LSU AgCenter Pub.2132 Peppers 1
Peppers are a popular crop in the home garden,
especially in Louisiana. These colorful fruit (green, yellow,
orange, red, purple and black) range from sweet and mild
to hot in avor. Consumed raw they are high in vitamins C,
B6, A and E. In Louisiana, peppers are often used to avor
gumbo, jambalaya, etouffee, rice and gravy and other Cajun
and Creole standards. While the pepper is a necessity for
avoring local cuisine, it is also an important ingredient in
foods around the world.
The pepper plant is in the Solanaceae family as are the
tomato, Irish potato and eggplant. It most likely originated
in tropical America. Black pepper spice is the seed of a
completely different type and family of plants.
Types and Varieties
Peppers are classied as sweet, mild or hot. Their
hotness is related to the amount of capsaicin, a chemical
present mainly in the seed but also in the fruit walls. The
heat or pungency of peppers is rated using the Scoville
Scale. The Scoville Scale ranges from zero to a little over 2
million Scoville Heat Units (SHU). The higher the number,
the more pungent the pepper. For example, bell peppers
have a rating of zero SHU. The famous Tabasco sauce
ranges from 500 to 2,500 SHU while the Carolina Reaper
pepper has a rating of 2.2 million SHU. Removal of the
seed and fruit wall directly beneath the seed will make a
hot pepper milder. Pepper groups may also be based on
other fruit characteristics and usage. The following is such
a grouping:
Bell Peppers: The majority of peppers grown. Fruits
are sweet and generally blocky with three or four lobes.
Bell peppers are usually harvested in the green-mature
stage, but some are bred for their yellow, orange, purple
and red color at full maturity. Allowing colored bell
peppers to mature to a full ripe color in Louisiana can be
difcult because of the presence of insects, disease and
our hot and humid climate during the growing season.
Peppers can be harvested at the rst blush and allowed to
continue to change color off the plant.
Bell Pepper Recommendations for Home Garden
Open pollinated: Jupiter, Capistrano and Purple
Hybrid: Camelot X3R, Excursion II, Heritage, King
Arthur, Plato, Paladin, Revolution, Aristotle X34, Summer
Gold, Valencia, Enterprise, Lafayette, Declaration, Purple
Bell, Tequila and Purple Beauty. All America Selection
(AAS)-winning hybrid bells are Super Heavy Weight,
Blushing Beauty, Bell Boy and the piquant Mexibell.
Other Pepper Types
Peppers come in a large assortment of sizes, shapes
and colors. The hotness varies from sweet to very hot.
Some are for sauces or spices and some for frying, pickling
or cooking. Types and varieties that produce well in the
southeast include the following:
Anaheim: A long, slender pepper that is very mild in
avor. It is consumed raw or cooked. It is very popular in
salsas. Home gardeners can try to nd these peppers at a
local nursery or mail-order catalog.
Banana/Cubanelle: Named for their color and
shape. These peppers are generally 1-2 inches thick and up
to 6 inches long. Banana peppers are slightly sweeter than
cubanelles, and cubanelles mature into darker colors, but
they are extremely similar. Try planting, Banana Supreme,
Inferno, Aruba, Cubanelle, Biscayne, Anaheim, Hungarian
Wax and the AAS winners Carmen, Giant Marconi and
Cayenne Peppers: A very slender pepper with a
tapered end. This pepper is mostly consumed dried and
ground as an herb to avor foods. Try planting Charleston
Hot and Large Red Thick, Mesilla, Large Thick, Long Slim,
Super and Cayenne (N).
2 LSU AgCenter Pub. 2132 Peppers
Habanero: A short, small and round pepper that
boasts a lot of heat. Try planting Habanero.
Jalapeño Peppers: These small fruit are 1 1/2 to
2 inches long and 1/2 to 1 inch wide. They have thick
skin and taper to a rounded point. Jalapeños are mild to
medium in heat. Try planting Tula, Jalapeño M, El Rey, Mitla,
Grande, Ixtapa and Tormenta.
Poblano: A large, longer-than-wider heart-shaped
pepper. The Poblano is mild and can be consumed raw,
cooked or smoked. The dried or smoked version of the
Poblano pepper is called an Ancho pepper.
Ancho Peppers: Try planting Tiburon, Ancho 101, San
Juan and San Martin.
Serrano: A shorter pepper, 2-3 inches long, with a
tapered end and a slim stature. These peppers boast a
little more heat.
Tabasco: Famous in Louisiana for the sauce made
from this pepper, the Tabasco pepper is very small, less
than 1 inch long, slender and tapered at the end. The fruit
mature from a pale green to yellow then orange to a deep
Please note that some very hot groups are dangerous.
Use extreme caution to keep the burning irritant in
any hot peppers away from the eyes or delicate tissues.
Ornamental peppers generally have very small fruit and
include both hot and mild varieties. Ripe fruit of any of the
types can be dried and ground to make hot red pepper,
chili powder or mild paprika.
Cultural Practices
Soil Preparation
Peppers are grown on most soils in Louisiana, but they
prefer a well-drained soil rich in organic matter. Choose a
location with full sun. Too much shade causes the plant to
become thin and leggy and will produce low yields. Ideal
conditions have a minimum of 6-8 hours of direct sunlight.
Acidic soils may cause stunted growth with chlorotic
(yellow-spotted) and puckered leaves. Acidic soils (less
than a 5.5 pH) should be limed in the fall or winter to a
pH of 6. A soil test is the only accurate way to correct
this problem. Your county agent can help you with this.
When working the soil, till in or band about 1 pound of
a complete fertilizer such as 8-24-24 per 20 feet of row.
Make sure the fertilizer is 6 to 8 inches deep if banded.
Consider Mulch
The soil-warming effect of black plastic mulch in large
home gardens greatly increases the growth of peppers in
early spring. This results in earlier and larger yields. The
mulch also conserves moisture and fertilizer and helps
control weeds and some disease. In many areas of the
state, aluminum coated or sliver plastic mulch is used
to help with insect control. The reected light from the
painted surface helps to repel aphids and thrips – small
insects that feed on peppers and transmit virus and
disease. In small gardens mulch is still necessary for weed
and moisture control. Consider mulching peppers with
pine straw, newspaper, leaves or hay.
Bell Pepper
Yellow Wax
LSU AgCenter Pub.2132 Peppers 3
Planting Dates
Peppers are commonly transplanted after
temperatures have risen and danger of frost is past.
Peppers are sensitive to low temperatures and may
be stunted if transplanted too early. Generally, in the
southern part of the state, peppers can be transplanted in
late March. In north Louisiana, begin transplanting mid-
April. Bell peppers may be transplanted through early May
with acceptable yields expected.
Plantings made later than this will set few, small, poorly
formed fruits because of the heat. This explains why bell
pepper production continues June through early July and
then stops. If these plants are maintained by spraying,
watering and fertilizing, fruit will begin to set again in late
summer after the temperatures become more favorable.
For a fall crop, transplant bell peppers in late June through
early July. Most other types of peppers will continue to set
fruit through the summer and on into early fall if properly
fertilized and watered. Plant seed 8-10 weeks prior to
the spring planting date and 4-6 weeks prior to the fall
planting date.
Bell peppers may be planted 15 to 18 inches apart in
the row with rows spaced at least 36 inches apart.
If plants are to be kept through fall, thin out every
other plant in mid-summer to allow room for growth.
Varieties that produce larger plants, such as Tabasco or
Cayenne, should be spaced about 3 feet apart and possibly
wider. If space is limited, it is possible to plant two rows
of bell peppers on a bed. Space the plants 18 inches apart
within each drill, and space the drills 10 to 12 inches
apart. This will help to increase the total yield of a given
area. Apply a cup of diluted starter solution to each plant
at transplanting. Even if starter fertilizer is not used, the
plants should be watered in. Set transplants at the same
depth they were grown in their containers.
Encourage Plant Growth: Fruit set begins within a
few weeks after transplanting, and harvesting begins about
70 days after transplanting. If a pepper plant begins setting
peppers when it is too small (usually less than 1 foot),
remove the small peppers and sidedress the plants with
fertilizer to encourage more plant growth before further
fruit set.
Sidedress after rst set of fruit with either 1/2 pound
calcium nitrate, 1/4 pound of ammonium sulfate or 3/4
pound of 8-8-8 per 20 feet of row. One pound of fertilizer
is about 2 cups. On light sandy soils, it may be necessary
to sidedress with a complete fertilizer such as 8-8-8.
Otherwise, just use nitrogen. Sidedress again every four to
ve weeks thereafter. Older plants may have to be staked
and tied to help support their later heavy growth and
weak branches.
Peppers will drop blooms and develop blossom-end
rot when stressed, especially as a result from lack of soil
moisture. Blossom-end rot shows up as a sunken brown
or black area on the bottom of the pepper. Because
peppers have a shallow root system, water thoroughly
every week or 10 days if an inch of rain has not fallen.
Peppers can be harvested at any stage of development.
Bell types are usually harvested when rm and green. If
harvested immature, the fruit will be thin, soft and will
shrivel. They may also be harvested after they have turned
red or yellow. At this time, they will be sweeter and have
higher carotene content. Carotene is a precursor to
vitamin A. Other types may be harvested in the mature
green stage or at full maturity and full color development.
When removing the fruit, hold the stem and snap the
pepper off carefully. Pepper plants are brittle and break
easily. Fresh peppers may be stored four to ve weeks in a
refrigerator if kept at 33°-40° F.
Pest Control
As with all crops, peppers that are properly cared
for, fertilized, irrigated, mulched and spaced properly will
have less trouble with insect and disease. When applying
any pesticides, read the label rst. The proper use of these
materials will be benecial to you, your crops and the
environment. Proper timing, proper application and use
of the correct amount are essential for the safe use of
The roots of the pepper plant grow near the surface,
so use only shallow cultivation (particularly on older
plants) to control weeds. Several herbicides are approved
for peppers. These include Dacthal and Trean. These
selective preemergence herbicides normally suppress
weeds for six to eight weeks. Control grassy weeds
postemergence with herbicide containing the active
ingredient sethoxydim. Follow label directions, or contact
your county agent for more information on the proper
use of these herbicides.
Aphids: Two types of aphids, the green peach aphid
and the melon aphid, are responsible for damaging pepper
plants. Aphids often infest pepper transplants as they
come from the greenhouse. Heavy aphid infestation
results in leaf distortion, stunting and yellowing of plants
and reduced fruit set. Large numbers of aphids are found
congregated on the lower side of leaves. Black sooty mold
fungus grows frequently on honeydew (sticky sap-like
residue) excreted by aphids. They also transmit plant
viruses such as Pepper potyvirues and Pepper mottle
virus. Presence of ants on plants often indicates an aphid
population since ants feed on honeydew produced by
4 LSU AgCenter Pub. 2132 Peppers
Select pepper cultivars with viral resistance for best
protection. Using aluminum-painted plastic mulch and
removing damaged plants may help in reducing virus
transmission by aphids. Use water from the garden hose
to dislodge and reduce concentrated aphid populations.
Soap solutions, neem oil and insecticides malathion and
imidacloprid are helpful in managing aphid populations.
While spraying, thoroughly cover the whole plant
especially the lower leaf surface. Controlling ants can also
reduce aphid populations.
Whiteies: Whiteies are usually present on the
underside of leaves. Whiteies cause damage by feeding on
plant sap. Heavy infestations may cause defoliation, wilting
or stunting of pepper plants and reduced yield. Like aphids,
whiteies also secrete honeydew and can transmit viruses.
Leaves with honeydew are sticky and may turn black due
to growth of sooty mold fungus. Always check new plants
before buying/planting for the presence of whitey nymph
and adults. Use of reective mulches will help in reducing
population buildup of whiteies. Imidacloprid is labeled for
use in home garden pepper to control whiteies.
Thrips: Thrips feed on new leaves and developing
owers, causing distorted and cupped leaves. Larval
feeding also causes discoloration in developing fruit. Thrips
are not easily visible on plants but can be seen by shaking
owers and new foliage over a white sheet of paper. The
major damage caused by thrips is transmission of Tomato
spotted wilt virus (TSWV). The virus can only be acquired
by the immature stage of thrips, whereas plant-to-plant
transmission occurs by adults. Use of reective mulches
will make the plants less attractive to thrips and hence
reduce virus transmission. Spraying thoroughly with
insecticidal soaps, neem oil and imidacloprid soil drenches
will help in managing thrips; however, use of insecticide
sprays may not be very effective in preventing TSWV.
Diseases and Disorders
Blossom-end rot and sun scald are two common
disorders of pepper fruit. Blossom-end rot begins as a light
green to yellow sunken spot on the bottom of the fruit.
Fruit with blossom-end rot often turn color prematurely
and are more susceptible to other diseases. Blossom-end
rot is caused by a calcium deciency and aggravated by
drought stress. Amending the soil with calcium-based
fertilizers can help to alleviate this disorder.
Sunscald of fruit occurs when the fruit is overexposed
to sunlight. Maintaining a healthy thick canopy is the
best management option. Plants under poor soil fertility,
drought stress or that are diseased will have thin canopies.
On a small-scale, shading cloth can be used to protect
the plants from the heat of the day. Excessive defoliation
caused by bacterial leaf spot may result in sunscald.
Varieties that produce a thick canopy are usually less
susceptible to sunscald.
Bacterial spot, Tomato spotted vilt virus (TSWV),
southern blight, Phytophthora root rot and anthracnose
fruit rot are common diseases found on peppers grown in
the home garden. Bacterial spot is caused by a seed-borne
bacterium that attacks the leaves and fruit of pepper.
Warm and humid weather favors disease development,
and the pathogen is easily spread from plant to plant
by rain splash and common production practices such
as tying and harvesting. Symptoms rst appear as small
circular water-soaked spots with a yellow halo. Over
time, the entire leaf turns yellow and the affected leaves
drop off prematurely. Plants with bacterial spot are more
susceptible to sunscald. Management of bacterial spot
relies on prevention. Select varieties with resistance to
bacterial spot. Only use certied disease-free seed and
transplants. Avoid overhead watering and pruning when
the leaves and stems are wet. Copper-based fungicides
applied weekly will slow the spread of disease but only if
applied before the onset of the disease.
Tomato spotted wilt virus is vectored by thrips. Thrips
acquire the viruses by feeding on nearby weeds that are
harboring the virus. Disease symptoms include stunting,
bronze spots on the leaves and twisted or cupped leaves.
TSWV is best managed by selecting pepper cultivars with
resistance to the virus. Always check transplants for thrips
or thrip damage before planting. Removing symptomatic
plants and keeping the garden free from weeds can slow
the spread of this disease.
Southern blight is caused by a soil-borne fungus.
The fungus attacks the crown of the plant at the soil line
causing stem girdling resulting in plant wilting and death.
The disease develops when soil temperatures warm up in
mid-spring. At the base of the plant white fungal growth
on the plant and soil may be observed. In later stages
the fungus develops mustard-seed like structures on
the stem near the soil line. There are a no varieties with
resistance to southern blight and no soil-applied fungicides
registered for the home garden. When symptoms are rst
observed, remove and discard affected plants along with
the associated topsoil. Do not compost diseased plants. In
severe cases soil sterilization or a new planting site should
be considered.
Phytophthora root rot is caused by a fungal-like, soil-
borne pathogen. Disease develops if soil around the base
LSU AgCenter Pub.2132 Peppers 5
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William B. Richardson, LSU Vice President for Agriculture, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center
Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service
LSU College of Agriculture
Pub 2132 (online only) Rev. 04/17
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of the plant remains wet for long periods of time (one to
two days). The disease spreads through water in the soil
and is most common in late summer and early fall, when
rainy weather is common. Wilting of the entire plant, even
when the soil is moist, is the most common symptom. As
the disease develops, the stems will wither and dieback.
Providing good soil drainage by incorporating compost
and selecting resistant varieties are the best options
to prevent Phytophthora root rot. Root rot is fatal and
removing diseased plants is critical to prevent further
spread of the disease.
Anthracnose fruit rot, caused by a fungus, affects both
immature (green) and mature pepper fruit. Medium to
large sunken spots form on the fruit, and these spots may
be covered with masses of salmon-colored spores, under
wet and humid conditions. The fungus can survive on seed
and in the soil or on plant debris. Protecting the plants
from soil splashing onto them using mulch can prevent
fruit infection. Avoid the use of overhead watering, and
pick fruit regularly. Diseased fruit should be bagged and
discarded. The fungus can be killed during composting if
temperatures of 120° F are sustained for at least three
Kathryn Fontenot, Assistant Professor (School of Plant,
Environmental and Soil Sciences)
Mary Sexton, Extension Associate (School of Plant,
Environmental and Soil Sciences)
Melanie Lewis Ivey, Assistant Professor (Ohio State
University-Wooster Campus)
Jaspreet Sidhu, Research Associate (Department of Plant
Pathology and Crop Physiology)
Raj Singh, Assistant Professor (Department of Plant
Pathology and Crop Physiology)
Sebe Brown, Assistant Area Agent (NE Region)
Ron Strahan, Associate Professor (School of Plant,
Environmental and Soil Sciences)
Thomas J. Koske, Alan Morgan and Don Ferrin (Retired)