Revised 06092021
CPO Test Supervisor Guide Table of Contents
PHTA CPO Instructor Proctor Instructions ……………………….……. 2 6
CPO Handbook eBook Access on TesTrac OR within
People Cert ………………………………………………………………… 7
Candidate Registration Procedures for Proctors …………………… 8-12
Candidate Procedures for TesTrac’s Online Scheduling Site
with People Cert …………………………………………………………...13-35
Example Letter to Candidates ….............................................................36-38
Revised 06092021
PHTA CPO Instructor Proctor Instructions
This document covers the responsibilities of CPO Instructor proctors and the
procedures to be followed before, during, and after each exam administration.
Adherence to these procedures’ security and accuracy for PHTA Professional
Certification Exams. Test scores are meaningful only if the same instructions and
procedures are followed by all proctors and candidates.
The procedures outlined in this manual sets the standard for secure test
administration. As a proctor, your primary concern is safeguarding test security,
conducting the test efficiently and quietly, protecting the test takers from
disturbance, and ensuring protection of the test materials from loss or unauthorized
access. No one is permitted to copy or retain copies of test questions.
Proctors are expected to report any exam irregularities and security issues to PHTA.
If you have any questions regarding a PHTA examination administration, please
contact us directly at [email protected].
Proctor Responsibilities
To adhere to all policies and procedures set forth in this document.
You may not delegate test supervision to any individual who is not a currently
authorized PHTA CPO instructor.
If you, as a PHTA proctor, encounter any suspected or documented exam
irregularities, you are required to report these to PHTA.
Equal Treatment
All PHTA proctors are required to administer PHTA exams in a
nondiscriminatory manner and in accordance with all applicable laws,
including the Americans with Disabilities Act.
The procedures described in this guide must be followed uniformly to ensure
a fair and equitable testing environment for all candidates.
Security of Candidate Information
Candidate data, including personal information and exam scores, is
considered confidential and may not be shared.
Any proctor found to be accessing candidate information other than for a test
administration they proctored will result in immediate revocation CPO
instructor privileges.
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Security of Test Materials
PHTA exams are copyrighted and cannot be resold or redistributed for
commercial or other use. It is your responsibility as the proctor to ensure that
every possible effort is made to prevent students from copying the contents of
the test.
At the start of the exam administration, you must clearly explain to candidates
that they are prohibited from copying the content of the examination,
including using a phone to take pictures, taking screenshots, or any other
If a candidate is observed doing so, you must report this activity to PHTA, and
the candidate’s test results will be disallowed.
Candidates with Disabilities or Special Needs
If you have candidates who require special testing accommodations, there
are ADA versions of each examination which allow extra time for
completion. As the test supervisor, you can assign that version of the test
to a candidate.
If a candidate requests an accommodation that is minor and one that you
can handle easily, you may, at your discretion, do so, provided that the
candidate understands the test is otherwise to be administered under
normal procedures.
If a request is more involved, (e.g., asking that test questions be read
aloud), it may be necessary to schedule a separate testing session for that
individual so as not to distract other test takers.
Each state has their own requirements to grant approval to test online during and
after COVID 19; please check on the PHTA website and Instructor Updates for more
information about where approvals have been received. The following procedures
are to be followed if conducting online classes and testing.
Candidate Technical Requirements
The candidate must have a device with webcam capability. Once you have
verified the candidate’s identity, that same person must remain visible
throughout the examination.
If necessary, the candidate may use one device for providing webcam
capability (phone, tablet) while using another device to take the exam.
Phones are not allowed for taking the exam because the small screen size
may make it difficult to read the test questions.
Candidates should use either a wired internet connection or a secure WIFI
network for taking the test.
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Candidate Visibility While Testing
Test takers must be visible on webcam the entire time they are taking the exam.
Any candidate not visible on webcam may not take an exam.
If a candidate should become not visible while taking an exam, ask them to stop
taking the exam until the webcam is turned on again.
If the candidate is no longer visible on webcam and the connection cannot
be restored, this must be reported to PHTA and the candidate’s exam
results will be disallowed.
Limit the number of candidates testing at one time to ensure that you can
monitor them all consistently. A maximum of 20 candidates per testing
session is recommended.
Test Day Preparations
Treat all test takers equally. Make certain that none of your procedures
makes one candidate feel different from any other.
Be patient in responding to questions before the test begins.
Candidates may not leave the room once the test has begun.
If you suspect someone of cheating or disturbing others, treat the
individual reasonably but firmly, without disrupting the testing session or
the other test takers.
Prior to the Testing Session
Register your candidates at https://reg.testrac.com//phta following the
directions in the next section of this document.
Each candidate must send you a copy of their photo identification at the
beginning of the online class. Once you have received the picture and
confirmed their identity, delete the ID from your device after the test
administration is concluded.
Enter each candidate’s information into the PHTA Testing Center as
described in the proctor instructions.
Review the information and make any necessary edits.
Verify that each candidate is assigned the appropriate test.
Click on Import to send test login credentials to candidates.
Email a test voucher to candidates.
Remind candidates that they may not copy, remove, record, or
photograph any portion of the test materials.
During the Testing Session
As the proctor, you must watch the candidates the entire time they are
CPO is an open-book exam, so candidates may have a copy of the Pool &
Spa Operator Handbook with them during the test.
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Candidates may also use the eBook during the exam but must be
provided a hard copy book.
You may answer a candidate question during the test provided it is brief,
relates only to the mechanics of the test, and is not disruptive to the other
test takers.
Candidates can bring a calculator, but it cannot be on a cell phone or
other smart device.
Candidates may use a pencil and paper for math calculations.
Candidates must be in an isolated room.
Disruptive Situations
If a candidate should get disconnected during the testing session, the test
will pause at the time the interruption occurs. Have the candidate close
the browser, login again to the PHTA Testing Center, and under the bar
labeled “In Progress/Incomplete” find the exam they were taking. The
candidate can restart the exam right where they left off and time on test
will have been held.
If a candidate’s behavior during testing has the potential to prevent others
from doing their best work, warn the candidate that he or she will be
dismissed if the disruptive behavior continues.
You have the authority to dismiss a candidate for misconduct. You must
notify PHTA if this occurs.
Use your best judgment in handling the situation.
After the Testing Session
Candidates receive the results of their test immediately upon completion.
Once you have completed the test administration, send your course roster
(both passing and failed students) to [email protected] within 5 business
days. The completed course roster should include the candidate’s first and
last names, candidate’s email address, the name of the test they took,
score, instructor(s), date(s) of course, and test result (pass/fail). Please
make sure to include any co-teaching instructors to your roster for credit.
PHTA Client Services will extract data from TesTrac to compare with your
roster and then will contact you for payment for each passing student
Once payment is received your course will be processed, and your
candidates will receive their electronic certificates within 5-7 business
Once processing is complete, candidates who passed will receive an
email asking them to complete a short survey, after which they can
download their CPO certificate and wallet card.
A hard copy of the certificate may be ordered from PHTA for $10 by
contacting Client Services at [email protected] or 719-540-9119.
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Contact PHTA Client Services at [email protected] or 719-540-9119.
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CPO Handbook eBook Access on TesTrac OR within People
Prior to answering the first question, make sure you click on the link Master English CPO
Manual or Master Spanish CPO Manual and it will be presented in a separate browse window
for your students to access.
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Candidate Registration Procedures for Proctors
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11. As a proctor, you can log into the PHTA Candidate Enrollment site and retrieve a list of
vouchers that you have used. Click on Voucher and then click on Used Vouchers and they will
appear. You can export them to your desktop in an Excel format.
Revised 06092021
Candidate Procedures for TesTrac’s Online Scheduling Site with
People Cert
Once the proctor has completed the candidate registration process and provided the
candidate with the email below, the candidate will enter the scheduling site (
https://reg.testrac.com/peoplecert/ )
The following form will be completed by the proctor and sent to the candidate.
Welcome to the PHTA Scheduling Site
Thank for registering for your Online Examination with PHTA. Please
note that the minimum technology requirements for taking your Online
Examination are the following:
1. A well-working computer with 1 GB of RAM or higher.
2. A wired high-speed internet connection (3 Mbps). A wireless internet
connection is not recommended if an Ethernet connection is available.
3. A camera, microphone and speakers connected to the computer
(consider a webcam with a built-in microphone).
4. Browser compatibility: IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari.
5. Note: Tablets, ChromeBooks, iPads are not allowed to be used. One
must have a laptop or workstation.
6. Candidate MUST use handheld calculator and cannot use cell phone
and/or computer calculators.
Please proceed to the PHTA Scheduling
Site, https://reg.testrac.com/peoplecert/ where you can:
Schedule your exam
Prior to the day of testing, you MUST re-enter site and click on “Open
Portal” to connect to People Cert to setup your security profile and test
your computers compatibility.
On the day of testing, at the time of testing or slightly before re-enter the registration
site (https://reg.testrac.com/peoplecert/) and click on “Start Assessment” to connect
to People Cert to begin your test.
“Open Portal” changes to “Start Assessment”.
Please note, if you are already registered, then can proceed directly to scheduling your exam
using the information below.
Revised 06092021
Your Login ID is PH12345678
Your password is 123456
Test voucher abc123
Select company PHTA
Test to select [name of test student is to take]
The date and time that you can take the examination is subject to availability of the virtual
Proctor and appointments must be booked in advance.
Thank you and best wishes for success on your examination.
The following are the screens the candidate will be accessing.
Candidate log in page the candidate will enter their log in ID and Password and in the drop
down select PHTA.
Revised 06092021
The candidate is then presented with candidate profile information. If there are errors, they
are to contact TesTrac at 952-953-6292 or email to tton[email protected] . The candidate then
clicks on “Select a Test to Schedule.
The candidate then selects their test to schedule from the drop down and their time zone and
clicks on “Build your Appointment”.
Revised 06092021
Candidate then select their test and time zone and clicks on “Select”.
The candidate is presented with a list of dates they can select and then clicks on “Select
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The candidate then selects a time from the list below
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A confirmation page is presented and the click on “Confirm”.
Reservation has now been confirmed and the candidate will receive a confirmation email
from PeopleCert.
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When the candidate re-enters, the following page will be presented. They have three
They can click on “Start Assessment” and they will be connected to PeopleCert
They can click on “Reschedule” to reschedule their reservation
They can click on “Cancel” to cancel their reservation.
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Candidate Setup Procedures for PeopleCert
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PeopleCert email confirmation.
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Once you have completed the setup process with PeopleCert you will click on “Let’s
Go”. You will follow the PeopleCert proctors’ instructions, and your test will
immediately begin, and the first question will be presented.
As the candidate answers each question, they will have the ability to mark a question
for later review.
Once the candidate has completed their test attempt, they will be presented with a
page that will allow them to review items they have answered by clicking on the item
ID. If they have marked item for later review, there will be check mark in the column
“Marked by you”. When the review process has been completed the candidate will
click on “Complete the exam”.
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The next page that I presented is their test results page which can be printed or sent to their
email account of record. They can also re-enter the site to access another copy they can print.
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Example Letter to students
Thank you for registering for the Certified Pool Operator course. Below is the
information you will need to access the optional practice session, course, and exam.
CPO Zoom Class link and info:
For Wednesday, June 2, 2021, and Thursday, June 3, 2021, from 8 am to 5 pm.
Since this class is rather large, if you can log on at 7:45 am that will assist with
the “check in” so please send in your driver’s license prior to class. Thank you.
Zoom Link for Course:
Meeting ID: 964 5400 0753 Passcode: 1596682
Dial Up Connection: +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
***Please do NOT give your students their voucher code before it is time to take the
exam. Any student that takes the exam without being proctored will receive an
automatic FAIL on their exam and will need to retest with you, the instructor, at a later
time. ***
How to access your exam
Revised 06092021
You are already registered to take the exam through PHTA.
Please realize that at no time do you need to enter ANY payment information, so
please DO NOT enter any credit card or payment information at all between
now and the end of the class.
To access the exam, you will need to enter this website:
You will log in to take your exam using this information at the login screen:
Your Login ID is:
Your Password is:
Exam Voucher Code #
Select company PHTA Test to select = CPO English Imperial
1. Accept the terms and agreement, and click “Sign In.”
2. You should see the page titled “Welcome to Your Dashboard.” Toward the
bottom you will see the line named “Publicly Available.” Click on the bar and the
exam will appear. Select “CPO English, Imperial” then click “Yes.”
3. Once you click on it the “Test description and Instructions” appear. Click “Yes” to
4. Next is the payment screen. The default setting is credit card. Change that to
“Voucher Only”. Copy and paste the “Exam Voucher Code” above into the
Payment Details “Voucher”. Once entered, click “Purchase” at the bottom of the
5. Choose exam, “Imperial/English.”
6. While taking the test, you can mark any item for later review. Simply place a
check mark in the field below the answers.
7. When finished, you will be able to review items if “time on test” remains.
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8. Once you are finished reviewing, you can click to get your results. If time
remaining on test runs out, the test is automatically scored. When the test is
scored a “Results” page will appear.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please let me know.
Thank you and I look forward to seeing you soon!
Instructor Name