Investigation 6 T107
Cellular Processes:
Energy and Communication
investigation 6
CeLLULaR ResPiRation*
What factors affect the rate of cellular respiration in multicellular
Living systems require free energy and matter to maintain order, to grow, and to
reproduce. Energy deciencies are not only detrimental to individual organisms, but
they cause disruptions at the population and ecosystem levels as well. Organisms employ
various strategies that have been conserved through evolution to capture, use, and store
free energy. Autotrophic organisms capture free energy from the environment through
photosynthesis and chemosynthesis, whereas heterotrophic organisms harvest free
energy from carbon compounds produced by other organisms. In cellular respiration,
free energy becomes available to drive metabolic pathways vital to cellular processes
primarily by the conversion of ADP → ATP. In eukaryotes, respiration occurs in the
mitochondria within cells.
If sucient oxygen is available, glucose may be oxidized completely in a series of
enzyme-mediated steps, as summarized by the following reaction:
+ 6O
→ 6CO
+ 6H
O + energy
More specically,
+ 6O
2 (g)
→ 6CO
2 (g)
+ 6H
O +
686 kilocalories of energy
mole of glucose oxidized
e chemical oxidation of glucose has important implications to the measurement
of respiration. From the equation, if glucose is the energy source, then for every
one molecule of oxygen consumed, one molecule of carbon dioxide is produced. To
determine the rate of cellular respiration, one could measure any of the following:
Consumption of O
during the oxidation of glucose (How many moles of O
consumed when one mole of glucose is oxidized?)
Production of CO
during aerobic respiration (How many moles of CO
are produced
when one mole of glucose is oxidized?)
Release of energy in the form of heat as one mole of glucose is oxidized
In Getting Started, students conduct prelab research on the process of cellular respiration
and review concepts they may have studied previously.
* Transitioned from the AP Biology Lab Manual (2001)
T108 Investigation 6
In Procedures, students learn how to calculate the rate of cellular respiration by
using a respirometer system (microrespirometers or gas pressure sensors with computer
interface) that measures the relative volume (changes in pressure) as oxygen is consumed
by germinating plant seeds at room temperature (20°C). As oxygen is consumed during
respiration, it is normally replaced by CO
gas at a ratio of one molecule of CO
for each
molecule of O
. us, one would expect no change in gas volume to result from this
experiment. However, the CO
produced is removed by potassium hydroxide (KOH),
which reacts with CO
to form solid potassium carbonate (K
) through the following
+ 2KOH → K
+ H
As O
is consumed, the overall gas volume in the respirometer decreases, and this
change can be used to determine the rate of cellular respiration. Because respirometers
are sensitive to changes in gas volume, they are also sensitive to changes in temperature
and air pressure; thus, students need to use a control respirometer containing nonliving
matter (e.g., glass beads) instead of germinating seeds to measure and correct for
changes in temperature and pressure.
Once students learn how to measure the rate of cellular respiration, questions should
emerge about the process that lead to investigation, including the following:
What is the dierence, if any, in the rate of cellular respiration in germinating seeds
versus nongerminating seeds?
Does the temperature of germinating seeds aect the rate of cellular respiration? Do
plant seeds consume more oxygen at higher temperatures than at lower temperatures?
Do germinating seeds just starting to germinate consume oxygen at a greater rate
than seeds that have been germinating for several days (age dependence)?
Do seeds, such as Wisconsin Fast Plant seeds (which store energy as oil), respire at a
dierent rate from small grass seeds (which store energy as starch)?
Do small seeds of spring owers, weeds, or grasses respire at a dierent rate from
seeds from summer, fall, or winter plants?
Do seeds from monocot plants respire at dierent rates from dicot plants?
Do available nutrients aect the rate of respiration in germinating seeds?
Can the same respirometer system be used to measure the rate of respiration in small
invertebrates, such as insects or earthworms?
What problems would arise if students used a living, green plant instead of
germinating seeds?
In Designing and Conducting Your Investigation, students design and conduct an
experiment(s) to investigate one or more questions that they raised in Procedures. eir
exploration will likely generate even more questions about cellular respiration.
e lab also provides an opportunity for students to apply, review, and/or scaold
concepts that they have studied previously, including the relationship between cell
structure and function (mitochondria); enzymatic activity; strategies for capture, storage,
and use of free energy; diusion of gases across cell membranes; and the physical laws
pertaining to the properties and behaviors of gases.
Investigation 6 T109
Big idea 2: CeLLULaR PRoCesses: eneRgy and CommUniCation
Materials and Equipment
Complete details of the procedure for assembling and using microrespirometers or
gas pressure sensors to measure the rate of cellular repiration are found in the Student
Manual. However, the following materials should be available.
Wisconsin Fast Plant seeds or seeds
of several species of plants, including
grasses; small insects, such as crickets or
earthworms; small glass beads; or dry,
baked seeds
Safety goggles or glasses, aprons, and
1 mL plastic tuberculin syringes without
in-stem plastic dropping pipettes
40 μL plastic capillary tubes or plastic
Hot glue gun, absorbent and
nonabsorbent cotton
3 or 4 one-quarter inch at metal
Celsius thermometer, centimeter rulers,
and permanent glass-marking pens
Constant-temperature water bath
Manometer uid (soapy water with red
food coloring)
15% solution of KOH, potassium
hydroxide solution (or NaOH, Drano)
As part of an experimental setup, more than one syringe size can be used depending
on the size of organisms. Students then can pick barrel diameters that match the
organism(s) being tested. Having various sizes or syringes available also mitigates the
problem of seeds getting stuck aer germinating. Larger syringes can be disassembled,
cleaned, and reused. Students can then compare species — plants versus animals,
annelids versus arthropods, slow versus fast moving, ying versus not ying, etc.
Students also can examine the eects of dierent temperatures or light levels on
respiration rates. Table 1 indicates appropriate syringe sizes for various organisms.
Table 1. Syringe Sizes for Various Organisms
Syringe Size Organisms
1 mL (tuberculin) radish, broccoli seed; Drosophila
3 mL rye, oats; mealworms, ladybugs
5 mL flower and vegetable seed; small worms, ants
10 mL peas, beans; crickets, large worms, bessbugs, cockroaches
Timing and Length of Lab
e prelab questions and online preparation and review activities suggested in Getting
Started can be assigned for homework.
e investigation requires approximately four lab periods of about 45 minutes
each — one period for students to assemble microrespirometers, if they choose that
system; one period to conduct Procedures (using respirometers to measure respiration);
and approximately two periods to conduct their own investigations (Designing and
T110 Investigation 6
Conducting Your Investigation). If gas pressure sensors are available and students know
how to use them, they can assemble them in about 10 minutes and proceed directly
to Procedures. Alternatively, students can design their experiment(s) as a homework
assignment, and lab groups can communicate through various social networking sites or
by email. Teachers should allow time for students to share their results and conclusions
with the class by appropriate means, such as a mini-poster session or traditional lab
report. Students can work in pairs or small groups to accommodate dierent class sizes.
Safety and Housekeeping
Safety goggles or glasses, aprons, and gloves must be worn because KOH (or the
alternative, NaOH in Drano) is caustic. Keep the KOH solution in cotton, using a
limited amount of KOH, inside the barrel of the syringe, and youll minimize accidental
exposure to KOH. When charging the microrespirometers, point the capillary into a sink
in case there is excess KOH that might be expelled from the capillary under pressure.
Students must be careful when using the hot glue gun to seal microrespirometers.
Students should be supervised at all times while working in the laboratory.
is investigation can be conducted during the study of concepts pertaining to cellular
processes (big idea 2) — specically, the capture, use, and storage of free energy — or
interactions (big idea 4). In addition, some questions students are likely to connect to
evolution (big idea 1) if students explore cellular respiration — a conserved core process
— in a variety of plants or insects. As always, it is important to make connections
between big ideas and enduring understandings, regardless of where in the curriculum
the lab is taught. e concepts align with the enduring understandings and learning
objectives from the AP Biology Curriculum Framework, as indicated below.
Enduring Understandings
1B1: Organisms share many conserved core processes and features that evolved and
are widely distributed among organisms today.
2A1: All living systems require constant input of free energy.
2A2: Organisms capture and store free energy for use in biological processes.
2B3: Eukaryotic cells maintain internal membranes that partition the cell into
specialized regions (e.g., mitochondria).
4A2: e structure and function of subcellular components, and their interactions,
provide essential cellular processes.
4A6: Interactions among living systems and with their environment result in the
movement of matter and energy.
Investigation 6 T111
Big idea 2: CeLLULaR PRoCesses: eneRgy and CommUniCation
Learning Objectives
e student is able to describe specic examples of conserved core biological
processes and features shared by all domains or within one domain of life, and how
these shared, conserved core processes and features support the concept of common
ancestry for all organisms (1B1 & SP 7.2).
e student is able to justify the scientic claim that organisms share many conserved
core processes and features that evolved and are widely distributed among organisms
today (1B1 & SP 6.1).
e student is able to justify a scientic claim that free energy is required for living
systems to maintain organization, to grow, or to reproduce, but that multiple
strategies exist in dierent living systems (2A1 & SP 6.1).
e student is able to use representations to pose scientic questions about what
mechanisms and structural features allow organisms to capture, store, and use free
energy (2A2 & SP 1.4, SP 3.1).
e student is able to use representations and models to describe dierences in
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells (2B3 & SP 1.4).
e student is able to construct explanations based on scientic evidence as to how
interactions of subcellular structures provide essential functions (4A2 & SP 6.2).
e student is able to apply mathematical routines to quantities that describe
interactions among living systems and their environment, which result in the
movement of matter and energy (4A6 & SP 2.2).
Before students investigate cellular respiration, they should be able to demonstrate
understanding of the following concepts:
e relationship between cell structure and function (mitochondria)
Enzymatic activity and the eects of environmental variables, such as temperature
and pH, on enzyme-catalyzed reactions
Strategies for capture, storage, and use of free energy
Interdependence of photosynthesis and cellular respiration
Aerobic respiration versus fermentation
Diusion of gases across cell membranes
ese concepts may be scaolded according to level of skills and conceptual
understanding. For example, a number of physical laws relating to gases are important
to understanding how the respirometer systems used in the investigation(s) measure
T112 Investigation 6
respiration rate. In particular, the laws are summarized in the general gas law, and
students should be able to manipulate the equation PV = nRT, where
P = pressure of the gas
V = volume of the gas
n = number of molecules of the gas
R = the gas constant (its value is xed)
T = temperature of the gas
Students can be directed to several online resources to review the gas laws, including,
which oers activities to introduce key concepts pertaining to cellular respiration, and, which provides myriad tutorials and animations to
introduce or review the gas laws.
is investigation reinforces the following skills. (However, if students have not
acquired these skills previously, the procedures in this lab will help students develop
Preparing a constant temperature water bath
Measuring volume and temperature using the metric system
Constructing data tables and graphs
Communicating results and conclusions
Skills Development
Students will develop the following skills:
Assembling and using microrespirometers or gas pressure sensors with computer
Measuring/calculating rates of cellular respiration
Potential Challenges
Students oen come to biology with the misconception that plants undergo
photosynthesis (only) and animals undergo cellular respiration. Students are surprised
to learn that most plant cells possess mitochondria and respire. e Procedures section,
in which students measure the rate of respiration in germinating seeds, dispels the
If students have a solid understanding of the aforementioned concepts, they should be
able to pose scientic questions about cellular respiration and design an experiment(s)
around the eects of variables on the rate of respiration. e skills and concepts may be
taught through a variety of methods in an open-inquiry investigation, and respiration
rates may be measured by several means. Only two methods (microrespirometers or
gas pressure sensors with computer interface) are described in the Student Manual, and
alternative procedures may be equally and successfully substituted. For example, in the
procedures outlined in the Student Manual, consumption of O
gas in respiration is
Investigation 6 T113
Big idea 2: CeLLULaR PRoCesses: eneRgy and CommUniCation
measured, but students also can measure the production of CO
or even simultaneous
changes in volumes of both gases, depending on available equipment.
Measuring the rate of respiration is more technically challenging than many lab
procedures because there are many places for potential error in the assembly and use
of the respirometers described in the AP Biology Lab Manual (2001), Lab 5. Since gas
pressure sensors are expensive, the microrespirometer system described in the Student
Manual provides an easier, cheaper, and more reliable method to study both plant seed
and small insect metabolisms. e details of the microrespirometer method — rst
published by Richard E. Lee in e American Biology Teacher — can be found at
Microrespirometers provide advantages for use in high school laboratories because they
cost less than 25 cents each, have adjustable volumes, and work quickly. In addition,
their small size allows them to equilibrate their temperature rapidly in water baths.
The microrespirometer is placed
in a water bath to help maintain
a constant temperature.
combines with KOH to form a solid
. As a result, the CO
is removed
from the air in the microrespirometer.
Cotton protects the organism at the bottom
of the microrespirometer from corrosive KOH.
The air is a mixture
of O
and other gases.
Living organism
Figure 1. Microrespirometer
e respirometers must be airtight. ey are sensitive to environmental changes,
including movement from ones bumping the lab table. Once the respirometers have
reached equilibrium, they should not be touched or moved, nor should anything else
be added to or taken out of the water baths (including students’ hands!). Students
should not try to simplify their investigations by leaving out the control respirometers
containing glass beads only; the readings taken from these respirometers are essential for
correcting the readings of the other respirometers.
T114 Investigation 6
As stated previously, rates of cellular respiration also can be determined using gas
pressure sensors with a computer interface. Instructions, tips, and suggestions for most
accurate usage of these devices can be found in the instructions that are provided with
the purchase of the equipment.
Getting Started: Prelab Assessment
You may assign the following questions for homework; as a think, pair/group, share
activity, in which pairs or small groups of students brainstorm ideas and then share them
with other groups; or as a whole-class discussion to assess students’ understanding of key
concepts pertaining to cellular respiration:
1. Why is it necessary to correct the readings of the respirometers containing seeds
with the readings taken from respirometers containing only glass beads? Your
answer should refer to the concepts derived from the general gas law,
PV = nRT
2. What happens to the volume of the gas being measured (O
consumption or CO
production) when the temperature or pressure changes during the experiment?
If pressure and temperature remain constant, will the volume of gas in the
respirometers increase or decrease? Please explain. Hint: Several tutorials and
animations explaining the general gas law are available online (e.g.,
3. Imagine that you are given 25 germinating pea seeds that have been placed in boiling
water for 5 minutes. You place these seeds in a respirometer and collect data. Predict
the rate of oxygen consumption (i.e., cellular respiration) for these seeds, and explain
your reasons.
4. Imagine that you are asked to measure the rate of respiration for a 25 g reptile and
a 25 g mammal at 10°C. Predict how the results would compare and justify your
5. Imagine that you are asked to repeat the reptile/mammal comparison of oxygen
consumption, but at a temperature of 22°C. Predict how these results would dier
from the measurements made at 10°C, and explain your prediction in terms of
Investigation 6 T115
Big idea 2: CeLLULaR PRoCesses: eneRgy and CommUniCation
Although encouraged to develop their own means of reporting data, students might nd
the following tables and graph helpful for recording their data/results and proposing
their plan for their independent, inquiry-based investigation(s). If students use a gas
pressure sensor with computer interface, the computer will generate the graph on the
screen; however, you may elect to have students draw, label, and annotate any graphs.
Table 2. Results for Procedures, Using Microrespirometers
Total Time (Min.)
Water Bath
Temperature (°C)
Total Distance Fluid
Has Moved (cm)
Change in Fluid
Position During Time
Interval (cm)
Table 3. Investigation Proposal
Hypothesis (“if … then … because”):
Materials and supplies:
Variable(s) manipulated:
Variable(s) held constant/controls:
Method(s) or procedure(s):
Students oen having diculty analyzing and presenting data. Following is an example
of a graph of investigation results that a student might present:
T116 Investigation 6
10 20
Temperature (°C)
Oxygen Consumption (μL/gr/h)
Midge larvae (Belgica antarctica)
Tick (Ixodes uriae)
Figure 2. Effect of Temperature on the Rate of Oxygen Consumption Determined Using
Microrespirometers in Two Antarctic Terrestrial Arthropods: Adult Females of the Ixodid
Ixodes uriae
, and Chironomid Larvae, Belgica antarctica. Data from Lee and Baust
(1982 a, b).
Note that the points plotted are respiration rates at various temperatures. Your students
might not consider the number of treatments or replications typical of even small
investigations. You might consider sharing this graph or similar ones with your students
to help them arrive at their own experimental design and analysis.
A line of best t is a straight line that best represents data on a scatterplot. Lines of
best t are plotted, but there is no indication of the correlation coecient or the equation
for either line. Moreover, you do not know whether these are single measurements
or means that are plotted. ese should be indicated if these data are used to support
a hypothesis. Likewise, if these points are means, standard errors bars for each point
should be indicated. (In the example above, Lee was demonstrating what the data might
look like when plotted. You would need to go to Lees original paper to view how these
data were used to support a conclusion.)
Designing and Conducting Independent Investigations
Now that students have learned how to measure the rate of cellular respiration in
germinating seeds, they have a tool for exploring questions on their own. ey begin
by thinking about the process of cellular respiration. Several questions about cellular
respiration should emerge, including the following:
When does it occur? Are there any situations when living cells are not respiring?
Why might some living cells respire more than others?
Are there dierences between major groups of organisms in how fast they respire?
What is the dierence, if any, in the rate cellular respiration in germinating seeds
versus nongerminating seeds?
Does the temperature of germinating seeds aect the rate of cellular respiration? Do
plant seeds consume more oxygen at higher temperatures than at lower temperatures?
Investigation 6 T117
Big idea 2: CeLLULaR PRoCesses: eneRgy and CommUniCation
Do germinating seeds just starting to germinate consume oxygen at a greater rate
than seeds that have been germinating for several days (age dependence)?
Do seeds, such as Wisconsin Fast Plant seeds (which store energy as oil), respire at a
dierent rate from small grass seeds (which store energy as starch)?
Do small seeds of spring owers, weeds, or grasses respire at a dierent rate from
seeds from summer, fall, or winter plants?
Do seeds from monocot plants respire at dierent rates from dicot plants?
Do available nutrients aect the rate of respiration in germinating seeds?
Can the same respirometer system be used to measure the rate of respiration in small
invertebrates such as insects or earthworms?
Step 1 Students are asked to design an experiment to investigate one of their
own questions about cellular respiration or one of the questions above, using
microrespirometers or gas pressure sensors. When identifying their design, students
should address the following:
What is the essential question being addressed?
What assumptions are made about the question(s) being addressed? Can those
assumptions be veried?
Will the measurements you choose to make provide the necessary data to answer the
question under study?
Did you include a control in your experiment?
What are possible sources of error in the experiment(s)?
Step 2 Students should make a hypothesis, which should include a prediction about the
eect of the factor(s) they chose to investigate on the rate of cellular respiration.
Step 3 en students conduct their experiment(s) and record data and any answers to
their questions in their laboratory notebook.
Step 4 Students should record their data using appropriate methods, such as the example
table provided in Visuals. ey should then graph the results to show the eect of the
factors/variables they investigated on the rate of cellular respiration. Students should
calculate the rate(s) of cellular respiration for each factor/variable.
Summative Assessment
e following are suggested as guidelines to assess students’ understanding of the
concepts presented in the investigation, but you are encouraged to develop your own
methods of postlab assessment:
1. Revisit the learning objectives. Based on students’ answers to the analysis questions,
do you think students have met the objectives of the laboratory investigation?
T118 Investigation 6
2. As a result of this lab, did students demonstrate evidence of what they knew and
could do within the context of the learning objectives?
3. Have students record their experimental design, procedures, data, results, and
conclusions in a lab notebook or have them construct a mini-poster to share with
their classmates.
4. Have students develop a list of concepts that they had diculty understanding about
the process of cellular respiration before conducting their investigations.
5. Did students have sucient mathematical skills required to calculate the rate(s) of
cellular respiration?
6. If you used the gas pressure sensors to measure O
consumption or CO
were students able to navigate through the computer interface to the lab
investigation without much diculty? If students had diculty, ask them to teach
each other how to use the equipment.
7. Did students have an adequate understanding of the general gas law as it applies to
the concepts in this lab?
8. Released AP Exams have several multiple-choice and free-response (essay) questions
based on the concepts studied in this investigation. ese could be used to assess
your students’ understanding.
Where Can Students Go from Here?
Students can explore answers to other questions that might have been raised as they
conducted their experiment(s). For example, if they originally investigated the eect
of temperature on metabolic rate in plant seeds, they might want to explore a dierent
aspect, such as the eect of temperature on metabolic rate in small invertebrates, such as
insects or earthworms, or the relationship between the mass of an organism and its rate
of respiration.
Investigation 6 T119
Big idea 2: CeLLULaR PRoCesses: eneRgy and CommUniCation
Prelab Activities
is resource provides an interactive tutorial on the structure and function of
mitochondria and the process of cellular respiration.
is resource provides myriad tutorials and animations that review the gas laws.
is resource introduces students to the concepts of cellular respiration. By walking
through the still images and movie included for each topic, students are in control of
choosing the learning style that best ts their needs.
Procedural Resources
AP Biology Lab Manual, Lab 5: Cell Respiration, e College Board, 2001.
Although this laboratory protocol is teacher directed, students can use the resource to
glean information about the process of cellular respiration as they design experiments
to investigate factors, including environmental variables such as temperature, that
aect the rate of respiration.
is resource describes the procedure and tips for assembling microrespirometers.
Lee, Richard E. “Using Microrespirometers to Measure O
Consumption by Insects and
Small Invertebrates.e American Biology Teacher, vol. 57, no. 5, 284–85, 1995.
is resource provides information about the use of microrespirometers in measuring
respiration rates in insects and small invertebrates such as crickets and earthworms.
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Investigation 6 S71
Cellular Processes:
Energy and Communication
investigation 6
CeLLULaR ResPiRation*
What factors affect the rate of cellular respiration in
multicellular organisms?
Living systems require free energy and matter to maintain order, to grow, and to
reproduce. Energy deciencies are not only detrimental to individual organisms, but
they cause disruptions at the population and ecosystem levels as well. Organisms employ
various strategies that have been conserved through evolution to capture, use, and store
free energy. Autotrophic organisms capture free energy from the environment through
photosynthesis and chemosynthesis, whereas heterotrophic organisms harvest free
energy from carbon compounds produced by other organisms. e process of cellular
respiration harvests the energy in carbon compounds to produce ATP that powers most
of the vital cellular processes. In eukaryotes, respiration occurs in the mitochondria
within cells.
If sucient oxygen is available, glucose may be oxidized completely in a series of
enzyme-mediated steps, as summarized by the following reaction:
+ 6O
→ 6CO
+ 6H
O + energy
More specically,
+ 6O
→ 6CO
+ 6H
O +
686 kilocalories of energy
mole of glucose oxidized
e chemical oxidation of glucose has important implications to the measurement of
respiration. From the equation, if glucose is the energy source, then for every molecule
of oxygen consumed, one molecule of carbon dioxide is produced.
Suppose you wanted to measure the overall rate of cellular respiration.
What specic things could you measure?
Which of these might be easier or harder to measure?
In Procedures, you will learn how to calculate the rate of cellular respiration by using a
respirometer system (either microrespirometers or gas pressure sensors with computer
interface). ese measure relative volume (changes in pressure) as oxygen is consumed
by germinating plant seeds. As oxygen gas is consumed during respiration, it is normally
* Transitioned from the AP Biology Lab Manual (2001)
S72■■Investigation 6
replaced by CO
gas at a ratio of one molecule of CO
for each molecule of O
. us,
you would expect no change in gas volume to result from this experiment. However, in
the following procedure the CO
produced is removed by potassium hydroxide (KOH).
KOH reacts with CO
to form the solid potassium carbonate (K
) through the
following reaction:
+ 2KOH → K
+ H
us, as O
is consumed, the overall gas volume in the respirometer decreases. e
change in volume can be used to determine the rate of cellular respiration. Because
respirometers are sensitive to changes in gas volume, they are also sensitive to changes
in temperature and air pressure; thus, you need to use a control respirometer. What
would be a good control for this procedure? Talk with another student for a minute, and
come up with at least one possible control you could use.
As you work through Procedures, think about this question: What factors can aect
the rate of cellular respiration? In Designing and Conducting Your Investigation, you
will design and conduct an experiment(s) to investigate at least one of your responses
to this question or some other question you have. Your exploration will likely generate
even more questions about cellular respiration.
e investigation also provides an opportunity for you to apply and review concepts
that you have studied previously, including the relationship between cell structure and
function (mitochondria); enzymatic activity; strategies for capture, storage, and use of
free energy; diusion of gases across cell membranes; and the physical laws pertaining
to the properties and behaviors of gases.
To learn how a respirometer system can be used to measure respiration rates in plant
seeds or small invertebrates, such as insects or earthworms
To design and conduct an experiment to explore the eect of certain factors,
including environmental variables, on the rate of cellular respiration
To connect and apply concepts, including the relationship between cell structure
and function (mitochondria); strategies for capture, storage, and use of free energy;
diusion of gases across cell membranes; and the physical laws pertaining to the
properties and behaviors of gases
You must wear safety goggles or glasses, aprons, and gloves during this investigation(s)
because KOH (or the alternative, NaOH in Drano) is caustic. Follow your teachers
instructions when using the hot glue gun to seal microrespirometers. Do not work in
the laboratory without your teachers supervision.
Investigation 6 S73
big idea 2: CeLLULaR PRoCesses: eneRgy and CommUniCation
Your teacher may assign the following questions to see how much you understand
concepts related to respiration before you design and conduct your own investigation:
1. Why is it necessary to correct the readings of the respirometers containing seeds
with the readings taken from respirometers containing only glass beads? Your
answer should refer to the concepts derived from the general gas law:
PV = nRT
P = pressure of the gas
V = volume of the gas
n = number of moles of the gas
R = the gas constant (its value is xed)
T = temperature of the gas
2. What happens to the volume of the gas being measured (O
consumption or CO
production) when the temperature or pressure changes during the experiment?
If pressure and temperature remain constant, will the volume of gas in the
respirometers increase or decrease? Please explain.
Hint: Several tutorials and animations explaining the general gas law are available
online (e.g.,
3. Imagine that you are given 25 germinating pea seeds that have been placed in boiling
water for ve minutes. You place these seeds in a respirometer and collect data.
Predict the rate of oxygen consumption (i.e., cellular respiration) for these seeds and
explain your reasons.
4. Imagine that you are asked to measure the rate of respiration for a 25 g reptile and
a 25 g mammal at 10°C. Predict how the results would compare, and justify your
5. Imagine that you are asked to repeat the reptile/mammal comparison of oxygen
consumption, but at a temperature of 22°C. Predict how these results would dier
from the measurements made at 10°C, and explain your prediction in terms of the
metabolism of the animals.
6. What diculties would there be if you used a living green plant in this investigation
instead of germinating seeds?
S74■■Investigation 6
e rate of cellular respiration can be measured by several methods, and two reliable
methods are detailed below. Your teacher will tell you which method you will use to
measure the rate of respiration in germinating plant seeds at room temperature.
Option■1:■■Using Microrespirometers to Measure the Rate
of Cellular Respiration
Wisconsin Fast Plants seeds or seeds
of several species of plants, including
grasses; small animals, such as crickets
or earthworms; small glass beads; or dry,
baked seeds
Safety goggles or glasses, aprons, and
1 mL plastic tuberculin syringes without
in-stem plastic dropping pipettes
40 µL plastic capillary tubes or plastic
Hot glue gun; absorbent and
nonabsorbent cotton
3 or 4 one-quarter inch at metal
Celsius thermometer, centimeter rulers,
permanent glass-marking pens
Constant-temperature water bath
Manometer uid (soapy water with red
food coloring)
15% solution of KOH, potassium
hydroxide solution (or NaOH, Drano)
Figure■1.■Materials Figure■2.■Microrespirometer■Assembly
Investigation 6 S75
big idea 2: CeLLULaR PRoCesses: eneRgy and CommUniCation
Constructing a Microrespirometer
Measuring the rate of respiration is more technically challenging than many lab
procedures because there are many places for potential error in the assembly and use of
equipment. e advantages of the microrespirometer method as described by Richard
E. Lee in American Biology Teacher include low cost, reliability, simplicity, and rapid
response. A modication of the Lee method is described at
com/labtools/Microrespirometers.html. However, for the sake of convenience, the
procedure is outlined below. Hint: Read each step before doing it! You need to assemble
two microrespirometers: one for measuring the rate of respiration in germinating seeds
and the other for the control.
Step■1 Plug in the hot glue gun and allow it to heat up.
Step■2 Take a tuberculin syringe (without a needle) and make sure that its plunger is
pushed all the way in.
Step■3 Carefully insert a 40 µL plastic capillary tube into the syringe where the needle
normally would be. Insert it as far as the plunger tip but no farther. is will help prevent
the capillary from becoming plugged with glue.
Step■4 While holding the capillary tube straight up, add a small amount of hot glue
around its base (where it meets the syringe) to seal the capillary to the syringe. Keep the
capillary pointed straight up until the glue cools — this should not take long. If needed,
add a bit more glue to ensure an airtight seal between the capillary and syringe. (See
Figure 3.)
S76■■Investigation 6
Step■5 Aer the glue has cooled, pull back on the plunger and make sure that the glue
has not plugged the capillary. If the capillary is plugged, carefully remove the glue and
capillary and start over.
Preparing the Microrespirometer
Step■1 Draw a small quantity of manometer uid (soapy water with red food coloring)
into the full length of the microrespirometer’s capillary tube. en eject the uid back
out of the capillary. is coats the inside of the tube with a thin soapy lm that helps
prevent the manometer uid from sticking.
Step■2 Carefully insert a small plug of absorbent cotton into the barrel of the
microrespirometers, all the way into the 0 mL or cc mark. You can pack this cotton to the
end with the barrel of a clean thin-stem pipette. (See Figure 4.)
Step■3 Add one small drop of 15% KOH (or NaOH, Drano) to the cotton in the
microrespirometers. Do not add too much! CAUTION: Make sure you are wearing
gloves and safety goggles to protect your eyes because KOH is caustic.
Step■4 Add a small plug of nonabsorbent cotton on top of the absorbent cotton plug
already inside the barrel of the microrespirometers. You can pack the cotton to the end
with the barrel of a clean thin-stem pipette. (is nonabsorbent plug is needed to protect
the seeds from the caustic KOH.)
Step■5 Slowly reinsert the syringe plunger. CAUTION: Be sure to point the capillary
tip into a sink or container. ere may be excess KOH in the syringe that might squirt
from the end of the capillary. Push the plunger in until it reaches the cotton so that any
excess KOH is removed.
Step■6 Remove the plunger to add seeds.
Investigation 6 S77
big idea 2: CeLLULaR PRoCesses: eneRgy and CommUniCation
Add 0.5 mL of germinating seeds to the microrespirometers. Push the plunger
in to the 1.0 mL mark. is creates a sealed microrespirometer chamber with a 1.0 mL
Step■8 Place three to four washers around the barrel of the microrespirometers. e
washers provide weight so that the microrespirometers will sink.
Step■9 Place the microrespirometers in a room temperature (about 20°C) water bath. You
must maintain the temperature of the water bath for the experiment. Adjust the level of
the water bath so that the capillary tube is sticking out of the water while the barrel of the
microrespirometers is completely submerged. You will not be able to read the capillary
tube easily unless it is out of the water. Make sure the top end of the capillary tube is
open (not sealed).
Setting Up Your Control
Because a microrespirometer is sensitive to changes in gas volume, it is also sensitive
to changes in temperature and air pressure. To compensate for any changes, you
will use control microrespirometers. e control respirometer is set up just like the
microrespirometer except that it contains nonliving matter (e.g., small glass beads or
dry, baked seeds) instead of germinating seeds.
Step■1 Add 0.5 mL of beads or baked seeds to the second microrespirometer you
assembled. Reinsert the syringe plunger and push it to the 1.0 mL mark. is seals
the chamber and creates a chamber that has the same volume as the experimental
Step■2 Place three to four washers around the barrel of the control.
Step■3 Place the assembled control in the water bath next to the experimental
microrespirometer. Adjust the level of the water bath so the capillary tube is sticking out
of the water while the barrel of the control is completely submerged. In order to easily
read the capillary tube, it must be out of the water. Make sure the top end of the capillary
tube is open (not sealed).
e respirometers must be airtight, and they are sensitive to environmental changes,
including bumping the lab table. Once the respirometers have reached equilibrium, they
should not be touched or moved, nor should anything else be added to or taken out of
the water baths (including your hands!).
Collecting Data
Step■1 Prepare a table like Table 1 to record your data and observations in your
lab notebook. You will need to record data for both the experimental and control
S78■■Investigation 6
Step■2 Place the experimental and control microrespirometers into the 20°C water bath.
Wait 5 minutes to allow the temperature in the microrespirometers to equalize.
Step■3 Use a dropping pipette to add one small drop of manometer uid to the tip of
each capillary tube (see Figure 5). If everything is working properly, the drop will be
sucked down into the capillary tube. e manometer uid will seal the chamber of the
microrespirometers. (You should use the plunger on the control microrespirometers to
get the manometer uid into the capillary. Pull on the plunger until the manometer drop
is about halfway down the capillary.)
Step■4 As oxygen is consumed by cellular respiration, the manometer uid plug will move
toward the chamber. Record the starting position of each plug by marking its position on
the capillary with a marker. Be sure to mark the bottom edge of the plug. ese are your
Time 0 marks. Begin timing once you have made the Time 0 marks.
Investigation 6 S79
big idea 2: CeLLULaR PRoCesses: eneRgy and CommUniCation
At 5-minute intervals, mark the position of the manometer uid for each capillary
tube. Be sure to mark the bottom edge of the uid plug. Continue marking the positions
until the uid in the microrespirometers has traveled the entire length of the capillary, or
until 25 minutes have passed.
Step■6 At the end of 25 minutes, remove the microrespirometers from the water bath. Use
a centimeter ruler to measure the distance from the initial mark (Time 0 mark) to each
of the 5-minute intervals marked on each capillary tube. Record your measurements in
the correct column of your data table.
Step■7 Calculate the change in uid position during each time interval. To do this,
subtract the uid position at the beginning of the time interval from the uid position at
the end of the time interval. Record your values.
Step■8 Repeat the calculations for your control microrespirometer.
Step■9 Using the values you obtained for the control microrespirometer, correct for any
changes in volume that you measure that may be attributed to changes in temperature
and air pressure.
Figure 6 shows how the microrespirometer works.
The microrespirometer is placed
in a water bath to help maintain
a constant temperature.
combines with KOH to form a solid
. As a result, the CO
is removed
from the air in the microrespirometer.
Cotton protects the organism at the bottom
of the microrespirometer from corrosive KOH.
The air is a mixture
of O
and other gases.
Living organism
S80■■Investigation 6
1. Use your data table to construct a graph. Your goal is to determine respiration rate.
How should you plot your data? Which variable will be on the x-axis, and which will
be on the y-axis?
2. From the graph, determine the rate of respiration for the germinating seeds at
20°C. Hint: Go back and think about what the units of measurement would be for
respiration. How can you get a value with those units from your graph?
3. What additional questions can you explore about cellular respiration using the same
respirometers from this experiment?
4. In the next part of this investigation, you will design and conduct your own
experiments to answer questions that you raised in Procedures. Do you have any
suggestions for improving the design of microrespirometers or procedure for
measuring oxygen consumption/cellular respiration?
Option 2: Using Gas Pressure Sensors with Computer
Interface to Measure the Rate of Cellular Respiration
Gas pressure sensors can be used to measure the rate of cellular respiration by
measuring the amount of O
consumed, the amount of CO
produced, or both
simultaneously. Your teacher will provide written instructions or perhaps ask you to
download information from the manufacturer’s website or another online resource. If
you are unfamiliar with the use of probes with a computer interface, you will need to
spend time learning how to collect data using the equipment.
1. Use a gas pressure sensor to measure the rate of cellular respiration in germinating
seeds at 20°C over a 25-minute time interval or as per instructed by your teacher.
2. What additional questions can you explore about cellular respiration from this
3. In the next part of this investigation, you will design and conduct your own
experiments to answer questions that you raised in the rst part of the investigation.
Do you have any suggestions for improving the procedure provided for measuring
oxygen consumption/cellular respiration using a gas pressure sensor with computer
Investigation 6 S81
big idea 2: CeLLULaR PRoCesses: eneRgy and CommUniCation
Now that you have learned how to measure the rate of cellular respiration in
germinating seeds, you have a tool for exploring questions on your own. ink about
the process of cellular respiration.
When does it occur? Are there any situations when living cells are not respiring?
Why might some living cells respire more than others?
Are there dierences between major groups of organisms in how fast they respire?
What is the dierence, if any, in the rate of cellular respiration between germinating
seeds and nongerminating seeds?
Does the temperature of germinating seeds aect the rate of cellular respiration?
Do plant seeds consume more oxygen at higher temperatures than at lower
Do germinating seeds just starting to germinate consume oxygen at a greater rate
than seeds that have been germinating for several days (age dependence)?
Do seeds such as Wisconsin Fast Plant seeds (which store energy as oil) respire at a
dierent rate from small grass seeds (which store energy as starch)?
Do small seeds of spring owers, weeds, or grasses respire at a dierent rate from
seeds from summer, fall, or winter plants?
Do seeds from monocot plants respire at dierent rates from dicot plants?
Do available nutrients aect the rate of respiration in germinating seeds?
Can the same respirometer system be used to measure the rate of respiration in small
invertebrates, such as insects or earthworms?
Step■1 Design an experiment to investigate one of your own questions about cellular
respiration or one of the questions above using microrespirometers or gas pressure
sensors. When identifying your design, be sure to address the following:
What is the essential question being addressed?
What assumptions are made about the question(s) being addressed? Can those
assumptions be veried?
Will the measurements you choose to make provide the necessary data to answer the
question under study?
Did you include a control in your experiment?
What are possible sources of error in the experiment(s)?
Step■2 Make a hypothesis, which should include a prediction about the eect of the
factor(s) you chose to investigate on the rate of cellular respiration.
Step■3 Conduct your experiment(s) and record data and any answers to your questions in
your laboratory notebook or as per instructed by your teacher.
S82■■Investigation 6
Step■4 Record your data using appropriate methods, such as the example table provided
in Procedures. en graph the results to show the eect of the factors/variables you
investigated on the rate of cellular respiration. Calculate the rate(s) of cellular respiration
for each factor/variable.
1. Your teacher may suggest that you perform statistical analysis of your data,
comparing results of the experimental variable(s) to the controls. You should at least
express the uncertainty of your measurements with error bars. You may want to
review Chapter 3 for more information about statistical analysis.
2. How was the rate of cellular respiration aected by the experimental variable(s) you
chose as compared to the control(s)?
3. Compare class data to explain how dierent variables aect rates of cellular
1. Was your initial hypothesis about the eect of your factor on the rate of cellular
respiration supported? Why or why not?
2. What were some challenges you had in performing your experiment? Did you make
any incorrect assumptions?
3. Were you able to perform without diculty the mathematical routines required to
analyze your data? If not, what calculations were challenging or required help from
your classmates or teacher?
If time is available, ask your teacher if you can extend the investigation to explore
answers to other questions that might have been raised as you conducted your
experiment(s). For example, if you originally investigated the eect of temperature
on metabolic rate in plant seeds, you might want to explore a dierent aspect, such
as the eect of temperature on metabolic rate in small invertebrates, such as insects
or earthworms, or the relationship between the mass of an organism and its rate of