Australian community.
Application Assessment
Every application for a Churchill Fellowship must be
assessed on the merit of the proposed project. In this
assessment the Trust considers that there are two distinct
components of equal value:
Project which may include matters such as the following:
The need for the project in Australia at either a
state/territory or national level
The benefits of the project to Australia at either a
state/territory or national level
The itinerary and places selected
d. The necessity to travel overseas
e. The achievability of the project.
2. Applicant which may include matters such as the
Ability to maximise the opportunity of a Fellowship
(current standing and experience in the field, skills
and/or expertise)
Ability and commitment to make a difference aer
the trip (ongoing involvement in the field, leadership
qualities, a strategic approach, networks)
Ability and commitment to widely disseminate
The Trust receives over 1000 applications annually and
awards more than 100 Fellowships each year. The Trust is also
fortunate to be supported by sponsors who donate to the
Trust to address specific project objectives or fields of interest.
All applications must be made using the online application
form accessible from the Winston Churchill Trust's website.
If applying online presents any technical or personal diculties
please contact us to discuss your situation as support can be
provided or reasonable adjustments made.
To apply using a dierent method than described herein
can only be considered in exceptional circumstances, at the
discretion of the Trust's CEO.
A Churchill Fellowship offers Australian citizens
a life-changing opportunity to travel overseas
for four to eight weeks to learn more about a
topic or issue that they are passionate about.
As an internationally recognised award, recipients gain access
to expertise from around the world.
Applicants are empowered to design their own projects to
explore international best practice and innovation that can be
applied in Australia.
There is a high level of visibility and credibility associated
with becoming a Churchill Fellow, as well as a responsibility
to share the knowledge and skills gained overseas with the
Australian community.
No prescribed qualifications are required in order for you
to apply for a Churchill Fellowship and the subject of your
proposed project is limitless provided a benefit to Australia is
To be eligible to apply for a Churchill Fellowship you must:
be an Australian Citizen over the age of 18
not be enrolled in tertiary studies directly related to the
topic of your proposed project
have experience in and commitment to the field of your
have a project that requires overseas investigation
be available to travel for 4 to 8 weeks
be willing to share Fellowship findings with the broader
2 All enquiries 02 6247 8333 or email [email protected]
The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust was formed in 1965 with
the principal objective of perpetuating and honouring Sir Winston
Churchill’s memory through the awarding of ‘Churchill
Churchill Fellowships provide Australians from all walks of life the
opportunity to travel overseas to investigate a topic or issue they
are passionate about to gain skills and knowledge not readily
available in Australia.
They also reward proven achievement of talented and deserving
Australians with further opportunity in their pursuit of best
practice for the enrichment of Australian society.
The WInston Churchill Trusts success is directly attributable to
the achievements of its Fellows – over 4,500 talented Australians.
Their projects are extremely diverse, invariably innovative and are
the result of their dedication to make a difference.
A glance through Fellows’ profiles on our website will confirm this,
as will the topics of their Fellowships.hips.
No prescribed qualifications are required to apply for a Churchill
Fellowship and the topic of the proposed project is limitless
provided a benefit to Australia is evident and willingness to share
project findings with the Australian community is displayed.
The Churchill Fellowship is a prestigious award that is generously
funded to support overseas travel for 4-8 weeks and includes
airfares, accommodation and living expenses.
About the Trust
We make a living
by what we get; but
we make a life by
what we give!”
Sir Winston Churchill
Churchill Fellowship Application Guide
2 All enquiries 02 6247 8333 or email [email protected]
APPLICATION GUIDELINES .........................................................................................................................4
1 General ................................................................................................................................................ 4
2 Conditions of Award .............................................................................................................................. 4
3 Fellowship Travel and Basic Allowances ................................................................................................... 5
4 Supplementary Fellowship Allowances .................................................................................................... 5
5 Calculation and Payment of Allowances ................................................................................................... 5
6 Tax Implications ..................................................................................................................................... 5
7 Online Application Form ........................................................................................................................ 5
8 Online References ................................................................................................................................. 5
9 Feedback and Future Applications .......................................................................................................... 5
SPONSORED CHURCHILL FELLOWSHIPS ...................................................................................................... 6
SELECTION AND ASSESSMENT PROCESS ..................................................................................................... 7
STARTING YOUR APPLICATION ...................................................................................................................8
COMPLETING THE ONLINE FORM ...............................................................................................................9
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................14
LODGING YOUR APPLICATION ..................................................................................................................16
rchill Fellowship Application Guide
Please note All applications must be made using the online application form If applying online presents any technical
or personal difficulties please contact us to discuss your situation as support or reasonable adjustments can be provided.
4 All enquiries 02 6247 8333 or email [email protected]
1. General
1.1 Citizenship. Fellowships are available to Australian
Citizens only.
Age. Awards are granted to applicants over the age
of 18years. No upper age limit is prescribed but
generally awards will be made to those whose major
contribution totheir field lies before them.
Tertiary qualifications. Fellowships will not be
awarded to enable the applicant to obtain/complete
tertiary qualifications eg. PhD.
Nature of project. Churchill Fellowships will be
awarded for the purpose of pursuing an overseas
investigative project of a kind that is not readily
available in Australia.
Lodgement of application. The application must
be lodged in the state or territory of residence of the
applicant, irrespective of their place of employment.
Interviews. All interviews are designed to be
attended in person by applicants, however where
extenuating circumstances prevent this a video or
phone interview may be permitted.
Citizens overseas. An applicant who is an Australian
citizen, temporarily overseas, will be considered for a
Fellowship if they are available to attend an interview
in Australia andintend to return to Australia on
completion of theirFellowship.
Joint and multiple applications. Fellowships
are awarded to individual applicants only and for
individual projects only. Anapplicant can only lodge
one application per year.
Value of award. The value of every Fellowship is
different as it is calculated based on the number of
countries to be visited, the duration of the approved
Fellowship and an estimated airfare. The average
value of a Fellowship is 27,000 AUD.
Support from other sources. The Trust will take
account of any other existing sources of support
for a project and will normally avoid duplicating
the activities of other bodies. Only in special
circumstances may a Fellowship be held concurrently
with another award. In such circumstances the
Trust may reduce the amount of a Fellowship by the
amount received from another source.
Duration of Fellowships. A Fellowship is a minimum
of 4 weeks and a maximum of 8 weeks. Additional
time outside of the approved Fellowship itinerary will
be at the Fellow's own expense.
Sponsored Fellowships. A number of sponsored
Churchill Fellowships are offered each year, usually
confined to a particular field of endeavour. All
applicants with an appropriate project are considered
for the award of a sponsored Fellowship as well as a
general Fellowship. A list of Sponsored Fellowships is
included in this guide.
Continuous travel. A Churchill Fellowship must be
taken as one continuous journey.
Conditions of Award
2.1 Contract. The award of a Churchill Fellowship is
subject to the recipient agreeing to be bound by
the conditions laid down in a contract. A Fellowship
cannot commence until the Trust receives an executed
copy of the contract from the Fellow.
Application Guidelin
Churchill Fellowship Application Guide
4 All enquiries 02 6247 8333 or email [email protected]
3. Fellowship Travel and BasicAllowances
Travel and basic allowances are granted as follows:
Fellowship Travel. The Trust will pay for all approved
Fellowship travel and, whenever possible, arrange for
tickets to be issued to a Fellow before departure.
Major Travel. All major air travel will be by
economy class. Travel will begin and terminate
at the major airport nearest to the Fellow’s home
address. The route and/or sequence of places
to be visited may be varied to reduce costs.
Supplementary travel. Surface travel may be
authorised to supplement air travel.
Internal Travel Allowances. If it is not possible to
pre-purchase tickets to cover all travel, an
Internal Travel Allowance will be paid in advance
to allow the Fellow to purchase necessary
Basic Fellowship Allowances. The Trust will pay in
advance toall Fellows:
Incidental Allowance. A fixed allowance to
assist with incidental expenses.
Internal Travel Allowance. A variable allowance
which is payable under the conditions in 3.1.3.
Overseas Living Allowance. A variable
allowance to assist with a Fellow’s living
expenses while overseas.
Supplementary Fellowship Allowances
The following allowances may also be granted:
Fee Request Allowance. Financial support can be
provided to cover the cost of tuition or a specific
course. Limited support can be provided to attend
a conference applicable to your project. If called
for an interview, you will be expected to explain
why you need the additional fee support. In some
circumstances the duration of the Fellowship may
need to be reduced to afford this fee request.
Dependants Allowance. To help support a Fellow’s
dependants when neither the Fellow nor the partner
has sufficient means to meet this commitment whilst
the Fellow is overseas. The allowance will only be
considered if:
a Fellow has dependant children
a Fellow will lose 50% or more of their current
household income while overseas, and
no dependant(s) accompany the Fellow on any
part of the overseas travel related to the Churchill
Fellowship program.
Calculation and Payment of Allowances
Allowances are calculated and paid on the following basis:
5.1 Income. No account is taken of a Fellow’s family
income in calculating any allowances other than
Dependant Allowance.
5.2 Amount. Allowances are calculated based on the
number of weeks of the approved Fellowship.
5.3 Overseas Living Allowance. An allowance as a
contribution towards overseas living costs will be paid
and will vary based on the number of countries visited
and length of stay.
5.4 Deductions. The allowances paid to a Fellow by the
Trust may be abated by the amount received under an
award from another source.
5.5 Savings. Unexpended amounts of an allowance
granted for one purpose are not transferable to
another purpose.
5.6 Payment. Allowances will be paid aer approval of
the final program or 2–4 weeks before the Fellow’s
departure date, whichever latter. Fee Request
Allowance will be paid up to the total amount granted
upon presentation to the Trust of appropriate receipts,
or the account will be paid directly by the Trust, on
presentation of an invoice.
6. Tax Implications for Churchill Fellows
6.1 Income Tax. The liability of a Fellow for income tax is a
matter for decision by the Commissioner of Taxation
and the Trust has no responsibility or authority in the
matter. Any allowances paid to Churchill Fellows are
likely to be treated as assessable income. The Trust
recommends that Fellows keep receipts for all
expenditure during their Fellowship and seek
independent advice with respect to their eligibility for
claiming tax deductions.
6.2 GST Liability. There may be GST implications for
allowances paid to some Churchill Fellows who are
self-employed or holdan ABN. Any GST liability will
be borne by the Trust and will not affect the amount of
funds allocated to the Fellow for their Fellowship.
Online Application Form
The purpose of the application form is to enable the Trust to
assess the applicant's proposed project in order to draw a
short list for interview. All applications must be made using
the online application form. All documentation forming
any part of a Churchill Fellowship application becomes the
property of the Trust and will be archived digitally.
8. Online References (more details on page 14)
One Project Reference and one Personal Reference are
required to apply for a Churchill Fellowship. Reference
requests need to be made online within the application
form. Referees should be identified early in the application
process to allow sufficient time for them to lodge the
reference prior to the closing date. It is preferable that
applicants select Australian Citizens as referees.
Feedback and Future Applications
Detailed feedback may be provided to unsuccessful
applicants who reach interview but do not progress to
award. General feedback is available to applicants who
are not offered an interview to encourage them to re-apply
infuture rounds. Visit
6 All enquiries 02 6247 8333 or email [email protected]
All applicants are considered for a Churchill Fellowship, however in addition to this you may elect to be considered for up to two sponsored
Churchill Fellowship/s when you apply. A sponsored Fellowship offers the dual benefit of representing the Churchill Trust and the sponsor
and can provide you with a higher level of visibility and credibility, widening the scope to share your project findings with the Australian
community. For the most up to date information on offerings visit
For Award Nationally
Auto Skills Australia To increase industry expertise and knowledge for the benefit of the automotive sector in Australia
AV Jennings Domestic architecture, building and planning
Bob and June Prickett An aspect of the health of Australians
Bob and June Prickett Excellence in visual arts
Bob and June Prickett Mitigating the impact of natural disasters such as fire, flood and cyclones on the Australian community
Dame Roma Mitchell Excellence in the performing arts
Donald Mackay Countering organised crime
Dorothy and Brian Wilson To investigate strategies aimed at making a difference in the lives of disadvantaged children through
education and training
Dr Dorothea Sandars Medical/veterinary parasitology or Parkinsons disease, or advances in medicine in general
Dr Dorothea Sandars and Irene Lee Enhancement of the delivery of palliative care
Dr Dorothea Sandars and Irene Lee An issue in the field of ophthalmology
Dr Dorothea Sandars and Irene Lee An issue in the field of marine science
Dr Iain C Medgett Study of classical strings
Dr Lena Elizabeth McEwan and
Dame Joyce Daws
A project in the field of surgery, including surgical nursing
Gilbert Spottiswood Projects related to the theatre
Jack Green The dairy industry
Leslie (Les) J. Fleming Oncology and cancer research
Mr and Mrs Gerald Frank New Performance excellence in classical music or voice
NRMA - ACT Road Safety Trust For contributions to research and/or policies leading to a reduction in deaths and suffering caused by road
crashes, from any perspective; education, health, engineering, regulation and administration
Park Family Educational and/or vocational training
Paul Tys In any field
Peter Mitchell In any field (for male and female applicants under 30)
Saskia Beer Artisanal food production and/or small-scale farming innovation
Stuart and Norma Leslie Performance excellence in the arts
For Award Regionally
ACT Government - David Balfour ACT - For innovations and resourcefulness for firefighter and community safety in the fields of training or
equipment developments or through inter-agency liaison and cooperation
Blakeney Millar Foundation NSW Tumut – A project of benefit to Tumut and its environs
Gallaugher Bequest TAS - Education or health
James Love QLD – In any field
MPST Foundation TAS - To advance education in medicine and to advance health in Tasmania
Northern Districts Education Centre NSW - School and/or pre-school education
Richard Rischbieth SA - To study the natural environment
Samuel and Eileen Gluyas QLD – Tropical pastoral industry
Sir William Kilpatrick VIC - Health or social welfare
WA Department of Communities WA – To support individuals and families to lead their best lives with a focus on integrated service delivery
models involving local solutions that build on earlier intervention and people's strengths
d Fellowships
Churchill Fellowship Application Guide
6 All enquiries 02 6247 8333 or email [email protected]
The Interviews
For short-listed applicants, the exact timing, duration and
umber of interviews varies in each state and territory. Some
states and territories may require applicants to attend two
All interviews are designed to be attended in person by
applicants, however where extenuating circumstances
prevent this a video or phone interview may be permitted.
Interviews will be scheduled as early as possible and may be
conducted any time from the start of June to the end of July
including weekends and school holidays.
Aer the interviews are completed, applicants are ranked
in order of preference by the Committee to determine the
nominations for Fellowships. Upon finalisation of these
nominations all applicants interviewed will be advised if their
application is progressing for further consideration by the
Churchill Trust Board.
Selection of Churchill Fellows
The Trust’s Board of Directors meets in Canberra in
September to consider the nominations submitted by each
state and territory. The number of Fellowships on offer varies
slightly from year to year and it is expected that there will be
more than 100 Fellowships awarded nationally.
The selection of Churchill Fellows and the procedures
undertaken are at the absolute discretion of the Board of the
At the conclusion of the Board Meeting all applicants will be
notified of the outcome by the Churchill Trust and successful
Churchill Fellowship recipients will have their details made
available to the media and sponsors as the Trust deems
Successful Fellows should be aware that media contact may
occur any time from mid September. It would be advisable
that if successful, the applicant is easy to contact to capitalise
on the announcement of their Fellowship through the media.
Unsuccessful Applicants
Applicants will be advised in August if they are
unsuccessful following consideration at the state or
territory level;
Applicants who move through to final selection will
e advised in September if they are deemed unsuccessful;
Direct feedback is not available to applicants who don't
reach interview however advice on how to support and
strenghten your application for future rounds can be found
on our website at
Regional Committees
The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust in Australia is
represented in each state and territory by a Regional
ommittee, and in some instances additional panels, who
are responsible for assessing all applications received in
that state or territory. The Committees typically consist of a
Chair and 6-10 members who come from a diverse range of
backgrounds with expertise across many fields.
Assessment Process
Applications open 1 February and close 29 April. All
applications are acknowledged by automated email when
lodged online. During May every application is initially
assessed by the appropriate Panel or Committee. Panel and
Committee members are free to make any enquiries and
consult with whoever they consider necessary in making
their assessments.
Every application for a Churchill Fellowship must be assessed
on the merit of the proposed project. In this assessment the
Trust considers that there are two distinct components of
equal value:
Project – which may include matters such as the
The need for the project in Australia at either a
local, state/territory or national level
The benefits of the project to Australia at either a
local, state/territory or national level
The itinerary and places selected
d. The necessity to travel overseas
e. The achievability of the project.
2. Applicant – which may include matters such as the
Ability to maximise the opportunity of a Fellowship
(current standing and experience in the field, skills
and/or expertise)
Ability and commitment to make a difference
aer the trip (ongoing involvement in the field,
leadership qualities, a strategic approach,
Ability and commitment to widely disseminate
Short-listing Process
Based on the initial assessment applicants are short-listed
forinterview. The Regional Secretary is responsible for
contacting applicants who are short-listed to arrange
suitable interview times.
It is essential that the applicant is contactable at all times
and it would be wise to make alternative arrangements if an
applicant islikely to be away from their normal place of work
or residence as detailed on their Application Form.
Applicants who have not been selected for an
interview will be notified promptly.
Selection Process
8 All enquiries 02 6247 8333 or email [email protected]
Helpful Hints
Please familiarise yourself with the Application Guidelines on pages 4 and 5 of this guide and refer to our Privacy
Policy which can be found on our website at as you will need to acknowledge
and accept them in the DECLARATIONS section of the form before lodgement.
All mandatory fields need to be completed to move through the form. Sections answered with ‘to be advised’ will not be
Character limits including spaces are set on all questions. Ensure you are succinct with your answers and avoid jargon and
abbreviations. Keep acronyms to a minimum.
Your application is confined to the form, do not upload CVs, photos, letters of support, presentations or any other
documentation that is not requested.
All costs for travel, accommodation and incidentals are estimated for you by the Trust. You can request additional fees
for tuition or a specific course. Limited support is available to attend conferences. Be aware that requests for additional
financial support can reduce the duration of your Fellowship.
You will require both a Personal Reference and a Project Reference to apply for a Fellowship. Refer to advice on page 12.
You will receive an email confirmation following lodgement of your application containing a link to access and save a full
copy of your completed application form for your own records.
Starting your Application
You will need to sign up to access the application form with your name, email address and mobile number. Following sign up
you will receive an email containing a verification code to start your application.
We recommend you use a personal email address when you sign up in preference to a work email address to ensure you
receive all automated emails associated with the online application process. Always check your junk email folder should you
not receive automated emails. Generic email addresses should be avoided eg.
Make sure you save and sign out of your application when not in use. You can return to your application at any time by signing
in with your name, email address and mobile number.
Churchill Fellowship Application Guide
8 All enquiries 02 6247 8333 or email [email protected]
Completing the Online Form
The application form is broken into two parts, Personal Details and Project Details as per the menu below. The menu is set up for
you to hyperlink to each section of the form.
Please complete all relevant details. We collect demographic details also, however this information will not be used in the
assessment of your application.
Please provide a bio about yourself of up to 2000 characters including spaces. Your bio should include:
An introduction about you, including your full name.
A mention of your position in life, what you are aspire to doing.
A mention of your current work position (if relevant)
A mention of at least one professional accomplishment.
A sentence showing your values and why you do what you do.
For example:
[First name] [Last name] [knows/believes] [what you know/believe about the work you do].
[First name] has [landed/secured/garnered/worked at/supported] [insert your most compelling experiences and wins].
[First name] is a [trained/certified/awarded] [insert relevant trainings, awards, honours, etc].
[First name] holds a [insert degree] in [insert area of study] from [insert university/institution].
Do not include:
A list of all of your work experience.
A bio that simply tells what you do, not why you do it.
Information from decades ago.
10 All enquiries 02 6247 8333 or email [email protected]
Completing the Online Form
Current Employment If you are currently employed, please provide details of your main occupation within the first entry
in this section. This section also allows you to list two other entries under current employment should you be employed in
additional roles (eg. paid or voluntary work in the community).
Previous Employment List up to three positions/occupations held previously and/or relevant to your proposed project.
Are you currently enrolled at any tertiary institution? If yes, complete the details of your current enrolment including the
month and year you expect to complete your studies.
Educational Qualifications Add up to 3 entries, if space is insufficient include only recent qualifications that are relevant to
the project you are proposing in this application.
Overseas Study/Research Provide details of any research or study you have undetaken overseas.
Churchill Fellowship Application Guide
10 All enquiries 02 6247 8333 or email [email protected]
Grants or funding Include full name, year and value of funding and/or grants you have received.
Awards and Prizes Include details of prizes and/or awards you have received.
Aim State the purpose or goal of your project in approximately 10-15 words or up to 100 characters
Project Description Describe your project in clear, simple terms that will make it easy to comprehend in 100 words or up
to 720 characters. Be succinct and avoid jargon or technical speak. Aprojectdescription that is difficult for selection panels
and committees to decipher will not enhance your application. Keep acronyms to a minimum
Sponsored Fellowships All applicants are automatically considered for a Churchill Fellowship, however you can indicate
your interest in being considered for a sponsored Churchill Fellowship/s in this section of the form. Please refer to page 6
for the full list of sponsored Fellowships on offer.
12 All enquiries 02 6247 8333 or email [email protected]
Please be specific
as this information is used by the Churchill Trust to cost your itinerary. Wh
en completing this section, please
consider the following:
Limit your itinerary to destinations that will be of most benefit to your project. Overcrowding an itinerary can lead to fatigue
and may be of less benefit to project outcomes.
The high cost of air travel to some of the more remote countries and the difficulty of internal travel.
Avoid high risk countries (listed by the Department of Foreign Affairs at as the Trust will not approve
travel to these countries.
Your itinerary must be completed in one continuous journey.
Town, Nearest Major City, State and Country If your destination is a small town such asBerkeley in the USA, please list
the nearest major city (and state if applicable) eg. USA - Berkeley, San Francisco, California. If space is insufficient you may
combine visits within one city or region on a single line.
Institution/Organisation Please specify the name or type of organisation or individual you wish to visit
(it is not necessary to arrange the visit at this stage).
Proposed Research A brief description, such as interviews or observations. Course or conference attendance would also be
acceptable here.
Duration A week is considered as a full 7 day week so travelling and rest time must be included. Once the budget for your
itinerary is approved any amendments to the original itinerary will be at your own expense. Your itinerary must be no less than
four weeks to a maximum 8 weeks.
Approximate Departure Date If successful you must depart on your Fellowship between 1 February and 31 January. An exact
date is not yet required – the month and year in which you wish to depart is sufficient.
Completing the Online Form
This section of the application form will be used by the relevant Assessment Panel to evaluate the merit of your project and its
benefit to Australia. You should ensure your answers are clear and concise and are within the specified character limits.
What experience do you have to undertake the project? Maximum of 350 characters including spaces.
List your experience and knowledge in the field of the project.
What efforts have you made within Australia to investigate the topic of your proposed project and why do you need to
travel overseas to investigate your topic? Maximum of 350 characters including spaces.
Evidence of exploration of your proposed project should be listed here. Answers in dot point form are acceptable.
What new knowledge do you hope to gain overseas through this Fellowship and on your return to Australia, how will
you share your findings with the Australian community? Maximum of 720 characters including spaces
Be specific. Answers in dot point form are acceptable for this question. If successful in your application you will be under
contract to submit a written report at the completion of the Fellowship.
How will your project benefit the Australian community? Maximum of 1190 characters including spaces
Benefit at a local, state or national level should be addressed in this question.
Churchill Fellowship Application Guide
12 All enquiries 02 6247 8333 or email [email protected]
This section is only applicable if you wish to undertake tuition or a specific course or attend a conference applicable to your
project where a registration fee is required. Indicate the name of the tuition, course or conference and the expected fee in
foreign currency and convert to AUD.
Fees that are not requested at the time of application cannot be paid by the Trust if you are awarded a Fellowship.
If significant fees are requested the duration of the Fellowship may need to be reduced.
Please tick Yes or No. Only tick Yes if the following applies:
you have dependant children
you expect to lose at least 50% of your total household gross family income while you are away, and
your dependants will not be accompanying you during any part of your Fellowship or within 3 months of the completion
of the Churchill Fellowship program.
For the Trust to consider payment of Dependant's Allowance it must be applied for at the time of your initial application.
14 All enquiries 02 6247 8333 or email [email protected]
References from two different individuals are required to support your Churchill Fellowship application:
one Personal Reference; and
one Project Reference.
You will need to use the Reference Request section within the online application form to request your references via email.
A Personal Referee is preferably an Australian Citizen living in Australia who:
knows the applicant in a professional capacity
has knowledge of the applicant's professional achievements
has knowledge of the applicant's personal qualities.
A Personal Reference should include the referee's knowledge and opinion regarding:
the personal and professional qualities of the applicant
the professional achievements and merit of the applicant intheir profession
the applicant’s commitment to their profession
how the applicant will benefit professionally from a ChurchillFellowship.
A Project Referee is preferably an Australian Citizen living in Australia who:
is familiar with the field and topic of the proposed project
has knowledge of the applicant's standing in the field of their proposed project and
has knowledge of the importance of the proposed project to the Australian community.
A Project Reference should include the referee's knowledge andopinion regarding:
the merit of the proposed project
why the proposed project is necessary
whether an opportunity exists in Australia for the implementation ofthe proposed project goals and
how the applicant and the Australian community would benefit from the proposed project being completed.
Churchill Fellowship Application Guide
14 All enquiries 02 6247 8333 or email [email protected]
Helpful Hints
We recommend that you identify your referees and make your requests for references early in the application process to allow
sufficient time for your referees to write and lodge them online prior to the closing date.
The online form contains an embedded Reference Request section which allows you to request a reference via email.
The email request will provide your referee with guidelines to complete and lodge the reference.
You will receive advice via email when a reference has been lodged within your application. You can view your reference
in a pop up screen by clicking their name within the Reference Request section of the form. No editing is permitted by the
You should ensure you have entered the project specific information required within the form prior to making a request for
reference. This will provide referees with a clear understanding of the project you are proposing so they can cite or refer to
accurate content when composing the reference.
References cannot be accepted in any other format than outlined above without the specific approval of the Trust's CEO.
You will need to contact the Trust's National Office to discuss your situation.
You will not be able to lodge your application until one of each type of reference is received within the application system
and all other sections of the form are completed. If you request and receive more than one of each type of reference, you
will need to choose which one you wish to keep and delete the ones you don't wish to retain (within the Reference Request
Section) as the system will not allow you to lodge more than one project reference and one personal reference.
16 All enquiries 02 6247 8333 or email [email protected]
Lodging your Application
2022 Churchill Fellowship Application Guide 17
16 All enquiries 02 6247 8333 or email [email protected]
Winston Churchill Trust
GPO Box 1536 Canberra ACT 2601
Telephone 02 6247 8333