Samsung Laser Printers Easy Document Creator
(White paper)
Table of Contents
Introduction 2
Setting up EDC 2
Home screen 2
Scanning 3
How to scan 3
Scan multiple images at one time 4
Poster stitching 4
Favorites 5
Options 6
Save a Scan 6
Scanning to a Social Networking Site 7
Scan directly 7
Upload existing file 7
Upload to social networking sites 7
Facebook 8
Flickr 8
Google Drive and Picasa 8
Twitter 8
Converting to an E-Book 8
Scan directly 8
Convert existing files 9
Faxing a File 9
Send a fax 9
Plug-ins 9
Scan to Office plug-in 9
Send Fax plug-in 9
Easy Document Creator (EDC) is an application to help users compile and share large documents or other
scanned or faxed information digitally. Whether you’re a student needing to organize research from the library
or a stay-at-home mom sharing scanned pictures from last year’s birthday party, EDC will provide you with the
necessary tools. The following are some of the features provided in Easy Document Creator:
Scan single or multiple images or documents
Convert scanned images or existing files to e-book format
Upload scanned images or existing files to a variety of social networking sites
Convert scanned documents to an editable text format
Scan books and easily correct see-through images and the dark space between pages
E-mail scanned files immediately
Fax from Easy Document Creator, Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, or Microsoft Excel
Scan directly into Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, or Microsoft Excel
Convert into e-book format directly from Microsoft Word or Microsoft PowerPoint
Setting up EDC
Before you can use EDC to scan or convert documents, you must have a scanning/faxing device ready to use.
To find a device, follow these steps:
NOTE: Windows XP or newer and Internet Explorer 7.0 or higher are required for installation. If a device is not
ready to be used,
Device not selected will appear at the top of the window after either of button is selected
from the home screen.
1. Click the Magnifier icon to see available devices. The Available Scanners window opens with devices
that have been discovered previously.
2. Select the device to use.
3. Click Add to find a device connected to your computer or on the network. The Add Device window
4. Add Device window automatically searches for all available devices. Click Search by IP address if you
know the IP address or
Search by IP range if you know the IP address range to search within. Type the
information and click the
Magnifier icon. Any devices found will appear in the window.
5. Select the device to use and click Add. The selected device will be listed.
Home screen
The home screen is the first screen that appears when Easy Document Creator is started.
Opens a window to set common settings.
Opens a window with version information.
Opens the help file.
Provides options for different types of scanning (see Scanning) and user-created scan favorites (see Favorites).
Image Scanning - Use for scanning single or multiple pictures.
Document Scanning - Use for scanning documents with text or text and images.
Text Converting - Use for scanning documents that need to be saved in an editable text format.
Book Scanning - Use for scanning books with the flatbed scanner.
Poster Stitch - Use for scanning multiple images to create one larger image.
Favorites - User-created sets of frequently-used scan and save settings.
Text Converting Scan
Use for scanning documents that need to be saved in an editable text format.
NOTE: Text Converting will only be available after installing the optical character recognition (OCR) software
provided in a separate installation file.
Document Conversion
Provides options converting images to an epub file (see Converting to an E-Book).
Provides options for directly faxing files from Easy Document Creator (see Faxing a File).
NOTE: If the Samsung network PC fax driver is not installed, download icon will be displayed.
Scan provides options for converting documents to text formats and scanning documents, images, and books.
How to scan
Each of the five scanning options are performed the same way: Image Scanning, Document Scanning, Text
Converting, Book Scanning, and Poster Stitching (see Poster Stitching). Each scan option will have minor
differences in the Options available (see Options). To scan an image/document, follow these steps:
NOTE: For Book Scanning, to create 2 separate pages, place the book in landscape orientation ( ) instead of
portrait ( ) on the flatbed.
NOTE: For scanning books, Place the book on platen/glass with in marked area ( ). Keep cover open for
books thicker than 30mm.
1. Put the item to be scanned on the flatbed glass or in the ADF.
2. Select Scan from the home screen.
The Scan window opens.
3. Select the type of scanning or a favorite (see Favorites) then click Start.
NOTE: Last Used Settings is available after scanning has been performed once. Selecting this option
will scan using the scan type and settings used most recently.
The scanning window opens and will automatically supply a scan preview.
4. Make adjustments to the image (see Tool bar and Options).
5. Click Scan to scan a final image or Prescan to get another preview image.
6. Click Save to save or share final image.
7. Click on My PC (see Saving a Scan), or other icon to share (see Uploading).
Scan multiple images at one time
If there is room on the flatbed glass, more than one item can be scanned at the same time. To scan multiple
images/documents, follow these steps:
1. Put the items to be scanned on the flatbed glass.
2. Select Scan from the home screen.
The Scan window opens.
3. Select the type of scanning or a Favorite (see Favorites) then click Start.
4. The scanning window opens and will automatically supply a scan preview.
5. Use the tool to make multiple selection areas.
6. Make adjustments to the images (see
Tool bar and Options).
7. Click Scan to scan a final image or Prescan to get another preview image.
8. Click Save to save or share final image.
9. Click on My PC (see Saving a Scan), or other icon to share (see Upload to social networking site).
Poster stitching
This scan option stitches scanned images together into one larger image. You may need to stitch scanned
images if you scan an image that is larger than the maximum scan area: for example, a poster or a map. In
such cases, you can scan fragments of the images one-by-one and later stitch them together into a single
image. To use poster stitching, follow these steps:
1. Put the items to be scanned on the flatbed glass.
2. Select Scan from the home screen.
The Scan window opens.
3. Select Poster Stitching from the Favorite.
4. The scanning window opens and will automatically supply a scan preview.
5. Select the image size from the pull-down menu.
6. Make adjustments to the images (see
Tool bar and Options).
7. Click Scan to scan another section of the image and stitching the image together.
8. Click Done to end stitching.
9. Click Save to save or share final image.
10. Click on My PC (see Saving a Scan), or other icon to share (see Upload to social networking site).
Favorites provide a way to save common scan and save settings to be reused later. From the Favorite, click (+)
button to save the settings. By default, favorites will appear at the bottom of the
Favorites. To use a favorite,
simply select the favorite from the
Favorites. To remove a favorite, select Remove.
Tool bar
The window includes the tools that let you zoom, rotate and flip images, and auto-select the image scanning
area. The result of the applied operations is displayed in the image preview.
Import image files.
Select Single Area
You can manually or automatically select the area to be scanned. To automatically select the
image area to scan, click the select area tool, then click and drag an outline around the desired
scan area. Your selection will be outlined by a dashed line. To move the selection border, position
the pointer over the border and drag the border to cover a different area of the image. To change
the area of the selection, position the pointer on the selection border, click the left mouse button
and hold it while moving the cursor. Release the left mouse button to finish changing the
selection. Multiple areas can be selected by repeating the process.
Select Multiple Areas
If multiple images have been scanned at the same time, this tool will automatically detect and
select the separate images. You can also manually select more than one scan area.
You can select the area to crop the image.
Zoom In
Zoom Out
You can zoom in to/out from an image scanned at lower resolution. Zooming in on the image
increases magnification and provides a close-up view of your image. Zooming out from the
image decreases magnification and lets you see more of the image at a reduced size. Zooming
tools only change your preview of an image and do not modify the image itself.
Rotate Clockwise
Rotate Counter-Clockwise
You can rotate the image 90 degrees clockwise or counter-clockwise with each click of the
respective button.
Flip Horizontally
Flip Vertically
You can flip the image horizontally or vertically.
Hand tool
You can grab the page to drag.
You can cancel any changes made to the preview image.
The following scan options are available for all scan types unless otherwise noted
Document Source - Allows you to choose the source from which the device will scan the image. No
source option will be available for
Book Scanning - only the flatbed can be used for this.
Image Type - Allows you to choose the proper color settings for image scanning.
Resolution - Allows you to choose the resolution required (dpi).
For Text Converting, 200 dpi and 300 dpi are the available options: 300 dpi is recommended as the
best resolution for OCR scanning.
Size - Allows you to choose the proper size of the scanned image. To select your own document size,
Delete Background - Whitens the image background. This option allows you to prepare for the OCR of
images containing text over a picture or color background.
Auto exposure - Automatically evaluates the optimal level of exposure correction and applies the
correction. Exposure correction is an image quality correction that highlights the extremely darkened
parts of the image and darkens overexposed parts of the image to highlight the details.
Auto color balance - Evaluates the optimal level of color balance correction and applies the correction.
Auto rotation - Automatically detects the correct orientation of an image and rotates it accordingly.
Auto rotation only works for images containing texts: images containing fewer lines/texts may be
rotated incorrectly.
Auto straighten - Automatically detects the displacement angle of an image and straightens it. This
feature performs better when the image contains more lines/text, otherwise the image may be
incorrectly rotated.
Blank page removal - Removes blank pages scanned from a document.
Page separation - Separates the pages of a scanned open book into two separate documents.
Available for
Book Scanning.
Center area correction - Removes the shadow that appears between the pages of a scanned open
book. Available for
Book Scanning.
Save a Scan
1. Select the file format, scan quality (left is low: right is high), save location, and type a file name.
NOTE: If more than one image is being saved, the filename entered will be used for all images with a
number appended to the end of the filename (e.g., image.jpg, image(2).jpg).
2. Click Save.
Scanning to a Social Networking Site
Easy Document Creator provides an easy and quick way to upload files to a variety of social networking sites
(SNS). Scan an image directly or select an existing image to upload to Facebook, Flickr, Picasa, Google Drive,
or Twitter.
Scan directly
To scan an image directly to a social networking site, follow these steps:
1. Select Scan from the home screen.
The Scan window opens.
2. Click Prescan to see the image and make any adjustments before saving.
3. Make any adjustments to the image by rotating, cropping, changing the resolution, etc. More advanced
image options can be adjusted by
4. Click on Scan to scan a final copy.
5. Click on Save to save and send a final copy.
6. Select the social networking site.
7. Go to
Upload to social networking sites.
Upload existing file
To upload an image that already exists, follow these steps:
1. Select Scan from the home screen.
The Scan window opens.
2. Select Import icon to find the file to upload.
NOTE: Repeat this step to add multiple images.
3. Click on Save to save and send a final copy.
4. Select the social networking site.
5. See
Upload to social networking sites.
Upload to social networking sites
To upload to a social networking site, follow these steps:
NOTE: If more than one image is being uploaded from one of the scan screens directly (Image Scanning,
Document Scanning, and Book Scanning), the filename entered will be used for all images with a number
appended to the end of the filename (e.g., image.jpg, image(2).jpg).
NOTE: If there are any problems in accessing or uploading to each SNS site due to a network environment
issue, check security limitations established in your network with network administrator. Problems may also
occur if the SNS has made changes, if the file size is too large, or if multiple file uploading is not supported by
the SNS. To guarantee correct functioning of SNS upload in Easy Document Creator, an unrestricted network
environment is needed for HTTPS communication.
1. Click Next.
2. Sign-in to your account.
3. Select the upload location.
4. Click Upload.
1. Click Next.
2. Sign-in to your account.
3. Click Upload. The images will be uploaded to “Your Photostream"./p>
Google Drive and Picasa
1. Click Next.
2. If this is your first time uploading to Google Drive, click Grant access.
3. Select the upload location.
4. Click Upload.
1. Click Next.
NOTE: If it is your first time uploading to the SNS, you will have to sign-in to Twitter and authorize the
application by clicking
Authorize app.
2. Click Upload.
The images will upload to Twitpics and post a “tweet" on your Twitter feed.
Converting to an E-Book
Easy Document Creator provides the ability to scan multiple documents in as one e-book or convert existing
files into an e-book.
Scan directly
To scan an image, follow these steps:
1. Select Scan from the home screen. The Scan window opens and will automatically supply a scan
2. Make adjustments to the image (see Scan Settings and More Options).
3. Click Scan to scan a final image or Prescan to get another preview image.
4. Click Save to open save dialog and then select My PC.
5. Enter a name and file format as EPUB, and select a save location.
6. Click Save.
Convert existing files
To convert existing files, follow these steps:
1. Select Document Conversion from the home screen.
2. The Document Conversion window opens.
3. Click Import to find the file to convert.
NOTE: Repeat this step to add multiple images.
4. Click Save to open save dialog and then select My PC.
5. Enter a name and file format as EPUB, and select a save location.
6. Click Save.
Faxing a File
Fax provides the ability to directly fax a document from Easy Document Creator if the Samsung network PC
fax driver is installed.
Send a fax
To fax a file, follow these steps:
1. Select Fax from the home screen. The Fax window opens.
2. Click Import and locate the file to fax.
NOTE: To send multiple files in one fax, repeat this step.
3. Click Send Fax. The Fax Options window opens.
4. Enter the fax information (recipient’s number, cover page information, etc.).
5. Click Preview to see what the fax will look like or click Send to transmit the fax.
Easy Document Creator will also create new plug-ins for Microsoft PowerPoint, Word, and Excel. These new
plug-ins will be in a new
Easy Document Creator menu on the applications’ menu bars: Scan to Office, Send Fax.
Scan to Office plug-in
The Scan to Office plug-in enables you to scan images and embed them directly into your document.
1. Select Easy Document Creator > Scan to Office. An Easy Document Creator window opens and
performs a
Scan (see Scanning).
2. Click Scan More to scan another image or click Insert to embed the scanned image into your
Send Fax plug-in
The Send Fax plug-in enables you to fax your document directly from the application.
1. Select Easy Document Creator > Send Fax. The installed fax driver opens a window.
2. Select the fax to use, enter the recipient’s number, and enter any other information necessary.
3. Click Preview to see a fax preview or click Send to process the fax.
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July 2018