Sphinx Confluence Builder
Anthony Shaw and Contributors
Jan 01, 2020
1 documentation contents 3
Sphinx Confluence Builder Documentation
Sphinx extension to build Confluence storage format files and optionally publish them to a Confluence instance.
License: BSD-2-Clause
Confluence Cloud or Server 6.1+ with Python 2.7 or 3.4+
Home: https://github.com/tonybaloney/sphinxcontrib-confluencebuilder
Documentation: http://sphinxcontrib-confluencebuilder.readthedocs.io
Contents 1
Sphinx Confluence Builder Documentation
2 Contents
documentation contents
1.1 installing
Atlassian Confluence Builder for Sphinx depends on:
Python 2.7 or 3.4+
Requests 2.14.0 or later
Sphinx 1.6.3 or later
Confluence Cloud or Server 6.1+
The recommended method of installation is using pip.
pip install sphinxcontrib-confluencebuilder
To verify the package has been installed, if desired, the following command can be used:
python -m sphinxcontrib.confluencebuilder --version
1.1.1 fresh quick-start
The following provides a series of steps to assist in preparing a new environment to use this package. This quick-start
will aim to use the most recent version of Python.
Note: If the installation process fails with the following error AttributeError: ‘_NamespacePath’ object has no
attribute ‘sort’”, try upgrading the setuptools module:
python -m pip install --upgrade setuptools
Sphinx Confluence Builder Documentation
While the use of Python/pip is almost consistent between Linux distributions, the following are a series of helpful
steps to install this package under specific distributions of Linux. From a terminal, invoke the following commands:
$ sudo pacman -Sy
$ sudo pacman -S python-pip
$ (optional) sudo pacman -S python-virtualenv
$ (optional) virtualenv sphinx-venv
$ (optional) source sphinx-venv/bin/activate
$ pip install sphinxcontrib-confluencebuilder
$ python -m sphinxcontrib.confluencebuilder --version
sphinxcontrib.confluencebuilder <version>
$ sudo yum install epel-release
$ sudo yum install python-pip
$ (optional) sudo yum install python-virtualenv
$ (optional) virtualenv sphinx-venv
$ (optional) source sphinx-venv/bin/activate
$ pip install sphinxcontrib-confluencebuilder
$ python -m sphinxcontrib.confluencebuilder --version
sphinxcontrib.confluencebuilder <version>
$ sudo dnf install python-pip
$ (optional) sudo dnf install python-virtualenv
$ (optional) virtualenv sphinx-venv
$ (optional) source sphinx-venv/bin/activate
$ pip install sphinxcontrib-confluencebuilder
$ python -m sphinxcontrib.confluencebuilder --version
sphinxcontrib.confluencebuilder <version>
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip
$ (optional) sudo dnf install python-virtualenv
$ (optional) virtualenv sphinx-venv
$ (optional) source sphinx-venv/bin/activate
$ pip install sphinxcontrib-confluencebuilder
$ python -m sphinxcontrib.confluencebuilder --version
sphinxcontrib.confluencebuilder <version>
4 Chapter 1. documentation contents
Sphinx Confluence Builder Documentation
os x
From a terminal, invoke the following commands:
$ sudo easy_install pip
$ (optional) pip install virtualenv
$ (optional) virtualenv sphinx-venv
$ (optional) source sphinx-venv/bin/activate
$ pip install sphinxcontrib-confluencebuilder
$ python -m sphinxcontrib.confluencebuilder --version
sphinxcontrib.confluencebuilder <version>
If not already installed, download the most recent version of Python:
Python - Downloads
When invoking the installer, it is recommended to select the option to Add Python to PATH”; however, users can
explicitly invoked Python from an absolute path (the remainder of these steps will assume Python is available in the
While optional, it is recommended to install virtualenv first. Open a Windows command prompt as an adminis-
trator. Invoke the following:
(optional) pip install virtualenv
The command prompt started as an administrator can be closed.
Open a Windows command prompt (administrator mode is not required). Invoke the following:
(optional) virtualenv sphinx-venv
(optional) source sphinx-venv\Scripts\activate.bat
python -m pip install sphinxcontrib-confluencebuilder
python -m sphinxcontrib.confluencebuilder --version
1.1.2 master
To install the bleeding edge sources, the following pip command can be used:
pip install \
1.2 tutorial
After installing Atlassian Confluence Builder for Sphinx, a Sphinx project can be configured to support the
confluence builder. The following tutorial will provide a series of steps which will:
Enables a builder to generate Confluence-compatible markup documentation.
Enables a builder to publish to a Confluence instance.
1.2. tutorial 5
Sphinx Confluence Builder Documentation
new documentation
existing documentation
1.2.1 new documentation
If starting without an existing Sphinx-based documentation, one can create a minimalistic Sphinx configuration or use
Sphinx’s quick-start utility.
If opting for the quick-start utility, open a terminal to the location where documentation should be generated and
invoke the following:
python -m sphinx.quickstart
After completing the quick-start, conf.py can be tweaked as desired. Continue preparing this project’s configuration
by consulting the existing documentation steps (below).
For a minimalistic setup, create a new folder for the new documentation and configuration to be used. Create a
document named contents.rst with the following content:
my documentation
This is a test document.
Next, create a configuration file with the following information:
# -
- coding: utf-8 -
extensions = ['sphinxcontrib.confluencebuilder']
After preparing these assets, consult the existing documentation steps (below) to complete the configuration.
1.2.2 existing documentation
Enable this extension’s builder by adding the extension to the target project’s Sphinx configuration (conf.py):
extensions = ['sphinxcontrib.confluencebuilder']
Next, include a series of publish-related settings to the configuration file:
6 Chapter 1. documentation contents
Sphinx Confluence Builder Documentation
confluence_publish = True
confluence_space_name = 'TEST'
# (for confluence cloud)
confluence_server_url = 'https://example.atlassian.net/wiki'
confluence_server_user = '[email protected]'
confluence_server_pass = 'myapikey'
# (or for confluence server)
confluence_server_url = 'https://intranet-wiki.example.com'
confluence_server_user = 'myawesomeuser'
confluence_server_pass = 'mypassword'
Make appropriate changes to the above configuration for the environment being targeted.
Tip: For more information on the above or additional configuration options, consult all configuration options.
If one wishes to publish documents as children of a parent page inside a space, the configuration
confluence_parent_page (jump) should be supplied with the name of the page to append published docu-
ments. If omitted, the builder will publish documents in the root of the space. For example:
confluence_parent_page = 'MyDocumentation'
To process and publish the documentation set, invoke Sphinx with the confluence builder to perform build-
make confluence
sphinx-build -b confluence . _build/confluence
python -m sphinx -b confluence . _build/confluence
Documentation of the project should now be published to the Confluence site.
1.3 configuration
The following is an example of simple configuration for Confluence generation and publishing:
extensions = ['sphinxcontrib.confluencebuilder']
confluence_publish = True
confluence_space_name = 'TEST'
confluence_parent_page = 'Documentation'
confluence_server_url = 'https://intranet-wiki.example.com'
confluence_server_user = 'username'
confluence_server_pass = 'password'
All Atlassian Confluence Builder configurations are prefixed with confluence_. View the entire list of configura-
tion options below.
essential configuration
1.3. configuration 7
Sphinx Confluence Builder Documentation
general configuration
advanced configuration - processing
advanced configuration - publishing
8 Chapter 1. documentation contents
Sphinx Confluence Builder Documentation
1.3.1 essential configuration
A boolean that decides whether or not to allow publishing. This option must be explicitly set to True if one wishes
to publish content. By default, the value is set to False.
confluence_publish = True
The password value used to authenticate with the Confluence instance. If using Confluence Cloud, it is recommended
to use an API token for the configured username value (see API tokens):
confluence_server_pass = 'vsUsrSZ6Z4kmrQMapSXBYkJh'
If API tokens are not being used, the plain password for the configured username value should be used:
confluence_server_pass = 'myawesomepassword'
Caution: It is never recommended to store an API token or raw password into a committed/shared repository
holding documentation. A documentation’s configuration can modified various ways with Python to pull an au-
thentication token for a publishing event (reading from a local file, acquiring a password from getpass, etc.). If
desired, this extension provides a method for prompting for a password (see confluence_ask_password).
The URL for Confluence. The URL should be prefixed with https:// or http:// (depending on the URL target).
The target API folder should not be included in the URL (for example, excluding /rest/api/ or /rpc/xmlrpc/).
For a Confluence Cloud instance, an example URL configuration is as follows:
confluence_server_url = 'https://example.atlassian.net/wiki'
For a Confluence Server instance, an example URL configuration, if the instance’s REST API is https:/
/intranet-wiki.example.com/rest/api/ or XML-RPC API is at https://intranet-wiki.
example.com/rpc/xmlrpc, should be as follows:
confluence_server_url = 'https://intranet-wiki.example.com'
The username value used to authenticate with the Confluence instance. If using Confluence Cloud, this value will most
likely be the account’s E-mail address. If using Confluence instance, this value will most likely be the username value.
confluence_server_user = '[email protected]'
confluence_server_user = 'myawesomeuser'
1.3. configuration 9
Sphinx Confluence Builder Documentation
Key of the space in Confluence to be used to publish generated documents to.
confluence_space_name = 'MyAwesomeSpace'
Note that the space name can be case-sensitive in most (if not all) versions of Confluence.
1.3.2 general configuration
A boolean value which explicitly disable any page update notifications (i.e. treats page updates from a publish request
as minor updates). By default, notifications are enabled with a value of False.
confluence_disable_notifications = True
The name of the file to use header data. If provided, the contents found inside the header file will be added to the start
of all generated documents. The file path provided should be relative to the build environment’s source directory. For
confluence_header_file = 'assets/header.tpl'
The name of the file to use footer data. If provided, the contents found inside the footer file will be added at the end
of all generated documents. The file path provided should be relative to the build environment’s source directory. For
confluence_footer_file = 'assets/footer.tpl'
A boolean value to whether or not force the configured space’s homepage to be set to the page defined by the Sphinx
configuration’s master_doc. By default, the master_doc configuration is ignored with a value of False.
confluence_master_homepage = False
An integer value, if provided, to indicate the maximum depth permitted for a nested child page before its contents is
inlined with a parent. The root of all pages is typically the configured master_doc. The root page is considered to be at
a depth of zero. By defining a value of 0, all child pages of the root document will be merged into a single document.
By default, the maximum document depth is disabled with a value of None.
confluence_max_doc_depth = 2
10 Chapter 1. documentation contents
Sphinx Confluence Builder Documentation
A boolean value to whether or not nest pages in a hierarchical ordered. The root of all pages is typically the configured
master_doc. If a master_doc instance contains a toctree, listed documents will become child pages of the master_doc.
This cycle continues for child pages with their own toctree markups. By default, the hierarchy mode is disabled with
a value of False.
confluence_page_hierarchy = False
Note that even if hierarchy mode is enabled, the configured master_doc page and other published pages that are not
defined in the complete toctree, these documents will still be published based off the configured (or unconfigured)
confluence_parent_page setting.
The root page found inside the configured space (confluence_space_name) where published pages will be a
descendant of. The parent page value is used to match with the title of an existing page. If this option is not provided,
pages will be published to the root of the configured space. If the parent page cannot be found, the publish attempt
will stop with an error message. For example, the following will publish documentation under the MyAwesomeDocs
confluence_parent_page = 'MyAwesomeDocs'
If a parent page is not set, consider using the confluence_master_homepage option as well. Note that the
page’s name can be case-sensitive in most (if not all) versions of Confluence.
If set, the prefix value is added to the title of all published document. In Confluence, page names need to be unique
for a space. A prefix can be set to either:
Add a unique naming schema to generated/published documents in a space which has manually created pages;
Allow multiple published sets of documentation, each each with their own prefix value.
An example publish prefix is as follows:
confluence_publish_prefix = 'prefix-'
Warning: Publishing individual/subset of documents with this option may lead to unexpected results.
A boolean value to whether or not purge legacy pages detected in a space or parent page. By default, this value
is set to False to indicate that no pages will be removed. If this configuration is set to True, detected pages
in Confluence that do not match the set of published documents will be automatically removed. If the option
confluence_parent_page is set, only pages which are a descendant of the configured parent page can be re-
moved; otherwise, all pages in the configured space could be removed.
confluence_purge = False
1.3. configuration 11
Sphinx Confluence Builder Documentation
While this capability is useful for updating a series of pages, it may lead to unexpected results when attempting to
publish a single-page update. The purge operation will remove all pages that are not publish in the request. For
example, if an original request publishes ten documents and purges excess documents, a following publish attempt
with only one of the documents will purge the other nine pages.
A boolean value to which indicates that any purging attempt should be done from the root of a published master_doc
page (instead of a configured parent page; i.e. confluence_parent_page). In specific publishing scenarios, a
user may wish to publish multiple documentation sets based off a single parent/container page. To prevent any purging
between multiple documentation sets, this option can be set to True. When generating legacy pages to be removed,
this extension will only attempt to populate legacy pages based off the children of the master_doc page. This option
still requires confluence_purge to be set to True before taking effect.
confluence_purge_from_master = False
1.3.3 advanced configuration - processing
The file name suffix to use for all generated files. By default, all generated files will use the extension .conf (see
confluence_file_suffix = '.conf'
A function to override the translation of a document name to a filename. The provided function is used to perform
translations for both Sphinx’s get_outdated_docs and write_doc methods. The default translation will be the combi-
nation of “docname + confluence_file_suffix”.
A function to override the translation of literal block-based directive language values to Confluence-support code block
macro language values. The default translation accepts Pygments documented language types to Confluence-supported
syntax highlight languages.
def my_language_translation(lang):
return 'default'
confluence_lang_transform = my_language_translation
The suffix name to use for for generated links to files. By default, all generated links will use the value defined by
confluence_file_suffix (see confluence_link_transform).
confluence_link_suffix = '.conf'
12 Chapter 1. documentation contents
Sphinx Confluence Builder Documentation
A function to override the translation of a document name to a (partial) URI. The provided function is used to perform
translations for both Sphinx’s get_relative_uri method. The default translation will be the combination of “docname
+ confluence_link_suffix”.
A boolean value to whether or not automatically remove the title section from all published pages. In Confluence,
page names are already presented at the top. With this option enabled, this reduces having two leading headers with
the document’s title. In some cases, a user may wish to not remove titles when custom prefixes or other custom
modifications are in play. By default, this option is enabled with a value of True.
confluence_remove_title = True
1.3.4 advanced configuration - publishing
Warning: User’s running Cygwin/MinGW may need to invoke with winpty to allow this feature to work.
Provides an override for an interactive shell to request publishing documents using an API key or password provided
from the shell environment. While a password is typically defined in the option confluence_server_pass
(either directly set/fetched from the project’s config.py or passed via a command line argument -D
confluence_server_pass=password), select environments may wish to provide a way to provide an authen-
tication token without needing to modify documentation sources or having a visible password value in the interactive
session requesting the publish event. By default, this option is disabled with a value of False.
confluence_ask_password = False
A user can request for a password prompt by invoking build event by passing the define through the command line:
sphinx-build [options] -D confluence_ask_password=1 <srcdir> <outdir>
Note that some shell sessions may not be able to pull the password value properly from the user. For example,
Cygwin/MinGW may not be able to accept a password unless invoked with winpty.
Provides an override for asset publishing to allow a user publishing to either force re-publishing assets or disable
asset publishing. This extension will attempt to publish assets (images, downloads, etc.) to pages via Confluence’s
attachment feature. Attachments are assigned a comment value with a hash value of a published asset. If another
publishing event occurs, the hash value is checked before attempting to re-publish an asset. In unique scenarios, are
use may wish to override this ability. By configuring this option to True, this extension will always publish asset files
(whether or not an attachment with a matching hash exists). By configuring this option to False, no assets will be
published by this extension. By default, this automatic asset publishing occurs with a value of None.
confluence_asset_override = None
1.3. configuration 13
Sphinx Confluence Builder Documentation
Provide a CA certificate to use for server certificate authentication. The value for this option can either be a file of
a certificate or a path pointing to an OpenSSL-prepared directory. If configured to use REST API (default), refer to
the Requests SSL Cert Verification documentation (verify) for information. If configured to use the XML-RPC
API, refer to Python’s TLS/SSL wrapper for socket object (cafile or capath) for more information. If server
verification is explicitly disabled (see confluence_disable_ssl_validation), this option is ignored. By
default, this option is ignored with a value of None.
confluence_ca_cert = 'ca.crt'
Provide a client certificate to use for two-way TLS/SSL authentication. The value for this option can either be a file
(containing a certificate and private key) or as a tuple where both certificate and private keys are explicitly provided.
If a private key is protected with a passphrase, a user publishing a documentation set will be prompted for a password
(see also confluence_client_cert_pass). By default, this option is ignored with a value of None.
confluence_client_cert = 'cert_and_key.pem'
# or
confluence_client_cert = ('client.cert', 'client.key')
Provide a passphrase for confluence_client_cert. This prevents a user from being prompted to enter a
passphrase for a private key when publishing. If a configured private key is not protected by a passphrase, this value
will be ignored. By default, this option is ignored with a value of None.
confluence_client_cert_pass = 'passphrase'
A boolean value to explicitly disable the automatic generation of titles for documents which do not have a title set.
When this extension processes a set of documents to publish, a document needs a title value to know which Confluence
page to create/update. In the event where a title value cannot be extracted from a document, a title value will be
automatically generated for the document. For automatically generated titles, the value will always be prefixed with
autogen-. For users who wish to ignore pages which have no title, this option can be set to True. By default, this
option is set to False.
confluence_disable_autogen_title = True
Warning: It is not recommended to use this option with a value of True as the XML-RPC API has been
deprecated by Atlassian. Only use if required.
A boolean value to explicitly disable any REST API calls. This extension has the ability to publish using either
Confluence’s REST or XML-RPC API calls. When publishing, this extension will first attempt to publish using REST
14 Chapter 1. documentation contents
Sphinx Confluence Builder Documentation
and fallback to using XML-RPC. If the target Confluence instance cannot use REST for publishing, it is recommended
to set the option to True to always use XML-RPC instead. By default, this option is set to False.
confluence_disable_rest = False
Warning: It is not recommended to use this option.
A boolean value to explicitly disable verification of server SSL certificates when making a publish request. By default,
this option is set to False.
confluence_disable_ssl_validation = False
A boolean value to explicitly disable any XML-RPC API calls. This extension has the ability to publish using either
Confluence’s REST or XML-RPC API calls. When publishing, this extension will first attempt to publish using
REST and fallback to using XML-RPC. If the target Confluence instance supports REST or has XML-RPC explicitly
disabled, it is recommended to set this option to True. By default, this option is set to False.
confluence_disable_xmlrpc = False
The page identifier check for confluence_parent_page. By providing an identifier of the parent page, both the
parent page’s name and identifier must match before this extension will publish any content to a Confluence instance.
This serves as a sanity-check configuration for the cautious.
confluence_parent_page_id_check = 1
Provide the proxy needed to be used to interact with the Confluence instance over the network. At this time, the proxy
configuration only applies to XML-RPC calls (REST calls use the Requests library which will use system-defined
proxy configuration).
confluence_proxy = 'myawesomeproxy:8080'
Note: If confluence_publish_subset is configured, this option disables confluence_purge.
Provides the ability for a publisher to explicitly list a subset of documents to be published to a Confluence instance.
When a user invokes sphinx-build, a user has the ability to process all documents (by default) or specifying individual
filenames which use the provide files and detected dependencies. If the Sphinx-detected set of documents to process
1.3. configuration 15
Sphinx Confluence Builder Documentation
contain undesired documents to publish, confluence_publish_subset can be used to override this. Defined
document names should be a relative file path without the file extension. For example:
confluence_publish_subset = ['index', 'foo/bar']
A user can force a publishing subset through the command line:
sphinx-build [options] -D confluence_publish_subset=index,foo/bar \
<srcdir> <outdir> index.rst foo/bar.rst
By default, this option is ignored with a value of []. See also manage publishing a document subset.
Force a timeout (in seconds) for network interaction. The timeout used by this extension is not explicitly configured
(i.e. managed by Requests and other implementations). By default, assume that any network interaction will not
timeout. Since the target Confluence instance is most likely to be found on an external server, is it recommended to
explicitly configure a timeout value based on the environment being used. For example, to configure a timeout of ten
seconds, the following can be used:
confluence_timeout = 10
1.4 markup
The following outlines the reStructuredText/Sphinx markup supported by this extension. The intent of this extension
is to support as much markup as possible that can be rendered on a Confluence instance. Below will identify markup
that has been tested, planned to be implemented in the future or is not compatible with Confluence.
1.4.1 standard
type status notes
admonitions supported
reStructuredText Admoni-
bibliographic fields supported
reStructuredText Biblio-
graphic Fields
block quotes supported
reStructuredText Block
bullet lists supported
reStructuredText Bullet Lists
centered unsupported
Sphinx Centered
Continued on next page
16 Chapter 1. documentation contents
Sphinx Confluence Builder Documentation
Table 1 continued from previous page
type status notes
citations supported
reStructuredText Citations
code supported
Sphinx Code Markup
code-block options
emphasize-lines and
lines as well as highlight
option linenothreshold
are ignored due to incompat-
ibilities with Confluence’s
code block macro.
Highlighting is limited to lan-
guages defined by the Conflu-
ence instance (see code block
Pending work to vali-
date/improve code block op-
tions caption, encoding
and pyobject.
compound paragraph supported
reStructuredText Compound
container prospect
reStructuredText Container
definition lists supported
reStructuredText Definition
deprecated supported
Sphinx Deprecated
download supported
Sphinx Download
enumerated lists supported
reStructuredText Enumerated
Only auto-enumerator lists
(#) are supported.
epigraph supported
reStructuredText Epigraph
footnotes supported
reStructuredText Footnotes
Continued on next page
1.4. markup 17
Sphinx Confluence Builder Documentation
Table 1 continued from previous page
type status notes
glossary supported
Sphinx Glossary
highlights supported
reStructuredText Highlights
hlist unsupported
Sphinx Horizontal List
hyperlink targets supported
reStructuredText Hyperlink
images supported
reStructuredText Images
list table supported
reStructuredText List Table
Argument title not yet
Options not supported:
align, header-rows,
stub-columns and
literal blocks supported
reStructuredText Literal
manpage supported
Sphinx Manpage
math unplanned
reStructuredText Math
parsed literal block supported
reStructuredText Parsed Lit-
eral Block
option lists supported
reStructuredText Option Lists
production list supported
Sphinx Production List
pull-quote supported
reStructuredText Pull-Quote
Continued on next page
18 Chapter 1. documentation contents
Sphinx Confluence Builder Documentation
Table 1 continued from previous page
type status notes
raw supported
reStructuredText Raw Data
rubric supported
Sphinx Rubric
sections supported
reStructuredText Sections
tables supported
reStructuredText Tables
toctree supported
Sphinx TOC Tree Markup
Pending work to vali-
date/improve toctree options
caption and numbered.
transitions supported
reStructuredText Transitions
versionadded supported
Sphinx Version Added
versionchanged supported
Sphinx Version Changed
(note: directive options “class” and “name” are ignored)
1.4.2 extensions
The following extensions are supported:
1.4.3 other
If a markup type and/or extension is not listed in the above, is not working as expected or brings up another concern,
feel free to bring up an issue:
Atlassian Confluence Builder for Confluence - Issues
1.5 tips
1.5. tips 19
Sphinx Confluence Builder Documentation
confluence spaces and unique page names
setting a publishing timeout
disable xml-rpc
manage publishing a document subset
asking for help
1.5.1 confluence spaces and unique page names
An important consideration when using this extension is that Confluence has a requirement to having unique page
names for a given space. When this extension parses a document’s title value, the title is used as either a creation
point or an update point (i.e. if the page name does not exist, it will be created; if the page name does exist, it will be
One must be cautious when mixing a space with manually prepared content and published content from this extension.
Consider the following use case.
A space MyAwesomeSpace already exists with the following content:
See Also
A user may desire to publish a series of Sphinx documentation into a “container” by, so the page “Documentation” is
See Also
If the Sphinx documentation contains a page named About”, unexpected events may occur to new users after pub-
lishing for the first time. One might expect the following to be published:
About (new)
Installing (new)
User Guide (new)
Other (new)
See Also
20 Chapter 1. documentation contents
Sphinx Confluence Builder Documentation
However, since Confluence only supports a single About” page for a space, the original About” page is updated with
new content from the documentation set and is moved as a child of the container page:
About (updated and moved)
Installing (new)
User Guide (new)
Other (new)
See Also
Users needing to restrict the extension from possibly mangling manually prepared content can use the
confluence_publish_prefix (jump) option.
1.5.2 setting a publishing timeout
By default, this extension does not define any timeouts for a publish event. It is recommended to provide a timeout
value based on the environment being used (see confluence_timeout; jump).
1.5.3 disable xml-rpc
When published, the default configuration will attempt to first publish using REST API. If publishing fails, the exten-
sion automatically attempts to publish using the XML-RPC API. This is solely for compatibility reasons (i.e. envi-
ronments which for some reason cannot support the REST API). If in an environment where access to a Confluence
instance is limited by the network, one may not desire two failed attempts when publishing a documentation set. To
disable attempts to publish using the XML-RPC API, see confluence_disable_xmlrpc (jump).
1.5.4 manage publishing a document subset
Users have the ability to publish a subset of processed documents by using the confluence_publish_subset
(jump) option. This can be useful for large documentation sets where a user may wish to only publish an update for
one or more documents (instead of the entire set). While subset publishing can be commonly used by setting the
confluence_publish_subset option in a command line build, this may not be ideal for some environments.
The following is a code snippet, which when included in a project’s conf.py file, will provide a means for a user to
specify a file outlining which documents are desired:
subset_path = os.getenv('PUBLISH_SUBSET')
if subset_path and os.path.isfile(subset_path):
with open(subset_path) as f:
confluence_publish_subset = [line
for raw_line in f
for line in [raw_line.strip()]
if line and not line.startswith('#')]
Individual documents can be added into the file defined by the environment variable PUBLISH_SUBSET per line. In
this snippet, blank lines and lines commented out with the # character are ignored.
1.5. tips 21
Sphinx Confluence Builder Documentation
1.5.5 asking for help
Having trouble or concerns using this extension? Do not hesitate to bring up an issue:
Atlassian Confluence Builder for Confluence - Issues
1.6 documentation
Documentation for Atlassian Confluence Builder is made with Sphinx and distributed on Read the Docs. Sources of
the documentation can be found inside this extension’s repository doc folder:
Atlassian Confluence Builder for Confluence
The documentation theme used by default is set to sphinx_rtd_theme. If locally generating documentation, the
theme can be installed on systems using the following command:
pip install sphinx_rtd_theme
1.7 changelog
1.7.1 1.0.0 (2019-03-14)
all confluence-based macros can be restricted by the user
block quotes with attribution are styled with confluence quotes
citations/footnotes now have back references
enumerated lists now support various styling types
fixed issue with enumerated lists breaking build on older sphinx versions
fixed issue with relative-provided header/footer assets
fixed issues where table-of-contents may generate broken links
improve support with interaction with other extensions
improved paragraph indentation
initial autodoc support
nested tables and spanning cells are now supported
provide option for a caller to request a password for publishing documents
storage format support (two-pass publishing no longer needed)
support for sass/yaml language types
support parsed literal content
support publishing subset of documents
support the download directive
support the image/figure directives
22 Chapter 1. documentation contents
Sphinx Confluence Builder Documentation
support the manpage role
1.7.2 0.9.0 (2018-06-02)
fixed a series of content escaping issues
fixed an issue when purging content would remove just-published pages
fixed detailed configuration errors from being hidden
improve proxy support for xml-rpc on various python versions
improve support for various confluence url configurations
improve support in handling literal block languages
support automatic title generation for documents (if missing)
support linenothreshold option for hightlight directive
support maximum page depth (nesting documents)
support the raw directive
support two-way ssl connections
1.7.3 0.8.0 (2017-12-05)
fix case where first-publish with ‘confluence_master_homepage’ fails to configure the space’s homepage
support page hierarchy
improve pypi cover notes
1.7.4 0.7.0 (2017-11-30)
cap headers/sections to six levels for improved visualization
fixed rest publishing for encoding issues and python 3.x (< 3.6) issues
improve markup for:
body element lists
inline literals
literal block (code)
re-work generated document references/targets (reference to section names)
1.7. changelog 23
Sphinx Confluence Builder Documentation
sanitize output to prevent confluence errors for certain characters
support indentations markup
support master_doc option to configure space’s homepage
support removing document titles from page outputs
support silent page updates
1.7.5 0.6.0 (2017-04-23)
cleanup module’s structure, versions and other minor files
drop ‘confluence’ pypi package (embedded xml-rpc support added)
improve hyperlink and cross-referencing arbitrary locations/documents support
improve proxy support
re-support python 3.x series
support anonymous publishing
support rest api
1.7.6 0.5.0 (2017-03-31)
header/footer support
purging support
use macros for admonitions
(note) known issues with python 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 or 3.6 (see tonybaloney/sphinxcontrib-confluencebuilder#10)
1.7.7 0.4.0 (2017-02-21)
move from ‘confluence’ pypi package to ‘confluence’ pypi package (required for publishing). see: https://github.
1.7.8 0.3.0 (2017-01-22)
adding travis ci, tox and initial unit testing
module now depends on future
providing initial support for python 3
1.7.9 0.2.0 (2016-07-13)
moved configuration to the sphinx config
24 Chapter 1. documentation contents
Sphinx Confluence Builder Documentation
1.7.10 0.1.1 (2016-07-12)
added table support
fixed internal links
1.7.11 0.1.0 (2016-07-12)
added lists, bullets, formatted text
added headings and titles
1.7. changelog 25