Adapted by S. Victor Last Updated: 10/5/11
Name:___________________________________ Date:_______________ Period:____
All sentences are labeled in one of the following
four ways:
simple, compound, complex, and compound-
complex Practice 1
*****NOTE: A sentence consists of four parts: beginning capital letter, subject, verb,
ending punctuation. Whether a clause is identified as subordinate/dependent or
independent, both have a subject and a verb in them.*****
A simple sentence consists of one independent clause. An independent
clause contains a subject and a predicate and expresses a complete thought.
Example: Some students walk to school every morning.
A compound sentence consists of two or more independent clauses that are
connected by a comma and a coordinating conjunction (for, and, nor, but,
or, yet, so). A semi-colon may be used instead of a comma and FANBOYS.
Example: The teachers at Granite Oaks are friendly, and they know how to
help students.
A complex sentence consists of an independent clause and one or more
dependent clauses. Using a subordinating conjunction (because, although,
if, when, since, while, after, etc.) creates a dependent clause. Using a
relative pronoun (who, whom, that, or which) creates a dependent clause.
Example: Because Rocklin students are so excited about their learning and
do well on the state tests, several of the schools in Rocklin have won awards.
Example: The teacher who often wore bright shirts is really not weird.
A compound-complex sentence consists of at least two independent clauses
joined by a FANBOYS and comma, and at least one dependent clause.
Example: After being in the hospital with a broken finger, John thought
the only good news was that he wouldn’t have to write any more in his
English class, but he quickly realized that the injury was not on his writing
Adapted by S. Victor Last Updated: 10/5/11
Directions: Label each sentence as simple (S), compound (CD), complex (CX), or compound-
complex (CD-CX) in the space provided before each sentence.
1. _______You may use the computers, handouts, and books in the Granite Oaks library.
2. _______All Granite Oaks teachers assist students with writing, and they know about
sentence patterns and paragraph construction, too.
3. _______You may use the resources in the library and classrooms before and after school
with an appointment, but the resources may not be removed from the rooms.
4. _______ For additional writing assistance, you can make an appointment with your teacher.
5. _______ Because students have individual needs, your teachers are trained to question
students in order to draw out specific needs from each student.
6. _______ If you want to type a draft of your paper, you may use one of the computers in
either the library or computer lab, or you may bring it home and do it on your own computer.
7. _______ If you want to know more about citing electronic sources, you may refer to the
MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 5
ed. for detailed information, or you may
refer to our handout, "MLA Works Cited: Electronic Sources," as a quick reference guide.
8. _______ In order to gain the most benefit from a writing consultation with a teacher, students
must be prepared for each consultation with instructions for their writing assignment,
materials for taking notes during the consultation, and plenty of questions for the teacher.
9. _______ If the goal is to become a better writer, students must recognize that in order to do
so, they must work very hard to achieve that goal.
10. _______ In the end, students will see the benefits of such hard work.