations Offered
Terms of Admission
Deadlines by Term
o Option to set priority, final, and extended deadlines
Program Supplemental Tab (On/Off, programs decide whether to use a Slate based supplement
and provide custom questions and answers as needed on a yearly basis.) On means the program
has a custom program supplement.
Faculty advisor Tab (On/off, programs decide whether to use this tab and if using it provide
names of faculty and number of faculty that an applicant can select.)
Recommendation (On/off, number of recommendations required, custom message to
students/recommenders, additional questions for recommenders). On means the program is
using recommendations in Slate.
Portfolio tab (On/off)
Employment tab (On/off)
Reader access (the access usually granted to faculty for the purpose of application review)
Customize text on Graduate Academic Programs DGS website
Annual Updates
Programs have the ability to customize portions of the application to meet their needs. Each summer,
programs will be able to submit requests for changes to their application for the next admission cycle.
They can set application deadlines, update their program information, request faculty reader changes
and modify their program supplement. These updates take place in the Program Management Portal
Instructions will be sent out each summer with details and deadlines for this process.
Ongoing Updates
Programs can use their Program Management Portal to update staffing, extend deadlines and edit their
program listing on our website throughout the year.
Application Review and Admission Decisions
Decision Process Summary
Application Review Flow
The majority of the application review process takes place within the Slate Reader. Instructions on
navigating the Reader and performing Reader-based tasks are detailed in the next section.
Program-level application review process usually starts with a preliminary review conducted by a staff
member, DGS, or admission chair. They notify the faculty review committee that applications are ready
to review. Faculty conduct a review and then make recommendations to the chair or DGS. (See
Application Review for more details.) Final decisions are made by the person with that level of authority
and then the Graduate Coordinator or someone in a similar position submits the decisions in Slate.
Next, applications move automatically to the appropriate bin, depending on the selection made by the
staff member. Applicants who are offered admission move to the Division of Graduate Studies Review
bins and are checked to make sure the applicant meets minimum criteria for admission. If there are any
issues, program staff become involved again and submit petitions.
Once a final decision has been confirmed the application moves into the Final Decision bins for eventual
archiving by the Division.
Slate Decision Statuses and Reasons
We use “Decision Codes” in Slate to track where an application is in the review process and to prompt
actions on the record. Decisions can also have an associated reason, which helps us track in more details
related to their decision.
You can view decisions in various places in Slate:
On the application record itself:
In queries and reports that pull in the decision status:
In the Reader when you click on the applicant’s name in the top left:
Each code and reason is described below.
No Decision on File/Blank Decision in Report
If you do not see a decision associated with a particular application, it is because no decision exists. On
the application tab it will show as “No decision on file” and in reports it will show as a blank cell.
Accepted Offer
Applications in this status are applicants who have accepted their offer of admission for the current
Accepted offer “reasons:”
Reason is blank: standard application where the student accepted their offer via their status
Concurrent: student is adding this program to an additional UO graduate program that they are
already pursuing or will be by the time they start this program.
Deferral: student initially applied for a prior term and deferred to this term.
Accepted Offer then Declined
Applications in this status are applicants who initially accepted their offer of admission and then
declined it.
Accepted Offer then Declined “reasons:”
Deferral: student was offered a deferral and chose to defer.
Did not Matriculate: student accepted their offer and never got back to us saying they had
changed their mind, but they did not matriculate in their first term of admission. The division
manually marks these as did not matriculate.
Program Reported: student accepted their offer and then changed their mind. Student notified
the program and the program notified Slate by submitting a ‘Revise Status to “Declined” Form.’
Admission Rescinded
A rarely used status indicating that the student was offered admission and the admission was
subsequently rescinded. Programs would need to work with the Division to determine whether it is
possible to rescind a given offer of admission.
Declined Offer
Applications in this status are applicants who have declined their offer of admission.
Declined Offer “reasons:”
Reason is blank: student logged into their Slate application portal and declined their offer of
Program Reported: student missed their response deadline and the program reported them as
having declined their offer of admission.
Response Deadline Missed: student missed their response deadline and the Division updated
the record to this status once the term started.
Denied Admission
Applications in this status have been denied admission by the program or, in rare cases, by the Division
if the applicant did not meet minimum admission requirements.
Reason is blank: normal denial situation.
Offered Masters: applicant was denied at the doctoral level but the program has notified the
Division that they are offering admission at the master’s level. The Division will have created a
new application for the master’s level.
Duplicate App (Delete)
Applications will only be in this status briefly prior to deletion. Sometimes applicants start multiple
applications for the same term and program for which they have already submitted an application. We
delete the additional unsubmitted applications to prevent students from applying twice. An application
in this status will be deleted shortly.
Offered Admission
Applications in this status have been formally offered admission by both the program and the Division.
The student can now log into their status portal to make a decision whether to accept or decline the
Prog Rec Admit: App Declined
Applicants in this status were recommended admission by the program but declined their offer prior to
the Division formally admitting them. Applicants in this status will be in the “Withdrawn Application
reader bin but programs can use this status distinction to track the fact that they did offer admission
even though the admission wasn’t formalized.
Program Recommended Admission
Applicants in this status have been recommended admission by the program but have not yet been
formally admitted by the Division. They are unable to accept or decline their offer of admission in this
status via their status portal.
Withdrawn (Submitted)
Applications in this status are applicants who submitted and paid for their application but requested to
no longer be considered for admission prior to the program making a recommendation to admit or
deny. The program updates Slate by submitting a “Withdraw Application” form.
Withdrawn (Unsubmitted)
Applications in this status are applicants who started an application and prior to submitting and paying
requested to no longer be considered as a prospective applicant for that program and term. The
program updates Slate by submitting a “Withdraw Application” form.
Slate Reader Navigation
Navigate to the Reader
The Reader is the place where applications are reviewed, petitions are submitted, and decisions are
Important note: Some processes run automatically in the background of Slate using something called
“Rules.” Rules are updated every 15 minutes. Occasionally you may see something stay in a bin that you
expected it to move out of. Wait 15 minutes and it should move automatically!
To navigate to the reader, from the main part of Slate, click the Reader icon at the top of the page or
navigate directly to https://insight.uoregon.edu/manage/reader/
. Click the right button, “Graduate
Admission Applications.”
We recommend bookmarking the direct link to the Browse section of the Reader:
The home page shows a list of tabs on the left and provides some tips about navigating with a mouse or
keyboard on the right.
The reader has a variety of areas for you to navigate.
Browse Tab
This tab shows all of the bins associated with the graduate application workflow. The number in the
bottom right hand corner of each bin shows you how many applicants are currently in that bin. You will
only see applicants that are associated with your program(s) counted in each bin. The Graduate
Admission Applications workflow consists of four columns (applicant stages) with multiple bins.
Applications move from the top bins to the bottom bins and from the left columns to the right columns.
You can click each bin to see a detailed list of applications in that bin.
Pre-Submission Bins
Any apps in this bin have not yet been submitted and are not ready for program review.
1. Application in Progress: Application is in progress (not submitted)
2. Waiver Request Pending: Applications in this bin have an associated Division level fee waiver or
discount request that has not yet been reviewed. Requests are reviewed within 5 business days.
3. Waiver Request Denied: Applications in this bin had requested an app fee waiver or discount
but the request was denied because the applicant did not qualify for the particular waiver. The
applicant has been notified via email.
4. Waiver Request Approved: Applications in this bin had requested and were approved for an app
fee waiver or discount. The applicant has been notified via email.
5. Program Paid Waiver Approved: Applications in this bin were approved for a program paid
6. Program Initiated Waiver Approved: Applications in this bin have received program approval
for a waiver. The applicant has been notified via email.
7. Intl Need-Based Approved: Applications in this bin were approved for an international need-
based waiver by their program. The applicant has been notified via email.
8. Intl Need-Based Denied: Applicants in this bin had an international need-based waiver request
submitted for them, but it was denied due to the program having already met their one
international waiver per year quota.
*Remember, you should think of bins as holding areas for the applications. An application that once was
in the Program Paid Waiver Approved bin can move on after it’s submitted and will no longer show
there. For a comprehensive list of program paid waivers, you will need to run a
Program Paid Fee
Waivers query.
Program Review Bins
1. Program Review: Applications in this bin are ready for faculty review.
2. Program Final Admission Decision: Applications in this bin are ready for program admission
staff to make recommendations for admission to the Division.
3. Waitlist (Non-Final Decision): Applications move here if program staff indicate the applicant is
waitlisted in the review form in the bin above. They can then make a final admission
recommendation from this bin.
4. Incomplete (Non-Final Decision): Applications move here if program staff indicate the
application is incomplete in the review form in the bin above. They can then make a final
admission recommendation from this bin or leave it until the end of the admission cycle.
Division of Grad Studies Review Bins
1. First Review: Applications in this bin have been recommended admission by the program but
have not yet been reviewed by the Division.
2. Pending Program Approval: Applications in this bin need additional program level follow up.
The applicant does not meet the English Language Proficiency Requirement and/or they are
being recommended for admission at the same degree and major they have already earned at
another institution.
3. Pending DGS Approval: Applications in this bin are awaiting Division review.
4. Ready for Re-Review: Applications in this bin are awaiting Division re-review.
Final Decision Bins
1. Admitted: Applicants in this bin were offered admission by their program and officially admitted
by the Division.
2. Concurrent: Applications in this bin are being processed as concurrent degree seeking students.
3. Deferred: Applicants in this bin were offered admission, accepted their offer of admission and
were then approved by their program to defer their admission.
4. Denied: Applicants in this bin were denied admission.
5. Withdrawn Application: Applicants will move to this bin if the program notifies the Division that
the applicant no longer wants to be considered for admission before they have received an
admission decision from the program.
6. Incomplete Application: Applicants who are in the “Incomplete (Non-Final Decision)” bin will
move to this bin after the term of admission has passed.
Search Tab
This tab allows you to search for a particular application using the box on the right. As you type, records
will begin to filter down.
Queue Tab
This view shows all applications currently in your queue.
Removing an Individual Application from your Queue:
Open the application and then click “Remove from Queue.”
Adding an Individual Application to your Queue:
Find the application by using the browse or search feature. Click the two papers icon on the right. .
This will open up the application. Then, select “Add to Queue” and click OK when the pop up asks if you
want to add the application to your queue.
Recent Tab
This tab shows the recent records you have accessed and can be used to quickly navigate back to them.
Exit Tab
Clicking “Exit” will prompt you to confirm you want to exit the reader and go back to the main Slate
To navigate back to the main Reader dashboard from an individual application, click the “slate” icon in
the top left.
Faculty Application Review
Program staff typically have the responsibility of guiding their faculty through the application review
We highly recommend reviewing the Faculty Slate User Guide and Training Videos
as well as pointing
faculty to these resources for their own review. Program staff typically have the responsibility for
assisting faculty through the application review process. The resources below will help you navigate this
process. Many programs customize the application review process to fit their needs, which means that
we cannot provide you with exact details on how to manage this process.
Faculty Application Access
Each summer the Division will request any updates to the list of faculty who need access to admissions
applications for their program(s). No applicants will be automatically assigned faculty queues.
Adding New Faculty to Slate Mid-Cycle
Our expectation is that programs provide us with a complete list of faculty who need to view
applications prior to the admission cycle opening up. However, we understand that sometimes faculty
are hired or leave in the middle of the year. You can view the faculty who have access to your program
by navigating to the Program Management Portal (linked on your Slate home page
). You can also
request to remove or add faculty access from your management portal throughout the year. We
guarantee processing of these requests within 5 business days, so it is important to verify your Readers
prior to the start of application review.
Additional Steps for Faculty Review
If you would like to assign applications to individual faculty member’s queues, you can use the bin
management query.
1. Navigate to your Slate homepage
and click the link for “Bin Management.”
2. Click on the "GRAD Program App PINNED IN" filter and a window should appear. From the list of
programs, select the program you are working with.
3. Click Save
4. Click Run Query
5. From the Output drop-down menu, select “Bin” and click “Export”
6. From the Workflow drop-down menu, select Graduate Admission Applications
7. From the Bin Action drop-down menu, leave it set to “leave current”
8. From the Queue Action drop-down menu, select Add Readers
9. Type in the name(s) of the reader(s) in the Add Reader section. Faculty should start auto-
suggesting once you have typed a few letters.
10. Select the appropriate record(s) displayed in the table below and click on the Update Selected
Admission Decisions
Applications are reviewed within the Slate Reader.
Admission decisions are made from the Program Final Admission
Decision bin or the Waitlist Final Admission Decision or Incomplete
(Non-Final Decision) bins.
A program representative with “Admissions Program Staff” access will use this bin to submit an
admission decision for each applicant using the “Reader Program Recommendation to the Division of
Graduate Studies” form.
Preparing Applications for Decisions
Before you can fill out the review form, you will need to follow the steps below to move applications
from the Program Review bin into the Program Final Admission Decision bin.
1. Navigate to your Slate homepage
and click the link for “Bin Management.”
2. Click on the "GRAD Program App PINNED IN" filter and a window should appear. From the list of
programs, select the program(s) you are working with.
3. Click Save
4. Click Run Query
5. From the Output drop-down menu, select “Bin” and click “Export”
6. Update the following fields:
a. Workflow: Graduate Admission Applications THIS FIELD IS VERY IMPORTANT AND
b. Bin Action: Set Bin
c. Bin: Graduate Applications - Program Final Admission Decision
d. Queue Action: Clear Readers
e. Add Reader: Type your name (or the name of the person who is going to submit
admission decisions) in this section. If you’re not sure who will be submitting
recommendations, it is best to leave this field blank.
7. Select the record(s) that you are ready to move (displayed in the table below) and click on the
Update Selected button.
You’re done! The applicants have now been unassigned from your faculty readers and reassigned to you
or another staff member.
Submitting a Final Admission Decision
To submit a decision, open the Program Final Admission Decision Reader Review” form.
Step 1: Find the application by using the browse or search
eature. Click the two papers icon on the
right. . This will open up the application.
tep 2: If you did not assign the application to your queue in the Preparing Applications for Decisions
section above, select “Add to Queue” (bottom left) and click OK when the pop up asks if you want to
add the application to your queue.
Step 3: Each Bin has an associated review form. To open the review form, click “Review Form / Send to
This will pop up the Program Recommendation to the Division of Graduate Studies form in the right
side of your browser window.
Step 4: Completing the Program Final Admission Decision Reader Review Form
Admission decision recommendations are submitted using this form. If you have a large number of
denial decisions to process you also have the option to batch process the denials. That process is
described in the next section, "Batch Processing Denials."
To submit an admission decision, you will use the reader review form in any three program review bins
(Program Final Admission Decision bin, Waitlist (Non-Final Decision) bin or Incomplete (Non-Final
Decision) bin), depending on which bin the application is in.
Offer Admissionmoves
application to Division of Graduate
Studies First Review bin and starts
the process of formally offering the
applicant admission. Most programs
send recommendation for admission
letter to the applicant outside of
Slate. In addition, once the Division
has fully admitted the student, they
receive an automatic email from
Slate notifying them that they have
been fully admitted.
Deny Admissionmoves
application to Denied bin and
notifies applicant of the decision via
email the next day. We recommend
that the program notify applicants of
the denial decision outside of Slate
prior to entering the decision in
Incomplete Fileholds application
in Incomplete (Non-Final Decision)
bin until the program determines
that materials are received and
takes action. If materials are never
received, at the end of the
admission cycle, the application will
be automatically marked as denied
with a reason listed as incomplete
app. Programs send notification of
the denial outside of Slate.
Waitlistholds application in the
Waitlist (Non-Final Decision) bin
until the program has made a final
offer/deny decision. Programs send
notification of the waitlist status
outside of Slate.
Applicant Response Deadline if
you are offering the student
admission, this date is required. It is
the last date by which your offer is
valid. The student will not be able to
respond to their offer of admission
after this date. The response
deadline must be no later than the
start date of the term of admission.
Note: You also may see a warning message (shown in below screenshot) indicating that the applicant
might not meet the English Language Proficiency Requirement. You can still submit with this warning,
your program just may be prompted to submit a waiver request for this requirement.
Waitlist (Non-Final Decision)
Select if you chose waitlist above.
Incomplete (Non-Final Decision)
Select if you chose incomplete
First ReviewSelect if you chose
offer admission above.
DeniedSelect if you chose deny
admission above.
If you moved an application into the Waitlist (Non-Final Decision) bin, you must eventually submit a
decision to Offer or Deny admission. The review form is also available in this bin so you can submit it
If you moved an application into the Incomplete (Non-Final Decision) bin, you can later submit a
decision to offer or deny admission, if materials come in. The review form is also available in this bin so
you can submit it there.
Batch Processing Denials
Recommendations for admission must be processed individually via the Program Final Admission
Decision Reader Review Form (instructions in sections above
If you have a large number of denial decisions to process, you can skip the review form and batch deny a
group of applicants via the Bin Management query. Before you submit a denial decision in Slate, please
notify the applicant(s) first.
Do not follow this process for waitlisted applicants.
Complete the steps below when you are ready to deny a batch of applicants:
1. Navigate to the Slate homepage
2. Scroll down to the “Program Approvals” section and click “Bin Management”
3. Click “GRAD Program App PINNED”
4. Select your program(s) that you are processing denials for and click “Save”
5. Run Query
6. In the output section, select “Bin” and then click “Export”
7. Update the following fields:
a. Workflow: Graduate Admission ApplicationsTHIS FIELD IS VERY IMPORTANT AND
b. Bin Action: Set Bin
c. Bin: Graduate Applications Denied
d. Queue Action: Clear Readers
e. Select the applicants you are ready to deny. Verify that you have already notified them
of this decision and then click “Update Selected”
Admission Decision Notices/Letters
Denial Notices
Applicants will receive the standard UO denial notification
via Slate.
Incomplete Notices
Incomplete and waitlist application notices are communicated directly by the program to the applicant
outside of Slate.
Waitlist Notices
It is best practice to email the applicant to let them know that they are on your program’s waitlist.
Program Issued Letter Recommending Admission
At the time the program recommends the applicant for admission to the Division, programs typically
issue offer letters to students. These letters indicate that the student has been recommended admission
and that the formal offer of admission comes from the Division.
Each year, the Division sends out offer letter templates, which include templates for financial offers as
well. Programs then submit templates of their individual offer letters are they are reviewed by Division
staff to ensure that all criteria are met. Programs should not send offer letters out until the Division has
approved their template.
Information and templates are communicated out during fall term via the Division’s listservs.
Formal Admission Offer Letter to UO
Formal offers of admission to students are issued by the Division and communicated via Slate. Offer
letters are issued at the time that the Division has fully approved the offer of admission. Applicants
receive a notification via email that there is a new decision on their Slate status portal.
View Admission Offered template here
Upon logging in the applicant sees the following:
Clicking view update will take them to their formal admission letter.
Clicking “Download PDF” will allow them to download the PDF with Division of Graduate Studies
letterhead. This will be especially helpful for international applicants who need a PDF of their official
letter of admissions for visa purposes.
Admission Petitions to the Division
Pending Program Approval Bin: If the Division reviews the recommendation for admission of an
applicant and finds that they are missing a minimum requirement, they will move to the Pending
Program Approval bin.
Applications will be in this bin for one or both of the following reasons:
They do not meet the English Language Proficiency Requirement. See
Petitions to Waive the
English Language Proficiency Requirement for more information.
They are being recommended for admission at the same degree and major that they have
already earned at another institution. See Petitions to Pursue a Similar Degree
Applicants will not be admitted until you or the applicant take the required action. To move the
applicant out of this bin, submit the associated review form “Reader Pending Program Approval Bin
Petitions to Waive the English Language Proficiency Requirement
In rare cases, programs may petition the Division of Graduate Studies to waive the
English Language
Proficiency (ELP) Requirement. This waiver process is intended to provide programs with the flexibility
to admit promising applicants who have not met the ELP requirement. This option should be used by
programs in a limited capacity programs should not refer all applicants to this process as an alternate
means of meeting the ELP requirement.
To request a waiver, programs must follow the process outlined below:
1. Program recommends the applicant for admission in Slate.
2. The Division notifies the program that the applicant does not meet the ELP requirement and
moves them to the Pending Program Approval bin.
3. Program requests permission from the Division to pursue the ELP waiver process.
4. Program instructs applicant to take the ACCUPLACER Writing Assessment. Instructions on taking
the ACCUPLACER writing assessment are available below.
a. If the applicant scores a 4 or lower on the ACCUPLACER Writing Assessment, they are
not eligible for a waiver. If the applicant is not eligible, stop here.
5. Program instructs applicant to interview with the American Language Institute (AEI). Instructions
on setting up the interview are available below.
a. If the AEI interviewer has significant concerns about the applicant’s ability to succeed,
they may recommend that the applicant should not be considered for a waiver.
6. Program reviews the two assessments and determines whether they can and wish to proceed
with requesting a waiver.
7. Program locates application in the Pending Program Approval Bin in Slate and submits the
English Language Proficiency Requirement petition form, which includes uploads for the
following materials:
a. Program Memo Outlining the Following:
i. Reason for the Request: Why the program is requesting a waiver instead of
requiring the applicant to take a qualifying test to show proficiency.
ii. Strengths of the Applicant: Address the applicant's academic strengths,
especially as pertains to English language skills. Assessment should be based on
the applicant’s ACCUPLACER Writing Assessment and AEI interview results, their
academic and professional background, correspondence, letters of
recommendation and any other relevant information.
iii. Additional Supports: If any concerns are raised by the AEI interviewer about the
applicant’s ability to succeed in the program, or if the ACCUPLACER score is a 5
or 6, the program must address how they will support this student with
additional measures beyond the standard for students in their program.
b. Graduate ACCUPLACER Writing Assessment Result
c. AEI Assessment
8. The Division will review the petition and notify the program of whether the applicant has been
approved for a ELP waiver.
Signing Up for the ACCUPLACER Writing Test:
Applicant navigates to the University Testing Center website to register for an assessment.
Click “Register for a Test”
In the “Please choose your type of exam.” prompt select “Graduate ACCUPLACER Writing
Fill out the rest of the form to schedule the test. Contact testing@uoregon.edu
with any
questions about the test.
The ACCUPLACER Writing Test costs $35 and is paid to the Testing Center by the Division of
Graduate Studies.
Scheduling an AEI Interview:
Applicant or Program contacts Trish Pashby, pashby@uoregon.edu
, to arrange an AEI interview.
This interview costs $50 and is paid to AEI by the Division of Graduate Studies.
Petitions to Pursue a Similar Degree
The Division will check to determine whether each applicant recommended for admission has a degree
that may be flagged by the Registrar’s Office as a “similar degree.” If they do, they will move to the
Pending Program Approval bin. The program will indicate whether they wish to petition for the
applicant to still be admitted, or to change their recommendation for admission to a denial. To do so,
they will submit the Reader Pending Program Approval Bin Petition.
In the reader petition form, the program will outline the differences in intellectual training that the
second degree would confer (1-2 paragraphs) and will provide the name of the person in their program
who is authorizing the petition.
The Division will review the request and notify the academic unit of their decision. If approved, student
will be admitted and the program’s approval will be kept in student’s file for the Office of the Registrar
to review at the time the UO degree is awarded.
Examples of previously approved duplicate degrees:
Master of Science in Information Management (previous), Master of Science in Computer and
Information Science (to be pursued at UO)
o The admitting unit asserted that the academic content of the degrees are significantly
different. An analysis of the course requirements shows that the previous degree
focused on Information Technology and Management courses, which are equivalent to
UO 100-300 level undergraduate courses. The department pointed out that the student
had not taken specific required core courses for the UO CIS MS degree. Furthermore,
the department identified a comparable degree at the previous institution and showed
how this could be considered equivalent intellectual training while the degree the
student held was not.
Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing, Fiction (previous), Master of Fine arts in Creative Writing
o The admitting unit explained that the applicant will be studying poetry at the UO. The
tracks (fiction and poetry) are recognized as different in the Creative Writing field of
study. The coursework and content between the genres is different and pulls from
different texts and methods.
Admitting a Doctoral Applicant as a Master’s Student
Programs who accept applications for the same major at both the doctoral level and the master’s level
may admit doctoral applicants at the master’s level of their program without the applicant needing to
apply to the lower level.
How to notify the division:
1. Navigate to the student’s application in Slate. See Slate Applicant Record Overview
for general
instructions about navigating to a particular Slate application.
2. Click “Offer Master’sin the Application Actions section. The “Offer Master’s” button will only
be displayed if the student has submitted and paid for their doctoral application and there is a
master’s level program available.
3. Submit the form on the following page.
4. What happens next?
a. The Division will be notified that there is a record to process and will take the following
steps within 1-2 business days.
i. Update the doctoral application to the admission status of “Denied” with a
reason of “Offer Master’s” (This helps us track how many of these there are
each year.)
ii. Create a master’s level application for the program.
iii. Add the master’s application to the DGS First Review bin.
b. Once the Master’s level application is in the First Review bin, the recommendation for
admission will then be processed within our standard processing time of 5-10 business
Applicant Accept/Deny Offer Decision Process
Initial Response Process
After the application moves through the Division of Graduate Studies Review queue and has been fully
admitted, the applicant will be notified via email that they have a new decision to view on in their
application portal.
View notice template here.
The applicant will log in to view their new admission decision via the link provided in the email they
received from the Division.
When your program recommends the applicant for admission, they will provide a response deadline.
This is the date by which the program requires the applicant to accept or decline their offer of
admission. The program can extend this deadline at their discretion on an individual basis for each
applicant. Read more about extending the response deadline.
On their status portal they will see the following:
1. Their latest status update, which includes their offer of admission.
See Offered Admission
template here.
2. Their link to Respond to Offer of Admission
3. A link to take them back to their application management page, if they have multiple
applications (submitted and/or in progress).
By clicking the Respond to Offer of Admission link, they will be prompted to confirm their intention to
accept or deny the offer of admission.
A screenshot of the Application Management page follows for your reference:
Only after an applicant confirms their decision to enroll by clicking “I accept my offer of admission.” is
their general student record (SGASTDN) created and they will be able to claim their Duck ID and register
for classes once the account claim process opens for their term of admission. See dates here.
Please note: Effective February 2023 there is a new DuckID claim process and PACs are no longer in use
for this process. Read more here.
Note: students pursuing concurrent degrees will be prompted through some additional steps with the
Division to add the additional curriculum and their general student record (SGASTDN) will not be
automatically updated.
Applicant Declined Admission outside of Slate
If an applicant either does not respond by their response deadline or has reported outside of Slate that
they plan to decline the offer, you can let us know that the applicant has declined by submitting the
“Report Decline” form in the Application Actions section. This will update the status from “Offered
Admission” to “Declined.
Applicant Declined Program Recommendation
Occasionally an applicant will have been recommended admission by the program but not have been
fully admitted by the university at the point that they request to decline their offer with the program.
Typically this is because the applicant has outstanding English Proficiency Scores that the Division is
waiting on.
You can now report this type of decline using the “Decline Program Recommendation” form linked on
the application tab. The link to this form will only show if the student’s decision status is “Program
Recommended Admission.”
Applicant Responded but Changed their Mind
If the applicant originally accepted their offer but now needs to decline it, the program can navigate to
their Slate record and submit a “Revise Status to ‘Declined’” form. This will update the status to
“Accepted Offer then Declined”
Please reach out to us at graduatestudies@uoregon.edu
if an applicant originally declined and now
wants to accept their offer. (Assuming the program is in support.)
Reporting Application Data
When you log into Slate you will see a number of tabs on your homepage underneath the twitter
banners. These tabs are reports that are specific to the level of access you have in the system. The first
tab is a homepage and the next tabs are reports are intended to be a data snapshot that can assist you
in your daily processing and reporting.
As of July 2022 we have built out basic priority dashboards, but our goal is to expand these offerings as
we receive feedback about additions and improvements.
The screenshot below shows an enrollment funnel report for a person with access to multiple LCB
By clicking on any of the entries on the left column, you can drill down more by term and subsequently
by applicant.
Below is a summary of these reports, as well as some definitions on how the numbers are being
calculated behind the scenes.
Admission Offer Decisions: A snapshot of admission decisions for all students with a submitted app. The
rows are broken down by program of study. If you click a program of study, you will see a breakdown of
decisions by term for that given program.
Accepted: Students who have accepted their offer of admission to the UO. Note that this
includes students who have deferred to a different term.
Declined: Students who have either initially declined their offer or later declined their accepted
Offered: Students who have been offered admission but who have not yet responded to their
Enrollment Funnel: This report shows the number of records that have ever been in each status
(prospect, inquiry, applicant, etc.). For example, a student who started as an inquiry and then became an
applicant would be included in the count for both the inquiries and applicants.
If you click on a program of study, you will get a further breakdown by term.
Prospects: Prospective applicants who have indicated interest in a program of study you have
permission to see but who have not initiated an interaction with us. An example would be
McNair or National Name Exchange Scholars. The rolling count assumes current applicants and
inquiries were also once prospects.
Inquiries: Prospective applicants who have not only indicated interest in a program of study you
have permission to see but who also have initiated contact with us, like through our Request for
Information page. The rolling count assumes current applicants were also once inquiries.
Applicants: Students who have applied to a program of study you have permission to see.
Offered Admission: Applicants who have been offered admission to the UO but who have yet to
make a decision to accept or decline the offer.
Accepted Offer: Applicants who have accepted their offer of admission to the UO. Note that
even if a student has deferred to a different term, they are still counted as accepting the offer in
this rolling count.
Reader Synopsis: This report is a snapshot of applicants based on their placement - bin/column - in the
reader workflow. The columns of the report are the columns of the reader and the rows represent the
different bins associated. You can click on a bin name - for example Admitted - and you will see every
program of study you have permission to see nested under that row if a record exists by that program in
that bin. Further, you can click on a program of study and see your breakdown by term of that program
of study.
Pre-Submission: Applicants who have yet to submit their application for a program of study that
you have permission to see. It shows the count of every applicant who is in the Application in
Progress, Waiver Request Approved, Waiver Request Denied, or Waiver Request Pending bin.
Program Review: Applicants who have submitted their application and are being reviewed by
your program. It shows the count of every applicant who is in the Incomplete (Non-Final
Decision), Program Final Admission Decision, Program Review, or Waitlist (Non-Final Decision)
Div of Grad Studies Review: Applicants who are now under review by the Division of Graduate
Studies. It shows the count of every applicant who is in the First Review, Pending - DGS
Approval, Pending - Program Approval, or Ready for Re-Review bin.
Final Decision: Applicants who have met the end of the application cycle by having a final
decision granted. It shows the count of every applicant who is in the Admitted, Concurrent,
Deferred, Denied, Incomplete Application, or Withdrawn Application bin.
Reports Queries & Exports
A query is the set of parameters that Slate uses to create a report. An export is the actual report.
The Division has created a number of standard queries for your use. Similar to the dashboards above,
we expect to build out these offerings as the year goes on.
How to use a query
1. Identify which query you want to run, by reading through the summary of the available queries
in the section below.
2. Locate the query you want to run by navigating to the Slate homepage. Each query available to
you is linked there in the Reporting (Queries) section. Click the link of the query you wish to run.
3. The next page shows the query name and includes a list of “filters.”
4. First, click the top “GRAD Program App” filter.
5. This will pop up a new window where you can select one or more programs. Because you will
only be able to see the results for programs that you have access to, you can click “ctrl” and “A”
to select the entire list or you can select individual program(s). Once you have made your
selection(s), click “Save.”
6. Next, click the “GRAD Admission Term App” filter.
7. This will pop up a new window where you can select one or more terms. You can click “ctrl” and
“A” to select the entire list or you can select individual program(s). Once you have made your
selection(s), click “Save.”
8. You can see your selections update on the main query page. You can also see the number of
matching rows (records) that are available with the programs/terms you have selected. When
you’re ready, run the query by selecting “Run Query”
9. The next page will show a preview of the results, but will not show all of the columns available
on the report. From this page you can click any row and it will give you a preview of the record
associated. You can navigate to the record itself by clicking “Lookup Record.”
10. To export the data, make sure the default output is set to “Excel Spreadsheet” and click Export.
You can also export to a “Comma-Delimited CSV File” or “Tab-Delimited” by changing the
output, if that is helpful to your processes.
11. The report will load in your downloads
12. Open the report!
Available Queries
Admission Offer Decisions
This report allows you to pull a list of applicants associated with a particular program/term and their
associated admission decision.
Applicants with No Admission Decision
This report shows you applicants who have submitted & paid but who do not yet have a final admission
decision. They all will need a decision prior to the start of their application term.
Comprehensive Applicant Report
This report provides all data points for your particular program’s applicants. Our goal is to have a set of
reports that meet most needs, but we understand that you may receive a last-minute request for data
that is not included in any of our standard reports. You can use this report to pull all data for your
applicants and filter down to the data points you need.
Incoming Students
This report provides a list of students who have accepted their offer of admission.
In-Progress Applications
This report shows all applications that have been started but not yet submitted for the program and
term you select.
Program Paid Fee Waivers
This report shows you the individual applications your program has committed to paying for each term.
You can commit to paying an application fee waiver for a particular applicant by submitting a
paid application form.
Rating Form All Data
This report pulls a list of all individual rating form entries associated with applicants to your program.
Rating Form Average Scores
This report pulls a list of the average scores for each applicant for rating form entries associated with
applicants to your program.
Submitted and Paid Applications
This report shows you all applications that have been submitted and paid.
Campus Visit Fund Decisions
This report shows you the applicants that received Campus Visit Funds for your program.
Graduate Studies Doctoral Awards Decisions
This report shows you the applicants that received Graduate Studies Doctoral Awards for your program.
Promising Scholar & Future Stewards Opt-In
This report shows you the applicants that opted in for consideration for the Promising Scholar or Future
Stewards awards.
Rating FormAll Data
This report pulls a list of faculty rating form entries associated with students in your program.
Rating Form Average Scores
This report shows the number of rating forms submitted for each applicant, their average and median
ratings and the standard deviation.
Submitted & Paid Applications
This report shows all applications that have been fully submitted and paid for (or who have received a
waiver) for the program and term you select. The output includes a column that shows how many
recommendations have been submitted by recommenders!
Application Fee Waivers
Division Granted Application Fee Waivers and Discounts
The Division offers graduate application fee waivers and discounts for applicants who meet specific
criteria. Applicants apply for a waiver or discount as part of the application process.
Applicants must request a waiver prior to paying and wait for confirmation that the waiver or discount
has been approved. We will not process refunds if an applicant made payment before being approved
for a waiver.
Read more here.
International Need-Based Fee Waivers
We only accept need-based fee waiver requests for international applicants directly from the program.
The Division provides each program with one international need-based waiver per admission cycle
(Winter-Fall). The cost ($90) of this waiver is covered by the Division. These should be reserved for cases
in which the program has had contact with a prospective applicant, and they believe they have financial
need such that paying the application fee would be a hardship.
Waiver Process:
Timing: The applicant must have an in-progress application for the term and program that is being
waived. We will not process refunds if an applicant made payment before being approved for a waiver.
How to submit the request:
1. Navigate to the student’s application in Slate. See Slate Applicant Record Overview
for general
instructions about navigating to a particular Slate application.
2. Click “Fee Waiver Approvalin the Application Actions section.
3. On the following page, select “International Need-Based” and then complete and submit the
Within 15 minutes of form submission, the waiver will be applied to the existing application, unless the
program has already granted their one waiver per year. The student will receive an email letting them
know they have been approved.
Program Paid Fee Waivers
Programs may cover the application fee for any applicant applying for their program. We encourage
programs to consider this as a recruitment tool.
Examples of how programs have used these in the past:
As an incentive for attending an information session or other recruitment event
For all applicants who meet a specific criterion that the program is recruiting for
One-off special circumstances
Waiver Process:
Timing: The applicant must have an in-progress application for the term and program that is being
waived. We will not process refunds if an applicant made payment before being approved for a waiver.
How to submit the request:
1. Navigate to the student’s application in Slate. See Slate Applicant Record Overview
general instructions about navigating to a particular Slate application.
2. Click “Fee Waiver Approval” in the Application Actions section.
3. On the following page, select “Program Paid” and then complete and submit the form. You will
need to provide the index for us to bill once the funds have been used. Settle up takes place
Within 15 minutes of form submission, the waiver will be applied to the existing application, unless the
program has already granted their one waiver per year. The student will receive an email letting them
know they have been approved.
For planning purposes, you can check how many program waivers have already been committed by the
program by accessing the Program Paid Fee Waivers query
. More information about reporting and
queries can be found here: Reporting Application Data.
National Name Exchange and McNair Scholars Recruitment Lists
Each fall the Division of Graduate Studies receives a national list of McNair Scholars participants and
National Name Exchange (NNE) participants. The Division of Graduate Studies organizes and distributes
these lists to our programs for their use in recruiting students. McNair and NNE participants qualify for
Division of Graduate Studies sponsored application fee waivers.
Recruitment Awards
Often, program staff are expected to manage the recruitment award nomination process. Typically, they
work alongside their DGS or Admissions Chair to gather nomination materials and submit nominations
to the Division of Graduate Studies. They also help track acceptances/declines of the awards. Detailed
information about the nomination process is available on our website for each award. Read more here.
Campus Visit Award Nomination Instructions
Nominations are submitted via Slate. Follow the steps below to request funds.
Eligibility: Awardees must be prospective doctoral students.
Nomination Instructions
1. Navigate to the applicant’s record in Slate. Click on the relevant term and program
application tab.
2. Click on the “Campus Visit Recruitment Support” link in the Application Actions box.
3. Enter the amount requested. Enter the value without dollar signs or decimals.
4. Submit the nomination.
5. Can’t remember whether you submitted a nomination for a particular applicant? Navigate
to their record and scroll to the activities section. You’ll see the submission populate there
alongside the date.
Decision Process
1. Requests will be reviewed within 5 business days.
2. If awarded, you will see the amount populate on the applicant’s application record. To view
DGS recruitment awards that have been approved, click “Recruitment Funds” on the
application menu.
3. We will not be sending out notices of awarded or denied funds. We have a long-term plan to
set up email functionality in Slate for this type of communications, but it is not active yet.
Instead, there are two ways you can tell whether a nominee was approved for funding.
o Awarded funds will show in below the “Awarded Recruitment Funds” section on the
applicant record:
o You can run the “Graduate Studies Doctoral Awards Decisions” query linked on you
Slate homepage in the Reporting (Queries) section.
Reporting a Decline
If an applicant was awarded a Campus Visit award, but the money will go unused due to a change in
plans, please notify us immediately by submitting a “Campus Visit Report Declined Fund” form available
in the Application Actions box on the application record.
Dispersal of Funds
Funds will be transferred to the index provided after the end of the month the request was approved.
Graduate Studies Doctoral Awards Nomination Instructions
Nominations are submitted via Slate. Follow the steps below to request funds.
Eligibility: Awardees must be prospective doctoral students who have been offered admission.
Nomination Instructions
1. Navigate to the applicant’s record in Slate. Click on the relevant term and program
application tab.
2. Click on the “Graduate Studies Doctoral Award” link in the Application Actions box.
3. Enter the amount requested. Enter the value without dollar signs or decimals.
4. Submit the nomination.
5. Can’t remember whether you submitted a nomination for a particular applicant? Navigate
to their record and scroll to the activities section. You’ll see the submission populate there
alongside the date.
Decision Process
1. Requests will be reviewed within 5 business days.
2. If awarded, you will see the amount populate on the applicant’s application record. To view
DGS recruitment awards that have been approved, click “Recruitment Funds” on the
application menu.
3. If the applicant declines admission, the award will automatically be updated to show the
award was declined.
4. We will not be sending out notices of awarded or denied funds. We have a long term plan to
set up email functionality in Slate for this type of communications, but it is not active yet.
Instead, there are a two ways you can tell whether a nominee was approved for funding.
o Awarded funds will show in below the “Awarded Recruitment Funds” section on the
applicant record:
o You can run the “Graduate Studies Doctoral Awards Decisions” query linked on you
Slate homepage in the Reporting (Queries) section.
Reporting a Decline
If a student declines their offer of admission these funds will automatically be listed as declined.
Dispersal of Funds
Funds will be disbursed to student billing accounts at the beginning of their first term in the program.
Promising Scholar Awards Nomination Instructions
The Promising Scholars Award is a recruitment award offered to highly qualified incoming graduate
students who enhance and advance the research and scholarly excellence of the university through
diverse perspectives and experiences.
Reminders for 2023
Award amount has increased from $6,000 to $8,000.
Prospective students may opt-in through Slate for consideration for nomination; programs may
still nominate students who have not opted in.
There will no longer be a second round of nominations offered; programs may nominate up to
five candidates once this year. Candidates must be pursuing a doctoral degree. Letters of
Support have also been discontinued.
There is no longer a .4 FTE minimum required for GE support or comparable funding; programs
who offer doctoral students GE support below .4 FTE are eligible to apply.
Please anticipate an increase in competition for this award.
Materials + Access Preparation
Program Contact Information: Names and emails of Department Head, Finance
Manager, Graduate Coordinator, and Director of Graduate Studies
Candidate Information: Full name, UO ID#, and Application Reference ID#
Select and Rank Candidates: Programs may nominate up to five ranked candidates;
candidates must be pursuing a doctoral degree.
Slate Access:
Program Staff Access Reader Access
Who typically has access?
Grad Coordinators, Finance
Managers, and Staff
Faculty, admissions
committee members
How to Login
Staff Login
Reader Login
Defining “Underrepresentation”
Underrepresented experiences that shape diverse perspectives and contribute to excellence in graduate
education may include:
Educational backgrounds such as first-generation college, attendance at a historically Black
college/university, community college, tribal school, multi-country education, single-gender
college, etc.
Cultural backgrounds refer to an intersectional and broad range of experiences that shape a
candidate’s perspective, expertise, and academic contributions and may include a combination
of race, ethnicity, gender, tribal membership, socioeconomic background, Veteran status, multi-
racial backgrounds, sexual orientation, disability, citizenship and national origin, family
background, etc. These backgrounds should be connected to and contextualized in multiple
instances of academic contributions and merits.
Geographic backgrounds do not solely refer to the location of where a candidate is from (or a
candidate’s international student status) but the ways in which a candidate’s location shaped
their educational experiences. This may include isolated or rural areas, areas affected by
conflict, areas impacted by extreme environmental events, an area's history of treatment of a
specific group, etc.
How to check for applicant’s PSA opt-in
Option 1a for Admissions Program Staff Access
**This option will only work for people who have “Admissions Program Staff” access for the program that the
student applied for. If you only have “Admissions Reader” access (default for most faculty), use option 2.
4. Log into Slate here. On your Slate homepage
, scroll to the Reporting (Queries) section and click
“Promising Scholar and Future Steward Opt-In”
2. Select Fall 2024 in the pinned “GRAD Admission Term App” filter your program in the “GRAD
Program App” filter. Then click “Run Query.”
3. You can review the output on the screen that shows (pay attention to the fact that it only
displays 100 records per page), and you can use the search functionality to search for a
particular student. Or, you can export the spreadsheet and review in Excel.
Option 1b for Admissions Program Staff Access
**This option will only work for people who have “Admissions Program Staff” access for the program that the
student applied for. If you only have “Admissions Reader” access (default for most faculty), use option 2.
1. Log into Slate here. On your Slate homepage, scroll to the Reporting (Queries) section and click
“Comprehensive Applicant Data”
2. This will pull up a spreadsheet with two tabs. Click the Comprehensive Report Links tab and then
select the link next to your program’s name.
3. Select Fall 2024 in the pinned “GRAD Admission Term App” filter and click “Run Query.”
4. The report will likely take a long time to load, because it is pulling a lot of data.
5. You can review the output on the screen that shows (pay attention to the fact that it only
displays 100 records per page), and you can use the search functionality to search for a
particular student. Or, you can export the spreadsheet and review in Excel. Opt in for PSA will
show in one of the columns to the far right of the output.
Option 2for Admissions Reader Access
1. Log into Slate here.
Click on the “Search” tab. On this page you’ll see the applications you have
access to. Type the candidate’s name in the search bar.
2. Once you have located the application, click the icon on the right with the two papers. This will
pull up the student’s application.
3. To locate the Application Reference ID, click “Demographics” and scroll to the Additional
Information page. In the “Division Awards for Prospective Students” check whether there is a
“yes” next to the question “Would you like to be considered for PSA nomination?”
View Applicant’s UO ID and Application ID in Slate
Option 1 for Admissions Program Staff Access
Access GPA via the applicant record via the applicant tab in the main part of Slate. **This option will only work for
people who have “Admissions Program Staff” access for the program that the student applied for. If you only
have “Admissions Reader” access (default for most faculty), use option 2.
1. Log in here.
2. Using the search bar in the top right corner, type the candidate’s name.
3. On the Dashboard tab, you can locate the UO ID at the top. The UO ID may not show if the
student submitted their application within the last three days. If this is the case, insert N/A into
the nomination form.
4. On the application tab, you can locate the Application Reference ID, on the top line that starts
with the Application Term, Program and then Ref ID
Option 2 for Admissions Reader Access
Access GPA via the Slate Reader. This option will work for anyone with “Reader” access or “Admissions Program
Staff” access to the program that the student has applied for.
1. Log into Slate here. Click on the “Search” tab. On this page you’ll see the applications you have
access to. Type the candidate’s name in the search bar.
2. Once you have located the application, click the icon on the right with the two papers. This will
pull up the student’s application.
3. The record will default to the “Dashboard.” The UO ID and Application Reference ID are
both located directly underneath the name in the Student Info section.
Need Slate Support?
For additional assistance with Slate, please email or call us with a short description of the help you
Email: graduatestudie[email protected]
Phone: 541-346-5129
Appendix A: Admission Decision Letters by Applicant Status
These notices/letters show in the applicant’s Slate status portal, which can be viewed by navigating to
. Only one letter can display at a time for each application, so what
the student sees will depend on their current status (Offered Admission, Accepted Offer, Declined, etc.).
The student can view the offer in their status portal and can download a PDF of the letter if they need it.
The PDF will have the Division’s letterhead on it.
Offered Admission
Do not reproduce this letter.
Timing of decision letter display: One business day after the Division has fully processed the
applicant’s recommendation for admission, the applicant receives an email indicating that there
is a new decision on their portal. This is the letter that will show.
UO ID: {{uo_id}}
Dear {{preferred}} {{last}},
We are delighted to inform you that you have been formally offered graduate admission to the
University of Oregon. Congratulations! We hope that you choose to join our community of more than
3500 graduate students who are researching, learning, and exploring in more than 150 diverse
As a graduate student at the University of Oregon, you will have the chance to work with internationally
recognized faculty and participate in research projects at the forefront of your field. The Division of
Graduate Studies is committed to promoting graduate education by fostering excellence, innovation,
and inclusive communities. We encourage you to explore the many interdisciplinary, funding,
professional development opportunities, and resources available at the University by visiting our
website, where you will find important information about next steps and resources
We very much hope that you will join the academic community at the University of Oregon. The
Division, along with the faculty and staff of your degree program, are here to support you throughout
your academic journey. To view some of our major personal and professional resources offered to
students, please visit our
Grad Student One Stop. Please do not hesitate to contact us
at graduatestudies@uoregon.edu with any questions.
To respond to your offer of admission, navigate to your status portal and click "Respond to Offer of
Admission Details
{% if {{intl}} != "0" %}Official Name of Record: {{legal_name}}
{% elseif {{intl}} == "0" %}{% endif %}Term of Admission: {{grad_admission_term}}*
Major: {{grad_program}}
Student Type: {{grad_degree_level}}
College: {{grad_college}}
Residency Status: {{grad_res_status}}**
Personal Access Code (PAC): {{grad_pac}}
Official Transcripts: You must submit official transcripts from all colleges or universities from which you
received a bachelor's degree or higher. Students admitted with in-progress coursework or requirements
for bachelor's level degrees must have their degree conferred prior to the beginning of their term of
admission at UO. Applicants who do not meet this criteria will have their admission rescinded. If you
choose to accept this offer of admission, we will notify you if there are any remaining transcripts
required to complete your admission file.
Detailed instructions about submitting official transcripts are
available here.
Krista M. Chronister, PhD
Vice Provost for Graduate Studies, Division of Graduate Studies
*This admission is valid for the term indicated above only. If you do not enroll this term, and wish to
enroll for a different term, you must work with your prospective program to discuss options for deferral
or reapplication.
**Residency status determines who qualifies to pay in-state vs out-of-state tuition. If you believe you are
not correctly classified, contact the University of Oregon Residency Officer in the Office of Admissions
admissions@uoregon.edu or (541) 346-1231.
Offered Admission and Accepted Offer
Do not reproduce this letter.
Timing of decision letter display: Shows after the applicant has accepted their offer of
admission using the Respond to Offer form in their status portal.
Applicant Name: {{preferred}} {{last}}
UO ID: {{uo_id}}
{% if {{intl}} != "0" %}Official Name of Record: {{legal_name}}
{% elseif {{intl}} == "0" %}{% endif %}Application Status: Accepted Offer
Term of Admission: {{grad_admission_term}}
Major: {{grad_program}}
Student Type: {{grad_degree_level}}
College: {{grad_college}}
Residency Status: {{grad_res_status}}
Personal Access Code (PAC): {{grad_pac}}
Registering for Coursework: Students register for classes through DuckWeb
, an online tool available to
all admitted students at the UO. To log in, you must claim your Duck ID. To claim your Duck ID, you will
need your UO ID number {{uo_id}} and access to the email you used to apply. Please Note: If you register
for courses and later decide not to enroll, it is your responsibility to completely withdraw before the
start date of your term of admission. Read more here.
Official Transcripts: You must submit official transcripts from all colleges or universities from which you
received a bachelor's degree or higher. Students admitted with in-progress coursework or requirements
for bachelor's level degrees must have their degree conferred prior to the beginning of their term of
admission at UO. Applicants who do not meet this criteria will have their admission rescinded. We will
notify you if there are any remaining transcripts required to complete your admission file.
instructions about submitting official transcripts are available here.
We encourage you to be in touch with your new program in the days and weeks leading up to your start,
as well as to review our website for next steps for admitted students. Please do not hesitate to contact
us at graduatestudie[email protected]du with any questions.
Krista M. Chronister, PhD
Vice Provost for Graduate Studies, Division of Graduate Studies
*This admission is valid for the term indicated above only. If you do not enroll this term, and wish to
enroll for a different term, you must work with your prospective program to discuss options for deferral
or reapplication.
**Residency status determines who qualifies to pay in-state vs out-of-state tuition. If you believe you are
not correctly classified, contact the University of Oregon Residency Officer in the Office of Admissions
admissions@uoregon.edu or (541) 346-1231.
Offered Admission and Declined Offer
Do not reproduce this letter.
Timing of decision letter display: Letter shows in student portal for applicants who have
declined their offer of admission using the Respond to Offer form in their status portal.
Applicant Name: {{preferred}} {{last}}
Application Status: {% if {{dec_reason}} == "Deferral" %}Deferred Offer{% elseif {{dec_reason}} !=
"Deferral" %}Declined Offer{% endif %}
Term of Admission: {{grad_admission_term}}
Major: {{grad_program}}
Student Type: {{grad_degree_level}}
Denied Admission
Do not reproduce this letter. Letter shows in student portal for applicants the
program has denied admission to.
Timing of decision letter display: Letter shows in student portal one day after the program
marks applicants as “Deny Admission” using the “Reader Program Recommendation to the
Division of Graduate Studies” form or the batch denial process. Applicant will receive an email
notifying them of the new decision on their status portal.
Dear {{preferred}} {{last}},
Thank you for applying for graduate studies at the University of Oregon.
Your prospective program has notified us that your application for the program listed below has been
denied. We understand this might be a disappointing outcome. Please contact the program directly if
you have any questions about this decision.
Application Term: {{grad_admission_term}}
Major: {{grad_program}}
Student Type: {{grad_degree_level}}
College: {{grad_college}}
We appreciate your interest in the University of Oregon and wish you the best in your future pursuits.
Division of Graduate Studies
Withdrawn Application (app had been submitted)
Do not reproduce this letter.
Timing of decision letter display: Letter shows in student portal one day after a withdrawn
application form has been submitted by the program or division.
Dear {{preferred}} {{last}},
Your prospective program has notified us that you requested to have the following application
withdrawn. If you believe this update was made in error, please contact your prospective program
Application Term: {{grad_admission_term}}
Program: {{grad_program}}
Student Type: {{grad_degree_level}}
We appreciate your interest in the University of Oregon and wish you the best in your future pursuits.
Division of Graduate Studies
Withdrawn Application (app had not yet been submitted)
Do not reproduce this letter.
Timing of decision letter display: Letter shows in student portal for applicants who requested
their in-progress application to be withdrawn.
Dear {{preferred}} {{last}},
Your prospective program has notified us that you requested to have the following application
withdrawn. If you believe this update was made in error, please contact your prospective program
Application Term: {{grad_admission_term}}
Program: {{grad_program}}
Student Type: {{grad_degree_level}}
We appreciate your interest in the University of Oregon and wish you the best in your future pursuits.
Division of Graduate Studies
Appendix B: Slate Email Communications
The following emails are sent automatically to applicants at various points in their admission journey.
They are included here for your reference and should not be duplicated.
Notice of New Decision in Status Portal
Sender: "University of Oregon" <graduatestudie[email protected]>
Recipient: {{email}}
Subject: Your Decision Status Has Been Updated
Preheader: Application Status Update
Body of Email:
Dear {{first}},
An update has been posted to your applicant status page.
You may access your status page here: {{link}}
Division of Graduate Studies Signature & Contact Info
DGS Fee Waiver Request Approved
Sender: "University of Oregon" <graduatestudi[email protected]>
Recipient: {{email}}
Subject: UO Graduate Studies Fee Waiver Decision
Body of Email:
Hello {{pref}},
The Division of Graduate Studies has approved your request for {% if {{citz}} == "0" %}a {{amount}} {%
elseif {{citz}} == "1" %}an {% endif %}application {{type}} for your application to the {{major}} program
for the {{term}} term.
{% if {{type}} == "waiver" %}As your application fee has been waived, you should not be charged upon
submission of your application. If it does say you owe a balance, please contact us.{% elseif {{type}} ==
"discount" %}Please note that this is only an application fee discount; you will be prompted to pay the
remainder upon submission.{% endif %}
Division of Graduate Studies Signature & Contact Info
DGS Fee Waiver Request Denied
Sender: "University of Oregon" <graduatestudi[email protected]>
Recipient: {{email}}
Subject: UO Graduate Studies Fee Waiver Decision
Body of Email:
Hello {{pref}},
Our records show that you requested {% if {{citz}}== '0' %}a {{amount}}{% elseif {{citz}} != '0' %}an{%
endif %} application {{type}} for your application to the {{major}} program for the {{term}} term. Your
request has been denied for the reason outlined below:
{{reason for denial}}
Please review our website for information about eligibility and the documentation we require
If you have new documentation or information that would resolve this denial, please resubmit your
information through the 'Application Fee & Application Waiver/Discount' page of your application. We
guarantee review of documentation within 5 business days, so it is important to submit qualifying
documents at least 5 business days before your prospective program's application deadline.
Division of Graduate Studies Signature & Contact Info
International Need-Based Fee Waiver Decision
Sender: "University of Oregon" <graduatestudi[email protected]>
Recipient: {{email}}
Subject: UO Graduate Studies Fee Waiver Decision
Body of Email:
Hello {{Person-Preferred}},
The {{form_program}} program has requested a need-based application fee waiver for your
{{form_term}} term application. The waiver has been approved by the Division of Graduate Studies.
As your application fee has been waived, you should not be charged upon submission of your
application. If it does say you owe a balance, please contact us.
Your prospective program has provided us with the following information. Please email us
if any of the
information below is incorrect.
Application Term: {{form_term}}
Field of Study: {{form_program}}
First Name: {{form_first}}
Last Name: {{form_last}}
Birthdate: {{form_dob}}
Division of Graduate Studies Signature & Contact Info
Off-Cycle Term Update Confirmation
Sender: "University of Oregon" <graduatestudi[email protected]>
Recipient: {{email}}
Subject: UO Graduate Application Updated
Body of Email:
Dear {{Person-Preferred}},
The {{grad_program}} program has requested an application for an off-cycle term on your behalf. Your
application term has been updated to {{off_cycle_term}}. Your application deadline is
You can now log back in, finalize your application and submit it.
Please reach out to your prospective program if you have any questions.
Division of Graduate Studies Signature & Contact Info
Program-Paid Fee Waiver Decision
Sender: "University of Oregon" <graduatestudi[email protected]>
Recipient: {{email}}
Subject: UO Graduate Studies Fee Waiver Decision
Body of Email:
Hello {{Person-Preferred}},
The {{form_program}} program has notified the Division of Graduate Studies that they will pay your
application fee for the {{form_term}} term.
As your application fee has been waived, you should not be charged upon submission of your
application. If it does say you owe a balance, please contact us.
Your prospective program has provided us with the following information. Please email us
if any of the
information below is incorrect.
Application Term: {{form_term}}
Field of Study: {{form_program}}
First Name: {{form_first}}
Last Name: {{form_last}}
Birthdate: {{form_dob}}
Division of Graduate Studies Signature & Contact Info
Slate Account Creation Confirmation
Sender: "University of Oregon" <graduatestudie[email protected]>
Recipient: {{email}}
Subject: University of Oregon Graduate Application Account
Body of Email:
Thank you for creating a graduate application account with the University of Oregon.
To activate your account, please use the link below:
Activate Account
When requested for a password, enter the following temporary PIN:
Division of Graduate Studies Signature & Contact Info
Slate Account Email Change
Sender: "University of Oregon" <graduatestudi[email protected]>
Recipient: {{email}}
Subject: University of Oregon Graduate Application Change Email
Body of Email:
It was requested that the email address for this account be changed.
To complete the requested change, please use the link below:
Complete Requested Change
Upon logging in with your current credentials, the change will be completed.
Division of Graduate Studies Signature & Contact Info
Slate Account Password Reset
Sender: "University of Oregon" <graduatestudi[email protected]>
Recipient: {{email}}
Subject: University of Oregon Graduate Application Password Reset
Body of Email:
It was requested that the password for this account be reset.
To access your account, please use the link below:
Access Account
When requested for a password, enter the following temporary, randomly-generated PIN:
You will have an opportunity to change your password after authenticating.
Division of Graduate Studies Signature & Contact Info
Recommendation Request (to Recommender)
Sender: "University of Oregon" <graduatestudi[email protected]>
Recipient: {{reference_email}}
Subject: Recommendation Request from {{name}} for the University of Oregon
Body of Email:
Dear {{reference_name}}:
{{name}} is applying for admission to a graduate program at the University of Oregon and has requested
that you submit a recommendation on their behalf. This applicant is applying for the following program:
To submit your recommendation, please use the link below. This link is unique to this recommendation
and should not be shared or forwarded.
Message from applicant: {{personal_message}} (Only shown if applicant provided one)
Instructions from the program: {{instructions}} (Only shown if the program provided custom
Submit Recommendation
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Division of Graduate Studies Signature & Contact Info
Recommendation Submission Confirmation (to Recommender)
Sender: "University of Oregon" <graduatestudi[email protected]>
Recipient: {{reference_email}}
Subject: University of Oregon Recommendation Received
Body of Email:
Dear {{reference_name}},
We have successfully received your letter of recommendation for {{first}} {{last}} for {{term}} admission
to the {{program}} program.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Division of Graduate Studies Signature & Contact Info
Recommendation Submission Confirmation (to Applicant)
Sender: "University of Oregon" <graduatestudi[email protected]>
Recipient: {{email}}
Subject: University of Oregon Recommendation Received
Body of Email:
Dear {{preferred}},
We have successfully received your letter of recommendation from {{ref_first}} {{ref_last}} for your
{{term}} application to {{program}}.
Division of Graduate Studies Signature & Contact Info
Offered Admission Reminder to Accept Offer (one week)
This email is sent to any applicant who has been formally offered UO admission and has not yet
accepted their offer. The email sends one week prior to their response deadline.
Sender: "University of Oregon" <graduatestudie[email protected]>
Recipient: {{email}}
Subject: Reminder: Respond to Offer of Admission
Body of Email:
Hello {{name}},
Congratulations on your {{term}} offer of admission to {{program}}! This email serves as a courtesy
reminder that the deadline to respond to your offer of admission is in one week on {{day}},
To respond to your offer of admission, please click the button below.
Respond to Offer of Admission
Please reach out to your prospective program if you have any questions.
Division of Graduate Studies
Offered Admission Reminder to Accept Offer (one day)
This email is sent to any applicant who has been formally offered UO admission and has not yet
accepted their offer. The email sends one day prior to their response deadline.
Sender: "University of Oregon" <graduatestudi[email protected]>
Recipient: {{email}}
Subject: Action Required: Respond to Offer Deadline is Tomorrow
Body of Email:
Hello {{name}},
Congratulations on your {{term}} offer of admission to {{program}}! This email serves as a courtesy
reminder that the deadline to respond to your offer of admission is tomorrow on {{day}},
To respond to your offer of admission, please click the button below.
Respond to Offer of Admission
Please reach out to your prospective program if you have any questions.
Division of Graduate Studies
Admitted Students Official Transcripts Required
This email is sent to applicants who have accepted their offer for admission. It sends 30 days prior to the
term, and again any time we search for transcripts and find that they are still missing.
Sender: "University of Oregon" <graduatestudi[email protected]>
Recipient: {{email}}
Subject: Action Required: Submit Official Transcripts to UO
Body of Email:
Hello {{preferred}},
We are so pleased to welcome you to the University of Oregon as a new graduate student!
University of Oregon policy requires that incoming graduate students submit official transcripts for all
earned bachelor's degrees or higher by the end of their first term. Please see below for the status of
outstanding official transcripts:
Admission Information: {{term}}, {{program}}
<Information about missing transcript and last date we checked for transcript shows here. Any transcript
that is required but missing will show.>
You can read about how to submit official transcripts here.
Please note:
Be sure to read the instructions linked above before submitting your official transcript(s).
Each transcript must show the degree you earned, the date the degree was conferred and your
Keep in mind that many institutions do not show a degree conferral date until approximately 30
days after graduation, so transcripts for recently completed degrees may not reflect your degree
earned. Wait until your degree shows to send us your transcript.
If your degree is from another country and a conferral date is not information that appears on
your transcript, we may also need degree certificates and English translations if appropriate.
If you are unable to provide official transcripts by the end of your first term, your admission may be
revoked and you may be required to repay any financial assistance received.
If you have any questions regarding this message, what to submit, or you want to discuss special
circumstances that may be delaying your ability to submit, please feel free to contact us
at graduatestudies@uoregon.edu
. We are happy to help.
Division of Graduate Studies
Admitted Students Official Transcript Received
All students who have accepted their offer of admission and for whom we have received their official
transcript will receive this email.
Sender: "University of Oregon" <graduatestudi[email protected]>
Recipient: {{email}}
Subject: Action Required: Submit Official Transcripts to UO
Body of Email:
Hello {{pref}},
We are so pleased to welcome you to the University of Oregon as a new graduate student!
Thank you for submitting the following official transcripts:
Admission Information: {{term}}, {{program}}
<Shows information about transcript that we received.>
If you have any questions regarding this message, please feel free to contact us
at graduatestudies@uoregon.edu
. We are happy to help.
Division of Graduate Studies
Admitted International Students Onboarding Campaign
Campaign 1
Sent to: Summer and Fall term acceptances of offers of admission from January through April 15
Email 1 Welcome and First steps
Timing: 1 day after offer acceptance
Sender: "University of Oregon"
Recipient: {{email}}
Subject: Welcome and First Steps for Arriving at the University of Oregon
Preheader: Prepare for your life at UO
Click to view email.
Email 2 Health Requirements
Timing: 14 days after offer acceptance
Sender: "University of Oregon"
Recipient: {{email}}
Subject: Prepare Your Health Requirements
Preheader: International student arrival support
Click to view email.
Email 3 Finances
Timing: 21 days after offer acceptance
Sender: "University of Oregon"
Recipient: {{email}}
Subject: Prepare Your Finances
Preheader: International student arrival support
Click to view email.
Email 4 Social Connection
Timing: 28 days after offer acceptance
Sender: "University of Oregon"
Recipient: {{email}}
Subject: Prepare Your Social Network
Preheader: International student arrival support
Click to view email.
Email 5 Prepare for Travel
Timing: 35 days after offer acceptance
Sender: "University of Oregon"
Recipient: {{email}}
Subject: Prepare for Travel to the University of Oregon
Preheader: International student arrival support
Click to view email.
Email 6 Upon Arrival
Timing: 60 days after offer acceptance
Sender: "University of Oregon"
Recipient: {{email}}
Subject: Upon Arrival at the University of Oregon
Preheader: International student arrival support
Click to view email.
Campaign 2
Sent to: Summer and Fall term acceptances of offers of admission from April 16 through June 15
Email 1 Welcome and First steps
Timing: 1 day after offer acceptance
Sender: "University of Oregon"
Recipient: {{email}}
Subject: Welcome and First Steps for Arriving at the University of Oregon
Preheader: Prepare for your life at UO
Click to view email.
Email 2 Health Requirements and Finances
Timing: 7 days after offer acceptance
Sender: "University of Oregon"
Recipient: {{email}}
Subject: Prepare Your Health and Financial Requirements
Preheader: International student arrival support
Click to view email.
Email 3 Prepare for Travel
Timing: 14 days after offer acceptance
Sender: "University of Oregon"
Recipient: {{email}}
Subject: Prepare for Travel to the University of Oregon
Preheader: International student arrival support
Click to view email.
Email 4 Upon Arrival
Timing: 60 days after offer acceptance
Sender: "University of Oregon"
Recipient: {{email}}
Subject: Upon Arrival at the University of Oregon
Preheader: International student arrival support
Click to view email.
Campaign 3
Sent to: Summer acceptances of offers of admission from April 16 through June 15; Fall acceptances
from June 16 through September 1
Email 1 Welcome and First steps
Timing: 1 day after acceptance
Sender: "University of Oregon"
Recipient: {{email}}
Subject: Welcome and First Steps for Arriving at the University of Oregon
Preheader: Prepare for your life at UO
Click to view email. (coming soon)
Email 2 Prepare for Travel
Timing: 5 days after acceptance
Sender: "University of Oregon"
Recipient: {{email}}
Subject: Prepare for Travel to the University of Oregon
Preheader: International student arrival support
Click to view email. (coming soon)
Email 3 Upon Arrival
Timing: 14 days after acceptance
Sender: "University of Oregon"
Recipient: {{email}}
Subject: Upon Arrival at the University of Oregon
Preheader: International student arrival support
Click to view email. (coming soon)
Appendix C
Deferral Letter Template
October 28, 2022
<First Name> <Last Name>
Dear <First Name>:
<Program Name> has received your request to defer your offer of admission to the <Degree Type>
program in <Program Major>.
<Program Name> grants a deferral to <New Term> of your admission to the <Degree Type> in <Program
[If the student was offered GE funding or any other scholarship offer, you must describe in detail
whether this offer stands for the deferral term. Awards offered through the Division of Graduate Studies
cannot be deferred.]
The deadline to respond to this offer of admission is [Insert deadline here.] If you do not respond by this
deadline, your deferral offer will no longer be valid.
[Insert any relevant details here about how you are excited to have them attend next year and contact
information if they have any questions.]
<DGS Name (or Admissions Chair), Title, Signature>