The Committee would like to thank:
The team that prepared the analysis for this report: Matthew Bell, Owen Bellamy, Adrian
Gault, Mike Hemsley, Steve Smith and Mike Thompson.
Other members of the secretariat who contributed to this report: Jo Barrett, Nisha Pawar,
Penny Seera, Sean Taylor, Steve Westlake and Stephanie Wildeshaus.
A number of individuals and organisations for their support, including David Addison (Virgin
Earth Challenge), Nigel Arnell (University of Reading), BEIS, Simon Bullock (Friends of the Earth),
Steve Pye (University College London), Joeri Rogelj (IIASA), Pete Smith (University of Aberdeen)
and a range of stakeholders who attended our workshops.
2 UK climate action following the Paris Agreement | Committee on Climate Change
The Committee 4
Executive Summary 7
Chapter 1: Current UK ambition and the Paris Agreement 14
Chapter 2: Implications of Paris ambition for emissions
in 2050 and beyond 23
Chapter 3: Feasibility of the UK taking more ambitious
domestic action 34
Chapter 4: Considerations in setting UK policy to reflect
Paris ambition 47
Contents 3
The Committee
The Rt. Hon John Gummer, Lord Deben, Chairman
The Rt. Hon John Gummer, Lord Deben, was the Minister for
Agriculture, Fisheries and Food between 1989 and 1993 and was
the longest serving Secretary of State for the Environment the
UK has ever had. His sixteen years of top-level ministerial
experience also include Minister for London, Employment
Minister and Paymaster General in HM Treasury. He has
consistently championed an identity between environmental
concerns and business sense. To that end, he set up and now
runs Sancroft, a Corporate Responsibility consultancy working
with blue-chip companies around the world on environmental,
social and ethical issues. Lord Deben is Chairman of the
Committee on Climate Change, Valpak Limited, and the
Association of Professional Financial Advisors.
Professor Nick Chater
Professor Nick Chater FBA is Professor of Behavioural Science at
Warwick Business School, having previously held chairs in
Psychology at Warwick and University College London (UCL). He
is particularly interested in the cognitive and social foundations
of rationality, and in applying behavioural insights to public
policy and business. He has served as Associate Editor for the
journals Cognitive Science, Psychological Review, Psychological
Science and Management Science. He co-founded and is a
Director of the research consultancy Decision Technology Ltd.
Professor Samuel Fankhauser
Professor Samuel Fankhauser is Co-Director of the Grantham
Research Institute on Climate Change and Deputy Director of the
ESRC-funded Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy,
both at the London School of Economics, and an Associate
Director at Vivid Economics. He is a former Deputy Chief
Economist of the European Bank for Reconstruction and
4 UK climate action following the Paris Agreement | Committee on Climate Change
Professor Sir Brian Hoskins
Professor Sir Brian Hoskins CBE FRS is the Chair of the Grantham
Institute for Climate Change and the Environment at Imperial
College London and Professor of Meteorology at the University
of Reading. His research expertise is in weather and climate
processes. He is a member of the scientific academies of the
UK, USA, and China. He has received the top awards of the
American and UK Meteorological Societies, the inaugural Gold
Medal of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics,
and the Buys Ballot Medal of the Royal Netherlands Academy of
Sciences and Arts which is awarded every 10 years.
Paul Johnson
Paul is the Director of the Institute for Fiscal Studies and is a
visiting professor at UCL. He is widely published on the
economics of public policy including tax, welfare, inequality and
poverty, pensions, education, climate change and public
finances. He is also one of the authors of the “Mirrlees review” of
tax system design. Paul has previously worked at the Financial
Services Authority and has been Chief Economist at the
Department for Education and Director of Public Spending in
HM Treasury, as well as Deputy Head of the UK Government
Economic Service. He is a member of the council and executive
committee of the Royal Economic Society and a member of the
banking standards board. Paul has previously served on the
council of the Economic and Social Research Council. He was a
founder council member of the Pensions Policy Institute and in
2010 he led a review of the policy of auto-enrolment into
pensions for the new Government.
Julia King, The Baroness Brown of Cambridge
Julia King DBE FREng, The Baroness Brown of Cambridge, is the
Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive of Aston University. After an
academic career at Cambridge University, Julia held senior
business and engineering posts at Rolls-Royce for eight years.
She returned to academia as Principal of the Engineering Faculty
at Imperial College, London, becoming Vice-Chancellor of Aston
University in 2006. Julia advises Government as a member of the
CCC, the Science and Technology Honours Committee and as
the UK’s Low Carbon Business Ambassador. She is a member of
the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on
Decarbonizing Energy, and was an inaugural member of the
European Institute of Innovation and Technology’s Governing
Board. She is Chair of the Sir Henry Royce Centre for Advanced
Materials, a non-executive Director of the Green Investment
Bank and Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult. In 2015 Julia was
elevated to the peerage as a crossbench peer.
The Committee
Lord John Krebs
Professor Lord Krebs Kt FRS FMedSci ML was Principal of Jesus
College Oxford from 2005-2015. Previously he held posts at the
University of British Columbia, the University of Wales, and the
University of Oxford, where he was lecturer in Zoology, 1976-88,
and Royal Society Research Professor, 1988-2005. From 1994-
1999, he was Chief Executive of the Natural Environment
Research Council and, from 2000-2005, founding Chairman of
the UK Food Standards Agency. He is a member of the U.S.
National Academy of Sciences, the American Philosophical
Society, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the
German National Academy of Sciences (Leopoldina). He was
chairman of the House of Lords Science and Technology Select
Committee from 2010 to 2014 and currently sits on the Energy
and Environment Select Committee. He was President of the
British Science Association in 2012.
Professor Corinne Le Quéré
Professor Corinne Le Quéré FRS is Director of the Tyndall Centre
for Climate Change Research and Professor of Climate Change
Science and Policy at the University of East Anglia (UEA). She
conducts research on the interactions between climate change
and the carbon cycle. She has authored multiple assessment
reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC), and is a member of the Scientific Committee of the
Future Earth research platform for global sustainability.
Professor Jim Skea
Professor Jim Skea has research interests in energy, climate
change and technological innovation. He has been RCUK Energy
Strategy Fellow since April 2012 and a Professor of Sustainable
Energy at Imperial College since 2009. He was Research Director
of the UK Energy Research Centre 2004-12 and Director of the
Policy Studies Institute 1998-2004. He has operated at the
interface between research, policy-making and business
throughout his career. He is President of the Energy Institute and
was elected co-Chair of IPCC Working Group III in 2015. He was
awarded a CBE for services to sustainable energy in 2013 and an
OBE for services to sustainable transport in 2004.
6 UK climate action following the Paris Agreement | Committee on Climate Change
Executive Summary
The Paris Agreement marks a significant positive step in global action to tackle climate change.
This report considers the domestic actions the UK Government should take as part of a fair
contribution to the aims of the Agreement. Our conclusions are as follows:
Do not set new UK emissions targets now. The UK already has stretching targets to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions. Achieving them will be a positive contribution to global climate
action. In line with the Paris Agreement, the Government has indicated it intends at some
point to set a UK target for reducing domestic emissions to net zero. We have concluded it is
too early to do so now, but setting such a target should be kept under review. The five-yearly
cycle of pledges and reviews created by the Paris Agreement provides regular opportunities
to consider increasing UK ambition.
Vigorously pursue the measures required to deliver on existing UK commitments and
maintain flexibility to go further. The most important contribution the Government can
make now to the Paris Agreement is publishing a robust plan to meet the UK carbon budgets
and delivering policies in line with the plan. Meeting the carbon budgets will require
economy-wide improvements to efficiency, decarbonisation of electricity and scaling up of
markets for zero-emission vehicles and heating. Current policies, at best, will deliver about
half the required reduction in emissions. Acting with urgency to close this policy gap would
reduce long-term costs and keep open options for the future. If all measures deliver fully and
emissions are reduced further, this would help support the aim in the Paris Agreement of
pursuing efforts to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C.
Set out a strategy for developing options to remove greenhouse gases from the air.
Even with full deployment of known low-carbon measures some UK emissions will remain,
especially from aviation, agriculture and parts of industry. Greenhouse gas removal options
(e.g. afforestation, carbon-storing materials, bioenergy with carbon capture and storage, and
direct air capture and storage) will be required alongside widespread decarbonisation in
order to reach net zero emissions. Success requires a globally co-ordinated effort across the
full chain from basic research to market readiness, reflecting the differing levels of
development of removal options. A strategy for deployment at scale by 2050 should start
now given the timescales inherent in bringing new technologies to market.
We agree with the Government's intention to set a new target in future that reflects the global
need to reach net zero emissions. However, to be credible it needs to be evidence-based,
accompanied by strong policies to deliver existing targets and a strategy to develop greenhouse
gas removals. Early action will allow the UK to fulfil its commitment under the Paris Agreement
and position it to take competitive advantage in the global shift to a zero-carbon world.
The rest of this summary is set out in four sections:
1. UK and international ambition
2. Net zero emissions
3. Strategies for hard-to-treat sectors and greenhouse gas removals
4. Implications for UK policy priorities in the nearer-term
Executive Summary 7
1. UK and international ambition
In December 2015 the UK, under the UN negotiations and alongside over 190 other countries,
drafted the Paris Agreement to tackle climate change. It will enter into force by the end of 2016
having been ratified by the US, China, India, Brazil, the EU and others.
The Agreement describes a higher level of global ambition than the one that formed the basis of
the UK’s existing emissions reduction targets:
The UK’s current long-term target is a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of at least 80%
by the year 2050, relative to 1990 levels. This 2050 target was derived as a contribution to a
global emissions path aimed at keeping global average temperature to around 2°C above
pre-industrial levels.
The Paris Agreement aims to limit warming to well below 2°C and to pursue efforts to limit it
to 1.5°C. To achieve this aim, the Agreement additionally sets a target for net zero global
emissions in the second half of this century.
Alongside the Agreement nearly all parties have submitted pledges of action to 2030. Current
pledges fall short of a path to meet either the stated temperature aim of the Paris Agreement or
the implicit aim behind the UK target. However, the Agreement includes a process for taking
stock of progress and increasing action around the world:
Pledges by parties in total imply annual global emissions in 2030 of 56 billion tonnes of
carbon dioxide equivalent (GtCO
e) whereas the parties to the Agreement agreed the need
to reduce annual emissions to 40 GtCO
e to be on a path to below 2°C.
The Agreement creates a ‘ratchet’ mechanism of pledges and reviews to facilitate parties
increasing their ambition towards the temperature target. A UN dialogue to take stock of
current pledges will take place in 2018. Starting in 2020 parties will provide new pledges
every five years, with stocktakes of the pledges occurring every five years from 2023.
Parties are also asked to publish mid-century, long-term low greenhouse gas emission
development strategies by 2020.
We welcome the Government's commitment to ratifying the Paris Agreement by the end of the
year. The clear intention of the Agreement is that effort should increase over time. While
relatively ambitious, the UK’s current emissions targets are not aimed at limiting global
temperature to as low a level as in the Agreement, nor do they stretch as far into the future.
2. Net zero emissions
Global temperature rise is a function largely of cumulative carbon dioxide emissions over time,
meaning carbon dioxide emissions will need to fall to net zero in order to stabilise temperature.
Some other greenhouse gas emissions may not need to fall to zero but will require very deep
reductions in order to reach the temperature aims in the Paris Agreement:
Global temperature rise depends primarily on cumulative emissions of CO
and other very
long-lived greenhouse gases (e.g. nitrous oxide and some F-gases). Temperature limits will
therefore only be met if emissions of these gases reach net zero. Other, shorter-lived gases
(e.g. methane) drive temperature by their rate of emission. The lower the emission rates, the
greater the available cumulative budget for the very long-lived gases.
8 UK climate action following the Paris Agreement | Committee on Climate Change
Emissions pathways indicate that CO
emissions will need to reach net zero by the 2050s-70s,
along with deep reductions of all other greenhouse gases, in order to stay below 2°C. To stay
close to 1.5°C CO
emissions would need to reach net zero by the 2040s (Table 1).
The timescales above assume global emissions start to fall from 2020. If reductions are
delayed further, subsequent reductions will need to be faster and net zero emissions will
need to be reached sooner to satisfy the cumulative CO
Furthermore, the timescales above assume global net CO
emissions can go net negative
later in the century through removals of billions of tonnes of CO
per year from the air (Box
1). This would imply that total emissions of greenhouse gases (CO
plus non-CO
measured as CO
-equivalent) fall to net zero before 2100. If such future removals are not
feasible, CO
emissions would need to reach net zero about a decade earlier.
Table 1. Timescales for reaching global net zero emissions consistent with Paris Agreement aims
Level of ambition
Decade of global net zero emissions
Carbon dioxide only
Return to 1.5°C
Below 2°C
Notes: Timescales are based on cost-optimal pathways from integrated global economy-climate models. All
pathways assume global action is limited before 2020 and CO
emissions can go net negative before 2100.
"Below 2°C" pathways have at least a 66% likelihood of avoiding 2°C altogether, while "Return to 1.5°C" pathways
have at least a 50% likelihood of reaching 1.5°C in 2100 after earlier temperature overshoot. No model paths are
currently published that remain below 1.5°C at all times. "All greenhouse gases" denotes the basket of Kyoto
gases (including CO
) summed as CO
-equivalent using the standard 100-year Global Warming Potential metric.
Box 1. Greenhouse gas removals
Greenhouse gas removal (GGR) technologies are ways to reduce the level of carbon dioxide and other
greenhouse gases in the air. We already include three such options in our UK scenarios to 2050:
bioenergy with carbon capture and storage, afforestation and wood in construction. The full range of
potential GGR options is wide and diverse, including management of soils and habitats, biochar, direct
air capture and storage, carbon-storing cements and plastics, enhanced mineral weathering and
methods for storing carbon in the oceans.
Some GGR options are already well-understood and deployed at scale, such as afforestation and wood
in construction. Others are at much earlier demonstration stages, such as bioenergy with carbon
capture and storage and direct air capture. The overall costs, effectiveness and feasibility of GGR
options are highly uncertain. In addition, options have a variety of potential co-benefits (such as
energy generation or improved crop yields) and risks (such as competition with food production) to
consider when deciding which may be the best options to deploy at scale.
GGR globally and in the UK will be central to realising the Paris aim of balancing greenhouse gas
sources and sinks from human activities, given the difficulty of removing all sources.
Executive Summary 9
There is no single agreed way to define fair contributions of effort between nations. However, it
is hard to envisage the UK continuing as a net emitter for longer than the rest of the world:
The UK’s existing long-term target is based on the judgment that it should be no more than
an average emitter in per person terms by 2050 on a global 2°C path. On this rationale the UK
would need to reach net zero emissions no later than the world as a whole (Table 1).
Other methods for defining a fair UK contribution out to 2050 on a 2°C path nearly all point
to more ambitious action than the existing targets. They would therefore suggest the UK
reaching net zero before the world as a whole. Currently, however, few of these methods
have been calculated specifically for the timing of net zero emissions or for a 1.5°C path.
Emissions trading and other forms of international assistance are important ways for the UK
to contribute in addition to domestic action (e.g. the UK has already committed £5.8 billion
to the International Climate Fund). In the long run, if all countries are taking stringent action,
it is unclear whether reductions elsewhere will be cheaper or more expensive than domestic
reductions. However, future markets could be a key source of flexibility in meeting a net zero
target, especially if removal technologies are scaled up successfully around the world.
We currently have no scenarios for how the UK can achieve net zero domestic emissions.
Alongside widespread efficiency improvements and deployment of zero-carbon energy sources,
net zero would require greenhouse gas removals of over 100 MtCO
e per year (UK emissions
were around 500 MtCO
e per year in 2015):
The UK’s 2050 target to reduce emissions at least 80% from 1990 (i.e. to around 160 MtCO
per year) is challenging but can be met in various ways using currently known technologies.
Scenarios generally involve deep reductions in emissions from power, heating and transport,
where zero-carbon options already exist. More challenging sectors (especially agriculture,
aviation and industry) are currently not expected to reach zero emissions on this timescale.
A full and successful roll-out of all options identified in our published scenarios to 2050
would lead to greenhouse gas emissions just over 90% lower than 1990, and CO
close to zero.
These options include greenhouse gas removals from afforestation, bioenergy with carbon
capture and storage (BECCS) and wood in construction. Together they remove up to 70
per year within the limits to sustainable bioenergy supply we have identified.
Achieving net zero emissions of all greenhouse gases on these timescales would require a
combination of further greenhouse gas removals and further breakthroughs in hard-to-treat
sectors, going beyond those already in our scenarios. Without further breakthroughs in
emissions sources, UK removals would need to be over 100 MtCO
e per year.
Reaching net zero emissions will be a global necessity in order to limit climate change. Achieving
it on the timescales necessary to meet the aims of the Paris Agreement will be very challenging
for all nations. Given current uncertainties around domestic feasibility, inclusion of non-CO
emissions and ambition of other countries to reach zero, it makes sense at this point to remain
flexible on how best to reflect the aim of global net zero emissions in a UK target. Addressing
these uncertainties will help in setting a robust target which provides the right incentives.
10 UK climate action following the Paris Agreement | Committee on Climate Change
3. Strategies for hard-to-treat sectors and greenhouse gas removals
Even with full deployment of known low-carbon technologies and behaviours some UK
emissions will remain, especially from hard-to-treat sectors: aviation, agriculture and parts of
industry. Reaching net zero (and possibly net negative) emissions will require technologies to
remove greenhouse gases. The UK should pursue a strategy to develop options in both hard-to-
treat sectors and greenhouse gas removals, domestically and in collaboration with wider global
efforts (for instance Mission Innovation and the Breakthrough Energy Coalition).
A diverse range of potential removal technologies exists. Currently they face low levels of
funding and policy support, without an overall national or international strategy to develop
them. Such a strategy should include the following components:
Support for research, development and demonstration to help clarify whether options
deliver genuine long-term greenhouse gas removal and to address technical, environmental
and social challenges. Examples include improving measurement of land carbon, assessing
impacts over the lifecycle of bioenergy crops and biochar, and testing of direct air capture
Support for deployment by removing barriers and providing incentives for options that are
technically more mature. Targeted deployment can help in bringing down costs and
understanding more about impacts. Examples for deployment include carbon capture and
storage infrastructure, sustainable bioenergy crops, afforestation and wood in construction.
Integration into policy and accounting frameworks so that removals count equally with
reduction of emissions. The lack of long-term policy commitment is a key barrier to
development. Schemes such as the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) and the Common
Agricultural Policy (CAP) could be structured to reward removals but currently are not.
The current challenges to removal technologies at scale mean they are not a substitute for
widespread deployment of zero-emission technologies:
All removal technologies have requirements in terms of land, energy and other resources.
Achieving removal levels of over 100 MtCO
e per year in the UK will be very stretching.
Reducing residual sources of emissions to close to 100 MtCO
e per year would require
stretching options in hard-to-treat sectors, such as substantial biofuel use in aircraft and
reduced red meat consumption in diets.
Finding ways to further reduce residual emissions from aviation, agriculture and industry is
therefore an innovation priority. Options could, for example, include support for new
technologies, products and innovation in each of these areas and shifting demand to lower-
emissions alternatives (e.g. increased re-use of products and materials, and further shifts towards
virtual conferencing in place of international travel).
Given the very low levels of funding and policy support for removal technologies at present,
there is potential for UK efforts to have a significant international impact and to secure a UK
leadership position in this area.
Executive Summary 11
4. Implications for UK policy priorities in the nearer term
Current policy in the UK is not enough to deliver the existing carbon budgets that Parliament
has set. The Committee’s assessment in our 2016 Progress Report was that current policies
would at best deliver around half of the emissions reductions required to 2030, with no current
policies to address the other half. This carbon policy gap must be closed to meet the existing
carbon budgets, and to prepare for the 2050 target and net zero emissions in the longer term.
The existing carbon budgets are designed to prepare for the UK's 2050 target in the lowest cost
way as a contribution to a global path aimed at keeping global average temperature to around
2°C. Global paths to keep close to 1.5°C, at the upper end of the ambition in the Paris
Agreement, imply UK reductions of at least 90% below 1990 levels by 2050 and potentially more
ambitious efforts over the timescale of existing carbon budgets.
However, we recommend the Government does not alter the level of existing carbon budgets or
the 2050 target now. They are already stretching and relatively ambitious compared to pledges
from other countries. Meeting them cost-effectively will require deployment to begin at scale by
2030 for some key measures that enable net zero emissions (e.g. carbon capture and storage,
electric vehicles, low-carbon heat). In theory these measures could allow deeper reductions by
2050 (on the order of 90% below 1990 levels) if action were ramped up quickly.
The priority for now should be robust near-term action to close the gap to existing targets and
open up options to reach net zero emissions:
The Government should publish a robust plan of measures to meet the legislated UK carbon
budgets, and deliver policies in line with the plan.
If all measures deliver fully and emissions are reduced further, this would help support the
aim in the Paris Agreement of pursuing efforts to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C.
The Government should additionally develop strategies for greenhouse gas removal
technologies and reducing emissions from the hardest-to-treat sectors (aviation, agriculture
and parts of industry).
There will be several opportunities to revisit the UK’s targets in future as low-carbon
technologies and options for greenhouse gas removals are developed, and as more is learnt
about ambition in other countries and potential global paths to well below 2°C and 1.5°C:
2018: the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will publish a Special Report on
1.5°C, and there will be an international dialogue to take stock of national actions.
2020: the Committee will provide its advice on the UK’s sixth carbon budget, including a
review of progress to date, and nations will publish mid-century greenhouse gas
development plans.
2023: the first formal global stocktake of submitted pledges will take place.
We will advise on whether to set a new long-term target, or to tighten UK carbon budgets, as
and when these events or any others give rise to significant developments.
12 UK climate action following the Paris Agreement | Committee on Climate Change
Further analysis underpinning these recommendations is set out in the four chapters of this
1. Current UK ambition and the Paris Agreement
2. Implications of Paris ambition for emissions in 2050 and beyond
3. Feasibility of the UK taking more ambitious domestic action
4. Considerations in setting UK policy to reflect Paris ambition
Executive Summary 13
Chapter 1: Current UK ambition and
the Paris Agreement
Key messages
This chapter summarises the level of ambition in limiting climate change that underpins the UK’s
existing emissions targets, and the level of ambition agreed by nations (including the UK) at the
international negotiations in Paris in December 2015.
Our key messages are:
The UK’s current long-term target is a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of at least 80% by the
year 2050, relative to 1990 levels. This 2050 target was derived as a contribution to a global
emissions path aimed at keeping global average temperature to around 2°C above pre-industrial
The Paris Agreement aims to limit warming to well below 2°C and to pursue efforts to limit it to
1.5°C. This is more ambitious than both the ambition underpinning the UK 2050 target and
previous international agreements.
The Paris Agreement additionally sets a new long-term target for net zero global emissions (“a
balance between anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse
gases”) in the second half of this century.
If the world follows a pathway with a 66% likelihood of staying below 2°C then the likelihood of
staying below 1.5°C would be low (around 20%). Limiting warming to 1.5°C would help avoid some
key significant negative impacts from climate change, but not all.
Current pledges of action by nations to
2030 fall short of both the stated temperature aim of the
s Agreement and the implicit aim behind the UK target. However, the Agreement includes a
process for taking stock of progress and increasing action around the world.
1. The UK 2050 emissions target and associated warming
The Climate Change Act (2008) sets the framework for UK efforts to reduce emissions. Written
into the Act is a limit for UK emissions in 2050: they should be at least 80% below the level in
1990. This limit was designed as a contribution to halving global greenhouse gas emissions by
2050, broadly consistent with keeping global average temperature rise close to 2°C above pre-
industrial levels and keeping the chance of an extreme 4°C warming to very low levels:
The Climate Change Act was passed in 2008, containing the 2050 target of at least an 80%
reduction in emissions below 1990 levels based on advice from the Committee that year.
We based our advice on a proposed global objective to keep central estimates of global
temperature in 2100 close to 2°C above pre-industrial levels (i.e. a risk of exceeding 2°C of
around 50%), and keep the probability of a 4°C rise to very low levels (e.g. 1%).
Pathways we analysed that met these temperature goals showed global emissions peaking
before 2020 and then falling thereafter to 2100, such that they are in the region of 20-24
billion tonnes of CO
-equivalent (GtCO
e) by 2050 (emissions in 2010 were 49 GtCO
We stated that it was difficult to envisage a global climate deal which allows the UK to emit
much more per person than the global average in the long run. The 2050 target of at least an
80% cut below UK emissions in 1990 follows from applying this per person average (i.e. 2.1-
2.6 tCO
e per person) to the UK in 2050, accounting for expected population growth.
CCC (2008) Building a low-carbon economy - the UK's contribution to tackling climate change
15 UK climate action following the Paris Agreement | Committee on Climate Change
The UK 2050 target is potentially consistent with a wide range of global temperature outcomes:
Temperature depends principally on cumulative emissions of long-lived greenhouse gases
(especially carbon dioxide) over time. Hence nearer-term reductions below the assumed
global emissions path will lower warming, as would deeper reductions after 2050.
Warming depends on global greenhouse gas emissions, and the UK currently contributes
around 1% of the global total per year. Other nations may not reach the same level of
emissions per person in 2050. To the extent their emissions are different, total global
emissions, and hence warming, will be different.
The IPCC suggests a lower temperature could be achieved for the level of global emissions we
assumed in 2050. This relies on the option of reaching net negative global CO
emissions after
2050, which was not included in our scenarios. We do not yet know if such cuts will be feasible:
The most recent IPCC assessment, drawing on a wider range of more detailed evidence than
our 2008 report, concluded that paths consistent with at least a 66% chance of staying below
2°C would have global emissions in 2050 of 15-29 GtCO
e. Hence the global level of 20-24
billion tonnes underpinning the UK 2050 target could be consistent with a lower central
estimate of temperature than we assumed (i.e. below 2°C).
This difference (and the large range in the IPCC scenarios) is mainly because many pathways
used by the IPCC include the option of large-scale greenhouse gas removal, especially after
2050. For instance, IPCC scenarios average 610 GtCO
removed from the air during the
century using bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS), with some scenarios as
high as 1320 GtCO
. The models generating these scenarios have only rudimentary
constraints on BECCS deployment. We discuss the challenges and opportunities for
emissions removals in Chapter 3.
There is uncertainty over the maximum level of greenhouse gas removal that should be
planned for, with some evidence suggesting tighter limits on BECCS. For instance, total
removals by BECCS could be no more than about 480 GtCO
after accounting for the land-
use emissions from growing bioenergy crops.
Other social and technical factors may well
limit BECCS further.
In summary, the UK 2050 target was set to align to around a 50% likelihood of limiting
temperature increase to 2°C, but could be consistent with around a 66% likelihood. This higher
probability depends on other countries following a similar level of ambition to 2050 (e.g. to
reach 2.1-2.6 tCO
e per person) and large emissions removals beyond 2050.
2. How the 2050 target guides near-term action
The 2050 target guides the setting of carbon budgets (five-year limits to UK emissions). These
are legislated to reach the 2050 limit cost-effectively and meet other criteria set out in the Act:
There are five carbon budgets currently set in legislation. The first, covering the period 2008-
12, was met successfully. The fifth carbon budget covers 2028-32 and is equivalent to a 57%
reduction below 1990 levels (Table 1.1). Emissions in 2015 were 38% below 1990 levels.
Wiltshire et al. (2015) Planetary limits to BECCS negative emissions, AVOID 2 WPD.2a Report 1
Chapter 1: Current UK ambition and the Paris Agreement 16
Table 1.1. Currently legislated UK carbon budgets
Carbon budget (years) Emissions limit (MtCO
e) Equivalent reduction vs. 1990
1 (2008-12) 3,018 26%
2 (2013-17) 2,782 32%
3 (2018-22) 2,544 38%
4 (2023-27) 1,950 52%
5 (2028-32) 1,725 57%
Carbon budgets must be set with a view to meeting the 2050 target, accounting for factors
such as economic and social circumstances, energy security, competitiveness, international
circumstances and differences across the devolved administrations.
Figure 1.1 sets out our best estimate of the cost-effective path to the 2050 target, which
underpins the carbon budgets. Overall the path is broadly linear to 2050, although this
involves action that is more front-loaded in some sectors and more back-loaded in others.
Figure 1.1. UK carbon budgets and the cost-effective path to the 2050 target
CCC calculations.
Notes: Historical emissions are on a 'gross' basis (i.e. actual emissions). Carbon budgets are on the current budget
accounting basis, excluding international aviation and shipping (IAS), but allowing for IAS in the 2050 target.
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
Budget emissions (over five years, MtCO
UK GHG emissions (MtCO
Allowance for
Statutory 2050
target allowing
for IAS emissions
carbon budgets
path to 2050
17 UK climate action following the Paris Agreement | Committee on Climate Change
3. The Paris Agreement
While the UK and other countries have set domestic legislation, international negotiations on
climate change have been ongoing. The Paris Agreement, reached at the end of 2015, is the first
truly global effort to reduce emissions. It also sets more ambitious limits to warming than
previously agreed, and a new long-term aim for global emissions (Figure 1.2). Pledges of action
by nations to 2030, however, are not yet in line with that ambition.
Figure 1.2.
Timeline of international and UK emissions targets under the Paris Agreement and the
Climate Change Act
Notes: NDCs = Nationally Determined Contributions (i.e. pledges of action from parties to the Paris Agreement).
International negotiations on climate change are governed through the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC, Box 1.1). In 2008, when the UK legislated
the Climate Change Act, there was neither a UNFCCC-agreed, quantitative goal for limiting
climate change, nor a universal effort to reduce emissions.
The Paris Agreement marks a number of new developments in international climate policy,
including commitments to reduce emissions from around the world, a more ambitious aim for
limiting temperature, and an aim to reach net zero global emissions this century:
The overarching aim of the Paris Agreement is to hold the increase in global temperature to
well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit it to 1.5°C. There has
been relatively little work to date to quantify climate impacts at 1.5°C. Overall, they are
expected to be lower than at 2°C, but still substantial in places (Box 1.2).
To achieve this temperature limit, it sets the aim of balancing “anthropogenic emissions
sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases in the second half of this century”
(i.e. a 100%reduction in net global emissions by 2050-2100).
FCCC/CP/2015/L.9/Rev.1, Note the Paris Agreement
addresses goals beside long-term ambition, such as adaptation and finance, which are not the focus of this report.
NDCs Zero net emissions
Carbon budgets
2 3 4 5
At least 80%
below 1990
2040 2060 2070 2080 20902020 2050 21002030
Chapter 1: Current UK ambition and the Paris Agreement 18
Box 1.1. Past milestones in the UNFCCC process
The UNFCCC took effect in 1994, and currently 196 countries plus the EU are party to it.
The overarching goal of the UNFCCC is to “prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the
climate system… within a time-frame sufficient to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to climate
change, to ensure that food production is not threatened, and to enable economic development to
proceed in a sustainable manner.”
The Kyoto Protocol, agreed in 1997, set quantitative limits to emissions but only for industrialised
nations. The UK for instance was set a target of a 12.5% reduction by 2008-12 (within an EU-wide target
of 8%) which it met.
The “dangerous” level to be prevented was not formally quantified until the Cancun Agreements in
2010. Here the aim was to hold the increase in global temperature below 2°C above pre-industrial
levels, requiring deep cuts in global greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, the Agreement
recognised the need to consider strengthening this goal to 1.5°C.
Source: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,;
FCCC/CP/1997/7/Add.1,; FCCC/CP/2010/7/Add.1,
Box 1.2. Global climate impacts at 1.5°C compared to 2°C and higher temperatures
Studies directly comparing climate impacts at 1.5°C to those at other temperatures are only just
starting to emerge in response to the Paris Agreement.
We commissioned the AVOID2 consortium to quantify potential global-scale impacts across a range of
sectors at 1.5°C as well as C, C and 4°C above pre-industrial levels in 2100. Wide ranges of impacts
are found at each temperature level due to the differences in future regional climates projected by
climate models. Even for moderate warming, the upper ends of the ranges point to the possibility of
very substantial damages. For most indicators, as expected, impacts are less in a 1.5°C world than in a
2°C world, but the change in impact with temperature varies across sectors:
ttle difference is projected between 1.5°C and 2°C in terms of total land area suitable for crop
growing. In both cases around 15-30% of global land becomes more suitable while around 20-45%
becomes less so. At higher levels of warming greater areas become less suitable while fewer areas
become more suitable.
Numbers of people affected by coastal flooding are projected to rise, even assuming defences
continue to improve with rising population and wealth. The central estimates of numbers affected
in 2100 at 2°C, C and 4°C are a factor of three, eight and 13 higher than at 1.5°C, respectively.
posure to extreme heat stress also rises exponentially. While very extreme stress (defined as risk
of death even for healthy people at rest) is eliminated below 2°C, the number of people exposed to
extreme stress (when those conducting heavy labour are at risk) is almost doubled above current
levels at 1.5°C, and almost trebled at 4°C.
At 4°C around 50-65% of plant and amphibian species, and around 25-40% of bird and mammal
species, are expected to lose at least half of their suitable climatic range. At 1.5°C these are reduced
to roughly 10-20% and 5-15% respectively. Notably coral reefs are essentially all expected to be
subject to annual bleaching (and hence loss) beyond 2°C, while at 1.5°C some of them will be at
lower risk (Schleussner et al., 2016).
19 UK climate action following the Paris Agreement | Committee on Climate Change
Box 1.2. Global climate impacts at 1.5°C compared to 2°C and higher temperatures
These estimates are incomplete. They only consider a subset of potential impacts (excluding supply
chains, finance and security, for instance); are based on models which may not capture potentially
important nonlinear shifts in climate (Schellnhuber et al., 2016); and do not consider the compound
effects of impacts occurring together. But they indicate the variety of expected impacts and the wide
range of estimates, including the possibility of substantial damages, even for moderate warming.
Source: Arnell et al. (2016) The global impacts of climate change under a 1.5°C pathway: supplement to assessment
of impacts under 2, 3 and 4°C pathways, AVOID 2; Schleussner et al. (2016) Differential climate impacts for policy-
relevant limits to global warming:the case of 1.5°C and 2°C, Earth System Dynamics; Schellnhuber et al. (2016)
Why the right climate target was agreed in Paris, Nature Climate Change.
Each party is asked to make a national pledge to contribute to emissions reduction, reflecting
“common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, in the light of
different national circumstances.”
Nearly all parties made pledges, either to 2025 or 2030. For example, the EU (on behalf of the
UK and the other EU nations) pledged to reduce its emissions by at least 40% below 1990
levels by 2030. In total these pledges now cover over 99% of global territorial emissions (i.e.
excluding the 2% of emissions from international aviation and shipping, which are the
subject of separate negotiations
In order to assess global emissions paths, we interpret the temperature aims in the Paris
Agreement to range from (at minimum) a 66% likelihood of staying below 2°C, to (at maximum)
a 50% likelihood of staying below 1.5°C:
Previous international statements referred to the aim of staying below 2°C, without stating
explicitly what likelihood of exceeding 2°C is acceptable.
In practice, many studies have taken this to mean at least a 66% likelihood of staying below
2°C, given the spread in uncertainty in how the climate system responds to emissions. Others
have also considered at least a 50% likelihood,
closer to the original logic underpinning the
UK 2050 target.
A similar judgment will be required about the likelihood consistent with the Paris Agreement
of staying “well below 2°C”. Given the interpretation of “below 2°C”, it is hard to see this
meaning less than a 66% likelihood of 2°C.
Pathways with a 66% likelihood of staying below 2°C have a 50% likelihood of staying below
1.8°C and a roughly 20% likelihood of staying below 1.5°C, based on current estimates of the
range of climate-system uncertainty. Conversely, pathways with a 50% likelihood of staying
below 1.5°C have about an 80% likelihood of staying below 2°C.
Negotiations on shipping emissions take place under the International Maritime Organization (IMO) while those on
aviation emissions take place under the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
UNEP (2015) The emissions gap report 2015
Schleussner et al. (2016) Science and policy characteristics of the Paris Agreement temperature goal, Nature Climate
Chapter 1: Current UK ambition and the Paris Agreement 20
Very few published studies have looked at global pathways with more than a 50% likelihood
of staying below 1.5°C (see Chapter 2). These are considered extremely ambitious. We
therefore interpret this as the upper limit of Paris ambition.
Current pledges of action to 2030 do not together add up to a credible pathway to achieve
either 2°C or more ambitious temperature aims. Recognising this, the Paris Agreement creates a
“ratchet” mechanism designed to encourage greater action over time:
The pledges indicate a wide range of ambition from different nations. The UK currently
participates in the negotiations as part of the EU, which submitted a pledge to reduce EU-
wide emissions to 40% below 1990 levels by 2030.
In aggregate, achievement of the pledges would lower emissions compared to previous
expectations, but they would still grow from current levels to around 56 GtCO
e in 2030.
Such a path is not consistent with cost-effective paths in the literature to 2°C or below
(Figure 1.3).
Parties to the Paris Agreement recognised 40 GtCO
e in 2030 as the global emissions level
consistent with a path below 2°C.
The parties did not specify an emissions level consistent with 1.5°C. Instead they asked the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to provide information on pathways
consistent with 1.5°C in a Special Report due in 2018.
21 UK climate action following the Paris Agreement | Committee on Climate Change
The Agreement sets a five-yearly 'ratchet' system to review pledges, starting in 2023, with the
intention that their ambition will rise over time in a nationally-determined manner. Ahead of
this, nations agreed to a "facilitative dialogue" in 2018 to take stock of the current pledges.
The Agreement will come into force on 6 November 2016:
To enter into force the Agreement required at least 55 countries accounting for at least 55%
of global greenhouse gas emissions to formally ratify it.
This condition was met on 5 October 2016, with major emitters including the US, China,
India, Brazil and the EU all ratifying the Agreement. Additional countries are expected to
ratify over the coming months.
The UK Government has not yet ratified the Agreement but has announced its intention to
do so before the end of 2016.
The rest of this report considers what the Paris Agreement should mean for the UK's long-term
ambition to reduce emissions and the policies to meet it.
Chapter 1: Current UK ambition and the Paris Agreement 22
Figure 1.3. Projected global emissions to 2030 before the Paris process (left), emissions in 2030
projected with pledges and cost-effective paths consistent with the Paris Agreement aims (right)
Source: UNFCCC (2016) Updated synthesis report on the aggregate effect of INDCs.
Notes: 2030 ranges are provided for cost-optimal paths to at least a 66% likelihood of staying below 2°C or at least
a 50% likelihood of returning to 1.5°C in 2100 after previous overshoot. Two variants are shown for 1.5°C - one
assuming co-ordinated action starts in 2020, one assuming it started in 2010 - to show the effect of delayed
action. Shaded regions in 2030 denote the full scenario ranges while lines denote the median.
2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
Global GHG emissions (GtCO
Historic emissions Pre-pledges projection
Pledges Below
2°C, 2020
Return to
Return to
Chapter 2: Implications of Paris ambition
for emissions in 2050 and beyond
Key messages
This chapter examines the available information on global emissions paths consistent with the Paris
aims, and their implications for UK long-term targets.
Our key messages are:
Global temperature over the 21
Century is a function largely of cumulative emissions of CO
other very long-lived greenhouse gases) over time. Other, shorter-lived gases such as methane
drive temperature by their rate of emission. A lower temperature limit entails a smaller global
carbon budget and hence an earlier deadline for reaching zero net CO
In order to meet the temperature limits of the Paris Agreement, global net greenhouse gas
emissions will need to reach zero before 2100.
For cost-effective paths to at least a 66% likelihood of staying below 2°C, integrated
climate-economy models show net global CO
emissions reaching net zero by the 2050s-
70s and net global greenhouse gas emissions by the 2080s-90s.
Several models find 1.5°C technically infeasible. At best, some can return to 1.5°C with at
least a 50% likelihood after earlier overshoot. In these cases net global CO
emissions reach
zero by the 2040s and net global greenhouse gas emissions by the 2060s-80s.
These paths assume greenhouse gas removal technologies will be deployed and can reach a scale
large enough to push global emissions net negative. If this is not achieved, net emissions would
need to reach zero around a decade sooner.
Based on the rationale underpinning the current 2050 target the UK would need to reach net zero
emissions no later than the rest of the world. Furthermore, pathways that return to 1.5°C would
imply a UK reduction of at least 86-96% below 1990 levels by 2050.
1. Long-term global pathways
The global carbon budget and zero net CO
accumulates in the air over very long timescales, meaning that global temperature rise is a
function largely of cumulative CO
emissions over time. There is a cumulative CO
budget consistent with staying below any given temperature. Once that limit is reached, CO
emissions must be reduced to zero or warming will continue.
Global CO
budgets consistent with different temperature limits are available from the IPCC,
based on the current best understanding of the sensitivity of the climate to emissions and
assumptions over future emissions for other gases:
Table 2.1 shows the global CO
budgets provided by the IPCC, consistent with a 50%
likelihood of staying below 1.5°C and 66% likelihood of staying below 2°C (the range of
temperature ambition in the Paris Agreement). The budget from 2015 for at least a 66%
likelihood of 2°C is 590-1240 billion tonnes of CO
) and for at least a 50% likelihood of
1.5°C is 390-440 GtCO
The range within each CO
budget reflects uncertainty in scenarios of non-CO
which also cause climate change. Non-CO
emissions do not fall to zero in these scenarios,
but reducing them plays a critical role. Deeper reductions allow a higher carbon budget.
Chapter 2: Implications of Paris ambition for emissions in 2050 and beyond 24
These budgets can be used to infer simple, indicative timescales for reaching net zero global
emissions. If global emissions are reduced starting now on a linear path to zero, the
budgets imply zero would need to be reached in the 2030s for a 50% likelihood of 1.5°C and
the 2040s to 2070s for a 66% likelihood of 2°C.
Delays to emissions reductions will hasten the deadline for zero emissions, making the
credibility of meeting the global CO
budgets very questionable. For example, if global
emissions remain flat the entire CO
budget for 2°C would be used up in 15 to 30 years, after
which time emissions would need to be eliminated immediately.
Table 2.1. Global CO
emissions budgets to stay within temperature limits
Global temperature limit Global CO
budget from 2015 (GtCO
1.5°C (50% likelihood) 390-440
2°C (66% likelihood) 590-1240
Source: IPCC AR5 Synthesis Report.
Economic modelling of long-term global pathways
Integrated models of the economy and climate provide more detailed, multi-gas information on
the global cost-optimal path to limit warming (Box 2.1).
They indicate that the most cost-effective route (given limited action already locked in to 2020)
may involve CO
emissions falling below net zero. Along with deep reductions in non-CO
emissions, the sum of all greenhouse gases (aggregated on a standard CO
-equivalent basis)
reaches net zero before 2100. This is in line with the Paris Agreement aim of balancing sources
and sinks of all greenhouse gases, not just CO
, in the second half of the century. Pathways
towards 1.5°C require deeper and earlier reductions than paths to 2°C:
A range of published model studies (with constrained action before 2020) show global CO
emissions reaching net zero during 2055-75 for at least a 66% likelihood of 2°C, while total
greenhouse gas emissions fall to net zero during 2080-90.
Smith et al. (2012) Equivalence of greenhouse-gas emissions for peak temperature limits, Nature Climate Change
25 UK climate action following the Paris Agreement | Committee on Climate Change
While the IPCC has only given a global CO
emissions budget, it is likely that the link between
peak temperature and cumulative emissions also applies to other very long-lived greenhouse
gases such as some F-gases (which remain in the air on timescales of hundreds to thousands of
years) and, arguably, nitrous oxide (120 years). For shorter-lived greenhouse gases such as
methane (12 years) and some other F-gases, it is primarily the rate of emissions that affects
global temperature.
The question of which gases need to be reduced to net zero is a key current uncertainty, which
we return to in our discussion of policy targets in Chapter 4.
Box 2.1. Integrated global economy-climate modelling
Several research centres around the world have developed Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) to
simulate the future global economy and climate change. They project technologies, costs and resulting
emissions over time under specific assumptions. Many of the conclusions in IPCC and UN reports
regarding emissions levels consistent with temperature targets derive from these models.
The different models vary widely in scope, detail and numerical methods. They all involve
simplifications such as assuming perfect co-ordination between countries (e.g. initiating and
responding to a single carbon price), rudimentary constraints on land use, and minimal changes
through innovation and behaviour change. While they are the most sophisticated models available,
care should therefore be taken in judging the feasibility of different futures on the basis of their results.
In this report we use the pathways considered in the most recent UNEP Emissions Gap report, all of
which are constrained by limited action to 2020 (reflecting current pledges) before finding the most
cost-effective path to meet temperature limits (Figure B2.1). Further details on the differences these
IAMs find between 2°C and 1.5°C paths is given in Table 2.2.
Figure B2.1. Global greenhouse gas emissions paths (aggregated into CO
-equivalent) consistent
with at least a 66% likelihood of 2°C, and pathways with a 50% likelihood of 1.5°C after overshoot
Source: UNEP (2015) The Emissions Gap Report 2015.
Notes: Different sets of models contribute to the two ranges of pathways. The two models contributing to the
1.5°C overshoot pathways on average project higher near-term emissions than the three contributing to the
below 2°C pathways (one model is common to both sets). This causes the 1.5°C overshoot pathways to have
higher emissions in 2020. All models indicate that swifter reductions before 2020 would be more cost-effective;
for instance, 1.5°C overshoot pathways which assume co-ordinated action could have begun back in 2010
show emissions in 2030 of around 27-38 GtCO
2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070 2080 2090 2100 2110
Overshoot to 1.5°C range
Likely below 2°C range
Likely below 2°C
Overshoot to 1.5°C in 2100
Chapter 2: Implications of Paris ambition for emissions in 2050 and beyond 26
No model paths are currently published which reach at least a 50% likelihood of 1.5°C
without previously overshooting to higher temperatures. For the two models that achieve
this, net CO
emissions reach zero during 2045-50 and net greenhouse gas emissions during
Global greenhouse gas emissions in 2050 are 17-29 GtCO
e for at least a 66% likelihood of
2°C (equivalent to 1.8-3.0 tCO
e per person). They are 4-14 GtCO
e for pathways
overshooting then returning to a 50% likelihood of 1.5°C (equivalent to 0.4-1.4 tCO
e per
These timescales for reaching net zero CO
assume significant CO
removals in the long run:
These pathways employ large-scale removals of greenhouse gases such that net CO
emissions turn negative before the end of the century. This allows a delay in reaching zero
at the expense of a temporary overshoot of the global CO
budget (and temperature).
In all these scenarios CO
removal is scaled up from the 2020s through a combination of
bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) and afforestation.
Scenarios assume 14-22 GtCO
/yr removals in 2100, requiring 150-300 EJ/yr of bioenergy. For
comparison there is high agreement among experts in a technical potential of 100 EJ/yr
sustainable bioenergy, moderate agreement up to 300 EJ/yr and low agreement above 300
For our UK scenarios (Chapter 3) we assume a sustainable global bioenergy resource
of up to around 110 EJ/yr, based on our 2011 Bioenergy Review.
To the extent these removals cannot be achieved (by BECCS and afforestation or other removal
methods, see Chapter 3) emissions would have to reach net zero sooner than in these scenarios.
2. The difference in global action between 1.5°C and 2°C
The Paris Agreement aim of pursuing efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C recognises that some risks
from climate change are severe, even below 2°C. There are, however, barriers to increasing effort
further, when global pledges are not currently on a credible path to 2°C and the rise in global
temperature since the late 19
Century is already above 1°C.
Integrated models able to produce pathways returning to 1.5°C by 2100 show there are several
differences to 2°C pathways. These include a smaller, lower window of emissions in 2030, more
rapid scale-up of CO
removals, greater efforts to manage energy demand and higher overall
mitigation costs (Table 2.2).
These models and wider considerations point to 1.5°C being an extremely challenging goal.
Indeed, staying below 2°C remains very challenging:
76 scenarios included in the latest IPCC assessment (AR5) were able to stay below 2°C with at
least 66% likelihood, coming from 5 different integrated models.
For 1.5°C only one study has been published, after IPCC AR5, involving integrated models. It
found just two different integrated models able to meet the limit, and only then after
overshooting to higher temperature before returning down in 2100.
Creutzig et al. (2014) Bioenergy and climate change mitigation: an assessment, GCB Bioenergy
CCC (2011) Bioenergy Review
Rogelj et al. (2015) Energy system transformations for limiting end-of-century warming to below 1.5°C, Nature Climate
27 UK climate action following the Paris Agreement | Committee on Climate Change
Table 2.2. Key characteristics of 1.5°C scenarios and comparison with 2°C scenarios
Key 1.5°C characteristic
Global CO
reductions below
net zero
1.5°C scenarios reach net zero carbon emissions globally by mid-
century, 10-20 years earlier than scenarios consistent with 2°C, and
show net negative emissions in the 20502100 period, which are not
required for 2°C scenarios if reductions start before 2020.
Additional greenhouse gas
(GHG) reductions from CO
The mitigation potential of non-CO
GHGs is often already exhausted
by mitigation action for keeping warming to below 2°C. Therefore,
additional reductions in 1.5°C scenarios are mainly from CO
Rapid and profound near-
term decarbonisation of
energy supply.
1.5°C scenarios require a decarbonisation of energy supply more rapid
and profound than in 2°C scenarios. Early CO
reductions in 1.5°C
scenarios are achieved through early reductions in the power sector.
Greater mitigation efforts on
the demand side.
By mid-century, mitigation efforts in industry, buildings and transport
sectors lead to significantly lower emissions from these sectors.
Greater energy efficiency
Energy efficiency plays a critical role in both 2°C and 1.5°C scenarios.
It is crucial to 1.5°C scenarios, most of which project energy use per
unit of GDP decreasing at a faster pace than historically observed.
This decrease comes from dedicated energy efficiency policies as
well as substantial climate-policy-induced demand reductions, which
are greater in 1.5°C than in 2°C scenarios.
Higher mitigation costs.
Aggregated long-term mitigation costs are higher, for example up to
two times when comparing corresponding 1.5°C and 2°C scenario
pairs. The effect on near-term costs is greater.
Deeper emission reductions
by 2030.
The window for delay that keeps the option open to limit warming to
1.5°C by 2100 is narrower than for 2°C scenarios. For emissions in 2030
consistent with current pledges, some 2°C scenarios are available but
none are currently available for 1. 5°C. Diverting investments to low-
carbon technologies in the coming decade is therefore critical.
Source: Adapted from Rogelj et al. (2015) Energy system transformations for limiting end-of-century warming to
below 1.5°C, Nature Climate Change; UNFCCC (2016) Updated synthesis report on the aggregate effect of INDCs.
Scenarios to reach either 2°C or 1.5°C require increased efforts to 2030. This was recognised
by the parties to the Paris Agreement, who identified the need to reduce emissions to
40 GtCO
e/yr in 2030, rather than the expected level from existing pledges of 56 GtCO
Emissions would need to continue falling after 2030, with a 1.5°C goal implying much faster
rates of reduction (Figure B2.1).
Chapter 2: Implications of Paris ambition for emissions in 2050 and beyond 28
Some experts already state that 2°C is no longer feasible in reality because model scenarios
are too optimistic about global co-operation and technology availability.
We therefore consider the goal of pursuing efforts to 1.5°C as implying a desire to strengthen
and potentially to overachieve on efforts towards 2°C. One further option is to explore more
radical forms of geoengineering that could play a role in moderating climate change in addition
to reducing greenhouse gas levels (Box 2.2).
Box 2.2. Solar geoengineering
Various ways have been proposed to limit warming by deliberately altering the amount of sunlight
absorbed by the climate system. These methods are commonly referred to as "geoengineering" (with
the term sometimes used to include greenhouse gas removal methods as well).
Solar geoengineering proposals include:
Spraying reflective particles into the upper atmosphere (stratospheric aerosols). This process
occurs naturally during very large volcanic eruptions, such as Mt. Pinatubo in 1991.
Enhancing the reflectivity of clouds by spraying particles which encourage a greater number of
smaller cloud droplets.
Enhancing the reflectivity of land surfaces, for instance whitening roofs or planting brighter crops.
Early studies suggest stratospheric aerosols may have the potential to offset a substantial amount of
global temperature rise, and at lower cost than some emissions reductions. There are however many
unknowns and potential risks:
No form of solar geoengineering addresses the problem of ocean acidification which, alongside
climate change, is a direct impact of CO
Studies point to wider environmental impacts. Stratospheric aerosols can cause ozone depletion.
Solar geoengineering alters regional patterns of temperature and rainfall (although they may still
be closer to pre-industrial patterns in a geoengineered world than in an unmitigated greenhouse
gas world). The complexity of the climate means other, currently unknown impacts are likely.
Stratospheric aerosols have lifetimes on the order of weeks, meaning they would need to be
continually replenished. If spraying was ramped up and then suddenly stopped (e.g. due to a
technical fault or social unrest) then the climate would warm rapidly.
Public awareness of geoengineering options is low, but surveys suggest it is seen as more ethically
fraught than reducing emissions and removing greenhouse gases from the air. Some are
favourable towards incremental, accountable research; few towards full-scale deployment.
Source: Integrated Assessment of Geoengineering Proposals project; National Academy of Sciences
(2015) Climate intervention: reflecting sunlight to cool Earth.
Victor & Kennel (2014) Ditch the 2°C warming goal, Nature Climate Change
29 UK climate action following the Paris Agreement | Committee on Climate Change
3. The UK contribution
The Paris Agreement does not allocate specific emissions targets to nations. Instead, parties are
required to make voluntary pledges reflecting their “common but differentiated responsibilities
and respective capabilities, in the light of different national circumstances”. In this section we
look at different ways to estimate a UK contribution within the global paths to meet the Paris
The UK 2050 target is based on the judgment that average emissions of greenhouse gases per
person should be no more than the global average by then. This is because it will be hard to find
other nations much below the average, especially in a world of substantially-declining
emissions. On this rationale, UK greenhouse gas emissions would reach zero no later than the
world as a whole (i.e. 2060-90). For the upper end of Paris ambition, the 2050 target would need
to be at least 86-96% below 1990 levels (Table 2.3).
Table 2.3. UK emissions in 2050 and time to reach net zero emissions for paths consistent with the
range of ambition implied by the Paris Agreement, assuming UK emissions per person equal the global
average (the basis of the current UK 2050 target)
Below 2°C
Return to 1.5°C
UK 2050 GHG emissions (below 1990) 71-83% 86-96%
Year to reach zero UK GHG emissions
Year to reach zero UK CO
Source: CCC calculations based on UNEP (2015) The emissions gap report 2015
Notes: For paths below 2°C, IPCC AR5 gave a 2050 range for global emissions which implies UK emissions 73-87%
below 1990. The range here differs because it considers only paths that start reductions after 2020 (and hence
pass through higher emissions in 2050 before heavier reliance on greenhouse gas removals later in the century).
In considering any new UK long-term target there are alternative approaches to assessing a fair
UK contribution:
One consideration is the share of domestic emissions reductions between nations that
minimises global costs. It is currently unclear whether a global least-cost strategy would be
for UK domestic emissions to reach zero sooner or later than the world as a whole:
Of the sectors which are hard to reduce to zero emissions, the UK has a low share of
emissions from agriculture relative to the rest of the world, an average share from
industry and a high share from aviation.
Regarding potential for greenhouse gas removals the UK has access to large potential
stores to sequester CO
, but relatively little land for growing bioenergy or deploying
other land-based options (see Chapter 3).
Integrated climate economy models suggest Europe and by implication the UK would
reach zero net emissions later than the world as a whole on a globally-cost effective
Chapter 2: Implications of Paris ambition for emissions in 2050 and beyond 30
However, these paths also involve Europe having higher emissions per person in
2050, which is at odds with existing 2050 commitments both in the UK and Europe.
Other methods of defining a fair UK share emphasise different aspects of responsibility and
capability relative to other nations (Box 2.3). Relatively little information is available on how
these methods apply to the timing of zero emissions, or achieving 1.5°C. But nearly all
methods would point to more ambitious UK action than current targets:
Analysis for the fifth carbon budget
looked at several alternative methods and found
that paths to at least a 66% likelihood below 2°C imply a range for UK emissions in 2030
of 59-80% below 1990 levels (c.f. the fifth carbon budget at 57%).
Similar analysis is unavailable for 1.5°C pathways or for timescales to reach zero, but
they would imply the UK should reach net zero before the world overall. For example,
dividing the global cumulative emissions budget remaining from 2011 by the UK share
of global population implies the UK reaching net zero CO
by around 2030-55 for a 66%
likelihood of 2°C, and by around 2025-30 for a 50% likelihood of 1.5°C.
These methods do not aim to define the path of domestic emissions, but rather an
allocation to be met through a combination of domestic action and wider international
assistance (trading of emissions, financing of climate projects, etc.). An efficient way of
meeting these allocations could be for the UK to reach net zero at the same time or later
than others, but with significant levels of effective support flowing to other countries.
Data from the LIMITS project,
CCC (2015) The scientific and international context for the fifth carbon budget.
31 UK climate action following the Paris Agreement | Committee on Climate Change
Box 2.3. Alternative methods of defining a UK share
Several methods for defining a nation’s fair contribution have been proposed. Importantly, these
methods give a notional allocation of emissions that can be met through a combination of domestic
action and wider international assistance (trading of emissions credits, financing of climate projects,
etc.). They are therefore different in concept to the cost-effective path of domestic emissions alone.
In our fifth carbon budget advice we looked at the implications of these methods for the UK
contribution in 2030. We found an indicative 59-80% cut below 1990 levels for a least-cost
global pathway broadly consistent with the lowest end of ambition in the Paris Agreement:
We asse
ssed the implications of different methods for a UK emissions allocation in 2030, assuming
global emissions in 2030 of 42 GtCO
e/yr (chosen at the time to be within the range for a 66%
likelihood of 2°C).
Results ranged from 59% below 1990 levels (on the basis of convergence to equal emissions per
person by 2050) to 80% (on the basis of equal per person shares of the global cumulative emissions
budget during 1990-2050).
Considering the domestic UK reduction under a global least-cost path (i.e. without accounting for
the UK's wider international responsibility and capability) gave a 53% reduction below 1990 levels.
Other literature suggests even higher cuts for the UK.
Little information is currently published on how these estimates change when looking beyond 2030 to
a net zero-emission world, or a 1.5°C limit. But using a similar method based on equal per person
shares of the global cumulative emissions budget (indicative of the more ambitious end of the range)
we estimate UK CO
emissions would need to reach zero by 2025-55:
We use the 'equity' method in Raupach at al. (multiplying the cumulative CO
budgets in Table 2.1
by the projected UK fraction of global population when the world reaches 9 billion people) to
derive UK budgets from 2015 of 4,000-9,200 MtCO
for a 66% likelihood of 2°C, and 2,400-2,800
for a 50% likelihood of 1.5°C.
A linear path from 2014 (when UK emissions where 462 MtCO
/yr including international aviation
and shipping) implies reaching net zero CO
emissions by 2033-55 for 2°C and 2026-8 for 1.5°C.
As discussed earlier in the chapter, there would be some (limited) scope for delay if net negative
emissions can be achieved afterwards.
For all greenhouse gas emissions, this method gives indicative net zero years of 2055-2078 for 2°C
and 2049-55 for 1.5°C. These numbers are indicative, however, as the link between peak
temperature and cumulative emissions is less robust for all greenhouse gases than for CO
Source: Höhne et al. (2013) Regional GHG reduction targets based on effort sharing: a comparison of studies, Climate
Policy;;; CCC (2015) The
scientific and international context for the fifth carbon budget; Raupach et al. (2014) Sharing a quota on cumulative
carbon emissions, Nature Climate Change; UN world population prospects, 2015 revision.
Chapter 2: Implications of Paris ambition for emissions in 2050 and beyond 32
Figure 2.1. Comparison of timings to reach zero UK emissions under different allocation methods,
assuming linear reductions to zero
Source: CCC calculations based on sources listed in chapter. Data on the cost-effective path in integrated models
for overshoot 1.5°C scenarios provided by Joeri Rogelj, personal communication.
Notes: Dark bars show the range of timings for CO
emissions only, while light bars show timings for the Kyoto
basket of greenhouse gases. The "cost-effective in integrated models" bars indicate the timing of reaching net
zero domestic CO
emissions for the EU27 (including the UK); the EU27 does not reach net zero greenhouse
gases before these scenarios end in 2100.
2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070 2080 2090 2100
50% 1.5°C
66% 2°C
Overshoot 1.5°C
>66% 2°C
Overshoot 1.5°C
>66% 2°C
emissions per
Equal annual
emissions per
in integrated
33 UK climate action following the Paris Agreement | Committee on Climate Change
In summary, currently available information indicates a range of timescales by which the UK
should aim for zero net emissions, depending on the range of global paths implied by Paris
ambition and the method of judging a fair UK contribution (Figure 2.1). On the logic
underpinning the existing 2050 target, net UK CO
emissions should be zero by 2045-65 and net
greenhouse gas emissions should be zero by 2060-90.
Chapter 3: Feasibility of the UK taking
more ambitious domestic action
Key messages
This chapter considers long-term scenarios for domestic actions to reduce UK emissions, and looks at
the implications of the Paris aims for action beyond 2050 and/or raising effort before 2050.
Our key messages are:
The UK 2050 target to reduce emissions at least 80% from 1990 levels (i.e. less than around 160
e/yr) is challenging and requires significant action across the economy, but can be met in
various ways using currently known technologies.
A full and successful roll-out of all options in our published scenarios to 2050 would lead to net UK
nhouse gas emissions of about 60 MtCO
.e. just over 90% lower than 1990 levels) and net
emissions close to zero. This level of emissions reductions could be achieved by around
2070 on
a path through an 80% reduction in 2050.
Achieving net zero domestic emissions of all greenhouse gases would require a combination of
breakthroughs in hard-to-reduce sectors (agriculture, aviation and some industry) and
greenhouse gas removal technologies beyond those already in our scenarios (afforestation, wood
in construction and bioenergy with carbon capture and storage).
The aim
of the Paris Agreement to balance sources and sinks of greenhouse gases implies the need
for a globally coordinated strategy to develop and deploy greenhouse gas removal options. Such
options are not a substitute for widespread decarbonisation, given current estimates of the
potential scale for greenhouse gas removal both globally and in the UK.
1. Recap of CCC scenarios to 2050
The current UK long-term target implies UK emissions should be around 160 MtCO
e/yr or less in
2050. The CCC has developed a range of scenarios to 2050, but not beyond.
Our approach to scenarios for meeting the 2050 target recognises uncertainties in costs and
availability of different options. Rather than defining a single central scenario we have identified
a set of building blocks across sectors that can stack up in different ways, allowing the possible
lack of delivery in one sector to be compensated by more delivery in others:
For each sector (power, buildings, surface transport, industry, non-CO
and aviation &
shipping) we have developed three scenarios, “Barriers”, “Central” and “Max”, representing
different levels of success in deploying low-emissions options.
Central represents our best assessment of the technologies and behaviours required to
meet targets cost-effectively while meeting the other criteria in the Climate Change Act.
Barriers represents less favourable conditions for key measures (technological barriers,
failure to achieve cost reductions, or market barriers).
Max represents higher deployment towards the maximum limits that are likely to be feasible,
acceptable and sustainable.
35 UK climate action following the Paris Agreement | Committee on Climate Change
Our fifth carbon budget scenarios were designed such that levels of deployment by 2030
would keep open the option of achieving Max levels of deployment by 2050 (although this
would require a significant ramp-up of effort).
These scenarios, alongside others by Government and independent groups,
confirm that
the 2050 target is challenging but achievable, and share a number of common themes:
Energy efficiency and behaviour change. Reducing the level of energy demand through
improved efficiency and small changes to consumer behaviour can greatly reduce the cost of
meeting the 2050 target. However, it is clear that this alone will not be enough to achieve
deep emissions reductions, and fuel switching to low-carbon sources will also be needed.
Rapid electricity decarbonisation and electrification. Meeting the target is likely to
require a power sector with very low emissions in 2050. This is needed to decarbonise
existing demands for electricity and to meet new demands in road transport and heat in
buildings (and potentially other applications) without increasing emissions. The level of
electricity consumption in 2050 could be 50% to 135% above the level in 2014.
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is very important given its potential to reduce emissions
across heavy industry and the power sector, open up new decarbonisation pathways (e.g.
based on hydrogen) and remove CO
when coupled to bioenergy. Estimates by the
and by the ETI
indicate that the costs of meeting the UK’s 2050 target could
almost double without CCS.
Bioenergy. Sustainable bioenergy can play an important role reducing emissions where
alternative options are very limited. However, there are limits to the sustainable supply so its
role must be targeted at options where it has the largest impact on emissions. Our analysis
indicates that use should preferentially be as wood in construction or with CCS and/or
displacing coal, with further potential for use where alternative low-carbon options are not
available (e.g. aviation).
Infrastructure development. New infrastructures will be required to support deployment of
low-carbon technologies. As well as CO
infrastructure, which is key to commercialisation of
CCS, development of heat networks and electric vehicle charging networks will be required,
and potentially infrastructure for hydrogen applications. Electricity networks will also need to
be strengthened in places, to cope with new demands and increasing generation from low-
carbon sources.
Significant action is needed across the economy to meet the 2050 target (no more than around
160 MtCO
e/yr). However, there is some flexibility in the precise mix of effort between sectors,
technologies and behaviours:
The target could be reached for instance with a combination of Barriers in industry, Max in
transport and Central in other sectors alongside significant greenhouse gas removals (e.g.
from bioenergy with CCS - see section 3). Alternatively it could be reached by Barriers in
CCC (2015) Sectoral scenarios for the fifth carbon budget.
HM Government (2011) The Carbon Plan: Delivering our low carbon future; UKERC (2013) The UK energy system in
2050: Comparing low-carbon, resilient scenarios; ETI (2015) Targets, technologies, infrastructure and investments
preparing the UK for the energy transition; Pye et al. (2015) Pathways to deep decarbonization in the United Kingdom.
CCC (2012) The 2050 target achieving an 80% reduction including emissions from international aviation and
ETI (2015) Building the UK carbon capture and storage sector by 2030 Scenarios and actions.
Chapter 3: Feasibility of the UK taking more ambitious domestic action 36
transport and power coupled to Max in non-CO
, Central in others and greenhouse gas
The target could be met without greenhouse gas removals provided there is high delivery in
all other areas and that bioenergy is targeted to applications without low-carbon
The flexibility to meet the target in different ways is valuable because of the significant
challenge to achieve deep reductions in all areas, the risk of under-delivery and the
uncertainty over exactly what levels will be achievable.
In theory, realising all the options would result in domestic UK emissions 66% below 1990 levels
by 2030, and just over 90% by 2050, within the range of a 2050 target aligned closer to a 1.5°C
temperature target:
Our fifth carbon budget Max scenarios to 2030 reach direct domestic emissions of 66%
below 1990 levels.
Achieving all of the options in the Max scenarios would result in net economy-wide
emissions of around 64 MtCO
e/yr in 2050 (i.e. 92% below 1990 levels) including the UK share
of international aviation and shipping.
This is within the range of 86-96% suggested by the most ambitious paths available from
global climate-economy models (which keep a 50% likelihood of 1.5°C in 2100 after
overshooting) based on the logic used to define the current UK long-term target (equal
annual emissions per person by 2050).
Table 3.1 sets out brief descriptions of our Max, Central and Barriers scenarios for each sector,
and the level of emissions these imply. They are illustrative given the significant uncertainties in
demand and technologies to 2050. Alternative low-carbon options may prove more effective or
cheaper, whilst other sources of emissions could emerge. The scenarios are intended to give a
useful sense of how the 2050 target could be met, given what we know now.
CCC (2015) Sectoral scenarios for the fifth carbon budget. 66% should be compared to a reduction of 61% in direct
emissions under the Central scenarios (the fifth carbon budget is equivalent to 57% because it accounts for UK
allowances under the EU Emissions Trading System as well as direct emissions).
37 UK climate action following the Paris Agreement | Committee on Climate Change
Table 3.1. Summary of CCC Barriers, Central and Max scenarios and resulting annual emissions of
greenhouse gases in 2050
Full decarbonisation.
Peaks met by low-carbon
storage and H
3 MtCO
Full decarbonisation.
Peaks met by low-carbon
storage and some gas.
6 MtCO
Limited decarbonisation.
Peaks met by low-carbon
storage and some gas.
25 MtCO
Heat in buildings
Domestic: demand met
by heat pumps or H
(70%), heat networks
(10%), electric heating
(5%) and gas (10%).
Non-domestic: demand
met by heat pumps
(35%), heat networks
(25%) and gas (40%).
4 MtCO
Domestic: demand met
by heat pumps or H
(60%), heat networks
(10%), electric heating
(5%) and gas (25%).
Non-domestic: demand
met by heat pumps
(50%), heat networks
(45%) and gas (5%).
19 MtCO
Domestic: demand met
by heat pumps or H
(20%), heat networks
(5%), electric heating
(5%) and gas (75%).
Non-domestic: demand
met by heat pumps
(35%), heat networks
(55%) and gas (5%).
67 MtCO
Surface transport
100% of cars and vans
are EVs. 95% of buses
low-carbon (half H
, half
EV). 50% of HGVs use H
40% are EVs.
5 MtCO
93% of cars and vans are
EVs. 95% of buses low-
carbon (half H
, half EV).
40% of HGVs use H
, 25%
19 MtCO
70% of cars and vans are
EVs. 90% of buses low-
carbon (half H
, half EV).
20% of HGVs use H
25% EVs.
42 MtCO
Full ‘2050 Roadmaps’
deployment with wider
deployment of CCS and
electrification where
possible. No emissions
from energy supply.
32 MtCO
Further deployment of
cost-effective options in
‘2050 Roadmaps’
including CCS in
industrial clusters.
61 MtCO
Deployment of options
in ‘2050 Roadmaps’
including some
application of CCS in iron
& steel, chemicals and
cement sectors.
74 MtCO
All on-farm measures
deployed to full
technical potential. Near-
zero landfill emissions.
Diet shift away from red
meat, F-gas ban.
47 MtCO
All on-farm measures
deployed up to 85-90%
of technical potential.
Near-zero landfill
emissions. No diet shift
or F-gas ban.
57 MtCO
All on-farm measures
deployed to around 45%
of technical potential.
Near-zero landfill
emissions. No diet shift
or F-gas ban.
60 MtCO
Chapter 3: Feasibility of the UK taking more ambitious domestic action 38
Table 3.1. Summary of CCC Barriers, Central and Max scenarios and resulting annual emissions of
greenhouse gases in 2050
Aviation &
Aviation: emissions 15%
lower than 2005 levels
Shipping: full take-up of
technological and
operational measures;
further increases in ship
size and use - still limited
- of biofuels and LNG.
40 MtCO
Aviation: emissions
around 2005 levels.
Shipping: speed
reductions and increases
in the average size of
unitised container ships;
limited use of biofuels
and LNG.
46 MtCO
Aviation: emissions not
capped, increasing to
40% a
bove 2005 levels.
Shipping: improvements
reflecting IMO's Energy
Efficiency Design Index
but limited further
63 MtCO
Land use, land use
change and
Woodland creation
averaging 30,000ha/yr.
Agro-forestry on 2.3% of
agricultural land.
-16 MtCO
Woodland creation
averaging 15,000ha/yr.
Agro-forestry on 1.6% of
agricultural land.
-8 MtCO
Woodland creation
averaging 2,500ha/yr.
Agro-forestry on 1.2% of
agricultural land.
-2 MtCO
Biomass with
carbon capture and
storage (BECCS)
50 TWh/yr (8%) of power
generation. Includes
estimated lifecycle
-47 MtCO
50 TWh/yr (8%) of power
generation. Includes
estimated lifecycle
-47 MtCO
Wood in
-4 MtCO
Source: CCC calculations.
Notes: Numbers may not sum exactly due to rounding. H
= hydrogen, EV = electric vehicle, HGV = heavy goods
vehicle, LNG = liquified natural gas.
2. Scope for further emissions reduction
To the extent not all options in our scenarios are achieved by 2050 they may still be achievable
afterwards. In addition there is scope for some further reductions from transport, buildings and
industry due to stock turnover. However, even if they are delivered there are remaining activities
for which we do not currently see a complete decoupling of emissions, namely aviation,
agriculture (methane and nitrous oxide emissions) and some industrial processes.
39 UK climate action following the Paris Agreement | Committee on Climate Change
Continued savings beyond 2050
Continued deployment of low-carbon measures beyond 2050, replacing higher-carbon stock
(e.g. vehicles, power generators and heating systems), would save a further 12 MtCO
e/yr below
our Max scenario:
Vehicles. If electric and hydrogen vehicles were to continue displacing fossil-fuelled engines
at the rate envisaged in our scenarios to 2050, total vehicle emissions would reduce to near
zero by 2055-60. Alongside this, motorcycles, construction vehicles and aircraft support
vehicles could be fully decarbonised.
Buildings. Increased displacement of fossil-fuelled heating by heat pumps, district heating
and low-carbon hydrogen has the potential to reduce emissions in buildings to zero. If
continued beyond 2050 at the rate envisaged in our scenarios, this transition would
complete by 2055-70. There could be a more sudden change away from the use of gas for
heating, if it became uneconomic to maintain the gas grid.
Refining. Our scenarios envisage a decline in UK refining output to 2050, reflecting a lower
need for refined fuels as transport and heating are electrified or switched to hydrogen.
Beyond 2050 we expect refining output and refining emissions to continue towards zero.
Together these stock turnovers would imply emissions that are close to zero from power
generation, transport, buildings and much of industry.
Remaining emissions
It is less clear how to avoid emissions in other sectors, in particular from agriculture, aviation and
some parts of industry. These sectors make up around 100 MtCO
e/yr of residual emissions in
our Max scenario in 2050 (Figure 3.1):
Aviation contributes a remaining 35 MtCO
/yr. We assume a maximum of 1.5% annual
improvements in fuel efficiency and10% take-up of biofuels. Further emissions reduction
would require breakthroughs in advanced low-carbon fuels, alternative propulsion methods
(e.g. LNG, hydrogen, nuclear, solar, hybrid planes) or greater shifts in consumer demand away
from jet aircraft to alternatives.
Agriculture contributes a remaining 38 MtCO
/yr. Our scenarios envisage that agriculture
continues to make up around 60% of non-CO
emissions in 2050, mainly from livestock (23
e/yr of methane) and fertilisation of soils (14 MtCO
e/yr of nitrous oxide). Lower
emissions beyond 2050 may be possible through increased diet change, food waste
reduction, breakthroughs in genetically modified livestock, novel crops and precision
livestock farming, though we have not made a quantitative assessment of the savings that
these measures may be able to deliver.
Industry (excluding refining) contributes a remaining 27 MtCO
e/yr. These are largely from
fuel combustion, process emissions and residual CCS emissions
from manufacturing (such
as iron & steel, food & drink), water management and construction sectors. There may be
scope to reduce fuel combustion emissions through further electrification or the use of
Although CCS can significantly reduce emissions from applications where there are few low-carbon alternatives,
we assume it only captures up to 90% of emissions.
Chapter 3: Feasibility of the UK taking more ambitious domestic action 40
hydrogen, however process and CCS emissions will be harder to decarbonise. Structural
shifts such as demand for industrial products moving to less carbon-intensive products and
increased reuse of products and materials may further reduce emissions in this sector.
In total we envisage a minimum of about 120 MtCO
e/yr emissions across the economy (of
which 65 Mt/yr is CO
) coming from aviation, agriculture and industry as well smaller
contributions from CCS, surface transport, shipping and waste. Breakthrough innovations or
changes in demand could drive emissions down further in the hard-to-reduce sectors. But
successful new technologies typically take 30-40 years to develop from invention to mass
suggesting that even if there are breakthroughs in coming years there will still be
a significant level of emissions in 2050 and probably for some time beyond.
Figure 3.1. Residual UK greenhouse gas emissions in 2050 under Max deployment across all sectors
Source: CCC calculations.
UKERC (2015) A review of the evidence on the time taken for new technologies to reach widespread commercialisation.
Other non-CO
Agriculture non-CO
Wood in construction
Biomass CCS
41 UK climate action following the Paris Agreement | Committee on Climate Change
3. Greenhouse gas removal technologies
Greenhouse gas removal (GGR) technologies are options to actively remove CO
and other
greenhouse gases from the air. Three such options (BECCS, forestry and wood in construction)
are included in our scenarios. Developing and deploying GGR options globally and in the UK will
be central to realising the Paris ambition of a balance between greenhouse gas sources and
sinks, given the difficulty of removing all sources.
Characterising removal options
The range of GGR options is diverse (Table 3.2). Some of them are already well understood, but
many are at an early stage of development meaning their costs, effectiveness, feasibility and
wider impacts are highly uncertain (Figure 3.2):
Specific GGR technologies range from afforestation to ocean liming, direct air capture and
storage, and alternative forms of cement.
Estimated financial costs range from negligible to hundreds of dollars per tonne of CO
removed. Similarly, their technical potential to remove greenhouse gases varies over two
orders of magnitude. Estimates come from a wide range of different methods and may
exclude additional costs from infrastructure, transport, etc.
Implementation would involve different skills and sectors of the economy. Some have co-
benefits: for instance, restoration of habitats can improve biodiversity and ecosystem
services such as water management; biochar and BECCS can provide power and heat; ocean
liming helps mitigate the impacts of ocean acidification from CO
Several GGR options have wider potential impacts on people and the environment. Some of
these are direct and local, such as changes to soil chemistry from biochar. Others are
systemic risks that may occur under large-scale deployment, such as food and ecosystem
effects from bioenergy used with CCS. Some of these impacts would be addressed by
existing regulation, although general governance principles for GGR technologies have been
proposed as well.
House of Commons Science and Technology Committee (2010) The regulation of geoengineering
Chapter 3: Feasibility of the UK taking more ambitious domestic action 42
Table 3.2. Example greenhouse gas removal technologies
DACS (amines)
Branched frames supporting amines ("artificial trees"), capturing CO
from air
which is recovered by washing in a vacuum and then stored.
DACS (calcination)
Wet scrubbing systems using calcium or sodium cycling, capturing CO
air which is recovered by calcining and then stored.
BECCS (combustion)
Combusting biomass to provide energy, with the CO
released from the
organic matter captured and then stored.
Ocean liming
Adding calcium hydroxide bicarbonate to surface waters, enhancing the
natural process of ocean CO
uptake. (Also proposed is ocean fertilisation,
adding nutrients such as iron to increase growth of marine organisms to take
up CO
. But most studies agree this poses more risks at scale than benefits.)
Forest management
Planting forests, or enhancing management of existing forests, with the trees
taking up additional CO
Soil carbon
Restoring degraded soils using methods such as "no-till" agriculture, manures
and composts, increasing the organic matter content.
Adding partially-combusted organic matter (char) to soil, thereby (in
principle) returning the CO
locked up in the organic matter to the soil.
Biofuels can be a by-product of biochar production.
Enhanced weathering
(rocks on soil)
Adding crushed silicate rocks to soils, enhancing the natural process of CO
capture by these rocks, with potential co-benefits in soil nutrients.
Habitat restoration
Restoring and rewetting habitats such as peatlands, tidal salt marshes and
mangroves, so they store more CO
in the form of dead organic matter.
Wood in construction
Using harvested timber in buildings and other long-lived constructions, thus
storing the absorbed CO
in the built environment. Common in some other
countries (e.g. over 80% of Finnish housing stock is built from wood).
Magnesium cement
Cement containing magnesium oxide instead of carbonate, absorbing CO
the process of setting.
BECCS (conversion)
Capturing and storing the CO
released by organic matter during the process
of converting biomass into other forms of biofuel.
Source: Adapted from McLaren (2012) A comparative global assessment of potential negative emissions technologies,
Process Safety and Environmental Protection; National Academy of Sciences (2015) Climate intervention:
dioxide removal and reliable sequestration.
Notes: DACS = direct air capture and storage, BECCS = bioenergy with carbon capture and storage.
43 UK climate action following the Paris Agreement | Committee on Climate Change
Figure 3.2. Indicative estimates of Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs), technical potential and costs of
greenhouse gas removal technologies
Source: Adapted from McLaren (2012) A comparative global assessment of potential negative emissions technologies,
Process Safety and Environmental Protection
Notes: Alongside the name of the technology, each box gives estimates of their global technical potential (in
billion tonnes of CO
removed per year) and cost (in US dollars per tonne of CO
removed). These estimates are
based on a range of literature and subject to large uncertainties. Technologies are listed in descending order of
technical potential.
UK potential
Deployment of GGR options is subject to key uncertainties. In broad terms, GGR using biological
systems faces uncertainty over the wider impacts (positive and negative) on the environment, as
well as how much carbon they sequester and for how long. GGR using chemical processes faces
uncertainty over technical hurdles and costs:
Lack of deployment and, in some cases, lack of basic research is a principal reason for the
large uncertainties around GGR options. Some demonstration projects and research
programmes are underway around the world. UK research councils, the Met Office and BEIS
recently announced funds of up to £8.3 million for fundamental GGR research over
9 Commercial
8 Early
7 Full
Enhanced weathering (silicate on soil) 1Gt/yr, $20-40/t
Magnesium silicate
cement 0.4Gt/yr, ~$0/t
Biochar 1-3Gt/yr, $8-300/t
DACS amines >10Gt/yr, $40-300/t
DACS calcination >10Gt/yr, $165-600/t
BECCS combustion
2.4-10Gt/yr, $70-250/t
BECCS conversion 0.3-0.4Gt/yr, >$45/t
Ocean liming
Several Gt/yr, $50-65/t
Forest management
1.5-3Gt/yr, $20-100/t
Habitat restoration
~1Gt/yr, $10-20/t
Wood in construction
0.5-1Gt/yr, ~$0/t
Soil carbon sequestration <2.3Gt/yr, n/a
Early demonstration
Applied research
Basic research
Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
Chapter 3: Feasibility of the UK taking more ambitious domestic action 44
four years.
However, global funding for research, development and demonstration in
general is currently very low.
Monitoring and verifying the carbon stored in biological systems is more difficult than for
emissions from fuels. The carbon passes through a range of complex chemical and biological
processes, and may re-emerge in the air. Nevertheless, existing policies at UK, EU and UN
level for monitoring and verifying removals could be applied and refined for GGR options.
Our UK scenarios to 2050 include up to 67 MtCO
/yr removals from three GGR options:
afforestation, BECCS and wood in construction.
We assume a maximum 30,000 ha/yr of planting trees and wood crops, resulting in up to 16
/yr removal.
BECCS could become capable of reducing emissions at a comparable cost to other
technologies in the 2030s. This would require the Government to implement an effective
new approach to CCS development
and development of sustainable bioenergy supplies
without locking these into alternative uses. Our scenarios include up to 47 MtCO
removed by BECCS while generating energy. This assumes a combination of domestically-
grown biomass (0.5EJ primary energy in 2050) and imports (0.2EJ) reflecting the UK share of
a potential global market in sustainable biomass.
We assume increased use of wood in place of other construction materials, resulting in 4
/yr removal.
Given the early stage of development, any estimate of technical potential across the greenhouse
gas removal technologies is highly uncertain. Current, tentative estimates suggest that GGR
options could have enough technical potential to offset the residual UK emissions after all other
reduction options are deployed:
One estimate has suggested a total technical potential up to 280 MtCO
/yr removals in the
while another focussed on land-based GGR options (excluding marine-based options
and direct air capture and storage) estimates 40-180 MtCO
The UK has a high potential for storing CO
in geological formations, which is necessary for
BECCS and direct air capture and storage. Estimates predict a total UK storage resource of
around 78 GtCO
, or 100 MtCO
/yr for nearly 800 years.
However, using the same CCS
infrastructure for fossil fuels would reduce the overall storage capacity for these GGR options.
Centre for Carbon Removal (2016) Philanthropy beyond carbon neutrality : How near-term grants to carbon removal
can make long-term climate goals a reality
For example European Parliament and Council Directive 2009/31/EC EU CCS on geological storage of carbon
dioxide, and IPCC (2006) Guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories vol 4: agriculture, forestry and other land
CCC (2016) A strategic approach to Carbon Capture and Storage, Letter to DECC Secretary of State
McLaren (2011) Negatonnes an initial assessment for the potential of negative emission techniques to contribute
safely and fairly to meeting carbon budgets in the 21
Smith et al. (in press) Preliminary assessment of the potential for, and limitations to, terrestrial negative emission
technologies in the UK, Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts
ETI (2016) Progressing development of the UK’s strategic carbon dioxide storage resource
45 UK climate action following the Paris Agreement | Committee on Climate Change
The amount of greenhouse gas removal that options deliver in reality may well be smaller due to
social and technical barriers, and how biomass is prioritised. GGR options are therefore a
complement to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, not a substitute:
Current estimates of technical potential are close to the scale of remaining emissions sources
in our most ambitious UK scenarios to 2050, indicating the requirement for greenhouse gas
removals will be stretching.
Technologies in reality only rarely fulfil estimates of their technical potential. Limiting factors
include unforeseen costs and technical issues, wider impacts and public attitudes.
Biochar, BECCS, afforestation and use of wood in construction all draw on a shared, limited
land and biomass resource. BECCS and construction, in which the biomass is harvested and
the carbon locked up on a long-term basis, give the greatest removal per unit biomass.
However, the potentially large, local benefits (unrelated to climate) from the other methods
mean that a mix of options is likely to be deployed.
Soil carbon management and some other biological options build carbon stores up to a new
equilibrium over time, after which continued deployment simply maintains that equilibrium.
If deployment stops, some carbon is re-released. Therefore their deployment will not be able
to offset emissions from fossil fuels indefinitely.
The aim of the Paris Agreement to balance sources and sinks of greenhouse gases implies the
need for a globally coordinated strategy to develop and deploy greenhouse gas removal
options. Removal options will be needed to reach zero net emissions in the UK, given the
sources of emissions remaining for the foreseeable future. We return to the question of what a
high-level strategy for developing greenhouse gas removals might look like in Chapter 4.
Further detailed analysis of UK biochar in particular can be found in Shackley & Sohi (eds) (2010) An assessment of
the benefits and issues associated with the application of biochar to soil, which suggests a UK potential of 4-20
/yr in 2020.
Chapter 3: Feasibility of the UK taking more ambitious domestic action 46
Chapter 4: Considerations in setting UK
policy to reflect Paris ambition
Key messages
This chapter draws on the evidence of the previous chapters to set out the factors that should be
considered in setting any new long-term target, plus the implications for policies over the next couple
of decades (i.e. the time horizon of the Government's upcoming plan to meet carbon budgets).
Our key messages are:
Current policy in the UK is not enough to deliver the existing carbon budgets that Parliament has
set. This policy gap must be closed to meet the existing carbon budgets, and to prepare for the
2050 target and net zero emissions in the longer term.
The expectation should be that the UK will set a new long-term target to reflect the need to reach
net zero emissions globally. However, this should not be set now. Further evidence is needed on
national feasibility, inclusion of non-CO
greenhouse gases and emissions accounting in order to
set a credible target that provides the right incentives.
The priority for now should be robust near-term action to close the gap to existing targets and
open up options to reach net zero emissions:
The Government should publish a robust plan of measures to meet the legislated UK
carbon budgets, and deliver policies in line with the plan.
If all measures deliver fully and emissions are reduced further, this would help support the
aim in the Paris Agreement of pursuing efforts to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C.
The Government should additionally develop strategies for greenhouse gas removal
technologies and reducing emissions from the hardest-to-treat sectors (aviation,
agriculture and parts of industry).
Both the Paris Agreement and the UK's carbon budget process provide several decision points over
the next decade for reassessing UK targets. We will revisit our conclusions on a net zero target for
the UK, and the possibility of tightening existing targets, as and when these events or any others
give rise to significant developments.
Chapter 1 compared the Paris Agreement and the UK's existing targets. The Agreement aims to
limit global temperature rise to well below 2°C and to pursue efforts to limit it to 1.5°C. To
achieve this it sets a new aim for global emissions: to reach net zero in the second half of the
century. However, pledges of action to 2030 currently add up to a path to well over 2°C. The UK's
2050 target to reduce emissions to at least 80% below 1990 levels was designed to contribute to
a global effort to stay close to 2°C (although it could be consistent with less than 2°C if
greenhouse gas removals can reach very large scales later in the century).
Chapter 2 showed that global net CO
emissions would need to reach net zero by the 2050s-70s,
along with deep reductions of all other greenhouse gases, in order to stay below 2°C. To stay
close to 1.5°C CO
emissions would need to reach net zero by the 2040s. Based on the same
rationale as the existing 2050 target, the UK would aim to reach net zero no later than the rest of
the world. Other methods for defining a fair contribution suggest even more ambitious UK
effort (although not necessarily to be delivered all through domestic action).
Chapter 3 showed that fully deploying all options in our scenarios (including some greenhouse
gas removals) would bring domestic emissions down to just over 90% below 1990 levels by
2050 and net CO
emissions close to zero. Even with full deployment, the options in our
scenarios are not able to reach zero net emissions of all greenhouse gases. Net zero may be
possible with breakthrough reductions in hard-to-reduce sectors and if a range of further
Chapter 4: Considerations in setting UK policy to reflect Paris ambition 48
greenhouse gas removal technologies can be deployed. But little is currently known about
many of these technologies and their true potential.
Given that set of circumstances we have considered four questions regarding the implications of
the Paris Agreement, which are addressed in this chapter:
Should the UK set a new target for reaching net zero emissions?
Should the UK change existing targets?
When should decisions on the UK's targets be revisited?
What should the UK's domestic policies prioritise in the near term?
2. Setting a UK net-zero emission target
It is clear that reaching zero net global emissions of carbon dioxide is a necessary element of
limiting global temperature rise. Reductions in emissions of methane and other, shorter-lived
greenhouse gases will also help to reduce warming. For the ambitious global temperature limits
in the Paris Agreement, carbon dioxide emissions need to reach net zero within three to six
decades, and removal may be required on a sufficient scale to make total greenhouse gas
emissions net zero before 2100.
The Government has stated it is not a case of if, but when, they will set a net-zero emission
We agree with this assessment: the expectation should be that the UK will need a new
target to drive action beyond the current 2050 target. Some other jurisdictions around the world
have set - or are considering - net-zero targets following the Paris Agreement (Box 4.1).
There are challenges, however, in identifying pathways to reach net zero emissions in the UK
and in designing a UK target for net zero. These challenges need to be considered in setting any
zero-emission policy target, so that future uncertainty can be managed and the risk of perverse
outcomes minimised:
Timescale and feasibility. The critical element of a net zero target is the timescale. While a
"top-down" timescale can be inferred from global emissions pathways, we do not currently
have detailed "bottom-up" national scenarios of the technologies and behaviours that the
UK should deploy to play its part in a zero-emissions world. Particularly uncertain is the scope
for deploying greenhouse gas removal technologies in the coming decades, which will be
needed nationally and globally to offset remaining sources of emissions.
Inclusion of other greenhouse gases. While the Paris Agreement set the aim of net zero
greenhouse gas emissions in order to limit global temperature, the IPCC has only drawn an
explicit link between temperature and net zero emissions of carbon dioxide. A target for
carbon dioxide alone may be simpler and less difficult to achieve (emissions of methane and
nitrous oxide are among the hard-to-treat sectors we have identified). Nevertheless, current
targets already include non-CO
greenhouse gases and deep reductions in these emissions
are required alongside CO
in order to meet the Paris aims.
Emissions accounting and trading. Current emissions accounting towards the 2050 target
includes a combination of UK territorial emissions and some possible trading of international
Hansard HC Deb vol 607 col 725 (14 March 2016)
49 UK climate action following the Paris Agreement | Committee on Climate Change
Box 4.1 New net-zero emissions targets following the Paris Agreement
To date, at least two nations and one US state have publicly moved to legislate a more ambitious long-
term target in light of the Paris Agreement:
Sweden already had a target to reach net zero emissions by 2050, supported analytically by a cross-
government roadmap. It is now in the process of bringing this forward to 2045. The target does not
include Sweden’s share of international transport, and allows up to 15% of the reduction to come
from international emissions credits.
The Norwegian Parliament has agreed to aim for zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. Currently
there is little analysis of how Norway can reach this target through domestic action; a previous
report by the Norwegian Environment Agency outlines a route to a 40% reduction by 2030, and it
is expected that net zero emissions will be met in large part through emissions credits.
A bill was proposed in New York State to reduce greenhouse gas emissions sources to zero by the
year 2050, with a target of at least a 50% reduction below 1990 levels by 2030. It was passed by the
General Assembly but also requires passing by the state Senate in order to become law.
The European Commission has announced it does not intend to change its policies or targets to 2030
in light of the Paris Agreement. However, extrapolation of its current emissions caps (which fall linearly
over time) implies EU-wide emissions would reach net zero in the early 2060s:
The EU has an existing goal of an 80-95% reduction below 1990 levels by 2050. Relevant to this
goal will be the mid-century low greenhouse-gas plan for communication to the UNFCCC by 2020,
for which the Commission has committed to preparing an in-depth economic and social analysis.
Current EU policy implies an annual decline rate for emissions in the Emissions Trading System
(ETS) of 48 MtCO
e/yr after 2020 and of 59 MtCO
e/yr for non
-ETS emissions. Extrapolating these
rates implies net zero emissions in 2062.
ping up these decline rates will be necessary in order for the EU to pass through 80-95%
reductions by 2050. Assuming the decline rate increases after 2030 to pass though 80%, if this decline
were to continue after 2050, net zero would be reached in 2060. If 2050 ambition increases to pass
through 90%, net zero would be reached in the early 2050s.
Source: European Commission COM(2016) 110 final; Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (2012) Basis for a
roadmap for a Sweden without climate emissions in 2050,;
Norwegian Environment Agency (2015) Climate mitigation measures and emission trajectories up to 2030,; New York State Assembly Bill No.
emissions credits. The UK has a wider carbon footprint from its consumption, which is also
monitored by the Government.
It is important to continue this monitoring in order to
understand the carbon intensity of trade and assess the full impact of policies.
Furthermore, the potential role of future emissions trading in a net zero target is not yet
clear. It remains our view that UK targets should focus on domestic effort while promoting
effective, efficient markets and globally co-ordinated emission reduction:
The Paris Agreement makes provision for a new market mechanism for trading emissions
credit between countries, as well as non-market approaches to co-operation. The details
of these schemes are to be worked out in negotiations over the coming years.
Defra (2016) UK's carbon footprint 1997-2013.
CCC (2013) Reducing the UK’s carbon footprint and managing competitiveness risks.
Chapter 4: Considerations in setting UK policy to reflect Paris ambition 50
We have previously stated that the UK should aim to reach its 2050 target through
domestic action, given that international credits may be very expensive in a world of low
If removal options are scaled up successfully there may be greater scope for trading in
2050 and beyond. The relative cost of removals will likely vary around the world,
depending on different national resources such as land and geological stores.
It may be cheaper for the UK to buy credits from other countries than to reach zero
emissions domestically. On the other hand, the UK’s access to large geological storage
sites for CO
may mean it is well-placed to sell removals to other countries.
Signalling to decision makers and stakeholders. The main advantages in setting a UK net
zero target would be the signal internationally of support for ambitious climate action, and
domestically of the need for complete decarbonisation beyond 2050. That could help
support key zero-carbon options (including in the heat sector, where technologies such as
heat pumps and hydrogen are priorities alongside improved energy efficiency) and removal
technologies, as well as supply chains that contribute to both (including CCS and sustainable
biomass). However, a new ambitious target that is not supported by additional plans and
actions to meet it risks undermining the credibility of UK climate policy.
On balance, we have concluded that a new net-zero target should not be set now. The UK will
have to set a new target in future that reflects the global need to reach net zero emissions, as the
Government has recognised, but the precise timing and the way of achieving net zero in the UK
is not yet clear. This contrasts with the current carbon budgets and the 2050 target, which can
be achieved in various ways based on well-characterised technologies. The Government should
continue to plan for net zero, at least for CO
emissions, and the case for a target should be
revisited in the near future (see Section 4).
3. Considering raising the ambition of the UK's existing targets
The UK's 2050 target is derived as a contribution to a global path aimed at keeping global
average temperature rise to around 2°C, with the UK carbon budgets on the lowest-cost path to
2050. In contrast, the aim of the Paris Agreement is to limit warming to well below 2°C and to
pursue efforts to limit it to 1.5°C.
Limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C is an extremely challenging goal. Cost-effective
pathways to below 2°C require global emissions to fall to around 40 GtCO
e/yr by 2030, with
further reductions thereafter, while under current pledges of action emissions will grow to
around 56 GtCO
We therefore interpret the goal of pursuing efforts to 1.5°C as implying a
desire to strengthen and potentially to overachieve on efforts towards 2°C.
We have considered whether the UK should commit now to increased efforts by revising the
targets in the Climate Change Act (i.e. the 2050 target to reduce emissions at least 80% below
1990 levels and the carbon budgets, which require a 57% reduction by 2030). Our conclusion is
that these targets are already stretching and should not be tightened now, but should be kept
under review:
UNFCCC (2016) Updated synthesis report on the aggregate effect of INDCs.
51 UK climate action following the Paris Agreement | Committee on Climate Change
UK emissions need to fall by around a third from 2015 to 2030 to meet the fifth carbon
budget. Current policies would, at best, deliver about half of the reduction required by 2030
(Figure 4.1). This gap must be closed before any higher ambition can be achieved.
In terms of absolute emissions reduction below 1990 levels, the UK reduction set by the fifth
carbon budget is at the more ambitious end of the range of international pledges to 2030.
Methods for assessing a fair contribution suggest this is appropriate. The fifth carbon budget
also implies a deeper reduction by 2030 than the UK was due to be allocated as an 'effort
share' under the EU's pledge to the Paris Agreement.
Figure 4.1. Assessment of current policies against the cost-effective path to meet carbon budgets and
the 2050 target
Source: CCC (2016) Meeting carbon budgets - Implications of Brexit for UK climate policy
Notes: ‘Lower-risk policies’ (green) are those that aim to address known barriers and have sufficient funding and
ambition to deliver with reasonable confidence. ‘At-risk policies’ (amber) either lack sufficient funding, do not
address known barriers or have important design elements still to be confirmed. No funded policies exist to close
the ‘policy gap’ (red), even though the Committee’s scenarios identify abatement options to do so that are on the
lowest cost path to meet the carbon budgets and the 2050 target. ‘Baseline emissions’ is the likely path of
emissions in the absence of policy effort.
CCC (2015) The fifth carbon budget - the next step towards a low-carbon economy
2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032
Lower-risk policies
At-risk policies
Policy gap
Baseline emissions
Cost-effective path
Chapter 4: Considerations in setting UK policy to reflect Paris ambition 52
However, we note that there is scope to outperform the UK's existing targets:
The UK's 2050 target is for a reduction of at least 80% relative to 1990. Similarly carbon
budgets prescribe the maximum level of emissions, but do not preclude deeper reductions.
As part of good budget management the Government should aim to deliver emissions
reductions in all areas of the economy. That would provide some contingency should any
one area under-deliver. If all areas deliver fully, emissions would be reduced below the level
of the existing targets (e.g. our most ambitious scenarios imply emissions 66% below 1990
levels in 2030 and around 90% below by 2050).
If UK emissions do fall further than required by carbon budgets, this would help support the aim
in the Paris Agreement of pursuing efforts to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C. The
presumption in this case should be that effort is not reduced and that any excess emissions are
not carried forward to reduce effort in future budgets.
Emissions trading and other forms of international assistance are important ways in which the
UK contributes in addition to domestic action. Efforts over the next couple of decades could play
a key role in raising international action:
Emissions accounting allows for purchase of international credits to count towards UK
carbon budgets. In our fifth carbon budget advice we noted that the carbon budgets should
be met through domestic action in order to keep on track to the 2050 target, but emissions
credits could be used to raise international ambition further.
The UK is already committed to several forms of international co-operation. It has pledged
£5.8 billion during 2016-21 to the International Climate Fund, as well as supporting a number
of bilateral and multinational projects.
These were pledged before the Paris negotiations
and its raised global ambition were agreed. Maximising the effectiveness of UK assistance
could be an effective part of the global effort to make action more consistent with ambition.
The UK played an important role in reaching the Paris Agreement, and should continue its
support and co-ordination of action with other nations. Enhancing this support and co-
ordination could contribute to meeting the aims of the Paris Agreement alongside a full delivery
of the UK's domestic commitments to reduce emissions.
4. Future decision points for reviewing UK targets
The “pledge and review” mechanism created by the Paris Agreement sets a schedule of global
stocktaking intended for nations to revisit their commitments and steadily ratchet them up.
Together with the five-yearly setting of carbon budgets under the Climate Change Act, this
creates a number of decision points over the next two Parliaments (Figure 4.2).
Notably in this Parliament, an internationalfacilitative dialogue” will occur in 2018 in order to
take stock of the collective effort and inform the next round of emissions pledges. Each party to
the UN negotiations will also need to communicate a revised pledge, as well as a mid-century
low greenhouse-gas development plan by 2020. This will be an important indicator of collective
long-term ambition for domestic emissions.
This is in terms of actual UK emissions, without any adjustment for trading in the EU Emissions Trading System.
The Climate Change Act includes provisions (clause 17) to carry forward emissions from one budget to the next
when emissions are below the level of the earlier budget and with advice from the Committee.
DECC (2015) The UK’s Second Biennial Report under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
53 UK climate action following the Paris Agreement | Committee on Climate Change
Figure 4.2. Timeline of decision points set by national and international legislation for reassessing UK
emissions targets
We will revisit our conclusions on a net zero target for the UK, and the possibility of tightening
existing targets, as and when these events or any others give rise to significant developments.
5. Near-term implications for UK domestic policy
Although we do not recommend changing existing targets or setting a new net zero target now,
the Paris Agreement does have new implications. It is clear that the UK should aim towards
reaching net zero in future and may need to increase effort beyond existing budgets.
That will only be possible if the UK fully delivers on existing targets and develops options for
greenhouse gas removals.
i) Meeting existing budgets
The Government is required by the Climate Change Act to set out proposals and policies for
achieving carbon budgets, and has committed to publishing its plan in the coming months. That
plan needs to strengthen policy in a number of areas to provide a robust route to the 2030s.
Our annual progress report to Parliament
revealed a mixed picture of UK progress to date in
reducing emissions cost-effectively:
Overall UK emissions have fallen and some policy areas have progressed, such as extended
support for offshore wind, renewable heat and electric vehicles.
There have been backward steps in other areas, such as cancellation of the
Commercialisation Programme for CCS, reduction in support for energy efficiency and
cancellation of the zero carbon homes standard.
CCC (2016) Meeting carbon budgets - 2016 progress report to Parliament
2016 20192017 2018 2020 2021 2022 2023
Legislation of
sixth UK carbon
IPCC 1.5°C report;
dialogue taking stock
of collective efforts
Communication of
mid-century low-
GHG plans
Stocktake of
collective pledges
(and every 5yr after)
CCC advice on
sixth UK carbon
Update of pledges
(and every 5yr after)
Chapter 4: Considerations in setting UK policy to reflect Paris ambition 54
Other priorities have not moved forward, such as the lack of further auctions for the cheapest
low-carbon electricity generation (onshore wind and solar) even where locally accepted, the
lack of an effective approach to drive uptake of low-carbon heat and energy efficiency in
buildings, and the lack of vehicle efficiency standards beyond 2020.
We concluded that current policies are on course to deliver, at best, about half the necessary
emissions reductions from now to 2030. In order to close that policy gap we identified priorities
across the economy for the Government's forthcoming plan (Table 4.1). These include:
The international agreement to raise long-term ambition and the new system of pledge-and-
review mean it should be a priority to ensure existing UK carbon budgets are met. Only by
delivering on existing targets can higher ambition be delivered in future, as is likely to be
required to meet the aims of the Paris Agreement.
55 UK climate action following the Paris Agreement | Committee on Climate Change
Heat in buildings.
Clear, consistent and credible policies are needed, both for new homes to
be built highly energy efficient and ready for low-carbon heating, and for existing buildings to
be better insulated and fitted with heat pumps and district heating. Policies should incentivise
owners and landlords of homes and workplaces, overcome behavioural barriers and build up
skills and supply chains. Alongside these measures, the Government should prepare for a set
of decisions in the next Parliament on the role of hydrogen.
Carbon capture and storage (CCS).
CCS is critically important to a range of options to
reduce emissions and to developing greenhouse gas removals in the longer term. Despite
some global progress, there is no UK strategy for the development of CCS following the
cancellation of the Commercialisation Programme in November 2015. A new strategic
approach is needed based around ‘clusters’ in areas of industrial activity and with separate
support for shared CO
transport and storage infrastructure.
Transport policy beyond 2020. Standards for CO
emissions from new cars and vans need
to be extended and strengthened through the 2020s. Standards should also be set for HGVs.
Compliance should be based on real-world driving and tested by independent authorities.
Electric vehicles should be supported by developing a nationwide infrastructure for charging
and addressing cost barriers while they remain. Measures to encourage walking, cycling, ride
sharing and public transport would help reduce emissions and have a range of co-benefits.
Contracts for low-carbon power generation. Effective policy has been developed to
support low-carbon electricity generation through contracts for difference allocated by
competitive auctions. However, no auctions have taken place since 2015 and none are
planned for the cheapest technologies (e.g. onshore wind and solar). Funding for offshore
wind to 2025 and the contract signed for a new nuclear station at Hinkley Point would provide
only around a third of the additional low-carbon generation required in the 2020s. The
Government should offer and sign more contracts for low-carbon power in the 2020s,
consistent with reducing emissions intensity to below 100 gCO
/kWh by 2030.
CCC (2016) Next steps for UK heat policy
CCC (2016) Letter to Rt Hon Amber Rudd: A strategic approach to Carbon Capture and Storage,
Table 4.1. Requirements in the Progress Report for the Government's plan to meet carbon budgets
Policy requirement
New policy
A strategic approach to carbon capture and storage deployment in the UK
An approach to bring forward the cheapest low-carbon generation (e.g. auctions for
generation from onshore wind, solar and sustainable biomass)
Support for offshore wind as costs are driven down, based on funding and cost goals
announced in the 2016 Budget
Plans for flexibility options (e.g. storage, interconnection, demand response),
including rapid development of market rules to ensure that revenues available to these
options reflect their full value to the electricity system
Contingency plans for delay or cancellation of planned projects, for example new
nuclear power plants
Buildings (18% of 2015 emissions): Emissions to fall by around 22% between 2015 and 2030,
with options developed to allow near-zero emissions by 2050
Clear, consistent and credible policies to drive deployment of heat pumps and
district heating, including: immediate action to address barriers (e.g. upfront cost, low
awareness) alongside the Renewable Heat Incentive and development of a more
comprehensive policy package to drive the higher uptake needed in the long run
Standards to ensure new-build properties are highly energy efficient and use low-
carbon heating systems by default
A stronger policy framework to drive residential energy efficiency improvement by
addressing gaps and strengthening existing policies, including: addressing
behavioural factors for the able-to-pay, increased funding for fuel poor households, an
effective approach to the private-rented sector
More progress on improving the energy efficiency of non-residential buildings,
including: a consolidated reporting mechanism for commercial and public buildings, new
emissions reduction targets for the public estate, new policies to support SMEs in England
Industry (23% of 2015 emissions): Emissions to fall by around 20% between 2015 and 2030
An overall approach to long-term industrial decarbonisation, developing existing
Roadmapsinto specific actions and milestones and extending coverage to other
industrial sectors
A strategic, funded approach to industrial carbon capture and storage, based
around clusters alongside power installations and shared infrastructure, with a new
funding mechanism for industry
Chapter 4: Considerations in setting UK policy to reflect Paris ambition 56
Power (21% of 2015 emissions): Emissions intensity to fall by around 75% (to below 100 gCO
between 2015 and 2030, with options developed to allow near-zero emissions by 2050
An effective approach to drive sustained uptake of low-carbon heat in industrial
processes and buildings
A stronger policy framework for industrial energy efficiency, including reviewed
Climate Change Agreements and an effective reporting mechanism
Domestic transport (24% of 2015 emissions): Emissions to fall by around 43% between 2015
and 2030 with options developed to allow near-zero emissions by 2050
Stretching standards for new car and van CO
beyond 2020, that require increased
electric vehicle sales, are independently enforced and use real-world testing procedures
Policies to achieve a high uptake of electric vehicles by 2030, of around 60% of new
sales, including: direct or indirect financial support until costs are driven below
conventional vehicles, and development of a national network of charge points
Policy to increase uptake of sustainable biofuels to around 8% (by energy) by 2020
Policies to reduce emissions from HGVs, including vehicle efficiency improvements
based on ‘real-world’ testing, driver training, more efficient logistics, modal shift to rail
and development of ultra-low emission technologies, such as electric and hydrogen
National and local policies to reduce demand for car travel
, sufficient to deliver
car-km reductions of around 5% below the baseline trajectory, including through shifts
to public transport, cycling and walking
A plan to limit UK aviation emissions to around 2005 levels by 2050, implying around
a 60% potential increase in demand, supported by strong international policies
Agriculture, land use, land-use change and forestry (8% of 2014 emissions): Emissions to fall by around
15% between 2014 and 2030, and afforestation rate to increase to 15,000 hectares per year
The new Smart Inventory to be introduced in 2017
A stronger policy framework for agriculture emissions reduction across all nations,
both to 2022, as current progress is not on track, and after 2022; that should move
beyond the current voluntary approach of providing information and advice
Addressing financial and non-financial barriers to increase afforestation and
Waste (3% of 2014 emissions): Emissions to fall by around 50% between 2014 and 2030
Strengthened approaches through the waste chain, including waste prevention,
separate collections (e.g. of food waste), diverting biodegradable waste from landfill and
increased methane capture at landfill sites
N Ireland
F-gases (3% of 2014 emissions): Emissions to fall by at least 70% between 2014 and 2030
Monitoring, implementation and enforcement of the existing F-gases regulation
Seeking cost-effective opportunities to reduce F-gas emissions further than
existing legislation requires, including assessing and addressing barriers to action
CCC (2016) Meeting carbon budgets - 2016 progress report to Parliament.
Notes: 1. In some areas success will need both new policies and stronger implementation of existing plans/policies.
In these cases both columns are checked. In all cases plans and policies, whether new or existing, will need to be
strongly implemented. 2. The latest non-CO
data is for 2014.
57 UK climate action following the Paris Agreement | Committee on Climate Change
Chapter 4: Considerations in setting UK policy to reflect Paris ambition 58
ii) Developing a strategy for greenhouse gas removal
Chapter 3 considered the need to develop options for removing greenhouse gases from the air,
given the likelihood of continued emissions from some sources. The diversity of options, with
their uncertain costs and impacts, mean it is currently unclear which options might be best. A
portfolio approach to their development should be pursued.
Support for research, development and demonstration. Research will help clarify
whether options deliver genuine long-term greenhouse gas removal and address technical,
environmental and social challenges. Examples include improving measurement of land
carbon, assessing impacts over the lifecycle of bioenergy crops and biochar, and testing of
direct air capture processes.
Support for deployment. Targeted deployment provides the opportunity to bring down
costs and further understand impacts for options that are technically more mature. Support
can be in the form of removal of barriers as well as incentives. Examples for deployment
include carbon capture and storage infrastructure,
sustainable bioenergy crops,
afforestation and wood in construction.
Integration into policy and accounting frameworks. Greenhouse gas removal by suitably
effective, permanent sinks should count equally with reduction of emissions. The lack of a
long-term policy commitment to rewarding removals is a key barrier to development.
Schemes such as the EU ETS and the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) could be structured
to provide economic incentives but currently are not.
Integration into a global strategy that pools international resources (given greenhouse gas
removals are of global benefit), fosters good governance and reflects the fact that different
removal technologies may be best deployed in different locations.
Ways to further reduce residual emissions from hard-to-treat sectors (aviation, agriculture and
industry) are also an innovation priority. Options could, for example, include support for new
technologies, products and innovation in each of these areas and shifting demand to lower-
emissions alternatives (e.g. increased re-use of products and materials, and further shifts towards
virtual conferencing in place of international travel). Global initiatives such as Mission Innovation
and the Breakthrough Energy Coalition could usefully target both these sectors and GGR
Funding and policy support for GGR research, development and demonstration in general is
currently very low.
UK-based funding for GGR research has emerged in recent months
but it
will need to be expanded and accompanied by other elements noted above in order to develop
Lomax et al. (2015) Reframing the policy approach to greenhouse gas removal technologies, Energy Policy
CCC (2016) A strategic approach to Carbon Capture and Storage, Letter to DECC Secretary of State
Centre for Carbon Removal (2016) Philanthropy beyond carbon neutrality : How near-term grants to carbon removal
can make long-term climate goals a reality
Elements of a strategy to develop GGR technologies have been proposed in the literature.
Any such strategy is likely to require a mix of support through basic research, targeted
deployment and development of suitable regulatory frameworks:
59 UK climate action following the Paris Agreement | Committee on Climate Change
a full and effective strategy. Given that options will be required around the world to reach net
zero emissions, UK efforts could have a significant international impact and secure a leadership
position in this area. The fact that new technologies typically take 30-40 years to develop from
invention to mass deployment
means a strategy for sustainable deployment at scale by 2050
should start now.
UKERC (2015) A review of the evidence on the time taken for new technologies to reach widespread commercialisation.