July 2021
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Churchill was engaged on the instructions of Australian Owned
Contractors ("Client") to provide a review of the Australian
transport infrastructure industry and draw insights that may
further support their members in accordance with the
engagement agreement dated 2 June 2021.
The results of Churchill’s work, including the assumptions and
qualifications made in preparing the report, are set out in
Churchill’s report dated July 2021 ("Report"). The Report should
be read in its entirety including the report summary, the
applicable scope of the work and any limitations. A reference
to the Report includes any part of the Report. No further work
has been undertaken by Churchill since the date of the Report
to update it.
Churchill has prepared the Report for the benefit of the Client
and has considered only the interests of the Client. Churchill
has not been engaged to act, and has not acted, as advisor to
any other party. Accordingly, Churchill makes no
representations as to the appropriateness, accuracy or
completeness of the Report for any other party's purposes.
No reliance may be placed upon the Report or any of its
contents by any party other than the Client (“Third Parties”).
Table of Contents
1. Background & Executive Summary
2. Maximise Taxpayer Benefit
3. Project Packaging
4. Sovereign Capability
5. Appendences
6. Bibliography
A contracting mechanism that allocates collective
responsibility for risk, performance and outcome between the
contractor and client.
Local Industry
Plan (LIPP)
A written plan based on the National Framework which was
agreed between the Commonwealth and the States in
2001 to promote, develop and maintain a sustainable
Australian industry capability by encouraging competitive
Australian industry participation in investment projects
Ultimate owner of the majority of the Australian entity is
based in Australia
- Project
A (transport) infrastructure program valued at $A1bn+
AOC Australian Owned Contractors
A (transport) infrastructure program valued at $A5bn+
Council of Australian Governments
A collective term used for all Tier 2 & Tier 3 contractors
A contract under which a single entity bears responsibility for
engineering, procurement and construction elements of the
The packaging of projects into smaller programs of works,
delivered by specialists in each field.
Foreign owned
Ultimate owner of the majority of the Australian/ based entity
is based overseas.
2.99 as per ABS 5209.055.001 table 5 for FY2018
The program of funds allocated to projects for the
Commonwealth’s investment in land transport infrastructure
under the NLT Act.
The effect a change in one economic variable (i.e
infrastructure spending) inducing a larger increase in
another (GDP)
A tender evaluation criteria that allocates a percentage of
the assessment to upskilling and involvement of sub-tier 1
contractors and local supply chains.
National Land
National Land Transport Network as in force from time to
time that is determined by the Commonwealth Minister
under Part 2 of the NLT Act as amended from time to time.
National Land Transport Act 2014
Program or
Sum of Projects within a particular State agreed between
the Commonwealth and a State at any given time, to be
managed on a programmatic basis.
National Partnership Agreement
Tier 1
Contractors with the technical & financial capability of
delivering mega-
projects over $1 billion without partnering.
A Public Private Partnership
a cooperative arrangement
between two or more public and private entities.
Tier 2
Medium-sized construction firms that have both the
technical and financial capacity to deliver projects up to
$500 million, before requiring support of a joint venture
Interface Risk
The risk associated with managing a projects interface with
various stakeholders, including other projects, utility owners,
local landowners etc. The interfaces may be physical or
Tier 3
Smaller firms, with both the technical and financial
capability to deliver projects < $100 million. They are
usually less willing to take aggressive price or risk positions.
Project or
A project approved under the NLT Act.
For the objective of providing AOC with insights regarding the transport infrastructure industry to
further support their members, the scope of this report was to review and draw insights from:
Jointly-funded transport infrastructure projects where funding is provided to the Australian States & Territories from the
Funding to the States & Territories was through the Federation Funding Agreements (formerly, National Partnership Agreements)
Attention was focussed on transport infrastructure projects valued at $A500m+
The specific areas of focus were:
Are tax-payers getting maximum benefit from mega-projects?
What are the implications of mega-projects and is there an alternative?
Is there a need for Sovereign Capability regarding transport infrastructure projects?
Where new areas of focus were raised during the literature review or stakeholder consultation, these issues also informed the study.
1.1 Background
In 2014 the Federal Government entered into a funding
agreement with the Australian States & Territories to finance a
portion of transport infrastructure programs through The
National Land Transport Act (NLT) (Australian Government,
The NLT provides the primary mechanism for the Federal
Government to provide this funding while also setting out the
roles and responsibilities of each party. Each State & Territory
has a separately agreed schedule to the NLT which sets out the
projects and quantum of Federal investment.
On 1 July 2019, the Australian Government and state and
territory governments (states) entered into a National
Partnership Agreement (NPA).
The NPA supports the delivery of infrastructure projects and
sets out how the Australian Government and states will work
together to deliver infrastructure projects for the benefit and
wellbeing of Australians (Australian Government, 2019).
The NPA covers projects administered by the NLT Act. Each
state has a separately agreed schedule to the NPA which
indicate the levels of funding the Australian Government
intends to provide for land transport infrastructure
investments. These schedules are updated following the
Federal Budget each year.
On 28 August 2020, as a consequence of the formation of the
National Cabinet (replacing the erstwhile COAG), the Council
on Federal Financial Relations took responsibility for all
Commonwealth-State funding agreements and conducted a
review of the stock of existing agreements. The review set out
to consolidate and rationalize agreements where possible. This
included the existing NPAs that are now captured under
Federation Funding Agreements .
The Federal Government has recently announced a A$110b, 10-
year infrastructure investment pipeline commencing in 2020
primarily driven by the policy that investing in infrastructure is a
critical tool to create jobs, drive economic recovery, and position
our economies for sustainable growth (Australian Government,
While this commitment is welcomed by industry, the size of some
projects is demonstrating a rise of “mega projects” & “mega
mega projects”. So much so Infrastructure Australia in its 2019
Infrastructure Audit noted that Mega-projects have become a
default, however they are stretching industry and government.
The size, scale and complexity of new infrastructure projects is
changing. Procurement and planning are correspondingly more
complex. Underdone planning and rushed procurement can lead
to lasting shortcomings in infrastructure performance. This is
compounded by a much-needed increased focus on
sustainability, security and resilience expectations”.
Transport megaprojects are inherently complex, and it’s
unavoidable that some of the time things will go wrong.
Shortcomings in dividing projects into bundles of work, in
apportioning risk between the parties, and in selecting a suitable
contract type for the job is exacerbating problems of an already
complex program of works.
This report documents that the rise of mega project has seen an
increase in risk, reduction in competition, decrease in project
success and ultimately a sub-optimal outcome for asset owners,
contractors and the Australian taxpayer. Procurement practices
now require reform to overcome these outcomes and to
maximise this opportunity.
“Mega projects have become a
default, however they are
stretching industry and
government …”
(Infrastructure Australia, 2019)
While Australia embarks on an almost unprecedented period of transport infrastructure project planning
and delivery, we need to ensure we do not squander the opportunity
1.2 The Australian Infrastructure Market
With the Australian Federal Government planning to
invest A$110bn over 10 years from 2021/22 in Transport
Infrastructure across the nation, it’s now more important
than ever that this investment is maximised to bolster
the Australian economy and its return to Australian
taxpayers (Australian Government, 2021).
The evolution of major transport infrastructure project
procurement has changed significantly in the past 10
years. The rise of mega projects, those of value A$1b+,
and mega-mega projects , those with a value of A$5b+,
while arguably easier for governments to manage, has
seen a reduction in competition, increase in total costs
and an overall decrease in project success (Grattan
Institute, 2020).
The nation now has nine transport infrastructure projects
that are each worth more than A$5bn, compared to just
one the Airport Link M7 ten years ago. In 2001 there
were just two projects worth A$1b, today 14 (Grattan
Institute, 2020). These large-scale projects see private
industry bear the majority of project related risk.
Australia has a proud history of delivering large
transport infrastructure projects however the transition
of procurement approach to put large programs of work
to tender (often contracts in excess of A$2b) means only
foreign owned tier 1 contractors can deliver them.
There is acknowledgement that some projects will not
be able to be reduced in size and the need for tier 1
capability to support these programs is required. There
is however, an opportunity to build sovereign capability,
both within Government and Australian mid-tier
contractors to ensure future transport infrastructure
programs can be delivered to support a future
Australian owned tier 1 contractor.
A key message of this report is the growing need for
industry capability requirements in procurement
practices. The benefits of this approach are:
Maximising taxpayer benefit (see Section 2.0)
Decreased risk (see Section 3.0 ‘Procurement Models’)
Increased competition (see Section 3.0 ‘Procurement
Strengthen sovereign capability (see Section 4.0)
The existing procurement model transfers the majority
of project interface risk, i.e managing various contracts
within the project, from the government to the
contractor, for a price.
In theory, this works well to protect the government
however key risks always return to the asset owner
regardless of the contract mechanisms in place.
Currently, of all the tier 1 contractors who operate in the
nation, none are Australian owned.
Australian contractors, predominately due to balance
sheet size not technical ability, are unable to tender to
lead and deliver these projects as head contractor,
leaving Australian owned mid-tier contractors to act as
sub-contractors only, engaged outside of the head
While the need for large tier 1 capability is recognised
and supported, the current government procurement
model for transport infrastructure projects requires
review and adjustment.
While transport infrastructure spending may be used by
the Federal and State governments to stimulate the
economy as we look to transition into a post-COVID
world, the structure of these mega-projects is ultimately
leading to Australia, and Australian taxpayers, not
maximising the benefit from this investment.
The sheer size of these mega-projects ensures that
competition is excessively thin due to the limited
number of contractors that can, and are willing, to price
for sole delivery risk of what are larger and more
complex programs of works. Reducing these contract
sizes to something more manageable, $A500m or less,
would enable increased tendering competition,
diversification of risk both delivery and financial, and
ultimately better project outcomes (Ryan P.W, 2017)
Governments must ensure taxpayers are receiving maximum benefit through consideration of broader
economic impacts of engaging foreign owned tier 1 contractors to deliver mega projects.
I. As tier 1 contractors sub-contract out work to mid-tier contractors, who in turn may further sub-contract out project delivery, we
have a layering effect of profit margins across the tiers of contractors. For a A$1b mega-project, with a tendered profit margin of
9.1%, this margin-on-margin effect, if given 3 layers of contractors, increases the total program cost by A$75m-A$90m.
II. Tier 1 contractors who operate in Australia are the only businesses financially capable of delivering mega-projects. These
contractors are repatriating profits to their foreign owned parent entities. For a A$1b mega-project this could equate to A$45m of
taxpayer funds being repatriated overseas as project profits.
III. For any infrastructure mega-project undertaken by a foreign owned tier 1, 5-6% of the contract value is priced in to cover head
office & white -collar activities undertaken overseas. For a A$1b program, this equates to A$50m-A$60m not invested back into
the Australian economy.
IV. Australian infrastructure projects have a multiplier effect on the broader Australian economy. For every A$1 invested in Australian
construction, the wider Australian economy benefits by A$2.99 (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2019). For a A$1b mega project,
given the taxpayer funds used to cover head office costs and repatriation of profits, would equate to the Australian economy
missing out on A$280-A$310m of further economic benefit.
i. Both the number and size of mega ($A1b+) and mega mega ($A5b+) transport infrastructure projects are on the rise.
ii. Evidence indicates that the larger the project, the higher the propensity that the project will incur budget and cost over-runs and
the quantum of the over-run will be higher.
iii. Current procurement practices suggest that Government procurement teams are looking to transfer as much risk to the
contractor as possible. This is to give them cost surety, however tier 1 contractors may not be the best to manage this risk,
resulting in project variations and potential litigation. Smaller contract sizes and best practice risk management can de-risk the
overall project.
iv. Similar to above, Government procurement teams are looking to employ EPC (Engineer, Procure & Construct) lump sum project
contracts where a single contractor holds responsibility for the entire project under a single contract. This is the most common
contract type, being used for 53% of mega projects however when this contract type is used, these contracts only obtain a 39%
success rate regarding desired outcomes.
v. When project sizes are announced larger than $A500m (the maximum amount most mid-tier contractors can bid for given
financial balance sheet requirements), competition significantly decreases and thins out. This lack of competition reduces
downward pressure on contract tenders, resulting in Australian taxpayers paying more for Australian infrastructure projects.
Breaking mega and mega-mega projects into smaller programs of works will decrease delivery risk and
increase tender competition, ultimately driving positive project and taxpayer outcomes.
i. Building sovereign capability will ensure that if/when the Australian transport infrastructure market cools and foreign owned tier 1
contractors allocate resources to other countries, Australia still has the capability to deliver large scale transport infrastructure
projects as they arise.
ii. Ensuring “Industry capability” criteria is included in tender assessments has demonstrated that mid-tier Australian contractors are
given the opportunity to operate at head contractor/project leadership level. This enables a transfer of knowledge and skills to
support the Australian mid-tier contractors, supporting their ongoing growth and ability to successfully tender and deliver larger
iii. One main advantage for Australian owned contractors to operate at head contractor/project leadership level is the ability to use
and introduce their local supply chains to the foreign owned contractor/s. This allows local supply chains to grow not only for the
current project but future projects delivered by the tier 1 contractors rather than leveraging what is likely a foreign supply chain.
iv. Having Australian owned mid-tier contractors involved at head contractor/ project leadership level through industry capability
criteria or project packaging (breaking mega-projects to <$500m) has seen Australian companies capture 70% of the aggregate
contract value vs 1% when they don’t.
There is a need to develop formal government procurement mechanisms that strengthen sovereign
government PMO offices and foster a stronger Australian owned contracting industry. These mechanisms
need to be employed when assessing and selecting head contractors for transport infrastructure projects.
2.1 Project pricing layering effect of tendered
profits (margin on margin)
It is a common industry practice for head
contractors to sub-contract elements of mega-
project programs into smaller work packages for
various reasons, including; to mitigate delivery
and financial risk, and to access capabilities &
capacity of local talent (Institution of Civil
Engineers, 2017). These work-packages are
commonly subcontracted out to the mid-tier
Tier 2 contractors, similar to above may then
choose to self deliver or break up the contract
into smaller work-packages and sub-contract
them out to tier 3 contractors. However it should
be noted that typically, tier 2 contractors have
more self delivery capability than their tier 1
At each stage of the disaggregation of the
original contract, sub-contractors are including a
tendered profit margin into their price. This has
the effect of the tier 2 contractor putting their
tendered profit margin on top of the tier 3 price,
which also includes their profit margin. This
continues up the contractor stack until the tier 1
head contractor applies their tendered profit
Figure 1 outlines how this applies in a practical
sense and illustrates for a $1b mega-project, with
a tendered profit margin of 9.1% (Ryan and
Duffield, 2017), this is effectively margin on margin
which, if given 3 layers of contractors, increases
the total program cost by A$75m-A$90m.
Comparatively, if the tier 2 contractor/s could
operate at head contractor level, with no tier-1
contractor above, this tendered profit margin
would effectively be removed and lower the total
project cost.
Depending on which “layer” was removed, the
Australian taxpayer could save between A$75m-
A$90m per A$1b Mega-project. Following this
methodology would indicate that for a A$5b
mega-mega project, the Australian taxpayer
would save A$450m.
Our current tier 1 orientated program delivery
approach may not be maximizing taxpayer
*Combined contract is representative of a consortium comprising Tier 1 and Tier 2 contractors
Figure 1: Pricing margin on margin
2.2 Repatriation of final project profits
Figure 2, developed by the Grattan Institute in their
report “The rise of megaprojects: counting the costs”,
shows the growth in transport infrastructure is driven
by projects costing more than $A1b, mega projects
and A$5b+, mega-mega projects. These projects
come with an increasing level of complexity and risk
(Grattan Institute, 2020). Australian mid-tier firms,
while they may posses the technical capability to
deliver these projects, do not have the financial
strength to tender for them. Table 1 outlines recent
mega projects and who the successful head
contractor is. It should be noted the majority of these
are a range of international contractors including
Bouygues, Samsung, Salini Impregilio (now Webuild),
Dragados, Acciona, CPB and John Holland.
Figure 2: Growth in Mega and Mega-mega projects
While final project profits are extremely opaque,
especially in foreign jurisdictions, recent analysis of 28
completed construction projects >A$500m between
2000-2017 indicate a net loss of 7.3% however more
than 50% of this was driven by just 2 projects (Ryan and
Duffield, 2017). Removing these 2 projects results in a
net loss of 1.5% over 26 projects.
Figure 3 considers the 16 projects which were delivered
profitably (57% of the projects) and shows that the
average final realized profit margin was 4.5%. (Ryan
and Duffield, 2017).
-actual average final profit for the 16 profitable
completed projects was A$50.25m on an average
contract value of A$1,129m.
57% of recently completed projects over $500m
had a profitable outcome. The average realized
final profit of 4.5% was available for profit
repatriation back to foreign tier 1 owners (Ryan and
Duffield, 2017)
Applying this average final profit margin to a standard
A$1b mega project would indicate c.A$45m in project
profits (Australian taxpayer funds) being repatriated back
to the foreign owned tier 1 parent company. With the
growth in mega projects, this figure is set to soar.
Table 1: Contracts awarded or commenced 2015-2020
Figure 3: Realised profit for completed projects >$500m
Estimated value of work done on transport
infrastructure projects per quarter (
2.3 Head office cost coverage in projects
Contractors of any size require both a corporate head
office to undertake not only administrative support but
also white-collar roles; lawyers, human resource
management, procurement etc. For tier 1 contractors,
these head office functions are predominately
domiciled in their country of origin. Table 2 outlines the
company of origin of Australia’s most prominent tier 1
Table 2: Majority owner of dominant tier 1 contractors
in Australia
A recent survey of Australian Owned Contractors
indicates that the range of head office cost coverage
included in contract prices is between 4% and 8% with
an average of 5.8% (Australian Owned Contractors,
Tier 1
majority owner
owner - head
office location
John Holland China
Company Ltd
Beijing, China
Groupo ACS Madrid, Spain
Acciona Acciona Madrid, Spain
This money is retained on-shore when Australian
owned contractors are awarded the head contract
as their profits are distributed to a predominantly
Australian shareholder base and their head office
costs are spent onshore.
Using this range as a proxy for tier 1 contractors would
indicate that for a A$1b mega project, between
A$40m - A$80m (an average of A$58m) is being
extracted from Australian taxpayers to fund foreign
tier 1 head office costs and white-collar activities
being undertaken overseas. These funds are
effectively leaking out of the Australian economy,
along with the profit elements discussed on the
previous page.
2.4 Multiplier effect of transport infrastructure
Australian infrastructure projects have a multiplier
effect on the broader Australian economy. The
multiplier effect is correlated with alleviating
unemployment directly and by secondly improving
the productive potential and efficiency of the
economy. For every A$1 invested in Australian
construction, the wider Australian economy benefits
A$2.99 (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2019).
For a mega project, delivered by a tier 1 contractor
this multiplier is reduced by the amount of money
which is extracted from this investment to cover costs
associated with a foreign head office and the
repatriation of profits. This would lower this multiplier
by 10.3%* from 2.99 to 2.68. Figure 4 illustrates for a
A$1bn megaproject, this equates to a reduction of
A$310m of broader economic benefit, or alternatively,
greater Australian economic benefit would increase by
A$310m if the tier 1 contractor was Australian owned. For
a A$5b mega-mega project, this difference is A$1.54b.
The larger the project, the larger the missed
opportunity for not having an Australian owned
contractor within the head contract. Impact on
the Australian economy equates to roughly 30% of
the contract value.
Figure 4: Economic impact of tier 1 project delivery A$m
Impact to Australian economy (A$m)
Project/contract size
* 4.5% average project profit + 5.8% average head office cost coverage = 10.3%
3.1 Australian Megaprojects
Not only has Australia seen a considerable increase in
Infrastructure investment recently, but the
procurement tendencies have shifted too.
Megaprojects are becoming increasingly prevalent.
Figure 5 below, developed by the Grattan Institute in
their report Megabang for megabucks: Driving a hard
bargain on megaprojects”, illustrates the shift in
procurement of government infrastructure projects.
The data presents a positive correlation between time
and project size (Grattan Institute, 2021).
The Grattan Institute noted that the average contract
size within a megaproject had risen 38 percent and its
no longer a rarity for a single contract on a
megaproject to be worth as much as A$4 billion or
A$5 billion (Figure 8 outlined in section 4.3). The
growth in contract size calls into question how many
firms can feasibly bid for such work (Grattan Institute,
Before the Covid pandemic, the value of Australian
transport infrastructure under construction exceeded
A$125b for the first time in the nation's history.
Reflective of the rising popularity, over two thirds of
this infrastructure under construction (by dollar value)
was on projects of value A$5b or greater (Grattan
Institute, 2021).
Not only are megaprojects becoming increasingly
prevalent across the nation, but they are costing the
taxpayer considerably more than originally promised.
Between 2001 and 2020, projects with an initial price
tag of A$1b or more overran their costs by an average
of 30% (Grattan Institute, 2020). The government has
spent A$34b more than initially promised to the
Australian taxpayer over the same time period. Figure
9 outlines project overruns by project size, showing
less cost overruns with smaller projects.
With more interdependencies, megaprojects are
increasingly complex, and contractors are asked to
manage risk profiles magnitudes higher than they
have been previously (Grattan Institute, 2021).
As projects increase in size, they increase the risk of
cost overruns. Since 2001, more than a third of
transport infrastructure cost overruns stemmed from
just seven big projects.
This relationship between project size and cost
overruns is not a new phenomenon. Danish economic
geographer Bent Flyvbjerg coined the following
‘the iron law of megaprojects: over budget,
overtime, over and over again’. (Bent Flyvbjerg et
al, 2002)
As a nation, we need to procure transport
infrastructure that promotes the highest net benefit to
When looking at megaprojects, their typical
procurement methodology and associated success
outcomes, its apparent that the existing model is not
It is important not to lose sight of the value
megaprojects and public investment bring to
Australia. A productivity gain assessment made in the
2018/19 Budget Paper #1 approximated that for every
dollar invested in infrastructure, A$4 GDP is generated
for the economy over an asset life of 25 years
(Australian Government 2019).
The issue is not the megaprojects; it is the
procurement of the major works packages within
Figure 5: Growth in Mega and Mega-mega projects
Estimated value of work done on transport
infrastructure projects per quarter (
Figure 7 illustrates the success rate of megaprojects by
contract type. It is clear when considering best practice
risk management, mixed contract procurement models
bolster considerably higher success rates than the other
The tendency of the Australian Government to
procure lump sum megaprojects is proving very
costly to the Australian Taxpayer.
3.2 Megaproject Procurement Mechanisms
Major Infrastructure projects are typically procured
through one of four models (Merrow, 2011):
EPC - Lump Sum: A single contractor is responsible
for engineering, procurement and construction for the
whole project or a portion of the whole project, under
a single contract.
EPC/ EPCm Reimbursable: A single contractor is
responsible for all (or greater majority) of the project
under a contract that reimburses the contractor
based on quantity of services and materials provided.
Alliances: The grouping of all (or most of) the head
contractors under a single compensation scheme to
align goals of the contractor with those of the project
sponsor and share risk in a collaborative “no blame”
Mixed: Separation of the construction, procurement,
fabrication and engineering contracts. Each contract
is awarded to the party best able to manage its
associated risk.
The models most suitable for selection vary pending the
type of project, complexity of the project, and the
capacity and capability of both the contractor and
Figure 6 illustrates the most commonly adopted
procurement models for megaprojects.
Megaprojects procured under a single contract infer
that one party assumes all or the majority of the project
delivery risk.
Best practice contracting and procurement ensures risk
is apportioned to the party best placed to manage it
(APM Group, 2020). This increases the likelihood of two
beneficial outcomes:
1. Decreased cost
2. Increased chance of successful delivery
Mixed contracts break a project into components
delivered by specialists in each respective area. The
procurement model removes the need for a large tier 1
entity to absorb the risk of the whole project (Merrow,
2011). This aligns more closely with best practice risk
management than EPC style contracts.
EPC Lump
Figure 7: Procurement model success Megaprojects
(Merrow, 2011).
Figure 6 Megaproject Contract Types (Merrow, 2011)
3.3 Infrastructure Risk Management
As Australian governments look for cost surety, they are
looking to engage contractors on fixed price EPC contracts
or Alliance contracts. Australian infrastructure contracts
are presenting with higher risk than ever seen before for
contractors. EPC style contracts see private entities retain
almost the entirety of project related risk, where Alliances
introduce a risk sharing mechanism between the private
and public sector.
Figure 8, developed by the Grattan Institute in their report
Megabang for megabucks: Driving a harder bargain on
megaprojects illustrates the sheer quantity of Australian
mega contracts issued since 2006. It is evident that there
is a developing trend to procure infrastructure under
increasingly large contracts.
As these contracts continue to grow in size and
broaden scope, they are becoming more difficult to
manage. Transport Infrastructure projects are being
developed in large cities and contractors need to
balance environmental concerns, community
interactions, and complex interfaces with existing
utilities and other projects under construction
(Grattan Institute, 2021).
The Grattan Institute found that large and complex
projects are more likely to endure cost overruns. Not
only is the propensity of cost overruns higher but so
too is the quantum when they do overrun. The drivers
behind these overruns extended from the large
number of interdependent elements that can be
disrupted if one or more components go wrong.
Figure 9, developed by the Grattan Institute in their
report “The rise of megaprojects: counting the costs”
illustrates that as projects increase in size and
complexity, the likelihood and magnitude of cost
overruns increases.
The underlying issue is that megaproject
procurement in Australia does not align with best
practice risk management. Best practice
construction and procurement allocates risk to
the party best able to manage it (APM Group,
Risk management as per best practice drives lowest
possible costs for the project and greatest value for
money for the client. Australian procurement
practices are looking to push the majority of risks
onto contractors under a fixed price arrangement.
Collectively, these attributes impose considerable
uncertainties to contractors requested to tender and
deliver the works. As we have previously outlined,
realised profit margins, for those projects which are
profitable, are typically low. Taking a significant loss
on a single project can jeopardise a company’s
ongoing viability. Therefore, if the Australian
government looks to shift the majority of these risks to
construction companies, they will naturally seek
opportunities to cover this risk through higher bid
costs, risk premiums, costly insurance or an
adversarial approach to variations. This may lead to
disputes, delays and ultimately project failure.
Figure 8: Procurement model success - Megaprojects
Figure 9: Prevalence and magnitude of cost over runs
Contract Size
It is very likely that with this risk remaining with
Australian Governments, leveraging inter-agency
relationships and a shared vision for the nation, would
drive a better outcome for the project.
By aligning procurement methodologies more closely
with best practice risk management, a corresponding
reduction in cost overruns will ensue.
In essence, the current procurement
methodologies for megaprojects are not driving
best possible project outcomes and hinder value
for money for taxpayers.
Breaking megaprojects into smaller contracts is part
of this solution. As contract size reduces, scopes
tighten, and the risk profile is more easily quantifiable.
Australian mid-tier contractors are afforded the
opportunity to bid for these projects, immediately
injecting greater competition and assisting
government agencies to identify which contractor can
best manage risk and deliver best project’s outcomes.
Megaprojects that are broken into smaller contracts
and allocate risk to the most suitable party are less
complex, comprise tighter and more developed scopes
and pose less delivery risk to contractors.
This procurement contracting model is more closely
aligned with mixed contracting, leveraging the
expertise of specialist contractors to drive down costs
and improve delivery outcomes. Figure 10 illustrates
how the governance structure varies between an EPC
contract and a Mixed Contract.
By not packaging up all the works into large contracts,
there is increased interface risk that must be managed
between the various contractors (DLA Piper, 2020). This
contract model presents a challenge to Australian
Governments, but not one they should shy away from.
This challenge is an opportunity for government PMO
offices to develop their capability as outlined in Section
The Australian Defence Force has recently embraced
this opportunity and is increasing their capability at
managing major works packages thus building
sovereign capability (detail in Section 4.1).
In addition to reducing contract size, the Australian
Government needs to retain risk they are more capable
of managing.
Infrastructure Australia noted one particular example of
this, where governments were transferring regulatory
risks and responsibility for negotiating with other
government agencies such as utilities (Infrastructure
Australia, 2019).
There are two key issues in relation to risk in Australia’s
current transport construction industry:
1. Contractors are required to manage increasingly
large and complex risks under the current contract
2. Government is transferring risk to the private sector
that the government is more proficient in managing.
The first issue aligns with taxpayer value for money.
Taxpayers are paying more for infrastructure due to the
current procurement mechanisms adopted. Contractors
are charging increased risk premiums in order to
manage these program packages.
In researching and delivering the 2019 Infrastructure
Audit, Infrastructure Australia rightly points out that
industry is facing commercial challenges which are in
part due to poor procurement practices for instance,
inefficient risk allocation and, in particular, excessive risk
transfer from the public sector (Infrastructure Australia,
Best practice contracting and procurement allocates
risk to the party best able to manage it (APM Group,
2021). Evidence suggests breaking megaprojects into
smaller contracts around the A$500m mark will support
“…governments across Australia keep having
successive project cost blowouts. We are in the
midst of Australia’s biggest infrastructure boom,
but as an industry, we are teetering on the brink of
collapse(Joe Barr, 2020).
Figure 10: EPC vs. Mixed Contracting Structure
EPC Mixed contract
3.4 Transport Infrastructure Competition
Aspects of the market’s traditional risk transfer model
are leading to declining competition within public
tenders for transport infrastructure projects, as the
scale and risks associated with them become too
great for mid-tier contractors, entrenching status quo.
As noted by Infrastructure Australia “In some
instances the scale of works packages inhibit
participation by tier 2 and 3 contractors, thereby
limiting competition on a project that would
otherwise be within the skill range and capability
of these businesses” (Infrastructure Australia,
To maximise net benefit to the Australian taxpayer, it is
imperative Australian transport projects are delivered
at the lowest possible cost to the desired quality level.
The key driver of low-cost goods/ services is market
competition. Competition bolsters productivity,
promotes economic growth and drives innovation
(Department of Justice, 2002).
In today's current market conditions where tier 1
capacity is at or quickly approaching maximum
capacity, a challenge to government procurement
offices is to consider adjustments to the risk allocation
and scale of contracts issued to the market to ensure
competition. For example, the New South Wales
Government’s Rozelle Interchange project exceeded
the market’s appetite and saw only a single bidder
(Infrastructure Australia, 2019).
In 2017, the New South Wales government tendered a
A$3.9b program of works for the Rozelle Interchange,
the most technically complex component of West
The tender closed with only one bid, developed by a
consortium of three foreign owned tier 1 contractors.
With only one bid, the government could not validate
the ‘value for money’ requirement of the tender
evaluation criteria and in the interests of protecting
taxpayers, had to reject the offer.
As noted by Croagh, we must seek to involve more of
the industry in the mega projects by dividing the
projects into smaller packages which will make them
more accessible to our high quality second and third
tier contractors (Croagh, 2020).
One of the biggest issues with megaprojects is the
reduction in tendering competition they induce. In
order for contractors to tender for projects, they must
meet at least two separate criteria required of them by
State Governments.
Technical competency
Financial capacity
Most tier two contractors have the technical
competency to deliver major projects of works,
however, are held back by their financial capacity.
Firms must have 8% of a contract value in net tangible
assets to be considered financially capable of
delivering a project.
There are no Australian and few international firms
with a strong onshore presence and the balance sheet
required to tender for the megaprojects currently
being taken to market.
As these projects increase in size, and continue to be
procured under EPC style contracts, there is a reducing
number of firms capable of tendering.
“…national leadership demands greater interest in
ensuring the tendering processes are efficient,
cost-effective, and flexible; and promote
something that we are very keen on, something
that the Prime Minister Scott Morrison is
absolutely committed to, and that is competition
in the market. (Michael McCormack, 2018)
As noted by The Grattan Institute, “If very few firms are
willing and able to take on the kind of work that is
becoming increasingly common, there may be less
competition for government transport projects. And
less competition could call into question whether
governments can get infrastructure at the lowest long-
term cost to taxpayers” (Grattan Institute, 2021).
In fact, The Australian Competition and Consumer
Commission would welcome more entrants; its
Chairman has expressed concerns about the
construction industry, saying “if we had more
competition, particularly at the top end ... that would be
a lot better for the Australian economy” (Sims, 2021).
It is possible to have the benefits of a mega project
along with a highly competitive tendering process.
The adoption of mixed contract procurement will allow
mid tier contractors to compete against tier 1’s for a
number of contracts that collectively make up a
Tier 2 and tier 3 contractors are comfortable taking on
head contractor roles on projects from A$50 -
A$500m (Ryan P.W, 2017). Bridge and Bianchi (2014)
explored this, indicating the splitting of megaprojects
into multiple contracts would create an improved
pipeline of contracts for local contractors and new
Australian market entrants.
Bridge and Bianchi saw this as a necessary step to
drive a competitive market environment and
maximise value for Australian taxpayers.
A common industry comment is “why don’t mid-tier
Contractors form consortium’s to deliver
megaprojects as a collective?”.
Alliance contracts are the only procurement
mechanism that allows mid-tiers to band together in
delivery or join the foreign tier 1’s. Alliance
mechanisms see the government absorb
considerably more risk than in EPC style contracts
alleviating the balance sheet requirements to bid on
projects where they would wear the risks. When
bidding for EPC lump sum contracts in a consortia,
each firm must demonstrate joint & several liability.
This means each firm must have the 8% reserve,
rather than it be shared collectively amongst the
head contractors. This is the original barrier to tender
in the first place. Hence if the mid-tier’s couldn’t bid
for the contract by themselves, they still can’t bid as
part of mid-tier consortia.
If a megaproject needs to be delivered in a large
works package, there is benefit for mid-tiers to join
part of the head contract and increase competition.
Figure 11 outlines the variance in contract delivery
between Australian and Foreign owned entities when
reviewing Australian, publicly funded Infrastructure
projects >A$500m. The projects considered have been
awarded, construction commenced or completed
since the FY2018-19 Federal Budget.
In the last few years we’ve seen an absolute
explosion in the number of mega-projects and
mega-mega -projects As the size of projects
has increased so too has the size of contracts
within them, and once you get to that kind of the
competition really thins out.
Marion Terrill, lead author and Transport and Cities
Program Director at The Grattan Institute.
It is clear that where projects are packaged or mid-tier
inclusion incentives exist in the tender evaluation
criteria, Australian contractors are enabled to
compete for the works, resulting in Australian owned
entities extracting 60% of contract value, compared to
1% when these measures are not in place.
Figure 11: Industry capability maximizing Australian value
A suite of benefits are available for realisation by breaking projects up into smaller packages of works and
allowing mid-tier Contractors to participate. These benefits are illustrated in Figure 12.
3.5 Benefits of Project Packaging
While we have noted that improved mega-
project outcomes can be delivered by
packaging contracts into smaller programs of
works, and the best contract type to undertake
this is a mixed contract arrangement,
unfortunately for government procurement
teams, there’s little guidance on how to conduct
this with best practice.
Neither the national PPP (public private
partnership) guidelines nor the 2014 Austroads
and Australasian Procurement and
Construction Council’s procurement guidelines
specify the principles that should determine
how packaging could be successfully done.
The Queensland Government (Department of
Employment, Small Business and Training)
outlines that there is an option to design
‘smaller packages of work to be offered to a
greater number of suppliers’, and that
‘feedback may also be received on the ways
the project can be packaged and presented to
the market’. Although in practice Victoria does
have published guidelines underpinning the
methodology, they only go so far as saying that
project bundling should ‘take into consideration
specific project attributes and risks’, and refer to
a series of criteria that should be considered
Program packaging is a sovereign
capability which needs to be
strengthened. As the benefits to mega
project outcomes, asset owners, the
Australian economy and ultimately better
outcomes for Australian taxpayers, is
when packaging works so as to obtain the
best overall value for money. NSW recently
released a memorandum across its
government offices, pushing a range of
infrastructure procurement related initiatives,
including project packaging, encouraging tier
1 and tier 2 joint ventures, and best practice
risk management.
This capability to undertake adequate
program packaging and manage a portfolio
of projects instead of a single tier 1 head
contract, is a sovereign capability which the
Federal Government is best placed to
strengthen. The ability to deliver the benefits
of mega projects to asset owners, the
Australian economy and ultimately better
outcomes for Australian taxpayers depends
on it.
Figure 12: Benefits of project packaging
4.1 The Need for Sovereign Capability
The lack of Australian owned tier 1 contractors means
that bidding / delivery decisions for major infrastructure
works packages are made with little to no local influence.
Section 4.2 will outline the amalgamation of major
contracting entities over the preceding two decades, all
of which now have offshore controlling interest.
Decisions about whether to bid into the Australian
Infrastructure market, whether to involve local
contractors and whether to engage local suppliers are
now made in boardrooms across the globe.
There is genuine concern that as the Australian
infrastructure market cools down, these resources will be
shifted to other markets, leaving the nation without the
sovereign capability or capacity to undertake required
capital works projects.
In 2019, Infrastructure Australia warned ‘while large
scale projects are becoming common place, they
are stretching the capacity of industry and
Australia’s continued reliance on these select foreign
owned tier 1 contractors is further beginning to put a
strain on the nations capacity to deliver the required
infrastructure pipeline.
The current procurement strategy for major projects
considerably narrows the field of potential contractors,
almost entirely by way of balance sheet strength as a risk
mitigation requirement. The ability to address capacity
issues in the market are hindered by the existing
procurement model due to only a select few contractors
having the financial capacity to tender for the projects.
Echoing this concern, Prime Minister Scott Morrision
stated We are really starting to hit our head on the
ceiling in terms of how much infrastructure work
you can get under way at any one time. And that’s
actually putting some cost pressures into the
system” (Coorey, 2019).
A survey of 12 Australian owned, mid-tier contractors,
indicated that not one of the entities is at capacity. In
addition, eleven of the twelve firms surveyed expressed
interest in participating in major infrastructure projects
(Australian Owned Contractors, 2020). Discussed at
length in Section 3.0, to enable these contractors to
participate in major infrastructure projects, works
packages need to be broken into smaller contracts.
Australia's lack of diverse capability means the nation
relies on a small competition pool of foreign owned
contractors. The result of this anti-competitive market is
higher costs and sub-optimal outcomes.
In Section 3.4, the case of the Rozelle interchange was
investigated, where a tender went to market, receiving
only one response, a joint submission by CPB, John
Holland and Lendlease, the three most prominent tier 1
contractors in Australia. The lack of competition meant
the Australian Government had to reject the offer due to
an inability to ratify the value for money component of
the tender evaluation criteria (O’Sullivan, 2018).
“Australia is in the top 25% of the world in terms of
what its paying for infrastructure compared to
similar countries. As a nation, we are 26% higher
than Canada, 9% higher than Japan and more than
three times as high as Spain” says Marion Terrill
(Grattan Institute, 2021).
There are instances where projects can't be delivered in
smaller works packages. In these situations, Australian
mid-tier contractors should still be afforded the
opportunities to play a leading role in their delivery
through the use of an “industry capabilitycriteria, part of
the procurement process for some major public
infrastructure projects (A$500m+). Industry capability
criteria will encourage head contract participation, skills
development and growth of Australian contractors. This
procurement mechanism is investigated in Section 4.5.
The Australian Department of Defence has established
the Australian Industry Capability (AIC) contractual
framework focused on developing a sovereign defence
industry and ensuring small businesses remain a key
part of Defence. While a different industry, the notion of a
need to build sovereign capability is not unheard of.
Rationale for this framework was outlined by Hon. Melissa
Price MP (Minister for Defence Industry) on 24 September
2020, where she announced that We continue to develop
a true sovereign defence industryone that builds up our
manufacturing base, creates thousands of Australian
jobs and ensures Australian small and medium
businesses play a fundamental role in our major works
Minister Price further stated, “We not only want to do
this we need to do this, to ensure Australian
businesses are stronger and more competitive both
at home and abroad” (Department of Defence, 2020).
A key pillar of this framework was an update to the
Commonwealth Procurement Rules which applies to
A$4m+ procurements. The new rules treat AIC and
sovereign capability as an economic benefit to be
assessed as part of the value for money
considerations (Kuper, 2020). They are now issuing
more effective guidelines to their tender evaluators
regarding this.
While some may argue that Defence is very different
to transport infrastructure, both industry’s spend
billions and the themes of developing a self-reliance
on Australian capabilities, with businesses that are
stronger and more competitive still applies. The need
to enhance sovereign capability in transport
infrastructure delivery is not about opaque or overt
support, simply opportunity to deliver and grow.
The Australian Government needs to firstly include
industry capability criteria in procurement
assessments and secondly, develop smaller
programs of works that the balance sheet of mid-tiers
can support. A procurement model of this nature will
enable Australian mid-tier contractors to firstly tender
as the head contractor, either with tier 1 partners or on
their own, putting competitive pressure on price,
diversifying the total value of project packages and
de-risking the delivery. On top of this, it will enable
mid-tier contractors to gain experience
and develop the project management, delivery
experience and project leadership skills required to
deliver Australia’s extensive transport infrastructure
plan- building sovereign capability further along the
transport infrastructure supply chain.
4.2 The loss of Australian owned tier 1 contractors
Tier 1 contractors have a long-standing relationship
with Australia, playing a major role in building the cities
within which we reside. In fact, a number of the foreign
tier 1’s delivering major programs of works in Australia
today, were built up by the Australian taxpayer.
Lendlease Engineering (now Acciona), John Holland, and
Leighton Holdings (CPB Contracting) were all once
Australian owned businesses. Today, they are all foreign
owned entities, leaving Australia without any local tier 1
contractors (Grattan Institute, 2021). The journey to
become a tier 1 contractor is a long and difficult one.
Contracting is a high cash flow business and as such it
takes a long time to build the balance sheet required to
support major infrastructure works packages.
Figure 13, recreated from the Grattan Institute report
Megabang for megabucks: driving a harder bargain on
megaprojects” illustrates the journey of three major tier 1
contractors from Australian to foreign owned entities.
The common theme observed with these contractors is
an increase in scale leading into the 2000’s, enabled
through delivery of publicly funded infrastructure, before
a series of mergers and acquisitions. As the companies
amalgamated and grew, their ownership became
increasingly foreign (Sarah, 2015). Now all three have a
majority foreign ownership structure.
These once Australian owned tier 1 contractors were
supported by governments across the nation to build
scale and experience. Projects like the original Snowy
Hydro Scheme, awarded to John Holland in 1968, the
Sydney Opera House, awarded to Lendlease in 1959, and
the Brisbane Airport, awarded to Leighton Contractors in
the 1980’s, played a role in putting these firms on path to
tier 1 status.
Australian Offshore Patrol Vehicles in Construction
Source: Australian Defence Magazine
These infrastructure projects were Federally funded
through taxpayers' dollars and the nation had pride in
the infrastructure built, and those building it. The
benefit was not simply world class infrastructure, but
the upskilling, development and experience of tier 1
contractors on home soil.
The landscape these Australian based contractors
operated in while they grew has significantly
changed. The procurement model for public
infrastructure projects is no longer fit for purpose to
enable sovereign capability development for
Australian owned contractors or to enable them to
develop tier 1 status. This model needs urgent reform.
The inability of mid-tier contractors to gain head
contractor experience on complex major infrastructure
projects is preventing them from growing into the next
tier. The existing procurement model is a considerable
barrier for development of Australian owned
Discussed in Section 3.1, megaprojects are now
procured under contracts comprising significantly large
programs of works (Grattan Institute, 2021). There are
many prerequisites required to bid for these, the most
prominent being financial capacity. A recent survey of
Australian Owned Contractors highlighted that 65% of
survey respondents advised that they had the technical
capability to deliver a project of up to $A500m however
had been restricted due to financial capacity
considerations (Australian Owned Contractors, 2020).
In order to enable the development of new, Australian
owned mid-tier contractors and sovereign capability,
this procurement model needs to change.
Figure 13: History of tier 1 contractors in Australia
4.3 Government Procurement Capability
The skills of the public sector are as critical as the
private sector. High-quality outcomes across project
procurement and delivery require the achievement of
commercial alignment between the asset owner
(Government) and the delivery partner (Contractor)
(Infrastructure Australia, 2019).
High quality procurement and project management
skills within the public service support value for money
outcomes for users and taxpayers, while minimising
unforeseen risk to sector participants. The potential
contribution of a skilled public sector procurement or
project manager is therefore substantial (Infrastructure
Australia, 2019). There is a strong case for the public
sector to develop highly skilled candidates with these
skillsets as they hold a disproportionate ability to drive
value for money outcomes for the government and
taxpayer, while also supporting a well-functioning and
stable industry.
There is an opportunity for government to greater
prioritise the development of commercial, financial and
project skills amongst the public services in order to
reduce total project costs, avoid cost overruns and
disputes. This opportunity presents through increased
involvement in major infrastructure delivery.
4.4 Suggestions for Federal, State & Territory
Government procurement offices.
As the sheer number and size of transport
infrastructure projects increases, government
capability needs to ensure it is at a level that these
projects can be adequately assessed, managed and
delivered to maximise successful outcomes for the
Australian taxpayer. The Government has a role to
play, demonstrating best practice capabilities.
Best practice was identified by Infrastructure Australia
in the Infrastructure Decision-making Principles,
published in June 2018 (Infrastructure Australia, 2018).
This document lays out clear expectations for
nationally significant, publicly funded projects across
the project lifecycle from problem identification to
post-completion review. However, of the 39 projects
that have been assessed by Infrastructure Australia
over the past three and a half years, none has met all
11 principles (Infrastructure Australia, 2018).
McKinsey & Company, in its 2019 paper “Australia’s
infrastructure innovation imperative” outlined a range
of capabilities that Government procurement
agencies needed to strengthen in order to maximise
the benefit of transport infrastructure projects to the
Australian economy, including:
Projects prioritisation and selection- develop the
capability to perform rapid options analysis, while
reorienting formal business-case analysis to avoid
simplifying projects to single metrics and focus on
scenarios that take future disruptions into account.
The extended timeframes associated with business-
case development conflict with shorter decision-
making timeframes, limiting their usefulness.
Portfolio management of the large portfolio of
infrastructure megaprojects through their lifecycle. This
is a risk that cannot be delegated as a set of
capabilities driven by government’s unique position as
the integrator and ultimate owner of all risk (regardless
of contractual mechanisms).
Ability to rapidly develop, quantify, and assess
customer and community benefits of alternative modal
(for instance, autonomous busway versus heavy rail
versus light rail versus motorway) and scope options
for a new transport corridor, within a short period. Rapid
options assessment would then be very likely used by
the government prior to announcing a specific mega-
Ensure transparencymeasures to increase
transparency around costs and progress of public
projects can be enhanced by digital technologies that
provide real-time progress information
Further capabilities required by Federal Government
Ensure broader economic implications are considered
through industry sustainability and sovereign
capability assessment criteria inclusion in Infrastructure
tender expressions of interest.
Address sovereign capability considerations when
assessing tender responses or include these criteria
upfront in tender requirements
Infrastructure Decision-making Principles,
published in June 2018 laid out clear
expectations for nationally significant, publicly
funded projects across the project lifecycle of
the 39 projects that have been assessed by
Infrastructure Australia over the past three and
a half years, none has met all 11 principles
(Infrastructure Australia, 2018).
Adequate risk identification and ensuring
management of those risks are borne by the party
best able to manage them. This allocation of risk, or
risk transfer, is a fundamental capability which best
sits with governments. The tangible benefits outlined
earlier are too great to not get this right.
Ability to appropriately package smaller projects
rather than defaulting to mega-projects is a
capability which would unlock competition and
improve project success. The interface risk associated
with these contracts would also need to ensure
adequate capability is in place.
Develop and share a centralised data base on project
related information to establish a national central
data repository regarding transport infrastructure
projects to learn from and inform decision making
Post funding follow-up/review to ensure the
conditions of funding are met by the State and
Territory Government procurement teams
4.5 The need for capability amongst mid-tier
Mid-tier contractors must ensure they develop
(strengthen) the requisite internal capabilities to plan
and deliver a portfolio of (complex) infrastructure
projects from conception and selection through to
completion, incorporating the relevant processes,
technology, and business partnering skills to drive
enhanced performance and project outcomes
(McKinsey and Company, 2019).
Partnering with tier 1 contractors at a head contractor
level enables transfer of practices and procedures
which would upskill the mid-tier contractors to get that
vital practical, on project exposure managing complex
Another clear benefit of ensuring mid-tier contractors
have a partnership type arrangement with a tier 1 at the
head contractor level would be the ability for the mid-
tier contractor to use and introduce their local
Australian supply chains and networks to the larger tier
1 contractors who may currently rely more so on their
international networks and supply chains.
This would not only give local businesses the
opportunity to supply these projects but would ensure a
cascading effect of upskilling local suppliers and
businesses along the supply chain, ensuring more
Australian content in Australian infrastructure projects.
This successful approach was put in place when Main
Roads WA stated its preference for tier 2 and tier 3
contractors inclusion in head contractor leadership
when it issued its expression of interest document for
the Bunbury Outer Ring Road project in September
2019 (Australian Owned Contractors, 2019).
Main Roads WA included an “industry sustainability”
criteria in the tender assessment criteria, with a 10%
weighting, asking respondents to outline how they
would include these mid-tier contractors in the
delivery consortium.
This industry sustainability criteria requested
respondents to address :
Alliance structure & composition,
Building industry capability
Sustainable procurement
With industry sustainability given the same weighting
as project management capability, design capability
and construction capability, on 12 October 2020, Main
Roads awarded the project to the Southwest Connex
Alliance which 2 Australian owned mid-tier
contractors- NRW Holdings and MACA- together
comprised 50% of the head contract (Jones, 2020).
Another clear example of how the inclusion of an
“Industry capability” criteria has supported sovereign
capability building was the involvement Georgiou
(Australian owned tier 2 contractor), had in the
successful delivery of the WA Gateway Project in WA.
The procurement model of including “Industry
capability” had a 5% weighting which was a criteria at
the EOI (non-priced) stage of the tender.
This resulted in each consortium containing an
Australian mid-tier contractor in the $900m contract.
Georgiou held an 18% share in the consortium for the
design and construction of the project. As a leading
mid-tier contractor, Georgiou was able to build its
capacity as a business and civil contractor due to its
participation in the successful project.
Partnering with tier 1 contractors at a head
contractor level enables a transfer of practices
and procedures which would upskill the mid-tier
Gateway WA project
Source: Signfix Australia
Outlined across Section 3.0, the other mechanism
Government can employ to increase mid-tier
participation in major infrastructure projects is a
reduction in the size works packages.
There are two examples where this mechanism has
been used. In 2017, the Victorian government intended
to undertake a program of works labelled the Suburban
Roads Upgrade, procured through three availability
type Public Private Partnerships for the western, south-
eastern and northern suburbs of Melbourne (ANZIP,
The first of these PPPs, named the ‘Western Upgrades
Package”, was procured as planned. Taking stock of the
unfavourable procurement model, the Victorian
Government shifted its delivery of the remaining two
packages, splitting up the proposed A$2.2b of works
into 12 individual projects. These projects are being
awarded progressively to a pre-qualified panel with
significant mid-tier representation (ANZIP, 2021).
This is an excellent example of best practice major
infrastructure procurement, increasing competition and
affording mid-tier contractors the opportunity to
The other example is a more recent development in
NSW. Since 2018, the NSW government has been
conscious of the importance of maximising the
Australian benefits of its Infrastructure program. The
government released a 10-point commitment to the
Construction Industry.
The commitment covered areas including;
procurement, risk, bidding costs, high performance,
skills and training, diversity and transparency (NSW
Government, 2018).
Recently, the Premier of NSW, Gladys Berejiklian,
approved and published a memorandum to the State
Government to support the procurement of large and
complex projects. The memorandum builds on the 10-
point commitment, establishing more explicit
initiatives to increase participation, competition and
efficiency in NSW infrastructure delivery, providing
more value for money for NSW citizens (Berejiklian,
In place from 1 July 2021, the memorandum is
applicable for projects of value more than A$500m.
The memorandum addresses three key themes:
De-risking pre-construction
Procurement approach
Reducing costs and improving timeframes
Within these themes, there are two key practices that
speak directly to the suggestions of this report:
1. Project packaging
“Size contract packages across the NSW portfolio to
facilitate competitive bids from a wide range of
participants. To utilise the full capacity of the
construction market, offer tender packages capable of
being more readily priced and managed by either tier 2
contractors or join ventured between tier 1 and 2
contractors. (Berejiklan, 2021)
2. State role in stakeholder management and
“Increase the states role with a view to ensuring
that responsibilities are allocated to the parties
most able to manage outcomes. The respective
roles should reflect the party best able to manage
the risk.(Berejiklan, 2021)
Project packaging and best practice risk management
are key areas that must be addressed to improve
project outcomes and increase the nations sovereign
capability at both government and contractor level.
Western Roads Upgrade
Source: Infrastructure Magazine
The aforementioned case studies highlight two key
levers that can be capitalised upon to bolster sovereign
1. The inclusion of “Industry capability” requirements in
tenders, promoting mid-tier participation in major
works packages;
2. Projects broken into smaller packages of works,
allowing mid-tier contractors to increase
competition and drive costs down.
Both of these mechanisms have demonstratable
positive outcomes for this nation.
As outlined in Figure 11 (and replicated below), when
reviewing Infrastructure projects >A$500m where
contract has been awarded, construction commenced
or completed since the FY2018-19 Federal Budget, there
are clear benefits to Australia when projects are
packaged, or mid-tier contractor involvement is
When there have been requirements included in tender
assessments for Australian mid-tier involvement or
programs have been packaged into smaller projects,
Australian contractors are not only able to participate,
but extract significant value. Circa 60% of total contract
aggregated value is delivered by majority Australian
owned firms, compared to the alternative way of simply
appointing a foreign owned tier 1 as head contractor,
whereby only 1% of total aggregate value of contracts is
delivered by Australian businesses.
Figure 11: Aggregate value of total value of contracts
Source: Churchill independent analysis of AOC data
When considering the unique position Australia currently
finds itself as its economy and population transitions from
dealing with the fall-out of the initial COVID virus shock in
early 2020 to an ongoing rhythm of a “new normal”, the
Federal Government needs to operate in a manner which
demonstrates clear leadership.
Through its large portfolio of budgeted transport
infrastructure projects to be delivered over the next 10 years,
the Australian Federal Government has the ability to shape
the economic landscape for decades to come through
ensuring benefits to taxpayers are maximised, competition is
encouraged and sovereign capability is strengthened.
Several Australian State Government departments are now
starting to understand that better outcomes are achieved
through the need to enhance both competition and
sovereign capability. They are addressing this by packaging
large projects into sizes where mid-tier contractors can
meaningfully submit a tender, either as sole head
contractors or in partnership with a tier 1 contractor.
Alternatively, they are including “industry capability” type
criteria in their tender assessments. Some may argue that
the States are taking a leading role and that the Federal
Government has delegated maximising taxpayer benefit,
enhancing competition and developing sovereign capability,
to the various States to administer and employ at their
While this practice and recent change in approach from the
various States is welcomed, inconsistencies exist. This
approach is not uniform across the country, nor even for
every (mega)-project within the same State.
The Federal Government through acting in its capacity as
financier has the ability to change this. State based local
industry participation policies should be made consistent at
the Federal level to enhance local content in major projects.
The Federal Government has the responsibility to take a
leading role to ensure best practice procurement of
transport infrastructure projects is coordinated across the
various States & Territories. This was somewhat
acknowledged in the development of the Department of
Finance- Commonwealth procurement rules.
While some may question the effectiveness of their
implementation or adherence, the principle of ensuring best
practice is consistently applied across States & Territories-
especially when considering “Value for Money” and
“Encouraging Competition” is still valid.
The Federal Government needs to ensure a consistent, best
practice framework is developed which can be implemented
across all Australian State and Territory procurement
departments regarding transport infrastructure projects.
This standardised framework needs to consider maximising
taxpayer benefits, encourage competition by packaging
projects away from mega-projects and developing
sovereign capability both within Government as well as the
contractor to ensure successful project delivery and
enhanced domestic supply chain resilience.
A unique time, with a unique opportunity. The Federal
Government needs to ensure it is not squandered.
A unique time, with a unique
opportunity. The Federal Government
needs to ensure it is not squandered.
Requirement for Project consideration contract value >$500m, awarded, construction commenced or completed since FY2018-19 Budget.
Project Name State
Lead Contractor Ownership Tier
% Overseas
Value $
Tier One %
Tier One Value $
Bruce Highway
- Cooroy to Curra
Section D
QLD $1,000,000,000
2019 Budget
Contract One
- BMD,
Contract Two - CPB
$ 400,000.00
M1 Pacific Motorway
Varsity Lakes
to Tugun
QLD $1,000,000,000
2019 Budget
Packages A&C -
Package B
SGQ, McIlwain
and Albem Operations.
66% $660,000,000 66% $660,000,000
M1 Paciific Motorway - Eight Mile
Plains to Daisy Hill
- Package 1 Sports Drive to
Gateway Motorway.
Package 2
Pacific Highway early
- Package 3 Watland Street to
Sports Drive.
- Package 4 Rochedale bus
station and park 'n' ride.
QLD $750,000,000
2019 Budget
Package One - Bielby
Package Two - Georgiou
Package Three - Bielby
, JF
0% $0 0% $0
Bunbury Outer Ring Road WA $852,000,000
Acciona, NRW, MACA,
AECOM and Aurecon
One/ Mid
50% $426,000,000 50% 426,000,000
Western Sydney Airport NSW $5,300,000,000 Bechtel Foreign One 100%
Brisbane Metro QLD $1,244,000,000
2019 Budget
Acciona Foreign One 100%
100% $1,244,000,000
Ballarat Rail Line Upgrade
Stage 1
VIC $601,200,000
Post 2016 Election
Acciona, Coleman Rail Foreign One 100% $601,200,000 100% $601,200,000
Gippsland Rail Line Upgrade VIC $532,800,000
Post 2016 Election
UGL Limited, Decmil
75% $399,600,000 75% 399,600,000
Source: Source Answer to Question on Notice 201, Senate Estimates 19 October 2020
Project ID Contract Value (m) Tendered Profit $ Tendered profit % Final Profit $ Final Profit %
1 $670 67 10.0% -110 -16%
2 $1,200 84 7.0% 84 7%
3 $1,000 70 7.0% 20 2%
4 $3,500 315 9.0% -1200 -34%
5 $583 35 6.0% 11 2%
6 $471 33 7.0% -120 -25%
7 $500 40 8.0% 38 8%
8 $2,282 251 11.0% 40 2%
9 $600 54 9.0% -20 -3%
10 $1,550 124 8.0% -25 -2%
11 $1,111 100 9.0% 100 9%
12 $1,000 90 9.0% 95 10%
13 $667 60 9.0% 0 0%
14 $667 40 6.0% -240 -36%
15 $988 79 8.0% 15 2%
16 $756 68 9.0% 25 3%
17 $843 59 7.0% 45 5%
18 $1,750 140 8.0% 50 3%
19 $1,633 196 12.0% 120 7%
20 $850 85 10.0% -230 -27%
21 $1,464 161 11.0% -90 -6%
22 $4,830 483 10.0% -1050 -22%
23 $2,000 200 10.0% 65 3%
24 $660 66 10.0% 66 10%
25 $1,957 137 7.0% -200 -10%
26 $830 83 10.0% -170 -20%
27 $1,092 131 12.0% 30 3%
28 $1,100 77 7.0% -30 -3%
Project Name
Value of Project
% Overseas
Overseas Value
Tier One
Tier One Value
Lead Contractor
Melbourne Metro
Lendlease (now
Acciona of Spain), John Holland (China), Bouygues
Snowy Hydro 2.0
Salini (Italy), Clough (South Africa)
Pacific Highway
- Woolgoolga to Ballina
O'Rouke (UK)
WestConnex Rozelle
CPB Contractors (Spain), John Holland (China)
WestConnex 3A
Lendlease (now
Acciona of Spain), Bouygues (France), Samsung
WestConnex 2
CPB Contractors (Spain), Samsung (Korea), Dragados (Spain)
Lendlease (now
Acciona of Spain), Bouygues (France)
WestConnex 1B
CPB Contractors (Spain), Samsung (Korea), John Holland (China)
-Airport Link
Salini Impregilo (Italy), NRW (Australia)
Toowoomba Second Range Crossing
(Spain), Ferrovial Agroman (Spain)
The Northern Road
Georgiou (Australia), Lendlease (now
Acciona of Spain), CPB
Contractors (Spain)
Sydney Metro
- line-wide
CPB Contractors (Spain); UGL (Spain)
Tullamarine freeway widening section 1
Lendlease (now
Acciona of Spain), CPB Contractors (Spain)
Metrnonet Thornlie
Downer (Australia) and CPB Contractors (Spain)
Gateway Arterial Road (Gateway Motorway North)
South of Nudgee Road
- Deagon Deviation
Lendlease (now
Acciona of Spain)
Sydney Metro
- Central Station
Laing O'Rourke (UK)
Northern Connector
Lendlease (now
Acciona of Spain)
Pacific Highway
- Warrell Creek to Nambucca Heads
(Spain), Ferrovial (Spain)
Pacific Highway
- Oxley Hwy to Kundabung
Lendlease (now
Acciona of Spain)
Bruce Highway Caloundra Road
- Sunshine Motorway
Fulton Hogan (New Zealand), Seymour Whyte (France)
Source: Response to Question 201, Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications, 19 October 2020.
Multiplier effect
In analysis of the multiplier effect, it has been assumed that
a linear relationship exists between the multiplier
Head office coverage costs
Head office costs are assumed constant
irrespective of project size. A figure of 5-6% has
been adopted for this report, sourced from
survey outcomes administered by AOC.
Decrease in Multiplier
The only decrease in the multiplier effect has been
assumed to extend from repatriation of head office costs
and profits.
In reality this is a conservative assumption as it is likely that
on top of this, foreign tier-
1’s would leverage partially foreign
supply chains to procure the relevant goods for a project
they are leading delivery of. Speaking relatively, a mid-tier
contractor would likely leverage a more locally dominated
supply chain.
Project profitability
When analysing repatriated profits, the
projects considered were those that generated
a net positive Final Profit.
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