2023 Edition
Section 1 - Gymnastics for All Regulation
Section 2 - World Gymnaestrada Regulation
Section 3 - World Gym for Life Challenge Regulation
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 1
SECTION 1 - GYMNASTICS FOR ALL REGULATION ...................................................... 6
1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 6
2. DEFINITION .................................................................................................................. 6
3. STRATEGIC PRINCIPLES ........................................................................................... 6
3.1 Vision ................................................................................................................................ 6
3.2 Mission of the FIG GfA COMMITTEE ............................................................................... 6
4. POLICY ......................................................................................................................... 7
5. THE MANDATE AND METHODS OF THE FIG GFA COMMITTEE ............................. 7
6. WORK FIELDS ............................................................................................................. 8
SECTION 2 - WORLD GYMNAESTRADA REGULATION ................................................. 9
1. PREAMBLE .................................................................................................................. 9
2. WORLD GYMNAESTRADA OBJECTIVES ................................................................. 9
3. POWERS ...................................................................................................................... 9
3.1 Responsibilities ................................................................................................................. 9
3.2 Organising body ................................................................................................................ 9
3.3 Collaboration .................................................................................................................. 10
3.4 Rules .............................................................................................................................. 10
4. IMPLEMENTATION .................................................................................................... 10
4.1 Awarding of hosting Rights for the World Gymnaestrada ................................................ 10
4.2 Frequency ....................................................................................................................... 10
4.3 Duration .......................................................................................................................... 10
4.4 Limitations ...................................................................................................................... 10
4.5 Language ........................................................................................................................ 10
5. BID PROCEDURES .................................................................................................... 11
6. WORLD GYMNAESTRADA SCOPE AND PROGRAMME ........................................ 11
6.1 Opening Ceremony ......................................................................................................... 11
6.1.1 Venue ........................................................................................................................................... 12
6.1.2 Content and duration ................................................................................................................... 12
6.1.3 Working group, Opening Ceremony ............................................................................................ 12
6.1.4 Working group, tasks ................................................................................................................... 12
6.2 Group Performances....................................................................................................... 13
6.2.1 Venues ......................................................................................................................................... 13
6.2.2 Apparatus ..................................................................................................................................... 14
6.2.3 Working group, Group Performances .......................................................................................... 14
6.2.4 Working group, Tasks .................................................................................................................. 14
6.3 Large Group Performances............................................................................................. 14
6.3.1 Venue ........................................................................................................................................... 14
6.3.2 Apparatus ..................................................................................................................................... 15
6.3.3 Working groups, Large Group Performances .............................................................................. 16
6.3.4 Working group, Tasks .................................................................................................................. 16
6.4 National Performances ................................................................................................... 16
6.4.1 Venue ........................................................................................................................................... 17
6.4.2 Apparatus ..................................................................................................................................... 17
6.4.3 Working group, National Performances ....................................................................................... 17
6.4.4 Working group, Tasks .................................................................................................................. 18
6.5 FIG Gala ......................................................................................................................... 18
6.5.1 Choreographer ............................................................................................................................. 18
6.5.2 Venue ........................................................................................................................................... 18
6.5.3 Apparatus ..................................................................................................................................... 18
6.5.4 Working group, FIG Gala ............................................................................................................. 19
6.5.5 Working group, Tasks .................................................................................................................. 19
6.6 Closing Ceremony .......................................................................................................... 20
6.6.1 Venue ........................................................................................................................................... 20
6.6.2 Content and duration ................................................................................................................... 20
6.6.3 Working group, Closing Ceremony .............................................................................................. 20
6.6.4 Working group, Tasks .................................................................................................................. 21
6.7 Side Events and Leisure Activities .................................................................................. 21
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 2
6.8 Complementary Events added to the Scope and Programme ......................................... 21
7. PARTICIPATION, REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT ................................................ 22
7.1 General ........................................................................................................................... 22
7.2 Responsibility and Supervision ....................................................................................... 22
7.3 Participation Possibilities ................................................................................................ 22
7.4 Registration Procedure ................................................................................................... 22
7.4.1 Invitation ....................................................................................................................................... 22
7.4.2 Notification of interest and Registration for the FIG Gala ............................................................ 23
7.4.3 Notification of participants ............................................................................................................ 23
7.4.4 Confirmation ................................................................................................................................. 23
7.4.5 Provisional Registration ............................................................................................................... 23
7.4.6 Definitive Registration .................................................................................................................. 23
8. PROGRAMME AND TIMETABLE .............................................................................. 24
8.1 Overall Timetable and Scheduling .................................................................................. 24
8.2 Scheduling Group Performances and Large Group Performances.................................. 25
9. FINANCES .................................................................................................................. 25
9.1 All expenditures .............................................................................................................. 25
9.2 Budget ............................................................................................................................ 25
9.3 Participant Card .............................................................................................................. 25
9.4 Ticket prices ................................................................................................................... 25
9.5 Accommodation and meal costs ..................................................................................... 25
9.6 Local transportation service ............................................................................................ 26
9.7 Joint meetings with the FIG GfA Committee ................................................................... 26
9.8 Working group meetings ................................................................................................. 26
9.9 FIG Authorities cost during the event .............................................................................. 26
9.10 Fees to the FIG ............................................................................................................... 26
9.11 Final Account .................................................................................................................. 26
10. ACCREDITATION AND PROCEDURES .................................................................... 27
11. APPARATUS .............................................................................................................. 27
11.1 Provided by the LOC....................................................................................................... 27
11.2 Not provided by the LOC ................................................................................................ 27
12.1 Accommodation .............................................................................................................. 27
12.1.1 Location ................................................................................................................................... 27
12.1.2 Cost .......................................................................................................................................... 28
12.1.3 Capacity per classroom ........................................................................................................... 28
12.1.4 Sanitary facilities, minimum requirements ............................................................................... 28
12.1.5 Sleeping supplies and services ............................................................................................... 28
12.1.6 Allocation of schools ................................................................................................................ 28
12.2 Catering .......................................................................................................................... 29
12.2.1 Cost .......................................................................................................................................... 29
12.2.2 Breakfast .................................................................................................................................. 29
12.2.3 Hot meal ................................................................................................................................... 29
12.3 Transportation................................................................................................................. 29
12.3.1 Cost .......................................................................................................................................... 29
12.3.2 Transportation from and to arrival locations ............................................................................ 30
12.4 Working group, Logistics ................................................................................................. 30
12.5 Working group, Task ....................................................................................................... 30
13. MEDICAL SERVICES, INSURANCE AND SECURITY .............................................. 30
13.1 Medical Organisation ...................................................................................................... 30
13.1.1 Chief Medical Officer ............................................................................................................... 30
13.1.2 Safeguarding and protecting participants in gymnastics ......................................................... 30
13.2 Insurance ........................................................................................................................ 30
13.2.1 Participating FIG affiliated Federations ................................................................................... 30
13.2.2 LOC .......................................................................................................................................... 31
13.3 Security........................................................................................................................... 31
14. EXTRA FACILITIES .................................................................................................... 31
14.1 Meeting Points and Stands ............................................................................................. 31
14.2 Offices and other meeting rooms .................................................................................... 31
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 3
14.3 VIP .................................................................................................................................. 31
14.3.1 Location/seating Performance area ......................................................................................... 32
14.3.2 VIP area ................................................................................................................................... 32
14.3.3 VIP Catering ............................................................................................................................. 32
14.3.4 Costs ........................................................................................................................................ 32
14.4 Special Assistance .......................................................................................................... 32
15. BULLETIN, PARTICIPANT GUIDE ............................................................................ 32
16. INFORMATION MEETINGS ....................................................................................... 33
17. PROTOCOL, COMPETENCIES ................................................................................. 33
18. RESPONSIBILITIES AND COORDINATION ............................................................. 33
18.1 Cooperation between the next LOC and the current LOC ............................................... 33
18.2 Cooperation between the FIG GfA Committee and LOC ................................................. 34
19. GENERAL ORGANISATION ...................................................................................... 34
19.1 Obligations, responsibilities and powers of the FIG GfA Committee: ............................... 34
19.2 Obligations, responsibilities and powers of the LOC: ...................................................... 35
20. CONCLUDING PROVISIONS ..................................................................................... 36
SECTION 3: WORLD GYM FOR LIFE CHALLENGE REGULATION .............................. 37
1. PREAMBLE ................................................................................................................ 37
2. WORLD GYM FOR LIFE CHALLENGE OBJECTIVES .............................................. 37
3. POWERS .................................................................................................................... 38
3.1 Responsibilities ............................................................................................................... 38
3.2 Organising body .............................................................................................................. 38
3.3 Collaboration .................................................................................................................. 38
3.4 Rules .............................................................................................................................. 38
4. IMPLEMENTATION .................................................................................................... 38
4.1 Awarding of the hosting Rights for the World Gym for Life Challenge ............................. 38
4.2 Frequency ....................................................................................................................... 38
4.3 Duration .......................................................................................................................... 39
4.4 Limitations ...................................................................................................................... 39
4.5 Language ........................................................................................................................ 39
5. BID PROCEDURES .................................................................................................... 39
6. WORLD GYM FOR LIFE CHALLENGE SCOPE AND PROGRAM ............................ 39
6.1 Opening Ceremony ......................................................................................................... 40
6.1.1 Venue ........................................................................................................................................... 40
6.1.2 Presentation ................................................................................................................................. 40
6.1.3 Working group, Opening Ceremony ............................................................................................ 40
6.1.4 Working group, Tasks .................................................................................................................. 41
6.2 The Contest .................................................................................................................... 41
6.2.1 Venue ........................................................................................................................................... 41
6.2.2 Age ............................................................................................................................................... 42
6.2.3 Time/Music ................................................................................................................................... 42
6.2.4 Number of gymnasts in a group ................................................................................................... 42
6.2.5 Number of performances ............................................................................................................. 42
6.2.6 Rehearsal ..................................................................................................................................... 42
6.2.7 Warm up ...................................................................................................................................... 42
6.2.8 Categories .................................................................................................................................... 42
6.2.9 Evaluation .................................................................................................................................... 42
6.2.10 Results ..................................................................................................................................... 43
6.2.11 Feedback ................................................................................................................................. 44
6.2.12 Working group, Contest ........................................................................................................... 44
6.2.13 Working group, Tasks .............................................................................................................. 44
6.3 The World Gym for Life Gala .......................................................................................... 44
6.3.1 Venue ........................................................................................................................................... 44
6.3.2 Participation ................................................................................................................................. 45
6.3.3 Evaluation .................................................................................................................................... 45
6.3.4 Award Ceremony ......................................................................................................................... 46
6.3.5 Working group, Gala .................................................................................................................... 46
6.3.6 Working group, Tasks .................................................................................................................. 46
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 4
6.4 Workshops ...................................................................................................................... 46
6.4.1 Venue ........................................................................................................................................... 47
6.4.2 Time ............................................................................................................................................. 47
6.4.3 Working group, Workshops.......................................................................................................... 47
6.4.4 Working group, Tasks .................................................................................................................. 47
6.5 Show Performances ........................................................................................................ 47
6.5.1 Venue ........................................................................................................................................... 47
6.5.2 Time and Content ........................................................................................................................ 47
6.5.3 Working group, Show Performances ........................................................................................... 47
6.5.4 Working group, Tasks .................................................................................................................. 48
6.6 Closing Ceremony .......................................................................................................... 48
6.6.1 Presentation ................................................................................................................................. 48
6.6.2 Working group, Closing Ceremony .............................................................................................. 49
6.6.3 Working group, Tasks .................................................................................................................. 49
6.7 Side Events and Leisure Activities .................................................................................. 49
7. PARTICIPATION, REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT ................................................. 50
7.1 General ........................................................................................................................... 50
7.2 Responsibility and Supervision ....................................................................................... 50
7.3 Participation Possibilities ................................................................................................ 50
7.4 Registration Procedure ................................................................................................... 50
7.4.1 Invitation and Newsletters ............................................................................................................ 50
7.4.2 Notification of interest .................................................................................................................. 50
7.4.3 Provisional registration ................................................................................................................ 50
7.4.4 Definitive registration ................................................................................................................... 51
7.4.5 Payment ....................................................................................................................................... 51
8. PROGRAMME AND TIMETABLE .............................................................................. 51
9. FINANCES .................................................................................................................. 51
9.1 All expenditures .............................................................................................................. 51
9.2 Budget ............................................................................................................................ 51
9.3 Participant card ............................................................................................................... 51
9.4 Ticket prices ................................................................................................................... 52
9.5 Accommodation and meal costs ..................................................................................... 52
9.6 Local transportation service ............................................................................................ 52
9.6.1 Cost .............................................................................................................................................. 52
9.6.2 Transportation from and to arrival locations ................................................................................ 52
9.7 Joint meetings with FIG GfA committee .......................................................................... 52
9.8 Working group Meetings ................................................................................................. 52
9.9 FIG authorities cost during the event .............................................................................. 53
9.10 Fees to the FIG ............................................................................................................... 53
9.11 Final Account .................................................................................................................. 53
10. ACCREDITATION AND PROCEDURES .................................................................... 53
11. APPARATUS .............................................................................................................. 54
11.1 Provided by the LOC....................................................................................................... 54
11.2 Not provided by the LOC ................................................................................................ 54
12.1 Accommodation .............................................................................................................. 54
12.1.1 Location ................................................................................................................................... 54
12.1.2 Cost .......................................................................................................................................... 54
12.1.3 Capacity per classroom ........................................................................................................... 54
12.1.4 Sanitary facilities, minimum requirements ............................................................................... 54
12.1.5 Sleeping supplies and services ............................................................................................... 54
12.2 Catering .......................................................................................................................... 55
12.2.1 Cost .......................................................................................................................................... 55
12.2.2 Breakfast .................................................................................................................................. 55
12.2.3 Hot Meals ................................................................................................................................. 55
12.3 Transportation................................................................................................................. 55
12.3.1 Cost .......................................................................................................................................... 55
12.3.2 Transportation from and to arrival locations ............................................................................ 55
12.3.3 Working group, Logistics .......................................................................................................... 55
12.3.4 Working group, Task ................................................................................................................ 56
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 5
13. MEDICAL SERVICES, INSURANCE AND SECURITY .............................................. 56
13.1 Medical organisation ....................................................................................................... 56
13.1.1 Chief Medical Officer................................................................................................................ 56
13.1.2 Safeguarding and protecting participants in gymnastics ......................................................... 56
13.2 Insurance ........................................................................................................................ 56
13.2.1 Participating FIG affiliated Federations .................................................................................... 56
13.2.2 LOC .......................................................................................................................................... 56
13.3 Security........................................................................................................................... 56
14. EXTRA FACILITIES .................................................................................................... 56
14.1 Meeting points and Stands .............................................................................................. 56
14.2 Offices and other meeting rooms .................................................................................... 57
14.3 VIP .................................................................................................................................. 57
14.3.1 Location/seating Performance area ......................................................................................... 57
14.3.2 VIP area ................................................................................................................................... 57
14.3.3 VIP catering ............................................................................................................................. 57
14.3.4 Cost .......................................................................................................................................... 57
14.4 Special Assistance .......................................................................................................... 57
15. RESPONSIBILITIES AND COORDINATION ............................................................. 58
15.1 Cooperation between the next LOC and the current LOC ............................................... 58
15.2 Cooperation between the FIG GfA Committee and LOC ................................................. 58
16. GENERAL ORGANISATION ...................................................................................... 58
16.1 FIG Gymnastics for All Committee .................................................................................. 58
16.1.1 Regulation ................................................................................................................................ 58
16.1.2 Head of Delegation meeting and evaluation ............................................................................ 58
16.1.3 Evaluation meeting .................................................................................................................. 58
16.1.4 Special cases ........................................................................................................................... 58
16.1.5 Newsletters .............................................................................................................................. 59
16.1.6 Budget ...................................................................................................................................... 59
16.1.7 Prices ....................................................................................................................................... 59
16.2 LOC ................................................................................................................................ 59
16.2.1 Rules ........................................................................................................................................ 59
16.2.2 Organisation and timelines ...................................................................................................... 59
16.2.3 Newsletters .............................................................................................................................. 59
16.2.4 Receive registrations ............................................................................................................... 59
16.2.5 Promotion ................................................................................................................................. 59
16.2.6 Facilities ................................................................................................................................... 59
16.2.7 Volunteers ................................................................................................................................ 59
16.2.8 Logo ......................................................................................................................................... 59
16.2.9 Accommodation and Catering ................................................................................................. 60
16.2.10 Medical services, Insurance and Security ............................................................................... 60
16.2.11 Final Report, Evaluation of the event....................................................................................... 60
16.3 Official Guide .................................................................................................................. 60
17. CONCLUDING PROVISIONS ..................................................................................... 61
1: World Gym for Life Gala Example score sheet
2: Guidelines for Head of Delegations at FIG GFA Events
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 6
The International Gymnastics Federation (FIG) consists of affiliated/associated Federations and has
a governance structure which is described in the Statutes.
The FIG Gymnastics for All Committee (hereafter FIG GfA C.) is one of the FIG’s management
committees and consists of a President and six (6) members, of which two (2) are Vice-Presidents.
The function of the FIG GfA C. is ruled by the Statues and these Gymnastics for All regulation.
These regulations are subdivided into the following articles:
- Definition
- Strategic Principles (Vision and Mission of the FIG GfA C.)
- Policy
- Mandate and Methods of the FIG GfA C.
- Work Fields
Gymnastics for All offers a variety of activities suitable for all genders, age groups, abilities, and
cultural backgrounds. Gymnastics for All activities contribute to personal health, fitness and
wellbeing physical, social, intellectual and psychological.
The Gymnastics for All philosophy is guided by five principles FUN, FITNESS, FUNDAMENTALS
and FRIENDSHIP that lasts FOREVER.
In practice it can involve:
- Gymnastics with or without apparatus
- Gymnastics and Dance
Gymnastics for All can be showcased through either demonstration, performance (e.g. “World
Gymnaestrada”) or team events contests (e.g. “World Gym for Life Challenge”).
Gymnastics for All offers aesthetic experiences in movement for participants and spectators while
providing the opportunity to focus on items that are of particular interest in a national and cultural
3.1 Vision
Gymnastics for All - bringing nations together through a world of movement and physical activity,
contributing to global health, fitness and friendship
3.2 Mission of the FIG GfA COMMITTEE
To improve the global awareness, quality and spread of Gymnastics for All through leadership,
sharing of ideas, collaboration and the provision of advice, information, services and resources
Specifically, the FIG GfA C. strives to significantly increase the quality and the number of:
- National Federations offering Gymnastics for All activities
- People of all ages, abilities and cultures participating in Gymnastics for All activities
- National Federations participating in FIG recognised Gymnastics or All activities.
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 7
The FIG is committed to increasing active participation in, and development of, Gymnastics through
their Gymnastics for All discipline.
Gymnastics for All is the foundation for all gymnastic disciplines, physical movement and sporting
activities. Additionally, Gymnastics for All offers a world of movement opportunities for participants
throughout life.
Gymnastics for All contributes to the health, fitness and wellbeing of all people without discrimination
of any kind.
Through a global network of National Federations, the FIG GfA C. drives successful growth and
development of Gymnastics for All through quality education, programmes, resources,
communications, promotional activities and events.
Gymnastics for All activities and events will:
- Enhance development of the ‘whole’ participant
- Offer wide choice and include national traditions
- Encourage teamwork, fair play and solidarity - not individual performances or competition
- Reward participation as well as excellence
- Encourage lifetime participation in gymnastics
- Not require, or encourage, early identification, selection or specialisation of gymnasts
- Be a catalyst for collaboration between, and uniting of, people and nations.
- Reflect Gymnastic for All values
- Improve physical, social, intellectual and psychological well-being
- Recognise and value history and diversity of cultures
- Pursue quality and safety at all levels
- Provide leadership
- Build relationships and partnerships
- Collaborate, share and make effective use of resources
- Respond to local needs and conditions.
The FIG GfA C. establishes and maintains contact, and exchanges experiences, with both
Continental Unions and FIG affiliated Federations (e.g. GfA Colloquium).
The FIG GfA C. is observing, reflecting and actively contributing to international development and
monitoring the interests of the FIG in the field of Gymnastics for All.
The FIG GfA C. operates to a four-year business plan and budget that are part of the FIG’s overall
strategic plan and annual budgeting processes. The plan is reviewed and updated annually.
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 8
The Business plan covers the areas of:
- Policy and Strategy
- Development and Education
- Events
- Marketing and Communication.
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 9
The World Gymnaestrada is a world-wide, non-competitive FIG Gymnastics for All event held every
four years, attracting the largest number of active participants of any FIG event.
Participation is for everybody. The FIG does not permit any discrimination for race, colour, gender,
sexual orientation, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property,
birth, disability, physical attributes, athletic ability or other status.
The event is organised by an FIG affiliated Federation, in collaboration with a city and awarded by
the FIG Council as determined in the Statutes.
The FIG affiliated Federation awarded by the FIG Council, acts as the organising body, establishing
their own organising structure, including a Local Organising Committee (LOC).
This section of the Gymnastics for All Manual contains the World Gymnaestrada Regulation and,
together with the signed contract by the awarded hosting FIG affiliated Federation, outlines the
organisation for this event.
This regulation is written for both participating and organising FIG affiliated Federations.
The regulation can also be used for national and/or continental Gymnaestrada.
The objectives of the World Gymnaestrada include:
- Promoting the value and diversity of Gymnastics
- Encouraging the growth of Gymnastics for All worldwide
- Providing incentives for meaningful work within FIG affiliated Federations
- Inspiring enjoyment in exercise and encouraging personal activity
- Demonstrating the unlimited possibilities of different ideas of Gymnastics for All
- Presenting the most recent findings and developments
- Bringing together gymnasts from all over the world as a contribution towards the friendship
of nations
- Presenting the diversity of Gymnastics to a wider public
- Offer an interesting and exciting event in gymnastics for the participants and the audience.
3.1 Responsibilities
The responsibility for the World Gymnaestrada rests with the FIG GfA C. in cooperation with the
hosting FIG affiliated Federation and their Local Organising Committee (LOC). The roles and
responsibilities between these parties are detailed in the contract established for the event.
3.2 Organising body
The organising body is the hosting FIG affiliated Federation that is awarded the hosting rights, by
the FIG Council. This FIG affiliated Federation will establish a LOC. All legal and hosting obligations
of the contract are the responsibility of the hosting FIG affiliated Federation. Where in this manual
the term LOC is used, it shall, unless there is a specific provision to the contrary, be understood as
including the hosting FIG affiliated Federation.
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 10
3.3 Collaboration
To ensure continuous collaboration between the LOC and the FIG GfA C., members of the FIG GfA
C. must be included in some of the working groups formed by the LOC.
At the joint meetings that are held between the LOC and the FIG-GfA C, detailed information on all
subjects must be given by the LOC to the FIG-GfA C.
3.4 Rules
The implementation of the World Gymnaestrada shall be governed by the following:
- FIG Statutes
- Gymnastics for All Manual with the World Gymnaestrada Regulation
- The signed contract between the hosting FIG affiliated Federation and the FIG
- FIG Media Rules
- FIG Advertising and Publicity Rules
- Medical Organization of the Official FIG Competitions and Events (only the section relating
to Gymnastics for All)
- FIG Ethics code
- FIG Accreditations Rules
- FIG Host Broadcaster (HB) Obligations (only the section relating to Gymnastics for All)
- Guidelines for Head of Delegation (HoD) at FIG Gymnastics for All events (see appendix 2)
- FIG Anti-doping rules.
4.1 Awarding of hosting Rights for the World Gymnaestrada
The World Gymnaestrada is awarded by the FIG Council five years in advance and at the same
time, the location of the event will be confirmed.
4.2 Frequency
The World Gymnaestrada will be held every fourth year on the odd-numbered year between World
Gym for Life Challenge.
4.3 Duration
The World Gymnaestrada lasts seven days including the Opening and Closing Ceremonies.
4.4 Limitations
The World Gymnaestrada must not be held in conjunction with any other Gymnastics or cultural
event (e.g. national gymnastics festival, exhibition etc.) and it must be non-competitive.
4.5 Language
The official language used for the World Gymnaestrada is English. At least two languages must be
used where English is one of them.
A third language is possible as it may have regard to the language of the organising country.
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 11
All FIG affiliated Federations will be invited to bid to host the World Gymnaestrada. This invitation
will be sent six years before the event.
The bidding Federations will receive a questionnaire outlining all the requirements, together with the
bid contract. A delegation (2 persons) from the FIG GfA C. will visit the bidding Federations proposed
host city for inspection.
All travel costs for these visits will be divided between the bidding Federations. The cost for the FIG
GfA C. delegations (single room, breakfast included) will be paid by the respective bidding FIG
affiliated Federation.
Per diem for the FIG GfA C. members shall be borne by the FIG.
The FIG GfA C. will present its conclusions and recommendations to the FIG Executive Committee
and Council. The bidding FIG affiliated Federations will also have the possibility to present their bid
at the appropriate FIG Council meeting. After these presentations the FIG Council will award the
host FIG affiliated Federation.
All extra services or benefits that the bidding FIG affiliated Federation promises at the time of its bid
or during the inspection visit, will be added into the contract that is signed by the host FIG affiliated
Federation and the FIG.
This contract is signed by both the President and Secretary General of both organisations.
World Gymnaestrada events shall include performances from the entire range of Gymnastics for All,
exclusive of competitions. The event programme shall include the following:
- Opening Ceremony
- Group Performances
- Large Group Performances
- National Performances
- FIG Gala
- Closing Ceremony
6.1 Opening Ceremony
Opening Ceremony, Dornbirn 2019
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 12
The ceremony takes place on the first day of the World Gymnaestrada.
The ceremony marks the beginning of a festive, cheerful World Gymnaestrada week and is attended
by all participants of all participating FIG affiliated Federations.
6.1.1 Venue
The ceremony can take place indoors or outdoors depending on local conditions.
An arena of approx. 7’000 (approx. 100m x 70m), which should have a spectator capacity of at
least 25’000 including all active participants.
6.1.2 Content and duration
The ceremony programme should last for no more than two (2) hours and should include the
following elements:
- The participants marching into the arena, each one led by their national flag. The marching
order is determined by the alphabetical order of the dominant language of the host country,
or English. Traditionally the host nation marches last
- The marching shall not exceed more than half of the time of the stipulated duration of the
- The LOC shall provide national flags and name boards of identical size. It is strictly
prohibited for participants to carry any other flags, banners or publicity material. Special
directives from the LOC will govern the marching and formations. These must have
particular regard to local circumstances especially in relation to the welfare of the
- The official FIG flag, brought in by the FIG GfA C., together with the World Gymnaestrada
flag and the National flag, both brought in by representatives of the LOC
- A FIG representative will give a welcome speech (maximum 3 minutes including translation)
- A representative of the host country will give a welcome speech including the official
opening declaration established by the FIG (maximum 3 minutes including translation)
- The FIG flag, followed by the World Gymnaestrada flag, will be raised, accompanied by the
official music/song of the World Gymnaestrada, composed/arranged by the LOC
- The flag of the host nation will then be raised, as the country’s national anthem plays
- Opening performance specially created for the event and under the leadership of the LOC.
Approval from the FIG GfA C. is required for the content and/or any modification to the above
ceremony elements
6.1.3 Working group, Opening Ceremony
The LOC appoints a working group responsible for coordinating the ceremony. The FIG GfA C.
designates one of its Committee members to be part of this working group. This member has to be
fully informed, in due time, about the idea, theme, content and management for the complete
6.1.4 Working group, tasks
The LOC working group has to prepare:
- A detailed time schedule for the whole ceremony (two hours maximum)
- A detailed security plan approved by the city authorities
- A detailed weather contingency plan (for outdoor event)
- A detailed transportation plan
- Gathering area and activities for the participants before they march in
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 13
- A detailed plan for participants marching in
- A detailed plan showing where in the arena the federations should be located after the
marching in
- A plan of how the participants, who for different reasons are not marching in, can join their
federation in the arena
- Technical equipment for sound and light
- Broadcast and translation of the speech by the FIG representative and the opening
declaration by the representative of the host country
- Procedures that will ensure protocols are respected concerning seating of VIP’s, official
persons and the raising of the FIG, World Gymnaestrada and National flags
- Medical services in all venues
- An Opening Performance specially designed for the ceremony
6.2 Group Performances
Group Performances are designed to show the diversity of Gymnastics for All and involve most of
the participants, both as performers and spectators.
Groups will comprise of no less than ten active performers with no maximum number being set.
Performances are presented three times indoors with a maximum of either 10- or 15-minutes
6.2.1 Venues
No less than eight performance areas located in sports or exhibition halls having a floor area of
approx. 400 (approx. 20m x 20m) and at least one of them of approx. 600m2 (approx. 30m x
Each of them must have sufficient technical possibilities for sound and lighting and a tiered seating
capacity of 1’000 spectators on grandstands.
Whenever two or more areas are located in the same hall, soundproof walls shall separate areas
optically and acoustically.
All performance areas must have a backdrop and be equipped with a sufficient floor suitable for
Group performance, Dornbirn 2019
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 14
6.2.2 Apparatus
The LOC must provide gymnastics apparatus and in the official bulletins describe what apparatus
will be available (brand, model and quantity).
The quantity will be based upon previous experience.
At the World Gymnaestrada only gymnastics apparatus approved by the FIG will be provided. If
apparatus not mentioned in the FIG certificated suppliers’ list is to be used, it must be of a high and
safe quality and approved before the event by the FIG GfA C.
If a FIG affiliated Federation brings their own apparatus, they must pay for any transportation and
possible import costs.
The LOC will provide sufficient storage facilities and if there are any costs related to this, they must
be paid by the respective FIG affiliated Federation.
Any advertising or manufacturer's name on these apparatuses must be covered if it conflicts with
LOC official supplier(s).
6.2.3 Working group, Group Performances
The LOC appoints a working group responsible for coordinating the Group Performances. The FIG
GfA C. designates one of its Committee members to be part of this working group. This member has
to be fully informed, in due time, about the idea, theme, content and management for the Group
6.2.4 Working group, Tasks
The LOC working group has to prepare:
- Venues (floors, grandstands and technical equipment, etc)
- A detailed security plan approved by the city authorities
- Gymnastics apparatus to be available for use in the different halls.
- Medical services in all venues
- Information to the FIG affiliated Federations, before the Provisional Registration, about:
o Performance area dimensions
o Floor construction and surface material data
o Grandstand arrangement
o Entry and exit routes to and from the performance area
o Waiting areas for performers
o Apparatus available
o Technical features.
Every Federation will receive a draft schedule of their own performances and the allocations at least
two months before the World Gymnaestrada.
6.3 Large Group Performances
Large Groups will comprise of no less than 200 active performers. Performances will be presented
three times.
Two or more participating FIG affiliated Federations may join together to form one Large Group.
A Large Group Performance will be a maximum of 15 minutes.
6.3.1 Venue
The arena can be indoors or outdoors depending on local conditions and should be approx. 7’000
m² (approx. 100m x 70m) with ground markers at 2 metre intervals.
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 15
The arena must have sufficient technical possibilities for sound and lighting and a capacity of 4’000
spectators on grandstands.
The arena should preferably be walking distance from the other performance areas so that
participants and spectators can easily attend.
The same venue as the Opening Ceremony can be used depending on local facilities.
Large Group performance, Dornbirn 2019
6.3.2 Apparatus
The LOC must provide gymnastics apparatus and in the official bulletins describe what apparatus
will be available (brand, model and quantity).
The quantity will be based upon previous experience.
At the World Gymnaestrada only gymnastics apparatus approved by the FIG will be provided. If
apparatus not mentioned in the FIG certificated suppliers’ list is to be used, it must be of a high and
safe quality and approved before the event by the FIG GfA C.
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 16
If a FIG affiliated Federation brings their own apparatus, they must pay for any transportation and
possible import costs.
The LOC will provide sufficient storage facilities and if there are any costs related to this, they must
be paid by the respective FIG affiliated Federation.
Any advertising or manufacturer's name on these apparatuses must be covered if it conflicts with
LOC official supplier(s).
6.3.3 Working groups, Large Group Performances
The LOC appoints a working group responsible for coordinating the Large Group Performances. The
FIG GfA C. designates one of their committee members to be part of this working group. This
member has to be fully informed, in due time, about the idea, theme, content and management of
the Large Group Performances.
6.3.4 Working group, Tasks
The LOC working group has to prepare:
- Venue (field, grandstands and technical equipment, etc)
- A detailed security plan approved by the city authorities
- Gymnastics apparatus to be available for use on the field
- Medical services in all venues
- Information to the FIG affiliated Federations, before the Provisional Registration, about:
o Performance area dimensions
o Type of surface
o Markings
o Grandstand arrangement
o Entry and exit routes to and from the performance area
o Waiting areas for performers
o Apparatus available
o Technical features.
Every Federation will receive a draft schedule of their own performances at least two months before
the World Gymnaestrada.
6.4 National Performances
An FIG affiliated Federation can apply to stage a National Performance. If approved by the FIG GfA
C., that FIG affiliated Federation can present its Gymnastics for All Performance.
These events are designed to give participating FIG affiliated Federations an opportunity to present
the range of Gymnastics for All activities, blended with folklore and characteristics, applicable to their
national culture. Two or more FIG affiliated Federations may join together to present a single National
Performance. A National Performance should be a maximum of 1 ½ hours.
A special agreement will be established between the LOC and the FIG affiliated Federation(s)
staging a National Performance.
In case of more than one FIG affiliated Federations taking part in a single National Performance, one
has to be appointed as the main federation responsible for this Performance and to sign the
This should include:
- Ticket prices and revenue from the ticket sales
- Free tickets, including VIP seating allocations
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 17
- Location, including equipment (apparatus and technical)
- Advertising and promotion
- Rehearsal and performance schedule
After the FIG and LOC’s confirmation of participation, and before the Provisional Registration, the
agreement has to be signed by oth parties.
National Performance, Dornbirn 2019
6.4.1 Venue
The National Performances will take place in an indoor arena of approx. 800 (approx. 40m x
Depending upon the request, a second indoor arena of the same or different size might be needed.
Both arenas must have sufficient technical resources for sound and lighting and a capacity for at
least 4’000 spectators on grandstands. The second arena may have less capacity for spectators on
The arenas should preferably be walking distance from the other performance areas so that
participants and spectators can easily attend.
6.4.2 Apparatus
The LOC must provide gymnastics apparatus and in the official bulletins describe what apparatus
will be available (brand, model and quantity).
The quantity will be based upon previous experience.
At the World Gymnaestrada only gymnastics apparatus approved by the FIG will be provided. If
apparatus not mentioned in the FIG certificated suppliers’ list is to be used, it must be of a high and
safe quality and approved before the event by the FIG GfA C.
If an FIG affiliated Federation brings their own apparatus, they must pay for any transportation and
possible import costs.
The LOC will provide sufficient storage facilities and if there are any costs related to this, they must
be paid by the respective FIG affiliated Federation.
Any advertising or manufacturer's name on these apparatuses must be covered if it conflicts with
LOC official supplier(s).
6.4.3 Working group, National Performances
The LOC appoints a working group responsible for coordinating the National Performances. The FIG
GfA C. designates one of their Committee members to be part of this working group. This member
has to be fully informed, in due time, about the organisation of the National performances.
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 18
6.4.4 Working group, Tasks
The LOC working group has to prepare:
- Venues (arena, grandstands and technical equipment, etc)
- A detailed security plan approved by the city authorities
- Gymnastics apparatus to be available for use in the arena
- Medical services in all venues
- Information to the FIG affiliated Federations, before the Provisional Registration, about:
o The halls allocated for the performance
o Performance area dimensions.
o Floor construction and surface material data
o Entry and exit routes to and from the performance area
o Grandstand arrangement
o Waiting areas for performers
o Apparatus available
o Technical features.
Every Federation will receive a schedule of their own performances before the Provisional
6.5 FIG Gala
This is an event in which the FIG presents the diversity of Gymnastics for All and its interpretation
by the FIG.
The FIG Gala is designed with selected groups from different FIG affiliated Federations and should
be a maximum of 1 ½ hours.
6.5.1 Choreographer
2 ½ years prior to the World Gymnaestrada, the FIG Gala Choreographer is proposed by the LOC
and appointed by the FIG GfA C.
The FIG GfA C. designates one of its Committee members to work together with the appointed FIG
The Choreographer, together with the FIG GfA C. representative, is responsible for the idea, theme,
concept and management of the FIG Gala and will select the participating groups at least 14 months
prior to the World Gymnaestrada. The Choreographer may be supported by assistants to coordinate
the FIG Gala.
6.5.2 Venue
The FIG Gala should be shown in an indoor arena of approx. 800 m² (approx. 40m x 20m).
The arena must have sufficient technical resources for sound and lighting and a capacity for at least
4’000 spectators on grandstands.
The arena should preferably be walking distance from the other performance areas so that
participants and spectators can easily attend.
The same venue as National Performances can be used depending on local facilities.
6.5.3 Apparatus
The LOC must provide gymnastics apparatus and in the official bulletins describe what apparatus
will be available (brand, model and quantity).
The quantity will be based upon previous experience.
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 19
At the World Gymnaestrada only gymnastics apparatus approved by the FIG will be provided. If
apparatus not mentioned in the FIG certificated suppliers’ list is to be used, it must be of a high and
safe quality and approved before the event by the FIG GfA C.
If an FIG affiliated Federation brings their own apparatus, they must pay for any transportation and
possible import costs.
The LOC will provide sufficient storage facilities and if there are any costs related to this, they must
be paid by the respective FIG affiliated Federation.
Any advertising or manufacturer's name on these apparatuses must be covered if it conflicts with
LOC official supplier(s).
6.5.4 Working group, FIG Gala
In addition to the Choreographer and the designated FIG GfA C. members, the LOC may appoint a
working group to assist with the coordination of the FIG Gala.
6.5.5 Working group, Tasks
The LOC working group has to prepare:
- Venue (arena, grandstands and technical equipment, etc)
- A detailed security plan approved by the city authorities
- Gymnastics apparatus to be available for use in the arena.
- Medical services in all venues
- Information to the participating FIG affiliated Federations, before the Provisional
Registration, about:
o The hall allocated for the FIG Gala
o Performance area dimensions
o Floor construction and surface material data
o Entry and exit routes to and from the performance area
o Grandstand arrangement
o Waiting areas for performers
o Apparatus available
o Technical features
FIG Gala, Dornbirn 2019
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 20
FIG Gala, Dornbirn 2019
6.6 Closing Ceremony
The ceremony takes place in the afternoon of the last day of the World Gymnaestrada and marks
the ending of a festive, cheerful week. The ceremony is attended by all participants of all participating
FIG affiliated Federations.
6.6.1 Venue
The ceremony can take place indoors or outdoors depending on local conditions.
An arena of approx. 7’000 (approx. 100m x 70m), which should have a spectator capacity of at
least 25’000 including all active participants.
6.6.2 Content and duration
The ceremony programme should last for no more than 1 ½ hours and should include the following
- Performances by Large Groups specially appointed for this event. Other performances may
also be included. The FIG GfA C in agreement with the LOC will determine the definitive
- Closing speech by the President of the Organising FIG affiliated Federation or the LOC
(maximum 3 minutes including translation)
- Closing speech by the FIG representative (maximum 3 minutes including translation)
- Lowering of the National flag to musical accompaniment
- Lowering of the FIG and World Gymnaestrada flags to musical accompaniment
- A welcome performance by the FIG affiliated Federation that has been awarded the next
World Gymnaestrada. This performance should not be longer than 10 minutes and should
be included in the total ceremony time of 1 ½ hours
Any modification of the above programme requires the approval of the FIG GfA C.
6.6.3 Working group, Closing Ceremony
The LOC appoints a working group responsible for coordinating the Closing Ceremony. The FIG GfA
C. designates one of its Committee members to be part of this working group. This member has to
be fully informed, in due time, about the idea, content and management for the complete Closing
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 21
6.6.4 Working group, Tasks
The LOC working group has to prepare:
- A detailed time schedule for the whole event (1 ½ hours maximum)
- A detailed security plan approved by the city authorities
- A detailed weather contingency plan (for outdoor event)
- A detailed transportation plan
- A detailed plan showing where in the arena the federations should be placed
- Sound system and translation of the speeches by the LOC/hosting Federation and the FIG
- Procedures that will ensure protocols are respected concerning seating of VIP’s, official
persons lowering of the flags, as well as the handing over of the FIG flag to the next LOC
of the World Gymnaestrada
- Medical services in all venues
- A Closing Performance by Large Groups specially appointed for this event ending with the
welcome performance from the FIG affiliated Federation being the next organiser of the
World Gymnaestrada.
6.7 Side Events and Leisure Activities
Special side events and leisure activities can be organised for the participants and could include any
of the following:
- City festival
- Stage productions
- Concerts
- Exhibitions
- Visit to amusement park, zoo, botanical garden, museum, swimming pool etc.
- Sightseeing (before, during or after the event).
These activities may be coordinated directly by the LOC or assigned to an official partner.
The cost for this is not included in the Participants card.
City performance, Helsinki 2015
6.8 Complementary Events added to the Scope and Programme
Complementary events may be included as long as they do not add any days to the event or include
any elements of competition. Any events also require the approval of the FIG GfA C. via consultative
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 22
process. The purpose, content and funding for any such proposal should be agreed between the
LOC and the FIG GfA C., prior to any promotion, announcement or implementation.
7.1 General
Participation in the World Gymnaestrada is for everybody, regardless of gender, age, race, religion,
culture, ability or social standing
Registrations must be made by the FIG affiliated Federation through the dedicated registration
system and will not, in any circumstance, be accepted unless coming through the FIG affiliated
7.2 Responsibility and Supervision
There are no age restrictions for participation in the World Gymnaestrada. However, each FIG
affiliated Federation, with its Head of Delegation (HoD) is fully responsible for the supervision and
welfare of all participants for the entire duration of the event.
The LOC must be aware that participants with disabilities may require a higher degree of assistance.
The LOC must clearly and in due time inform the participating FIG affiliated federations about
national laws and regulation that may affect the participants and this must be respected.
7.3 Participation Possibilities
The following participation possibilities will apply:
Programme Item
Maximum Duration
Maximum Number of Performance Units
per FIG affiliated Federation
Opening Ceremony
2 hours
Not applicable
Group Performances
10 or 15 minutes
15 units
Large Group Performances
15 minutes
4 units
National Performances
1 ½ hours maximum
Not applicable
FIG Gala
1 ½ hours maximum
Not applicable
Closing Ceremony
1 ½ hours
Not applicable
The LOC, in agreement with the FIG GfA C., may admit additional groups depending on the total
number of applications received.
Each FIG affiliated Federation will decide the performance duration, either 10 or 15 minutes, for each
of their Group Performances. This information will be confirmed at the time of registration to the LOC
via the online registration.
7.4 Registration Procedure
The registration will be done via the dedicated on-line platform. The invitation, the forms and the
Bulletins will be on both the FIG Intranet platform as well as the LOC Intranet page. Only FIG affiliated
Federations have access to this information.
The following is an overview of the registration procedure.
7.4.1 Invitation
Three years prior to the World Gymnaestrada, the FIG and LOC will jointly invite the FIG affiliated
Federations to participate. Two months later, the FIG affiliated Federations should receive the first
Bulletin with local information, an outline of the costs and an overview of the proposed programme
of the event.
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 23
7.4.2 Notification of interest and Registration for the FIG Gala
Two years prior to the World Gymnaestrada, the FIG affiliated Federations must inform the FIG and
the LOC of their interest in participating in the World Gymnaestrada. At the same time FIG affiliated
Federations must apply to participate in the FIG Gala.
7.4.3 Notification of participants
years prior to the World Gymnaestrada, notification of the expected number of participants and
units for Group Performances and Large Group performances must be done.
At the same time FIG affiliated Federations must apply for a National Performance, if relevant.
7.4.4 Confirmation
Before the Provisional Registration the LOC, in agreement with the FIG GfA C., should inform the
FIG affiliated Federations about the following:
- Number of Group Performance and Large Group Performance units
- Groups admitted to the FIG Gala
- Approval of a National Performance
7.4.5 Provisional Registration
One year prior to the World Gymnaestrada, the Provisional Registration must be submitted to the
FIG and the LOC and include:
- Total number of participants
- Number and information about participants with special needs
- Group Performances: number of required units, expected number of active participants per
unit and length of the performances (10 or 15 minutes)
- Large Group performances: number of required units, expected number of active
participants per unit (minimum requirement 200 active participants)
- National Performances
7.4.6 Definitive Registration
Six months prior to the World Gymnaestrada, the Definitive Registration must be sent to the FIG and
the LOC. The official form must be used.
Together with the Definitive Registration the FIG affiliated Federations must pay a deposit of 50% of
the cost for the participant cards to the LOC.
Two months prior to the World Gymnaestrada the final payment is to be made. This should be
according to the actual number of participants. All deposits made will be taken into account in this
If the actual number of participants is reduced by more than 10% below the number of Definitive
Registrations, 90% of the number of Definitive Registrations will be taken into consideration for
payment purposes.
Accommodation, meals, tickets etc. should also be paid in full no later than two months prior to the
World Gymnaestrada.
If a Definitive Registration entry is cancelled two months or more before the World Gymnaestrada,
50% of the deposit shall be reimbursed. If the cancellation is less than two months before, there shall
be no reimbursement.
By accepting payment for the participant cards, the LOC is responsible for delivering what is
promised. Any claims from an FIG affiliated Federations must be forwarded to the LOC and copied
to the FIG.
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 24
Every Federation will receive a draft schedule of their own performances at least two months before
the World Gymnaestrada. The published version of the Participant Guide, with the overall schedule
will be issued to the Head of Delegation at the time of accreditation.
The participant guide can be in printed or digital version.
8.1 Overall Timetable and Scheduling
The timetable for each World Gymnaestrada will be drafted by the LOC in consultation with the FIG
GfA C. in accordance with the following rules:
- The duration of the World Gymnaestrada is seven days
- There should be no events belonging to the official programme of a World Gymnaestrada
that precede the Opening Ceremony
- Overlapping of National Performances with Group Performances and/or Large Group
performances should be avoided as far as possible. The National Performances can be
shown more than once
- On the evening of the second last day of the World Gymnaestrada the FIG Gala shall be
shown. No other National Performance or other performances should be scheduled at the
same time. The FIG Gala can be shown more than once.
This is an example taken from the 2019 edition.
The LOC is responsible for the whole event schedule and the drawing-up of the various
performances times and location.
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 25
8.2 Scheduling Group Performances and Large Group Performances
Group Performances and Large Group performances will be shown three times. Overlapping of
Group Performances and Large Group performances should be avoided as far as possible.
The LOC has the following financial obligations:
9.1 All expenditures
The LOC is responsible for all financial undertakings and the full underwriting of all expenditure
involved in the organisation and staging of the World Gymnaestrada.
9.2 Budget
The LOC is responsible for developing a budget three years prior to the World Gymnaestrada. This
must include the price for the participant card, accommodation, breakfast, and meals and local
transportation and should be submitted to the FIG GfA C.
years prior to the event, the LOC has the opportunity to submit a revised budget.
For the National Performances a separate agreement must be made between the LOC and each
FIG affiliated Federation staging a National Performance. This should be done no later than one year
prior to the World Gymnaestrada. The agreement must be approved by the FIG before being sent to
the FIG affiliated Federation.
For the FIG Gala a separate budget must be made. Ticket sales, less any government taxes, will
equal the net ticket sales income. The final figure for the net ticket sales income should be
apportioned as 60% to the LOC (to cover hall, staff and organisation costs) and 40% to the FIG
(towards the planning and implementation of the FIG Gala).
This budget must be kept updated between the LOC, the designated FIG GfA C. member and the
FIG office and all parties must be regularly informed of any changes/new items to be included in this
9.3 Participant Card
The LOC is responsible for distributing a participant card to each participant in the World
Gymnaestrada. This card provides free entry to all events during the World Gymnaestrada week with
the exception of National Performances and the FIG Gala.
The price of the participant card, after consultation between the LOC and the FIG GfA C., is stipulated
in the contract signed between the FIG and the organising FIG affiliated Federation. The price also
includes the participant guide (printed or digital version) and the transportation during the World
Gymnaestrada week.
The participant card at the World Gymnaestrada is the same as the accreditation Card at other FIG
events and follows the FIG Accreditation rules.
Participants are as described in the FIG Accreditation rules.
9.4 Ticket prices
The LOC shall determine the entry price for all the events based on their knowledge of the local
market and in consultation with the FIG GfA C.
The prices must be confirmed 1½ years prior to the World Gymnaestrada.
9.5 Accommodation and meal costs
The LOC is responsible for providing accommodation and meals for the participants at reasonable
prices to be paid by the participants, in addition to the participant card. These fees may be advised
at the point of bidding for the right to host the event.
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 26
LOC in consultation with the FIG GfA C. will decide the price of accommodation and meals.
9.6 Local transportation service
The LOC is responsible for all the local transport service arrangements within the whole area.
The cost of this service is included in the cost of the participant card.
Arrival/departure transportation is not to be included in this service.
9.7 Joint meetings with the FIG GfA Committee
The LOC is responsible for the organisation and total cost for three preparatory meetings, between
the LOC and the FIG GfA C.
The LOC must pay the FIG GfA C. members travelling expenses, accommodation (single room
including breakfast) for a minimum of three nights per meeting and FIG shall bear the per diem rate.
9.8 Working group meetings
For any other working group meeting the cost for the FIG GfA C. members will be split between the
LOC and the FIG. (LOC pays accommodation (single room including breakfast) and FIG shall bear
the travel expenses and per diem rate).
All decisions about FIG GfA C. member participation in working group meetings are made by the
President of the FIG GfA C. and based on the approved budget for this event.
9.9 FIG Authorities cost during the event
The LOC must pay the travelling expenses, hotel cost (single room with breakfast) for members of
the FIG authorities (President, Secretary General and members of FIG GfA C.) as well as providing
a free transport service for them during the whole stay at the World Gymnaestrada.
Cost of travel is subject to negotiation between the LOC and FIG.
The members of the FIG GfA C. will arrive at least three days prior to the event and the cost for that
must be covered by the LOC. This will also extend to any Committee members staying no more than
one day after the Closing Ceremony.
The LOC must organise dedicated free arrival/departure transportation for all FIG accredited persons
working for the event. For any other FIG person a fee may be applied.
Dedicated seating must also be granted to any FIG accredited person.
Detailed information can be found in the FIG Accreditation Rules regarding the various rights and
access zones for all FIG persons.
9.10 Fees to the FIG
The LOC will pay the following fees to the FIG:
- A percentage of the gross revenue from ticket sales
- A percentage of the net revenue from the FIG Gala ticket sales
- 12 % of the cost effectively paid by each participant (Participation Card)
The percentages, not shown above are to be found in the contract signed by the FIG and the hosting
FIG affiliated Federation awarded the World Gymnaestrada.
9.11 Final Account
At the latest four months after the World Gymnaestrada the LOC should submit a final general
account to the FIG, together with a final report.
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 27
Everyone officially involved in the World Gymnaestrada must have an accreditation.
For participants this is the participant card. Other people (LOC, FIG, VIP’s and other guests) will
receive an accreditation card.
This accreditation card includes the same rights and responsibilities as the participant card and
additional possibilities. The LOC is responsible for preparing and providing the accreditation
according the FIG Accreditation Rules.
At the time of the accreditation, the Head of Delegation (HoD) is responsible for:
- Making sure that all financial obligations toward the LOC are settled
- Confirm by signing that the all delegation has a valid insurance including illness, accident
and repatriation for the all period of the event
- Verifying the participant cards, accommodation, meal, tickets and other service
- Checking and confirming the transfer on departure day
Media representatives will be accredited via the FIG Media department.
11.1 Provided by the LOC
To all official performances during the event the LOC must provide gymnastics apparatus and in the
official bulletins describe what apparatus will be available (brand, model and quantity).
The quantity will be based upon previous experience.
At the World Gymnaestrada only gymnastics apparatus approved by the FIG will be provided. If
apparatus not mentioned in the FIG certificated suppliers’ list is to be used, it must be of a high and
safe quality and approved before the event by the FIG GfA C.
11.2 Not provided by the LOC
If an FIG affiliated Federation brings their own apparatus, they must pay for any transportation and
possible import costs.
The LOC will provide sufficient storage facilities and if there are any costs related to this, they must
be paid by the respective FIG affiliated Federation.
Any advertising or manufacturer's name on these apparatuses must be covered if it conflicts with
LOC official supplier(s).
12.1 Accommodation
Accommodation will mainly be in class rooms at schools, or similar, equipped with appropriate
sanitary facilities. The LOC may, as an optional service, refer participants to different types of
accommodation such as hotels, youth hostels, youth guest houses, private quarters, or camping
If other locations than class rooms in the school are to be used for accommodation, this must first
be approved by the FIG GfA C.
12.1.1 Location
A maximum of 30 minutes walking distance or a maximum of 30 minutes travel by public transport.
If this is not feasible a shuttle service must be organised.
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 28
12.1.2 Cost
The cost for accommodation is not included in the participant card. Breakfast is included in the
accommodation cost.
12.1.3 Capacity per classroom
One classroom (70m2) is for approximately 12 persons (approximately 6m2 per person). Participants
will be assigned to their accommodation in classrooms by their delegation managers.
12.1.4 Sanitary facilities, minimum requirements
- 1 shower per 12 persons.
- 1 washbasin per 6 persons.
- 1 toilet (seat type) per 12 persons.
If the requirements are not met within the accommodation, portable alternatives must be placed in
the immediate surroundings of the accommodation and within short walking distance.
12.1.5 Sleeping supplies and services
The LOC may, as a discretionary service, supply bedding, air mattresses, and blankets for sale or
for rent.
All schools should include:
- Meeting rooms (e.g for delegation managers)
- Catering facilities (drinks and snacks).
- Guards and security personnel (round-the-clock-service).
- First-aid service.
- Daily cleaning.
- Daily waste collection
- Emergency repair services for sanitary facilities
The LOC may also, as a discretionary service, provide access to internet services at affordable rates.
12.1.6 Allocation of schools
As soon as possible, but no later than, eight months before the World Gymnaestrada, the LOC
should inform participating FIG affiliated Federations about the preliminary decision concerning the
schools allocated to them and the capacity of the school. The final allocation is done after the
Definitive Registration.
Training facilities: If possible, the LOC should provide the participating FIG affiliated Federations with
extra training facilities at the schools.
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 29
12.2 Catering
Catering place, Dornbirn 2019
The area for catering should be an indoor facility, which has the capacity to cater for a large number
of participants at the same time. Consideration must be given to efficient serving and the flow of
participants entering and exiting the area whilst also providing a relaxed and friendly atmosphere
where participants can enjoy their meal.
12.2.1 Cost
The cost for breakfast is included in the accommodation cost. The cost for a hot meal is not included
in the participant card or the accommodation cost.
12.2.2 Breakfast
Breakfast should be served in the accommodation or close to the accommodation.
Minimum to be provided: Two drinks (one cold and one hot) bread, butter, jam, sliced cheese and
The breakfast has to be brought to the participants fresh every morning.
12.2.3 Hot meal
At least one hot meal is served every day, within the catering area.
Every day, at least two different menus must be provided of which one should be vegetarian. It must
be a complete hot meal with potatoes, rice or pasta together with meat or fish and vegetables.
Daily menus have to be different every day to ensure variety. Water must be served with all meals
and should be included in the cost.
Beverage costs: non-alcoholic beverages should be sold at a lower price than alcoholic drinks.
12.3 Transportation
During the World Gymnaestrada the different transportation needs are of vital importance and the
participants must have access to adequate local transportation within the whole area.
Transportation must be available from the accommodations to all the venues and back again.
Transportation between the different venues must also be available.
The LOC is only obligated to provide transportation from accommodations provided by the LOC.
Transportation has to be estimated for the number of participants and has to be operated in a safe
12.3.1 Cost
The cost for local transportation is included in the participant card.
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 30
12.3.2 Transportation from and to arrival locations
For the transfer between the arrival locations (e.g: airport, trains stations) and the accommodation
(e.g: schools), the LOC may organise special transportation with e.g. busses. The cost for this
service will be announced in the Bulletin.
12.4 Working group, Logistics
The LOC appoints a working group responsible for coordinating the accommodations, catering and
transportation. The FIG GfA C. designates one of its Committee members to be part of the working
group. This member has to be fully informed in due time, about the ideas, content and management
for all logistical areas.
12.5 Working group, Task
The LOC working group has to prepare:
- A detailed plan for accommodation, catering and transportation
Map of the transportation zones, Dornbirn 2019
13.1 Medical Organisation
FIG Medical rules, “Medical organisation of the FIG competitions” applies but only the section related
to Gymnastics for All.
13.1.1 Chief Medical Officer
The LOC nominates the Chief Medical Officer. This person is responsible for following all FIG rules
in this area.
13.1.2 Safeguarding and protecting participants in gymnastics
From the official date of arrival until the official day of departure of the event, participants have the
opportunity to contact by phone or email a Safeguarding Officer in case of harassment or abuse of
any type or if they are worried or do not feel comfortable.
13.2 Insurance
13.2.1 Participating FIG affiliated Federations
Participating FIG affiliated Federations must provide insurance coverage for all members of their
delegation. The insurance must cover illness, accident and repatriation costs during the entire stay
at the World Gymnaestrada. The insurance can be organised by the FIG affiliated Federations own
insurance company or bought in advance or upon arrival through the LOC.
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 31
A participant without insurance will not receive a participant card and will not, therefore, be allowed
to participate in the World Gymnaestrada.
13.2.2 LOC
For participants without insurance the LOC must offer insurance coverage for the event in advance
or upon arrival. The cost of this insurance coverage must be paid by the participant.
The LOC will produce a document which every federation will have to confirm by signing, via its HoD,
that all its delegation members have a valid insurance including illness, accident and repatriation for
the all period of the event.
The LOC must take out its own civil liability insurance.
13.3 Security
The LOC is responsible for security and must provide a security plan that will be reviewed by the
FIG GfA C. three months prior to the World Gymnaestrada. The LOC is responsible for providing a
well-functioning security service for all participants, officials and dignitaries for the duration of the
14.1 Meeting Points and Stands
During the World Gymnaestrada the participants need different meeting points such as FIG affiliated
Federation Information Stands, exhibitions, and rest areas.
Commercial stands can also be present but should not interfere with the aim of the meeting points,
which is to meet up and share information.
There need to be an area set aside for children and young people where they can relax away from
the performance area. The relaxation area should have rest facilities, but also give participants the
opportunity to enjoy play and leisure activities. It would also be beneficial to have some instructor-
led activities to encourage further participant interaction. These rest and relaxation areas should
ideally be located close to the main hall.
14.2 Offices and other meeting rooms
In addition to all other venues, halls and arenas meeting rooms needed for the event, the LOC has
to provide the following offices and meeting rooms for the FIG:
- Office and meeting room for the FIG GfA C
- Office for the President of the FIG GfA C
- Office for the FIG Media department
- Office for the FIG Secretariat department
- Office for the FIG President
- Office for the FIG Secretary General
- Office for the FIG TV Production
If the FIG Executive Committee is meeting during the World Gymnaestrada the LOC has to provide
this meeting room
The details and content for all those rooms and offices are described in the contract signed between
FIG and the hosting FIG affiliated Federation.
14.3 VIP
Rules concerning VIP accreditation can be found in the FIG Accreditation Rules.
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 32
14.3.1 Location/seating Performance area
The final location of the VIP seating areas has to be approved by the FIG GfA C.
For National Performances, VIP seating is also provided for the FIG affiliated Federation(s) staging
the performance and the amount of seating is described in the contract between the LOC and the
hosting FIG affiliated Federation.
For the Opening and Closing Ceremonies, National Performances and FIG Gala, the amount of VIP
seating for the FIG and the LOC is described in the contract between FIG and the hosting FIG
affiliated Federation.
14.3.2 VIP area
The LOC is responsible for organising a VIP area which is accessible for Head of Delegation (HoD),
FIG authorities and the LOC. A list of other guests with access to the VIP area will be created by the
LOC in cooperation with the FIG GfA C.
The aim with the VIP area is to give the possibility to meet in a quiet and closed off area.
14.3.3 VIP Catering
In the various VIP catering areas, meals may be served and they can be the same as the ones
served to the participants.
Other drinks (alcoholic and non) may be provided in the VIP areas.
Outside of meal times, drinks and snacks should be available in the VIP areas.
14.3.4 Costs
The general organisation and planning of the VIP areas is the responsibility of the LOC.
Access rights to the VIP areas are described in the current valid FIG Accreditation Rules.
The LOC may, for any other person not mentioned in the FIG Accreditation Rules, charge an
additional amount, to be approved by the FIG GfA C. for this extra VIP access.
14.4 Special Assistance
The World Gymnaestrada is an event open to all ages and abilities and special needs may require
a higher degree of assistance.
The FIG affiliated Federations must take full responsibility for their participants during the whole
event and ensure that the LOC is informed about special assistance needed.
The LOC is responsible for the five (5) Information Bulletins that are sent to the FIG affiliated
Federations. The timetable for distribution is decided by the FIG GfA C. and they must approve the
content of each Bulletin before distribution.
The Bulletins will be published on both the LOC and the FIG platforms.
A Federation version of the bulletin including all financial aspect of the World Gymnaestrada will be
published on both the FIG Intranet platform as well as the LOC intranet page.
For the public websites, the LOC can produce the same bulletin but without any financial information
The LOC is also responsible for the participant guide (printed or digital version), which all participants
receive together with their participant card. The following should be included in the Participant Guide:
- Welcome word from the FIG, the LOC and local authorities
- Overall performance schedules
- Chronological performance schedule
- Performance schedule organised by venues
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 33
- Presentation of the LOC and FIG GfA C
- Participating nations
- Information about the venue. Opening Ceremony, Group and Large Group Performances,
National Performances, Gala and the Closing Ceremony
- Information about Security, Safeguarding, Transportation, Catering, Accommodation and
Medical Services
- City map with the venues located
- Other practical information.
All participants should receive the Official Guide (printed or digital) together with their participant card
from their Head of Delegation (HoD).
The FIG GfA C., together with the LOC, will stage at least two official Information meetings on site
in the years leading up to the World Gymnaestrada. All FIG affiliated Federations will be invited. The
dates and organisational details for these meetings will be determined by the FIG GfA C. in
consultation with the LOC. Details will be communicated to all FIG affiliated Federations according
to the agreed organisational schedule.
For all matters pertaining to the planning and implementation of the World Gymnaestrada, the
responsibility rests with the LOC, taking into account the World Gymnaestrada Regulation and the
contract between the FIG and the hosting FIG affiliated Federation.
Matters for which mutual agreement has to be reached between the FIG GfA C. and the LOC
according to the World Gymnaestrada Regulation should be discussed and adjudicated upon in joint
meetings of the FIG GfA C. and the LOC. All decisions have to be confirmed in writing.
The responsibility for the World Gymnaestrada rests with the FIG GfA C. in collaboration with the
Organising FIG affiliated Federation and their appointed LOC.
18.1 Cooperation between the next LOC and the current LOC
After being awarded as FIG hosting affiliated Federation for the next World Gymnaestrada, this LOC
may participate, at its own cost (refer to FIG Accreditation rules), with an Observation group at the
current World Gymnaestrada. Dedicated accreditations will be provided to such a delegation
approved by the FIG GfA C. and the current LOC.
To learn from the previous organiser, this LOC will also participate, in the Evaluation meeting held
in November, the same year as the current World Gymnaestrada.
The LOC of the current event will have to produce reports about the planning, organisation and
staging of their event these reports should to include financial activities.
Evaluations and reports will be presented, discussed and handed over to the new LOC.
The FIG will bear the costs related to airfares in economy class and accommodation in single rooms
including breakfast with a maximum of 2 key members responsible for functional areas.
By tradition at Gymnastics for All events, the current LOC invites two people from the previous World
Gymnaestrada to attend as VIP guests at their event. All costs, exclusive of travel expenses, are
paid by the current LOC.
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 34
18.2 Cooperation between the FIG GfA Committee and LOC
The LOC must work in complete cooperation with the FIG GfA C. and in accordance with these
The FIG GfA C. has a supporting function, in addition to the responsibility for controlling and
monitoring that everything is performed according to the regulation and to the FIG Rules and
Regulation in force.
Both the FIG Organising affiliated Federation, with its LOC, and the FIG have to follow the contract
made for this event.
To ensure a continuous cooperation between the LOC and the FIG GfA C., members of the FIG GfA
C. must be included in some of the working groups formed by the LOC.
Joint Meetings (3) should be organised by the LOC to ensure the correct planning of the event. The
LOC has to pay international as well as local transportation and accommodation (single room
including breakfast) for these meetings. The FIG shall bear the per diem rate.
For any other working group meeting the cost for the FIG GfA C. members will be split between the
LOC and the FIG. (LOC pays accommodation (single room including breakfast) and FIG shall bear
the travel expenses and per diem rate).
All decisions about FIG GfA C. member participation in working group meetings are made by the
President of the FIG GfA C. and based on the approved budget for this event.
During the World Gymnaestrada period, the LOC has to set up a communication system by radio or
mobile phone for the LOC and the FIG. The details for this are described in the contract signed by
the FIG and FIG Organising affiliated Federation.
19.1 Obligations, responsibilities and powers of the FIG GfA Committee:
- Responsibility with regard to the implementation of the World Gymnaestrada Regulation
- The right to consider and decide on special cases concerning participation and organisation
- Full access to all registered information provided in the registration system
- To be consulted with regard to all official publications (such as bulletins, timetables and
schedules but not limited to) and to confirm the final versions
- The task to be in different working groups
- The right to be consulted with regard to the drafting of the financial schedule and the right
to be consulted in the preparation and control of the budget
- The right to confirm the price and procedure for tickets
- Draft and validate the terms of the contracts regarding the National Performances between
the LOC and the FIG affiliated Federation
- Responsible for conducting the Head of Delegation (HoD) meetings during the event
- Responsible for the evaluation made by the Head of Delegation (HoD), Group Leaders and
the final evaluation between the FIG and the two LOC’s (current and next).
- Responsible for the invitation to the Evaluation meeting organised after and in the same
year as the event as well as being responsible for conducting the meeting.
The LOC of World Gymnaestrada being evaluated and the LOC of the next World Gymnaestrada
are invited to meet with the FIG GfA C.
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 35
19.2 Obligations, responsibilities and powers of the LOC:
Compliance with the FIG rules and regulation in force together with the signed contract.
- Production of an organisation chart in agreement with the FIG GfA C
- Responsibility for production, publication and distribution of the official information (such as
bulletin but not limited to) to the FIG affiliated Federations on an agreed schedule
- Take into account that some financial information is only for the FIG affiliated Federations
and therefore may not be published on the internet but on secured website.
- Receive and to deal with registrations
- Responsible for producing the timetable and scheduling
- Responsible for the promotional plan which is to publicise the event across all media. This
plan should be agreed in advance by the FIG GfA C
- Responsible for providing all necessary facilities and installations required for the event,
based upon previous experience
- After having consulted the FIG GfA C. provide sufficient, safe and high-quality gymnastics
apparatus for the event
- Provide sufficient storage facilities and if there are any costs related to this, they must be
paid by the respective FIG affiliated Federation
- Have enough trained volunteers to fulfil the various tasks and duties
- Responsible for the design of a graphic symbol (logo) and a flag for the World Gymnaestrada.
The FIG logo must be included in the event’s logo. This logo and flag must be approved by
the FIG in advance and should be registered legally to protect the copyright and intellectual
property rights of the LOC. The participating FIG affiliated Federations have the right to use
the logo in their promotional work and also on material they produce for their participants
- In case of any commercial use of this logo, the FIG affiliated Federation must make the
necessary approval request in order to receive (possible) permission from the LOC
- Responsible for the composition or arrangement of the official music/song of the World
- Responsible for all logistical arrangements including transportation, accommodation and
catering which requires approval by the FIG GfA C. The LOC must also consider participants
with special needs
- Set up first aid and medical emergency services. The insurance of participants for medical
treatment and, if necessary, any hospital stay is the responsibility of the participating FIG
affiliated Federation
- Responsible for security and has to deliver a security plan which will be reviewed 3 months
prior to the World Gymnaestrada to assess current risks and world environments.
Responsible for setting up a well-functioning security plan for all participants, officials and
dignitaries for the duration of the event
- Responsible for the production of the participant guide (printed or digital version), which is to
be available for all participants together with their participant card, via their Head of
Delegation (HoD) at the time of Accreditation and once all accounts are finalised
- Produce a suitable souvenir. The presentation of this souvenir to all the HoD, which
participate, will be handed out at the last meeting for the Heads of Delegation
- Complete a final report and evaluation. This report will be addressed to the FIG GfA C. and
is to be submitted, no later than the evaluation meeting and must include the following:
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 36
Evaluation with facts, figures, statistics, comparisons, conclusions and ideas for improvements
concerning the:
- Information (bulletins, meetings, internet, social media etc)
- Communication (affiliated Federations, registration, FIG, media etc)
- Logistics (transportation, meals, accommodations, venues etc)
- Security
- Medical service and a detailed medical report
- Opening/Closing
- Performances
- FIG Gala
- Statistics, such as but not limited to:
o Participants numbers, age, gender
o Performances numbers of participants and the different performances
o Accommodations used and how the it was divided between the participants
o Catering number of meals served
o Spectators and sold tickets
- The LOC may add more statistic that can be of value for the coming organisers.
- Other relevant information may also be included in the report
- Final financial report
This evaluation will be used for the planning of the next World Gymnaestrada.
Any question not covered by these World Gymnaestrada Regulation must be negotiated in every
single case by the LOC and the FIG GfA C.
Any question that cannot be resolved by the FIG GfA C. will be taken to the FIG Executive
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 37
The World Gym for Life Challenge is an International Contest for Gymnastics Groups in Gymnastics
for All held every four years.
Participation is for everybody: The FIG does not permit any discrimination for race, colour, gender,
sexual orientation, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property,
birth, disability, physical attributes, athletic ability or other status.
The event is organised by an FIG affiliated Federation, in collaboration with a city and awarded by
the FIG Council as stated in the Statutes.
The FIG affiliated Federation, awarded by the FIG Council, acts as the organising body, establishing
their own organising structure, including a Local Organising Committee (LOC).
This section of the Gymnastics for All Manual contains the World Gym for Life Challenge
Regulation and, together with the signed contract by the awarded hosting FIG affiliated Federation,
outlines the organisation for this event.
This regulation is written for both participating and organising FIG affiliated Federations.
The regulation can also be used for national or Continental Gym for Life Challenge events.
The objectives of the World Gym for Life Challenge include:
- Promoting the value and diversity of Gymnastics
- Encouraging the growth of Gymnastics for All worldwide
- Providing incentives for meaningful work within FIG affiliated Federations
- Inspiring enjoyment in exercise and encouraging personal activity
- Demonstrating the unlimited possibilities of different ideas of Gymnastics for All
- Presenting the most recent findings and developments
- Bringing together gymnasts from all over the world as a contribution towards the friendship
of nations
- Presenting the diversity of Gymnastics to a wider public
- Provide a second FIG event for gymnastic groups
- Offer gymnastic groups the opportunity to participate in a contest and have their
performance evaluated
- Offer an interesting and exciting event in gymnastics for the participants and the audience
- Present interesting workshops for gymnasts and coaches.
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 38
3.1 Responsibilities
The responsibility for the World Gym for Life Challenge rests with the FIG Gymnastics for All
Committee (FIG GfA C.) in cooperation with the hosting FIG affiliated Federation and their Local
Organizing Committee (LOC). The roles and responsibilities between these parties are detailed in
the contract established for the event.
3.2 Organising body
The organising body is the hosting FIG affiliated Federation that is awarded the hosting rights, by the
FIG Council. This FIG affiliated Federation will establish a LOC. All legal and hosting obligations of
the contract are the responsibility of the hosting FIG affiliated Federation. Where in this manual the
term LOC is used, it shall, unless there is a specific provision to the contrary, be understood as
including the hosting FIG affiliated Federation.
3.3 Collaboration
To ensure continuous collaboration between the LOC and the FIG GfA C. members of the FIG GfA
C. must be included in some of the working groups formed by the LOC.
At the joint meetings that are held between the LOC and the FIG-GfA C, detailed information on all
subjects must be given by the LOC to the FIG-GfA C.
3.4 Rules
The implementation of the World Gym for Life Challenge shall be governed by the following:
- FIG Statutes
- Gymnastics for All Manual with the World Gym for Life Challenge Regulation
- The contract signed between the hosting FIG affiliated Federation and the FIG
- FIG Media Rules
- FIG Advertising and Publicity Rules
- Medical Organization of the Official FIG Competitions and Events (only the section relating
to Gymnastics for All)
- FIG Ethics code
- FIG Accreditations Rules
- FIG Host Broadcaster (HB) Obligations (only the section relating to Gymnastics for All)
- Guidelines for Head of Delegation (HoD) at FIG Gymnastics for All events (see appendix 2)
- FIG Anti-doping rules.
4.1 Awarding of the hosting Rights for the World Gym for Life Challenge
The World Gym for Life Challenge is awarded by the FIG Council five years in advance, and at the
same time, the location of the event will be confirmed.
4.2 Frequency
The World Gym for Life Challenge will be held every four years, on the odd-numbered year between
World Gymnaestrada.
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 39
4.3 Duration
The World Gym for Life Challenge will last a minimum of five days including the Opening and Closing
4.4 Limitations
The World Gym for Life Challenge must not be held in conjunction with any other Gymnastics or
cultural event (e.g. national gymnastics festival, exhibition etc.).
4.5 Language
The official language used for the World Gym for Life Challenge is English. At least two languages
must be used where English is one of them.
A third language is possible as it may have regard to the language of the organising country.
All FIG affiliated Federations will be invited to bid to host the World Gym for Life Challenge. This
invitation will be sent six years before the event.
The bidding Federations will receive a questionnaire outlining all the requirements, together with the
bid contract. A delegation (2 persons) from the FIG GfA C. will visit the bidding Federations proposed
host city for inspection.
All travel costs for these visits will be divided between the bidding Federations. The cost for the FIG
GfA C. delegation (single room, breakfast included) will be paid by the respective bidding FIG affiliated
Per diem for the FIG GfA C. members shall be borne by the FIG.
The FIG GfA C. will present its conclusions and recommendations to the FIG Executive Committee
and Council. The bidding FIG affiliated Federations will also have the possibility to present their bid
at the appropriate FIG Council meeting. After these presentations the FIG Council will award the host
FIG affiliated Federation.
All extra services or benefits that the bidding FIG affiliated Federation promises at the time of its bid,
or during the inspection visit, will be added into the contract that is signed by the host FIG affiliated
Federation and the FIG.
This contract is signed by both the President and Secretary General of both organisations.
The event programme shall include the following:
- Opening Ceremony
- Contest
- World Gym for Life Gala
- Workshops
- Show performances
- Closing Ceremony
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 40
6.1 Opening Ceremony
Opening Ceremony, Vestfold 2017
The ceremony shall take place on the first day of the World Gym for Life Challenge
The ceremony marks the beginning of a festive, cheerful World Gym for Life Challenge and is
attended by all participants of all participating FIG affiliated Federations.
6.1.1 Venue
The ceremony can take place indoors or outdoors depending on local conditions.
An arena of approx. 800 m ² (approx. 40m x 20m), with a tiered seating spectator capacity of at least
3’000 including reserved space for the participants.
6.1.2 Presentation
The ceremony programme shall last for no more than one and a half hours (1h30) and should include
the following elements:
- Presentation of the participating FIG affiliated Federations shall be done in alphabetical
order of the dominant language of the host country, or in English. The LOC shall provide
national flags and name boards of identical size. It is strictly prohibited for participants to
carry any other flags, banners or publicity material. Special directives from the LOC will
govern the march-in and formations. These must have particular regard to local
circumstances especially in relation to the welfare of the participants
- A FIG representative will give a welcome speech (maximum 3 minutes including translation)
- A representative of the host country will give a welcome speech including the official
opening declaration established by the FIG (maximum 3 minutes including translation)
- The FIG flag, followed by the World Gym for Life Challenge flag, will be raised, accompanied
by the official music/song of the World Gym for Life Challenge, composed/arranged by the
- The flag of the host nation will then be raised, as the country’s national anthem plays
- Opening performance specially created for the event and under the leadership of the LOC.
Approval from the FIG GfA C. is required for the content and/or any modification to the above
ceremony elements
6.1.3 Working group, Opening Ceremony
The LOC appoints a working group responsible for coordinating the ceremony. The FIG GfA C. will
designate one of its Committee members to be part of this working group. This member has to be
fully informed, in due time, about the idea, theme, content and management for the complete
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 41
6.1.4 Working group, Tasks
The LOC working group has to prepare:
- A detailed schedule for the ceremony, (max. duration 90 minutes)
- A detailed security plan approved by the city authorities
- A detailed weather contingency plan (for outdoor event)
- A detailed transportation plan
- Gathering area and activities for the participants before the Opening Ceremony
- A detailed plan for the presentation of the participating Federations
- A detailed plan for seating of the participants
- Technical equipment for sound and light
- Broadcast and translation of the speech by the FIG representative and the Opening
Declaration by the representative of the host country
- Procedures that will ensure protocols are respected concerning seating of VIP’s, official
persons and the raising of the FIG, World Gym for Life Challenge and National flags
- Medical services in all venues
- An Opening Performance specially designed for the ceremony
6.2 The Contest
Any kind of gymnastics can be presented in the Contest.
6.2.1 Venue
The Contest will take place indoors and either one or two performance areas can be used.
Marked performance area should be approx. 600 m
(approx.: 20m x 30m), with a tiered seating
capacity of at least 3’000 including reserved space for the participants.
The two performance areas may be placed in two different halls with a sound proof wall in between.
Information about the placement of the evaluators will be provided in one of the Newsletters.
The halls must meet minimum sound and lighting standards. The lighting during the contest must be
the same for all groups.
The venue must have internet connection with sufficient bandwidth and a big screen is necessary.
Contest, Vestfold 2017
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 42
The venue must have designated seating for the Evaluators and an enclosed area for the Results
6.2.2 Age
The World Gym for Life Challenge is a Contest for groups of gymnasts of all ages.
6.2.3 Time/Music
The duration of the performance cannot exceed 5 minutes. It can incorporate any gymnastics
element; with or without apparatus and may be accompanied by music.
Groups participating in the Gymnastics on or with large apparatus” category will receive extra time
to prepare and secure their equipment. This will be included in the schedule.
Information about the duration of each performance as well as the music, must be sent to the LOC
three months before the event.
The duration will be controlled when the music is received by the LOC and if the music is longer than
5 minutes, LOC will inform the group that a new version is needed with the maximum length of 5
6.2.4 Number of gymnasts in a group
The minimum size of a group is two active gymnasts. There is no maximum number.
6.2.5 Number of performances
Each group presents their performance once for evaluation. A gymnast can perform in only one group
6.2.6 Rehearsal
The LOC should offer time for rehearsal before the event. Information about this will be provided in
the Newsletters.
6.2.7 Warm up
The LOC will provide a schedule for the warm up. The warm-up area should be directly connected
with the Performance area and should include adequate numbers of apparatus.
6.2.8 Categories
Groups can participate in only ONE of the following categories, which are divided by type of
performance and size.
1a: Gymnastics & Dance, small group (20 or less gymnasts)
1b: Gymnastics & Dance, large group (21 or more gymnasts)
2a: Gymnastics on or with large apparatus, small group (20 or less gymnasts)
2b: Gymnastics on or with large apparatus, large group (21 or more gymnast)
To keep a category into the Contest, at least 4 groups must be registered. If only one, two or three
groups are registered, the category will be incorporated into one of the other categories.
6.2.9 Evaluation
Each performance will be evaluated on the following:
- Entertainment value
- Innovation, originality and variety
- Technique, quality and safety
- Overall impression
Each criterion has an equal value of 5 points.
The evaluation will be carried out by a panel of 4 experts (2 panels in total); each of whom has
experience of different gymnastics disciplines but also in relation with artistry, choreography,
performance and technique. This panel is selected by the FIG GfA C.
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 43
A supervisor will be appointed by the FIG GfA C. to oversee the evaluators before and during the
After each performance the evaluators give their 4 scores (maximum 5 points/criterion) which add up
to their total score (maximum of 20 point). All scores are given independently. All scores are counted
(maximum 4 x 20 point).
The evaluation process requires a connection system with cable or wifi between every expert panel
and the result managers.
6.2.10 Results
In each category a ranking list is created using the total score. The ranking list is used to determine
the Gold, Silver and Bronze awards.
The Gold will be awarded to the groups with the highest scores. The Silver and Bronze awards are
divided equally among the remaining groups.
The Gold, Silver and Bronze awards are the official results. The medals are presented to the groups
in starting order. The ranking list is not official and is only available to determine the final result. Only
the official result will be published or communicated.
For the Contest, an electronic evaluation system is set up by the LOC in accordance with the FIG
This system enables each evaluator to give his/her scores directly after each performance. The
results should immediately be shown on a computer in the enclosed area after all evaluators have
given their scores.
The system must be set up in a way, that it is secure, and guaranteed that the results of the evaluation
will only be seen on the one computer in the enclosed area, and nobody else is able to see the
evaluation and result.
The enclosed area is managed by a maximum of 3 persons (results managers). This group is
selected by the FIG GfA C.
All groups awarded Gold will participate in the World Gym for Life Gala. The duration of the Gala
limits the number of groups that can receive a Gold award. A maximum of 14 Gold awards will be
discerned among the different categories. The number of Gold awards per category will depend on
the number of groups in each category.
Each gymnast receives either a Gold, Silver or Bronze medal and each group receives a certificate.
Contest, Vestfold 2017
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 44
6.2.11 Feedback
A group of 3-4 persons, each with recognised expertise in different gymnastics disciplines but also in
relation with artistry, choreography, performance and technique, will during the contest observe all
groups. This feedback group is selected by the FIG GfA C.
After each category of performances, this group can meet with the evaluators to prepare the feedback
that will be given to the groups. This feedback is optional. The groups must indicate in advance if
they will attend the feedback.
6.2.12 Working group, Contest
The LOC appoints a working group responsible for coordinating the Contest. The FIG GfA C. will
designate two of its Committee members to be part of this working group. These members have to
be fully informed, in due time, about the venue, sound, light, evaluation system for the evaluators,
the connection system for the results, training schedule, contest schedule, apparatus, volunteers and
their duties, communication during the contest, the feedback, preparation of medals and certificates
and time schedule for the awards ceremonies.
6.2.13 Working group, Tasks
The LOC working group has to prepare:
- Venue (floors, grandstands and technical equipment, etc)
- Evaluation system
- Placement of evaluators and group responsible for the feedback
- Placement of the results managers (enclosed area)
- Apparatus
- A detailed training schedule
- A detailed contest schedule
- Volunteers for all duties that are required
- Communication via headset between the floor manager, music technician, announcer,
evaluators, results manager, award ceremony manager and FIG.
- Medical services in all training and contest venues
- A detailed seating plan for the participants and VIP’s.
6.3 The World Gym for Life Gala
6.3.1 Venue
The Gala may take place in the same area as the Opening Ceremony or the Contest.
Marked performance area should be approx. 600 m
(approx.: 20m x 30m), with a tiered seating
capacity of at least 3’000 including reserved space for the participants.
The halls must meet minimum sound and lighting standards. The lighting during the Gala must be the
same for all groups.
A big screen is necessary.
For the evaluation of the World Gym for Life Gala a procedure needs to be set up according to the
FIG GfA C. request.
This procedure consists of prepared evaluation form for each evaluator. If not electronically
transferred into the computer in the enclosed area, the forms will be collected and the Result Mangers
will enter the result into the computer.
The venue must have designated seating for the evaluators and an enclosed area for the results
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 45
6.3.2 Participation
A Gala is organised during the last day of the World Gym for Life Challenge. All groups awarded Gold
will participate in the Gala. Their performance during the Gala will be evaluated.
A maximum of 16 groups will participate in the Gala; 14 Gold groups and 2 wild cards.
After the Contest two wildcards will be awarded for the Gala. The FIG GfA C. decides how the
wildcards will be awarded.
The Gala choreographer, appointed by the LOC, will determine the start order of the participating
groups. The Choreographer is also responsible for the Gala rehearsal. Participation at the rehearsal
is compulsory for the 16 groups.
Contest, Vestfold 2017
6.3.3 Evaluation
The evaluation during the Gala will be made by the evaluators plus one representative from each
participating Federations (to be named at the HoD meeting the day of the Gala).
Each evaluator will identify on their evaluation form their first choice (# 1 = Best group), their second
choice (# 2 = second best group), and their third choice (# 3 = third best group).
The evaluation criteria will be the same as that used for the Contest. Each evaluator will work
- Entertainment value
- Innovation, originality and variety
- Technique, quality and safety
- Overall impression
With the help of a computer software program the # 1, 2 and 3 are assigned a value, see Appendix
1. The computer then creates a ranking list to determinate the group with the highest score.
Number 1 = 10 points
Number 2 = 6 points
Number 3 = 2 points
In case of a tied score, the tie is broken in the following manner:
- Most Number 1s
- The highest score given by the 8 Expert evaluators
- The highest score given by the Federation evaluators
- To do this, the expert evaluators will be identified by the computer.
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6.3.4 Award Ceremony
The WORLD GROUP CHAMPION will be awarded the Bruno Grandi trophy. A miniature of the trophy
will be kept by the group and the big trophy will be engraved with the group’s name and kept in the
FIG headquarters.
When announcing the WORLD GROUP CHAMPION, this group’s national flag will be presented while
their national anthem is played.
Gala, Vestfold 2017
6.3.5 Working group, Gala
The LOC appoints a working group responsible for coordinating the Gala. The FIG GfA C. will
designate one of its Committee members to be part of this working group. This member must be fully
informed, in due time, about the choreographer, the placement of the evaluation group, the
preparation as well as the complete management of the Gala as well as the timing of the award
6.3.6 Working group, Tasks
The LOC working group has to prepare:
- The running order together with the Choreographer
- The venue
- Sound and light in the venue
- The evaluation form
- Placement of evaluators together with two GfA C members
- Placement of the results manager (Enclosed area)
- Apparatus
- A detailed Gala schedule
- Volunteers for all duties that are required
- Communication via headset between the floor manager, music, technician, announcer,
results managers, award ceremony manager and FIG
- Medical services in all training and contest venues
- A detailed seating plan for the participants and VIP’s
6.4 Workshops
A variety of practical Workshops focusing on the Gymnastics for All areas like Gymnastics & Dance,
Fitness, Health and working on or with apparatus will be offered.
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 47
These Workshops will be for all participants (coaches, leaders, observers and gymnasts) and will
serve as a way of spreading the values of Fun, Fitness, Fundamentals and Friendship.
Each participating Federation will be asked to present one or more workshops during the event. The
LOC is responsible for scheduling and promoting the workshops.
6.4.1 Venue
For practical workshops an area of 20m x 30m is needed. A podium and a headset for the instructor
are also needed. The hall must have a sound system, including a headset microphone for the
Depending on the number of workshops more than one hall may be needed.
Outdoor workshops can also be offered.
6.4.2 Time
Each workshop can be a maximum of 60 minutes long.
6.4.3 Working group, Workshops
The LOC appoints a working group responsible for coordinating the Workshops. The FIG GfA C
designates one of its Committee members to be part of this working group. This member must be
fully informed, in due time, about the venue, content and schedule for the Workshops.
6.4.4 Working group, Tasks
The LOC working group has to prepare:
- The venue
- Podium and headset
- Sound and light in the venue
- Apparatus
- A detailed Workshop schedule
- Volunteers for all duties that are required
- Announcers
- Medical services in all Workshop venues
6.5 Show Performances
During the week Show Performances will be organised and all groups will be invited to participate.
This will be an opportunity for the groups to perform more than once during the event and for the
LOC to promote the entire event.
The LOC is responsible for the scheduling and the promotion of the Show Performances.
6.5.1 Venue
Depending on local situation the Show Performances can be outdoors or indoors. The size of the
performance area may be different than the contest area and will be communicated to the
participating groups well in advance. The performance area must meet minimum sound and lighting
6.5.2 Time and Content
A Show Performance can be up to 10 minutes and of any type of gymnastics. In the Definitive
registration, each group have to inform the LOC of the duration and content of their Show
6.5.3 Working group, Show Performances
The LOC appoints a working group responsible for coordinating of the Show Performances. The FIG
GfA C. designates one of its Committee members to be part of this working group. This member must
be fully informed, in due time, about the venues, content and schedule for the Show Performance.
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 48
6.5.4 Working group, Tasks
The LOC working group has to prepare:
- The venues
- Sound at the venues
- Apparatus
- A detailed Show Performance schedule
- Volunteers for all duties that are required
- Announcers
- Medical services at all venues.
6.6 Closing Ceremony
The ceremony will take place on the last day of the World Gym for Life Challenge and should be
connected to the Gala. The Award Ceremony for the Gala may be included in the Closing Ceremony.
The ceremony marks the ending of a festive, cheerful week. The Ceremony is attended by all
participants of all participating FIG affiliated Federations.
Closing Ceremony, Vestfold 2017
6.6.1 Presentation
The ceremony programme shall last for no more than one and a half hours (1.5h) and should include
the following elements:
- Closing speech by the President of the Organising FIG affiliated Federation or the LOC
(maximum 3 minutes including translation)
- The presentation of the organiser of the next World Gym for Life Challenge (maximum 3
minutes including translation). This presentation can be done throughout a live performance
or by a video shown on the screen used of the contest
- Announcement of The WORLD GROUP CHAMPION
- Closing speech by the FIG representative (maximum 3 minutes including translation)
Approval from the FIG GfA C. is required for the content and/or any modification to the above Closing
Ceremony elements.
The order of those elements is decided in cooperation between the LOC and the FIG.
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 49
6.6.2 Working group, Closing Ceremony
The LOC appoints a working group responsible for coordinating the ceremony. The FIG GfA C.
designates one of its Committee members to be part of this working group. This member must be
fully informed, in due time, about the idea, content and management of the Closing Ceremony.
6.6.3 Working group, Tasks
The LOC working group has to prepare:
- A detailed schedule for the ceremony
- A detailed security plan approved by the city authorities
- A detailed transportation plan
- A detailed plan for the presentation of the participating Federations as well as VIP’s
- Technical equipment for sound and light as well as translation of the speech by the LOC /
hosting NF representative as well as the FIG representative
- Procedures that will ensure protocols are respected concerning seating of VIP’s, official
persons as well all as the transmission of the FIG flag to the next organiser of the next World
Gym for Life Challenge Contact with the Organising Committee of the next World Gym for
Life Challenge.
6.7 Side Events and Leisure Activities
Side events and leisure activities can be organised for the participants. Besides sightseeing before,
during or after the event other leisure activities in the city and its surroundings can be offered. Also
training camps may be organised before the event. These activities may be coordinated directly by
the LOC or assigned to an official partner, who may be responsible for the organisation.
The cost for this is not included in the Participants card.
Side Events, Vestfold 2017
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 50
7.1 General
Participation in the World Gym for Life Challenge is for everybody, regardless of gender, age, race,
religion, culture, ability or social standing
Registrations must be made by the FIG affiliated Federation through the dedicated registration
system and will not, in any circumstance, be accepted unless coming through the FIG affiliated
7.2 Responsibility and Supervision
There are no age restrictions for participation in the World Gym for Life Challenge. However,
each FIG affiliated Federation, with its Head of Delegation (HoD) is fully responsible for the
supervision and welfare of all participants for the entire duration of the event.
The LOC must be aware that participants with disabilities may require a higher degree of assistance.
The LOC must clearly and in due time inform the participating FIG affiliated federations about
national laws and regulation that may affect the participants and this must be respected.
7.3 Participation Possibilities
There are no limits to how many groups a FIG affiliated Federation registers. However, a gymnast
can participate only once in the Contest.
A group can participate in only one of the four categories. It depends on the number of gymnasts and
the main focus of the performance. The group itself determines what their main focus is:
- Gymnastics & Dance or
- Gymnastics on or with large apparatus
7.4 Registration Procedure
The registration will be done via the dedicated on-line platform. The invitation, the forms and the
Newsletters will be on both the FIG Intranet platform and the LOC intranet page. Only FIG affiliated
Federations have access to this information.
Documents can also be published on the LOC public website, but no financial references shall be
made in those documents.
7.4.1 Invitation and Newsletters
Three years prior to the World Gym for Life Challenge, the FIG and LOC will jointly invite the FIG
affiliated Federations to participate. Two months later, the FIG affiliated Federations will receive the
first Newsletter with local information, an outline of the costs and an overview of the proposed
programme for the event.
The LOC is responsible for the content of the Newsletters. The content must be approved by the FIG
GfA C. before it is circulated. The Newsletters will be published on both the LOC web site and the
FIG web site.
7.4.2 Notification of interest
1 ½ years prior to the World Gym for Life Challenge, the FIG affiliated Federations must send their
notification of interest for the World Gym for Life Challenge to the LOC and the FIG.
7.4.3 Provisional registration
One year prior to the World Gym for Life Challenge, the Provisional Registration must be submitted
to the FIG and the LOC and include:
- Total active number of participants
- Expected number of groups per category
- Expected number of gymnasts per group
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 51
- Expected number of participants with a disability
- Expected number of workshop presentations
- Expected number of Show Performances
- Expected needs concerning school and hotel accommodation
7.4.4 Definitive registration
Six months prior to the World Gym for Life Challenge, the Definitive Registration must be sent to the
FIG and the LOC
7.4.5 Payment
At the time of the Definitive registration the FIG affiliated Federations must pay 50% of the participant
cards cost to the LOC, as a deposit.
Two months prior to the World Gym for Life Challenge the FIG affiliated Federations must make the
final payment based on the actual number of participants. All previous deposits will be taken into
account for this transaction.
If the actual number of participants is reduced by more than 10% below the number of Definitive
Registrations, 90% of the number of Definitive Registrations will be taken into consideration for
payment purposes.
Accommodation, meals, tickets etc. must be paid in full no later than two months prior to the World
Gym for Life Challenge.
If a Definitive entry is cancelled two months or more before the World Gym for Life Challenge, 50%
of the deposit shall be reimbursed. If the cancellation is less than two months before the World Gym
for Life Challenge there shall be no reimbursement.
By accepting the participant card payment, the LOC is responsible for delivering what is promised.
Any claim from an FIG affiliated Federation, must be forwarded to the LOC and copied to FIG.
Two months prior to the World Gym for Life Challenge, the LOC shall present a draft overall schedule
to the FIG GfA C. This draft overall schedule will be sent to the participating FIG affiliated Federations
after it is approved by the FIG GfA C.
The final version of the Official Guide (printed or digital version) with the overall schedule will be given
to the Head of Delegation (HoD) at the accreditation, when all accounts must be paid in full.
The LOC has the following financial obligations:
9.1 All expenditures
The LOC is responsible for all financial undertakings and the full underwriting of all expenditures
involved in the organisation and staging of the World Gym for Life Challenge.
9.2 Budget
The LOC is responsible for developing a budget, three years prior to the World Gym for Life
Challenge. This must include the price for the participant card, accommodation, breakfast, meals and
local transportation and should be submitted to the FIG-GfA C.
years prior to the event the LOC have the opportunity to submit a revised budget.
9.3 Participant card
The LOC is responsible for distributing a participant card to each participant in the World Gym for Life
Challenge. This card provides free entry to all events during the World Gym for Life week with the
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 52
exception of the World Gym for Life Gala and other special evening performances. Participants
should pay a reduced price for tickets for the Gala and evening performances.
The price of the participant card, after consultation between the LOC and the FIG GfA C., is stipulated
in the contract signed between the FIG and the organising FIG affiliated Federation. The price also
includes the participant guide (printed or digital version) and the transportation during the World Gym
for Life Challenge week.
The participant card at the World Gym for Life Challenge is the same as the accreditation Card at
other FIG events and follows the FIG Accreditation Rules.
Participants are as described in the FIG Accreditation Rules.
9.4 Ticket prices
The LOC shall determine the entry price for all events based on their knowledge of the local market
and in consultation with the FIG-GfA C.
The prices must be confirmed years prior to the World Gym for Life Challenge.
9.5 Accommodation and meal costs
The LOC is responsible for providing accommodation and meals for the participants at reasonable
prices to be paid by the participants, in addition to the participant card. These fees may be advised
at the point of bidding for the right to host the event.
LOC in consultation with the FIG GfA C. will decide the price of accommodation and meals.
9.6 Local transportation service
During the World Gym for Life Challenge the different transportation needs are of vital importance
and the participants must have access to adequate local transportation within the whole area.
Transportation must be available from the accommodations to all the venues and back again.
Transportation between the different venues must also be available.
The LOC is only obligated to provide transportation from accommodations provided by the LOC.
Transportation has to be estimated for the number of participants and has to be operated in a safe
9.6.1 Cost
The cost for local transportation is included in the participant card.
9.6.2 Transportation from and to arrival locations
For the transfer between the arrival locations (e.g: airport, trains stations) and the accommodation
(e.g: schools), the LOC may organise special transportation with e.g. busses. The cost for this
service will be announced in the Newsletter.
9.7 Joint meetings with FIG GfA committee
The LOC is responsible for the organisation and total cost for two preparatory meetings, between
the LOC and the FIG GfA C.
The LOC must pay the FIG GfA C. members travelling expenses, accommodation (single room
including breakfast) for a minimum of three nights per meeting and FIG shall bear the per diem rate.
9.8 Working group Meetings
For any other working group meeting the cost for the FIG GfA C. members will be split between the
LOC and FIG (LOC pays accommodation (single room including breakfast) and FIG shall bear the
travel expenses and per diem rate).
All decisions about FIG GfA C. member participation in working group meetings are made by the
President of the FIG GfA C. and based on the approved budget for this event.
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 53
9.9 FIG authorities cost during the event
The LOC must pay the travelling expenses, hotel cost (single room with breakfast) for members of
the FIG authorities (President, Secretary General and members of FIG Gymnastics for All
Committee) as well as providing a free dedicated transport service for them during the whole stay at
the World Gym for Life Challenge.
Cost of travel is subject to negotiation between the LOC and FIG.
The members of the FIG Gymnastics for All Committee will arrive at least three days prior to the
event and the cost for that must be covered by the LOC. This will also extend to any Committee
members staying no more than one day after the Closing Ceremony.
The LOC must organise dedicated free arrival/departure transportation for all FIG accredited persons
working for the event. For any other FIG person, a fee may be applied.
Dedicated seating must also be granted to any FIG accredited person.
Detailed information can be found in the FIG Accreditation Rules regarding the various rights and
access zones for all FIG persons.
9.10 Fees to the FIG
The LOC will pay the following fees to the FIG:
- A percentage of the revenue from ticket sales
- A percentage of the revenue from rights sold to TV
- 15 % of the cost effectively paid by each participant (Participation Card).
The percentages, not shown above are to be found in the contract signed by the FIG and the hosting
FIG affiliated Federation of the World Gym for Life Challenge
9.11 Final Account
At the latest four months after the World Gym for Life Challenge the LOC should submit a final
general account to the FIG, together with a final report.
Everyone officially involved in the World Gym for Life Challenge must have an accreditation.
For participants this is the participant card. Other people (LOC, FIG, VIP’s and other guests) will
receive an accreditation card.
This accreditation card includes the same rights and responsibilities as the participant card and
additional possibilities. The LOC is responsible for preparing and providing the accreditation
according the FIG Accreditation Rules.
At the time of the accreditation, the Head of Delegation (HoD) is responsible for:
- Making sure that all financial obligations toward the LOC are settled
- Confirm by signing that the all delegation has a valid insurance including illness, accident
and repatriation for the all period of the event
- Verifying the participant cards, accommodation, meal, tickets and other service
- Control the national flag and national anthem that the LOC will present to them
- Checking and confirming the transfer on departure day.
Media representatives will be accredited via the FIG Media department.
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 54
11.1 Provided by the LOC
To all official performances during the event the LOC must provide gymnastics apparatus and in the
official Newsletters describe what apparatus will be available (brand, model and quantity).
The quantity will be based upon previous experience.
At the World Gym for Life Challenge only gymnastics apparatus approved by the FIG will be
provided. If apparatus not mentioned in the FIG certificated suppliers’ list is to be used, it must be of
a high and safe quality and approved before the event by the FIG GfA C.
11.2 Not provided by the LOC
If an FIG affiliated Federation brings their own apparatus, they must pay for any transportation and
possible import costs.
The LOC will provide sufficient storage facilities and if there are any costs related to this, they must
be paid by the respective FIG affiliated Federation.
Any advertising or manufacturer's name on these apparatuses must be covered if it conflicts with
LOC official supplier(s).
12.1 Accommodation
Accommodation will mainly be in class rooms at schools, or similar, equipped with appropriate
sanitary facilities. The LOC may, as an optional service, refer participants to different types of
accommodation such as hotels, youth hostels, youth guest houses, private quarters, or camping
If other locations than class rooms in the school are to be used for accommodation, this must first
be approved by the FIG GfA C.
12.1.1 Location
A maximum of 30 minutes walking distance or a maximum of 30 minutes travel time by public
transport. If this is not feasible a shuttle service must be organised.
12.1.2 Cost
The cost for accommodation is not included in the participant card. Breakfast is included in the
accommodation cost.
12.1.3 Capacity per classroom
One classroom (70m²) is for approximately 12 persons (approximately 6m² per person). Participants
will be assigned to their accommodation in classrooms by their delegation managers.
12.1.4 Sanitary facilities, minimum requirements
- 1 shower per 12 persons
- 1 washbasin per 6 persons
- 1 toilet (seat type) per 12 persons.
If the requirements are not met within the accommodation, portable alternatives must be placed in
the immediate surroundings of the accommodation and within short walking distance.
12.1.5 Sleeping supplies and services
The LOC may, as a discretionary service, supply bedding, air mattresses, and blankets for sale or
for rent.
All schools should include:
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 55
- Rooms for delegation managers
- Catering facilities (drinks and snacks).
- Guards and security personnel (round-the-clock-service).
- First-aid service.
- Daily cleaning.
- Daily waste collection
- Emergency repair services for sanitary facilities.
The LOC may also, as a discretionary service, provide access to internet services at affordable rates.
12.2 Catering
The area for catering should be an indoor facility, which has the capacity to cater all participants at
the same time. Consideration must be given to efficient serving and the flow of participants entering
and exiting the area whilst also providing a relaxed and friendly atmosphere where participants can
enjoy their meal.
12.2.1 Cost
The cost for breakfast is included in the accommodation cost. The cost for a hot meal is not included
in the participant card or the accommodation cost.
12.2.2 Breakfast
Breakfast should be served in the accommodation or close to the accommodation.
Minimum to be provided: Two drinks (one cold and one hot) bread, butter, jam, sliced cheese and
The breakfast has to be brought to the participants fresh every morning.
12.2.3 Hot Meals
At least one hot meal is served every day, within the catering area.
Every day, at least two different menus must be provided of which one should be vegetarian. It must
be a complete hot meal with potatoes, rice or pasta together with meat or fish and vegetables.
Daily menus have to be different every day to ensure variety. Water must be served with all meals
and should be included in the cost.
Beverage costs: non-alcoholic beverages should be sold at a lower price than alcoholic drinks.
12.3 Transportation
During the World Gym for Life Challenge the different transportation needs are of vital importance
and the participants must have access to adequate local transportation within the whole area.
Transportation should be organised from the accommodations to the venues and back again.
Transportation between the different venues must also be organised. The LOC is only obligated to
provide transportation from accommodations provided by the LOC. Transportation has to be
estimated for the number of participants and has to be operated in a safe way.
12.3.1 Cost
The cost for local transportation is included in the participant card.
12.3.2 Transportation from and to arrival locations
For the transfer between the arrival locations (e.g: airport, trains stations) and the accommodation
(e.g: schools), the LOC may organise special transportation with e.g. busses. The cost for this
service will be announced in the Newsletter.
12.3.3 Working group, Logistics
The LOC appoints a working group responsible for coordinating the accommodations, catering and
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 56
transportation. The FIG GfA C. designates one of its Committee members to be part of this working
group. This member has to be fully informed in due time, about the ideas, content and management
for all logistical areas.
12.3.4 Working group, Task
The LOC working group has to prepare:
- A detailed plan for accommodation, catering and transportation.
13.1 Medical organisation
FIG Medical rules, “Medical organisation of the FIG competitions” (only the section relating to
Gymnastics for All) and the FIG Anti-doping rules apply to the World Gym for Life Challenge.
13.1.1 Chief Medical Officer
The LOC nominates the Chief Medical Officer. This person is responsible for following all FIG rules
in this area.
13.1.2 Safeguarding and protecting participants in gymnastics
From the official date of arrival until the official day of departure of the event, participants have the
opportunity to contact by phone or email a Safeguarding Officer in case of harassment or abuse of
any type or if they are worried or do not feel comfortable.
13.2 Insurance
13.2.1 Participating FIG affiliated Federations
Participating FIG affiliated Federations must provide insurance coverage for all members of their
delegation. The insurance must cover illness, accident and repatriation cost during the entire stay at
the World Gym for Life Challenge. The insurance can be organised by the FIG affiliated Federations
own insurance company or bought in advance or upon arrival through the LOC.
A participant without insurance will not receive a participant card and will not, therefore, be allowed
to participate in the World Gym for Life Challenge.
13.2.2 LOC
For participants without insurance the LOC must offer insurance coverage for the event in advance
or upon arrival. The cost of this insurance coverage must be paid by the participant.
The LOC will produce a document which every federation will have to confirm by signing that all its
delegation members have a valid insurance including illness, accident and repatriation for the all
period of the event.
The LOC must take out its own civil liability insurance.
13.3 Security
The LOC is responsible for security and must provide a security plan that will be reviewed by the FIG
GfA C. three months prior to the World Gym for Life Challenge. The LOC is responsible for providing
a well-functioning security service for all participants, officials and dignitaries for the duration of the
14.1 Meeting points and Stands
During the World Gym for Life Challenge the participants need different meeting points such as FIG
affiliated Federation Information Stands, exhibitions, and rest areas.
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 57
Also commercial stands can be present but should not disturb the aim with the meeting points, which
is to meet up and share information.
14.2 Offices and other meeting rooms
In addition to all other venues, halls, arenas and meeting rooms needed for the event, the LOC has
to provide the following offices and meeting rooms for the FIG:
- Office and meeting room for the FIG GfA C
- Office for the President of the FIG GfA C
- Office for the FIG Media department
- Office for the FIG Secretariat department
- Office for the FIG President
- Office for the FIG Secretary General
- Office for the FIG TV Production
- Meeting rooms for Evaluators and the group responsible for feedback.
If the FIG Executive Committee is meeting during the World Gym for Life Challenge the LOC has to
provide this meeting room
The details and content for all those rooms and offices are described in the contract signed between
the FIG and the hosting FIG affiliated Federation.
14.3 VIP
Rules concerning VIP accreditation can be found in the FIG Accreditation Rules.
14.3.1 Location/seating Performance area
The final location of the VIP seating areas has to be approved by the FIG GfA C.
For the Welcome Evening as well as the Gala, VIP seating is also provided.
For the Opening and Closing Ceremonies, the amount of VIP seating for the FIG and the LOC is
described in the contract between FIG and the hosting FIG affiliated Federation.
14.3.2 VIP area
The LOC is responsible for organising a VIP area which is accessible for Head of Delegation (HoD),
FIG authorities and the LOC. A list of other guests with access to the VIP area will be created by the
LOC in cooperation with the FIG GfA C.
The aim with the VIP area is to give the possibility to meet in a quiet and closed off area.
14.3.3 VIP catering
In the various VIP catering areas, meals may be served and they can be the same as the ones
served to the participants.
Other drinks (alcoholic and non) may be provided in the VIP areas.
Outside of meal times, drinks and snacks should be available in the VIP areas.
14.3.4 Cost
The general organisation and planning of the VIP areas is the responsibility of the LOC.
Access rights to the VIP areas are described in the current valid FIG Accreditation Rules.
The LOC may, for any other person not mentioned in the FIG Accreditation Rules, charge an
additional amount, to be approved by the FIG GfA C. for this extra VIP access.
14.4 Special Assistance
The World Gym for Life Challenge is an event open to all ages and abilities and special needs may
require a higher degree of assistance.
The FIG affiliated Federations must take full responsibility for their participants during the whole
event and ensure that the LOC is informed about special assistance needed.
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 58
Matters for which mutual agreement has to be reached between the FIG GfA C. and the LOC
according to the World Gym for Life Challenge Regulation should be discussed and adjudicated
upon in joint meetings of the FIG GfA C. and the LOC. All decisions have to be confirmed in writing.
15.1 Cooperation between the next LOC and the current LOC
After being awarded as FIG hosting affiliated Federation for the next World Gym for Life Challenge,
this LOC may participate, at its own cost (refer to FIG Accreditation Rules), with an Observation
group at the current World Gym for Life Challenge.
To learn from the previous organiser, this LOC will also participate, in the Evaluation meeting held
in November, the same year as the current World Gym for Life Challenge.
The LOC of the current event will have to produce reports about the planning, organisation and
staging of their event these reports should to include financial activities.
Evaluations and reports will be presented, discussed and handed over to the new LOC.
The FIG will bear the costs related to airfares in economy class and accommodation in single rooms
including breakfast with a maximum of 2 key members responsible for functional areas.
By tradition at Gymnastics for All events, the current LOC invites two people from the previous World
Gym for Life Challenge LOC to participate as VIP guests. All costs, exclusive of travel costs are paid
by the current LOC.
15.2 Cooperation between the FIG GfA Committee and LOC
The LOC must work in complete cooperation with the FIG GfA C. and in accordance with these
The FIG GfA C. has a supporting function, in addition to the responsibility for controlling and
monitoring that everything is performed according to the regulation and FIG Rules and to the in force.
Both the FIG Organising affiliated Federation, with its LOC, and the FIG have to follow the contract
made for this event.
To ensure a continuous cooperation between the LOC and the FIG GfA C., members of the FIG GfA
C. must be included in some of the working groups formed by the LOC.
During the World Gym for Life Challenge period, the LOC has to set up a communication system by
radio or mobile phone for the LOC and the FIG. The details for this are described in the contract
signed by the FIG and FIG Organising affiliated Federation.
16.1 FIG Gymnastics for All Committee
16.1.1 Regulation
Responsible for implementing the World Gym for Life Challenge Regulation
16.1.2 Head of Delegation meeting and evaluation
Responsible for conducting the Head of Delegation (HoD) meetings during the event and responsible
for the evaluation of the event by the Head of Delegation (HoD).
16.1.3 Evaluation meeting
Responsible for the invitation to the Evaluation meeting organised after and in the same year as the
event and responsible for conducting the meeting.
The LOC of World Gym for Life Challenge being evaluated and the LOC of the next World Gym for
Life Challenge are invited to meet with the FIG-GfA C.
16.1.4 Special cases
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 59
Responsible for considering special cases concerning participation and the organisation.
16.1.5 Newsletters
The right to be consulted with regards to drafting the Official Newsletters and to approve the final
16.1.6 Budget
The right to be consulted during the preparation of the budget and the right to monitor the budget for
the World Gym for Life Challenge.
16.1.7 Prices
The right to approve the prices of the participant card, Entry fees, and tickets
16.2 LOC
16.2.1 Rules
Compliance with the FIG rules and regulations in force together with the signed contract.
16.2.2 Organisation and timelines
Responsible for producing an organisational plan including timelines in agreement with the FIG-GfA
16.2.3 Newsletters
The LOC is responsible for publishing the official Newsletters and other official information for the
FIG affiliated Federations as per the agreed schedule.
The content of every Newsletter must be approved by the FIG GfA C. before distribution.
The Newsletters will be published on both the LOC and the FIG platforms.
A Federation version of the Newsletters including all financial aspect of the World Gym for Life
Challenge will be published on both the FIG Intranet platform as well as the LOC intranet page.
For the public websites, the LOC can produce the same bulletin but without any financial information
16.2.4 Receive registrations
Responsible and dealing with entries as per Article 6
16.2.5 Promotion
The LOC is responsible for developing a promotional plan to promote the event by means of social
media, press, radio, television, printed matter, etc. This plan should be approved in advance by the
16.2.6 Facilities
The LOC is responsible for providing the necessary facilities and installations, including the apparatus
and sound system. If the participating FIG affiliated Federation so require, the organiser will within
the context of existing possibilities - provide them with lockable storage space near the arenas.
16.2.7 Volunteers
Beyond hired professional staff; the LOC must also provide enough volunteers to run the event. The
volunteers should be well trained and qualified to carry out their duties.
16.2.8 Logo
The LOC is responsible for designing a graphic symbol (logo) for the World Gym for Life Challenge.
This logo must be approved by the FIG EC in advance and should be registered legally to protect the
copyright and intellectual property rights of the LOC.
The logo must in all cases be presented together with the official FIG logo.
The participating FIG affiliated Federations have the right to use the logo for promotional purposes
and on material they produce for their participants. This right does not extend to the commercial use
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 60
of the logo in any way. Such permission must be obtained beforehand from the LOC.
16.2.9 Accommodation and Catering
The LOC must develop an Accommodations Plan for all the participants in the World Gym for Life
Challenge, which is approved by the FIG-GfA C.
The LOC is responsible for making all the arrangements for the participants’ meals.
16.2.10 Medical services, Insurance and Security
The LOC is responsible for providing Medical services, Insurance and Security according Article 10
16.2.11 Final Report, Evaluation of the event
The LOC must present a written report about the event at the Evaluation meeting held not later than
four months after the event. The evaluation is based on the LOC experience and should be presented
to the FIG GfA C. and the next LOC.
The evaluation report should include facts, figures, statistics, comparisons, conclusions and ideas for
improvement concerning:
- Information (Newsletter, meetings, Internet, social media etc.)
- Communication (affiliated Federations, registration, FIG, social media etc.)
- Logistics (transportation, meals, accommodations, venues etc)
- Security
- Medical services and a detailed medical report
- Opening/Closing Ceremony
- Contest
- World Gym for Life Gala
- Workshops
- Show Performances
- Statistics, such as but not limited to:
o Participants numbers, age, gender
o Performances numbers of participants and the different performances
o Accommodations used and how the it was divided between the participants
o Catering number of meals served
o Spectators and sold tickets
- The LOC may add more statistic that can be of value for the coming organisers.
- Other relevant information may also be included in the report
- Final financial report
This evaluation will be used for the planning of the next World Gym for Life Challenge.
16.3 Official Guide
The LOC is also responsible for the official guide (printed or digital version), which all participants
receive together with their participant card. The following should be included in the participant guide:
- Welcome word from the FIG, the LOC and local authorities
- Overall performance schedules
- Chronological performance schedule
Gymnastics for All Manual 2023 Edition 61
- Map of all venues
- Presentation of the LOC and FIG GfA C
- Participating nations
- Information about the venue. Opening Ceremony, Contest, Workshops, Show
Performances, World Gym for Life Gala and the Closing Ceremony
- Information about Security, Safeguarding, Transportation, Catering, Accommodation and
Medical Services
- Other information and advertising may also be included.
All participants should receive the Official Guide (printed or digital) together with their participant card
from their Head of Delegation (HoD).
Any question not covered by these World Gym for Life Challenge Regulation must be negotiated in
every single case with the LOC and the FIG-GfA C.
Any question that cannot be resolved by the FIG GfA C. will be taken to the FIG Executive Committee.
Updated 2023
The 2023 amended edition of the Gymnastics for All Manual (Gymnastics for All Regulation and the
World Gymnaestrada Regulation) including the Guidelines for Head of Delegations at FIG GFA
Events, have been approved at the FIG Council meeting in Antalya (TUR) in May 2023.
President: Mr. Morinari WATANABE
Secretary General: Mr. Nicolas BUOMPANE
GfA Committee President: Mr Rogério VALERIO
Appendix 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Total score
Tie break
A 1=10 1=10 2=6 3=2 1=10 1=10 48 4 x 1
B 1=10 1=10 2=6 2=6 1=10 42
C 1=10 3=2 2=6 18
D 2=6 1=10 1=10 2=6 1=10 2=6 48 3 x 1
E 2=6 2=6 3=2 2=6 3=2 2=6 3=2 30
F 3=2 2=6 1=10 1=10 3=2 3=2 32
G 1=10 1=10 3=2 22
H 1=10 2=6 2=6 22
I 3=2 2=6 3=2 2=6 2=6 3=2 1=10 34
J 3=2 2=6 3=2 1=10 3=2 22
K 3=2 3=2 2=6 2=6 16
L 1=10 3=2 3=2 3=2 1=10 26
1-8 Expert evaluators
9-20 Federation evaluators
Group A and D had a tie so that was broken with the number of Number 1 given by the evaluators.
The winner was group A
Guidelines for Head of Delegations at FIG GFA Events 1 2023 Edition
Appendix 2
Guidelines for Head of Delegations at
FIG GFA Events
This information has been prepared to support National Federations and Head of Delegations to
attend the FIG World Gymnaestrada and FIG World Gym for Life Challenge. It outlines the important
responsibilities of the Head of Delegation which, in agreeing to have this role, the person is committing
to respect. This document does not replace or override any overarching rules or laws set by the FIG,
National Federations or the event Local Organising Committee.
Role and Responsibility of a Head of Delegation:
All participating National Federations (NF) must nominate a Head of Delegation (HoD). The HoD is
the official contact person between FIG, Local Organising Committee (LOC) and the participating NF.
The HoD is fully responsible for the NF delegation.
They must be able to speak and understand English, if not, the HoD must be accompanied by a
The HoD is usually involved in all delegation preparation and planning. If not, they must be up to date
on all processes and details, including the registration process, information published in Bulletins or
Newsletters and delivered at Information Meetings.
The HoD must arrive at the event site before the delegation and leave as the last member of the
delegation. This is necessary to be able to prepare the accreditation and to sign off everything with
the LOC at the end of the event.
The HoD must be in attendance for the full time of the event.
If the HoD needs to be replaced at any time, this must be reported to the LOC and the FIG in written
form, with the new person’s name, officially communicated by the National Federation.
A timeline will be published by the LOC in the event Official Bulletins/Newsletters and within the event
registration system. The timeline includes deadlines for providing information to the LOC which should
always be respected.
Registration begins three years before the event with an invitation from the FIG and LOC sent to all
FIG affiliated National Federations. There are several stages to registration that are specific to each
event and are explained in detail in section 7.4 of the FIG Gymnastics for All Manual.
Registration is completed via an online platform. The HoD is responsible for ensuring that all
information included in each stage of the registration is correct and complete.
Data Sharing
The events will be managed in line with the FIG Data Protection policy. Before adding any individual
participant information onto the online platform, check the policy of your National Federation and/or
laws of your country with regards to sharing personal data with another organisation.
Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics
All participants must adhere to the FIG Code of Conduct and FIG Code of Ethics whilst participating
in FIG events. The HoD should provide the FIG Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics to all participants
prior to arrival, to be reinforced during the event.
The HoD should arrange a day and time to meet and collect their delegation accreditations from the
LOC. This must be done in person and, if possible, prior to the whole delegation's arrival. The HoD
must be prepared to check and confirm precise details in this meeting.
Guidelines for Head of Delegations at FIG GFA Events 2 2023 Edition
Participant Cards
The HoD will be responsible for confirming and verifying all participant cards and providing evidence
of valid health insurance (illness, accident and repatriation during the period of the event) e.g. a
photocopy of the valid insurance policy.
Finalising payments
The HoD is responsible for settling all financial obligations toward the LOC, before the participant
cards can be issued. The HoD should therefore check, prior to the meeting, that they know how much
is outstanding and that they have the suitable means to pay, as agreed by the LOC.
Additional items
All additional items ordered with the LOC will also be confirmed. The HoD is responsible for knowing
all service requirements booked through the LOC.
The HoD will receive a finalised schedule for the delegation.
Once all these items are clear, then the HoD will receive the whole delegation accreditation.
During the Event
The HoD must be contactable by the LOC and FIG at all times in case of emergencies or immediate
HoD meetings
The HoD must attend all HoD meetings organised in collaboration by LOC and FIG. Meetings are
scheduled to take place every day during the event, usually each morning prior to the official daily
schedule starting. The meeting enables all HoDs to receive information daily about the event. A
register of attendance is taken at every meeting.
Welfare and safeguarding responsibilities
The HoD must understand and work with the FIG Policy and Procedures for Safeguarding and
Protecting Participants in Gymnastics
School accommodation (or similar)
The HoD is responsible for ensuring all school accommodation is clean, safe and accessible on arrival
and must report any issues directly to the responsible person in the LOC.
Any damages in any form and from any cause, (including movable property belonging to the
accommodation) caused by a registered participant of the event must be reported immediately directly
to the responsible person in the LOC by the HoD. Financial reimbursement for damages to school
accommodation may be asked by the LOC.
The HoD must enforce a zero-tolerance policy for the dealing, possessing or using drugs or alcohol
in the school during the event and is responsible for the delegation abiding by this.
All school accommodation should be left clean and tidy, in the same way it was found and the HoD is
responsible for ensuring this. The HoD may be required to sign a document on departure to confirm
that they have checked the accommodation. If any problems are found by the HoD they must be
reported immediately to the responsible person in the LOC before departure. Financial reimbursement
for damages to school accommodation may be asked by the LOC.
Hotel accommodation (or similar)
This will be provided through an additional booking agreement directly with the LOC and NF. The HoD
is responsible for booking hotel accommodation through the LOC and for signing a booking agreement
which will include the confirmed price, cancellation policy and terms of payment.
Departure Details
The HoD is responsible for checking and confirming all the departure day travel arrangements (VIPs,
Staff and participants). These will be made available to all HoDs during the event, either digitally or
printed and any issues should be raised as soon as possible.
After the event
It is the responsibility of the HoD to complete the online-event evaluation form received from the FIG.