Saving teachers time planning, teaching, and grading. Keeping students learning, engaging, and applying.
Compound-Complex Sentences Practice Exercise 1
Directions: In the following compound-complex sentence, find the dependent (subordinate)
1. I can call my parents, or I can just walk home if you will let me.
A. I can call my parents
B. or I can just walk home
C. if you will let me
2. As soon as I received the invitation, I replied, and I called my friend.
A. As soon as I received the invitation
B. I replied
C. and I called my friend
3. I will answer your questions, and I will help you study because you are my best friend.
A. I will answer your questions
B. because you are my best friend
C. and I will help you study
4. Even though my pet parakeet is quite loud and talkative, we still love him, and he makes
us laugh.
A. Even though my pet parakeet is quite loud and talkative
B. we still love him
C. and he makes us laugh
5. I like listening to records, and I like playing video games whenever my parents let me.
A. I like listening to records
B. and I like playing video games
C. whenever my parents let me
6. I know the way to school, but I may get lost unless we take a map with us.
A. I know the way to school
B. but I may get lost
C. unless we take a map with us
Saving teachers time planning, teaching, and grading. Keeping students learning, engaging, and applying.
7. We drove to the mall, and we stopped by the bank since we were going to buy pants and
A. we stopped by the bank
B. We drove to the mall
C. since we were going to buy pants and shoes
8. Because Katherine is my good friend, I bought her a present, and I put it in her locker.
A. Because Katherine is my good friend
B. I bought her a present
C. and put it in her locker
9. The musicians were excellent, and we enjoyed their performance even though they
were a bit loud.
A. The musicians were excellent
B. and we enjoyed their performance
C. even though they were a bit loud
10. After the blizzard ended, we ran outside, and we built a snowman.
A. we ran outside
B. After the blizzard ended
C. and we built a snowman
Saving teachers time planning, teaching, and grading. Keeping students learning, engaging, and applying.
Answer Key: Compound-Complex Sentences Practice Exercise 1
1. C
2. A
3. B
4. A
5. C
6. C
7. C
8. A
9. C
10. B