BY-LAW 172-10
WHEREAS Section 11 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended,
provides that a lower-tier municipality may pass by-laws respecting matters including the
health, safety and well-being of persons, and the protection of persons and property,
including consumer protection;
AND WHEREAS Section 11 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as
amended, further provides that a lower-tier municipality may pass by-laws respecting
business licensing;
AND WHEREAS Section 151 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25
provides that without limiting sections 9, 10, and 11 of the Act, a municipality may
provide for a system of licenses with respect to a business and may license, regulate or
govern real and personal property used for the business and the persons carrying it on or
engaged in it;
AND WHEREAS Section 436 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25
provides that a municipality has the power to pass by-laws providing that the
municipality may enter on land at any reasonable time for the purpose of carrying out an
inspection to determine whether or not a by-law of the municipality is being complied
AND WHEREAS Section 444 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25
provides that that municipality may make an order to discontinue an activity found to be
in contravention of a by-law of the municipality;
AND WHEREAS the Council of the City of Mississauga considers it desirable
and necessary to license, regulate, and govern Residential Rental Accommodation;
AND WHEREAS a public meeting was held on, April 7, 2010, at which time a
report entitled, and relating to the licensing of Residential Rental Accommodation was
presented and considered;
NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the City of Mississauga
hereby ENACTS as follows:
1. For the purposes of the By-law:
Additional Fee means a fee, in addition to the Licence fee, imposed by the
municipality on a business at any time during the term of the Licence for costs
incurred by the municipality attributable to the activities of the business;
Agentmeans, in respect of an inspection required under this By-law, a person
who is authorized by the Licensee to conduct and report inspections on the
Licensee’s behalf;
“Appeal Tribunal” means the all-citizen Tribunal duly appointed by Council to
conduct hearings under this By-law;
“Applicant” means a Person applying for a new or renewing a Licence under this
“Certificate of Occupancy” means a certificate duly issued by the City approving
the use for which the Licence application has been made on the property where
the business is located;
“City” means the City of Mississauga;
“Clerk means the Clerk of the City of Mississauga or their duly appointed
“Corporation” means the Corporation of the City of Mississauga;
Council means the Council of the City of Mississauga;
“Fire Chief” means the Chief of the City’s Fire and Emergency Services Division
or his designate;
Individual means a natural Person and does not include a corporation,
partnership or association;
“Licence” means the certificate issued by the Licence Manager under this By-
“Licensee” means any Person licensed under this By-law;
“Licence Manager” means the Manager of the Compliance and Licensing
Enforcement Unit of the City’s Enforcement Division and includes his or her
“Licensing Section” means the Compliance and Licensing Enforcement Unit of
the Enforcement Division;
“Lodger” means a Person, other than an Owner, who resides in a Lodging House
in return for Remuneration;
“Lodging House" means a dwelling unit containing more than three (3) Lodging
Units each designed or intended for the lodging of Persons in return for
Remuneration. A Lodging House shall only be permitted in a detached dwelling
and no Lodging Unit shall be contained in a basement. A maximum of four (4)
Lodging Units shall be permitted within a Lodging House and each Lodging Unit
shall be occupied by a maximum of one (1) Person. A maximum of 40% of the
gross floor area residential of a Lodging House shall contain Lodging Units;
Lodging Unit means a room designed or intended to contain accommodation
for sleeping. A Lodging Unit may contain sanitary facilities but shall not contain
equipment or appliances for storing, cooking, or heating food, and shall not
contain equipment or appliances for washing clothes or washing dishes;
Notice of Additional Fee means a written notice from the Licence Manager to
a Licensee advising them of their requirement to pay an Additional Fee;
“Officer” means a duly appointed Municipal Law Enforcement Officer and
includes members of the Peel Regional Police;
“Owner” means a Person who alone or with others, owns and/or has ultimate
control over, and/or directs the operation of the business;
Person includes an individual, a corporation and its directors and officers, or
partnership and their heirs, executors, assignees and administrators;
Premises includes lands, and any fences, buildings, sheds or similar structures
situated thereon;
“Remuneration” includes any one or more of the following: the payment of rent,
fees, other valuable consideration or the provision of services.
2. (1) No Person shall own or operate a Lodging House unless the Person is
licensed under this By-law.
(2) A Person shall carry on business only in the name in which the business is
(3) No Person shall publish or cause to be published any representation that
the Person is licensed under this By-law if the Person is not so licensed.
3. (1) An application for an Owner’s Licence and an application for the renewal
of an Owner’s Licence shall be completed on the forms provided by the
Licensing Section.
(2) Each executed application shall be submitted to the Licensing Section by
the Owner and be accompanied by:
(a) the fee in the appropriate amount as set out in Schedule 1 to this
(b) a Certificate of Occupancy indicating that the use for which the
application has been made is approved under the Zoning By-law as
an approved use of the Premises;
(c) if the Owner is a corporation, a copy of the Articles of
Incorporation or, if a registered partnership, a copy of the
registered declaration of partnership and a copy of the business
name registration; and
(d) proof of ownership for the Premises.
(3) Notwithstanding paragraph 3(2)(b), where an application is made for the
renewal of a Licence and where a Certificate of Occupancy has been
received, approving the use of the property for that which the renewal
application has been made, no new Certificate of Occupancy is required.
(4) Notwithstanding paragraph 3(2)(b), where an application is made for a
new or the renewal of a Licence and where a Certificate of Occupancy
has been issued based upon the use being approved by a Committee of
Adjustment Decision, the Certificate of Occupancy is subject to all
conditions and restrictions imposed by the Committee of Adjustment on
the use, including the term that the use is permitted, and upon expiry of the
term, as permitted by the Committee of Adjustment, the Certificate of
Occupancy shall no longer be valid.
(5) Notwithstanding paragraph 3(2)(b), where an application is made for a
new or the renewal of a Licence and where it has been proven through the
supply of documented evidence that the Lodging House is Legal Non-
Complying under the City’s Zoning By-law, no Certificate of Occupancy
will be required.
(6) Notwithstanding paragraph 3(2)(c), where a corporation applies for a
renewal of a Licence and there has been no change in the officers or
directors of the corporation, no new copy of the incorporating document
or, if a registered partnership, is required to be submitted by the Owner
with the Owner's executed application.
(7) No refund of a fee paid as part of an application under this Section shall be
granted if the application is refused.
(8) An Owner must obtain a separate Licence for each of the Premises at
which the Owner carries on business.
(9) No individual shall be licensed under this By-law unless the individual is
eighteen (18) years of age or over.
4. (1) On receipt of an application for a Licence or for renewal of a Licence, the
Licence Manager or Officer may at any reasonable time enter upon the
Premises to be Licenced to make an inspection to ensure that all the
provisions of this By-law have been satisfied
(2) The Licence Manager or Officer may at any reasonable time enter upon a
property and into buildings without a warrant to inspect a property or
building for compliance with the provisions of this By-law.
(3) Except under the authority of a warrant, neither the Licence Manager nor
Officer shall enter any room or place actually used as a Lodging Unit
without requesting and obtaining the consent of the Lodger.
5. When an application for a Licence or renewal of a Licence is made in accordance
with the provisions of this By-law and the Applicant or Licensee meets all the
requirements of this By-law, the Licence Manager shall issue a Licence.
6. (1) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this By-law, the Licence Manager
may impose terms and conditions on any Licence at issuance, renewal or
any time during the Licence period, including special conditions, as are
necessary to give effect to this By-law.
(2) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this By-law, the Licence Manager
may impose Additional Fees on a Licensee, by way of a Notice of
Additional Fee at any time during the term of the Licence for costs
incurred by the municipality attributable to the activities of the Licensee.
(3) The Notice of Additional Fee shall be sent to the Licensee by Registered
Mail and shall provide the Licensee with sixty (60) days to pay the
outstanding amount from the date of such Notice.
7. An Applicant or Licensee whose application meets all the requirements of this
By-law and its Schedules is entitled to a Licence or the renewal of a Licence
except where:
(1) There are reasonable grounds to believe that any application or other
document provided to the Licensing Section by or on behalf of the
Applicant or Licensee contains a false statement or provides false
information; or
(2) The past or present conduct of the Applicant, or Licensee, or of any
partner, in the case of an Applicant or Licensee which is a partnership, or
of any director or officer of the corporation, if the Applicant is a
corporation, affords reasonable grounds for the belief that the Applicant or
Licensee will not carry on the activity for which they are to be licensed or
to continue to be licensed in accordance with any applicable law and with
integrity and honesty; or
(3) The financial position of the Applicant or Licensee affords reasonable
grounds to believe that the activity for which they are to be licensed or
continue to be licensed in accordance with law will not be carried on in a
financially responsible manner; or
(4) The issuance of the Licence or the renewal of the Licence would be
contrary to the public interest; or
(5) The Applicant or Licensee has failed to pay the fine or fines imposed by a
court as a sentence arising from convictions for breach of a by-law enacted
by the City; or
(6) There are reasonable grounds to believe that the Applicant or Licensee
does not meet all the requirements of this By-law or any other City By-
law; or
(7) The fee payable in respect of the Licence applied for has not been paid; or
(8) Any Additional Fee imposed on a Licensee remains unpaid after the due
date as indicated in the Notice of Additional Fee sent to the Licensee; or
(9) The Applicant or Licensee fails or refuses to comply with any requirement
set out in the By-law to obtain or maintain or renew a Licence issued
under this By-law.
8. (1) The powers and authority to refuse to issue or renew a Licence, to cancel,
revoke or suspend a Licence, or to impose terms and conditions on a
Licence, are hereby delegated to the Licence Manager and his or her
(2) Where the Licence Manager is of the opinion that:
(a) an application for a Licence or renewal of a Licence should be
(b) a reinstatement should not be made,
(c) a Licence should be revoked,
(d) a Licence should be suspended, or
(e) a term or condition of a Licence should be imposed,
he or she shall make that decision.
9. (1) After a decision is made by the Licence Manager, written notice of that
shall be given to the Applicant or Licensee advising the Applicant or
Licensee of the Licence Manager’s decision with respect to the application
or Licence.
(2) The written notice to be given under subsection (1), shall:
(a) set out the grounds for the decision;
(b) give reasonable particulars of the grounds;
(c) be signed by the Licence Manager; and
(d) state that the Applicant or Licensee is entitled to a hearing by the
Appeal Tribunal if the Applicant or Licensee delivers to the Clerk,
within seven (7) days after the Notice under subsection (1) is
served, a notice in writing requesting a hearing by the Appeal
Tribunal and the appeal fee as set out in Schedule 1 of this By-law.
(3) Where no appeal is registered within the required time period, the decision
of the Licence Manager shall be final.
10. (1) The powers and authority to conduct appeal hearings under this By-law
are hereby delegated to an all-citizen Appeal Tribunal duly appointed by
(2) The provisions of sections 5 to 15 and 21 to 24 of the Statutory Powers
Procedure Act. R.S.O. 1990, cS.22, as amended, shall apply to all hearings
conducted by the Appeal Tribunal under this By-law.
(3) When the Applicant or Licensee who has been given written notice of the
hearing does not attend at the appointed time and place, the Appeal
Tribunal may proceed with the hearing in his or her absence and the
Applicant or Licensee shall not be entitled to any further notice of the
(4) At the conclusion of a hearing, the Appeal Tribunal may give its decision
orally or reserve its decision, but in any case it shall provide its decision in
writing, with reasons, within fourteen (14) days of the hearing to the
Applicant or Licensee and the Licence Manager.
11. In making its decision the Appeal Tribunal may uphold or vary the decision of the
Licence Manager, or make any decision that the Licence Manager was entitled to
make in the first instance. The decision of the Appeal Tribunal issued under this
By-law is final.
12. (1) When a Licence has been revoked, deemed unrenewable, cancelled or
suspended, the holder of the Licence shall return the Licence to the
Licensing Section within twenty four (24) hours of service of written
notice of the decision of the Licence Manager or, where an appeal has
been filed, the decision of the Appeal Tribunal, and the Licence Manager
may enter upon the Premises of the Licensee for the purpose of receiving,
taking, or removing the said Licence.
(2) When a Person has had his or her Licence revoked or suspended under this
By-law, he or she shall not refuse to deliver up or in any way obstruct or
prevent the Licence Manager from obtaining the Licence in accordance
with subsection (1).
13. Any Licence issued under this By-law may be cancelled at any time upon the
written request of the Licensee.
14. A Licence issued under this By-law is not transferable.
15. (1) The Officer may at any reasonable time, enter upon and inspect the
Licenced Premises of any Licensee to ensure that the provisions of this
By-law are complied with.
(2) Upon an inspection, every Person shall produce all relevant Licences and
permits, invoices, vouchers or like documents and all documents required
to be kept and maintained under this By-law which may be removed for
the purpose of photocopying and returned to the Licensee within seventy
two (72) hours of removal.
16. No Person shall obstruct the Person inspecting or withhold, destroy, conceal or
refuse to furnish any information or thing required by the Person inspecting for
the purpose of the inspection.
17. (1) Every Licensee shall prominently display the Licence on the exterior of
the Licensed Premises directly adjacent to the main entrance, or in such a
location as approved by the Licence Manager, and it shall be covered in
such a fashion to protect it from the elements but ensure it is clearly
18. (1) A Licensee shall carry on business in the City in the name which is set out
on the Licence and shall not carry on business in the City in any other
(2) When a Licensee changes his name or address or any information relating
to his Licence, he or she shall notify the Licensing Section within thirty-
two (32) hours of the change of address or any other information relating
to his or her Licence and shall return the Licence immediately to the
Licensing Section for amendment.
(3) When the Licensee is a corporation, and there is any change in the
following information given on the application, namely: the names and
addresses of officers and directors, the location of the corporate head
office, and/or change of ownership of shares, the Licensee shall report the
change to the Licensing Section within seven (7) days of the change, and
if necessary, the Licence shall be returned immediately to the Licensing
Section for amendment.
(4) When the Licensee is a corporation, where there is a change in fifty
percent (50%) or more of the directors of the corporation, it shall be
deemed as a new corporation and a new Licence will be required.
(5) A Licensee shall not alter, erase or modify or permit such alteration,
erasure or modifications of their Licence or part thereof unless approved
by the Licensing Manager.
19. Where a Licensee contravenes any provision of this By-law or its Schedules, the
Officer may:
(1) Serve a written notice on the Licensee, advising of the contravention and
directing compliance: or
(2) Direct in a written order that a thing or matter is required to be done, and
in default of such thing or matter being done, the thing or matter may be
done at the Licensee’s expense by the City and the City will recover the
expense by action or in like manner as municipal taxes
20. (1) Any notice or order required to be given or served under this By-law is
sufficiently given or served, if delivered personally or sent by registered
mail, addressed to the Person to whom delivery or service is required to be
made at the last address for service appearing on the records of the
Licensing Section.
(2) When service is made by registered mail, the service shall be deemed to be
effected on the seventh (7th) day after the date of mailing, unless the
Person on whom service is being made establishes that he did not, acting
in good faith, through absence, accident, illness, or other cause beyond his
control, receive the notice or order until a later date.
21. (1) Every Person who contravenes any provision of this By-law, and every
director or officer of a corporation who concurs in such contravention by
the corporation, is guilty of an offence and is liable to a fine, and such
other penalties, as provided for in the Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O.
1990, c.P.33, and the Municipal Act, 2001, as both may be amended from
time to time.
(2) In addition to subsection (1), any Person who is charged with an offence
under this By-law in accordance with Part III of the Provincial Offences
Act and is found guilty of the offence, is liable, in addition to any other
(i) If a person, to a fine of not more that $25,000; or
(ii) If a corporation, to a fine of not more than $50,000.
22. Any section of this By-law, or any part thereof, that is found by a court of
competent jurisdiction to be invalid shall be severable, and the remainder of the
By-law shall continue to be valid.
23. All schedules attached to this By-law shall form part of this By-law.
24. In this By-law, unless the context otherwise requires, words imparting the
singular number shall include the plural, and words imparting the masculine
gender shall include the feminine and further, the converse of the foregoing also
applies where the context so requires.
25. This By-law may be referred to as the Residential Rental Accommodation
Licensing By-law.
day of June, 2010.
Signed by: Hazel McCallion, Mayor and Crystal Greer, City Clerk
Lodging House $500.00 $500.00
Appeal Tribunal Hearing Fee $369.00
Replacement Licence Fee $ 12.00
These rates shall automatically increase and be rounded to the nearest dollar on the first
day of January in each year by the percentage increase in the All Items Index of the
Consumer Price Index (not seasonally adjusted) for the Toronto Census Metropolitan
Area, published by Statistics Canada, during the 12-month period ending on October 1 in
the year immediately preceding the rate increase date.
The fees as listed in this Schedule will
be subject to Provincial Sales Tax (P.S.T), Goods and Service Tax (G.S.T) and/or Harmonized
Sales Tax (H.S.T), where applicable.
1. (1) The Licences issued pursuant to the following Schedules of this By-law:
Schedule 3 Owners of Lodging House shall expire according to the name
of the street on which the business premises are located and the Licence
expiry dates shall be divided as follows:
(a) where the first letter of the street name begins with the letter A
through and including D, the Licence expiry date shall be March
31, of each year;
(b) where the first letter of the street name begins with the letter E
through and including K, the Licence expiry date shall be August
31, of each year;
(c) where the first letter of the street name begins with the letter L
through and including P, the Licence expiry date shall be October
31, of each year;
(d) where the first letter of the street name begins with the letter Q
through and including Z, the Licence expiry date shall be
December 31, of each year.
(2) Where a new or initial Licence has been issued 90 days or less prior to the
Licence expiry date described in this Schedule, the Licence period shall be
extended and the Licence shall be valid, subject to the other provisions of
this By-law, until the Licence expiry date in the following year.
(3) Where a new or initial Licence has been issued 91 days or more prior to
the Licence expiry date described in this Schedule, the Licence period
shall not be extended and the Licence shall be valid, subject to the other
provisions of this By-law, only until the current year's Licence expiry date.
(4) Where an owner of a business has renewed the Licence for a given year
and then moves the business to a new location within the City, the expiry
date for the Licence will be amended to the set date for the new street
location but the fee will not be payable to the new location until the
Licence expiry date in the following year.
(5) Where a completed application for renewal of Licence is not submitted to
the Licensing Unit within three (3) months after the expiry date, the
Owner will be required to submit a new application and pay all
appropriate fees as set out in Schedule 1 to this By-law.
1. In addition to the general licensing provisions contained in this By-law, every
applicant for a new or the renewal of a Lodging House Licence shall submit;
(1) A floor plan of the building, including dimensions and proposed use of
each room and a site plan showing the location and dimensions of all
parking spaces available on the property; and
(2) A letter from the Fire Chief stating that an inspection has been conducted
of the location, within thirty (30) days of the date the application for the
Licence is submitted, and it is in compliance with all the provisions of the
Fire Protection and Prevention Act, S.O. 1997; and
(3) A general inspection report from the Electrical Safety Authority certifying
that an inspection has been conducted on the location, within thirty (30)
days of the date the application for the Licence is submitted, and that
there are no visible fire and or shock hazards; and
(4) The Licensee shall take out and keep in full force and effect throughout
the term of the License and any renewals thereof, general liability
insurance in respect to the Lodging House against claims for personal
injury, death or property damage or loss, indemnifying and protecting the
Corporation of the City of Mississauga and the Licensee, their respective
employees, servants, agents, contractors, invitees or licensees, to the
inclusive limit of not less than Two Million ($2,000,000.00) Dollars on a
per occurrence basis. Such insurance shall specifically state by its wording
or by endorsement that:
(a) The Corporation of the City of Mississauga is included as an
additional insured under the policy; and
(b) Such policy shall not be terminated, cancelled or materially altered
unless written notice of such termination, cancellation or material
alteration is provided by the insurers to the Corporation of the City
of Mississauga at least thirty (30) clear days before the effective
date thereof.
2. Every Licensee shall:
(1) Keep and maintain the following written records for each Lodger and shall
make these records available for inspection forthwith on the request of the
Licence Manager or Officer:
a) The full name of the Lodger;
b) The address of the last place of residence prior to admission to the
Lodging House;
c) The name, address and telephone number of the next of kin or,
where there is no next of kin, the number of someone to contact in
the event of an emergency; and
d) The Lodger’s Ontario Health Insurance Plan card number, if they
possess one, and if the Lodger consents.
(2) All of the records referred to in Subsection (1) are the property of the
Lodger and, where the Lodger no longer resides in the Lodging House,
shall be returned to the Lodger, forthwith, upon demand.
(3) Provide a functioning telephone that is accessible to all Lodgers at all
times for emergency use and shall post a list of local emergency numbers
in close proximity to the telephone.
(4) Post a fire safety plan, approved by the Fire Chief in a conspicuous place
in the Lodging House.
(5) Ensure that each floor of the premise is equipped with a functioning
3A10BC Fire Extinguisher.
(6) Provide written proof that the Lodgers have been advised that the Licence
Manager or Officer will be requesting permission to enter all Lodging
Units on the Property (at a time and day convenient to the City, the
Licensee and the Lodgers) for the purposes of conducting inspections
under this By-law.
(7) Maintain on the Property the required number of parking spaces.
(8) Maintain compliance with all the provisions of the Zoning By-law as it
relates to a Lodging House, including any conditions imposed by the
Committee of Adjustment for a minor variance..
(9) Either personally or by their Agent, conduct an inspection of the licenced
premises every three (3) months to ensure compliance with this By-law
and any other applicable law and file an inspection report on the form
provided by the Licensing Section including all remediation action to be
taken, and a time frame for gaining compliance where non compliance is
(10) Submit in writing, the name, address and contact information for any
individual that will be acting as their Agent for the purposes of conducting
and reporting on inspections, where applicable.
(11) Erect and maintain a fence surrounding the entire rear Yard of the
Property, except that portion of the rear yard that is bounded by the main
rear wall of the Lodging House, to form a continuous enclosure of the rear
yard in accordance with the following minimum requirements:
a) the fence shall extend from the ground to a height, measured on the
outside of the fence, of not less than 1.5 metres (5 Feet);
b) the fence shall be of vertically boarded weather protected wood
c) the fence shall have the vertical boarding attached to supporting
members not less than 19 mm by 89 mm (3/4 inch by 3 ½
inches)dimensions spaced not more than 40 mm (1 ½ inch)apart;
d) the fence shall be supported by a minimum of 89 mm square or 89
mm (3 ½ inch by 3 ½ inch) diameter posts, spaced not more than
2.4 m (8 feet) on centres securely embedded to a minimum of 1.2
m (4 feet) below Grade. That portion of the wood post below
Grade shall be treated with a wood preservative. Top and bottom
horizontal rails shall be provided of wood 38 mm by 89 mm
minimum dimensions; and
e) where a gate is erected at any point in the fence, such gate shall not
exceed 1.2 m (4 feet) in width.
(12) Ensure that no construction, renovation, alteration or addition is carried
out on the licensed Premises without first obtaining the necessary Building
Permit as may be required.
(13) Ensure that the current Business Licence Number for the Licenced
Premises appears on all advertisement for the business.
3. No Licenced Owner shall:
(1) Permit any Person to use an appliance in a Lodging Unit that may create a
fire hazard.
(2) Permit the occupancy of, for sleeping purposes, any basement or any
space used or designed to be used as a lobby, hallway, closet, bathroom,
laundry room, stairway or kitchen or any room having a floor area of less
than 80 square feet or any room being less than 7 feet 6 inches from the
floor to ceiling.
(3) Permit non compliance with the Property Standards By-law 654-89, as
amended, the Nuisance Weeds and Long Grass By-law 267-03, the Noise
Control By-law 360-79, as amended, or the Open Air Burning By-law 49-