Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:
(a) whether it is a fact that there is no effective grievance redressal mechanism established under
(b) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor;
(c) the steps taken by Government to establish a grievance redressal mechanism at all levels
under NRHM scheme; and
(d) the details of existing grievance redressal mechanism, State-wise?
(a) &(b): Public Health being a State subject, the NRHM , now subsumed as a Sub Mission of
NHM is implemented by State/UT governments. Support under NHM is provided to State/UTs
for strengthening their healthcare systems including for setting up effective grievance redressal
mechanisms based on the requiremenets posed by the States in their Programme Implementation
States are implementing different models as per their local needs. Some of the grievance
redressal mechanisms being implemented by the states include:
(i) Centralized Call Centre
(ii) Publicity of mobile number/telephone numbers of various authorities at various levels
(iii)Complaint boxes at health facilities
(iv)Help desks at health facilities
(v) Client’s feedback on Out-patient and In-patient services under Quality Assurance
Program of Govt. of India
(vi)Online/Computerized registration etc.
(c ): The Ministry has emphasized the need for setting up of effective grievance redressal
mechanism in the States/UTs. Besides financial support technical support is also provided to
States through the National Health System Resource Centre.
(d): The information about call centre based Grievance redressal mechanism in States is at
Grievance Redressal Initiatives and Activities in India
1. Rajasthan:
An integrated tele helpline 104 has been started which provides counselling on family
planning, suicidal tendencies, cancer, marriage related problems along with details of
related dispensaries in the inquired area. This has been merged with grievance redressal
for general public where they can complaint for any health service provider or system.
2. Jharkhand:
Any citizen of the state can dial a 3 digit number ‘104 ’ and get access to trained
paramedics & doctor. The helpline also provides (i) medical & health advice for most
common ailments, (ii) information directory on the public health services
providers/institutions, diagnostic services, hospitals etc. in Jharkhand (iii) counselling by
trained psychologists for stress, depression, anxiety, post-trauma recovery, HIV, AIDS,
STI etc & (iv) Complaint Registration about person/ institution relating to deficiency of
services, negligence corruption, etc. in government healthcare institutions.
3. Maharashtra:
State Health Society, Maharashtra has introduced good governance initiatives by starting
a Grievance Redressal cell in the office premises of State Health society, Mumbai & all
DDHS Circle Office. Grievance Redressal Cell has kept port of the administration to
deliver the justice to the NRHM. As the Grievance Redressal Cell at all levels is impartial
and neutral so the justice delivered is very transparent and efficient and is not accountable
to any type of injustice.
4. Chhattisgarh:
A call-centre like facility has been created at SHRC through a toll-free number (1800-
233-7575) at which Mitanins can call for registering any complaint. Each year around
2500 complaints have been received. Each month, the complaints received from Mitanins
are being compiled by SHRC and forwarded to appropriate level for redressal. Each
complaint is allocated a docket number so that the complainant can find out the status of
action on complaint.
5. Tamilnadu:
The client who wishes to redress any grievance should call 1056 and inform the control
room staff. The control room staff will record the grievance / suggestion in the automatic
recorder and also enter the grievance in the register and in the computer. For the
grievances which are to be redressed immediately the control room staff should call the
district grievance cell officer over phone that will in turn contact the hospital concerned
to solve the problem. The grievance cell officer should be responsive to the calls swiftly
and take actions. If he notices any delay even after his intervention, he would call the
state grievance cell officer who would intervene and sort out the issue. The suggestions
given by the public, health staff including doctors would be classified and would be
discussed during the weekly review meeting convened by the district collector.
6. Assam:
104 Sarathi is a round-the-clock free of cost health contact centre. It provides medical
advice, counselling along with registering complaints. It also collects information from
rural health workers regarding epidemics and outbreaks and passes the information along
to the government to spark appropriate response.
104 Sarathi is staffed by qualified and well-trained paramedics, counselors, and doctors
who are supported by algorithms (a series of ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions) and disease
summaries. The algorithms and disease summaries standardize care across conditions;
patients with the same symptoms will receive the same diagnosis and same treatment.
104 Sarathi has 50 seats and responds to roughly 4,000 calls per day. Since its
inauguration, 104 Sarathi has responded to 10 lakh calls and provided medical advice to
nearly 450,000 people, counselling services to nearly 7,000 people, directory information
to nearly 3,000 people and logged over 1,000 complaints. 104 Sarathi also has received
almost 600 ASHA (accredited social health activists) and 200 vaccination-related calls.
7. Jammu & Kashmir:
The grievance redressal mechanism has been put in place at both the divisions of Jammu
& Kashmir with two MCTS call centers and associated helplines - 18001800102 for
Kashmir Division & 18001800104 for Jammu Division. The helpline numbers have
been displayed prominently at all health institutions / facilities for information and all
ASHA workers are aware of it. The Helpline centers are equipped with computers and
internet connectivity. 4 Data Entry Operators at each division headquarters are working
in shifts from morning 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. The numbers of operators have now been
increased to 6 in each division so as to make the call centers 24x7. All the calls are
documented and sent to appropriate authorities for necessary action.
8. Himachal Pradesh:
A multi-tasking Call Centre to improve the efficiency of mother and childcare services by
providing a single contact point for information related to pregnancy and child
immunization; and also to provide a reliable mechanism for monitoring and ensuring
traceability of every pregnant women and child in the State. The proposed call centre will
have the provision of Tele Helpline (104) which aims to reduce the minor ailment load
on the public health system, adolescent health counselling and grievances redressal of
the beneficiaries.
9. Andhra Pradesh:
The Government of Andhra Pradesh launched 104-Health information Helpline as one of
the innovative schemes in the year 2006-07, implemented as Public Private Partnership
(PPP) Mission through an approved (Health Management Research Institute) agency
from the year 2007 to 2011.
The Government of AP has terminated the agreement with agency (Health Management
Research Institute) and entrusted the management of 104 Health Information Help Line
to Aarogyasri Health Care Trust vide G.O Ms No.255 HM & FW (K2) Dept dated 5-9-
2011. The Trust has taken over the center and Re-established on 1.10.2011 at 3
MCH Complex, Koti and renamed as 104 Sevakendram. The Trust integrated the
Aarogyasri Call centre with 104 Sevakendram & focused the center for monitoring of
major schemes & for receiving of any grievances pertaining to the Medical & Health
10. Chandigarh:
In U.T. Chandigarh, for addressing the grievances related to the system, the helpline- 102
acts as Emergency referral helpline along with the general grievances related to the health
system. At the facility level, the head of the departments are responsible to attend the
grievances if any.