Research Article
Muhamad Zulhelmi Abdullah Suhami
Salim Abdul Talib*
Sabaianah Bachok
Maria Mohd Saleh
Faculty of Hotel and Tourism Management
Universiti Teknologi MARA Puncak Alam, Malaysia
Proposed citation:
Suhaimi, M.Z.A., Talib, S.A., Bachok, S. & Saleh, M.M. (2018). Service attributes, customer satisfaction and
return usage: A case of Uber Malaysia. Journal of Tourism, Hospitality & Culinary Arts, 10(2), 81-103.
The transportation industry is one of the largest sectors in the global economy, and it changes in-tandem
rapidly with the innovations of technology. Uber is one of the latest technology advancements in the
transportation industry. The primary purpose of this study is to measure customer satisfaction level on
the service attributes of Uber. Specifically, this study will address the issues of service attributes of Uber
with customer satisfaction and return usage. The quantitative research approach was chosen to obtain
the relevant data for this study which was conducted among Uber users who experienced Uber services
at least once in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor. A total of 400 questionnaires were distributed to the users
to allow for attrition rate from the sample size via google docs. The results of this study revealed that
service attributes of Uber namely safety, price, convenience, and information and communications
technology (ICT) do influence customer satisfaction and return usage. This study found that it is
imperative for Uber operators to improve their services and provide better services that fit the current
consumer demands on public transportation. In addition, ICT is crucial in transportation and tourism
industry because it has a great impact on ensuring sustainable global and tourism development.
Service Attributes; Customer Satisfaction; Return Usage; Uber; Malaysia
Journal of Tourism, Hospitality
& Culinary Arts (JTHCA)
2018, Vol. 10 (2) pp 81-103
© The Author(s) 2018
Reprints and permission:
UiTM Press
Submit date: 4
July 2018
Accept date: 25
November 2018
Publish date: 30
December 2018
Service attributes, customer
satisfaction and return usage: A
case of Uber Malaysia
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1 Introduction
Transportation is a fundamental driver of the tourism industry as it is a precondition
for travel since it facilitates mobility and the movement of tourists from their place of
origin (i.e., their home area) to their destination and vice versa. Concerning this
statement, it can be seen that transportation has a symbiotic relationship with tourism
in which one cannot occur without the other, and the two are co-dependent. Taxis, in
various forms and with various names, have been around for at least several centuries.
Modern taxis are generally considered to have evolved from the horse-drawn carriages
for hire in Paris and London in the mid-1600s. Ridesharing companies like Uber and Lyft,
are activated by using a smartphone app to match consumers requesting rides with
drivers that will take them there. Since its inception in 2009, Uber has gained significant
market share in the United States and worldwide (Uber, 2016; Vasudevan, 2015).
The advancement in technologies has delivered new trends in almost anything,
transportation included, in this modern era. Nowadays, people start to look into the
latest and latest trend to go about their daily life. Transportation wise, the growth in
technology has transformed the customer's preferences to use Uber over any other
mode of transportations. Uber is a Transportation Network Company developed to
connect passengers and drivers through a smart application. In the past, tourist or
customer used to hail the taxi by the roadside. Now, by utilizing mobile smartphones,
people can request for Uber easily using mobile phones. Even though Uber has grown
and expanded internationally in the past seven years, it still faces legal and social issues
especially the uproar among taxi drivers, operators, and several other groups in
countries that provide such services. It has become the transportation industry’s
disruptor world-wide, inclusive of Malaysia.
Locally, Uber has been conducting their operations for over a year. The public
seemed to be responsive to their services and started switching their mode of public
transportation from the regular taxi, bus, etc. to Uber services. This has created some
problems. For instance, The Malaysian media reported that taxi drivers once staged a
protest towards taxi apps Uber and GrabCar along the city's main shopping belt. This
caused the traffic in central Kuala Lumpur coming to a halt in March 2016 since early in
the morning (Lee, 2016; News Straits Times Press, 2016).
Additionally, when looking back at the history of the taxi industry, it is easy to see
comparisons between events that happened nearly a century ago and what is presently
going on between taxi corporations and ride-sharing companies. According to Sobzack
(2016), the fundamental business model of Uber and other new ride-hailing offerings
distinguishes themselves from the other taxi industry. Despite the popularity of Uber
services as a new means of public transport, not much study has been conducted on
these phenomena. There are minimal studies regarding the determinants of Uber rides
as a substitute for a traditional taxi service and other public transport (Azmi, Buliah, &
Ismail, 2016). Thus, there is confusion as to what mode of vehicular public transport it
falls under, either under carpooling or ridesharing, or just a modification of the taxi. Also
despite its rising popularity, not much is known about the services that are provided by
the Uber services from the consumers’ perspective, i.e. whether they are satisfied with
the services provided by Uber, or vice versa. This is a gap area that needs to be
addressed. Hence, this study is intended to fill these gaps by examining the relationship
between services attributes of Uber with customer satisfaction and return usage.
The main purpose of this study is to measure customer satisfaction level on service
attributes of Uber. Specifically, this study will address the issues of service attributes of
Uber with customer satisfaction and return usage. To respond to the research gaps
aforementioned, this paper aims to answer the following research questions. First, by
providing what the services attributes of Uber taxi that significantly predicts customer
satisfaction (safety, price, convenience and ICT) are. Secondly, to show the effects of
services attributes of Uber on the likelihood of return usage. Finally, this study seeks to
verify whether customer satisfaction mediates the relationship between service
attributes of Uber and return usage. Overall, this study intends to provide some insights
and guidance to the smart transportation industry for their international market
strategies in the hope of seeking global growth through improved cross-national
customer satisfaction.
2 Literature Review
2.1 Overview of Uber
Uber was launched in 2010 as UberCab, but it primarily only facilitated on-demand
access to private black cars driven by professionally licensed drivers (Wortham 2011).
According to McCarthy (2011) at the time of its New York City launch in 2011, CNET
described it as “a limousine-booking start-up.” At this stage, Malik & Graham (2011)
confirmed that an Uber was not directly competing with existing private car services so
much as involving existing black car and limo drivers with passengers during off-peak
hours. Uber is beneficial for the hospitality and tourism industry as it takes tourists to
their desired destinations in case they prefer a better choice from other public
transports (e.g. taxi or bus). Choosing Uber requires travelers to pay up to 50% less than
the cost of a taxicab, plus most of the time the Uber driver is a local born and familiar
with the area. On top of that, Uber is also an excellent alternative for tourists with a
small budget as they can get around places cheaper and save more money.
According to Lawlor and Gannes (2012), UberX service which did not require a
professional driver or a specific type of car had been initiated by Uber in the mid-2012,
along with their competitors, Lyft and Sidecar who launched their “peer-to-peer” ride-
sharing services in San Francisco. Uber app is a new innovation to consumers because
of its convenience and ease-of-use. The consumer can easily pay for their rides-for-hire
service through by a third party, known as Transportation Network Company (TNC) once
they downloaded the app in their smartphones. UberX had become their platform that
scans or takes a picture of their credit card with the smartphone’s camera. Uber has also
upgraded its existing navigation service (Google and Apple) with deCarta Mapping
Company. This new mapping system will continue to progress Uber’s navigation and
location technologies. Moreover, Uber service is a new technological innovation in the
transportation industry that connects the drivers and the passenger through
smartphone apps.
Based on a previous examination of Uber by Ngo (2015), it was found that Uber
offers better service than taxi service with the quicker time, reduces the value of money,
cost of waiting, it’s far convenient, and they are extra concerned about handicap
passenger. Technology advancement has made it possible for Uber service to be always
on demand for its availability and accessibility (Hal, Chan & Dai, 2014). Uber had been
viewed by the customers as part of a luxury substitute for transport as it serves the
demand for fast, flexible and convenient mobility in urban areas which was previously
an unmet demand (Azmi et al., 2016). According to Rayle, Dai, Chan, Cervero, and
Shaheen (2016) the convenience of using Uber and other factors is an attraction to
consumers to use its services over the regular taxi. Very few studies in the extant
literature have discussed the service attributes of Uber and how it relates to consumer
satisfaction in using it.
2.2 Safety
Safety is one essential aspect that is considered by customers when riding a taxi. An
essential factor that can attract customers to take Uber service is safety inspection.
Rules and regulation are all prepared to make sure the protection proof Uber’s
customers. Before the drivers were given the license, they have to obtain the
authorization to sit for the driver examination first. The most important aspect is there
is no criminal record, and the driver must prove certificate liability insurance. According
to Ngo (2015) “the types, model, and vehicle condition, the actual point-to-point route
that the car follows, the minimum fuel efficiency standard and data reporting, the car
should not be more than 5 years and the requirements for monitoring and evaluation
were few of the many conditions that the car registered for Uber have to comply with.
Furthermore, Brazil and Kirk (2016) had mentioned that Uber service decreases drunken
driving accident.”
Customers have to choose the mode of payments in advance for their request in
Uber Service, i.e. whether to pay by cash or bank card (Azmiet al., 2016). Also, using the
credit card as a mode of payment is far safer than using cash. The benefit for travelers
is to avoid getting an extra charge from the driver. According to Azmi et al. (2016), the
driver and passengers will be connected via smartphone when using Uber; hence the
passenger can engage and examine their driver before agreeing to apply their service
for extra safety.
2.3 Convenience
The presence of Uber or also known as an urban taxi in the city has prompted a great
concern over the increase in traffic congestion. Even though numerous studies have
deeply explored this issue, yet the discoveries are still unclear. According to Li, Hong,
and Zhang (2016) who researched this subject, one of the findings was the usage of Uber
in urban territories prompts a considerable diminishment in carbon dioxide discharges
and traffic jam. Based on the same research, Uber can be a resolution to reduce the
problem regarding traffic congestion in the city areas, and it also provides further proof.
FiveThirtyEight is a statistics source, retrieved from taxi and limousine commission
about the analysis of the changes amount of pickups. Alley (2016) said that in light of
the insights, Uber could offer rides to places that are troublesome for the taxi to reach.
Uber service can help travelers in the simple entry to the particular travel destination in
urban territory. Also, Rayle et al. (2014) expressed that contrasting the waiting time and
hailing times for taxi against the waiting time for an Uber ride; Taxi took longer time
than Uber.
According to Rayle et al. (2014), as cited by Huges and McKenzie (2015), the most
common reasons for a customer to use Uber is the ease of payment and in second place
is waiting time. Uber is interrelated with the transportation work organization, and it is
discovered that the sitting tight time for a car is impacted by travel speed and the length
separation between the current location of the driver and the pick-up location (Huges
et al. 2015). However, most of them have come up with one assumption that Uber
service will not only save one’s money but it also can save time (Carazan, Chow, Pham,
Roswell & Sun, 2016). In addition, Azmi et al. (2016) highlighted that using Uber can
reduce waiting time as the traveler’s itinerary differs from bus and train schedule. Also,
the possibility of getting lost among the travelers can be avoided as the Uber drivers are
from the local area and indirectly act as their travel guides.
2.4 Price
Rates charged may vary from city to city. Regularly, taxi admission is costly
contrasted with Uber (Rempel, 2016). Gabel (2016) additionally expressed that the rates
for an Uber ride are less expensive than the taxi admission notwithstanding when the
charge is higher amid appeal periods. “Surge pricing” is the point at which the clients
charged for an upper fare. Before asking for the pickups, the greater cost will be
uncovered in the Uber's application; this will help the client decide whether to take the
ride or use something else (Rempel, 2016). “Surge pricing” is normally exceptional.
Rempel (2016) likewise said a repercussion that happened in March 2014 struck by Uber
benefit because of its surge evaluating practice, "Surge Drop" notification has been
actualized, the function is to alarm travelers at whatever point there is a reduction in
rates in their regions or area.
A previous survey by Partner and Legal (2015) state that Uber rates are much more
affordable and cheaper compared to the traditional taxi. People travel at the same time
to reduce their cost on the fares, for example, backpackers, and budget travelers. To
minimize the travel cost, they would consider the price offered. Uber offers lower rates
compared to the rates offered by a taxi. Hence, Uber would be a better choice for
customers (Azmiet al., 2016).
2.5 Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
The word “Information and Communications Technology (ICT)” is frequently utilized
as a part of a wide sense to depict an arrangement of heterogeneous media
transmission and data advancements that take into account electronic communication,
data collection and processing in distribution networks (Black &Geenhuizen, 2006;
Giannopoulos, 2004; Wang et al., 2015). According to Cohen (2002), ICT at present has
been categorized by the dynamic mechanical changes with fast reception and infiltration
rates; diminishing expenses for new equipment and features and quickly expanding the
scope of utilization and entrance in numerous domains of expert and individual life. The
production and facilities package which depend on the range of human resources, skill
qualities and additionally an intertwined institutional market region as the private sector
appearing in decreasingly regulated surroundings also has been characterized in ICT
(Cohen et al., 2002). ICT has presented the chances to establish new or more efficient
markets, especially for transport services. One example, for instance, is operative shared
rides and access to cars or bikes vehicles (Resnick, 2004). Chan and Shaheen (2012)
stated that the key to these new services of achievement is the new markets across the
local geographies which could be set up by utilizing ICT.
Nowadays, an Uber service which is the subject studied in this paper is part of the
shared economy in public transport, and the ICT has played an essential role in this
economy. The sharing economy is an evolving economic-technological phenomenon
that is triggered by developments in information and communications technology (ICT),
increasing consumer awareness, proliferation of collaborative web communities as well
as social commerce or sharing (Hamari et al.,2015; Botsman& Rogers, 2010; Kaplan
&Haenlein, 2010; Wang & Zhang, 2012). For instance, a European study proposed an
integrated system of ICT to organize a ridesharing service which is part of the sharing
economy (Calvo et al., 2004).
According to the United States Department of Transportation, the integration of the
ICT includes vehicle-to-vehicle communications, real-time data and information
capture, vehicle-to-infrastructure communications and more (US Department of
Transportation, 2014). In transit research, the study of Brakewood (2014) has shown
that real-time information had given optimistic impacts on transit ridership. To organize
rides in real time, Internet-enabled “smartphones” and automated ride-matching
software had been used by the Real-time ridesharing.
Ridesharing has become far more efficient and widespread with services due to the
ability of mobile applications and internet communications to provide real-time
information for rides (Siddiqi & Buliung, 2013). This enables applicants to systematize
the time before they take the trip, with passengers picked up and dropped off along the
way (Chan et al., 2012). This is especially for busy users who need to manage a hectic
schedule. A virtual transportation concierge that can check real-time conditions of the
transportation system is important for them to control the best schedule, travel, and
mode choices that used to accomplish the activities in a timely and efficient manner
(Miller, 2009).
In the sharing economy which is full of ICT, technology and innovation have become
the core of this economic system, which make a specialty of finding methods to
accomplish matters promptly and simply. Diffusion of innovations theory has been
widely used to cite and apply under innovations diffuse throughout the relevant
population (Skoglund, 2012). According to Rogers (1995), this theory had been defined
as the process of an innovation that communicates through certain channels over time
among the members of a social system. According to the diffusion of innovations theory,
the adoption of a successful invention resembles a bell-shaped curve as the innovation
experiences exponential growth before reaching its asymptote (Rogers, 1983).
By applying Rogers (1983) diffusion of innovation theory, Uber can be observed as
facing a fast rate of selection in a short timeframe due to the incorporation of the latest
technological advances within the field of ICT into Uber. Through the study by Posen
(2015), Uber users use the services because they have personal and social experiences
that lead to confidence in which, the ICT functions as a social enterprise. Uber’s business
model is premised on social interplay, with the awareness being on consumers.
As well as to the transportation services that Uber offers, it also provides social
services. Customers now can experience completely unique experience of a service
which traditional taxis offered but in a modernized way as it is a technology-driven social
experience that customers can select over owning an automobile (Posen, 2015).
2.6 Customer Satisfaction
It is essential to any business entity to satisfy every customer who uses the products
or services offered by them. According to Oliver (1999), customer satisfaction is a vital
indicator of a company’s past, current, and future performance and, hence, marketing
experts and scholars has been critically focussing on this since long ago. There are two
general conceptualizations of satisfaction that exist in the literature which are
transaction-specific satisfaction and cumulative satisfaction in modeling satisfaction
(Anderson & Fornell, 1993; Boulding, Kalra, Staelin, & Zeithhaml, 1993). In the
transaction-specific perspective, satisfaction is transient (Cronin & Taylor, 1992).
Conversely, cumulative satisfaction is a customer’s evaluation of the total utilization
involvement with a product or service to date, which directly affects post-purchase
phenomena such as attitude change, repeat purchase and brand loyalty (Johnson &
Fornell, 1991). It is common to associate satisfaction with emotional affluence among
individual who is experiencing a situation that leads to behaviouralintentions. As an
example, Oliver (1993) argued that positive and negative affective responses were
partial by consumer attributions about overall customer satisfaction. The contradiction
between prior expectation and actual performance is a function of disconfirmation that
results in customer dissatisfaction (Bolton & Drew, 1991). For instance, it has been
shown that dissatisfied customers generally tend to complain to the establishment or
are trying to find redress from them more regularly to relieve cognitive dissonance and
failed consumption experiences (Oliver, 1987; Nyer, 1999).
Dissatisfaction can prompt customers spreading out negative outcomes also known
as negative word of mouth. If the management does not review back their business, this
situation can become worst and affect their performance. Unsatisfied customers will
become a saboteur, and at the same time, they will discourage potential customers from
entering the business. The customers’ evaluation of service quality, purchase intentions
and behavior will influence customer satisfaction. According to Lacobucci et al. (1994),
empirical studies had shown that the key difference between service quality and
customer satisfaction is that quality relates to managerial delivery of the service while
satisfaction reflects customers’ experiences with that service. Sivadas and Baker-Prewitt
(2000), suggested that if improvements of product quality are not based on customer
needs, it will not lead to an improvementin customer satisfaction.
This study focused on the service attributes of Uber with customer satisfaction and
returned usage. Specifically, it is about the responses that the researcher gets from the
customers about their evaluations on satisfaction received by experiencing the Uber.
Following Oliver (1997; 1999), customer satisfaction is described as customer’s
judgment that the consumption of a product or service is providing a pleasurable level
of fulfillment of the customers’ needs, desires, and goals. High customer satisfaction
leads to greater customer loyalty (Anderson & Sullivian, 1993; Boulding et al., 1993; Yi,
1990), which, in turn, leads to future revenue (Fornell, 1992; Bolton, 1998).
Increased customer satisfaction leads to decreased customer complaints and
increased customer loyalty (Fornel & Wernerfelt, 1998). According to Anderson and
Fornell (2000), to create satisfied customers is the reason behind the existence of
business and competition. Those companies that excel at satisfying their customers will
attract investors. Gilbert et al. (2004) said that the number of services and goods the
company produced would not lead it to success as much as their satisfied customers
because these customers will return and keep the business growing. Customer
satisfaction is essential in marketing. Thus, the satisfying customer is very important for
a varied reason.
With specific reasons, this slogan such as ‘’our focus is customer satisfaction’’ or
‘’Customer is the King’’ are usually being used by the marketer in endorsing their
products or services. Customers across 200 firms had been tracked by the University of
Michigan to represent all major economic sectors to produce the ACSI (American
Customer Satisfaction Index). According to Fornell et al. (1996), an ACSI score computed
formits customer’s perceptions of quality, value, satisfaction, complaints, and future
loyalty had been received by each of the company.
These days, customers are comparing the cost with value to a very extreme level.
People value their money, and that is why they are looking for a high-quality product.
On the contrary, the establishments are looking forward to making extra money out of
their customers. Some tend to forget how important the customer is in profit marketing.
They will concentrate too much on profit taking and forgot about what are their
customers’ needs and wants. Hence, it is important to recognize the authority of the
customers who are the core determinants of business besides the product or the
company itself to deliver the best for the customers.
2.7 Return Usage
Return usage is similarly referred to as repurchase intention in which it can be
described as having the intention to buy or use an organization’s product/service more
frequently in the future (Garbarino & Johnson, 1999; Zhang & Bloemer, 2008). According
to Lacey and Morgan (2009), it is a person’s judgments on buying again a delegated
product or service from the identical company, taking into account his or her current
situation and likely circumstances. The repurchaseis described as a purchaser’s real
behavior resulting in the acquisition of the identical service or product on multiple
occasions. Peyrot and Van Doren (1994) cited that most consumers’ purchases are
possible repeat purchases. Consumers purchase similar merchandise repeatedly from
similar sellers, and most purchases represent a series of events rather than a single
isolated event. Retention is another common term for repurchase (Hennig-Thurau 2004;
Narayandas 1998; Zineldin 2006), which is considered to be one of the most vital
variables in relationship marketing (Fullerton, 2005)
Following the literature review and by the research objective and questions
aforementioned, the followed hypotheses were developed for the study: -
: There is a significant relationship between service attributes of Uber and return
: There is a significant relationship between the safety of Uber and return
: There is a significant relationship between the price charged of Uber and
return usage.
: There is a significant relationship between the convenience of Uber
services and return usage.
: There is a significant relationship between ICT of the Uber services and
return usage.
: There is a significant relationship between services attributes of Uber on
Customer satisfaction.
: There is a significant relationship between customer satisfactions on return
: Customer satisfaction mediates the relationship between service attributes of
Uber and returns usage.
3 Methodology
3.1 Research Design
The descriptive cross-sectional design was used to investigate the relationship
between the service attributes of Uber with customer satisfaction and return usage. The
respondents for this study were chosen among individuals who experienced the services
of Uber at least once in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor.
3.2 Sample & Sampling Method
A self-administrated survey was conducted for data collection. A total of 400
respondents who experienced the services of Uber were chosen as the respondent for
this study participated in the survey comprising of 156 women and 244 men through an
online survey using s google docs. The convenience sampling technique was used to
select respondents by using an online survey questionnaire. As suggested by Roscoe
(1975), a sample of more than 30 and less than 500 is sufficient for most research.
3.3 Construct of Questionnaire
Ordinal and interval scale was used to collect data from the respondents.
Demographic variables were measured using an ordinal scale and marathon impact
using an interval scale. The questionnaire consisted of 3 sections and designed to
examine the relationship between service attributes of Uber and customer satisfaction.
Section A was composed of demographic items, while items in Section B explored the
service attributes of Uber and Section C relates to Customer satisfaction and return
usage of participants. All items in Section B and C was rated using a five-point Likert
Scale ranging from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree).
3.4 Data Analysis
Data analysis was done by using the SPSS 23 (Statistical Package for Social Sciences).
Both descriptive and differential statics was used in performing the data analysis.
Preliminary test or pilot test using Cronbach Alpha to test reliability was
undertakenbefore conduct the actual study. Descriptive analysis was used to compute
the mean score and standard deviation. Inferential statistics method of Multiple
Regression was employed to establish the relationship between all the variables in the
study. Other suitable statistical techniques were used as appropriate in answering the
research objectives, research questions, and hypotheses of this study.
4 Findings
4.1 Introduction
This section provides an overview of the subject who participated in this study. A
total of 400 questionnaires were distributed during the data collection process. The
respondent's profile includes gender, race, age ranges, education level, working status,
monthly income for any source, UBER available in their area, sharing economy and usage
of UBER service. Frequency tables were generated from IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows
Version 23. The demographic data were demonstrated by tabular presentations.
Table 1: Demographic Profile
Frequency (n = 400)
Percentage (%)
Age Group
18 25 years’ old
26 30 years’ old
31 40 years old
41 and above
Educational Level
Bachelor’s Degree
Master’s Degree
Are you working?
Below RM 3,000
RM 3,001 RM 6,000
RM 6,001 RM 9,000
RM 9,000 and above
Availability of Uber
Do you know what
sharing economy is?
Are you using Uber
The 400 respondents consisted of 244 males and 156 females. The male
respondents represented 61.9% of the responses, and the female respondents
represented 39.0% of the total responses. The percentage shows that male respondents
are much higher than the female respondents. There are four ethnic groups which are
Malay, Chinese, Indian and others. Malay respondents comprise the majority of
respondents; contribute about 47.0% (188 respondents). The Chinese, Indian and others
ethnic groups are the minority with 19.8% (79 respondents), 23.3% (93 respondents),
and 10.0% (40 respondents). In this study, the majority of the respondents are from the
age group 18 to 25 years old, with 152 respondents (38.0%), followed by the age group
of 26 to 30 years old, with 144 respondents (36.0%), and the 31 to 40 years old have 89
respondents (22.3%). The minority of the respondents are from the age groups 41 and
above, with 25 respondents (3.8%).
As for the education level of the respondents, the majority of respondents possess
a tertiary education. Two hundred two respondents (50.5%) are bachelor degree
holders. Thisis followed by 87 respondents (21.8%) who are diploma holders, 47
respondents (11.8%) possess a master’s degree, and four respondents (1%) are Ph.D.
degree holders. The minority of the respondents have lower education, the highest
being the SPM holders 35 respondents (8.8%) and those with certificates 25 (6.3%). The
majority of the respondents are working with 337 respondents (84.3%), while 63 (15.8%)
of them are unemployed. In the monthly income segment, the majority of the
respondents, 220 (55%) have an income of below RM3000. This is followed by 136
respondents (34%) whose income are between RM3001 to RM6000, those with income
of RM6001 to RM9000 are represented by 39 respondents (9.8%) with 5 respondents
(1.3%) having a high income of are RM9000 and above. The majority of respondents,
i.e., 376 respondents (94%) agree that UBER service is available in their area. However,
24 respondents (6.9%) response that there were no available UBER in their area. 336
respondents claimed that they know about sharing economy, and 64 (16.0%) didn’t.
4.2 Reliability Test
The reliability test is a method for checking a scale's internal consistency. The
researcher used Cronbach's alpha coefficient as the indicator to check the degree of
consistency. Hair et al., (2007) mentioned that the Cronbach's alpha coefficient scale
could be accepted if it is above 0.7. The Cronbach's Alpha in this study for safety is .829;
Price is .778, Convenience is .815, ICT is .843, customer satisfaction is .870 and Return
usage sharing option is .829. Overall, all the variables have a Cronbach's alpha coefficient
of more than 0.7. We can conclude that all the items in this study are consistent and
Table 2: Summary of the reliability analysis
Cronbach’s Alpha
Customer satisfaction
Return usage sharing option
4.3 Descriptive Statistic
This section provides an analysis of mean, standard deviation and percentage for
Safety, Price, Convenience, ICT, Customer satisfaction and Return usage sharing option.
Descriptive statistics were generated from IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows Version 23.
The data were demonstrated by tabular presentations.
4.3.1 Safety
Table 3 shows the mean, median and standard deviation (SD) and the level of safety
customer satisfaction level on service attributes of Uber. Overall, the findings showthat
the customer satisfaction level on service attributes of safety in Uber is at a high level
represented by a total mean score of 4.19, the standard deviation of .76 and percentage
83.9. It can be seen that safety when using Uber service is given great priority and Uber
is believed to implement the safety policies, rules,and regulations.
Table 3: Mean, standard deviation and percentage of safety
Percentage (%)
1. The details of drivers are
provided in application
2. The security policy is available
3. The details of passenger is
secured (Privacy Policy)
4. Drivers can be trusted (truth
5. The vehicle is in a good condition
4.3.2 Price
Table 4 present the descriptive analyses of mean, standard deviation and
percentage of the price. Overall, the findings show that the customer satisfaction level
on service attributes of price in Uber is at a high level represented by a total mean score
of 4.19, the standard deviation of .85 and percentage 83.8. It shows that the customer
satisfaction about price when using Uber service is high as it is affordable. Uber is
cheaper than a taxi in our market.
Table 4: Mean, standard deviation and percentage of price
Percentage (%)
1. The navigation of route
arrangement is reasonable and
2. The small change and receipt is
available via e-mail
3. Sharing economy service offers
promotions and discounts
4. Sharing economy service offers
lower prices than traditional
businesses with the same offer.
5. There is no or very little charge
for using sharing economy
service platform
4.3.3 Convenience
Table 5 present the descriptive analyses of mean, standard deviation and
percentage of convenience. Customer satisfaction level on service attributes of safety in
Uber is at a high level representedoverall; the findings show that the customer
satisfaction level on service attributes of convenience in Uber is at a high level
represented by a total mean score of 4.28, the standard deviation of .82 and percentage
85.7. It shows that the customer is satisfied with the convenience factor when using
Uber service because it's easy to use and to pay with credit card. Moreover, the
customer can even split the fare with other passengers.
Table 5: Mean, standard deviation and percentage of convenience
Percentage (%)
1. Uber service is available in my area
2. Uber is easy to book
3. Uber payment transaction is
convenient (e.g.Cash ,Debit card,
Credit card)
4. I am able to get the car fast
5. Uber apps navigation is easy
4.3.4 ICT
Table 6 present the descriptive analyses of mean, standard deviation, and
percentage of ICT. Overall, the findings also show that the satisfaction with the ICT
service attributes of Uber is at the high level represented by a total mean score of 4.29,
the standard deviation of .80 and percentage 85.8. It shows that the concept of sharing
economy where goods and services are shared through the use of the internet and other
ICT applications as a platform has certainly transformed the way most of the world
Table 6: Mean, standard deviation and percentage of ICT
Percentage (%)
1. Uber apps is user friendly
2. The information provided is
3. The multimedia and graphic of the
image and sound are synced.
4. The design of apps is attractive
5. The graphic presentation is
4.3.5 Customer Satisfaction
Table 7 present the descriptive analyses of mean, standard deviation and
percentage of customer satisfaction. Overall, the findings also show that the Customer
Satisfaction on service attributes of Uber is at a high level represented by a total mean
score of 4.27, the standard deviation of .78 and percentage 85.4.
Table 7: Mean, standard deviation and percentage of customer satisfaction
Percentage (%)
1. I am satisfied with the service
availability and readiness
2. I am satisfied with the drivers
behaviour while driving
3. I am satisfied with the price
offered by Uber apps
4. I am satisfied with the
convenience of the apps (user-
5. I am satisfied with the service
punctuality and reliability
4.3.6 Return Usage
Table 8 present the descriptive analyses of mean, standard deviation and
percentage of return usage. Overall, the findings also show that the return usage of
sharing option on service attributes of Uber is at the high level represented by a total
mean score of 4.34, the standard deviation of .78 and percentage is 86.9.
Table 8: Mean, standard deviation and percentage of return usage of sharing option
Percentage (%)
1. I believe that Uber service knows
about the needs of their customers
and I consider becoming a regular
customer of Uber.
2. My satisfaction of the service highly
influence my repurchase intention
3. I am likely to choose Uber service
instead of a regular taxi or a similar
sharing option the next time.
4. If I need public transportation, I
would prefer an Uber service.
5. In the future, I am likely to choose
an Uber service instead of other
public transportation.
6. Overall, I will be using an Uber
service again in the future
4.4 Inferential Statistics
Table 8 presents regression coefficients and standard errors. Multiple regressions
were run to predict the overall customer satisfaction from six predictors: constant,
safety, price, convenience, ICT and return usage of sharing option. There was linearity
as assessed by partial regression plots and a plot of standardized residuals against the
predicted values. There was the independence of residuals, as assessed by a Durbin-
Watson statistic of 2.041. The coefficient of safety was .393, p = .000, price was .163, p
= .000, convenience was .205, p = .000, ICT was .165, p = .000 and return usage of sharing
option was .120, p = .000.
Table 8: Regression coefficients and standard errors
SE Beta
Return usage of sharing option
Note: * p < .05; B = unstandardized regression coefficient; SE = standard error of the coefficient; Beta =
standardized coefficient.
Table 9 shows the hypothesis that has been highlighted in this study. The
researchers have identified one construct of independent variable which is represented
by four items, and one each of mediating and dependent variable. There were four
hypotheses, with one having four sub-hypotheses. The result from the statistical
analysis shows that all of the hypotheseswere supported.
Table 9: Hypothesis testing
There is a significant relationship between service attributes of Uber
and return usage.
There is a significant relationship between the safety of Uber and
return usage.
There is a significant relationship between the price charged of Uber
and return usage.
There is a significant relationship between the convenience of Uber
services and return usage.
There is a significant relationship between ICT of the Uber services
and return usage.
There is a significant relationship between services attributes of Uber
effect on Customer satisfaction.
There is a significant relationship between customer satisfaction
effects on return usage.
Customer Satisfaction mediates the relationship between service
attributes of Uber and returns usage.
5 Implications and Conclusion
The results of this study will hopefully improve transportation services in the
tourism industry that initiates and create a diversity of transport modes. The proper
classification is important in developing policies and requirements for the legality of this
new mode. Further, findings of this study may be used in identifying aspects of the
service which have low rankings to be improved on, as well as give clarifications to the
most common problems of the service attributes of Uber. To add, the relevant data
obtained from this study will significantly contribute to the knowledge on which service
attributes appears to have significant positive explanatory power on customer
satisfaction towards Uber services. Suggesting that improvements to service such as
safety, price, convenience, and ICT from the findings will likely increase perceived
satisfaction amongst existing users. At a more general level, this study demonstrates the
level of customer satisfaction on Uber services.
From the practical perspectives, this study reveals the characteristics of Uber
services that significantly influence consumer satisfaction. This will be beneficial to the
operators of Uber to improve their services and provide better services that fit the
current consumer demands on public transportation. The significance of addressing this
matter is that an increase in customers’ satisfaction on the service would trigger a higher
number of return usages of sharing economy services especially Uber. Therefore, service
providers can determine the attributes that are considered noteworthy to be improved
on to ensure customers’ satisfaction towards the Uber service are fulfilled and
subsequently encourage them to reuse the service again.
5.1 Limitations
The current study has a few methodological limitations. First, the study focused on
Uber only and no other public transportation as a comparison toward customer
satisfaction and return usage of sharing option. This can be seen on the participants’
profile whereby almost 88.8% of the respondents using Uber services and the rest are
not using an Uber service. This limits the participants that possibly take part in this
survey. As for this study, the entire participants were an Uber user who lives in Kuala
Lumpur and Selangor. Secondly, another limitation of this study is related to a potential
of sampling bias. This is because the questionnaires were distributed via google docs to
those who used Uber services at least once in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor area. There
are many Uber users who live outside Kuala Lumpur and Selangor.
Thirdly, another limitation of this study is Uber had officially stopped its operation
on March 8th 2018 in 8 Southeast Asia countries i.e. Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore,
Philippines, Myanmar, Cambodia, Indonesia and Malaysia as it has merged with a
leading ride-sharing company called Grab which gives Uber 27.5% stake in Grab (Cheok,
2018). Finally, the study is limited in term of the geographical location. The study focuses
on Uber users in Kula Lumpur and Selangor only. Therefore, the result obtained might
apply to Uber users on that area only to improve on their services and provide better
services that fit the current consumer demands on public transportation. The most
notable limitation of this study was the study carried out in Malaysia, hence the results
may not be fully generalised for other countries, as beliefs and perceptions may differ
among countries.
5.2 Recommendations for future research
The public transportation industry is in danger of losing relative market share
because of relative improvement in auto and auto-related conditions provided by
private transportation services. Future studies should look into the services that are
being offered by public transportation service which currently offers services to the
public by the principle of equality, in contrast to private services which are based on
differentiation. Good marketing practice recognizes different customer preferences and
develops products and services accordingly. Fulfilling customer needs is the foundation
for customer satisfaction and repeat purchase. Future study can also be conducted on
another type of mode of transportation services that provide the same services. This
paper has suggested several factors that can increase stimulus customer satisfaction to
use Uber services and return usage. Since the study of Uber service is still at its infancy
stage, future research could integrate other moderating variables in researching the
relationship between service attributes of and customer satisfaction/return usage.
Employing a qualitative study approach would be highly recommended as a first step as
interviews or focus groups can help generate new attributes.
6 Conclusion
This study focuses on service attributes of Uber on customer satisfaction and
returns usage within the Malaysian context which is not fully understood due to the
scarcity of such research. A further and deeper integration of service attributes of Uber,
customers’ satisfaction theory as well as customers’ repurchase intention-behaviour
study will offer various resources for further theoretical development and formulation
of new research questions.
In the end, this study has successfully achieved all the three objectives set at the
onset of the research process. Four service attributes of Uber namely safety, price,
convenience, and ICT were found to significantly predicts customer satisfaction (p
value= 0.790). The strongest correlation found was between ICT and customer
satisfaction. This goes to show that technology is essential to the growing concept of
sharing economy especially Uber. On the question of the effects of services attributes
of Uber on the likelihood of return usage, based on the elements of service attributes of
Uber on the likelihood of return usage, all the dimensions indicated that users of Uber
are satisfied on Uber services. All the dimensions on customer satisfaction effects were
found to correlate with return usage of sharing option (p value= 0.831). Lastly, the
investigation on whether customer satisfaction mediates the relationship between
service attributes of Uber and return usage also yielded an answer. Multiple regressions
were run to predict the overall customer satisfaction from six predictors: constant,
safety, price, convenience, ICT and return usage of sharing option. There is a very strong
correlation with p value= 0.831. Thus, customer satisfaction mediates the relationship
between services attributes of Uber and return usage.
This study also recommended suggestions to improve customer satisfaction and
return usage of Uber users. Based on the findings of this study, it could be concluded
that it is very vital for Uber operator to pay attention to their service attributes of Uber
as this will result in highly satisfied customers and subsequently increase the number of
return usage of their service. The outcome of this study is very beneficial to the
operators of Uber in improving their services and consequently s better services that fit
the current consumer demands on public transportation. The findings of this study also
point to the fact that ICT is vital in the hospitality and tourism industry as it has a great
impact on ensuring sustainable global and tourism development.
This study also recommended suggestions to improve customer satisfaction and
return usage. Based on the findings of this study, it could be concluded that it is
important for service attributes of Uber to be observant in selecting vital determinants
of Uber service that resulted in more highly satisfied customers and subsequently
increase the number of return usage of. This beneficial to the operators of Uber to
improve their services and provide better services that fit the current consumer
demands on public transportation. Based on the findings of this current study, it could
be concluded that ICT is vital in the hospitality and tourism industry because ICTs has a
great impact on ensuring sustainable global and tourism development.
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