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Appendices: Illustrations
Downtown Winnipeg Zoning By-law No. 100/2004
“building height”
Means the total number of storeys in a building or the vertical distance measured from grade to:
a) the highest point of the roof surface of a flat roof;
b) the deck of a mansard roof
c) the mean height level between the eaves and ridge of a gable, hip, or gambrel roof.
Means the portion of any building which is situated between the surface of any floor and the surface of the
floor next above it, and, if there is no floor above it, that portion between the surface of such floor and the
ceiling above it, but does not include a basement or cellar.
building height
General Definitions
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Appendices: Illustrations
Downtown Winnipeg Zoning By-law No. 100/2004
“directly accessible from public sidewalk”
Means that portion of a non-residential or mixed-use building constructed to enable direct customer access
to the building’s use or uses directly from a public sidewalk, rather than from parking areas, interior hallways,
enclosed malls, or common lobby areas. Includes portions of the building located at-grade, but also those
portions directly accessible from the public sidewalk via stairs, ramps, or similar means. Also includes uses
directly accessible from the designated Weather Protected Walkway System.
directly accessible from public sidewalk
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Appendices: Illustrations
Downtown Winnipeg Zoning By-law No. 100/2004
“floor area ratio”
Means the total floor area of the buildings and structures on a zoning lot, divided by the total area of the
zoning lot.
floor area ration, F.A.R.
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Appendices: Illustrations
Downtown Winnipeg Zoning By-law No. 100/2004
“lot depth”
Means the horizontal distance between the centre points in the font and rear lot lines.
“lot width”
Means the horizontal distance between the side lot lines of a lot, measured at right angles to the lot depth at
a point midway between the front and rear lot lines, or at fifty feet from the front lot line, and the lesser of
these distances is the lot width.
lot depth
lot width
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Appendices: Illustrations
Downtown Winnipeg Zoning By-law No. 100/2004
“lot, corner”
Means a zoning lot which abuts the intersection of two or more public streets, or which abuts the
approximately perpendicular intersection of two or more frontages of the same public street.
“lot, through”
Means a zoning lot which abuts two or more public streets, but which does not abut the intersection of those
“lot, interior”
Means a lot other than a corner lot or a through lot.
lot, corner
lot, through
lot, interior
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Appendices: Illustrations
Downtown Winnipeg Zoning By-law No. 100/2004
“lot line, front”
(a) in the case of an interior lot, all lot limits which abut public streets; or
(b) in the case of a through lot, all lot limits which abut public streets from which vehicular access is
permitted; or
(c) in the case of a corner lot, that frontage which is the continuation of the front lot line of an abutting
interior lot or if none those frontages which as front lot lines accord with the intent and purpose of yard
requirements under this By-law.
“lot line, rear”
(a) the lot limit which is most nearly parallel to the front lot line; or
(b) any lot limit which is in whole or in part the rear lot line of an abutting lot and as a rear lot line accords
with the intent and purpose of yard requirements or development standards under this By-law; or
(c) in the case of a lot where the side lot lines intersect the rear lot line shall be deemed to be a line 10
feet in length, located within the lot, parallel to and at the maximum distance from the front lot line.
“lot line, side”
Means any lot limit which intersects with a front lot line and which is not a rear lot line in accordance with the
intent and purpose of yard requirements under this By-law.
lot line, front
lot line, rear
lot line, side
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Appendices: Illustrations
Downtown Winnipeg Zoning By-law No. 100/2004
“wind impact”
Means the generation and acceleration of intense wind drafts by tall buildings and structures in dense urban
contexts, north through the affects of their own form and in relation to adjacent buildings and structures.
wind impact
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Appendices: Illustrations
Downtown Winnipeg Zoning By-law No. 100/2004
“yard, front”
Means an open area on a zoning lot which is clear from ground to sky, except as otherwise permitted,
extending along the full length of the front lot line, the depth of which is measured perpendicularly to the
front lot line.
“yard, rear”
Means an open area on a zoning lot which is clear from ground to sky, except as otherwise permitted,
extending along the full length of the rear lot line, the depth of which is measured perpendicularly to the
rear lot line.
“yard, side”
Means an open area on a zoning lot which is clear from ground to sky, except as otherwise permitted,
extending along the full length of the side lot line between the front yard and rear yard, the depth of which is
measured perpendicularly to the side lot line.
“yard, corner side”
Means a side
ard which ad
oins a
ublic road.
yard, front
yard, rear
yard, side
yard, corner side
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Appendices: Illustrations
Downtown Winnipeg Zoning By-law No. 100/2004
“parking aisle”
Means that portion of a parking facility that provides vehicular access to a parking space, not directly from a
public right of way.
“parking driveway”
Means that portion of a parking facility that provides vehicular access from a public right-of-way to a parking
“parking space”
Means that portion of a parking facility, excluding vehicle manoeuvring areas such as aisles and driveways,
that will accommodate one motor vehicle.
parking aisle
parking driveway
parking space
Use Definitions
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Downtown Winnipeg Zoning By-law No. 100/2004
“copy area”
Means the area of a sign covered by a single rectangle drawn around the extremities of the message
contained on the sign and, in the case of a multi-face sign, comprises half of the total area of all sign faces.
sign area
Sign Definitions
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Downtown Winnipeg Zoning By-law No. 100/2004
“window sign”
Means a sign painted on, attached to, or installed on or within a window, for the purpose of being viewed
from outside the premises.
“fascia sign”
Means a sign, or individual letters attached to, marked, or inscribed on, or erected or placed against a wall,
whether forming part of a building or not, and having the exposed face of the sign on a space approximately
parallel to the plane of such wall and projecting not more than 1.5 feet from the face of such wall.
“canopy sign”
Means a canopy which utilizes or incorporates a sign. A “canopy” means any roof-like structure projecting
more than 1.5 feet from the face of a building having a rigid frame, and attached to said building in such a
manner as not to become an integral part thereof.
“roof sign”
Means a sign erected, constructed, and maintained wholly upon or over the parapet of a building with the
principal support on the roof structure
roof sign
fascia sign
canopy sign
window sign
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Appendices: Illustrations
Downtown Winnipeg Zoning By-law No. 100/2004
“podium sign”
Means a sign attached to a podium. A “podium” means a building base or low wall serving as a raised
foundation or terrace wall; an integral part of the building or buildings.
“pylon sign”
Means a sign that is more than 10 feet in height above grade level, is supported by a permanent structure,
and is not attached to any building or podium
“projecting sign”
Means a sign, other than an awning, canopy, or marquee sign, the exposed face or faces of which are not
necessarily parallel to a wall and which is attached to a building and extends as a projection of a line of that
building or beyond the surface of that portion of the building to which it is attached for a distance exceeding
18 inches.
“awning sign”
Means an awning that incorporates a sign painted on, or affixed flat to the surface of the awning and which
does not extend vertically or horizontally beyond the limits of such awning. An “awning” means a shelter
projecting from and supported by the exterior wall of a building and designed to be collapsible, retractable,
and generally constructed of fabric or similar non-rigid material.
projecting sign
pylon sign
awning sign
podium sign
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Downtown Winnipeg Zoning By-law No. 100/2004
marquee sign
ground oriented sign
portable sign
“marquee sign”
Means a sign attached to a marquee. A “marquee” means any roof-like structure constructed and erected as
a permanent part of the building over an entrance thereto, and projecting more than 1.5 feet from the
exterior wall of the building.
“ground-oriented sign”
Means a free-standing sign that is 10 feet or less in height above ground level, and is not erected on one or
more poles or similar supports, but erected to rest on and be permanently
“portable sign”
Means a sign not permanently attached to the ground, a podium, or a building. Includes Aframe, sandwich
boards, and portable readerboards.
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Appendices: Illustrations
Downtown Winnipeg Zoning By-law No. 100/2004
For all Residential Uses, a 10 foot
interior side yard must be provided for the portion of the building containing
such uses, to a maximum height of 4-storeys. Above 4-storeys, a 20 foot interior side yard
must be provided
for the portion of the building containing such uses. These yards must also be provided when a building or
structure containing non-residential uses is established on a lot that abuts a lot already containing Residential
Notwithstanding subsection 210(6), no interior side yard
is required when no windows, doors, or other
openings (not including fire escape) are provided in the wall facing the adjacent property and in the adjacent
property wall.
For all Residential Uses, unless otherwise required in the applicable sector Bulk regulations, no minimum front
or corner side yards
are required.
For all Residential Uses, a 20 foot
rear yard must be provided; such yard need not extend below the lowest
storey containing such Residential Uses. This yard must also be provided when a building or structure
containing non-residential uses is established on a lot that abuts a lot already containing Residential Uses.
Notwithstanding subsection 210(9), the 20 foot rear yard
for the portion of the building containing Residential
Uses within the first 4-storeys may be calculated from the rear wall of the building to the mid-point of an
existing public road or lane right-of-way.
residential uses yards
General Provisions