Saturday 4:00PM Vigil
Sunday 8:00 & 10:30AM, 5:00PM
Monday-Friday 6:45AM
Holydays 6:30AM, 12:10PM
Monday-Friday 7:15-7:30AM
Thursday 6:00-7:00PM
Saturday 3:00-3:45PM
Perpetual Help Novena
Tuesday after 6:45AM Mass
Holy Hour
Thursday 6:00-7:00PM
September 3, 2023 Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
200 West Harrison Street, Belleville, IL 62220 [email protected] (618) 234-1166
Notre Dame Academy (618) 233-6414 Green Mount Catholic Cemetery (618) 234-4858
Most Reverend Michael G. McGovern, D.D., Bishop of Belleville
Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass © 2001, 1998, 1970 CCD
Page 2 Cathedral of St. Peter
From Fr. Godfrey
- STEWARDSHIP. Thank you to all who
returned your stewardship Commitment
Card last week (or before). Thanks, most
especially to all those who found a way to
"go big" in making your annual
commitment to the Church of time, talent,
and treasure. As disciples, bringing our gifts
forward generously is part of who we are. Reminder: If you
haven't returned your completed card, it would help us very much if you'd
see clear to do that in the next few weeks. Thanks for your attention
to this!
for the Stewardship Conference twice a year, along with
presenting a talk to the participants, I always come home with
ideas to incorporate into our work and prayer here at the
Cathedral. I'm so grateful for the twenty years of experience
that Catholic Stewardship Consultants brings to our parish.
The conference this past week was the celebration of twenty
years for them.
- LABOR DAY. For many decades now, the Church supports
the rights and dignity of workers. As we celebrate this Labor
Day, let's be grateful for the Church's voice in the progression
of labor, particularly in the United States. St. Benedict would
have us always pair work with prayer. St. John Paul II would
have us remember that work is ordered toward fuller living,
and not the other way around.
- ABSENCE. I'll be away next Saturday to give a Stewardship
Retreat at St. Monica parish in Indianapolis. I'll be home
Saturday night.
- PRAYER. Let's take a minute or two every day in the week
ahead to remember to pray for our parish and our parishioners
who are in a particular struggle. May God grant them peace!
Parish Office Hours
Monday-Friday 9:00AM-4:00PM
Parish Staff
Parish (618) 234-1166
Cemetery (618) 234-4858
Notre Dame Academy (618) 233-6414
Very Rev. Godfrey Mullen, OSB
Deacon David Fields
Deacon Doug Lugge
Deacon Wayne Weiler
Director of Religious Education
Sister Theresa Markus, SSND
Mr. Richard Thompson
Business Manager ______
Mrs. Josie Weiler
Facilities Manager_____________
Mr. Daryl Barton
Office Manager
Mrs. Sue Pederson
Assistant Office Manager
Mrs. Carissa Reitano
Parish Trustees
Mrs. Greta Stock
Mr. John Schaberg
Notre Dame Academy Principal
Mrs. Linda Hobbs
Green Mount Catholic Cemetery
Mrs. Carissa Reitano
Mrs. Diane Walsh
Sexual Abuse Hotline
(800) 640-3044
Please pray for our Diocesan Seminarians and for the monks of Saint Meinrad in
formation. Each week, Ill list one of them in the bulletin here, with an address, so
that if youre inclined, you might drop them a note of support. At the very least,
maybe one Hail Mary for each one each week would be helpful. For this week
Saint Meinrad Archabbey
100 Hill Dr.
St. Meinrad, IN 47577
Page 3 September 3, 2023
“Rhosymedre,” Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958)
“God of Grace and God of Glory,” Paul Manz (1919-2009)
#715 “Take Up Your Cross”
“My Soul is Thirsting ”
#505 “Only This I Want”
10:30 Choir: “O Taste and See,” Ralph Vaughn Williams
#335 “Taste and See”
10:30 Choir: “Wondrous Cross,” Philip Wilby (b. 1949)
#739 “Lead me, Lord”
“Festive Trumpet Tune,” David German (b.1954)
Music for
September 3
in ordinary Time
Published with Permission of #A-400250
4:00 PM, 8:00 AM, & 10:30 AM Mass
Page 4 Cathedral of St. Peter
Our Cathedral worship - especially the holy Mass - is directed to the
Father, through the Son, in the unity of the Holy Spirit.
Mass Intentions
Liturgical Ministries
September 9th/10th
4:00 PM
Sept 9
8:00 AM
Sept 10
10:30 AM
Sept 10
5:00 PM
Sept 10
B Barbieri M Buescher M Garcia S Szewczyk
J Goedelman S Cerny
J Schaberg
J Goedelman L Kania
M Storment
Sr. Tess P Schilling M Konradt P Storment
G Schwartz J Townsend M Augustine J McQuillan
T Goeb C Becker J Schaberg
L & P Flynn
S Cutler &
R Mauch
S Pederson B Whipple
Saturday, September 2: Vigil Mass
4:00 pm Schwartz-Biehl Families
Sunday, September 3: 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00 am Rose & George Ahring
10:30 am Sr. Carol Markus
5:00 pm Living & Deceased of Cathedral Parish
Monday, September 4: Weekday
6:45 am Evelyn Owens
Tuesday, September 5: Weekday
6:45 am Jane Blome Schulte
Wednesday, September 6: Weekday
6:45 am Joyce Lehr
Thursday, September 7: Weeekday
6:45 am Daniel Stocker
8:15 am Fr. Dennis Voss
Friday, September 8: The Nativity of the
Blessed Virgin Mary
6:45 am Agnew & Mellein Families
Saturday, September 9: St. Peter Claver
4:00 pm Verna Stock
Living & Deceased of Cathedral Parish
Sunday, September 10: 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00 am Special Intention
10:30 am John Fournie
5:00 pm Joseph & Virginia Pees
Join our Parish Family!
Register online at:
Don’t Forget to Turn in
Your Commitment Card
We’re still in the midst of our annual
Stewardship Renewal. If you havent
returned your Commitment Card or
completed one online at the parish
stewardship, it is NOT too late.
Returning your card is an important
part of being an active member
of the Cathedral of St. Peter.
Please take this opportunity
to discern how God is calling you
to grow closer to Him this year.
Page 5 September 3, 2023
Your Gifts to God And Parish
August 26/27: $12,451.85
August 5/6 $14,420 $16,651.70
August 12/13 $14,420 $13,951.50
August 19/20 $14,420 $13,377.50
August 26/27 $14,420 $12,451.85
TOTAL $57,680 $56,432.55
Notre Dame Academy (NDA)
at Cathedral Campus
We are off of school on Monday due to Labor
Day. Since it is the first week of September, we
will have our first parent's club meeting
(PANDA) on Thursday. PANDA has many
fun activities, fundraisers, and events planned
for the upcoming school year. Parishioners are
invited to several of these events. We hope that
you will be able to join us for some throughout
the year! Keep an eye on our Facebook and this
column for all our upcoming events.
Linda Hobbs
ParishesSchool of Religion (PSR)
at St. Augustine Campus
The ParishesSchool of Religion begins
Sunday, September 10, and Wednesday,
September 13. We are still taking registrations
for the new year. We do have a Kindergarten
program. If you know of anyone who is
interested, please email tm[email protected].
We are looking forward to helping your
children in their faith formation.
Our goal in parenting is not ultimately for our kids to
get a great education or be great athletes or find a great
husband or get a great career. Our goal is for them to
Sister Theresa Markus, S.S.N.D.
Coordinator of the Parishes' School of Religion
For believers, faith formation is life-long - children, teens, young
adults, singles, married, families, seniors - everyone at Cathedral.
Cathedral parishioners are called to look beyond our own needs
to our neighborhoods, our city, our diocese and to all the worlds.
The Diocese of Belleville
is currently hiring for the following positions:
-Editor for the diocesan newspaper, The Messenger
(30 40 hours per week)
-Part-time Administrative Assistant for the Office of
Vocations and Deacon Formation (24 hours per week)
For details about qualifications and
a full job description visit:
TO APPLY: Send résumé, cover letter, and refer-
ences to Human Resources, Diocese of Belleville, 222
South Third Street, Belleville, IL 62220, or email
Application Deadline: September 5, 2023
The first Sunday of every month we collect
donations for our sister diocese in Guatemala.
Envelopes are available at the entrances.
Your generous donations are appreciated.
Employment Opportunity
Your Sunday Contributions
Give online: To set up an online account, go to
funds register and set up your preferences.
This is a secure site used by thousands of parishes
throughout the USA.
Call 618.234.1166
The Church has consistently taught that every
human life is precious and worthy of protection.
-USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities
Another Look at Abortion
Respect for Life
Page 6 Cathedral of St. Peter
In the case of weather emergency during Mass, the sacristan
will advise the priest of the situation. The priest will then
advise the congregants to seek shelter in the Undercroft. The
ushers shall assist in directing congregants in seeking shelter.
Once it is determined to be safe, congregants will be directed
back the nave of the Cathedral or will be dismissed.
Young Adult Mass
with Bishop McGovern
Sunday, September 10th
Cathedral of St. Peter
200 W Harrison St.
Mass at 5 PM
Reception to follow
in the
Cathedral Undercroft
Homeschool Family Mass
With Bishop McGovern
Wednesday, Sep. 13 at 11 AM
St. Clare Parish 1411 Cross St. O’Fallon, IL
A complimentary luncheon will follow the Mass.
Families are encouraged to bring used or new
homeschooling materials to sell or exchange. Please drop
off books in the Fellowship Hall before Mass, marked with
name and price, or free.
Our Cathedral
5th Annual Food Truck Fest
is Saturday, September 30
from 4 - 9 pm.
This event is a way for parishioners
to gather for a “parish picnic”
without the work of cooking,
doing dishes, etc.!
Come enjoy this evening
with fellow parishioners!
Invite your family, friends,
neighbors, and co-workers
for a variety of foods, beer, sangria,
raffle, inflatables, live music,
antique car cruise-in and much more!
September 30th
Vocations: As our country honors Labor this weekend,
we can rejoice in the goodness of work for the Lord. We are each
called to spread the Word and promote our Catholic Church. This is
the vocation of ALL of us. We can call upon St. Joseph the Worker
to help us do the work of the Lord”. We need to encourage our
family members to be attentive to their call their lifes work -
maybe even to the priesthood or religious life.
Page 7 September 3, 2023
Green Mount
Catholic Cemetery
679 S. Green Mount Road, Belleville, IL
A Ministry of the Cathedral of St. Peter
Pre-planning is strongly encouraged.
Contact the cemetery staff
at (618) 234-4858.
Pre-Planning documents
may be found online at:
Tickets $1.00
purchase at Copper Fire
Drawings held each
Wednesday until
the Queen of Hearts is drawn
Notre Dame
Copper Fire
200 E Main St.
2023 Catholic Service and Ministry Appeal
The one who does justice will live
in the presence of the Lord.- Psalm 15
Do you remember your or your childrens or, perhaps, your
grandchildrens first time away from home attending
college? While greatly anticipated, it can also be a challeng-
ing, sometimes overwhelming experience. Today hundreds
of young adults find a comfortable, secure, faith-based
home during their college years as a family member
of the Newman Catholic Student Center at Southern Illinois
University. Your contribution to The Catholic Service and
Ministry Appeal helps makes this experience possible.
Partner with Newmans students and staff by making your
gift to The Appeal today!
Join the St. Peter Fraternity of the Third Order of
St. Francis Secular to for a Eucharisc Adoraon Mission
given by Fr. Declan Gibson,
of the Most Holy Eucharist Foundaon.
Monday and Tuesday, September 11
and 12
at 6:30 pm at St. Teresa Church,
1201 Lebanon Ave., Belleville
Our hope and goal through this Mission, open to all
throughout the Diocese, is that we can return to
Perpetual Adoraon”, to give Our Eucharisc King, the
honor and glory due His Name, in an unbroken chain of
lovewhereby we enthrone Jesus Christ as King.
Prior to the Mission, Fr. Declan will celebrate and
preach the homilies at 5:00pm Saturday (Sept. 9) , 7:00am
Sunday and 11:00am Sunday Masses (Sept.10) at
St. Teresas. He will also celebrate and preach the homily
at the 9:00am Sunday Mass. (Sept.10) at St. Lukes.
Join Cathedral of St Peters
St. Vincent de Paul Society
for a walk through the
Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows
as we raise funds to support those in need.
Saturday September 23
8 a.m. – Noon
The Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows
442 S. Demazenod Dr. Belleville, IL 62223
For more details contact Diane Crawford
(618) 698-4563 or [email protected]
Sunday, September 17 from 2 PM to 4 PM
Please come to the park-like setting of the former
St. John's Orphanage (2620 Lebanon Avenue) and
see the residence of your retired priests, who will
be happy to greet you.