CMIS 342 Revised: 02/14/2016
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Excel Case #3: Megan Davis Convention
Case Description and Instructions
You should review the following areas:
Get External Data From MS Access
Cell and Worksheet Formatting
Microsoft Query Wizard
Date Calculations
Nesting Functions
Complex Formulas
Pivot Tables & Pivot Charts
Case Overview
The Megan Davis Convention Center (MDCC), located on the outskirts of a metropolitan area, is
a popular attraction for corporate meetings, special events, and educational seminars. The
convention center's location, view, facilities, and outstanding reputation attract individuals and
corporations from all over the United States. To ensure a reservation, the convention center's
clients will often book rooms a year or more in advance.
Mavis Billingsley, the convention center's events coordinator, is responsible for scheduling the
meeting rooms and helping MDCC's clients plan their special events. Ms. Billingsley currently
uses the MDCC Reservations database to track the convention center's meeting room
reservations. She would like to have this information in a form that she could analyze. You
offer to import the reservation data from the Access database into an Excel workbook for her.
She thinks that would be great!
Scenario Details
The Megan Davis Convention Center currently has five standard meeting rooms, a conference
center, a boardroom, and an auditorium. A client may book one or all of the rooms. When
booking a meeting room, the client may request a particular seating arrangement, such as
circular, classroom, lecture, or U-shape. The number of available seats within a given meeting
room is dependent upon the seating arrangement. Figure 1 shows the types of seating
arrangements and the seating codes used for these in the database.
This case is based on Lisa Miller (2009), MIS Cases Decision Making with Application Software, Fourth Edition,
Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
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Figure 1: Available Seating Arrangements
MDCC Available Seating Arrangements
Seating Arrangement
Each day, Ms. Billingsley fields calls from potential clients requesting information about room
availability, room capacity, and charges. Convention center clients are quoted either a
standard, advance, or special rate. The standard rate applies to all bookings that are made less
than six months in advance. The advance rate applies to clients who book six months or more
in advance, and the special rate is a negotiating tool used to attract large, highly recognizable
companies or organizations to the Megan Davis Convention Center. Figure 2 summarizes the
meeting room rates.
Figure 2: Meeting Room Rates
Room Code
Meeting Room
Advance Rate
Standard Rate
Special Rate
Conference Center
The reservation data that Ms. Billingsley needs to analyze are currently stored in the
Reservation Details table of the MDCC Reservations database. In designing your spreadsheet,
you sit down with Ms. Billingsley to discuss the data contained in the Reservation database,
Reservation Details table. Through that discussion, the two of you determine that the
spreadsheet should include some columns that the database table does not; these are
elements that can be calculated from the data in the Reservation Details table.
Specifically, the two of you decide that you should add these columns after you import the
database table: how many days in advance each reservation was made, the daily room charge
for the reservation, number of days the room is reserved, and the total charge for the room
In the Reservation Details database table, each reservation carries the date the
reservation was made, along with the start date and the end date of the room
reservation. So you know you can calculate the days in advance and the days rented
from those dates.
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The daily room charge column that you are to add specifies the daily meeting room rate
that the customer is charged for a particular meeting room. To determine the daily
room charge, you can use the room code (e.g., AU or CO) and the rate (i.e., Advance,
Standard, or Special) to look up what the daily charge would be. You envision Figure 2
as the look-up table and decide to place it as a separate sheet in the workbook.
The number of days the room is reserved can be calculated using the reservation start
and end dates. For example, if the reservation start date is
The total charge column is to show the total charges for the meeting room, based on
the number of days that the room is reserved by the client and the daily room charge.
For instance, if the daily room charge is $1,735.00 per day and the days rented is 2 days,
then the total charge amount is $3,470.00.
Design Considerations
To complete the workbook needed, you will open a starter workbook with two worksheets.
Then, you will import data from a Microsoft Access database and create additional worksheets
as required in the instructions provided.
Case Questions and Deliverables
You are to prepare the workbook for Ms. Billingsley. When you show it to her, she will likely
have some analysis questions that you can help her answer using the workbook.
Your instructor will provide specific directions for completing this case. In addition to an Excel
Workbook, you may be asked to respond to specific questions that will require you to interpret
the outputs of your worksheet, to perform additional analyses by modifying key inputs, to
create new charts or graphs, or to add additional worksheets.
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Excel Case #3: Megan Davis Convention
Be sure to begin this assignment by downloading the starter file
(Excel Case 3 Start File.xlsx) and the Microsoft Access database
(MDCCReservations.accdb) containing the data you will import into
your worksheet! Download and save a copy of that file to begin your work. REMEMBER:
unless you have Microsoft Access installed on your computer, you will not be able to open the
database file (MDCCReservations.accdb) but thats okay! You will simply download the .accdb
file, save to a location where you can find it, then import into Excel.
Case Background and Scenario: Read the background information about Excel Case 3: Megan
Davis Convention Center (MDCC) to grasp the business situation you are to address. This fourth
Excel assignment requires you to use and expand your Excel skills to address Ms. Billingsleys
Design Specifications:
Download the Excel “starter” workbook and the MDCC Reservations Access database files be
sure to save these files with meaningful names in a location where you can find them! The first
thing you need to do is import the reservations data from the Access database file into your
Excel worksheet. To do this:
1. Open the Excel “starter” workbook and select the A1 cell in Sheet1. A1 will become the
beginning cell for the import that you are about to perform. Import the Reservation Table from
the MDCCReservations.accdb using the Microsoft Query wizard. The Microsoft Query wizard is
one way to import data into an Excel worksheet, and it offers you more control over the import.
For example, it lets you select a portion of the data to import.
To access Microsoft Query in Excel 2013, from the Data menu select Get External Data From
Other Sources then From Microsoft Query (see Figure 3).
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Figure 3: Begin import of Access data
In the Choose Data Source dialog box: Choose “MS Access Database*” and make sure that Use
the Query Wizard to create/edit queries is checked, then click OK (see Figure 4).
Figure 4: Choose Data Source
In the Select Database dialog box: Navigate to the location where you saved your copy of the
MDCC Reservations Access file, select the database in the left column, then click OK (see Figure
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Figure 5: Select Database
In the Query Wizard Choose Columns dialog box, first select the Expand button (+ sign) so that
you can see all of the fields in the table (See Figure 6).
Figure 6: Query Wizard Choose Columns
You want to bring all of the fields into your Excel sheet. When the field list is expanded and
tblReservationDetails is selected, pressing the > button should choose all of the fields for
insertion into your Excel worksheet. If not, just select each field and move it over into the
insertion list with the > button (see Figure 7). Click Next.
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Figure 7: All columns selected
The Query Wizard Filter Data dialog box allows you to specify only certain rows (i.e., records)
of data be inserted into your worksheet. You want all of the records from the database, so you
do not need a selection parameter here (see Figure 8). Click Next.
Figure 8: Query Wizard Filter Data
The Query Wizard Sort Order allows you to sort the records before you bring them into your
worksheet. Let’s sort this data by meeting room. Select “Room#” from the Sort by drop-down,
and indicate Ascending order (see Figure 9). Click Next.
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Figure 9: Query Wizard Sort Order
The Query Wizard Finish defaults to Return Data to Microsoft Excel (see Figure 10). Sounds
good Click Finish.
Figure 10: Query Wizard Finish
The Import Data dialogue box defaults to placing the data into a regular Table in the selected
worksheet. Notice that the default also specifies the cell that you selected prior to starting the
wizard (see Figure 11). Sounds good Click OK.
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Figure 11: Import Data
The data returned to Microsoft Excel will include a header row (with filter enabled) and
additional formatting. You want to remove the header row and the “banded” formatting of the
rows. To do this, go to the Table Tools/DESIGN tab, Table Style Options, to deselect Header Row
(which will also deselect Filter Button) and to deselect Banded Rows (see Figure 12).
Figure 12: Remove Header, Banded Rows, and Filter Button
Then, if your rows have a background color, use the Table Styles area to select a style that does
not have a background color (see Figure 13).
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Figure 13: Background color removed
Name this worksheet Reservation Data. You will notice there is another worksheet already
there. Ah yes, you asked your ever dependable colleague (that would be me ) to create that
sheet. Don’t delete the Rate Table sheet! You are going to use it very, VERY soon.
Import complete! Good time to save your Excel file!
Next, you need to format the worksheet and provide the columns of data requested by Ms.
2. You will be adding columns to the data that was imported do that first. Then format the
worksheet title and add column titles (see Figure 14):
“Reservation Days in Advance” column, place it between the Reservation Date
column and the Reservation Start Date column.
Add three columns on the right: Daily Charge, Days Rented, and Total Charge.
Format the currency columns appropriately.
Select a date format for the three Date columns that does NOT show hours:minutes.
Set your borders in the heading and the body of the sheet appropriately.
Figure 14: Add and format columns and headers
3. Calculate Daily Charge:
While you were at lunch, your ever dependable colleague created a Rate Table sheet,
containing the three rates (advance, standard, special) for each room in the MDCC. Using
the Rate Table, you need to construct a nested function formula (oh boy!) to compute the
Daily Charge for each reservation. Your ever dependable colleague already set up the range
name “RateData” in the Rate Table; this makes your VLOOKUP function a little easier to
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Essentially, the ROOM Code of the row you are working on in the main sheet directs you to
the appropriate row of the lookup Rate Table, and the RATE Code of the row you are
working on in the main sheet tells you which of the three price columns in the look-up table
you should use (ADvanced, STandard, or SPecial). So your nested IF logic goes like this:
IF Rate Code is “AD”, you head to the lookup Rate Table with the ROOM Code to find the row
of the lookup table for that ROOM Code; you bring back the value in the Advance rate
column of that row of the lookup table.
IF Rate Code is “ST”, you head to the lookup Rate Table with the ROOM Code to find the
row of the lookup table for that ROOM Code; you bring back the value in the Standard
rate column of that row of the lookup table.
IF Rate Code is “SP”, you head to the lookup Rate Table with the ROOM Code to
find the row of the lookup table for that ROOM Code; you bring back the value in
the Special rate column of that row of the lookup table.
If the Rate Code is something other than AD, ST, SP, well, that shouldn’t happen but if it did,
you’d want to show a Daily Charge of $0.
As an example of this logic, when Rate Code is AD and Room Code is AU, the Daily Charge is
found in the cell of the lookup table at the row for Room Code AU and column for Advance
Rate. The value in that cell is $2,459.75.
Below is a quick summary of the IF function:
IF (Test, What happens if test is true, What happens if test is false)
In this particular application, if the first IF tests false, you want to go on to the next IF test.
And thus begins your nesting!
The following is a quick summary of the VLOOKUP function:
VLOOKUP (Value in worksheet to lookup, Lookup table range, Column Number
containing the data that you want to return from the lookup table, False or True
This parameter of the VLOOKUP function is Column Number, as in column 1, 2, 3, etc.
In this particular application, we are looking for an exact match of Room Code so you
would code False.
Some syntax rules to keep in mind:
You are coding a nested formula so don’t forget to begin with an = sign.
The quotation marks (“ ”) around the Rate Code tests are required because we are
searching for alphabetical values in our lookup table. Technically, anything other
than number values in computer terminology are referred to as nonnumeric literals.
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All searches involving nonnumeric literals must use quotes. NOTE: If you type this
formula in Word, Microsoft adds a lot of behind-the-scenes formatting that causes
problems with copy and paste between Word to Excel especially with quotation
marks depending on the font you are using. I recommend developing this formula
using Notepad to work through the logic, then copy and paste your formula into
The comma placement in the nested function above is critical. The commas separate
each required part of a function as well as separating one function from another.
The parentheses must be properly paired. The good thing about this is that Excel is
smart enough to try to correct this for you. Accept its help !
4. Calculate Reservation Days in Advance and Days Rented:
Subtract Reservation Date from Reservation Start Date to determine Reservation Days in
Use similar logic to compute Days Rented, BUT in order to arrive at the number of days the
room was rented you need to be counting both the Start Date and the End Date. So you will
need to add 1 to the result to arrive at the number of days the room was rented:
(Reservation End Date Reservation Start Date) + 1
Show results in both of these columns as numbers (no decimal places).
5. Calculate Total Charge: Create a formula for this column that computes total charge (which
is days rented x daily charge).
6. Add a row at the bottom of the Reservations Data worksheet and label it Averages.
Compute averages for these columns: Daily Charge, Total Charge, Reservation Days in
Advance, Days Rented. Show averages for the “Days” columns as integers (no decimal
places). Bold all cells in this row.
This is a good time to save your Excel file! Because of the number of rows in this worksheet, I
show you only what rows 1-13 and 58-68 should look like after you have completed all
calculations and formatting (see Figure 15).
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Figure 15: Completed Reservation Data worksheet
Finally, use the Excel workbook to help Ms. Billingsley’s analyze the data by Room:
7. Ms. Billingsley is interested in looking at information by room code. Specifically, she would
like to see BY ROOM
How many reservations where made under each Rate Code
How many reservations were made with each Seating Code
Average Total Charge for each room
You can set her up with a pivot chart and table for each of those (Rate Code, Seating Code,
and Total Charge). Each “PivotChart & PivotTable” should be placed in a New Worksheet.
The worksheet names should be: Rate Frequencies, Seating Frequencies, and Total Charge
When creating a pivot table and chart, remember to select the entire data area and column
headers. Do NOT include the report title at the top and do NOT include the summary rows
at the bottom.
For the two “count” pivot charts/tables:
Designate Room Code as the Filter in the Pivot Chart Fields, so Ms. Billingsley can
select which room she wants to see the count for (or can select “All” to see the
count for all rooms).
Drag the data field to be analyzed (Rate Code or Seating Code) to both the AXIS
(CATEGORY) and the VALUES. Be sure to select the appropriate action in VALUES.
Display these pivot charts as PIE charts. HINT: PivotChart Tools DESIGN tab gives you
a way to Change Chart Type.
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Provide a meaningful title on each pie chart. Have the counts display in each pie
For the Total Charge pivot chart/table:
You want the Room Code in AXIS(CATEGORY). You want the average of Total Charge
Format the average values displayed in the pivot table to proper currency format.
Display the Total Charge pivot chart as a bar chart.
Provide a meaningful title on the bar chart. Have the average Total Charge display at
the top of each bar.
In each of these new worksheets, move your pivot chart over to sit under the pivot table.
Below are screen captures for each of the Pivot Chart & Pivot Table worksheets see Figures
Figure 16: Rate Frequencies by Room
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Figure 17: Seating Style Frequencies by Room
Figure 18: Average Total Charge by Room
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Case Deliverables:
Your Excel file should consist of 5 worksheets; move them so they are in this order:
Reservation Data
Rate Table
Rate Frequencies
Seating Frequencies
Total Charge Averages
Submit your Excel workbook through the Blackboard assignment link.