Case No. 8:19-CV-886-T-33SPF
LLC; and 4 OAKS LLC,
Relief Defendants.
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Burton W. Wiand, the Court-appointed receiver over the assets of the
above-captioned defendants and relief defendants (the “Receiver”), pursuant
to 18 U.S. Code § 3057 and the Court’s order dated July 11, 2019 (the
Consolidated Order
), submits this supplemental interim report to notify
the Court of the continuing obstruction of the Receivership and recent
developments in a possible recovery scam targeting defrauded investors.
As discussed in the Nineteenth Interim Report, the Receiver suspects
that Michael DaCorta’s legal defense has been funded with money obtained
from defrauded investors after the appointment of the Receiver through
misrepresentations that the funds will be used to recover the full amount of
all victims’ losses. See Doc. 800 at 12-20. The Receiver has recently obtained
emails sent by the so-called “Oasis Helpers Group” (the Helpers Group”)
which demonstrate that his suspicions are true; the claimants are being
asked to continue to fund DaCorta’s legal expenses based on the
On July 11, 2019, the Court entered the Consolidated Order (Doc. 177), which combined
and superseded two prior orders (Docs. 7 and 44) and is the operative document governing
the Receiver’s activities. See also Doc. 390 (reappointing Receiver).
See https://oasisreplevin.net/?page=about (“We are an informal, largely volunteer, group of
people who are working together to right a serious injustice that has been visited upon our
friends and family members by our government agents. Our group has in it an electrician, a
nurse, an attorney, a couple paralegal assistants, a couple former law-enforcement officers,
business men [sic] and women, a teacher, a Forex trading coach, an accountant, and a
professional computer programmer. Additionally, others lend us a hand when the need
arises. We are wholly dedicated to the complete restoration of Oasis International Group's
assets and those of its lenders.”).
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misrepresentation that their contributions will lead to a full recovery of their
Beginning on April 10, 2024, the Receiver and his professionals have
been inundated by email with so-called Final Address Confirmation Forms.
These forms were created by Brent Winters and/or the Helpers Group. They
serve no purposes other than to justify fees being charged to claimants by
Winters and the Helpers Group, waste Receivership time and resources, and
attempt to prevent any communication with claimants by the Receiver and
his professionals. The emails sent by the Helpers Group urging that
claimants complete these forms are rife with misinformation and are to the
detriment of all claimants, especially those who are being duped by Winters
and the Helpers Group to pay more money with the empty and impossible
promise that it will lead to a greater recovery.
Both civil and criminal courts have found that DaCorta perpetrated a
fraudulent scheme on the Oasis investors. On December 6, 2023, the Court
granted the CFTC’s motion for summary judgment and denied DaCorta’s
motion for summary judgment. Doc. 780. In a detailed 46-page order
outlining all claims against DaCorta, the Court emphasized that there was
no genuine dispute of material fact regarding any of those claims. In stark
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contrast to the assertions made by the Helpers Group and DaCorta’s lawyers,
the Court found that DaCorta did not provide any evidence that created a
dispute that he violated the Commodities Futures Act, committed ongoing
fraud, and conducted a Ponzi scheme. The Court found that DaCorta’s
scheme was carried out to intentionally defraud the Oasis investors. The
Court entered judgment against DaCorta in the amount of $53,270,336.08
plus post-judgment interest and a civil penalty of $8,453,629. On January 5,
2024, DaCorta filed a notice of appeal of the Court’s order. Doc. 795.
Similarly, DaCorta stood trial in April 2022, and after two weeks of
testimony and argument, a jury found him guilty on all counts, including
mail and wire fraud and money laundering. See United States of America v.
Michael J. DaCorta, Case No. 8:19-cr-605-T-02CPT (M.D. Fla.), Doc. 192. On
October 20, 2022, DaCorta was sentenced to 23 years in prison for his role in
this scheme. DaCorta is appealing his conviction while in prison. Id. Doc. 234.
Ronald J. Kurpiers represented DaCorta in the civil proceeding as co-
counsel with Winters (who has never successfully appeared in this or any
related action). As explained on prior occasions, Winters also purports to
represent more than 400 victim investors pursuant to power of attorney
Determining the nature and scope of Winters’ representation
Winters submitted more than 400 proof of claim forms on behalf of claimants pursuant to
powers of attorney. Since that time, given conflicting reports from claimants, the precise
number of claimants still represented by Winters is less clear. Currently approximately 281
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has been difficult because of gamesmanship and inconsistent positions.
Despite the plain language of engagement agreements and other documents
the Receiver has obtained, Winters claims he is acting as an “attorney-in-
fact” rather than an “attorney-at-law.” From numerous conversations with
claimants associated with Winters, the claimants do not understand this
distinction. Indeed, the Helpers Group itself refers to Winters as the
claimants’ attorney without qualification.
See Email dated April 13, 2023,
attached as Exhibit 1 (instructing claimants to not communicate in any way
with “the RECEIVER or any of his agents. Your attorney is handling this.”)
By subpoena, the Receiver obtained the retainer agreement for
Kurpiers, effective July 29, 2022, which showed that Winters paid Kurpiers
$100,000 to act as “co-counsel” with him on DaCorta’s behalf in this CFTC
enforcement action. The Receiver subpoenaed and received documents from
claims have designated Winters as the authorized address to receive all communications
including distribution checks, and claimants for an additional approximately thirteen
claims have communications copied to Winters.
Aside from these dubious distinctions, Winters’ involvement has concerned the Receiver
from the outset because he is not licensed to practice in the state of Florida, has been
unable to appear pro hac vice in this case or any related litigation, and was suspended from
the practice of law for nearly four years because he was convicted in criminal court for filing
a false tax return. In addition, as discussed below, the Receiver has been unable to locate
any office for Winters nor has Winters provided a physical address to the Receiver for
service of a subpoena despite repeated requests.
Cf. Doc. 177 ¶ 32 (“The Receivership Defendants and … any person acting or purporting to
act on their behalf shall cooperate with and assist the Receiver in the performance of his
duties.”); id. 33 (“The Receiver shall promptly notify the Court and the CFTC’s counsel of
any failure or apparent failure of any person or entity to comply in any way with the terms
of this Order.”).
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the bank that transferred the $100,000 to Kurpiers and has uncovered that
those funds were derived, at least in part if not wholly, from deposits made by
Oasis investors who claimed to be represented by Winters. The Receiver has
attempted to serve Winters with a subpoena at least four times at four
separate addresses across three states. To date, efforts at service of this
subpoena have been unsuccessful because Winters has no discernible
residence. His published office address is a UPS store. The Receiver highly
doubts that the Helpers Group has informed the victim claimants of this or
that Winters is a convicted felon. Winters also has not responded to the
Receiver’s professionals’ emails requesting that he accept service of the
subpoena or provide a physical address.
On February 2, 2024, the Helpers Group sent an email to at least one
investor seeking to collect outstanding amounts allegedly pledged for legal
services “being provided on their behalf.” See Email dated February 2, 2024
attached as Exhibit 2.
The email states as follows:
We have not yet received the full amount of the pledge you
promised to help pay for legal services being provided on your
behalf. If you have sent a check since our request of January
The Receiver also served a subpoena on Intermountain Precious Metals (“IPM”), which
received more than $190,000 in funds from the subject bank account. The company is
refusing to comply with the subpoena. From the form of the papers filed by the owner of
IPM in opposition to the subpoena, it appears that Winters is also representing or assisting
with the representation of IPM.
The Receiver has redacted possible identifying information to protect the privacy of the
claimant who provided this email.
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20th, please ignore this message. Otherwise please send a check
for the balance shown below at your earliest convenience.
A filing deadline set by the Court of Appeals made it necessary
for one of your fellow Lenders to provide a bridge loan in order to
cover the attorney's fee so he can begin work without further
Ex. 2 (emphasis added). The email then provides that the total alleged pledge
amount is 2.5% of the claimants’ claim. The Receiver understands that this
email is exemplary of communications sent by the Helpers Group used to
raise money that was used and is currently being used for DaCorta’s defense.
As shown above, the email states that the requested funds are for legal
services provided on the claimant’s behalf, but then states that the money
is going to repay a bridge loan extended by another “Lender” (a.k.a., investor)
for work in the Court of Appeals. There is no action involving any claimant
in any appellate court relating to this case. The only pending appellate
actions are those filed by DaCorta. It is clear that the defense of a perpetrator
of the Oasis Ponzi scheme could not conceivably benefit any of the victims
from whom the Helpers Group is raising money.
In another email from the Helpers Group, dated December 15, 2023,
the group attacks the Receiver and his professionals and spews
misrepresentations in an effort to obtain more money from investors. The
group claims that it cannot achieve its “goal of full restitution for everyone in
our group without more financial support.” See Email from Helpers Group,
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dated December 15, 2023, attached as Exhibit 3. This has all the hallmarks
of a recovery fraud.
The Helpers Group is clearly misleading investors into
believing that, if they provide more funds to the group, they can recover all of
their money. This is not true. Even if DaCorta wins his appeals, there is no
more money available to the victims other than that which the Receiver has
already been able to recover. Pursuant to the Court’s mandate and as
explained in prior interim reports, DaCorta’s assets have been seized and
liquidated for the benefit of investors with allowed claims. DaCorta should
have no funds available to repay claimants, as evidenced by his apparent
reliance on investors to fund his appeal(s). The assertion that the Helpers
Group is attempting to recover all of the victims’ money is fraudulent.
The Receiver believes that the obstruction of the claims process and
vilification of the Receiver and his professionals is an attempt by Winters and
the Helpers Group to justify additional fees and to keep the claimants from
discovering this new fraud. In the Nineteenth Interim Report and prior
interim reports, the Receiver has previously detailed Winters and the
Helpers Group’s disruption of the claims process and the unnecessary fees
See www.cftc.gov/LearnAndProtect/AdvisoriesAndArticles/RecoveryFrauds.html
(“Recovery scams are a form of advance-fee fraudwhen you are asked to pay upfront for
the chance of getting a much bigger sum of money later. Recovery frauds target victims
already harmed by other frauds.”)
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and costs that have been incurred as a result.
These efforts are continuing
through the date of this report.
As mentioned above, on April 10, 2024, the Receiver and several of his
professionals began receiving by email so-called “Final Address Confirmation
Forms” from claimants represented by Winters. A copy of a Final Address
Confirmation form is attached as Exhibit 4. The forms claim to prevent the
Receiver from wasting resources by purportedly requiring the Receiver to
send distribution checks and related communications only to Winters. To the
contrary, the Final Address Confirmation Forms are unnecessarily causing
significant expense to the Receivership and delaying the second interim
distribution. The forms are being sent to four emails associated with the
Receivership, copying
winterslaw@nym.hush.com and info@oasisreplevin.net.
This means each form is being received in quadruplicate. The Receiver’s
professionals are forced to review these unnecessary forms to confirm that
there is no change to the mailing information for a distribution check.
The Receiver stated in his Motion to Approve Second Interim
Distribution (Doc. 805) that he would mail courtesy copies of the
Ironically, the Helpers Group has repeatedly taken issue with fees that the Receiver’s
professionals purportedly charge and urged the claimants to not communicate with the
Receiver to save money when, in reality, it is the gamesmanship and malpractice
committed by the group and Winters that has imposed significant unnecessary expenses
and delays.
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correspondence and check that will be sent to Winters also to the respective
claimant so that the claimant could ensure that the check was timely
negotiated. Neither Winters nor any party or claimant objected to this
proposed courtesy. Nevertheless, the Helpers Group has characterized the
Receiver’s courtesy copies to claimants as disregarding the power of attorney
given to Winters and an attempt to line the pockets of the Receiver and his
professionals. See Email from the Helpers Group, dated April 21, 2023,
attached as Exhibit 5. In reality, the Receiver is doing everything possible to
try to protect innocent victims from being further victimized.
The Receiver will again send courtesy copies to claimants for the
approximately 281 second interim distribution checks to be mailed directly to
Winters. A copy of the form letter to be sent to claimants with the second
distribution is attached as Exhibit 6.
These letters and respective
The Helpers Group claims that the Receiver is violating the Florida Bar Rules of
Professional Conduct by sending letters and communicating directly to claimants. Not
surprising for an attorney who is not licensed to practice in the State of Florida, this is
false. A power of attorney does not preclude contact with the person who conferred the
power of attorney, especially when that person has represented that he is not representing
the individuals as an attorney-at-law, as Winters has done repeatedly. See, e.g., Letter from
Winters, dated August 31, 2020, attached as Exhibit 7 (“Mr. Winters affirms again that he
is not attorney-at-law for any clients in the United States District Court for the Middle
District of Florida; in fact, he has not entered an appearance on behalf of any client in the
Case. Accordingly, Mr. Winters renews his demand to not communicate with him, or
continue to refer to him, as though he represents clients before the U.S. District Court,
Middle District Florida as an attorney-at-law. Mr. Winters is rather under power-of-
attorney to his principles [sic]: certain Oasis Claimants. Mr. Winters’s principles [sic] have
delegated authority to him as POA to provide the Receiver with information relative to
their claims.”). Further, even if the power of attorney constituted representation by an
attorney in the State of Florida, the Receiver is not acting as an attorney in this matter and
is allowed to communicate directly with claimants as a client would be able to communicate
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envelopes were prepared prior to the onslaught of the Final Address
Confirmation Forms. The Receiver had hoped to promptly send distribution
checks to claimants upon entry of the Court’s order approving the second
interim distribution, but these efforts have been confounded by the Helpers
The Receiver has also obtained these new forms from certain claimants
whose claims were denied due to Winters’ failure to ensure that the
claimants properly complied with the Court’s approved claims procedures.
Winters also failed to object to the denial of these claims within the time
allowed by the objection procedure and did not include them in his (and
Kurpiers’) untimely efforts to object to the Magistrate Judge’s Report and
Recommendation (Doc. 705), which determined that the Receiver’s motion to
approve a first interim distribution of $10 million should be granted (Docs.
with an opposing client in any legal matter. “A receiver is a neutral court officer appointed
by the court, usually to take control, custody, or management of property that is involved in
or is likely to become involved in litigation for the purpose of undertaking any appropriate
action.” Sterling v. Stewart, 158 F.3d 1199, 1201 n.2 (11th Cir. 1998). “It is well recognized
that a receiver is the agent only of the court appointing him; he represents the court rather
than the parties.” Ledbetter v. Farmers Bank & Tr. Co., 142 F.2d 147, 150 (4th Cir. 1944);
United States v. Smallwood, 443 F.2d 535, 539 (8th Cir. 1971) (“A receiver is an officer of
the court. He is not an agent or employee of either party to the litigation in which he was
appointed.”) (citation omitted); S.E.C. v. Loving Spirit Found. Inc., 392 F.3d 486, 490 (D.C.
Cir. 2004) (“Neither a plaintiff nor a defendant, the receiver functions as an arm of the
court appointed to ensure that prevailing parties can and will obtain the relief it orders.”)
(citation omitted); S.E.C. v. N. Am. Clearing, Inc., 2015 WL 13389926, at *3 (M.D. Fla. Jan.
12, 2015) (describing receiver as an officer of the court), aff’d 656 F. App’x 969 (11th Cir.
2016); S.E.C. v. Nadel, 2010 WL 146832, at *1 (M.D. Fla. Jan. 11, 2010) (same).
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715-723 (purported objections)). More than two years after the deadline to
submit objections, Winters has directed these claimants to submit a
fabricated form to the Receiver with mailing instructions under the apparent
misapprehension that this will somehow allow a claimant to recover on a
claim that Winters and the Helpers Group failed to protect. These efforts are
too little and too late.
Any recourse on behalf of claimants with denied or
unsubmitted claims must be sought from the Court.
It appears that Winters blames his malpractice on not receiving the
claimants’ claim numbers. This is completely untrue. Winters was sent
correspondence identifying the assigned claim numbers for all claims he
submitted on behalf of claimants beginning on March 25, 2022. See Example
of Form Letter Sent to Claimants with Claim Determination and Objection
Procedure, attached as Exhibit 8. Further, all claimants were sent this same
correspondence with their respective claim number(s). The Helpers Group
asserts that 92% of claimants did not know their claim number. See Email
from Helpers Group, dated April 17, 2024, attached as Exhibit 9; see also
Exhibit 3. This is not possible given the correspondence that has been sent
While Winters and the Helpers Group have directed claimants in submitting
inappropriate, false, and unnecessary documents - many of which have been stricken by
this Court - they have failed to help a significant number of claimants submit necessary
documents in this case, unfortunately causing some claimants to lose their opportunity for
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to Winters and the claimants with their claim numbers. If it was true, it begs
the question as to how the other more than 300 claimants who did not
provide a power of attorney to Winters and submitted their own claims
without paying any additional money all apparently know their claim
numbers and understand the claims procedure while receiving the identical
communications from the Receiver.
The Receiver files this report due to his ongoing concern that the victim
claimants of this Receivership are being misled and swindled by individuals
posing as agents and/or attorneys who claim to be providing them assistance.
The Receiver wants to ensure that the Court, parties, and claimants are
aware of this ongoing problem. Pursuant to the Receiver’s obligation as a
fiduciary and under Section 3057(a) of Title 18, United States Code, this
report along with its exhibits and additional evidence are being provided to
appropriate law enforcement agencies.
/s/ Burton W. Wiand
Burton W. Wiand, as Receiver
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I HEREBY CERTIFY that on April 19, 2024, I electronically filed the
foregoing with the Clerk of the Court by using the CM/ECF system. I have
also provided the following non-CM/ECF participants with a true and correct
copy of the foregoing by electronic mail to:
Gerard Marrone
Law Office of Gerard Marrone, P.C.
66-85 73
Second Floor
Middle Village, NY 11379
Counsel for Defendant Joseph S. Anile, II
John J. Haas
Raymond P. Montie, III
/s/ Chemere K. Ellis
Ailen Cruz
Florida Bar Number 105826
Chemere K. Ellis
Florida Bar Number 125069
The Towers at Westshore
1408 N. West Shore Blvd.,
Suite 1010
Tampa, FL 33607
Tel.: (813) 347-5100
Fax: (813) 347-5198
Attorneys for Burton W. Wiand, Receiver
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Case 8:19-cv-00886-VMC-SPF Document 811-1 Filed 04/19/24 Page 1 of 3 PageID 18333
From: The Oasis Team <[email protected]>
Date: April 13, 2023 at
Subject: Message to Lenders (4/13)
Reply-To: helpingoasis@gmail.com
Our attorney's internet connection has been down all day. We're waiting for it to be
restored so we can give you specific instructions concerning the letters you've been getting
from the Receiver. Hopefully, that will happen later this evening or tomorrow.
PLEASE DO NOT SEND ANY CORRESPONDENCE (letters, forms, emails, or phone calls)
TO THE RECEIVER or any of his agents. Your attorney is handling this.
The Receiver's office bills in minimum 6-minute increments. This means that the lender
fund will be drained for 10% of an attorney's hourly billable rate if you take up even 1
minute of their time to respond or log your information. This is why we asked Brent to file
all the claims at once and, more importantly, it's why HE and he alone needs to be the
person that the Receiver corresponds with about your claim.
ANY correspondence with the Receiver group costs the lender fund between $13.50 and
$36.00 for just 1-6 minutes of their time.
Imagine what it would cost the aggregated lender funds, which your money will eventually
come out of, if they could deal with all 400+ people in our group! In a short while, there
would be very little left of the fund to make a second distribution with.
If each of you called, or wrote an email, phoned, or sent in a form JUST ONCE and it took
the Receiver's office less than 6 minutes to deal with it, the fund would be depleted by
$5,400 at minimum! And that's if you contacted the lowest level paralegal and not a more
expensive lawyer, which wouldn't happen.
We'll have a LOT more to say about this in the near future, but just for now - PLEASE be
patient just a little bit longer before you cash your check or respond with an address
Thank you,
The Oasis Helper Group
Copyright © 2023 Helping Oasis, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website.
Case 8:19-cv-00886-VMC-SPF Document 811-1 Filed 04/19/24 Page 2 of 3 PageID 18334
Our mailing address is:
Helping Oasis
PO Box 165
Intervale, NH 03845-0165
Add us to your address book
Want to change how you receive these emails?
You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.
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Case 8:19-cv-00886-VMC-SPF Document 811-2 Filed 04/19/24 Page 1 of 3 PageID 18336
On Feb 2, 2024, Michele <[email protected]> wrote:
The Trust, LLT
P.O. Box 626
Elkville, IL 62932
<Oasis Replevin Logo sm.jpg>
February 2, 2024
We have not yetreceived the full amount of the pledge you promised
to helppay for legal services being provided on your behalf. If youhave sent a
check since our request of January 20th, pleaseignore this
message.Otherwise please send a check forthe balance shown below at
your earliest convenience.
A filing deadlineset by the Court of Appeals made it necessary for one
of yourfellow Lenders to provide a bridge loan in order to cover theattorney's fee
so he can begin work without further delay.
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Given recent FirstClass delivery inconsistencies, we advise that you
mail yourcontribution by U.S. Priority Mail, which will provide atracking
number for your records.We are not set up toreceive bank wires, ACH
transfers, or any other form ofdigital deposit.
Below is a summary record of your contributions to date. If you had
more than one Oasis account, they've been added into one to calculate the
Balance Due.
Total Pledge Amount (2.5% of your claim)
Amount of 1 Quarterly Installment
Number of Contributions Made
Balance Due
Please bring your account current as soon as possible by mailing a
check made to “The Trust, LLT” for the Balance Due shown above via
Priority Mail to:
The Trust, LLT
P.O. Box 626
Elkville, IL 62932
Best Regards,
Oasis Helpers Group
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Case 8:19-cv-00886-VMC-SPF Document 811-3 Filed 04/19/24 Page 1 of 7 PageID 18339
From: Oasis Helpers <oasishelpers@oasisreplevin.net>
Date: December 15, 2023 at
Subject: A Letter to our Oasis Friends and Family - Where We're At and Why We're Here
NOTE: This may be a duplicate of the email we sent this morning. Nearly a third of them
bounced back so we're sending it again. Please forgive the intrusion if you've received this
before and just delete it.
I know most of you have not been keeping up with the activities going on with all the Oasis
cases. Most have just been wondering if they were going to get more money back. The
answer to that is we don’t know. We should because in the Receiver’s latest interim report
he says he has another almost $11 million in hand from the liquidation of Oasis assets. As
we know, he would be more than happy trying to keep it for himself and his minions. They
have already made more money off Oasis than any of the Defendants ever did.
The reason for this letter is to inform you and to educate you on some facts of what’s
really gone on with our money. You may have recently received an email from paralegal
Amanda Stevens, who works for the receivership. In that email, she tells you that the judge
granted a summary judgment in favor of the CFTC. Thereafter in the email she attacks the
Oasis Helpers Group, trying to discredit us because of all the corruption and lawlessness
that our group is exposing (and we’ve really just begun). Remember, most of us in the
Helpers Group have also lost all of our money. So why would we not be trying to help
everyone get back as much as possible? Those working for you in the Oasis Helpers
Group are not spending countless hours for any other reason than to achieve our goal of
helping everyone in our group get back all the money that’s due them. Aside from that, it’s
important for you to know that almost all of our work is done voluntarily, without
compensation. To date, not counting our attorneys’ time, the volunteers in our group have
logged over 6,500 hours of work on your behalf since April 2020.
From the beginning the Receiver has continuously attacked us in his court filings
and emails, obstructed our efforts to secure legal counsel, and even tried to get our Power
of Attorney, Mr. Winters, disbarred for practicing law in Florida without a license. First off
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you don’t need a law license to be a POA. You would think an entire law firm of lawyers
should know that, right? Well, they did but that’s lawfare. Since you can’t have someone
exposing your corruption, make them out to be the criminal. Mr. Winters had to hire his
own attorney to defend against the Receiver’s charge and then the Florida bar threw it
out. Meanwhile, the Receiver charged the Receivership Estate thousands of dollars for the
time he spent attacking Mr. Winters. How does that benefit you? It didn’t. It only benefited
the Receiver.
Through thousands of hours of research we have uncovered a multitude of bad
actors and unlawful behavior. The funny thing is that the perps are not all those you may
have suspected. Almost all of the evidence that proves our case comes from the
government’s own submissions of evidence and statements. For starters, and the very first
red flag that made us ask questions coming out of Mike DaCorta’s trial, is what we refer to
as “the whiteboard question”.
Do this math problem and pretend that it’s your checking account.
OIG funds deposited into ATC London Account $22,000,000 (funds in)
Trading losses - $60,000,000 (funds out)
Balance (Positive) $ 2,000,000
How did your math work out? Did you get a positive balance after subtracting $60M from
$22M? We didn’t.
Would your checkbook balance the same way this trading account did? Put in 22 take out
60 and still have 2 not bad at all.
The government claimed that Oasis lost all this money in a trading account.
Evidence shows the trading account earned $54,000,000 in spread fee income.
But during the criminal trial the Government said that spread fees were fairy dust.
The whole reason Oasis needed the broker dealer license was to charge and collect
spreads to in return pay you your loan interest if the earned monthly spread fees came to
more than the 1% otherwise guaranteed in your Promissory Note.
It is so hard not to get off into the weeds trying to explain every little statement made in
order to show you the supporting evidence that backs up that statement. We wanted to
keep this as short as possible, but hopefully pique your interest and understand why we
feel that all this work is worth the effort. Even this summary is just the tip of the
iceberg. There’s so much more we’d like to share and we’re doing our best to do so, but
you have to engage with us for that to work.
This is your money and ours and we are fighting for transparency. Our Strength is our
ability to stand together. They have never encountered a group where everyone is only 2
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degrees separated from anyone else in the group. We are dealing with evil people who
don’t care who they put in prison or whose money they take, as long as they get it all. They
are operating a distinctly corrupt business model designed to steal as much as they can
from you and others like you under cover of law. Shut down companies seize all cash and
assets. Make sure no one can afford to defend themselves and make the steal stick
through misdirection, misrepresentations of evidence, falsifications, suppression of
discovery, and other court operations. It’s really easy to see if you follow the money and
where the majority ends up when the smoke clears. I promise it won’t be in our pockets.
The Oasis Helpers have given us an opportunity to peel back the onion. The more we
peel back, the more rotten and disgusting it gets. This is why we have done many things
like created a website (OasisReplevin.net) and made videos to explain what happened in the
trial, with more to come. We turned the videos into audio files so you could listen to them
while on the road or wherever you are. We produced several dozen email update Reports
with timelines and supporting documents and attachments and actual court filings and
much more. This takes massive amounts of time to do and, again, it’s most all done
voluntarily. The whole purpose is to find the Truth!
We understand Mike DaCorta was convicted. Once again, not to get too far into the
weeds, but here’s just one example of what wasn’t submitted at the criminal trial. This was
a financial crimes case, a so-called Ponzi scheme, which is tried as fraud, yet the financials
of the company were never submitted as evidence during trial. Not by prosecution, nor by
Mike’s public defender. No financials were shown anywhere until our group produced a
balance sheet that showed the solvency of the companies. No one had ever made a
balance sheet to see the financial health of the company. This is critically important
By law a Ponzi scheme is defined as insolvent from its inception. You prove solvency by “a
balance sheet test“.
The Government, Receiver, and all parties involved have thrown around the word Ponzi
from the very first complaint. Wouldn’t you think some of these federal investigators at the
CFTC, FBI, and IRS would have completed a balance sheet test before making such
allegations, shutting the Company down, seizing and liquidating all of its assets?
Assumptions and allegations not facts
The Receivership Estate has paid hundreds of thousands to forensic accountants to do
something. What did they do?
See the Receiver’s deposition page 7 – 9, attached.
The Oasis balance sheets show that both Oasis Companies were solvent!
From the beginning, this whole case was built and prosecuted exclusively on
accusations and allegations. They made Mike DaCorta into a criminal through a show trial
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where the defense was given only two days (the prosecution had 10), only 3 of the 33
witnesses prepared to testify on Mike’s behalf were allowed to take the stand, and
exculpatory evidence and expert witnesses available to the Defense were not presented to
the jury. Then they use that judgment to shut down the civil case. The CFTC did not want
this to go to trial in the civil case. For a summary judgment to be made there cannot be any
material facts in dispute. In this case, about 45 facts in dispute were presented to the
Court. The 5 counts in the civil case are all based upon the allegation that Oasis operated
commodity pools. Oasis didn’t have commodity pools. Oasis was an Eligible Contract
Participant (ECP) trading exclusively for itself, not for individual investors. In the summary
judgment Order, the five counts were never discussed. They were also never discussed in
the criminal trial, so the judgments in the criminal should never have been allowed to
persuade judgment in the civil trial, but they did.
Also in his deposition, the Receiver claimed Oasis had only minimal assets, yet all the
Houses, office and apartment real estate, Rental incomes, gold, and silver were owned by
OIG and not by Mike DaCorta. (Deposition, page 8 line 10 14)
All of those assets sold off for millions more than the $10M credited in the Receiver’s
The receiver was so kind to give us back 17.5% of our original contribution. Has he ever said
anything else about the almost $11,000,000 that he still has of ours? In his June 15, 2023
Deposition and in the last two Interim reports he identifies having those funds.
Did he ever tell us all the property that the local police, United States Marshall Service,
seized they are keeping? The United States Marshall Service is keeping almost $6 million of
real estate sold that the Receiver seized and sold for them – not for us.
All the assets of Oasis were bought as a hedge and used to build a financial foundation for
the company. Every property was owned by Oasis International Group or Oasis
Management, and almost all properties were paid in full. Mike DaCorta personally owned
none of them. Did you know the Receiver sold all the properties, did all the legwork for the
United States Marshall Service, and then gave them all the money, which the Dept. of
Justice will keep? Did you know that for all this work the Receiver charged the Receivership
Estate (i.e. you) for all that time, and also charged over $757,000 in commissions for selling
So, what we are saying is that Mike goes to prison for 23 years for supposedly living the high
life after he’s illegitimately convicted a criminal. There is no civil jury trial allowed to review
the facts of the case presented by a non-governmental, independent attorney (Ron
Kurpiers). Long before Mike’s criminal trial even happens and even though all the real estate
was bought with our money and all properties were solely owned by OIG or OM, the
Receivership, United States Marshal Service, and all parties involved in their liquidation
charged us to sell them, and then kept all the money from the sales instead of giving it back
to us, the so-called victims. That’s what Civil Asset Forfeiture does.
In the past five years how many times has the Receivership sent out an update email to the
so-called victims? I think three or four, but each one of them was basically trying to attack
the Oasis Helpers Group so we could never find out what’s really going on.
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Starting with Michele Utter in autumn 2019, the Receiver has tried to crush absolutely
everyone who has asked questions or tried to defend themselves regarding this case.
Let me ask you this, when did you lose all your money? Was it during Oasis operations or
after the government came in and shut Oasis down? Before the government made one, no
one had ever filed a complaint against Oasis, nor had anyone been unable to receive their
principal plus interest back if requested.
At the end of 2018 if you did not sign the new promissory note your money plus interest
would have been sent back to you, even if you didn’t ask for it. The people who were
automatically refunded that way later became Clawback Defendants, sued by the Receiver.
Side note: who, running a Ponzi scheme, sends people back their money plus interest
without them requesting it because they didn’t sign some paperwork?
We are not saying that everything Oasis was peachy. Mike DaCorta, Joe Anile, and
Ray Montie did not have a tight business operation or adequate partnership
communications. Too much trust and authority was given out without good checks and
balances. With no contractual agreements for partner compensations, poor
bookkeeping, inadequate staff (no CFO), it all added up to disaster and made it easier
for the CFTC to do what they have done.
Oasis PARTNERS had major losses in the trading account, but these were largely offset
by tens of millions in spread fee revenues, which is how the “the white board” test works
– while +$22M deposited minus the alleged $60M in losses should result in a negative
$38M, the undisputed fact that there was a $2M positive balance left in the account is
explained by the fact that Oasis earned more than $40M in spread fees, which were kept
in the account.
After OIG was formed, Joe Anile had exclusive control of the purse strings. The
government-supplied account records that our people spent over 2,500 hours of
uncompensated time expertly examining, show that after Anile gained financial control
he began overpaying himself and also embezzled about $2.7M from the Company.
That’s probably why he made the plea deal and his criminal behavior enabled the
government to use him as a puppet on the stand during the criminal trial.
Even though every witness, both prosecution and defense, identified Anile as Oasis’
attorney, he denied being the company attorney and lied about almost everything. The
defense had all the evidence to prove him a liar and never used it. The prosecution
used the Anile testimony to dig Mike’s grave.
The jury may not have understood anything else in the complicated and confusing string
of allegations made at Mike’s trial, but they were told by the Receiver, an FBI Agent, and
Joe Anile, Mike’s own partner, that Mike was operating a Ponzi scheme. Anile falsely
testified that Mike had admitted that to him. Every juror certainly knew that a Ponzi
scheme is a fraud, so even if they took nothing else away, the were given to believe that
Mike perpetrated a fraud and that’s what he was convicted for.
There is still a possibility for Mike to appeal the Summary Judgment against him in
the civil trial. He is already appealing the criminal trial. We are going to continue to help
everyone in our group as much as we can, but much of the work ahead of us will require
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help from attorneys and they are very expensive. We cannot hope to achieve our goal of
full restitution for everyone in our group without more financial support. Many folks have
pledged, but not yet produced, a contribution to the legal efforts. We will soon be asking
that they fulfill their pledges.
Our only real satisfaction comes from helping you, but for the most part our work is
done with almost no feedback from the more than 400 lenders in this group. We’d like to
hear from you. We set up OasisReplevin.net to make it easy for you to post questions and
comments, but so far no one has – why? When our update reports go out, typically only 3
or 4 responses come back to show that they’re being read and even then, the most
common responses simply ask if there’s more money coming. Even if you don’t
understand everything in the Reports, please read them. If you only understand 50%, then
ask about the parts that aren’t clear by posting questions on our website. Chances are
you’re not the only one who would like an answer to the questions you have. We spent
hundreds of hours making the trial review videos found on OasisReplevin.net, but there’s
practically no indication that anyone has watched them. Why? There’s no better way for
you to understand what happened at Mike DaCorta’s trial and the implications it has for you
than to watch the videos, which explain the depraved miscarriage of justice that took place
last April and May. We understand that the first 3 videos are kind of dry because they just
go over jury selection and the legal foundation of the government’s claims. But that’s
important, and after those first 3 the others get a bit more interesting and more entertaining
too. We can’t encourage you enough to go watch (or listen to) them.
Civil Asset Forfeiture is real and it needs to be exposed for the corrupt practices it
produces, the inversion of our fundamental rule of law that the accused is innocent until
proven guilty, and for the theft of innocent people’s property’s that result from it as has
happened in our case. The Receivership, those who worked for it, and the U.S. DOJ, all
made millions off this case and are already looking for the next one. Who would spend
hundreds of thousands of dollars to hire lawyers to expose the truth to get a hundred
thousand back? Therefore, when they tell you that you are a victim, they either get the
defense attorneys to settle for a huge amount or go criminally convict one of the civil case
Defendants to use that conviction to prevent an effective defense in the original civil case.
After that, they hope you will take your 17.5% refund and consider yourself lucky, while
they ride off as heroes with millions, fully aware that this corrupt business that they created
may continue to make them wealthy until Congress steps in and takes civil asset forfeiture
off the books. Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) has a bill before the Senate designed to do
just that. We’ll be letting you know how you can help get it passed!
Enc: Pages 7-9 of Burton Wiand Deposition Transcript 06-15-2023.pdf
Oasis Helpers
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Case 8:19-cv-00886-VMC-SPF Document 811-4 Filed 04/19/24 Page 1 of 3 PageID 18346
Due to the enduring uncertainty and ambiguity resulting from the
Receiver’s confusion over Personal Verification Forms timely submitted by claimants or their Power
of Attorney and any other imprecision that may persist in his office regarding my claim(s), I
am respectfully submitting this Address Confirmation Form (ACF) with final answers
to the questions previously requested by the Receiver, to which I have previously responded.
If any additional information is required, the Receiver is hereby instructed to make
requests for clarification through my Power of Attorney, Brent Allan Winters, at his
postal and email addresses provided here below.
To assure that this message is properly acknowledged, duplicate copies will be simultaneously
emailed to the addresses below. If a copy is not returned as undeliverable by my email server,
confirmation of delivery will be assumed:
[email protected] (as originally instructed)
[email protected] (for attorney Jared Perez)
[email protected] (for attorney Ailen Cruz)
[email protected] (for receiver Burton Wiand)
[email protected] (for attorney-in-fact Brent Winters)
[email protected] (for the record)
 
All claim numbers for which this address confirmation is being submitted.
mailing address where the claimant authorizes the receipt of all future
communications relating to the claim(s) identified in number 2 above, including any
distribution checks the claimant(s) may be entitled to receive.
email address where the claimant authorizes the receipt of all future
electronic communications relating to the above claim(s) is:
The Receiver is instructed to process the mailing of distribution check(s) for my claim(s)
through the offices of Attorney-in-fact Winters via the postal address given below.
NOTICE to Agent is Notice to Principal. Do NOT contact me directly again. All future
correspondence with respect to my claim(s) is to be directed to my Power of Attorney.
Brent Allan Winters is my representative under Power of Attorney for all
claim-related matters. Direct all future correspondence to him.
  
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   
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Case 8:19-cv-00886-VMC-SPF Document 811-5 Filed 04/19/24 Page 1 of 4 PageID 18349
Begin forwarded message:
From: The Oasis Team <[email protected]>
Date: April 21, 2023 at
Subject: Ongoing Nonsense (4/21)
Reply-To: helpingoasis@gmail.com
Ongoing Nonsense
You have to give the Devil his due now and then...so we will.
The latest wrinkle in the on-going fiasco the Receiver's office designed to
collect as much revenue from the simple task of getting a refund check into
your hands is that some of you may receive a mailed letter with a COPY of your
check in it, but not the real thing. That's still coming (at least you'll learn how
much you're going to receive - as well as the secret "claim" number you were
The following TOTALLY unnecessary, expensive and time-consuming steps will
have to be taken place for you to receive such a letter:
Your name and address be printed on an envelope - (paper, ink and time
to print added)
Your check will be copied - (more paper, copy toner, and the copier's
Your address on the INSIDE letter will be changed to c/o Brent Allen
(sic) Winters (time billed)
The letter printed - (paper, ink, and time)
All 3 pages stuffed into the envelope - (time)
Postage added - (63¢ each)
A trip to the Post Office unless picked up at the office
A copy of this all mailed to Brent (with all the above repeated)
Mind you - This already happened at least once before when some people
received a letter with a check and most others without one included. So this is
the second time for a mailing, not including the 3 boxes of copies sent to Brent
Case 8:19-cv-00886-VMC-SPF Document 811-5 Filed 04/19/24 Page 2 of 4 PageID 18350
this past week - which included ALL of the pages when only the first one was
ALL of this is, and always was, unnecessary so ALL of the associated charges
should be restored to the Receivership Estate. Why? Because all the Receiver
ever had to do was send ALL the checks to your Power of Attorney and you
would have had your check in hand 2-3 weeks ago.
There was never a need to assign a unique "claim" number to every lender.
Because you already had TWO unique numbers - your Oasis Account Number
and Your Oasis IB number. They were just as anonymous as the claim
numbers assigned by the Receiver, except that your P.O.A. knew who was
associated with them and the Receiver DID NOT disclose who associated with
his "claim" numbers to your agent. As far as we can tell from talking to nearly a
hundred folks, about 93% of you didn't know what your claim number was
All of this added a tremendous amount of unnecessary time, expense, and
frustration to the whole debacle. All that money, paid to attorneys and
paralegals, needs to be restored to the Estate and sent back to you, the
The Receiver's mandate is to maintain the value of Oasis' property on behalf of
its creditors, not to enrich himself and his friends. That's what all receivers are
authorized to do. Not what's been happening.
Have a great weekend. All things must pass.
The Oasis Helper Group
P.S. We are still working to obtain the necessary forms and contact information
for the 4 different IRA/401k custodial companies Oasis used. You will need to
deposit your IRA or 401k refund check into the custodial company that your
check is made out to. We expect to have that information for you sometime
next week.
We will be unable to supply information beyond that.
For directions on how to handle the tax aspects of these refunds, please
contact your professional tax preparer or CPA for advice.
Case 8:19-cv-00886-VMC-SPF Document 811-5 Filed 04/19/24 Page 3 of 4 PageID 18351
Copyright © 2023 Helping Oasis, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website.
Our mailing address is:
Helping Oasis
PO Box 165
Intervale, NH 03845-0165
Add us to your address book
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You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.
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Case 8:19-cv-00886-VMC-SPF Document 811-6 Filed 04/19/24 Page 1 of 2 PageID 18353
Re: Oasis Receivership
Claimant Name:
Claim Number:
Dear Claimant:
I am writing to you as the Court-appointed Receiver in the above matter. Recently, the Court granted
my Motion to Approve a Second Interim Distribution as it relates to the above claim (see
www.oasisreceivership.com). Pursuant to this order, I am happy to enclose your second interim distribution
check. This interim distribution totals approximately $9 million, and this check represents this claim’s pro rata
share of the distribution. The amount of the check equals approximately 15.76% of the claim’s approved amount.
The enclosed check must be negotiated within 120 days. After 120 days, the check will be null and void and
the money will revert to the Receivership. Further, please be advised that claimants will be charged a $100.00
administrative fee for the reissuance of a distribution check that was brought about by a claimant’s own voluntary
actions, such as a change of custodian after the issuance of a distribution check.
The work to gather and distribute assets for victim investors is long and difficult. Through the hard work
of the attorneys who have assisted me, as well as accountants and others, we have achieved success in recovering
assets to offset your losses. Our work is not done, and we hope to increase the amount recovered. I am unable
to predict when these efforts will end or the total that will be recovered, but rest assured my goal is to maximize
the assets collected and distributions to victim investors.
I recognize this process is not an expeditious one and I appreciate your patience. To minimize expenses
to the Receivership, if you have any questions regarding this distribution, please email info@guerrapartners.law.
If you would like a return call, be sure to include in the email your phone number and the claim number about
which you are inquiring. For more information regarding the progress of the Receivership, please refer to the
Receivership website, www.oasisreceivership.com.
Sincerely yours,
Burton W. Wiand
as Court-Appointed Receiver
Copies Provided To:
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Case 8:19-cv-00886-VMC-SPF Document 811-7 Filed 04/19/24 Page 1 of 4 PageID 18355
Brent Allan Winters
5105 S. Hwy 41
Terre Haute, Indiana 47802
Power of Attorney for certain
Oasis-Group Claimants
Case 8-19-cv-00886
Lawrence J. Dougherty
Wiand Guerra King
5505 W. Gray Street
Tampa, Florida 33609
August 31, 2020
Lawrence J. Dougherty,
In response to your most recent requests, the following is Mr. Winters’s understanding
of relevant facts of the Case No. 8:19-CV-886-T-33SPF, U.S. District Court, Middle
District Florida (sometimes herein the “Case”):
The Receiver in this Case (“Receiver”) is a Court-appointed officer. (Dkt. 44: Order of
April 30, 2019, Appointing Receiver and Staying Litigation).
Chronology of Communication Respecting Oasis Claimants
June 15, ’20 Mr. Winters sends certain Beneficiaries’ claim forms to Receiver as
attorney-in-fact under Claimants’ grant of Power-of-Attorney
July 8,20 Lawrence Dougherty (“Mr. Dougherty”), legal counsel for the
Receiver, sends Letter #1 to Mr. Winters.
July 31, ’20 Englander-Fischer attempts to contact Mr. Winters by telephone,
and leaves a voice message, asking him to call.
July 31 ’20 Mr. Winters returns that call to Englander-Fischer, but got only a
recording with voicemail; Mr. Winters leaves a voice message
identifying himself;
July 31 ’20 Mr. Winters then sends a Letter to the firm Englander-Fischer,
instructing it not to contact him respecting Clawback Defendants in
Case 8:20-CV-00862 because Mr. Winters does not represent those
Defendants as attorney-at-law; Englander-Fischer has not
attempted to contact Mr. Winters since.
Aug. 8, 20 Mr. Winters answers Lawrence Dougherty’s Letter of July 8, 2020,
and at the same time sends copies of his principles’ (Claimants in
the No. 8:19-CV-886-T-33SPF) POAs to Mr. Dougherty by Fed Ex.
Aug. 21, ’20 Mr. Dougherty, legal counsel for the Receiver, sends Letter #2 to
Mr. Winters, asking some of the same questions Mr. Winters had
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answered in response to Mr. Dougherty’s Letter #1; and accusing
Mr. Winters of practicing law without a license.
Aug. 31, ’20 Mr. Winters sends this Letter in response to Mr. Dougherty’s Letter
Mr. Winters affirms again that he is not attorney-at-law for any clients in the United
States District Court for the Middle District of Florida; in fact, he has not entered an
appearance on behalf of any client in the Case.
Accordingly, Mr. Winters renews his demand to not communicate with him, or continue
to refer to him, as though he represents clients before the U.S. District Court, Middle
District Florida as an attorney-at-law. Mr. Winters is rather under power-of-attorney to
his principles: certain Oasis Claimants. Mr. Winters’s principles have delegated
authority to him as POA to provide the Receiver with information relative to their
The following are Mr. Winters’s responses to Mr. Dougherty’s questions of his Letter #2
to Mr. Winters:
Question 1 Response: Except for the Claimant’s identification, provided on page two
on each power-of-attorney (“POA”), the first page of each POA is identical. Mr. Winters
did this in order to save the Beneficiaries’ money. It is neither necessary nor cost-
effective to expend time, effort, and expense to duplicate the first page of each POA for
each Claimant. As a fiduciary I trust you understand the importance of taking such cost-
saving measures.
Question 2 Response: The Receiver has asked and Mr. Winters has answered this
request of Question #2 in his response to Receiver’s Letter #1 of July 8, 2020. Mr.
Winters signed the claim forms he submitted to the Receiver on behalf of individual
Claimants in Case No. 8:19-CV-886-T-33SPF, as power-of-attorney only; and not as
attorney-at-law, in accord with the Receiver’s instructions to Claimants. (Proof of Claim
Forms, Receiver’s Instructions, p. 2, para. 2). Accordingly, Mr. Winters follows his
signature on each claim form with the lettersPOA.”
Question 3 Response: Receiver has already asked this question in his Letter of July 8,
2020, regarding changes made to the claim form. And Mr. Winters has answered it in
full detail in his previous response to that Letter. Further, references to claim amounts
have no bearing upon the immaterial changes Mr. Winters made to the claim form or
the explanation thereof that he made to Question 3. Moreover, Mr. Winters made these
changes by the leave of the Receiver’s instructions.
Mr. Winters wrote the following in his response to Receiver’s Letter #1 of July 8, 2020:
Winters made the following modifications to the Proof of Claim Form for the
following reasons:
Case 8:19-cv-00886-VMC-SPF Document 811-7 Filed 04/19/24 Page 3 of 4 PageID 18357
On 17 March 2020, the Receiver issued a letter Re: Oasis Receivership directed to
“Dear Potential Claimant,” which stated in pertinent part (¶ 1),
[Y]ou MUST submit a completed and signed Proof of Claim Form (or a form
that substantially conforms to the attached Proof of Claim Form and
which contains responses to all of the questions in the Proof of Claim Form) . . .
(bold and underline added).
All Claimants, having delegated a power of attorney to Mr. Winters, have complied
with this instruction.
In short, Mr. Winters made no “wholesale change” to any claim forms he submitted
to Receiver, but only small adjustments to format for easier reading.
Question 4 & 5 Response: All claims arose and were submitted during the pendency
of Case 8:19-cv-00886, which, by definition was, and remains to date, in suspense.
To sum up: Mr. Winters is not attorney-at-law for the Claimants in the Case No. 8:19-
CV-886-T-33SPF, nor for Clawback Defendants in the Case 8:19-cv-00862. He does not
presently represent, as attorney-at-law, any clients in the United States District Court
for the Middle District of Florida. He is however, attorney-in-fact in the Case No. 8:19-
CV-886-T-33SPF; and has exercised that limited POA under authority of certain
Claimants, by preparing, filling out, and submitting claim forms, along with additional
relevant information.
Finally, Exhibit A of the June 11, 2020 letter, refers to only claimants having granted
power-of-attorney to Mr. Winters in the Case, and nothing further. Mr. Winters’s email
of July 31, 2020which you provide as Exhibit Bclarified that point to you.
Brent Allan Winters
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Case 8:19-cv-00886-VMC-SPF Document 811-8 Filed 04/19/24 Page 1 of 4 PageID 18359
March 25, 2022
Re: Oasis Receivership
Claimant Name:
Claim Number:
Dear Claimant:
I am writing to you as the Court-appointed Receiver in the above matter. On March 7, 2022,
the Court entered an Order granting my Motion to (1) Approve Determination and Priority of
Claims, (2) Pool Receivership Assets and Liabilities, (3) Approve Plan of Distribution, and
(4) Establish Objection Procedure (the “Motion”). A copy of this Motion and Order are available
on my website at www.oasisreceivership.com. If you are unable to access this website, you may
contact Amanda Stephens at astephens@guerraking.com or (813) 347-5120 to request a copy of
the Motion and Order.
The Court has approved my recommended determination of the above claim. This
determination is set forth in the Exhibits attached to the Motion and is addressed in the body of the
Motion. You are strongly urged to review my Court-approved determination of your claim as
stated in the Motion and its Exhibits. There are instances where the Court approved my
recommendation to either deny a claim or allow a portion of the amount claimed. There are also
instances where the claimant is required to take additional action to maintain the claim. For
instance, if you submitted your claim through Brent Winters, you are required to complete and
return a Personal Verification Form. Also, certain claimants who invested through New Horizon
Capital Ventures, Inc. are required to submit a Proof of Claim Form for their respective claim. If
you are required to submit any such form, documentation, or additional information, you must do
so no later than April 14, 2022 or your claim may be deemed denied. The Personal Verification
Form and Proof of Claim Form are available on the Receiver’s website or may be requested
through Ms. Stephens.
If you wish to dispute my determination of the above claim, its priority, or the plan of
distribution, you MUST serve me with a written objection no later than April 14, 2022. Your
objection must clearly state the nature and basis of the objection and provide all supporting
statements and documentation that you wish me and, if we are unable to resolve your objection,
the Court to consider. Please also include your claim number, name, and telephone number with
your objection.
Failure to properly and timely serve an objection to the determination of your claim,
its priority, or plan of distribution shall permanently waive your right to object to or contest
the determination of your claim, its priority, and plan of distribution and your final claim
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Page 2
amount shall be set as the Allowed Amount determined by me and approved by the Court as
set forth in the Exhibits attached to the Motion.
By submitting an objection, you reaffirm your submission to the jurisdiction of the United
States District Court for the Middle District of Florida. If you serve an objection, you are entitled
to notice of Court filings or proceedings, but only with respect to the adjudication of your particular
objection and the claim to which it is directed.
All objections, Personal Verification Forms, Proof of Claim Forms, or other required
documentation must be served on me at Burton W. Wiand, as Receiver c/o Maya M. Lockwood,
Esq., Guerra King P.A., The Towers at Westshore, 1408 N. Westshore Blvd., Suite 1010, Tampa,
Florida 33607, and should not be filed with the Court. Proper service may be accomplished by
sending your objection, required form, or other documentation by one of the following means:
(1) U.S. mail to the above address; (2) facsimile to the above address at (813) 347-5198; or
(3) overnight or other express delivery to the above address. Service by mail is completed upon
mailing and service by facsimile is completed upon transmission.
I may attempt to settle and compromise any claim or objection subject to the Court’s final
approval. At such times as I deem appropriate, I will file with the Court: (1) my further
determination of a claim with any supporting documents or statements I consider are appropriate;
(2) any unresolved objections, with supporting statements and documentation, as served on me by
claimants; and (3) any settlements or compromises that I wish the Court to rule upon.
The Court may make a final determination based on the submissions identified above or
may set the matter for hearing and, following the hearing, make a final determination. If you
dispute my determination of your claim, you will have the burden to prove that your position
should prevail. I will provide you notice of the hearing if the Court sets a hearing on your particular
As noted above, the Court approved my proposed plan of distribution, which contemplates
interim distributions to be made on a pro rata basis and subject to certain exceptions discussed in
the Motion. I intend to file a motion to approve a first interim distribution to investor claimants
with allowed claims as soon as practicable after the period for objections has expired and I have
had the opportunity to review any objections. I will make every effort to make a prompt
distribution. However, depending on the nature of any timely objection I receive, the first interim
distribution may be delayed until any objection warranting such delay is resolved.
I have tried to make the claims process as simple and unintrusive as possible. I have
carefully considered each claim and believe that all claims have been afforded fair and equitable
treatment. Unfortunately, this is not an expeditious process, and I appreciate your patience. I am
unable to predict the total that will be recovered, but please know my goal is to maximize the assets
collected and the amount of distributions to victim investors.
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Page 3
If you have any questions, please feel free to call or email Ms. Stephens or Larry Dougherty
at (813) 347-5100, [email protected].
Sincerely yours,
Burton W. Wiand
as Court-Appointed Receiver
Copies Provided To:
Brent Allan Winters
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Begin forwarded message:
From: Oasis Helpers <oasishelpers@oasisreplevin.net>
Date: April 17, 2024 at
Subject: Lender Update re 2nd Refund Distribution
The Trust, LLT
P.O. Box 626
Elkville, IL 62932
(Note: A better formatted copy of this update is attached in pdf format)
April 17, 2024
Good afternoon, I just sent you the final address confirmation forms to the emails enclosed
in your request, within minutes the receiver called me, asking why I sent him this form. I
told him it was because he was not accepting Mr. Winters as my POA , he then said Oh he is
not your lawyer.
I then said, “I cannot talk to you.” and I hung up.
- Email from lender G.C. – 12 April 2024 4:39 pm
This Message At-A-Glance
Please return the Final Address Confirmation Form (FACF) sent to you by
email on April 10th. It’s important. We explain why.
The Receiver’s shenanigans produced unnecessary, expensive, and time-
consuming divisions in our group of lenders. In the first refund cycle, you
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ended up in one of 7 groups that were each served differently. We
explain the differences.
As the second round of refunds is being prepared, the FACF is meant to
overcome the confusion experienced in the first round. (BTW: the second
release of funds has been approved by the Court)
The Receiver spent a lot of time, effort, and money trying to remove your
Power of Attorney, Brent Winters, from helping you. He even went to the
extreme of filing a criminal complaint against him. We explore why he
did that and mention that he continues to do so.
We ask you to confirm your postal mailing address.
The Final Address Confirmation Form is Necessary:
1) because the Receiver is not acknowledging Brent Winters as your Power
of Attorney (P.O.A.) despite having no authority to decide who is or isn’t
your P.O.A.; and
2) to reduce the confusion caused by the Receiver’s division of our lenders
into several different groups; and
3) so that all checks are sent in one or two packages to your P.O.A.; and
4) so we can keep track of who is and who isn’t being paid properly and thus
help Mr. Winters address problems (of which there were many the first
The First Refunds Divided Us
Here’s what happened in the first round of refunds… Our group’s claims were
divided into seven divisions based on the way they were (or weren’t) handled by
the Receiver:
Group 1: 16 lenders were denied a refund because they were in the clawback
group. Most of these were not assigned a “claim number” by the Receiver, but 4
Group 2: 18 were partially denied for various bogus reasons, but in his motion
for a second refund the Receiver lied to the Court by stating that all but 3 of
these folks were PAID IN FULL the total amount “allowed” when they were
not. One lady was denied over $60,000, but he told the Court he had paid her in
Group 3: 23 were entirely denied a refund for specious reasons, including 8 who
were denied because they had some relationship with a Defendant in the case
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(however distantly), despite the fact that refunds were issued before any
judgment had been made in the case.
Group 4: without any reason given, 8 lenders were not assigned a claim number
at all and were thus denied a refund.
Group 5: 13 were denied a refund because they had not personally returned a
Personal Verification Form, even though the Receiver acknowledged that their
P.O.A., Brent Winters, had done so for them, which was proper legal procedure.
Group 6: 176 Received their first refund directly from the Receiver, despite the
fact that he had copies of their Power of Attorney contracts with Brent Winters
and thus was legally obligated to send the checks through Mr. Winters and not to
them directly.
PLEASE NOTE: It is especially important for those in this group to return the
Final Address Confirmation Form. Here follows the claim numbers for this
1, 9, 13, 20, 46, 112, 140, 151, 154, 156, 180, 182, 196, 202, 204, 217, 242, 272, 279, 282, 283,
284, 286, 287, 289, 290, 297, 301, 302, 305, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 318, 319, 320,
321, 322, 323, 329, 330, 334, 339, 343, 344, 345, 349, 350, 354, 355, 356, 357, 368, 370, 371,
378, 382, 383, 386, 387, 388, 389, 390, 392, 393, 394, 395, 397, 401, 403, 405, 406, 407, 410,
411, 412, 419, 425, 426, 434, 438, 440, 441, 446, 447, 448, 450, 451, 456, 457, 458, 460, 461,
462, 465, 466, 476, 477, 483, 484, 485, 486, 499, 501, 502, 503, 504, 512, 514, 523, 524, 525,
526, 527, 528, 532, 535, 536, 537, 538, 539, 540, 541, 542, 543, 544, 545, 548, 549, 551, 563,
575, 581, 583, 586, 587, 589, 597, 598, 601, 602, 603, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612, 613,
614, 615, 616, 621, 622, 623, 635, 639, 640, 646, 651, 656, 659, 671, 673, 676, 677, 679, 680,
693, 695, 696
Group 6b: 1 person was assigned claim number 681 and hopefully received a
refund directly from the Receiver who acknowledged they had a P.O.A. with
Brent Winters, but we don’t know who that person is.
Group 7: 201 Appropriately received their first refund through Mr. Winters.
Turn-around was same day in every case.
The Receiver Blocked Your Power of Attorney
When Mr. Winters inquired about any refund deduction or denial, he was told
that his inquiries were barred by a deadline established at the time the claim
numbers and proposed distribution amounts for the first refund were filed. That
would have been at least 5 months before checks were issued and Mr. Winters
had the first opportunity to learn who was associated with which claim number.
Neither Mr. Winters nor 92% of his lenders were told which claimant was
correlated to which number. The Receiver’s publication of his distribution plans
in November 2021 and again in December 2022 only included claim numbers for
reference, so there was no way to make a timely complaint about the proposed
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distributions, deductions, or refund denials! Mr. Winters didn’t begin to know
who correlated with which claim number until checks were issued last year. The
checks showed the claim numbers, which allowed him to begin identifying the
names attached to them. But, according to the Receiver it was by then too late to
argue about denials and other issues with the distributions.
By the Florida Bar Rules for Professional Conduct, the Receiver was barred from
corresponding with Mr. Winters’ clients and obligated to notify him of the claim
numbers assigned to his clients so that questions about refund issues could have
been timely addressed. But that didn’t happen. According to the professional
rules of conduct attorneys are not supposed to contact other attorney’s clients
without permission.
The Receiver questioned the accuracy of information provided in your filed
claim form, which included your name, account number, and IB number, any of
which could privately identify you with your claim. Additionally, your claim form
stated that all communications about it should be directed to your Power of
Attorney, Brent Winters.
As your Power of Attorney, Mr. Winters presented himself as the single person
to help the Receiver get answers to questions concerning the more than 480
claims that Brent filed for his P.O.A. clients. Mr. Winters intended to streamline
communications and facilitate a rapid distribution of refunds. This would have
eliminated unnecessary billings by the Receiver since he wouldn't have to
correspond with each individual lender. He didn’t want that.
The Personal Verification Form Was Used to Complicate Things
Instead of choosing the quickest and most efficient way to process refunds
through your P.O.A., the Receiver asked for permission to make you submit a
Personal Verification Form (PVF). The unnecessary PVF merely verified the
information already given on your claim form. This resulted in more make-work
for the Receiver and his team, allowing them to bill more hours to process them.
At paragraph 2. the PVF stated: “Brent Winters is representing me in this
Receivership. [sic] including my claim to any Receivership assets: Yes ___ No ____.
You were expected to check off Yes or No. On the fillable form you used that
question’s answer was PRE-FILLED with an “X” on the “No” line, which couldn’t
be changed for a very good reason, but that answer created an alleged confusion
that benefited the Receiver, delayed the refunds, and divided our group. The
Receiver never contacted Brent to clarify his “confusion” about that answer.
The reason the PVF was PRE-FILLED “No” was because “representing” in
law can mean “To serve as one’s attorney.” “Attorney” can be further defined as
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an “attorney-at-law”, which is NOT the capacity in which Mr. Winters serves you
as your P.O.A. By the time the PVFs were filled out, there were several good
reasons to suspect the Receiver was trying to trap Mr. Winters and potentially
destroy his legal career.
The Receiver Tried to Set Up Your P.O.A. and Cost him His Law
Okay – now follow along here because the chronology of events leading up to the
PVFs is very important. Take notice of the dates:
03 February 2020: The Receiver files a motion for the Court to approve
his procedure to administer claims and proof of claim forms. No mention
is made of issuing “claim numbers” to anyone. (Doc. 230)
17 March 2020: The Receiver issues “Claims Process Instructions” which
include the following text:
o Page 4. “Each Proof of Claim Form submitted must conform substantially
to the Proof of Claim Form approved by the Court and provide responses
to all of the questions in the Proof of Claim Form…” and “Each Proof of
Claim Form must be legible…” [underline added]
Adhering to these instructions, we created a “substantially”
conforming Adobe Acrobat version of the Proof of Claim Form that
could be filed out digitally, which assured that every form was
legible. This was done so that no time or money would be wasted
trying to read illegible entries. The Receiver has since repeatedly
complained that the digital Claim Form everyone in our group
used was non-conforming, which is utterly false – just compare his
version to ours!
o Page 5: the following appeared in bold text. “A holder of a claim or
potential claim against a Receivership Entity may wish to consult an
attorney regarding this claims process. The firm of Wiand Guerra King
P.A. acts as attorneys for the Receiver and its lawyers cannot give
personal legal or other advice to Claimants.” This is EXACTLY what
everyone in our group did by engaging Mr. Winters as their P.O.A.!
June 2-15, 2020: Brent Winters, acting as your P.O.A. files your
claims. The Receiver reacts by demanding copies of EVERY Power of
Attorney agreement given to Brent, hard copies of which were sent to
him via Federal Express. The Receiver has a copy of your P.O.A.
Agreement with Brent.
17 August 2020: The Receiver notifies the Court that he may “contact the
[Florida] bar” about an issue he has with Mr. Winters. He tells the Court
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that the party he is concerned about (Brent) is licensed to practice law in
Illinois (Clawback case Doc. 351)
31 August 2020: The Receiver notifies the Court that he is filing a “Bar
Complaint Regarding Brent Winters’ Unlicensed Practice of Law”
(Clawback case Doc. 395) – even though he KNOWS that Mr. Winters IS
LICENSED as he stated in the 17 August hearing. His filing with the Bar
constituted a CRIMINAL COMPLAINT against your P.O.A., which could
have cost Mr. Winters his license! During the August 17 meeting, even
the Judge advised the Receiver against doing this.
9 November 2020: The Receiver files a request to make those under
Brent’s P.O.A. use the Personal Verification Form to confirm what’s
already on the Claim Form itself. (all Claims had been filed by the end of
June 2020) (Doc. 439).
o The Judge, who expressly believed that Mr. Wiand was an
experienced, trustworthy individual” who “has done a good job”,
simply gave Mr. Wiand permission to require a PVF. (See 22-12-12
Hearing Transcript on Motion to Dismiss, pp. 19-20)
16 February 2021: The Florida Bar closes the case that Mr. Wiand had
filed against Mr. Winters 5 ½ months earlier and states that all of Mr.
Winters’ activities were authorized under Bar Rules – see attached (“21-
02-16 Florida Bar Acquittal”}.
04 June 2021: The Receiver files a motion for leave to file claimant
identities under seal (hidden from the record). In this document he
claims that “The purpose of filing this information under seal is to protect
the privacy of Oasis investors and the financial repercussions they
experienced… Sealing the Cross-Reference List will neither prejudice any
party’s interests nor cause any harm to any third parties.” Further… “The
Receiver respectfully submits that the narrow request to file under seal a
list of the names of the Claimants with corresponding claim numbers used
in the Claims Determination Motion to protect the privacy of the Claimants
outweighs the public’s qualified right of access to this information.” (Doc.
o Problem: We assert that since virtually no one in the public could
possibly have correlated the private Oasis account or IB numbers with
anyone’s name, the real reason for this was to prevent your P.O.A.
AND YOU from knowing what the Receiver was planning to do when
he got around to distributing the first refund.
11 November 2021: Receiver Wiand moves the Court to Approve his
determination and priority of claims and plan of distribution. This is his
first, but not the final plan by which claims are “allowed”, “allowed in
part” (aka denied in part), or “denied”. Some of the claim numbers and
the category they were placed in in this filing are later overridden by a
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subsequent Motion made 14 months later (see next item). Copies of the
PVF (Doc. 439-9) and one of Brent’s Power of Attorney documents (Doc.
439-8) are included as exhibits. (Doc. 439).
09 December 2022: The Receiver files his final “MOTION FOR AN
DETERMINATIONS”. The Motion is Granted by the Court on 15 March
2022 and refunds start to issue on or about 06 April 2022 – they
continue through August.
~20 April 2023: Mr. Winters starts receiving copies of letters mailed
directly to his Group #7 P.O.A. clients informing them that they will not
receive a check until they fill out yet another Address Confirmation Form
(ACF). We spend months helping those in this group who need to get the
new form sent in. At one point, well into the summer, more than 80
people still hadn’t done so. We postal mailed them a letter with the ACF
included. Eventually, they all sent in the ACF.
~20 April 2023: Mr. Winters also receives SOME, but not all copies of
letters sent by the Receiver directly to his Group #6 clients, which
included refund checks.
o NOTE: EVERYONE signed the same PVF with “No” checked off – so why
did some receive a check from the Receiver while others had to
submit yet another Address Confirmation Form before getting theirs?
o Further – Why were those in Group #5 ENTIRELY DENIED a refund,
even though the Receiver acknowledged getting a PVF from their
P.O.A. and even though they had sent him an Address Confirmation
On January 19, this year, we issued Report 9 in the Autumn/Winter 2023-24
series, which was entitled “Receiver Wiand’s Misuse of Funds”. In that Report
we gave you the itemized list of charges billed against the Receivership Estate to
pay the Receiver for trying to derail Mr. Winters’ efforts to help you. Between
June 2020 and May 2023, those costs were already up to $24,802. They continue
to mount up even now.
The Receiver’s billings for personal contact with lenders between April 2019 and
March 2020, which is as far as we researched, were $12,357, but such charges
continue to date.
If you want to review Report 9, see the attached Directory with hot links to all
the Reports we’ve issued.
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Do you see how lengthy, confusing, unnecessarily expensive, and in fact
dangerous the Receiver has made this whole thing for you and your P.O.A.? We
sincerely hope you do. And we earnestly hope that this letter has helped you
appreciate a little better the massive amount of work being done behind the
scenes to protect you and recover your losses.
If you haven’t done so, please FOLLOW The DIRECTIONS in the email we sent to
you on April 10
and return the FINAL Address Confirmation Form (FACF). If
you need another copy of that email, please let us know and we’ll resend it.
Finally, to be sure that your next refund reaches you, please confirm that the
mailing address shown below is correct. If it isn’t, please notify us immediately
of the correct address.
This applies only for checks processed by Brent Winters. He is no longer making
address corrections for the Receiver since the Receiver is not supposed to be
corresponding directly with you. If you don’t return the FACF, there’s a chance
the Receiver may mail your check to the wrong address.
Addr. 2:
Addr. 3:
City/Town: State: Zip Code:
As always, we wish you and yours only the best that life has to offer.
Pray for Replevin
21-02-16 Florida Bar Acquittal [of Brent Winters]
24-03-04 Lender Live Update Directory
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