Article from:
April 2008 – Issue 27
ecisions about whether to proceed
with a project or new product often
come down to analyzing the rate of re-
turn on the project. Normally, this is a straight-
forward exercise involving an initial investment
which is repaid over time with a stream of future
positive cashflows. The discount rate that leads
to a zero present value is the rate of return from
the project. The calculation of this Internal Rate
of Return (IRR) actually involves some tricky
mathematics or the implementation of iterative
numerical methods. Luckily, technology has
provided tools on our desktop to easily perform
this analysis. Microsoft Excel provides the IRR
function, which will solve for the rate of return
for a series of periodic cashflows. The basic
function takes two arguments: a range of cash
flows, and an initial guess. For example, assume
the following investment opportunity:
Unfortunately, the analysis is not always so
simple. Sometimes an investment opportunity
involves cumulative negative cashflows in the
future. In the case where there are multiple
sign changes in the projected cumulative cash
flow stream, there will also exist a multiple
number of real roots (IRR’s) that will force the
present value of the investment to zero. In
such a situation, accumulated negative future
cashflows may be viewed as amounts which
will require additional financing beyond the
returns supplied by the project.
Atkinson & Dallas suggest the Generalized
ROI approach for this analysis. This approach
was initially outlined by David Becker in “A
Generalized Profits Released Model for the
Measurement of Return on Investment for
Life Insurance,” (TSA 1988 Volume 40 part1
uary/tsa88v40pt15.pdf) and
is therefore often referred to
as the Becker IRR. Starting
with the final cash flow and
working backwards, a pres-
ent value is calculated using
the IRR as the discount rate
when the present value at
that duration is positive and
a rate of borrowing as the
discount rate when the pres-
ent value is negative.
Tim Rozar is vice
president and actuary
with RGA Reinsurance
Co. He can be
contacted at trozar@
Calculation of Generalized IRR in Excel
by Tim Rozar
Table 1
Life Insurance Products and Finance, Atkinson &
Dallas, 2000 Example 11.6.1
t Profit(t) NPV(t-1)
at 5%
5 1 -1000 0
6 2 50 1050
7 3 50 1050
8 4 1050 1050
IRR = 5%
In Excel: IRR(D5:D8,0.1) = 5.00%
Calculation of Generalized IRR in Excel
The following examples illustrate this situation:
Table 2
Life Insurance Products and Finance, Atkinson & Dallas, 2000
Example 11.6.4
T Profit(t) PV(t-1) if
PV(t) <0
(at 7%)
PV(t-1) if PV(t) >0
(at 6.8324%)
16 1 -45 0.000 0.000
17 2 140 48.075 48.075
18 3 -55 -98.360 -98.360
19 4 -140 -46.395 -46.395
20 5 100 100.000
Traditional IRR = 11.11% or 100% (or 0%)
In Excel: IRR(D16:D20,0.1) = 11.11% IRR(D16:D20,0.5) = 100.00%
Generalized (Becker) IRR at 7% financing rate = 6.8324%
Table 3
TSA 1988 Vol. 40 part1, Becker, 1988 Table 14
t Profit(t) PV(t-1) if
PV(t) <0
(at 7%)
if PV(t)
>0 (at
30 1 50 0.000 0.000
31 2 -200 -53.500 -53.500
32 3 20 184.987 184.987
33 4 40 208.331 208.331
34 5 200 212.553 212.553
35 6 100 15.850 15.850
36 7 -70 -90.040 -90.040
37 8 -100 -21.443 -21.443
38 9 20 99.195 99.195
39 10 100 100.000
Traditional IRR = 32.61% or 275.34%
In Excel: IRR(D30:D39,0.1) = 32.61% IRR(D30:D39,2) = 275.34%
Generalized (Becker) IRR at 7% financing rate = 26.271%
(continued on page 20)
Calculation of Generalized IRR in Excel • continued from page 19
The generalized or Becker IRR can be incor-
porated into Excel by setting up the general-
ized present values with IF() statements and
goal-seeking for an IRR to set the present
value to zero. To my knowledge, there is not
an elegant way to directly calculate this metric
from the cashflow stream as there is with the
simple IRR(). To that end, I have developed a
custom Excel VB function that will allow you to
incorporate Becker IRR calculations into your
spreadsheets. An important caveat should be
observed, however: I’m an actuary—not a
programmer. As such, the following code is
undoubtedly inelegant. I encourage anyone
who has developed more elegant methods
for dealing with the multiple root situation
in Excel to forward their suggestions to build
upon this article.
The formula is set up in two steps. The
BeckerOBT function calculates the Outstanding
Balance (using Mr. Becker’s terminology)
accumulated based on either IRR borrowing
rate. The BeckerIRR function then performs
an iterative binary search to calculate the
Generalized IRR.
The parameters needed for implementation of
the BeckerIRR function are as follows:
1) EarningsRange: This is the Excel range that
contains the cashflows being analyzed.
2) IntDisc: This is the discount rate to be
used for financing negative cumulative
cash flows.
3) BeckerIRRGuess: This is the starting
point guess for the iterative search.
4) ToDecimals: This is the number of deci-
mal places of precision for the Becker
IRR result.
The code for these two functions is shown at
the end of this article. A sample workbook
with this function and the examples above can
be e-mailed to you if you contact the editor
This code can be inserted into each workbook
that it is to be used in or it can be referenced
from a personal macro workbook. To insert the
code into your existing spreadsheet, choose
Tools|Macro|Visual Basic Editor. From there,
you may insert a new visual basic module by
choosing Insert|Module. The following text can
be copied and pasted into this new module.
Returning to the examples in Tables 2 and 3
above, we can now use the BeckerIRR function
to directly calculate the generalized IRRs:
 •Table2:BeckerIRR(D16:D20,0.07,0.1,6)
= 6.8324 percent
 •Table3:BeckerIRR(D30:D39,0.07,0.1,6)
= 26.271 percent
A few notes should be observed before utiliz-
ing this function:
•Your Excel workbook will need to have
macros enabled in order to use this func-
tion. This means that macro security
(Tools|Macro|Security) must be set no high-
er than “Medium” and that macros must be
enabled when prompted upon opening a
worksheet using this function.
•As with all custom functions, use of this
function will undoubtedly slow down calcu-
lation speed in your spreadsheet. You may
wish to “comment out” the function when
you don’t need to refer to it.
a personal macro workbook as personal.
xls!BeckerIRR(). This will avoid the need to
add the function to each workbook, but will
make the file less portable to other users.
Function BeckerIRR(EarningsRange As Range, IntDisc As Double, BeckerIRRGuess
As Double, ToDecimals As Integer)
Dim myRange As Range
Dim IRRa#, IRRb#, Precision#, BeckerIRRTemp#, OBt#, InitIncrement#
Dim MaxIter%: MaxIter = 50
Dim i%: i = 0
InitIncrement = 0.05
Dim ErrMsg$: ErrMsg = “Max Iter”
BeckerIRRTemp = BeckerIRRGuess
Precision = 10 ^ (-ToDecimals)
OBt = BeckerOBt(EarningsRange, IntDisc, BeckerIRRGuess)
If OBt < 0 Then
IRRa = BeckerIRRGuess
i = 0
Do While OBt < 0 And i < MaxIter
IRRb = IRRb - InitIncrement
OBt = BeckerOBt(EarningsRange, IntDisc, IRRb)
i = i + 1
If i = MaxIter Then
BeckerIRR = ErrMsg
Exit Function
End If
ElseIf OBt > 0 Then
IRRb = BeckerIRRGuess
i = 0
Do While OBt > 0 And i < MaxIter
IRRa = IRRa + InitIncrement
OBt = BeckerOBt(EarningsRange, IntDisc, IRRa)
i = i + 1
If i = MaxIter Then
BeckerIRR = ErrMsg
Exit Function
End If
End If
Calculation of Generalized IRR in Excel
(continued on page 22)
i = 0
Do While Abs(IRRa - IRRb) > Precision And i < MaxIter
BeckerIRRTemp = (IRRa + IRRb) / 2
OBt = BeckerOBt(EarningsRange, IntDisc, BeckerIRRTemp)
If OBt < 0 Then
IRRa = BeckerIRRTemp
IRRb = BeckerIRRTemp
End If
i = i + 1
If i = MaxIter Then
BeckerIRR = ErrMsg
Exit Function
End If
BeckerIRR = BeckerIRRTemp
End Function
Function BeckerOBt(ParamEarningsRange As Range, ParamDiscRate As Double,
ParamBeckerIRR As Double)
Dim myRange As Range
Dim OBt#: OBt = 0
Dim i%
For Each myRange In ParamEarningsRange
If OBt < 0 Then
OBt = OBt * (1 + ParamBeckerIRR) + myRange.Value
OBt = OBt * (1 + ParamDiscRate) + myRange.Value
End If
Next myRange
BeckerOBt = OBt
End Function
Calculation of Generalized IRR in Excel • continued from page 21