MBA Planning Sheet
for students with an undergraduate degree other than accounting
Course Name
Foundation courses may be waived on a course-by-course basis with acceptable prior academic work. See other side.
ACCT 6241
Financial and Managerial Accounting
OMGT 6123
Quantitative Methods
MGMT 6102
Comparative Management
MKTG 6162
Marketing Management
FINA 6144
Financial Management I
ACCT 6241, OMGT 6123
FINA 6214
Government Regulation of Business
FINA 6204
Analysis of the Business Econ Environment
CBK courses plus three required business electives (eleven classes total) must be completed. Of the three electives, one must be
quantitative, one must be qualitative, and the third elective may be either.
Common Body of Knowledge (CBK)
Delivering Business Value Through IS
Accounting for Decision Making
ACCT 6241
Financial Management II
FINA 6144
Operations and Supply Chain Mgmt
OMGT 6123
Organizational Behavior
MGMT 6102
Management Science
OMGT 6213
Marketing Strategy
MKTG 6162
Strategic Management
All CBK classes must be taken
before or with MGMT 6722
Required Elective Number 1
Required Elective Number 2
Required Elective Number 3
Certificate Elective Number 4*
Certificate Elective Number 5
*Only required if completing one of the optional certificates.
Only required if completing the Security Studies certificate.
**If possible, students should avoid scheduling these three classes together in the same semester.
Optional Certificates
Required Certificate Classes
Business Analytics
MIS 6873, MIS 6903, MIS 6913, and MIS 6933
Development and Environmental Planning
PLAN 6015 or PLAN 6025, PLAN 6065 and two 3-hr 6000-level PLAN
courses (excluding PLAN 6038)
FINA 6624 and choose three from FINA 6654, FINA 6814, FINA 6824,
FINA 6854, FINA 6874, FINA 6876, and FINA 6914
Health Care Management
COHE 6000, COHE 6600, COHE 6610, COHE 6620
Hospitality Management
HMGT 6310, HMGT 6400, HMGT 6410 and HMGT 6420
International Management
INTL 6510, and choose three from FINA 6876, IDIS 6545, INTL 6005,
INTL 6105, INTL 6500, MGMT 6322, MKTG 6992
Leadership in Organizations
MGMT 6420, MGMT 6421, and choose two from MGMT 6682, MGMT
6832, MGMT 6842, PADM 6220, and PSYC 6423
Management Information Systems
MIS 6813, MIS 6823, MIS 6843, MIS 6873
MKTG 6162/MKTG 6822, along with three MKTG electives
Project Management
OMGT 6333, MIS 6723, MIS 6733, and MIS 6743
Security Studies
SECS 6000 and 6155; and choose three from CSCI 6100; EHST 6010;
JUST 6502; HIST 6260; ICTN 6823; INTL 6500; POLS 6382, POLS
6425; PADM 6170, PADM 6220; PLAN 6015; SECS 6260, SECS 6270,
SECS 6320, SECS 6350
Sport Management
KINE 6106, choose two from KINE 6001, KINE 6131, KINE 6132, KINE
6133, KINE 6136, and 6250, and an approved elective
Supply Chain Management
OMGT 6743, OMGT 6753, OMGT 6763, and one from OMGT 6333,
OMGT 6383, or OMGT 6493
Certificates are optional. Certificate classes replace the required business electives, possibly adding one or two additional classes to
a student’s curriculum. Indicates certificates available completely online.
Revised 10/10/19
Graduate Business Core Course Waiver Information
The MBA degree program requires between a maximum of 54 semester hours (18 classes) and a minimum of 33 semester hours (11 classes). The
program is divided into two major components: foundation and common body of knowledge (CBK). The foundation component is designed to quickly give
a non-business undergraduate student the same academic knowledge-base as that of an undergraduate business student. Some or all of these classes
may be waived if students have completed appropriate undergraduate course work at acceptable performance levels. Course waivers are made on a
course-by-course basis as approved by the Director for Graduate Programs if equivalent undergraduate courses have been completed with a minimum
grade of B-. Applicable undergraduate course work for OMGT 6123 and FINA 6144 waivers must be completed within five (5) years of acceptance into
the MBA program.
The seven foundation courses and the corresponding ECU undergraduate courses required for waiver follow. Students applying from other institutions
should match completed course work as closely as possible to ECU course names.
Undergraduate Courses
Graduate Foundation Courses
ECU Course
Course Name
Course Name
ACCT 2401
Financial Accounting
ACCT 6241
Financial and Managerial Accounting
ACCT 2521
Managerial Accounting
MATH 1066
Applied Mathematics for Decision Making*
OMGT 6123
Quantitative Methods
MATH 2283
Statistics for Business
MGMT 3302
Management of Organizations
MGMT 6102
Comparative Management
MGMT 3352
International Business**
MKTG 3832
Marketing Management
MKTG 6162
Marketing Management
FINA 3724
Financial Management
FINA 6144
Financial Management I
MATH 2283
Statistics for Business
FINA 2244
Legal Environment of Business
FINA 6214
Government Regulation of Business
ECON 2113
Principles of Microeconomics
FINA 6204
Analysis of the Business Econ Environment
ECON 2133
Principles of Macroeconomics
*College algebra or a calculus class may also be used for this component of the OMGT 6123 waiver.
**An international business class in marketing, finance or accounting may also be used for this component of the MGMT 6102 waiver.