7 Budgeting Mistakes Companies Are Making
© 2020 Corporate Renaissance Group crgroup.com/better-budgeting
This white paper was written for CFO’s and their finance team members seeking a better
and more modern approach to company budgeting. This paper will explore the top 7
budgeting, planning & forecasting challenges that are weighing down company
performance and explore proven and practical ways to embrace technology to reduce
pain, drive change, and achieve results.
© 2020 Corporate Renaissance Group. All Rights Reserved
Like Pulling Teeth
7 Painful & Costly Budgeting Process
Mistakes Companies Are Making
A CFO’s Guide to Better Budgeting, Planning & Forecasting
7 Painful Budgeting Mistakes Companies Are Making
© 2018 Corporate Renaissance Group crgroup.com/better-budgeting
Table of Contents
Why Budgeting & Planning is Like Pulling Teeth .................................................................................................. 2
Top 7 Budgeting Process Mistakes That Companies Are Making ................................................................... 3
Mistake #1: Not Ensuring Clear Understanding of the Budgeting Process and Cycle ........................... 3
Mistake #2: Relying on Spreadsheet Budget Templates ...............................................................................4
Mistake #3: Limiting Access & Collaboration to Budgets .............................................................................. 6
Mistake #4: Relying Purely on Dollar-Based Templates................................................................................. 7
Mistake #5: Not Synchronizing New Accounts or Cost Categories ............................................................ 9
Mistake #6: Manual Reporting & Presentations ............................................................................................... 9
Mistake #7: Not Re-Forecasting Throughout the Year ................................................................................. 11
Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Explore Solutions for Better, Faster & Ongoing Budgeting, Planning & Forecasting ............................... 12
About Corporate Renaissance Group
Since 1989, Corporate Renaissance Group (CRGroup) has been providing expert financial consulting
and leading business platforms to help companies grow. We are a group of financial, technical, and
business professionals that committed to delivering end-to-end business processes and systems that
transform vital corporate processes; including, enterprise resource planning, budgeting & planning,
corporate performance management, business intelligence, customer relationship management,
productivity, and sharing & collaboration. As a certified partner of leading business systems that
include Microsoft® Dynamics™, SharePoint™, BOARD™, Adaptive Insights™, Tableau™, and
Rapidstart™, we deploy, configure and support leading systems that drive results.
Learn more at www.crgroup.com
Like Pulling Teeth
7 Painful & Costly Budgeting Process Mistakes Your Company Is Making
A CFO’s Guide to Better Budgeting, Planning & Forecasting
7 Painful Budgeting Mistakes Companies Are Making
© 2018 Corporate Renaissance Group crgroup.com/better-budgeting
Why Budgeting & Planning is Like Pulling Teeth
like pulling teeth: idiom. 1 Said
of something that is especially
difficult, tedious, requires an
extreme amount of effort, or is
done in the most difficult or
unpleasant way possible.
Without fail, any time we meet with a new
finance manager or CFO and ask, ‘are you
happy with your company’s budgeting
process?’ we get an array of facial
expressions and sighs - none of them good.
The reality is that every company in every
industry has to budget, and yet many are
not doing it properly or with any degree of
ease. Some will likely describe their
corporate budgeting, planning, and
forecasting processes to being about as
pleasant as a trip to the dentist and equate
gathering data from contributors as being
an exercise in pulling teeth.
Despite the advances in technology and
accessibility of data, CFO’s are still
struggling to bring everything together into
one cohesive and ongoing process. In fact,
according to a 2015 report from Grant
Thornton LLP and the American
Productivity and Quality Center (APQC),
only 37% of CFO’s surveyed say their
company’s approach to annual budgeting is
like pulling teeth. (n.d.) Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. (2015)
and even they admit that
improvements are needed. In order to
maintain board, investor, and stakeholder
confidence and provide actionable insight
to company managers, there is an
increased demand for CFO’s and financial
managers to deliver fast, accurate, and
valuable financial information that can be
Today’s financial leaders need to
take control of the entire
budgeting process and invest in
reducing time-consuming
administrative tasks like gathering
data, consolidation, and
reconciliation, so that more time
can be spent on strategic
After more than 28 years working with
companies across the globe to diagnose
and optimize financial planning and analysis
(FP&A) processes and platforms, we can tell
you that these pain-points aren’t new and
they won’t go away on their own. There are
7 major mistakes that we have identified as
the root causes of budgeting-pain and
these mistakes are preventing companies
from providing real-time perspective on
business trends and drivers of performance.
Financial Planning and Analysis Influencing Corporate Performance with
Stellar Processes, People, and Technology. 2015 survey by Grant Thornton
LLP and the American Productivity and Quality Center (APQC)
7 Budgeting Mistakes Companies Are Making
© 2020 Corporate Renaissance Group crgroup.com/better-budgeting
Top 7 Budgeting Process Mistakes That
Companies Are Making
Mistake #1: Not Ensuring Clear Understanding of the
Budgeting Process and Cycle
Budgeting & planning cannot begin without
data collected from multiple people and
systems in the company. Even though
company budgeting happens around the
same time each and every year, we are often
surprised at the level of disconnect between
management, finance, budget managers, and
their staff surrounding the budget cycle,
requirements, milestones, and tasks. It is just
too easy in a lot of companies to delay the
internal planning processes when competing
priorities come up or for managers to get
confused about what they need to submit and
when. This mistake is often the result of
unclear expectations of roles, general
misunderstanding of deadlines, and a
historical lack of information and enforcement
from finance managers. Proper planning and
disciplined adherence to deadlines can help
condition a well-oiled budgeting & planning
machine and avoid this costly error.
So how do we avoid this mistake to ensure all
contributors know what they have to do and
As a best practice, planning
must precede budgeting.
The CEO, board members, and
stakeholders should provide
clear guidelines on what is
expected from the enterprise in
terms of revenues as well as
For example, it could be that the maximum
allowable salary amount cannot exceed by
more than 4% next year sometimes called a
top down target.
Once clear and actionable expectations and
measures have been allocated and defined at
the company level, proper communication is
needed to ensure they are cascaded and
disseminated down into the organization and
across business units. CFO’s and finance
teams should create a clear and consistent
communications plan that defines measures
and links the strategic plan to the operational
budget. This plan should outline assumptions,
necessary task lists with timelines, and define
the roles, responsibilities and delegation of
authority needed to execute the plan. This
task list is commonly referred to as the
“workflow” and/or approval process.
7 Painful Budgeting Mistakes Companies Are Making
© 2018 Corporate Renaissance Group crgroup.com/better-budgeting
A picture is worth a thousand words. Create a
FP&A Workflow Diagram to Ensure Complete
Understanding of Processes Across the
Organization. Top performing organizations
see the value in visuals and augment their
communication with a clear workflow diagram
showing milestones, deadlines, approval
steps, and any other key details that will help
users across the company understand and
embrace the budgeting process.
Figure 1 Sample sales budget process flow diagram in BOARD.
Mistake #2: Relying on Spreadsheet Budget Templates
Administering and managing budget workbooks and Excel® spreadsheets is inefficient, painfully
time consuming, and often riddled with errors, no matter how well budgeting templates are
designed. And yet, despite the downfalls of this legacy process, studies show that 95% of companies
are still relying on spreadsheets in one form or other for budgeting and planning, with 39% of
companies using spreadsheets exclusively.
Although spreadsheets are relatively simple to use,
fast, and inexpensive, they are maintenance-
intensive, difficult to access, slow to consolidate,
inconsistent, prone to user-errors, and offer low
data security, especially if multiple versions are
flying back and forth in emails. Anyone who has
participated in the corporate budgeting process in
Excel is all too familiar with the myriad of templates
that are emailed and distributed around to the
company with the intention of smoothly gathering
the data that the company relies on for planning.
The reality, however, is that far too much time is
spent creating and maintaining these templates,
and they are often misused, resulting in even more time spent fixing and compiling data.
Figure 2 - 95% of organizations are still relying on
spreadsheets for budgeting and planning.
7 Painful Budgeting Mistakes Companies Are Making
© 2018 Corporate Renaissance Group crgroup.com/better-budgeting
Challenges with using spreadsheets for budgeting and planning:
Using spreadsheets for budgeting templates:
Too much time is spent by companies administering spreadsheet templates and maintaining
them. Budgeting templates require finance managers to meticulously create formulas, link
workbooks, and build-out formats for each division or department. If this was a one-time
exercise, it might work, but as business dynamics changes, so must these budgeting
templates, resulting in even more time spent adjusting and maintaining them. Changing
templates and models in spreadsheets is not an easy feat, especially when different
workbooks are linked. Adjustments often cause errors which can be difficult and time-
consuming to find.
Spreadsheet templates are often misused or altered. Not everyone is a master in Excel, and
even if they are, budget managers or contributors who are filling out templates with budget
data may overwrite formulas prepared by the finance team with hardcoded values or insert
rows and columns which inadvertently break linkages in the workbook. These alterations
eliminate any chance of standardization and lead to company finance leaders receiving
different formats and versions of data that might not be useful. Even if spreadsheets editing
rules are applied, users might find themselves re-creating the template and altering to suit
their own data. To make matters worse, contributors often save multiple versions of their
data, increasing the risk that the wrong data is being submitted.
Compiling spreadsheet budget data:
Finance teams find it time-consuming and frustrating to compile and reconcile multiple
templates. This is especially true if templates have been misused or altered by contributors,
as they often are. As contributors and budget managers submit their templates, finance
teams find themselves drowning in data.
For smaller companies, this spreadsheet-pain can be somewhat bearable, but workbook-based
budget models do not scale. The entire exercise of collecting to compiling can take weeks or even
months from start to finish, resulting in an enormous amount of administrative time, degradation of
data, and overall lack of confidence in the entire process. As a company grows in complexity and
size, a spreadsheet-based budgeting process is not a smart business practice and entirely
7 Painful Budgeting Mistakes Companies Are Making
© 2018 Corporate Renaissance Group crgroup.com/better-budgeting
So what is the answer?
Excel was built for many things, but
sophisticated and fast company budgeting is
not one of them. There are readily available
budgeting software platforms and software-
as-a-service (SAAS) solutions that allow for
the creation of structured budgeting and
forecasting templates that can not only
incorporate custom data fields and inputs, but
can also be re-used without re-creating. Best
of all, because budget models are
automatically compiled into one system, all
data captured automatically updates an
underlying database.
The pain of having to recreate/copy the Excel
workbooks for every different division,
department, and or program each year is
easily addressed by “multi-dimensionality” of
budgeting software templates, something that
is not offered in “flat” spreadsheets.
Companies can define templates to capture
different data, for example, by Account by
Month by Department. This means that
contributors are actually using the same
template and the software is applying filters or
security in the background to control user
access and where the data is stored (e.g.
division/department, account, etc.) in the
underlying database.
Overall, spreadsheets are not meant for
company budgeting and planning and
software exists that was built exactly for this
purpose. Not sure which software solution is
right for your company? Click here to complete
CRGroup’s complimentary budgeting software
needs assessment
Mistake #3: Limiting Access & Collaboration to Budgets
The multi-contributor challenge. Budgeting is not done in a vacuum. It requires input, data, and
collaboration across the entire organization in a timely manner in order to be valuable. As many
financial leaders will attest, collecting data from multiple contributors is difficult, time-consuming,
and typically still results in each budget being created alone, and with no consideration of the
bigger picture. Modern companies have leaders and staff who are on the go. As such, access to
core business systems and processes from anywhere is a must.
Ideally, finance leaders should make it easy and accessible for budget contributors to edit,
collaborate and submit budgets on time and from anywhere. Even if a company is not using online
software for budgeting, it might still be possible to enable access and collaboration.
7 Painful Budgeting Mistakes Companies Are Making
© 2018 Corporate Renaissance Group crgroup.com/better-budgeting
How organizations can facilitate collaboration & access to budget templates:
Internal network upload: One method to address the access and collaboration challenge
is to place budget workbooks on a shared drive on the company’s internal network so that
everyone has access to it at any point in time, rather than sending the workbook by email.
This still requires multiple versions of workbooks to be saved and added but it limits the
amount of emailing needed and can facilitate access to team budgets.
Online document management: Another method is to upload budgeting workbooks to
a file sharing or document management platform such as Microsoft® SharePoint. This
would allow multiple individuals to access and edit the same workbook at the same time or
“checkout” the workbook if they do not want others to make changes while they are working
on it. File sharing platforms often come with configurable security and access roles, ensuring
select users or groups can only see/access their budgets. Using platforms like SharePoint,
users can also open workbooks in a web browser, meaning they do not even require
Office™ (Excel) installed on their machines or devices.
Using budgeting software to enable easy access and real-time collaboration:
The easiest way to enable access and collaboration is to use a budgeting solution designed
for that purpose. Companies can find budgeting systems that provide a combination of
client installation (software installed on workstation) or in the cloud (a growing trend), web
access (online), Excel integration (for offline viewing and data collection), and mobile access.
This allows users to access updated budgets, collaborate and edit as needed. Just this basic
functionality can make a world of difference. Most modern budget platforms
collect/aggregate budget data in real-time, so that management can instantaneously see the
high-level output.
Mistake #4: Relying Purely on Dollar-Based Templates
To keep the process simple for finance managers, budget managers and contributors, financial
leaders often create budget templates that request dollar-only data.
Problems with collecting dollar-only data:
1. The first problem with this is that data on revenues and expenses alone provide little to no
insight and does not provide sufficient insight for improved planning.
7 Painful Budgeting Mistakes Companies Are Making
© 2018 Corporate Renaissance Group crgroup.com/better-budgeting
2. The second problem is that the process which was designed to alleviate workloads inherently
creates more work and even more disparity in the process. Often times, to get the requested
dollar values, budget managers perform separate calculations using underlying units and
rates. These separate calculations are often performed using yet another workbook that the
contributor builds and maintains, creating even more segregated planning and
administrative work.
A solution to address this is to make simple changes to your templates to allow for inputting units
and rates along with a line for a flat dollar amount for each expense. While this approach is not
overly sophisticated, making that small change can make a world of difference for budget managers
as they can be prompted to think through and prepare their budget while also being granted the
ability to show their work. This solution does not apply to all revenues and expenses since some are
much more complex and do require a detailed schedule; however, providing a more workable
standard format can alleviate a series of additional workbooks that contributors have to maintain
each year.
A good exercise is to review all detailed schedules/workbooks that
Budget Managers prepare and maintain each year, and see if there is
a common set of templates that can be created.
For example, the finance team can create a
travel expense template, which has a set of
standard rates for airfare, accommodations,
and per diems. The budget manager or
contributor can then input destination,
number of nights, and number of individuals
and the template would calculate the
expenses for them. These types of driver-
based templates can be easily
followed/understood and can be used to
make updates to the underlying drivers rather
than having to recalculate everything.
Could this be accomplished in Excel?
Certainly; however, on top of the
disadvantages already outlined, these
spreadsheets are not very conducive to do
what is called true “driver based” budgeting.
This means there is no linkage across revenue
models and cost models. An example would
be that a certain percentage growth
necessitates growth in some cost items that
are not in the same division or cost center.
This situation arises more frequently that one
thinks and is difficult if not impossible to
model in distributed Excel workbooks.
Most modern budgeting software solutions
allow setting up calculation-driven templates
with key unit-based rates, where the
budgeted financials are driven by volumetrics
(e.g. # of transactions, # of hours, # of
deliverables, etc.).
7 Painful Budgeting Mistakes Companies Are Making
© 2018 Corporate Renaissance Group crgroup.com/better-budgeting
Mistake #5: Not Synchronizing New Accounts or Cost
Accounts used in the budget model are not
synchronized with the accounting system.
Year to year, organizations typically add a
series of new accounts in their accounting
systems. As a result, the finance team has to
translate these new accounts into all
budgeting templates and ensure these are
properly linked. If a company is using Excel,
this can be a painful process and since this is
also a manual process, there is also a risk that
an account will be missed entirely and
potentially not budgeted for.
There are not a lot of options for fixing this
using a spreadsheet-based model. In some
cases, moving to budgeting at the “Account
Category” level (e.g. Telecommunications)
rather than the account level (e.g. Phone,
Internet) can address this to some degree.
The issue is that budget is no longer tracked
at the account level and thus cannot be used
for comparing with actuals at the account
level. An organization has to ask, at what
level of detail do we need our budget
managers to plan and track (what we hold
them accountable for)? If you need them to
plan and track at that detailed level, then
there is no getting away from the challenge of
having to manually update the workbooks
with new accounts every year. Also, if
reporting is required at the detailed chart of
accounts (COA) rather than account
categories, then you have no option here as
For organizations that are growing or are
rather large/complex, this manual process is
not sustainable. Budgeting software solutions
can dynamically (using ranges) link to the
COA structure and can provide integration
options to the Accounting/ERP system. A
routine pull of Chart of Accounts into the
budgeting solution will ensure all accounts are
available for budgeting, as well as Trial
Balances and Transactions are up-to-date for
variance analysis and comparative reporting.
Mistake #6: Manual Reporting & Presentations
Constantly Creating (and Recreating) budget reports and presentations is an onerous but necessary
task for the FP&A teams. Board members, shareholders, senior management and other stakeholders
require budget and planning reports that they can not only understand, but can provide an
accurate and timely picture of company financial health. These reports are usually the responsibility
of the finance team and are a lengthy exercise. Pulling together and compiling the data, formatting
numbers into charts, and pasting data into Word® documents and PowerPoint® presentations is
incredibly time consuming and non-value added for even the most experienced Microsoft Office
7 Painful Budgeting Mistakes Companies Are Making
© 2018 Corporate Renaissance Group crgroup.com/better-budgeting
In almost all cases, after the presentations and reports are completed, there is requirement for
updates and scenarios, meaning the entire process of updating the underlying budget data and
re-creating charts and reports must start from scratch.
For years, Excel has been the primary tool used by many businesses to turn tables into visuals.
Spreadsheets are relatively easy to use and contain features for easy chart creation; however, cannot
intelligently process large volumes of data and require a significant amount of manual work to
produce one-off charts. Data stored in Excel and shared also does not provide the highest level of
security, tables often contain static data that has an expiry date (becomes quickly outdated), and the
integrity of the data can be a concern as it can be overwritten or formulas can be broken. The next
best option is to employ expert analysts or IT folks to create custom business analysis applications
and algorithms a very lengthy and expensive solution not practical for small and medium-sized
Commonly used ways of compiling budget reports & presentations using Office:
Word and PowerPoint do allow for linking to an underlying Excel data file. This is a great feature of
the Office suite that makes it easier for finance to update various presentations when the underlying
data file is updated. This functionality has been around for a while and is commonly used to reduce
the time and work needed to produce essential reports. There are also great PowerPoint add-on
solutions like Markido® Engage™, which can automatically link presentations and values to Excel
data sources.
In reality, however, this never goes as smoothly as one would hope. Just like budget consolidation is
broken if templates are altered, any Word or PowerPoint links are broken if the underlying Excel
document is changed.
The ideal state is for companies to spend less time compiling budget
data and reports and more time on value-added activities like trend
analysis and insights.
To accomplish this, companies need one single source of budget data that can feed real-time
information into dynamic reports, useful presentations, and insightful visuals. For proper data
consolidation and reporting, modern businesses require the use of technology. While there are
budget software solutions available on the market that can provide either budgeting centralization
or reporting/business intelligence, there are more and more solutions available that integrate
7 Painful Budgeting Mistakes Companies Are Making
© 2018 Corporate Renaissance Group crgroup.com/better-budgeting
budgeting and reporting into a central corporate performance management (CPM) platform. In
well-designed CPM platforms, the budget and reporting data model is entirely integrated, meaning
as soon as data is updated at the detailed level, everything built off of that (reports, charts, and
presentations) is automatically updated. Robust CPM platforms also beyond budgeting and
reporting, allowing for dash boarding, scorecards, strategy maps, and analytics.
Mistake #7: Not Re-Forecasting Throughout the Year
Companies that rely on annual budgets alone,
risk identifying key trends that could lead to
better decision making and business results.
A classic problem with completing an annual
budget is that it quickly loses accuracy as the
year progresses.
Assumptions that are made at the beginning
of the year are typically not correct in the
middle of the year. There is growing evidence
that even the most carefully crafted budgets
become obsolete within three to six months.
This is not a reflection of the people involved
in creating the budget, but of the inevitable
and real changes in a company’s micro and
macro environment. For Canadian firms, for
instance, it might be because exchange rates
change significantly which then impact
revenues in export markets and conversion
from that country’s currency to CDN.
Too many companies fail to supplement the
annual budget with forecasting, with less than
50 percent currently practice continuous
planning and adjust resource allocations in
response to changing conditions
Financial Planning and Analysis Influencing Corporate Performance with
Stellar Processes, People, and Technology. 2015 survey by Grant Thornton
LLP and the American Productivity and Quality Center (APQC)
While not much can be done about it (even if
a company practices hedging), best practice
suggests that financial leaders re-evaluate
their annual budgeting model and instead,
implement quarterly reforecasting either up to
the end of the fiscal year (meaning a Q1
forecast for Q2, Q3 and Q4) or using a four
(or five) quarters rolling forecast where every
quarter, the company adjusts the last quarter’s
forecast and extends it to one more quarter.
An additional benefit of the rolling forecast
concept is that the third quarter rolling
forecast actually forms a solid basis for the
next fiscal year’s base budget – thus
streamlining the entire process.
The idea of going through the forecasting
exercise quarterly might seem like a lot,
considering most organizations struggle to
collect and consolidate the data and forecasts
from contributors on an annual basis;
however, business systems and budgeting
platforms exist for this reason. By
implementing modern budgeting and
forecasting software throughout the company,
contributors will have instant access to
incorporate rolling forecasts and make better
7 Budgeting Mistakes Companies Are Making
© 2020 Corporate Renaissance Group crgroup.com/better-budgeting
Company budgeting & planning shouldn’t be painful and collecting and compiling budget data
doesn’t have to be like pulling teeth. For most companies, spreadsheet-based budgeting is more of
a handicap than a business tool, resulting in an unacceptable amount of wasted time, lengthy
budgeting cycles, outdated data, and frustrated contributors who cannot access or collaborate on
plans. However, tremendous strides have been made in world of budgeting & planning software.
Cost effective and scaleable solutions are now available to suit any company size or level of
budgeting complexity. These solutions are built for budgeting and are dedicated to taking the best
of Excel with the centralization and convenience of online access with corresponding security. Just
like all business processes must evolve to become streamlined and automated, so should the
company’s budgeting process.
Experts in Budgeting, Forecasting Corporate Performance
Management and Business Intelligence
If you would like to learn more about finding the right budgeting
solution for your company, contact us.
www.crgroup.com | 613.232.4295 | [email protected]
Explore Solutions for Better, Faster & Ongoing
Budgeting, Planning & Forecasting
Learn more at: crgroup.com/better-budgeting