Joint County-City Comprehensive Plan 2007-2027
Community Participation Plan
Haralson County
And the cities of
Bremen, Buchanan, Tallapoosa, and Waco
DRAFT May 2006
Prepared by the Coosa Valley Regional Development Center
Haralson County
Public Participation
1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
One of the best ways to strengthen communities is to create opportunities for citizens to
work collaboratively on the challenges that shape their community. Accomplishing this
requires political leadership, citizen education, and active involvement. A successful
comprehensive plan begins with a process of thinking about and visualizing the future. It
is about carrying on a dialogue with the community concerning its vision for evolving
and growing. This Community Participation Program was crafted with these principles in
mind and establishes a two-way communication between local citizens and their
government officials, with the overall goal of better decisions supported by the public.
1.2 Scope
Haralson County and the cities of Bremen, Buchanan, Tallapoosa and Waco are required
by state law to complete their Comprehensive Plan Update by February 28, 2007. The
plan will be prepared in accordance with the Local Planning Requirements from the
Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA), effective May 1, 2005.
1.3 Requirements for Success
Experience in public involvement has shown that lasting solutions are best identified
when all segments of a community – individuals, elected officials, educators, the business
community, and civic organizations – are brought together in a spirit of cooperation. A
collaborative approach to community engagement is not an opportunity, but a necessity.
Community engagement and involvement is done for three reasons:
To educate and increase public awareness
To capture the knowledge and preferences of the people who live in and support
the communities
To mobilize support and acceptance of the plan
The measure of effectiveness of a public involvement program is not that the public has
been informed, but that public input has contributed to making a decision that is feasible
and is supported by a large segment of the community.
Public comment and sentiment are a rich source of information about peoples’ values and
philosophies. These values and philosophies must be interpreted into meaningful
information to guide the project. It is essential to know the community’s values to avoid,
minimize, and mitigate impacts as well as narrow the field of alternative solutions. This
process is designed to accomplish the following:
Improve the quality of decisions
Increase ease of implementation
Provide greater public understanding of community goals and objectives
Provide tangible evidence that the community created its own identity
2 Identification of Stakeholders
Haralson County
Planning Commission
Glenda Wade
Donnie Ridley
Robert Smith
Public/Community Health Officials
Joan Campbell
Public Safety
Sheriff Eddie
Public and Private Utility Boards/Directors
Charlie Walker Georgia Power
Property Owners
Temple Inland, Robert Young, President
Local News Media
Steve Gradick WKNG Radio
Bremen Gateway/Tallapoosa Journal Beacon
School Board
Mr. Larry Ragsdale, Superintendent
Other interested community parties
Veterans Association Sammy Robinson
Regional Airport Authority: Danny Hutcheson
Mayor and Council
Jason Jarrell, Mayor
Lane Ayers, Mayor Pro Tern
Robert Farmer, Council Member
Debbie Johnson, Council Member
Donna Johnson, Council Member
Public Safety Officials
Chief Judy Parrish - Police
Chief Brian Walker - Fire
Public Works
Dean Tanner –Utilities Manager
Zoning Board
Gray Gamer
Scottie Worthington
Clovis Moman
Public Health
Joan Thorason - County Health Department
Authorities or Boards Housing Authority
Haralson County Chamber of Commerce
Haralson County Development Authority
Better Hometown Authority
Haralson County School Board
First National of Georgia
First Methodist First Baptist
Church of God
Endtime Warriors
West Georgia Worship
Church of Christ
New Testament
Open Door Baptist
Jackson Chapel
Mayor and Council
Sharon Sewell
Chris Coats
Steve McIntosh
Danny Robinson
Sonny Parrish
Zoning Commission List
Charles Carroll
Mike Cocklereece
David Hildreth
Van Pelt
Bill Standifer
Bremen Downtown Development Authority 2005 Board of Directors
Cindy McIntosh Chairperson
Susan Hightower
Wendy Bennet
Debra Hall
Mayor Sharon Sewell
Terry Crawford – Secretary – Treasurer
Alan Bell
Erik Luckey
Karon M. Higginbotham
Mayor and Council
Mayor Bridges
Councilman Kendall Robinson
Council member Jackie Roberts
Councilman Charles Worthy
Councilman Bill Wilson
Council member Connie Gentry
Public/Community Health Officials: County Board of Health
Joan Thorason
Melissa Becker
Public Safety Officials
Chief Scott Worthy Police
Chief Scott McClain Fire
Chief Brian Walker County Fire
Municipal Agencies & Authorities
Tallapoosa Housing Authority
Industrial & Recreation Authority
Haralson County Development Authority
Chambers of Commerce
Real Estate Professional
Don Smith
Bob Downey
Karen Steed
South Trust
Insurance Companies
Westview Baptist
Emmanual Baptist
Baptist Church
Providence Baptist Church
Plainview Baptist Church
Methodist Church
Mt. Newley Baptist
Mt. Sinai
Presbyterian Church
Mayor and Council
Real Estate Professional
Linda Adams
Public & Private School
West Central Technical College
Baptist Church
United Methodist
New Hope
Arise Church
Waco Church of God
3 Identification of Participation Techniques
3.1 Initial Public Hearing
Initial public hearing was held in May 2006. The purpose of these hearings was to
announce to the public that the planning process for updating the comprehensive plan
was underway and to encourage community participation. Public hearings, which will
present the draft Community Agenda to the public, are tentatively scheduled for October
3.2 Community Visioning Meeting
The Community Visioning Meeting is tentatively scheduled for July. The participants
will be led through a series of exercises that will help them create a vision for Haralson
County and its cities. Participants also will discuss the issues and opportunities. The
workshop will have three goals:
1. Identify what the community wants to Preserve, Change, Create, or Connect
2. Establish a vision
3. Community Preference Survey
The end product of the Community Visioning Meeting will be a narrative description for
each plan area expressed in the following terms:
Strengths and weakness of the quality of life for the County and cities.
The opportunities and threats that confront the quality of life in the County and
cities over the next 20 years.
The quality of life that the stakeholders and participants in the workshop envision
for the County and cities 20 years from now.
The factors of change and big decisions that will be required to move the County
and cities from where it is today to where participants want it to go.
Benchmarks, or measurable indicators, or quality of life that will be used to
indicate success in the future.
3.3 Community Design Workshop
The Community Design Workshop will focus on (1) how to realize the community’s
vision and (2) possible solutions to the community’s issues and opportunities. The
Workshop will give participants an opportunity to work with different land use,
transportation, and design scenarios and identify actions needed to fulfill the vision
established during the visioning meeting. Findings from the Community Assessment and
the results from the visioning meeting will be presented. The workshop is anticipated to
be a full day event and is tentatively scheduled for August 2006.
3.4 Open House
An Open House, tentatively scheduled for late September 2006, will be an opportunity
for participants to review and comment on the draft Community Agenda. It will allow
high-level interaction and participation to engage participants in comfortable two-way
dialogue. Displays, comment cards, handouts, and other information materials will be
distributed. Formal written comments, collected at the conclusion of the Open House,
will be summarized and responded to in a timely manner. The Open House will be up to
2 hours in length and will take place after the County and Cities have had an opportunity
to review and comment on the draft Community Agenda.
3.5 Adoption Process
The Coosa Valley Regional Development Center will present the draft Community
Agenda at a public hearing before transmittal to the Coosa Valley Regional Development
Center (RDC) for regional and state review. After the RDC and DCA review the
Community Agenda, the final draft will be presented to the Board of Commissioners and
respective city councils and the public for adoption at a regular meeting of each local
government. The tentative dates for these transmittal hearings are September and October
of 2006.
3.6 Outreach
Varieties of techniques will be used to get the information out to participants. Local
commercial owners, civic leaders, and churches will be contacted to assist in getting the
word out regarding public participation opportunities through press releases, posters, and
other information pertaining to the project. Additionally, the RDC will work with the
local newspapers to see that articles on the planning process are periodically published as
well as a reminder that information concerning the plan and draft documents will be
posted to the RDC web site.
4 Schedule for Completion of the Community Agenda
The graphic below shows the schedule for completion of the Comprehensive Plan
Major upcoming milestones in this schedule include:
Initial Public Hearing ……………..............................................................…..May
Community Visioning Meeting......................................................................…July
Community Design Workshop..........................................................................August
Open House…………………………………………………………………...September
Public Hearing for Transmittal of the Community Agenda to RDC/DCA.......November
Adoption of the Community Agenda............................................................February 2007