Permit# ______________________
Folio #____________________
Date of Applicaon_______________
Secon I.
Applicant Informaon
Organizaon Type: □ Individual □ Corporaon □ Non-Prot/501(c)(3) Charitable Organizaon
(Please aach supporng documents)
Applicant/Organizaon Name ___________________________________________________
Applicant Address______________________________________________________________
Phone Number____________________________ Fax Number_______________________________
Event Details
Designated person in charge__________________________ Phone Number _____________________
Event Address______________________________________________________________
Event Date(s) _______________Event Start Time _____________ Event End Time ________________
Will this event take place outdoor or indoor________________________________
Secon II.
Event Categories: (Please check all that apply)
□ Anque/Art/Aucon/Cra Show □ Bike/Race/Run/Triathlon/Walk □ Block Party □House Party
□ Retail Sales □ Food Truck Event □ Retail Sales □ Boat/Car Show/Fesval/Market/Tournament
□ Church/Concert/Live Entertainment □ Fireworks □ Fundraiser □ TV Commercial/Movie Filming
□ Parade/Public Assembly □Other (specify) _______________________________________
Non-refundable Application Fee:
Permit# ______________________
Descripon of Event in Detail (Please aach a separate page, if needed) ________________________
Number of parcipants expected ________________ Number of event sta____________________
Will sta have ideners? (i.e. Idencaon Cards, Badges, Shirts, Etc.) □Yes □No
If so, give a descripon_________________________________________________________________
Has this event been held in the past? □Yes □No
If so, indicate the date(s) of the last event: ________________________________________________
Will alcoholic beverages be served at your event? □ Yes □No
If so, what mes will the alcoholic beverages be served? __________________________________
Will there be any use of pyrotechnics and/or reworks displays at this event? □Yes □No
Secon III.
Please check all that apply:
□Music □Live Entertainment □Food □Street Closure, hours____________________
□Alcohol sale/Consumpon
□Tent(s) #_____ Size of tent(s) ________________ (If greater than 10x12, building permit required)
□Bounce House(s) #____________
□Refuse Removal/Sanitary Facilies
□Other (please describe) ____________________________________________________________
City Personnel: Based on responses to quesons within this applicaon certain City personnel may be required
to be present. (i.e. Police Ocers, Community Service Aides, etc.) Once stang needs are determined, applicant
will be required to complete and sign a contract detailing the necessary City personnel needed and the costs
associated with having the personnel present at the event. The applicant will receive an invoice for payment for
any City personnel, and payment is due a minimum of 15 days prior to event. (Please inial)_______
For Commercial Locaons, do you have a current:
□Business Tax Receipt □Cercate of Use □Alarm Registraon
Departmental Applicaons
(Complete all secons that apply)
Public Works Department
Parade or Public Assembly/ Block Party/ Temporary Street Closure Applicaon
Streets to be blocked o (Example: NW 12th Avenue between NW 199th Street and NW 201st Street.)
(“Permied Area”): ___________________________________________________________________
Hours of street closing: _______________________________
Approved by:
________________________________ Date: __________________________
City of Miami Gardens Public Works Department
1050 NW 163rd Street, Miami Gardens
_______________________________________ Date: ________________________________
City of Miami Gardens Police Department
18611 NW 27 Ave, Miami Gardens
_______________________________________ Date: _________________________________
Chief, Miami-Dade Fire Department
Main Locaon:9300 NW 41 Street Miami, FL 33178 (786) 331-5000
North Locaon: 1655 NE 205 Street Highland Oak, FL 33179 (305) 513-7650
South Locaon: 10850 SW 211 Street Miami, FL 33189 (305) 513-7670
Police Department
Applicaon for Public Music-Broadcast Permit
NOTICE TO APPLICANT: All applicants directed to this department for consideraon and acon shall be submied een
(15) working days prior to the date of any projected broadcasng or transming of music or sound by loudspeakers,
ampliers, public address systems, and similar devices in such a manner that would be reasonably loud and raucous or that
would reasonably be calculated to aract a crowd or cause numbers of person to congregate in or on any open space.
Hours to conduct or operate a Public Music or Broadcast Event: _______________________________
(no longer than six (6) hours total and not between the hours of 10:00 PM and 7:00 AM on weekdays
and 10:00 PM and 10:00 AM on weekends).
Date Received: _________________________________ Processed By: __________________________________________
______________________________________ _______________ _____________________________________________
Person Noed Date By Whom
Special Informaon: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Permit Number: Police Chief, Miami Gardens Police Department
______________________ By; _________________________________________
Secon IV.
Fees & Charges:
Special Event Permit Fees Broadcast, Block party, and Tent Sales
More than 30 days prior to event Residenal $10.50
Small acvity/event $157.50 (150 or less) Residenal (less than 30 days prior to event) $21.00
Large acvity/event $315.00 (151 or more) Commercial $26.25
Less than 30 days prior to event Commercial (less than 30 days prior to event) $52.50
Small acvity/event $315.00 (150 or less) Block Party Permit—$52.50
Large acvity/event $630.00 (151 or more) Retail Tent Sale—$262.50
Special Event Fees Non-prot Expedited Fees
More than 30 days prior to event 7-13 days—$500
Small acvity/event $105.00 (150 or less) 0-6 Days—$1,000
Large acvity/event $210.00 (151 or more)
Less than 30 days prior to event
Small acvity/event $210.00 (150 or less)
Large acvity/event $420.00 (151 or more)
Special Noce: During review by various City Departments, addional condions may be imposed. This permit is
only valid for the me indicated on this permit. In event that the applicant fails to fulll the requirements (as set
forth in this permit) or fails to obtain proper authorizaon to proceed, if condions have changed, or the
expected outcomes, impacts, or condions are substanally altered, the permit will be voided immediately by
authorized City personnel and denial of future events may occur.
Applicant Agreement and Waiver of Liability:
I, the undersigned, will indemnify, defend and hold harmless, the City of Miami Gardens, its agents,
employees, ocers and any and all other associates, from and against any and all acons, in law or in
equity, from liability or claims of damages, demands or judgments to any person or property which
may result now or in the future from conduct of this event. The undersigned has read and voluntarily
signed the release and waiver of liability and Indemnity Agreement, and further agrees that no oral
representaons, statements, or inducements apart from the foregoing wrien agreement have been
made. The undersigned agrees to pay all required fees and charges and will abide by all the rules and
procedures presented therein and non-compliance may result in denial of current or future events.
_____________________________________________ ________________________________
Signature of Applicant/ Person designated Date
as being in charge
Print name
Permit# ______________________
Secon V.
Request for Special Event
Required Items for Permit Applicaon Submial
Items Needed Received
Yes No
Special Event Applicaon
Block Party Permit
Parade/Public Assembly Permit
Broadcast Permit
Building Permit Applicaon
Temporary Signage Permit Applicaon
Park Rental Permit (Applicable if 150 or more patrons)
Miami-Dade Filming Permit
Site Plan (Lay out of event site)
Route Map
Maintenance of Trac Plan (M.O.T.)
O-duty Ocer/Security Contract
Copy of Sta Idener
Property Owner Leer of Approval (Commercial Property Only)
Residenal Impact Nocaon
State Alcohol License
Food Preparaon License
501(c)(3) Exempon Cercate
Insurance Cercate
Security Deposit
Applicaon Fees
City of Miami Gardens
Public Works
Parade or Public Assembly/ Block party/ Temporar y Street
Closure Application Checklist
Please submit the following information:
__ Section IV of the Request for Special Event (after approved/signed by Miami Gardens Police and Public Works departments, Applicant
must submit to Miami-Dade Fire department for approval/signature, and then resubmit back to the City)
__Maintenance of traffic (MOT) plans
__ Copy of Barricade Company contract/receipt (road closure) to provide the barricades as per the approved MOT plan
__ Written consent of all property owners whose property abuts the permitted area (block party only).
__ Liability Insurance (Not less than $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence bodily injury including death and
property dam-
age). The City of Miami Gardens must be named as an additional insured.
__ Minimum $500 refundable deposit (if restored to its prior condition and cleaned up by 11:00 p.m. on the date of the event)
__Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) special events permit (if necessary). FDOT permit required for utilization of the following
NW 183rd St (Miami Gardens Drive)
441 ( NW 2nd Ave)
NW 215 East of 27 Ave ( County Line Road)
NW 47 Ave ( north of 183 ST)
FDOT application form may be downloaded at: